Dokumen - Tips - Quiz PL SQL 10 15 [PDF]

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Test: Creating Packages: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. Which of the following can be included in a package?

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procedures variables PL/SQL types Exceptions All of the above (*) Correct 2. Which of the following are good reasons to group a set of procedures and functions into a package?

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Application developers do not need to know the details of the package body code. Related subprograms and variables can be grouped together for easier management and maintenance. If the detailed code is changed, applications which invoke the package do not need to be recompiled. All of the above. (*) Correct 3. In which component of a package is the full definition of a public procedure written?

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Body (*) Specification Both the body and the specification Neither the body nor the specification Correct 4. The two parts of a package are stored as separate objects in the database. True or False?

True (*) False

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Correct 5. To be able to invoke a package subprogram from outside the package, it must be declared in the package:

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Body Specification Body and the specification (*) None of the above Correct 6. A number variable declared in a package is initialized to 0 unless assigned another value. True or False?

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True False (*) Correct 7. Package Specification DEPT_PACK was created by the following code: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE dept_pack IS PROCEDURE ins_dept(p_deptno IN NUMBER); FUNCTION get_dept(p_deptno IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2; END dept_pack; Which of the following are correct syntax for invoking the package subprograms? (Choose two.) (Choose all correct answers) BEGIN dept_pack.ins_dept(20); END; (*) BEGIN dept_pack.get_dept(20); END; DECLARE v_deptname VARCHAR2(20); BEGIN v_deptname := get_dept(50); END; CREATE PROCEDURE dept_proc IS v_deptname VARCHAR2(20); BEGIN v_deptname := dept_pack.get_dept(40); END;

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(*) BEGIN dept_pack(30); END;

Correct 8. Package EMP_PACK contains two procedures, DEL_EMP and SHOW_EMP. You want to write an anonymous block which invokes these procedures but you have forgotten which parameters they use. Which of the following will give you this information?

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DESCRIBE del_emp DESCRIBE show_emp DESCRIBE emp_pack(del_emp, show_emp) DESCRIBE emp_pack (*) DESCRIBE emp_pack.del_emp DESCRIBE emp_pack.show_emp None of the above Correct

Test: Managing Package Concepts: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. A public component declared in the package specification can be referenced by a private component defined in the package body. True or False?

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True (*) False Correct 2. A local variable declared within a procedure in a package can be referenced by any other component of that package. True or False?

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True False (*) Correct 3. Examine the following package specification: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE mypack IS percent_tax NUMBER := 20; PROCEDURE proc1; END mypack;

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The package body of mypack also includes a function called func1. Which of the following statements are true? (Choose three.) (Choose all correct answers) proc1 is a public procedure and func1 is a private function. (*) The package will not compile because you cannot declare variables in the specification, only procedures and functions. . The variable can be modified by: BEGIN mypack.percent_tax := 10; END; (*) The function can be invoked from outside the package. The procedure can be invoked by: BEGIN mypack.proc1; END; (*) Correct 4. We want to remove both the specification and the body of package CO_PACK from the database. Which of the following commands will do this?

DROP BOTH co_pack; DROP PACKAGE BODY co_pack; DROP PACKAGE co_pack; (*) DROP PACKAGE SPECIFICATION co_pack; None of the above Correct

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5. Which one of the following queries would you use to see the detailed code of a package called EMP_PKG?

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SELECT text FROM user_source WHERE name = 'EMP_PKG' AND type = 'PACKAGE' ORDER BY line; SELECT source FROM user_packages WHERE name = 'EMP_PKG' AND type = 'PACKAGE BODY' ORDER BY line; SELECT text FROM all_source WHERE name = 'EMP_PKG' AND type = 'PACKAGE' ORDER BY line; SELECT text FROM user_source WHERE name = 'EMP_PKG' AND type = 'PACKAGE BODY' ORDER BY line; (*) Correct 6. What will be displayed when a user executes the following statement? SELECT object_name FROM user_objects WHERE object_type LIKE 'PACK%';

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The names of all package specifications in the user's schema The names of all package specifications and package bodies in the user's schema (*) The parameters which must be used when invoking all packaged subprograms in the user's schema The detailed code of all packages in the user's schema The names of all packages which can be invoked by the user Correct 7. When one component of a package is called, all the package's components are loaded into memory. True or False?

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True (*) False Correct 8. A local variable defined inside a package procedure is visible to the calling environment. True or False?

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True False (*) Correct 9. Your schema contains a package called EMP_PKG. You want to remove the package body but not the specification. The correct syntax to do this is: DROP BODY emp_pkg; True or False? True

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False (*) Correct 10. SCOTT's schema contains a package EMP_PKG which contains a public procedure EMP_SAL which accepts a NUMBER parameter. Which of the following will invoke the procedure successfully?

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emp_pkg.emp_sal(101); scott.emp_pkg.emp_sal(101): (*) emp_sal(101); None of the above All of the above Correct

Test: Advanced Package Concepts: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. Which two of these functions could not be in the same package? 1. FUNCTION get_emp (p1 DATE) RETURN VARCHAR2; 2. FUNCTION get_emp (p1 DATE, p2 NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2; 3. FUNCTION get_emp (p1 DATE, p2 NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; 4. FUNCTION get_emp (p1 NUMBER, p2 DATE) RETURN VARCHAR2;

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1 and 2 1 and 4 2 and 4 2 and 3 (*) 3 and 4 Correct 2. Examine the following package code: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE over_pack IS PROCEDURE do_work1 (p1 IN VARCHAR2, p2 IN NUMBER); PROCEDURE do_work2 (p1 IN VARCHAR2, p2 IN NUMBER); PROCEDURE do_work1 (param1 IN CHAR, param2 IN NUMBER); FUNCTION do_work2 (param1 IN VARCHAR2, param2 IN NUMBER) RETURN DATE; END over_pack; Which of the following calls will be successful? (Choose three.)

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(Choose all correct answers) over_pack.do_work1('Smith',20); v_date := over_pack.do_work2('Smith',20); (*) over_pack.do_work2('Smith',20); (*) over_pack.do_work1(p1=>'Smith',p2=>20); (*) over_pack.do_work1(param1=>'Smith'); Correct 3. If a subprogram is public (declared in the package specification), its detailed code can be written anywhere in the package body without the need to use forward declarations. True or False?

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True (*) False Correct 4. A package initialization block is executed automatically every time a user invokes any procedure or function in the package. True or False?

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True False (*) Correct 5. Which one of the following is NOT a restriction on a package function called from a SQL statement?

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The function can include a COMMIT. The function can be overloaded. (*) The function can include a ROLLBACK. The function can return a BOOLEAN. Correct 6. The package name must be included when calling a package function from a SELECT statement executed outside the package. True or False?

True (*) False Correct

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7. Package FORWARD_PACK contains two procedures: PROC1 is public while PROC2 is private (not declared in the package specification). These procedures have no parameters. Which of the following package bodies will NOT compile successfully? (Choose two.) (Choose all correct answers) CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY forward_pack IS PROCEDURE proc1 IS BEGIN proc2; END; PROCEDURE proc2 IS BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Any message'); END; END forward_pack; (*) CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY forward_pack IS PROCEDURE proc2 IS BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Any message'); END; PROCEDURE proc1 IS BEGIN proc2; END; END forward_pack; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY forward_pack IS PROCEDURE proc2; PROCEDURE proc1 IS BEGIN proc2; END; PROCEDURE proc2 IS BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Any message'); END; END forward_pack; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY forward_pack IS PROCEDURE proc1; PROCEDURE proc1 IS BEGIN proc2; END; PROCEDURE proc2 IS proc1; END; END forward_pack; (*) CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY forward_pack IS PROCEDURE proc2; PROCEDURE proc1 IS BEGIN proc2; END; PROCEDURE proc2 IS BEGIN

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proc1; END; END forward_pack;

Correct 8. Which of the following best describes a package initialization block?

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It is a named procedure in a package which must be invoked by a user before any other part of the package can be invoked. It is an anonymous block in the package specification. It is an anonymous block at the end of a package body which executes automatically the first time each user session invokes a subprogram in the package. (*) It is a private function within the package body. Because it is an anonymous block, it cannot be invoked and therefore will never execute. It is treated as a set of comments. Correct 9. A bodiless package contains what?

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Procedures only Functions only Public variables only (*) Private variables only Correct 10. The following package is valid. True or False? CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE exceptions_pkg IS e_cons_violation EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (e_cons_violation, -2292); e_value_too_large EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (e_value_too_large, -1438); END exceptions_pkg;

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True (*) False Correct 11. How would you invoke the constant km_to_mile from the global_consts bodiless package at VARIABLE A? SELECT trail_name, distance_in_km * VARIABLE A FROM trails WHERE park_name = 'YOSEMITE';

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km_to_mile.global_consts km_to_mile (global_consts) global_consts.km_to_mile (*) global_consts (km_to_mile) Correct 12. When using a package function in DML statements, which rules must you follow? (Choose three)

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(Choose all correct answers) Must not end the current transaction (*) Can read or modify the table being changed by that DML statement Changes to a package variable could have an impact on another stored function (*) Cannot execute a DML statement or modify the database (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 10 Lesson 3. 13. The following example package specification is valid to create a data type ed_type that can be used in other subprograms. True or False?

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CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE emp_dept_pkg IS TYPE ed_type IS RECORD (f_name employees.first_name%TYPE, l_name employees.last_name%TYPE, d_name departments.department_name%TYPE); PROCEDURE sel_emp_dept (p_emp_id IN employees.employee_id%TYPE, p_emp_dept_rec OUT ed_type); END emp_dept_pkg; True (*) False Correct 14. INDEX BY is missing from the empt_tab TYPE declaration. What is the most efficient declaration? CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE emp_pkg IS TYPE emp_tab IS TABLE OF employees%ROWTYPE; PROCEDURE get_employees(p_emp_table OUT emp_tab); END emp_pkg; INDEX BY INTEGER INDEX BY BINARY INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER (*)

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Test: Persistant State of Package Variables: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. A package's state is initialized when the package is first loaded. True or False?

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True (*) False Correct 2. Users A and B call the same procedure in a package to initialize a global variable my_pkg.g_var. What will be the value of my_pkg.g_var for User A at Point A? User A: User B: User A: User B: Point A

my_pkg.g_var my_pkg.g_var my_pkg.g_var my_pkg.g_var

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is 10 is 10 is 50 is 25

10 50 (*) 25 Correct 3. A cursor's state is defined only by whether it is open or closed and, if open, how many rows it holds. True or False?

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True False (*) Correct 4. In the following example, which statement best fits in Line 1? (Choose 1) DECLARE v_more_rows_exist BOOLEAN := TRUE; BEGIN

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-- Line 1 LOOP v_more_rows_exist := curs_pkg.fetch_n_rows(3); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('-------'); EXIT WHEN NOT v_more_rows_exist; END LOOP; curs_pkg.close_curs; END; curs_pkg.emp_curs%ISOPEN; curs_pkg.close_curs; curs_pkg.open_curs; (*) EXIT WHEN curs_pkg.emp_curs%NOTFOUND; Correct

Test: Using Oracle-Supplied Packages: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. The DBMS_OUTPUT package is useful for which of the following activities? (Choose two)

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(Choose all correct answers) Interact with a user during execution of a function or procedure Display results to the developer during testing for debugging purposes (*) Trace the code execution path for a function or procedure (*) Write operating system text files to the user's screen Correct 2. The DBMS_OUTPUT gives programmers an easy-to-use interface to see, for instance, the current value of a loop counter, or whether or not a program reaches a particular branch of an IF statement. (True or False?)

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True (*) False Correct 3. Which DBMS_OUTPUT package subprogram places text into the buffer at Line 1? (Choose one) IF v_bool1 AND NOT v_bool2 AND v_number < 25 THEN --Line 1

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(1) Points

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT('IF branch was executed'); (*) DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('IF branch was executed'); DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINE('IF branch was executed'); DBMS_OUTPUT.NEW_LINE('IF branch was executed'); Correct 4. The UTL_FILE package can be used to read and write binary files such as JPEGs as well as text files. True or False?

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True False (*) Correct 5. Using the FOPEN function, you can do which actions with the UTL_FILE package? (Choose 2)

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(Choose all correct answers) It is used to append to a file until processing is complete. (*) It is used to read and write text files stored outside the database. (*) It is used to find out how much free space is left on an operating system disk. It is used to manipulate large object data type items in columns. Correct 6. The UTL_FILE package contains several exceptions exclusively used in this package. Which are they? (Choose 3)

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(Choose all correct answers) INVALID_PATH (*) NO_DATA_FOUND WRITE_ERROR (*) INVALID_OPERATION (*) ZERO_DIVIDE Correct 7. Which general exceptions may be handled by the UTL_FILE package? (Choose 2)

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(Choose all correct answers) TOO_MANY_ROWS VALUE_ERROR (*) ZERO_DIVIDE NO_DATA_FOUND (*) Correct

Test: Using Dynamic SQL: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. What happens when a SQL statement is parsed? (Choose three.)

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(Choose all correct answers) The user's required privileges are checked. (*) The syntax of the statement is checked. (*) The statement is executed. The results of the statement are returned to the user. Oracle queries the Data Dictionary to make sure that the tables referenced in the SQL statement exist. (*) Correct 2. When SQL statements are included within a procedure, the statements are parsed when the procedure is compiled. True or False?

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True (*) False Correct 3. A programmer wants to code a procedure which will create a table with a single column. The datatype of the column will be chosen by the user who invokes the procedure. The programmer writes the following code: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE create_tab (p_col_datatype IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN CREATE TABLE newtab (only_col p_col_datatype);

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END; Why will this procedure not compile successfully? Because you cannot create a table inside a procedure Because the invoking user may not have CREATE TABLE privilege Because when the procedure is compiled, Oracle cannot check if the parameter value passed into the procedure is a valid column datatype (*) Because table NEWTAB may already exist None of the above; the procedure will compile successfully. Correct 4. For which of the following is it necessary to use Dynamic SQL? (Choose three.)

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(Choose all correct answers) ALTER (*) GRANT (*) SAVEPOINT UPDATE DROP (*) Correct 5. Examine the following procedure, which drops a table whose name is passed as an IN parameter: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE drop_tab (p_table_name IN VARCHAR2) IS v_sql_statement VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN ... END; Which of the following will work correctly when coded in the procedure's executable section? (Choose two.) (Choose all correct answers) EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE p_table_name'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP TABLE ' || p_table_name; (*) v_sql_statement := 'DROP TABLE ' || p_table_name; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql_statement; (*)

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v_sql_statement := 'DROP TABLE ' || p_table_name; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'v_sql_statement'; v_sql_statement := 'DROP TABLE '; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql_statement p_table_name;

Correct 6. What will happen when the following procedure is invoked? CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE do_some_work IS CURSOR c_curs IS SELECT object_name FROM user_objects WHERE object_type = 'FUNCTION'; BEGIN FOR v_curs_rec IN c_curs LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER FUNCTION ' || v_curs_rec.object_name || ' COMPILE'; EXIT WHEN c_curs%ROWCOUNT > 2; END LOOP; END;

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All functions in the user's schema will be recompiled. The first two functions in the user's schema will be recompiled. The first three functions in the user's schema will be recompiled. (*) The procedure will not compile successfully because you cannot ALTER functions using Dynamic SQL. The procedure will not compile successfully because the syntax of the ALTER FUNCTION statement is incorrect. Correct 7. The DBMS_SQL package is easier to use than EXECUTE IMMEDIATE. True or False?

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True False (*) Correct 8. Only one call to DBMS_SQL is needed in order to drop a table. True or False?

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True False (*) Correct 9. Name two reasons for using Dynamic SQL.

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(Choose all correct answers) Avoids errrors at compile time of DML statements Creates a SQL statement with varying column data, or different conditions (*) Enables data-definition statements to be written and executed from PL/SQL (*) Enables system control statements to be written and executed from PL/SQL Correct

Test: Improving PL/SQL Performance: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. What are benefits of using the NOCOPY hint? (Choose two)

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(Choose all correct answers) Safer because it uses passing by value Efficient since it uses less memory (*) Uses a larger block of server memory for faster access Faster because a single copy of the data is used (*) Correct 2. A function-based index may be made using your own functions, but only if the function is created using the DETERMINISTIC clause. True or False?

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True (*) False Correct 3. The following procedure compiles successfully. True or False? CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE emp_pkg IS TYPE t_emp IS TABLE OF employees%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; PROCEDURE emp_proc (p_small_arg IN NUMBER, p_big_arg NOCOPY OUT t_emp); ... END emp_pkg;

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True False (*) Correct 4. In the following example, where do you place the phrase DETERMINISTIC? CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION total_sal (p_dept_id IN -- Position A employees.department_id%TYPE) RETURN NUMBER -- Position B IS v_total_sal NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT SUM(salary) INTO v_total_sal FROM employees WHERE department_id = p_dept_in; RETURN v_total_sal -- Position C; END total_sal;

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Position A Position B (*) Position C Correct 5. What is wrong with this code example? CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE insert_emps IS TYPE t_emp IS TABLE OF employees%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; v_emptab t_emp; BEGIN FORALL i IN v_emptab.FIRST..v_emptab.LAST INSERT INTO employees VALUES v_emptab(i); END LOOP; END insert_emps;

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The phrase should be FOR ALL. v_emptab is incorrectly typed. FORALL does not require END LOOP. (*) Nothing is wrong; it will compile successfully. Correct 6. FORALL can only be used with the INSERT statement. True or False?

True False (*) Correct

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7. In the following example, where do you place the phrase BULK COLLECT? ... BEGIN SELECT -- Position A salary -- Position B INTO v_saltab -- Position C FROM employees WHERE department_id = 20 ORDER BY salary -- Position D ; ...

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Position A Position B (*) Position C Position D Correct 8. In the following example, where do you place the phrase BULK COLLECT? DECLARE TYPE NameList IS TABLE OF emp.ename%TYPE; names NameList; CURSOR c1 IS SELECT ename -- Position A FROM emp WHERE job = 'CLERK'; BEGIN OPEN c1; FETCH c1 -- Position B INTO -- Position C names; ... CLOSE c1; END;

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Position A Position B (*) Position C Correct 9. What is the main purpose for using the RETURNING clause?

Improve performance by returning a single value Improve performance by minimizing the number of statements Improve performance by making one call to the SQL engine (*) Return more readily any exceptions that are raised by the statement Correct

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10. The following statement is a valid example of using the RETURNING clause. True or False?

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DECLARE TYPE EmpRec IS RECORD (last_name employees.last_name%TYPE, salary employees.salary%TYPE); emp_info EmpRec; emp_id NUMBER := 100; BEGIN UPDATE employees SET salary = salary * 1.1 WHERE employee_id = emp_id RETURNING last_name, salary INTO emp_info; dbms_output.put_line('Just gave a raise to ' || emp_info.last_name || ', who now makes ' || emp_info.salary); END; True (*) False

Test: Introduction to Triggers: Quiz Answer the question(s) on this page, and click Next to go to the next test page. Click Summary to see which questions you need to answer before submitting the test. Click Finish Test if you are ready to submit your test. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. Which of the following could NOT be done by a database trigger?

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Enforcing a complex business rule Enforcing a complex database security check Recalculating the total salary bill for a department whenever an employee's salary is changed Ensuring that a student never arrives late for a class Keeping a log of how many rows have been inserted into a table 2. You can use a database trigger to prevent invalid transactions from being committed. True or False?

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True False 3. Which of the following best describes a database trigger?

It allows users to log on to the database. It executes automatically whenever a particular event occurs within the database.

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It prevents unique constraints from being violated. It executes automatically whenever a user clicks on a button with his mouse. It allows foreign key constraints to be violated. 4. A database trigger is a PL/SQL stored subprogram which is explicitly invoked just like a procedure or a function. True or False?

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True False 5. Which of the following events could NOT automatically fire a database trigger?

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A user logging on to the database A SQL INSERT statement You click your mouse on a button to choose the correct answer to this question A DML operation on a view The Database Administrator shuts down the database 6. While editing a document in Microsoft Word, you go to the FILE menu and SAVE your work. To do this, Microsoft Word has executed an application trigger. True or False?

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True False 7. A business rule states that an employee's salary must be between 4000 and 30000. We could enforce this rule using a check constraint, but it is better to use a database trigger. True or False?

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True False 8. Which of the following are good guidelines to follow when creating triggers? (Choose two)

(Choose all correct answers) Be aware of recursive and cascading effects Where possible, use triggers to enforce NOT NULL constraints Avoid lengthy trigger logic by creating a procedure and invoking it from within the trigger Use triggers to replace functionality which is already built into the database Always create more triggers than you need, because it is better to be safe

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9. A user's schema contains procedure MYPROC, function MYFUNC, trigger MYTRIGG and package MYPACK which contains a public procedure PACKPROC. These subprograms have no parameters, and the function returns a NUMBER. Which of the following calls to these objects (from an anonymous block) are incorrect? (Choose two)

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(Choose all correct answers) mypack.packproc; mytrigg; myproc; v_number := myfunc; IF NOT myfunc THEN ... 10. Which of the following are NOT allowed within a database trigger? (Choose two)

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(Choose all correct answers) COMMIT A call to a packaged procedure INSERT A Boolean variable SAVEPOINT

Test: Creating DML Triggers: Part I: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. Which of the following is the correct syntax for creating a DML trigger associated with the EMPLOYEES table? The trigger must fire whenever an employee's JOB_ID is updated, but not if a different column is updated. CREATE TRIGGER job_upd_trigg AFTER UPDATE ON employees(job_id) BEGIN ... CREATE TRIGGER job_upd_trigg WHENEVER UPDATE OF job_id IN employees BEGIN ... CREATE TRIGGER job_upd_trigg AFTER UPDATE ON employees.job_id BEGIN ...

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CREATE TRIGGER job_upd_trigg AFTER UPDATE OF job_id ON employees BEGIN ... (*) Correct 2. What is wrong with the following code? CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER mytrigg AFTER DELETE ON departments BEGIN INSERT INTO audit_table (who, when) VALUES (USER, SYSDATE); COMMIT; END;

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A DML trigger cannot itself contain a DML statement such as INSERT INTO audit_table. You cannot use COMMIT inside a trigger. (*) The last line of code should be END mytrigg; The second line should be: AFTER DELETE OF DEPARTMENTS Nothing is wrong, the trigger will execute successfully. Correct 3. Which of the following are possible keywords for the timing component of a trigger? (Choose three.)

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(Choose all correct answers) BEFORE (*) INSTEAD WHENEVER INSTEAD OF (*) AFTER (*) Correct 4. We want to create a log record automatically every time any DML operation is executed on either or both of the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables. What is the smallest number of triggers that must be create to do this? One Two (*) Three Six Eight

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Correct 5. We want to prevent employees from being deleted on Sundays. To do this, we create the following trigger:

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CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER stop_del_emps ....... DELETE ON employees -- Line A BEGIN IF TO_CHAR(SYSDATE','DY') = 'SUN' THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20101,'Invalid delete'); END IF; END; Should this be a BEFORE or AFTER trigger, and why? It should be a BEFORE trigger because if an AFTER trigger were created, the employee would already have been deleted by the time the trigger checks the date. (*) It should be a BEFORE trigger because you cannot use RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR with AFTER triggers. It should be an AFTER trigger because the Oracle Server cannot fire the trigger until it knows that the employee has been deleted. It does not matter, either a BEFORE or an AFTER trigger could be created. Correct 6. An AFTER UPDATE trigger can specify more than one column. True or False?

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True (*) False Correct 7. A BEFORE statement trigger inserts a row into a logging table every time a user updates the salary column of the employees table. The user now tries to update the salaries of three employees with a single UPDATE statement, but the update fails because it violates a check constraint. How many rows will be inserted into the logging table?

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None, the transactions are rolled back because the update failed. (*) One Three Four None of the above Correct 8. There are five employees in department 50. A statement trigger is created by: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER emp_upd_trigg AFTER DELETE ON EMPLOYEES

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BEGIN ... A user now executes: DELETE FROM employees WHERE department_id = 50; How many times will the trigger fire, and when? Once, before the DELETE is executed Five times, after each employee row is deleted Once, after the DELETE is executed (*) Six times, once after each row and once at the end of the statement The trigger will not fire at all. Correct

Test: Creating DML Triggers: Part II: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. You decide to create the following trigger: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER empl_trigg BEFORE UPDATE ON employees BEGIN -- Line A RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR('Cannot update salary'); ELSE INSERT INTO log_table values (USER, SYSDATE); END IF; END;

Mark for Review (1) Points

You want the trigger to prevent updates to the SALARY column, but allow updates to all other columns. What should you code at Line A? IF UPDATING SALARY THEN IF UPDATING('SALARY') THEN (*) IF UPDATE('SALARY') THEN IF UPDATING(SALARY) THEN IF UPDATE(SALARY) THEN Correct 2. Which of the following best describes conditional predicates in a trigger?

Mark for Review (1) Points

They are special variables which must be DECLAREd within the trigger. They allow the trigger code to see what data values are being inserted into a row. They are automatically declared boolean variables which allow the trigger body to detect which DML operation is being executed. (*) They are special cursor attributes, like %ROWCOUNT and %NOTFOUND Correct 3. Examine the following code. To create a row trigger, what code should be included at Line A?

Mark for Review (1) Points

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER del_emp_trigg BEFORE DELETE ON employees ---- Line A BEGIN ... FOR EVERY ROW FOR EACH ROW (*) FOR EVERY ROW FOR ALL ROWS Nothing is needed because DML triggers are row triggers by default. Correct 4. A row trigger has been created which is fired by UPDATE ON employees. A user now executes a single SQL statement which updates four rows of the EMPLOYEES table. How many times will the row trigger fire?

Mark for Review (1) Points

One time Two times Four times (*) Five times Eight times Correct 5. Whenever an employee's JOB_ID is updated, we want to insert a row into a logging table to record the employee_id and the new value of JOB_ID. We create a row trigger whose body includes the following code: BEGIN INSERT INTO logging_table (emp_id, job_id) VALUES -- Point A END; At point A, which of the following will insert the correct data into the logging table? (Choose two.) (Choose all correct answers)

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(:OLD.employee_id, :OLD.job_id); (:OLD.employee_id, :NEW.job_id); (*) (:NEW.employee_id, :OLD.job_id); (:NEW.employee_id, :NEW.job_id); (*) (NEW.employee_id, NEW.job_id); Correct 6. The OLD and NEW qualifiers can be used with statement triggers as well as row triggers. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Correct 7. Which of the following statements about INSTEAD OF triggers are NOT true? (Choose two.)

Mark for Review (1) Points

(Choose all correct answers) They can be created on a table. (*) They can be created on a simple view. They can be created on a complex view. They can be statement triggers. (*) They can be row triggers. Correct 8. The following view and trigger have been created: CREATE VIEW dept_view AS SELECT * FROM departments; CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER dept_view_trigg INSTEAD OF UPDATE ON dept_view BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Sample Message'); END; Departments 50 and 80 exist but department 81 does not. A user now executes the following statement: UPDATE dept_view SET department_name = 'Sales' WHERE department_id IN (50,80,81); What happens? Two rows are updated and "Sample Message" is displayed once.

Mark for Review (1) Points

No rows are updated and "Sample Message" is displayed once. No rows are updated and "Sample Message" is displayed twice. (*) No rows are updated and "Sample Message" is displayed three times. None of the above Correct 9. What are the timing events for a compound trigger?

Before the triggering statement; triggering statement Before the triggering statement; triggering statement (*) Before the triggering statement; row Before the triggering statement; statement

Mark for Review (1) Points

After the triggering statement; Instead of the Before each row; After each row; After the After the triggering statement; After each Before each row; After the triggering

Correct 10. What is wrong with this compound trigger example? CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER compound_trigger FOR UPDATE OF salary COMPOUND TRIGGER threshold CONSTANT SIMPLE_INTEGER := 200; BEFORE EACH ROW IS BEGIN -- some action END BEFORE EACH ROW; AFTER EACH ROW IS BEGIN -- some action END AFTER EACH ROW; AFTER STATEMENT IS BEGIN -- some action END AFTER STATEMENT; END compound_trigger; Missing BEFORE timing statement Missing the EXCEPTION section Missing name of table on which the trigger fires (*) Missing the INSTEAD OF timing section Missing the BEFORE and INSTEAD OF timing sections Correct

Mark for Review (1) Points

Test: Creating DDL and Database Events Triggers: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. Which of the following could NOT cause a DDL or Database Event trigger to fire?

Mark for Review (1) Points

A table is dropped. A user connects to the database. The DBA starts up the database. A user deletes rows from the EMPLOYEES table. (*) A specific exception is raised in a user's session. Correct 2. The database administrator creates a trigger that automatically disconnects user HACKER whenever HACKER connects to the database. What type of trigger is this?

Mark for Review (1) Points

A DDL trigger A Database Event trigger (*) A DML trigger A statement trigger An INSTEAD OF trigger Correct 3. User HARJIT wants to prevent any objects which he owns from being dropped. Harjit decides to execute the following code: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER stop_drop ---- Line A BEGIN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20201,'Attempted drop'); END; What should Harjit code at Line A? BEFORE DROP ON HARJIT BEFORE DROP ON TABLE BEFORE DROP ON SCHEMA (*) BEFORE DROP ON OWNER BEFORE DROP ON USER_OBJECTS Correct

Mark for Review (1) Points

4. You can create a trigger which prevents DDL statements on an individual table, while still allowing DDL on other tables in the same schema. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Correct 5. The database administrator wants to write a log record every time any user's session raises an ORA-00942 exception. The DBA decides to create the following trigger:

Mark for Review (1) Points

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER log_942_trigg AFTER SERVERERROR ON DATABASE BEGIN -- Line A INSERT INTO log_table VALUES ( ...); END; What should the DBA code at Line A? IF (SERVERERROR(942)) THEN IF (IS_SERVERERROR(942)) THEN (*) IF (SERVERERROR = 942) THEN IF (IS_SERVERERROR = 942) THEN IF (IS_SERVERERROR(ORA-00942)) THEN Correct 6. What is the benefit of using the CALL statement in a trigger body?

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It allow both DDL events and database events to be handled by a single trigger. It prevents data being read from a mutating table. It allows the database administrator to monitor who is currently connected to the database. It allows the trigger body code to be placed in a separate procedure. (*) Correct 7. What is wrong with the following code? CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER call_trigg AFTER UPDATE OR DELETE ON employees BEGIN CALL del_emp_proc END; When CALL is used, the BEGIN and END; statements should be omitted. (*) The CALL statement should end with a semicolon (;) You cannot use a CALL statement in a DML trigger.

Mark for Review (1) Points

When using CALL, only one DML statement can be tested, so UPDATE OR DELETE is wrong. Correct 8. What is wrong with the following code? CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER emp_dml_trigg BEFORE UPDATE OF salary ON employees FOR EACH ROW DECLARE v_max_sal employees.salary%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT max(sal) INTO v_max_sal FROM employees; END;

Mark for Review (1) Points

You cannot use a DECLARE statement in a trigger. The trigger body is reading the same table (employees) that the triggering event is updating. (*) You must use RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR in a BEFORE trigger. You can never use SELECT inside a DML trigger. Nothing is wrong, the trigger will execute correctly. Correct 9. Mutating table errors can be caused by DML triggers, but not by database event triggers. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True (*) False Correct 10. You have been granted CREATE TRIGGER privilege. You can now create an AFTER LOGOFF ON SCHEMA trigger. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Correct

Test: Managing Triggers: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. Which dictionary view would you query to see the detailed body code of triggers in your schema?

Mark for Review

(1) Points USER_SOURCE USER_TRIGGER USER_TRIGGERS (*) USER_OBJECTS None of the above; you cannot view the code of the trigger body after the trigger has been created. Correct 2. By default, any user can create a DML trigger on a table in his/her schema. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Correct 3. You have created several DML triggers which reference your DEPARTMENTS table. Now you want to disable all of them using a single SQL statement. Which command should you use?

Mark for Review (1) Points

ALTER TRIGGER DISABLE ALL ON departments; ALTER TABLE departments DISABLE ALL TRIGGERS; (*) ALTER TABLE departments DISABLE TRIGGERS; DROP ALL TRIGGERS ON departments; Correct 4. Which command would you use to see if your triggers are enabled or disabled?

SELECT trigger_name, status FROM USER_TRIGGERS; (*) SELECT object_name, status FROM USER_OBJECTS WHERE object_type = 'TRIGGER'; SELECT trigger_name, trigger_type FROM USER_TRIGGERS; DESCRIBE TRIGGER


Mark for Review (1) Points

5. User KULJIT creates two triggers named EMP1_TRIGG and EMP2_TRIGG, which are both DML triggers referencing her EMPLOYEES table. Kuljit now wants to remove both of these triggers from the database. What command(s) should Kuljit use to do this?

Mark for Review (1) Points

DROP ALL TRIGGERS ON employees; DROP TRIGGERS ON employees; DROP TRIGGER emp1_trigg; DROP TRIGGER emp2_trigg; (*) DROP TRIGGER emp1_trigg AND emp2_trigg;

Correct 6. A user creates the following trigger: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER emp_trigg AFTER DELETE ON employees BEGIN ... END;

Mark for Review (1) Points

The user now tries to drop the EMPLOYEES table. What happens? The table is dropped but the trigger is not dropped. An error message is displayed because you cannot drop a table that is referenced by a trigger. The table is dropped and the trigger is disabled. Both the table and the trigger are dropped. (*) Correct

Test: Introduction to Dependencies: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. PL/SQL procedure A invokes procedure B, which in turn invokes procedure C, which references table T. If table T is dropped, which of the following statements is true? C is invalid but A and B are still valid

Mark for Review (1) Points

A, B and C are all invalid (*) B and C are invalid but A is still valid A, B and C are all still valid None of the above Correct 2. A procedure show_emps contains the following declaration: CURSOR emp_curs IS SELECT last_name, salary FROM employees;

Mark for Review (1) Points

What will happen to the procedure if a new column is added to the employees table? The procedure will still be valid and execute correctly because it does not reference the added column. The procedure will automatically be dropped and must be recreated. The procedure will be marked invalid and must be recompiled before it can be reexecuted. (*) Users' privileges to execute the procedure will automatically be revoked. Correct 3. View dept_view is based on a select from table departments. Procedure show_dept contains code which selects from dept_view. Which of the following statements are true? (Choose three.)

Mark for Review (1) Points

(Choose all correct answers) departments is indirectly dependent on show_dept show_dept is directly dependent on dept_view (*) dept_view is directly dependent on departments (*) show_dept is indirectly dependent on departments (*) emp_view is directly dependent on show_dept Correct 4. A single PL/SQL subprogram such as a procedure can be both a referenced object and a dependent object. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True (*) False Correct 5. Which data dictionary view shows information about references and dependencies?


Mark for Review (1) Points

USER_DEPENDENCIES (*) USER_REFERENCES USER_LOCAL_DEPENDENCIES Correct 6. Which of the following statements will show whether procedure myproc is valid or invalid?

Mark for Review (1) Points

SELECT status FROM USER_OBJECTS WHERE object_type = 'PROCEDURE' AND object_name = 'MYPROC'; (*) SELECT status FROM USER_PROCEDURES WHERE procedure_name = 'MYPROC'; SELECT valid FROM USER_OBJECTS WHERE object_type = 'PROCEDURE' AND object_name = 'MYPROC'; SELECT * FROM deptree;

Correct 7. Which of the following database objects are created when the utldtree.sql script is run? (Choose three.)

Mark for Review (1) Points

(Choose all correct answers) The utldtree table The deptree_temptab table (*) The deptree and ideptree views (*) The deptree table The deptree_fill procedure (*) Correct 8. User ALICE owns a procedure show_emps which references table employees. Which of the following will generate information that shows this dependency?


Mark for Review (1) Points

BEGIN deptree_fill('TABLE','ALICE','EMPLOYEES'); END; (*) BEGIN deptree_fill('ALICE','PROCEDURE','SHOW_EMPS'); END;

Correct 9.

A SELECT from DEPTREE produced the following output. >NESTED_LEVEL >TYPE >NAME >0










Mark for Review (1) Points

What dependencies does this show? (Choose three.) (Choose all correct answers) QUERY_EMP is directly dependent on EMPLOYEES (*) ADD_EMP is directly dependent on EMPLOYEES ADD_EMP is directly dependent on EMP_VW (*) QUERY_EMP is directly dependent on ADD_EMP EMP_VW is directly dependent on EMPLOYEES (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 14 Lesson 1. 10. The IDEPTREE view shows dependencies by indenting the lines of output instead of by using a NESTED_LEVEL column. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True (*) False Correct 11. Procedure get_depts has been marked invalid because one of the objects it references has been altered. Which of the following statements are true? (Choose two.) (Choose all correct answers) The procedure will be recompiled automatically the next time it is invoked. The recompilation will always be successful. The procedure will be recompiled automatically the next time it is invoked. The recompilation may or may not be successful.

Mark for Review (1) Points

(*) The procedure can be recompiled manually by: ALTER PROCEDURE get_depts COMPILE; (*) The procedure can be recompiled manually by: ALTER PROCEDURE get_depts RECOMPILE; The procedure does not need to be recompiled.

Correct 12. A procedure includes the following code: SELECT first_name, salary INTO v_first_name, v_salary FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 100;

Mark for Review (1) Points

Which of the following changes to the employees table will allow the procedure to be recompiled successfully ? (Choose two.) (Choose all correct answers) The table is dropped but a public table exists with the same name and structure. (*) The table is dropped. A new column is added to the table. (*) The table name is changed to newemps. The first_name column is dropped from the table. Correct 13. Which of the following will NOT help to minimize dependency failures? (Choose two.)

Mark for Review (1) Points

(Choose all correct answers) SELECTing a list of column names instead of using SELECT * (*) Declaring records using the %ROWTYPE attribute Including a column list with INSERT statements Declaring scalar variables with NOT NULL if the corresponding table column has a NOT NULL constraint (*) Declaring scalar variables using the %TYPE attribute Correct 14. Package emp_pack contains two public procedures: get_emps and upd_emps. A separate procedure emp_proc invokes emp.pack.get_emps. The upd_emps package body code is now altered, and the package body (but not the package specification) is recreated.

Mark for Review (1) Points

emp_proc will be marked invalid and needs to be recompiled. True or False? True False (*) Correct

Test: Understanding Remote Dependencies: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. A remote dependency is when a dependent object resides on a database on a separate node. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True (*) False Correct 2. With remote dependencies, one master data dictionary that resides on one server identifies the status of all schema objects. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Correct 3. The Data Dictionary controls the remote dependency mode. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Correct 4. Which statement for setting a database parameter is the default for remote dependency checking?


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ALTER SESSION REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE = SIGNATURE Correct 5. In this scenario, the following status is given for each procedure: - Procedure A is local and has a time stamp of 10 AM - Procedure B is remote and has a local time stamp of 5 AM and has a remote time stamp of 4 AM

Mark for Review (1) Points

In Timestamp Mode, Procedure A will execute successfully at 11 AM. True or False? True False (*) Correct 6. In Signature Mode, a procedure will not compile if the signatures of the remote dependencies do not match. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True (*) False Correct 7. In this scenario, the following status is given for each procedure: - Procedure A is local, executed, and invalidated because the remote Procedure B time stamp does not match the local time stamp for Procedure B - Procedure A is recompiled.

Mark for Review (1) Points

In Timestamp Mode, now Procedure A will execute successfully. True or False? True (*) False Correct 8. In Signature Mode, a compiled procedure is still valid if its dependent procedure has a parameter data type change from NUMBER to VARCHAR2.

Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 14 Lesson 2. 9. A remote dependency is when a dependent object resides on a database on a separate node. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True (*) False Correct 10. With remote dependencies, one master data dictionary that resides on one server identifies the status of all schema objects. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Correct 11. The Data Dictionary controls the remote dependency mode. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Correct 12. Which statement for setting a database parameter is the default for remote dependency checking?

Mark for Review (1) Points

ALTER SESSION SET REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE = TIMESTAMP (*) ALTER SESSION SET REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE = SIGNATURE ALTER SESSION REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE = TIMESTAMP ALTER SESSION REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE = SIGNATURE Correct 13. In this scenario, the following status is given for each procedure: - Procedure A is local and has a time stamp of 10 AM - Procedure B is remote and has a local time stamp of 5 AM and has a remote time stamp of 4 AM In Timestamp Mode, Procedure A will execute successfully at 11 AM. True or False? True False (*) Correct

Mark for Review (1) Points

14. In Signature Mode, a procedure will not compile if the signatures of the remote dependencies do not match. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True (*) False Correct 15. In this scenario, the following status is given for each procedure: - Procedure A is local, executed, and invalidated because the remote Procedure B time stamp does not match the local time stamp for Procedure B - Procedure A is recompiled.

Mark for Review (1) Points

In Timestamp Mode, now Procedure A will execute successfully. True or False? True (*) False Incorrect. Refer to Section 14 Lesson 2. 16. In Signature Mode, a compiled procedure is still valid if its dependent procedure has a parameter data type change from NUMBER to VARCHAR2.

Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 14 Lesson 2.

Test: Using the PL/SQL Initialization Parameters: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. To set the PLSQL_CODE_TYPE to its fastest execution speed, which command do you use?


Mark for Review (1) Points

Correct 2. PLSQL_CODE_TYPE determines the type of code for both PL/SQL code and for SQL statements, which is what speeds up the execution speed. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Correct 3. Which are NOT examples of benefits of using PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL. (Choose two)

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(Choose all correct answers) Control what PL/SQL does with useless code Combining compiled code from one subprogram into another subprogram Separating compiled code so that separate units may be repeated as needed (*) Backward compatible with previous versions of the Oracle database Modify source code to optimize frequently-used elements at the top (*) Correct 4. When setting PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL = 2, the compiled code will remove code and exceptions that can never be executed. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True (*) False Correct 5. Which data dictionary view allows you to see the setting for PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL?

Mark for Review (1) Points


Mark for Review (1) Points

0,1,2,3 (*) 0,1,2,3,4 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 Correct

Test: Displaying Compiler Warning Messages: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. An error in PL/SQL is when the compiler does not proceed successfully and an error message is displayed. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True (*) False Correct 2. A warning in PL/SQL is the same as an error in PL/SQL, but can only be viewed through the USER_ERRORS data dictionary view. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Correct 3. Which PL/SQL warning message identifies code that can cause unexpected behavior or wrong results when executed?

Mark for Review (1) Points

INFORMATIONAL PERFORMANCE ALL SEVERE (*) ERROR Correct 4. The informational warning level for PL/SQL compiled code identifies the code that may cause execution speed to be slow. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Correct 5. The two statements below are equivalent. True or False? DBMS_WARNING.ADD_WARNING_SETTING_CAT ('INFORMATIONAL','ENABLE','SESSION');

Mark for Review (1) Points

and ALTER SESSION SET PLSQL_WARNINGS = 'ENABLE:INFORMATIONAL'; True (*) False Correct 6. Which pair of DBMS_WARNING commands would allow you to obtain the current settings and change and restore those settings in a PL/SQL subprogram? (Choose two)

Mark for Review (1) Points


Test: Using Conditional Compilation: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. Conditional compilation allows you to include extra code to help with debugging, which can be removed once errors are resolved. True or False?

True (*) False Correct

Mark for Review (1) Points

2. You can choose which code to include in a PL/SQL program based on conditional compilation directives. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True (*) False Correct 3. Identify the selection directives used in conditional compilation.

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$IF $THEN $ELSE $END $CCFLAG $$IF $$THEN $$ELSE $$ELSIF $$END $IF $THEN $ELSE $ELSIF $ENDIF $IF $THEN $ELSE $ELSIF $END (*) $$IF $$THEN $$ELSE $$END $$DEBUG Correct 4. Inquiry directives are used to selectively include or exclude PL/SQL code based on values of pre-defined variables that are set using the PLSQL_CCFLAGS parameter. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*) Correct 5. The value of DBMS_DB_VERSION.VER_LE_11 is TRUE when the version of the Oracle database is version 11 or greater. True or False?

True False (*)

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Correct 6. If the version and release of the Oracle database in use is 10.2, what statement will allow syntax available in version 10.2 or later?

$IF DBMS_DB_VERSION.VER_LE_10_2 -- some messaage $ELSE -- some action $END $IF DBMS_DB_VERSION.VER_LE_10_2 -- some messaage $ELSE -- some action $END; $IF DBMS_DB_VERSION.VER_LE_10_1 -- some messaage $ELSE -- some action $END (*) $IF DBMS_DB_VERSION.VER_LE_10_1 -- some messaage $ELSE -- some action $END;

Mark for Review (1) Points






Test: Hiding Your Source Code: Quiz Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer. Section 1 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. One benefit of obfuscation is to protect intellectual property written in PL/SQL. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True (*) False Correct 2. Obfuscation allows the owner to see the source code, but not the users to whom EXECUTE privileges have been granted. True or False?

True False (*)

Mark for Review (1) Points

Correct 3. When wrapping subprograms, the entire PL/SQL code must be included as an IN argument with data type VARCHAR2 up to 32,767 characters. True or False?

Mark for Review (1) Points

True (*) False Correct 4. To obfuscate the procedure my_proc, what statement should be at Line A? BEGIN -- Line A ('CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE mycleverproc (p_param1 IN NUMBER, p_param2 OUT NUMBER) IS BEGIN ... /* some clever but private code here */ END mycleverproc;'); END;

Mark for Review (1) Points

DBMS_DML.CREATE_WRAP DBMS_DDL.CREATE_WRAP DBMS_DDL.CREATE_WRAPPED (*) DBMS_DDL.WRAPPED DBMS_DDL.WRAP_CODE Correct 5. To create obfuscated code using the wrapper utility, determine the order in which to execute the following steps. A Connect to the database and execute the wrapped text file as a script to compile the wrapped code into the Data Dictionary. B Log into the database server computer. C Create a text file containing your complete unwrapped source code. D Execute WRAP to create a second text file containing the wrapped code.

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A,B,C,D B,C,D,A (*) C,D,A,B C,A,B,D B,D,C,A Correct 6. For PL/SQL code larger than 32,767 characters, you must use the wrap utility. True or False?

True (*)

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False Correct