Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship-Springer New York [PDF]

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Creative Management

Research Activities in the Main Countries

Fangqi Xu The Institute for Creative Management and Innovation, Kindai University, Higashi-Osaka, Osaka, Japan

Research on creative management began in the United States in the early 1980s, although one can find terms like “corporate creativity,” “organizational creativity,” and “creative business” in some books and academic journals prior to that time. In 1982, the First Conference on Creative and Innovative Management was held October 5–6 at the RGK Foundation in Austin, Texas (Charnes and Cooper 1984). The second conference was held at the University of Miami November 7–9, 1984 (Kuhn 1985), and the third conference was held June 2–3, 1987, in Pittsburgh at the Graduate School of Industrial Administration, CarnegieMellon University (Ijiri and Kuhn 1988). All three conferences were sponsored by the IC2 Institute at the University of Texas at Austin. The conference proceedings were published by Ballinger Publishing Company in 1984, 1985, and 1988. Such conferences have an influence on academic circles and the industrial world in the United States. In the United Kingdom, the Open University Business School offered a course called “Creative Management” for MBA candidates in 1991 (Henry 1991). The course is now called “Sustainable Creative Management” and is still held at the school. In China, Changzhou University established the Institute for Creative Management in 2005. It is the first institute on this research area in China.

Synonyms Creative business; Creativity in business; Innovative management

Definition Creative management is the study and practice of management, drawing on the theories of creative processes and their individual, group, and organizational application.

Origin of the Concept Creative management has its origin in two academic research spheres: one is management studies and the other is creativity research. The former has a history that is longer than a century, and the latter is more 80 years old. Management studies paid more attention to a person than a thing, and creativity research has been developing applicable ranges since the 1980s; creative management was born as an inevitable result (Xu and Rickards 2007).

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_3-2


In 2010, the Institute for Creative Management and Innovation was launched at Kindai University in Japan. It is the first institute on this research area in Japan. Research on creative management has been developing from North America to Europe and Asia, and the level of research has become higher with the development from conferences to MBA courses and research institutes. Thus, creative management has become a promising research area for the future.

Research Subjects There are two primary research subjects in creative management: the creative company and the creative manager (Xu 2005). Creative Company In assessment of a creative company, two aspects are observed: creative behavior and creative environment. Creative Behavior

A creative company is an enterprise that has won intense competition with creative behavior. For a company, creative behavior has three layers: individual creativity, team creativity, and organizational creativity. Individual creativity is the foundation of team and organizational creativity. Because corporative competition in the market is not an individual play, it is an all-out play; a company must pull together individuals’ creativity to become team creativity and organizational creativity. Creative Environment

A created environment includes both physical environment and social environment. The former means facilities, materials, literature, and so on. The latter includes human relations, organizational atmosphere, and corporate culture. In short, hard (physical) environment and soft (social) environment come together at the same time. In this environment, employees can do their best creative work.

Creative Management

Canon is a high-technology maker of cameras and printers, and had about 194,000 employees and ¥3707 billion (US$46.5 billion) of revenue in the 2010 fiscal year. It is a creative company not just because of its share of the market but because it owns 80,000 patents and its achievement in new product development (Tanaka 2004). Other creative companies from the Fortune 500 include Apple, Samsung, Sony, Lenovo, and Haier. However, creative companies are not only large corporations. Some smaller companies have distinctive competitive power in the world. For example, Okano Industrial Co., Ltd. is a small company in Japan with only six employees, including the president. However, its revenue is ¥600 million (about US$7.8 million) (Okano 2003). On the average, one person’s revenue is ¥100 million (about US$1.3 million)! In general, average revenue for a small company is only ¥10  15 million, and even for a big company the average revenue is ¥20  25 million in Japan. Why is this company so successful? Because they have some original techniques and developed several unique products. They invented a needle so that patients never feel pain at injection. Sony asked the company to make the case for the lithium ion battery for its mobile phones, because of Sony was unable to find a maker to do it without Okano. Creative Manager The creative manager is a creative person who possesses a creative personality and has the abilities of creative thinking, creative decision making, and creative leadership. A creative personality is a psychological characteristic. It refers to an individual’s overall constitution and capacity to be creative. Creative Personality

Personality is a psychological concept. It consists of a person’s make-up and interactions with the environment. A person’s behavior is prescribed by his/her personality. Independence, impulse, and curiosity are characteristics of creative personalities.

Creative Management

Creative Thinking

Creative thinking is an original function of the brain that is related to problem solving. Creative thinking is not a gift but can be formed through training. The premise of creative thinking is to do away with common sense. If one sticks only to common sense, he/she never thinks creatively. It requires bravery to do away with common sense because of the potential risks – failure, loss of position or job. Therefore, it is necessary rational thinking – hypothesis, reasoning, verification, and so on – is also included. Creative Decision Making

Decision making is the ability to decide something by one’s self. It is a necessary ability for a CEO to judge the conditions and future when he/she wants to take action. But it is impossible to know whether all decisions will be correct. A CEO has to do such decision making every day. If a CEO’s decision has brought about huge profit, one can consider that he/she has a capacity for creative decision making. Tadashi Yanai, the chairman, president, and CEO of Fast Retailing, has said, “1 win and 9 defeats (Yanai 2003).” This means that, although he had failed many times in his business life, if only one time was successful, the business will be sustainable. Creative Leadership

Leadership is an ability to manage a company. A CEO should lead the company with a broad view of things and does not need to be involved in daily operations. A creative manager can make the best of the subordinates’ creativity and lead them to solve the short-term problems and deal with longer-term research. Because leadership has an abstract character, it is difficult to assess from the outside. Therefore, creative managers often use their own words to explain it. For example, Liu Chuanzhi, the founder of Lenovo, subdivided leadership into three concrete abilities: the ability to make a managerial team, the ability to enact strategy, and the ability to pull together subordinates (Xu 2007). The late Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, was one of the most creative managers in the world. Sometimes he was seen as an uncommon man by the


people around him because of his strong creative personality. His abilities of creative thinking, creative decision making, and creative leadership were better than any manager in the industrial world. Apple became one of the most creative companies in the world because of his leadership (Isaacson 2011). Tadashi Yanai is a creative manager in Japan. He transformed a small clothes shop that was started by his father into the number one retailer of clothes in Japan and created the worldwide UNIQLO brand due to his creativity and management innovation. Zhong Qinghou is the founder of the Wahaha Group, the largest maker of soft drinks in China. Under Zhong’s creative leadership, the company competes with foreign giants such as Coca Cola, Pepsi, and Danone and has been developing rapidly. Zhong was named as the number one billionaire in Mainland China by Forbes in 2010 (March 29, 2010). Fig. 1 provides a summary of the elements of creative management that are explained above.

Creativity in Business The history of creativity research in business goes back to the 1930s in America. It began in product development and advertising and explored aspects of people and organization within the development of management. “Brainstorming,” the famous creative thinking method, was born at an advertising company, BBDO, in 1938 (Osborn 1953). Later, other fields related to management identified the significance of creativity. For example, idea creation, product development, design innovation, acquisition of knowledge capital, enforcement of spin-off, marketing development, cost control, human resource development, and competition have acknowledged potential for creativity and its stimulation. Courses related to creativity and business are offered at many colleges and universities (Xu et al. 2005). For example, Harvard Business School has a course called “Managing for Creativity”; Columbia Business School offered an MBA course called “Entrepreneurial Creativity”; DePaul


Creative Management

Creative Management, Fig. 1 The elements of creative management

individual creativity Creative behavior

team creativity organizational creativity physical environment

Creative company

Creative environment social environment creative thinking Creative ability

creative decision making creative leadership

Creative manager independence Creative personality

impulse curiosity

University’s MBA program includes the required course “Creativity in Business”; Indiana University offered an MBA course entitled “Creativity and Innovation: Generating New Venture Ideas”; Northwood University has a course “Creativity and Business”; Stanford Business School has two courses entitled “Creativity in Business” and “Personal Creativity in Business”; Hass School of Business at University of California, Berkeley, offered an MBA elective course entitled “Creativity in Business”; Michigan Business School’s course is called “Managing Creativity” as is HBS’s; and University of Southern Maine’s business school offered an MBA course called “Change and Creativity”. These courses started in 1980s and 1990s.

Principles of Creative Management The Universality Principle Creativity is an inherent potential of all human beings. This appears to be contested by theories concentrating exclusively on extraordinary creative talents in arts, science, and even in business. However, the universality principal is more widely accepted in the educational domain, where intelligence is regarded as universal, although some people display evidence of having superior levels of intelligence than others. This principle is related to corporate behavior. If a CEO believes everyone has creativity, he/she will do something for the all employees, not only

for a few experts. For example, Canon, a Japanese maker of cameras and printers, gives a promotion opportunity to everyone every year. If someone passes the promotion test, he/she will be promoted (Mitarai 2001). Haier, a Chinese maker of home electric appliances, invites public applications in the company when an administrative post becomes vacant (Xu 2006). Canon and Haier consider everyone as a creative person. The Developmental Principle Potential creativity will become actual creativity under suitable developmental conditions. Conversely, actual creativity will decline if the person is restricted in opportunities to display his/her creativity. Creativity is not a fixed attribute; it must be changing and developing. In most cases, development is the main characteristic. Development has two sides: outside and inside. Suggestion systems, group action, and project teams are outside. On-thejob training (OJT), self-education, and selfdevelopment are inside. Because employees’ potential creativity will gradually become actual creativity through development, a CEO should offer opportunities to apply actual creativity. For example, offering work that provides someone with a sense of purpose or higher responsibility. It is possible that someone’s creative talent changes from one domain to another. For example, a sports champion may become a manufacturer’s CEO, a carpenter may become a famous painter, and so on.

Creative Management

The Environmental Principle Environmental features influence the development and manifestation of creativity (the developmental principle). Research will increasingly shed light on the mechanisms through which contextual features limit or enhance creativity. There is gathering consensus that creativity is supported through features encouraging “ownership,” participation, and the enhanced sense of well-being through self-actualization. Generally speaking, a good environment stimulates creativity. For a researcher, “good” means both hard environment and soft environment. The hard environment includes having research funding, research assistants, laboratory, materials, and so on. And the soft environment includes human relationships, flextime, evaluation and encouragement, and so on. A bad environment represses creativity. For example, dirtiness, noise, small space, lack of funds and equipment, tense atmosphere in office, arbitrary boss, unfaithful colleagues, and so on, will repress creativity. However, some people are successful in a bad environment. In these cases, it is necessary to have the strong spiritual power. Creating a good environment in order to make the best of employees’ creativity is important work for a CEO.

Conclusion and Future Directions Creative management has a history of 30 years. It began in the United States and has influence in Europe and Asia. Creative management, because of a lack of theoretical research and interpretation, has not yet gained a significant academic position. Research on creative companies is scarce, and more theoretical research, interpretation and case studies are needed in the future.

Cross-References ▶ Business Creativity ▶ Corporate Creativity ▶ Creative Behavior


▶ Creative Leadership ▶ Creative Personality ▶ Creativity Management Optimization ▶ Organizational Creativity

References Charnes A, Cooper WW, editors. Creative and innovative management. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Company; 1984. Henry J, editor. Creative management. London: Sage; 1991. Ijiri Y, Kuhn RL, editors. New directions in creative and innovative management. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Company; 1988. Isaacson W. Stave jobs: the biography (in Japanese) (trans: Inokuchi K). Tokyo: Kodansha; 2011. Kuhn RL, editor. Frontiers in creative and innovative management. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Company; 1985. Mitarai F. Lifetime employment is competitiveness (in Japanese). Nikkei Sangyo Shinbun, March 6, 2001. Okano M. I make it (in Japanese). Tokyo: Chukei Publishing Company; 2003. Osborn AF. Applied imagination. Buffalo: Creative Education Foundation; 1953. Tanaka Y. Invention of corporation and its value assessment (in Japanese). J Nikkeibp Chizai Aware, May 13, 2004. Xu F. A proposal for establishment of creative management (in Japanese). J Jpn Creativity Soc. 2005;9:111–23. Xu F. Comparative study between Japanese and Chinese enterprises (in Japanese). Kyoto: Nakanishiya Shuppan; 2006. Xu F. Liu Chuanzhi: the founder of Lenovo (in Japanese). Kyoto: Nakanishiya Shuppan; 2007. Xu F, McDonnell G, Nash WR. A survey of creativity courses at universities in principal countries. J Creative Behav. 2005;39(2):75–88. Second Quarter 2005. Xu F, Rickards T. Creativity management: a predicted development from research into creativity and management. J Creat Innov Manage. 2007;16(3):216–28. Yanai T. 1 win and 9 defeats (in Japanese). Tokyo: Shinchosha Publishing Company; 2003.


Creative Leadership Andrei G. Aleinikov and David A. Smarsh International Academy of Genius, Montery, CA, USA

Synonyms Absolute leadership; Idea leadership; Ideal leadership

Definition Creative leadership is the process of accelerated advancing organization.

messages (nonverbal and verbal) that clearly depict the vision (new organization of the future world) and inspire people to do their best to achieve the vision. A good leader can use these processes in multiple situations to lead people or organizations successfully, effectively, and with efficiency. A good leader can solve complex problems – and the more creative the solutions are, the more successful the organization, civilian, or military will be. Moreover, any good leader (a creative leader) projects creativity to subordinates, and their collective (united, combined) creativity becomes unbeatable. Creative leadership (ideal leadership, absolute leadership), as a fundamental form of leadership, reveals itself in other types of leadership. Thus, it is useful to review the well-known styles of leadership.

Introduction: New Type of Leadership Traditional Types of Leadership Creative leadership, as a type of leadership, is rarely understood properly, but it is so fundamental that its ultimate form can be called ideal leadership or absolute leadership. In traditional terms, “good” leadership (and good leadership is always creative leadership) means having the “right ideas” and “doing the right thing” which includes having the “right behavior,” knowing when and how to ask the “right questions,” then taking the “right action,” and producing the “right results.” A good leader communicates, that is, creates and sends positive

Most people would agree that a good general definition of leadership is “the process of influencing others toward a common goal” (see other definitions in Bennis 1985; Burns 1978; Yukl 1981, etc.). For the majority of researchers, leadership is personified by great people and is carried out in historically great events. Thus, the leadership typically analyzed and discussed in literature is based on either traits or behaviors. The well-known classifications include:

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_8-2


• Autocratic versus charismatic (Avollo and Bass 1988; Kuhnert and Lewis 1987) • Formal (leadership of position) versus informal (a leader controls the group without being in a leadership position) • Transactional versus transformational (the leader changes the circumstances of events) (Bass 1998) • Exclusive versus inclusive (the leader embraces the opinions of the group and includes the group in the process of decision making) • Authoritarian versus servant (the leader accepts the goal of serving the group and its interests) (Greenleaf 2002) Characteristics (Traits) of a Leader Since the main emphasis in leadership research is placed on the behavioral characteristics, the majority of researchers go straight to the basic characteristics of a leader. In numerous resources, you will find from three to 50 basic traits that successful leaders must have (see, e.g., Maxwell 2007; Smith 1986; Taylor and Rosenbach 1984). These key qualities of a leader include strong character, charisma, commitment, communication, competence, courage, focus, vision, etc. However, even the authors who identify the 21 qualities of a leader do not mention creativity. They mention problem-solving ability, but not creativity. The Leadership of Idea (Empirical Proof) As a counterexample of all “trait theories,” there are instances when a person does not have all of these traits, does not say anything to the group, but functions as a leader nonetheless. Case 1 During a raging flood, a group of people became trapped on the roof of a house. The water was rising rapidly, and there was no way to escape. As the waters rose, inflated tires from a nearby garage began to wash up onto the roof. One woman saw the tires, grabbed one, sat in the middle of it, and jumped into the river, using it as an inner tube. The floodwaters carried her to a nearby hill where she jumped off to safety. The other people trapped on the roof watched her do

Creative Leadership

this and followed her example. As a result, all of the people were saved. In this case, without saying a word, simply by acting correctly and achieving the desired result, the woman was able to lead the people to safety. That is leadership by example some researchers would state, but notice that the woman’s leadership began with an idea (“right idea”), went through to the action stage (“right action”), and finished also with an idea (“right idea”) in the minds of the other people. There was no coordination, no communication, and no charisma. The woman created an idea – a connection between earlier nonconnected entities (situation, danger of drowning; goal, safety; means, inflated, floating tires) that led to saving her life and the lives of other people. This was certainly an act of creative leadership: (a) a creative act – she generated a creative idea and (b) a leadership act, by her example, she led people out of danger. It was also “ideal leadership”: (a) idea based and (b) the best in the situation (ideal) – it required no radio, no helicopters, no rescue workers, no explanations, and no instructions. It was simply ideal. The concept of ideal is used here as it is understood and explained in the works of Altshuller, the author (see TRIZ, “▶ Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), Theory”) who introduced the so-called ideal final result (IFR) as achieving a goal with minimal effort and minimal material expenses (Altshuller 1986). Another life example that required no other traits of leadership except creativity is given below. Case 2 During WWII, airplanes were built and repaired in hangars. Imagine winter time in Russia. Working on airplanes in the open air was impossible. There was frost, snow, winds, and blizzards. So the obvious question was how to put more aircraft into one hangar so as to do the repairing faster. People were not a problem: there were lots of mechanics. Space was a problem. All the specialists from the Constructor General to the entry-level engineers were thinking of the problem. The Constructor General visited the hangars and talked to workers. A stunningly simple idea came from an older mechanic. He suggested

Creative Leadership

lowering the pressure in all the left (or all the right) tires of the chassis. The airplanes would lean to one side, and their wings would not interfere with those of other airplanes. The same hangar could accommodate nearly twice as many airplanes. Here was a creative idea-creative solution to the problem. The Constructor General was happy with the idea, he called Stalin, Stalin gave an order to the aviation industry, and all airplane production plants and maintenance facilities followed the suggested idea. As a result, literally overnight, the air force repair industry nearly doubled its production (adapted from Altshuller 1986). In this specific case, an older mechanic was the creative idea generator or idea leader. It was his idea that the Constructor General, then Stalin, then ministers, then plant directors, and finally engineers followed. This is a clear case where no other traits of traditional leadership come into play, only creativity. Moreover, this case is an example of “ideal leadership”: no construction of new hangars, no cutting of wings, no special platforms, and no lifting mechanisms were needed. Minimal energy was exerted to reach the goal. Thus, this case is very close to an ideal leadership solution. These cases illustrate one aspect that has been missed by most leadership theories: it is not the person who is leading. It is the idea(s) that this person generates or perceives and then makes available to people. The existing theories of leadership either did not see this kind of leadership, or they were unable to explain it. A new theory was needed.

New Concept and New Vision of Creative (Ideal and Absolute) Leadership The concept of creative leadership can have both a narrow and a broad meaning. If creative leadership is understood as leadership in a creative area, then its meaning is narrow. If creative leadership is understood as training leaders to solve problems creatively, then its meaning is also narrow. However, if creative leadership is understood as


leadership by creative ideas, then this is a broad meaning. When creative leadership is understood as leadership by idea (no matter who the author of this idea is), the scope of the leadership concept is widened, and the volume of the concept is increased. For example, from the religious point of view, God leads people by ideas (absolute leadership), so God’s leadership is included in the concept of creative leadership. In secular life, a genius who develops a breakthrough idea and is then led by this idea is encompassed by the new concept as well. A great explorer led by the dream to conquer the North Pole is included. Any person following an idea is led. As Lord Byron stated, “And when we think we lead, we are most led.” Ideas, however, are immaterial. They cannot be touched, seen, or heard until they are manifested. They may be articulated in speech (utterances, monologues, dialogs, presentations, etc.) or in writing (notes, letters, reports, articles, books, or even covenants carved in stone). In any case, the process of manifestation of ideas is present. Emotions and feelings may exist without language. Ideas (thoughts, concepts, conclusions) need language in order to exist. People think in words. Leadership, therefore, is communication, verbal or nonverbal. Theoretical Analysis: Paradigm Shift Language is the main tool whereby ideas are manifested. Language communication is the domain where people exchange ideas coded in words, sentences, or statements. That is why linguistics – the science of speech and language – has to be taken into account in order to deal with the manifestation (expression) of ideas. As a response to the need, creative linguistics, introduced in 1988, developed the tools for analyzing the creative aspects of speech and proved that any speech act is a creative act (see “▶ Creative Linguistics,” Aleinikov 1988, 1992). This development led to the explanation of creative leadership and eventually to a new science of leadership – agogics. As shown in cases 1 and 2, an idea (a correct, useful, and problem-solving new idea) can lead


the positional and even the autocratic leader. A creative idea can advance the group (society) to a better (more efficient) organization of its activities and resources. In any communicative act, whether at work or at home, people listen to each other in search of new ideas. In contrast, imagine that some individual mumbles one and the same thing all the time. This person will be of no interest to anyone. But a person with lots of new ideas is listened to. People listen to those individuals who have ideas. In any problem situation, people listen to a person for at least a short period of time and then decide whether or not to use this person’s idea as a part of the common solution. If they decide yes, they continue to follow the idea (so the idea is still “leading”). If not, they listen to someone else with a more creative idea or offer their own idea. Obviously, the person who offers the best (most creative) idea becomes an idea leader without any additional or special effort. This is creative leadership (ideal leadership) at its best. From the theoretical point of view, this creative leadership can be viewed as the best possible version of leadership or as “ideal.” To combine these two meanings (ideal 1 because it stems from an idea and ideal 2 because it is the best), a special spelling of the term IdeaLeadership# was introduced (Aleinikov 1999b). In contrast to the traditional view that a leader is required to have certain characteristics of a leader (often described in a lengthy list), the broad vision of creative leadership includes the possibility that any person who produces an idea – a useful idea – becomes a leader in a given situation. Such an individual can be in the lowest possible position in an organizational or social hierarchy. Such an individual may have no traditional leadership traits at all. This does not matter. The idea producer becomes an instant leader because the idea leads other people. The life episodes described in the cases above are examples of a useful idea leading. Such situations happen in the family life when a useful idea comes from a child, at work, school, etc. Now, it is easy to see how creative leadership shapes the basis for all other types of leadership:

Creative Leadership

• Even the most autocratic leaders (despots, dictators) rule mostly with words, and words merely manifest their ideas. • The charismatic leaders also lead or rule by communicating ideas. Even those with the sweetest of personalities have to have ideas to wrap them up into charismatically delivered verbal or nonverbal message. • Transformational, inclusive, and servant leaders have to have ideas in order to lead. They themselves may be very intelligent and creative generating ideas on their own, or they may solicit and use the ideas of the others (as inclusive leaders do), but having ideas is a must. Good leaders both generate ideas and are open to the ideas from the followers. A person in charge – in a leadership or management position at any level – has to generate (create) an idea before that idea can be communicated to followers, subordinates, employees, etc. The idea must come first; communication and the manner of communication come second. A new theoretical approach states that if creativity, in traditional terms, is a new combination of known elements, then people who speak engage in creativity all the time. In every statement, people take the known elements of language and combine them in a unique manner – suitable in this particular moment for solving this particular communication problem. The degree (rate) of creativity in a statement may vary: one statement with a low degree of creativity will be forgotten in a second, while another – with high degree of creativity – will be remembered for centuries, like Shakespeare’s “to be or not to be” speech. In leadership terms, one statement “leads” people’s minds (and behavior) for a very short period of time, and another “leads” people’s minds (and behavior) for hundreds of years. Nevertheless, any statement is a result of creative thinking, and any created utterance in turn creates a new communicative situation and causes other people to create their responses too. To illustrate this understanding, creative linguistics offers the theoretical model of sign, language, language consciousness, and speech act

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that also reflects a heuristic act (the act of discovery, invention, or art creation – all leading by ideas). That is why the model is called universal. This three-dimensional model allowed researchers to represent the creative act graphically in relation to the society (Aleinikov 1999a). This vision (Fig. 1) of speech act and creative (heuristic) act shows an individual (a) as creating ideas about the world (d), coding them into language tools (c), and communicating them to the

society (b), thus expanding the available domain of culture that includes knowledge, traditions, etc. Such a graphic representation allows researchers to make the next step (Fig. 2) and to visualize the creativity of a genius whose creative acts (breakthrough discoveries or art masterpieces) expand the domain of culture in the most accelerated manner and lead the society for a long time (see “▶ Genius”). Geniuses are the most powerful leaders. Their ideas lead all of the humanity (not simply one

Culture domain





B Society





“House” C



B Society

Symbolic system D World(Reality)

C Symbolic System

D World (Reality)

Creative Leadership, Fig. 1 Universal model of sign, language, speech act, and heuristic act (left) and how it expands the culture domain (right)

Creative Leadership, Fig. 2 Genius creative leadership (leading into the future)

Individual creative acts expanding culture

Genius creative act

Culture domain


Individual creative acts expanding culture


country) for centuries. Moreover, their leadership does not need armed forces, police, or any other enforcement. Their leadership needs no other means except learning about their ideas. People read their books, learn their ideas, and follow their explanations. Geniuses are the most prominent representatives of IdeaLeadership: they are IdeaLeaders that people follow (Aleinikov 2002). For example, since early in our human history, people have been using the game-changing invention, the wheel. People have been using calculation since somebody created it. People have been using logic since Aristotle described it. People have been using x-ray technology in various forms after Röntgen discovered this type of shortwave rays. People use thousands of things and processes, including language that is renewed and recreated in every statement. Somewhere back in our history, there was a discoverer, an inventor, a creator, and an author of an idea. For more examples of creative leadership, see “▶ Modern Applications” below. With this new concept of creative leadership that spans from a single speech act to the books that attract thousands of researchers and millions of comments, such as the Bible, and movies that attract millions of viewers in a matter of months, the general concept of leadership expands as well. In addition to traditionally construed political, military, business, and education leadership, leadership now includes scientific, technological, artistic, cultural, athletic, and media leadership, as well as leadership in all other spheres of social life. This is leadership by creativity and leadership by creative act. A society that leads other societies into the future (e.g., a democracy) safeguards intellectual property in scientific research (certificates of discoveries), technological development (patents), literature (copyright), and other forms of protection, which allows people to create freely and to implement their creative solutions rapidly. This is acceleration in development, and this accelerated advancing organization is the creation of the new world organization by creative leadership. With this rapid advancement, such fields as creative education (Creative Education Foundation, Buffalo, NY), the search for creativity-

Creative Leadership

enhancing techniques, and the most powerful idea-generation methodologies and teaching innovations all become a priority. The reason is obvious: the more efficient the process of generating new ideas, the more successful the society (group) that employs it will be. Even this encyclopedia is an example of attention to the sphere of creativity and innovation. The first Encyclopedia of Creativity was published in 1999, and this Encyclopedia of Creativity, Innovation, Invention, and Entrepreneurship is another powerful step to popularizing the field of creativity and innovation, which is now being examined on the scientific level. Limits of the Concept Where are the limits of the creative leadership concept? Below is a graphic representation of two fields – creativity and leadership – as well as the two sciences that reflect them and overlap (Fig. 3). As the model shows, the bulk of leadership is creative leadership, but there are two domains that border the limits of the concept: non-leading creativity and noncreative leadership: • Non-leading creativity occurs when someone creates alone and never shows the works to public. In such a case, the works do not “lead” (attract, entertain, fascinate, enthuse, inspire) anybody, so there is no leadership at all. The person might be a founder of a new style of art or a discoverer of new scientific laws, but since no one even knows about these works, no one is led by them. • Noncreative leadership happens when destructive methods are used to rule, govern, or control somebody’s behavior (as in slavery). Such a leadership style does not create anything and actually destroys the subordinates. The final result is that a leader who practices such leadership style (a despot, a dictator) is usually destroyed as well. Creative leadership, as opposed to both “trait” and “event” leadership, does not have time and space limitations and is much more enduring. For

Creative Leadership


Leadership studied by the science of leadership – Agogics

Creativity studied by the science of creativity–Sozidonics or Creatology

Creative Leadership

Non-leading creativity (passive, isolated, no action, no innovation)

Non-creative leadership (ruling by force, enforcement)

Creative Leadership, Fig. 3 Creative leadership domain

instance, past military or political leaders are still remembered, honored, studied, and followed. It means creative leadership as a concept is broader than an individual leader’s life, features, and behaviors. If events, such as wars, battles, revolutions, and the victors of these encounters, are still studied by students, then creative leadership as a concept is broader than the event leadership. People are led by ideas – ideas from the past (people study history), ideas from the present (people watch TV, listen to the radio, read newspapers), and ideas from the future (people dream and have goals). Education and training as a whole are nothing more than learning about the ideas developed in history for solving problems. For example, Socrates became a great intellectual leader not because of his ability to motivate groups of people to do something but because of his ideas. Socrates continues to lead centuries after his death because his ideas remained valuable. He is still remembered and considered a genius. The Socratic method of teaching (an educational idea) is a viable methodology. Genius ideas is exactly what John F. Kennedy meant when he said, “A person may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death.” New Science of Leadership Despite numerous attempts to develop some scientific theories of leadership, “. . .leadership theories are, at this point, sets of empirical generalizations and have not developed into

scientifically testable theories” (Johnson 1990). Such situations are typical in the history of science – it takes time to move from recognizing and describing the phenomena to distilling the essence. The research into creative leadership and finding the ultimate forms of leadership (ideal leadership, absolute leadership) helps shape a new science of leadership that is growing out of descriptions and stand-alone theories. The research is moving from phenomena to the essence and from separate theories to science. This science of leadership is called agogics. This name is coined from the Greek agogos, which means “leader.” This root is seen in the second part of modern terms like pedagogy and andragogy which are translated as leading child and leading adults. The traditional suffix -ics is added to follow the model of the names of other sciences: physics, mathematics, linguistics, etc. This new science, agogics, explains both the material and ideal worlds of leadership while dealing exactly with its essence – advancing organization. New Definition of Leadership The concept of leadership in general should include all types and styles of leadership. As we have seen in the earlier example, the woman in the flood managed to find the right organization of materials, means, and movements that advanced her and the other people to the “right” solution – survival and safety. Political, scientific, and social


Creative Leadership

leaders do it all the time. They shape the future – they lead the society to a new organization of the world. This new organization of the world created by the leader, expressed in language, and called vision, attracts followers, and they begin to help leaders to achieve this new organization. The new definition of leadership that takes into account all types of leadership is as follows: “Leadership is the process of advancing organization.” New Classification of Leadership Clearly, there are two polar types of leadership: • Material leadership (coercion/physically pushing/pulling – the most primitive) • Ideal leadership (communicating/transferring an idea/inspiring/motivating by idea/convincing that the idea is “right”) The scale below graphically depicts the types of leadership, with the darkest shading representing material leadership and the lightest representing ideal leadership. Ideal leadership, on one side of the spectrum, is the most powerful. It is the first to start and the longest to live, instant and eternal (at least as long as there is one follower). Creative leadership would be the closest to the ideal depicted on the chart (Fig. 4). Note that all types of leadership can be classified according to the degree of ideality. The less effort and enforcement a type of leadership needs, the higher the level of leadership. The more effort and enforcement a type of leadership needs, the lower the level. This is a scientific, energy-based criterion of leadership. It is objective and measurable. From this point of view, the dictator type of leadership (dark on Fig. 4), which requires police, military, terror, prisons, and other enforcement activities, turns out to be at a much lower level than a democratic type of leadership where Creative Leadership, Fig. 4 Leadership types spectrum


“majority rules” and ideas are freely discussed or, for instance, a charismatic type of leadership that works by inspiration. What Is an Idea? An idea, whether it takes the form of thought, notion, concept, conception, image, decision, or association, is the product of mental activity, the creation of the human mind. It can be a reflection of the material world (an image), but it can also be the reflection of reflection (an idea about the image, a concept of the concept). Ideas are capable of multiplying without regard to the material world. Such is the power of ideation. Ideation can bring the images of the future world, and the current material world can be reorganized to fit this image. Architects and inventors engage in this kind of imaginative activity all the time. It is certainly better for humanity if our scientific ideas reflect the world realistically with minimal fantasy, but when it comes to technology, literature, arts, theater, and movies, there are no limits to ideation. In any case, since an idea is the creation of the mind, it is already created and it is creative. The question is how creative an idea is? What Is a Creative Idea? An idea is often understood as a very new idea, but, sometimes, an idea is a known pattern applied to a new situation. In this case, the amount of newness is different. A world chess champion, for example, recognizes moves and strategies that have been used by others and has a store of winning tricks and combinations. The champion may apply an existing idea or a combination of ideas to a particular chess game. However, true champions may also create new ideas even under the pressure of a world championship match. There are thousands of attempts to define creativity (see details in Aleinikov et al. 2000). For example, Stanley Gryskiewicz, Center for Creative Traditionally studied types


Creative Leadership

Leadership, defines creativity as novelty that is useful (Gryskiewicz 1999). More often, creativity is understood as the ability and the process of generating new ideas, an ability to find not previously seen combinations of existing concepts. The scientific definition of creativity states that creativity is the process of accelerating organization (see “▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches”). Since creativity is the process of accelerating organization and leadership is the process of advancing organization, then creative leadership is the process of accelerated advancing organization. Born or Made? There are debates on whether leaders are born or made. In the same manner, people debate whether creativity is innate or can be taught and whether genius is born or nurtured. The right answer to this debate is to delete “or” and use “and” instead. Creativity characteristics, genius features, and leader traits are both genetic and nurtured. If in the natural world survival of the fittest occurs, then in the human world, the strongest and the most creative will have advantages as well. The strongest individuals may become champions and leaders in sports. The most creative individuals find solutions, survive, and endure. Strength, creativity, and leadership are trainable and teachable. Thus, a trained person can be stronger, more creative (to the level of MegaCreativity and higher – Aleinikov 2002), and a better leader. No wonder that organizations like Center for Creative Leadership (Greensboro, NC) are in demand and so successful – they adequately reflect the essence of the issue: leadership must be creative, and creativity (by generating winning ideas) leads to success! Creative leadership (idea leadership, IdeaLeadership) is more powerful and definitely much more spread than noncreative leadership.

Applications to the History and Modern World of Leadership The world’s religions – Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism – all are the


ideas that have led masses of people throughout history. In the best cases, no enforcement was needed. On the other hand, under political doctrines like Marxism, Leninism, or fascism, the enforcement was horrific and led to enormous loss of human lives. The wars of ideas often led to actual wars between the countries and coalitions (WWI and WWII) as well as between the groups of people within single countries (civil wars). Wars of ideas are the fight for the dominance of a particular idea in the world of the future. Ideas (through people they lead) are fighting for the future organization of the world (Hamel and Prahalad 1996). Creative ideas are accelerating this advancement. Some examples of this advancement are as follows: • Creators of religions are next to geniuses in creative leadership power. Their ideas lead masses of the world’s population and have succeeded in doing so over the centuries and across the borders of numerous countries. • Creators of new technologies, such as Apple, Microsoft, and World Wide Web, are vivid examples of creative leadership. They create the ubiquitous technologies, thus leading to free communication among human populations. • Movie makers and movie industries are among the leaders in the creative leadership domain. Their products move masses to the desired organization of the world by creating images and phrases that indelibly influence the minds of viewers.

Implementation of Creative Leadership Ideas Many countries promote creative leadership principles through organizations and educational institutions. For example, the Creative Education Foundation (Amherst, Massachusetts, USA), one of the first in the world, since its inception in 1954 in Buffalo, NY, has offered creativity education to all sectors of the population, including military and business leaders. Their unique programs, such as Creative


Problem Solving Institute (CPSI), offer weeklong conferences where creativity specialists from around the world get together to share their ideas and teaching methodologies. They also teach children – future leaders – to think creatively. The Center for Creative Leadership (Greensboro, NC) since 1970 has led the trend in creativity by teaching leaders in the United States and now globally in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Asia-Pacific region, Russia, and other countries. Creativity-oriented and customized programs are geared to all levels of leadership, from the entry level to the top executives in business, education, healthcare, law, the nonprofit sector, pharmaceuticals, and government. The American Creativity Association has for over 20 years supported global creativity and innovation initiatives through local chapters in the United States and with international affiliates in Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Singapore, and Taiwan. Creative leadership organizations and individual companies for training leaders exist in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. They train leaders via conferences, live programs, and consulting. One of the strongest and most consistent organizations promoting creative leadership principles and innovation initiatives is located in South Africa. The South African Creativity Foundation, founded and headed by Dr. Kobus Neethling, has been advancing the country and region for about two decades. In addition to publishing research papers and literature on creativity and creative education, the foundation organizes unique conferences and teaches political, business, and educational leaders to lead creatively. The South African Creativity Foundation produces a TV show on creativity and sponsors TV contests for the most creative man in Africa. Its leader, Dr. Kobus Neethling, together with the author of this entry, holds the Guinness World Record in publishing for the fastest written, printed, and published book in 2001. Some forward-looking universities and colleges have begun to introduce new programs on creativity. For example, Buffalo State College, State University of New York, pioneered a Master’s Degree in Creativity Studies in the 1940s.

Creative Leadership

The International Center for Studies in Creativity (1967), established in the college, also educates researchers and creative education practitioners from all over the world. At present, there are some attempts to create Ph.D. Programs for Studies in Creativity (e.g., Saybrook University, San Francisco, California, and other universities). These institutions are the places where the new concepts of creative leadership will be researched and developed further.

Conclusions and Future Directions Leadership is a phenomenon that is not and must not be limited by behaviors, traits, events, or material activity. Leadership by ideas, creative leadership, forms the foundation of any human leadership. Creative leadership, therefore, must be included in the concept of leadership, thus expanding the traditional view. Now that the volume of the concept of leadership is defined precisely, this concept has become a subject of study for the new science of leadership, agogics. The new science offers a new definition of leadership and a new classification of leadership and puts forward new models for studying leadership. The ultimate versions of creative leadership are ideal leadership (IdeaLeadership#) and absolute leadership, where leading occurs without enforcement, without extra effort, or without resources and where the idea is so good that the manifestation (communication or demonstration) of the idea is sufficient to motivate people to follow it. The struggle of ideas (creative or destructive) is as old as ideation itself. The winners in this struggle are people with the better ideas or a better ability to produce (generate, create) winning ideas. The power of ideas created by individuals determines the power of the social entity because they shape the future. If leadership in general is defined as advancing organization, then creative leadership is defined as accelerated advancing organization. If there is value in ideas, then any forwardlooking society should be in search of the best (fastest) methods and techniques to generate innovative ideas. Moreover, the more efficiently these methods work, the faster they lead to creative

Creative Leadership

ideas, and so the higher is the probability that the subject (person, group, organization) will become a leader. This is where the efficiency of idea generation comes into play and methodologies leading to top-level creative efficiency, like MegaCreativity (see “▶ Science of Creativity”), become necessary for succeeding in the future. These are the directions of future research and development as well as broad implementation to industrial, educational (see “▶ Creative Pedagogy”), social, and political life.

Cross-References ▶ Creative Linguistics ▶ Creative Pedagogy ▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches ▶ Genius ▶ Innovation in Business: Six Honest Questions ▶ Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), Theory ▶ Model for Managing Intangibility of Organizational Creativity: Management Innovation Index ▶ Political Leadership and Innovation ▶ Science of Creativity

References Aleinikov AG. Creative linguistics (foundations, problems and perspectives). In: Language awareness: stereotypes and creativity. Moscow: Institute of Linguistics, USSR Academy of Sciences (russ. Креативная лингвистика (обоснование, проблемы, перспективы). Языковое сознание: стереотипы и творчество. Институт языкознания, Академии Наук СССР, Москва; 1988). Aleinikov AG. Theoretical foundations of creative linguistics. (russ. Теоретические основания креативной

11 лингвистики). Unpublished Doctor of Sciences dissertation. Moscow: Military University; 1992. Aleinikov A. Humane creativity. In: Runco MA, Pritzker SR, editors. The encyclopedia of creativity, vol. 1. San Diego: Academic; 1999a. p. 837–44. Aleinikov AG. Mega-creator: from creativity to mega-, giga-, and infi-creativity. Montgomery: MIMII; 1999b. Aleinikov A. MegaCreativity: five steps to thinking like a genius. Cincinnati: Walking Stick Press; 2002. Aleinikov A, Kackmeister S, Koenig R, editors. Creating creativity: 101 definitions (what Webster never told you). Midland: Alden B. Dow Creativity Center Press; 2000. Altshuller GS. To find an idea. Novosibirsk: Nauka; 1986. Avollo BJ, Bass BM. Transformational leadership: charisma and beyond. In: Hunt J, Baliga B, Dachler H, Shriesheim C, editors. Emerging leadership vistas. Toronto: Lexington Books; 1988. Bass BM. Transformational leadership: industrial, military and educational impact. L. Erlbaum Associates: Mahwah; 1998. Bennis SW. Leaders. New York: Harper and Row; 1985. Burns JM. Leadership. New York: Harper and Row; 1978. Greenleaf RK. Servant leadership: a journey into the nature of legitimate power and greatness, 25th anniversary. New York: Paulist Press; 2002. Gryskiewicz SS. Positive turbulence. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; 1999. Hamel G, Prahalad CK. Competing for the future. Boston: Harvard Business School Press; 1996. Johnson DE. Leadership: some thoughts after twenty years. In: Concepts for air force leadership. Maxwell AFB: Air University; 1990. p. 352–7. Kuhnert KW, Lewis P. Transactional and transformational leadership: a constructive/developmental analysis. Acad Manag J. 1987;12:648–57. Maxwell JC. The 21 indispensable qualities of a leader: becoming the person others will want to follow. 2nd ed. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishing; 2007. Smith PM. Taking charge. A practical guide for leaders. Washington, DC: National Defense University Press; 1986. Taylor RL, Rosenbach WE, editors. Contemporary issues in leadership. Boulder: Westview Press; 1984. Yukl GA. Leadership in organizations. Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs; 1981.


Creative Linguistics Andrei G. Aleinikov International Academy of Genius, Monterey, CA, USA

Synonyms Sozidolinguistics

Definition Creative linguistics is a subscience of linguistics that studies creative aspects of language/speech and language aspects of creativity.

Introduction Creative linguistics (sozidolinguistics) is a study of the domain common for language/speech and creativity (Aleinikov 1988a, 1992b, 1994). Sozidolinguistics selects in any communication event only those factors that deal with the generation of newness, that is, with the creative aspect of language and speech. On the other hand, both creative thinking and creative behavior, as it is well known, are based on and/or are wrapped into the language (including music and visual arts), and thus sozidonics, as the science of creativity (see “▶ Science of Creativity”), just cannot

ignore the language as a colossal machine generating more and more of the new products. Neither linguistics nor sozidonics separately can understand and explain how language and creativity coexist and interact. That is why there grew a need for creative linguistics as a combined field of research. That is why it appeared, just as 1 day in the past, there appeared mathematical linguistics, pragmalinguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, etc.

Definition and Differentiation from Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, and Pragmalinguistics Creative linguistics, as a field of linguistics that studies creativity in language and language in creativity, emerged at the cross section of two sciences. Graphically speaking, if two circles, representing two domains, partially overlay each other and make a cross section, then this section belongs to both domains. Here is how the cross sections of fields mentioned above look on the graph. As Fig. 1 illustrates, there are subsciences or emerging fields of research on the cross sections of sciences, and creative linguistics (sozidolinguistics) is one of them. Just as objectively there is creativity in language and there is language in creativity, the science of creativity and linguistics creates a cross section to reflect

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_12-2


this interaction. Certainly, in life, for example, sociolinguistics phenomena are interrelated with pragmalinguistics phenomena (Labov 2001), as well as psycholinguistics phenomena are interrelated with sozidolinguistics phenomena, so the corresponding circles could be overlapping, but this simplified graph is used just to visualize the basic relationship with other sciences when they emerge as subsciences. There are some other fields like the ones depicted in Fig. 1, for example, mathematical linguistics, computational linguistics, neurolinguistics, a cross section of neuroscience and brain research with language research (Luria 1975), etc. The main difference in the process of developing creative linguistics was the fact that there was no established science of creativity at that time. It was a growing field of research, but not a science yet. So the founder of creative linguistics (sozidolinguistics) had to either foresee (predict) the formation of the new science or to create it. That is why sozidonics, the science of creativity (see “▶ Science of Creativity”), was being developed at the same time, and both sciences benefited from this symbiosis. On its way to recognition, creative linguistics had some differentiation problems. Some authors, probably far from the field of linguistics, made an attempt to apply this term to the field of constructing artificial languages. In addition to the website on creative linguistics that dealt with artificial languages, there were some articles that associated creative linguistics with constructed languages (Spencer 2012). Moreover, there was even an unsuccessful attempt to create a Wikipedia page named “Creative Linguistics” for describing constructed languages. The latter was absolutely correctly redirected by Wiki editors to the article “Constructed Languages” because creative linguistics is different. It should be differentiated (disambiguated) from the field of constructed languages. As a field of research that deals with creativity and creative acts in the language domain, sozidolinguistics certainly includes the acts of creating new languages, such as Esperanto and over 1,000 other projects, but it is not limited to such acts and cannot be attached

Creative Linguistics

to them exclusively. There is a special field that deals with constructed languages. It is called interlinguistics (Kuznetsov 1987; Schubert 1989). It studies the international auxiliary languages, also called “constructed” and “planned” languages, as opposed to the natural languages developing spontaneously. The term interlinguistics itself goes back to 1911 and was greatly popularized by the famous Danish linguist Otto Jespersen (1931). Creative linguistics, as opposed to interlinguistics, is 77 years younger (1988 vs. 1911) but much broader in its subject of study (see “New Subject of Research: All Language Innovations” below). If depicted graphically, interlinguistics may be seen as a part of creative linguistics. As Fig. 2 illustrates, the field of interlinguistics is only a part of creative linguistics, and, therefore, it should not be confused with it, as any part cannot be confused with the whole. The second difference between creative linguistics and the other fields is the fact that creative linguistics was designed consciously and published first in a series of articles and then described in a doctor of sciences dissertation. That is why creative linguistics has its own name, sozidolinguistics, its own well-defined subject of study, as well as its own methods, models, and research results (achievements). For comparison, shaping psycholinguistics took about 60 years and the efforts of many outstanding researchers such as Wilhelm Wundt, Noam Chomsky, Dan Slobin, Judith Greene in the West, and Aleksey A. Leontyev, the “father of the Soviet school of psycholinguistics,” with his followers in the East.

Theoretical Foundations: Cross Section of Creativity Research and Language Research (Linguistics) As a new field of research, designed scientifically, creative linguistics had formidable tasks to accomplish. The outline of research included:

Creative Linguistics


Creative Linguistics, Fig. 1 Subsciences at the cross sections of sciences








Creative Linguistics (Sozidolinguistics)


Creative Linguistics, Fig. 2 Creative (sozidolinguistics) and interlinguistics


1. The ontological and gnosiological foundations of Creative Linguistics 1. Ontological (empirical) level of research. Facts of interaction between creativity and language. Domain of study 1. Creativity in general and communicative component in it


Sozidonics, the Science of Creativity

2. Creativity in communication (language and speech) 3. Field of study 2. Gnosiological level of research 1. Mentioning of the language in the creativity research 2. Mentioning of creativity in the linguistic research 3. Subject of study 3. Hypothesis, stages, and projected results of research 2. Designing the basic models of research 1. Modeling. Creative Modeling 2. Main concepts, theories, and models of creativity. Approaches to research in creativity. The suggested concept and model 1. Main concepts and theories of creativity. Available definitions and approaches to its study 1. Creativity phenomenon limits (volume of the concept) 2. Essence of creativity (contents of the concept). Paradoxes of being undefinable 2. Solving the paradoxes. Offered concept of creativity. New approach to the study of creativity phenomenon


3. Models of creativity and the suggested new model 3. Main concepts, theories, and models of linguistics (semiotic) objects. The suggested concept and model 1. Sign. Four-side essence. Universal creativity model 2. Language awareness and its modeling. Models of consciousness as functional organ and the place of language consciousness in it 3. The basic concepts and methods of Creative Linguistics (Sozidolinguistics) 1. Modern speech innovations and the need for special tool for their research 2. Gnosiology of newness – the sublanguage of creativity 3. Sozidonics and Novology 1. Newness. Explication of the concept 2. Units and methods of Novology 3. Units and methods of Sozidonics 4. The model of Sozidonics’ act as the act of speech and languages creation. Heuristic capabilities of the model in the research of language structures generation 1. Generation of language consciousness 2. Forming of Sozidolinguistics units 5. Analytical power of the model. Classification experience 6. The main techniques and methods of generating newness by linguistic means. Lingua-heuristics and Lingua-design 4. Applications of research 1. Application of Creative Linguistics to education (Creative Pedagogy) 1. Designing theoretical discipline programs with creative orientation 2. Designing foreign language acquisition programs with creative orientation 3. Designing faculty development programs (Creative MetaPedagogy) 2. Application of Creative Linguistics to translation and interpretation 1. Creative translation: Fundamentals of creative theory of translation 2. Methodologies of teaching interpreters with the Creative Linguistics model

Creative Linguistics

3. Application of Creative Linguistics ideas to management, positioning, and media 1. Creative Linguistics in creative management 2. Creative Linguistics in positioning 3. Creative Linguistics in media 5. The perspectives of further theoretic development and practical testing of the theory (list includes 18 types of practical applications) The dissertation (Aleinikov 1992b), completed and approved for defense, due to dramatic changes in the life of the author, has never been published. Some compressed data from this research appeared in various publications and can be viewed below. Sociocultural Background (Need) By the eighteenth/nineteenth century, it became obvious that languages change faster and faster. Wilhelm von Humboldt mentioned that language is energeia (Greek energeιa), which means the language is creating and recreating itself in everyday speech act (Humboldt 1987). Historical and comparative linguistics described thousands of lexical, grammatical, and phonetic changes in the history of any language. When F. de Saussure differentiated chronological (historical) and synchronic research, the latter was understood as a contemporary cut, but even a contemporary cut has some duration. In abstract, it can be a momentous cut, but any real research takes time; therefore, it is not really a moment. So the question is what happens if during that interval, called “cut,” something new appears in the language. How to research this newness? Also, within the historical trend, the question is not only which sounds, words, and constructions change but also why there appeared new forms and new words and how they appear. Thus, both chronological and synchronic linguistics have to deal with the issue of newness – the issue of constantly flowing language innovations. Globalization brought so much international and intercultural interaction that borrowing words, concepts, and even grammar patterns became the norm. English vocabulary grew to over 1,000,000 words. Neologisms. . . after

Creative Linguistics

neologisms. . . after neologisms. Some examples can illustrate the issue: • Coined words, like nylon, Coca-Cola, PepsiCola, iPhone, and iPad, appeared in the language, thanks to new products on the market: new products had to have new names. • Words with slightly changed spelling, like Kwik Printshop (for quick) or Kollege (for college), became a traditional marketing trick. • Contracted words or word combinations, like StoRoom, BlanKids, SteriCycle, or even Toys Я Us (with the reversed letter R that stands for are in Toys “R” Us), created by the marketers to attract customers’ minds and multiplied by the advertising, movies, and media, added to this avalanche of verbal newness. • Slang stepped out of the “thieves’ cant,” out of the suburbs, onto the movie screens, and then to ordinary life. • Jargon in any professional field, like megabyte, gigabyte, and thumb drive, filled the world of communication, business, and everyday speech. • Dialectal pronunciation and grammar, like y’all or I ain’t got n’ting – ridiculed but still multiplied by media – spread far beyond the geographical location of the dialects. • Finally, the Internet and global connectivity completed the breakthrough to totally unlimited language creativity. New domain names, new programs, new acronyms, and abbreviations are being added constantly. Now, anything goes. If a phrase or an abbreviation, accidentally or intentionally misspelled word, brings a giggle, if it shortens the message, and if it shocks somebody, it is cool. Lol. Authors of successful phrases even copyright them. Language purists, who have been fighting for the clear, grammatically, and phonetically correct language, had to give up. Language changes are so massive that they may seem overwhelming to some people. Newness, verbal newness, is ubiquitous. General research in classical linguistics could not explain this process.


On the other hand, researchers of creativity saw the language as a powerful mechanism generating more and more of the new products in literature, science, patents, and even music and visual arts, but they did not have the tools to analyze and describe these language innovations. For example, synectics (Gordon 1961) offers a set of methods united by the name “symbolic analogy.” One of the methods is called “book title” where participants of the group have to imagine they are writing a book about some subject and then make up new titles for the book that have to consist of two contradictory words. Obviously, participants work with the language, and creative ideas are coming from the language source. The results of these and other language-based creativity boosting methodologies had to be evaluated, and perhaps, even better, they had to be scientifically evaluated. There was no such a thing. A special field of research that could explain how and why it is done was needed. That is why creative linguistics came into being. Origin and History of Development (Historical Sketch) Creative linguistics researched the history of creativity (see “▶ Science of Creativity”) to find out that the concept of creativity changed dramatically in volume and contents. First, at the dawn of civilization, it was applied only to God the Creator, and the only true creation was “creation from nothing.” Then, much later, poetry and poets were considered creative (they seemingly create their poems from nothing). Then slowly, creativity concept grew to its contemporary understanding which states that every human is creative. Note that the second step after God was poetry, that is, a language activity. As opposed to poets, fine artists were considered just imitators of the nature, and the concept of creativity did not apply to them. Thus, poetry, the creativity in the language forms and the creativity of the language, was the first human activity recognized as creative. Poets were the most prolific newness producers. Shakespeare, for example, introduced 1,700 new words. It makes about 10% of the


17,000 words that he used in all his works. It means he “made up” every tenth word he used. When creativity studies appeared (see the list of outstanding researchers in “▶ Science of Creativity”), the knowledge of creativity processes could be applied to language studies and language training, thus leading to the birth of a new field of research – creative linguistics (sozidolinguistics) and then creatively oriented education (see “▶ Creative Pedagogy”). New Subject of Research: All Language Innovations Just as traditional linguistics, creative linguistics studies all levels and aspects of the language starting from nonverbal communication and paralanguage factors and ending with phonetics, lexicology, grammar (traditional, structural grammar, functional grammar), stylistics, and even translation, however, only from one point of view – the point of view of generating (and generated) newness. The volume of study, therefore, includes every act from the smallest (the creation of the meaningful speech sound by a baby) to the largest (like the creation of greatest literature masterpieces or the creation of an artificial language, human, or machine). Creative linguistics certainly studies the creation of new sounds, new words (neologisms) and word combinations (logos, symbols), new grammar patterns, new figures of speech, new styles, etc. Thus, creative linguistics studies all the traditional language/speech units from a new perspective. It also gives linguists new tools to see the creative aspect of each unit functioning in the flow of language communication. Simply put, all language innovations make for a subject of study for sozidolinguistics: any newness in the form, meaning, or use of the language units, any newness the language brings to the society, and any newness caused by societal or individual changes make subjects of study for sozidolinguistics. The field of research is vast, and, therefore, it opens new horizons for the new researchers to explore.

Creative Linguistics

Creation of the artificial international languages is only a little part of it, no matter how visible and romantic it is. Here is the array of units that the subject of study includes. Entity New artificial (constructed) languages for human communication New fictional languages New programming languages (machine communication) New special languages

New Creole languages (mix of developed language like English and local languages) New dialects New sociolects New professionalisms (jargon) New colloquialisms New slang New alphabets, new letters

New texts New syntax structures (sentences configurations, phrases) New words (neologisms)

New meanings New morphemes New phonemes New abbreviations and acronyms (abbreviations pronounced as words)

Example Like Esperanto, Ido, Volapuk. . . Like Tolken. . . Like Java, HTML. . .

Like Braille for the blind or sign language for the deaf Like Chinese Pidgin English, Swenglish. . . Like Ebonics. . . Like gender or age group dialect. . . Like RAM, bit, byte, CPU, thumb drive, flash drive Like y’all, gonna, wanna, raining cats and dogs Like Cool! G to G (Good to go). . . Like transition from Cyrillic to Latin for some languages. Also, letter ё was introduced to the Russian Cyrillic alphabet in 1797 to reflect the sound [yo] as opposed to letter e [ye] on the one hand and letter o [o] on the other hand New poetic forms, new prose forms. . . As Toys are us, Toys “R” Us (Toys Я Us) instead of We are toys, We sell toys Like nylon, quark, cyberspace, blog, webinar. . . Like the meaning of green in green movement. . .

Like LOL (Laughing out loud) or ROFL (Rolling on (continued)

Creative Linguistics


New intonations New sounds (new pronunciation) New signs New symbols


Example the floor laughing) in chatting. . . As in robot-like speech. . . Like in personal speech, in second language communication. . . Like road signs, logos. . . Like in Toys Я us (with the reversed letter R that stands for are), as well as Wingdings and Webdings on the computer. . .

New. . .

Universal Model of Sign, Speech Act, Language Consciousness, and Heuristic Act The new model of sign was developed in 1977 in Baku, Azerbaijan. It was first presented at the conference and mentioned in publishing in 1979. In 1988, it was published by the Institute of Linguistics, Soviet Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia (Aleinikov 1988c), and then by the Journal of Creative Behavior and Encyclopedia of Creativity in the USA (Aleinikov 1994, 1999). The most well-known models of that time included: • One-side sign model: the sign is the sound or letter (Solntsev 1977) • Two-side sign model (an oval divided in two): the signifier and the signified (Saussure 1916, 1977) • Three-side sign model (a triangle of reference): symbol, referent (object), and thought or reference (Ogden and Richards 1923; Frege 1892) • Four-side sign model (a square): world or referent, writer’s thought, symbol or word, and reader’s thought (Searle 1975) Despite the fact that the introduction of each of these models was a big step forward and the discussion of their pros and cons lasted for decades, all these models had some common deficiencies because none of them:

• Portrayed the communication situation (the only environment a true sign really lives in) in full • Took into consideration the speech versus language asymmetry • Reflected the syntagm/paradigm dichotomy of speech/language • Allowed the application of the systems approach • Depicted the layers of coding/decoding • Permitted the analysis of newness • Could be used for real analysis of speech samples (they were more philosophical than linguistic) • Had heuristic power (proved to discover something) In other words, a new type of model was needed. Linguistics had been developing for so many years after F. de Saussure, and all gathered knowledge had to be implemented into the sign and language model. In addition to the requirement to be more specific, the model should be also more general (or even universal) because both the act of communication and the act of modeling have heuristic power (Aleinikov 1988b). The offered model was a four-side model, but it became a 3D model. Here is how the universal model of sign, language, speech act, and heuristic act looks (Fig. 3). In general, as Fig. 3 shows, an individual (A) is the person who creates a vision of the world (D), expresses it in symbols of the system (C), and sends it to the society (B). Society (or its representative) is any person speaking the same language or using the same semiotic system, system of signs. The message (AB) is received by the society (B), decoded, evaluated, and appreciated or not appreciated. If answered, the speaker gets into position A, and the listener becomes the society B. The size and the depth of the message can be easily reflected by the size and the depth of the model. That is why some messages would be ordinary (low on the creative scale) and quickly forgotten, while the others – deep and original


Creative Linguistics

B Society



“House” C

Symbolic system D World (Reality)

Creative Linguistics, Fig. 3 Universal model of sign, language, speech, and heuristic act

(highly creative) – would be remembered (= valued) for centuries. The newness of the model lies in the following: • The essence of every sign is represented by four absolutely necessary and interrelated elements that form a tetrahedron of language functioning: individual (A) creating the message, society (B) or its representative receiving the message, symbolic system (C), and reflected reality (D). These are the invariant elements of every communication situation and, therefore, of the sign and of the language. • Speech (AB) flows from individual (A) to society (B). Speech is now shown not as a one point object (word), as in the previous models, but linear, as it is in actual life. It is either a spoken message with one sound after another in line or a written message with letters one after another – also in line. Language (ABCD) on the contrary is shown as a volume. Linguists often noted the asymmetric relationship between speech and language. The model provides simple visual corroboration: line (speech) is one dimensional, while volume (language) is three dimensional. The model unites and separates them. Language is the organization (ABCD) that allows speech (AB) to fulfill its function. • The model shows that it is not the mere symbol (word, statement) that has the meaning – it is somebody’s speech directed to the society that

includes the symbol (word, statement) which can be interpreted by the society. Symbols, pronounced or written, do not have meanings by themselves. Their meanings exist in the minds of the users (A and B), and, by the way, the depth of the model demonstrates the depth of understanding by the individual and the society. The depth of the language model allows researchers to visualize and reflect the paradigmatic relations (AC, AD, BC, BD, and any perpendicular to AB lines) as contrasted to syntagmatic relations (AB) existing in speech. Paradigmatic (“either or”) relations, as opposed to syntagmatic (“and”) ones, form the foundation of any language – if there are no paradigms, there is no language. The volume (ABCD) presentation of the language also allows researchers to visualize four constituting surfaces (planes): reflecting symbolic system (ABC), reflecting the reality system or the system of meanings (ABD), reflecting the society (BCD), and reflecting the individual (ACD). The internal organization of all these reflections makes the skeleton of the language. The tetrahedron configuration of the language model explains its strength and flexibility at the same time. It also exemplifies one of the Catastrophe Theory statements that the organized matter can go into unorganized (chaos) only by the sharp end. Language model has four tops – all sharp – and the tetrahedron, one of the basic archetype world structures, is truly one of the most stable forms. That is why languages, despite the everyday change, are stable enough to survive and grow. If the line (AB) represents speaking by A and listening by B, then the opposite to the speech line (CD) represents coding/decoding process. This is the process connecting the meanings (reality reflections, D) with symbols (symbolic reflections, C). The coding/decoding layers and fields of research studying them can be presented like this:

Creative Linguistics


B Society

A Individual

Phonetics “House” Symbol C

Semantics m

Morphology Lexicology

n D Reality Syntax

Creative Linguistics, Fig. 4 Layers of coding/decoding in the model

As it is seen in Fig. 4, the mind of the individual (A) has to do the coding from images of the reality (D), reflected by the plane ABD (semantics) in syntactic configurations (AnDB); then fill them with lexical units, words (AmnB); then shape the morphological units, like prefixes, roots, and suffixes (AmCB); and then express this all in sounds of the symbolic system (C) reflected by the plane ABC (phonetics). Note that the coding layers illustrate how language as a paradigmatic volume (ABCD) gives individual (A) some options to create the message (AB), and these paradigmatic options exist in all layers of coding/decoding shown in Fig. 4. When society or its representative (B) receives the message, it has to do the decoding process in the back order: from the sounds reflected by the phonetics (ABC) to the meaning reflected by semantics (ABD) or, in case of written speech, from the letters reflected by graphemics (ABC) to the meaning reflected by semantics (ABD). Further interpretation: • Now, when the model has a volume as seen in Fig. 3, researchers can apply the systems approach (Bertalanffy 1968) to the sign and language analysis. The systems approach offers to see any object (process) as a system with its function, elements, and structure. Mariam Karaeva suggested that these aspects should be viewed as three interconnected and interdependent levels: the levels of function,

substance, and structure (Karaeva 1972). These levels, when applied to the model, can be visualized as follows: functional level (ABefgh), substance level (efghijkl), and structural level (CDijkl). As it is illustrated by Fig. 5, the functional level (ABefgh), as most superficial and most changeable, lies close to the speech message AB (on top), while the structural level (CDijkl), as the deepest and least changeable, lies far from the speech. The next step in building the model: • Finally, the new model gave an opportunity to introduce and to show one more cutting plane: the plane of new/old, CDp. This plane shows that there is old (part) and new (part) in every message, text, statement, and phrase, in every communicative act. As Fig. 6 shows, every message of speech (AB) carries a part that is known to the society (B) that should recognize it in decoding (BCDp) and then the new part (ACDp) that the individual speaker (A) delivers as one’s input. The amount of this new may vary in volume – the plane is flexible and movable. The presence of new/old in every speech act was researched by the Prague Linguistic Circle and Functional Grammar as theme (topic) and rheme (comment, focus) dichotomy. They showed how the word order and intonation influence the presentation of theme (old) and rheme (new) in every speech act. For example, in the simplest case, the phrase stress (as opposed to word stress) emphasizes the new (rhematic information). One sentence “students arrived later” can be stressed differently: (1) Students (not teachers) arrived later. (2) Students arrived (not departed) later. (3) Students arrived later (not earlier). What creative linguistics has proven is that every message exists to add newness and to deliver newness to the communicator (society B). Therefore, there is newness in every message. It may be significant or insignificant, but it is available. Otherwise, communication has no sense and it stops. In real life, if the person


Creative Linguistics

B Society




g e h i

j k



Symbol C D Reality

Creative Linguistics, Fig. 5 System levels in the model



p New

B Society


“House” Symbolic C D


Creative Linguistics, Fig. 6 The new/old plane in the model

delivers too little newness in communication (for instance, repeats oneself all the time), people stop communicating with that person or limit the time of communication because it is boring. However, even the most boring communicative act is still an act: it delivers the fact that the individual A is still alive and communicating. This moment is frequently emphasized in the movies where a hero is shouting to the dying friend, “Stay with me! Talk to me!” Here, the newness of the message is nearly equal to the fact that message is available. If every message delivers newness, then it is a creative act (big or small – this is another issue). If traditional creativity approach states that creativity is the process of combining existing ideas into new combinations, then a communicator does it in every speech act. A communicator (individual A) takes known elements of the language (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) and combines them into a

new message to solve the communicational problem. Every situation is unique (time is irreversible), and every message is unique because none of these can be repeated or reversed. If a discovery or invention is tested on the model, then every discovery or invention has a unique (new) vision of the world (D), developed by individual (A) and expressed in the symbolic system (C) to be delivered to society (B) for evaluation and implementation. It may be in the form of an article or patent application, but it is still a message containing some old information (what was before) and some new information (what it is now in the opinion of individual A). So the model reflects a speech act and a heuristic act equally well. That is why it is called a universal model. The final model that unites all the previous divisions looks as follows: As Fig. 7 shows, the newness plane (CDp) cuts all the coding/decoding layers shown in Fig. 4, as well as all the systems levels shown in Fig. 5. • The final model allows researchers to see the inner volumes or the outer surfaces of the fields to study. Having this instrument, a linguist or any other researcher will never “miss” a field. Many of the planes and volumes have already been discovered by linguists – the model only placed them visually and corroborated their existence. However, not all of them. In a case, when the model points at some unknown field of research, the model becomes a heuristic instrument. In some cases, the change is nominal: for example, the plane (ACD) “looking” at the individual (A) could be named competentics because it reflects the individual’s competence, the command of language, or the proficiency, as educators call it. This plane is also reflected by such a well-known science as psycholinguistics. • The side opposed to competentics (ACD) and represented by the field BCD that “looks” at the society (B) reflects the overall language knowledge of the speaking community (or its representatives). In commonly accepted linguistics, this plane is reflected by pragmatics (pragmalinguistics) and sociolinguistics. Creative linguistics gives it a general name

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Creative Linguistics, Fig. 7 Complete model of sign (language)

B p


A Individual



g s

e Phonetics



u h w

x K

“House” Symbol C





Morphology Lexicology

n D Reality Syntax

gnosionics, from Latin gnosis – knowledge. The units of gnosionics may be called gnosemes (like the units of phonetics are called phonemes and the units of morphology are called morphemes). When somebody says, “You can’t say so!” or “People do not speak like that!” or “Usually, we say it differently!” they state a discrepancy between what they know from their language experience (gnosionics) and what they hear. This generalized language experience forms gnosemes – patterns of the language knowledge. That is why foreign language learning takes so much effort: it is not only words but also the WAY it is said. • Graphically, the superficial knowledge of the language may be depicted by a shallow model. On the contrary, profound knowledge of the language with its structural richness, substance fullness, and functional fluidity may be depicted by a deep model. The model, therefore, can serve as a visual diagnostic tool. • The main achievement of the model is the visualization of the necessity for the creative linguistics represented by the volume ACDp. The science of new words called neology takes only the volume Amnp, thus totally skipping the grammatical coding changes (AnDB, syntax; and AmCB – morphology). So, the model “pointed” in the direction of new research and, therefore, proved its heuristic value.

The development of the model and its extrapolation to the other fields continues till today. This model turned out a universal model of language and language consciousness (1988), sign, speech situation, and speech act. The model shows and explained things that have never been explained by any other sign models in linguistics. It is simple and heuristically powerful at the same time. Most importantly, though, it also gave the basis for introducing a structural plane between the old and the new. By doing this, in addition to all previous extrapolations, the model became a model of innovative act as well as a model of directions for future innovations. It is this model that determines what one needs in order to make an innovation. It is the model that shows the directions to the future research, including the research of genius (see “▶ Genius”), education (see “▶ Creative Pedagogy”), and leadership (see “▶ Creative Leadership”). New Methods and Results of Research The model described above, in addition to its general philosophical and linguistic value as a universal model of sign, language, speech act, and creative act, becomes a practical everyday tool for creative linguistics research. The model helps: 1. To describe the newness in unified terms. 2. To figure out the location of the newness: whether it belongs to semantics (D), phonetics,


graphemics, or, in general, symbolics (C), pragmatics (B), or competentics (A). 3. To find out the depth of newness: whether it belongs to the functional level (superficial), substance level (intermediate), or structural level (deep). 4. To place the newness to the coding layer (syntax, lexicology, morphology). 5. To visualize and describe the exact unique profile of particular newness as a combination of all points. Measuring the profile in quantity units makes the comparison of the created variants more objective (not as I like it or I do not like it, which is subjective). It means, for instance, that the marketing efforts (creating new ads) can be more precise and less expensive. In short, the main advantage of this model is that it allows researchers to formalize and visualize the amount of newness – usually so vague or refined that for centuries it seemed impossible to measure. New type of analysis, the sozidolinguistical analysis, analysis of the newness presented, is introduced as a new method of analyzing the speech products. Some speech products are trivial (low volume of newness); the others are original and interesting (high volume of newness). Geniuses create the top volume of newness in their works. That is why the creative act of a genius, illustrated by the model, looks different from the creative act of an ordinary person (see “▶ Genius”). The new measurement methods were introduced thanks to paradigmatic analysis used by creative linguistics (see “▶ Novology”).

Applying Creative Linguistics to Education and Training The first applications of creative linguistics were in the field of education. There were three directions: teaching theoretical disciplines, teaching practical disciplines (both belong to creative pedagogy), and then teaching teachers of both

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theoretical and practical disciplines how to teach creatively (creative metapedagogy). The first article on creative pedagogy was published in 1989 (Aleinikov 1989b) and on creative metapedagogy in 1990–1992 (Aleinikov 1990c, 1992a). Creative Orientation of Theoretical Programs Creative linguistics was first introduced and tested on the theoretical studies of English grammar and history of English. The results of the application were unusually positive: students, who were involved in the creation of their own props, posters, and plays and finally wrote a book, called it the best course in their lives. Students began (voluntarily) to apply new methods of learning to practical courses, like speech practice. The leadership of the Military Institute saw it as a new potential, a new direction in education. The author was awarded the first in the Soviet Union 3-year “doctorantura” fellowship (usually it was for 2 years) with the task to describe the new teaching system. A new book titled Созидание грамматики и грамматика созидания/Grammar Creation and Creation Grammar became the first in the Soviet Union “creatively oriented” program (Aleinikov 1990a). A methodology manual for creative orientation in teaching and learning theoretical disciplines was published the same year (Aleinikov 1990b). Creative pedagogy principles were applied to the theoretical courses of military translation, theory of translation, lexicology, and other disciplines at the Military Institute, Moscow. In the USA, creative orientation was applied to: • Word Origins and Usage (ENG2210), 1994–2006 • History of Russia (HIS335, 535, 336, 536), 1995–1996 • Psychology of Creativity (PSY3390), 2001–2006 (see “▶ Psychology of Creativity”) The latter became the third program in the USA offered at the university level and the first in the southeast.

Creative Linguistics

Creative Orientation of Practical Disciplines: Hyper Efficient Language Program (HELP +2000) Creative linguistics was also applied to the practical foreign language studies – to the acquisition of English and Russian as foreign languages (Aleinikov 1989a, c). Since the new definition of creativity states that creativity is a human activity of accelerating organization and/or deceleration disorganization (see “▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches” and “▶ Science of Creativity”), the main task was to create a system of the fastest (most accelerated) course of foreign language acquisition from level 0 (zero). Such a program was designed and tested in Perm, Russia. The experimental program was named Hyper Efficient Language Program (First HELP +2000) because the students acquired over 2,000 words and phrases in 40 h of learning (Aleinikov 1995b). A new methodology allowed participants to learn the basic dialogs and understand simple conversations needed for traveling to England. An episode that happened on the seventh day of studying can offer some illustration. Children of the adult students (CEO and managers) visited the class after 7 days of learning. When they saw their parents (without any previous knowledge of the language) communicating in English and doing it with fun, they declared that they were not going back to traditional school where they had been studying English for 3–5 years but could not speak at all. They wanted to join the experimental group. After success in Perm, where the new methodological approach was first exposed to public, the author of the program was invited to teach and license this program with certification and recertification of the teachers for the Center “Professional” (Moscow) offering classes in 40 languages. Later, the elements of the Hyper Efficient Language Program (First HELP +2000) were used in India for the Indian Navy officers and Russian specialists (1990–1991). At present, the elements of this program are used for the immersion program of the Defense Language Institute Foreign


Language Center, Monterey, California (2008–2012). In the USA, Creative Orientation of Practical Disciplines was applied to: • Russian (all levels) at Auburn University, Montgomery, Alabama • Effective Communication (COM1110) at Troy University, Montgomery, Alabama Creative Metapedagogy: Teaching Managers and Teachers The next natural step after the creation of creative pedagogy was to check whether methodologies of creative teaching are teachable. Creative metapedagogy – the science and art of teaching teachers how to teach creatively – appeared and was reported in 1990–1992 (Aleinikov 1990c, 1992a). Within 2 years, three professional development centers tested the new creative pedagogy methodologies – all with success: • Russian Academy of Sciences Center for Creativity Research (Moscow) • Russian Academy of Sciences Center ILAN (Moscow) • Center for Pedagogical Innovations (Krasnodar) The Russian Academy of Sciences Center for Creativity Research (Moscow) and Russian Academy of Sciences Center ILAN (Moscow) used it for creative management programs to teach managers. Thus, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, creative linguistics and creative pedagogy were immediately applied as new tools for changing the methods of leadership and management in Russia (Aleinikov 1991). The Center for Creative Research (Moscow) offered training to military and civilian leaders and then published a fivevolume book titled Creative Management – a totally revolutionary concept for the country under totalitarian regime for over 70 years. The book included the translation of the most famous Western authors on creativity as well as an article on how to use creative linguistics for the new


realities (for details on the innovative vision of leadership developed thanks to creative linguistics, see “▶ Creative Leadership”). The Center for Pedagogical Innovations (Krasnodar) took it to educators. The center sponsored the development of the creativity test (Aleinikov 1990d) that could be used for individual and group creativity and then organized creative metapedagogy training for professors of five colleges. The concept of creative pedagogy immediately became popular and got into the encyclopedia editions (Popov 1995). In the USA, creative management training in the form of creative problem solving was offered to a number of Fortune 500 companies, such as 3M, Alabama Power, Georgia Power, Mississippi Power, Procter and Gamble, Schlumberger, etc. Creative metapedagogy for the first time in the world was offered for the graduates as the course titled Foundations of Creative Education (EDU6625) at Troy University. By 2010, creative pedagogy and creative metapedagogy in the form of numerous programs for teachers, managers, and educational and business leaders spread from the USA to Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, and Thailand. It has been successfully applied to: • School education (New Challenge School, Montgomery, Alabama; Franklin Junior High School, Franklin, Ohio; Jiemin Primary School, Singapore; etc.) • Postsecondary education (five colleges in Russia, higher education institutions, like Military Institute, Moscow; Air War College, USAF University, Maxwell AFB, Alabama; Troy and Auburn Universities, Montgomery Alabama; Defense Language Institute, Monterey, California) • Teacher and professor professional development (the University of Cincinnati, Ohio; United States Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (USAF JROTC) Instructors, Garmisch, Germany, and Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, Alabama; Davis and Elkins College, Elkins, West Virginia; Ohio State University; Teachers Centers in Bangkok, Thailand;

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Karachi and Islamabad, Pakistan; principal education in Pretoria and Johannesburg, South Africa; as well as universities, colleges, schools, and officials of the Ministry for Education, Singapore) The results of applying creative pedagogy to real education problems are more than positive. In Singapore, for example, the Jiemin Primary School officials selected 13 sixth graders (out of 1,200 students) who were labeled “incorrigible and doomed to fail.” After 2.5 days of pedagogical intervention, all students proved to be “ideal learners,” and 7 months later (without any followup), they passed all four state exams (math, science, English, mother tongue) and proceeded to the next level of academic education, thus leading to 100% success of the program. Teachers and parents called it a “miracle” (Aleinikov 2003). At present, the term creative pedagogy is well spread. It is used for monograph titles and programs names. The concept is studied and taught at the university level. Some of the methods have already been considered “classic” (see “▶ Creative Pedagogy”). Finally, a new Encyclopedic Reference Dictionary titled Creative Pedagogy (Popov V.V. – editor) is being published in Russia. This is how creative linguistics contributed to solving world educational problems.

Applying Creative Linguistics Research to Science The application of creative linguistics (sozidolinguistics) research to education led to the development of new field of research like creative pedagogy, creative andragogy, and creagogy as a combination of both. Creative pedagogy led to creation of Genius Education Methodology, the fastest method of human mind orientation to genius development (see “▶ Creative Pedagogy”). Studying the thinking methodologies of genius led to the discovery of the methodology of discovery. As a result, a group of California scientists

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discovered 11 new laws of conservation (Aleinikov and Smarsh 2010). The application of creative linguistics research to the field of creativity, as a giveback, contributed to the development of the science of creativity, whether called sozidonics or creatology (see “▶ Science of Creativity” and Magyari-Beck 1999). Introduction of the new measuring units and ways to measure creative output by creative linguistics led to the development of the fastest methods and techniques boosting creativity to the level of megacreativity (see “▶ Genius” and Aleinikov 2002a). The application of experience on how to create a new science like creative linguistics (sozidolinguistics) led to founding new sciences: • Geniusology, the science of genius (see “▶ Genius”) • Novology, the science of newness (see “▶ Novology”) • Organizology, the science of organization (see “▶ Science of Creativity”) • Agogics, the science of leadership (see “▶ Creative Leadership”) • Generagogy, the general science of teaching that unites pedagogy and andragogy (see “▶ Creative Pedagogy”) In addition to new sciences, the application of creative linguistics (sozidolinguistics) research to the leadership and management field led to the development of concepts of creative leadership, ideal leadership, and IdeaLeadership# that broadened the classification of types of leadership and helped to define the field of agogics (see “▶ Creative Leadership”). In the same manner, new concepts like ideal learner, ideal teacher, and ideal education model have been introduced to pedagogy, thus expanding the field of education. This is how new concepts, models, theories, and definitions that have been developed by creative linguistics influenced the scientific vision of the world.


Disseminating Creative Linguistics: Dissertations and Conferences The process of dissemination of creative linguistics concepts and achievements was going in a traditional pattern: from one country and one language to the other countries and other languages (Armenian, Azeri, and Georgian in thesis) and then via English (published first in India) to international recognition. The process was slowed down by the dramatic events in the life of the founder (transition from the Soviet Union to the USA) but still was going on. Despite the fact that the main work on creative linguistics (Doctor of Sciences Dissertation titled Theoretic Foundations of Creative Linguistics) has never been published, the applications of creative linguistics to education, creativity research, leadership and management field, advertising and publishing, as well as science in general, as corroborated by the author’s national and international awards, including a Guinness World Record in publishing, are impressive. The pioneering role of the author in the creation of the new trend of research was directly stated about 20 years later after the publication of the first article on creative linguistics by V.I. Karasik, who wrote: In the contents aspect, this category [routine vs. creative aspects of communication], as far as I know, has never been the subject of linguistic research, except the publications of A.G. Aleinikov, who stated the need to develop Creative Linguistics. . .. (Aleinikov 1988a; Karasik 2008)

Creative linguistics continues to benefit both the linguistics field and the creativity field. As a relatively new trend in linguistics, it continues to attract new researchers. For example, the creative potential of linguistic units is studied in the dissertation of Remchukova (2005). On the other hand, the term creative linguistics is also used as a generic term for creative thinking techniques that employ the language heuristic power for finding new ideas (Vagin 2010). Moreover, after over 20 years in existence, which had been predicted by the founding article (Aleinikov 1988a), creative linguistics became


the theme of scientific conferences (Gridina 2008). Finally, with the spread of the Internet, the term creative linguistics becomes a kind of commonly used word combination, and people apply it, for example, to create new logos and trademarks (Retrieved from http://www.multitran.ru/c/m. exe?a=4&MessNum=5522&l1=23&l2=2) or just to have fun in creating new combinations of words and statements. Some authors even call creative linguistics “a consultant’s marketing tool in the new world order” (Binneman 2011). So the popularization stage of the term creative linguistics is going on.

Conclusion and Future Directions Creative linguistics (sozidolinguistics) that appeared on the cross section of creativity domain and linguistics domain studies the creativity aspects in language and the language aspects in creativity. As a branch of linguistics, sozidolinguistics selects in any event having a sign nature the factors dealing with the generation of newness, that is, with the creative aspect of language and speech. Creative linguistics was the first to prove that every speech act is a creative act because, by using the known elements of the language, a person creates a message (speech act) that is unique (will never be repeated) and, by doing so, solves the problem of communication just as an inventor or engineer solves a technical problem. This simple proof is so significant because it eliminates the dichotomy creative or not creative. If the person can speak, the person is creative. The question now is how creative or how much newness the person is delivering in his/her messages. This can be taught, and people who get through training in creativity begin to deliver much more creative results. This is how creative linguistics paved the way to creative pedagogy (that got into encyclopedia nearly immediately) and creative metapedagogy, both of which received wide international recognition for their innovative teaching methodologies, new vision of innovative

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education (Aleinikov 1995a), and impressive educational results. Creative linguistics also contributed significantly to the science in general by founding seven new sciences and three subsciences, new models, new theories, and new concepts (see, e.g., Aleinikov 2002b). In the creativity field, creative linguistics led to a new (scientific) vision of creativity (see “▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches”) and served a catalyst for shaping a new science of creativity (see “▶ Science of Creativity”). Creative linguistics, with its well-structured approach, developed the way to measure creative output, thus leading to the development of the most powerful methods boosting creativity to megacreativity and more (Aleinikov 2002a). Combining creative pedagogy methodologies and megacreativity concept led to the design of the unique educational system “Genius” and brought the author worldwide recognition in the form of best seller, invitations for keynote speeches at the international creativity and education conferences, numerous international awards, and even, as some creativity experts think, the title of “the most creative man in the world” (Ramos 2006). When applied to business, creative linguistics worked its way to training managers of the Fortune 500 companies and showed the fastest results in publishing confirmed by the unbeatable Guinness World Record in publishing. Since the main research on creative linguistics has not been published, the author’s main task is to publish the work that brought so much to humanity but still remains hidden. Therefore, the task of translating creative linguistics from Russian to English and publishing it is one of the main directions of work. Applying creative linguistics methods and models to business, advertising, marketing, media for practical improvements, and savings is another direction. Some of the directions that creative linguistics is working on may seem like science fiction, but what was predicted by creative linguistics and seemed science fiction 20 years ago has already been achieved.

Creative Linguistics

If creative linguistics methods of research and achievements have proven to be so successful and powerful, then the future scientific directions it can lead to are limited only by the imagination of those who take them to work.

Cross-References ▶ Creative Leadership ▶ Creative Pedagogy ▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches ▶ Genius ▶ Novology ▶ Psychology of Creativity ▶ Science of Creativity

References Aleinikov AG. Creative linguistics (foundations, problems and perspectives). In: YuA S, Tarasov EF, Ufimtseva NV, editors. Language awareness: stereotypes and creativity. Moscow: Institute of linguistics, Academy of Sciences; 1988a. p. 77–89. russ. Алейников А.Г. Креативная лингвистика (обоснование, проблемы и перспективы). Языковое сознание: стереотипы и творчество. Aleinikov AG. On the heuristics of communicative and modeling acts. In: Sorokin YA, Tarasov EF, Ufimtseva NV, editors. Language awareness: stereotypes and creativity. Moscow: Institute of linguistics, Academy of Sciences; 1988b. p. 55–76. russ. Алейников А.Г. Об эвристичности актов коммуникации и моделирования. Языковое сознание: стереотипы и творчество. Aleinikov AG. Sign. A four-side essence. Universal creative model. In: Sorokin YA, Tarasov EF, Ufimtseva NV, editors. Language awareness: stereotypes and creativity. Moscow: Institute of linguistics, Academy of Sciences; 1988c. p. 89–115. russ. Алейников А.Г. Знак. Четырехсторонняя сущность. Универсальная креативная модель. Языковое сознание: стереотипы и творчество. Aleinikov AG. Creativity and language acquisition. In: Shiryaev AF, editor. Collected articles, vol. 25. Moscow: Military Institute; 1989a. p. 5–10. russ. Алейников А.Г. Творчество и освоение языка. Сборник статей. Aleinikov AG. On creative pedagogy. High Educ Bull. 1989b;12:29–34. russ. Алейников А.Г. О креативной педагогике//Вестник высшей школы. Aleinikov AG. Speech activity model and translation. In: YuA S, Tarasov EF, Ufimtseva NV, editors. Studies of translation and culture: goals, methods, results.

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Creative Pedagogy Andrei G. Aleinikov International Academy of Genius, Merced, CA, USA

Synonyms Creative teaching methodologies; System of creative teaching

Definition Creative pedagogy is the science and art of creative teaching.

Introduction If pedagogy in general is defined as the study of the process of teaching, then creative pedagogy is defined as the science and art of creative teaching (Aleinikov 1989). Creative pedagogy is a branch of pedagogy that emphasizes the leading role of creativity for successful learning. In its essence, creative pedagogy teaches learners how to learn creatively and become creators of themselves and creators of their future. The functional definition of creative pedagogy is longer and more complex. The founding work on creative pedagogy gives a definition in the

form of a formula of invention – a strict word pattern used to describe inventions for patenting: Creative pedagogy that includes educational influence on the learner for acquisition of certain study material (subject) [as pedagogy in general] and differing from the above by the fact that in order to achieve higher efficiency of learning, the pedagogical influence is provided on the background of centrifugal above-the-criticism mutual activity in which the learner is raised from the object of [pedagogical] influence to the rank of a creative person, while the traditional (basic) study material is transformed from the subject to learn into the means of achieving some creative goal, and the extra study material includes the description and demonstration of the heuristic methods and techniques (Aleinikov 1989). The first work on creative pedagogy was published in the Bulletin of Higher Education (Moscow, Russia), got noticed, and cited by numerous educators and innovative editions. The authors of Encyclopedic Dictionary not only included an article on creative pedagogy but also made some comments on its unusual form – the formula of invention (Popov 1995). In its distilled methodological essence, as opposed to other pedagogies, creative pedagogy creates a creative learner who begins to create individual knowledge (learning techniques and methodologies), creative abilities (creativity techniques and methodologies, see “▶ Creativity Techniques”), and finally innovative abilities

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_13-2


(innovation techniques and methodologies), thus laying the foundations for life success. The description of creative pedagogy includes its comparison with and contrast to the neighboring concepts, then discussion of the background, origins, and development of the concept, and lastly the statement of some theoretical and practical achievements.

Differentiating Creative Pedagogy from Creative Education and Creative Teaching The concept of creative pedagogy, on one hand, differs from the concept of creative education that is usually associated with teaching creativity as a subject. A very good example for this is the efforts of the Creative Education Foundation, Buffalo, NY that serves to helping individuals, organizations, and communities transform themselves as they confront real-world challenges. Through well-organized efforts of this organization, creative education (education in creativity) is being spread around the world. As opposed to creative education in this particular sense, creative pedagogy (and creative andragogy) is specifically designed for teachers, professors, and education administrators. It aims at modifying the teaching process of any subject, whether it is arts, language, math, science, technology, and even the process of teaching creativity itself. On the other hand, creative pedagogy as a concept is different from the concept of creative teaching that is usually emphasized in every good school. Creative teaching is actually the practice of teaching/learning that is more creative than traditional. As opposed to creative teaching, creative pedagogy is a philosophy, theory, and methodology with a theoretically predetermined sequence of activities that leads to the accelerated child’s (or adult’s) creative development – not just the teacher’s own creative practice in the classroom. When this methodology is applied to any subject, it dramatically changes the process of teaching/learning and the results. The concept of creative pedagogy has both historical (sociocultural) and etymological roots.

Creative Pedagogy

Historical and Etymological Roots Etymological Analysis The term creative pedagogy consists of two concepts. The word pedagogy derived from the Greek paιdagogeo (paidagōgeō) is combined of two roots: 1. paῖB (país, genitive paιdóB, paidos) that means “child” – actually “boy” 2. άgo (ágō, agogos) that means “to lead.” So literally it means “to lead a boy (a child).” Historically, in Ancient Greece, paιdagogóB was a slave (that could be a philosopher captured as a prisoner of war) who supervised the instruction of his master’s son. This instruction could include taking the boy (girls received no public education) to school or gym, looking after him, carrying his musical instruments, and directing his behavior. In English and other languages, the term “pedagogue” means a teacher who follows certain pedagogy, and pedagogy is used to refer to instructive theory. Pedagogy is studied at the universities by student teachers. Institutions that educate and train future teachers are called pedagogical institutes. When Malcolm Knowles introduced the term andragogy (andr-, man; courageous + agogos, leader) and defined it as the art and science of teaching adults, the term pedagogy stepped down from the generic term to the complementary term, and there appeared a need in a new term – a generic term for “the art and science of teaching” (see below). Note: For the etymological analysis of the word creativity, see “▶ Creativity.” Historical (Sociocultural) Roots Different societies treat creativity differently (Ramos 2005), but whether named so or not, tolerated or not, it was still present in every new invention in technology, discovery in science, and methodology in education. Creative pedagogy origins and ideas can be traced far back throughout history. Socrates, for example, instead of giving youth a one-time “wise

Creative Pedagogy

advice” (as most wise men of the past and many teachers of all times do), asked engaging questions that led his interlocutors to profound answers. Actually, he was developing his contemporaries to the point that they could create their own answer. Now it is called the Socratic method. Just as this early prototype, creative pedagogy teaches students to create their own learning processes for continuous success in their lives. Certain periods of history required certain pedagogies. History of education shows that the type of pedagogy usually depends on the needs of the society. • Society of the ancient times needed followers. So the training expressed in the phrases, “Do after me! Do as I do!”, worked best. This prepedagogy produced hunters, fishermen, gatherers, warriors, etc. Nowadays, it is known as “on-the-job training.” • In Ancient Greece, speakers were needed. Speakers were trained in rhetoric classes, in public discussions. Speech training pedagogies were used. • Early capitalist society needed craftsmen and then workers. Technical schools were organized, and they employed training methodologies for technical teaching. • Developed capitalism needed more knowledgeable professionals, like engineers, doctors, and teachers. As a response to this need, pedagogy of knowledge acquisition and testing spread to schools, colleges, and universities. • The twentieth century put forward the need in problem solvers. Naturally, there appeared problem-oriented education as well as schools for creative problem solving. Creative pedagogy grew out of them to reflect and explain the trend. All these types of pedagogy can be dominant at a certain time, but they do exist and coexist in contemporary education as well. This century, however, has been many times called the century of creativity and innovation, so as society matures, there are more and more creative people, and the need in educating such people is becoming more vivid. The emergence and growth of the


creative class (Florida 2003) is a reality. That is why there appeared creative pedagogy as pedagogy aiming at the upbringing of a creator (a creative person) capable of meeting the constantly growing complexity and accelerating development of the society (Aleinikov 1999b). In the field of education, creative pedagogy is opposed to critical pedagogy, just as creative thinking is opposed to critical thinking. While critical pedagogy calls for criticism (Giroux 2010) and actually aims at growing the number of political radicals (Searle 1990), creative pedagogy offers the philosophy, theory, and methodology of constructive (creative) development for individual and society. The twentieth century brought the creativity research to prominence, and it began to extrapolate to the other domains. Creative pedagogy is the result of extrapolating creativity research to the domain of education that includes pedagogy (teaching children) and andragogy (teaching adults, Knowles 1950, 1968). These concepts can be illustrated by the following picture. Figure 1 illustrates how the field of creativity research and the field of education, divided into pedagogy and andragogy, makes a cross section named creative pedagogy and creative andragogy. Historically, creative pedagogy appeared in 1989 (Aleinikov 1989) – a year after creative linguistics (Aleinikov 1988a). Creative pedagogy was so successful that later its principles and practices were applied to adult education thus giving birth to creative andragogy. Creative pedagogy and creative andragogy together were generalized into creagogy (Aleinikov 1998) which is also depicted on Fig. 1. Theoretical Foundations If creative pedagogy could be seen as a structure, then as any structure it stands on some cornerstones. • E. Paul Torrance and Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking Tests (TTCT) The first cornerstone for the building of creative pedagogy was the theoretical separation of creative thinking as opposed to critical thinking and then practical designing of

4 Creative Pedagogy, Fig. 1 Creativity research and education domains

Creative Pedagogy Creative Pedagogy Field Creativity research (Sozidonics or Creatology)

Creative Pedagogy


Creative Andragogy


Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (Torrance 1974, see also “▶ Creativity Tests”). The concept of critical thinking earlier gave birth to critical pedagogy (Giroux 2010; Searle 1990), while the concept of creative thinking paved the way for creative pedagogy. • S. Parnes and Creative Problem Solving (CPS) The second cornerstone for the structure of creative pedagogy is creative problem solving (Parnes 1992) that developed and advanced the methods and techniques for a deliberate creativity in technology and social life. Creative pedagogy applied it for teaching. • G. S. Altshuller and TRIZ The third cornerstone for the building of creative pedagogy was the development of Algorithm and Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (ARIZ/TRIZ) by G. Altshuller and many of his followers, including Azerbaijan Institute of Inventive Creativity (see “▶ Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), Theory”). Their concepts (discussed below) and vision of the genius life strategies were fundamental for the growth of the creative pedagogy (Altshuller and Vertkin 1994). • V. A. Moliako and Creativity Activation Methods The fourth cornerstone in the foundation of creative pedagogy was laid by Dr. V. A.

Moliako who offered the description of the methods aiming at the activation of the person’s creative thinking (Moliako 1985). Summarizing the stated above, creative pedagogy is the result of generalizing the new achievements in the creativity research field (G. Wallas, A. Osborn, J. P. Guilford, S. Parnes, E. P. Torrance, etc.) and applying them to the processes of teaching – the field already developed by the best educators of the past like Jan Amos Komensky, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Rudolf Steiner, Lev Vygotsky, Maria Montessori, Anton Makarenko, etc. Creative pedagogy then matured with further discovery of the universal formula of creativity development (Aleinikova and Aleinikov 1991), ideal education, ideal learner, and ideal teacher models, thus contributing to the solutions of numerous educational problems.

The Main Components of Creative Pedagogy The main components of creative pedagogy include philosophy, theory, and methodology of creative teaching.

Creative Pedagogy

Philosophy of Creative Pedagogy For the humanistic trend: Every human being is creative, but the rate (see “▶ Measurement of Creativity”), the domain, and style of creativity (see “▶ Creative Styles”) may differ. Nature generates newness on all levels, so the phenomenon of creativity existing at the psychological level of newness generation is natural. Creativity accelerates the natural newness generation process results which become greatly appreciated and valued by the social level (society). Therefore, research of this phenomenon by science (sozidonics or creatology, see “▶ Science of Creativity”) and utilizing this research for the accelerated development of society is the trend in social life, while accelerated development of creative ability in humans (creative education and creative pedagogy) is the next trend in education for the century of creativity and innovation or the next step to ideal education (Aleinikov 1999b). For the religious trend: God is the creator, and he created humans in his image. Therefore, people are designed and destined to be creative. People are the creators of the new world around them; thus, they can create new objects, new processes, and certainly they can create new educational systems, including new methodologies for developing creativity to the higher levels. God is the ideal, so striving for this ideal is the human being’s mission. The more creative, the closer to the ideal! Theory of Creative Pedagogy The first and foremost achievement of creative pedagogy is the determination of the core feature or the main link in the success of any education – interest – and development of the steps to maintain this interest till it becomes the internal (self) motivation of the person. For this purpose, creative pedagogy employs the universal formula of creativity development (Aleinikov and Aleinikova 1990, 1991) and introduces the models of ideal learner and ideal teacher that participate in the process of ideal education (Aleinikov 1999a). The formula and models are based on the universal model of sign, language, speech act, and heuristic act (Aleinikov 1988b, see “▶ Creative Linguistics”) that led to the


creation of ideal person and ideal education model (Aleinikov 1999a). Ideal Person Model To avoid complex graphs, this article offers a simplified vision of an ideal person. The model on Fig. 2 illustrates that a child (baby, toddler, teen, adult) learns: • Habits (looking, crawling, walking, etc.), then based on them • Skills (playing toys, reading, writing, counting), then based on them • Facts and theories (studying, testing, etc.), then based on them • Combining and synthesizing patterns and models (problem solving, designing, modeling), then based on them • Presentation methods and techniques for delivering newness to the society The teaching methodologies for these five levels are different. The first in the pyramid level (habit) requires 100–1,000 repetitions. When applied to adults, it is called a drill, even more negatively, a rot. The second level (skills) requires 10–100 repetitions. It is usually referred to as training. The third level (knowledge) requires 1–10 repetitions. Some students can remember things after one-time presentation; some others need more. The next level up (creativity or creative act) occurs only once – there is no such a thing as creating the same thing by the same person for the second time. Teaching creativity is teaching how to make these one-time creative acts more often or at will. The teaching methodologies for this level are discussed below. Finally, innovation is an act of transferring the result of creativity to the society in a real-life situation. Ideal Education Model So the activity of leading (agogos) human beings through these stages is an education process. For the childhood period, there is pedagogy to explain this process. For adult education, all ages after childhood, there is andragogy to explain the process. When andragogy split from pedagogy and

6 Creative Pedagogy, Fig. 2 Ideal person model

Creative Pedagogy The simplified vision of ideal person

Innovation (patenting, implementing, publishing...)

Creativity (combining, synthesizing, designing...)

Knowledge, Gnosis (memorizing)

Skills (doing under mind control)

Habits (doing automatically)

proved its right for existence, it became obvious that from the logical point of view a generic term is needed to include these two branches. That is why the term generagogy (generalis, common + agogos, leading) was offered to embrace both (Aleinikov 1998). Now, based on the above model of ideal person (Fig. 2), the simplified vision of education domain looks like the following: As you see from the model on Fig. 3, pedagogy and andragogy (split since 1950s) are united back by the generic science of education – generagogy (below). In the same manner, creative pedagogy and creative andragogy are united into the generic science of creative teaching – creagogy (fourth from below). IdeaLearner = Ideal Final Result in Education The concept of ideal person, shown above on Fig. 2 (above), requires progressing through the steps of development via education. This progression naturally leads to the concept of an ideal learner (or IdeaLearner#). All terms that include the term “ideal” are derived from the concept of ideal final result (IFR), which is widely mentioned in the works of G. S. Altshuller who offered the Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving (ARIZ) and then the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) –

for details, see “▶ Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) Theory.” The IFR method proved to be a powerful approach in solving technical problems (Altshuller 1986). In technology, the idea of perpetual motion machine is one of the most famous IFRs. Though such a machine has never been built, so many outstanding technical discoveries were made and physical processes described in the attempts to make it that this example alone can corroborate the value of the quest for the “impossible” (ideal). Similarly, in ethics and ideology, religion is still one of the most powerful IFRs. With some vision of the “ideal” (or divine) in their minds, people strive for it, and though not a single one of them can become equal to their ideal, the results achieved trying to obtain the ideal can be powerful. If the results of employing IFR are so impressive in technology and ethics, why not use the same idea or concept in education? Creative pedagogy does employ this method by empirically (in classes with teachers and education administrators) collecting and selecting the characteristics of an IdeaLearner. Prioritizing these characteristics helped educators to understand that the basic feature determining the others is creativity. If a person is creative, he/she is interested, listening, active, self-driven,

Creative Pedagogy


The Structure of Educational Science Innovagogy




Habitagogy Pedagogy



Creative Pedagogy, Fig. 3 Educational science model

joyful, open-minded, and eager to work. Creativity is not only the basic feature but also the moving force of gaining knowledge. True creators are enormously laborious learners. Thomas Edison, Marie Curie, Johann Goethe, Ludwig van Beethoven, Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, etc., have been learners for their entire lives because they needed more and more knowledge for their creations. The variant picture of an IdeaLearner is shown on Fig. 4. The ideal learner model depicted on Fig. 4 shows the empirically gathered characteristics that teachers under training ascribed to the best learner possible. The prioritizing and putting the features like “creative/inventive” to the top of the list has been done after elaborated discussion and voting because if the learners are creative, they are interested and open-minded, active, enthusiastic, inspired, eager to work, etc. On the other hand, if they are “bold and free of complexes” but destructive (instead of being creative), they might be a trouble for the class and the school. Ideal Teacher The question, where the ideal learner comes from, leads to the answer – from an ideal teacher. Collection and selection of characteristics of ideal

teacher, to the surprise of many teachers, gave the same features as ideal learner plus only two features: experience and knowledge. A model of the ideal teacher can be seen on Fig. 5. The ideal teacher model depicted on Fig. 5 shows characteristics empirically gathered by a different group of teachers and ascribed to the best teacher possible. The prioritizing and putting the features like “knowledgeable” and “experienced” to the top of the list as features differentiating a teacher from learner has been done unanimously. When compared, these two lists of characteristics coincide with all groups trained. When presented in the form of the table, they look like that (Table 1). Very naturally, the teachers under training come to the conclusion that in order to have ideal students in the classroom, they themselves have to be ideal teachers! If they are, then the ideal teaching/learning process becomes the process of creation. The ideal final result of ideal teaching/ learning is to make another individual a creator of one’s knowledge, of one’s surrounding, a creator of one’s own life, and a creator of new reality of the future. This is an exciting, joyful process of active, interested participation in transferring knowledge, skills, and habits with the purpose of making a self-learner, a doer (maker), and a creator. The process creates an ideal learner and the bright future for this ideal learner – the path to the ideal person achievements. After creating this theoretically “ideal” picture of education, creative pedagogy can be put into practice by using its methodologies. Methodologies of Creative Pedagogy Since encyclopedia article is limited in space and should avoid detailed descriptions, this article addresses three layers of methods as they are explained to teachers in metapedagogy (teacher training): • Methods that teach a learner work with an object (process). They are called objectoriented methods. The majority of them was taken from creative problem-solving


Creative Pedagogy

Creative Pedagogy, Fig. 4 Ideal learner (IdeaLearner) model

Creative Pedagogy, Fig. 5 Ideal teacher model



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Ideal Teacher

Creative Pedagogy


Creative Pedagogy, Table 1 The comparison of ideal learner and ideal teacher characteristics Ideal learner Interested and open-minded Active, ready to take knowledge, and initiative Desiring to study Listening attentively Capable of comprehending material Joyful, smiling, optimistic Eager to work Inspired and inspiring the others (charismatic) Polite, socially positive, affable, communicable Self-driven or self-motivated Having strong purposes Creative, inventive, and capable of dreaming Bold and free from psychological complexes Caring about the others (loving) Positive thinker (deep thinker, true believer) Capable of kindling the light – –

techniques (see “▶ Creativity Techniques”) and then adjusted for any subject. • Methods that teach a teacher to influence the learner, to open the mind, to activate the mind, and to make the person interested. They are called subject (individual)-oriented methods. The majority of them was borrowed from the work of Moliako and then developed further. These methods are open – it means in the process of learning, a teacher can explain what happened in the classroom and how the process influenced the learner. The learner actually learns these methods. • Methods that are also subject (individual) oriented, but they are taught only to teachers in Creative MetaPedagogy (Aleinikov 1992). Figure 6 illustrates the methodology as it is presented to teachers. It illustrates the levels of influence and the arsenal of the teacher. All methods, except closed ones, are revealed to students. Some of the methods in the methodology are developed by predecessors of creative pedagogy; the others are designed within creative pedagogy.

Ideal teacher Interested and open-minded Active, ready to take knowledge, and initiative Desiring to study (and teach) Listening attentively Capable of comprehending material Joyful, smiling, optimistic Eager to work Inspired and inspiring the others (charismatic) Polite, socially positive, affable, communicable Self-driven or self-motivated Having strong purposes Creative, inventive, and capable of dreaming Bold and free from psychological complexes Caring about the others (loving) Positive thinker (deep thinker, true believer) Capable of kindling the light Knowledgeable Experienced

The first layer of methods shown on Fig. 6 among object-oriented methods (OOM) includes not only well-known creativity boosting techniques such as brainstorming and focal object (see “▶ Creativity Techniques”) but also developed by the author methods like BAMMA, leading to MegaCreativity (Aleinikov 2002). The group of methods in the second layer (SOM-o) includes not only techniques designed and described by Moliako but also new methods like paradox pedagogic inversion (teaching from difficult to easy, from complex to simple which contradicts all educational principles). Finally, all methods of the third layer (SOM-c) constitute the unique innovative contribution of creative pedagogy to the field of pedagogy. The power of these methods is so high that they form the foundation of Genius Education Methodology (see “▶ Genius”). For more detailed description of these methods, please see Teaching for Success, an online magazine for professors, which published and republished (as “classics”) the most powerful of these methods (Aleinikov 2007, 2008).


Creative Pedagogy

Creative Pedagogy, Fig. 6 Creative pedagogy methodologies

Practical Applications

The Spread of the Term and Perspectives

As The Encyclopedia of Creativity article on Humane Creativity states, “Creative Pedagogy, as a trend in science, generalizes and explains everything from music and art classes to creatively oriented courses so thoroughly gathered and precisely described by Alex Osborn.” Creative pedagogy generalizes:

Since 1990s, after the first publications in India (Aleinikov 1990), creative pedagogy and then creative metapedagogy (teaching teachers how to teach creatively) have spread around the world. Some examples of the first creative pedagogy applications include:

• Art (creativity) classes • Technical creativity • Psychology of creativity (see “▶ Psychology of Creativity”) • Creative problem solving (CPS) • Creatively oriented courses (so thoroughly collected by A. Osborn) (Aleinikov 1999b)

• Creatively oriented Linguistics, Military Institute, Moscow, Russia, 1984–1992 • Creative Management, Center for Creative Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 1990–1992 • Word Origins and Usage (ENG2210), Effective Communication (COM1110), Psychology of Creativity (PSY3390), Foundations of Creative Education (EDU6625), Troy University, Montgomery, Alabama, 1994–2006

Creative Pedagogy

By 2010, creative pedagogy and creative metapedagogy in the form of numerous programs for teachers, managers, and educational and business leaders spread from the USA to Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, and Thailand. It has been successfully applied to: • School education (e.g., New Challenge School, Montgomery, Alabama; Franklin Junior High School, Franklin, Ohio; Jiemin Primary School, Singapore, etc.) • Postsecondary education (five colleges in Russia, higher education institutions, like Military Institute, Moscow; Troy and Auburn Universities, Montgomery, Alabama; Defense Language Institute, Monterey, California) • Teacher and professor professional development (The University of Cincinnati, Ohio; United States Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (USAF JROTC) Instructors, Garmisch, Germany, and Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, Alabama; Davis and Elkins College, Elkins, West Virginia; Teachers’ Centers in Bangkok, Thailand; Karachi and Islamabad, Pakistan; Principal education in Pretoria and Johannesburg, South Africa; as well as universities, colleges, schools, and officials of the Ministry for Education, Singapore). The results of applying creative pedagogy to real education problems are more than positive. In Singapore, for example, the Jiemin Primary School officials selected 13 sixth graders (out of 1200 students) who were labeled “incorrigible and doomed to fail.” After 2.5 days of pedagogical intervention, all students proved to be what creative pedagogy calls “ideal learners,” and 7 months later (without any follow-up), they passed all four state exams (math, science, english, mother tongue) and proceeded to the next level of academic education, thus leading to 100% success of the program. Teachers and parents called it a “miracle” (Aleinikov 2003). In Russia, where the description of creative pedagogy was developed, it turned most “boring” university programs into outstanding ones as well


as moved some colleges from the bottom of the list to the top of the list. The term creative pedagogy that was so new in late 1980s has become popular. Now it is used for educational conferences and monograph titles. Creative pedagogy received further development as “collective creative pedagogy” by I. P. Ivanov. The methodologies of creative pedagogy are taught and studied at the university level (Kruglov 2002; Morozov and Chernilevsky 2004). B. Zlotin and A. Zusman, the TRIZ specialists, state, “Creative pedagogy is an attempt to replace the battle between the teacher and students with the child’s struggle for self-perfection. The teacher is the child’s assistant and ally in this struggle” (Zlotin and Zusman 2005). At present, a new electronic Encyclopedic Reference Dictionary on creative pedagogy (russ. Энциклопедический словарь-справочник “Креативная педагогика”) is being developed by a group of researchers headed by V.V. Popov in Russia (retrieved from http://www.thisisme.ru/ Aug 25, 2012). Since creative pedagogy provides the philosophy, theory, and methodology of creative teaching, it is also becoming an educational movement for positive change in schools.

Conclusion and Future Directions Creative pedagogy that appeared on the cross section of creativity domain and education domain is defined as the science and art of creative teaching. As a branch of pedagogy, it emphasizes the leading role of creativity for successful learning. It teaches learners how to learn creatively become creators of themselves and creators of their future. In over 20 years of existence, creative pedagogy with its specific philosophy and methodology of creative teaching, its own models of ideal learner, ideal teacher, and ideal learning/ teaching process led to solving numerous educational problems and experienced a widespread to a number of educational institutions from kindergartens to universities in many countries. The most remarkable impact is not only changing


pupils (students) but also igniting the creative spark in teachers and principals (creative metapedagogy) which quickly leads to the change of atmosphere and institutional improvement. Since creative pedagogy provides a sound theoretical and practical foundation for change at school, it is also becoming an educational movement for positive change in schools. The future directions of development include the continuous spread of the ideas and values that creative pedagogy already contributed to the field of education to new communities and new countries (see “▶ Creativity Across Cultures”). The future directions of research include collection of empirical data from international sources, evaluation of general impact on the global scale, comparison of the generalized data to the established theoretical model, review and modification of the theoretical model, and finally the publication of the overall results for education researchers as well as popularized version for general population.

Cross-References ▶ Creative Linguistics ▶ Creative Styles ▶ Creativity Across Cultures ▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches ▶ Creativity Techniques ▶ Creativity Tests ▶ Genius ▶ Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), Theory ▶ Measurement of Creativity ▶ Psychology of Creativity ▶ Science of Creativity

References Aleinikov AG. Creative linguistics (foundations, problems and perspectives). In: Sorokin Yu A, Tarasov EF, Ufimtseva NV, editors. Language awareness: stereotypes and creativity. Moscow: Institute of linguistics, USSR Academy of Sciences; 1988a. p. 77–89. russ. Креативная лингвистика (обоснование, проблемы и перспективы). Языковое сознание: стереотипы и творчество.

Creative Pedagogy Aleinikov AG. Sign. Four-side essence. Universal creative model. In: Sorokin Yu A, Tarasov EF, Ufimtseva NV, editors. Language awareness: stereotypes and creativity. Moscow: Institute of linguistics, USSR Academy of Sciences; 1988b. p. 89–115. russ. Знак. Четырехсторонняя сущность. Универсальная креативная модель. Языковое сознание: стереотипы и творчество. Aleinikov AG. On creative pedagogy. High Educ Bull. 1989;12:29–34. russ. Алейников А.Г. О креативной педагогике. Вестник высшей школы. Aleinikov AG. Creative pedagogy and creative metapedagogy. Prog Educ. 1990;65(12):274–80. Aleinikov AG. Creative metapedagogy: D-day. Almamater. High Educ Bull. 1992;1:34–9. russ. Алейников А.Г. Креативная мета-педагогика. Время "Ч". Alma Mater. Вестник высшей школы. Aleinikov AG. Creative pedagogy + creative andragogy = creagogy (how to create a creator). Paper presented at the IX International Conference on Creativity in Universities and Colleges. Midland: The Alden B. Dow Creativity Center; 1998, July. Aleinikov AG. Mega-creator: from creativity to mega-, giga-, and infi-creativity. Montgomery: MIMII; 1999a. Aleinikov A. Humane creativity. In: Runco MA, Pritzker SR, editors. The encyclopedia of creativity, vol. 1. San Diego: Academic; 1999b. p. 837–44. Aleinikov A. Megacreativity: five steps to thinking like a genius. Cincinnati: Walking Stick Press; 2002. Aleinikov AG. New horizons in creative & innovative education: genius education methodology helps creating a nation of geniuses. Human dignity and humiliation studies; 2003. Retrieved June 2012, from http:// www.humiliationstudies.org/news-old/archives/ 000039.html Aleinikov AG. Openness – it’s that simple. Republished by teaching for success (TFS) as “The TFS Classic” 2007; 8 (5) and (6), p. 15. First published in 1997. Aleinikov AG. How GEGA (Genius expectations – genius achievements) supercharges learning. Teach Success. 2008;19(4):1–2. Aleinikov AG, Aleinikova EN. Forming creativity: psycho-pedagogic and creative linguistics aspects. In: Sorokin YA, Tarasov EF, Ufimtseva NV, editors. Structures of language awareness. Moscow: USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of Linguistics; 1990. p. 70–96. russ. Алейникова ЕН, Алейников АГ. Формирование творческой активности: психо-педагогические и креативно-лингвистические аспекты. Структуры языкового сознания. Aleinikova EN, Aleinikov AG. The stages in creativity development: options for universalizing the methods. In: Shmakova LE, Malovichko VS, editors. Creative management, vol. 1. Moscow: Creator, Center for creative research, Russian Academy of Sciences; 1991. p. 269–96. russ. Алейникова ЕН, Алейников АГ. Этапы формирования творчества: возможность универсализации приемов. Креативный менеджмент.

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Genius Andrei G. Aleinikov International Academy of Genius, Monterey, CA, USA

Synonyms Brilliance; Superachiever; Superior power; Superior intellectual power


Definition A genius is a person top valued by the society for the uniquely expressed highly innovative vision of the world.

Introduction A popular online encyclopedia directly states at the beginning of the article on genius, “There is no scientifically precise definition of genius, and indeed the question of whether the notion itself has any real meaning is a subject of current debate” (Genius, Wikipedia, retrieved Dec. 23, 2011). The mission of this article is to prove the opposite: to provide a scientific definition of genius and to prove that the phenomenon of genius exists and is worth researching.

The issue of genius is extremely complex. It involves biological, psychological, and social aspects of human beings whose achievements are considered to be extraordinary. Since the phenomenon of genius falls under the jurisdiction of many sciences, the approaches differ dramatically, the opinions on the issue are contradictory, and the myths are abundant. The fact that may strike an independent observer most is that there is no special science studying genius. This situation may be called the genius paradox. Geniuses like Aristotle, Giordano Bruno, Galileo, Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Albert Einstein, and Madam Curie created the scientific basis for modern civilization. Many of them are credited with establishing new sciences: Euclid – geometry, Claude Bernard – physiology, N. Zhukovsky – aerodynamics, and Gregor Mendel – genetics (with the theory of inherited features). As a top achievement, Hermann von Helmholtz is sometimes called the “father of three sciences.” However, those who made all those scientific discoveries and created all sciences have not been studied scientifically. It looks like a proverbial situation “shoemaker without the shoes” reached the level of genius because geniuses that created all sciences have not created the science of genius itself. Therefore, to resolve the genius paradox, geniusology, a science of genius, was offered. Geniusology was first mentioned at the teachers’ conference in Singapore in 2003 and first published in 2004 (Aleinikov 2004). Some elements of geniusology, like the

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_14-2



new definition of genius, megacreativity, and genius classification, appeared earlier (Aleinikov 2002a, b).

Traditional and Modern Views on Genius There are thousands of books and articles on intelligence and creativity as well as hundreds of definitions of genius. Since the most popular definitions call genius “a super intellectual power” or “extraordinary creative power,” many researchers study psychosocial background, developmental, cognitive, educational, and other aspects of a genius to figure out how a person may have achieved the top level of creativity or intelligence. Meanwhile, the term “genius” became very popular and overused. For example, after the introduction and popularization of IQ tests, some applied the term “genius” to those who scored high on the tests. However, Dr. Abbie F. Salny, supervisory psychologist, American Mensa, clarified the confusion by answering the question, “Are there really any true geniuses?”: Genius may be in the eye of the beholder. Furthermore, a true genius may not score particularly well on a standard group IQ test. We know a Nobel Prize winner who never scored at Mensa level on a school IQ test. . . And really, those who are what we may call a genius don’t need a score to prove it. (Salny 2009, Retrieved from http://permianbasin.us. mensa.org/resources/questionofgenius.html Dec.23, 2011)

In reality, the IQ tests show that individuals who score high have wide knowledge and are able to solve intellectual puzzles (problems). However, it is only the real life that can show how impressive their achievements would be in order to be considered geniuses. The same may be stated about the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (Torrance 1974). They measure creative abilities (some score lower, some higher), but whether these abilities will be used to get the top achievements to be recognized as geniuses is up to the person and society he or she lives in. Another example of the term “genius” being extremely popular and attractive is the creation of

the MacArthur Fellowship, nicknamed “genius award.” It is given by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation each year to 20–40 Americans showing “exceptional merit and promise for continued and enhanced creative work.” This award actually is a genius way to support potential geniuses, who, as Oscar Wilde states, “are born, not paid,” and whose work is often “nothing for use or profit” (Schopenhauer). Traditionally, the phenomenon of genius is defined through: • Hard work – “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration” (T. Edison). H.W. Austin echoes Edison by saying, “Genius, the power which dazzles human eyes, is oft but perseverance in disguise.” • Intellect – Genius is a superior intellectual power, and people with a high IQ are geniuses (as in Stillson 1998). • Creativity – Genius is a superior creative power (Gelb 1998; Michalko 1998; Simonton 1999; Sobel 1996; Thorpe 2000). • Some dominant feature (imagination or sensitivity) – “The source of genius is imagination alone, the refinement of the senses that sees what others do not see, or sees them differently” (Eugène Delacroix). • Some unusual ability – “Genius is an ability to see through to the essential” (unknown author). “To see things in the seed – that is genius” (Lao-tzu). • Power of talent – “Talents are buffaloes, and the most powerful of them are geniuses” (Jules Renard). • Originality – “The principal mark of a genius is not perfection but originality, the opening of new frontiers” (Arthur Koestler). • Error, mistake, and incident – “It [genius] is personality with a penny's worth of talent. Error which chances to rise above the commonplace” (Pablo Picasso). • Madness or mental disease – Mad genius controversy (Durrenberger 1999).


Many of the studies of genius are individual centered, while in reality, the concept of genius is both social and individual in nature. A simple mental experiment makes it obvious. Even in the case of the most well-known definition stating that genius is an extraordinary intellectual power, there is no such thing as an extraordinary intellectual power individual who grows up in isolation and lives alone somewhere on a desert island. In such a hypothetical case, first of all, there would be no learning from the society, no language, and no societal problems to solve; second, there is no comparison against the other minds in the field for measuring social achievements; and third, there is no social recognition, and consequently there is no genius. From this point of view, genius is a social status (name, concept) given by the grateful society as an “award” to some individuals with outstanding contributions to humanity. In some works on genius, authors choose to take one fate, one individual, and research one life while trying to reveal the genius behind (Gleick 1993; Seifer 1998). Then there are those who compare a few geniuses in hope to deduce a list of common features (Gardner 1993) and those who research larger groups (Bloom 2002). Many authors attribute genius to a divine intervention (see William Crashaw’s idea in the list of quotes below). Some try Darwinian (scientific) approach to creativity and genius (Simonton 1999). The path to establishing a new science repeats itself in many domains. As in many other fields, literature comes first. Numerous literary biographies of geniuses provide metaphoric, poetic, and picturesque descriptions that depict the sociocultural background of the phenomenon. Then some well-established branches of science research separate aspects of genius that form a kind of a transition from mythology to science with its precise terms, abstract notions, and repeatable and testable objective data. Finally, the need for generalizing the research data on genius becomes obvious, and consequently, there appears a separate science with a multidisciplinary approach to coordinate and organize these findings. This science, geniusology, has its own objective and its own research methodologies to discover the regularities and laws of genius development.


In the history of science, when a new science appears, it unites the efforts of an individual researcher and research groups which contribute to a common goal – an adequate reflection of the phenomenon. To follow this path of the development, it would be correct to start with mythology.

Myths of Genius The issue of genius is surrounded by a number of myths that feed public imagination. Some of the most popular myths are summarized below: Geniuses Are Born When people say that geniuses are born, not made, they mean that the main contributor to genius is genetics. Inherited features do matter, but without proper upbringing and education, even the best genetic material is doomed. “Genius without education is like silver in the mine” (Benjamin Franklin). On the other hand, even the best training and education would not make a genetic imbecile a genius. The approach is not “nature or nurture,” as some people tend to state it, but “nature and nurture.” Only a combination of both produces proper results. Genius Must Be Visible in Childhood This myth comes from the confusion of prodigy and genius. It is prodigy that is visible in childhood. Only 5% of prodigies show up on the genius level – the others burn out and end up in oblivion. On the other hand, many of the recognized geniuses were considered dumb in childhood. Einstein, for example, who was a dyslexic, began to speak at about three and needed tutoring in school. Another example, little Pablo Picasso survived elementary school only by having his father sit in the classroom (to protect him from ridicule). Genius Is Talented in Everything (Gifted) The idea that geniuses are well rounded and talented in everything is very popular. Otto Weininger calls it “universality” (see quotes below). This myth is only partially true. There


are geniuses in history, like Leonardo da Vinci, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and Mikhail Lomonosov, who were talented in everything; however, there were also hundreds of recognized geniuses who were not that gifted but exhibited brilliance only in one field. Genius Is Accidental This point of view is supported by serendipity – the science of accidental discoveries. The discovery of x-rays by Röntgen is one of the classical examples. History states he “accidentally” noticed some shimmering lights in the darkness of the room when an electrical discharge was passed through the cathode tubes blocked by cardboard that should prevent light from escaping. He called the unknown rays “X-rays.” Another famous example of “serendipity” is Henri Becquerel’s discovery of radioactivity. There was no sunshine needed for his experiments for several days; so he put the uranium compound crystals away to the drawer on the photo paper. Then “accidentally” or in impatience he developed films and found white spot in the form of the crystal on the film. He correctly concluded that uranium compound crystal even without being exposed to sunlight emits some rays that penetrate the light-resistant paper. This is how radioactivity has been discovered. These discoveries may seem accidental, but both Röntgen and Becquerel were researchers, and had complex equipment in their labs, and experimented with cathode tubes and uranium ore. If not them, then earlier or later somebody else would have had such an “accident.” Geniuses Are Mad The myth about geniuses being mad is supported by literature and movie industry. For instance, the movie A Beautiful Mind dramatized the genius/ madness relationship of the Nobel Laureate John Nash. Some people state it less offensively: a genius and an insane person are two points of a cut-and-open circle. Some authors show that highly creative people have a larger chance of being mentally ill. Others disagree. Genius, however, is more visible and attractive to media, while thousands and millions of mentally ill people stay in mental clinics, kept away from the public and


publicity. In any case, the issue is so attractive that the first in the world Encyclopedia of Creativity – an outstanding collection of research in itself – does not have an article on genius but offers an article on genius/madness controversy (Durrenberger 1999). On the other hand, since genius is always far ahead of the society he or she lives in, the society is often merciless and does a lot to make this genius seem mad (see the citation by Jonathan Swift, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Heinrich Heine below). Moreover, some societies are mad. Take, for example, the Nazi Germany from where Einstein and other scientists had to run away. The answer to the question, “Who is crazier?”: Einstein poking his tongue out (very popular photo) or the society that burns books in the streets and Jews in the concentration camps is obvious.

Modern Views on Genius (Highlights) Media Approach Contemporary media is glorifying genius on the one hand and making fun of it on the other, but the fact is media is attracted to genius. Some popular magazines dedicate entire issues to genius. There are articles, books, and Web sites on genius. The issue of genius continues to attract the public. The case of Grigory Perelman, who solved the Poincaré conjecture, was named “a mathematical genius” but refused to receive the Fields Medal and $1,000,000 prize, is but one of the recent examples. Genius Quotes Some quotes about genius (retrieved from http:// www.theabsolute.net/minefield/genqtpg.html) to reflect the common knowledge include: • Geniuses are like thunderstorms. They go against the wind, terrify people, and cleanse the air. (Kierkegaard) • A genius is one who can do anything except make a living. (Joey Adams) • Genius is born, not paid. (Oscar Wilde)


• Genius is not so much about new ideas as it is about clarity of ideas. Two people can have the same idea yet it will be genius in the one and mediocrity in the other. (Kevin Solway) • Genius is the ability to act rightly without precedent – the power to do the right thing the first time. (Elbert Hubbard) • Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them. (Albert Einstein) • Philosophy becomes poetry and science imagination, in the enthusiasm of genius. (Disraeli) • Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius. (Wolfgang A. Mozart) • The first and last thing required of genius is the love of truth. (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe) • Genius does what it must, and talent does what it can. (Owen Meredith Earl of Lytton) • Andy Warhol is the only genius with an IQ of 60. (Gore Vidal) • Oh! How near are genius and madness! Men imprison them and chain them or raise statues to them. (Denis Diderot) • Genius is the capacity to see ten things where the ordinary man sees one. (Ezra Pound) • The principal mark of a genius is not perfection but originality, the opening of new frontiers. (Arthur Koestler) • When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. (Jonathan Swift) • Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered – either by themselves or by others. (Mark Twain) • The world is always ready to receive talent with open arms. Very often it does not know what to do with genius. (Oliver Wendell Holmes) • Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple. (C. W. Ceran) • Genius without education is like silver in the mine. (Benjamin Franklin) • Everyone is a genius at least once a year; a real genius has his original ideas closer together. (G. C. Lichtenberg)


• When human power becomes so great and original that we can account for it only as a kind of divine imagination, we call it genius. (William Crashaw) • Everyone is born with genius, but most people only keep it a few minutes. (Edgard Varese) • Every man is a potential genius until he does something. (Sir Herbert Beerbohm) • Universality is the distinguishing mark of genius. There is no such thing as a special genius, a genius for mathematics, or for music, or even for chess, but only a universal genius. The genius is a man who knows everything without having learned it. (Otto Weininger) • Society is a republic. When an individual endeavors to lift himself above his fellows, he is dragged down by the mass, either by means of ridicule or of calumny. No one shall be more virtuous or more intellectually gifted than others. Whoever, by the irresistible force of genius, rises above the common herd is certain to be ostracized by society, which will pursue him with such merciless derision and detraction that at last he will be compelled to retreat into the solitude of his thoughts. (Heinrich Heine) • It is the genius in reality and not the other who is the creator of history, for it is only the genius who is outside and unconditioned by history. The great man has a history; the emperor is only a part of history. The great man transcends time; time creates and time destroys the emperor. (Otto Weininger) • Genius is its own reward; the work of genius may be music, philosophy, painting, or poetry; it is nothing for use or profit. To be useless and unprofitable is one of the characteristics of genius; it is their patent of nobility. (Schopenhauer) In the research on genius, a genius should be clearly differentiated from: • A hero (one time act – usually a bravery act, often known to one country, like war or revolution heroes, but sometimes to the whole


world, like Yury Gagarin – the first cosmonaut, astronaut) • A celebrity (known to the people of the same generation but may be forgotten as time passes and culture forges ahead) • A talent (bright, sparkling individuality, easy to learn, easy to produce but lacking originality, persistence, or dedication for high-level innovation) • A national leader (political figures – well known to the public but just in line with other leaders. And leaders come and go) Genius is none of these with the exception of very innovative political leaders whose achievements are extremely valued by the society, like Peter the Great. Often, a genius may be unknown during one’s lifetime but will be known in centuries to follow. Geniuses stay forever; see the profound thought of Otto Weininger in the quotes, “The great man transcends time; time creates and time destroys the emperor.”

Origins and History of the Concept Development Historically, the word genius can be traced back to Latin. In ancient Rome, a genius was understood as a deity or spirit that watches over each person from birth. At that time, it was customary to glorify the genius of the emperor, the genius of commanders, as well as on the lower level, to propitiate the spirits, like the genius of the location, house, and even gates for protection. This genius spirit was associated with wit, talent, some prophetic skills, and even generative powers. Etymologically, the Latin word genius came from the root gignere – beget, produce. The common root gen – produce – is now seen in the words generation, genesis, genetics, etc. The first usage of the word genius in the contemporary meaning “person of natural intelligence or talent” is recorded in the seventeenth century. The path of the meaning change from god genius to human genius resembles the path the word creator and its derivatives


went through (see the definition entry on “▶ Creativity” in this Encyclopedia).

Research of Genius Modern research on genius ranges from measuring the weight of Einstein’s brain (after he died in 1955) to psychological research on genius/madness connection (see, e.g., http://www. scienceagogo.com/news/20020422222106data_ trunc_sys.shtml Dec. 22, 2011). Dean Keith Simonton, for example, developed the chance-configuration theory to analyze the scientific genius by using characteristics such as exceptional productivity, lifestyle, motivation, age and achievements, family background, education, and role models. Convinced that creativity can be understood best as a Darwinian process of variation and selection, he also made it clear that genius belongs to the level of metasciences, like philosophy, sociology, and psychology of science (Simonton 1999). The research on genius, however, is contradictory, and some researchers openly express their frustration with the situation: After hours of research, days of discussion, interviews of few, and surveys of many, our attempts at discovering the exact definition and cause of “genius” have been almost futile. There are no two sources that will give the same definition of genius, and in talking to several experts in the field of psychology, nobody could come to a consensus on what made a genius a genius (Arielle Olicker at http://www.sciencenet.emory.edu/mismeasure/ genius/conclusion.html).

Similar to the research situation with the definition of creativity (Aleinikov et al. 2000), there are four ways to deal with this multiplicity: • To select one definition • To accept multiplicity • To consider all of the definitions, including the future ones, as being a reflection on the complexity of the phenomenon • To offer a universal (scientific) definition that would simplify the issue to its essence “Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the


simple” (C. W. Ceran). “Genius is the ability to see through to the essential” (unknown author). Many researchers choose the first option and use the selected definition as a working definition. Dr. E. Paul Torrance, “the creativity man,” preferred the second option. While commenting on the situation with thousands of creativity definitions described in the book MegaCreator: From Creativity to Mega-, Giga-, and InfiCreativity (Aleinikov 1999b), he said, “Definitions will continue endlessly, but people will learn not to be disturbed by it and continue finding out more about creativity” (Torrance 2002). Geniusology, the science of genius, employs the last two options on the list. First of all, it accepts all available definitions as a prescientific stage of studying a genius, and second, it offers a scientific definition.

Scientific View on Genius: Geniusology, the Science of Genius Geniusology, a new science of genius, was first mentioned in 2003 (in Singapore) and then officially published in the USA in 2004 (Aleinikov 2004). The results of research in science are represented by classifications. Objects and processes fall into some well-defined and logically differentiated categories. Classifications make reality much simpler. For example, the periodic table of elements (Mendeleev) introduced order into the large number of chemical substances. The genius idea that allowed Mendeleev to create such a classification was to use the atomic weight of chemical elements for this purpose. First of all, the science of genius can employ the classifications of geniuses available in literature and in reality. Then geniusology can create an ideal (deductive logic) classification that includes all available and yet undiscovered types of geniuses, that is, a matrix with possible fill-ins. Real-life classifications (prescientific) are often a conglomerate of empirical observations and theoretical explanations. Traditionally, they form a


necessary foundation for large-scale generalizations. Since geniuses are human, and humans have to work for a living, the most obvious category of classification can start with the occupation: • Science genius (like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein) • Technology genius (like Thomas Edison) • Composing genius (like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven) • Medical genius (like Hippocrates) • Teaching genius (like Maria Montessori) • Business genius (like Henry Ford and Bill Gates) • Military genius (like Alexander the Great) • Organizational genius (like Napoleon: contrary to the popular opinion, he was not a military genius – he lost a number of wars and battles, but when defeated, he could come back to Paris and organize another army for another campaign within months) • Artistic genius (like Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, etc.) • Performing genius (like Charlie Chaplin, Nicolo Paganini, etc.) This classification is naturally unlimited – new professions or fields appear and will arise. Athletes may say, “Why is there no athletic genius (like Hercules, Mohamed Ali, Michael Jordan, and Pele)?” Cooks may say, “Why not a cooking genius?” By the way, it was Abraham Maslow who said that a first-rate soup is more creative than a second-rate painting. The next classification category is the degree of propagation of self-expression: • Sleeping genius (never awake, passive, not applied) versus active • Hidden genius (actively creating, but never seen, like Copernicus who allowed to publish his work only after his death) versus open • Open genius (discovered, often suffering, like Galileo) • Accidental genius (serendipity genius) – onetime event, momentous genius, like Joseph


Rouget de Lisle, the composer of the Marseillaise (French national anthem), who, according to Stephan Zweig, never meant it to be an anthem and was even fighting against his song usage but later buried near Napoleon • True genius (longtime performing genius, like Mozart, Beethoven, Titian) Finally, the next obvious category of classification is the degree of recognition: • Unrecognized genius (0, zero recognition) like in the case of Gregor Mendel for 50 years before he was discovered and many others who have not been discovered yet. • Recognized genius (from 1 to about 1,000,000) – already called a genius but still in the stage of recognition. Sometimes, the Nobel Prize winners make their top discoveries in young age but get the prize recognition for their contribution much, much later. • Megarecognized (true) genius (over a million of citations, mentioning the name in prolonged time (centuries) and space (over the country borders)). These empirical classifications of genius lead to a theoretically sound scientific classification of geniuses. One of them is built on the scientific model of genius in general (universal four-sided model of language, language awareness, speech, and heuristic act). Another one is based on the matrix of physical reality offered by Bartini and the scientific discoveries called the laws of conservation (Aleinikov 2005).

Scientific Model and Definition of Genius Genius, in the traditional understanding (in the majority of cases, as it was mentioned above), is the peak of intellectual achievement or creative expression in some field (medium) for which the person is “awarded” this title by society. In all definitions above, there is one element missing: the reflection system, the language, or the sign. The thing is that the achievement of a


genius should be expressed in some semiotic system – the system of signs – and then published, exhibited, and publicized. Whether it is a formula, a theory, a discovery, a melody, a painting, a sculpture, or a pedagogical approach, it must be expressed in a system of signs. With this element added, the genius situation becomes a particular case in the universal state of order depicted by the universal model of sign, language, language awareness, speech, and heuristic act, first developed for creative linguistics (see “▶ Creative Linguistics” and Aleinikov 1988). This is a foursided model in three dimensions. When a symbolic system is added to the equation, it allows people to visualize the genius activity of producing newness and transferring this newness to the society (see “▶ Novology” in this encyclopedia). Here is how the universal model of sign, language, speech act, and heuristic act looks. In general, as Fig. 1 shows, an individual (A) is the person who creates a vision of the world (D), expresses it in symbols of the system (C), and sends it to the society (B). Society is understood as any person, or persons, speaking the same language or using the same semiotic system. The message (AB) is received by the society (B), evaluated, and appreciated or not appreciated. The size and the depth of the message can be easily reflected by the size and the depth of the model. That is why some messages would be ordinary (low creative) and quickly forgotten, while the others – deep and original (highly creative) – would be remembered (valued) for centuries. In the particular case of a genius, the message (AB) is so uniquely expressed in a symbolic system (C) and reflects such a highly innovative vision of the world (D) that it is top valued by the society (B) – that is why this individual (A) is named a genius. Therefore, the model of genius must include four absolutely necessary elements – elements that are generic (universal for all): • Individual (to learn, to comprehend social problems, to act) • Society (to teach individual first and to evaluate the contributions later)



B Society

A Individual


C Symbolic system

D World (Reality) Genius, Fig. 1 Universal model of sign, language, language awareness, speech, and heuristic act

• Symbolic system (to express the vision – language, mathematics language, visual arts language, musical language, etc.) • World (to be reflected by individual) In addition to the universal (generic) elements of the situation, the description of a genius includes some more elements that characterize individuals that are specifically genius and not referring to all people. These specific elements are “top valued” by the society, “uniquely expressed,” and of “highly innovative vision.” Therefore, a scientific definition of genius reads as follows: a genius is a person (A) top valued by the society (B) for the uniquely expressed highly innovative vision (C) of the world (D). Note that this definition does not mention creativity or intellect (to avoid controversy) but mentions checkable and repeatable elements, like symbolic expression, level of innovation, and top societal evaluations. This definition is also domain-free because it can be used for science, for technology, for arts, for education, etc. It fits all of the domains. A properly built scientific definition should include only necessary and sufficient elements. The necessity is usually tested by mentally omitting one element and checking whether the concept still stands. The sufficiency is checked by applying the definition to real examples and checking whether all elements of the definition

together are sufficient to cover life examples, where nothing else is needed. Checking the primary elements of the definition for necessity: • No person (individual) – no genius: neither machines (objects) nor groups of people are called geniuses. • No society – no genius: there is no social evaluation at all, so there is no top evaluation. • No uniquely expressed highly innovative vision – no genius: non-expressed originality cannot be seen, read, heard, and consequently evaluated. • No world behind the uniquely expressed highly innovative vision (empty, meaningless) – no genius: a nonmeaningful expression like accidental set of symbols, crazy, and stupid combinations, etc., do not count for genius. Checking the secondary elements (dependent on the primary) for necessity: • B1 “top valued” – genius is the highest verbal award for a human being from the society. So it is not just “highly valued” (prize, fellowship, or medal) or “valued” – it is top valued. There is no higher evaluation in the society than the rank of a genius. Rich and famous may be forgotten, geniuses are forever. No wonder, there are so many self-proclaimed geniuses and so much media noise about geniuses. For the definition check, no “top valued” – no genius. • C1 “uniquely expressed” – articles, books, paintings, sculptures, movies, etc., all are unique expressions – no compilation and no plagiarism accepted. No unique expression – no genius. • C2 “highly innovative vision” – level of innovation matters: world-level innovation, versus country-level innovation, city-level innovation, and plant-, school-, company-, street-, family-level innovation. No world-level innovation (highly innovative vision) – no genius.


So, both the primary elements and the secondary elements are necessary. Checking the terms for sufficiency, here are some examples from science, technology, and arts domains: • Isaac Newton (A) in simple formulas (C1) expressed his unique vision (C) of the world’s mechanics (D), which saved the society (B) huge amount of resources that could have been wasted without calculations. For this highly innovative vision (C2) of the world, he is considered a genius; mechanics is now called Newtonian physics, and there is a unit named Newton in honor of his name (B1). • Albert Einstein (A) uniquely (C1) expressed his highly innovative vision (C2) of the world (D) in the theory of relativity (C) that advanced the science of astronomy and led to many other discoveries, as well as the introduction of a new cosmological constant, for which the grateful society (B) top valued (B1) his contributions and considers him a genius. • Thomas Edison (A) in over 1,000 patents (C) uniquely expressed (C1) his highly innovative vision (C2) of the technology world (D), which advanced social development immensely for which the grateful society (B) calls him a technological genius (B1). • Wolfgang A. Mozart (A) in numerous music compositions (C) uniquely expressed (C1) his highly innovative vision (C2) of the world sound harmony (D) that opened a new era in classical music, for which he is highly honored (B1) by society (B), and his music can be heard everywhere. • William Shakespeare (A) in unique poetic forms (C1) expressed (C) his highly innovative vision (C2) of the world of human feelings (D) for which he is top honored (B1) by the grateful society (B). By the way, out of 17,000 words that he used in his poetry 1,700 were new words! A very high level of innovation! • Van Gogh (A) in uniquely thick strokes and basic color paints (C1) expressed (C) his highly innovative vision (C2) of the visual world (D) thus contributing to the creation of the new style of arts – impressionism. For this


world-level innovation in the field of visual arts, he is top valued (B1) by the society (B). As an example, one of his simplest paintings – “Chair” – was once auctioned for $37,000,000. • Andy Warhol (A) in uniquely multiplied sameness of the screen printed images of popular personalities and artifacts (C1) expressed (C) his highly innovative vision (C2) of the modern repetitious and full of advertising world (D), thus founding a new style of fine arts – pop art, for which the society (B) calls him a genius (B1). • Charlie Chaplin (A) in his uniquely entertaining manner (C1) expressed (C) his highly innovative vision (C2) of the “little-guy-in-the-bigcity” world (D) for which the grateful (laughing to tears) society (B) calls him the genius of silent film (B1). First of all, notice how the pattern repeats itself in the explanations above. It is exactly what science is: it provides testable and repeatable knowledge. Second, note how the scientific definition cuts off: • Computer poetry and music (no A, individual). • Self-proclaimed geniuses, as well as lowerlevel producers, who write, exhibit, perform, etc., but are not innovative enough and, therefore, not top valued (no B, society; no B1, recognition). • Intellectuals or IQ test high-scored individuals that do not develop new vision and do not express it in writing and publishing, painting and exhibiting, dancing, singing, reciting, performing, etc. They may be lazy, too shy, and so on – reasons do not matter. Since there is no production expressed in symbols, no unique expression, no highly innovative vision, there is no basis for rewards (no C1, unique expression; no C2, highly innovative vision). • Senseless, meaningless production in writing or performing – like “monkey typing” or mentally sick doodling that has no reflection of the world (no D, real world).


On the basis of such a universal model and definition, it is easy “to see” the essence of the genius and to visualize the genius situation. A genius is certainly not just the high IQ which is often simply knowledge of already known facts and patterns – far from something really new. These are not “new frontiers” (see the quote of Arthur Koestler). What new frontiers could be found in the book of puzzles or tests already created by somebody? The test taker merely follows the test creator and hundreds of those who took the test before in order to check its validity. This graphic model (ABCD) also allows researchers to visualize the most important aspect for the explanation of the genius activity. It is the differentiation plane that cuts the old and the new in the message. This is how the cutting plane (CDp) looks in general: It can be explained as illustrated by Fig. 2 – any statement (report, article, book, research, painting, music show, theatrical performance, etc.) consists of the old (BCDp) and the new (ACDp) parts. In the case of genius, this new part (what genius has discovered and now communicates to the society) is much larger than the old part (what society already knows). This is what the model of interaction in general looks like: As Fig. 3 suggests, an individual (A) creates a new vision of the world (D), expresses it in the language (C) also known to the society (B), and sends a message (AB) consisting of known volume (pBCD) and also new volume (pACD). This is the modification of the figure published first in the article titled “Humane Creativity” (Aleinikov 1999a) to show how creative acts expand the society’s culture domain. Now, applying it to the issue of genius, this is what the graph would look like. As Fig. 4. illustrates, genius often makes a needle-shape shot into the future, and it takes several followers (disciples), then hundreds of researchers, and finally, thousands of commentators to explain the genius creative act, thus stretching the social culture (common knowledge, traditions, rituals) to the height of the genius ideas. Christianity and other religions are a great example.


This model also explains why the society does not understand genius and descends to ridicule (see above what Heinrich Heine, Mark Twain, and Oliver Wendell Holmes said). The needleshaped long shot looks like having no or little foundation in the culture domain. It is often seen as “crazy”; it terrifies people as a statement or vision lacking “foundation” (see the quote by Kierkegaard). Certainly, if genius is 50–200 years ahead of the society, it would take society 50–200 years of development to catch up with the genius. Only then, the society will appreciate the intellectual or creative power of the person and call this person a genius. This model also shows that a genius is the fastest culture expander. A genius either produces ten/hundred times more (i.e., faster) than a talented person or is the first to arrive at a discovery (a highly innovative vision of the world). This is the essence of a genius and another short definition: genius is the fastest culture expander! Speaking about speed, preliminary research shows that geniuses produce about ten times more new ideas than talented people and about 100–1,000 times more than ordinary people. Geniuses produce so many new ideas that it dazzles the bystanders (see the quote of Ezra Pound above). To measure the genius ideation productivity, in addition to Torrance’s measuring of creative abilities (Torrance 1974) and Kirton’s creative style measurement (Kirton 1994), geniusology introduced the ideation efficiency measurement and a new measurement unit (one idea per second = 1 Alein). Consequently, there would appear new concepts of decacreativity (10), hectocreativity (100), kilocreativity (1,000), megacreativity (1,000,000), and gigacreativity (1,000,000,000) as the numerically defined concepts for measuring the efficiency of creative output (Aleinikov 1999b, 2002a). In addition to the first (scientific) and second (graph based) definition, geniusology offers a “genius-type” definition of genius. It was developed in one of genius thinking classes during the so-called genius definition exercise, where participants were allowed to use only two words for a definition. Such a two-word definition of a genius







B Society

megahertz), while the word super does not have any mathematical equivalent. A genius, therefore, according to this “geniustype” definition, has two sides united in one: • Social recognition (over a million references, quotations, records in time and in space, i.e., over the centuries and over the country borders). • The activity that caused (earned) this recognition – the activity of innovation that either includes over a million innovative acts or involves one or several acts that led to a




Symbolic system

D World (Reality) Genius, Fig. 2 The new/old plane in the model Genius, Fig. 3 Model of creative act expanding culture

Culture domain





B Society


C Symbolic System

is megarecognized megainnovator. As in the case of megacreativity (Aleinikov 2002a), the words are spelled together. Only the Microsoft editing program and human editors prefer the spelling in four words. Even in four words, it is probably the shortest definition of a genius: mega recognized mega innovator. Since genius is “the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple” (C. W. Ceran) and genius is “not so much about new ideas as it is about clarity of ideas” (Kevin Solway), geniusology, the science of genius, offers a simple, short as a formula and numerically precise “genius-type” definition: genius is a mega recognized mega innovator. Note: In more traditional (less precise) words, it might be “a super recognized super innovator.” The term mega, however, is preferable because it means “million” in science (megawatt,


World (Reality)

million of innovative acts after its discovery. A good example of the latter is the discovery of X-ray (Roentgen) that spread to medicine, technology, geology, astronomy, and many other fields. Finally, from the societal point of view, genius is a social phenomenon of highly appreciated (valued) individual greatness. Genius is just a social verbal award for individual’s outstanding contributions for the benefit of society. In general, in order to be accepted as a scientific definition, a definition should withstand counterexamples (mental experiments). For example, somebody states that “genius is a superior intellectual power.” Then finding a genius (the person extremely famous for one’s innovation)

Genius Genius, Fig. 4 Genius creative act expanding culture

13 Individual creative acts expanding culture

Genius creative act

Culture domain


Individual creative acts expanding culture

but not having a superior intellectual power would be considered a counterexample. For instance, Gore Vidal calls Andy Warhol, one of the founding figures of pop art, “a genius with the IQ of a moron.” So the definition with “superior intellectual power” does not work for all geniuses. If there is at least one counterexample, the definition is not true. Note that the definitions, offered by geniusology, withstand such a counterexample. Andy Warhol is certainly: • A person top valued by the society for the uniquely expressed highly innovative vision of the world • A mega recognized mega innovator • The fastest culture expander The fact is that his influence spread over all medium from fine arts to TV and film industry, from literature to theater, and then to philosophy. It was even called the Andy Warhol “empire,” and some people rightfully doubt it could be done by a person with low IQ. Much closer to truth is the hypothesis that it was his play – the desire to be controversial, careless, and mysterious which

attracted more viewers to the art, as was in the Salvador Dali’s case as well.

Practical Applications of Geniusology In Science Studying geniuses and using genius methods of thinking brings outstanding results. As a case in point, studying the methods of Robert Oros di Bartini (Soviet air designer and physicist), the group of researchers from Monterey and Santa Cruz in California: • Developed a new – mathematically simple and physically sound – vision of the world • Introduced five new sciences and three new fields of research • Discovered 11 new laws of conservation (for comparison: Isaac Newton discovered one, Johann Kepler two) • Offered 12 new measurement units for new physical reality (Aleinikov and Smarsh 2011) In Education The new scientific model of genius allowed educators to determine precise steps in developing genius habits, skills, knowledge, creativity, and


innovation patterns both for children and adults. Genius Education Methodology (GEM) began its practice in 1995 with the opening of School of Genius in Montgomery, Alabama and quickly spread around the world (Germany, India, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Pakistan, Thailand, and the USA). GEM showed outstanding results in elementary, middle and high schools, colleges, and universities, in teachers’ and principals’ education (for more details see “▶ Creative Pedagogy”). First of all, in its philosophy, GEM considers that there is a genius in every child and adult. It looks for what Plato seriously calls “peculiar bent of the genius” in each (echoed in the speech of Singapore’s Minister for Education, Wong 2001) and many other authors mention with irony (see Mark Twain, G. C. Lichtenberg, Edgard Varese, and Sir Herbert Beerbohm in quotes). Then GEM defines five steps to the genius level and develops specific methodologies to maintain the interest of the learner until it becomes internal motivation and makes the person being educated an idealearner (genius learner), who learns by oneself – no other motivators (exams, tests, grades, diplomas, awards) needed. Just as Schopenhauer stated, “Genius is its own reward.” Learning genius thinking methods makes children so interested in studying that it changes their lives. Some examples of teaching the genius thinking methods to children: • Thirteen worst sixth graders of the school, selected by teachers out of 1,200 students as “doomed to fail,” after a 3-day intervention, pass all the exams (math, science, english, and mother tongue) and proceed to the next level of academic education. This is 100% success (Jiemin Primary School, Singapore). • One of these pupils, an 11-year-old boy, invented a new skateboard by using a genius thinking method (creative activity), entered it in a contest in Japan (innovation activity), won the contest, traveled to Japan to participate in the ceremony, received $1,500 as winning prize, and gave his father $500 for “being a good father.”


• A 12-year-old girl from Felton, California, who studied Bartini’s methods, discovered two new laws of conservation and used one of them to solve the Great NASA Gravity Mystery (“Pioneer 10, 11 Anomaly”). For details see http://globalscience.ru/article/read/ 212/ and http://globalscience.ru/article/read/ 321/). The main achievement of GEM, however, is that teachers after this pedagogical intervention see their students and their own professional duties in a totally different way. For saving geniuses in children and adults on four continents, media labeled Genius Education Methodology (GEM) “the GEM of education.” For comparison, there are other approaches to genius education and training. Genrikh Altshuller, for example, teaches the genius life strategies as chess game strategies (weak move, better move, the best move), and a person can follow these strategies to win the game of life and after life (Altshuller and Vertkin 1994). China Daily reports that several “genius training camps” have been established in major cities across China, with one in Beijing (retrieved from http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2006-05/19/ content_594875.htm). The approach, however, is the “genius = high IQ” approach.

Conclusion and Future Directions Genius is an extremely complex subject to study, and therefore, a separate science, geniusology, is evolving to study it. The science of genius is created with the purpose of understanding what genius is and how it is affected and reflected at all levels, ranging from the physical to the societal. Its mission is to research genius lives, genius learning, genius thinking, genius solutions, genius ideas, genius imagination, genius character, genius feelings, genius habits, genius skills, genius upbringing, genius environment, genius growth and decline, etc. Every aspect of genius and every bit of knowledge about genius is extending human understanding of genius, thus


increasing the probability of improving the humanity scientific, technological, educational, and social achievements. Geniusology is being built around one object to study, which unifies research efforts, but it also incorporates diverse, multidisciplinary approaches (see “▶ Transdisciplinary Research (Transdisciplinarity)”) to be developed by academics, scholars, and researchers from all disciplines. Geniusology embraces cognitive, computational, mathematical, and educational approaches. The first geniusology results include both theoretical and practical achievements, such as a new vision of the genius world, new definitions of genius, new model of genius, new measurements, new measurement unit, and finally Genius Education Methodology that applies the research results to the educational practice. The inclusion of the educational aspect ensures that geniusology does not become a pure science: it needs testing and retesting in education; it needs educational and industrial applications to save geniuses, to develop geniuses, and to model geniuses. Geniusology, as a new science with its “love” (Wolfgang A. Mozart) for genius and “love of truth” (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe) about genius, is a vast field of research that is open to thousands of researchers. It opens new horizons or “new frontiers” (Arthur Koestler) for discoveries (see “▶ Invention Versus Discovery”). It embraces all previous empirical findings, all the data gathered by researchers, and builds new theories. Just as “philosophy becomes poetry” (Disraeli), the poetry becomes philosophy, and a set of definitions randomly taken from the list is used for illustration of the new science. Geniusology analyzes all types of reasoning: analogy reasoning and mathematical reasoning. It must research all types of logic: formal, modal, dialectical, deontic, and even “iron” logic and all types of problem solving: trial and error, lay and scientific problem solving, creative problem solving, innovative problem solving, etc. Geniusology creates a passionate tribute to the genius of creation, genius of arts, genius of education, and certainly genius of science! In the future, geniusology must unite the studies of intelligence and multiple intelligences with


studies on creativity (see “▶ Science of Creativity”) and innovation (social newness) because genius is the combination of the top intelligence, top creativity, and top social orientation. Geniusology must study the strategies of genius thinking and the strategies of genius living, the strategies of genius solutions of the open-ended and ambiguous problems. Geniusology must investigate creative methodologies and innovative leaps, motivational, emotional, and social contexts of genius lives, as well as sociocultural, economic, political, historical, and environmental factors, causing genius and developing the genius. Geniusology must study cross-cultural (see “▶ Creativity Across Cultures”) and intra-cultural genius. It must develop measurements of genius activities, abilities, and even products. It must find out the roots of greatness and eminence and giftedness and talent in all spheres of human life from arts and science to politics and war. Geniusology achievements can result in new learning technologies, including intelligent tutoring systems, new visualization tools, computer-supported collaborative environments, new digital libraries, and real-time assessment tools. Obviously, there is a place for mathematical, statistical, and computational modeling that will help to develop new tools and technology to support the science of genius. Countries that begin to apply the science of genius and its innovative methodologies can achieve a breakthrough in development in 10–20 years when children who went through GEM grow into genius thinkers, make their genius discoveries, patent and implement their inventions, and create their masterpieces in arts.

Cross-References ▶ Creative Linguistics ▶ Creative Pedagogy ▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches ▶ Invention Versus Discovery ▶ Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), Theory ▶ Novology ▶ Science of Creativity ▶ Transdisciplinary Research (Transdisciplinarity)


References Aleinikov AG. Creative linguistics (foundations, problems and perspectives). In: YuA S, Tarasov EF, Ufimtseva NV, editors. Language awareness: stereotypes and creativity. Moscow: Institute of linguistics, USSR Academy of Sciences; 1988. p. 77–89. russ. Креативная лингвистика (обоснование, проблемы и перспективы). Языковое сознание: стереотипы и творчество. Aleinikov AG. Humane creativity. In: Runco M, Pritzker S, editors. Encyclopedia of creativity, vol. 1. San Diego: Academic; 1999a. p. 837–44. Aleinikov AG. Megacreator: from creativity to mega-, giga-, and infi-creativity. MIMII: Montgomery; 1999b. Aleinikov AG. Mega creativity: five steps to thinking like a genius. Walking Sticks: Cincinnati; 2002a. Aleinikov AG, editor. The future of creativity. Bensenville: Scholastic Testing Service; 2002b. Aleinikov AG. Geniusology, the science of genius: theoretical foundations, problems, and perspectives. Proceedings of the Academy of Creativity and Innovation, Allied Academies, Vol. 1, Number 2, p. 3, Maui, Hawaii; 2004. Aleinikov AG. Geniusology: scientific classification of genius. Proceedings of the Academy of Creativity and Innovation, Allied Academies, Vol. 2, Number 1, p. 11, Memphis, TN; 2005. Aleinikov A, Smarsh D. 11 New laws of conservation: expanding physics horizons for strategic management. Proceedings of the allied academies’ internet conference, Vol. 13, p. 132, Candler, NC; 2011. Aleinikov A, Kackmeister S, Koenig R. Creating creativity: 101 definitions (what Webster never told you). Alden B Dow Creativity Center: Midland; 2000. Altshuller GS, Vertkin IM. How to become a genius: the life strategy of a creative person. Minsk: Belorussia; 1994. russ. Альтшуллер ГС, Верткин ИМ. Как стать гением: Жизненная стратегия творческой личности. М инск: Беларусь, 1994. Bloom H. Genius: a mosaic of one hundred exemplary creative minds. New York: Warner Books; 2002. Durrenberger SD. Mad genius controversy. In: Runco M, Pritzker S, editors. The encyclopedia of creativity, vol. 2. San Diego: Academic; 1999. p. 169–77.

Genius Gardner H. Creating minds: an anatomy of creativity seen through the lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi. New York: BasicBooks; 1993. Gelb MJ. How to think like Leonardo da Vinci: seven steps to genius every day. New York: Delacorte Press; 1998. Gleick J. Genius: the life and science of Richard Feynman. New York: Vintage Books; 1993. Kirton M, editor. Adaptors and innovators. Styles of creativity and problem solving (revised). New York: Routledge; 1994. Michalko M. Cracking creativity: the secrets of creative genius. Berkeley: Ten Speed Press; 1998. Olicker A. Conclusion. Genius research. Retrieved 25 July 2003., from http://www.sciencenet.emory.edu/mis measure/genius/conclusion.html Salny AF. The question of “Genius.” A report from the supervisory psychologist, American Mensa. 2009. Retrieved 25 Dec 2011, from http://permianbasin.us. mensa.org/resources/questionofgenius.html Seifer MJ. Wizard: the life and times of Nikola tesla: biography of a genius. New York: Citadel Press Book; 1998. Simonton DK. Origins of genius: Darwinian perspectives of creativity. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1999. Sobel D. Longitude: the true story of a lone genius who solved the greatest scientific problem of his time. New York: Penguin; 1996. Stillson A. The Mensa genius a-b-c quiz book. New York: Perseus; 1998. Thorpe S. How to think like Einstein: simple ways to break the rules and discover your hidden genius. Naperville: Sourcebooks Trade; 2000. Torrance EP. Future needs for creativity research, training, and programs. In: Aleinikov AG, editor. The future of creativity. Bensenville: Scholastic Testing Services; 2002. p. 1–10. Torrance EP. Torrance tests of creative thinking. Bensenville: Scholastic Testing Services; 1974. Wong A. Speech presented at the opening of the Ednoland. Nurture the genius in your pre-schooler, Seminar & Exhibition, Singapore; 2001.


Science of Creativity Andrei G. Aleinikov International Academy of Genius, Merced, CA, USA

Synonyms Creatology; Sozidonics

Definition The science of creativity is the study of the complex phenomenon of creativity.

Introduction As with any new field of research, the creativity research at a certain moment of time develops into a science. Creating (structuring, designing) a new science is an act of creativity. If scientists create new methods of research, new models, new hypotheses, new theories, new devices, and new experiments, and these are all creative acts, then the creation of a science can be considered one of the largest creative acts in the field of science. In the history of science, the founders of new sciences are often referred to as “fathers,” such as Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, or Norbert Wiener, the father of cybernetics.

On the ontological level, the humanity as a whole exists, works, and creates newness of all kinds without thinking about creativity. Then there appears a group of thinkers (philosophers, scientists) who detect some patterns in the acts of creation and begin to observe this process and reflect its regularities. This reflection constitutes the gnoseological level – the level of knowledge. After gathering lots of data and creating a few theories, there appears a need to create a science of creativity for the world of creation to become reflected scientifically. The data on creativity gathered by the efforts of hundreds of scientists around the globe becomes the pool for shaping the science of creativity. This is how creativity in science shapes the science of creativity.

From a Field of Research to a Science: Sozidonics or Creatology Millenniums of technological inventions, poetic and artistic explorations that resulted in cultural masterpieces, scientific discoveries, and theoretical breakthroughs had to be scientifically explained. Creativity, the most human of all human abilities, called for explanation. During the last century, scholars researched: • Relationship between creativity and intelligence • Neurological processes associated with creative activity

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_15-2


• Creative abilities • Genetic factors versus training in creativity • Correlation between creativity and personality types • Relationship between creativity and mental health • Educational methodologies and human potential for fostering creativity • Educational applications for improving the efficiency of learning • Technological augmentations of creative abilities • Creativity boosters and creativity squelchers • Effect of chemical substances on creativity • Relationship between teaching creativity and recidivism reduction • Top creative achievers (genius), etc. The list of scholars who contributed to the development of science of creativity is so long that it goes well beyond the reference pattern of this encyclopedia. Nevertheless, at least mentioning the names of the most prolific ones is a must to give them credit for their dedication and enormous work. Often their scientific work is “irretrievably interwoven,” as Sidney G. Roth (1963) says, with education and training, but they still find time to do their research. Here are the names of these heroes of science whose creativity in science builds the science of creativity (in alphabetic order): T. M. Amabile (Componential Model of Creativity, Consensual Assessment) G.S. Altshuller (TRIZ), J. Arnold (Useful Creative Techniques) M.S. Basadur (Creative Problem Solving in Business, Simplex) B. Bleedorn (Education Track for Creativity) T. Buzan (Mind Mapping, Everyday Genius) B. Crammond (Creativity in the Future) M. Csikszentmihalyi (Creativity: Flow) G. Davis (Creativity is Forever) E. De Bono (Serious Creativity) Dubina (Creativity as a Phenomenon of Social Communications) G. Ekvall (Creative Climate)

Science of Creativity

R. Epstein (Behavioral Approaches to Creativity, Generativity Theory) F. Eysenk (Genius: The Natural History of Creativity) R. Firestien (Leading on the Creative Edge) M. Fisher (The IdeaFisher) R. Florida (The Rise of the Creative Class) S. Freud (Creativity and the Unconscious) H. Gardner (Creating Minds) M. Gelb (How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci) W. Gordon (Synectics) K. Goff (Everyday Creativity: An Easy-to-Read Guide) J.K. Gowan (Right Hemisphere Imagery) H.E. Gruber (Systems Approach to Creative Work, Creativity and Human Survival) S. Gryskiewicz (Positive Turbulence) J. Guilford (Intellect Model) N. Hermann (The Creative Brain, HBDI) D. Horth (Creative Competencies for Contemporary Leadership) S.G. Isaksen (Creativity Model, CPS, Frontiers of Creativity Research) M. Kirton (Styles in Creativity and Problem Solving, KAI) P. Kline (The Everyday Genius) Koestler (The Act of Creation) L. Kubie (Neurotic Distortion of the Creative Process) Magyari-Beck (Creatology), A.H. Maslow (Towards a Psychology of Being) J.H. McPherson (Creative Problem Solving Methods) M. Michalko (Cracking Creativity, Thinkertoys) M. Murdock (Nurturing and Developing Creativity) K. Neethling (Whole-Brain Sexuality, South African Creativity Foundation) R. Noller (Creativity Formula) V.M. Odrin (Morphological Synthesis) Osborn (Creative Problem Solving, Brainstorming, Creative Education Foundation) S.J. Parnes (Creative Problem Solving, Creative Education Foundation, Magic of the Mind) K.H. Pribram (Brain and the Creativity Act, Languages of the Brain) G. Prince (The Practice of Creativity) S. R. Pritzker (Encyclopedia of Creativity)

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G.J. Puccio, (Buffalo Creative Process Inventory) M. Runco (Theories of Creativity, Encyclopedia of Creativity) D.K. Simonton (Creativity, Eminence, Genius, Darwinian Approach, Historiometry) M. Stein (Stimulating Creativity, Creativity and Culture), R.J. Sternberg (The Nature of Creativity) E. P. Torrance (Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, Torrance Kids) D. Treffinger (Creativity Definitions, Creative Thinking) Van Gundy (Idea Power, Organizational Creativity and Innovation) R. von Oech (Creative Think) G. Wallas (The Art of Thought) W. Wenger and S. Wenger (Project Renaissance) M. Wertheimer (Productive Thinking) F. Zwicky (Morphological Analysis) And many others (see “▶ Research on Creativity”) Their research and publications show that the advent of the science of creativity was actually predetermined. The only variables were when, where, and by whom? Origin and History of Research It is generally accepted that research on creativity started with G. Wallas’ work in which he dissected the act of creativity into four stages: preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification (Wallas 1926). Prior to this publication, creative people were referred to as “marked by God”; no explanation was given either by these people or by researchers on how creativity appears, how it develops, how it works, etc. Some brilliant insights on the issue were scattered and were so insignificant that they can be considered only some kind of pre-research. The next major advance in igniting interest to the topic happened, thanks to J.P. Guilford’s famous speech for the American Psychological Association in 1950, in which he called for action on the sorely neglected area of creativity research (Guilford 1992).


Dr. Sidney Parnes, one of the cofounders (with Alex Osborn) of Creative Problem Solving (CPS) (see “▶ Creative Problem Solving”) and Creative Education Foundation (CEF), Buffalo, NY, sketched the following periods in the development of creativity research domain: • 1940s – cry in the dark • 1950s – the hope and hunch stage • 1960s – the research, replication, and report stage • 1970s – the widespread application stage • 1980s – the mainstream application stage (Parnes 1992) This sequence of stages vividly shows the formation of applied science, i.e., research going together with practice and returning to practice immediately. These first steps provide the foundation for building a science. Trends and Approaches The history of science in general demonstrates three major approaches in creating sciences: • Bottom-up • Top-down • Cross-section The bottom-up approach happens when a researcher discovers something so unusual and important that it later leads to unveiling a new field of research built on this discovery. Typical examples are Gregor Mendel who discovered and described similarities in bean coloring generation after generation (later he was considered the “father of genetics”) and Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen who discovered x-rays in 1895 and thus “fathered” the field of radiology. The second type, the top-down approach, occurs when somebody generalizes the huge amount of data under one concept. Good examples are the general systems theory by Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1968) and cybernetics by Norbert Wiener (1948). The third type, the cross-section approach, happens when a scientist works at the borderline


of two sciences and proves that there is a field of research between the two. A bright example is Hermann von Helmholtz who mastered two disciplines (medicine and physics), and with his synthesizing approach to science is now considered to be the “father of biophysics” (the cross-section between biology and physics). In the field of creativity, there is no groundbreaking discovery of one fact, but there is a huge amount of data to generalize. Therefore, it is obvious that the science of creativity is being developed by the top-down approach. However, since it deals with other sciences and is derived from the other fields of research, the process has the features of the cross-section (interdisciplinary) approach. In addition to the approaches mentioned above, there are trends in development of the concept. The major trends in the development of the creativity concept are: • From exclusive to inclusive • From nonscientific (popular) to scientific The trend from exclusive to inclusive means that the ability to create was first ascribed only to God and the true creation was only from nothing to something (exclusive). Later in history, the ability to create was ascribed to poets, then to artists, then to actors, and so on and so forth to include actually everybody (inclusive). The second trend means that researchers move from explaining creativity to the public in popular terms (just for the public to know what it is to apply it to business, education, etc.) to scientific reflection that may be less popular or less understood but more adequate and more precise in nature. Trends and approaches explaining creativity are best seen in the search of proper definitions (see “▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches”) and theoretical models of creativity. Conceptual and Graphic Models

After Wallas, mentioned above, there appeared many other models. In 1968, McPherson conducted a comparative analysis of 18 models

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and presented them in one table. These models included two to eight stages (McPherson 1968). The first models were simplistic and gave little in defining the operational steps. As a response to the practical needs, there appeared operational models. One of the most famous operational models belonged to Alex Osborn and later was improved by Sid Parnes and is now known as Osborn-Parnes model. Quite popular are graphic models: • The four Ps model picturing creativity as intersection of people, process, product, and press (Isaksen 1987) • The Torrance’s model showing creative behavior as a mix of abilities, motivation, and skills (see “▶ Creative Behavior”) • The Amabile’s componential model depicting creativity as an intersection of expertise, creativity skills, and task motivation (Amabile 1997) • The divergent/convergent thinking model consisting of splitting and then converging arrows (see “▶ Convergent Versus Divergent Thinking”) • The two-stage “great idea” dynamic model that showed diverging from the beaten path to a great idea and then applying this idea (Davis 1981) • The five-stage dynamic creative act model that depicted a new result as well (Aleinikov 1989) that paved the way to Creative Pedagogy (see Aleinikov 1990a, 1991, “▶ Creative Pedagogy”) • And many others (see “▶ Multiple Models of Creativity”) An original approach was offered by G.P. Guilford whose graphic model of intellect (box) included divergent/convergent thinking (Guilford 1968). The development of conceptual and graphic models for creativity, creative acts, and creative problem-solving is going on and contributes to the new science of creativity. However, a major theoretical breakthrough was needed to create the science itself.

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The New Science’s Place in the Classification of Sciences The new science of creativity has to belong to the field of social sciences that study human behavior and societies, as opposed to natural sciences, like physics and chemistry, and formal sciences, like mathematics and logic. Within the social sciences, the science of creativity is grounded in psychology, most closely related to education (see “▶ Creative Pedagogy”), related to linguistics (see “▶ Creative Linguistics”), and certainly related to anthropology, archaeology, history, sociology, and other sciences. Historically, the science of creativity, like all other sciences, started as empirical research (that continues all the time), got through the stages of experimental research and separate theories (see “▶ Creativity, Experiential Theories”), and now is in its theoretical design stage that crowns the formation of the science. During this formation, one has to remember that social sciences are much younger than natural and formal sciences that were established centuries ago. That is why in the process of creating a new science, the well-established sciences can be viewed as examples to follow or sources for borrowing the concepts and methods of research.

The Science of Creativity As all well-established sciences, the science of creativity has to have the following elements: • • • • • • • • •

Name Objective Subject of study (New) vision of the subject (definition) Classification Model of the subject Special methods of research Units and measurements Results (some practical applications that illustrate the power of the theory) • Predictions


So the task is either to find them or formulate them. Name for the New Science There are two candidates for the name of the science of creativity: creatology (Aboganda and Cortez 1972) and sozidonics (Aleinikov 1994). Creatology

The term creatology consists of two roots derived from Latin creō, creatus, the past participle of creare, meaning to make, bring forth, produce, and beget, plus logy coming from logos meaning word, the study of. The Psychology Wiki site states that the term creatology, as a new science of creativity, was first used by Rafael Nelson M. Aboganda and Ricardo S. Cortez in a paper entitled “Towards a Positive Understanding of Creativity – Creatology: The Science of Creativity” published in October 1972 by the Philippine Inventors Commission (PIC), now Technology Application and Promotion Institute (TAPI) an agency of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), in the Philippines. Creatology was later introduced and proposed by a Hungarian scholar Dr. Istvan Magyari-Beck in his presentation “About the Necessity of Complex Creatology” made on the International Sociology of Science Conference in Budapest, in 1977. In 1979, this paper was published in the book Sociology of Science and Research, edited by János Farkas (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 175–182). Dr. Sayed Mahdi Golestan Hashemi (founder and head of Iran Research Center for Creatology and International Center for Science of Creatology) is developer of creatology as an interdisciplinary science (GTC): Creatology is a scientific study of various aspects of creativity, invention, and innovation by different approaches. Creatology has many subdisciplines such as: • • • •

Analytical creatology Psychological creatology TRIZ-based (TRIZical) creatology Inventology


• Bionical creatology Retrieved from http://psychology.wikiw.com/ wiki/Creatology/psychology.wikia.com/ on February 4, 2012. It was Dr. Magyari-Beck’s article titled “Creatology” in the Encyclopedia of Creativity that made the term popular (Magyari-Beck 1999). In 2008, Dr. Magyari-Beck also published an article titled “Creatology from 1977 to 2007” in the Society and Economy journal that summarized 30 years of concept development. Sozidonics

The term sozidonics was published first in English in 1994 (Aleinikov 1994). It is related to a Russian word созидание/ sozidanie that has only one meaning “creation of positive things” – a very rare case in the language because usually words have several meanings. This word has a neutral variant создание/ sozdanie with the meaning creation that can be used for both positive and negative things. The prefix со-/so- means together, like co- in English. The root of the word -зида-(-зда-)/ -зьдъ/-zida (zda)- is a Proto-Slavic root “zida” clay (not used separately anymore), but seen in Russian words здание/zdanie (building), зодчий/zodchiy (architect), Bulgarian zid, Serbo-Croatian *zidъ/zid, and Romanian zid in the meaning wall. The final part of the term sozidonics is usual for sciences and may be seen in mathematics, cybernetics, bionics, genetics, etc. The etymological connection here is obvious: so-zid means building together, like in creativity, something is created for the benefit of others. Clay as the building material was certainly used for house walls, church walls, and town walls. Going back into history, clay hypothetically might be the first material that could provoke a primitive human mind for a creative act. Clay’s plasticity when wet and ability to harden when dried might have sparked an ancient human to create some objects or even first sculptures out of it. Ceramics started from clay pieces dropped in fire. As opposed to clay sculptures, wood carving and stone sculptures would have required much

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more elaborate tools and techniques, which place them much later in the history of arts and crafts (Aleinikov 1994). Comparison

The term creatology is more traditional. It is coined from the well-known Latin roots and easily understood. This advantage, however, can turn into disadvantage: it makes it prone to parallel usage in technology and marketing which overshadows the scientific meaning and usage. For example, the Google search on “creatology” delivers hundreds of items not related to the science of creativity, like Creatology™ coloring poster, Creatology™ 3D Kits, Creatology Wooden Puzzle, photo of Creatology ®, Creatology Doll Furniture, Creatology Wooden Temple of Heaven review, and “Creatology: An experimental blog coupling creativity and science.” Obviously, this word, registered and trademarked, is widely used for technologically based toys as well as for experimenting. As a result, after some time, it may look like creatology as a science of technological advances of the company called creatology. Also, most importantly, what was supposed to be a term (a word with one meaning) has become a usual word with numerous meanings and, therefore, has stopped being a term. Finally, according to the founders, the word creatology is used for the science of creativity, invention, and innovation. So it is not the term specifically for the science of creativity. The term sozidonics, on the contrary, is nontraditional. It has the following advantages: First of all, it is a term, not a usual word: it has one sound (or graphic) form related to one meaning. Second, etymologically, it relates to the first creative acts in the past. Third, it refers to positive and only positive creativity (as it should be in the ideal!). Fourth, it sounds original (not boring, not traditional) as the term for the science of creativity implying originality should be. Finally, what is most important, it precisely names the science of creativity, not the science of creativity, invention, and innovation.

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The issue may be resolved after analyzing the subjects of study covered by creatology and sozidonics (see below). History will make the final selection. Objective of the Science of Creativity Since science (from Latin scientia, “knowledge”) in general is the activity of building and organizing “knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe,” the objective of the science of creativity is to build and organize knowledge about creativity. Creativity as a Subject of Study The main task for the researchers shaping the science of creativity is to define the volume of the concept, i.e., to place it where it belongs. A theorist of science has to determine the most probable place between the two extremes: maxicreationism (longing for eternity) and minicreationism (longing for zero). The first one states that creativity is everything and everywhere. God (nature) created the universe, so God (nature) is creative. Atoms create molecules, molecules create organisms, organisms create psyche and societies, psyche creates reflection and reflections of reflections (knowledge), etc. So God (nature) is creating and recreating the universe and its own reflection; the science of creativity, therefore, has to study everything (1). The opposite approach states that creativity is a very specific (extremely short, like a flash) moment that happens in the mind of an individual (or God). So, actually, there is nothing (0, zero) or a close-to-nothing moment to study. The majority of scientists are somewhere in between, but here begins the heated discussion on where creativity belongs and how it is separated from all the other concepts like imagination, innovation, invention, etc. (see “▶ Nature of Creativity”). The analysis of creatology concept makes it a good example. As it is seen from the blog text cited above, creatology claims to study various aspects of creativity, invention, and innovation. Thus, the subject of creatology is not only creativity but also invention and innovation. Since


creatology founders also offer a separate science for studying inventions, the structure of the subject and sub-subjects claimed to be covered by creatology (as mentioned above) is illustrated in Table 1. If the name inventology is offered for the study of inventions (one of three subsciences), then the question marks in Table 1 indicate the absence of specific names for the science of creativity as well as for the science of innovation. Research shows that Russian scientists introduced the science of innovation, called Инноватика/Innovatica (or better innovatics) in 1980–1990s. There are departments of innovatics at some universities. Books on innovatics are published (Poskryakov 1988). Obviously this term and this science fit the structure of domains depicted in Table 1 and fill the empty cell on the right. With the innovation domain covered by innovatics, the only subdomain left uncovered is that of creativity. Sozidonics, described above as the science of creativity specifically dedicated to this (and only this) subject, meets the need and can be placed in the left empty cell. In this case, the structure of sciences covered by creatology is illustrated in Table 2. New Vision of Creativity Dr. Magyari-Beck in his article “Creatology” states that “the word creativity has already lost its previous, merely linguistic meaning and has gradually acquired a position of a new scientific term which should be defined in a new and much larger way within its own frame of reference” (Magyari-Beck 1999). Then there follows the reference to the article Definitions of Creativity, which offers no definitions of creativity at all. The article on creatology does not offer any new vision (new definition) of creativity either. Sozidonics has to fill the gap. To help people visualize the place of creativity as a phenomenon and the new vision of creativity, here is the explanation and the logic behind it. Big Picture

The new vision, or a new approach to creativity, is a top-down approach, i.e., a theoretical approach

8 Science of Creativity, Table 1 Creatology and its subscience domains

Science of Creativity Science name Subject studied Subscience name Sub-subject studied

Creatology = the science of Creativity Invention ? Inventology Creativity Invention

Innovation ? Innovation

Science of Creativity, Table 2 Creatology, sozidonics, inventology, and innovatics Science name Subject studied Subscience name Sub-subject studied

Creatology = the science of Creativity Sozidonics Creativity

Invention Inventology Invention

Innovation Innovatics Innovation

The terms added to Table 2 are in bold

rather than empirical one built from bottom-up. It starts from the vision of nature as a whole. Nature, whether it is the creation of God or a self-developing entity, is an everlasting process of newness production. Humans are both the largest producers and the largest consumers of newness: new products, new events, new presidents, new movie stars, new tragedies and comedies, new discoveries and mistakes, etc. Since newness is everywhere in nature, it makes for a huge object of study, and the task of a researcher is to discover the general mechanism of newness production, to classify this newness, to find the laws of newness production, and to find the ways of predicting the future development. Novology (see “▶ Novology”), the science of newness, does this (Aleinikov 2002b). There are five main, easily identifiable levels of organization in nature, and, therefore, five levels of newness: physical (particles, rays, atoms), chemical (molecules), biological (cells and organisms), psychological (self-reflecting, or psyched organisms, called individuals), and social (societies). Numerous sublevels are available within every level, but this is beyond the scope of this article. These levels are interconnected and interdependent. When placed in the hierarchical order, they look better like this: 1. Social (societies) 2. Psychological (organisms individuals)



3. Biological (cells, organisms) 4. Chemical (molecules) 5. Physical (particles, atoms) One essence unites all these levels. This is order or organization as a state. Obviously, the higher the level, the more organized it is (because it incorporates the organization of the previous level and adds its own organization) and vice versa. The movement from the lower level to the higher level is called ectropy (the trend to higher order, the process of organization), while the movement to the lower level is called entropy (the trend to lower order, the process of disorganization). The trends, levels, and elements of nature development are shown in Fig. 1. Creativity definitely belongs to the ectropy trend on the psychological level (level 4, Fig. 1), while innovation belongs to the social level (level 5, Fig. 1). Creativity is the production of newness (new order of things and processes, new organization), while innovation is the consumption of this newness by the society. However, creativity is not just production of newness but the process of accelerated newness production. The point is that new images, new emotions, new thoughts, new associations, etc. exist in the everyday life of every individual. This is not yet creativity. This is the natural speed psychological life. Only when this natural process gets accelerated, and as a result, new ideas, new

Science of Creativity


Nature Trends and Levels (Elements) Ectropy trend (to organization) Social (Societies) Psychological (Individuals) Biological (Cells, organisms) Chemical (Molecules) Physical (Particles, atoms) Entropy trend (to disorganization)

Science of Creativity, Fig. 1 Trends, levels, and elements of nature development

thoughts, and new products are produced faster than is considered natural, will people call the people doing it “creative.” Therefore, the scientific definition of creativity is the following: creativity is a human activity of accelerating the natural process of organization and/or decelerating the natural process of disorganization, or in short creativity is a human activity of accelerating organization and/or decelerating disorganization (see “▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches”). In everyday life, the organization processes are called birth, growth, development, etc., while the disorganization processes are called decline, decrease, withering, death, and disintegration. Any entity in the universe, including universe itself, has its birth, development, peak of development, and then decline and death. The following figure illustrates the essence of creativity. Notice how Fig. 2 shows that at a certain moment of time (T1 or T2), the organization level O1 (accelerated development) of any entity is higher than O2 (natural speed development), and the organization level of O3 (restoration, repairing to decelerate the decline) is higher than O4 (natural speed decline). Business people, trainers, consultants, and engineers favor this scientific explanation of creativity because now they request funds for better

organization, for faster processes, and for accelerated production (not just for creativity training that looks “fluffy” to some managers and corporate leaders). On a bigger scale, society needs individual creativity for better organization of the society. Moreover, the society (country, state, city, business, educational institution, etc.) that encourages creativity and provides training in creativity increases the creative output of its members and thus is developing (to better organization) in an accelerated manner, i.e., faster. Examples are convincing: • The Soviet Union (and socialist bloc) did not allow the flow of information, restricted freedom of speech, excluded the free market business relationship, expanded bureaucratic control, eliminated patenting (technological creativity), minimized royalty for creative output in arts, and thus slowed down the society development, began to fall apart, and finally disintegrated (to lower organization). • Democratic societies, on the contrary, allow more creativity in all spheres of life thus encouraging creative output from individuals, and therefore, these societies gain better technology and better results in sports, medicine, and social activities and finally climb to better organization. This explains why and how democracy wins over all other political systems and certainly over dictatorships. Creativity – the accelerator to better organization – is the key to faster development! Sozidonics, the science of creativity, explains not only what creativity is but also how it influences the accelerated development of the society. New Models of Creativity: Strive for Universality The new science of creativity needs a model of creativity that is applicable to all domains, levels, styles, types, and kinds of creativity. It has to reflect the smallest creative act (like a speech act) and the largest creative act, like a discovery. Even God’s act of creation (not to mention all the


Science of Creativity

Science of Creativity, Fig. 2 The essence of creativity

other human acts) should be reflected by the model. Universality is the #1 requirement for science. Repeatability and testability are #2 and #3, respectively. Analysis of available creativity models demonstrates that they miss one greatly important aspect: all ideas/solutions/decisions have to be expressed, i.e., pronounced, written, performed, sculptured, painted, etc. The system of expression has to be in the model. It may be a language system or any other system of signs, but it has to be material to represent the ideal idea/solution/ decision. Otherwise, neither the simplest idea nor the most complex solution can be transferred to others or, in the final run, even detected. In everyday life, an idea should be worded, voiced, articulated, written, jotted down, and scribbled. In case of the top-level creative achievement, the genius idea should be expressed in some semiotic system, the system of symbols, and then published, exhibited, and publicized. Whether it is a formula, a theory, a discovery, a melody, a painting, a sculpture, or a pedagogical approach, it must be expressed in a system of signs (see “▶ Genius”).

With this element added, the creative act situation becomes a particular case in the universal state of order reflected by the universal model of sign, language, language awareness, and speech and heuristic acts, first developed in 1977 and then adapted for creative linguistics (see “▶ Creative Linguistics” and Aleinikov 1988a). This is a foursided model in 3D (Aleinikov 1985, 1988b). The universal model of sign, language, speech act, and heuristic act is shown in Fig. 3. In general, as Fig. 3 shows, an individual (A) is the people who creates a vision of the world (D), expresses it in symbols of the system (C), and sends it to the society (B). Society is understood as any people, or peoples, speaking the same language or using the same semiotic system. The message (AB) is received by the society (B), evaluated, and appreciated or not appreciated. The real human mind in the process of thinking/creating may run over this model in different directions: from A to B, from A to D, from A to C, from C to D, from D to B, from C to B, and in all directions back. The human mind may do it several times, loop after loop, before delivering the message (AB), but invariably in any speech and

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B Society



“House” C Symbolic system D World (Reality)

Science of Creativity, Fig. 3 Universal model of sign, language, language awareness, and speech and heuristic acts

creative act, there will be the reflection of all four absolutely necessary (universal) elements: • • • •

Who (A, individual, sender, creator) To whom (B, society, receiver, evaluator) What (D, world, vision of the world) Expressed by what (C, symbolic system) Here is the test:

• A fine artist or a sculptor (A) expresses his unique vision of the world (D) in his/her personal manner (C) and shows it to public (B) that evaluates it. • A scientist (A) finds a new fact, process, and regularity of one’s field (D), writes an article in scientific terms (C), and sends it to the publisher (B) for publication. • A teacher (A) creates a new method of teaching in education domain (D) and makes a report (C) for her colleagues (B). • An actor (A) in his/her specific manner (C) performs a role in a play about the world of love (D) on stage for spectators (B). In the particular case of a genius (top creativity level), the message (AB) is so uniquely expressed in a symbolic system (C) and reflects such a highly innovative vision of the world (D) that it is top-valued by the society (B). That is why this

individual (A) is named a genius (see “▶ Genius”). Notice how the pattern repeats itself in the explanations above. It is exactly what science is: it provides testable and repeatable knowledge. The next issue to address here is how much newness is expressed by the individual (A) for the expression (AB) to be evaluated by the society (B) as low creative, quite creative, or highly creative. For this purpose, the model contains a special plane that cuts the old and the new in the message. The cutting plane (CDp) looks in general like Fig. 4. As is illustrated by Fig. 4, any creative act (statement, report, article, book, research, painting, show music, theatrical performance, etc.) consists of the old (BCDp) and the new (ACDp) parts. In the case of everyday creativity, this newness part is smaller. In the case of theater performance, conference presentation, or gallery show, this newness part should be bigger. In the case of genius, this “new” part (what genius has discovered and now communicates to the society) is much larger than the “old” part (what society already knows). The model of interaction between the individual creator and the society with its culture in general is shown in Fig. 5. As Fig. 5 demonstrates, an individual (A), who discovered, found, invented, thought up, learned something new, or in other words created a new vision of the world (D), has to pack this new vision into an acceptable code (language) or express it in some symbolic system (C) also known to the society (B) and then sends a message (AB) consisting of known volume (pBCD) and also new volume (pACD) that is expanding the volume of culture (knowledge, experience, customs, beliefs, etc.). This is the modification of the figure published first in the article titled “Humane Creativity” (Aleinikov 1999a). This model of creative act is universal, repeatable, and testable. It works for any creative act (including God’s creation), and it also promotes deeper analysis of the creativity act, such as systems’ organization levels (function, substance, structure), coding planes, and so on when needed


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(see “▶ Creative Linguistics”). It permits profiling newness (see “▶ Novology”) and picturing genius results (see “▶ Genius”). Classification of Creativity In addition to traditional classification of creativity as artistic creativity, technological creativity, scientific creativity, etc., which follows the domain of human activities, sozidonics offers a new classification that is based on the five levels of nature organization described above. Sozidonics differentiates the following types of creativity:






• Existential (how to exist physically, how to survive) • Communicational (how to relate, to communicate, to interact) • Instrumental (how to develop tools, new organization) • Orientational (how to select the social goals and objectives, where to use the tools) • Innovational (how to implement the found newness) This new classification allows sozidonics and geniusology that stemmed from it to detect new types of geniuses or in new science terms, “the most powerful accelerators to better organization” (see “▶ Genius”).



“House” C Symbolic system D World (Reality)

Science of Creativity, Fig. 4 The new/old plane in the model

Units and Measurements for Measuring Creativity Measuring human mental characteristics in general is quite popular. Some websites list about 4,000 commercially available tests. Measuring creativity is a significant part of it (see “▶ Measurement of Creativity”). As Gerard Puccio, the head of the International Center for Creativity Studies, Buffalo, NY, states, “since 1950 researchers have developed an array of formal methods for measuring creativity” (retrieved from

Science of Creativity, Fig. 5 Model of creative act expanding culture

Culture domain






Society Individual

C Symbolic system

D World (Reality)

Science of Creativity

http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/stferry/ March 6, 2012). It can be measured by self-assessment, aptitude, and ability tests; by interviews and observations; by rating scales in peer, parent, and teacher rating/nomination; by products created; by awards (recognition); etc. According to the abovementioned Isaksen’s model of creativity, there are four Ps that can be measured: people, process, product, and press (environment pressure). • Just to mention a few that assess the people: Creativity Attitude Survey, Creativity Tests for Children, Creative Behavior Inventory, Khatena-Torrance Creative Perception Inventory, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) by Ned Hermann, Neethling Brain Instrument by Kobus Neethling, etc. • The most well known among measurements that address the process are Buffalo Creative Process Inventory (by G. Puccio) and Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory (KAI). • The instruments that assess characteristics of creative products include Consensual Assessment Technique and Creative Product Semantic Scale. • One tool that assesses the press or the climate for creativity and innovation is KEYS (originally called Work Environment Survey) developed by the Center for Creative Leadership. According to the Creatology Matrix, introduced by Magyari-Beck, it is the abilities, process, and product of the people, group, organization, and culture that need to be measured. In 1990, A. Aleinikov designed the ALEANDR creativity test battery that measured individual and group creativity at the same time (Aleinikov 1990c). The most well-known system of evaluating creativity as ability is the Torrance Creative Thinking Test (Torrance 1986). This test presents some tasks to people and then rates their abilities. Longitudinal research is possible with such an approach, and Dr. Torrance made a colossal effort


to follow up his “Torrance kids” for 50 years (see “▶ Creativity Tests”). Another well-known system of evaluating creativity that measures the style of creativity (not level of abilities) and differentiates “innovators” (tending to change the system) and “adaptors” (tending to preserve and improve the system) with “bridgers” in between is called the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory, KAI (Kirton 1994) (see “▶ Adaptive Creativity and Innovative Creativity”). Despite numerous attempts to measure various aspects of creativity, there is still no such a thing in creativity research as unit of measurement, like meter, second, gram, Ohm, Hertz, or Volt in physics, parsec in cosmology, and byte in cybernetics. The presence of units in this or that field of research to some extent shows whether it is a science or not. Qualitative units and quantitative units of measurement are a must. Measurements are the foundation of any science. Therefore, in general, when transforming the creativity research field into the science of creativity, one has to move from general measurements to specific measurements and from empirical measurements (often commercial use oriented, used for testing and training purposes) to theoretically based measurements. With the development of the new vision of creativity and new definition of creativity that emphasize the acceleration to higher organization (discussed above), sozidonics developed a new measurement system and a new unit that measures the efficiency of creative output, i.e., the number of ideas per second. The new unit of measurement established as 1 idea per second is called Alein just as in physics, 1 cycle per second is called Hertz. This measurement allows researchers not only to evaluate individual performance but also objectively to evaluate the creative power of methods that boost creativity. Illustration

• Case A. Alex Osborn mentioned that brainstorming allowed people to generate 90 ideas in one and a half hours (Osborn 1953). Truly, brainstorming is the most famous technique in


the creativity enhancement market; it made history! • Case B. Max Fisher many years later offers a new “revolutionary” (as he claims) method “IdeaFisher” in the book with the same title IdeaFisher. This is how it is described, “Those without the list (of words) only worked an average of 55 min, when they “ran out of ideas.” Those with the list worked an average of 78 min – a 42% increase. There was also a statistical difference in the number of ideas. Those without the list produced an average of 55 ideas. Those with the list produced an average of 86 ideas – an increase of 56%” (Fisher 1996). Comparison

Calculation shows that the efficiency of creative output in the brainstorming session in Case A equals 1 idea/min (90 ideas/90 min). The efficiency of creative output in Case B (without lists) is exactly the same as in brainstorming (Case A): 1 idea/min (55 ideas/55 min). The efficiency of creative output in the session with the lists is 86 ideas divided by 78 min = 1.1 ideas/min. So when the author states a 42% increase in time of work and 56% increase in idea output, these are calculations in absolute numbers. The result looks good and may sound “revolutionary.” However, in objective calculation (new measurement), using the concept “specific creativity,” the increase in creative output efficiency is only 10%, (1.1 vs. 1). This result is quite far from “revolutionary” – not 10 times (1,000%) or 100 times (10,000%) increase. If calculated in new units, the creative output efficiency of brainstorming is 1 idea/1 min = 1 idea/60 s = 0.017 Alein, and the creative output efficiency of IdeaFisher is 1.1 ideas/60 s = 0.018 Alein. The word “revolutionary” is certainly out of context here. The introduction of the new type of measurement made it possible to compare the generative power of techniques, methods, and methodologies for boosting creativity and finally led to the development of methods delivering 1,000 ideas/ min (kilocreativity), 1,000,000 ideas/min

Science of Creativity

(megacreativity), and more (Aleinikov 1999b, 2002a). Teaching these methods allows human beings (whether children or adults) to overcome the generative power of natural genius (about 100 ideas/min = 1.8 Alein) 10 times and even 10,000 times. This is how the new scientific approach expanded the natural human creativity power.

Practical Applications of the Science of Creativity: Improving and Accelerating the Existing Results The formation of the new science of creativity is worth doing only if it leads to outstanding results, only if it shows a leap to unusual achievements (like genetics led to genetic engineering, cybernetics led to the computer age, etc.), thus demonstrating that the new science is much more powerful than the prescientific approaches or the situation without established science. The first applications of the new science showed significant achievements in the five main areas: science, arts, business, education, and creativity: • When applied to the field of science, the new scientific understanding of creativity led to the accelerated creation of 7 new sciences and 3 new fields of research, as well as the accelerated discovery of 11 new laws of conservation and 12 new measurement units, not to mention new models, new theories, new concepts, etc. • When applied to the field of education, the new science led to the most accelerated methodologies of human mind reorientation from passive, disinterested, negative, lazy, and having low goals into active, interested, positive, ready to work hard, and having high goals. • When applied to the field of business (in this particular case, the business of publishing), the new science led to the Guinness World Records results, i.e., most accelerated – (certified) top world accelerated speeds in publishing.

Science of Creativity


• When applied to the field of arts, the new science allowed a group of students in Psychology of Creativity class to create a new style of arts. So what usually needs 50–100 years was accelerated to 10 h of classes. • When applied to the field of creativity itself, the new science led to the design of the most accelerated methods of boosting creativity to the megacreativity level and above. Some details are as follows: • Result #1. The new scientific definition of creativity (see “▶ Creativity”, definition entry, and “▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches”) leads to establishing the science of creativity (sozidonics). Thus, what was called the “emerging discipline” or “the field of research” is accelerated to a higher organization – transformed into a well-organized science. • Result #2. The research and the experience of structuring the new science of creativity led to general understanding on structuring new sciences. As a result, new sciences, such as agogics (see “▶ Creative Leadership”), geniusology (see “▶ Genius”), novology (see “▶ Novology”), organizology, and intensiology (Aleinikov and Gera 2006), as well as new fields of research, such as creative linguistics (see “▶ Creative Linguistics”) and creative pedagogy (see “▶ Creative Pedagogy”), have been designed and introduced for scientific research. This is expanding the modern science horizons. The discovery of these new sciences and research domains not only corroborates the process of acceleration in science development (seven new sciences and three new fields of research) but also clearly illustrates a direct giveback from the new science of creativity to the creativity of science. • Result #3. The research of new discovery methodologies, in particular Robert Oros di Bartini’s achievements, led to the discovery of a new law of conservation (Aleinikov 2007a) and then ten more new laws of conservation by a California-based group of

researchers (Aleinikov and Smarsh 2010). For comparison, the previous (natural) development of physical science showed the tempo of one conservation law per 50–100 years. Now, the new understanding of creativity and research of genius methods of thinking from this new point of view allowed researchers to accelerate the physical science organization to two new laws per year, i.e., about 200 times acceleration. Result #4. Search for new creativity-enhancing methods and techniques led to introduction of simple techniques like 4Delays4GeniusWays and semiotic modeling (Aleinikov 2002a) but also to the introduction of methods that accelerated creative output many times to achieve kilocreativity (1,000 ideas/min), megacreativity (1,000,000 ideas/min), and more (Aleinikov 1999b, 2002a). See comparison of brainstorming and IdeaFisher above. For more techniques, see “▶ Creativity Techniques.” Result #5. New measurement units for measuring objective and subjective newness, quantitative and qualitative newness, as well as the efficiency of creative output have been developed to accelerate the application of mathematical means to creativity research (see “▶ Novology” and, for comparison, and “▶ Measurement of Creativity”). Result #6. New tools of research, such as a universal model of creative act, which generalizes and explains everything from a speech act to a heuristic act (see “▶ Genius” as well as Models of Creativity), have been introduced. Since it is a graphic model (in terms of graph theory), it allows researchers to visualize creative activities (one picture is worth a thousand words), thus accelerating the comprehension of complex concepts and processes. Moreover, having one model for many phenomena follows the principle of economy of force in education, thus accelerating the learning process. Result #7. New definitions (new understandings) led to the development of new educational methodologies and new pedagogy aiming at creation of ideal learner, active, interested, enthusiastic, and ready to work hard, which accelerates the study of any material,


whether it is languages and natural or social sciences (see “▶ Creative Pedagogy”). Some of these new methods like method of applied nonverbal dominance (MANDo) and genius expectations, genius achievements (GEGA) have been published and republished as “Classic” by the Teaching for Success online magazine (Aleinikov 2007b). The new approach to education has been published as an editorial by the International Journal of Innovative Higher Education (Aleinikov 1995). These methodologies change children and adults, teachers and professors, and schools and colleges. Students and teachers who learn to apply these new methodologies receive their educational institutions’ and even countries’ top awards. Some description of the educational results may be found in Aleinikov (1996) and Aleinikov (1990b) (see “▶ Creative Pedagogy” and “▶ Genius”). • Result #8. New educational methodologies, based on the new definitions, turned out to be so effective that they allowed educators to raise the plank from traditional education goals (learning some material and testing well) to nontraditional goals, like changing the mindset and aiming at the highest levels of selfimprovement – the top creativity level – genius. Genius Education Methodology (GEM) has proven to be saving geniuses and revealing hidden genius in the children – even those seemingly lost by traditional education (see “▶ Genius” and “▶ Creative Pedagogy”). This accelerates the natural process of genius growth. Also, in the future, these “geniuses” will accelerate the development of the countries that initiated the process (see Fig. 6). As Fig. 6 demonstrates, the genius creative act is much more powerful and much more advancing the society than usual individual creative acts. That is why geniuses cause much more accelerated society development, or, in new term, accelerated expanding of culture domain. • Result #9. New university-level subjects have been introduced to the higher education field: Creative Linguistics (ENG2210), Psychology of Creativity (PSY3390), and Foundations of Creative Pedagogy (EDU6625). This

Science of Creativity

introduction accelerated the exposure of adult students to creative learning while learning languages, psychology, and education. • Result #10. The new definition of creativity as accelerating organization led to such outstanding business applications as the Guinness World Records in publishing for the fastest written, printed, and published book titled Making the Impossible Possible (15 h and 46 min “from scratch to publication”) in 2001 in South Africa. It has proven that such a tedious task as book writing (traditionally from a year to 25 years) and book publishing (from 6 months to a year) can be reorganized in such a manner that the process is accelerated over 300,000 times.

From the list above, it becomes obvious that the correctly defined scientific essence of the phenomenon of creativity, as it usually happens with any science, can make correct predictions, boost practical results, and lead to accelerated development in any field.

Conclusion and Future Directions Since in the history of humanity creativity was used for solving problems in practically all fields, it varied greatly in its outlook, and that is why it was often not even seen as creativity. After a century of thorough studying, when the creativity phenomenon had been investigated by numerous sciences, the convergent stage of collecting and rethinking the data has been mainly completed. The processes of generalization, restructuring, and designing of the new understanding led to a logical conclusion – the science of creativity. As a new science, the science of creativity has a new name – sozidonics. It formulates its objectives and the subject of study. It offers a new vision of creativity (new definition), new model of creativity, new classification of creativity, and new units and measurements for measuring creativity, thus fulfilling the main criteria for becoming a science.

Science of Creativity Science of Creativity, Fig. 6 Genius creative act expanding culture

17 Individual creative acts expanding culture

Genius creative act

Culture domain


Individual creative acts expanding culture

The new scientific concepts, models, and theories have been tested in the domains other than creativity: in science, arts, business, and education where they helped achieve high-level results. With the theoretical and practical results so advanced and the proof of success so obvious, sozidonics has proven its right to be considered a science and is now ready for its next divergent move. First of all, the pattern of creating new sciences (like sozidonics, novology, and geniusology) would be applied for the development and description of already announced new sciences. Organizology and intensiology are waiting for their turn. Second, at present, in addition to already developed directions, sozidonics is spreading to such diverse areas as: • • • • • •

New ways of resources conservation New ways of treatment in medicine New methods of training in sports New methods of education in early childhood New engines and tools in the financial arena New methods of gang fighting and crime prevention

Thus, the new science of creativity in the terms of Sid Parnes, the “father of creative problem solving,” opens “for new challenges.” The prediction is that with most accelerated methodologies, it will achieve outstanding results in these areas too. Third, and final, sozidonics, as with any science, is never completed. It should and it will continue to develop itself: the horizons and the opportunities are unlimited.

Cross-References ▶ Adaptive Creativity and Innovative Creativity ▶ Convergent Versus Divergent Thinking ▶ Creative Behavior ▶ Creative Leadership ▶ Creative Linguistics ▶ Creative Pedagogy ▶ Creative Problem Solving ▶ Creativity ▶ Creativity Tests ▶ Creativity, Experiential Theories ▶ Genius ▶ Measurement of Creativity ▶ Multiple Models of Creativity ▶ Nature of Creativity


▶ Novology ▶ Psychology of Creativity ▶ Research on Creativity

References Aboganda RNM, Cortez RS. Towards a positive understanding of creativity – creatology: the science of creativity. Philippines: Philippine Inventors Commission, Department of Science and Technology; 1972. Aleinikov AG. Speech activity model (in terms of graph theory). In: Sorokin Yu A, Tarasov AF, Ufimtseva NV, editors. Speech communication: objectives, motives, means. Moscow: Institute of Linguistics, USSR Academy of Sciences; 1985. p. 11–21. russ. Алейников АГ. Модель речевой деяльности (в терминах теории графов). Речевое общение: цели, мотивы, средства. Aleinikov AG. Creative linguistics (foundations, problems and perspectives). In: Sorokin Yu A, Tarasov EF, Ufimtseva NV, editors. Language awareness: stereotypes and creativity. Moscow: Institute of linguistics, USSR Academy of Sciences; 1988a. p. 77–89. russ. Алейников АГ. Креативная лингвистика (обоснование, проблемы и перспективы). Языковое сознание: стереотипы и творчество. Aleinikov AG. Sign. Four-side essence. Universal creative model. In: Sorokin Yu A, Tarasov EF, Ufimtseva NV, editors. Language awareness: stereotypes and creativity. Moscow: Institute of linguistics, USSR Academy of Sciences; 1988b. p. 89–115. russ. Алейников АГ. Знак. Четырехсторонняя сущность. Универсальная креативная модель. Языковое сознание: стереотипы и творчество. Aleinikov AG. On creative pedagogy. High Educ Bull. 1989;12:29–34. russ. Алейников АГ. О креативной педагогике. Вестник высшей школы. Aleinikov AG. Creative orientation in teaching and learning theoretical disciplines. Moscow: Military Institute; 1990a. russ. Алейников АГ. Творческая ориентация в преподавании и изучении теоретических дисциплин. Aleinikov AG. Grammar creation and creation grammar: creatively-oriented course of grammar and history of english. Moscow: Military Institute; 1990b. russ. Алейников АГ. Созидание грамматики и грамматика созидания. Aleinikov AG. Test battery “ALEANDR”. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences Center for Creative Research and Krasnodar Center for pedagogic innovations; 1990c. russ. Алейников АГ. Анкета “АЛЕАНДР”. Aleinikov AG. Creative pedagogics and creative metapedagogics. Prog Educ. 1991;LXV(12):274–80. Aleinikov AG. Sozidolinguistics for creative behavior. J Creat Behav. 1994;28(2):104–23. Aleinikov AG. An approach to innovative education (Editorial). Int J Innov High Educ. 1995;11:5–7.

Science of Creativity Aleinikov AG. Super effective communication. Alabama Eng. 1996;8:28–31. Aleinikov AG. Mega-creator: from creativity to mega-, giga-, and infi-creativity. Montegomery: MIMII; 1999a. Aleinikov AG. Humane creativity. In: Runco M, Pritzker S, editors. Encyclopedia of creativity, vol. 1. San Diego: Academic; 1999b. p. 837–44. Aleinikov AG. MegaCreativity: five steps to thinking like a genius. Cincinnati: Walking Stick Press/F&W Publications; 2002a. Aleinikov AG. Novology, the science of newness, for creativity and innovation research. In: The future of creativity: Dr. E. Paul Torrance lecture series at the University of Georgia. Bensenville: Scholastic Testing Services; 2002b. p. 114–41. Aleinikov AG. The conservation of extencia: a new law of conservation. J Econ Econ Educ Res. 2007a;8(3):49–65. Aleinikov AG. Openness – it’s that simple! Teaching for Success (TFS) as “The TFS Classic”. 2007b;18(5 & 6):3, 15. First published in 1997. Aleinikov AG, Gera R. Mathematical predictions of organizology, the new science of organization. Allied Academies International Fall Conference; 2006 October; Reno. Aleinikov A, Smarsh D. Eleven new laws of conservation: the discovery of the century. Allied Academies’ Spring International Conference; 2010 Apr; New Orleans. p. 37. Amabile TM. Motivating creativity in organizations: on doing what you love and loving what you do. Calif Manag Rev. 1997;40:39–58. Bertalanffy L. General system theory: foundations, development, applications. New York: George Braziller; 1968. Davis G. Creativity is forever. Cross plains. Wisconsin: Badger Press; 1981. Fisher M. The ideafisher. Princeton: Peterson’s/Pacesetter Books; 1996. Guilford J. Intelligence, creativity, and their educational implications. San Diego: Knapp; 1968. Guilford JP. Creativity in retrospect. In: Parnes SJ, editor. Source book for creative problem solving. Buffalo: Creative Education Foundation Press; 1992. p. 69–74. Isaksen SG. Frontiers of creativity research. Buffalo: Bearly Limited; 1987. Kirton M. Adaptors and innovators: styles in creativity and problem solving. London/New York: Routledge; 1994. Magyari-Beck I. Creatology. In: Runco M, Pritzker S, editors. Encyclopedia of creativity, vol. 1. San Diego: Academic; 1999. p. 433–41. McPherson JH. The people, the problem and the problem solving methods. J Creat Behav. 1968;2:103–10. Osborn A. Applied imagination. Buffalo: The Creative Foundation Press; 1953. Parnes SJ, editor. Source book for creative problem solving. Buffalo: Creative Education Foundation; 1992.

Science of Creativity Poskryakov AA. Innovatics: science and learning discipline. Moscow: MIFI; 1988. russ. Поскряков АА. Roth SG. Creativity in an academic atmosphere. In: Coler MA, editor. Essays on creativity in the sciences. New York: New York University Press; 1963. p. 42–73. Torrance EP. Torrance creativity test collection. Athens: The University of Georgia Libraries; 1986.

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Novology Andrei G. Aleinikov International Academy of Genius, Merced, CA, USA

Definition Novology is the science of newness.

Synonyms Science of newness

Introduction The number of research works on creativity and innovation has been growing exponentially. G. Wallace (Wallas 1926) is credited with the first research on creativity and J. Schumpeter, with offering the term “innovation” (Schumpeter 1942, see the Russian article Инноватика in Wikipedia). Researchers, studying creativity (see, e.g., the history of creativity research in Albert and Runco 1999) and innovation, often operate in the realm of intuition because the sciences of creativity and innovation are still in the process of development (see “▶ Science of Creativity”). This statement directly applies to the concept of newness, the meaning of which (new,

novel, innovative, etc.) is widely used for both creativity and innovation definitions, but has never been categorized. It has become clear that efforts to build sound theories on creativity and innovation may be wasted without understanding the concept of newness as a founding phenomenon. On the other hand, if the founding concept of newness is formalized, this may give a boost to both creativity and innovation research. Since newness is ontologically present everywhere in nature, it lends itself to research. The challenge for the researcher is to develop concepts and laws that will apply universally. The goals are to discover the general mechanism of newness existence, to formulate the laws of newness production/consumption, to find ways to accelerate the process, and to predict the future directions of research. That is what novology, the science of newness, does. Novology gives one general explanation for various phenomena, thus making the domain of newness easier to comprehend.

History Novology, the science of newness, was first introduced in 1991 in Russian, then briefly described in English (Aleinikov 1999a, 2001), and finally detailed in a separate article in 2002 in a monograph by presenters for the Dr. E. Paul Torrance Annual Lecture Series 2000, Athens, Georgia, where the author was a keynote speaker (Aleinikov 2002a).

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_17-2


New Science Traditionally, every new science begins from gathering empirical data. This initial stage of gathering information is not yet a science, but the first step to it. Only after the accumulation of some data, the first patterns are recognized, and the first experiments are carried out. When these patterns and experiments are explained, a theory evolves, then another one. When theories are combined and united into one logically acceptable system and when data is measured and calculated, science emerges. This science usually explains numerous features or regularities by one or several laws and makes reality image compacted and, therefore, comprehensible, teachable, and reproducible. That is the economy of force principle acting everywhere, including science. The final step for a science to be proven a science is to have specific results (broadening the vision of the world for humanity) and to foresee the future since a science should save humankind from troubles, problems, and challenges by explaining the past, better organizing the present, and predicting the future.

Novology: The Science of Newness Creativity has many definitions, and hundreds of them are collected and published (Aleinikov et al. 2000; Treffinger 1995; see “▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches”). Most of them state that creativity is the generation of novel and useful ideas. The main concept in the traditional vision of creativity is the notion of “new” (novel, innovative). Creativity, as it was and is understood by the majority of people, is about generating new ideas, producing new concepts, inventing new objects and processes, etc. Note that the words, which are most frequently used in the definitions of creativity, are used in other fields of research. For example, the words “generation” and “ideas” belong to the field (and the science) of psychology. The words “useful” and “usefulness” belong to the field (and the science) of pragmatics. However, the words “new” and “newness” in the definition of creativity do not have a science to relate to. Accidentally or not, these words are also


widely used in another field – the innovation field (see some classics like Rogers 1962; von Hippel 1988; as well as the creativity and innovation bibliography at the International Center for Studies in Creativity, Buffalo State College, the cradle of creative education in the USA). Except for some fragmentary analysis at the dictionary and etymology level, there is no explanation to the concept of new. It means that the words “new” and “newness” have never been categorized, that is, scientifically shaped to be terms. They are still used on the intuitive or prescientific level. The Encyclopedia of Creativity, an outstanding collection of research (Runco and Pritzker 1999), does not offer any article on newness. On the other hand, every business emphasizes innovation. Books on innovation are in the hundreds and articles in the thousands. Empirical research that employs the concept of newness (see, e.g., “‘Newness’ and the risk of occupational injury” or “Small social groupings and the emergence of newness”) clearly demonstrates that practical cases require theoretical reflection, thus corroborating the general statement “practice requires a theory (a science).” The Internet and non-Internet organizations promoting innovation and researching innovation are becoming increasingly popular. In the last decades, the topics of creativity and innovation have become so common for business, education, and social life that it is becoming obvious – there is a need for a science. Moreover, the International Creativity Day is now celebrated, and this century is sometimes called “the Century of Creativity and Innovation.” It is time to provide a scientific explanation for all of the abovementioned phenomena. As all other well-established sciences, a new science includes the following elements: • • • • • • • •

Name Objective Specific subject of study Classification Units of measurement Specific methods and results Laws Predictions


For novology, these elements have been defined as following: Name The term “novology” was selected from a list of candidates. The root nov comes from Latin novus which means new. The second part -logy comes from Greek logos – word, study of. The term novology was selected because it is short (which is important for any scientific name, especially the name of a science) and it follows the model of other, well-established sciences like geology, biology, psychology, mythology, graphology, and morphology. Objective of Novology The objective of novology is to make newness (novelty) described, understood, classified, calculated, and consequently increased. For example, chemistry increased the speed of production processes because it helped to describe, understand, and calculate the regularities of combining atoms of certain substances into molecules of other (new) substances. The same happens with all other sciences. Newness as Subject of Study Newness is a quantitative or qualitative difference caused by change and causing change. The

Novology, Fig. 1 Newness as a result of change and cause of change

Novology, Fig. 2 Stages of newness


essence of newness is reflected by the model in Fig. 1. If change is depicted as an arrow on Fig. 1, then every instance of newness exists between the change that caused newness (left arrow) and the change this newness causes (right arrow). However, to make the process more complete, it has to show the previous and the next stages of change, as in Fig. 2: Newness illustrated on Fig. 2 is the difference between State 2 and State 1 as well as between State 3 and State 2 separated by the arrows of change. Mathematically (quantitatively), newness (N) is the difference (delta) between the states N1 = DS2 – S1. Also, N2 = DS3 – S2. Figure 2 shows the quantitative change: from one object to two objects and then to three objects. Newness could also be a qualitative change like the change of color in Fig. 3: Figure 3 illustrates the color change of the object from white (left) to gray (middle) and black (right). Arrows illustrate the change. The change may also be a form change, while the number and the color remain the same as in Fig. 4. The shape (object shown on the left) on Fig. 4. undergoes change (arrow) and becomes bigger (middle), and then it undergoes another change (arrow) and becomes bigger again (right). In addition to number, color, and shape, there may be a change in position, as it is shown in Fig. 5. The same shape (object on the left) under the influence of change (arrow) depicted on Fig. 5 makes a clockwise rotation resulting in a position switch (middle) and then after the second change (arrow) makes another clockwise position switch (right).


These are the examples of only basic types of newness intuitively known since childhood, but the amount of calculated newness will be different when only one change is applied or 2, or 3, or 4, or 5 at once. Calculations should show the difference in newness of the object depending on the amount of change. Newness as a concept is based on the word “new.” The form of the word “new” goes back to Greek neos that appeared in English as new but also exists in the altered forms like nei – for example, in misoneism meaning “hatred to the new” (from Greek misein hatred + nei coming from neos). The word “novel” goes back to Latin novus “new.” The derivatives from both the Greek and Latin language stems are numerous: neology, neologism, neocortex, neophil, neologize, neophyte, Neolithic, nova, supernova, novel, novate, innovate, innovation, novelize, renovate, etc. On the other hand, the sema (minimum unit of meaning) of “new” exists in hundreds of other words which seemingly in their form have nothing to do with the abovementioned Greek and Latin roots. This sema new certainly exists in the following words: fresh, unused, inexperienced, original, additional, recent, modern, further, extra, other, raw, immature, untried, untouched, unfamiliar, changed, altered, mutated, different, converted,

Novology, Fig. 3 Change in color

Novology, Fig. 4 Change in form

Novology, Fig. 5 Change in position


unskilled, unconventional, etc. All these words describe or denote some kind of newness or some essence of newness appearing in numerous phenomena. This essence may be explicit (in the root) or implicit (hidden). Newness as a phenomenon exists everywhere: new photon, new collision of elementary particles, new star, new baby elephant (or any baby), new generation of butterflies, etc. Particles change trajectories and collide. Atoms lose and acquire electrons, get into combinations, and form molecules. Molecules grow and change. Organisms reproduce and mutate. Nature is a huge pool of interacting objects and forces. Nature experiments in its natural labs using natural resources. Successful (productive) newness spreads within the physical, chemical, biological, and social domains. Those new processes, new objects, and new features which are more able (faster, stronger, better camouflaged, or accommodated, more flexible, etc.) survive and disseminate; the others perish. In the human activity domain, newness may be both suppressed and cultivated, but the production of the new accelerates immensely. It begins to acquire a faster and sometimes even planned character. Language and instruments become the powerful force of change. Individuals, as social beings, come to an understanding that it is newness that allows them to survive. A wheel, a spear, a bow, a fishing rod, a plow, and a machine all these and millions of others are the steps in this survival. Original decisions at work or in the battle, new tools or new weapons, new strategies or new tactics, new technical decisions and new production lines, new educational equipment,


new methods, and new policies all serve for the benefit and survival of certain societies or social groups. Truly, creativity is the process of accelerated generation of newness (on the psychological level), and innovation is the process of consumption of the generated newness (on the social level). The more open the society is for accepting the new, the faster it will grow and develop. In general, everything in this world is, was, or will be new. Everything, never mind what people are talking or thinking about: • • • •

Comes into existence (appears anew) Grows (shows new features, sizes, colors, etc.) Matures (climbs to new peaks of development) Ages (acquires new features or loses new features) • Disappears or dies (turns into a new state) The Big Bang theory states this universe started one moment some 13–15 billion years ago as a huge explosion. The religious point of view and creationism state God created the world. The creation myths in different ethnic origins describe the world birth. What remains invariable in all approaches, however, is that this world somehow came into existence – it was born, it started anew, it was new, and it is new. The new as a subject to study was in this world from the beginning. It is interesting that nobody noticed such an obvious subject to study.

Classification of Newness Classification is conventionally the first step to transforming the gathered data and descriptions into collections, studies, and theories. Sciences generalize the data about reality and divide this data into classes, subclasses, types, subtypes, etc. Classes: Material or Ideal The most general category for classification is material versus ideal newness. Any newness occurring in the objective world, environmental change, growth of trees, grass, animals, buildings, and so on – every tangible change – constitutes


material newness. Any newness occurring in the subjective world, ideas, images, concepts, etc. – every intangible change – constitutes ideal newness. These classes contain some subclasses and sub-subclasses, but this is beyond the scope of this entry. Types: Natural or Artificial Another major differentiation of newness is types of newness. The two basic types are natural newness (produced in nature and naturally) and artificial newness (produced by human beings or human society). Levels: Function, Substance, and Structure The next division of newness on the way down from philosophical heights (abstracts) to the ground-level practicality (concreteness) is the so-called general systems theory (L. von Bertalanffy and others after the 1930s). This approach has discovered that all objects, processes, and organisms are systems having structures, elements (substance), and functions. Therefore, from the systems point of view, novology must differentiate functional newness, substance newness, and structural newness. Illustrations are numerous. For example, the same object can be used for various functions (functional newness). Also, the same structure can be manifested in various substances, like wood, brick, and metal (substance newness). Finally, changing the structure itself (relations between elements) constitutes structural newness. These differentiation levels may have sublevels within. Stages of Newness One more important parameter of classification is the aspect of time. Changes in general include certain stages: appearing, growing, culminating, decreasing, and disappearing – all within a certain time range. Consequently, newness may be of different stages and substages within these stages. Forms of Newness According to the way newness is manifested, novology distinguishes forms of newness: latent (hidden) versus open, and within open, it may be


emphasized versus non-emphasized. So forms and subforms of newness may be analyzed. Layers of Newness Depending on the step in the movement from objective (material) to subjective (ideal), there may be different layers of newness. The layers of reflection that exist in any reflecting system, including the human mind, may be used as an example. These layers can be identified and even divided further into sublayers. The language activity, consisting of multiple layers of understanding and analysis (reflection), is a good example. Newness certainly can exist in any of these layers.

Patterns in Varieties As a result of classification effort, people must deal with classes and subclasses, types and subtypes, levels and sublevels, layers and sublayers, forms and subforms, and stages and substages of newness. It must be already a six-dimensional matrix to embrace the varieties of newness. What is more important, this is not the final list: it is rather open than not. Therefore, multidimensional matrices are used for newness classification.

Units and Measurements The fields of research become sciences when they acquire calculations. Calculations make the research results testable (measurable) and repeatable. Linguistics, a very well-structured field of research, illustrates how it can be done, and novology follows the modus operandi. Just as phoneme (Greek phone- “sound” + eme “unit”) is the basic unit of phonology, morpheme (Greek morphe- “form”) is the basic unit of morphology, lexeme (Greek lexis- “word”) is the basic unit of lexicology, and sememe (or seme, Greek sema“sign”) is the basic unit of semantics; novology creates its own basic unit called noveme.


As phonemes in phonology are divided into vowels and consonants, novemes are divided into: • Qualitative units (qualitemes) • Quantitative or measurement (quantemes)


Quantemes are divided into: • Obnov (objective novelty) for measuring the quantity of objective newness • Subnov (subjective novelty) for measuring the quantity of subjective newness The qualitative units (qualitemes) include: • • • •

Shifteme (newness within the paradigm) Transeme (newness of paradigm switch) Leapeme (jump over paradigms) Revolueme (revolutionary switch from one set of paradigms to another set of paradigms)

Special Instruments: Methods and Techniques The history of humanity shows that the most impressive results are often achieved not by pure force, pure power, or harder training but by genuine bright idea and by new method or technique. For instance, never mind how sharp a human eye sight is and how strong one’s desire for star counting is; a telescope invented by Galileo leaves all unarmed eye observations in dust. So what are these special instruments offered by novology? • The quantitative and qualitative analysis of newness introduced above is an instrument. • The new definitions of creativity and innovation are tools for new research. • The new models (like a four-side universal model of sign, language consciousness, speech act, and heuristic act) are instruments (Aleinikov 1994).


• The regularities and laws of newness existence (Aleinikov 2002a) are instruments of understanding and accelerating newness production. With the help of these scientific instruments (just like with the help of telescopes and microscopes), humankind is now able to disassemble and assemble reality, to manipulate the elements of this reality to make it work faster and thus achieve better results in a shorter period of time. Creativity is ectropy accelerator (see “▶ Creativity”). Moreover, creativity in the field of science, like this particular case of creating a new science for improving the study of creativity and innovation, is a meta-accelerator.

Laws of Novology Novology offers five laws for the science of newness: • The first law: Newness exists as an objective phenomenon – it exists as the changing nature’s aspect. • The second law: Newness is the result of change and the cause of change; it never appears from nowhere or nothing, and it never disappears without a trace. • The third law: Newness is instrumental; the faster the production of newness, the higher the probability of surviving and succeeding. • The fourth law: Newness is functionally oriented; the higher the system in the hierarchy of nature development, the higher the necessity to produce newness. • The fifth law: The inter-function of newness production is organization; the higher the speed of producing newness, the larger its influence on world organization. Examples of these laws working in nature are numerous, but the volume of this entry sets restrictions.


Specific Results and Predictions Novology describes theoretical and practical results achieved due to the introduction of a scientific category of newness. One of them is the development of the creative output measurement (new unit) and, as a consequence, the development of the most powerful methodologies in creative output – BAMMA (Brainstorming Advanced by Morphological Matrix Analysis), allowing a leap to MegaCreativity (Aleinikov 2002b). Another significant result is the design of most accelerated methodologies of changing human behavior in education – Genius Education Methodology (Aleinikov 2002b). Novology also forms a number of predictions. It foresees the formulation of a new vision (worldview), formation of new languages and sublanguages for its description, new methods of reality changing, new types of education, and even new objections to novology as a science. But more importantly, novology paves the way to the creation of the science of creativity, whether it is called sozidonics (Aleinikov 1994) or creatology (Magyari-Beck 1999), as well as innovatics (Rus. инноватика) and/or any other science studying innovation.

Conclusion and Future Directions Novology, the science of newness, is a further step in understanding creativity and innovation (see “▶ Creativity and Innovation: What Is the Difference?”), united by the underlying category of newness. When newness becomes measurable, both creativity and innovation acquire the fundamentals necessary for being understood deeper, described more precisely, and reflected scientifically. Newness, as a vast subject of study, receives a system of terms and laws to reflect it. Novology, on the other hand – as a system of study that has its specific name, objective, subject of study, instruments of research (methodologies, methods, and


techniques), its own classification and units of measurements, specific results (never achieved by other sciences), and its own predictions of the future – has the full right to be called a science. The new science of novology, in addition to the new vision of newness and new definitions of creativity and innovation, creates the gnosiological foundation necessary to move further in understanding complex psychological and social phenomena. It opens new horizons for future investigators and researchers in science, technology, business, and education, political, economical, and social life. It will be applied to the evaluation of most advanced scientific discoveries and technological inventions (see “▶ Invention Versus Discovery”) for committees like Nobel Prize or McArthur Foundation with its “genius” fellowship. Novology must develop tools for selecting the technological trends because a single mistake can be costly not only for the company but also for the country. One of the most important directions is also education where novology has to apply its tools to determining the amount of newness needed for various groups for them to reach the level of genius (see “▶ Genius”), to become ideal learners (see “▶ Creative Pedagogy”), or to stay at least successful students on all levels of education. This alone can solve numerous educational problems because when some students are ready to move forward, the others cannot still digest the amount of newness in the given material, so they protest, they revolt, they quit, etc. Novology is a must for future evaluations in advertising (now done on the intuitive level) where millions of dollars can be saved or earned by calculating the precise amount of newness needed to influence the viewer/listener most effectively (see “▶ Business Creativity”). Finally, novology has a huge potential for political campaigns to determine the newness of the given platform and to help politicians shape a better program to lead to the future with most innovative ideas (see “▶ Creative Leadership”) for a better - more humane world (Humame Creativity, Aleinikov 1999b).


Cross-References ▶ Business Creativity ▶ Creative Leadership ▶ Creative Pedagogy ▶ Creativity and Innovation: What Is the Difference? ▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches ▶ Genius ▶ Invention Versus Discovery ▶ Science of Creativity

References Albert RS, Runco MA. A history of research on creativity. In: Sternberg RJ, editor. Handbook of creativity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1999. Aleinikov AG. Sozidolinguistics for creative behavior. J Creat Behav. 1994;28(2):107–23. Aleinikov AG. Mega-creator: from creativity to mega-, giga-, and infi-creativity. Montgomery: MIMII; 1999a. Aleinikov AG. Humane creativity. In: Runco MA, Pritzker SA, editors. Encyclopedia of creativity, vol. 1. San Diego: Academic; 1999b. p. 837–44. Aleinikov AG. Novology: the hunt for newness. In: Coste TG, editor. Creative Odyssey. Mind. Body. Spirit. St. Paul: American Creativity Association; 2001. p. 49–53. Aleinikov AG. Novology, the science of newness for creativity and innovation research. In: Aleinikov AG, editor. The future of creativity. Bensenville: Scholastic Testing Services; 2002a. Aleinikov AG. Mega creativity: five steps to thinking like a genius. Walking Stick: Cincinnati; 2002b. Aleinikov AG, Kackmeister S, Koenig R. Creating creativity: 101 definitions of creativity. Midland: Alden. B Dow Creativity Center Press; 2000. Magyari-Beck I. Creatology. In: Runco MA, Pritzker SA, editors. Encyclopedia of creativity, vol. 1. San Diego: Academic; 1999. p. 433–41. Rogers EM. Diffusion of innovations. New York: Free Press; 1962. Runco MA, Pritzker SA, editors. Encyclopedia of creativity. San Diego: Academic; 1999. Schumpeter JA. Capitalism, socialism, and democracy. London: Routledge; 1942. Treffinger DJ. Creativity, creative thinking, and critical thinking: in search of definitions. Sarasota: Center for Creative Learning; 1995. Von Hippel E. Sources of innovation. New York: Oxford University Press; 1988. Wallas G. The art of thought. New York: Harcourt Brace; 1926.


Role of Intuition in Creativity Cyndi Burnett1 and Janice Francisco2 1 International Center for Studies in Creativity, Buffalo, NY, USA 2 BridgePoint Effect, Ottawa, Canada

Synonyms Gut feelings; Tacit knowledge

What Is Intuition? Definitions and Perspectives Intuition has been described as a natural, but complex, process that occurs at an unconscious level. The process provides new information, usually about a topic of importance, through a range of “unusual” mechanisms. These include sudden “aha’s,” internal dialogues regarding what is right or wrong about a situation, and unexplained feelings – either physiological or emotional. From the recipient’s perspective, the actual process is opaque. There is no obvious means by which one could explain, or justify, the conclusion; it is almost as if the information is created out of thin air. Even though the intuitive process is shrouded in mystery, several schools of thought have emerged, each with their own explanation of how intuition works and what is required for its

development. The differences between the schools are largely explained by their stances on where the underlying information originates. Broadly speaking, scientific researchers regard intuition as the product of subconscious processing: tacit sensory perception, domain expertise, and past experiences. Adherents to more spiritual paths explain intuition by reference to hidden knowledge and divine communication. Irrespective of the actual explanation, intuition could therefore be seen as a process through which people unconsciously make meaning from internal sources of information and integrate it into their conscious thinking. Words commonly associated with intuition are hunch/gut feeling, tacit knowledge, unconscious, sensing patterns, knowing without knowing why, insight, and visionary. Logic Versus Intuition Logic can be defined as reasoning conducted, or assessed, based on recognized principles of validity that rely on concrete evidence, proof, or inference on the same. When logic is employed in a creative process, it is typically experienced as external to the individual and used as a means to gather information, understand the situation at hand, and explore and weigh options. Logical thinking provides people with the capacity to link decisions and actions to specific knowledge, evidence, or proof and creates a chain of justification that can be externally validated. In this way, a

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_25-2


person’s thinking processes become evident and communicable. Intuition, by its nature, operates in a very different manner. It acts as a data source and a conduit to the internal world of the individual, offering information and synthesizing emotion without conscious evidence of how it came to be. Intuition functions on trust and uses a touchstone of validity which is simply an individual’s experience or “feeling” that it is right, or not right, to take a specific action. Intuitive and Cognitive Insight The terms “intuition” and “insight” are often used interchangeably. While it is true that insights are often produced via intuition, it is important to recognize that it is possible to gain deep understanding through purely cognitive mechanisms. The key distinction between these two forms is that in the case of a cognitively derived insight, the individual could explain the development of their understanding, whereas, with an intuitively derived insight, the mechanics of its apprehension are hidden within the process. Myths of Intuition Intuition, like creativity, is a much debated and often misunderstood phenomenon. When this is coupled with the arcane nature of the intuitive process, it is not surprising that the topic has acquired a number of myths. Some of the more common myths include the following: that intuition does not exist, that it exists and is reserved for only a chosen few, that it is the domain of the supernatural, and that using intuition as the basis for decision-making is ungrounded and foolhardy. The truth about intuition is that it is innate to all humans and available to everyone. However, just as with creativity, the intuitive capability of any one individual is largely a function of their commitment to its development. Developing one’s intuition is therefore a personal choice that demands expertise of self which is described as a composite of self-awareness, self-esteem, selfacceptance, and the capacity to trust one’s self. Those who value intuition as a source of information tend to have developed their respect by paying attention to their intuitive insights and

Role of Intuition in Creativity

gradually gaining comfort in using them as a guide post for sensemaking and decision-making. The myth that making decisions based on intuition is ungrounded or foolhardy is derived from cultural preference toward logical and rational thought. Clearly, the careful application of logic is a hugely powerful tool that allows people to evaluate decisions, before leaping into action. Externalized, rational decision-making has played a major role in the development of humanity. Many of the luminaries who have been responsible for these advances, however, have also credited their intuition in the development of their ideas. It is therefore important to note that just because intuition is not deeply understood does not mean that its “products” are wrong, or any less valid than those produced through a more transparent, logical process. In fact, recent developments in the fields of neurology, and behavioral science, lend validity to the complex set of circumstances that produce intuitive “hits.” Several neurological studies have uncovered physiological evidence of intuition as a literal “gut feeling.” These sensations result from a chain of biological and neurological events, triggered by heuristics, which are derived from experience and strengthened through feedback loops. The loops are created through the application of the heuristics and their subsequent unconscious evaluation. It appears to be the case that as one means of preparing oneself to deal with future uncertainties, heuristics are stored in the brain centers associated with emotions, feelings, and memories (the basal ganglia and the amygdala parts of the brain known as the emotional or limbic brain). When encountering a new and illdefined situation, one’s brain draws upon these decision rules and synthesizes cumulated learnings to make a decision. These parts of the emotional brain therefore provide a source of wise conclusions and communicate primarily through activating the circuitry extending into the gastrointestinal tract, hence, the “gut feeling.” Other research into decision-making has uncovered new information that shows that decisions are made across a spectrum of logic and intuition and whether a decision proves to be good or foolhardy is not so much about whether

Role of Intuition in Creativity

the decision was made based on intuition or logic but rather the process by which the decision was made and the level of awareness and trust the decision-maker has in the sources drawn upon to make the decision. Many executives and highly trained professionals admit to a decision-making protocol that relies on their intuition as the first or final steps, regardless of the logic or rational evidence that supports doing so. In reality, the validity of a decision, whether intuitively or logically made, is not always immediately evident. Details about the adequacy, appropriateness, efficiency, and effectiveness of a decision unfold over time (Francisco and Burnett 2008). In the past, mankind rationalized the world was flat, the earth was the center of the universe, and that time was an absolute phenomenon. Through the intuitive insights of creative individuals and the willingness to hold that there may be another possibility, it is now recognized that the world is round, the sun is the center of our universe, and that time is relative.

The Role of Intuition in Creativity and Innovation Locating Intuition Within Deliberate Creative Processes Is intuition an element within a creative process or is the creative process an intuitive activity, which has had logical elements added to it? Discussion in the creativity literature regarding the role of intuition in creativity falls all over the map. Some researchers position intuition within the incubation phase of the creative process. Others describe the whole creative process as intuitive. The truth may be found as a blend of these perspectives; exactly how the blend is calculated depends upon one’s understanding of both intuition and creativity and how one views the interaction of person with process. Certainly from the perspective of creative problem solving, a significant proportion of the work designed to support deliberate creativity has approached the topic from a logical, cognitive, and semantic perspective. For adherents of this school, creativity is a process that can be both


understood and amplified through the application of the right tools and techniques. It is also true that this view has been ascendant within the business and scientific spheres. However, creativity researchers also recognize that the emphasis on logical, rational process, and tools does not accord with the reported experience of highly creative people. Both Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein are frequently held up as examples of eminent creators who relied heavily upon their intuition. And there is little doubt that they demonstrated the significance of harnessing this important way of knowing. But, perhaps more interestingly, Tim Cook (the new CEO of Apple) also cites the role of intuition in his professional life, suggesting that Apple itself might have an organizational predilection toward intuition: “engineers are taught to make a decision analytically but there are times when relying on gut or intuition is most indispensable.” As a result of recognizing this mismatch between theory and practice, a number of researchers have called for the deliberate development of intuition in order to create a more holistic creative problem-solving process. Regardless of where researchers land in their recognition of the role of logic versus intuition in creativity, it is clear that intuition is intrinsically aligned with the core creative process. Creativity, by its very nature, requires that we take a leap of faith, keep open to possibility, and trust in our intention to create something new, particularly when the reasons and means for doing so are not known, ambiguous, and yet to be discovered. Intuition as Data Intuition, by its very nature, emerges through an opaque process. In the field of creativity, this raises the question of how one might assess the validity of data gained in this manner. There are two schools of thought on this topic. One group of researchers holds that intuition is an inherently unreliable process and that the insights will be distorted through emotional and experiential biases. The other group argues that intuition offers a route to “deep” knowledge by allowing people to access their tacit knowledge and associated heuristics.


In the end, there is no clear answer to the question, “is intuitive data valid?” Each situation must be judged on its own merits. However, what is clear is that intuition does offer an additional, and potentially important, source of data. Granted, the data could be distorted based on how the receiver interprets the information or chooses to use it and the same could hold true for logical data. The key point is that there is value in spending time reflecting upon one’s data sources, whether intuitively or logically derived, and working to understand their potential significance. Deliberate creative processes benefit from a diverse set of data. Enhanced understanding – through any mechanism – is likely to strengthen the quality of the resulting decision. For this reason, involving intuition in the creative process offers important benefits.

Strategies for Leveraging Intuition in Creative Problem Solving Creativity research suggests intuition is favored when faced with working in ambiguous, poorly structured, and uncertain contexts. Creative problem solving (CPS), the most widely used and researched model for creative problem solving in the world, is particularly suited to organize thinking and support the discovery and resolution of open-ended, ambiguous, challenging, and multifaceted predicaments or opportunities. Despite its suitability to ambiguous situations, CPS as a model for creative problem solving is observed as being rationally, cognitively, and semantically oriented. This presents a bit of a conundrum and certainly highlights the necessity for having strategies for the deliberate use of intuition in CPS. Originally introduced by Osborn (1953), it elevates a strictly intuitive process to being highly explicit, offering a means to flexibly employ distinct process steps based on the task at hand. Additionally, it integrates underlying principles of creative thinking (divergence followed by convergence) and establishes challenge questions as an organizing principle (how to, how might, in what ways might, and what might be all the ways) to its use.

Role of Intuition in Creativity

When learning about creative problem solving (CPS), students are often reminded to “trust the process.” If one were to focus on strategies for leveraging intuition in creative problem solving, the same sage advice would apply – trust intuition as a process for providing information and learn how to use it. As indicated in the discussion on myths about intuition and creativity, one’s capacity to leverage intuition in CPS is related to one’s self-awareness and how one values and understands intuition as a data source. Assuming one has made the commitment to develop and use intuition, there are specific strategies that can be employed to leverage intuition in CPS and return it to a more explicit, rather than inferred existence. These strategies include allowing time for incubation, encouraging participants to consciously engage their intuitive capabilities, and using intuitive skills to function more effectively across the entire model. Allowing for Incubation Reviews of the history of inventions and major innovations as well as creativity research studies have repeatedly demonstrated the connection between incubation and the production of intuitive insights. Researchers do not agree on an explanation for this connection. Some think that incubation allows the mind to recuperate, while others suggest that it provides an opportunity to forget incorrect solutions or to make new connections with outside stimuli. Irrespective of the explanation, creating the opportunity for incubation is an important step toward fostering intuitive insights. There are many ways to promote incubation, and some of the more commonly cited methods include taking breaks, going on excursions, engaging in a completely different activity such as cooking, painting, or even, most notably in the literature, by going to sleep. While incubation provides clear benefits, it is not without its detractors. Building time for incubation is often viewed as inaction or “wasting time,” particularly in very action-oriented cultures. These views can discourage people from engaging in incubation and ultimately may damage their thinking process. If there is insufficient

Role of Intuition in Creativity

time to incubate, there is the chance that intuitive insights will not be reached and some of the most effective and useful ideas missed. A group, or individual, may not be allowing themselves sufficient time for incubation if they are not producing the desired results from a CPS workshop; if the group is not naturally taking advantage of incubation opportunities within a process; if, at the end of the session, the group feels that there is unexplored territory but is unable to define it rationally; or if the group is “stuck” and unable to determine why. In any of these situations, making a conscious effort to create greater opportunities for incubation might provide a significant shift in thinking. Directly Soliciting Input from Users’ Intuitive Capabilities The more deliberate use of intuition in CPS involves directly soliciting input from participants’ intuitive capabilities. This, obviously, requires specific tools and techniques that allow people to call upon their intuition. Some researchers suggest that the existing CPS tool set – given its orientation to rational, cognitive, and semantic-based approaches – lacks the tools to encourage intuition. Others have observed that a tool-based focus misses the opportunity to more actively engage intuition by evolving the entire process. An evolved CPS process would actively encourage affective skills, as well as work to establish a creative climate that normalizes and honors gut feeling insights. Within the context of the current CPS process, a facilitator might directly solicit input from participant’s intuitive capabilities by employing one of the following techniques: encouraging participants to share gut reactions throughout the process, conducting an unstructured dialogue by asking participants to free-flow their ideas, using metaphors and analogies, employing tools in the traditional CPS tool set indicating that logical and intuitive data sources are welcome, and improvising tools and techniques from other domains that are more holistic in nature or that rely predominantly on right-brain thinking strategies. In the case of individual users of CPS, the same approaches could apply.


Using Intuitive Skills The most recent evolution of CPS, the Creative Problem-Solving Thinking Skills Model (CPSTSM) developed by Puccio et al. (2010), introduces enhancements to creative thinking guidelines and comprises three broad stages – clarification, transformation, and implementation. Related to these broad stages are six cognitive and one metacognitive process steps, each with a primary and nonexclusive thinking skill, each of which in turn is correlated to a primary and nonexclusive affective skill. As a process map with thinking tools, CPSTSM, like its predecessors, is particularly suited for use in complex, ambiguous, and multifaceted situations. The affective skills introduced through the CPSTSM refer to the ways in which one deals with the attitudinal and emotional aspects of learning, recognized as including feelings, appreciation, enthusiasm, motivations, attitudes, and values. While their research linked specific affective skills (mindfulness and sensing gaps), and the requirement to stay focused while converging, to intuition, further research conducted by Burnett (2010) identified certain affective skills in the CPSTSM model as intuitive skills, either because of their reliance on intuition as a data source or because they specifically enable intuitive insights to emerge. These intuitive skills include tolerance for ambiguity, mindfulness, sensing gaps, and sensitivity to environment. They fall within the domain of expertise, are developed through deliberate practice, and are a by-product of metacognition, time, and experience in the self-aware. Tolerance for ambiguity in CPSTSM is what allows one to deal with uncertainty and to avoid leaping to conclusions (Puccio et al. 2010). When viewed through the lens of intuition and creativity, it seems as though there are two separate, and related, aspects to this skill – one affective and the other intuitive. The affective aspect relates to the ability to manage one’s emotions in such a way as to tolerate the ambiguity. The intuitive aspect gives one the ability and tools to navigate the ambiguity. Without affective capacity, a person might find ambiguous situations too stressful to allow them to engage in an intuitive


exploration. Likewise, without intuitive capacity, ambiguous situations may persist beyond anyone’s tolerance. These two aspects therefore reinforce and support one another. Mindfulness is the conduit for intuitive insights on progress, next steps, and actions. When using CPS, one must navigate the spectrum of process, content, context, and self. Mindfulness is what allows us to regulate our focus of attention across this spectrum with curiosity, openness, and acceptance by attending to thoughts, feelings, and sensations relative to the present situation (Bishop et al. 2004). Its underlying principle is metacognition which draws upon reflective thinking as a means to allow us to think about our thinking and awareness as a means to direct cognitive process. Without regulation of one’s attention, it would be difficult to hear the “quiet voices” of intuition and bring them into awareness. Without curiosity, openness, and acceptance, it would be difficult to avoid the trap of logic acting as the tacit censor of one’s intuitive thoughts. Ultimately, without mindfulness, it would be difficult to recognize where we are across the spectrum of process, content, context, and self in achieving an outcome and to engage intuition in service of creating that outcome. Sensing gaps is what allows one to become “consciously aware of discrepancies between what currently exists and what is desired or required” (Puccio et al. 2010) and relates to the innate ability to recognize that something “is not working” or “not adding up.” Sensing gaps as an intuitive skill is developed over time, reinforced by experience, i.e., experts are more able to perform this function, and relative to one’s capacity for mindfulness and sensitivity to environment. This gives greater weight to the idea that intuitive skills can be developed, irrespective of whether that development is deliberate or simply a side effect of time and experience. Sensitivity to environment is a gauge to quantify the degree to which we are aware of our physical and psychological environment and our capacity to understand “the interrelated conditions and circumstances that will support or hinder success” (Puccio et al. 2010). The context, or environment, within which we work, provides a frame

Role of Intuition in Creativity

of reference for status quo, the rules, values, beliefs, and other boundaries within which we must perform. The greater our understanding of the environment within which we operate, the greater our potential for recognizing opportunity and navigating our way through the subtle nuances of our creative challenges. By being sensitive to the environment, we learn to become aware of “decision rules” and develop expertise on what is acceptable and unacceptable within a culture. By taking the time to understand the nature of the box within which we are operating and its underlying assumptions, we increase our capacity for finding entry points to new realities. As Louis Pasteur so astutely observed, “chance favors only the prepared mind.”

Conclusions and Future Directions Intuition is a fundamental part of human thinking. It provides a mechanism by which our subconscious mind can communicate perspectives and insights to our conscious mind. Intuition, however, is a quiet process. It speaks through a range of channels and can only be perceived if one pays attention. Unfortunately, because we lack a thorough understanding of the intuitive process, the products of our subconscious mind tend to be given less credence than those of its louder, cognitive counterpart. This means that in an age in which creativity is seen as increasingly important, there is an even greater need to encourage the development of intuitive skills. In the future, there is an opportunity to restore a balance between the logical and intuitive aspects of human creativity and to normalize the use of intuitive data in creative process. What if, instead of continuing the debate that places logic and intuition as polar opposites, we recognized that it is possible that they could be equally important data sources, each possessing a synthesis of learned knowledge and both subject to evaluation in service of creative outcomes? What if all data sources, like ideas, were welcome in your next creative problem-solving session? As creativity professionals and researchers, we can make a commitment to develop our intuitive

Role of Intuition in Creativity

skills and help others to do the same. Through encouragement and literature support, we can leverage more than 60 years of research into the development and application of the CPS process by complementing rational, cognitive, and semantic-based approaches with an expanded, more intuitive tool set and by improvising holistic applications of tools in the existing tool set. By being deliberate in our efforts to nurture and employ intuition, its value to creative process becomes explicit, its voice heard, and our capacity to be creative all the more.

Cross-References ▶ Creativity and Emotion ▶ Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking ▶ Effects of Intuition, Positive Affect, and Training on Creative Problem Solving ▶ Imagery and Creativity


References Bishop SR, Lau M, Shapiro S, Carlson L, Anderson ND, Carmody J, et al. Mindfulness: a proposed operational definition. Clin Psychol Sci Pract. 2004;11:230–41. Burnett C. Holistic approaches to creative problem solving [unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Ontario: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto; 2010. Francisco JM, Burnett CA. Deliberate intuition: giving intuitive insights their rightful place in the creative problem solving thinking skills model. Paper presented to Creativity and Innovation Management Journal Conference; 2008 May; Buffalo. Osborn A. Applied imagination. New York: Scribners; 1953. Puccio GJ, Mance M, Murdock M. Creative leadership: skills that drive change. Thousand Oaks: Sage; 2010.


Four Ps in Organizational Creativity Russell Schneck WorkingLessons, Kerhonkson, NY, USA

Synonyms Four Ps of creativity

• Press – The relationship of the creative person to the environment they are creating within Within the context of organizational creativity, two additional dimensions need to be considered in combination with the four Ps. Teams are included to reflect that organizational creativity is often a collaborative effort. The influence of leadership must also be recognized since the successful application of the other capabilities and practices is directly dependent on this foundation.

Key Concepts and Definitions Organizational creativity refers to the people and process capabilities, and the conditions that develop and support these capabilities, in order for an organization to consistently produce innovative products, methods, business models, and experiences to meet the needs of its customers, employees, and stakeholders. This conceptual view begins with the four Ps (Rhodes 1961) by considering creative product as the outcome of the interaction of person and process, operating within an organizational climate (press). These dimensions are defined: • Product – The communication of a novel and useful idea, concept, or theory • Person – Cognitive abilities, personality traits, and biographical experiences • Process – The methodology that produces a creative product

Theoretical Background Product Theorists have highlighted that the study of creativity needs to begin with creative product since creativity is demonstrated by the existence of a creative product (MacKinnon 1978; Rhodes 1961; Rogers 1961). Rhodes (1961) specifically states: “Objective investigation into the nature of the creative process can only proceed in one direction, i.e., from product to person and thence to process and press” (p. 309). Innovation is a creative product. More specifically, it is a creative product that reaches implementation (Kaufman 1993 cited in Vehar 2008). Innovation is the result of creativity, and this understanding means that it is necessary for organizations to develop and support creative capabilities in order for innovation to consistently occur.

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_30-2


Person Much of the understanding of the creative person can be attributed to the impetus provided by Guilford and his presidential address to the American Psychological Association (Guilford 1950). Guilford’s own work advanced the understanding of the cognitive abilities associated with creativity and established the importance of divergent and convergent thinking. Cognitive abilities are only part of the story. Beyond cognitive abilities, creativity can be attributed to personality traits and biographical experiences (Davis 2004). Creativity is commonly equated to imagination, and this undeniably is an important characteristic, but it is a limited perspective. The topic of the creative person is complex, and it is wellresearched area, with extensive information available. For example, Davis (2004) describes a metaanalysis of over 200 adjectives and descriptions from 50 sources to arrive at 16 categories of recurrent traits in creative people. Attempts, such as this, to categorize a group of people will be generalizations and are bound to include what can seem to be contradictory information; for example, creative people are both disciplined and impulsive. Kaufman (2013) discusses the antithetical traits of creative people and presents neuroscience research (Ellamil et al. 2012; Takeuchi et al. 2011) supporting the concept that these paradoxes can be recognized as characteristics of a creative mind. Guilford (1950) offers a conception that brings attention to a particularly important trait: “Creative productivity in everyday life is undoubtedly dependent upon primary traits other than abilities. Motivational factors (interests and attitudes) as well as temperament factors must be significant contributors” (p. 454). Continuing on the importance of motivation, Amabile (1987) offers insight into the importance of motivation, particularly intrinsic motivation: “There is abundant evidence that people will be most creative when they are primarily intrinsically motivated, rather than extrinsically motivated by expected evaluation, surveillance, competition with peers, dictates from superiors, or the promise of rewards” (p. 39). Amabile’s Components of Creative Performance (1983) informs the conception of the

Four Ps in Organizational Creativity

attributes necessary to consider in the creative person dimension with creativity-related skills, domain-related skills, as well as task motivation. Process Process can be the specific cognitive and affective abilities that are applied as well as a framework that defines the steps or phases that are common to creative problem-solving. The importance of innovation to organizational creativity, and the requirement of a creative concept to be taken to fruition for there to be innovation, demonstrates that process must advance creativity through implementation or commercialization. Discussion of process can focus on defined methodologies such as creative problem-solving (CPS) (Osborn 1953) or synectics (Gordon 1961). Mumford et al. (1991) review well over a dozen processes beginning with the pioneering efforts of Dewey (1910) and Wallas (1926) to recognize a progression showing a continuous increase in understanding of the mechanisms that produce idea generation. The specific conclusions relating to this are articulated in this way: Researchers have also begun to display greater sensitivity to the dynamic, perhaps cyclical nature of process application, the goal-oriented nature of creative problem solving efforts, the significance of real world constraints, and the impact of motivational, developmental, and personality attributes which can condition the efficiency of process application. (p. 99)

In practice problem-solving is often conceptualized as descriptive expression of steps or phases. While there is no universally accepted approach, generically the process has four basic phases (Beecroft et al. 2003; Puccio 2002): • Clarification – Define and clarify the opportunity or challenge. • Ideation – Generate ideas. – Evaluate and select an idea(s). • Development – Transform ideas into solutions. – Test, refine, and strengthen solution. • Implementation and maintenance

Four Ps in Organizational Creativity

– Implement solutions. – Evaluate solution over time. Teaching and training that supports the development or improvement of creativity and problem-solving abilities most often addresses process. The work of Scott et al. (2004) was a meta-analysis of 70 studies of creativity training program evaluations that concluded “that more successful programs were likely to focus on development of cognitive skills and the heuristics involved in skill application, using realistic exercises appropriate to the domain at hand” (p. 361). This research brings the focus to an understanding that creative problem-solving is about having an awareness of the unique mental function required for the task at hand. This understanding is conceptualized by The Thinking Skills Model (Puccio et al. 2011) which articulates specific cognitive and affective abilities associated with each process step. With its focus on cognitive and affective abilities, The Thinking Skills Model connects the discussion of process to the creative person. According to Puccio et al. (2011) openness to novelty, tolerance for ambiguity, and tolerance for complexity underlie all steps in the creative problem-solving process. This offers specific consideration of creativity-related skills in the context of a creative process. The discussion of process also leads directly to the topic of teams and their relationship to the four Ps, since a characteristic of effective teams is a commitment to a common approach, a process, of working together (Katzenbach and Smith 1993). Press The interaction of person, process, and teams that is required to generate creative products does not occur in a vacuum. The practice of organizational creativity must contend with a multitude of forces internal and external to the organization that influence the needs, requirements, and effectiveness of the effort. These forces, pressures, are the press. Discussion of press includes a macro view of the dynamic operating environment, external forces that organizations cannot control but must respond to, and progresses to internal


considerations that can be managed in a deliberate manner that will help develop and support organizational creativity. The dynamic operating environment. There are external pressures on an organization that are beyond the control of the organization. These include customer expectations, shareholder requirements, technology advances, competitive factors, economic conditions, legal and regulatory considerations, and globalization. This dynamic operating environment establishes the need for consistent and sustainable innovation simply to keep pace with the change made necessary by outside forces. But how an organization responds to these pressures also establishes the conditions that will support or detract from creative efforts. Climate. The creative climate can vary among work teams even within the same organization. However, the more consistent the creative climate is throughout an organization, the more consistent and sustainable the creative contribution will be throughout the organization. Ekvall (1996) defines creative climate to describe how behaviors and attitudes work to shape the creative output in an organization. Ten factors are identified which collectively describe the creative climate of the organization. These factors are (a) challenge, (b) freedom, (c) idea support, (d) trust/openness, (d) dynamism/liveliness, (e) playfulness/humor, (d) debates, (e) conflicts, (f) risk taking, and (g) idea time. A discussion of press leads directly to the importance of leadership. Leadership that does not deliberately work to encourage organizational creativity by development and support of the four Ps can be an adverse part of the press that needs to be overcome. However, effective leadership is instrumental in creating the conditions that will develop and support organizational creativity, and this begins with recognition of the importance of each of the four Ps as well as teams.

Beyond the Four Ps It is only by looking at the four Ps in combination with teams and leadership that a complete picture of product, person, process, and press in the


context of organizational creativity is formed. The four Ps can be seen as the foundation of organizational creativity, but the additional considerations of teams and leadership are integral to the practice of organizational creativity and influence the dimensions of the four Ps as significantly as each of the four Ps influences and interacts with each other. Teams Within organizations, creative products are often the result of collaborative efforts with multiple individuals making a contribution. A team is more than the sum of its parts. Teams need to be recognized as more complex entities than a collection of individuals. Interpersonal dynamics ensure that this will be the case. Teams are defined by a collective work product (Katzenbach and Smith 1993). This directly relates the function and importance of teams to the purpose of organizational creativity to produce creative product. Amabile (1998) makes it clear, “If you want to build teams that come up with creative ideas, you must pay careful attention to the design of such teams” (p. 82). Effective teams are mutually supportive groups with a diversity of expertise, experiences, and thinking styles. Members of effective creative teams share and contribute to excitement about their objective, have a willingness to help teammates overcome challenges and setbacks, and appreciate the unique knowledge and perspective the other team members have to offer. “These factors enhance not only intrinsic motivation but also expertise and creative-thinking skills” (p. 82). The conditions that promote team effectiveness extend beyond the composition of the group and require attention to the collective experience of the group. Tuckman’s model for team development (Tuckman and Jensen 1977) highlights that teams will not be fully operational at inception and must be given the opportunity to evolve. The model presents five stages that teams progress through as they develop the ability to successfully work together.

Four Ps in Organizational Creativity

1. Form: The team is brought together and learns about each other and about the opportunity and challenges it faces. 2. Storm: Personal conflicts are exposed. Team members confront each other’s ideas and perspectives. Different ideas compete for consideration. Not every team gets through storming. 3. Norm: Team members often work through this stage by agreeing on rules, values, professional behavior, shared methods, and tools. 4. Perform: Teams are able to function as a unit as they find ways to get the job done efficiently and effectively without inappropriate conflict or the need for external supervision. 5. Adjourn: The required task is complete the task and the team is disbanded. Leadership The effective application of organizational creativity requires a foundation of leadership. The dynamic operating environment establishes the need for consistent and sustainable innovation. The executive leadership of an organization determines the approach the organization uses and, in thought, words, and deeds, sets the tone for how the organization responds to these pressures. Leadership is a topic that is broad in scope. Particularly relevant to this discussion are mental models and the role that leadership plays in establishing and reinforcing the dominant mental models Schwenk (1989) that define the beliefs and attitudes that govern perceptions, reasoning, and behavior in an organization. Senge (2006) defines mental models as: Deeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or images that influence how we understand the world and how we take action. Very often we are not consciously aware of our mental models or the effects they have on our behavior. (p. 8)

Caughron et al. (2009) extend the concept to organizations by conceptualizing dominant mental models “as a form of shared mental model that extends beyond the group level into broader social contexts such as organizations” (p. 11). Dominant mental models often reflect the influence of individuals in positions of authority (Schwenk 1989). Organizational creativity will flourish when leadership supports and applies a dominant

Four Ps in Organizational Creativity

mental model that recognizes and promotes the value of creativity and the conditions that are conducive to creative performance. With a foundation of leadership, it becomes possible to establish a supportive climate. Research supports the connection between leadership and climate. Ekvall (1999) provides a particularly compelling statistic; leadership behavior accounted for a range of 30–60% of the reported variances in his research of creative climate. Conditions that support organizational creativity cannot be sustained without leadership that brings intention and attention to the task of establishing and maintaining a creative climate. The connection between climate and leadership leads directly to the topic of polarity management. Polarities are ongoing. They are not problems that can be solved. They cannot be eliminated regardless of the money, time, or resources directed toward this purpose. They involve two apparently conflicting, but actually interdependent positions (Johnson 1996). The climate dimensions (Ekvall 1996) of freedom, risk taking, and idea time can each easily viewed as one side of a polarity. While each offers a benefit to the practice of creativity, there is an opposing force that will also benefit the organization in some way. Freedom/accountability, risktaking/sound business practices, and idea time/ producing tangible results are all polarities that are introduced with the discussion of creative climate. Leadership must manage these polarities to establish a creative climate. By establishing a creative climate, the conditions exist for individuals, teams, and processes to develop in a way that will produce creative products. Since the work of Ekvall (1996) and Amabile et al. (1996) substantiate that climate, including perceived climate, influences creativity and innovation, it is reasonable to conclude that climate is also exerting influence on person, process, and teams, since it is the interactions of these dimensions within the climate that produce the creative product. Figure 1 presents a view of organizational creativity with a foundation of the four Ps. Support and development of the organizational competencies required to achieve effective and sustainable creative performance begins with leadership. The


arrows extending out from the leadership box reflect the influence of leadership on press, person, teams, and process. The model shows the interaction of person, teams, and process, operating within the influence of press to produce an outcome of a creative product. The arrows from product back to the other dimensions indicate that the assessment of product begins a feedback cycle leading to continuous learning and improvement. Ekvall (1996) recognizes that outcomes influence climate and resources which is a description of this feedback.

Conclusion and Future Directions Examination of the four Ps in organizational creativity has implications for leadership, organizational development, as well suggesting directions for creativity research. Support and development of the four Ps is instrumental to organizational creativity. And while it may seem simplistic, the opposite corollary is also true; factors specific to organizational creativity that inhibit its practice can be viewed in terms of a failure to develop and support the conditions that contribute to organizational creativity. The implications for leadership and organizational development are clear. Individuals must be provided appropriate training and support to develop domain-related expertise as well as creative problem-solving abilities. Process must provide a commonly understood framework that facilitates the type of outcomes that are expected and required. Teams must be created with attention to diversity of skills and perspectives. They must be given adequate opportunity to develop in order to perform effectively. There must be deliberate attention to establish and maintain a climate supportive of creativity. This needs to be actively monitored with interventions for improvement as needed. Leadership must support development of each of these components and consistently demonstrate a commitment to organizational creativity to ensure that the importance organizational creativity remains a dominant mental model. Evaluation of creative product provides the feedback that is necessary


Four Ps in Organizational Creativity

Four Ps in Organizational Creativity, Fig. 1 The four Ps in organizational creativity #2012 Russell Schneck



Person Teams Process

to support the ongoing development of organizational creativity. The interrelated, interdependent nature of the four Ps of creativity is consistent with research considerations. Mumford (2003) expressed the need for more integrative models as well as increased attention to the effects of creativity on people and social systems. The former consideration could be viewed as a need to examine the combined influences that contribute to the production of creative product that is reflected by the interdependence of the four Ps. The latter describes looking at the complex phenomenon of creativity and the influence its practice has on the individuals and the system it is functioning within. This changes the nature of the examination from the influence of the four Ps on organizational creativity to the influence of creativity on the four Ps and on the organization. This perspective sees creativity as an explanatory variable relative to the four Ps and organizational creativity.

Creative Product

▶ Creative Mind: Myths and Facts ▶ Creative Personality ▶ Creativity and Innovation: What Is the Difference? ▶ Creativity from Design and Innovation Perspectives ▶ Creativity Management ▶ Creativity, Intelligence, and Culture ▶ Entrepreneurial Organizations ▶ Four Ps of Creativity ▶ In Search of Cognitive Foundations of Creativity ▶ Innovation and Entrepreneurship ▶ Invention and Innovation as Creative ProblemSolving Activities ▶ Measurement of Creativity ▶ Measuring Organizational Climate for Creativity and Innovation ▶ Mental Models and Creative Invention ▶ Multiple Models of Creativity ▶ Organizational Creativity ▶ Research on Creativity ▶ Social Psychology of Creativity ▶ Techno-globalization and Innovation

Cross-References ▶ Convergent Versus Divergent Thinking ▶ Corporate Creativity ▶ Corporate Entrepreneurship ▶ Creative Behavior ▶ Creative Knowledge Environments ▶ Creative Leadership ▶ Creative Management

References Amabile TM. The social psychology of creativity: a componential conceptualization. J Pers Soc Psychol. 1983;45:357–76. Amabile TM. Motivating creativity in organizations: on doing what you love and loving. Calif Manag Rev. 1987;40(1):39–58.

Four Ps in Organizational Creativity Amabile TM. How to kill creativity. Harv Bus Rev. 1998;76(5):77–87. Amabile TM, Conti R, Coon H, Lazenby J, Herron M. Assessing the work environment for creativity. Acad Manag J. 1996;39:1154–84. Beecroft GD, Duffy GL, Moran JW. The executive guide to improvement and change. Milwaukee: ASQ Quality Press; 2003. Caughron JJ, Shipman AS, Beeler CK, Mumford MD. Social innovation: thinking about changing the system. Int J Creat Probl Solv. 2009;19(1):7–32. Davis GA. Creativity is forever. 5th ed. Kendall/Hunt: Dubuque; 2004. Dewey J. How we think. Boston: DC Heath; 1910. Ekvall G. Organizational climate for creativity and innovation. Eur J Work Organ Psychol. 1996;5(1):105–23. Ekvall G. Creative climate. In: Runco MA, Pritzker SR, editors. Encyclopedia of creativity, vol. I. San Diego: Academic; 1999. p. 403–12. Ellamil M, Dobson C, Beeman M, Christoff K. Evaluative and generative modes of thought during the creative process. NeuroImage. 2012;59:1783–94. Gordon WJJ. Synectics: the development of creative capacity. New York: Harper and Row; 1961. Guilford JP. Creativity. Am Psychol. 1950;5(9):444–54. Johnson B. Polarity management. Amherst: HRD Press, Inc.; 1996. Katzenbach JR, Smith DK. The discipline of teams. Harv Bus Rev. 1993;71:111–46. Kaufman G. The content and logical structure of creativity concepts: an inquiry into the conceptual foundations of creativity research. In: Isaksen SG, Murdock MC, Firestien RL, Treffinger DJ, editors. Understanding and recognizing creativity: the emergence of a discipline. Norwood: Ablex; 1993. Kaufman SB. The neuroscience of creativity, flow, and openness to experience. Presented at 12th Annual Bioethics Forum; April 2013; Madison. MacKinnon DW. In search of human effectiveness: identifying and developing creativity. Creative Education Foundation: Buffalo; 1978.

7 Mumford MD. Where have we been, where are we going? Taking stock in creativity research. Creat Res J. 2003;15(2–3):107–20. Mumford MD, Mobley MI, Uhlman CE, Reiter-Palmon R, Doares L. Process analytic models of creative capacities. Creat Res J. 1991;4(2):91–122. Osborn A. Applied imagination: principles and procedures of creative problem-solving. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons; 1953. Puccio GJ. Foursight: the breakthrough thinking profilepresenter’s guide and technical manual. THinc Communications: Evanston; 2002. Puccio GJ, Mance M, Murdock MC. Creative leadership: skills that drive change. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage; 2011. Rhodes M. An analysis of creativity. Phi Delta Kappan. 1961;42:305–10. Rogers CR. On becoming a person: a therapist’s view of psychotherapy. New York: Houghton Mifflen; 1961. Schwenk CR. Linking cognitive, organizational and political factors in explaining strategic change. J Manag Stud. 1989;26:177–87. Scott G, Leritz LE, Mumford MD. The effectiveness of creativity training: a quantitative review. Creat Res J. 2004;16(4):361–88. Senge PM. The fifth discipline: the art & practice of the learning organization. New York: Currency Doubleday; 2006. Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Nagase T, Nouchi R, et al. Failing to deactivate: the association between brain activity during a working memory task and creativity. NeuroImage. 2011;55(2):681–7. Tuckman BW, Jensen MC. Stages of small group development revisited. Group Organ Stud. 1977;2:419–27. Vehar J. Creativity and innovation: a call for rigor in language. In: Puccio GJ, Burnett C, Cabra JF, Fox JM, Keller-Mathers JM, Murdock MC, Yudess MC, editors. Proceedings from an international conference on creativity and innovation management, vol. 2. Buffalo: International Center for Studies in Creativity; 2008. p. 17–27. Wallas G. The art of thought. New York: Harcourt Brace; 1926.


Art of Innovation: A Model for Organizational Creativity Dimis Michaelides Performa Consulting, Nicosia, Cyprus

Introduction Innovation, the application of creativity to realize new value, can be applied to products, services, processes, business models, and more. It can be practiced systematically or selectively by individuals, teams, organizations, communities, cities, and societies. This entry is primarily concerned with innovation at the organizational level. That innovation comes in different shapes and forms that is highlighted by the list of 50 most innovative companies published in Businessweek for 2010 and compiled by the Boston Consulting Group(1). Quite clearly, innovation in IBM is very different from that of Apple and Google (all in the top ten), and Volkswagen, Toyota, BMW, Tata Group, Coca Cola, the Virgin Group, and Procter & Gamble (all in the top 25) innovate in a wide variety of ways. While organizations approach innovation in many different ways depending on the characteristics of the industry, the business environment, company history, leadership style, and much more, it is safe to say that the most innovative organizations are deliberately innovative. Innovation is part and parcel of carefully crafted

strategies and structures, and innovation constitutes an important company value, not only in words. And it is not only the stuff of start-ups. Even if the speed of innovation from new companies in recent years is little short of breathtaking, in many cases, large established firms have clear advantages over their smaller rivals in delivering innovation.

The Art of Innovation The Art of Innovation (Michaelides 2007) is a model to integrate innovation in the way of life of organizations of all types: large and small, young and old, public and private, agricultural and industrial, consumer and business-tobusiness, etc. It is based on the fact that it is possible to turn around uncreative organizations to make them more innovative – as has been well documented in Whirlpool, for example (Snyder and Duarte 2003) – and that it is possible to make creative organizations more so, as the turnaround of IBM in the 1990s has shown to the world (Garr 2000). The Art of Innovation model examines the factors that drive innovation in an organizational context. These innovation drivers – 12 in all – are elements that organizational leaders must understand and promote if they want their organization to fully achieve its creative potential. In this model, innovation is not a matter confined to the organization’s top brass nor to the elite

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_31-2


Art of Innovation: A Model for Organizational Creativity

few in R&D or marketing or information technology. There is an innovation “potential” in every nook and cranny of all organization. In many organizations, much of this is untapped. The Art of Innovation recognizes that innovation in organizations is a multidimensional affair whose achievement requires substantially engaging the creativity of all the people of the organization, as well as designing formal strategies and processes. The Art of Innovation is schematically summarized by a triangle, a square, and a pentagon (see Fig. 1). The cornerstones of each shape consist of three, four, or five innovation drivers. The triangle represents the “sources” of creativity (talent, energy, method), the square represents the “structure” required to deliver innovation (individual, team, target, system), and the pentagon represents the “culture” that is appropriate to promote innovation (ideas, freedom, engagement, humor, risk). The sources of creativity are the elements required for any purposeful creative act. Talent is the set of skills required to imagine new things and make them happen. In this model, talent does not take on the conventional meaning, that is, an extraordinary ability or an exceptional “gift” in a particular area. In this definition, there is less concentration on Leonardos and Einsteins and more on “ordinary” human beings all of whom have creative competencies that can be developed and extended. And it is recognized that people are different, with different styles and preferences in the deployment of their creative faculties. Energy is the personal resources people devote to an issue that is open to creative exploration and resolution. The definition of energy here is not Einsteinian nor is it metaphysical. Energy is a function of the determination to achieve a certain outcome and time. It is highly personal, varying with what each individual is passionate about, and at the same time quite social, varying with the social context and the people involved. Method is the purposeful approach to creatively addressing challenges. It is the box that gets us out of the box, a call for open imagination and design as well as a call for reason and judgment. It involves destructuring and restructuring

challenges to discover their essence and to see problems from many different points of view. It involves active idea generation and stretching the mind. And it requires regrouping and retrenching so that the best solutions can be appraised in depth and turned into concrete action plans. A number of creative methods have been put forth over the years, most importantly the Osborn-Parnes model which divides the problem-solving process into sequential stages and argues for the systematic practice of divergence (creative thinking) and convergence (critical thinking) at each stage (Parnes 1992; Osborn 1964). The structure of innovation is the organized context in which creativity happens (Fig. 2). The individual is the being distinct from all others from which creative thinking and action emanates. It is most important to understand what drives individuals at work. While many factors are at play, it is quite clear from the work of Amabile and Kramer (2011) and Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi (1990) that creativity thrives when a person is intrinsically motivated by the pleasure and challenge invested in a task or responsibility he or she enjoys for itself. That is, what will most powerfully generate and maintain high levels of creative energy. Teamwork, in the context of innovation, is more than a set of individuals working efficiently together. Good teams work with trust, have the know-how to resolve conflicts, and are committed, accountable, and centered on well-defined goals. However, it is true that good teams may also indulge in efficient but repetitive behavior with unspectacular outcomes. With the help of an innovative mind-set and creative method, good teams can become innovative teams, that is, groups of people that are outward looking and ready to invent new things, new ways of doing things, and even to reinvent themselves. Recognizing and effectively managing the trade-offs and tensions that are inherently present between individuality and teamplay is important. An innovative team needs to work like a good team but must go a step beyond to encourage debate and dissent as opposed to conformism and groupthink. It should also recognize the

Art of Innovation: A Model for Organizational Creativity Art of Innovation: A Model for Organizational Creativity, Fig. 1 The art of innovation












value of alternating team creativity with stretches of individual creative reflection. Target is the meaningful purpose given to innovation. Innovation lies on a continuum between radical, game-changing breakthroughs and small but continuous improvements in well-known and tested processes. So, a key question people in every organization engaged in innovation must ask is what does innovation mean for our organization? Where do we lie on the continuum? What innovation efforts do we expect from our people – from each department, team, and individual? And what innovation outcomes do we expect to achieve as an organization? The answers to these questions (which are not always easy ones) will determine an explicit incorporation of innovation in the organization’s strategy and enable a dialogue on creativity that goes far beyond the oftrepeated (and often useless) exhortation “be more creative.” And they will highlight the trade-offs between operational excellence and innovation for the future.


The final structural element is system – the organized way by which ideas are collected, appraised, and implemented. Many different types of systems are being practiced in organizations today. Companies like 3M and Google famously offer their employees time to think up new products. Toyota has a very well-run staff suggestion scheme that achieves excellent results. Some companies are reaching beyond organizational boundaries to clients or suppliers and even their families: such has been IBM’s Innovation Jam – a global call for ideas – or Procter & Gamble’s Connect and Develop, a sophisticated scheme for intelligent outsourcing and value generation for their R&D. The culture of innovation is the set of values, behaviors, and norms that promote innovation in organizations. Also referred to as “creative climate,” those intangible factors promoting innovation have been well researched notably by Teresa Amabile (1996) and Goran Ekval (1996) in recent years. Culture is perhaps the hardest thing to

4 Art of Innovation: A Model for Organizational Creativity, Fig. 2 The art of innovation overview: 3 categories, 12 elements

Art of Innovation: A Model for Organizational Creativity


The elements required for any purposeful creative act


The set of skills required to imagine new things and make them happen


The attention or personal resources we devote to an issue


An efficient way to creatively confront challenges


The organized context in which innovation happens


A person separate from other persons and possessing his/her own needs, goals and desires


A group of human beings interacting at a hidh level of maturity to create novel and useful solution to challenging problems


Clearly defined organizational, team and individual objectives


The mechanism by which new ideas are collected and exploited


The behaviors, values and norms that favor the generation and implementation of valuable new things in an organization


Thoughts, concepts, insights, new ways of understanding - the foundation upon which creative cultures are built


Open debate, minimal rules and regulations, empowering jobs

Engagement The unwritten contract between the employer and employee to help each other grow Humor

The magic ingredient which enables seeing things from different viewpoints


Encouraging action, accepting and learning from mistakes

change, especially in old companies with a tradition of success, and clearly leaders’ own attitudes, thoughts, and actions are crucial for setting cultural norms. Ideas are the first cornerstone of culture. Quite simply, a creative culture is, above all, one that values new ideas, and simple lip service is not enough. Often, novelty is a source of profound discomfort, not only because new ideas take people away from familiar territory out of their comfort zones but also because new ideas are often irrational in their conception (Koestler 1964). A good idea is always logical afterward. Before it is tested however, it may seem unfeasible or even absurd, and irrationality is not a good friend of the analytical business mind. Valuing and loving new ideas means being comfortable with

ambiguity and accepting that for one good idea, one needs many ideas. Freedom is also vital for creativity. This does not mean that creativity can only thrive in environments that are free of all constraints (indeed, highly creative acts have been carried out in condition of harsh repression too), and absolute freedom also challenges the very concept of an organized environment and of an organization itself. It means that a reduced rule book cleansed of absurd regulations and procedures, encouragement of open debate, and job definitions that are open to be stretched all the time are more like to create conditions that are more fertile for innovation to happen. Engagement is the unwritten contract between the organization and the employee to help each other grow. It is a two-way pact. It need not

Art of Innovation: A Model for Organizational Creativity


guarantee lifetime employment, but it does demand very high levels of trust, integrity, and fairness and places responsibilities on both parties. An employee seen as a partner is more likely to be creative than an employee treated as a contractor. Humor has a funny relationship to creativity. Lightheartedness and play are conducive to creativity and have been shown to be highly present in companies with high innovative outcomes (Koestler 1964). In a more profound way, humor has the same logic as creative discovery: it obliges us to see things from new perspectives. Risk is the bad news and the last important driver of innovation, which is rarely possible with zero risk. Accepting risk does not mean creating a culture of death-defying stunts. Like freedom, risk must be taken in measured doses. There should be zero tolerance for risk when the results can possibly be devastating. In most business situations however, encouraging reasonable risks throughout the organization is a good idea and the downside manageable. This means coming to terms with mistakes and with failure and making every positive effort to learn from mistakes and failures. Innovations have rarely come from environments in which people permanently write memos to cover themselves. At long last, it seems that business orthodoxy is accepting that success comes with the unavoidable company of many failures, and even the Harvard Business Review had an issue on failure this year (HBR 2011). Sources, structure, and culture are intimately interrelated. In practice, it is often through work on sources and structure that a new culture will be shaped. A system that teaches creative method and rewards individuals and teams for generating and implementing new ideas and free, clear dialogues on innovation targets will go a long way to shaping a creative culture.

survival, profitability, well-being, and the achievement of so many other worthy goals, as innovative people add value by imagining and implementing new things. Innovation in organizations can be conceived and experienced in many very different ways. The Art of Innovation provides a framework for understanding and leading innovation at the organizational level. It is valid for private as well as public organizations (Michaelides 2011). However, life in an organization is more complex than any model can convey, and the 12 innovation drivers of The Art of Innovation model do not manifest themselves in a tidy order. There is no sequential “how to” for an organization trying to become more innovative. Rather, it is the synthesis of the elements of this model that makes an organization innovative. As argued at the beginning, innovation is a multidimensional affair, and leaders must make sure that all the innovation drivers are addressed adequately. Many leadership challenges arise from this model. Diagnosing the strengths and weaknesses of the organization on each innovation driver is a good starting point. Gauging the relative importance of each innovation driver is then called for, because this may vary significantly depending on the specific circumstances of the organization. And the action plan, while taking into account the model and the diagnosis, will always be unique to each organization. By promoting understanding and dialogue around the holistic nature of innovation and providing a multiple-level approach to this important subject, The Art of Innovation offers a pathway to developing organizational creativity in a substantial way.

Conclusions and Future Directions Innovation in organizations should be seen as a means to an end, not an end in itself. Innovation serves strategy, progress, competitiveness,

Cross-References ▶ Business Creativity ▶ Corporate Creativity ▶ Corporate Entrepreneurship ▶ Creative Behavior ▶ Creative Collaboration ▶ Creative Leadership ▶ Creative Management


Art of Innovation: A Model for Organizational Creativity

▶ Creativity and Innovation: What Is the Difference? ▶ Creativity Management Optimization ▶ Entrepreneurial Organizations ▶ Four Ps in Organizational Creativity ▶ Product Innovation, Process Innovation

Ekval G. Organizational climate for creativity and innovation. Eur J Work Org Psychol. 1996;5(1):105. Garr D. IBM redux: Lou Gerstner and the business turnaround of the century. New York: Harper Paperbacks; 2000. Harvard Business Review. The failure issue. Apr 2011. Koestler A. The act of creation. London: Hutchinson; 1964. Michaelides D. The art of innovation – integrating creativity in organizations. Performa Productions: Nicosia; 2007. Michaelides D. The art of innovation in the public sector. Int J Innov Sci. 2011;3(3): 117–125. Osborn A. Applied imagination: principles and procedures of creative problem solving. Creative Education Foundation: Buffalo; 1964. Parnes SJ, editor. Source book for creative problem solving: a fifty year digest of proven innovation processes. Buffalo: Creative Education Foundation; 1992. Snyder NT, Duarte DL. Strategic innovation: embedding innovation as a core competency in your organization. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Business & Management; 2003.

References Amabile T. Creativity in context: update to the social psychology of creativity. Boulder: Westview Press; 1996. Amabile T, Kramer S. The progress principle: using small wins to ignite joy, engagement, and creativity at work. Boston: Harvard Business Press; 2011. Bloomberg Businessweek & Boston Consulting Group. 50 most innovative companies 2010, Apr 2011. Czikszentmihalyi M. Flow: the psychology of optimal experience. New York: Harper & Row; 1990.


Creativity and Church Hector Ramos Department of Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University, Bryan, TX, USA

Synonyms Ecclesia; Innovation Creativity God’s way is seen as an expression of His nature through His creation. Creativity without God is not meaningless as it still reflects Him since man was made in God’s creative image. If man can achieve such high creative acts such as visiting the Moon, how much more will the Church be able to achieve as a coworker with God, the Moon’s creator. However, the creative purpose of the Church may differ in its outcome to that of man. The Church’s purpose has been established to restore a relationship with Him. God is furthermore interested in restoring all things to His purpose: a place of His peace and abundance and a place devoid of poverty, greed, or sickness. This is because Creativity God’s way and through the Church will always reflect His nature, His love, and His power. But God’s creativity style is bound to surprise or offend us. A case in point is that Jesus Christ’s death on the cross was God’s creative act of salvation for mankind. Though God has shown Himself highly creative, the Church has not always followed

suit. The main reason has been a misunderstanding of how God works through the Church. Instead much of the Church’s work has involved our own efforts on His behalf. Man’s creative result has been the development of a religious practice. For example, from this religious perspective, the Church is merely a building where people meet for events, instead of a group of people called out by God to represent Him, His nature, and His power.

Definitions of Church and Creativity from a Biblical Perspective From a biblical perspective, Creativity is first seen as God’s activity in a vacuum. There is a creation stage where God speaks and whatever He wills happens. It is that will of God and His voice or Word which are at the origin of God’s creativity. For instance, in Genesis, we hear Him speak “Let there be light” and something happens “there was light.” In a survey of God’s miracles and creative acts, we can see them as a result of His word as His starting point. When those who hear that word obey what it says, creative acts happen: from Abraham’s miracle son Isaac (Genesis 15) to Naaman’s (2 Kings 5) miraculous healing dipping himself in the Jordan river seven times through the deliverance of the Canaanite’s daughter (Matthew 15) or the centurion’s servant (Matthew 8) by a word spoken by Jesus to a fig tree that withers it is always by a word that originates from God (Mark

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_52-2


11). At the center of God’s creativity, we see His Will carried out through the power of His Word. For instance, Psalm 36:6 indicates that by His Word, God created the heavens, and in Isaiah 45 He is established as the creator of the heavens and the Earth. God’s partnership with men is also seen by the creative power of His Word in man’s mouth. In Genesis, Adam is instructed to name animals to declare their nature. In the same way that God spoke “Let there be light,” God commissions Moses to speak a similar powerful word “Let My people go,” which resulted in a miraculous deliverance. All through the Old Testament, prophets speak words of restoration, judgment, healing, and miracles as they are led by God to speak those creative words. In the New Testament, we also find that apostles have received that creative power. In Acts 3, Peter and John speak a word of healing to a lame person who is begging. The say that they do not have money but that what they have (creative power to heal) they can give to him. God’s Word of healing results again in an astonishing miracle. God’s perspective on creativity as it relates to the Church is therefore not only unilateral, but He seeks those who are willing by faith to engage them so that He can express His creative power through a Church that bears His Name. The origins of the word Church come from the word Ecclesia meaning the ones who have been called out. The Church is called out from a system ruled by the desires and motives of men and submits herself to the desires and motives of God acting under the same principles and dynamics that God has used before the Church started. The Church is then a foreign body in society: a group of creative people that emanate the nature and power of God. God shows repeatedly that it is by His power that we do His Will: the spiritual and physical battle that His Church fights belongs to Him, and He gives victory not by human wisdom but by His Spirit (Zechariah 4.6, 2 Chronicles 20). The Church is in itself a creative act by God who said “I will build my Church” (Matthew 16), a group of people that have received and continue to receive divine life by God to demonstrate Him on Earth and do His will by demonstrating His power.

Creativity and Church

That is the creative purpose of the Church. Dedmon and Johnson (2012) provide a similar definition based on God’s design when they state that “embracing our creative design (originated at the heart of God) gives us the freedom to supernaturally use that creativity to transform the lives of those around us.”

Creativity and the Church: False Creativity and a False Church from a Biblical Perspective History shows that as the Church lost influence and relevance in society, it was relegated to people meeting in a building. Nowadays, when people declare that they “go” to Church, or belong to “a” Church, they refer to a building or an organization. It may be the most impressive architectural feat of the century, but that building, according to Scripture (Matthew 6), cannot be, by definition, the biblical Church. Even though all that talent may be created or inspired by God, the building will never replace the biblical Church: a group of born again (by His Word) believers that have faith in God, His power, and His way of creating. Those members of God’s Church have been born in Heaven. They belong to a different world and are strangers and pilgrims on Earth where they are agents of God’s love and restoration. That is why they exhibit the creative characters and motivation of God. On the one hand, it is God’s love, the ability to love the destitute and the enemy, and on the other hand, the ability to express God’s power through God’s creative acts: healings, deliverance, miracles, and wonders. What is then the Church’s false creativity about? It is everything that has been achieved with man’s motive, purpose, and resources, with man’s ability, or for man’s glory. A group of people that have invested large amounts of money for a wonderful building where they have programs in the name of a God they do not know personally. It is trying to please God with human efforts instead of the ability and power that He freely provides. The heart of the religious person is full of false creativity (from God’s perspective); man wants to achieve great things for God: gather

Creativity and Church

many people in one place, build big buildings, have big programs, and communicate to millions of viewers over Christian TV. They have been deceived into believing that they are blessed as they equate blessings to material possessions. However, God is interested in a different creativity. He wants to anoint and empower human’s talents and efforts so that men can do exploits. Exploits are creative acts that can only be explained accepting God’s intervention. In the book of Acts, we see the birth of the Church through many miracles and a completely changed behavior of those who follow Jesus. The purpose of that group of people was to bring a message to the nations, a message characterized by a demonstration of power and the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 4).

The Church’s Great Creative Challenge: Corporate Faith How can the Church connect with the power of God to express His creativity? Johnson (2016) suggests that the answer is desire according to Proverbs 13.12. He points out that “hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.” These desires come from communion with God and His Word. Since this life must be His life, it will reveal His creativity. In the words of Jesus, this is the fruit that the Father provides and glorifies Him (John 15). In His own wisdom, He has refrained Himself from creating through the Church unless there is a faith on Earth that correspond to the word that comes from Heaven. Faith in this sense is the ability to receive the revelation of that creative word, trust in its power, and obey it to see its miraculous results. One of the Bible’s main assumptions is that those who have faith can do exploits, for nothing is impossible for him who believes (Mark 9). The Church’s challenge is to find and grow that faith to carry out God’s creative will on Earth. For instance, God shows as His promises of His Word that there is no soul that God does not want to save (2 Peter 3) and no illness He does not want to heal (Isaiah 53). Therefore, the Church’s ability to make a breakthrough in faith will bring a flood of God’s


creative acts on Earth to achieve that purpose. How can the Church access that faith? 1. If the Church positions Itself in a place of humility, then It will have access to the revelation of His Word. This in itself needs an additional uncovering of truth: our present naked and destitute position, the fact that we can do absolutely nothing without Him of eternal value. Fasting and prayer should lead to true repentance and confession of a particular sin: doing a creative work on our own strength that requires no faith or power from God, a creative work that is greatly valued by men but despised by God. For instance, Abraham had an idea to answer God’s promise by having a child with an Egyptian woman (Hagar) instead of Sarah, chosen by God. The name of the child Ishmael was not accepted by God as His answer to Abraham’s desire. God’s creative act was fulfilled in Abraham’s and Sarah through a miracle baby Isaac. This process of humility is God’s process of restoration (2 Chronicles 7) for healing as in Naaman’s case (2 Kings 5). 2. Receiving revelation from the Word of God by the Holy Spirit. We can understand how God speaks by seeing how God has spoken through His Word. A basic perusal of the word reveals a common pattern: man’s tendency to understand God using the filter of his own limitations and failings. For instance, a greedy mind-set as in Gehazi’s example (2 Kings 5) cannot understand or accept the creative provision of God. Peter’s warring nature leads him to cut a soldier’s ear (John 18) working against the purpose of God to bring restoration through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. This is also called a carnal mind-set that always works against God. That is why in order to receive the creative revelation of God through the Church, the humility of confession and repentance is needed. 3. Obedience to the Word of God. If we understand what God has spoken to us, we know what is our part in that creative process. God is looking for people who agree to what He is speaking by the way they think, the way they speak, and the way they act. This action could be something sensible or ridiculous, something


Creativity and Church

that costs us nothing or everything. These actions are God’s creative acts to shape us into who He wants us to become. God calls Elisha through Elijah in 1 Kings 19. God wants to shape a prophet to fulfill a purpose: deal with the spiritual challenge of Jezebel in the nation. Elisha obeys in the following way: he sacrifices the oxen and farming tools saying to God “this is the end of my life as a farmer, I will follow you from now on.” Elisha does not request from God to use a sword to put an end to Jezebel but lives step-by-step in obedience to God’s creative power and finally sends Jehu to speak a word that brings to an end that oppressive regime. Note that Jehu speaks a word and that other distant people execute those orders to execute Jezebel.

continue to create and prosper: it is God’s creative design. However, this will take two different shapes:

These three points can be summarized as follows: our walk of humility allows God to show us the revelation of His will and pour His grace on us to obey whatever is required no matter the cost. This is God’s strategy to make His creative acts known in the Church and through the Church. Other key strategies can help the Church to become again the vehicle of God’s creativity:

There is no systematic study of God’s creative work through the Church. An obvious obstacle is that a Godless Church has already achieved many creative works that have impressed men. It is incumbent on the members of the Church to study and document God’s creative acts in society that go beyond personal healing, deliverance, and provision to societal value change that is willing to lay down a human value system for God’s purposes and ways.

1. Become a place of discipleship where genuine spiritual relationships are built (Barna 1999). 2. Become a place of miracles, healing and deliverance (demonstration of God’s power). 3. Become a sending place to touch and transform nations creatively (McLaren 1998). 4. Become a place that welcomes the destitute and takes care of the poor (as in the book of Acts). 5. Become a place that believes and receives God’s provision by faith. 6. Become a place of reconciliation: the end of age, gender, ethnic group, cultural and any other type of discrimination. 7. Become a place for the manifestation of the will and the love of God.

Conclusion and Future Directions The Future of Creativity in the Church: The Prophetic and Apostolic Challenge. The Church will

(a) A Church will continue to grow that exalts everything that impresses man: greater buildings, greater numbers of people, greater finances, and greater popularity. (b) Another Church will continue to emerge. A humble unknown group of people doing exploits where God is seen everywhere, full of God’s power that transforms mind-sets and therefore media, art, business, education, and the way society works. This is a Church that will be the channel of God’s blessing and where people can receive a revelation of His Nature and His Power.

Cross-References ▶ Church and Entrepreneurship

References American Bible Society. The Holy Bible, King James version. New York: American Bible Society; 1999. Bartleby.com, 2000. Barna G. The habits of highly effective churches. Ventura: Regal books; 1999. Dedmon T, Johnson B. Born to create: stepping into your supernatural destiny. Shippensburg: Destiny Image; 2012. Johnson B. Dreaming with God. Shippensburg: Destiny Image; 2016. McLaren B. Reinventing your church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House; 1998.


Creative Personality Gregory J. Feist Department of Psychology, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA

Synonyms Innovation; Temperament Does creativity stem from nothing? Of course not. All new ideas, products, art and music pieces, and works of literature owe their origin to ideas or products already in existence. Often these previous ideas and art forms directly inspire the future creator and innovator. Newton’s well-known adage that he was “standing on the shoulders of giants” was not simply false humility. Even for someone as great as Newton, creativity only springs forth from things already in existence. Personality is one of those conditions that makes creative and innovative thought and behavior more likely in some people and less likely in others. Creativity comes in many different forms, shades, and hues. First, the creativity of great artists and scientists is what attracts most attention, and for good reason. These enterprises are cornerstones of culture and provide mileposts of our cultural development and progress. And yet, not everyone who is an artist or scientist is equally creative and nor are all creative people either

artists or scientists. Some are creative in business, in their understanding of other people, or simply in living. In short, creativity’s qualities that are both fascinating and yet frustrating are its complexity and variability. In this chapter, Feist reviews the current (last 15 years of) research on personality and creativity that mostly support but sometimes modifications in the model he proposed in both qualitative and quantitative reviews (Feist 1998).

Personality and Creativity Defined Many people assume, especially artists, that creativity is inherently unknowable, mysterious, and immeasurable. Hence, the argument continues, that researchers can’t agree even on what creativity means. It may be true that creativity is difficult to measure and to quantify, but it’s not impossible and it is false to say no consensual definition has emerged on how to define it. In fact, creativity researchers have for the last 60 years been nearly unanimous in their definition of the concept (e.g., Simonton 2008): Creative thought or behavior must be both novel/original and meaningful/useful. It is easy to see why originality per se is not sufficient – there would be no way to distinguish eccentric or schizophrenic thought from creative. To be classified as creative, thought or behavior must also be socially meaningful or useful to other people.

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_185-2


What about personality? How do we define that? When psychologists use the term personality, they are referring to the unique and relatively enduring set of behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and motives that characterize an individual. There are two key components to this definition. First, personality is what distinguishes us from one another and makes us unique. Second, personality is relatively enduring, or consistent. In sum, personality is the relatively enduring unique ways that individuals think, act, and feel. As it turns out, recent research has begun to demonstrate that unique and consistent different styles of behaving (i.e., personalities) are found within many different species of animal, from octopus and mice to birds and horses. Personality is not just a trait of humans, but of most mammals and some birds, reptiles, and fish.

Functional Model of Personality and Creativity There are numerous psychological factors that make creativity more likely in some people – biological, developmental, cognitive, environmentalsocial (Karwowski and Lebuda 2015; Selby et al. 2005). But as Feist proposed in the late 1990s, personality traits also influence creative thought and behavior by lowering behavioral thresholds. In his model, genetic differences influence brain structures and temperamental differences, which lead to personality variability (social, cognitive, and motivational-affective, and now clinical traits), which finally effect creative thought and behavior. The idea was and still is that a particular constellation of personality traits function to lower the thresholds of creative behavior, making it more rather than less likely. The part of the model that has been most intensively investigated over the last decade since the model was first proposed is biological foundations component, especially genetic and neuroscientific. However, one component of the model is completely new, reflecting even greater growth in research, namely the clinical personality traits of psychoticism, schizotypal personality, latent inhibition, negative

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priming. Hence, this review will give more weight to these components than the others. Feist’s functional model builds ties between biology and personality variability and argues for the causal primacy of biological factors in personality, in general, and the creative personality, in particular. To be clear, the updated model of the creative personality includes main latent variables, in order of causal priority: • Genetic and epigenetic influences personality • Brain Qualities • Cognitive Personality Traits • Social Personality Traits • Motivational-Affective Personality Traits • Clinical Personality Traits


By combining the biological and the function of traits arguments, Feist presents in Fig. 1 an updated model for the paths from specific biological processes and mechanisms to psychological dispositions to creative thought and behavior. The basic idea is that causal influence flows from left to right, with genetic and epigenetic influences having a causal effect on brain influences. Brainbased influences in turn causally influence the four categories of personality influence: cognitive, social, motivational, and clinical. These traits individually and collectively lower thresholds for creative thought and behavior making each more likely in those individuals who posses that cluster of traits. For sake of space, however, in this chapter, the focus here is only on the psychological traits and the interested reader may find the biological details elsewhere (Feist 2010).

Personality Influences on Creativity In fact, the causal nature of brain influences is precisely what the model of creativity assumes. These brain differences function to make creative traits more or less likely, which in turn make creative thought and behavior more or less likely. So, personality traits mediate the relationship between brain and creative thought and behavior.

Creative Personality


Cognitive Traits

Social Traits GeneticEpigenetic Influences

Creative Thought or Behavior

Brain Characteristics

MotivationalAffective Traits

Clinical Traits

Creative Personality, Fig. 1 Functional model of the creative personality (From Feist (2010) Reprinted with permission from Cambridge University Press)

By having genetic dispositions that create CNS differences that facilitate creative thinking, highly creative people also develop a set of personality traits consistent with their biological dispositions. Building upon the qualitative and quantitative reviews of personality and creativity (Feist 1998; Karwowski and Lebuda 2015), the personality traits most consistently connected to creativity are clustered into cognitive, social, motivationalaffective, and clinical groups. Clinical traits are new to the model and therefore will get more attention than the other three classic trait dimensions. Cognitive Personality Traits Feist classified particular traits as “cognitive” because they deal with how people habitually process information, solve problems, and respond to new situations. Chief among the cognitive personality traits is “openness to experience” (Agnoli et al. 2015; Ivcevic and Brackett 2015; Karwowski and Leduba 2015; Kaufman et al. 2015; Tang and Kaufman 2015; van Tilburg et al. 2015). Open people tend to be

imaginative and curious, and so it is not surprising that open people are more creative. This is not just a theoretical connection but an empirical one. In addition to the large empirical literature supporting this claim up until the mid 1990s, much recent research continues to build the case for the association between openness and creativity. A recent representative study of personality and creativity was conducted with college students. It examined the Big Five personality dimensions and their relation to creativity. The participants are told that an artist started the drawing and they are asked to “continue with this drawing. You are allowed to draw anything you wish” (Dollinger et al. 2004, p. 38). Results showed that none of the personality dimensions, with the exception of Openness, consistently correlated with the creative personality scales, creative behavior, and the creative drawing task. The only other personality dimension that had some reliable association with creative production, behavior, and personality was Extraversion.


Social Personality Traits Social traits of personality involve first and foremost behaviors and attitudes that concern one’s relationships to other people, such as questioning or accepting what authority figures say, being comfortable or uncomfortable around strangers and large groups of people, being warm or hostile toward others, and believing one is better or worse than others. The trait terms that summarize these tendencies are norm-doubting, nonconformity, independence, extraversion-introversion, aloofness, hostility, coldness, and dominance/self-confidence/ arrogance. As Feist made clear with the meta-analysis on personality and creativity, the general factor of extraversion does not quite reflect its accurate relationship with creativity. When one splits extraversion, however, into two of its main components, sociability-gregariousness and confidence-assertiveness, a clearer association emerges. Highly creative people are generally not sociable and outgoing, but they are independent, confident, and assertive. The recent angle on confidence and assertiveness has morphed into research on self-efficacy and creativity. Conservatism and conformity continue to conflict with creativity. Conservatism is the opposite pole of norm-doubting and reflects a tendency to value tradition and authority. Rubinstein (2003), for instance, examined authoritarianism and creativity in Israeli college students (design, behavioral science, and law). Rubinstein found strong negative relationships between creativity and authoritarianism as well as a linear relationship between career choice (major) and authoritarianism. Law students were more authoritarian than behavioral science students who were more authoritarian than design students. Others have reported that the more politically conservative students were less likely to have reported creative hobbies or accomplishments, and their photo essays and drawings were judged as less creative than the liberal students. Highly creative people doubt, question, and often reject norms, traditions, and conservative ideology. Indeed, one could argue these findings validate both constructs, for creativity concerns producing novel and unusual

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ideas and conservatism/authoritarianism values tradition. Motivational-Affective Personality Traits Motivational traits are defined by a person’s desire to persist in activities and to be successful in his or her activities. Trait terms characteristic of motivation are persistent, driven, ambitious, and impulsive. That some people are driven to be creative is both undeniable and perplexing. Why do people want to create? Some people are willing to forgo social relationships and economic well-being to create lasting works. If those who have a desire to produce works that leave a mark on the world are to succeed, they also need to be driven, focused, and ambitious. They are not the kind of person who gives up easily in the face of hindrances and roadblocks. And that is generally what the research on drive and creativity continues to show: creative artists, businesspeople, and scientists are driven, ambitious, and persistent (e.g., Batey and Furnham 2006). But what kinds of things motivate them? Need to know? Self-Expression? Success? Recognition? Money? Joy from the process? It could be each of these depending on the nature of the creative task. Scientists are probably driven more by the need to know and artists more by the need for self-expression. And both are often driven by the pleasure the process of discovery or expression brings, otherwise known as intrinsic motivation. Indeed, intrinsic motivation is often associated with highly creative thought or behavior, and quite a body of research supports this idea (e.g., Amabile 1996). That is, when the drive and energy for carrying out a task is pleasure and excitement, then the end product often is more creative than if the drive is lacking or extrinsic. Amabile’s classic work on motivation and creativity has reported that often extrinsic motivation (reward, surveillance, or recognition) has a detrimental effect on creative achievement. Experimentally, this effect has been demonstrated by offering people rewards for a creative task and comparing the creativity of the outcome to those not offered rewards for doing the task. The typical finding is the nonrewarded group produces

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products judged to be more creative than the rewarded group. Similarly, positive affect (feeling good) seems to facilitate creative thinking. Yet, positive affect and intrinsic motivation do not always facilitate creative thinking, just as extrinsic motivation does not always hinder it. Other researchers, for example, have argued that reward, which leads to positive affective, is unconnected to creativity. Eisenberger and colleagues have conducted much of this research and when they inform participants in a reward condition that they will be not just rewarded but rewarded for producing a creative product, then reward does increase rather than decrease the creative performance. So, reward is not reward. If told explicitly that they are being rewarded for producing something creative, reward can apparently facilitate creative thinking. Given the complex nature of the findings on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and creativity, it is probably safest to conclude that it is drive and ambition that matter most and whether the reward is internal (pleasure) or external (reward, money or recognition) is not as important as the drive and ambition to create something new and worthwhile. Clinical Personality Traits One of the biggest changes in the field of personality and creativity over the last 10 years – besides the steady rise in neuroscientific studies – is the tremendous growth in research on personality disorders, mental health, and creative thought and behavior. The evidence for the connection between clinical personality traits and creativity is stronger in the arts than in the sciences (e.g., Ludwig 1995). Eysenck’s well-known model of personality proposed psychoticism to be the third of the three super-factors of personality. People high in psychoticism are cold, aloof, eccentric, hostile, impulsive, and egocentric. Moreover, Eysenck argued that psychoticism was the personality dimension most closely aligned with creative thought and behavior (Eysenck 1995). Empirical investigations continue to provide support for Eysenck’s general theoretical model linking psychoticism to creative thought and behavior.


Consistent with Eysenck theory, Martindale (2007) theorized the thread that ties schizotypal personality disorder and creativity together is loose semantic processing of information in the right hemisphere. Therefore, ideas are associated in global and holistic manner rather than in a narrow and analytic way. The idea, consistent with a lot of the research on heightened right hemispheric activity in highly creative people, is that there is a relative weakening of the left hemisphere and strengthening of right hemisphere processing. Moreover, latent inhibition and primordial thinking are commonly found elements both in creative thought and schizotypal personality. Latent inhibition is the ability to selectively attend to only the most relevant sensory experience and tune out the irrelevant. Highly creative people are often less able to tune out the irrelevant information. In this sense, failure to screen out irrelevant sensory experiences and ideas might enrich one’s source for ideas, which would explain the greater ideational fluency of creative people. Recently, some researchers have begun to question the validity of Eysenck’s psychoticism dimension, especially as it relates to pathology and instead have turned their attention to a more specific (and narrower) clinical personality dimension – schizotypy or schizotypal personality disorder. A person with schizotypal personality disorder is isolated and asocial, but, in addition, has very odd or magical thoughts and beliefs. For instance, the famed inventor/technologist Nikola Tesla had various unusual phobias (pigeons, germs, and round objects) and yet he had a compulsive love of the dark (Pickover 1998). The inventor of the transistor radio and Nobel laureate, William Shockley, was a hoarder (Shurkin 2006). Wertheim (2011) has gathered many insightful examples of “fringe” or “quack” science at the periphery of physics that claim to explain basic physical phenomena such as matter, energy, and gravity without using any current standard models of physics. Many fringe scientists may well be on the borders of schizophrenia as well (i.e., schizotypic). Although a growing body of empirical literature is revealing a connection between schizotypy


and creativity, this finding seems to hold more for artistic than for scientific creativity (Acar and Sen 2013; Batey and Furnham 2008; Nettle 2006). That is not to say there is no relationship between schizoptypy and scientific creativity, but rather overall the association is not a large one (Ko and Kim 2008; Nasar 1998; Pickover 1998). During the last decade or so, many researchers have examined the connection between schizotypal personality disorder and creativity. Creative artists, more than scientists, tend to have elevated schizotypy scores. For example, poets and visual artists are higher on schizotypy dimensions of unusual experiences, cognitive disorganization, and impulsive nonconformity than nonartists. Moreover, there is a curvilinear relationship with degree of involvement in poetry and visuals arts. Serious amateurs show the highest levels with professionals being next followed by hobbyists.

Conclusions and Future Directions The research and theory on the connection between personality and creativity remains a vital topic of investigation for psychological scientists. The basic conclusions from 10 years still hold and yet two areas of research have grown so drastically that they deserve being added to the functional model in Fig. 1. These two areas are brain influences and clinical traits. The model proposes that genetic, epigenetic factors create conditions in the central nervous system that make particular personality traits more likely. These personality traits cluster into cognitive, social, motivational-affective, and clinical groups. Being high or low in certain personality dispositions make creative thought and behavior more or less likely. The literature on the genetic and brain influences has expanded as well as the clinical traits of psychoticism and schizotypy. The main conclusions from neuroscience research demonstrate the importance of frontal lobe functioning, greater neural complexity, and increased righthemisphere activity in highly creative people or during creative problem solving. These biological

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markers in turn make personality traits more likely. The cognitive traits (openness and cognitive flexibility), social traits (norm-doubting, nonconformity, independence, extraversionintroversion, aloofness, hostility, coldness, dominance, and self-confidence/arrogance), motivational-affective traits (drive, persistence, intrinsic motivation, and positive affect), and clinical traits (psychoticism, latent inhibition, and schizotypy) all function to make creative thought, behavior, and achievement more probable. One methodology that will be of most help to future researchers is true longitudinal designs whereby large groups of young children are assessed at regular points in their development up through early to mid adulthood, much like the well-known Terman studies of the intellectually gifted. The question of cause and effect – is personality a cause or an effect of creative thought and behavior? – can only be answered with longitudinal evidence. Perhaps one of the biggest unanswered questions is the direction of causal influence between personality and creativity. Do these personality qualities make creativity more likely (as I have assumed and argued) or perhaps does creative achievement change personality? Or, as is most likely, is there some kind of complex, bidirectional relationship between personality and creativity in which personality lowers thresholds but then with over the course of a creative career, personality traits evolve and change? Only future researchers who continue to investigate the complex connection between personality and creativity may be able to provide answers to these questions.

Cross References ▶ Creative Behavior (Creativity) ▶ Creativity in Research (Creativity) ▶ Nature of Creativity (Invention) ▶ Scientific Creativity as a Combinatorial Process (Invention) ▶ University Research and Innovation (Innovation)

Creative Personality

References Acar S, Sen S. A multilevel meta-analysis of the relationship between creativity and schizotypy. Psychol Aesthet Creat Arts. 2013;7(3):214–28. doi:10.1037/ a0031975. Agnoli S, Franchin L, Rubaltelli E, Corazza GE. An eyetracking analysis of irrelevance processing as moderator of openness and creative performance. Creat Res J. 2015;27(2):125–32. doi:10.1080/10400419.2015. 1030304. Amabile T. Creativity in context. Boulder: Westview; 1996. Batey M, Furnham A. Creativity, intelligence, and personality: a critical review of the scattered literature. Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monogr. 2006;132:355–429. Batey M, Furnham A. The relationship between measures of creativity and schizotypy. Personal Individ Differ. 2008;45:816–21. Dollinger SJ, Urban KK, James TA. Creativity and openness: further validation of two creative product measures. Creat Res J. 2004;16:35–47. Eysenck HJ. Genius: the natural history of creativity. New York: Cambridge University Press; 1995. Feist GJ. A meta-analysis of the impact of personality on scientific and artistic creativity. Personal Soc Psychol Rev. 1998;2:290–309. Feist GJ. The function of personality in creativity: the nature and nurture of the creative personality. In: Kaufman JC, Sternberg RJ, editors. Cambridge handbook of creativity. New York: Cambridge University Press; 2010. p. 113–30. Ivcevic Z, Brackett MA. Predicting creativity: interactive effects of openness to experience and emotion regulation ability. Psychol Aesthet Creat Arts. 2015;9(4):480–7. doi:10.1037/a0039826. Karwowski M, Lebuda I. The big five, the huge two, and creative self-beliefs: a meta-analysis. Psychol Aesthet Creat Arts. 2015; doi:10.1037/aca0000035. Kaufman SB, Quilty LC, Grazioplene RG, Hirsh JB, Gray JR, Peterson JB, DeYoung CG. Openness to experience

7 and intellect differentially predict creative achievement in the arts and sciences. J Pers. 2015; doi:10.1111/jopy. 12156. Ko Y-G, Kim J-Y. Scientific geniuses’ psychopathology as a moderator in the relation between creative contribution types and eminence. Creat Res J. 2008;20:251–61. doi:10.1080/104004108022785677. Ludwig AM. The price of greatness. New York: Guilford Press; 1995. Martindale C. Creativity, primordial cognition, and personality. Personal Individ Differ. 2007;43:1777–85. Nasar S. A beautiful mind. New York: Touchstone; 1998. Nettle D. Schizotypy and mental health amongst poets, visual artists, and mathematicians. J Res Pers. 2006;40:876–90. Pickover CA. Strange brains and genius: the secret lives of eccentric scientists and madmen. New York: Plenum Trade; 1998. Rubinstein G. Authoritarianism and its relation to creativity: a comparative study among students of design, behavioral sciences and law. Personal Individ Differ. 2003;34:695–705. Selby EC, Shaw EJ, Houtz JC. The creative personality. Gift Child Q. 2005;49:300–14. doi:10.1177/ 001698620504900404. Shurkin J. Broken genius: the rise and fall of William Shockley, creator of the electronic age. New York: Macmillian; 2006. Simonton D. Scientific talent, training, and performance: intellect, personality, and genetic endowment. Rev Gen Psychol. 2008;12(1):28–46. Tang C, Kaufman JC. Personal characteristics that distinguish creative scientists from less creative scientists. J Creat Behav. 2015; doi:10.1002/jocb.99. van Tilburg WP, Sedikides C, Wildschut T. The mnemonic muse: nostalgia fosters creativity through openness to experience. J Exp Soc Psychol. 2015;59:1–7. doi:10. 1016/j.jesp.2015.02.002. Wertheim M. Physics on the Fringe: Smoke Rings, Circlons, and Alternative Theories. London: Walker Books; 2011.


Business Cycles Jerry Courvisanos Federation Business School, Federation University Australia, Mt Helen Campus, Ballarat, VIC, Australia

Synonyms Boom and bust; Fluctuations in economic activity; Trade cycles

Introduction The first rigorous attempt to link the innovation role of the “pioneering entrepreneur” with the boom and bust of business cycles was by Joseph Schumpeter in his two-volume Business Cycles (Schumpeter 1939). This linkage is fraught with danger as it attempts to examine innovative entrepreneurship – which occurs at the individual firm level – with the aggregate pattern on economic cycles at an economy-wide level. Much has been researched and written since then in an effort to overcome the pitfalls of this dilemma, while preserving the dynamic power of an endogenous entrepreneurial-driven cyclical process. This entry will examine the various mechanisms that have been proposed on how the action of innovative entrepreneurs can lead to prosperity and recession. The analysis begins with a first

“simple” approximation of the dynamics of entrepreneurs and cycles and builds dynamic complexity with further steps into this explanation.

Five Approximations to a Cycle The base proposition outlined by Schumpeter is the static full employment system where the only business activity is being conducted under “competitive capitalism” by managers, and not entrepreneurs, who merely compete using the existing technological knowledge. Schumpeter calls this the “circular flow” mechanism, and it only applies to a stationary state economy that has no macroeconomic cyclical activity. Once innovation is introduced, a discontinuity occurs, leading to cycles, with an array of mechanisms to explain this dynamic. The first run-through of this discontinuity can begin with Schumpeter’s 1928 handbook entry on the entrepreneur in which he alters the focus from the gifts of a few individuals at the fringes of the economy, to entrepreneurs conducting selection processes and combining production factors that situate them “at the heart of the market economy” (Becker and Knudsen 2003, p. 213). This necessitates the entrepreneur to be aware of actual and potential demand for “new combinations” and that these combinations come from learning through experience which results from selecting and adapting ideas already implemented in the field and then learning and further adapting from those selected. The failures

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_195-2


and successes in this cumulative evolutionary process determine eventually the result of innovations. The aggregate outcome of this cumulative innovative activity results in investment and production that produces business cycle patterns. It ensures that the innovation process in theory does not become locked into an “administrative” steady state, requiring some exogenous force to release novelty into the dynamic real world. This dynamic role between entrepreneurship and the business cycle can be described as a “kaleidic mechanism.” Shackle (1972, p. 433) defines the kaleidic mechanism as an ephemeral pseudo-equilibrium (or stationary state) based on accepted practices which are subject to sudden readjustment. This leads to a new precarious pseudo-equilibrium based on “delicately stacked” conjectures which give way to these “sudden landslides of readjustment.” Thus, the methodological shift is away from a deterministic method in which history is based on a linear view of the past. Instead, the kaleidic mechanism is sensitive to the short period agency behavioral relations that build up and break down over time with the innovation-investment decision-making processes. With the role of the entrepreneur harnessing productive forces in innovation specified, the second step (or approximation) in this kaleidic mechanism is to provide a clear conceptual notion of the induced endogenous novelty inherent in the entrepreneur. Schumpeter’s productive forces of entrepreneurship are too coarse-grained to grasp a clear picture of the entrepreneur. There needs to be some fine-tuning so that entrepreneurship as a concept can become realized within the macroeconomic picture of the business cycle. This can be achieved through the work of Michał Kalecki, when in Kalecki ([1968] 1991b) innovation is specifically identified as endogenous to the investment process, thus integrating the cyclical short period with the long-run growth trend. In this way, the trend and cycle are not considered separately. In this model, inventions that are commercialized through investment “. . .add to profit expectations over and above those generated by the movement of demand in the course of the cycle” (White 1999, p. 347), leading to a cumulative process of cyclical growth. White (1999) identifies two

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reasons in Kalecki ([1968] 1991b) to account for this. One of the reasons is increased productivity in the form of process innovation that incorporates technical progress in new capital equipment, making the previous capital stock technologically obsolete and enabling market demand to be met more effectively. The other is product innovation coming from the stimulus to investment arising from entrepreneurs wanting to be the “. . .first to avail themselves of the technical novelties” and thus, adding a new level of demand (Kalecki [1968] 1991b, p. 442). The third approximation in the dynamics of entrepreneurs and the business cycle occurs at the point of the analysis where Keynes’s effective demand is incorporated in the innovation process. White (1999, 350) recognizes “. . .the stream of inventions underlying the process of innovation could be sufficiently erratic to provide the irregularity in economic behavior necessary to produce deviations in demand and output from those anticipated by producers.” With the diffusion of successful innovations, Courvisanos (1996, pp. 114–39) shows that these deviations can be seen as triggers for cyclical investment turnarounds in periods when commitment of orders to investment is highly vulnerable to sharp change, either as too high (overcommitment at expansion peak) or too low (under-commitment at the contraction trough). There can be reinforcement of this process by the inventory mechanism, in which even a small upswing of an inventory cycle at the trough of a business (or Juglar) cycle provides a favorable climate for the spread of investment embodying innovation. This is particularly helpful for explaining the most difficult aspect of any cycle, which is the rise out of a contraction. In this respect, bunching of investment occurs as per Kalecki, with the stimulus from clusters of “basic” innovations as per Schumpeter. Empirical work by Courvisanos and Verspagen (2002) using long-run patent data supports the bunching effect of investment (á la Kalecki) while identifying the clustering of innovation (á la Schumpeter). All this cluster cycle research is distinctly different from the neoclassical real business cycle research agenda in which clusters occur only due to expectational errors as

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deviations from the natural (equilibrium) rate (see, for example, seminal paper by Kydland and Prescott 1982; and modern approach to news shocks by Schmitt-Grohé and Uribe 2012). Such real business cycle models have been found to be empirically inadequate in explaining business cycles (Zarnowitz 1985). The fourth approximation relates to the situation in which when a trigger for expansion occurs, then the investment dynamics become the crucial aspect of the diffusion of innovation. Kalecki identified three dynamics. The first dynamic refers to the time lags in investment which are seen as critical by Kalecki in the innovation process, an aspect that Schumpeter rejects. There are two time lags. One is the ex ante decision (orders) lag, which identifies the time taken to make the decision to order the means of production (plant and/or equipment). This is due to the need to work out the actual design of the capital stock required and find sources for supplying this capital stock. The other is the ex post implementation, which identifies the gestation period for the expenditure, or the time taken by the capitalsupplying industries to produce and deliver the capital stock, and the time taken for the innovating firm to learn how to operate the plant and equipment in an efficient manner. The second dynamic relates to the two-sided feedback loop between profits and investment, which also was famously expounded by Joan Robinson in her “banana diagram.” Retained earnings out of profits provide the wherewithal to invest and also allow the firm to borrow for investment on the basis of the profits achieved. Of course, the original investment is made with the expectation of future profits out of the innovation that underscores the investment decision. This is a very intimate two-sided relationship in which one loop supports the other. Here, Kalecki identifies the third dynamic which undermines the strength of this two-sided loop. This is the inherent instability of capitalism as firms’ innovation and investment decisions are exposed to increasing risk and fundamental uncertainty. By raising external funds from loans or equity for investment, Kalecki ([1954] 1991a, pp. 277–81) argues that firms suffer from


“increasing risk,” which is the marginal risk that increases with the amount of funds obtained externally. External funding is a major issue when commercializing innovation as a start-up venture with no prior profit reserves from the enterprise, thus often requiring venture capital equity funding. Also, for the existing firms, radical innovation in corporate venturing would require large commitment to new means of production, thus requiring external funding on top of any retained earnings funding available. From this financial perspective, Kalecki identifies three forms of increasing risk: One is share issue risk, when a large issue of new shares creates the risk of reducing the proportion of the controlling group’s shareholding, thus diluting its voting power in relation to the existing and potential shareholders. Second form of increasing risk is borrower’s risk. Increasing levels of borrowed funds involve higher future interest payment commitments, which are negotiated on the basis of regular payment irrespective of cyclical events and their effects on gross profits. The larger the amount a firm borrows, the greater the increasing cash flow problem that could arise. The final form is lenders’ risk which increases (in terms of higher interest rate) as lenders extend more funds to a firm, which leads to the increasing possibility of the lender suffering bad debts from the borrowing firm’s cash flow problems which may even lead to bankruptcy. The role of uncertainty in Kalecki is an institutional factor that creates instability. Incomplete knowledge about future outcomes is significant for innovations other than for merely new product developments or “necessity entrepreneurship.” Such lack of knowledge leads to setting levels of desired excess capacity well above normal engineering-based excess capacity requirements and to accepting increased transaction costs as the level of financing rises. In this way uncertainty is accounted for and managed in a pragmatic way. It is for this reason that Kalecki rarely mentions uncertainty. As increasing risk originates from incomplete knowledge of the future outcomes of investment, then uncertainty becomes institutionalized as an instability factor when such risk is locked into rising transaction costs, or


alternatively, to what is known in the finance literature as “informational asymmetries.” Such efforts can mitigate risk, but not uncertainty. As aggregate profits are the base for the funding of innovation, the fifth approximation introduces the dynamics of the circular flow created by the two-sided feedback loop which exhibits both virtuous and vicious circles. The virtuous circle can be seen in aggregate when an increase in aggregate profits supports knowledge capital through enhanced R&D investment as well as large venture capital funding available to support invention by new start-up firms in industries that have a successful track record (e.g., pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, ICT), which encourages expansion of investment. Success in this investment has a direct positive impact on aggregate demand, pushing up the expansion path of the business cycle and consequently even higher aggregate profits. This is the “accelerationist” effect of investment, flowing through greater economic activity, higher profits, and even further investment in the same new innovations. This builds the expansion phase of the investment cycle. An endogenous innovation-based reinforcement of this virtuous circle is the increased innovation intensity through further R&D and venture capital funding, pushing the expansion phase further into a strong boom. This dynamic circle exhibits innovation intensity deriving from the growth industries of the endogenous innovation effects of a powerful transformative technological paradigm. This results in strong economic development of successfully innovative firms/ industries/sectors/regions and provides the bulwark for cyclically rising gross domestic product (GDP). The vicious circle appears in the contraction phase of the investment cycle, when there is a relatively low level of buildup in knowledge capital through R&D and invention. Here replication of the dominant technology takes place, with the emerging technologies at a too early life cycle stage for them to be contenders for structural change. The uneven development here is skewed on the negative side. This leads to a decrease in innovative activity, which discourages investment as well. This has a negative impact on aggregate

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demand, on GDP, and consequently on aggregate profits. This is the negative “accelerationist” effect on investment flowing through lower economic activity and the contraction phase of the investment cycle. An endogenous innovationbased reinforcement of this vicious circle is the decreased innovation intensity adding another fall in innovative activity to push the contraction phase further into a strong recession. This vicious circle exhibits innovation intensity that is very weak, deriving from the mature industries of the long-established innovation effects of a monopoly controlled “old” technological paradigm and preventing the expansion of new innovative firms and industries. The extent of the upswing in the next expansion phase of the business cycle depends on how much it is dependent on the older more mature industries attempting to maintain their market power, compared to the ability of the new technology-based industries to take advantage of any new opportunities that have arisen during the downturn and trough. As knowledge capital continues its endogenous innovation push, there is tension with the development of greater economic uncertainty for investment in “new” products and processes. This is Schumpeter’s “creative destruction”, where new innovations take over from older established industries which have had strong market (or monopoly) control, creating uneven structural change as some industries shift technologically, while others remain old and mature. Depending on the National Innovation System that exists in the country, this problematic tension to the next virtuous circle will appear as a negative influence at different intensities of the endogenous innovation-based expansion phase in the investment cycle. The extent of this negative influence affects the strength (or lack thereof) of the new expansion phase and the trajectory of the long wave. The five steps of complexity in the dynamics of entrepreneurship and business cycles outlined above are based on the classic proposition of the dynamic investment model with innovation at its center. This comes from Schumpeter, who reasoned that the investment function responds to waves of optimism and pessimism that create

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clusters of innovation outcomes and then “bunching” of investment. Schumpeter saw these two phenomena of innovation outcomes and investment in such innovations as cyclically linked, thus creating business cycles. Despite the empirical evidence described earlier, there is a logical flaw in this approach because one must question the origin of these waves of optimism and pessimism. These entrepreneurial waves would be influenced by aggregate economic activity arising from business cycles in the first place. Thus, a tautology exists if the linkage is tightly held between clustering of innovation outcomes (“clust-”) and bunching of investment (“-bun”) to commercialize them. Empirical evidence from a positivist methodology is unable to resolve this tautology. Following the same classic proposition to Schumpeter, Kalecki in his analysis diverges by decoupling the linkage between clustering and bunching. Kalecki sees bunching arising from investment decisions on commercializing innovations as a distinct business process that reflects on uncertainty and susceptibility to cyclical volatility. This is distinct from the clustering that is shaped by the type and extent of innovation. Rothbarth in his critique of Schumpeter’s closely tied “clust-bun effect” makes this distinction clear as follows: Professor Schumpeter, in my view, is right in maintaining that there would be no trade cycle in a system subject to small random shocks only. He is right in the sense that it would be unrealistic under those conditions to postulate such strong dependence of investment on existing profits as would produce a cycle. It does not follow at all that the process of innovation needs to be cyclical to produce the trade cycle. It suffices that innovation brings about that uncertainty, that strong dependence of investment on current profits on which Mr. Kalecki, Mr. Kaldor, and Mr. Harrod rely. It may well be that the process of innovation itself is cyclical, but the trade cycle would be explicable even if that were not so. (Rothbarth 1942, p. 226).

The investment decision to commercialize various innovations that exist in the form of patents, other intellectual property rights, and marketbased benefits (e.g., first mover advantage) is a separate business process, but it is crucial to recognize that without the innovation, the investment


decision would be purely a replacement (“circular flow”) investment decision based on rate of depreciation and past demand for the output. This limits considerably the uncertainty attached to investment decision-making. Without innovation, uncertainty is contained and the fluctuations of investment would move around a constant trend growth line with no economic growth. Taking Kalecki’s investment approach and limiting the analysis at this stage to industrylevel investment cycles, Courvisanos (1996) shows how this extended uncertainty is due to the commercializing of innovations. This results in significantly high levels of susceptibility that leads to enhanced instability in investment cycles and the development of a trigger mechanism to initiate fundamentally new innovations that produce structural change in the trend of “long wave” implications, as basic innovations are diffused and adapted through incremental innovation, thereby producing a bunching effect. In his final attempt at modeling investment, Kalecki ([1968] 1991b) identifies that the cycle-trend pattern that innovation has on the investment function is due to higher profitability of more advanced means of production based on new innovations. Thus, the intensity of innovation, in terms of the extent to which high profits from investment could potentially be generated, impacts on the amplitude of investment cycles and shifts the trend path – or trajectory – of investment growth. The intensity in investment of particular innovations that are significant enough to structurally change the operating innovation systems has “virtuous circle effect.” This occurs as innovation intensity rises, increasing the amplitude of the upper turning point of the investment cycle and shifting the trend path upward. However, there is also the “vicious circle effect.” This occurs as investment decisions are made during cyclical contractions to shelf (or modify downward) the commercialization plans of any significantly new innovations and instead only invest in new capital stock that is absolutely necessary due to depreciation and maintaining market position. This increases the amplitude of the lower turning point of the investment cycle and shifts the trend downward. Thus, the pace of


innovation is a shift parameter in the Kaleckian investment function. This shift parameter has been seen to evoke structural change, with extensive economic history of swarm effects created by clustering of basic innovations and their sequential bunching through investment as new innovation systems are diffused to maturity. Courvisanos and Verspagen (2002), by identifying empirically the “clust-bun effect” and cycle-trend patterns, see investment in incremental innovation propelling the investment cycle during the diffusion of basic innovations through the industry and then related industries. Success in activating basic (or transformative) innovation provides the impetus for the initial investment in new technology or product configurations, followed by bunching of investment based around this new technology. Thus, success in commercializing of transformative innovation is the shift parameter for the trend line in industry investment cycles. Schohl (1999) adopts a disaggregative explanation of industry investment in implementing innovation to macro business cycles, using the same kaleidic principle. Rather than aggregative variance of investment in implementing innovation used above, Schohl adopts a heterogeneous agent model in which firms are “innovative” agents all the time but at varying degrees of intensity. Schohl never specifies what “innovative” means, yet it can be assumed that he is referring to investment in implementing innovation when he sets up the “variance of the offer changes.” A firm can only change the “offer” if investment is made into producing the offer of a good or service. The other variance is that of “the profitability changes,” which provides the ability and willingness to invest, a là Kalecki. As more agents “buck the system” and adopt the variant activity, then in macroeconomic terms, the system gets closer to the turning point of the cycle. In this way a discontinuity occurs at both the top and bottom turning points when the proportion that adopts the variant activity becomes the majority. Thus, Schohl devises a clear-cut spread model that shows how tightening and widening of the spreads of the two variances results in an aggregate business cycle.

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Coming from the Austrian economics tradition, Schohl (1999) has a supply-driven philosophy with demand only following the innovative agents along the cycle path. The role of effective demand in the investment in implementing innovation is “hidden” in the “offer change.” What this creates is an automatic deus ex machina, where the turning points are symmetrical. The agent model drives the cycle without any behavioral decisions of agents explained; it is merely a “numbers game.” The more agents change to the variant activity, the closer the cycle comes to surmounting the turning point. This approach does not allow for any examination of the dynamics at the trough to see if the lack of profit distribution and finance fragility can be overcome by enough agents so as to generate a strong enough variant activity. In the Kaleckian approach, the profits variant is the driver, but in the Great Depression, the lack of both profits and investing finance limited the number of agents switching to the variant activity. It is in such cases that the government is needed to change the dynamics of the turning point. This problem at the trough can be linked to what Rothbarth (1942) identifies as the Kaleckian ‘adaptation mechanism’, when the decline of profits during the slump is also the stimulus for change for innovative agents. This stimulus can only translate into investment if the reduced susceptibility is unconstrained. The excess capacity constraint needs to be removed, the gearing ratio constraint needs to fall to low and manageable levels, and the strong demand in niche markets need to be established (Courvisanos 1996). This is the effective demand story missing in the Schohl (1999) model.

Conclusion and Future Directions Essentially, any discussion of business cycles in the context of entrepreneurship needs to distinguish between basic transformative (or radical) innovation and incremental innovation. The investment implications of commercializing innovation are very different in both. Business cycles are greatly exacerbated with investment in basic innovation. The reason for this difference is the

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effective demand story that is integrated into the uncertainty of investment (from Kalecki), that is missing in the purely supply-side story (from Schumpeter). The link between supply and demand brought about by the distinct two-sided model of innovation and investment outlined in this entry provides the only sound basis of researching the dynamics of entrepreneurship and business cycles. For a policy-oriented analysis using agent-based modeling incorporating both demand (Keynesian/Kaleckian) and supply (Schumpeterian), see Dosi et al. (2010). Note: The concepts, appraisal, and some major sections of the above entry are taken from a more detailed account of these issues in Courvisanos (2012).

Cross-References ▶ Bankruptcy ▶ Business Climate and Entrepreneurship ▶ Creative Destruction ▶ Financing ▶ Innovation ▶ Research and Development ▶ Risk

References Becker M, Knudsen T. The entrepreneur at a crucial juncture in Schumpeter’s work: Schumpeter’s 1928 handbook entry Entrepreneur. In: Koppl R, editor. Austrian economics and entrepreneurial studies: advances in Austrian economics, vol. 6. Oxford: Elsevier Science; 2003. p. 199–233.

7 Courvisanos J. Cycles, crises and innovation: path to sustainable development – a Kaleckian-Schumpeterian synthesis. Cheltenham/Northampton: Edward Elgar; 2012. Courvisanos J. Investment cycles in capitalist economies: a Kaleckian behavioral contribution. Cheltenham/ Brookfield: Edward Elgar; 1996. Courvisanos J, Verspagen B. Innovation and investment in capitalist economies 1870–2000: Kaleckian dynamics and evolutionary life cycles. Invest Econ. 2002;LXII (242):33–80. Dosi G, Fagiolo G, Roventini A. Schumpeter meets Keynes: a policy-friendly model of endogenous growth and business cycles. J Econ Dyn Control. 2010;34(9):1748–67. Kalecki M. Theory of economic dynamics. In: Osiatyński J, editor. Collected works of Michał Kalecki, volume II capitalism: economic dynamics. Oxford: Clarendon; 1991a. p. 205–348. [Original book published 1954, London: George Allen and Unwin]. Kalecki M. Trend and business cycle. In: Osiatyński J, editor. Collected works of Michał Kalecki, volume II capitalism: economic dynamics. Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1991b. p. 435–50. [Original published 1968 as Trend and business cycle reconsidered. Econ J. 1968;78(2): 263–76]. Kydland FE, Prescott EC. Time to build and aggregate fluctuations. Econometrica. 1982;50(6):1345–70. Rothbarth E. Review of business cycles. In Schumpeter JA, editor. Econ J. 1942;52(206/207):223–9. Schmitt-Grohé S, Uribe M. What’s news in business cycles? Econometrica. 2012;80(6):2733–64. Schohl F. A Schumpeterian heterogeneous agent model of the business cycle. Q J Aus Econ. 1999;2(1):1–20. Schumpeter J. Business cycles: a theoretical, historical and statistical analysis of the capitalist process, vol. 2. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1939. Shackle G. Epistemics and economics: a critique of economic doctrines. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1972. White G. Rethinking Kalecki on the trend and cycle. Rev Polit Econ. 1999;11(3):341–53. Zarnowitz V. Recent work on business cycles in historical perspective: a review of theories and evidence. J Econ Lit. 1985;23(2):523–80.


Clusters, Networks, and Entrepreneurship Marc-Hubert Depret1 and Abdelillah Hamdouch2 1 University of Poitiers, CRIEF, IRIAF, Poitiers (campus of Niort), France 2 University of Tours, Tours, France

Synonyms District; Hub; Milieu; National system of innovation; Park; Regional innovation system Innovation processes often depend upon the availability or constitution of a critical mass of knowledge, (multidisciplinary) competencies and (entrepreneurial, managerial, and human) resources that are complex, cumulative and, for the most, still embryonic or difficult to access. Considerable efforts must be also devoted for mobilizing and training of the manpower, acquisition of new knowledge and know-how, and informing employees about new technologies and services, as well as their market potential. Equally important here is the need for a close coordination among a great number of heterogeneous and geographically dispersed actors. The potential for innovation and the competitive positioning of actors “depend increasingly on their differentiated abilities to collaborate with a wide range of partners – those with key complementary competencies and significant specific resources,

and/or those enjoying competitive advantages in terms of localization” (Depret and Hamdouch 2011, pp. 249–250). Hence there is a need for intense, more collective coordination between many heterogeneous and geographically dispersed actors. These collaborations are increasingly structured in the form of coalitions and networks of a varied nature transcending geographical borders. This coordination often goes through forming of interest coalitions, vertical and horizontal partnerships, interorganizational networks (as well as entrepreneurial/social/political/cultural networks), clusters, etc. Only the geographical concentration of activities (spatial proximity), combined with belonging to the same community (organizational proximity) and the adoption of a shared “cognitive space” (cognitive proximity, either scientific or technological), allows entrepreneurs to amortize the high R&D, production, and commercialization costs they often have to engage in. It is also under this condition entrepreneurs can eventually overcome the various entry and mobility barriers blocking or slowing the growth of business. Finally, these combined forms of proximity are the conditional “gate” that allow entrepreneurs to preempt and control knowledge, competencies, and strategic resources increasingly complex, uncertain, and costly projects (Depret and Hamdouch 2009; Ferru et al. 2014). These innovation clusters, as well as networks and the dynamic role that entrepreneurs play, have a wide range of theoretical and empirical studies

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_199-2


in a variety of disciplines (economics, sociology, geography, management). The core idea at the heart of these studies is that it is the combination of agglomeration and proximity logics founds in nowadays competitive, innovative, and entrepreneurial dynamics in most (if not all) industries. More precisely, the available literature focuses on the idea that the geography of innovation and entrepreneurship is being fundamentally structured (or embedded) within clusters (broadly speaking) and networks that encompass the collaborative, learning and knowledge spillover dynamics that are specific to certain territories and to innovation actors (notably the entrepreneurs) they involve (Depret and Hamdouch 2009; Hamdouch et al. 2012, 2013). The literature (especially empirical) offers a highly diversified range of approaches in terms of research aims and methodologies, in countries or regions or industries studied. They are also highly varied as regarding the hypotheses tested and the results yielded. Hence, the aim here is not to provide a comprehensive survey of these studies. But rather to draw a first (tentative) typology of the most important pieces of literature according to approaches privileged and their specific focus (for more detailed surveys, see Hamdouch 2008, 2010; Depret and Hamdouch 2009, 2011; Hamdouch and Depret 2009). In this perspective, the remainder of the entry is organized as follows: the first section defines the notions of clusters and innovation networks (presented here, in a broader sense, under the generic term of territorial innovation and entrepreneurial systems or TIES); the second section shows that there exists at least eight differentiated views of TIES depending on the hypotheses of the approaches privileged by the researchers. There also exists at least eight ways in defining the goals and the contents of policies (whatever their spatial scope) that are aimed at promoting or supporting or accompanying entrepreneurial and innovation dynamics in a given territory and/or sector.

Clusters, Networks, and Entrepreneurship

Key Concepts and Definition of Terms The common point of these different studies is to consider entrepreneurship as a territorial innovation and entrepreneurial system (TIES) that is characterized by Hamdouch and Moulaert (2006): (i) the fundamental role of territorial proximity and clustering dynamics; (ii) the multiplicity and diversity of the actors (large companies, SME, entrepreneurs, business angels, venture capital and private equity firms, layers, etc.); (iii) the complex articulations between the multiple institutional, spatial, temporal, and cognitive frameworks; (iv) the crucial importance of historical, social, cultural, and geographical dynamics in structuring these frameworks; (v) the diversity of the forms taken by this system. In this context, TIES (as a cluster) is a spatial mode for the organization of entrepreneurship, innovation, and related activities (Depret and Hamdouch 2011). It “comprises an ensemble of various organizations and institutions (a) that are defined by respective geographic localizations occurring at varied spatial scales and within specific institutional environments, (b) that interact formally and/or informally through inter-organizational and/or interpersonal regular or more occasional relationships and networks, (c) and that contribute collectively to the achievement of all kind of innovations within a given industry or domain of activity, i.e., within a domain defined by specific fields of knowledge, competences and technologies. This definition is rather flexible, as it entails only that the three sets of conditions are being simultaneously verified. It could then correspond to a large variety of spatial, institutional and organizational concrete configurations of innovative dynamics. Moreover, it does not prejudge of the spatial topography of the interacting actors, nor does it impose any constraint on the way they may interact (i.e., cooperate or compete)” (Hamdouch 2010, p. 43). At the same time, a network is “a specific modality for the structuring or coordination of inter-organizational relationships among various legally independent actors (firms, entrepreneurs, institutions, etc.) aiming at achieving a common project in a specific domain through the control,

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exchange or sharing of information, know-how, knowledge, as well as products and/or capital (. . .). The actors participating to a network may be co-located within the same cluster or belong to different clusters” (Depret and Hamdouch 2011, p. 232). Unfortunately, the “understanding of the mechanisms at work within the dynamics of the emergence, structuring, coordination and development of the phenomena of the clustering and networking of [entrepreneurship and] innovation processes remains incomplete, dispersed and (let’s admit it) fairly flimsy” (Depret and Hamdouch 2011, p. 231). Almost all the different approaches of TIES relate to realities (semantic, topographical, and contextual) which differ depending on the authors, for different reasons (Hamdouch and Depret 2009).

Clusters and Networks in the Entrepreneurship (and Innovation) Literature In fact, it is believed that TIES’s literature is mainly organized and structured around three major overlapping dimensions (Fig. 1). These dimensions refer respectively to the cultural and political territorial anchorage (“geocentric” or “polycentric”) of TIES, to the degree to which they are open to “the outside” and to the nature of the interdependencies (“competitive” or “reticular”) between the actors. The combination of these three dimensions results in eight possible approaches of the notion of TIES that can be related to two bundles of works: the first gathers the traditional approaches which build on the triple hypothesis of a strong territorial anchorage of the actors, of a strict impermeability of the territory vis-à-vis other territories, and of relationships among the actors mainly based on transactions or contracts; the second relates to “evolutionary” approaches which postulate a spatially multiscalar, open, and networked view of the territory.


The Traditional Approaches of Clusters and Networks To analyze clusters and networks it is necessary to open “the ‘black box’ of the TIES approach” (Depret and Hamdouch 2009). In order to progress toward a better understanding of what “TIES” are or might actually be, it is necessary to change the analytical framework and the manner in which TIES are traditionally studied (Hamdouch and Depret 2009). Indeed, within this framework TIES appear to be at the same time (see Fig. 1): – “Geocentred” (i.e., localized or regionalized): In this case, most TIES is usually and generally defined as being very strongly (spatially) embedded in a territory (a district, a city, a region, a country) that is more or less extensive, but which is still relatively well (spatially) defined (clusters, districts, parks, areas, milieux, cities, agglomerations, regional or national innovation system, etc.) (Hamdouch and Depret 2009). In this perspective, the emphasis is placed, on one hand, on the decisive role played by colocation, geographical proximity (preemptive access to knowledge, skills, resources, and strategic technologies; localized collective learning effects; access to new outlets, etc.), and spatial clustering effects (technological externalities of agglomeration). Yet on the other hand, emphasis is placed on the importance of territorialized (technological, institutional, and economic) dynamics (Depret and Hamdouch 2011). This explains why entrepreneurs, in this theoretical framework, should start and develop their businesses within TIES where R&D centers of excellence, large companies, funding institutions, specialized business services, and other entrepreneurs are located. – “Centripetal” (i.e., territorially closed or anchored or “autarkic”): In this approach, the territorial bounding of TIES is relatively strict, insofar as the other spatial scales have a relatively secondary or marginal role

“Polycentric” TIES

“Polycentric” and “Centrifugal” TIS

“Polycentric” and “Centripetal” TIES

Which openness? [Centripetal vs. Centrifugal perspective of TIES]

“Geocentric” and “Centrifugal” TIES

System spatially distributed along a value chain

Multi-scaled network

“Polycentric”, “Centrifugal” and “Network” TIES

Multi-territorialized network

“Polycentric”, “Centripetal” and “Network” TIES “Polycentric”, “Centrifugal” and “Market” TIES

Intra-and/or inter-firm spatial organization of entrepreneurship and innovation

Nature of TIES

Neo-Marshallian network


Formation of global networks of TIES around local, cross border or global entrepreneurs and innovators

Facilitate/ support cooperation of local actors with entrepreneurs and innovators originating from other TIES

Integration of local entrepreneurs and innovators within cross border/ continental or global networked TIES

Formation of cross border (across regions or countries) TIES around local entrepreneurs and innovators

Nature of entrepreneurial / innovation / territorial policies

Integration of the local TIES (and of its entrepreneurs and innovators) within larger TIES/networks

Favoring cooperation between local entrepreneurs and innovators (and/or with actors belonging to rival TIES)

Integration of local entrepreneurs and innovators in various territorially embedded social networks (clubs, associations, etc.)

Network of actors spatially and socially anchored

“Polycentric”, “Centripetal” and “Market” TIES

Which actors’ relations inside TIS? [Market vs . Network perspective of TIES]

“Geocentric”, “Centrifugal” and “Network” TIES

“Geocentric”, “Centrifugal” and “Market” TIES

“Geocentric”, “Centripetal” and “Network” TIES

Formation of local TIES around “indigenous” entrepreneurs, investors and innovators

Localized source of competitive advantage

Clusters, Networks, and Entrepreneurship, Fig. 1 Drawing the “tree” of TIES approaches: a suggested three-dimensional typology (Source: Authors)


Which Territorial Anchorage? [Geocentric vs. Polycentric perspective of TIES]

“Geocentric” TIES

“Geocentric” and “Centripetal” TIES

“Geocentric”, “Centripetal” and “Market” TIES

4 Clusters, Networks, and Entrepreneurship

Clusters, Networks, and Entrepreneurship

(Gordon and McCann 2000), although they are sometimes taken into account (Hamdouch and Depret 2009). From this perspective, the authors focus on only one territorial scale and therefore mainly (even exclusively) on the only actors of innovation that are to be found there. TIES therefore appear here to be “closed” systems (Bell and Albu 1999), relatively closed to the outside (even autarkic) (Hamdouch and Depret 2009). However, this doesn’t seem to be detrimental to the territory’s competitiveness, and in view of the fact that, from this “centripetal” perspective, knowledge and resources are mainly distributed within the territory (and in all cases are distributed better than between the territories) (Jaffe et al. 1993). The emphasis is therefore placed on the presence, within TIES, “pulling” or central actors socially embedded: star scientists, critical interfaces, intermediate actors or gatekeepers, entrepreneurial investors, business leaders (or anchors) or pioneer entrepreneurs, dense social networks, etc. (Hamdouch and Depret 2009; Depret and Hamdouch 2011). From this perspective, extraterritorial relationships are an exception or a “second best” option (Audretsch and Stephan 1996) because the extralocal level “comes as a supplement to relationships and properties pertaining to the local level” (Lagendijk 2002, p. 84). – And/or “market-dominated” (i.e., exclusively targeting economic competitiveness): In this case, competition and the externalities of knowledge represent the two engines of competitiveness of TIES (Hamdouch and Depret 2009). They therefore contribute toward “organizing” relations between actors within TIES, by favoring entrepreneurship and the distribution of knowledge, and contribute by encouraging actors to invest in R&D. This approach thus presents TIES as a specific spatial industrial organization based on two main dimensions: firstly, the links between actors in terms of geographical proximity, of


complementarities and of trustworthy relationship building and secondly the existence of both competitive and co-operative interactions among the colocalized entrepreneurs and firms (Hamdouch and Depret 2009; Hamdouch 2010). In other words, they “represent a kind of new organizational form in between arm’s length markets on one hand, and hierarchies, or vertical integration, on the other hand” (Porter 1998, p. 79). In this way, the interorganizational and interindividual relationships formed within TIES are generally seen from a contractual or transactional (marketoriented) perspective (Cooke 2005). Cooperation between the actors is only considered in logic of “coopetition” (Gordon and McCann 2000). In this perspective, the performance of TIES will depend on the “right balance” between the intensity of competition and the heterogeneity (of actors) within TIES (Bathelt and Taylor 2002; Malmberg and Maskell 2002). On one hand, the probability of survival for the entrepreneurs will be weak if the competitive pressure is too strong. Yet on the other hand, a too strong heterogeneity will translate into a greater number of surviving entrepreneurs, likely to be, on the average, less creative/ innovative and of smaller size. In the same logic, the relationships formed within TIES are generally seen from a purely transactional, contractual, or market-oriented perspective (Cooke 2005; Depret and Hamdouch 2011). Networks are often presented as fairly informal (Grabher 2006), sometimes decontextualized (Dicken and Malmberg 2001) – that is, without any real (social, informational, or cognitive) considerations – and sometimes even seen from a static (Garretsen and Martin 2010) or a-historical (Bathelt and Taylor 2002; Boschma and Frenken 2006) viewpoint (Depret and Hamdouch 2011). In this context, “nonmarket relationships” (either entrepreneurial, institutional, cultural, jurisdictional, etc.) appear to be, in TIES, as mere pecuniary positive externalities feeding economic growth and creating jobs within the territory. The emphasis is therefore placed on the (apparently necessary) “critical size” of TIES (Porter 1998; Orsenigo 2001; Folta et al. 2006; Trippl and Tödtling 2007). The performance of TIES is


usually measured by the number of entrepreneurs, firms, and institutions of innovation that are present (or created) in the territory, and by their R&D expenditure, the number of patents (or scientific articles), the number of employees, etc. (Audretsch and Feldman 1996; Suarez-Villa and Walrod 1997; Orsenigo 2001; Prevezer 2001; Trippl and Tödtling 2007; Zucker and Darby 2007; Aharonson et al. 2008). TIS therefore compete to attract (or to retain) the most competitive actors in their territory (Hamdouch and Depret 2009). Within this framework, the increasing integration of innovation actors fosters interaction and new connections, creates new investment, entrepreneurial, and recruitment opportunities, helps to develop supporting infrastructures and, in the end, creates a “climate” that is a priori relatively favorable to entrepreneurship and innovation (Baptista and Swann 1998). With time, spatial integration also increases the attractiveness (Bathelt 2005) of the territory and the performance of its members through “increasing agglomeration and proximity returns” (Depret and Hamdouch 2011) and increasing as well the mimetic effects of a self-fulfilling and selfstrengthening reputation (Appold 2005). Other studies (Audretsch and Feldman 1996; Dicken and Malmberg 2001; Kaiser and Prange 2004; Wolfe and Gertler 2004; Casper and Murray 2005; Jong 2006; Trippl and Tödtling 2007; Waxell and Malmberg 2007) focus on the central role played by the existence of a wide and diverse (local) labor market, because it fosters the dissemination of knowledge and facilitates interaction (Hamdouch and Depret 2009; Depret and Hamdouch 2011). Most of the contributions also emphasize the major role of financial markets, investors, and business angels (Kaiser and Prange 2004; Zucker and Darby 2007). Finally, they highlight the importance of a certain number of key actors, who, by their sufficient presence within a TIES, will play a critical role as coordinators, go-betweens, advisors, scrutinizers, and proselytes (Prevezer 2001; Wolfe and Gertler 2004; Hamdouch and Moulaert 2006; Trippl and Tödtling 2007; Waxell and Malmberg 2007; Champenois 2008). This is why various “support stakeholders” (local institutions, business service

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organizations, technology transfer institutions, business incubators, think tanks, etc.), infrastructures (property, transport, etc.), venture capital, consulting and law firms have an important position in TIES (Hamdouch and Depret 2009; Depret and Hamdouch 2011). The Evolutionary Approaches of Clusters and Networks When these three hypotheses (i.e., local anchorage, weak openness, and market-dominated logics) are jointly (or, at least, by pairs) postulated, as is often the case, TIES appear to be strongly anchored within the territory, with little room for openness toward the “outside” and based essentially on market-like relationships. This is the rationale explaining why various authors have attempted during the last few years to go beyond this restrictive vision of TIES by adopting an alternative approach (see Fig. 1) that is at the same time: – More“polycentric” (or multiterritorialized or scattered or nested): This approach places the emphasis more on the logics of organizational or cognitive proximity than on spatial proximity (Carrincazeaux et al. 2001; Boschma 2005). They consider it is no longer so much the colocalization of actors which matters, but more the nature and intensity of their “connectivity” (Amin and Cohendet 2005; Depret and Hamdouch 2011). From this polycentric perspective, TIES has an anchorage that is either transversal or multiterritorialized (Hamdouch and Depret 2009). In the first case, TIES is part of a (sectoral or technological) system, community, world or mode of production, or of a value chain. This “system” transcends geographical boundaries (Depret and Hamdouch 2011). In the second case, TIES is very clearly seen as being multianchored to several territories (more or less distant geographically) (Coenen et al. 2004). In some cases, TIES is multispatialized when a network firm serves as a node (Amin and Thrift 1992; Gertler and Levitte 2005) between different spatial locations or scales

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(Hamdouch and Depret 2009, Hamdouch et al. 2014). – More centrifugal (or openness-based): From this perspective, agglomeration dynamics are generally deployed under a constant tension between, on one hand, to fulfill the need to develop strong, cohesive relationships between the local innovative actors, and, on the other hand, deployed to fulfill the need to preserve a certain “permeability” (Bathelt and Taylor 2002) vis-à-vis outside actors (including sometimes geographically distant actors) in order to benefit from complementary cognitive or financial inputs (Lagendijk 2002; Wolfe and Gertler 2004; Depret and Hamdouch 2009). The different spatial scales therefore fit together (Depret and Hamdouch 2011; Ferru et al. 2015; Hamdouch et al. 2012, 2013), one inside the other, while impacting on each other (Dicken et al. 2001; Wolfe and Gertler 2004; Moodysson et al. 2008). In this way, exchanges outside the TIS are often more favorable to the transfer of knowledge than exchanges within such TIES. In fact, “local exchanges are often based on weak or routine links that only rarely (Bathelt et al. 2004) or insufficiently (Asheim 2002) foster learning, knowledge transfer, and synergetic effects and, therefore, major innovations” (Depret and Hamdouch 2011, p. 246). Actually, relatively distant actors at the geographical level can perfectly build and sustain over the long run “strong ties,” interact (physically and/or virtually) on a recurrent basis, and exchange among them even tacit pieces of knowledge and competences (Breschi and Lissoni 2001; Gertler 2003; Bathelt et al. 2004; Bresnahan et al. 2004; Amin and Cohendet 2005; Niosi and Zhegu 2005; Torre 2006; Glückler 2007). Equally, several researches show that, beyond a certain degree (even intrinsically), spatial proximity doesn’t impact (or insufficiently) on knowledge creation or dissemination and on innovativeness within the territory (Grotz and Braun 1997; Suarez-Villa and Walrod 1997; Wever and Stam 1999). Lastly, several researchers point out the fact that spatial proximity may well generate negative


agglomeration externalities that can be higher than the expected positive externalities of agglomeration and closeness (Nooteboom 2000; Boschma 2005; Martin and Sunley 2006; Torre 2006). As a matter of fact, most of the entrepreneurs and other actors of innovation processes within TIES have often more (or stronger) ties with external than with internal actors of TIES (Depret and Hamdouch 2009). This is particularly the case when local entrepreneurs must look “elsewhere” for the knowledge, competences, or resources they need but can’t find “locally” (Hussler and Rondé 2005). In this way, the probability of innovating is greater for firms benefiting from a favorable “local milieu,” but also from close links with global networks of knowledge, capital, and people (Gertler and Levitte 2005; Depret and Hamdouch 2011; Hamdouch et al. 2012, 2013; Bernela et al. 2016). The dynamism of TIES also “depends on the capacity of their members to absorb knowledge outside the territory and to subsequently disseminate this within their own territory in order to “hybridize” them with the knowledge or innovations” (Depret and Hamdouch 2011, p. 250) developed locally (Bathelt and Taylor; 2002). Consequently, the entrepreneurship and innovation process can be seen as “a result of a ‘combinaison’ of close and distant interactions” (Oinas 1999, p. 365). Some authors (Lagendijk 2002; Powell et al. 2002; Nachum and Keeble 2003; Saxenian and Li 2003) even show that the openness of TIS “does not necessarily translate into a reduction of the intensity and density of local links” (Depret and Hamdouch 2011, p. 247). In contrast, this openness may represent a factor in making (interorganizational) relationships more viable and stronger (Powell et al. 2002; Owen-Smith and Powell 2004). This appears to be the case including for entrepreneurs and small-medium enterprises that can tap in “external” sources of knowledge, competencies, or funding they cannot find (or not anymore) within their TIES. But in reality, these enterprises are usually more developed (in terms of size), more mature (in terms of organizational and strategic experience), and positioned more downstream in R&D processes (i.e., more “close to


the market”) than the average innovating enterprises (Powell et al. 2002). Some authors stress the risk, for local stakeholders, of a progressive and often irreversible cognitive lock-in within TIES (Granovetter 1985; Uzzi 1997; Bathelt 2005), which is sometimes fatal (Camagni 1995). Worse, certain TIES “contain the seeds of their own destruction and may potentially disappear or die (. . .) if they [don’t] develop ways to access external markets, adjust power relations in a fluid way and reproduce [their] structures through ‘powerful’ institutions” (Bathelt and Taylor 2002, p. 106, authors’ square brackets). – And more reticular: From this perspective, TIES and networks are inseparable from the logics of the spatial and strategic organization of innovation (Dicken et al. 2001; Cooke 2005; Grabher 2006). Relationships among actors within (and sometimes between) TIES are usually based on formal and informal ties that refer to a “coopetitive” or nonstrictly market-oriented logic (i.e., a mix of competition and cooperation) rather than on formal (i. e., through legal contracts or agreements) marketoriented thinking (Moulaert and Mehmood 2010). Within this alternative framework, networks (and particularly interindividual “social networks,” in the original sense of local and physical or concrete interplay among colocated people are part of the core explanation of the colocation of innovation actors in some specific places, starting with “entrepreneurs,” i.e., researchers, potential innovators, and business-project’s oriented actors. Such social networks include connections thanks to acquaintances or “go in between” people or whatever “bridge” role that some individuals, sometimes unforeseen, can occasionally play) are the core explanation of the colocation of innovation actors in some specific places, starting with “entrepreneurs,” i.e., researchers, potential innovators, and business-project’s oriented actors. Hence, the articulation of networks within and across TIES appears to be a central component

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or conditional building block for a territorial (open) clustering dynamics. This articulation of TIES and networks vary however, depending on the authors (for a detailed analysis, see e.g.: Hamdouch and Depret 2009; Depret and Hamdouch 2011). A minima, TIES can be considered as simple networks of actors, more or less colocalized in one territory (and sometimes in several territories). As a result, many approaches in the literature come mostly under the “market-oriented perspective” (see above). Indeed, in such approaches, networks are, roughly speaking, supposed to yield positive effects on entrepreneurs’ performance (Baum et al. 2000). Entrepreneurs’ relationships with large companies, research institutions or universities are supposed to attenuate the inherent uncertainties related to their “youth in business.” Accordingly, their initial performance increases along with their more or less size of “alliance networks” with “institutionalized partners” (Baum et al. 2000), but also with the “diversity” of such networks and partners (Llobrera et al. 2000; Owen-Smith et al. 2002). The “age” of the network is also decisive. Indeed, Stuart (2003) shows how entrepreneurs have a greater probability to be funded further by a potential investor if they have already formed alliances (the effect of trustworthiness) with previous funders/investors and if over time their first alliance has been long enough to nourish a “good reputation.” However, alliance networks are also “risky games”: they can be a source of vulnerability for “candidate entrepreneurs,” given the risks of opportunistic behavior from the “partners.” This being said, some researchers rest on the conviction that “reputation effects” (both related to entrepreneurs and potential funders or “allies”) play, in most situations, a greater role than short-sighted opportunistic behavior (Owen-Smith and Powell 2008; Hamdouch 2008). Moving further on, it is important to consider other researches that tend to show the importance of social networks and relationships, and of trust, reputation, altruism, friendship, leniency, forbearance, kindliness, integrity, social capital, habitus, culture, rules, conventions, routines, rites, symbols, taboos, beliefs, myths, or, more broadly,

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“extramarket” relationships (Castilla et al. 2000; Moulaert and Sekia 2003; Ter Wal and Boschma 2009). For some, however, this approach seems to be locked into an overterritorialized view about the embeddedness of TIES (Hess 2004). This is why some advocate a more integrated (even coevolutionary) vision of TIS and networks. In this network governance approach (Grabher 2006), TIES is no longer (only) considered as geographically “anchored” network, within which actors are grouped together more or less on a colocalization basis (Depret and Hamdouch 2011). They appear more as combinations of “multiscaled networks,” both in terms of location and the variety of actors’ modes of interaction (Hamdouch 2010). From this viewpoint, TIES and networks are intimately connected (Amin and Thrift 1992; Dicken et al. 2001; Nachum and Keeble 2003; Coe et al. 2004; Phlippen and van der Knaap 2007). TIES is seen as being juxtaposed and coevolving (see Fig. 2). The different spatial scales fit into this, one into the other, each having an impact on the other (Wolfe and Gertler 2004). Following this line of thought, one can say that, “while networks are embedded within territories, territories are, at the same time, embedded into networks” (Dicken et al. 2001, p. 97), so that “the global economy is constituted by ‘spaces of networks relations’” (ibid.) or, to put it differently, it builds on “multiscaled networks of networks” (Hamdouch 2010). TIES, as a cluster, is also “a complex networked entity that is systemic, structured (around stakeholders with highly varied organizational or institutional profiles), polymorphic, dynamic (that is, it evolves over time and in space) and relatively open to the outside world (that is, ‘centrifugal’) or even ‘multiscalar’ (or polycentric)” (Depret and Hamdouch 2011, p. 230). In this way, TIES is a web of social networks comprising a potentially large variety of entrepreneurial and innovation stakeholders who interact (or coevolve) within the framework of occasional or regular relationships, both inter- and intraorganizational, and who contribute to the performance of activities in a particular area (ibid., p. 232).


Finally, research literature often puts forward the colocation of innovation actors within TIES is neither motivated by market-oriented purposes nor, intentionally, structured around networks. As highlighted by Markusen (1996) and Torre (2006), colocation can sometimes be the result of diverse others factors (for example, attractive property prices, tax breaks, the quality of the local employment market, the “critical size” of the outlets offered by the local market, and the reputation of TIES). It can even, in certain cases, be the result either of a “historical accident” or a “nonchoice” (Champenois 2008), of purely subjective individual factors (Autant-Bernard et al. 2007), or even of a “copycat effect” (Appold 2005; Gertler and Levitte 2005) of “chain location” (Caplin and Leahy 1998). Certain works, some of which are quite “old,” have equally shown that culture, well-being, diversity, “social glue,” learning, social movements and “bottomup” socially creative initiatives, governance modes, social conventions, ethical shared values or norms of behavior, “solidarity” among the actors. . . can highly contribute (as much as economic and scientific, technological, business or financial networking processes) to the long-term territorial dynamics, and therefore to TIES development trajectories and socioeconomic “achievements” (see Moulaert and Mehmood 2010). Building on this three-dimensional analysis (see Fig. 1), at least eight “manners” for conceiving TIES can be envisaged. There are many varied ways to design policies aiming at promoting/ supporting the development of entrepreneurship initiatives and successful outcomes.

Clusters, Networks, and Entrepreneurship Policies During the last three decades, geographical borders have tended to become more permeable (through the influence of external factors) and, as a result, they subject national and regional spaces to developments (entrepreneurial, scientific, technological, institutional, economic, strategic, and organizational) that are in part influenced by dynamics external to the territories, e.g.: strategies

Strategies and Policies

Extra-local factors (both static and dynamic)

Networks of entrepreneurs and other actors of innovation

Dynamic alignment, coherence and adaptability of territorial innovative “ingredients”

Geographical / Entrepreneurial / Economical / Social / Cultural / Historical territorial specific factors

Endogenous local dynamics (Territory 1)

Endogenous local dynamics (Territory 2)

Endogenous local dynamics (Territory 3)

Extra-local factors (both static and dynamic)

Clusters, Networks, and Entrepreneurship, Fig. 2 A schematic representation of TIES time-space evolution dynamics (Source: Authors, inspired by Hamdouch and d’Ovidio (2009))

Extra-local factors (both static and dynamic)

Extra-local factors (both static and dynamic)

10 Clusters, Networks, and Entrepreneurship

Clusters, Networks, and Entrepreneurship

of multinational firms, monetary and economic developments at the global level, regional integration policies and their effects, free trade agreements, etc. (see: Hamdouch and Moulaert 2006; Depret and Hamdouch 2011; Depret et al. 2014; Hamdouch et al. 2012, 2013). At the same time, the growing spatial interdependencies between actors of innovation – exacerbated on one hand by interregional integration processes, globalization of economies, internationalization and “networking” of firms, and yet, on the other hand, by policies of devolution and regionalization at the infranational level – tend to redefine the space and the modalities of expression of their respective rationalities and of their modes of interaction. The result links different spatial levels in the determination and evolution of institutional frameworks within which the processes of territorial entrepreneurship and innovation take place (cf. Hamdouch and Moulaert 2006; Depret and Hamdouch 2011). It is in this context that the idea has been developed within TIES (see above) that added entrepreneurial opportunities, value, growth, and, ultimately, jobs, are created today. At the same time, the comparative advantage of TIES is no longer exclusively depends on the simple mobilization of the resources with which they have been provided by “nature,” history, geography, institutions, or contingency. Competitiveness in markets, which have become global, requires the access to a wide range of (entrepreneurial, financial, and cognitive) resources and technological skills. “Hence the emphasis placed on greater proximity and closer coordination between the various ‘holders’ of resources and skills. In an environment characterized by a redistribution of spatial and sectoral ‘cards’ between” the different innovation “players” and entrepreneurs, “the comparative advantage lies in the ability of rival yet complementary actors” (. . .) to manage increasingly close and structural” including extramarket interdependencies within an extremely wide range of clusters [TIES] and networks (Depret and Hamdouch 2011, p. 228, authors’ square brackets). Indeed, governments (at all levels of territorial organization) are now multiplying (TIES’s)


politics which aim to place entrepreneurship and innovation at the heart of their economic development strategies (Hamdouch and Depret 2009; Depret 2014). These policies are differentiated across territories depending on how public authorities conceive existing TIES or how they might want to promote and develop (see Fig. 1).

Conclusion and Future Directions Entrepreneurship and innovation dynamics, as related to specific territorial and institutional settings and evolution paths, appear to be multifaceted phenomena. As illustrated in the literature reviewed and the analytical typology presented, it is rather clear that there are very contrasted approaches to TIES, though the reality offers concrete territorial dynamics that are probably lying along a continuum of configurations rather than matching “discrete” models of TIES. Equally important is the intertwining of clustering and networking phenomena in the shaping, deployment, and evolution of TIES. And it is this dynamic articulation between the two phenomena that constitutes a robust argument for conceiving TIES as multiscalar and rather “open” territorial settings that can best favor viable entrepreneurship and innovation processes over the long run. Finally, public policies appear to be capable of influencing the shape and evolution of TIES; they can influence, under the condition, however, that these policies are dynamically aligned with the strategies and networks deployed by local innovation and entrepreneurship actors, both inside and outside TIES. Regarding future research efforts, two axes should be privileged. The first one, mostly theoretical, is related to the research effort that is still to be engaged for a better characterization of TIES and the configurations they may underlie. In this context, we propose an original “mixed method” for cluster analysis (Bernela et al. 2016). This mixed method can reconcile the two traditional methodological strategies (qualitative and quantitative) and can enrich both since the analysis of clusters’ structure requires quantitative methods whereas questions about processes founding the


construction and evolution of networks need qualitative approaches (Edwards 2010). The second research axis is essentially methodological and empirical. It relates both to the selection of efficient criteria and empirical methods (converging or complementary ones if possible), and to the carrying out of in-depth case studies on a comparative basis.

Cross-References ▶ Business Emergence ▶ Business Start-Up: From Emergence to Development ▶ Entrepreneur ▶ Entrepreneurial Opportunities ▶ Entrepreneurial Organization ▶ Entrepreneurship and Financial Markets ▶ Entrepreneurship Policy ▶ Innovation and Entrepreneurship ▶ Innovative Milieu and Entrepreneurship ▶ Innovative Milieu and Innovative Entrepreneurship ▶ Innovator ▶ Multi-Level Innovation System ▶ Network and Entrepreneurship ▶ Networking Entrepreneurship ▶ Partnerships and Entrepreneurship ▶ Policies to Promote Entrepreneurship ▶ Social Network and Entrepreneurship ▶ Territory and Entrepreneurship

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Self-Made Man Divya Leducq UMR CNRS 7324 CITERES, Polytech Tours, Tours, France

Synonyms Autodidact; Entrepreneur; Pioneer

Being a Self-Made Man Whether described as a “great man” or a “man of genius,” the self-made man represents the archetype of successful men – and more and more women – who start from low stations in life, with poor educational backgrounds, and climb the social ladder to become key figures in society.

a self-made man. His autobiography described his rise from working-class origins to his life as a powerful inventor, businessman, and politician (Franklin 1793). Abraham Lincoln also captured the public imagination, making the improbable leap from lowly log cabin to the White House. During the so-called Second Industrial Revolution, the concept became popular and began to encompass economic success. New inventions quickly made men rich and famous, and factories sprung up throughout the country. Inspired by real-life examples like Andrew Carnegie, the self-made man became a common archetype in literature and popular culture, especially in the “rags to riches” stories of authors like Horatio Alger Jr. (Wyllie 1954). These stories gave the poor hope that they too could rise to a better situation. In some societies, this sense of social mobility is an important part of the national identity. This concept is strongly tied to the notion of the American Dream, which took hold in the early to mid-twentieth century.

Origins of the Myth: The Roots of the “American Dream” Frederick Douglass, an escaped slave and a leader of the abolitionist movement, provided the first definition of the “self-made man” in a lecture in 1859 (Douglass 1955). This new man, based on the Roman idea of “novus homo,” played a prevalent role in public life. Preceding Douglass, Benjamin Franklin, one of America’s Founding Fathers, was one of the best-known examples of

Predisposing Factors of the Self-Made Man: Learning from Well-Known Cases The purpose here is not to provide an all-inclusive list of self-made men. In reading the biographies of several famous self-made men, however, one can observe recurring phenomena in their pasts and draw conclusions regarding certain common characteristics among them.

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_229-2


Self-Made Man

Deficits During Childhood Many people described as self-made men have experienced difficulties, both physical and emotional, in their childhood. Some experience the absence of one of both parents, as was the case for Larry Ellison (Oracle), or abandonment, as for Leonardo Del Vecchio (Luxottica), who lived in an orphanage, and Steve Jobs (Apple), who was given up for adoption. Others felt the lack of a stable and loving family structure. For example, US Senator Harry Reid grew up with an alcoholic father who worked as a miner and possessed only an elementary school education. Amancio Ortega Gaona (Zara) was a railroader’s son who left school at age 14. These self-made men share beginnings in economic disadvantage and sometimes discouraging surroundings. Some were born to parents who were uneducated (Thomas Edison), immigrants (Andrew Carnegie), or working class. For some, the difficulties were tangible, with primary needs such as food and safety going unmet. These difficulties and disadvantages left them to forge their own successful paths, as Oprah Winfrey did.

(Steve Jobs graduated high school in 1972. He left college after 6 months even if he continued to audit classes; Dell dropped out of the University of Texas but was making thousands of dollars already as a high school student; Ralph Lauren dropped out of Baruch College after 2 years; and François Pinault). Sociologists and public policy experts stress the effects of poverty and culture in determining an individual’s success. During times of difficulty or struggle, self-made men learn how to survive in a world where poor people taken for granted; they learn the qualities of perseverance and selfdiscipline (e.g., Ross Perot, Electronic Data Systems). Unlike children who come from families where an enterprising ethic has been present for generations, self-made men are focused on survival. Relying neither on good luck nor waiting for a godsend, they have learned early to invest and fructify a small – and often borrowed – amount of capital (Sam Walton) and then religiously saved their money and reinvested it in the business (Larry Ellison, Oracle).

Adolescence: A Time of Struggle Many of our exemplars of the self-made man had difficult relationships with parents and teachers. Some left the educational system during secondary school, often easily distracted and underestimated by their teachers. John Paul DeJoria (John Paul Mitchell Systems) was told by a math teacher that he would “never succeed at anything in life”; he accepted that criticism as a challenge to succeed at whatever he undertook. Some had to leave school to work due to economic necessity. They found part- or full-time work to help provide for their families. Andrew Carnegie’s first job was working as a bobbin boy at a textile factory, making $1.50 a week. Some went to high school and also held a job; Ray Kroc (McDonald’s) worked nights as a security, and Sam Walton (Walmart) was a lifeguard, newspaper delivery boy, and waiter. A common theme is that many attained their first job by employing a bit of dishonesty, such as an exaggeration about previous work experience. For various reasons, many self-made men have not completed college

Adulthood: On the Road to Prosperity Except in the cases of computer hardware and software (Apple, Dell, Oracle), self-made men rarely get the “idea of the century”; rather, they focus on some unexplored economic niches of development. They all put passion, time, and sweat in their work, having previously had to fight against others and society as a whole. As new businessmen, they have courage and an indomitable will to be useful and independent citizens. They want to be judged by the kind of success they achieve. As was the case with John D. Rockefeller, none of these self-made men want to leave their business or any part of it to anyone else. They use both vertical and horizontal integration. Wisdom of Age At the end of their lives, self-made men who have managed to pull themselves up through hard work and determination don’t especially seek to distinguish themselves from the common man. Though a person of this class does not need to claim to be a

Self-Made Man

hero or to be worshipped as such, there is a genuine heroism in their struggle and something of sublimity and glory in their triumph. Every instance of such success is an example and benefit to humanity. Self-made men hope to inspire others to join their ranks. Rockefeller donated much of his fortune in hopes of providing others with similar opportunities for success. Andrew Carnegie wrote “The Gospel of Wealth,” a philosophy in which a man should aim to acquire as much fortune as possible and finally give it away to philanthropic causes.

Controversies Around This Sociotype Some controversies exist concerning the making of the self-made man and also about his dynamic position in the society. Social Darwinism Versus the Labor Movement American sociologists were the first to deeply explore and analyze the concept behind the notion of social upward mobility. Indeed, various conservative and liberal schools of thought enhance the figure of “self-made man” but not for the same reasons. In fact, the former believes that any individual can flourish without any outside help and thus without subsidies from the government. This conception deeply nourishes the myth that every citizen, regardless of race, wealth, creed, color, or gender, can not only expect but also receive, justice, and fair play from society, on only one condition: doing one’s best. At the same time, the latter group of academics and public policy experts believe that the “rise of plebeians” will only happen in a state able to make a right place for every meritocratic man and ask for ambitious policies to product efficient social lifts. This concept of meritocracy, in developed as well as in the emerging countries, enhances the capability of a nation to give birth to new elites, refreshing an existing social order, represents a central issue. Whatever the point of view is conservative or liberal, a romanticism and sentimental glamor envelops the self-made man, magnifying his proportions. Their examples are often used to justify


social Darwinism and to oppose labor movements. It can be argued that the illusion of the “self-made man” helps to keep the working class in line and prevents them from agitating for an overall collective change in the direction of social equality. The term meritocracy is defined as a society that rewards those who show talent and competences as demonstrated by past actions or competitive performances. It refers to a utopian future in which one’s social place is determined by IQ and effort. The counterargument to the self-made man concept is that there is not a correlation between hard work and economic success. In fact, the people who work the longest hours and expend the most energy are usually the poorest; and really big money doesn’t come from working, it comes from owning assets. Self-Made Man as a Networked Person Self-made men attain their success through hard work, diligence, sometimes education, and faith in the system; however, one knows that “no man is an island.” Indeed, the notion of “self” in creating industries is probably out of date in a world where everyone is multilayered in his/her mobility across borders, always connected to someone else thanks to information and communications technologies, embedded in multiple social networks and forums. Mark Granovetter (1985) argues in favor of the “strength of the weak ties” and about the potential influence of institutional frameworks to overcome great obstacles and achieve goals. The case of John Sperling (Apollo Group) provides a good illustration. Born to a poor sharecropping family, Sperling struggled in school because of dyslexia; however, with encouragement from some of his teachers, he was able to graduate with a PhD from Cambridge University. From an evolutionary perspective influenced by social Darwinism theories, the concept of the self-made man sees an individual’s success constrained by market, competitiveness, and technological path dependency.


Conclusion and Future Directions The most important feature of self-made men is their resilience. Self-made men are mobile, active, and ambitious. Knowledge is passion not learning. Having grown up in difficult circumstances, they are dedicated to modify their original attributions within a competitive culture that values only winners. The path of self-made men is nonlinear. He (or she) is constrained by successive adaptations, challenges, and breaks, which all together transform a captain of his own destiny into a tycoon, and vice versa. They always try to be in full control of their destiny – personal or professional – and thus work harder, faster, and with greater efficiency. To scrutinize the process of enterprise creation in this model, it is essential to undertake face-toface interviews (prosopography) with several exemplars. Understanding the “bifurcations” in their lives is helpful; the life of a self-made man is made of such experiences. The setbacks and griefs that he endures make him bigger and helps him to march onward (even if sometimes he

Self-Made Man

cannot realize it in the moment). Then, success is measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles that one has had to overcome while trying to succeed.

Cross-References ▶ Entrepreneurship ▶ Innovator

References Douglass F. My bondage and my freedom: part I- life as a slave, part II – life as a freeman. New York: Miller, Orton & Mulligan; 1955. Franklin B. The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. London: Parson; 1793. Granovetter M. Economic action and social structure – the problem of embeddedness. Am J Sociol. 1985;91(3):481–510. Wyllie IG. The self-made man in America: the myth of rags to riches. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press; 1954. p. 210.


Psychological Aspects of Entrepreneurial Dynamics Gerhard Krauss Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Rennes 2, Rennes, France

Synonyms Entrepreneurial behavior; Entrepreneurial development; Entrepreneurial personality

Introduction: Basic Concepts and Variables Both terms “entrepreneurial” and “dynamics” address a non-static perspective, emphasizing the ongoing processes and the driving aggregate forces associated with entrepreneurship. The intervening psychological variables concern the human actors involved in these processes. On the micro- and intermediate levels, the mentioned concepts refer to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial interactions, that is, their capacity to act as a motor of move (implying undertaking spirit, initiative, capability of recognizing opportunities, creative imagination, ability of transforming emerging ideas into real projects, etc.). Entrepreneurial actors are often starting up and conducting one or several challenging projects and the related tasks.

On the community and organizational levels, the concepts refer to the enterprise as the formal frame, as well as to the community of the companies contributing together to the collective movement of change. The emergent collective forces generated are the result of the actions of individual entrepreneurs and their companies, which in return influence the entrepreneurial behavior and orientation of individuals and firms. Entrepreneurial action and the dynamics resulting from it comprise an important psychological component. Its relevance results from the fact that entrepreneurial action is based on interactive activities and that human actors, especially entrepreneurs, cannot be reduced to cold, passionless, emotionless, and rationally calculating actors. On the contrary, it is typical for them to associate their behavior with passions, feelings, emotions, and individual and collective thinking. Human action, in general, and that of entrepreneurs, in particular, is charged with emotions, subjective goals, and perceptions. It can be supposed that mental processes, feelings, perceptions, ideas, and ways of thinking and behaving must represent an important aspect of entrepreneurial dynamics. Psychological variables have a varying influence on entrepreneurship. Many scholars have particularly been interested in the role played by psychology in the early phases of nascent entrepreneurship, where uncertainty is high and the individual entrepreneur is highly involved (eventually assisted by one or more other

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_239-2


entrepreneurial persons). Aldrich (1999), in an evolutionary perspective, distinguishes the phases of “conception,” “gestation” (nascent entrepreneurs), “infancy” (new firms), and “adolescence” (establishment of the founded firms).

Psychological Aspects of Entrepreneurial Dynamics

secondly its critique, and thirdly some of the attempts made to develop more sophisticated and more complex explanation models.

The Trait Approach Theoretical Origins and Debates: The Relationship Between Economics and Psychology and Its Assimilation by Entrepreneurship Research The psychology of economic behavior has interested numerous scholars since a long time. An example is the pioneering contribution of Gabriel Tarde in nineteenth-century France who has studied the phenomenon from the point of view of the philosophy of difference (Lazzarato 2002). For Tarde, the concepts of imitation and invention are central which are directly linked to psychological variables (belief and desire). Later on, other famous scholars of the twentieth century known for linking economics and psychology are, for example, James G. March or Herbert Simon. Both were particularly interested in the role that cognitive and psychological variables may play in decision making – an activity which is recognized as central for entrepreneurship. In the field of entrepreneurship research, there has then emerged a more or less clear and fundamental opposition between two types of schools, which for a long time should mark the development of psychological approaches to entrepreneurship: on the one hand, those who focused on the psychological characteristics of the individual entrepreneur (trait approach), linking entrepreneurship directly to the psychological profile of the entrepreneur, and, on the other, those refuting such an approach, claiming that the entrepreneurial interactive process is central for analysis, independently of any individual characteristics of the entrepreneur. However, more recently, attempts were made to overcome this opposition and to develop more appropriate and more complex psychology-based explanations by combining the different perspectives. In the following sections, firstly the traditional trait approach perspective will be presented,

The trait approach represents a major psychological perspective applied to entrepreneurship. It has been particularly influent in the 1980s and stimulated a lot of research work during this decade. The starting point is the idea that personal characteristics or “traits” of the people running firms matter and indeed are seen as determinant for the development of these latter. This applies as well as to incumbent as to new firms, but the approach has been used especially for new firms and founders. In this case, in general, attempts were made to explain the success or failure of a start-up company by the psychological profile of its founder(s). This perspective has important theoretical implications. It includes a rather strange paradox: Whereas the entrepreneur normally is supposed to be a dynamic actor, oriented toward innovation and change (economic, technological, institutional, etc.) – which itself logically would require a dynamic theoretical perspective – the conceptualization of this actor in the trait approach in contrast reflects a rather static thinking. According to this view, the entrepreneur is supposed to have a fairly stable personality profile, which is innate: either one is an entrepreneur or not. This is seen as a question of psychological character and personality. The basic idea is that an entrepreneur has certain internal characteristics and dispositions which influence or determine his entrepreneurial behavior. However, it remains an open empirical question if these personality factors are generally dominant, how they interact with situation and context, and what influence these latter have. In addition, the postulate of the relative stability of traits may be questioned: Can traits evolve and change over time? Are they inborn or acquired through socialization and learning? Does “learning by doing” play a role in the domain of entrepreneurship? Do people develop certain

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entrepreneurial traits thanks to the experience of founding and running a business? A lot of research has been done in order to identify “who is an entrepreneur” (Gartner 1988) and to study what distinguishes him from nonentrepreneurs. Among the mostly studied attributes figure “need for achievement,” “locus of control,” or “risk taking,” but this short list is not exhaustive; others and less mentioned are, e.g., “values” or “age” (Gartner 1988: 11–12). People with high levels of need for achievement are those privileging challenging, but achievable tasks; people with an internal locus of control are those who think being able to determine their destiny themselves (in opposite to people with an external locus of control who feel to be constrained by their external environment); finally, risk taking is generally seen as a typical attribute, but it is also recognized that entrepreneurs are not foolish; their risk taking is rational and calculated. More examples are included in the table presented by Gartner in his article, among which figure “self-discipline and perseverance,” “action orientation,” “goal orientation,” “autonomy,” “aggression,” “innovative tendencies,” “creativity,” “desire for money,” “tolerance of uncertainty,” “tolerance of ambiguity,” and so on, quoting only some of the numerous characteristics attributed to the entrepreneur in the literature (Gartner 1988: 16). The different traits (separately or in combination) were not only used by scholars to differentiate entrepreneurs from non-entrepreneurs, or from managers, but also to compare different types of entrepreneurs, such as “nascent entrepreneurs,” “novice entrepreneurs,” “habitual entrepreneurs,” “serial entrepreneurs,” or “portfolio entrepreneurs” (Chell 2008: 9). Different trait approaches can be distinguished. For example, Chell (2008: 84) presents a typology of no less than seven different ways of using trait theories: (1) single trait approach, focusing on one particular trait which is studied; (2) multiple trait approach, studying a combination of traits; (3) personality structure, identifying a coherent system of traits; (4) cognitive traits, focusing on the cognitive dimension of personal characteristics (beliefs, perceptions, cognitive styles); (5) biologically based traits, linking traits to biological differences


between people; (6) abnormal traits (e.g., depression, psychopathy, hypochondria); and (7) psychodynamic theories, insisting on the importance of childhood experiences and the resulting subconscious, firmly implanted, compulsions and anxieties. Trait theory finally has evolved further, and an emergent consensus has been developing around scholars about the necessity to develop more complex models, among others, by recognizing the interrelationship between trait characteristics and situational or more general environmental conditions. In addition, modern trait research became increasingly concerned by a search of and the research on new traits (Chell 2008: 247), alternatively to the dominant classical ones mentioned above (which were need for achievement, internal vs. external locus of control, and risk taking). In this respect, recent research indicates that narrow personality traits seem to have a better explanation power of entrepreneurial behaviors than broader traits (Leutner et al. 2014) such as those used in the Big Five personality model (Zhao and Seibert 2006). In her book on the entrepreneurial personality, Elisabeth Chell enumerates several newly emerging traits, among others, for example, “opportunity recognition,” “proactive personality,” “self-efficacy,” “social competence,” and “intuition” (Chell 2008: 247). The emergence of these new traits in the theoretical debate emphasizes not at least the growing importance given to a cognitive view of entrepreneurial action. Studying entrepreneurial cognition may be seen in this context as a promising research strategy that might allow “to bring the entrepreneur back into entrepreneurship” (Krueger 2003: 105) by suggesting that the cognitive infrastructure of entrepreneurs (the way how entrepreneurs think, memorize, and learn to perceive opportunities) differentiates them from other people. Among the variables of social cognition studied in recent research, “trust” variables revealed to play an important role, but with ambiguous effects: if entrepreneurs in general show a relatively higher trust propensity than others, at the same time they seem to be aware of the risks of too much trust which they therefore tend to avoid and limit deliberately (Caliendo et al. 2012). Finally, the


cognitive dimension of entrepreneurship can also be studied on investment decisions, especially those taken under conditions of extreme uncertainty (e.g., by angel investors) where rational upstream analyses are not available and thus entrepreneurs and investors heavily rely on their sensations and impressions, or at least on a mix of analytical and intuitive thinking (Huang and Pearce 2015).

Major Criticism Addressed Toward Trait Research Trait research developed particularly well since the late 1970s and became rather popular among scholars especially during the 1980s. However, it never formed a very homogenous theoretical school. The field of entrepreneurial trait research was rather heterogeneous and dispersed and, in addition, provoked a very critical and conflictual debate among scholars in the second half of the 1980s. The critique of Gartner (1988, 1989) at the end of the 1980s is very instructive in this regard and summarizes the main critiques of that time. One of the arguments presented concerned the difficulty to define the entrepreneur and to identify clearly the traits that would differentiate him from non-entrepreneurs. While Gartner insisted on the impossibility to develop a generic definition, he criticized trait scholars for defying the doubts and attempting to distinguish entrepreneurs from other people by their personality characteristics. Gartner criticized that many different, and often vague, definitions of the entrepreneur were used, many researchers even not taking the effort at all to define the entrepreneur, and that the heterogeneity of the research samples finished by making it completely impossible to distinguish clearly between entrepreneurs and the rest of the population, or between successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs. A “psychological profile” of the entrepreneur assembled from the different studies, according to Gartner, “would portray someone larger than life, full of contradictions, and, conversely, someone so full of traits that (s)he would have to be a sort of generic ‘Everyman’” (Gartner 1988: 21).

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Gartner’s final conclusion was quite radical: He stated that the trait view is inadequate for understanding the entrepreneurial phenomenon. Instead of focusing on the personal and psychological characteristics of the entrepreneur, research should better concentrate on the study of the concrete behavior and activities of entrepreneurs, that is, adopt a process-oriented view (behavioral approach). Gartner illustrated his argument by a comparison with sports. For example, in the case of baseball, “a baseball player is not something one is, it is something one does” (Gartner 1988: 22). What would be important is the baseball game and not the player. In sum, entrepreneurship research should focus on what may be seen as central, which according to Gartner’s interpretation is synonymous with the start-up process, the efforts made by individuals to create organizations, and their outcomes (Gartner et al. 2004). The general orientation of such criticism at a first glance could appear as a turnabout in the theoretical debate at that time. However, like the classical trait approach, it was based in reality on an artificial isolation of one particular element of entrepreneurship, impeding a full understanding of the phenomenon. In the end, it led to a rather unfruitful opposition between two contrasting perspectives: a trait perspective on the one hand which was strongly criticized and an exclusively behavioral (or process) perspective on the other. While the former put the entrepreneur in the center of its model, the latter, on the contrary, had as a consequence to fade out his potential role in the theory.

Further Developments In their reaction to Gartner (1988), Carland et al. (1988) argued that it is inappropriate to separate the process of business creation from the characteristics of the founders and entrepreneurs because both aspects are inseparably tied. In a more recent article, Carland and Carland (2000) further criticized the tendency of contemporary economics to favor statistical reasoning and mathematical models, instead of exploratory study, which as a

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consequence tends to neglect the individual level of entrepreneurship, pushing the entrepreneur out of the explanation model. They suggest on the contrary to pay more attention to the entrepreneur’s characteristics and reasoning and to the cognitive process leading to venture creation. This would mean to take into account the individual “entrepreneurial psyche” which may be conceived “as a gestalt of multiple personality factors” (traits, cognitive styles, entrepreneurial drives). Such an argumentation finally may also offer a solution to the problem of differentiating the entrepreneur from non-entrepreneurs, since it does not necessarily imply a dichotomous vision (entrepreneur vs. non-entrepreneur) but allows interpreting the phenomenon as a relative one, which means that it would be compatible with the observation that entrepreneurship can manifest itself in quite heterogeneous forms. While the scientific debate in the 1980 produced an important movement for questioning the common psychological approach of the entrepreneurial personality used at that time, that is, the widespread focus on the psychological traits of the entrepreneur, later research was characterized by attempts to reequilibrate the psychological traits and behavioral perspectives. This meant to bring back the entrepreneur into the theoretical explanations and to develop more complex models which would take into account as well the role of personality as the contextual factors affecting entrepreneurship. The new trends in research on the psychological aspects of entrepreneurship, after the conflictual debate of the 1980s, went toward the development of more interactionist and cognitive approaches (Chell 2008: 142 ff.). Regarding the different topics studied, Chell (2008: 171) mentions, among others, the cognitive research on heuristics or shortcuts, cognitive scripts, cognitive biases (e.g., illusion of control), overconfidence, errors in decision making, self-efficacy (feeling/ perception of personal efficacy), regretful thinking and feelings of disappointment, opportunity recognition and evaluation, and social and cognitive aspects of creativity. The knowledge developed through this research suggests that if the entrepreneur’s


psychological dispositions may have some roots in innate traits, the interaction with others, as well as cognitive and social learning processes, plays a decisive role with regard to the construction of the entrepreneurial personality. The scientific field here is rather differentiated, different theoretical schools contributing to the ongoing scientific debate. According to Chell (2008: 204), four major categories of theories can be distinguished: trait theory, social constructionism, social cognitive theory, and social psychological theories. While trait theory supposes the existence of some, in the middle term, relative stable, behavioral patterns – independently from the question if these are inborn and/or developed throughout primary and secondary socialization (especially during the process of entrepreneurial experience) and more or less independent from situational influences – the other approaches relativize the role attributed to individual, in comparison to contextual and process factors, by linking, in different ways, both dimensions. The social constructionist approach, for example, is based on the idea that entrepreneurs are not socially isolated individuals. On the contrary, it postulates that the entrepreneurial personality is much a social construction which is permanently created and recreated through social interaction and interpersonal discourse. Social cognitivist approaches, in comparison, focus especially on the cognitive dimension of entrepreneurial behavior. The consistency of this latter is interpreted as an effect of the cognitive structures in long-term memory (context-specific social knowledge, beliefs, motivations, socially learned behavior, procedural skills, etc.). Again, this perspective tends somewhat to stress the static elements of entrepreneurial behavior and to attribute less attention to its dynamic aspects. Finally, the fourth category of approaches enumerated by Chell (2008: 204), the social psychological perspective, is different in this respect: Under this theoretical angle, the dynamics resulting from the interaction with the social and institutional environments are conceived as being relatively more important and even central. In this approach, environmental influences are seen to be


decisive, especially for the self-development of the entrepreneur. Recent and current research continues to be interested in the link between personality and entrepreneurship, representing a particular research strategy to approach the psychological aspects of entrepreneurial dynamics. For example, the Journal of Economic Psychology edited in 2012 a special issue on “Personality and Entrepreneurship” (Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 33, issue 2, April 2012). Besides that, the cognitive dimension is still studied by numerous scholars, a rather dynamic research field comprising (and being open to) many different topics (e.g., entrepreneurial cognition, cognitive adaptability, entrepreneurial opportunity recognition and evaluation, entrepreneurial decision making, entrepreneurial intentions, and cognitive motivations). A particularly interesting aspect of knowledgebased, innovation-oriented entrepreneurship remains the psychological dimension of creativity. Entrepreneurship and creativity are topics showing multiple interrelationships (Krauss and Sternberg 2014). David Cropley and Arthur Cropley (Cropley and Cropley 2014) underline that creativity requires a contradictory or paradoxical personality which represents one of the four psychological dimensions of creativity they consider in their model. The contradictions appear to result from variations in thinking, motivation, and feelings across the different phases of creativity (ibid.: 49), each phase of the innovation process imposing different requirements. Finally, another type of research work not mentioned yet, but of certain interest for the topic developed here, concerns the organizational level of entrepreneurship as the aggregate level of individual entrepreneurial behavior. An important indicator for the development of this type of work is the increasing number of research realized during the last years on “entrepreneurial orientation” (firms with entrepreneurial orientation are seen to be characterized by proactiveness, autonomy, innovation, risk taking). While the focus is on organizational issues and firm-level entrepreneurial behavior, it can be easily imagined that the organizational level, being the social arena for

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human action, is indirectly influenced by the psychological processes initiated on the micro- and intermediate levels of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial groups.

Conclusion and Future Directions Psychology plays an important role in entrepreneurial processes, since their basis are human interactions. However, it proved to be a challenging task in the past to develop theoretical models allowing to seize appropriately the psychological aspects of entrepreneurship. Important advances in academic knowledge have been realized during the past decades, with different theoretical focus. A very general trend in research seems to be the evolution away from the classical trait models of the 1980s toward more interactionist and/or cognitive approaches. An important point is that this does not necessarily imply questioning the potential role played by personal characteristics of the entrepreneur. On the contrary, current research again is considering the integration of these aspects into the theoretical models.

Cross-References ▶ Cognition of Creativity ▶ Creative Personality ▶ Creativity and Emotion ▶ Imagination ▶ In Search of Cognitive Foundations of Creativity ▶ Individual Determinants of Entrepreneurship ▶ Psychology of Creativity ▶ Social Psychology of Creativity

References Aldrich HA. Organizations evolving. London: Sage; 1999. Caliendo M, Fossen F, Kritikos A. Trust, positive reciprocity, and negative reciprocity: do these traits impact entrepreneurial dynamics? J Econ Psychol. 2012;33(2):394–409. Carland JA, Carland JW. New venture creation model. J Bus Entrepr. 2000;12(3):29–48.

Psychological Aspects of Entrepreneurial Dynamics Carland JW, Hoy F, Carland JA. “Who is an entrepreneur?” is a question worth asking. Am J Small Bus. 1988;12(4):33–9. Chell E. The entrepreneurial personality. A social construction. 2nd ed. Hove: Routledge; 2008. Cropley D, Cropley A. Managing entrepreneurship for innovation: a psychological analysis. In: Sternberg R, Krauss G, editors. Handbook of research on entrepreneurship and creativity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar; 2014. p. 21–59. Gartner WB. “Who is an entrepreneur?” Is the wrong question. Am J Small Bus. 1988;12(4):10–32. Gartner WB. Some suggestions for research on entrepreneurial traits and characteristics. Entrep Theory Pract. 1989;14(1):27–37. Gartner WB, Shaver KG, Carter NM, Reynolds PD, editors. Handbook of entrepreneurial dynamics: the process of business creation. Thousand Oaks: Sage; 2004. Huang L, Pearce JL. Managing the unknowable: the effectiveness of early-stage investor gut feel in entrepreneurial investment decisions. Adm Sci Q. 2015;60(4):634–70.

7 Journal of Economic Psychology. Special issue on “personality and entrepreneurship”. J Econ Psychol. 2012;33(2):319–424. Krauss G, Sternberg R. Introduction: on the relationship between entrepreneurship and creativity. In: Sternberg R, Krauss G, editors. Handbook of research on entrepreneurship and creativity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar; 2014. p. 1–17. Krueger NF. The cognitive psychology of entrepreneurship. In: Acs ZJ, Audretsch DB, editors. Handbook of entrepreneurship research. New York: Springer; 2003. p. 105–40. Lazzarato M. Puissances de l'invention: la psychologie économique de Gabriel Tarde contre l'économie politique. Paris: Les empêcheurs de penser en rond; 2002. Leutner F, Ahmetoglu G, Akhtar R, Chamorro-Premuzic T. The relationship between the entrepreneurial personality and the Big Five personality traits. Personal Individ Differ. 2014;63:58–63. Zhao H, Seibert SE. The Big Five personality dimensions and entrepreneurial status: a meta-analytical review. J Appl Psych. 2006;91(2):259–71.


Social Entrepreneurship Nadine Richez-Battesti and Francesca Petrella Lest CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, Aix-enprovence, France


Although interest of social entrepreneurship seems to be recent, as far as its capacity to reconcile private and social value creation is concerned, the first works on social entrepreneurship have to be found in the 1980s. Social entrepreneurship appears as a phenomenon not well recognized that has gained interest both in the USA and in Europe, given its capacity to overcome the opposition between profit and social value creation.

Entrepreneur; Social networks

Introduction Social entrepreneurship is commonly used to qualify all economic initiatives that serve social and/or environmental mission and that reinvest a large part of their surpluses in support of their mission (OCDE 1998). Although this definition is not yet stabilized and its boundaries remain unclear, it focuses on the aim to achieve both economic efficiency and social innovation. It takes place within a context of great uncertainty about the future of welfare states and their capacity to meet new societal needs, of financial and budgetary constraints that force public authorities to develop new forms of interaction between public and private sectors, and therefore, of need to build new responses to societal challenges that are sustainable socially, economically, and environmentally. Within this context, all sorts of initiatives that can be qualified as social innovations are gaining interest.

Social Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneur, and Social Enterprise: Is There Any Difference? These three notions are used quite indistinctively in most of the Anglo-Saxon literature, although the choice of one term out of another is not neutral. Rooted in Entrepreneurship These three notions have in common to share the same roots in the term “entrepreneur,” which is associated with creating value and change in the economy. As explained by Dees (1998, p. 1), the origins of the word entrepreneur have to be found in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. For say, in the early nineteenth century, the entrepreneur “shifts economic resources out of an area of lower productivity and into an area of higher productivity and greater yield” (Dees 1998, p. 1). One century later, Schumpeter considers that entrepreneurs are the “change agents in the

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_244-2


Social Entrepreneurship

economy” and create value in the sense that, “by serving new markets or creating new ways of doing things, they move the economy forward” (Dees 1998, p. 1). More recently, as described by Dees (1998), Drucker added a dimension of “opportunity”: “An entrepreneur always searches for change, respond to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.” A last dimension can be added to the definition of “entrepreneur.” According to Stevenson cited by Dees (1998), entrepreneurs pursue “the opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.” In other words, the entrepreneur is able to mobilize new resources or to find new combinations of resources to achieve his objective. Putting together all these dimensions of the notion of entrepreneur, Dees (1998) proposes to consider social entrepreneurs as entrepreneurs with a social mission. However, the value created by the pursuit of this social mission, which is designed as a social value, cannot be easily measured by the market mechanism (that measures the private value created). Based on these dimensions, Dees (1998, p. 4) proposes the following definition: Social entrepreneurs are “playing the role of change agents in the social sector by adopting a mission to create and sustain social value, recognizing and relentlessly pursuing new opportunities to serve that mission, engaging in a process of continuous innovation, adaptation and learning, acting boldly without being limited by resources currently in hand, and finally exhibiting a heightened sense of accountability to the constituencies served and for the outcomes created.” For Martin and Osberg (2007, p. 34), the difference between entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship lies “in the value proposition itself.” The entrepreneur anticipates and organizes his value proposition to serve the markets and create financial profit, while the social entrepreneur anticipates and organizes his action in order to create “large-scale” benefits for society. The value proposition of a social entrepreneur does not need a market to pay for this proposition but targets excluded, marginalized, or neglected parts of the population. In their proposition, the notion of opportunity is also a central one. The social entrepreneur identifies an opportunity to improve the situation of the marginalized group of the population. In that sense, the social entrepreneur, through direct action, aims to create and sustain a new equilibrium.

Social Entrepreneurship or Social Entrepreneur? The notions of social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneur have gained popularity since the 1990s, in the USA as well as in Europe. Today, these terms recover a wide range of organizations, since it is used to qualify nonprofit organizations that start for-profit or earned income ventures, social purpose business ventures, social businesses, or social enterprises. These encompass corporate social responsibility practices. Such aims include the design of innovative processes that integrate social, environmental, and ethical human rights and consumer concerns into the business operations of conventional enterprises, as well as the change of strategic objectives in close collaboration with their stakeholders. Social entrepreneurship activities are normally characterized by a dual bottom line, and they are voluntarily promoted by entrepreneurs and managers committed to become more responsible. For Martin and Osberg (2007, p. 30), this increasing popularity leads to the inclusion of various activities that create a social benefit in this notion, which can be confusing. They consider that “the definition of social entrepreneurship today is anything but clear” and argue in favor of a more “rigorous” definition. They propose to distinguish social entrepreneurship from social service provision and from social activism (Martin and Osberg 2007, p. 36). The critical distinction from social services ventures lies in the fact that the latter does not “break out of their limited frame.” They do not change the system and build a new equilibrium, less unfair for the underserved groups of the population. Considering social activism, the main difference comes from the fact that the social entrepreneur implements a direct action, while social activists try to bring some change through indirect action, by militant missions toward governments for instance. Some distinctions are however made in the literature. As suggested by Mair and Marti (2006), the notion of “social entrepreneur” focuses on the individual characteristics of the entrepreneur and his behavior. As stated by Drayton (2002), social entrepreneurs have special traits

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and a strong ethical fiber. Social entrepreneurs have a vision of the social change they want to achieve, do take risks to do so, are creative, and have leadership skills. By contrast, the notion of “social entrepreneurship” is a way to put more emphasis on the process, on the organizational and collective dimensions of the entrepreneurship. The notion of “social enterprise” refers to the “tangible outcome of social entrepreneurship.” Different Schools of Social Enterprise Social enterprise emerged, approximately, at the same period of time in both sides of the Atlantic, although without any connection between them until the mid-2000s (Defourny and Nyssens 2010, 2011). In the USA, the Social Enterprise Initiative was launched in 1993, by the Harvard Business School, followed by large universities and foundations that developed support programs to social entrepreneurs. Different entrepreneurial initiatives with a social mission emerged in the USA in the 1980s, mainly within the nonprofit sector, but it was not until the 1990s that they were put together within the concept of “social entrepreneurship.” In Europe, its emergence is associated with the development of social cooperatives in Italy, recognized by a specific law in 1991, and with the work of the EMES (EMergence des Entreprises Sociales) European Research Network during the 1990s. Since then, the notion of social enterprise has been developed by different schools that are usually separated in two groups, although not all the works on social entrepreneurship can fit exclusively within one of the schools (Borzaga and Defourny 2001; Dees and Anderson 2006; Defourny and Nyssens 2010). The “Earned Income” School of Thought The “earned income” school of thought defines social enterprises as nonprofit organizations that search for alternative funding strategies. Developing commercial activities was a way to solve their funding problems since they had to face important cutbacks in public grants and encountered increasing difficulties to mobilize private donations from individuals or foundations. These


organizations therefore develop market-oriented economic activities that generate fees that will be reinvested for their social purpose. This earlier approach has then been enlarged to consider as social enterprise all types of organizations, nonprofit as well as for-profit ones, that develop market-oriented economic activities serving a social purpose. For Defourny and Nyssens (2010, p. 20), the notion of social business developed by Muhammad Yunus (2007) falls within this approach. For Yunus, a social business is a nondividend company that does not distribute all its profits and a no loss company. A company that is not able to cover its production costs and reimburse its investors while serving its mission is not a social business. Social businesses differ from charities since they do not depend on donations nor on public subsidies to develop their activity. However, the notion of social business is now used to qualify a wide spectrum of organizations that allow for a limited redistribution of profit. The organization can therefore be “for-profit” or not-for-profit. The notion of social business also characterizes the new organizational models of multinational firms aimed at helping the poor to access to market, as in the bottom of the pyramid approach. The “Social Innovation” School of Thought The social innovation school gives a central role to the social innovation dynamic that is most of the time driven by a social entrepreneur, who possesses crucial personal characteristics to pursue his social mission, such as dynamism, creativity, and leadership. Social innovation is here personalized and reflects the priority given to the individual instead of to the organization. The definition of Dees (1998), mentioned above, illustrates this line of thought. The social entrepreneur is a change maker; he possesses the classical characteristics of an entrepreneur but is motivated by a social mission. This view of social innovation has been supported by foundations such as Schwab and Ashoka from the beginning of the 1980s that still encourage the development and the professionalization of social entrepreneurs, in particular with a nonprofit status. This conception is also at the heart of training program


developed by higher schools in France, such as the program implemented by the Social Entrepreneurship Chair of the ESSEC school. Social entrepreneurship can therefore be considered as a social innovation or as an opportunity to create social innovation. For Phills et al. (2008), however, both notions, social entrepreneurship and social enterprise, are not appropriate to analyze all forms of creating social change, because they have their roots in the nonprofit sector. These authors argue that the notion of social innovation is more accurate since it allows including all kinds of organizations that produce social change, such as public, for-profit, or nonprofit organizations. “Innovation can emerge in places and from people outside the scope of social entrepreneurship and social enterprise” (Phills et al. 2008, p. 37). These authors consider social innovation both as a process and as a result and focus on the analysis of the processes that lead to the emergence of social innovation. For instance, social innovation could emerge from a collective process organized by multiple actors at the territorial level in order to create social value to solve social problems (Klein and Harrisson 2007). From this perspective, social innovation is the result of cooperation processes between local actors that coordinate to meet unsolved social problems. Such processes rely on participative dynamics and on the combination of different types of resources (market, public, and voluntary ones). This leads these authors to characterize social innovation as inclusive and participative. Beyond the diversity of these two schools of thought, Defourny and Nyssens (2010, p. 21) mention, however, that there exists an effort toward the emergence of a common vision of a social enterprise in the USA that would include the following criteria (cf. Emerson 2006): the search for social value creation/impact, social innovation, the use of market resources and the use of managerial practices, whatever the statute of the organization, nonprofit or for-profit, public or private.

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Social Enterprise in Europe The European model of social enterprise emerged in the 1990s with the work of the EMES European Research Network, in relationship with the development of new forms of enterprises coming from the third sector, such as social cooperatives in Italy (1995), social purpose companies in Belgium(1995), or social solidarity cooperative in Portugal (1998) (Gardin 2010). The EMES Network proposed a conceptual definition of social enterprises, characterized by a set of nine criteria classified within three groups: • The first set of criteria deals with the economic dimension of their activity (a continuous activity producing goods and/or selling services, a significant level of economic risk, a minimum amount of paid work). • The second set of criteria concerns their social and inclusive dimension (an explicit aim to benefit the community, an initiative launched by a group of citizens, a limited profit distribution). • And the last set of criteria characterizes their governance structure (a high degree of autonomy, a decision-making power not based on capital ownership, and a participatory nature, which involves various parties affected by the activity). These criteria contribute to build an “ideal type” in Weber’s terms, i.e., an abstract construction that enables researchers to position themselves within the “galaxy” of social enterprises and to draw the boundaries of what can be considered as a social enterprise (Defourny and Nyssens 2006). This ideal type characterizes social enterprises by a complex mixture of goals (Evers 2001); a resource mix that combines market, public, and voluntary resources; and a multistakeholder organization. Such a definition of social enterprise is not that different from the definition of the social economy and builds a bridge between different components of the third sector, such as cooperatives and nonprofit organizations (Defourny and Nyssens 2006, p. 7).

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A Largely Debated Notion Social entrepreneurship, social entrepreneur, and social enterprise are similar notions that hide some elements of controversy, in particular if we compare the European approach with the American schools of thought. As pointed by many authors, such as Young and Salamon (2002), the European vision gives more emphasis to the governance model adopted by the social entrepreneur. Participation and democratic organization are highlighted in the EMES ideal type of social entrepreneur. Note also that the resource mix is larger in the European model since it emphasizes the necessity to combine not only market-related resources but also public subsidies and private donations (Nyssens 2006). Lastly, the European model explicitly allows for a limited redistribution of the surpluses generated by the activity, which is not always the case in the American schools of thought. Within this perspective, mutual organizations, work integration organizations, and cooperatives can be considered as social enterprises (Petrella and Richez-Battesti 2016). We therefore propose to locate the demarcation line between the American models and the European ones in the recognition – or not – of the existence of a third economic model, at the crossroads of market, public policy, and civil society (Nyssens 2006). For the first, social entrepreneurship relies on the characteristics and on the vision of an individual within the frame of a “new kind of capitalism that serves humanity’s most pressing needs” (Yunus 2008). This conception can be related to the increasing recognition of the corporate social responsibility of any type of enterprises. However, if the contribution to social welfare improvement is only associated to socially and environmentally sustainable practices, these firms do not fall into our definition of social enterprises. The contribution to social value creation has to be direct and central to the aim of the firm in order to consider it as social enterprises. Nevertheless, in some cases, the boundaries with the corporate social responsibility can be permeable. Social enterprises indeed use earned income


strategies to pursue a double or triple bottom line. Some therefore propose to debate on the emergence of the “welfare enterprise” (Salmon 2011). For the European model, the social enterprise is the result of a collective process, to be found in the origin of the project as well as in the governance structure of the organization that can lead sometimes to the constitution of multistakeholder organizations (Borzaga and Mittone 1997; Pestoff 1998; Petrella and Richez-Battesti 2016). The collective dimension of social enterprises also emerges in the collective benefits that they are aimed to create. Social enterprises are therefore part of a third sector, separated from the private capitalist and the public sectors. From this perspective, it is important to stress that social enterprises, in the European model, develop their activities in a complementary interaction with the public action. The European approach recognizes a larger diversity of organizations that interact within a more complex and diversified environment than in the American approach (Ghezali and Sibille 2010). In the USA, there is a tendency to consider social enterprises as substitutes for public action in order to overcome its shortages. Social entrepreneurship is often presented as a way to develop entrepreneurial approaches to meet social problems, since governmental and philanthropic initiatives are not able to solve all the social problems (Dees 1998). Social entrepreneurs will try to develop more efficient ways of solving social problems and are seen as an opportunity to substitute social entrepreneurship to direct public intervention, through the development of markets – or quasimarkets – of welfare. By contrast, one could consider social entrepreneurship initiatives as an opportunity to redesign public policy, in particular through the adoption of more participative processes of public action (Nyssens 2006). An institutional support to social entrepreneurship at the international level governments of different countries, along with international organizations such as the OECD and more recently the European Union, has contributed to the recognition, the legitimacy, and the development of social


entrepreneurship or social enterprise around the world. In countries such as Italy, the emergence of social cooperatives contributed to the thinking on social enterprises from the beginning of the 1990s and the works of the EMES Network in particular. In France, the agency of valorization of socioeconomic initiatives (AVISE) helped to spread the notion of social enterprise, in connection with the EMES definition on the one hand and the creation of a new legal status of collective interest cooperative in 2001. In 2002, the British government launched a national strategy in favor of social entrepreneurship. The definition proposed in the document called “Social Enterprise: A Strategy for Success” published in 2002 (p. 13) has become the most exhaustive and used definition of social entrepreneurship: “A social enterprise is a business with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested or that purpose in the business or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to maximize profit for shareholders and owners.” The Danish government also started to work on a national strategy to support social innovation within the same period of time. The Skoll World Forum on social entrepreneurship, in relationship with the Oxford University, facilitated the discussions, debates, and critical issues around the question of “Social Entrepreneurship: Shifting Power Dynamics,” by exploring how social entrepreneurs find their way through and can influence the power dynamics within their approach that searches for change. Nearly 800 delegates coming from more than 60 countries took part in the first meeting of the most important social entrepreneurs. Discussions, debates, and seminar sessions were organized during three days and three nights by famous personalities coming from social sectors, universities, financial organizations, and political representatives with the aim to foster innovative solutions to the most urgent social needs at the world level. The Skoll World Forum also puts into the discussion the fact that the narrowing of credit

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opportunities highlights the need to increase the financial sustainability of innovative initiatives and reinforce the search processes toward charities and social enterprises. At the international level, the OECD proposed a definition of social enterprise that built upon various examples analyzed in its member countries (North America, Europe, Japan, Australia, Mexico, etc.): “Social enterprises are organizations that take different legal forms across OECD countries to pursue both social and economic goals with an entrepreneurial spirit. Social enterprises typically engage in delivery of social services and work integration services for disadvantaged groups and communities, whether in urban or rural area. In addition, social enterprises are also emerging in the provision of community services, including in the educational, cultural and environmental fields. The social enterprise refers to any type of private activity.” Since the financial crisis of 2008, the European Commission launched a package of actions to encourage a growth process that is more inclusive, emphasizing the role of social innovation and social entrepreneurship. For instance, the Social Business Initiative falls within this set of actions (Social Business Initiative, COM (2011) 682 final). It defines a social enterprise as follows: “A social enterprise is an operator in the social economy whose main objective is to have a social impact rather than make a profit for their owners or shareholders. It operates by providing goods and services for the market in an entrepreneurial and innovative fashion and uses its profits primarily to achieve social objectives. It is managed in an open and responsible manner and, in particular, involve employees, consumers and stakeholders affected by its commercial activities.” It is interesting to note that the governance structure reflects, in one way or another, the general interest objective. Within this initiative, an action plan to support social entrepreneurship has been elaborated with the identification of key actions aimed at improving the access to funding, increasing the

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visibility of social entrepreneurship, and improving the legal environment.

Conclusion and Future Directions Social entrepreneurship is a different kind of entrepreneurship aimed at creating social value, i.e., large-scale benefits for society. Everyone seems to agree on the fact that social entrepreneurs identify opportunities to foster change in society in order to solve new social problems, by providing new ideas and new types of services and by searching for more efficient – or new – combinations of resources. Social entrepreneurship is therefore generally associated to social innovation. Nevertheless, social entrepreneurship is still a controversial notion. Current debates are focusing, on the one hand, on the boundaries of these notions, between market, public policy, and civil society. On the other hand, crucial debates concern the organizational form that social entrepreneurship will take, such as being led by an individual or being the result of a collective process, having a democratic and inclusive governance or not. Indeed, the organizational form illustrates the importance given to each of the main criteria defining social enterprises: their economic and entrepreneurial dimension, their social aim, and their inclusive and participatory governance.

Cross-References ▶ Diversity and Entrepreneurship ▶ Entrepreneur ▶ Entrepreneur in Utopian Thinking ▶ Entrepreneurship and Social Inclusion ▶ Microfirms ▶ Proximity Relationships and Entrepreneurship ▶ Social Capital ▶ Social Innovation ▶ Social Networks and Entrepreneurship ▶ Socialized Entrepreneur, Theories


References Borzaga C, Defourny J, editors. The emergence of social enterprise. Londres: Routledge; 2001. 386 p. Borzaga C, Mittone L. The multistakeholders versus the non-profit organization. Università degli Studi di Trento, Draft paper no 7; 1997. Dees JG. (revised in 2001), The meaning of “social entrepreneurship”, working paper. Stanford: Stanford University – Graduate School of Business; 1998. Dees JG, Anderson B. Framing a theory of social entrepreneurship: building on two schools of practice and thought, research on social entrepreneurship. ARNOVA Occas Pap Ser. 2006;1(3):39–66. Defourny J, Nyssens M. Defining social enterprise. In: Nyssens M, editor. Social enterprise: between market. London/New York: Routledge/Public Policies and Civil Society; 2006. p. 3–26. Defourny J, Nyssens M. Conceptions of social enterprises and social entrepreneurship in Europe and in the United States; convergences and divergences. J Soc Entrep. 2010;1(1):32–53. Defourny J, Nyssens M. Approches européennes et américaines de l’entreprise sociale: une perspective comparative. Rev Int Etud Coop Mutual Assoc. 2011;319:18–35. Drayton W. The citizen sector: becoming as entrepreneurial and compettive as business. Calif Manage Rev. 2002;44, n 3 spring:120–32. Emerson J. Moving ahead together, implications of a blended value framework for the future of social entrepreneurship. In: Nicholls A (dir.). A social entrepreneurship. New models of sustainable social change. New York: Oxford University Press; 2006. p. 391–406. Evers A. The significance of social capital in the multiple goal and resource structure of social enterprises. In: Borzaga C, Defourny J, editors. The emergence of social enterprise. London/New York: Routledge; 2001. p. 296–311. Gardin L. Les entreprises sociales, Revue du MAUSS permanente, 15 mars 2010 (en ligne). 2010. http:// www.journaldumauss.net/spip.php?article664 Ghezali T, Sibille H. Démocratiser l’économie. Paris. Grasset; 2010. Klein J-L, Harrisson D. Innovation sociale, Emergence et effets sur la transformation des sociétés. 2nd ed. Presses de l’Université du Québec. Montréal; 2007. Mair J, Marti I. Social entrepreneurship research: a source of explanation, prediction, and delight. J World Bus. 2006;41:36–44. Martin RL, Osberg S. Social entrepreneurship: the case for definition. Stanford Soc Innov Rev. 2007;Spring: 29–39. Nyssens M. Social enterprise. At the crossroads of market, public policies and civil society. Londres/New York: Routledge; 2006. 386 p. Ocde. Les entreprises sociales dans les pays membres de l’OCDE, Service du développement territorial, Rapport pour le secrétariat. Paris: OCDE; 1998.

8 Pestoff VA. Beyond the market and state, social enterprises and civil democracy in a welfare society. Aldershot/ Bookfield/Singapore/Sydney: Ashgate; 1998. Petrella F, Richez-Battesti N. Patterns of evolutions of social enterprises in France: a focus on work integration social enterprises. Int Rev Sociol. 2016;26(2):234–46. Petrella F, Richez-Battesti N. Social enterprises and their ecosystems a european mapping report. Updated country Report: France: European Commission; 2016. http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=fr&catId= 89&newsId=2649 Phills J, Deiglmeier K, Miller D. Rediscovering social innovation. Stanford Soc Innov Rev. 2008;6:34–43. Fall 2008.

Social Entrepreneurship Salmon A. L’entreprise providence; espoir ou consternation, débat sur la responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise, Revue du MAUSS permanente, 15 mars 2011 (en ligne). 2011. http://www.journaldumauss.net/spip. php?article785 Young D, Salamon L. Commercialization, social ventures and for profit competition. In: Salamon LM, editor. The state of non profit America. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution; 2002. p. 423–46. Yunus M. Creating a world without poverty: social business and the future of capitalism. New York: Public Affairs Books; 2007. Yunus M. Vers un nouveau capitalisme. Paris: Le Livre de Poche; 2008.


Social Networks and Entrepreneurship Nadine Richez-Battesti and Francesca Petrella Lest CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, Aix-enProvence, France

Synonyms Interindividual and/or Interorganizational interdependence; Social capital Network analysis has steadily expanded over the past decades within several disciplines, such as sociology, management, and to a lesser extent economics. It has developed both in normative terms and in constructivist analyses based on empirical work. While sometimes limited to a methodological procedure based on mathematical and statistical tools as part of a structural analysis (Lazega 1998), network analysis has a broader theoretical ambition, which has become increasingly pronounced. Ranging from observation of informal ties among individuals to the network as a mode of organization, it concerns, on the one hand, the behavior of individuals or groups of individuals and, on the other, organizations. It therefore covers very varied fields of analysis, from the role of networks in access to employment to their effect on company performance or the dynamics of a territory. The term social network suggests connection, circulation, exchange flows,

and interactions and is applied to many situations. As Bidart (2008) puts it, “a social network is a relational system.” It can be defined as “a set of relationships of a specific type (e.g., collaboration, support, advice, control or influence) among a set of actors” (Lazega 1994). As a collective actor, the network can also be seen as a third way between market and hierarchy, or between macro-social approaches and individualist approaches (Mercklé 2004). The network is, finally, envisaged through the resources it makes it possible to mobilize, thus helping to associate the social network with social capital. This entry first shows the diversity of approaches and the influence of the disciplinary starting points. Networks are then characterized in terms of indicators and methods. The interorganizational dimension of networks is more specifically characterized. Finally, the contributions and limits of network theory are discussed.

The Diversity of Approaches Social networks are the object of a multiplicity of approaches and methodologies (Mercklé 2004). Thus, as Mercklé stresses, their history is not a linear succession of filiations but a progressive conjunction of initially quite distinct issues, objects, and methods. Some authors, such as Forsé (2002), trace the analysis of social networks back to the early

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_245-2


twentieth century, pointing to the pioneering research of sociologists like Simmel (1908). Forsé thus stresses that the level of analysis chosen is neither that of the individual nor that of the collective, but an intermediate level, the mesosociological level, where the social relations resulting from interaction among individuals can be apprehended. Others, such as Mercklé (2004), regard Barnes, in 1954, as the first anthropologist to have made use of the notion of the network. Yet others, such as Eve (2002), identify two traditions of analysis of social networks. The first, known as the Manchester School, is mainly represented by British anthropologists, from the 1950s. They aimed to characterize the configuration of a network of individuals based on an interpersonal approach. The second, social network analysis, was developed by the Harvard School within a structuralist approach. It aims to describe social groups in relational terms and analyze the nodes, whether they concern individuals, organizations, or institutions, distinguishing between formal and informal relationships. This second school includes the sociologist Mark Granovetter (1973, 1995), who is often seen as a major theorist in network analysis. In the early 1970s, he characterized the formation of social networks and showed their importance in the structuring of contemporary social relations. Granovetter’s theory of social networks makes it possible to articulate the individual and the collective by considering that the actions of actors are determined by the social organization and that the ties they form are conditioned by elements outside their own will and specific to the contexts in which they are set. This anchoring of individuals’ actions in their context thus renews the analysis of individual behaviors by resituating them in the complexity of systems of social relations. Granovetter’s work makes network analysis a genuine theory and not simply a specific method used in the social sciences. One of his contributions is that he characterizes the nature of ties by distinguishing between “strong” and “weak” ties. Strong ties express a high degree of resemblance between two or more persons (family, friends) who are in relationship. They link homogeneous groups and the information that circulates

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generally remains confined to a restricted group. By contrast, weak ties favor the circulation of individuals and groups or of information in a wider network or “from clique to clique” (Granovetter 1973). These weak ties are those richest in new information and opportunities. The common feature of these approaches is that they privilege circulation rather than attributes (age, occupation, etc.) and identify and analyze alternative ways of functioning relative to those that are institutionalized. They also have in common the fact that they are pitched at a level of observation intermediate between individual and society (Bidart 2008) and make it possible to observe ties and intertwinings between social networks and institutions. Analyses of networks thus bring to light the mechanisms of the construction of these ties among individuals, collectives, and institutions. In particular, they show how groups are connected by common individuals, and how individuals are connected by common groups.

The Influence of Disciplinary Entry Points Depending on the disciplinary entry points chosen, network theory tends to privilege specific angles of observation. While the role of networks as resources for individuals and collectives is a recurrent feature, tensions can be observed between an interindividual approach to networks and a more organizational approach, again illustrating the diversity of analyses. Structural Analysis of Social Networks as a Theory of Socialization This approach is mainly developed by sociologists. In this structural perspective, social networks are not a particular mode of social organization but a means of analyzing social structures and examining their roles (Mercklé 2004). As Degenne and Forsé (2004) emphasize, the aim is to understand how a structure constrains individuals’ behaviors and the resources they can mobilize, while resulting from the interactions among them. One therefore has to identify regularities in behavior on the basis of several criteria:

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connectedness (identifying groups according to the links among their members), cohesion (density of relationships), equivalence (looking for similarities among individuals), or the frequency of relationships (Forsé 2008). Bidart (2008) makes the study of social networks a tool for understanding the processes of individual socialization. She draws up a dynamic cartography of the modes of circulation and anchoring of young people in social universes, bringing out the transversal logics and the multiple memberships. Grossetti (2004) observes the movements of embedding of individuals merging into a collective and the movements of uncoupling when individuals detach themselves from them. In particular, he characterizes the dynamics of interpersonal networks and organizations in enterprise creation. The ambition of the sociology of social networks is thus to restore to individual behaviors the complexity of the systems of social relations in which they take on their meaning, and to which they in turn give meaning. A “social network,” in this perspective, is both the set of social units and the relationships that these social units have with one another, directly or indirectly through chains of varying lengths. These social units may be individuals, informal groups of individuals, or more formal organizations, such as associations, firms, or even countries. The relationships among the elements designate forms of social interactions which can also be extremely diverse in nature: They may be monetary transactions, transfers of goods or exchange of services, transmissions of information, perceptions, or interindividual evaluations, orders, physical contacts (from handshakes to sexual relations), and more generally all kinds of verbal or gestural interactions, common participation in the same event, etc. Social Network Theory as a Theory of Action In the field of management, the development of social network theory within the new economic sociology, the theory of social embeddedness, and the theory of social capital have renewed the analysis of organizational dynamics and more especially of individual action, intraorganizational cooperation, and interorganizational relationships


(Baret et al. 2006). Two complementary perspectives have emerged. On the one hand, Huault (1998) shows that it makes it possible to ground a theory of action by setting it in its relational context, thus relativizing the effects of the attributes specific to individuals. Network theory thus makes it possible to analyze not only individual action but also collective action. On the other hand, the network is seen as a mode of coordination of individual activities that is an alternative to the market and the hierarchy (Baret et al. 2006). It is thus a mode of organization and a mode of governance. A third perspective completes this landscape. Actor-network theory – also known as the sociology of socio-technical networks – which is more centered on innovation, goes further into the question of cooperation. Bestriding sociology and theory of organizations, it aims to theorize the mechanisms of the production of cooperation, one successful form of which is the network (Akrich et al. 2006). These authors make translation a key element of their analysis. They use this term to express the need to interrelate heterogeneous activities and favor understanding among actors. So, in this disciplinary field, social network theory makes it possible to characterize not only individual action but also collective action. Thus, some research has examined the effects of social networks on the performance of work teams (Hansen 1999), or the effects of “board interlocks” on corporate strategies (e.g., Gulati and Westphal 1999; Del Vecchio 2010). The network may be regarded instrumentally as a means of access to resources useful to action. It is also analyzed through its influence on the practices and tools of management (Lecoutre and Lièvre 2009). Finally, it is treated as an organizational model facilitating coordination among individuals or groups of individuals and organizations. At last, the network is a mode of coordination alternative to the hierarchy, the market, and the contract, enabling flexible coordination of the resources of individuals and organizations, and in particular of knowledge resources. Social networks and the capital social they accumulate constitute a collective good for organizations: They


reduce coordination costs and favor collective action based on shared values (Baret et al. 2006). Social Network as a Theory of Social Embeddedness and as a Means of Securing Exchanges Economics is no doubt the area in which network theory is least developed. However, as a means of coping with uncertainty, it has begun to be recognized. As Williamson (1975) observed, economic agents’ efforts to reduce risk in situations of uncertainty induce transaction costs. More generally, the means used to reduce uncertainty come up against various limits – the difficulty of accessing information on products or partners, the incompleteness of contracts, and the risk of opportunist behavior by one of the parties. In such situations, the social embedding of a transaction and the interdependence of social and economic ties represent an efficient mechanism for economic coordination and offset the deficiencies of the market. Hence, it is the informational dimension of social networks that is privileged in this type of analysis (Ferrary 2010). However, this notion of social embeddedness, derived from the works of Granovetter (2005) and the contributions of economic sociology, is not reduced to the informational dimension alone (Ferrary 2010). It makes insertion in networks a social capital that is regarded as a resource for individuals. Social embeddedness also modifies the mechanisms of social regulation that influence the behavior of economic agents and their individual decisionmaking. From another standpoint, in the construction of the social bond and the dynamics of networks in the writings of economists, they are often regarded as the result of the utilitarian behavior of individuals who maximize their utility by involving themselves in networks. This assumes intentionality on the part of individuals in their membership of networks, which leaves little place for other, e.g., more altruistic, behaviors. Finally, Aoki (2010) refines the economists’ distinction between social capital and social networks, considering that the notion of social capital relates primarily to individual strategies whereas social networks refer to the behaviors of

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individuals and result from an overall equilibrium associated with specific organizational models. In doing so, he gives the notion of the social network a more organizational dimension than that of the – more individual – social capital.

Characterizing Social Networks: Indicators and Methods Different authors characterize networks according to different criteria, relating to their size, their density, the strength of the ties, their frequency, intensity, diversity, or multiplexity (a relationship is multiplex if it serves for several sorts of exchanges at once, as defined by Degenne and Forsé (2004)), their completeness or, on the contrary, the more personal character of networks, or the places that certain individuals or collective actors occupy in the network (more or less central), and they specify the nature of the relations among individuals and organizations (proximity, trust, reciprocity, etc.). One of the difficulties encountered by these approaches is that of defining the frontiers of the network that is observed: Is it a personal network (of friends), is it complete (in the sense of a finite network such as a work team), is it stable (having a certain permanence, etc.), is it open (with the introduction of a principle of saturation, i.e., a situation in which supplementary observation does not modify the social structure being studied)? Another difficulty lies in taking account of its dynamic evolution – how does one grasp its changes over time? And what about learning effects? Social network analysis is also based on the study of the relations among individuals and their regularities. It is thus possible to identify subgroups of individuals and their relationships with the network as a whole. This type of procedure relies on specific models and methods and on use of mathematical tools borrowed from the theory of graphs and linear algebra. The methods of networks analysis may be inductive. Networks are then described in order to analyze a relational structure with the aid of a graphical representation (a sociogram) representing the ties among the actors. A good

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knowledge of the terrain of observation is required (Lazega 1998). Some authors adopt narrative approaches, thus exhibiting the activated relationships identifying the relational chains (Grossetti and Barthe 2008). They can also be deductive. In this case, membership of a network is treated either as an explanatory variable or as a variable to be explained. To categorize research on social networks in the field of management, Chauvet and Chollet (2010) propose two levels of characterization of networks. These two levels in themselves constitute a template for reading networks. They distinguish the units of analysis and the level of analysis. The units of analysis, i.e., the actors who represent the nodes in the social network studied, may be either individuals, or groups of individuals, or organizations. As regards the level of analysis of the effects of the network, it may either concern the benefits that the actor derives from the network or may privilege the effects of the network as a whole, observing how it is regulated or what its contributions are for the group, in a more collective perspective. On the basis of this template, they bring to light the areas in which the contribution of network analysis to questions of management has been most significant: careers and professional development, management of innovation, corporate governance, entrepreneurship, organizational change, and team management. Social Network and Social Capital: The Predominance of Analysis in Terms of Resources Numerous studies use simultaneously the terms network and social capital. The proximity between social networks and social capital is expressed in the very definition of social capital in the sense in which it is used by Coleman (1990) as made up of relationships among individuals, social networks and norms of reciprocity, and the relationship of trust. It is also found in the emphasis on action found in the works of management researchers inasmuch as they regard the network as an alternative to hierarchy and the market (Baret et al. 2006). Finally, it is based on the fact that social capital helps to reduce the costs of


cooperation. Bidart (2008: 44) for her part considers that “the notion of social capital. . . refers to the modalities of access to and use of the resources contained in social networks.” Generally, and especially in management science, authors consider that the social network constitutes a social capital for the individual. Thus, Mercklé (2004) and Baret et al. (2006) show how Burt (1992), in formulating his theory of structural holes (gaps between two nonredundant contacts), illustrates the ways in which the structure of a social network offers competitive advantages to social actors. Thus, the less the actors have redundant relations, i.e., the less the actors know one another, the more each can hope to derive from his network of resources. In this sense, social capital does not only depend on the number of contacts or the frequency of relations between the actors but also on the nonredundancy of the relations. However, when allowance is made for power within the network, this tends to reduce the importance of the structural holes in favor of the actor’s more or less central or peripheral position within the network. Consideration of informal relations also occupies an increasing place in the analysis of networks and social capital (Lazega 2006). Social Network and Entrepreneurship: Interpersonal Networks and Firm Networks Numerous studies have noted the role of social networks in the success of the entrepreneurial process (Hoang and Antoncic 2003). They emphasize the importance of the entrepreneur’s personal connections in the success of her entrepreneurship. Personal relations as social capital for the entrepreneur is a decisive resource in entrepreneurial dynamics. The density of the enterprise creator’s network does not suffice for an understanding of the effects of the network. Two complementary elements have to be taken into account. On the one hand, there are collective dynamics, which may be present from the outset in the entrepreneurial project. Thus, some authors use the term embedded individual and point out the collective dimension of entrepreneurship (Chabaud and Condor 2006). Others start out from the nature of the relations, in particular


trust, to respond to the difficulty of accessing key resources (e.g., financing). Finally, access to resources (or competences) is a key element for the entrepreneurial team. From another standpoint, firm networks are a characteristic feature of the reconfiguration of large companies, but also of smaller ones, helping to articulate entrepreneurial strategies with managerial strategies. The aim is the pursuit of interdependence to achieve greater efficiencies for the networked organizations, while maintaining a degree of autonomy. In this sense, the question of firm networks is not limited to large companies but extends to all companies. Finally, the organizations supporting activity creation endeavor to integrate company creators within these same social networks. They are the source of the development of the social capital that is essential in nurturing an entrepreneurial activity.

Interorganizational Networks Networks are both interindividual and interorganizational. This second dimension will now be developed more specifically. Interorganizational Networks, Resources, and Territories Interorganizational networks are generally mobilized to explain the factors that lead firms to establish themselves alongside one another and to develop cooperation strategies (clusters, industrial districts, “poles of competitiveness,” etc.) conducive to their development. More broadly, network theory makes it possible to understand alliances and cooperation among organizations. It leads one to privilege observation of the types of resources that circulate between firms. These analyses in terms of networks are situated in a critical perspective relative to the arguments traditionally invoked in terms of price effects to justify economies of agglomeration. They are also based on consideration of Marshallian externalities resulting from interfirm relations. They make it possible on the one hand

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to analyze the spatial strategies of companies, and on the other to characterize modes of cooperation among actors and among firms that are neither of the commercial relations type, nor hierarchical, nor contractual. Networks develop in particular when contractual relationships are difficult and it is necessary to avoid opportunist behaviors and reduce organization costs. These interorganizational networks have particular links with the territory in the context of territorial networks or globalized networks (Boschet and Rambonilaza 2010). These territorial networks are generally analyzed in relation to the local productive systems and their configuration in terms of industrial fabric, factors of attraction, and specific resources. The analyses show that cooperation among organizations is strengthened by the development of informal ties that reduce transaction costs. The different types of localized productive systems are identified through a characterization of interfirm ties and ties with the network leader (Carluer 2005) and depend to a large extent on their anchoring in the territory. These interorganizational networks are also involved in processes of embedding (in the sense of increased interdependence among different social forms) to mobilize resources and of decoupling (in the sense of the process of autonomization of one form relative to another) to give strength to a collective actor (Grossetti and Barthe 2008). Finally, these social networks help to facilitate and legitimize innovative processes, as soon as they are contextualized and able to develop functions of mediation (Grossetti and Barthe 2008) and translation, to make the innovations introduced by entrepreneurs intelligible to others (Akrich et al. 2006). Interorganizational Networks and Network Firms The theory of network firms has been developed since the 1990s within an analysis of cooperation among firms that makes it possible to move beyond the dichotomy put forward by Coase between the firm and the market. A network firm

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can be defined as a single productive organization among legally independent firms articulated by a focal firm. It characterizes an oblique economic integration (Baudry 2003), meaning a process of product design between clients and suppliers, without capital integration and even without real material assets. A network firm develops to access resources and create new resources. This conception of the network firm feeds into the debate on a third way between the market and the hierarchy, extending the analysis of a hybrid institutional form put forward by Williamson (1985), and strengthens analyses in terms of cooperation. Interorganizational Networks and Networked Governance In the approaches that bear on interorganizational networks, public policy networks are regarded as an alternative form of governance through which resources can be allocated, control exercised, and actors coordinated in other ways than through the mechanism of the market, characterized by competition, or the hierarchy, where bureaucracy often has the upper hand (Rhodes 1996). These studies have developed in a context of a questioning of the modalities of public intervention, decentralization of competences, dissemination of the principles of New Public Management, and opening up to a plurality of public and private actors put into competition in order to improve the efficiency of public policies. A public policy network is defined as “the result of more or less stable and non-hierarchic cooperation among organizations that exchange resources and may share norms and interests” (Le Galès and Thatcher 1995). These networks are thus constituted by a complex set of self-organizing public and private organizations which continuously interact in the framework of relations among its members based on trust, reciprocity, and mutual interdependence (Larson 1992; Rhodes 1996: 659). As Enjolras (2008) underlines, from the standpoint of governance, the concept of the public policy network designates a plurality of concrete phenomena in which both public and private


actors cooperate with a view to economic, social, or public policy ends. More precisely, he characterizes a regime of governance in terms of three constituent elements, namely, the actors involved and their characteristics; the public policy instruments used to satisfy the public interest; and the institutional modalities of coordination and interaction among actors in a public policy network (Enjolras 2008).

Conclusion and Future Directions As has become apparent, network theory constitutes a mode of coordination beyond the market, the hierarchy, and the contract. It is situated at an intermediate level between the micro and the macro and makes it possible to avoid both the risks of over-socialization (social membership is overdeterminant) and under-socialization (individuals are regarded as unrelated atoms) (Forsé 2008) of the analysis of social and economic transformations. It facilitates a better analysis of the current transformations, as they affect either individuals or organizations, and their contextualization. It is particularly pertinent for an understanding of the strategies of firms and entrepreneurs, and in particular their anchorage in local territories. However, as Mercklé (2004) pointed out few years ago, even today, social network theory gives rise to more modeling and deductive works than empirical and interpretative works. From this point of view, it is clear that an opposition still exists between interpretivist approaches on the one hand and positivist or causal approaches on the other. The transversality of network analyses is an unavoidable element of research in various disciplines and in the renewal of debates. But these analyses must integrate more complex dimensions, notably that of understanding how to act on networks (Chauvet and Chollet 2010), without becoming trapped in a utilitarian or instrumentalized approach to social networks. The social embedding of economic relations and the resulting articulation between economic


exchanges and social exchanges indeed opens up particularly relevant perspectives for analyzing the current transformations of individual behaviors, organizations, or territories.

Cross-References ▶ Actor-Network-Theory and Creativity Research ▶ Clusters, Networks, and Entrepreneurship ▶ Network and Entrepreneurship ▶ Networking Entrepreneurship ▶ Proximity Relationships and Entrepreneurship ▶ Social Capital of the Entrepreneur

References Akrich M, Callon M, Latour B. Sociologie de la traduction: textes fondateurs. Paris: Presses de l’Ecole des Mines; 2006. Aoki M. Le capital social individuel, les réseaux sociaux et leurs liens avec le jeu économique. Rev d’écon Dév. 2010;24:97–119. Baret C, Huault I, Picq T. Management et réseaux sociaux. Jeux d’ombres et de lumières sur les organisations. Rev Fr Gest. 2006;163:93–106. Baudry B. Economie de la firme. Paris: La Découverte, Collection Repères; 2003. Bidart C. Étudier les réseaux: Apports et perspectives pour les sciences sociales. Inf Soc. 2008;147:34–45. Boschet C, Rambonilaza T. Les mécanismes de coordination dans les réseaux sociaux: Un cadre analytique de la dynamique territoriale. Rev d’Écon Rég Urbaine. 2010;3:569–93. Burt R. Structural holes: the social structure of competition. Cambridge, MA: Havard University Press; 1992. Carluer F. Réseaux d’entreprises et territoires: une matrice d’analyse stratégique. Manag et avenir. 2005;6:7–25. Chabaud D, Condor R. Le rôle des réseaux sociaux dans le processus de création d’entreprises: faut-il compléter la perspective ? XVème Conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique; June 13–16; Annecy/ Geneva; 2006. Chauvet V, Chollet B. Management et réseaux sociaux: bilan et perspectives de recherche. Rev Fr Gest. 2010;36(202):79–96. Coleman JS. Foundations of social theory. Cambridge, MA: Belknap; 1990. Degenne A, Forsé M. Les réseaux sociaux: une approche structurale en sociologie. 2nd ed. Paris: Armand Colin, Collection U; 2004.

Social Networks and Entrepreneurship Del Vecchio N. Réseaux de conseil d’administration et adoption de pratiques de gouvernance d’entreprise. Rev Fr Gest. 2010;202:145–61. Enjolras B, editor. Gouvernance et intérêt général dans les services sociaux et de santé. Brussels: CIRIEC, Peter Lang; 2008. Eve M. Deux traditions d’analyse des réseaux sociaux. Réseaux. 2002;115:183–212. Ferrary M. Dynamique des réseaux sociaux et stratégies d’encastrement social. Rev d’Econ Ind. 2010;129–30:1er et 2ème trimestre, 171–202. Forsé M. Les réseaux sociaux chez Simmel : les fondements d’un modèle individualiste et structural. In: Deroche-Gurcel L, Watier P, editors. La sociologie de Simmel (1908), Eléments actuels de modélisation sociale. Paris: PUF; 2002. Forsé M. Définir et analyser les réseaux sociaux: les enjeux de l’analyse structurale. Inf Soc. 2008;147:10–9. Granovetter M. The strength of weak ties. Am J Sociol. 1973;78(6):1360–80. Granovetter M. The economic sociology of firms and entrepreneurs. In: Portes A, editor. The economic sociology of immigration: essays on networks, ethnicity, and entrepreneurship. New York: Russel Sage Foundation; 1995. Granovetter M. The impact of social structures on economic outcomes. J Econ Perspect. 2005;19(1):33–50. Grossetti M. Sociologie de l’imprévisible: dynamiques de l’activité et des formes sociales. Paris: PUF; 2004. Grossetti M, Barthe J-F. Dynamiques des réseaux interpersonnels et des organisations dans les créations d’entreprises. Rev Fr Sociol. 2008;49:585–612. Gulati R, Westphal JD. Cooperative or controlling? The effects of CEO-board relations and the content of interlocks on the formation of joint-ventures. Adm Sci Q. 1999;44:473–506. Hansen M. The search transfer problem: the role of weak ties in sharing knowledge across organization subunits. Adm Sci Q. 1999;44:82–111. Hoang H, Antoncic B. Network-based research in entrepreneurship: a critical review. J Bus Ventur. 2003;18 (2):165–87. Huault I. Embeddedness et théorie de l’entreprise, autour des travaux de Mark Granovetter. Gérer Compr, Ann Mines. 1998;73–86. Larson A. Network dyads in entrepreneurial settings: a study of governance exchange relationships. Adm Sci Q. 1992;37:76–104. Lazega E. Analyse des réseaux et sociologie des organisations. Rev Fr Sociol. 1994;35(2):293–320. Lazega E. Réseaux sociaux et structures relationnelles. Paris: PUF, Collection Que sais-je?; 1998. Lazega E. Le capital social de l’organisation flexibilisée. Rev Fr Gest. 2006;32:127–37. Le Galès P, Thatcher M. Les réseaux de politique publique. Débat autour des policy networks. Paris: L’Harmattan; 1995. Lecoutre M, Lièvre P. Réseaux sociaux: ressource pour l’action ou outil de gestion. Manag Avenir. 2009;27:73–85.

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Interdisciplinary Research (Interdisciplinarity) Markus Arnold Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies (IFF), Institute for Science Communication & Higher Education Research (WIHO), Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, Vienna, Austria

Synonyms Cross-disciplinarity; Multidisciplinarity

Introduction From the beginning, the discourse on interdisciplinarity (ID) was “a discourse on innovation in knowledge production” (Weingart 2000: 30). Its basic objective has been to make science and higher education more responsive to the complexity of life-world problems and more relevant for the public good and the legitimate needs of the society. The criticism leveled in the name of ID against the disciplinary organization of the traditional universities was summarized under the oftcited catchphrase “Communities have problems, universities departments” (CERI 1982: 127). The term interdisciplinarity or interdisciplinary research (ID) can be defined in two distinct but intersecting ways: interdisciplinarity means either the collaboration of researchers trained in

different fields of knowledge or the integration of different concepts, methods, and data from two or more different disciplines, no matter if this interdisciplinary integration is achieved by an interdisciplinary research group or by a single researcher. However, an interdisciplinary integration of different knowledge fields requires at the same time new divisions of knowledge, since the definition of specialized topics between disciplinary knowledge fields is essential as interdisciplinary foci for any collaborative research across disciplinary boundaries (Weingart 2000: 36). The dream of an all-encompassing unity of knowledge belongs to the past, an ID integration of different knowledge claims can be reached only in a variety of local syntheses between research findings of carefully selected disciplines.

History of the Concept The modern use of the term “interdisciplinary” goes back at least to the 1940s, when scientists as well as newly found private funding institutions in the United States, like the Carnegie Corporation as well as the Rockefeller and the Ford Foundation, tried to encourage innovative research beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries (Cohen-Cole 2014: 76–103; Graff 2015). Later on, in the 1970s, The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was one of the first international organizations promoting

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_302-2


interdisciplinarity with the aim to strengthen universities “which in the future ought not be the servant but the conscience, the analytical mind and the driving force in society” (Briggs et al. 1972: 288). Scientific research should become more relevant for the economic as well as the societal development of modern societies. It was the time of the starting discourse about “knowledge societies,” which found 1973 its prominent advocate in Daniel Bell’s book The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting (Bell 1973). Nevertheless, the concept of interdisciplinarity itself was from the beginning about the nuts and bolts of the day-to-day research in industrial laboratories and at universities. In contrast to the discourses on knowledge societies (Bell 1973), Mode-2 research (Gibbons et al. 1994; Nowotny et al. 2001), the Triple Helix Model (Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff 2000), and on Quadruple Helix Innovation Systems (Carayannis and Campbell 2012), the discourse on ID research does not presuppose any macro theories about societal developments or all-encompassing speculations about historical developments. Although to make a well-founded case for doing ID research, ID supporters are often relying on one of these theoretical forecasts and analyses of modern society. The concept of ID itself just asserts that for the solving of certain societal problems, researchers have to transgress disciplinary boundaries and engage in ID collaborations. The competence to engage in ID research is seen as an indispensable craft for modern societies: if someone wants to cope with the complexity of the modern world, the competence for ID research is a vital skill to be learned. Therefore, ID is basically a discourse on the howto-do of successful disciplinary-boundariestranscending scientific research (Arnold 2009). As a matter of fact, the term interdisciplinarity became since the 1980s a prominent key tender term in many newly established research funds aiming at more social or environmentally relevant scientific research (cf. Hackett 2000; Krull 2000). Soon ID was implemented in university curricula as well, teaching students – with an eye to their prospective field of work and to their role as responsible citizens in a modern democracy – to

Interdisciplinary Research (Interdisciplinarity)

tackle with complex life problems by the use of different scientific methodologies in a professional way (Kockelmans 1979; Frodeman et al. 2010: 345–403). In 2004, the EU Research Advisory Board circulated recommendations for interdisciplinarity in research (EU Research Advisory Board 2004), in 2005 the Finnish Academy of Science followed with a study promoting ID (Bruun et al. 2005), whereas in the USA the National Academy of Sciences together with the National Academy of Engineering issued a report evaluating past achievements of ID research and recommending ID as an important and successful way for innovations, stating that: many of the great research triumphs are products of interdisciplinary inquiry and collaboration: discovery of the structure of DNA, magnetic resonance imaging, the Manhattan Project, laser eye surgery, radar, human genome sequencing, the ‘green revolution,’ and manned space flight. (Committee on Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research et al. 2005: 17)

Furthermore – as the report adds (ibidem) – many of today’s “hot” research topics are interdisciplinary like nanotechnology, genomics, bioinformatics, neuroscience, conflict, and terrorism, as well as research in areas like disease prevention, economic development, social inequality, and global climate change.

Aims and Limits of Disciplinary Research The First Obstacle for ID: The Disciplinary Organization of Science Although the term disciplina was used as early as in the Middle Ages for the ordering of knowledge within universities, the invention of the modern scientific discipline (here and in that which follows including humanities and the social sciences) dates back to the nineteenth century and the invention of the modern research university in Berlin. Since then, disciplines are the basic units of differentiation within the system of science and the higher education system as well. They were established together with the emergence of modern scientific communities and the first scientific journals with their standardized ways of scientific

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communication with colleagues and specialized readers only. Amateur scientists, which were in the eighteenth century as educated public still an accepted part of the scientific community, became now excluded (Stichweh 1984, 1992). It was the arrival of what Thomas Kuhn later famously called “normal science.” Its chief characteristic is its close alignment to approved “paradigms” (or what Kuhn later called “disciplinary matrix”), setting narrow limits for new methods and research questions: Perhaps the most striking feature of the normal research problems [. . .] is how little they aim to produce major novelties, conceptual or phenomenal. [. . .] To scientists, at least, the results gained in normal research are significant because they add to the scope and precision with which the paradigm can be applied. (Kuhn 1970: 35 f.)

“Normal science” is nothing more or less than a kind of “puzzle-solving,” since each paradigm identifies perplexing puzzles, suggests paths to their solution, and reassures that not scientific genius but the hard work of scientific practitioners will be sufficient for success (Kuhn 1970: 179). In other words, paradigm-led normal science is aiming at perfection, that is, incremental innovations, to find better answers to existing questions. Radical innovations, like paradigm shifts, are within the disciplinary organization of the sciences the exception and not the rule. The Second Obstacle for ID: The Variety of Epistemic Cultures However, it is not merely the disciplinary orientation of normal science which impedes ID collaborations. Even, should the need for an ID collaboration be acknowledged by scientists, cooperation may become difficult since different epistemic cultures are often in conflict when it comes to questions like: What are sound methods? How to measure quality, but also more subtle differences like differences in social values making day-to-day collaboration within interdisciplinary teams again and again vulnerable to conflict and fundamental misunderstandings (Arnold 2004; Becher 1993; Knorr-Cetina 1999)? Furthermore, different disciplines are often not


considered as of equal rank and status within the disciplinary system: [T]he interdisciplinary team is an open rather than a closed system. [. . .] Interdisciplinary teams in this respect are status systems that reflect external hierarchies and disciplinary chauvinism. [. . .] [T]he status system of a team will tend to follow the status system of the world outside the team if there is no strong alternative organization, though even a strong organization cannot eliminate status ambiguity and clashes in career goals, professional styles, and epistemologies. (Klein 1990: 127; cf. Lamont 2009)

The different disciplinary contributions by themselves, therefore, often do not add up to a coherent whole, that is, to an integrated research result, since they adhere to quite different epistemological principles or are the product of diverse research routines. The Third Obstacle for ID: The Claims of Professional Jurisdiction For experts (inside and outside the universities) to accept that other experts can contribute with their methods and disciplinary knowledge as much as oneself to the solution of a problem implies in the end to give up one’s own disciplinary claim for exclusive professional jurisdiction over this problem field. Hence, interdisciplinary cooperation can conflict with professional aspirations to prevent competing scientific communities and professions from interfering in one’s own field of expertise: A jurisdictional claim made before the public is generally a claim for the legitimate control of a particular kind of work. This control means first and foremost a right to perform the work as professionals see fit. Along with the right to perform the work as it wishes, a profession normally also claims rights to exclude other workers as deemed necessary, to dominate public definitions of the tasks concerned, and indeed to impose professional definitions of the tasks on competing professions. Public jurisdiction, in short, is a claim of both social and cultural authority. (Abbott 1988: 60)

For that reason, the demand for ID cooperation is seen especially by dominant disciplines and professions as infringement of their jurisdictional claims for exclusive responsibility; to admit the relevance of the expertise of other disciplines for a


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particular research project is like accepting a kind of defeat inevitably undermining the social and cultural authority of one’s own disciplinary knowledge and expertise. The authority of jurisdictional claims is important for disciplines not least because jurisdictional claims, when acknowledged as legitimate, are directly translatable in further research funding and job opportunities on the labor market for their graduates (Turner 2000).

Innovations: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries Trading Zones: The Value of Multidisciplinary Perspectives Although multidisciplinarity is not ID as such, since a multidisciplinary perspective on an issue is per definition not aiming at an ID integration of the different perspectives, multidisciplinarity can become an important, if only preliminary, stage in the process of designing ID projects and research programs. Putting a multiplicity of disciplinary approaches together can provide a multifaceted outlook revealing the complexity of real-world problems pointing out the need for a truly interdisciplinary solution. Peter Galison developed the concept of disciplinary “trading zones” in his attempt to describe the requirements of a difficult, but in the end successful, multidisciplinary collaboration between engineers and physicists with different theoretical background in the development of particle detectors and radars (Galison 1997: 781–844; Gorman 2002). These different groups had not only to find an agreement over those objectives, the design of the particle detector had to achieve: to communicate their ideas they had to invent a common (“creole”) language transcending their disciplinary idioms to explain their research programs and to share their disciplinary expertise commonly. The point is that these distinct groups, with their different approaches to instruments and their characteristic forms of argumentation, can nonetheless coordinate their approaches around specific practices. [. . .] Note that here, as in any exchange, the

two subcultures may altogether disagree about the implications of the equivalences established, the nature of the information exchanged, or the epistemic status of the coordination. (Galison 1997: 806.

Unlike ID, which aims at a comprehensive integration of disciplinary knowledge domains and shared epistemological models, multidisciplinary cooperations can differ about theories and their understanding of the collaboration, since they do not necessarily need unanimity and a common perspective. Such “trading zones” between different scientific and societal groups are public spaces where the need for certain interdisciplinary cooperations and projects can become pressing and where innovations through brokering of ideas, methods, and theories are becoming more likely to emerge. Therefore, as Lester and Priore have argued, certain institutional and organizational arrangements to encourage this kind of brokering and trading of multidisciplinary information with the help of public domains have to be established and maintained within an innovation system. Particularly, the modern research university with its diversity of scientific disciplines under one organizational roof is well designed for this special purpose: to provide a kind of “sheltered space” that can sustain public conversations between a variety of scientific specialists and societal stakeholders: To a much greater degree than in business firms, the disciplines dominate [within the university] the conversations; but the diversity of perspectives is greater than in firms because academic discussions draw in a broader range of participants [. . .]. Even accounting for the restrictive influence of the disciplines, a university, far more than a firm, is a public space. (Lester and Priore 2004: 166 f.)

These multidisciplinary public conversations within the universities (and at other places) give rise to “interpretative communities” enabling actors with different backgrounds to establish common definitions of societal problems and research questions, which are the indispensable precondition for the design of ID research programs and research cooperations.

Interdisciplinary Research (Interdisciplinarity)

Interactional Expertise: Communicating Across Disciplinary Boundaries The competence necessary to build ID research cooperations within these “trading zones” is what Collins and Evans have called “interactional expertise” (in contrast to “contributory expertise”), that is, an expertise in understanding and communicating knowledge across the boundaries of disciplinary communities and specialized fields of expertise: mastery of interactional expertise [. . .] is the medium of interchange within large-scale science projects, where [. . .] not everyone can be a contributor to everyone else’s narrow specialism; it is, a forteriori, the medium of interchange in properly interdisciplinary, as opposed to multidisciplinary, research. (Collins and Evans 2007: 31 f.; cf. Collins and Evans 2002)

To cooperate successfully with other disciplines, it is necessary to understand their problems, methods, and results, so one can talk with members of this scientific community about their research questions and findings on a certain level of expertise without becoming a member of this community by oneself. Obtaining this level of understanding is possible only with the help of insiders, who are willing to explain their work. Cultivating interactional expertise for an interdisciplinary cooperation requires an ongoing effort to make disciplinary knowledge accessible to a wider public, in other words by participating in efforts of “popularization,” which itself is usually aligned with innovation and interdisciplinarity: In modern science innovation, especially radical or revolutionary innovation is regularly coupled to interdisciplinarity as a mechanism of hybridization of scientific knowledge. And popularization is often based on interdisciplinary combinations of knowledge which sometimes are audacious. Therefore, there is a significant innovation potential in popularization [. . .]. Doing popularization is [. . .] an opportunity for experimenting with a level of intellectual risk which is not readily accepted in everyday scientific practice. (Stichweh 2003: 215.

Communicating scientific knowledge successfully beyond the confines of its disciplinary community is only possible if this knowledge is placed within a wider context: its relations to other sources of knowledge – how they match or


mismatch with one another – as well as its societal relevance have to be explained, helping to understand the significance of this knowledge and why it should be considered as relevant in the context of certain research questions. Furthermore, concentrating on the relevance of scientific knowledge for societal problems is an effective way to connect disciplinary expertise to the expertise of other disciplines, to relate scientific findings to everyday knowledge and to widely hold cultural beliefs – in preparation for the development of ID epistemological models.

Interdisciplinary Epistemology: The Need for ID Models For the integration of different disciplinary knowledge fields, one is in need of a theory or an epistemological model of the relations between these different knowledge claims (Arnold et al. 2014). For example, how can someone best analyze a historical period or – more generally – the “cultural” practices of a societal group: the evidence of social sciences based on statistical numbers is different from the evidence of historical scholarship based on archival sources. And both are different from the evidence of literary and media studies based on an interpretation of a novel or a film. However, each of these knowledge domains can provide a substantial contribution for the understanding of someone’s “culture.” Only a combination of these different disciplinary results, governed by a theoretical model of the epistemological relations between their methods and sources, can give an interdisciplinary perspective on the distinctive cultural features of someone’s way of life, that is, a detailed explanation of one’s culture. Therefore, when the French historian Fernand Braudel proposed (together with the members of the so-called Annales School) a research program aiming to show how geography and economy have shaped societies and historical events in particular, he had to integrate findings from disciplines as diverse as geography, economy, and history within a theoretical model. Since these


Interdisciplinary Research (Interdisciplinarity) systems of explanation vary infinitely according to the temperament, calculations, and aims of those using them: simple or complex, qualitative or quantitative, static or dynamic, mechanical or statistical. [. . .] In my opinion, before establishing a common program for the social sciences, the crucial thing is to define the function and limits of models, the scope of which some undertakings seem to be in danger of enlarging inordinately. (Braudel 1980: 40)

Braudel’s epistemological reflections on the different disciplinary systems of explanations made him aware of what he called the longue durée (the long term) in contrast to the shortterm events which lie in the traditional focus of the historians. To integrate these different levels of explanations, he established his famous distinction between three levels of time: (1) the geographical time of the natural environment, where change is very slow and almost imperceptible for human actors; (2) the long-term developments of the economic, social, and cultural history; and (3) the time of the historians dominated by shortterm events and the actions of individuals, including those of politicians and soldiers. Only then could Braudel begin to integrate the diverse disciplinary findings within a methodologically sound historical framework, as he did, for example, in his influential The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II (1949). Another example is an ID model developed by the interdisciplinary Birmingham School of Cultural Studies to understand innovation in the “culture industry” analyzing, as an example, the invention of the Sony Walkman. Introducing the model of the “circuit of culture,” they have tried to understand the interactions between five different cultural processes: the production of goods, the consumption, different kinds of regulations, the cultural representations within mass media, and the construction of social identities. In other words, how an electronic device “is represented, what social identities are associated with it, how it is produced and consumed, and what mechanisms regulate its distribution and use.” (de Gay et al. 1997: 3). The ID model is necessary to combine diverse types of knowledge about an electronic device such as the Sony Walkman. Only then it is possible to understand how every product is

participating in various economic, social, and cultural processes: why success and failure of an innovation are always depending on the interaction of these processes, which are often mistakenly seen as autonomous and for that reason usually analyzed by separate scientific disciplines. A theoretical model of the ID relations between different knowledge domains helps to understand how someone can integrate different disciplinary findings in a methodologically sound way.

Organizing Interdisciplinary Research Teams Each discipline or research area has to develop and care for its own epistemic culture. Therefore, it is important, which scientific disciplines should be integrated within an interdisciplinary project. Different methods, different kinds of argumentation and evidence, as well as different social arrangements of inner-disciplinary cooperations require customized solutions for every single ID-research project (cf. Piaget et al. 1972; Piaget 1973; Becher 1993; Klein 1996; Arnold 2009). But also the host institutions can differ regarding the type of ID research that they are supporting. There are on the one hand ID institutions with changing research topics and temporary research groups, such as the German Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF, Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung, University of Bielefeld) founded in 1968 (Frodeman et al. 2010: 292 f.), or on the other hand institutions with long-lasting ID research teams institutionalized in departments staffed with both permanent and temporary researchers, such as at the Austrian Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies (IFF, Fakultät für interdisziplinäre Forschung und Fortbildung, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt), with predecessor organizations dating back to its first formation in 1979 (Arnold and Dressel 2009). In the former case, ID is seen as driven by changing scientific interests, in the latter ID is organized around societal problems, which require steadfast attention over many years if they ever should be solved.

Interdisciplinary Research (Interdisciplinarity)

Nevertheless, there are also some characteristics, which most ID research projects have in common. For example, to create an ID research team out of a multidisciplinary group of researchers, at least one of the research participants has to think interdisciplinarily, working deliberately on the integration of the different methods and research findings (Parthey 1999). Much time has to be designated for periodic team meetings (not least at the beginning, but during the project as well), to elaborate not only a common understanding but also to address personal irritations and conflicts between team members face-to-face. Since learning from other disciplines is an important element of ID projects, a successful ID research process can be seen as fostering a type of societal learning, where scientists share their different knowledge and expertise aiming to create a common understanding of the problems and the solutions, with the result that every team member has to acquire and adopt this knowledge during the research process (Arnold 2009). However, ID depends on the individual researcher’s competence and personal ability to cooperate with others in ID research teams. Studies suggest that there are certain character traits which many effective ID researchers have in common like “a high degree of ego strength, a tolerance for ambiguity, considerable initiative and assertiveness, a broad education, and a sense of dissatisfaction with monodisciplinary constraints” (Klein 1990: 183).

Evaluating Interdisciplinary Research As Heinrich Parthey showed, a good indicator for ID is the percentage of researchers within a research group who formulate their own guiding research problem in concepts spanning across disciplinary boundaries. Because thinking from an ID perspective means to formulate and justify the guiding research problem on a different theoretical level and with different theoretical concepts than the methods with which these interdisciplinary problems are approached afterward by the participating disciplines. In addition, a second important indicator for ID research is the


interdisciplinary character of the methods applied to the problem: when scientists borrow methods across disciplinary boundaries, for example, by transfer of methods from other specialist fields of research (Parthey 2011). Both traits have to be encouraged within research teams and both are valuable indicators for the evaluation of the “interdisciplinarity” of an ID research project. But one main problem in evaluating the quality of ID remains: Who is able to judge about the quality of ID research? Disciplines have their standards and their peers, but ID projects are by definition transcending disciplinary boundaries: Since interdisciplinary research is a new synthesis of expertise, peers in the strong sense of the word do not exist. When new combinations of knowledge are tried in interdisciplinary projects, no one but those conducting the work are competent in all aspects of that combination. (Laudel 2006: 57)

Furthermore, empirical research suggests a bias against ID in peer review since peers tend to favor proposals belonging to their own field of study (Laudel 2006) and are falling back on traditional disciplinary standards of the disciplines involved so that in the aggregate all too often an ID research proposal has to meet more quality criteria than disciplinary proposals, increasing the likelihood of getting rejected by research funds (Lamont 2009: 208–211; Mansilla 2006: 25; Huutoniemi 2010: 312 f.). As already said above (section “The First Obstacle for ID: The Disciplinary Organization of Science”), paradigm-led disciplinary science is aiming at perfection, that is, incremental innovations, to find better answers to existing questions. Disciplinary evaluations, therefore, endorse those projects which are “sound” and “mature” according to the existing disciplinary standards; they are looking for inaccuracies. However, innovations are per definition not “mature” and in the beginning not “sound” (as defined by disciplinary-oriented evaluators) as well. Since competing quality standards of different disciplines are often one of the reasons why disciplines cannot agree to cooperate in a common research project, ID research has often to develop and justify its own methodological standards, which


are appropriate for its special research questions and its carefully selected new research objectives.

Conclusion and Future Directions Creating an innovation and ID-friendly research environment will remain an important objective for the near future. Since despite critics who are still claiming that ID is nothing but a passing science policy fad, as long as modern research and teaching is primarily organized within disciplinary boundaries, ID research will assert its rank as one of the most important paths to innovation. Its major aim will remain to counterbalance the conservative and inward-looking character of strictly disciplinary research organizations, of their research questions and evaluations. For that reason, the distinct quality of ID has to be recognized for the funding of research and the management of research organizations as well. Traditional quality indicators like publications in disciplinary journals can contradict the very intentions of ID research: stipulating that the results should be published in different (disciplinary) journals forces research teams at the end of their project to dissolve the already achieved level of ID knowledge integration again into its disciplinary parts. By insinuating that disciplinary audiences are the only legitimate judges about the outcomes of ID research, ID is against its principal objective treated as nothing but a loosely connected “multidisciplinary” synopsis of disciplinary research questions and findings. Hence, the assessment of ID should not solely consist of a post hoc addition of individual expert opinions, but of the deliberate attempt to integrate different disciplinary perspectives with the help of the consolidated judgment of an ID expert group, amenable to reason and time-consuming deliberations. Only a disciplinary-boundaries-bridging group of experts is able to appreciate the specific merits of ID research such as developing new research questions and research programs beyond well-trodden disciplinary paths. Furthermore, since ID is not only aiming for innovations but also on social relevance, combining interdisciplinary research with participatory

Interdisciplinary Research (Interdisciplinarity)

transdisciplinary research (TD) is a highly successful method to ensure within an ID research project both the nondisciplinary character and the social relevance of the research questions. Thus, proceeding from life-world problems and integrating not only knowledge of different scientific disciplines, but in addition also nonscientific expertise as well, can be seen as one of the most promising research strategies for the future of ID.

Cross-References ▶ Mode 1, Mode 2, and Innovation ▶ Transdisciplinary Research (Transdisciplinarity)

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Multilevel Systems of Innovation Robert Kaiser1 and Heiko Prange-Gstöhl2 1 Seminar of Social Sciences, University of Siegen, Siegen, North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany 2 DG Research &Innovation, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium

The Institutional Embeddedness of Innovation Across Multiple Levels A multilevel system of innovation (MLSI) describes a configuration that is characterized by the distribution of resources, competences, and institutions needed for the generation of innovations across different territorial and sectoral levels. Since the mid-1980s, several authors (e.g., Freeman 1992; Lundvall 1992; Nelson 1993) have developed the concept of the “National System of Innovation” (NSI) in order to study the interrelations between technological development and the institutional embeddedness of innovative organizations. Lundvall proposed several basic indicators, which should mirror country-specific differences in national innovation systems. The focus on national systems, he claims, “reflects the fact that national economies differ regarding Views expressed in this paper are purely personal and do not reflect the position of the European Commission.

the structure of the production system and regarding the general institutional set-up” (Lundvall 1992, p. 13). The internal organization of firms, the interfirm relationships, the role of the public sector, the institutional setup of the financial sector, as well as the intensity and the organization of research and development should reflect national idiosyncrasies. Since the early 1990s, this approach has been diversified by studies that recognized the evolution of autonomous systems of innovation at the local, the regional, the European, and even the global level (e.g., Borras 2003; Cooke 2002; Mytelka 2000). Whereas a first group of scholars stressed the importance of local institutions and networks, transfer mechanisms, regional labor markets, as well as specific sociocultural environments, a second group pointed to the internationalization of markets, technologies, and corporate activities as well as the ongoing Europeanization of public policies. Consequently, tensions for NSIs arise both from globalization and regionalization resulting first of all from increasing crossborder technological alliances of multinational enterprises (Nelson 1993). Additionally, international science, innovation, and diffusion networks turn nationally based systems of innovation into open systems (Galli and Teubal 1997). Arguments in favor of the existence of European or global systems of innovation refer mainly to two developments: first, the effects of national policies are diminishing due to the increase of transnationally organized technologies

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_311-2


and businesses and second a growing number of policy areas are coordinated by the European Union or other regional integration agreements. For some authors, the establishment of postnational institutions in the area of the science infrastructure, such as European science funding, innovation and technology transfer, and European programs for education and training, is a clear sign to believe in a European innovation system (e.g., Caracostas and Soete 1997; EPRS 2016). Much attention has been paid to the concept of regional or local innovation systems (e.g., Cooke 2002; De la Mothe and Paquet 1998). Cooke (2002) has argued that the national innovation system cannot function well without regional innovation systems “in respect of the enterprise and innovation support infrastructure, specialized human capital, leading edge basic and applied research and the varieties of network relationships that function most effectively in the relatively close proximity of regional clusters.” As it is obvious that regions within a national innovation system often develop quite differently, one can conclude that specific regional or local characteristics and structural patterns exist which have a deep impact on the competitiveness of regions. However, these concepts largely fail to show in how far the totality of NSI elements has been established on the international, European, or regional level and to what extent they are still embedded in national systems of innovation or exist separately from them. They also called the dominance of national institutions into question as they emphasized the growing importance of institutional arrangements below and beyond the nation-state level. In contrast, the concept of multilevel systems of innovation is based on the identification of those features within a national system of innovation that have been territorially reconfigured along European/international lines or regional/local lines. Since reconfiguration processes take course in both territorial directions, beneath and above the nation-state, the growing meaning of the regional as well as the international level can be thoroughly explained. Consequently, the MLIS approach focuses on the dynamics of the reconfiguration of NSIs, rather than just

Multilevel Systems of Innovation

describing autonomous innovation systems on one specific territorial level. Moreover, despite processes of internationalization and regionalization, the MLSI concept does not neglect the meaning of the national environment for the generation of innovation continues to be important. National patterns of economic specialization remain. This means that national systems of innovation significantly vary, for example, according to the direction of public science and technology policies, the distribution and the success of public R&D financing, the technological orientation of industrial research, and the level of the enterprises’ technological development.

Theoretical Sources of the Concept The MLSI concept integrates two different social science theories, namely, the multilevel governance approach, which became quite prominent in European integration research, and systemic innovation concepts, which have been developed since the end of the 1980s in innovation-related economic research. The systems of innovation approach detected that innovative activities of enterprises do not only depend upon intrafirm organizational capacities but are fundamentally shaped by the organization’s institutional environment as well as through specific technological or scientific patterns in which innovation processes are embedded. Thus, national or regional differences in technological performance can be attributed, at least to a significant extent, to variations in the institutional environment. Studies about systems of innovation usually referred either to one specific “territorial level” (e.g., “national systems of innovation,” “regional systems of innovation,” “European system of innovation”) or to one specific technology or industrial branch (“sectoral systems of innovation”). Due to processes of political decentralization, economic globalization, and paradigmatic changes in certain technological fields, however, the borders of such systems have become blurred, as more and more of its functions (e.g., financing, regulation, policies) can be located across various territorial and sectoral

Multilevel Systems of Innovation

levels. As a result of these dynamics, innovation systems at a specific territorial or sectoral level have undergone a process of reconfiguration conceived as a process that generates new modes of coordination and new constellations of actors among established or new organizations. In view of the territorial dimension, this process has become most prevalent within the European Union, which has emerged since the early 1980s as a key player in the field of innovation, research, and development as well as education. In Europe, many related public policies became part of a multilevel governance system, which is characterized by institutional incentives or framework conditions provided by various actors that share responsibilities across territorial levels. The concept was first introduced in the early 1990s and provided an innovative explanation for the progress of integration in Europe which was conceived as a polity-creating process in which authority and policy-making influence are shared across multiple levels of government (Hooghe and Marks 2001). Considering the research on multilevel governance, a multilevel system of innovation is characterized by three institutional peculiarities: (1) actors at different territorial levels share decision-making competencies, (2) actors and decision-making arenas are not ordered hierarchically as in traditional intergovernmental relations, and (3) actors rely mostly on consensual or nonmajoritarian decision-making rules. With regard to the sectoral dimension, systemic reconfigurations have taken place as a consequence of paradigmatic shifts in an increasing number of technological fields. The most relevant dynamic that led to the emergence of so-called science-based industries (biotechnology, nanotechnology, multimedia, etc.) has been the dramatic change of basic scientific concepts, methods, and procedures that forced many traditional industries to reorganize their innovation processes. While the generation of innovations increasingly depends on the integration and absorption of transsectoral knowledge, many of the most successful innovations in recent decades were developed at the “borders” of traditional sectors.


Implications of the Multilevel Perspective for Theory and Practice Understanding the dynamics within multilevel systems of innovation requires a thorough analysis of those indicators that have been developed in the literature to describe the characteristics of NSIs: regulation, public technology and innovation policies, the research and education systems, the financial system, and corporate activities (Kaiser and Prange 2004). With regard to the first variable, a MLSI would mean that market and product regulation in different technology areas would become more and more organized across various territorial levels. Such development might lead to supplementing or even replacing the national level at least in terms of the framework for setting harmonized regulations. Public technology and innovation policies mirror regional, national, and international public policy programs, their importance with regard to financial resources, and the openness of programs for third parties. New public innovation policy initiatives are often crucial for a technological catching-up process. Those initiatives might not only originate from the national but also from the regional and European level. In relation to research and education systems, a MLSI would see territorial reconfigurations, for example, through reforms in the higher education system, global university networks, or patenting. A reconfiguration would especially be triggered through science-based industries where the research and education systems play a significant role both for the provision of qualified personnel and for the commercialization of scientific knowledge. Finally, corporate activities should range from the local to the international as in the pharmaceutical biotechnology sector, for example, small- and medium-sized research companies are heavily engaged in partnerships and alliances with local knowledge providers and national as well as international pharmaceutical companies. While some activities might, at least partly, depend upon the local innovation milieu, others however such as R&D and trade in high- and medium-high-technology intensive products – are to an ever-growing degree internationalized.


In MLSIs, some of those functions described above become part of a multilevel governance system in which institutional incentives and framework conditions are provided by various actors who share responsibilities across territorial levels. By proposing such a multilevel approach, the concept bridges the gap between innovation system approaches that analytically focus on one specific territorial level only. The MLSI concept does, however, not deny that the national institutional framework is still important even in federalized or decentralized countries, in which subnational regions and localities do not only provide incentives or create framework conditions autonomously but also in a coordinated manner with the national and the international level. Europeanization has an important impact on the institutional environment in which innovative actors are embedded. Especially, systemic functions such as regulation, public R&D financing, and public innovation policies are increasingly integrated into a European multilevel governance system, while the financial or the research and education systems still reflect mainly national and regional patterns of specialization. In turn, however, this also means that a more coordinated – or even integrated – multilevel innovation system is likely to increase tensions between actors who mainly interacted within national borders. At least for three reasons, the European Research Area is quite a good example of the contradictions such a multilevel setting may produce (Kaiser and Prange 2005): 1. As long as elements of an innovation system are mostly in the competence of regional or national administrations (e.g., research and education policies), it is quite unlikely that more integrated (or stronger coordination) efforts at European level are successful, especially since regions with legislative and budgetary powers are generally quite reluctant to further centralize policies and competences. 2. The significant variations of institutional settings, of innovative performances, of industrial structures, and of patterns of technological specialization in Europe restrict “policy transfer” and “policy diffusion” through a process of

Multilevel Systems of Innovation

mutual learning to a very limited number of areas in which regions or member states share similarities. 3. Even if innovation policy coordination abstains from centralization, a more coordinated European research and innovation policy is unlikely if coordination efforts intervene into the competition of actors. Member states consider R&D expenditures as critical investments enhancing the competitive position of companies that offer employment opportunities in the member state. The multilevel innovation system approach also provides for explanations of the dynamics that have emerged in specific innovation-related institutional arrangements. The triple-helix configuration of academia, industry, and government (Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff 2000), for example, has become subject to various forms of transitions, exactly because of the asynchrony in which these organizations engaged in processes of regionalization and internationalization. Longterm stable relations between governments and (formerly public) infrastructural companies in the telecommunications or energy sector have dissolved as a consequence of global market liberalization processes. Traditional R&D collaborations between firms and universities lost importance when especially multinational companies established research centers in the leading innovation hotspots around the globe. In terms of the sectoral dimension, the concept of the “Mode 2 knowledge production” (Gibbons et al. 1994) pointed to the increasing importance of multidisciplinary and “context-driven research” which is focused on problem-solving instead of technological advancement along disciplinary trajectories. As such, Mode 2 knowledge production supports the steady growth of interorganizational relations, the diversification of knowledge sources, and the partial redefinition of institutional arrangements for the exchange of knowledge. A good example of sectoral reconfigurations therefore is the parallel existence of different “knowledge regimes” within the same industrial sector where, as in the pharmaceutical industry, the protection of knowledge through

Multilevel Systems of Innovation


Territorial reconfigurations Global market regulation

European R&D funding

Transnational R&D alliances

Sectoral reconfigurations

.... User-oriented, Demand-driven Innovation

National System of Innovation

Regional Innovation Programs

Local labor markets

Mode 1 Sectoral Innovation

Mode 2 multi-disciplinary Innovation


Multilevel Systems of Innovation, Fig. 1 Logics of reconfiguration of innovation systems and the emergence of the multilevel innovation system (Source: Authors)

patenting is crucial for the generation of profits from innovations while, at the beginning of the innovation process, an “open innovation” environment seems to provide the best conditions for the accumulation of promising new drug candidates. Sectoral reconfigurations also emerged from a new understanding of the role of the customer for innovations. While the linear model of innovation took customers’ benefits from and customers’ interest in innovations more or less for granted, more recent concepts highlight the role of demand-driven innovation processes. Moreover, it is not only that customer orientation changes the logic of innovation processes, it also establishes a new institutional understanding of the framework conditions under which the generation of innovations is most dynamic. In this respect, the leadmarket concept gained attention both in scientific discourses and within the innovation policy community as a framework for the understanding of why innovations emerged first and were dynamically absorbed by users and customers within specific institutional settings. In sum, the MLSI concept opens up an empirical as well as a theoretical perspective. Empirically, it helps to disclose the changing logics of innovation systems by tracing back the reconfiguration of established systemic variables both in territorial and sectoral perspectives. It helps to understand when and why multilevel innovation systems appear revealing that the reconfiguration of national innovation systems is closely connected to transformation processes of

national political systems, while the reconfiguration of sectoral innovation systems is related to new modes of knowledge production and a novel perspective of the role of users and customers for the generation of innovations (see Fig. 1).

Conclusion and Future Directions Taking both the territorial and the sectoral dimensions into account, the concept of the multilevel system of innovation provides an analytical grid for the analysis of systemic reconfigurations and the institutional consequences, which arise as a result of these reconfigurations. The multilevel perspective allows for the recognition of various coordination problems that exist if actors have to decide on resources and action across territorial and sectoral borders. A multilevel system of innovation does not fully replace the existing institutional frameworks, but it adds another layer to an established system with highly persistent actor constellations and modes of coordination. The emergence of a multilevel system, therefore, inevitably increases the complexity of the innovation process and thus produces both new opportunities and obstacles for actors involved in the generation of innovations. In order to better understand the consequences of increasing complexity, the concept of the multilevel system of innovation explicitly applies an empirical governance perspective, taking into account both the


effectiveness of the novel rule- and decisionmaking structures that have been established among innovative actors as well as the changing institutional environment in which these actors are embedded.

Cross-References ▶ Innovation Policy Learning ▶ National Innovation Systems (NIS) ▶ Nonlinear Innovations ▶ Triple Helices

References Borras S. The innovation policy of the European Union. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar; 2003. Caracostas P, Soete L. The building of cross-border institutions in Europe: towards a European system of innovation? In: Edquist C, editor. Systems of innovation. Technologies, institutions, and organizations. London: Pinter; 1997. p. 395–419. Cooke PH. Regional innovation systems: general findings and some new evidence from biotechnology clusters. J Technol Transf. 2002;27(1):133–45. De la Mothe J, Paquet G, editors. Local and regional systems of innovation. Norwell: Kluwer; 1998. Etzkowitz H, Leydesdorff L. The dynamics of innovation: from national systems and ‘mode 2’ to a triple helix of

Multilevel Systems of Innovation university-industry-government relations. Res Policy. 2000;29(2):109–23. European Parliamentary Research Service [EPRS]. EU innovation policy – part I. Brussels: EPRS; 2016. Freeman C. Formal scientific and technical institutions in the national system of innovation. In: Lundvall B-Å, editor. National systems of innovation: towards a theory of innovation and interactive learning. London: Pinter; 1992. p. 169–87. Galli R, Teubal M. Paradigmatic shifts in national innovation systems. In: Edquist C, editor. Systems of innovation. Technologies, institutions, and organizations. London: Pinter; 1997. p. 342–70. Gibbons M, Limoges C, Nowotny H, Schwartzman S, Scott P, Trow M. The new production of knowledge: the dynamics of science and research in contemporary societies. London: Sage; 1994. Hooghe L, Marks G. Multi-level governance and European integration. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield; 2001. Kaiser R, Prange H. The reconfiguration of national innovation systems – the example of German biotechnology. Res Policy. 2004;33(3):395–408. Kaiser R, Prange H. Missing the Lisbon target? Multi-level innovation and EU policy coordination. J Publ Policy. 2005;25(2):241–63. Lundvall B-Å, editor. National systems of innovation: towards a theory of innovation and interactive learning. London: Pinter; 1992. Mytelka LK. Local systems of innovation in a globalized world economy. Ind Innov. 2000;7(1):15–32. Nelson RR, editor. National systems of innovation. A comparative analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1993.


Transdisciplinary Research (Transdisciplinarity) Markus Arnold Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies (IFF), Institute for Science Communication & Higher Education Research (WIHO), Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, Vienna, Austria

Synonyms Mode 2 knowledge production; Post-normal science

Introduction The term “transdisciplinarity (TD)” was coined to denote a search for the “unity” of knowledge or – more generally – the actual means with which such an integration of otherwise disciplinary fragmented knowledge can be achieved. Since its first appearance, “transdisciplinarity,” in fact, stands for nothing less than “the contemporary version of the historical quest for systematic integration of knowledge” (Klein 2010, p. 24; cf. Klein 1990, pp. 63–73). Just like interdisciplinarity, the basic objective of TD has been from its beginning to make science and higher education more responsive to the complexity of life-world problems and more relevant for the public good and the legitimate needs

of the society. Since then TD has been seen as a means to help research organizations to become active agents of societal innovations. The ambitious goal has been to make their knowledge more effective by overcoming the increasing fragmentation of knowledge both within the different scientific disciplines and within the society at large. However, compared to the notion of “interdisciplinarity,” TD aims at a more thorough integration of knowledge by focusing either (1) on transdisciplinary concepts and methods which are shared by more than one scientific discipline or (2) on the implementation of participatory processes within the research process which allow from the beginning deliberations with practitioners, citizens, and stakeholders about the purposes of a research project on the one side and an integration of first-hand nonscientific knowledge on the other. Although both conceptions of TD can – under certain circumstances – complement each other, they do not always go necessarily hand in hand.

Historical Development of the Concept At a seminal conference on Interdisciplinarity in Universities (organized 1972 by CERI, the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, a department of the OECD, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), two different accounts were recommended on how a thorough transdisciplinary integration of

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_337-2


knowledge can be achieved. One proponent was the Swiss developmental psychologist and epistemologist Jean Piaget, and the other the Austrian astrophysicist Erich Jantsch from Stanford University. “A Common System of Axioms”: TD as Shared Concepts and Methods In 1972, an influential publication, released in cooperation with the OECD, defined “Transdisciplinarity” as “establishing a common system of axioms for a set of disciplines (e.g., anthropology considered as “the science of man and his accomplishments” . . .)” (Briggs et al. 1972, p. 26). In fact, this was a definition which was first of all advocated by Jean Piaget (1972) together with the mathematician André Lichnerowicz (1972). For Piaget, a transdisciplinary integration of different scientific disciplines was in fact first and foremost a task for mathematicians designing mathematical models: For example, he dreamed that someday, it would be possible to coordinate the relationships between physics and biology by new mathematical models similar to the relationships between mechanics and wave theory which have been finally coordinated within the new theory of wave mechanics (Piaget 1972, p. 138 f.; cf. Lichnerowicz 1972). Contemporary examples for this kind of TD would be, for instance, “social ecologic” models for the material and energy flow of societies, bridging the disciplinary boundaries between sociology and ecology by analyzing processes of society-nature interactions. But there are also TD concepts and methods which are not mathematical in essence, for example, the (controversial) concepts of sociobiology where the principles of natural selection and evolutionist biology are applied to the study of social behavior and ethics. Further examples for nonmathematical TD concepts connecting different disciplines: narratology and semiotics (literary and media studies, linguistics, sociology, political science, history, epistemology), game theory (economics, political sciences, evolution theory), and systems theory (biology, sociology). TD research in this sense is searching for a kind of “meta-language” (Kim 1998, p. 21) in which problems of different disciplines can be

Transdisciplinary Research (Transdisciplinarity)

expressed (for exponents of TD as shared concepts and methods see also: Lichnerowicz 1972; Kockelmans 1979, p. 128 f.; Stichweh 1979; Miller 1982; Mittelstraß 1989, 2002). “A Purpose-Oriented Coordination”: TD as an Organizational Principle At the same OECD conference, Erich Jantsch advocated a quite different concept of TD: For him inter- and transdisciplinarity were “the key notions for a systems approach to education and innovation” (Jantsch 1972, p. 107). Jantsch was the first who recognized that a transdisciplinary integration of different disciplines is not solely a problem of theories or methods, but a question of purpose. As he insisted: “There is not a single system of science, there are as many systems as there are purposes.” (Jantsch 1972, p. 99) The purpose of research always influences the research outcome. As a rule, knowledge from different scientific disciplines is incompatible inasmuch as it has to serve different purposes. Therefore, if someone wants to integrate different knowledge domains, he or she must decide, first of all, which societal goals should be met and then to align the different purposes which are the main reasons for the fragmentation of knowledge into dispersed knowledge domains. Consequently, any TD integration presupposes a discussion of the intended aims and purposes before one can overcome the separation of disciplinary knowledge and expertise, hence the: essential characteristic of a transdisciplinary approach is the coordination of activities at all levels of the education/innovation system toward a common purpose. (Jantsch 1972, p. 114.

A thorough cross-disciplinary integration of disciplinary knowledge is only possible when at different organizational levels within the research organization, “political” decisions (in the broadest sense) about the intended purposes of the research outcome are made. He therefore conceptualized – in contrast to Piaget – TD first and foremost as an “organizational principle” (Jantsch 1972, p. 100) and proclaimed the need for a new kind of research organization, the “transdisciplinary university”:

Transdisciplinary Research (Transdisciplinarity) The new purpose implies that the university has to become a political institution in the broadest sense, interacting with government (at all jurisdictional levels) and industry in the planning and design of society’s systems, and in particular in controlling the outcomes of introducing technology into these systems. The university must engage itself in this task as an institution, not just through the individual members of its community. (Jantsch 1972, p. 102.

For Jantsch, however, “transdisciplinarity” still meant a unifying paradigm which is able to pull different scientific disciplines together within a vision of the reality as a whole. According to Jantsch one example of such a new “transdisciplinary vision” made its appearance in the 1970s with a new paradigm, the “self-organizing paradigm,” which helped to find a unifying perspective “pulling together the physical and social sciences, the arts and the humanities, philosophy and knowledge transcending the rational domain, in short, the totality of human relations with the world” (Jantsch 1980, p. 308). For that reason he characterized his own concept of TD as “complementary” to the one of Jean Piaget (Jantsch 1972, p. 99). Furthermore, he did not explain clearly how the university should organize these interactions with the different societal actors and organizations; how a transdisciplinary university could achieve the competence and authority to plan for the society at large (Jantsch 1972, p. 121). In particular, how the university should cope with dissent within the society about the purposes and goals of research. But nevertheless, with the emphasis on the purposes of knowledge and the organizational design of research institutions, Jantsch in fact shifted the focus from the level of concepts and theories to the realm of practical reasoning about legitimate societal demands and reasonable goals for TD research. Although he still insisted that a common purpose of knowledge could be the origin for a new set of unified theories and concepts, with the shift from theoretical to practical reasoning, a different kind of transdisciplinary integration of knowledge came into view: TD integration of knowledge not by means of systematic theories or theoretical models but on the basis of practical reasoning which first and foremost has to provide


practical orientation and advice for public policies and collective decision making. “A Transformative Practice of Knowledge”: TD as Participatory Research Although the term TD is sometimes used in a broad sense as “life-problem orientated” research which does not necessarily involve real participation of nonscientists and can therefore also be conducted by one researcher alone (see e.g., Jaeger and Scheringer 1998), many authors today define TD as a special kind of “life-problem orientated” research including some participatory procedures for different groups of stakeholders within the research process (Gibbons et al. 1994; Nowotny et al. 2001; Klein 2004; Pohl and Hirsch Hadorn 2007; Lieven and Maasen 2007; Russel et al. 2008; Arnold 2009; Hanschitz et al. 2009; Hirsch Hadorn et al. 2008, 2010; Bogner et al. 2010). This kind of TD research implies among other things “the giving up of sovereignty over knowledge, the generation of new insight and knowledge by collaboration, and the capacity to consider the know-how of professionals and laypeople. Collectively, transdisciplinary contributions enable the cross-fertilization of ideas and knowledge from different contributors that leads to an enlarged vision of a subject, as well as new explanatory theories. Transdisciplinarity is a way of achieving innovative goals, enriched understanding and a synergy of new methods” (Lawrence 2004, p. 489). Participatory TD opens new pathways for researchers to generate innovations, since new research topics and approaches become necessary to cope with the diversity of people, skills and knowledge domains which have to be integrated. However, this is not without consequences: for the benefit of (1) integrating scientific with nonscientific knowledge, (2) for getting closer to life-world problems, and (3) for focusing foremost on the creation of orientational knowledge to find workable solutions for decision making, the participatory kind of TD has to relax its criteria for transdisciplinary knowledge integration. It is one thing to integrate knowledge of different scientific disciplines within a unified theory but quite another thing to integrate diverse knowledge


domains for the purpose of decision making and acting. In the former case, one is searching for a systematic theory or model, in the latter for practical knowledge, which provides orientation and advice for public policies and collective decision making. Main Arguments for Participatory TD Research

The new claim that the concept of TD should be extended with instruments for the public participation of nonscientists is above all based on three connected arguments: 1. Since there is no societal consensus about purposes on which scientists can rely in their decisions, science has to enter into a dialog with society. 2. The division of labor in modern society leads to a division of know-how and a fragmentation of knowledge; therefore, a TD integration of knowledge has to be extended to the whole society and cannot be reduced to the integration of the knowledge of different scientific disciplines. Three problem areas can be identified: 1. Experts versus principals (hierarchy): In the “knowledge society,” experts at a lower level of the hierarchy have often knowledge and experience their principal lacks although the latter has the authority to decide. 2. Experts versus experts (specialization): Specialists and single organizational departments have at their command only fragmented pieces of knowledge when they are tackling with societal problems. As one may say: “Communities have problems, every organization departments” (a variation on an often quoted phrase: “Communities have problems, universities departments,” CERI 1982, p. 127). 3. Experts versus citizens (practical experience): Contextual knowledge about circumstances apart from the abstract knowledge of scientific experts becomes more important when science has to be successfully applied in the daily life of common citizens.

Transdisciplinary Research (Transdisciplinarity)

The Three Phases of the Participatory TD Research Process

The participatory kind of TD research requires three distinct phases within the research process, dedicated to different tasks and in need of organizational designs. Although they can overlap, sometimes, it is even necessary to approach these phases in an iterative manner: 1. Problem identification and structuring: Typically, TD research has to start with only loosely defined objectives. Facts are unclear, problems vaguely defined, and values in dispute, but often it is much at stake for “those affected by the consequences” of the problem (Dewey 1927/1988). The very nature of the research purpose is often in dispute, since different interests and perspectives on the problem are involved; therefore, it is highly recommended to deliberate with different stakeholders about a joint definition of the problem and on what research question the research should focus (Pohl and Hirsch Hadorn 2007; Hirsch Hadorn et al. 2008). Scientific experts need the help of citizens to identify the relevant societal problems and to define the research questions in a way that the research outcome will likely suit to the needs and expectations of those who are involved. Expert knowledge of different disciplines and professions along with important contextual knowledge and competences of laypeople should be examined for their relevance and integrated for a first problem definition. Furthermore, for scientific knowledge to become societally relevant, it is necessary to involve from the beginning those who are either affected by the consequences of these scientific and technological innovations or are in charge for implementing and using this knowledge later on in their occupational, family, or political life as citizens. The former can obstruct innovations later on when they think they are not in their interest, the latter can be reluctant to implement them. 2. Problem investigation and analysis: The joint problem definition has to be broken down into research questions which can be analyzed with the instruments and methods at hand. Different

Transdisciplinary Research (Transdisciplinarity)

aspects have to be closely investigated to understand the complexity of the problem from different angles. Especially four central features have to be emphasized: It should deal “with problem fields in such a way that it can (a) grasp the complexity of problems, (b) take into account the diversity of scientific and lifeworld perceptions of problems, (c) link abstract and case-specific knowledge, and (d) develop knowledge and practices that promote what is perceived to be the common good” (Pohl and Hirsch Hadorn 2007, p. 20). 3. Bringing results to fruition: The TD research outcome has to be put in practice to trigger innovations within society. It is necessary to synthesize and to translate the research outcomes for the different stakeholders since they have to understand and implement this knowledge in their daily routines. As part of a joint quality assurance, the results have to be monitored: either by an “extended peer review” (including representatives of groups of different stakeholders) or more decentralized by separate evaluations by the scientific peers on the one hand and the different groups of stakeholders on the other (see “Evaluation of Participatory TD Research”). A Question of Knowing: Searching for New Sources of Knowledge

Another kind of knowledge the scientists sometimes lack but should be interested in is contextualized knowledge. To give an example, the political scientist and anthropologist James C. Scott convincingly argued that the modernization of agriculture in the twentieth century with the help of scientific standardizations but without taking the experience of the local peasants, woodsmen, and hunters into account repeatedly yielded catastrophic results. Many projects actually failed without the “nonscientific” practical knowledge of the local communities about local circumstances and their complex interrelations, like knowledge about seasonal time sequences in the local flora and fauna, specific differences in soil quality across the region, water supply, and changing weather conditions. Scott called this practical knowledge of the local communities


“metis”; it consists of a set of “rules of thumb” acquired by long experience. The essence of this kind of knowledge is “[k]nowing how and when to apply the rules of thumb in a concrete situation” (Scott 1998, p. 316). The Benefit of “Societal Learning”: Triggering Social Innovations

At least since the 1970s, fundamental changes between science and democratic society occurred, when the severe criticism of antinuclear and environmental movements have become prominent, as well as the accusations against psychiatric and social expertise of being oppressive and of serving the vested interests of those who are in charge. Political dissent made it quite clear that in a democratic society, it is not easy to reach an agreement on a generally accepted definition of what constitutes a legitimate “public interest” and a common purpose at all. How then can research organizations find generally acceptable purposes of knowledge on which scientists and society alike can agree? At this point Erich Jantsch’ concept of TD was adapted and became more sophisticated by taking up an idea first developed in the 1920s by the philosopher John Dewey: the idea of participatory engagement of citizens with the aim to deliberate about the desired aims and purposes (Dewey 1927/1988). John Dewey proposed a new contract between scientific experts and those citizens who are affected by the consequences of scientific or technological innovations, since both can learn from each other. It is just as with shoemaking: “The man who wears the shoe knows best that it pinches and where it pinches, even if the expert shoemaker is the best judge of how the trouble is to be remedied” (Dewey 1927/1988, p. 207). For different reasons, participatory TD has therefore some common features with Eric von Hippel’s concept of “user innovation,” which is based on the deliberate attempt to support the participation of so-called lead users in the product development process (Hippel 1988, 2005). 1. Consensus conferences: In fact, Dewey’s idea of democratic deliberations about purposes has been taken up since the 1970s and put in


practice by some researchers even before the term “transdisciplinarity” was first used. Most notably when in 1987 a participatory method of technology assessment was established with the first Danish “Consensus conference” (about genetic engineering) organized by the Danish Board of Technology (Blok 2007). As a dialog between experts and citizens about emerging technology issues, the consensus conference (also known as “citizens’ panels”) has been aimed especially at identifying potential side effects of technological change and evaluating its societal impact. Such public conferences intend to find socially accepted ways for technological changes, helping technological and scientific inventions to become socially accepted technological innovations by actively addressing emerging conflicts and until then unforeseen social consequences. 2. Postgraduate and adult education: Other means of integrating scientific and nonscientific knowledge domains have been developed by some institutions since the 1970s especially in postgraduate and adult teaching courses (e.g., the 1979 established Austrian IFF: Arnold and Dressel 2009). When universities acknowledge that (especially vocational) students already bring considerable knowledge, skills, and competences to the university, they can redesign specific courses of study with the aim to encourage these students to share their professional experience and knowledge with their colleagues and to mobilize these resources in their research for their final thesis. Transforming the traditional professor-student relationship into a kind of transdisciplinary cooperation, treating students more like equal partners in a participatory research process. Basis for such a redefinition of the different social roles within the learning process is, however, a persistent focus of these study programs on life-world problems, which not only cross the narrow disciplinary boundaries of scientific knowledge but are also accessible for the lessons of life experience and the knowledge of practitioners. Only then is the hierarchy between scientific and nonscientific knowledge

Transdisciplinary Research (Transdisciplinarity)

sufficiently leveled, so that a collaborative learning process seems promising. A Question of Purpose: Searching for the Public Interest

In a society based on the division of labor and on individual rights of the citizens, the common good and common interests are never easy to identify. There is no authority to speak for society; if “society now ‘speaks back’ to science” (Nowotny et al. 2001, p. 50), it is never society as a whole but individual persons or institutions that may be in conflict with other parts of society. In this situation, participation is more complicated than some researchers may think. That is why critics have claimed that with the involvement of stakeholders and the participation of nonscientists in the research process, transdisciplinarity willingly compromises its credibility and “objectivity” by running the risk of becoming partisan and subservient to political interests. This criticism has to be taken seriously, particularly since some researchers seem to mistake the participation of one stakeholder with the successful inclusion of the common interests of a society. Nevertheless, society does not exist as one uniform entity. As science is divided into a variety of disciplines, society is shaped by the functional division of labor, conflicting interests, social hierarchies, and sometimes fierce competition. In other words, “socially robust knowledge” (Nowotny et al. 2001, p. 166ff.) can be achieved either by appeal to the consent of (at least) the majority or by alignment with the interests of the powerful. In the first case, scientific research is oriented toward the common good (which is compatible with traditional notions of “objectivity”); in the latter case, however, it becomes tinged with unreliability and social bias. For example, if a transdisciplinary research team cooperates with a hospital with the aim to find out how to improve the quality of the hospital, the question is: With whom do they cooperate? Does their research network provide special participatory roles for all stakeholders? Is the hospital represented only by the management or the clinical staff? What about the patients and their relatives or the nonacademic nursing personnel?

Transdisciplinary Research (Transdisciplinarity)

What about external stakeholders like the health ministry, the pharmaceutical industry, or the health insurance companies? In an ideal setting, all of them would have to be included. But sometimes conflicts between these stakeholders can be fierce and the weakening of organizational hierarchies, for example, between the scientific staff and the nursing personnel, may be opposed by those who benefit from these hierarchies. Transdisciplinary research has to fight against such obstacles, but in situations when conflicts between different interests and perspectives are threatening to break up the whole research network, a reasonable compromise in the research design has to be negotiated. Evaluation of Participatory TD Research

A key question for transdisciplinary research networks remains: Who should evaluate the success and the quality of research outcomes? Should the evaluation of scientific quality by the scientific community be kept apart from the evaluation of research outcomes and benefits by (for) nonacademic research participants, or should transdisciplinary research foster a new kind of quality assurance by an “extended peer review” where judgments of scientific peers and nonscientific stakeholders can be integrated (Funtowicz and Ravetz 1993)? An extended peer review is a valuable option and indeed obligatory especially when research funds are dedicated to financing transdisciplinary research and research proposals have to be evaluated. Furthermore, an extended peer review can be a valuable tool to foster communication and deliberations between different groups and “thought styles” within a TD research network (Pohl 2011), which can help to overcome disagreements and to broaden the perspective of each of the different research participants (including those of the scientists) through regular discussions about the aims and the quality of the research process. Nevertheless, decentralized evaluations by the different participating groups within the research network remain a valuable alternative especially in situations where lasting conflicts between different societal actors are not expected to vanish during the research project and the network’s


capacities (in terms of time and money) would be overcharged by a mediation process. In such a situation, the expected societal influence of the project will be limited since these conflicts will be likely to overshadow any implementation process. But that does not necessarily mean that the results could not be valuable for scientists and some of the stakeholders as well.

Conclusion and Future Directions TD is an attempt not only to add but to integrate different knowledge claims. Some still hope to find this unity of knowledge in a unified theory, others hope for a unity on a more local level; some restrict TD to the integration of scientific knowledge within the academia and their different disciplines, others are searching with the help of participatory procedures for a more thorough integration of scientific and nonscientific knowledge. But all hope to provide better founded knowledge and more comprehensive solutions for relevant societal problems. However, TD – especially in its participatory version – is not only about crossing boundaries of knowledge, but (like interdisciplinarity) it is also about cooperation and bringing different people and organizations with different knowledge together. Hence, transdisciplinary research has to spend considerable time communicating about purposes, appropriate research questions, methods and conflicting knowledge claims, coping with problems of finding a common language and common interests, to put cooperative research and knowledge production on a firm and joint basis. Despite the fact that the term “TD” was initially invented as designating a special kind of interdisciplinarity, today the core meaning of TD has shifted to describe participatory research in the first place. At least since then it became necessary to distinguish between interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity as two concepts, although closely linked but not identical. As a matter of fact, a disciplinary kind of TD is entirely possible when – without any interdisciplinary cooperation between different disciplines – participatory procedures are included in disciplinary research


designs. But transdisciplinarity without interdisciplinarity does not seem worth aspiring for. It is unlikely to get the whole picture of the complexity of societal problems (not to mention finding appropriate solutions) without making recourse to the whole diversity of scientific methods and disciplinary systems of knowledge. Therefore, integrating transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary cooperations has to be more than ever an important aim for TD research projects in the future. However, since TD is in fact more like a craft or an art than a science, there are unavoidable differences between discipline-oriented and practice-oriented members within every interdisciplinary TD research team. Scientists trying to explain natural and social phenomena have often different research questions than practitioners trying to devise actions, processes, or technical solutions that serve some specified purpose. An interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research team has to bridge these differences, combining scientific analysis with real-world solutions. To cope with this situation successfully, TD needs organizational expertise: Transcending institutional boundaries with the aim of knowledge integration requires some experience in project management, especially in building bridges between different social realms of experience. Therefore, to create, to maintain, and to share TD expertise, separate organizational units have to be established within universities (e.g., as departments) or as autonomous division within other research institutes. This represents the only way to nurture what can be called transdisciplinary “communities of practice” where not only the formal rules but also the nuts and bolts of TD practice can be learnt from colleagues as tacit knowledge in an informal way (cf. Wenger 1998; Arnold and Dressel 2009). As long as the public was convinced that science is an instrument of technical and economic progress, scientific research could be seen as providing value-free devices for innovations whose use and best application could be discussed afterward. In all likelihood, since this consensus has vanished, public debates about the purposes and implications of scientific research will haunt the scientific communities in the future (Ezrahi 1990,

Transdisciplinary Research (Transdisciplinarity)

1994). Hence, with its participatory involvement of those who are affected by the consequences, TD research seems to be an adequate and needed instrument for scientific research in a plural democratic society with its debates about purposes and the accountability of public spending: It involves negotiating with stakeholders or citizens about purposes, drawing on their noncertified expertise as knowledge resource, and making it more probable and easier for the participants implementing scientific findings and new solutions in their dayto-day decisions. Therefore, important questions for future research are how to use this instrument successfully and what kind of problems one has to face in different social settings with different scientific disciplines involved.

Cross-References ▶ Interdisciplinary Research (Interdisciplinarity) ▶ Mode 1, Mode 2, and Innovation

References Arnold M. Interdisziplinarität: Theorie und Praxis eines Forschungskonzepts. In: Arnold M, editor. iff – Interdisziplinäre Wissenschaft im Wandel. Wien/ Münster: Peter Lang; 2009. p. 65–97. Arnold M, Dressel G. iff – Geschichte einer interdisziplinären Institution. In: Arnold M, editor. iff – Interdisziplinäre Wissenschaft im Wandel. Wien/ Münster: Peter Lang; 2009. p. 17–56. Blok A. Experts on public trial: on democratizing expertise through a Danish consensus conference. Public Underst Sci. 2007;16(2):163–82. Bogner A, Kastenhofer K, Torgersen H, editors. Inter- und Transdisziplinarität im Wandel? Neue Perspektiven auf problemorientierte Forschung und Politikberatung. Baden-Baden: Nomos; 2010. Briggs A, et al., editors. Interdisciplinarity. Problems of teaching and research in universities. Paris: OECD; 1972. CERI. The university and the community. The problems of changing relationships. Paris: OECD; 1982. Dewey J. The public and its problems. Athens: Ohio University Press; 1927/1988. Ezrahi Y. The descent of icarus: science and the transformation of contemporary democracy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; 1990. Ezrahi Y. Technology and the illusion of the escape from politics. In: Ezrahi Y, et al., editors. Technology,

Transdisciplinary Research (Transdisciplinarity) pessimism and postmodernism. Dordrecht: Kluwer; 1994. p. 29–37. Funtowicz SO, Ravetz JR. Science for the post-normal age. Futures. 1993;25(7):735–55. Gibbons M, Limoges C, Nowotny H, Schwartzmann S, Scott P, Trow M. The new production of knowledge. The dynamics of science and research in contemporary societies. London: Sage; 1994. Hanschitz R-C, Schmidt E, Schwarz G. Transdisziplinarität in Forschung und Praxis. Chancen und Risiken partizipativer Prozesse. VS Verlag: Wiesbaden; 2009. von Hippel E. The sources of innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1988. von Hippel E. Democratizing innovation. Cambridge: The MIT Press; 2005. Hirsch Hadorn G, Hoffmann-Riem H, Biber-Klemm S, Grossenbacher-Mansuy W, Joye D, Pohl C, Wiesmann U, Zemp E, editors. Handbook of transdisciplinary research. Berlin: Springer; 2008. Hirsch Hadorn G, Pohl C, Bammer G. Solving problems through transdisciplinary research. In: Frodemann R, et al., editors. The Oxford handbook of interdisciplinarity. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2010. p. 431–52. Jaeger J, Scheringer M. Transdisziplinarität: problemorientierung ohne Methodenzwang. Gaia. 1998;7 (1):10–25. Jantsch E. Towards interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in education and innovation. In: Briggs A, et al., editors. Interdisciplinarity. Problems of teaching and research in universities. Paris: OECD; 1972. p. 97–121. Jantsch E. Interdisciplinarity: dreams and reality. Prospects. 1980;10(3):304–12. Kim Y, editor. Transdisciplinarity: stimulating synergies, integrating knowledge. Paris: UNESCO (Division of Philosophy and Ethics); 1998. Klein JT. Interdisciplinarity: history, theory, and practice. Detroit: Wayne State University Press; 1990. Klein JT. Prospects for transdisciplinarity. Futures. 2004;36:515–26. Klein JT. A taxonomy of interdisciplinarity. In: Frodemann R, et al., editors. The Oxford handbook of interdisciplinarity. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press; 2010. p. 15–30. Kockelmans JJ. Why interdisciplinarity? In: Kockelmans JJ, editor. Interdisciplinarity and higher education.

9 University Park/London: The Pennsylvania State University Press; 1979. p. 123–60. Lawrence RJ. Housing and health: from interdisciplinary principles to transdisciplinary research and practice. Futures. 2004;36:487–502. Lichnerowicz A. Mathematic and interdisciplinarity. In: Briggs A, et al., editors. Interdisciplinarity. Problems of teaching and research in universities. Paris: OECD; 1972. p. 121–39. Lieven O, Maasen S. Transdisziplinäre Forschung. Vorbote eines ‘New Deal’ zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft? Gaia. 2007;16(1):35–40. Miller RC. Varieties of interdisciplinary approaches in the social sciences. Issues Integr Stud. 1982;1:1–37. Mittelstraß J. Wohin geht die Wissenschaft? Über Disziplinarität, Transdisziplinarität und das Wissen in einer Leibniz-Welt. In: Mittelstraß J, der Eule DF, editors. Von der Vernunft der Wissenschaft und der Aufgabe der Philosophie. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp; 1989. p. 60–88. Mittelstraß J. Transdisciplinarity – new structures in science. In: Innovative structures in basic research (Ringberg-symposium October 4–7, 2000). Munich: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft; 2002. p. 43–54. Nowotny H, Scott P, Gibbons M. Re-thinking science: knowledge and the public in an age of uncertainty. Cambridge: Polity Press; 2001. Piaget J. The epistemology of interdisciplinary relationships. In: Briggs A, et al., editors. Interdisciplinarity, problems of teaching and research in universities. Paris: OECD; 1972. p. 127–39. Pohl C. What is progress in transdisciplinary research? Futures. 2011;43:618–26. Pohl C, Hirsch Hadorn G. Principles for designing transdisciplinary research. Proposed by the swiss academies of arts and sciences. Munich: Oekom; 2007. Russel AW, Wickson F, Carew AL. Transdisciplinarity: context, contradictions and capacity. Futures. 2008;40:460–72. Scott JC. Seeing like a state. How certain schemes to improve the human condition have failed. New Haven/London: Yale University Press; 1998. Stichweh R. Differenzierung der Wissenschaft. Z Soziol. 1979;8:82–101. Wenger E. Communities of practice. Learning, meaning, and identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1998.


Alternate Reality Games as Inventions Dirk Ifenthaler Learning, Design and Technology, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany

Synonyms Online role-playing game; Serious game

Key Concepts and Definition of Terms Games are a universal part of human experience and are present in all cultures. Characteristics of a game include goals, rules, competition, and interaction (Huizinga 1955; Ifenthaler et al. 2012). Serious games are entertaining and interactive learning environments including a purposeful curricular focus (Ritterfeld et al. 2009). Alternate reality games, or ARGs, represent an innovative game genre that requires use of the Internet yet imports other media and methods of communication to facilitate play (Szulborski 2005).

Theoretical Background Serious games have emerged as “a new form for education and training” (de Freitas and Liarokapis 2011, p. 9). In fact, the innovations of serious

games have such great consequence that they envision them to be capable of providing “a paradigm shift in how education and training are delivered in the twenty-first century” (de Freitas and Liarokapis 2011, p. 9). Given the omnipresence of gaming in culture and society, and the recent advances in technological capabilities, it is not surprising that gaming for learning and instruction could hold such possible value as well (Ifenthaler et al. 2012; Ritterfeld et al. 2009). As to a specific definition of serious games, they generally can be characterized as digital games with a curricular focus and are not used just for entertainment purposes (de Freitas and Liarokapis 2011; Ritterfeld et al. 2009). The appeal and effectiveness of serious games reside in the power of the games to provide an escape from the tedium of reality, as well as to feel immersed in an activity and the world created around it. Most importantly, a delicate balance must be struck to ensure that learning objectives are met without sacrificing the entertainment of the game (de Freitas and Liarokapis 2011; Ifenthaler et al. 2012). Alternate reality games (ARGs) are interactive narratives that take place in real time and evolve according to the learners’ responses (Klopfer and Squire 2008). ARGs are best described by the “TINAG philosophy,” which stands for “T his I s N ot A G ame” (Szulborski 2005, p. 1). The innovation of an ARG is the lack of predefined rules for game play, game space, and game materials, in addition to the absence of specific

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_346-2


win/loss scenarios. This fact separates ARGs from the constraints of serious games, thereby facilitating implementation of the TINAG philosophy (see Fig. 1). The illusion, therefore, is of participating in reality, and not in fiction. Thus, it is important to note that ARGs are vastly different from simulations (Szulborski 2005). However, ARGs are about participating in “alternate realities.” Accordingly, well-designed ARGs will allow users to feel as though their game participation flows out of real life, and is as natural as other features of daily living, especially within the context of information and communication technology (ICT). This is due in large part to the types of components utilized in ARGs. Media such as websites, e-mail messages, videos, Internet blogs, phone calls, learning management systems, and even real-world interactions can all be used to enable play in ARGs (Szulborski 2005). More importantly, such media are likely to be used in players’ everyday lives. Some ARGs have served a marketing function; others have educational objectives or focus on social as well as economic issues (McGonigal 2011). An innovation of ARGs is the story which is revealed in pieces after a specific problem has been solved by the player (Szulborski 2005). Finding out the ultimate goal of the ARG is an important feature which facilitates the immersion into the ARG, i.e., the feeling of being deeply engaged where players enter a make-believe world as if it is real. Another innovation of ARGs is rabbit holes which function as the beginning of the game. Rabbit holes represent an opening to another world (the alternate reality world). They are realistic and intriguing and motivate the player to proceed further into the alternate reality world. The rabbit hole, e.g., an encrypted message in an e-mail advertisement, leads to a series of websites including further information, e.g., about the characters involved in the ARG. The innovative learning objective of the ARG is the change of realworld behavior of the players. Yet, empirical research regarding the effectiveness of ARG for learning and instruction is rare. An implementation of an experimental ARG curriculum showed

Alternate Reality Games as Inventions

significant gains on player’s achievement when compared to computer-based instruction (Warren et al. 2012). Still, further research is required in order to provide empirical evidence for the instructional benefits of the innovations provided by ARGs.

Conclusion and Future Directions Digital game-based technologies are nudging the field to redefine what is meant by learning and instruction. Proponents of game-based learning argue that we should prepare the students to meet the demands of the twenty-first century by teaching them to be innovative, creative, and adaptable so that they can deal with the demands of learning in domains that are complex and ill structured (Gee 2003; Ifenthaler et al. 2012). On the other hand, opponents of games argue that games are just another technological fad, which emphasize superficial learning. In addition, opponents argue that games cause increased violence, aggression, inactivity, and obesity while decreasing prosocial behaviors (Ifenthaler et al. 2012). As the border between game, play, learning, and instruction is getting blurry, we are once again faced with paradigm shifts in epistemology, learning theory, and instructional theory. However, before we get excited and claim that alternate reality games will change education, we need to empirically study what it means for learning and instruction. A mature theory of game-based learning should take into account the underlying principles by which they work as learning environments. Despite the arguments for the potential of digital game-based learning, the empirical evidence for their effectiveness is scant (Eseryel et al. 2011). Important research questions arise from analytics approaches for digital game-based technologies. However, the collection of gameplay data for game-based analytics necessitates careful planning due to the simultaneous transmission of gaming (graphical) data, along with the gameplay data (Loh et al. 2015). Also related to analytics is the issue of (performance) metrics. They can be found across many different industries, covering

Alternate Reality Games as Inventions


Alternate Reality Games as Inventions, Fig. 1 Classification of alternate reality games

Unstructured play

Structured play Recreational Games Assessment Games

the same grounds in learning, gaming and business analytics, e.g., socio-demographics, time on task, number of mistakes, number of selfcorrections, time of access, or amount of learning (Loh et al. 2015). To sum up, the need to systematically study which instructional design strategies and assessments work in game-based learning environments to take full advantage of what these emerging technologies can offer for education and training is evident. Toward this goal, a scientific attitude with regard to the design of alternate reality games requires validated measures of learning outcomes and the associated assessment methods in order to determine which design elements work best, when, and why (Ifenthaler et al. 2012).

Cross-References ▶ Innovation

References de Freitas SI, Liarokapis F. Serious games: a new paradigm for education? In: Ma M, Oikonomou A, Jain LC, editors. Serious games and edutainment applications. New York: Springer; 2011. p. 9–23.

Serious Games

Alternate Reality Game

Eseryel D, Ifenthaler D, Ge X. Alternative assessment strategies for complex problem solving in game-based learning environments. In: Ifenthaler D, Kinshuk IP, Sampson DG, Spector JM, editors. Multiple perspectives on problem solving and learning in the digital age. New York: Springer; 2011. p. 159–78. Gee JP. What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan; 2003. Huizinga J. Homo Ludens: a study of the play-element in culture. Boston: Beacon; 1955. Ifenthaler D, Eseryel D, Ge X. Assessment for game-based learning. In: Ifenthaler D, Eseryel D, Ge X, editors. Assessment in game-based learning. Foundations, innovations, and perspectives. New York: Springer; 2012. p. 3–10. Klopfer E, Squire K. Environmental detectives – the development of an augmented reality platform for environmental simulations. Educ Technol Res Dev. 2008;56(2):203–28. doi:10.1007/s11423-007-9037-6. Loh CS, Sheng Y, Ifenthaler D. Serious games analytics: theoretical framework. In: Loh CS, Sheng Y, Ifenthaler D, editors. Serious games analytics. Methodologies for performance measurement, assessment, and improvement. New York: Springer; 2015. p. 3–29. McGonigal J. Reality is broken: why games make us better and how they can change the world. New York: Penguin; 2011. Ritterfeld U, Cody MJ, Vorderer P, editors. Serious games: mechanisms and effects. New York: Routledge; 2009. Szulborski D. This is not a game: a guide to alternate reality gaming. Raleigh: Lulu Press; 2005. Warren S, Dondlinger MJ, McLeod J, Bigenho C. Opening the door: an evaluation of the efficacy of a problem-based learning game. Comput Educ. 2012;58(1):397–412. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2011.08.012.


Creativity: Cultural Capital in Mathematics Education Rae Ann Hirsh Early Childhood, Carlow University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Synonyms Inventiveness; Originality; Problem-solving; Resourcefulness; Social capital The average mathematics classroom is dominated with step-by-step directions, algorithms, and logical formulas for problem-solving and resembles classroom environments from the 1800s rather than the integrated and collaborative work environments of the twenty-first century (Dwyer et al. 2014). In the past, this may have been sufficient for problem-solving due to the tools available to students. However, access to cultural goods, tools, resources, and technologies has changed dramatically in the past few decades and has radically changed the tools available to students. Mathematics is integrated in contemporary culture with a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) foci. With this change, creativity has emerged as the new cultural capital of the mathematics classroom. Creativity is needed to address current and future problem-solving challenges of the twenty-first century and beyond.

Key Concepts Creativity Emerging technology and innovative access have radically changed the career and lifestyle options of the human race and will continue to change them. The tools and roles of the future are unknown, but preparation for that future occurs daily in classrooms around the globe. Survival in this type of elusive future will require a very fluid/ adaptable type of thinking that is closely associated with creativity (Gardner, 2009). This type of thinking can be referred to as divergent thinking or “originality, flexibility, and elaboration and fluency in thinking” and is often thought to be at the core of creativity (Sak and Maker 2006, p. 279). Creativity itself has been defined in hundreds of ways throughout decades. An analysis of 42 definitions of creativity by Kampylis and Valtanen (2010, p. 198) reveals four key components commonly referred to as the four Ps of creativity (person, process, press, and product): 1. Creativity is a key ability of individual(s). 2. Creativity presumes an intentional activity (process). 3. The creative process occurs in a specific context (environment). 4. The creative process entails the generation of product(s) (tangible or intangible). Creative product(s) must be novel (original,

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_356-2


Creativity: Cultural Capital in Mathematics Education

unconventional) and appropriate (valuable, useful) to some extent, at least for the creative individual(s). Mathematics Mathematics can be defined as using number sense, geometry, estimation, measurement, statistics, probability, fractions, decimals, patterns, spatial sense, and relationships to solve problems. Problem-solving is defined by the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) as “engaging in a task for which the solution method is not known in advance” (NCTM 2000, p. 52). A critical piece of the NCTM’s definition is that the solution method is not known in advance. In the past, math has been looked at as a process of solving problems with known algorithms. Knowing an algorithm in advance negates a student’s mathematical thinking and hinders the development of place value and number sense (Kamii 1999). A shift in thinking about mathematics as procedures to thinking about mathematics as understanding is needed. Anwar et al. (2012, p. 55) explain, “to be able to efficiently organize teaching activities for the development of mathematical thinking the teachers will need to rely on some kind of innovation that will enable them to comprehend the significance of change in instructional culture. This is the reason why; there is a need to emphasize a shift in thinking from procedure to understanding.” Mathematics Education Contemporary mathematics education relies heavily on the common core standards initiative. In the USA, the common core was designed to inspire understanding and deemphasize procedure by creating not only content standards but standards of practice (for teaching and learning). The standards of practice in the USA emphasize eight main foci: • Making sense of problems and persevere in solving them • Reason abstractly and quantitatively • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others • Model with mathematics • Use tools strategically

• Attend to precision • Look for and make use of structure • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning These core foci of the USA are similar to many other countries, with the exception of how and what is required of students at various grade levels (Kilpatrick, 2010). The common theme in these eight foci is problem-solving; therefore, “it should be a well-integrated part of the curriculum that supports the development of mathematical understanding” (NCTM, 2000, p. 52). Mathematics education relies on centuries of cultural capital. “A math textbook, without always acknowledging it, contains wisdom from ancient cultures and the accumulated history of human thinking” (Lonergan 2007, p. 21). Cultural and Social Capital Bourdieu, who coined the phrase cultural capital in the 1060s, was interested in the noneconomic/ material reasons why educational disparity existed between students of lower socioeconomic backgrounds and students of other social classes. He proposed that students bring specific competencies, aesthetic preferences, and dispositions to the classroom that have been instilled and reinforced from a strong cultural perspective and access. Contemporary sociologists view these competencies and dispositions as a “form of currency in the social realm” (Winkle-Wagner 2010, p. 7). A student’s cultural capital can have advantages in some settings and disadvantages in others. Cultural capital can be acquired through social origin and education and presents itself within a space where capital is produced and assessed, like a classroom. Social capital manifests itself in relationships. Relationships with family, peers, teachers, and materials have tremendous influence on the learning environment and contribute to cultural capital wealth (Pishgahadam and Zabihi 2011). Creativity as Cultural Capital Cultural capital takes into account the dispositions, values, traditions, preferences, arts, skills, advantages, and intergenerational equity of specific

Creativity: Cultural Capital in Mathematics Education

groups of people. Cultural capital can be used as leverage to elevate or lower social status which influences all other aspects of life. When creativity is infused into the definition of cultural capital, the uniqueness and skills of different cultures are valued and respected. This leads to an appreciation of divergent thinking and an encouragement of creative problem-solving. In the mathematics classroom, creativity has been traditionally devalued and narrowly focused on specific skills and strategies. Creativity was not seen as valuable cultural capital but as playful distraction, nonsense, and/or inattentiveness. This ultimately leads to standardized thinking and reserved reactions. Embracing creativity as cultural capital in the mathematics classroom revitalizes the problemsolving process, expands the boundaries of the math field, and invites competitiveness and innovation into the classroom and ultimately into the global workplace. Current Trends in Mathematics Education and their Link to Global Competitiveness The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) monitors and reports how US students perform in specific subject areas, such as mathematics. The NCES gathers its data from state standardized test scores and international standardized mathematics assessments. Mathematics achievement is typically assessed and compared internationally through the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). Results from the TIMSS and PISA are frequently cited as reasons for improving mathematics education and are motivators for international competition. Despite the heavy reliance on the results of these standardized assessments, questions regarding the fallout of high test scores have emerged. A comprehensive 40-year study of countries’ TIMSS scores demonstrates unexpected findings (Baker, 2007). The higher a country’s TIMSS scores were 40 years ago, the lower the country’s economic health and national wealth today. Economic growth in countries improved as test scores dropped. Quality of life, as measured on the quality-of-life index, improved as test scores decreased. The Economist


Intelligence Unit’s Index of Democracy showed that countries with the highest test scores had lower levels of democracy. The number of creative patents was much higher in countries with lower test scores. The trend to rely on standardized assessment results has resulted in a one-size-fits-all math education classroom that replaces creativity and problem-solving with skills, drills, and memorization. This may raise international test scores, but lower international market competitiveness by negating creativity, innovativeness, and originality in careers rooted in mathematics, engineering, and technology. Creativity is valuable cultural capital, unique to cultures that value independence, creative thought, and divergent thinking. The social and educational origins of cultural capital provide a unique opportunity for creativity in the mathematics classroom. Creativity allows one to value the social capital contributions of individuals and add the importance and value of creativity to the cultural capital repertoire. In the mathematics classroom, it is pertinent to specifically focus on the cultural capital acquired through interaction and create social acceptance and importance of creativity in problem-solving. Theoretical Background and Open-Ended Issues Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) initiatives are specifically designed to increase science and math skills in children and build awareness for science, math, technology, and engineering careers. Judith Ramaley, the former director of the National Science Foundation’s education and human resources division, began the STEM initiative in 2001. Her idea was to abandon the isolated teacher-directed content areas of the sciences and mathematics and teach them as interdisciplinary, collaborative inquirybased explorations and problem-solving experiences that transcended gender and class boundaries. STEM has recognized that valued skill sets have changed from solitary isolated skill sets to collaborative innovative application. As the STEM initiative grew momentum in schools, the exclusion of a very necessary component was glaringly apparent. The foundational skills for math and science


are there, but the ingenuity to create, solve problems, and invent is lacking. Creativity is missing. In 2011, STEM responded to the creativity crisis in the STEM program through the introduction of an A for arts. STEM is now STEAM – science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. STEAM recognizes that: • Arts education is a key to creativity. • Creativity is an essential component of, and spurs, innovation. • Innovation is agreed to be necessary to create new industries in the future. • New industries, with their jobs, are the basis of our future economic well-being. The trend in STEM corroborates Albert Einstien’s thinking of “We can’t solve problems with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Core math initiatives of the USA and other countries need to be grounded in an understanding of the cultural capital contemporary students possess and be cognizant of the elusive tools and roles of the future. Math standards, math practices, and math classrooms need to recognize the importance of divergent thinking, encourage creative problem-solving, and nurture and respect creativity.

Conclusion and Future Directions As educators prepare students for the twenty-first century and beyond, a renewed emphasis in divergent thinking is taking place and is necessary for the future global society. The fluidity of creative thought has distinct implications for the role content knowledge plays in the development of creativity. “Knowledge can provide the foundation for creative work: however, too much knowledge may preclude the thinker from going beyond stereotyped responding or bring about negative transfer to new problem situations” (Sak and Maker 2006, p. 281). The content presented to students should be integrated into interdisciplinary projects that require contextual math to

Creativity: Cultural Capital in Mathematics Education

complete the project. Creativity also involves connection to real-world disciplines. The connection can happen through the arts, technology, engineering, or science and is reinforced through the STEAM initiatives. Choice is something seldom seen in education but extremely important not only to creativity but to initiative, industry, and problem-solving. Too often, education is presented in a linear fashion with one right answer. Students need questions that invite a multitude of answers and pathways. This is critical as students face a future where the roles and tools of the society will look quite different from present day. Co-authorship refers to the student’s role in problem identification and formulation. Involving them in the task of identifying a problem increases motivation, encourages them to look at the world more critically, and helps them to identify the need to solve the problem. This process encourages creativity as students began posing their own problems to solve.

Cross-References ▶ Convergent Versus Divergent Thinking ▶ Creativity and Innovation: What Is the Difference? ▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches ▶ Divergent Thinking

References Anwar L, Budayasa IK, Amin SM, Hann D. Eliciting mathematical thinking of students through realistic mathematics education. J Math Educ. 2012;3(1):55–70. Baker K. Are international tests worth anything? Phi Delta Kappan. 2007;89(2):101–4. http://www.pdkintl. org/kappan/kappan.htm Dwyer C, Hogan M, Steward I. An integrated critical thinking framework for the 21st century. Think Skills & Creat. 2014;12:43–52. Gardner H. Five minds for the future. Boston: Harvard Business School Press; 2009. Kampylis PG, Valtanen J. Redefining creativity: analyzing definitions, collocations, and consequences. J Creat Behav. 2010;44(3):191–214. Kamii, C. Young children reinvent mathematics: Implications of Piaget’s theory, 2e. New York, NY: Teachers College Press; 1999.

Creativity: Cultural Capital in Mathematics Education Kilpatrick J. A comparison of proposed US common core math standards to standards of selected Asian countries. Education news. 2010 July 9. http://www.education news.org/ed_reports/94979.html Lonergan, M. The case for creativity in math education. Essential Mathematics Education. 2008;23(2):20–21. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Principles and standards for school mathematics. Reston: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics; 2000.

5 Pishgahadam R, Zabihi R. Social and cultural capital in creativity. Can Soc Sci. 2011;7(2):32–8. www.cscanada.org Sak U, Maker CJ. Developmental variation in children’s creative mathematical thinking as a function of schooling, age, and knowledge. Creat Res J. 2006;18(3):279–91. Winkle-Wagner R. Cultural capital: the promises and pitfalls in education research. ASHE High Educ Rep. 2010;36(1):1–144. doi:10.1002/aehe.3601.


Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking Olga M. Razumnikova State Scientific-Research Institute of Physiology and Basic Medicine, Novosibirsk, Russia Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia

Synonyms Creativity versus intelligence; Innovation versus critical thinking; Intuitive thinking versus logic thinking; Irrational versus rational thinking

Key Concepts and Definition of Terms The concept of divergent and convergent thinking was created by J.P. Guilford to term different types of psychological operations while problem solving (Guilford 1967). Divergent thinking is defined as producing a diverse assortment of appropriate responses to an open-ended question or task in which the product is not completely determined by the information. So, divergent thinking concentrates on generating a large number of alternative responses including original, unexpected, or unusual ideas. Thus, divergent thinking is associated with creativity. Convergent thinking involves finding only the single correct answer, conventional to a well-

defined problem. Many facts or ideas are examined while convergent thinking for their logical validity or in which a set of rules is followed. Convergent thinking focuses on reaching a problem solution through the recognition and expression of preestablished criteria. Standard intelligence tests are similarly believed to measure convergent thinking.

Theoretical Background and OpenEnded Issues The differences between convergent and divergent thinking in information processes, psychological operations, and brain activity are presented in Table 1 and in Figs. 1 and 2. Three basic indices of divergent thinking have been offered of Guilford (1950): • Fluency (total number of the generated ideas) • Flexibility (the number of categories in the ideas) • Originality (the number of unique or unusual ideas) Effectiveness of divergent thinking suggests a combination of knowledge, good memory, and fluency in associations between sensory and semantic information, as well as richness of ideas, imagination, and fantasy.

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_362-2


Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking

Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking, Table 1 Differences in characteristics associated with convergent and divergent thinking Characteristics Problem type Responses Psychometric index Attention Mood Predominating thinking strategy Specific strategy of response selection Brain activation Hemisphere dominance Domain of specific giftedness Adaptation to constant environment

Convergent Well-defined Single Intelligence Focused and local Negative Analytical and rational Deductive retrieval High-level and localized Left Science Mental health

The basic index of successful convergent thinking is high speed of the right answer finding. The same condition is due to measurement of mental abilities or well-known intelligence quotient (IQ). Intelligence, as measured on many commonly used tests, is often separated into verbal, figural, and numerical, which can be combined to produce a full-scale intelligence score. Also social, emotional, motor, and other components of intelligence are differentiated. Successful convergent thinking required a perceptual exactness in observation, great volume of general and domain-specific knowledge, good memory, analytic-abstract reasoning, and finally fast acceptance of the logical decision. So, main contrary characteristics of convergent and divergent thinking are a quantity of task solution (simple vs. multiple, respectively), time of answer finding (short vs. long), and concept mapping of idea search (specific vs. widespread associations). However, convergent and divergent thinking have also some similarity characteristic in psychological processes while difficult problem solving as it presented in Table 2. These different types of thinking are important components of creative process including the formulation of a problem (dominance of convergent thinking), widespread search of variable ideas of a problem solution (function of divergent thinking), and choice of the final decision based on critical comparison of generated ideas (again convergent thinking phase). So, convergent thinking

Divergent Poorly defined Multiple Creativity Defocused and global Positive Intuitive and irrational Insight Low-level and widespread Right Art Mental diseases

dominates while domain-relevant knowledge and data are identified and analyzed but divergent thinking – during information transformation and generation of both ideas collection and many possible criteria for reviewing these ideas.

Organization of Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking Semantic transformations of information and ideas exploring as well as one important source of wit and humor are evidence of divergent thinking. Associational knowledge reflects regularities in experience based on probabilistic linkages among stimuli. Traditionally, associational knowledge has been held to give rise to new original thought through variable interconnections of remote concepts (see Fig. 1b). Extensive knowledge provides an information basis for flexible search of different and similar features of objects and processes from various semantic categories that contributed to the generation of many new concepts and creative problem solutions. A heuristic or insight is a strategy that ignores part of the information, with the goal of making creative decisions after incubation period. On the contrary, convergent thinking is defined as creating of completely determined product. Linear logic, schematic knowledge, and mapping operations are contributed to arrive at a firm conclusion based on relevant information. The theory

Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking


Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking, Fig. 1 Scheme of organization of convergent (a) versus divergent (b) thinking. F1 . . . I, D1 . . . I, and P1 . . . I sign different semantic categories in multiple knowledge structures

of mental models is widely accepted as the explaining theory in relational reasoning (e.g., Goodwin and Johnson-Laird 2005). In line with this theory, humans construct internal representation of objects and relations in working memory, matching the state of affairs given in the premises. Convergent thinking narrows the available responses with the goal of selecting the single correct response (Fig. 1a) and can inhibit creative though as stops on one most probable idea. However, as the stage model predicts, sometimes, convergent thinking may be necessary for final selection of original and acceptable problem solution. Two complementary subsystems are required to reach the desirable results: (1) an idea generation subsystem that embeds semantic knowledge and whose dynamics generates ideas

as conceptual combinations and (2) a critic, which receives the generated ideas and produces evaluative feedback based on its domain knowledge about the given context. Involvement of multiple knowledge structures, the capability to memorize which answers and categories have been produced, as well as the accessibility of memory traces in general should be helpful in acquiring both high creativity and intelligence test scores. The large variety of data resulting in an average correlation between divergent thinking and intelligence tests has been found using a meta-analysis of 21 studies and 45,880 participants (Kim 2005). This relationship was moderated by age, gender, specific abilities, personality, and other factors. However, patterns of relationships between these factors and the


Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking

Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking, Fig. 2 Model of hemispheric organization of convergent (a) versus divergent (b) thinking

Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking, Table 2 Similarities in characteristics associated with convergent and divergent thinking Sensory processes Memory Knowledge Task types Cognitive structures and abstraction Emotional regulation

Brain activity Adaptation to variable environment

Careful observation of their environments to gather information through the senses Large working memory capacity Implicit and explicit memory resources Effective application of requisite processing operations to relevant domain-specific and general knowledge Verbal, figural, numerical, and social Using different concept maps and abstract models to understand the world Negative emotions induce increased motivation to task performance, but positive emotion facilitates associative and semantic priming and supports the processing of global perceptual information Interaction of specific and associative brain areas in line with individual strategies of problem solving Integration of intellectual and creative abilities to introduce change, innovation, or improvement over what exists

convergent and divergent thinking organization still should be studied. So, paradoxical complementary combinations of contrary kind of thinking occur in different phases of novelty production: convergent thinking might dominate in the phases of preparation and verification a decision, but divergent thinking in idea illumination.

Neuronal Mechanisms of Divergent and Convergent Thinking Understanding of neuronal mechanisms of divergent and convergent thinking may not only improve a performance of different cognitive tasks but also provide new insights into regulation of innovation activity. Possible brain correlates

Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking

underlying divergent and convergent thinking are found in neuroscientific studies. As example of convergent thinking, mathematics operations can be tested. Neuropsychological as well as brain imaging studies converge on the view that arithmetic processing is subserved by frontoparietal areas and the basal ganglia (Dehaene et al. 1996). The left angular gyrus, perisylvian language areas, and the basal ganglia are assumed to mediate the retrieval of overlearned arithmetic facts, such as the multiplication tables, from long-term memory. The stronger activation within frontal areas in calculation tasks (Fig. 2a) has been interpreted as reflecting working memory demands, as well as error monitoring and strategic organization. There are evidences that numerical information is represented and processed by regions of the prefrontal and posterior parietal lobes, with the intraparietal sulcus as a key node for the representation of the semantic aspect of numerical quantity. The intraparietal region seems to be associated with an abstract, amodal representation of numbers in as much as it can be activated by numbers presented in various culturally learned symbolic notations. Exact arithmetic depends more on left lateralized, possibly language-related structures, while approximate arithmetic is tied to a quantity representation in bilateral intraparietal areas. Deductive reasoning as variant of convergent thinking is the attempt to reach secure conclusion from prior beliefs, observations, or suppositions. Some reports have characterized deduction as predominantly left hemispheric, variously recruiting regions in inferior frontal, frontotemporal, and occipito-fronto-temporoparietal cortices (Goel and Dolan 2004). Core deduction area is the left rostrolateral prefrontal cortex, a region implicated in tasks involving goals/subgoals. It can be concluded that the specific network involved in skilled arithmetic performance (i.e., convergent thinking) has been established. The inferior parietal sulcus and prefrontal cortex are assumed to mediate a common representation of quantity, and both arithmetic and sentence processing activated large sets of areas strongly lateralized to the left hemisphere (Fig. 2a).


On the contrary, divergent thinking and creativity are associated with widespread interconnections between multiple brain regions and relative dominance of the right hemisphere (Razumnikova 2005; Arden et al. 2010) (see Fig. 2a). A meta-analytic review of the literature to establish how creative thinking relates to hemispheric dominance revealed no difference in predominant right-hemispheric activation for verbal versus figural tasks, holistic versus analytical tasks, and context-dependent versus contextindependent tasks (Mihov et al. 2010). Right-hemisphere dominance in divergent thinking is caused to the facts that the right temporal and parietal cortices may provide a crucial nonlinguistic component needed for the intuitive generation of novel ideas using semantic knowledge in terms of features, concepts, and categories as well as verbal operations, such as the metaphor and humor creation or semantic operations that require a wide net of associations. Lefthemisphere involvement in divergent thinking is associated with the ability to generate original idea using the combination of various aspects of existing knowledge from memory. Semantic information in the brain is represented at several levels, ranging from combinations of sensorimotor features, through amodal concepts, to semantic categories. Considerable evidence now supports the idea that semantic processing involves several cortical functional networks including the left temporal lobe, the prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, the orbitofrontal cortex, and parts of the occipital cortex. Using a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies on divergent thinking, Activation Likelihood Estimation maps resulting from contrast studies of combination versus generation or verbal versus non-verbal tasks several frontal and parietotemporal regions specialized for distinct types of processes were revealed, with rostral regions of prefrontal cortex involved in combining ideas creatively and more posterior regions involved in freely generating novel ideas (Gonen-Yaacovi 2013). Distributed brain networks of creative idea generation included lateral prefrontal and temporal cortex, posterior parietal cortex, and anterior cingulated cortex (Wu et al.


2015). Thus, if great volume of knowledge is necessary for difficult task performance, integration of functions of both hemispheres and anterior-posterior cortex is required often for a finding of the best decision. Many investigators have proposed that the ability to generate novel ideas or divergent thinking is associated with increased hemispheric cooperation. In line with this, hypothesis studies of patients with callosal resection have revealed a decrement in complex cognitive ability and EEG coherence studies suggest an association between effectivity of divergent thinking and interhemispheric coupling (Bogen 2000; Razumnikova 2005). Decreased callosal connectivity enhances hemispheric specialization, which benefits the incubation of ideas that are critical phase of creativity, and it is the momentary inhibition of this hemispheric independence that accounts for the illumination (Moore et al. 2009). Alternatively, decreased size of corpus callosum may reflect more specific localization of selective hemispheric processes, thereby facilitating efficient intrahemispheric functional connectivity. So, the corpus callosum is necessary for transferring earlier integrative aspects of divergent thinking from the right hemisphere to the left one, which would be essential for creative output, that is, verbal and motor answer. The lateralized processing of the different forms and types of knowledge stored in the right and left hemispheres may be particularly important during different types of divergent thinking (verbal, figural, or social). The right hemisphere is dominated at exploring for new possibilities while the left hemisphere is more likely to result in the application of a previously learnt concept or pattern to a new problem. An important aspect of cognitive fluency and flexibility is inhibitory control, the ability to dynamically modify or cancel planned actions in response to changes in the sensory environment, or task demands. The control and planned functions are performed in the prefrontal cortex which is deactivated during divergent thinking according to divergent task-induced alpha rhythm synchronization (Fig. 2b). This effect can be

Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking

interpreted as congruent with idea that defocused attention and inhibitory control decrease is associated with effective search of original ideas.

Implication for Theory, Policy, and Practice Successfulness in both divergent and convergent thinking can be considered within the more comprehensive concept of cognitive competence. This concerns the complex achievement forms of problem perception, information processing through learning transfer, and divergent/convergent thought processes in various situations and in different field of activity. There are findings that generally supported the view of convergent scientists and divergent artists. Scientific eminence requires high level not only intellectual but creative abilities and manifests itself in development of solution-relevant hypotheses regarding scientifically unsolved problems, the development of new theories and methods, and original problem solutions. Creativity is generally expressed, for example, in technical areas through original processes, new methods, useful inventions, and valuable products. Analysis of creativity and intelligence scores with regard to extracurricular activities showed that highly creative versus highly intelligent students dominated in art, literature, technology, and social skills whereas in science these scores were equivalent (Perleth and Sierwald 2001). According to a neural plasticity model, it is expected that environmental interventions in the different form of training in divergent and convergent thinking would improve both creative and intellectual abilities. Schooling and specific intervention programs do affect relative intellectual or creative performance. A well-known tool to enhance divergent thinking in groups is brainstorming. There are many techniques for individual development of ability to generation of original ideas: challenge facts, analogies, random word and picture, and others. It should also be noted that the magnitude of the thinking score increase would be a function of

Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking

the underlying differences in neural plasticity. If there are large individual differences in neural plasticity, then even relatively large interventions would not be sufficient to overcome differences in this factor.

Conclusion and Future Directions So, divergent thinking concentrates on producing a large number of appropriate and adequate alternative responses and often is associated with creativity which involves the generation of varied, original, or unusual ideas in response to an openended task. On the contrary, convergent thinking involves finding the single correct answer, and standard intelligence tests are similarly believed to measure convergent thinking. A major question for further research is a studying individual variability in complex neuronal mechanism of divergent versus convergent thinking depending on sex, age, personality, intelligence, handedness, etc. It is necessary to unify neuroimaging methods and psychometrical testing of different components of thinking designed to provide greater spatial localization of function in brain. The future of primary creativity research would perhaps be focusing not only on the specialization of the hemispheres but on particular brain areas that are in constant interplay and communication. There is also open-end question on a role of interhemispheric or anterior and posterior cortex interaction in information selection during creative activity. Further research using techniques that can provide information about the nature of white matter connections, such as diffusion tensor imaging, will help to explain the mechanism by which effectivity of divergent thinking relates to size of corpus callosum. Recently, more and more attention is given to the use of psychological knowledge in the politician and ordinary life. In this connection, studying of functional mechanisms of social creativity or implications of divergent and convergent thinking concepts on work, at home, or in complete adaptation to the world represents a great interest.


Cross-References ▶ Cognition of Creativity ▶ Convergent Versus Divergent Thinking ▶ Creative Brain ▶ Creativity and Systems Thinking ▶ Divergent Thinking ▶ Nature of Creativity ▶ Scientific Creativity as Combinatorial Process

References Arden R, Chavez RS, Grazioplene R, Jung RE. Neuroimaging creativity: a psychometric view. Behav Brain Res. 2010;214(2):143–56. Bogen JE. Split-brain basics: relevance for the concept of one’s other mind. J Am Acad Psychoanal. 2000;28:341–69. Dehaene S, Tzourio N, Frak V, Raynaud L, et al. Cerebral activations during number multiplication and comparison: a PET study. Neuropsychologia. 1996;34:1097–106. Goel V, Dolan RJ. Differential involvement of left prefrontal cortex in inductive and deductive reasoning. Cognition. 2004;93(3):B109–21. Gonen-Yaacovi G, Cruz de Souza L, Levy R, Urbanski M, et al. Rostral and caudal prefrontal contribution to creativity: a meta analysis of functional imaging data. Front Hum Neurosci. 2013;7:465. Goodwin GP, Johnson-Laird PN. Reasoning about relations. Psychol Rev. 2005;112(2):468–93. Guilford JP. Creativity. Am Psychol. 1950;5:444–54. Guilford JP. The nature of human intelligence. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1967. Kim KH. Can only intelligent people be creative? A metaanalysis. J Second Gift Educ. 2005;16:57–66. Mihov KM, Denzler M, Forster J. Hemispheric specialization and creative thinking: a meta-analytic review of lateralization of creativity. Brain Cogn. 2010;72:442–8. Moore DW, Bhadelia RA, Billings RL, Fulwiler C, et al. Hemispheric connectivity and the visual-spatial divergent-thinking component of creativity. Brain Cogn. 2009;70:267–72. Perleth C, Sierwald W. Entwicklungs- und Leistungsanalysen zur Hochbegabung. In: Heller KA, editor. Hochbegabung im Kindes- und Jugendalter. 2nd ed. Gottingen: Hogrefe; 2001. p. 171–355. Razumnikova OM. Gender-dependent frequency-spatial organization of the brain cortex activity during convergent and divergent thinking: II. Analysis of the EEG coherence. Hum Physiol. 2005;31(3):275–84. Wu X, Yang W, Tong D, Sun J, et al. A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies on divergent thinking using activation likelihood estimation. Hum Brain Mapp. 2015;36(7):2703–18.


Fostering Creativity through Science Education Mavis Haigh School of Learning, Develoment and Professional Practice, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Synonyms Innovation in practical work in science education; Open-ended investigative practical work in science education

Theoretical Background and Openended Issues This entry focuses on the premise that creativity can be fostered through science education. There are two contrasting views of the nature of creativity – the first is the extraordinary, or high, creativity displayed by geniuses and the second is the more everyday creativity, sometimes called possibility thinking that occurs as an individual makes inventive decisions when faced with novel and/or demanding contexts. Craft (2001) used the notions of “big C creativity” (BCC) and “little c creativity” (LCC) to frame these two views of creativity within education. The concept “creativity” applies both when ideas and artifacts are produced for the first time in human history and

when the ideas are new simply to the person who generated them. Both LCC and BCC require imagination, flexible thinking, and originality. It is generally LCC that we can foster through science education, though students involved in research projects may arguably be involved with aspects of BCC such as novelty and peer validation (Feldman et al. 1994). Creativity is recognized as domain specific or dependent, which suggests that there is a particular kind of creativity associated with divergent thought when considering science ideas. It can be argued that hypothesizing, designing experiments, and problem-solving all require a particular kind of creativity peculiar to science, as does the technical innovation that is often required as part of experimental design. However, scientific creativity is a subtle concept that is hard to pin down and is often used in different ways. Kind and Kind (2007) provide an analysis of teaching creatively, creativity’s link with inquiry teaching, and creativity as an aspect of the nature of science. Hu and Adey (cited in Lin et al. 2003) proposed a definition for scientific creativity when they developed a test for scientific creativity for secondary school level science. Their definition included three dimensions, process, trait, and product, and seven core elements: unusual use, problem finding, product improvement, creative imagination, problem-solving, science experiment, and product design. They, and their team of researchers, have used this framework to compare the scientific creativity of students who have

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_365-2


undergone the Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education (CASE) program with those who have not (Lin et al. 2003). The CASE program did appear to promote scientific creativity in secondary school students though the effects on different aspects of creativity varied, with items testing science experiment and product design having large effects and creative imagination having a smaller but still statistically significant effect. The effect of CASE on creativity was shown to be often delayed until one or more years after the end of the intervention program. The research team argued that “the CASE programme improves students’ cognitive processing, and only when this has been achieved can it be applied to problems requiring creative thinking.”

The Place of Creativity in the Science Curriculum Across the world, science education is increasingly being required through its curriculum documents to address the nature of science and its social practices as well as the content of science. This requirement is supported by the argument that “in a society where science increasingly permeates the daily discourse, some understanding of its underlying epistemic values, methods, and institutional practices is essential if the citizen is to engage with the issues confronting contemporary society” (Osborne et al. 2003). After carrying out a careful Delphi study with representatives of groups involved in science and science education around what ideas about science should be taught in school science, Osborne et al. listed nine key aspects of the nature of science that were considered as essential in school science curricula. One of these was an understanding that science is a creative endeavor. If creativity is fundamental to science, it arguably should also be a prominent feature of science education. However, Hadzigeorgiou et al. (2012) point out that “the differences between scientists and children as well as the nature of the tasks encountered by them need to be taken into account” (p. 606). It is not sufficient to simply tell students about the creativity inherent in the scientific endeavor,

Fostering Creativity through Science Education

though an appreciation of the role of human engagement and creativity in the development of scientific ideas might be addressed through carefully crafted historical study (Kind and Kind 2007). Instead, students need to be encouraged to do science in ways that foster creativity. Ways of fostering creativity in science education include making models to explain ideas and visualizing processes in an attempt to explain phenomena. Developing students’ future thinking within science education is another approach likely to foster creativity given that imaginative creativity is a significant feature of futures education. A study of socio-scientific issues within futures education approaches calls for student understanding of current situations to inform, imagine (create), and evaluate possible and preferable futures (Jones et al. 2011). Encouraging questioning and problem-posing, formulating hypotheses and predictions, and designing and carrying out investigations to test these also offer students’ ways of authentically experiencing the creative aspects of the development of science ideas. Students also need experience in interpreting data and in making decisions about the status of evidence and the validity of inferences. Experience in defending their interpretations, especially should others offer conflicting interpretations, is also necessary. Notions of collaborative creativity can be fostered through deliberately encouraging students to work cooperatively, thus permitting a glimpse of the common effort involved in much scientific work (Osborne et al. 2003). Student engagement in scientific inquiry holds the potential for fostering students’ understanding about the nature of the scientific endeavor, including the role of creativity in the development of ideas in science. Many curricula emphasize the centrality of inquiry (sometimes framed as investigation) to school science. However, science education researchers hold variable views regarding the possibility and actuality of inquiry approaches in school science classrooms for providing a context for students to experience authentic scientific inquiry (e.g., Kind and Kind 2007). It has been argued that there is a difference between the ideals of inquiry science in schools and its reality in

Fostering Creativity through Science Education

practice. In part, this may be the result of teachers’ differing perspectives of the nature of science. In part, it may be because teachers continue to tightly frame student investigations. If school inquiry science is to become more authentic, then it is likely to require teachers to reconsider their roles and the classroom activities they plan and for students to accept changes in teacher-student engagement and learning environments (Haigh 2010; Ndeke et al. 2016). It is recognized that the processes of scientific inquiry require a sound understanding of context and concepts inherent in the investigation, a particular challenge to student novices and teachers alike. Minimal guidance by the teacher is unlikely to result in anything but frustration for the students. Teachers wishing to support their students’ inquiry approaches are likely to have to address their students’ lack of scientific knowledge by providing information as it is required or at least direct the students to where the information may be found (Haigh 2010). Given that scientific creativity and rationality are likely to work together, it is also to be expected that teachers will need to directly teach rational processes such as careful empirical testing (Kind and Kind 2007).

The Potential of the Practice of Investigation in the Science Classroom Although science educators continue to critique the notion that inquiry science in school can truly reflect the work of scientists, there is some research supporting engaging in investigative practical work as a means of fostering scientific creativity in secondary school students. Haigh (2010) carried out a 4-year empirical project where teachers facilitated their students in open investigative practical work in biology. This New Zealand research sought to find out how student’s abilities at carrying out open investigative work can be enhanced, how teachers can be supported in this work, what the perceived benefits from such an introduction are, and what the perceived constraints might be. The study was conducted in three phases, with phases 1 and 2 taking place in a large urban


secondary school and phase 3 involving senior biology teachers and their students in 22 other secondary schools across New Zealand. In total, 27 teachers and approximately 500 students were involved in the study. The students encountered a number of partially open biology problems. The problems that the students were working with were deemed partially open as the teacher had set the context of the problem and focused the student thinking through directed questioning about the problem. The tasks were authentic and relevant to the students’ school or home environments. They were linked to aspects of the New Zealand senior biology curriculum such as eutrophication, osmosis, transpiration, photosynthesis, and enzyme activity. The students were required to make decisions about the inquiry design, generate data, and draw conclusions after considering the status of their gathered evidence. Frequently, the process involved redesigning and the generation of new data. When designing the investigation, they worked as individuals at first and then joined in groups where they were required to defend their approach to the problem and move to a group decision. As a group, the students had to work collaboratively to complete the investigation and generate findings. The group then had to argue for the reliability and consequence of their findings and prepare a report for a nominated audience such as a school newspaper or scientific journal. Findings from this study indicated that both teachers and students identified that carrying out practical investigations provided opportunities for the students to think scientifically creatively, albeit largely within the LCC framework. The students were challenged to question initial assumptions: their own or those provided by teacher or text. Having to work through a number of what, how, how many, when, where, and why questions encouraged students’ possibility thinking. Some students did things differently, that is, they took a distinctly different approach to solving the problem. Some had done things better, that is, they made changes to a previously used procedure in ways that improved the reliability and validity of their findings. The teachers reported that as the students worked with a number of


similar investigations in different contexts, they became more innovative in what they planned and demonstrated an increasing flexibility of thinking. In addition, the students indicated that engaging in open investigative practical work brought with it a greater understanding of the creative and sometimes uncertain nature of science investigation; they had broadened their understanding of the importance of the collaborative nature of the scientific endeavor and the tentative nature of scientific knowledge. However, Haigh’s project also highlighted that aspects of teacher engagement may need to be altered if the potential of investigative practical work to foster and enhance creativity is to be realized; these are the dynamics of the classroom and the nature of teacher-student and studentstudent interaction. Specific activities and teaching strategies were also identified as enhancing the potential for students to creatively engage with the investigation. A classroom that encourages creativity embraces co-construction of knowledge. The classroom will be learner oriented. Students’ existing knowledge will be recognized, and they will be supported to restructure these understandings where necessary. Students will be given opportunities to learn from others, the teacher, or each other through collaborative activities. Teachers will deliberately scaffold their students’ investigative attempts. Haigh (2010) details a number of strategies suggested by the teachers and students in her study that enhances student engagement, critical thinking, and creativity during investigative practical work. The strategies support the students’ shifts from following “recipe”-type practical work into more open practical work where students are required to pose and test possibilities. A teacher might help the students to analyze “recipe”-style investigations to determine why the author had chosen that particular approach, the students might plan an investigation and then critically compare their plans to one provided by the teacher or text, students will be expected to critically evaluate their own work on completion of the investigation, teachers will emphasize the value of cooperative working practices, teachers will help students to seek links between prior knowledge and the investigative

Fostering Creativity through Science Education

situation, and the teachers will actively cue the students as they work through the various stages of an investigation. A UK-based study around a collaborative curriculum development project also highlights the necessity for pedagogy to change if science education is to foster creativity. Teachers will need to teach creatively. A focus on the need for these changes should begin in teacher education programs if they are to have any impact on teachers’ work and continue into ongoing professional dialogue. Braund and Campbell’s (2010) study involved student-teacher and teacher-mentor pairs devising, teaching, and evaluating novel lessons and approaches around teaching about ideas and evidence in science. A significant outcome of the study “was the perception of teaching shifting from delivery of standard lessons in prescribed ways to endeavours demanding creativity and decision making” (p. 203). However, when the student teachers began teaching as newly qualified teachers, the context of the school limited their ability to act as agents able to make a difference to the way the school at large taught science, leaving much of the teaching still largely the delivery of standard lessons in prescribed ways.

Conclusions and Implications for Practice Providing opportunities for students to carry out investigative practical work in science has the potential for enhancing their creativity and their understanding of science as a creative endeavor. Collaborative investigative practical work provides many opportunities for social possibility thinking and decision-making, at least at the LCC level. It may also, in part, meet Feldman et al. (1994) three-part system of high creativity where individuals develop ideas that are validated by experts. With support, teachers can establish a classroom culture that supports students as they engage in logical and creative construction of scientific knowledge. However, there are questions around this aspect of science education that require further exploration. Some possible inquiries are as follows: Is there a tension between

Fostering Creativity through Science Education

teaching for creativity and teaching for conceptual understanding in science? How might science teachers be better supported to teach creatively to enhance students’ creativity? How can the tensions between open approaches to practical work in school science and the drive for accountability in education, often through rigid assessment, be addressed? There are also ongoing challenges for teacher education, both initial and ongoing. Many professional leaders and researchers indicate that teachers need to be taught to teach for creativity. For example, after carrying out a large-scale study of secondary school Biology teachers’ perceptions of scientific creativity, Ndeke et al. (2016) recommended that “science teacher education programmes emphasize scientific creativity in their methodology courses to empower teachers to provide learning opportunities that would enhance learners’ creativity in science lessons” (p. 31).

Cross-References ▶ Adaptive Creativity and Innovative Creativity ▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches ▶ Scientific Creativity as Combinatorial Process


References Braund M, Campbell B. Learning to teach about ideas and evidence in science: the student teacher as change agent. Res Sci Educ. 2010;40:203–22. Craft A. Little c creativity. In: Craft A, Jeffery B, Leibling M, editors. Creativity in education. London: Continuum; 2001. p. 45–61. Feldman D, Czikszentmihalyi M, Gardner H. Changing the world: a framework for the study of creativity. Westport: Praeger; 1994. Hadzigeorgiou Y, Fokalis P, Kabouropoulou M. Thinking about creativity in science education. Creat Educ. 2012;3(5):603–11. Haigh M. Science classroom cultures and practices that foster creativity. In: Corrigan A, editor. Creativity: fostering, measuring and contexts. Hauppauge: Nova Science; 2010. p. 59–79. Jones A, Bunting C, Hipkins R, McKim A, Conner L, Saunders K. Developing students’ futures thinking in science education. Res Sci Educ. 2011; doi:10.1007/ s11165-011-9214-9. Kind P, Kind V. Creativity in science education: perspectives and challenges for developing school science. Stud Sci Educ. 2007;43:1–37. Lin C, Hu W, Adey P, Shen J. The influence of CASE on scientific creativity. Res Sci Educ. 2003;33:143–62. Ndeke G, Okere M, Keraro F. Secondary school biology teachers’ perceptions of scientific creativity. J Edu Lear. 2016;5(1):31–43. Osborne J, Collins S, Ratcliffe M, Millar R, Duschl R. What “ideas-about science” should be taught in school science? A Delphi study of the expert community. J Res Sci Teach. 2003;40(7):692–720.


Imagination Jim Davies Institute of Cognitive Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Synonyms Chronesthesia; Daydreaming; Dreaming; Dynamic generation; Episodic future thought; False memory; Forecast; Hypothetical thinking; Imagery; Make-believe; Mental imagery; Mental modeling; Mental simulation; Picturing; Pretend play; Pretense; Procedural modeling; Prospection; Retrodiction; Retrospection; Supposition; Synthesis; Thought experimentation; Visualization. The term “imagination” is used in two general senses. The first is synonymous with “creativity.” The second sense, and the one that will be explored in this entry, refers to the ability to create and experience virtual situations in the mind that are independent of sensory input. For example, a person might picture what a new sofa would look like in her living room, dream of walking through a jungle, or entertain a hypothetical situation in which the Renaissance never happened. Our imaginative abilities have given our species a great evolutionary advantage. In the Upper Paleolithic, humans were able to produce tools days before using them, created dwellings designed for lengthy occupation, and made

stylized tools, cave paintings, and burial practices. All of these practices seem to require imagination, typically imagining possible futures. Harris (2000, pp. ix–xi) suggests that this might have been key to the success of our species, particularly in competition with the Neanderthals, who, lacking these behaviors, were likely to have lacked imaginative abilities. Imagination can be roughly grouped into two kinds: sensory and suppositional (Goldman 2006). Sensory imagination refers to internally generated sensory-like imagery in the head, such as picturing a tree, hearing a voice or music in your head, or imagining the smell of cinnamon. Sensory imagination can be completely internal, as when dreaming, which is a kind of natural virtual reality. Imagination can also occur in the presence of normal perception, such as when, with one’s eyes open, one imagines a new color on a wall. In these instances, imagination works as a kind of augmented reality. Though not related to the senses, motor and emotional imagery is often included in this category, such as imagining running or being happy (Markman et al. 2009, chapter 18). Sensory imagination uses the same parts of the brain as perception (Kosslyn 1994), just as motor imagery uses the same brain areas as action (Markman et al. 2009, chapter 2). As such, imagery can interfere with perception (Kosslyn 1994). For example, if you are trying to see something while you are vividly imagining something else, your perception will be compromised – known as the Perky effect.

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_369-2


Sensory imagination also goes by the name of “mental imagery” and has received a great deal of scientific investigation, particularly for visual imagery. There are two hypothesized formats that can represent visual information. The first, descriptive representations (Kosslyn 1994), are sentence-like statements, such as “ocelot in tree.” The second format, depictive representations, represents visual things at the level of points of color at particular locations. In computer graphics, this is known as a “bitmap.” In a bitmap, there is no explicitly represented content. To know that an ocelot (a South American wild cat) is in the picture, perceptual processes would need to be applied to the bitmap. In the descriptive representation, by contrast, the existence of the ocelot is explicit, as the symbol representing an ocelot would be present in the description. The theory of visual mental imagery (which is somewhat controversial) holds that the human brain represents visual memories as descriptions but can transform those descriptions into depictions (called enactment-imagination, or e-imagination by Goldman 2006). Although the processes that do this are still poorly understood, the end result is theorized to be an activation pattern in the spatially organized neurons in the visual cortex (Kosslyn 1994). It is generally assumed that perceptual reinterpretation is the function of visual mental imagery. For example, when asked how many chairs one has in one’s house, one typically will need to visualize a walk-through and count the chairs imagined to eventually arrive at an answer. After doing this once, however, the number of chairs in the house is stored as a descriptive memory and might be retrieved in the future without needing to use mental imagery and counting. Studies supporting this theory show that the same areas of the brain used for visual perception are used when generating mental imagery. However, behavioral evidence for people’s ability to use mental imagery for reperception has been inconsistent. Although psychologists have studied how people can perceive and manipulate mental images and their effects on sport performance and


depression, there has been relatively little work on how these images are generated and composed from descriptive long-term memories. Open questions include the following: What determines the relative amount of confabulation and memory retrieval in recollection? Does a mental image require refreshing from long-term memory? Is the answer different if the image is rotating? When imagining a new scene, such as a playground, how does the mind determine when to stop adding objects to the imagined scene? How do we keep from believing the things we imagine (e.g., if we imagine we can fly, how do our minds keep track of what is imagined and what is real)? How do causal mental models interact with visual memory for mental simulation and planning? When one imagines oneself doing something, when do they take a first-person point of view (in which it appears as it would if they were doing it), and when do they take a third-person point of view (as it might appear in a video)? Suppositional imagination need not have any sensory element. It is pretense, or the hypothetical entertaining of counterfactuals (Markman et al.2009, section III). For example, one might imagine the stock market crashing, how someone feels (also known as empathy, using theory of mind, or affective forecast), what the world would have been in like if President Kennedy had not been assassinated, or that one owned a pet ocelot. Many real-world instances of imagination involve both sensorimotor and suppositional elements. This kind of imagination is studied with different subfield labels. “Mental modeling” studies the working internal representations people have and create to understand systems such as calculators and written descriptions. It has important implications for educational and interface design. “Chronesthesia” is mental time travel, that is, imagining the past (called recollection, retrodiction, or retrospection) or the future (called episodic future thought, forecast, or prospection). “Mental simulation” is a person’s sensory imagery informed by nonsensory understanding of systems, such as physical restraints. One might use mental simulation to decide if a sofa could fit through a given door.


Mental simulation in a scholarly context is often called “thought experimentation.” “Pretend play” is treating objects as though they are something else, as when children use stones and sticks to represent teacups and people or when they have imaginary companions (Markman et al. 2009, chapter 14; Harris 2000). More familiar phenomena such as planning, dreaming, daydreaming, and fantasizing are subjects of study that also use both sensory and suppositional imagination. Imagination is also studied with an eye toward how it can affect performance, memory, and mental outlook. Imagining doing something before you do it facilitates performance. Mental practice has been found to be helpful for over 20 sports, including pure muscle strengthening. Use of imagination can alter stereotypes (Markman et al. 2009, chapter 3). When we remember things that have happened to us, although it feels sometimes that we are recalling a veridical representation of what happened, it is actually an imaginative reconstruction based on a few accurately remembered elements. In fact, every time we remember an incident, we subtly change the memory itself. This benefit of imagination is also a drawback, as we sometimes remember our imaginings as real events. This happens not only upon recall of actual memories but also when asked to imagine a completely new episode. There is a large literature describing this “false memory” effect (Garry et al. 1996). Another drawback is that when planning for the future, one of the major uses of imagination, people tend to underestimate task-completion times (Buehler et al. 1997). This is, in part, because when imagining another situation, perhaps in another time (e.g., the future) or place (e.g., California), we imagine the only difference being the one under consideration or the most salient feature. For example, people will mistakenly believe they would be happier living in California when the good weather is the most salient difference with where they are currently living (Schkade and Kahneman 1998) and will fail to imagine unforeseen but inevitable difficulties that interfere with plans in the future (Lam et al.2005).


Computer scientists have done work to automate imaginative abilities with computer programs (Ebert et al. 2002). Although most computer graphics are created by human designers, scientists in the graphics and artificial intelligence fields have made programs that imagine visual scenes. This work is referred to as synthesis, procedural synthesis, dynamic generation, procedural modeling, and visualization. Some programs create plants, others faces, mountains, planets, or cities. They have applications for the automatic creation of virtual environments and characters for art, entertainment (e.g., movies or computer games), and training. Of the variety of methods that these computer systems use, I will describe grammars, fractals, and explicit knowledge. A grammar is a set of rules that describe acceptable expressions. In language, a successful grammar will generate only grammatical sentences in a language. In procedural modeling of a city, the grammar would consist of rules describing, for example, what buildings can go next to others and what kinds of windows would appear on which buildings. In music, a grammar might describe what notes are allowed to follow other notes. Fractals are shapes that are self-similar at different scales. For example, rivers often have a fractal structure, where the small branches upstream resemble the larger branching structures downstream. Fractals are particularly useful for describing natural scenes such as plants and mountains, as fractal geometry often appears in nature. In general, fractal geometry appears whenever a system needs to maximize the area of something in a finite space. The benefit of grammatical and fractal descriptions is that they can generate many combinations of acceptable outputs with a relatively small description. The downside is that it is difficult for them to take larger context and common sense into effect. Finally, procedural modeling can be done with explicitly encoded knowledge. For example, to describe a building, the knowledge base might have representations indicating that all rooms must have doors and that ceilings need to be


higher than 6 ft tall. The system can then generate new buildings that satisfy the constraints in the knowledge base. The downside of this is that the knowledge takes a great deal of time and effort to put into the system. In particular, large knowledge bases are prone to contradicting themselves and become unwieldy.


Cross-References ▶ Cognition of Creativity ▶ Imagery and Creativity ▶ Nature of Creativity

References Conclusion and Future Directions We know little of how human minds decide what goes into an imagined scene (with the exception of the mental modeling literature) and how these things are transformed into mental imagery. Computer scientists have developed methods for automating the generation of scene descriptions as well as their visual rendering. We know a fair bit about the nature of mental images in people, what we can and cannot do with them (e.g., rotation, reperception), and how they affect our mental states, creative processes, and performance. However, as a scholarly discipline, imagination is fragmented by methodology (e.g., philosophical argumentation, psychological experimentation, and computer science program implementation) and phenomena of interest. In the future, interdisciplinary cross talk should shed light on the unexplored areas of this important topic.

Buehler R, Griffin D, MacDonald H. The role of motivated reasoning in optimistic time predictions. Personal Soc Psychol Bull. 1997;23:238–47. Ebert DS, Musgrave FK, Peachey D, Perline K, Worey S. Texturing and modeling: a procedural approach. 3rd ed. Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufman; 2002. Garry M, Manning CG, Loftus EF, Sherman SJ. Revelation without presentation: counterfeit study list yields robust revelation effect. Mem Cogn. 1996;27:339–43. Goldman A. Imagination and simulation in audience responses to fiction. In: Nichols S, editor. The architecture of imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2006. p. 41–56. Harris PL. The work of the imagination. Oxford/Malden: Blackwell; 2000. Kosslyn SM. Image and brain: the resolution of the imagery debate. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; 1994. Lam KC, Beuhler R, McFarland C, Ross M, Cheung I. Cultural differences in affective forecasting: the role of focalism. Personal Soc Psychol Bull. 2005;31:1296–309. Markman KD, Klein WMP, Suhr JA, editors. Handbook of imagination and mental simulation. New York: Taylor & Francis Group; 2009. Schkade DA, Kahneman D. Does living in California make people happy? A focusing illusion in judgments of life satisfaction. Psychol Sci. 1998;9:340–6.


Mathematical Discovery Peter Liljedahl and Darien Allan Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada

Synonyms Mathematical creativity

Introduction What is the genesis of mathematics? What mechanisms govern the acts of mathematical discovery, invention, and creativity? The genesis of mathematical creation is a problem which should intensely interest the psychologist. It is the activity in which the human mind seems to take the least from the outside world, in which it acts or seems to act only of itself and on itself, so that in studying the procedure of geometric thought we may hope to reach what is most essential in man’s mind. (Poincaré 1952)

There are two theories regarding the origins of mathematics (Hersh 1997). The first theory, attributed to Plato, states that mathematics exists independent of man’s involvement in the field. As such, mathematical knowledge is “discovered,” much in the same way knowledge about the natural world is discovered. The second theory, referred to as the “formalist theory,” poses that

mathematics is a construct of mankind, a product of human thinking. In this case, new knowledge in mathematics is “invented,” much like new technology is invented. Although some mathematicians cling to one or the other of these theories as being the truth concerning the nature of mathematics and its origins, many find a middle ground that combines attributes of both. To see how these two extremes, along with the middle ground, play out in practical terms, consider the example of the infinitude of prime numbers. A Platonist would argue that the prime numbers existed independent and prior to us and that they existed in infinitude. Humans merely discovered them. A formalist would argue that prime numbers exist because they were defined as such. One possible middle ground between these two views is that the numbers themselves were invented (or defined) but the property that some numbers are prime was discovered, as was the fact that there is an infinite number of prime numbers. That is, mathematics is created by humans but does not bend to the will of humans (Stewart 2006). This example highlights how it might be possible to draw a distinction between the usage of invented and discovered. In an attempt to draw further distinction, it can be suggested that mathematics is invented when someone deliberately and willfully creates something new, even if it is only new to that one individual. On the other hand, mathematics is discovered if by some mechanism a mathematical property emerges out of some already existing mathematical object

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_376-2


Mathematical Discovery

(numeric, algebraic, geometric, or otherwise). So, for example, Napier invented logarithms, while Fermat discovered the theorem that bears his name. However, when definitions (which are invented) and properties (which are discovered) become conflated, this distinction becomes convoluted. Hadamard (1945) offers an anecdote that nicely explains this conflation. Such distinction has proved less evident than appears at first glance. Toricelli has observed that when one inverts a closed tube on the mercury trough, the mercury ascends to a certain determined height: this is a discovery; but, in doing this, he has invented the barometer; and there are plenty of examples of scientific results which are just as much discoveries as inventions. Franklin’s invention of the lightning rod is hardly different from his discovery of the electric nature of thunder. (p. xvii)

Hadamard goes on to state that because of this inability to make a clear distinction between discovery and invention, he will not concern himself with it and will, instead, treat them equally. Furthermore, he states that the “psychological conditions are quite the same for both cases” (p. xvii). For these very same reasons, the phenomena of discovery and invention will be treated here without distinction. A further conflation that the above example (and, indeed, the first paragraphs) exemplifies is the role of creativity within the phenomena of discovery and invention. As will be seen in the pages to come, creativity is an aspect of discovery and invention that is often indistinguishable and inseparable from either discovery or invention. As such, these terms will be used interchangeably throughout this entry but at some points will be treated in isolation.

History In 1902, the first half of what eventually came to be a 30-question survey was published in the pages of L’Enseignement Mathématique, the journal of the French Mathematical Society. Édouard Claparède and Théodore Flournoy, two French psychologists, who were deeply interested in the topics of mathematical discovery, creativity, and invention, authored the survey. Their hope was

that a widespread appeal to mathematicians at large would incite enough responses for them to begin to formulate some theories about this topic. The first half of the survey centered on the reasons for becoming a mathematician (family history, educational influences, social environment, etc.), attitudes about everyday life, and hobbies. This was eventually followed up, in 1904, by the publication of the second half of the survey pertaining, in particular, to mental images during periods of creative work. The responses were sorted according to nationality and published in 1908. During this same period, Henri Poincaré (1854–1912), one of the most noteworthy mathematicians of the time, had already laid much of the groundwork for his own pursuit of this same topic and in 1908 gave a presentation to the French Psychological Society in Paris entitled L’Invention mathématique – often mistranslated to Mathematical Creativity (c.f. Poincaré 1952). At the time of the presentation, Poincaré stated that he was aware of Claparède and Flournoy’s work, as well as their results, but expressed that they would only confirm his own findings. This presentation, as well as the essay it spawned, stands to this day as one of the most insightful and thorough treatments of the topic of mathematical discovery, creativity, and invention. Just at this time, I left Caen, where I was living, to go on a geological excursion under the auspices of the School of Mines. The incident of the travel made me forget my mathematical work. Having reached Coutances, we entered an omnibus to go some place or other. At the moment when I put my foot on the step, the idea came to me, without anything in my former thoughts seeming to have paved the way for it, that the transformations I had used to define the Fuschian functions were identical with those of non-Euclidean geometry. I did not verify the idea; I should not have had the time, as, upon taking my seat in the omnibus, I went on with the conversation already commenced, but I felt a perfect certainty. On my return to Caen, for conscience’ sake, I verified the results at my leisure. (Poincaré 1952)

So powerful was his presentation and so deep were his insights into his acts of invention and discovery that it could be said that he not so much described the characteristics of mathematical

Mathematical Discovery

creativity, as defined them. From that point forth, mathematical creativity, or even creativity in general, has not been discussed seriously without mention of Poincaré’s name. Inspired by this presentation, Jacques Hadamard (1865–1963), a contemporary and a friend of Poincaré’s, began his own empirical investigation into this fascinating phenomenon. Hadamard had been critical of Claparède and Flournoy’s work in that they had not adequately treated the topic on two fronts. As exhaustive as the survey appeared to be, Hadamard felt that it failed to ask some key questions – the most important of which was with regard to the reason for failures in the creation of mathematics. This seemingly innocuous oversight, however, led directly to his second and “most important criticism” (Hadamard 1945). He felt that only “first-rate men would dare to speak of” (p. 10) such failures. So, inspired by his good friend Poincaré’s treatment of the subject, Hadamard retooled the survey and gave it to friends of his for consideration – mathematicians such as Henri Poincaré and Albert Einstein – whose prominence were beyond reproach. Ironically, the new survey did not contain any questions that explicitly dealt with failure. In 1943, Hadamard gave a series of lectures on mathematical invention at the École Libre des Hautes Études in New York City. These talks were subsequently published as The Psychology of Mathematical Invention in the Mathematical Field [51]. Hadamard’s classic work treats the subject of invention at the crossroads of mathematics and psychology. It provides not only an entertaining look at the eccentric nature of mathematicians and their rituals but also outlines the beliefs of midtwentieth-century mathematicians about the means by which they arrive at new mathematics. It is an extensive exploration and extended argument for the existence of unconscious mental processes. In essence, Hadamard took the ideas that Poincaré had posed and, borrowing a conceptual framework for the characterization of the creative process from the Gestaltists of the time (Wallas 1926), turned them into a stage theory. This theory still stands as the most viable and


reasonable description of the process of mathematical invention.

Defining Discovery and Invention The phenomena of mathematical discovery and invention, although marked by sudden illumination, actually consist of four separate stages stretched out over time, of which illumination is but one stage. These stages are initiation, incubation, illumination, and verification (Hadamard 1945). The first of these stages, the initiation phase, consists of deliberate and conscious work. This would constitute a person’s voluntary, and seemingly fruitless, engagement with a problem and be characterized by an attempt to solve the problem by trolling through a repertoire of past experiences. This is an important part of the inventive process because it creates the tension of unresolved effort that sets up the conditions necessary for the ensuing emotional release at the moment of illumination (Hadamard 1945; Poincaré 1952). Following the initiation stage, the solver, unable to come up with a solution, stops working on the problem at a conscious level and begins to work on it at an unconscious level (Hadamard 1945; Poincaré 1952). This is referred to as the incubation stage of the inventive process and can last anywhere from several minutes to several years. After the period of incubation, a rapid coming to mind of a solution, referred to as illumination, may occur. This is accompanied by a feeling of certainty and positive emotions (Poincaré 1952). Although the processes of incubation and illumination are shrouded behind the veil of the unconscious, there are a number of things that can be deduced about them. First and foremost is the fact that unconscious work does, indeed, occur. Poincaré (1952), as well as Hadamard (1945), used the very real experience of illumination, a phenomenon that cannot be denied, as evidence of unconscious work, the fruits of which appear in the flash of illumination. No other theory seems viable in explaining the sudden appearance of solution during a walk, a shower, a conversation, upon waking, or at the instance of turning the


Mathematical Discovery

conscious mind back to the problem after a period of rest (Poincaré 1952). Also deducible is that unconscious work is inextricably linked to the conscious and intentional effort that precedes it.

problem is engaged with at the level of ideas and concepts. During verification, the solver can examine these ideas in closer details. Poincaré succinctly describes both of these purposes.

There is another remark to be made about the conditions of this unconscious work: it is possible, and of a certainty it is only fruitful, if it is on the one hand preceded and on the other hand followed by a period of conscious work. These sudden inspirations never happen except after some days of voluntary effort which has appeared absolutely fruitless and whence nothing good seems to have come . . . (Poincaré 1952)

As for the calculations, themselves, they must be made in the second period of conscious work, that which follows the inspiration, that in which one verifies the results of this inspiration and deduces their consequences. (Poincaré 1952)

Hence, the fruitless efforts of the initiation phase are only seemingly so. They not only set up the aforementioned tension responsible for the emotional release at the time of illumination but also create the conditions necessary for the process to enter into the incubation phase. Illumination is the manifestation of a bridging that occurs between the unconscious mind and the conscious mind (Poincaré 1952), a coming to (conscious) mind of an idea or solution. What brings the idea forward to consciousness is unclear, however. There are theories of the aesthetic qualities of the idea, effective surprise/ shock of recognition, fluency of processing, or breaking functional fixedness. For reasons of brevity, this entry will only expand on the first of these. Poincaré proposed that ideas that were stimulated during initiation remained stimulated during incubation. However, freed from the constraints of conscious thought and deliberate calculation, these ideas would begin to come together in rapid and random unions so that “their mutual impacts may produce new combinations” (Poincaré 1952). These new combinations, or ideas, would then be evaluated for viability using an aesthetic sieve, which allows through to the conscious mind only the “right combinations” (Poincaré 1952). It is important to note, however, that good or aesthetic does not necessarily mean correct. Correctness is evaluated during the verification stage. The purpose of verification is not only to check for correctness. It is also a method by which the solver reengages with the problem at the level of details. That is, during the unconscious work, the

Aside from presenting this aforementioned theory on invention, Hadamard also engaged in a far-reaching discussion on a number of interesting, and sometimes quirky, aspects of invention and discovery that he had culled from the results of his empirical study as well as from pertinent literature. This discussion was nicely summarized by James Newman (2000) in his commentary on the elusiveness of invention. The celebrated phrenologist Gall said mathematical ability showed itself in a bump on the head, the location of which he specified. The psychologist Souriau, we are told, maintained that invention occurs by “pure chance”, a valuable theory. It is often suggested that creative ideas are conjured up in “mathematical dreams”, but this attractive hypothesis has not been verified. Hadamard reports that mathematicians were asked whether “noises” or “meteorological circumstances” helped or hindered research [. . .] Claude Bernard, the great physiologist, said that in order to invent “one must think aside”. Hadamard says this is a profound insight he also considers whether scientific invention may perhaps be improved by standing or sitting or by taking two baths in a row. Helmholtz and Poincaré worked sitting at a table; Hadamard’s practice is to pace the room (“Legs are the wheels of thought”, said Emile Angier); the chemist J. Teeple was the two-bath man. (p. 2039)

Given the formalist nature of mathematics discussed earlier, it should be mentioned that invention and discovery are not “part of the theories of logical forms” (Dewey 1938). They are extralogical. That is, discovery and invention are not representative of the lockstep logic and deductive reasoning that mathematics is often presumed to embody. Invention and discovery are part of a cohort of extralogical processes that includes creativity, intuition, and imagination.

Mathematical Discovery

Approaches to Creativity The four stages of mathematical discovery and invention described above and characterized in Hadamard’s seminal work were not original to Hadamard. A psychologist by the name of Wallas (1926) used the same characterization to describe the general creative process about 20 years prior to Hadamard’s work. Because of this close relationship between the three phenomena (invention, discovery, and creativity), the body of literature on creativity is one that cannot be ignored. Aside from offering a variety of examples of invention and discovery, this literature also contributes to the construction of a better understanding of the phenomena through three distinct academic discourses: the focus on product, process, and person. This is not to say that there exist only three discourses but rather that this entry focuses on only three discourses. A brief synopsis of each of these discourses follows. “Creativity” is a term that can be used both loosely and precisely. That is, while there exists a common usage of the term, there also exists a tradition of academic discourse on the subject. A common usage of “creative” refers to a process or a person whose products are original, novel, unusual, or even abnormal (Csikszentmihalyi 1996). In such a usage, creativity is assessed on the basis of the external and observable products of the process, the process by which the product comes to be or on the character traits of the person doing the “creating.” Each of these usages is the roots of the discourses that we present here, the first of which concerns products. Consider a mother who states that her daughter is creative because she drew an original picture. The basis of such a statement can lie either in the fact that the picture is unlike any the mother has ever seen or unlike any her daughter has ever drawn before. This mother is assessing creativity on the basis of what her daughter has produced. However, the standards that form the basis of her assessment are neither consistent nor stringent. There does not exist a universal agreement as to what she is comparing the picture to (pictures by other children or other pictures by the same child). Likewise, there is no standard by which the actual


quality of the picture is measured. The academic discourse that concerns assessment of products, on the other hand, is both consistent and stringent (Csikszentmihalyi 1996). This discourse concerns itself more with a fifth, and as yet unmentioned, stage of the creative process: elaboration. Elaboration is where inspiration becomes perspiration (Csikszentmihalyi 1996). It is the act of turning a good idea into a finished product, and the finished product is ultimately what determines the “creativity” of the process that spawned it; that is, it cannot be a creative process if nothing is created. In particular, this discourse demands that the product be assessed against other products within its field, by the members of that field, to determine if it is original and useful. If it is, then the product is deemed to be creative. Note that such a use of assessment of end product pays very little attention to the actual process that brings this product forth. The second discourse to be discussed concerns the creative process. The literature pertaining to this can be separated into two categories, a prescriptive discussion of the creativity process and a descriptive discussion of the creativity process. Although both of these discussions have their roots in the four stages that Wallas (1926) proposed makes up the creative process, they make use of these stages in very different ways. The prescriptive discussion of the creative process is primarily focused on the first of the four stages, initiation, and is best summarized as a cause-andeffect discussion of creativity, where the thinking processes during the initiation stage are the cause and the creative outcome is the effect (Ghiselin 1952). Some of the literature claims that the seeds of creativity lie in being able to think about a problem or situation analogically. Other literature claims that utilizing specific thinking tools such as imagination, empathy, and embodiment will lead to creative products. In all of these cases, the underlying theory is that the eventual presentation of a creative idea will be precipitated by the conscious and deliberate efforts during the initiation stage. On the other hand, the literature pertaining to a descriptive discussion of the creative process is inclusive of all four stages (Kneller 1965; Koestler 1964). For example, Csikszentmihalyi


Mathematical Discovery

(1996), in his work on “flow,” attends to each of the stages, with much attention paid to the fluid area between conscious and unconscious work, or initiation and incubation. His claim is that the creative process is intimately connected to the enjoyment that exists during times of sincere and consuming engagement with a situation, the conditions of which he describes in great detail. The third, and final, discourse on creativity pertains to the person. This discourse is dominated by two distinct characteristics: habit and genius. Habit has to do with the personal habits as well as the habits of mind of people that have been deemed to be creative. However, creative people are most easily identified through their reputation for genius. Consequently, this discourse is often dominated by the analyses of the habits of geniuses as is seen in the work of Ghiselin (1952), Koestler (1964), and Kneller (1965) who draw on historical personalities such as Albert Einstein, Henri Poincaré, Vincent Van Gogh, D. H. Lawrence, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Igor Stravinsky, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, to name a few. The result of this sort of treatment is that creative acts are viewed as rare mental feats, which are produced by extraordinary individuals who use extraordinary thought processes. These different discourses on creativity can be summed up in a tension between absolutist and relativist perspectives on creativity. An absolutist perspective assumes that creative processes are the domain of genius and are present only as precursors to the creation of remarkably useful and universally novel products. The relativist perspective, on the other hand, allows for every individual to have moments of creativity that may, or may not, result in the creation of a product that may, or may not, be either useful or novel. Between the work of a student who tries to solve a problem in geometry or algebra and a work of invention, one can say there is only a difference of degree. (Hadamard 1945)

Conclusion and Future Directions Mathematical discovery, invention, and creativity are remarkably complex concepts which are intricately woven together. Having said this, they are

also self-defining. That is, one knows when one has been creative, made a discovery, or invented something even if it is difficult to explain these phenomena to the uninitiated.

Cross-References ▶ Cognition of Creativity ▶ Creative Personality ▶ Creativity and Innovation: What Is the Difference? ▶ Creativity Definitions, Approaches ▶ Creativity in Puzzles, Inventions, and Designs: Sudden Mental Insight Phenomenon ▶ Creativity Tests ▶ Creativity, Experiential Theories ▶ Invention and Innovation as Creative ProblemSolving Activities ▶ Invention Versus Discovery ▶ Measurement of Creativity ▶ Mental Models and Creative Invention ▶ Nature of Creativity ▶ Psychology of Creativity ▶ Research on Creativity

References Csikszentmihalyi C. Creativity: flow and the psychology of discovery and invention. New York: HarperCollins; 1996. Dewey J. Logic: the theory of inquiry. New York: Henry Holt; 1938. Ghiselin B. The creative process: reflections on invention in the arts and sciences. Berkeley: University of California Press; 1952. Hadamard J. The psychology of invention in the mathematical field. New York: Dover; 1945. Hersh D. What is mathematics, really? New York: Oxford University Press; 1997. Kneller G. The art and science of creativity. New York: Holt, Reinhart, and Winstone; 1965. Koestler A. The act of creation. New York: Macmillan; 1964. Newman J. The world of mathematics, vol. 4. New York: Dover; 2000. Poincaré H. Science and method. New York: Dover; 1952. Stewart I. Letters to a young mathematician. New York: Basic Books; 2006. Wallas G. The art of thought. New York: Harcourt Brace; 1926.


Models for Creative Inventions

Theoretical Background

Dirk Ifenthaler Learning, Design and Technology, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany

Taking into account that creative inventions are understood as artifacts that are new as well as useful and are created by a divergent way of thinking, this requires an iterative process of model building (Ifenthaler and Seel 2011). According to mental model theory (Ifenthaler and Seel 2013), this process is characterized by creating, revising, and testing models of inventions. First, a model of an invention is regarded as an image or representation of the novel idea which may also function as a model itself (Stachowiak 1973). Second, a model of an invention is regarded as a reduction of the novel idea, i.e., it does not include all attributes of the represented original invention, but such that are relevant for the inventor (Stachowiak 1973). Third, a model of an invention is regarded as pragmatic, i.e., if they are not explicitly conjugated with the original invention. Accordingly, creative inventions are guided by explanatory mental models designed with a specific end in mind. The inventor explores these internal models by developing hypotheses and then varying input parameters to investigate how well his or her conjectures align with the models. More generally, creative invention presupposes that people actively construct meaningful representations, such as coherent mental models, that represent and communicate subjective experiences, ideas, thoughts, and feelings. By means of such representations, an individual is also able to

Synonyms Internal model; Mental model; Pattern

Key Concepts and Definition of Terms A model is characterized by representing objects, phenomena, or processes of the world. Stachowiak (1973) introduces three key features of models: imaging feature, reduction feature, and pragmatic feature. Creativity can be defined quantitatively or qualitatively and has three directions of impact (Hanke et al. 2011): the creative product, the creative process, and the creative person. In general, creativity is referred to the creation of novel and useful artifacts (Mumford 2003). Models for creative inventions are representations of the world that are novel, i.e., different from already existing representations, and originate after an iterative model-building process.

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_381-2


simulate real actions in imagination (in the sense of thought experiments) in order to create an invention (Seel 2003). In this context, mental models fulfill several functions (Seel et al. 2009): (1) They guide the comprehension of the invention as well as the concrete operations with it; (2) they allow the invention’s states to be explained; and (3) they allow predictions about the invention’s behavior and the effects of intervention in the invention to be derived (Greeno 1989). Creative invention requires iterative steps of hypothesis testing as well as an increased time for constructing appropriate mental models. However, the generation of hypotheses within a creative invention process is a challenging task (de Jong and van Joolingen 1998). Insufficient prior knowledge could also lead to incorrect and insufficient hypothesis statements (de Jong and van Joolingen 1998). Learners’ prior knowledge becomes evident through their preconceptions and naive theories. These preconceptions are not isolated units but rather parts of conceptual structures which provide a sensible and coherent comprehension of the world. Therefore, preconceptions are not easy to modify or to change if a subject is convinced of their plausibility (see Smith et al. 1993). Overall, the development and successful application of a mental model often requires quite a lot of time and mental effort due to basic processes of analogical reasoning or internal simulations (Ifenthaler and Seel 2013). According to Jonassen (1999), this mental effort may be reduced and the conceptual understanding may be facilitated through mindtools (computer-based modeling tools), because these tools enable the externalization of the internal simulation processes (Jonassen and Cho 2008). Besides computer-based modeling and simulation tools for the construction of externalized models of inventions, there are also tools which focus on the exploration of the underlying model of an invention (Clariana and Strobel 2008). This second type of computer-based modeling tools for the exploration of underlying models of inventions may be differentiated further into (1) blackbox and (2) glass-box systems. In a black-box simulation, all computations are hidden from the

Models for Creative Inventions

user. Such systems include adjustable parameters and a large variety of process visualizations which become available after the actual action of the simulation is completed. On the other hand, glass-box simulations expose the underlying mathematical and logical simulation model. This can be realized by revealing the underlying equations, connections, and interdependencies between variables and changing variables, parameters, or equations (see Murray et al. 2001).

Conclusion and Future Directions Imagine you want to create an ultracompact espresso maker for on the road. First, you would create a model of such a kitchen appliance by using your existing knowledge on espresso makers. Your prior knowledge on espresso makers will enable a simulation of various components which constitute the ultracompact espresso maker for on the road. Specific elements of the appliance will be revised through iterative simulation processes. Using a computer-based modeling tool for externalizing the internal simulation process might take off your cognitive effort and might highlight specific problems when designing your creative invention. Accordingly, creative inventions might be more successful when using tools for externalization. Automated assessment and analysis may assist the modelbuilding process by providing personalized and adaptive feedback (Ifenthaler and PirnayDummer 2014). Another emerging research area includes effects of emotions on model-based reasoning (Ifenthaler 2014). These hypotheses might be tested in future research on models for creative inventions.

Cross-References ▶ Imagery and Creativity ▶ Innovation ▶ Mental Models and Creative Invention

Models for Creative Inventions

References Clariana RB, Strobel J. Modeling technologies. In: Spector JM, Merrill MD, van Merrienboer JJG, Driscoll MP, editors. Handbook of research on educational communications and technology. New York: Taylor & Francis Group; 2008. p. 329–44. de Jong T, van Joolingen WR. Scientific discovery learning with computer simulations of conceptual domains. Rev Educ Res. 1998;68(2):179–201. Greeno JG. Situations, mental models and generative knowledge. In: Klahr D, Kotovsky K, editors. Complex information processing. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum; 1989. p. 285–318. Hanke U, Ifenthaler D, Seel NM. Modeling the world of instruction: creative insight or learnt by advise? Open Educ J. 2011;4(Suppl 1:M10):113–9. Ifenthaler D. Effects of experimentally induced emotions on model-based reasoning. Learn Individ Differ. 2014;43:191–8. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2015.09.003. Ifenthaler D, Pirnay-Dummer P. Model-based tools for knowledge assessment. In: Spector JM, Merrill MD, Elen J, Bishop MJ, editors. Handbook of research on educational communications and technology. New York: Springer; 2014. p. 289–301. Ifenthaler D, Seel NM. A longitudinal perspective on inductive reasoning tasks. Illuminating the probability of change. Learn Instr. 2011;21(4):538–49. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2010.08.004. Ifenthaler D, Seel NM. Model-based reasoning. Comput Educ. 2013;64:131–42. doi:10.1016/j.compedu. 2012.11.014.

3 Jonassen DH. Computers as mindtools for schools: engaging critical thinking. 2nd ed. Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs; 1999. Jonassen DH, Cho YH. Externalizing mental models with mindtools. In: Ifenthaler D, Pirnay-Dummer P, Spector JM, editors. Understanding models for learning and instruction. Essays in honor of Norbert M. Seel. New York: Springer; 2008. p. 145–60. Mumford MD. Where have we been, where are we going? Taking stock in creativity research. Creat Res J. 2003;15:107–20. Murray T, Winship L, Bellin R, Cornell M. (2001). Toward glass box educational simulation. Reifying models for inspection and design. AI-ED Workshop. External Representations in AIED: Multiple Forms and Multiple Roles, San Antonio; 2001. Seel NM. Model-centered learning and instruction. Technol Instr Cogn Learn. 2003;1(1):59–85. Seel NM, Ifenthaler D, Pirnay-Dummer P. Mental models and problem solving: technological solutions for measurement and assessment of the development of expertise. In: Blumschein P, Hung W, Jonassen DH, Strobel J, editors. Model-based approaches to learning: using systems models and simulations to improve understanding and problem solving in complex domains. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers; 2009. p. 17–40. Smith JP, DiSessa AA, Roschelle J. Misconceptions reconceived: a constructivist analysis of knowledge in transition. J Learn Sci. 1993;3(2):115–63. Stachowiak FJ. Allgemeine Modell theorie. Berlin: Springer; 1973.


Nature of Creativity Alfonso Montuori Department of Transformative Inquiry, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA, USA

interactions and emergence rather than essentialism and an exclusive focus on the individual. A new emphasis on “everyday, everywhere, everyone” and “networked” creativity is shifting the focus from creativity as a phenomenon confined to the rare individual genius to one that also includes collaborative creativity in everyday life.

Synonyms Theoretical and Historical Background Imagination; Innovation; Inventiveness; Originality; Vision

Definition Creativity has traditionally been defined as the ability to respond adaptively to the needs for new approaches and new products, or as the ability to bring something new and valuable into existence purposefully. The Modern concept of creativity emerged in the Renaissance and has expanded and changed in the last few decades. Postmodern scholars have problematized such basic concepts as originality, and “the author” or creative person. The rise in networked information technology, among other factors, has led to an increased awareness of collaborative and networked creative processes. In the sciences the machine/clockwork view of the Universe was unable to account for creativity. Today creativity is increasingly viewed as a fundamental characteristic of existence. There is an emphasis on

In the West, the concept of creativity as we know it today emerged in the Renaissance. The emergence of creativity coincided with the birth of humanism and individualism. It blossomed with the Genius myth of Romanticism in the late eighteenth century. Until the 1980s, research on creativity in the West was situated mostly in Psychology, and focused primarily on what were known as the 4 Ps: Person, Process, Product, and Press (Runco 2007). In the romantic mythology underlying this atomistic, individualistic view, the creative person was mostly a lone, often eccentric, male genius. The unit of analysis, the “Who” of creativity, was almost exclusively the exceptional or “eminent” individual. The “How” of creativity consequently occurred exclusively “inside” this individual, the creative person. The classic image of the creative process was a light bulb going on over the creator’s head during the “Eureka” moment. The creative process was viewed as a solitary one, initially with mystical or divine sources, and

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_383-2


then increasingly associated with unusual mental states and psychopathology. The “What” or creative product was associated with “big bang,” earthshaking insights and products. In the dominant PPPP model, the “Who” of creativity could therefore by definition only be an individual person. Groups, organizations, cultures, and relationships were popularly depicted as representatives of conformity and compliance, and mostly viewed as potential obstacles for the creative person. The implications of this individualistic/atomistic model for creativity were considerable. Interventions to foster creativity based on this model were directed towards developing cognitive capacities, most popularly through processes like “lateral thinking.” Little or no attention was paid to the role of relationships, organizational systems and structures, rewards, obstacles, and other environmental factors. In academic research, almost exclusively in the discipline of psychology, these “social” dimensions were generally ignored until the mid1980s, when a critique of individualism within psychology was coupled with an emerging interest creativity in organizations. The individualist approach to creativity, and indeed the very concept of creativity itself, has been challenged by Postmodern scholars who have problematized the role and nature of the “author,” and the possibility of originality. Postmodern scholars argue that the concepts of self, originality, and “creativity” are all socially constructed, and women and people of color are noticeably absent from the discourse of creativity. Likewise, the notion of the creative genius has been constructed and manipulated for commercial ends in order to make a product look more exceptional and desirable because it was made by a “genius.” Genius, in this view, is nothing more than a label placed on certain people for marketing reasons. Creativity, Modernity, and the Machine Creativity has had a peculiar role in the Modern world. Creative artists and scientists were praised and even idolized and mythologized (e.g., Van Gogh, Picasso, Einstein, Feynman), but the phenomenon itself was not well understood and could not be accounted for in the prevailing scientific

Nature of Creativity

paradigm. The Modern scientific worldview was based on a Newtonian/Cartesian machine or clockwork metaphor in which the world was fundamentally objective, rational, linear, deterministic, and orderly. Creativity was associated with subjective experience, with the irrationality of mystical insight and inspiration, and a breakdown in order. It was therefore viewed as closely aligned with disorder, whether social or personal (revolution, mental illness). Creativity was viewed as contingent and subjective, not as a lawful, orderly, and objective phenomenon worthy of scientific study. Creativity also appeared to be fundamentally anti-authoritarian because it disrupted the established order and stood for novelty, change, and individual expression. Romanticism, on the other hand, celebrated and mythologized creativity and imagination through literature, poetry, and the arts. Consequently, for 200 years, the discourse of creativity was dominated by Romantic images of inspiration, exceptional individuals, struggles against the oppressive forces of society and “the system,” and artistic sturm und drang. Creativity in the arts was viewed as a deeply subjective and mysterious process, and this view of a disorderly process and self-absorbed artistic “creatives” made creativity very suspect in the (allegedly) orderly and efficiency oriented world of organizations. At the beginning of the twentieth century, efforts were made to use the latest science to design and run efficient organizations. The most famous example was the so-called scientific management of Frederick Taylor (1856–1915). Scientific management captured the essence of the machine metaphor applied to organizations with “command and control” management. This included putting power and discretion in the hands of the manager, away from personal initiative and work-groups, using “scientific principles” to replace the judgment of the workers, and the assumption that individual tasks are best performed in the greatest possible isolation because when men work in “gangs,” as Taylor called them, their performance is lowered. Organizations combined the machine metaphor of scientific management with traditional

Nature of Creativity

authoritarian, hierarchical structures and topdown control. The stress was on order, and a system of division of labor closely tied to the notion of “divide and rule,” with the manager in a command and control role to ensure that the system is enforced. This kind of authoritarian management with a rigidly hierarchical organization was designed to actively suppress any form of deviation from the rules, any personal initiative, and any collaboration. It was therefore also designed to eliminate anything that we might call creativity, because creativity involves novelty and deviation from the norm. The machine metaphor foundation of Scientific Management has particular implications for creativity, since the machine itself is not creative: it is the product of an external creator. Science could explain the workings of the machine, but not of the creator – it could not account for novelty. God was outside or beyond the world. The creative force behind an organization developed the organization to make his or her vision a reality, but was by his very nature outside or beyond to day to day workings of the organization. In society, creative individuals in the arts and sciences were outsiders, often considered to be close to madness: the selfdestructive artist, the mad professor. These cultural images militated against the acceptance of creativity in organizations because they always presented creativity as an external phenomenon, not intrinsic to the system in question. Creative individuals did not fit into machine organizations. In business, they were either successful entrepreneurs, who had started a company, or “creative types” that were hired out of necessity in R&D labs, Marketing, Advertising, and so on. Their approach was considered disordered, unreliable, eccentric, and regarded with some suspicion. In a rapidly changing, interconnected world, and with new developments in science such as Chaos and Complexity theories, the machine metaphor and its reductionist perspective would seem to be outdated (Peat 2002; Sandberg and Tsoukas 2011). But in fact even though it has been severely challenged, it is still a dominant underlying metaphor, and many the obstacles to creativity can be traced to deep-seated assumptions about the nature of organizational practices


originating in the authoritarian machine model because the “well-oiled machine” and “command and control” are still the driving image and metaphor of what an organization and management should ideally look like, particularly during recessions and financial difficulty (Amabile 2010; Gabriel 2001; Pope 2005). The emerging research on and practices of creativity offers a radically different picture. It can be summarized as proposing that: (a) Creativity is the fundamental nature of the Universe (Kauffman 2016; Peat 2000), and not the result of an external and occasional (C)creator, and is a basic “everyday, everyone, everywhere” human capacity. (b) Creativity is a networked, distributed, ecological, and relational process rather than an isolated phenomenon (Barron 1995; Glăveanu 2014a). (c) Creativity is paradoxical; in the characteristics of the creative person, process, product, and environment are found seemingly incompatible terms: for instance, creativity requires both order and disorder, rigor and imagination, hard work and play, idea generation and idea selection, times of introspection and solitude and times of interaction and exchange (Montuori 2011b). (d) Creativity is an emergent, “bottom-up” process arising out of interactions of a given system, and therefore unpredictable (Johnson 2001). Characteristics of Creativity Creativity in individuals is associated with such personality characteristics as Independence of Judgment, Preference for Complexity, and Tolerance for Ambiguity, and more generally with Openness to Experience (Barron 1995). These characteristics point to an openness towards opportunity and alternatives rather than a desire to conform and superimpose existing interpretive frameworks. The characteristics associated with creativity are contrasted with preference for simplicity, conformity, either/or thinking, and rigidity. Intrinsic motivation is a key factor in creativity (Amabile 1996). Intrinsic means “from within,”


and intrinsic motivation means that we are moved from within to do something. The intrinsically motivating factors can include fascination for the subject, enjoyment while performing the task, or a feeling of accomplishment. Intrinsically motivated people enjoy what they do, and they do so because they find the task itself rewarding. Extrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from external sources rather than the pleasure of the task itself. Financial incentives and social approval are examples of extrinsic motivation. Extrinsically motivated individuals perform a task because there is an external reward attached to it. The task itself is not what they enjoy; it is the reward (financial or otherwise) that provides the appeal. Paradox is a recurring characteristic of creativity at all levels of granularity (Montuori 2011b). It can be found in research on creative individuals, creative groups, and in the creative process. The term is used most frequently to refer to two characteristics that are usually not found together, are contrary to received opinion, or even considered contradictory. Highly creative individuals have paradoxical qualities. For instance, they can be both energetic and quiet, smart and naïve, playful and disciplined, extroverted and introverted, rebellious and conservative, and they escape rigid gender stereotyping. Most dramatically, perhaps, it has been suggested that they are both “crazier” and “saner,” scoring higher on measures of psychopathology but also on measures of mental health (Barron 1995; Csikszentmihalyi 1996). Research on creative groups in R&D has indicated that successful researchers are both more autonomous and more collaborative, engage in both basic and applied research, are focused but also avoid narrow specialization. As with the paradoxical characteristics of individuals, we find that whereas conventionally these terms are mutually exclusive, in the case of creativity they seem to be connected (Pelz and Andrews 1976). The creative process involves both divergence and convergence, idea-generation and ideaselection, being open and being critical (Runco 2007). The ability to entertain what on the surface appear to be opposing thoughts or concepts seems

Nature of Creativity

central to creative thinking. In fact, many creative insights and breakthroughs in the arts and sciences have been attributed to this ability, sometimes called “Janusian thinking” (Rothenberg 1979). The term for this form of paradoxical thinking is taken from the image of the Greek God, Janus, which has two faces looking in opposite directions. It is characterized by the capacity to entertain two opposite or contradictory ideas, holding each to be valid or true simultaneously. Creative individuals utilize this form of cognition that transcends ordinary logic, resulting in resolutions to complex problems that are novel and original. Such formulations are often creative because of this capacity for embracing opposites; two conditions that appear initially to be mutually exclusive or antithetical can be held in tension, often leading to a major breakthrough in insight (Yan and Arlin 1999). Complex thought offers a different way of thinking about paradoxical phenomena in creativity (Morin 2008). A static logic of either/or is replaced by a fluid process of ongoing navigation between two terms that are normally framed as contradictory. Paradoxical characteristics therefore reflect a complex relationship that involves a both/and logic, whereby the terms can alternate at different times, as with introversion/extroversion, rebelliousness/conservatism, or divergence/ convergence. Environments that Support Creativity Some environments promote creativity while others can inhibit it. Authoritarian systems with machine metaphor management practices and organizational structures where not designed to foster creativity. On the contrary, the focus was on conformity and predictability, and the main metaphor for an organization was the machine. Considerable changes have occurred in the more than 100 years since Frederick Taylor articulated his model of “scientific management,” but it is telling that with the exception of a few important precursors, sustained research into environments that foster creativity, and creativity in the workplace only emerged in the twenty-first century. The environments that favor creativity turn out to be diametrically opposed to authoritarian

Nature of Creativity

environments because, among other things, they promote independence of judgment, problemfinding, and flatter organizational structures. The characteristics of creative environments are often paradoxical or “cybernetic” as they involve navigating between “creative tensions” such as being too challenging or too boring, specialization and a broad outlook, autonomy and the need for respect and approval, personal satisfaction and organizational needs, and so on. If tasks are not challenging enough, they are not likely to elicit intrinsic motivation and creative thinking. On the other hand, too much challenge can result in people feeling overwhelmed and in “over their heads,” creating a high level of anxiety that inhibits the capacity for creative thought. Csikzentmihalyi (1997) has identified the “flow state,” a condition of high performance that is just challenging enough to push the person beyond their comfort zone but not far enough that they are overwhelmed by anxiety. The original research on flow state was with individuals, and recent research has suggested that particularly high-performing groups may also experience a collective flow state (Sawyer 2008). An important element in enhancing creativity in organizations is to match peoples’ interests and skills with the right assignments. A good match requires knowledge about the parties involved and the nature of the assignment. The jazz big-band leader Duke Ellington is said to have made sure he even knew how his musicians played poker. He wanted to know all about them in order to be able to match them with solos in the right songs. That way he could write music that reflected the musicians’ passion and ability and find a fit between individuals and the larger whole. Creative environments do not stress overspecialization. They allow the freedom to move around in several disciplines and knowledge bases. Many innovative new ideas come from individuals who are not overspecialized and bring in information or ways of approaching problems from other disciplines or areas of research. Creative individuals tend to be autonomous and nonconforming, but this does not mean they do not care at all what others think of them. They do want to work in an environment in which they are


appreciated and respected by their peers. It is a disincentive for them not to know how they are being assessed by their peers, and not having any way of gauging how their own contribution is being received. Knowing that one’s views will not be ignored and be given a serious hearing also helps to build an environment supportive of creativity. Environments where the fear of failure is high and where failure is strongly penalized inhibit creativity. Fear of failure inhibits risk taking, and with it the likelihood that something new and creative will be uttered, let alone tried out. Environments that support creativity provide “champions” for creative ideas – whether they come from teams or individuals – that provide external support and advocacy and help them navigate the organizational bureaucracy. Micromanagement is not conducive to creative environments and creative work. Amabile usefully differentiates between tasks that are algorithmic, that involve specific, pre-established steps that have to be followed very closely, with one right way and one right answer, do not lead to creativity. On the other hand, tasks that are heuristic, with a clear expectations and considerable autonomy, have been shown to be much more likely to lead to creativity. Creativity involves periods of relative isolation, meditation, and reflection. Along with freedom from external constraints, creative individuals often need the time to be alone with their creative process and not be interrupted. This is not to say that they do not also need time for vigorous exchanges and interactions. The creative process requires both isolation and interaction, and environments that permit both those “moments” in the process (Runco 2007). Environments that support creativity encourage creative dissent. They allow for vigorous exchanges of ideas, challenging assumptions, and discourage conformity. Creative individuals may not, and often do not, fully share the goals and interests of upper management. What sets them apart is that they are open to listening, and will take direction, if they know they are also being listened to and respected for their opinions. At the same time, in order to support creativity, it


is also important to be able to allow ideas to emerge and not attack them and test them before they are fully formed. Creative ideas may initially seem bizarre or wrong-headed. The Future of Creativity There are strong indications that in the twenty-first century the discourse and practices of creativity itself are changing (Montuori 2011a). From the Modern individualistic focus oriented to “eminent” or uncontroversial creatives producing exceptional products (Einstein, Picasso, etc.), there has been a shift towards a more collaborative, “everyday,” distributed understanding and practice of creativity. The focus is on generative interactions in a variety of mundane or everyday activities and contexts, rather than the individual lone genius working on a major contribution. Millennial college students associate creativity with everyday activities and social interaction (Montuori and Donnelly 2014). Many of the most interesting social innovations of the last 20 years or so have been about networking, participation, and grassroots efforts. These innovations are connected to the emergence of the internet, of social media, and of a networked society. New forms of expression and networked organization involve a much greater degree of grassroots participation than before. The traditional role of the critic, the artist, the record label, the audience, the reader, the novelist, the journalist, the photo-reporter, the newspaper, are all being supplemented (and in some cases seriously threatened) by this ability individuals have to connect, participate, and even create. The traditional top-down, one-way communication from author to reader, from performer to audience, from star to public, from producer to consumer, from leader to follower, is changing with the emergence of a participatory culture. Phenomena such as the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street are examples of social movements that have used a form of “swarm,” or networked creativity. Aided by social media and a focus on collaborative processes, they have developed new and unusual solutions to addressing the problems faced by social activists protesters in getting their message across.

Nature of Creativity

The implications of these emerging views of creativity are considerable and as yet unclear. “Everyday, everywhere, everyone” networked creativity points to the possibility of a much more widely distributed creativity throughout organizations and society. Creativity is no longer limited to a few clearly defined areas, such as the development of new products. It can be brought to bear on simple human interactions, work processes, and other areas where it was formerly not valorized. The emerging field of social innovation points in this direction. There are increasing concerns that this “democratization” of creativity will lead to a “cult of the amateur,” where quality and criteria will be lost. The more distributed and less “elitist” creativity, in the case of popular music, goes hand in hand with the Napster revolution of free illegal downloading, and highly successful companies such as Spotify and Pandora that stream music and control distribution. It has been argued that artists are now reduced to being “content providers,” having seen a drastic drop in sales of recordings. One critical view holds that with the “new creativity” there is also a deceptive individualization that is in fact manipulated and controlled by large corporations for their benefit. The new, contextual and collaborative approach to creativity is matched in the research by a new research interest in the social dimensions of creativity (Glăveanu 2014b). There is a move away from an essentialist view of creativity to one that is relational and contextual. Organizations that focus on innovation and adaptation to rapid change are increasingly flatter and less hierarchical. They also require more initiative from individuals, ability to make decisions and respond to unforeseen situations. The connection between creativity and improvisation is also an area of emerging research. The root of the term improvisation is the Latin term improvisus or unforeseen: improvisation is the ability to both generate to, as well as create, the unforeseen (Montuori 2003). New complexity and network-oriented approaches propose creativity is an intrinsic characteristic of existence, pointing to potentially significant new understandings of the nature of creativity (Kauffman 2016; Montuori 2011b; Peat 2000).

Nature of Creativity

Conclusions and Further Directions Creativity is a complex phenomenon with substantially changing discourse and practices. The initial focus on exceptional eminent individuals is being challenged by a more distributed, collaborative understanding of creativity. In industries where innovation is essential, flatter, less hierarchical and more adaptive organizations will be required, and creativity will be a key resource. A shift from the still-dominant machine metaphor to a more creative metaphor will move creativity from the periphery to a central position in the way individuals and organizations define themselves. In this way, with a change in the way creativity is viewed, issues of ethics (why and what are we creating) will also begin to take on a more important role.

Cross-References ▶ 4Ps of Creativity ▶ Multiple Models of Creativity ▶ Organizational Innovation ▶ Psychology of Creativity ▶ Research on Creativity

References Amabile T. Creativity in context. Boulder: Westview Press; 1996. Amabile T. The three threats to creativity. HBS faculty. 2010. Retrieved from http://blogs.hbr.org/hbsfaculty/ 2010/11/the-three-threats-to-creativit.html Barron F. No rootless flower: towards an ecology of creativity. Cresskill: Hampton Press; 1995. Csikszentmihalyi M. The creative person. Psychol Today. 1996:36–40. Csikszentmihalyi M. Creativity: Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention. New York: Harper Collins; 1997.

7 Gabriel Y. Psychoanalysis, psychodynamics, and organizations. In: Henry J, editor. Creative management. London: Sage; 2001. Glăveanu VP. Distributed creativity: thinking outside the box of the creative individual. New York: Springer; 2014a. Glăveanu VP. The psychology of creativity: a critical reading. Creativity Theories Res Appl. 2014b;1:10–32. Johnson S. Emergence : the connected lives of ants, brains, cities, and software. New York: Scribner; 2001. Kauffman SA. Humanity in a creative universe. New York: Oxford University Press; 2016. Montuori A. The complexity of improvisation and the improvisation of complexity. Social science, art, and creativity. Hum Relat. 2003;56(2):237–55. Montuori A. Beyond postnormal times: the future of creativity and the creativity of the future. Futures: J Policy Plann Future Stud. 2011a;43(2):221–7. Montuori A. Systems approach. In: Runco M, Pritzker S, editors. The encyclopedia of creativity, vol. 2. San Diego: Academic; 2011b. p. 414–21. Montuori A, Donnelly G. Come together...for what? Creativity and leadership in postnormal times. East West Aff. 2014;1:47–70. Morin E. On complexity. Cresskill: Hampton Press; 2008. Peat FD. Blackwinged night. Creativity in nature and mind. Cambridge, MA: Perseus/Helix Books; 2000. Peat FD. From certainty to uncertainty. In: The story of science and ideas in the 20th century. Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press; 2002. Pelz DC, Andrews FM. Scientists in organizations: productive climates for research and development. 2nd ed. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan; 1976. Pope R. Creativity. Theory, history, practice. New York: Routledge; 2005. Rothenberg A. The emerging goddess: the creative process in art, science, and other fields. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1979. Runco M. Creativity. Theories and themes: research, development, and practice. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2007. Sandberg J, Tsoukas H. Grasping the logic of practice: theorizing through practical rationality. Acad Manag Rev. 2011;36(2):338–60. Sawyer K. Group genius. The creative power of collaboration. New York: Basic; 2008. Yan B, Arlin PK. Dialectical thinking: implications for creative thinking. In: Runco M, Pritzker S, editors. Encyclopedia of creativity, vol. 1. San Diego: Academic; 1999.


Social Psychology of Creativity Beth A. Hennessey1,3, Beth Altringer2,3 and Seana Moran3,4 1 Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA, USA 2 Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA 3 MIT International Design Center, Cambridge, MA, USA 4 Clark University, Worcester, MA, USA

Synonyms Creativity and environment; Social psychology of innovation

Introduction Implicit in much of the early theorizing and research on creativity was a focus on the internal determinants of creativity, to the exclusion of external factors such as the environmental circumstances that foster idea generation and creative behavior. In the mid-1970s, this gap in the creativity literature began to be recognized by a small group of social psychologists who came to concentrate their interest on the contexts in which creative ideas are most often generated or seemingly intractable problems are solved. This change of focus eventually led to the study of what has

come to be termed “the social psychology of creativity.” Explorations of the environmental factors conducive to (or detrimental to) creative performance were soon broadened to consider not only models of environmental and social contextual influences on the individual but also models of how creativity actually arises through social interaction and collaboration in teams or groups, as well as models of how creative ideas and products can ripple through and eventually transform entire social communities. For the most part, these lines of inquiry were initially pursued fairly separately from one another. Recent interest in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches coupled with exciting advances in modeling and statistical analysis techniques now make it possible for these three areas of research to inform each other and provide new possibilities for better understanding the social dimension of creativity production and dissemination.

Environmental Influences on Individuals’ Creativity Pioneers in the study of the impact of environmental factors on creative performance were Lepper, Greene, and Nisbett who, in 1973, found that, for preschoolers, working for an expected “Good Player Award” significantly decreased their interest in and enjoyment of drawing with markers. When compared with an unexpected reward group and a no-reward group, children

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_390-2


who had made drawings in order to receive an award spent significantly less time using the markers during subsequent free play periods. Moreover, the globally assessed quality of the rewarded children’s drawings was judged to be significantly lower than that of the other design groups. What was truly astounding about these findings was that all of the young participants in this study were specifically selected because they were passionate about drawing with markers. Yet a simple, one-time offer of a certificate was enough to undermine their task interest as well as their performance. Over the years, experimental paradigms have become increasingly complex and results increasingly nuanced. But the basic findings remain the same. There has been observed a consistent relation between the motivational orientation brought by an individual to an open-ended problem or task and the likelihood of creative performance on that task. And it is the environment that, in large part, has been found to determine that motivational orientation. As summarized in the Intrinsic Motivation Principle of Creativity, intrinsic motivation is conducive to creativity, while extrinsic motivation is almost always detrimental (Amabile 1996). Simply stated, the expectation of reward, as well as the imposition of a variety of other extrinsic environmental constraints including expected evaluation, competition, and time limits, has been demonstrated to negatively impact the intrinsic task motivation and creativity of persons of all ages (see Amabile 1996; Hennessey 2003b). Not only is intrinsic task motivation necessary for creative performance, it has also been shown to be an extremely delicate and fleeting state. Researchers have found it all too easy to undermine intrinsic motivation and creativity with the promise of a reward or an expected evaluation. What has not been easy is understanding why these extrinsic constraints have such a negative effect. Early theorists suggested a “discounting” or “overjustification” process. In situations where actions are overjustified, when both a plausible internal and an external cause of behavior are present, most individuals will tend to discount the internal cause in favor of the external explanation. The assumption will be made that task

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engagement or attempts to solve a problem have been driven by extrinsic rather than intrinsic reasons (see Amabile 1996; Hennessey 2003b). And without high levels of intrinsic motivation, creative performance is extremely unlikely. Why is intrinsic motivation so necessary for creative performance? Some have proposed that one of the most important functions of task motivation is the control of attention. Studies of a phenomenon termed optimal experience or “flow,” for example, point to a link between creative performance and a highly pleasurable state in which persons become so immersed in an activity or problem that they lose all sense of time and place. But when an extrinsic constraint is imposed on an individual’s behavior, a portion of the cognition, concentration, and energy that should be devoted to the task or problem requiring a creative solution is instead directed toward the impending reward, deadline, or evaluation. Amabile (1996) offers a maze metaphor that is helpful in illustrating this phenomenon. She suggests that an openended “creativity-type” task is like a maze. There is one starting point, but there are a variety of exit points and many different paths to those exits. Most importantly, some of those exits, those solutions, are much more “elegant” or creative than others. In the face of an expected reward or evaluation, the goal is to “play it safe” and get in and out of the maze as quickly as possible. In order for a creative idea or solution to be generated, however, it is essential to become immersed in the maze itself. The artist, musician, scientist, or writer must be willing to experiment with alternative pathways and risk hitting a “dead end.” At the core of many conceptualizations of the intrinsically motivated state is the issue of control. Most contemporary theoretical models developed to explain the undermining effects of extrinsic constraints rest on the assumption that persons of all ages and backgrounds are driven by an innate need to preserve a sense of autonomy and selfdetermination – to feel an internal locus of control and to act as “origins” of their own behavior. This formulation has been applied equally successfully to classroom, laboratory, and workplace situations (see Amabile 1996; Hennessey 2003b) and has also helped to explain a small body of seemingly

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contradictory findings offered by investigators trained in the behaviorist tradition. These researchers present the strongly contrasting view that creativity can be easily increased by reward and that the detrimental effects of extrinsic constraints occur only under limited conditions that can be easily avoided. A debate over these issues first surfaced in the mid-1990s, prompting the publication of a series of heated commentaries and critiques. At the core of the disagreement were important differences in the definitions of creativity driving investigations, the algorithmic or heuristic nature of the experimental tasks employed, and the instructions given to study participants. Generally speaking, this controversy has been healthy for the field, generating a number of new avenues of study including investigations into so-called immunization effects and a sort of motivational synergy that combines elements of intrinsic and extrinsic orientations (see Amabile 1996; Hennessey 2003b). In sum, a complex array of factors contributes to an intrinsically motivated orientation and creativity of performance. When confronted with an open-ended task or problem, the individual feels curious and stimulated. Task engagement feels free of strong external control and as progress is made, there emerge feelings of competence, mastery, and self-efficacy. Importantly, each of these hallmarks of intrinsic motivation focuses on an internal phenomenological state: Intrinsic motivation is assumed to be the result of an essentially individualized process. Although some theorists talk of supportive motivational milieus, corporate climate, or the complex social systems found in large organizations, the imposition of a deadline or the promise (and eventual receipt) of a reward or evaluation is seen as primarily a mechanistic process. Yet creativity is essentially a social phenomenon. Domain and technical skills are most often taught and acquired in a group setting. Creativity skills are modeled by others, and the generation of creative ideas and the process of bringing those ideas to fruition frequently come as a result of group efforts. Many years ago, social psychologists began to move beyond a narrow consideration of the individual doing the creating toward an appreciation


of the strong impact that a variety of environmental factors can have on motivation and creativity of performance. Others began to ask whether teachers or managers who impose environmental constraints or peers in a classroom or the workplace might themselves shape an individual’s ideas about creativity, their motivational orientation, and their creativity of performance. It is these kinds of research questions that add a truly social component to the social psychology of creativity (see Hennessey 2003a). The sections that follow outline two especially important areas of inquiry: one with a focus on teams and the other with an emphasis on the ways in which creative ideas and products are introduced into and influence the broader social community or society.

Creativity in Teams and Groups In recent years, researchers have moved beyond viewing teams as part of the broader organizational context (Amabile 1996) and have begun to focus more directly on team-level factors that influence creative problem solving and innovation. This shift has occurred for multiple reasons (Reiter-Palmon et al. 2012; Paulus et al. 2012). First, teams now produce more knowledge than individuals. The emergence of the knowledge economy has changed the nature of innovative work such that problems tend to be more complex and require more diverse skills than individuals are likely to possess. With this shift toward groups as the dominant form of knowledge production, new challenges arise. Teams must learn to harness the value of diverse team member skill sets, while managing conflict and other social processes associated with increased diversity. Furthermore, scholars increasingly acknowledge that team creativity is emergent and indeed represents a different phenomenon than individual or organizationlevel creativity. Researchers have linked a number of teamlevel factors to enhanced team creativity. These factors, which are generally thought to interact to influence outcomes, can be divided into three categories: team characteristics, social processes, and cognitive processes (for a review, see Reiter-


Palmon et al. 2012). The relations among these areas are multilevel and complex. For example, one process in a team interacts with and can affect other social processes, making it difficult to discern moderating factors and relative importance. Team characteristics are often studied in the context of the effects of team member diversity or size on creative outcomes. Researchers have shown that the relation between team composition and creativity is more complex than initially thought (Reiter-Palmon et al. 2012). Demographic diversity appears to have no discernible influence on outcomes; however, functional diversity, also termed skill-related diversity, has often been positively linked to enhanced team creativity. Other sources of team member diversity, such as cognitive style, creative ability, and personality, have also been shown to affect outcomes. Several social process variables have been identified as being linked to improved creative outcomes, including adaptation, coordination, communication and information sharing, trust, psychological safety, support, conflict, cohesion, evaluation, group stability, virtual teams, and leadership (for full review, see Reiter-Palmon et al. 2012 and Paulus et al. 2012). Effective coordination and communication are especially important for projects that are complex, ambiguous, or require adaptation (e.g., creative problem-solving projects). Researchers tend to agree that open and constructive communication leads to better overall outcomes. Team psychological safety, a construct linked to interpersonal trust, refers to a shared belief that the team is capable and that individuals within the group will be supported when they take interpersonal or project-based risks. Team-based research coming from a variety of fields has linked these supportive behaviors to team effectiveness and adaptation, and this finding likely applies in the context of creativity and innovation, although further research is needed in this area. The role of team conflict in influencing creativity is complex. Researchers tend to distinguish between task and relationship conflict, although at present, there is a lack sufficient evidence to delineate clear relations between these two constructs

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and their individual or collective influence on outcomes. Some scholars suggest a curvilinear relation between conflict and creativity, similar to the relation that has been found between diversity and creativity, although again, further research is needed. Team cohesion, or the connectedness of team members and the view that the group is working as a collective, has been related to improved outcomes, although the relation is not straightforward. Cohesion can also serve to suppress constructive conflict, leading to “group think,” which has been shown to hamper creativity. Team-level cognitive processes leading to creativity have received comparatively less attention in the literature than have individual cognitive processes, team characteristics, and social processes, although this trend is changing (ReiterPalmon et al. 2012). The most studied cognitive process is idea generation. This factor has often been equated with creativity, although, importantly, it is only one of several cognitive processes involved in team creativity. Research remains inconclusive as to the benefits of group, as opposed to individual, brainstorming. Other team cognitive processes tied to creative production include additional stages of the creative problem-solving process (problem definition, information gathering, idea evaluation, idea testing or prototyping, implementation planning, execution, dissemination, and evaluation), as well as shared mental models, social cognition, team reflexivity (Reiter-Palmon et al. 2012), and task focus (Paulus et al. 2012). As with many of the aforementioned factors, more work is needed to better understand team cognitive processes, how they relate to one another, and the ways in which cognitive processes interact with team social processes and team characteristics. Although research on team-level creativity has increased dramatically in recent years, there remain a number of methodological issues. There is a need for more objective assessments of creative outcomes at the team level. Also needed are more studies that move beyond laboratory simulations and college student populations that can be generalized to broader educational, organizational, and cultural contexts

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(Paulus et al. 2012). Additional investigations of this type will be particularly important as scholars endeavor to improve our understanding of how individual factors interact at the team-level, and with team-level and organizational-level factors, to influence creativity.

Creativity as a Social-Psychological Force Within and Across Groups Expanding the investigative lens even further, some researchers have focused their attention on how creative ideas or products introduced into a social context can change the way members of a community think or behave. This approach to the study of creativity highlights how the personcontext interaction is mutually influential and bidirectional. Not only can social-environmental factors or features of the work teams in which people find themselves impact creative behavior, but the creative behavior and the ideas and products generated can be a cause of socialpsychological phenomena, such as opinion or behavior change, sociocultural development of groups over time, and shifts in power and knowledge among groups (Moran 2010). Most social psychology paradigms emphasize the ways in which individuals are influenced by and come into alignment with a social context as they conform to normative influences, such as peer pressure, or informational influences, such as education. As more people believe and behave in the same way, they reinforce each other’s sense that they are behaving correctly. They come to contribute to the group, be it a family, work team, organization, industry or field, social community, or even an entire society, in a way that maintains the current state of that group. When a person, team, or organization introduces an original idea or product, variation is introduced into the larger group’s ways of thinking, or its culture. Over time, some group members – or others outside the group – may deem the novelty useful. As the idea or product influences more people, it moves from “little-c” personal creativity, to “middle-c” shared


creativity, and potentially to “big-C” historically transformative creativity (see Moran 2010). Creativity can be a social-psychological force for an individual’s self-expression within a group and/or a vehicle for improvement of that group as a whole (Moran 2010). Personal creativity exemplifies how individuals within a group express their idiosyncratic understanding of or perspective on some topic. The group provides a forum, a tool, for individuals to present variation or difference. Historical creativity, such as the creative breakthroughs of paradigm shifters like Einstein, or social transformations, such as those brought on by the civil rights movement, exemplify how the group as a whole can be improved. Individual contributions are tools for advancement of the group into a stronger position within the wider context. Creative ideas, products, and solutions are only creative temporarily – as they are being introduced and judged. Over time, if accepted, what was once deemed creative becomes the norm or standard for later generations. The process by which a novel product is launched into and accepted by a community, field, or market is termed “innovation diffusion” (Rogers 1983). Because of conservative psychological biases and inertia characterizing most social groups (i.e., people tend to like things the way they are unless a novelty can be shown to be greatly beneficial over and above the perceived costs or risks), it is often difficult for new ideas or products to be adopted (Rogers 1983). Adoption stems from individuals sharing information, mimicking others’ behavior, learning vicariously based on others’ experiences with the innovation, and social influence exerted by powerful opinion leaders (Peres et al. 2010). Early diffusion models considered group members to be essentially homogeneous. More recently, researchers have become increasingly concerned with the ways in which variability among characteristics of users, products, relationships, and social structures influence the adoption rates of innovations (Peres et al. 2010). Studies of the impact of user characteristics address openness to experience, risk-taking, price sensitivity, and needs. Studies of product characteristics focus on how useful, compatible, understandable, and


versatile the product is for users’ needs (Rogers 1983). Investigations of interpersonal variables include studies of how individuals infer the social consequences of adoption and the changing assessments of trust and reputation stemming from media (Peres et al. 2010). Finally, socialstructural analyses show that weaker ties across diverse groups, and marginal players at groups’ boundaries, are both important for creativity’s social influence (Peres et al. 2010). A logistic model (S-curve) depicts the stages after product introduction in which different types of people adopt (Rogers 1983). A few are “innovators,” curious people who try new products even before they are reviewed or critiqued by professionals. About 10–25% of the community, “early adopters,” are opinion leaders with a wide social network to generate “buzz.” As more people use the idea or product, the product can become more valuable. Over time, this process termed a “network externality” (Peres et al. 2010) reduces the uncertainty and risk so that the “majority” become users. Risk-averse and strongly price-sensitive individuals, “laggards,” wait for price reductions, but they may be forced to adopt the innovation because it has become the norm (Rogers 1983). For example, once a critical mass of people bought telephones or joined Facebook, many individuals felt compelled to follow suit in order to stay in communication with friends. Much of the scholarship on this process has been done outside of social psychology – incorporating work coming from other areas of psychology as well as related disciplines including sociology, economics, business/organizational, and engineering. Contributions coming from the field of education through knowledge acquisition studies and the organizational literature on innovation and diffusion of technology have been particularly influential. This multidisciplinary perspective underscores the importance of individual contributions and how they can affect larger social entities. The spread of creative ideas is a social-psychological construct because it describes how innovations, transmitted through social interactions and influences, impact the

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preferences, opinions, attitudes, and behaviors of persons both individually and collectively.

Conclusion and Future Directions Clearly, the expansion of research questions, empirical methodologies, and investigative focuses outlined in this entry has contributed significantly to an understanding of the social psychology of creativity. Yet there remains much work to be done. Like their colleagues before them, contemporary researchers have a long way to go before they fully understand the complex interplay between social-environmental factors, the generation of creative ideas or problem solutions, and the diffusion of those ideas both within and across teams and social communities and into broader societal contexts. Only by using multiple lenses simultaneously, cutting across levels, and incorporating the perspectives of social, organizational, educational, and developmental theorists will investigators be able to reach this goal. Recent work also underscores the importance of infusing a consideration of the intersection between cultural and social influences into any new models. What is needed now is an allencompassing systems approach to the social psychology of creativity, a theory that will tie together and consolidate the growing diversity of perspectives found in the literature – from the interaction between a single individual and the immediate environment to the impact of overarching cultural norms on the creative process.

Cross-References ▶ Business Climate and Entrepreneurialism ▶ Business Creativity ▶ Creative Behavior ▶ Creative Problem Solving ▶ Creativity and Innovation: What Is the Difference? ▶ Freedom and Constraints in Creativity ▶ In Search of Cognitive Foundations of Creativity ▶ Interdisciplinarity and Innovation

Social Psychology of Creativity

▶ Intrinsic and Prosocial Motivations, Perspective Taking, and Creativity ▶ Measurement of Creativity ▶ Psychology of Creativity ▶ Social Innovation

References Amabile TM. Creativity in context. Boulder: Westview; 1996. Hennessey BA. Is the social psychology of creativity really social? Moving beyond a focus on the individual. In: Paulus P, Nijstad B, editors. Group creativity: innovation through collaboration. New York: Oxford University Press; 2003a. p. 181–201. Hennessey BA. The social psychology of creativity. Scand J Educ Res. 2003b;47:253–71.

7 Moran S. The roles of creativity in society. In: Kaufman JC, Sternberg RJ, editors. The Cambridge handbook of creativity. New York: Cambridge University Press; 2010. p. 74–90. Paulus PB, Dzindolet M, Kohn NW. Collaborative creativity – group creativity. In: Mumford MD, editor. Handbook of organizational creativity. London: Elsevier; 2012. p. 327–58. Peres R, Muller E, Mahajan V. Innovation diffusion and new product growth models: a critical review and research directions. Int J Res Mark. 2010;27(2):91–106. Reiter-Palmon R, Wigert B, de Vreede T. Team creativity: the effect of group composition, social processes and cognition. In: Mumford MD, editor. Handbook of organizational creativity. London: Elsevier; 2012. p. 295–326. Rogers EM. Diffusion of innovations. 3rd ed. New York: Free Press; 1983.


Teaching as Invention Ulrike Hanke Department of Educational Science, University of Education Freiburg (Pädagogische Hochschule), Freiburg, Germany

Synonyms Instructional design; Lesson design; Planning lessons

Introduction The knowledge and the beliefs of a teacher influence the way teaching takes place and the results of the teaching process (Pajares 1992; Neuweg 2011). But knowledge and beliefs are not the only factors influencing the teaching process. Since under certain conditions teaching can be described as a problem-solving process, i.e., as an invention process, it seems probable that the creative disposition of the teacher may be another factor that influences the teaching process (Hanke et al. 2011). This contribution describes teaching as a decision process and explains under which conditions it takes place as an invention process which is influenced by the creative disposition of the teacher. As one of these conditions is that enough time is available for processing, it will

be shown that above all designing lessons can take place as a creative problem-solving process, i.e., as an invention process.

Key Concepts and Definition of Terms Teaching In order to describe how a creative disposition may influence teaching, it is important to have a look at the process which takes place before a teacher acts, independent whether it is an act of designing lessons or an act of interacting in class. In both cases, this process preceding action is a decision process that results in the decision on how to act. In order to describe this process in more detail, it can to be divided into three subprocesses (Hanke 2011): (1) the subprocess of perceiving the environment, (2) the subprocess of activating possibilities of how to act, and (3) the subprocess of choosing one of these possibilities (see Fig. 1). The starting point of the decision process is to perceive the environment and represent it mentally (subprocess 1). Based on this representation, the teachers realize different possibilities of how they can act (subprocess 2) and finally choose one of them to implement (subprocess 3). Each of these three subprocesses is influenced by internal and external conditions (see Fig. 1). External conditions are those aspects of the environment that teachers perceive, e.g., location,

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_392-2


Teaching as Invention

external conditions

perceiving the environment

internal conditions, especially knowledge

internal conditions, especially beliefs

represen- activating tation possibilities of acting

internal conditions, especially knowledge

possibilities of acting

choosing one possibility


internal conditions, especially beliefs

Teaching as Invention, Fig. 1 Subprocesses of the decision process

media available, number of pupils, etc. Internal conditions are the teachers’ knowledge (Neuweg 2011), their beliefs (Pajares 1992), their experiences, their emotions and motivation (ZlatkinTroitschanskaia et al. 2009), their skills, etc., and perhaps their creative disposition as well (Hanke et al. 2011). External conditions are perceived and represented differently by different teachers, depending on their internal conditions. Thus, subprocess 1 is influenced by the external conditions on the one hand and by the internal conditions on the other, which are mainly the knowledge and the beliefs of the teachers which are represented in perception schemata. Based on how teachers represent the external conditions, they realize different possibilities of how they can act. Which possibilities they realize depends on their representation of the external conditions on the one hand and on their perception schemata on the other hand. It is evident that teachers who have more knowledge are able to activate more possibilities of how to act than those who have less knowledge. The last subprocess is, in contrast, mainly driven by the teachers’ beliefs. Depending on these beliefs, they evaluate the effectiveness and adequacy of the different possibilities and therefore choose different possibilities of how to act. The decision process described above can take place based on schemata, i.e., based on already existing knowledge and beliefs, as well as a process of mental model construction. In most cases, it is a schema-based process because this way of processing is less exhausting. A mental model is only constructed if the schema-based processing

fails (Seel 1991) because of a resistance to process based on an existing schema, i.e., because of a resistance to assimilation. This resistance provokes a mental disequilibrium, which makes a person feel the necessity to accommodate, i.e., to construct a mental model. As assimilation and accommodation are the basic processes of information processing and therefore take place in every situation, they are also assumed to be the basic processes in the decision process of teaching described above. A schema-based decision process in teaching is characterized by activation of schemata in the second subprocess and an evaluation based on schemata, i.e., on existing knowledge and experiences in the third subprocess. On the other hand, a decision process that results in a mental model can be characterized as a problem-solving or invention process. In this case, knowledge is activated, but it has to be restructured in order to construct a mental model and with it find a solution for the problem/task. Thus, the second subprocess is not a process of activating schemata, but one of restructuring knowledge and constructing a mental model: it is an invention process. Based on these assumptions, the decision process in teaching is assumed to be schema based as long as there is no resistance to processing based on schemata. But a closer look at the different processes of teaching shows the specifics of that act. The basic assumption is that the decision process described above takes place during the preactive phase of teaching, i.e., while designing lessons, as well as during the interactive phase of teaching, i.e., in class. There is, however, one big

Teaching as Invention

difference concerning the external conditions of these decision processes during the two phases of teaching: during lesson design, there is less time pressure than during the interactive phase, where teachers have to act almost immediately, as the learners are waiting for their reactions. For this reason, the decision process during the interactive phase is assumed to be mainly schema based, i.e., is based on already existing schemata that represent the individual teachers’ knowledge and beliefs. Because of time pressure, it is not possible for them to generate new solutions in a problemsolving or an invention process based on the construction of a mental model. They are forced to act based on a schema, even if this schema does not meet the requirements of the situation very well. On the other hand, there is less time pressure during lesson design. It could therefore be assumed that the decision process during the preactive phase of teaching is schema based, but turns into a problem-solving process as soon as a resistance to schema-based processing is met. Taking into account that the lessons which teachers have to design are almost never truly identical (at least the conditions of the target audience vary), it seems plausible to assume that the task to design a lesson often provokes a resistance to process based on schemata and therefore turns lesson design into a process of invention. However, findings about scripts and schemata in the lesson designs of the teachers and the way they act in class (Seidel 2011) do not give evidence for this. These findings seem to be an indicator of mainly schema-based processing, even while designing lessons. For this reason, it is assumed that a task to design a new lesson does, in many cases, not cause a resistance to schema-based processing. The only condition that may cause the construction of a mental model in designing lessons therefore seems to be a high commitment or dedication to act in an extraordinary way. When teachers have the time and are motivated to put effort into teaching, this may provoke them to construct a mental model instead of designing a lesson based on schemata. In this case, the process


of designing a lesson can be characterized as a problem-solving process or an invention process. It can be summed up that the decision process in teaching in the preactive as well as in the interactive phase is primarily schema based. Only in cases where enough time is available, i.e., mainly during the preactive phase, and when teachers meet a resistance or are sufficiently motivated may schema-based processing be inhibited and a mental model will be constructed. In this case, the decision process can be described as a problem-solving or invention process. As is to be shown later, the problem-solving process is the place where creativity comes into play. But beforehand, the concept of creativity has to be defined. Creativity Creativity is normally discussed in the context of the characterizations of creative products, creative processes, and creative persons. Creative products are developed by creative persons in a creative process and are normally (Linneweh 1978) characterized as new, i.e., different from already existing products and as useful and practical at the same time. As the result of a creative process is a new product, this creative process cannot be based on schemata, but can be characterized as a process of mental model construction, i.e., as an invention or a problem-solving process (Landau 1974), during which the creative person has to solve the problem to create a new but nevertheless practical product (Linneweh 1978). In this sense, the creative process is not an unusual process, but an act of thinking that takes place every day. Nevertheless, it is not the primary way of thinking: as has been described above, there are certain conditions that have to be met in order to inhibit schema-based processing. As schema-based processing does not result in new products, it is not supposed to be a creative process and is not supposed to be influenced by a creative disposition of a person. On the other hand, a problem-solving process which is supposed to result in a creative product may depend on a creative disposition, as will be shown in the following section.


Theoretical Background and OpenEnded Issues Creative Teaching Concerning teaching, a creative disposition may influence the way that teachers act because creativity influences the decision process that precedes action. It can be assumed that creative persons are able to perceive (subprocess 1) their environment differently because they do not rely only on their schemata. Additionally, they will also be able to create new but nevertheless useful possibilities of how to act and do not only activate their existing schemata (subprocess 2). Concerning the third subprocess of the decision process, it is assumed that a creative disposition may lead to a different evaluation of the possibilities and therefore to a different choice of how to act. The decision process can therefore have the form of a creative process, but nevertheless not every decision process while teaching is creative in nature: as was explained before, in most cases, this decision process takes place as a schemadriven process that is carried out automatically. In this case, the decision process cannot be described as a creative process in the sense of a problem-solving process, because activating schemata is not supposed to be influenced by a creative disposition. On the other hand, the construction of a mental model as a problem-solving or invention process may be influenced by a creative disposition. But as elaborated above, certain conditions have to be met before a decision process in teaching makes the construction of a mental model probable: there has to be enough time and there has to be a resistance to perform schema-based processing or the motivation to put extra effort into teaching. As teachers have to decide under time pressure during the interactive phase of teaching, creative processing is supposed to take place only during the preactive phase of teaching. Thus, teaching as an invention process is always a process of designing lessons. It may be astonishing that not every process of designing lessons is a creative problem-solving process, because the task to plan a new lesson may seem to provoke a resistance to process

Teaching as Invention

based on schemata. But as has been shown, the analysis of lesson designs gives evidence for mainly schema-based processing, even during lesson design (Seidel 2011). Therefore, the task of constructing a new lesson design does not always provoke a resistance to assimilate and therefore does not automatically inhibit processing based on schemata. For this reason, it is believed that creative processing in designing lessons is met when teachers are willing and motivated to put effort into it. This is the reason why the subjects in one of the rarely existent studies about creativity and teaching (Hanke et al. 2011) were explicitly asked to design creative lessons. In order to investigate the effect of a creative disposition in lesson designs, this was necessary to make sure that the subjects constructed mental models and did not activate schemata, because schema-based processing does not even have the potential to be influenced by a creative disposition. In this study, the subjects (students enrolled in the “Instructional Design” bachelor program at the University of Freiburg, Germany) had to create two lesson designs with different specifications. Their resulting lesson designs were then rated by their degree of novelty and practicability. In addition, the lesson designs of each person were compared, in order to investigate if more creative persons create more structurally varied lesson designs. The results of this quite small study (N = 44) showed no clear evidence for an effect of a creative disposition measured by the V-K-T (verbaler Kreativitätstest/ verbal creativity test, Schoppe 1975) on the lesson designs. But an in-depth analysis gives first evidence that participants with a creative disposition create more structurally varied lesson designs (Hanke et al. 2011).

Conclusion and Future Directions The explanations above show that teaching processes can usually not be characterized as invention processes because creativity does not show up under time pressure. For this reason, creative processing in teaching can only take place during

Teaching as Invention

the preactive phase in the process of designing lessons. But as the less exhausting and therefore “usual” way of processing is schema based, and the task to design a new lesson does not cause the necessary resistance, even the process of designing lessons does not usually take the form of a creative invention process. The only situation when designing lessons becomes an invention process seems to be when the teachers are motivated enough to put extra effort into designing a lesson. However, since there are almost no studies about the role of creativity in teaching, the explanations above can only be treated as tentative hypotheses. There is a need for significant additional research in order to be able to describe the relation between processes of teaching and creativity.

Cross-References ▶ Creative Behavior ▶ Creative Pedagogy ▶ Creativity Training in Design Education ▶ Divergent Thinking ▶ Divergent Versus Convergent Thinking ▶ Teaching Creativity


References Hanke U. Möglichkeiten der Realisierung von Fallarbeit in Blended Learning Lernumgebungen. Seminar. 2011;3(11):46–59. Hanke U, Ifenthaler D, Seel NM. Effects of creative dispositions on the design of lessons. Open Educ J. 2011;4(Suppl 1: M10):113–9. Landau E. Psychologie der Kreativitaet. Psychologie und person (Bd. 17). Reinhardt: München; 1974. Linneweh K. Kreatives Denken. Effektive Werbung (Bd. 4). Karlsruhe: Gitzel; 1978. Neuweg GH. Das Wissen der Wissensvermittler. In: Terhart E, Bennewitz H, Rothland M, editors. Handbuch der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf. Münster: Waxmann; 2011. p. 451–77. Pajares MF. Teachers’ beliefs and educational research: cleaning up a messy construct. Rev Educ Res. 1992;62(3):307–32. Schoppe KJ. Verbaler Kreativitäts-Test. Ein Verfahren zur Erfassung verbal-produktiver Kreativitätsmerkmale. Göttingen: Verlag für Psychologie; 1975. Seel N. Weltwissen und mentale Modelle. Göttingen: Hogrefe; 1991. Seidel T. Lehrerhandeln im Unterricht. In: Terhart E, Bennewitz H, Rothland M, editors. Handbuch der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf. Münster: Waxmann; 2011. p. 605–29. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia O, Beck K, Sembill D, Nickolaus R, Mulder R, editors. Lehrprofessionalität: Bedingungen, Genese, Wirkungen und ihre Messung. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz; 2009.


Creative Destruction Faruk Ulgen Grenoble Faculty of Economics, University Grenoble Alpes-Centre de Recherche en Economie de Grenoble (CREG), Grenoble, France

Synonyms Economic dynamics; Entrepreneurial economy; Entrepreneurship financing; Innovation

Intellectual Roots of the Concept Creative destruction refers to the phenomenon of economic change through the creation of new ways of doing things that endogenously destroy and replace the old ways. It is assumed that new products and new processes are the main source of the capitalist economy’s development. The term “creative destruction” is usually used to emphasize the dynamic nature of the modern economic system and is more readily thought as a positive evolutionary process. Thus it can be regarded as the conceptual roots of the modern innovation economics. Creative destruction is originally derived from Marxist economic theory (The Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engels, 1848, Grundrisse of Marx, 1857, and Das Capital, 1863), which

brought to the forefront the capitalist processes of destroying and reconfiguring previous economic structures. This approach argued that the capitalist evolution must ceaselessly devalue existing wealth (through war economic crises) in order to prepare the environment for the creation of new wealth. In its most common sense, this process points out the way in which capitalist economic development goes through the destruction of the prior economic order to create some new alternatives. Such a process is usually thought of as a progressive dialectic evolution towards better – though more complex – and more efficient technological, organizational, and financial structures. The intellectual roots of the term “creative destruction” can also be found in Nietzsche’s Zarathustra (1883–1892) and in the Krieg und Kapitalismus (War and Capitalism, 1913) of German Marxist sociologist Werner Sombart (see Reinert and Reinert 2010).

Creative Destruction as an Evolutionary Process of Economic Change Economic Change After World War II, creative destruction has become identified with Joseph Schumpeter (1883–1950) who used and popularized it as a theory of economic change due to innovations framed and implemented by a specific class of economic agents in a capitalist society, called entrepreneurs. This approach gained analytical

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_407-2


and political ground within neoliberal models of free-market economics as a description of market dynamics resulting in the increase of the efficiency of the economy through decentralized and self-interested private agents’ behavior. To date, known as The Prophet of Innovation (McCraw 2010), Schumpeter states in his book Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (2000 [1942]) that “The essential point to grasp is that in dealing with capitalism we are dealing with an evolutionary process.” Then he adds that: “Capitalism, then, is by nature a form or method of economic change and not only never is but never can be stationary.” This evolutionary character of the capitalist process is due to the fundamental impulse “that sets and keeps the capitalist engine in motion which comes from the new consumers’ goods, the new methods of production or transportation, the new markets, the new forms of industrial organization that capitalist enterprise creates” (p. 83). The opening up of new markets or the creation of new production processes and organization incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, “incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one. This process of Creative Destruction is the essential fact about capitalism. It is what capitalism consists of and what every capitalist concern has got to live in” (p. 83). Therefore, Schumpeter argues that the relevant problem is how capitalism creates and destroys existing structures. This incessant change process is led by entrepreneurs who are at the heart of the economic system. The entrepreneurs – also called by Schumpeter the “wild spirits” (Unternehmergeist, German for entrepreneurspirit, English for entrepreneurship, and French for entrepreneuriat) – drive capitalist dynamics through their expectations and decisions in the aim of obtaining some market power (dominant position, accumulation, increasing profits, etc.) that would enable them to create temporary monopolies. However, in his early work, Schumpeter believed that the innovation and technological change were due to individual entrepreneurs who sought to realize novelties for, first of all, the pleasure of changing the current state of

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things. From this perspective, innovative entrepreneur was thought of as a socially positive and “sympathetic” adventuresome figure. However, from World-War II, at Harvard, Schumpeter changed his interpretation of the roots of economic dynamics and asserted that the major changes in the economy stem from big companies which have the resources and capital to invest in research and development. Whatever the vision about the characteristics of innovative entrepreneurship, it appears that in a capitalist economy the entrepreneur or the enterprise, whatever its size, is the actor of the endogenous change – the process of industrial mutation. The most important result of such an approach is that the dynamic endogenous change process – assumed to be mainly related to entrepreneurial decisions – should replace the invisible hand-competitive price theory of classical and new classical economics. Therefore, in a creative destruction picture, it is not anymore relevant to study the working of market-related capitalist economies in terms of Pareto-optimal real equilibrium statics. Entrepreneurs’ Innovations as the Source of Creative Destruction In his Theory of Economic Development (1961 [1934]), Schumpeter maintains that the creative destruction process is mainly due to entrepreneurs’ innovations that create an endogenous motion which revolutionizes the economic structure. New combinations “appear discontinuously in groups or swarms.” As this process does not only sweep away old structures but also calls for new horizons to be widened, it is called creative. Such a creative motion comes from novelty about goods and services, new methods of production and all related activities, new process of implementing projects, new ways of organization, new combinations of factors of production, and so on. The field is large, limitless, depending on the imagination of Schumpeterian entrepreneurs. The Schumpeterian entrepreneur is not a single physical person and not a well-defined group of people. The entrepreneur may be the capitalist, a corporate manager, or a visionary who tries to change the established economic structure in order to create novelty. He or she is a novelty

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lover who is like an adventurer, a pioneer who is incessantly searching for changes in his/her existence. In this picture, competition is a source of change through innovations that are destroying and remaking the existing structures so positions of agents cannot rest on a pillow of previous situation. Therefore, such an incessant change must be studied as a vehicle for uncertainty which allows economic actors to adopt leapfrogging strategies in order to reshape market structures following their expectations and own interests. This approach offers a specific way of apprehending economic development through the introduction of innovations onto the market that would disturb the existing economic environment and trigger overall structural change. Schumpeter identified entrepreneurial innovations as the major source of economic change. He argued that economies revolve around entrepreneurial innovations that often create temporary monopolies, allowing high profits that would soon be competed away by rivals and imitators. Then he remarks that the creative destruction dynamics stand out most clearly in the case of sectors which at any time happen to embody the impact of new things and methods on the existing industrial structure. In this vein, he argues that “The best way of getting a vivid and realistic idea of industrial strategy is indeed to visualize the behavior of new concerns or industries that introduce new commodities or processes or else reorganize a part or the whole of an industry” (2000 [1942], p. 89). Such concerns are assumed to be aggressors by nature and wield the effective weapon of competition. The meaning of competition is therefore related to that kind of competition which comes from new commodity, new technology, new source of supply, and new type of organization that command a decisive cost or quality advantage and “strike not at the margins of the profits and the outputs of the existing firms but at their foundations and their very lives” (2000 [1942], p. 84). In the same vein, but considering a global and continuously changing world of the twenty-first century, David Audretsch (2007) argues that in modern economies, there is a shift from the (old)


managed economy to the emergence of an entrepreneurial society where individuals and firms, as well as groups and communities, try to proactively use the opportunities of the time. The connections between entrepreneurship and growth, founded on the creative destruction schema, can be narrowed also to entrepreneurship’s stimulation of developing economies as entrepreneurs can serve, according to Audretsch, as a conduit for knowledge spillovers, improving competition for new ideas and methods and increasing diversity. Innovation and Invention There is no commonly accepted definition of innovation within a business context. However, in literature, invention and innovation are distinguished. In the Theory of Economic Development, Schumpeter distinguished between the invention and innovation. The invention is the discovery of a new technical knowledge and the innovation is its application to industry. The innovation, in its broader sense, is the introduction of new technical methods, new products, and new sources of supply and new forms of organization. Invention is used in order to define a fundamental technological change, the apparition of which is usually depending on scientific changes which would affect our way of life. Innovation expresses the way that aims to derive anticipated benefits from change and concerns new commercial uses that the decisionmaking unit perceives to be profitable in economic terms. The innovation can be a new idea, new practice, method, or process, product, or market opportunity. So the term “innovation” is a generic term of all strategic economic and financial changes which may mean the developing of new services (allowing to the product differentiation), new products (diversification and penetration of new markets with new products and creating new needs and demand), new manufacturing processes (reducing production costs or supplying better products), and new business processes.


Research and Development as the Source of Modern Entrepreneurial Innovation Therefore, it is obvious that the innovative process is related to research and development (R&D). The fundamental research produces new knowledge (scientific-invention level of the process of change) while the applied research aims to lead to the acquisition of new knowledge for specific purposes as the launch of new products and processes including design, prototyping, testing, construction of pilot plants, etc. It is usually assumed that, given the financial and scientific requisites of the R&D activities, the process must be found on public and private structures cooperation. Forms of Innovation Innovations can take an incremental or radical form as regards their effects on existing economic structures, as shown in Table 1. There is also a distinction between technical and nontechnical innovations. While product or process innovations represent technical innovations, product-service and organizational innovations are assumed to be nontechnical innovations. From this point of view, the second type of innovation can be classed as commercial innovations because they concern the methods of commercialization, advertising and market searching, etc. Then the main types of innovation, following Schumpeter, can be classified into three main categories: product innovation, process innovation, and commercial innovation. However, the schema of Fig. 1 can be used to present different forms of innovation summarizing various conceptual and observational factors intervening in the design and implementation process of innovative activities. In Fig. 1, the technical category, product innovation is defined as the development of new products or technologies supported by research and development activities of firms. Process innovation aims at finding new process technologies in order to reduce costs of production and time costs and/or to increase quality. In the nontechnical category shown in Fig. 1, service-product innovation consists in offering the customers new services such as maintenance or operating services. Organizational innovation

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comprises the development and implementation of new organizational structures and processes in order to offer customers more flexibility and efficiency. One can find in this category just-in-time concepts as applied by the Japanese firms in the 1970s. Organizational innovations are differentiated into two types of innovation: • Procedural organizational innovations which affect the routines and operations of a firm. They are aimed at increasing the speed and flexibility of production. • Structural organizational innovations change responsibilities, accountability, and information flows and affect therefore the divisional structure of functions within the firm’s hierarchical framework. Organizational innovations can occur within a firm. Then, they are called intraorganizational innovations and affect the overall strategy of the company as a whole. When they include new organizational procedures beyond a firm’s border, they affect the firm’s environment throughout R&D cooperation with customers or other firms, and they are called interorganizational innovations.

Relevant Examples and Issues Innovation at the Roots of Modern Economies’ Change To date, innovation is at the top of the strategic agenda of corporations (Tzeng 2009). One can argue without exaggeration that in the wake of numerous technological and organizational changes that modern economies’ dynamics provoke through new products, processes, and services on industrial as well as on financial markets, the late twentieth and the early twenty-first centuries’ capitalism is certainly the age of Schumpeter. In modern economics, creative destruction is a relevant way to study stability as it can explain most of the dynamics of industrial change and the evolution of market structures from competition

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Creative Destruction, Table 1 Effects of innovation Incremental innovation Radical innovation Change in technological system Change in techno-economic paradigm

Minor change at the industry level Major change at the industry level New industry and/or change at the intersectoral level New industry and/or change at the intersectoral level with heavy socioeconomic consequences

evolution of markets and prevent the entry of new rival firms. Adopting a game-theoretic model’s perspective that brings forth the role of strategic interactions on markets, Spulber (2013) points to the interplay among technology standards, competitive conduct, and economic performance. He argues that technology standards, the competitive conduct of firms, and the economic performance of innovative industries are endogenous and jointly determined. Creative Destruction, Fig. 1 Conceptual and observational factors

to oligopolistic/monopolistic markets. It constitutes also the main reference for endogenous growth theories (Aghion et al. 2013; Speight 2001) and “Neo–Schumpeterian” evolutionary economics (Hanusch and Pyka 2007). New Industrial Economics In the new industrial economics (or the theory of organizations), the Schumpeterian model of creative destruction is used as one of the main references. This approach consists in considering the behavior of new organizational forms which introduce new process or products. This model allows economists and market analysts to consider new organizational forms which introduce new process or products in a dynamic setting. The issue of innovation in firms’ market strategies for which the first initiative comes from firms themselves, and not only due to given market structure, constitutes a relevant analytical purpose in order to apprehend different market structures. Imperfectly competitive markets, monopolistic or oligopolistic markets with dominant firms determine the market’s conditions in the aim of dominating

Innovations, Merger, and Acquisition In Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, putting the emphasis on the routinization of technical innovation and the obsolescence of entrepreneurs’ creative activities, Schumpeter presents a pessimistic view of the future of capitalistic economies. If R&D becomes centered in large corporations (financial needs of R&D activities may prevent little firms from undertaking innovative strategies), by exercising their market power, the large oligopolies would be able to use their market power to blockade Schumpeter’s entrepreneurs’ dynamics. Therefore, large corporations will come to dominate innovation; hence new entry and creative destruction would decline. In this perspective, Edgar Norton (1992) studies evidence of creative destruction in the US economy to deal with this issue thorough the examination of the role of merger and acquisition in the process of creative destruction, firm growth, and firm decline. He shows that mergers and acquisitions were also major forces behind the exit of firms from the top 500 during the 1970s–1980s. He states that the net impact of merger and acquisition activity on creative destruction and wealth concentration is an empirical and a public policy question needing further study.


Innovations and Factors Affecting R&D Activities Various factors affect the R&D activities of firms and therefore the creative destruction process in an economy: • The “technology push” factor: According to the available level and state of technology in a market, firms may try to use different opportunities to develop new technologies. For example, there seems to be more technological opportunity today in the biotechnology than in the cloth manufacturing industries. • The “demand pull” factor: It is the evolution of the demand in a given market that gives firms the effective orientation of their market strategies. For example, when having a slim figure is fashionable, some firms develop new technologies and slimming products. • Profitability factor: Can firms appropriate the monetary returns to R&D? If the patent rights are strong, firms should be able to capture the profits that could come from inventions and innovations created during R&D. If not, either (1) other firms copy the invention or innovation, (2) other firms develop minor variations of the new technology and capture parts of the market demand or (3) large firms with strong investments in the technology can maintain dominance by having large numbers of patents and copyrights, and by defending them legally, so that new firms are kept out of the market. • Ability of firms to use the new technologies developed in other firms or by academic researches. This refers to the extent to which a firm has the relevant R&D personnel and other resources needed to use efficiently the new technologies. • Scale and scope factor: This is related to the possibility for the firm to realize scale or scope economies. When the firm is small, the scale of production is usually low and then profitability of the innovative activity (costs of development, market analysis, advertisement, etc.) may take more time than the case of larger firms, which may spread the costs of R&D over the numbers of units produced and distributed.

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• Financing factor: Availability of the internal finance and conditions of the external finance (borrowing conditions in the financial markets) for the R&D activities usually give more advantages to the larger firms and can prevent the little firms’ innovative activities. Innovations and the Size of Firms Some critical questions then arise: How does the structure of an industry (the numerous characteristics of firms in a given market) affect R&D in the sector? Why might the bigger or the smaller firms tend to do more R&D? Acs and Audretsch (1988) show that the possibility of innovations from small firms, especially from new start-ups, is related to sector-specific conditions. If the industry is capital-intensive and highly unionized, small firms have no access to innovative activities. Larger firms tend to have more capabilities than smaller firms to improve and streamline existing technologies. Previously developed organizational skills, established commercial and business networks, existing and wellknown brand and experience, available financial tools, etc., could make the realization of innovation projects easier for large firms. It is also worth noting that large firms often pursue large numbers of minor improvements to products and manufacturing processes. In capital-intensive sectors, large firms can innovate more than small firms which do not have sufficient access to capital markets, while in new sectors, with low barriers to entry and less capital-intensive, small firms can follow aggressive and innovative strategies and can change the path of sector’s evolution. However, it is also obvious that if an innovation comes from smaller firms, commercialization still takes a lot of effort for young firms which do not have expanded distribution networks or enough advertisement structures. Financing of Innovations In the Schumpeterian economic development model, dynamics enter the picture with the innovation decisions of entrepreneurs. Innovation is the driving force of accumulation. Innovation means to change deeply the economic status quo. The subject of innovation is the entrepreneur

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who tries to execute new combinations. But the sole presence of entrepreneurs is not sufficient to guarantee the system’s evolution. In order to innovate, to found a new firm, and to construct a new plant and order new equipment from existing firms, entrepreneurs need means of financing. As the creation of novelty requires new ways of doing things, the entrepreneur-explorer needs new ways of financing. If one presents the entrepreneur as the source of the creative destruction process and the innovations-new combinations as his or her objective, the way to reach the objective is related to the access of entrepreneurs to monetary means required to fund new plans and strategies. The result of such an adventure will also determine the final performance of entrepreneurs. Consequently, the financing conditions of innovations are a real concern in the creative destruction process of an economy but also regarding its stability (Ülgen 2001 and 2014). Schumpeter argues in The Theory of Economic Development that the access to money (credit) is the power to command and to determine the level of economic change. Credit money becomes the critical variable which authorizes an economic separation between entrepreneurs-innovators and other agents. The financing of entrepreneurship has been assigned logical priority in the process of economic development since innovations have to be supported by new funds beyond the existing ones. Therefore, the financing conditions of innovative activities and the evolution of banks and financial markets play a crucial role in the creative destruction process (Ülgen 2013).

Therefore, in Fig. 2, creative destruction process becomes a global issue in the analysis of economic evolution.

Conclusion and Future Directions The creative destruction is used to describe the evolution of a capitalist economy through its endogenous dynamics assumed to be mainly founded on entrepreneurs’ decisions and strategies. These strategies aim at strengthening dominant positions on markets in order to give firms more profit and higher control on market’s development. Another interesting perspective is offered in the work of Aghion et al. (2016) where the authors point, among others, to two crucial findings with regard to the effects of innovations on economic and social dynamics. On the one hand, innovation is positively associated with social mobility. On the other hand, Aghion et al. document that there exist positive and significant correlations between measures of innovation and top income inequality. One could draw different and somewhat opposite results from such findings regarding the (anti) competitive dynamics of market-based economies. The decentralized markets-based economic action and subsequent innovations would improve, according to some economists, the functioning of societies while other economists believe that the creation can finally result in

Creative Destruction : Evolutionary process of an entrepreneurial economy

Creative Destruction, Fig. 2 Creative destruction process

Market Structure, Market size, Firm size

Financing conditions

Subject: Entrepreneursinnovators (The explorer)

Technology push, Demand pull

R&D New Combinations


some destructive processes impeding “positive” economic development. Whatever the theoretical position that one can adopt in the analysis of economic change, it is obvious that the creative destruction process depends on innovative behavior of market actors. Therefore, the relevant question is related to the issue of creating, improving, and, maybe, socially framing entrepreneurial dynamics to let them reinforce positive changes which would be able to raise the welfare of society. Therefore the size of firms, measures, and mechanisms will give entrepreneurs incentives to innovate more and the adequate market structures and financing rules and tools to accompany firms’ evolution to gain importance in economic change. The design and implementation of relevant and consistent industrial policies and their financial accompaniment will hence become a crucial issue in the development of an entrepreneurial economy.

Cross-References ▶ Angel Investors ▶ Epidemiology of Innovation: Concepts and Constructs ▶ Financing Entrepreneurship ▶ Informal Venture Capital ▶ Innovation ▶ Joseph A. Schumpeter and Innovation ▶ Love Money ▶ R&D

References Acs ZJ, Audretsch DB. Innovation in large and small firms: an empirical analysis. Am Econ Rev. 1988;78:678–90. Aghion P, Akcigit U, Howitt P. What do we learn from Schumpeterian growth theory? Working paper, Harvard University, 15 Feb 2013. Available at:

Creative Destruction http://scholar.harvard.edu/files/aghion/files/what_do_we_ learn_0.pdf. Accessed 20 July 2016. Aghion P, Akcigit U, Bergeaud A, Blundell R, Hémous D. Innovation and top income inequality, Working paper, Harvard University, 11 Apr 2016. Available at: http://scholar.harvard.edu/files/aghion/files/innovation_ and_top_income_inequality.pdf. Accessed 20 July 2016. Audretsch DB. The entrepreneurial society. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2007. Hanusch H, Pyka A, editors. Elgar companion to neoSchumpeterian economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited; 2007. McCraw TK. Prophet of innovation. Joseph Schumpeter and creative destruction. Cambridge: Harvard University Press; 2010. p. 236. Norton E. Evidence of creative destruction in the U.S. economy. Small Bus Econ. 1992;4:113–23. Reinert H, Reinert ES. Creative destruction in economics. In: Backhaus JG, Drechsler W, editors. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900). Economy and society. New York: Springer; 2010. p. 55–86. Schumpeter JA. The theory of economic development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; 1961 [1934]. Schumpeter JA. Capitalism, socialism, and democracy. London: Routledge; 2000 [1942]. With a new introduction by Richard Swedberg. Speight AEH. Innovation, creative destruction, and endogenous growth: contemporary economic theory and the Schumpeterian legacy. In: Orati V, Dahiya SB, editors. Economic theory in the light of Schumpeter’s scientific heritage, vol. I. Rohtak: Spellbound Publications; 2001. p. 171–86. Spulber DF. Innovation economics: the interplay among technology standards, competitive conduct, and economic performance. J Competition Law Econ. 2013;9(4):777–825. Tzeng C-H. A review of contemporary innovation literature: a Schumpeterian perspective. Innova Manag Policy Pract. 2009;11:373–94. Ülgen F. The monetary dynamics of growth: credit economy and stability. In: Orati V, Dahiya SB, editors. Economic theory in the light of Schumpeter’s scientific heritage, vol. I. Rohtak: Spellbound Publications; 2001. p. 19–34. Ülgen F. Is the financial innovation destruction creative? A Schumpeterian reappraisal. J Innova Econ. 2013;11:231–49. Ülgen F. Schumpeterian economic development and financial innovations: a conflicting evolution. J Inst Econ. 2014;10(2):257–77.


Conflict and Creativity Mark A. Runco1 and Sureyya Yoruk2 1 University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA 2 Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey

Synonyms Adaptation; Asynchrony; Brainstorming teams; Cost of expertise; Marginality; Mindfulness; Originality; Preference for complexity There are quite a few parallels between the evolution of Homo sapiens and the development of individuals. Historically, the theory that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny was not used to describe the entire lifespan, but only prenatal development, and in any case it did not hold up. Yet there are parallels between evolution and development, especially if you take the lifespan perspective. The most obvious may be that just as adaptation allows a species to evolve and survive so too do learning and coping allow an individual to live an effective life. Conflict of some sort plays a role in adaptation and coping, as well as creativity. Creativity, like learning, adaptability, and coping, helps individuals to lead an effective life. In fact, creative talent may facilitate adaptability. This is especially likely given that life is fraught with challenges. There are various ways to describe the benefits of creativity – it adds to the quality of life, helps us to stay healthy, and

contributes to progress – and the most important benefit may be that it does allow us to adapt and cope and deal with conflict and challenges of many sorts. Life can be challenging, but creative behavior makes it easy to keep up. Much of this reasoning is theoretical, but there are data showing that creativity is the result of challenges, conflict, and tension. These data can be found in case studies and experimental research. This entry will briefly review each. It covers all perspectives on the relationship of conflict and creativity. It throws a wide net and looks at various kinds of conflicts, some mild hassles, some major problems, some intrapersonal, and some interpersonal. Data about the conflict-creativity relationship are found in developmental, cognitive, social, and organizational psychology. Asynchrony As noted just above, there are several labels for the challenges and conflicts in our lives, including hassles and obstacles, but each is the result of the human condition which includes both comfort and relaxation and conflict and asynchrony. Many challenges contribute to stress, but some may actually benefit the individual. Does this mean that we should seek challenges and impose them on each other? Should parents, for example, satisfy all of the needs of their children? More likely, good parents will allow their child to experience tension and conflict. Otherwise the children may not develop the capacity to tolerate tension nor learn the skills that will

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_428-2


allow lifelong adaption. More concretely, good parents do not provide environments that are perfectly aligned with their child’s abilities. Instead parents create a slight mismatch and then “scaffold.” The parents may speak to a child with a sentence that has eight words, and seven of them are in the child’s current receptive vocabulary, but the meaning of that eighth word must be inferred. The child must work, just a bit, to grasp the meaning of the sentence. And as the child grows, so too do the mismatches. A good parent will keep just ahead of a child’s current abilities. That is scaffolding. Its tie to asynchrony and growth is especially clear for parenting, but we could might explore parallels for teachers who intentionally challenge students or managers and supervisors who challenge employees. Research shows that various challenges occur during childhood and apparently contribute to the development of mindfulness and adaptability. In addition, case studies of creative individuals suggest that many of them had huge challenges of all sorts (Runco 1994). Although these are retrospective reports, the implication is that the challenges contributed to the capacity for creativity. This makes sense if creative ability is a kind of adaptability. In the most general terms, tension is likely to result when there is an asynchrony or mismatch between the needs and capacities of the individual and what is available and supported by the environment. The case studies mentioned just above point to asynchronies that sometimes occur within the family. They may be the result of a loss of a parent when the child is still quite young or the loss of a sibling, both of which are remarkably common among famous creators. Yet other tensions result from mismatches and asynchronies outside of the family. One kind of asynchrony occurs when an individual moves from one culture to another. This may put individuals in a position where they feel that they should process information mindfully rather than make assumptions. It is almost as if they are forced to use the “question assumptions” tactic that is so often recommended in programs designed to enhance creative thinking. Another kind of asynchrony is likely when an individual

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moves from one profession to another. Again, the individual is forced to think in a mindful fashion. Individuals also have the benefit of using concepts or methods from the original profession in the new profession, which of course means that they may do or see something that experts in the second field do not see. That kind of thing happens to experts fairly regularly and for this reason has been labeled “the cost of expertise.” The benefits of moving from one field to another are implied by the insights of Darwin (geology to evolutionary biology), Jean Piaget (biology to cognitive developmental psychology), and Sigmund Freud (physiology to psychiatry). Admittedly, it is possible that the same benefit occurs when an individual is on the periphery of a field rather than moving from one field to another. Indeed, there is research suggesting that marginality, like asynchrony, has benefits for creativity. Note that these benefits can be explained by the fact that being marginal or asynchronous challenges the individual to think in a mindful, and often original, fashion. Conflict that leads to creative thinking sometimes involves different modes of thought. Convergent processes may lead to a solution to a problem, while, at the same time, divergent thinking suggests alternatives. This situation may lead to what Arieti (1976) called the magic synthesis. For Arieti, creativity results from a blend, or synthesis, of different ideas and feelings. Interestingly, he felt that these might come together in the corpus callosum, which is the neural bridge between the two hemispheres of the brain. A variety of other theories also view creativity as the blend of opposites. These create a tension which the individual resolves using creative processes. The tension is not necessarily only between cognitive modes of thought; it may also be between thinking and emotion. Not surprisingly, there is a personality trait found in many highly creative individuals that may both result from but also in turn lead to these tensions between modes of thought. Sometimes called the preference for complexity (Eisenman 1997), this trait not only allows the individual to tolerate situations fraught with tension but also to seek it out. Individuals

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high in preference for complexity seem to have learned that from tension comes the satisfaction of creative insight. Barron’s (1963) work on “the need for order and disorder” demonstrated that these individuals learn to prefer complexity, even if there is a tension felt because of it. They know that the tension is indicative of the creative process and often leads in a fruitful direction.

Tension in Organizations and Teams There are parallels in organizations and groups. Tension is, for instance, probably unavoidable in teams and brainstorming groups. Some of the time, this works to the advantage of the group. In fact, tension is one of the factors included in descriptions of optimal teams and workgroups (Rubenson and Runco 1995). According to one of the most detailed theories of optimal groups, a team should be composed of six to eight people. If there are more, there is too great a cost for any one individual to take a risk and share a wild, and potentially original, idea. In fact, the least risk is in so-called nominal groups – someone working alone! This does not mean that nominal groups are optimal for creativity. In fact, there may be little tension when a person works alone and too little perspective. In addition, creativity is not synonymous with originality. Creativity requires effectiveness as well as originality. This is especially true in organizations, which very likely are interested in innovation. That means that an idea must not be simply original; it must also work. It must be practical. It should lead to implementation. It would be good if it could sell. So although smaller groups are good for the risk-taking that allows originality, creativity requires more than that. Hence, a team should be composed of not too many (when risk increases, originality drops) nor too few (high originality but lacking the diverse perspectives and experience that will insure that some ideas are practical as well as original). In addition to an optimal size, a team should be diverse. This is where the tension comes in. Again citing the theory of optimal groups mentioned above, it is probably best to have two to three highly experienced individuals in a team.


They are the ones that will bring information and huge knowledge bases to the problem at hand. They will evaluate and criticize and insure that only practical ideas move forward, from the team to the larger organization. Since assumptions are to be avoided and diverse perspectives on problems are useful, the experts in the groups should represent different points of view. One might be a scientist, one could be an engineer, and one a humanistic psychologist. The key is diversity. This will insure that assumptions (within any one field) are avoided, but it will probably lead to some tension and conflict. The experts may very well argue and debate. That is a good thing for creativity. It will allow ideas to be tested and evaluated and all relevant information to be brought to bear. It may be counterintuitive, but it is quite possible that the experts in a team will not have the most creative insight. They will bring information and question assumptions, but the creative insight is actually most likely to be found by an inexperienced member of the team! This is because, with experience comes rigidity or, in the vernacular of creativity theory, inflexibility. Experts have so much invested in their own fields and theories and points of view that they tend to defend them and become increasingly rigid. This relates back to the “cost of expertise.” But if the team is optimally composed, there will be novices as well as experts, and just as the experts are inflexible, so are the novices flexible. They will hear the conflict, the debate, and the exchange of information, and they are the ones who are flexible enough to benefit from the conflict and team work and have a useful insight. An optimal team of this sort may produce a creative idea. Then again, there is no guarantee. What the theory of an optimal group defines is a way of finding the conditions which should allow the creative process to occur. You could say that the optimal work group has the potential to be creative (see “▶ Four Ps of Creativity,” this volume). As a matter of fact, much the same must be said about all of the different kinds of tensions and conflicts and asynchronies that are summarized in this entry. None of them guarantees creativity. Conflict sometimes supports mindful thinking and


interactions that can lead to original and useful ideation. But conflict can go different ways. It can be used productively, or it can become an issue in and of itself, a distraction, and a block to creativity. It is much like putting a deadline on a person. Many people are challenged by deadlines and respond by doing good work. But others are frozen by deadlines. The condition – the deadline – is the same, but interpretations of it differ. The impact varies from person to person. This is the same with conflict and tension. It works for some people, some of the time, but not everyone all of the time.

Conclusions and Future Directions These last comments on conflict within teams apply most obviously to industry and organizations. But then again, schools sometimes use brainstorming, and diversity could be utilized in student groups. Additionally, a beneficial tension was suggested by Dean Keith Simonton when he described how the best mentor-student relationship is not one of complete compatibility and camaraderie. The ideal mentor-student relationship is instead one where there is some discrepancy. Certainly there must be enough compatibility for good communication; but some distance and dissimilarity are also good. Otherwise, the student may merely imitate the mentor, and original insights are unlikely. Creative insights sometimes occur when there is no conflict and no tension. Indeed, this is the humanistic view, proposed by Carl Rogers. Creativity is inextricable from the epitome of psychological health, namely, self-actualization, and individuals self-actualize when they are in environments which provide unconditional positive regard. Yet at the same time, there are logic and numerous examples of tension leading to shifts of perspective and creative insight. These two perspectives are not really at odds with one another if you keep in mind that much depends on the interpretation of the individual. At least as important is the caution that must be taken whenever an attempt is made to enhance

Conflict and Creativity

creativity by structuring experience or context. Simply put, even if conflict was the most likely route to the development of creative thinking skills (and more accurately, it is simply one route that sometimes works for some people), it would be unethical to impose undue conflict on individuals! There is probably no need to impose conflict anyway. Life throws challenges at us; we do not have to go looking for them. This brings us to our last point. Much of the thinking in this entry implies that creativity can be stimulated by tension and conflict. That in turn may imply that creativity is a form of adaptation. This view can be refuted, however, since some creative behaviors are maladaptive. Creativity is sometimes associated with psychopathology, for example, and sometimes it leads to such radical thinking that the individual creator is alienated. Perhaps more convincing is that creative thinking is sometimes proactive, while adaptations are by definition reactive. In the evolution of a species, for example, adaptations are not selected unless they correspond with (“fit”) environmental pressures. This is not to say that they are directed or teleological. But creative behavior is often self-expressive and independent of environmental demand. Further, many of the most creative insights are not solutions to a problem (solutions would be reactions) but are instead a reflection of problem identification or problem finding. The point is that sometimes creative insight is the result of self-expression, and there is no problem. Other times there is a problem and perhaps tension. There are different routes to creative insight. Given the importance of creativity, future research should be directed to determine exactly what kinds of conflict and tension are beneficial, for whom and in what settings.

Cross-References ▶ Four Ps of Creativity ▶ Freedom and Constraints in Creativity ▶ Ideas and Ideation ▶ Risk

Conflict and Creativity

References Arieti S. The magic synthesis. New York: Norton; 1976. Barron F. The need for order and for disorder as motives in creative activity. In: Taylor CW, Barron F, editors. Scientific creativity: its recognition and development. New York: Wiley; 1963. p. 153–60. Eisenman R. Creativity, preference for complexity, and physical and mental health. In: Runco MA,

5 Richards R, editors. Eminent creativity, everyday creativity, and health. Norwood: Ablex; 1997. p. 99–106. Rubenson DL, Runco MA. The psychoeconomic view of creative work in groups and organizations. Creat Innov Manag. 1995;4:232–41. Runco MA. Creativity and its discontents. In: Runco MA, Shaw M, editors. Creativity and affect. Norwood: Ablex; 1994. p. 102–23.


Four Ps of Creativity and Recent Updates

Creative process; Creative products; Four P topology; Personality; Persuasion; Problem finding; Problem solving; Productivity

Fifty years ago, an alliterative scheme was proposed in an attempt to account for approaches to creativity. It is usually called the four P topology, but as the title of this entry denotes, that label is out of date. This entry covers the four Ps, but it also goes into some detail about what has occurred in creativity and innovation studies since the scheme was first proposed. As such, this entry is a kind of review of creativity studies, using the alliterative P framework as a way of structuring the various theories of and perspectives on creativity.



There are many different definitions of creativity, even in the scientific literature on the subject. All of them emphasize originality; without originality, there can be no creativity. Yet there is more to creativity than originality. Originality is necessary but not sufficient for creativity. There must also be some effectiveness, usefulness, or fit. Without that, original things may be bizarre and useless. Creativity things are thus both original and effective. This applies to artifacts and products, such as inventions, artworks, and designs, but also applies to the personality traits that are shared by creative individuals. These traits give the individual the capacity to generate original and effective ideas. Indeed, the bipartite definition recognizing originality and effectiveness applies to all expressions and definitions of creativity.

The first P in the 4P framework represents person, or personality. The crux is that certain individuals have a personality profile that supports creative thinking and behavior. The core characteristics of this personality profile include openness to experience, wide interests, autonomy, flexibility, nonconformity, and intrinsic motivation. Each of these is actually a somewhat general label. Autonomy, for example, is sometimes labeled independence. More important is that there are logical ties among these traits. A nonconformist, for example, will appear to be autonomous, and someone with wide interests will probably be flexible and open to diverse experiences. The person perspective on creativity does not entirely focus on personality. It includes other personal tendencies and capacities, some of which are intellectual, temperamental, or

Mark A. Runco and Daehyun Kim University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA


# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_429-2


attitudinal, and others reflect habit, values, and self-concept. Some theories also include particular defense mechanisms (e.g., sublimation). There are critics of the personality (or “person”) perspective on creativity. They point to the fact that the presence of most or even all of the traits listed above does not guarantee creative behavior. Additionally, it appears that there are notable variations among domains. Someone creative in the sciences may be dissimilar to someone who is creative in the arts, just to name one example. Individuals in different domains seem to have different profiles, so there is no single profile of a creative person. Still, the person view of creativity is much like more general theories of personality. Traits provide the potential to respond and behave in particular ways. They do not guarantee specific actions. Personality theory recognizes that manifest behavior is based in part on traits and capacities but also on the environment and context. This is why later versions of the 4P topology include potential as one of the Ps or categories. It is also why there are many theories of creativity that focus on the environment or context. The original 4P framework was developed over 50 years ago, at a time when environmental influences were labeled “press factors,” the idea being that the environment imposes pressures on the individual.

Press and Place The original “Analysis of Creativity” article, from 1961, labeled environmental factors “press,” and at that point two kinds of presses were posited. According to Henry Murray, who wrote extensively about environmental influences, there are alpha presses and beta presses. Alpha press is the label given to environmental pressures which influence behavior regardless of an individual’s interpretation. They are almost reflexive. Beta press also depends on environmental pressures, but these have an impact only when individual perceives and assigns significance to them. This is an important distinction because each individual has different perspectives and interpretive tendencies and thus reacts to the environment in unique

Four Ps of Creativity and Recent Updates

ways. The same environment may positively influence some people but not others. It is another example of why “potential” should be included in creativity theory. The environment may put someone in a position where creative action is likely, or even encouraged, but the actual impact is uncertain. Interpretations significantly influence the result. Environmental press factors thus only have potential impact. A clear example of alpha press could be stimuli that lead our sensory system to react automatically, such as a loud noise. When a loud noise stimulates the sensory system, people perceive the sound as unappealing. Music, however, is a beta press: There is room for interpretation and variations among individuals as to what is comforting, exciting, and esthetically appealing. There are probably more beta presses than alpha influences on creative behavior. In educational settings, different students may require different things before they are comfortable being unconventional and creative. This is illustrated by one of the many resources that may be considered when trying to construct an environment that is clearly conducive to creativity, namely, time. Creative work often requires time. Time is an important resource. Time-limits can motivate some students, while for others time-limits are distractions that inhibit the creative process. In a corporate setting, budgets and resources of all sorts represent beta factors. Consider a company that relies on effective advertising to promote its products. When budgetary constraints are imposed, some organizations and members of organizations may not be able to produce effective, attractive advertising. For others, “necessity is the mother of invention,” and limited resources can stimulate the innovative use of what resources are in fact available.

Process Perspective The paragraph above described how certain environmental factors may have an impact, especially after individuals interpret their significance. This is just one of the many ways whereby creative products – be they ideas, patents, inventions,

Four Ps of Creativity and Recent Updates

designs, or whatever – depend on a process. The environmental factor is not perceived simultaneously with the interpretation; the latter follows the former. Time elapses. Interpretation is a process. This is a huge simplification because, in actuality, there are probably a large number of potential influences on the individual, and the process is in fact quite complex. It is not just one press factor and one interpretation. No wonder creativity is often viewed as a syndrome or even a “complex.” Many process theories of creativity delineate the process and attempt to identify specific stages. The best known stage model of the creative process was outlined by Graham Wallas in his book from1926, The Art of Thought. He described four stages: preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification. In the preparation stage, individuals define problems and gather information which may contribute to solutions. Preparation may involve observing, listening, asking, reading, collecting, comparing, contrasting, and analyzing. More current research includes problem identification and problem definition as part of preparation. These are quite important for creative thinking. More than once creative breakthroughs have been attributed to problem finding more than problem solving. The second stage is incubation, which allows individuals to step back from the problem and contemplate a wide range of solutions and perhaps consider alternatives and previous relevant experience. In this stage, individuals are relaxed and take time away from the task. Very likely the incubation occurs when the conscious mind is directed off task. The length of optimal incubation depends on each individual and each situation. It could last minutes, days, and even several months. That is of course consistent with the idea of beta presses, or at least consistent with the view that there are individual differences rather than an absolute and universal process. “Illumination,” the third stage, occurs at a moment of insight when an idea makes itself known. Illumination is often equated with “the Ah ha!” or “Eureka!” moment. It is characterized by a sudden realization. Importantly, it may just be that the realization is sudden, but the process


leading up to it is, as Howard Gruber (1981) put it in his case studies of famous scientific discoveries, protracted. The final stage is “verification.” During this stage, new ideas or solutions can be carefully evaluated and implemented and tested to insure that they work. This is quite important because creativity is more than originality. A creative solution must solve a problem. A creative idea must indeed work. If an idea or tentative solution is not effective, the individual can go back to the previous stages if they think that the ideas should be prepared or incubated again. This return to earlier stages is known as recursion. Although dating back to 1926, Wallas’ stage model is still cited more than any other. Newer models have been proposed, but most parallel that of Wallas. There is a two-tiered model, for instance, which includes problem finding, ideation, and evaluation on the primary tier and knowledge (procedural and declarative) and motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic) on a secondary tier. Another fairly new model was proposed by Michael Mumford, in the Creativity Research Journal. It points to (a) problem finding, (b) information gathering, (c) information organization, (d) conceptual combination, (e) idea generation, (f) idea evaluation, (g) implementation planning, and (h) solution monitoring. The parallels with the creative process and Wallas’ (1926) model are no doubt quite clear.

Products Creative products are remarkably varied. Rhodes felt that creative products were tangible forms which materialize from an idea. Immediate products, such as ideas, can be distinguished from ultimate products, like inventions, novels, and patents. There are intermediate products as well, such as paintings, poems, designs, musical compositions, or some type of performance. These may be performed at a professional level, or they may be more personal with no competition, social judgment, or lasting impact. Note that some products may be intangible, but they can still be counted as products. Ideas, for example, are


intangible, but there are methods for quantifying, measuring, and counting ideas (see “▶ Ideas and Ideation”). The vast majority creative products examined by research are socially recognized and influential. Such investigations tell quite a bit about professional levels of creative talent. They indicate what kind of political and cultural milieu is conducive to creative work and how productivity varies through the lifespan, just to name two types of analyses. But investigations of professional products say nothing about everyday creativity, intangible creative efforts (e.g., selfexpression), and creative potentials. They have the advantage of being highly objective: Products can be counted and experts can be identified and employed for reliable judgments. But to apply findings from product research to the creative process or to the fulfillment of potential requires inference. Investigating products is a bit like enjoying a sporting competition by looking at the final score. You only learn something about the result and have no idea how it came about. Perhaps the clearest finding from studies of creative products is that the quantity of productivity is related to its quality. Yet this too may characterize experts and eminent creators and not all creativity (see “▶ Personal Creativity”).

Four Ps of Creativity and Recent Updates

especially the creative work of eminent individuals who are in a position to influence the way that others think. The persuasion perspective does not apply well to the creative efforts of individuals who are merely involved in self-expression rather than professional achievement. It clearly does not apply at all to creative potential, for that is latent and can exert no social influence until it is transformed into creative activity. One way to view the efforts that could be judged to be creative and thus are persuasive is with Csikszentmihalyi’s systems theory, which was also outlined in the Creativity Research Journal. It describes how an individual may draw from an existing field and produce something of note that may attract the attention of gatekeepers working within that same domain (e.g., architecture, mathematics, the visual arts), who change their ideas about what is useful and original. After a time, if a critical mass of gatekeepers in a field uses the new idea or method, the entire field may absorb them, and they are no longer new and different but have become part of the knowledge base of the field. At that point, the ideas can influence individuals who are new to the field – and the cycle beings all over again. Clearly the first product of note, which got the cycle started, must be persuasive. Experts in the domain in question must attribute value and originality to it.

Persuasion Hierarchical Theory of Creativity Dean Keith Simonton, in an article from the 1995 Creativity Research Journal, suggested that the original 4P framework is no longer adequate for coverage of creativity studies and that a fifth category, which he called persuasion, would be a useful addition. The central idea is that highly creative people or products change the way that others think. They are in that sense persuasive. There is some overlap with the product approach, at least in the sense that products and performances require socially recognition. The emphasis on persuasion is more of a social and attributional perspective, however, for the emphasis is on social reactions to creative efforts rather than on the tangible product. It does apply best to the highest level of creative activity, and

An even newer and more dramatic restructuring of the original 4P topology was proposed by Runco (2007, 2008). It identified bridges and processes among the 4Ps and acknowledges persuasion and systems and attributional sorts of theories as well. It was a restructuring in that a hierarchy was formed and replaced the previous 4P structure (i.e., four unrelated categories). The hierarchy was suggested by the fact that several of the perspectives (i.e., products, persuasion) had assumed that creativity required a performance or manifestation of some sort (usually a product), while the others (personality, process, press) assumed that creative potential was valuable. With this in mind, the highest level of the hierarchical theory has two

Four Ps of Creativity and Recent Updates

categories: creative potential and creative performance. Figure 1 presents a summary of this hierarchical theory. Hierarchical theory acknowledges that the things under creative potential do not guarantee actual productivity. It is practical in that it allows a discussion of the creative potentials of children, who are not productive and “persuasive,” as well as the creative achievements of eminent individuals. It is a functional view because it is easy to see how things representing creative potential might develop such that actual performance is likely. Again, the actual creative performances are not always guaranteed. Then again, it could be that one of the attractions of the theory captured in Fig. 1 is that it points to things that can be encouraged (i.e., certain traits, supportive environments, divergent thinking) in order to insure that the creative potentials of everyone – not just those already creatively productive – are fulfilled, and creative accomplishment is highly probable. This would certainly be beneficial for society as a whole. There may be no greater benefit from creativity research than just that – the fulfillment of creative potentials.

Four Ps of Creativity and Recent Updates, Fig. 1 Hierarchical theory of creativity for “Four Ps of Creativity and Recent Updates”


Conclusions and Future Directions Interesting new research is being conducted with all kinds of products of and influences on the creative process. There are studies of websites, for example, and even studies of culinary presentations. Personality research is also going strong, with a particular interest in self-efficacy as related to creativity. Related research is examining the role of values in the formation of the personality that is likely to invest in creative behaviors. Future research should examine the hierarchical framework and especially its predictions about a separation of potential from performance. It would be enormously useful to be able to identify the kind of potential that is the most likely to eventually turn into actual creative performance. A related direction for research would be to find out what it takes to make the fulfillment of potential the most likely. Surely educators, parents, and managers would appreciate knowing how to fulfill potential! Even though this goal of bridging the factors under the potential column of Fig. 1 with the manifestations under the performance column is predicated on the hierarchical view, this is not to say that the original 4P framework is entirely outdated. Indeed, future research might use modern brain imaging methodologies in order to

Hierarchical Theor y of Creativit y Creative Potential Person Traits Attitudes Motives Process Problem Solving Problem Finding Incubation Place and Presses Zeitgeist Culture School Settings Organizational Settings

Creative Performances Products Immediate (ideas) Ultimate (Publications, Patents, Inventions) Persuasion Attributions by Judges Historical Reputation Systems (Individual, Field, Domain)


investigate the creative process. This has been the most difficult area to study because the process is a moving target, and a subjective one at that, but brain imaging might capture the workings of the creative process without stopping the flow. Clearly there is much yet to be done in studies of what is among the most important of human capacities, namely, creativity.

Cross-References ▶ Creative Personality ▶ Creativity, Experiential Theories ▶ Four Ps in Organizational Creativity ▶ Nature of Creativity ▶ Product Innovation, Process Innovation

Four Ps of Creativity and Recent Updates

References Csikszentmihalyi M. The domain of creativity. In: Runco MA, Albert RS, editors. Theories of creativity. Newbury Park: Sage; 1990. Gruber HE. On the relation between ‘aha’ experiences and the construction of ideas. Hist Sci. 1981;19:41–59. Rhodes M. An analysis of creativity. Phi Delta Kappan. 1961;42:305–10. Runco MA. A hierarchical framework for the study of creativity. New Horiz Educ. 2007;55(3):1–9. Runco MA. Creativity and education. New Horiz Educ. 2008;56(1):107–15. Simonton DK. Exceptional personal influence: an integrative paradigm. Creat Res J. 1995;8:371–6. Wallas G. The art of thought. New York: Harcourt Brace; 1926.


Microfinance and Entrepreneurship Arvind Ashta1, Mawuli Couchoro2 and Abu Saleh Mohammad Musa3 1 Finance, Control and Law, CEREN, EA 7477, Burgundy School of Business - Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Dijon, France 2 CERFEG, FASEG, Université de Lomé, Lome, Togo 3 Credit and Development Forum (CDF), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Synonyms Microcredit

Introduction Microfinance is the provision of financial services to the poor and the financially excluded. These financial services include credit, savings, insurance, remittances, and guarantees, among others. As a result, an associated vocabulary includes microcredit, microsavings, microinsurance, microremittances, and microguarantees. The major common problem of providing all these services to the poor is that the transaction size is very small. As a result, any processing cost, or transaction cost, becomes a high percentage of

the transaction amount. This makes the product very expensive for commercial banks and formal financial institutions to provide these services to the poor, who, therefore, remain excluded. A second common problem is that the poor lack not only financial capital but are often socially excluded and lack bridges to rich people. A third common problem is that they are often uneducated, even illiterate, and excluded from technological innovations. To solve these problems, microfinance institutions (MFIs) have created social innovations which permit them to offer financial products which were not viable commercially (Armendàriz and Morduch 2010; Couchoro 2011). Seeing the success of MFIs, commercial financial institutions are also downscaling to profit from the vast market at the bottom of the pyramid. All of these are trying to use advanced technologies such as management information systems, mobile banking, and online financing to increase their outreach (Ashta 2011; Ashta et al. 2015a). One possible solution for the poor to rise from poverty is to become microentrepreneurs and take charge of their own fate. However, poverty is a wicked problem and has many facets: solving one facet of the problem creates other problems (Ashta 2016). Although microfinance can include personal finance as well as entrepreneurial finance, in this entry we will restrict ourselves to features of microfinance impacting entrepreneurship. We

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_445-2


will focus largely on microcredit because it is the most developed form of microfinance, but today, it is being increasingly realized that other financial products are more necessary for the poor than microcredit.

Microfinance and Entrepreneurship

institutions operating in the area, “a usury ceiling” not exceeding twice the discount rate of the central bank (i.e., 17% per year) was initially decreed. The MFIs have since obtained a waiver; the central bank has revised the law on usury. Today, there are two ceilings: one for commercial banks (18%) and the other for MFIs (27%).

Microcredit and Entrepreneurship What Is Microcredit? In underdeveloped countries, the vast majority of the population has no access to the banking system, whether in rural or in urban areas. The absence of appropriate formal financial services had long led the people to the informal financial sector. At best, they use rotating savings and credit associations (ROSCAs), a traditional practice of mobilizing savings, brilliant but sometimes very risky (and reserved for the middle class, the one having the capacity to save), and at worst, they are entrenched with the usurious moneylender, with very prohibitive interest rates. In the 1990s, it was estimated that 90% of adult African population was excluded from financial services compared to 85% for Brazil (Gentil and Servet 2002). Microcredit is an innovative strategy which aims to fight effectively against credit exclusion. It aims toward a minimal equality in the access to credit by allowing people excluded from the traditional financial system to take loans for creating their own jobs. It can be defined as any loan initiative intended to create income-generating activities, focused on microentrepreneurs with no access to traditional bank lending. It aims to fight against poverty. The microfinance information exchange (MIX) 2014 statistics show that gross loans portfolio and the average loan are different from one region to another (Table 1). Owing to low transaction sizes, and because of the relatively high processing costs, the microfinance institutions (MFI) apply an interest rate generally higher than that of the banking sector. Regulators do try, in some countries, to control this, but the ceiling varies over time. For example, in the particular case of countries of the West African Monetary Zone (Couchoro 2010) with centralized laws on usury for all financial

Evolution of Microcredit Microcredit is staged today as a global movement, part of a globalization process, and is considered as an excellent indicator of economic, social, and cultural opportunities, “an important lever for change, contributing to local development . . .” (Gentil and Servet 2002). The number of customers has more than doubled from 2003 to 2013 (Table 2). Table 3 provides the geographical distribution of microfinance. Microcredit Model Microcredit consists generally of short-term loans with repayments that start as soon as the loan is disbursed. Repayment is either weekly or monthly. In order to reduce default risk and to avoid excluding candidates to credit, microcredit programs set up an innovative mechanism in the financial world: group lending based on joint guarantee. Apart from group lending, there are other mechanisms such as progressive lending, local management, compulsory savings, and training in the management of income-generating activities. Group lending consists of granting credit to a group whose members are chosen freely and are responsible for the repayment of all the loans to the group. If one member fails, the others force her to honor the commitment; otherwise, they are the ones who pay back in her place. Progressive lending is to provide credit in tranches whose amount increases as the previous loan tranches are repaid. Future loans are provided only if the previous loan has been repaid. Microcredit and Entrepreneurial Opportunities Development actors want to show the potential of poor people to take entrepreneurial initiatives.

Microfinance and Entrepreneurship


Microfinance and Entrepreneurship, Table 1 Microcredit institutions loans statistics Regions Sub-Saharan Africa Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia East Asia and the Pacific Eastern Europe and Central Asia Middle East and North Africa

Gross loan portfolio (billions of $) 5.5 36.6 11.4 6.9 9.6 1.2

Averageloan ($) 2,314 2,320 251 2,997 6,541 884

Source: The microfinance information exchange (MIX) 2014

Microfinance and Entrepreneurship, Table 2 Number of people served by microcredit

Dec 31, 2003 Dec 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2013

Minimum Number of MFIs reporting 2,931

Customers served (in millions) 81

Number of poorest in first loan (in millions) 55

Numbers of women among poorest (in millions) 45

Percentage of women among poorest (%) 82.5











Source: State of the microcredit summit campaign report 2004, 2011, and 2012 (Daley-Harris 2004, 2011; Reed et al. 2015)

Microfinance and Entrepreneurship, Table 3 Number of active borrowers of microcredit in 2012 Regions Sub-Saharan Africa Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean Middle East and North Africa Eastern Europe and Central Asia North America and Western Europe Total

Number of microcredit institutions 1,042 1,747 670 95 76 88 3,718

Active borrowers in millions 15.2 161.0 16.5 5.2 5.4 0.2 203.5

Source: State of the microcredit summit campaign report 2014 (Reed et al. 2014)

Through microcredit, they want to highlight the ability of the poor to create their own business, doing their own jobs, if they are freed from the constraint of self-financing their projects. Microcredit is for the masses excluded from the conventional financial system, sometimes subject to the whims of suppliers and the dependence on moneylenders, with a hope to enable them to develop a wide range of productive activities, thus generating income, and in turn, improve their living conditions and social status.

Microcredit is characterized by a strategy based primarily on a participatory process. This process requires the active involvement of all actors in society, especially the borrowers, toward the objectives of fighting against poverty. Through this approach, the poor will find the opportunity to influence policies that affect their lives. The philosophy of microcredit is that the beneficiaries should not be passive actors in the fight against poverty (which makes them assisted) but rather active actors, responsible for improving their living conditions. Undoubtedly, it has the


characteristics of participation and empowerment that are radically different from assistantship. However, the scope of microcredit is limited to the ability of beneficiaries to enhance the resources that are available to them. Microcredit should not give the impression that everyone is able to create, manage, and develop her own business. In recent years, microcredit has been criticized for a lack of impact and for creating over indebtedness through multiple lenders targeting the same borrowers (Bateman 2010; Guérin et al. 2015).

Other Microfinance Products and Entrepreneurship Microsavings and Entrepreneurship “Saving is where financial services begin and end” (Rutherford 2001). Microsavings are the small amounts of money saved by poor people with financial institutions, mostly microfinance institutions (MFIs). They serve two main purposes. Firstly, they provide a source of lumpsum cash in case of future events, that is, emergencies, start-up business capital, and major life cycle events, and secondly, they support daily consumption needs of the poor people (Mersland and Eggen 2007). MFIs have the development objective of employment creation to facilitate growth of enterprises along with poverty reduction. As financial service providers, MFIs, on one hand, provide loans to accelerate growth of existing enterprises and facilitate creation of new enterprises while, on the other hand, give the entrepreneurs access to secure places for savings. Among the poorest of the poor, the most important element of microfinance is not lending but providing savings opportunities (Collins et al. 2010). Such savings can be quite useful in the lives of the poor people, as once a large amount is accumulated together, this can finance acquisition of assets, construction of houses, and, more importantly, starting up community-based enterprises. Stuart Rutherford (1999) describes three basic ways people can covert a flow of savings into a

Microfinance and Entrepreneurship

lump sum: “saving up,” “saving down,” and “saving through.” Saving up is mentioned as small accumulation of money till it reaches a lump sum; saving down refers to loans, where people save in the form of making the repayments of the loans; and savings through is either through insurance or some other group-based system where the poor people may get access to a lump sum at the time it is needed through a series of small savings. All three systems are important to promote entrepreneurial activities as financing the entrepreneurship needs of the poor clients is on the top of the list of financial services provided by MFIs, as this smoothens the client’s income, thus helps building a sustainable livelihood (Tavanti 2013). Empirical evidence also suggests that poor people use saving products more than they use credit. Opportunity International Bank of Malawi has 45,000 borrowers and 250,000 savers, Equity Bank in Kenya has 715,000 borrowers and four million depositors, and Grameen Bank has over $1.4 billion in deposits, which is 145% of its outstanding loan portfolio of $965 million (Maes and Reed 2012). In a study on Bangladesh data collected from 506 MFIs in Bangladesh, shows that there are 36.2 million depositors and 29.6 million borrowers, of which only about 2.6 million borrowed for implementing microentrepreneurial activities (CDF 2016). The excessive use of microcredit may have led to overleveraged microenterprises and perhaps suicides by microentrepreneurs owing to the creation of stress in the relationship between the credit agent who needs to show a 100% recovery and the borrower who cannot always ensure this (Ashta et al. 2015b). It was suggested that microsavings may be one way to balance the relationship between the MFI and the borrower so that the agent is not only giving loans to the client but also receiving deposits from him and cannot therefore alienate him. At the same time, it is also believed that savings enable households to gain stability through economic hardship and facilitates risktaking attitude which can support better social and economic mobility of the household (RFA 2013).

Microfinance and Entrepreneurship

Microequity Another way to balance the stress of overleveraged entrepreneurs would be to use microequity which lowers downside risk (Ashta et al. 2012). Although individual microequity is difficult to document, because it often hides in the informal love money market, there are isolated movements which indicate that microangels exist and that they often band together in clubs to provide both equity and advice to small enterprises. In France, for example, since 1983, these microangels have been getting together and forming clubs called CIGALES in which each contributes between 7.50 and 450 Euros per month depending on how micro he or she is. Once the combined savings of the club is large enough, they finance projects which require equity of as little as 1,000 Euros to projects where many clubs may get together to invest 25,000 Euros. In any case, the financing is much smaller than that of business angels (Estapé-Dubreuil et al. 2012). They believe in proximity and provide advice and mentoring to the entrepreneur. However, if the mentor is unable to answer the question, he uses the combined human capital of the entire club to get an answer. And if they cannot, the members use their network to find people who can help the entrepreneurs. Finally, once a CIGALES club is associated with a project, a strong signal is given to other financiers, including banks, that the project is good, and therefore loans also come in where otherwise bankers feared to tread. Typically, these clubs look for projects which conform to two bottom lines: social and environmental, social and economic, or environmental and economic. Their exit strategy seems to counterbalance the selection criteria: it is more economically motivated when the criteria are noneconomic and less economically motivated when the projects are purely economic Estapé-Dubreuil et al. 2016). Microequity takes away the downside risk of putting their money in the risky enterprise since the microangels will not ask for money back if the enterprise is a failure, and it thus removes downside risk and the effect of loss aversion (Quattlebaum 1988; Tversky and Kahneman 1991; Ashta and Otto 2011).


Microinsurance and Entrepreneurship The first noted search for microinsurance is a paper by Dror and Jacquier (1999). However, insurance for the poor as mutual protection was the foundation of many insurance countries in the nineteenth century (Churchill 2007). A notable publication is an edited publication by Churchill (2006).In theory, insurance helps to improve labor productivity, performance (Churchill 2006), and enhancing social stability (World Bank 2014; Hamid et al. 2011). Indeed, poor health is a major cause of low productivity in many developing countries where the poor workers do not have access to appropriate health care. Unfortunately, shocks, risks, and crises are part of their daily life which not only forced them to redirect their resources toward compensation for damages that result, but also reduces the productive capacity of these (Hamid et al. 2011; Gertler and Gruber 2002). Microinsurance can help to protect vulnerable people against risks and shocks and lead to higher productivity, higher labor supply, less lost days, and reduction of health expenditure (Oberländer 2015). Microinsurance is insurance for the poor which is characterized by low premiums and low caps. Microinsurance may be either directly related to entrepreneurship or indirectly related. Examples of direct relationship with entrepreneurship include property risks such as crop insurance, cattle/livestock insurance, theft/fire insurance, and insurance for natural disasters. The reasoning is that when a farmer has insurance against downside risk, he is inclined to be more risk seeking which can pull him out of poverty. For example, if he is insured against crop failure, he can use innovative cropping strategies which may have higher yields. Examples of indirect relationship with entrepreneurship include health and accident insurance (illness, injury, disabilities). Often, if a poor entrepreneur falls ill, he is unable to work and repay loans. As a result, his business collapses. If health insurance kicks in, he is able to survive during this critical period and continue repaying his loans. Research suggests that households that are insured against hospitalization and accidental death have less diversified income portfolios


(Kwon 2010). This focus on a core business may improve profits. No centralized agency maintains public access documents for microinsurance. A survey in Africa (Matul et al. 2009) estimated that there were 14.7 million poor people insured in Africa, 56% of who are in South Africa. The most used insurance product was credit life insurance, that is, an insurance which repays the debt if the insured dies. Microinsurance may be delivered directly by insurance companies, but is often packaged in ways by which it can be delivered by microfinance institutions, which are directly in contact with microborrowers. Some microinsurance programs are community-based mutualization of risk but suffer from low coverage. Two preconditions for commercial microinsurance firms to successfully sell directly to the poor are to understand how the poor are different and have different needs and to educate the poor on the use of insurance (Churchill 2007). A study of 600 MFIs indicated that MFIs’ willingness to offer microinsurance is positively correlated to a rise in the financial expense ratio, loan repayments in arrears, years of operation, number of borrowers, woman borrower ratio, life insurance penetration ratio, and family size. In contrast, it is negatively correlated with their loan asset ratio, bad loan write-off ratio or average loan size in comparison to GNI per capita (Kwon 2010). Microremittances and Entrepreneurship Human beings migrate since the beginning of civilization. People migrate for food and security, searching better employment opportunities, and income security. Today, migration does not take place only to change the destiny of the migrating people but also to improve the livelihood conditions of families staying back in the home countries. This is done through remittances, which channel the migrants’ income. In 2005, the worldwide officially recorded remittances were US$ 232 billion. Of this, the developing countries received US$167 billion, which was more than twice the level of development aid from all sources (Global Economic Prospects 2006). A World Bank study conducted in 2011 shows a

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dramatic increase in international remittance in developing countries, i.e., almost ten times over a period of 20 years, from US$ 30 billion in 1990 to US$ 325 billion in 2010 (World Bank 2011). Remittance is the surplus portion of earnings sent back by the expatriate community from the country of employment to the home country. Over the years, remittance has emerged as an important source of external development finance (Hasan 2006). Remittance has significant impact at household level. It is considered that transfers have a significant impact on poverty reduction, funding for housing, education, other basic needs, and even on investment and entrepreneurship. This impact of remittances partially depends on the characteristics of the migrants and the recipients, that is, whether they constitute the rural, poor, or the more educated sectors of the population generally residing in urban areas (Hasan 2006). Remittance was also found to be helpful in getting rid of credit constraints and in forming working capital for recipient families, who are willing to take up business activities or entrepreneurial opportunities (Alam et al. 2015). In addition, livelihoods in developing countries are prone to many kinds of risks, such as health shocks, which reduce work capacity (Hamid et al. 2011), and income loss due to climatic conditions. Remittances have thus become an important source of income insurance for most families of migrants (Acupan and Agbola 2010). At the macro level, remittances stimulate economic growth by promoting trading opportunities within the economy (Agbola 2013). Moreover, the flow of remittances creates a mechanism whereby migrants become financial intermediaries and this reduces the financial constraints and imperfections in financial markets with the consequence being that it raises long-run growth through higher rates of capital accumulation (Mundaca 2009). Remittances are cited as making up around 60–70% of recipient poor households’ total income (De Bruyn and Kuddus 2005). Investment in health and education is valuable for long-term economic growth and poverty reduction. Studies have found that migrant families invested more in these areas (Murshid et al. 2002). A study conducted in Bangladesh identified that the

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households that receive remittances have higher treatment costs of US$0.7 approximately (Islam et al. 2016). While such investment works as indirect contributor toward developing entrepreneurial skill, remittance acts as an enabler to develop human capital as well as direct investment in enterprise. The money sent by migrants to their families facilitates investment in both productive and consumption goods, which otherwise would not have been possible due the nature of large cash involvement in such initiatives (Yang 2008). Again, remittance was found to have some gender implications, as identified by several researchers. Though there are evidences that women migrant workers remit more money, it was also observed that disadvantaged labor market conditions, discrimination, and family reunifications may result in women remitting less than men (Le Goff and Salomone 2015). Microguarantees and Entrepreneurship In developed countries, mutual guarantee associations or government-backed public institutions guarantee part of banks’ loans to entrepreneurs (De Gobbi 2003). This reassures the bank because often entrepreneurs are able to pay back a large part of the loan, even if they are not successful in total reimbursement. The European Association of Mutual Guarantee Societies has 34 members providing guarantees for 1.9 million small and medium enterprises (Source: aecm.org, 2009 statistics). However, although such guaranteeing institutions are cropping up in developing countries, they do not have the required outreach among the poor. Guarantees are closely related to microcredit. Part of the reason microentrepreneurs, especially poor ones, are not able to get loans is that they do not have collateral. Microfinance has used social solidarity guarantees to overcome this problem: if one of the borrowers cannot pay, someone else from the group would not get a loan or someone else from the group must pay (De Gobbi 2003). Of course, microentrepreneurs can also get guarantees from people who do have collateral. But very often, poor people lack the bridging social capital to meet richer people who would


be willing to put their assets at risk for helping out the poor. Today, thanks to technology, we see the development of websites such as UnitedProsperity.org which take cash from someone in a rich country which then serves as cash collateral for a bank loan to a MFI in a poor country and from the MFI to a poor entrepreneur, thus extending the ability of the MFI to give loans to poor people.

Conclusion/Future Directions Microfinance is both evolving as a social institution as well as utilizing new technologies such as cloud computing information systems, mobile banking, and online financing of microfinance institutions for the development of its outreach (Ashta 2011). Many of the financial services being targeted to the poor, including microsavings, microinsurance, remittances, and transfer payments from the government to the poor payments, are based on innovative institutional creation. All of these represent areas for future research. Within the traditional field of microcredit, one notable area is to see how to reduce stress of the borrowers. Another would be to document the history of microfinance in each country. Acknowledgments Our Thanks to Pranav Prasad of the ILO for Reviewing the Section on Microinsurance.

Cross-References ▶ Entrepreneurship ▶ Entrepreneurship and Social Inclusion ▶ Entrepreneurship Financing ▶ Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries ▶ Female Entrepreneurship ▶ Financing Entrepreneurship ▶ Love Money ▶ Microfirms ▶ Social Entrepreneurship ▶ Social Innovation


References Acupan AB, Agbola FW. International labour migration, remittances and poverty alleviation in the Philippines. Acad Taiwan Bus Manag Rev. 2010;6:1–12. Agbola FW. Does human capital constrain the impact of foreign direct investment and remittances on economic growth in Ghana? Appl Econ. 2013;45(19):2853–62. doi:10.1080/00036846.2012.676735. Alam ASAF, Begum H, Siwar C, Talib B, Bhuiyan MAH, Elfithri R. Microeconomic impacts of international migration. Asian J Poverty Stud 2015;1(1):44–51. ISSN 2477-0531. http://repository.unib.ac.id/10659/7/ AJPS-1-1-6-PP.pdf Armendàriz B, Morduch J. The economics of microfinance. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; 2010. Ashta A, editor. Advanced technologies for microfinance: solutions and challenges. Hershey: IGI Global; 2011. Ashta A. Microfinance: battling a wicked problem. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang; 2016. Ashta A, Otto PE. Project valuation in the presence of loss aversion during economic crises. Strateg Change Brief Entrep Financ. 2011;20(5–6):171–86. Ashta A, Estapé-Dubreuil G, Hédou J-P, Bourcieu S. Microangels and microequity: the missing ingredients of microfinance. Microfinance Focus; 2012. Ashta A, Barnett B, Dayson K, Supka G, editors. Management information systems for microfinance: catalyzing social innovation for competitive advantage. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholarship; 2015a. Ashta A, Khan S, Otto PE. Does microfinance cause or reduce suicides? Policy recommendations for reducing borrower stress. Strateg Change Brief Entrep Financ. 2015b;24(2):165–90. Bangladesh Microfinance Statistics, Credit and Development Forum (CDF), August 2016. Bateman M. Why microfinance Deosn’t work? The destructive rise of local neo-liberalism. London: Zed Books; 2010. Churchill C, editor. Protecting the poor a microinsurance compendium. Geneva: ILO and Munich Re Foundation; 2006. Churchill C. Insuring the low-income market: challenges and solutions for commercial insurers. Geneva Papers Risk Insur – Issues Pract. 2007;32(3):401–12. Collins D, Morduch J, Rutherford S, Ruthven O. Portfolios of the poor: how the world's poor live on $2 a day. Permanent Black: Ranikhet; 2010. Couchoro M. Microcréditetréduction de la pauvreté, une application au cas du Togo. Sarrebruck: Les Editions universitaireseuropéennes; 2010. Couchoro M. Transformation des relations banques/institutions de microcrédit (IMC) au Togo. Une lecture àpartir des cadresthéoriques de l'innovation. 2011;41(1–2):71–87. Daley-Harris S. State of the microcredit summit campaign report 2004. Washington, DC: Microcredit Summit Campaign; 2004.

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Triple Helix of University-IndustryGovernment Relations Loet Leydesdorff University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Synonyms Entrepreneurial university; Innovation systems; Knowledge base; Reduction of uncertainty; Synergy

Introduction Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (2000) further elaborated the Triple Helix of University-IndustryGovernment Relations (cf. Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff 1995; Lowe 1982) into a model for studying knowledge-based economies. A series of workshops, conferences, and special issues of journals have been developed under this title since 1996. In various countries, the Triple Helix concept has also been used as an operational strategy for regional development and to further the knowledge-based economy, for example, in Sweden (Jacob 2006) and Ethiopia (Saad et al. 2008). In Brazil, the Triple Helix became a “movement” for generating incubators in the university context (Almeida 2005).

Normatively, a call for collaborations across institutional divides, and the awareness that the roles of partners in such collaborations are no longer fixed in a knowledge-based economy provides a neo-corporatist model of economic and social development that is compatible with neoliberalism (Mirowski and Sent 2007; cf. Rothwell and Zegveld 1981). In the Latin American context, the Triple Helix model accords with Sábato’s (1975) “triangle” as a program for endogenous development of technology and innovation. The emphasis on bottom-up learning processes (Bunders et al. 1999) can help to avoid reification of systems (or states and interstate dependency relations) as barriers to innovation. In an overlay of communications between industrial, academic, and administrative discourses, new options and synergies can be developed that can strengthen knowledge integration at the regional level. In a study about regional innovation systems, Cooke and Leydesdorff (2006), for example, noted the possibility of “constructed advantages.” A measure for synergy – the TH-indicator – was further developed by Leydesdorff and Ivanova (2014) and Leydesdorff et al. (2017).

The Origins of the Triple Helix Model The Triple Helix thesis emerged from a confluence between Etzkowitz’ longer-term interest in the study of university-industry relations (e.g., Etzkowitz 2002) and Leydesdorff’s interest in an

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_452-2


evolutionary model that can generate a next-order hyper-cycle – or in terms of the TH, an overlay of communications (cf. Leydesdorff 1995). After Etzkowitz’ (1994) participation in a workshop and a proceedings volume, the metaphor of a Triple Helix emerged in discussions about organizing a follow-up conference under this title in Amsterdam in January 1996 (Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff 1995; cf. Lowe 1982). From a (neo-)evolutionary perspective, a double helix can be expected to generate a relatively stable trajectory when the two subdynamics mutually shape each other in a coevolution. For example, in a political economy, the market, and the state can be expected to generate equilibria (cf. Aoki 2001) which are upset by knowledgebased innovations (Nelson and Winter 1977, 1982; Schumpeter 1939). Alternatively, when the state and its knowledge infrastructure constrict market forces (as in the former Soviet Union), a suboptimal lock-in can be sustained for considerable periods of time. The interaction of three (analytically independent) subdynamics, however, can destabilize, hyper-stabilize, metastabilize, or eventually globalize a relatively stabilized system and thus change the system at the regime level in terms of lock-ins and pathdependencies (Dolfsma and Leydesdorff 2009; Dosi 1982; Viale and Pozzali 2010). The Triple Helix model of university-industrygovernment relations is depicted in Fig. 1 as alternating between bilateral and trilateral coordination mechanisms or – in institutional terms – spheres. The systems remain in transition because each of the partner institutes also develops its own (differentiating) mission. Thus, a trade-off can be generated between integration and differentiation, and new systems in terms of possible synergies can be explored and potentially shaped. As the various bilateral translations function, a Triple Helix overlay can also be expected to develop as a system of meaning exchanges among differently coded expectations (Fig. 2). If one envisages the overlay (in Fig. 2a) as hovering above the sheet, one can imagine a tetrahedron emerging from the bottom with four (three plus one) different types of communications involved. Political, scientific, and economic

Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations

exchanges are different, but these media (e.g., power, truth, and money; Luhmann 1995) can also be exchanged. In the overlay, translations among the various media can further be invented and developed. Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (2000) specified the top-level overlay as a subdynamic and therefore differently from the specification of “mode2” by Gibbons et al. (1994; cf. Nowotny et al. 2001). “Mode-2” replaces “mode-1,” but a subdynamic functions among other subdynamics. The complex system can operate “transdisciplinarily,” and one can translate contexts of discovery and justification into contexts of application (and vice versa), without damaging the integrity of the underlying processes. This imaginative restructuring may loosen existing boundaries at the institutional level and thus begin to reshape “systems of innovation.” Unlike discussions about national (Lundvall 1988; Nelson 1993) or regional (Braczyk et al. 1998) systems of innovation, the Triple Helix model enables an analyst to consider empirically whether specific dynamics (e.g., synergies) among the three composing media emerge at national and/or regional levels. In other cases, sectors and/or technologies (e.g., biotechnology) may be more relevant systems of reference for innovations than geographical units of analysis (Carlsson 2006).

Globalization: A Transformation of the Triple Helix? In the case of Japan, for example, and using a specific operationalization, Leydesdorff and Sun (2009) found that since the opening of China and the demise of the Soviet Union (1991) – both major changes in international competition – the national system of Japan has increasingly become a retention mechanism for international relations. Thus, a further differentiation between the national and the global level emerged in this explanation. In principle, the Triple Helix indicator, that is, the mutual information among three dimensions, can be extended to more than three dimensions (Kwon et al. 2012).

Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations


Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations, Fig. 1 A triple helix configuration with negative and positive overlap among the three subsystems

Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations, Fig. 2 A differentiated triple helix with dynamic overlay

In a study about Hungary, Lengyel and Leydesdorff (2011) found that its national system of innovations could be considered as three regional systems of innovation following the transition of the 1990s and the accession to the EU in 2004. The authors distinguish (1) a metropolitan area around Budapest, (2) a knowledge-based innovation system in the western part of the country which is integrated into other EU countries, and (3) an eastern part of the country where the old (state-led) dynamics still prevail. The national level no longer adds synergy to these three regional systems. The roles of the academic, industrial, and governmental contributions are also not given. The central role of universities in many TH studies is based on the assumption that this system is more

adaptive than the others because of the continuous flux of students (Shinn 2002). In a recent study of Norway, however, Strand and Leydesdorff (2013) found foreign direct investment via the offshore (marine and maritime) industries in the western part of the country to be a greater source of synergy in the knowledge-based development of regions than the university environments of the major centers in Trondheim and Oslo. In Sweden, however, the knowledge-based economy is heavily focused in three regions (Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö/Lund; Leydesdorff and Strand 2013); in China, four municipalities that are administered at the national level participate in the knowledge-based economy more than comparable regions (Leydesdorff and Zhou 2014). In Italy, the main division is between the northern


and southern parts of the country, and less so among regions as primarily administrative units (Cucco and Leydesdorff, manuscript). In the Russian Federation, the national level tends to disorganize synergy development at lower levels; knowledge-intensive services cannot circulate freely because of their integration in the Russian state apparatuses (Leydesdorff et al., 2015). Two conclusions can be drawn from these nation-based studies: (1) medium-tech industry is more important for synergy than high-tech and (2) the service sector tends to uncouple from geographical location because a knowledge-intensive service is versatile and not geographically constrained. These conclusions accord with the emphasis in the literature on embeddedness (Cohen and Levinthal 1989) and the footlooseness of high-tech industries (Vernon 1979). Certain Italian industrial districts, for example, while very innovative, are under the continuous threat of deindustrialization because incumbent multinational corporations may buy and relocate new product lines (Beccatini 2003; dei Ottati 2003). In institutional analyses that focus on local and regional development using the Triple Helix model, these structural effects of globalization are sometimes backgrounded.

Different Versions of the Triple Helix Model The Triple Helix (TH) can be considered as an empirical heuristics which uses as explanantes not only economic forces (e.g., Schumpeter 1939; Nelson and Winter 1982), and legislation and regulation by (regional or national) governments (e.g., Freeman 1987; Freeman and Perez 1988), but also the theoretical specification of the thus endogenized dynamics of transformations by science-based inventions and innovations (Noble 1977; Whitley 1984). The TH model does not exclude focusing on two of the three dynamics – for example, in studies of university-industry relations (Clark 1998; Etzkowitz 2002) or as in the “variety of capitalism” tradition (Hall and Soskice 2001) – but the third dynamics should at least be declared as a relevant source of variation.

Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations

TH models can be elaborated in various directions. Firstly, the networks of university-industrygovernment relations can be considered as neoinstitutional arrangements, which can be made the subject of social network analysis. This model can also be used for policy advice about network development, for example, in the case of transfer of knowledge and the incubation of new industry. The new and potentially salient role of universities in knowledge-based configurations can then be explored in terms of different sectors, regions, countries, etc. (Godin and Gingras 2000; Shinn 2002). Over the past ten years, this institutional model has also been developed into a discourse about “entrepreneurial universities” (Etzkowitz 2002; Mirowski and Sent 2007). Regions are then considered as endowed with universities that can be optimized for a third mission and different from higher education and internationally oriented research. Secondly, the networks span an architecture in which each relation occupies a position. Using the correlations among distributions of relations, one can obtain a systems perspective on knowledgebased innovation in a hypothesized (vector) space; this theoretical construct – the knowledge-based economy – can be informed by systematic data analysis (e.g., Leydesdorff and Fritsch 2006). In Fig. 3, for example, patents are considered as positioned in terms of the three social coordination mechanisms of (1) wealth generation on the market by industry, (2) legislative control by government, and (3) novelty production in academia. Whereas patents are output indicators for science and technology, they function as input into the economy. Their main function, however, is to provide legal protection for intellectual property. In other words, events in a knowledge-based economy can be positioned in this threedimensional space of industry, government, and academia. When events (e.g., patents) can also circulate, a three-way interaction can be expected. This knowledge-based economy contributes to the political economy by ensuring that the social organization of knowledge as R&D is endogenized into the systems dynamics (Fig. 4).

Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations

st r uc tu re

Legislative control; government









nf ra


Kn ow led ge I

Triple Helix of University-IndustryGovernment Relations, Fig. 3 Patents as events in the three-dimensional space of triple helix interactions (Source: Leydesdorff 2010, p. 370)


Wealth generation; industry

Novelty production; science & technology



o Inn

Triple Helix of University-IndustryGovernment Relations, Fig. 4 The first-order interactions generate a knowledge-based economy as a next-order system (Source: Leydesdorff 2010, p. 379)



Knowledge Infrastructure Knowledge-based Economy



The three functions in Fig. 3 can also be considered as interaction terms among relational exchange processes (e.g., in an economy), legislative and administrative positions in bordered units of analysis (e.g., a nation or regions), and the reflexive and transformative dynamics of knowledge. When these interaction terms exhibit second-order interaction, a knowledge-based economy can increasingly be shaped (Fig. 4) (Foray 2004; Leydesdorff 2006). In my opinion, the crucial research question is under which conditions do the three functions operate synergetically, to what extent or at which level, and at what price. Is a country or region able

Political Economy

to retain “wealth from knowledge” and/or “knowledge from wealth” (as in the case of oil revenues)? Such a synergy can be expected to perform a life cycle. In the initial stage of emergence, “creative destruction” of the relevant parts of the old arrangements is the driving force. New entrants (scientists, entrepreneurs) can be expected to attach themselves preferentially to the originators – the innovation organizers – of the new developments. In addition to “creative destruction” as typical for Schumpeter Mark I, Soete and Ter Weel (1999) proposed considering “creative agglomeration” as typical of the competition among


corporations. This changes the dynamics of development in the later stage of development and is sometimes called “Schumpter Mark II” (Freeman and Soete 1997; Gay 2010). In a bibliometric study of the diffusion of the new technology of RNA interference (Fire et al. 1998; Sung and Hopkins 2006), Leydesdorff and Rafols (2011) found a change of preferential attachments from the inventors in the initial stage to emerging “centers of excellence” at a later stage. In the patent market, however, a quasi-monopolist was found (Leydesdorff and Bornmann 2012) located in Colorado, whereas the research centers of excellence were concentrated in major cities such as London, Boston, and Seoul. Drug development requires a time horizon different from that required by the application of the technique in adjacent industries, such as the production of reagents for laboratories (Lundin 2011). In other words, the new technologies can move along trajectories in all three relevant directions and with potentially different dynamics. The globalization of the research front requires an uncoupling from the originators and a transition from mode-1 to mode-2 research in order to make the technique mutable (Latour 1987). From this perspective, “mode-1” and “mode-2” are no longer considered as general systems characteristics of society and policy making but as stages in the life cycles of technological transformations. An analogon of Schumpeter Mark I and Mark II within the domain of organized knowledge production and control can thus be specified. Universities are poorly equipped for patenting (Leydesdorff and Meyer 2010). Some of the original patents may profitably be held by academia. In the case of RNA interference, for example, two original US patents (“Tuschl-I” and “Tuschl-II”) were co-patented by MIT and the Max Planck Society in Germany (MIT Technology Licensing Office 2006), but a company was founded as a spin-off to further develop the technology. As noted, the competition thereafter shifted along a commercial trajectory. In summary, whereas one can expect synergies to be constructed, the consequent system “self-organizes” in terms of relevant selection environments while leaving behind institutional footprints. Three dimensions are

Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations

important: the economic, political, and sociocognitive potentials for change. Both local integrations and global pressures for differentiation can continuously be expected.

Conclusions and Future Directions What is the contribution of these models in terms of providing heuristics to empirical research? First, the institutional model of arrangements among different stakeholders can be used in case study analysis. Case studies can be enriched by addressing the relevance of the three major dimensions of the model on an equal footing ex ante. Research can then inform about specifics, such as path dependencies (e.g., Etzkowitz et al. 2000; Viale and Campodall’Orto 2002). Thus, the Triple Helix perspective does not disclaim the legitimacy of studying, for example, bilateral academic-industry relations or governmentuniversity policies. However, one can expect more interesting results by studying the interactions among the three subdynamics. Secondly, the model can be informed by the increasing understanding of complex dynamics and simulation studies from evolutionary economics (e.g., Malerba et al. 1999; Windrum 1999). Thirdly, the Triple Helix model adds to the metabiological models of evolutionary economics the sociological notion of meaning being exchanged among the institutional agents (Leydesdorff 2011; Luhmann 1995). Finally, on the normative side of developing options for innovation policies, the Triple Helix model provides an incentive to search for mismatches between the institutional dimensions in the arrangements and the social functions performed by these arrangements. The frictions between the two layers (knowledge-based expectations and institutional interests), and among the three domains (economy, science, and policy) provide a wealth of opportunities for puzzle solving and innovation. The evolutionary regimes are expected to remain in transition as they are shaped along historical trajectories. A knowledge-based regime continuously upsets the political economy and

Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations

the market equilibria as different subdynamics. Conflicts of interest can be deconstructed and reconstructed, first analytically and then perhaps also in practices in the search for solutions to problems of economic productivity, wealth retention, and knowledge growth. The rich semantics of partially conflicting models reinforces a focus on solving puzzles among differently codified communications reflexively. Both lock-ins and bifurcations are systemic, that is, largely beyond control; further developments are based on the variation and the self-organizing dynamics of interactions among the three selection environments. These subdynamics can also be considered as different sources of variance which disturb and select from one another. Resonances among selections shape trajectories in coevolutions and the latter may recursively - that is, selectively - drive the system into new regimes. This neo-evolutionary framework assumes that the processes of both integration and differentiation in universityindustry-government relations remain under reconstruction.

Cross-References ▶ Academic Entrepreneur, Academic Entrepreneurship ▶ Business Incubator ▶ Creative Destruction ▶ Creativity and Systems Thinking ▶ Knowledge Society, Knowledge-Based Economy, and Innovation ▶ Mode 1, Mode 2, and Innovation ▶ N-tuple helices ▶ Quadruple Helix ▶ Quintuple Innovation Helix and Global Warming: Challenges and Opportunities for Policy and Practice ▶ University Research and Innovation

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Agricultural Entrepreneurship


environmental regulations, food safety and product quality, biotechnology, big-data, value chain integration, sustainability, and so on. These changes have spurred new entrants, innovation, and new cycles of entrepreneurship within existing firms. It is recognized by politicians, practitioners, as well as scientists that farmers and growers increasingly require entrepreneurship, besides sound management and craftsmanship, to be sustainable in the future (McElwee 2008; Pyysiäinen et al. 2006). Recent studies show that agricultural entrepreneurship is not only wishful thinking or a new hype: it has a profound impact on business growth and survival (Lans et al. 2016; Verhees et al. 2012).

Agricultural innovation; Entrepreneurship in agriculture

What Is Agricultural Entrepreneurship?

Thomas Lans1, Pieter Seuneke2 and Laurens Klerkx3 1 Education and Competence Studies Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands 2 Aeres University of Applied Sciences Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands 3 Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Why Agricultural Entrepreneurship? Traditionally, agriculture is seen as a low-tech industry with limited dynamics dominated by numerous small family firms which are mostly focused on doing things better rather than doing new things. Over the last decade, this situation has changed dramatically due to economic liberalization, a reduced protection of agricultural markets, and a fast changing, more critical, society. Agricultural companies increasingly have to adapt to market changes (e.g., boycotts), changing consumer habits (e.g., organic/local food), more strict

But what is exactly meant by agricultural entrepreneurship? To start, there is no fixed definition of entrepreneurship; a wide diversity of definitions can be found. In daily language, the term “entrepreneur” is often interchangeably used with business owner, starter, someone who is selfemployed, sole-trader, or farmer, thereby confusing status (a position in society) with role (behavior in a particular position) McClelland (1967). Agricultural literature is in this perspective not helpful since it provides a multitude of operational definitions of the agricultural entrepreneur. Definitions about entrepreneurship are fueled by disciplinary inheritance, for instance,

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_496-2


building further on the classic economist Schumpeter (1934), or departing from the personal psychologist McClelland (1967). Many attempts have been made to establish some clarity in this semantic confusion in order to provide the field of entrepreneurship its own distinct signature. Definitions of entrepreneurship have moved from a focus on individual traits (e.g., local of control, need for achievement), toward entrepreneurial behavior (e.g., entrepreneurial orientation), cognitions (e.g., decision making), and social capital (e.g., networks). Over the last decade, there has been a growing consensus that a fundamental, distinctive feature of entrepreneurship is the identification, evaluation, and pursuit of replace business by entrepreneurial opportunities (Shane and Venkataraman 2000). Entrepreneurial opportunities differ from normal possibilities to optimize the efficiency of existing products in the sense that the former involves new means-ends relationships (Shane and Venkataraman 2000). It means that the obtainment of a larger milk quota or the acquisition of additional greenhouses which are already up and running are not considered as true entrepreneurial opportunities. There are several arguments that can be put forward why the opportunity definition as an overarching definition is attractive for agricultural entrepreneurship. 1. It does not limit the study of agricultural entrepreneurship to specific situations such as new venture creation (e.g., a large group of the agricultural businesses are already in existence for decades). 2. Learning and development are the heart of entrepreneurship: The fact that some farmers exploit entrepreneurial opportunities and others do not is not due to lack of certain personality traits but due to (the lack) of specific competence, experience, and network. 3. It recognizes the importance of the broader working environment the entrepreneur engages in. Interpretation, understanding, add the term evaluation here and creativity, core processes in opportunity development process, all do not happen in isolation, but are influenced by, for instance, the farmer’s wife,

Agricultural Entrepreneurship

employees, competitors, network, and chain partners or extension services. In sum, a focus on the identification and pursuit of opportunities as the core of agricultural entrepreneurship emphasizes the creative, alert, proactive, and networking aspects of entrepreneurial activity (DeTienne and Chandler 2004). It enables researchers to shift from the question “who is the entrepreneur?” to the question “what does the entrepreneur do?” (Gartner 1989), thus helping to avoid the conceptual swamp of defining the “true” entrepreneur.

Open-Ended Issues Is Agricultural Entrepreneurship Different from “Normal” Entrepreneurship? A classic question posed in debates about agricultural entrepreneurship is whether agricultural entrepreneurship is different from entrepreneurship in nonagricultural firms. The answer is yes and no, depending on the type of research question and research paradigm employed (Pindado and Sánchez 2017). Certain elements of entrepreneurship seem to be relatively universal, context independent (Rauch et al. 2009) (e.g., the importance of opportunities, pro-activeness, risk taking, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy), other elements are more dependent on the type and context of entrepreneurship (Lans et al. 2008) (e.g., entrepreneurial learning). For studying agricultural entrepreneurship, the following characteristics have to be taken into consideration: The Agricultural Sector Historically, the agricultural working setting did not necessarily educe entrepreneurial behavior. Over the last 50 years, in many western countries, agriculture became a highly specialized domain focused on efficiency and productivity (Van der Ploeg et al. 2002). For instance, in Europe, postwar agricultural modernization was very successful for its original aims, to provide food security. However, this system did not stimulate diversification and innovative entrepreneurship. Farmers were trained to be craftsmen, producing food and fibers. The

Agricultural Entrepreneurship

development of an entrepreneurial identity, skills, and behavior are, consequently, not self-evident (Vesala et al. 2007). The Direct Farm Environment Farms are strongly regionally embedded: A convenient geographical location is therefore an important factor for entrepreneurial opportunities. The opportunities to develop new activities are much bigger when the family farm is located in an attractive region with other businesses, close to urbanized areas (providing a market), with good infrastructure and a well-developed supporting network (Wilson 2008). The Family Firm Agriculture is dominated by small family farms (Gasson et al. 1988). The family farming culture and associated logic influences agricultural entrepreneurship. Unlike general entrepreneurs, farming families are less driven by ideas of growth and profit maximization. Higher priority is given to survival, preserving family heritage, autonomy, rural lifestyle, and passing through a healthy farm on to the next generation (Jervell 2011). Moreover, family farms are passed on through from father to son. This selection process creates communities lacking heterogeneity with a strong tension toward conformity. The presence of other generations in the farm, in combination with a conservative mentality, does not particularly stimulate change and innovative thinking (Jervell 2011). However, there are also examples of family farms where an entrepreneurial way of thinking has been nurtured over the years, the existence of an “entrepreneurial legacy,” defined as the sum of the families past entrepreneurial behavior which shapes current views and motives of entrepreneurship in the family firm (Jaskiewicz et al. 2015). See for a recent review on family-farming the work of Suess-Reyes and Fuetsch (2016). Gender Farm women play an important role in agricultural entrepreneurship. Farm women are, in many cases, the ones who initiate and develop new on-farm business activities (Bock 2004). The initial entrepreneurial behaviors of farm women are characterized by “fitting in and


multitasking.” Typically, farm women start by fitting their new activities into the existing farm and combine entrepreneurship with existing farm and family duties (Bock 2004). However, farm women change their strategy over time and develop themselves as more expert entrepreneurs: investing in further development, taking risks and identifying, and presenting themselves as entrepreneurs (Seuneke and Bock 2015).

Conclusion and Future Directions As the sections above show, agricultural entrepreneurship shares many characteristics of “generic” entrepreneurship, but also has its distinct features due to the specific context of the agricultural sector. A substantial body of literature on agricultural entrepreneurship has emerged, discussing several aspects of agricultural entrepreneurship. However, several avenues for research remain. Below, we will discuss three areas for future research in agricultural entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial Behavior Departing from the perspective that farmers can take up different roles in their work, some researchers have emphasized differences between farmers as purely craftsmen (highlighting technical competence) and more entrepreneurial farmers (emphasizes activities such scanning the environment, identifying opportunities). Although the scientific basis for typology research in entrepreneurship is controversial (Woo et al. 1991), typologies help to group and at the same time show the diversity in entrepreneurship. Moreover, typologies or configurations also have a strong basis in agricultural research, for instance, in the concept of farming styles (Van der Ploeg 1994). In studying the question of more or less entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial orientation (EO) (Lumpkin and Dess 2001) is a helpful, well-established construct, originally from general entrepreneurship research (Miller 1983) but increasingly used in agricultural entrepreneurship research. EO can be defined as a farmer’s “willingness to innovate to rejuvenate market offerings, take risks to try out new and uncertain products, services and markets, and be


more proactive than competitors towards new marketplace opportunities” (Wiklund and Shepherd 2005). The original entrepreneurial orientation construct combines three key elements of entrepreneurial behavior, namely, innovativeness, risk taking, and pro-activeness, originally on the firm level (Miller 1983). The EO elements together allow firms to identify and exploit opportunities for organizational renewal and creating more customer value. Acknowledging that there are indeed differences in entrepreneurial behavior of farmers, the entrepreneurial orientation angle is interesting to further detect drivers and consequences of farmers’ entrepreneurial orientation in a specific farming context. Drivers and consequences may include performance, goals, attitudes, competencies, identities, but also specific social capital and networks. Research among farms and horticultural growers have indeed confirmed the positive relationship between EO and performance (e.g., Verhees et al. 2012), although more specific research about underlying mechanisms in different contexts is clearly needed (Lans et al. 2016). Entrepreneurial Experience Another interesting research venue for agricultural entrepreneurship comes from expertise research, showing that expert entrepreneurs differ from novices in terms of prior-expertise and the way they think and make decisions (Mitchell et al. 2002). Entrepreneurs can be classified as nascent (thinking about it), novice (first time out), and expert (several business, portfolio or serial) entrepreneurs. Considering the first, largest, group, nascent, there is a clear need for studies on the role of agricultural education as an enabler of developing nontraditional, entrepreneurial intentions, competencies, identities, and entrepreneurial experiences among young future farmers. Many agricultural universities worldwide need to introduce the coming decade pedagogies and curricula that lay the foundation for entrepreneurial thinking in agriculture (Hulsink et al. 2014). A salient challenge considering that important intellectual pillars of entrepreneurship education have their roots in agricultural extension (see also next research point) more than a century ago (Katz 2007).

Agricultural Entrepreneurship

Well-designed studies on the characteristics and impact of such programs are necessary. Considering the second, novices, there is an interesting group of so-called new entrances in agriculture who have very different human and social capital backgrounds than traditional family farmers (Pindado and Sánchez 2017). Examples include care farms developed from outside the agricultural sector (Hassink et al. 2016) and urban farms developed from the perspective of social goals such as citizen participation or inclusion rather than maximizing yield or product quality (Dieleman 2016). With regard to portfolio entrepreneurship, the third category, pioneering research was done by Carter (1999) who, as one of the first, framed the development of new activities (e.g., multifunctionality) by farmers as portfolio entrepreneurship. Portfolio entrepreneurs use their existing firm as a fertile basis to develop new businesses and are, hence, considered advantaged compared to their nascent and novice counterparts, who first have to acquire their resources (Westhead et al. 2005). Access to good resources alone is, however, not a guarantee for success. It all depends on the farmers’ entrepreneurial abilities to access, see the potential of, and use the resources available (Alsos et al. 2011). The angle of portfolio entrepreneurship has already proved to be an interesting venue for agricultural entrepreneurship (Seuneke et al. 2013). Nonetheless, more insight into antecedents, consequences, as well as enablers of this specific, but important, type of agricultural entrepreneurship is needed. Agricultural Entrepreneurship Support Studies on different (emergent) types of agricultural entrepreneurship also put direct attention to the necessary support structures. The developing field of dedicated agricultural entrepreneurship support is a third focus point for research. Traditionally, problem solving and innovation in the agricultural sector was supported by so-called extension services, which were often funded and provided by the state in line with food security and agricultural modernization policies. These extension services often had a supply-push orientation and worked within a linear paradigm of innovation (innovations developed by agricultural research were uniformly

Agricultural Entrepreneurship

disseminated to farmers by extension services), and the one-size-fits-all modernization agenda neglected the heterogeneity of farming styles and entrepreneurial styles of farmers (Van der Ploeg 1994). Because of this changing structure of agricultural markets and the agricultural sector (earlier mentioned phenomena like multifunctionality, integration in production chains driven by consumer demands, societal demands such as food safety, animal welfare, and ecological sustainability (Seuneke et al. 2013)), a one-size-fits-all model of innovation and entrepreneurship support has become inadequate. This realization, coupled with the privatization of applied agricultural research institutes and agricultural extension services, has induced major changes in innovation and entrepreneurship support in agriculture. Farmers are now served by a pluralistic system of advisors (both specialized and independent advisors, and those connected to agricultural input supply such as seeds and fertilizers) (Klerkx and Jansen 2010). Since addressing the heterogeneous support demands of farmers includes a shift from a mere production-technical focus toward providing services aimed at improving more generic business, management, and entrepreneurial skills (Phillipson et al. 2004), farmers need to access different kinds of advisors. In some cases, the formation of adequate advisory networks which provide a complementary set of both technical advice and advice in support of entrepreneurship (management, strategy, finance) happens autonomously (Klerkx and Proctor 2013). However, often farmers have difficulties in finding their way around in this pluralistic advisory system and need to be supported by an agency who acts as a broker (Phillipson et al. 2004). To this end, in recent years, several dedicated “innovation centers” or “business support centers” have emerged, which help farmers articulate their entrepreneurial strategy and their entrepreneurship and innovation support needs, search suitable support providers and match these with farmers, and, if needed, facilitate their further collaboration (Klerkx and Leeuwis 2009a). Furthermore, initiatives have sprouted which stimulate informal networking among farmers, to share experiences and learn on topics of joint interest. Some of these initiatives explicitly aim to stimulate


entrepreneurial learning by challenging farmers to pay more attention to other topics than craftsmanship in crop and animal management, offering, for example, master classes by successful entrepreneurs from nonagricultural sectors (Klerkx and Leeuwis 2009b). Whereas many of these initiatives have sprouted in developed countries, also in developing countries, there is an increasing focus on what has been called “agripreneurship” and correspondingly there has been an increase in focus on how support structures can address this topic (Poulton et al. 2010; Kilelu et al. 2017). As many of these initiatives are of recent date, more research is needed on issues such as their form, focus, and impact on agricultural entrepreneurship skills.

Cross-References ▶ Entrepreneur’s “Resource Potential,” Innovation and Networks ▶ Entrepreneurial Capability and Leadership ▶ Entrepreneurship Policies ▶ Environmental Determinants of Entrepreneurship ▶ Female Entrepreneurship

References Alsos GA, Carter S, Ljunggren E, Welter F, editors. The handbook of research on entrepreneurship in agriculture and rural development. Cheltenham/Northampton: Edward Elgar; 2011. Bock BB. Fitting in and multi-tasking: Dutch farm women’s strategies in rural entrepreneurship. Sociol Rural. 2004;44(3):245–60. Carter S. Multiple business ownership in the farm sector: assessing the enterprise and employment contributions of farmers in Cambridgeshire. J Rural Stud. 1999;15(4):417–29. DeTienne DR, Chandler GN. Opportunity identification and its role in the entrepreneurial classroom: a pedagogical approach and empirical test. Acad Manag Learn Educ. 2004;3(3):242–57. Dieleman H. Urban agriculture in Mexico City: balancing between ecological, economic, social and symbolic value. J Clean Prod. 2016. Gartner WB. ‘Who is an entrepreneur?’ Is the wrong question. Entrep Theory Pract. 1989;13:47–68. Gasson R, Crow G, Errington A, Hutson J, Marsden T, Winter M. The farm as a family business: a review. J Agr Econ. 1988;39:1–41.

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Agricultural Entrepreneurship Miller D. The correlates of entrepreneurship in three types of firms. Manag Sci. 1983;29(7):770–91. Mitchell RK, Lowell-Busenitz TL, McDougall PP, Morse EA, Brock Smith J. Toward a theory of entrepreneurial cognition: rethinking the people side of entrepreneurship research. Entrep Theory Pract. 2002;27:93–104. Phillipson J, Gorton M, Raley M, Moxey A. Treating farms as firms? The evolution of farm business support from productionist to entrepreneurial models. Environ Plan C Govern Policy. 2004;22(1):31–54. Pindado E, Sánchez M. Researching the entrepreneurial behaviour of new and existing ventures in European agriculture. Small Business Economics; 2017. p. 1–24. Poulton C, Dorward A, Kydd J. The future of small farms: new directions for services, institutions, and intermediation. World Dev. 2010;38:1413–28. Pyysiäinen J, Anderson A, McElwee G, Vesala K. Developing the entrepreneurial skills of farmers: some myths explored. Int J Entrep Behav Res. 2006;12:21–39. Rauch A, Wiklund J, Lumpkin GT, Frese M. Entrepreneurial orientation and business performance: an assessment of past research and suggestions for the future. Entrep Theory Pract. 2009;33(3):761–87. Schumpeter JA. The theory of economic development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard; 1934. Seuneke P, Bock BB. Exploring the roles of women in the development of multifunctional entrepreneurship on family farms: an entrepreneurial learning approach. NJAS. 2015;74–75:41–50. Seuneke P, Lans T, Wiskerke JSC. Moving beyond entrepreneurial skills: key factors driving entrepreneurial learning in multifunctional agriculture. J Rural Stud. 2013;32:208–19. Shane S, Venkataraman S. The promise of enterpreneurship as a field of research. Acad Manag Rev. 2000;25(1):217–26. Suess-Reyes J, Fuetsch E. The future of family farming: a literature review on innovative, sustainable and succession-oriented strategies. J Rural Stud. 2016;47:117–40. van der Ploeg JD. Styles of farming: an introductory note on concepts and methodology. In: van der Ploeg JD, Long A, editors. Born from within: practice and perspectives of endogeneous rural development. Assen: Royal van Gorcum; 1994. van der Ploeg JD, Long A, Banks J, editors. Living countrysides, rural development processes in Europe: the state of the art. Doetinchem: Elsevier; 2002. Verhees F, Lans T, Verstegen J. The influence of marketand entrepreneurial orientation on strategic marketing choices: the cases of Dutch farmers and horticultural growers. J Chain Network Sci. 2012;2:167–79. Vesala KM, Peura J, McElwee G. The split entrepreneurial identity of the farmer. J Small Bus Enterp Dev. 2007;14(1):48–63. Westhead P, Ucbasaran D, Wright M, Binks M. Novice, serial and portfolio entrepreneur behaviour and contributions. Small Bus Econ. 2005;25:109–32.

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Innovation and Entrepreneurship Jerry Courvisanos and Stuart Mackenzie Federation Business School, Federation University Australia, Mt Helen Campus, Ballarat, VIC, Australia

Synonyms Breakthrough technology; Economic development; New venture creation; Paradigm shift

Introduction Entrepreneurship is an ambiguous concept unless it is contextualized. The focus in this entry is the role of the entrepreneur within the context of innovation. Thus, if a business activity is conducted under what Schumpeter (1939) calls “competitive capitalism,” then there is no innovative activity and the market is operating as a pure neoclassical mechanism in which the “nirvana” of market efficiency in the allocation of goods and services is achieved. This is a static equilibrium position in which there is no change, no economic development, and no entrepreneurs to drive innovation. All that is needed are efficient business managers. As a result, in neoclassical economics, entrepreneurship is merely seen as agency in any form of business activity, including routine managers. This, in one fell swoop, conflates the

original work of Schumpeter and his entrepreneur with the mainstream market conception of an entrepreneur who simply operates a business. Baumol (1968, p. 64) rejects the conflation of managing a business and the higher responsibility of driving free enterprise by stating that: The entrepreneur is at the same time one of the most intriguing and one of the most elusive characters in the cast that constitutes the subject of economic analysis. He has long been recognized as the apex of the hierarchy that determines the behavior of the firm and thereby bears a heavy responsibility for the vitality of the free-enterprise society. In the writings of the classical economist his appearance was frequent, though he remained a shadowy entity without clearly defined form and function.

The role of the entrepreneur has proved difficult to formalize within the innovation process. Well expressed by classical economics writers, notably Adam Smith and Karl Marx, Schumpeter (1912) reintroduced endogeneity of innovation in the capitalist process after the 1870s marginalist absorption of classical economics into the neoclassical mainstream placed innovation firmly into the “black box,” making the entrepreneur invisible. Despite Baumol’s oft-cited 1968 quotation above, due to the nature of the neoclassical model itself, economists have not been able to find a way to formally endogenize the entrepreneurial function. A very large increase in the number of innovation studies and the bringing of technology into the endogenous growth function still cannot fill in the gap. To his credit, Baumol has made attempts to incorporate entrepreneurial behavior

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_503-2


into the economics mainstream. The task is not easy when a major intellectual in neoclassical economics needs three books to do this (Baumol 1994, 2002, 2010). While this effort is commendable, and in particular Baumol (2010) serves a useful purpose in further conceptualizing (along the lines of Schumpeter) the role of the entrepreneur in the economy from a rich vein of historical studies, the actual integration of the dynamic role of the entrepreneur in the static neoclassical model remains problematic. Baumol models the decisions of entrepreneurs by an optimality algorithm where new and innovative entrepreneurial activities are subject to known constraints. If the economy is at an equilibrium measured in a static state, then the algorithm has a clear resolution, and the role of the entrepreneur is insubstantial. Leave it to the routine manager. At this equilibrium, a potential exit exists where the dynamic entrepreneur is in her/ his element. It is an “escape hatch” from the static state. Where is Baumol’s optimizing entrepreneur at this point? It is at this very point that optimality breaks down because there is no way any optimal algorithm can provide an answer to this exit point. There is no theoretically logical and consistent way of escaping static optimality unless a stochastic shock is devised, which removes the endogeneity of the entrepreneurial spirit. Baumol (2010, p. 70) himself admits this optimality problem by stating: “. . . nor does it provide any rigorous standards by which the issue can be judged.” The contradictions within the neoclassical economics model in addressing innovation and the role of the entrepreneur responsible for such activity lead to a lack of a rigorous research model for future study. In the next section, imperfection in the market is seen as the way out of equilibrium but is in effect “no way out” from a theoretical perspective. Having rejected this standard approach, it is necessary to reconceptualize the entrepreneur within a realist complex systems framework. This is the task of the following section “Risk and Uncertainty” by providing the appropriate concepts from which to further develop this realist systems model of creative

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entrepreneurship, as set out after the entrepreneur is clearly delineated. The impact of this systems model on business creation and the path of economic development complete the realist account. The conclusion then sets up a more fruitful research path for entrepreneurship studies within a more coherent economic framework than the bland characteristics-based studies that have multiplied in the literature and encouraged by the individualist-based neoclassical model.

Market Imperfections Baumol (2010, p. 100) states: “In order to achieve optimality, one must eliminate the externalities and then correct any new, undesired redistribution effects that result.” This is the neoclassical market imperfections argument justifying public policy actions to “correct” for externalities and “address” inequality of distribution issues. Such actions brings one back to the static model and its inability to handle dynamic variables. What is the “correct” action if there is no rigorous standard to evaluate public policy actions? Thus, lack of an optimal endogenous entrepreneurial escape from the static state, although termed “market imperfections,” can be more accurately described as a systemic failure of markets (Smith 1998). This failure leads to total inability of the neoclassical abstract market mechanism to provide theoretical understanding or empirical guidance for action. Without the rigor of a static model to provide algorithmic precision, economists revert to metaphysical analogies (Robinson 1962) to provide what Taleb (2008, pp. 62–84) calls a “narrative fallacy” in order to provide some meaning and causality to an event that is not able to be given a rigorous analysis. The problem arises when a metaphysical narrative is presented to rationalize an axiomatically rigorous model. This occurred in a powerful way at a symposium on entrepreneurship in the Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh in November 1997, when two Nobel Laureates in Economics were on a panel and asked to depict how entrepreneurs operate in the

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context of equilibrium in the market mechanism. Each presented a starkly different scenario. Architect of the general equilibrium model, Kenneth Arrow, describes entrepreneurs as “dragging” markets out of equilibrium by innovative activity that is inconsistent with providing the same type of goods and services. In effect, successful innovation disrupts equilibrium. Arrow continues by explaining that the process of moving back into equilibrium can be discerned when other entrepreneurs follow the “first-mover advantage” entrepreneur and diffusion of innovation occurs. This process of “follow the (innovation) leader” continues until the market becomes again one in which there is a homogenous product with many sellers meeting the demand of many buyers. The proliferation of such homogenous markets delivers a general equilibrium. The inspiration behind the concept of bounded rationality, Herbert Simon, describes the same process in very different terms. Simon depicts the entrepreneur searching in a world of discontinuities for opportunities to innovate. The successful entrepreneur finds a new good or service that creates a fresh market into which other entrepreneurs quickly follow, but the rush to market by followers leads to only a temporary equilibrium in which supply meets demand. Followers will continue to produce leading to overproduction and disequilibrium. Such disequilibrating markets provide the basis for new discontinuities and, thus, new opportunities arise. The two metaphysical analogies described above clearly show that the neoclassical market equilibrium approach with its imperfections arising from the innovative activities of entrepreneurs is an inappropriate framework of analysis. The rest of this entry addresses entrepreneurship and the role of innovation as a dynamic concept within a complex adaptive system (CAS). Holling (1973) identifies the strength of relationships within a particular CAS, such that the more stable a relationship within a complex system, the less resilience the system possesses. In this context, the maintenance of equilibrium within a system endows a system with greater stability, but with less capacity to absorb variations with significant fluctuations. The essential aspect of innovation is


change, so a framework that can adapt to change from first principles is a much more appropriate vehicle to understand the entrepreneurial process and the entrepreneur who instigates this change. More recently, Archer (1995) has extended the CAS model by arguing that the behavior of such a system is not a simple and direct consequence from an external stimulus. As a system becomes more complex, it develops endogenous autonomous processes that determine its behavior, such as adjusting the system to better deal with external influences. This is a better approach to systematizing the endogeneity of the entrepreneurial spirit that so troubled Baumol across three books.

Entrepreneur Schumpeter (1912) brings the endogenous entrepreneur onto the center stage of economic analysis unlike any writer previously. The entrepreneur for Schumpeter must be seen as the human agency, via innovation, to economic development. It is this agency role that makes the development process nondeterministic and instead, adapting to complex changes: “The economy does not grow into higher forms by itself” he says. “The history of every industry leads us back to men and to energetic will and activity. This is the strongest and most prominent reality of economic life.” (Schumpeter 1912, p. 75) In other words, human agency via the entrepreneur is involved in effecting the innovations required for economic development. In trying to understand the totality of the economy, Schumpeter divides economic processes into three categories or classes: “. . .into those processes of the circular flow; into those of development; and into those which impede the latter’s undisturbed course.” (1934, p. 218). Throughout his body of work, he refers to the processes of the circular flow in the market process as “statics,” and those of economic development in which innovation resides as “dynamics.” As Schumpeter states in his first published book: This distinction is crucial. Statics and dynamics are two totally different areas. Not only do they deal with different problems, but they use different


Innovation and Entrepreneurship methods and they work with different materials. They are not two chapters in the same theoretical construction – they are two totally different buildings. Only statics has been worked on sufficiently. The analysis of dynamics is still in its beginnings; it is a “land of the future.” (Schumpeter 1908, p. 626; translation cited in Swedberg 2007, p. 30)

Schumpeter’s thinking on that “land of the future” would emerge 4 years later in The Theory of Economic Development (Schumpeter 1912). By “circular flow” or statics, Schumpeter means that part of the overall economy that can be conceptualized as operating as a general equilibrium system under stationary conditions as proposed by the neoclassical economists. Within this static system, commodity and product prices settle at levels that cause supply and demand in each market to be matched and homo economicus is rational and narrowly self-interested as she seeks to maximize her economic gain. Incremental quantitative growth is achieved through stimuli such as changing consumer tastes in conditions of gradually increasing population, saving, and capital accumulation. Importantly, in this static system there is no endogenous development that results in qualitatively new phenomena. Schumpeter, by this distinction between statics and dynamics, places the entrepreneur clearly into the dynamic process and questions the role of the entrepreneur in the neoclassical model. Either neoclassical theory accepts that its statics is only a partial analysis of a more complex real system, and cannot, therefore, make valid knowledge claims about the entire system, or it is claiming that the entire real economic system behaves as a self-reinforcing system in static equilibrium that maintains itself. The former interpretation can be seen as a realist view on the static approach that qualifies any knowledge claims deriving from it. The latter interpretation is fundamentalist and susceptible to knowledge claims derived from static analysis techniques and, thus, questions the role of the entrepreneur within the neoclassical system. In Chapter 2, “▶ The Fundamental Phenomenon of Economic Development”, of the second edition of Theory, Schumpeter describes the individuals who carry out new combinations as

entrepreneurs. He immediately qualifies this, saying the concept is broader than a single individual: . . .we call entrepreneurs not only those “independent” businessmen in an exchange economy who are usually so designated, but all those who actually fulfill the function by which we define the concept, even if they are, as is becoming the rule, “dependent” employees of a company, like managers, members of boards of directors, and so forth. . .. (Schumpeter 1934, pp. 74–75).

The reason for this formulation is explained in a note to the second edition (1934) in which he challenges “. . .one of the most annoying misunderstandings that arose out of the first edition.” This was the suggestion that, in a variation of the “great man theory,” he had identified the individual entrepreneur as the prime cause of innovation and hence economic change. “If my representation were intended to be as this objection assumes, it would obviously be nonsense” he says and points out that his concern is not with “. . .the concrete factors of change, but the method by which these work. . .” An individual is “. . .merely the bearer of the mechanism of change” (Schumpeter 1934, p. 61n, emphasis in the original), or simply, the agency for introducing novelty into the organization. Such novelty is regarded by Schumpeter as disruptive to the current status quo in the production system, whether that is the firm, industry, or the economy. Schumpeter categorizes this novelty into five types of discontinuous development: introduction of new products and new production processes, opening of new markets, acquisition of news sources of inputs, and reorganization of firms or industry sectors (Schumpeter 1934, p. 66). All five types can be new to the organization, to the industry or even to the system widely. Entrepreneurs who introduce novelty into their organization are effectively conducting diffusion of innovation (Rogers 1995). Schumpeter has an example of railways and mail coaches which provides great insight to this dynamic mechanism of change and the role of innovation. His concern is not with the nature of any underlying technology per se, but with changes in its economic use. Mail coaches and railways in the nineteenth century were the

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temporal stages of development in two distinct means of transporting goods and people. The former were wheeled and freely steerable on any surface hard enough for the wheels to turn without a resistance greater than the power of their locomotive force, typically a team of two, four, or six horses. Mail coaches were an incremental technological development of a transport tradition that can be traced back through Roman chariots to the earliest and simplest of flatbed wagons that must have quickly followed the invention of the wheel. The steam-driven locomotives with which the Liverpool to Manchester passenger and freight services began in 1830 were also an incremental technological development, this time of wheeled vehicles running on a prepared track that bears their weight and guides the vehicles and acts as a limit to their range and direction. The origins of this form of railed transportation can be traced back to at least the Greeks and Romans (Lewis 2001). Even the steam engine was not new technology in 1830. The earliest engines were novelties invented by Hero of Alexandria in the first century AD and practical stationary engines had been undergoing incremental development since Thomas Savery’s invention for pumping water in 1698. However, none of these incrementally developing technologies had resulted in the type of discontinuous economic change with which Schumpeter is concerned until the performance of George Stephenson’s Rocket at the Rainhill Trials in 1829 demonstrated that a mobile version of a steam engine on rails could be used to transport large numbers of people safely over long distances at speed (Burton 1980). Success of the steam locomotive resulted in an economic discontinuity caused by change in the way in which people and goods moved around Britain. Before 1830, the primary means of land transportation was by horse-drawn mail coach, and steam locomotives progressively displaced the coaches after that date. It was not new technology per se that had produced the change, but a new combination of existing technologies brought forward by the entrepreneur. Thus, what is “new” for the entrepreneur is not technical knowledge,


nor ability to finance innovation; instead, it is the skills and characteristics the entrepreneur brings to development in the sense of a transition from one norm to another which is not reachable through a series of incremental steps, i.e., when the change is discontinuous and disruptive. This entrenches what is called “innovation systems” with new entrepreneurial skills, investment, and appropriate infrastructure in a region or nation (Acs et al. 2014). Conversely, Schumpeter’s “mere managers” have the ability to implement incremental change, i.e., that which can be decomposed into a series of infinitesimal steps. Since this, by definition, includes all incremental innovation intended to optimize processes or offers slightly improved versions of existing products and services, conclusion can be drawn that there is no role for the entrepreneur in such continuous innovation. This interpretation is supported by concrete examples of how businesses organize for the two different types of change. For example, to bring a new product to market, teams are typically formed outside the normal hierarchical management structure and only exist temporarily while engaged in this activity. Introduction of new products is one of Schumpeter’s five types of discontinuous development. Once introduced as a new product, the tasks of launch, support, and maintenance (including release of new versions) are typically the responsibility of a permanent unit within the normal hierarchy of the firm. A similar situation prevails in software development, where a specially formed project team will carry out the development of new application software, while a separate support department will handle the subsequent maintenance and new releases. More generally, organizations implementing small process improvements to production or administration systems will normally entrust these to existing line management. It is only when attempting more complex and revolutionary process re-engineering that the task will be allocated to a specialist project team outside the day-to-day management structure.


The distinction in an organization is between the “dynamic” entrepreneur as a mechanism of change vis-à-vis the “static” manager as a mechanism of consolidation. Across organizations, Baumol (2010) makes clear there are two different types within the category of “dynamic entrepreneur.” Crucially, and most importantly, there is the “true” productive entrepreneur as a person (or team) which is productive in a welfare-enhancing development process that adds to productive wealth. This is the type that Schumpeter envisages in his works. In contrast, Baumol recognizes also the “disruptive” entrepreneur who is unproductive since the activity being engaged is only rent-seeking, like identifying previously unused speculative or illegal opportunities. The term “disruptive” is used by Baumol in a subjective manner to indicate economic activity that is antisocial and unethical, while the same term is used by Schumpeter in an objective manner to indicate the outcome of discontinuous development. When used in the context of Baumol’s subjective definition, the term needs to have quotation marks around it, i.e., “disruptive.” The “disruptive” unproductive entrepreneurs look initially to be adding value through employment or stockholder value, as did the entrepreneurs who innovated the subprime mortgages and collateralized debt obligations during the early 2000s (see Kregel 2008). Further down the track, such activity unravels into major costs to society and to the business community in general that far outweighs any initial positive value, as exhibited by the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) that resulted in a banking collapse in September 2008, followed by the long-running “Great Recession” (see Arestis and Karakitsos 2010). A question arises for the dynamic entrepreneur, be it productive or “disruptive.” Is the change arising from innovation something the entrepreneur can calculate the risk within the probabilities of failure and success? Or, instead is the change so novel and fundamental that no risk assessment can be made, leaving incalculable uncertainty in its wake that needs to be “managed” in the best way possible.

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Risk and Uncertainty There is much confusion in the entrepreneurship literature over the risk/uncertainty dichotomy, despite the clear distinction made in economics by both Keynes (1907) and Knight (1921). All the entrepreneurship textbooks identify entrepreneurs as being risk oriented, but then emphasize that risk assessment is required in order reduce uncertainty on “wild chances” through business planning and preparation (Frederick et al. 2006, p. 31). This merging of the risk/uncertainty dichotomy distorts the entrepreneurs role, since “. . .[p]rofit arises out of the inherent, absolute unpredictability of things. . .that cannot be anticipated. . .” (Knight 1921, p. 281). The issue is that risk assessment is possible and recommended under continuous incremental innovation, where “things” are not unpredictable. Whereas, discontinuous innovation has such high level of uncertainty that risk assessment is impossible, with only some general scenario planning for different contingencies within a CAS is the only feasible approach. The risk/uncertainty dichotomy thus reflects the continuous/discontinuous distinction adopted in this entry based on the Schumpeterian perspective. From this risk/uncertainty dichotomy, it transpires that the entrepreneur is not the same as the capitalist. Only the capitalist bears the risk of an investment failing. As Schumpeter (1934, p. 75n, emphasis in the original) makes clear: “Risk obviously always falls on the owner of the means of production or of the money-capital which was paid for them, hence never on the entrepreneur as such.” Some entrepreneurs are owners and thus take on risk and the role of capitalist, just like some entrepreneurs, as described in the previous section, can be technologists who take on the technical implementation. In this context, risk is an activity undertaken by the capitalist and not the entrepreneur. What an entrepreneur takes on, Schumpeter argues, is the significant uncertainty involved in the introduction of new disruptive combinations due to the indeterminate nature of novelty. The depth of analysis typically required for the riskoriented decision-making within the static state

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“circular flow” of incremental innovation is not available for discontinuous innovation due to the lack of relevant data for the latter decisions. The entrepreneur must, therefore, be comfortable operating with uncertainty and making decisions by “instinct” or “gut feel.” This is related to another neoclassical axiom that is challenged in this continuous/discontinuous distinction. The axiom states all economic agents are rational and self-interested, which is essential for a robust equilibrium algorithm to exist. However, when there is discontinuous innovation, such a decision cannot be analyzed or rationalized in any coherent approach, since there can be no concept of rational choice in an environment of indeterminate uncertainty. When it comes to entrepreneurial motivation, Schumpeter rejects narrowly defined hedonistic motives. Hedonism requires one to ignore uncertainty in the search for rewarding financial risks (e.g., trading on the stock market), whereas the entrepreneur needs to engage with uncertainty that requires much intellectual activity. In this context, entrepreneurs tend to be workaholics and “. . . activity of the entrepreneurial type is obviously an obstacle to hedonist enjoyment. . .usually acquired by incomes beyond a certain size, because their “consumption” presupposes leisure.” (Schumpeter 1934, p. 92) At several points, Schumpeter draws comparisons between the characteristics of entrepreneurs and “mere managers” in the circular flow. Managers, in trying to keep their jobs and making an impact with the owners or directors, must consider that decision-making is based on the market and by the previous state of the business. Managers learn to read the signs, such as changes in demand from customers, from training and experience, and then adjust productive resources accordingly. Neither directing nor directed labor therefore exercises any real leadership over the business. The managers respond to consumers and workers respond to their managers. Day-to-day management of the business, in so far as it consists of adapting to normal fluctuations in supply of goods and services and the demands of customers, involves no creative input whatsoever and does not require handling uncertainty (Schumpeter


1934, pp. 20–22). In striving for the optimal methods of operation, managers tend to seek the best method of those that are familiar and have been tried and tested in practice. The innovation decision-making of endogenous entrepreneurs under uncertainty occupies a different plane of activity. This is different because entrepreneurs in this world of uncertainty are ones in which they elect the most appropriate method possible, which, by definition, may be untried, untested, and unfamiliar (Schumpeter 1934, p. 83). This means that optimizing rationality under homo economicus conditions is not an option. Such optimizing decision-making behavior is not an option due to the lack of data and inability to even identify where the data can be obtained (Courvisanos 2009). In this world of uncertainty, entrepreneurs conduct satisficing behavior under procedural (or bounded) rationality as explained by Simon (1976). This type of satisficing decision-making opens the door for new venture business creations that are truly innovative.

Business Creation and Innovation Of course, nothing in the Schumpeterian interpretation of an entrepreneur suggests that people who possess the ability to fulfill an entrepreneurial role may not be engaged on continuous innovation activities within the firm or organization. However, they are not acting as an entrepreneur when they do so and their entrepreneurial skills and capabilities are therefore latent and dormant. Neither does it mean that innovative entrepreneurial activity cannot take place within a firm; simply that business creation that is truly innovative has to consist of disruptive discontinuous change. Throughout his career, the economic phenomenon that most fascinated Schumpeter was that of economic development, and it could only be seen in the context of history. As Michaelides and Milios (2009, p. 496) explain, “Schumpeter’s notion of development is viewed. . .[as a]. . .theoretical approach of integrating theoretical and historical concerns.” Schumpeter did not reject the usefulness of the popular equilibrium model as an analytical tool to analyze the stationary state of


“ordinary routine work” (Schumpeter 1939, vol I, p. 40). However, he realized that the “circular flow” equilibrium of stationary capitalism with static markets could not explain the dynamics of economic growth. In The Theory of Economic Development (Schumpeter 1912), three characteristics of economic development are specified. These three characteristics are the essence of disruptive business creation that Schumpeter calls “creative destruction.” First characteristic of such development is the need to be endogenous to the economic system and not a reaction to external events or other stimuli. Second characteristic is based on business creation as discontinuous which does not occur in smoothly changing processes. In fact, Schumpeter explains it is at the trough of business cycles that such creative destruction is bound to be more successful, as there are around many failed previous continuous incremental innovations. Third characteristic is that such business creation is disruptive to the status quo, with old equilibrium conditions – and old competitors – all being radically changed. As a result, “creative destruction is the essential fact about capitalism” (Schumpeter 1942, p. 83) and the entrepreneur is the prime agent of this economic change. The endogenous stimulus is, Schumpeter argues, innovation which he sees as the creation of “new combinations” based around the five types of discontinuous development. As his thinking developed, by 1942, Schumpeter was suggesting the disruption caused by innovation is traumatic, especially as new firms produce new products by innovative processes that put old firms out of business. Such trauma led Schumpeter to predict that once these new businesses become powerful large capitalist firms, they will cease to be innovative, and this could threaten the viability of capitalism. Hamdouch et al. (2008) identify the integration of the two Schumpeterian models of small innovative entrepreneur and large firm “intrapreneur” into a new broader “networked” model based on strong collaboration and clustering activities using modern information technology. This network model has allayed the lack of innovation in emerging new industries like biotechnology

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

(Hamdouch and He 2009) and software (Salavisa et al. 2009), while established older industries like automotive and electrical appliances suffer from lack of disruptive innovation in order to merely fortify their market position (Buxey 2000). From Schumpeter’s economic development approach, expansion of credit is an important, but only secondary, part of the growth mechanism. He argues (Schumpeter 1935, p. 8) that: “…any satisfactory analysis of the causes [of the cycle] must start with what induces that credit expansion” and, following such analysis, “…we immediately cease to wonder why the mere increase of credit facilities in or before a depression proves as ineffectual as we know it does.” Unless credit demand is coming from entrepreneurs for the purpose of discontinuous innovation, the desired economic development will not occur. Without such initiating discontinuous innovation, encouraging the uptake of available credit by central banks through lower interest rates and/or “quantitative easing” is ineffectual in stimulating recovery from a recession. In fact, it can be argued that the outcome is likely to be worse due to a “two-fold dampening effect” on the discontinuous innovation that is necessary for the required recovery from recession. Increasing the availability of cheaper credit to firms within the circular flow – as the US monetary authorities started in very late 2008 to stimulate the economy out of a post-GFC stagnant malaise – has the effect of, in the worst case, reducing costs, the benefit of which returns directly to shareholders as companies seek to maintain their levels of dividend payouts. In a better case, the reinvestment of profits stimulates investment in adaptive improvement but, by supporting the longevity of established businesses, this reduces the likelihood of creative destruction occurring. The risk-adversity of firms in the circular flow and their reluctance to undertake any significant innovative investment in recessionary conditions may tend to make the former outcome more likely than the latter. Thus, the two together – the increased dividend payout and the induced preference for investment in minor incremental innovation – tend to create a two-fold dampening effect.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

A more effective monetary policy in recessionary conditions may be to hold general levels of interest rates steady while implementing policies to improve the flow of lower cost credit to potential entrepreneurs. Analysis of such a proactive policy is beyond the scope of this entry, but the objective would be to increase the flow of credit to dynamic discontinuous entrepreneurs while restraining the availability of credit to existing businesses. From a public policy perspective, such a proactive credit policy for new innovative entrepreneurs to emerge can only be a supplement to a fiscal policy that provides the appropriate infrastructure (e.g., roads, Internet) and supportive public capital formation (incubators, enterprise centers), which has been cogently argued by Mazzucato (2013). This is in contrast to austerity through tight fiscal policy and passive low interest rate monetary policy that has kept developed economies in a post-GFC weak employment market (Sawyer and Arestis 2015). A strong business cycle expansion can only arise from a new innovative entrepreneurial stimulus that promotes sustainable development, and is itself supported by a pro-entrepreneur active public policy that assists in creating jobs by new entrepreneurs in novel firms and industries (see Courvisanos 2012a, pp. 258–260).

Conclusion and Future Directions This entry has taken a discernibly strong Schumpeterian perspective to entrepreneurship, since this perspective is the only rigorous approach that unites entrepreneurs with innovation without conflating the innovation process with simply the operation of a business. In neoclassical economics, there is no such clear perspective since it lacks an economic development approach, leaving entrepreneurship to be merely the organizing agency of the available resources of land, labor, and capital within a static equilibrium model. Instead, what is required by economic thought for future analysis is a dynamic complex adaptive model implied by Schumpeter with his description of innovative movement into disequilibrium. A growing body of evolutionary and neo-Schumpeterian economics provide this dynamic Schumpeterian perspective


that has much to offer future economic analysis, but only if this “supply-side” is combined the “effective demand-side” work of Post Keynesians and Kaleckians on investment, consumption, and income distribution which determine how economic development out of innovation materializes (Courvisanos 2012b). There are some significant implications that arise from the discussion above that provide clear suggestions for future research directions. One is systematizing endogeneity of the entrepreneurial spirit within a complex adaptive system and rejecting the static market equilibrium approach. This would then provide basis for better economic development models of national economies and major regions. Another suggestion is the role of the dynamic entrepreneur in combining existing technologies into new areas of activity that eventually diffuses such innovation to become major industries. This would then provide basis for better analysis of the role of the entrepreneur in the path of creative destruction. Third suggestion is based on satisficing decision-making under uncertainty that evaluates new venture business creations that are truly innovative. This would then provide basis for better understanding of role of uncertainty in innovation decision-making in the context of intuition and sensitivity to change. Final suggestion is based on the role of innovation and innovative public policy in cycles and crisis, in contrast to austerity fiscal policy and passive monetary policy that together have proven ineffective in stimulating economies. This would provide basis for distinctly proactive public policies that create “room to move” for new trajectories that reject incumbent powerful monopolies, but also do not eulogize small business operators (for more on this, see Courvisanos 2012a).

Cross-References ▶ Business Climate and Entrepreneurialism ▶ Business Cycles ▶ Corporate Entrepreneurship ▶ Creativity and Innovation: What Is the Difference? ▶ Entrepreneurship Policies


▶ Joseph A. Schumpeter and Innovation ▶ Risk, Uncertainty, and Business Creation ▶ Schumpeterian Entrepreneur

References Acs ZJ, Autio E, Szerb L. National systems of entrepreneurship: measurement issues and policy implications. Res Policy. 2014;43(3):476–94. Archer MS. Realist social theory: the morphogenetic approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1995. Arestis P, Karakitsos E. The post ‘great recession’ US economy: implications for financial markets and the economy. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan; 2010. Baumol W. Entrepreneurship in economic theory. Am Econ Rev. 1968;58(2):64–71. Baumol W. Entrepreneurship, management and the structure of payoffs. Cambridge: MIT Press; 1994. Baumol W. The free market innovation machine. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2002. Baumol W. The microtheory of innovative entrepreneurship. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2010. Burton A. The Rainhill story: the great locomotive trial. London: BBC; 1980. Buxey G. Strategies in an era of global competition. Int J Oper Prod Manag. 2000;20(9):997–1016. Courvisanos J. Optimize versus satisfice: two approaches to an investment policy in sustainable development. In: Holt R, Pressman S, Spash CL, editors. Post keynesian and ecological economics: confronting environmental issues. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar; 2009. p. 279–300. Courvisanos J. Cycles, crises and innovation: path to sustainable development – a Kaleckian-Schumpeterian synthesis. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar; 2012a. Courvisanos J. Innovation. In: King JE, editor. The Elgar companion to post Keynesian economics. 2nd ed. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar; 2012b. p. 294–300. Frederick HH, Kuratko DF, Hodgetts RM. Entrepreneurship: theory, process, practice. Asia–Pacific ed. South Melbourne: Thomson learning; 2006. Hamdouch A, He F. R & D offshoring and clustering dynamics in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology: key features and insights from the Chinese case. J Innov Econ. 2009;4(2):95–117. Hamdouch A, Laperche B, Munier F. The collective innovation process and the need for dynamic coordination: general presentation. J Innov Econ. 2008;2(2):3–13. Holling CS. Resilience and stability of ecological systems. Annu Rev Ecol Syst. 1973;4:1–23. Keynes JM. The principles of probability. In: Keynes papers. Cambridge: King’s College; 1907. Knight FH. Risk, uncertainty and profit. New York: Harper and Row; 1921.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Kregel J. Changes in the U.S. financial system and the subprime crisis, Working Paper No. 530. New York: The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College; 2008. Lewis M. Railways in the Greek and Roman World. In: Guy A, Rees J, editors. Early railways: a selection of papers from the first international early railways conference. London: Newcomen Society; 2001. p. 8–19. Mazzucato M. The entrepreneurial state: debunking public vs. private sector myths. London: Anthem Press; 2013. Michaelides P, Milios J. Joseph Schumpeter and the German historical, school. Camb J Econ. 2009;33 (3):495–516. Robinson J. Economic philosophy. Harmondsworth: Penguin; 1962. Rogers E. Diffusion of innovations. 4th ed. New York: The Free Press; 1995. Salavisa I, Videira P, Santos F. Entrepreneurship and social networks in IT sectors: the case of the software industry in Portugal. J Innov Econ. 2009;4(2):15–39. Sawyer M, Arestis P. Austerity cannot explain the current UK economic growth. Challenge. 2015;58(2):149–59. Schumpeter JA. Das wesen und der hauptinhalt der theoretischen nationalökonomie (the essence and principal contents of economic theory). Leipzig: Duncker and Humblot; 1908. Schumpeter JA. Theorie der wirtschaftlichen entwicklung (the theory of economic development). Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot; 1912. Schumpeter JA. The theory of economic development: an inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest and the business cycle. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Harvard University Press; 1934 (English translation of 1926 2nd German edition of Theorie der Wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung). Schumpeter JA. The analysis of economic change. Rev Econ Stat. 1935;17(4):2–10. Schumpeter JA. Business cycles: a theoretical, historical and statistical analysis of the capitalist process. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1939. 2 Volumes. Schumpeter JA. Capitalism, socialism and democracy. New York: Harper 1942. Simon H. From substantive to procedural rationality. In: Latsis S, editor. Method and appraisal in economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1976. p. 129–48. Smith K. Innovation as a systemic phenomenon: rethinking the role of policy. In: Bryant K, Wells A, editors. A new economic paradigm? Innovation-based evolutionary systems, discussions in science and innovation, vol. 4. Canberra: Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Commonwealth of Australia; 1998. p. 17–53. Swedberg R. Rebuilding Schumpeter’s theory of entrepreneurship. In: Conference on Marshall, Schumpeter and social science. Tokyo: Hitotsubashi University; 2007. Taleb NN. The black swan: the impact of the highly improbable. London: Penguin Books; 2008.


N-Tuple of Helices Loet Leydesdorff Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Synonyms Complex dynamics

Definition As a generalization of a biological double helix and an institutional triple helix, the n-tuple of helices is based on Luhmann’s distinction of symbolically generalized media and codes of communication that are considered functionally differentiated as the economy, polity, science, etc. In response to Carayannis and Campbell’s (2009) introduction of a quadruple helix and the further extension to a quintuple helix by Carayannis and Campbell (2010), Leydesdorff (2012) argued that an n-tuple of helices can be expected in a pluriform and differentiated society. The metaphor of a triple helix (TH) of university-industry-government relations (Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff 2000) more or less invites proposals to extend the model to more than three helices (Bunders et al. 1999). In a discussion which focused on bringing “society” or “the public”

back into the model as a fourth helix, Leydesdorff and Etzkowitz (2003) argued that the helices represent specialization and codification in function systems which evolve from and within civil society. A pluriform “society” is no longer coordinated by a central instance, but functions in terms of interactions among variously coded communications. Money, for example, can be considered as a prime example of a symbolically generalized medium of communication (Parsons 1968): It enables us to pay without having to negotiate the price of a commodity. Power, truth, trust, and affection are other “performative” media with specific functions (Luhmann 1975, 1995). Following Merton (1957), Luhmann (1995) historicized the possible functionalities in social communication in terms of “performative” media. For example, one can raise the question of whether a new code has emerged at the interface between the sciences and the economy since patents became increasingly organized at the interfaces as a vehicle for the protection of intellectual property rights (Leydesdorff 2008). Simon (1962, p. 478; 1973, pp. 19 ff.) conjectured that any complex system operates with an alphabet. Thus, there may be 20þ symbolically generalizable media of communication available in interhuman interactions. While this plurality of codes can be expected to resound latently in all interhuman interactions, some of the codes of communication can be specifically deselected in institutional settings. A discourse in court, for example, is structured differently from a scholarly discourse.

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200002-2


The differences in meaning provided in the various communications can be translated by reflexive (human or institutional) agency. From this systems perspective, communicative competencies thus are developed in the plural (cf. Habermas 1981; Leydesdorff 2010). The translations can be expected to generate redundancy. Redundancy can be measured; increased redundancy reduces uncertainty in niches and other configurations (Leydesdorff et al. 2014a). University-industrygovernment relations, for example, can be expected to flourish when all partners in the arrangement are provided with feedback from the interactions meaningfully to their own further development. In a knowledge-based economy, in other words, one should not only optimize the retention of “wealth from knowledge,” but also nourish the generation of further research questions (i.e., new options) from social and economic demand. Variety is required in the different dimensions of a triple or n-tuple helix so that differently coded discourses can select upon each other and interact (Ashby 1958). One may wish to move beyond the triple helix model with three relevant selection environments, but every further dimension requires substantive specification, operationalization in terms of potentially relevant data, and sometimes the further development of relevant indicators (e.g., Leydesdorff and Sun 2009). A routine for measuring redundancy in triple and quadruple helix interactions is available at http://leydesdorff.net/ software/th4/ (Leydesdorff et al. 2014b).

Cross-References ▶ Innovation Systems ▶ Triple Helix

References Ashby WR. Requisite variety and its implications for the control of complex systems. Cybernetica. 1958;1 (2):1–17.

N-Tuple of Helices Carayannis EG, Campbell DFJ. “Mode 3” and “Quadruple Helix”: toward a 21st century fractal innovation ecosystem. Int J Technol Manag. 2009;46(3):201–34. Carayannis EG, Campbell DFJ. Triple helix, quadruple helix and quintuple helix and how do knowledge, innovation, and environment relate to each other? Int J Soc Ecol Sust Dev. 2010;1(1):41–69. Etzkowitz H, Leydesdorff L. The dynamics of innovation: from national systems and “mode 2” to a triple helix of university-industry-government relations. Res Policy. 2000;29(2):109–23. Habermas J. Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp; 1981. Leydesdorff L. Patent classifications as indicators of intellectual organization. J Am Soc Inf Sci Technol. 2008;59(10):1582–97. Leydesdorff L. Communicative competencies and the structuration of expectations: the creative tension between Habermas’ critical theory and Luhmann’s social systems theory. Complicity Int J Complexity Educ 2010;7(2):66-76. http://ejournals.library. ualberta.ca/index.php/complicity/article/view/8915 Leydesdorff L. The triple helix, quadruple helix,. . ., and an N-tuple of helices: explanatory models for analyzing the knowledge-based economy? J Knowl Econ. 2012;3 (1):25–35. doi:10.1007/s13132-13011-10049-13134. Leydesdorff L, Etzkowitz H. Can “the public” be considered as a fourth helix in university-industry-government relations? report of the fourth triple helix conference. Sci Public Policy. 2003;30(1):55–61. Leydesdorff L, Sun Y. National and international dimensions of the triple helix in Japan: university-industrygovernment versus international co-authorship relations. J Am Soc Inf Sci Technol. 2009;60(4):778–88. Leydesdorff L, Johnson M, Ivanova IA. The communication of expectations and individual understanding: redundancy as reduction of uncertainty, and the processing of meaning. Kybernetes. 2014a;43(9/ 10):1362–71. Leydesdorff L, Park HW, Lengyel B. A routine for measuring synergy in university-industry-government relations: mutual information as a Triple-Helix and Quadruple-Helix indicator. Scientometrics. 2014b;99 (1):27–35. doi:10.1007/s11192-013-1079-4. Luhmann N. Einführende Bemerkungen zu einer Theorie symbolisch generalisierter Kommunikationsmedien. In: Soziologische Aufklärung, vol. 2. Opladen: Westdeutscher; 1975. p. 170–92. Luhmann N. Social systems. Stanford: Stanford University Press; 1995. Merton RK. Social theory and social structure. Rev. ed. Glencoe: The Free Press; 1957. Parsons T. Interaction: I. Social interaction. In: Sills DL, editor. The international encyclopedia of the social sciences, vol. 7. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1968. p. 429–41.

N-Tuple of Helices Simon HA. The architecture of complexity. Proc Am Philos Soc. 1962;106(6):467–82. Bunders JFG, Broerse JEW, Zweekhorst MBM. The triple helix enriched with the user perspective: A view from Bangladesh. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 1999;24(2):235–246.

3 Simon HA. The Organization of Complex Systems. In H. H. Pattee (Ed.), Hierarchy Theory: The Challenge of Complex Systems (pp. 1–27). New York: George Braziller Inc. 1973.


Student Creativity and Inventiveness students. This causes students continually repeatin Business Administration ing the same behaviors that have been seeing over Sofia Estelles-Miguel, Marta Palmer Gato and José Miguel Albarracín Guillem Departament of Business Organisation, Faculty of Business Administration and Management, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain

Synonyms Imagination and innovation in student of Business Administration; Student art and talent in Business Administration; Student innovativeness and originality in Business Management

Introduction Usually, studies in Business Administration have been based on conduct some lectures to which students had to attend. In response to the teacher’s explanations, students had to repeat the knowledge learned in an examination and solve problems in such tests similar to those previously resolved by the teacher in case. This process ends with creativity and inventiveness of the

the years; thereby, freedom, creativity, and inventiveness of students are restricted, i.e., walking in those paths that have already been traveled, but this will not help new approaches or strategies. Creativity and inventiveness are among the skills that today more than ever are needed especially in professional settings. However, these are usually neglected and do not confer any relevance in educational contexts. But at the conclusion of training and facing the work activity, it reveals the importance of creative and innovative skills to cope with problems, challenges, and improvements. Some teachers have tried to break these paradigms to help students be more imaginative and devise unconventional and different solutions, not to repeat what they have learned in class, open their imagination, and seek and propose new solutions to old problems. For which we must change the method of teaching. The more expeditious the changes, the greater need we have to make adjustments, adaptations, and use the ability to create ideas. That is why if we want the next generation to confront the future with ease and self.conficende, we must educate them to make them original and competent (Csikszentmihalyi 1998).

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200005-1


Student Creativity and Inventiveness in Business Administration

Notions of “Creativity” and “Inventiveness” Refer essentially to the Business Administration Student Sphere Creativity (Synonym: Imagination, Inventiveness, Originality)

“Creativity” is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. Other definition is that creativity is any idea, act, or product that changes an existing domain or that transforms and existing domain into a new one (Franken 1982). In order to be creative, the people need to be able to view things from a different viewpoint and perspective or in new ways. The people need to be able to generate new alternatives or possibilities. Creativity tests measure the number of different alternatives that people can generate and the uniqueness of those alternatives. But the ability to generate different alternatives does not occur by change; it is linked to other qualities of thinking, such as tolerance, flexibility, and the enjoyment of things heretofore unknown. It is commonly argued that the notion of “creativity” originated in Western culture through Christianity, as a matter of divine inspiration. However, this is not creativity in the modern sense that arose in the Renaissance, creativity is not seen as a conduit for the divine but from the abilities of “great men.” By the eighteenth century, creativity was linked with the imagination concept, where the imagination became a key element of human cognition. By the nineteenth century, that linked creativity with aspect of genius. Wallas (1926) presented one of the first models of the creative process consisting of five stages, these are: • Preparation: It is a preparatory work on a problem that explores the problem’s dimensions and focuses the individual’s mind on the problem. • Incubation: Where the problem is internalized into the unconscious mind and nothing appears externally to be happening.

• Intimation: The creative person gets a “feeling” that a solution is on its way. • Insight or illumination: The creative idea bursts forth from its preconscious processing into conscious awareness. • Verification: The idea is consciously verified, elaborated, and then applied. Kaufman and Beghetto (2009) introduced a “Four C” model of creativity. This model was intended to accommodate theories and models of creativity. The different types are: • Mini-c: Transformative learning involving personally meaningful interpretations of experiences, actions, and insights • Little-c: Everyday problem-solving and creative expression. • Pro-C: Exhibited by people who are professionally or vocationally creative though not necessarily eminent. • Big-C: Creativity considered great in the given field. This model made a useful framework for analyzing creative processes in individuals. Creative destruction theory describes the way in which old ways of doing things are endogenously destroyed and replaced by the new. From the point of view of some economists, creativity is an important element in the recombination of elements to produce new products and produce economic growth. Economics’ creativity have focused on three aspects: • Methods of modelling markets for creativity • The impact of creativity on economic growth • Maximization of economic creativity (innovation) A psychoeconomic model describes creativity as the product of endowments and active investments in creativity; the costs and benefits of bringing creative activity to market determine the supply of creativity. Creativity in Education. In today’s competitive world, education plays a key role in the prosperity

Student Creativity and Inventiveness in Business Administration

and success of students. The conventional system of schooling as “stifling” of creativity and attempt to provide a creativity-friendly, rich, and imagination-fostering environment for children. Academic achievement distinguishes between students and predicts their success at work. Technology is advancing our society at an unprecedented rate, and creative problem-solving will be needed to cope with these challenges as they arise. In addition to helping with problem-solving, creativity also helps students identify problems where others have failed to do so. Higher education across the world is striving to produce graduates that will be self-reliant. Promoting problemsolving and intrinsic motivation are two areas where educators can foster creativity and inventiveness in students. Students are more creative when they see a task as intrinsically motivating, valued for its own sake. To promote creative thinking, professors need to identify what motivates their students and design and structure teaching around it. Studying Business Administration offers students opportunity to develop skills, abilities, and competences and understanding necessary to enter and progress in particular business occupations. Providing students with a choice of activities to complete allows them to become more motivated and therefore creative in completing the tasks. Teaching students to solve problems that do not have well-defined answers is another way to foster their inventiveness and creativity. This is accomplished by allowing students to explore different problems and redefine them, possibly drawing on knowledge that at first may seem unrelated to the problem in order to solve it. The degree of Business Administration prepares students for occupational intelligence, job competence, and work adjustment. The skills and competences acquired through business education can lead to an individual’s economic survival and self-employment. Student exposure to business skills is to create a group of women and men of character, competence, and skill, people who are balanced in their emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being and who will be effective in the design and implementation of development strategies. A good business


administrator therefore should be creative, innovative, and emotionally intelligent. Creativity has also been identified as one of the key twenty-first century skills. Inventiveness (Synonym: Resourcefulness, Imagination, Contrivance)

“Inventiveness” is like originality, imagination, and creativity. It is to be able to use different interpretive strategies to process information and put them into practice to construct products and ideas not yet detected. Inventiveness is a set of mental and hands-on skills, skills like critical and creative thinking, flexibility, problem-solving, risk-taking, tinkering, communication, and collaboration that can help lead to great success in life, whether a child becomes a chef or an inventor (Wood 2014). Whereas there is no clear set of features or characteristics all creative persons share, there are a few attributes or qualities they tend to have in common like imagination, persistence, curiosity, and improvisation. These are the cornerstones of the creative person’s toolkit. And it takes a certain kind of mind to look at a problem and a mistake and join them together to create something new. And unfortunately, that sort of experimental thinking is often squashed in childhood. Inventiveness is often understood as creation of something innovative, something totally new that never existed before. The dividing line between “innovative” and “new” is in most cases extremely delicate and subtle which is the reason for words inventiveness and creativity being used interchangeably as well. Teaching inventiveness. Even if one believes that inventiveness cannot be taught, methods that promote inventiveness do exist and have proven their usefulness. It is difficult to convince students that looking for robust and simplest solutions is better than optimizing existing ones. Teaching of creativity and inventiveness is strongly related to the way students think in action. Look for the best solutions, one of the most daunting teaching tasks is to motivate students to prove that their solution has shortcomings, list them and search for a better solution. It is like


Student Creativity and Inventiveness in Business Administration

asking for development of lack of self-confidence and continuous self-doubting. Methods of activating a creative search. The creative function of the brain is dependent upon its ability to approach an issue from a different viewpoint by combining insights, information, and perspectives that are already available. We can improve every function of our brain through diligent practice. The following seven techniques work really well:

In the actual educational system, students are not taught in a way that enhances creative thinking, and the assessment procedures do not reward creativity or innovativeness. This is a serious challenge to the actual educational system which can be enhanced through creative thinking. Creativity cannot be created but it can be cultivated and it can also be destroyed. We recommend that higher education institutions:

• Place in creativity-friendly surroundings. • Think more! The first solution might not be the best one. • Ask all the right questions. The unexpected answers could be the potential solution. • Practice and practice. • Stay conscious. Examine your knowledge and pay attention to the details. • Connect the dots is the key to creativity, to develop an entirely new idea. • Sometimes, simplicity is the best solution.

• Offer a wide variety of courses on creativity and the inventive process. These courses should be based on how people learn. • Promote creativity-oriented activities. • Lead the development of mechanisms to enable creativity and inventiveness. • Implement activities that promote the importance of creativity and inventiveness in all education activities. • Develop new work materials to encourage creativity and inventiveness in students. It would be ideal the development of problems with open solution.

Conclusion and Future Directions Creativity and inventiveness are fundamental to self-confidence and self-sufficiency. Creativity and inventiveness allows human beings to get the most out of life experiences. Creativity produces new concepts, actionable ideas, new designs, and opportunities while innovativeness adds values to the new products. Creativity is the confluence of intellectual activity, motivation, knowledge, personality, thinking styles, and environment. This is why creativity, generative perception, and constructive and design thinking plus innovation should form the basis of any education for sustainable development. Creativity and innovativeness should be related to intellectual activity and knowledge. Without creativity, a person is not able to access the fullness of information and resources available but is locked up in old habits, patterns, structures, perceptions, and concepts.

We recommend a substantial increase in research on the process of creativity and teaching of inventiveness. This should include research aimed at a deeper understanding of the creative mind and creative environment, as well as research on the measurement of inventiveness, diffusion of teaching of inventive creativity, and the study of rapid learning as part of the boundary transgression that is at the heart of invention. Business Administration students need to develop their creativity and inventiveness because they constantly face new challenges for which we have to prepare them. We need highly trained professionals for these new challenges. Creativity and inventiveness are skills necessary but not sufficient in this new world we face. We must prepare them to face the unknown future.

Cross-References ▶ Creativity

Student Creativity and Inventiveness in Business Administration

▶ Creativity and Teaching of Inventiveness ▶ Inventiveness

References Csikszentmihalyi M. Creatividad el fluir y la psicología del descubrimiento y la invención. Paidos: Buenos Aires; 1998.


Franken RE. Human motivation. Monterrey: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company; 1982. Wallas G. Art of thought. London: Solis Press; 1926. Edition 2014. Kaufman JC, Beghetto RA. Beyond big and little: the four C model of creativity. Rev Gen Psychol. 2009; 13(1):1–12. Wood D. Can inventiveness be taught? 2014. http://www. education.com/magazine/article/inventiveness-taught/. Retrieved 20 Jun 2016.


Women’s Entrepreneurship and Invention João J. Ferreira1,3 and Cristina Fernandes2,3 1 Management and Economics, University of Beira Interior & NECE – Research Unit in Business Sciences, Covilhã, Portugal 2 Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco, Portugal 3 NECE – Research Unit in Business Sciences, Covilhã, Covilhã, Portugal

Women-owned businesses

Synonyms Female entrepreneurship; Gender entrepreneurship; Women-owned businesses

Key Concepts and Definition of Terms Female entrepreneurship

Gender entrepreneurship

Group who unashamedly call for recognition of the legitimacy of their views. The vision women entrepreneurs have of their business and the factors which influence it will have to be studied more closely, across industrial sectors. They may bring a refreshing alternative to the “greater than life” models of entrepreneurship which are

widely diffused in the popular press and so foreign to many women entrepreneurs, even among those who have businesses grossing several millions of dollars a year. The differences between entrepreneurial men and entrepreneurial women as regards their psychological and sociological characteristics. Is one in which the sole owner is a woman or one half or more of the partners is women. The United States Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) defines a woman-owned business as a woman-owned business that is at least 51% owned, controlled, and operated by a woman or women.

Theoretical Background The contributions of women toward productivity, both within the domestic family household and in formal business organizations, fundamentally shape economic and social growth. However, a large part of the evidence to this contribution remains beyond description with the entrepreneurial activities of

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200006-1


women furthermore broadly still either invisible or contested. According to the Intellectual Property and Women Entrepreneurs (IPWE) report carried out by the National Women’s Business Council, women hold significantly greater participation rates in brand-related activities in comparison with patent-based activities. The participation of women in Trademark activities measured as a percentage of known brands more than doubled over the period from 1980 to 2010, from around 16.5% in 1980 to over 33% in 2010. According to a report from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), women display a greater propensity to become independent entrepreneurs and maintain their patents as “unassigned,” while there is a greater likelihood of men taking up leadership roles in business and corporate research. The latent potential and undervaluation of female entrepreneurship consequently bears important implications for innovation, job creation, as well as the overall generation of wealth in the global economy. The persistent masculinized social construction of stereotypical entrepreneurial persona conveys a lack of any connection between women and entrepreneurship (Eddleston and Powell 2008). The normative constructions of femininity do not prove congruent with the prevailing entrepreneurial stereotypes that rest upon masculinized attributes such as risk, aggression, competitiveness, individuality, and economic rationality (Cálas et al. 2009). Irrespective of the growing body of research on gender entrepreneurship, very little research attention has looked at the propensity of women to engage in entrepreneurship even, while recent studies do report that the percentage of companies set up by women has risen significantly over recent years. There is also broad recognition as regards the important role that women play within the scope of national growth processes. There is a similar consensus around how the launching of new companies provides a fundamental component to the overall economic growth process. According to The State of Women-Owned Business Report, between 2007 and 2016, the number of women-owned firms in the United States surged by 45% against an increase of just 9% in the total number of businesses. Hence, over the last 9 years, the number of women-owned firms

Women’s Entrepreneurship and Invention

has advanced at an overall pace five times faster than the national average. Various studies report gender-based differences as regards entrepreneurial intentions and finding that males display greater intentions to this end than women. Another factor also influencing these differences stems from the cultural dimension. Cultural values may also worsen any of these existing differences. Indeed, the cultural dimension shapes the roles of gender and the social stereotypes prevailing in terms of those occupations considered appropriate for men and women.

The Emergence of Women’s Entrepreneurship In order to attain a better understanding of the state of the art regarding entrepreneurial women and their inventions and innovations, we carried out research in the Science Citation Index Expanded (1900–present), Social Sciences Citation Index (1956–present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975–present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science (1990–present), and Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Social Science & Humanities (1990–present), compiled by the online databases of Thomson/Reuters-ISI. This research survey took place in July 2016 and spanned the Web of Science™ Core Collection database and applying the research terms of “female entrepreneurship,” “women entrepreneurship,” and “woman entrepreneurship” to the title, abstract, and keywords and with a chronological filter running through to 2015. The research returned a total of 159 references with publication dates ranging from 1998 (3 references) to 2014 (33 references). Figure 1 presents the annualized trend in the number of articles published. The average year comes in at 2010.9  3.9 and hence conveying how this field of research remains in its growth phase. Through to 2000, we may observe a total of four references to the topic, while from 2003 onward, there is publication every year with 2007 seeing the beginning of a sharp increase in the number of publications. 2015 represents the

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30 25


21 20

17 14


12 10


8 6

5 0







3 1




3 0





















Women’s Entrepreneurship and Invention, Fig. 1 Number of references by year of publication

year when there was the greatest number of publications on female entrepreneurship. The five articles receiving the greatest number of citations are: 1. Verheul et al. (2006). Explaining female and male entrepreneurship at the country level. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 18(2), 151–183 (71 citations, 7.1 citations per year). 2. Minniti, M. and Nardone, C. (2007). Being in someone else’s shoes: the role of gender in nascent entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 28(2–3), 223–238 (64 citations, 7.1 citations per year). 3. Lewis, P. (2006). The quest for invisibility: Female entrepreneurs and the masculine norm of entrepreneurship. Gender Work and Organization, 13(5), 453–469 (64 citations, 6.4 citations per year). 4. Fairlie, R. W. and Robb, A. M. (2009). Gender differences in business performance: evidence from the Characteristics of Business Owners survey. Small Business Economics, 33(4), 375–395 (40 citations, 5.7 citations per year). 5. Field et al. (2010). Do Traditional Institutions Constrain Female Entrepreneurship? A Field Experiment on Business Training in India.

American Economic Review, 100(2), 125–129 (30 citations, 5.0 citations per year). These top five articles explore different women entrepreneurship issues: (i) Verheul et al. (2006) apply data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor for 29 countries to research the differentials and the impacts of various factors on female and male entrepreneurship at the national level. The authors detail two measurements for female entrepreneurship: the number of female business owners and the percentage of women in the overall total of business owners. The former serves to research whether the variables generate an impact on entrepreneurship in general (influencing both the number of female and male entrepreneurs). The second measurement serves to consider whether these factors hold a differentiating relative impact on female and male entrepreneurship, thus, whether they influence gender diversity or the composition of entrepreneurship. The results indicate that in general, the rates of female and male business activities are subject to influences by the same factors and in the same


direction. However, some factors (e.g., unemployment, satisfaction with life) do return a differentiated impact on female and male entrepreneurship. This study also identifies how the factors influencing the number of female business owners may differ from those influencing the participation of female business owners. (ii) Minniti and Nardone (2007) analyze which variables cause the differences in entrepreneurial behaviours between the genders and whether these differences are independent of any national effect and to this end studying the choices made by men and women in identical socioeconomic circumstances. The results reveal that the relationships between the probability of starting a business and age, household income, employment situation, and level of education do not depend on gender and that the situations arising from employment and education do have some specific impact in terms of gender shaping the probability of launching a company. (iii) Lewis (2006) explores the differences and divisions between women owning businesses in London and does not report any gender-related questions alongside those who attribute importance to gender-related matters. This article highlights the attitudes and experiences of a growing group of entrepreneurs who, to a large extent, tend to get ignored while also reflecting on the perceptions women themselves hold about this situation. Despite some women seeking to omit any gender-based differences, correspondingly emphasizing their similarities with their male counterparts, this article paradoxically reveals the gender dimension to entrepreneurship. The efforts some female entrepreneurs put into maintaining gender outside the business environment demonstrate their unrecognized awareness of the fundamental input of gender into evaluations of their performance in the business field. (iv) In turn, Fairlie and Robb (2009) study the performance of female-owned companies in the United States and making comparisons with those owned by their male peers to

Women’s Entrepreneurship and Invention

explore the role of human capital, especially through prior experience of employment and financial capital. The authors conclude that companies owned by women hold a lower chance of success than those owned by males because the former have less start-up capital, less human capital acquired through prior experience in similar businesses, as well as lower levels of experience of working in family firms. The study also produces evidence that female business owners worked fewer hours and may display different preferences as regards their business targets that may generate implications for their subsequent results. (v) Field et al. (2010) analyze the limitations and constraints present in traditional business cultures in relation to female entrepreneurship in India, evaluating whether the structures of traditional institutions raise obstacles to potential, future business women, especially whether the appropriate means of access, limited demand or the social norms drive a lower rate of female business owners. The authors report the existence of positive effects arising from education in business practices for the potential earnings of female business owners.

Conclusions and Implications Knowledge on the conceptual map of female entrepreneurship represents a very recent field of study in which the main studies have been developed in the United States. Women invest in entrepreneurship for the same reasons as men and hence to sustain themselves and their families, to enrich their lives with a career and financial independence. Female entrepreneurs also need the cooperation and support of investors and financiers, employees, suppliers, and consumers. When these factors act as an impediment, society loses the opportunity to draw upon the entrepreneurial energies of a significant section of the population. Female entrepreneurship, however, has been expanding around the world in recent decades in a phenomenon

Women’s Entrepreneurship and Invention

closely bound up with the rise in the number of women that gain technical skills and higher levels of education and qualifications. Women, now more visible, through the introduction of innovations, risk taking, and more active behaviors in terms of sales, competition, and the management of large companies, play a highly important role in multivariate contexts, whether in the domestic family environment or in organizations, entrepreneurship, and economic development. We believe that this study holds important implications for the field of female entrepreneurship in keeping with its examination of co-citation data and recourse to a quantitative approach in order to map both the scientific publications and the intellectual structure of the field. There would be further interest in examining the more recent and lesser cited publications that ended up excluded from our study here. This may prove an approach able to obtain and/or distinguish between alternative groups of theories. Hence, future studies should also consider analytical approaches exclusively to those articles published in journals dedicated to gender entrepreneurship and incorporate specific analysis of the most recent references. These and other alternative methodological approaches may strengthen and deepen our understanding of female entrepreneurship and the connections existing between the various universities, academics, and theoretical perspectives.


Cross-References ▶ Intellectual Property and Women Entrepreneurs. Quantitative Analysis. National Women’s Business Council ▶ Global Entrepreneurship Monitor ▶ The State of Women-Owned Business Report

References Cálas M, Smircich L, Bourne K. Extending the boundaries: reframing “entrepreneurship as social change” through feminist perspectives. Acad Manag Rev. 2009;34(3):552–69. Eddleston KA, Powell GN. The role of gender identity in explaining sex differences in business owners’ career satisfier preferences. J Bus Ventur. 2008;23(2):244–56. Fairlie RW, Robb AM. Gender differences in business performance: evidence from the characteristics of business owners survey. Small Bus Econ. 2009;33(4):375–95. doi:10.1007/s11187-009-9207-5. Field E, Jayachandran S, Pande R. Do traditional institutions constrain female entrepreneurship? A field experiment on business training in India. Am Econ Rev. 2010;100(2):125–9. doi:10.1257/aer.100.2.125. Lewis P. The quest for invisibility: female entrepreneurs and the masculine norm of entrepreneurship. Gend Work Organ. 2006;13(5):453–69. doi:10.1111/j.14680432.2006.00317.x. Minniti M, Nardone C. Being in someone else’s shoes: the role of gender in nascent entrepreneurship. Small Bus Econ. 2007;28(2–3):223–38. doi:10.1007/s11187-0069017-y. Verheul I, Van Stel A, Thurik R. Explaining female and male entrepreneurship at the country level. Entrepr Reg Dev. 2006;18(2):151–83. doi:10.1080/ 08985620500532053.


Social Media Crowdsourcing

Key Concepts and Definition of Terms

Jordi Paniagua1 and Pawel Korzynski2,3 1 Faculty of Economics and Business, Catholic Universtiy of Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Valencia, Spain 2 Dept. Human Resources, Kozminski University, Warszawa, Poland 3 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

Social Media Social media is an ambiguous, evolving concept that is frequently interchanged with related concepts of Web 2.0, user-generated content, and consumer-generated media. Social media builds upon different technologies including blogs, web pages, networking sites, and forums among others to allow interaction and communication between users. However, the nature of social media is broader concept than a specific technological platform. Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) define social media “as a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content.” Obar and Wildman (2015) identify four distinctive traits of social media:

Synonyms Consumer-generated media; Online social networks; Social networking sites; Virtual outsourcing.

Introduction Crowdsourcing is the process of outsourcing a business task or activity to a network of individuals. Crowdsourcing tales place on social media, a group of Internet-based applications that allow the creation and exchange of virtual content. Social media and crowdsourcing are shaping the way companies interact with consumers and changing the business landscape.

• Web 2.0 Internet-based applications • User-generated content • Individuals and groups create user-specific profiles for a site or app designed and maintained by a social media service • Social media connects a user’s profile with those of other individuals and/or groups

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200009-1


Web 2.0 The term Web 2.0 was coined at the end of the XX century by DiNucci (1999), but it was popularized widely in an annual summit held in San Francisco from 2004 to 2011. Web 2.0 describes the evolution of web sites from a unicast to a multicast service. Web 2.0 represents an ideological and technological foundation of the World Wide Web, where content is continuously created and modified by many users in a collaborative manner. Web 2.0 challenges users with an active interaction as creators of user-generated content. Several technological innovations have been necessary to surpass passive viewing of content like Ajax and JavaScript frameworks. User-Generated Content User-generated content (UGC) represents the different manners in which users utilize social media. UGC describes the variety of media content uploaded by end users in Web 2.0 Internet-based applications. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD 2007), UGC has the following characteristics: • Publicly available online • Creative • Nonprofessional UGC includes a large variety of public content like posts, tweets, blogs, wikis, chats, podcasts, videos, images, and audios. However, UGC excludes peer-to-peer or private communications like email or instant messaging. Commercial content or replication of existing content does not fit the general definition of UGC. UGC may be curated by a system administrator to prevent unappropriated or copyright content. The combination of UGC with the ideological (e.g., digital natives and millennials) and technological (e.g., mobile applications, coverage, and bandwidth) foundations of Web 2.0 give rises to the social media ecosystem.

Social Media Crowdsourcing

Building Blocks of Social Media Kietzmann et al. (2011) establish the seven building blocks of social media, with implications on functionality: 1. Identity: The extent to which users reveal themselves • Implications: Data privacy controls and tools for user self-promotion 2. Conversations: The extent to which users are ordered or form communities • Implications: Conversation velocity and the risks of starting and joining 3. Sharing: The extent to which users exchange, distribute, and receive content • Implications: Content management system and social graph 4. Presence: The extent to which users know if others are available • Implications: Creating and managing the reality, intimacy, and immediacy of the context 5. Relationships: The extent to which users relate to each other • Implications: Managing the structural and flow properties in a network of relationships 6. Reputation: The extent to which users know the social standing of others and content • Implications: Monitoring the strength, passion, sentiment, and reach of users and brands 7. Groups: The extent to which users are ordered or form communities • Implications: Membership rules and protocols Social Media Types The following list describes some of the most popular social media types: • General social networking sites • Corporate social networking sites • Creativity Works sharing sites (video, photo, content) • Personal blogs • Corporate blogs • Help/frequently asked questions (FAQ) sites • Collaborative sites

Social Media Crowdsourcing

• • • • • • • •

Commerce communities Podcasts News sites Educational sites Open-source software sites Social bookmarking sites Academic sharing sites Mobile communication apps

Theoretical Background and Open-ended Issues: Social Media and Business Performance One of the main differences between traditional and social media is the business potential of the latter. Social media allows firms new business and marketing opportunities. For example, customers can be targeted based on their location, preferences, past experiences, or social circle. Companies use social media for market research, direct communications with customers, sales and promotions, or e-commerce. Paniagua and Sapena (2014) posit that social media resources (e.g., conversations, identities, shares) are conveyed into business capabilities (e.g., customer links, sales abilities, reputation placement). They identify four channels by which social media increases business performance: 1. Social capital: Corporate social performance depends on the firm’s social capital or the trustworthy relations with the society through corporate identity and reputation. Social media shapes the firm’s brand and reputation, which determine CSP capabilities through the social capital channel. 2. Customer’s revealed preferences: Customers reveal the preferences with conversation, sharing, and presence in social media. Through social media mining, companies anticipate demand for products and services. Customer’s revealed preferences have an effect on financial performance (like share prices), which depends on market expectations. 3. Social marketing: Social media is embedded in today’s marketing strategy. Social media


marketing is multi-cast and involves interaction, conversation, sharing, collaboration, and engagement. Additionally, firms can tailor marketing directly to individual customer’s preferences, tastes, and experiences. Firms can use social marketing resources (e.g., conversations, sharing, presence) which are transformed to increase financial performance capabilities (e.g., sales). 4. Social corporate networking: Social corporate networking refers to the interconnection of professionals and firms staff through social media. Social corporate networking sites (like LinkedIn) connect job applicants, staff, students, and users on a professional level. The social ties occur within the company and also with other firms. Corporate networking is normally persistent, and users stay connected with former colleagues. This type of business social media allows companies to identify better job candidates and to stay connected with customers and former employees. Thus, social corporate networking increases the firm’s operational performance (Fig. 1).

Implications for Theory, Policy, and Practice: Crowdsourcing Crowdsourcing Crowdsourcing refers to the process of outsourcing a business activity to a self-selected network of undefined individuals. The outsourced task could have been performed internally by employees or suppliers, but instead it is executed individually or collaboratively by a large group of people. The organization profits from participative (generally altruistic) services, ideas, or content. Social media is the usual platform to perform crowdsourcing. Both parties benefit from crowdsourcing: the user satisfies needs like social recognition, self-esteem, or the development of individual skills (Estellés-Arolas and GonzálezLadrón-de-Guevara 2012) and the crowdsourcer


Social Media Crowdsourcing

Social Media Crowdsourcing, Fig. 1 Social media and business performance (Paniagua and Sapena 2014)

reduced costs, speed, quality, flexibility, scalability, and diversity. Crowdsourcing is usually designed as an open call or as a contest. Crowdsourcing Types Palacios et al. (2016) identify five emerging trends in crowdsourcing: 1. Problem solving: With crowdsourcing, firms use collective intelligence from different external sources to solve internal problems. Crowdsourcing is an appropriate mechanism to explore activities in the areas of research and development, market research, knowledge management, and customer service. 2. Learning paradigms: Crowdsourcing is source for the generation of new ideas which contribute to organizational learning. Crowdsourcing is normally associated with nascent and innovative firms. However, it represents a learning opportunity for firms in mature markets with a low level of innovation. 3. Open innovation: Open innovation represents the needs of organization to access new knowledge. Crowdsourcing is used to share, reuse, recombine, and accumulate knowledge to achieve external and internal innovation. In this sense, the crowd is seen as an innovation partner. 4. New product development: User innovations can be used to create new products, designs, and services which satisfy the needs of

customers. The crowd can provide firms with resources and feedback in the process of creating new products. 5. Collaborative initiative: Collaborative initiatives are an emerging trend in crowdsourcing. Many start-ups use crowdsourcing as a coordination and collaboration mechanism. Firms also seek partnerships or investment through crowdfunding, where entrepreneurs raise funds or donations from the crowd. New business models dedicated to crowdsourcing itself, with online platforms that enable third parties to launch and manage collaborative crowdsourcing initiatives. Crowdsourcing and Business Through crowdsourcing, organizations draw unique resources from the crowd (e.g., knowledge) to build performance-enhancing capabilities (e.g., acquisition, innovation). Prpić et al. (2015) argue that firms build crowd capital or organizational resources acquired through crowdsourcing. Crowd capital increases business performance in three stages: 1. Constructing a crowd: Crowdsourcing is rarely a spontaneous event; it is initiated and curated by the firm. The crowd is selected depending on the organizational considering size, specific skills, and external (from people outside of the organization) or internal membership (from employees).

Social Media Crowdsourcing

2. Developing crowd capabilities: Organizations need to establish how to obtain resources dispersed in a crowd and align them with its goals and internal processes. The crowd capability consists of acquisition and assimilation capabilities. Acquisition capabilities refer to determining the type of crowd interaction required for the acquisition of knowledge and choosing the best suited platform. Assimilation capability is the process of in the internal assimilation of crowd contributions. Organizations need to institute internal processes to organize the incoming crowd knowledge. 3. Harnessing crowd capital: An organization can construct separate or overlapping internal and external crowds. In addition, crowd capital can be generated at low cost, with a relatively low investment. Organizations should consider the different alternatives to manage efficiently crowdsourcing initiatives.

Conclusion and Future Directions With the proliferation of the Internet and mobile technologies, social media and crowdsourcing offer a wide range of possibilities for business. Social media builds on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and usergenerated content: online collaboration, creativity, and nonprofessional. Social media enhances business performance via four channels: social capital, customers’ revealed preferences, social marketing, and corporate social networking. Crowdsourcing is embedded in social media and enables organizations to draw knowledge and resources from disperse online users. Crowdsourcing builds crowd capital, which leads to competitive advantages. Social media and crowdsourcing present exciting avenues and challenges for research and practice. The wide range of possibilities challenges organizations when choosing the right medium.


Additionally, social media and crowdsourcing require a minimum number of users (or critical mass) to have an effect on business performance. These online activities require careful planning, integration, and corporate alignment.

Cross-References ▶ Online Corporate Social Networking ▶ Social Networks and Entrepreneurship ▶ User-generated Information Systems

References DiNucci D. Fragmented future. Print. 1999;53(4):32–5. Estellés-Arolas E, González-Ladrón-de-Guevara F. Towards an integrated crowdsourcing definition. J Inf Sci. 2012;38(2):189–200. Kaplan AM, Haenlein M. Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Bus Horiz. 2010;53(1):59–68. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2009. 09.003. Kietzmann JH, Hermkens K, McCarthy IP, Silvestre BS. Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media. Bus Horiz. 2011;54(3):241–51. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2011.01. 005. Obar JA, Wildman S. Social media definition and the governance challenge: an introduction to the special issue. Telecommun Policy. 2015;39(9):745–50. doi:10.1016/j.telpol.2015.07.014. Palacios M, Martinez-Corral A, Nisar A, Grijalvo M. Crowdsourcing and organizational forms: emerging trends and research implications. J Bus Res. 2016;69(5):1834–9. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.10. 065. Paniagua J, Sapena J. Business performance and social media: love or hate? Bus Horiz. 2014;57(6):719–28. Prpić J, Shukla PP, Kietzmann JH, McCarthy IP. How to work a crowd: developing crowd capital through crowdsourcing. Bus Horiz. 2015;58(1):77–85. doi:10. 1016/j.bushor.2014.09.005. Vickery, Graham, and Sacha Wunsch-Vincent. Participative web and user-created content: Web 2.0 wikis and social networking. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 2007. ISBN 97892-64-03746-5


Online Corporate Social Networking Jordi Paniagua1 and Pawel Korzynski2,3 1 Faculty of Economics and Business, Catholic Universtiy of Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Valencia, Spain 2 Dept. Human Resources, Kozminski University, Warszawa, Poland 3 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

Synonyms Corporate networking; Corporate online communities; Corporate social media; Enterprise social networking; Online professional networking; Professional e-WOM; Professional networking platforms; Professional online communities; Professional social media.

Introduction Online corporate social networking is an online activity focused on building corporate or professional relationship among organizational members. It may occur inside the organization and then it takes place on internal networking platforms which are dedicated to users working in this organization, or it could be related to online actions undertaken on external networking platforms by users working for different organizations

in order to create, maintain, or develop business or career-oriented ties.

Key Concepts and Definition of Terms Early studies on online networking were related to social networks based on computer-mediated communication such as email or computerized conferencing (Garton et al. 1997). Wellman et al. (1996) argued that when computer networks link different individuals, they become social networks that are basis for virtual communities and telework. Soon after the rise of Web 2.0 model that assumes content creation and edition by all Internet users in a collaborative fashion, the term of social media was introduced. Social media are platforms based on technological and ideological foundations of Web 2.0 (Kaplan and Haenlein 2010). The term of social media was quickly adopted by marketing researchers who developed a number of studies on consumer-to-consumer communication and consumer engagement. Some marketing scholars decided to study the phenomena electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) defined as any statement made online and available to a broader audience by past, current, or potential consumers about a product or company (Hennig-Thurau et al. 2004). Computing science scholars popularized the term of online social networks (OSNs) through publications in conference proceedings. They often analyzed big data sets in orders to study OSNs’ properties or users’ behaviors and deliver

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200010-1


Online Corporate Social Networking

some implications for the design of social network-based platforms. The term OSNs was quickly adopted by other journals specializing in business, psychology, and marketing. Management and organization researchers provided the term of online communities defined as groups of individuals who collaborate in ways that bring some advantages to them personally, while also contributing to the community as whole. Information system scholars applied also the term of online communities to study how members of online communities interact with each other. Moser et al. (2013) developed four types of members of online communities who use different communicative genres: team players who post online short advices; storytellers, who upload long messages; utility posters who do not care more about knowledge exchange than social interaction; and all-round talents whose activities do not fall in previous categories. Information system researchers rarely refer to leaders, but recently leadership studies start to appear in context of online communities. A good example is a study conducted by Faraj et al. (2015) who argued that sociability behaviors, knowledge contribution, and structural social capital help individuals be identified as leaders by an online community. Some information system researchers referred to the enterprise social networking technologies (Leonardi 2015) or enterprise social media (Beck et al. 2014) that are implemented by a company to support internal communication among members of online communities of practice. The term social media dominated practitioner literature in the area of career management. Practitioners examined the role of social media in selfpromotion activities to employers or customers, analyzed how new generations are searching for job through social media, and referred to candidate evaluation process through social media.

ResearchGate, targeted to professional and academic networking as well as internal platforms such as Yammer, Chatter, or Podio, focused on professional networking among corporate employees. It is relevant to the creation of customerand human resources-related capabilities. Online corporate social networking enables a low-cost, highly accessible way of communication. Thanks to this way of communication corporate employees can build, maintain, and develop relationships with people within and outside the company as well as support task performing through online discussion, sharing knowledge, and finding clients (Korzynski 2013).

Theoretical Background and OpenEnded Issues: Online Corporate Social Networking

Implications for Theory, Policy, and Practice: Online Corporate Social Networking and Recruitment Before professional networking platforms became popular, organizations used recruitment advertisements which replaced traditional advertisements

Online corporate social networking involves external platforms such LinkedIn, Twitter, and

Online Corporate Social Networking and Business Performance Previous studies interpreted corporate networking tools (e.g., customer relationship management software) as an asset used to increase operational performance. Paniagua and Sapena (2014) drew from resources- and capability-based concepts and argued that online corporate social networking is associated to corporate performance. The authors indicated that the extent of influence of online corporate social networking on performance depends on the ability to transform the online networking resources (e.g., online social ties) into performanceenhancing capabilities (e.g., organizational innovation, new knowledge creation).

Researchers have also shown how online corporate social networking enhances other business performance realms. Trainor et al. (2013) show how incorporating social media to customer relationship management relates positively to customer relationship performance through the creation of firm-level capabilities. Several studies also highlight the impact of general social media on financial indicators like movie’s revenues, automobile sales, unemployment rate, and share prices.

Online Corporate Social Networking

in newspapers. Users interacted on Internet through sending and receiving messages with support of email software and online forms. Professional networking platforms support seven functional areas: identity, conversations, sharing, presence, relationships, reputation, and groups (Kietzmann et al. 2011), and in recruitment processes they enable to exchange information between candidates and recruiters who act on behalf of organizations. Activities initiated by organizations usually concern posting information about products and services, setting up groups, posting comments, and posting job offers or finding candidates (which result in following or liking candidates’ profiles). These activities may influence positively candidate pool. It means that companies willing to attract high potentials should start from creating their profiles on networking platforms and posting information about products or service in an interesting way. LinkedIn, for example, enables to create showcase page as an extension of the company profile in order to present business units, initiatives, or products. Furthermore companies may register groups to facilitate discussion among potential candidates, recruiters, and current employees. Moreover, additional post on corporate issues can help gather a larger number of followers of the corporate profile. Finally, if a company would like to target employed individuals, it may provide premium accounts for its recruiters who search and contact talented individuals through recruitment tools on networking platform. Online Corporate Social Networking and Career Management Spence (1973) argued that job seekers might engage in actions decreasing information asymmetry that influences negatively selection process on labor markets. He explained how good candidates distinguish themselves from other candidates via the signal of accurate higher education. This study started an inspiring debate on applying signaling theory in different fields. A number of further studies have analyzed signaling that occurs during the career management processes. Professional networking platforms created new opportunities of activities initiated by


candidates. To interact they do not have to send messages to interact. For example, following profiles of other users or liking comments can be a sort of signal which is sent to other individuals. It is possible to distinguish three types of behaviors: self-presentation, interactions with recruiters and other users, as well as information and job search activities. Self-presentation behaviors are related to presentation of his or her experience, job achievements, and expertise. Interactions with recruiters and other users involve sending messages, following profiles, sending, or accepting invitations. Information and job search activities concern searching potential employers, observing other user profiles, or generating a list of job offers posted by companies. Online Corporate Social Networking and B2B Sales and Marketing Professional networking platforms serve as an effective tool of influence on customers’ purchasing decisions. Although many companies are still concentrated on traditional sales techniques such as cold calling and attending business summits, there is an increasing number of B2B marketing activities on professional online networking platforms such as LinkedIn, XING, or Viadeo. LinkedIn, for example, offers different marketing solutions like sponsored content, sponsored email, and dynamic ads. Moreover, LinkedIn enables premium accounts ensuring extended access to platform’s users, advanced search tools, automatic lead recommendations, or prospect alerts. It means that sales representatives may use networking platform to get lead recommendations based on their preferences, contact any member of professional network, receive realtime updates on their potential customers, or measure social selling potential.

Conclusion and Future Directions Online corporate social networking is an increasingly important activity for current companies, especially in the areas of candidate recruitment and B2B sales and marketing. Through


networking platforms recruiters are able to find experienced candidates and encourage them to participate in the job interview. Marketers may use networking platforms to build brand among various stakeholders, and sales representatives can create, maintain, or develop relationship with prospective clients. That is why online corporate social networking may be positively associated with business performance. Previous studies have showed how weak social network ties (e.g., user-generated content on networking platform) influence and can be used to predict real-world outcomes. Online corporate followers impact various business areas, such as corporate social performance and financial and operational performance (Paniagua and Sapena 2014). Unlike the extant body of literature on the effect of social media on business, little research has explored the determinants of followers of a corporate profile on networking platform. Thus, future studies should examine how online corporate activities such as posting information about products and services, setting up groups, posting comments, and posting job offers impact a number of followers. Another interesting direction for future studies on online corporate social networking could be related to leaders’ use of networking platforms. In practitioner literature, CEOs’ online corporate social networking is analyzed in terms of profile descriptions, number of posts, and number of followers. Apart from statistics concerning the use of different networking platforms, it would be very interesting to study what is the association between top CEOs’ online activity and corporate salaries. Finally, practically significant question for the future studies is whether professional platforms may serve as an effective tool of candidate selection. Some studies in this area appeared in context of traditional networking sites such as Facebook where recruiters analyze private profiles of applicants. Surprisingly, studies on applicant selection on professional platforms are rather limited. Knowledge how recruiters evaluate sources of online recommendations, skills endorsements, or

Online Corporate Social Networking

profile completeness could bring important theoretical and practical implications.

Cross-References ▶ Social Networks and Entrepreneurship ▶ User-generated Information Systems

References Beck R, Pahlke I, Seebach C. Knowledge exchange and symbolic action in social media-enabled electronic networks of practice: a multilevel perspective on knowledge seekers and contributors. MIS Q. 2014;38:1245–70. Faraj S, Kudaravalli S, Wasko M. Leading collaboration in online communities. MIS Q. 2015;39:393–412. Garton L, Haythornthwaite C, Wellman B. Studying online social networks. J Comput-Mediat Commun. 1997;3. Hennig-Thurau T, Gwinner KP, Walsh G, Gremler DD. Electronic word-of-mouth via consumer-opinion platforms: what motivates consumers to articulate themselves on the Internet? J Interact Mark. 2004;18:38–52. Kaplan AM, Haenlein M. Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Bus Horiz. 2010;53:59–68. Kietzmann JH, Hermkens K, Mccarthy IP, Silvestre BS. Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media. Bus Horiz. 2011;54:241–51. Korzynski P. Online social networks and leadership: implications of a new online working environment for leadership. Int J Manpow. 2013;34:975–94. Leonardi PM. Ambient awareness and knowledge acquisition: using social media to learn “who knows what” and “who knows whom”. MIS Q. 2015;39:747–62. Moser C, Ganley D, Groenewegen P. Communicative genres as organising structures in online communities–of team players and storytellers. Inf Syst J. 2013;23:551–67. Paniagua J, Sapena J. Business performance and social media: love or hate? Bus Horiz. 2014;57:719–28. Spence M. Job market signaling. Q J Econ. 1973; 87:355–74. Trainor KJ, Andzulis JM, Rapp A, Agnihotri R. Social media technology usage and customer relationship performance: a capabilities-based examination of social CRM. J Bus Res. 2013;67:1201–8. Wellman B, Salaff J, Dimitrova D, Garton L, Gulia M, Haythornthwaite C. Computer networks as social networks: collaborative work, telework, and virtual community. Annu Rev Sociol. 1996;22:213–38.


User-Generated Information System Jordi Paniagua1 and Pawel Korzynski2,3 1 Faculty of Economics and Business, Catholic Universtiy of Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Valencia, Spain 2 Department Human Resources, Kozminski University, Warszawa, Poland 3 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

Synonyms Employee-generated information systems; Online social networking information systems; Social media information systems

Definition User-Generated Content User-generated content (UGC) represents the different manners in which users utilize social media. UGC describes the variety of media content uploaded by end users in Web 2.0 Internet-based applications. According to Vickery and WunschVincent (2007), UGC has the following characteristics: • Publicly available online • Creative • Nonprofessional

UGC includes a large variety of public content like posts, tweets, blogs, wikis, chats, podcasts, videos, images, and audios. However, UGC excludes peer-to-peer or private communications like email or instant messaging. Commercial content or replication of existing content does not fit the general definition of UGC. UGC may be curated by a system administrator to prevent unappropriated or copyright content. The combination of UGC with the ideological (e.g., digital natives and millennials) and technological (e.g., mobile applications, coverage and bandwidth) foundations of Web 2.0 gives rise to the social media ecosystem (Kaplan and Haenlein 2010). Corporate-Generated Content Next to user-generated content, increasingly often organizations create content in order to promote their brands to current and potential clients as well as prospective candidates. They compose posts, add comments, upload videos, and publish job advertisements. Usually corporate-generated content is more formal than user-generated content, because it is written according to corporate rules and procedures (Korzynski 2013). Employee-Generated Content Online networking platforms often enable users to post information about their employers. On LinkedIn, professional networking platform, users may add not only information about current company but also their position, duties, skills, and

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200011-1


accomplishments. This way they can share informal data about companies they work for. Through employee-generated content, companies are able to build employer brand. However, companies cannot fully control employee-generated content as users, to some extent, may decide about information uploaded on online networking platforms. User-Generated Information System User-generated information system can be defined as organized collection of data created by users online for filtering, processing, and distributing. User-generated information systems are characterized by openness, because they offer individuals who are willing to share their opinions and thoughts as text, graphic, audio, or video some freedom to contribute. They are also related to networking, as functionalities of these systems such as tagging, liking, or following enable to develop relationships. Finally, user-generated information systems serve as a tool to create

User-Generated Information System

online communities which cocreate, share, and discuss user-generated content.

Cross-References ▶ Online Corporate Social Networking ▶ Social Media Crowdsourcing ▶ Social Networks and Entrepreneurship

References Kaplan AM, Haenlein M. Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 2010;53:59–68. Korzynski P. Online social networks and leadership: Implications of a new online working environment for leadership. International Journal of Manpower, 2013;34:975–994. Vickery G, Wunsch-Vincent S. Participative web and usercreated content: Web 2.0 wikis and social networking. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 2007.


Innovation and Ambidexterity Maria D. Moreno-Luzon Department of Business Administration, Universitat de València, Valencia, VC, Spain

Synonyms Balanced innovation; Combined radical and incremental innovation; Contextual ambidexterity; Radical and incremental innovation synergy; Sequential ambidexterity; Structural ambidexterity

Introduction In a global market, firms need to be able to identify new opportunities and to reconfigure technologies and competences to accomplish sustainable, competitive advantage. The intensification of global rivalry and the swift increase in the rate of change in the different business environments mean firms need to encourage innovation as a means of survival and growth. The management of innovation brings many challenges, one of which is the choice between radical and moderate change. Radical innovation comes about in totally new products and processes that require new knowledge and satisfy new customers and emerging markets. Incremental innovation, implying progressive improvements to previously existing products and processes, does not require new

knowledge and aims to satisfy current customers and markets through improved designs, products, and services. On one hand, the incremental approach to innovation is easier than the radical approach as it implies less risk and uncertainty. Conversely, it implies a higher risk of stagnation. Therefore, managing balanced innovation is a key challenge for ensuring a company remains competitive. In recent years, there has been an explosion of interest and research on ambidexterity. Diverse disciplines, such as organizational learning, organizational theory, organizational behavior, and strategic management, have all interpreted the concept. One of these disciplines is innovation management (He and Wong 2004) which understands ambidexterity as an organization’s ability to solve tensions between the management of incremental and radical innovations. According to this perspective, the abundant and rich developments in the field of ambidexterity, including the latest advances in the metatheory of paradoxes, are benefitting the management of innovation.

Key Concepts and Definition of Terms: Radical and Incremental Innovation and Ambidexterity “Innovation is the process of turning ideas into reality and capturing values from them” (Tidd and Bessant 2013). This simple definition reflects a broad view of innovation covering both administrative

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200012-1


and technological innovations, as well as putting the focus on its nature as a process. The entire innovation process involves different phases, such as searching, selecting between different strategic choices, implementation, and capturing value from innovation efforts. Innovation can take different forms; in this respect, the 4Ps model of innovation by Tidd and Bessant (2013) is well known and conceptually useful. The 4Ps model covers four main dimensions: product innovation, meaning changes in the things (products and services) an organization offers; process innovation, which centers on changes in the ways in which these things are created and delivered; position innovation, i.e., changes in the context in which the products and services are introduced; and paradigm innovation, which describes changes in underlying mental models which frame what the organization does. Therefore, innovation means change, and according to the intensity and depth of the change, we can differentiate between radical (or discontinuous) innovation and incremental innovation. This differentiation can apply to the four categories of innovation. For example, in the category of radical product innovation, the Toyota Prius introduced a new concept of cars featuring hybrid engines, while Tesla launched high-performance electric cars. Conversely, a new model of car without substantial changes is seen as an incremental product innovation. The just-in-time method is an example of radical process innovation because it means a new frame for processes, while improved efficiency of factory operations by upgrading equipment represents incremental process innovation. Low-cost airlines that created a new market for passengers who could not previously afford to travel by plane, disrupting the existing market, is an example of radical position innovation, while airlines segmenting products for different passenger groups like premium class is a case of incremental innovation. In terms of paradigm innovation, Cirque du Soleil’s redefinition of the circus experience is an example of radical innovation, while replacing circus acts featuring animals with clowns is incremental innovation. Radical innovation is seen as competence destroying, because it means relinquishing one’s

Innovation and Ambidexterity

own expertise, responding to market pull or technology push strategies. It implies an extensive search, leading to entirely new products or processes that require new knowledge to satisfy new customers and emerging markets. Incremental innovation focuses on refining, broadening, enhancing, and exploiting current knowledge, skills, and technical paths. It implies progressive improvements in the characteristics of already existing products and processes and does not require new knowledge but occurs via small improvements in techniques, generating a local search within existing technological trends and aiming to satisfy current customers and markets, improving designs, products and services, as well as existing knowledge and technology. Incremental innovation entails a lower level of risk than radical innovation but can provide fewer benefits and cause stagnation. Both types of innovations can represent tension in innovation, or in other words, they can represent a trade-off for companies due to limitations in resources, skills, and cultural issues. On one hand, resources are scarce and innovations require heavy investment, so there is a need for comprehensive evaluation and selection of the available options. On the other hand, the cultural values, organizational culture, and organizational context for undertaking radical innovations are not the same as the ones best suited to undertaking incremental innovation. Values such as creativity, risk-taking, and the availability to give up previous expertise in favor of learning new skills are more closely associated with discontinuous innovation; and values such as refinement, continuous improvement, the demand for a job well-done, and zero defects are more related to incremental innovation. Ambidexterity is the valuable organizational ability to manage both types of innovation; it consists of the ability to pursue simultaneously both incremental and discontinuous innovation. Ambidexterity is a metaphor – the ability to use both hands with equal skill – which is used to describe organizations that are capable of exploitation (activities and learning through a specific search, fine-tuning, and improving what already exists) and exploration (learning through completely new processes, planned experimentation, and play) (March 1991). Its etymological root is derived

Innovation and Ambidexterity

from the Latin word “ambidexter” (right on both sides), a word which comprises the preposition ambi- (both sides) and dexter (right). In so far as radical innovation is identified with exploration and incremental innovation with exploitation, the original concept of ambidexterity can apply to the management of balancing both types of innovation. There are risks in any imbalance. Organizations that concentrate on exploitation and neglect exploration will certainly see visible improvements in effectiveness over the short term, but this direction will prove to be self-destructive in the long term. On the other hand, organizations that focus on exploration at the expense of exploitation tend to suffer from a lack of efficiency, which can hinder their competitiveness (March 1991). In short, ambidexterity is a valuable capability to deal with tensions, originally used to define and manage the trade-off between exploration and exploitation, which can define the capability to solve tensions in the management of incremental and radical innovations.

Theoretical Background and OpenEnded Issues Research on ambidexterity has burgeoned in the last few years. Prestigious journals such as the Academy of Management Review, the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of Management, the Journal of Management Studies, and Organization Science have published numerous articles on the subject. Some journals have even devoted special issues to the topic: the Academy of Management Journal, 2006; Organization Science, 2009; and the Academy of Management Perspectives, 2013. One of the multiple statesof-the-art appears in O’Reilly and Tushman (2013). The origin of the concept resides in Duncan (1976), who first coined the term “ambidextrous,” arguing that firms need to shift structures to initiate and, in turn, execute innovation. Duncan is then the precursor of structural ambidexterity. Nevertheless, the turning point and the consequent increase in interest and research on the phenomenon dates back to March (1991), who was concerned with finding a balance between


two different actions and ways of learning: exploration, which means building new competences, and exploitation, which means using and refining existing ones. March, who was highly concerned by the limitation of resources in companies, presented the problem as a trade-off, in the form of an important dilemma for management. After March, and especially in the last 10 years, the application of these interesting concepts to different fields has been notable. In addition to being used to balance radical and incremental innovations and the two types of learning, research has also focused on and used the concept to define other tensions and trade-offs, like efficiency versus flexibility, stability versus adaptation, and short-term profits as opposed to long-term growth, among others. However, despite this explosion of research and publications on the issue, there are still some openended issues which should be the object of clarification in future research. Firstly, the use of organizational ambidexterity is often too generic and vague in the literature, simply referring to the ability of a firm to do two things simultaneously. “As the research base has broadened, ambidexterity has been applied to phenomena such as strategy, networks, new product development, technology, software development, intellectual capital and other topics that, while interesting and important, may have little to do with the practical tensions involved in how managers and organizations deal with exploration and exploitation. The risk in applying the term so broadly is that the research moves away from the original phenomenon and loses its meaning” (O’Reilly and Tushman 2013, p. 332). In addition, and along these lines, “if the term ‘organizational ambidexterity’ continues to be used to describe highly disparate phenomena, our insights into how firms actually explore and exploit are likely to become less and less useful” (O’Reilly and Tushman 2013, p. 332). One factor that adds complexity to the analysis is the broad typology in making the concept operative. The main responses of the literature to the question of how ambidexterity is achieved are (O’Reilly and Tushman 2013): • Sequential ambidexterity, changing structures over time.


• Simultaneous structural ambidexterity, which achieves ambidexterity differentiating between organizational units, and later coordinating them at a higher management level. • Contextual ambidexterity, according to which, ambidexterity can be achieved by designing features of the organization to permit individuals to decide how to divide their time between exploratory and exploitative activities. • There is also a behavioral approach to this managerial capability at an individual level and at top management team level, which has attracted the interest of academia (MorenoLuzon and Valls-Pasola 2011). There is another challenge emerging from the way empirical studies measure ambidexterity. While they accurately document the psychometric properties of these measures, the underlying meaning is often ambiguous. It is often difficult to know what “exploration” and “exploitation” mean in the context of specific research, especially when compared to studies about different industries carried out from different perspectives (Moreno-Luzon and Gil-Marques 2015). In this respect, one of the challenges related to the measurement of ambidexterity in the field of innovation is the total identification of exploration with radical innovation, and exploitation with incremental innovation. As we saw above, innovation, understood as a process, has many phases. These phases may require both exploration as well as exploitation, and this is true for both types of innovation. To avoid tackling this challenge, some scholars created the terms exploitative and explorative innovation to mean the predominance of exploration or exploitation in each type (Jansen et al. 2006). Other alternatives employed to avoid this issue have led some researchers to use innovation results instead of taking innovation on board as a process (He and Wong 2004).

Implications for Theory and Practice John Thesmer, managing director of Ictal Care (Denmark), stated, when answering the question,

Innovation and Ambidexterity

“Where do you see the main challenges in managing innovation?” “To drive a project portfolio of both incremental (do better) and radical (do different) innovation. How do you get the right balance?” (Tidd and Bessant 2013, p. 49). The interest of academia in this topic responds to a real management need. How can management provide stability and yet be at the forefront of change? This is a basic dilemma that managers face nearly every day, and it is implicit in many decisions, even beyond the field of innovation management. Management often deals with dilemmas in terms of decision-making. We have focused on the exploration-exploitation and radical-incremental innovation dilemmas; however, in an increasingly complex and chaotic environment, the opportunities to deal with dilemmas frequently is present in nearly all management fields. The theory for analyzing organizational tensions has also evolved in response to this increasing management need. An important sign of the evolution in this topic is the decreasing interest in analyzing organizational tensions as dilemmas and problems and the increasing trend in the perspective of viewing organizational tensions as paradoxes and opportunities. Figure 1 shows the perspective of tension as a dilemma, seeing both sides as competing choices, each one with advantages and disadvantages. In this case, the decision must take the form of a choice: either one or the other. This is a disruptive view of reality. Figure 2 represents the perspective of a tension as a paradox. Opposites are seen as being part of the same unified whole, like in the yin and yang symbol. Moreover, they are somehow interrelated and complement each other. We can even see that one side also has a small part of the other side. The decision in this case takes the form of this one and the other one too. This is a systemic and unifying view of reality. The paradoxical view of contradictions is not new in organizational literature. It was introduced by Cameron and Quinn (1988) as a framework to deal with the inherent complexity of organizational life yet has only recently received increasing attention in organizational theory literature

Innovation and Ambidexterity




Innovation and Ambidexterity, Fig. 1 The exploration/exploitation dilemma

Innovation and Ambidexterity, Fig. 2 The exploration/exploitation paradox

given that organizations have become more complex, dynamic, and pluralistic. Initially, researchers and managers viewed exploration/exploitation tension as a dilemma, and even March (1991) and other prominent academics in the field adopted this perspective. However, recent research has centered on a paradoxical approach (Papachroni et al. 2015). This change of perspective has important implications for management and academia as it moves from separation-orientated prescriptions to synthesis or transcendence of paradoxical opposites. This new focus may enable managers to move beyond the assumption of conflict between exploration/ exploitation and radical/incremental innovations and to explore new ways in which they can achieve them simultaneously.

Conclusion and Future Directions One of the main challenges in the management of innovation is the choice between radical and moderate change. On one hand, the incremental approach to innovation is easier than the radical

view as it implies undertaking less risk and uncertainty, though conversely, it implies higher risk of stagnation. Although the concept is not new, in recent years, there has been increasing interest and research on ambidexterity. Diverse disciplines, such as organizational learning, organizational theory, organizational behavior, and strategic management have interpreted the concept. Innovation management has featured prominently in this case, viewing ambidexterity as an organization’s capability to solve tensions in the management of incremental and radical innovations. Accordingly, the abundant and rich developments in the field of ambidexterity, including the latest advances in the metatheory of paradoxes, are benefitting innovation management. One future direction in research on the topic is to develop approaches to shed light on how ambidexterity, from a paradoxical viewpoint, can solve the tension between radical and incremental innovations, moving beyond the structural and temporal separation that have predominated in the field up until now. The path of the theoretical view of paradoxes is well developed, and it has even evolved as a metatheory, capable of embracing multiple theories and insights, from a metaperspective. These developments have helped to better understand the complexity of organizational life. Nevertheless, there is a need to close the bridge between the theory and the practice of decision-making, transforming theories into operative proposals for the management of innovation. Some open-ended issues still remain in the field that will require further development in future research. Firstly, rigor and clarity in the use of organizational ambidexterity are essential, as this is often too generic and vague in literature, simply referring to the ability of a firm to do two things simultaneously. Secondly, more research is needed in response to the question of how ambidexterity is achieved, defining new specific types of ambidexterity that can help in terms of decision-making. Thirdly, there is a need for rigor in the way empirical studies measure ambidexterity, not only in providing the psychometric properties for measurements, which are normally well presented, but also in clarifying underlying


meanings. In this respect, one of the challenges related with the measurement of ambidexterity in the field of innovation is the total identification of radical innovation with exploration and of incremental innovation with exploitation. Innovation, understood as a process, has many phases which need both exploration as well as exploitation, and this is true for both types of innovation.

Cross-References ▶ Ambidexterity ▶ Innovation future/Future of Innovation ▶ Innovation in Business Administration ▶ Innovation Policies (vis-à-vis Practice and Theory) ▶ Innovations of and in Organizations ▶ Organizational Innovation ▶ Product Innovation, Process Innovation ▶ Systems Theory and Innovation ▶ Techno-Globalization and Innovation

References Cameron KS, Quinn RE. Organizational paradox and transformation. In: Quinn RE, Cameron KS, editors. Paradox and transformation: toward a theory of change

Innovation and Ambidexterity in organization and management. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger; 1988:1–18. Duncan RB. The ambidextrous organization: designing dual structures for innovation. In: Kilmann RH, Pondy LR, Slevin D, editors. The management of organization, vol. 1. New York: North-Holland; 1976:167–88. He Z, Wong P. Exploration vs exploitation: an empirical test of the ambidexterity hypothesis. Organ Sci. 2004;4:481–94. Jansen JJP, Van Den Bosch FAJ, Volberda HW. Exploratory innovation, exploitative innovation, and performance: effects of organizational antecedents and environmental moderators. Manag Sci. 2006;52(11):1661–74. March JG. Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organ Sci. 1991;2(1):71–87. Moreno-Luzon MD, Gil-Marques M. The contribution of TQM to organizational ambidexterity: the state of the art and promising research streams. Chapter 19. In: Peris-Ortiz M, et al., editors. Achieving competitive advantage through quality management. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2015:293–305. Moreno-Luzon MD, Valls-Pasola J. Ambidexterity and quality management: towards a research agenda. Manag Decis. 2011;49(6):927–47. O’Reilly CA, Tushman ML. Organizational ambidexterity: past, present, and future. Acad Manag Perspect. 2013;27(4):324–38. Papachroni A, Heracleous L, Paroutis S. Organizational ambidexterity through the lens of paradox theory: building a novel research agenda. J Appl Behav Sci. 2015;51(1):71–93. Tidd J, Bessant J. Managing innovation. Integrating technological, market and organizational change. New Jersey, USA: Wiley; 2013.


Invention in Total Quality Management Tomás Félix González-Cruz Departamento de Dirección de Empresas, Facultad de Economia, Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain

Synonyms Exploratory innovation




Introduction The last decade is witnessing the renaissance of Schumpeterian paradigm of value and competitive advantage creation as an alternative to industrial economics and resource-based view (Hax 2010). This view, aligned with the tradition of the Austrian School (Kirzner 1973; Jacobson 1992; Mises 1996; Roberts and Eisenhardt 2003), changes deeply the way in which value is conceived and created. Value creation is relational and mainly depends on invention as a result of exploratory innovation (Madhok and Marques (2013). This view provides a conceptual framework which allows us to rethink some of the management theories developed in the 1980s and 1990s of the twentieth century. For instance, customer-

contact (Chase 1978, 1981), one of the most significant contributions to conceptualizing, describing, and analyzing service customer-firm interactions. While the traditional view, rooted in operations management, focuses on dealing with the variability and uncertainty that the customer introduces in the service delivery process, from this neo-Schumpeterian view becomes a privileged opportunity to sense and seize new and untapped customer needs, resulting in the creation of innovative value propositions. In a similar vein, provides an opportunity to reconsider the role and the contribution of quality management (QM) to invention understood as a result of exploratory innovation. To date, as Volverda et al. (2013) stress, the relationship between QM and exploratory innovation remains unmapped, but it seems promising vein of research. In fact, and to our best knowledge, academic contributions in this field are in its very early childhood (Lee 2015). With the intention to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between quality management and invention, this contribution shows the parallelisms between QM principles and practices and those that are suggested by authors that propose a procedural model to institutionalize innovation within the firm. Our main statement is that the impact of QM on invention as a result of exploratory innovation depends on manager’s motivation to adopt QM and on manager’s intention expressed through the competitive strategy adopted by the firm.

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200013-1


QM as an Antecedent of Innovation As Koskela-Huotari et al. (2016) state, innovation requires a proper mix of knowledge creation/ absorption and its integration in the firm’s knowledge based. In this respect, the consideration of QM as a source of knowledge creation is not a new issue (Rose and Ito 1996). QM principles and practices such as continuous improvement and customer orientation enable knowledge creation, which fosters product and process innovation, and greater customer satisfaction. The PDCA cycle and the generalized use of analytical tools throughout the organization contribute to building a shared vision and knowledge base which is continuously renewed while integrated in the firm’s knowledge base. Likewise, QM fosters inductive learning through experimentation. The most important issue is that learning occurs at all levels of the organization and it is related to regular activities. Alike, Koskela-Huotari et al. (2016) propose that innovation requires the incorporation of new actors and the enactment of new roles by existing stakeholders. Equally, QM principles promote cooperative relationships with customers, which result in stable and trustful relationships. QM stimulates customer loyalty and satisfaction and promotes the consideration of value from the customer’s side. This requires a deep understanding of the customer’s explicit and latent needs. Customer orientation, the first QM principle, encourages scanning and identifying user’s latent and explicit needs. With regard workers, QM develops an extensive and close internal network. Quality standards like ISO improve knowledge transferability, while QM enables internal knowledge transference. Practices such as process management and teamwork enable mutual learning and, as a consequence, process innovation. Also Koskela-Huotari et al. (2016) propose that innovation requires the creation of an entire ecosystem. In QM suppliers are as important as customers and workers. Considering the entire supply chain enables a long-term relationship, which makes cooperation and knowledge exchange possible. As a consequence of such

Invention in Total Quality Management

organizational openness, QM enables the acquisition and assimilation of external knowledge in order to create more value for the customer. Likewise, QM promotes the development of multiple communication channels linking the organization to its environment, when this network is decentralized throughout all departments and hierarchical levels, the capability of the organization to sense and seize new opportunities to improve products and processes is enhanced. The above paragraphs show how QM invigorates learning and innovation. However, this learning is mainly focused on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the established strategy and its current processes, but as Volverda et al. (2013, p. 11) underline, little research is devoted to analyzing how QM contributes to exploratory invention. In this regard, we must remember that QM is developed in the field of operations, and its major gurus are mainly engineers. During the last decade of the twentieth century, most of the research in the managerial field analyzed QM from the resource-based view, theoretical framework which provides an inside-out focus. However, a strategic customer-focused view, with an outsidein focus, is lacking. The next paragraph shows how from a neo-Schumpeterian view is possible to envisage customer-centered strategic models, based on principles from the Austrian School, which allow a better understanding of how QM fosters invention as a result of exploratory innovation.

The Austrian School: Some Basic Underlying Principles The Austrian School is basically action-oriented – praxeological approach – and based on a set of basic principles. Without being exhaustive: • Deep customer knowledge becomes paramount (Hax 2010; Kim and Mauborgne 2005; Madhok and Marques 2013). The firm must embark on a continuous search process, looking for present and potential user’s needs –what Kim and Mauborgne (2005) label as

Invention in Total Quality Management

“visual exploration” and Hax (2010) terms “customer segmentation.” Focus on Value. Firms can only articulate value propositions because “value is always uniquely and phenomenologically determined by the beneficiary” (Vargo and Lusch 2004). A value proposition is innovative when it creates disproportionate value at a low cost (Kim and Mauborgne 2005). Value innovation is a conjunction of creativity, customer understanding, and technology (Ibid.) and is the result of an entrepreneurial strategic process. Opportunities should be created and quickly captured. Markets are in a constant state of flux (Schumpeter 1942; Kirzner 1997; Jacobson 1992). From this view, restrictions on firm behavior are due to the absence of entrepreneurial knowledge. That is, innovation depends on a cognitive construction of existing data and market elements in a fundamental new way (Kim and Mauborgne 2005). Thus, mature businesses exist only in the minds of mature managers (Baden-Fuller and Stopford 1994) or in a similar way; commodities only exist in the mind of the inept (Hax 2010, p.11). Then the challenge is designing new value propositions that lead to the creation of totally new markets (Kim and Mauborgne 2005). In order to capture and capitalize transient opportunities, timing and organizational flexibility are critical success factors (Madhok and Marques 2013). Align the whole system of activities, including those carried out by customers, suppliers, and complementors (Hax 2010; Kim and Mauborgne 2005). Creating innovative value propositions requires changes in the entire system, and in the way constituents create, deliver, and capture value. Thus, suppliers and complementors become partners in the value creation process, and the firm must choose to engage in those activities which constitute the cornerstones of the entire system. Strategy as a fair process. The strategic process requires organizational engagement and open dialog throughout the organization leading to consensus (Hax 2010, p. 12). That is agreement, at least between key executives


and everybody’s buy-in. Also transparency is important for two purposes: Everyone involved in the new value proposition should understand it and the underlying assumptions behind it; and expectation clarity, that is, everyone understands their new role (Kim and Mauborgne 2005, p. 175–176) • Leadership that guides the searching process. Given that the entrepreneurial, strategic process is a way plenty of uncertainty and heartache, it requires vision and guidance and requires leaders that concentrate efforts on the people and activities which have a disproportionate contribution to value creation (Kim and Mauborgne 2005, p. 151) • Experimentation and exploration are necessary organizational attitudes. As Alvarez and Barney (2007, p. 15) state: “rarely will entrepreneurs be able to see ‘the end from the beginning.’” Thus, intuitive thinking (Kim and Mauborgne 2005, p. 67), experimentation by trial and error, and proper assessment and measurement tools, to quantify value created for customers and other constituents (Hax 2010; Madhok and Marques 2013), are key elements for discovery and learning. These principles sustain an alternative way of carrying out innovation and value creation. The traditional way is based on possessing the proper resource base (knowledge and financial), tight process control (financial risk control), and a top-down elitist focus, where a few (engineers and scientists) create innovations based on the cutting edge of knowledge technology. Alternatively, from the neo-Schumpeterian view resources are secondary, what is really important is sensing and creating new opportunities. The customer is the key, not only today’s customers but also underserved customers. Customer interaction becomes cornerstone and, as a consequence, the process should be participative in a bottom-up-bottom way. Finally, the process is flexible and recursive, based on intuition, trial and error, and learning by doing.


QM as an Innovation Enabler This paragraph looks at the correspondence between QM principles and the neoSchumpeterian / Austrian School – AS – axioms (Table 1). As Table 1 shows, correspondences are numerous and relevant. QM principles provide a sound basis for AS enactment. These similarities indicate that QM systems could be focused not only toward operational excellence and deliberate planning, assumptions that underlie business excellence models. Alternatively, QM could be focused on unleashing entrepreneurial strategic processes oriented to create and capture new market opportunities.

Invention in Total Quality Management Invention in Total Quality Table 1 AS and QM correspondences AS Customer centric

QM Customer orientation

Focus on value

Strategic orientation to value creation

Opportunities are created


Consider the extended enterprise

Development of alliances and external cooperation

Strategy as a fair and open process

Teamwork and internal cooperation

Leadership guides searching processes

Visionary leadership

Metrics and experimentation

Managing by facts

QM, Strategy, and Manager’s Teleological Intention As a management philosophy, QM deployment could be directed towards different purposes that range from pure efficiency and cost reduction to sense new customer needs and explore innovative service propositions. Then, manager’s motivations should be taken into account in order to get a better understanding of QM outputs in terms of innovation. Following Schniederjans and Schniederjans (2015) this contribution proposes considering managers’ teleological intention to implement QM in order to better understand the relationship between QM and invention as a result of exploratory innovation. That is, which consequences are expected and the probability, desirability, and importance of each consequence for the stakeholders. Managers’ intention is also expressed through competitive strategy (Hamel and Prahalad 2005). With regard the relationship between different competitive strategy typologies a QM implementation and outputs, previous research relies on the traditional taxonomy provided by Miles and Snow (1978), namely defender, analyzer, prospector, and reactor. Prospector organizations have high decentralization, little task specialization, few levels of management, and high interdependence among

Management, Correspondence Both propose customeroriented focus While QM fosters traditional deliberated strategic planning, AS advocates inductive processes where the strategy is shaped by interactionexplorationaction While QM focuses on operational excellence and incremental value, creation AS focuses in creating totally new markets for underserved noncustomers Both consider the entire supply chain and highlight the network effects as a source of value creation Both require the entire organization’s engagement and a fair process of value creation and distribution Leader’s role is paramount: he or she leads the way and protects from fear Both foster experimentation and learning from hard facts. “Fail cheap and learn quick”

Invention in Total Quality Management

people and work units. They also focus on developing new products and services that fit fast changing customer needs, desires, and expectations. Their processes are flexible to let them quickly introduce new products and services. Analyzer organizations have some features of both prospector and defender organizations. They strive for efficiency in their technical processes to keep costs low and they also develop new products and services to maintain a competitive edge in changing markets. In the field of services, literature reports a positive association between prospector and analyzer strategic types and the degree of QM implementation. Alike literature establishes a positive relationship between the reactor type and QM implementation. However, in this case the intention of QM deployment is mainly efficiency improvement in order to keep the competitive pace of the industry. Nevertheless, the strategy-QM relationship is not so direct and clear, according to Carman et al. (1996) the prospector strategy was related to organizations with hierarchical culture and low formalization, which impedes QM implementation.

Conclusions and Future Directions The relationship between QM and innovation is the object of recent interest of academics, especially how QM can foster the development of new products and services for underserved markets and what Volverda et al. (2013) calls exploratory innovation. However, research on this question is at his very beginning (Lee 2015). In this contribution, we review the parallelism between QM and the neo-Schumpeterian view that is behind recent propositions to institutionalize innovation (Hax 2009; Kim and Mauborgne 2005; Radjou and Prabhu 2015; Ries 2011). As has been shown, QM and Austrian School share a set of principles and axioms. Both are oriented to customer and to organizations’ action; both foster an exploratory inquiry process; and both require the commitment and participation of customers, organization members, and suppliers. Alike QM is mainly an operational set of managerial practices that can be focused and directed


to different ends. Therefore, firm’s strategy and managers’ motivations to implement QM should be considered. As a general conclusion, we suggest that QM, as a systemic set of managerial principles and practices, could be directed to the attainment of different purposes depending on manager’s motivations to implement QM and on the strategy followed by the firm. We propose the exploration of this vein of research to get a better understanding of which QM principles and practices can be focused to the creation of new value propositions that lead to invention as a result of exploratory innovation. Alike managers should consider how to refocus some of their QM efforts to the exploration of customer underserved needs, in order to create new markets.

Cross-References ▶ Art of Innovation: A Model for Organizational Creativity ▶ Innovations in Business Administration ▶ Innovative Milieu as a Driving Force of Innovative Entrepreneurship ▶ Joseph A. Schumpeter and Innovation ▶ Knowledge Creation and Entrepreneurship ▶ Managerial Innovation Implementation ▶ Organizational Innovation ▶ Parsimonious Creativity

References Alvarez S, Barney J. Discovery and creation: alternative theories of entrepreneurial action. Strateg Entrep J. 2007;26:11–26. Baden-Fuller C, Stopford JM. Rejuvenating the mature business. Boston: Harvard Business School Press; 1994. Carman JM, Shortell SM, Foster RW, Hughes EF, Boerstler H, O’brien JL, O’connor EJ. Keys for successful implementation of total quality management in hospitals. Health Care Manag Rev. 1996;21(1):48–60. Chase R. Were does the customer fit in a service organization. Harvard Bus Rev. 1978;56(6). Chase RB. The customer contact approach to services: theoretical bases and practical extensions. Oper Res. 1981;29(4):698–706.

6 Hamel G, Prahalad CK. Strategic intent. Harv Bus Rev. 2005;83(7):148–61. Hax A. The delta model reinventing your business strategy. New York: Springer; 2010. Jacobson R. The “Austrian” school of strategy. Acad Manag Rev. 1992;17(4):782–807. Kim WC, Mauborgne R. Blue ocean strategy. Boston: Harvard Business School Press; 2005. Kirzner I. Competition and entrepreneurship. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press; 1973. Kirzner IM. Entrepreneurial discovery and the competitive market process: an Austrian approach. J Econ Lit. 1997;35(1):60–85. Koskela-Huotari K, Edvardsson B, Jonas JM, Sörhammar D, Witell L. Innovation in service ecosystems: breaking, making, and maintaining institutionalized rules of resource integration. J Bus Res. 2016;69(8):2964–71. Lee SM. The age of quality innovation. Int J Qual Innov. 2015;1(1) doi:10.1186/s40887-015-0002-x. Madhok A, Marques R. Competing on action: business models and the competitiveness of emerging market enterprises. (2013). Disposable at SSRN: http://ssrn. com/abstract=2376337 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ ssrn.2376337

Invention in Total Quality Management Miles RH, Snow CC. Organizational strategy, structure and processes. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1978. Von Mises L. Human action. A treatise on economics. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund; 1996. Radjou N, Prabhu J. Frugal innovation: how to do more with less. London: Profile Books; 2015. Ries E. The lean startup: how today’s entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses. New York: Crown Business; 2011. Roberts PW, Eisenhardt KM. Austrian insights on strategic organization: from market insights to implications for firms. Strateg Organ. 2003;1(3):345–52. Rose EL, Ito K. Knowledge creation though the internal information market: an integration of total quality management. Qual Manag J. 1996;3:87–102. Schniederjans D, Schniederjans M. Quality management and innovation: newinsights on a structural contingency framework. Int J Qual Innov. 2015;1(2) doi:10. 1186/s40887-015-0004-8. Schumpeter J. Capitalism, socialism, and democracy. New York: Harper & Row; 1942. Vargo SL, Lusch RF. Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing. J Mark. 2004;68:1–17. Volverda HW, Van Den Bosch FAJ, Heij C. Management innovation: management as fertile ground for innovation. Eur Manag Rev. 2013;10:1–15.


Green Innovation Antonio Leal-Millán1, Antonio L. Leal-Rodríguez2 and Gema Albort-Morant1 1 Department of Business Administration and Marketing, Faculty of Economics, Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, Sevilla, Spain 2 Department of Management, ETEA-Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain

Synonyms Eco-efficiency; Eco-innovation; Environmental innovation

Key Concepts and Definition of Terms Green innovation comprises all type of innovations that contribute to the creation of key products, services, or processes to reduce the harm, impact, and deterioration of the environment at the same time that optimizes the use of natural resources. Such type of innovation develops a critical role these days because it channels an appropriate use of the natural resources to improve the human well-being. Moreover, the creation and incorporation of changes in products and production processes could contribute to sustainable development. The concept of green innovation is grounded as a development of other synonyms or related

constructs (i.e., environmental innovation, ecoinnovation, eco-efficiency), which have been frequently used indistinctly in the literature. Following Kemp and Pearson (2007) eco-innovation involves constructing, assimilating, or exploiting a product, service, process, or organizational method that brings novelty to the firm and that results in minimizing environmental risk, pollution, and other negative impacts. Besides, environmental innovation comprises a set of techniques, systems, products, and/or innovative processes aimed at preventing or reducing environmental damage (Kemp et al. 2001). Finally, the term sustainable innovation is coined to define “the integration of conservation and development to ensure that modifications to the planet do indeed secure the survival and well-being of all people” (Dresner 2008, p. 30). The environmental impact of the activities of human beings has become a global and growing concern for citizens, policymakers, and organizations. In the past few years many companies have been implementing remedial measures to reduce or mitigate such damage to the environment, addressing legislative or governmental norms (Chen 2008). However, the environmental matter is not an issue that must be solely resolved by means of implementing governmental policies. Thus, organizations should not be immune to this reality. On the contrary, as any complex system in the search for a balance that will ensure the long-term survival, companies must respond effectively to a double dynamic regulation. On

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200021-1


the one hand, to achieve a certain level of efficiency and market share requires optimizing the use of their resources and capabilities, which are always limited – competitive adjustment, and on the other hand, to attain a certain degree of coherence with the society in which they develop their activity – legitimacy adjustment. Green innovation has become a strategic issue form firms aiming to achieve environmental improvement and profitability while actively replying to growing environmental pressures and demands. Traditionally, investing in eco-friendly behaviors was perceived as an extreme and unnecessary investment. Nevertheless, the current strict environmental policies jointly with the existing prevalence of conservationism have transformed competitive strategies and corporate policies and patterns (Porter and van der Linde 1995). These days, the “green” label constitutes a stimulus for developing continuous innovation, which might lead firms to discover new market opportunities and build customer capital (Leal-Millán et al. 2016). Subsequently, green innovation constitutes a boiling topic nowadays, as it involves a great relevance for academics, practitioners, and the society in general. Currently they are the consumers themselves who increasingly demand to companies and institutions measures to reconcile this balance between production and environmental sustainability. The reason for this lies in the fact that many of the resources available in the earth, which are in turn essential for the productive activity of the companies, are not renewable and therefore it is necessary to diversify its consumption through the application of relevant policies. Within the context of environmental management, the green innovation definition has evolved through the last decade from more generic initial conceptualizations such as the ones provided by Walley and Whitehead (1994, p. 81) – “Being green is a catalyst for continuous innovation, new market opportunities, and wealth creation”, and Porter and van der Linde (1995, p. 121) – “Green innovation can improve corporate image and make companies more successful.” These previous authors acknowledge that environmental management of companies would play an

Green Innovation

important role in society but failed to provide a clear conceptualization of the green innovation topic. It was not until the study by Chen et al. (2006, p. 332) when an exhaustive definition of green innovation is provided – “Green innovation is defined as hardware or software innovation that is related to green products or processes, including the innovation in technologies that are involved in energy-saving, pollution-prevention, waste recycling, green product designs, or corporate environmental management.” The conceptualization has continued evolving to more recent definitions such as the ones provided by Aguilera-Caracuel and Ortiz-deMandojana (2013, p. 365) – “Green innovation incorporates technological improvements that save energy, prevent pollution, or enable waste recycling and can include green product design and corporate environmental management. This type of innovation also contributes to business sustainability because it has a potentially positive effect on a firm’s financial, social, and environmental outcomes,” Albort-Morant et al. (2016), where green innovation is posited to comprise a critical way to mitigate or avoid environmental damage while exert a responsible and optimal use of the available resources, and Leal-Millán et al. (2016, p. 448), “Green innovation is a strategic need for firms, and it offers a great opportunity for meeting buyers’ wishes without harming the environment” Therefore, the conceptualization of green innovation has moved from more resource-oriented definitions to a more comprehensive framework that includes the firm’s compliance with the stakeholders’ green requirements and demands.

Types of Green Innovation In an effort to effectively disentangle the true nature of green innovation, the literature distinguishes between several typologies of green innovation. Authors as Porter and Van der Linde (1995), Hart (1995), Chen et al. (2006), and Chang (2011) agree with splitting green innovation into green product innovation and green process innovation. Thus, they conceive green

Green Innovation

innovation as a process aimed at adjusting the design of an existing product, which in turn enables minimizing the negative environmental impacts. This often entails adapting the firm’s production process involving the whole course of acquisition, production, and delivery of the products. Furthermore, the authors Chen et al. (2006) and Chen (2008) included additional typologies such as green managerial innovation – the firm’s endeavor to incorporate green practices and objectives into their corporate strategy. Therefore, these authors propose the distinction between three dimensions for green innovation, (i) green product innovation, (ii) green process innovation, and (iii) green managerial innovation. Recently, it has been added the green technological innovation typology, stated as new green equipment and advanced green production technologies that lead to the development of green products and services (Tseng et al. 2013). A second taxonomy distinguishes between reactive and proactive green innovation. In this vein, Chen et al. (2012) define reactive green innovation as the actions and decisions that a firm submissively implements in order to conform to legislations, environmental standards, or institutional norms. On the other hand, the term proactive green innovation is coined to describe those proactive organizational behaviors oriented to develop innovative products, services, and advanced processes as compared to the competitors. Subsequently, proactive green innovation essentially seeks to leverage the market opportunities and to attain competitive advantages (O’Connor et al. 2008). In addition in the study developed by Chen et al. (2014) is posited the need to distinguish between green radical innovation –the ultimate and revolutionary modifications in the current green products, processes, or services through ecological technology that strengthens, adapts, or spreads existing environmental knowledge – and green incremental innovation, slight enhancements or modest amendments in current green products, services, or processes.

3 Green Innovation, Table 1 Main green innovation taxonomies Author Klassen and Whybank (1999), Porter and Van der Linde (1995), Hart (1995), Chen et al. (2006), and Chang (2011) Chen et al. (2006), Chen (2008), and (Tseng et al. 2013)

O’Connor et al. (2008) and Chen et al. (2012)

Chen et al. (2014)

Taxonomy Distinction between green product innovation and green process innovation

Distinction between green product innovation, green process innovation, green managerial innovation and green technological innovation Distinction between green reactive innovation and green proactive innovation Distinction between green radical innovation and green incremental innovation

Table 1 comprises a summary of the main green innovation taxonomies, including the distinct dimensions and authors.

Green Innovation and Knowledge Management Green innovation can be framed within the knowledge-based view (KBV) of the firm. Originally, the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm (Barney 1991) pursues to spin in depth through the firms’ heterogeneity in terms of their diverse resource configuration and its importance while attaining and sustaining competitive advantages. Following Nonaka (1991), nowadays both companies and individuals are immersed in an intense knowledge spiral. In this line, this author argues that “in an economy where the only certainty is uncertainty, the only sure source of sustainable competitive advantage is knowledge” (Nonaka 1991, p. 96). It seems therefore that, if not the most vital resource, knowledge constitutes these days a strategic resource for numerous firms and a basic source of competitive advantage.


Therefore, it is widely sustained that the KBV of the firm is rooted on the RBV. From such standpoint, knowledge is believed to be at the very core of corporate strategy, being considered a pivotal strategic resource. Knowledge strategic importance derives from its difficulty to be transferred, replicated, or appropriated, which hence makes it operate as a basis for generating sustainable competitive advantages (Teece et al. 1997). The central foundations upholding the KBV are the following: (i) knowledge is assumed the organization’s core strategical resource, as it represents a sustainable source of competitive advantage; (ii) there are diverse knowledge typologies (i.e., tacit-explicit), which comprise in turn different spreading and dissemination methods; and (iii) individuals are predominantly responsible for the knowledge-creation process, especially as for tacit knowledge (Grant 1996). Hence, following Barney (1991), knowledge complies with all the requirements to become a source of sustainable competitive advantage (i.e., being valuable, rare, difficult to imitate, and irreplaceable). Furthermore, there is a positive link between knowledge management and green innovation (Chen and Huang 2009). In this line, the management literature has profusely suggested that a central prerequisite for the development of innovations is the acquisition, assimilation transformation, and exploitation of information into organizational knowledge (Leal-Rodríguez et al. 2014). Such learning-related organizational capability is labeled as absorptive capacity (Zahra and George 2002). Thus, knowledge has been widely suggested as a key resource to support innovativeness and hence green innovation. Besides, in the knowledge-based era, knowledge is regarded as a critical asset and powerful strategic driver, which is constantly generated by means of individuals’ collaboration and knowledge sharing mechanisms (Grant 1996). However, the course of knowledge creation is not limited to the firm’s internal borders but is often built through networks and cooperation links with stakeholders (i.e., customers, suppliers, partners, and even competitors). Hence, the knowledge base subsequent from effective supply chain networking becomes vital for enhancing green

Green Innovation

innovation. The firms’ ability to shape a deep and broad knowledge base through combining external and internal knowledge sources is crucial for supporting innovative processes as for developing green products and services (Leal-Millán et al. 2017) and hence generating superior value for stakeholders (Martelo-Landroguez and Cegarra-Navarro 2014). When companies share pertinent information and knowledge with their stakeholders by means of supply chain networking mechanisms, they mutually enrich their knowledge bases, organizational capabilities, and performance through relationship-level learning. Some works in the literature identify the need to efficiently manage supply chain relationships and collaboration as strategic matters while attempting to enhance business results and capabilities such as green innovation (Azzone and Noci 1998; Chen et al. 2006; Zacharía et al. 2011; Chiou et al. 2011). This framework will be operationalized by the “co-production” and “ad hoc green innovation” theses.

Main Drivers and Consequences of Green Innovation In 1947, Schumpeter related technological development to innovation that improves people’s wellbeing. The progressive succession of innovations among distinct industries matches with the Schumpeterian model. Many industrial activities lead to air emissions that cause climate change, pollution, waste generation, greenhouse gas emissions, and other human disorders that exert a very negative impact on the environment. Hence, firms in the twenty-first century are called to seek and provide greener solutions aimed to effectively protect the environment from these harmful effects. Innovation is considered a critical way to minimize or avoid environmental harm. Sherry and Stubberud (2013, p. 47) posit that “green technologies can have a double benefit for business – the feel good rewards that come from creating environmentally sustainable products and the practical financial benefits that can contribute to improved

Green Innovation

competitiveness and overall business success”. Customers are everywhere progressively seeking and expecting to purchase ever more environmentally friendly products and services. Certainly, green innovation appears as a strategic demand for companies that wish to remain competitive and provides a good opportunity for meeting customers’ demands while protecting the environment. The examination of prior related empirical studies has permitted us to ascertain the variables that eminently act as green innovation drivers and outcomes. On the basis of the conclusions reached by the studies assessed, we can affirm that there is heterogeneity with regard to the variables explored in these works. Therefore, recognizing which of these variables allows a clearer understanding of the issues addressed in this field of research contributes to generating more ideas, knowledge and debate for future research. On the one hand, the independent variables that majorly act as drivers or antecedents of green innovation in previous studies are environmental regulations, environmental normative levels, environmental leadership, environmental culture, environmental capability, foreign customers, relationship learning, knowledge sharing, organizational support, and information technology, among others. On the other hand, green innovation helps companies to improve their overall performance and corporate image because it is the key to find new markets opportunities and, therefore, make firms more successful. In this vein, the main consequences or outcome variables of green innovation are environmental performance, financial performance, environmental outcome, competitive advantages, green image, and customer capital. Besides, some variables repeatedly used are factors of environmental uncertainty, performance, and competitive advantage. In this vein, most publications tend to model the green innovation variable as a dependent variable, probably due to the fact that the final objective of the model proposed in most of these studies is to examine the effects of different drivers or antecedent variables on the firms’ green innovation capability. Green innovation has also been

5 Green Innovation, Table 2 Main drivers and consequences of green innovation Type of relationship Drivers or antecedents

Consequences or outcomes

Variables Environmental regulations Environmental normative levels Environmental leadership Environmental culture Environmental capability Foreign customers Relationship learning Knowledge sharing Organizational support Information technology Environmental performance Financial performance Environmental outcome Competitive advantages Green image Customer capital Environmental uncertainty Competitive advantage

modeled as a mediator variable of a relationship. For instance, Chiou et al. (2011) model green innovation as a variable that positively mediates the relationship between greening the supplier and environmental performance. Table 2 summarizes the different variables empirically linked in the literature with green innovation and their categorization according to their role or type of relationship posited – driver or consequences.

Conclusions and Future Directions Within an increasingly complex and hypercompetitive context such as the current one, the firms’ survival depends to a great extent on its capacity to develop innovations that lead them to cope with the technological challenges. Innovating involves being able to anticipate to market trends and customers’ needs before competitors, provide added quality in the products or services offered, manage time intervals efficiently, and control for the costs. All of this provides those


firms capable of accept the innovation challenges with interesting sources of competitive advantages. Green innovation is nowadays conceived as an organizational capability that might provide firms with the chance of attaining competitive advantages through the creation and development of innovative products, services, processes, and technologies concerned with minimizing the human environmental impact. Therefore, such innovations are called to decrease or alleviate environmental harm while optimizing the use of the available resources (Albort-Morant et al. 2016). The green innovation field of research is still fairly young and roots in a very specific framework of the literature ingrained in the theory of environmental management. The topic is of currently growing importance, and its diffusion takes place predominantly by means of conferences and academic meetings. Apparently, finding gaps within a recent field tends to be easier as there is usually much yet to discover. In this vein, and although numerous researchers are recently attempting to unveil and enlighten the key issues underlying the green innovation topic, this concept remains open to reinterpretations with regard to even its most basic aspects and foundations, including its definitions, typologies, and measurement. Such ambiguity has led to a noteworthy rise in the volume of research papers, conference tracks and specialized sessions, and workshops on green innovation across the world. Besides, special issues encompassing green innovation are gradually appearing in scientific books and academic journals. The widespread and broad diversity of studies is actively contributing to the buoyance and copiousness of research on this topic. However, it is also leading to the introduction of certain confusion with regard to its meaning, implications, and value. While the body of research concerning the topic of organizational innovativeness is widely and deeply covered, the green innovation topic still presents multiple gaps that should require further examination and revision. Furthermore, additional empirical evidence is required in order to validate theoretical models and shed light to

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open research questions such as the following: Is it possible in practice to reach a fair and effective balance between business performance optimization and environmental sustainment? Can it really exist equilibrium between production and respect for the environment? What strategies can companies adopt in order to reach such equilibrium? Does green innovation actually suppose an advantage or a disadvantage for managers and entrepreneurs? How do green innovation-based strategies actually offer profitability to the firm? Chen (2008, p. 272) brings some hints with this regard: “businesses can increase the productivity of resources through green innovation. Moreover, the corporations that pioneer in green innovation will enjoy the ‘first mover advantage’, which allow them to ask for a higher price for green products and, at the same time, improve their corporate images, develop new markets and gain competitive advantages.” Green innovation strategies might be truly useful as for enabling companies to design and develop superior outcomes (i.e., products, services, processes) likely to lead to escalate its market share and boost its sales figures and other performance indicators, especially when compared to other companies with less developed green innovation practices. In summary, organizational and individual concern about environmental issues is rising, as pollution, climate change, ozone reduction, and so forth become ever more persistent global problems and continuous sources of pressure. Customers and companies understand that by acting jointly, they might build great paces with regard to the conservation and protection of the environment. Besides, developing effective green innovations lead companies to achieve greater efficiency, create and reinforce their core competences, and enhance their green image, all of which may eventually contribute to attain superior performance (Wong 2012).

Cross-References ▶ Green Business and Entrepreneurship ▶ Green Enterprising and Green Entrepreneurs ▶ Innovation Future/Future of Innovation

Green Innovation

▶ New Forms of Entrepreneurship in a Sustainable Knowledge-Based Service Economy ▶ Product Innovation, Process Innovation ▶ Social Ecology and Quintuple Helix Innovation Systems ▶ Social Innovation

References Aguilera-Caracuel J, Ortiz-de-Mandojana N. Green innovation and financial performance an institutional approach. Organ Environ. 2013;26(4):365–85. Albort-Morant G, Leal-Millán A, Cepeda-Carrión G. The antecedents of green innovation performance: a model of learning and capabilities. J Bus Res. 2016; doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.04.052. In press. Azzone G, Noci G. Seeing ecology and green innovations as a source of change. J Organ Chang Manag. 1998;11(2):94–111. Barney J. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. J Manag. 1991;17(1):99–120. Chang CH. The influence of corporate environmental ethics on competitive advantage: the mediation role of green innovation. J Bus Ethics. 2011;104(3):361–70. Chen YS. The driver of green innovation and green image – green core competence. J Bus Ethics. 2008;81(3):531–43. Chen CJ, Huang JW. Strategic human resource practices and innovation performance – the mediating role of knowledge management capacity. J Bus Res. 2009;62(1):104–14. Chen YS, Lai SB, Wen CT. The influence of green innovation performance on corporate advantage in Taiwan. J Bus Ethics. 2006;67(4):331–9. Chen YS, Chang CH, Wu FS. Origins of green innovations: the differences between proactive and reactive green innovations. Manag Decis. 2012;50(3):368–98. Chen YS, Chang CH, Lin YH. The determinants of green radical and incremental innovation performance: green shared vision, green absorptive capacity, and green organizational ambidexterity. Sustainability. 2014;6(11):7787–806. Chiou TY, Chan HK, Lettice F, Chung SH. The influence of greening the suppliers and green innovation on environmental performance and competitive advantage in Taiwan. Transp Res Part E Logist Transp Rev. 2011;47(6):822–36. Dresner S. Principles of sustainability. London: Earthscan Publications Ltd; 2008. Grant RM. Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm. Strateg Manag J. 1996;17(S2):109–22. Hart SL. A natural-resource-based view of the firm. Acad Manag Rev. 1995;20(4):986–1014. Kemp R, Pearson P. Final report of the MEI project measuring eco innovation. UM Merit Maastricht. 2007. Retrieved from http://www.merit.unu.edu/MEI/

7 deliverables/MEI%20D15%20Final%20report%20 about%20measuring%20eco-innovation.pdf Kemp R, Arundel A, Smith K. Survey indicators for environmental innovation. Paper presented to conference “Towards Environmental Innovation Systems” in Garmisch-Partenkirchen; 2001. Klassen RD, Whybark DC. Environmental management in operations: the selection of environmental technologies. Decision Sci. 1999;30(3):601–631. Leal-Millán A, Roldán JL, Leal-Rodríguez AL, OrtegaGutiérrez J. IT and relationship learning in networks as drivers of green innovation and customer capital: evidence from the automobile sector. J Knowl Manag. 2016;20(3):444–64. Leal-Millán A, Albort-Morant G, Leal-Rodríguez AL, Ariza-Montes A. Relationship learning strategy as a mechanism of network and the effectiveness of green innovation, Chapter 6. In: Peris-Otiz M, Ferreira JJ, editors. Cooperation and networks in small business strategy. Springer International Publishing; 2017. In press. Leal-Rodríguez AL, Roldán JL, Ariza-Montes A, LealMillán A. From potential absorptive capacity to innovation outcomes in project teams: the conditional mediating role of the realized absorptive capacity in a relational learning context. Int J Proj Manag. 2014;32:894–907. Martelo-Landroguez S, Cegarra-Navarro JG. Linking knowledge corridors to customer value through knowledge processes. J Knowl Manag. 2014;18(2):342–65. Nonaka I. The knowledge-creating company. Harv Bus Rev. 1991;69(6):96–104. O’Connor GC, Leifer R, Paulson AS, Peters LS. Grabbing lighting: building a capability for breakthrough innovation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; 2008. Porter ME, Van der Linde C. Green and competitive. Harv Bus Rev. 1995;73(5):120–34. Sherry R, Stubberud HA. Green innovation in Germany: a comparison by business size. J Int Bus Res. 2013;12(1):47–56. Teece DJ, Pisano G, Shuen A. Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strateg Manag J. 1997;18(7):509–33. Tseng ML, Wang R, Chiu AS, Geng Y, Lin YH. Improving performance of green innovation practices under uncertainty. J Clean Prod. 2013;40:71–82. Walley N, Whitehead B. It’s not easy being green. Harv Bus Rev. 1994;72(3):46–52. Wong SKS. The influence of green product competitiveness on the success of green product innovation. Empirical evidence from the Chinese electrical and electronics industry. Eur J Innov Manag. 2012;15(4):468–90. Zacharia ZG, Nix NW, Lusch RF. Capabilities that enhance outcomes of an episodic supply chain collaboration. J Oper Manag. 2011;29:591–603. Zahra S, George G. Absorptive capacity: a review, reconceptualization, and extension. Acad Manag Rev. 2002;27:185–203.


Innovations in Business Administration Michael König Department of Strategy and Innovation, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria

Synonyms Academic firm; Financing innovation; Innovation economy; Innovation future/future of innovation; Innovations of and in organizations; Product innovation, process innovation; Technology life cycles; University research and innovation

Introduction What is new? The ancient Greek had two words for “new”. First, they used neos to address phenomena that were youthful, recent, and young. Second, they had kainos to address phenomena that were newfangled, and strange. While both express “newness”, they have a profoundly different meaning. In between there was a third notion, that of “new” in the sense of other, next, diverse, implying “the same” rather than “new”, expressed by heteros, allos, and polla (see Fig. 1). D’Angour (2011) explains the crucial differences between them (and their derivatives): While neos stands for a kind of novelty that did not exist until

recently and is therefore “new in time” (temporal), kainos depicts a novelty that is “brand-new” (evaluative) and therefore unusual, unfamiliar, unprecedented, and hitherto unknown. There is also “newness” in a differential quality: another car or another book, not necessarily recently written, expressing something in the future, but not necessarily “new”. This distinction, meticulously carved out by D’Angour (2011), seems to be of significant relevance to the characterization and understanding of the term innovation. Over the centuries, the different notions of “new” as used by the ancient Greek have somehow been amalgamated and diluted. In the English language as well as in many others, we use “new” now more in an evaluative sense. The term innovation, despite its manifold definitions, seems to be overused for seemingly radically new and unheard-of phenomena, especially in business administration, even when it describes something which is only “new in time” or even not new at all, or just “more of the same.” This especially holds true when addressing innovation theory as introduced by Schumpeter (1939). Schumpeter’s radical innovation seems to have become a buzzword in business administration. The important distinction between what is really radically new (kainos), with the force to destroy and recreate as initially intended by Schumpeter, and the other notions of “new” is often neglected or even not understood. This phenomenon is aptly depicted by Röpke and Stiller (2006) in their fabulous

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200038-1


Innovations in Business Administration

DESCRIPTIVE temporal e.g. youthful, recent, young neos, etc.

SUBJECTIVE differential e.g. other, next, diverse heteros, allos, polla, etc.

evaluative e.g. newfangled, strange kainos, etc.

Innovations in Business Administration, Fig. 1 The semantic domain of “new” (D’Angour 2011, 22)

adaptation of a story from China: “Mr. Ye (name of a person responsible for innovation) loved dragons. All his clothes were embroidered with dragons. All rooms in his house were decorated with pictures of dragons. All pillars of his house had dragon patterns engraved. It seemed that he couldn’t survive without dragons. One day in heaven, the real dragon (Schumpeter) heard of this and was very pleased. He flew to Ye to pay him a visit. But as Ye saw the real dragon, he was petrified with horror and ran away immediately.” (Röpke and Stiller 2006, XLI, translated from German into English). Although inscriptions on historical artifacts as the Code of Ur-Nammu and the Code of Hammurabi fortify the perception that at least certain aspects of business administration, like documents on trade transactions and early versions of accounting, date back thousands of years (Mattessich 2000), it has only recently, in the twentieth century, reached its enormous importance. Decision making and performance of entrepreneurial entities, allocation of resources, and management of supporting activities like finance, human resources, and marketing are what we now understand as business administration, taught in business schools and at universities all over the world. Traditionally, however, the theoretical foundation of business administration very much builds on strong assumptions or even axioms, some of them derived from or similar to those in economics: the rationally acting entrepreneur, making decisions under certainty, relying on perpetual growth, on the basis of a robust business model and the usage of an ever-increasing and readily available set of data to inform her/his

decisions. The beginning of the twenty-first century brought significant innovations in business administration, some of them complementing, enriching, and even contradicting the classical doctrines. In the following paragraphs, two dominant innovations in business administration that challenge traditional views will be unpacked and subsequently discussed in the light of neos and kainos, or heteros for that matter.

First Innovation: There Is No Such Thing as a Homo Oeconomicus The 2013 ‘Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel’ was outstanding in many ways. Not only was it awarded to three exceptionally brilliant scholars who certainly made their mark in economics. With Fama, Hansen, and Shiller, the Prize in Economics was also awarded to scientists who had controversial if not diametrically opposed scientific opinions, particularly on the question of how markets work and asset prices can be predicted. All three laureates developed empirical models on market efficiency and stock market prediction. However, Fama’s “efficient market hypothesis” (Fama 1965, 1970, 1991) stands against Hansen’s econometric model, the “generalized method of moments” (Hansen 1982), and Shiller’s observations of stock-price volatility (Shiller 1982) as well as Shiller’s seminal work on “irrational exuberance” (Shiller 2005), most noteworthy from the perspective of the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008. Shiller explains fluctuations in asset prices by referring to factors that are usually not addressed

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in the classical approaches: human behavior, like acting on instincts and emotions. He uses the term “animal spirits”, introduced by Keynes (1936), for such basic instincts and emotions that drive human behavior. “Animal spirits” that affect decision making are, e.g., confidence, money illusion, stories, corruption, fairness, defending, hunting, and competing (Akerlof and Shiller 2009). Behavioral economics is increasingly gaining relevance in contemporary economic theories. Coming from a different angle (economic psychology), Kahneman, 2002 laureate, and Tversky have also questioned rationality in their “prospect theory”, as an alternative to classical expected utility theory (Kahneman and Tversky 1979). Fehr shows in his experimental economic research that determinants of cooperation like fairness and bounded rationality influence decision making (Glimcher et al. 2008). Ultimately Ariely states that humans are “predictably irrational” (Ariely 2008). This is certainly “new” in a kainos way, since it is contrary to classical economic theory, where “homo oeconomicus”, the economic man, is predominant. This construct assumes that humans are always and consistently acting rationally, are self-interested, have perfect knowledge of all factors that influence the decision making, and try to maximize their utility as customers or profits as entrepreneurs. In fact, economic theory is gradually refocusing on the “real man” or the “homo emotionalis”, accepting that “homo oeconomicus” does not exist in practice. This has direct implications on business administration, too, ranging from the prediction of customer behavior to management control and strategic management. A better understanding of the foundations for erratic or irrational behavior of the “real man” might lead to better explanations of the causes and effects of “irrational exuberance” in business contexts and support foreseeing such phenomena (as outlined later). One-dimensional and solely “rational” models fail to grasp that irrationality is possibly a normal state and rationality the exception. This calls for new directions in business administration as well as economics theory. Research is here still in the fledgling stages, and to spark the discussion scholars still need to pose fundamental “how” questions to


better explore the nature of human behavior, before they engage in understanding the “why,” as is suggested by phenomenon-based research (Van Krogh et al. 2012). Increasingly, insights from related and ostensibly unrelated areas of science are adopted and used to better understand human behavior and its impact on (business) decision making. While they are not new in themselves (from a metaperspective of scientific methodology they are rather neos or even heteros), their application can evoke kainos effects in this new context. Instructive examples are the advances of neuroscience that feed neuroeconomics (Glimcher et al. 2008) and neurostrategy (Powell 2011; Powell and Puccinelli 2012). Another important area in which irrationality has a new and direct impact is the notion of business models. The anthropologist Bateson famously asked “What pattern connects the crab to the lobster and the orchid to the primrose and all the four of them to me? And me to you? And all the six of us to the amoeba in one direction and the back-ward schizophrenic in another?” (Bateson 1979, 8). Translated into a business context, this informs the perennial question for the “sustainable competitive advantage,” asked by any start-up entrepreneur. What is the pattern that connects the offering of a company with the desiderata of potential customers better than that of competitors and the qualifications of the leadership team with the strategic intent of a newly founded business? What is the pattern that connects strategies with implementation? And all of them to the proposed abnormal returns? These considerations are indeed as relevant for start-up companies as they are for incumbent enterprises. There is no more “business as usual” for any participant in a marketplace. Businesses need to have a deep understanding of how they create value and how they capture value. What they all do face, however, is irrational behavior with their customers, competitors, leadership team, employees, and other stakeholders, as well as exuberance when it comes to development of prices and returns. A new definition of business models that accepts the “real man” with all her/his “animal spirits” might therefore be kainos in nature. Rather than


having a static model, such a business model should be “autopoietic,” meaning that it recreates itself constantly in line with its proponents, following the concept of autopoiesis by Maturana and Varela (1980). In all cases, “homo oeconomicus” is too facile a concept to explain the phenomena that influence contemporary economics and that real businesses experience out there in practice. As Krugman, 2010 laureate, puts it in a nutshell: “When it comes to the all-too human problem of recessions and depressions, economists need to abandon the neat but wrong solution of assuming that everyone is rational and markets work perfectly” (Krugman 2009, 15).

Second Innovation: There Is No Such Thing as Certainty We do not like uncertainty. We would rather “brush it under the carpet” than deal with it. Uncertainty might arise from within a company, based on the quality of information or the precision of estimation models used, or from outside, “from the real world” (Damodoran 2010, 301). Uncertainty makes business judgment particularly difficult, especially when the future is concerned, and it is much more convenient to make decisions, when the underlying assumptions are stable and conditions are well known. This is not a (temporally) new insight, however. As early as 1933, Whitehead stated “The whole of this tradition is warped by the vicious assumption that each generation will substantially live amid the conditions governing the lives of its fathers and will transmit those conditions to mould with equal force the lives of its children. We are living in the first period of human history for which this assumption is false” (Whitehead 1933, 93). How very convincing this sounds from today’s perspective. In the current economic climate of the beginning of the twenty-first century, in which enterprises face increasing volatility as well as high speed and barely manageable complexity, dealing with uncertainty in a professional way should be “as natural as swimming”. But it is not. Uncertainty is tricky. Novotny even called it

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“cunning”, due to the many different ways we encounter, experience, and engage with it (Novotny 2016). In business administration and economics, traditional approaches to deal with uncertainty are mainly separated into two streams. One of them is game theory as a science of strategic reasoning, where rationally acting game players maximize their utilities. Hence, decisions are made in context of strategic interdependencies (see Morgenstern and von Neumann 1944; Nash 1950). In a second stream, the game is “played” against chance, not against other players. Agents try to minimize uncertainty about future decisions by assigning probabilities to each outcome. This seems to be a reasonable thing to do when an agent/a company deals with so-called “known unknowns”. Scientifically, this is embedded in the field of “risk management”, sometimes dealing with “quantities susceptible of measurement, while at other times it is something distinctly not of this character” (Knight and Risk 1921). The latter, so-called “Knightean uncertainty” provides the arena in which dealing with uncertainty starts to get problematic. If a risk is immeasurable and impossible to calculate, classic risk management techniques tend to fall short. Connatural to this are so-called “unknown unknowns”, which were famously manifested by the former U S foreign secretary Rumsfeld (DoD 2002) and for which agents cannot assign probabilities. Seen from the etymological viewpoint of newness, “known unknowns” seem to be neos, events not necessarily new by nature, or heteros, events which are imitations of earlier ones. The “cunning” part, however, is uncertainty, which is kainos, “brandnew”, abrupt, newfangled, strange, disruptive, game-changing, and existential. Shocks and discontinuities, triggered by endogenous factors like deficient business models or inflexible organizational design, and exogenous factors like military, economic, climate, and political surprises can have a huge impact on the going-concern of companies. Businesses that are capable to better (and earlier) foresee them than their competitors and to develop adaptive measures can experience a crucial competitive advantage by benefiting from otherwise hidden opportunities or from avoiding

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hidden dangers. Among the many definitions of foresight, Makridakis’ stands out. It states that the purpose of foresight is: “(. . .) to provide business executives and government policy makers with ways of seeing the (long term) future with different eyes and fully understanding the possible implications of alternative technological/societal paths. (. . .) Thus the purpose of foresight is neither to provide recipes nor specific forecasts. Its aim is to enhance an organizations’ ability to consider various future scenarios without any preconceptions, debate their implications, examine the risk involved, estimate potential benefits, predict the cost/investments involved to arrive with practical alternatives that can be translated into executable actions” (Makridakis 2004). Several avenues have emerged to tackle foresight. They can be consolidated in “generations” of strategic foresight (Baum et al. 2013). Initially (first generation), ratios and extrapolation of past performances served the purpose, but to no avail. Since unexpected and notably disruptive events cannot be sufficiently anticipated by just computing the past, causal chains and indicator-based analyzes (second generation) were employed. The downside of those was their inherent logic. If assumed causality turns out to be different in practice, causal reactions and planned countermeasures might not be fitting. It might turn out that an event that was evaluated as being neos or heteros is in fact kainos, and a company is left fully unprepared for that. In the third generation, “weak signals” and “scenarios” (amongt others) were introduced. According to Ansoff, significant changes tend to send some noise in advance (Ansoff 1980). Businesses should develop a “radar” for such signals, assess them appropriately, and absorb scenarios in their planning for the future. The beauty of scenario-based planning is that it adds plausibility to probability and “embeds strategizing in organizational processes” (Van der Heijden 2005). More recently, in a 4th generation, an integrated view of the manifold tools of foresight is suggested, focusing on organizational capabilities, like Müller and MüllerStevens’ “foresight capabilities” (2009) and Rohrbeck’s “maturity model for the future orientation of a firm” (2010). Generations 1–4 and their


toolbox of foresight are around for quite some time. There are, however, some “new” and innovative approaches to dealing with uncertainty. One of them is proposed by Feduzzi and Runde (2014), by offering Baconian logic as an alternative to traditional Bayesian logic, under conditions of deficient foresight, in order to construct and detect “unknown unknowns.” A further path to reduce uncertainty and to enable better predictions is that of “superforecasting” by Tetlock and Gardner (2015). A very recent and salient approach towards the application of scenarios is the shift from prediction to “reframing,” as outlined in the Oxford Scenario Planning Approach (Ramírez and Wilkinson 2016). This might turn out to be a real game-changer in business administration, and hence kainos. Rather than following the classical “predict and control” approach prevalent in traditional strategic planning and management control theory and practice, it relates to Normann’s (2001) reading of “reframing and reperceiving”, suitable for so-called TUNA (i.e., turbulent, uncertainty, novelty, and ambiguity) environments. Ultimately, there is no Turing test guaranteeing the best way of dealing with uncertainty (Turing 1950). “Superforecasters” might get it as wrong as “superforesighters”. This is beside the point, anyway. Rather than trying to precisely predict future events in vain, businesses should accept uncertainty, embrace it, make sense of it, frame it, learn from it, and include it in their business models. Certainty is dead. It probably never existed in a business context.

Concluding Remarks When it comes to innovations in business administration, one should always consider the kind of “new” one is dealing with, following D’Angour’s (2011) classification based on the “newness’ as defined by the ancient Greek. Not everything that is called new is brand-new. Traditional concepts like “homo oeconomicus” and “certainty” are chimera of the past. But it is not all lost, on the contrary. When in ancient Greek mythology Pandora opened her box to release the plagues, there


was one little creature that remained: elpis. It stands for hope and is “capable of absorbing what we anticipate and to metamorphose into what we wish it to be.” (Novotny 2016, 171). Elpis is presumably one of the first foresighters malgré lui. There is hope that the future will bring further answers to the fundamental issues of human behavior and uncertainty. The content of textbooks on business administration will undoubtedly undergo a significant shift in the following years. Fundamental economic theories and their correspondents in business administration will change, or even become obsolete and will be replaced by “new” theories. One of the big promises of the twenty-first century is “big data”. The phenomenon of “big data” is ubiquitous. Businesses aim to collect as much refined data as possible from all their stakeholders and business environment. Data from the past and present shall form the basis for reducing the irrational and unexpected and create a higher degree of certainty. While analytical and mathematical models will support us in the most brilliant fashion, it will however be important to ensure plausibility. In fact, it will be “small data” that concerns us most, the loopholes, the “unknown unknowns”, because this is where uncertainty hides and superficial assumptions like a “homo oeconomicus” will not provide reasonable answers. Businesses (as well as governments) will strive to construct strategic holodecks where complex scenarios can not only be composed but effectively lived through and perpetually revisited in an artificially secure environment by complementing probability with plausibility. Those holodecks will be rich with data, learning, and capable of simulating alternative futures in an unprecedented way. So, “memories of the future” can be created ex ante to support decision making. One could visualize it as a corporate version of the famous holodeck of the Star Trek science fiction franchise, a fictional virtual reality space that is haptic and touchable. A strategic holodeck will resemble what Martin envisioned as the “automated Jeeves” for individuals (Martin 2007). While still in its conceptual infancy and in a stage of science fiction prototyping (Bilton

Innovations in Business Administration

2014), this trajectory will be kainos for business administration, the proverbial Schumpeterian dragon of Mr. Ye. It will completely change what we now know as corporate planning and management control, enabling companies to “experience”, “frame”, and “control” for alternative future scenarios, enriched with episodic and semantic memory capabilities in order to develop and execute not only the most probable but also the most plausible future of an enterprise. Business administration is at a tipping point, where companies can no longer expect automatic or even perpetual growth and stability, and alternative innovative approaches like mutuality will increasingly replenish profitability. In a strategic holodeck, such fundamental shifts can be scrutinized and tested, including their impact on organizational and societal agility, bringing Schumpeters’ dragon to life without having to abscond from its (un)expected consequences. However, the real innovation in business administration, which has spent a somewhat isolated life in the realm of the social sciences, is that it is increasingly reaching out to the humanities. Looking back on the manifold achievements and experiences of the humanities exemplified here with the sophisticated meanings of the word “new” with the ancient Greek, so instructively established by D’Angour (2011), will nourish our view of the future of business administration. It is an interdisciplinary science, and we are humans after all.

Cross-References ▶ Academic Firm ▶ Financing Innovation ▶ Innovation Economy ▶ Innovation Future/Future of Innovation ▶ Innovations of and in Organizations ▶ Mode 3 Knowledge Production in Quadruple Helix Innovation Systems: Quintuple Helix and Social Ecology ▶ Product Innovation, Process Innovation ▶ Quintuple Innovation Helix and Global Warming: Challenges and Opportunities for Policy and Practice

Innovations in Business Administration

▶ Technology Life Cycles ▶ University Research and Innovation

References Akerlof D, Shiller RJ. Animal spirits: how human psychology drives the economy, and why it matters for global capitalism. Princeton: University Press; 2009. Ansoff I. Managing strategic surprise by response to weak signals. Calif Manag Rev. 1980;2:21. Ariely D. Predictably irrational. The hidden forces that shape our decisions. New York: Harper Collins; 2008. Bateson G. Mind and nature: a necessary unity (advances in systems theory, complexity, and the human sciences). New York: Hampton Press; 1979. Baum H-G, Coenenberg AG, Günter T. Strategisches controlling. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel; 2013. Bilton N. Disruptions: the Holodeck begins to take shape. N Y Times. bits.blogs.newyorktimes; January 26, 2014. D’Angour A. The Greeks and the new: novelty in ancient Greek imagination and experience. London: Cambridge University Press; 2011. Damodoran A. The dark side of valuation. Valuing young, distressed and complex businesses. Hoboken: Pearson; 2010. DoD. News briefing, secretary Rumsfeld and General Myers. News Transcript of the U. S. Department of Defence; 2002. Fama E. The behavior of stock market prices. J Bus. 1965;38:34–105. Fama E. Efficient capital markets. A review of theory and empirical work. J Financ. 1970;25:383–417. Fama E. Efficient capital markets II. J Financ. 1991;46:1575–617. Feduzzi A, Runde J. Uncovering unknown unknowns: towards a Baconian approach to management decision-making. Organ Behav Hum Decis Process. 2014;124:268–83. Glimcher PW, Camerer C, Fehr E, Poldrack RA. Neuroeconomics: decision making and the brain. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press; 2008. Hansen LP. Large sample properties of generalized method of moments estimators. Econometrica. 1982;50:1029–54. Kahneman D, Tversky A. Prospect theory: an analysis of decision under risk. Econometrica. 1979;47(2):263–91. Keynes JM. The general theory of employment, interest and money. London: Macmillan; 1936. Knight F, Risk H. Uncertainty, and profit. Boston: Schaffner & Marx; 1921. Krugman P. How did economists get it so wrong? N Y Times. 2009;2(9):15. Makridakis C. Foreword: foresight matters. In: Tsoukas H, Shepperd J, editors. Managing the future – foresight in the knowledge economy. Oxford: Wiley; 2004. XIII.

7 Martin J. The meaning of the 21st century. A vital blueprint for ensuring our future. London: Random House; 2007. Mattessich R. The beginnings of accounting and accounting thought: accounting practice in the Middle East (8000 BC to 2000 BC) and accounting thought in India (300 BC and the Middle Ages). New York: Taylor & Francis; 2000. Maturana HR, Varela FJ. Autopoiesis and cognition: the realization of the living. Dordrecht: Reidel Publishing; 1980. Morgenstern O, von Neumann J. Theory of games and economic behaviour. Princeton: University Press; 1944. Müller AW, Müller-Stewens G. Strategic Foresight. Trendund Zukunftsforschung in Unternehmen – Instrumente, Prozesse, Fallstudien. Stuttgart: Schäfer-Poeschel; 2009. Nash J. Non-cooperative games. Doctoral dissertation, Princeton; 1950. Normann R. Reframing business: when the map changes the landscape. Chichester: Wiley; 2001. Novotny H. The cunning of uncertainty. Cambridge/Malden: Polity Press; 2016. Powell T. Neurostrategy. Strateg Manag J. 2011;39:1484–9. Powell T, Puccinelli N. The brain as substitute for strategic organisation. Strateg Organ. 2012;10:207–14. Ramírez R, Wilkinson A. Strategic reframing. The Oxford scenario planning approach. Oxford: University Press; 2016. Rohrbeck R. Corporate foresight: towards a maturity model for the future orientation of a firm. Berlin: Springer; 2010. Röpke J, Stiller O. Einführung. In: Schumpeter JA, editor. Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. Berlin: Dunker & Humblot; 2006. Schumpeter JA. Business cycles. A theoretical, historical, and statistical analysis of the capitalist process. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1939. Shiller RJ. Do stock prices move too much to be justified by subsequent changes in dividends? Am Econ Rev. 1982;71:421–36. Shiller RJ. Irrational exuberance. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2005. Tetlock PE, Gardner D. Superforecasting. The art and science of prediction. New York: Crown Publishing; 2015. Turing AM. Computing machinery and intelligence. Mind. 1950;LIX(236):433–59. Van der Heijden K. Scenarios. The art of strategic conversation. Chichester: Wiley; 2005. Van Krogh G, Rossi-Lamastra C, Haefliger S. Phenomenon-based research in management and organization science: when is it rigorous and does it matter? Long Range Plan. 2012;45(4):277–98. Whitehead AN. Adventures of ideas. New York: Simon & Schuster; 1933.


Complexity and Creative Problem Solving Russell Schneck WorkingLessons, Kerhonkson, NY, USA

Synonyms Creative problem solving

Key Concepts and Definitions The IBM 2010 Global CEO Study, Capitalising on Complexity (IBM 2010), makes an explicit connection between complexity and creativity with these findings: • The world’s private and public sector leaders believe that a rapid escalation of “complexity” is the biggest challenge confronting them. They expect it to continue and to accelerate in the coming years • The study participants identify “creativity” as the single most important leadership competency for enterprises seeking a path through this complexity. The connection and importance of the complexity and creativity connection is further advanced by The Future of Jobs, a report by the

World Economic Forum (2016) that looks at employment, skills, and workforce strategy. This report states that the top three workplace abilities in 2020 will be: 1. Complex problem solving 2. Critical thinking 3. Creativity It logically follows that if complexity is the biggest challenge, then complex problem solving will be the most important ability. It also follows that critical and creative thinking skills will be required as these competencies are the foundation of problem solving. This work integrates these considerations, using accelerating complexity as the starting point and creative problem solving (CPS) as the framework to apply critical and creative thinking in response to the challenges and opportunities created by complexity. Discussion of systems and systems thinking are also included in recognition that the interconnections and interdependencies that produce complexity are evidence that a system is at work; problems of complexity are problems that need a systems thinking perspective. Complexity Complexity is characterized by interconnected parts, a complicated or involved arrangement of parts, or conditions that are hard to understand or deal with (www.dictionary.com/browse/com plex). The need for components to fit together

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200050-1


Complexity and Creative Problem Solving

and function in a prescribed manner that is not readily apparent or easily understood is a description of complexity. Creative Problem Solving Creative problem solving arguably dates back to the earliest toolmaking by man. For the purpose of this discussion, we will start the timeframe with Osborne (1953) which builds on his work in deliberate creativity to offer a process that has evolved into creative problem solving process. Fox and Fox (2004) define creative problem solving in this manner: A broadly applicable process containing various components and stages to provide a framework for generating and developing new and useful outcomes or actions for a broad range of situations (opportunities, challenges, concerns, or problems). (p. 236)

Systems and Systems Thinking This article considers the principles, tools, and methods of systems thinking as part of the body of knowledge utilized during creative problem solving. The nature of complexity and complex problems supports this perspective. Miller and Page (2007) states, “Complexity is a deep property of a system” (p. 9). Complexity is a condition that arises from interconnections and interdependencies. In other words, complexity is a condition that indicates a system is present. The IBM CEO study (IBM 2010) not only links complexity and creativity, it also makes the connection between complexity and systems thinking: We occupy a world that is connected on multiple dimensions and at a deep level a global system of systems. That means, among other things, that it is subject to systems-level failures, which require systems-level thinking ... (p. 3)

Arnold and Wade (2015) present definitions for systems and systems thinking: Systems: Groups or combinations of interrelated, interdependent, or interacting elements forming collective entities. Systems thinking: A set of synergistic analytic skills used to improve the capability of identifying and understanding systems, predicting their behaviors, and devising modifications to them in order to produce desired effects. These skills work together as a system.

It is important to recognize how closely the definition of a system includes the conditions that describe complexity.

Theoretical Background Complexity in Organizations Organizations are complex social systems. Marcy and Mumford (2010) indicate that complexity arises from four conditions of social systems and the interactions that occur within social systems. Condition 1: Multiple and Competing Goals

Competing interests will always be present in the polarity of individual versus group considerations. It is also useful to consider the occurrences that cause multiple and competing goals to exist in the first place. It can be argued that multiple and competing goals are an inevitable result of growth. When an organization grows large enough to establish distinct functional departments or multiple reporting structures, competing interests are the result. Acquisitions and mergers produce this condition as well. Condition 2: Multiple Streams of Action and Interaction

This condition can be summarized by saying there is a lot going on, and it includes connections among various parts of the organization. What we can see from this condition is that the volume of activity and the existence of interconnections contribute to complexity. Condition 3: Success Requires Interdependencies and the External Demands

Not only are there connections, but the connections are necessary to accomplish required tasks. Beyond the complexity produced by these interdependencies, the individuals and groups that are interdependent are responding to factors beyond the awareness or understanding of each other. The circumstances that govern actions or decisions are not visible throughout the system. Complexity is not only the result of necessary interdependencies, it is compounded because these interdependent individuals or groups

Complexity and Creative Problem Solving

are experiencing influence and stresses different from and, in some instances, hidden from one another.


Stage Implement

Condition 4: Interactions Occur in Dynamic Context

The final characteristic describes a situation that is in a constant state of flux. There not only are a lot of interconnected parts, but they are changing often without consideration of the impact of the change on other parts of the system. The need for the interdependence remains, but there are no effective methods in place that will produce a benefit from the interdependent relationship when there is a change in the system. At best, there will be a plan and process for these changes. But sometimes it is discovered in the course of what had been daily routine that what worked yesterday would not work today, and another unknown approach is required. Creative Problem Solving The creative problem solving (CPS) process has evolved over six decades of research, theory, and practice. Originating in the work of Alex Osborne and Sid Parnes and the Creative Education Foundation, CPS was once referred to as the OsborneParnes model. The Creative Education Foundation now presents an evolution of the OsbornParnes model called the CPS Learner’s Model (Puccio et al. 2007; Miller et al. 2001; Nielson and Thurber 2016). Stage Clarify

Step Explore the vision Gather data

Formulate challenges

Ideate Develop

Explore ideas Formulate solutions

Purpose Identify the goal, wish, or challenge Describe and generate data to enable a clear understanding of the challenge Sharpen awareness of the challenge and create challenge questions that invite solutions Generate ideas that answer the challenge questions To move from ideas to solutions. Evaluate, strengthen, and select solutions for best “fit” (continued)

Step Formulate a plan

Purpose Explore acceptance and identify resources and actions that will support implementation of the selected solution(s)


This view presents process as a framework that defines steps or phases. Process can also be the cognitive and affective abilities that are applied to creative problem solving. Puccio et al. (2007) articulate specific cognitive and affective abilities associated with each process step and describe openness to novelty, tolerance for ambiguity, and tolerance for complexity as affective skills that underlie all steps in the creative problem solving process. Systems Thinking Systems thinking uses multiple levels to offer a view of reality. The following table presents the levels, descriptions of each level, and the mode of action present in each level. Level Events Patterns Systemic structures Mental models Vision

Description Occurrences we encounter in our day-to-day activities Trends or changes observed or measured over time Underlying causal drivers. Responsible for generating patterns and events Deeply held theories about how the world works Desired future

Action mode Reactive Adaptive Creative

Reflective Generative

(Kim 1999)

Effective problem solving must occur at the structure level. Too often we see changes implemented only at the events level. Inevitably these will result in unintended consequences that over time will undermine the effort. The increased interconnectivity and interdependencies in today’s workplaces make the unintended consequences of events level interventions more likely and of greater impact. Systems thinking and its


tools such as causal loop diagrams, behavior over time graphs, and systems archetypes are particularly well suited for complexity in that they are intended to identify interdependencies and causal relationships. Introductory material on systems thinking (Goodman et al. 1997; Kim 1999; Pegasus 2004) begins with a foundation of causal loop diagrams and behavior over time graphs. These basic, yet powerful, tools form the foundation for the inquiry and diagnostic work that is a strength of systems thinking and necessary for the clarify stage of CPS. Causal loop diagrams depict the interrelationships and influences of the variables in a system, and behavior over time graphs reveals trends and patterns. An important application of causal loop diagrams is to define systems archetypes which are common patterns of behavior in organizations that are known to be the underlying cause of many recurring issues (Kim and Lannon 1997). An understanding of systems archetypes builds an awareness of the unintended consequences that are produced by the archetypical behavior and allows for problem solving and corrective measures to be developed and implemented (Kim and Lannon 1997). The utility of systems archetypes to CPS is found in how systems archetypes can effectively explain the systemic structure of the problem.

Implications of Complexity on Creative Problem Solving Stakeholder Involvement As a result of interdependencies, circumstances arise such that no single entity owns the problem; therefore, no single entity can solve the problem. The most significant problem facing one department may have its origin in another department or even with a resource outside the company. There is not a single chain of authority that can address the situation. Effective problem solving requires the involvement of all stakeholders, and when complexity is present, it

Complexity and Creative Problem Solving

often means crossing departmental or organizational boundaries. Process and Methods Considering the four stages of the CPS Learner’s Model (clarify, ideate, develop, and implement), complexity brings increased emphasis on the clarify stage. A problem cannot be solved, if we do not fully understand what the problem is, which means looking at the situation from multiple points of view as well as understanding its root causes. Creative solutions, a vision for the future, depend on understanding of the systemic structure that underlies the problem we are trying to solve. Complexity produces ambiguity that may not be eliminated by the clarify stage. The information gathered may be inconclusive, contradictory, or incomplete. Controlled experiments can be used to address this during develop and implement stages. This reflects an explicit understanding that even the process of implementation can be iterative when complexity is present. Visualization Tools Craig (2000) offers the following description of the purpose of diagrams: “to unravel and clarify situations in a way that reduces complexity” (p.11). This suggests that as complexity increases, the need to apply a range of visual tools and the principles of visual thinking (Arnheim 1969; McKim 1972; Roam 2009) in CPS will continue to increase as well. Specific types of information can best, or sometimes only, be conveyed visually. McCormack (2011) articulates this concept and its importance to problem solving in this way: . . . many scientific and engineering problems simply cannot be described verbally, and VST (Visual/ Spatial Thinking) is essential to scientists as an aid to thinking, a means of problem formulation, and the essence of problem solving. (p. 10)

Systems are another example of this concept. Defining and describing the interactions, interdependencies, and consequences of a system require the visual vocabulary of behavior over time graphs and causal loop diagrams.

Complexity and Creative Problem Solving

Conclusion and Future Directions Complexity is here to stay and creative problem solving needs to continue to evolve to address the challenges and opportunities that result from complexity. The importance of the clarify stage suggests the potential for steps and tools directed specifically at the issues inherent in the challenges of complexity. Complexity is an indication that the dynamics of a system are at work. Incorporating the principles, tools, and methods of systems thinking into the practice of CPS will be an asset to this evolution. Complexity creates conditions that are beyond our ability to easily comprehend. With this understanding, we find the importance of learning in our problem solving methods. Complexity means the problem solving is a process of learning. Complexity also increases the importance of the affective skills (openness to novelty, tolerance for ambiguity, and tolerance for complexity) that underlie the entire creative problem solving process. Process evolution driven by complexity will seek ways to develop, encourage, and reinforce these skills.

Cross-References ▶ Complexity ▶ Complex Problem Solving ▶ Creative Problem Solving (CPS) ▶ Systems ▶ Systems Thinking

References Arnheim R. Visual thinking. Berkeley: University of California Press; 1969.

5 Arnold RD, Wade JP. A definition of systems thinking: a systems approach. Procedia Comput Sci. 2015;44:669–78. Craig M. Thinking visually: business applications of 14 core diagrams. London: Thomson; 2000. Fox JM, Fox RL. Exploring the nature of creativity. Second ed. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt; 2004. Future of jobs. Geneva: World Economic Forum. 2016. Goodman M, Karash R, Lannon C, Wardman O’Reilly K, Seville D. Designing a systems thinking intervention: a strategy for leveraging change. Waltham: Pegasus Communications; 1997. IBM. Capitalising on complexity: insights from the global chief executive officer survey. Portsmouth: IBM Corporation; 2010. Kim DH. Introduction to systems thinking. Waltham: Pegasus Communications; 1999. Kim DH, Lannon CP. Applying systems archetypes. Waltham: Pegasus Communications; 1997. Marcy RT, Mumford MD. Leader cognition: improving leader performance through causal analysis. Leadersh Q. 2010;21(1):1–19. McCormack A. Don’t verbalize, visualize! NSTA Rep! 2011;22(7):10–1. McKim RH. Experiences in visual thinking. Monterey: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company; 1972. Miller JH, Page SE. Complex adaptive systems. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2007. Miller B, Vehar J, Firestien R. Creativity unbound: an introduction to creative process. 3rd ed. Williamsville: Innovation Resources; 2001. Nielson D, Thurber S. The secret of the highly creative thinker: how to make connections others don’t. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers; 2016. Osborn A. Applied imagination: principles and procedures of creative problem-solving. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons; 1953. Pegasus, editor. Getting started with systems thinking: tools for organizational change. Waltham: Pegasus Communications; 2004. Puccio GJ, Murdock MC, Mance M. Creative leadership: skills that drive change. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications; 2007. Roam D. The back of the napkin: solving problems and selling ideas with pictures expanded ed. New York: Portfolio; 2009.


Cognitive Fixation and Creativity Hector Ramos College of Education & Human Development, Texas A&M University, Bryan, College Station, TX, USA

Synonyms Mental blocks; Mental rigidity; Mental set

Definition Cognitive fixation is one of the phenomena most often studied with the field of creative cognition in psychology. Cognitive fixation has been described with different terminologies such as functional fixedness, design fixation, and mental set. However, all these terms fall into three types of cognitive fixation: semantic, priming, and expertise fixation. When cognitive fixation is discussed with respect to the use of objects, it is commonly referred to as functional fixedness. Functional fixedness occurs when a person is unable to use an object in an original way to solve a problem but continues to see it used only in its traditional way. This happens as we have preconceived notions in the use of objects that hinder us from discovering nontraditional and creative uses. Since it is the meaning of the object that causes fixation, this

type of fixation may be labelled semantic fixation (Perry et al. 2014; Adamson 1952). Priming fixation may happen in the design process. When people were presented with a design challenge and flawed examples, they continue to produce designs that incorporated the example’s design flaws instead of creating output that solved the design challenge and eliminated the flaws. The examples prime the participants to focus unconsciously on the flaws instead of avoiding them (Smith et al. 1993). Expertise fixation is often referred to as “mental set” in the business arena. It is a mental predisposition to solve a problem in a certain way, even though easier and more effective solutions may be available. When repeatedly given similar challenges or solving a problem the same way many times, people tend to get stuck to that formula. However, when some underlying aspects of the challenge change, people ignore the changes and continue to use the formula instead of trying to find other more effective solutions (Dane 2010; Luchins 1942). Whether the cause of fixation is semantic, priming, or expertise, all these aspects of cognitive cognition share the same elements. Those elements are the inability to produce more than one solution to a challenge due to mental blocks that prevent the exploration of alternatives. There are several strategies that people may use to prevent cognitive fixation. Semantic fixation can be prevented through the practice of exercises of creative thinking. For instance, the

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200052-1


purpose of the exercise of “putting to other uses” is to help participants think beyond obvious uses. Thinking of 200 uses of a brick will force you to see the brick from different perspectives. Priming fixation may be overcome by asking the question “what are the elements of this challenge? What am I taking for granted?” The detailed study of the challenge at hand will provide insights on how the challenge itself and how it is phrased, or examples given are priming us to come up with certain solution. Expertise fixation may be overcome by making implicit process explicit. In this case the experts need to describe step by step why and how the solve problems and how that solution relates to the challenge or reality they face. Finally, a strategy that may help people overcome all types of fixation is to exercise mental flexibility through forced connections. Sometimes crazy ideas can help you understand problems because they do not fit in the assumed or automatic responses.

Cognitive Fixation and Creativity

Cross-References ▶ Cognition ▶ Flexibility ▶ Problem-solving

References Adamson RE. Functional fixedness as related to problem solving: A repetition of three experiments. Journal of experimental psychology, 1952;44(4):288–291. Dane E. Reconsidering the trade-off between expertise and flexibility: A cognitive entrenchment perspective. Academy of Management Review, 2010;35 (4):579–603. Luchins AS. Mechanization in problem solving: The effect of Einstellung. Psychological monographs, 1942;54 (6):i. Perry GT, Fragoso SD, Cardoso E, Cattani A. Creativity and problem solving: an experiment with Design students. Blucher Design Proceedings, 2014;1 (4):1591–1602. Smith SM, Ward TB, Schumacher JS. Constraining effects of examples in a creative generation task. Memory & cognition, 1993;21(6):837–845.


Implicit Theories and Creativity Suzanna J. Ramos Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education & Human Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA

Synonyms Background beliefs; Implicit beliefs; Tacit beliefs; Common sense theories; Folk theories; Intuitive theories; Lay theories; Naïve theories; Selftheories

Definition Implicit theories are tacit personal thoughts and ideas held in the minds of laypeople about a particular construct (Runco 1999). Most of these types of thoughts and ideas are acquired unconsciously. Individuals use implicit theories as a frame of reference to interpret reality and foster, judge, and guide their personal definitions. They may not necessarily be aware of these implicit theories or the impact such theories might have on their social understanding. The study of implicit theories of creativity has produced four key benefits as illustrated in Figure 1.

1. Insights into how individuals view creativity: The first benefit of studying implicit theories of creativity is that direct analyses of such theories have provided interesting insights into how individuals view creativity. When studying implicit theories, the goal is to investigate how humans process information. For example, by studying theories of creativity implicit to teachers and parents, one can determine if these two groups’ definitions of creativity exhibit similarities or differences (Runco et al. 1993). Studies have shown that both groups held similar implicit qualities such as being imaginative, artistic, and curious. However, teachers tend to emphasize social characteristics (e.g., friendliness, tolerance), while parents often stress intrapersonal qualities (e.g., self-confidence, resourcefulness). 2. Validation of measurements of creativity: The second benefit of studying implicit theories of creativity is that it facilitates the development and use of social validation techniques for creativity tests and ratings scales. Social validation research attempts to capture the implicit theories of a target group and use them to generate creativity rating scales for use with other members of that same group. Social validation can complement other conventional assessment measures and has been used in areas such as college teaching as a means of evaluating students’ creativity (Runco 1984). The end result was a socially valid instrument that corresponded with the

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200053-1


Implicit Theories and Creativity

Insights into how individuals view creativity

Insights into existing explicit theories of creativity

Implicit Theories of Creativity

A means of validating creativity measures

A means of evaluating whether products are creative Implicit Theories and Creativity, Fig. 1 Benefits to studying implicit theories of creativity

implicit theories of the individuals completing the measure. 3. Evaluation of whether products are creative: The third benefit is the impact of implicit creativity theory on the evaluation of products. For many years, external expert evaluation of products has been the norm. However, there is now growing evidence that individuals need not be highly trained to determine if a product is creative. Thoughts and actions are guided by personal definitions of creativity, and laypersons have private beliefs regarding how to foster and judge creativity. For example, one study showed that graduate students were able to evaluate children’s poems in a way that closely correlated with elementary teachers’ ratings of the same creative products (Amabile 1996). This is evidence that people in general tend to know and recognize creativity when they see it. 4. Insights into existing explicit theories of creativity: The fourth benefit to discovering laypeople’s implicit theories of creativity is that doing so can lead to greater insights into current explicit theories of the same. Unlike implicit theories that are personal and internal, explicit theories are publicly shared structured scientific opinions. Apart from cognitive and psychometric methods, the implicit theory

approach has been empirically used to examine conceptions of creativity in different cultures, particularly in eastern Asia. For example, in Western psychology, there is a consensus that creativity involves both novelty and usefulness. However, there is some disagreement as to whether the concept of creativity is a shared universal understanding or if it is perceived differently in various cultures (Ramos and Puccio 2014). Thus, a cross-cultural approach to the study of implicit theories of creativity would provide insights into how culture influences its conceptualization and if it should be understood as a mental process that cannot be divorced from the cultural system within which the creative individual functions.

Cross-References ▶ Cross-Cultural Creativity ▶ Culture ▶ Definitions of Creativity ▶ Eastern Conceptions of Creativity ▶ Evaluating Creativity ▶ Explicit Theory of Creativity ▶ Western Conceptions of Creativity

Implicit Theories and Creativity

References Amabile TM. Creativity in context. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996. Ramos SJ, Puccio GJ. Cross-cultural studies of implicit theories of creativity: A comparative analysis between the United States and the main ethnic groups in Singapore. Creativity Research Journal, 2014;26 (2):223–228. doi: 10.1080/10400419.2014.901094

3 Runco MA. Teachers’ judgments of creativity and social validation of divergent thinking tests. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1984;59(3):711–717. doi: 10.2466/ pms.1984.59.3.711. Runco MA. Implicit theories. In M.A. & S.R. Pritzker (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Creativity (Vol. 2, pp. 27–30). San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1999. Runco MA, Johnson DJ, Bear PK. Parents’ and teachers’ implicit theory of children’s creativity. Child Study Journal, 1993;23(2):91–113.


Parsimonious Creativity Mark A. Runco University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA

Synonyms Causality; Cognition; Constructivism; Divergent thinking; Invention; Mechanism for creativity; Personality; Scientific method Parsimony has long played a large role in the sciences. Its origin is attributed to the fourteenth century theologian William Ockham, and it is often sometimes called Ockham’s Razor. The idea is that, when explaining things, simplicity is best. If there are various explanations for some phenomenon, parsimony points to the simplest. An alternative but compatible description is that it is best to make as few assumptions as possible. The sciences require objectivity and replication, but parsimony is enormously important, especially because the value of science is in its explaining rather than merely describing. Indeed, the scientific method was developed to delineate cause and effect, and the benefit of the sciences is that explanations can be empirically determined, and given their reliability and validity, they can be trusted. The sciences allow decisions to be made without speculation or opinion. This article

explains why parsimony applies to the study of creativity. Creativity as a subject matter is complicated, with differences among domains (e.g., art, mathematics, technology, language) and differences among cultures and eras, just to name a few ways that it varies. Because of this complication, it is typical to refer to the “creativity complex” or perhaps “creativity syndrome.” These each recognize that an explanation for creativity requires personality, attitude, cognition (of various sorts), emotions and affect, particular settings and environmental influences, and perhaps even luck (or serendipity). Theories of creativity recognize creative products, as well as creative processes, places, and potentials. In other words the idea of a creative complex is based on varied causal factors as well as various possible results or outputs. There are, however, some assumptions which should be checked, as suggested by the idea of parsimony. Consider first the creative personality, often seen as part of the creativity complex. Personality has been studied as long as any other topic in the field of creativity studies, with research going back nearly 70 years. There is a moderate consensus about the “core characteristics,” which are really personality traits and include Openness to experience, autonomy, flexibility, wide interests, intrinsic motivation, independence, and unconventional tendencies. Risk taking or risk tolerance is also sometimes mentioned. There is even more consensus that some creative individuals have

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200056-1


some of these traits, while other creative people have the other traits. Domain differences are relevant because some traits characterize most people within a particular domain while others characterize individuals in different domains. Also important are the State X Trait interactions whereby one individual may have a particular trait but it is not always manifest. Traits do seem to be expressed when the “state” or immediate environment supports them, so a person might be flexible in one setting (e.g., at home) but much less flexible in another setting (e.g., at work). There is no one personality equation that applies to creativity in all domains, in all settings, and that satisfies the criterion of always required. Thus personality traits may correlate with creative behavior but are likely to be influences rather than actual causes. It would be a mistake to assume that, just because there is a correlation, there is a causal relationship between personality and creativity. Very likely some of the facets of the creativity complex can be relegated precisely because they are indeed, mere correlates. This is certainly accurate when looking at the actual research on things like personality, for traits are not manipulated, as would be required by a controlled experimental design necessary to infer causality. Viewing personality and some of the other influences as correlates underscores the fact that they are not vital to creativity and can be excluded when focusing on what is required for creativity. As every statistic textbook points out, correlations do not indicate causality. They indicate associations or relationships, but these can be explained in various ways other than cause and effect. Sometimes there are correlations when A causes B, but sometimes B causes A and there is still the same degree of correlation. And sometimes there is a hidden variable, so A and B are correlated, but only because both depend on C. The critical point is merely that many parts of the creativity complex are mere correlates and should thus be excluded from an actual explanation of creativity. This same line of thought applies to the attitudes which are often included in the creativity complex. These attitudes include “openness to divergence” and the “tendency towards premature closure,” which is negatively related to creativity.

Parsimonious Creativity

Being open to divergence may lead the individual to original ideas and options, for these may be different and unconventional. Premature closure can lead the individual away from creative ideas and solutions because it would leave the person with only rote or past solutions and ideas, and these are unlikely to be new and original. Other attitudes have also been tied to creativity, but as was the case for personality, the ties are correlational and not the result of the controlled research that is necessary to determine causality. Similarly, it is possible that certain attitudes correlate with creativity some of the time, but not all of the time. If something is a part of the actual mechanism for creating, it is probably not only intermittently involved. Exactly the same logic can be applied to the other features of the creativity complex, including cognition (e.g., divergent thinking, insightful problem solving, conceptual combination) and emotion (elation, positive affect). It follows that the theory of parsimonious creativity fits well with the scientific method and is more reliable than other theories because it emphasizes causality, or cause-and-effect, rather than mere correlation or description rather than explanation. It would be acceptable to include all of the factors listed above (e.g., personality, cognition, and so on) in a theory of creativity if the goal was to merely describe creativity as it occurs, but science should lead to explanations rather than mere descriptions. To do this it must focus on causality. This in turn eliminates mere correlations and influences, or at least excludes them from explanations. A mere influence is sometimes related to some sort of effect, but unlike a causal agent, an influence is not required. That is indeed one way to identify a causal agent: without it, the effect disappears, at least some of the time, or at least changes dramatically. The theory of parsimonious creativity simplifies creativity by excluding correlates, mere influences, and other things which are only sometimes involved in creating. What does that leave? Is there a parsimonious theory that explains creativity? To do so it must include a mechanism. This mechanism must explain how creative ideas and insights are produced. A mechanism must be identified to have a real explanation of creativity.

Parsimonious Creativity

Before describing the mechanism that is described by the theory of parsimonious creativity, one debate should be noted. One side of this debate holds that there creativity does not require originality, or more accurately, that originality is not possible. In this view there are no truly original ideas and insights; everything, including that which seems to be creative, is a reworking of what already existed. This is not all that farfetched if you consider that creative ideas and solutions are indeed sometimes the result of an analogical process. The history of the steam engine, for example, shows that Thomas Savery, who designed and patented an apparatus to suction water from mines, if they flooded, drew from an earlier apparatus, namely the pressure cooker, designed by Denis Papin. Similarly, Velcro may have been suggested by the hooks and teeth found on burs, and Henry Ford’s assembly line (for automobiles) may have been suggested by the meat-packing plants used well before the Ford’s “Tin Lizzy,” the Model T. There is another parallel and compelling argument that creative ideas result from some sort of combinatorial process. This may involve conceptual blending or conceptual combination, but the implication is the same: the human mind may not actually bring something entirely new into existence but may instead always draw on what existed before. That of course has implications for the discussion of what mechanism would be required for creativity. One mechanism that fulfills criteria for parsimonious creativity points to “the construction of original interpretations of experience.” This is broad enough to satisfy the universal requirement mentioned above (in contrast to influences that are only sometimes correlated with creativity), and mechanisms have been proposed to explain how original interpretations are in fact constructed by the human mind. Jean Piaget, for example, eminent Swiss developmental psychologist, drew from epistemology and described a mechanism used when children develop cognitively. Piaget was interested in how new knowledge can be obtained and used two processes–assimilation and accommodation–to describe the construction of cognitive structures. He referred to the “invention” of knowledge, and the mechanism he


described was supported, albeit with observations rather than controlled research. Newer research on the construction of knowledge, mostly in the cognitive sciences, is experimental and supports the idea that new knowledge can be constructed. There is, then, support for a constructive mechanism which leads to new knowledge. But is that creativity? To answer this question, consider the widely accepted “standard definition” of creativity. It defines creativity in terms of originality and effectiveness. Each of these might be reworded or further defined, originality sometimes viewed as novelty, for example, and effectiveness sometimes described as fit or appropriateness. The parsimonious theory of creativity holds that the construction of new knowledge leads to this kind of creativity. New knowledge is new, so it is original, and if it is knowledge, it must be useful. Inaccurate information would hardly be knowledge, and would therefore not be creative. Also note that new knowledge is, from this perspective, constructed, which is not far from the verb, “created.” Piaget himself favored the word, “invented,” thought that could be due to translation to English. Thus constructivism provides a mechanism where new interpretations can in fact be creative, and there are reasons to view these constructions of knowledge as original and effective, at least much of the time. How do constructions, which may be personal and ephemeral, become patents, novels, designs, and other manifest and creative products? There is quite a bit of research on processes that can explain the translation of a personal creative idea or insight into a sociallyrecognized product. Systems theory, for instance, describes how one person may have a creative insight, and share it, and if it is compelling, it may influence the thinking of a field (others working in the same area) and eventually change a domain (e.g., modern art, a branch of science). There is also research on how creative insights disseminate, and research on the diffusion of ideas such that they eventually translate to actual innovations. Yet for the parsimonious theory of creativity, these follow the actual creativity. They are not part of the creation but instead determine how the result of the creation (e.g., an idea or insight) is


made public and distributed, and how others may share, modify, and apply that result. You might imagine a three-step process here, with various influences on the creative mechanism (culture, development, experience, education, values) all in the first step, the actual creation (e.g., the construction of an original interpretation) in the second step, and the reactions to and application of the creation in a third step. In parsimonious creativity only the second step is necessarily creative. The logic used in parsimonious creativity therefore eliminates mere influences, correlates, and results and points to a creative mechanism. As was suggested above, this logic uses the standard definition of creativity, which has two requirements, originality and effectiveness. Thus the logic goes from a multitude of factors often included in the creativity complex down to two factors, again, originality and effectiveness. The interesting thing is that it may be that there is one process rather than two. The two requirements may be separated from one another when creative things are described and defined (“creative things must be both original and effective”), but those two labels do not mean that the human mind is incapable of constructing ideas and insights which are both original and effective. In other words, it is quite possible that one process can lead to ideas and insights that are both original and effective. It could be a two step process, where ideas are first produced and then evaluated for their effectiveness, but it may also be that the human mind is creative and ideas constructed are, from the start, both original and effective. If neuroscientific work confirms that this is the case, it would mean that parsimonious creativity is unitary. That is of course the opposite extreme from a creativity complex. Before closing a few implications of parsimonious creativity should be mentioned. First, this perspective represents a theoretical approach–one which fits well with the scientific method (because of the emphasis on parsimony and questioning of assumptions), but a theory nonetheless. Second, parsimonious creativity is consistent with the

Parsimonious Creativity

process approach in the 4P framework, but not compatible with the products approach in the 4Ps. The product approach emphasizes results of the process rather than the process itself, and that is where the creation occurs, in the process. Third, the parsimonious perspective implies that everyone is creative. It is not just a characteristic of artists, or famous creators, or productive individuals. The parsimonious approach implies that every time any individual constructs a new and meaningful interpretation of experience, he or she is using a creative capacity that is no doubt a result of human evolution. That does not mean that we are always creative! Adults in particular tend to rely on previous knowledge, assumption, habit, routine, and “what has worked in the past.” But each of us can be creative, everyday.

Cross-References ▶ 4Ps ▶ Adaptive Creativity ▶ Big C Creativity ▶ Creative Mind ▶ Nature of Creativity ▶ Personal Creativity ▶ Psychology of Creativity ▶ Systems Theory

References Richards R, editor. Everyday creativity and new views of human nature: psychological, social, and spiritual perspectives. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; 2007. p. 91–108. Runco MA. Education based on a parsimonious theory of creativity. In: Beghetto RA, Kaufman JC, editors. Nurturing creativity in the classroom. New York: Cambridge University Press; 2010a. p. 235–51. Runco MA. Parsimonious creativity and its measurement. In: Villalba E, editor. Proceedings of European council meeting on creativity and innovation. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union; 2010b. p. 393–405.


Big Creativity Versus Little Creativity Related to this is the possibility, outlined in my Mark A. Runco University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA

The distinction between Big C creativity and little c creativity is often used in the creativity research. The former is taken to represent high-level creativity and the creativity of famous creators. The latter is taken to represent creativity displayed by people who are not famous. Sometimes little c creativity is used in discussions of children’s creativity, “personal creativity,” or everyday creativity, a concept that is becoming increasingly popular. The origin of the Big C/little c dichotomy is uncertain. Peter Merrotsy explored the origin in detail in the 2012 Creativity Research Journal. He reviewed 15 years of research, aided by Advanced Google Search and other internet resources, but he could not pinpoint the origin. He did see a possible trend that may help explain the distinction. This trend was from the study of eminent creators to the study of more ordinary and mundane forms of creativity and the people who display it. Merrotsy reasoned that there was a need to distinguish the different samples, the assumption being that the various samples may actually use different creative processes. That is indeed an assumption. It is quite possible that eminent creators use the same processes as everyone else.

own theory of personal creativity, that the creative processes are identical in eminent creators and everyone else, but eminent individuals go beyond creativity to promote and extrapolate their work. In this light it would be a mistake to conflate creativity with promotion. Merrotsy did identify what he felt were the earliest references to the Big C and little c distinction. One was Morris I. Stein’s (1987) chapter titled “Creativity research at the crossroads.” The actual terms used by Stein were “Creativity Big C” and “Creativity little c.” The second early reference to the distinction, uncovered by Merrotsy, was actually in a journal focused on industrial effectiveness, in an article by Luckenbach from 1986. Luckenbach pointed to “guts, imagination, determination, and patience” as key for organizational entrepreneurship. He used the exact terms Big C and little c creativity and even defined them: “Big C” creativity is that which involves a big breakthrough innovation, while “little c” creativity is innovative but has little impact.

Merrotsy’s close reading suggested that Luckenbach was not the first to use these terms. He then surveyed creativity scholars, but got nothing further. One useful suggestion was to look at the research on culture, and sure enough he found a number of references to “Culture with a Big C” and “culture with a small c.” It is possible that the distinction drifted from studies of culture to

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017 E.G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1_200060-1


studies of creativity. Such a drift is especially likely because Big C Culture was used as shorthand for music, literature, and the arts, or “Culture MLA,” while little c culture was used to indicate beliefs, behaviors, and values, or “Culture BBV.” Certainly music, literature, and the arts require creativity. This could facilitate a drift from the scholarship on culture to the research on creativity. Importantly, Merrotsy concluded that the logic behind the Big C/little c creativity distinction was presented well before the “Big/little” shorthand wording was used. He again cited Stein, who in 1953 went into great detail about the need to take into account frames of reference when judging creativity. Some creativity should only be judged with an internal frame of reference. The original self-expressions of a child, for example, are only creative relative to that child and not when compared to larger norms. But the self-expression may be original and effective and thus fit the standard definition of creativity used throughout the creativity literature (see Runco and Jaeger 2012). Other creativity is original and effective with broader frames of reference. This may qualify as Big C creativity. Stein also referred to subjective and objective creativity, the former being personal and the latter being socially recognized. This too is a useful distinction that may have contributed to the formulation of the Big C/little c creativity distinction. It is useful to distinguish between different frames of reference, but it can be misleading to use shorthand. It is much like thinking about straight “A” students and students who flunk out. Those are only two extremes, with many students somewhere in between, and it is a generalization to assume that all students with a particular GPA are the same. Worse, it is possible for a student who flunks a course or two to improve and even become an A student. The possible bridge between little c creativity and Big C creativity should similarly be recognized. Indeed, this is why creativity enhancement efforts are all about fulfilling potential. Someone with little c creativity can fulfill his or her potentials and perform at a

Big Creativity Versus Little Creativity

high level, hence growing from little c to Big C. The distinction is in this light a kind of false dichotomy. The connection between little c and Big C creativity should be appreciated, for otherwise it may not be obvious that creative potentials can be fulfilled. Another issue relevant to the distinction is that it may be misleading to view Big C creativity as just creativity. That is because the label Big C creativity is usually given to eminent creators, and they probably had an impact on the world with more than creativity or maybe no creativity at all. Research shows that eminent creators tend to be persistent, intrinsically motivated, and often they are self-promoters. These things contribute to their eminence and yet have little if anything to do with creativity. The point is that Big C creativity is an ambiguous label, and it may be more accurate to recognize the various things that contribute to their eminence, some of which are outside of the realm of creativity. Perhaps the shorthand Big C/little c distinction is best avoided. One step in the right direction was offered by Ronald Beghetto and James Kaufman. They avoided the false dichotomy of Big and little c creativity by defining mini-c creativity and pro-C creativity. The former was defined in terms of personal creativity (which they contrasted with the everyday creativity of little c creativity) and the latter in terms of creativity that draws on expertise. This four-category scheme is more realistic than the simple dichotomy, but the most realistic approach is probably to avoid shorthand and categorizations completely and be more concrete when labeling the different kinds of creative behavior. One option here is to avoid the noun creativity and only use the adjective creative. This has the benefit of requiring specificity: creative must be used with a particular act or process or achievement, as in “creative potential,” “creative accomplishment,” “creative product,” and so on. Or the thinking that seemed to have led to the Big C/little c distinction long ago might be revisited. Recall here that Stein referred to internal and external frames of reference, as well as to subjective and objective creativity. At least as

Big Creativity Versus Little Creativity

useful are the terms “professional creativity,” “personal creativity,” “eminent creativity,” and so on. The Big C/little c distinction is shorthand and ambiguous and as such probably should be rarely if ever used.

Cross-References ▶ Personal creativity


References Beghetto RA, Kaufman JC. Toward a broader conception of creativity: a case for ‘mini-c’ creativity. Psychol Aesthet Creat Arts. 2007;1:73–9. Merrotsy P. A note on Big C creativity and little c creativity. Creat Res J. 2013;25:474. Runco MA. “Big C, little c” creativity as a false dichotomy: reality is not categorical. Creat Res J. 2012;26:131–2. Stein MI. Creativity research at the crossroads: a 1985 perspective. In: Isaksen SG, editor. Frontiers of creativity research: beyond the basics. Buffalo: Bearly; 1987. p. 417–27.