Dongeng Bahasa Inggris Dan Terjemahannya [PDF]

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Thursday, September 6, 2012 Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya - The two ducks and the fox

The two ducks and the fox Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

One day, two ducks walked along the road to go to the lake for their swim. In the middle of the road, they met Mr. Fox. He sat under the tree. Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

“Hello, sister. Where are you going?” asked Mr. Fox. Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

“Good Morning, Mr. Fox. We are going to lake over there. We want to swim. Would you like to join us?” asked the ducks. Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

“No, thanks. Do you both come along here every day?” asked Mr. Fox. “Yes, we always walk here every morning,” said the ducks. “Delicio….. I..I.. mean nice to see you both,” said Mr. Fox. The next day, the first duck said, “Are we going to swim today? I bet that Mr. Fox is waiting for us and he has a bad plan.” Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

“I know. I have a plan for him, too,” said the second duck. On their way they met Mr. Fox again. “Hello, sisters. Going to swim again?” asked Mr. Fox. Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

“Yes, we are. Why don’t you take us to the lake and protect us from bad animals?” said the second duck. Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

“Of course. It’s my pleasure,” replied Mr. Fox. “This is an easy way to have a free lunch. I have a big bag with me now,” though Mr. fox. Three of them walked to the lake and sang some songs. “When I say run, let’s run fast together,” said the second duck, “Run!!!” Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

They ran so fast and jumped into the lake. Mr. fox jumped upon them, but he forgot that he could not swim. So, Mr. fox drowned in the lake. He failed to get his free lunch. Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

Bebek dan rubah Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

Pada suatu hari, dua ekor bebek berjalan sepanjang jalan menuju danau untuk berenang. Di tengah perjalanan, mereka bertemu dengan seekor rubah yang sedang duduk di bawah pohon. Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

“Halo , saudaraku, mau kemana? Tanya rubah. “selamat pagi, rubah.kamiinging ke danau sana. Kami ingin berenang. Mukah kamu ikut bersama kami?” Tanya bebek. Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

“Tidak, terima kasih. Apakah kalian berdua selalu bersama lewat sini setiaphari?” Tanya rubah. “ya, kami selalu lewat di sini menuju danau setiap hari” jawab bebek. “Leza… maksud saya senang bertemu dengan kalian,” kata rubah Keesokan harinya, bebek pertama berkata “apakahkita pergiberenang hari ini? Sya rasa rubah menantikan kedatangan kita dan dia memiliki rencana yang tidak baik.” Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

“Saya tahu. Saya juga punya rencana untuknya,” jawab bebek kedua. Di dalam perjalanan mereka bertemu lagi dengan rubah. “halo sobat, pergi berenang lagikah?” Tanya rubah. Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

“Ya. Maukah kamu ikut bersama kami dan melindungi kami dari binatang-binatang jahat? Kata bebek kedua. Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

“tentu, dengan senang hati” jawab rubah. “wow..ini memudahkan lagi untuk dapat makanan siang,” fikir rubah. Mereka pun bertiga berjalan beriringan sambil menyanyikan lagu. “saat saya bilang lari, kita harus bersama-sama berlari dengan cepat,” kata bebek kedua, “Lari!!!” Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

Mereka pun segera berlari dan dengan cepat melompat ke danau. Sang rubah juga ikut melompat mengejar mereka, tetapi dia lupa bahwa dia tidak bisa berenang, olehnya sang rubah pun tenggelam dan gagal mendapatkan makan siang. Dongeng bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

Dongeng Binatang Berbahasa Inggris – The Ant and the Grasshopper

Dongeng Binatang Berbahasa Inggris - The Ant and the Grasshopper In a field one summer’s day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart’s content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest. “Why not come and chat with me,” said the Grasshopper, “instead of toiling and moiling in that way?” “I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” said the Ant, “and recommend you to do the same.” “Why bother about winter?” said the Grasshopper; “We have got plenty of food at present.” But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger – while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for days of need. ===== Dongeng Binatang Berbahasa Inggris diatas adalah dongeng singkat agar anak-anak kita tidak bosan mendengarkan Dongeng Binatang Berbahasa Inggris tersebut.

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cerita hewan dalam bahasa inggris

cerita dongeng bahasa inggris

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dongeng bahasa inggris yang pendek  

The woodcutter and the fox (Favourite stories from Chinese) 

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A pack of dogs chased a fox up a hill. It rain into a woodcutter’s hut. “Help! Help!” the fox cried out. “Mr. Woodcutter, please let me hide in your hut. I’m afraid the dogs will catch me and eat me up,” he bowed deeply to the woodcutter. “All right,” the woodcutter replied. “You can hide in the small room at the back of my hut. But be quick!” the woodcutter opened the door of the room and the fox hid himself inside. A short while afterwards, a hunter arrived carrying a gun. He was followed by the pack of dogs. “Ah, Mr. Woodcutter,” the hunter said, “we are looking for a fox. We chased it up the hill but it has now disappeared. Have you seen it?” “No,” answered the woodcutter. But at the same time, he pointed towards the small room the back of the hut. Fortunately, the hunter did not understand what he meant. “Thank you very much, Mr. Woodcutter,” he said. “We shall have to look elsewhere.” As soon as the hunter and his dogs had left, the fox came out of the room. He walked out of the front door without saying a word. “Where are you going?” the woodcutter called out. “You’re a fine fellow! I saved your life and you don’t even stop to thank me.” “Your words sound fine,” the fox said. “but your heart is evil. You say you want to help me, but you really want to harm me. How can I feel grateful to you?”

Cerita singkat bahasa inggris Salam Super Narrative Text.... Cerita singkat bahasa inggris (Narrative text) memiliki banyak pesan-pesan moral yang bisa jadi pelajaran dalam hidup kita. Meski cerita singkat bahasa inggris ini hanyalah fiktif , bisa saja memberikan motivasi tersendiri. Memilih orang dalam menjalankan tugas penting harus selektif, karena bisa jadi orang itu sendiri yang akan mengacaukan tugas tersebut. Cerita singkat bahasa inggris berikut seperti judul lagu "Pagar Makan Tanaman" penasaran........ langsung saja ke cerita singkat bahasa inggris berikut. Two bottles of water (Favourite stories from Chinese) There was an old school teacher who liked to drink wine. He always kept several bottles of good wine in his mouth. As he had to go out one day, he was worried that his servant would drink his wine. Then he thought of a way to stop him from doing so. “I am going out for the day,” he told his servant. “Please look after the house for me. There is some ham and two bottles of water in the cupboard. There is also a chicken in the kitchen.

cerita singkat bahasa inggris - two bottles of water But as soon as he left, his servant killed the chicken and cooked it for dinner. He then ate both the chicken and the ham and drank the two bottles of wine. He felt sleepy and went to bed. The school teacher returned home later that evening. He was surprised to find that the chicken, ham and two bottles of wine had disappeared. He then saw his servant lying asleep in bed. There were two empty bottles by his side. He shook him by the shoulder. “What has happened?” he asked. “I am very sorry,” his servant replied. “As soon as you left, a cat jumped in through the window and ate the ham. A dog then chased and caught the chicken. I knew you would be very angry with me when you returned, so I tried to kill myself by drinking the poison. Please excuse me.” The old school teacher did not believe him but there was nothing he could do. Posted by joe fatrah at 7:27 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Saturday, November 3, 2012 A naughty schoolboy

Narrative teks - A naughty schoolboy Everyone agreed that John Tsui was a naughty boy. He had a bad temper and did not study hard at school. His father paid for a private teacher to teach him at home. But john was rude to his teacher. His teacher said he did not want to teach him anymore. John’s father tried to find another teacher, but it was not easy to do so. At last, a teacher who had just come from Singapore agreed to teach him. John’s father was very pleased. He sent for John to come and meet his new teacher. John was very rude. He took no notice of his new teacher and left the room without saying a word. The next day, john arrived late for his first lesson. He hoped this would make his teacher angry. But his teacher did not seem to mind. The next day, he was again late. This time, his teacher was playing the piano. “can you teach me to play the piano?” he asked his teacher. “Yes, if you really want to learn,” his teacher replied.

After that, his teacher gave him piano lesson twice a week. John was really very clever and he did not need much teaching. In a short while, he could play quite well. “Can you teach me anything else?” he asked his teacher. “I don’t know what you would like to learn,” his teacher said. “Perhaps you can teach me something?” “I only know how to box,” John replied. “If you want to learn, I can teach you.” John asked his teacher to stand up. As soon as he did so, he tried to hit his fist. But his teacher was too quick for him. He caught hold of his arm and held it tight. John could not move. He had to ask his teacher to forgive him. He promised that he would study harder in future. “If you want to study harder,” his teacher said, “It is not enough to learn from one man. You must learn from many men.” “How can I do that?” John asked. His teacher pointed to the books in front of him. “You must study hard and read as many books as you can. Each book contains knowledge. If you do that, you will soon be able to learn many new things for yourself. John studied hard after that. When he grew up, he became a very famous man.

I Know You, But... (Aku Mengenalmu, Tapi...) - Dongeng Anak, Judul Dongeng TK, Judul Cerpen Anak, Judul Cerita Anak Bahasa Inggris Indonesia

I Know You.... But.... I am in a city garden. I sit on a bench. The bench is so small. I am alone. I see someone at the corner. I know him, but I don’t know his

name. He wears a blue shirt. The shirt is very cool. He comes to me. He asks me, ”Are you Hendra?” I answers,”Yes, I am. What is your name?” He says nothing. He looks so disappointed. He leaves me. I feel so guilty. I am alone again. Next time, I will memorize my friends’ name.

Translation (Terjemahan): Aku berada di taman kota. Aku duduk di sebuah bangku. Bangkunya begitu kecil. Aku melihat seseorang di sudut. Aku mengenalnya. Aku tidak tahu namanya. Dia mengenakan sebuah kaos biru. Kaosnya sangat keren. Dia datang padaku. Dia bertanya,”Apakah kamu Hendra?” Aku menjawab,”Ya, aku Hendra. Siapa namamu?” Dia tidak berkata apa-apa. Dia terlihat begitu kecewa. Dia meninggalkanku. Aku begitu merasa bersalah. Aku sendiri lagi. Lain kali, Aku akan mengingat nama teman-temanku.

Cara Download Lagu Anak Berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia

Salam cinta lagu-lagu anak.... Hai pecinta lagu-lagu anak...sekarang kalau mau download lagu-lagu anak karya Kak Zepe caranya mudah lho.... Begini (mohon ikuti langkah2nya dengan cermat supaya tidak gagal donlot). Caranya Read more and Listen To This song » Diposkan oleh Kak Zepe LaguAnak 2 comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Link ke posting ini

Wednesday, 8 February 2012 Home Sweet Home, Kak Zepe's Children Song - Theme Family and Happiness - For Kindergarten, Nursery, and Primary Student


I live in a beautiful house I live with my family We all are happy together because we are loving each other Read more and Listen To This song » Diposkan oleh Kak Zepe LaguAnak 2 comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Label: Family Theme Song, Fun And Happy Song

Wednesday, 25 January 2012 We Are Family, Kak Zepe's English Kids Song, Theme: Family and Friendship

We Are Family Kak Zepe's English Kids Song Theme: Family and Friendship

When you feel so sad, I'll make happy When you feel lonely, I'll accompany When you feel affraid, I'll make you feel peace Read more and Listen To This song » Diposkan oleh Kak Zepe LaguAnak No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Link ke posting ini Label: Family Theme Song, Friendship Song

Friday, 30 December 2011 Adverbs Song - Kak Zepe's English Children songs - Topic: grammar / adverbs - An English Children Song that can be used for teaching English. This is a grammar English Song, and the topic is Adverbs.

Adverbs Song Kak Zepe's English Children songs Topic: grammar / adverbs An English Children Song that can be used for teaching English. This is a grammar English Song, and the topic is Adverbs.

I can run slowly or fast I talk loudly or softly I can come early or late I can sing gladly or sadly Read more and Listen To This song » Diposkan oleh Kak Zepe LaguAnak 2 comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Link ke posting ini Label: Adverbs Song, English Grammar Song, Fun And Happy Song

Wednesday, 30 November 2011 HaVE Lunch Children Songs for Kindergarten, Playgroup, Taman Kanakkanak, PAUD, Nursery, Playkids, or Primary Students Sing this song in the class before lunch!

HaVE Lunch Children Songs for Kindergarten, Playgroup, Taman Kanak-kanak, PAUD, Nursery, Playkids, or Primary Students Sing this song in the class before lunch!

This song is very nice and fun. Sing this song before children have lunch in the class. For parents, you can also sing this song for your children. They will be happy to sing this song.

Have Lunch Song: Kak Zepe The day's so bright and clear The sun's at the middle sky I am so hungry I am so hungry It's time to have lunch Read more and Listen To This song » Diposkan oleh Kak Zepe LaguAnak No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Link ke posting ini Label: Class Songs, Family Theme Song, Fun And Happy Song, Holiday Songs, Opening Closing Songs Older Posts Home

My Best Teacher (Guru Terbaikku)

Marry sits nicely. Marry is in the classroom. She is in English class. English class is her favorite. She likes the teacher and the subject. Her teacher is friendly, helpful, and smart. Her teacher answers everyone's questions. Her teacher always makes the class fun. Every student loves him. He is my best teacher. Two months ago, she asked her teacher how to spell “trailer”. Marry’s teacher told her how to spell it. Marry said,”Thank you, Sir”. Her teacher answered, "You're welcome, clever student”

Terjemahan (Translation): Marry duduk dengan baik. Dia berada di dalam ruang kelas. Dia sedang di kelas bahasa Inggris. Kelas bahasa Inggris adalah kesukaannya. Dia menyukai guru dan mata pelajarannya. Gurunya ramah, suka membantu, dan cerdas. Gurunya menjawab setiap pertanyaan dari setiap siswa. Gurunya selalu membuat kelas menyenangkan. Setiap siswa menyukainya. Dia adalah guru terbaikku. Dua bulan yang lalu, dia bertanya pada gurunya bagaimana mengeja kata,”trailer”. Gurunya Marry mengatakan bagaimana mengeja kata itu. Marry berkata, “Terima kasih, Pak”. Gurunya menjawab,”Sama-sama, anak pandai.”

Vocabularies (Kosa Kata):

sits (duduk)

class-room (ruang kelas)

teacher (guru)

questions (pertanyaan)

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Berawal Dari Puisi, Berubah Menjadi Lagu Anak (Review Lagu Anak "Bintang dan Bulan") - Lagu Anak Indonesia Berawal Dari Puisi, Berubah Menjadi Lagu Anak (Review Lagu Anak)

Pada saat itu malam begitu cerah. Saya melihat bulan bersinar sangat terang. Bintangbintang pun hadir pada malam itu dengan cahayanya yang gemerlapan. Saya bayangkan malam itu hanya ada bulan, tanpa ada bintang-bintang. Tentu saja ada yang kurang. Hanya bulan dan kegelapan malam. Langit pasti jadi sepi bila hanya ada sebuah benda bulat bersinar. Lalu saya pun mempunyai ide untuk membuat sebuah puisi persahabatan. Saya menghubungkan dua macam benda langit, bulan dan bintang, dengan sebuah persahabatan. Puisinya kira-kira berbunyi demikian: The Stars And The Moon Look at the sky There is a moon Look at the moon There are many stars around Imagine, there is no stars in the sky Only the moon and the darkness The moon will be so lonely I am so happy because there are many stars in the sky Do you know why? Cause I am the moon Thanks to be one of the stars. Lewat puisi tersebut, saya kini memiliki ide untuk membuatkan sebuah lagu yang isinya hampir sama dengan puisi yang pernah saya ciptakan tersebut. Karena anak-anak biasanya suka dengan lagu anak yang bertema persahabatan, maka saya menjadikan puisi di atas menjadi sebuah lirik lagu. Dengan judul yang sama, dan saya terjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia, maka jadilah lirik lagu ini: Aku lihat di angkasa Rembulan bersinar terang Diterangi bintan-bintang Indah sekali

Oh betapa bahagianya sang rembulan Tiada pernah kesepian Sebahagia hatiku karna banyak teman Lagunya bisa didengerin di BINTANG DAN BULAN Dari pengalaman tersebut, saya menyimpulkan bahwa sebuah puisi bisa kita modifikasi menjadi sebuah lagu yang indah. Biasanya hal yang membuat indah adalah kiasan-kiasan yang biasa ada di dalam sebuah puisi. Jadi bila anda suka menulis sebuah puisi, cobalah anda pilih dan pilah. Siapa tahu ada tema yang menarik untuk dimodifikasi menjadi sebuah lagu anak. Nah lagu di atas akan menjadi salah satu lagu andalan di album SEHAT CERDAS CERIA karya Kak Zepe. Tunggu releasenya ya... :)

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Mother's Love to Me (Kasih Ibu Kepada Beta) - Cerpen Bergambar Dua Bahasa, Short Story Bilingual, Dongeng Dua Bahasa, Cerita Bahasa Inggris Indonesia

Mother's Love To Me

(Kasih Ibu Kepada Beta)

She took care of me when I was a little child. She taught me many things. She taught me how to draw, read, write, and sing. She taught me how to play badminton. She taught me how to get dressed. She taught me how to wear my shoes. She taught me how to comb my cruelly hair. She taught me how to be a nice boy. She taught me how to be polite to my teachers. She taught me how to make friend. She taught me how to help others. She taught me how to love by her sincere love. I know what love by her love. Mom, thanks for your love, God, thanks for giving me a great Mom. Translation (Terjemahan) : Ibu menjagaku saat aku masih kecil. Ibu mengajariku banyak hal. Ibu mengajariku bagaimana menggambar, membaca, menulis, dan bernyanyi. Ibu mengajariku bagaimana bermain badminton. Ibu mengajariku bagaimana berpakaian. Ibu mengajariku bagaimana mengenakan sepatu. Ibu mengajariku bagaimana mengajariku menyisir rambutku yang keriting. Ibu mengajariku bagaimana menjadi seorang anak yang baik. Ibu mengajariku bagaimana bersopan santun kepada para guru. Ibu mengajariku bagaimana bersahabat. Dia mengajariku bagaimana menolong sesame. Ibu mengajariku kasih sayang dengan dengan kasih sayangnya yang tulus. Aku tahu apa itu kasih sayang dengan kasih sayangnya. Ibu , terima kasih untuk cintamu. Tuhan, terima kasih telah memberikan aku seorang ibu yang baik.

Vocabularies (Kosa Kata):

badminton (bulu tangkis)

shoes (sepatu)

comb (sisir)

cruelly hair (rambut keriting) Read Also: Cute White Cat (Kucing Putih Yang Mungil) The Baby Parrots (Anak Burung Beo) Release A Butterfly (Membebaskan Seekor Kupu-kupu) Encyclopedia Book (Buku Encyclopedia) You might also like: JAri Perkalian, Lagu Anak KArya Kak Zepe (Lagu Pendidikan ...

Selasa, 10 Juli 2012 BASIC VOCABULARIES ABOUT THINGS IN THE CLASSROOM 19:51 Almusto 2 comments

When teaching at Elementary school, especially the first and the second grade, the important vocabularies they must master are things in the classroom. After learning numbers, alphabet, usually these two

grades should know the classroom vocabularies. The approach of the teaching learning process at the elmentary school is a contextual learning. Students learn many things around the classroom they live in. They can show and pronounce many things in the classroom. The things are real in the classroom. The teacher can use the exact method in giving the students new vocabularies in the classroom. He can use a song relating to the material learning, he can play a game that encourages the students to obtain new vocabularies, or he can use some related flashcards and so on.

The Students of SD N Siberuk are studying in the classroom The following words are the basic vocabularies that Elementary students should master: English Door Window Table Desk Chair Blackboard Whiteboard Chalk Ruler Eraser Floor Wall Book dictionary

Indonesian Pintu Jendela Meja Meja kerja/guru Kursi Papan tulis hitam Papan Tulis putih Kapur Penggaris Penghapus Lantai Dinding Buku Kamus

Pencil pencil sharpener Ballpoint/Pen Correcting fluid Clock Calendar Roof Map Light/lamp Cupboard Picture Bookshelf Bag Broom Trash box

Pensil Rautan Pena/pulpen Penghapus tinta/tip-x Jam kalender Atap Peta Lampu Almari Gambar/foto Rak buku Tas Sapu Tempat sampah

Those are the examples of the basic vocabularies we often find for elemntary school students. Download this article here

Artikel Terkait: VOCABULARY  Jenis tes vocabulary Bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak  BELAJAR PREPOSITION(KATA DEPAN) UNTUK ANAK SD 

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD : Vocabulary tentang tempat-tempat umum(Public places)

VOCABULARY DASAR TENTANG COLOR Tempat-tempat umum. a picture from

       

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Hospital : Rumah sakit Post Office : Kantor pos Bank : Bank School : sekolah Market : Pasar Movie : Bioskop Park : taman

                            

8. Hotel : hotel 9. Airport : Bandara 10. Harbour : Pelabuhan 11. Railway station : Stasiun kereta api 12. Bus stop/terminal : Terminal bis 13. Zoo : Kebun binatang 14. Museum : musium 15. Police station/ police office : Kantor pos 16. Supermarket : Swalayan 17. Shop/store : toko 18. Book store : toko buku 19. Drugstore : apotik 20. Stationary : Toko alat tulis 21. Library : Perpustakaan 22. Gas station : Pom bensin/SBPU 23. Factory : Pabrik 24. Green grocer : Toko sayuran 25. Grocery :Toko pangan 26. Restaurant : restoran 27. Swimming pool : Kolam renang 28. Mosque : Masjid 29. Church : gereja 30. Monastery : Biara 31. Temple : candi/pura 32. Pagoda : klenteng 33. Beach : Pantai 34. Mountain : Pegunungan 35. Cafe :kafe 36. Stadium : stadion

Sebelum anak mengenal bahasa tulis, anak sebaiknya mengenal bahasa lisan lebih dahulu. Di sini guru dalam memberikan vocabulary anak tentang location ini diawali dengan listening dan speaking. Guru dapat menggunakan metode yang menurutnya sesuai dengan anak didiknya.