Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology 2014 [PDF]

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EDITOR MARY LOU TORTORELLO U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Bedford Park, IL, USA


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Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 32 Jamestown Road, London NW1 7BY, UK 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington MA 01803, USA 525 B Street, Suite 1800, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USA First edition 2000 Second edition 2014 Copyright Ó 2014 Elsevier, Ltd unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. Permissions may be sought from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights department in Oxford, UK: phone (+44) (0) 1865 843830; fax (+44) (0) 1865 853333; email: [email protected] Alternatively you can submit your request online by visiting the Elsevier website at http://elsevier.com/locate/permissions and selecting Obtaining permission to use Elsevier material.


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Editorial: Zoey Ayres, Simon Holt Production: Justin Taylor






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List of Contributors How to Use The Encyclopedia

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VOLUME 1 Foreword H Pennington


A ACCREDITATION SCHEMES see MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: Accreditation Schemes Acetobacter R K Hommel


Acinetobacter P Kämpfer


Adenylate Kinase H-Y Chang and C-Y Fu




Introduction M J Figueras and R Beaz-Hidalgo


Detection by Cultural and Modern Techniques B Austin


AFLATOXIN see MYCOTOXINS: Toxicology Alcaligenes C A Batt





ALGAE see SINGLE-CELL PROTEIN: The Algae Alicyclobacillus A de Souza Sant’Ana, V O Alvarenga, J M Oteiza, and W E L Peña


Alternaria A Patriarca, G Vaamonde, and V F Pinto


ANAEROBIC METABOLISM see METABOLIC PATHWAYS: Release of Energy (Anaerobic) ANTI-MICROBIAL SYSTEMS see NATURAL ANTI-MICROBIAL SYSTEMS: Preservative Effects During Storage; NATURAL ANTI-MICROBIAL SYSTEMS: Anti-microbial Compounds in Plants; NATURAL ANTI-MICROBIAL SYSTEMS: Lysozyme and Other Proteins in Eggs; NATURAL ANTI-MICROBIAL SYSTEMS: Lactoperoxidase and Lactoferrin Arcobacter I V Wesley


Arthrobacter M Gobbetti and C G Rizzello




Introduction P-K Chang, B W Horn, K Abe, and K Gomi


Aspergillus flavus D Bhatnagar, K C Ehrlich, G G Moore, and G A Payne


Aspergillus oryzae K Gomi


ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY see Atomic Force Microscopy ATP Bioluminescence: Application in Meat Industry D A Bautista Aureobasidium E J van Nieuwenhuijzen

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Introduction I Jenson


Bacillus anthracis L Baillie and E W Rice


Bacillus cereus C A Batt


Geobacillus stearothermophilus (Formerly Bacillus stearothermophilus) P Kotzekidou


Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques I Jenson


Detection of Toxins S H Beattie and A G Williams






The Bacterial Cell R W Lovitt and C J Wright


Bacterial Endospores S Wohlgemuth and P Kämpfer


Classification of the Bacteria: Traditional V I Morata de Ambrosini, M C Martín, and M G Merín


Classification of the Bacteria e Phylogenetic Approach E Stackebrandt




BACTERIAL ADHESION see Polymer Technologies for the Control of Bacterial Adhesion – From Fundamental to Applied Science and Technology Potential in Food Preservation A K Verma, R Banerjee, H P Dwivedi, and V K Juneja


Nisin J Delves-Broughton


Bacteriophage-Based Techniques for Detection of Foodborne Pathogens C E D Rees, B M C Swift, and G Botsaris


Bacteroides and Prevotella H J Flint and S H Duncan


Beer M Zarnkow


BENZOIC ACID see PRESERVATIVES: Permitted Preservatives – Benzoic Acid Bifidobacterium D G Hoover




Introduction DY C Fung


Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, and Escherichia Coli T Sandle


Food-Poisoning Microorganisms T Sandle


Food Spoilage Flora G G Khachatourians


Microfloras of Fermented Foods J P Tamang


Biofilms B Carpentier


Biophysical Techniques for Enhancing Microbiological Analysis A D Goater and R Pethig


Biosensors e Scope in Microbiological Analysis M C Goldschmidt




BIO-YOGHURT see Fermented Milks and Yogurt Botrytis R S Jackson


Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) M G Tyshenko




Bread from Wheat Flour A Hidalgo and A Brandolini


Sourdough Bread M G Gänzle


Brettanomyces M Ciani and F Comitini


Brevibacterium M-P Forquin and B C Weimer


BREWER'S YEAST see SACCHAROMYCES: Brewer's Yeast Brochothrix R A Holley




Characteristics J Theron and M S Thantsha


Problems with Dairy Products M T Rowe


BURHOLDERIA COCOVENENANS see PSEUDOMONAS: Burkholderia gladioli pathovar cocovenenans BUTTER see Microbiology of Cream and Butter Byssochlamys P Kotzekidou


C CAKES see Confectionery Products – Cakes and Pastries CAMPYLOBACTER


Introduction M T Rowe and R H Madden


Detection by Cultural and Modern Techniques J E L Corry


Detection by Latex Agglutination Techniques W C Hazeleger and R R Beumer




Introduction R K Hommel


Yarrowia lipolytica (Candida lipolytica) J B Sutherland, C Cornelison, and S A Crow, Jr.




CANNING see HEAT TREATMENT OF FOODS: Principles of Canning; HEAT TREATMENT OF FOODS: Spoilage Problems Associated with Canning Carnobacterium C Cailliez-Grimal, M I Afzal, and A-M Revol-Junelles




Cheese in the Marketplace R C Chandan


Microbiology of Cheesemaking and Maturation N Y Farkye


Microflora of White-Brined Cheeses B Özer


Mold-Ripened Varieties N Desmasures


Role of Specific Groups of Bacteria M El Soda and S Awad


Smear-Ripened Cheeses T M Cogan


CHEMILUMINESCENT DNA HYBRIDIZATION see LISTERIA: Listeria monocytogenes – Detection by Chemiluminescent DNA Hybridization CHILLED STORAGE OF FOODS


Principles C-A Hwang and L Huang


Food Packaging with Antimicrobial Properties M Mastromatteo, D Gammariello, C Costa, A Lucera, A Conte, and M A Del Nobile


Cider (Cyder; Hard Cider) B Jarvis


CITRIC ACID see FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Production of Some Organic Acids (Citric, Gluconic, Lactic, and Propionic) CITROBACTER see SALMONELLA: Detection by Immunoassays CLOSTRIDIUM


Introduction H P Blaschek


Clostridium acetobutylicum H Janssen, Y Wang, and H P Blaschek


Clostridium botulinum E A Johnson


Clostridium perfringens R Labbe, V K Juneja, and H P Blaschek




Clostridium tyrobutyricum R A Ivy and M Wiedmann


Detection of Enterotoxin of Clostridium perfringens M R Popoff


Detection of Neurotoxins of Clostridium botulinum S H W Notermans, C N Stam, and A E Behar


Cocoa and Coffee Fermentations P S Nigam and A Singh


Cold Atmospheric Gas Plasmas M G Kong and G Shama


COFFEE see Cocoa and Coffee Fermentations COLORIMETRIC DNA HYBRIDISATION see LISTERIA: Detection by Colorimetric DNA Hybridization COLORS see Fermentation (Industrial) Production of Colors and Flavors Confectionery Products e Cakes and Pastries P A Voysey and J D Legan


CONFOCAL LASER MICROSCOPY see MICROSCOPY: Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy Corynebacterium glutamicum V Gopinath and K M Nampoothiri


Costs, Benefits, and Economic Issues J E Hobbs and W A Kerr


Coxiella burnetii D Babu, K Kushwaha, and V K Juneja


CREAM see BACILLUS: Bacillus anthracis CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS see HAZARD ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL CONTROL POINT (HACCP): Critical Control Points Cronobacter (Enterobacter) sakazakii X Yan and J B Gurtler


CRUSTACEA see SHELLFISH (MOLLUSKS AND CRUSTACEANS): Characteristics of the Groups; Shellfish Contamination and Spoilage Cryptosporidium R M Chalmers


CULTURAL TECHNIQUES see AEROMONAS: Detection by Cultural and Modern Techniques; Bacillus – Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques; CAMPYLOBACTER: Detection by Cultural and Modern Techniques; ENRICHMENT SEROLOGY: An Enhanced Cultural Technique for Detection of Foodborne Pathogens; FOODBORNE FUNGI: Estimation by Cultural Techniques; LISTERIA: Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques; Salmonella Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques; SHIGELLA: Introduction and Detection by Classical Cultural and Molecular Techniques; STAPHYLOCOCCUS: Detection by Cultural and Modern Techniques; VEROTOXIGENIC ESCHERICHIA COLI: Detection by Commercial Enzyme Immunoassays; VIBRIO: Standard Cultural Methods and Molecular Detection Techniques in Foods Culture Collections D Smith




CURING see Curing of Meat Cyclospora A M Adams, K C Jinneman, and Y R Ortega


CYTOMETRY see Flow Cytometry D DAIRY PRODUCTS see BRUCELLA: Problems with Dairy Products; Cheese in the Marketplace; CHEESE: Microbiology of Cheesemaking and Maturation; CHEESE: Mold-Ripened Varieties; Role of Specific Groups of Bacteria; CHEESE: Microflora of White-Brined Cheeses; Fermented Milks and Yogurt; Northern European Fermented Milks; Fermented Milks/Products of Eastern Europe and Asia; PROBIOTIC BACTERIA: Detection and Estimation in Fermented and Nonfermented Dairy Products Debaryomyces P Wrent, E M Rivas, E Gil de Prado, J M Peinado, and M I de Silóniz


DEUTEROMYCETES see FUNGI: Classification of the Deuteromycetes Direct Epifluorescent Filter Techniques (DEFT) B H Pyle


DISINFECTANTS see PROCESS HYGIENE: Disinfectant Testing Dried Foods K Prabhakar and E N Mallika




Effects of pH E Coton and I Leguerinel


Influence of Available Water T Ross and D S Nichols


Influence of Redox Potential H Prévost and A Brillet-Viel


Influence of Temperature T Ross and D S Nichols




Microbiology of Fresh Eggs N H C Sparks


Microbiology of Egg Products J Delves-Broughton




Introduction D Blivet


Food Spoilage Flora and Total Viable Count   L Curda and E Sviráková




Lactics and Other Bacteria   L Curda and E Sviráková


ELECTRON MICROSCOPY see MICROSCOPY: Scanning Electron Microscopy; MICROSCOPY: Transmission Electron Microscopy ENDOSPORES see Bacterial Endospores Enrichment H P Dwivedi, J C Mills, and G Devulder


Enrichment Serology: An Enhanced Cultural Technique for Detection of Foodborne Pathogens C W Blackburn


ENTAMOEBA see WATERBORNE PARASITES: Entamoeba Enterobacter C Iversen




Introduction A K Patel, R R Singhania, A Pandey, V K Joshi, P S Nigam, and C R Soccol


Classical and Modern Methods for Detection and Enumeration R Eden


Enterococcus G Giraffa


ENTEROVIRUSES see VIROLOGY: Introduction; VIRUSES: Hepatitis Viruses Transmitted by Food, Water, and Environment; VIROLOGY: Detection ENTEROTOXINS see BACILLUS: Detection of Toxins; Detection of Enterotoxin of Clostridium perfringens; ESCHERICHIA COLI: Detection of Enterotoxins of E. coli; Escherichia coli/Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC); STAPHYLOCOCCUS: Detection of Staphylococcal Enterotoxins Enzyme Immunoassays: Overview A Sharma, S Gautam, and N Bandyopadhyay




Escherichia coli C A Batt


Pathogenic E. coli (Introduction) X Yang and H Wang


Detection of Enterotoxins of E. coli H Brüssow


Enteroaggregative E. coli H Brüssow


Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), Including Non-O157 G Duffy


Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli: Introduction and Detection by Classical Cultural and Molecular Techniques K A Lampel Enteropathogenic E. coli H Brüssow

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Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) J D Dubreuil




E. coli O157:H7 M L Bari and Y Inatsu


Escherichia coli O157 and Other Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli: Detection by Immunomagnetic Particle-Based Assays P M Fratamico and A G Gehring Detection by Latex Agglutination Techniques E W Rice

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Basic Considerations Y Chisti


Control of Fermentation Conditions T Keshavarz


Media for Industrial Fermentations G M Walker


Production of Amino Acids S Sanchez and A L Demain


Production of Colors and Flavors R G Berger and U Krings


Production of Oils and Fatty Acids P S Nigam and A Singh


Production of Some Organic Acids (Citric, Gluconic, Lactic, and Propionic) M Moresi and E Parente


Production of Xanthan Gum G M Kuppuswami


Recovery of Metabolites S G Prapulla and N G Karanth




Origins and Applications G Campbell-Platt


Beverages from Sorghum and Millet M Zarnkow


Fermentations of East and Southeast Asia A Endo, T Irisawa, L Dicks, and S Tanasupawat


Traditional Fish Fermentation Technology and Recent Developments T Ohshima and A Giri




Fermented Meat Products and the Role of Starter Cultures R Talon and S Leroy


Fermented Vegetable Products R Di Cagno and R Coda




Range of Products E Litopoulou-Tzanetaki and N Tzanetakis


Northern European Fermented Milks J A Narvhus


Products of Eastern Europe and Asia B Özer and H A Kirmaci


Fermented Milks and Yogurt M N de Oliveira




Catching and Handling P Chattopadhyay and S Adhikari


Spoilage of Fish J J Leisner and L Gram


Flavobacterium spp. e Characteristics, Occurrence, and Toxicity A Waskiewicz and L Irzykowska


FLAVORS see Fermentation (Industrial) Production of Colors and Flavors FLOURS see SPOILAGE OF PLANT PRODUCTS: Cereals and Cereal Flours Flow Cytometry B F Brehm-Stecher


Food Poisoning Outbreaks B Miller and S H W Notermans


FOOD PRESERVATION see BACTERIOCINS: Potential in Food Preservation; HEAT TREATMENT OF FOODS: Principles of Canning; HEAT TREATMENT OF FOODS: Spoilage Problems Associated with Canning; HEAT TREATMENT OF FOODS: Ultra-High-Temperature Treatments; Heat Treatment of Foods – Principles of Pasteurization; HEAT TREATMENT OF FOODS: Action of Microwaves; HEAT TREATMENT OF FOODS: Synergy Between Treatments; High-Pressure Treatment of Foods; LASERS: Inactivation Techniques; Microbiology of Sous-vide Products; ULTRASONIC STANDING WAVES: Inactivation of Foodborne Microorganisms Using Power Ultrasound; Ultraviolet Light Food Safety Objective R C Whiting and R L Buchanan




Damage to Microbial Cells C O Gill


Growth and Survival of Microorganisms P Chattopadhyay and S Adhikari






Introduction A S Sant’Ana, F F P Silva, D F Maffei, and B D G M Franco


Advances in Processing Technologies to Preserve and Enhance the Safety of Fresh and Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables B A Niemira and X Fan Fruit and Vegetable Juices P R de Massaguer, A R da Silva, R D Chaves, and I Gressoni, Jr. Sprouts H Chen and H Neetoo

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Overview of Classification of the Fungi B C Sutton


The Fungal Hypha D J Bueno and J O Silva


Classification of the Basidiomycota I Brondz


Classification of the Deuteromycetes B C Sutton


Classification of the Eukaryotic Ascomycetes M A Cousin


Classification of the Hemiascomycetes A K Sarbhoy


Classification of the Peronosporomycetes T Sandle


Classification of Zygomycetes: Reappraisal as Coherent Class Based on a Comparison between Traditional versus Molecular Systematics K Voigt and P M Kirk


Foodborne Fungi: Estimation by Cultural Techniques A D Hocking


Fusarium U Thrane


G GASTRIC ULCERS see Helicobacter Genetic Engineering C A Batt


Geotrichum A Botha and A Botes




Giardia duodenalis L J Robertson


Gluconobacter R K Hommel


Good Manufacturing Practice B Jarvis


GUIDELINES COVERING MICROBIOLOGY see National Legislation, Guidelines, and Standards Governing Microbiology: Canada; National Legislation, Guidelines, and Standards Governing Microbiology: European Union; National Legislation, Guidelines, and Standards Governing Microbiology: Japan; National Legislation, Guidelines, and Standards Governing Microbiology: US H Hafnia, The Genus J L Smith


Hansenula: Biology and Applications L Irzykowska and A Waskiewicz




The Overall Concept F Untermann


Critical Control Points A Collins


Establishment of Performance Criteria J-M Membré


Involvement of Regulatory Bodies V O Alvarenga and A S Sant’Ana




Action of Microwaves G J Fleischman


Principles of Canning Z Boz, R Uyar, and F Erdogdu


Principles of Pasteurization R A Wilbey


Spoilage Problems Associated with Canning L Ababouch


Synergy Between Treatments E A Murano


Ultra-High-Temperature Treatments M J Lewis


Helicobacter I V Wesley


Helminths K D Murrell




HEMIASCOMYCETES - 1 AND 2 see FUNGI: Classification of the Hemiascomycetes HEPATITIS see VIRUSES: Hepatitis Viruses Transmitted by Food, Water, and Environment High-Pressure Treatment of Foods M Patterson


History of Food Microbiology (A Brief) C S Custer


Hurdle Technology S Mukhopadhyay and L G M Gorris


Hydrophobic Grid Membrane Filter Techniques M Wendorf


HYDROXYBENZOIC ACID see Permitted Preservatives – Hydroxybenzoic Acid HYGIENE PROCESSING see PROCESS HYGIENE: Overall Approach to Hygienic Processing I Ice Cream: Microbiology A Kambamanoli-Dimou




Introduction D Ercolini


Chromogenic Agars P Druggan and C Iversen


Culture-Independent Techniques D Ercolini and L Cocolin


DNA Fingerprinting: Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis for Subtyping of Foodborne Pathogens T M Peters and I S T Fisher


DNA Fingerprinting: Restriction Fragment-Length Polymorphism E Säde and J Björkroth


Bacteria RiboPrintÔ: A Realistic Strategy to Address Microbiological Issues outside of the Research Laboratory A De Cesare


Application of Single Nucleotide PolymorphismseBased Typing for DNA Fingerprinting of Foodborne Bacteria S Lomonaco


Identification Methods and DNA Fingerprinting: Whole Genome Sequencing M Zagorec, M Champomier-Vergès, and C Cailliez-Grimal


Multilocus Sequence Typing of Food Microorganisms R Muñoz, B de las Rivas, and J A Curiel


DNA Hybridization and DNA Microarrays for Detection and Identification of Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens L Wang Immunoassay R D Smiley

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Identification of Clinical Microorganisms with MALDI-TOF-MS in a Microbiology Laboratory M Lavollay, H Rostane, F Compain, and E Carbonnelle


Multilocus Enzyme Electrophoresis S Mallik


Real-Time PCR D Rodríguez-Lázaro and M Hernández


IMMUNOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES see MYCOTOXINS: Immunological Techniques for Detection and Analysis Immunomagnetic Particle-Based Techniques: Overview K S Cudjoe


INACTIVATION TECHNIQUES see LASERS: Inactivation Techniques Indicator Organisms H B D Halkman and A K Halkman


INDUSTRIAL FERMENTATION see FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Basic Considerations; FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Control of Fermentation Conditions; FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Media for Industrial Fermentations; FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Production of Amino Acids; Fermentation (Industrial) Production of Colors and Flavors; FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Production of Oils and Fatty Acids; FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Production of Some Organic Acids (Citric, Gluconic, Lactic, and Propionic); FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Production of Xanthan Gum; FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Recovery of Metabolites Injured and Stressed Cells V C H Wu


Intermediate Moisture Foods K Prabhakar


International Control of Microbiology B Pourkomailian


K Klebsiella N Gundogan


Kluyveromyces C A Batt


L Laboratory Design T Sandle


Laboratory Management Systems: Accreditation Schemes S M Passmore


LACTIC ACID BACTERIA see LACTOBACILLUS: Introduction; LACTOBACILLUS: Lactobacillus acidophilus; LACTOBACILLUS: Lactobacillus brevis; LACTOBACILLUS: Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus; LACTOBACILLUS: Lactobacillus casei; LACTOCOCCUS: Introduction; LACTOCOCCUS: Lactococcus lactis Subspecies lactis and cremoris; Pediococcus





Introduction C A Batt


Lactobacillus acidophilus K M Selle, T R Klaenhammer, and W M Russell


Lactobacillus brevis P Teixeira


Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus P Teixeira


Lactobacillus casei M Gobbetti and F Minervini




Introduction C A Batt


Lactococcus lactis Subspecies lactis and cremoris Y Demarigny


LACTOFERRIN see NATURAL ANTIMICROBIAL SYSTEMS: Lactoperoxidase and Lactoferrin LACTOPEROXIDASE see NATURAL ANTIMICROBIAL SYSTEMS: Lactoperoxidase and Lactoferrin Lasers: Inactivation Techniques I Watson






Introduction C A Batt


Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques D Rodríguez-Lázaro and M Hernández


Detection by Colorimetric DNA Hybridization A D Hitchins


Detection by Commercial Immunomagnetic Particle-Based Assays and by Commercial Enzyme Immunoassays C Dodd and R O’Kennedy




Listeria monocytogenes C A Batt


Listeria monocytogenes e Detection by Chemiluminescent DNA Hybridization A D Hitchins


LYSINS see Potential Use of Phages and Lysins LYSOZYME see NATURAL ANTIMICROBIAL SYSTEMS: Lysozyme and Other Proteins in Eggs M MALOLACTIC FERMENTATION see WINES: Malolactic Fermentation MANOTHERMOSONICATION see MINIMAL METHODS OF PROCESSING: Manothermosonication MANUFACTURING PRACTICE see Good Manufacturing Practice MATHEMATICAL MODELLING see Predictive Microbiology and Food Safety MEAT AND POULTRY


Curing of Meat P J Taormina


Spoilage of Cooked Meat and Meat Products I Guerrero-Legarreta


Spoilage of Meat G-J E Nychas and E H Drosinos




Lipid Metabolism R Sandhir


Metabolism of Minerals and Vitamins M Shin, C Umezawa, and T Shin


Nitrogen Metabolism R Jeannotte


Production of Secondary Metabolites of Bacteria K Gokulan, S Khare, and C Cerniglia


Production of Secondary Metabolites e Fungi P S Nigam and A Singh


Release of Energy (Aerobic) A Brandis-Heep


Release of Energy (Anaerobic) E Elbeshbishy


METABOLITE RECOVERY see FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Recovery of Metabolites Methanogens W Kim and W B Whitman



Microbial Risk Analysis A S Sant’Ana and B D G M Franco



REDOX POTENTIAL see ECOLOGY OF BACTERIA AND FUNGI IN FOODS: Influence of Redox Potential REFERENCE MATERIALS see Microbiological Reference Materials Microbiological Reference Materials B Jarvis


Microbiology of Sous-vide Products F Carlin


Micrococcus M Nuñez




The Natural Microflora of Humans G C Yap, P Hong, and L B Wah


Biology of Bifidobacteria H B Ghoddusi and A Y Tamime


Biology of Lactobacillus acidophilus W R Aimutis


Biology of the Enterococcus spp. B M Taban, H B Dogan Halkman, and A K Halkman


Detection and Enumeration of Probiotic Cultures F Rafii and S Khare




Atomic Force Microscopy C J Wright, L C Powell, D J Johnson, and N Hilal


Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy A Canette and R Briandet


Light Microscopy R W Lovitt and C J Wright


Scanning Electron Microscopy A M Paredes


Sensing Microscopy M Nakao


Transmission Electron Microscopy A M Paredes




Microbiology of Liquid Milk B Özer and H Yaman


Microbiology of Cream and Butter Y A Budhkar, S B Bankar, and R S Singhal




Microbiology of Dried Milk Products P Schuck


MILLET see Beverages from Sorghum and Millet MINERAL METABOLISM see METABOLIC PATHWAYS: Metabolism of Minerals and Vitamins MINIMAL METHODS OF PROCESSING


Manothermosonication J Burgos, R Halpin, and J G Lyng


Potential Use of Phages and Lysins J Jofre and M Muniesa


MOLDS see BIOCHEMICAL IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES FOR FOODBORNE FUNGI: Food Spoilage Flora; FUNGI: Overview of Classification of the Fungi; FUNGI: Classification of the Basidiomycota; FUNGI: Classification of the Deuteromycetes; FUNGI: Classification of the Eukaryotic Ascomycetes; FUNGI: Classification of the Hemiascomycetes; FUNGI: Classification of the Peronosporomycetes; FOODBORNE FUNGI: Estimation by Cultural Techniques; FUNGI: The Fungal Hypha; STARTER CULTURES: Molds Employed in Food Processing MOLECULAR BIOLOGY


An Introduction to Molecular Biology (Omics) in Food Microbiology S Brul


Genomics B A Neville and P W O’Toole


Metabolomics F Leroy, S Van Kerrebroeck, and L De Vuyst


Microbiome R W Li


Proteomics M De Angelis and M Calasso


Transcriptomics L Cocolin and K Rantsiou


Molecular Biology in Microbiological Analysis M Wernecke and C Mullen


Monascus-Fermented Products T-M Pan and W-H Hsu


Moraxellaceae X Yang


MPN see Most Probable Number (MPN) Mucor A Botha and A Botes


MYCELIAL FUNGI see SINGLE-CELL PROTEIN: Mycelial Fungi Mycobacterium J B Payeur






Classification A Bianchini and L B Bullerman


Detection and Analysis by Classical Techniques F M Valle-Algarra, R Mateo-Castro, E M Mateo, J V Gimeno-Adelantado, and M Jiménez


Immunological Techniques for Detection and Analysis A Sharma, M R A Pillai, S Gautam, and S N Hajare


Natural Occurrence of Mycotoxins in Food A Waskiewicz


Toxicology J Gil-Serna, C Vázquez, M T González-Jaén, and B Patiño


N Nanotechnology S Khare, K Williams, and K Gokulan




Canada J M Farber, H Couture, and G K Kozak


European Union B Schalch, U Messelhäusser, C Fella, P Kämpf, and H Beck


Japan Y Sugita-Konishi and S Kumagai


US D Acheson and J McEntire




Antimicrobial Compounds in Plants M Shin, C Umezawa, and T Shin


Lactoperoxidase and Lactoferrin B Özer


Lysozyme and Other Proteins in Eggs E A Charter and G Lagarde


Preservative Effects During Storage V M Dillon







Cold Plasma for Bioefficient Food Processing O Schlüter and A Fröhling


Irradiation A F Mendonça and A Daraba


Microwave H B Dogan Halkman, P K Yücel, and A K Halkman


Pulsed Electric Field J Raso, S Condón, and I Álvarez


Pulsed UV Light S Condón, I Álvarez, and E Gayán


Steam Vacuuming E Ortega-Rivas


Ultrasonication K Schössler, H Jäger, C Büchner, S Struck, and D Knorr


Nucleic AcideBased Assays: Overview M W Griffiths


O OENOLOGY see Production of Special Wines OILS see FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Production of Oils and Fatty Acids; PRESERVATIVES: Traditional Preservatives – Oils and Spices ORGANIC ACIDS see FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Production of Some Organic Acids (Citric, Gluconic, Lactic, and Propionic); PRESERVATIVES: Traditional Preservatives – Organic Acids P PACKAGING


Active Food Packaging S F Mexis and M G Kontominas


Controlled Atmosphere X Yang and H Wang


Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Foods M G Kontominas


Packaging of Foods A L Brody


Pantoea A Morin


PARASITES see Cryptosporidium; Cyclospora; Giardia duodenalis; Helminths; Trichinella; DETECTION OF FOODAND WATERBORNE PARASITES: Conventional Methods and Recent Developments; WATERBORNE PARASITES: Entamoeba PASTEURIZATION see Heat Treatment of Foods – Principles of Pasteurization PASTRY see Confectionery Products – Cakes and Pastries


PCR Applications in Food Microbiology M Uyttendaele, A Rajkovic, S Ceuppens, L Baert, E V Coillie, L Herman, V Jasson, and H Imberechts



VOLUME 3 Pediococcus M Raccach




Penicillium and Talaromyces: Introduction J I Pitt


Penicillium/Penicillia in Food Production J C Frisvad


PERONOSPOROMYCETES see FUNGI: Classification of the Peronosporomycetes Petrifilm e A Simplified Cultural Technique L M Medina and R Jordano


PHAGES see Bacteriophage-Based Techniques for Detection of Foodborne Pathogens; Potential Use of Phages and Lysins Phycotoxins A Sharma, S Gautam, and S Kumar




Centrifugation A S Sant’Ana


Filtration A S Sant’Ana


Pichia pastoris C A Batt


Plesiomonas J A Santos, J M Rodríguez-Calleja, A Otero, and M-L García-López


Polymer Technologies for the Control of Bacterial Adhesion e From Fundamental to Applied Science and Technology M G Katsikogianni and Y F Missirlis


POLYSACCHARIDES see FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Production of Xanthan Gum POULTRY see Curing of Meat; Spoilage of Cooked Meat and Meat Products; Spoilage of Meat POUR PLATE TECHNIQUE see TOTAL VIABLE COUNTS: Pour Plate Technique Predictive Microbiology and Food Safety T Ross, T A McMeekin, and J Baranyi




Classification and Properties M Surekha and S M Reddy




Permitted Preservatives e Benzoic Acid L J Ogbadu


Permitted Preservatives e Hydroxybenzoic Acid S M Harde, R S Singhal, and P R Kulkarni


Permitted Preservatives e Natamycin J Delves-Broughton


Permitted Preservatives e Nitrites and Nitrates J H Subramanian, L D Kagliwal, and R S Singhal


Permitted Preservatives e Propionic Acid L D Kagliwal, S B Jadhav, R S Singhal, and P R Kulkarni


Permitted Preservatives e Sorbic Acid L V Thomas and J Delves-Broughton


Permitted Preservatives e Sulfur Dioxide K Prabhakar and E N Mallika


Traditional Preservatives e Oils and Spices G-J E Nychas and C C Tassou


Traditional Preservatives e Organic Acids J B Gurtler and T L Mai


Traditional Preservatives e Sodium Chloride S Ravishankar and V K Juneja


Traditional Preservatives e Vegetable Oils E O Aluyor and I O Oboh


Traditional Preservatives e Wood Smoke L J Ogbadu


Prions A Balkema-Buschmann and M H Groschup


Probiotic Bacteria: Detection and Estimation in Fermented and Nonfermented Dairy Products W Kneifel and K J Domig


PROBIOTICS see BIFIDOBACTERIUM; MICROBIOTA OF THE INTESTINE: The Natural Microflora of Humans; PROBIOTIC BACTERIA: Detection and Estimation in Fermented and Nonfermented Dairy Products PROCESS HYGIENE


Overall Approach to Hygienic Processing H Izumi


Designing for Hygienic Operation N A Dede, G C Gürakan, and T F Bozoglu


Hygiene in the Catering Industry S Koseki


Involvement of Regulatory and Advisory Bodies Z(H) Hou, R Cocker, and H L M Lelieveld


Modern Systems of Plant Cleaning Y Chisti




Risk and Control of Airborne Contamination G J Curiel and H L M Lelieveld


Disinfectant Testing N L Ruehlen and J F Williams


Types of Sterilant M L Bari and S Kawamoto


Proficiency Testing Schemes e A European Perspective B Jarvis


Propionibacterium M Gautier


PROPIONIC ACID see FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Production of Some Organic Acids (Citric, Gluconic, Lactic, and Propionic); Permitted Preservatives – Propionic Acid Proteus K Kushwaha, D Babu, and V K Juneja




Introduction C E R Dodd


Burkholderia gladioli pathovar cocovenenans J M Cox, K A Buckle, and E Kartadarma


Pseudomonas aeruginosa P R Neves, J A McCulloch, E M Mamizuka, and N Lincopan


Psychrobacter M-L García-López, J A Santos, A Otero, and J M Rodríguez-Calleja


Q QUALITY ASSURANCE AND MANAGEMENT see HAZARD APPRAISAL (HACCP): The Overall Concept R Rapid Methods for Food Hygiene Inspection M L Bari and S Kawasaki


REGULATORY BODIES see HAZARD APPRAISAL (HACCP): Involvement of Regulatory Bodies Resistance to Processes A E Yousef


Rhizopus P R Lennartsson, M J Taherzadeh, and L Edebo


Rhodotorula J Albertyn, C H Pohl, and B C Viljoen






Introduction G G Stewart


Brewer’s Yeast G G Stewart


Saccharomyces cerevisiae G G Stewart


Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sake Yeast) H Shimoi


SAKE see Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sake Yeast) SALMONELLA


Introduction J M Cox and A Pavic


Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques H Wang and T S Hammack


Detection by Immunoassays H P Dwivedi, G Devulder, and V K Juneja


Salmonella Enteritidis S C Ricke and R K Gast


Salmonella typhi D Jaroni


SALT see TRADITIONAL PRESERVATIVES: Sodium Chloride Sampling Plans on Microbiological Criteria G Hildebrandt


Sanitization C P Chauret


SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY see MICROSCOPY: Scanning Electron Microscopy Schizosaccharomyces S Benito, F Palomero, F Calderón, D Palmero, and J A Suárez-Lepe


SECONDARY METABOLITES see METABOLIC PATHWAYS: Production of Secondary Metabolites of Bacteria; METABOLIC PATHWAYS: Production of Secondary Metabolites – Fungi SENSING MICROSCOPY see MICROSCOPY: Sensing Microscopy Serratia F Rafii




Characteristics of the Groups D Sao Mai




Shellfish Contamination and Spoilage D H Kingsley


Shewanella M Satomi


Shigella: Introduction and Detection by Classical Cultural and Molecular Techniques K A Lampel




Mycelial Fungi P S Nigam and A Singh


The Algae M García-Garibay, L Gómez-Ruiz, A E Cruz-Guerrero, and E Bárzana


Yeasts and Bacteria M García-Garibay, L Gómez-Ruiz, A E Cruz-Guerrero, and E Bárzana


SODIUM CHLORIDE see TRADITIONAL PRESERVATIVES: Sodium Chloride SORBIC ACID see PRESERVATIVES: Permitted Preservatives – Sorbic Acid SORGHUM see Beverages from Sorghum and Millet SOUR BREAD see BREAD: Sourdough Bread SOUS-VIDE PRODUCTS see Microbiology of Sous-vide Products SPICES see PRESERVATIVES: Traditional Preservatives – Oils and Spices SPIRAL PLATER see TOTAL VIABLE COUNTS: Specific Techniques SPOILAGE OF ANIMAL PRODUCTS


Microbial Spoilage of Eggs and Egg Products C Techer, F Baron, and S Jan


Microbial Milk Spoilage C Techer, F Baron, and S Jan


Seafood D L Marshall


Spoilage of Plant Products: Cereals and Cereal Flours A Bianchini and J Stratton




Problems Caused by Bacteria D A Bautista


Problems Caused by Fungi A D Hocking




Introduction A F Gillaspy and J J Iandolo


Detection by Cultural and Modern Techniques J-A Hennekinne and Y Le Loir




Detection of Staphylococcal Enterotoxins Y Le Loir and J-A Hennekinne


Staphylococcus aureus E Martin, G Lina, and O Dumitrescu




Employed in Cheesemaking T M Cogan


Importance of Selected Genera W M A Mullan


Molds Employed in Food Processing T Uraz and B H Özer


Uses in the Food Industry E B Hansen




Introduction M Gobbetti and M Calasso


Streptococcus thermophilus R Hutkins and Y J Goh


Streptomyces A Sharma, S Gautam, and S Saxena




Commercial Sterility (Retort) P E D Augusto, A A L Tribst, and M Cristianini


Pasteurization F V M Silva, P A Gibbs, H Nuñez, S Almonacid, and R Simpson


Torulopsis R K Hommel


Total Counts: Microscopy M L Tortorello




Metabolic Activity Tests A F Mendonça, V K Juneja, and A Daraba


Microscopy M L Tortorello




Most Probable Number (MPN) S Chandrapati and M G Williams


Pour Plate Technique L A Boczek, E W Rice, and C H Johnson


Specific Techniques F Diez-Gonzalez


Spread Plate Technique L A Boczek, E W Rice, and C H Johnson


TOXICOLOGY see MYCOTOXINS: Toxicology TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY see MICROSCOPY: Transmission Electron Microscopy Trichinella H R Gamble


Trichoderma T Sandle


Trichothecium A Sharma, S Gautam, and B B Mishra


U UHT TREATMENTS see HEAT TREATMENT OF FOODS: Ultra-High-Temperature Treatments Ultrasonic Imaging e Nondestructive Methods to Detect Sterility of Aseptic Packages L Raaska and T Mattila-Sandholm


Ultrasonic Standing Waves: Inactivation of Foodborne Microorganisms Using Power Ultrasound G D Betts, A Williams, and R M Oakley


Ultraviolet Light G Shama


V Vagococcus L M Teixeira, V L C Merquior, and P L Shewmaker


VEGETABLE OILS see PRESERVATIVES: Traditional Preservatives – Vegetable Oils Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli: Detection by Commercial Enzyme Immunoassays A S Motiwala


Viable but Nonculturable D Babu, K Kushwaha, and V K Juneja




Introduction, Including Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio vulnificus, and Other Vibrio Species J L Jones


Standard Cultural Methods and Molecular Detection Techniques in Foods C N Stam and R D Smiley


Vibrio cholerae S Mandal and M Mandal




Vinegar M R Adams




Introduction D O Cliver


Detection N Cook and D O Cliver


Foodborne Viruses C Manuel and L-A Jaykus


Hepatitis Viruses Transmitted by Food, Water, and Environment Y C Shieh, T L Cromeans, and M D Sobsey


Norovirus J L Cannon, Q Wang, and E Papafragkou


VITAMIN METABOLISM see METABOLIC PATHWAYS: Metabolism of Minerals and Vitamins W Water Activity K Prabhakar and E N Mallika




Modern Microbiological Techniques M L Bari and S Yeasmin


Routine Techniques for Monitoring Bacterial and Viral Contaminants S D Pillai and C H Rambo




Detection of Food- and Waterborne Parasites: Conventional Methods and Recent Developments M Bouzid


Entamoeba T L Royer and W A Petri, Jr




Microbiology of Winemaking G M Walker


Production of Special Wines P S Nigam


Malolactic Fermentation E J Bartowsky


Wine Spoilage Yeasts and Bacteria M Malfeito-Ferreira




WOOD SMOKE see PRESERVATIVES: Traditional Preservatives – Wood Smoke X Xanthomonas A Sharma, S Gautam, and S Wadhawan


XANTHUM GUM see FERMENTATION (INDUSTRIAL): Production of Xanthan Gum Xeromyces: The Most Extreme Xerophilic Fungus A M Stchigel Glikman


Y Yeasts: Production and Commercial Uses R Joseph and A K Bachhawat




Introduction J P Falcão


Yersinia enterocolitica S Bhaduri


YOGHURT see Fermented Milks and Yogurt Z ZYGOMYCETES see CLASSIFICATION OF ZYGOMYCETES: Reappraisal as Coherent Class Based on a Comparison between Traditional versus Molecular Systematics Zygosaccharomyces I Sá-Correia, J F Guerreiro, M C Loureiro-Dias, C Leão, and M Côrte-Real


Zymomonas H Yanase




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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Carl A. Batt joined the faculty in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University in 1985. He is the Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor in the Department of Food Science. Prof. Batt also serves as Director of the Cornell University/Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Partnership, he is a co-Founder of Main Street Science, and the founder of Nanooze, an on-line science magazine for kids. He is also the co-Founder and former co-Director of the Nanobiotechnology Center (NBTC) e a National Science Foundation supported Science and Technology Center. Currently he is appointed as an Adjunct Senior Scientist at the MOTE Marine Laboratory in Sarasota Florida. His research interests are a fusion of biology and nanotechnology focusing on cancer therapeutics. Prof. Batt received his Ph.D. from Rutgers University in Food Science. He went on to do postdoctoral work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Throughout his 25 years at Cornell, Prof. Batt has worked at the interface between a number of disciplines in the physical and life sciences seeking to explore the development and application of novel technologies to applied science problems. He has served as a scientific mentor for more than 50 graduates students and over 100 undergraduates, many of whom now hold significant positions in academia, government and the private sector, both in the United States and throughout the world. Partnering with the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Prof. Batt has helped to establish a Good Manufacturing Practices Bioproduction facility in Stocking Hall. This facility, the only one at an academic institution in the United States, is a state-of-the-art suite of clean rooms which is producing therapeutic agents for Phase I clinical trials. One therapeutic, NY-ESO-1 is in clinical trials at New York University and Roswell Park (Buffalo, NY). A second therapeutic SM-14 is about to enter clinical trials in Brazil. Prof. Batt has published over 220 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and reviews. In addition, from 1987e2000 he served as editor for Food Microbiology, a peer-reviewed journal and editor for the Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology that was published in 2000. In 1998, Prof. Batt cofounded a small biotechnology research and development company, Agave BioSystems, located in Ithaca, NY and continues to serve as its Science Advisor. From 1999e2002, Prof. Batt was the President of the Board of Directors of the Ithaca Montessori School, an independent, progressive community-based school. In 2004, he co-founded Main Street Science, a not-for-profit organization to develop hands-on science learning activities to engage the minds of students. Prof. Batt has been a champion of bringing science to the general public, especially young students, and making difficult concepts approachable. Prof. Batt is the founder and editor of Nanooze, a webzine and magazine for kids that is focused on nanotechnology and has a distribution of over 100,000 in the United States. Prof. Batt is also the creator of Chronicles of a Science Experiment which is co-produced by Earth & Sky. He headed a team that developed two traveling museum exhibitions to share the excitement of emerging technology with the general public. The first exhibition, ‘It’s a Nanoworld’ is currently on tour in the United States and has made stops including a six-month stay at Epcot in Disney World. The second exhibition, ‘Too Small to See’ began its tour at Disney World and is continuing to tour throughout the United States. More than two-million visitors have seen these exhibits. A third exhibition for long-term display at Epcot called ‘Take a Nanooze Break’ opened in February 2010 with a fourth ‘Nanooze Lab’ that opened at Disneyland in Anaheim CA in November 2011. The two Disney exhibits will reach in excess of 10M visitors each year.


EDITOR Mary Lou Tortorello grew up in Chicago, IL, USA, and attended Northern Illinois University (B. S., Biological Sciences) and Loyola University of Chicago (M.S., Biological Sciences). She received a Ph.D. from the Department of Microbiology at Cornell University in 1983. Post-graduate work included gene transfer in Enterococcus, phage resistance in dairy starter cultures, rapid assays for detection of pathogens including Listeria monocytogenes, and teaching the undergraduate course, General Microbiology, at Cornell. Her background includes work at Abbott Laboratories as product manager of the confirmatory serum diagnostic test kit for the HIV/AIDS virus. Since 1991 she has been a research microbiologist with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Division of Food Processing Science and Technology, in Bedford Park, IL, USA, and is currently Chief of the Food Technology Branch. Her research interests include improvements in microbiological methods and the behavior and control of microbial pathogens in foods and food processing environments. She is Co-Editor of the Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology and the Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods. She serves on the Editorial Board of Journal of Food Protection and is Chief Editor of the journal Food Microbiology.


EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Frederic Carlin Frédéric CARLIN (born 1962 in France) is Research Director at INRA, the French National Institute for Agricultural Research. He is currently working at the Mixed Research Unit 408 INRA – University of Avignon Safety and Quality of Products of Plant Origin, at the INRA research center Provence – Alpes – Côte d’Azur in Avignon. His research activity has been devoted to microbial safety and quality of minimally processed foods, in particular those made with vegetables, and to the problems posed by Listeria monocytogenes and the pathogenic spore-forming bacteria, Bacillus cereus and Clostridium botulinum. His field of interest also includes Predictive Microbiology and Microbial Risk Assessment. He has published more than 70 papers and book chapters on these topics. He is contributing editor for Food Microbiology and member of the editorial board of International Journal of Food Microbiology.

Ming-Ju Chen, Sr. Ming-Ju Chen is a distinguished Professor at the University of National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan. AT NTU, she has served as both the director of Center for International Agricultural Education and Academic Exchanges and the Chair of the Department of Animal Science and Technology. She earned the doctorate in Food Science and Technology at the Ohio State University and a Master Degree in Animal Science at National Taiwan University. Dr. Chen’s research interests now include isolation and identification of new bacteria and yeasts from different resources and applications for these strains in human food and animal feed. She also involves the development of a new platform to evaluate the functionality of probiotics and study the possible mechanism and pathway. Dr. Chen has published over 100 papers in areas such as dairy science, microbiology, food science, and functional food. She also contributes more than seven book chapters. Dr. Chen has achieved many external and professional awards and marks of recognition. She was awarded a Distinguished Research of National Science Council, Chinese Society of Food Science, and Taiwan institute of Lactic Acid Bacteria. She is a fellow of the Chinese Society of Animal Science. She also received Distinguished Teaching Award of National Taiwan University from 2005–2012. Dr. Chen holds and has held a number of leadership roles. In Dec. 2013, she was elected as President of the Association of Animal Science and is the first female to be elected to that role. She was General Secretary of the Asian Federation of Lactic Acid Bacteria (2009–2013), and was General Secretary of the Association of World Poultry Science in Taiwan (2004–2008). She was executive secretary of the 9th International Asian Pacific Poultry Conference in Taipei in Nov. 2011. Dr. Chen regularly speaks at international conferences, and is a member of a number of editorial boards of journals in her research area, including Food Microbiology, American Journal of Applied Sciences and Chinese Animal Science.



Editorial Advisory Board

Maria Teresa Destro Dr. Maria Teresa Destro is currently an Associate Professor of Food Microbiology in the Department of Food and Experimental Nutrition at the University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil, where she is responsible for teaching food microbiology to undergraduate and graduate students. She also delivered courses at several universities in Brazil and in other South American countries. Her research areas of interest are foodborne pathogens, with a special interest in Listeria monocytogenes, from detection and control to the influence of processing conditions on the virulence of the pathogen. She has served as lead investigator and collaborator in several multi-institutional projects addressing food safety and microbial risk assessment. Dr. Destro has fostered extension and outreach activities by helping micro and small food producers implement GMP, HACCP programs, and by training private and official laboratory staff in Listeria detection and enumeration. As an FAO certified HACCP instructor, she has delivered courses all over Brazil. She has served on several Brazilian Government committees and works at the international level with FAO, ILSI North America, and PAHO. Dr. Destro has been very active in several scientific associations including the International Association for Food Protection where she has been serving in different committees. Dr. Destro was responsible with others for the establishment of the Brazil Association for Food Protection, the first IAFP Affiliate organization in South America. She has also acted as an ambassador for IAFP in different Latin America countries, always committed to spreading the IAFP objective: advancing food safety worldwide.

Geraldine Duffy Dr Geraldine Duffy holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from University College Dublin and a PhD from the University of Ulster, Northern Ireland. She has been Head of the Food Safety Department at Teagasc, Food Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin, Ireland since 2005. Her research focuses on detection, transmission, behaviour and control of microbial pathogens, in particular verocytotoxigenic E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella, and Campylobacter along the farm to fork chain. She has published widely in the field of microbial food safety with over 80 peer reviewed publications including books and book chapters. Dr Duffy has considerable experience in the co-ordination of national and international research programmes and under the European Commission Framework Research Programme and has co-ordinated multi-national programmes on E. coli O157:H7 and is currently co-ordinating a 41 partner multinational European Union Framework integrated research project on beef safety and quality (Prosafebeef). She is a member of a number of professional committees including the scientific and microbiological sub-committee of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland and serves as a food safety expert for the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) biohazard panel, W.H.O / FAO and I.L.S.I. (International Life Science Institute).

Danilo Ercolini Danilo Ercolini was awarded his PhD in Food Science and Technology in 2003 at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy. In 2001 he was granted a Marie Curie Fellowship from the EU to work at the University of Nottingham, UK, where he spent one year researching within the Division of Food Science, School of Biosciences. He was Lecturer in Microbiology at the University of Naples from November 2002 to December 2011. He is currently Associate Professor in Microbiology at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the same institution. He is author of more than 70 publications in peer-reviewed journals since 2001. His h-index is 27 and his papers have been cited more than 2000 times according to the Scopus database (www. scopus.com). He was book Editor of “Molecular techniques in the microbial ecology of fermented foods” published by Springer, New York – Food Microbiology and Food Safety series by M. Doyle. He has been invited as a speaker or chairman at several international conferences. He is on the Editorial Board of Applied and Environmental Microbiology, International Journal of Food Microbiology, Food Microbiology, Journal of Food Protection and Current Opinion in Food Science. He is Associate Editor for Frontiers in Microbiology. He has been responsible for several grants from the EU and Italian Government and has several ongoing collaborations with partners from industry. He was granted the Montana Award for Food Research in 2010. He is responsible of a high-throughput sequencing facility at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the University of Naples. He has been working in the field of microbial ecology of foods for the last 12 years. His main activities include the development and exploitation of novel molecular biology techniques to study microorganisms in foods and monitor changes in microbiota according to different fermentation

Editorial Advisory Board


or storage conditions applied to food products. The works include the study of microbial populations involved in the manufacture or ripening of fermented foods. In addition, he has studied diversity and metabolome of the spoilage microbiota of fresh meat during storage in different conditions including aerobic storage, vacuum, and antimicrobial active packaging. The most recent interests include the study of food and human microbiomes by meta-omics approaches including metagenomics and metatranscriptomics. Recently, he is involved in several projects looking at the structure and evolution of human-associated microbiome in response mainly to diet and diet-associated disorders.

Soichi Furukawa Soichi Furukawa was awarded his BS in 1996 and his PhD in 2001, both from Kyushu University, Japan. During 1998–2001 he was a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Since 2001 he has worked as Assistant Professor, Principal Lecturer, and is now the Associate Professor at the College of Bioresource Sciences in Nihon University, Japan. He worked as a Researcher during 2005-6 in the O’Toole laboratory at the Dartmouth Medical School, New Hampshire. He has authored 59 papers in scientific international journals, and is involved with the following academic societies: Member of American Society for Microbiology; Administration officer of Japan Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria; Representative of Japanese Society for Bioscience and Biotechnology; Member of Japanese Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry; Member of Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology. He also is an editorial board member of the Japanese Journal of Lactic Acid Bacteria. He was awarded the Incentive award of The Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (2007), and the Japan Bioindustry Association, Encouraging prize of Fermentation and Metabolism (2009).

Colin Gill Colin Gill has worked on various aspects of the microbiology of raw meats, including frozen product, since 1973; until 1990 in New Zealand, and subsequently with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. He has published some 200 research papers or review articles in scientific journals and books.

Jean-Pierre Guyot JPG is a researcher of IRD (Institut de recherche pour le développement, France). As a microbial ecophysiologist he started his career in the 1980s by exploring the world of methanogens and sulfatereducing bacteria, first in the lab of Professor Ralf Wolfe (University of Champaign Urbana, USA). Following this first research experience, he was during a nine year stay in Mexico a visiting researcher at the UAM-Iztapalapa (Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana) and investigated the microbial ecophysiology of anaerobic digestion for the treatment of wastewaters from the agro-food and petrochemical industries. Back to France in 1995 at the IRD’s research centre of Montpellier, he started a new research on the microbial ecophysiology of traditional amylaceous fermented foods in tropical countries, mainly those consumed by young children (6-24 m.o.) as complementary food to breast feeding in African countries (e.g. Burkina Faso, Benin, Ethiopia,.), exploring the relation between the food matrix, its microbiota, and the nutritional quality of fermented complementary foods. On the present time, JPG is the head of the IRD’s research group “NUTRIPASS”: “Prevention of malnutrition and associated pathologies” (http://www.nutripass.ird.fr/).


Editorial Advisory Board

Vijay K. Juneja Dr. Vijay K. Juneja is a Lead Scientist of the ‘Predictive Microbiology’ research project at the Eastern Regional Research Center, ARS-USDA, Wyndmoor, PA. He received his Ph.D. degree in Food Technology and Science from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Vijay has developed a nationally and internationally recognized research program on foodborne pathogens, with emphasis on microbiological safety of minimally processed foods and predictive microbiology. He has authored/coauthored over 300 publications, including 135 peer-reviewed journal articles and is a co-editor of eight books on food safety. Dr. Juneja has been a recipient of several awards, including the ARS, North Atlantic Area, Senior Research Scientist of the year, 2002; ‘2005 Maurice Weber Laboratorian Award,’ of the International Association for Food Protection; ‘2012 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Research and Development Award’; ‘2012 National Science Foundation Food Safety Leadership Award for Research Advances’, etc. He was elected IFT Fellow in 2008.

Michael G. Kontominas Michael G. Kontominas is a Chemistry graduate of the University of Athens (1975). He earned his Ph.D. in Food Science from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA in 1979. After a short post doc at Rutgers U. he joined the faculty of the Chemistry Department, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece in 1980 where he was promoted to Full Professor in 1997. He served as Visiting scholar at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, Rutgers University and Fraunhofer Institute, Munich, Germany. He also served as Visiting Professor in the Chemistry Department of the University of Cyprus and the American University in Cairo, Egypt. He has published 166 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and more than 20 chapters in book volumes by invitation. His research interests include: Analysis of Contaminants in Foods, Non thermal methods of Food Preservation, Food Packaging, and Food Microbiology. He has co-authored two University text books on ‘Food Chemistry’ and ‘Food Analysis’ respectively and edited two book volumes, ‘Food Packaging: Procedures, Management and Trends’ (2012) and ‘Food Analysis and Preservation: Current Research Topics’ (2012). He has materialized numerous national and international (EU, NATO, etc.) research projects with a total budget over 5 M Euros. He is editor of two international journals (Food Microbiology, Food and Nutritional Sciences). He has supervised 14 Ph.D. and 45 MSc. theses already completed. He has served for several periods as Head of Section of Industrial and Food Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina and as national representative of Greece to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in the Working group: Safety of Irradiated Food. He received the 1st prize both at national and European level in the contest ‘Ecotrophilia 2011’ on the development of eco-friendly food products. During the period 2010–2012 he served on the Board of Directors of the Supreme Chemical Council of the State Chemical Laboratory of Greece. He is also technical consultant to the Greek Food and Packaging industry.

Dietrich Knorr He received an Engineering Degree in 1971 and a PhD in Food and Fermentation Technology from the University of Agriculture in Vienna in 1974. He was Research Associate at the Department of Food Technology in Vienna, Austria; Visiting Scientist at the Western Regional Research Centre of the US Department of Agriculture, Berkeley, USA; at the Department of Food Science Cornell University, Ithaca, USA and of Reading University, Reading, UK. From 1978 until 1987 he was Associate Prof., Full Professor and Acting Chair at the Department of Food Science at the University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA where he kept a position as Research Professor. From 1987 to 2012 he was Full Professor and Department Head at the Department of Food Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin, including the position of Director of the Institute of Food Technology and Food Chemistry at the Technische Universität Berlin. He also holds an Adjunct Professorship at Cornell University. Prof. Knorr is Editor of the Journal “Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies”. He is President of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology, member of the Governing Council, International Union of Food Science and Technology, and Member of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology. In 2013 he received the EFFoST Life Time achievement Award, 2011 he got the IAEF Life Achievement Award, in 2003 the Nicolas Appert Award, and in 2004 the Marcel Loncin Research Prize of the Institute of Food Technologists and the EFFoST Outstanding Research Award as well as the Alfred-Mehlitz Medaille, German Association of Food Technologists. Prof. Knorr has published approximately 500 scientific papers, supervised approx. 300 Diploma/Master Thesis and approx. 75 PhD theses. He holds seven patents and is one of the ISI “highly cited researchers”.

Editorial Advisory Board


Aline Lonvaud Aline Lonvaud is Professor Emeritus at the University of Bordeaux in the Sciences Institute of Vine and Wine. After obtaining her master’s degree in biochemistry, she completed her first research at the Institute of Oenology of Bordeaux under the direction of Professor Ribéreau-Gayon and obtained his Doctorate in Sciences for his studies on the lactic acid bacteria in wine. She began her career in 1973 as a teacher and as a researcher for the wine microbiology at the University of Bordeaux. Her work then continued those very new on the malolactic enzyme of lactic acid bacteria. At that point she engaged her research towards other metabolic pathways lactic acid bacteria important for their impact on wine quality. The bacterial use of citric acid, glycerol, the decarboxylation of certain amino acids, the synthesis of polysaccharides have been studied from the isolation of bacteria to the identification of the key genetic determinants of these pathways. On the practical level this has led to accurate genomic tools, sensitive and specific, made available to oenology laboratories for wine control and prevention of spoilage. By the late 1980s, Professor Aline Lonvaud had addressed the topic of the Oenococcus oeni adaptation to growth in wine, in relation to industrial malolactic starter cultures, by the first studies on the significance of the membranes composition for these bacteria. The accumulation of results on the metabolic pathways and the first data on the adaptation of cells to their environment, obtained in the framework of several PhD theses, showed the need to implement other approaches. For this she directed the research in order to learn more about the diversity of strains of the O. oeni species and their relationships with the other partners in the oenological microbial system. Among recent work Professor Aline Lonvaud led a phylogenetic study on the biodiversity of O. oeni which involved more than 350 strains isolated worldwide. Currently, the microbiology laboratory of the wine develops an axis on the microbial community of grapes and wine, started under the leadership of Aline Lonvaud for some fifteen years. The students of DNO (National Diploma of Oenology) and other degrees of Master of the ISVV benefit from these results, which are also valued by the activity of the spin-off “MicrofloraÒ” of which Professor Aline Lonvaud provides scientific direction. Today as Professor Emeritus, Aline Lonvaud works as an expert in the microbiology group of the OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine), as editor and reviewer for various scientific journals and for professional organizations in the field of microbiology of wine.

Aurelio López-Malo Vigil Aurelio López-Malo is Professor in the Department of Chemical, Food, and Environmental Engineering at Universidad de las Américas Puebla. He has taught courses and workshops in various Latin American countries. Dr. López-Malo is co-author of Minimally Processed Fruits and Vegetables, editor of two books, authored over 30 book chapters and more than 100 scientific publications in refereed international journals, is a member of the Journal of Food Protection Editorial Board. Dr. López-Malo received his PhD in Chemistry in 2000 from Universidad de Buenos Aires in Argentina, the degree of Master in Science in Food Engineering in 1995 from the Universidad de las Américas Puebla, and he graduated as a Food Engineer from the same institution in 1983. He has presented over 300 papers in international conferences. He belongs to the National Research System of Mexico as a National Researcher Level III. He is Member of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP), and the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). Dr. López-Malo has directed or co-directed over 35 funded (nationally and internationally) research projects and has participated in several industrial consulting projects. His research interests include Natural Antimicrobials, Predictive Microbiology, Emerging Technologies for Food Processing, Minimally Processed Fruits, and K-12 Science and Engineering Education.

Rob Samson Since 1970 Rob Samson has been employed by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science (Amsterdam) at the CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre and is group leader of the Applied and Industrial Mycology department. He is Adjunct Professor in Plant Pathology of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University Bangkok, Thailand since July 15, 2002. Since January 2009 he has been the visiting professor at Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica e Biologica of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Portugal. He is also an Honorary Doctor of Agricultural Sciences of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala (October 3 2009). Rob’s main specialization is in the field of Systematic Mycology of Penicillium and Aspergillus and food-borne fungi. He also specializes in the mycobiota of indoor environments, entomopathogenic, thermophilic fungi, and scanning electronmicroscopy. His current research interests include: Taxonomy of Penicillium and Aspergillus; Food-borne fungi with emphasis on heat resistant and xerophilic molds; Molds in indoor environments; and Entomogenous fungi. Rob is the Secretary General of the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS); Member of the Executive Board of the International Union of Microbiological Societies since 1986; Chairman of the IUMS International Commission on Penicillium and Aspergillus; Vice Chairman of the International Commission on Food Mycology; Member of the International Commission of the Taxonomy of Fungi; Chairman of the IUMS International Commission on Indoor Fungi; Honorary Member of the American Mycological Society; and an Honorary Member of the Hungarian Society of Microbiology.


Editorial Advisory Board

Ulrich Schillinger Dr. Ulrich Schillinger obtained his PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) at the University of München, Germany in 1985 and completed his post doctoral research at the Bundesanstalt für Fleischforschung (Meat Research Centre) in Kulmbach. In 1989, he became head of a food microbiology lab at the Institute of Hygiene and Toxicology of the Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (Federal Research Centre for Nutrition and Food) in Karlsruhe. Since 2008, he worked at the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology of the Max Rubner Institut, Bundesinstitut für Ernährung und Lebensmittel in Karlsruhe. He published about 100 research papers in peer-reviewed international scientific journals and several books in microbiology and food sciences. He served as editorial board member of ‘Food Microbiology’ and as a regular reviewer of many scientific journals. His research has focused on food microbiology, the taxonomy and physiology of lactic acid bacteria, their application as bioprotective and probiotic cultures, bacteriocins and fermented foods.

Bart Weimer Dr. Weimer is professor of microbiology at University of California, Davis in the School of Veterinary Medicine since 2008. In 2010 he was appointed as faculty assistant to the Vice Chancellor of Research to focus on industry/university partnerships. Subsequently, he was also appointed as co-director of BGI@UC Davis and director of the integration core of the NIH Western Metabolomics Center in 2012. Prior to joining UC Davis Dr. Weimer was on faculty at Utah State University where he directed the Center for Integrated BioSystems for seven years. The primary thrust of his research program is the systems biology of microbial infection, host association, and environmental survival. Using integrated functional genomics Dr. Weimer’s research program examines the interplay of genome evolution and metabolism needed for survival, infection, and host association. The interplay between the host, the microbe, and the interdependent responses is a key question for his group. His group is currently partnered with FDA and Agilent Technologies to sequence the genome of 100,000 pathogens and is conducting metagenome sequence of the microbiome of chronic disease conditions associated with the food supply. Most recently he was honored with the Agilent Thought Leader Award and his work in microbial genomics received the HHSInnovate award as part of the 100K genome project. During his career Dr. Weimer mentored 30 graduate students, received seven patents with six pending, published over 90 peer-reviewed papers, contributed 17 book chapters, edited three books, and presented over 400 invited scientific presentations.

LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS L. Ababouch The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy K. Abe Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan D. Acheson Leavitt Partners, Salt Lake City, UT, USA A.M. Adams Kansas City District Laboratory, US Food and Drug Administration, Lenexa, KS, USA M.R. Adams University of Surrey, Guildford, UK S. Adhikari Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, Panihati, India

B. Austin University of Stirling, Stirling, UK S. Awad Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt D. Babu University of Louisiana at Monroe, Monroe, LA, USA A.K. Bachhawat Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Punjab, India L. Baert Ghent University, Gent, Belgium L. Baillie DERA, Salisbury, UK

M.I. Afzal Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France

A. Balkema-Buschmann Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Institute for Novel and Emerging Infectious Diseases, Greifswald, Germany

W.R. Aimutis Global Food Research North America, Cargill, Inc., Wayzata, MN, USA

N. Bandyopadhyay Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India

J. Albertyn University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa S. Almonacid Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile; and Centro Regional de Estudios en Alimentos Saludables (CREAS) Conicyt-Regional, Valparaíso, Chile E.O. Aluyor University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria V.O. Alvarenga University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil I. Álvarez Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain P.E.D. Augusto University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

R. Banerjee Nagpur Veterinary College (MAFSU), Nagpur, India S.B. Bankar Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India J. Baranyi Institute of Food Research, UK M.L. Bari Center for Advanced Research in Sciences, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh F. Baron Agrocampus Ouest, INRA, Rennes, France E.J. Bartowsky The Australian Wine Research Institute, Adelaide, SA, Australia



List of Contributors

E. Bárzana Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico D.F., Mexico

L.A. Boczek US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, USA

C.A. Batt Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA

A. Botes Stellenbosch University, Matieland, South Africa

D.A. Bautista Del Monte Foods, Walnut Creek, CA, USA; and University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada

A. Botha Stellenbosch University, Matieland, South Africa

S.H. Beattie Hannah Research Institute, Ayr, UK R. Beaz-Hidalgo Universitat Rovira i Virgili, IISPV, Reus, Spain H. Beck Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority, Oberschleissheim, Germany A.E. Behar California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA S. Benito Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain R.G. Berger Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany G.D. Betts Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association, Chipping Campden, UK R.R. Beumer Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands S. Bhaduri Eastern Regional Research Center, Wyndmoor, PA, USA D. Bhatnagar Southern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, New Orleans, LA, USA A. Bianchini University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, USA J. Björkroth University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland C.W. Blackburn Unilever Colworth, Colworth Science Park, Sharnbrook, UK H.P. Blaschek University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA D. Blivet AFSSA, Ploufragan, France

G. Botsaris Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus M. Bouzid University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK Z. Boz University of Mersin, Mersin, Turkey T.F. Bozoglu Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey A. Brandis-Heep Philipps Universität, Marburg, Germany A. Brandolini Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura, Unità di Ricerca per la Selezione dei Cereali e la Valorizzazione delle Varietà Vegetali (CRA-SCV), S. Angelo Lodigiano (LO), Italy B.F. Brehm-Stecher Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA R. Briandet MICALIS, UMR1319, INRA AgroParisTech, Massy, France A. Brillet-Viel UMR1014 Secalim, INRA, Oniris, LUNAM Université, Nantes, France A.L. Brody Rubbright Brody Inc., Duluth, GA, USA I. Brondz University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; and Jupiter Ltd., Norway S. Brul Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands H. Brüssow Nestlé Research Center, Lausanne, Switzerland R.L. Buchanan University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA C. Büchner Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany

List of Contributors

K.A. Buckle The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia

R.C. Chandan Global Technologies, Inc., Coon Rapids, MN, USA

Y.A. Budhkar Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India

S. Chandrapati 3M Company, St. Paul, MN, USA

D.J. Bueno Estación Experimental Agropecuaria (EEA) INTA Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos, Argentina

H.-Y. Chang National Tsing Hua University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan

L.B. Bullerman University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, USA

P.-K. Chang Southern Regional Research Center, New Orleans, LA, USA

J. Burgos University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain

E.A. Charter BioFoodTech, Charlottetown, PE, Canada

C. Cailliez-Grimal Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France

P. Chattopadhyay Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India

M. Calasso University of Bari, Bari, Italy

C.P. Chauret Indiana University Kokomo, Kokomo, IN, USA

F. Calderón Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

R.D. Chaves UNICAMP, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil

G. Campbell-Platt University of Reading, Reading, UK

H. Chen University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA

A. Canette MICALIS, UMR1319, INRA AgroParisTech, Massy, France

Y. Chisti Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

J.L. Cannon University of Georgia, Griffin, GA, USA E. Carbonnelle Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France F. Carlin INRA, Avignon, France; and Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, Avignon, France B. Carpentier French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES), Maisons-Alfort Laboratory for Food Safety, Maisons-Alfort, France C. Cerniglia National Center for Toxicological Research, US Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, AR, USA S. Ceuppens Ghent University, Gent, Belgium R.M. Chalmers Public Health Wales Microbiology, Swansea, UK M. Champomier-Vergès Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Domaine de Vilvert, Jouy en Josas, France


M. Ciani Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy D.O. Cliver University of California, Davis, CA, USA R. Cocker Cocker Consulting, Almere, The Netherlands L. Cocolin University of Turin, Grugliasco, Turin, Italy R. Coda University of Bari, Bari, Italy T.M. Cogan Food Research Centre, Teagasc, Fermoy, Ireland E.V. Coillie Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Melle, Belgium A. Collins Campden BRI, Chipping Campden, UK F. Comitini Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy F. Compain Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France


List of Contributors

S. Condón Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain

C.S. Custer USDA FSIS, Bethesda, MD, USA

A. Conte University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy

J. Daniel Dubreuil Université de Montréal, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada

N. Cook Food and Environmental Research Agency, York, UK C. Cornelison Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA J.E.L. Corry University of Bristol, Bristol, UK M. Côrte-Real University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

A. Daraba University “Dunarea de Jos” of Galati, Galati, Romania A.R. da Silva UNICAMP, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil M. De Angelis University of Bari, Bari, Italy

C. Costa University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy

A. De Cesare Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO), Italy

E. Coton Université de Brest, Plouzané, France

N.A. Dede Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey

M.A. Cousin Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

B. de las Rivas Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos y Nutrición (ICTAN-CSIC), Madrid, Spain

H. Couture Bureau of Microbial Hazards, Health Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada J.M. Cox The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia M. Cristianini University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil T.L. Cromeans Atlanta, GA, USA S.A. Crow Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA A.E. Cruz-Guerrero Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico D.F., Mexico K.S. Cudjoe Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Oslo, Norway  L. Curda Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Prague, Czech Republic G.J. Curiel Unilever Research and Development, Vlaardingen, The Netherlands J.A. Curiel Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos y Nutrición (ICTAN-CSIC), Madrid, Spain

M.A. Del Nobile University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy J. Delves-Broughton DuPont Health and Nutrition, Beaminster, UK A.L. Demain Drew University, Madison, NJ, USA Y. Demarigny BIODYMIA, Lyon, France P.R. de Massaguer LABTERMO, Campinas, Brazil M.N. de Oliveira São Paulo University, São Paulo, Brazil R. Derike Smiley U.S. Food & Drug Administration, Jefferson, AR, USA M.I. de Silóniz Complutense University, Madrid, Spain N. Desmasures Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Caen, France A. de Souza Sant’Ana University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil G. Devulder bioMerieux, Inc., Hazelwood, MO, USA L. De Vuyst Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium

List of Contributors

R. Di Cagno University of Bari, Bari, Italy

A. Endo University of Turku, Turku, Finland

L. Dicks University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa

D. Ercolini Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Portici (NA), Italy

F. Diez-Gonzalez University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA V.M. Dillon University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK C. Dodd Biomedical Diagnostics Institute, School of Biotechnology, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland C.E.R. Dodd University of Nottingham, Loughborough, UK H.B. Dogan Halkman Saraykoy Nuclear Research and Training Center, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, Saraykoy, Turkey K.J. Domig BOKU e University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria E.H. Drosinos Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece P. Druggan Genadelphia Consulting, West Kirby, UK G. Duffy Teagasc Food Research Centre, Dublin, Ireland O. Dumitrescu University of Lyon, Lyon, France S.H. Duncan University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK H.P. Dwivedi bioMerieux, Inc., Hazelwood, MO, USA

F. Erdogdu University of Mersin, Mersin, Turkey J.P. Falcão University of São Paulo-USP, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil X. Fan USDA-ARS Eastern Regional Research Center, Wyndmoor, PA, USA J.M. Farber Bureau of Microbial Hazards, Health Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada N.Y. Farkye California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA C. Fella Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority, Oberschleissheim, Germany M.J. Figueras Universitat Rovira i Virgili, IISPV, Reus, Spain I.S.T. Fisher Health Protection Agency, London, UK G.J. Fleischman US Food and Drug Administration, Institute for Food Safety and Health, Bedford Park, IL, USA H.J. Flint University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK M.-P. Forquin University of California, Davis, CA, USA

L. Edebo University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden

B.D.G.M. Franco University of São Paulo, Butantan, Brazil

R. Eden BioLumix Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, USA

P.M. Fratamico Eastern Regional Research Center, Wyndmoor, PA, USA

K.C. Ehrlich Southern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, New Orleans, LA, USA E. Elbeshbishy University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada M. El Soda Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt


J.C. Frisvad Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark A. Fröhling Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering Potsdam-Bornim, Potsdam, Germany C.-Y. Fu National Tsing Hua University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan


List of Contributors

D.Y.C. Fung Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA H.R. Gamble National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, USA D. Gammariello University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy M.G. Gänzle University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada M. García-Garibay Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico D.F., Mexico M.-L. García-López University of León, León, Spain R.K. Gast Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory, Athens, GA, USA S. Gautam Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India M. Gautier Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Rennes, France E. Gayán Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain A.G. Gehring Eastern Regional Research Center, Wyndmoor, PA, USA H.B. Ghoddusi London Metropolitan University, London, UK P.A. Gibbs Leatherhead Food Research, Leatherhead, UK J. Gil-Serna Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain E. Gil de Prado Complutense University, Madrid, Spain C.O. Gill Lacombe Research Centre, Lacombe, AB, Canada A.F. Gillaspy The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA J.V. Gimeno-Adelantado University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain G. Giraffa Centro di Ricerca per le Produzioni Foraggere e Lattiero-Casearie (CRA-FLC), Lodi, Italy

A. Giri French National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA), Saint-Genès-Champanelle, France A.D. Goater University of Wales, Bangor, UK M. Gobbetti University of Bari, Bari, Italy Y.J. Goh North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA K. Gokulan National Center for Toxicological Research, US Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, AR, USA M.C. Goldschmidt The University of Texas Health Science, Houston, TX, USA L. Gómez-Ruiz Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico D.F., Mexico K. Gomi Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan M.T. González-Jaén Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain V. Gopinath CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Trivandrum, Kerala, India L.G.M. Gorris Linkong Economic Development, Shanghai, China L. Gram Danish Institute for Fisheries Research, Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark I. Gressoni UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil M.W. Griffiths University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada M.H. Groschup Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Institute for Novel and Emerging Infectious Diseases, Greifswald, Germany J.F. Guerreiro Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal I. Guerrero-Legarreta Uniiversidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México D.F., Mexico N. Gundogan University of Gazi, Ankara, Turkey

List of Contributors


G.C. Gürakan Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

J.E. Hobbs University of Saskatchewan, SK, Canada

J.B. Gurtler US Department of Agriculture, Wyndmoor, PA, USA

A.D. Hocking CSIRO Animal, Food and Health Sciences, North Ryde, NSW, Australia

S.N. Hajare Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India A.K. Halkman Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey H.B.D. Halkman Saraykoy Nuclear Research and Training Center, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, Saraykoy, Turkey R. Halpin Institute of Food and Health, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

R.A. Holley University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R.K. Hommel CellTechnologie Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany P. Hong King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia D.G. Hoover University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA

T.S. Hammack U.S. Food and Drug Administration, College Park, MD, USA

B.W. Horn National Peanut Research Laboratory, Dawson, GA, USA

E.B. Hansen The Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark

Z.(H.) Hou Kraft Foods Group Inc., Glenview, IL, USA

S.M. Harde Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India

W.-H. Hsu National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, China

W.C. Hazeleger Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands

L. Huang Eastern Regional Research Center, Wyndmoor, PA, USA

J.-A. Hennekinne National and European Union Reference Laboratory for Coagulase Positive Staphylococci Including Staphylococcus aureus, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety, Maisons-Alfort, France

R. Hutkins University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, USA

L. Herman Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Melle, Belgium M. Hernández Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León (ITACyL), Valladolid, Spain A. Hidalgo Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy N. Hilal University of Wales, Swansea, UK G. Hildebrandt Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany A.D. Hitchins Center for Food Safety and Nutrition, US Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD, USA

C.-A. Hwang Eastern Regional Research Center, Wyndmoor, PA, USA J.J. Iandolo The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA H. Imberechts Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre (CODACERVA), Brussels, Belgium Y. Inatsu National Food Research Institute, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki, Japan T. Irisawa Microbe Division/Japan Collection of Microorganisms, RIKEN BioResource Center, Ibaraki, Japan L. Irzykowska Pozna n University of Life Sciences, Pozna n, Poland C. Iversen University of Dundee, Dundee, UK


List of Contributors

R.A. Ivy Kraft Foods, Glenview, IL, USA

J.L. Jones FDA, AL, USA

H. Izumi Kinki University, Kinokawa, Japan

R. Jordano University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain

R.S. Jackson Brock University, St Catharines, ON, Canada

R. Joseph Ex-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, India

S.B. Jadhav Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India H. Jäger Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; and Nestlé PTC Singen, Singen, Germany

V.K. Joshi Dr YSP University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, India

S. Jan Agrocampus Ouest, INRA, Rennes, France

V.K. Juneja Eastern Regional Research Center, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Wyndmoor, PA, USA

H. Janssen University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA

L.D. Kagliwal Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India

D. Jaroni Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA B. Jarvis Daubies Farm, Upton Bishop, Ross-on-Wye, UK V. Jasson Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre (CODA-CERVA), Brussels, Belgium L.-A. Jaykus North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA R. Jeannotte University of California Davis, Davis, CA, USA; and Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile I. Jenson Meat & Livestock Australia, North Sydney, NSW, Australia M. Jiménez University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain K.C. Jinneman Applied Technology Center, US Food and Drug Administration, Bothell, WA, USA J. Jofre University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain C.H. Johnson US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, USA

A. Kambamanoli-Dimou Technological Education Institute (T.E.I.), Larissa, Greece P. Kämpf Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority, Oberschleissheim, Germany P. Kämpfer Institut für Angewandte Mikrobiologie, Justus-LiebigUniversität Giessen, Giessen, Germany N.G. Karanth CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, India E. Kartadarma Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia M.G. Katsikogianni University of Patras, Patras, Greece; and Leeds Dental Institute, Leeds, UK S. Kawamoto National Food Research Institute, Tsukuba-shi, Japan S. Kawasaki National Food Research Institute, Tsukuba-shi, Japan W.A. Kerr University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada

D.J. Johnson University of Wales, Swansea, UK

T. Keshavarz University of Westminster, London, UK

E.A. Johnson University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA

G.G. Khachatourians University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada

List of Contributors

S. Khare National Center for Toxicological Research, US Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, AR, USA W. Kim Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Ansan, South Korea D.H. Kingsley USDA ARS, Dover, DE, USA P.M. Kirk Royal Botanic Gardens, London, UK H.A. Kirmaci Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey T.R. Klaenhammer North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA W. Kneifel BOKU e University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria D. Knorr Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany M.G. Kong Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA M.G. Kontominas University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece S. Koseki National Food Research Institute, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan P. Kotzekidou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece G.K. Kozak Bureau of Microbial Hazards, Health Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada U. Krings Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany P.R. Kulkarni Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India S. Kumagai D.V.M., Food Safety Commission, Tokyo, Japan S. Kumar Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India G.M. Kuppuswami Central Leather Research Institute, Adyar, India

K. Kushwaha University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA R. Labbe University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA G. Lagarde Bioseutica BV, Zeewolde, The Netherlands K.A. Lampel Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, US Food and Drug Administration, College Park, MD, USA M. Lavollay Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France C. Leão University of Minho, Braga, Portugal J.D. Legan Kraft Foods Inc., Glenview, IL, USA I. Leguerinel Université de Brest, Quimper, France J.J. Leisner Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Frederiksberg, Denmark H.L.M. Lelieveld Unilever Research and Development, Vlaardingen, The Netherlands Y. Le Loir INRA, UMR1253 STLO, Rennes, France; and Agrocampus Ouest, UMR1253 STLO, Rennes, France P.R. Lennartsson University of Borås, Borås, Sweden F. Leroy Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium S. Leroy INRA, Saint-Genès Champanelle, France M.J. Lewis University of Reading, Reading, UK R.W. Li Agriculture Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, MD, USA G. Lina University of Lyon, Lyon, France N. Lincopan Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brazil E. Litopoulou-Tzanetaki Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece



List of Contributors

S. Lomonaco University of Torino, Torino, Italy

M. Mastromatteo University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy

A. Lonvaud-Funel Université Bordeaux Segalen, Villenave d’Ornon, France

E.M. Mateo University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

M.C. Loureiro-Dias Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

R. Mateo-Castro University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

R.W. Lovitt University of Wales, Swansea, UK

T. Mattila-Sandholm VTT Biotechnology and Food Research, Espoo, Finland

A. Lucera University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy J.G. Lyng Institute of Food and Health, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland R.H. Madden Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Belfast, UK D.F. Maffei University of São Paulo, Butantan, Brazil T.L. Mai IEH Laboratories and Consulting Group, Lake Forest Park, WA, USA M. Malfeito-Ferreira Technical University of Lisbon, Tapada da Ajuda, Lisboa, Portugal S. Mallik Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA E.N. Mallika NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, India E.M. Mamizuka Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brazil M. Mandal KPC Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal, India S. Mandal University of Gour Banga, Malda, India C. Manuel North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA D.L. Marshall Eurofins Microbiology Laboratories, Fort Collins, CO, USA E. Martin University of Lyon, Lyon, France M.C. Martín CONICETeLaboratorio de Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina

J.A. McCulloch Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém-PA, Brazil; and Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brazil J. McEntire Leavitt Partners, Salt Lake City, UT, USA T.A. McMeekin University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia L.M. Medina University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain J.-M. Membré Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Nantes, France; and L’Université Nantes Angers Le Mans, Nantes, France A.F. Mendonça Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA M.G. Merín CONICETeLaboratorio de Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina V.L.C. Merquior Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil U. Messelhäusser Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority, Oberschleissheim, Germany S.F. Mexis University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece B. Miller Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Saint Paul, MN, USA J.C. Mills bioMerieux, Inc., Hazelwood, MO, USA F. Minervini University of Bari, Bari, Italy B.B. Mishra Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India

List of Contributors

Y.F. Missirlis University of Patras, Patras, Greece

B.A. Neville University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

G.G. Moore Southern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, New Orleans, LA, USA

D.S. Nichols University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia

V.I. Morata de Ambrosini CONICETeLaboratorio de Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina M. Moresi Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy

B.A. Niemira USDA-ARS Eastern Regional Research Center, Wyndmoor, PA, USA P.S. Nigam University of Ulster, Coleraine, UK

A. Morin Beloeil, QC, Canada

S.H.W. Notermans TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, AJ Zeist, The Netherlands

A.S. Motiwala Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, US Food and Drug Administration, College Park, MD, USA

H. Nuñez Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile

S. Mukhopadhyay Eastern Regional Research Center, US Department of Agriculture, Wyndmoor, PA, USA W.M.A. Mullan College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise, Antrim, UK C. Mullen National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland M. Muniesa University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain R. Muñoz Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos y Nutrición (ICTAN-CSIC), Madrid, Spain E.A. Murano Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA K.D. Murrell Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD, USA

M. Nuñez INIA, Madrid, Spain G.-J.E. Nychas Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece R. O’Kennedy Biomedical Diagnostics Institute, School of Biotechnology, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland R.M. Oakley United Biscuits (UK Ltd), High Wycombe, UK I.O. Oboh University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria L.J. Ogbadu National Biotechnology Development Agency, Abuja, Nigeria T. Ohshima Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan

M. Nakao Horiba Ltd, Minami-ku, Kyoto, Japan

E. Ortega-Rivas Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico

K.M. Nampoothiri CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Trivandrum, India

Y.R. Ortega University of Georgia, Griffin, GA, USA

J.A. Narvhus Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway

J.M. Oteiza Centro de Investigación y Asistencia Técnica a la Industria (CIATI AC), Neuquén, Argentina

H. Neetoo Thon des Mascareignes Ltée, Port Louis, Mauritius

A. Otero University of León, León, Spain

P.R. Neves Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brazil

P.W. O’Toole University College Cork, Cork, Ireland



List of Contributors

B. Özer Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey

H. Pennington University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK

B.H. Özer Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey

T.M. Peters Health Protection Agency, London, UK

D. Palmero Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

R. Pethig University of Wales, Bangor, UK

F. Palomero Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

W.A. Petri University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA

T.-M. Pan National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, China

M.R.A. Pillai Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India

A. Pandey National Institute of Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Trivandrum, India

S.D. Pillai Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA

E. Papafragkou FDA, CFSAN, OARSA, Laurel, MD, USA A.M. Paredes National Center for Toxicological Research, US Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, AR, USA E. Parente Università della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy; and Istituto di Scienze dell’Alimentazione, Avellino, Italy

V.F. Pinto Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina J.I. Pitt CSIRO Animal, Food and Health Sciences, NSW, Australia C.H. Pohl University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa M.R. Popoff Institut Pasteur, Paris Cedex, France

S.M. Passmore Self-employed consultant, Axbridge, UK

B. Pourkomailian McDonald’s Europe, London, UK

A.K. Patel Université Blaise Pascal, Aubiere, France

L. Powell University of Wales, Swansea, UK

B. Patiño Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

K. Prabhakar Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati, India

A. Patriarca Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina M. Patterson Agri-Food and Bioscience Institute, Belfast, UK A. Pavic Birling Avian Laboratories, Sydney, NSW, Australia J.B. Payeur National Veterinary Services Laboratories, Ames, IA, USA G.A. Payne North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA J.M. Peinado Complutense University, Madrid, Spain W.E.L. Peña Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, Brazil

S.G. Prapulla CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, India H. Prévost UMR1014 Secalim, INRA, Oniris, LUNAM Université, Nantes, France B.H. Pyle Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA L. Raaska VTT Biotechnology and Food Research, Espoo, Finland M. Raccach Arizona State University, Mesa, AZ, USA F. Rafii National Center for Toxicological Research, US Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, AR, USA

List of Contributors

A. Rajkovic Ghent University, Gent, Belgium

W.M. Russell Land O’Lakes Dairy Foods, St. Paul, MN, USA

C.H. Rambo Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA

I. Sá-Correia Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

K. Rantsiou University of Turin, Grugliasco, Turin, Italy

E. Säde University of Helsinki, Finland

J. Raso Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain

S. Sanchez Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico D.F., Mexico

S. Ravishankar The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA S.M. Reddy Kakatiya University, Warangal, India

R. Sandhir Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University, Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

C.E.D. Rees University of Nottingham, Loughborough, UK

T. Sandle Bio Products Laboratory Ltd, Elstree, UK

A.-M. Revol-Junelles Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France

J.A. Santos University of León, León, Spain

E.W. Rice US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, USA

D. Sao Mai Industrial University of HCM City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

S.C. Ricke University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA

A.K. Sarbhoy Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India

E.M. Rivas Complutense University, Madrid, Spain C.G. Rizzello University of Bari, Bari, Italy L.J. Robertson Institute for Food Safety and Infection Biology, Oslo, Norway J.M. Rodríguez-Calleja University of León, León, Spain D. Rodríguez-Lázaro University of Burgos, Burgos, Spain T. Ross University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia

M. Satomi Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama, Japan S. Saxena Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India B. Schalch Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority, Oberschleissheim, Germany O. Schlüter Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering Potsdam-Bornim, Potsdam, Germany K. Schössler Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany

H. Rostane Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France

P. Schuck INRA, Rennes, France; and Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France

M.T. Rowe Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Belfast, UK

K.M. Selle North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA

T.L. Royer University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA

G. Shama Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK

N.L. Ruehlen HaloSource Incorporated, Bothell, WA, USA

A. Sharma Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India



List of Contributors

P.L. Shewmaker Streptococcus Laboratory, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA Y.C. Shieh US Food and Drug Administration Moffett Center, Bedford Park, IL, USA H. Shimoi National Research Institute of Brewing, HigashiHiroshima, Japan M. Shin Kobe Gakuin University, Kobe, Japan T. Shin Sojo University, Ikeda, Kumamoto, Japan F.F.P. Silva University of São Paulo, Butantan, Brazil F.V.M. Silva The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand J.O. Silva Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina R. Simpson Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile; and Centro Regional de Estudios en Alimentos Saludables (CREAS) Conicyt-Regional, Valparaíso, Chile A. Singh Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark R.S. Singhal Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India R.R. Singhania Université Blaise Pascal, Aubiere, France R.D. Smiley U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Office of Regulatory Affairs, Jefferson, AR, USA D. Smith CABI, Egham, UK J.L. Smith Eastern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, Wyndmoor, PA, USA

E. Stackebrandt DSMZ, Braunschweig, Germany C.N. Stam California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA A.M. Stchigel Glikman Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Reus, Spain G.G. Stewart GGStewart Associates, Cardiff, UK J. Stratton University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, USA S. Struck Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany J.A. Suárez-Lepe Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain J.H. Subramanian Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India Y. Sugita-Konishi D.V.M., Azabu University, Sagamihara, Japan M. Surekha Kakatiya University, Warangal, India J.B. Sutherland National Center for Toxicological Research, Jefferson, AR, USA B.C. Sutton Blackheath, UK E. Sviráková Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Prague, Czech Republic B.M.C. Swift University of Nottingham, Loughborough, UK B.M. Taban Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey M.J. Taherzadeh University of Borås, Borås, Sweden R. Talon INRA, Saint-Genès Champanelle, France

M.D. Sobsey University of North Carolina, NC, USA

J.P. Tamang Sikkim University, Tadong, India

C.R. Soccol Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil

A.Y. Tamime Ayr, UK

N.H.C. Sparks SRUC, Scotland, UK

S. Tanasupawat Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

List of Contributors

P.J. Taormina John Morrell Food Group, Cincinnati, OH, USA

F.M. Valle-Algarra University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

C.C. Tassou National Agricultural Research Foundation, Institute of Technology of Agricultural Products, Athens, Greece

S. Van Kerrebroeck Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium

C. Techer Agrocampus Ouest, INRA, Rennes, France

E.J. van Nieuwenhuijzen CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands

L.M. Teixeira Instituto de Microbiologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

C. Vázquez Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

P. Teixeira Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Dr António Bernardino de Almeida, Porto, Portugal M.S. Thantsha University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa

A.K. Verma Central Institute for Research on Goats (ICAR), Makhdoom, Mathura, India B.C. Viljoen University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa

L.V. Thomas Yakult UK Ltd., South Ruislip, UK

K. Voigt Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany and Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology e Hans Knöll Institute (HKI), Jena, Germany

U. Thrane Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark

P.A. Voysey Campden BRI, Chipping Campden, UK

M.L. Tortorello US Food and Drug Administration, Bedford Park, IL, USA

S. Wadhawan Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India

J. Theron University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa

A.A.L. Tribst University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil M.G. Tyshenko University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada N. Tzanetakis Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece C. Umezawa Kobe Gakuin University, Kobe, Japan F. Untermann University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland T. Uraz Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey


L.B. Wah National University of Singapore, Singapore G.M. Walker University of Abertay Dundee, Dundee, UK H. Wang Lacombe Research Centre, Lacombe, AB, Canada H. Wang U.S. Food and Drug Administration, College Park, MD, USA L. Wang Nankai University, Tianjin, China; and Tianjin Biochip Corporation, Tianjin, China Q. Wang University of Georgia, Griffin, GA, USA

R. Uyar University of Mersin, Mersin, Turkey

Y. Wang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA

M. Uyttendaele Ghent University, Gent, Belgium

A. Waskiewicz Pozna n University of Life Sciences, Pozna n, Poland

G. Vaamonde Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

I. Watson College of Science and Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK


List of Contributors

B.C. Weimer University of California, Davis, CA, USA

P. Wrent Complutense University, Madrid, Spain

M. Wendorf Neogen Corporation, Lansing, MI, USA

C.J. Wright University of Wales, Swansea, UK

M. Wernecke National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

V.C.H. Wu The University of Maine, Orono, ME, USA

I.V. Wesley United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, National Animal Disease Center, Ames, IA, USA

H. Yaman Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey

R.C. Whiting Exponent, Bowie, MD, USA W.B. Whitman University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA M. Wiedmann Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA R.A. Wilbey The University of Reading, Reading, UK A. Williams Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association, Chipping Campden, UK A.G. Williams Hannah Research Institute, Ayr, UK J.F. Williams HaloSource Incorporated, Bothell, WA, USA K. Williams National Center for Toxicological Research, US Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, AR, USA M.G. Williams 3M Company, St. Paul, MN, USA S. Wohlgemuth Institut für Angewandte Mikrobiologie, Justus-LiebigUniversität Giessen, Giessen, Germany

X. Yan US Department of Agriculture, Wyndmoor, PA, USA H. Yanase Tottori University, Tottori, Japan X. Yang Lacombe Research Centre, Lacombe, AB, Canada G.C. Yap National University of Singapore, Singapore S. Yeasmin Center for Advanced Research in Sciences, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh A.E. Yousef The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA P.K. Yücel Saraykoy Nuclear Research and Training Center, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, Saraykoy, Turkey M. Zagorec Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Domaine de Vilvert, Jouy en Josas, France M. Zarnkow Technische Universität München, Freising, Germany

HOW TO USE THE ENCYCLOPEDIA The Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology is a comprehensive and authoritative study encompassing over 400 articles on various aspects of this subject, contained in three volumes. Each article provides a focused description of the given topic, intended to inform a broad range of readers, ranging from students, to research professionals, and interested others. All articles in the encyclopedia are arranged alphabetically as a series of entries. Some entries comprise a single article, whilst entries on more diverse subjects consist of several articles that deal with various aspects of the topic. In the latter case, the articles are arranged logically within an entry. To help realize the full potential of the encyclopedia we provide contents, cross-references, and an index: Contents Your first point of reference will likely be the contents. The complete contents list appears at the front of each volume providing volume and page numbers of the entry. We also display the article title in the running headers on each page so you are able to identify your location and browse the work in this manner. You will find “dummy entries” where obvious synonyms exist for entries, or for where we have grouped together similar topics. Dummy entries appear in the contents and in the body of the encyclopedia. For example:

Cross-references All articles within the encyclopedia have an extensive list of cross-references which appear at the end of each article, for example: MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS: Microbiology of cream and butter See also: ASPERGILLUS j Introduction; BACILLUS j Bacillus cereus; CAMPYLOBACTER j Introduction; CLOSTRIDIUM j Introduction; ENTEROBACTER; ESCHERICHIA COLI j Escherichia coli; FERMENTED MILKS j Range of Products; LISTERIA j Introduction; PROTEUS; PSEUDOMONAS j Introduction; RHODOTORULA; SALMONELLA j Introduction; STAPHYLOCOCCUS j Introduction; THERMAL PROCESSES j Pasteurization; ULTRASONIC STANDING WAVES Index The index provides the volume and page number for where the material is located, and the index entries differentiate between material that is a whole article; is part of an article, part of a table, or in a figure.

BUTTER see MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS: Microbiology of cream and butter


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Foreword H Pennington, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Food microbiology is a mature subject. It has come a long way since its founding scientists were at work at the end of the nineteenth century. Brilliant practical achievements have been realized, such as pasteurization and hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP). From the microbiological point of view, it is reasonable to say at this time that food has never been safer and that the controls, applications, and outcomes of fermentation processes have never been better. But the nature of the challenges made by microbes means that for food microbiologists, the resting on laurels is not an option. Not only do new challenges emerge on a regular basis because of changes in food technology and the rapid evolution of the microbes but also old and traditional problems persist. Emile van Ermengem discovered Clostridium botulinum in 1895. We have known for many years how to prevent botulism. But outbreaks with fatalities still occur in countries with highly developed national food safety systems. I have conducted two inquiries for UK administrations into big Escherichia coli O157 outbreaks – the first, in 1997, helped to drive HACCP forward, but the second, in 2009, showed that its journey to effective implementation still had a long way to go. A problem that has been with us ever since the start of agriculture also still remains; every year 10–20% of the world’s annual cereal crop of approximately 2  109 tons is lost through spoilage by molds. Much of this loss happens in the humid tropics and contributes there to other factors that lead to nutritional deficiencies.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

The surest and most immediate remedy for these problems is the effective application of what we know. This information is provided by the Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology through its authoritative, up-to-date, and comprehensive coverage. Microbes evolve in real time. Food technology evolves as well, and our knowledge increases through experience. A fundamental attribute of science is that its findings are never more than a snapshot of work in progress. These facts all explain why a second edition of the encyclopedia was necessary. The best recent example that justifies this conclusion is the emergence of E. coli O104:H4, the organism that caused the enormous food-poisoning outbreak centered in Germany in the early summer of 2011. The infections were severe (50 died). Hardly any cases of infection caused by this particular organism had ever been seen before. It was new. The power of molecular methods – and our current ability to exploit them rapidly – was shown by the complete genome being determined while the outbreak was ongoing. But novelty was not the only noteworthy feature of the outbreak. The vector was raw seed sprouts, a high-risk food that has played a vectorial role many times before. So food microbiologists must be fully aware not only of the benefits coming from the latest advances in molecular biology but also of facts published long ago. This new edition of the encyclopedia covers both cutting-edge and long-established science. It meets these needs handsomely.



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A Accreditation Schemes see Management Systems: Accreditation Schemes

Acetobacter RK Hommel, CellTechnologie Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is a revision of the previous edition article by Rolf K. Hommel, Peter Ahnert, volume 1, pp 1–7, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

Acetic acid bacteria (AAB) have been used for making vinegar at least since Babylonian times. For most of this time, vinegar was obtained by fermentation from natural alcoholic solutions (10–15% v/v ethanol) without an understanding of the natural process. A number of researchers established the microbial basis of this process in the beginning of the nineteenth century, including Kützing, Lafare, and Boerhaave. In 1822, Persoon performed the first biological study of the surface films of wine and beer and proposed the name Mycoderma. Later, Kützing (1837) isolated bacteria from naturally fermented vinegar for the first time. Considering them to be a kind of algae, he named them Ulvina aceti. Pasteur established the causal connection between the presence of Mycoderma aceti and vinegar formation in the first systematic studies on acetic acid fermentation. These discoveries and following studies resulted in a better understanding and new methods (Pasteur method) of vinegar formation.

Characteristics of the Genus Acetobacter The taxonomy of AAB has been strongly rearranged on the basis of DNA-based methods in combination with phenotyping and chemotaxonomic characterizations. AAB belong to the family Acetobacter of the class Acetobacteraceae. The family is classified into the former core genera, Acetobacter and Gluconobacter, and eight genera. Species of Acetobacter (now 19 species) were partially newly classified, and a new genus was introduced, Gluconacetobacter (16 species). The type species include Acetobacter aceti and Gluconacetobacter liquefaciens, respectively. Table 1 shows some of the differential characteristics of the genera Acetobacter, Gluconacetobacter, and Gluconobacter. Table 2 gives examples of new classifications of the former Acetobacter species. Acetobacteraceae represent strictly aerobic chemoorganotrophic bacteria that are able to carry out a great variety of incomplete oxidations and to live in or on plant materials, like fruits and flowers. Some members of this family include plant pathogens. AAB have been considered as nonpathogenic to mammals. The actual classification includes two human

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

pathogens: Asaia bogorensis, causing peritonitis and bacteremia, and Granulibacter bethesdensis, associated with granulomatous disease. Recently, Acetobacter spp. have been reported as human opportunistic pathogens in patients with underlying chronic diseases and/or indwelling devices. The detection seems to be difficult with standard medical microbiological methods. Bacteria belonging to Acetobacter, Gluconacetobacter, and Gluconobacter recently have established secondary symbiotic relationships, which have been detected with insects like Drosophila melanogaster, some mosquitoes, the honeybee Apis mellifera, and others. Bacteria are in association with the insect midgut; colonize tissues and organs, including reproductive ones; and are able to pass through body barriers. The involvement in regulation of Drosophila’s immune system is reported. Acetobacter are Gram-negative rods. Old cells may become Gram-variable. Cells appear singly, in pairs, or in chains, and they are motile by peritrichous flagella or nonmotile. There is no endospore formation. Acetobacter spp. are obligate aerobes except for Acetobacter diaztrophicus, for example, which belongs to the diverse group of free-living aerobic or microaerophilic diazotrophic AAB. The metabolism is respiratory and never fermentative. Single amino acids do not serve as sole source of nitrogen and carbon. Essential amino acids are not known but may be stimulatory in defined media, and the same will act as inhibitors under defined conditions (e.g., homoserine vs. A. aceti). Nutritional requirements may change with altered culture conditions like pH, and concentrations of ethanol and acetic acid. Depending on growth substrates, some strains may require p-aminobenzoic acid, niacin, thiamin, or pantothenic acid as growth factors. The temperature range is 8–45  C with an optimum range between 25 and 30  C. The optimal pH for growth is about pH 4–6.3. Acetophilic strains have their optimum at pH 3.5, acetophobic ones at 6.5, and acetotolerant strains can grow on both pH values. Strains used in making vinegar are more resistant toward acidic pH values. Resistance is strain specific. Isolates obtained from commercial submerged processes grow well at a pH of 2.0–2.3. The intracellular pH closely follows the external (A. aceti). At or below pH 5.0,





Table 1

Different characteristics of the genera Acetobacter, Gluconacetobacter, and Gluconobacter Genera





Flagellation Production of water-soluble brown pigment(s) Production of cellulose Production of mucous substances from sucrose Production of acetic acid from ethanol Oxidation of Acetate to CO2 and H2O Lactate to CO2 and H2O Growth in presence of 0.35% acetic acid Growth on methanol Ketogenesis from glycerol Production of g-pyrones from D-Glucose D-Fructose Production of keto-D-gluconates from D-glucose 2-Keto-D-gluconate 5-Keto-D-gluconate 2,5-Keto-D-gluconate Acid production from D-Arabinose L-Rhamnose D-Fructose L-Sorbose Sucrose Raffinose D-Mannitol D-Sorbitiol Dulcitol Glycerol Major ubiquinone GþC content (mol. %)

Pe or nm   d þ

Pe or nm d d  þ

Po or nm d   þ

þ þ þ  d

þ þ þ  d

  þ  þ



d þ

d d 

d d d

þ þ d

          Q-9 52–61

  þ d   d   þ Q-10 56–67

þ  þ þ þ  þ þ  þ Q-10 54–63

Symbols: þ, 90% or more of the strains positive; d, 11–89% of the strains positive; and , 90% of the strains negative. Abbreviations: Pe, peritrichous; Po, polar; nm, nonmotile. With permission from Kersters, K., Lisdiyanti, P., Komagta, K., Swings, J., 2006. The family Acetobacteraceae: the genera Acetobacter, Acidominas, Asaia, Gluconacetobacter, Gluconobacter, and Kozakia. In: Falkow, S., Rosenberg, E., Schleifer, K.-H., Stackebrandt, E., Dworkin, M. (Eds.), The Prokaryotes, third ed. vol. 5. Springer, New York, pp. 163–200.

the membrane potential of a cell is normally uncoupled, resulting in free proton exchange across the cytoplasmic membrane and thus depriving adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis of its driving force. Formation of acetic acid (or other acids) proceeds Table 2 Examples of new classification of species of the genus Acetobacter into the genus Gluconacetobacter Former classification

New classification

Acetobacter diazotrophicus

Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus Gluconacetobacter johannae Gluconacetobacter azotocaptans Gluconacetobacter sacchari Gluconacetobacter europaeus Gluconacetobacter hansenii Gluconacetobacter entanii Gluconacetobacter intermedius Gluconacetobacter liquefaciens Gluconacetobacter oboediens Gluconacetobacter xylinus

Acetobacter europaeus Acetobacter hansenii Acetobacter intermedius Acetobacter liquefaciens Acetobacter oboediens Acetobacter xylinus

via membrane-bound dehydrogenases, which is closely connected to ATP-yielding reactions. High ethanol oxidation rates enlarge the energy pool available for the detoxification of Gluconacetobacter europaeus, which contributes to keep the metabolic activity intact. The energy-driven efflux system and the uptake are specific for acetate and depend on the pH value. In A. aceti, a gene cluster encoding three proteins including the citrate synthase is involved in acetic acid tolerance by playing a central role in ATP supply. Proteome analysis of A. aceti revealed 19 acetate adaptation proteins (Aaps), including aconitase, most of which are membrane associated. An ATP-binding cassette transporter was shown to be involved in acetic acid resistance. High acetic acid concentration forces adaptation to higher resistance. Resistance to acetic acid is expressed more highly in strains of Gluconacetobacter: Ga. europaeus resisted up to 10%, Gluconacetobacter intermedius and Acetobacter pasteurianus resisted up to 6%. Even ethanol tolerance is higher in Acetobacter and Gluconacetobacter than in Gluconobacter. The higher the concentration of acetic acid, the lower the growth rate; however, acetic acid production rates increase with decreasing

Acetobacter growth rates at increasing acetic acid concentration (Ga. europaeus). Ethanol concentrations higher than 8 and 10% inhibit strains of A. aceti. Other strains, such as spoilers of sake or from Iranian peaches, tolerate higher ethanol contents in vitro. Both growth and fermentation of acetic acid as well as gluconic acid by Ga. intermedius have shown to be controlled by a complex quorum-sensing system. The high direct oxidative capacity for sugars, alcohols, and steroids by rapid and incomplete oxidation and the near-quantitative excretion of oxidation products into the growth medium is a special feature of Acetobacter and Gluconacetobacter. This ability is used in vinegar fermentation, food processing, chemical synthesis, and even in enantioselective oxidations, with A. pasteurianus as an example. Other examples include formation of 2,5-dioxogluconic acid by Acetobacter melanogenum and Acetobacter carinus, and the oxidations of ethanediol to glycolic acid, of lactate to acetoin, and of glycerol to dihydroxyacetone (e.g., polyols in which two secondary cis-arranged hydroxyl groups in D-configuration may be oxidized to ketoses). Acetobacter rancens and Acetobacter peroxidans oxidize n-alkanes, mainly by monoterminal attack, yielding corresponding fatty alcohols and fatty acids. Acetobacter and Gluconacetobacter are equipped with two sets of enzymes, catalyzing the same oxidation reactions. Enzymes in the first set are bound in the cytoplasmic membrane. Enzymes in the second set are located in the cytoplasm and are NAD(P)þ-dependent, providing intermediates for growth and maintenance. pH optima of these enzymes are neutral or alkaline. Membrane-bound enzymes, such as alcohol dehydrogenase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, glucose dehydrogenase, and sorbitol dehydrogenase, convert substrates by nonphosphorylative oxidation at nearly quantitative product yields. These enzymes show acidic pH-optima and display specific activities up to three orders of magnitude higher than those of cytoplasmic counterparts. Substrates do not need to be transported into the cell: The active site is facing the periplasm. Most membrane-bound enzymes share the prosthetic group pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ; Figure 1). Electrons are transferred either directly to a ubiquinone (Q-9) of the respiratory chain or via a cytochrome c (subunit of some alcohol dehydrogenases) to the terminal ubiquinol oxidase, which is either cytochrome a1 or cytochrome o. Same enzymes like gluconate dehydrogenase, harbor flavin (FAD) as an additional prosthetic group linked directly to the respiratory chain. Reducing equivalents are finally transferred to oxygen. The very low Hþ/e ratios of incomplete oxidation reactions explain low growth yields; most energy is lost as heat (strong heat development). The oxidation of 1 mol ethanol to 1 mol acetic COOH HOOC





Figure 1

Structure of pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ).


acid yields 6 mol of ATP. This system functions as an ancillary energy-generating pathway satisfying high energy demand (e.g., resistance to acetic acid). N2-fixing cells of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus contain three times higher enzyme levels of quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase than under non-N2-fixing conditions. Intracellular sugar metabolism continues over the hexose monophosphate pathway and a complete tricarboxylic acid cycle. Glycolysis is absent or rudimentary. In Gluconacetobacter xylinus, the Entner–Doudoroff pathway is used (as in Gluconobacter). A. xylinus synthesizes an exopolysaccharide (ß-glu1d>4ßglu)n. Cellulose fibers may be regarded as part of the glycocalyx and maintain these highly aerobic organisms at the liquid–air interface. When excreted into the medium fibers, they rapidly aggregate as microfibrils, yielding a surface pellicle. Cellulose is produced either in static cultures, or in submerged, fed-batch cultures with low share force. Yields up to 28 g l1 of dry polysaccharide may be obtained. This cellulose I form does not contain hemicelluloses, lignins, or pectic substances. This high purity allows application mainly in medicine, for example, as wound dressings for patients with burns or extended loss of tissue. Additionally, an acidic exopolysaccharide (acetan, which resembles xanthan) is produced. Genome sizes are reported for A. pasteurianus NBRC 2383 with 2.9 Mb and six plasmids and for Ga. diazotrophicus Pal5 3.9 Mb and two plasmids. The majority of Acetobacter sp. have 1–8 plasmids varying in size from 1.5 to 95 kb. Isolates from some submerse vinegar processes have 3–11 plasmids, and isolates from surface fermentation processes 3–7 plasmids (2–70 kb). Plasmid profile analysis has become a powerful tool for controlling homogeneity, stability, and identity. High phenotype viability could not be correlated with plasmid profiles. Genome sequencing of A. pasteurianus revealed that hypermutability is backed by the involvement of plasmids and of mechanisms that generate extreme genome reduction – the smaller the genome, the more advantageous to survive under stressful conditions. Acetobacter contains four ribosomal RNA operons on the chromosome. Recombinant DNA techniques have been adapted to Acetobacter. Host–vector systems and transformation systems are available for A. aceti and Ga. xylinus. Bacteriophages specific to Acetobacter lead to a complete stop of submerged fermentation. Morphologically, different phage types described are isolated from vinegar fermentations belonging to the Bradley’s group A and to the Myoviridae. The high number of phages in disturbed acetic acid fermentations suggests that they may be responsible for production problems. Classical niches of Acetobacter and Gluconacetobacter are found in traditional vinegar making and submerged processes, in spoilage of alcoholic beverages, and in fermented food. Strains of both genera were originally associated with plants and soils. Preferred habitats, such as fruits and flowers, are rich in sugars, alcohols, and/or acids. Fermenting fruits, in particular, are excellent sources of sugar and ethanol. Various Acetobacter spp. have been isolated from apricots, almonds, beets, bananas, figs, guavas, grapes, mandarins, mangoes, oranges, pomegranates, pears, peaches, persimmons, pineapples, plums, strawberries, and tomatoes. A. aceti, A. xylinus, and A. pasteurianus were predominantly associated with ripe grapes: 75% of the strains in isolates from Southern France with high numbers on damaged grapes. Acetobacter spp. have been isolated from tofu and the



immature spadix of the palm tree. Ga. xylinus was present on the leaflets of the palm tree and in the surrounding air. A. aceti and A. pasteurianus hibernate in dried and injured apples spreading to flowers in spring. The noticeable physiological instability is advantageous in survival. Gluconacetobacter ssp. were isolated from the rhizosphere of coffee plants. The nitrogen-fixing AAB, Gluconacetobacter johannae and Gluconacetobacter azotocaptans, are associated with coffee plants in Mexico and closely phylogenetically related to Ga. diazotrophicus, which has been settled in the stem and roots of sugarcane in Brazil, plays a major role in nitrogen supply to the plant. N2-fixing AAB contribute to the plant also by synthesis of phytohormones, enzymes, and vitamins; by nutrient solubilization (phosphate and zinc); and by biocontrol (Ga. diazotrophicus as antagonist of nematodes). Fixation of nitrogen is also known with Acetobacter peroxydans and Acetobacter nitrogenifigens in association with rice and tea plants, respectively, in India. Acetobacter spp. were described in cocoa bean flora. They are causal agents of bacterial rot in pears and apples, resulting in different shades of browning and tissue degradation. Pears are more susceptible to bacterial brown rot. Acetobacter spp. have been isolated from decaying apple tissue and from the larvae and adults of apple maggots.

Methods of Detection Strains of Acetobacter, Gluconacetobacter, and Gluconobacter are present in the same habitat and may be coisolated. For routine isolation of Acetobacter from natural or artificial habitats, culture media of low pH, containing 2–4% ethanol as an energy source supplemented with glucose and acetic acid, are recommended. As low cell counts are expected, enrichment cultures become necessary. In addition to beer, defined enrichment medium containing glucose (10 g l1), ethanol (5 ml l1), and acetic acid (3 ml l1) in the presence of yeast extract (8 g l1), peptone (15 g l1), and cycloheximide (0.1 g l1) are recommended as the addition of cycloheximide and/or penicillin to prevent infections by both yeasts and lactic acid bacteria. Incubation times vary from 2 to 10 days at temperatures ranging from 20 to 30  C. Specific enrichment procedures adapted to individual sources are available. Frateur developed a procedure with different culture and enrichment media to differentiate between A. pasteurianus, A. aceti, and Gluconobacter oxydans. Yeast water–glucose medium is recommended for isolation and purification. It contains yeast water (supernatant of autoclaved bakers’ or brewers’ yeast, 200 g l1) and glucose (20 g l1), has a pH of 5.5–6.0, and can also be used for the enrichment on solid media (agar: 15–30 g l1). Wort medium is composed of malt powder diluted with tap water to 8% soluble solids; for solid medium, the pH should be 5.5–6. Peptone glucose agar includes bacto-peptone or bacto-tryptone (5 g l1), glucose (20 g l1), KH2PO4 (1 g l1) in tap water, and agar 15–20 g l1. Additions of yeast extract (3–5 g l1) or of freshly prepared and filtered tomato juice (10%) may enhance growth. Acetobacter settling on flowers or fruits may be efficiently enriched in broth containing glucose (50 g l1), yeast extract (10 g l1), and cycloheximide (0.1 mg l1) (30  C). The ring or pellicle formed after 2–8 days is plated out on a solid medium, which may also serve for further purification of the acid-

forming colonies: 50 g glucose, 10 g l1 yeast extract, 30 g CaCO3, and 25 g l1 agar. In cidermaking, media are recommended for successful isolation of AAB from orchard soil, apples, pomace, juice, fermenting juice, and cider or from the factory equipment base on low-tannin apple juice and yeast extract, pH 4.8, 30 g l1 agar containing actidione (0.1 mg l1), and incubation at 28  C for 3–5 days. Alternatively, diluted sweet cider (1:2) supplemented with yeast extract (12 g l1) and (NH4)3PO4 (2 g; pH 5) may be used. Beer (without preservation agents) or wort are also practicable media. Strains of Acetobacter diazotrophicus can be isolated by stepwise enrichment. Recommended conservation media are summarized in Table 3. Agar cultures should be stored at 4  C and transferred monthly or in glycerol at 80  C. Most strains stay alive lyophilized for several years and some for longer than 10 years. A large number of highly adapted acidophilic bacteria from submerged fermentation (acetic acid concentrations up to 17% and low pH values) are considered as not cultureable and are difficult to isolate. Isolates will change their properties rapidly, partially, and immediately; different phenotypes may be displayed after long-time cultivation (hypermutability). Enrichment media with selection pressure or use of grape must be supplemented with ethanol, acetic acid, and carbohydrates (gluconic acid and sorbitol) are recommended. In isolation, cultivation, and preservation, highly specific demands must be considered: for example, A. europaeus essentially requires acetic acid (4–8%) for growth. Acetic acid resistance is difficult to preserve in vitro. Addition of calcium carbonate reduces the amount of the metabolically inactive undissociated acid. Double-layered media like a modified acetic acid–ethanol medium ensuring a constant supply of ethanol and high humidity, or the reinforced acetic acid–ethanol medium, are successful tools in the isolation from submerged fermenters (cf. Table 3). Storage of acidophilic Gluconacetobacter strains requires complex handling at low temperatures in preparing lyophilized samples. Malt extract (200 g l1) may serve as cryoprotectant.

Identification Bacteria belonging to Acetobacteraceae may be Gram-negative or Gram-variable (namely, older cells), are strictly aerobic, and oxidize ethanol to acetic acid in neutral or acidic media. Cells are ellipsoidal to rod shaped (0.6–0.8 mm  1–4 mm), have a respiratory type of metabolism, are oxidase-negative, and acidify glucose below pH 4.5. They do not form endospores, liquefy gelatin, reduce nitrate, or form indole. Phenotypically, Acetobacter, Gluconobacter, and Gluconacetobacter may be easily differentiated by acetic acid production from ethanol and by acetate and lactate oxidation. Acetobacter show strong and fast acetate and lactate oxidation, respectively, which does not happen with Gluconobacter, whereas with Gluconoacetobacter, the overoxidation rates depend on acetate concentration that is not as high as with Acetobacter (Carr or Acetobacter medium; Table 3). Additionally, the ubiquinone Q-9 system is only present in Acetobacter (Table 1). Some phenotypic features allow preliminary discrimination between some species: Formation of dihydroxyacetone from

Acetobacter Table 3


Selection of common media for growth and maintenance of Acetobacter and Gluconacetobacter



Concentration [g l1]

AAB medium (pH 5.0)

Malt extract Yeast extract Agar Ethanol (96% v/v) Yeast extract Agar Bromocresol green Ethanol (96% v/v) Ethanol (96% v/v) Yeast extract Agar CaCO3 D-Glucose Yeast extract Agar CaCO3 D-Mannitol Yeast extract Peptone Agar D-Glucose Yeast extract Peptone Acetic acid Ethanol Agar

15 5 15 30 30/10 20/25 0.022/0.04 20/15 20 10 20 20 100 10 25 20 25 5 3 15 5 2 3 40 30 5 (bottom layer) 10 (top layer) Add 930 distilled water 40 10 10 3.38 1.5 100 ml 20 ml 5 (bottom layer) 10 (top layer) Add 970 distilled water

Carr medium/Acetobacter medium (pH 6.5)

Frateur medium (pH 6–7)

GYC agar (Acetobacter/Gluconobacter agar; pH 7.5)

MYP agar

AE medium (Gluconacetobacter from submerged fermentation)

RAE medium (Gluconacetobacter from submerged fermentation)

glycerol as well as the formation of 2- and 5-ketogluconate are restricted to A. aceti. Both negative catalase activity and lack of acid formation from glucose indicate A. peroxydans. Others, like a high tolerance for acetic acid (A. pasteurianus) or a requirement for acetic acid for growth (Acetobacter pomorum) may be indicative. Phenotypic identification may be affected by spontaneous mutations even in taxonomically important properties: There are mutants of A. aceti unable to oxidize, e.g., ethanol. Although identification of the genus level can be done by a combination of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and phenotypic tests, accurate species identification is difficult for both. High sequence homologies between several species reduce resolution power of 16S rRNA gene techniques and hinder identification: The overall 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity between the species of the genus Gluconacetobacter is above 96.3% up to 99% (Ga. europaeus, Ga. intermedius, Gluconacetobacter oboediens, Ga. xylinus); within Acetobacter, it is above 95.5 and 95%, and adequate nutrition. Optimum germination conditions for the Vollum strain of B. anthracis have been shown to be 22  C in the presence of the germinant L-alanine. Frequently, it is convenient to classify B. anthracis informally within the Bacillus cereus group, which includes B. cereus, B. anthracis, Bacillus thuringiensis, and Bacillus mycoides on the basis of phenotypic reactions. Genetic techniques have provided clear evidence, however, that B. anthracis can be distinguished reliably from other members of the bacilli. In practical terms, the demonstration of virulence constitutes the principal point of difference between typical strains of B. anthracis and those of other anthrax-like organisms. Although primarily a disease of herbivores, particularly the human food animals, cattle, sheep, and goats, the organism can infect humans, frequently with fatal consequences if untreated. In herbivores, the disease usually runs a hyperacute course, and signs of illness can be absent until shortly before death. At death, the blood of the animal generally contains >108 bacilli per milliliter. Bacillus anthracis is regarded as an obligate pathogen; its continued existence in the ecosystem appears to depend on a multiplication phase within an animal host. Spores of anthrax reach the environment either from infected animals and their products or as a consequence of the actions of humans. In the wild, it is thought that the release of spores from infected animals plays an important part of the infective cycle; the spores contaminate the soil, and healthy animals that graze on contaminated land are exposed to the spores and subsequently may develop infection. The disease largely has been eradicated from the western world due to mass animal vaccination programs and the


maintenance of stringent veterinary control measures. In other parts of the world where vaccination is not available or routinely administered, the organism is still a significant cause of animal mortality and human disease. In the United Kingdom, the sudden death of a food animal is investigated by the veterinary authorities, and, if death is due to anthrax, the animal and its products are destroyed. In countries, with less–well-developed public health systems, the meat of an infected animal may be considered too valuable to ‘waste’ and, subsequently, the flesh is likely to be consumed or sold. In Zambia, custom dictates that an animal that has died from unknown causes cannot be disposed of, but it is opened up, shared among relatives and friends, and eaten. Efforts to advise local communities on the dangers of such behavior meet resistance due to the economic loss caused by burying or burning. Three forms of the disease are recognized in humans: cutaneous, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal infection. Development of meningitis is possible in all three forms of anthrax. The gastrointestinal tract and pulmonary forms are regarded as being most frequently fatal due to the fact that they can go unrecognized until it is too late to instigate effective treatment. The cutaneous form accounts for the majority of human cases (>95%). It is generally believed that B. anthracis is noninvasive and thus requires a break in the skin to gain access to the body. Infection is normally caused by spores of the organism colonizing cuts or abrasions of the skin (Figure 1). Workers who carry contaminated hides or carcasses on their shoulders are liable to infection on the back of their necks, while handlers of other food materials or products tend to be infected on the hands, arms, or wrists. Most carbuncular cases recover without treatment, but in 20% of the cases, the infection will progress into a generalized septicemia, which is invariably fatal. Pulmonary anthrax is caused by the inhalation of spores of B. anthracis that is aerosolized during the processing of

Figure 1

Cutaneous anthrax lesion.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


BACILLUS j Bacillus anthracis contaminated animal products, such as hides, wool, and hair. The onset of illness is abrupt. The early clinical signs are of a mild respiratory tract infection with mild fever and malaise, but acute symptoms may appear within a few hours with dyspnea, cyanosis, and fever. Death usually follows within 2–3 days with acute splenomegaly and circulatory collapse as terminal events. This form of infection has an associated mortality rate of >80%. Gastrointestinal anthrax occurs mainly in Africa, the Middle East, and central and southern Asia. Where the disease is infrequent or rare in livestock, it is rarely seen in humans. Most cases of intestinal anthrax result from eating insufficiently cooked meat from anthrax-infected animals. Gastrointestinal anthrax is probably greatly underreported in many of these rural disease-endemic areas. Although most cases have been reported from adults, children tend to have a more fulminate course of infection. Due to the rareness of the conditions, there are no figures for the number of organisms that need to be ingested to cause disease. Two clinical forms of gastrointestinal anthrax may occur following the ingestion of contaminated food or drink: Intestinal anthrax: the symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, hematemesis, bloody diarrhea, and massive ascites. Toxemia and shock develop and death results. l Oropharyngeal anthrax: the main clinical features are sore throat, dysphagia, fever, regional lymphadenopathy in the neck, and toxemia. Even with treatment, the mortality is about 50%. l

It is extremely important that effective treatment is started early as the prognosis is often death. Suspicion of the case being anthrax depends very greatly on the awareness and alertness on the part of the physician as to the patient’s history and the likelihood that he or she had consumed contaminated food and drink. The two major virulence factors of B. anthracis are the ability to form an antiphagocytic capsule and a toxin expression. Both of these factors are carried on different plasmids, with the loss of either resulting in a reduction in the virulence of the organism.

The capsule of B. anthracis is composed of a polypeptide (poly-D-glutamic acid), which inhibits phagocytosis and opsonization of the bacilli. The genes controlling capsule synthesis, CapA, CapB, and CapC are organized in an operon that is located on the plasmid, pXO2. Capsule expression is subject to regulation by CO2 and bicarbonate via an, as yet, unclear mechanism involving the regulator atxA. This regulator also controls the level of expression of the anthrax toxin genes (Figure 2). Why the expression of virulence factors should be linked to CO2 and bicarbonate levels is unclear. It could be that the bacteria ‘monitor’ the level of these agents in the host as an indication of the nutrient availability. The tripartite anthrax toxin is considered to be the major virulence factor. The three proteins of the exotoxin are protective antigen (PA), lethal factor (LF), and edema factor (EF). The toxins follow the A–B model with the A moiety being the catalytic part and the B moiety being the receptor-binding part. PA acts as the B moiety and binds to the cell surface receptor, where LF and EF complete for binding to PA. EF is an inactive adenyl cyclase that is transported into the target cell by PA. Once in contact with the cytoplasm, EF binds calmodulin (a eukaryotic calcium-binding protein) and becomes enzymatically active, converting adenosine triphosphate into cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). The resulting effects are the same as those caused by cholera toxin with the affected cells secreting large amounts of fluid. The contribution of EF to the infective process is ill defined. In general, bacterial toxins that increase cAMP dampen the innate immune responses of phagocytes and there is some evidence that this may be true for edema toxin. It is generally considered that the pathological changes seen in infected animals are due to the lethal factor combined with PA. In the only studies directly implicating EF as a virulence factor, mice were found to be killed by lower doses of the lethal toxin when EF was administered simultaneously. Lethal toxin is the central effector of shock and death from anthrax. Animals injected intravenously with purified lethal toxin succumb in a manner that closely mimics the natural systemic infection. Lethal toxin appears to be a zinc-dependent metalloprotease, but its substrate and mode of action have yet to be defined. It affects most types of eukaryotic cells.

CO 2 /HCO 3 lef

Cap A C





CO 2 /HCO 3 g



CO 2 /HCO 3 acp A

pXO21 90 kbp



pXO1 185 kbp


CO 2 /HCO 3 temp.

Figure 2 Coordinate regulation of virulence factors. The production of the capsule and anthrax toxin genes are enhanced by CO2/bicarbonate and temperature. The molecular mechanism of enhanced virulence has not been elucidated.


BACILLUS j Bacillus anthracis

Macrophages, which play a key role in combating infection, are particularly sensitive to the toxin. At low levels, the toxin appears to interfere with the ability of macrophages to kill bacteria. The toxin also stimulates the production of cytokines within the macrophage. As the level of toxin increases in the blood, more cytokines accumulate within the macrophage until the cell is finally lysed. It is proposed that this sudden release of cytokine leads to shock and would explain the rapid death seen in animals. In addition to the major factors previously outlined, B. anthracis expresses a number of other factors that may contribute to virulence. These ‘minor factors’ could account for the difference in virulence between strains. Like many other pathogenic organisms, B. anthracis produces an S-layer composed of two proteins called Eal and Sap. S-layers are proteinaceous paracrystalline sheaths present on the surface of many Archaebacteria and Eubacteria. S-layers have been found on many bacterial pathogens, including Campylobacter spp. and Clostridium spp. Various functions have been proposed for S-layers, including shape maintenance, molecular sieving, or phage fixation. The S-layer may be a virulence factor, protecting pathogenic bacteria against complement killing. It has been demonstrated that B. anthracis can produce a number of chromosomally encoded extracellular proteases that, like lethal toxin, kill macrophages. The presence of similar, if not identical, toxin genes in a number of members of the B. cereus, B. thuringiensis, and B. mycoides group raises the possibility that these genes also may be present in B. anthracis. A homolog to the cereolysin gene of B. cereus has been detected in B. anthracis. Although functionally inactive in the majority of strains, spontaneously occurring low-level activity has been demonstrated. It would not be surprising if homologs to other bacillus virulence factors were not detected.

Detection Given the scarcity of anthrax in the industrial world it is unlikely that many routine diagnostic laboratories would have the experience or access to the materials required, to identify the organism correctly. The main problem is the differentiation of B. anthracis from the phenotypically similar B. cereus/thuringiensis group, which may also be present in many of the samples examined for anthrax. Direct detection of the organism in the field is relatively simple in animals that have died suddenly of the disease. At death the blood of an animal generally contains >108 bacilli per milliliter. Blood films are dried, fixed immediately by heat or immersion for 1 min in absolute alcohol, and stained with polychrome methylene blue, which after 20 s is washed off. When the slide is dry, it is examined for characteristic deep blue, squareended bacilli surrounded by a well-demarcated pink capsule (McFadyean’s reaction) (Figure 3). In some animal species, such as pigs, the terminal bacteremia is limited, and the bacilli are unlikely to be seen in McFadyean-stained blood smears. Antigen-based direct detection methods have been developed that are more sensitive than staining. A highly specific immunochromatographic assay has been developed utilizing

Figure 3

Capsule stain.

a monoclonal capture antibody to the anthrax toxin component, PA. This assay can detect as little as 25 ng ml1 of PA and can be performed in a few minutes without the need for special reagents. This test could be used in addition to staining to screen animal blood and tissue and confirm the presence, or absence, of the organism. DNA-based detection using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methodologies have been used successfully to detect the presence of B. anthracis in environmental samples. Once the problem of PCR inhibitors in blood and animal tissue have been overcome, it should be possible to detect the organism in animal samples. Unless there is an index of suspicion, it is unlikely that animal products would be examined routinely for the presence of B. anthracis. In cases in which contamination with B. anthracis is suspected, the World Health Organization (WHO) in their Comprehensive and Practical Guidelines on Anthrax propose the isolation protocol shown in Figure 4. The sensitivity limit of this technique is approximately five spores per gram of the starting material. The number of bacteria isolated very much depends on the distribution of the organism within the sample. The polymyxin-lysozyme-EDTA-thallous acetate (PLET) agar described in the method is a semiselective medium for B. anthracis, which contains polymyxin (30 000 units l1), lysozyme (300 000 units l1), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (0.3 g l1), and thallous acetate (0.04 g l1). Once colonies have been isolated, further testing is required to confirm their identity (Table 1). Many saprobic species of aerobic spore-forming bacilli are hard to distinguish from

BACILLUS j Bacillus anthracis


Blend to suspend in 2 volumes of sterile distilled /deionized water (buffered if specimen is likely to have a low / high pH)

ROUTE A (When there is reason to believe some or all of the B. anthracis will be in vegetative forms)

ROUTE B (When B. anthracis is only likely to be present as spores)

Decant ±10 ml into a tube / bottle

Prepare ±10 ml volumes of undilute and 1:10, 1:100 and 1:1000 dilutions of the suspension in sterile distilled /deionized water

Place in 62.5 °C water bath for 15 min (‘heat shock’) or (‘alcohol shock’ by adding equal volume of 95 –100% ethanol and hold 1 h)



Place in 62.5 °C water bath for 15 min (‘heat shock’) or (‘alcohol shock’ by adding equal volume of 95 –100% ethanol and hold 1h)

Spread 100 l of each dilution on polymyxin blood agar (BAP) and 200–250 l on PLET agar

Prepare ±10 ml volumes of 1:10 and 1:100 dilutions of the suspension in sterile distilled /deionized water

Spread 100 l of each dilution on blood agar (BA) and 200–250 l on PLET agar

Incubate BAP / BA overnight at 37 °C and PLET for 36 – 48 h at 37 °C

Figure 4

WHO protocol for the isolation of anthrax.

B. anthracis except on the basis of pathogenicity. The most commonly encountered are B. cereus/thuringiensis/mycoides, Bacillus subtilis, and Bacillus licheniformis. The preliminary tests shown in Table 1 are used routinely by the Anthrax Section, Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response (CEPR), Porton Down, Salisbury, United Kingdom, and allow the presumptive identification of an isolate as B. anthracis. Similar tests are conducted under the auspices of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Laboratory Response Network. l

Lack of motility: Log phase cultures of the organism grown in nutrient broth at 22  C and 30  C are examined for motile

organisms by phase contrast microscopy. Unlike the other closely related bacilli, B. anthracis is nonmotile. l Lack of hemolysis: When cultured on 7% defibrinated horse blood agar, colonies of B. anthracis are large, opaque, and white, and have a very rough surface and an irregular edge. They are normally nonhemolytic, although the occurrence of hemolytic colonies has been reported. l Sensitivity to diagnostic gamma phage: Sensitivity to B. anthracis–specific phage is determined by spreading 200 ml of a log phase culture over the surface of a blood agar plate. After incubation for 1 h at 37  C, 20 ml of B. anthracis-specific gamma phage suspension is spotted on the plate. After overnight incubation at 37  C, the plate is examined for

122 Table 1

BACILLUS j Bacillus anthracis Detection and identification methods for B. anthracis

Direct Microscopy (McFadyean’s stain) Antigen detection Polymerase chain reaction Preliminary tests Lack of motility Lack of hemolysis Sensitivity to diagnostic gamma phage Sensitivity to penicillin Commercial biochemical kits: API 50CHB, Biolog Confirmatory tests (specialist lab) Virulence in animals – guinea pig Capsule formation – McFadyean’s stain Toxin detection – immunoassays Virulence gene detection – polymerase chain reaction

plaques. On rare occasions phage-negative B. anthracis and phage-positive B. cereus may be encountered (Figure 5). l Sensitivity to penicillin: The test organism is subcultured to a blood agar plate; a 10 unit penicillin disk is spotted on the culture and the plate is incubated overnight at 37  C. Bacillus anthracis is sensitive to penicillin, whereas B. cereus is resistant. Very rarely penicillin-resistant B. anthracis isolates are encountered. Commercially available biochemical screening systems such as API 50CHB (bioMerieux, France) and Biolog (Biolog Inc., Hayward, United States) have been evaluated for their ability to identify B. anthracis. These systems offer the advantage of being easy to use and show promise as simple, first-line, one-step screening tests for the presumptive identification of B. anthracis. These tests are called presumptive tests as other strains of bacilli can give similar reactions to B. anthracis. The demonstration of virulence constitutes the principal point of difference between typical strains of B. anthracis and those of other anthraxlike organisms. Traditionally, the guinea pig has been the model used to demonstrate virulence. The animal is injected with the sample, and if it dies, the cause of death is confirmed by the isolation of B. anthracis from blood. Although this traditional technique is

sensitive, it is likely to be replaced by more sensitive in vitro tests. Virulent isolates of B. anthracis produce both a capsule and exotoxins. Detection of capsule formation is relatively simple. Capsule-forming organisms, when grown on medium containing bicarbonate and in the presence of CO2, produce colonies that are raised and mucoid in appearance, whereas noncapsule-forming organisms produce flat, dull colonies. In addition, the presence of the capsule can be confirmed by McFadyean’s stain. Detection of active toxin production is not as straightforward and requires either an animal system, a tissue culture assay using toxin-sensitive cell lines, or an immunological technique, such as an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. PCR allows for the detection of the genes encoding the virulence factors without the need for their expression. Specific DNA primers have been developed for the detection of capsule and toxin genes. Primers have been developed specific to the genome of the organism allowing the detection of atypical, nonvirulent strains of B. anthracis. A rapid-viability PCR method, incorporating primers and probes specific for the chromosome and each of the two virulence plasmids, has been developed to detect viable, virulent B. anthracis in environmental samples.

Regulations Most countries have regulations concerning the handling and disposal of infected food animals and their products. Concerns about the importation of contaminated animal products into the United Kingdom at the beginning of the twentieth century led the government to set up disinfection stations to treat all animal hair and leather goods. The United Kingdom Anthrax Order (1991) prescribes the steps that should be taken to deal with an animal that has, or is suspected of having, anthrax. This measure calls for the infected animals and its products, such as milk, to be destroyed, thus removing them from the food chain. The WHO has produced detailed comprehensive and practical guidelines on anthrax, detailing best practices on all aspects of the disease. In many areas where anthrax is endemic, particularly Africa, the problem is not the lack of regulations but rather the will and the means to enforce them in the face of local customs.

Importance to the Food Industry

Figure 5

Gamma phage lysis.

The number of reported cases of foodborne illness involving B. anthracis is extremely small compared with other traditional food-poisoning organisms. To date, there has never been a documented case in the United States. In countries with welldeveloped veterinary and public health systems, infected animals will be identified and removed from the food chain. In countries where such systems are not in place, the potential exists for contaminated animals and their products to be processed and consumed. A survey of animals in a slaughterhouse in eastern Nigeria revealed that 5% of cattle and 3.3% of sheep were positive for anthrax. These infected animals not only pose a risk to the people consuming the meat but also an

BACILLUS j Bacillus anthracis occupational risk to workers exposed to the carcasses. In the same survey, it was found that 13% of butchers and skinners had acquired cutaneous anthrax. Slaughterhouse waste in the form of offal for animal feed, and slurry discharged into the environment, represents a further source of potential infection. A study of uncut anthrax-contaminated slaughterhouse waste showed that viable anthrax still could be recovered after the offal had been heat treated for 30 min at 130  C. The use of bone charcoal by the food industry in the production of sugar products presents an avenue for anthrax contamination. The bones normally are obtained from areas of the world in which anthrax is endemic and, on occasion, B. anthracis has been isolated. For this reason, the bones must be sterilized, usually by gamma irradiation, before use. It is also important to note the potential of gastrointestinal anthrax occurring as a result of a bioterrorism event. Intentional contamination of food products may result in disease that would differ from naturally occurring infections associated with the consumption of meat from an infected animal.

Importance to the Consumer Due to the scarcity of the disease, there are few published records of human infection. The cases that are published mainly originate from Africa, the Middle East, and central and southern Asia. Figures for human anthrax in China showed that of 593 recorded cases, 384 were linked to the dismembering and processing of infected animals and only 192 cases were due to the consumption of contaminated meat. In neighboring Korea, sporadic outbreaks of human anthrax have been reported. From 1992 to 1995, three outbreaks occurred, a total of 43 cases, all linked to the consumption of contaminated beef or bovine brain and liver. An outbreak in India was centered on an infected sheep. Of the five individuals who skinned and cut up its meat for human consumption, four developed fatal anthrax meningitis. Another person who wrapped the meat in a cloth and carried it


home on his head developed a malignant pustule on his forehead and went on to develop meningitis. A large number of people who cooked or ate the cooked meat of the dead sheep remained well.

See also: Bacillus: Bacillus cereus; Bacterial Endospores; Classification of the Bacteria: Traditional; Bacteria: Classification of the Bacteria – Phylogenetic Approach; Nucleic Acid–Based Assays: Overview.

Further Reading Anthrax Order, 1991. Statutory Instruments 1991. No. 1824, Animals. HMSO, London. Beatty, M.E., Ashford, D.A., Griffin, P.M., Tauxe, R.V., Sobel, J., 2003. Gastrointestinal anthrax. Archives of Internal Medicine 163 (10), 2527–2531. Bravata, D.M., Holty, J.-E.C., Wang, E., Lewis, R., Wise, P.H., McDonald, K.M., Owens, D.K., 2007. Inhalational, gastrointestinal, and cutaneous anthrax in children. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 161 (9), 896–905. George, S., Mathai, D., Balraj, V., Lalitha, M.K., John, T.J., 1994. An outbreak of anthrax meningoencephalitis. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 88, 206–207. Kanafani, Z.A., Ghossain, A., Sharara, A.I., Hatem, J.M., Kanj, S.S., 2003. Endemic gastrointestinal anthrax in 1960s Lebanon: clinical manifestations and surgical findings. Emerging Infectious Disease 9 (5), 520–525. Letant, S.E., Murphy, G.A., Alfaro, T.M., Avila, J.R., Kane, S.R., Raber, E., Blunt, T.M., Shah, S.R., 2011. Rapid-viability PCR method for detection of live, virulent Bacillus anthracis in environmental samples. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77 (18), 6570–6578. Okolo, M.I., 1985. Studies on anthrax in food animals and persons occupationally exposed to the zoonoses in Eastern Nigeria. International Journal of Zoonoses 12, 276–282. Reiddinger, O., Strauch, D., 1978. Some hygienic problems in the production of meat and bone meal from slaughterhouse offal and animal carcasses. Annali Dell’lstituto Superiore di Sanità 14, 213–219. Sirisanthana, T., Brown, A.E., 2002. Anthrax of the gastrointestinal tract. Emerging Infectious Diseases 8 (7), 649–651. Turnbull, P.C.B. (Ed.), 1996. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Anthrax, Winchester, UK, 1995. Salisbury Medical Bulletin, Special Suppl. No. 87. World Health Organization, 2008. In: Turnbull, P.C.B. (Ed.), World Organization for Animal Health, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Anthrax in Humans and Animals, fourth ed. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 207.

Bacillus cereus CA Batt, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Characteristics of the Species Bacillus cereus is a diverse species belonging to the larger Bacillus cereus group, which also includes Bacillus mycoides and Bacillus thuringiensis. Distinction between the species is based on a number of biochemical characteristics; however, distinguishing between the species can be difficult. A number of different schemes have been reported to identify B. cereus, thus differentiating it from the other members of the B. cereus group. Depending on which scheme is employed, the overlap between two or all three of the species differs. The bacterium B. cereus is Gram positive and is characterized by its ability to form spores. It has an optimum growth temperature of 28–35  C with a minimum of 4–5  C and a maximum of 48  C. The generation time of the organism is 18–27 min. It grows over a wide pH range of 4.9–9.3 and at salt concentrations of up to 7.5%. The spores are relatively heat resistant, although the D values tend to be variable. Typically, the D100 range is approximately 2.2–5.4 min, although considerable variation has been observed between different strains. Germination of spores is robust and frequencies of up to 100% have been reported. The germination process is rapid and can occur in some strains within 30 min. Germination requires a number of small molecules, including glycine or alanine and purine ribosides. Bacillus cereus is a common inhabitant of soils and can be transmitted easily into vegetation and subsequently into foods. It often is present in a variety of foods, including dairy products, meats, spices, and cereals. In general, foods that are processed by drying or are otherwise subjected to heating can still contain B. cereus. Typically, foodborne poisoning involving B. cereus results from the consumption of cereal dishes and other predominantly starchy foods. Of all foods, fried rice has been implicated most often in B. cereus foodborne illnesses. This is due to the fact that this pathogen is a frequent contaminant of uncooked rice and that B. cereus spores can survive the cooking process. Rice cooked, but then held at room temperature, can allow the bacteria to multiply and produce toxin. The subsequent heat treatment during frying usually is insufficient to kill vegetative cells and certainly is insufficient in inactivating the toxin. Thus, when this food product rests at room temperature, the problem is exacerbated by allowing vegetative cells to multiply. Despite their apparent close phenotypic relationship, members of the B. cereus group – B. cereus, B. thuringiensis, and B. mycoides – are genotypically diverse, but several genes are common to all three. Typology using multiple enzyme electrophoresis, carbohydrate profiles, phage, DNA–DNA homology, or rRNA suggests differences both within species and between species. Differences within B. cereus are perhaps best exemplified by the differences in genome size between isolates. The size can vary by as much as 2 Mb (or more than 50% of the genome). Mapping and hybridization analysis reveals, for example, that one B. cereus isolate has a small genome (2.4 Mb) and is a subset


of a larger B. cereus genome and that this genome is conserved as part of the genome of at least four other B. cereus strains. Within this conserved genome is at least one virulence factor, phospholipase C. In certain strains, some of this variant genome is ‘extrachromosomal,’ whereas in other cases it is absent. The inherent diversity within the B. cereus group and the presence of similar, if not identical, toxin genes in a number of other members of the B. cereus group, including B. mycoides and B. thuringiensis, raise the issue of microbiological identity and safety, based solely on a microbiological name. For example, B. thuringiensis, which commonly is used as a biopesticide, is known to carry a number of ‘virulence’ genes similar, if not identical, to those found in B. cereus. These include the hemolysin and the cereolysin genes. It is probably that B. thuringiensis is not a threat to human health, as its preparations used as biopesticides typically are rendered nonviable. Few limited reports of disease have been attributed to strains of B. thuringiensis avirulent, although the absolute accuracy of the strain identification may be an issue. Because the discrimination between B. cereus and B. thuringiensis typically is based on the presence or the absence of a parasporal crystal, misidentification may arise. As the absolute requirements for virulence are better defined for B. cereus, new opportunities for functional identification schemes may be realized. Virulence in B. cereus is a function of a number of different factors. Thus, there are different clinical pictures of the disease (Table 1). Two forms predominate; one is an emetic version, and the other is diarrheal and is characterized, in part, by abdominal pains. The emetic symptoms develop within 1–5 h after the consumption of the contaminated food, and the diarrheal symptoms may take up to 12 h or more to develop. The diarrheal form of the disease is similar to Clostridium perfringens food poisoning. In general, the symptoms pass, and no further complications arise from Bacillus cereus. In a limited number of cases, more severe forms of the disease have been observed in both humans and animals. These more severe forms include bovine mastitis, systemic and pyrogenic infections, gangrene, septic meningitis, lung abscesses, and endocarditis. A metastatic bacterial endophthalmitis form also has been described. At least some of the extracellular enzymes are assumed to be toxins. These extracellular enzymes include proteases, amylases, phospholipases, b-lactamases, hemolysins, and sphingomyelinases. The role of one or more of these enzymes in virulence is difficult to establish because of the absence of appropriate model systems, and isogenic strains specifically deficient in one or more of these enzymes. The different forms of disease caused by B. cereus are presumably a function of the combination of toxins and the health status of the host. In all cases, identifying the toxin and then assigning a functional role to that particular toxin is complicated. There are no perfect model systems for studying either the diarrheal or the emetic response.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


BACILLUS j Bacillus cereus Table 1 Toxin

Toxins found in the B. cereus group Gene

Hemolysin BL B L1 L2 Enterotoxin Cereolysin A B Cereulide


Comments A tripartite protein that contains a hemolysin and two binding proteins. It also has enterotoxin activity as demonstrated in a rabbit ileal loop assay



cerA cerB Not identified

A single protein whose activity has been established on the basis of a mouse ileal loop assay Two genes encoded in a single operon Phospholipase C Sphingomyelinase Small dodecadepsipeptide, produces vacuole response in HEp-2 cells

Several model systems have been reported that have varying degrees of authenticity to the actual disease response. They also have varying degrees of difficulty, and usually the degree of difficulty is inversely proportional to the likelihood that a particular assay will truly model the disease state. The most widely used model to measure compounds for the diarrheal response is the rabbit ileal loop assay. In this model, the lower portion of the intestine of a rabbit is surgically exposed to allow ligation of the ileal region. Multiple regions can be ligated to allow different samples to be tested in a single animal. The sample is injected into one ligated section, and the response in terms of fluid accumulation is monitored with time. Because injecting material into a ligated ileal loop can cause fluid accumulation without the sample necessarily being toxic, controls are important. The assay is typically qualitative based on the degree to which the loop is distended because of fluid accumulation. As with any animal bioassay, local or federal guidelines and requirements may complicate and limit any attempts to apply it. The toxins that are responsible for the diarrheal response have not been firmly established. It is clear that there are a number of toxins, including a hemolysin and a cereolysin. The hemolysin designated hemolysin BL includes three distinct peptides, B, L1, and L2. Each of the genes coding for the three components has been cloned and the sequences determined. The B component appears to have the ability to lyse erythrocytes, whereas the two L components are responsible for binding to the erythrocytes. It is hemolysin BL that is responsible for the discontinuous appearance of the hemolytic pattern that surrounds colonies of B. cereus. A second virulence factor in B. cereus is cereolysin, which again is a multicomponent cytotoxic complex. Tandemly arranged genes for phospholipase C and sphingomyelinase are transcribed as an operon. There are in total three phospholipases in B. cereus and they hydrolyze phosphatidylinositol. Some, but not all, of these phospholipases are metalloenzymes requiring divalent cations for activity. The sphingomyelinase is also a metalloenzyme that has hemolysin-like activity. A putative emetic toxin has been isolated and identified. A major difficulty in the identification of the emetic toxin is the lack of a suitable assay for biological activity. The most accepted model system is the monkey, but monkey assays are expensive to carry out because of the cost of procurement and housing of

these animals. Furthermore ‘read-out’ of the assay is far from exact and the time of onset, as well as the severity of the response, needs to be taken into account. Typically, the sample is introduced by a stomach tube, and then the animals are observed for approximately 5 h. A set of six animals is tested and an emetic response in two of the six is considered a positive indication of the toxin. To find a more amenable model system, it was reported that the adult male suncus (a white-footed shrew) was similarly susceptible to emesis. Both the time to emetic response and frequency of episodes is the output of this assay. The putative emetic toxin is a small dodecadepsipeptide and has been shown to produce a vacuole response in HEp-2 cells. The involvement of this purified peptide in the emetic response is based on an in vitro assay, but there is still a need to confirm this using more established assays for the emetic response. The emetic toxin is cyclic composed of a three repeat of D-O-Leu-D-ala-L-O-Val-L-ala. Structurally, it is related to the ionophore valinomycin, and this may suggest its mode of action. No genes coding for cereulide have been identified, but it is likely they will be structurally similar to those involved in cyclic peptide biosynthesis as observed in other Bacillus and Streptomyces spp. A survey of B. cereus reveals that strains of the H-1 serovar were most likely to produce cereulide when compared with any other serotype of this organism. Recent attempts to develop more facile assays have been reported. As mentioned, one such example is an HEp-2 cell assay in which the proliferation of the cell line is used as an index of the cytostatic (or emetic) effects of the B. cereus toxin. In a survey of B. cereus strains, a significant proportion (74%) were enterotoxin producers, but only 5% produced the emetic toxin as measured by this assay. As with any model assay, the results need to be confirmed against a ‘gold standard.’ In this case with the emetic toxin, the gold standard is the monkey assay, and it is rare to see an unequivocal comparison made by these assays.

Methods of Detection Bacillus cereus is difficult to detect, primarily because of the close relationship between it and other members of the B. cereus group. Differentiation usually is accomplished by growth on selective media followed by microscopic observation of


BACILLUS j Bacillus cereus

a parasporal crystal, characteristic of B. thuringiensis. Bacillus mycoides is characterized by its rapid colony spread, although this trait as well as spore crystal formation in B. thuringiensis can be lost upon culture. Detection of B. cereus in foods, typical as for other microorganisms, consists of a series of steps, including selective enrichment followed by plating on to selective agar media, which contain ingredients to screen for the organism. Homogenates of food are prepared in Butterfield’s phosphate buffered water at a 1:10 dilution. Direct plate counts can be made using a selective screening agar, such as mannitol egg-yolk polymyxin (MYP). The polymyxin is added to suppress the growth of other microorganisms, and B. cereus is highly resistant to this antibiotic. Mannitol is not utilized by most B. cereus, and therefore the colonies are pink, as opposed to yellow for mannitol-fermenting bacteria. The MYP agar medium contains egg yolk, which is a substrate for lecithinase, an enzyme found in B. cereus. The precipitate that forms around the colony can be distinguished easily after 24 h at 30  C. In some cases, an additional 24 h is required to observe clearly the zone of precipitation. In cases in which low numbers of B. cereus are expected, direct plating may not be suitable. The threshold for direct plating is approximately 10 colony forming units (cfu) g1. The most probable number (MPN) technique can be used to enumerate bacteria in samples below 10 cfu g1. The MPN technique for B. cereus starts with dilution into trypticase soy polymyxin broth in triplicate. The tubes are incubated for 48 h at 30  C and dense growth usually is observed. The culture is then streaked onto MYP agar and incubated (as described previously). Any presumptive positives must be reconfirmed as B. cereus.

Confirmatory Tests Confirmation of B. cereus requires completion of a number of tests (Table 2). Unfortunately, no single test can be used to identify B. cereus unequivocally. As mentioned, the most distinguishing features of B. cereus as compared with B. mycoides and B. thuringiensis are the absence of rhizoid growth and spore crystal, respectively. Unfortunately, B. mycoides on culture in the laboratory may lose its rhizoid growth and B. thuringiensis may lose its ability to form crystals. The basic characteristics of B. cereus include large Gram-positive rods with spores that do not swell the sporangium, in addition to its production of Table 2 Confirmatory tests for the B. cereus group, including B. cereus, B. thuringiensis, and B. mycoides Confirmation test

B. cereus

B. thuringiensis

B. mycoides

Gram reaction Catalase Motility Nitrate reduction Tyrosine degradation Lysozyme resistance Egg yolk hydrolysis Glucose utilization (anaerobic) Voges–Proskauer Acid from mannitol Hemolysin

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lecithinase and failure to ferment mannitol. It produces acid from glucose under anaerobic conditions. Other characteristics of B. cereus include reduction of nitrate to nitrite, production of acetylmethylcarbinol (Voges–Proskauer positive), degradation of tyrosine, and resistance to lysozyme. To assess these various characteristics and to confirm B. cereus, additional tests include those detailed in the following sections.

Phenol Red Glucose Broth

Three milliliters of the broth is inoculated with a loopful of culture and incubated at 35  C for 24 h. Growth is determined by turbidity and anaerobic fermentation of glucose measured by the change in color from red to yellow.

Nitrate Broth

A 3 ml quantity of broth is inoculated with a loop of culture and after 24 h at 35  C, nitrite production is measured by the addition of a-naphthylamine and a-naphthol.

Tyrosine Agar

The clearing of the agar medium around a colony streaked out on tyrosine agar indicates utilization.

Lysozyme Broth

Nutrient broth supplemented with 0.001% lysozyme can be used to score for lysozyme resistance, a property of B. cereus in addition to other bacteria.

Specific Tests Specific tests to distinguish B. cereus from other members of the B. cereus group are detailed in this section. Currently, commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) can detect at least one of the toxins produced by B. cereus, and, in a number of studies, this test has proved useful. These assays include the reverse passive latex agglutination (RPLA) enterotoxin assay and a visual immunoassay, the latter is reported to be specific against the diarrheal enterotoxin. Detection of this toxin does not, however, resolve all food safety concerns and the assays do not yield equivalent results. It has been documented that the two commercial ELISAs detect either only one component of the hemolysin BL complex or two nontoxic proteins. Several studies have surveyed the virulence of strains isolated from different sources. For example, 12 B. cereus strains isolated from different foods and disease outbreaks all were shown to produce the diarrheal enterotoxin. A slightly lower frequency (84–91%) of toxigenic strains was reported from a collection isolated only from food. In another study, only 8 of 11 strains tested produced toxin. One limitation to a number of these studies is the use of commercial kits, which may not be accurate in assessing toxigenic potential of B. cereus. Because these ELISAs measure the toxin but not its activity, the relevance of these results are not clear. For example, the RPLA test yields a positive result for samples after boiling, a process that inactivates them biologically. Subtle differences in activity or virulence may be missed using this type of analysis. Toxin production can be variable and dependent on the growth conditions. For example, the pH and sugars in the growth medium can result in an almost 20-fold difference in

BACILLUS j Bacillus cereus toxin production. In these studies, toxin production was measured using the RPLA test, which apparently recognizes the hemolysin B component of the BL complex. Under certain conditions, including high-glucose concentration, toxin was not produced at detectable levels. Therefore, in assessing the potential for a particular B. cereus isolate to cause disease, none of these methods will yield an unequivocal answer. Furthermore, simply isolating B. cereus from a food without further assaying its virulence may be a suggestion of risk but without justification.


Motility is measured by stabbing the center of a tube of semisolid medium and allowing the culture to grow and spread for 18 h at 30  C. Motile bacteria will diffuse out from the stab, forming an opaque growth pattern, whereas nonmotile bacteria do not diffuse out. A second option is to put a loop of culture on a prewet agar plate and observe the spread of bacterial growth beyond the boundaries of the area defined by the loop.

Rhizoid Growth

A freshly poured agar plate is inoculated with a loop of an overnight culture and the inoculum is allowed to absorb into the agar. After 48–72 h rhizoid growth is characterized by the production of hair or rootlike structures projecting from the inoculated area. Rough colonies should not be confused with typical rhizoid growth of B. cereus.


contribute to the underreporting of this foodborne pathogen. In addition, testing for B. cereus is not a routine practice in a number of state health laboratories. In the United States, beyond a general concern about any pathogen in the foods, specific attention has been directed toward the contamination of infant formula with B. cereus. The Food and Drug. Administration (FDA) historically has expressed concern “due to levels of B. cereus that exceed 1000 colony forming units (cfu) per gram (g) of a powdered infant formula” (see 54 Federal Regulation 3783, 26 January 1989 and 56 Federal Regulation 66566, 24 December 1991). Moreover, infant formula is of concern because of the ability of B. cereus to replicate rapidly upon rehydration of dried formula. Therefore, recent efforts by the FDA are directed toward reducing the maximum permissible level (M) of B. cereus in infant formula to 100 cfu (or MPN) per gram. The FDA will determine compliance with the M values listed below using the Bacteriological Analytical Manual (8th ed., 1995).

Importance to the Food Industry

The genome of B. cereus has been completed and compared with other members of the B. cereus group, including Bacillus anthracis. The genome is 5.4 Mbp with approximately 84% coding sequences. The majority of the differences, which are attributed to the ability of some members of the group to cause disease and host specificity, are located on plasmids.

Bacillus cereus spores are able to survive low-temperature processing, which occurs, for example, in spray drying. Therefore, any food product that is a spray-dried powder is subject to contamination by B. cereus. The estimated infectious dose of this pathogen is probably greater than 105 and it will not grow in dried ingredients. Problems arise not only with foods that are processed improperly, but, more important, with foods that are stored improperly. A compilation of a number of studies reported that the frequency of B. cereus–positive dairy samples ranged from 4 to 100%. Levels of B. cereus ranged from 5 to more than 1000 B. cereus per gram of sample. As mentioned, attention has been given to infant formula because it typically is composed of spray-dried dairy ingredients. In infant formula, B. cereus–positive samples were found at frequencies of 1.9–100%. Contamination of dairy products by B. cereus presumably originates with the raw milk. Improper cleaning of processing equipment can contribute only to the contamination problem. Thermal processing is not totally effective at killing B. cereus spores. Values of D at 100  C range from 2.2 to 5.4 min. Removal of spores using processing steps, including centrifugation (bactofugation) are very effective at reducing spore loads. Although spray-drying towers are operated at temperatures in the range of 150 to 220  C, rapid cooling of the particles results in their temperature reaching only 40 to 50  C. Aside from its toxigenic potential, B. cereus can cause other problems in foods. The organism causes spoilage, which has been termed ‘broken cream’ or sweet curdling of milk. This is because of its proteolytic activity in the absence of high levels of acid production.


Importance to the Consumer

The actual number of cases of foodborne illness involving B. cereus is difficult to estimate. In the United States, the number of outbreaks reported varies from 6 to 50 per year. The relatively mild symptoms and the short duration of illness

There are few reports of B. cereus intoxication, although certain foods, including fried or boiled rice, pasteurized cream, cooked meat, mashed potatoes, and vegetable sprouts appear to be common sources of food poisoning. Its ability to sporulate

Hemolysin Activity

Trypticase soy–sheep blood agar plates are inoculated with an overnight culture and incubated at 35  C for 24 h. Strong hemolytic activity is characterized by a complete zone of hemolysis approximately 2–4 mm around the colony.

Protein Toxin Crystal Formation

Nutrient agar slants are inoculated with an overnight culture and left at room temperature for 2–3 days. A smear on a microscope slide is then stained with 0.5% basic fuchsin of TB carbolfuchsin ZN. Toxin crystals from B. thuringiensis appear as dark-staining, diamond-shaped objects that are smaller than the spores. They are released from the sporangium upon lysis, and therefore unless spore release is observed, the test is inconclusive.



BACILLUS j Bacillus cereus

leads to the high frequency of B. cereus contamination in dried food products. The species is ubiquitous and hence its isolation from a suspect food associated with a foodborne illness is not strong enough evidence for a causal relationship. The prototypical B. cereus outbreak was reported in 1994 and concerned food poisoning at two child-care centers in Virginia. The initial reports described acute gastrointestinal illness among children and staff at two day-care centers, which were under a single management. The symptoms were reported after the consumption of a catered lunch at these facilities. A total of 67 individuals consumed the lunch, and of those, 14 people (approximately 21%) became ill. The 13 individuals at the centers who did not consume the lunch did not become ill. The predominant symptom was nausea, and to a lesser extent abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. The majority of the cases were in children ages 2.5–5 years. The median onset time of the symptoms was 2 h. The one dish at the catered lunch that was common to a number of the victims was chicken fried rice. Bacillus cereus was isolated from some leftover food (approximately 106 cfu g1) and from the vomitus of one child. Only a single other food (milk) was available for testing, and it proved to be negative for B. cereus. The rice had been cooked the previous day and cooled at room temperature before refrigeration. The final dish was prepared that day and then stored without refrigeration for approximately 1.5 h. This incident illustrates the major issues in linking a foodborne illness like B. cereus to the consumption of a specific food. Confirmation requires the isolation of the pathogen from the suspected food and then linkage to the incident by epidemiological data. Furthermore, it is widely accepted that contamination levels in excess of 105 cfu g1 should be observed in the food to justify a causal relationship. At least one compelling study was carried out to determine the consequences of consuming B. cereus-contaminated milk. In this study, healthy adults consumed pasteurized milk, some

of which, after storage, was found to be contaminated with >108 B. cereus cells. Only at the highest levels was there any significant correlation to reports of gastrointestinal distress. Below 108 there was no significant effect. Diarrheal enterotoxin was measured, and although many of the recovered strains produced toxin, the levels in milk, even with high B. cereus numbers, were low. In general, the consumer can reduce the risk of B. cereus foodborne illness by storing potentially suspect foods at temperatures below 7  C or above 55–60  C. In addition, rapid cooling or heating to reach these temperatures reduces the time the food spends at temperatures that allow B. cereus growth.

See also: Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Food-Poisoning Microorganisms; Enzyme Immunoassays: Overview; Food Poisoning Outbreaks.

Further Reading Agata, N., Ohta, M., Arakawa, Y., Mori, M., 1995a. The bceT gene of Bacillus cereus encodes an enterotoxic protein. Microbiology 141, 983–988. Agata, N., Ohta, M., Mori, M., Isobe, M., 1995b. A novel dodecadepsipeptide, cereulide, is an emetic toxin of Bacillus cereus. FEMS Microbiology Letters 129, 17–20. Beecher, D.J., Schoeni, J.L., Wong, A.C.L., 1995. Enterotoxic activity of hemolysin BL from Bacillus cereus. Infection and Immunity 63, 4423–4428. Bottone, E.J., 2010. Bacillus cereus, a volatile human pathogen. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 23, 382–398. Carlson, C.R., Caugant, D.A., Kolsto, A.B., 1994. Genotypic diversity among Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis strains. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60, 1719–1725. Johnson, E.A., 1990. Bacillus cereus food poisoning. In: Cliver, D. (Ed.), Food Borne Diseases. Academic Press, San Diego, p. 128. Rasko, D.A., Altherr, M.R., Han, C.S., et al., 2005. Genomics of the Bacillus cereus group of organisms. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 29, 303–329. Sutherland, A.D., 1993. Toxin production by Bacillus cereus in dairy products. Journal of Dairy Research 60, 569–574.

Geobacillus stearothermophilus (Formerly Bacillus stearothermophilus) P Kotzekidou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Characteristics of the Species On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the group 5 of the Bacillus genus has been defined as a phenotypically and phylogenetically coherent group of thermophilic bacilli displaying a high degree of similarity among their 16S rRNA gene sequences (98.5–99.2%). Based on phenotypic and genotypic characteristics, some existing Bacillus species within group 5 were reclassified into the new genus Geobacillus, and the former Bacillus stearothermophilus is now Geobacillus stearothermophilus. For simplicity, all studies previously referring to as B. stearothermophilus are referred to in this article as G. stearothermophilus. Geobacillus stearothermophilus is a thermophilic, aerobic, spore-forming bacterium with ellipsoidal spores that distend the sporangium. It is a heterogeneous species in which the distinguishing features are a maximum growth temperature of 65–75  C, a minimum growth temperature of 40  C, and a limited tolerance to acid. The bacterium does not grow at 37  C; its optimum growth is at 55  C with a fast growth rate (a generation time of w 15–20 min). Starch hydrolysis is typical, although some strains do not hydrolyze starch. Hydrolysis of casein and reduction of nitrate to nitrite are variable. Growth in 5% NaCl is scant. The heterogeneity of the species is indicated by the wide range of DNA base composition as well as the diversity of the phenotypic characters (Table 1). Minimum pH for the growth of G. stearothermophilus is 5.2; the minimum water activity (aw) for growth at optimum temperature is 0.93. Geobacillus stearothermophilus was first isolated from cream-style corn by P.J. Donk in 1917. The bacterium is a common inhabitant of soil, hot springs, desert sand, Arctic waters, ocean sediments, food, and compost. The incidence of G. stearothermophilus in foods is related to the distribution of the microorganism in soil, water, and plants. Foods that have been heated or desiccated generally possess an enriched and varied flora of bacterial spores. Especially, milk contains minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and so on, which stimulate spore formation of Geobacillus spp. during dairy processes. Some Geobacillus strains are able to sporulate in a laboratory medium (tryptone soya broth supplemented with CaCl2, MnSO4, FeSO4, or MgCl2) with a maximum yield (105–107 spores ml1) in 12–18 h. Geobacillus stearothermophilus is included in the usual microflora of cocoa bean fermentation as well as of cocoa powder. It is the dominant microorganism of beet sugar and is isolated from pasteurized milk, ultrahigh-heat-treated milk, and milk powders. The incidence of G. stearothermophilus spores in canned foods is of particular interest. The spores enter canneries in soil, on raw foods, and in ingredients (e.g., spices, sugar, starch, and flour). The presence of G. stearothermophilus spores in some containers of any given lot of commercially sterile low-acid canned foods may be considered normal. If the food is to be distributed in nontropical regions where temperatures do not exceed about 40  C for significant periods of time, complete eradication of the microorganism is not necessary because it cannot grow at such low ambient temperatures. For tropical conditions, the thermal process must be sufficient to inactivate

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

spores of G. stearothermophilus that might otherwise germinate and multiply under these conditions. Geobacillus stearothermophilus is the typical species responsible for thermophilic flat sour spoilage of low-acid canned foods or coffee during storage in automatic vending machines. Spores or vegetative cells of G. stearothermophilus from dairy manufacturing plants attach to stainless steel surfaces and form biofilms. A doubling time of 25 min has been calculated for this organism grown as a biofilm. The formation of biofilms within the plant is the cause of contamination of manufactured dairy products. The importance of thermophilic spoilage organisms in the food industry has generated considerable interest in the factors affecting heat resistance, germination, and survival of their spores. Because it grows at high temperatures, G. stearothermophilus tends to produce heat-resistant spores. The genetic variation, however, in moist as well as dry heat resistance between different strains of G. stearothermophilus is of considerable magnitude (Table 2). The main factors affecting these discrepancies are the composition of the sporulation medium, the sporulation temperature, and the chemical state of the bacterial spore, as well as the heating conditions in terms of the water activity, the pH, and the ionic environment of the heating medium, the presence of organic substances, the composition of the atmosphere, and so on. Under dry conditions G. stearothermophilus spores show the greatest increase in heat resistance (Table 2). At high water activity, the decimal reduction at 100  C (D100-value) of G. stearothermophilus spores is no less than 800 min, and under dry conditions, the D100 is about 1000 min. There is a need for technologies that require short thermal processing times to eliminate bacterial spores in foods. The superheat steam processing and drying system, which has been applied in Asian noodles, potatoes, and potato chips, is effective for the reduction of G. stearothermophilus ATCC 10149 spores. The thermal resistance constant (z-value, i.e., the temperature increase needed for a 10-fold decrease in the D value) calculated for superheated steam-processing temperatures between 130 and 175  C is 25.4  C, which is similar to those reported for conventional steam treatment. In low-acid canned foods, D120 values of 4–5 min and z-values of 14–22  C have been reported. Values of D decrease when the pH is reduced from 7.0 to 4.0. Values of z appear to be higher when the medium is acidified, although the difference is not statistically significant. Organic acids and glucono-deltalactone have the same effect as acidulants in reducing the heat resistance of G. stearothermophilus spores. Sodium chloride reduces heat resistance of G. stearothermophilus when present at relatively low levels (i.e., less than 0.5 mol l1). The increased heat resistance of the spores of a strain of G. stearothermophilus during incomplete rehydration of dried pasta indicates possible implications in regard to food safety, as the reported D121 values range from 4.6 to 6.5 min and the z-values range from 10.7 to 15.6  C, may not be applied for products that are rehydrated during heat treatment. When a dormant heat-resistant spore is activated and germinates to form a vegetative cell, its heat resistance is lost.




BACILLUS j Geobacillus stearothermophilus (Formerly Bacillus stearothermophilus)

Table 1

Differential characteristics of G. stearothermophilus


G. stearothermophilus

Morphology Width of rod (mm) Length of rod (mm) Sporangium swollen Spore shape Spore position Motility Acid from: Glucose L-arabinose D-xylose Maltose Hydrolysis of: Starch Casein Gelatin Utilization of citrate Catalase Anaerobic growth Voges–Proskauer reaction Nitrate reduction Growth in NaCl: 5% 7% Maximum growth temperature ( C) Minimum growth temperature ( C) pH range Gas from glucose

Rods 0.6–1 2–3.5 þ Ellipsoidal Terminal þ þ   þ þ  þ   – –   – 65–75 40 6.0–8.0 –

Spores frozen at 18  C or freeze dried exhibit a loss in viability and heat resistance. Heating of spores at sublethal temperatures can result in enhanced heat resistance. Activation of dormant spores by sublethal heating breaks dormancy and increases the ability of spores to germinate and grow under favorable conditions. Heat-shocked spores of G. stearothermophilus ATCC 7953 that are activated become permeabilized at the outer membrane and become susceptible to lysozyme. When G. stearothermophilus spores are plated on conventional media without prior heat shock, commonly less than 10% of the total number of spores Table 2

Moist and dry heat resistance of G. stearothermophilus spores

Strain of G. stearothermophilus

Investigated temperature range (  C)

NCIB 8923 NCIB 8919 NCIB 8924 ATCC 7953 ATCC 7953 ATCC 7953

115–130 115–130 115–130 111–125 100–130 Up to 132 (continuous heating system) 110–120 150–170 100–160 150–180

ATCC 7953 ATCC 7953 NCA 1518 NCTC 10339

germinate; after heat activation, 50% germination occurs; and after treatment with 0.5 mol l1 hydrochloric acid, almost 100% germination results. Spores produced at 65  C are optimally activated after holding at 30  C for 6 h, resulting in increased frequency of spore germination. Sublethal heating at 80  C for 10 min may induce dormancy in some strains of G. stearothermophilus rather than activation. Optimum germination of spores is a function of temperature, time, pH, and suspending medium. After heat treatment, maximum recovery of G. stearothermophilus spores is obtained at pH 7.0 and decreases as pH falls. Phosphates in the recovery medium result in a progressive decrease in spore recovery, whereas starch improves recovery. Spores of G. stearothermophilus are used as biological indicators for verifying exposure of a product to a sterilizing process. For monitoring steam sterilization, endospores of G. stearothermophilus (strains NCTC 10007, NCIB 8157, ATCC 7953) are in current use, particularly for processes performed at 121  C or higher. Biological indicators are available commercially, either as suspensions for inoculating test pieces, or on already inoculated carriers such as filter paper, glass, or plastic. After exposure to the sterilization process, the biological indicators are cultured in appropriate media incubated under suitable conditions. Immobilized G. stearothermophilus spores are used to monitor the efficacy of a sterilization process, particularly to measure sterilizing values in aseptic processing technologies for viscous liquid foods containing particulates; they can also be used to monitor in-pack sterilization efficacy. The main immobilization matrices are alginate beads or cubes mixed with puréed potatoes, peas or meat, and polyacrylamid gel spheres. Particle dimensions vary between 0.16 and 0.5 cm. The estimated z-values for immobilized G. stearothermophilus spores were 8.5–11.8  C. Geobacillus stearothermophilus produces a wide range of enzymes, many of which are of industrial significance (Table 3). Some of them are extracellular, enabling simple recovery from fermentation broths. The microorganism presents a number of advantages for the isolation of intracellular enzymes because its cell yield is generally good. A 400 l fermentation of G. stearothermophilus NCA 1503 yields 5–8 kg of wet cell paste, equivalent to 15 g l1. The majority of enzymes produced are intrinsically thermostable, and this

Heating in phosphate buffer (pH 7) or in Ringer’s solution (pH 7.1) or in water 

D-value (min)

z-value ( C)

D120 5.8 D120 5.3 D120 1.0 D121 2.1 D121 0.7 D121 0.12

13.0 11.0 8.9 8.5 13.0 13.0

D118 10.0


Dry heat D-value (min)

z-value (  C)

D160 0.08 D160 3.2–27.0 D160 0.16

19 14–22 26–29

BACILLUS j Geobacillus stearothermophilus (Formerly Bacillus stearothermophilus) Table 3


Enzymes produced by Geobacillus stearothermophilus

Strain of G. stearothermophilus Enzyme

Temperature optimum (  C)

pH optimum

Thermal stability retained

NCIB 8924 KP 1236

Neutral protease Neutral protease

50 80

– 7.5





ATCC 12980 KP 1064

a-Amylase Pullulanase

80 60–75

5.5 6.0

100% at 65–70  C 100% at 80  C for 10 min 100% at 60  C for 18 h 100% at 70  C for 24 h 71% at 85  C for 20 h 95% at 70  C for 2 h

KP 1006




All strains

Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase Glucose isomerase



H-165 NCIB 11270 NCIB 11270 ATCC 12980

Lipase Glycerokinase Glucokinase Leucine dehydrogenase

75 – – –

5.0 – – –


Gellan lyase








enhanced stability is exhibited against the action of other protein denaturants, such as detergents and organic solvents. The thermostable enzymes that have found commercial application are essentially intracellular enzymes. Glycerokinase produced from G. stearothermophilus NCA 1503 is used as a clinical diagnostic for the assay of serum triacylglycerols. The same strain cloned into Escherichia coli produces lactate dehydrogenase, which is used in a clinical diagnostic kit for the assay of glutamate pyruvate transaminase and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase. Other diagnostic enzymes produced by G. stearothermophilus NCA 1503, including phosphofructokinase, phosphoglycerate kinase, and glucose phosphate isomerase, have been used as components of clinical diagnostic assay kits. The strain also produces restriction enzymes for molecular biology, while another strain of G. stearothermophilus isolated in China produces thermostable DNA polymerase, which is used in polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing.

Methods of Detection Geobacillus stearothermophilus possesses greater heat resistance than most other organisms commonly present in foods. This characteristic is advantageous to the examination of foods and ingredients because by controlled heat treatment of samples it is possible to eliminate all organisms except the spores of heat-resistant microorganisms. Further, heat shock or activation

100% at 60  C for 30 min

100% at 80  C for 30 min 50% at 70  C for 5 h

100% at 70  C for 2.5 h 100% at 60  C for 24 h

Application Detergent and leather industry; food industry in beer and bakery products Hydrolyses a-1,4 glucosidic linkages in amylose and amylopectin Splits a-1,6 glucosidase linkages in pullulan to maltotriose Hydrolyses a-1,4 or a-1,6 linkages in short-chain saccharides Produces from starch nonreducing cyclodextrins Production of fructose syrups Assay of monoacylglycerols Assay of serum triacylglycerols Assay of creatine kinase Assay of leucine aminopeptidase Gelling agent, thickener, or stabilizer in food and pharmaceutical industries and cosmetics Safe low-calorie sweetener in food products

is necessary to induce germination of the maximum number of spores. In a standard procedure, heat treatment at 100  C for 30 min or at 106  C for 30 min (for heat-resistant spores in milk powder) followed by rapid cooling should be done. Aerobic thermophilic spore formers can be encountered in heat-shocked samples using dextrose tryptone agar after incubation at 55  C for 48 h. Dehydration of the plates during incubation is minimized by placing the plates in oxygenpermeable bags. Geobacillus stearothermophilus should be grown preferably in nutrient media supplemented with calcium and iron, as well as with manganese sulfate to promote sporulation (i.e., nutrient agar supplemented per liter with 3 mg of manganese sulfate as well as the following sterile solutions: 10 ml D-glucose 20% w/v, 0.8 ml CaCl2 5% w/v, and 0.8 ml FeCl2 5% w/v). When investigating the incidence of process-resistant spores (i.e., spores that will survive the heat treatment of low-acid canned foods that is generally accepted as adequate for elimination of Clostridium botulinum spores) in ingredients such as dry sugar, starch, flour, or spices, it is convenient to heat suitable portions of the commodities, suspended in brain–heart infusion broth with 1% added starch (pH 7), in a pressure cooker for 4 min at 120  C, followed by rapid cooling. The presence of any surviving thermophilic aerobic spore formers is demonstrated by incubating the heated samples at 50  C under aerobic conditions. Samples other than finished products must be handled so that there will be no opportunities for spore germination or


BACILLUS j Geobacillus stearothermophilus (Formerly Bacillus stearothermophilus)

spore production between the collection of the samples and the start of examination procedures. Geobacillus stearothermophilus includes Gram-positive rods with terminal or subterminal spores, which swell the sporangium. It is difficult to identify because of the close relationship between it and other aerobic spore-forming thermophiles. Confirmation of G. stearothermophilus requires completion of a number of tests as indicated in Table 1. The bacterium does not grow under anaerobic conditions and is negative on Voges– Proskauer test. Some strains grow in medium containing up to 5% salt. The distinguishing feature of G. stearothermophilus compared with other aerobic, thermophilic spore formers was formerly considered to be starch hydrolysis; however, the isolation of strains unable to hydrolyze starch has restricted the distinguishing features to the temperature growth range and the limited tolerance to acid. Additional tests to confirm G. stearothermophilus are presented on Table 1. The incorporation of the majority of the tests indicated in Table 1 into the wells of a microtiter plate facilitates the application of the identification scheme. This miniaturized procedure saves a considerable amount of time in operation, effort in manipulation, materials, labor, and space. Another approach to the identification of Geobacillus strains that is currently used is based on the API 50CHB identification system (BioMérieux). These highly standardized, commercially available materials eliminate the problems of interlaboratory variation in media and improve test reproducibility. The biochemical tests that have been used traditionally to identify G. stearothermophilus are time consuming, can be difficult to interpret, and do not have the taxonomic resolution required for the thermophilic bacteria. In addition to the morphological and physiological characterization presented on Table 1, the cellular fatty acid profiling in case of G. stearothermophilus indicates that the sum of iso-15:0, iso-16:0, and iso-17:0 fatty acids makes up more than 60% of the total fatty acids. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based identification techniques are used for identifying and typing Geobacillus species that include random amplified polymorphic DNA, restriction fragment-length polymorphism, 16S-23S internal spacer region profiling, and gene sequence analysis of various genes, such as gyrB, recA, rpoB, spo0A, and recN. Geobacillus stearothermophilus is indistinguishable using 16S rDNA sequence analysis and multilocus sequence analysis is applied for efficient and convenient determination of Geobacillus species (Table 4). Classical genotyping techniques based on sequence variability of single or multilocus PCR-amplified genes often lack

Table 4 Target gene recA rpoB spo0A

discriminative power at the level of individual isolates within the same species or need laborious and extensive sequencing labor. Microarray-based comparative genome hybridization is a powerful tool providing high-resolution discrimination at the level of individual isolates from a single species and allowing rapid and cost-effective typing of thermophilic bacilli in a wide variety of food products. Microbiological test results obtained by standard test methods concerning the enumeration of thermophilic bacteria in milk powders are of limited value in feeding useful data to the manufacturer. Milk powder must be stored until the samples are analyzed and the results reported (i.e., for 5 days or more) and only then it can be released to the consumer. Rapid assays giving results that are close to real time are of great use to monitor manufacturing processes and provide confidence in the manufacturing process. The BactiFlowÔ (Chemunex SA, France) uses bacterial esterase activity to label viable cells for flow cytometry, and using this system, a rapid test to count thermophilic bacteria in milk powder (with a lower limit of detection of 103 cfu g1) has been developed, which gives results within 1–2 h.

Regulations The presence of G. stearothermophilus spores in ingredients for foods other than thermally processed low-acid foods is probably of no significance provided those foods are not held within the thermophilic growth range for many hours. This microorganism has no public health significance. The National Food Processors Association (NFPA) standard for the total thermophilic spore count in sugar or starch specifies that for the five samples examined, there shall be a maximum of not more than 150 spores and an average of not more than 125 spores per 10 g of sugar (or starch). The sugar and starch standard may be used as a guide to evaluate other ingredients, keeping in mind the proportion of the other ingredients in the finished product relative to the quantity of sugar or starch used. For canners, the NFPA standards for thermophilic flat sour spores (typical species is G. stearothermophilus) in sugar or starch specify that for the five samples examined, there should be a maximum of not more than 75 spores and an average of not more than 50 spores per 10 g of sugar (or starch). The typical number of thermophilic bacilli in raw milk, usually as spores, is in the range of 50 cfu ml1. During


Tested food

Detection limit

Specificity G. stearothermophilus G. stearothermophilus

Milk powder

Vegetative cells: 800 cfu g1 Spores: 6400 spores g1

Geobacillus, Bacillus, Anoxybacillus

Nucleotide substitution according to the universal degenerate code: R ¼ (A/G), W ¼ (A/T), Y ¼ (C/T), K ¼ (G/T), V ¼ (A/G/C), B ¼ (T/C/G), D ¼ (A/G/T), and I ¼ (A/G/C/T).


BACILLUS j Geobacillus stearothermophilus (Formerly Bacillus stearothermophilus) processing, the raw milk is concentrated approximately 10-fold to form a powder, so the expected number of thermophilic bacilli is 500 cfu g1, provided that no significant growth occurred within the processing lines. A common specification limit for viable plate counts for thermophiles in milk powder is 105 cfu g1. Typically, milk powder is produced continuously over an 18–24 h processing period. With increased processing time, the number of thermophiles increases until specification limits are reached and the process run is terminated to prevent product downgrading.

Importance to the Food Industry Geobacillus stearothermophilus is a potential contaminant in a variety of industries where elevated temperatures (40–65  C) prevail during the manufacturing process or during product storage, such as canning, juice pasteurization, sugar refining, gelatine production, dehydrated vegetable manufacture, and dairy product manufacture. In dairy processes, the microorganism is an issue in products such as milk powder, pasteurized milk, buttermilk, and whey. Geobacillus stearothermophilus accounts for up to 65% of the thermophilic strains derived from milk powders, because the spores are able to survive the low water activity and high temperature of the drying process, the cleaning-in-place system, and the long-term storage of the final product. In addition, G. stearothermophilus produces heat-stable proteinases and lipases that survive the heat treatments applied during commercial milk powder manufacture. The enzymes remain active in milk powder during storage and would be active in milk products made from recombined milk powder. Geobacillus stearothermophilus is the typical species responsible for the thermophilic flat sour spoilage of low-acid canned foods. It ferments carbohydrates with the production of short-chain fatty acids that sour the product. Spoilage does not result in gas production and hence there is no swelling of the cans, so the ends of the container remain flat. The species is responsible for the spoilage of low-acid foods, such as canned peas, beans, corn, and asparagus, when they are maintained at a temperature above 43  C for an extended period or when cooling is carried out very slowly, if the food contains viable spores capable of germinating and growing in the product. Because flat sour spoilage does not develop unless the product is at high temperature, proper cooling after thermal processing and avoiding high temperatures during warehouse storage or distribution are essential. Spores of G. stearothermophilus enter canneries in soil, on raw foods, and in ingredients, and their population may increase at any point at which a suitable environment exists. For example, equipment – such as holding tank blanchers and warm filler bowls – may serve as a focal point for the build-up of an excessive population. The spores show exceptional resistance to destruction by heat and chemicals and therefore are difficult to eliminate in a product or in the plant. To minimize spore contamination, control of spore population in ingredients and products entering the plant, as well as the use of sound plant sanitation practices, are suggested. The application of bacteriocins as part of hurdle technology can contribute to control thermophilic spoilage in low-acid canned vegetables (corn, peas, okra, and mushrooms), when the cans are stored under warm conditions for prolonged


periods or to allow a reduction in heat processing without the risk of thermophilic spoilage occurring. Nisin, a polypeptide consisting of 34 amino acids, has received generally recognized as safe (GRAS) status in 1988. It is perceived to be a natural preservative and can be applied to inhibit thermophilic bacteria in canned vegetables. Enterocin AS-48, a broad spectrum cyclic antimicrobial peptide, is active against G. stearothermophilus vegetative cells and endospores in different types of canned fruit juice and vegetable foods during storage under temperature abuse conditions. An enzyme, the hen egg white lysozyme, stable at 100  C for 30 min at pH 5.3, is classified as GRAS in the United States and is approved for use in some foods. Lysozyme in heat treatment processes reduces the heat resistance of G. stearothermophilus. Dormant G. stearothermophilus spores are of no concern in commercially sterile canned foods destined for storage and distribution where temperatures will not exceed 43  C. However, canned foods in tropical locales and those intended for hot-vend service must not contain thermophilic spores capable of germination and outgrowth in the product to be considered commercially sterile. Traditional thermal processing methods cause loss of desirable properties related to texture, flavor, color, and nutrient value of foods. The most serious commercial problems with product sterility are caused by thermally resistant spores. On the other hand, consumers demand high-quality foods that are free of additives, fresh tasting, and microbiologically safe and that have an extended shelf life. The following food technologies meet these consumer demands and their effect on inactivation of G. stearothermophilus spores is briefly discussed. High-pressure processing can inactivate the vegetative form of many microorganisms; however, spores can be resistant to pressures as high as 1000 MPa. Pressure-assisted thermal sterilization process, when applied at six 5-min cycles at 600 MPa and 70  C to reduce or destroy G. stearothermophilus spores, resulted in the destruction of 106 spores ml1, whereas by static application, 800 MPa, and 60  C for 60 min, spores were reduced to 102 ml1. High-pressure CO2 treatment at 95  C and 30 MPa pressure for 120 min causes 5-log-cycle inactivation of spores of G. stearothermophilus, whereas sodium chloride and glucose have a protective effect and the level of inactivation is reduced. The heat resistance of G. stearothermophilus spores is reduced by ultrasonic treatment, as the ultrasonic treatment affects the release of calcium, dipicolinic acid, fatty acids, and other low-molecular-weight components. Using hydrogen peroxide as a sterilant for foodcontact surfaces of olefin polymers and polyethylene in aseptic packaging systems, the D25 value of G. stearothermophilus spores is 1.5 min when the concentration of H2O2 is 26%. Geobacillus stearothermophilus spores are among the most radiation resistant spore formers. Geobacillus stearothermophilus forms biofilms on the surfaces of processing equipment in sections of dairy manufacturing plants at elevated temperatures of 40–65  C – that is, preheating and evaporation sections of milk powder plants, plate heat exchangers used during the pasteurization process, centrifugal separators (used to separate cream from whole milk) operated at warm temperatures, recycle loops in butter manufacturing plants, cream heaters in anhydrous milk fat plants, and ultrafiltration plants operated at warm temperatures. Extensive biofilm formation occurs when production


BACILLUS j Geobacillus stearothermophilus (Formerly Bacillus stearothermophilus)

cycles are too long, the manufacturing equipment is not cleaned properly between production cycles, recycle loops are used, and contaminated ingredients or by-products are used. The prevention of biofilms focuses on altering the manufacturing conditions (such as temperature), manipulating the surface of stainless steel to reduce bacterial attachment, and developing novel sanitizers.

numbers reach >106 cfu g1, there is potential for enzymatic deterioration of the product, resulting in changes in its composition and organoleptic properties. Inadequate cooling subsequent to thermal processing is a major contributor to spoilage by G. stearothermophilus. Localized warming of sections of stacks of heat-processed foods placed too close to heating appliances is also of importance.

Importance to the Consumer

Further Reading

The prolonged heating necessary to destroy all G. stearothermophilus spores causing spoilage to low-acid canned foods would impair taste, texture, and appearance and lead to loss of nutritional value. It is therefore necessary to store canned foods at temperatures below the minimum required for growth of this microorganism. The incidence of G. stearothermophilus spores in heat-processed foods may affect the commercial life of the product without presenting a hazard for public health. The bacterium, however, can be an indicator organism for assessing the overall hygiene of the manufacturing process. High numbers of thermophilic spore-forming bacteria (>104 cfu g1) in milk powder indicate poor manufacturing practices, and when

Burgess, S.A., Lindsay, D., Flint, S.H., 2010. Thermophilic bacilli and their importance in dairy processing. International Journal of Food Microbiology 144, 215–225. Claus, D., Berkeley, R.C.W., 1986. Genus Geobacillus Colin 1872, 174. In: Sneath, P.H.A., Mair, N.S., Sharpe, M.E., Holt, J.G. (Eds.), Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, vol. 2. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, pp. 1043–1071. Nazina, T.N., Tourova, T.P., Poltaraus, A.B., et al., 2001. Taxonomic study of aerobic thermophilic bacilli: descriptions of Geobacillus subterraneous gen. nov., sp. nov. and Geobacillus uzenensis sp. nov. from petroleum reservoirs and transfer of Bacillus stearothermophilus, Bacillus thermocatenulatus, Bacillus thermoleovorans, Bacillus kaustophilus, Bacillus thermoglucosidasius and Bacillus thermodenitrificans to Geobacillus as the new combinations G. stearothermophilus, G. thermocatenulatus, G. thermoleovorans, G. kaustophilus, G. thermoglucosidasius and G. thermodenitrificans. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51, 433–446. Sharp, R.J., Riley, P.W., White, D., 1992. Heterotrophic thermophilic Bacilli. In: Kristjansson, J.K. (Ed.), Thermophilic Bacteria. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 19–50.

Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques I Jenson, Meat & Livestock Australia, North Sydney, NSW, Australia Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Species – Scope The genus Bacillus through most of the history of bacterial systematics has consisted of a rather heterogeneous group of Gram-positive endospore-forming rods that grow aerobically and usually produce catalase. The advent of molecular taxonomy, however, has resulted in the genus becoming rather less heterogeneous as species have been moved to new genera. Species of interest to food microbiologists are now to be found in several genera and in more than one family. All of the Bacillus and former Bacillus species of interest to food microbiologists will be dealt with here, and the collective noun ‘bacilli’ will be used to denote this phylogenetically diverse collection of microbes that once were considered to be species in a single genus. Most bacilli are detected easily using a wide range of media. The species most likely to be found in food generally have simple nutritional requirements and can be grown on media such as nutrient agar. All species grow aerobically and some are facultative anaerobes. Colonial morphology of bacilli often is distinctive, but considerable variation may be observed, even within a single species. Colonies are usually translucent to opaque and white to cream colored. Most species do not produce pigments. Many established tests are not for particular species, but rather are for bacteria that spoil food in particular ways and subsequently are identified as bacilli.

Choice of Tests The test method can be chosen according to the purpose of the examination, the type of food being examined, the form of the organism (i.e., spores or vegetative cells) being sought, and the level of sensitivity required.

Purpose of Examination Tests may be conducted to determine the cause of spoilage, in which case tests will be chosen that are capable of detecting a wide range of microorganisms, even if bacilli are suspected as the most likely cause of spoilage. Tests also may be conducted to determine whether a specific pathogen is present, in which case quite specifically selective and differential methods are performed. The most general test that is performed for bacilli tests for ‘aerobic mesophilic spore formers’ or ‘thermophilic flat sour spore formers.’ More specific tests may be performed for spore formers that are classed as ‘aciduric flat sour spore formers’ or ‘rope spores.’ Specific methods are used for Alicyclobacillus species. The only well-established methods for a species of interest to food microbiologists are for Bacillus cereus. It is now recognized that without confirmation of colonies, the tests for this species also will detect closely related species. It may be of interest to isolate Bacillus licheniformis or

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

Bacillus subtilis, because these species have been implicated in food poisoning but no specific methods exist to do so. A wide range of Bacillus species may be involved in the mesophilic spoilage of low-acid canned foods. Flat sour spoilage is the result of acid production with little or no gas production; product pH is decreased, but the can is not distended. Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus circulans are largely responsible. Swollen cans may result from spoilage with B. subtilis, Bacillus pumilus, or Paenibacillus macerans. Low-acid foods are more likely to be spoiled by thermophilic bacilli, such as Geobacillus stearothermophilus. This species, B. coagulans, and the closely related Bacillus smithii are responsible for flat sours. Bacillus subtilis may produce some gas and swelling of the can. High-acid foods are not as susceptible to spoilage by bacilli. An exception is the flat sours of tomato products that frequently are associated with B. coagulans. Rope in bread and bakery products is due to the growth of B. subtilis or B. licheniformis, which hydrolyze starch to produce esters that lead to the characteristic stickiness and odors. In extreme cases, the bread structure breaks down, resulting in strands of spoiled material (rope) that can be removed from the surface of the breadcrumb. Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris is a thermophile that has been associated with spoilage of fruit juices and the production of taints. The extent of problems caused by this or other Alicyclobacillus species, which have received little attention, is not well understood. Bacillus cereus is a foodborne pathogen that has been associated with the consumption of a wide range of foods. It can be responsible for both emetic and diarrheal syndromes. The organism can grow rapidly in some foods, and for this reason, enrichment techniques able to detect very low numbers of organisms have been developed. Dried milk products that are to be used in infant foods are an example of foods that might be tested by such procedures. Bacillus cereus can be responsible for the breakdown of fat in cream, which results in a flakey appearance when added to a hot beverage. This is referred to as ‘bitty’ cream.

Type of Food The type of food, form of packaging, or storage conditions may help to determine a suitable test. Cereals, dairy products, spices, dried foods, and vegetables may all be spoiled by bacilli or contribute to the spoilage of multicomponent foods (Table 1). The pH of the food is significant to the kinds of spoilage that may occur. Canned foods and other foods that have been heated suggest the spores of bacilli may have survived the process. Storage of foods at high temperatures may allow the growth of thermophilic species. Samples of spoiled canned food or ingredients for canned food may be tested for a number of groups of bacilli, depending on the likely temperature of product storage as well as the level of product acidity. Thermophilic spoilage




BACILLUS j Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques

Table 1

Association of bacilli with foods and nature of spoilage

Species/functional group Bacillus cereus Rope spores Mesophilic aerobic spore formers Thermophilic flat sour spores Aciduric flat sour spore formers Alicyclobacillus species

Food Cereals, spices, milk products, legumes, food associated with characteristic illness Flour, bread, bakery ingredients Starch, dried fruits, vegetables, dried milk, spices, cereals, low acid (pH >4.6) canned foods Sugar, starch, flour, spices Tomato products, dairy products Fruit juices, sugar products

should be considered if the product may be stored for long periods above 43  C. Low-acid foods have a pH above 4.6, whereas high-acid foods have a pH below 4.6. Samples of ingredients, such as sugar, spices, and starch, may be tested for bacilli. Rope spores may be tested for in bread, flour, or bakery ingredients. It is relevant to test raw materials for the presence of spores that might survive processing, germination, and cause product spoilage. Once a product is actively spoiling, it is more relevant to test for appropriate vegetative organisms, although in already spoiled products, spores are, once again, likely to be present. Raw foods, such as rice, flour, raw milk, and spices, are recognized sources of B. cereus. Prepared meat, bakery, egg, and lentil and rice products have been associated with outbreaks. Levels of 105 g1 or more usually are found in food associated with illness.

Form of the Organism In some cases, it is desirable to test for the presence of vegetative organisms and at other times a test for spores is required. In spoiled products, it is reasonable to assume that tests for vegetative cells (which also will detect spores) will easily detect the high level of organisms likely to be present (unless the spoilage occurred some time before examination). When testing raw materials for a heat-processed food, it may be desirable to test only for the spores, which may survive the process.

Sensitivity In most cases, plating techniques will give sufficient sensitivity, but sometimes enrichment methods may be necessary. Specific enrichment methods for B. cereus may be useful for testing raw materials or product at the time of production, if they permit the growth of this organism.

Test Procedures The procedures for different types of bacilli have a number of features in common (Table 2). Samples are diluted and then

may be heated to inactivate vegetative cells. Heating may occur either in the diluent or in agar. After plates are poured or inoculated, they are incubated and colonies are counted to provide a count per gram of the original sample. Comments on these procedures are given in the section General Aspects before providing details on each procedure.

General Aspects Sample Size

A minimum sample size of 10 g should be taken in an attempt to ensure that the sample is representative. Some authorities recommend testing samples of up to 50 g to ensure that a representative sample is tested. The quantity of sample inoculated into media is frequently large. Many authorities recommend the testing of up to 1 g of product. For instance, 10 ml of a 101 dilution is added to 100 ml agar and distributed over five Petri dishes. Obviously dilutions need to be made if the number of organisms is expected to be large. It should be noted, however, that the practice of plating a sample over several plates will result in methods that are both sensitive and able to accommodate highly contaminated samples.


Samples being tested for the presence of spores are heated to destroy vegetative organisms and encourage spore germination. It is generally accepted that 80  C for 10 min is sufficient to inactivate vegetative cells. Spore germination is necessary if an accurate count of spores is to be obtained. The spores of some species are more heat resistant than others, and this feature is used in some methods to make them more selective. When samples are heated, several aspects require attention. Some spores can germinate very quickly, and therefore it has been recommended that the period between preparing the first dilution and heating is less than 10 min, preferably at as low a temperature as possible. The heating and cooling periods should be as short as possible. A small sample should be heated in a sealed tube (to prevent contamination from the waterbath or evaporation of the sample), and a pilot tube should be used to measure the temperature of the sample. The level of the waterbath must be above the level of the sample in the tube. Samples should be agitated during the heating and cooling stages. When a temperature above 100  C is required, this is most conveniently achieved in an autoclave. For instance, 108  C is equivalent to applying a pressure of 5 psi (34.5 kPa). Some methods require the sample to be added to agar before the heat treatment step. In those cases, the agar is maintained at around 50  C. Once the sample is added, the agar is quickly heated. After the required time, the agar is cooled as quickly as possible, taking care not to cause the agar to gel. After a short period of equilibration at 45  C, the plates are poured.


All media can be produced using standard laboratory techniques. Commercially available dehydrated media may be used in many cases. Formulations can be found in the Appendix.

Table 2

Procedures for detecting Bacillus species in foods Sample




50 g food

Thermophilic flat sour

20 g sugar

dilution in 0.1% peptone then 100 ml tryptone–glucose extract (TGE) agar Water up to 100 ml

Thermophilic flat sour

20 g starch

Water up to 100 ml then 100 ml DTA

Aciduric flat sour

Aciduric flat sour Rope spores

Liquefied tomato products or milk 10 g nonfat dried milk 20 ml cream 20 g

Alicyclobacillus species

10–100 g

Bacillus cereus (direct plating)

10–50 g

Serial dilution in Butterfield’s diluent or 0.1% peptone solution

Bacillus cereus (MPN)

10 g

Serial dilution in Butterfield’s diluent or 0.1% peptone solution

Aciduric flat sour



80 C for 30 min

5 plates

35  C for 48 h

100  C for 5 min

2 ml in each of 5 plates dextrose– tryptone agar (DTA) 5 plates with 2% water agar overlay

50–55  C for 48, 72 h

55  C for 48 h 55  C for 48 h

100  C for 3 min then 108  C for 10 min 88  C for 5 min

50–55  C for 48, 72 h

0.02 N sodium hydroxide up to 100 ml

108  C for 5 min

1 ml in each of 2 DTA and 2 thermoacidurans agar (TAA) plates 2 ml in each of 10 plates DTA

Special diluent up to 100 ml Butterfield’s diluent up to 100 ml then DTA

108  C for 5 min 94  2  C for 15 min

2 ml in each of 5 plates DTA Add tetrazolium salts and pour 5 plates

55  C for 48 h 35  C for 24, 48, 72 h

80  C for 10 min

Bacillus acidoterrestris broth/agar

50  C for 48–72 h (enrichment up to 5 days) 30  C or 37  C for 24 h, optionally followed by 24 h at room temperature

0.1 ml spread on Mannitol–egg yolk– polymixin agar (MEYP, MYP); polymixin–egg yolk–mannitol– bromothymol blue agar (PEMBA) Tryptone soy polymixin broth then MYP or PEMBA

48 h at 30–37  C, 24 h at 30–37  C

Sources: Holbrook, R., Anderson, J.M., 1980. An improved selective and diagnostic medium for the isolation and enumeration of Bacillus cereus in foods. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 26, 753–759. Vanderzant, C., Splittstoesser, D.F. (Eds.), 2002. Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods, third ed. American Public Health Association, Washington. Van Netten, P., Kramer, M., 1992. Media for the detection and enumeration of Bacillus cereus in foods: a review. International Journal of Food Microbiology 17, 85–99. International Federation of Fruit Juice Producers (IFU), 2007. Method for the detection of taint producing Alicyclobacillus in fruit juices. IFU Method no. 12. IFU, Paris.

BACILLUS j Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques

Mesophilic spores




BACILLUS j Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques


A temperature of 30–37  C is used for mesophiles and 50–55  C for thermophiles. At the higher temperatures, the plates should be sealed in plastic bags or containers containing water so that the plates will not dry out. It is usual to examine the plates during the required incubation period to ensure that the plates do not become overgrown with large or spreading colonies and that acid reactions do not revert to alkaline by continued incubation.

Mesophilic Aerobic Spore Formers The method given here is that of the American Public Health Association. Usually 0.1–10 ml of the initial dilution is inoculated into the tryptone–glucose extract (TGE) agar. All colonies appearing on the plates are counted. If 10 ml is used to inoculate TGE agar, then the sum of the number of colonies on five plates can be expressed as the number of mesophilic aerobic spore formers per gram of the original sample. Some authorities suggest that the sample need only be heated for 10 min at 80  C and suggest an incubation temperature of 30  C.

Thermophilic Flat Sour Spore Formers The methods here are those of the U.S. National Food Processors Association; the method for sugar additionally has approval as an Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) Official method (972.45). The method for sugar allows either solid or liquid sugar to be tested. If the liquid product is tested, the amount added to the initial dilution is adjusted to contain 20 g dry sugar equivalent. After heating to 100  C, 2 ml of the heated sugar solution is added to each of five Petri dishes before adding dextrose–tryptone agar (DTA). In the AOAC procedure, the plates are incubated at 55  C for 35–48 h. The method for starch requires 10 ml of the starch suspension to be added to DTA and boiled for 3 min to gelatinize the starch before proceeding to heat the suspension further. After pouring the agar into plates and allowing it to gel, a thin layer of 2% water agar is overlayed to prevent the spread of some organisms across the surface of the agar. Typical colonies are round, 1–5 mm in diameter, with an opaque central spot and a yellow halo in the agar. This halo may be missing. Subsurface colonies are compact and may be pinpoint in size. It may be necessary to isolate subsurface colonies by streaking onto the surface of fresh DTA to confirm their typical appearance.

Aciduric Flat Sour Spore Formers The methods given here are those of the American Public Health Association. Tomato products and other liquid products, dry products such as nonfat dry milk, and cream are tested by different procedures. Tomato and milk products are tested by plating onto DTA and thermoacidurans agar. Raw tomatoes and similar tomato products may need to be blended so that spore tests can be performed on a liquid product. Bacillus coagulans colonies appear slightly moist, slightly convex, and pale yellow on the

surface of DTA. Subsurface colonies appear as compact yellow to orange colonies 1 mm or more in diameter with fluffy edges. On thermoacidurans agar, this organism will produce large colonies, which are white to cream in color. Nonfat dry milk is suspended in 0.2 M sodium hydroxide before being heated; 2 ml of the heated suspension is added to each Petri dish before adding DTA. Incubation conditions for mesophilic organisms are used. Cream is suspended in a special diluent and heated. The suspension has high viscosity. It is recommended that the DTA is poured into Petri dishes and the cream suspension is added before the agar sets. Incubation conditions for mesophilic organisms are used.

Rope Spores The method given here is that of the American Association of Cereal Chemists (method 42–20). Volumes of 10 ml and 1 ml of the first dilution are added to molten DTA. The flasks should reach 94  C within 5 min and are maintained at this temperature for 15 min. After cooling, 1 ml tetrazolium salts solution is added before pouring the plates. After 24 h, subsurface colonies with a yellow halo are drawn to the surface of the agar with a sterile inoculating needle. After a further 24 h, the plates are inspected for the presence of typical colonies. Typical colonies are gray–white, moist, and blisterlike at first and may become drier and wrinkled with age. The colonies have a stringy consistency when touched with an inoculating needle. If any further subsurface colonies have appeared, they are treated and inspected as for those appearing at 24 h. The total count of typical colonies over the five plates is used to calculate the number of rope spores per gram.

Alicyclobacillus Species A number of species have been isolated from foods such as juices, beverages, and sugar products, but A. acidoterrestris is implicated in the majority of incidents. The International Federation of Fruit Juice Producers has developed a standard method, based on the use of Bacillus acidoterrestris medium. Potato dextrose agar or orange serum agar, both with pH adjusted to 3.5 with organic acids, may also be used. The numbers of cells and spores of A. acidoterrestris are generally very low in foods, so even spoiled foods will need to be heated and enriched before plating. Liquid products such as fruit juices can be heated (80  C for 10 min) without dilution. Heated samples should be incubated for 48–72 h at 50  C and then plated. A presence or absence test can be performed after incubating a sample at 50  C for 48–72 h, if desired. Tentative identification can be made by Gram stain, which reveals Grampositive rods with terminal to subterminal spores that are slightly swollen. Spread plating appears to be preferred to pour plating. Incubation may be performed at 43  C, but lower recoveries have been reported. Longer incubation may be beneficial.

Bacillus cereus Two direct plating methods and one enrichment method commonly are used to detect B. cereus in foods. Two

BACILLUS j Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques methods commonly are used to confirm the identity of presumptive B. cereus detected by these procedures. Most regulatory authorities use the mannitol–egg yolk–polymyxin (MYP) agar procedure (e.g., the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, International (AOAC) method 980.31 and 983.26 and International Standards Organization (ISO) 7932:2004), but there is also general support for the use of polymyxin–egg yolk–mannitol–bromothymol blue agar (PEMBA). In the direct plating procedure, dilutions of the food under test are made in either Butterfield’s diluent (AOAC) or 0.1% peptone solution. Incubation conditions vary between 30  C and 37  C for 24–48 h, sometimes at 25  C for the second day. If the longer incubation time is used, the plates should be examined at 24 h to avoid problems due to overgrowth. Typical colonies on MYP are crenate to fimbriate, 3–6 mm in diameter with a ground glass surface surrounded by a zone of precipitate and pink agar. On PEMBA, typical colonies are similar but 3–5 mm diameter and surrounded by a zone of precipitate and turquoise to peacock blue agar. In the enrichment procedure, dilutions of the food under test are made as in the direct plating procedure and are inoculated in tryptone–soy–polymyxin broth. If it is desired to enumerate low levels of B. cereus in a food, then the enrichment is configured as an MPN test. The broth is incubated at 30  C for 48 h before plating onto MYP or PEMBA and incubating according to the requirements of the standard method being followed. Presumptively positive colonies may be confirmed by either biochemical or physiological identification or the use of the Holbrook and Anderson staining technique (if PEMBA was used). It is considered by many that the characteristics of B. cereus are so distinctive that the Holbrook and Anderson stain is sufficient to confirm B. cereus isolated on PEMBA or other media containing low concentrations of nitrogen that encourage sporulation. Confirmatory tests to differentiate B. cereus from most other Bacillus species include Gram stain, anaerobic glucose fermentation, nitrate reduction, Voges– Proskauer, tyrosine decomposition, lysozyme sensitivity, mannitol fermentation, and egg yolk reaction (Table 3). To differentiate B. cereus from other closely related species (Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus mycoides, Bacillus pseudomycoides, Bacillus weihenstephanensis, Bacillus thuringiensis), it is necessary to perform a number of other tests. For this reason, ISO considers the method to be only a presumptive test for B. cereus. Bacillus anthraciscan can be differentiated through lack of motility, B. mycoides and B. pseudomycoides demonstrate rhizoidal growth, B. weihenstephanensis is able to grow at 7  C, and B. thuringiensis is nonhemolytic and produces a toxin crystal (Table 3). Presumptive B. cereus colonies are grown on nutrient agar or tryptone–soy broth for 18–24 h at 30  C. If nutrient agar is used, a colony is suspended in a small volume of Butterfield’s diluent to produce a turbid suspension. Confirmatory tests are performed as detailed in the following sections.

Gram Stain

Bacillus cereus will appear as large Gram-positive rods in short to long chains; spores are ellipsoidal, in a central to subterminal position, and do not swell the cell.


Anaerobic Glucose Fermentation

After inoculating phenol red dextrose broth with a small inoculum and incubating in an anaerobe jar for 24 h at 37  C, acid production is indicated by a change in the indicator from red to yellow.

Nitrate Reduction

After inoculating nitrate broth with a small inoculum and incubating at 37  C for 24 h, 0.25 ml of each of the nitrite reagents A and B is mixed and added. An orange color developing within 10 min indicates a positive reaction.


Inoculate Voges–Proskauer medium and incubate at 37  C for 48 h. Transfer 1 ml to an empty test tube and add 0.2 ml of 40% potassium hydroxide, 0.6 ml of a-naphthol, and a few crystals of creatine. If the solution turns pink within 1 h, the reaction is considered positive.

Tyrosine Decomposition

Inoculate the surface of the slope and incubate at 37  C for 48 h. Examine for clearing of the agar around the growth, which indicates tyrosine decomposition. Incubate for a further 24 h and examine again, if necessary.

Lysozyme Sensitivity

Inoculate nutrient broth containing lysozyme and a control nutrient broth with a small inoculum and incubate at 37  C for 24–48 h. Record strain as sensitive if no growth occurs in broth containing lysozyme.

Mannitol Fermentation

If it was not possible to record mannitol fermentation from the primary isolation plate, inoculate the strain onto MYP or PEMBA and incubate at 37  C for 24 h. The agar will become pink or blue around the growth, indicating a lack of mannitol fermentation.

Egg Yolk Reaction

If it was not possible to record egg yolk reaction from the primary isolation plate, inoculate the strain onto MYP or PEMBA and incubate at 37  C for 24 h. A white precipitate around the growth indicates a positive egg yolk reaction.

Holbrook and Anderson Stain

Smears may be produced from the center of a 24 h colony or the edge of a 48 h colony growing on PEMBA. Smears are air dried and fixed with minimal heating. Stain with malachite green over a boiling waterbath for 2 min. After washing the slide and blotting it dry, stain with Sudan black for 15 min. Then rinse the slide in xylol for 5 s and blot dry before staining with safranin for 20 s. Bacillus cereus will appear 4–5 mm long and 1.0–1.5 mm wide with square ends. Lipid globules, staining black, are present in vegetative cells. Spores, staining green, are ellipsoidal, central to subterminal in position, and do not swell the sporangium.


Identification of Bacillus species of public health interest

Cell diameter >1.0 mm Anaerobic glucose fermentation Nitrate reduction Voges–Proskauer Tyrosine decomposition Lysozyme sensitivity Mannitol fermentation Egg yolk reaction Motility Rhizoidal growth Hemolysis Toxin crystals 7  C growth a

B. anthracis

B. cereus

B. mycoides

B. pseudomycoides

B. thuringiensis

B. weihenstephanensis

B. subtilis

B. licheniformis

þa þ

þ þ

þ þ

v þ

þ þ

þ þ



þ þ  þ  þ     




þ þ þ þ  þ þ  þ þ 


þ þ þ  þ þ  þ  

þ þ þ þ  þ  þ

þ þ 

þ þ 


þ  þ  þ þ  


þ þ þ  þ þ   þ



þ  þ 




þ, 85% or more of strains are positive; , 85% or more of strains are negative. 16–84% of strains are positive. v, variation within strains. Reproduced from Logan, N.A., de Vos, P., 2009. Genus Bacillus Cohn 1872. In: de Vos, P., Garrity, G.M., Jones, D., Krieg, N.R., Ludwig, W., Rainey, F.A., Schleifer, K-H., Witman, W.B. (Eds.), Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, second ed., vol. 3, Springer, New York, pp. 21–128. b

BACILLUS j Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques

Table 3

BACILLUS j Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques Motility

Stab inoculate Bacillus cereus (BC) motility medium and incubate at 30  C for 24 h and examine for diffuse growth away from the stab, indicating that the strain is motile.

Rhizoidal Growth

Inoculate the center of a predried nutrient agar plate with a loopful of inoculum in one spot and allow it to dry. Inoculate the plate right side up at 30  C for 24 h. Rhizoidal growth is indicated by root or hairlike structures growing from the center of the colony.

7  C Growth

Inoculate a nutrient agar (or similar) slope and incubate in a waterbath with water up to the level of the neck for 7 days.


Inoculate the sheep blood agar plate with a loopful of inoculum in one spot and allow it to dry. Incubate at 30  C for 24 h and examine for a zone of complete hemolysis around the colony.

Toxin Crystal Production

After allowing a culture on a nutrient agar slope to grow for 24 h at 30  C, hold at room temperature for 2–3 days. Smears are air dried and fixed with minimal heating. Flood smear with methanol for 30 s and drain. Dry slide in burner flame. Flood with basic fuchsin. Heat until steam rises and remove heat. Repeat heating after 1–2 min. After a further 30 s, pour off stain and rinse well. Dry slide without blotting and examine for dark-colored, tetragonal crystals that have been liberated from lysed sporangia. It may be necessary to allow more time for spores to lyse.

Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis These species are sometimes implicated in cases of food poisoning but no standard methods exist. They are able to grow on MYP or PEMBA and ferment mannitol. For example, on PEMBA, these species produce flat colonies that are about 3 mm in diameter and green to gray–green in color. They do not produce an egg yolk precipitate. These species may be identified using the confirmatory tests specified for B. cereus and the reactions in Table 3.

Advantages and Limitations of Methods Mesophilic Aerobic Spore Formers, Flat Sour Spore Formers, and Aciduric Flat Sour Spore Formers The procedures outlined in this section are considered to be standard methods, but it is possible that other methods are more applicable to certain foods and certain situations. Incubating canned food and observing for signs of spoilage is both easier and more sensitive than microbiological tests. The tests are therefore most relevant to raw materials.

Rope Spores The result of the rope spore test is highly dependent on the heating procedure used and the subjective analysis of colony types.


It is widely acknowledged that this test does not correlate with the development of rope in bakery products. Bakery products receive different heat treatments to those used in this test. Also, some spores will germinate and grow more slowly than others in bakery products. Strains vary in their amylase activities and their ability to produce odors and stickiness in product. An actual baking test, although qualitative, is the most predictive for the development of rope in products.

Alicyclobacillus Methods for the growing number of species of this genus implicated in spoilage of juices, sugar, and beverage products suggest that methods will continue to develop. Although a standard method has been proposed, a number of approaches might need to be used to have certainty of successfully diagnosing the involvement of this genus in spoilage or investigating an incident.

Bacillus cereus The MYP medium was considered to be a significant advantage over earlier media because it combined selective (polymyxin B) and differential (mannitol, egg yolk) features into one agar and gave a quantitative recovery of the target organism. Care needs to be taken to examine the plates after 24 h incubation because the mannitol fermentation reaction can become positive as other mannitol positive organisms grow on the plate. Also the plate can become overgrown, making colonies difficult to count and egg yolk reactions difficult to read. Bacillus cereus does not sporulate well on this agar, making the confirmatory microscopy test of little value. Closely related species will be indistinguishable from B. cereus on this agar. PEMBA was developed from Kim and Goepfert’s (KG) medium, which, in turn, was developed from the MYP medium. It allows B. cereus to sporulate after 24 h, provides more buffering to assist in reading mannitol fermentation reactions, and contains sodium pyruvate to improve the reading of the egg yolk reaction. There is less growth of competitive organisms on PEMBA when testing most foods, which makes the reactions easier to read. Egg yolk reactions sometimes can be difficult to detect, and some B. cereus strains may appear to be negative. Some closely related species will be indistinguishable on this agar. Both media can be stored only at 4  C for 4 days after pouring, as the egg yolk reaction becomes less intense with storage.

Collaborative Evaluations and Validations AOAC Collaborative evaluations of the MYP agar method, the tryptone–soy–polymyxin broth MPN method, and the biochemical confirmatory tests, both for differentiation from unrelated Bacillus species and closely related Bacillus species, have been performed. The MYP agar method was considered to be preferable to the MPN method for counting high numbers of B. cereus. The MPN method was suitable for counting low numbers of B. cereus but had a higher standard deviation both within and between laboratories. The between-laboratory standard deviation for the plating method was 0.1–0.2 log10 and was 0.48–0.55 log10 for the MPN method. The


BACILLUS j Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques

collaborative studies show that the methods are reliable for differentiating B. cereus from other bacilli. Holbrook and Anderson’s validation of the PEMBA method and confirmatory staining was thorough. They used a number of B. cereus strains as well as closely related and other species of Bacillus in their tests and showed that the strains gave typical egg yolk and staining reactions in nearly all cases. There were no problematic egg yolk reactions with PEMBA as there were with MYP. They showed equivalent recovery of B. cereus on MYP and PEMBA. A study of the repeatability and reproducibility of these methods for enumeration of B. cereus has shown that MYP and PEMBA give equivalent quantitative results. In both media, the variation within a laboratory would result in an expectation that 95% of results on duplicate samples would be within 0.3 log10 of each other and between laboratories would result in an expectation that 95% of the results on duplicate samples would be within 0.5 log10 of each other.

See also: Bacillus: Introduction; Bacillus: Bacillus cereus; Geobacillus stearothermophilus (Formerly Bacillus stearothermophilus); Bacterial Endospores; Heat Treatment of Foods: Spoilage Problems Associated with Canning; Sampling Plans on Microbiological Criteria; Identification Methods: Introduction.

Appendix: Formulations Diluents/solutions Butterfield’s phosphate Stock solution Potassium dihydrogen phosphate Distilled water Adjust pH to 7.2 with approximately 175 ml of 1 mol l–1 NaOH Adjust final volume with distilled water to 1000 ml store refrigerated Diluent Stock solution Distilled water to Dispense and sterilize by autoclaving at 121  C for 15 min Peptone diluent Bacteriological peptone Distilled water to Dispense and sterilize by autoclaving at 121  C for 15 min Cream diluent Gum tragacanth Gum arabic Water Autoclave for 20 min at 121  C Tetrazolium salts 2,3,5-Triphenyl-tetrazolium chloride Water to Sterilize by membrane filtration through a 0.2 mm filter Nitrite reagents Reagent A Sulfanilic acid 5 mol l–1 Acetic acid Reagent B a-naphthol 5 mol l–1 Acetic acid Holbrook and Anderson stain

34.0 g 500 ml

1.25 ml 1000 ml 1.0 g 1000 ml 1.0 g 1.0 g 100 ml 10.0 g 100 ml

8.0 g 1000 ml 2.5 g 1000 ml

The following solutions are required: 5% w/v malachite green 0.3% Sudan black B in 70% ethanol Xylol 0.5% w/v safranin Toxin crystal stain 0.5 g basic fuchsin dissolved in 20 ml ethanol then made up to 100 ml with water Media for enumeration Mannitol–egg yolk–polymyxin (MYP) agar Beef extract Peptone D-Mannitol Sodium chloride Phenol red Agar Water Adjust pH so that it will be 7.1  0.2 at 25  C after autoclaving at 121  C for 15 min; add 10 ml of filter-sterilized polymyxin B sulfate solution (10 000 units ml1) and 50 ml of 50% egg yolk emulsion per 940 ml of the basal agar Polymyxin–egg yolk–mannitol–bromothymol blue agar (PEMBA) Tryptone D-Mannitol Sodium pyruvate Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate Sodium chloride Disodium hydrogen phosphate Bromothymol blue Agar Water Adjust pH so that it will be 7.2  0.2 at 25  C after autoclaving at 121  C for 15 min; add 10 ml of filter-sterilized polymyxin B sulfate solution (1000 units ml1) and 50 ml of 50% egg yolk emulsion per 940 ml of the basal agar Tryptone–soy–polymyxin broth Tryptone Soya peptone Sodium chloride Glucose Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate Water Adjust pH so that it will be 7.3  0.2 at 25  C after autoclaving at 121  C for 15 min; add 1 ml of filter-sterilized polymyxin B sulfate solution (1000 units ml1) per 100 ml broth Dextrose–tryptone agar (DTA) Tryptone Dextrose Agar Bromocresol purple Water Adjust pH so that it will be 6.7  0.2 at 25  C after autoclaving at 121  C for 15 min Thermoacidurans agar (TAA) Yeast extract Proteose peptone Dextrose Dipotassium phosphate Agar Adjust pH so that it will be 5.0  0.2 after autoclaving at 121  C for 15 min Tryptone–glucose extract agar (TGE) Beef extract Tryptone

1.0 g 10.0 g 10.0 g 10.0 g 0.025 g 12–18 g 940 ml

1.0 g 10.0 g 10.0 g 0.1 g 2.0 g 2.5 g 0.12 g 12–18 g 940 ml

34.0 g 6.0 g 10.0 g 5.0 g 5.0 g 1000 ml

10.0 g 10.0 g 12–18 g 0.04 g 1000 ml

5.0 g 5.0 g 5.0 g 4.0 g 20.0 g

3.0 g 5.0 g

BACILLUS j Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques

Dextrose Agar Adjust pH so that will be 7.0  0.2 after autoclaving at 121  C for 15 min Bacillus acidoterrestris medium Basal medium CaCl2$2H2O MgSO4$7H2O (NH4)SO2 KH2PO4 Yeast extract Glucose Trace element solution Distilled water Adjust to pH 4.00; for agar the liquid medium is made up at twice the concentration and mixed with an equal volume of agar (15–20 g agar per liter) after autoclaving Trace element solution: CaCl2$2H2O ZnSO4$7H2O CuSO4$5H2O MnSO4$4H2O CoCl2$6H2O H3BO3 Na2MoO4$2H2O Distilled water Media for confirmation Phenol red glucose broth Proteose peptone no. 3 Beef extract Sodium chloride Phenol red Dextrose Water to Dispense in 3 ml quantities in small test tubes; autoclave for 10 min at 121  C; final pH should be 7.4  0.1 Nitrate broth Beef extract Peptone Potassium nitrate Distilled water to Adjust pH to 7.0  0.1 and dispense 5 ml quantities into small test tubes; autoclave 15 min at 121  C Modified VP medium Proteose peptone Dextrose Sodium chloride Water to Adjust to give a pH of 6.5  0.1 after autoclaving and dispense 5 ml quantities into small tubes; autoclave for 10 min at 121  C Tyrosine agar Prepare nutrient agar and after autoclaving, add 10 ml of water containing 0.5 g of L-tyrosine (sterilized by autoclaving at 121  C for 15 min) to each 100 ml of nutrient agar; dispense into slopes in sterile bottles; the tyrosine will not dissolve and must be evenly suspended throughout the agar Nutrient broth with lysozyme Dissolve 0.1 g lysozyme hydrochloride in 100 ml water and sterilize through a 0.2 mm membrane filter; add 1 ml of this solution to 99 ml nutrient broth; dispense 2.5 ml volumes into small sterile tubes Nutrient broth/agar Beef extract Peptone

1.0 g 15.0 g

0.25 g 0.5 g 0.2 g 3.0 g 1.0 g 5.0 g 1.0 ml 1.0 l

0.66 g 0.18 g 0.16 g 0.15 g 0.18 g 0.10 g 0.30 g 1.0 l 10.0 g 1.0 g 5.0 g 0.018 g 5.0 g 1l

3.0 g 5.0 g 1.0 g 1l

7.0 g 5.0 g 5.0 g 1000 ml

3.0 g 5.0 g

Agar (if required) Water to Adjust pH to give 6.8  0.1 after autoclaving at 121  C for 15 min BC motility medium Trypticase Yeast extract Dextrose Disodium hydrogen phosphate Agar Water to Adjust pH to give 7.4  0.2 after autoclaving; dispense into tubes and autoclave at 121  C for 10 min Sheep blood agar Trypticase Phytone peptone Sodium chloride Agar Water to Adjust pH to give 7.0  0.2 after autoclaving; autoclave at 121  C for 15 min; cool to 48  C and add 5 ml sterile defibrinated sheep blood per 100 ml medium and dispense into Petri dishes


15.0 g 1000 ml

10.0 g 2.5 g 2.5 g 2.5 g 3.0 g 1000 ml

15.0 g 5.0 g 5.0 g 15.0 g 1000 ml

Further Reading Fricker, M., Reissbrodt, R., Ehling-Schulz, M., 2008. Evaluation of standard and new chromogenic selective plating media for isolation and identification of Bacillus cereus. International Journal of Food Microbiology 121, 27–34. Harmon, S.M., 1982. New method for differentiating members of the Bacillus cereus group: collaborative study. Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists 65, 1134–1139. Holbrook, R., Anderson, J.M., 1980. An improved selective and diagnostic medium for the isolation and enumeration of Bacillus cereus in foods. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 26, 753–759. Jenson, I., Jensen, N., Hyde, M., 2001. Gram positive aerobic sporeforming rods. In: Moir, C.J., Andrew-Kabilafkas, C., Arnold, G., Cox, B.M., Hocking, A.D., Jenson, I. (Eds.), Spoilage of Processed Foods: Causes and Diagnosis. Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NSW Branch) Food Microbiology Group, Sydney, pp. 271–294. Jenson, I., Moir, C.J., 2003. Bacillus cereus and other Bacillus species. In: Hocking, A.D. (Ed.), Foodborne Microorganisms of Public Health Significance, sixth ed. Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NSW Branch) Food Microbiology Group, Sydney, pp. 445–478. Kramer, J.M., Gilbert, R.J., 1989. Bacillus cereus and other Bacillus species. In: Doyle, M.P. (Ed.), Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens. Marcel Dekker, New York. Lancette, G.A., Harmon, S.M., 1980. Enumeration and confirmation of Bacillus cereus in foods: collaborative study. Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists 61, 581–586. Logan, N.A., de Vos, P., 2009. Genus Bacillus Cohn 1872. In: de Vos, P., Garrity, G.M., Jones, D., Krieg, N.R., Ludwig, W., Rainey, F.A., Schleifer, K.-H., Witman, W.B. (Eds.), Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, second ed., vol. 3. Springer, New York, pp. 21–128. Parry, J.M., Turnbull, P.C.B., Gibson, J.R., 1983. A Colour Atlas of Bacillus Species. Wolfe Medical, London. Schulten, S.M., In’t Veld, P.H., Nagelkerke, N.J.D., Scotter, S., de Buyser, M.L., Rollier, P., Lahellec, C., 2000. Evaluation of the ISO 7932 standard for the enumeration of Bacillus cereus in foods. International Journal of Food Microbiology 57, 53–61. Smit, Y., Cameron, M., Center, P., Witthuhn, R.C., 2011. Alicyclobacillus spoilage and isolation – a review. Food Microbiology 28, 331–349. Vanderzant, C., Splittstoesser, D.F., 1992. Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods, third ed. American Public Health Association, Washington. Van Netten, P., Kramer, M., 1992. Media for the detection and enumeration of Bacillus cereus in foods: a review. International Journal of Food Microbiology 17, 85–99.

Detection of Toxins SH Beattie and AG Williams, Hannah Research Institute, Ayr, UK Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is reproduced from the previous edition, volume 1, pp 141–149, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

Introduction Bacteria from the genus Bacillus occur widely within the environment and are frequently detected both in raw materials used in the food industry and in food products at the point of sale. Although the majority of Bacillus spp. are nonpathogenic, Bacillus cereus is a recognized foodborne enteropathogen and causative agent of food poisoning in humans. Other species in the genus that have been implicated in food poisoning outbreaks include Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus brevis, and Bacillus thuringiensis. The problems associated with Bacillus spp. are exacerbated as their spores resist – or are activated during – food processing, and in addition, psychrotrophic strains are capable of growth in milk and food products correctly stored at refrigeration temperatures.

Foodborne Illness Illness Caused by Bacillus cereus Bacillus cereus is associated with two distinct foodborne gastrointestinal disorders, the diarrheal and emetic syndromes. The diarrheal illness was first described following an outbreak of food poisoning in a Norwegian hospital in the 1940s, although earlier unconfirmed reports described outbreaks with a similar etiology. The syndrome is typified, in the absence of fever, by abdominal discomfort, profuse watery diarrhea, rectal tenesmus, and on some occasions nausea that rarely produces vomiting. The illness is usually associated with the consumption of one of a diverse range of proteinaceous foods that include milk products, cooked meats, sauces, and desserts. Onset of the symptoms occurs some 8–16 h after consumption of the contaminated food, and this delay is indicative of subsequent bacterial growth and toxin formation in the small intestine. The inactivation of preformed toxin in contaminated foods by digestive enzymes and gastric pH reduces the effects of its ingestion. The symptoms normally resolve within 12–24 h without the need for medical intervention, although there are reports of more severe symptoms developing in specific population groups. The emetic syndrome is caused by a preformed toxin produced as a consequence of the growth of toxigenic strains of B. cereus in the food. Farinaceous foods are most commonly associated with the emetic illness. This disease is more common than the diarrheal form in Japan, whereas in North America and European countries the diarrheal syndrome is more prevalent. The onset of the emetic syndrome occurs within 1–5 h of consumption of the contaminated food, and the symptoms (which include malaise, nausea, vomiting, and occasionally diarrhea), persist for 6–24 h. The diarrhea is most probably caused by the concomitant synthesis of enterotoxin in some emetic strains. Although the symptoms of the emetic illness are generally regarded as being relatively mild, there is


a published case report describing the progress of the disease in an Italian teenage boy; his subsequent death was attributed to liver failure induced by the emetic toxin produced by a strain of B. cereus isolated from a pasta sauce that he had consumed.

Incidence of B. cereus–mediated Foodborne Illness

Although B. cereus is now recognized as an important cause of foodborne illness in humans, it is difficult to ascribe definitive figures to the number of outbreaks caused by the microorganism because of inherent inadequacies in existing reporting procedures. It is recognized that the official statistics for all foodborne disease outbreaks underestimate the true extent of the problem, and may only represent 10% of the number of cases that actually occur. The short duration and nature of the illness caused by B. cereus limit medical diagnosis and accurate recording of incidents, with the result that the full extent of the B. cereus problem is not known. Analysis of food poisoning statistics collected in North America during the decades commencing in 1970 and 1980 led reviewers to conclude that B. cereus was a relatively unimportant food-poisoning agent. Only 3.1 and 6.9% of the cases of bacterial foodborne diseases in the United States and Canada, respectively, were caused by the microorganism; this represented only 1–2% of the total number of cases recorded. There are, however, geographical differences in the incidence of outbreaks and number of cases attributable to B. cereus. Data obtained in several studies over various periods between 1960 and 1992, in Europe, Japan and North America, indicate that 1–22% of outbreaks and 0.7–33% of food-poisoning cases could be attributed to B. cereus. In both Norway and the Netherlands, where more detailed surveillance of foodborne illness has been undertaken, B. cereus has emerged as the most frequently identified bacterial foodborne pathogen. Bacillus cereus occurs widely in raw and processed foods. The microorganism is ubiquitous in nature and it seems impossible to exclude its spores from the food chain. Strains of B. cereus will grow over a wide pH and temperature range and at salt concentrations up to 7.5%. The generation time of the organism under optimum conditions is approximately 20 min. It is, therefore, evident that the organism will be able to grow in foods that are improperly prepared or subjected to temperature abuse during storage. Should B. cereus growth occur, the potential exists for food poisoning to ensue. Foods particularly associated with B. cereus include dairy produce, meat products, spices, and cereals. Food containing more than 104–105 cells or spores per gram may not be safe for consumption as the infectious dose has been calculated to vary from 105–108 cells or spores per gram. The variation in the estimated infectious dose reflects the large interstrain differences in the amount of toxin produced and the inherent variability in the susceptibility of the population at large. It has been suggested that repeated exposure to low levels of B. cereus in foods, especially milk, may lead to a partial protective immunity developing.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


BACILLUS j Detection of Toxins Illness Associated with Other Bacillus Species Bacillus species other than B. cereus are present in a range of food products and on occasions have been isolated from food samples implicated in outbreaks of food poisoning. The species most frequently isolated in such cases are B. subtilis and B. licheniformis, although B. pumilus, B. brevis, and B. thuringiensis have been associated with a smaller number of outbreaks. A number of incidents of intestinal anthrax have been caused by the consumption of meat from animals infected with Bacillus anthracis. In addition, some strains of Bacillus mycoides, Bacillus circulans, Bacillus lentus, Bacillus polymyxa, and Bacillus carotarum produce extracellular components that crossreact with antibodies raised against the enterotoxin of B. cereus for use in commercially available kits for toxin detection. This implies some form of structural relatedness. A strain of B. brevis involved in a food-poisoning incident was also able to produce a heat-labile enterotoxin. Bacillus subtilis and B. licheniformis are widely distributed in the environment and have been implicated in incidents of foodborne illness. Bacillus subtilis has been identified as a causative agent of foodborne disease in the United Kingdom (49 episodes with more than 175 cases between 1975 and 1986), Australia and New Zealand (14 incidents), and Canada. Ingestion of contaminated food was characterized by a peppery or burning sensation in the mouth; the onset of symptoms, which typically include diarrhea and vomiting, can occur within a very short period although the median incubation period is 2.5 h (range 10 min–14 h). Other symptoms can include abdominal pain, nausea, and pyrexia; the duration of the episode is 1.5–8 h. Incriminated foods include meat, seafood, pastry dishes, and rice. The levels of B. subtilis in these implicated food vehicles was in the range 105–109 colony forming units (cfu) per gram. There have been detailed descriptions of food-poisoning outbreaks caused by B. licheniformis in North America and in the United Kingdom where 24 episodes (218 cases) were recorded between 1975 and 1986. Cooked meats and vegetables were the principal food vehicle from which large numbers (>106 cfu g1) of the causative organism could be isolated. As a result of infection, B. licheniformis may dominate the intestinal bacterial population. The median incubation period prior to onset is about 8 h (range 2–14 h). The most common symptom is diarrhea, although vomiting and abdominal pain have been reported to occur in about 50% of cases; nausea, pyrexia, and headaches are not characteristic of B. licheniformis–mediated food poisoning. The duration of the illness is approximately 6–24 h. Although B. pumilus is closely related to B. licheniformis and B. subtilis, there are few reports implicating this species as a foodborne pathogen. In five incidents reported in England and Wales during the period 1975–86, symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting developed after varying periods (0.25–11 h) following the consumption of food contaminated with large numbers (106–107 cfu g1) of this microorganism. Foods implicated included meat products, canned fruit juice, and cheese sandwich. An outbreak of food poisoning involving B. brevis has been reported, and in other incidents the microorganism has been isolated from the suspected food vehicle and the feces of a patient. The mean incubation time in the B. brevis–mediated


outbreak was 4 h and the symptoms reported were nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. A heat-labile enterotoxin was responsible for the illness. Bacillus thuringiensis is closely related to B. cereus and, although widely used as an insecticide, it has the potential to be pathogenic to humans. Isolates of B. thuringiensis, belonging to the H serotypes kurstaki and neoleonensis, recovered from food products such as milk, pita bread, and pasta were shown to be enterotoxigenic. Fecal isolates from an outbreak of gastroenteritis in a chronic care institution in Canada were identified as enterotoxin-producing strains of B. thuringiensis. In addition, the microorganism has also been shown to induce foodborne illness in human volunteers. Recent reappraisal studies, using specific molecular probes based on variable regions of 16S rRNA, have indicated that causative strains from foodpoisoning incidents that had been initially identified by phenotypic characteristics as B. cereus were in fact stains of B. thuringiensis. The potential for enterotoxin-producing strains of B. thuringiensis to cause food poisoning should not be overlooked in diagnostic laboratories, especially as preparations of the microorganism are used widely to control insect pests in many countries. Cases of B. cereus–mediated diarrheal outbreaks resulting from the consumption of raw and improperly cooked vegetables have been recorded. In view of the phenotypic relatedness of B. cereus and B. thuringiensis, it is possible that some of these incidents, and other outbreaks, may have been caused by B. thuringiensis. The actual incidence of B. thuringiensis–mediated foodborne illness may therefore be greater than reported figures currently indicate. Some characteristics of foodborne illness associated with Bacillus spp. are summarized in Table 1.

Bacillus cereus Diarrheal Syndrome Bacillus cereus Enterotoxins Bacillus cereus diarrheal enterotoxin is produced during the logarithmic stage of growth. The enterotoxin interacts with the membranes of epithelial cells in the ileum, and causes a type of food poisoning that is almost identical to that of Clostridium perfringens. Both species produce toxins damaging to the membrane, but with different modes of action. Clostridium perfringens requires Ca2þ ions in order to bind to target cells, and thus causes leakage. Conversely, Bacillus cereus enterotoxin is inhibited from causing cell leakage if Ca2þ ions are present. Bacillus cereus enterotoxin is about a hundred times more toxic to human epithelial cells than the C. perfringens toxin. The diarrheal syndrome associated with B. cereus is considered to be caused by viable cells or spores, rather than preformed toxin, because the time between consumption of incriminated food to onset of the symptoms is too long for the disease to be an intoxication. Bacillus cereus is capable of growth and enterotoxin production under anaerobic conditions, and is therefore capable of forming enterotoxin in the ileum. Nutrient availability appears to be important in the production of diarrheagenic toxin. In uncontrolled batch fermentations, high levels of sugar did not support toxin formation, whereas starch enhanced toxin production. In controlled fermentations, where pH was regulated, sugar and starch neither enhanced nor repressed toxin formation,


Characteristics of foodborne illness caused by Bacillus spp. B. cereus diarrheal syndrome

B. cereus emetic syndrome

Type I

Type II

B. thuringiensis

B. subtilis

B. licheniformis

B. pumilus

B. brevis


Malaise, nausea, vomiting

Abdominal pain, watery diarrhea


As for B. cereus diarrheal syndrome

Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain

Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea

Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain

Implicated food vehicle

Farinaceous rice, pasta, noodles, pastry

As B. cereus and unwashed sprayed vegetables 99% similarity (or more) in 16S rDNA sequences should confirm a species identity. The recA gene sequence has also been used in phylogenetic analysis. Costa et al. (2011) analyzed a recA gene fragment from 30 bacteria to identify Lactobacillus plantarum in food and feeds. Using a 995-kb fragment of the recA gene, lactic acid bacteria, enterobacteria, and bifidobacteria were distinctly grouped in different clusters. Other specific genes used in phylogenetic classification of Bifidobacterium have included genes for L-lactate dehydrogenase, the heat-shock protein HSP60, and pyruvate kinase. So it is possible to distinguish the principal human species of Bifidobacterium after sequencing and alignment of a relatively short sequence of a number of different specific genes (Ward and Roy 2005); however, continued contributions from genome sequencing of multiple strains is necessary to improve the clarity of phylogenetic trees used for speciation of the genus, Bifidobacterium.

Enumeration and Isolation Methods Maintenance of anaerobic conditions is important when culturing bifidobacteria. Accordingly, bifidobacteria require reducing agents in culture media for optimum growth (i.e., ascorbic acid, thioglycolate, or cysteine). Cysteine and cystine are considered essential amino acids for growth. Normally, ammonium salts can serve as the sole source of nitrogen. Iron (both oxidation forms), magnesium, and manganese are necessary trace elements. Bifidobacteria of human origin usually require a full complement of the B vitamins for optimal growth that can be supplied by yeast extract, even though some human

strains of bifidobacteria can synthesize relatively large amounts of vitamins B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), and B12 (cyanocobalamine). Most strains of Bifidobacterium can utilize glucose, galactose, lactose, lactulose, oligosaccharides, products of starch hydrolysis, bicarbonates, and carbon dioxide as carbon sources. Complex growth media are favored for optimal propagation of bifidobacteria. For pure-culture growth, common commercial media such as deMan, Rogosa, and Sharpe (MRS) broth and reinforced clostridial medium (RCM) work very well. There are numerous examples of selective media that have been developed for bifidobacteria. Many of the older media were designed to select for bifidobacteria from fecal material. More recent media have been devised to select bifidobacteria from fermented dairy foods. In yogurts and fermented milks, the difficulty is distinguishing bifidobacteria from probiotic lactobacilli and lactic acid bacteria used as starter cultures. Because of the varied physiological requirements of the different species in Bifidobacterium, it is nearly always the case that no single selective medium permits growth of all types of bifidobacteria while also preventing the growth of other genera. A case in point is the use of antibiotics to select out for bifidobacteria in samples of mixed microbiota. Bifidobacteria are known to be resistant to nalidixic acid, polymyxin B, kanamycin, paromomycin, and neomycin. Therefore, these antibiotics have been incorporated into various selective solid media to inhibit colony formation by yogurt bacteria and L. acidophilus; however, natural antibiotic resistances do occur, some types of bifidobacteria do display sensitivities to these compounds, and individual variation among strains is not uncommon. As a result, other confirming tests need to be employed. For example, colony morphology and the use of oligosaccharide- or arabinose-containing agars have accompanied the use of selective agars containing antibiotics and selective inhibitors, such as lithium chloride, sodium azide, and propionic acid. Many of the molecular techniques for identification and detection of bifidobacteria are based on the 16S ribosomal gene and are commonly used in conjunction with traditional cultural and biochemical methods. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) are two straightforward and reliable methods for genus and species determinations; at the strain level, pulsed-field gel



electrophoresis (PFGE) works quite well. Additional molecular methods used for other bacteria as well as Bifidobacterium include random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), real-time PCR, and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). For bifidobacteria, sequencing of specific genes, such as rec A, ldh, hsp 60, and pyruvate kinase, and GC analysis of membrane fatty acid composition, are additional approaches for detection and characterization (Ward and Roy 2005).

Intestinal Ecology Approximately 1014 microorganisms populate the human gastrointestinal tract. This is more than 10 times the total number of human cells in the body. It has been estimated that up to 450 different species of microorganisms reside in the human gut. Most of these organisms are located in the lower portion of the small intestine and the colon. The stomach and the upper intestine possess gastric acid, bile salts, and a highly propulsive motility to keep the concentrations and diversity of the microbiota low. Along the length of the small intestine, the microbiota gradually increases. With healthy conditions, the population of bacteria in the upper intestine is generally less than 105 organisms ml1 of contents. The middle of the small intestine is a transitional zone between the sparse populations of the upper intestine and the luxuriant levels found in the large intestine. The ileum contains approximately 107 bacterial cells ml1. Most of the intestinal lactobacilli reside here. Once past the ileocecal valve, the intestinal population of the microbiota increases dramatically. The total concentration of bacteria in the large intestine approaches the theoretical limit that can fit into a given mass, approximately 1011 to 1012 organisms ml1. Bifidobacteria are most prevalent in the large intestine, especially in the area of the caecum. Given the large amount of microorganisms in residence, the human colon is an active bioreactor. The microbiota of the colon is mostly anaerobic (about 1000:1, anaerobes:aerobic or facultative bacteria). The large intestine can be described in three sections: the right ascending colon, the transverse (middle) colon, and the left descending colon. The ascending colon receives its contents from the small intestine via the ileocecal valve. The right colon features active fermentation with high bacterial growth rates; the total short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) are about 127 mmol l1 and pH is 5.4–5.9. As the intestinal contents move toward elimination from the body, nutrients are depleted and bacterial activity slows. In the transverse colon, total SCFA is about 117 mmol l1 and the pH is approximately 6.2. In the left colon, little carbohydrate fermentation continues; the end-products of protein fermentation (phenols, indoles, and ammonia) are relatively high. Total SCFA is about 90 mmol l1 and the pH is about 6.6–6.9. Thus the microbiota is capable of fermenting carbohydrates and proteins while metabolizing a wide range of compounds, such as bile acids, fats, and drugs. Bifidobacteria thrive in this environment. Members of Bifidobacterium can be isolated from feces of humans at any age. At birth, bifidobacteria are one of the first groups to establish themselves in the intestinal tract and usually are the largest group represented in infants. For breastfed babies, levels of 1010 to 1011 g1 of feces are common. It is generally believed

that during the birth process, bifidobacteria residing in the mother’s vagina and feces act as an oral inoculum for the developing intestinal microbiota of the newborn infant. Bottlefed babies normally have 1-log10 g1 less bifidobacteria present in fecal samples than breastfed babies, and bottle-fed infants generally have higher levels of Enterobacteriaceae, streptococci, and anaerobes other than bifidobacteria. Bifidobacteria constitute up to 90–99% of the intestinal biota in healthy breastfed infants, while lactococci, enterococci, and coliforms represent less than 1% of the population; bacteroides, clostridia, and other organisms are absent. Such findings suggest a health advantage to breastfeeding in part because of the establishment and maintenance of high numbers of acidulating bifidobacteria in the gut. The relationship between breastfeeding and high intestinal levels of bifidobacteria led to the belief that bifidobacteria require a growth factor present only in human milk, but this has been shown not to be the case. Apparently, bifidobacteria grow better in human milk than bovine milk because of a lower protein content and a diminished buffering capacity, so that now many infant formula manufacturers adjust the protein and mineral profile to more closely approximate that of human milk. With the change of diet and the aging process following infancy, the level of bifidobacteria declines so that Bacteroidaceae predominate in the adult gut, with eubacteria, bifidobacteria, and Peptococcaceae represented in that order. In the elderly, bifidobacteria continue to decline with an increase in the fecal populations of coliforms, enterococci, lactobacilli, and Clostridium perfringens. Microbiota in the human colon varies significantly among individuals. This variation involves not only the types of species present but also the fermentation capacity and metabolic product profile. The ability of the intestinal microbiota of an individual to ferment different carbohydrates depends on past diet and the species of bacteria present. These bacteria affect digestion and absorption, and their metabolic products provide nutrients and affect the well-being of the host. In healthy adults, the intestinal microbiota is fairly stable; however, in infants, it is not particularly stable and is susceptible to fluctuations caused by small disturbances of diet or common childhood diseases. At any age, the equilibrium of the human intestinal ecosystem can be altered because of stress, diet, disease, and drugs (i.e., antibiotics).

Prebiotics Diet will affect the microorganism of the intestinal tract. Some dietary fibers increase stool output and colonic content turnover, resulting in increased bacterial turnover and growth. These substances include cellulose, pectins, vegetable mucous substances, microbial and dietary polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, scleroproteins, and Maillard products. In the case of some of these fibers, the increased bulk of bacterial cells is the major component of the increase in weight of the stool. The term, prebiotic, is often used to describe use of a component intentionally added to the diet for desirable health benefits linked to stimulation of metabolism and proliferation of desirable gut bacteria while preferably

Bifidobacterium inhibiting or minimizing the growth of undesirable varieties. Prebiotics are included in the segment of products known as functional foods or nutriceuticals, that is, foods that can prevent and treat diseases. Regarding prebiotics for bifidobacteria (e.g., bifidus growth factors), earliest studies centered on the effects of human milk on gut bacteria. The list of compounds that have been examined and used as prebiotic compounds for specific growth enhancement of resident intestinal bifidobacteria include N-acetylglucosamine, glucosamine, galactosamine, human and bovine casein digestates, lactoserum of bovine milk, porcine gastric mucin, yeast extract, liver extracts, colostrums of various milks, milk glycoproteins, lactoferrin, lactulose, lactitol, carrots, chitin, raffinose, stachyose, inulin, Jerusalem artichoke flour, tri- and pentasaccharides of dextran, neosugar, fructooligosaccharides, and galactooligosaccharides. Effects from ingestion of these prebiotic compounds vary and efficacy has been debated. In Japan, oligosaccharides are one of the most popular functional food components. These physiologically functional oligosaccharides are the short-chain polysaccharides called fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides, and soybean oligosaccharides. The two requirements for their use are that they are not digestible by human digestive enzymes and they are preferentially metabolized by bifidobacteria in the large intestine. An advantage in using prebiotics (oligosaccharides) instead of probiotics (ingestion of viable cultures of bifidobacteria) to elevate and maintain populations of colonic Bifidobacterium are that prebiotic compounds can easily be added to foods as a stable ingredient while the delivery of viable bifidobacteria in food products can be difficult given the stresses of food processing and storage (e.g., exposure to low pH, oxygen, heat, and cold).

Probiotics and Implied Health Benefits of Bifidobacteria For a culture to be considered a viable candidate for use as a dietary adjunct, it must be a normal inhabitant of the intestinal tract, survive passage through the upper digestive tract, be capable of surviving and preferably growing in the intestine, produce beneficial effects when in the intestine, and maintain viability and activity in the carrier food before consumption. Most bacteria are killed after ingestion by the severe acid conditions in the stomach and the bile juice that is released into the duodenum. Once in the intestine, only a limited number of bacteria can reside there. Indigenous bacteria tend to eliminate transient or exogenous species spontaneously. Bifidobacteria have been shown to activate immunological, antibacterial, and antitumor effects in animals even though bifidobacteria demonstrate low antigenicity compared with other intestinal bacteria. Also, the metabolic activities of bifidobacteria do not result in the production of ammonia or other detrimental compounds, such as putrescine, cadaverine, indole, skatole, hydrogen sulfide, phenols, cresols, aglycones, tyramine, tryptamine, or histamine, and they do not reduce nitrate to form nitrite, which can lead to the formation of nitrosamines. Such compounds are foul smelling and, more importantly, are toxic or potentially carcinogenic. Putrefactive

Table 3


Benefits attributed to bifidobacteria

Stabilization of intestinal microbiota/resistance to enteric diseases Prevention of pathogenic and autogenous diarrhea/treatment of some diarrheas Reduction of toxic metabolites and detrimental enzymes related to aging process Deconjugation of bile salts Prevention of constipation/stimulation of peristaltic movement/control mucin at intestinal surface Protection of liver function Reduction of serum cholesterol Reduction of blood pressure Induction of cell-mediated immunity Antitumorigenic activity Production of nutrients and vitamins Improvement of lactose tolerance to milk products Important role in infant nutrition Prevention of vaginal yeast infections Degradation of nitrosamines/metabolism of ammonium ions Aid in absorption of calcium Intestinal recolonization following antibiotic treatment, chemotherapy, or radiation treatment

bacteria, such as the clostridia, coliforms, and enterococci, contribute many of these noxious compounds. Regardless of whether gut bifidobacterial numbers are increased by prebiotics, probiotics, or both (i.e., synbiotics), it is widely accepted that elevation and maintenance of bifidobacterial populations in the intestinal tract relative to other bacterial populations is a desirable circumstance. Several benefits are implied because bifidobacteria produce acetic and lactic acids from the fermentation of carbohydrates that lowers fecal pH. The increased level of acidity and greater numbers of bifidobacteria reduce the levels of undesirable bacteria, which results in the reduction of toxic metabolites and detrimental enzymes. This reduction leads to a number of beneficial situations which are outlined in Table 3. Children with high numbers of bifidobacteria effectively resist some enteric infections. In fact, the feeding of bifidobacteria-containing dairy products has been used to treat these infections in Japanese children with success. Regular supplementation of the infant diet with bifidobacteria can be used to maintain normal intestinal conditions; it can also be used in conjunction with antibiotic therapy to correct abnormal conditions, such as intractable diarrhea. Compared with children and adults, the elderly have lower counts of indigenous bifidobacteria. With this decline, there is a corresponding increase in the population of C. perfringens detected in the elderly. Clostridium perfringens is a pathogenic bacterium that produces toxins and volatile amines. Adults who are fed foods containing high numbers of bifidobacteria over a 5-week period demonstrate a significant decrease in clostridia with an increase in bifidobacteria. Also, elderly patients suffering from bowel obstruction respond favorably to treatment with yogurt containing bifidobacteria. The presence of high numbers of bifidobacteria in the infant and adult colon seems to be desirable and can be influenced by dietary supplementation. Bifidobacteria are known to exhibit



inhibitory effects on many pathogenic organisms, both in vivo and in vitro, in addition to C. perfringens; this includes other clostridia, Salmonella, Shigella, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Campylobacter jejuni, and the pathogenic yeast, Candida albicans.

Bifid-Amended Foods and Beverages In the United States before the 1980s, the use of bifidobacteria in foods was limited to a few products intended for therapeutic treatment. Among the earliest products was a bifidus milk developed by Mayer in the 1940s for use in treatment of infants afflicted with nutritional deficiencies. By the 1960s, enough evidence had been accumulated to show it was possible to modify intestinal biota with B. bifidum. In the 1970s, Japan produced its first bifidus product, a fermented milk containing B. longum and Streptococcus thermophilus (in 1971). Bifidus yogurt followed in 1979. Growth of bifidus foods and bifidus growth factor supplements continues to this day in Japan with other countries of the world following suit. Products that have been formulated with viable bifidobacteria and/or bifidus growth supplements include fermented and nonfermented milks, buttermilk, yogurt, cheese, sour cream, dips and spreads, ice cream, powdered milk, infant formula, cookies, candies, fruit juices, and frozen desserts. Bifidus growth factors are available at health food stores along with gel caplets and liquids containing bifidobacteria that are often in combination with L. acidophilus.

See also: Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Microfloras of Fermented Foods; Fermented Milks and Yogurt; Lactobacillus: Lactobacillus acidophilus; Microbiota of the Intestine: The Natural Microflora of Humans; Microflora of the Intestine: Biology of Bifidobacteria; Microflora of the Intestine: Detection and Enumeration of Probiotic Cultures; Probiotic Bacteria: Detection and Estimation in Fermented and Nonfermented Dairy Products; Propionibacterium.

References Bottacini, F., Medini, D., Pavesi, A., Turroni, F., Foroni, E., Riley, D., Giubellini, V., Tettelin, H., van Sinderen, D., Ventura, M., 2010. Comparative genomics of the genus Bifidobacterium. Microbiology 156, 3243–3254.

Costa, G.N., Vilas-Boas, G.T., Vilas-Boas, L.A., Miglioranza, L.H.S., 2011. In silico phylogenetic analysis of lactic acid bacteria and new primer set for identification of Lactobacillus plantarum in food samples. Eur. Food Res. Technol. 233, 233–241. Masco, L., Ventura, M., Zink, R., Huys, G., Swings, J., 2004. Polyphasic taxonomic analysis of Bifidobacterium animalis and Bifidobacterium lactis reveal relatedness at the subspecies level: reclassification of Bifidobacterium animalis as Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis subsp. nov and Bifidobacterium lactis as Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis subsp. nov. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 54, 1137–1143. Miyake, T., Watanabe, K., Watanabe, T., 1998. Phylogenetic analysis of the genus Bifidobacterium and related genera based on 16S rDNA sequences. Microbiol. Immunol. 42 (10), 661–667. Scardovi, V., 1986. Genus Bifidobacterium. In: Sneath, P.H.A. (Ed.), Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, vol. 2. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp. 1418–1434. Ventura, M., van Sinderen, D., Fitzgerald, G.F., Zink, R., 2004. Insights into the taxonomy, genetics and physiology of bifidobacteria. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 86, 205–223. Ward, P., Roy, D., 2005. Review of molecular methods for identification, characterization and detection of bifidobacteria. Lait 85, 23–32.

Relevant Websites http://www.dairyscience.info/probiotics/50-probiotics.html. http://www.pasteur.fr/recherche/genopole/PF8/mlst/Bifidobacterium.html. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/bifidobacteria/vitamins-supplements.htm. http://nccam.nih.gov/health/probiotics/. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/probiotics/.

Further Reading Biavati, B., Vescovo, M., Torriani, S., Bottazzi, V., 2000. Bifidobacteria: history, ecology, physiology and applications. Ann. Microbiol. 50, 117–131. Felis, G.E., Dellaglio, F., 2007. Taxonomy of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 8, 44–61. Lee, J.H., O’Sullivan, D.J., 2010. Genomic insights into bifidobacteria. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 74, 378–416. Mayo, B., van Sinderen, D. (Eds.), 2010. Bifidobacteria: Genomics and Molecular Aspects. Caister Academic Press, Norwich, UK. McBrearty, S., Simpson, P.J., Fitzgerald, G., Collins, J.K., Ross, R.P., Stanton, C., 2000. Probiotic bifidobacteria and their identification using molecular genetic techniques. In: Buttriss, J., Saltmarsh, M. (Eds.), Functional foods: claims and evidence. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, pp. 97–107. O’Toole, P.W., Claesson, M.J., 2010. Gut microbiota: changes throughout the lifespan from infancy to elderly. Int. Dairy J. 20, 281–291. Roy, D., 2005. Technological aspects related to the use of bifidobacteria in dairy products. Lait 85, 39–56.


Contents Introduction Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, and Escherichia Coli Food-Poisoning Microorganisms Food Spoilage Flora Microfloras of Fermented Foods

Introduction DYC Fung, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is reproduced from the previous edition, volume 1, pp 218–228, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

In the past 15 years, applied microbiologists have developed and tested a large number of biochemical identification techniques and modern techniques within the discipline entitled ‘Rapid Method and Automation in Microbiology.’ This field of study has been defined as dynamic areas of study that address the utilization of microbiological, chemical, biochemical, biophysical, immunological, and serological methods for the study of improving isolation, early detection, characterization and enumeration of microorganisms and their products in clinical, food, industrial and environmental samples. Clinical microbiologists started to utilize these techniques in the early 1960s and in the past 10 years food microbiologists have accelerated their involvements in this area (Figure 1). This introductory article provides an overview of the developments of this field and sets the stage for more detailed discussions on practical applications of some of these methods and procedures in food spoilage flora, food poisoning organisms, Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms and Escherichia coli, and microfloras of fermented foods. There are five major areas of developments in this field: (1) improvements in sampling and sample preparation; (2) alternative methods for viable cell count procedures; (3) instruments for estimation of microbial population and biomass; (4) miniaturized microbiological techniques; and (5) novel and modern techniques. Each development has a definite influence on the total discussion of the following articles.

Improvements in Sample Preparation The stomacher is a very successful instrument designed more than 25 years ago by Antony Sharpe to massage food samples in a sterile bag. The food is placed in the sterile disposable

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

plastic bag to which appropriate sterile diluents are added. The bag with the food is placed in the open chamber. After the chamber is closed, the bag is massaged by two paddles for a suitable time period, usually 1–5 min. There is no contact between the instrument and the sample. During massaging microorganisms are dislodged into the diluent for further microbiological investigation. Recently, a new instrument called the pulsifier has been developed which can dislodge bacteria from food by high speed pulsification of food and diluent in a bag in the instrument. An evaluation of the pulsifier showed that the stomacher and pulsifier provided similar bacterial counts of paired studies of 96 samples. However, the pulsifier provided much clearer liquid samples which are advantageous for further microbiological manipulations, such

10 8 Relative interest


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Figure 1 Relative interest in rapid methods among medical microbiologists (B) and food microbiologists (C). Fung, D.Y.C., 1995. What’s needed in rapid detection of foodborne pathogens. Food Technology 49 (6), 64–67.





as measurement of ATP, immunological tests, and polymerase chain reaction procedures. Another development in sample preparation is to have instruments which can dispense a desired amount of liquid automatically into a vessel for blending of solid or liquid food. An instrument called Diluflo can accurately dispense from 0.1 ml to 100 ml into a bag or container with samples already in place. Furthermore, the instrument dispenses proportionally the amount of liquid in relation to the weight of the food sample. For example if a 1:10 dilution of a food is required, a sample of food is placed into the vessel (e.g., 9 g) and automatically the Diluflo will deliver 81 ml of sterile dilution into the vessel thus making exact manual weighing of the food sample and exact application of sterile diluent unnecessary and saving considerable amount of operation time. The instrument can be programmed to make 1:10, 1:50, 1:100, or other dilution factors.

Alternative Methods for Viable Cell Count Procedure The conventional viable cell count or standard plate count method has been in use for more than a century. It involves preparing food into a slurry and then serially (1:10 series) diluting it to a final desired concentration of somewhere between 1:100 and 1:1 000 000 depending on the estimated concentration of microbial population. Then the diluted liquids are accurately pipetted into a sterile Petri dish (usually 0.1 or 1 ml) and then melted nutrient agar (48  C) is poured into the Petri dish. After solidification of the agar, the Petri dishes are then placed into the incubator at the desired temperature, for example, 32  C, 35  C, or other temperatures for microorganisms, to grow to visible colonies, usually 24–48 h before counting the number of colonies and converting the number in counts per milliliter or per gram of the food. Although this time-honored procedure is practised all over the world, it is time-consuming, labor intensive, and wasteful of glassware and large numbers of disposable items, such as plastic pipettes and Petri dishes. Several ingenious methods have been developed to make the viable cell count more efficient, automatic and cost effective. These new methods were first designed to perform total viable cell counts but more recently due to improvements of media development and additional tests these methods can also detect and enumerate pathogens such as Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, and other pathogens. The Spiral Plating system (Spiral Biotech, Bethesda, MD) can spread a liquid sample on the surface of nutrient agar in a Petri dish automatically in a spiral shape (the Archimedes spiral) with a concentration gradient starting at the center and decreasing as the spiral progresses outward on the rotating plate. The volume of liquid deposited at any segment of the agar plate is known. After the liquid containing microorganisms is spread, the agar plate is incubated overnight at an appropriate temperature for the colonies to develop. The colonies developed along the spiral pathway can be counted either manually or electronically. New versions of the original Spiral Plater can automatically perform all the functions, including picking up a sample with a stylus, spreading the sample on the agar, lifting the stylus away from the plate, and then rinsing and sterilizing the stylus for another sample. This

system has been in use for more than 20 years in the food industry with excellent results. The Isogrid System (QA Lab, San Diego, CA) consists of a square filter with hydrophobic grids printed on the filter to form 1600 squares for each filter. Food samples are weighed, blended, and enzyme treated before passage through the membrane filter containing the grids. The filter is then placed on agar containing a suitable nutrient for growth of bacteria, yeast, molds, fecal coliforms, E. coli, Salmonella, etc. The hydrophobic grids prevent colonies from growing further than the grids; thus all colonies have a square shape and are easily counted either manually or electronically. Both the Spiral Plating method and the Isogrid method require much less dilution of food sample compared with the conventional method. Usually only a 1:10 dilution of the food is necessary before application of the sample to the Spiral Plating system or the Isogrid system. Rehydratable nutrients are embedded into films in the Petrifilm system (3M Co., St Paul, MN) which is about the size and thickness of a plastic credit card. An analyst can lift up the plastic cover of the unit and then apply 1 ml of liquid sample (with or without dilution) into the rehydratable nutrient gel and then replace the cover. The thin units (up to 10 can be stacked together) are then placed into the incubator at suitable temperature for 24 or 48 h for microbial growth. After incubation the colonies are counted directly through the clear plastic cover. The film can be kept as a permanent record of the microbial sample. Besides total count this system has films for coliform count, E. coli count, yeast and mold count, and others. Simplicity and ease of operation along with long shelf-life (1 year or more in cold storage) and smallness of the units have made this a very attractive system for small microbiological laboratories. Another convenient viable count system is the Redigel (also marketed by 3M). This system consists of sterile nutrients with a pectin gel in a tube and no traditional agar. The tube is ready to be used at any time and no heat is needed to ‘melt’ agar. A 1-ml food sample is first pipetted into the tube. After mixing, the entire content is poured into a special Petri dish previously coated with calcium. When the liquid comes in contact with the calcium, a calcium-pectate gel is formed and the complex swells to resemble conventional agar. After incubation the colonies can be counted exactly as in the conventional standard plate count method. This system also has units for total count, coliform count, etc. similar to the Petrifilm system. A comprehensive analysis of all four methods against the conventional method on seven different foods (20 samples each) showed that these newer systems and the conventional method were highly comparable and exhibited a high degree of accuracy and agreement (r ¼ 0.95þ). Other methods such as Simplate, etc. are also being developed and tested. The aim is to find the easiest, fastest, and most automated systems for making the conventional viable count method more efficient and less time consuming in both operation and reading of results.

Instruments for Estimation of Microbial Populations and Biomass Counting viable colonies is only one way to monitor growth of microorganisms in our food and the environment. A variety of

BIOCHEMICAL AND MODERN IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES j Introduction chemical, physical, and biochemical methods have been used to study microbial populations and measure biomass. Some of these methods can be used to rapidly estimate viable cell numbers in food, water, and other specimens since these methods can be measured within seconds or minutes whereas viable cell counts need hours to days to measure. In order to make use of these methods one must establish linear correlation between these parameters with viable cell numbers as a population of microbial cells grow or die. Thus we need to obtain standard curves of parameters such as dry weight of cell, protein contents, DNA or RNA concentrations, cellular components, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) level, detection time of electrical impedance or conductance, generation of heat, radioactive CO2, etc. against viable cell count of a microbial population. By knowing the relationship one can then estimate the viable cell count by matching the units being measured. Theoretically, these methods can detect as little as one viable cell in the sample if the incubation period is long enough (days or weeks). On the practical side, the limit is usually 103–105 cells per milliliter. All living things utilize ATP. In the presence of a firefly enzyme system (luciferase and luciferin system), oxygen, and magnesium ions, ATP will facilitate the reaction to generate light. The amount of light generated by this reaction is proportional to the amount of ATP in the sample. So the relative light units can be used to estimate the biomass of the cells in a sample. Using this principle, many researchers have used ATP to estimate bacterial cell number in meat, wine, fish, and other foods. One of the major problems is the presence of non-bacterial ATP in the food sample. In this situation one must then remove non-bacterial ATP either by filtering out the bacterial cells or extract the non-bacterial ATP, destroy the ATP and then extract bacterial ATP, and monitor the bacterial ATP. Another problem is that different microbes have different amounts of ATP. For example a yeast cell has 50 times more ATP than a bacterial cell. Also the same organism may have a different amount of ATP at different stages of the growth cycle. Thus ATP is not a very good method for estimating actual number of bacteria in a food sample without a lot of sample manipulation. Currently the trend is to use ATP to monitor the hygiene of the food preparation environment. The theory is that if a certain level of ATP is found on the surface of a cutting board then the board is not clean. This does not take into account where the ATP came from, since food particles, blood, dirt, and microbes are all not desirable in the food preparation environment. There are more than ten commercial companies producing ATP kits for the rapid monitoring of ATP on surfaces within minutes. These kits can greatly assist food companies in their sanitation programs because in a very short time a team of cleaners can decide if they have performed the work properly or not. A clean surface for food preparation should have very little or no ATP. Companies marketing ATP kits include IDEXX, (Westbrook, ME), Lumac (Landgraaf, Netherlands), Biotrace (Plainsboro, NJ), Charm Science (Malden, MA), and New Horizon (Columbus, MD). Other sections in this encyclopedia also describe the use of ATP for applied microbiology. As microorganisms grow and metabolize nutrients, large molecules change to smaller molecules in a liquid system and cause a change in electrical conductivity and resistance. By


measuring the changes in electrical impedance, capacitance, and conductance, the number of microorganisms in the liquid can be estimated, because the larger the number of microorganisms in the liquid the faster the change in these parameters, which can be measured by sensitive instruments. The Bactometer (bioMerieux Vitek, Inc., Hazelwood, MO) is designed to measure impedance changes in a food sample and is fully automated with the capability of handling 64 samples or more at any one time. As microorganisms metabolize and grow the impedance of the liquid will be changed and when the cells reach about one million per milliliter there will be a distinct change in the impedance curve. This is the ‘detection time’ of the sample in this system. A food sample having a large initial microbial population will cause the impedance curve to change earlier (shorter detection time) than a sample with smaller initial microbial population. The detection time is inversely proportional to the initial population, thus by knowing the relationship between microbial population and detection time one can use the detection time (e.g., 4 h) to estimate the initial population of the food (e.g., 1  106 per gram in the food). The Malthus Instrument (Crawley, UK) works by measuring the conductance of the fluid and generates conductance curves similar to the impedance curve of Bactometer. These instruments have been used to monitor the microbial quality of brewing liquids, milk, seafood, meat, etc. The Bactometer has been used to determine the shelf-life potential of pasteurized whole milk. Besides estimating bacterial numbers in the food these systems can be used to screen for food-borne spoilage and pathogenic organisms such as Salmonella, coliforms, and yeasts. An instrument called the ‘Omnispec bioactivity monitor system’ (Wescor, Inc. Logan, UT) is a tri-stimulus reflectance colorimeter that monitors dye pigmentation changes mediated by microbial activities in liquid foods. The instrument can monitor color and hue changes from the bottom of optically clear growth vessels of different sizes without disturbing the sample, making it a unique non-destructive monitoring system. By using a microtiter plate containing 96 wells (about 0.4 ml per well) almost 400 samples can be studied simultaneously making it a very useful tool for studying large numbers of variables in microbiological investigations. In the author’s laboratory Omnispec has been a very valuable tool to study the effects of a variety of chemicals (antimicrobial, enzymes such as oxyrase, etc.) on a large number of bacteria (e.g. Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, Enterobacter, E. coli O157:H7, Yersinia, Hafnia) automatically. The catalase test is another rapid method to estimate microbial population of certain foods. Catalase is a very reactive enzyme and provides results in a matter of seconds. Microorganisms can be classified as catalase-positive or catalase-negative organisms. Both groups are important in food microbiology; however, under aerobic cold storage conditions (such as meat, poultry, fish, etc. in the refrigerators) catalasepositive organisms, such as Pseudomonas, Micrococcus and Staphylococcus, predominate. By measuring the catalase activities of these food one can estimate the bacterial populations therein. Catalase activity can also be used as an index of the cleanliness of meat-processing areas. A 5  5 cm area is swabbed with a cotton swab which is then placed in a tube containing hydrogen peroxide. If the surface is contaminated with meat, blood, aerobic microorganisms, etc. gas (molecular



oxygen) will be generated by the reaction of catalase and catalase-like enzymes with hydrogen peroxide. The amount of gas is proportional to the degree of contamination. Yet another exciting use of catalase activity is to monitor how well foods, such as chicken and fish, are cooked. Catalase is heat sensitive and when food is well cooked to 71 C catalase activities will be destroyed. This is a rapid test since it takes only a few seconds to measure the reaction.

Miniaturized Microbiological Techniques Biochemical testing methods have been used in applied microbiology to differentiate groups of microorganisms for almost 150 years. Microorganisms can metabolize a great variety of organic materials and can generate acidic, basic, and neutral end products with or without the production of gas or colored compounds from these reactions. By ingenious design of growth media in solid or liquid forms microbiologists have been able to use this information to identify and characterize closely related bacteria into genera and species. A typical set of biochemical tests for the differentiation of the family Enterobacteriaceae would include indole, methyl red, Voges–Proskauer, Simmons’ citrate, hydrogen sulfide, urea, KCN, motility, gelatin, lysine decarboxylase, arginine dihydrolase, ornithine decarboxylase, phenylalanine deaminase, malonate, gas from glucose, fermentation of glucose, lactose, sucrose, mannitol, dulcitol, salicin, adonital, inositol, sorbitol, arabinose, raffinose, and rhamnose. By growing pure cultures in these media for a period time, usually 24–48 h, and by observing changes of color of the liquid from red to yellow (or other pH indicator colors), or typical reactions after addition of reagents one can identify unknown cultures using a variety of diagnostic schemes matching the biochemical data of the unknown with wellestablished profiles of known cultures. This is the basis of classical identification methods using the Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology as the guide. This type of procedure has been used for more than 100 years and has served bacteriology well. However, the procedure is time-consuming, labor intensive, and uses large amount of culture media, chemicals, glass ware, tubes, cap, bottles, Petri dishes, and incubator space. In addition, a microbiologist has to be very skilful in interpreting the results and making subtle judgements on the accuracy of the tests. A slight shade of color difference may mean a test is interpreted as positive or negative. In this type of diagnostic scheme one error in judgment can easily result in a wrong identification. There is a definite need to improve the conventional method of identification of unknown cultures using biochemical tests. About 30 years ago this author initiated a systematic approach to miniaturize all biochemical tests for the identification of bacteria from foods and labeled this set of tests as miniaturized microbiological techniques. In this system the volume of reagents and media was reduced from 5–10 to about 0.2 ml for microbiological testing in microtiter plates. The basic components of the miniaturized system are the microtiter plates for test cultures (8  12 multiwell configuration), a multiple inoculation device and containers to house solid media (large Petri dishes) and liquid media (another series of microtiter plates). The procedure involves placing liquid cultures (pure cultures) to be studied into sterile wells of

a microtiter plate to form a ‘master plate.’ Each microtiter plate can hold up to 96 different cultures, 48 duplicate cultures, or various combinations as desired. The cultures are then transferred by a sterile multipoint inoculator (96 needles protruding from a template) to solid or liquid media. Sterilization of the inoculator is by alcohol flaming. Each transfer represents 96 separate inoculations in the conventional method. After incubation at an appropriate temperature, the growth of cultures on solid or liquid media can be observed and recorded, and the data analyzed. These miniaturized procedures save a considerable amount of time in operation, effort in manipulation, materials, labor, and space. These methods have been used for the study of large numbers of bacterial and yeast isolates from foods and developed many bacteriological media and procedures. Many useful microbiological media were discovered through this line of research. For example, an aniline blue Candida albicans medium was developed and marketed by DIFCO under the name Candida Isolation Agar. Some excellent agars for E. coli O157:H7, E. coli, Yersinia enterocolitica, etc. are being developed and studied. The progression of development of miniaturized microbiological techniques and modern rapid methods is depicted in Table 1. At around the time when the author was working on miniaturization of microbiological techniques in late 1960s to 1970s an important trend in diagnostic microbiology started to unfold. This was the commercialization of miniaturized diagnostic kits in Europe and the United States. These kits can be characterized as agar-based kits, dehydrated media-based kits, and paper-impregnated media-based kits. This section gives an introduction to how these systems came into being. More information about these kits and their applications is provided in later articles.

Agar-Based Kits

The R/B and Enterotube II systems are the two prime examples and are among the oldest commercial diagnostic kits. The R/B system is similar to the familiar TSI tube for differentiating Enterobacteriacae except that it has eight different reactions in two tubes. After inoculating the pure culture into a larger tube and a smaller tube the tubes are incubated for 24 h and then the reactions are recorded and compared to color charts of known cultures for identification. There is a lot of color bleeding in this system which makes it very difficult to interpret the data. The Enterotube II system has 12 separate compartments in a cigar-shaped plastic tube with a sterile needle placed through all 12 chambers. After removing the caps from both ends the sterile inoculation needle is used to touch a pure colony grown on agar. The needle is then slowly pulled through all 12 chambers in one motion. This deposits the culture in the 12 agars in the respective chambers. After incubation appropriate reagents are added into the chambers and the color reactions are recorded. The data are then fed into a data sheet and a number is generated from blocks of three reactions based on the positive reactions. The numerical score is then transformed into a code. A code book is used to identify the unknown culture. This procedure is used by most other kits systems to be discussed. These agar-based systems are easy to use but have a short shelf-life (a few months) and there are problems with dehydration and occasional contamination.


Major developments

Diagnostic tests for liquid, semi-solid and solid media 1. Large tubes: One reaction per tube 2. Large tubes: multiple reactions per tube 3. Small tubes: one reaction per tube 4. Small tubes: multiple reactions per tube 5. Wells in a tray of different configurations: a. One type of reaction for many organisms per tray b. Many types of reactions for one type of organism per tray c. Many types of reactions for a few organisms per tray 6. Diagnostics kits Inoculations into diagnostic tests 1. One inoculation per tube 2. Multiple inoculations (manually or by instruments) a. Liquid in a tray b. Solid in agar c. Agar in multiple compartments d. Liquid dispensing to multiple wells Automated instruments for monitoring 1. Cell mass 2. Cell components 3. Cell metabolites 4. Cell activities Development of serological and immunological techniques 1. Immunoblotting 2. Electrophoresis 3. Radioimmunosorbant assay 4. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Development of genetic techniques 1. DNA probes, RNA probes 2. Polymerase chain reaction 3. RiboPrinting, random amplified polymorphic DNA 4. Ligase chain reaction, Q-beta replicase Concepts involving the living cell 1. Living cell versus dead cell 2. Growing cell versus non-growing cell 3. Meaning of viable cell count 4. Correlation between total count and other parameters 5. Amplification of cells 6. Concentration of cells 7. Signal versus background 8. Sensitivity versus detection line Reproduced from Fung, D.Y.C., 1992. Historical development of rapid methods and automation in microbiology. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 1, 1–14.

Dehydrated Media-Based Kits

The best example is the API system. In 20 small chambers housed in a long strip 20 different media are placed in the chambers and dehydrated. A pure culture is first suspended in a sterile liquid and then aliquots are carefully placed into each chamber. Some tests require an oil overlay to ensure anaerobic condition. After overnight incubation, reagents are added to some chambers and the color of the tubes are recorded. As described for Enterotube II system a code for the unknown culture is generated and compared with a code book for identification. API has the largest database of all the kits and has become de facto the standard diagnostic test kit for Enterobacteriaceae.


Biolog is a dehydrated medium system using 95 carbon sources with one positive control in the microtiter plate. An unknown culture is first homogenized in liquid and then the liquid culture is placed in all 96 wells using a multichannel pipetter. The design of the system is such that when an organism utilizes a particular carbon source the liquid will turn blue. Thus there is only one color to read in these wells. An analyst can match the positive growth pattern of the unknown culture with the pattern of a known culture for identification. A better way is to put the microtiter plate with growth results into a specially designed instrument which can automatically match the pattern of the unknown culture with patterns of known cultures in the data bank for identification. This is an ambitious system designed to identify hundreds of clinical, food, and environmental cultures. The crystal system is also a dehydrated medium kit. In this system 30 different biochemical substrates are dehydrated at the tip of small plastic rods. A culture suspension is first placed into the trough of the bottom unit. A unit with 30 small rods each with a different dehydrated medium at the tip is placed firmly into the bottom unit with the culture. The unit is then incubated. After growth and reaction the color of the tips of the rods indicates positive or negative reactions. The unit is placed into a reader to register the reaction pattern which is then matched with the database of known culture patterns for identification. The RapidID system is also based on dehydrated medium housed in small chambers. The difference between RapidID system and API is that chambers are not inoculated individually but rather the ingenious design receives 1 ml of culture suspension in a trough. By tilting the trough perpendicular to the openings of the small chambers with the media in one movement 10 chambers can be inoculated simultaneously thus saving much time and labor compared with the API inoculation procedure. One of the earliest and most automated dehydrated medium systems is the Vitek system. This system comprises a plastic card (about the size of a credit card) with 30 different dehydrated media placed in tiny wells connected to each other by a series of microtubes in the card. A pure culture is first suspended in liquid and then by vacuum the liquid is introduced into the 30 wells in the card. The card is then placed into an incubator unit. At regular intervals the card is scanned and identification is done automatically by computer. This system has been used in hospital environments for more than 20 years. The major advantage of the dehydrated medium-based kits is long shelf-life (1.5 years) in refrigerated storage.

Paper-Impregnated Medium-Based Kits

The two kits in this category are the MicroID and Minitek systems. The MicroID system has 15 separate chambers, 10 of which have one paper disc containing one reaction medium. The other five chambers have one paper disc in the bottom portion of the chamber and another paper disc in the top portion of the chamber for secondary reaction. A liquid culture is introduced to the opening of each of the 15 chambers; the liquid drops to the bottom of the chamber and wets the paper disc with medium. After 4 h incubation one reagent is added to the first chamber and the unit is rotated through 90 so that the liquid from the five chambers will come into contact with the discs at the top portion of these chambers for secondary reaction. The color of the five discs in the top part of the chamber are



read as well as the 10 paper discs of the other 10 chambers. Identification of the unknown is similar to other systems by finding the code number and comparing with the code book. This was the first 4 h test from the time the analyst picked the colonies from the agar plate. This is possible because this system utilized pre-formed enzymes in the cultures for the reactions. The Minitek system is more flexible than the other kits. The manufacturer sells 36 different substrates on paper discs contained in small tubes. These tubes can be dispensed in an instrument and then the discs with substrates are dropped into the wells of a 10-unit multiwell plastic plate. After the paper discs are in place, an automatic pipetter with the liquid culture is used to inoculate the culture in all the chambers. Usually, 20 paper discs in two 10-well plates are used for identification of enterics. After inoculation of the culture some wells are filled with mineral oil to keep the test under anaerobic conditions. After incubation, identification is done by first reading positive and negative test results and the code generated is matched with a code book. It should be emphasized that the code book of one system cannot be used to identify unknowns from another system. Also the biochemical results of one system cannot be transposed to biochemical results of another system. The same organism may give a positive result of a test in one system but a negative result in another system because of the amount of chemicals used by different systems. These paper-impregnated medium kits also have long shelf life of 1.5 years. These kits are based on biochemical changes due to enzymes in the cells. These methods have found the greatest use in clinical microbiology. Many systems now include bacterial isolates from food sources and put the information in the database for identification of food isolates. There are many other diagnostic kits made by different countries throughout the world but the basic principles are the same as the three types of kits described here. An example of the variety of methods developed and tested to identify one family of bacteria, the Enterobacteriaceae, is given in Table 2. Many charts for the detection of other pathogens are described in the literature.

Refinements of Novel Methods This section describes new developments in immunology and genetic techniques.


Antibody and antigen reactions for diagnostic microbiology have been used for more than 50 years in clinical sciences, food science, biological sciences, and related sciences. A variety of formats have been used such as agglutination tests, precipitation tests, haemagglutination, single gel diffusion, double gel diffusion, microslide diffusion, latex bead agglutination, etc. The most popular format in terms of commercial kits is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In the Organon Teknika (Durham, NC) system two monoclonal antibodies specific for Salmonella detection are used; one for capturing the organism and the other for reporting the captured antigen. The first antibody is fixed in a solid base such as a microtiter well. A suspected sample containing Salmonella is then added to the well. If Salmonella is present it is captured by the antibody. The second

antibody labelled with an enzyme is then added to the well. It reacts with the captured Salmonella and after addition of the appropriate substrate a color reaction occurs. The color reaction can be detected visually or by use of colorimeter. A series of washing steps are involved in this type of ELISA test. Another system which utilizes monoclonal antibodies is the Assurance EIA test marketed by BioControl (Bothell, WA). The Tecra system (International BioProducts, Redmond, WA) was developed in Australia and uses polyclonal antibodies to detect Salmonella. Such ELISA test kits have been developed for Listeria, E. coli, Campylobacter, etc. Many companies provide a host of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies for a variety of diagnostic tests, including some food pathogens. In the VIDAS system (bioMerieux Vitek, Hazelwood, MO) all intermediate steps are automated. Other completely automated ELISA systems include Tecra OPUS (International BioProduct, Redmond, WA), Bio-tek Instruments (Highland Park, VT), and Automated EIA Processor (BioControl, Bothell, WA). In recent years a series of ‘lateral migration’ ELISA tests have been developed. After overnight pre-enrichment, an analyst only needs to add a drop of the suspect liquid (boiled or unboiled) into the first well of the unit. If a suspect culture (e.g., E. coli O157) is present an antibody will react with the antigen and form a complex which will migrate laterally to another part of the unit where another specific antibody is fixed to capture the target organism (e.g., E. coli O157). A colored particle is attached to the first antibody; thus reaction is reported as a color band in the unit. Excess antibodies will continue to migrate to a region where they will be captured by another antibody and form a visible complex. This is the test control to ensure the system is performing properly. The entire reaction takes only about 10 min, making this type of test very rapid indeed. Currently REVEL (Neogen, Lansing, MI) and VIP (BioControl, Bothell, WA) are two popular systems for rapid detection of Salmonella and E. coli by lateral migration technology. It should be emphasized that with this type of test a negative result would allow the food products, such as ground beef, to be released for shipment. However, when the test is positive the conventional approved methods must be used to confirm the identity of the culture. The UNIQUE system (Tecra system, Roseville, Australia) for Salmonella is another method of using immunocapture technology. In this system a dip stick with antibody against Salmonella is applied to the pre-enriched broth. The antibody captures the Salmonella, if present. This charged dip stick is then placed in a fresh enrichment broth and the cells are allowed to multiply for a few hours. After the second enrichment step, the dip stick with a much larger population of Salmonella attached to it will be subject to further ELISA procedures. The entire test is housed in a convenient plastic self-contained unit. A similar system is developed for Listeria monocytogenes by the same company. This type of self-contained unit is very useful for the smaller laboratory where automated systems may not be practical for routine use. Immunomagnetic capture technology is another exciting development in applied microbiology. In this system

Table 2

Miniaturized biochemical assays: Enterobacteriaceae Supplier

Limit of detection

% Correctly identified

% Total errors



% Agreement

Total time

Cost per assay


bioMérieux Vitek, Hazelwood, MO

Pure colony

1.6 (a)




21 h


Enterotube II MicroIDf

Roche, Basel, Switzerland REMEL

Pure colony Pure colony

77a 95.6b 78.7c 95.2d NR NR




18–24 h 4h



Biolife, Italy

Pure colony






Rambach Agarg

Technogram, France

Pure colony






RapIDonE Salmonella-strip SM-IDc Spectrum-10 Vitek GNIf

Innovative Diagnostic Systems Inc. LabM, UK bioMérieux Vitek, Hazelwood, MO ABL Austin Biological Laboratories bioMérieux Vitek, Hazelwood, MO

Pure colony Pure colony Pure colony Pure colony Pure colony


4.6 NR NR NR 4.40

91 88 NR 100 93 NR NR

80 90.1 100 76 NR 99 37 NR NR

97 97 98.8 (Salmonella) 97.7 (E. coli) 88.1 (Other enterics) NR

92.1 NR NR 91 84.5a 92.8b

4h NR NR 18–24 h NR


After initial incubation. After additional biochemical tests were performed as directed by the manufacturer. After 24 h of incubation. d After 48 h of incubation. e NR, not reported. f AOAC final action. g Selective agar. Reproduced from Kalamaki, M., Price, R.J., Fung, D.Y.C., 1997. Rapid methods for identifying seafood microbial pathogens and toxins. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 5, 87–137. a

b c


Type of kit




paramagnetic beads are coated with antibodies designed to capture target pathogens such as Salmonella. The beads are placed in a liquid culture and the antibodies capture any Salmonella present. Then a powerful magnet is applied to the side of the glass container to localize all the paramagnetic beads with captured target pathogens, thus greatly concentrating the population from the liquid. The rest of the liquid is discarded and the tube washed to remove compounds that are not needed. The beads are released from the side of the glass tube by removing the magnetic field. Further microbiological processes are performed to identify the target pathogen. This procedure saves at least 1 day in most pathogen detection systems. Vicam (Somerville, MA) and Dynal (Oslo, Norway) are two systems using this technology. Motility enrichment is another way to rapidly screen for motile organisms such as Salmonella, Listeria, etc. A motility flash system has been developed that can presumptively detect the presence of Salmonella in food in about 16 h. Confirmation takes another 24 h with this system. BioControl (Bothell, WA) have marketed a 1–2 test system for Salmonella which utilizes motility as a form of selection. The food is first pre-enriched for 24 h in lactose broth and then 0.1 ml is inoculated into one of the chambers in the L-shaped system. The chamber contains selective enrichment liquid medium. There is also a small hole connecting the liquid chamber with the rest of the system which contains a soft agar for Salmonella to migrate. An opening on the top of the second chamber allows the introduction of a drop of polyvalent anti-H antibody for reaction with flagella of Salmonella. If the sample contains Salmonella from the lower side of the unit, they will migrate through the hole and up the agar column. When the antibody meets the Salmonella a visible ‘immunoband’ forms. The presence of the immunoband indicates that the original food sample contained Salmonella. Further confirmation tests are necessary for final identification. Stimulation of the growth of pathogens in these systems will shorten the detection time. The author’s laboratory has developed a variety of procedures utilizing an enzyme named oxyrase to stimulate the growth of pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter, E. coli, etc. in the pre-enrichment or enrichment stage so that the cells reach 106 per milliliter rapidly for secondary detection such as ELISA or other technologies. Oxyrase can also be used to stimulate the growth of starter cultures in the fermentation of a variety of food products such as buttermilk, yoghurt, bread dough, sausages, beer, and wine.

Genetic Methods for Identification DNA and RNA probes have been used for more than 15 years in the diagnostic field. At first the target was DNA of pathogens such as Salmonella and used radioactive compounds to report the hybridization. More recently the target has been RNA and the reporting system is a probe with enzyme attached to change the color of substrates for reporting the hybridization. The reasons are that in a bacterial cell there is only one copy of DNA but up to 10 000 copies of RNA thus by probing RNA these systems will be more sensitive and enzyme systems are far more user friendly than radioactive materials for reporting the hybridization reaction. For more than 10 years, Genetrak (Hopkinton, MA) has been marketing DNA

and RNA for the detection of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) systems are the latest development in DNA amplification technology and have recently gained much attention in food microbiology. Originally the procedures were highly complicated and a very clean environment was needed to perform the test. Recently, much research has been directed at simplifying the procedure for laboratory analysts. Qualicon (Wilmington, DE) is marketing BAX screening system which utilizes pre-packaged tubes for PCR tests of pre-enriched sample for pathogens such as Salmonella and E. coli. All the reagents necessary for PCR are in the tube (primers, buffer, MgCl2, TAQ, and nucleotides). The target DNA, if present in the pre-enriched sample will be subjected to the PCR procedure automatically in the thermal cycler. The cycle consists of heating the liquid to 95  C for a few seconds or minutes to cause the DNA to unfold, then lowering the temperature to about 50  C for the primers (oligonucleotides for specific sequence of bases of the target pathogen) to anneal to the target sections of the half DNA with another specific primer attached to the opposite region of the other half DNA. The temperature is then raised to 72  C for the enzyme TAQ to complete the polymerization of the half DNAs to complete DNA by depositing complementary nucleotides to the unfolded DNA. After the completion of polymerization one original DNA becomes two identical DNA pieces. The cycle repeats and the number of DNA will increase exponentially. Depending on the speed of each cycle one piece of DNA can be amplified to 1  106 pieces in about 2 h. The PCR products can then be detected by electrophoresis, dot blotting, Southern blotting or ELISA type hybridization. In the BAX system electrophoresis is used to detect PCR products for Salmonella and E. coli O157. A new system named Probelia developed by Pasteur Institute is introduced by BioControl in the United States for effective PCR test for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. There are a number of differences between BAX and Probelia systems: (1) In Probelia the nucleotides used are adenine, uracil, guanine and cytosine instead of adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine. (2) A special enzyme uracil-D-glycolase is in the system which can destroy all Probelia PCR products from a previous run; thus for a new run there will be no contaminants before the start of another new sequence of PCR cycles. (3) There is an internal control in the same tube with all the other ingredients for PCR. (4) The PCR products are detected by an ELISA type hybridization procedure. These systems are now being introduced into food laboratories and will be very useful when all the technical details are solved for common food laboratories. Qualicon also markets a Ribotyping system which can track the origins of several pathogens in food plants and other environments. This is especially important for epidemiological work in foodborne outbreaks. In this system a pure culture must be isolated from a suspected sample. DNA from the culture is then extracted and digested by special enzymes into fragments. These fragments are subjected to electrophoresis for separation and then the fragments are loaded on a membrane and the membrane is processed. A highly sensitive photo system is used to record patterns of the



3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Predictions of food microbiological developments Viable cell counts will still be used a. Early sensing of viable colonies on agar, 3–4 h b. Electronic sensing of viable cells under microscope, 2–3 h c. Improvement of vital stains to count living cells d. Early sensing of MPN Real-time monitoring of hygiene will be in place a. ATP b. Catalase c. Sensor for biological materials PCR, ribotyping, genetic tests will become reality in food laboratories ELISA and immunological tests will be completely automated and widely used Dipstick technology will provide rapid answers Biosensors will be in place in HACCP programmes Instant detection of target pathogens will be possible by computer generated matrix in response to particular characteristics of pathogens Effective separation; concentration of target cells will greatly assist in rapid identification Microbiological alert system will be in food packages Consumer will have rapid alert kits for pathogens at home

Reproduced from Fung, D.Y.C., 1995. What’s needed in rapid detection of foodborne pathogens. Food Technology 49 (6), 64–67, presented at the American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting.

fragments and the data are processed through sophisticated computer systems and a riboprint pattern of the culture is obtained. The pattern is then matched with the database to identify the culture. It is important to know that the same organism can have many different patterns. For example Salmonella has 97 RiboPrint Patters, Listeria has 80, E. coli has 65, and Staphylococcus has 252 patterns. Thus when there is an outbreak of Salmonella, for example, it is possible to trace the exact origin of the contamination by matching patterns of the culture causing the outbreak versus the source. Finding a culture of Salmonella in a certain food is not enough to pinpoint the source of this culture to the outbreak but if the RiboPrint of the culture matches exactly with the culture that caused the sickness then it is more reliable to identify the source of the problem. This process is completely automated once the pure culture is introduced into the RiboPrint instrument. In about 8 h eight samples can be processed simultaneously. Also every 2 hours a new set of eight samples can be introduced to the instrument. This instrument won the 1997 Institute of Food Technologists Industrial Award for the excellence of the process and the potential impact on tracing foodborne pathogens. Other techniques of this type of work include the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method, pulsed-field electrophoresis, multiplex RAPD, etc. It is not possible to mention all the new and useful methods, suffice to say that there are many chemical, biochemical and physical methods that can be used to identify microorganisms such as gas liquid chromatography, GC mass spectrometry, fatty acid profile, protein profiles, pyrolysis, calorimetry, etc. In conclusion, this article has described a variety of methods that are designed to improve current methods,


explore new ideas and develop new concepts and technologists for the improvement of applied microbiology. This field will certainly grow, and many food microbiologists will find these new methods very useful in their routine work in the immediate future. Many methods described here are already being used by applied microbiologists nationally and internationally. Table 3 (compiled in 1995 by the author) lists some predictions of food microbiological developments. As we move into the twenty-first century many of the predictions have become realities. The future is bright for this field of endeavor for promoting food safety and protecting the health of consumers nationally and internationally.

See also: Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Food-Poisoning Microorganisms.

Further Reading Adams, M.R., Hope, C.F.A., 1989. Rapid Methods in Food Microbiology. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Bourgeois, C.M., Leveau, J.Y., Fung, D.Y.C., 1995. Microbiological Control for Foods and Agricultural Products. VCH Publishers, New York. Chain, V.S., Fung, D.Y.C., 1991. Comparative analysis of Redigel, Petrifilm, Isogrid, and Spiral Plating System and the Standard Plate Count method for the evaluation of mesophiles from selected foods. Journal of Food Protection 54, 208–211. Doyle, M.P.O., Beuchat, L.R., Montville, T.J., 1997. Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers. ASM Press, Washington, DC. Feng, P., 1997. Impact of molecular biology and the detection of foodborne pathogens. Molecular Biotechnology 7, 267–278. Fung, D.Y.C., 1992. Historical development of rapid methods and automation in microbiology. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 1, 1–14. Fung, D.Y.C., 1995. What’s needed in rapid detection of foodborne pathogens. Food Technology 49 (6), 64–67. Fung, D.Y.C., 1997. Overview of rapid methods of microbiological analysis. In: Tortorello, M.C., Gendel, S.M. (Eds.), Food Microbiological Analysis: New Technologies. Marcel Dekker, New York. Fung, D.Y.C., Kraft, A.A., 1970. A rapid and simple method for the detection and isolation of Salmonella from mixed cultures and poultry products. Poultry Science 49, 46–54. Fung, D.Y.C., Mathews, R.F. (Eds.), 1991. Instrumental Methods for Quality Assurance in Foods. Marcel Dekker, New York. Fung, D.Y.C., Sharpe, A.N., Hart, B.C., Liu, Y., 1998. The Pulsfier: a new instrument for preparing food suspension for microbiological analysis. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 6 (1), 43–50. Fung, D.Y.C., Yu, L.S.L., Niroomand, F., Tuitemwong, K., 1994. Novel methods to stimulate growth of food pathogens by oxyrase and related membrane fractions. In: Spencer, R.C., Wright, E.P., Newsome, S.W.B. (Eds.), Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology. Intercept, Andover, UK. Kalamaki, M., Price, R.J., Fung, D.Y.C., 1997. Rapid methods for identifying seafood microbial pathogens and toxins. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 5, 87–137. Mossel, D.A.A., Corry, J.E.L., Struijk, C.B., Baird, R.M., 1995. Essentials of the Microbiology of Foods. John Wiley, New York. Oslon, W.P. (Ed.), 1996. Automated Microbial Identification and Quantitation: Technologies for the 200s. Interpharm Press, Buffalo Grove, II. Patel, P.D., 1994. Rapid Analysis Techniques in Food Microbiology. Chapman & Hall, New York. Swaminathan, B., Feng, P., 1994. Rapid detection of foodborne pathogenic bacteria. Reviews in Microbiology 48, 401–426. Tortorello, M.L., Gendel, S.M., 1997. Food Microbiology Analysis: New Technolgies. Marcel Dekker, New York.

Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, and Escherichia Coli T Sandle, Bio Products Laboratory Ltd, Elstree, UK Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is a revision of the previous edition article by Rijkelt R. Beumer, M.C. Te Giffel, A.G.E. Griffeon, volume 1, pp 244–249, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

Introduction The Enterobacteriaceae is a large family of Gram-negative bacteria that includes, along with many harmless symbionts, many of the more familiar pathogens, such as Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Yersinia pestis, Klebsiella, Shigella, Proteus, Enterobacter, Serratia, and Citrobacter. Members of the Enterobacteriaceae are rod shaped and typically are 1–5 mm in length. Enterobacteria have Gram-negative stains, and they are facultative anaerobes, fermenting sugars to produce lactic acid and various other end products. Many members of this family are a normal part of the gut flora found in the intestines of humans and other animals, whereas others are found in water or soil, or are parasites on a variety of different animals and plants (Williams et al., 2010). Some bacteria grouped as Enterobacteriaceae are subcategorized as ‘coliforms,’ including Escherichia, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Serratia, and Citrobacter, because they share similar morphological and biochemical characteristics. Coliform bacteria are a commonly used bacterial indicator of sanitary quality of foods and water (Taylor, 1986). Given the importance of these bacteria, as food-poisoning organisms, the accurate identification of the different species is of great importance to food microbiology. The identification of microorganisms with conventional methods involves a great amount of materials and work. Therefore, many rapid identification systems have been developed (MacFaddin, 1980). These techniques are based on ready-to-use media, or more accurate methods using dehydrated substrates, placed in cupules or tubes, or rapid microbiological methods (Kilian and Bulow, 1976). There are a number of conventional and commercially available automated and nonautomated systems to identify Gram-negative rods. Except for reference testing, conventional macrotube biochemical tests for bacterial identification have been replaced by commercial systems, because the classical methods are too expensive, slow, and unwieldy for routine use in the microbiological laboratory. Some of the systems are restricted to one genus (i.e., API Listeria), and others can be applied for large groups (BBL Crystal Grampositive Identification System). These systems range from visual interpretation of miniaturized biochemical panels with computerized taxonomic databases to semiautomated or automated systems that can interpret and analyze results in a matter of hours. Many laboratories now adopt semiautomated phenotypic identification systems, such as VITEK or Omnilog, or they have embraced genotypic methods, including polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–based methods. Systems for determination of Enterobacteriaceae are more available than identification systems for other microorganisms


(Griffioen and Beumer, 1995). As most of these systems initially were developed for application in clinical microbiology, bacteria from animal, food, feed, or environmental sources may be tested less commonly and incorporated in the identification databases of the system. The diversity of these microorganisms, originating from various sources, may cause problems for the identification systems, since bacterial strains of the same species may vary slightly in their biochemical reactions. There are also differences among the databases (Phenetic Classification Database) of different identification systems. Although results obtained with various identification systems for Enterobacteriaceae have been described in the literature, worldwide most tests for the biochemical identification of Enterobacteriaceae (in medical, industrial, and research laboratories) are performed with the miniaturized systems API 20E, BBLÒ EnterotubeÔ, and BBLÒ CrystalÔ Enteric/Nonfermenter ID. This article described these systems in detail, and the results obtained with the systems in identifying test strains of Enterobacteriaceae are discussed.

Principles and Types of Commercially Available Tests Identification methods can be divided into two groups: phenotypic and genotypic. The genotype–phenotype distinction is drawn in genetics. ‘Genotype’ is an organism’s full hereditary information, even if not expressed. ‘Phenotype’ is an organism’s actual observed properties, such as morphology, development, or behavior. Phenotypic methods are the most widespread due to their relatively lower costs for many laboratories. Expressions of the microbial phenotype – that is, cell size and shape, cellular composition, antigenicity, biochemical activity, sensitivity to antimicrobial agents, and so on – frequently depend on the media and growth conditions that have been used.

Phenotypic Methods Phenotypic methods tend to work on the process of elimination. If test A is positive and B is not, then one group of possible microorganisms is included and another is excluded. From this, tests C and D are performed, and so on. The test results are compared against databases that work on the basis of a dichotomous key. A dichotomous key is a way of dividing groups of organisms, based on certain attributes. Bacteria are categorized using this method based on differences in their physical or metabolic attributes. Phenotypic methods can be divided into manual and semiautomated methods.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


BIOCHEMICAL AND MODERN IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES j Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, and Escherichia Coli Manual Test Kits Once the cellular characteristics of the unknown organism have been reported (such as through a microscopic view of the Gram reaction), the second stage of identification is to identify the genus and species of bacteria. The most common techniques used, based on their costs and long history, are biochemical tests. Before starting a test, it must be confirmed that the culture is an Enterobacteriaceae. To test this, specific growth on violet red bile agar, fermentation of glucose (positive), and oxidase reaction (negative) should be observed (Sutton and Cundell, 2004). The oxidase test is for cytochrome c oxidase. Enterobacteriaceae are typically oxidase negative, meaning they either do not use oxygen as an electron acceptor in the electron transport chain, or they use a different cytochrome enzyme to transfer electrons to oxygen. If the culture is determined to be oxidase positive, alternative tests must be carried out to correctly identify the bacterial species. The subsequent Gram stain should be negative, and the morphology of the stained cells should be rod shaped (Hartman, 1968). Phenotypic reactions typically incorporate reactions to different chemicals or different biochemical markers. These rely on the more subjective determinations. The reliance on biochemical reactions and carbon utilization patterns introduces some disadvantages to the achievement of consistent (repeatable and reproducible) identification. These are mature technologies, however, such as the API strip, that are marketed by multiple companies as consistent, prepackaged kits with well-established quality control procedures (Monnet et al., 1994). For the Enterobacteriaceae, the appropriate test kits are the API 20E (bioMérieux, Marcy-l’Etoile, France), BBLÒ EnterotubeÔ, and BBLÒ CrystalÔ (Becton Dickinson and Company, Maryland, United States). These test kits do not require high investments in apparatus, are user friendly, and are well known in laboratories for clinical, veterinary, and food microbiology (Micklewright and Sartory, 1995).

Principle and Use of the API 20E Identification System for Enterobacteriaceae API 20E is a standardized identification system for Enterobacteriaceae and other nonfastidious Gram-negative rods, which uses 23 miniaturized biochemical tests and a database. The API 20E strip consists of 20 microtubes containing dehydrated substrates. These tests are inoculated with a bacterial suspension that reconstitutes the media. During incubation, metabolism or metabolite produces color changes that either are spontaneous or revealed by the addition of reagents. The obtained reactions are analyzed according to the interpretation table, the analytical profile index (a codebook), or the APILAB software (or, more commonly, an online resource). The API 20E kit consists of 25 API 20E strips and 25 incubation boxes. To use the API 20E, the following materials are necessary: suspension medium or sterile water (5 ml), reagent kit, zinc reagent, mineral oil, pipettes, API 20E profile index or identification software, and an ampoule


rack. The following general laboratory equipment also is required: incubator (35–37  C), refrigerator, Bunsen burner, and marker pen. To determine fermentative or oxidative metabolism and motility, API OF-medium and API M-medium might be necessary.

Directions for Use Preparation of the Strip Prepare an incubation box, tray, and lid and distribute about 5 ml of water into the honeycombed wells of the tray to create a humid chamber. l Record the strain reference on the elongated tab of the tray. l Place the strip in the tray. l Perform the oxidase test on an identical colony. Only use oxidase-negative colonies for the biochemical determination of Enterobacteriaceae. l

Preparation of the Inoculum Open an ampoule of suspension medium or sterile water without additives. l With the aid of a pipette, remove a single well-isolated colony from an isolation plate. l Carefully emulsify to achieve a homogenous bacterial suspension. l

Inoculation of the Strip With the same pipette, fill both the tube and cupule of tests CIT (citrate utilization), VP (acetoin production, Voges– Proskauer reaction), and GEL (gelatinase), with the bacterial suspension. l Fill only the tubes (and not the cupules) of the other tests. l Create anaerobiosis in the tests ADH (arginine dihydrolase), LDC (lysine decarboxylase), ODC (ornithine decarboxylase), URE (urease), and H2S by overlaying with mineral oil. l Close the incubation box and incubate at 35–37  C for 18–24 h. l

Reading of the Strip l l l

l l

After 18–24 h at 35–37  C, read the strip by referring to the interpretation table. Record all spontaneous reactions on the record sheet. If the glucose reaction is positive or three tests or more are positive, reveal the results that require the addition of reagents: VP, TDA (tryptophane desaminase), IND (indole production), and NO2. Add the reagents required and record the results on the report sheet. If the glucose reaction is negative and the number of positive tests is less than or equal to two, do not add reagents.

Identification l

Using the identification table, compare the results recorded on the report sheet with those given in the table.

234 l

BIOCHEMICAL AND MODERN IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES j Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, and Escherichia Coli

With the analytical profile index or the identification software, code the pattern of the reactions obtained in a numerical profile.

On the report sheet, the tests are separated into groups of three, and a number (4, 2, or 1) is indicated for each. By adding the numbers corresponding to positive reactions within each group, a seven-digit profile number is obtained for the 20 tests of the API 20E strip. In some cases, the seven-digit profile is not discriminatory enough, and additional tests should be carried out, including the following: reduction of nitrates to nitrites (NO2), reduction of nitrites to N2 gas, motility, growth on MacConkey agar medium, oxidation of glucose, and fermentation of glucose.

Principle of the BBL® Enterotube™ for the Identification of Enterobacteriaceae The EnterotubeÔ and its computer coding and identification system are designed specially for the identification of Enterobacteriaceae (i.e., aerobic, Gram-negative rods, which are oxidase negative). The EnterotubeÔ consists of 12 compartments in a row, filled with ready-to-use media (‘wet’ system), with which 15 reactions can be performed. EnterotubesÔ are delivered in boxes containing 5 or 25 units, 5 or 25 report sheets, and an instruction manual.

Directions for Use Preparation of the Tube Remove both caps from the tube. The tip of the inoculation needle is under the white cap. Without flaming the needle, pick a well-isolated colony directly on the top of the needle. Do not puncture the agar.

Inoculation of the Tube Inoculate the tube by first twisting the needle, then withdrawing it through all the compartments using a turning motion. Reinsert the needle (without sterilizing) into the tube until the notch on the needle is aligned with the opening of the tube. The tip of the needle should be seen in the citrate compartment. l Break the needle at the notch by bending. The portion of the needle remaining in the tube maintains the anaerobic conditions necessary for true fermentation of glucose, decarboxylation of lysine and ornithine, and the detection of gas production. Replace both caps. l With the broken-off part of the needle, punch holes through the foil, covering the air inlets of the last eight compartments (adonitol, lactose, arabinose, sorbitol, Voges–Proskauer, and dulcitol/PA (phenylalanine desaminase), urea, and citrate) to support aerobic growth in these compartments. l Incubate the tube at 35–37  C, standing it upright if possible in the test-tube support with its glucose compartment pointing upward, or lay the tube on its flat surface. l

Reading of the Tube Interpret all the reactions with the exception of indole and Voges–Proskauer, in comparison with a reference picture or a not-inoculated tube. Record the reactions on the interpretation pad. The reaction is negative if the compartment remains unchanged (exceptions: indole and Voges–Proskauer). l Perform the indole test and the Voges–Proskauer test by adding the Kovacs’s reagent into the H2S/indole compartment (directly under the plastic film) and a-naphthol and potassium hydroxide (through the air inlet) into the Voges– Proskauer compartment. l

To identify an isolate, the numbers for the positive reactions are written down on the interpretation pad. The circled numbers for 5  3 reactions are added together, resulting in a five-digit number (ID value). The number thus obtained then is compared with the Computer Coding and Identification system (available at Becton Dickinson), which results in the identification of a microorganism. If further tests are required, or if the purity of culture has to be checked, an inoculum from the incubated tube can be taken and applied to a suitable medium or broth for subcultivation as follows: The inoculation needle is drawn out with sterile forceps and streaked on a plate. l Bacterial substance is extracted from a positive compartment with a sterile loop after the plastic film has been removed. l

Principle of the BBL® Crystal™ Enteric/Nonfermenter ID System for Enterobacteriaceae The BBLÒ CrystalÔ Enteric/Nonfermenter (E/NF) identification system is a miniaturized identification method employing modified conventional and chromogenic substrates. The kit includes lids, bases, and inoculum fluid tubes. The lid contains 30 dehydrated substrates on the tips of plastic prongs. The base has 30 reaction wells. The test inoculum is prepared with the inoculum fluid and is used to fill all 30 wells in the base. When the lid is aligned with the base and snapped in place, the test inoculum rehydrates the dried substrates and this rehydration initiates test reactions. After an incubation period, the wells are examined for color changes, resulting from metabolic activity of microorganisms. The resulting pattern of the 30 reactions is converted into a 10-digit profile number that is the basis for identification. The BBLÒ CrystalÔ kit consists of 20 lids, 20 bases, 20 tubes with inoculum fluid, two incubation trays, one color reaction card, and a results pad. To use the kit, the following materials are required (but not provided): sterile cotton swabs, incubator (35–37  C, 40–50% humidity), a BBLÒ CrystalÔ light box, the BBL CrystalÔ ID system electronic codebook, nonselective culture plates (e.g., tryptone–soy agar), and reagents to perform the indole test and the oxidase test (BBL DMACA Indole and BBL Oxidase reagent dropper) (Holmes et al., 1994).

BIOCHEMICAL AND MODERN IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES j Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, and Escherichia Coli Directions for Use Preparation of the Panels l


l l l l l

l l


Remove the lids from the pouch. Discard the dust cover and desiccant. Once removed from the pouch, the lids should be used within 1 h. Take a tube with inoculum fluid and label it with the number of the strain to be tested. Using an aseptic technique, pick one well-isolated large (w2–3 mm) colony (or 4–5 smaller colonies of the same morphology) with the tip of a sterile cotton swab or a wooden applicator stick from a blood plate such as TrypticaseÒ soy agar with 5% sheep blood or MacConkey agar (or any suitable nonselective medium). Suspend the colony material in the inoculum fluid. Recap the tube and vortex for approximately 10–15 s. Take a base, and mark the number of the strain on the side wall. Pour the entire contents of the inoculum into the target area of the base. Hold the base in both hands and roll the inoculum gently along the tracks until all of the wells are filled. Roll back any excess fluid to the target area and place the base on a bench top. Align the lid so that the labeled end of the lid is on top of the target area of the base. Push down until a slight resistance is felt. Place your thumb on the edge of the lid toward the middle of panel on each side and push downward simultaneously until the lid snaps into place (listen for two ‘clicks’). Place inoculated panels in incubation trays. All panels should be incubated upside-down in a non-CO2 incubator with 40–60% humidity. Trays should not be stacked more than two high during incubation. The incubation time is 18–20 h at 35–37  C.

Reading of the Panels After the recommended period of incubation, remove the panels from the incubator. All panels should be read upsidedown using the BBLÒ CrystalÔ light box. Refer to the color reaction chart for an interpretation of the reactions. Use the BBLÒ Crystal E/NF results pad to record reactions. l Each test that is positive is given a value of 4, 2, or 1, corresponding to the row at which the test is located. A value of 0 (zero) is given to any negative result. The numbers resulting from each positive reaction in each column are then added together, resulting in a 10-digit number: the BBLÒ CrystalÔ profile number. l This number, and the offline tests for indole and oxidase tests, should be entered on a personal computer in which the BBLÒ CrystalÔ ID system electronic codebook has been installed to obtain the identification. l

Comparison of the Manual Tests The biochemical reactions used in the identification systems can be classified according to the reaction patterns in the following groups: decarboxylation reactions, hydrolysis,


oxidation or fermentation reactions, production of characteristic substances, and ‘other reactions.’ The biochemical reactions used for each of the three identification systems are given in Table 1. The criterion for a ‘good identification’ is 90% confidence (Holmes et al., 1977). A percentage level is provided by the BBLÒ CrystalÔ system and the BBLÒ EnterotubeÔ (78%). With the API 20E test, in addition to the confidence percentage, a socalled T-index is provided. This value varies from 0 to 1 and is inversely proportional to the number of atypical reactions. According to the manufacturer, apart from a percentage of identification of at least 90%, percentages below 90% with a T-index between 0.5 and 1.0 are also acceptable. Problems can arise in cases in which an inadequate identification is obtained. This can be due to a short incubation time or a too low level of inoculation.

Semiautomated Methods Some of the commercially available methods – for example, VITEK (bioMérieux, Marcy-l’Etoile, France) or Omnilog (Biolog Inc., Hayward, California) – can be used only in combination with expensive equipment. Nonetheless, such systems reduce costs when processing a large volume of samples (Stager and Davis, 1992). Both systems are growth-based, biochemical and carbohydrate utilization. With the VITEK system, microbial cells from isolated colonies are used to prepare a microbial suspension, which then is added to specific test cards containing substrates for enzymatic utilization, carbohydrate acidification, and other tests. Color or turbidity changes in each well are measured every 15 min and results are compared with an internal library. Gram staining is required to determine the correct test card to use (Gherardi et al., 2012). With the Omnilog, microbial cells from isolated colonies are used to prepare a microbial suspension, which then is added to specific test cards containing a variety of carbohydrates and a colorless tetrazolium violet dye (Klingler et al., 1992). If growth occurs, the dye turns violet in color. The resulting color patterns are compared with an internal library (Shea et al., 2012). Alternative rapid, automated phenotypic systems include the Hy-enterotest (Hy laboratories, Israel), Phoenix (BD Diagnostics, United States), MALDI Biotyper (Bruker Daltonics), and the Sherlock MIS (MIDI) (Miller, 2012).

Genotypic Methods Genotypic methods are not reliant on the isolation medium or growth characteristics of the microorganism. Genotypic methods have considerably enhanced databases of different types of microorganisms. In contrast to the phenotypic methods, genotypic techniques are more accurate. This is because the microbial genotype is highly conserved and is independent of the culture conditions, so the identifications may be conducted on uncultured test material–primary enrichments that increase the amount of nucleic acid available for analysis (Dutka-Malen et al., 1995).

236 Table 1

BIOCHEMICAL AND MODERN IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES j Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, and Escherichia Coli Biochemical reactions used in three identification systems for Enterobacteriaceae (API 20E, BBL® Enterotube™, and BBL® Crystal™)

Type of reaction



BBL® Crystal™

Decarboxylation Hydrolysis

Lysine, ornithine Arginine o-n-p (ortho-nitro-phenyl) galactoside, urea

Lysine, ornithine Urea

Oxidation fermentation

Amygdalin, arabinose, citrate, glucose, inositol, mannitol, melibiose, rhamnose, sorbitol, sucrose Acetoin, H2S, indole, nitrite Gelatin (degradation), tryptophan (deamination)

Adonitol, arabinose, citrate, dulcitol, glucose, lactose, sorbitol

Lysine Arginine, aesculin, p-n-p-acetylglucosaminide, p-n-p-arabinoside, p-np-bisphosphate, p-n-p-b-galactoside, pn-p-a-b-glucoside, p-n-p-b-glucuronide, p-n-p-g-L-glutamyl-p-n-anilide, p-n-pphosphate, p-n-p-phosphorylcholine, p-n-p-xyloside, proline p-n-anilide, urea Arabinose, adonitol, citrate, galactose, inositol, malonate, mannitol, mannose, melibiose, rhamnose, sorbitol, sucrose – Tetrazolium (reduction), p-n-DL-p-alanine (oxidative deamination), glycine (degradation)

Production Other reactions

Gas (glucose), H2S, pyruvic acid, indole –

Genotypic microbial identification methods based on nucleic acid analyses are less subjective, less dependent on the culture method, and theoretically more reliable because nucleic acid sequences are highly conserved by microbial species. These methods would include DNA–DNA hybridization, PCR, 16s and 23s rRNA gene sequencing (the 16s rRNA gene is most commonly used), and analytical ribotyping (Kolbert and Persing, 1999). Given the expense of genotypic systems and the current low use in food microbiology laboratories, they are not discussed any further.

Conclusion This article has examined the main methods for the identification of bacteria collectively grouped as Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, and E. coli. Given that most food microbiology laboratories continue to use manual identification test kits, the emphasis is on these techniques. Reference has been made, however, to semiautomated methods and to genotyping.

See also: Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Introduction; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Food-Poisoning Microorganisms; Enterobacteriaceae, Coliform, and Escherichia coli: Classical and Modern Methods for Detection and Enumeration; Enzyme Immunoassays: Overview; Hydrophobic Grid Membrane Filter Techniques; Immunomagnetic Particle-Based Techniques: Overview; National Legislation, Guidelines, and Standards Governing Microbiology: European Union; National Legislation, Guidelines, and Standards Governing Microbiology: Japan; Nucleic Acid–Based Assays: Overview; Petrifilm– A Simplified Cultural Technique; Rapid Methods for Food Hygiene Inspection; Sampling Plans on Microbiological Criteria; Water Quality Assessment: Modern Microbiological Techniques.

References Dutka-Malen, S., Evers, S., Courvalin, P., 1995. Detection of glycopeptide resistance genotypes and identification to the species level of clinically relevant enterococci by PCR. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 33 (1), 24–27. Gherardi, G., Angeletti, S., Panitti, M., Pompilio, A., Di Bonaventura, G., Crea, F., Avola, A., Fico, L., Palazzo, C., Sapia, G.F., Visaggio, D., Dicuonzo, G., 2012. Comparative evaluation of the Vitek-2 Compact and Phoenix systems for rapid identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing directly from blood cultures of Gram-negative and Gram-positive isolates. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 72 (1), 20–31. Epub 2011 Oct 24. Griffioen, A.G.E., Beumer, R.R., 1995. Identificatie van Enterobacteriaceae met 6 systemen. Voedingsmiddelentechnologie 18, 18–23. Hartman, P.A., 1968. Miniaturized Microbiological Methods. Academic Press, New York. Holmes, B., Willcox, W.R., Lapage, S.P., Malnick, H., 1977. Test reproducibility of the API (20E), Enterotube™, and Pathotec systems. Journal of Clinical Pathology 30, 381–387. Holmes, B., Costas, M., Thaker, T., Stevens, M., 1994. Evaluation of two BBL® Crystal™ systems for identification of some clinically important Gram-negative bacteria. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 32, 2221–2224. Kilian, M., Bulow, P., 1976. Rapid diagnosis of Enterobacteriaceae I: detection of bacterial glycosidases. Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica Section B, Microbiology 84, 245–251. Klingler, J.M., Stowe, Obenhuber, D.C., 1992. Evaluation of the Biolog automated microbial identification system. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 58, 2089–2092. Kolbert, C.P., Persing, D.H., 1999. Ribosomal DNA sequencing as a tool for identification of bacterial pathogens. Current Opinion in Microbiology 2, 299–305. MacFaddin, J.F., 1980. Biochemical Tests for Identification of Medical Bacteria. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 441. Micklewright, I.J., Sartory, D.P., 1995. Evaluation of the BBL® Crystal™ Enteric/ Nonfermenter kit for the identification of water-derived environmental Enterobacteriaceae. Letters in Applied Microbiology 21, 160–163. Miller, M.J., 2012. Looking to the future: rapid and automated microbial identification technologies. In: Griffin, M., Reber, D. (Eds.), Microbial Identification. The Keys to a Successful Program. PDA and Davis Healthcare International Publishing, Bethesda, MD, USA, pp. 1–29. (Chapter 15). Monnet, D., Lafay, D.M., Desmonceaux, M., 1994. Evaluation of a semi-automated 24-hour commercial system for identification of Enterobacteriaceae and other Gram-negative bacteria. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 13, 424–430. Shea, A., Wolcott, M., Daefler, S., Rozak, D.A., 2012. Biolog phenotype microarrays. Methods in Molecular Biology 881, 331–373.

BIOCHEMICAL AND MODERN IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES j Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, and Escherichia Coli Stager, C.E., Davis, J.R., 1992. Automated systems for identification of microorganisms. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 5, 302–327. Sutton, S.V.W., Cundell, A.M., 2004. Microbial identification in the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmacopeial Forum 35 (5), 1884–1894. Taylor, D.B., 1986. Microbiological Terminology Update: Enterobacteriaceae. Hoffmann-LaRoche, Inc., Nutley, N. J.


Williams, K.P., Gillespie, J.J., Sobral, B.W.S., Nordberg, E.K., Snyder, E.E., Shallom, J.M., Dickerman, A.W., 2010. Phylogeny of gammaproteobacteria. Journal of Bacteriology 192 (9), 2305–2314.

Food-Poisoning Microorganisms T Sandle, Bio Products Laboratory Ltd, Elstree, UK Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is a revision of the previous edition article by Daniel Y.C. Fung, volume 1, pp 237–244, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

Introduction Identification methods can be divided into two groups: phenotypic and genotypic. The genotype–phenotype distinction is drawn in genetics. ‘Genotype’ is an organism’s full hereditary information, even if not expressed. ‘Phenotype’ is an organism’s actual observed properties, such as morphology, development, or behavior (Sutton and Cundell, 2004). Phenotypic methods are the most widespread due to their relatively lower costs for many laboratories. It should be recognized, however, that expressions of the microbial phenotype – that is, cell size and shape, sporulation, cellular composition, antigenicity, biochemical activity, sensitivity to antimicrobial agents, and so on – frequently depend on the media and growth conditions that have been used. These conditions will include variables such as temperature, pH, redox potential, and osmolality and possibly lesser-known variables such as nutrient depletion, vitamin and mineral availability, growth cycle, water activity of solid media, static or rotatory liquid culture, and solid versus liquid media culture, as well as colony density on the plate. Therefore, some care is required in the interpretation of microbiological identification test results and the trending of data. A further limitation with phenotypic methods is the size and type of the Phenetic Classification Database. With the type of database, many databases are orientated toward clinical applications and do not necessarily serve industrial application well. In terms of size, databases are limited based on the relatively low number of microorganisms that have been characterized (Stager and Davis, 1992). The classical scheme of identification of bacteria by biochemical methods depends on whether a pure culture of the microorganism of interest can grow in an agar plate, an agar slant, a broth, a paper strip, or other supportive material containing specialized growth promoters or inhibitors in the presence of a fermentable or degradable compound, resulting in the medium changing color, development of gas, development of fluorescent compound, and other manifestation of metabolic activities. If the behavior of known cultures in these media is known, an unknown culture can be matched with these characteristics, and based on the closest match to a database, an analyst can make an identification of the unknown culture. This process is tedious, is time-consuming, and requires a lot of labor, materials, time, and energy to perform the tests. In addition, the skill of the analyst in interpreting the reactions and arriving at a correct judgment makes this process subjective and often unreliable (Kalamaki et al., 1997). Genotypic methods are not reliant on the isolation medium or growth characteristics of the microorganism. Genotypic methods have considerably enhanced databases of different types of microorganisms. Before the advent of genotypic methods, microbiologists speculated that a number of taxa


were present and unculturable (so-termed viable-but-nonculturable strains). Genotypic methods have opened up a whole new set of species and subspecies, as well as reclassifying species and related species (thus, taxa that often are grouped similarly by phenotypic methods actually are polyphyletic groups – that is, they contain organisms with different evolutionary histories that are homologously dissimilar organisms that have been grouped together). Another advantage with genotypic methods is their accuracy and faster time to result (as microorganisms do not need to be grown on culture media). They are, however, relatively expensive. To make a complete identification, a great many tests can be done, as shown in Table 1.

Phenotypic Identification Methods Phenotypic reactions typically incorporate reactions to different chemicals or different biochemical markers. These rely on the more subjective determinations. The reliance on biochemical reactions and carbon utilization patterns introduces some disadvantages to the achievement of consistent

Table 1 Information needed for the identification of foodborne pathogens (Fung, 1995). Phenotypic characteristics Macroscopic morphology on agar plates Morphology under microscopic magnification Gram reaction (positive, negative, or variable) and special staining properties Biochemical activity profile and special enzyme systems Pigment production, bioluminescence, chemiluminescence, and fluorescent compound production Nutritional and growth factor requirements Temperature and pH requirements and tolerance Fermentation products, metabolites, and toxin production Antibiotic sensitivity pattern (antibiogram) Gas requirements and tolerance Cell wall, cell membrane, and cellular components Growth rate constant and generation time Motility and spore formation Resistance to organic dyes and special compounds Impedance, conductance, and capacitance characteristics Genotypic characteristics Genetic profile: DNA/RNA sequences and fingerprinting Extracellular and intracellular products Information relating to the microorganism Pathogenicity to animals and humans Serology and phage typing Ecological niche and survival ability Response to electromagnetic fields, light, sound, and radiation

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


BIOCHEMICAL AND MODERN IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES j Food-Poisoning Microorganisms (repeatable and reproducible) identification. To improve on the classical methods of biochemical identification, several developments have been made and refined in recent years. Collectively, these methods are considered to be modern biochemical identification techniques. Although it is possible to prepared militarized biochemical tests within the laboratory, the purchase of commercial test kits is preferable as these can be closely aligned to a database. Commercial diagnostic test kits consist of miniaturized and multitest units. The two main types of diagnostic kits are agar based and dehydrated media based. In these systems, the pure cultures grow in a variety of solid or liquid media, changing color or gas formation, or utilizing their enzymes to change the color of the substrates. Diagnostic charts can be used to identify unknown cultures or the numerical manuals of computerassisted systems. Most of these systems were first designed to identify the family Enterobacteriaceae, and the databases remain largely orientated toward clinical microbiology rather than toward food microbiology. Later, some systems branched out to identify other microorganisms, such as the nonfermentors, lactics, yeast, and so on. The following are synopses of how diagnostic kits operate and the range of microorganisms tested (Russell et al., 1997). As far as possible, information concerning comparative analysis of these kits with conventional methods will be made (also see the Further Reading section). For many diagnostic kits, accuracy ratings are provided in cases in which kits are compared with conventional methods. Most comparative analyses of diagnostic kits were done many years ago and not repeated. It is difficult to compare one kit with another as the databases often vary. The consensus of opinion is that, to be acceptable, a kit should have a 90–95% accuracy correlated with the conventional method. When the value drops to 85% or below, the system is marginally acceptable and any value below that is not acceptable (Thippareddi and Fung, 1998).

Agar-Based Diagnostic Kits Several agar-based multimedia diagnostic kits are available, such as the Enterotube system (Roche Diagnostic, Nutley, NJ). The Enterotube II is a self-contained, compartmented plastic tube containing 12 different conventional media and an enclosed inoculating wire, which is threaded through the entire unit (Farmer, 2003). This system permits 15 standard biochemical tests to be inoculated and performed from a single bacterial colony. Reagents are added to the indole test and Voges–Proskauer (VP) test before color reactions and gas formation are read. Table 2 shows the color reactions of the tests. Because such a table exists for every diagnostic kit described in this article, this table will serve as a model for other kits. Similar tables will not be repeated. After reading the reactions, each result is given a score according to the system. After all the scores are added, an identification (ID) value in the form of a five-digit number will be generated. Other systems (to be described) may have 7- or 10-digit numbers. From the code book, the microorganism can be identified. This procedure is repeated for most other systems and will not be described again. The Enterotube II was developed to identify Enterobacteriaceae only; it has developed to be

Table 2

Reactions of biochemical tests for Enterotube II



Glucose utilization Gas production Lysine decarboxylase Ornithine decarboxylase H2S production Indole formation Adonitol fermentation Lactose fermentation Arabinose fermentation Sorbitol fermentation Voges–Proskauer Dulcitol fermentation Phenylalanine deaminase Urease Citrate utilization

Positive reaction

Negative reaction

Yellow Wax lifted Purple Purple Black Pink-red Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Red in 20 min Yellow or pale yellow Black to smoky gray Red-purple Deep blue

Red Wax not lifted Yellow Yellow Beige Colorless Red Red Red Red Green Green Yellow Green

able to identify a variety of other oxidase-negative Gramnegative rods. A similar unit, the Oxi/Ferm Tube, was designed for Gramnegative nonfermenters. Advantages of Enterotube II include rapidity and ease of inoculation, that inoculum suspension is not required, and a single colony can be used for identification. Disadvantages include that it is only useful for Enterobacteriaceae, it is difficult to stack in the incubator, and it has a short shelf life.

Dehydrated Media Diagnostic Kits Dehydrated media diagnostic kits are another type of miniaturized microbiological method. Dehydrated media kits have the advantage of much longer shelf life than agar-based media (18 months versus a few months). Those currently used in clinical, environmental, industrial, and food microbiology will be discussed in the following sections. Of course, many similar systems are available worldwide: The systems discussed here have been well tested and used in the United States and Europe.

Analytical Profile Index The Analytical Profile Index (API; bioMérieux, Hazelwood, MO) is arguably the most popular system for diagnostic bacteriology in the world, especially for Enterobacteriaceae. The API 20E system is a miniaturized microtube system that has 20 small wells designed to perform 23 standard biochemical tests from isolated colonies of bacteria on plating medium. The system has procedures for same-day and 18–24 h identification of Enterobacteriaceae. It consists of microtubes containing dehydrated substrates. The substrates are reconstituted by adding a bacterial suspension into each of the 20 wells; some of the wells are filled with mineral oil to create anaerobic conditions. The unit then is incubated so that the microorganisms react with the contents of the tubes and are read when the indicator systems are affected by the metabolites or added reagents – generally after 18–24 h incubation at 35–37  C.



After all the reactions are read and recorded in a data sheet, a number code is generated and the code can be matched with the code book for identification. The strip also can be read in a reader and the results interpreted by a computer (Woolfrey et al., 1984). Using similar formats, other microorganisms can be identified, such as API Gram-negative Identification: API Rapid 20E (4 h identification of Enterobacteriaceae); API 20NE (24–48 h identification of Gram-negative non-Enterobacteriaceae); API Ò Campy (24 h identification of Campylobacter species); API Gram-positive Identification: API Staph (identification of clinical staphylococci and micrococci); API 20 Strep (identification of streptococci and enterococci); API Coryne (identification of Corynebacteria and corynelike organisms); API Ò Listeria (24 h identification of all Listeria species); API Anaerobe Identification: API 20A (identification of anaerobes); Rapid ID 32 A (identification of anaerobes); and API Yeast Identification: API 20C AUX (48–72 h identification of yeasts). Advantages include being the most complete system commercially available for the identification of Enterobacteriaceae and an excellent database. Disadvantages include that it is difficult and time-consuming to inoculate, problems in handling and stacking of tray and lids due to flexible plastic materials, and that a competent microbiologist is needed to read and interpret the color changes.

MicroID The MicroID (Organon Teknika, Durham, NC) system provides results in 4 h. The system measures enzyme activities and not growth of the culture. It consists of a molded polystyrene tray containing 15 reaction chambers and a hinged cover. The first five reaction chambers contain a single combination substrate or detection disc with upper and lower discs in the same trough. The remaining 10 reaction chambers each contain a single combination substrate or detection disc. Discs contain all substrate and detection reagents required to perform the indicated biochemical tests (except for the Voges–Proskauer test). The surface of the tray is covered with clear polypropylene tape to prevent spillage and also for reading the reactions (Appelbaum and Olmstead, 1982). A few cultures from a Gram-negative isolation agar plate are first mixed into a liquid form and 0.2 ml of the liquid is then introduced into each of the 15 wells. The unit is then incubated at 35  C for 4 h, after which time two drops of 20% KOH are added into the VP well. The unit is then rotated 90 so that the liquid from the lower part of the first five wells comes into contact with the upper discs of the same chamber for final reactions. The reactions of these five tests are read from the upper discs. Then the reactions from the remaining 10 discs are read. Again, a number is generated in the data sheet and the code number is matched, with codes in the code book for identification. A similar format with different substrates was available to identify Listeria spp. (Goosh and Hill, 1982). Advantages of the system include high accuracy, speed of reaction (4 h), and convenience: It is self-contained, easy to use, requires only one reagent addition, and has a long shelf life. A disadvantage is that a competent microbiologist is needed to read the color reaction.

Minitek Minitek (Becton Dickinson Microbiology Systems, Cockeyville, MD) is a flexible system. The unit contains 10 wells. Two units (20 wells) can be used to identify one culture. The system supplies 36 different substrates, and thus the user can choose which test to perform. First, paper discs containing individual substrates are applied to the wells, one disc per well. A liquid culture is prepared and applied to each well using an automatic application gun (about 0.2 ml per well). Some wells will be filled with mineral oil to create an anaerobic environment. The unit is then incubated overnight at 35  C. After incubation, the color reactions are read and identification is made with the aid of a code book (Holloway et al., 1979). On the one hand, the advantage of the system is versatility and flexibility, but this may be a disadvantage when no code book is available for microorganisms other than Enterobacteriaceae. The construction of the unit is sturdy. Disadvantages include that the various components of the total system are handled excessively in preparation and operation. Again skill is needed to read borderline reactions in the discs.

BBL Crystal The BBL Crystal (Becton Dickinson Microbiology Systems, Cockeysville, MD) system requires relatively little manipulation. In one system (Enteric/Nonfermentor ID Kit), both enteric and nonfermenters can be identified. It is important to ensure that the unit is marked correctly as to whether an oxidase-positive (nonfermenter) or oxidase-negative (fermenter) pure culture is to be analyzed (Knapp et al., 1994). The system is easy to use. On one panel, 30 dried biochemical substrates are housed and a companion unit (base) is used for the liquid sample. The liquid culture (approximately 2 ml) is poured carefully into the trough of the base. Then the upper unit containing the 30 tests is simply snapped into the base such that the culture interacts with the 30 substrates. The unit is then incubated at 35  C overnight. After incubation, the unit is introduced into a Crystal light box to record reactions and for identification using a 10-digit system. Identification can be made using a computer. In addition, there is also a Rapid Stool/Enteric ID kit for stool samples. Advantages of the system include sturdy panels, ease of operation, and computer-assisted identification. Very few disadvantages are noted.

RapID One System RapID One (Remel, Lenexa, KS) is a miniaturized unit housed in an ingenious chamber. On one side of the chamber, there is a trough where a liquid culture can be introduced. Then the unit can be tilted slowly at a 45-degree angle forward: The liquid will flow into individual wells, each containing a separate substrate. Thus, inoculation into 20 wells can be made in one motion. This is more convenient than the API system where the analyst needs to insert 20 drops of liquids into 20 miniaturized wells. After incubation, the color reactions can be read after 4 h incubation and the cultures identified. The forerunner of the RapID enteric system is the Spectrum 10 system. The Spectrum 10 is rated as 91% accurate. Using the basic design, Remel markets strips for Enterobacteriaceae,

BIOCHEMICAL AND MODERN IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES j Food-Poisoning Microorganisms nonfermenters, yeasts, anaerobes, streptococci, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus, Listeria, Neisseria, Haemophilus, and urinary tract bacteria (Stager et al., 1983). Identification of various anaerobes to the genus level using the anaerobic RapID system ranges from 83% to 97% accuracy and to the genus level from 76% to 97% (Celig and Schreckenberger, 1991). Advantages include results in 4 h, clear chromogenic reactions, and one-step inoculation. A disadvantage is the skill required to read the color changes.

ATB ATB (bioMérieux Vitek, Inc., Hazelwood, MO) is a 32-carbon assimilation test system. The culture is first made into a solution and then the liquid is introduced to the unit. After incubation (4–24 h depending on the culture), the tests can be read manually or automatically. Test strips are available for anaerobes, staphylococci, micrococci, yeast, Enterobacteriaceae, streptococci, and Gram-negative bacilli. The automatic reader also can read API 20 and API 50 test strips.

Omnilog System Omnilog (Biolog, Hayward, CA) is a miniaturized system utilizing the microtiter plate format for growth of bacteria in various liquid media. Some 95 different carbon sources are used in the microtiter plate; one well, containing a rich growth medium, is used as the positive control. An unknown culture is suspended in a liquid medium and the liquid aliquots are injected into the 96 wells. The plate then is incubated overnight at 35  C, and after incubation, the color of the wells is examined. The advantage of this system is that the color is either clear (no reaction) or blue (as a result of reduction of the dye in the medium). The pattern of blue wells will indicate the identity of the unknown culture. Using the human eye to interpret these data would be tedious and unreliable. For this, an automatic reader is used to provide instant identification of the unknown culture by matching the profile of the known cultures in the data bank against the profiles of the unknown cultures (Sellyei et al., 2011). This is indeed a simple system to use and interpretation of the results is easy. The system is reliant upon its database to match an unknown microorganism against a probable species. Sometimes nontypical isolates are not identifiable and the system is less accurate at identifying anaerobes.

Vitek System Vitek (bioMérieux Vitek, Hazelwood, MO) is a similar automated identification system to Omnilog. The system has its origin in the Viking Mission during the early stages of the US space program during the 1980s. The heart of the system is a plastic cord with 30 tiny wells containing selective media and specialized substrates designed to discriminate bacterial taxa by the growth pattern and kinetics of the unknown culture in media in the 30 wells. A pure culture is first suspended in a liquid, and liquid is introduced into the card (the size of an ordinary credit card) by pneumatic pressure, such that all 30 wells will be filled with an aliquot of the culture. The card then is placed into the incubator. Up to 240 cards can be


inserted into one large unit. More units can be tested at the same time if more incubators are connected to the system. The instrument periodically scans each card and determines the kinetics of the growth of the microorganism in each well and then determines the identity of the unknown culture. For typical cultures, the identification can be completed in 2 h. Other bacterial cultures can be identified in about 18 h (Crowley et al., 2012). Overall, the performance is exceptionally good and can identify Gram-negative, Gram-positive, yeast, Bacillus, anaerobes, nonfermenters, Neisseria/Haemophilus, and other classes of microorganisms. It constantly receives high correlations with conventional methods of identification of unknown microbial cultures.

Fatty Acid Analysis of cellular fatty acids by using gas chromatography (where patterns of fatty acid esters are determined by gas chromatography) has been available for a number of years, but until recently this was not in a format easy for laboratories to adopt. The technology works by screening for different fatty acids and then comparing the fatty acid profile to a library of different bacterial species. An example of fatty acid analysis is the Sherlock system (MIDI Inc.) (Osterhout et al., 1991).

Mass Spectrometry Mass spectrometry can be orientated toward the identification and classification of microorganisms by using protein ‘fingerprints’ (characteristic protein expression patterns that are stored and used as specific biomarker proteins for crossmatching). The utilization of long-standing technology is based on the measurement of high-abundance proteins, including many ribosomal proteins. As ribosomal proteins are part of the cellular translational machinery, they are present in all living cells. As a result, the mass spectrometry protein fingerprints are less influenced by variability in environmental or growth conditions than other ‘phenotypic’ methods. An example is the matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight BioTyper system from Bruker Daltonics (Hsieh et al., 2008).

Flow Cytometry Flow cytometry is a technique that can employ serological methods (although it does not in all cases) that analyzes cells suspended in a liquid medium by light, electrical conductivity, or fluorescence as the cells individually pass through a small orifice. Most pharmaceutical microbiology laboratories are not equipped to use flow cytometric methods (Muller and Davey, 2009).

Genotypic Methods Identification Methods In contrast to the phenotypic methods, genotypic techniques are more accurate. This is because the microbial genotype is highly conserved and is independent of the culture conditions,



so the identifications may be conducted on uncultured test material-primary enrichments that increase the amount of nucleic acid available for analysis. Genotypic microbial identification methods based on nucleic acid analyses are less subjective, less dependent on the culture method, and theoretically more reliable because nucleic acid sequences are highly conserved by microbial species. These methods would include DNA–DNA hybridization, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 16s and 23s rRNA gene sequencing (the 16S rRNA gene is used most commonly), and analytical ribotyping (Olsen et al., 1994). An example is the RiboPrinter (manufactured by Dupont Qualicon), an automated Southern Blot device that uses a labeled ssDNA probe from the 16sRNA codon. The RiboPrinter uses a restriction enzyme and strains can be identified or characterized by analyzing the ribosomal DNA banding pattern (Kolbert and Persing, 1999). Another rapid method is a PCR system that uses a form of ‘bacterial barcodes’ in which the amplified genetic sequence is separated by gel electrophoresis and visualized to give a ‘barcode’ specific to that strain. PCR is a technique that uses a DNA polymerase enzyme to make a huge number of copies of virtually any given piece of DNA or gene. It facilitates a short stretch of DNA (usually fewer than 3000 ‘base pairs’) to be amplified by about a millionfold. In practical terms, it amplifies enough specific copies to be able to carry out any number of other molecular biology applications. Thus, the PCR technique utilizes small amounts of samples to produce a high yield of the targeted DNA material. With this comparative test, differences in the DNA base sequences between different organisms can be determined quantitatively, such that a phylogenetic tree can be constructed to illustrate probable evolutionary relatedness between the microorganisms. An example of such a system is the MicroSeq manufactured by Applied Biosystems (Fontana et al., 2005). The genotypic methods are more technically challenging for the food microbiologist and are more expensive in terms of both equipment and current testing costs. The methods often are used for more critical identifications, such as suspect recall issues, rather than for the routine characterization of the microbial population within a given food sample.

Range of Food Applications The methods and systems described previously are designed for the identification of pure cultures obtained from clinical, food, industrial, and environmental samples. Almost all foods are potential sources of contamination of pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, all microbiological methods are designed to enrich, isolate, enumerate, characterize, and identify the unknown culture in question. The results of the diagnostic tests are only as valuable as the purity of the culture. If there is a mixed culture in the primary isolation, all the valuable identification capabilities of these systems will be meaningless. Thus, for food microbiologists, it is essential that all food samples be properly prepared before either directly plating the sample on selective agars or enriching the foods in preenrichment and enrichment

liquid media and isolating pathogens on appropriate agar plates. The continuing development of excellent primary isolation agars for selectively isolating the target microorganism has assisted in selecting the isolates for further identification by one or more of the diagnostic systems described (Fung, 1998). Another related development of identification of foodpoisoning microorganisms by modern biochemical techniques is the variety of screening tests on the market. Tests for pathogens such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tests, DNA probes, PCR tests, dipstick techniques, and motility tests for pathogens are considered to be screening tests. Negative screening tests would allow the food processors to ship their products to the market but a positive screening test will necessitate an embargo of the product and a confirmation test to be done on the suspected food. This procedure involves conventional methods as well as some of the diagnostic kits mentioned in this article. What are the bacterial food pathogens facing us these days? The list is long but worth reiterating: Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium botulinum, Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Yersinia enterocolitica, Shigella spp., Vibrio, Aeromonas and Plesiomonas, Bacillus cereus, Listeria monocytogenes, and others. The biochemical techniques can identify most of these microorganisms in a laboratory setting, but most commercial diagnostic kits are designed for specific groups of microorganisms. Thus, knowledge of the basic principles of diagnostic microbiology is essential for all food microbiologists, regardless of whether one uses the diagnostic kits described. Which diagnostic system is best for the identification of a particular food-poisoning microorganism is the subject of much debate.

Conclusion Modern biochemical identification techniques, together with genotypic methods, are more convenient modes of improving the conventional biochemical techniques. They make sample operation, inoculation, incubation, reading, data collection, and interpretation of data for diagnostic purposes more convenient than the conventional methods. To make a quantum jump in the identification of food-poisoning microorganisms, one has to look to PCR and biosensor technologies to obtain real-time rapid identification.

See also: Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Introduction; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, and Escherichia Coli.

References Appelbaum, P.C., Olmstead, C.C., 1982. Evaluation of Gram-stain screen and Micro-ID methods for direct identification of Enterobacteriaceae from urines. Medical Microbiology and Immunology 170 (3), 173–184. Celig, D.M., Schreckenberger, P.C., 1991. Clinical evaluation of the RapID-ANA II panel for identification of anaerobic bacteria. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 29, 457–462.

BIOCHEMICAL AND MODERN IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES j Food-Poisoning Microorganisms Crowley, E., Bird, P., Fisher, K., Goetz, K., Boyle, M., Benzinger Jr., M.J., Juenger, M., Agin, J., Goins, D., Johnson, R., 2012. Evaluation of the VITEK 2 Gram-negative (GN) microbial identification test card: collaborative study. Journal of AOAC International 95 (3), 778–785. Farmer III, J.J., 2003. Enterobacteriaceae: introduction and identification. In: Murray, P.R., Baron, E.J., Jorgensen, J.H., Pfaller, M.A., Yolken, R.H. (Eds.), Manual of Clinical Microbiology, eighth ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. Fung, D.Y.C., 1995. What’s needed in rapid detection of foodborne pathogens. Food Technology 49, 64–67. Fung, D.Y.C., 1998. Handbook for Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology in Microbiology Workshop. Department of Animal Sciences and Industry, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. Fontana, C., et al., 2005. Use of the MicroSeq 500 16S rRNA Gene-based sequencing for identification of bacterial isolates that commercial automated systems failed to identify correctly. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 43 (2), 615–619. Goosh III, W.M., Hill, G.A., 1982. Comparison of Micro-ID and API 20E in rapid identification of Enterobacteriaceae. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 15, 885–890. Hsieh, S.-Y., Tseng, C.-L., Lee, Y.-S., Kuo, A.-J., Sun, C.-F., Lin, Y.-H., Chen, J.-K., 2008. Highly efficient classification and identification of human pathogenic bacteria by MALDI-TOF MS. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 7, 448–456. Holloway, Y., Schaareman, M., Dankert, J., 1979. Identification of viridans streptococci on the Minitek Miniaturised Differentiation System. Journal of Clinical Pathology 32 (11), 1168–1173. Kalamaki, M., Price, R.J., Fung, D.Y.C., 1997. Rapid methods for identifying seafood microbial pathogens and toxins. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 5, 87–137. Knapp, C.C., Ludwig, M.D., Washington, J.A., 1994. Evaluation of BBL crystal MRSA ID system. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 32 (10), 2588–2589.


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Food Spoilage Flora GG Khachatourians, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is a revision of the previous edition article by George G. Khachatourians, Dilip K. Arora, volume 1, pp 228–237, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

Current forecasts and concerns about global food security and safety place significant focus on fungal contamination and spoilage of foods and their impact on food security. In addition, consequences to humans and food-producing animals’ health and welfare are associated closely with problems of fungi that require mitigation. The control of fungal food contamination, disposal of spoiled foods, and prevention and mitigation of consequential health issues will require significant amount of resources and investments. Fundamental to all of these concerns is proper identification and rapid detection tools. Major advancements in detection techniques and their scaledown or automation have allowed for early detection and identification. The transformation of these advancements must become more economical, reliable, and quick. These techniques and tools then will help identify fungi and yeasts from foods of greater complexity and variety. The sophisticated instrumentation unavailable for parts of the developing world or remote places in the meantime should be supported through conventional methods. Comparative evaluation of protocols will remain our challenge as will ease in operation, cost, sensitivity, specificity, speed, and reproducibility. Lastly, molecular methods also must address the detection and identification of nonculturable and nonviable molds. Foodborne fungi and their mycotoxins affect a quarter of the world’s food creating a considerable loss both in their quantity and nutritional quality. In humans and animals, exposure to these compounds are mutagenic, teratogenic, hepato- or nephrotoxic, and carcinogenic and affect development. Certain species of the genera, Fusarium, Aspergillus, and Penicillium, are most important because of their ability to produce secondary metabolites, aflatoxin, fumonisin, ochratoxin, trichothecenes such as deoxynivalenol, T-2 toxin and nivalenol, and zearalenone. These concerns necessitate regular monitoring of fungal propagule presence from planting, harvesting, storage, and even processing of agricultural products from any corner of the world. Fungi are ubiquitous and found in many foods and ingredients and are global in their presence. Filamentous fungal genera, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Botrytis, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Geotrichum, Monilia, Manoscus, Mortierella, Mucor, Neurospora, Oidium, Oosproa, Penicillium, Rhizopus, and Thamnidium, often are found on meat products as much as on grains. Although the obvious moldy growth on foods is noticed leading to their rejection, in the first instance, the detection of contamination must occur much earlier. Taxonomic characterization is aided by microscopy, biochemistry, and genetic techniques as the identification of filamentous fungi is an evolving endeavor. Biochemical identification of filamentous fungi and yeasts found in spoilage of foods can be based on genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and phenomics. The level of spoilage can vary depending on the type of food, relative humidity, and other physical conditions. Chemical characteristics of ascomycetes yeasts and certain filamentous food spoilage fungi have been


based mainly on physiological and chemical tests involving cell wall biopolymers, quantitative profiles of sterols, total fatty acids (FAs), and pyrolysis of triphospho-pyridine. This section outlines methods in the identification of yeast and filamentous fungi and discusses the values of biochemical markers, the immunoassay, isozymes, and automated systems over molecular detection techniques.

Biochemical Diagnostic Markers FAs, Proteins, and Isozymes FAs composition can differentiate between fungi. Among the foodborne fungi, the presence of neutral lipids, glycolipid, and phospholipid fractions and that of omega 3 and omega 6 of FAs and their relative amounts (C16 and C18) help with species identification. FA profiles have helped yeast and filamentous fungal taxonomists to differentiate members of Schizosaccharomyces, Nadasonia, Aspergillus, Mucor, and Penicillium. The cellular FA composition of wine spoilage strains of Torulaspora delbreuckii and Zygosacharomyces bailli have been a useful differentiating tool. Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other wine-associated yeasts species have been differentiated by capillary gas chromatography (GC), which is an easy, quick, and inexpensive method. This method has been applied to determine the causes of ‘stuck’ fermentation in a South African food and beverages industry. Similarly, these methods have been applied successfully to monitor the fungal contaminants in the bioprotein pilot plants in South Africa. In the case of Rhodosporidium, FA and sterol (FAST, for 20 FAs and seven sterols) profiles have been used for the rapid differentiation of species and intraspecific variation to determine the identity of 1740 fungal isolates collected from Finland. Proteins can be used for the identification and separation of fungal isolates, mating types, and formae speciales and for the determination of spoilage species. Protein profiles may vary depending on the growth and metabolic conditions. Detection of common molds from contaminated foods using protein profiling has potential difficulties and profiling needs simplification, standardization, and automation. Isozymes are protein enzymes, which have similar and often identical enzymatic properties with different amino acid sequences. Because various amino acids create net charge differences, isozymes can be detected by electrophoresis. Isozymes can be used to identify fungal isolates based on different alleles of a single gene locus (allozymes), multiple loci coding for a single enzyme, and those with posttranslational modifications. The use of isozymes as a tool allows for the analysis of several fungal samples that are relatively simple. Although detection of isozymes allows a genetic interpretation of variations in alleles and loci, they are not practical for the detection of food contaminating fungi. Electrophoresis is a commonly used technique for the identification of isozymes. Whether using polyacrylamide or starch

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


BIOCHEMICAL AND MODERN IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES j Food Spoilage Flora and isoelectric focusing gels, isozymes can be separated and used for ‘fingerprinting’ of fungal and yeast proteins. Contemporary electrophoresis systems permit for (1) a large number of enzymes to be detected from a single or several fungi and (2) the detection of allozymes and isozymes. Functional assays can be combined with nondenaturing electrophoretic techniques to generate effective zymography. Here, enzyme activity (e.g., amylases, proteases, and polygalacturonidases) can be visualized directly on a polyacrylamide gel containing appropriate substrates resulting in discrete banding patterns. The use of isozyme analysis for identification and examination of food-contaminating fungi is simple. In brief, starch- or polyacrylamide-based gel is boiled and poured into a mold to form the gel. After the gel cools, a sample containing the enzymes is run according to defined current for voltage, amperage, and time in a buffer. After electrophoresis, the gel can be processed and tested for the particular enzyme activity. Examples of assays are (1) slicing of the gel and assay for particular activity, (2) staining of the gel for transformation of a chromogenic substrate (e.g., o-nitrophenylated sugars), and (3) overlaying of the gel with a gel substrate (e.g., casein, albumin, starch, etc.). With automated systems, many more gels under identical conditions can be run, processed, and read in a single day. The main drawback for isozyme analysis is that a large number of staining systems is required for comparative studies, especially if multiple genetic loci coding for enzymes are involved. Additionally, with some fungi, difficulties arise if they are difficult to grow, or the amount of material and time requirements discourage isozyme analysis.

Fungal Metabolite Profiling Fungal metabolites are synthesized in response to internal needs or as a consequence of externally directed signals. Some of the latter function as pigments, toxins, antibiotics, and signaling molecules. The general term ‘extrolites’ is used to describe these and can be volatile or nonvolatile secondary metabolites, organic acids, extracellular enzymes, mycotoxins, and other bioactive compounds. For example, only three of the approximately 90 food-spoiling Penicillium species are able to produce the secondary metabolite penicillin. Much has been learned from fungal comparative metabolite profiling and metabolomics. Metabolomics is the scientific investigation of the unique chemical fingerprints that specific cells leave behind and can be used in functional genomics and organismic classification. In food spoilage fungi, as with others, growth and cell differentiation, response to the environment, and the production of metabolites and enzymes lead to their chemo-diversity. The fungal metabolic profiling from a genomic perspective includes about 6000 genes in S. cerevisiae to more than 10 000 genes in Aspergillus sp. From the perspective of food spoilage, metabolite profiling has become an efficient tool for identification and taxonomic placement. Metabolite profiling requires several tools and concepts, including integration of high-performance analytical methodology, intelligent screening, efficient data-handling techniques, and accepted core concepts of species. Volatile compounds, such as alcohols, carbonyls, hydrocarbons, terpenyls, and others, are produced as fungi colonize. Fungal volatiles differ from those produced by bacteria. These


volatile compounds can be useful as taxonomic markers and early indicators of food quality loss and mycotoxin production in commodities such as grains. Different analytical methods are applied for the separation and detection of secondary metabolites. Some of these methods involve the use of thin-layer chromatography, GC, high-performance liquid chromatography, micellar capillary electrophoresis, flow injection electro-spray mass spectrometry (MS), ultraviolet (UV) diode array detection, and nuclear magnetic resonance detection. Synthesis of secondary metabolites can be sensitive to growth and environmental factors, and their identity can be strain specific. Therefore, their diagnostic use must be considered cautiously. Secondary metabolites have been particularly effective in identifying food spoilage fungi Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Fusarium. There are some pitfalls in using secondary metabolites for identification of foodborne fungi, including (1) highly specialized people are needed, (2) simplified procedures are lacking, (3) some food spoilage fungal species may not produce these in situ, and (4) other limitations can be imposed by inefficient extraction procedures or low analytical sensitivity or low reproducibility under different growth and metabolic conditions. The foodborne terverticilliate penicillia is difficult to characterize by using traditional characters. Several closely related species of Penicillium were separated using secondary metabolites by using diode array detection or flow injection analysis electro-spray MS. Odoriferous fungi produce unique combinations of volatile metabolites like alcohols, ketones, esters, terpenes, and other hydrocarbons. Isolates of Aspergillus and Fusarium can be distinguished based on their production of sesquiterpenes. Similarly, a large number of Penicillium species could be classified based on profiles of volatile metabolites – for example, Penicillium roqueforti and Penicillium commune, in which the latter is the most frequent contaminant of cheeses. Volatile metabolites, however, are not used widely for identification purposes.

Immunological Techniques Fungal antigens are used for the identification of filamentous fungi and yeasts in food. This is particularly possible because of the availability of monoclonal antibody technology, which has revolutionized the development process in detection and diagnosis of organisms. It is possible to raise isolate-, speciesand genus-specific antibodies that are sensitive and target specific. Raising monoclonal antibodies from the infected food materials, however, has problems tied with the isolation, growth, and extraction of fungal antigens. The immunological diagnosis of foodborne fungi has resulted in several advancements, such as characterization of immunodominant sites and antigenic sugars and proteins in some of the common foodborne fungi, such as Aspergillus, Botrytis, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Geotrichum, Monascus, Mucor, Penicillium, and Rhizopus. The rapid detection of common food spoilage flora in foods with Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Fusarium using immunological techniques still is underutilized. In addition to proteins, the recognition of fungal cell walland cell surface-associated or extracellular polysaccharides (EPSs) can be deployed using specific immunoassays with appropriate antibodies. Thermostable EPSs of fungi contain mannose,



galactose, glucose, fucose, and occasionally glucoronic acid, which are released into the growth medium in variable quantities. Thus the EPS or cell surface proteins could be used to produce polyclonal IgG antibodies in rabbits to be specifically and sensitively used in a number of immunoassays. The methodology for the use of immunological techniques depends on methodologies, instruments, and trained human resources. The methods included in this group of tests are mold latex agglutination test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), radioimmunoassay, and enzyme immunoassay for which some commercial kits are available. Commercially available kits include the mold latex agglutination test (Holland Biotechnology, B. V. Leiden, the Netherlands), Pastorex Aspergillus Test (Eco-BioDiagnostic Pasteur, Genk, Belgium), and others. The use of ELISA to detect food spoilage fungal flora basically depends upon the particular objective of the investigator; that is, the level of sensitivity desired, application of the technique in pure culture or food materials, the need for quantification, and use of poly- or monoclonal antibodies as reagents. The indirect and double-antibody sandwich ELISA has been used widely for identification and detection. Sandwich ELISA has some advantages over other techniques as chlorophyll and other interfering components from the plant food materials can be removed easily. Interpretation of ELISA is usually straightforward, although appropriate control must be included to avoid the false-positive or false-negative results. Multiwell ELISA formats for the detection of mold from food are available commercially that are rapid and less time consuming. Although immunofluorescence is considered to be more sensitive than ELISA, it is difficult to standardize and interpret or it is difficult because of contamination of food samples with large numbers of nontarget microorganisms may interfere with assay unless highly specific antibodies are used.

Evaluation of Commercial Techniques and Tests Lack of or an incomplete reference database hinders fuller deployment of commercially available kits for fungal and yeasts identifications for foodborne spoilage detection. In recent years, however, several biotechnological companies have enhanced their database use for foodborne yeasts and have made the diagnostic techniques automated using computers, read-out devices, and databanks. Most of these systems are expensive but are becoming affordable for the larger food companies and institutions. These techniques are convenient and useful for the identification of isolates, but they may need 1–3 days for the results. Newer methodologies or kits should be possible as is the case for human infectious fungi and yeasts. Among all commercially available metabolic activities determination kits perhaps the Analytical Profile Index (API) from bioMerieux – such as API 20C, API 50CHB (which is designed for Bacillus spp. but can be successfully used for yeasts and fungi), and API YEAST-IDENT (Analytab Products, Plainview, NY, USA) – have been used for the identification of a wide range of yeasts and fungi. To perform the test, a heavy suspension of yeast or fungal spores are prepared and inoculated into the API test system as per instructions of the manufacturer. The resulting biochemical reactions are read after 2–3 days and are used for identification.

The BIOLOG identification system (Biolog Inc., Hayward CA, USA; http://www.biolog.com/products/?product¼Microbial ID %2F Characterization&system¼Fully Automated) is a standardized, computer-linked semi- or fully automated technology for the identification of yeasts and fungi. The Biolog derives its uniqueness from conventional methods for identification by introducing a number of cometabolism tests and many assimilation and oxidation assay techniques not usually common in conventional methods. This test incorporates a wide range of substrates and a redox dye, tetrazolium violet (TZV), as an indicator of substrate utilization. During cellular metabolic activity of the test substrate, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) is formed and for it to be reoxidized, electrons pass through electron transport chain (ETC) and cause an irreversible reduction of TZV to formazan, which is purple. Because the TZV functions independent of any ETC, it will accept electrons irrespective of metabolism of many of some 95 substrates (e.g., amino acids and other carbon or nitrogen sources). Thus, an extensive number of substrates can be used. The formation of purple formazan can be read visually or in a microplate reader with a filter cutoff of 600 nm. The results are compared with Biolog 8, a database for yeasts. The specificity and sensitivity of the test system depends on growth and metabolism of yeast or fungal species. The Biolog FF MicroPlateÔ is the first broad-based rapid identification and characterization product designed for filamentous fungi and yeast. Not all fungal genera identified are found to be food spoilage associated; however, they include species of Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternaria, Mucor, Gliocladium, Cladosporium, Paecilomyces, Stachybotrys, Trichoderma, Zygosaccharomyces, Acremonium, Beauveria, Botryosphaeria, Botrytis, Candida, and Geotrichum. The Biolog system has been evaluated for correct identification of 21 species (72 strains) of yeasts of foods and wine origin; S. cerevisiae, Debaryomyces hansenii, Yarrowia lipolytica, Kluyveromyces marxianus, Koeckera apiculata, Dekkera bruxellensis, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Zygosaccharomyces bailii, and Zygosaccharomyces rouxii were identified correctly 50% of the time and Pichia membranaefaciens 20% of the time. A test of 46 strains of yeasts representing 14 species by automated Biolog and ATB32C systems correctly identified most, with Biolog 38 strains and with the ATB 30 strains. BioMeriex 32 C strips for the identification of many foodborne yeasts identified most yeast isolates with 95% or greater accuracy. The Biolog System protocol is simple and includes (1) the strain of the interest is cultivated on a simple agar medium (available from Biolog), (2) cells are removed from the surface of the agar and suspended in sterile water at specified density, (3) cell suspension is inoculated into each of the 96 wells of the Biolog MicroPlate, and (4) the MicroPlate is then incubated at 26  C for 24–72 h until a sufficient metabolic pattern is found. For species identification, the MicroPlate must be read with the Biolog MicroStation Reader. Currently, 267 species of yeast have been identified by the Biolog System (for details, see the published literature and protocols from Biolog).

Molecular Techniques A most useful book entitled Biodiversity of Fungi: Inventory and Monitoring Methods edited by Mueller, Bills, and Foster (2004) is a remarkable compilation of standard protocols and

BIOCHEMICAL AND MODERN IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES j Food Spoilage Flora commercial product vendors, morphological data, growth media formulas, and molecular methods for discriminating fungal taxa and monitoring species and diversity. Advances in molecular techniques employed in the detection of fungi in the environment as a result of presentations at a special interest group meeting convened during the International Mycological Congress (IMC9) in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, August 2010. Some of the latest diagnostic techniques employed in the detection of fungi include fluorescence in situ hybridization, DNA array technology, multiplex tandem polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and Padlock probe technology with rolling circle amplification and loop-mediated isothermal amplification are presented. There is always a need for timely and accurate diagnostics in the context of food spoilage fungal tests because of issues of sensitivity, accuracy, robustness, acceptability, and cost. Despite many novel technologies being available, challenges remain to identify as yet the nonculturable fungi, to detect cryptic species, and to characterize the assemblage and diversity of fungal communities. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) and pyrosequencing approaches should prove to be useful in enlarging the scope of molecular detection studies. Molecular techniques for the identification of food spoilage fungi and yeasts are versatile because of (1) the ability of these tests to recognize genomic differences, (2) the speedier application of methods through innovative new tools, and (3) the inclusively for considering ecological or processing source in tracking these agents. Several yeast and fungal genomes, mitochondrial DNA, and other plasmids, killer factors, and Tyelements have been sequenced completely. These DNA sequences in combination should further assist in the spoilage fungal detection and identification as presented in the next section.

Electrophoretic Karyotyping Fungal genomes vary in size and are between 6 and 40 Mb. Compared with classical karyotyping of fungal chromosomes by cytochemical methods, electrophoretic karyotyping (EK) uses pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), in which chromosomes can migrate through a series of reorienting arrangements in an electric field to eventually align according to their sizes and numbers. Initially, PFGE method was used to investigate the chromosomal content of yeasts as an alternative to karyotyping and further developed to be a powerful technique for studying the electrophoretic karyotype of filamentous fungi. Chromosomes of many industrially important yeasts and fungi have been characterized in this manner. Isolates or strains of certain species show distinct EK ‘fingerprint’ differences. Contour-clamped homogenous electric field gel electrophoresis, for example, is used to separate intact, chromosome-size DNA of different species of Saccharomyces and Zygosaccharomyces. Strains of the same Saccharomyces species, as expected, have similar electrophoretic karyotypes. Furthermore, differences between individual chromosomal bands can be performed to show strain-specific chromosome-length polymorphism. Strains’ karyotype differences by DNA–DNA hybridization techniques have conspecificity, permitting the study of genetic diversity of a given yeast species and species identification and taxonomy. This technique, however, rarely is


used for the contemporary identification of food spoilage yeasts or fungi.

RFLP and DNA Amplification Techniques Restriction fragment-length polymorphic (RFLP) analyses, even though not as widely used today for spoilage analysis, involves isolation of fungal DNA, its cleavage by DNA restriction enzymes, and agarose gel electrophoresis to test fragments’ polymorphisms by their size and banding patterns. DNA from such gels can be transferred onto suitable membranes by electro-blotting process and identified for the presence of hybridizable gene-specific probes. The emerging result can be viewed and used for identification and taxonomy. RFLP analyses require a substantial amount of time (several days). An alternative to this is to use a PCR technique and employ random-amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. This method requires a nanogram quantity of fungal DNA that would results in the formation of a number of DNA sequence amplifications from one set of primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence. The product of amplification that would generate DNA bands in an electrophoretic gel, which should vary in size and sequence. This type of analyses has been useful in the RAPD analysis of wine yeast. PCR-based techniques, such as RAPD, amplified fragment-length polymorphism, DNA amplification fingerprinting, and random amplified microsatellite sequence (RAMS) can also be used for identifying DNA markers. Genomic variability among S. cerevisiae strains using RAPD analysis, PCR fingerprinting, and restriction enzyme analysis of the internal or nontranscribed spacer regions (ITS and NTS, respectively) has been performed. This approach has shown the identity of spoilage-causing yeast in a survey of yeasts present in certain production chains of mayonnaises to be Z. bailii strains. The combined typing techniques are useful in discriminating yeast species involved in food spoilage in that they help trace back to the origin of a spoilage outbreak.

Critical Evaluation of Techniques Assessment of fungal contamination or spoilage flora of ingredients and processed foods is an essential part of any food safety and food quality assurance or control programs. Enumeration of viable yeasts and filamentous fungi associated with fermented foods and beverages is also important. In some instances, the counts of total fungal load in a commodity are needed. For example, exact counts of viable molds (e.g., in spices, dried vegetables, human and animal food, frozen and fresh vegetables and meat) and toxigenic ones, especially if combinations of toxins are suspected is a regulatory necessity. It is in the latter context that critical evaluation of rapid and reliable techniques is most valued. Moreover, in commodities that have been damaged or deteriorated to the point of inability to recover any viable fungal cells, the molecular methodology becomes the sole source of identity and level of hazard evaluation. Molecular methods based on DNA are commonplace and have changed our ability to detect and identify a wide variety of



fungi and yeasts in foods. The PCR-based methods can amplify a limited amount of a nucleic acids with a high degree of sensitivity. Finally, methods for the removal of the interfering material within foods can affect these amplification test systems to add power to the detection of fungi.

Molecular over Biochemical With either traditional biochemical- or molecular-based techniques, there are some issues in the detection of fungi in foods. Antibody methods for the detection of certain yeast or mold antigens rely on the principle that the presence of such antigens always must correlate. Therefore, the accuracy of diagnosis and identification requires that (1) the EPS always is made by the fungal agents but not other agents or cells (animal, microbial, or plant species); (2) the antigen or the epitope is made in sufficient quantities to be detected by the antibodies; (3) the antigen is accessible and stable within the food’s composition, processing, and the environment; and (4) the antibody for test system has high avidity and specificity. For example, with EPS detection by immunological techniques, some cross-reacting immunological reactions can occur. Although the EPS ELISA of some yeasts is specific, it is not so with basidiomycetous yeasts. The EPS of Z. bailii could be detected in a highly specific competitive ELISA but not in a sandwich ELISA or in a latex agglutination test. The cell surface–specific antibodies can be used (e.g., rapid detection of Saccharomyces and Zygosaccharomyces species) against infectious wild yeasts rapidly and reliably. With the exception of capsulated species, in which cell wall antigens are masked, yeast cells are readily agglutinated by specific antiserum. Some antigens are present in many ascomycetous yeasts and in some basidiomycetous yeasts, whereas other antigens display more genera and species specificity. ELISA tests for Aspergillus and Penicillium spp. are shown to be quick, reliable, and sensitive in the testing of 161 food samples, and the use of latex agglutination test for EPS produced by Aspergillus and Penicillium has been performed. This test system was tried collaboratively by nine laboratories, and the identification results were compared with colony counts for the detection of fungi in food samples. Eight of the nine laboratories were able to detect 5–15 ng ml1 of purified EPS. Fair correlation was shown between colony counts and latex agglutination titers for cereals, spices, and animal feed, but there was no correlation for fruit juices and walnuts, which gave false-positive results. It is concluded that the latex agglutination test is a rapid (w10–15 min to read results), simple, and reliable quantitative method for the detection of Aspergillus and Penicillium in cereals, spices, and animals feeds. The Mold Reveal Kit (Eco-Bio, Genk), which is a rat monoclonal antibody against Aspergillus galactomannan coated onto latex beads, has been compared with Hydrogen Breath Test (HBT) Mold Latex Agglutination Test kit (Holland Biotechnology, Laiden, the Netherlands), an EPS-induced polyclonal antibody test. Both kits are used for the rapid screening of food stuffs for mold contamination. The HBT kit was negative for several fungi, and results were not as sensitive. The sensitized latex beads detect this EPS at a 15 ng ml1 after 5 min incubation. Of 35 common foodborne fungi tested, 27 gave positive reactions in the latex agglutination test, including all 16 Aspergillus and Penicillium

spp. tested. The Mold Reveal Kit was shown to be faster than the latex agglutination test (2–5 min), and it is simple and semiquantitative.

Advantages and Limitations of Biochemical over Other Techniques Although the assumption can be that binding of antibody to an antigen is similar to that of nucleic acids, DNA-based diagnostics are based on principles of greater specificity and authenticity. In contrast to immunodiagnostics, DNA has an advantage for not only specificity of binding but also amplification and authentication by automated sequencing. The assumption to be satisfied, however, is that such genomic DNA from yeasts or fungi will be present intact within or outside the microbial agent (a cell or a spore) in partially preserved form, interfering substances would be absent, and the sequence used for diagnostics would be sufficiently distinct from the food ingredients. Both types of fungal identification tests rely on genetic and chemical taxonomic diversity of the species. The advantage of molecular and biochemical tests are that standard commercial kits for performing simple tests are procedurally complex (e.g., isolation and amplification of any DNA from most yeasts and fungi). A number of commercial plant or fungal DNA purification kits that utilize silica-based resins and anion exchangers are available. Finally, the singular best advantage here is the detection of nonviable and nonculturable fungi that can be accomplished through the detection of a homologous sequences search in various public repositories for culturable agents. With as many as 70 fungal species genomes fully sequenced, in many cases the PCR detection system can identify desired gene sequences quickly, with high specificity and in large volumes. Reports indicate that amplification of DNA sequences from a number of regions can be used for the identification and differentiation of yeasts and fungi. Variable region of the 50 end of the large nuclear ribosomal DNA (28S), ITS sequences, intron splice sites, and RAMSs have been used for detection and identification purposes. As for sequencing, the best analytical tool available to do this is current NGS technology (e.g., mass or ion torrent spectrometry that has the capability to analyze hundreds of DNA samples in a day). Although originally used more than a decade ago for protein analysis, it was not available for DNA analysis until 1993 when various matrices were developed that would work with DNA fragments as long as 100 base pairs. For practical sequencing, however, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) would have to work with DNA fragments much longer than the current 100 base-pair capacity. At the present time, new matrices are being studied that could extend MALDI-TOF reach to 1000 bases, and if this works, then this technique would be a major breakthrough for high-throughput sequencing. Ion torrent DNA sequencing is both cheaper and faster. Described in 2006 by Nader Pourmand and Ronald Davis of Stanford University, this system determines DNA sequences through electrical detection, measuring the release of hydrogen ions. Six years after publishing details of the first NGS system is commercially

BIOCHEMICAL AND MODERN IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES j Food Spoilage Flora available, by 454 Life Sciences, Jonathan Rothberg and his colleagues at the company Ion Torrent published in the journal Nature the first results from a new desktop NGS technology. In spite of the power of DNA amplification methods, and while overcoming the sensitivity limitations of direct DNA probe assays and immunological assays, they contain inherent limitations and problems, such as carryover contamination of amplification products. In a typical PCR amplification reaction with nanomolar concentrations of reagents and products, one can estimate 1012 molecules 100 ml1 of amplification products to be present. A carryover of just under 10 copies of product in 1015 l can generate false-positive results and hence the need for extreme care. To further prevent such problems, postamplification sterilization of amplification reaction products through UV irradiation, use of uracil DNA glycosylase, and addition of psoralens and copper bis(1, 10-phenanthroline) are encouraged. Finally, proper negative controls, such as internal and external amplification controls and a DNA extraction control, should be prerequisites for a reliable spoilage fungal flora identification and detection system. The development of real-time PCR systems in which the reaction tubes are not opened after amplification and in-tube monitoring of amplification is carried out has eliminated most of the concerns of carryover. Full instrumentation is now possible as advances in the clinical use of nucleic acid analysis are being applied for food systems. It is important to realize that against strengths or weaknesses of any one test system, the powerful approaches of molecular or biochemical diagnostics can complement the conventional techniques. It should be interesting to see how future developments will shape today’s ‘modern’ techniques.

See also: Application in Meat Industry; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Introduction; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Food-Poisoning Microorganisms; Enzyme Immunoassays: Overview; Foodborne Fungi: Estimation by Cultural Techniques; Mycotoxins: Detection and Analysis by Classical Techniques; Spoilage of Plant Products: Cereals and Cereal Flours; Spoilage Problems: Problems Caused by Fungi; Identification Methods: Introduction; Enrichment; Viable but Non-culturable.

Further Reading Baleiras, C., Hartog, M.M., Huis, B.J., In’t Veld, J.H., Hofstra, H., van der Vossen, J.M.B.M., 1996. Identification of spoilage yeasts in a food production chain by micro-satellite PCR fingerprinting. Food Microbiology 13, 59–67. Bonde, M.R., Micales, J.A., Paterson, G.L., 1993. The use of isozyme analysis for identification of plant-pathogenic fungi. Plant Disease 77, 961–968. Bridge, P.D., Arora, D.K., Reddy, C.A., Elander, R.P. (Eds.), 1998. Applications of PCR in Mycology. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Deak, T., 2012. Handbook of Food Spoilage Yeasts, second ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. DeRuiter, G.A., Hoopman, T., van-der Lugt, A.W., Notermans, S.H.W., Nout, M.J.R., 1992. Immunochemical detection of mucorales species in foods. In: Samson, R.A., Hocking, A.D., Pitt, J.I., King, A.D. (Eds.), Modern Methods in Food Mycology. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Frisvad, J.C., Andersen, B., Samson, R.A., 2007. Food Mycology – A Multifaceted Approach to Fungi and Food. CRC Press, New York. Frisvad, J.C., Bridge, P.D., Arora, D.K. (Eds.), 1998a. Chemical Fungal Taxonomy. Marcel Dekker, New York. Frisvad, J.C., Thrane, U., Filtenborg, O., 1998b. Role and use of secondary metabolites in fungal taxonomy. In: Frisvad, J.C., Bridge, P.D., Arora, D.K. (Eds.), Chemical Fungal Taxonomy. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 289–320. Goodwin, S.B., 2003. Isozyme analysis in fungal taxonomy, genetics, and population biology. In: Arora, D.K., Bridge, P.D., Bhatnagar, D. (Eds.), Fungal Biotechnology in Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Applications. CRC Press, New York. Hocking, A.D., Fleet, G.H., Praphailong, W., Baird, L., 1994. Assessment of Some Commercially Available Automated and Manual Systems for Identification of Foodborne Yeasts. Third International Workshop on Standardization of Methods for the Mycological Examination of Foods. p. 16. Khachatourians, G.G., 2003. Fungi in food technology: an overview. In: Arora, D.K. (Ed.), Fungal Biotechnology in Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Applications. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 217–222. Kock, J.L.F., Botha, A., 1998. Fatty acids in fungal taxonomy. In: Frisvad, J.C., Bridge, P.D., Arora, D.K. (Eds.), Chemical Fungal Taxonomy. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 219–246. Koshinsky, H.A., Khachatourians, G.G., 1994. Mycotoxicoses: the effects of mycotoxin combinations. In: Hui, Y.H., Gorham, J.R., Murrell, K.D., Cliver, D.O. (Eds.), Foodborne Disease Handbook, Diseases Caused by Viruses, Parasites, and Fungi, vol. 2. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 463–520. Koshinsky, H.A., Khachatourians, G.G., 1995. Cloning restriction fragment length polymorphism and karyotyping technology. In: Hui, Y.H., Khachatourians, G.G. (Eds.), Food Biotechnology: Microorganisms. VCH Publishers, New York, pp. 85–132. Land, G.A., McGinnis, M.R., Salkin, I.F., 1991. Evaluation of commercial kits and systems for the rapid identification and biotyping of yeasts. In: Vaheri, A., Tilton, R.C., Balows, A. (Eds.), Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology and Immunology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 353–366. Middelhoven, W.J., Notermans, S., 1993. Immuno-assay techniques for detecting yeasts in foods. International Journal of Food Microbiology 19, 53–62. Muller, G.M., Bills, G.F., Foster, M.S. (Eds.), 2004. Biodiversity of Fungi: Inventory and Monitoring Methods. Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Muller, M.M., Hallaskela, A.-M., 1998. A chemotaxonomic method based on FAST-profiles for the determination of phenotypic diversity of spruce needles endophytic fungi. Mycological Research 102, 1190–1197. Muller, M.M., Kantola, R., Kitunen, V., 1994. Combining sterol and fatty acid profiles for the characterization of fungi. Mycological Research 98, 593–603. Pitt, J.I., Hocking, A.D., 2009. Fungi and Food Spoilage. Springer, New York. Praphailong, W., Van Gestel, M., Fleet, G.H., Heard, G.M., 1997. Evaluation of the Biolog system for the identification of food and beverage yeasts. Letters in Applied Microbiology 24, 455–459. Robison, B.J., 1995. Use of commercially available ELISA kits for detection of foodborne pathogens. Methods in Molecular Biology 46, 123–131. Shapaval, V., Schmitt, J., Møretrø, T., Suso, H.P., Skaar, I., et al., 2013. Characterization of food spoilage fungi by FTIR spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Microbiology 114, 788–796. Smedsgaard, J., Nielsen, J., 2005. Metabolite profiling of fungi and yeast: from phenotype to metabolome by MS and informatics. Journal of Experimental Botany 56, 273–286. Stynen, D.L., Meulemans, A., Braendlin, G.N., 1992. Characteristics of a latex agglutination test based on monoclonal antibodies for the detection of fungal antigens in food. In: Samson, R.A., Hocking, A.D., Pitt, J.I., King, A.D. (Eds.), Modern Methods in Food Mycology. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 213–219. Torok, T.D., King Jr., A.D., 1991. Comparative study on the identification of food borne yeasts. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 57, 1207–1212. Torok, T.D., Rockhold, T., King Jr., A.D., 1993. Use of electrophoretic karyotyping and DNA–DNA hybridization in yeast identification. International Journal of Food Microbiology 19, 63–80. Tsui, C.K.M., Woodhall, J., Chen, W., Lévesque, C.A., Lau, A., et al., 2011. Molecular techniques for pathogen identification and fungus detection in the environment. IMA Fungus 2, 177–189.

Microfloras of Fermented Foods JP Tamang, Sikkim University, Tadong, Sikkim, India Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is a revision of the previous edition article by Jyoti Prakash Tamang, Wilhelm H. Holzapfel, volume 1, pp 249–252, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

Introduction More than 5000 varieties of fermented foods and alcoholic beverages, representing about 5–40% of the total daily meals, are consumed around the world. Fermented foods are defined as foods produced by people using their native knowledge from locally available plant or animal sources either naturally or by adding starter cultures containing functional microorganisms that modify the substrates biochemically and organoleptically into edible products that are culturally and socially acceptable to the consumers. Fermented foods are consumed in diverse forms of cuisines, such as staple, curry, stew, side dish, fried, cooked, paste, seasoning, condiment, pickle, confectionery, salad, soup, dessert, savory, drink, candied, masticator, colorant, tastemaker, and alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages. Major sensory properties of fermented foods are acidic in taste (low pH), such as lactic-fermented foods (gundruk, sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt); some foods are alkaline in nature (high pH), such as kinema, dawadawa, and pidan; and some are alcoholic, such as beer, wine, saké, and pulque. In lactic fermentation, the substrates are kept in airtight containers (less or no oxygen or anaerobic condition) to allow LAB to grow on starchy materials to get

Table 1

the acidic product. In alkaline fermentation, semianaerobic or aerobic condition should be maintained to facilitate the growth of aerobic bacilli (mostly Bacillus subtilis). Saccharification (starch to glucose) and glycolysis (glucose to alcohol and CO2) are processes performed by yeasts and molds during production of alcoholic beverages. Some common plantbased, animal-based fermented foods and some popular alcoholic beverages of the world are presented in Tables 1–4. Fermented food is a hub for various types of native microorganisms, which include mycelia or filamentous molds, yeasts, and bacteria, and are present in or on the ingredients, plant or animal sources, utensils, containers, and environment. Microorganisms transform the chemical constituents of substrates (raw or cooked) during fermentation and enhance the nutritive value of the products; enrich the bland diet with improved flavor and texture; preserve the perishable foods; fortify the products with essential amino acids, omega 3 fatty acids, isoflavones, saponins, vitamins, and minerals; degrade undesirable compounds and antinutritive factors; produce antioxidant components, such as a-tocopherol, b-carotene, selenium or phenolic compounds, and antimicrobial compounds; improve digestibility; and stimulate the probiotic functions.

Common plant-based fermented foods of the world

Fermented food

Plant source



Cucumber pickle Ekung, Eup Fu-tsai, Suan-cai Gundruk Khalpi Kimchi Naw-mai-dong Mesu Olives (fermented) Pak-sian-dong Sauerkraut Sayur asin Soibum, Soidon Sinki Suan-tsai Sunki Chungkokjang Dauchi Dawadawa Dhokla Doenjang Furu Iru Kinema Miso

Cucumber Bamboo shoot Mustard Leafy vegetable Cucumber Cabbage, radish Bamboo shoots Bamboo shoots Olive Gynandropis sp. leaves Cabbage Mustard leaves Bamboo shoots Radish taproot Mustard Turnip Soybean Soybean Locust bean Bengal gram Soybean Soybean curd Locust bean Soybean Soybean

LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB Bacillus spp. Bacillus spp., molds Bacillus spp. LAB, yeasts Mold Mold Bacillus spp. B. subtilis Mold

Europe, United States, Canada India Taiwan India, Nepal, Bhutan India, Nepal Korea, China Thailand India, Nepal, Bhutan United States, Spain, Portugal, Peru Thailand Europe, United States Indonesia India India, Nepal, Bhutan Taiwan Japan Korea China, Taiwan Ghana India Korea China Nigeria, Benin India, Nepal, Bhutan Japan (Continued)


Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1




Common plant-based fermented foods of the worlddcont'd

Fermented food

Plant source



Natto Ontjom Papad Pepok Sieng Shoyu Soy sauce Sufu Tempe

Soybean Peanut Black gram Soybean Soybean Soybean Soybean Soybean curd Soybean

B. natto Mold LAB, yeasts Bacillus spp. Bacillus spp. Mold Mold Mold Rhizopus oligisporus, bacteria

Thua nao Wari Ang-kak Ben-saalga Dosa Enjera Idli Jalebi Kenkey Kisra Kishk Mawe` Nan Ogi Pizza dough Pozol Puto Rabadi

Soybean Black gram Red rice Pearl millet Rice and black gram Tef flour, wheat Rice and black gram Wheat flour Maize Sorghum Wheat, milk Maize Wheat flour Maize, sorghum, millet Wheat Maize Rice Buffalo or cow milk and cereals, pulses Rye, wheat Rice, wheat flour, milk Rye, wheat Sheep milk, wheat Maize, sorghum, millet, cassava flour Cassava roots Cassava roots

Bacillus spp. LAB, yeasts Mold LAB, yeasts LAB, yeasts LAB LAB, yeasts Yeasts, LAB LAB, yeasts LAB, yeasts LAB, yeasts LAB, yeasts Yeasts, LAB LAB, Yeasts Baker’s yeast LAB, yeasts, molds LAB, Yeasts LAB, yeasts

Japan Indonesia India, Nepal Myanmar Cambodia, Laos Japan, Korea, China Worldwide China, Taiwan Indonesia (Origin), The Netherlands, Japan, United States Thailand India China Burkina Faso, Ghana India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore Ethiopia India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore India, Nepal, Pakistan Ghana Sudan Egypt Benin, Togo India, Pakistan, Afghanistan Nigeria Worldwide Mexico Philippines India, Pakistan

Yeasts, LAB Yeasts, LAB Yeasts, LAB LAB, yeasts LAB

United States India, Nepal, Bhutan America, Europe, Australia Cyprus, Greece, Turkey Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania


Togo, Burkina Faso, Benin, Nigeria Africa

San Francisco bread Selroti Sourdough Trahana Uji Fufu Gari

Table 2

Some common animal-based fermented foods of the world

Fermented milks




Acidophilus milk

Cow milk


Airag Butter Cheese Chhurpi, chhu Dahi

Mare or camel milk Animal milk Animal milk Cow milk Cow milk

LAB, yeasts LAB LAB, yeasts, mold LAB, yeasts LAB, yeasts

Filmjo¨lk Kefir or kefyr Kishk Koumiss or Kumiss

Cow milk Goat, sheep, or cow milk, kefyr grain Sheep milk, wheat Horse, donkey, or camel milk

LAB LAB, yeasts LAB, yeasts LAB, yeasts

Laban Lassi

Animal milk Cow milk

LAB, yeasts LAB, yeasts


Cow milk


Russia, East Europe, Greece, Turkey, North America, Scandinavia Mongolia All parts of the world Worldwide India, Nepal, Bhutan India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan Sweden Russia, Europe, Middle East, North Africa Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Libya, Middle East, Iran Kazakhstan, Russia, Scandinavia, Mongolia, China Egypt, Turkey India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Middle East Sweden (Continued)



Table 2

Some common animal-based fermented foods of the worlddcont'd

Fermented milks




Misti dahi Rob Shrikhand Tarag Viili Yogurt Balao balao Belacan, budu Burong isda Hentak Jeot kal Kung chao Nga pi Nam-pla Narezushi Ngari Pla ra Shiokara Surstro¨mming Tungtap Androlla Bacon Chorizo Kargyong Ham Nham Peperoni Salami

Buffalo/cow milk Cow, goat, sheep milk Cow, buffalo milk Cow, yak, goat milk Cow milk Animal milk Shrimp Shrimp Fish, rice Fish and petioles of aroid plants Fish Shrimp, salt, sweetened rice Fish Anchovies Sea fish, cooked millet Fish Fish, rice Squid Herring Fish Ground lean pork Slices of cured pig, beef Pork Pork, yak Cured pork Pork Pork, beef Pork

LAB, yeasts LAB LAB LAB, yeasts LAB, yeasts LAB, yeasts Micrococci, LAB Micrococci, LAB Micrococci, LAB LAB, yeasts LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB, yeasts LAB LAB Haloanaerobium praevalens LAB, yeasts LAB, micrococci, yeast LAB, yeast, micrococci LAB LAB LAB, yeasts, micrococci LAB, micrococci, yeast LAB, micrococci LAB, micrococci

India, Bangladesh Sudan India Mongolia Finland Europe, Australia, America Philippines Malaysia Philippines India Korea Thailand Myanmar Thailand Japan India Thailand Japan Sweden India Spain Germany, Belgium, Spain Spain India, Nepal, China (Tibet), Bhutan Spain, Italy Thailand Europe, America, Australia Europe

Table 3

Ethnic mixed amylolytic starters of Asia

Ethnic starter




Bubod Chiu-yueh Loogpang Koji Marcha Men Nuruk Phab Ragi

Rice, wild herbs Rice, wild herbs Rice, wild herbs Rice, wheat Rice, wild herbs, spices Rice, wild herbs, spices Rice, wild herbs Wheat, wild herbs Rice, wild herbs

Molds, Yeasts, LAB Molds, Yeasts, LAB Molds, Yeasts, LAB Aspergillus oryzae, A. sojae, Yeasts Molds, Yeasts, LAB Molds, Yeasts, LAB Molds, Yeasts, LAB Molds, Yeasts, LAB Molds, Yeasts, LAB

Philippines China, Taiwan, Singapore Thailand Japan India, Nepal Vietnam Korea China (Tibet), Bhutan Indonesia

Table 4

Alcoholic beverages and drinks of the world






Bantu beer Basi Bhaati jaanr Brandy Brem Bouza Cider Feni

Sorghum, millet Sugarcane Rice Fruit juice Rice Wheat, malt Apple Cashew apple

LAB, Yeasts Bubod, binubudan Marcha S. cerevisiae Ragi LAB Yeasts S. cerevisiae

South Africa Philippines India, Nepal Worldwide Indonesia Egypt France, Spain, Ireland, Slovenia Worldwide

Gin Kanji

Maize, rye, barley Carrot/beetroots

Opaque appearance, sour Clear or cloudy liquid Mild alcoholic, sweet–sour Distillates Sweet–sour, mild alcoholic Alcoholic thin gruel Clear alcoholic drink Distilled wine from cashew apples, strong flavor Clear, high-alcohol distilled Strong flavored

S. cerevisiae Torani contains LAB, yeasts

Worldwide India (Continued)



Alcoholic beverages and drinks of the worlddcont'd






Krachae Kodo ko jaanr Lao chao Merrisa Palm wine/Toddy

Rice Finger millet Rice Millet, cassava Palm sap

Loogpang Marcha Chiu yueh Yeasts, LAB Yeasts, LAB

Thailand India, Nepal China Sudan Palm-growing regions

Pulque Raksi Rum Ruou nep Sake´

Agave juice Cereals Molasses Rice Rice

Yeasts, LAB Marcha S. cerevisiae Men Koji

Mexico India, Nepal Worldwide Vietnam Japan

Sato Shochu Soju Champagne Takju Tapuy Tari

Rice Rice Rice Grapes Rice, wheat, barley, maize Rice Palmyra and date palm sap

Loogpang Koji Nuruk S. cerevisiae Nuruk Bobod Yeasts, LAB

Thailand Japan Korea Worldwide Korea Philippines India


Mashed potato

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Russia, Poland, Finland



Saccharomyces cerevisiae




Nondistilled and filtered liquor Mild alcoholic, sweet–acidic Sweet -sour, mild alcoholic paste Turbid drink Sweet, milky, effervescent, and mild alcoholic White, viscous, acidic–alcoholic Clear distilled liquor Clear distilled liquor Clear distilled liquor Nondistilled, clarified, and filtered liquor Distilled liquor Distilled spirit Distilled liquor Clear and flavored Alcoholic Sweet, sour, mild alcoholic Sweet, milky, effervescent, and mild alcoholic Clear, distillate, flavored, high-alcohol content spirit Distillate clear liquor from fermented malted barley Red, white, flavored, clear



Microbial Composition of Fermented Foods Three major groups of microorganisms are associated with ethnic fermented foods: bacteria, yeasts, and fungi.

soybean foods are B. subtilis, B. natto, B. licheniformis, B. thuringiensis, B. coagulans, and B. megataerium. Some strains of B. subtilis produce l-polyglutamic acid, which is an amino acid polymer commonly present in Asian-fermented soybean foods giving the characteristic sticky texture to the product.

Bacteria Bacteria have the dominant roles in production of many fermented foods. Among bacteria, LAB are widely encountered in fermented foods; bacilli and micrococcaceae are also involved in fermentation of foods.

Lactic Acid Bacteria LAB are nonsporeforming, Gram-positive, catalase-negative without cytochromes, nonaerobic or aerotolerant, fastidious, acid tolerant, and strictly fermentative bacteria with lactic acid as the major end-product during sugar fermentation. LAB genera isolated from various fermented foods are Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Enterococcus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Oenococcus, Streptococcus, Tetragenococcus, Carnobacterium, Vagococcus, Weissella, and Alkalibacterium. Among genera of LAB, both Lactobacillus (hereto- and homo-lactic) is the most dominant genus in fermented foods, mostly followed by the species of Pediococcus. The status of LAB in foods is termed as generally recognized as safe. Many species of LAB, such as probiotics and antimicrobial, can also exert biopreservers and have functional properties.

Bacilli Bacillus is a Gram-positive, endospore forming, rod-shaped, catalase positive, motile, and aerobic to semianaerobic growing bacterium. Common species of Bacillus present in fermented

Micrococcaceae Micrococcaceae are Gram-positive coccii, aerobic, non sporeforming, nonmotile, and catalase-positive bacteria with irregular clusters. Species of Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, and Kocuria are reported in fermented meats and fish.

Other Bacteria Klebsiella pneumoniae, K. pneumoniae subsp. ozaenae, Enterobacter cloacae, species of Propionibacterium, Bifidobacterium, Haloanaerobium, Halobacterium, Halococcus, and Pseudomonas have also been reported in many fermented foods.

Yeasts About 21 genera with several species of yeasts have been reported from fermented foods and beverages, which include Brettanomyces, Candida, Cryptococcus, Debaryomyces, Dekkera, Galactomyces, Geotrichum, Hansenula, Hanseniaspora, Hyphopichia, Issatchenkia, Kazachstania, Kluyveromyces, Metschnikowia, Pichia, Rhodotorula, Saccharomyces, Saccharomycodes, Saccharomycopsis, Schizosaccharomyces, Torulaspora, Torulopsis, Trichosporon, Yarrowia, and Zygosaccharomyces. Yeasts food fermentation is practiced around the world along with bacterial and fungal fermentation or in combination. Yeasts ferment sugar, produce secondary



metabolites, inhibit growth of mycotoxin-producing molds, and have several enzymatic activities.

Filamentous Fungi Some common genera of mycelial or filamentous fungi associated with fermented foods and beverages are Actinomucor, Amylomyces, Aspergillus, Monascus, Mucor, Neurospora, Penicillium, Rhizopus, and Ustilago. Mycelia fungi are mostly present in Asian-fermented foods and beverages, European cheese, and sausages. Functional properties of the fungi in fermented foods mainly include production of enzymes, such as maltase, invertase, pectinase, a-amylase, b-galactosidase, amyloglucosidase, cellulase, hemicellulase, acid and alkaline proteases, and lipases, and also include degradation of antinutritive factors.

Importance of Microorganisms in Fermented Foods The most remarkable aspects of age-old ethnic fermented foods are their biological functions, which enhance several healthpromoting benefits to the consumers thanks to the associated functional microorganisms. Some traditional fermented foods and beverages are commercialized and marketed globally as health foods or functional foods.

Biotransformation of Bland Foods Biological transformation of bland vegetable protein into meatflavored sauces and pastes by mold fermentation is common in Japanese miso and shoyu, Korean doenjang, Chinese soy sauce, and Indonesian tauco. In ang-kak, an ethnic fermented rice food of Southeast Asia, Monascus purpureus produces a purple-red water-soluble color in the product, which is used as a colorant. In tempe, a fermented soybean food of Indonesia, mycelia of Rhizopus oligosporus knit the soybean cotyledons into a compact cake that, when sliced, resembles nontextured bacon.

Biological Preservation Biological preservation takes a significant approach to improving the microbiological safety of foods without refrigeration by using lactic acid fermentation. During fermentation of the Himalayan ethnic fermented vegetable products (gundruk and sinki), Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus brevis, Pediococcus pentosaceus, and Leuconostoc fallax produce lactic acid and acetic acid, and lower the pH of the substrates, making the products more acidic in nature. Several fermented vegetable products preserved by lactic acid fermentation include kimchi in Korea and sauerkraut in Germany and Switzerland.

Biological Enhancement of Nutritional Value During fermentation, biological enrichment of food substrates with essential amino acids, vitamins, and various bioactive compounds occur spontaneously. In tempe, the levels of niacin, nicotinamide, riboflavin, and pyridoxine are increased by R. oligosporus, whereas cyanocobalamine or vitamin B12 is synthesized by nonpathogenic strains of K. pneumoniae and Citrobacter freundii during fermentation. Pulque, produced by

lactic acid fermentation of juices of the cactus plant, which is rich in thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, and biotin, and serves as important part of the diet in Mexico.

Biodegradation of Undesirable Compounds Enzymes produced by functional microorganisms present in the fermented foods degrade antinutritive compounds and thereby convert the substrates into consumable products with enhanced flavor and aroma. Bitter varieties of cassava tubers contain the cyanogenic glycoside linamarin, which can be detoxified by species of Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, and Streptococcus in gari and fufu, a fermented cassava food of Africa, and thereby rendered safe to eat.

Bioimprovement in Lactose Metabolism People suffer from lactose intolerance or lactose malabsorption, a condition in which lactose, the principal carbohydrate of milk, is not completely digested into glucose and galactose. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, the cultures used to make yogurt, contain substantial quantities of b-D-galactosidase, and consumption of yogurt may assist in alleviating the symptoms of lactose malabsorption.

Probiotic Properties of Fermented Foods Probiotic cultures are considered to provide health-promoting benefits by stabilizing the gastrointestinal tract, such as protection against diarrhea, stimulation of the immune system, alleviation of lactose-intolerance symptoms, reduction of serum cholesterol, and prevention against cancer. Some common probiotic cultures used in the production of fermented functional foods are Lactobacillus acidophilus La2, La5, Johnsonii; Lactobacillus bulgaricus Lb12; Lactobacillus lactis L1a; Lb. plantarum 299v, Lp01; Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, GR-1; Lactobacillus reuteri MM2; Lactobacillus casei Shirota; Lactobacillus paracasei CRL 431; Bifidobacterium adolescentis; Bifidobacterium longum BB536; Bifidobacterium breve Yakult; Bifidobacterium bifidus Bb-11; Bifidobacterium essensis Danone; and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12.

Bio-production of Enzymes During fermentation, indigenous microorganisms or starter cultures produce a wide spectrum of enzymes on the substrates to break down complex compounds to simple biomolecules for several biological activities. Bacillus subtilis produces enzymes, such as proteinase, amylase, mannase, cellulase, and catalase, during natto and kinema fermentation. Species of Actinomucor, Amylomyces, Mucor, Rhizopus, Monascus, Neurospora, and Aspergillus produce various carbohydrases, such as a-amylase, amyloglucosidase, maltase, invertase, pectinase, b-galactosidase, cellulase, hemicellulase, and acid and alkaline proteases and lipases. Taka-amylase A (TAA), a major enzyme produced by A. oryzae (present in koji) is well known worldwide to be a leading enzyme for industrial utilization.

Antimicrobial Properties Protective properties of LAB resulting from antimicrobial activities are useful in food fermentation and make foods safe to

BIOCHEMICAL AND MODERN IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES j Microfloras of Fermented Foods eat. Many strains of LAB isolated from kimchi produce antimicrobial compounds, such as leuconocin J by Leuconoctoc sp. J2, lacticin BH5, and kimchicin GJ7 by Leuconoctoc lactis BH5 and Leuconoctoc citreum GJ7, and pediocin by P. pentosaceus. Nisinproducing LAB inhibit the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in Camembert cheese. Bacteriocins inhibit L. monocytogenes in fermented sausages, cottage cheese, and smoked salmon.

Medicinal Values Consumption of fermented foods containing viable cells of Lb. acidophilus decreases b-glucuronidase, azoreductase, and nitroreductase (catalyze conversion of procarcinogens to carcinogens), and thus possibly remove procarcinogens and activate the human immune system. Lactic acid produced by kimchi is found to improve obesity-induced cardiovascular diseases. Antioxidant activities have been reported in many ethnic fermented soybean foods of Asia, such as kinema, natto, chungkokjang, kinema, douchi, and tempe. Puer tea, a fermented tea of China, prevents cardiovascular disease. Koumiss is used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Parameters for the Study of Fermented Foods The study of traditional fermented foods and beverages is primarily focused on the following parameters: documentation on traditional method of preparation of fermented food and beverages, culinary practices, and mode of consumption; ethnical and cultural values, if any; therapeutic uses, if any; economy of the product; market survey; case study of marginal producers; physicochemical determination of pH; and temperature of the product in situ. Samples should be collected aseptically in presterilized poly bags or bottles kept in a cooler. Microbiological investigation of fermented food includes determination of microbial loads of functional microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, molds) and pathogenic contaminants (colony-forming unit per gram or liter of sample); isolation, enrichment, and purification of microorganisms; determination of phenotypic (morphological, physiological, and biochemical tests) and molecular identifications; and assignment of the proper identification of functional microorganisms following the standard norm of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) for microorganisms and well-authenticated taxonomical keys. Unknown strains of isolates should be further identified to the species level using genotypic identification methods, such as DNA-based composition, DNA hybridization, and ribosomal RNA sequencing, and using chemotaxonomical tools, such as cell wall, cellular fatty acids, and isoprenoid quinones. Accurate identity of isolated microorganisms associated with fermented foods and beverages is essential for microbial taxonomy, which determines the quality of the product. Identified strains of microorganisms should be preserved in 15% glycerol at below 20  C and deposited at authorized microbial culture collection centers. Experimentation on fermentation dynamics or microbial changes during in situ fermentation may help to understand the role of each microorganisms during natural fermentation. The analysis of proximate composition and nutritional values of fermented


foods is also an important parameter of these studies. Optimization of the traditional process using pure or consortium identified native microorganisms and organoleptic evaluation of the product are essential for any claim on the development of a starter culture. Identified strains may be further studied for their enzymatic profiles, antimicrobial activities, toxicity, probiotics, biogenic amines formation, and other biochemical activities to determine their specific roles in a particular fermented product; this may help to improve the native product.

Phenotypic Identification Proven producing strains must be identified by phenotypic characteristics, such as colony, cell morphology, Gram staining, growth at different temperatures (8–65  C), pH (3.9–9.6), and salt tolerance (4.0–18%).

Biochemical Identification Biochemical tests are based on the metabolic activities of bacteria, such as carbon and nitrogen sources, energy sources, sugar fermentation, secondary metabolites formation, and enzyme and toxin production. Biochemical tests to identify bacteria in fermented foods are mainly as follows: 1. Tests for metabolism of carbohydrates: whether an organism can metabolize a carbohydrate (usually glucose) to an acid by oxidation (aerobic process) or fermentation (anaerobic process), ability to ferment sugars, production of CO2 from glucose to distinguish homo- and heterofermentative LAB, and tests for starch hydrolysis. 2. Tests for metabolism of proteins and amino acids: production of ammonia from arginine, casein hydrolysis, gelatin liquefaction, indole production, amino acids decarboxylase tests, and phenylamine deaminase test. 3. Test for the metabolism of fats: hydrolysis of tributyrin. 4. Tests for enzymes: catalase, oxidase, urease, coagulase, and nitrate reduction. 5. Test for the production of dextran from sucrose: exclusively for leuconostoc. 6. Lactic acid configuration: The configuration of lactic acid produced by LAB is determined enzymatically using D-lactate and L-lactate dehydrogenase kits.

API System One of the widely used modern biochemical identification methods for prompt sugar fermentation test of microorganisms is the Analytical Profile Index (API) system. The API system of bioMérieux (API System [SA], France) is a miniature biochemical kit for the phenorypic identification of different groups of bacteria and even yeasts. The API 50 CHL test strip enables the determination of the fermentative ability of 49 different carbohydrates by an isolated strain. The system is standardized, and every step is exactly defined, e.g., for inoculation of each of the 50 wells in the strip with a cell suspension, use of a Pasteur pipette, and aftergrowth under



exactly defined conditions. The incubation temperatures (e.g., 26, 30, or 37  C) are selected according to the product and the typical environmental conditions of fermentation. Fermentation reactions are recorded after 3, 6, 24, and 48 h, also noting the intensity of the reaction on a scale from 0 (negative) to 5 (strongly positive). The APILAB PLUS database identification software (bioMérieux, France) makes use of a computerdriven optical reader and specific cards to generate a biochemical profile and is used to interpret the results. When no additional tests are performed, however, using the API system may lead to erroneous identification. More reliable results are obtained when isolated strains are preliminarily grouped according to hetero- and homo-fermentation; the lactic acid isomers, L(þ) or D(); the racemic DL, produced from glucose; cell morphology; and some key physiological tests, such as growth at different temperatures, NaCI concentrations, and pH values.

Rapid API-ZYM System

The study of the enzyme profiles of LAB involved in food fermentation is enabled by another development of bioMérieux, called the Microenzyme Rapid API-ZYM System, and it has found applications (among others) for LAB involved in different fermented foods. The relative activities of 19 hydrolytic enzymes may be determined semiquantitively, and drops of cell suspensions are inoculated in microcupules and incubated at 30  C for 6 h. After incubation, one drop of the ready-made zym-A and zym-B reagent is added and observed for color development based on the manufacturer’s color chart. A value ranging from 0 to 5 is assigned, corresponding to the color developed: 0 corresponds to a negative reaction, 5 (¼ 40 nmol) corresponds to a reaction of maximum intensity, and values 4, 3, 2, and 1 are intermediate reactions corresponding to 30, 20, 10, and 5 nmol, respectively. The use of the API-ZYM technique is a rapid and simple method to evaluate the enzymatic profiles of microorganisms, mainly LAB associated with fermented foods. This method is also relevant for the selection of strains as potential starter cultures based on superior enzyme profiles for the quality development of traditional fermented products.

Biolog System The Biolog Microbial Identification System offers a fast and easy way to identify more than 2200 species of both Grampositive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeast, and filamentous fungi. This system has excellent potential for the study of bacterial succession and dynamics even on the strain level. It uses 96 microwell plates containing a basal medium with 94 different carbon sources with two additional control wells. A redox indicator enables the rapid detection of the microbial activity in each well. After incubation for 4–24 h, a pattern of active wells is obtained yielding a metabolic fingerprint. The strain is identified by comparison with patterns of the reference database. A turbidometer and a computer-aided Micro-Plate Reader, together with the appropriate software, are supplied by the company and simplify the final identification. The Biolog System provides an extended database for LAB species. Manual, semiautomated, and fully automated systems make use of the database.

Meso-Diaminopimelic Acid For confirmation of Lb. plantarum and Lactobacillus pentosus strains, the presence of meso-diaminopimelic acid (DAP) in the cell wall should be determined by using thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Each sample is spotted on TLC on cellulose plates. Descending one-dimensional chromatography is done by keeping the plates in a TLC chamber in a solvent solution containing methanol, pyridine, 10 N HCl, and water (32:4:1:7). After keeping the plates in the chamber for 4–5 h, the plates are dried and the chromatograms are developed by spraying acidic ninhydrin. Spots representing meso-DAP appears dark green to gray and turn yellow within 24 h.

Immunofluorescent System Other modern developments, such as immunofluorescent or immunomagnetic separation and isolation procedures, have thus far been developed and applied mainly for clinical strains. They, however, do offer extremely elegant and highly precise typing methods for studying microbial communities during food fermentation. Monoclonal as well as polyclonal antibodies are being used. Labeling using commercial immunoassay kits is mainly based on enzymes (e.g., peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase) and such compounds that participate in a luminescent reaction (e.g., acridinium ester, isoluminal derivatives).

Cellular Fatty Acid Profile Cellular fatty acid profile systems may reduce subjectivity and turnaround time, but they still rely on phenotypic identification. It is practical to use gas chromatography of whole-cell fatty acid methyl esters to identify a wide range of organisms. Branched-chain acids predominate in some Gram-positive bacteria, whereas short-chain hydroxy acids often characterize the lipopolysaccharides of the Gram-negative bacteria.

Modern or Molecular Identification Molecular or genotypic identification is emerging as an alternative or complement to established phenotypic methods, which is an accurate and reliable identification tool, and is widely used to identify both culture-dependent and cultureindependent microorganisms from fermented foods. Typically, genotypic identification of bacteria involves the use of conserved sequences within phylogenetically informative genetic targets, such as the small subunit (16S) rRNA gene. Some important molecular identification or genotypic methods that are widely or occasionally used in studies of fermented foods follows.

Polymerase Chain Reaction DNA extract of microorganism is subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using universal primers or primers designed to amplify rRNA genes. The broad-range amplification of 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) genes with universal 16S rDNA primers allows the unselective detection of

BIOCHEMICAL AND MODERN IDENTIFICATION TECHNIQUES j Microfloras of Fermented Foods unexpected or previously unknown bacteria in fermented food samples. The PCR products can be cloned by overhanging 30 deoxyadenosine residues and blunted ligation procedures or by using commercially available kits to clone PCR products.

Species-Specific PCR

A species-specific PCR technique is applied using specific PCR primers to identify a particular species of the genus. For example, to identify Lb. brevis, a species-specific PCR is applied.

Repetitive Extragenic Palindromic Sequence-Based PCR Bacterial and fungal genomes contain numerous noncoding, repetitive DNA sequences separating longer, single copy sequences and their arrangement varies between strains. The repetitive extragenic palindromic sequence–based PCR (repPCR) technique amplifies these repetitive sequences to produce amplicons of varying length that can be separated by electrophoresis, giving a fingerprint composed of bands that fluoresce at different intensities after binding with an intercalating dye.

Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA Random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) is a type of PCR reaction, but the segments of DNA that are amplified are random. The RAPD creates several arbitrary, short primers (8–12 nucleotides) and then proceeds with the PCR using a large template of genomic DNA; hence, the technique usually is called RAPD-PCR analysis.

DNA Sequencing and Phylogenetic Analysis Screening of rRNA gene-containing clones by restriction fragments length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of purified plasmid DNA or insert DNA, which is obtained by PCR for the presence of near-identical sequences, can greatly reduce the number of clones that require complete sequencing. RFLP, however, is of limited use for demonstrating the presence of specific phylogenetic groups and is a time-consuming method. An automated DNA sequencing system has facilitated the rapid screening and analysis of large gene libraries in the identification systems of microorganisms. By sequencing individual clones and comparing the obtained sequences with sequences present in databases, it is possible to identify the phylogenetic position of the corresponding bacteria without their cultivation.

Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is a technique that allows for the electrophoretic separation of low numbers of large DNA restriction fragments. These fragments are produced using restriction enzymes to generate a highly discriminatory genetic fingerprint. PFGE is relatively costly and requires at least 3 days to obtain a result.

DNA–DNA Hybridization DNA–DNA hybridization measures the degree of genetic similarity between pools of DNA sequences. It is used to


determine the genetic distance between two species. When several species are compared, the similarity values allow the species to be arranged in a phylogenetic tree.

Fluorescent in situ Hybridization Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) can be applied to samples without prior cultivation and can be used to determine the cell morphology and identity of microorganisms, their abundance, and the spatial distribution in situ. Fluorescent rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes confer a fluorescent stain specifically to the cells of a phylogenetically coherent group on various taxonomic levels.

Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) is a method by which fragments of partial 16S rDNA-amplified fragments of identical length but different sequence can be resolved electrophoretically because of their different melting behavior in a gel system containing a gradient of denaturants. DGGE and its relative, temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE), were developed to analyze microbial communities in fermented milk products based on sequence-specific distinctions of 16S rRNA amplicons produced by PCR. If the total DNA of a microbial community is used in PCR amplification, these techniques can provide the profile of the genetic diversity of the dominant populations. If total RNA is used instead, the profiles reveal the metabolically active populations. Both PCR–DGGE and PCR–TGGE are used to study the diversity and dynamics of microorganisms in food fermentations and to profile pathogens directly in food samples.

Multilocus Sequence Typing of Housekeeping Genes Multilocus sequence typing directly determines the DNA sequence variations in a set of housekeeping genes (constitutive genes required for the maintenance of basic cellular function) and characterizes strains by their unique allelic profiles. Nucleotide differences between strains can be checked at a variable number of genes (generally seven) depending on the degree of discrimination desired. Housekeeping genes as molecular markers alternative to the 16S rRNA genes have been proposed for LAB species identification: rpoA and pheS genes for Enterococcus and Lactobacillus; atpA and pepN for Lactococcus species; and dnaA, gyrB, and rpoC for species of Leuconostoc, Oenococcus, and Weissella. Phylogenetic analysis based on the sequences of housekeeping genes is a superior approach to the 16S rRNA gene sequence for the discrimination of closely related LAB strains from ethnic fermented foods.

Microarray Microaaray is a multiplex lab-on-a-chip and is a twodimensional array on a solid substrate (usually a glass slide or silicon thin-film cell) that assays large amounts of biological material using high-throughput screening methods. Types of



microarrays include DNA microarrays, such as cDNA, oligonucleotide, and SNP microarrays; MM chips for surveillance of microRNA populations; protein microarrays; tissues microarrays; cellular or transfection microarrays; chemical compound microarrays; antibody microarrays; and carbohydrate arrays or glycoarrays.

Culture-Dependent and Culture-Independent Techniques The phenotypic identification methods are based on culturedependent techniques and can detect only culturable microorganisms, ignoring very important unculturable microorganisms from food ecosystems. A culture-independent molecular method is now being used for the microbial typing in food fermentations. The application of direct cultureindependent methods can profile microbial populations, thus avoiding the biases encountered in culture-dependent methods. The most popular culture-independent methods is a direct PCR–DGGE analysis to profile bacterial populations in fermented foods, particularly fermented sausages and fermented milk products. Culture-independent methods may detect species that are missed by plating, provided that the amplification efficiency is high enough. The culture-independent method, however, is typically dependent on PCR and other molecular techniques. Several potential biases have been observed for the required extraction of community DNA, the PCR, and other enzymatic reactions. Separation of 16S rDNA by DGGE and TGGE has its own potential shortcomings regarding accurate separation of taxa. Both culture-dependent and culture-independent techniques are contradictory to each other, but for microbial taxonomy, both techniques are equally important and complementary. Identification of any unknown microorganism isolated from fermented foods should be based on simple phenotypic

methods, such as Gram stain, colony and cell morphology, growth in or at different temperatures, pH and salt tolerance, and biochemical tests (such as catalase, arginine hydrolysis, CO2 production, and sugar fermentation pattern), and is followed by modern molecular tools, such as RAPD–PCR, DGGE– TGGE, and the housekeeping genes technique. Culturable as well as unculturable microorganisms from any fermented food and beverage should be identified using culture-dependent and culture-independent methods to document a complete profile of native microorganisms and to study the diversity within species of a particular genus or genera.

See also: Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Introduction; Electrical Techniques: Lactics and Other Bacteria; Probiotic Bacteria: Detection and Estimation in Fermented and Nonfermented Dairy Products.

Further Reading Alegría, A., González, R., Díaz, M., Mayo, B., 2011. Assessment of microbial populations dynamics in a blue cheese by culturing and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Current Microbiology 62 (3), 888–893. Kurtzman, C.P., Fell, J.W., Boekhout, T. (Eds.), 2011. The Yeasts: A Taxonomic Study, fifth ed. Elsevier, London. Lactic Acid Bacteria, 2011. www.MetaMicrobe.com. Salminen, S., Wright, A.V., Ouwehand, A., 2004. Lactic Acid Bacteria Microbiology and Functional Aspects, third ed. Marcel Dekker, New York. Tamang, J.P., 2010. Himalayan Fermented Foods: Microbiology, Nutrition, and Ethnic Values. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York. Tamang, J.P., 5 May 2010. Benefits of Traditional Fermented Foods. Our World 2.0. www.ourworld.unu.edu/, pp. 1–4. Tamang, J.P., Fleet, G.H., 2009. Yeasts diversity in fermented foods and beverages. In: Satyanarayana, T., Kunze, G. (Eds.), Yeasts Biotechnology: Diversity and Applications. Springer, New York, pp. 169–198. Tamang, J.P., Kailasapathy, K. (Eds.), 2010. Fermented Foods and Beverages of the World. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, New York.

Biofilms B Carpentier, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES), Maisons-Alfort Laboratory for Food Safety, Maisons-Alfort, France Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is a revision of the previous edition article by Brigitte Carpentier, O. Cerf, volume 1, pp. 252–259, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

Adhesion Adhesion is a physicochemical process of interaction between molecules that are situated in the outermost layer of the inert surface and of the microorganisms, and molecules of the surrounding fluid. Interaction occurs because of three types of forces that combine into free interfacial energy: Van der Waals’ forces, which are attractive; electron acceptor and electron donor interactions; and electrostatic interactions, which can be either repulsive or attractive. In the aqueous phase of foods, in which the ionic strength is high, electrostatic interactions are negligible. In water, in which the ionic strength is weak, electrostatic interactions are not negligible, and they limit adhesion to a variable extent, because both the surface of the microorganisms and the inert surface generally are negatively charged. Such a limitation is not sufficient to prevent biofilm formation, however, because thick biofilms are found on drinking water ducts. As soon as a solid material is placed within a liquid, in a matter of seconds, soluble molecules in the liquid concentrate on the surface of the solid and form a “conditioning film.” Mircoorganisms need more time to adhere. Consequently, the surface to which microorganisms stick is conditioned. In the food industry, conditioning results from the adsorption of molecules of food materials or from cleaning agents and disinfectants, and thus work surfaces close to each other tend to become similar in terms of free energy. Figure 1 shows that the water contact angles (one of the values used to calculate the surface’s free energy) of different floor materials introduced in a pastry site are the same on each surface material from the third week onward. This result is consistent with cleaning and disinfection that causes the spread of residual food and cleaning agents, and hence the coating of surfaces. Adhesion of bacteria is frequently favored when surfaces are hydrophobic – that is, when the water contact angle is high (higher than 90 ), which is a characteristic of low-energy surfaces; however, this is not a general rule. This, added to the fact that the surface energy of materials changes once placed in a food-processing area, suggests that hydrophobicity is not the best criterion, in regards to bacterial adhesion, to follow when choosing a construction material for food processing. Bacteria can sense contact with a solid surface, and within a few minutes, adhesion triggers the expression of many genes, including those involved in the production of exopolysaccharides. Another example is the expression after adhesion of the gene laf in Vibrio parahaemolyticus, leading to the production of lateral flagella allowing cells to swarm on the surface.

Colonization After adhesion, growth of adherent microbial cells frequently leads to the colonization of the surface – that is, formation of microcolonies with the production of extracellular polymeric

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

substances (EPSs). Some bacterial species do not always form microcolonies – for example, Listeria monocytogenes produces only single attached cells after growth in static conditions in tryptone soya broth (TSB) or in brain heart infusion (BHI). Colony formation can lead either to patchy (Figure 2), continuous biofilm or to large mushroom-shaped microbial clusters separated by interstitial voids and water channels. Numerous mechanisms are involved in biofilm differentiation, and for a same-bacterial strain, the mechanisms involved are dependent on growth conditions. Cell density-dependent signaling systems called quorum-sensing systems can be necessary to form a typical three-dimension complex structure in one environmental condition and have no impact in another one, as shown for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In other species, such as Staphylococcus epidermidis, a quorum-sensing signal called autoinducer-2 (AI-2) represses biofilm formation. Surprisingly, AI-2, which is also produced by L. monocytogenes, does not have the same impact, but S-ribosyl homocysteine, a precursor of AI2, is responsible for repression of biofilm formation. Other factors, such as nutrient availability and hydrodynamic conditions in flowing systems, also have an influence on

A 100


80 Water angle (degrees)

Biofilm Formation





0 –1

0 1 2 3 Residence time (weeks)


Figure 1 Water contact angles of three different floor materials: A, B, and E in a pastry site, as a function of residence time. A and B ¼ vitrified tiles. E ¼ resin-based material. Number of repetitions ¼ 30; error bars represent the standard deviations. Unused ¼ unused material. Residence time ¼ 0 corresponds to floor materials installed in the site and submitted once to one cleaning (Mettler, E., Carpentier, B., CNEVA France, 1998. Variations over time of microbial load and physicochemical properties of floor materials after cleaning in food industry premises. J. Food Prot. 61, 57–65.). Reprinted with permission from Journal of Food Protection. Copyright held by the international Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians, Inc.





Figure 2 Example of food industry biofilm developed on a stainless steel coupon left for 1 week in a noncleaned place of a meat-processing room. Cells were stained with acridine orange.

biofilm amount and architecture. Interestingly, L. monocytogenes is able to form typical thick biofilms when grown in a chemically defined medium but not, as mentioned, in classical rich laboratory media (TSB and BHI). When grown on diluted TSB under dynamic conditions, L. monocytogenes shows ball-shaped microcolonies surrounded by a network of knitted chains. Bacterial interactions can modify cells localization on a surface. For instance, although most bacterial species reduce L. monocytogenes growth in mixed culture and thus reduce the number of attached L. monocytogenes cells, some bacterial strains belonging to several genera (Kocuria, Pseudomonas, Comamonas) improve attachment of L. monocytogenes cells, which are then gathered in microcolonies. When a mixed culture of attached cells was submitted daily to a chlorinate product, cells of a species susceptible to chlorine gathered around colonies of other species highly resistant to chlorine, suggesting a protective effect of the latter. The time for achieving maximal population density and a stable state can be long, and it can be expressed in days, weeks, or even in months. For example, biofilm accumulation assessed with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) measurements on surfaces exposed to groundwater that did not contain a disinfectant was shown not to reach steady state after 4 months despite heterotrophic plate counts stopped increasing after 10 days. This indicates that culturable bacteria represent only a fraction of active biomass (1%).

Extracellular Polymeric Substances In addition to water, the biofilm matrix contains EPSs – that is, polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, lipopolysaccharides, and nucleic acids. The matrix also contains products of cell lysis and entrapped substances whose composition depends on the environment. It is often assumed, notably in review papers from J.W. Costerton and colleagues in the 1990s, that bacterial adhesion

to a surface is mediated by exopolysaccharides but it has been shown by Allison and Sutherland (1987) that nonpolysaccharide-producing mutants were able to adhere. Similarly, it was shown by Leriche and Carpentier (2000) that an increase in polysaccharide production by a Staphylococcus sciuri was not linked with an improvement in bacterial attachment. In fact, exopolysaccharides are necessary for the accumulation of microorganisms and microcolony formation, and it is also suggested that extracellular DNA have a role in biofilm stability. By contrast, proteins and proteinaceous appendages (pili, fimbriae, curli) play an important role in bacterial adhesion thanks to the presence of acidic and hydrophobic amino acids. By maintaining cells close to each other, EPSs permit efficient genetic exchange and, through secondary metabolites or quorum-sensing systems, allow for communication not only between cells of a same bacterial species but also between cells of different species. Exopolysaccharides can trap nutrients from the bulk liquid or those produced in the biofilm by cells or by cell leakage. Anionic exopolysaccharides (e.g., alginic acid, colanic acid) can bind cations, toxic metallic ions, and other substances that contact the biofilm. This entrapment capacity is essential in aquatic environments or in bioreactors where molecules are easily metabolized helping to purify spoiled water. Because exopolysaccharides form a gel with high capacity for retaining water, they also are important for desiccation resistance. It has been shown by Roberson and Firestone (1992) that reducing available water enhances exopolysaccharides production. This could explain the survival of Gram-negative bacteria with a low resistance to desiccation, such as Pseudomonas species, on food industry surfaces that are intermittently dry.

Physiological Status of Attached Bacteria According to the most commonly accepted definition of biofilm, not all attached bacteria are considered to belong to

Biofilms a biofilm. However, all attached bacteria and particularly those remaining after cleaning and disinfection deserve attention. For this reason, all attached bacteria are considered in this section. In the food industry, bacteria have to survive stressful conditions because of unsteady nutrient supply, chemical shocks, and desiccation. For example, because floors are one of the main reservoirs of L. monocytogenes and because floors in dairy plants are usually acidic, it is likely that acid adaptation occurs in harborage sites of floors surface (Figure 3). Induction of the acid tolerance response also protects L. monocytogenes against the effects of other environmental stresses. Similarly, bacteria are able to adapt to low disinfectant concentrations that could be found when rinsing after disinfection is not sufficient. Such adaptation is detected when the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) is higher than expected. But, as disinfectants do not aim to inhibit growth but rather to kill bacteria, such high MIC should designate a tolerance to disinfectant but not a resistance. As in other environmental conditions, a proportion of the adhering microorganisms submitted to stresses (i.e., starvation, disinfection) is not culturable on classical culture media used to perform colony-forming unit (cfu) counts. Among nonculturable cells, some can show activity, such as a respiratory one, as revealed by the capacity to reduce 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC; see Figure 4). Active cells – for which viability, classically defined as the ability to multiply, is not demonstrated – are called viable-but-nonculturable (VBNC) cells. Among VBNC cells, there are likely cells lacking appropriate conditions to support culture, cells that are seriously damaged and will die later, and perhaps cells needing a signal for resuscitation. In a recent study conducted in a meat-processing site, when a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conveyor belt material was swabbed after cleaning and disinfection, cfu numbers from the swab samples could be up to 1.7 log greater when tryptone soya agar plates were incubated for 14 days instead of 6 days at 25  C. Similarly, an increase in cfu numbers can be observed

Figure 3

Harborage site in a new floor material.


when substances, such as sodium pyruvate or sodium thioglycollate, are incorporated in nutritive agar media to decrease the oxidative stress of bacteria. The vitality of VBNC cells was recently proved by their ability to divide in the ecosystem in which they dwell. Several methods are used to quantify VBNC cells, the most robust of which is direct viable count, which is enumeration under the microscope or by flux cytometry of cells that are able to elongate when incubated with yeast extract and an antibiotic that inhibits cell division. When using the widely used methods to quantify cells with membrane integrity – that is, live–dead viability staining or, more recently, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) after pretreatment with ethydium monoazide (EMA-qPCR) or propidium monazide (PMAqPCR) – more viable cells can be detected, showing the existence of several physiological states among the VBNC state. Both EMAand PMA-qPCR appear to be useful methods because they can target a pathogen in the swabbing samples and identify the source of a pathogen detected by a culture in food but not in the food-processing environment.

Reducing Biofilm Buildup Hygienic Design This article has stressed the need to avoid crevices and recesses for surface material, and the importance of water draining. These same requirements should be applied inside of the equipment. For mechanical engineers, however, they sometimes are not obvious and even may contradict their traditions. Therefore, recommendations were prepared and published by the European Hygienic Equipment Design Group (EHEDG). These recommendations are being standardized at the international and continental level (International Organization for Standarization (ISO), 3A in the United States, the European Committee for Standarization (CEN) in the European Union).



log cfu cm –2 log CTC-positive cm –2 log cells cm –2

9 8 Log cfu or cells cm –2

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1

2 3 4 Moulding area



4 4 2 Ripening area


1 Packaging area

Figure 4 Colony-forming units, CTC-positive cells, and total count of bacterial cells detached from surfaces in three areas of a cheesemaking plant: (1) conveyor belts, (2) equipment, (3) trolley wheels, and (4) floor. Courtesy of M. Alliot, Laboratoire Soredab, La Boissière-Ecole, France.

These standards concern, for example, global design, material and surface finish, welding of stainless steel, design of valves and joints, and testing methods for cleanability.

The food sectors in which reducing biofilm buildup is extremely difficult are those for which water is unavoidable – that is, aquaculture and fish processing. In other food sectors, however, the best method to limit biofilm development is to maintain dryness of the surfaces and atmosphere. All available means to obtain dryness should be used. There should not be any possibility for water to stagnate. The slope of floors and gutters should be >1.5% to allow for the efficient flow of the water used for cleaning and disinfection. A sufficient number of traps and siphons should be correctly placed. It is advisable to remove all the cold spots where water can condensate and, as already performed by some food operators, to implement an air treatment to remove humidity after cleaning and disinfection. Use of water should be restricted to cleaning and disinfection, and no water should be used when the product is exposed, notably after a drying or thermal-processing step.

microbial consortium resident on wooden shelves for cheese ripening inhibit L. monocytogenes. New and used material should have and keep a low roughness and should not have pits and crevices. To check for the absence of pits in floor materials, for example, observations under a binocular lens with side illumination are necessary. Indeed, holes that are capable of harboring bacteria and yet cannot be cleaned are frequently present on resin-based floors. The arithmetical mean roughness (Ra) and peak-to-valley height (Rz) usually are used to characterize roughness. These parameters, however, do not differentiate between peaks and valleys, and another parameter called reduced valley depth (RVK) could be taken into account to assess the cleanability of floors materials. Rvk was better linked to cleanability when calculated with a cutoff value of 0.8 mm than 2.5 mm, indicating that the gross topographic irregularities of floor materials were not responsible for their cleanability performances. The parameter RVK is not useful for every type of material – for example, those containing irregularly placed holes and pits or those, like some stainless steel, that are too smooth for RVK to be measurable. For stainless steel, the rule of thumb supported by EHEDG is an Ra equal to or less than 0.8 mm.

Surface Texture

Surface Modification

Materials should not be porous. Therefore, concrete or materials containing a high proportion of cement are not recommended. Because of its high porosity, wood has a bad reputation. Nevertheless, provided the necessary hygiene precautions are well understood and implemented, wood can be used in some instances because of its other characteristics. Notably chopping boards and chopping blocks can be used in home kitchens and butcher shops because wood limits the sliding of knives and resulting accidents, or in cheese-ripening rooms because wood harbors a microflora that is needed for ripening. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that the

The antimicrobial material concept has been under investigation in medical sciences since the early 1980s to prevent implant-related infection. Although food-processing surfaces represent a completely different situation (periodical cleaning and disinfection, cold temperature or dry atmosphere, and so on), some antimicrobial materials have been proposed to the food industry, the most common ones being materials containing triclosan or silver. Triclosan, although used in soap and deodorants for several decades, has many detractors because it possibly selects cells with reduced susceptibility to several antibiotics.



Cleaning and Disinfection Two situations related to cleaning and disinfection should be distinguished: The first situation is a biofilm that slowly forms on a surface because that surface was not or incorrectly cleaned. The second situation is a biofilm that forms in a harborage site in a place that is periodically and correctly cleaned and disinfected. Regarding the first situation, one can cite two major foodborne outbreaks that could have been avoided if cleaning and disinfection had been correctly applied. In 1994, in the United States, an Escherichia coli O157:H7 outbreak was due to a contaminated meat grinder in a supermarket that was cleaned only once a week, although it should have been at least once a day. In 2000, in Japan, a poisoning episode that affected 13 809 people was caused by a Staphylococcus aureus-contaminated valve connecting a supply pipe to a tank: the valve had not been cleaned for almost 1 month, although it should have been cleaned every week. The second case is a lot more worrisome when the biofilm is formed by an undesirable species, because it means that the microorganism is able to grow between two successive cleaning and disinfection operations, and it will be difficult or even impossible to eliminate the persistent strain. Such persistence occurs frequently with L. monocytogenes in refrigerated ready-toeat processing sites, which is a major concern for food hygienists. Cleaning, which aims to remove soils and microorganisms, and disinfection, which aims to inactive the remaining cells, do not eliminate all bacteria from a surface, but they normally are good means to stop biofilm formation and to remove pathogenic bacteria. The latter are usually less numerous than nonpathogenic bacteria and they are less resistant to cleaning and disinfection than the dominant bacteria in food-processing ecosystems, such as Pseudomonas and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus. Biofilm resistance to disinfection often is presented as a major concern, but cleaning must be done before disinfection. The mechanical and chemical actions of cleaning, provided that the surfaces are accessible, are good means to detach bacteria and the nutrients needed for bacterial growth. Scrubbing a surface on which a thick biofilm is visible to the naked eye will leave some cells but a visibly clean surface.

Mechanical Action of Cleaning Gently rinsing a biofilm always leads to light erosion. When pouring a liquid on a biofilm, cells are continuously detached, but the number of detached cells is negligible compared with the biofilm population so that a decrease in the biofilm population cannot be detected after a simple rinse. Conversely, it is quite impossible to detach all microorganisms adhering to a surface. Efficiency of the mechanical action of cleaning (brushing, water-jet application) depends on the strength of bacterial attachment. The latter is dependent on the species considered. E. coli O157:H7 is much easier to detach than Pseudomonas fluorescens cells. Bacterial attachment strength increases with biofilm age, as seen on P. fluorescens biofilm, and depends on the surface material. For instance, in laboratory as well as in field studies, bacterial attachment strengths were shown to be lower on stainless steel than on PVC. By performing multiple


vigorous swabbings and constructing a detachment curve by plotting the log cfu cm2 detached by each swabbing against the swabbing number, it is possible to calculate the population present on the surface. The calculation uses the slope of the detachment curve; when swabs are performed on equipment in a food-processing site, this slope can be close to zero, showing the high attachment strength of a low number of bacterial cells. A more demonstrative way to assess attachment strength is to assess the proportion of cells detached by the first swabbing. In a laboratory study in which Pseudomonas putida biofilms were grown on stainless steel, one swabbing detached nearly 100% of the cells; on naturally attached aerobic mesophilic bacteria, however, it was much more difficult to detach all of the cells. We showed that one swabbing of a conveyor belt’s PVC before cleaning and disinfection in a meat-processing site detached only 6% of the 4  103 attached cfu cm2. Another study of the inner surfaces of a refrigerated serve-over counter for a fermented pork product showed that one swabbing detached 59% of the 103 cfu cm2 attached to a PVC sheet.

Chemical Action of Cleaning Neutral surfactants and acid products are both no more active than water to detach a biofilm from a surface. Alkaline and enzymatic products allow for cell detachment. Several commercial alkaline products used at the lower recommended concentration were shown to detach from 10% to 90% of the bacterial cells of a P. fluorescens laboratory-grown bio-film whose initial population was 3  107 cfu cm2. Alkaline products have another property: a 0.1 M caustic soda is bactericidal on Gram-negative bacteria, but unfortunately is not on coagulase-negative Staphylococcus belonging to the dominant flora of the premises in which foods of animal origin are processed.

Disinfection As mentioned, a major property of biofilm as well as of attached single cells is the high resistance of a subpopulation to disinfectants. Cells belonging to this subpopulation can be called persister cells. The existence of this subpopulation is illustrated in Figure 5, which shows that the size of the subpopulation of L. monocytogenes resistant to a disinfectant increases with the age of the attached cells: Single cells adherent to a glass slide were obtained after 4-h incubation in culture broth and adherent microcolony cells after a 14-day incubation. This is likely the reason of the following difference. Three decimal reductions of the culturable population of a laboratory 1-day biofilm (107 cfu cm2 P. fluorescens grown on tiles) could be obtained by a chlorinated alkaline solution applied at the concentration recommended by the manufacturer. Yet this chemical treatment led to a one decimal reduction of aerobic mesophilic counts (104 cfu cm2) on the same tiles that had been placed in a cheese-making site for 4 weeks. Increased resistance occurs soon after adhesion, before detectable EPS production, and vanishes when cells are detached and suspended in a liquid. The resistance increase depends on the nature of the disinfectant. Surface active disinfectants (e.g., quaternary ammonium compounds, amphoteric agents) have a markedly reduced efficacy on




Decrease in log cfu cm -2

1 2 3 4 5 6 0







Time (min) Figure 5 The decrease of log cfu cm2 of adherent microcolonies, adherent single cells, and planktonic cells of L. monocytogenes caused by 800 ppm planktonic cells; adherent microcolonies; adherent single cells (Frank, J. F., Koffi, R. A., University of benzalkonium chloride. Georgia, USA, 1990. Surface-adherent growth of Listeria monocytogenes is associated with increased resistance to surfactant sanitizers and heat. J. Food Prot. 53, 550–554.). Reprinted with permission from Journal of Food Protection. Copyright held by the international Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians, Inc.

Table 1

Efficacy of disinfectants against biofilm or planktonic Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Quaternary ammonium compounds

Amphoteric surfactant


Cetrimide >400

Tegol 25

Peracetic acid 4

Benzalkonium chloride 100

Phenolic compounds Sodium hypochlorite 5

Phenol 1

O-Cresol 4

Results are reported as the ratio of MBC of biofilm over MBC of planktonic cells, where MBC stands for minimal bactericidal concentration resulting in five decimal reductions of the initial population in 5 min at 20  C (calculation after results from Ntsama-Essomba, C., Bouttier, S., Ramaldes, M., Fourniat, J. 1995. Influence de la nature chimique des désinfectants sur leur activité vis-à-vis de biofilms de Pseudomonas aeruginosa obtenus en conditions dynamiques. In: Bellon-Fontaine, M. N., Fourniat, J. (Eds.), Adhésion des micro-organismes aux surfaces, Lavoisier Tec & Doc, Paris, 282–294.)

biofilms compared with suspended cells (Table 1).On the contrary, it has been shown that phenol had the same efficacy whether P. aeruginosa cells were suspended or within a biofilm (Table 1). The nature of the surface to which cells adhere has an influence on biocide efficacy. It was shown in the laboratory as well as in field conditions that stainless steel is more easily disinfected than many other materials, such as aluminum or polymers.

Biofilm Detection in Food-Processing Plants Because of the slimy extracellular matrix of thick biofilms in wet locations, they can be detected visually and by touch. Thin biofilms or microcolonies on surfaces cannot be detected by the naked eye, and thus swabbing surfaces and quantification of microbial cells can be performed. Cell quantification is not able to distinguish between single attached cells (nonbiofilm cells) and aggregated cells (biofilm cells). When it is possible to bring a surface suspected to be colonized by microbial cells to a laboratory, observation by scanning electronic microscopy is a good method to detect biofilm. Other microscopic methods, including epifluorescence microscopy and confocal laser

scanning microscopy, also can be used to see how microbial cells are organized.

Conclusion To conclude, if the state-of-the-art rules in hygienic design and cleaning and disinfection were perfectly applied, there would likely be no undesirable real biofilm on open surfaces in foodprocessing lines. Two challenges remain: communication and environmental impact. Communication with food processors is essential, especially with small and medium enterprises in which operators are not all aware of basic principles to avoid biofilm buildup. The food industry also must reduce the environmental impact of cleaning and disinfection without compromising the microbial quality of food products.

See also: Good Manufacturing Practice; Hazard Appraisal (HACCP): The Overall Concept; Process Hygiene: Overall Approach to Hygienic Processing; Process Hygiene: Modern Systems of Plant Cleaning; Pseudomonas: Introduction; Injured and Stressed Cells; Viable but Nonculturable.


Further Reading Carpentier, B., Cerf, O., 2011. Review – persistence of Listeria monocytogenes in food industry equipment and premises. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 145, 1–8.


Fratamico, P.M., Annous, B.A., Gunther, N.W. (Eds.), 2009. Biofilm in the Food and Beverage Industries. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK. Lelieveld, H.L.M., Mostert, M.A., Holah, J.T. (Eds.), 2005. Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK.

Biophysical Techniques for Enhancing Microbiological Analysis AD Goater and R Pethig, University of Wales, Bangor, UK Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is reproduced from the previous edition, volume 1, pp 259–267, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

By using microelectrode structures, various forms of electric fields, such as nonuniform, rotating, and traveling wave, can be imposed on particles of sizes ranging from proteins and viruses to microorganisms and cells. Each type of particle responds to the forces exerted on them in a unique way, allowing for their controlled and selective manipulation as well as their characterization. Moreover, particles of the same type but of different viability can be distinguished in a simple, reliable manner. The principles that govern the way in which bioparticles respond to these various field types are described with examples of current and potential biotechnological applications.

Basic Concepts

Application of a DC Field to Particles

The induced motion or orientation of bioparticles in electrical fields has been observed for over 100 years. Until comparatively recently, only particle motion or phoresis, induced by DC electric fields was studied. From the generic idea of electrophoresis, a whole new branch of novel electrokinetic manipulation methods of bioparticles has arisen, simply by taking advantage of another dimension, the particle response to the frequency of the applied field.

Innate Electrical Properties of Bioparticles In order to understand the interactions of a particle with an electric field, one must first consider the innate electrical properties of that particle. The important passive electrical properties of a bioparticle, such as a cell or microorganism, are its effective conductivity and electrical capacitance (i.e., dielectric permittivity) as well as its surrounding electrical double layer. A generalized bioparticle suspended in an aqueous solution (weak electrolyte) is represented in Figure 1 with the relative distribution of innate charges, both bound and free. Many of the molecules that make up biological

– b

+ + – –

– +



+ –

+ –

+ –

+ – +

+ – + – +– – + – +

+ –

–+ –+


– d + – +

+ –

–+ + – – +

On the application of a DC electric field across the bioparticle, all the charges, bound and free, in the system will be attracted to the electrode of opposite polarity (Figure 2). If the solution is more or less neutral only relatively small concentrations of Hþ and OH will be present, ions such as Naþ and Cl will carry the bulk of the current. Those ions associated with the electrical double layer will respond to the field to form an asymmetric distribution around the particle, the new equilibrium of which is established by the magnitude of the electric field and the opposing ionic concentration diffusion gradient, which tends to restore the random, symmetrical distribution. Any motion of the particle toward the electrodes in a DC field is due to the net surface charge. Human erythrocytes, for example, in a standard saline solution under the influence of a DC field of 1 V cm1 migrate toward the anode at around 1 mm s1. Particle separation is therefore possible due to differences in their mobility in an electric field, which may be due to their size, mass, or charge. Whereas bound charges and polar molecules in the system may orientate in the field, free charge carriers (e.g., ions) will migrate toward the electrodes, that is unless they encounter a material with different electrical properties. Ions encountering





–+ –+

+ c –

– +

Figure 1 The relative distribution of charge for a suspended particle. A simplified cell (solid circle) suspended in an aqueous medium at neutral pH showing the relative distributions of charge, both free and bound. Approximate conductivity (s ¼ S m1) and relative permittivity (3r where air ¼ 1) of the bulk solution: (a) s ¼ 104, 3r ¼ 80, cell wall (where present); (b) s ¼ 102, 3r ¼ 60, membrane; (c) s ¼ 107, 3r ¼ 3; and interior (d) s ¼ 101, 3r ¼ 70 for a typical viable cell.


particles possess ionizable surface chemical groups such as COOH or NH2. The ionizable head groups of lipids in the plasma membrane are one such example and because of these the particle possesses a net surface charge. An electrostatic potential due to these charges will be present around the particle, the effect of which decreases to that of the bulk medium with increasing distance from the particle. Ions of opposite charge, counter-ions, to those on the surface will be attracted toward the particle by this electrostatic potential. Together, the bound surface charges and the surrounding counter-ion atmosphere, shown as the cation dense region in Figure 1, form what is termed an electrical double layer.

+– +–

+ + – –

+– +– +– – – +


+ – – – + +


– – –



+ +



Figure 2 Application of a DC electric field to a suspended particle. On the application of a DC electric field to a cell in aqueous solution, charges will experience a force toward the oppositely charged electrode. Ions in the bulk solution are free to migrate to the electrodes, whereas charges associated with the electrical double layer are restricted and show a distortion or polarization.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


Biophysical Techniques for Enhancing Microbiological Analysis the plasma membrane, will be prevented from free motion toward the electrodes by this membrane if it is intact. The membranes of viable cells are only semi-(selectively) permeable to ions and non-lipid soluble molecules (i.e., are relatively nonconducting). The conductivity of the cell membrane tends to be around 107 S m1, some 107 times less conductive than that of the interior which can be as high as 1 S m1. For particles the size of erythrocytes, then within about a microsecond after the application of an electric field, the ions will have fully built up at the particle boundary forming an aggregation of interfacial charges. Importantly these induced charges are not uniformly distributed over the bioparticle surface, forming predominantly on the sides of the particle facing the electrodes. These charges and the distorted electrical double layer lend to the particle the properties of an electrical dipole moment, m. This dipole moment is in the order of 2.5  105 debye units (D) for a cell of 5 mm diameter (cf. 1.84 debye for a water molecule); the cellular dipole moment is therefore described as macroscopic, although the magnitude of the induced charge is still only a fraction, around 0.1%, of the net surface charge carried by cells and microorganisms.

Application of an AC Field to Particles If we now consider the application of an alternating field to a particle, we see that various phenomena occur over different frequency ranges of applied field. Starting close to the DC condition, with a field that reverses direction a few times a second, the particle motion is dominated by electrophoretic forces. The particle may follow reversals of the field electrophoretically for frequencies up to a few hundred hertz, where reversals of the field take less than a few milliseconds. Because of the particle’s inertia, this electrophoretic motion becomes vanishingly small for frequencies above around 1 kHz. Other mechanisms can respond to field reversals of much higher frequencies such as the dynamic behavior of the electrical double-layer distortion or polarization around cells. This can follow changes in field direction that take as little as a few microseconds. Any faster than this (i.e., frequencies >50 kHz) then the counter-ion cloud around cells does not have time to distort. Like the fall off in the electrophoretic motion with increasing field frequency, the decrease in response of the double layer to the changing field occurs gradually over a range of frequencies. This is termed a dielectric dispersion. Interfacial polarizations are even more responsive to changing field directions and for subcellular-sized particles can take as little as tens of nanoseconds to respond to a reversal in field direction, they can therefore exert their influence up to frequencies of 50 MHz and beyond. This is still nowhere near as responsive as small polar molecules such as water to alternating fields. A measure of the ability of molecules in a material to align in an electric field is given by the relative permittivity of that material, which for bulk water molecules at 20  C in an alternating field less than 500 MHz has a value of 80. At frequencies above 100 GHz the relative permittivity of water falls to that typical of nonpolar molecules, around 4. A similar fall in permittivity is seen above about 50 kHz on the freezing of water, because the molecules of the liquid become restricted in a solid lattice and can no longer rotate so freely to align with the field.




– m





Figure 3 The polarization of particles in an AC electric field. Two particles in an aqueous medium between two parallel electrodes. Particle a is more and particle b is less electrically polarizable than the surrounding fluid. Electrical charges are induced on the surfaces of both particles, to produce induced dipole moments m.

On cell death, membrane integrity is lost, it becomes permeable to ions and its conductivity increases by a factor of about 104 with the cell contents freely exchanging material with the external medium. This transition in the properties of the membrane shows up as a large change in the polarizability of the cell in an electric field. Other causes for particles having different polarizabilities include differences in their morphologies or structural architecture, which may be associated with the cells belonging to different species, different stages of differentiation or physiological state. Two such particles, that differ in polarizability, are shown in Figure 3 subjected to an alternating homogenous field created between two parallel electrodes. The direction of the dipole moment formed by the interfacial charges is shown to depend on the relative polarizabilities of the particle compared with the medium.

Particle Motion in Inhomogeneous AC Electric Fields: Dielectrophoresis Homogeneous AC electric fields do not induce motions in electrically neutral particles, due to equal forces acting on both sides of the polarized particle. If the particle carries a net charge, it will oscillate back and forth as a result of electrophoresis. As the frequency increases these translational oscillations become vanishingly small. Net translational motion is possible, however, if instead the field is inhomogeneous (Figure 4). To distinguish this force from electrophoresis, Herbert Pohl adopted the term dielectrophoresis (DEP) from the term dielectric which is used to describe liquid and solid materials of low conductivity. For example, an intact membrane is a dielectric material characterized by having a conductivity 1016 times smaller than copper and a dielectric permittivity 3 times that of air. Examples of some particles investigated with DEP are given in Table 1.

The DEP Force as a Function of Medium Conductivity Figure 4 shows that the polarity of the force exerted on the particle depends on the polarity of the induced dipole moment, which in turn is determined by the relative


Biophysical Techniques for Enhancing Microbiological Analysis Table 1 Examples of particles investigated by nonuniform AC electric fields (DEP)


Particle type a –






Eukaryotes (–)

Figure 4 Polarization of particles in nonuniform AC electric fields. Two particles of different polarizability in a nonuniform (inhomogeneous) electric field. The highly polarizable particle a experiences a positive DEP force directing it toward the high-field region near the pin electrode, while the weakly polarizable particle b is directed away from the high-field region by a negative DEP force.

polarizability of the particle and the medium. As a consequence, by altering the polarizability of the medium one can control the direction of motion of a particle. This principle can be exploited to gain particle separations by choosing a suspending medium with an intermediate polarizability, that is between the polarizabilities of two particles in the mixture, so that each particle type will be under the influence of a DEP force of different polarity. Selective manipulation using the DEP force has been used to enable separations of various interspecific mixtures such as between some Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as the intraspecific separation of live and dead cells, or cancerous from normal cells. Examples of separations demonstrated are listed in Table 2, together with the appropriate medium polarizabilities (conductivity) and field frequency. The DEP force imparted on a particle by an electrical field is also proportional to a number of other factors; the particle size, shape, and the magnitude and degree of nonuniformity of the applied electric field. The electrode geometry is very important in maximizing the forces on the particles. For example, small and sharply pointed electrodes create strong field gradients, and therefore large DEP forces. Microelectrodes and the relatively low conductivity required for these separations both have the advantage of reducing heat production at the electrodes and electrolysis. Fabricated using standard photolithographic techniques, they typically take the form of thin 0.1 mm layers of gold on chromium, evaporated on glass (microscope slide size) substrates. In one design, the interdigitated castellated electrodes (Figure 5), through their geometry, provide an efficient means of repeating regions of high and low field gradient, which,

Table 2

Mammalian cells

Other particles

Examples Virus

Trapping of single virion herpes simplex type 1 Bacteria Characterization and separation of bacteria Protozoa Differentiation between normal and Plasmodium falciparum–infected erythrocytes Yeast Batch separation of viable and nonviable (heat treated) Saccharomyces cerevisiae Plant cells Batch separation of plant cells from mixture-containing yeast and bacteria. Cell lines MDA231 human breast cancer cell separation from erythrocytes and T-lymphocytes Lymphocyte Removal and collection of human leukemic cells from blood Proteins Collection of proteins, e.g., avidin 68 kDa and ribonuclease A 13.7 kDa. DNA Separation of different sizes of DNA (9–48 kb) using positive DEP with field flow fractionation Liposomes Alignment of cell size liposomes for subsequent electrofusion Artificial Separation of latex beads of nanoparticles diameter 93 nm, with differing surface charge

when fabricated over large areas, provide the means of largescale separations of particles. Figure 6 illustrates the local cell separation between the electrode castellations. Separation of particles under positive and negative DEP can be achieved either by gravity or fluid flow over the electrodes, which selectively removes the less-immobilized particles under the influence of negative DEP and enables their subsequent collection. Those cells still held, under positive DEP, can be released by turning off the field and collecting in a similar manner. Separation chambers based on this mechanism are usually composed of two electrode arrays sandwiching a thin layer of fluid. Thin chambers are used because the DEP force decays with distance in a near exponential manner, and an effective DEP force is considered to extend no further than

Values of suspending medium conductivity and voltage frequency used to dielectrophoretically separate cell mixtures

Cell mixture Escherichia coli (Gram ve) Erythrocyte Nonviable yeast Blood cells Human peripheral blood Bone marrow

Micrococcus luteus (Gram þve) M. luteus Viable yeast Leukemic cells Breast cancer cells Peripheral blood

Conductivity (mS m1)

Frequency (kHz)

Released cell



E. coli

10 1 10 10 1

10 10 MHz 80 80 5

Erythrocyte Nonviable Blood cells Erythrocyte CD34þ subpopulation

Biophysical Techniques for Enhancing Microbiological Analysis


0.8 0.6 Viable 0.4 α 0.2 Out


Non-viable 104

–0.2 DEP separation



Frequency (Hz)

Figure 7 Variation of the particle polarizability a as a function of the frequency of the applied electric field for viable and nonviable yeast cells in a suspending medium of 8 mS m1.


Interdigitated, castellated microelectrodes


In A.C. generator

Figure 5 A typical DEP separation chamber consisting of two sealed glass plates with microelectrode arrays fabricated on their inner surface, and inlet and outlet ports for the passage of cell mixtures and suspending fluids. The interdigitated, castellated, electrode design enables cells to be separated locally under the influences of negative and positive dielectrophoreses.

Figure 6 Separation of viable and nonviable cells by DEP. By applying a 4 MHz signal to a cell suspension on castellated interdigitated electrodes, healthy and nonviable cells can be separated. Nonviable cells stained by a dye experience a negative force and collect into loosely held triangular formations in regions of low electric field strength. The unstained viable cells experience a positive dielectrophoretic force and collect in chains between opposite castellations.

300 mm from the plane of the microelectrode. Despite this possible limitation, separations of more than 104 cells per second can be achieved by using quite simple equipment.

The DEP Force as a Function of Field Frequency The polarizability of a particle also changes as a function of the frequency of the applied field. A single particle may therefore exhibit both positive and negative dielectrophoreses as its polarizability changes over a frequency range, for a constant medium conductivity. A typical DEP frequency spectrum illustrating such a transition is shown for a live yeast cell in Figure 7.

Figure 8 Examples of positive (a) and negative (b) dielectrophoretic collection of yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Positioning of cells in the center of a polynomial array by negative dielectrophoresis is convenient prior to electrorotation analysis using the same electrodes with the appropriate electrical connections.

Also represented is the DEP spectra for a dead yeast cell, which only experiences a change in the polarity of DEP force for frequencies greater than a few megahertz at a conductivity of 8 mS m1. DEP spectra are obtained by measuring the particle motion in a chamber with, for example, polynomial type electrodes (Figure 8) energized with sinusoidal voltages, with 180 phase difference between adjacent electrodes.

Levitation of Particles Contact with the electrode induced by positive DEP may impinge on subsequent removal of the particle (e.g., by fluid


Biophysical Techniques for Enhancing Microbiological Analysis

flow or gravitational forces). The attractive or repulsive forces on the particles by DEP so far described are for interactions where both the particle and electrode are in the same plane, the particle resting on the substrate. These forces can also be applied to particles to make them levitate above the substrate, either from the result of an attractive high field region presented above the particle in the form of an electrode probe or by the repelling action of interdigitated electrodes on the plane of the glass, where the particle can be confined in a stable position above the electrodes. Particle levitation can be combined with other techniques, for example, field flow fractionation (FFF), whereby particles levitated to different heights (up to 100 mm and above) are exposed to different rates of fluid flow. Negative DEP forces can also be exerted simultaneously from above and below to trap particles in a ‘3D field cage.’

Cell Handling for Electrofusion Another application for DEP is the manipulation of cells prior to electrofusion. Attractive interactions between the induced dipoles of adjacent cells can result in the formation of chains of cells (pearl chains) of variable length. Close cell contact, followed by a high field strength DC pulse(s) of kV cm1 and ms duration can lead to cell fusion of two to several thousand cells, so that giant cells can be formed as well as hybrid cells with two nuclei.

Are Cells Damaged? To induce cell fusion, or indeed electrical breakdown of the cell membrane, a field strength of at least 10 times more than is typically used in DEP separations is required. Hybrid cells from electrofusion are viable, which suggests that cells having undergone exposure to normal DEP forces are not damaged. Further evidence includes the exclusion of trypan blue from dielectrophoretically separated erythrocytes and the successful culture of various cell types including yeast cells and CD34þ cells. The fluid flow during a DEP separation procedure produces a maximum shear stress on the cell of around 3 dyn cm2. T-lymphocytes and erythrocytes have been reported to be able to withstand a shear stress some 50 and 500 times this value, respectively. Therefore, almost insignificant levels of shear stress are experienced by these cells in DEP chambers. The conductivity of suspending medium used is normally much below that of a normal physiological medium, however, as long as the osmolarity is of the right value, osmotically sensitive cells can be investigated. This is achieved by additives such as sucrose at 280 mM, which has little effect on the conductivity. An alternative approach has been to use submicrometer electrodes which minimize heating effects enabling the use of normal physiological strength media.

DEP: Concluding Remarks The method is noninvasive and does not require the use of antibodies or cell surface antigens or other labeling, although in some applications the use of specific markers or dielectric labels may be an advantage. DEP can be employed at either the single-cell or multicell (more than 104 cells per second) level,

and it has already been demonstrated for a variety of applications, notably: the purification of cell cultures by DEP separation of nonviable or contaminating species; the isolation or enrichment of cell subpopulations; and the rapid isolation of toxic microorganisms in water and food. Manipulation of sub-micrometer particles such as single virions of Herpes simplex virus (type-1) both in enveloped and in capsid form gives an indication of the potential for submicrometer applications, such as the study of single virion– bacterium interactions or virus harvesting. Rapid biopolymer (DNA or protein) fractionation has also been described in a method termed DEP chromatography.

Particle Motion in Rotating Electric Fields: Electrorotation Whereas conventional DEP utilizes stationary fields, two closely related techniques utilize moving fields, more specifically either of rotating or traveling wave form. The investigation of particle motion in these moving fields has led to the development of some different applications. Inducing cellular spin by subjecting the cell to a uniform (homogeneous) rotating electrical field is termed electrorotation (ROT). Applications of ROT include the real-time assessment of viability of individual cells and their characterization. A uniform rotating electric field can be generated by energizing four electrodes with sinusoidal voltages, with 90 phase difference between adjacent electrodes. Creation of the dipole moment in a particle takes a characteristic time to reach its maximum value, equally when the field changes direction the dipole will respond and decay at a rate determined in part by the passive electric properties of the particle and suspending medium that appertain to the frequency of the applied voltage. Torque resulting in cellular spin is induced by the interaction between the rotating electric field and the remnant dipole. As illustrated in Figure 9, the torque created can result in spin of the particle in the opposite direction to the field as well as in the same direction as the field (not shown). For a given particle, there is a unique rotation rate for each frequency of applied voltage. This variation in rotation rate is (b)




Figure 9 Generation of particle torque in a ROT chamber. In a stationary field (a), the induced dipole moment for a particle that is less polarizable than the medium is directed against the field. On turning the field in a clockwise direction (b), the field interacts with the decaying charges to produce a torque on the particle. In the example shown the resultant spin of the particle opposes the direction of the moving field, this is termed anti-field electrorotation. Conversely for a particle that is more polarizable than the surrounding medium the torque induced results in a spin in the same direction as the field or co-field rotation (not shown).

Rotation rate (100 s–1 V–2)

Biophysical Techniques for Enhancing Microbiological Analysis Table 3 (ROT)

2 Non-viable

Examples of particles investigated by rotating electric fields

Particle Type

0 Viable

Acellular Prokaryotes Eukaryotes


–4 102


104 10 5 Frequency (Hz)



Examples Virus Bacteria Protozoa Yeast Algae Plant cells Insect cell line

Figure 10 ROT spectra of live and dead Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. Viability was confirmed with the fluorogenic vital dyes 40 ,6diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and propidium iodide (PI).

shown in Figure 10 for a viable and nonviable oocysts of Cryptosporidium parvum suspended in a 5 mS cm1 solution, whose viability had been confirmed using a fluorogenic vital dye technique. Although the field may be rotating at rates greater than 107 s1, the induced particle rotation rate which is dependent on the square of the field strength remains measurable by the human eye. Depending on the frequency, typical rotation rates observed are between 3 and þ1.5 rotations per second for a viable C. parvum oocyst subjected to a rotating field of around 10 kV m1, with negative rotation rates indicating antifield rotation of the particle. There is a frequency (around 800 kHz for this conductivity) in the ROT spectra of Figure 10 where the viable and nonviable oocysts rotate in opposite directions, providing a convenient, single frequency, viability check on individual oocysts. After concentration from a sample, particles for observation in a ROT chamber (which can be manufactured on a reusable glass slide or as a cheap ‘use once–throw away’ device) only require a few washes followed by resuspension in a known conductivity medium. Analysis by ROT observation of a sample using a normal microscope can require less than 15 min preparation. Although the particle suspension may require a purification step to avoid particle–debris interactions, ROT to date has found many applications, both with biological and synthetic particles (Table 3). As well as the rapid (a few seconds per cell) straightforward assessment of the viability of individual cells, the viability of larger numbers of cells (e.g., 30 cells of diameter 5 mm in a field of view at a magnification of 400) can also be assessed simultaneously. To assist the analyst, automatic measurement of the rotation rate for a full spectrum is also possible. A full frequency ROT spectrum, which can be thought of as a ‘fingerprint’ for heterogeneous particles like oocysts and cells, provides information not only about the viability of the particle, but also the conductivity and permittivity of the various ‘compartments’ within its structure. After ROT analysis, as with DEP, the particle remains intact and unchanged, and because ROT is a noninvasive method the particle can be subjected to further holistic or destructive analytical methods. A variety of particle types, including cells, protozoan cysts, and bacteria can be investigated by this technique. By probing a common difference between all dead and viable cells, namely membrane integrity, ROT is applicable to many particles. Potential applications also include distinguishing


Mammalian cells

Cell lines Lymphocyte Erythrocyte

Other particles

Platelet Liposomes Latex bead

Virus erythrocyte interactions Biocide treatment of bacterial biofilms Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts Saccharomyces cerevisiae comparison of wild type/vacuole deficient mutant Neurospora slime Barley mesophyll protoplasts Effect of osmotic and mechanical stresses and enzymatic digestion on IPLB-Sf cell line of the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda, Lepidoptera) MDA-231 human breast cancer cells Influence of membrane events and nucleus Erythrocytes parasitized by Plasmodium falciparum Influence of activators Liposomes with 1–11 bilayers Effect of surface conductance

between subtypes or strains of bacteria, whose surface or membrane properties differ, for example, the rapid diagnosis of the causitive agents of food poisoning to direct appropriate action.

Particle Motion in Traveling Wave Electric Fields Like ROT, a third AC electrokinetic technique also uses moving fields, instead of rotating they are in the form of linear traveling waves, made simply by applying AC voltages in phase sequence to a linear array of electrodes. At low frequencies (2000 kDa, but it is activated completely by heat treatment (5 min at 80  C). This protein displays a broad spectrum of activity against species of Bacillus, Arthrobacter, Corynebacterium, Micrococcus, and Listeria. The antimicrobial activity of B. linens M18 against Listeria was demonstrated in a cheese model with the reduction of 1–2 orders of magnitude with Listeria ivanovii and L. monocytogenes. The last identified antibacterial compound, linenscin OC2, was isolated from B. linens OC2. This molecule is active against foodborne pathogens, such as Staphylococcus aureus and L. monocytogenes. Unfortunately, this molecule demonstrates hemolytic activity on sheep erythrocytes, suggesting it would be toxic for use in vivo; however, this is not demonstrated. These compounds are not well characterized, but they are produced in a variety of growth conditions with soybean and meal broth being optimal.

Carotenoid Pigment The red color of orange rind-cheese, like Munster or Livarot, largely is due to carotenoid pigments produced by surface bacteria, especially by various species of Brevibacterium. In Brevibacteriaceae, the pigments responsible for the yellow to red color are carotenoids: isorenieratene, 3-hydroxy-isorenieratene,

Antimicrobial compounds produced by Brevibacteria

Antimicrobial agent



Organisms inhibited

Size (kDa) Reference

Unknown 1 Unknown 2 Antibacterial peptide Linecin A


Listeria spp. Clostridium botulinum L. monocytogenes, Corynebacterium fimi Brevibacteriaceae


Fox et al. (1999) Grecz et al. (1959) Motta et al. (2002)


Kato et al. (1991)

Linocin M18

B. linens B. linens B. aurantiacum ATCC 9175 B. aurantiacum ATCC 9175 B. linens M18

Linenscin OC2

B. linens OC2

Cytoplasmic membrane lysis and induction autolysis

ND, not determined.


Bacillus, Arthrobacter, Corynebacterium, 2000 Micrococcus, Listeria S. aureus, L. monocytogenes 285

Valdes-Stauber et al. (1994; Valdes-Stauber et al. 1996) Maisnier-Patin et al. (1995; Boucabeille et al. 1997)

Brevibacterium and 3,30 -dihydroxy-isorenieratene. Isorenieratene is also found in green sulfur bacteria. In these organisms, this carotenoid replaces chlorophyll during anaerobic conditions to photosynthetically utilize H2S and CO2 for production of SO2 4 . The genes encoding the carotenoid synthesis pathway are found in the genome of B. aurantiacum ATCC 9175 as part of the crt cluster (Figure 2). The formation of these compounds from the isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) occurs by successive action of IPP isomerase, idi, a geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase, crtE, a phytoene synthase, crtB, b-carotene desaturase, crtU, and finally a cytochrome P450 (Figure 2). Heterogeneity of pigment production within species is often observed, and it can be changed by growth in light conditions. Using light to modulate pigment production, three groups of Brevibacteria can be defined: (1) strains are cream colored when grown in darkness but change to orange with light (e.g., this includes B. linens ATCC 9172), (2) strains are orange in light and dark (e.g., B. linens ATCC, 19391), and (3) pigment is more intense with growth in the dark (e.g., B. aurantiacum ATCC 9175). Pigment production is also linked to the stage of growth, with a maximum production in the exponential phase. Abiotic conditions, such as pH, salt concentration, aeration, and temperature also modulates pigmentation intensity. Finally, growth with other microorganisms, in particular Debaryomyces hansenii, also changes the pigment production of by Brevibacteriaceae. Although pigmentation is an interesting aspect of the organism, little translational application has been done for use or isolation of the pigment for industrial use.

Proteolytic Enzymes Characterization of proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes in Brevibacteriaceae is a long-standing field of interest, but it has renewed interest because of this organism’s implications to accelerate cheese ripening via protein digestion. Brevibacterium is very proteolytic and lipolytic as part of the surface smear on cheese that in part provides substrates for additional metabolism. Dating back to 1959, about one paper per year was published until the 1970s when a number of investigators published important work describing extracellular proteases of Brevibacterium. More recently, an extracellular protease from B. aurantiacum ATCC 9174 was isolated and characterized to show that it is produced as a pre–pro enzyme, and after autocatalytic activation, a similar activation mechanism to that of subtilisin, it has very high proteolytic activity against many substrates. Historically, numerous investigators reported Brevibacterium proteolytic activity using gelatin, casein, milk, and paracasein as substrates. Brevibacterium is unusual for protease activity because the enzyme activity curve cycles during the incubation time with the phase being w24 h. Optimum incubation time for total cell density is 6 days, but the optimum incubation time for enzyme activity is 1 day with a rapid decrease in enzyme activity after 2 days. The optimum pH is 7 for proteolysis and neither glucose nor oxygen affects proteolysis in cheese. Glucose favors growth, but hinders production of extracellular proteases, and it produces a difference in enzyme activities in preparations after 2 days of growth compared with preparations after 6– 8 days of growth. Peptone, yeast extract, NaCl, and


K2HPO4 supplemented with casein have shown increases in protease activity. When cultures are incubated at 20  C, the greatest enzyme activity occurs in 24 h, but at 25  C, the maximum enzyme activity is delayed to 48 h. Activity cycles over time, but not with growth temperature shifts. The pure extracellular protease has optimum activity at pH 7.0 and 25  C and is sensitive to heat above 40  C. The best substrate for the extracellular protease is casein, although it shows some activity toward hemoglobin and albumin at an optimum pH and temperature of 7.9 and 45  C. Additionally, an intracellular protease is inhibited by reducing agents, metal chelating agents, mercury, and p-hydroxymercuricbenzoic acid. Aminopeptidase activity is also high and varies by growth condition and medium composition. The aminopeptidase is more heat stable than the protease, and it has activity in a wide range of pH and temperatures. When stored between 0 and 20  C, the aminopeptidase is stable for >1 year at pH 8.0. The enzyme is specific for L-leu, but activity is influenced by specific amino acid residues at the C-terminus with hydrolysis of dipeptides. The enzyme is composed of two subunits with positive cooperation, with subunit molecular weights of 48 000  3000 Da. Aminopeptidase is activated by cobalt, requiring a minimum preincubation period of 1 h at 20  C. Inhibitory substances include heavy metals, metal-complexing reagents, and reducing agents. Aminopeptidase activity decreases, unexpectedly, with cadmium, which seems to be unique to this enzyme. Some amino acids inhibit activity (His and Ser, Glu and Cys), but alcohols (methanol, ethanol, propanol, butaneol, and amyl alcohols) also reduce the enzyme activity.

VFA Products Determination of VFA production by Brevibacteriaceae has focused on whole milk, butterfat, milk fat, carbohydrates, and individual amino acid as substrates largely due to the importance of this organism in cheese production. Many studies demonstrate that Brevibacteria associated with smear cheese produce VFAs that are acidic, neutral, and alkaline to produce typical flavors associated with the cheese variety. VFA production by Brevibacterium from amino acids is medium dependent with the best medium being whey containing added acid hydrolyzed casein or whey with additional Gly. Gly, Ala, Glu, Leu, Asp, Asn, Met, and Cys are metabolized to acetic acid primarily, while Ala, Asn, and Cys are converted to caproic acid, and Leu is converted to isovaleric acid. Galactose and glucose play important roles in the formation of VFA, but lactose has no influence on this catabolic trait. Glucose influences VFA production the most, with peak production after 3 days of incubation at 21  C. The optimum pH range for VFA production is 7 and 8 for glucose and galactose, respectively. Acetic acid, n-butyric acid, and caproic acid are the primary VFAs when the base medium is supplemented with butterfat. This fat substrate requires 4 days of incubation at 21  C to get peak production at pH 7. In whole milk, Brevibacterium produces acetic acid, isovaleric acid and caproic acid. Brevibacterium linens produces almost twice the amount of VFA than the yeast associated with Limburger cheese.

328 Brevibacterium

Figure 3 Metabolism of methionine. (1) L-methionine g-lyase, (2a) L–aminoacid oxidase and (2b) aminotransferases, (3) methionine adenosyl transferase, (4) methionine decarboxylase, (5) methylase, (6) S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, (7) adenosylhomocysteinase, (8) cystathionine b-synthase, (9) cystathionine b-lyase, (10) cystathionine gamma-lyase, (11) homocysteine methyltransferase, (12) acyl-enzyme, (13) decarboxylase, (14) homoserine O-acetyl transferase, (15) homocysteine methyltransferase, and (16) cystathionine g-synthase. ND, not demonstrated in microorganisms.

Brevibacterium Primary volatile carbonyl compounds produced by Brevibacterium are acetone, formaldehyde, and 2-pentanone in whole milk. Production of volatile carbonyl compounds from amino acids, carbohydrates, and milk fat is common, while acetaldehyde and acetone are produced from any amino acid, except Gly, Tyr, and Met. Formaldehyde is produced from Gly, Leu, Asp, and Tyr, and 2-pentanone is produced from Glu. Acidic carbonyl compounds are derived from fatty acids (FAs) and are the direct precursors of methyl ketones. Glucose yields formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and 2-pentanone, while pyruvic acid is converted to acetaldehyde. Casein and fat yield more volatile carbonyl compounds than do carbohydrate sources. n-Butyric acid is the original FA for acetone with the intermediate being acid. Casein and milk fat, however, are more important in volatile carbonyl compound production by Brevibacterium than is glucose or pyruvic acid.

Volatile Sulfur Compound Production Production of alkylthiols, specifically methanethiol (also known as methyl mercaptan, MTL) has been the subject of great interest in recent years due the wide variety of flavors associated with different concentrations and redox conditions that contribute to beneficial cheese flavors from brevibacterial addition to Cheddar cheese as a flavor adjunct (Figure 3). A putrid aroma arises with the appearance of the reddish color in surface-ripened cheeses and in pure cultures of Brevibacterium, largely due to the aerobic conditions and large amounts of MTL production. Production of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) is strain variable (Table 2), with isolates from cheese often having the largest production and isolates from human skin producing low levels of MTL. Addition of Met to the growth medium increases MTL and VSC production. In B. aurantiacum, ATCC 9175 production of MTL is done by a single enzyme with a demethiolation

Table 2


step, whereas in other Brevibacteria and lactic acid bacteria, this conversion usually is done with a series of Cys-dependent enzymes. Addition of purified methionine g-lyase to a model cheese system resulted in production of MTL and additional oxidation products important in flavor production. In Brevibacteriaceae, VSCs arise from the degradation of methionine to MTL by a methionine g-lyase, a pyridoxal phosphate dependent enzyme. MTL then is used as a common precursor for a wide variety of VSCs found in cheese, including dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide, and S-methylthioesters MTL production. The capacity of the culture to produce MTL depends on the dissolved oxygen concentration (optimum being 25%), culture age (optimum at 25 h), temperature (optimum at 30  C), and pH (optimum from 8 to 9). Glucose inhibits MTL formation and favors cell growth. Amino acids other than Met have no effect on production of MTL. Lactate favors both cell growth and MTL production. Repression of MTL production by glucose is connected to the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate and substrate transport enzymes. Genome analysis of B. aurantiacum ATCC9174 shows the presence of complete sulfur metabolism. In addition to production of VSCs, Met seems to be important for B. aurantiacum growth. The genome contains three cobalamine-independent methionine synthases, all of which are expressed in different growth conditions. Moreover, two methionine transporters are present in the B. aurantiacum genome. One is similar to the high-affinity transporter MetNPQ of B. subtilis, and the second one shares similarities with the low-affinity transporter MetPS of Cornebacterium glutamicum. Finally, the expression of genes encoding a methionine g-lyase, locus BL929, and a methionine transporter (metPS) are induced with Met addition that results in a significant increase in VSC production, whereas in other organisms, the addition of Met represses production of methionine g-lyase.

Volatile sulfur compound produced by Brevibacteria that are important in fermented dairy products cheese





Thiols Hydrogen sulfide Methanethiol

B. aurantiacum, B. linens, B. antiquum

Rotten egg Cooked or fermented cabbage

Lopez del Castillo et al. (2007) Bonnarme et al. (2000); Arfi et al. (2006); Dias and Weimer (1998)

B. aurantiacum, B. linens, B. antiquum

Cooked cabbage sulfur Cabbage, garlic, cheese Garlic Cabbage, garlic, cheese

Bonnarme et al. (2000); Arfi et al. (2006); Dias and Weimer (1998)

B. aurantiacum, B. linens, B. aurantiacum

Cabbage, garlic, rancid Garlic

Cholet et al. (2007)

B. aurantiacum, B. linens, B. antiquum

Cabbage, cheese, crab Cabbage, cheese, rancid, garlic Cheese, garlic, cabbage Garlic, cheese, cabbage

Bonnarme et al. (2000); Arfi et al. (2006)

Sulfur Dimethyl sulfide Dimethyl disulfide Dimethyl trisulfide Dimethyl tetrasulfide Thioethers 2,4-Dithiapentane 2,4,5-Trithiahexane Thioesters S-methylthioacetate S-methylthiopropionate S-methylthioisovalerate S-methylthioisobutyrate



Further Reading Albert, J., Long, H., Hammer, B., 1944. Classification of the Organisms Important in Dairy Products. IV. Bacterium linens. Bulletin No. 328. Agricultural Experiment Station Iowa State College. Archer, et al., 1989. Biology of Cornebacterium glutamicum: a molecular approach. In: Hershberger, A. (Ed.), Genetics and Molecular Biology of Industrial Microorganisms. ASM Press, Washington, DC, pp. 27–33. Arfi, K., Landaud, S., Bonnarme, P., 2006. Evidence for Distinct l-Methionine Catabolic Pathways in the Yeast Geotrichum candidum and the Bacterium Brevibacterium linens. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72, 2155–2162. Bonnarme, P., Psoni, L., Spinnler, H.E., 2000. Diversity of l-Methionine Catabolism Pathways in Cheese-Ripening Bacteria. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66, 5514–5517. Boucabeille, C., Mengin-Lecreulx, D., Henckes, G., Simonet, J.-M., van Heijenoort, J., 1997. Antibacterial and hemolytic activities of linenscin OC2, a hydrophobic substance produced by Brevibacterium linens OC2. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 153, 295–301. Cholet, O., Hénaut, A., Bonnarme, P., 2007. Transcriptional analysis of L-methionine catabolism in Brevibacterium linens ATCC9175. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 74, 1320–1332. Crombach, W., 1974. Relationships among coryneform bacteria from soil, cheese and sea fish. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 40, 361. Dias, B., Weimer, B., 1998. Purification and characterization of methionine-g-lyase Brevibacterium linens BL2. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64, 3327. (These authors have a collection of papers.) Dias, B., Weimer, B., 1998. Purification and characterization of l-methionine g-lyase from Brevibacterium linens BL2. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64, 3327–3331. Ferchichi, M., Hemme, D., Nardi, M., 1987. Naþ–stimulated transport of L–methionine in Brevibacterium linens CNRZ918. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 53, 2159. (These authors have a collection of papers.)

Foissy, H., 1978. Some properties of aminopeptidases from Brevibacterium linens. FEMS Microbiology Letters 3, 207. (This author has a collection of papers.) Forquin, M.P., Hebert, A., Proux, C., Aubert, J., Landaud, S., Heilier, J.F., Junot, C., Bonnarme, P., Martin-Verstraete, I., 2011. Global regulation in response to sulfur availability in the cheese-related bacterium, Brevibacterium aurantiacum. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77, 1449–1459. Fox, P.F., Rattray, F.P., 1999. Aspects of Enzymology and Biochemical Properties of Brevibacterium linens Relevant to Cheese Ripening: A Review. J. Dairy Sci. 82, 891–909. Grecz, N., Wagenaar, R.O., Dack, G.M., 1959. Inhibition of Clostridium botulinum by culture filtrates of Brevibacterium linens. J. Bacteriol 78, 506. Jones, D., 1978. An evaluation of the contributions of numerical taxonomic studies to the classification of coryneform bacteria. In: Bousfield, I.J., Calley, A.G. (Eds.), Coryneform Bacteria. Academic Press, London, pp. 33–46. Kato, F., Eguchi, Y., Nakano, M., Oshima, T., Murata, A., 1991. Purification and Characterization of Linecin A, a Bacteriocin of Brevibacterium linens. Agric. Biol. Chem. 55, 161–166. Maisnier-Patin, S., Richard, J., May 1995. Activity and purification of linenscin OC2, an antibacterial substance produced by Brevibacterium linens OC2, an orange cheese coryneform bacterium. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61 (5), 1847–1852. Motta, A.S., Brandelli, A., 2002. Characterization of an antibacterial peptide produced by Brevibacterium linens. J. Appl. Microbiol. 92, 63–71. Tokita, F., Hosono, A., 1972. Studies on the extracellular protease produced by Brevibacterium linens. I. Production and some properties of the extracellular protease. Japanese Journal of Zootechnical Science 43, 39. (These authors have a collection of papers.) Valdés-Stauber, N., Scherer, S., Oct 1994. Isolation and characterization of Linocin M18, a bacteriocin produced by Brevibacterium linens. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60 (10), 3809–3814. Valdes-Stauber, N., Scherer, S., Apr 1996. Nucleotide sequence and taxonomical distribution of the bacteriocin gene lin cloned from Brevibacterium linens M18. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62 (4), 1283–1286.

Brewer's Yeast see Saccharomyces: Brewer's Yeast

Brochothrix RA Holley, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction Brochothrix thermosphacta can be translated to mean loop filaments sensitive to heat, which aptly describes this bacterium. The organism was originally included in the genus Microbacterium; however, because it was not particularly thermotolerant, had a DNA base composition (mol.% G þ C ¼ 36) lower than the 58–64% of other members of the genus, did not have an operational tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, and contained mesodiaminopimelic (m-DAP) in the peptidoglycan, it was moved from this genus and tentatively placed in the family Lactobacillaceae. Recently, it has been shown that it more closely resembles Listeria because catalase activity and cytochromes are present in both genera (Table 1). Also, Brochothrix and Listeria show 16S rRNA oligonucleotide sequence homology and have similar GC contents as well as some major fatty acids and menaquinones in common. Brochothrix and Listeria are included in the family Listeriaceae within the Clostridium–Lactobacillus– Bacillus supercluster of taxa at present. Currently, the genus Brochothrix contains two species, Brochothrix thermosphacta and Brochothrix campestris, which are biochemically similar. Both are indigenous to the farm environment and can be found in soil and on grass, but only B. thermosphacta has been found to be associated with animal and food microflora when conventional or molecular microbiology techniques are used. Brochothrix thermosphacta has frequently been isolated from hogs and pork carcasses as well as from beef, lamb, poultry, fish, and a variety of other foods (frozen vegetables, tomato salad, and dairy products). The organism has also been isolated from processing equipment and animal feces. Brochothrix thermosphacta has drawn considerable attention because it frequently causes early, nonproteolytic spoilage of

Table 1

fresh and cured meats. This spoilage is partly due to its ability to tolerate high concentrations of salt and to grow at both low water activity (aw) and low temperature in the presence of little oxygen (>0.2%). Nonetheless, the exact range of the natural habitat of this organism and B. campestris has not been fully characterized. This article focuses on B. thermosphacta. In cases in which information is available on B. campestris, it is presented.

Brochothrix thermosphacta Characteristics Brochothrix thermosphacta is a Gram-positive filamentous rod measuring 0.6–0.8 mm in diameter and 1–2 mm long. Cells occur individually, in chains or in characteristic long filaments that often fold into loops or knots. In older cultures, coccoid forms are found that yield rod-shaped cells upon subculture. Cells do not form spores, do not have capsules, and are nonmotile. The organism is facultatively anaerobic and produces nonpigmented colonies. Catalase activity and cytochromes are present. However, tests for catalase should be conducted using cells grown on specified media, such as allpurpose tween (APT; Difco or RBL) within the optimal temperature range for the organism (20–25  C). Cells cultivated at higher temperature or on other media may lose their catalase activity. Brochothrix thermosphacta is a psychrotroph and will grow at 0–30  C, but above 30  C, growth seldom occurs. They are nonhemolytic and nonpathogenic to humans. Brochothrix thermosphacta is thermosensitive, and it is generally agreed that it does not survive exposure to 63  C for 5 min. The D value at 55  C is 0.1 min and the Z value has been calculated to be 8  C. Fermentation of glucose gives rise to mainly

Characteristics that distinguish Brochothrix from other Gram-positive non-spore-forming rods








Rod diameter (mm) Facultatively anaerobic or microaerophilic Catalase Motility Growth at 37  C Growth on STAA agar Peptidoglycan diamino acid

0.6–0.8a þ þ  d þ m-DAP

0.4–0.5 þ þ þb þ  m-DAP

0.5–1.6 þ   þ  m-DAP, lysine, ornithine

0.5–0.7 þ  c c  m-DAP

0.7–0.9a  þ þ c  Lysine

0.2–0.5 þ   þ  Lysine

STAA agar, Streptomycin Thallous Acetate Actidione agar; m-DAP, meso-diaminopimelic acid. a Pleomorphic. b At 20–25  C. c Species dependent. d Occasional strain grows.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1





(þ)-lactic acid, but formation of small amounts of acetic and propionic acids has been noted. Ethanol can be formed anaerobically in glucose-limited continuous culture. Under aerobic conditions, glucose is metabolized to acetoin and diacetyl, plus acetic, isobutyric, and isovaleric acids as well as a number of other branched-chain fatty acids and alcohols. Fatty acid residues are formed from amino acids and not by lipolysis. Several of these products are organoleptically unpleasant, because they have sour, acidic, malty, musty, sickly sweet, or sweaty odors, which explains why B. thermosphacta contributes to substantially shortened food product shelf life. Acetoin is produced only aerobically, from glucose, glycerol, or ribose. Indole and H2S are not produced. The organisms are methyl red and Voges–Proskauerpositive and reduce both potassium tellurite and tetrazolium salts at 0.01% (w/v). Added citrate cannot be utilized. Enzymes of the TCA cycle are largely undetectable when cells are grown in a complex medium; however, in chemically defined media these enzymes may be active enough to provide substrates for synthesis but not active enough to yield energy. The organism forms acid weakly but no gas from a number of carbohydrates (arabinose, cellobiose, dulcitol, glucose, inositol, lactose, maltose, mannitol, sucrose, and xylose). Organic growth factors (biotin, cysteine, lipoate, nicotinate, pantothenate, p-aminobenzoate, and thiamine) are required for both aerobic and anaerobic growth in glucose–mineral salts medium. Pyruvate, acetate, propionate, and citrate (as mentioned), cannot be used as sole sources of carbon. The cell-wall peptidoglycan is directly cross-linked by m-DAP. Cellular content of long-chain fatty acids is characteristic and consists mainly of the straight chain saturated iso- and anteiso-methyl-branched chain types. Brochothrix thermosphacta may be distinguished from Listeria spp. by its greater content of (anteiso-C15:0) 12-methyl tetradecanoic acid (41–70%) compared with the 22–31% present in Listeria. The major respiratory quinones present in both genera are menaquinones; these are not useful in differentiation. Brochothrix thermosphacta contains a glycerol esterase, but this lipase attacks short-chain fatty acids within the temperature range of 35–37  C and it has no activity at 20  C. Tributyrin and tween 60 are utilized as substrates but not other tweens or beef fat. Lecithinase was present in just over half of the strains that were tested. Brochothrix thermosphacta are essentially nonproteolytic and cannot attack either casein or gelatin. On meat, its activities are largely confined to exposed or cut surfaces. The organism is unable to hydrolyze arginine and has no effect on the meat protein myoglobin. Nitrate is not reduced to nitrite by these organisms. Brochothrix thermosphacta is capable of growth over a pH range of 5.0–9.0 (optimum pH 7.0). All strains can grow in 6.5% NaCl and some grow in 10% NaCl. Under aerobic conditions, these organisms grow in substrates with aw of 0.96–0.94 at 20–25  C. Under anaerobic conditions, growth is more restricted by low temperature, low pH, and low aw. Nitrite is slightly more inhibitory toward B. thermosphacta than lactobacilli, but B. thermosphacta can grow in up to 100 ppm nitrite at pH 5.5 and 5  C, and aerobically in the presence of 2–4% NaCl. Except for pH, these conditions approximate the average composition of cured meat products and the conditions in which they are often stored. In the absence of oxygen, or if the

nitrite concentration is doubled to 200 ppm, growth is inhibited at pH > 5.5. The inclusion of CO2 in growth atmospheres is not inhibitory to B. thermosphacta until concentrations reach 50%, provided oxygen is present. Low concentrations of oxygen have no effect on growth rate until they fall below 0.2%.

Comparison of Brochothrix Species The two species of Brochothrix share most characteristics, but they can be distinguished on the basis of several biochemical differences. Brochothrix campestris does not grow in the presence of 8% NaCl within 2 days or in the presence of 0.5% potassium tellurite, which are both characteristics possessed by Brochothrix thermosphacta. In contrast, B. campestris produces acid from rhamnose and hydrolyses hippurate, whereas B. thermosphacta does not. The end products of glucose metabolism by B. thermosphacta have been intensely studied because of their impact on meat spoilage, but those produced by B. campestris (which is not known to be present in food) have not yet been documented. Brochothrix campestris has been shown to produce a bacteriocin, brochocin-C, which was active against B. thermosphacta, a variety of lactobacilli, Listeria spp., and other Grampositive bacteria. Brochothrix thermosphacta is not known to produce bacteriocins, but more study is needed. Although little work has been done on the serology of Brochothrix spp., investigations of bacteriophage specificity among isolates of B. thermosphacta from beef have been conducted. The 14 different phage lysotypes that were identified showed intragenic specificity with some indication that further speciation of Brochothrix isolates from this genus may occur in the future. Taxonomic work based on esterase gel electrophoresis also suggests this possibility.

Isolation and Enumeration Normally present in meat and meat products stored aerobically or vacuum packed at chill temperatures, B. thermosphacta is usually detected in such samples without enrichment. This organism may be recovered from stored meats by directly plating swabs of meat surfaces or suitable dilutions of macerated meat in 0.1% (w/v) peptone directly onto suitable media, such as glycerol nutrient agar. The latter is prepared by dissolving the following: 20 g peptone; 2 g yeast extract; 15 g glycerol; 1 g K2HPO4; 1 g MgSO4$7H2O, and 13 g agar in 1 l distilled water and adjusting the pH to 7.0. The medium is autoclaved at 121  C for 15 min. This medium will allow for the growth of a variety of other bacteria as well (e.g., Kurthia spp., pseudomonads, staphylococci, and lactobacilli). The direct selective isolation of Brochothrix spp. on Streptomycin Thallous Acetate Actidione (STAA) agar is the procedure of choice. Normally, enrichment is not necessary. STAA agar is prepared as for glycerol nutrient agar; however, after autoclaving, when the sterile liquid reaches 50  C, the following solutions, prepared with sterile distilled water, are added: streptomycin sulfate to a final concentration of 500 mg ml1, actidione to 50 mm ml1, and thallous acetate to 50 mm ml1. After these additions, the liquid is mixed well and dispensed in

Brochothrix Petri plates and solidified. These can be stored for up to 2 weeks at 4  C before use. Appropriate sample dilutions are spread on the agar surface and plates are incubated at 20–25  C for 2–3 days. Almost all colonies that develop (whitish color, 1–4 mm in diameter) are Brochothrix spp., but some pseudomonads, if present in the sample, will grow on this medium. The latter may be detected by their positive-oxidase reaction following flooding of the plate with a fresh 1% solution of tetramethylp-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride. Oxidase-positive colonies become blue, whereas the oxidase-negative Brochothrix remain uncolored. The selectivity of STAA is based on the use of a high concentration of streptomycin sulfate, which inhibits many Gram-negative and some Gram-positive bacteria, especially the coryneform bacteria that morphologically resemble Brochothrix spp. Thallous acetate and actidione inhibit practically all yeasts as well as many aerobic and facultatively anaerobic bacteria, but not all lactobacilli and streptococci are inhibited by the 0.005% thallous acetate present in STAA. Many are inhibited by the presence of streptomycin. Nonetheless, STAA is not perfectly selective and difficulty can be encountered with fecal samples where Brochothrix are present in low numbers relative to other organisms. Normally, bacilli, coryneforms, lactobacilli, and streptococci do not grow on STAA, and growth on STAA is used as a confirmatory test for Brochothrix. Some improvement of selectivity has been obtained by the addition of nalidixic acid (5 mg ml1) and oxacillin (5 mg ml1) to the original STAA medium. This formulation has been used to isolate both Brochothrix species from soil and grass. Another medium for recovery of Brochothrix spp. from meat and meat products is composed of blood agar base (Merck) supplemented with the following (per liter): 2 g yeast extract, 1 g K2HPO4, 0.8 g MgSO4$7H2O, 0.35 g Na2CO3, 10 g inositol, and 10 ml of a 0.3% solution of neutral red as indicator. After pH adjustment to 7.0, autoclaving, and cooling to 50  C, 0.5 g l1 of filter-sterilized streptomycin sulfate is added. Streptomycin is the major selective agent, and Brochothrix spp. produce acid from inositol to give pink colonies. It is not known to what extent the incorporation of inhibitors, including antibiotics in media for the direct recovery of Brochothrix spp. from food and environmental samples may have on stressed or injured organisms. This is particularly true of thallous acetate, so more study on its effects is needed. The finding that one of 25 strains of Brochothrix was sensitive to the presence of streptomycin in STAA suggests that the selectivity of this medium may restrict the isolation of some members of the genus.

Alternative Rapid Detection of Brochothrix Early molecular-based methods for direct genus-specific detection of B. thermosphacta were of insufficient sensitivity and were subject to interference by staphylococci. A more recent real-time polymerase chain reaction (RTi-PCR)-based method, which used primers specific to two common regions of the 16S rRNA gene in B. thermosphacta strains, yielded linear quantitative responses from 2 to 7 log10 cfu bacteria ml1 in aqueous extracts from vacuum-packed beef; however, consistent underestimation of numbers was problematic and detection sensitivity and recovery was not as good as that obtainable by plating on STAA.


A species-specific method for B. thermosphacta that used PCR amplification of the 16S–23S rDNA intergenic transcribed spacer region (ITS-PCR) coupled with repetitive sequence-based PCR (rep PCR) allowed discrimination of four B. thermosphacta genotypes.

International Guideline for Brochothrix Enumeration The Nordic Committee on Food Analysis (NMKL) completed a controlled multilaboratory, blinded study on the use of STAA for recovery of Brochothrix strains in the presence of the natural microflora isolated from food samples. The repeatability and reproducibility of the method were good, but the number of false positives was higher than desirable. The committee recommended that STAA should be incubated for well-defined periods at a precise temperature, and specified 48  3 h at 25  1  C. In addition to the test for oxidase, a catalase test was deemed necessary when lactobacilli were suspected of being present in samples. They also noted from other work that actidione did not improve STAA selectivity and suggested that it need not be included in the medium formulation. The thusmodified STAA medium and procedure for the recovery of Brochothrix spp. from food was adopted as an official method by NMKL.

Importance to the Food Industry Since Brochothrix spp. are nonpathogenic to humans, these organisms are of importance. They cause premature spoilage of meat and meat products by virtue of their production of objectionable odors in refrigerated products that are packaged with residual concentrations of oxygen greater than 0.2%. This spoilage can occur even though they may not be the dominant population of bacteria present in samples. Once levels of about 5 log10 cfu g1 or cm2 are reached, sensory evidence of their presence can lead to product rejection. They do not cause discoloration of meat pigments. Brochothrix spp. are natural contaminants on food animal carcasses and inevitably find their way into meat-processing plants where they can be isolated from equipment surfaces. They do not survive the thermal process normally used for cooked products but recontaminate these during packaging operations. Brochothrix spp. are more of a problem on cured meats than on fresh meats because cured meats have a higher pH (6.2–6.5) than fresh meats (pH 5.3–5.5) and are often stored at higher temperatures during retail distribution and display (3.5

pH >3.5

(or adjust pH)

(or adjust pH)

Dilution depending on solubility of sample 100 g food sample + 100 ml 0.1% peptone water or 25 g food sample + 225 ml 0.1% peptone water Dilution 1:1 with 0.1% peptone water

Homogenization by stomaching for 1–2 min and sealing of the Stomacher bag

Heat treating the Stomacher bag submerged in a water bath at 75 °C for 30 min; rapidly cooling

Distribution over large Petri dishes (150 mm), mixed with double-strength MEA (if the product contains large numbers of heat-resistant bacterial spores add 100 mg l–1 of medium chloramphenicol)

Incubation at 30 °C for 14–30 days (Petri dishes sealed in a plastic bag to prevent drying)

Subculturing of the growing fungal colonies on CYA and MEA Incubation at 25 and 30 °C for at least 7 days

Identification of the growing colonies as described in Table 1 Figure 1

Detection of Byssochlamys in foods by the plating method. CYA ¼ Czapek yeast autolysate agar; MEA ¼ Malt extract agar.




Three or more samples of 30 ml of semisolid food in 100 ml cell culture flasks

Heating at 75 °C for 30 min in upright position; rapidly cooling

Incubation (flat) at 30 °C for 14–30 days

Subculturing of the growing fungal colonies on CYA and MEA Incubation at 25 and 30 °C for at least 7 days

Identification of the colonies as described in Table 1 Figure 2

Detection of Byssochlamys in semisolid foods by the direct incubation method. CYA ¼ Czapek yeast autolysate agar; MEA ¼ Malt extract agar.

Fill wells of a Bactometer module with 0.5 ml supplementary medium (containing 2.25% yeast extract, 1.8% KH2PO4, 0.3% (NH4)2SO4)

Heat 5 ml juice in a small capped test tube for 15 min at 80 °C or 30 min at 75 °C

Dispense 1.0 ml aliquots of the heated juice in four wells

Monitor changes in capacitance at 30 °C for 100 h Detection limit: one viable ascospore per milliliter sample Figure 3

Detection of Byssochlamys in fruit juices by impedimetry and conductimetry.

Molecular Identification A more accurate identification of all Byssochlamys species, as well as mycotoxin production by each species, can be achieved by using molecular data. PCR methods with specific primers are

very useful for the rapid identification and mycotoxin production of the different strains. The specific primers for detecting Byssochlamys spp. (Table 5) decrease the time required to identify the target fungi from 14 to 3 days. In addition, identifying the

Byssochlamys Table 5

Primers used for identification of Byssochlamys spp.



Sequence (5 0 /3 0 )

Forward primer B1F

B. fulva B. nivea B. fulva B. nivea B. spectabilis B. spectabilis


Reverse primer B1R Forward primer Pae4F Reverse primer Pae4R-1


genes responsible for patulin biosynthesis contributes to an understanding of the molecular mechanisms used to regulate toxin production. Two genes are involved in patulin biosynthesis: the 6-methylsalicylic acid synthase gene (6msas) and the isoepoxydon dehydrogenase gene (idh), which are expressed during 6-methylsalicylic acid (which is the patulin first precursor) and patulin production by B. nivea.

Unacceptable Levels of Byssochlamys spp The acceptable level of contamination of a raw material with ascospores of the genus Byssochlamys depends on the type of product into which the material will be incorporated and the heat process to which it will be subjected. If it will be incorporated into frozen desserts such as ice creams and ice confections, or short-life chilled desserts such as fruit salads, cakes, and yogurts, there is no need to set a specification. Products that are at risk from spoilage by Byssochlamys ascospores are self-stable products that receive a relatively light process (such as conventional or UHT pasteurization) and do not contain preservatives such as sorbate or benzoate. A count of 5 ascospores per 100 g or 100 ml of product at a stage just before the retort or heat exchanger indicates a serious problem. For UHT-processed fruit juice blends without preservatives, even a lower level of contamination is unacceptable. In Australia, practical experience has shown that the most common spoilage problems caused by Byssochlamys are associated with passion fruit juice or pulp. A contamination level of less than 2 spores per 100 ml gives a negligible spoilage rate in most finished products. Contamination levels of 2–5 spores per 100 ml are marginal, and more than 5 spores per 100 ml are unacceptable. However, for some products, such as UHTprocessed fruit juice blends (preservative-free) containing a high proportion of passion fruit juice, the specification of one manufacturer requires that Byssochlamys spores be absent from a 100 ml sample taken from each 200 l drum of raw material.

Importance to the Food Industry Byssochlamys spp. produce ascospores that frequently show high heat resistance and survive the thermal processes given to some fruit products. Germination of ascospores results in growth of the fungi on fruits and fruit products, producing pectic enzymes that cause complete breakdown of texture in fruits, phase separation, gas production, and off-flavor development. Some Byssochlamys spp. produce patulin and byssochlamic acid and therefore may constitute a public health hazard.


Byssochlamys fulva and B. nivea have been implicated in spoilage of strawberries, blackberries, apricots, grapes, plums, and apples in cans and bottles, blended juices (especially those containing passion fruit), and fruit gel baby foods. Byssochlamys spectabilis is common in heattreated fruit juices and rye bread. The soil acts as the primary reservoir for Byssochlamys ascospores and fruits that come in direct contact with soil or from rain splash are susceptible to contamination. The number of ascospores on fruits is low – less than one per g. Byssochlamys nivea appears to be a less common problem in foods than B. fulva. Byssochlamys spp., although only occurring sporadically, are a continuing problem to the food industry. Ascospores can survive heat treatments normally applied to hot-packed canned fruit products and subsequently grow under reduced oxygen. Spoilage in cans is evidenced by growth of fungi where small amounts of oxygen remain in the container’s headspace. Pasteurization temperatures applied to canned foods may stimulate spore activation, thus resulting in postpasteurization germination and subsequent outgrowth. To solve the problem in canned fruits and fruit juices, washing fruit before canning or juice extraction, rejecting difficult-to-clean wrinkled fruit, and screening products for heat-resistant ascospores are suggested. Byssochlamys nivea ascospores can be present in raw milk when contamination with soil occurs. They can survive the pasteurization processes applied to milk and cream. The fungus can occasionally cause spoilage in heat-processed cheeses such as cream cheese, in the case of prolonged storage and inadequate cooling. Rarely, it causes spoilage in UHT dairy products. To ensure that only 1 out of 106 packs of cream cheese (500 g packages) produced is infected, a heat treatment time of 24 s at 92  C is required. Problems caused by B. nivea in packaged ravioli can be alleviated by packing in an atmosphere of 60% CO2, 39.4% N2, and 0.6% O2. The control of B. fulva and B. nivea by modified atmosphere packaging in minimally processed foods can be achieved in combination with reduced water activity and/or temperature. Although growth response is delayed and reduced under high CO2 atmospheres, the ability of these fungi to tolerate 60% CO2 in the presence of low O2 ( 0.85. Species are found in orange and citrus juices (pH 3, high sugar concentration) and in fermented pasteurized pineapple juice, guava, and passion fruit nectar as well. Candida are present in or on concentrates, canned fruits, dried fruits, glazed fruits, ready-to-eat meals, and fruit salads. Candida belongs to the most common isolates in breweries and spoilers of beer: Formation of alkohols, aldehydes, ester, organic acids, ketones, and sulfur-containing compounds will have sensory implications. Additional adverse effects are hazy beer, biofilm formation, and gushing. The film forming C. mycoderma grows at low oxygen content and produces high levels of ethyl acetate. Species act as killer yeasts in beer- and winemaking by toxin production that binds to the cell wall: Nearly 1% of killer strain may wipe out a production strain. The high physiological potential and specific properties of Candida make it difficult to select effective preservation agents or methods. Application of environmental stresses may result in additive or synergistic (interactive) effects. Stationary cells generally are less sensitive to physical and chemical stresses like exponentially growing cells. Heat treatment is more effective than refrigeration but depends on environmental conditions like the type of fruit juice, its concentration, and the presence of preservatives and antioxidants. The addition of sucrose reduces the efficiency. At low water activity, osmotolerant yeasts (C. lactis-condensi) are less sensitive to higher temperatures. Cell exposed to sublethal doses may initiate adaptive mechanisms. Acidification by citrate and lactate stimulates yeast growth in and on meat. The combination of sorbic acid, acetic acid, and benzoates, on the one hand, and citric acid and lactic acid, on the other, may reveal synergistic inhibitory effects. Physiological properties of Candida demand prevention and minimization of contaminants as key requirements in the management of yeast spoilage.


See also: Bread: Sourdough Bread; Yarrowia lipolytica (Candida Lipolytica); Cocoa and Coffee Fermentations; Ecology of Bacteria and Fungi: Influence of Available Water; Ecology of Bacteria and Fungi in Foods: Influence of Temperature; Ecology of Bacteria and Fungi in Foods: Influence of Redox Potential; Ecology of Bacteria and Fungi in Foods: Effects of pH; Fermentation (Industrial): Production of Some Organic Acids (Citric, Gluconic, Lactic, and Propionic); Fermentation (Industrial): Production of Oils and Fatty Acids; Fermentation (Industrial): Production of Colors and Flavors; Fermented Foods: Fermentations of East and Southeast Asia; Fish: Spoilage of Fish; Molecular Biology in Microbiological Analysis; PCR Applications in Food Microbiology; Single-Cell Protein: Yeasts and Bacteria; Spoilage Problems: Problems Caused by Fungi; Torulopsis; Yeasts: Production and Commercial Uses; Fermentation (Industrial): Production of Oils and Fatty Acids.

Further Reading Boekhout, T., Robert, V. (Eds.), 2003. Yeasts in Food. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge. De Sordi, L., Mühlschlegel, F.A., 2009. Quorum sensing and fungal-bacterial interactions in Candida albicans: a communicative network regulating microbial coexistence and virulence. FEMS Yeast Research 9, 990–999. Fleet, G.H., 2007. Yeasts in foods and beverages: impact on product quality and safety. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 18, 170–175. Gamenara, D., Domínguez de María, P., 2009. Candida spp. redox machineries: an ample biocatalytic platform for practical applications and academic insights. Biotechnology Advances 27, 278–285. Lachance, M.-A., November 2011. In: Yeasts. eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9780470015902.a0000380.pub2. Lachance, M.-A., Boekhout, T., Scorzetti, G., Fell, J.W., Kurtzman, C.P., 1923. Candida Berkhout. In: Kurtzman, C.P., Fell, J.W., Boekhout, T. (Eds.), The Yeasts, a Taxonomic Study, fifth ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 987–1278. Mycobank (International Mycological Association): http://wwwmycobank.org/. Odds, F.C., 2010. Molecular phylogenetics and epidemiology of Candida albicans. Future Microbiology 5, 67–79. Querol, A., Fleet, G. (Eds.), 2006. Yeasts in Food and Beverages. The Yeast Handbook, vol. 2. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Satyanarayana, T., Kunze, G. (Eds.), 2009. Yeast Biotechnology: Diversity and Applications. Springer, Dordrecht. Solieri, L., Giudici, P., 2008. Yeasts associated to traditional balsamic vinegar: ecological and technological features. International Journal of Food Microbiology 125, 36–45. Spencer, J.E.T., Spencer, D.M. (Eds.), 1997. Yeasts in Natural and Artificial Habitats. Springer, Berlin. Waché, Y., Husson, F., Feron, G., Belin, J.M., 2006. Yeast as an efficient biocatalyst for the production of lipid-derived flavours and fragrances. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 89, 405–416.

Yarrowia lipolytica (Candida lipolytica) JB Sutherland, National Center for Toxicological Research, Jefferson, AR, USA C Cornelison and SA Crow, Jr., Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

General Characteristics The yeast genus Yarrowia consists of a single species. Yarrowia lipolytica commonly is found in a variety of meats and dairy products, especially sausages and cheeses. It tolerates low pH, gastric juice, and bile salts, and it can be isolated from the mouth, lungs, and intestinal tract, but it is also found in soil, seawater, and hypersaline lakes. As a dimorphic yeast, Y. lipolytica produces not only multipolar budding cells but also mycelia with septate hyphae (Figure 1). Partial anaerobiosis in the presence of N-acetylglucosamine stimulates some strains to make the yeast to mycelial transition, but growth on hydrocarbons stimulates the mycelial to yeast transition. Mutations in the SEC14 and GPR1 genes and deletion of the XPR6 gene are linked with the yeast to mycelial transition, but the roles of their protein products in this transition are unknown. Yarrowia lipolytica also produces pseudohyphae, which are budding cells that remain attached to each other. The cells may form biofilms in several different habitats, especially in the presence of glucose, glycerol, erythritol, lactate, and vegetable oils. Yarrowia lipolytica is classified in the phylum Ascomycota, the class Saccharomycetes, and the order Saccharomycetales; its familial position is uncertain. It represents the teleomorph (ascospore-producing form) of Candida lipolytica, the name given to the anamorph (imperfect form). Yarrowia lipolytica also has been classified formerly as Saccharomycopsis lipolytica and Endomycopsis lipolytica. Cells of both mating types, MatA and MatB, are required for the production of asci and ascospores, which have different shapes depending on the strain. High sporulation rates can be achieved on yeast extract–malt extract (YM) and V-8 juice media as well as on media containing 1.5% sodium citrate as the sole carbon source. Limitation of nitrogen is not required for sporulation as in the baker’s yeast

Figure 1 Yarrowia lipolytica. Differential interference contrast micrograph of budding cells and hyphae, isolated from refrigerated meat. Bar = 5 mm. Courtesy of R.B. Simmons, Georgia State University.


Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The sugar of the cell walls is mainly galactose, and the structural lipids of the membranes contain fatty acids with linoleic acid but not a-linolenic acid. Yarrowia lipolytica is one of a small number of yeasts that produce the ubiquinone coenzyme Q-9. The G þ C content of the DNA of Y. lipolytica has been measured as 49.6–51.7%. Both the chromosomal and mitochondrial genomes of selected strains of Y. lipolytica have been sequenced. The genome of strain CLIB122 contains six chromosomes with a total of 6700 genes, about 1000 of which are similar to those of S. cerevisiae. The genomic organization of those strains that have been studied shows conservation of the basic chromosomal structure. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS1 and ITS2) regions of the DNA, which are noncoding regions, have been amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for several strains and then were analyzed. Although the lengths and numbers of the chromosomes of different strains may be variable, the ITS sequences are nearly identical. The metabolism of Y. lipolytica is strictly aerobic; it can grow on glucose, sucrose, glycerol, mannitol, acetate, pyruvate, citrate, lactate, succinate, or casein in aerated cultures, but it is unable to ferment sugars anaerobically like S. cerevisiae. It metabolizes a great variety of food ingredients and other substrates, including proteins, lipids, and hydrocarbons, via the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The cells usually can grow on L-methionine and some strains grow on N-acetylglucosamine, gluconate, or sorbitol. Most strains produce colonies in 5 days or less at pH 3.5, but some are able to grow at pH 2.0–8.0. Occasional strains can tolerate up to pH 9.7. Many strains are psychrotrophic, growing in refrigerated foods at 5  C, but they also grow well at room temperature. Only a few strains can grow at 37  C. Yarrowia lipolytica grows in foods with high salt concentrations, even in the presence of 7.5% NaCl, and some strains will grow even at 15% NaCl. This yeast also grows on carrot juice, celery by-products, radish sprouts, grape must, and currants. Production of the mycelial form usually is favored by growth on media containing N-acetylglucosamine and synthesis of lipase is favored by growth on media containing citrate, but there does not appear to be a connection between the formation of mycelium and the production of lipase. Growth on hydrocarbons or the long-chain fatty acids palmitate, stearate, and oleate favors production of the yeast form. Cultures of Y. lipolytica adsorb metals and have been proposed for use in the bioremediation of wastes containing heavy metals, including Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Cd. Growth in media containing 1 mM aluminum potassium sulfate may inhibit mycelial formation in yeast-form cultures of Y. lipolytica. A small number of clinical studies have shown that Y. lipolytica occasionally is pathogenic but has low virulence. It has caused infections of the mouth, eye, and bloodstream, and it may also infect patients with catheters or other indwelling medical devices. Yarrowia lipolytica appears, however, to be harmless to people with healthy immune systems.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


CANDIDA j Yarrowia lipolytica (Candida lipolytica)

Methods for Identification in Foods The presence of Y. lipolytica in foods can be shown phenotypically, by isolating colonies on agar media, or its DNA sequences can be recognized by a variety of genotypic methods. In most phenotypic isolation methods for Y. lipolytica in foods, colonies are isolated either by streaking or by dilution plating on agar. Three examples of media that commonly have been used to isolate this and other yeasts from food samples are tryptone glucose yeast extract agar, YM agar, and dichloran rose bengal chloramphenicol agar. Crystal violet, malachite green, chloramphenicol, and oxytetracycline sometimes are used as selective agents in growth media to favor the growth of Y. lipolytica. A differential medium containing peptone, yeast extract, L-tyrosine, MnSO4, and lactic acid can be used to recognize colonies of Y. lipolytica, which are distinguished by the appearance of a brown color around the colonies. The color is due to Y. lipolytica converting L-tyrosine to homogentisic acid via p-hydroxyphenylacetaldehyde and p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. Homogentisate then is oxidized to produce the melanins responsible for the brown color. The species of yeasts in foods can be identified by their morphological and physiological characteristics, by consulting published descriptions of the species of yeasts and comparing the new isolates with type cultures of those species. They also can be identified by biochemical characteristics by using a variety of commercial systems that use automated tests with special software, but these systems mostly have been developed for clinical strains of yeasts and are not as reliable for foodborne yeasts. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) has been used to identify populations of yeasts, including Y. lipolytica, in cheese. Although techniques using CHROMagarÔ Candida and matrix-assisted laser desorption– ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry have been investigated for the identification of clinical yeasts, these methods have not yet been adapted for Y. lipolytica or other typical foodborne yeasts. Genotypic methods that have been used for identification of yeasts in cheeses and other foods include the PCR amplification of selected genes, including the ITS1 and ITS2 regions flanking the gene encoding the 5.8S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) of the large ribosomal subunit. PCR also may be used to amplify either the hypervariable D1/D2 domain of the gene encoding the 26S rRNA of the large subunit or the gene encoding the 18S rRNA of the small subunit. From the PCR amplicons, the yeasts can be identified by the PCR product size (350 bp for Y. lipolytica) and restriction pattern analysis (e.g., the restriction enzymes HinfI and HaeIII produce fragments of 200 and 150 bp) as well as by gene sequencing. Fluorescence in situ hybridization probes have been used to detect the genes of Y. lipolytica in cheese. Random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) is another PCR technique that often can distinguish Y. lipolytica from other yeasts in foods. Using enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequences as primers, RAPD is able to discriminate patterns associated with yeast strains from meat products. The patterns can be organized into groups that usually are correlated with the different origins of the strains. RAPD also has been used to analyze the D1/D2 domain of the gene encoding the 26S rRNA of yeasts.


Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis has been used to separate the chromosomal DNA of strains of Y. lipolytica into bands that show the variability of the genome. Amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis has been used for identification of dairy yeasts. When PCR is performed with the primers ITS1 and ITS4, it produces amplicons of 375 bp representing Y. lipolytica. With the restriction enzymes Hin6I, HinfI, or BsuRI, additional diagnostic fragments are produced. Restriction fragment-length polymorphism analysis of the ITS regions, 5.8S rDNA, and 18S rDNA amplicons also has been used but may not separate all species of yeasts in meat products.

Isolation from Meat Products Poultry, ground beef, ground lamb, sausage and other drycured meat products, crabs, mussels, and several types of fish frequently contain Y. lipolytica (Table 1). Even meat products in cold storage may harbor slow-growing cultures of Y. lipolytica. In refrigerated chickens and turkeys, 39% of the yeast isolates consist of strains of Y. lipolytica that are able to grow at 5  C. Comparable numbers can be found in fresh, frozen, smoked, and roasted chickens and turkeys. In dry-cured ham and sausages, Y. lipolytica is typically abundant. Although cultures may be obtained from raw ham, high numbers found in cured ham often are associated with spoilage. Yarrowia lipolytica tolerates the sulfur dioxide that often is added to unfermented sausages and also is found in many types of fermented sausage. Yarrowia lipolytica sometimes is combined with the yeast Debaryomyces hansenii and the lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum in starter cultures for pork sausages because its lipases produce free fatty acids and other volatile compounds that add flavor to the product. It also has proteases that cause an increase in low-molecular weight peptides. In some but not all countries, the polyene antibiotic natamycin (pimaricin) is permitted to be used on sausages as a surface preservative, where it acts as an inhibitor of Y. lipolytica.

Table 1

Foods that frequently contain Y. lipolytica

Beef (ground) Butter Cheese Chicken Crab Cream Fermented milk products (amasi, kumis, etc.) Ham Kefir (or kefyr) Lamb (ground) Margarine Milk (cow, ewe, goat, and mare) Mussels Sausage Seafood Turkey Yogurt


CANDIDA j Yarrowia lipolytica (Candida lipolytica)

Isolation from Dairy Products Nearly all dairy products produced from cows, goats, mares, and ewes milk, including cream, butter, cheese, and yogurt, may be expected to harbor Y. lipolytica (Table 1). This yeast is common in raw milk, growing on casein at refrigerator temperatures, although its proteolytic and lipolytic activities are lower at reduced temperatures. Strains of Y. lipolytica isolated from butter usually have the ability to grow on N-acetylglucosamine, gluconic acid, and sorbitol; these characteristics appear to be correlated with the source of the strain. If milk contains a sufficient supply of L-methionine, Y. lipolytica produces ethanol, methionol (3-(methylthio)-1-propanol), and other flavor compounds. Amasi (a naturally fermented goat’s milk from Zimbabwe) and kumis (a naturally fermented mare’s milk from central Asia) usually contain Y. lipolytica, which breaks down lipids and produces volatile organic compounds. This yeast also typically is found in kefir (a fermented milk beverage from Russia, eastern Europe, and central Asia). The presence of Y. lipolytica in fermented milk enhances survival of the lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus rhamnosus. Pressure at 300 mPa reduces the numbers of Y. lipolytica in fermented milk, but the numbers recover after 3 weeks. About 15% of yogurt samples contain Y. lipolytica; it enhances the stability of Lactobacillus bulgaricus cultures somewhat in the yogurt but declines in numbers with time. Most cheeses are prime habitats for yeasts. Yarrowia lipolytica is one of the predominant yeast species in Gouda, Camembert, Brie, and blue cheese, and it also commonly is found in a wide variety of other soft and hard cheeses. It prefers amino acids for growth; the cells also will grow on lactic acid made by lactobacilli in the cheese, but they will not grow on lactose. Yarrowia lipolytica is used in starter cultures with lactic acid bacteria and other yeasts for some cheese varieties, such as Cheddar. This is because it produces so many proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes and has the ability to grow in the presence of high salt concentrations at low temperatures. It produces ethyl esters of oleic and palmitic acids, which add fruity flavors to soft curd cheese. Mixed cultures of Y. lipolytica and two other yeasts produce the aroma of Cantalet cheese by making ethanol, other alcohols, and esters. In Danish cheeses, Y. lipolytica produces 4-methylthio-2-oxobutyric acid, methanethiol, dimethyldisulfide, dimethyltrisulfide, 2-pentylfuran, hexylfuran, 2propanone, 2-butanone, and limonene. Production of the sulfides is enhanced by NaCl. Yarrowia lipolytica may inhibit the growth of the pathogenic bacterium Listeria monocytogenes in soft cheeses, but a cell-free extract from a blue cheese strain of Y. lipolytica stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria. FTIR spectroscopic analysis and free fatty acid profiles have been used to compare the effects of different strains of this and other yeasts on the quality of cheese during ripening. Some strains of Y. lipolytica produce pigments, such as melanins, when they metabolize L-tyrosine. Ornithine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and lysine are decarboxylated to the biogenic amines putrescine, phenylethylamine, tyramine, and cadaverine, respectively, but histidine apparently is not converted to the common allergen, histamine. At the cheese surface, or in cottage cheese or yogurt, Y. lipolytica can be inhibited by a film of whey protein containing

natamycin or by the yeast killer toxins produced by D. hansenii. This inhibition is counteracted by sucrose esters of fatty acids. Although the yeasts found in cheese adversely may affect the health of immunocompromised patients, they should be safe for healthy persons.

Involvement in Spoilage of Foods Several aerobic yeasts, including Y. lipolytica, have been associated with surface spoilage of sauerkraut, olives, macaroni and potato salads, meats, cream, butter, margarine, mayonnaise, refrigerated fish and shellfish, fish oils, carrot juice, radish sprouts, currants, vegetable oils, and cheese. Yarrowia lipolytica metabolizes the proteins in these affected foods to free amino acids, and the fats to glycerol plus free fatty acids, usually producing various off-odors. Meats may be spoiled by the growth of this and other yeasts. A large portion of the spoilage yeasts found in refrigerated chicken and turkey at 5  C are Y. lipolytica, due to its decomposition of proteins and lipids. Yarrowia lipolytica is associated with spoilage of ham, including vacuum-packed, sliced, and dry-cured ham. It also is found in spoiled ground beef. Although Y. lipolytica is used in the production of many varieties of cheeses, in Feta cheese it produces an undesirable aroma due to 1-octen-3-ol and 2-phenylethanol. It causes spoilage of fresh lactic curd cheeses, even at low temperatures in the presence of the preservative sorbate, and it contaminates smear-ripened cheeses. Cheese samples containing Y. lipolytica may have an unpleasant odor due to its production of ammonia, volatile sulfur compounds, and free amino acids. The ammonia raises the pH significantly. When it metabolizes L-tyrosine, Y. lipolytica produces a brown pigment in various cheeses, and it also spoils the flavor of yogurt. The effects of various growth conditions and preservatives on food spoilage by yeasts have been studied. Some of the problems for food preservation are that Y. lipolytica grows at pH 2.0–8.0, has high NaCl tolerance at pH 5.0–7.0, and is somewhat tolerant of the preservatives sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate. A food spoilage model study indicated that pH, sodium benzoate, and potassium sorbate concentrations are significant interacting factors controlling the probability of Y. lipolytica growth in cold beverages. Whey protein films added to cheese also may reduce spoilage. Oils from cinnamon, clove, thyme, marjoram, peppermint, basil, and sage inhibit the growth of Y. lipolytica and other yeasts, but they have been unsuccessful in preventing the spoilage of refrigerated poultry.

Conversion of Fats, Oils, and Hydrocarbons As expected, the degradation of fats and oils is a specialty of Y. lipolytica. It produces lipases and bioemulsifiers, such as the glycoprotein liposan, that allow it to grow on vegetable oils, animal fats, and cheeses. In the food industries, it converts waste fats and oils to citric acid and other value-added products. It has been used to metabolize wastes from the soybean oil, olive oil, palm oil, vegetable processing, pineapple canning, fish processing, and other industries. Free cells, as well as cells immobilized in calcium alginate, have been used for bioremediation of olive

CANDIDA j Yarrowia lipolytica (Candida lipolytica) mill and palm-oil mill effluents. These substrates are converted by Y. lipolytica first to glycerol and fatty acids and then to citric acid. Coconut oil and palm kernel oil, which contain lauric and myristic acids, induce cells in the yeast form to convert to the mycelial form. The lipids produced by Y. lipolytica can be used as a cocoa butter substitute. Yarrowia lipolytica converts fish waste to higher-quality fish meal, and an immobilized lipase from this yeast has been used to hydrolyze fish oils. A strain of Y. lipolytica with resistance to bile salts is somewhat resistant to stomach acids (pH 1.2). It adheres to cultures of human colonic epithelial HT-29 cells, although not to Caco-2 cells, and has been suggested for possible use as a probiotic to assimilate cholesterol in the intestine. Numerous genes in Y. lipolytica encode enzymes for the utilization of fats, oils, and other hydrophobic materials, even including crude petroleum. Five of the cytochrome P450 genes in Y. lipolytica are induced by alkanes and can hydroxylate hydrocarbons, including n-decane, n-dodecane, n-tetradecane, n-hexadecane, and n-octadecane. n-Dodecane and other hydrocarbons favor growth in the yeast form, at least in some strains. When grown on alkenes, such as 1-hexadecene or 1-heptadecene, Y. lipolytica is involved in the oxidation of terminal methyl groups, epoxidation of double bonds, and oxidation of subterminal carbon atoms. Cultures of Y. lipolytica also may play a critical role in the degradation of environmental hydrocarbons by producing biosurfactants and bioemulsifiers. When tested with aromatic hydrocarbons, Y. lipolytica oxidizes naphthalene to 1-naphthol and other products, and it oxidizes benzo(a)pyrene to the 3- and 9-hydroxylated derivatives. Yarrowia lipolytica degrades at least one other aromatic hydrocarbon, biphenyl, which is hydroxylated to 4-hydroxybiphenyl and other metabolites, and then the ring may be cleaved by some strains to produce 4-phenyl-2-pyrone6-carboxylic acid. Yarrowia lipolytica also degrades some heterocyclic compounds and phenols, including dibenzofuran, phenol, and 4-chlorophenol, by hydroxylation and subsequent ring cleavage. It even degrades residues of the explosive nitro compound 2-,4-,6-trinitrotoluene by reducing both the nitro groups and the aromatic ring.

Production of Enzymes, Organic Acids, and Lipids Various enzymes, organic acids, and lipids are produced from food substrates by Y. lipolytica. For instance, when growing in cheeses, it makes at least one alkaline protease, three acid proteases, a neutral protease, a ribonuclease, at least one lipase, and an acid phosphatase. Glucose reduces the production of extracellular alkaline protease, but it enhances the production of ribonuclease. In addition to these enzymes, which have various industrial uses, Y. lipolytica produces citric acid and lipids that are used in the food industry. There are 16 genes for lipases in Y. lipolytica; the most important is the one for the glycosylated serine hydrolase Lip2p (YlLip2), which also has been cloned experimentally into other yeasts to achieve enhanced expression. Lipases are known for the hydrolysis of fats, but they also are capable of transesterification, forming methyl esters from oils, and of the chiral synthesis of esters. These enzymes are used in the production of cheese, butter, and margarine. Extracellular lipase may be


produced in cultures grown on stearin, a tallow derivative; waste cooking oil enhances lipase production. Cultures may be grown on rapeseed (canola) oil mixed with animal fat; the rapeseed oil content should be about 5 g l1 for optimal production of lipase. Fish oil also is hydrolyzed by yeast lipase and releases omega-3 fatty acids. A preparation of Y. lipolytica lipase with gum arabic and milk powder, which is highly resistant to digestive enzymes, has been developed as a remedy for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Many strains of Y. lipolytica make citric acid, which is used as a preservative in foods and soft drinks to add tartness. Yarrowia lipolytica makes citric acid not only from glycerol but also from a variety of other substrates, including carrot juice and celery by-products. It uses both the glycerol and the fatty acids that it derives from sunflower and rapeseed oils to make citric acid. Lipase, glycerol kinase, isocitrate lyase, and malate synthase all are necessary enzymes in citric acid production and are induced during growth on vegetable oils. At pH 4.5, Y. lipolytica produces both citric and isocitric acid, but it produces only isocitric acid at pH 6.0. A mutant strain has been selected to produce only citric acid without isocitric acid. The food additive a-ketoglutaric acid can be produced aerobically from ethanol by Y. lipolytica at pH 3.5, at least if thiamine is limited in the medium and zinc and iron are provided. Enhancement of acetyl coenzyme A or the carboxylation of pyruvate increases the production of a-ketoglutaric acid even more. The final product in the pathway from a-ketoglutaric acid is succinic acid, which also has many uses in the pharmaceutical industry. This yeast also produces L-b-hydroxybutyric acid, which is used to make biodegradable plastics from butyric acid. When growing in cheese, Y. lipolytica first produces shortchain fatty acids and then long-chain fatty acids, including palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, and linoleic acids. Linolenic acid also may be produced, but it disappears later. In sausages, the same fatty acids may be produced as well as myristic acid. Cultures of Y. lipolytica grown on glycerol, upon the addition of acetic, propionic, or butyric acid, convert the volatile fatty acids to lipids. They also can make reserve lipids from stearin and hydrolyze rapeseed oil to a cocoa butter substitute. Biodiesel fuels, composed of the methyl and ethyl esters of fatty acids, can be produced from agricultural wastes by using an immobilized lipase from Y. lipolytica. Foreign proteins can be produced by recombinant cultures of Y. lipolytica using vesicle-mediated protein transport pathways. The proteins that have been produced by Y. lipolytica recombinants include laccase, tyrosinase, endoglucanase, cellobiohydrolase, hydroperoxide lyase, endo-inulinase, prochymosin, and human glycoproteins, interferon a2b, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, and proinsulin.

Production of Specialty Chemicals Microbial biotransformations have great potential for use in the production of specialty chemicals, including compounds used as food additives and drugs. Yarrowia lipolytica produces the sugar alcohols erythritol, an artificial sweetener used in chewing gum, candies, and other food products, and mannitol,


CANDIDA j Yarrowia lipolytica (Candida lipolytica)

a diuretic and vasodilator. Yarrowia lipolytica can produce Ldopa, a drug used for treatment of Parkinsons disease, from Ltyrosine. The lipase Lip2p, which has a strong preference for (S)-enantiomers, has been immobilized and used for the stereospecific resolution of racemic chiral compounds, including ()-1-phenylethylamine and several 2-bromoarylacetic acid esters that are used as drug synthesis intermediates. This lipase also can be used to convert the active S-enantiomer of racemic ibuprofen, an antiinflammatory drug, into an ester. This ester can be separated from the inactive (R)ibuprofen enantiomer and then converted back into active (S)ibuprofen by hydrolysis. A lipase from another strain of Y. lipolytica preferentially hydrolyzes the S-enantiomer of the propyl esters of racemic ofloxacin (an antimicrobial fluoroquinolone drug), thus releasing the more active S-enantiomer, levofloxacin. Terpenoids also can be biotransformed; Y. lipolytica produces perillic acid and 7-hydroxypiperitone from limonene and piperitone, respectively. Perillic acid inhibits the isoprenylation of proteins in fibroblast cells and mammary epithelial cells. Several lactones and esters are produced for flavors and fragrances by cultures of Y. lipolytica. When a uracil auxotroph of Y. lipolytica is grown on a uracil-free medium, it produces g-decalactone, which is used in foods as a peach flavoring. The process involves b-oxidation of the fatty acids produced from either castor oil or purified ricinoleic acid, and it does not require the additional growth of the yeast. In addition to g-decalactone, Y. lipolytica also can produce g-dodecalactone, g-nonalactone, d-decalactone, dec-3-en-4-olide, dec-2-en4-olide, and 3-hydroxy-g-decalactone from methyl ricinoleate. Whole cells of Y. lipolytica are used in the production of 2-phenylethyl acetate, an ester with a roselike odor that is used as an aroma component in foods, soaps, and cosmetics. One of the lipases of Y. lipolytica has even been used to polymerize ε-caprolactone to produce a polyester. Some other uses of Y. lipolytica or its enzymes are the production of cerebrosides (monoglucosyl ceramides) for biomedical research; monoacylglycerols for use as food ingredients; bioemulsifiers for use in ice cream, sauces, and baked goods; and the carotenoids b-carotene, which can be converted to vitamin A, and lycopene, a food colorant. Disaccharides, and then citric acid, can be produced from the plant polysaccharide, inulin, using an inulinase gene derived from another yeast, Kluyveromyces marxianus. Finally, recombinant cultures of Y. lipolytica expressing human cytochrome P450 genes may be used in the conversion of progesterone to 17-a-hydroxyprogesterone.

Acknowledgments We thank Dr C. E. Cerniglia and Dr F. Rafii for their helpful comments. The views presented in this article do not necessarily reflect those of either the Food and Drug Administration or Georgia State University.

See also: Biochemical Identification Techniques for Foodborne Fungi: Food Spoilage Flora; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Microfloras of Fermented Foods;

Candida; Cheese: Microbiology of Cheesemaking and Maturation; Fermentation (Industrial): Production of Some Organic Acids (Citric, Gluconic, Lactic, and Propionic); Fermentation (Industrial): Production of Oils and Fatty Acids; Fermented Meat Products and the Role of Starter Cultures; Fermented Milks/Products of Eastern Europe and Asia; Fungi: Classification of the Hemiascomycetes; Fungi: Classification of the Deuteromycetes; Spoilage of Meat; Curing of Meat; Traditional Preservatives: Sodium Chloride; Preservatives: Permitted Preservatives – Benzoic Acid; Preservatives: Permitted Preservatives – Sorbic Acid; Natamycin; Spoilage Problems: Problems Caused by Fungi; Starter Cultures; Starter Cultures Employed in Cheesemaking.

Further Reading Bankar, A.V., Kumar, A.R., Zinjarde, S.S., 2009. Environmental and industrial applications of Yarrowia lipolytica. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 84, 847–865. Barth, G., Gaillardin, C., 1997. Physiology and genetics of the dimorphic fungus Yarrowia lipolytica. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 19, 219–237. Casaregola, S., Neuvéglise, C., Lépingle, A., et al., 2000. Genomic exploration of the hemiascomycetous yeasts: 17. Yarrowia lipolytica. FEBS Letters 487, 95–100. Deák, T., 2008. Handbook of Food Spoilage Yeasts, second ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, p. 325. Deák, T., Chen, J., Beuchat, L.R., 2000. Molecular characterization of Yarrowia lipolytica and Candida zeylanoides isolated from poultry. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66, 4340–4344. Fickers, P., Benetti, P.H., Wache, Y., et al., 2005. Hydrophobic substrate utilisation by the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, and its potential applications. FEMS Yeast Research 5, 527–543. Fickers, P., Marty, A., Nicaud, J.M., 2011. The lipases from Yarrowia lipolytica : genetics, production, regulation, biochemical characterization and biotechnological applications. Biotechnology Advances 29, 632–644. Heard, G.M., Fleet, G.H., 2000. Yarrowia (Candida) lipolytica. In: Robinson, R.K., Batt, C.A., Patel, P.D. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, first ed. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 360–365. Ismail, S.A.S., Deak, T., Abd El-Rahman, H.A., Yassien, M.A.M., Beuchat, L.R., 2000. Presence and changes in populations of yeasts on raw and processed poultry products stored at refrigeration temperature. International Journal of Food Microbiology 62, 113–121. Kurtzman, C.P., 2011. Yarrowia van der Walt & von Arx (1980). In: Kurtzman, C.P., Fell, J.W., Boekhout, T. (Eds.), The Yeasts: a Taxonomic Study, fifth ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 927–930. Lai, C.-C., Lee, M.-R., Hsiao, C.-H., et al., 2012. Infections caused by Candida lipolytica. Journal of Infection 6, 372–374. Lanciotti, R., Vannini, L., Lopez, C.C., Gobbetti, M., Guerzoni, M.E., 2005. Evaluation of the ability of Yarrowia lipolytica to impart strain-dependent characteristics to cheese when used as a ripening adjunct. International Journal of Dairy Technology 58, 89–99. Nicaud, J.-M., 2012. Yarrowia lipolytica. Yeast 29, 409–418. Papanikolaou, S., Aggelis, G., 2010. Yarrowia lipolytica : a model microorganism used for the production of tailor-made lipids. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 112, 639–654. Patrignani, F., Iucci, L., Vallicelli, M., et al., 2007. Role of surface-inoculated Debaryomyces hansenii and Yarrowia lipolytica strains in dried fermented sausage manufacture. Part 1: Evaluation of their effects on microbial evolution, lipolytic and proteolytic patterns. Meat Science 75, 676–686. Sørensen, L.M., Gori, K., Petersen, M.A., Jespersen, L., Arneborg, N., 2011. Flavour compound production by Yarrowia lipolytica, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Debaryomyces hansenii in a cheese-surface model. International Dairy Journal 21, 970–978. Sutherland, J.B., 2004. Degradation of hydrocarbons by yeasts and filamentous fungi. In: Arora, D.K. (Ed.), Fungal Biotechnology in Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Applications. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 443–455.

Canning see Heat Treatment of Foods: Principles of Canning; Heat Treatment of Foods: Spoilage Problems Associated with Canning

Carnobacterium C Cailliez-Grimal, MI Afzal, and A-M Revol-Junelles, Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Biochemical and Physiological Attributes

The genus Carnobacterium was proposed to clarify the taxonomic position of Lactobacillus-like organisms isolated from foods such as meat, chicken, or fish. Ten species are presently recognized as members of this genus (Table 1). The various species are found in animals or products of animal origin and also in environments that are not associated with animals or foods. Only Carnobacterium divergens and Carnobacterium maltaromaticum are frequently isolated from foods. The interest in Carnobacterium spp. in relation to food is due mainly to their antibacterial activities and possible use in protective cultures. Thus, most research related to the activities of carnobacteria in foods has focused on the production of bacteriocins, the regulation of metabolic enzymes and pathways, their roles in inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes, and their impact on spoilage of fish products such as cold-smoked salmon. In natural ecosystems, they may reduce the oxygen levels and so create conditions that favor the development of obligatory anaerobic microorganism. In this chapter, the following topics are covered: the characteristics of the genus and individual species, methods of identification, and importance of the genus and individual species for the food industry.

Characteristics of the Genus and Related Species Taxonomy The genus Carnobacterium is grouped with lactic acid bacteria (LAB). LAB are Gram-positive, catalase-negative bacteria that produce lactic acid as the main end product of the fermentation of carbohydrates. According to Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, the genus Carnobacterium belongs to the phylum Firmicutes, class Bacilli, order Lactobacillales, family Carnobacteriaceae with Carnobacterium the genus type. The 12 other genera in the family are Alkalibacterium, Allofustis, Alloiococcus, Atopobacter, Atopococcus, Atopostipes, Desemzia, Dolosigranulum, Granulicatella, Isobaculum, Marinilactibacillus, and Trichococcus. On the basis of 16S rRNA similarity, the Carnobacterium species forms a phylogenetically coherent group. Based on their habitats, two ecological groups that do not correlate with the phylogenetic groups can be defined. Six species have been isolated from food of animal origin and four species from cold environments such as Antarctic ice lakes and permafrost (Table 1).

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

This genus is composed of nonspore-forming, Gram-positive rods or coccobacilli (Figure 1), that may or may not be motile. They are fermentative and usually facultatively anaerobic, although some species grow aerobically or microaerophilically. They are unable to grow on the acetate-containing medium, which is commonly used for recovery of LAB. Species may variously be psychrotolerant, and grow at 0  C but not at 45  C; halotolerant, and growth at NaCl concentrations up to 81%; and/or alkaliphilic, and grow at pH 9. Some species exhibit catalase activity in the presence of heme. The peptidoglycan of the cell wall contains meso-diaminopimelic acid. The genomic GþC contents of Carnobacterium spp. vary from 33 to 44%. They do not reduce nitrate to nitrite. The metabolism of all the species is fermentative, and they are capable of reducing rezazurin in aerobic media during growth. Respiration, with increased oxygen consumption, can occur in the presence of hematin. Although they were initially described as being heterofermentative, carnobacteria can be regarded as homofermentative organisms that produce lactic acid from glucose (except for the species Carnobacterium pleistocenium) or as being facultatively heterofermentative. They are able to catabolize a range of carbohydrates, although there are considerable differences in this respect both between and within species. Some species can use both hexoses and pentoses, with production of L(þ)-lactate and, depending on the availability of oxygen, may produce acetic acid, ethanol, CO2, and formic acid in various amounts. The Voges–Proskauer test shows that some species can produce acetoin from pyruvic acid (Table 1). Carnobacterium alterfunditum and Carnobacterium funditum ferment glycerol without production of gas, to mainly acetic and formic acids and small amounts of ethanol. The metabolic end products of C. pleistocenium growing on glucose are acetate and ethanol, with only small amounts of CO2. The metabolic by-products of amino acid degradation, branched alcohols, and aldehydes are well characterized for food species. Production of NHþ 4 from arginine is a result of its catabolism via the arginine deaminase pathway. Some species have the ability to convert tyrosine to tyramine.

Genomics The entire genome of Carnobacterium sp. strain 17-4, which was isolated from permanently cold seawater, has been sequenced. Drafts of the genomes of two other strains are available. Those



380 Carnobacterium

Table 1

Characteristics useful in differentiating Carnobacterium species


C. alterfunditum

C. divergens

C. funditum

C. gallinarum

C. inhibens

C. jeotgali

C. maltaromaticum

C. mobile

C. pleistocenium

C. viridans

Main sources

Fish, polar lakes, deep sea sediment II

Dairy, meat, fish, shrimp, intestine of fish I

Polar lakes, intestine of fish, marine sponges II

Meat, fish

Atlantic salmon

Jeotgal shrimp

Dairy, meat, fish, shrimp

Meat, shrimp fish










0–20 ND (0.6) ND (7.0–7.4) þ 

0–40 0–10 5.5–9 – þ

0–20 ND (1.7) ND (7.0–7.4) þ 

0–37 ND  þ

0–30 0–6 5.5–9 þ 

4–37 0–5 5.5–9.0 

0–40 0–5 5.5–9.5  þ

0–35 ND ND þ 

0–28 0.1–5.0 6.5–9.5 þ ND

2–30 0–4 5.5–9.1  


þ 33–36.4


þ 34.3–35.4

þ NT

þ 43.9

þ 33.7–36.4

þ 35.5–37.2

þ 42

þ NT

Ecological group Growth at: Temp.(0  C) range NaCl (%) range(req) pH range (opt) Motility Voges–Proskauer test Aesculin hydrolysis DNA GþC content (mol%)

ND: not determined, þ positive test, – negative test. Req, required concentration; opt, optimum pH range.



Isolation, Enumeration, and Identification Isolation and Cultivation

Figure 1 Atomic force microscopy images of a microcolony (left panel) and a single cell (right panel) of C. maltaromaticum DSM207302.

strains are C. maltaromaticum ATCC 35586, which was isolated from diseased salmon, and Carnobacterium sp. 7, a piezophilic strain which was isolated from the Aleutian trench. The genome sizes of Carnobacterium spp. are estimated to range from 1.9 (for C. alterfunditum) to 3.7 Mb (for C. maltaromaticum). Knowledge of the genetics and DNA sequences of Carnobacterium spp. is mainly about bacteriocin-related genes and genes involved in metabolism in the species C. divergens and C. maltaromaticum. Genes for bacteriocin production may be encoded on the chromosome or on plasmids. For example, C. maltaromaticum LV17 produces three bacteriocins: Carnobacteriocins A (Cbn A), Cbn B2, and Cbn BM1. Carnobacteriocins Cbn A and Cbn B2 are, respectively, encoded on the different and compatible plasmids pCP49 (72 kb) and pCP40 (61 kb). The Cbn BM1 structural gene and its immunity gene are located on the chromosome, whereas activation and export of Cbn BM1 depend on genes located on plasmid pCP40. The plasmid of Carnobacterium sp. 17-4 encodes three putative carbohydrate phosphotransferase systems. In C. maltaromaticum ATCC 35586, a range of putative virulence genes has been identified. These include genes that variously encode products involved in adhesion, capsule synthesis, hemolysis, invasion, and resistance to toxic compounds. The putative virulence genes carried by this strain may explain its reported ability to infect fish. However, the presence of this species in food products is not regarded as hazardous for human health. Table 2

Carnobacterium species belonging to the two ecological groups require different conditions for their growth. Species isolated from foods and products of animal origin (group I) do not grow on acetate-rich media, so conventional Lactobacillus media with acetate omitted is commonly used for their recovery. The use of neutral to alkaline pH media promotes the growth of carnobacteria at the expense of Lactobacillus spp., so such media can be used for Carnobacteria enrichment. Nonselective media such as Tryptone Soy broth or agar or Brain Heart Infusion can be used for the recovery of carnobacteria when they dominate the microbial population of samples. Even though growth of carnobacteria can be best at 30–37  C, incubation under psychrotrophic conditions (10 days at 7  C) permit the selection of Carnobacterium species. Species isolated from cold environments are less fastidious. These organisms do not grow at 30  C and are psychrotrophic. At 20  C, C. alterfunditum and C. funditum grow better anaerobically than aerobically, whereas C. pleistocenium grows well under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. For general cultivation, nonselective media with neutral or alkaline pH can be used. Cultures can be preserved by freezing or by lyophilization.

Enumeration of Carnobacteria in Foods Various media are available for the nonselective, semiselective, or selective recovery of carnobacteria of group I (Table 2). deMan Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) agar is commonly used for recovery of LAB from foods but, because of its acetate content, carnobacteria are poorly recovered with this medium. However, MRS modified by increasing the pH to 8.5, omitting acetate, and substituting glucose for sucrose can be used for recovery of all Carnobacterium species of group II. Some media include one or more antibiotics. Nalidixic acid inhibits most Gram-negative microorganisms, while vancomycin and gentamicin inhibit most Gram-positive bacteria. Cresol Red Thallium Acetate Sucrose (CTAS) agar was devised

Agars used for recovery and enumeration of Carnobacterium spp



Principal agents (mg l 1)

Culture condition


Man Rogosa Sharpe (D-MRS) CTAS


24–72 h at 25  C



CM medium


Acetate 0 Sucrose 2  104 Sucrose 2  104 Nalidixic acid 40 Cresol red 4 Thallium acetate 1  103 Triphenyl-tetrazolium chloride 10 Sucrose 1  104 Inulin 1  104 Nisin 1.25 Vancomycin 1 Thallium acetate 500 TS-YE 1.5  104 Gentamicin 5 Vancomycin 3.5 Nalidixic acid 20


24–48 h at 30  C 3–4 days at 25  C

2 days at 25  C 2 days at 8  C

36–46 h at 25  C



for the selective recovery of Carnobacterium spp., but problems with low recovery and interference by other microorganisms prevented this medium from becoming widely accepted. The selectivity of this medium is based on its high pH and the presence of thallium acetate, nalidixic acid, and a relatively high concentration of sodium citrate (15 g l1). This medium supports good growth of Enterococcus spp., but Listeria spp. grows sparsely. Cresol Red Thallium Acetate Sucrose Inulin (CTSI) agar, a medium devised for the enumeration of the four principal species of Carnobacterium, is not satisfactory because it inhibits some strains of the organisms targeted for selection. On CTAS and CTSI, Carnobacterium colonies often have yellow edges due to media acidification, and a red button in the center due to the reduction of tetrazolium chloride. Extract de levure Biotrypticase Ribose Esculine Rouge de phenol (EBRER) agar contains ribose, aesculin, and phenol red and is supplemented with amphotericin and nalidixic acid. The medium is more selective if incubated for 10 days at 7  C than 24 h at 30  C. However, this medium also allows the growth of enterococci. A selective medium based on Tryptose Soy Yeast Extract agar, with a pH of 8.8 and supplemented with the antibiotics nalidixic acid, vancomycin, and gentamicin, was proposed and named Carnobacterium Maltaromaticum (CM) agar. It is highly selective for C. maltaromaticum for which recovery is 100%. CM supports growth of Carnobacterium mobile and Desemzia incerta but does not permit growth of other carnobacteria. The standard approach to enumerating carnobacteria in flora dominated by LAB involves simultaneously plating on two agars using an acetate-containing agar and nonselective plate count agar, with carnobacteria numbers being determined from the differences between the pairs of counts.

Identification Carnobacterium species have been identified by both phenotypic and genotypic methods. The genus Carnobacterium was proposed on the basis of numerical taxonomy studies. Subsequent studies indicated that isolates could be identified as Carnobacterium spp. from traditional biochemical reactions and carbohydrate fermentation and inhibition tests. Simple identification keys must always be used with caution. But when a larger number of phenotypic tests were used with isolates and data were evaluated by numerical taxonomy methods, isolates were identified with the same degree of confidence as for identification by genotypic methods. During isolation and identification of bacteria from foods, the acetate sensitivity of isolates and their ability to grow at alkaline pH and chiller temperatures may serve as routine tests for recognition of carnobacteria among the rod-shaped LAB. Whole cell lysates can be used for detection of meso-diaminopimelic acid (meso-DAP) in the cell wall. Analysis of whole cell protein by sodium dodecylsulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) can be used to differentiate C. maltaromaticum from C. divergens. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy has been used to differentiate Carnobacterium species and strains. Carbohydrate fermentation patterns can be determined using API 50 CH carbohydrate fermentation test strips (Biomerieux, France) and automated strip reading equipment

(Biomerieux). All Carnobacterium species produce acid from cellobiose, fructose, glucose, maltose, mannose, and salicin but not from adonitol, dulcitol, glycogen, inositol, raffinose, rhamnose, and sorbitol. Sequence analysis of 16S rRNA permits differentiation of all Carnobacterium species. In conjunction with DNA–DNA hybridization, this may be the best way to differentiate phenotypically very similar species. Various polymerase chain reaction techniques using specific or nonspecific primers can be used. These include restriction fragment length polymorphism, amplified fragment length polymorphism, and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analyses. Digestion of DNA followed by pulse field gel electrophoresis can also be used for identification of species.

Importance of the Genus and Individual Species in the Food Industry Red and Poultry Meats and Meat Products In 1987, the genus Carnobacterium was proposed as a new genus to accommodate the species Lactobacillus divergens and Lactobacillus piscicola, both of which had been isolated from refrigerated meats. These are the two carnobacteria species most commonly found in foods. Red and poultry meats and products prepared from them are rich in nutrients for bacteria, with water activities (aw) and pH values generally favorable for the growth of carnobacteria. Consequently, carnobacteria can reach high levels (i.e., 106–108 cfu cm2 or g1) on or in such foods. They are found in vacuum-packaged raw meats and meat products stored at colder temperatures. The five species C. divergens, Carnobacterium gallinarum, C. maltaromaticum, C. mobile, and Carnobacterium viridians are commonly associated with the spoilage of these products. For instance, C. viridians is responsible for the green discoloration of refrigerated vacuum-packed bologna sausage. In cooked sausages, C. maltaromaticum can be responsible for off odors.

Fish and Seafood Carnobacterium maltaromaticum was first isolated from diseased rainbow trout and salmon, and so was described as a fish pathogen. Subsequently, it and other carnobacteria were shown to be components of the normal gastrointestinal flora of healthy fish and other aquatic animals, C. divergens and Carnobacterium inhibens also inhabit fish intestines. Among the 10 Carnobacteria species, only C. divergens and C. maltaromaticum are frequently isolated from seafood. They can tolerate high pressures, cold temperatures, modified atmospheres, and high concentrations of NaCl. Thus, they are able to grow to high levels (106–108 cfu g1) in vacuum-packed cold smoked seafood. These species can form tyramine, which can be hazardous for human health. They can be important parts of the spoilage flora of some, but not all seafood products.

Dairy Products Carnobacterium maltaromaticum was first isolated from milk that had developed a distinct malt- or chocolate-like flavor and

Carnobacterium aroma due to the presence of aldehydes formed by the organism. Carnobacterium maltaromaticum was also found to be a citrate-fermenting member of the microflora involved in mozzarella cheese fermentation. Its presence was reported in a variety of French soft-ripened or red-smear cheeses made from cow, sheep, or goat milks. It can be the dominant organism in the psychrotrophic LAB flora of these cheeses, and can reach high levels at the end of the storage period. It has a role in the ripening of soft cheeses by contributing to aroma development, which depends on various factors, including the activities of intracellular enzymes involved in the catabolism of branched-chain amino acids, that is, leucine, isoleucine, and valine, the bacterial transaminases, the availability of oxygen, and the redox potential of the substrate. Not much is known about their metabolism during ripening, but they apparently do not cause off-flavors in cheeses.

Preservation of Food The genus Carnobacterium is well known for its ability to produce bacteriocins. These bacteriocins are effective against spoilage microorganisms and the pathogen L. monocytogenes. The genera Listeria and Carnobacterium are both psychrotrophic and have similar pH and temperature ranges. The use of bacteriocin-producing Carnobacterium strains can prevent the growth of Listeria during the processing and storage of a variety of refrigerated foods. Nevertheless, bacteriocins can be inactivated by proteolytic enzymes, and the use of bacteriocinproducing Carnobacteria can promote the emergence of resistant strains of the targeted organisms. Inhibition of competing organisms in foods as a result of glucose depletion by a bacteriocin negative strain of C. maltaromaticum has been demonstrated. Since 2005, one strain of C. maltaromaticum (CB1) has been classed as Generally Recognized as Safe for use in ready-to-eat meat products.


See also: Classification of the Bacteria: Traditional; Bacteria: Classification of the Bacteria – Phylogenetic Approach; Bacteriocins: Potential in Food Preservation; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Food-Poisoning Microorganisms; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Microfloras of Fermented Foods; Cheese: Microbiology of Cheesemaking and Maturation; Role of Specific Groups of Bacteria; Lactobacillus: Introduction.

Further Reading Afzal, M.I., Jacquet, T., Delaunay, S., et al., 2010. Carnobacterium maltaromaticum: taxonomy, identification and isolation tools, ecology and technological aspects. Food Microbiology 25, 580–585. Corry, J.E.L., Curtis, G.D.W., Baird, R.M. (Eds.), 2003. Handbook of Culture Media for Food Microbiology, vol. 37. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, pp. 1–662. Hammes, W.P., Hertel, C., 2009. Carnobacterium. In: Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, vol. 3. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp. 546–556. Holzapfel, W.H., 1992. Culture media for non-sporulating gram-positive food spoilage bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology 17, 113–133. Laursen, B.G., Bay, L., Cleenwerck, I., Vancanneyt, M., Swings, J., Dalgaard, P., Leisner, J.J., 2005. Carnobacterium divergens and Carnobacterium maltaromaticum as spoilers or protective cultures in meat and seafood: phenotypic and genotypic characterization. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 28, 151–164. Leisner, J.J., Laursen, B.G., Prevost, H., et al., 2007. Carnobacterium: positive and negative effects in the environment and in foods. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 31, 592–613.

Catering industry see Process Hygiene: Hygiene in the Catering Industry Centrifugation see Physical Removal of Microflora: Centrifugation Cereals see Spoilage of Plant Products: Cereals and Cereal Flours


Contents Cheese in the Marketplace Microbiology of Cheesemaking and Maturation Microflora of White-Brined Cheeses Mold-Ripened Varieties Role of Specific Groups of Bacteria Smear-Ripened Cheeses

Cheese in the Marketplace RC Chandan, Global Technologies, Inc., Coon Rapids, MN, USA Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is a revision of the previous edition article by A.Y. Tamime, volume 1, pp 372–381, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

Introduction Cheese belongs to the family of fermented dairy foods dating back to ancient times. It has been consumed as a vital part of human diet in many regions of the world ever since man domesticated animals (Johnson and Law, 2010). Historically, conversion of liquid milk (87% moisture) to solid cheese (30– 50% moisture) resulted in the conservation of valuable nutrients, namely protein, fat, and minerals. The cheesemaking process resulted in acidic environment in the food system as well as partial dehydration of the curd. The water activity (aw) of a food is a measure of relative humidity of air in equilibrium with the food. It is an indicator of its stability and safety for human consumption. The aw of cheese is 0.87–0.98 as compared with 0.993 for milk, 0.83 for sweetened condensed milk, 0.2 for nonfat dry milk (NFDM) containing 4.5% moisture, 0.1 for NFDM with 3% moisture, and 1.0 for water (Chandan and Kapoor, 2011a; Walstra et al., 1999). The lowering of aw in cheese is accomplished by the removal of liquid whey from milk gel. Further dehydration is achieved by the addition of sodium chloride to the curd and production of low–molecular weight nitrogenous compounds during ripening. Thus, in addition to enhanced shelf life, cheese


displays safety and portability attributes for the nutrition-dense food to travel relatively long distances. Besides salt, the preservative effect is enhanced by the microbial metabolites generated by the activity of the culture. Consequently, the main components of milk (protein, fat, and minerals) are concentrated in cheese. The cheese-ripening process produces an array of variety and novelty of flavors and textures for the consumers. The 2011 world production of milk, the basic raw material for cheesemaking, is estimated to be around 727.6 million metric tons (MT) (FAO, 2011). Major milk-producing regions are South Asia (India), the Americas, and Europe. Most milkproducing animals are cows (84.0%), water buffaloes (12.1%), goats (2.0%), ewes (1.3%), and camels (0.2%) (IDF, 2008). It is estimated that a quarter of milk produced in the world is utilized for cheese production (Guinee and O’Brien, 2010). In Italy, France, Denmark, and Germany, however, cheese production accounts for as much as 70–90% of the milk produced. Table 1 gives cheese production data related to various countries. In 2009, the largest producer of cheese in the world was European Union (EU27), accounting for 8.287 million MT (IDF, 2010). As a single country, however, the United States has the distinction of being the largest producer of cheese (4.585

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


CHEESE j Cheese in the Market Place Table 1

Cheese production around the world (thousand tons) Year





EU27 countries Germany France Italy Netherlands Poland United Kingdom Denmark Greece Ireland Austria Spain Czech Republic Sweden Finland Lithuania Hungary Belgium Estonia Slovakia Latvia Other

8263 2019 1732 1043 732 582 339 351 188 127 149 128 116 109 102 91 72 66 32 40 34 213

8306 2025 1719 1047 724 617 349 319 182 163 148 127 111 114 107 107 73 66 36 34 32 208

8287 2088 1693 1059 714 610 323 321 195 158 146 126 109 108 105 94 75 68 37 31 24 205

North America United States Canada Mexico

4435 332 142

4499 329 142

4585 331 142

South America Brazil Argentina Chile Uruguay

580 474 70 46

607 478 65 52

614 509 65 53

Other Europe Russia Ukraine Switzerland Belarus Norway Croatia Iceland

434 337 176 110 84 30 8

430 327 179 128 85 29 8

436 312 178 134 86 30 8

Oceania Australia New Zealand

361 348

342 295

330 270

Asia Iran Turkey Israel Japan China Korea, Republic of India

230 151 115 43 18 9 6

234 151 119 43 15 10 5

245 153 121 45 15 8 5

Africa South Africa




Source: FAO, 2011. Food Outlook, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.


million MT) in the world. Cheese production has registered an average increase of about 1.5% for the past 20 years. More than 1400 varieties of cheese are enumerated in the World Cheese Exchange Database. Around 400 cheese varieties are more recognized, however. In reality, less than 25 varieties are more popular around the world. The large numbers of varieties essentially resulted from historical, geographical, and environmental origin. The varieties owe their distinct flavor and textural attributes to the use of milk of various mammals, different ingredients, processing procedure, ripening conditions, and the final composition of the cheese. In addition, various shapes, sizes, and configurations – including shredded and sliced versions – are created to provide novel applications. The consumer can use these products in a variety of ways, such as an integral part of national and international cuisine, a ready-to-eat snack, a spread, sandwich slices, and as a dip or topping on snacks. In the United States, more than 300 varieties of cheese are marketed. In 2010, total natural cheese production was estimated to be 4.73 million MT (IDFA, 2011). Italian cheeses totaled 2.01 million MT, American cheeses were 1.94 million MT, and other cheeses constituted 0.79 million MT. The largest volume in the Italian cheese group was Mozzarella cheese, which accounted for 1.58 million MT. In the American cheese group, Cheddar cheese topped at 1.47 million MT. In the same year, process cheese foods and cold pack amounted to 0.96 million MT. Cheesemaking requires four basic raw materials: good quality milk, coagulating enzyme (rennet) or coagulating acids, culture, and salt. Cheese can be made from cream; whole milk; reduced-fat, low-fat, or nonfat milk; or mixtures thereof. Some cheeses are made from whey, whey cream, or whey–milk mixtures. Furthermore, milk of sheep, goat, water buffaloes, and other milk-producing animals yields distinct color, flavor, and texture profiles. At the turn of the twentieth century, developments in melting processes, involving natural cheese of various ages, gave birth to a line of process cheese products with controlled flavor, texture, functionality, and extended shelf life. In addition, imitation and artificial cheeses or cheese analogs are also available as ingredients of food products (e.g., pizza). They are formulated with rennet casein, sodium and calcium caseinates, starch, vegetable oils, and emulsifying salts (sodium phosphates and citrates). The emulsifying salts help in melting the ingredients and creating a homogeneous blend. Gums (xanthan, guar, and carrageenan) are used for texture development. Specific cheese flavor is generated by the use of natural cheese, enzyme modified cheese, starter distillates, glutamates, or yeast hydrolyzates.

Definition and Classification of Natural Cheese Cheese may be defined as fresh or ripened solid or semisolid product obtained by the coagulation of whole milk, skim milk, low-fat milk, cream, whey, whey cream, or buttermilk. A combination of these raw materials may be used. Coagulating agents like rennet, and in some cases, a food-grade acid help in setting milk into curd and whey. A starter is used in most cheese varieties to create flavor and texture. Removal of whey leads to cheese curd, which may be pressed. The resulting cheese is packaged to prevent its spoilage and is sold as fresh or


CHEESE j Cheese in the Market Place

ripened by holding at specific temperature and a given time period to obtain ripened or matured cheese. Cheese may be classified based on whether cheese is ripened or not and the type of ripening or on the basis of moisture content, firmness, and ripening microorganisms.

Fundamentals of Cheese Manufacture The basic raw materials for cheese manufacture are milk, color (optional), starter (culture), rennet, and salt. For more information on manufacture of various varieties, the reader is referred to Chandan and Kapoor (2011b).

coagulation and to improve cheese yield. Cheese color may be added to produce cheese of consistent color throughout the year. Bleaching agents may be used in some cheeses made from cow’s milk to simulate the white appearance of milk of water buffalo, goat, or sheep. In this regard, titanium dioxide- and chlorophyll-based colorants are permitted in many countries. Certain enzymes (lipases and proteases) are used as ripening supplements. Other enzyme preparations (esterases), derived from the buccal cavity of young goats and sheep, are used when cow’s milk is substituted for goat or sheep milk. These enzyme preparations simulate the development of traditional flavor of Feta, Romano, and Parmesan cheese.


Starter Cultures

Milk of several species of animals is the raw material of choice in the various parts of the world. The milk of cows, goats, sheep, and buffaloes forms a majority of the cheese produced. The composition of milk (fat, protein, minerals, and lactose) of various mammals is different, giving rise distinctive characteristics of cheese derived there from. Raw milk is often standardized for cheese production. Cheese industry uses fat-in-dry matter (FDM) as a parameter of its quality and minimum regulatory requirement. Typical average content of 100 kg of cow’s milk is 3.6 kg of fat, 2.7 kg of casein, 0.7 kg of whey proteins, 4.9 kg of lactose, 0.7 kg of minerals, and 87.4 kg of water. Thus, milk would contain 12.6 lb of total solids or dry matter, composed of fat, protein, lactose, and minerals. The average FDM of whole milk therefore is 100  3.6/12.6 ¼ 28.6%. Different ratios of protein and fat are needed for many cheese varieties. Cheese milk can be standardized for fat by using a separator. For example, partial removal of fat is required for part-skim mozzarella, and skim milk is needed for cottage cheese manufacture. Another way to standardize fat content is to add skim milk or cream, low-heat NFDM, or milk protein concentrate, if permitted by regulatory authorities. Preconcentrating the cheese milk to approximately 15–18% total solids via evaporation or ultrafiltration has become a common practice in the cheese industry to improve production efficiencies. Evaporation of milk leads to an equal increase in all the milk constituents, including lactose. Cheese made using such milk requires changes in cheesemaking protocols to ensure proper fermentation and consequently the final cheese. Ultrafiltration selectively separates the milk into an enriched protein–fat fraction and the water–lactose fraction. This enhances the cheese milk with the desirable solids, such as protein and fat, and the lactose tends to stay at the same level as in the cheese milk. Use of ultrafiltration to produce wheyless hard cheeses, such as Cheddar, is also gaining popularity in the cheese industry mainly to produce ‘Cheddar cheese for manufacture’ (21Code of Federal Regulation 133.114) that is used as an ingredient in pasteurized process cheese. Raw milk is better suited for certain cheese varieties, but for public health and safety reasons, most of the world’s cheese production involves pasteurized milk. Generally, in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations require pasteurization of milk at 71.7  C for 15 s (or 63  C for 30 min) for cheeses consumed fresh or the varieties not held for at least 60 days at 1.67  C or higher. Calcium chloride may be added to milk at approximately 0.02% level to accelerate

Starter culture for cheesemaking has two major functions. One is to produce acidity during cheesemaking, and the second function is to aid in ripening of cheese. Acid development leads to milk coagulation in acid coagulated cheeses, a key step in cheesemaking. In rennet-coagulated cheeses, acid development accelerates coagulation. Table 2 shows the composition of various primary starters used for cheesemaking. Besides the genus and specie of the organism, starters may contain various strains of the same organism. Production of many cheeses is dependent on Lactococcus lactis subspecies lactis and cremoris for acidity development. These cultures belong to mesophilic group. Their acid production is optimum at 30–35  C. Acid production, however, essentially stops at temperatures below 20  C and above 39  C. The cremoris subspecie generally is regarded as best for optimum cheese flavor. The subspecie lactis, however, is a better acid developer. It, therefore, is common to encounter blends of the two subspecies in cheese starters. Biovariant specie diactelylactis, also called L. lactis citrateþ, produces CO2 and a buttery flavor compound (diacetyl) from normal milk constituent citrate. A week acid producer Leuconostoc mesentroides ssp. cremoris also produces diacetyl and CO2. The flavor compound (diacetyl) is essential in fresh cheese production. They are used in cheese varieties, such as soft-ripened, Cheddar, most washed, and fresh cheeses. Thermophilic starters traditionally are used in Swiss, Gruyere, and some Italian cheeses such as Mozzarella. In addition to lactic acid, these cultures characteristically produce acetaldehyde. Thermophilic starters consist of cultures capable of growth at temperature of from 39 to 50  C. Minimum growth is at 20  C, but they are partially inactivated at 6 months. After whey expelling, the curd is molded and salted (0.7% NaCl). The molds are turned upside down at every 20 min and then are salted either by direct addition of salt or by immersing in dense brine solution. Alternatively, brine solution may be applied onto the surface of the cheese.

Plasticized body with mild to strong salty taste; no holes or eyes formation in the cheese

CHEESE j Microflora of White-Brined Cheeses

Table 1

CHEESE j Microflora of White-Brined Cheeses Table 2


Starter cultures used in the manufacture of white-brined cheeses

Type of cheese

Starter cultures

Turkish Beyaz peynir

Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lc. lactis subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis þ Lb. casei Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lb. casei þ Lb. plantarum Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris þ B. animalis Bb12 þ Lb. acidophilus La5 Enterococcus durans þ Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris þ Leuconostoc cremoris Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris þ Lb. sake Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lb. plantarum þ E. durans Yogurt culture Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lactobacillus casei þ Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris (3:1:1) Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris (1:1) P. pentosaceus þ lactic starter Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lb. casei Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lc. lactis subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis þ Lb. casei Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lb. casei þ Enterococcus durans þ Ln. mesenteroides subsp. cremoris (6:2:1:1) Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lb. casei þ E. durans (6:2:2) Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris þ E. durans Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Yogurt culture þ Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lb. casei Pediococcus pentosaceus Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lb. casei subsp. casei Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (1:3) Homofermentative lactic acid bacteria Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lb. casei subsp. casei Without starter culture E. faecalis þ Leuconostoc spp. þ Lb. plantarum Yogurt culture Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lc. lactis subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis þ Str. paracitrovorous Lb. helveticus þ Str. thermophilus Pediococcus cerevisiae þ E. faecalis Pediococcus spp. þ Ln. paramesenteroides E. faecium þ mesophilic and thermophilis lactobacili Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris þ Lb. casei subsp. casei (1:1) Lc. lactis subsp. lactis þ Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris


Teleme cheese Brinza cheese Bjalo Salamureno Sirene cheese Halloumi cheese Osetinskii cheese Iranian white-brined cheese Imeretinskii cheese White-brined cheese Domiati Tallaga cheese Minas cheese

wild strains probably harbor more amino acid–converting enzyme than commercial starters. A wide range of inoculation rates for starter culture has been proposed, depending on the type of starter culture used: 0.1–0.2% of a mixture of Lc. lactis subsp. lactis and Lb. casei is satisfactory for Feta cheese, and an inoculation rate of 1–2% of Str. thermophilus and Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus is optimal for Feta cheesemaking using a thermophilic culture. For Turkish Beyaz peynir, an inoculation rate of 1–1.5% of mesophilic lactococci is recommended. As long as the inoculum rates does not exceed 0.5%, however, the thermophilic starter bacteria are more suitable for scalded Turkish white-brined cheese (Urfa type).

Nonstarter Lactic Acid Bacteria and Adjunct Cultures The white-brined cheese varieties made from unpasteurized, thermized, or in some cases pasteurized milk may contain nonstarter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB), originating from raw milk or post–heat treatment contamination of milk. The majority of NSLAB in white-brined cheeses are mesophilic lactobacilli. NSLAB also contain Pediococcus spp., Enterococcus spp., and Leuconostoc spp. Most of the NSLAB are salt- and

acid-tolerant facultative anaerobic bacteria and can grow easily in cheese. The number of NSLAB increases rapidly after pressing and salting of cheese, reaching up to 109 cfu g1 during ripening. Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei, Lactobacillus hilgardii, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus paraplantarum, and Lactobacillus pentosus are the most commonly isolated lactobacilli from white-brined cheeses made from goat’s or sheep’s milk. The number of salt-tolerant group of enterococci also increases during the prematuring period of Feta cheese, and the predominant species are Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus durans. The use of a combination of E. faecium FAIR-E 198 and E. faecium FAIR-E 243 as adjunct culture in the manufacture of Feta cheese resulted in acceleration of proteolysis, presented by high free amino acids level, and a high degree of degradation of b-casein and as1-casein. Similarly, enterococci used as adjunct culture in the production of Feta cheese or Turkish Beyaz peynir contributes to the organoleptic properties of the resulting products. Enterocin A, enterocin B, enterocin P, enterocin 50, bacteriocin 31, and AS-48 cytolysin are the most common bacteriocins produced by the various strains of E. faecalis and E. faecium isolated from white-brined cheeses. These bacteriocins show inhibitory effect on Listeria monocytogenes,


CHEESE j Microflora of White-Brined Cheeses

Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium perfringens, and Vibrio chlorae. The salt-resistant enterococci were reported to form the predominant group of bacteria in mature Domiati cheese. This cheese type was also demonstrated to contain Lactococcus spp., Lactobacillus spp., Brevibacterium linens, and Propionibacterium jensenii. High salt content in Domiati cheese milk reduces the total bacterial and other microbial counts, and micrococci and lactobacilli share predominance in mature Domiati cheese with high salt content. Opposite to Domiati cheese, enterococci (e.g., E. faecalis, E. durans) and pediococci (e.g., Pediococcus pentosaceus, Pediococcus acidilactici) have been found in high numbers in fresh Feta cheese, and their numbers declined throughout ripening, and both groups were outgrown by the lactobacilli. Incorporation of E. durans in a mesophilic LAB starter or E. faecalis, E. durans, and E. faecium in a ratio of 4:3:2 in a Lc. lactis subsp. lactis and Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris mixture gave a better flavor, texture, and body to Feta cheese and Urfa cheese, respectively. Pediococcus acidilactici and P. pentosaceus are the most frequently isolated species of Pediococcus spp. from whitebrined cheeses. Most strains of pediococci can grow in the presence of 6.5% NaCl. Although the mechanism by which Pedicoccus spp. contribute to ripening is unclear, they may form Ca-lactate crystals through undesired racemization of lactose. Among the Leuconostoc spp. in NSLAB of white-brined cheese, Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides, Ln. mesenteroides subsp. dextranicum, and Ln. citreum are the dominant species or subspecies. They contribute to the flavor development in brined cheeses; however, they are also able to metabolize citrate and form holes in cheese matrix that is not desirable for most of the white-brined cheeses. In recent years, some strains of Ln. mesenteroides have been demonstrated to produce heat-stable bacteriocins (i.e., mesentericin Y105 from Ln. mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides Y105) that have a strong inhibitory effect on L. monocytogenes. Although brined-type cheeses are less suitable for the growth of probiotic bacteria as adjunct culture, due to high salt and low pH levels in cheese, various combinations of probiotic bacteria, including Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium animalis, Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus fermentum, and Lb. plantarum have been reported to be employed successfully in the production of white-brined cheeses. Both B. animalis Bb12 and Lb. acidophilus La5 grew well in white-brined Turkish cheese and the numbers of the probiotic bacteria were above the threshold level for therapeutic effect (>107 cfu g1) after 90 days of ripening. Similarly, the survival and metabolic activities of Lb. acidophilus 593N in vacuum- or brined-packed white cheeses were found to be satisfactory. Lactobacillus sake LS-9, in combination with Lc. lactis subsp. lactis and Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris, can be used to produce a good-quality probiotic white-brined cheese. To reduce the negative effects of salt and acidity in cheese matrix on the survivability of probiotic bacteria, the probiotics are recommended to incorporate into cheese milk in protected form (i.e., microencapsulation). If the probiotic white-brined cheese is produced using probiotic adjunct cultures in unprotected (free) state, the initial load of these bacteria should be high (i.e., 1010–1011 cfu ml1) and salt level should be as low as possible. Comparing this result with the unprotected probiotic bacteria, the decrease in the number of

microencapsulated probiotic bacteria in white-brined cheese was fairly limited (3 log decreases in the former vs. 1 log decreases in the latter). Alternatively, the salt-tolerant strains of probiotic bacteria should be selected to produce probiotic white-brined cheese. In principle, the probiotic bacteria in cheese should not affect the metabolic activities and viabilities of main cheese starter bacteria. It has been found that most strains of Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei, E. faecium, and B. bifidum showed no antagonistic effect against lactococcal cheese starters in white-brined Turkish cheese.

Composition of Cheese in Relation to Starter Culture Activity A number of white-brined cheeses – including Feta, Turkish Beyaz peynir, Urfa cheese, Brinza, and Nabulsi – are characterized with a crumbly body, formed by strong acid-producing starter or NSLAB. A starter activity with a 1:1 ratio of streptococci and lactobacilli (1%, v/v) is able to convert lactose to lactic acid to create a crumbly body in cheese. Fast acidproducing lactococcal strains frequently are used as starter culture, whereas poor or medium acid producers can be used as adjunct cultures depending on their other technological properties. Although there are some exceptions, the overall acidifying activity of many potentially interesting wild lactococcal strains is low, despite the high esterolytic and proteolytic activities and flavor-generating abilities of these strains or vice versa. Therefore, in most cases, a combination of high acidproducing and high proteolytic strains or species of LAB is employed in white-brined cheesemaking. The biochemical activities of strains of mesophilic lactobacilli, lactococci, and enterococci show strain-dependency. For example, most strains of Lc. lactis subsp. lactis and Lc. lactis Cit(þ) exhibit strong acidifying activity, but the acid production capacity of Lb. plantarum and Lb. casei is rather weak. Similarly, most strains of lactobacilli have lower proteolytic activity than lactococcal strains. The types and concentrations of amino acids are considered to be important criteria in monitoring degrees of proteolysis and in deciding the suitability of starter cultures for white-brined cheesemaking. Although the type of amino acids in white-brined cheeses depends on the period of maturation or proteolytic activity of the starter bacteria or NSLAB, the glutamic acid, leucine, phenylalanine, valine, and serin are generally the most abundant free amino acids in these cheese varieties. The degree of ripening varies among the cheeses, depending on the starter culture used as well as production practices (i.e., salting type, salt level, scalding, and maturation period). The ripening develops faster in nonscalded whitebrined cheeses (Turkish Beyaz peynir, Feta, Teleme, etc.) made by using a mixed culture of lactococci (Lc. lactis subsp. lactis and Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris) than the cheeses made with mixed mesophilic and thermophilic cultures (Lc. lactis subsp. lactis and Str. thermophilus). In general, white-brined cheeses made from raw milk ripen more quickly and develop more intense flavor than cheeses made from pasteurized milk, indicating the active role of nonstarter flora in the process of maturation without contributing to the development of acidity. Therefore, the addition of this secondary flora into cheese milk as adjunct culture is expected to shorten the period of ripening in cheeses

CHEESE j Microflora of White-Brined Cheeses made from pasteurized milk. Pediococcus pentosaceus, for example, added to Feta cheese as an adjunct culture was reported to reduce the time needed for maturation. The improvement in flavor was a result of the formation of volatile compounds from amino acids, as lipolysis was observed at negligible levels in the final product. To accelerate the ripening process in white-brined cheese, various methods affecting the starter activity directly or indirectly can be employed. Heat or freeze shocking of the starter cultures is an effective way to reduce ripening time, particularly in reduced fat or ultrafiltration white-brined cheeses commonly associated with weak flavor and rubbery texture. A mixture of 2% of heat-shocked yogurt culture (Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Str. thermophilus) plus 1% primary starter was reported to give the best performance, as far as sensory properties of Iranian whitebrined cheese were concerned. Freeze-shocked E. faecium strains isolated from Domiati cheese exhibited high aminopeptidase activity and had the potential to shorten the ripening period of cheese. The ripening of white-brined cheeses also can be accelerated by cheese slurry systems. It was demonstrated that the addition of Blue cheese slurry (at a level of 2%) or ripened Ras cheese slurry (at levels of 1–5%) into Domiati cheese stimulated the proteolytic and lipolytic activities of starter bacteria and accelerated the ripening to a great extent. In another way, ripening of white-brined cheeses (such as Domiati cheese) could be accelerated, without impairing the flavor balance, using crude cell-free extracts from lactobacilli, and more particularly Lb. plantarum. The bitter flavors associated with pasta-filata-type cheeses usually are absent in whitebrined cheeses with high salt content. This may be attributed to that high salt content in the latter cheese types, which masks the bitter flavor or limits the relevant enzyme activity to an acceptable level. White-brined cheeses are not characterized with high lipolytic flavor, and thus weak lipolytic starters are preferred in cheese production. The long-chain free fatty acids (FFAs), including mrystic (C14), palmitic (C16), stearic (C18), and oleic (C18:1) acids, are the principal FFAs in most varieties of whitebrined cheeses. It is well known that FFAs, particularly shortchain FFAs (SCFFAs, C4:0-C8:0), contribute to the cheese flavor development directly or indirectly. Degradation products of FFAs by microorganisms include mainly volatile compounds, such as esters, alcohols, aldehydes, (methyl-)ketones, and lactones. A number of volatile compounds are produced by defined or wild-type lactococcal bacteria used in the manufacture of white-brined cheeses. Although it may vary depending on the type of starter bacteria and manufacturing practices, the predominant groups of volatiles are methyl ketones (mainly 2-pentanone, 2-butanone, and 2-heptanone) and alcohols (mainly ethanol, 2-pentanol, 2-heptanol, and 3-methyl-1butanol). Lactic acid accounts for the 95% of the total organic acids during the early stage of ripening, but at the later stages, the butyric acid constitutes about 20–25% of the total organic acids in brined-type cheeses. The white-brined cheeses made with thermophilic starters suffer from a lack of characteristic aroma and flavor of this type of cheeses. Textural problems may be pronounced: A fragile structure and a bitter taste sometimes are quoted as the main drawbacks to using yogurt cultures. The combination of yogurt


culture with E. durans, however, eliminates these problems to a great extent and yields a cheese with a firm but spreadable consistency and a pronounced aroma. The use of salt-tolerant starters in the production of white-brined cheese, together with ripening in 18–20% brine, produces cheeses with an elastic texture. The combination of Lc. lactis subsp. lactis and Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris is agreed to be the best combination as far as the flavor and aroma in white-brined cheese are concerned. Bacteriocins produced by LAB can be defined as biologically active proteins or protein complexes displaying a bactericidal mode of action exclusively toward Gram-positive bacteria and particularly closely related species. Bacteriocin-producing Lc. lactis strains have been used in starter cultures for manufacturing white-brined cheese to improve the quality of the end-product. On the other hand, these strains are added with sensitive adjunct cultures to increase their autolysis to accelerate cheese ripening. The susceptibility of lactococcal starter cultures to infection by bacteriophages remains a major problem facing the dairy fermentation industry worldwide. This problem is compounded by phage biodiversity, which is driven by rapid growth rates, large burst size, and genomic plasticity. These traits work synergistically to enable phages to rapidly evolve resistance to existing phage-defense systems by mutation and recombination. Cheese starter bacteria usually are able to produce low levels of biogenic amines in cheese during storage. In Feta cheese, an increase in the biogenic amine concentrations of 330 mg kg1 (60-day-old cheese) to 617 mg kg1 (4-month-old cheese) was reported. Overall, the white-brined cheeses made without starter culture have higher levels of biogenic amines than those made with starter culture. Tyramine, histamine, cadaverine, and putrescine are the predominant biogenic amines present in white-brined cheeses, with concentrations usually not exceeding the toxic levels.

Contaminants in White-Brined Cheeses The microbiological quality of cheese is closely related to the method of manufacture and, as unpasteurized milk is still in use in the manufacture of white-brined cheeses, the initial microbiological load of the milk determines the quality of the final product. The counts of psychrotrophic bacteria tend to increase in white cheeses during the first few weeks of maturation, and then their numbers fluctuate depending on the initial microbial load in the milk or degree of contamination during the production stages. Pseudomonas spp., Aeromonas spp., and Acinetobacter spp. are among the genera of psychrotrophs most frequently found in white cheese. Coliforms often are present in high numbers during the early stages of maturation, especially when using unpasteurized milk or due to poor sanitary conditions during cheesemaking. Coliforms are soon reduced to negligible levels, however, under usual conditions for the ripening and storage of white-brined cheeses. The pathogens, including Yersinia enterocolitica, Staphylococcus aureus, and Listeria monocytogenes also may be present in white cheeses. The survival of Y. enterocolitica in brined-type cheeses depends on the rate of development of acidity and the final pH of the product. If acid production is slow and the final


CHEESE j Microflora of White-Brined Cheeses

pH of the cheese is >4.5, Y. enterocolitica can survive up to 30 days, but with rapid acid development, this period is as short as 4 days. Yersinia enterocolitica is destroyed completely in scalded cheeses (e.g., Urfa-type cheeses) after boiling in hot water or whey. Listeria monocytogenes is more acid and salt tolerant than Y. enterocolitica and can remain active in pickled cheese for up to 90 days in pH 4.3 and a salt concentration of 6%. Depending on the initial level of contamination and ripening conditions in cheese (i.e., storage temperature), L. monocytogenes can remain alive in Feta cheese up to the point of retail sale. Listeria monocytogenes can be destroyed by thermization at 65  C for 15–18 s. Staphylococcus aureus can survive in white-brined cheeses, especially in the presence of yeasts: Even at low pH and high salt levels, mutual stimulation between yeasts and Staph. aureus is evident. Surprisingly, increasing the amount of salt in the milk used for the manufacture of Domiati cheese stimulated the growth of Staph. areus in the cheese, probably due to the inhibition of LAB by high salt content. This pathogenic bacteria was reported to show a partial resistance against scalding during the manufacture of scalded white–brined cheeses ripened in brine containing NaCl at concentrations ranging from 12.5% to 17.5%. Escherichia coli O157:H7 is considered to be a potential risk for soft and semihard cheeses. It was demonstrated that E. coli O157:H7 was completely inhibited in the scalded–brined cheeses within 30 days of ripening; however, the same pathogen remained active in the unscalded cheeses even at high salt concentrations (i.e., 17.5% NaCl). The growth of coliforms other than E. coli O157:H7 can be controlled by salt level of >9.5% in brine. Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhi are affected largely by high salt and low pH in cheese, and during ripening of whitebrined cheeses, these pathogens are expected to be inhibited to a great extent. Similarly, the growth of Shigella flexneri in whitebrined cheeses ripened in brine solution with a salt level of >12.5% is limited. Yeasts are not among the predominant microflora of whitebrined cheeses and present at low levels in brined cheeses. Yeasts may have an important role in the formation of flavor, through enhancing proteolysis and, therefore, they are recommended for inclusion in the starter culture for the manufacture of Teleme cheese. The growth of molds on white–brined cheese is more common than yeasts. Unless they are capable of producing mycotoxins, they do not carry any potential health risk for humans, but the aroma, flavor, and appearance of the cheese may be affected negatively. The genera Penicillium, Mucor, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Fusarium have been isolated from Teleme, Feta, Turkish Beyaz peynir, and Domiati cheeses, and there is a concern that some species, including Penicillium cyclopium, Penicillium viridicatum, Aspergillus flavus, and Aspergillus ochraceus, are able to produce mycotoxins. In addition, aflatoxins may pass into cheese from brine and may penetrate it as deeply as 15–20 mm from the surface. Therefore, washing the surface of cheese may not be sufficient to remove aflatoxins. However, aflatoxin production depends on the storage temperature, and at temperatures of 5–10  C, it is synthesized at only low levels. Apart from cheese itself, the brine also may serve as a reservoir for pathogenic microorganisms, especially for halotolerant groups. It was reported that, L. monocytogenes survived in fresh Feta cheese brine (6.5% NaCl, pH 6.8, at 4 or 12  C) for

up to 118 days. On the other hand, increasing salt level of brine (pH 5.5) to 12% resulted in a marginal decline in the counts of L. monocytogenes. Similarly, Listeria innocua and E. coli O157:H7 were demonstrated to keep their viability in model brine solutions (6.0% NaCl, pH 4.5, at 5  C) for 60 days; however, the counts of Staph. aureus decreased by 5-log cycles >10 days under the same conditions. It also was shown that the counts of pathogenic bacteria in brine tended to increase during cold storage.

Microbial Defects in White-Brined Cheeses Early blowing is the principal defect in white-brined cheeses, particularly in the products made from raw milk. Coliforms and yeasts (e.g., Saccharomyces spp.) are primarily responsible for this defect. Klebsiella aerogenes and Aerobacter aerogenes, which are salt-tolerant, are both able to produce gas and cause holes in the cheeses, leading to spongy body. Late blowing is another defect that occasionally occurs in cheeses manufactured from raw milk or under poor sanitary conditions. This defect is caused by Clostridium tyrobutyricum and Clostridium butyricum or heterofermentative LAB, but it is not a common problem in brined cheeses because of the inhibitory effect of salt in brine on butyric acid bacteria, as long as the salt level in brine is adequate. Other microorganisms responsible for the swelling of cans of white-brined cheeses by generating carbon dioxide and hydrogen include Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus fastidious, Bacillus pumilis, Bacillus firmus, Clostridium paratrificum, and Clostridium tertium. A slimy brine sometimes is observed during the storage of white-pickled cheeses, and this is caused by ropy strains of Lb. plantarum (e.g., var. viscosum) and Lb. casei subsp. casei. These bacteria are inhibited at low pH (8% NaCl).

See also: Bacteriocins: Potential in Food Preservation; Bacteriocins: Nisin; Bifidobacterium; Brevibacterium; Brucella Problems with Dairy Products; Cheese in the Marketplace; Cheese: Microbiology of Cheesemaking and Maturation; Role of Specific Groups of Bacteria; Clostridium : Clostridium botulinum; Enterococcus; Lactobacillus : Lactobacillus brevis; Lactobacillus : Lactobacillus acidophilus; Lactococcus : Lactococcus lactis Subspecies lactis and cremoris; Starter Cultures Employed in Cheesemaking; Streptococcus thermophilus.

Further Reading Abd-El Salam, M.H., Alichanidis, E., 2004. Cheese varieties ripened in brine. In: Fox, P.F., McSweeney, P.L.H., Cogan, T.M., Guinee, T.P. (Eds.), Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology. Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp. 227–249. Bintsis, T., Papademas, P., 2002. Microbiological quality of white-brined cheeses: a review. International Journal of Dairy Technology 55, 113–120. El-Soda, M., Abd-El Salam, M.H., 2002. Cheeses matured in brine. In: Roginski, H., Furquay, F.W., Fox, P.F. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Dairy Science. Elsevier Science, London, pp. 406–411. McSweeney, P.L.H., 2007. Cheese Problems Solved. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge. Tamime, A.Y., 2006. Brined Cheeses. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.

Mold-Ripened Varieties N Desmasures, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Caen, France Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is a revision of the previous edition article by A.W. Nichol, volume 1, pp 387–393, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

Introduction Mold-ripened cheeses are of two major types: surface moldripened cheeses, which are ripened using molds that grow on their surface (externally ripened), and blue cheeses (or blueveined cheeses), which are ripened by molds growing internally. The best known of the surface mold-ripened cheeses are Camembert and Brie, generally ripened by Penicillium camemberti and, in most cases, by Geotrichum candidum. The internally mold-ripened cheeses are best represented by Danablu, Roquefort, Stilton, and Gorgonzola. The major organism used for ripening these cheeses is Penicillium roqueforti. This article describes the manufacture of internally and externally mold-ripened cheeses as well as the processes and microorganisms involved in their maturation. The roles of the molds P. roqueforti and P. camemberti and of the yeast G. candidum are notably described, in relation to the degradation of milk components during the maturation process and to the production of the flavor and texture profile typical of these cheeses.

Diversity and History of Mold-Ripened Cheeses Surface mold-ripened cheeses include diverse cheeses produced using various technologies. They are all characterized by their relatively small volume (Table 1), often due to a brittle curd. Most are soft-ripened cheese, produced either from acidcoagulated milk gels (mainly goat’s cheeses) or from predominantly lactic curd obtained by mixed coagulation (rennet and lactic acid bacteria (LAB)). Such cheeses are generally characterized by the presence of Penicillium camemberti ssp. caseicolum (mainly used for cow’s cheeses and known as Penicillium candidum) or by the presence of P. camemberti subsp. camemberti (mainly for goat’s cheeses and known as Penicillium album). For some (goat’s) cheeses, the surface mold can also be P. roqueforti (known as Penicillium glaucum). Among fungal species, the yeast G. candidum (still considered to be a mold by some authors) frequently is used as a ripening agent alone or in combination with the above-mentioned molds. For this reason, it would be more suitable to talk about ‘fungal surfaceripened cheeses.’ Many surface mold-ripened cheeses are produced. These include, for example, Chaource, Bonchester, Belyi desertny, several goat’s (e.g., Badaia, Whitehaven) and some ewe’s milk cheeses. Other molds may participate in the ripening of surface mold-ripened cheeses. They are encountered mainly on the rind of semihard cheeses, which are issued from uncooked rennet curd. Sporendonema casei and Fusarium domesticum (formerly Cylindrocarpon heteronema) are reported to contribute to the ripening of Saint-Nectaire; Chrysosporium sulfureum (formerly Sporotrichum aureum) to the ripening of SaintNectaire and Tomme de Savoie; and Mucor fuscus and Mucor

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

plumbeus to the ripening of Tomme de Savoie, Tome des Bauges, and farmhouse-made Saint-Nectaire. Some examples of surface mold-ripened cheeses are shown in Table 1. Among surface mold-ripened cheeses, Brie and Neufchâtel are some of the most ancient cheeses. The first authenticated historical reference to Brie dates from the end of the eighth century and references to Neufchâtel date from the eleventh century. The history of Camembert cheese is well documented. In 1791, in the Normandy region of France, Marie Harel, assisted by a young priest originating from the Brie region, adapted the Brie method to take into account the smaller volume of the vessel used to mold cheeses in the area and developed Camembert cheese. Internally mold-ripened cheeses include soft to semisoft cheese, mainly blue-veined cheese, so-called because of the presence of P. roqueforti, which give them a green to blue color localized in openings in the paste (veins). Strong-flavored blue cheeses are made from a predominantly lactic mixed curd, while mild-flavored ones are made from a predominantly rennet-coagulated mixed curd. Rarely, for some cheeses, the mold can be a white one (e.g., a white variant of P. roqueforti). Some examples of blue-veined cheeses are shown in Table 1. Legend has it that a shepherd would have left, in order to follow a shepherdess with whom he was in love, ewe’s milk cheese and bread in a limestone cave in an area called Combalou, in France. When he returned, the cheese and bread were covered with molds. He tasted the cheese and loved it. Roquefort cheese was born. From a historical point of view, among blue-veined cheeses, Roquefort and Gorgonzola were the first mentioned in the literature in the eighth and ninth centuries, respectively. Roquefort was described in customs papers in 1070. In the fifteenth century, Charles VI gave the habitants of the French village Roquefort sur Soulzon a monopoly on its ripening and made Combalou a protected area. A cream cheese known as Stilton cheese was being made around the village of Stilton (England) in the late seventeenth century or in the early eighteenth century. A recipe for Stilton cheese was published in a newsletter by Richard Bradley in 1723 and in 1724 Daniel Defoe commented of the village of Stilton in Cambridgeshire being ‘famous for cheese.’ In 1874, Hanne Nielsen started the production of the first Danish blue cheese, inspired by the French cheese Roquefort, which she had encountered on one study trip abroad. Forty years later, Marius Boel created Danablu, which is now recognized by a Protected Geographical Indication. From a historical perspective, it is interesting to differentiate between cheeses for which the presence of molds is intentional and cheeses that have long been suffering contaminations. Indeed, for most soft-ripened cheeses and from the beginning, a white color was expected on the surface; therefore, ripening rooms always have been driven accordingly. Blue cheeses are also the result of a voluntary presence of molds. Conversely, Saint-Nectaire and Tomme cheeses became what they are



410 Table 1

CHEESE j Mold-Ripened Varieties A few examples of mold-ripened cheeses and some of their characteristics

Cheese variety



Treatment of milk


Brie de Meaux (PDO cheese) Brie de Melun (PDO cheese) Camembert


35–37 cm in diameter; 2.5 cm thick, about 2.8 kg 24 cm in diameter; 3 cm thick, 1.5–1.8 kg.

Raw cow’s milk

Dry salt

Raw cow’s milk

Dry salt

Pasteurized, microfiltered, or raw cow’s milk Raw cow’s milk

Brine or dry salt

Cylindrical Cylindrical

Camembert de Normandie (PDO cheese) Carré de l’Est


10.5–11 cm in diameter; 2.5 cm thick, at least 250 g


Neufchâtel (PDO cheese)

Variable, often heart shaped

Small: 6.5–7.5 cm by side, 125–160 g; medium: 8.5–11 cm, 300 g; large: 18–21 cm, 800 g, 1.2 kg 8–9 cm from the center to the tip, 3.2 cm thick, 200 g (100–600 g, depending on molds)

Saint-Nectaire (PDO cheese)


20–24 cm in diameter, 3.5–5.5 cm thick, 1.85 kg; 12–14 cm in diameter, 3.5–4.5 cm thick, 0.65 kg

Gorgonzola (PDO cheese)


Roquefort (PDO cheese) Stilton (PDO cheese)


Straight side with a minimum height of 13 cm, diameter 20–32 cm; large wheel: 10–13 kg; medium: 9–12 kg; small: 6–8 kg 20 cm in diameter, 9 cm thick, 2.5–2.9 kg


25 cm in diameter, 15 cm thick, about 8 kg

(development of Mucor) because they always have faced environmental constraints.

Manufacture of Mold-Ripened Cheeses Surface Mold-Ripened Cheeses Common features of the production of these cheeses include milk coagulation at a temperature (32–35  C) that favors both renneting and growth of LAB. Coagulation time is between 20 and 75 min for mixed coagulation and up to 24–36 h for acidcoagulated milk gels (e.g., Cabécou, Neufchâtel). The coagulum is cut or used as it. A significant acidification occurs, mainly after the curds have been placed in molds, as well as slow whey draining. Curds are characterized by a low mineralization. At the end of the draining step, curd is salted in brine or with dry salt (in its mass or on the surface). Maturation occurs in an environment with low temperature (8–15  C) and high humidity (80–85% relative humidity). One example is the manufacture of the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Camembert cheese (called ‘Camembert de Normandie’). Raw milk is used with the addition of a mesophilic starter. First, raw milk is ripened (primary maturation) during no more than 24 h at about 12–15  C (maximum temperature is 22  C). Just before renneting, a secondary maturation may be realized (time 2 h, temperature 38  C). The pH at renneting is about 6.4. The coagulation time is 30–45 min. The coagulum may be cut vertically twice before being transferred into molds by the mean of a ladle. In each

Dry salt

Pasteurized or thermized raw cow’s milk Raw cow’s milk for farmhousemade cheese; pasteurized, thermized, or raw cow’s milk for industrial cheese Raw cow’s milk for farmhousemade cheese; pasteurized, thermized, or raw cow’s milk for industrial cheese Pasteurized cow’s milk

Dry salt (in the mass or on the surface) Dry salt or brine

Raw ewe’s milk

Dry salt

Pasteurized cow’s milk

Dry salt in the mass

Dry salt

mold, at least five ladles are transferred at 40-min intervals. Spontaneous draining takes place while temperature is decreased from 26–28 to 20  C. Curds can be turned one time. After draining, when removed from the mold, the curd has a pH of 4.6–4.7. It is then dry-salted and ripened in cellars in which temperature ranges from 18 to 10  C. Under no circumstances may the cheeses be marketed before the 22nd day from the date of renneting. During ripening, surface pH rise up to 7–8. The technology of the generic Camembert cheese is quite different. Pasteurized, thermized, microfiltered, or raw milk can be used. Coagulation generally takes place continuously. The coagulum is cut into pieces of 2–2.5 cm in thickness, and the whole batch of cheese curd is placed into molds in a single step 30–50 min after cutting. Curds generally are salted in brine.

Blue Cheeses Blue-veined cheeses mainly are made from the milk of cows, ewes, and buffalo. Such cheeses are characterized in general by pronounced gradients of pH, salt, and water activity. Common features of the production of all these cheeses include milk coagulation at 28–30  C (strong flavored) or at 35–40  C (mild flavored). Coagulation time is between 30 and 75 min. The coagulum is cut into strips or cubes. After stirring, when the grains of curd are firm enough, molding occurs quickly to ensure a spontaneous cohesion while maintaining openings in the cheese. To do this, no pressure is applied during draining, but molds are inverted frequently. At the end of the draining step, curd is salted in brine or with dry salt (in its mass or on

CHEESE j Mold-Ripened Varieties the surface) to obtain a generally high salt concentration. To create and maintain openings, piercing of the curd is realized to allow further gas exchange. Maturation occurs in an environment with low temperature and high humidity. Roquefort cheese is the first cheese that received a PDO. It is made from raw whole milk produced by ewes of the ‘Lacaune’ breed. Milk is matured using a mesophilic starter and heated at renneting temperature (28–34  C). Renneting occurs no later than 48 h after the last milking. The P. roqueforti culture (traditional strains isolated from caves in the defined area) is added either in liquid form at the renneting stage or in powder form at the molding stage. The coagulum is cut until the lumps are the size of a hazelnut, and the curd-whey mixture is then mixed and rested several times until sufficiently drained grains of curd emerge. After part of the whey is drawn off (predrainage), the curd is hooped and slow whey drainage occurs at room temperature (w18  C) for up to 48 h, during which time curds are turned three to five times a day. Once curds are drained, their heel and faces are salted with dry marine salt, and then curds are transferred to the natural caves of Roquefort for ripening at 6–10  C. Cracks in the limestone (‘fleurines’) act as natural filters and allow the circulation of fresh air with the correct temperature and relative humidity for optimal mold growth. Piercing of curds is done either in caves or in dairies no more than 2 days before curds are transferred to caves. This operation allows carbon dioxide (CO2) produced during fermentation to be expulsed and to oxygenate the curds and promote the development of P. roqueforti. Curds are left exposed in the caves for the length of time needed for P. roqueforti to develop successfully (at least 2 weeks). The ripening step is followed by a slow aging step in a protective wrapping, in the caves or in temperature-controlled cellars. Roquefort cheese cannot be sold for 3 months.


Nonstarter LAB (NSLAB) can be found in several cheeses varieties along ripening. They are facultatively heterofermentative strains of the genus Lactobacillus, mainly Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus paracasei/casei. Other NSLAB described in both internally and surface mold-ripened cheeses include Enterococcus faecalis, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus curvatus, Lactobacillus fermentum, Leuconostoc sp., Weissella paramesenteroides, and Pediococcus sp. In Stilton cheese, microbial colonies of bacteria have shown a differential location in the different parts of the cheese examined. Lactococci were found in the internal part of the veins as mixed colonies and as single colonies within the core. Lactobacillus plantarum was detected only underneath the surface, while microcolonies of Leuconostoc sp. were distributed homogeneously in all parts observed.

Staphylococcaceae and Coryneform Bacteria Various Staphylococcus sp. and coryneform bacteria have been isolated from the surface of white mold-ripened cheeses. Beside Brevibacterium linens, used as commercial culture, coryneform bacteria such as Brevibacterium aurantiacum, Corynebacterium sp., Arthrobacter sp., Brachybacterium sp., and Micrococcus sp. were found. From the crust of Gorgonzola-style cheeses, Micrococcus luteus, Arthrobacter sp., and B. linens were also described. In Stilton cheese, Staphylococcus equorum and Staphylococcus sp. have been described. These organisms presumably contribute to the maturation process, and most are particularly active in the degradation of amino acids, with the release of volatile sulfur-containing compounds. The extent of the contribution of these organisms relative to that of fungal species, however, is not always known.

Gram-Negative Bacteria

Microbial Flora The making and ripening of mold-ripened cheeses involve LAB, yeasts, and molds. Additionally, on the surface of moldripened cheeses, Staphylococcaceae and coryneform bacteria are described. Surface mold-ripened semihard cheeses will not be considered.

Lactic Acid Bacteria Mesophilic and thermophilic LAB are used as primary starters for the production of different varieties of mold-ripened cheeses. A mesophilic culture typically contains lactic acid– producing Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris and sometimes also citrate-positive Lc. lactis subsp. lactis and Leuconostoc mesenteroides, which produce CO2 and create openness in blue cheese as well as in the core of some surface mold-ripened cheese. The thermophilic starters used in blue-veined cheeses usually contain Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Beside starter strains, LAB found in cheese also may originate from cheese environment and from unpasteurized milk, leading to high variability in strains. For example, Roquefort was reported to contain 94 strains of Lactococcus and 49 strains of Leuconostoc.

Several Gram-negative bacteria have been described on the surface or in the cheese core of mold-ripened cheeses. For example, Pseudomonas sp., Stenotrophomonas rhizophila, Stenotrophomonas sp., Psychrobacter namhaensis, Psychrobacter celer, Serratia proteomaculans, Proteus vulgaris, Klebsiella terrigena, and Chryseobacterium sp. were isolated from Saint-Nectaire or Camembert cheese. There is no doubt that at least some of these organisms contribute to the maturation process, and some are particularly active in the release of esters, alcohols, and volatile sulfur-containing compounds.

Yeasts Yeasts are a significant component of the microbial communities encountered in white-mold (e.g., Camembert) and blue cheeses. Lactose-fermenting yeasts initially grow. They mainly include Debaryomyces hansenii/Candida famata and Kluyveromyces marxianus/Candida kefyr. Lactate, resulting from the activity of LAB, can be used by these and various other yeasts. Some of the species commonly described in white-mold and blue cheeses include Kluyveromyces lactis/Candida sphaerica, Yarrowia lipolytica/Candida lipolytica, Galactomyces candidus/G. candidum, Saccharomyces cerevisiae/Candida robusta, Candida zeylanoides, Candida catenulata, Candida intermedia, and Torulaspora delbrueckii/Candida colliculosa. New species are being


CHEESE j Mold-Ripened Varieties

regularly described – for example, Candida cabralensis sp. nov, recently isolated from Spanish blue-veined Cabrales cheese. Geotrichum candidum is used, either alone or coupled with P. camemberti, as a ripening agent on the surface of many semifresh cheeses made from goat’s or ewe’s milk and of many soft cheeses. First classified as a mold, it was recognized as a yeast in 1983. One of its commonest synonyms is Oïdium lactis. Geotrichum candidum is desirable on the surface of smearripened, mold-ripened, and semihard cheeses and is thought to give, for example, its white crust to Saint-Nectaire cheese. On soft cheeses such as Camembert and semihard cheeses such as Saint-Nectaire, G. candidum determine the texture, cohesiveness, and thickness of the rind.

Molds While P. camemberti and P. roqueforti (Figure 1) are the main fungal starter species, mold-ripened cheeses display considerable diversity with respect to the fungi they contain. From the crust of Gorgonzola-style cheeses, Penicillium citrovorum and Penicillium brevicompactum have been described. Penicillium commune, Penicillium biforme, Penicillium fuscoglaucum, and Penicillium palitans are found on cheese, either as contaminants or ‘green cheese mold.’ A species closely related to P. camemberti, Penicillium caseifulvum grows naturally on the surface of blue mold cheeses and has a valuable aroma.

Fungal Growth The physical changes in the cheese and the growth of mold on or within it are paralleled by chemical changes associated with the mold growth and metabolism. One of the most marked features of this process is the dramatic change in pH during maturation. In Camembert cheese, pH values start from 4.6 to 4.7 both on the cheese surface and in the cheese core. Due to the growth

of G. candidum (starting from 3 to 5 days of ripening) and of P. camemberti (starting from 7 to 8 days), a rapid increase of pH occurs on the cheese surface (where the fungi develop) that leads to pH values at the 20th day of 6.5, while pH remains below 5 in the cheese core. After the 30th day of ripening, surface pH is about 7 and core pH is 6. In blue cheese, during the first week after salting, pH continues to drop due to the continued activity of LAB. At piercing, mold growth begins and a rise in pH takes place, which peaks at about 10 weeks. The pH of the interior rises more rapidly than that of the surface, as the level of NaCl is lower and allows a faster growth of the mold. Final pH values are generally in the range 6.6–6.9 in the core and about 5.9 on the surface. Whatever the variety of mold-ripened cheese, a balanced growth of the microbial flora leads to high-quality cheese. The key points for white-mold cheeses are (1) to make the mold rapidly cover the cheese surface, and (2) when the yeast G. candidum is involved, to obtain favorable association of the two fungi. A quick colonization of the cheese surface depends on the germination time of P. camemberti spores, because there are important variations between strains. One way to reduce the colonization time is to carry on a pregermination step. Physicochemical conditions encountered on the cheese surface may delay the mold growth. Reduced growth is observed at 8% NaCl and at pH 7, making sense for the selection of appropriate strains based on these criteria. Within the species G. candidum, two major morphotypes have been described (Figure 2). The first corresponds to strains with cream-colored, yeast-like colonies that produce abundant arthrospores. The second is characterized by white felting colonies, with a predominance of vegetative hyphae and few arthrospores. Between the two forms, strains form a continuum, offering a wide diversity of morphological aspects. Based notably on such characteristics, adequate association between G. candidum and P. camemberti improve the covering of the cheese surface. For blue cheeses, the main points are as follows: l l



To promote the growth of P. roqueforti, that requires O2 To combine heterofermentative bacteria able to produce CO2, to maintain holes needed for an optimal development of the mold

Mold growth in the inadequately drained curd is usually poor, however, and the moisture in mold-ripened cheeses must be maintained at an optimal level to obtain an appropriate distribution and activation of enzymes released from the mold. Steps aimed at allowing O2 to enter the interior of the cheese and allowing CO2 out include the following: Pretreatment of milk, when allowed: Homogenized milk curds are less dense than curd from nonhomogenized milk due to the incorporation of air. l Control of the development of acidity: A relatively acid environment will give a short, crumbly textured curd with considerable mechanical openness. l Incorporation of CO2 producers: The use of mixed cultures containing Leuconostoc species helps to create openness in the curd, due to the fermentation of citrate leading to the release of CO2. l Adequate drainage of the curd: Well-drained curd has lower moisture content in the matured cheese. l

Figure 1 Penicilli by scanning electron microscopy: (a) P. camemberti, (b) P. roqueforti. The conidiospores are either alone or in chains at the end of the conidiophores. Source: Guéguen, M., Université de Caen Basse-Normandie.

CHEESE j Mold-Ripened Varieties




Figure 2 Major morphotypes of Geotrichum candidum: (a) yeast-like colony, (b) mold-like colonies. Source: Bré, J.M., Université de Caen Basse-Normandie.


Spiking at the correct stage (usually 1–4 weeks after salting): If it is too early, the spike holes may collapse. If it is too late, slow maturation and the presence of competing organisms such as yeasts may result in the holes being blocked and hence poor gas exchange.

The growth of P. roqueforti in experimental loaves of blue cheese has been investigated. At day 5 most, but not all, of the conidia had germinated. The cheeses were pierced at about this stage. Fully germinated conidia were seen after 2 weeks. At 3 weeks, mycelium was dense and supported a large number of spores. By 6 weeks, the mycelium had degenerated partly. Detachment of conidia from the conidiophores (Figure 1) characterized the mature cheese, after 9 weeks.

Fungal Metabolism The fungal flora is notably involved in the consumption of lactic acid as well as in proteolysis and lipolysis. The changes in pH occurring in and on cheeses are associated with two major metabolic events. The first is the consumption of lactic acid. The second is, later on, the production of ammonia through deamination of amino acids. The enzymes involved in proteolysis in mold-ripened cheese are a combination of endogenous milk protease (plasmin), rennet, and microbial proteases. b-casein is degraded highly by plasmin and mainly by Penicillium proteases. Whatever the cheese, proteolytic activity of Penicillium dominates once the mold has grown, although it is less important in white-mold cheeses. In the early phases of growth, the proteolysis of b-casein largely is due to extracellular proteinases. Two extracellular proteinases are produced: a metalloproteinase (optimum for casein hydrolysis at pH 5.5–6.0) and an aspartic proteinase (optimum for casein hydrolysis at pH 4.0 for P. camemberti and at 5.5 for P. roqueforti). In Camembert cheese during ripening, the proteolytic activity increases after 6–7 days of ripening, due to the beginning of mold growth. In blue cheeses, proteolytic activity increases after 2–5 weeks, and depending on the blue cheese variety, when P. roqueforti becomes visible in the cheese. Several extracellular and intracellular peptidases have been described, but the latter play a much more limited role. Extracellular serine carboxypeptidase and metalloaminopeptidase have been detected for both P. camemberti and P. roqueforti. Geotrichum candidum also produces proteolytic enzymes, with

variable activity from one strain to another. Extracellular proteolytic activity is low compared with the intracellular activity. While it is considered that its proteolytic activity in cheese is much lower than that of P. camemberti, significant changes in caseins are recorded during cheese ripening for 1–2 days with G. candidum as the sole ripening agent. Both as fraction and b-casein are hydrolyzed. One important point is its aminopeptidase activity. Indeed, because endoprotease activity of P. camemberti is higher than its exopeptidase activity, the mold may release low–molecular weight hydrophobic peptides, which are responsible for bitterness. Depending on the strain used, G. candidum may decrease bitterness through the activity of its aminopeptidases that hydrolyze bitter peptides. Toward the end of maturation, peptides, amino acids, and other forms of nonprotein nitrogen accumulate in the cheese. Branched-chain amino-acid breakdown is achieved mainly through Erhlich’s pathway, leading to the production of branched-chain aldehydes, branched-chained alcohols, and branched-chain acids. Primary and secondary alcohols and ketones are important aroma compounds in mold-ripened cheeses. In raw milk Camembert cheese, phenyl-2-ethanol, and phenylethylacetate are major compounds, mainly produced by yeasts. For example, G. candidum has a deaminative activity on glutamic and aspartic acids as well as on leucine, phenylalanine, and methionine, and is followed by the formation of ethanol, 2-methylpropanol, 3-methylbutanol, 2-methylbutanol, 3-methylpropanol, and phenylethanol. In the same way, P. camemberti catabolizes valine to 2-methylpropanol and leucine to 3-methylbutanol. Proteolysis contributes to not only the characteristic flavor of the cheese but also, and perhaps more important, to its body and texture. The short, crumbly texture of the low-pH curd changes to a creamy texture, with the creaminess depending on the degree of proteolysis. This is extensive in such cheeses as Gorgonzola, Brie, and Camembert, which have a rich creamy texture. If proteolysis becomes too extensive, the cheese becomes liquid and rank in odor, due to the presence of excessive amounts of amines. Mold-ripened cheeses are characterized by an intense fat degradation. Penicillium camemberti, P. roqueforti, and G. candidum synthesize lipases that degrade triglycerides and generate free fatty acids (FFAs) having between 6 and 20 carbons. Geotrichum candidum notably produces a lipase that is relatively specific for the hydrolysis of triglycerides containing


CHEESE j Mold-Ripened Varieties

oleic acid, which occurs in high concentration in Camembert and Pont-l’Evêque cheeses. Compared with cheese for which lipolysis is negligible (e.g., Emmental in which FFA 1% of total fatty acids), the FFA:total fatty acids ratio is high for whitemold cheese like Camembert (3–5%) and raw milk Camembert cheese (6–10%); and very high for Roquefort (7–12%) and diverse blue cheese (6–25%). The characteristic peppery flavor of Danish blue, Stilton, and similar cheeses primarily is due to this process. Starting from FFA, many flavor compounds are produced. Metabolic pathways are shown in Figure 3. Methylketones produced by the oxidation of fatty acids play an important role in determining the flavor of mold-ripened cheeses. Both for white-mold and blue cheeses, the most important are 2-nonanone and 2-heptanone. Penicillium camemberti, P. roqueforti, and G. candidum have an enzymatic system allowing for a diversion from the b-oxidation pathway normally used. It leads to methyl ketones having one less carbon than the FFA from which they originate. In PDO Camembert cheese, alkan-2-ones from C4 to C13, and traces of octan-3-one were detected, as well as 3-methylpentan-2-one, 4-methylpentan2-one, traces of methylhexan-2-one, non-1-en-2-one, and undec-1-en-2-one in larger amounts. Primary and secondary alcohols, along with ketones, are considered to be the most important compounds in the aroma of soft and mold-ripened cheeses. By its characteristic mushroom note, oct-1-en-3-ol plays a major role in Camembert cheese.

Control of Ripening Interactions between microorganisms and their environmental factors and between microorganisms themselves are determinant in controlling ripening and sensorial properties of cheeses.

The choice of the strains of G. candidum, P. camemberti, and P. roqueforti is important in the production of mold-ripened cheeses. Among important factors, salting has a selective effect on fungi. Geotrichum candidum is known to be very sensitive to NaCl. Its growth generally is limited in cheese at concentrations above 1–2%. Penicillium camemberti is much less affected and too much or not enough salt can lead to an unbalanced growth of the two fungi and to defects. Penicillium roqueforti also is affected by increasing salt concentration. The growth of most strains is stimulated by 3.5% NaCl, but higher concentration cause a decrease in the growth rate. The tolerance to low levels of O2 and high levels of CO2 is another important point, mainly but not only for blue cheeses. Geotrichum candidum tolerates reduced O2 and elevated CO2 conditions. Penicillium camemberti exhibits little sensitivity to a decrease in the concentration of O2. Nevertheless, CO2 atmospheric composition in ripening chamber has been shown of importance to control microbial growth. Camembert-type cheeses inoculated with K. lactis, G. candidum, P. camemberti, and B. aurantiacum were ripened under five different controlled atmospheres: continuously renewed atmosphere, periodically renewed atmosphere, no renewed atmosphere, 2% CO2, and 6% CO2. All microorganism dynamics depended on CO2 level. An increase of CO2 led to a significant improvement in G. candidum. Mycelium development in P. camemberti was enhanced by 2% CO2. The balance between P. camemberti and G. candidum was disrupted in favor of the yeast when CO2 was higher than 4%. The best atmospheric condition to produce an optimum between microorganism growth, biochemical dynamics, and cheese appearance was a constant CO2 level close to 2%. Penicillium roqueforti is the species of the genus with the highest tolerance to low levels of O2. CO2 concentration higher than 4% stimulates its growth. Sporulation is

Figure 3 General pathways for the catabolism of free fatty acids (FFAs) in cheese. Adapted from Molimard, P., Spinnler, H.E., 1996. Compounds involved in the flavor of surface mold-ripened cheeses: origins and properties. Journal of Dairy Science 79, 169–184 with permission.

CHEESE j Mold-Ripened Varieties inhibited for CO2 equal to 25% and O2 equal to 0.3%. The behavior of the starter culture P. roqueforti, undesired cultures P. caseifulvum and G. candidum, and a potential starter culture of D. hansenii were studied in environmental conditions similar to Danablu. Growth and sporulation of P. roqueforti was highly affected in the presence of G. candidum at 25% CO2 irrespective of levels of oxygen and NaCl in the cheese media. Penicillium caseifulvum caused a pronounced inhibitory effect toward growth of P. roqueforti and D. hansenii at 21% oxygen. Positive interactions between the two last species were observed at 25% CO2 and 0.3% O2.

Spoilage and Defects in Mold-Ripened Cheeses Defects in white-mold cheeses can be associated with a low LAB:coliform bacteria ratio, either due to a high initial level of coliform bacteria or to the presence of inhibitory substances (antibiotic residues) active on LAB in milk. This leads to defects ranging from inadequately drained curds to spongy curds that cannot be drained. A common defect is due to the excessive growth of P. camemberti that can lead to bitterness, due to the formation of bitter hydrophobic peptides from b-casein. Browning reactions, which almost always are associated with the presence of high levels of free tyrosine and tyrosinasecontaining yeasts, have been described. The inappropriate growth of fungi on these cheeses also causes important defects. They often are due to undersalting or to slow growth of G. candidum or P. camemberti (e.g., inappropriate blue color due to P. roqueforti, cat hair due to Mucor/Rhizomucor). They can also be due to too much development of G. candidum alone (a defect called ‘toad skin’) or together with yeasts and coryneform bacteria (a defect called ‘slippery rind’). The most serious defect in blue cheese is poor mold growth or failure of the mold to grow. This defect almost always is caused by closure of the spike-holes too soon after spiking, or the texture of the cheese being insufficiently open, leading to insufficient penetration of O2 to the interior of the cheese. Poor mold growth is associated with defects in flavor, texture, and body. Spoilage of blue cheese due to fungal contamination mainly is caused by the formation of off-flavors. Various molds, including Penicillium discolor, Penicillium nalgiovense, P. caseifulvum, and Scopulariopsis brevicaulis can grow well on blue-veined cheese and can also cause discoloration. Creamypink spots can be observed due to the development of the yeast Geotrichum fragrans in openings at the expense of P. roqueforti. Browning reactions are also a problem. The pigment that causes browning is a melanin-like substance produced by the action of yeasts, especially Y. lipolytica, through the activity of the enzyme tyrosinase. A number of aspects of mold-ripened cheeses have been described here, but not all issues could be addressed. One is the safety aspect. Indeed, although it seems to be limited, production of mycotoxins in cheese could be associated with the presence of molds. During ripening, the growth of potentially pathogenic bacteria, arising from milk or from the dairy


environment, may also occur. Another issue is the understanding of microbial interactions and their roles in the complex ecosystem that cheese constitutes. While progress has been made, further research is still needed to characterize the cheese as a matrix, and the microbiota it contains.

See also: Brevibacterium; Yarrowia lipolytica (Candida Lipolytica); Cheese in the Marketplace; Cheese: Microbiology of Cheesemaking and Maturation; Role of Specific Groups of Bacteria; Corynebacterium Glutamicum; Debaryomyces; Fungi: The Fungal Hypha; Fungi: Overview of Classification of the Fungi; Geotrichum; Kluyveromyces; Lactobacillus : Introduction; Lactococcus : Introduction; The Leuconostocaceae Family; Microscopy: Scanning Electron Microscopy; Mycotoxins: Classification; Mycotoxins: Classification; Natural Occurrence of Mycotoxins in Food; Pediococcus; Starter Cultures Employed in Cheesemaking; Water Activity.

Further Reading Bourdichon, F., Casaregola, S., Farrokh, C., et al., 2012. Food fermentations: microorganisms with technological beneficial use. International Journal of Food Microbiology 154, 87–97. Boutrou, R., Guéguen, M., 2005. Interests in Geotrichum candidum for cheese technology. International Journal of Food Microbiology 102, 1–20. Cantor, M.D., van den Tempel, T., Hansen, T.K., Ardö, Y., 2004. Blue cheese. In: Fox, P.F., McSweeney, P.L.H., Cogan, T.M., Guinee, T.P. (Eds.), Cheese Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, third ed. Elsevier Academic Press, London, pp. 175–198. Deetae, P., Spinnler, H.E., Bonnarme, P., Helinck, S., 2009. Growth and aroma contribution of Microbacterium foliorum, Proteus vulgaris and Psychrobacter sp. during ripening in a cheese model medium. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 82, 169–177. Ercolini, D., Hill, P.J., Dodd, C.E., 2003. Bacterial community structure and location in Stilton cheese. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69, 3540–3548. Flórez, A.B., Belloch, C., Alvarez-Martín, P., Querol, A., Mayo, B., 2010. Candida cabralensis sp. nov., a yeast species isolated from traditional Spanish blue-veined Cabrales cheese. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60, 2671–2674. Hermet, A., Méheust, D., Mounier, J., Barbier, G., Jany, J.L., 2012. Molecular systematics in the genus Mucor with special regards to species encountered in cheese. Fungal Biology 116, 692–705. Leclercq-Perlat, M.N., Picque, D., Riahi, H., Corrieu, G., 2006. Microbiological and biochemical aspects of Camembert-type cheeses depend on atmospheric composition in the ripening chamber. Journal of Dairy Science 89, 3260–3273. Molimard, P., Spinnler, H.E., 1996. Compounds involved in the flavor of surface moldripened cheeses: origins and properties. Journal of Dairy Science 79, 169–184. Ramet, J.P., 1997. Technologie comparée des differents types de caillé. In: Eck, A., Gillis, J.C. (Eds.), Le Fromage, third ed. Lavoisier, Paris, pp. 334–359. Ropars, J., Cruaud, C., Lacoste, S., Dupont, J., 2012. A taxonomic and ecological overview of cheese fungi. International Journal of Food Microbiology 155, 199–210. Spinnler, H.E., Gripon, J.C., 2004. Surface-mould ripened cheeses. In: Fox, P.F., McSweeney, P.L.H., Cogan, T.M., Guinee, T.P. (Eds.), Cheese Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, third ed. Elsevier Academic Press, London, pp. 157–174. van den Tempel, T., Nielsen, M.S., 2000. Effects of atmospheric conditions, NaCl and pH on growth and interactions between moulds and yeasts related to blue cheese production. International Journal of Food Microbiology 57, 193–199. Washam, C.J., Kerr, T.J., Todd, R.L., 1979. Scanning electron microscopy of blue cheese: mould growth during maturation. Journal of Dairy Science 62, 1384–1389.

Role of Specific Groups of Bacteria M El Soda and S Awad, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Propionibacterium Propionibacterium species are characterized by being Grampositive, non-spore-forming, nonmotile, facultative anaerobes. They are usually pleomorphic, diphtheriod (i.e., resembling Corynebacterium diphtheriae), or club shaped with one end rounded and the other end tapered or pointed. Individual cells may be coccoid, elongated, bifid, or branched. They occur singly, in pairs, clumps, short chains, and, sometimes, in a number of other confusing configurations. The genus Propionibacterium includes two distinct groups of microorganisms: the acnes or cutaneous Propionibacteria, which form a major part of the skin flora of humans; and the dairy or classical propionibacteria, which traditionally have been isolated from dairy products, particularly cheese. The dairy propionibacteria group includes four species – Propionibacterium freudenreichii, Propionibacterium acidipropionici, Propionibacterium jensenii, and Propionibacterium thoenii – that are industrially important as starter cultures in hard cheese ripening and recently also as protective biopreservatives and probiotics. The species P. freudenreichii is generally recognized as safe for use in cheese. The economic value of the Propionibacteria of dairy origin derives from their important role in eye formation and flavor development in Swiss-type cheeses. Dairy Propionibacteria also have industrial applications outside the cheese industry.

Propionic Acid Production Propionic acid and its salts are used in the food industry as antifungal agents. A large part of the world’s production of propionic acid (>120 000 t) is obtained from the petrochemical industry. Production involving fermentation processes using Propionibacteria, however, has been described and probably will increase in the near future due to increasing consumer demand for natural and biological products.

Production of Vitamin B12 Propionibacterium freudenreichii strains have been selected specifically for their high yields of vitamin B12. Yields of 19–23 mgl1 were reported in a two-stage process (a primary anaerobic stage followed by a secondary aerobic phase).

Propionibacteria as Probiotics A number of health benefits have been claimed for probiotic bacteria and more than 90 probiotic products containing one or more groups of probiotic organisms are available worldwide. A number of probiotic organisms, including Bifidobacterium spp., Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and Propionibacterium are incorporated in dairy foods. There is clear evidence that Propionibacteria have probiotic (a mono or mixed culture of microorganisms that when


applied to animal or human affect the host beneficially) effects on the basis of their production of beneficial metabolites (e.g., vitamin B12) and antimicrobial compounds, such as propionic acid and bacteriocins. Cells of Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii were reported to also exhibit antimutagenic activity. In probiotic food products, propionibacteria usually are combined with lactic acid bacteria or bifidobacteria.

Exopolysaccharides Production In the dairy industry, exopolysaccharides (EPS) contribute to improving the texture and viscosity of yogurt and low-fat cheeses. EPS also are receiving increasing attention because of their beneficial properties for health. The production of EPS is documented poorly for dairy propionibacteria. The data dealing with EPS-producing propionibacteria show a straindependent production, influenced by the medium composition as well as by the fermentation conditions. Recently, the primary structure of an EPS produced by P. freudenreichii subsp. shermanii strain JS has been determined, showing the production of homopolysaccharide.

Propionibacteria as Adjunct Starter Propionibacterium freudenreichii is used commonly as an adjunct starter in Swiss-type cheeses, a variety of cheeses with characteristic round ‘eyes,’ such as Emmental and Maasdam cheeses, where this species grows during the ripening and constitutes one of the major microflora. Propionic acid bacteria (PAB) are involved in the formation of the characteristic flavor and the opening of this variety of cheeses, via the fermentation of lactate to ethanoate (acetate), propanoate (propionate), and CO2. PAB are added to hard-cheese varieties, such as Emmental and semihard-cheese varieties, such as Jarlsberg, Maasdamer, and Greve. The propionibacteria are essential in the development of the characteristic sweet and nutty flavor in the cheeses. Propionibacteria are assumed to be the source of peptidases, which release amino acids, particularly proline, and small peptides, which contribute to the sweet, nutty flavor. Propionibacterium freudenreichii has been used successfully in experimental Cheddar cheese manufacture to improve the flavor and texture. Intracellular crude extracts of PAB increase the degree of proteolysis and the intensity of flavor and bitterness in experimental Ras cheese when compared with the control cheese. Because of their ability to produce a high amount of CO2, PAB also can be involved in undesirable fermentation reactions and defects observed in several varieties of hard and semihard cheeses, such as Comté and Italian cheeses.

Metabolic Activity during Eye Formation The total number of cheese varieties reported in the literature is 400–1200. Although the basic steps in cheesemaking are to

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


CHEESE j Role of Specific Groups of Bacteria a great extent similar, cheeses come in different shapes and colors, have different consistencies, and develop different flavors. One of the major factors leading to this is the various microorganisms involved in the cheesemaking process and the ripening of the cheese. One group of bacteria, including special heterofermentative species of Lactococcus and Leuconostoc in addition to P. freudenreichii subsp. shermanii, liberate CO2 during the fermentation of lactose, citrate, or lactate. This has led to the development of a distinct group of cheeses known as ‘cheeses with eyes.’ Propionibacteria are used in the production of these so-called Swiss cheeses. There are several types (Table 1) that differ in terms of the size of the cheese and the number of holes. The number and activity of Propionibacteria are controlled to a great extent by the production process and the physical properties of the curd. In Swiss-type cheeses, lactose is metabolized to lactic acid by Streptococcus thermophilus and the Lactobacillus helveticus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and lactis. Streptococcus thermophilus metabolizes lactose to L(þ)- lactic acid, using the glucose moiety. Galactose is fermented to a mixture of D(þ)- and L()-lactic acid in the presence of L. helveticus. Lactose catabolism begins during processing in the cheese vat. After 4–6 h of molding, the sugar is entirely hydrolyzed. Propionic acid fermentation is initiated by a rise in the curd temperature to 18–25  C. At these temperatures, propionibacteria levels reach up to 109 cfu per gram of cheese. Hotroom curing takes 5–7 weeks, during which L(þ)-lactate is metabolized preferentially by propionibacteria compared to the D()-isomer. As a result of the fermentation of L(þ)- and later D()-lactate, propionic acid, acetic acid, and CO2 are produced according to the following pathways: l



Table 1

Pyruvate accepts a carboxyl group from methylmalonylCoA by a transcarboxylase reaction leading to the formation of oxaloacetate and propionyl-CoA:

+[COOH] Pyruvate Methylmalonyl-CoA Oxaloacetate + Propionyl-CoA l

Propionyl-CoA reacts with succinate to produce succinylCoA and propionate, in the presence of a CoA transferase. Succinate results from the reduction of oxaloacetate to fumarate, which then is reduced to succinate:



CoA transferase

Propionyl-CoA + Succinate Succinyl-CoA + Propionate l

In a reaction catalyzed by an isomerase, methylmalonylCoA is obtained from succinyl-CoA to complete the cycle: Isomerase

Succinyl-CoA ƒƒƒƒ! Methymalonyl-CoA l

Part of the pyruvate resulting from the oxidation of lactate is converted to acetyl-CoA and CO2 by the action of pyruvate dehydrogenase: NAD;CoA

Pyruvate ƒƒƒƒƒ! Acetyl-CoA þ NADH þ CO2 l


Acetyl-CoA is then converted to acetate. Acetyl-CoA

Cheeses with eyes produced by propionibacteria

Cheese variety

Country of origin

Weight (kg)

Appenzeller Beaufort Comté Danbo Elbo Emmental Emmental français Fynbo Gruyere Herregardsost Jarlsberg Maasdamer Samsoe Svecia Tybo

Switzerland France France Denmark Denmark Switzerland France Denmark Switzerland, France Sweden Norway Netherlands Denmark Sweden Denmark

6–8 14–70 38–40 6 6 60–130 45–100 7 20–45 12–18 10 12–16 14 12–16 3



Lactate is oxidized, in the presence of a flavoprotein as H2 acceptor, to pyruvate:



/ Acetyl-P

/ Acetate þ Pi

The CO2 generated is responsible for the development of eyes. The texture of the cheese and the temperature at which the propionic acid fermentation takes place play a key role in the process. The steps in eye formation in Swiss-type cheeses can be summarized as follows: CO2 diffusion occurs before propionic acid fermentation begins, with some CO2 being produced from the hydrolysis of lactose. l Most of the CO2 needed for eye formation is produced by the action of PAB on lactate. l A critical gas pressure is reached, at which the gas forms a small bubble, or becomes part of another bubble in a favorable part of the cheese. Gas generated nearby moves to the initial eye, which expands. l The number and size of the eyes depend on the pressure and the rate of diffusion of the CO2 produced in the cheese matrix. If gas production is too slow, saturation does not occur and few or no eyes are obtained. The resultant cheese l


CHEESE j Role of Specific Groups of Bacteria

is described as ‘blind.’ In an ‘overset’ cheese, an excessive number of small eyes are produced because of the rapid generation of CO2. Excessively rapid gas production, however, causes breaking of the cheese structure, and the formation of very large holes is observed.

Brevibacterium linens Brevibacterium linens, which is the type species of the genus Brevibacterium, is Gram positive with both rod and coccoid forms. Cells of older cultures (3–7 days) are composed of coccoid cells, whereas cells in the exponential phase are characterized by their irregular rod shapes. Brevibacterium linens is an obligate aerobe that does not produce acid from lactose. The microorganism grows well at neutral pH. Growth also occurs in the pH range 6.5–8.5 and in NaCl concentrations up to 15%. Brevibacterium linens strains produce colonies that are yellow to deep orange-red, on a variety of media. Brevibacterium linens has long been recognized as an important dairy microorganism because of its ubiquitous presence on the surface of a variety of smear surface-ripened cheeses, such as Limburger, Munster, Brick, Tilsiter, and Appenzeller. Brevibacterium linens is a strictly aerobic microorganism, with a rod-coccus growth cycle, with temperature growth optimum of 20–30  C. The growth of B. linens on the surface is thought to be an essential prerequisite for the development of the characteristic color, flavor, and aroma of smear surface-ripened cheeses. The growth of B. linens also is stimulated by vitamin production by the yeasts during growth. The major factors that influence the distinctive characteristics of smear surface-ripened cheeses and the number, type, and growth rate of the surface microflora are the physical and chemical characteristics intrinsic to the cheese (pH, water activity, redox potential, composition, and size), the environmental parameters (ripening temperature, relative humidity), and the technological conditions during manufacture (ripening time, degree of mechanization, and microflora of cheese equipment). Surface-ripened cheeses (Table 2) can be defined as varieties with desirable microbial growth on the surface that plays a key role in the development of the characteristic flavor of the cheese. Surface-ripened cheeses can be differentiated, according to the types of microorganism growing on their surface, into cheeses with mold and those with yeasts and bacteria. In the latter, surface ripening is the result of the symbiotic growth of the bacteria and yeasts. Yeasts are present in higher concentrations during the earlier stages of the ripening process, because they can develop at rather low temperatures and at relatively high humidities. They also can tolerate the low pH and high NaCl concentration at the cheese surface. The yeast flora is composed mainly of Debaryomyces, Candida, and Torulopsis, and it plays a key role in the transformation of the environment on the cheese surface. They yeast flora uses lactic acid as a carbon source, transforming it to H2O and CO2. As a result, the pH of the cheese surface is increased considerably from close to 5.0 to about 5.9. The yeasts also stimulate the growth of Brevibacterium linens and of micrococci through the synthesis of vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid.

Table 2

Varieties of surface-ripened cheese

Cheese variety

Country of origin

Average weight

Appenzeller Beaufort Brick Epoisses Limburger Livarot Mont d’or Muenster Pont L’Êvêque Reblochon Ridder Romadur Saint-Nectaire Saint-Paulin Serra da Estrela Taleggio Tilsiter Trappist

Switzerland France United States France Belgium, Germany France France Germany France France Norway Germany France France Portugal Italy Germany Germany

6–8 kg 20–60 kg 2.5 kg 4.5 kg 200 g–1 kg 300–500 g 200 g–3 kg 500 g–1 kg 350 g 240–500 g 2 kg 80–180 g 800 g–1.5 kg 1.5–2 kg 1.5–2 kg 2 kg 1.5–2 kg 1.5–2.7 kg

The yeast flora disappears after 1–20 days, giving way to the micrococci and B. linens. The micrococci isolated from surface-ripened cheeses have been identified as Micrococcus caseolyticus and Micrococcus freudenreichii. It is believed that micrococci play a role in the proteolysis of cheese and in flavor development. Brevibacterium linens, along with microorganisms of the genus Arthrobacter, forms the predominant flora of the smear of surface-ripened cheeses. Through their various metabolic activities, these microorganisms cause changes in the texture of the cheese and play a key role in the development of its characteristic flavor.

Action of Brevibacterium during the Maturation of Smear-Coated Cheeses Brevibacterium linens strains give the smear its distinctive orange or orange-brown color, reflecting their ability to synthesize orange pigments. Pigment formation seems to be light dependent, because some strains do not synthesize pigments in the dark. The color of B. linens colonies during growth depends on the composition of the medium, age of the culture, and the presence of oxygen. In contrast to many cheese-related microorganisms, B. linens exhibits a wide range of protein, peptide, and amino acid– degrading enzymes. Indeed, both intracellular and extracellular proteinase activities have been detected in B. linens, indicating that the extracellular proteolytic system can hydrolyze cheese proteins from the first days of ripening. Hydrolysis continues after the death of the cells, due to the release of their intracellular proteinases. The resulting peptides are then degraded by the various extracellular aminopeptidases, to amino acids. Intracellular aminopeptidases and dipeptidases play a similar role after cell autolysis. Brevibacterium linens possess the ability to decarboxylate a wide range of amino acids including lysine, leucine and glutamic tyrosine, and serine. As a result of this action, volatile and nonvolatile amines, which play an important role in

CHEESE j Role of Specific Groups of Bacteria



Cheese casein

cell autolysis Intracellular Extracellular

and cell-bound



During cell growth

Peptides of various sizes Intracellular peptidases (aminopeptidases

Extracellular peptidases

and dipeptidases)

Amino acids Amino acid catabolism reactions (deamination, decarboxylation, transamination)

Amines, sulphur compounds, ammonia, alcohol, ketones Figure 1

Degradation of casein and formation of flavor compounds by Brevibacterium linens.

cheese flavor, are produced. The deamination of several amino acids, including phenylalanine, tryptophan, histidine, serine, and glutamine, leads to the formation of ammonia, which also is an important player in the flavor and aroma of smear-coated cheeses. Ammonia production also raises the pH, leading to a softer cheese body. Volatile sulfur compounds, resulting from the degradation of methionine through demethiolase activity, also make a significant contribution to the flavor characteristics of smear-coated cheeses. Figure 1 summarizes the possible role of the different enzymes produced by B. linens in protein degradation during surface ripening. Brevibacterium linens also produce lipolytic enzymes: Extracellular lipase – as well as extracellular, cell-bound, and intracellular esterases – has been detected in various strains. It is believed that the lipolytic activities of B. linens and other surface microflora make a significant contribution to lipolysis in varieties of cheese, such as Brick, Port-Salut, and Limburger, in which fatty acid levels in the range 700–4000 mg per kg of cheese have been reported. The compounds responsible for the typical flavor of surfaceripened cheeses, which are produced on the surface, diffuse into the interior until equilibrium is reached.

See also: Brevibacterium; Candida; Yarrowia (Candida) lipolytica; Cheese in the Marketplace; Cheese: Microbiology of Cheesemaking and Maturation; Cheese: Mold-Ripened Varieties; Debaryomyces; Fermentation (Industrial): Basic Considerations; Fermented Milks: Range of Products; Lactobacillus : Introduction; Lactococcus : Introduction; Lactococcus : Lactococcus lactis Subspecies lactis and cremoris; Micrococcus; Designing for Hygienic Operation; Propionibacterium; Streptococcus : Introduction; Streptococcus thermophilus; Yeasts: Production and Commercial Uses.

Further Reading Boyaval, P., Cow, C., 1995. Production of propionic acid. Lait 75, 453–462. Boyaval, P., Desmazeaud, M.J., 1983. Le point des connaissances sur Brevibacterium linens. Lait 63, 187–216. Corrieu, G., Luquet, F.M., 2008. Bactéries Lactiques de la Génétique aux Ferments. Lavoisier. Eck, A., Gilles, J.C. (Eds.), 1997. Le Fromage de la Science á l’Assurance-Qualité, third ed. Lavoisier techniques & documentation, Paris.


CHEESE j Role of Specific Groups of Bacteria

Fox, P.F., McSweeney, P.L.H., Cogan, T.M., Guinee, T.P., 2004. Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, third ed. Elsevier. Gautier, M., Lortal, S., Boyaval, P., et al., 1993. Les bactéries propioniques laitières. Lait 73, 257–263. Hemme, D., Bouillanne, C., Métro, F., Desmazeaud, M.J., 1982. Microbial Catabolism of amino acids during cheese ripening. Sciences Des Aliments 2, 113–123. Heard, G.M., Fleet, G.H, 1999. Yarrowia (Candida) lipolytica. In: Robinson, R.K., Batt, C.A., Patel, P.D. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 360–365. Hettinga, D.H., Reinbold, G.W., 1972. The propionic acid bacteria – a review 11. Metabolism. Journal of Milk and Food Technology 35, 358–372.

Kosikowski, F.V., Mistry, V.V., 1997. Cheese and Fermented Milk Foods, third ed., vol. 1. Westport: FV Kosikowski I.I.C. Langsrud, T., Reinbold, G., 1973. Flavor development and microbiology of Swiss cheese. A review. III. Ripening and flavor production. J. Milk Food Technol 36, 593. Meile, L., Le Blay, G., Thierry, A., 2008. Safety assessment of dairy microorganisms: Propionibacterium and Bifidobacterium. International Journal of Food Microbiology 1 (126), 316–320. Rattray, F.P., Fox, P.F., 1999. Aspects of enzymology and biochemical properties of Brevibacterium linens relevant to cheese ripening: a review. Journal of Dairy Science 82, 891–909.

Smear-Ripened Cheeses TM Cogan, Food Research Centre, Teagasc, Fermoy, Ireland Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Many cheeses are characterized by the development of microbial growth on their surfaces during ripening. These are called surface-ripened cheeses and are subdivided into mold-ripened and bacterial-ripened cheeses, depending on the major microorganisms involved. Mold surface-ripened cheeses include the well-known varieties, Brie and Camembert. Bacterial surface–ripened cheeses are less well known and include Comté, Livarot (Figure 1), Reblochon, Limburger, and Tilsit. Bacterial surface–ripened cheeses also are called smear-ripened cheeses, because of the glistening appearance of the cheese surface; washed-rind cheeses, because their rind is washed several times with brine during ripening; or red-smear cheeses, because of the red or orange color that characteristically develops on the surface of these cheeses. Color development is due to the production of pigments by the yeast and bacteria growing on the surface. The ripened cheeses generally have a strong, pungent smell, reminiscent of smelly socks. Bacterial surface-ripened cheeses can be classified as hard (e.g., Gruyère and Comté), semihard (e.g., Tilsit, Brick, and Limburger), or soft (e.g., Münster, Livarot, and Reblochon). Most washed-rind cheeses are brine salted. Comté, however, is an exception to this rule and is dry salted by rubbing salt and smear on to its surface several times a week during the first 3 weeks of ripening.

Manufacture Typically, hard, surface-ripened cheeses like Gruyère and Comté are made with thermophilic starter cultures and the semihard and soft cheeses are made with mesophilic ones.

Cheeses made with thermophilic cultures are cooked to temperatures around 54  C, whereas only limited cooking (w35  C) is given to washed-rind cheeses made with mesophilic cultures, which consequently have relatively high moisture contents. After light pressing, sometimes overnight, the cheeses are brined (usually saturated brine, pH 5.2; 0.2% Ca) for 4–18 h, depending on their size, small cheeses are brined for shorter times than larger ones. Sometimes the only pressing received is that of the weight of the curd itself. The cheeses then are drained for a few hours after which they are smeared. Smearing can occur by two methods, either the ‘old–young’ method, which traditionally is practiced in Germany, or by dipping or washing the surface of the cheese with brine containing various combinations of yeast and bacteria (e.g., Geotrichum candidum, Debaryomyces hansenii, or Brevibacterium linens) obtained from commercial sources (most other countries). In the ‘old–young’ method, a smear from ripened cheese (old cheese) is washed off the surface of the cheese and then is used to inoculate the surface of the fresh cheese. This ensures that all the microorganisms that are present on the surface of the old cheese and that also have contributed to its ripening, are transferred to the young, fresh cheese. Then the cheese is ripened at 10–15  C at relative humidity (RH) >90% for several weeks to allow the surface microflora to develop and produce the red or orange color. Smearing is usually done two or three times at 2- to 4-day intervals from the beginning of ripening. After 2–3 weeks, the desired microflora has developed and soft and semisoft cheese then are wrapped or transferred to another ripening room at a lower temperature for further maturation. The organisms in the smear form microcolonies, and the washing spreads the cells of the individual colonies more evenly throughout the cheese, resulting in the development of a more uniform smear. The old– young method of smearing also can result in contamination of the young cheese by pathogenic bacteria, especially Listeria, which is totally undesirable in a cheese.


Figure 1 Livarot cheese. Note the rushes around the cheese that traditionally were used to keep its shape intact when the cheese was brought by farmers to the field for lunch.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

The surface of the cheese has a relatively high salt content and a low pH w5.2 and therefore the microorganisms that grow on it are salt and pH tolerant. Usually plate count agar containing 5–7% salt is used to enumerate (and isolate) the surface bacteria, many of which grow as yellow-, red-, orange-, or brown-colored colonies, while yeasts are enumerated (and isolated) on a selective medium like yeast glucose chloramphenicol agar. Environmental factors like RH, ripening temperature, ripening time, microflora of the cheesemaking equipment, and the frequency of washing the cheese all influence the development of the surface microflora. The high RH prevents the surface from drying out, whereas the relatively high temperature and the duration of ripening promote the growth of the microorganisms on the surface and the washing of the surface promotes uniform distribution of microorganisms on it. Distribution of the smear is vital as




CHEESE j Smear-Ripened Cheeses

spreading the organisms ensures uniform ripening and reduces the risk of unwanted contaminants like molds colonizing the cheese surface. Generally, one can see visible growth on the cheese surface within a few days of the beginning of ripening. The microbiology of the smear, particularly that of the bacteria, is very poorly understood and, despite being studied for several decades, is rather ill-defined, containing micrococci, staphylococci, coryneforms, and yeast. The pH of a young cheese after acidification of the cheese curd by the starter lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is about pH 5. Yeast can grow at this pH and begin to deacidify the curd, increasing the pH to 7 or greater, depending on the cheese, through metabolism of lactate to CO2 and H2O and the production of NH3 from deamination of amino acids. Deacidification also enhances the action of enzymes, many of which have optima close to neutrality. It generally is felt that salt-tolerant bacteria do not begin to grow until the pH rises to 5.6 or even 6.0. Some studies, however, have shown that Corynebacterium variabile and Corynebacterium casei can grow at pH 4.9 in the presence of 7–8% salt, while Microbacterium gubbeenense does not grow below pH 5.8 except in the presence of 10% salt. The difference between pH 4.9 and 5.8 is almost 10-fold in terms of the concentration of Hþ. These bacteria also utilize lactate and the amino acids, glutamate, phenylalanine, and proline, rapidly but use glucose poorly during growth. Growth restarts when lactate or the amino acids are added to the medium at the end of growth, indicating that these compounds are being used as energy sources. A typical progression of the increases in pH and in bacterial and yeast numbers during the ripening of a smear-ripened cheese is shown in Figure 2. The yeasts and bacteria reached final numbers of 106 and 108 cfu cm2, respectively, within 10 days of ripening, but the pH continued to rise throughout ripening from an initial level of 5.0 to a value of 6.2 during 42 days of ripening. A major reason that the microbiology of the smear is poorly understood is that coryneform bacteria were quite difficult to identify accurately until the recent advent of molecular techniques. When present, micrococci and staphylococci are found early in ripening and quickly are overgrown by the coryneforms, which dominate the later stages of ripening. For a long

time, B. linens was thought to be the major bacterium on the surface of smear-ripened cheese. Now it constitutes less than 15% of the flora of a mature cheese. Brevibacterium linens does not grow below pH 5.5 or 6 and recently has been shown to be a mixture of two different species, B. linens and, a new species, Brevibacterium aurantiacum. The general consensus is that early in ripening, yeasts grow and metabolize the lactate to CO2 and H2O. This is called deacidification and causes the pH of the surface to increase to a point at which the bacteria can grow. This is not the complete story, however, as many of the bacteria isolated from the surface recently have been shown to also metabolize the lactate and grow at pH 5. Mathematical approaches to describe the effect of different parameters, particularly, temperature and relative humidity, on deacidification have been proposed. The best ripening conditions to achieve optimum decidification and the subsequent appearance of the surface of the cheese were 12  C and 95% RH. No decidification occurred at RHs of 85% or lower, regardless of the temperature. A model describing growth of D. hansenii and lactate consumption during the ripening of surface cheese also has been developed. Recently, a collaborative project funded by the European Union examined the microbiology of five smear-ripened cheeses, Limburger from Germany, Reblochon and Livarot from France, Tilsit from Austria, and Gubbeen from Ireland (Figure 3), using both traditional and molecular techniques to identify the microorganisms. The project identified 2597 strains of bacteria and 2446 strains of yeast from the surface of the smear cheeses, isolated at three or four times during ripening, and found 55 species of bacteria and 30 species of yeast. The microflora of the five cheeses showed many similarities but also many differences and interbatch variation. Limburger cheese had the simplest microflora, containing two yeasts, D. hansenii and G. candidum, and two bacteria, Arthrobacter arilaitensis and B. aurantiacum. Livarot was the most complicated, accounting for 10 yeasts and 38 bacteria, including many Gram negatives. Reblochon also had a diverse microflora containing 8 yeasts and 13 bacteria (excluding Gram negatives that were not identified), while Gubbeen had 7 yeasts and 18 bacteria, and Tilsit had 5 yeasts and 9 bacteria.

Figure 2 Growth of bacteria and yeast and development of pH in a smear-ripened cheese during ripening.

Figure 3

Gubbeen cheese.

CHEESE j Smear-Ripened Cheeses Debaryomyces hansenii (1360 isolates) was by far the dominant yeast and was found in all cheeses, followed in order by G. candidum (498 isolates, but not found in Gubbeen), Candida catenulata (159 isolates, only found in Livarot and Gubbeen), Kluyveromyces lactis (109 isolates, only found in Reblochon and Livarot), and Candida lusitaniae (64 isolates, only found in Tilsit and Gubbeen). Brevibacterium aurantiacum was the dominant bacterium (491 isolates) and was found in every batch of the five cheeses. The next most common bacteria in order were Staphylococcus saprophyticus (365 isolates, found in all cheese except Limburger), A. arilaitensis (313 isolates, found in all cheeses), C. casei (306 isolates, only in Reblochon, Tilsit, and Gubbeen), C. variabile (266 isolates, only in Reblochon, Tilsit, and Gubbeen), and Mb. gubbeenense (89 isolates, in all cheeses except Limburger). Except for S. saprophyticus, these are all coryneform bacteria. Micrococci and staphylococci dominated the bacterial flora early in ripening, but later they were overgrown by corynebacteria (i.e., Gram-positive, irregularshaped rods). Staphylococcus saprophyticus was found mainly in Gubbeen, and A. arilaitensis was found in all cheeses but not in every batch. Corynebacterium casei was found in most batches of Reblochon, Livarot, Tilsit, and Gubbeen. Corynebacterium variabile was found in all batches of Gubbeen and Reblochon but in only one batch of Tilsit and in no batches of Limburger or Livarot. Other bacteria were isolated in low numbers from each of the cheeses, suggesting that each of the five cheeses has a unique microflora. In Gubbeen cheese, several different strains of the dominant bacteria were present, as determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and many of the less common bacteria were present as single clones. The culture-independent method, denaturing gel electrophoresis (DGGE), resulted in identification of several bacteria that were not found by the culturedependent (isolation and rep-PCR identification) method. It was thus a useful complementary technique to identify other bacteria in the cheeses. The gross composition, the rate of increase in pH, and the indexes of proteolysis used were different in most of the cheeses. Different strains of the individual, dominant organisms were present, at least in Gubbeen cheese, while in the Dutch washed-rind cheese, Danbo, a succession of strains of D. hansenii occurred during ripening, and one strain dominated after 3 days. Several new species were identified during the study, including Agrococcus casei, C. casei, Corynebacterium mooreparkense, Mb. Gubbeenense, and Mycetocola reblochoni; C. mooreparkense was later shown to be a heterotypic synonym of C. variabile and both it and A. arilaitensis, which was isolated from a French smear cheese in a different study, have been sequenced. Two other new species, Staphylococcus succinus subsp. casei and Staphylococcus equorum subsp. linens have been isolated from a Swiss smearripened cheese and Brachybacterium tyrofermentans and Brachybacterium alimentarius have been isolated only from the smear of hard cheese. Whether they occur on the smear of soft cheese is not known. The role that any of these bacteria play in flavor formation of the cheese has not been studied, except for B. aurantiacum (as B. linens) and needs to be investigated. In addition, it recently has been shown that iron is a limiting factor in determining the growth of bacteria in the smear, a finding that needs to be further investigated because the amount of iron in milk also is limited and much of it would be lost in the whey.


A study of the surface microflora of five Italian washedrind cheeses, Taleggio, Gorgonzola, Casera, Scimudin, and Formaggio di Fossa, also has been conducted using molecular techniques, including DGGE and random amplification of polymorphic DNA. The cocci identified included S. saprophyticus, S. equorum, Staphylococcus vitulinus, Staphylococcus caprae, Micrococcus luteus, and Macrococcus caseolyticus and only two coryneforms, B. linens (the reference strain used was actually B. aurantiacum) and Chionochloa flavescens. These data suggest that the microflora of Italian washed-rind cheeses differed significantly from other similar European cheeses. The finding of staphylococci in cheese raises issues regarding their pathogenicity even though the strains were coagulase negative. A French study has shown that S. equorum, Staphylococcus xylosus, S. saprophyticus, and Staphylococcus epidermidis were the dominant species in numerous French cheeses examined over a 16-year period from 1990. Clinical sources also were examined. Staphylococcus equorum and S. xylosus were not found in the clinical samples, and the PFGE patterns of the S. saprophyticus and S. epidermidis isolates from clinical and cheese samples were different.

Defined Cultures Commercially available cultures do not reflect the diversity of the cheese surface microflora and too much emphasis has been put on B. linens. Commercially, only cultures of B. linens, D. hansenii, and G. candidum are used to deliberately inoculate the cheese surface, and these are not subsequently recovered in the cheese except in low numbers at the beginning of ripening. Defined strain secondary cultures are being developed, and the successful use of a defined strain culture containing D. hansenii, B. linens, Arthrobacter nicotianae (probably Mb. gubbeenense), Corynebacterium ammoniagenes (probably C. casei), and Staphylococcus sciuri has been shown on a pilot scale; such cultures are not yet available commercially. The fact that commercial cultures are not recovered subsequently from cheese may militate against their use, but a better understanding of the microbiology, ecology, and interactions that occur between bacteria on the cheese surface will help considerably in developing them.

Source of the Bacteria In several studies, few of the commercial smear microorganisms, which were inoculated deliberately onto the cheese surface, were reisolated from any of the cheeses and then mainly from the initial stages of ripening, implying that smear cheese production units must have an adventitious ‘house’ flora and that the use of commercial secondary starters in the production of smear-ripened cheeses is questionable. One way around this problem is to identify the dominant organism present in a particular cheese and then give them back to the cheesemaker, and this has been shown to be effective in practice. Brines, many of which can be several years old, have been shown to be an important source of S. saprophyticus and D. hansenii, and the skin of the arms and hands of workers were sources of C. casei and C. variabile. This raises interesting


CHEESE j Smear-Ripened Cheeses

questions concerning the ecology of surface-ripened cheese and skin since the dominant organisms on both surfaces are similar, staphylococci and Corynebacteria. Micrococci, coryneforms, and yeasts and molds have been shown to be present on timber shelves used for ripening French smear-ripened cheese.

Flavor Development Except for the hard surface-ripened cheeses like Gruyère, most surface-ripened cheeses are small and ripen quite rapidly. The rate of ripening depends on the size, the moisture content, the temperature and RH of ripening, and the composition of the ripening flora. The high moisture content is due to the fact that the curd is cut into large pieces, cooked to low temperatures of 95%, both of which favor growth of the surface flora. The high numbers of bacteria and yeast on the cheese surface must play a major role in flavor formation. Enzymes do not diffuse through the cheese curd and so the enzymes produced by the surface flora are localized near the cheese surface. The ratio of the surface area to volume is an important parameter in ripening. Thus, the smaller the cheese the greater this ratio will be, and the greater the relative contribution of the surface flora to the flavor of the cheese. The production of S-containing compounds, particularly, methanethiol (MTL, CH3SH), and other volatile sulfurcontaining compounds from methionine is of major importance in flavor formation in smear-ripened cheeses. MTL is thought to be a major component of the ‘smelly sock’ odor of these cheeses. Two pathways are involved: direct formation via a methionine g-lyase or via and aminotransferase to form aketo-g-methyl-thiobutyric acid (KMBA), which, in turn, is transformed to MTL by KMBA demethiolase. MTL is very reactive and is rapidly oxidized nonbiologically to dimethyl disulfide and dimethyltrisulfide; S thioesters also may be formed. All these activities have been demonstrated in B. aurantiacum, G. candidum, and in many starter and nonstarter LAB. Many of these compounds have extremely low olfactory thresholds and so only trace amounts are necessary to impart the flavors.

Color Development on Cheese Not surprisingly, growth of B. linens traditionally has been thought to be responsible for color development on smearripened cheeses, because of its traditional dominance on the smear and the orange color the colonies of the organism develop, due mainly to carotenoid production. Metabolism of phenylalanine, tyrosine, and methionine also is considered to be important in color formation. The ability of some of the new species to produce color has been studied on aseptically produced model curds at 10 and 14  C. Color intensity was greater on cheeses ripened at 14  C than on cheese ripened at 10  C and differences in color development were only noticed after 15 days ripening at 14  C or 21 days at 10  C. Not unexpectedly, the greatest red color was developed by the B. aurantiacum/D. hansenii coculture followed by the C. variabile/D. hansenii coculture. The C. casei/D. hansenii and Mb. gubbeenense/D. hansenii cocultures gave mostly a yellow rather than a red color. The S. saprophyticus/D. hansenii coculture gave the least color and, surprisingly, cheese smeared with D. hansenii only developed a pale yellow color. Bacterial numbers reached 109–1010 cfu g1 at the end of ripening, pH values reached 8, and lactate was utilized completely in 8–10 days.

Pathogens Listeriosis is caused by L. monocytogenes and anyone can acquire it; however, immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women, and the unborn are particularly susceptible to the organism. A major problem in the production of washed-rind cheeses is the presence and growth of pathogens, particularly L. monocytogenes, on the cheese surface. The causative organism is unique among pathogens in that it can grow at low pH (the lower limit of growth is pH 4.4, but growth will occur over the pH range, 4.4–9.4), high salt concentrations (the upper limit is 12%), and low temperatures (the lower limit is 0.4  C, but growth will occur over the range 0.4–45  C). The composition of smear-ripened cheeses are well within these limits and so the cheese surface, especially when some deacidification has occurred, is an ideal medium for growth of the organism. Listeria monocytogenes is inactivated by pasteurization. This does not imply that pasteurized, washed-rind cheeses are safe as the cheeses receive a lot of handling during smearing, the conditions of ripening favor bacterial growth and the pH increases in them during ripening. In fact, in some studies, Listeria contamination was just as prevalent in smear-ripened cheeses made from pasteurized milk cheeses as in those made from raw milk. In addition, the old–young method of smearing the cheese will spread the organism on to young cheese if the old cheese is infected with Listeria. At least five major outbreaks of listeriosis have been caused by cheese, Mexican-style cheese in California; Vacherin Mont d’Or in Switzerland; Quargel in Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland; pasteurized milk cheese in Canada; and a ‘washed cheese’ in Japan. Three of these outbreaks, Mexican-style cheese, Vacherin, and the Quargel, resulted in fatalities. Vacherin is a raw milk cheese, which is produced in limited amounts, and poor hygiene was a major

CHEESE j Smear-Ripened Cheeses contributory factor in the outbreak, which occurred over several years; in the Mexican-style outbreak, low acid production, poor hygiene, and inadequate pasteurization were the major factors involved. The main contamination of the Quargel cheese took place during the smearing process and cross-contamination was a major problem in the case of the Canadian outbreak.

Control of Listeria Control of the growth of Listeria in smear-ripened cheeses is very difficult and considerable attention should be given to the application of good hygiene, good manufacturing procedures, and the principles of hazard analysis and critical control points to reduce contamination with and growth of Listeria. Lowering the temperature of ripening may help to reduce the growth of L. monocytogenes if it is present, but this also will result in longer ripening times for the cheese to reach maturity, which could be counterproductive. Some smears washed from ripened, commercial washedrind cheeses appear to be inhibitory to the growth of Listeria when these were applied subsequently to fresh cheese deliberately inoculated with Listeria. The cause of this effect is not clear, but the inhibitory effect is very stable since it could be seen in the smear of cheeses from the same plant produced over a year. A strain of S. equorum, isolated from the French cheese, Raclette, produced the macrocyclic antibiotic, Microccin P., which inhibited 95 strains of Listeria and was a potent inhibitor of the growth of L. monocytogenes on the cheese surface. Staphylococcus equorum is a coagulase negative Staphylococcus, which never has been reported to be involved in disease. There, therefore, would be good reason to consider it a generally regarded safe organism. Micrococcin P. is an antibiotic, however, and therefore it would be wise to be careful in spreading this strain widely in the human community before its pharmaceutical potential is evaluated. The application of a broad-range phage for L. monocytogenes also has shown promise. On smear-cheese ripened for 22 days, the number of Listeria monocytogenes decreased by more than 3 logs after application of 109 phage to cheese inoculated with up to 103 L. monocytogenes per cm2. With lower initial levels of contamination (10–100 cfu cm2), viable counts dropped below the limit of detection, corresponding to more than a 6 log reduction compared with the control. Another natural way to control the growth of pathogens in cheese is through the application of bacteriocins. These are peptides, generally of low molecular mass, which are produced by many bacteria and inhibit the growth of other, generally closely related, species. They vary in their spectrum of activity, mode of action, molecular weight, genetic origin, and biochemical properties. Two bacteriocins produced by LAB are used in food: Nisin, which is a Class I bacteriocin, with a wide spectrum of activity; and Pediocin PA-1, a Class II bacteriocin, which is particularly active against Listeria. The use of different bacteriocin producers, including LAB, enterococci, and coryneforms, to control the growth of Listeria in smear-ripened cheese is only partly effective (see Brennan et al., 2004, for details) but Lactobacillus plantarum WHE 92, which produces Pediocin AcH, was shown to be very effective in controlling the numbers of Listeria. Further studies showed that an initial level


of L. monocytogenes of 102 cfu ml1 of brine was nearly completely inhibited by this strain, while a pediocin-resistant mutant of L. monocytogenes grew to numbers greater than 105 cfu cm2 of cheese. In vitro pediocin resistance developed in all strains of Listeria tested, however, and a resistant mutant remained stable and multiplied easily in a smear cheese over a 4-month period in the absence of selective pressure. It was concluded that the use of this culture was a potent measure to combat Listeria in a production line; however, due to the development of resistance, its use should be restricted to emergency situations. This strain of Lb. plantarum is available commercially from Danisco as Lb. plantarum ALC 01. Foodborne yeast, particularly a strain of Pichia norvegensis, also has potential, although it was much more effective in reducing growth on agar plates (7 log cycles) than on the cheese surface (1–2 log cycles) in the case of Tilsit cheese and no inhibition in the case of Harzer cheese. Some evidence that lactate in the cheese may be involved in reducing its efficacy was obtained since cocultivation of Listeria monocytogenis with P. norvegensis on glucose resulted in a reduction in pH from 6.6 to 4.6, whereas cocultivation on lactate as a C source resulted in an increase in pH from 6.6 to >8.0. The ripening conditions of smear-ripened cheeses also will allow other pathogens to grow (e.g., Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus), if they are present. In addition, these organisms often are present in raw milk and could grow to significant numbers during manufacture and ripening of raw milk cheeses. Despite this, L. monocytogenes is the real problem pathogen in smear-ripened cheeses.

Further Reading Bockelmann, W., Willems, K.P., Neve, H., Heller, K.H., 2005. Cultures for the ripening of smear cheeses. International Dairy Journal 15, 719–732. Bonaiti, C., Leclercq-Perlat, M.N., Latrille, E., Corrieu, G., 2004. Deacidification by Debaryomyces hansenii of smear soft cheeses ripened under controlled conditions: relative humidity and temperature influences. Journal of Dairy Science 87, 3976–3988. Bonnarme, P., Psoni, L., Spinnler, H.E., 2000. Diversity of L-methionine catabolism pathways in cheese-ripening bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66, 5514–5517. Brennan, N.M., Cogan, T.M., Loesnner, M., Scherer, S., 2004. Bacterial surfaceripened cheeses. In: Fox, P.F., McSweeney, P.L.H., Cogan, T.M., Guinee, T.P. (Eds.), Cheese, Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology. Elsevier, Oxford. Carnio, M.K., Holtzel, A., Rudolg, M., et al., 2000. The macrocyclic peptide antibiotic micrococcin P1 is secreted by the food borne bacterium Staphylococcus equorum WS 2733 and inhibits Listeria monocytogenes on soft cheese. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66, 2378–2384. Cogan, T.M., Georges, S., Gelsomino, R., et al., 2013. Biodiversity of the surface microbial consortia from Limburger, Reblochon, Livarot, Tilsit and Gubbeen cheese. In: Donnelly, C. (Ed.), Microbes and Cheese. ASM Press, Washington, USA. Coton, E., Desmonts, M.H., Leroy, S., et al., 2010. Biodiversity of coagulase negative staphylococci in French cheeses, dry fermented sausages, processing environments and clinical samples. International Journal of Food Microbiology 137, 221–229. Fontana, C., Cappa, F., Rebecchi, A., Cocconcelli, P.S., 2010. Surface microbiota of Taleggio, Gorgonzola, Casera, Scimudin and Formaggio di Fossa Italian cheeses. International Journal of Food Microbiology 138, 205–211. Goerges, S., Mounier, J., Rea, M.C., et al., 2008. Commercial ripening starter microorganisms inoculated into cheese milk do not successfully establish themselves in the resident microbial ripening consortia of a South German red smear cheese. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74, 2210–2217. Goerges, S., Koslowsky, M., Velagic, S., et al., 2011. Anti-listerial potential of food-borne yeast in red smear cheese. International Dairy Journal 21, 83–89.


CHEESE j Smear-Ripened Cheeses

Guenther, S., Loessner, M., 2011. Bacteriophage control of Listeria monocytogenes on soft ripened mold and red smear cheeses. Bacteriophage 1, 94–100. Hanniffy, S.B., Peláez, C., Martínez-Bartolomé, M.A., Requena, T., MartínezCuesta, M.C., 2009. Key enzymes involved in methionine catabolism by cheese lactic acid bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology 135, 223–230. Loessner, M., Guenther, S., Steffan, S., Scherer, S., 2003. A pediocin producing Lactobacillus strain inhibits Listeria monocytogenes in a multispecies cheese surface microbial ripening consortium. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69, 1854–1857. Maoz, A., Mayr, R., Scherer, S., 2003. Temporal stability and biodiversity of two complex antilisterial cheese ripening microbial consortia. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69, 4012–4018. Mariani, C., Briandet, R., Chambe, J.F., et al., 2007. Biofilm ecology of wooden shelves used in ripening the French raw milk cheese Reblochon de Savoie. Journal of Dairy Science 90, 1653–1661. Monnet, C., Back, A., Irlinger, F., 2012. Growth of aerobic ripening bacteria at the cheese surface is limited by the availability of iron. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78, 3185–3192.

Mounier, J., Georges, S., Gelsomino, R., et al., 2006a. Sources of the adventitious microflora of a smear-ripened cheese. Journal of Applied Microbiology 101, 668–681. Mounier, J., Irlinger, F., Leclercq-Perlat, M.-N., et al., 2006b. Growth and colour development of some surface ripening bacteria with Debaryomyces hansenii on aseptic cheese curd. Journal of Dairy Research 73, 441–448. Mounier, J., Rea, M.C., O’Connor, P.M., Fitzgerald, G.F., Cogan, T.M., 2007. Growth characteristics of Brevibacterium, Corynebacterium, Microbacterium and Staphylococcus spp. isolated from surface-ripened cheese. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73, 7732–7739. Petersen, K.M., Westall, S., Jespersen, L., 2002. Microbial succession of Debaryomyces hansenii strains during the production of Danish surfaced-ripened cheeses. Journal of Dairy Science 85, 478–486. Rea, M.C., Georges, S., Gelsomino, R., et al., 2007. Stability of the biodiversity of the surface consortia of Gubbeen, a red-smear cheese. Journal of Dairy Science 90, 2200–2210. Riahi, M.H., Trelea, I.C., Picque, D., et al., 2007. A model describing Debaryomyces hansenii growth and substrate consumption during a smear soft cheese deacidification and ripening. Journal of Dairy Science 90, 2525–2537.

Chemiluminescent DNA Hybridization see LISTERIA: Listeria monocytogenes – Detection by Chemiluminescent DNA Hybridization


Contents Principles Food Packaging with Antimicrobial Properties

Principles* C-A Hwang and L Huang, Eastern Regional Research Center, Wyndmoor, PA, USA Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is a revision of the previous edition article by Brian P.F. Day, volume 1, pp 403–410, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

*Mention of trade names or commercial products in this article is solely for providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Introduction Using low temperatures to preserve foods likely started in prehistoric times, after early humans discovered that the remains of dead animals buried in snow or ice remained edible after a long period of time. This discovery probably led to the practice of covering or burying foods in snow or ice to preserve them for later use. Packing foods in snow or ice was an early application of food preservation utilizing low temperatures, and this was a common practice in many ancient cultures. Before artificial cooling was invented, ice was collected from rivers, lakes, or mountains; transported; and stored in underground or places insulated with straw or woods. The ice was used for cooling foods, preparing cold beverages, or cooling living quarters. An early application of artificial cooling was invented by mixing certain chemicals with water to produce endothermic reactions. Such chemicals as sodium chloride or sodium or potassium nitrate were added to water to lower the water temperature for more manageable and ‘on-demand’ cooling. The use of this cooling method to chill wine and the use of the word ‘refrigerate’ were recorded as early as 1550. In 1756, William Cullen demonstrated the first example of mechanical cooling at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. In his demonstration, diethyl ether was placed in a container, and a pump was used to create a partial vacuum in the container.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

Under vacuum, the diethyl ether boiled, absorbed heat, and lowered the temperatures of the container and its surrounding space. In 1848, Alexander Twining of the United States invented vapor-compression refrigeration. This cooling method used a refrigerant that absorbed heat when vaporizing from liquid to gaseous form. The gas was reversed to liquid form under pressure created by a compressor. The repeated cycle of the liquid–vapor state of the refrigerant created continuous cooling. Twining’s invention was credited with the start of the commercial application of refrigeration in the United States. This technology was further developed, and by 1911, mechanical refrigerators became available for household use in the United States. The refrigerants used in early vaporcompression refrigeration were based mostly on chlorofluorocarbons, which were trademarked ‘Freon’ by the DuPont Corporation. In the late 1920s, refrigerants such as hydrochlorofluorocarbon and hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) also were developed and made refrigerators widely available for commercial and household use. In the 1970s, Freon was found to react with and destroy ozone, which makes up the gaseous atmospheric barrier that protects the Earth from harmful solar ultraviolet radiation. Since the late 1970s, the use of Freon worldwide has been phased out gradually and replaced with a new refrigerant, HFC 134a, which is as effective as Freon but less destructive to the ozone layer. The benefits of using low temperature to preserve foods are numerous. The color, flavor, and nutrients of raw and processed foods preserved by low temperatures are generally better than those preserved by other methods, such as dehydration, canning, and freezing. Chilled storage also extends the microbiological shelf life of foods, so they can be stored for a relatively long period of time and transported over long distances.





Chilled storage allows a wide variety of local, domestic, and foreign food products to be available for consumption yearlong, hence providing a healthy, balanced diet. Chilled storage is the most widely used method for transporting and storing fresh foods, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood, dairy, and egg products.

Refrigerated Foods The temperature at which foods are stored is the most important factor that determines the microbiological and sensory qualities of the foods, particularly for those that are highly perishable. Raw or processed animal and plant foods are kept at ambient, refrigerated, or freezing temperature during distribution and storage at retail stores and consumers’ homes. In general, foods kept under ambient temperature are termed shelf-stable foods, and their microbiological quality is preserved mainly by heat treatments that inactivate microorganisms or by processes that render the foods with high acidity, low moisture, or preservatives that inhibit the growth of microorganisms during distribution and storage. Shelf-stable foods such as canned and dehydrated foods can be kept for years. Foods kept at refrigeration and freezing temperatures are termed refrigerated or chilled and frozen foods, respectively, and the low temperature is the main factor that inhibits the growth of surviving microorganisms in these foods. Frozen foods normally are kept at 18  C or below. At this temperature, microorganisms are not able to grow, and the rates of chemical and physical processes are also significantly slow. Because of the cessation of microbiological, chemical, and physical processes, frozen foods can be kept for years. Refrigerated foods normally are kept at 2–6  C (refrigeration temperature), at which the growth of many microorganisms commonly associated with foods does not occur. Although some microorganisms are capable of growing and multiplying at refrigeration temperature, the growth is significantly slower than that at temperatures above refrigeration temperature. Refrigeration temperature also slows the chemical and physical changes of food components and reduces the quality degradation. Depending on the initial microbiological quality and storability, refrigerated foods have a shelf life ranging from a few days to several weeks. Compared with shelf-stable and frozen foods, refrigerated foods are perceived to have better organoleptic and nutritional qualities, but they have a relatively shorter shelf life. Consumers are demanding food products and varieties that are processed minimally, high in sensory quality and nutrients, and convenient to prepare and use. Among many food preservation methods, refrigeration can maintain both microbiological and sensory quality of foods, therefore allowing them to be processed minimally, such as with low or mild heat treatment. A low or mild heat process generally produces foods with higher nutritional and sensory qualities. Additionally, refrigerated foods increasingly are being manufactured to have an extended shelf life. These foods generally receive minimal heat processing, contain no additives, and have a longer shelf life than traditional refrigerated foods. Examples of these foods are fully cooked cured and uncured meat, poultry, and seafood products; prepackaged delicatessen

salads; complete meals; entrees; sauces; soups; and partially cooked meat and poultry products. The increasing demand for minimally processed and convenient foods has stimulated the growth of refrigerated foods in the United States, which is evident by the expansion of gross refrigerated storage capacity. In 2011, the gross refrigerated storage capacity in the United States was 3.96 billion cubic feet (112.1 million cubic meters), which represents an increase of 4% since 2009 and nearly double the capacity of 2.2 billion cubic feet (62.3 million cubic meters) in 1992.

Microbiology of Refrigerated Foods The main principle of using refrigeration temperature to preserve microbiological quality of foods is that the temperature inhibits or reduces the growth of food-associated microorganisms. It is important to understand the types of microorganisms that are capable of growing at refrigeration temperature and the microorganisms of concern in chilled foods, so proper processing and control measures can be applied in the manufacturing of refrigerated foods.

Microorganisms and Growth Temperatures Microorganisms grow over a wide range of temperature and therefore commonly are grouped as psychrophiles, psychrotrophs, mesophiles, or thermophiles based on temperature requirements for growth. Each group of microorganisms has minimum, optimum, and maximum growth temperatures. Psychrophiles have a minimum growth temperature of 5  C, optimum growth temperature of less than 16  C, and maximum growth temperature of 20  C. Examples of psychrophiles are Pseudomonas, Arthrobacter, Psychrobacter, Halomonas, Flavobacterium, Psychrophilum, Hyphomonas, and Sphingomonas. Psychrotrophs are capable of growing at 0–7  C and have optimum and maximum growth temperatures of 20–30  C and 30–35  C, respectively. Pseudomonas, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Micrococcus, Flavobacterium, and Brochothrix are examples of psychrotrophs and common spoilage microorganisms found in meats, poultry, seafood, and eggs. Pathogenic microorganisms, such as Yersinia enterocolitica, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Listeria monocytogenes, and Aeromonas hydrophila, are capable of growing at refrigeration temperature and are of great food safety concern in refrigerated foods, particularly those that are processed minimally and have an extended shelf life. The typical refrigeration temperature does not inhibit the growth of psychrophiles and psychrotrophs. The minimum growth temperature for mesophiles is around 10  C, and the optimum temperature is 30–40  C and the maximum temperature is 45  C. Although they do not grow at refrigeration temperature, mesophiles can survive under refrigeration and grow during temperature abuse. Thermophiles can grow well at and above 45  C with optimum growth temperature at 55–65  C. Bacillus stearothermophilus is one example of a spoilage thermophile that is relevant in foods that are kept hot during serving. Table 1 shows the minimum, optimum, and maximum growth temperatures of common foodborne pathogens.

CHILLED STORAGE OF FOODS j Principles Table 1 Minimum, optimum, and maximum growth temperatures ( C) of pathogenic microorganisms commonly associated with foods Microorganism




Aeromonas Bacillus cereus Brucella Campylobacter Clostridium botulinum (nonproteolytic strains) Clostridium perfringens Pathogenic Escherichia coli Listeria monocytogenes Plesiomonas Salmonella Shigella Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus Toxigenic fungi: Aspergillus Toxigenic fungi: Penicillium Vibrio parahaemolyticus Yersinia enterocolitica

1 4 6 32 3

28–35 30–40 37 42–43 33–40

44 55 42 45 45

12 7 0 8 5 6 4 10 10 25  C are considered undesirable, because during rapid fermentation many desirable flavor compounds are not produced, some undesirable flavors are produced, and alcohols and other metabolites may be lost by evaporation. In addition, the activity of the desirable yeast strain may be inhibited, leading to stuck fermentations and the growth of undesirable thermoduric yeasts and spoilage bacteria. Stuck fermentations can sometimes be restarted by the addition of nitrogen (10–50 mg l1), usually as ammonium sulfate or di-ammonium phosphate, together with thiamine (0.1– 0.2 mg l1) and/or a yeast cell wall (ghost cell) preparation. At the end of fermentation, the yeast cells flocculate and settle to the bottom of the vat – this process may be aided by chilling the cider in the vat. A certain amount of cell autolysis occurs, liberating cell constituents into the cider. The raw cider is racked off the lees (i.e., the settled yeast cells) as a cloudy product and is transferred to storage vats for maturation. In some plants, the cider may be centrifuged or rough-filtered at this time. If the cider is left too long on the lees, autolysis may become excessive, leading to an increase in nitrogenous materials, which act as substrates for subsequent undesirable microbial growth and the development of off flavors in the product.

Maturation and Secondary Fermentation Traditionally, cider vats are made of wood (usually oak). The wood acts as a reservoir of microorganisms, such as yeasts and lactic acid bacteria which are important in the secondary fermentation of cider (Figure 2); undesirable organisms, such as acetic acid bacteria, may also occur. Modern processes using sterilizable stainless steel vats for fermentation and maturation lack the native microflora. If secondary fermentation is required, it is necessary either to inoculate the vats with a culture of malolactic organisms suitable for cider (N.B. malolactic cultures sold for wine are generally unsuitable for cider making) or to use a process of backslopping, in which part of an earlier batch of matured cider is used as an inoculum (with all the inherent risks of such action). The maturation vats are filled with racked-off cider and provided with an overblanket of CO2 or otherwise sealed to prevent the ingress of air, which would stimulate the growth of undesirable film-forming


Cider (Cyder; Hard Cider)

Figure 2 Electron micrograph of a section 1.2 cm below the surface of an oak wood block suspended in fermented cider for 10 weeks, showing individual yeast and bacterial cells within the structure of the wood. Reproduced with permission from Swaffield, C.H., Scott, J.A., Jarvis, B., 1997. Observations on the microbial ecology of traditional alcoholic cider storage vats. Food Microbiol. 14, 353–361.

yeasts (e.g., Brettanomyces spp., Pichia membranaefaciens, Candida mycoderma) and aerobic bacteria (e.g., Acetobacter xylinum). During the maturation process, the growth of malolactic acid bacteria (e.g., Lactobacillus pastorianus var. quinicus, L. mali, L. plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides and other species, and Pediococcus spp.) can occur extensively, especially if wooden vats are used. The malolactic fermentation (MLF) results in the conversion of malic acid to lactic acid and also produces secondary metabolites. The MLF reduces the acidity of the cider and imparts subtle changes that improve the flavor of the product. However, in certain circumstances, metabolites of the lactic acid bacteria may damage the flavor and result in spoilage – for instance, excessive production of diacetyl (and its vicinal-diketone precursors), the butterscotch-like taste of which can be detected in cider at a threshold level of about 0.6 mg l1. In ciders made without SO2, such as the farmhouse ciders of the Basque region of Spain, it is common for the MLF to occur concurrently with the yeast fermentation. This leads to complex flavor development and, because the lactic acid bacteria also metabolize some of the sugar, to reduced alcohol levels.

Pathogenic and Spoilage Microorganisms in Cider Bacterial pathogens such as Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus may occasionally occur in apple juice, being derived from the orchard soil, farm and processing equipment, or human sources. Outbreaks of food poisoning have occurred because of E. coli O157: H7 strains in freshly pressed nonpasteurized apple juice (usually known in the United States simply as cider). Normally, the acidity of both apple juice and fermented cider prevents the growth of pathogens, which survive for only a few hours. However, the specific strains of E. coli involved in food poisoning have a greater tolerance to acid and can survive for up to 30 days at 20  C in

apple juice. These strains are destroyed by normal pasteurization conditions and do not survive in fermenting cider for more than 2–3 days because of the interaction of alcohol and acidity. The presence of bacterial endospores from species of Bacillus and Clostridium may be indicative of poor plant hygiene. They can survive for long periods and are frequently found in cider; however, because of its low pH value, they do not create a spoilage or health threat. The juice from unsound fruits and juice contaminated within the pressing plant may show extensive contamination by microfungi, such as Penicillium expansum, P. crustosum, Aspergillus niger, A. nidulans, A. fumigatus, Paecilomyces varioti, Byssochlamys fulva, Monascus ruber, Phialophora mustea, and species of Alternaria, Cladosporium, Botrytis, Oosporidium, and Fusarium. None of these are of particular concern in cidermaking, except that spores of heat-resistant species, such as Byssochlamys spp., can survive pasteurization and grow in cider if it is not adequately carbonated. The growth of P. expansum on apples leads to the occurrence of the mycotoxin patulin in the apple juice. Most countries have imposed a guideline limit of 50 mg l1 for patulin. At high levels, patulin inhibits the yeasts used as starter cultures, but they metabolize the patulin under anaerobic fermentation conditions within a few days, to form a number of compounds, including ascladiol. Patulin, therefore, would not be expected to occur in cider unless patulin-contaminated juice were added to sweeten the fermented cider. The role of organisms, such as Brettanomyces spp. and Acetobacter xylinum, in the spoilage of ciders during the latter stages of fermentation and maturation was mentioned previously. Of equal concern is the yeast Saccharomycodes ludwigii, which is often resistant to SO2 levels as high as 1000–1500 mg l1. S. ludwigii is an indigenous contaminant of cidermaking facilities and can grow slowly during all the stages of fermentation and maturation. Its presence in bulk stocks of cider does not cause an overt problem. However, if it is able to contaminate ‘bright’ cider at bottling, its growth will result in a butyric flavor and the presence of flaky particles that spoil the appearance of the product. Although the organism is sensitive to pasteurization, it is not unknown for it to contaminate products at the packaging stage, either as a low-level contaminant of clean but nonsterile containers or directly from the packaging plant and its environment. Clumps of the organisms may also survive if it is present in unfiltered cider at the time of pasteurization. Environmental contamination of final products with yeasts, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae vars. cerevisiae, bailii, and uvarum can also occur. These will metabolize residual or added sugar to generate further alcohol and, more importantly, to increase the concentration of CO2. Strains of these organisms are frequently resistant to SO2. In bottles of bright cider inoculated with such fermentative organisms, carbonation pressures up to 900 kPa have been recorded. To avoid any risk of burst bottles, it is essential to maintain an adequate level of free SO2 in the final product, particularly in multiserve containers that may be opened and then stored with a reduced volume of cider. Alternatively, a second preservative such as benzoic or sorbic acid can be used, where permitted by legislation. This precaution is not necessary for products packaged in single-serve cans and bottles, which receive a terminal pasteurization process after filling.

Cider (Cyder; Hard Cider)

Some Special Fermentation and Other Processes Keeving and Cidre Bouché In France and parts of southwest England, the process of keeving is used to prepare traditional cider. Apple pulp is packed into barrels immediately after milling and held for 24 h at 5  C; the thick juice is run into sulfite-treated barrels where pectin esterases produce pectic acid. This reacts with calcium to form an insoluble complex that rises slowly to the surface as the wild-yeast fermentation proceeds, to produce a thick brown cap. Pectin reacts also with tannins and proteins to form a sediment and, at the end of the fermentation, a clear liquor is drawn off between the brown cap and the sediment. The product is a naturally sweet, relatively low-alcohol cider (ca. 4% abv) that is matured in bottles closed with wired mushroom stoppers. A typical French product of this process is cidre bouché.

Traditional Conditioned Draught Cider This product receives a secondary fermentation process. After filling barrels with a bright cider, a small quantity of fermentable carbohydrate is added, followed by an inoculum of active alcohol-resistant yeasts. The subsequent growth is accompanied by a low-level fermentation that generates sufficient CO2 to produce a pétillant cider, together with a haze of yeast cells. Such products have a shelf life in the barrel of about 4–6 weeks.

Double Fermented Cider Double fermented products are initially fermented to an alcohol content of about 5% abv and then chilled to stop the fermentation process. The liquor is racked off immediately and is either sterile-filtered or pasteurized before transfer to a second fermentation vat. Additional sugar and/or apple juice is added and a secondary fermentation is induced following inoculation with a selected alcohol-tolerant strain of Saccharomyces spp. Such a process permits the development of complex flavors in the cider.

Frankfürter Apfelwein mit Speierling In Germany, most cider (apfelwein) production occurs in the area around Frankfurt. One local specialty uses berries from the Speierling tree (Sorbus domestica) to add astringency to the cider that is made from culinary apples. The speierling berries are placed into a muslin bag that is suspended in the fermenting apple juice to permit extraction of the bitter flavor constituents. The product is extremely astringent.

Sparkling Ciders Traditionally, sparkling ciders were prepared according to the Méthode Champenoise. After bright filtration, the fully fermented dry cider is filled into bottles containing a small amount of sugar and an appropriate Champagne yeast culture. The bottles are corked, wired, and laid on their sides for the secondary fermentation process, which will take 1–2 months at 5–18  C. Following this stage, the bottles are placed in special racks with the neck in a downward


position. The bottles are gently shaken each day to move the deposit down onto the cork, a process that can take up to 2 months. The disgorging process involves careful removal of the cork and yeast floc without loss of any liquid; sometimes the neck of the bottle is frozen to aid this process. The disgorged product is then topped up using a syrup of alcohol, cider, and sugar before final corking, wiring, and labeling. It is not difficult to understand why this process is rarely used nowadays. Most commercial sparkling ciders are normally prepared by artificial carbonation to a level of 3.5– 4 vol. CO2.

Cider Vinegar Fermented cider is refermented under aerobic conditions at 15–25  C using selected strains of Acetobacter spp. to produce cider vinegar. The product typically contains up to 5% acetic acid and is used for culinary purposes and for its reputed health properties.

Further Processes Fermented cider and perry may be distilled to produce spirit liquors such as Eau-de-vie-de-cidre, cider brandy, and calvados. Blends of cider and distilled cider liquor may be sold as intermediate products: for instance, Cider Royale is a blend of cider and cider brandy containing about 15–20% abv. Note that the addition of distilled liquor to a cider is permitted only if excise duty is levied as a spirit drink.

Biochemical Changes during Cidermaking The chemical composition of cider is dependent on the composition of the apple juice, the nature of the fermentation yeasts, microbial contaminants and their metabolites, and any additives used in the final product.

Composition of Cider Apple Juice Apple juice is a mixture of sugars (primarily fructose, glucose, and sucrose), oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides (e.g., starch), together with malic, quinic, and citromalic acids; tannins (i.e., polyphenols), amides, and other nitrogenous compounds; soluble pectin; vitamin C; minerals; and a diverse range of esters, in particular ethyl- and methyl-iso-valerate, which give the typical apple-like aroma. The relative proportions are dependent on the variety of apple; the environmental and cultural conditions under which it was grown; the state of maturity of the fruit at the time of pressing; the extent of physical and biological damage (e.g., rotting because of mold); and, to a lesser extent, the efficiency with which the juice was pressed from the fruit. The treatment of fresh juice with SO2 is important in the prevention of enzymic and nonenzymic browning reactions of the polyphenols; SO2 also complexes carbonyl compounds to form stable hydroxysulfonic acids. If the apples contain a high proportion of mold rots, appreciable amounts of carbonyls such as 2,5-dioxogluconic acid and 2,5-D-threo-hexodiulose will occur.


Cider (Cyder; Hard Cider)

Products of the Fermentation Process

Table 3

The primary objective of fermentation is the production of ethyl alcohol, and the biochemical pathways that govern this process are well recognized. Various intermediate metabolites can be converted to form a diverse range of other end products, including glycerol (up to 0.5%). Diacetyl and acetaldehyde may also occur, particularly if the process is inhibited by excess sulfite and/or uncontrolled lactic fermentation occurs. Other metabolic pathways will operate simultaneously, with the formation of long- and short-chain fatty acids, esters, lactones, and so on. Methanol is produced in small quantities (10–100 mg l1) as a result of demethylation of pectin in the juice. The tannins in cider change significantly during fermentation; for instance, chlorogenic, caffeic, and p-coumaryl quinic acids are reduced with the formation of dihydroshikimic acid and ethyl catechol. The most important nitrogenous compounds in apple juice are the amino acids asparagine, aspartic acid, glutamine, and glutamic acid; smaller amounts of proline and 4-hydroxymethylproline also occur. Aromatic amino acids are virtually absent from apple juice. With the exception of proline and 4-hydroxymethylproline, the amino acids are largely assimilated by the yeasts during fermentation. However, leaving the cider on the lees significantly increases the amino nitrogen content as a consequence of the release of cell constituents during yeast autolysis. Inorganic compounds in cider are mostly derived from the fruit and depend on the conditions prevailing in the orchard. Their levels do not change significantly during fermentation. Trace quantities of iron and copper occur naturally, but the presence of larger quantities derived from process equipment, results in significant black or green discoloration because of the formation of iron and copper tannates, with flavor deterioration.

Group of compounds

Examples of important flavor metabolites a


Ethanol; propan-1-ol; butanol-1-ol; isopentan-1-ol; heptan-1-ol; hexan-1-ol; 2and 3-methylbutan-1-ol; 2-phenylethanol Malic; lactic; butyric; acetic; hexanoic; nonanoic; octanoic; succinic Acetaldehyde; benzaldehyde; butylaldehyde; hexanal; nonanal Pyruvate; decalactone; decan-2-one Amyl, butyl, and ethyl acetates; ethyl and butyl lactate; diethyl succinate; ethyl benzoate; ethyl hexanoate; ethyl guiacol; ethyl-2- and ethyl-3-methylbutyrate; ethyl octanoate; ethyl octenoate; ethyl decanoate; ethyl dodecanoate Methanediol; ethanthiol; methyl thioacetate; dimethyl-disulfide; ethyl-methyl-disulfide; diethyl-disulfide Diacetyl; 1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-acetopyridine

Changes during Cider Maturation Maturation results in further changes in the composition of the cider, but these changes are not fully understood. The primary effect of the MLF is the conversion of malic acid into lactic acid, which, being a weak acid, results in a reduction in the apparent acidity. Much of the lactic acid is esterified, with the formation of ethyl, butyl, and propyl lactates. This removes harshness and gives a more balanced, smoother flavor. Other desirable flavor changes arising from the MLF include production of small quantities of diacetyl, which gives a butterscotch flavor to the cider, although as noted, excessive levels of diacetyl are undesirable. Some strains of lactic acid bacteria also produce excessive quantities of acetic acid if residual sugar is present in the maturing cider. Sulfur aromas and flavors resulting from yeast autolysis are generally lost during maturation, although unpleasant sulfur compounds, such as mercaptans, may be produced if the cider is infected by film yeasts. Acetic acid may be formed either from the uncontrolled growth of heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria or, more commonly, from the growth of strains of Acetobacter spp. Butyric flavors are generally caused by the growth of S. ludwigii and mousy flavors

Some key flavor compounds in cider

Organic acids Aldehydes Carbonyls Esters

Sulfur compounds Others a

Compounds in italics are generally considered undesirable when more than traces are present; compounds in bold are essential flavor constituents. Modified from Jarvis, B., Forster, M.J., Kinsella, W.P., 1995. Factors affecting the development of cider flavour. In: Board, R.G., Jones, D., Jarvis, B. (Eds.), Microbial Fermentations: Beverages, Foods and Feeds. J. Appl. Bacteriol. Symp. Supplement., 79, pp. 5s–18s (S.A.B. Symposium Series No. 24).

(believed to be the result of 1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-acetopyridine and related compounds) are generally ascribed to the growth of film yeasts, such as Brettanomyces spp. Table 3 illustrates some of the key flavor compounds found in cider.

See also: Acetobacter ; Candida; Ecology of Bacteria and Fungi in Foods: Influence of Redox Potential; Escherichia coli O157: E. coli O157:H7; Fermentation (Industrial): Basic Considerations; Fermentation (Industrial): Control of Fermentation Conditions; Fermented Foods: Origins and Applications; Natural Occurrence of Mycotoxins in Food; Preservatives: Classification and Properties; Preservatives: Traditional Preservatives – Organic Acids; Permitted Preservatives: Sulfur Dioxide; Saccharomyces: Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Starter Cultures: Importance of Selected Genera; Starter Cultures Employed in Cheesemaking; Wines: Microbiology of Winemaking; Wines: Malolactic Fermentation; Yeasts: Production and Commercial Uses.

Further Reading Beech, F.W., 1972. English cider making: technology, microbiology and biochemistry. In: Hockenhull, D.J.D. (Ed.), Progress in Industrial Microbiology, vol. 11. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp. 133–213. Beech, F.W., Davenport, R.R., 1983. New prospects and problems in the beverage industry. In: Roberts, T.A., Skinner, F.A. (Eds.), Food Microbiology: Advances and Prospects. Academic Press, London, pp. 241–256 (S.A.B. Symposium Series No. 11). Charley, V.L.S., 1949. The Principles and Practice of Cider-Making. Leonard Hill Ltd, London. Dinsdale, M.W., Lloyd, D., Jarvis, B., 1995. Yeast vitality during cider fermentation: two approaches to the measurement of membrane potential. J Inst. Brew. 101, 453–458.

Cider (Cyder; Hard Cider) Hammond, S.M., Carr, J.G., 1976. The antimicrobial activity of SO2 – with particular reference to fermented and non-fermented fruit juices. In: Skinner, F.A., Hugo, W.B. (Eds.), Inhibition and Inactivation of Vegetative Microbes. Academic Press, London, pp. 89–110 (S.A.B. Symposium Series No. 5). Jarvis, B., 2001. Cider, perry, fruit wines and other alcoholic fruit beverages. In: Arthey, D., Ashurst, P.R. (Eds.), Fruit Processing, second ed. Blackie Academic and Professional, London, pp. 111–114. Jarvis, B., Lea, A.G.H., 2000. Sulphite binding in ciders. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. 35, 113–127. Jarvis, B., Forster, M.J., Kinsella, W.P., 1995. Factors affecting the development of cider flavour. In: Board, R.G., Jones, D., Jarvis, B. (Eds.), Microbial Fermentations: Beverages, Foods and Feeds. J. Appl. Bacteriol. Symp. Suppl., 79, pp. 5s–18s (S.A.B. Symposium Series No. 24).


Lea, A.G.H., 2003. Cidermaking. In: Lea, A.G.H., Piggott, J.R. (Eds.), Fermented Beverage Production, second ed. Blackie Academic and Professional, London, pp. 59–88. Lea, A.G.H., 2009. Keeving. www.cider.org.uk/keeving.html last visited on 17 August 2011. Lea, A.G.H., 2011. Small-Scale Cidermaking. www.cider.org.uk last visited on 17 August 2011. Moss, M.O., Long, M.T., 2002. The fate of patulin in the presence of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Food Addit. Contam. 19, 387–399. Swaffield, C.H., Scott, J.A., Jarvis, B., 1997. Observations on the microbial ecology of traditional alcoholic cider storage vats. Food Microbiol. 14, 353–361. Williams, R.R. (Ed.), 1991. Cider and Juice Apples: Growing and Processing. University of Bristol, Bristol.

Citric Acid see Fermentation (Industrial): Production of Some Organic Acids (Citric, Gluconic, Lactic, and Propionic) Citrobacter see Salmonella: Detection by Immunoassays


Contents Introduction Clostridium acetobutylicum Clostridium botulinum Clostridium perfringens Clostridium tyrobutyricum Detection of Enterotoxin of Clostridium perfringens Detection of Neurotoxins of Clostridium botulinum

Introduction HP Blaschek, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction Characteristics of the Genus Clostridium The genus Clostridium contains physiologically and genetically diverse species involved in the production of toxins as well as acids and solvents. The broad range of mol% GþC values together with 16S rRNA cataloging demonstrates a high degree of phylogenetic heterogeneity within the genus Clostridium. Cato and Stackebrandt indicated that the genus does not include a phylogenetically coherent taxon. From an evolutionary standpoint, members of this genus appear to have evolved during ancient times, perhaps during the anaerobic phase of evolution. Species within the genus Clostridium have both medical and industrial significance. The genus Clostridium originally was described in 1880. Because of the observed heterogeneity, it should not be surprising that the genus is quite large, on the order of 100 species. The clostridia are ubiquitous and are commonly found in the soil, marine sediments, and animal and plant products. They typically are found in the intestinal tract of humans and in the wounds of soft tissue infections of humans and animals. To be included within this genus, the isolate must be anaerobic or microaerophilic; be able to produce an endospore-forming rod, Gram-positive, or Gram variable; and be unable to carry out dissimilatory sulfate reduction. There is


considerable interspecies variability in these observed criteria, and intraspecies Gram-stain variability appears in some cases to be related to the age of the culture. Most clostridia are motile via peritrichous flagella; however, for some species such as C. perfringens, motility has not been observed. Clostridial spores appear to be produced only under anaerobic conditions, and in some species, sporulation occurs with considerable difficulty. In certain cases, special media have been formulated to promote sporulation. Depending on the species, endospores may occur in a central, subterminal, or terminal positions and, because of the slender nature of the mother cell sporangium, cells containing spores appear swollen, unlike the thicker bacilli. The location of the endospores within the cell has important taxonomic value. The heat resistance of clostridial spores is also a function of the species; however, because of their foodborne association and pathogenic nature, the greatest concern is with the spores produced by C. botulinum and C. perfringens. These spores may be able to survive routine cooking procedures and germinate and resume vegetative growth once nutritionally and environmentally appropriate conditions return. Because of the spore-forming capability of this foodborne pathogen, C. botulinum is regarded as the ‘target microorganism’ for the development of appropriate time–temperature heat treatment relationships for canned food products.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


CLOSTRIDIUM j Introduction Table 1

Species of Clostridium involved in causing diseases



C. perfringens

Food poisoning, gas gangrene, necrotic enteritis, minor wound infection Tetanus Botulism food poisoning Pseudomembranous colitis enterocolitis Gas gangrene Gas gangrene Gas gangrene

C. C. C. C. C. C.

tetani botulinum difficile novyi histolyticum septicum

Species within the genus Clostridium produce a wide diversity of exoproteins, many of which function as virulence factors. Some of these proteins are antigenic in nature and some have associated enzyme activity. An overview of the major and minor antigens produced by C. perfringens is given in the article on C. perfringens. Table 1 lists a representative group of clostridial species that cause various diseases. The most important species with respect to human disease include C. botulinum, C. perfringens, C. tetani, and C. difficile. The role of toxins produced by these species in causing disease has been well characterized. From the standpoint of metabolism, there appears to be a delineation between clostridia that are principally saccharolytic and those described as proteolytic. Genetic studies have demonstrated that strains falling into these two groups are unrelated with respect to DNA similarity. Following growth on carbohydrates, the clostridia usually produce mixtures of alcohols and organic acids. The clostridia use the Embden– Meyerhof–Parnas pathway for breakdown of monosaccharides. Although carbohydrates appear to be the preferred carbon source, metabolism of alcohols, amino acids, and other organic compounds may also occur. Purines and pyrimidines have also been shown to be fermented by various species of clostridia. The industrial utility of the clostridia is enhanced by their ability to degrade and utilize a diverse group of polysaccharides. Various species of clostridia are able to degrade polymers (such as cellulose, starch, and pectin) and produce useful products such as acids and solvents. The ability of the clostridia to coferment both five and six carbon sugars bodes well for utilization of biomass as a fermentation feedstock. The acetone–butanol–ethanol (ABE) fermentation using C. acetobutylicum or C. beijerinckii growing on starch or molasses dominates the history of clostridial fermentations. For most clostridial species, growth occurs most rapidly between pH 6.5 and 7.0 and at a temperature of 30–37  C, although some species, such as C. perfringens have very rapid growth (generation times as low as 10 min) at temperatures of 40–45  C. There are also a number of thermophilic clostridia that are able to grow up to a maximum temperature of 80  C. Because of the industrial potential of hydrolytic enzymes – such as amylase, pullalanase, and glucoamylase – recovered from the thermophilic clostridia, these microbes recently have been the subject of intensive investigation. A list of representative thermophilic clostridial species is presented in Table 2. With respect to the development of genetic systems (gene transfer, shuttle vectors, etc.) for the clostridia, the model

Table 2 species


Optimal growth temperatures of thermophilic Clostridium


Optimal growth temperature (  C)

C. C. C. C. C. C. C.

58 60 60 68 58–72 57 65

thermoaceticum thermosulfurogenes thermocellum fervidus thermosuccinogenes thermobutyricum stercorarium

species have been the foodborne pathogen, C. perfringens and the solventogenic clostridia, which include principally C. acetobutylicum and C. beijerinckii. Most of the early plasmid work initiated 20 years ago was carried out with C. perfringens, whereas the industrial significance of strains that are able to produce acetone and butanol has resulted in a renewed emphasis on genetic systems development in C. acetobutylicum and C. beijerinckii. The molecular tools developed over the past 20 years now are being used to investigate the mechanism of toxin production in the pathogenic clostridia (e.g., C. perfringens and C. botulinum) and to understand the molecular basis for acid and solvent productions (e.g., C. acetobutylicum and C. beijerinckii). Recently, a genome-scale metabolic model (iCM925) of butanol-producing C. beijerinckii was described. The model can accurately reproduce physiological behavior and provide insight into the underlying mechanisms of microbial butanol production. RNA-seq technology has been used to carry out single-nucleotide resolution analysis of the transcriptome of C. beijerinckii. The application of these technologies is expected to allow for the directed metabolic engineering of these industrially significant species.

Selected Clostridial Species Clostridium perfringens Clostridium perfringens has been described as the most ubiquitous pathogenic bacterium in our environment. This anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium is an inhabitant of the soil and the intestinal tract of both humans and animals. It produces as many as 12 biologically active toxins. Although primarily associated with foodborne disease, it is also responsible for causing gas gangrene, lamb dysentery, necrotic enteritis, and minor wound infection.

Clostridium botulinum Botulism food poisoning is caused by the consumption of food containing heat-labile neurotoxin produced by C. botulinum. C. botulinum first was isolated in 1895 by E. van Ermangen from salted ham. The causative microorganism was named Bacillus botulinus (from the Latin ‘botulus’ meaning sausage). It is described as an intradietic intoxication in which the exotoxin is produced by the microorganism during growth on the food. The types of C. botulinum are identified by neutralization of their toxins by the antitoxin. There are seven recognized antigenic types of C. botulinum, A–G (Table 3). In addition to toxin

446 Table 3

CLOSTRIDIUM j Introduction Occurrence of C. botulinum types






Western United States, Canada Europe, Eastern United States Widespread Widespread South Africa, Russia, United States Northern hemisphere Japan Argentina

A B Ca Cb D E F G

þ þ/ – – – – þ þ

Human Human Paralysis of birds Forage poisoning Cattle Cattle Human Human No disease

Specific Specific X-react Ca and Cb X-react with D X-react with Cb Specific Specific Unknown

production, the types are differentiated on the basis of their ability to produce proteolytic enzymes. The production of proteolytic enzymes by C. botulinum when present on food results in a putrid, unpleasant odor that can be a useful deterrent to consumption. Although strains of C. botulinum are variably proteolytic, they are always saccharolytic and are able to ferment glucose with the production of energy as well as acid and gas. Most outbreaks (w72%) of botulism have been traced to home canned foods and vegetables, in particular. These outbreaks have been traced to foods that have been handled improperly or insufficiently heated to destroy spores. In the United States, C. botulinum types A and B are most common, whereas in Europe, meat products frequently have served as the vehicle, and botulinal food poisoning primarily is due to type B strains. C. botulinum is a strictly anaerobic, Gram-positive rod that produces heat-stable spores that are located subterminally on the mother cell sporangium. The microorganism is motile via peritrichous flagella. The neurotoxins produced by C. botulinum and C. tetani are composed of the most potent group of bacterial toxins known. The toxins act by inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters from presynaptic nerve terminals inducing a flaccid paralysis (C. botulinum) or a spastic paralysis (C. tetani). Although the symptoms induced by the toxins appear dramatically different, the toxins have similarities in their structures and modes of action.

Detection of C. botulinum Neurotoxins The botulinum neurotoxins are simple proteins composed of only amino acids. These toxins are among the most toxic substances known. Ingestion of as little as 1–2 mg toxin may prove fatal. Although the toxins produced by C. botulinum have all been purified and characterized, type A neurotoxin is best characterized and was the first to be purified. The complete covalent structure of the proteolytically processed, fully active type A neurotoxin has been determined. In addition to being a neurotoxin, hemagglutinin activity is normally associated with type A toxin. Hemagglutinin is believed to stabilize the toxin in the gut. The toxin molecule that is produced by a toxigenic culture is referred to as a progenitor toxin and consists of a toxic and an atoxic component. The progenitor toxin is the precursor of the more toxic derivative toxin. The progenitor toxins can be converted into the derivative form by the action of proteases in the digestive tract of the host or via the direct action of proteolytic enzymes associated with the microorganism. Unlike staphylococcal toxins, botulinal toxins

are heat-sensitive proteins. They are destroyed by boiling for 10 min. Therefore, a food can be rendered nontoxic by heating, although the cooking of a suspect food is not considered a worthwhile risk. On the other hand, consumption of low levels of spores by a healthy adult apparently will do no harm. Tryptophan has been shown to be required for toxin production together with carbon dioxide. Typically, one portion of the food to be examined is set aside and examined for the presence of the microorganism, and the other portion is used in toxicity testing. Food samples containing suspended solids are centrifuged and the supernatant fluid examined for toxin. Solid food is extracted with an equal volume of gel-phosphate buffer. The macerated food sample is centrifuged under refrigeration and the supernatant is used for assay of the toxin. Food samples containing toxins of nonproteolytic C. botulinum may require trypsin activation to be detected. In this case, the trypsin-treated preparation is incubated for 1 h with gentle agitation. The mouse lethality assay was the first method employed for detection of toxins produced by foodborne pathogens, and although still used for assay of botulinal toxins, its use has become more limited with the advent of alternative assays. The approach when using the mouse lethality assay is quite straightforward. Pairs of mice are injected intraperitoneally with trypsin-treated and untreated preparations. A portion of untreated supernatant fluid or culture is heated for 10 min at 100  C. All injected mice are observed for 3 days for symptoms of botulism or death. If, after 3 days, all mice except those receiving the heated preparation have died, the toxicity test should be repeated using higher dilutions of supernatant fluids or cultures. This approach allows determination of the minimum lethal dose (MLD) as an estimate of the amount of toxin present. From these data, the MLD per milliliter can be calculated. The precision of the mouse lethality assay for estimating the activity of C. botulinum toxin has been shown to be of the order of 5%. Protocols for typing of the toxin involves rehydrating antitoxins with sterile physiological saline. Antisera can be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, or from the Food and Drug Administration, Washington, DC. Various types of monovalent antitoxins are employed. Mice are injected with the respective monovalent antitoxins 30–60 min before challenge with toxic samples. A pair of unprotected mice (no injection of antitoxin) is injected with the toxic sample as a control. Mice are observed for 48 h for symptoms of botulism and to record deaths.

CLOSTRIDIUM j Introduction Additional approaches for the detection of botulinal toxins include gel diffusion, specifically electroimmunodiffusion, which has a reported sensitivity of five mice LD50 per 0.1 ml and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which has been applied to detect C. botulinum types A–E toxin genes with a reported sensitivity of 10 femtogram. Another approach is the evanescent wave immunosensor to detect type B C. botulinum toxin. The sensor detects fluorescently tagged, toxin-bound antibodies. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) system has been used successfully to detect C. botulinum toxins. For type A C. botulinum toxin, a double-sandwich ELISA detected 50–100 mice LD50 of type A and less than 100 mice LD50 of type E. A double-sandwich ELISA using alkaline phosphatase was able to detect one mouse LD50 of type G toxin. Clostridium botulinum toxin type A was detected at a level of nine mice LD50 per milliliter when using a monoclonal antibody.

The Solventogenic Clostridia: C. acetobutylicum and C. beijerinckii The fermentation of carbohydrates to ABE by the solventogenic clostridia is well known. For an overview of developments in the genetic manipulation of the solventogenic clostridia for biotechnology applications, the reader is referred to the further reading list. Currently, this value-added fermentation process is attractive for several economic and environmental reasons. Prominent among the economic factors is the current surplus of agricultural wastes or by-products that can be utilized as inexpensive fermentation substrates. Examples include mycotoxin-contaminated corn that is unsuitable for use as animal feed and 10% solids light corn steep liquor, which is a lowvalue by-product of the corn wet milling industry. It has been suggested that the instability of certain solventogenic genes (ctfAB, aad, adc) may be the cause of strain degeneration in C. acetobutylicum. Specifically, the genes for butanol and acetone formations in C. acetobutylicum ATCC 824 were found to reside on a large 210 kb (pSOL1) plasmid whose loss leads to degeneration of this strain. Eight genes concerned with solventogenic fermentation in C. beijerinckii 8052 were found at three different locations on the genome. In C. beijerinckii 8052, genomic mapping studies suggest that the ctfA gene is localized on the chromosome and is colocated next to the acetoacetate decarboxylase gene. An examination of the effects of added acetate on culture stability and solvent production by C. beijerinckii showed that one of the effects may be to stabilize the solventogenic genes and thereby prevent strain degeneration. To examine this hypothesis, further genetic analysis of the solventogenic genes will need to be carried out. Given the dramatic advances and cost reductions in sequencing technologies over the past decade, sequencing technology is proposed as a means to identify and characterize subtle, genomic-level changes that occur in the hyperbutanolproducing C. beijerinckii BA101 mutant, which was produced using chemical mutagenesis. Differences observed for the C. beijerinckii BA101 strain (U.S. Patent 6358717) at the sequence level can be compared directly to the parent strain. Determination of the genomic alterations responsible for the physiology associated with the C. beijerinckii BA101


hyperbutanol phenotype ultimately will lead to the development of a strategy for engineering a strain of C. beijerinckii with enhanced solvent-producing characteristics for industrial applications. The genome of C. beijerinckii is approximately 50% larger than that of its cousin, C. acetobutylicum. C. beijerinckii demonstrates a multiplicity of genes for which C. acetobutylicum many only have one or two copies. This may at least partially explain the differences between the two species. The size of the C. acetobutylicum genome was found to be 4.11 Mb, with an overall GþC ratio of 29.2%. There is an expectation for 4200 genes, and analysis of the sequence has revealed similarity, although not necessarily functionality, to a number of antibiotic-resistant genes, clostridial-toxin genes, and various substrate hydrolytic genes. It is expected that analysis of the chromosome sequence will provide important information regarding the phylogenetic relatedness of the solventproducing clostridia.

Recommended Methods of Detection and Enumeration in Foods The clostridia generally can be isolated on nutritionally complex media that are appropriate for the cultivation of anaerobes. This may, for example, include blood agar and cooked meat medium. Tryptone–glucose–yeast extract medium is easy to prepare and can meet the nutritional requirements of many different species of clostridia. The media should be reduced, normally by the addition of L-cysteine or sodium thioglycollate. To selectively recover clostridia from the soil or intestinal contents, it is useful to heat the sample at 80  C for 10 min. This process destroys most vegetative cells and allows the spores to predominate. It has been shown to be useful for the recovery and regeneration of solvent-producing clostridia, such as C. acetobutylicum and C. beijerinckii. Methods for detection and enumeration of C. perfringens are found in a separate article. Although not as fastidious as C. perfringens, the nutritional growth needs of C. botulinum are complex and include a number of amino acids, B vitamins, and minerals. Routinely, C. botulinum is cultivated in brain– heart infusion or cooked meat medium. Although many foods satisfy the nutritional requirements for growth, not all provide anaerobic conditions. Growth in foods can be restricted if the product is of low pH, has low aw, and has a high concentration of salt or an inhibitory concentration of a preservative, such as sodium nitrite. A food may contain viable cells of C. botulinum, and yet it may not cause disease. For this reason, the focus is primarily on detection of the neurotoxin (see section Detection of C. botulinum Neurotoxins). Because of the heat lability of C. botulinum neurotoxin, however, processed foods should be examined for the presence of viable cells as well as toxin. The detection of viable C. botulinum typically involves enrichment. Cooked meat medium or trypticase–peptone– glucose–yeast extract (TPGY) is inoculated with 1–2 g solid or 1–2 ml liquid food and incubated. If the organism is suspected of being a nonproteolytic strain, TPGY containing trypsin should be used. After 7 days incubation, the culture is examined for gas production, turbidity, and digestion of


CLOSTRIDIUM j Introduction

meat particles. The culture also is examined microscopically. A typical cell shows distention of the mother cell sporangium due to the presence of the spore, which results in a bulging or swollen appearance. If enrichment results in no growth after 7 days, the sample may be incubated for an additional 10 days to detect injured cells or spores. Pure cultures of C. botulinum are isolated by pretreatment of the sample with either absolute alcohol or heat treatment (typically 80  C for 10 min). Heat- or ethanol-treated cultures may be streaked on to anaerobic egg yolk agar to obtain distinct and separate colonies. The selection of typical C. botulinum colonies involves using a sterile transfer loop to inoculate each isolated colony into TPGY or cooked meat medium broth. Cultures are incubated for 7 days as described and tested for toxin production. Repeated serial transfer through enrichment media may help to increase the cell numbers enough to permit pure colony isolation. C. botulinum and C. perfringens are particularly important species in the food industry because of their ability to produce heat-stable spores and their ability to grow rapidly under anaerobic conditions. Although normally producing only a mild form of food poisoning, C. perfringens is of particular concern to the food service industry in those cases in which food is prepared in advance, reheated, and held on steam tables. It is primarily problematic because of its ubiquitous nature and rapid growth rate given appropriate nutritional and environmental conditions. Because of the devastating nature of botulism foodborne illness, minimum heating times for ensuring the safety of canned foods have been developed with the C. botulinum microorganism in mind. Simple flow-chart based approaches for the identification of Clostridium species are available as part of the National Standard Methods Working Group (see http://www.hpastandardmethods.org.uk/wg_bacteriology.asp).

See also: Clostridium: Clostridium perfringens; Detection of Enterotoxin of Clostridium perfringens; Clostridium : Clostridium acetobutylicum; Clostridium: Clostridium tyrobutyricum; Clostridium: Clostridium botulinum; Clostridium: Detection of Neurotoxins of Clostridium botulinum; Bacterial Endospores;

Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: FoodPoisoning Microorganisms; Detection of Enterotoxin of Clostridium perfringens.

Further Reading Andreesen, J.R., Bahl, H., Gottschalk, G., 1989. Introduction to the physiology and biochemistry of the genus Clostridium. In: Minton, N.P., Clarke, D.J. (Eds.), Clostridia. Plenum Press, New York, p. 27. Blaschek, H.P., White, B.A., 1995. Genetic systems development in the clostridia. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 17, 349–356. Cato, E.P., George, W.L., Finegold, S.M., 1986. Genus Clostridium. In: Sneath, P.H.A., Mair, N.S., Sharpe, M.E., Holt, J.G. (Eds.), Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, p. 1141. Cato, E.P., Stackebrandt, E., 1989. Taxonomy and phylogeny. In: Minton, N.P., Clarke, D.J. (Eds.), Clostridia. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 1–26. Hauschild, A., 1989. Clostridium botulinum. In: Doyle, M.P. (Ed.), Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens. Marcel Dekker, New York, p. 112. Jay, J.M., 1996. Modern Food Microbiology, fifth ed. Chapman & Hall, New York, p. 220. Johnson, J.L., Chen, J.-S., 1995. Taxonomic relationships among strains of Clostridium acetobutylicum and other phenotypically similar organisms. In: Durre, P., Minton, N.P., Papoutsakis, E.T., Woods, D.R. (Eds.), Solventogenic Clostridia. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, vol. 17, pp. 233–240. Kautter, D.A., Solomon, H.M., Rhodehamel, E.J., 1992. Bacteriological Analytical Manual, seventh ed. AOAC International, Arlington, VA, p. 215. Milne, C.B., Eddy, J.A., Raju, R., Ardekani, S., Kim, P.-J., Senger, R.S., Jin, Y.-S., Blaschek, H.P., Price, N.D., 2011. Metabolic network reconstruction and genomescale model of butanol-producing strain Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052. BMC Systems Biology 5, 130. Morris, J.G., 1993. History and future potential of the clostridia in biotechnology. In: Woods, D.R. (Ed.), The Clostridia and Biotechnology. Butterworth-Heinemann, Stoneham, MA, p. 1. Steinhart, C.E., Doyle, M.E., Cochrane, B.A., 1996. Food Safety. Marcel Dekker, New York, p. 404. Sugiyama, H., 1990. In: Cliver, D.O. (Ed.), Foodborne Diseases. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, p. 108. Wang, Y., Li, X., Mao, Y., Blaschek, H.P., 2011. Single-nucleotide resolution analysis of the transcriptome structure of Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 using RNASeq. BMC Genomics 12, 479. Wrigley, D.M., 1994. In: Hui, Y.H., Gorham, J.R., Murrell, K.D., Cliver, D.O. (Eds.), Foodborne Disease Handbook: Diseases Caused by Bacteria, vol. 1. Marcel Dekker, New York, p. 97.

Clostridium acetobutylicum H Janssen, Y Wang, and HP Blaschek, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is a revision of the previous edition article by Hanno Biebl, volume 1, pp 445–451, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

Introduction The fermentation of carbohydrates to ethanol and lactic acid has been used since prehistoric times for beverages (e.g., wine and beer) and other food processes. Fermentation to butanol and acetone, which is catalyzed by the genus Clostridium, presumably was discovered by Louis Pasteur, Albert Fitz, and Martinus Beijerinck at the end of the nineteenth century and was exploited on an industrial scale in the first half of the twentieth century. The main products, butanol and acetone, do not have nutritional significance, but they are used as solvents for technical applications. Due to competition with more favorable petrochemical production lines and increasing prices for the necessary agricultural feedstocks, the acetone–butanol fermentation industry declined after World War II and was abandoned around 1960 in almost all the Western countries. As a consequence of the oil supply limitations at the end of the 1970s, a revival of the process was contemplated and major research activities were initiated in Europe, North America, and elsewhere, resulting in significant progress.

Description of the Species Bacteria of the genus Clostridium fulfill four general criteria: (1) possess a Gram-positive cell wall, (2) form heat-resistant endospores, (3) exhibit an obligate anaerobic fermentation metabolism, and (4) are incapable of dissimilatory sulfate reduction. On the basis of these inconclusive criteria, species of the genus Clostridium reflect a large heterogeneous group with pheno- and genotypical diversity. Clostridium acetobutylicum belongs to the

group, demonstrating peritrichous flagella and amylolytic activity. Furthermore, C. acetobutylicum is well characterized by its biphasic fermentative metabolism (Figure 1). During the exponential growth phase, vegetative cells of C. acetobutylicum are straight rods of 0.5–0.9  1.5–6 mm size and convert sugars or starch into acetic and butyric acids. This growth phase is called acidogenesis. At the end of exponential growth in association with the transition growth phase, the cells differentiate, swell markedly, and form cigar-shaped cells (clostridial stages). At this time, the cells accumulate the polysaccharide granulose, a glycogen-like polymer consisting of a-D-glucose, which is expected to function as an energy deposit for subsequent spore formation. Meanwhile, the metabolism of the cells switches to solvent production (solventogenesis), which is referred as the solventogenic switch in the acetone–butanol–ethanol (ABE) fermentation. The solventogenic clostridia convert the produced acids (acetate and butyrate) into the neutral solvents (acetone and butanol, respectively). The production of solvents is accompanied by the initiation of sporulation. Clostridial stage cells differentiate into forespores that still contain significant amounts of the polysaccharide granulose (Figure 2). Spores are oval and subterminal and spore germination completes the clostridial cell cycle. The optimum growth temperature is 35–37  C, and biotin and 4-aminobenzoate are usually required as growth factors. Clostridium acetobutylicum cells cannot be identified by their metabolic products alone, as solvent may be absent and several related species are also able to form butanol – for example, Clostridium beijerinckii (formerly Clostridium butylicum), Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum, or Clostridium saccharobutylicum. Clostridium beijerinckii was also used for

Figure 1 The general cell cycle of Clostridium acetobutylicum with its different cell forms and major products during acidogenesis and solventogenesis.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1




CLOSTRIDIUM j Clostridium acetobutylicum

Figure 2 Light-microscopy picture of forespores of Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824. Cells were stained in an iodine solution. The endospores are visible as a white refractive part of the cell, whereas the stored polysaccharide granulose shows typical reddish-brown color.

industrial fermentations and includes strains that are able to produce isopropanol instead of acetone. All butanol-forming clostridia are classified into four major taxonomic groups on the basis of phage biotyping, DNA fingerprinting, and 16S rRNA base sequencing. Nevertheless, only about 40 solventogenic Clostridium strains survived in public strain collections and differ significantly in carbohydrate utilization, butanol production, or solvent yield.

Enrichment and Isolation There is no selective enrichment procedure for ABE-forming clostridia. Nevertheless, they are obtained easily from soil, mud, roots (especially of leguminous plants), cracked cereals, and comparable sources using starchy mashes (4%) or media containing sugar. The samples are pasteurized for 10 min at 80  C to exclude non–spore-formers (e.g., vegetative cells) and to initiate the spore germination. Positive cultures are recognized by a characteristic sweet butylic odor or by chromatographic analysis. Isolation is easiest on agar plates made of glucose (20–40 g l1) mineral medium with yeast extract (2–5 g l1) incubated under strictly anaerobic conditions.

History of the ABE Fermentation Industry The production of butanol and acetone is closely linked to the name of Chaim Weizmann, the first president of Israel. Although the idea to exploit this fermentation economically was first realized by others, he isolated the first efficient strains of C. acetobutylicum in 1912, organized a research group, and was involved in founding the first successful solvent factories in southern England in 1916. One year earlier a patent was issued, which was the very first that covered a biological process.

Originally conceived for the production of butadiene, the monomer for synthetic rubber, interest shifted to acetone during World War I and butanol became a useless by-product. Acetone was required in large amounts as a colloidal solvent for the production of explosive cordite. The feedstocks for the fermentation were molasses or maize meal, but other grain products also were used. After the war, the process temporarily was abandoned, but very soon a new application for butanol was found. Butanol and its ester butyl acetate are ideal solvents for the nitrocellulose lacquers that were required by the expanding automobile industry. Thus, the stored butanol was salvaged; process facilities that had been erected in England, the United States, and Canada at the end of the war were reinstalled; and new factories were built. At the peak of the development, in 1927, a total of 148 fermenters, each with a capacity of 190 m3, were operating in two US plants, producing about 100 tons of solvents per day in empiric batch fermentations. At the beginning of the 1930s, concomitant with the expiration of C. Weizmann’s patent in 1936, a large number of commercial production plants in different countries were established. Furthermore, at this time, there was a glut of molasses, and strains of C. acetobutylicum were isolated and developed that were able to convert higher amounts of carbohydrate and produce higher concentrations of solvents than obtained from maize (i.e., 6.5% of sugar to 1.8–2.2% of solvents in contrast to 1.2–1.8% with starchy materials). During World War II, the butanol–acetone fermentation capacities in the United States (e.g., in Philadelphia), France (e.g., in Usines de Melle), and England expanded again to fulfill the increased demand for acetone used for the manufacture of munitions, partly by commandeering alcohol distilleries. After 1945, the fraction of butanol and in particular acetone that was produced by fermentation declined progressively because some of the companies shifted to antibiotic production. Nevertheless, a few small facilities survived. The last factory in the Western Hemisphere, South Africa, closed in 1983, whereas in Brazil, butanol production plants still are in operation.

The Industrial Fermentation Process Proper performance of the ABE fermentation requires expertise in a variety of fields, including anaerobic culture techniques, sterilization, distillation, and waste disposal. Starting with a spore–sand mixture, the inoculum for the fermentation tank is scaled up through five stages of increasing size. To avoid degeneration of the culture (see below), the spores always were ‘activated’ by heat shock (e.g., 2 min at 100  C or 10 min at 80  C) after suspension in liquid medium, which was usually potato mash. For the final fermentation, maize meal and other starchy materials were used at a concentration of 8–10% without any supplements. Molasses media contained up to 6.5% sugar and had to be supplemented with a nitrogen source. Yeast water, corn steep liquor, or distillation slop were used in combination with ammonium salts or gaseous ammonia, which also served as pH control. A phosphorus source was necessary with beet and invert molasses but not with backstrap molasses. The medium was sterilized by steam injection in continuous cookers, cooled to the fermentation temperature (37  C for maize mash, 30–33  C

CLOSTRIDIUM j Clostridium acetobutylicum for molasses medium) through heat exchangers, and pumped into the final fermenter. The fermenter, 90–750 m3, was steam sterilized, as were all other parts that come into contact with medium or inoculum, and gassed with CO2 before, during, and after filling and inoculation. There was no mechanical agitation. Depending on the strain and the inoculum size, the fermentation was complete after 30–60 h, and the beer was subjected to distillation. In a continuous process, a concentrated solvent mixture was obtained that was separated and purified in fractionating columns. Usually, an acetone:butanol:ethanol ratio of 3:6:1 was obtained with slight variations. Frequently, the fermentation gases, which consisted of about 60% CO2 and 40% H2, also were collected. CO2, which accounts for 50% of the carbohydrate fermented, was converted into dry ice, and the hydrogen was used for chemical synthesis, for fat hardening, or as fuel. The stillage that contains relatively high amounts of riboflavin and B vitamins was dried and sold as an additive to animal feeds. A flow sheet of the entire process is given in Figure 3. Bacteriophage infection and strain generation are serious problems in the ABE fermentation process. Bacteriophage infection is manifested as an unexpectedly early slowing of growth and gas production (H2 and CO2). Because bacteriophages have a narrow host range, it was a common strategy to keep spores of a large number of strains and switch to different strains if or when an infection was observed during inoculum preparation. Also phage-resistant mutants were isolated long before the infectious particles had become visible in the electron microscope. The degeneration of C. acetobutylicum strains


occurs especially during long fermentation processes. These strains lose their large extrachromosomal plasmid (pSOL1), which contains all genes for the solvent production. Degenerated strains are unable to produce any solvents and show a characteristic accumulation of acids, which is known as ‘acid crash.’ Interestingly, the solvent-producing C. beijerinckii strains do not harbor an extrachromosomal plasmid, and all solventogenic genes are located on the chromosome.

Physiology of the ABE Fermentation As mentioned, the fermentation of carbohydrates by solventogenic clostridia typically proceeds in two phases (Figure 4). The first phase is characterized by exponential growth, production of butyric and acetic acids, and a concomitant decrease of the pH in combination with the significant production of hydrogen. At a certain time, which varies among strains, growth slows down and reaches a stationary growth phase, while product formation switches from acidic to the neutral products, butanol, acetone, and ethanol. Furthermore, the hydrogen production reduces to one-half of the former yield. The acids produced previously are converted gradually, butyric acid faster than acetic acid. As a rule, this second phase also is associated with marked changes in cell morphology. Cells begin to swell and form cigar-shaped cells by accumulation of a carbohydrate reserve material in the form of granulose and transit through all the stages of spore formation (Figure 1). Several factors have been found necessary for the shift from acid to solvent production, a minimum concentration of the

Figure 3 Flow diagram of the traditional ABE (acetone–butanol–ethanol) process using molasses. Based on Biebl, H., 1999. Clostridium acetobutylicum. In: Robinson, R.K., Batt, C.A., Patel, P.D. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, vol. 1. Academic Press, London, pp. 445–451; mod.


CLOSTRIDIUM j Clostridium acetobutylicum

Figure 4 Typical batch fermentation profile of Clostridium acetobutylicum. Optical density (open square), pH (filled triangle), acetate (filled diamond), butyrate (filled square), ethanol (filled circle), acetone (open circle), and butanol (open triangle).

carbon source, a low pH, and a minimum amount of butyric (and acetic) acid. pH and total acid concentration account for the deleterious undissociated acid fraction, which explains why solvents can be formed not only at low pH and low-acid concentration, but also at neutral pH, if high amounts of butyric acid are added externally. The sequence of physiological events is shown in Figure 5. The first step is the conversion of a carbohydrate molecule (i.e., glucose) to pyruvate via the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas pathway concomitantly with formation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Pyruvate will be used primarily by the pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase to form acetyl-CoA. During the exponential growth phase acetyl-CoA is catabolized to acetate via phosphotransacetylase (Pta) and acetate kinase (Ack), whereas for butyrate production, two molecules of acetyl-CoA are converted to acetoacetyl-CoA and further reduced to butyryl-CoA. Butyryl-CoA is used during acidogenesis as a precursor for butyrate biosynthesis via phosphotransbutyrylase (Ptb) and butyrate kinase (Buk). Notably, each acid-forming pathway, to acetate or butyrate, generates ATP as important energy molecule for the cell. Concomitantly with the production of acids, the pH value significantly decreases and C. acetobutylicum switches its metabolism from acidogenesis to solventogenesis. Here, the organism reutilizes acetate and butyrate to convert to acetyl-CoA or butyryl-CoA, respectively, via the CoA transferase (CtfAB) and synthesizes in the same step as one molecule of acetoacetate. Acetoacetate is converted to acetone via acetoacetate decarboxylase (Adc) under the formation of CO2. The produced CoA derivates, acetyl-CoA and butyryl-CoA, are used to form the respective intermediates acetaldehyde or butyraldehyde via an aldehyde dehydrogenase (AdhE). These aldehydes are precursors for ethanol and the major fermentation product butanol is synthesized via potentially different alcohol dehydrogenases (AdhE1, AdhE2, BdhA, and BdhB).

The shift from acids to solvents can also be described at a biochemical level in terms of fluctuations in the ATP and NAD(P)H pools and signal transduction to initiate synthesis of the relevant enzymes. Recently, it was shown that an NAD(P)H pool influenced mutant demonstrated earlier solvent production and, in consequence, higher final ABE concentrations. The regulation of the metabolic switch, however, still remains to be elucidated. In some cases, the transition to the solvent production phase may not take place. The cultures may miss the pH that is favorable for a shift and to further acidify the medium until the cells are inactivated and lyse. This phenomenon is called ‘acid crash’ and can be observed in fast-growing cultures at nearoptimum temperature or in rich medium. It cannot be confidently predicted and, therefore, aptly has been characterized as ‘teetering on the edge of acid death.’ Under automatic pH control, however, the pH can be held above the shift point and solvent formation can be secured. The shift pH – which varies from strain to strain and with the culture conditions – ranges between pH 4.3 and 5.5. If cultures of C. acetobutylicum are transferred regularly as vegetative cells, the ability to form butanol and acetone may be lost permanently. This unusual property is known as degeneration and has been circumvented by inoculating only from dry spores that were heat-shocked before incubation to eliminate the ‘weak’ spores and vegetative cells. Nevertheless, solvent production can be retained in continuous cultures under conditions of organic substrate excess but not under substrate limitation. This is particularly true for the type strain of C. acetobutylicum, which was maintained for more than 1 year under phosphate limitation without changes in solvent productivity. Other strains, however, regularly shift to acid formation after 20–25 residence times independent of the limiting factor. As mentioned, the molecular basis for degeneration has been elucidated. The genes that encode for the enzymes associated with solvent formation (sol operon and

CLOSTRIDIUM j Clostridium acetobutylicum


Figure 5 The acetone–butanol–ethanol fermentation metabolism of Clostridium acetobutylicum with the respective enzymes. CoA, coenzyme A; Pfor, pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase; Fdred, erredoxin reduced; Thl, thiolase; hbd, b-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase; Crt, crotonase; bcd, butyrylCoA dehydrogenase; etf, electron transfer flavoprotein; pta, phosphotransacetylase; ack, acetate kinase; ptb, phosphotransbutyrylase; buk, butyrate kinase; Ctf A/B, acetoacetyl-CoA:acyl-CoA transferase; adc, acetoacetate decarboxylase; AdhE, aldehyde/alcohol dehydrogenase; Bdh, butanol dehydrogenase.

adc) are located on a large plasmid (pSOL1) that may be lost under an appropriate selective pressure. The ratio of butanol to acetone is usually 2:1 and varies very little. Under special conditions, which include iron limitation and fermentation of whey, the acetone fraction is reduced. Considerably high butanol:acetone ratios are achieved if hydrogen evolution is blocked by gassing with carbon monoxide or the addition of methyl viologen and thus reduces the redox potential. So far, only one multiple knock-out mutant strain targeting the buk, ctfAB, ldh, and hydA genes was documented in a patent application, but unfortunately without any information about the phenotypic behavior in solvent production. As mentioned, spore formation is linked to the solvent formation phase, but solvent formation does not necessarily require sporulation. Asporogenous mutants have been isolated that still produce butanol and acetone, as do

continuous cultures using vegetative cells under phosphate or product limitation. In comparison to other fermentations, the maximum product concentration of 2% is relatively low. Growth experiments in the presence of individual end products have shown that cessation of the process is caused almost exclusively by butanol, whereas acetone and ethanol are not inhibitory at their physiological concentrations. The toxicity of butanol has been linked to an observed increase in the fluidity of the cell membrane impeding nutrient and product exchange. Furthermore, several butanol stress experiments were conducted to analyze the transcriptional response using batch or continuous cultures. The final product concentration also is affected by an exoenzyme called autolysin that is produced during spore formation and may lead to premature cell lysis. Mutants that


CLOSTRIDIUM j Clostridium acetobutylicum

are deficient in autolysis formation exhibit an increased tolerance to butanol.

Recent Progress in ABE Research Since 1980, the number of journal-based publications related to the ABE fermentation has been increased substantially. Nevertheless, only three areas are considered here: the use of alternative fermentation substrates, development of better fermentation and recovery techniques, and genetic improvement of strains.

New Substrates As the feedstock for the fermentation amounts to more than 60% of the production costs, efforts have been made to replace corn starch and molasses with cheaper substrates, preferably waste carbohydrates, such as apple pomace, Jerusalem artichokes, lignocellulose, whey, or industrial wastewater. The Jerusalem artichoke, a potatolike tuber, contains fructosans that, if hydrolyzed enzymatically and supplemented with ammonia, gives excellent solvent yields. Lignocellulose, the most abundant carbohydrate source, also requires hydrolysis by acid or cellulases in addition to steam explosion to dissolve the hemicelluloses. Less pretreatment is necessary for sulfite waste liquor, a by-product of the paper industry. The hexoses and pentoses contained in this wastewater are slowly but quantitatively fermented. Sweet whey from cheese production is one of the most promising substrates. It contains lactose in a concentration low enough to avoid inhibiting product concentrations (up to 5 g l1). Although lactose is more slowly fermented than glucose, the process (including product recovery) has been developed sufficiently that application in the near future seems possible.

Development of Fermentation and Product Recovery Continuous fermentation in a chemostat mode has proven to be an effective means to increase productivity in the ABE fermentation. Phosphate is an appropriate limiting factor, but cultivation without nutrient limitation is also possible as the accumulating products limit growth and give rise to steady states. Usually lower product concentrations are obtained than in batch culture, but by application of two stages, an acidforming growth stage at high dilution rate and a solventforming fermentation stage at low dilution rate, a solvent concentration was achieved approaching the usual batch concentration of 20 g l1 solvents. To increase the relatively low productivity of chemostat cultures (0.5–2 kg solvents per (h1 m3)) two techniques, both designed to operate at elevated cell densities, were studied. With cell immobilization, spores are entrapped in gel beads or attached to solid particles using a low-growth medium, which is preferably nitrogen limited. Calciumalginate beads and beechwood shavings have been tested successfully. Cell recycling involves permanent withdrawal of cell-free culture liquid into an external filtration unit and a returning of the more concentrated culture to the fermenter. With both methods, a productivity increase of

about fourfold was achieved in comparison to the free-cell continuous culture. The rates obtained vary according to the amount of added complex substances, such as yeast extract and peptone, the maximum being at 3 kg solvents per (h m3). The low final solvent concentration attained in the ABE fermentation and the high energy requirement for distillation of butanol, the boiling point of which is greater than that of water, has initiated a search for alternative solvent recovery processes. The main emphasis was put on product removal procedures that are integrated in the fermentation and thus increase productivity by reducing the concentration of toxic products in the culture. As suggested in relation to the industrial production, liquid–liquid extraction by a water-immiscible liquid in direct contact with the culture has the advantage of being simple to realize. Good results have been obtained with oleyl alcohol, diluted with decane to reduce viscosity. Octanol has also proved to be a useful extractant, but this compound is slightly toxic to the clostridia, and it was necessary to separate the cells from the culture liquid by microfiltration. The solvents are extracted selectively and can be recovered by distillation at a relatively low energy input. Nevertheless, liquid–liquid extraction has the disadvantage of being comparatively expensive and forming emulsions. Therefore, a modification of the liquid–liquid extraction, known as perstraction, was developed. Here, the culture is separated from the extractant by a solvent-permeable membrane. This strategy avoids formation of emulsions between the phases, and the extractant need not be sterilized and does not affect the culture. Inert gas is used to remove the solvents in variants with and without membranes. Gas-stripping (i.e., direct sparging of gas through the fermenter) is likewise attractive because of its simplicity and low chance of clogging or fouling. The microorganisms are not affected, and the products are recovered easily by condensation, with less energy consumption than with distillation of liquid extractants. It has been suggested that the self-produced fermentation gases, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen, are used instead of expensive nitrogen. The membrane modification of gas-stripping, known as pervaporation, requires an extended tubing system that is immersed in the fermentation vessel. The solvents evaporate through the membrane and are drawn off by vacuum or sweep gas. As the available membranes only allow passage of the solvents, the acids accumulate in the culture and may stop the fermentation. This problem was solved by low-acid mutants that were able to reutilize all of the acids. Adsorption to solid materials such as silicalite or polyvinylpyridine also has been tested. Relatively low loading capacity, high estimated costs for the adsorbants, and the heat for desorption of the solvents presently diminish the chances for this method. For external application, reverse osmosis has been evaluated and found to be more favorable than distillation. Recently, a novel process with simultaneous ABE fermentation and in situ product recovery with vacuum was reported. Results indicated that fermentation coupled with in situ vacuum recovery led to complete substrate utilization, greater solvent productivity, and improved cell growth.

CLOSTRIDIUM j Clostridium acetobutylicum Generally speaking the in situ recovery methods are interesting, but require high capital expenditure and permanent monitoring by the operator, and although their technical feasibility has been established, they require further development at the engineering level.

Genetic Strain Improvement Greater expectations can be achieved by biochemical engineering and are envisioned in directed alteration of the bacterial metabolism, in particular by application of genetic engineering. The two major perspectives of genetic engineering approaches are (1) to enhance butanol tolerance and (2) to increase the final solvent concentration. Until the 1990s, different chemical approaches were applied to increase the butanol tolerance, production or yield by exposure to mutagens (i.e., methylnitronitrosoguanidine, ultraviolet-light) and selection on medium with high butanol concentrations or by spontaneous alteration. On the basis of chemical treatment approaches, promising strains were generated with increased solvent tolerance (C. beijerinckii SA1 and SA2 (formerly C. acetobutylicum SA1 and SA2)) or solvent productivity (C. beijerinckii BA101 (formerly C. acetobutylicum BA101)). The strain C. beijerinckii BA101 represents a hyperbutanol producing strain with up to 20 g l1 butanol using batch culture conditions that markedly exceeded all previously reported values. Within the past 20 years, several analytical and engineering tools were developed to overcome the burden of the genetic


inaccessibility of clostridial strains, that is, plasmid-based overexpression systems, gene knock-down antisense RNA constructs, or gene knock-out (KO) methods. A detailed chronological overview with respective references is given in Figure 6. After publication of the genome sequences of the solventogenic strains C. acetobutylicum and C. beijerinckii, several transcriptomic and proteomic studies for batch or continuous culture led to further insights into the cellular behavior during the metabolic switch from acid to solvent formation. Recently, several genome-scale metabolic models for C. acetobutylicum and C. beijerinckii, as well as computational models for kinetic simulations for the ABE fermentation were developed to highlight new targets for further metabolic engineering approaches. The following paragraphs give a few examples of genetically engineered strains affecting the metabolic pathway, which may help identify the steps for future development. A more detailed account of the present state of C. acetobutylicum genetics, regulation of the solventogenic switch, and associated phenomena (e.g., sporulation) can be found in Further Reading at the end of this chapter. It seems to be challenging to improve the butanol production when considering the complex branched fermentative pathway of the solventogenic clostridia (Figure 5). Recently, based on the ClosTron gene KO technology or homologous recombination, several mutants affected in the ABE fermentation process were described (Table 1). One approach targeted the acetoacetate decarboxylase (adc) gene with the goal of diminishing acetone production during

Figure 6 Selected analytical and genetic methods for clostridial strains, with the focus on C. acetobutylicum, developed in the past 20 years. (1) Mermelstein and Papoutsakis, 1993. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 59, 107710–107781; (2) Green et al., 1996. Microbiology 142, 2079– 2086. (3) Tummala et al., 1999. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65, 3793–3799; (4) Nölling et al., 2001. Journal of Bacteriology 183, 4823– 4838; (5) Tummala et al., 2003. Journal of Bacteriology 185, 1923–1934; (6) Tomas et al., 2003. Journal of Bacteriology 185, 4539–4547; (7) Soucaille et al., 2006. International patent WO2008/04038; (8) Heap et al., 2007. Microbiological Methods 70, 452–464 and Shao et al., 2007. Cell Research 17, 963–965; (9) Lee et al., 2008. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 80, 849–862; (10) Mao et al., 2010. Journal of Proteome Research 9, 3046– 3061 and Janssen et al., 2010. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 87, 2209–2226; (11) Amador-Noguez et al., 2011. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77, 7984–7997.

456 Table 1

CLOSTRIDIUM j Clostridium acetobutylicum Documentation of single or double KO mutants of C. acetobutylicum (C. ac.) or C. beijerinckii (C. bei.) and the final product concentrations

Parental strain

Total ABE Mutation a Acetate (g l 1) b Butyrate (g l 1) Acetone (g l 1) b Butanol (g l 1) b Ethanol (g l 1) b (g l 1)b Reference

C. ac. EA2018 C. bei. NCIMB 8052 C. ac. ATCC 824 C. ac. ATCC 824 C. ac. ATCC 824 C. ac. ATCC 824 C. ac. ATCC 824 C. ac. ATCC 824 C. ac. WUR C. ac. ATCC 824 C. ac. ATCC 824 C. ac. ATCC 824

adc adc adc buk pta pta hbd ptb ack ctfA pta::adc pta::ctfA

5.82 N.d. 3.6 8.4 4.1 2.3 2.8/3.3 3.2/3.8 2.0 4.8 1.1 0.5

0.36 N.d. 2.8 3.3 5.5 2.9 0.0 0.0 1.1 2.8 5.3 6.1

0.34 8.0 0.5 1.9 3.5 2.9 1.6/2.5 0.1/4.2 5.7 0.0 0.1 0.0

12.2 12.0 5.5 10.5 8.7 11.8 0.0 3.4/7.8 11.6 7.4 3.0 0.7

3.86 2.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 1.2 16.2/33.1 0.3/32.4 1.6 1.0 0.4 0.3

16.4 22 6.8 13.1 12.8 15.9 17.8/35.6 3.8/44.4 18.9 8.4 3.5 1.0

(Jiang et al., 2009) (Han et al., 2011) (Lehmann et al., 2012a) (Green et al., 1996) (Green et al., 1996) (Lehmann et al., 2012a) (Lehmann et al., 2011) (Lehmann et al., 2012b) (Kuit et al., 2012) (Lehmann et al., 2012a) (Lehmann et al., 2012a) (Lehmann et al., 2012a)

adc ¼ acetoacetate decarboxylase; buk ¼ butyrate kinase; pta ¼ phosphotransacetylase; ptb ¼ phosphotransbutyrylase; ack ¼ acetate kinase; hbd ¼ b-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase; ctfA ¼ acetoacetyl-CoA:acyl-CoA transferase subunit A. b If documented tow values, first value is based on batch fermentation, and second is based on glucose fed-batch fermentation. N.d. ¼ no values documented. Jiang, et al., 2009. Metabolic Engineering 11, 284–291; Han, et al., 2011. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 91, 565–576; Lehmann, et al., 2012a. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 94, 743–754; Green, et al., 1996. Microbiology 142, 2079–2086; Lehmann, et al., 2011. Metabolic Engineering 13, 464–473; Lehmann, et al., 2012b. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. doi:10.1007/s00253-012-4109-x; Kuit, et al., 2012. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 94, 729–741. a

solventogenesis. These data have shown that the KO of adc alone did not lead to an acetone negative phenotype. The reason may be a nonenzymatic decarboxylation of acetoacetate, the precursor of acetone. Moreover, adc-disrupted mutants also demonstrate decreased levels of butanol when compared with the parental strains, which makes it more challenging to generate acetone negative mutants without a loss of butanol productivity. Therefore, the asporogenous and degenerated strains C. acetobutylicum M5 or DG1 (lost the pSOL1 plasmid that contains the sol operon for butanol and adc for acetone production) were used and complemented with a single adhE1 or adhE2 gene to restore butanol production without acetone synthesis. Other approaches targeted the acid formation pathways to examine in more detail the role of the respective acids acetate and butyrate. The first single buk and pta-negative mutants were generated in 1996 (Table 1), followed by several single (ack, ctfA, ptb) and double KO mutants (pta::adc and pta::ctfA) to elucidate the different pathways of reassimilation of acetate and butyrate for solvent biosynthesis. For the reassimilation of acids, the acetoacetyl-CoA:acyl-CoA transferase (CtfA/B) plays an important role and converts acetate and butyrate to the respective CoA derivate acetyl-CoA or butyryl-CoA (Figure 5). Recently, a second pathway for butyrate assimilation was discussed. A single ctfA mutant showed a complete acetone negative phenotype with significant accumulation of acetate up to the end of growth. Interestingly, this ctfA mutant is still able to produce butanol, although in decreased amounts (50% vs. parental strain). This phenotype suggests that the organism is able to convert butyrate to butanol independently of CtfAB and further suggests that Buk and Ptb convert butyrate to butanol during their reverse reactions. It can be predicted that the progress achieved during the past 20 years of research in understanding physiology, genetics, and regulation of C. acetobutylicum will bear fruit. The development of genetically engineered strains with enhanced

butanol production and broader substrate utilization in combination with novel developments in fermentation technology and product recovery will increase the odds for a revival of the ABE fermentation as an economically viable industrial process.

See also: Fermentation (Industrial): Basic Considerations; Fermentation (Industrial): Media for Industrial Fermentations; Fermentation (Industrial): Control of Fermentation Conditions; Fermentation (Industrial): Production of Some Organic Acids (Citric, Gluconic, Lactic, and Propionic); Genetic Engineering.

Further Reading Alsaker, K.V., Paredes, C., Papoutsakis, E.T., 2010. Metabolite stress and tolerance in the production of biofuels and chemicals: gene-expression-based systems analysis of butanol, butyrate, and acetate stresses in the anaerobe Clostridium acetobutylicum. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 105, 1131–1147. Amador-Noguez, D., Brasg, I.A., Feng, X.-J., Roquet, N., Rabinowitz, J.D., 2011. Metabolome Remodeling during the Acidogenic-Solventogenic Transition in Clostridium acetobutylicum. Applied and Environmental Biology 77, 7984–7997. Baer, S.H., Blaschek, H.P., Smith, T.L., 1987. Effect of butanol challenge and temperature on lipid composition and membrane fluidity of butanol-tolerant Clostridium acetobutylicum. Applied Environmental Microbiology 53, 2854–2861. Biebl, H., 1999. Clostridium acetobutylicum. In: Robinson, R.K., Batt, C.A., Patel, P.D. (Eds.), 1999. Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, vol. 1. Academic Press, London, pp. 445–451. Cornillot, E., Nair, R.V., Papoutsakis, E.T., Soucaille, P., 1997. The genes for butanol and acetone formation in Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 reside on a large plasmid whose loss leads to degeneration of the strain. Journal of Bacteriology 179, 5442–5447. Dürre, P., 1998. New insights and novel developments in clostridial acetone/ butanol/isopropanol fermentation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 49, 639–648. Dürre, P., 2007. Biobutanol: an attractive biofuel. Biotechnology Journal 2, 1525–1534. Dürre, P., 2008. Fermentative butanol production: bulk chemical and biofuel. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1125, 353–362.

CLOSTRIDIUM j Clostridium acetobutylicum Ezeji, T., Milne, C., Price, N.D., Blaschek, H.P., 2010. Achievements and perspectives to overcome the poor solvent resistance in acetone and butanol-producing microorganisms. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 85, 1697–1712. Green, E.M., et al., 1996. Genetic manipulation of acid formation pathways by gene inactivation in Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824. Microbiology 142, 2079–2086. Grimmler, C., Janssen, H., Krauße, D., et al., 2011. Genome-wide gene expression analysis of the switch between acidogenesis and solventogenesis in continuous cultures of Clostridium acetobutylicum. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 20, 1–15. Han, B., Gopalan, V., Ezeji, T., 2011. Acetone production in solventogenic Clostridium species: new insights from non-enzymatic decarboxylation of acetoacetate. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 91, 565–576. Janssen, H., Döring, C., Ehrenreich, A., Voigt, B., Hecker, M., Bahl, H., Fischer, R.-J., 2010. A proteomic and transcriptional view of acidogenesis and solventogenesis in Clostridium acetobutylicum in a chemostat culture. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 87, 2209–2226. Janssen, H., Grimmler, C., Ehrenreich, A., Bahl, H., Fischer, R.J., 2012. A transcriptional study of acidogenic chemostat cells of Clostridium acetobutylicumsolvent stress caused by a transient n-butanol pulse. Journal of Biotechnology 161, 354–365. Jiang, Y., et al., 2009. Disruption of the acetoacetate decarboxylase gene in solventproducing Clostridium acetobutylicum increases the butanol ratio. Metab. Eng. 11, 284–291. Jones, D.T., Woods, D.R., 1986. Acetone-butanol fermentation revisited. Microbiological Reviews 50, 484–524. Jones, S.W., Paredes, C.J., Tracy, B., et al., 2008. The transcriptional program underlying the physiology of clostridial sporulation. Genome Biology 9, R114. Kuit, W., Minton, N.P., López-Contreras, A.M., Eggink, G., 2012. Disruption of the acetate kinase (ack) gene of Clostridium acetobutylicum results in delayed acetate production. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2012 May 94 (3), 729–741.


Lee, J., Yun, H., Feist, A.M., Palsson, B., Lee, S.Y., 2008. Genome-scale and in silico analysis of the Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 metabolic network. Applied Microbial Biotechnology 80, 849–862. Lehmann, D., Hönicke, D., Ehrenreich, A., Schmidt, M., Weuster-Botz, D., Bahl, H., 2012. Modifying the product pattern of Clostridium acetobutylicum: physiological effects of disrupting the acetate and acetone formation pathways. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 94 (3), 743–754. Lehmann, D., Lütke-Eversloh, T., 2011. Switching Clostridium acetobutylicum to an ethanol producer by disruption of the butyrate/butanol fermentative pathway. Metab Eng 13, 464–473. Lehmann, D., Radomski, N., Lütke-Eversloh, T., 2012. New insights into the butyric acid metabolism of Clostridium acetobutylicum. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 96 (5), 1325–1339. Lütke-Eversloh, T., Bahl, H., 2011. Metabolic engineering of Clostridium acetobutylicum: recent advances to improve butanol production. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 22, 634–647. Mao, S., et al., 2010. Proteome reference map and comparative proteomic analysis between a wild type Clostridium acetobutylicum DSM 1731 and its mutant withenhanced butanol tolerance and butanol yield. J. Proteome Res. 9, 3046–3061. Nölling, J., Breton, G., Omelchenko, M.V., et al., 2001. Genome sequence and comparative analysis of the solvent-producing bacterium Clostridium acetobutylicum. Journal of Bacteriology 183, 4823–4838. Papoutsakis, E.T., 2008. Engineering solventogenic clostridia. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 19, 420–429. Paredes, C.J., Alsaker, K.V., Papoutsakis, E.T., 2005. A comparative genomic view of clostridial sporulation and physiology. Nature Reviews Microbiology 3, 969–978. Shao, J., Stapleton, P.L., Lin, Y.S., Gallagher, E.P., 2007. Cytochrome p450 and glutathione s-transferase mRNA expression in human fetal liver hematopoietic stem cells. Drug Metab. Dispos. 35, 168–175. Wang, Y., Li, X., Mao, Y., Blaschek, H.P., 2012. Genome-wide dynamic transcriptional profiling in Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 using single-nucleotide resolution RNA-Seq. BMC Genomics 13, 102.

Clostridium botulinum EA Johnson, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction Botulism is a neuroparalytic disease in humans and animals, resulting from the actions of neurotoxins produced by Clostridium botulinum and rare strains of Clostridium butyricum and Clostridium baratii. Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are the most poisonous toxins known, and are toxic by the oral, intravenous, and inhalational routes. It is estimated that 0.1–1 mg of BoNT is sufficient to kill a human and the lethal dose for most animals is w1 ng kg1 body weight. Foodborne botulism occurs following ingestion of BoNT preformed in foods. Botulism also can result from ingestion of spores and growth and BoNT production by C. botulinum in the intestine, which is absorbed into circulation (infant botulism and adult intestinal botulism). Since the early 1900s, botulism has been a serious concern of the food industry and regulatory agencies because of the resistance properties of the pathogen, its ability to survive and grow in many foods, and the severity of the disease. Resistant endospores produced by C. botulinum are distributed widely in soils and contaminate many foods. In improperly processed and preserved foods, the endospores can germinate and vegetative cells proliferate to form BoNTs, which cause botulism on ingestion. Consequently, a major goal of the food industry and of regulatory agencies is to prevent survival of spores and proliferation of vegetative cells in foods, and certain food regulations and industry practices have been designed specifically to prevent growth and toxin formation by C. botulinum. The importance of C. botulinum and its neurotoxins in food safety has contributed to unique research approaches and preventative measures in food microbiology.

Characteristics of C. botulinum The genus Clostridium is a large and diverse group with more than 120 species. It includes anaerobic or aerotolerant rodshaped bacteria that produce endospores and obtain their energy for growth by fermentation. Clostridia are classified on the basis of morphology, disease association, physiology, serologic properties, DNA relatedness, and ribosomal RNA gene sequence homologies. Many species of clostridia produce protein toxins that are lethal to animals and are responsible for their pathogenicity. Botulinogenic clostridia are distributed widely in nature by virtue of their ability to form resistant endospores. The two principal habitats are soils, including marine and freshwater sediments, and the gastrointestinal tracts of certain animals (but not healthy humans). The incidence of spores of C. botulinum varies according to geographic region. In the United States, type A is found most commonly west of the Rocky Mountains, and type B is found in certain regions of the eastern United States. Type B from nonproteolytic strains of C. botulinum also frequently is found in Europe. Type A is found infrequently in the soils of England. Type A spores have also been detected in soils of China and


South America. The principal habitat of type E spores appears to be freshwater and brackish marine habitats. It commonly has been found in the Great Lakes of the United States and in the western seacoasts of Washington state and Alaska. Type C strains occur worldwide, whereas the distribution of type D is more limited and is especially common in certain regions of Africa. Clostridium botulinum is a diverse species including organisms differing widely in physiological properties and genetic relatedness. They all share the ability to produce BoNT and cause botulism in humans and animals. The neurotoxins are distinguished serologically by homologous antisera and designated as serotypes A to G. C. botulinum types A, B, and E most commonly cause botulism in humans, whereas types B, C, and D cause the disease in various animal species. Clostridium botulinum consists of four physiological groups (I–IV) with diverse physiological and genetic characteristics. Group IV C. botulinum is the only group that has not been demonstrated to cause botulism in humans or animals and has been assigned to the species Clostridium argentinense. The organisms are morphologically large rods, typically 1  4–6 mm with oval, subterminal spores that swell the rod giving the characteristic ‘tennis-racket’ or spindle-shaped cells (Figure 1). Spores of most pathogenic species of clostridia can be produced in complex laboratory media, such as chopped meat broth or tryptose–peptone–glucose broth. Groups I and II are the cause of human botulism, whereas group III causes botulism in various taxa of animals. The primary properties and limiting growth parameters of C. botulinum groups I and II pertaining to foods are presented in Table 1. Organisms in group I are proteolytic, and may produce type A, B, or F BoNT. They may form highly heatresistant spores, have an optimum growth temperature of 30–40  C, and are inhibited by 10% NaCl. Organisms in group II commonly are referred to as nonproteolytic, require sugars for growth, and may produce either type B, E, or F BoNT. They have a lower optimum temperature for growth (20–30  C), and some strains of types B and E can grow slowly in foods at temperatures as low as 3.3  C. Consequently, there

Figure 1 Characteristic spindle morphology of C. botulinum. The photograph shows a transmission electron micrograph (50 000) of a longitudinal section through a spore and sporangium of C. botulinum type A.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


CLOSTRIDIUM j Clostridium botulinum


has been considerable concern that group II organisms can grow and produce toxin in refrigerated foods that receive minimal processing and have extended shelf life. Strains that produce type E toxin commonly are associated with foodborne botulism transmitted in contaminated fish or marine products. Group II strains that produce type B toxin commonly are found in Europe and are associated with botulism from salt-cured meats. The D value is the time at a specified temperature to inactivate 90% of spores. An industry ‘bot cook’ is typically designed to inactivate 1012 of spores (see below).

an F0 of 3 min since other factors control their safety from C. botulinum. In preserved food products, C. botulinum growth can be prevented by a single factor, such as extensive thermal processing (a ‘bot cook’). Often, a combination of factors is used to prevent C. botulinum growth in low-acid foods (pH4.6). For example, in cured meats, the combination of a mild heat treatment, and the presence of nitrite and salt prevents growth. Challenging foods with spores of C. botulinum and determining whether BoNT is produced in optimal conditions or on temperature abuse is often a desired procedure to evaluate the botulinogenic safety of a food, particularly in new products or new formulations. Because of the severity of botulinum poisoning, the food industry has devoted considerable research and resources to prevent botulism outbreaks in foods. The control of this organism is of such paramount importance to the safety of foods that certain food laws and definitions such as thermal processing of low-acid foods in hermetically sealed containers were designed specifically to control C. botulinum. The organism has served as a ‘barometer’ by which to gauge certain advances in food formulation and processing. Thus, newly developed foods and food processes may need to be evaluated for their impact on C. botulinum growth and toxin formation. These efforts and vigilance by the food industry have contributed to a safe food supply.

Control of C. botulinum in Foods

Clinical Features of Botulism

The primary factors controlling growth of C. botulinum in foods are temperature, pH, water activity, redox potential, oxygen level, presence of preservatives, and competing microflora. In the commercial setting, botulism can occur when a food is exposed inadvertently to temperatures that allow growth and toxin formation. Because BoNT is extremely potent, quantities sufficient to cause botulism can be formed without obvious spoilage of foods. In most foods, C. botulinum is a poor competitor and other microorganisms, such as lactic acid bacteria, often grow more rapidly, commonly lowering the pH, producing inhibitory metabolites, and preventing growth. Spores of C. botulinum, however, are more resistant to heat, irradiation, and other processing methods than are vegetative cells of competing organisms. Therefore, minimal processing of foods can eliminate or reduce the numbers of competing microflora and increase the probability of C. botulinum growing and producing toxin. The critical level of oxygen that will permit growth of group I C. botulinum is 1–2%, but this depends on other conditions, such as aw and pH. Spores of group I C. botulinum have heat resistances ranging from D121 ¼ 0.03–0.23 min and D100 w30 min. Certain strains of Clostridium sporogenes, which are related genetically to group I C. botulinum, can produce spores with much higher heat resistance (maximum D121 w1.0 min) than C. botulinum, and these strains may be used to determine the heat treatment required for obtaining a 12D inactivation or total lethality (F0) as is recommended for shelf-stable low acid foods in cans, glass jars, or pouches. The required treatment for achieving F0 of a food from C. botulinum spores is w3 min at 121  C or higher. The commercial processing of many foods is less than

Botulism is categorized according to the route by which BoNT enters the human circulation. Classical foodborne botulism results from the ingestion of neurotoxin preformed in foods. Botulism caused by food poisoning generally has an incubation period of 12–36 h after consumption of a toxic food. Wound botulism is analogous to tetanus and occurs when C. botulinum grows and produces toxin in the infected tissue. Intestinal botulism results from the growth and toxin production by C. botulinum in the intestine (infant botulism and adult intestinal botulism). Because BoNT is entirely responsible for the clinical symptoms, the three types of botulism exhibit similar clinical symptoms. The characteristic symptomatology of botulism poisoning is a progressive descending symmetrical flaccid paralysis initially affecting musculature innervated by cranial nerves. The first signs are typically disturbances in ocular function, including blurred and double vision, and the pupils become enlarged and unresponsive to light. As intoxication proceeds, a flaccid paralysis occurs in the facial and head region, characterized by weakness and drooping of the eyelids and facial muscles (Figure 2). Speech becomes slurred, and swallowing and breathing become difficult. In severe cases, extreme muscular weakness causes the patient to become weak, fatigued, and unable to lift their head and limbs. Death can occur, usually by respiratory failure or possibly by cardiac arrest. Because BoNT affects alpha motor nerves and does not enter the central nervous system in toxic concentrations, sensory responses, mental function, and consciousness generally are maintained. The inability of the patient to communicate the symptoms and the awareness of the progression of the disease can cause mental depression and anxiety. In severe

Table 1 in foods

Factors controlling growth and inactivation of C. botulinum C. botulinum group




Minimal pH Minimal aw Required brine concentration for growth inhibition (%) Minimum temperature ( C) Maximum temperature ( C) D100 of spores (min) D121 of spores (min)

4.6 0.94 10

5.0 0.97 5

10 50 30 0.2

3.3 45 95% of isolates; , negative reaction in >95% isolates; /(þ), negative or weakly positive reaction in >95%; þ/(þ), positive or weakly positive reaction in >95%. PYG, peptone–yeast extract–glucose broth.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


CLOSTRIDIUM j Clostridium tyrobutyricum Table 2

C. C. C. C. C.


Phenotypic characteristics of C. tyrobutyricum and selected other Clostridium spp. commonly found in milk

beijerinckii bifermentans butyricum sporogenes tyrobutyricum























v þ v þ 

v v v v 

þ þ þ þ þ

v  v  þ

þ  þ  

þ  þ  

þ v þ þ 

þ  þ  

þ  þ  v

v  v  

v  v  

þ  þ  

þ v þ  þ


þ  þ  

v  v  

v  v  

v  þ v 

indole formation (ind ), urease activity (ure), gelatin hydrolysis (gel ), aesculin hydrolysis (esc), acid formation from glucose (glu), mannitol (man), lactose (lac), saccharose (sac), maltose (mal ), salicin (sal ), xylose (xyl ), arabinose (ara), glycerol (gly), cellobiose (cel), mannose (mne), melezitose (miz), raffinose (raf), sorbitol (sor), rhamnose (rha), and trehalose (tre). þ, Reaction positive for 90–100% of strains; v, reaction positive for 10–90% of strains; , reaction negative for 90–100% of strains.

differential media specific for C. tyrobutyricum currently are available. A detailed review of the various enumeration methods for C. tyrobutyricum used in different countries has been published by the International Dairy Federation and is included in Further Reading section. The presence of C. tyrobutyricum spores currently is monitored by applying methods for either the detection of lactatefermenting anaerobic spore formers or for the detection of total numbers of anaerobic spore formers. Media appropriate for isolation of anaerobic spore formers can be made more selective for C. tyrobutyricum by (1) substituting lactate for glucose as the fermentable carbohydrate source; and (2) adjusting the growth media to a pH of 5.3–5.5, which is similar to that of many cheeses. Clostridium butyricum, which also ferments lactate in the presence of acetate, but is not responsible for the late-blowing defect, grows significantly more slowly than C. tyrobutyricum at pH 5.3–5.5 and is inhibited at pH 5.3 or below. A low pH in growth media also helps to avoid false-positive results due to the growth of facultative anaerobic Bacillus spp. Therefore, it is advisable to adjust media for the specific detection of C. tyrobutyricum to a maximum pH of 5.4, as in the medium used in the NIZO-Ede (Netherlands Institute for Dairy Research at Ede) method (see Table 3). Although detection of C. tyrobutyricum in cheese has been valuable in establishing this organism as the causative agent of the late-blowing defect, quantitative determination of C. tyrobutyricum spore numbers in cheeses (as achieved by the most probable number (MPN) methods described later) is of limited value, as vegetative cells are destroyed in the procedure. As a consequence, the C. tyrobutyricum numbers estimated by MPN do not reflect total numbers of vegetative cells and spores present in the cheese. Predictive capabilities for estimating relative numbers of C. tyrobutyricum spores to vegetative cells in cheeses have not been established. Spore numbers of 101–107 per gram have been found in cheese evolving butyric acid. Butyric acid production, which is an indicator of C. tyrobutyricum contamination in cheeses, can be evaluated by head-space gas chromatography or by high-performance liquid chromatography techniques. These analytical techniques offer an additional approach for quantitatively screening for the presence and metabolic activity of C. tyrobutyricum in cheese. Because fat degradation in cheese also can produce small amounts of butyric acid, however, determination of butyric acid values, alone, in cheeses with significant fat degradation might not be diagnostic for the presence of C. tyrobutyricum. To overcome this potential complication, quantification of capronic acid in addition to

butyric acid (i.e., determination of an increase in butyric acid content, but no increase in the capronic acid content) will indicate fermentation of lactate to butyric acid and the absence of lipid degradation. Butyric acid values greater than Table 3 Media used for estimation of C. tyrobutyricum by most probable number method Media



Modified reinforced clostridial media (RCM lactate) (adjust pH to 6.1)a

Beef extract Tryptone Yeast extract 60% Sodium lactate solution Sodium acetate Starch L-Cysteine-HCl NaCl Agar–agar Dist. H2O

10 g 10 g 3g 23.3 ml 8g 1g 0.5 g 5g 2g 1000 ml

BBMB lactate (adjust pH to 6.0)

Peptone Beef extract Yeast extract Sodium acetate 60% Sodium lactate solution L-Cysteine-HCl Dist. H2O

15 g 10 g 5g 5g 8.4 ml

Glucose Lactic acid (1M) Dist. H2O

5g 20 ml Up to 100 ml 900 ml 100 ml

NIZO-Edeb Solution 1

Solution 2 (adjust pH to 5.45)

Skim milk Solution 1

Lactate–acetate– thioglycollate–ammonium sulfate (LATA) medium (adjust pH to 6.1)

Calcium lactate Sodium acetate Sodium thioglycollate Ammonium sulfate Agar Mineral supplement (MgSO4.7 H2O), 2.0%; MnSO4.4$H2O, 0.5%; FeSO4.7$H2O, 0.4%) Dist. H2O

0.5 g 1000 ml

20 g 8g 0.5 g 1g 2g 10 ml

990 ml

a For increased selectivity for C. tyrobutyricum, the pH can be adjusted to 5.4. For this medium, the pH must be adjusted when using 10 ml of the sample to compensate for the pH increase due to sample addition. b For 10 ml of the sample, use 1 ml of solution 1; for 1 ml of the sample or dilution of it, use 10 ml of solution 2.


CLOSTRIDIUM j Clostridium tyrobutyricum

100 mg butyric acid per kilogram in Gouda cheese are indicative of fermentation of lactate to butyric acid. A variety of media, including the Bacto-AC-medium, reinforced clostridial medium (RCM), and cooked-meat medium, are suitable for the cultivation and maintenance of C. tyrobutyricum. Chopped-meat agar slants or old PYG cultures are recommended for culture sporulation. Agar media containing sulfite (e.g., differential reinforced clostridial medium (DRCM), sodium ferric-citrate agar) generally are used for the detection of sulfite-reducing mesophilic Clostridium spp., but also permit growth of C. tyrobutyricum. Although many Clostridium spp. (e.g., Clostridium botulinum, C. sporogenes, Clostridium bifermentans, Clostridium perfringens) have the ability to reduce sulfite, C. tyrobutyricum is reported to be nonsulfite reducing. The presence of some selective components commonly used in formulations for the detection of Clostridium spp. in agar media (e.g., crystal violet, neomycin, polymyxin B) is problematic for the detection and growth of C. tyrobutyricum. This species, or some strains within the species, is somewhat sensitive to many selective components. DRCM medium contains no selective components and therefore can be used for the detection and isolation of Clostridium spp., including C. tyrobutyricum, from milk. The absence of selective components mandates that the sample undergoes a heating step to inactivate vegetative cells that may be present. None of these media provides adequate selectivity or differentiation to allow direct quantitative detection of C. tyrobutyricum in milk. The utility of these media for the detection of C. tyrobutyricum from food products could be enhanced by combination with subsequent tests specific for this organism (e.g., colony hybridization, immunoblots, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)).

MPN Procedures Overview The MPN procedure using three or five tubes is currently the most common method for the estimation of C. tyrobutyricum numbers in milk. Generally, for MPN estimation of C. tyrobutyricum, milk sample volumes of 0.1 ml, 1.0 ml, or 10 ml are added to an appropriate medium. Determination of the sample volumes (i.e., dilutions) used and the number of tubes per dilution depends on the specific application and purpose of each test. Since as few as one or two C. tyrobutyricum spores per 10 ml of milk can cause the late-blowing defect, a sensitivity of two spores per 10 ml is necessary for a raw milk screening assay. This level of contamination is indicated by a maximum of one positive tube out of three tubes containing 10 ml of milk per tube in an MPN test. Two dilutions (10 ml and 1 ml of milk) with three tubes per dilution typically are used in routine testing.

Sample Preparation and Incubation Conditions All MPN methods used for C. tyrobutyricum quantification detect the presence of spores, but not vegetative cells, since samples are heated to inactivate vegetative cells either before inoculation or immediately after addition to the medium.

Although temperatures used for heat treatments vary widely between different protocols, recommended heat treatments are in the range 5–10 min at 75–80  C. Since C. tyrobutyricum spores are reportedly more heat sensitive than those of many other Clostridium spp., higher temperatures or longer heat treatments should be avoided. Before incubation, inoculated MPN tubes are sealed (e.g., with paraffin) to exclude oxygen. Tubes usually are incubated at 37  C for 7 days. Tubes are positive if they show visible gas formation at the end of the incubation period. For the detection of C. tyrobutyricum, tubes are designated positive only if large volumes of gas have been produced, as indicated by obvious vertical displacement of the paraffin plug above the culture medium. Clostridium tyrobutyricum spores generally produce positive results after incubation at 37  C for 4 days. In fact, a 4-day incubation is used for the NIZO-Ede MPN method to optimize the likelihood that the growth of C. tyrobutyricum is predominantly responsible for positive results.

Media Commonly Used for MPN Estimations Media most suitable for quantitative detection of C. tyrobutyricum by MPN procedures include RCM with the substitution of lactate for glucose (also known as Fryer– Halligan method), Bergère’s modification of the lactate medium of Bryant and Burkey (BBMB lactate), and the NIZOEde media (Table 3). These media contain lactate as a carbon source to allow selective growth of lactate-fermenting spore formers. RCM lactate and BBMB lactate also contain acetate, which facilitates lactate fermentation by C. tyrobutyricum. The pH of RCM lactate can be adjusted to 5.4 to improve its selectivity for C. tyrobutyricum. The Weinzirl method is a classical MPN test for the detection of anaerobic spore formers. The Weinzirl approach uses milk; milk supplemented with glucose; milk supplemented with yeast extract, lactate, and cysteine; or milk supplemented with glucose and lactate as growth media. Determination of the presence of anaerobic spore formers by the original Weinzirl method, however, generally does not correlate with the potential of the milk to cause the late blowing defect in cheese. Because the original Weinzirl method uses milk as the primary growth medium, C. tyrobutyricum spores usually are not detected, since most strains are unable to ferment lactose. The NIZO-Ede method is a modification of the Weinzirl method, which uses a lactic acid–glucose solution or a skim milk–lactic acid–glucose solution adjusted to pH 5.45 to add lactate as a carbon source. MPN techniques using RCM lactate and BBMB lactate do not allow specific detection of Clostridium tyrobutyricum, but rather they detect the presence of any spore formers that have the ability to ferment lactate in the presence of acetate. The modified RCM lactate (pH 5.4) and NIZO-Ede utilize low pH (5.3–5.5) to improve selectivity for C. tyrobutyricum. The NIZOEde method is reportedly somewhat less sensitive for the detection of C. tyrobutyricum than the Fryer–Halligan method using modified RCM lactate (pH 5.4). Before inoculation, tubes containing the appropriate amount of media are either freshly sterilized or otherwise treated (i.e., by heating in a boiling-water bath or steaming for 10–20 min) to drive off dissolved oxygen that might inhibit growth of Clostridium spp. Although indicators such as

CLOSTRIDIUM j Clostridium tyrobutyricum resazurin can be used to indicate the redox status of the media (resazurin is colorless when reduced and pink when oxidized), these generally are omitted in routine MPN applications. The inoculation of 1 ml of milk, or more, to media containing lactate as a sole carbon source compromises the selectivity of the media due to the incorporation of lactose as an additional fermentable carbohydrate. Although confirmation tests on positive MPN tubes are not performed frequently on a routine basis, subculturing positive tubes in lactate–acetate– thioglycollate–ammonium sulfate medium (LATA) is advisable. Plating on RCM plates containing 200 mg cycloserin per milliliter, followed by anaerobic incubation for 24–48 h and testing of selected colonies for lactate dehydrogenase activity using a colorimetric enzyme assay also has been proposed as a confirmation method. Currently, the most commonly used confirmation procedure is the inoculation of 1 ml of a 1:10 dilution prepared from a positive MPN tube into 10 ml LATA, followed by incubation under anaerobic conditions for up to 5 days. Enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) tests for C. tyrobutyricum and gas chromatography for butyric and acetic acid also provide specific confirmation.

Antibody and DNA-Based Detection Methods Due to difficulties in identifying and differentiating Clostridium spp. and C. tyrobutyricum to species by classical approaches, novel methods for improving our abilities to quantitatively and rapidly identify and enumerate C. tyrobutyricum are under investigation. Current classical methods require 4–7 days for quantitative estimation and are not specific for C. tyrobutyricum. Alternative antibody or DNA-based methods show significant promise. Although these approaches currently cannot replace standard MPN methods, some are well suited for reliable confirmation of the presence of C. tyrobutyricum spores in conjunction with the classical MPN methods. Particularly promising are strategies for detection and quantification of C. tyrobutyricum in fluid milk samples that could combine a membrane filtration step with subsequent antibody-based techniques, such as ELISA, and antibody-coupled flow cytometry or with rapid DNA-based detection techniques, such as real-time PCR.


Furthermore, PCR primers based on unique sequences (e.g., 16S rDNA) have been used successfully to design a PCR assay for the specific detection of this species. The combination of these tools with the development of efficient methods for the extraction of bacterial DNA from milk matrices could allow for the application of such strategies as real-time PCR for rapid detection and quantification of C. tyrobutyricum in raw milk.

Importance in the Food Industry Clostridium tyrobutyricum is an economic concern for the dairy industry because it causes structural and sensory defects in cheeses (the late-blowing defect, Figure 1) through production of large quantities of gas and butyric acid. The late-blowing defect, which is a consequence of the outgrowth of C. tyrobutyricum spores, occurs most frequently in brine-salted, hard, and semihard cheeses (e.g., Gouda, Edam, Emmental, Gruyère). Butyric acid levels above 200 mg l1 produce detectable off-flavors that result in the downgrading of cheese. In some cases, gas production is sufficient to rupture the entire cheese structure. Although other Clostridium spp., including C. beijerinckii, C. butyricum, and C. sporogenes, have been associated with the late-blowing defect, C. tyrobutyricum widely is considered the primary Clostridium spp. responsible for the lateblowing defect in cheese. Not only has this species been isolated from cheeses exhibiting this defect, but also inoculation of C. tyrobutyricum (but not other species) into experimentally made cheeses can result in reproduction of the late-blowing defect. Not all cheeses artificially contaminated with C. tyrobutyricum developed the defect, however.

Antibody-Based Methods Antibody-based tests, specifically ELISA tests, for detection of C. tyrobutyricum have been described. These tests are particularly useful for confirmation of the presence of this organism from positive MPN tubes. Clostridium tyrobutyricum isolation using membrane filtration followed by direct detection of the organism on the membrane by a monoclonal antibody also has been reported. A detection method utilizing fluorescently labeled antibodies and flow cytometry has been described. These antibody-based strategies offer promising approaches for rapid, quantitative detection of this organism from fluid samples.

DNA-Based Methods DNA probes based on specific 16S rDNA sequences have been shown to provide reliable identification of this species.

Figure 1 Late gas blowing in Gouda cheese. Reproduced with permission from Kosikowski, F.V., Mistry, V.V., 1997. Cheese and Fermented Milk Foods, third ed. F.V. Kosikowski L.L.C., Westport, Connecticut.


CLOSTRIDIUM j Clostridium tyrobutyricum

Clostridium tyrobutyricum is thought to enter cheese in raw milk contaminated with silage or bovine fecal material. Spores of lactate-fermenting Clostridium spp. (including C. tyrobutyricum) often are found in high numbers (>100 000 spores per gram) in improperly fermented silages. As a secondary indicator, a butyric acid content >1 g kg1 silage suggests the likelihood of the presence of high numbers of clostridial spores, including C. tyrobutyricum. Grass silage has been associated more frequently with high spore counts than corn silage. This may be explained by the fact that a higher level of contamination with soil (containing clostridial spores) occurs when cutting grass as compared with harvesting corn. Improvement in the quality of grass silage – for example, by using silage starters such as propionic or formic acid – can significantly improve feed quality and reduce the risk of transferring clostridial spores into raw milk. As there is a clear positive correlation between the feeding of poor-quality silage and the presence of high spore numbers in the fecal matter of dairy cows, fecal material is likely the primary source of C. tyrobutyricum contamination in milk. Milking hygiene represents another critical point for reducing spore numbers; proper cleaning and disinfection of udders and teats can reduce the C. tyrobutyricum spore load in raw milk by >90%. Raw milk from cows fed silage is considered undesirable or unfit for the production of certain gourmet cheeses. European regulations specifically prohibit the use of raw milk produced by silage-fed dairy cows in the production of several cheeses, including Gruyère, Comte, and Emmental. The ability to test quantitatively for the presence of C. tyrobutyricum is, therefore, essential for screening milk for quality and compliance with the requirement for avoidance of silage feeding. High numbers of lactate-fermenting clostridial spores in raw milk generally are considered to be indicative of the presence of at least some amount of raw milk from cows fed silage. Pasteurization of the raw milk does not prevent the lateblowing defect since C. tyrobutyricum spores survive pasteurization, and even very low numbers of C. tyrobutyricum spores (1–2 in 10 ml) are sufficient to cause the late-blowing defect. Bactofugation (centrifugation > 5000 g) of raw milk can reduce spore numbers by about 98%, but it cannot eliminate them completely. Therefore, this technology is effective in preventing the late-blowing defect only if the raw milk is of good microbial quality (105 per gram) of vegetative C. perfringens cells. l Isolation of large numbers (>106 per gram) of the organism from fecal specimens. Fecal count in the normal human population is 106 per gram also can be found in debilitated, institutionalized patients who are neither acutely ill nor involved in a food-poisoning outbreak. l

Importance of C. perfringens Food Poisoning C. perfringens is ubiquitous and can contaminate a wide variety of foods. Most of the C. perfringens outbreaks occur in collective restaurants (school canteens, hospitals, prisons, and special gatherings). Meat from beef or pork and poultry products, particularly cooked with sauce, are found at highest risk. In France, during the period 1990–92, 36.1% of C. perfringens outbreaks were associated with the consumption of meat and poultry products. Contamination of meat by C. perfringens is common, but usually at a low level. This can be due to transfer of C. perfringens from the intestine to the muscles during the preparation of animals or to surface contamination of meat by dust at the slaughterhouse. But the contamination at this step is often at a low level. Recently, the human intestinal tract has been identified as a potential reservoir of cpe-positive strains. Food responsible for C. perfringens poisoning contains a large number of C. perfringens (at least 105 per gram), since most of the bacteria are killed by the acidic pH of the stomach and their multiplication in the intestine is hampered by the resident digestive microflora. The C. perfringens multiplication in food depends on the preparation and storage conditions of meals. Since this microorganism sporulates, it can survive heating procedures. The multiplication rate is very rapid, and growth temperature ranges from 15 to 50  C, with an optimum temperature of 40–45  C. The generation time (5–7 min at 41  C in optimum conditions) is one of the shortest reported for any bacterium. Meat in sauce constitutes an excellent culture medium for C. perfringens, which has fastidious growth requirements. The contributing factors

Additional investigations to associate human illness and incriminated food are as follows: The determination of a common C. perfringens toxinotype based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of all toxin genes, pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence typing (MLST), or ribotype in fecal specimens and in the incriminated food. l A common toxinotype, PFGE, MLST, or ribotype in fecal specimens from several people. l

C. perfringens Enterotoxin Assays Because CPE is only synthesized during sporulation, culture in special sporulation medium and control of the presence of sporulating cells are required for CPE detection in culture supernatant. Several sporulation media have been proposed with variable results according to the strains. A typical protocole of C. perfringens sporulation is as follows: A 1 ml sample of C. perfringens growing culture in cooked meat medium is transferred to 10 ml fluid thioglycollate


Reported foodborne outbreaks caused by bacteria in different countries France 1996–2005 Confirmed bacteria

2006–08 Suspected bacteria

Confirmed bacteria

Suspected bacteria


Outbreaks (%)

Cases (%)

Outbreaks (%)

Cases (%)

Outbreaks (%)

Cases (%)

Outbreaks (%)

Cases (%)

Salmonella C. perfringens Staphylococcus aureus Bacillus cereus Campylobacter Shigella Other

1713 (64.2) 126 (5.1) 366 (13.7) 94 (3.5) 37 (1.4) 42 (1.6) 152 (5.7)

16 230 (48.8) 5375 (16.2) 5750 (17.3) 1766 (5.3) 426 (1.3) 337 (1.0) 1622 (4.9)

261 (12.6) 383 (18.5) 744 (35.9) 196 (9.5) 10 (0.5) 3 (0.1) 143 (6.9)

3558 (11.4) 8956 (28.8) 8926 (28.7) 3532 (11.4) 250 (0.8) 29 (0.1) 31 093 (38.7)

388 (46.8) 58 (7.0) 133 (16.0) 37 (4.5) 27 (3.3) 13 (1.6) 54 (6.5)

2742 (29.8) 1540 (16.7) 1401 (15.2) 688 (7.5) 247 (2.7) 66 (0.7) 696 (7.6)

102 (8.8) 107 (9.2) 439 (37.9) 172 (14.9) 5 (0.4) 3 (0.3) 103 (8.9)

836 (6.9) 2143 (17.7) 3835 (31.7) 1907 (15.8) 21 (0.2) 17 (0.1) 900 (7.4)

The United States 1992–97

England and Wales


Outbreaks (%)

Cases (%)

2000–08 c Cases (%)

Salmonella C. perfringens Staphylococcus aureus Bacillus cereus Campylobacter Shigella Other

3640 (19.9) 6540 (35.8) 4870 (26.6) 72 (0.4) 146 (0.8) 1476 (8.1) 1497 (8.2)

1 413 332 (27.1) 246 520 (4.7) 185 060 (3.5) 27 360 (0.5) 2 453 926 (47.1) 448 240 (8.6) 428 496 (8.2)

1 028 382 (28.2) 965 958 (26.4) 241 148 (6.6) 63 400 (1.7) 845 024 (23.2) 131 254 (3.6) 371 507 (10.2)






Outbreaks (%)

Cases (%)

Outbreaks (%)

Cases (%)

Outbreaks (%)

Cases (%)

32 056 (35.1) 805 (0.9) 112 (0.1) 182 (0.2) 38 536 (42.2) 18 069 (19.8) 1500 (1.6)

99 310 (8.6) 276 266 (23.9) 25 493 (2.2) 43 152 (3.7) 247 860 (21.5) 3778 (0.3) 455 788 (39.5)

15 365 (17.3) 245 (0.3) 10 (0.01) 47 (0.05) 55 888 (63.0) 966 (1.0) 16 129 (18.1)

41 797 (6.8) 84 081 (13.8) 2276 (0.3) 11 144 (1.8) 359 466 (59.1) 202 (0.03) 108 984 (17.9)

1135 (54.5) 244 (11.8) 35 (1.7) 69 (3.3) 103 (4.9) 10 (0.5) 360 (17.4)

27 339 (59.1) 5559 (12.0) 505 (1.0) 588 (1.2) 2331 (5.0) 423 (0.9) 12 718 (26.3)

Reported average annual number of bacterial foodborne outbreaks. Estimated average of annual number of bacterial foodborne cases. Confirmed and estimated annual averages. According to Gormley, F.J., Little, C.L., Rawal, N., Gillespie, I.A., Lebaigue, S., Adak, G.K., 2011. A 17-year review of foodborne outbreaks: describing the continuing decline in England and Wales (1992–2008). Epidemiology and Infection 139, 688–699; Scallan, E., Hoekstra, R.M., Angulo, F.J., Tauxe, R.V., Widdowson, M.A., Roy, S.L., et al., 2011. Foodborne illness acquired in the United States – major pathogens. Emerging Infectious Disease 17, 7–15; Delmas, G., Jourdan da Silva, N., Pihier, N., Weill, F.X., Vaillant, V., de Valk, H., 2010. Les toxi-infections alimentaires collectives en France entre 2006 et 2008. Bulletin Epidemiologique Hebdomadaire 31–32, 344–348; Delmas, G., Gallay, A., Espié, E., Haeghebaert, S., Pihier, N., Weill, F.X., et al., 2006. Les toxi-infections alimentaires collectives en France entre 1996 et 2005. Bulletin Epidemiologique Hebdomadaire 51–52, 418–422; Adak, G.K., Long, S.M., O’Brien, S.J., 2002. Trends in indigenous foodborne disease and deaths, England and Wales: 1992 to 2000. Gut 51, 832–841; Mead, P.S., Slutsker, L., Dietz, V., McCaig, L.F., Bresee, J.S., Shapiro, C., et al., 1999. Food-related illness and death in the United States. Emerging Infectious Diseases 5, 607–625.


b c

CLOSTRIDIUM j Detection of Enterotoxin of Clostridium perfringens

Table 2

CLOSTRIDIUM j Detection of Enterotoxin of Clostridium perfringens medium. The inoculated fluid thioglycollate medium is heat shocked for 20 min at 70  C. The fluid thioglycollate culture is transferred to 100 ml Duncan-Strong sporulation medium and incubated overnight at 37  C. The culture is checked for the presence of spores by observation under phase-contrast microscopy and culture supernatant obtained by centrifugation is subjected to CPE detection. The presence of CPE may also be detected directly in fecal samples prepared as follows. One volume of fecal specimen (approximately 1 g) is mixed in one volume (1 ml) of 0.001 M phosphate buffer pH 7.2, containing 0.15 M sodium chloride (phosphate buffered saline (PBS)) in a vortex mixer. The suspension is either centrifuged at 12 000 g for 20 min at 4  C or passed through 0.45 or 0.22 mm membrane filters and the resulting supernatant or filtrate is tested. Initially, biological techniques have been used for CPE detection, including mouse lethality, Vero cell cytotoxicity, and plating inhibition of Vero cells. Specific polyclonal and monoclonal anti-CPE antibodies have been obtained, and a large variety of immunological tests have been proposed for the detection and titration of CPE. The first immunological tests were based on immunoprecipitation of CPE in agarose gel in the presence of specific antibodies: single-gel diffusion, and double-gel diffusion or Ouchterlony test.


overnight incubation; and a slide latex agglutination (SLAT), which requires only a few minutes.

Reverse Passive Latex Agglutination RPLA is commercially available (PET-RPLA, TD930, Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK). The sensitivity is about 3 ng ml1 (Table 1). The procedure is as follows: 1. For each sample, two rows of a 96-well V type microtiter plate are used. 2. Place 25 ml of PBS containing 9.5% bovine serum albumin (BSA) in each well, except in the first well of each row. The last wells only contain PBS-BSA. 3. Add a 25 ml sample to the first and second well of each row. 4. Serial twofold dilutions are done in each row from the second to the seventh well. 5. Add 25 ml of beads sensitized with immunopurified antiCPE antibodies to each well of the first row. 6. Add 25 ml of control beads sensitized with nonimmune rabbit immunoglobulins to each well of the second row. 7. Mix well by hand rotation of the plate or by using a plate shaker. 8. Cover the microplate with a lid or put the microplate in a humidified chamber. 9. Incubate the plate at room temperature for 20–24 h. The results are interpreted as follows:

Counterimmunoelectrophoresis The sensitivity of the precipitation reactions is improved by using an electrical field (Table 3) and counterimmunoelectrophoresis is the most used of these techniques. Two rows of wells separated by about 5 mm are cut in agarose gel. Serial dilutions of CPE and samples are dispersed into the wells of one row, and anti-CPE antibodies are distributed in the wells of the other row. An electrical field (10 V cm1) is applied (þnear the wells containing the antigen) for 30–60 min. A precipitation lane is observed in the presence of CPE. The sensitivity is shown in Table 3.

Latex Agglutination Tests Two latex agglutination tests have been described: A reverse passive latex agglutination (RPLA), which is achieved after

Table 3

Sensitivity of assay methods for C. perfringens enterotoxin Detection limit of


Purified CPE (ng ml1)

CPE in feces (ng ml1)

Double diffusion Counterimmunoelectrophoresis Vero cell cytotoxicity RPLA SLAT ELISA

500–2000 200–2000 25–50 1 3 0.1–3

40 5–50 5–10

ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; RPLA, reverse passive latex agglutination; SLAT, slide latex agglutination.

1. Agglutination is determined by visual inspection. This is easier with a black sheet under the microplate or with a test reading mirror. 2. The results are scored as þþþ (complete agglutination), þþ, þ, þ/ or – (absence of agglutination) (Figure 1). 3. The row containing control latex must be negative. A nonspecific agglutination can be observed in some samples. A sample is considered to contain CPE when the positive agglutination in the sensitized row exceeds that in the control by two wells or more.

Slide Latex Agglutination The SLAT technique consists of latex bead agglutination in the presence of CPE on a glass slide. Reagent preparation is as follows: 1. Dilute latex beads (0.8 mm) 1:3 in glycine buffer (0.1 M glycine, 0.15 M NaCl, pH 8.2). 2. Add anti-CPE immunoglobulins that have been purified by immunoaffinity on a Sepharose column containing immobilized CPE (13 mg ml1, final concentration). 3. Agitate the mixture for 1 min at room temperature, then add an equal volume of PBS-0.1% BSA, and vortex vigorously to mix the suspension. 4. Use nonimmune rabbit immunoglobulins G (Sigma) for the control latex. 5. Store the latex suspensions at 4  C. The test procedure is as follows: 1. Mix 25 ml of samples and serial twofold dilutions in PBS containing 0.1% BSA with 25 ml sensitized or control latex beads on a glass slide. Gentle rotate each mixture and record the results after 1–5 min by visual inspection.


CLOSTRIDIUM j Detection of Enterotoxin of Clostridium perfringens

Figure 1 Interpretation of the agglutination results in RPLA. þ corresponds to the agglutination of latex,  corresponds to the sedimentation of particles.

2. Score the results in a similar way to those for RPLA: þþ (complete agglutination), þ, þ/ or – (absence of agglutination). 3. Samples containing CPE do not agglutinate control latex beads. Note that samples containing a high concentration of CPE give negative or weakly positive results, and complete agglutination is observed with diluted samples. The sensitivity depends on the purification of the immunoglobulins used for the latex bead preparation. When the immunoglobulin G fraction purified from rabbit anti-CPE serum is used for the sensitization of latex beads, the SLAT sensitivity with purified CPE is 100 ng ml1. By using specific anti-CPE immunoglobulins purified by immunoaffinity, however, a lower limit of detection of 0.1 ng ml1 is attained.

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays




Several enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) techniques have been proposed for the CPE titration in different samples including stools of patients. An ELISA kit is available from TECHLAB (Blacksburg, VA). A typical protocol is as follows: 1. Coat a microtiter plate with rabbit anti-CPE immunoglobulins (100 ml of a 5 mg ml1 solution in PBS). Seal the plate, incubate it overnight at 22  C, and wash it four times with PBS containing 0.05% Tween20 (PBST). 2. Add CPE standard and test samples (100 ml diluted in PBST) to the antibody-coated plate, and then seal it and incubate at 37  C for 90 min. Wash the plates as previously described and incubate for a further 90 min at 37  C in the presence of anti-CPE immunoglobulin G (IgG) horseradish peroxidase conjugate (100 ml diluted in PBST containing 1% normal rabbit serum). 3. After the washing procedure, add 100 ml of ABTS–H2O2 solution containing 0.4 mM 2,20 -azino-di(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonate) (ABTS) and 1.3 mM H2O2 in 0.1 mM citrate phosphate buffer, pH 4, to each well. Incubate the plate for 30 min at room temperature. 4. Read the absorbance at 403 nm. The sample is considered to contain CPE when the absorbance is 0.2 after correction for background that corresponds to the absorbance in a control noncoated well. Estimate the CPE concentration from a standard curve using purified CPE (0–50 ng ml1). A variant procedure is the four-layer sandwich ELISA procedure: 1. Coat each well of an immulon II enzyme immunoassay plate with 200 ml of goat anti-CPE serum (1–100 dilution in

5. 6.

carbonate buffer 0.0015 M Na2CO3 – b 0.035 M NaHCO3, pH 9.6), and incubate the plate overnight at 4  C in a humid chamber. Then after washing the plate with 100 ml of warmwashing solution containing 0.85% NaCl, 0.05% Tween20, and 0.3% BSA per well, gently shake the plate on a rotary shaker for 2 min. Repeat this washing procedure three times. To block the excess binding sites on the microtiter plate incubate at 37  C for 30 min with 100 ml of 3% BSA-1% normal goat serum diluted in PBS per well. Then wash the plate twice as described above. Add samples (100 ml per well) containing CPE diluted in 0.05% Tween20 in PBS to each well, and incubate the plates at 37  C for 2 h. Wash each well once prior to the repetition of the blocking procedure as described above for 30 min at 37  C. Wash the plate twice and then add 200 ml of rabbit antitoxin diluted 1:200 with 0.85% NaCl, 0.05% Tween20, and 1% BSA to each well and incubate for 2 h at 37  C. Wash three times, and then add 200 ml of conjugate (goat antirabbit immunoglobulin G conjugated with alkaline phosphatase) of a 1:800 dilution in PBS-0.05% Tween20 for 2 h at 37  C. Wash three more times and add 200 ml of warm substrate (0.1% p-nitrophenol phosphate-10% diethanolamine0.01% MgCl2, pH 9.6). Allow the reaction to progress at 37  C for 30 min and then terminate it by adding 50 ml of 2 M NaOH. Read results spectrophotometrically at 405 nm. For each sample, perform the test in duplicate. Determine the absorbances by subtracting the absorbances (105 bacteria per gram). PCR, polymerase chain reaction; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; RPLA, reverse passive latex agglutination; SLAT, slide latex agglutination.

480 Table 4

CLOSTRIDIUM j Detection of Enterotoxin of Clostridium perfringens Comparison of usual methods of CPE detection

Time required for complete test Time spent on test Specificity Reproducibility




Vero cell assay (plating inhibition of Vero cells)

2 log reductions after 2 min 1 log reduction after 1 min P. agglomerans and G. liquefaciens >3 log reductions after 2.5 s E. coli >3 log reductions after 5 s S. cerevisiae >3 log reductions after 30 s

Melon (cantaloupe) Melon (honeydew)

Nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts, and pistachios)

Table 2

>2 log reductions after 1 min P. agglomerans and G. liquefaciens >3 log reductions after 2.5 s E. coli >3 log reductions after 5 s S. cerevisiae >3 log reductions after 10 s 1 log reduction after 5 min 5 log reductions in the presence of SF6

Air-based gas plasma treatment of dairy products and meat


Targeted microorganisms

Effects of treatment


Listeria monocytogenes Salmonella typhimurium E. coli Listeria monocytogenes Listeria innocua Listeria monocytogenes Salmonella enteritidis Salmonella typhimurium Listeria monocytogenes E. coli

4.6 log reductions after 1.5 min (results reported as total aerobic counts)

Cheese Chicken (raw) Chicken (cooked) Eggs Ham Pork (raw)

>8 log reductions after 2 min >3 log reductions after 4 min 4.7 log reductions after 2 min S. enteritidis 4.5 log reductions after 90 min S. typhimurium w3.7 log reductions after 90 min 1.7 log reductions after 2 min 6 log reductions after 0.5 min


Cold Atmospheric Gas Plasmas

from a variety of sources, and it is difficult to make comparisons between individual studies because not only are the target organisms frequently different but so too are the types of plasma-generating equipment and conditions of operation. As a general rule, comparisons can be safely made at this stage only between inactivation data within the same study. Another important consideration that affects microbial survival is the physical nature of the surface of the foodstuff and the distribution of the microorganisms associated with it. One study showed that bacteria applied to the surface of freshly cut fruit surfaces could migrate into the interior of the food and as a result find themselves beyond the reach of active plasma species. In another study that compared the treatment of bacteria on the surface of chicken flesh and chicken skin, it was found that greater reductions in viability were obtained in the former case. This presumably indicated that when deposited on the surface of chicken skin, some bacteria could become lodged inside feather follicles and as a result become immune from the effects of the plasma. Surface topography should not be assumed fixed even for a single type of food, and atomic force microscopy has revealed, for example, that changes can occur to the surfaces of fruit during ripening. Gas plasmas have been used to sterilize the interior of bottles and various other forms of food packaging, such as plastic trays and films. An innovative approach currently under development is the use of gas plasmas to bring about the deposition of thin films directly onto the surface of foods – typically fruits – to extend their shelf life. Gas plasmas also have potential applications in the treatment of food-processing surfaces. Quite conventional plasmagenerating configurations could be used to effect this. A recent innovation was the permanent incorporation of a plasmagenerating device into an item of food processing (a circular slicing blade). Blades of this type have been shown capable of transmitting contamination between foods, and as proposed in the study, it was intended that the device would be activated periodically to deal with any accumulation of microorganisms at the surface of the blade. This represents a quite radical approach to the maintenance of hygienic conditions. Gas plasmas could be used to remove allergens, and possibly endotoxins as well, such as lipopolysaccharides from E. coli, from the surface of food-processing equipment. As mentioned, it has been shown that plasmas were effective in destroying protein fibrils that had been generated on the surface of inert materials. This is clearly one area in which more work is required.

Future Prospects From the perspective of food processing, cold gas plasmas must be classed as an emerging technology. Any new process for the treatment of foods is required by regulatory agencies to demonstrate definitively that it does not bring about any harmful effects in the food undergoing treatment. This covers both the generation of compounds that could harm human health as well as the destruction of compounds naturally present in the food that are beneficial to human health – a prime example being vitamins. To date, relatively few foodrelated studies employing plasmas have extended to these

considerations. Such investigations, however, will need to be undertaken in the future if gas plasma technology is to be adopted by the food industry. Consumers will automatically reject foods that appear different to their preconceived idea of what a food should look, smell, and taste like. Again, relatively few studies have been conducted to confirm that the organoleptic properties of the food have not been adversely affected. Encouragingly, those few studies that have addressed this issue have not reported adverse effects, but more work is clearly necessary to confirm this. The uses of gas flows, for example, could result in moisture losses from foods undergoing treatment and it would be relatively simple to amend processing conditions to counter this possibility. Cost of treatment with gas plasmas remains an area on which little information has been made openly available. The use, for example, of noble gases will add to processing costs, but it might be possible to bring about some form of gas recycling with the aim of lowering operating costs if the use of noble gases rather than, say, air or nitrogen was shown to be essential for a particular application. Scale-up is another issue that needs to be addressed if the technology is to be translated into the commercial sector. There are no fundamental restrictions as to the scale at which plasmas can be generated, what is needed however is the demonstration of this capability and that it can be achieved at an acceptable cost.

See also: Minimal Methods of Processing; Non-Thermal Processing.

Further Reading Deng, S., Ruan, R., Mok, C.K., Huang, G., Lin, X., Chen, P., 2007. Inactivation of Escherichia coli on almonds using nonthermal plasma. Journal of Food Science 72, M62–6. Kogelschatz, U., 2003. Dielectric-barrier discharges: their history, discharge physics, and industrial applications. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Process 23, 1–46. Kong, M.G., Kroesen, G.G., Morfill, G., Nosenko, T., Shimizu, T., van Dijk, J., Zimmermann, J.L., 2009. Plasma medicine: an introductory review. New Journal of Physics 11, 115012. Leipold, F., Kusano, Y., Hansen, F., Jacobsen, T., 2010. Decontamination of a rotating cutting tool during operation by means of atmospheric pressure plasmas. Food Control 21, 1194–1198. Lieberman, M.A., Lichtenberg, A.J., 1994. Principles of Plasma Discharge and Materials Processing. John Wiley & Sons, New York. Liu, J.J., Kong, M.G., 2011. Sub-60  C atmospheric helium-water plasma jets: modes, electron heating and downstream reaction chemistry. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44, 345203. Moisan, M., Barbeau, J., Moreau, S., Pelletier, J., Tabrizian, M., Yahia, L.H., 2001. Low-temperature sterilization using gas plasmas: a review of the experiments and an analysis of the inactivation mechanisms. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 226, 1–21. Perni, S., Shama, G., Hobman, J.L., Lund, P.A., Kershaw, C.J., Hidalgo-Arroyo, G.A., Penn, C.W., Deng, X.T., Walsh, J.L., Kong, M.G., 2007. Probing bactericidal mechanisms induced by cold atmospheric plasmas with Escherichia coli mutants. Applied Physics Letters 90, 073902. Perni, S., Shama, G., Kong, M.G., 2008. Cold atmospheric plasma disinfection of cut fruit surfaces contaminated with migrating microorganisms. Journal of Food Protection 71, 1619–1625. Vleugels, M., Shama, G., Deng, X.T., Shi, J.J., Kong, M.G., 2005. Atmospheric plasma inactivation of biofilm-forming bacteria for food safety control. IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science 33, 824–828.

Coffee see Cocoa and Coffee Fermentations Colorimetric DNA Hybridisation see Listeria: Detection by Colorimetric DNA Hybridization Colors see Fermentation (Industrial) Production of Colors and Flavors

Confectionery Products – Cakes and Pastries PA Voysey, Campden BRI, Chipping Campden, UK JD Legan, Kraft Foods Inc., Glenview, IL, USA Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Cakes and pastries provide a nutritious environment for microbial growth but probably show a greater diversity of moisture content, water activity (aw), and pH than most other food groups. Hence, cakes and pastries offer a wide range of different habitats for microbial growth. Nevertheless, they have an excellent public health record. In part, this is because factors intrinsic to the products, such as aw, pH, or preservative content, prevent the growth of bacterial pathogens and also the baking process inactivates most organisms that would be present in the raw materials. A disproportionate number of the microbiological problems affecting these products are associated with perishable, unbaked fillings such as dairy cream or certain types of custard. This chapter discusses the factors affecting the spoilage of cakes and pastries, including aw, pH, use of preservatives, and atmosphere modification, with reference to their effects on both the rate and type of spoilage. It also examines outbreaks of food poisoning that have been associated with cakes and pastries and discusses some measures for maximizing the safety of these products.

What Are Cakes and Pastries? Cakes and pastries are sweet baked goods (of a class often called flour confectionery). Cakes are made by baking a batter of flour, sugar, fat, and water (possibly with eggs, milk, fruit, or other flavorings). Pastries are baked from a dough or paste of flour and fat that may be enriched with other ingredients. Both cakes and pastries may be filled or coated with a variety of materials. Products include rich fruit cakes, which may be stable for many months or even years as a result of a combination of reduced aw, low pH, and antimicrobial effects of the fruit that are probably linked to caramelization products formed on baking. Less stable are plain sponge cakes like Madeira cake or pound cake, which have a shelf life of a few days to several weeks. Least stable of all are cakes or pastries filled with cream, custard, or fresh fruit that are highly perishable (high aw); this restricts the life of these products to only a day or so at ambient temperatures. These perishable fillings support bacterial growth and have occasionally given rise to spoilage and foodpoisoning incidents. Fondant, fudge, sugar paste, and chocolate coatings may also be susceptible to microbial spoilage. The microbiology of chocolate is covered elsewhere in this book.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

Effects of Baking Cakes are made in a variety of formats, and their bake time and temperature vary widely. In each case, baking is sufficient to kill any vegetative microbes that are present prior to baking. A number of bacterial spores (produced, for example, by species of Bacillus) are able to survive baking. The outgrowth of bacterial spores is inhibited by aw below .97–.93. Some fungal ascospores such as those of Xeromyces bisporus and Byssochlamys fulva may survive some baking processes if present. These are potentially significant spoilage organisms, but are not frequently encountered.

Effects of Postbake Operation Microbial contamination of cakes and pastries most commonly originates in the handling and processing that occur after baking but before packaging. These include cooling, slicing, filling, and decorating. Pastries are produced in two basic ways: 1. Fillings are dispensed into prebaked pastry tubes or shells, and then icing is added (e.g., chocolate éclairs). 2. A preformed pastry shell is filled with uncooked filling; the entire pastry is then baked (e.g., custard tarts). Cooking fillings to 76–86  C (170–187  F) kills most microorganisms except bacterial spores, assuming that the minimum temperature in the entire batch reaches this temperature. Type 1 pastries present an opportunity for recontamination during cooling and dispensing. There is more risk associated with type 2 pastries, since some ingredients are not cooked at all. Meringue is an important exception to these rules. It can be made by heating at 230  C (446  F) for 6 min or at temperatures as low as 60  C (140  F) for several hours. The high sucrose concentration significantly increases the heat resistance of many strains of Salmonella. This, coupled with a process at the lower end of the temperature range, has allowed Salmonella to survive in laboratory challenge studies. Of course, meringue is also an excellent insulator (it consists of foam from air bubbles), and this property may allow the survival of bacterial pathogens; the insulation protects the bacterial pathogens from high temperatures.




Confectionery Products – Cakes and Pastries

Factors Affecting Microbial Growth For a microorganism, cakes and pastries offer a range of tempting environments for growth. Several factors influence the type and rate of microbial growth in cakes and pastries and their coatings, fillings, or raw ingredients, including aw, temperature, pH, concentration of preservatives, and gaseous environment around the product. Of these, the most important is aw. In simple terms, aw is a measure of the amount of free water available in a foodstuff. As the aw value increases, the ease with which microorganisms can extract water from the product increases. Water activity is normally derived from measurement of the relative humidity (RH) that develops in the head space around the product in a sealed chamber (aw ¼ RH/100). This value is easy to obtain and useful for predicting microbial growth. It is often not the true aw, however, because aw is defined under equilibrium conditions, whereas the products that we are interested in are never truly in equilibrium. The aw range of a number of cake and pastry items is given in Figure 1, together with the minimum aw that permits the growth of various groups of microorganisms. Below aw .6, no microbial growth occurs, thus dry ingredients such as flour, cocoa powder, coconut, sugar, and lowmoisture products such as biscuits (cookies), crackers, meringues, and shortbread are not subject to microbiological spoilage as long as they are packaged and stored to prevent moisture migration from the environment. However, pathogens, if present, may survive for considerable periods.

Figure 1

At aw levels below .7, the range of microbes capable of growth is restricted, and flour confectionery items can be considered to be safe from microbial growth for most practical purposes. They are safe provided that condensation is avoided, as this can lead to localized regions of higher aw. Nevertheless, a few organisms can cause spoilage if present – for example, fermentation of jam fillings caused by growth of the yeast Zygosaccharomyes rouxii (minimum aw .65), and growth of the mold Xeromyces bisporus (minimum aw .61) on fruit cakes, dried fruit, and chocolate-covered products. As the aw of products and ingredients increases, so does the range of microorganisms that are able to grow, until at an aw of .95–.99 almost all bacteria, yeasts, and molds are able to proliferate. Temperature also influences the rate of growth of microorganisms found in association with flour confectionery items. Chill temperatures of 0–5  C (32–41  F) are needed to restrict microbial growth in perishable items such as cakes and pastries with dairy cream fillings. Bacteria tend to be more sensitive to low pH than are yeasts and molds. Consequently, certain acidic fresh fruit fillings are not subject to bacterial spoilage despite the fact that they have an aw high enough to support growth. These fillings may still be spoiled by yeast or mold growth. The pH of flour confectionery items is also important when considering the use of preservatives, which will be discussed later in this chapter. Environmental conditions such as the makeup of the

Water activity (aw) ranges for various types of food, and the aw ranges at which microorganisms can grow.

Confectionery Products – Cakes and Pastries gaseous atmosphere around the product or item may also be important.

Foodborne Disease and Incidence of Pathogens In one survey of 133 samples of vanilla slices containing custard (carried out in the United Kingdom in 1977), 41% were found to contain Bacillus cereus. Microbiological surveys of product purchased in retail stores in Europe and the United States have found coliforms and Escherichia coli in up to 30% of cakes and pastries, especially those containing cream fillings. Staphylococcus aureus and B. cereus have been found in 4–25% of cream-filled pastries. Surveys of ready-to-eat foods sampled by public health authorities in Wales from 1995 to 2003 tested a wide range of foods for aerobic plate count and pathogen content. Of 862 cakes with dairy cream, 1.8% were judged to have unsatisfactory levels of E. coli. Of 808 cakes without dairy cream, 3.6% were judged unsatisfactory for E. coli and 2.9% for Listeria monocytogenes levels. In a survey of ready-to-eat foods in Korea during 2003 and 2004, 12 of the 38 cream cakes tested (31.6%) were positive for the presence of S. aureus. Despite this incidence of potential pathogens and indicator organisms, bakery items do not contribute greatly to foodborne illness. Out of 2226 outbreaks of food poisoning in the United States between 1973 and 1987, only 51 (2%) were attributed to bakery products. Nevertheless, foodborne disease outbreaks have been linked to cakes and pastries, and it is important to identify the lessons of those outbreaks so that management practice can continue to improve. In the investigation of one food-poisoning incident, 20% of the products sampled from small-plant bakeries contained coagulase-positive S. aureus. In another outbreak, 17 people contracted Salmonella enteritidis phage-type 4 food poisoning from custard slices from a small bakery. The custard had been made with fresh shell-eggs and had not been properly cooked. In 1992, a bakery in Wales was involved in two consecutive food-poisoning outbreaks in which at first custard slices, and then, separately, fresh cream cakes were the vehicles for transmission of Salmonella enteritidis phage-type 4. Poor environmental hygiene was the linking factor, and the bakery appears to have been inadequately cleaned between outbreaks. An outbreak in the United States of Salmonella enteritidis food poisoning was reported in 2002 associated with cannolis or cassata cakes. Poor handling practices, including inadequate sanitation of equipment and hand washing, was found to be responsible for the outbreak. In 2007, chocolate cakes from a bakery in Singapore were linked to an outbreak of Salmonella enteritidis, with over 100 cases of illness. Reportedly, two bakery workers tested positive for Salmonella. All products from the bakery were recalled, and the bakery and 39 franchise locations were closed for a week for hygienic improvements. In December 2010, over 100 people became ill after eating desserts from a bakery in Illinois. Sampling showed high levels of S. aureus were present, and investigation identified S. aureus contamination in the bakery. Cakes, pastries, pies, and other products distributed locally were recalled, as were decorated gingerbread houses distributed nationally. More recently, over 100 people suffered food poisoning caused by Salmonella typhimurium phage-type 9, linked to custard-filled Berliners,


a kind of doughnut, and éclairs and cannolis from two bakeries in south Australia in early 2011. Official investigations did not identify the sources of contamination within the bakeries, but products were withdrawn from sale. In one unusual outbreak of illness, though not food poisoning, in Sätila, Sweden, in 2003, 153 people contracted sore throats caused by a beta-hemolytic group A Streptococcus. Pulsed field electrophoresis patterns identified the same organism in the patients, in samples of sandwich layer cakes and in wounds on the caterer’s fingers. Results of outbreak investigations continue to point to the need for scrupulous attention to plant and personal hygiene to prevent postbaking contamination. In addition, it is necessary to take steps to control the growth of pathogenic microorganisms between product manufacture and consumption. The use of chilled or frozen storage and display is possibly the easiest means for this, although it may adversely affect the taste of the product. Chilled distribution of short-life products is more readily achieved in geographically small markets such as the United Kingdom, European national markets, and around US cities. The logistics can become prohibitive for geographically large markets, including pan-European or US national distribution.

Spoilage Many flour confectionery products are designed to be distributed, sold, stored, and consumed at ambient temperatures. These products are expected to have shelf lives ranging from a few days to several months and are generally very safe because their aw is too low to support bacterial growth. In most flour confectionery products, the primary factor limiting shelf life is mold or yeast growth. However, nonmicrobial rancidity, staling, drying out, or softening due to moisture gain are all factors capable of limiting the life of these products and should not be forgotten. The rate at which molds and yeasts spoil flour confectionery is defined by the product aw. Typically, mold or yeast spoilage of flour confectionery can manifest itself in several ways: 1. As typical visible mold colonies, for example of the molds Penicillium or Aspergillus spp. or, at lower aw of more xerotolerant molds, including Eurotium spp. and Wallemia sebi. Xeromyces bisporus is rarely seen, but its extreme xerotolerance (minimum aw for growth .61) means that it occasionally causes severe spoilage in products generally considered stable. 2. As bubbling in jams, fondants, or fruit fillings or as pitting or cracking of icings as a result of the pressure of carbon dioxide gas formed by yeast fermentation. Yeast fermentation also produces alcohol and may produce other compounds with strong odors. For example, Pichia anomala can produce ethyl acetate, which may give the impression of a product suffering from a chemical adulteration. P. burtonii produced styrene from cinnamaldehyde when fermenting syrup spiced with cinnamon was used for glazing hot cross buns. Recently, there have been reports of some species of mold (e.g., Penicillium roqueforti) and some species of yeast (e.g., Zygosaccharomyces rouxii) being able to degrade potassium sorbate preservative to 1,3 pentadiene in cakes


Confectionery Products – Cakes and Pastries

and beverages. 1,3 pentadiene has a petroleum-like taint and so has caused a number of spoilage issues. 3. As low white or off-white ‘dusty’ growth of one of a number of ‘pseudomycelial’ yeasts such as Candida guilliermondii, C. parapsilosis, Debaromyces hansenii, P. anomala, P. burtonii, Saccharomycopsis fibuligera, and even baker’s yeast S. cerevisiae on the product surface. This growth is especially visible on the surface of dark products and is known as chalk mold because of its resemblance to a sprinkling of chalk dust. Since it is white in color, it is often missed on white-colored products. It is more frequently seen on breads than on flour confectionery. Of all the microbiological spoilage problems encountered by the cake and pastry manufacturer, mold growth is most frequently encountered and is often the major factor governing shelf life. The work of Seiler and colleagues in the 1960s identified a logarithmic relationship linking aw and the moldfree shelf life of preservative-free cakes when incubated at different temperatures. The relationship is represented in simple form in Figure 2 and is widely used to estimate the mold-free shelf life of existing and new products, without the need for expensive and long storage trials. It is also used during new-product development to identify the aw needed to achieve the desired mold-free shelf life. This work forms the basis of the software package ERH-CALCÔ, marketed by Campden BRI (Gloucestershire, UK). Water activity is also very influential in determining the rate at which yeasts spoil flour confectionery. Fermentative spoilage problems are less common than mold spoilage, but, at a given aw, fermentation tends to occur more quickly than mold spoilage. Since the materials that are most susceptible to fermentative spoilage, such as jams and icings, are used as fillings and coatings, this is very important because moisture migration from the product crumb to the filling can increase its aw and reduce its expected fermentation-free life. The number of yeasts initially present in a product or filling is important in determining the spoilage potential of that filling. Figure 3 shows the effect of jams at different water activities on the growth of an osmophilic yeast over time. It also illustrates the effect of aw and inoculation level in the rate of fermentation of jam. The yeast strain used was Z. rouxii.

Figure 2 Relationship between water activity (aw) and shelf life of cake at 16, 21, and 27  C (60, 70, and 80  F, respectively). The cake contained no mold inhibitor and was protected from moisture loss during storage.

Figure 3 Effect of water activity (aw) and initial yeast count on the time needed for fermentative spoilage of jam at 25  C. Filled squares, aw .73–.74; filled circles, aw .76–.77; open circles, aw .82–.83.

Preservation Methods The easiest and cheapest way of preventing microbial growth on cakes and pastries is through use of permitted preservatives. The more commonly used preservatives worldwide for flour confectionery products are propionic acid and sorbic acid and certain of their salts. Their regulatory status varies from market to market both for concentration permitted and product types in which they are allowed. Since both are organic acids (or their salts), their antimicrobial action is heavily influenced by the concentration of undissociated acid (or salt) present rather than the total concentration. The percentage of undissociated acid (the effective species) increases as the pH decreases (Figure 4). Thus, a manufacturer seeking to increase product shelf life by using a preservative will consider pH when deciding how much preservative to add. Figure 5 shows the effect of pH on the increase in the moldfree shelf life in cake containing 1000 mg kg1 of sorbic acid. Dramatic increases in mold-free shelf life are theoretically possible, especially in products with low aw. However, high concentrations of preservative can cause ‘off’ odors and flavors within the product. A level calculated to give a 50% increase in mold-free shelf life rarely causes such problems, but sensory evaluation of a test batch of product is always recommended. Reformulation of recipes is sometimes useful for extending the shelf life of flour confectionery items. Water activity (cakes) and/or pH (fillings) are commonly manipulated to restrict microbial growth. However, care must be taken not to interfere to any great extent with the sensory properties of the product being developed. Staphylococcus aureus (a toxin-producing bacterium) can be a particular problem with this approach,

Confectionery Products – Cakes and Pastries


Figure 4 Dissociation curves for sorbic (dotted line) and propionic acid (continuous line).

Figure 6 The effect of packaging in carbon dioxide on the mold-free shelf life of cake with a water activity (aw) of .9.

Figure 5 Effect on the approximate percentage increase in the mold-free shelf life of cake at a water activity (aw) of .85 treated with sorbic acid at 1000 mg kg1.

since it can grow at an aw as low as .86 and a pH of 4.3–4.8 (although not both together; see Table 1). Gas packaging is a technique that is now widely used for products in the United Kingdom and Europe. Typically, carbon dioxide and an inert gas such as nitrogen are used in differing

percentages for different product types. These gases are flushed into a film sealed around a product such that they replace the air surrounding the product. Carbon dioxide is used for its inherent antimicrobial effect, and nitrogen for its help in preventing organoleptic deterioration of the products. Since molds require oxygen to grow, and oxygen is limited in a modified atmosphere pack, very significant increases in the mold-free shelf life of flour confectionery items can be achieved using this technique. The use of carbon dioxide to replace the air around products with aw below .90 has increased a given mold-free life up to five times that in air packs, provided that seal integrity is maintained (Figure 6). Another approach to mold control by restricting the oxygen content of the package is to include an oxygen scavenger. Currently, this consists of a small sachet of iron-based material that is added to the package. As the iron rusts, it removes oxygen from the package, creating an atmosphere with oxygen 40  C body temperature) has been estimated to range from 14 to 39 days, with an average of 20 days in humans.

Acute Infection Although there is no typical form of acute infection as the symptoms vary from patient to patient, some of the manifestations include sudden onset of high fever, headache, and cough, and sometimes are associated with rash or a meningeal syndrome. The acute form generally is not fatal and is selflimiting with flulike illness and subclinical to debilitating symptoms. Along with radiographic symptoms like pneumonia, patients may have increased liver enzyme levels, erythrocyte sedimentation rates, and thrombocytopenia. In case of acute infection, the antibody levels to phase II antigens are usually higher than for phase I agents and may be detected during second week of symptoms. Overall, the acute infection may involve three major presentations as self-limited flulike syndrome, pneumonia, and hepatitis. Treatment of acute Q fever is effective when treated with doxycycline within 3 days after onset of the illness.


Coxiella burnetii

Chronic Infection Chronic Q fever can occur in rare instances among very few patients infected with C. burnetii and may occur after months to years of acute illness. The chronic disease involves endocarditis, hepatitis, and chronic fatigue. The chronic Q fever endocarditis is difficult to diagnose and treat due to poor prognosis. Combination long-term therapy with doxycycline and hydroxychloroquine or doxycycline with a fluoroquinolone usually is recommended. During chronic illness, high antibody levels to phase I antigens and constant or decreasing levels of antibodies to phase II antigens can be seen. In this form of the disease, multiplication of C. burnetii occurs inside the macrophages, which ingest the organism into a phagolysosome where the acidic pH activates the Coxiella’s metabolic enzymes. Upon reaching maturity, the bacteria begin sporulation. Furthermore, the infected macrophages lyse leading to spore release to infect other cells. Usually, chronic fever occurring as endocarditis is common in patients with valvular damage or in patients with compromised immunity. The symptoms of chronic Q fever occur mainly as cell-mediated inflammatory responses and may include anemia, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and hypergammaglobulinemia. The culturenegative endocarditis is considered to be a suggestive clue to chronic Q fever.

Serological Tests for Diagnosis Several techniques are recommended for serological diagnosis and the most commonly used ones include indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), ELISA, and the complement fixation test (CFT). The ELISA or immune-detection tests are preferred due to their high sensitivity and specificity during veterinary diagnosis and for convenience and reliability. Readily available commercial ELISA test kits in microplate format can detect either anti–phase I or anti–phase II antibodies. Typical ELISA tests involve the use of microplate wells coated with C. burnetii whole-cell inactivated antigens, and these antigens can react with antibodies in serum specimens. After initial washing, horseradish-peroxidase-labeled secondary antibodies are added, which react with the bound primary antibodies. Once an enzyme substrate is added, the reaction is stopped by adding a stop solution and the resulting color is measured spectrophotometrically. The mean absorbance of the sample serum is compared with that of positive and negative controls to calculate the percent absorbance to interpret the values. Other immunoassay methods include enzyme-linked immunosorbent fluorescence assays or tests using monoclonal antibodies, dot immunoblotting, and western immunoblotting. Any particular test is chosen based on parameters including sensitivity, specificity, cost, and amount of antigen required for the test. In the case of the IFA, which is used as the reference assay for diagnosing Q fever, the preparation of antigens for the test phase I and phase II reference of C. burnetii are used. First, the phase II strains are grown in confluent mouse cell lines and inoculated with phase I antigens from the spleens of mice inoculated with phase II C. burnetii. Preparation of antigens this way yields the highest sensitivity antigens for detection of

C. burnetii antibodies. Diluted sera are placed on the immunofluorescence slides containing wells already coated with antigens. If the sera contain specific antibodies, they will be fixed on the slide and the complex will be detected using a fluorescence microscope following the addition of a fluorescent conjugate that would recognize the species-specific immunoglobulins. The CFT detects the compliment-fixing antibodies present in a serum sample containing the C. burnetii antigens. This test is less specific and lacks sensitivity.

Conclusion Coxiella burnetii is the causal agent of Q fever and has worldwide distribution. Although the disease was reported during 1930s, it is poorly understood because of the low intensity and subclinical symptoms of illness. The exact disease prevalence is unknown as the number of cases of Q fever is underestimated. Coxiella burnetii mainly is transmitted from contact with livestock and domestic animals; farm animals such as sheep and goats are considered the main reservoirs of C. burnetii. Consumption of raw milk is also a means of its transmission. Diagnostic tests that allow direct detection of C. burnetii are preferred and such tests include PCR detection and immunoassays.

See also: Acetobacter; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Introduction; Biochemical Identification Techniques for Foodborne Fungi: Food Spoilage Flora; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Food-Poisoning Microorganisms; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, and Escherichia Coli; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Microfloras of Fermented Foods; Biophysical Techniques for Enhancing Microbiological Analysis; Brettanomyces; Helicobacter; Injured and Stressed Cells; Klebsiella; Microscopy: Light Microscopy; Microscopy: Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy; Microscopy: Scanning Electron Microscopy; Microscopy: Transmission Electron Microscopy; Atomic Force Microscopy; Microscopy: Sensing Microscopy; Mycobacterium; Shigella: Introduction and Detection by Classical Cultural and Molecular Techniques; Vibrio Introduction, Including Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio vulnificus, and Other Vibrio Species; Vibrio: Vibrio cholerae; Vibrio: Standard Cultural Methods and Molecular Detection Techniques in Foods; Xanthomonas.

Further Reading Amano, K.I., Williams, J.C., 1984. Chemical and immunological characterization of lipopolysaccharides from phase I and phase II Coxiella burnetii. Journal of Bacteriology 160, 994–1002. Arricau-Bouvery, N., Rodolakis, A., 2005. Is Q fever an emerging or re-emerging zoonosis? Veterinary Research 3, 327–349. Beare, P.A., Unsworth, N., Andoh, M., Voth, D.E., Omsland, A., Gilk, S.D., Williams, K.P., Sobral, B.W., Kupko 3rd, J.J.-, Porcella, S.F., Samuel, J.E., Heinzen, R.A., 2009. Comparative genomics reveal extensive transposon mediated genomic plasticity and diversity among potential effector proteins within the genus Coxiella. Infection and Immunity 77, 642–656.

Coxiella burnetii Byrne, W.R., 1997. Q fever. In: Sidell, F.R., Takafugi, E.T., Franz, D.R. (Eds.), Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare, Chapter 26. TMM Publications, Washington DC, pp. 523–537. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1977. Q fever-California. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 26, 86–87. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2002. Q fever-California, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee, 2000–2001. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 51, 924–927. Christie, A.B., 1974. Q fever. In: Christie, A.B. (Ed.), Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Clinical Practice. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp. 876–891. Coleman, S.A., Fischer, E.R., Howe, D., Mead, D.J., Heinzen, R.A., 2004. Temporal analysis of Coxiella burnetii morphological differentiation. Journal of Bacteriology 186, 7344–7352. Jaspers, U., Thiele, D., Krauss, H., 1994. Monoclonal antibody based competitive ELISA for the detection of specific antibodies against Coxiella burnetii in sera from different animal species. Zentralblatt fuer Bakteriologie 281, 61–66.


Kim, S.G., Kim, E.H., Lafferty, C.J., Dubovi, E., 2005. Coxiella burnetii in bulk tank milk samples, United States. Emerging Infectious Diseases 11, 619–621. Maurin, M., Raoult, D., 1999. Q fever. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 12, 518–553. Musso, D., Raoult, D., 1995. Coxiella burnetii blood cultures from acute and chronic Q fever patients. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 33, 3129–3132. Samuel, J.E., Hendrix, L.R., 2009. Laboratory maintenance of Coxiella burnetii. Current Protocols in Micriobiology 6C (Suppl.15), 1–16. Scott, G.H., Williams, J.C., Stephenson, E.H., 1987. Animal models in Q fever: pathological responses of inbred mice to phase I Coxiella burnetii. Journal of General Microbiology 133, 691–700. Walker, D.H., Raoult, D., Dumler, J.S., Marrie, T., 2005. Rickettsial diseases. In: Kasper, D.L., Fauci, A.S., Longo, D.L., Braunwald, E., Hauser, S.L., Jameson, J.L. (Eds.), Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, sixteenth ed. McGraw Hill, New York, pp. 999–1008.

Cream see Bacillus: Bacillus anthracis Critical Control Points see Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP): Critical Control Points

Cronobacter (Enterobacter) sakazakii X Yan and JB Gurtler, US Department of Agriculture, Wyndmoor, PA, USA Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction Cronobacter sakazakii has been identified as an infrequently isolated opportunistic pathogen based on neonatal illnesses associated with contaminated powered infant formula (PIF). Cronobacter spp., formerly known as Enterobacter sakazakii, was first called “yellow-pigmented Enterobacter cloacae” by Pangalos in a case of septicemia in an infant in the late 1929. Only after 1980, E. sakazakii (now C. sakazakii) was considered to be a distinct species and was named in honor of the Japanese bacterial taxonomist and microbiologist Riichi Sakazaki (1920–2002), who discovered a distinct yellow-pigmented variant of Enterobacter cloaca. C. sakazakii is a motile, Gramnegative, non-spore-forming, rod-shaped coliform bacterium within the family Enterobacteriaceae, genus Cronobacter. It has been implicated in outbreaks of neonatal illness (premature infants), in isolated cases of severely immunocompromised individuals, and in the elderly, but it rarely causes disease in healthy adults. More than 120 cases of C. sakazakii–related illness have been reported, and most are presented as lifethreatening infections (FAO/WHO, 2008). Many of these outbreaks have been associated with the consumption of C. sakazakii–contaminated powdered infant formula, leading to numerous recalls and litigation. A considerable amount of basic research has investigated the biochemical, morphological, taxonomic, physiological, and molecular mechanisms of the pathogen, including molecular aspects of pathogenicity and virulence. Because of the relatively recent understanding and recognition of the importance of C. sakazakii as an emerging opportunistic foodborne pathogen in low-moisture food products, a great deal remains unknown about C. sakazakii, such as its natural habitat, the genomic information and comparative sequence analysis, genetic diversity among strains, and virulence factors contributing to pathogenicity and adherence properties of C. sakazakii. To date, only a few C. sakazakii genomes have been completely or partially sequenced, including C. sakazakii strains ATCC BAA-894, E899, ES713, and Sp291.

Characteristics of the Species Morphological, Taxonomic, and Biochemical Characteristics Cronobacter sakazakii organisms are members of the family Enterobacteriacea. Taxonomy, classification, and nomenclature


of genera in the family Enterobacteriacea have evolved over the years based on genetic, serological, and biochemical characteristics, and clinical and morphological phenotype similarities and differences. Cronobacter sakazakii typically presents two different morphological colony types when fresh isolates are streaked on fresh trypticase soy agar (TSA; i.e., Type A and Type B). Type A is also called matt (or matte) and includes large, dry, or mucoid colonies with scalloped edges, which are rubbery when touched with a loop. Type B is referred to as glossy and smooth, is soft or pasty in texture, and often exhibits relatively small amounts of pigment production. About 80% of strains produce a temperature-dependent yellow pigment, a nondiffusible compound on TSA at 25  C, rarely exhibited at 37  C. Subcultures from a single well-isolated colony are known to present in both type A and type B morphologies (i.e., matt vs. glossy), and it is also common to find both colony types in one culture (Farmer et al., 1980). Differences in Cronobacter colonial morphologies were apparent among food, environmental, and clinical isolates. It has been reported that strains isolated from different clinical samples showed a mucoid appearance on violet red bile glucose agar (VRBGA) containing both glucose and lactose, whereas the strains isolated from food and environmental sources produced matte colonies with a rubbery texture. Classification of the genus Cronobacter was proposed for revision in the year 2007, based on a detailed polyphasic taxonomical approach; a method that incorporates all available molecular, biochemical, morphological, and physiological data into a consensus classification (Iversen et al., 2007). Cronobacter sakazakii was reclassified into the six species: C. sakazakii, C. malonaticus, Cronobacter turicensis, Cronobacter muytjensii, Cronobacter dublinensis, and Cronobacter genomospecies along with three subspecies of C. dublinensis, namely, dublinensis, lausannensis, and lactaridi. Although frequently utilized, 16s rRNA gene sequencing has been found not to be an ideal method of distinguishing C. sakazakii and C. malonaticus, due to their close relatedness and since both of these species are defined according their biotype – biotype 1. DNA–DNA hybridization and biochemical tests reveal that C. sakazakii consists of 15 biogroups, biotype 1 being the most common. Yellow-pigmented C. sakazakii strains were only 41 and 54% homologous to nonpigmented Citrobacter freundii and E. cloacae, based on DNA–DNA hybridization data analysis. Currently, 16S rDNA sequencing, biotyping, and multilocus sequence typing (MLST)

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


Cronobacter (Enterobacter) sakazakii Table 1


Some key biochemical and metabolic properties from C. sakazakii, C. freundii, E. cloacae, and Salmonella

Biochemical test

C. sakazakii

Citrobacter freundii

Enterobacter cloacae

Salmonella spp.

Indole Methyl red test Acetoin production (VP test) Citrate utilization Phenylpyruvic acid production Lysine decarboxylase Ornithine Arginine hydolysation H2S production Lactose Trypticase soy agar at 25  C DNase test on toluidine blue agar (36  C, 7 days) Catalase Oxidase Urease Growth in KCN Tween 80 esterase production D-Sorbitol Phosphoamidase activity a-glucosidase activity

_ _ þ þ þ/ _ þ þ _ þ Yellow pigmented þ þ _ _ þ þ _ _ þ

_ þ _ þ _ _ _ þ/ þ þ/ _ _ þ/ _ þ þ _ þ þ _

_ _ þ þ _ _ þ þ _ þ (with gas) _ _ þ _ _ þ _ þ þ _

_ þ _ þ _ þ þ þ þ/ _ _ _ Moderate reactive _ _ þ/ _ _ þ _

are the most commonly used approaches to ensure a more accurate and robust means of identifying and discriminating a diverse range of well-characterized Cronobacter spp. strains. Differences between C. sakazakii and other Enterobacter species have shown that most C. sakazakii are capable of utilizing the sugars L-arabinose, D-cellobiose, D-fructose, D-glucose, D-galactose, x-methyl-D-glucoside, D-maltose, D-sucrose, and D-trehalose, as well as the sugar alcohol D-mannitol. After growth on TSA at 25  C, C. sakazakii are malonate and catalase positive, lack H2S gas production, and are negative for oxidase, methyl red test, urease, indole, phosphoamidase, D-sorbitol, and D-arabitol. Most biochemical tests for C. sakazakii are performed to confirm the absence of phosphoamidase and the presence of a-glucosidase, which has been considered one of the major biochemical traits distinguishing Cronobacter from other related Enterobacteriaceae. Nevertheless, it is now known that a-glucosidase activity is not unique to C. sakazakii, and the performance and utility of 4-methylumbelliferyl-a-D-glucoside as a selection marker cannot be solely used to confirm C. sakazakii on selective medium. Table 1 lists some key biochemical and metabolic properties of C. sakazakii, C. freundii, E. cloacae, and Salmonella, another predominant Category A foodborne pathogen, occasionally isolated from low-moisture products. As an alternative to the use of biochemical identifiers as selection biomarkers, the discovery of genetic biomarkers through the identification of unique C. sakazakii gene expression profiles or pathways in response to various environmental conditions have been studied. Researchers indicate that intracellular trehalose accumulation in Cronobacter cells during the stationary phase may confer high tolerance to dehydration. Several other proteins, including Dps (DNA starvation/stationary phase protection protein), Hns (histonelike nucleoid structuring protein), superoxide dismutase, and alkylhydroperoxide reductase were shown to be expressed in Cronobacter cells exposed to desiccation or oxidation. These proteins are involved in DNA repair and protection of proteins against oxidative damage or desiccation stress.

Some other notable characteristics of C. sakazakii species are that C. sakazakii strains have been reported to form biofilms on a wide variety of surfaces, including silicon, glass, stainless steel, and enteral feeding tubes. The survival and growth characteristics of C. sakazakii from a wide range of sources have been consistently reported to be related to thermal and osmotic stress resistance, desiccation and acid tolerance, variable susceptibility and resistance to antibiotics, and evolving genetic diversity and adaptation to extreme environments.

Omics Studies To date, several Cronobacter genomes, including C. sakazakii ATCC BAA-894, E899, ES713, Sp291, and one C. turicensis strain (LMG 23827) have been completely or partially sequenced. The genome of C. sakazakii strain BAA-894 (Kucerova et al., 2010) has a total of 4563 genes and includes a 4.4 Mb chromosome (57% GC content) with two plasmids of 31 kb (51% GC) and 131 kb (56% GC). Array-based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis revealed that a total of 4382 genes of C. sakazakii ATCC BAA-894 were common to all the Cronobacter strains, excluding C. genomospecies. Molecular serotyping by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or microarray is based on targeting unique sequences within O-antigen clusters. The cell wall antigen (O-antigen), O polysaccharide, or O side-chain of the bacteria is a repetitive glycan polymer that is contained within a lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Since the bacterium was reclassified as Cronobacter and all six species identified as pathogens in the 2008 FAO/WHO report, only two major serotypes – O1 and O2 have been identified. With the increasing use of next-generation DNA sequencing technology, however, more and more information pertaining to a variety of ecological niches and large volume of C. sakazakii sequence data is becoming available for the molecular characterization of C. sakazakii O-antigen gene clusters.


Cronobacter (Enterobacter) sakazakii

Development of serogroup-specific PCR assays has targeted the wzx, O-antigen flippase, and wzy, O-antigen polymerase genes. Due to the difficulty of resuscitating injured or stressed C. sakazakii cells from extreme environments, metagenomic sequencing could be used to characterize uncultured C. sakazakii in PIF-specific microbial communities. A commonly used strategy for the classification and identification of complex bacterial communities consists of 16S rDNA-based PCR. The main limitation of a 16s rRNA-based metagenomics approach is that 16S rRNA genes evolve at different rates, but with a relatively rigid 1–1.3% operational species threshold. Another limitation is that 16S rRNA does not represent the entire genomic content that determines the biological characteristics for a species. Significant differences in genome composition may be present in bacterial species that are completely identical or that differ only slightly in 16S rRNA genes. The genomic sequence of reference strains of all six groups of C. sakazakii could be used to compare the metagenomic fragments amplified from various sources and sequenced by next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology. This kind of analysis reveals the presence of metagenomic islands, that is, O-antigens, a highly variable region among the different lineages in the population. A complete proteome is the entire set of protein sequences that can be expressed by a specific organism. The complete proteome of C. sakazakii can be found online at http://hamap. expasy.org/proteomes/ENTS8.html. Noteworthy proteomics research involves the identification of proteins implicated in the osmotic stress response of C. sakazakii.

Detection Methods A few problems are associated with isolating C. sakazakii, particularly from dehydrated PIF. One difficulty relates to resuscitating stressed cells from tested samples, whereas another is the uneven distribution and low pathogen levels of less than 1 CFU g1 found in food. In recent years, there has been considerable interest in finding or developing methods for the specific detection of C. sakazakii from PIF with improved specificity, selectivity, and reliability. A review of monitoring methods available for C. sakazakii has recently been published by Fanning and Forsythe (2007). The resuscitation efficiency of injured or stressed C. sakazakii cells relies on a nonselective preenrichment followed by a selective enrichment medium. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) laboratories use Enterobacteriaceae enrichment (EE) broth for food enrichments, which are then streaked, not pour- or spread-plated, onto a solid violet red bile glucose agar (VRBGA). VRBGA growth is then restreaked onto TSA and incubated at 25  C for 48–72 h, and yellow-pigmented colonies are then confirmed by the oxidase test and a commercial biochemical identification panel. VRBGA is not specific for C. sakazakii, however, and is selective only for coliforms and the family Enterobacteriaceae. Iversen and Forsythe developed a slightly improved C. sakazakii–specific enrichment broth designed for maximum recovery of C. sakazakii after comparing three other C. sakazakii enrichment broths: EE broth, C. sakazakii–selective broth, and modified lauryl-sulfate broth. Other methods that have been reported have relied on Tween

80 esterase production to confirm presumptive isolates. Preenrichment steps, including resuscitation of injured or stressed bacteria, are usually carried out with distilled water in the FDA method, rather than with buffered peptone water. Preenrichment via Pathatrix cationic beads was able to capture all 15 C. sakazakii biotypes. The sensitivity of this method can be increasedfrom 0.4 to 0.1 CFU g1 by extending the preenrichment incubation period from 6 to 24 h. Preenrichment cultures can then be transferred to either a chromogenic medium or, for a faster results, tested directly by a molecular method, such as PCR. Although a number of other members of the family Enterobacteriaceae are also a-glucosidase positive, methods based on the a-glucosidase reaction have been recommended as a supplementary confirmation test to avoid false-positive test conclusions. Additionally, around 2% of C. sakazakii strains do not produce yellow pigmentation on tryptone soya agar at 25  C; therefore, other biochemical confirmation tests are still required (Table 1). Further characterization and subtyping of C. sakazakii isolated from food and environmental samples can be accomplished using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), PCR-restriction fragment-length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA), or automated ribotyping. Other methods of analyses that have been used include testing for antibiotic resistance patterns (antibiograms), toxin assays, hemagglutination, serotyping, and phage typing. It is recommended that laboratories identify all C. sakazakii isolates based on molecular characteristics to facilitate epidemiologic investigations and to identify new infection vehicles. A recent publication by Williams et al. (2004) described a method to differentiate strains of C. sakazakii based on protein biomarkers. The biomarkers were sequenced to provide insight into why certain strains were more thermal tolerant than others. Nucleic acid–based detection technologies are becoming widely used, practical tools in pathogen detection and food safety control. However, the bacterial genetic material (DNA or mRNA sequences) is not always translated into proteins due to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), mutations, insertions, and deletions. Protein detection will serve as an important confirmation for the presence of pathogenic foodborne pathogens in samples and is becoming an increasingly important approach for developing diagnostic kits for the food safety industry. Typical methods for protein or toxin detection include enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), lateral flow strips, lectin-based arrays, phage displayed libraries, and biosensors. A comparison of various detection methods that have been applied to C. sakazakii are outlined in Table 2 and recently have been reviewed by Yan et al. in 2010.

Importance to the Food Industry and Consumer International surveillance of C. sakazakii in food production, processing, preservation, consumption of PIF, and outbreak investigations have been described and discussed in the 2004, 2006, and 2008 FAO/WHO expert meeting reports on C. sakazakii and other pathogens. Cronobacter sakazakii is widespread within the environment; having been isolated from water, meat, milk, cheese, soil, dust from households, sewage,

Cronobacter (Enterobacter) sakazakii Table 2


Overview of detection methods applied to C. sakazakii




Conventional methods (refer to Table 1) 1. Morphological tests 2. Biochemical tests

Simple, cheap, and instrumentindependent

Time consuming, low discrimination, labor intensive, and expensive

1. Fast, relatively simple

1. Instrument dependent

2. Highly discriminatory

2. Instrument dependent, skilled data processing required 3. Need expensive instrumentation, time consuming for method development 4. Expensive 5. Slow, instrument dependent, and difficult for data comparison 6. Instrument dependent 7. Difficult to discriminate C. malonaticus and C. sakazakii strains

Molecular-based detection methods 1. Regular PCR detection: dnaG, ompA, cellulose, and gluA 2. DNA–DNA hybridization-microarray 3. PCR-amplified fragment-length polymorphisms (PCR-AFLP) 4. Automated ribotyping 5. Pulse-field gel electrophoresis

3. Fast, levels of discrimination can be defined by primers 4. Fast, intermediate level of discrimination 5. Highly discriminatory

6. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) 7. 16s rRNA sequencing

6. Fast, reliable and highly discriminatory 7. Fast, relatively reliable, and intermediate level of discrimination

Immuno-based methods 1. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) 2. Phage-displayed library 3. Biosensor

1. Reliable 2. Relatively simple, reasonable discrimination 3. Reliable, relatively faster than traditional ELISA

plants, and vegetables, and it has been associated with humans, other mammals, birds and possibly fish, reptiles, and amphibians (see Gurtler et al., 2005). The primary reservoir of C. sakazakii is unknown, but there are indications that these pathogens might be of animal or plant origin. In the food industry, C. sakazakii is an opportunistic pathogen that can cause life-threatening bacterial infections in infants and may be a common contaminant in the dairy environment, both at the farm and in the dairy plant. As a consequence of its ability to withstand extreme environmental conditions, C. sakazakii is a particularly significant concern for the infant milk formula industry reviewed by Gurtler and Beuchat (2007a, b, & c). In elaborating a risk assessment model of C. sakazakii contamination, experimental studies have determined that C. sakazakii cells imbedded within biofilms cannot be inactivated by disinfectants, and some strains can survive refrigeration temperatures, as well as thermal, osmotic, and desiccation stress conditions. Based on a 2002 FDA field survey, 22.7% of the official samples collected from each major domestic PIF manufacturer tested positive for C. sakazakii. Despite increased research interest in C. sakazakii, little is known regarding how genetic diversity and strain classification are important to risk assessment based on the prevalence of pathogenic C. sakazakii in the environment and in foods, especially in PIF. PIF, as nonsterile commercial products, are unlike liquid infant formula products that are subject to high temperatures for a sufficient time to make the final packaged product commercially sterile. The FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) sent a letter to “healthcare professionals about a growing body of information pertaining to E. sakazakii infections in neonates fed milk-based powdered infant formulas. In light of epidemiological findings, and the fact that powdered infant formulas are not commercially

1. Expensive and time consuming 2. Phage sets not widely available 3. Relies on either specific antibodies or DNA probes for specificity, time consuming for method development

sterile products, FDA recommends that powdered infant formulas not be used in neonatal intensive care settings unless there is no alternative available” (http://www.fda.gov/Food/ FoodSafety/Product-SpecificInformation/InfantFormula/ AlertsSafetyInformation/ucm111299.htm). The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also identified effective or promising intervention strategies for C. sakazakii prevention and control, including irradiation in combination with other techniques, and engineering of sterile PIF packaging. Obtaining scientific information from professionals and government regulators on procedures for consumers to prepare PIF is necessary, since PIF is not a sterile product and may be contaminated with foodborne pathogens, such as C. sakazakii, Salmonella spp., and others. The WHO/FAO in 2004, 2006, and 2008 issued guidelines for the safer preparation, storage, and handling of PIF, including hot water for preparation of PIF, storage and transportation of prepared PIF, feeding time, and cleaning and sterilization of feeding and preparation equipment. The United States and other nations also developed specific recommendations, including breastfeeding of infants when possible, using ready-to-feed sterile liquid infant formula in care settings, and taking special care in the preparation of PIF.

Conclusion and Future Studies Cronobacter sakazakii has been identified as an infrequently isolated opportunistic pathogen based on neonatal illnesses associated with contaminated PIF. Current and future research among regulatory agencies, academia, and industry are likely to build collaborative efforts to integrate approaches that would effectively (1) prevent and control contamination and its


Cronobacter (Enterobacter) sakazakii

associated illnesses and (2) further study transmission mechanisms. Needed control techniques and procedures and a number of research areas that merit further investigation include improved consumer education and product labeling, increased access to sanitation and effective hygienic practices, national and international product standards and testing programs, biomarker discovery and molecular serotyping, and comprehensive integrated databases. Additional areas of investigation include information pertaining to stress responses, virulence, and pathogenesis factors; epidemiology and environmental reservoirs; antimicrobial resistance; and identifying effective intervention strategies for the reduction or elimination of C. sakazakii from PIF and other food products (see Richards et al., 2005). Other studies involving C. sakazakii have focused on methods to eliminate coliforms from PIF, thermal resistance, environmental reservoirs, pathogenicity, antibiotic resistance, exopolysaccharide production, development of rapid detection methods, enumeration and identification, subtyping, and predictive modeling. Although traditional research in these and other areas is needed, the urgency for attaining information in some areas is greater than in others. Cronobacter sakazakii and Salmonella enterica increasingly are implicated as major microbiological contaminants in low-moisture food products, internationally. Estimates are that 40–80% of infants infected with C. sakazakii in the United States do not survive the illness or are severely neurologically impaired. The FAO/WHO 2004 expert meeting on E. sakazakii and other microorganisms revealed clear evidence of causality for C. sakazakii and S. enterica as Category A organisms, capable of causing severe illness and death, especially with regards to contamination in infant formula. Research is currently needed to integrate a systematic approach, integrating computational genomic analysis, kinetics models (predictive microbiology), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and new technologies to detect and verify pathogenic E. sakazakii and Salmonella in complex low-moisture food matrices. Mention of trade names or commercial products is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

See also: Enterobacter; Enterobacteriaceae, Coliform, and Escherichia coli: Classical and Modern Methods for Detection and Enumeration; Salmonella: Detection by Immunoassays; Genomics; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Introduction; Biochemical Identification Techniques for Foodborne Fungi: Food Spoilage Flora; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Food-Poisoning Microorganisms; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, and Escherichia Coli; Enterobacter; Enterobacteriaceae: Coliforms and E. coli, Introduction; Enterobacteriaceae, Coliform, and Escherichia coli: Classical and Modern Methods for Detection and Enumeration; Enzyme Immunoassays: Overview; Bacteria RiboPrint™: A Realistic Strategy to Address Microbiological Issues outside of the Research Laboratory; Multilocus Sequence Typing of Food Microorganisms; Application of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms–Based Typing for DNA

Fingerprinting of Foodborne Bacteria; Identification Methods and DNA Fingerprinting: Whole Genome Sequencing; Identification Methods: Multilocus Enzyme Electrophoresis; Identification Methods: Chromogenic Agars; Identification Methods: Immunoassay; Identification Methods: DNA Hybridization and DNA Microarrays for Detection and Identification of Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens; Identification of Clinical Microorganisms with MALDI-TOF-MS in a Microbiology Laboratory; Identification Methods: Real-Time PCR; Identification Methods: Culture-Independent Techniques; Enrichment.

Further Reading Beuchat, L.R., Kim, H., Gurtler, J.B., Lin, L.C., Ryu, J.H., Richards, G.M., 2009. Cronobacter sakazakii in foods and factors affecting its survival, growth, and inactivation. International Journal of Food Microbiology 136, 204–213. Fanning, S., Forsythe, S.J., 2007. Isolation and identification of E. sakazakii. In: Farber, J.M., Forsythe, S.J. (Eds.), Emerging Issues in Food Safety: Enterobacter Sakazakii. ASM Press, Washington DC, USA. FAO, 8 October 2008. Enterobacter Sakazakii (Cronobacter spp.) in Powdered Followup Formulae. FAO, Rome, Italy. http://www.fao.org/ag/agn/agns/jemra/Sakazaki_ FUF_report.pdf.inelevel2. Farmer III, J.J., Asbury, M.A., Hickman, F.W., Brenner, D.J., the Enterobacteriaceae Study Group, 1980. Enterobacter sakazakii: a new species of “Enterobacteriaceae” isolated from clinical specimens. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 30, 569–584. Gurtler, J.B., Beuchat, L.R., 2007a. Growth and survival of Enterobacter sakazakii in reconstituted infant formula as affected by application of the Lactoperoxidase system. Journal of Food Protection 70, 2104–2110. Gurtler, J.B., Beuchat, L.R., 2007b. Growth of Enterobacter sakazakii in reconstituted powdered infant formula as affected by temperature and formula composition. Journal of Food Protection 70, 2095–2103. Gurtler, J.B., Beuchat, L.R., 2007c. Survival of Enterobacter sakazakii in powdered infant formula as affected by water activity and temperature. Journal of Food Protection 70, 1579–1586. Gurtler, J.B., Kornacki, J.L., Beuchat, L.R., 2005. Enterobacter sakazakii: a coliform of increased concern to infant health. International Journal of Food Microbiology 104, 1–34. Iversen, C., Lehner, A., Mullane, N., Bidlas, E., Cleenwerck, I., Marugg, J., Fanning, S., Stephan, R., Joosten, H., 2007. The taxonomy of Enterobacter sakazakii: proposal of a new genus Cronobacter gen. nov. and descriptions of Cronobacter sakazakii comb. nov., Cronobacter sakazakii subsp. sakazakii, comb. nov., Cronobacter sakazakii subsp. malonaticus subsp. nov., Cronobacter turicensis sp. nov., Cronobacter muytjensii sp. nov., Cronobacter dublinensis sp. nov. and Cronobacter genomospecies 1. BMC Evolutionary Biology 7, 64. Kucerova, E., Clifton, S.W., Xia, X.-Q., Long, F., Porwollik, S., Fulton, L., 2010. Genome sequence of Cronobacter sakazakii BAA-894 and comparative genomic hybridization analysis with other Cronobacter species. PLoS ONE 5, e9556. Muytjens, H.L., van der Ros-van de Repe, J., van Druten, H.A.M., 1984. Enzymatic profiles of Enterobacter sakazakii and related species with special reference to the alpha glucosidase reaction and reproducibility of the test system. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 20 (4), 684. Nazarowec-White, M., Farber, J.M., Cordier, J.-L., van Schothorst, M., 2003. Enterobacter sakazakii. In: Miliotis, M.D., Bier, J.W. (Eds.), International Handbook of Foodborne Pathogens. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 407–413. Richards, G.M., Gurtler, J.B., Beuchat, L.R., 2005. Survival and growth of Enterobacter sakazakii in infant rice cereal reconstituted with water, milk, liquid infant formula, or apple juice. Journal of Applied Microbiology 99, 844–850. Yan, X., Gurtler, J., Fratamico, P.M., Hu, J., Gunther IV, N.W., Juneja, V.K., Huang, L., 2010. Comprehensive approaches for molecular biomarker discovery for the detection and identification of Cronobacter spp. (Enterobacter sakazakii) and Salmonella. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77, 1833–1843. Williams, T.L., Edelson-Mammel, S., Buchanan, R., Musser, S.M., May 2004. Differentiation of Enterobacter Sakazakii Strains Using Protein Expression Profiles Generated by LC/MS. Abstract Q-098, 104th Gen. Mtg. American Society for Microbiology New Orleans, LA, USA 23–27.

Crustacea see Shellfish (Mollusks and Crustaceans): Characteristics of the Groups; Shellfish Contamination and Spoilage

Cryptosporidium RM Chalmers, Public Health Wales Microbiology, Swansea, UK Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is a revision of the previous edition article by R.W.A. Girdwood, H.V. Smith, volume 1, pp 487–497, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

Characteristics of the Genus

Species in the Genus

Protozoa found in the gastric glands of laboratory mice were first described and named Cryptosporidium by Tyzzer in 1907, followed by further observations in mice, rabbits, and chickens. Cryptosporidium was first recognized as a cause of morbidity and mortality in turkeys in the 1950s, as a cause of scouring in calves in the early 1970s, and gastrointestinal disease in humans in 1976. Although infection has been reported in all vertebrate classes, the main health risks are of gastrointestinal disease in humans, young ruminants, reptiles and birds, and renal and respiratory disease in birds. Respiratory disease is seen occasionally in young ruminants and severely immunocompromised humans. Disease in fish and reptiles is poorly described. In humans, transmission is usually by the fecal oral route; there are rare reports of respiratory disease via inhalation or possibly aspiration. Direct transmission to humans is by contact with an infected host and their feces, for example, changing diapers, caring for a person with diarrhea, having another person in the household with diarrhea, and feeding or petting young ruminants. Indirect transmission is by consumption of contaminated drinking water, food, and recreational water or from contaminated fomites. Classification of the family Cryptosporidiidae is uncertain (Table 1). Although traditionally ascribed to the order Emeriidae, with other medically important protozoa, including Cystoisospora, Sarcocystis, Cyclospora, and Toxoplasma, there are life cycle, structural, and ultrastructural differences. Furthermore, genetic analyses show closer relationship with the gregarines, and distinct lineage of apicomplexan parasites has been proposed for Cryptosporidiidae. At present, there is a single genus, Cryptosporidium. The considerable genetic distance, as well as ultrastructural and developmental differences between piscine and other Cryptosporidium species, has led to proposals for a new genus, Piscicryptosporidium, but additional piscine isolates need to be studied.

The total number of Cryptosporidium species is not known; about 25 have been accepted as valid, having sufficient morphological, host range, and genetic data. Of these, 17 have been reported to infect mammals, 2 birds, 1 both mammals and birds, 2 reptiles, and 1 amphibians at the time of writing (Table 2). Some species have broader host ranges within host class than others, but not all present a zoonotic risk to humans. Most human cryptosporidiosis is caused by Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium hominis, although local differences in species prevalence may occur. Risk factors for infection with anthroponotic C. hominis differ from zoonotic C. parvum. Species cannot be differentiated reliably by oocyst morphology. Cryptosporidium parvum and C. hominis oocysts are spherical or subspherical, smooth-walled, 4.5–5.5 mm in diameter, and contain four curved, naked sporozoites (Table 2).

Table 1 Traditional classification of the genus Cryptosporidium Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus

Protozoa Apicomplexa (Sporozoa) Coccidea Eimeriidae Cryptosporidiidae Cryptosporidium

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

Life Cycle The Cryptosporidium life cycle requires a single host (monoxenous), and usually occurs in the gastrointestinal or, less frequently, respiratory tract, following ingestion of the environmentally resistant, transmissive oocyst stage (Figure 1). Oocysts excyst releasing sporozoites that probe and penetrate the microvillus surface of the epithelium, become internalized within a parasitophorous vacuole and develop into spherical trophozoites (meronts). Type 1 meronts initiate repetitive asexual multiplication (merogony or schizogony), releasing merozoites that invade other epithelial cells repeating the process. Merozoites can develop into Type II meronts, which differentiate to form microgamonts and macrogamonts, initiating sexual reproduction. The microgamonts rupture to release microgametes, which fertilize the macrogamonts to produce zygotes, the majority of which mature into thick-walled oocysts; a minority become thin-walled oocysts, which release sporozoites within the lumen, perpetuating epithelial invasion and infection. Thick-walled oocysts are shed in feces fully sporulated and infectious.

Infectivity and In Vitro Culture Experimental infections have shown that small numbers of oocysts can cause infection and disease in humans and



534 Table 2

Cryptosporidium Some key features of Cryptosporidium species

Cryptosporidium species

Mean oocyst dimensions (mm)

Major host(s)

Evidence for human pathogenicity

Infecting mammals C. hominis

4.9  5.2


C. parvum

5.0  4.5

Humans, ruminants

C. andersoni C. muris C. bovis C. canis C. cuniculus C. fayeri C. felis C. macropodum C. ryanae C. suis C. tyzzeri C. ubiquitum C. viatorum C. wrairi C. xiaoi Infecting birds C. baileyi C. galli C. meleagridis

7.4  5.5 7.0  5.0 4.9  4.6 5.0  4.7 5.6  5.4 4.9  4.3 4.6  4.0 5.4  4.9 3.7  3.2 4.6  4.2 4.6  4.2 5.0  4.7 5.4  4.7 5.4  4.6 3.9  3.4

Cattle Rodents Cattle Dog Rabbit, humans Red kangaroo Cat Eastern gray kangaroo Cattle Pig Mice Mammals Humans Guinea pig Sheep

Common in sporadic cases and outbreaks; infectivity data from experimental infections Common in sporadic cases and outbreaks; infectivity data from experimental infections Occasional reports only Occasional reports only Occasional reports only Epidemiologically linked to diarrhea in Lima, Peru Caused a waterborne outbreak; sporadic cases Occasional reports only Epidemiologically linked to diarrhea in Lima, Peru None None Occasional reports only None Sporadic cases Sporadic cases emerging None Occasional reports only

6.2  4.6 8.3  6.3 5.2  4.6

Chicken Chicken Homoeothermic birds and mammals including humans

None None Sporadic cases reported, more frequent in some populations; infectivity data from experimental infections

6.2  5.5

Black-spined toad


6.2  5.3 4.8  4.7

Snakes Mainly lizards; snakes

None None

4.7  4.5 4.4  3.9

Sea bream Turbot

None None

Infecting amphibians C. fragile Infecting reptiles C. serpentis C. varanii Infecting fish C. molnari C. scopthalmi

animals. Human volunteer studies indicated an ID50 of 10 C. hominis oocysts; ID50s for different C. parvum isolates were 9, 87, 132, 300, and 1042 oocysts. Five C. parvum oocysts produced disease in gnotobiotic lambs. Dose response models have shown a relationship between preexisting antibodies and some protection from disease. Animal models for C. parvum infection include neonatal mice, immunosuppressed rodents, and, for the production of large oocyst yields or disease models, neonatal calves and lambs are used. Animal models for C. hominis infection are immunosuppressed Mongolian gerbils and gnotobiotic pigs. In vitro culture is not used for diagnostic purposes, but can be used for oocyst survival and infectivity studies in place of animal models. The first stage in investigating infectivity is the detection of sporozoites following in vitro excystation: If sporozoites are not released from the oocyst into a suspending medium, they will not be able to infect cells. The most useful cell line is HCT-8. Recent studies have reported completion of the life cycle in host cell–free media, a finding that requires independent verification and challenges current belief that Cryptosporidium is an obligate intracellular parasite.

Detection and Identification In Feces Oocysts, or oocyst antigens, are the detection target for most diagnostic tests, including microscopy, enzyme immunoassays (EIA), and immunochromatographic assays. For these tests, feces can be stored fresh at þ4  C, frozen or preserved in fixatives including 10% formalin, sodium acetate–acetic acid– formalin, or 2.5% potassium dichromate which preserves viability. Fresh or preserved stools can be concentrated by sedimentation using modified formol–ether or formol–ethyl acetate techniques or by conventional fecal parasite flotation methods, such as zinc sulfate, saturated sodium chloride, or sucrose solutions. Check with kit manufacturers for compatibility with fixatives and concentration methods. Staining is extremely useful before microscopic examination for differentiation of the oocysts from similarly small objects in feces. The most widely used stains are a modified Ziehl–Neelsen (mZN) acid-fast stain and the auramine phenol fluorescent stain. Slides stained with fluorescent stains can be scanned at lower total magnifications (typically 200), and therefore more rapidly, and are less prone to staining artifacts than those stained by mZN (typically 400).



cysts shed lled oo -wa ick es ingested by new host h T fec in

Thin-walled oocysts ion initiate autoinfect


Excystation (usually in gastrointestinal tract)

Oocysts excysts releasing 4 sporozoites


Syngamy Sporozoites invade epithelial cells Many microgametes released

Host cell microvilli


or Microgametocyte

4 Merozoites released

Recyc ling of

ase xua l re


pro du ctio n

Differentiate to form trophozoites

Type I meront

Type II meront Merogony Merozoites released by ectomerogony and invade epithelial cells Figure 1

Life cycle of Cryptosporidium parvum. Adapted from Smith and Rose (1998) with permission from Rachel Chalmers.

Immunofluorescence microscopy (IFM), using anti-Cryptosporidium monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies bound to a fluorochrome, often fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC-Ab), provides improved genus specificity, and slides can be scanned at lower total magnifications (typically 200). Enzyme immunoassays are used routinely in many diagnostic laboratories, have the advantage of automation, and may provide simultaneous detection of other parasites, such as

Giardia duodenalis and Entameboa histolytica/Entameboa dispar. Sensitivity is not as good as immuno fluorescent microscopy and positive reactions need to be confirmed by a suitable assay. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–based assays can be more sensitive and specific than conventional and immunological assays and target the sporozoite DNA. Stool preservatives can inhibit the reaction and need to be removed by washing, although this may not be possible if the fixative



has penetrated the oocysts. Oocyst disruption procedures, such as bead beating, freeze–thaw cycles, or enzymatic digestion are required before DNA extraction. Multiplexed assays have been designed for more than one target (such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and E. histolytica) and increasingly are used for diagnostic purposes, facilitated by automated DNA extraction procedures and PCR conditions designed to overcome substances in feces potentially inhibitory to PCR, such as heme, bilirubin, bile salts, and complex carbohydrates. PCR primers and conditions need to be selected carefully to amplify all Cryptosporidium species of interest and to avoid nonspecific amplification. Conventional and real-time PCR assays have been described.

Other Specimen Types Stool testing can be augmented by light microscopy of hematoxylin and eosin-stained intestinal, liver, or respiratory mucosal biopsies. Biopsy material can be tested by PCR. Other specimen types, most relevant to severely immunocompromised patients, may include bile and bronchoalveolar lavage tested by microscopy or PCR. Serological assays for the presence of specific immunoglobulins in blood sera are not used for diagnostic purposes because positive reactions cannot differentiate readily current from past infection, but they are used for epidemiological studies. Oral fluid tests for specific immunoglobulins may indicate recent infection but need validation. The choice of diagnostic assay depends on multiple attributes and factors, including the population being investigated, whether concomitant infections need to be diagnosed, the financial and laboratory resources, technical expertise and time available, required turnaround time, and the acceptable sensitivity and specificity.

Sensitivity of Detection The sensitivity of diagnostic assays for Cryptosporidium can be regarded in two ways: analytical sensitivity (the smallest number of parasites that can be detected reliably by an assay) and diagnostic sensitivity (the percentage of true positive samples identified by the assay as positive). Although oocysts can be shed in large numbers by susceptible hosts, up to 107 oocysts per gram (opg) during acute infection, shedding can be intermittent and the threshold for analytical sensitivity of diagnostic assays can be high. Several samples may need to be examined before a symptomatic patient can be considered negative. These limitations contribute to the underdiagnosis of infection. The analytical sensitivity for unconcentrated feces by mZN microscopy is about 106 opg, similar to the 3  105–106 opg reported for EIAs. The detection limit for auramine phenol and FITC-Ab stains is lower. Microscopy sensitivity is improved to 1  104– 5  104 opg by concentration. The analytical sensitivity of PCR methods is most commonly in the region of 200 opg. Variations in fecal consistency influence the ease of detection, as oocysts are more readily detected in watery than formed stool specimens. Antigenic variability between clinical isolates of Cryptosporidium may further compromise immunodiagnostic tests. Although the use of a FITC-Ab offers little

increase in analytical sensitivity over conventional fluorescent stains, diagnostic sensitivity is improved because the oocysts are seen more readily. Note that for Cryptosporidium there is no gold standard assay and that cryptosporidiosis is a laboratory, not a clinical, diagnosis. To compare diagnostic sensitivity, a nominated gold standard needs to be used. In one study, performing the assays under routine diagnostic conditions, detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts in unconcentrated human fecal samples was 75.7% sensitive by mZN, 84.9% by ICLF, 92.1% by auramine phenol, 94.1–93.4% by three EIA kits, and 97.4% by FITC-Ab compared with PCR. PCR has been used successfully in the identification of asymptomatic carriers; rapid detection of carriage in high-risk groups could limit clinical sequelae.

Species Identification and Genotyping It is not possible to identify the species of Cryptosporidium without molecular assays as the oocysts are indistinguishable morphologically, and the antibodies that currently are available are only genus specific. Species identification is critical for understanding epidemiological data, with demographic, temporal, and spatial trends identified for cases infected with different species, and for the investigation of outbreaks. Before molecular assays can be applied, oocyst disruption and DNA extraction processes need to be completed, as described in sections below (see also sections Methods of detection in food, water, and other liquids; Nucleic acid–based methods for detection and identification). A PCR–enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit is available commercially for differentiation of C. parvum and C. hominis but is no more sensitive for detection than conventional ELISAs and requires validation. The most commonly used methods for species differentiation are based on conventional and real-time PCR assays, usually applied as reference rather than routine diagnostic assays. Conventional PCRs mainly target the SSU rRNA, 70 kDa heat-shock protein (hsp70), oocyst wall protein (cowp), or Actin genes with analysis of restriction fragment-length polymorphisms (RFLP) or by sequencing. A multiplex allele-specific PCR based on sequence differences in the dihydrofolate reductase genes of C. hominis and C. parvum permits their identification on an agarose gel, without the requirement for endonuclease digestion and RFLP analysis. Species-specific real-time PCR assays for C. parvum and C. hominis and other human-infectious species have been developed. The benchmark is the sequence analysis of the SSU rRNA gene. There is no standard method for subtyping C. parvum and C. hominis, the major human pathogens. Sequence analysis of the gp60 gene is informative to a certain extent, and can be used to further characterize isolates, but will underestimate diversity. A standardized, internationally accepted, multilocus scheme is required for each species.

Foodborne Transmission Although usually considered to be transmitted directly person or animal to person or by contaminated water, food is a potential vehicle of transmission of Cryptosporidium to humans following contamination during production,


Figure 2

Sources and routes of transmission of Cryptosporidium to food.

harvesting, transport, processing, or preparation. The sources of contamination are feces, fecally contaminated soil or water, or infected food handlers and their contacts (Figure 2). Index cases should be identified in outbreaks as they may be potential sources and food handlers should not work while ill. Water used in food production, such as for crop irrigation, and processing, such as washing, or as an ingredient, must be of adequate microbiological quality. Contamination of water supplies can be from sewage effluent and discharges, agricultural runoff, or direct fecal contamination, and may be linked to heavy rainfall events (Table 3). Conversely, following drought, there is less dilution of contamination in surface waters and one outbreak was linked to intrusion of river water into groundwater following a dry period. Poor practice, Table 3


operation, and infrastructure at water treatment works and in distribution (such as recycling filter backwash water to the head of the works), breaches in biosecurity in contact and pressure tanks, and ingress of sewage in distribution have all caused waterborne outbreaks. Bottled water and ice in an ice-making maching also have become contaminated with oocysts. Molecular typing can be helpful in establishing links with suspected sources of contamination or infection. Food- and waterborne outbreaks have been attributed to human, farmed, and wild animal sources of Cryptosporidium. At least 17 outbreaks of foodborne cryptosporidiosis have been reported, although the strength of evidence for association with implicated foods is variable and, in some outbreaks, other risk factors were present and perhaps more likely than

Characteristics of Cryptosporidium important to food- and waterborne transmission



Multiple hosts for C. parvum Ubiquitous distribution Large numbers of C. parvum or C. hominis oocysts shed

Especially humans and young ruminants Cryptosporidium occurs worldwide Approximately 1010 oocysts are shed during acute disease; up to 107 oocysts per gram of feces No maturation period is required Oocysts are 4–6 mm and can pass between grains of sand in filter beds Prior flocculation or coagulation is needed for removal by sand filters Oocysts can be discharged in sewage effluent in significant numbers Oocysts can adhere to plant surfaces and may become internalized in leaves and enter the food chain. They are difficult to remove by washing Survive for months in cool, moist environments Survive sand filtration Survive chlorine disinfection Survive transport by vectors, such as flies and seagulls Small numbers of ingested oocysts can cause cryptosporidiosis

Oocysts are shed fully infective Small size of C. parvum and C. hominis oocysts

Robust nature of oocysts

Small infectious dose



food. Outbreaks with good evidence for association with food have been attributed to the consumption of contaminated milk, apple juice (nonalcoholic cider), raw vegetables, and raw meat, either contaminated during production or processing or through cross-contamination from infected food handlers or their contacts. Most of the evidence for association with food items in outbreaks has been epidemiological rather than microbiological. Oocysts have not been looked for in many suspected vehicles in outbreak investigations, partly because standard methods are not available and, in many cases, suspected food items have been consumed or discarded by the time the outbreak or suspected source was identified (Table 4). Well over 100 outbreaks of drinking water–borne cryptosporidiosis have been linked to both surface and groundwater supplies, mostly contaminated as source water, although posttreatment contamination of supplies has occurred at the treatment works or because of a loss of integrity in the distribution network. Oocysts have been detected in irrigation and wash water used in food production and processing. One outbreak has been reported involving an ice-making machine contaminated by an infected person using their hands to remove ice.

Methods of Detection in Food, Water, and Other Liquids Cryptosporidium can survive for months in cool, moist conditions, but does not multiply in the natural environment, food, or water. Efficient isolation and detection procedures are critical because there is no laboratory-enrichment process. Amplification in molecular assays only partially overcomes this problem because of the small numbers of targets present in often-complex matrices. Food items, including raw fruit and vegetables, milk, apple juice, raw meat, and shellfish, have been investigated for the presence of Cryptosporidium. There are no standard methods for detection in food, although an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard is being developed for leafy green vegetables and berry fruits. To isolate oocysts, solid foods can be agitated in buffered solutions, liquids can be centrifuged, and the pellets can be washed; the suspensions then can be processed as for those from water samples for which standard methods exist. The basic steps for water samples are as follows: (1) filtration-elution and centrifugation, (2) concentration and isolation of oocysts by immunomagnetic separation (IMS), and (3) detection by immunofluorescent microscopy. In general, the application of IMS improves recovery efficiencies, but it is expensive, and for some food and beverage samples, alternative approaches to oocyst concentration and isolation may be considered. The results of microscopic examination should be given as the number of Cryptosporidium oocysts counted per weight or volume of sample tested, and absence should be expressed as Cryptosporidium oocysts ‘not detected’ in the sample weight or volume analyzed. Sample sizes based on typical portion sizes are a practical approach to testing food for Cryptosporidium. It is desirable that analytical sensitivity is below the human ID50, for which the lower estimate is nine oocysts; thus a recovery efficiency of at least 11% is required to detect one oocyst. Batch controls can be used to monitor recovery rates.

Methods for Water Standard methods have been published. Cryptosporidium oocysts occur in small numbers in water sources and supplies, and either large volumes (100–1000 l) are sampled through filter cartridges at site or smaller bulk volumes (10–20 l) are taken and processed in the laboratory through flatbed membranes, filter cartridges, or flocculation. The filter retentate is eluted and processed as described above. Detergents and surfactants (0.01% Tween 20, 0.01% Tween 80, 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)) are included to prevent oocysts and particulates from sticking together. Oocysts are stained using FITC-Abs and detected by epifluorescence microscopy and, where possible, differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy. Putative oocysts are confirmed using morphometric and morphological criteria, which are necessary as the FITC-Abs can bind to similarly sized and shaped objects, including some other protozoa and algae. Examination by DIC microscopy can assist in identification of internal structures and confirm the morphological integrity of the sporozoites within the oocyst. It is subjective, however, and often compromised by the presence of occluding particulates and other debris. The nuclear fluorochrome 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), which binds to DNA, is an effective adjunct for highlighting the four sporozoite nuclei. The features observed by FITC-Ab, DAPI, and DIC do not confirm viability (Table 5). Molecular methods to differentiate human pathogenic Cryptosporidium species from those that do not pose a risk to human health can be applied after IFM detection but currently are not part of standard methods.

Methods for Beverages Beverages investigated for Cryptosporidium include fruit juices and milk. Only preliminary work has been published regarding methods for fruit juice, largely based on those used for water with oocysts detected by IFM or PCR. The turbidity and pH of the sample, however, may affect oocyst recovery efficiency by IMS. Cheaper methods have been explored using microfilters, but the filters may clog and they can disrupt oocyst integrity leading to an adverse effect on PCR sensitivity. The best analytical sensitivity reported is 10 oocysts in 100 ml using a magnetic cell separator adaptation of IMS and also by sucrose flotation and immunocapture, using PCR for detection. Milk has been tested for Cryptosporidium as part of an outbreak investigation, in prospective studies, and in seeding trials, although there have been no interlaboratory trials. Processing was based on centrifugation with Tween, sometimes followed by IMS, and detection of oocysts by IFM, antigens by ELISA, or DNA by PCR. The most recent PCR-based methods appear to be more sensitive than IFM. The best analytical sensitivity reported is 10 oocysts in 100 ml.

Methods for Berry Fruits and Leafy Greens Leafy green vegetables and berry fruits have been extensively tested for the occurrence of Cryptosporidium, and one method was subjected to an interlaboratory validation trial. This trial has been used as the basis for a proposed ISO standard and

Table 4

Documented outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis involving food



Total cases (laboratory confirmed)



1983 1990

Implicated foodstuff

Analytical epidemiological association

Cryptosporidium detected in implicated food

Cryptosporidium typing

Sufficient evidence that outbreak is foodborne?

22 (22)

High school students and teachers visiting from Canada

Unpasteurized cow’s milk


Not tested

Not done

Australia Russia

2 (2) Not known (13)

Mother and 1-year-old child Infants from hospital, nursery, and orphanage

No No, but cases restricted to those who had eaten kefir

Not tested Oocysts detected in milk filters by staining deposits with mZN

Not done Not done


United States

160 (50)

Students and staff attending a school agricultural fair


Yes Oocysts detected in cider, apple press, and a calf on the farm

Not done



United States

15 (1)


Not tested

Not done



United Kingdom

48 children (16)

Cow’s milk



United States

31 (11)

Unpasteurized apple cider Picked apples washed and processed using water from fecally contaminated well


Not done



United States

54 (8)

A restaurant-catered banquet; two catering staff shedding Cryptosporidium


Not done



United States

152 (92)

College setting

Strongest association was with eating a menu item containing uncooked green onions, although multiple menu items may have been contaminated Strongest association was with eating dinner on one date; possible cross-infection and -contamination from a child by a food handler

Filter socks from milling parlor tested, methods not stated, Cryptosporidium oocysts not detected Cider, surface swabs at mill, and water tested for Cryptosporidium (method not stated); Cryptosporidium not detected Not tested

Not done


Food for a social event prepared by a child minder in domestic kitchen; crosscontamination from a child suggested as potential route Pasteurization failures at a commercial, on-farm dairy supplying a local school Community outbreak

Unpasteurized goat’s milk Kefir produced in milk kitchen supplying hospital, orphanage, and social support Unpasteurized apple cider (juice): apples, collected from the ground in an orchard grazed by infected calves Chicken salad also containing pasta, eggs, celery, and grapes in mayonnaise dressing

Other exposure risks documented, including ice in drinks and drinking tap water Scant evidence Some; possibly person-toperson spread too



C. hominis cases






Documented outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis involving fooddcont'd




8 (8)

Community outbreak


United States

144 (23)

Community outbreak



99 (13)

Works canteen; suspected that an infected customer contaminated the buffet



4 (4)



21 (16)

Members of the same company who ate at a restaurant Wedding reception



72 (4)

Works canteen



18 (?)


United States

46 (12)

Youth summer camp



74 (11)

School children staying on a wildlife reserve

Analytical epidemiological association

Cryptosporidium detected in implicated food

Cryptosporidium typing

Sufficient evidence that outbreak is foodborne?

Unpasteurized cow’s milk sold as pet milk; bacteriological results were unsatisfactory Ozonated apple cider A few windfall apples used in production, ozone treatment did not prevent the outbreak



Not done



Water samples concentrated by US EPA Method 1623, cider samples concentrated by centrifugation, and tested by PCR; cider samples positive


Whole peeled carrots served in a bowl of water without tongs, grated carrots, and red peppers Raw beef and liver


Not tested

C. parvum IIaA15G2R1, IIaA17G2R1 and C. ubiquitum in human stools and C. parvum IIaA17G2R1 in cider Cases C. hominis


Not tested

Cases C. parvum IIa


Not tested

Cases C. parvum


Tested by ELISA; Cryptosporidium antigens not detected

1 case C. parvum


Implicated foodstuff

Parsley (imported) in a Béarnaise sauce made with raw parsley from Italy added after sauce cooked Lettuce salad mixture packed in Sweden but originating from five European countries Arugula salad Strongest associations were eating ham and lettuce, weaker tomatoes and onions, from a salad bar that included camp-grown produce, and sharing a cabin with an ill person Not definitively identified; infected food handler may have contaminated multiple foods


Not tested


Not tested

4 C. parvum subtypes Cases C. parvum, 7 IiaA17G2R1 Livestock also C. parvum IIaA17G2R1

Cases C. parvum



Yes Yes

Other risk factors included contact with animals; contaminated water



Total cases (laboratory confirmed)


Table 4

Cryptosporidium Table 5


Characteristic morphological features for detection by microscopy of Cryptosporidium oocysts in food


FITC-Ab staining (oocysts)


Bright, apple-green fluorescing bodies Greater round the circumference than the center Round or slightly ovoid, circumference intact and even 4.0–6.0 mm

Intensity Shape Size (human-pathogenic species) Exceptions and comments

Ruptured oocysts may appear to have a segment missing; aged or environmentally exposed oocysts may stain weakly or diffusely; oocysts may collapse or become distorted due environmental exposure or processing conditions

DAPI staining (sporozoite nuclei, 4 per oocyst)

DIC examination

Sky blue





Round or slightly ovoid; an even, thick oocyst wall Confirm on two axes 4.0–6.0 mm

w1.0–1.5 mm Not all nuclei may be visible in one plane of view: scan the full depth of focus; nuclei may appear comma-shaped due to DAPI staining of a mitochondrion forming the tail of the comma, which must not be counted as another nucleus; in cases in which oocysts have ruptured, sporozoite nuclei may be visible just outside the oocyst; alternatively, sporozoites may be lost, giving rise to empty shells that do not exhibit any characteristic DAPI fluorescence

In intact oocysts, observe and count sporozoites and nuclei, protoplasmic residual body; in cases in which a segment is missing, some or all of the contents may be outside the segment

N/A ¼ not applicable.

begins with separation of oocysts from the sample by agitation in glycine buffer, pH 5.5 for leafy greens and pH 3.5 for berry fruits. For leafy greens, the buffer is added to the sample in filtered bags and processed in a peristaltic homogenizer. Berry fruits are agitated gently in the buffer by hand. The eluates are centrifuged, subjected to IMS, and examined by microscopy as described for water samples. It is critical to the recovery efficiency that samples are processed as fresh as possible, because recovery rates decline with sample storage. If samples cannot be processed immediately, store at 4–8  C to reduce deterioration. When analyzing whole leafy green vegetables, such as lettuce heads, a random selection of leaves from different parts should be examined. For berries, take a random sample. Samples should be 25–100 g. The median recovery rate in a validation trial of lettuce was 30.4% and of raspberries was 44.3%. Subsequent surveys using the method, however, report variable recovery efficiencies between 4 and 47% for a variety of vegetables. Similar methods have been described for strawberries, bean sprouts, Chinese leaves, lettuce, prechopped salad mixes, tomatoes, and peppers, with recovery efficiencies of w40%. One exception was for bean sprouts for which debris interfered with detection, even when tested fresh.

Methods for Shellfish Molluscan shellfish (e.g., oysters, clams, cockles, mussels, and scallops) feed by filtering several liters of water daily through their gills, entrapping suspended plankton. Although there have been no confirmed reports of human Cryptosporidium infection caused by eating shellfish, potential risk has been

identified, and shellfish have been tested using a variety of approaches. Different tissues have been examined, including gills (washings or homogenates), hemolymph, gastrointestinal tract (homogenates), and whole tissue (washings or homogenates). Investigation of tissue homogenates from pools of shellfish representing a portion size appears to be most appropriate. Homogenates can be produced by squeezing and rubbing the tissue in a plastic bag or by using a peristaltic blender. The resulting material is sieved to remove gross particles or is digested using pepsin (1 h at 37  C) allowing analysis of up to 3 g homogenate. Although data are conflicting about the best oocyst concentration method, IMS would appear to be most appropriate, although less effective in more mucoid samples. Detection by FITC-Ab and epifluorescent microscopy may be hampered if hemocytes, which autofluoresce, remain in the hemolymph concentrate. Recovery efficiencies have not been reported widely but appear to be in the order of 50% or more, although less for mussels.

Methods for Meat Only preliminary work for meat has been published. A pulsifier has been used to extract oocysts from beef carcass surfaces, although the reported recovery efficiencies by FITCAb without DAPI or DIC of more than 85% for fat tissue and more than 128% for lean tissue seem unreliable. Hams that had been processed and possibly contaminated during a waterborne outbreak were investigated using surface elution, deoxycholate pretreatment before IMS to combat the fat content of the sample, and oocysts were detected as for water samples.



Nucleic Acid–Based Methods for Detection and Identification PCR-based methods have been used to detect Cryptosporidium once oocysts have been concentrated and isolated from the sample matrix. Advantages over detection by IFM include detection of small numbers of parasites and the potential for species determination. Disadvantages are that only oocysts containing sporozoites, and thus DNA, will be detected, and PCR inhibitors will vary between sample types, making standardization difficult. So far, no reliably quantitative PCR has been validated to replace oocyst counts. For this reason, although widely used in research studies, PCR detection has not been used in operational or regulatory monitoring of drinking water sources and supplies. Genotyping has been used on oocysts extracted from IFM slides to assist in understanding contamination routes and infectivity potential for humans. Without such assays, all oocysts detected by microscopy must be assumed to present a public health risk. Alternatively, molecular assays can be applied before oocysts are dissociated from IMS beads as this is technically less demanding. Because empty oocysts cannot be detected by molecular methods, the advantage of testing counted oocysts from microscope slides is that both sets of data are collected: the oocyst count and the species, improving the data for assessment of risk to public health. It is important that the processes in staining and mounting the microscopy slides are understood as some brands of mounting media, for example, contain formalin that significantly inhibits the PCR. A method has been developed and standardized to efficiently remove, extract, and purify Cryptosporidium DNA from oocysts on US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 1623 slides. The procedure involves removal of the coverslip, a water wash of the slide well to remove residual mounting medium, scraping the surface with closed-cell foam swabs to remove oocysts from the slides into molecular-grade water, and lysis by multiple freeze–thaw cycles in Chelex resin. To relieve the effect of PCR inhibitors, the addition of 400 ng of bovine serum albumin per ml or 25 ng of T4 gene 32 protein per ml to the PCR mixture is recommended. The use of high-fidelity DNA polymerase during PCR and the use of 20 deoxyuridine, 50 triphosphate/uracil-N-glycosylase in reducing carryover contamination also contribute to improved accuracy of the assay. For food and water samples, the ability to identify all species or genotypes is desirable. Although, theoretically, the SSU rRNA, hsp70, cowp, and Actin genes could meet this challenge, in reality, it has been difficult to design genus-specific efficient PCRs for all but the SSU rRNA gene, which provides the benchmark for Cryptosporidium detection and species identification. This has been difficult for the following reasons: Sequences from all Cryptosporidium species and genotypes from a variety of hosts are available on the GenBank database. l It is a multicopy gene, which provides improved PCR sensitivity (5 copies per sporozoite; 20 copies per oocyst). l It has conserved regions interspersed with highly polymorphic regions, facilitating the assay design. l

Because other related organisms may be present, PCR primer specificity as well as amplification conditions are critical

to prevent nonspecific amplification. Recommended primers for conventional PCR are those published by Jiang and colleagues in 2005 in a nested assay (known as the 18S rRNAXiao nested PCR). DNA sequencing has been established as the definitive method of identification. Mixed contamination of the same sample is difficult to recognize, but it can be overcome by testing multiple DNA aliquots. The assay is not viewed as suitable for many compliance and water utility laboratories, however, because of the extensive handling of PCR products and complex data analysis. A simplified multiplex genotyping approach is being validated, complementing genus-specific, sensitive detection by SSU rRNA PCR with hsp70 real-time PCR to differentiate the presence of C. hominis, C. parvum, and Cryptosporidium meleagridis from gastric species commonly found in the environment. Alternatives to PCR amplification are being investigated for the detection and typing of Cryptosporidium, for example, nonPCR-based loop-mediated amplification. These alternatives, however, have yet to be validated in independent studies.

Determination of Viability The conventional techniques of excystation (including estimation of sporozoite ratios), cell culture, and animal infectivity are not applicable readily to the small numbers of oocysts found in water and food concentrates. Surrogate methods to estimate viability have centered on the microscopic observation of inclusion or exclusion of fluorogens especially DAPI and propidium iodide (PI). The key principle is that PI cannot traverse intact cell membranes and uptake is an indicator of cell death. Three categories of oocysts can be identified: (1) viable (inclusion of DAPI, exclusion of PI), (2) nonviable (inclusion of both DAPI and PI), and (3) dormant but potentially viable (exclusion of both DAPI and PI). Although relatively cheap and easily implemented, the vital dye approach can overestimate infective potential compared with infectivity assays; results are especially unreliable for disinfectant studies, as the disinfectant action may prevent the inclusion of PI. Vital dyes, however, may be useful in providing preliminary data for estimating the effect of environmental pressures on oocyst survival. Although molecular approaches have been investigated to estimate viability of individual oocysts, none have yet been found to be robust or reliable. One approach is the detection of messenger RNA transcripts, which are found only in viable oocysts. For example, mRNA detected from heat-shock protein synthesis or decay of mRNA transcripts for B-tubulin and amyloglucosidase and other markers can be detected by a reverse-transcription PCR. However, mRNA remains stable for some time, even after oocyst death, which may lead to overestimations of viability. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), a technique taking advantage of rRNA beakdown following cell death, incorporates nucleic acid probes targeting specific sequences of rRNA and thus, theoretically, labels only potentially infective or recently inactivated oocysts. Although results correlate well with in vitro excystation, poor correlation with infectivity methods has been observed and rRNA appears not to break down particularly rapidly or predictably. Furthermore, it appears to remain stable under some circumstances; potential

Cryptosporidium Table 6


Inactivation of Cryptosporidium in food and beverages

Agent or process


Oocyst survival

Desiccation Low pH

Drastically reduced Equivocal data

Hydrogen peroxide

Dried foods Yogurt, fruit juices, carbonated drinks Fruit juice

Low water activity

Salt, glycerol, sucrose

Alcohol content Heat

Preservation, beverages Pasteurization


Foods, ice, ice cream


Apple juice

Chlorine dioxide

Water, surfaces



Gamma irradiation E-beam irradiation 2 kGy High hydrostatic pressure

Specialist application Oysters Seafood

0.025% H2O2 led to >5 log reduction in infectivity Reduced, most effectively by sucrose (1–2 log reduction) Reduced Drastically reduced or completely eliminated Depends on speed; rapid is most effective; further reduction over time Dependent on multiple factors (time, dose, temperature) Dependent on multiple factors (time, dose, temperature) Dependent on multiple factors (time, dose, pressure) Completely eliminated Eliminated infectivity 550 MPa >1 log reduction

problems in the detection of FISH signals from gammairradiated oocysts have been identified. FISH probes can be selected to provide simultaneous species identification. Biophysical methods of dielectrophoresis and electrorotation have been explored for determination of oocyst viability, and both have demonstrated differences between viable and nonviable oocysts. Oocysts, however, need to be partially purified and suspended in a low-conductivity medium.

Importance to the Food and Water Industries Food- and waterborne cryptosporidiosis is of concern globally. Cryptosporidium is widespread in the environment, and waterborne outbreaks have affected hundreds of consumers. Foodborne outbreaks have been reported less frequently. Such outbreaks are hard to detect; reasons for this include the potentially widespread geographic locations of exposed populations and sometimes low attack rates. Oocysts are difficult to detect in implicated food items, which often are not available for testing by the time the outbreak is recognized, particularly as many have a short shelf life and the parasite has a relatively long incubation period. There is particular significance in the preparation and consumption of fresh produce and catering practice related to food served without heat treatment. The quality of process or ingredient water, and handling by infected personnel, are specific concerns. Cryptosporidium oocysts may enter the food chain via four main routes: 1. Contaminated ingredients or raw materials used during production (cultivation, harvesting) 2. Contaminated water used in production, processing or washing the food, or cleaning processing equipment

Comments Addition of organic acids to fruit juices can reduce infectivity

Light steam cooking of mussels insufficient Ice made with water suspected to be contaminated should be discarded

Note depuration processes for mussels insufficient

3. The environment, including dirty equipment, transport (e.g., previously used for animals), flies, rodents 4. Infected food handlers in production, packaging, preparation, or service or cross-contamination from infected persons in domestic settings.

Control and Disinfection Cryptosporidium oocysts are resistant to most environmental factors, with the exception of heat and desiccation. Oocysts can survive for months in water and soil. Oocysts can survive naturally better in some food stuffs than others as some foods and their processing are more conducive to survival than others (Table 6). Of particular concern are foods vulnerable to contamination, eaten raw or only lightly cooked. Cryptosporidium oocysts are not especially heat resistant and are destroyed by conventional milk pasteurization. A temperature of greater than 73  C will cause instantaneous inactivation. Therefore, most controlled cooking processes used in food production should destroy any viable oocysts in the product. Oocysts can survive for short periods at temperatures below 0  C, especially in water; commercial ice cream–freezing processes have been shown to cause inactivation and die-off occurs at temperatures below 15  C. There is little information on the effect of pH, but some loss of viability has been shown in acid conditions below pH 4.0. It has been reported that oocysts lost 85% of viability in 24 h when contaminated water was used to brew beer and produce a carbonated beverage. To ensure that Cryptosporidium is not a significant foodborne hazard, appropriate preventive or control measures must be included where relevant, from primary production of ingredients and raw materials onward. To determine whether there is a significant hazard, food producers should



include Cryptosporidium as part of hazard identification within the framework of a hazard analysis of critical control points (HACCP) plan. This plan also needs to take into account the use of water in the process, or as an ingredient, and control of contamination in the water supply is critical. A risk assessment on the consequences of contamination of the main water supply and a ‘boil water notice’ issued by the water supplier must be conducted. Additional on-site water treatment, such as membrane filtration, may be required where there is a high risk, as in the production of raw food products, such as fresh-cut produce and salads. The reuse of water that has not been subjected to adequate treatment also needs to be considered. Cryptosporidium oocysts have been shown to survive for hours on wet surfaces, including stainless steel, but they are not resistant to drying and die rapidly on dry surfaces. Although remarkably resistant to many disinfectants, notably chlorine, Cryptosporidium-specific disinfection can be achieved by steam cleaning, hydrogen peroxide, or chlorine dioxide. Infected food handlers are a major Cryptosporidium contamination risk for foods that do not undergo any further processing, such as sandwiches and salads. Good personal hygiene practice, especially hand washing, is an essential control. Any staff suffering from gastroenteritis should be excluded from food areas. A complicating factor in prevention and control of cryptosporidiosis is the increasing globalization of the fresh produce market. A clear quantitative understanding of the relative importance of the various sources and transmission routes of Cryptosporidium as well as of their survival, viability, and virulence is lacking. Improved knowledge will allow for a better assessment of the actual risks presented by Cryptosporidium and more effective design and installation of the necessary control measures. Water shortages globally may necessitate more water recycling in agriculture, food manufacturing, and service operations, and careful management of water supplies and their use is required.

exposed to foodborne Cryptosporidium via vehicles such as salad leaves because of dietary habits. In developing countries, cryptosporidiosis is associated with substantial morbidity and is of particular concern in malnourished children. Severely immunocompromised patients with T-cell immune deficiency commonly experience chronic or intractable disease. It is expected that the proportion of immunocompromised people is increasing globally, increasing the potential importance of cryptosporidiosis. Furthermore, there may be long-term effects of infection in the general population. For example, it has been suggested that infection can cause relapse of inflammatory bowel disease, and an anecdotal association with irritable bowel syndrome is under further investigation. Prevention of spread of cryptosporidiosis can be achieved by stringent personal hygiene as it is highly infectious from person to person, and patients must wash hands carefully and not share towels. Foodhandlers and those caring for vulnerable people should not attend work or undertake these activities until 48 h after diarrhea has stopped. Likewise, children should not attend nursery or school. No one should use a swimming pool while they have diarrhea, or for 48 h after having diarrhea. Recovering cryptosporidiosis patients should not use swimming pools for 2 weeks after the diarrhea has stopped, because chlorine-resistant oocysts still may be shed. Most patients may only require supportive therapy in the form of rehydration salts. Specific therapy, nitazoxanide, is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for use in immunocompetent patients above 1 year old. It is not licensed in the European Union, but it may be available on a named patient basis. It is well tolerated with a good safety profile. There is no proven specific therapy for immunocompromised patients; correction of underlying immune deficiency is most likely to lead to parasite clearance but is not always possible.

Importance to the Consumer

In the European Union, cryptosporidiosis is a notifiable disease and laboratory-confirmed case data are collected through the European Surveillance System under Directive 2003/99/EC. The diagnosis is statutorily notifiable in only some European countries; for example, in the United Kingdom, this is under the Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010 and the Public Health (Scotland) Act 2008. Reporting of food and waterborne outbreaks of illness is required under the same EU Directive. In the United States, cryptosporidiosis is a nationally notifiable disease, and health care providers and laboratories that diagnose cases of laboratory-confirmed cryptosporidiosis are required to report those cases to their local or state health departments, which in turn report the cases to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Cryptosporidiosis is included in the CDC’s National Outbreak Reporting System. As Cryptosporidium generally is considered to be a waterborne rather than a foodborne pathogen, it is not usually mentioned specifically in food safety and hygiene laws but may be covered in drinking water regulations. The principles of the food laws, such as those underpinned in the European

Although cryptosporidiosis is usually an acute, self-limiting illness in immunocompetent people, it can be prolonged, unpleasant, and debilitating. Symptoms occur 3–12 days after ingestion of oocysts, and include watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, low-grade fever, and loss of appetite. Symptoms can last for up to a month (mean duration among those seeking medical assistance is 12.7 days). Symptoms relapse in about a third of cases. In one study, 14% sporadic cases were hospitalized. Anyone can become infected, although illness is most common in infants in developing countries and young children in industrial countries, because of their lack of immunity, increased exposure risks, and generally poorer hygiene. Other at-risk groups are immunocompromised patients and those exposed through occupational and recreational activities (e.g., veterinary students, farmers, visitors to petting farms, international travelers, infants attending day-care centers, and nursery or day-care center employees). Milkborne outbreaks have been identified mainly among children, but adults may be more likely to be


Cryptosporidium Union by regulation 2002/178/EC, are applicable. The US Food and Drug Administration is responsible for enforcing regulations as detailed by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. General food law places primary responsibility to produce safe food on the food business operator, including regulations governing traceability. Under Regulation 2002/178/EC, food business operators must be able to trace all food, ingredients, and any other substance expected to be incorporated into a food during all stages of production, processing, and distribution. This would include water, which is highly relevant as contaminated water is an important potential route of food contamination. The relevant principal pieces of EU legislation on water are as follows: The 1998 Drinking Water Directive, which sets out water quality standards and upon which the UK Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations are based. l The 1991 Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, which deals with the treatment and discharge of sewage. l The 2001 Water Framework Directive, which regulates the way Europe’s river basins are managed and sets out environmental objectives for water sources across the continent. l

The World Health Organization has published guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta, and graywater as well as guidelines for drinking-water quality. To meet the requirements of both the Water Framework Directive and Regulation 178/2002/EC, good management practices are promoted for farms and for agricultural wastes through the Agri-Environment Regulation 2078/92/EC. For example, in England, the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has initiated the Catchment Sensitive Farming Program for the control of diffuse pollution and has revised the code of good agricultural practice for the protection of water, soil, and air, consolidating advice to farmers, growers, and land managers. The UK Food Standards Agency has produced guidance to provide UK growers with practical advice on how to reduce the risk of contamination of ready-to-eat crops when using farm manures. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations publishes Good Agricultural Practice, and Codex Alimentarious developed a Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. The US Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition published a guide for commercial producers to help reduce microbial contamination of fresh fruits and vegetables to be consumed with no or minimal processing. Trade associations, such as the United Fresh Produce Association, provide food safety guides to help the fresh produce industry ensure the highest levels of food safety. Audit checklists have been developed, for example, by GLOBALG.A.P., a private sector body that sets voluntary standards for the certification of


production processes of agricultural (including aquaculture) products.

See also: Food Poisoning Outbreaks; Good Manufacturing Practice; Hazard Appraisal (HACCP); Immunomagnetic Particle-Based Techniques: Overview; Milk and Milk Products: Microbiology of Liquid Milk; Molecular Biology in Microbiological Analysis; Nucleic Acid–Based Assays: Overview; Waterborne Parasites; Molecular Biology; Fruits and Vegetables.

Further Reading Anon, 1990. Cryptosporidium in Water Supplies. Third Report of the Group of Experts. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. Anon, 2000. Water quality for the food industry: management and microbiological issues. Guideline No. 27. Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association Group, Chipping Campden. Anon, 2005. Method 1623: Cryptosporidium and Giardia in Water by Filtration/IMS/ FA. United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water, Cincinnati. Anon, 2006. ISO 15553:2006 Water Quality – Isolation and Identification of Cryptosporidium Oocysts and Giardia Cysts from Water. International Standards Organisation, Geneva. Anon, 2010. The Microbiology of Drinking Water – Part 14 – Methods for the Isolation, Identification and Enumeration of Cryptosporidium Oocysts and Giardia Cysts. The Environment Agency, Bristol. Dawson, D., 2005. Foodborne protozoan parasites. International Journal of Food Microbiology 103, 207–227. Erickson, M.C., Ortega, Y.R., 2006. Inactivation of protozoan parasites in food, water, and environmental systems. Journal of Food Protection 69, 2786–2808. Fayer, R., Robertson, L., 2012. Cryptosporidium. In: Smith, H.V., Robertson, L. (Eds.), Foodborne Protozoan Parasites. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY. Fayer, R., Xiao, L. (Eds.), 2008. Cryptosporidium and Cryptosporidiosis, second ed. CRC Press and IWA Publishing, Boca Raton, FL. Ortega, Y.R. (Ed.), 2006. Foodborne Parasites. Springer Science and Business, New York. Smith, H.V., Rose, J.B., 1998. Waterborne cryptosporidiosis: current status. Parasitology Today 14 (1), 14–22.

Relevant Websites http://www.cdc.gov – CDC parasitic disease information – cryptosporidiosis. http://www.defra.gov.uk/farm/environment/cogap/ – Defra code of good agricultural practice. http://www.cfsan.fda.gov.uk – Food and Drug Administration Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards of Fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables. www.fao.org – Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations: Good agricultural practice; Codex Alimentarious Commission Recommended International Code of Practice for General Principles of Food Hygiene; Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. http://www.food.gov.uk – FSA guidelines for growers to minimise the risks of microbiological contamination of ready to eat crops. http://www.who.int – Guidelines for drinking-water quality; for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater.

Cultural Techniques see Aeromonas: Detection by Cultural and Modern Techniques; Bacillus – Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques; Campylobacter: Detection by Cultural and Modern Techniques; Enrichment Serology: An Enhanced Cultural Technique for Detection of Foodborne Pathogens; Foodborne Fungi: Estimation by Cultural Techniques; Listeria: Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques; Salmonella Detection by Classical Cultural Techniques; Shigella: Introduction and Detection by Classical Cultural and Molecular Techniques; Staphylococcus: Detection by Cultural and Modern Techniques; Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli: Detection by Commercial Enzyme Immunoassays; Vibrio: Standard Cultural Methods and Molecular Detection Techniques in Foods

Culture Collections D Smith, CABI, Egham, UK Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is a revision of the previous edition article by F.M. Dugan, J.S. Tang, volume 1, pp 498–502, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

Introduction Culture collections are resource centers for the preservation, storage, and distribution of living cultures of microorganisms and laboratory-held cell lines and associated data. They comprise a broad range of size and type, but all are established to perform these basic functions, giving access to authentic and representative reference strains for use in research and production. The organisms they hold play vital roles in food microbiology and therefore must be maintained in a manner that retains their properties. Microorganisms are important in both food production and food spoilage; therefore, production strains, starter cultures, and reference strains must be available for manufacture, as references in process control and research and development. Providing this resource is not as simple as it sounds, keeping strains in the back of the refrigerator until they are needed is open to many serious problems including contamination, complete replacement by other organisms, loss of properties and death of what are potentially unique and valuable commodities. Culture collections, no matter their size, must follow best practice and rigorously controlled operational processes to conserve microbial germplasm. Not only are the methodologies of preservation crucial, but they must operate in compliance with international and national rules, conventions, and regulations. They must also implement quality control and have a duty of care to protect their workers, the public, and the environment from potential harm. As a result, the modern-day culture collection has become a Biological Resource Center (BRC) operating according to international criteria. They add value to their holdings, developing the associated data and linking out to a broad landscape of relevant information at other sources to aid in the identification of strains and to add data on useful attributes. Such data facilitates strain uptake into research and use.

The Mission, Scope, and Content of Culture Collections It is over a century since the first public service culture collection was established in Prague. Since then, many new


collections have developed, helping microbiologists learn so much about the maintenance and supply of microorganisms. The main objective of culture collections is the provision of organisms and services that can improve the prospects for knowledge development and innovation to address the global challenges of health care, food security, biodiversity and the environment, climate change, and poverty alleviation. Their operations can be described in three key statements: The primary objective is to maintain strains in a viable state without morphological, physiological, or genetic change l Implementation of best practice in collection and supply - Ensure authentication of deposited biological materials - Ensure validity of data - Ensure continued availability and reproducibility of materials l Utilize long-term methods of preservation - Select the most suitable method - Optimize to ensure organism stability - Maintain viability, purity, and stability of holdings - Ensure networked capacity building and research l

Today a culture collection may be referred to as a microbial resource center or a BRC as defined by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The true BRC can support countries’ efforts to establish a means to release the potential of their microbial resources to provide solutions to national economic, environmental, food and health care problems and consequently contribute to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. This ambitious agenda for reducing poverty and improving lives can be partially delivered by better management and utilization of biological resources: Improve livelihoods (Millennium Goal – MG1). Provide new sources of food and reduce agricultural losses (MG1). l Lead to discovery of new drugs and treatments of disease to reduce child mortality and improve maternal health (MG4, 5 and 6). l Understand and contribute to environmental stability (MG7). l Develop a global partnership in the conservation and utilization of microbial resources for development (MG8). l l

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


Culture Collections Microorganisms are used for many different purposes: as reference strains in identification, as standards in tests, as producers of chemicals, and as whole organisms in products or for specific use, such as biocontrol. The sources of these strains are many, individual scientists, private collections, and public service collections. The collections in which these are retained can take many different forms ranging from simple laboratorybased collections operated by a single researcher to departmental collections centrally maintained for internal use, or larger public service collections. The organisms held may represent a general coverage of microbial diversity or may be very specific, addressing sectors such as food microbiology or even more specific single taxonomic groups or organisms with specific metabolic attributes. It is difficult to estimate the total number of collections in the world or the number of strains they hold. However, the public service collections have a supporting organization, the World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC), which coordinates some common activities but importantly oversees the World Data Center for Microorganisms (WDCM). This is a central registry for collections that lists over 600 collections worldwide. Through its online services, the WDCM provides lists of these specific collections, making available metadata on their content and expertise and offering routes to access their holdings. The microorganisms these collections hold represent both the prokaryotes and the eukaryotes and span a wide range of organism types. They include animal, human, and plant cells in culture, microscopic algae, animal and plant viruses, bacteriophages, archaea, bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts, plasmids, and protozoa. There are currently over 2 million strains available from the WDCM registered collections covering over 500 000 fungi, 25 578 (25.5%) of which are an ex-Type species or subspecies. There are over 900 000 bacteria representing around 80% of all Type species. The remaining cell types are therefore covered less well by the public service collections. This problem is being addressed by several initiatives that are described below. There is a long way to go before we have access to material representing all known microorganisms; for example, only 15% of the 100 000 described species of fungi and less than 2% of the estimated total of 1.5 million are represented in collections. Coordinated and targeted isolation programs are needed to make inroads into this enormous task; mycologists need to collaborate with culture collections to ensure a better coverage. BRCs are not just repositories or suppliers of strains; they provide many essential services. In October 2012, of the 585 WDCM registered collections, 90 provide patent deposit services, 311 identification services, 264 training services, and 272 various consultation services. To operate successfully, access to these many collections, their expertise and services, needs to be coordinated to facilitate use by the researcher. In addition, all collections need to follow common approaches and to operate in conformance with international criteria in agreed best practices or standards (see the section Networking Collections below).

Deposit, Access to, and Distribution of Strains The main function of a culture collection is to provide a repository for research strains. Public service culture


collections offer several different mechanisms for researchers to preserve and protect their key strains for future use. Collections will receive deposits of microorganisms of public interest into their open collections for which they publish lists or catalogs and make them available to qualified recipients (persons with the authority, skills, and knowledge to handle the organisms in appropriate laboratory facilities). However, most collections have accession policies that restrict the organisms covered to the institutional priorities and the expertise and capacities they have. Often they can store organisms as safe deposits, not making them accessible in their open collections, holding them solely for the depositor’s private use only. There are also specific collections that nations recognize as International Depository Authorities that are able to store and distribute, subject to authorization, microorganisms that are cited in patents under the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purpose of Patent Procedure. Despite the availability of these alternative deposit options, the deposit of strains that are cited in the literature to facilitate their availability as vouchers for confirmation of results and further work is estimated at less than 1%. BRCs provide biological resources (living organisms) and preservation services to microbiologists working in the fields of education, environment, agriculture, and biotechnology. The American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) has supplied over 100 000 cell lines and strains per year since the late 1980s, and its current distribution figures are estimated to be over 150 000 individual samples per year. The DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen, has supplied around 20 000 cell lines and strains, but most collections supply a lot less. A more likely figure for those most well used would be 1000 to 4000, and the majority only a few hundred. Based on this and the fact that there are around 600 collections registered with the WDCM, some 0.5 million strains are probably supplied each year. The concern is that many of the strains provided by noncollections are not authentic and not preserved well, undermining any research done with them. It is therefore essential that providers of strains use appropriate methodologies and adhere to regulations or, alternatively, leave this task to the BRCs, to ensure that high-quality research is based on reliable and authentic biological materials. To discover the collections in which a researcher can deposit key strains or receive the specimens needed for research, the WDCM provides an excellent starting point. There are also regional and national contact points (see the Networking section below), and the WFCC website can provide the linkages you need to help you trace the necessary deposit, information, and services.

Preservation and Long-term Storage The primary objective of preserving and storing an organism is to maintain it in a viable state without morphological, physiological, or genetic change until it is required for future use. Ideally, complete viability and stability should be achieved, especially for important research and industrial isolates. However, even teaching or research collections must consider implementing the best available technologies despite the cost if


Culture Collections

the materials are to be kept stable. Preservation techniques range from continuous growth methods to methods that reduce rates of metabolism to the ideal situation where metabolism is suspended. There are many methods available, and these can be divided into three groups: Continuous growth techniques involve frequent transfer from depleted to fresh nutrient sources, which initially provide optimum growth conditions. The need for a frequent subculture can be delayed by storing cultures in a refrigerator, freezer (at 10 to 20  C), under a layer of paraffin oil or in water. l Drying of the resting stage (e.g., spores, cysts, or sclerotia) of an organism can be achieved by air drying, in or above silica gel, in soil or sand. l Suspension of metabolism normally involves reducing the water content available to cells by dehydration or cryopreservation. Freeze-drying (lyophilization) is the sublimation of ice from frozen material at reduced pressure and requires storage in an inert atmosphere either under vacuum or at atmospheric pressure in an inert gas. Cryopreservation generally implies storage at temperatures that impede chemical reactions of around 70  C and below. This can be achieved in mechanical deep freezers (some are capable of reaching temperatures of 150  C) or in/above liquid nitrogen. To achieve an adequate suspension of metabolism to a point where no physical or chemical reaction can occur requires storage at temperatures of below 139  C. l

Although growth techniques are readily available and inexpensive, these are to be avoided as organisms can adapt to laboratory culture conditions and lose properties, become contaminated, or rapidly die. Culture collections should aim to preserve the strains by freeze-drying or cryopreservation to retain long-term stability and genetic integrity. Similar techniques are used for the preservation for many different organisms, often with special adaptations for the different types. Freeze-drying (lyophilization) is a highly successful method for preserving bacteria, yeasts, and the spores of filamentous fungi. During the freeze-drying process, water is removed directly from frozen material by sublimation under vacuum. If carried out correctly, freeze-drying will prevent shrinkage and structural change and will help retain viability. Freeze-drying should be optimized for different organisms and cell types. The method is generally unsatisfactory for eukaryotic microalgae as levels of post-preservation viability are unacceptably low. Injury can occur during the cooling and/or drying stages. The phase changes encountered during the drying process can cause the liquid crystalline structure of the cell membranes to degenerate to the gel phase, which disrupts the fluid-mosaic structure of the membrane. This causes leakage of the membrane, which may culminate in cell damage. Optimal survival can be improved with the use of a suitable suspension medium. Skimmed milk is a suitable protectant for fungi and is sometimes used in combination with inositol. Saccharides such as trehalose protect membranes by attaching to the phospholipids, replacing water, and lowering the transition temperature. Other suspending media can be used when preserving bacteria and yeasts, with many collections using their preferred preservation base.

The recommended final moisture content following drying is between 1 and 2% (w/v). To monitor freeze-drying, a means of measuring vacuum both in the chamber and close to the vacuum pump is required. Comparing the measurements will allow the determination of the end point of the drying process. When the values are equal, water has ceased to evaporate from the material being dried and drying is probably complete. This is confirmed by determining the residual water content. This procedure can be carried out by dry weight determination or by the use of chemical methods or specialized equipment. The sample temperature must not rise above the glass transition temperature during the process or during storage. The glass transition temperature (Tg) of a noncrystalline material is the critical temperature at which the material changes its behavior from being a glass (hard and brittle) to being rubbery or flexible when the atoms or molecules can undergo rearrangement. Additionally, the freezing point of the material should be determined, and the temperature should be monitored during freeze-drying. Melting during drying will cause irreparable damage and can be seen in an ampoule as bubbles in the dried material. To ensure that a high-quality product is produced and maintained, the equipment used must be reliable and conditions reproducible from batch to batch. The technique of centrifugal freeze-drying, which relies on evaporative cooling, can be used successfully for the storage of many sporulating fungi, as well as bacteria and yeasts. However, this is not a method that can be adapted and changed easily, as it is dependent on the scope of the equipment. Optimization of the cooling rate to suit the organism being freeze-dried can be applied using a shelf freeze-drier. The sealing of the ampoules or vials is most important, and heatsealed glass is preferred to butyl rubber bungs in glass vials as these may leak over long-term storage and allow deterioration of the freeze-dried organism. Freeze-drying has many advantages over other methods, including the total sealing of the specimen and protection from infection and infestation. Cultures generally have good viability/stability and can be stored for many years. However, there are disadvantages. Notably, some isolates fail to survive the process, and others have reduced viability and so genetic change may occur. Ampoules of freeze-dried organisms must be stored out of direct sunlight, and chilled storage will reduce the rate of deterioration and should extend shelf life. Liquid drying (L-drying) is a useful alternative method of vacuum drying for the preservation of bacteria that are particularly sensitive to the initial freezing stage of the normal lyophilization process. The intrinsic feature of this process is that cultures are prevented from freezing; drying occurs directly from the liquid phase. L-dried cultures have survived with good recovery levels for up to 15 years. L-drying can, therefore, be considered a suitable alternative to freeze-drying for bacteria that are susceptible to damage by freeze-drying. The ability of living organisms to survive freezing and thawing was first realized in 1663 when Henry Power successfully froze and revived nematodes. Lowering the temperature of biological material reduces the rate of metabolism until, when all internal water is frozen, no further biochemical reactions occur and metabolism is suspended. Although little metabolic activity takes place below 70  C, recrystallization of ice can occur at temperatures above

Culture Collections 139  C, which can cause structural damage during storage. Consequently, the storage of microorganisms at the ultra-low temperature of 190 to 196  C in or above liquid nitrogen is the preferred preservation method. Provided adequate care is taken during freezing and thawing, the culture will not undergo change, either phenotypically or genotypically. Choice of cryoprotectant is a matter of experience and varies according to the organism. Cryoprotection is achieved by: 1. Noncritical volume loss by the reduction of ice formation. 2. An increase in viscosity, which slows down ice crystal growth and formation and solute effects. 3. Reduction of the rate of diffusion of water caused by the increase of solutes. Glycerol 10% (v/v) gives very satisfactory results but requires time to penetrate the organism; some fungi are damaged by this delay. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) penetrates rapidly and is often more satisfactory. Sugars and large molecular substances, such as polyvinyl pyrrolidine (PVP), have been used but in general have been less successful. Trehalose has been shown to improve viabilities of some organisms. Establishing the optimum cooling rate has been the subject of much research. Slow cooling at 1  C min 1 over the critical phase has proved most successful, but some less sensitive isolates respond well to rapid cooling, preferably without protectant. Slow warming may cause damage owing to the recrystallization of ice; therefore rapid thawing is recommended. Slow freezing and rapid thawing generally give high recoveries for fungi. As with other methods of preservation, liquid nitrogen cryopreservation has advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include the length of storage, which is considered to be effectively limitless if storage temperature is kept below 139  C. The majority of organisms survive well, giving the method a greater range of successful application. Organisms remain free of contamination when stored in sealed ampoules. Disadvantages of liquid nitrogen storage include the high cost of apparatuses such as refrigerators and a continual supply of liquid nitrogen. If the supply of nitrogen fails (or the double-jacketed, vacuum-sealed storage vessels corrode and rupture), then the whole collection can be lost. There are also safety considerations to be made, and the storage vessels must be kept in a well-ventilated room, as the constant evaporation of the nitrogen gas could displace the air and suffocate workers. After a suitable preservation technique is applied and the strains are successfully stored, a distribution and master or seed stock should be kept. The size of the stock depends on the anticipated distribution. Enough replicates must be maintained to ensure that preserved strains have undergone a minimum number of transfers from the original. Wherever possible, an original should be preserved without subculturing. The seed stock should be stored separately from the distribution stock. It is also advisable to keep a duplicate collection in another secure building or site as a ‘disaster measure.’ An inventory control system should be used to ensure that cultures remain in stock for distribution or use. After preservation, the viability, purity, and identity should be rechecked and compared with the original results before the culture is made available outside the collection.


To ensure that cultures have not undergone physiological or genetic change following preservation, they should be examined in depth. This step should consist of more than mere assessments of growth rate and culture morphology and could include analysis of metabolism or an assessment at the molecular level. Known properties can be checked periodically, but full metabolic profile checks are seldom necessary on a regular basis. However, to be able to judge stability, a less stable property should be selected to indicate how well a strain is being maintained. PCR fingerprinting is often performed to provide an indication of molecular stability post-preservation. The method of choice is Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLP), which is a highly stringent and reproducible method. However, other PCR techniques such as Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), Variable Nucleotide Tandem Repeat (VNTR), Single Sequence Repeat (SSR), and Inter Simple Sequence Repeat Anchored (ISSR)–PCR may be suitable. These methods are straightforward and less expensive than AFLP and may produce strain-specific banding patterns. Unfortunately, minor changes in PCR conditions can result in different patterns, and the methods can thereby suffer from poor stringency and reproducibility. However, for one off studies, ISSR is particularly useful to demonstrate if the preservation technique has caused gene duplication or gene deletion.

The Impact of Legislation on the Handling, Storage, and Distribution of Organisms Many regulations apply to the work of collections from the collecting through the handling to their dispatch and transport. Collection workers must be aware of such legal requirements not only in their own countries but worldwide. Examples of the areas covered by regulations are: l l l l l l

Access to national genetic resources Biosecurity Packaging, shipping, and transport Quarantine Health and safety Patenting

The collection, distribution, and exploitation of biological materials must be in compliance with national requirements that may be implemented in response to international conventions, treaties, and law – for example, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The CBD requires that Prior Informed Consent (PIC) be obtained in the country where organisms are to be collected. Terms on which any benefits will be shared must be agreed. If the organism is passed to a third party, it must be under terms agreed to by the country of origin. This will entail the use of material transfer agreements between supplier and recipient to ensure benefit sharing with at least the country of origin. Access and benefit sharing rules must be followed and signatory countries to the CBD have agreed on a code of practice, the Nagoya ABS Protocol. Biosecurity impacts heavily on the operations of public service culture collections. The OECD BRC Best Practice includes biosecurity guidance as well as aspects of biosafety, particularly in regard to implementation of national


Culture Collections

legislation. It is evident that culture collections must adopt compliant procedures, first governed by national laws but specifically compliant with the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC). They must endeavor to reduce the potential for misuse of biological agents, toxins, or associated information or technologies. The Global Biological Resource Center Network (GBRCN) and European Consortium of Microbial Resources Centers (EMbaRC) projects have designed a Biosecurity Code of conduct for BRCs. This sets out an undertaking by culture collections to tackle their responsibilities and provides a baseline for their operation. Another set of requirements on collection operations are laid down by quarantine legislation that restricts the import of nonindigenous plant and animal pathogens. Those who wish to import such organisms must hold the relevant import permit, which can be obtained from the relevant country authority. Whatever situation, microbiology or not, compliance with duties of care, and health and safety law are a basic requirement to establish a safe workplace; key considerations are the following: l l l l l l

Adequate assessment of risks Provision of adequate control measures Provision of health and safety information Provision of appropriate training Establishment of record systems to allow safety audits to be carried out Implementation of good working procedures

Good working practice requires assurance that correct procedures are actually being followed, and this requires a sound and accountable safety policy. The requirements for health and safety and biosecurity are covered by the OECD Best Practice Guidance for BRCs. The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) require that packaging used for the transport of hazard group 2, 3, or 4 must meet defined standards, IATA packing instruction 602 (class 6.2). Microorganisms that qualify as dangerous goods (class 6.2) must be in UN certified packages. These packages must be sent by air freight if the postal services of the countries through which it passes do not allow the organisms in their postal systems. They can only be sent airmail if the national postal authorities accept them. There are additional costs above the freight charges and package costs if the carrier does not have its own fleet which will require the package and documentation to be checked at the airport DGR center. Details on these requirements are given in IATA’s Dangerous Goods Regulations, and interpretation of these regulations in various scenarios of shipping cultures from collections are given in documents provided via the WFCC on their website.

Management and Operational Standards Culture collections are required to provide authentic strains retaining properties that meet the user’s requirements. Not only must they be able to confirm the identity of the strains deposited with them, but they need to employ preservation techniques that will retain their properties in the long term.

This is critical at a time when the number of traditional taxonomists is diminishing and when new platform technologies are taking over for the characterization of strains. It is even more essential that such an authentic resource remains available for reference as nonmicrobiologists are utilizing strains and must rely on their authenticity. Additionally, as databases are built up, it is essential that they are based on authentic material. Molecular taxonomy has had a significant impact on biosystematics. However, doubt has been expressed regarding the reliability of sequences available in publicly available sequence databases. It has been reported that up to 20% of publicly available, taxonomically important, DNA sequences for three randomly chosen groups of fungi were probably incorrectly named, chimaeric, of poor quality or too incomplete for reliable comparison. The OECD BRC Task Force considered the establishment of a common quality standard as essential for the development of BRCs. Although publications on collection management and methodology give information on protocols and procedures, there is a need to introduce a common quality management system that goes further toward setting minimum standards. The collection communities themselves have developed operational guidelines, and of course international standards have also been developed specifically for laboratories covering management and particular practices and services. There are several examples of standards designed specifically for microbial and cell culture collections: The WFCC Guidelines for the establishment and operation of collections of microorganisms l The Microbial Information Network for Europe (MINE) project standards for the member collections l UKNCC quality management system l Common Access to Biological Resources and Information (CABRI) guidelines (http://www.cabri.org) l

The standards that can be applied to microbiology laboratories include Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), ISO 17025, ISO Guide 25, and the ISO 9000:2000 series. Several public service collections have gone this route, the majority selecting the ISO 9000 family of standards that relate to quality management systems and are designed to help organizations ensure they meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders. The standards are published by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, and are available through National standards bodies. All above-mentioned guidance provided background for the development of the OECD Best Practice Guidance for BRCs published in 2007. This document can be used as a benchmark for culture collections worldwide.

Networking Collections: Improving Access to Strains and Addressing Common Challenges Bioscience industry and academia require improved access to high-quality, value-added products and services from culture collections. BRCs are being enhanced to meet these needs. A requirement for quality, avoidance of duplication, research, training, and networking is part of their main recommendations for development. The ultimate goal is a distributed

Culture Collections Table 1

Contacts for some regional and global culture collection organizations





Asian Biological Resource Centers Network Federación Latinoamericana de Colecciones de Cultivos European Culture Collection’s Organization Global Biological Resource Center Network World Federation for Culture Collections

http://www.abrcn.net/ [email protected], [email protected] http://www.eccosite.org http://www.gbrcn.org http://www.wfcc.info

network of collections concentrating in the areas of their expertise and operating to universal high standards. Several national, regional, and global networks (Table 1) support and promulgate the activities of culture collections. The World Federation for Culture Collections has been fighting the cause for over four decades, supported in Europe by the European Culture Collection’s Organization (ECCO). However, a lot of work needs to be done both by collections and governments if they indeed wish to harness the power of microbial diversity. There are 17 national collection organizations listed in Table 2, all of which can help researchers access the products and services of their member collections. It is now recognized that research infrastructures provide the new dimension in life science research. To this end, BRCs are being networked through the GBRCN. The GBRCN Demonstration Project emanates from an OECD Working Party on Biotechnology initiative (1999–2007). Presently, the German Ministry of Science and Technology provides a small, central Secretariat to coordinate activities to deliver improved support to the life sciences. No one single entity can provide the necessary coverage of organisms and data; therefore, the enormous task of maintaining biodiversity must be shared. There are vast numbers of novel microbial species still to be discovered (the majority of which are not yet grown in culture), and large groups of specialized organisms are not readily available for study. The GBRCN will help to provide legitimate

Table 2


access to high-quality materials and information facilitating innovation in the life sciences. In Europe, the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) was established in 2002 to support a coherent and strategy-led approach to policy-making on research infrastructures in Europe, and to facilitate multilateral initiatives leading to the better use and development of research infrastructures at the EU and international level. ESFRI are establishing pan-European structures to drive innovation to provide the resources, technologies, and services as the basic tools necessary to underpin research. The ESFRI strategy aims at overcoming the limits due to fragmentation of individual policies and provides Europe with the most up-to-date research infrastructures (RI), responding to the rapidly evolving science frontiers and also advancing the knowledge-based technologies and their extended use. The European microbiology collection community led by the GBRCN Secretariat, EMbaRC consortium and ECCO, has succeeded in placing the Microbial Resources Research Infrastructure (MIRRI) on the ESFRI roadmap. The resultant highquality global platform will be designed to accommodate the future needs of biotechnology and biomedicine. MIRRI will provide coherence in the application of quality standards, homogeneity in data storage and management, and workload sharing to help release the hidden potential of microorganisms.

Some national culture collection organizations





Australian Microbial Resources Information Network Belgium Co-ordinated Collections of Microorganisms Brazil – Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia Coleções de Culturas China Committee for Culture Collections of Microorganisms Federation of Czechoslovak Collections of Microorganisms French Comité Consultatif des Ressources Biologiques Cuban Culture Collection and other Biological Materials Section; Korean Federation of Culture Collections UK Health Protection Agency Culture Collections Indonesia – Communication Forum for Indonesian Culture Collection Curators Japan Society for Culture Collections Finnish Microbial Resource Center Organization Philippines National Culture Collections The Microbial (Non-Medical) Culture Collections of the Russian Federation Thailand Network on Culture Collection UK National Culture Collection – UK affiliation of national collections US Federation for Culture Collections

http://www.amrin.org http://bccm.belspo.be [email protected] http://micronet.im.ac.cn http://www.natur.cuni.cz/fccm/ http://www.crbfrance.fr elsie@finlay.edu.cu (President); Shinchondong Sodaemunku, Seoul 120-749, Korea http://www.hpa.org.uk/business/collections.htm http://www.mabs.jp/kunibetsu/indonesia/indonesia_04. html http://www.nbrc.nite.go.jp/jscc/aboutjsccc.html Erna.Storgards@vtt.fi Rosario G. Monsalud, [email protected] http://www.vkm.ru/


http://www.biotec.or.th/tncc/ http://www.ukncc.co.uk http://www.usfcc.us/


Culture Collections

MIRRI brings together European microbial resource collections with stakeholders (their users, policy makers, potential funders, and the plethora of microbial research efforts) aiming at improving access to enhanced quality microbial resources in an appropriate legal framework, thus underpinning and driving life sciences research. Similar initiatives worldwide will establish the microorganism platform within the future GBRCN. A global network of BRCs will be able to enhance the efficiency in collections of laboratory held, living biological material by harmonization of procedures. Implementation of adequate collection management of well-preserved and authenticated organisms is essential to guarantee quality and safety in the various areas of application, to allow controlled access to potentially hazardous organisms, and to ease and improve the advantageous utilization of the materials for food, health, and environment. Creating a critical mass of high-quality data will allow its combination with data from other fields to produce information landscapes, and through modern, interactive tools, allow new interpretations and innovation. It will enable economies of scale, the efficiency of sharing skills and technologies, and the capacity to bridge gaps and focus activities without duplication of effort. User needs can be addressed more efficiently, and as a result scientific endeavor is more likely to deliver the desired outcome.

See also: Classification of the Bacteria: Traditional; Bacteria: Classification of the Bacteria – Phylogenetic Approach; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Introduction; Biochemical Identification Techniques for Foodborne Fungi: Food Spoilage Flora; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Food-Poisoning Microorganisms; Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, and Escherichia Coli; Freezing of Foods: Damage to Microbial Cells;

Freezing of Foods: Growth and Survival of Microorganisms; Fungi: The Fungal Hypha; Fungi: Overview of Classification of the Fungi.

Further Reading Anon, 2001. Biological Resource Centers: Underpinning the Future of Life Sciences and Biotechnology. OECD Publications, Paris, France. Anon, 2007. OECD Best Practice Guidelines for Biological Resource Centers Online: http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/6/27/38778261.pdf (accessed 28.07.10.). Anon, 2010. The WFCC Guidelines for the Establishment and Operation of Culture Collections Online: http://www.wfcc.info/guidelines (accessed 3.07.11.). Bridge, P.D., Spooner, B.M., Roberts, P.J., 2004. Reliability and use of published sequence data. New Phytologist 161, 15. CABRI, 2002. Common Access to Biological Resources and Information (CABRI) Guidelines. http://www.cabri.org. Day, J.D., Stacey, G., 2007. Cryopreservation and freeze-drying protocols. In: Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, second ed. 368. Humana Press. ISBN 1-58829377-7. Hawksworth, D.L., 2001. The magnitude of fungal diversity: the 1.5 million species estimate revisited. Mycological Research 105, 1422–1432. Kelley, J., Smith, D., 1997. Depositing Micro-organisms as Part of the Patenting Process. European BioPharmaceutical Review. Ballantyne Ross Ltd., London, UK. Ryan, M.J., Smith, D., 2004. Fungal Genetic Resource Centres and the genomic challenge. Mycological Research 108, 1351–1362. Smith, D., 2003. Culture collections over the world. International Microbiology 6, 95–100. Smith, D., Rohde, C., 2008. Safety in microbiology. In: Laboratory Manager. Croner, UK. 125, 4–6. Smith, D., Ryan, M.J., 2008. The impact of OECD best practice on the validation of cryopreservation techniques for microorganisms. Cryoletters 29, 63–72. Smith, D., Ryan, M.J., Day, J.G. (Eds.), 2001. The UK National Culture Collection Biological Resource: Properties, Maintenance and Management. UK National Culture Collection, Egham, Surrey, UK. ISBN 0954028503. Stackebrandt, E., 2010. Diversification and focusing: strategies of microbial culture collections. Trends in Microbiology 18, 283–287. Tan, C.S., 1997. Preservation of fungi. Cryptogamie Mycologie 18, 157–163.

Curing see Curing of Meat

Cyclospora AM Adams, Kansas City District Laboratory, US Food and Drug Administration, Lenexa, KS, USA KC Jinneman, Applied Technology Center, US Food and Drug Administration, Bothell, WA, USA YR Ortega, University of Georgia, Griffin, GA, USA Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Characteristics of the Genus and Relevant Species The genus Cyclospora was erected by Schneider in 1881 from a myriapode, Glomeris spp. Cyclospora belongs in the family Eimeriidae, subphylum Apicomplexa. The family Eimeriidae is composed of about 16 genera that can be distinguished by the number of sporocysts and of sporozoites within the oocysts. Cyclospora is phylogenetically most closely related to the genus Eimeria, particularly to those species infecting chickens. Oocysts of Cyclospora have two sporocysts (Figure 1); oocysts of Eimeria have four. Both genera have two sporozoites per sporocyst, resulting in a total of four sporozoites in an oocyst of Cyclospora and eight within an oocyst of Eimeria. Regardless of the morphological differences, some researchers have proposed that Cyclospora should be considered a member of the genus Eimeria based on the similarity of their rDNA sequences, but the validity of the genus Cyclospora continues to be recognized by the scientific community. Of the 19 species of Cyclospora described, only Cyclospora glomericola has been described from an invertebrate host. All others have been described and reported from moles, rodents, insectivores, snakes, and primates – both human and

Figure 1 Sporulated oocyst of Cyclospora cayetanensis, with two sporocysts. Diameter of oocyst ¼ 10 mm.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

nonhuman. Several taxonomists have suggested that some species from snakes (e.g., Cyclospora babaulti, Cyclospora tropidonoti, and Cyclospora zamenis) may be synonymous with other species. Another coccidian belonging to this genus has been reported from dairy cattle in China, but this has not been fully described. Distinction between species of Cyclospora generally is based on the size and morphology of the oocysts (Table 1). The recognition of Cyclospora as a protozoan pathogenic to humans is relatively recent. In 1979, Ashford reported an Isospora-like coccidian infecting humans in Papua, New Guinea. Throughout the 1980s, investigators found similar structures in fecal samples from patients with diarrhea and soon determined that the organism was the causal agent. Because of the appearance and staining characteristics of the unsporulated oocysts, these infections initially were attributed to cyanobacteriumlike bodies or coccidian-like bodies (CLBs). In 1993, these CLBs were characterized as oocysts belonging to a species of Cyclospora and were designated the following year as Cyclospora cayetanensis. Cyclospora cayetanensis appears to be endemic in subtropical countries, although it has also been reported from temperate countries. Cyclosporiasis has been diagnosed in Nepal, Indonesia, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, Peru, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Brazil, Mexico, England, Australia, Turkey, Tanzania, Nigeria, Egypt, Germany, the United States, and Canada. Foreign tourists and expatriates from Europe and North America were found to be infected after returning from endemic countries. Infections in the United States and Canada were traced epidemiologically to imported produce during the 1990s. Although C. cayetanensis is not considered to be endemic in the United States, some cases cannot be traced to a foreign source. For example, a cluster of cases in Chicago in 1990 was traced to a contaminated water tank, but the original source of the organism was not determined. Currently, the number of domestic cases of cyclosporiasis in the United States is estimated at about 11 000 annually. Most US foodborne outbreaks have been attributed primarily to the consumption of berries, basil, or mesclun lettuce. Research continues to identify possible reservoir or intermediate hosts for C. cayetanensis. This work focuses on experimental infections and surveys of mammals and birds, both domestic and wild, in endemic areas. Oocysts resembling those of C. cayetanensis have been recovered from chickens in Mexico, a duck in Peru, and two dogs in Brazil. No evidence of intestinal involvement is available and experimental infections with these animals were unsuccessful. Research is continuing, but given the





Table 1

Species of Cyclospora


Host species

Common name

Oocyst size (mm)


C. glomericola C. caryolitica C. viperae C. babaulti C. tropidonoti

Millipede European mole European asp European adder Grass snake

25–36  9–10 16–19  13–16 16.8  12.6 16.8  10.5 16.8  10.5

Schneider, 1881 Schaudinn, 1902 Phisalix, 1923 Phisalix, 1924 Phisalix, 1924

C. scinci C. tropidonoti C. zamenis C. talpae

Glomeris spp. Talpa europaea Vipera aspis Vipera berus Tropidonotus natrix (¼Natrix natrix) Scincus officinalis Natrix natrix, Natrix stolata Coluber viridiflavus Talpa europaea

Apothecary’s skink Grass snake Dark green snake European mole

10.5  7.0 16.8  10.5 16.8  10.5 12–19  6–13

C. megacephalui C. ashtabulensis C. parascalopi C. angimurinensis C. cayetanensis C. cercopitheci

Scalopus aquaticus Parascalops breweri Parascalops breweri Chaetodipus hispidus hispidus Homo sapiens Cercopithecus aethiops

14–21  12–18 14–23  11–19 13–20  11–20 19–24  16–22 8–10 8–10

C. colobi

Colobus guereza

Eastern mole Hair-tailed mole Hair-tailed mole Hispid pocket mouse Human African green or vervet monkey Colobus monkey

C. papionis

Papio anubis

Olive baboon


C. niniae C. schneideri

Ninia sebae sebae Anilius scytale scytala

Redback coffee snake Red pipe snake

Phisalix, 1924 Phisalix, 1924 Phisalix, 1924 Pellerdy and Tanyi, 1968; Duszynski and Wattam, 1988 Ford and Duszynski, 1988 Ford and Duszynski, 1989 Ford and Duszynski, 1989 Ford, Duszynski, and McAllister, 1990 Ortega et al., 1994 Eberhard, da Silva, Lilley, and Pieniazek, 1999 Eberhard, da Silva, Lilley, and Pieniazek, 1999 Eberhard, da Silva, Lilley, and Pieniazek, 1999 Lainson, 1965 Lainson, 2005

habits of these animals, oocysts could have been ingested from the environment and passed through the gastrointestinal system. Although further work may determine that these animals were not infected with C. cayetanensis, they might act as important vectors in the dissemination of oocysts. Thus far, C. cayetanensis is considered specific to humans. In addition to the inability to confirm infections in other hosts, consideration of the high degree of host specificity demonstrated by other species of Cyclospora and Eimeria supports this conclusion.

Life Cycle Contrary to other cyclosporans, the life cycle of C. cayetanensis has been well studied (Figure 2). Infection occurs when food or water contaminated with sporulated oocysts are ingested by the host. The oocysts excyst within the intestine and release the sporocysts, and subsequently, the sporozoites (Figure 3). The sporozoites enter epithelial cells of the duodenum and jejunum and undergo merogony (a form of asexual reproduction). Merozoites break out of the host cell and enter new cells. Numerous cycles of asexual reproduction may occur. Eventually, gametogony transpires in which sexual reproduction occurs and oocysts are formed. Merogony and gametogony occur intracytoplasmically in intestinal cells. Few reports on the intracellular stages of the parasites of other species of Cyclospora have been reported. Cyclospora vipera and C. glomericola infect host intestinal epithelium. The parasitic vacuoles of Cyclospora caryolitica and Cyclospora talpae are localized intranuclearly; the first invades the small intestine, whereas merogony for C. talpae occurs in mononuclear cells in


14.6  13.3 19.8  16.6

the capillary sinusoids of the liver and gametogony is localized in the epithelial cells of the bile ducts. After gametogony, the resulting oocysts are unsporulated and noninfectious when shed by the host in feces (Figure 4). Sporulation times for viable oocysts vary with the species. Cyclospora caryolitica sporulates at room temperature at 4–5 days; whereas C. talpae requires 2 weeks. Oocysts of C. cayetanensis require 7–15 days for sporulation at 23–27  C. This period required for the oocyst to become infectious suggests that the contamination of produce usually occurs with fully sporulated oocysts.

Isolation and Culturing of Oocysts Fecal samples from suspected infections can be preserved in 10% formalin; polyvinyl alcohol; or sodium acetate, acetic acid, and formalin solution (SAF). The oocysts, however, will no longer be viable, sporulation will not occur, and diagnosis will be restricted to staining and autofluorescence. Produce suspected of being contaminated with Cyclospora oocysts can also be fixed and preserved as described for fecal samples. If viable oocysts are desired, saline should be substituted for the formalin. Fecal samples containing viable Cyclospora oocysts can be maintained under refrigeration in 2.5% potassium dichromate or 1% sulfuric acid. Various concentration protocols are available for isolation of oocysts. Fecal samples containing Cyclospora oocysts are strained through sterile gauze or screen mesh to eliminate the debris. Oocysts can then be concentrated by the Ritchie procedure (chloroform: ethyl acetate), standard Sheather’s


Figure 2


Life cycle of Cyclospora cayetanensis in humans. Excystation occurs in the intestine, as do the intracellular stages.

sucrose flotation method, and discontinuous sucrose gradients. For final purification, a cesium chloride gradient is recommended. To improve the yield from the concentration of fecal samples preserved by SAF, equal volumes of SAF-fixed samples and 10% potassium hydroxide should be homogenized and centrifuged with 0.85% saline solution. A discontinuous Percoll gradient for concentration has also been shown to yield more positive results than Sheather’s sucrose. Sporulation can be accomplished with oocysts stored in the potassium dichromate or sulfuric acid solutions and maintained at room temperature for 7–15 days. Sporulation can occur in water, but the growth of fecal bacteria or fungi will not be inhibited. A sterile sample of purified oocysts can be achieved by exposing the oocysts to a straight bleach solution for 15 min before washing and storing the oocysts in potassium dichromate. Excystation of fully sporulated oocysts is accomplished using a buffer containing sodium taurocholate and trypsin.

Methods of Detection in Foods The analysis of food samples for the presence of Cyclospora poses a range of problems. In clinical samples, numerous oocysts may be detected in a fecal smear. In contrast, the number of oocysts within a food sample is likely to be considerably lower, such that a slide may have few, if any, oocysts. In addition, Cyclospora is an obligate intracellular parasite and no replication or reproduction occurs outside of the host. Therefore, no enrichment methods for food samples currently exist for this protozoan. Sample size may also affect the possibility of detecting the parasite. Cyclospora is considered to have a low infectious dose – approximately 100 oocysts and possibly as few as 10. When present at such low levels, detection of oocysts of Cyclospora within a sample may be difficult. In addition, protocols generally require results from an analysis to be confirmed by a separate method. Recovery of oocysts directly


Cyclospora sensitivity. Following are protocols and their variations currently in use.

Wash Procedure

Figure 3 Excystation of Cyclospora cayetanensis, bar ¼ 10 mm. One sporocyst (S1) has two sporozoites inside the ruptured oocyst. The second sporocyst (S2) is ruptured outside of the oocyst. The residual body remains inside the second sporocyst; the two sporozoites (Sp) are free.

The two approaches developed to detect and identify oocysts of Cyclospora are microscopy and a molecular test often involving polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. The efficacies of both microscopy and PCR are dependent on the recovery of oocysts from the implicated product, usually through a wash procedure. Produce (50–250 g) is placed in a bag with the wash solution adequately covering the sample (requiring an equal or greater volume of liquid to sample weight). After the sample is agitated for a period of time, the wash solution is decanted and centrifuged, and aliquots of the resulting sediment may be analyzed directly by microscopy or PCR or may be subjected to further filtration before analysis. Samples are washed by agitation for 30 min on an orbital (platform) shaker at 100 cycles per minute. The bag is inverted after 15 min. Care is taken to minimize the fragmentation or destruction of the sample. For produce with greater structural integrity, such as lettuce, the number of cycles per minute can be increased. After completion of the agitation step, the wash solution is centrifuged at 2000  g for 20 min. If further concentration and isolation is desired, the pellet can be resuspended in a buffer solution and filtered. The resulting filtrate is centrifuged again. If the sample is liquid (e.g., fruit juice, cider, or milk), an aliquot is taken, added to a buffer solution, filtered, and then centrifuged. The sediments are measured and stored at refrigeration temperature (4  C). If storage is for an extended time, the addition of a 2.5% solution of potassium dichromate will retard the growth of bacteria and yeast. Pellets can be fixed and preserved in 10% formalin, but sporulation and PCR analysis are then no longer possible.


Figure 4 Unsporulated oocyst of Cyclospora cayetanensis. Diameter of oocyst ¼ 10 mm.

from commercial samples is uncommon, but Cyclospora has been reported from produce samples in Peru and Nepal, from imported basil in Canada, and from a raspberry filling in the United States. Analytical procedures for the detection of Cyclospora continually are being tested and refined to improve

Oocysts of Cyclospora are acid-fast variable, ranging from a clear to a reddish color after the use of such stains as the modified Ziehl–Neelsen stain or the Kinyoun acid-fast stain. Preparation of permanent slides for analysis is attractive because the sample is preserved and easily can be sent to other laboratories, and the material is no longer infectious after the fixation step. Through the experiences of several laboratories, however, permanent slides such as those made with acid-fast stains are found generally to be unacceptable for food substrate samples. Oocysts may shrink or collapse and other components frequently found in produce, such as pollens and yeasts, also may take up stain. Internal structures of the oocysts are no longer visible, and the characteristic shape and size of the oocysts are altered. Few oocysts may be present on a slide from a food sample. Thus, determination of oocysts on such a slide is difficult and false results are commonplace. For detection of Cyclospora, fluorescent microscopy of wet mounts using ultraviolet epifluorescence is more sensitive than scanning permanently stained preparations. The microscope should be equipped with a mercury lamp; a tungsten bulb will not provide the appropriate wavelengths, and the oocysts will be difficult to observe. The excitation filter should be a 365/10, although a 330–380 nm filter also will be adequate; the

Cyclospora dichroic mirror should be 400 nm; and the barrier filter should be 420 nm. Unlike a clinical sample, microscopical analysis of a food sample requires that the entire slide be scanned. To prevent the wet mount from drying out during analysis, the cover slip should be ringed with silicone grease. Generally, 10 ml of sediment is analyzed per slide. The wet mount is examined at 400. Oocysts of C. cayetanensis are characteristically spherical, 8–10 mm in diameter, and autofluoresce cobalt blue. No fluorescent stains are necessary. The interior of the cyst does not fluoresce, or fluoresces very little. If a suspected oocyst of Cyclospora is detected, confirmation should be made with bright field illumination at 1000 (tungsten illumination is used at this time). Internal structures are more clearly elucidated with differential interference contrast. The oocyst may or may not be sporulated; the analyst should consider the morphology of the oocyst accordingly. Microscopical examination of wash sediment from produce is strikingly different from that of clinical samples. Sediment from produce lacks the homogeneity encountered in other samples. In addition to soil, the wash sediment has many components, including pollens, yeasts, fungi, molds, and other organisms. The pollens may vary in size and shape, but generally fluoresce a much brighter blue than Cyclospora. Yeasts may be almost perfectly spherical and vary considerably in size. Yeasts, in the size range of Cyclospora oocysts, are not uncommon, but they do not fluoresce in a similar fashion. Other organisms, such as free-living nematodes, mites from pollinating bees, other insects, eggs (often nematode eggs), cysts, and other oocysts, may also be observed. The cysts and oocysts may fluoresce blue or red. Other coccidian parasites may be present naturally in agricultural settings and in the resulting wash sediment of the produce. Oocysts of species of Eimeria have been isolated from raspberries (Figure 5). Microscopically, the oocysts of the two genera can be

distinguished by size and shape, and when sporulated, by the number of sporocysts (two for Cyclospora and four for Eimeria). Species of Eimeria are generally oval in shape, although some may be imperfectly round after sporulation (e.g., Eimeria mitis), and measure 11–35 mm in greater diameter. Oocysts of Eimeria also autofluoresce a blue, but the oocysts are not as distinctive as those of Cyclospora and may be missed while scanning using epifluorescence microscopy.

Molecular Methods Molecular approaches are available for screening or confirmation of microscopical results. Most PCR tests to detect Cyclospora amplify a region of the Cyclospora 18S ribosomal DNA. These procedures generally do not produce an amplified fragment from other closely related coccidian species, such as Cryptosporidium parvum, Toxoplasma gondii, or Isospora felis. Significant similarity in the 18S rRNA gene with Eimeria (94–96%) and other recently described nonhuman Cyclospora species (98.4–98.7%) do exist. Special attention is required to ensure the specificity of the molecular assay to identify C. cayetanensis, especially for food and environmental samples in which these other organisms, which are not known to be infectious to humans, may be present. Despite the similarity of these 18S rRNA gene nucleotide sequences, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses allow differentiation between PCR amplicons of C. cayetanensis, Eimeria spp., and other Cyclospora species. Another approach is an oligoligation assay (OLA) and the design of primers and stringent PCR conditions to detect and confirm single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that occur within the amplified regions. Others have looked to different regions of the 18S rDNA gene or internal transcribed spacer sequences for which greater sequence variability exists to design PCR primers. As with microscopy, the application of PCR to food and environmental samples often is hindered by low amounts of the target oocysts and the presence of inhibitory substances in the sample matrix.

DNA Template Preparation for PCR

Figure 5 Unsporulated oocyst of Eimeria spp. in wash from raspberries. Length of oocyst ¼ 14 mm.


Template preparation from food samples entails concentrating oocysts from the wash sediment, disrupting the oocysts to expose the DNA, and overcoming the effects of PCR inhibitors that may be in the sample. Generally, produce washes are concentrated by centrifugation, 1800–2000 rpm for 5–20 min, and sediment is resuspended in smaller volumes (5–45 ml) of buffer or digestion solution. Large volume (1–10 l) water samples are concentrated by flocculation procedures or passed in a flow-through unit, such as Envirochek, (Pall Gelman Laboratory). Concentration of oocysts of another coccidian parasite, C. parvum, has been accomplished through the use of magnetic antibody techniques. Although this is an attractive method, antibodies to C. cayetanensis are not available at this time. The DNA is released by mechanically breaking the oocysts open. A common method, adapted from PCR analysis for Cryptosporidium oocysts, involves six cycles of a freeze–thaw procedure in which the aliquot of sediment is subjected to liquid nitrogen or a dry ice or ethanol bath for 2 min followed by a 2 min exposure in a water bath at 98  C. The mixture is vortexed and then centrifuged at 14 000 rpm for 3 min. The supernatant is retained for PCR analysis and may be stored at 20  C. Mechanical disruption may be accomplished with siliconized glass beads and



vigorous vortexing. Some protocols use a combination of three freeze–thaw cycles followed by the addition of glass beads and vortexing. Sonication (2 min at 120 W) may be used to disrupt the oocysts, but some DNA fragmentation may occur. FTAÒ filter disks (Fritzco Inc., Maple Plain, MN) allow oocysts to adhere to the filter and the lyse. DNA is released on contact and during the drying process at 56  C. The DNA then can be stored in this stable matrix that can be used directly for PCR amplification. Concentrated wash sediments can be applied either directly to the filter surface or first passed through a glass wool–packed column or analytical filter unit to remove particulates. Several commercial kits have been successfully used to prepare nucleic acid templates from Cyclospora oocysts. The amount and type of PCR inhibitors vary from sample to sample. A number of strategies are used to reduce the inhibitory effects. Dilution of the template is effective, but the concentration of target oocysts decreases and lowers the sensitivity of the PCR. For example, a dilution of 1:1000 can overcome PCR inhibition from raspberry samples. The addition of a 6% Chelex resin matrix (Instagene, BioRad, Hercules, CA) to the template preparation before oocyst disruption or the addition of nonfat dried milk (50 mg ml1) to a maximum of 20 ml of the supernatant before the amplification reaction also can reduce PCR inhibition. This latter approach has been used successfully with plant and soil PCR template extracts, although the mechanism by which the inhibitory effects are reduced is unknown. For raspberry samples, the addition of the nonfat dried milk solution results in a 400-fold increase in the amount of template that can be analyzed per reaction. Others have employed bovine serum albumin and polyvinylpolypyrrolidone to address potential PCR inhibition substances that may be present in food and environmental samples.

PCR Amplification and Post-PCR Processing

Sequencing of the 18S rRNA gene led to the development of the original nested PCR. This approach was modified for improved PCR efficiency by the removal of sequencing restriction site leader sequences from the primers, resulting in a final PCR amplicon of 294 bp. The utility of this PCR was extended by the use of an RFLP to distinguish between Cyclospora species and the closely related Eimeria genus using the restriction endonuclease MnlI. An OLA approach is also available to detect specific SNP within the PCR amplicon and to distinguish between Cyclospora and Eimeria. The description of new nonhuman primate Cyclospora species from Ethiopian monkeys (Cyclospora cercopitheci, Cyclospora colobi, and Cyclospora papionis) has led to further PCR assay development to distinguish them from C. cayetanensis. An allelespecific amplification technique known as mismatch amplification mutation assay (MAMA) was used to replace the second round of the nested PCR. Three separate MAMA primers and a common reverse primer are used to simultaneously detect C. cayetanensis (298 bp); C. cercopitheci, C. collobi, and C. papionis (361 bp); and Eimeria spp. (174 bp). The amplification products are separated and visualized by gel electrophoresis or by meltcurve analysis using a real-time PCR instrument. Another approach is the development of primers targeting a less conserved region of the 18S rRNA gene. One assay amplifies a 260 bp region of this hypervariable region followed by an RFLP

using the restriction enzyme AluI to distinguish Cyclospora and Eimeria spp. In addition, several unique patterns also have been observed for Cyclospora species recovered from environmental samples. A real-time PCR assay targeting the 18S rRNA gene in the hypervariable region specific for C. cayetanensis has been developed. This assay is performed as a single round of PCR because of the increased sensitivity of the real-time PCR format. Other gene targets, such as the ITS-2, also have been explored as the basis for a PCR assay for a 116 bp product for C. cayetanensis. The technique is promising as 1–10 oocysts can be detected, but some faint spurious bands of 200–400 bp products were also observed. Further specificity with more nonhuman Cyclospora testing is needed.

Regulations Although C. cayetanensis has been recognized as a human pathogen only since the early 1990s, the organism is covered by several rules and regulations within the United States. With numerous outbreaks in 1996 and 1997 in the eastern United States (and Canada), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) established cyclosporiasis as a reportable disease. Cyclospora cayetanensis was included as an emerging pathogen in the Food Safety Initiative, which focused on the monitoring of outbreaks, research of the selected pathogens, and regulatory enforcement. Infections and outbreaks of C. cayetanensis in the United States continue to be monitored and reported by CDC. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for the enforcement of regulations as detailed by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. No regulations specifically address C. cayetanensis, but products contaminated with the organism are covered by sections of the act for domestic (either produced within the United States, or already imported and in the domestic market) or imported (at the port of entry) foods under sections 402(a)(1) or 801(a)(1), respectively. Analysis of regulatory samples by the FDA follows the procedures contained within its Bacteriological Analytical Manual. As part of the Food Safety Initiative in the 1990s and Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011, efforts were undertaken to ensure the safety of produce consumed within the United States. As a result, guidance on good agricultural practices and good manufacturing practices for fruits and vegetables was issued. The guidelines include recommendations to growers, packers, transporters, and distributors of produce to minimize the risks of foodborne diseases. The purpose of the guidelines is to prevent microbial contamination, including Cyclospora, by applying basic principles to the use of water and organic fertilizers, employee hygiene, field and facility sanitation, and transportation. Advice is given on establishing a system for accountability to monitor personnel and procedures from producer to distributor.

Importance to the Food Industry The presence of Cyclospora and other foodborne pathogens can have serious impacts on businesses within the food industry. Because the majority of cases and outbreaks have implicated fresh produce (raspberries, lettuce, snow peas, and basil), the

Cyclospora possible routes of contamination need to be considered and addressed. Sources of water used for irrigation, fumigation, and pesticide application should be inspected. If necessary, treatment of water by filtration, heating, or ozone exposure should be pursued. Chlorination, although effective against many bacteria, is not an appropriate treatment for Cyclospora. Similarly, the use and application of fertilizers should be monitored. Raw manure or night soil should be processed adequately or composted to eliminate possible contamination of crops. Contamination by infected personnel can be avoided by proper hygiene and timely treatment of symptoms. Exposure of produce to animals, both domestic and wild, should be avoided as much as is reasonable. Although no reservoir host for C. cayetanensis has been found, evidence indicates that domestic animals can distribute oocysts with their feces. The choice of produce grown in endemic areas should be considered carefully. Although all fresh produce grown in endemic regions theoretically can be contaminated with oocysts of Cyclospora, some products by virtue of their surface structures or growth requirements appear to have a greater probability of transmitting the organism. For example, although raspberries and blackberries are grown in similar areas, raspberries primarily have been implicated in outbreaks. Infections by C. cayetanensis show a marked seasonality, but the specific environmental parameters need to be determined. Endemic regions, where the prevalence of Cyclospora is high before or during the rainy season, should consider shipment in the drier season (autumn) as these have not been implicated with outbreaks of cyclosporiasis. Agricultural companies, importers, and distributors may consider acquiring some produce from sources in nonendemic regions. Although fresh produce often brings a better price for growers and importers, the use of spring crops for frozen or cooked products may be a viable option to alleviate the transmission of C. cayetanensis. Although exposure to contaminated water is considered to be the most prevalent route of infection for individuals in endemic countries, exceptions to the incidence of cyclosporiasis and the rainy season have occurred in Peru and Turkey. During dry seasons, the incidence of cyclosporiasis appears to be related to the use of well water in Peru. In Turkey, cases of cyclosporiasis peaked during a dry, warm summer in 2007. The investigators attributed this heightened incidence to insufficiently washed food, resulting from limited water supplies.

Importance to the Consumer Cyclosporiasis is characterized by mild to severe nausea, anorexia, weight loss, abdominal cramping, bloating, increased flatulence, vomiting, fatigue, mild fever, and watery diarrhea. Diarrhea alternating with constipation commonly has been reported. Some patients present with flatulent dyspepsia and less frequently joint pain and night sweats. Onset of illness is usually abrupt in patients 7–14 days after ingestion of oocysts, and symptoms may persist an average of 7 weeks. Asymptomatic infections are more common in endemic regions, and infections in children tend to become shorter and less severe as they become older. Symptoms in immunocompromised patients are generally more severe and persistent. The average duration of


diarrhea associated with cyclosporiasis for HIV/AIDS patients is 199 days. Histopathological findings in patients with cyclosporiasis include varying degrees of jejunal villous blunting, atrophy, and crypt hyperplasia. The widening is due to a diffuse edema and infiltration of the villous mucosa by a mixed inflammatory infiltrate. Numerous plasma cells, lymphocytes, and eosinophils frequently are observed. Extensive lymphocytic infiltration into the surface epithelium is present, particularly at the tip of the shortened villi. Reactive hyperemia with dilation and congestion of the villar capillaries are also observed. In Nepalese patients, but not in Peruvians, the surface epithelium shows focal vacuolation, loss of brush border, and an alteration of epithelial cells from a columnar to cuboidal shape. The reactive response of the host is not associated with the number of intracellular parasites present in the tissues. Biopsies of stomach, rectum, and the transverse and sigmoid colon have not demonstrated histologically the presence of any intracellular organisms. The treatment of choice for Cyclospora is trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX). This therapy has been tested in children and in immunocompetent and immunocompromised adults. Cessation of symptoms and oocyst excretion can be observed as early as 3 days posttreatment. Ciprofloxacin has been reported as an alternative for patients who are allergic to or intolerant of TMP-SMX. Immunocompromised patients including AIDS appear to have a higher parasite load than immunocompetent individuals infected with Cyclospora. The prevalence of Cyclospora in patients positive for HIV is not higher than in immunocompetent populations, probably because of the frequent use of TMP-SMX for Pneumocystis carinii prophylaxis. This is further supported by the high prevalence of C. cayetanensis in adult AIDS patients in Haiti where TMP-SMX prophylaxis is infrequent. Routes of transmission for Cyclospora remain undocumented, although the fecal–oral route, either directly or via contaminated food or water, is probably the major one. In the United States, epidemiological evidence suggested that water was responsible for sporadic cases and clusters of cyclosporiasis. Notably, an outbreak involving 20 individuals, most of whom were physician residents, occurred in a Chicago hospital in 1990. Despite the implications of water in transmission, organisms confirmed as Cyclospora rarely have been identified from water samples in industrial countries. Studies, however, have identified oocysts of Cyclospora in water samples in Guatemala, Haiti, Nepal, Egypt, and Ghana. The prolonged sporulation time, 1–2 weeks, further supports the hypothesis that Cyclospora can be acquired by consumption of contaminated water or produce that has been in contact with contaminated water. Oocysts are excreted unsporulated and are noninfectious at that time. The rate at which sporulation occurs depends on a variety of environmental factors, including temperature and humidity. Because sporulated oocysts are needed for infection, person-to-person transmission is unlikely. The infectious dose of Cyclospora is unknown, although it is considered to be between 10 and 100. How long Cyclospora can survive under different environmental conditions is also unknown. Foodborne outbreaks are more common than those traced to contaminated water. In 1996, Cyclospora outbreaks occurred in the United States and Canada and affected more than 1400



Figure 6 Scanning electron micrograph of oocysts of Cyclospora cayetanensis remaining on surface of lettuce after washing. Reproduced with permission from Ortega, Y., Roxas, C., Gilman, R., Miller, N., Cabrera, L., Taquiri, C., and Sterling, C., 1997. Isolation of Cryptosporidium parvum and Cyclospora cayetanensis from vegetables collected in markets of an endemic region in Peru. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 57 (6), 683–686.

individuals. Many of the outbreaks were clustered, but sporadic cases were also observed. Initially, these outbreaks were associated with the consumption of strawberries, but later epidemiological data implicated imported raspberries. In 1997, outbreaks in the United States were associated with imported raspberries, and later that year, with contaminated basil and lettuce. Since then, berries, basil, and lettuce continue to be the primary vehicles reported for outbreaks in the United States and Canada. For example, an outbreak in British Columbia affected 29 people who had consumed basil. In March 2005, more than 500 people became ill in Florida with Cyclospora, again, with basil as the suspected course. Several incidents in 2001 and 2002 were traced to arugula or mesclun lettuce. A more recent incident in 2008 involved 59 patients who had eaten berries at a cafeteria in California. In Nepal and Peru, the prevalence of Cyclospora was highest in adult expatriates and in children, the latter being asymptomatic. Adults from endemic areas did not present the infection, but adults from medium to high socioeconomic status as well as travelers would be symptomatic. Seasonality of infection is extremely strong. In more than 6 years of charting cyclosporiasis in Peru, nearly all infections occurred from December to May, coinciding with the hot and dry seasons. The seasonality in Guatemala and Nepal corresponds to the rainy season from May to August, during which time cases with gastroenteritis are diagnosed most frequently. In the United States, the majority of outbreaks occur from May to July. The reasons for this marked seasonality have not been defined. Consumers can take some measures toward avoiding infection by C. cayetanensis. Produce that is properly cooked or frozen has not been implicated in any cases of cyclosporiasis. Few cases in North America or Europe have indicated a domestic source of contamination, so produce from these areas is unlikely to transmit the protozoan. Although still under study, irradiation of produce may provide some protection

against Cyclospora. Consumers always should wash fresh vegetables and fruit, but this may not be effective in the prevention of cyclosporiasis. Numerous people affected by cyclosporiasis in 1996 stated that they had washed raspberries before consumption. Cyclospora probably not only has a low infectious dose, but also washing vegetables experimentally contaminated with C. cayetanensis oocysts does not remove all the oocysts (Figure 6). Last, when traveling in endemic regions, consumers should take care to consume only fully cooked foods or properly washed and peeled vegetables and fruit. The purity and source of all liquids should be considered.

See also: Cryptosporidium; Direct Epifluorescent Filter Techniques (DEFT); Microscopy: Light Microscopy; PCR Applications in Food Microbiology; Food Safety Objective; Identification Methods: DNA Fingerprinting: Restriction Fragment-Length Polymorphism.

Further Reading Eberhard, M.L., da Silva, A.J., Lilley, B.G., Pieniazek, N.J., 1999. Morphologic and molecular characterization of new Cyclospora species from Ethiopian monkeys: C. cercopitheci sp.n., C. colobi sp.n., and C. papionis sp.n. Emerging Infectious Diseases 5, 651–658. Jinneman, K.C., Wetherington, J.H., Hill, W.E., et al., 1998. Template preparation for PCR and RFLP of amplification products for the detection and identification of Cyclospora sp. and Eimeria spp. oocysts directly from raspberries. Journal of Food Protection 61, 1497–1503. Orlandi, P.A., Frazar, C., Carter, L., Chu, D.-M., 2004. Detection of Cyclospora and Cryptosporidium from fresh produce: isolation and identification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and microscopic analysis (Revision A. Chapter 19A. In: Jackson, G. (Ed.), FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual, eighth ed. AOAC lnternational, Gaithersburg, MD (website for BAM:. http://www.fda.gov/Food/ScienceResearch/ LaboratoryMethods/BacteriologicalAnalyticalManualBAM/default.htm ).

Cyclospora Ortega, Y.R., Sterling, C.R., Gilman, R.H., Cama, V.A., Diaz, F., 1993. Cyclospora species – a new protozoan pathogen of humans. New England Journal of Medicine 328, 1308–1312. Ortega, Y.R., Sterling, C.R., Gilman, R.H., 1994. A new coccidian parasite (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from humans. Journal of Parasitology 80, 625–629. Ortega, Y.R., Nagle, R., Gilman, R.H., et al., 1997. Pathologic and clinical findings in patients with cyclosporiasis and a description of intracellular parasite life-cycle stages. Journal of Infectious Diseases 176, 1584–1589. Ortega, Y.R., Sanchez, R., 2010. Update on Cyclospora cayetanensis, a food-borne and waterborne parasite. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 23, 218–234.


Relman, D.A., Schmidt, T.M., Gajadhar, A., et al., 1996. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Cyclospora, the human intestinal pathogen, suggests that it is closely related to Eimeria species. Journal of Infectious Diseases 173, 440–445. Soave, R., 1996. Cyclospora: an overview (review). Clinical Infectious Diseases 23, 429–435. US Food and Drug Administration, 1998. Guidance for Industry: Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington DC, 39 pp.

Cytometry see Flow Cytometry

D Dairy Products see Brucella: Problems with Dairy Products; Cheese in the Marketplace; Cheese: Microbiology of Cheesemaking and Maturation; Cheese: Mold-Ripened Varieties; Role of Specific Groups of Bacteria; Cheese: Microflora of White-Brined Cheeses; Fermented Milks and Yogurt; Northern European Fermented Milks; Fermented Milks/Products of Eastern Europe and Asia; Probiotic Bacteria: Detection and Estimation in Fermented and Nonfermented Dairy Products

Debaryomyces P Wrent, EM Rivas, E Gil de Prado, JM Peinado, and MI de Silo´niz, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is a revision of the previous edition article by W. Praphailong, G.H. Fleet, volume 1, pp 515–520, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

Characteristics of the Genus and Relevant Species The genus Debaryomyces has undergone important revisions since it was first reported by Klöcker in 1909. The first major description of the genus, by Lodder and Kreger-van Rij in 1952, included five species, 15 were recognized up until 2010, although now this number has been reduced to 11. In 2010, phylogenetic analysis based on a combination of the sequences of the D1/D2 domains of the 26S subunit and nearly complete 18S subunit rRNA genes allowed the distribution of these 15 species, previously assigned to Debaryomyces, into three clades corresponding to the genera Debaryomyces, Schwanniomyces, and Priceomyces. Thus, some species treated as Debaryomyces, namely Debaryomyces castelanii, Debaryomyces etchelsii, Debaryomyces occidentalis, Debaryomyces polymorphus var. polymorphus and var. africanus, Debaryomyces pseudopolymorphus, Debaryomyces vanrijiae, and Debaryomyces yamade, are currently placed in the genus Schwanniomyces and Debaryomyces carsonii is placed in the genus Priceomyces. All Priceomyces species, except Priceomyces carsonii, and all the Schwanniomyces species possess just one copy of the 5S rRNA gene, whereas all the species now assigned to Debaryomyces have two copies. As shown in Table 1, the current taxonomic classification recognizes 11 species, although two species, Debaryomyces macquarensis and Debaryomyces vietnamensis, have been proposed since the last revision. Debaryomyces is an ascomycetous genus that undergoes sexual reproduction by conjugation between a cell and its bud, or between independent cells. With the exception of Debaryomyces udenii, the ascospores are not liberated from the ascus. Ascospores vary in shape and number, usually with one to four per ascus, depending on the species. For example, although ascospores of Debaryomyces robertsiae have a lenticular shape, the

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

ascospores Debaryomyces fabryii, Debaryomyces nepalensis, and Debaryomyces hansenii are spherical and have a warty wall. Debaryomyces asexual reproduction is characterized by multilateral budding and pseudohyphae are absent or poorly developed. All the species (although no data is available for Debaryomyces prosopidis and Debaryomyces singareniensis) have a negative diazonium blue B reaction and have ubiquinone-9. In general, with the exception of D. robertsiae and D. singareniensis, the ability to ferment sugars is considered absent or weak in all species. The assimilation of some carbon sources like cellobiose, L-rahmnose, and sucrose, as well as the temperature for growth are considered keys for the differentiation of species. The mol% GþC content is in the range of 35.8–39.1. The key to the characters of the species currently assigned to the genus Debaryomyces, as well as assimilation and fermentation profiles, are listed in Table 1. Recently, a unique genetic code change involving the decoding of the leucine CUG codon as serine in Debaryomyces species was reported. This is mediated by a novel serine-tRNA that acquired a leucine 50 -CAG-30 anticodon (sertRNACAG) through the insertion of an adenosine in the intron of its gene. This happened approximately 300 million years ago. Debaryomyces hansenii presents a high coding capacity for a yeast, amounting to 79.2% of the genome with a putative number of 6906 detected coding sequences. Little is known about the ecology of most of the species in the genus. They have been found in soil, sea water, foods, and clinical samples. Debaryomyces hansenii is the most frequent ascomycete in marine sea water and probably is widespread in the ocean. It often is recovered as a member of plant communities or indoor air. Some species, in particular Debaryomyces mycophilus, show a nutritional dependence on soil fungus metabolic products.




Key properties of species within the genus Debaryomyces

Type strain Mol% Ascospores




Table 1

D. coudertii

D . fabryii

D. hansenii

D. maramus

D. mycophilus

D. nepalensis

D. prosopidis

D. robertisiae

D. singareniensis

D. subglobosus

D. udenii

GþC Form

CBS 5267 37.4 Spherical

CBS789 36.5–36.8 Spherical

CBS767 36.5–37.8 Spherical

CBS1958 39.1 Ovoid

CBS8300 38.5 Ovoid to allantoid

CBS5921 37.6–38.0 Spherical

CBS8450 37.5 Spherical

CBS2934 42.7 Lenticular

CBS10405 Nd Spherical

CBS792 36.4 Spherical





Spiral ridges





Spore per ascus



One or two

One to four, usually two

One or two



One to four


CBS7056 35.8 Globose to ellipsoides Colliculate to pusticulate One to four

Glucose Galactose Sucrose Maltose Lactose Raffinose Trehalose Glucose Inulin Sucrose Raffinose Melibiose Galactose Lactose Trehalose Maltose Melezitose Methyl a-D-glucoside Soluble starch Cellobiose Salicin L-Sorbose L-Ramnose D-Xylose L-Arabinose D-Arabinose D-Ribose

       þ     þ  þ þ   þ þ þ  þ þ þ s þ

w/–  w/–   w/– w/– þ  þ þ þ þ v þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ  þ þ v s

w/– w/– w/– w/–  w/– w/– þ v þ þ v þ v þ þ v þ v þ þ/w v v þ þ/w v v

w/–       þ v þ s v þ v þ þ þ þ þ þ þ v  þ þ  þ

       þ     þ  w         þ þ  

w/–  w/– w/–  w/– w/– þ  þ þ þ þ v þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ  þ þ v s

       þ  þ þ  þ  w þ þ þ þ   þ  þ þ  w

þ  þ þ  w/– þ þ  þ þ  þ  þ þ þ þ  þ þ þ þ þ þ  v

ws/–  ws/–   ws/–  þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ  þ þ s þ

ws  w/– w/–   w/– þ  þ þ þ þ  þ þ þ þ þ þ þ w/s w/s þ s  þ

Warty One or two, occasionally four þ þ      þ   w  þ         w     w

Methanol Ethanol Glycerol Erythritol Ribitol Galactitol D-Mannitol D-Glucitol myo-Inositol DL-Lactate Succinate Citrate D-Gluconate D-Glucosamine N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine Hexadecano Nitrate Vitamin-free 10% NaCl/5% Glucose 2-Keto-D-gluconate 5-Keto-D-gluconate 50% Glucose medium Starch formation 37  C

 s þ þ þ  þ þ   þ þ s s þ    þ þ    

 þ þ þ þ v þ þ  v þ þ s w v    þ þ    

 þ/w þ v þ v þ þ/w  v þ v þ/w v v v   þ þ v   

 þ þ þ þ  þ þ   þ þ þ w/– þ    þ þ    

    þ   þ       n n        

 þ þ þ þ v þ þ  v þ þ s w v    þ þ þ   v

 þ þ þ þ  þ þ   þ þ þ  þ    þ þ  þ  þ

 þ þ þ þ  þ þ   þ þ þ  þ þ/w  þ/s þ þ    

 þ þ þ   þ þ      w n n  n     

 þ þ þ þ  þ þ  þ þ þ s w v v   þ þ    þ

 þ þ þ þ  þ þ   s s s w/– þ s   þ þ    

þ, positive; , negative; s, slow; w, weak; v, variable; n, no data; ws, weak and slow; w/, weak or negative; w/s, weak or slow; þ/w, positive or weak; þ/s, positive or slow; ws/, weak and slow or negative. Adapted from Suzuki, M., Prasad, G.S., Kurtzman, C.P., 2011. Debaryomyces Lodder & Kreger-van Rij (1952). In: Kurtzman, C.P., Fell, J.W., Boekhout, T. (Eds.), The Yeast: A Taxonomic Study, fifth ed. vol. 2, Elsevier, New York, USA, pp. 361–372. With permission from Elsevier science.

Debaryomyces 565



Physiological and Biochemical Properties With the exception of D. hansenii, little is known about the environmental factors that limit the growth of the species listed in Table 1. All grow in the presence of 10% (w/v) NaCl (except D. mycophilus and without data available for D. singareniensis). Debaryomyces prosopidis tolerates high concentrations of glucose (50% w/v). The pH range for D. hansenii growth is 2.5–9.0 and water activity (aw) oscillates between 0.81 and 0.91. Curiously, the growth of D. hansenii at sucrose 60% (w/v) is scarcely influenced by pH. Debaryomyces coudertii and Debaryomyces maramus are able to grow at 30  C (and D. mycophilus grows weakly), whereas D. prosopidis and Debaryomyces subglobosus are able to grow at 37  C. Several authors have observed that D. hansenii exhibits faster growth at 1–5  C compared with other yeast species, and there is one report of growth at 12.5  C. Heat inactivation depends on pH and aw; for example, at 110  C in an atmosphere containing less than 30% relative humidity, D values range between 1.25 and 3.65 min. Debaryomyces hansenii is not particularly tolerant of heat and has a D value of 12 min at 48  C. It is also sensitive to preservatives. The minimum concentrations to prevent growth are 100–200 mg l1 of benzoic acid and 100 mg l1 of sorbic acid. Some plant extracts, such as vanillin (0.2% w/v), inhibit the growth of D. hansenii. Few species have been studied from a physiological point of view. Debaryomyces hansenii is considered to be nonfermentative. It metabolizes sugars to pyruvate by the Embden– Meyerhof–Parnas pathway and then oxidizes pyruvate through the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Organic acids, such as citric, lactic, and succinic, are assimilated through the TCA cycle. The pentose phosphate pathway also operates in this yeast. As a consequence, D. hansenii bioenergetics are highly dependent on respiration. Probably due to its ability to accumulate sugars as trehalose, respiration continues even after 24 h of starvation. Although it generally is considered to be strictly aerobic and nonfermentative, it has a limited but significant fermentative capacity. Low-phosphofructokinase enzymatic activity and NADþ/NADH þ Hþ levels are due to the low fermentation rate. Cells probably use ethanol through the TCA cycle. This species is considered a Pasteur negative and an almost-Crabtreenegative yeast. Even with this low fermentation capacity, however, it is able to spoil food products by fermentative CO2 production, provided that a high cell population (higher than 105 cfu g1) has been reached. Debaryomyces hansenii grows at NaCl concentrations of up to 2.5 M, and growth was stimulated even at 0.5 M NaCl: halotolerant/halophylic behavior is an important feature of the species. Debaryomyces hansenii salt tolerance varies with pH. It is greatest at pH values near 5.0 and decreases below pH 3.0 and above pH 7.0. NaCl protects D. hansenii from additional stress factors, such as high temperature and extreme pH. Genes coding for Naþ-ATPases, including DhENA1, were more highly expressed at high concentrations of salt. In response to a salty environment, changes occur in the cell plasma membrane that affects its composition, decreasing its permeability to small molecules, such as glycerol. It is halotolerant because it accumulates high levels of intracellular Naþ, Kþ, and glycerol, the main compatible solute, as well as other molecules, such as trehalose or arabinose. NaCl increases the accumulation of glycerol by diversion of the glycolytic pathway through the

inhibition of the glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase activity. Thus, a high intracellular concentration of glycerol is maintained not only by an active glycerol–Naþsymporter but also because glycerol leakage is prevented by cell membrane impermeability. Potassium and sodium homeostasis is also essential to maintain the metabolic performance of the cells. Long-term potassium starvation upregulates genes related to stress response, presumably via Ras1 signaling, leading to protein expression, repression, and metabolic changes related to the inhibition of the upper steps of glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and amino acids synthesis. Debaryomyces spp. are able to accumulate lipids. This ability is of commercial value for the production of lipids or ‘single-cell oil.’ Immobilized D. maramus single cells may be used for the industrial conversion of sorbitol in sorbose, which is a precursor of vitamin C. Xylitol, a molecule with sweetness comparable to that of sucrose, is also produced by the metabolic reduction of xylose. Debaryomyces nepalensis is a moderately halotolerant yeast with remarkably high activity of Xylose reductase in the presence of NaCl and KCl at a wide range of pH and temperature. Debaryomyces hansenii also exhibits a great ability to utilize xylose, which in turn is the second most abundant sugar in lignocellulose biomass. This renewable energy source is of great interest for the biofuels industry. Recently, a recombinant Xylitol DH enzyme of D. hansenii was obtained from E. coli with improved thermotolerance and cofactor requirement through a modeling and mutagenesis approach. Debaryomyces hansenii synthesizes other exoenzymes of industrial importance, such as lipases, proteases, esterases, inunilases, and b-glucosidases. Other metabolic properties that make D. hansenii interesting from a biotechnological perspective are its high resistance to chlorine dioxide (ClO2) that could be exploited to maintain asepsis in fermentation.

Significance in Foods Literature on the occurrence of Debaryomyces species in foods has been largely sporadic and spread over many years. It is difficult to track because of the numerous changes to nomenclature for the taxa. Debaryomyces hansenii is one of the most frequent yeast species occurring in food. Literature reveals its isolation from a number of foods and beverages. There are only occasional reports, however, on the consequences of the occurrence and significance for other Debaryomyces species, such as D. fabryii in dairy products or D. maramus in many foods (Table 2). Debaryomyces hansenii appears in the inventory of microorganisms with technological benefits for use in food fermentation. So, the presence of D. hansenii in food is doubly relevant; on the one hand, it has a positive role, metabolizing lactic acid and raising the pH, contributing to the ripening of cheeses by enabling the growth of proteolytic bacteria, or contributing to the production of certain cheeses, such as Roquefort, by forming slime on the surface. Moreover, the assimilation of lactose, lactic acid, and its proteolytic and lypolitic activities contributes to cheese aroma. It also improves the sensory quality of fermented meat, such as sausages, salami, and Iberian dry-cured jam, because of the capacity to grow at low temperatures,

Debaryomyces Table 2


Food significance of Debaryomyces species


Food significance

D. fabryii

Occurrence: dry white wine, rice vinegar mash Spoilage: Sake, rancidity butter Occurrence: fruits, vegetables and grains, juices and alcoholic beverages, high sugar products, salted products, fermented and acid preserved foods, bakery products, dairy products, meat and meat products, Japanese food products Spoilage: dairy products (cheese, milk); high-sugar products (jam, marzipan); fruits and juices; meat, meat products (sausages, ham), and fish; packages of vegetables salads; fermented foods and acid preserved foods; fitness drinks; eggs Biotechnological: starter for ripening and improving cheese and meat products quality; biocontrol agent; xylitol production Occurrence: cider, honey, pear Biotechnological: maturing process of meat products Occurrence: soy sauce, yogurt Spoilage: apples, sake Biotechnological: clarification of fruit juices, pretreatment of wastewater from food processing industries (pectin lyase and polygalacturonate lyase production); xylitol production Occurrence: apple, cheeses Biotechnological: D-arabitol production

D. hansenii

D. maramus D. nepalensis

D. subglobosus

halotolerance, use of nitrates and lactic acid, and the production of lipases and proteases, all of which improve the sensory characteristics of the product. Indeed, D. hansenii is one of the predominant yeasts in meat products. Consequently, there is significant interest in exploiting this species as a starter culture. Debaryomyces hansenii is considered to be one of the most important non-Saccharomyces yeasts in winemaking. It grows up to the second or third days of fermentation and is active at ethanol concentrations of up to 15% (vol/vol). Even after dying, it contributes to the aroma of the wine, releasing terpenes and pectin methylesterase or macerating enzymes, such as b-glucosidases. For these reasons, it has been proposed as a starter in this industry. On the other hand, although some species of Debaryomyces can cause food spoilage, literature generally is focused on D. hansenii (Table 2). As mentioned, some preservation methods used in foods to avoid spoilage, such as addition of salt or refrigeration, do not affect the growth of D. hansenii, as shown by swollen fish, meat, and meat product packages. In Europe, sorbic acid is permitted as a preservative, though only limited levels may be added. In intermediate moisture foods, such as nougat and marzipan, the ability of D. hansenii, together with other yeast species, to produce 1,3-pentadiene has been reported. The yeasts transform sorbate into 1,3-pentadiene by decarboxylation to cope with the toxic effect of the preservative. 1,3-pentadiene is not toxic, but it produces an unpleasant petroleum-like odor that leads to consumer rejection. In addition, D. hansenii has been proposed for biological control of other spoiling microorganisms. In the case of cheese production, it has been reported to have good biocontrol over some spoilage species of Clostridium. Debaryomyces hansenii has been touted as an effective agent to control mycotoxins – from mycotoxygenic fungus – in food, specifically ochratoxin A, produced by Aspergillus westerdijkiae. The mechanisms involved in that reduction have been studied, and the results suggest an effect on the regulation of toxin biosynthesis at the transcription level. This species has a moderate probiotic ability to bind the gut mucosa. It has been proposed as a fish probiotic because it is able to significantly enhance the immune response.

Pathogenic Behavior Debaryomyces spp. generally are not regarded as pathogenic to humans, and no foodborne diseases have been attributed to this organism. Some species, such as D. fabryii or D. subglobosus, however, have been isolated from skin lesions. Debaryomyces hansenii (teleomorph of Candida famata) has been implicated in isolated cases of septicemia (mainly catheter-related bloodstream infection and skin and mucosal surface infections) in which they are considered to be weak, opportunistic pathogens, especially for immunocompromised patients. It also has been reported, however, that 58% of the clinic isolates identified as D. hansenii or Pichia guilliermondii using phenotypic characteristics were misidentified. In studies in which molecular methods were used for the identification of the isolates, no cases of fungemia were due to D. hansenii.

Enumeration, Detection, and Identification The general procedure for enumeration of any yeast from foods may require the previous treatment of samples and, if they are solid, homogenization with a laboratory paddle blender is needed. Samples should be representative of the whole lot. If required, the initial suspension of samples is prepared in a proportion of 1:10 in 0.1% peptone water. Although, in our experience, reproducible isolation can be obtained with NaCl (0.9%) as diluent. Aliquots (1 ml) of the appropriate dilution are then poured onto the melted agar or spread (0.1 ml) over the surface of culture medium. After incubation for 3–6 days at 25–28  C, yeast colonies are counted. General culture media, such as malt extract agar, glucose–yeast extract agar, tryptone glucose yeast extract agar, or yeast morphology agar (YMA) can be used for growing yeast. Some authors recommended DG18 (aw ¼ 0.955), containing 18% of glycerol, for the isolation of xerotolerant yeast, although this may retard colony counts. Excellent recovery rates for D. hansenii and D. maramus from subglacial ice in the coastal Arctic has been observed recently, on MEA10NaCl (malt extract 10% NaCl, aw ¼ 0.924) and MY10-12 (malt extract, yeast extract, 10% glucose, 12% NaCl, aw ¼ 0.916)

568 Debaryomyces

Table 3

Methods used for identification or typing of Debaryomyces species


mtDNA RFLPs Sequenced regions


mt DNA Nuclear DNA

Others genes PCR Fingerprinting Real-time PCR

D. coudertii

D. fabryii

D. hansenii*

D. maramus

ITS1-5.8-ITS2 18S-ITS 18S IGS






5.8S ITS 26S rDNA 18S rDNA D1/D2 5S rDNA IGS cox genes b-Tubulin Ribosomal proteins RNA polymerase Actin Riboflavin biosynthetic genes

þ þ þ þ þ þ þ

þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ

þ þ þ þb þb þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ

Minisatellite RAPD

þ þ

þ þb þb

þ þb þb þ

þb þ þ þ þ þ þ

þ þ

D. mycophilus

D. nepalensis

D. prosopidis

þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ

D. robertsiae



þ þ þ þ þ þ þ

þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ

þ þ þ þ þ þ þ

þ þ

þ þ

þ þ


D. udenii þa



D. subglobosus




D. singareniensis

þ þ þ þ þ þ

þ þ þ þ þ þ þ

þ þ þ þ þ þ

þ þ þ

þ þ


þ, Specie identification; þa, Specie identification with similar pattern to others Debaryomyces species; þb, Specie identification and strain typing; *, Total genome sequenced. IGS, intergenic spacer region; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; RAPD, Random amplification of polymorphic DNA; RFLP, restriction fragment-length polymorphism.

Debaryomyces respectively. Antibiotics, such as oxytetracycline, chlorotetracycline, and especially the heat-stable chloramphenicol, may be added to inhibit bacterial growth, at concentrations of up to 100 mg ml1. The growth of molds from several products (e.g., cheeses) may cover the plates with its mycelium, preventing accurate counts and hindering the isolation of single colonies. The medium DRBC, one of the most frequently used in food mycology incorporates dichloran, Rose Bengal, and cloranphenicol. Rose Bengal restricts mold growth; however, in light, it becomes cytotoxic for yeasts. Biphenyl, is also a mold inhibitor (used at 50 mg l1). Use of chromogenic differential media has been reported for the direct discrimination of D. hansenii on primary isolation plates. This culture medium, named DDM (Debaryomyces differential medium), was developed for its application in the isolation of D. hansenii from foods. The colonies of D. hansenii turn violet after 1–3 days of incubation. The basal medium is YMA without glucose plus chloranphenicol (500 mg ml1), and it is important to adjust the pH to 6.0. A dimethyl formamide solution of the chromogen compounds magenta-glucuro-CHA (200 mg ml1) has to be added after sterilization. The identification of pure cultures from individual colonies may be performed following morphological and physiological tests, with the keys outlined in The Yeasts: A Taxonomic Study, 5th edition, edited by C.P. Kurtzman, J.W. Fell, and T. Boekhout (2011). For the identification of species, morphological and physiological tests, assisted by computerized identification keys, can be used. The ‘Yeast Identification PC Program,’ developed by Barnett and coworkers, was the first in the market; this method expresses the identification results in frequency percentages. The rapid computer-based Biolog (Biolog Inc., California) and the software program ‘Yeasts of the World’ provide polyphasic identification for yeasts and also introduce molecular tools for their identification. All methods identify D. hansenii very well, at least, but a new revision is needed to include the classification of new species of genus Debaryomyces published in 2011. It must take into account that the higher probability obtained in the application of any of these methods does not always correspond to a correct identification and, in some cases, expert interpretation of results may be needed. Some commercialized systems are also available on the market, such as the ATB 32C system (bioMérieux) that incorporates a range of physiological tests in a kit form. Some reports point out the difficulty of obtaining a correct identification of clinical isolates with some commercial kits based on the carbohydrate assimilation pattern (API 20 C AUX); they are unable to distinguish between D. hansenii, and Pichia guillermondii or Candida parasilopsis. In ecological studies, simplified identification schemes can be used, such as the simplified identification method that requires about 20 tests. A revised and improved version has been published, including the 99 yeast species that occur most frequently in various foods. Although biochemical methods may be useful from an ecological perspective, the difficulty in separating species within the same genus using phenotypic tests makes it probable that some misidentifications have occurred in the past. For example, D. fabryii and D. subglobosus have close physiological similarities with D. hansenii, even though they are genetically distinct. Furthermore, the confusion of yeasts as different as Candida cretensis (isolated from Spanish sausages) and


D. hansenii has been reported. Although all the physiological tests commonly used showed a strong similarity between both species, C. cretensis did not produce violet colonies in DDM and the phylogenetic analysis showed differences in the D1/D2 domain sequence. Currently, numerous molecular tools for phylogenetic analysis or identification are available for all the species of the genus. As shown in Table 3, ribosomal genes have been sequenced for all species, as well as some nuclear genes for some of them. Highly conserved ITS and D1/D2 26S sequences have been reported for some species of the genus, including those currently placed in Schwanniomyces or Priceomyces. As ACT1 sequences show more variability, they are considered to be a suitable tool for differentiating these species. Random amplification of polymorphic DNA–polymerase chain reaction methods are effective in separating D. hansenii from D. fabryii. The PCR amplification of the intergenic spacer region of rRNA gene followed by restriction fragment-length polymorphism analysis allows the rapid discrimination of all species of the genus. Also a number of probes have been developed, mainly for the detection of D. hansenii. Whole-genome sequence of the type strain of D. hansenii (CBS 767T) is available in Génolevures database. In addition, several companies have designed oligonucleotide microarrays for this species, among them MYcroarrays, Agilent Technologies (Santa Clara, California, USA), and Roche Nimble Gen.

See also: Aspergillus; Aspergillus: Aspergillus oryzae; Aspergillus: Aspergillus flavus; Biochemical Identification Techniques for Foodborne Fungi: Food Spoilage Flora; Cheese: Mold-Ripened Varieties; Intermediate Moisture Foods; Molecular Biology in Microbiological Analysis; Mycotoxins: Classification; Natural Occurrence of Mycotoxins in Food; Mycotoxins: Detection and Analysis by Classical Techniques; Mycotoxins: Immunological Techniques for Detection and Analysis; Mycotoxins: Toxicology; Preservatives: Permitted Preservatives – Sorbic Acid; Spoilage Problems: Problems Caused by Fungi; Starter Cultures; Starter Cultures: Molds Employed in Food Processing; Total Viable Counts: Spread Plate Technique; Yeasts: Production and Commercial Uses; Identification Methods: DNA Fingerprinting: Restriction Fragment-Length Polymorphism; Identification Methods: Chromogenic Agars; Identification Methods: Real-Time PCR.

Further Reading Deak, T., 2008. Handbook of Food Spoilage Yeasts, second ed. CRC Press, Boca ratón, Florida, USA. Fleet, G.H., 2011. Yeast spoilage of foods and beverages. In: Kurtzman, C.P., Fell, J.W., Boekhout, T. (Eds.), The Yeast: A Taxonomic Study, fifth ed. vol. 2. Elsevier, New York, USA, pp. 53–64. Gil Serna, J., Patiño, B., González-Jaén, M.T., Vázquez, C., 2011. Mechanisms involved of the reduction of ochratoxin A produces by Aspergillus westerdijkiae using Debaryomyces hansenii CYC 1244. International Journal of Food Microbiology 151, 113–118. Jacques, N., Mallet, S., Casaregola, S., 2009. Debaryomyces hansenii complex by intron sequence analysis. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 59, 1242–1251. Johnson, E.A., Echavarri-Erasun, C., 2011. Yeast biotechnology. In: Kurtzman, C.P., Fell, J.W., Boekhout, T. (Eds.), The Yeast: A Taxonomic Study, fifth ed. vol. 2. Elsevier, New York, USA, pp. 21–44.



Kutty, S.N., Philip, R., 2008. Marine yeasts-a review. Yeast 25, 465–483. Lucci, L., Patrignani, F., Belleti, N., et al., 2007. Role of surface-inoculated Debaryomyces hansenii and Yarrowia lipolytica strains in dried fermented sausage manufacture. Part 2: evaluation of their sensory quality and biogenic amine content. Meat Science 75, 669–675. Manzanares, P., Vallés, S., Viana, F., 2011. Non-Saccharomyces yeasts in the winemaking process. In: Santiago, A.V.C., Munoz, R., Garcia, R.G. (Eds.), Molecular Wine Microbiology. Elsevier, London, pp. 85–110. Martínez, J.L., Luna, C., Ramos, J., 2012. Proteomic changes in response to potassium starvation in the extremophilic yeast Debaryomyces hansenii. FEMS YEAST Research 12, 651–661. Miranda, I., Silva, R., Santos, M.A.S., 2006. Evolution of the genetic code in yeasts. Yeast 23, 203–213. Mota, A.J., Back-Brito, G.N., Nobrega, F.G., 2012. Molecular identification of Pichia guillermondii, Debaryomyces hansenii and Candida palmioleophila. Genetic and Molecular Biology 35, 122–125. Quirós, M., Wrent, P., Valderrama, M.J., et al., 2005. A beta-glucuronidase-based agar medium for the differential detection of the yeast Debaryomyces hansenii from foods. Journal of Food Protection 68, 808–814.

Rantsiou, K., Cocolin, L., 2006. New developments in the study of the microbiota of naturally fermented sausages as determined by molecular methods: a review. International Journal of Food Microbiology 25, 255–267. Sánchez, N.S., Calahorra, M., González- Hernández, J.C., Peña, A., 2006. Glycolytic sequence and respiration of D. hansenii as compared to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast (Chichester, England) 23, 361–374. Suzuki, M., Prasad, G.S., Kurtzman, C.P., 2011. Debaryomyces Lodder & Kreger-van Rij (1952). In: Kurtzman, C.P., Fell, J.W., Boekhout, T. (Eds.), The Yeast: A Taxonomic Study, fifth ed. vol. 2. Elsevier, New York, USA, pp. 361–372.

Relevant websites http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi – Gene Bank database. http://www.genolevures.org – Genolévures database.

Deuteromycetes see Fungi: Classification of the Deuteromycetes

Direct Epifluorescent Filter Techniques (DEFT) BH Pyle, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article is reproduced from the previous edition, volume 1, pp 527–530, Ó 1999, Elsevier Ltd.

The direct epifluorescent filter technique (DEFT) was introduced in the early 1980s for the enumeration of bacteria in milk. Since then, the method has been adapted for counting bacteria in a variety of foods, including meat, fruit, vegetables and beverages. In addition to bacteria, it is possible to enumerate yeasts and moulds. These techniques are rapid, and facilitate enumeration of low cell numbers, especially in filterable samples such as beverages. A similar technique is referred to as the acridine orange direct count (AODC). Direct microscopic counts of microorganisms in foods avoid some of the inherent deficiencies of traditional culture methods. More than 90% of viable microbes may be missed by current culture techniques, so direct counts are typically 10 times or more greater than total viable counts. The differences tend to be larger when bacteria have been injured by stressors such as heat, dehydration, disinfection and osmotic conditions. Some cells may become viable but nonculturable (VNC), in which case they fail to grow in routine culture but can be detected following special pre-incubation treatments or direct activity measurements.

Principles of the Test

Some procedural steps vary depending on the type of food, microbes to be enumerated and whether stained cells or microcolonies are to be counted. The following procedure is recommended by the American Public Health Association for milk samples.

Sample Pre-treatment Prefiltration or hydrolytic enzyme digestion may be required to facilitate membrane filtration. For milk, somatic cells are lysed by adding 0.5 ml rehydrated trypsin and 2 ml 0.5% Triton X-100 to 2 ml of sample, and incubating for l0 min at 50  C.

Filtration A filter assembly is warmed with 5 ml of 50  C Triton X-100 before sample filtration through a 25 mm diameter black polycarbonate membrane (0.6 mm pore size). The filter assembly is then rinsed with a second 5 ml of 50  C 0.1% Triton X-100.


For food samples, the procedure involves sample pretreatment, usually with buffer containing detergents and enzymes, filtration through a microporous membrane filter, staining with a fluorochrome, and epifluorescent microscopy for examination and enumeration. Fluorescence microscopy is mainly used for counting single cells or clumps. In addition, filter membranes can be transferred to solid media and incubated for a few hours for microcolony formation by viable cells. DEFT has also been used after enrichment to detect low numbers of bacteria in foods.

Equipment A compound microscope with an epifluorescent illuminator, appropriate light filters, stage micrometer, and eyepiece counting graticule (10  10 square) is required to perform DEFT. Filter assemblies and vacuum systems (100 kPa or less) are also needed.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1


The membrane filter is overlaid for 2 min with 2 ml of stain (0.025% acridine orange (AO) and 0.025% Tinpal AN in 0.1 mol l–1 citrate-NaOH buffer, pH 6.6). This is followed by rinsing with 2.5 ml 0.1 mol 1 1 pH 3 citrate-NaOH buffer, and 2.5 ml 95% ethanol. The filter is air-dried and mounted on a slide with nonfluorescent immersion oil.

Microscopy The slide is examined either with a dry 60 fluorescence objective, or an oil immersion l00 objective, through a fluorescence microscope with light filters for AO, and an eyepiece counting graticule which has been calibrated with a stage micrometer. While some standard methods recommend counting only orange fluorescent cell clumps and single cells, it is advisable to count both orange and green cells to obtain the total direct microscopic count. A clump is a group of cells separated by at least twice the distance of the two cells nearest each other. Typically, at least 300 cells and




Direct Epifluorescent Filter Techniques (DEFT)

at least three microscopic fields should be counted. The sensitivity of direct microscopy is approximately 104–105 cells ml 1 of sample.

Calculation The number of cells in the original sample is obtained by multiplying the average count per field by the number of fields on the filtrable area of the filter (w18 mm diameter, depending on the filtration assembly), and dividing by the volume of sample filtered.

Microcolony Count Either selective or nonselective media may be used for microcolony formation. A 10 g sample of food is homogenized in 90 ml 0.1% peptone water, prefiltered through 5.0 mm pore size nylon mesh, then filtered through a 0.4 mm pore size black polycarbonate membrane. The filter is incubated on an agar medium or lipid medium support pad for 3–6 h at 30  C, depending on the medium and target organism. After AO staining, microcolonies that have 4 bright orange cells are enumerated microscopically.

Direct Viable Count (DVC) The sample is incubated with dilute nutrients and nalidixic acid or another similar antibiotic that inhibits DNA gyrase, preventing completion of the cell division cycle. Substrate responsive cells elongate or enlarge because of failure to septate. Following staining, cells that are more than 1.5 the typical size are enumerated by microscopy.

Alternative DEFT Stains Differences in the numbers of bacteria detected may depend on the staining method and the sample characteristics. While AO has been used widely in DEFT procedures, alternatives such as 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) are replacing AO in many applications. A variety of other stains including acriflavine, bisbenzimide dyes, erythrosine and fluorescein isothiocyanate have also been used.

Viability Stains A number of fluorescent stains are available that can indicate bacterial cell viability or metabolic activity. These include the use of dual staining such as the Live/Dead BacLight viability kit (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR), which is used to distinguish live bacteria with intact plasma membranes from dead bacteria with compromised membranes. Stains such as rhoda-mine 123 can be used to detect cells with a membrane potential, while DiBAC4(3) (Molecular Probes) permeates cells that lack a membrane potential. Cyanoditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC) is taken up and converted to intracellular fluorescent CTC-formazan crystals by dehydrogenase activity in respiring cells. Esterase activity can be

detected by uptake and cleavage of fluorescein diacetate, which forms free fluorescein in active cells. Although the color of AO staining was proposed as a means of determining viability or physiological activity, results should be interpreted with caution because of the effects of staining methods.

Ab-DEFT and Immunomagnetic Separation Use of fluorescent antibodies permits rapid enumeration and identification of specific bacteria such as Escherichia coli O157:H7 in some foods, including milk, juice, and beef. Listeria in fresh vegetables have also been quantified by Ab-DEFT. Immunomagnetic separation (IMS) methods have been combined with AB-DEFT to improve sensitivity. It may be possible to detect as few as 101–102 cells per milliliter or per gram of sample using IMS methods.

Automated Methods At least two automated systems are available for DEFT. The BactoScan (Foss Electric) performs a total count of bacteria in raw milk by pre-treatment, staining, and detection on the outer edge of a rotating disc. Up to 80 raw milk samples may be analyzed per hour. COBRA (Biocom) automates the filtration, staining, rinsing, drying, and counting procedures using automated microscopy and image analysis. Over 100 samples per hour may be processed. Results obtained with these systems correlate well with colony counts. Image analysis has also been used to automate the DVC procedure. The MicroStar (Millipore) is an instrument for enumerating bacterial microcolonies and individual yeasts using ATP luminescence. Flow cytometry techniques have been used to enumerate fluorochrome-stained cells, in addition to solidphase laser scanning cytometry (ChemScan or ScanRDI, Chemunex). ChemChrome V3 (Chemunex) which indicates esterase activity may be used to detect the total number of metabolically active cells with this system. A hybrid method that includes IMS with CTC incubation and fluorescent antibodies has been used with the solid-phase cytometer to detect low numbers ( w0.95. Many Gram-positive bacteria can withstand aw as low as w0.9, but few can grow at water activities lower than 0.8. Some, specifically adapted to life in hypersaline environments, are active at aw as low as 0.75 and might be found, for example, in dried salted fish. Fungi generally are more tolerant of reduced water activity than are bacteria. Some yeasts and molds are able to withstand water activities as low as Table 2

Representative water activity of some foods


Typical water activity

Milk, fruit, vegetables Fresh meat, fish Cooked meat, cold smoked salmon Liverwurst Cheese spread Caviar Bread Salami (dry) Soft, moist pet food; chocolate syrup Fruit cakes, preserves, soy sauce Salted fish, honey Dried fruit Dried milk (8% moisture) Cereals, confectionary, dried fruit, peanut butter Ice at 40  C Dried pasta, spices, milk powder Freeze-dried foods

0.995–0.998 0.990–0.995 0.965–0.980 0.96 0.95 0.92 0.90–0.95 0.85–0.90 0.83 0.80 0.75 0.75–0.6 0.70 0.70–0.80 0.68 0.20–0.60 0.10–0.25



Table 3 Representative tolerance ranges for various microbial groups and species Organism or group

Lower aw limit (solute)

(Most) Gram-negative rods Escherichia coli Pseudomonas fluorescens Pseudomonas fluorescens Vibrio parhaemolyticus Vibrio parhaemolyticus

0.95–0.96 (NaCl) 0.95–0.955 (NaCl) 0.97 (Sucrose) 0.96 (NaCl) 0.96 (Glucose) 0.93 (NaCl)

(Most) Gram-positive bacteria Listeria monocytogenes Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus Bacillus cereus Bacillus cereus Bacillus cereus

0.90–0.94 (NaCl) 0.92–0.93 (NaCl) 0.89 (Glycerol) 0.87 (Sucrose) 0.86 (NaCl) 0.95 (Glucose) 0.94 (NaCl) 0.92 (Glycerol)

Yeasts Zygosaccharomycces rouxii Saccharomyces cerevisiae

0.65–0.92 (NaCl) 0.65 (Sucrose) 0.90 (Sucrose)

Molds Penicillum chrysogenum Wallemia sebi Eurotium spp.

0.65–0.90 (NaCl) 0.80 (KCl, glucose) 0.75 (Glycerol) 0.66 (Glucose and fructose)

Algae Most groups Dunaliella

0.90–0.75 0.90–0.95 (NaCl) 0.75 (NaCl)

0.60 (Table 3). Growth rates of bacteria typically are faster than those of eukaryotes. Thus, despite that many yeasts and molds are able to grow on foods of high aw, such foods usually are rapidly dominated and spoiled by bacterial contaminants. Fungi have a selective advantage at lower aw and usually are associated with the spoilage of reduced aw products (e.g., bread, cheese, jams, syrups, fruit juice concentrates, grains). As indicated previously, the effect of aw depends on the major solute(s) responsible for the reduction in aw. Ionic solutes (salts) have greater inhibitory effect on microbial metabolism than nonionic solutes (e.g., sugars).

Range of Growth For each microorganism, there is a minimum and maximum aw that permits growth. For many species, the maximum water activity for growth is effectively 1.000. Although growth could not occur in pure water, some organisms are able to grow in the Table 4

presence of very low levels of nutrients. Pseudomonads, and some algae, are able to grow in some types of bottled water, indicating the need for techniques to eliminate viable organisms from these products during production. A range of terms used to describe the response and tolerance of microorganisms to water activity and specific solutes is shown in Table 4. The aw range that permits microbial growth is solute dependent. Many bacteria, for example, are more tolerant of reduced water activity if the solute is glycerol. Tolerance to water activity is greatest when all other factors in the environment are optimal for growth. As other environmental factors become less optimal, the range of aw that supports growth is reduced. Examples are presented in Figures 3 and 5 (see Predictive Microbiology and Food Safety) of the related entry ‘Predictive Microbiology.’ The effects are not always intuitive.

Combinations of Factors It is common for a variety of factors to be used to control microbial growth in some foods. This approach exploits the interaction of aw and other physicochemical parameters, such as temperature and pH in food environments. Such interactions form the basis of the hurdle concept. NaCl concentration and temperature have a close interaction with the temperature range for growth of most organisms displaying a dependence on salinity. In general, reduced aw confers enhanced heat resistance on microbial cells. The basis for this behavior is perhaps due to the ‘cross-protection’ that osmotic stress affords against temperature stress, believed to be mediated by a general stress response under the control of the rpoS gene product. (Interestingly, if grown at suboptimal salinities, a number of marine bacteria exhibit a lowered maximal temperature for growth compared with growth at the optimal salinity.) The minimum temperature for growth for many foodborne organisms, however, is increased by decreasing aw. This raises the possibility that the basis of these effects lies in the energy of the water itself (i.e., if the kinetic energy of water molecules mediates the lethal effect of temperature, then the reduction of water ‘energy’ by solutes may have the same effect as reducing temperature). The growth rate response of microorganisms to aw is illustrated in Figure 1. Growth rate increases, approximately in proportion, with increasing aw above the minimum aw for growth, and up to an ‘optimum’ aw at which growth rate is maximal. Beyond this value, the growth rate declines, usually rapidly, as a function of increasing aw until the maximum aw that permits growth is reached. Growth rate is a characteristic of the environment, and it is not affected by the previous history of the cell, unlike lag time. As noted earlier, the effect of aw on growth rate is affected by the specific humectant.

Classification of microorganisms according to their preferred water activity range for growth


Water activity range for growth

Haloduric Halophile Extreme halophile Osmotolerant Osmophile Xerophile

Able to withstand, but not grow at, high concentrations of salt Requiring salt for growth Requiring 15–20% salt for growth Able to withstand, but not grow at, high concentrations of sugar Organisms that grow best, or only, under high osmotic pressure, due to sugars Requiring reduced water activity (as distinct from requiring high osmotic pressure)



applied and it appears that some bacteria, at least, tolerate a range of aw without a change in yield. In E. coli, for example, over the aw range w0.970–0.997 (using NaCl as the humectant) yield declines slightly (20%) with decreasing aw compared with that at the optimum aw (w0.995). At aws lower than w0.970, yield declines dramatically as a function of water activity, until the lower water activity limit for growth (w0.955), is reached.


Figure 1 Effect of water activity on the growth rate of bacteria. Curves A and D represent two organisms, each of which is adapted to a different water activity range for growth. Curve B represents the effect of a second suboptimal environmental factor on the growth rate of organism A. The water activity range is unaltered, the relative response remains the same, but the absolute growth rate is reduced at all temperatures. Curve C represents the effect of a different, nonionic solute (or humectant) on the growth response of organism A. That humectant permits A to grow over a wider range of water activities.

There is no specific correlation between aw tolerance and tolerance to other environmental factors. Thus, the manipulation of aw in a product could have different consequences for the microbial ecology of the foods at different temperatures. An illustration of the selective effect of temperature and water activity on different organisms is presented in Figure 2.

Lag, Germination and Sporulation, and Toxin Production The lag time generally is considered to be a period of adjustment to a new environment, requiring the synthesis of new enzymes and cell components to enable the maximum rate of growth possible in that environment. As indicated previously, the growth rate and by inference the metabolic rate, is a function of the environment. As such, the lag time observed upon transfer of a cell to a new environment could be expected to result from both the amount of adjustment required by that new environment and the rate at which those adjustments can be made. In general, lag times are longer at water activities that are less optimal for growth and where the difference between the old and new growth environment is larger, especially when the new environment is less favorable for growth than the previous environment. Generally, the limits for microbial sporulation are the same as the limits for growth, although sporulation may occur at aw slightly lower than that required for growth. Spores can also germinate at aws below those that permit growth. Toxin production does not occur at aws below those that permit growth and often is prevented at aws considerably higher than those required to prevent growth.

Yield At aw less than the optimum for growth rate, cell yield declines. The decline is not always a direct function of the aw stress

At aws lower than the minimum for growth, the cell either remains dormant or dies. Compounding this action, however, is the effect of aw on the cell and the environment itself. Reduced aw usually correlates to decreased chemical activity, with the result that the preservative effect of low water activity on foods also may preserve microorganisms present in the foods. This is particularly true for low aw (e.g., 45  C

ECOLOGY OF BACTERIA AND FUNGI IN FOODS j Influence of Temperature which can take values between 1 and 0) that model the degree of ‘nonoptimality’ of each of the other environmental conditions (i.e., the ‘distance’ from the respective optima). Thus, the model has the general form:

Growth rate (generations h–1)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 –5













Temperature (°C)

Figure 3 Comparison of the growth rates of selected foodborne bacteria of different thermal adaptation in nutrient-rich environments, and showing the lack of temperature compensation. The organisms depicted are among the fastest growing in their respective preferred temperature ranges. The solid curve in the lower range (5 to 37  C) represents the growth rate of psychrotrophic spoilage pseudomonads, the middle solid line (7–48  C) is for growth of Escherichia coli, a mesophile, and the upper curve is representative of the nearly thermophilic Clostridium perfringens. The dotted line is for the growth of Listeria monocytogenes and is included to show that L. monocytogenes is not fast growing, relative to other foodborne organisms. Nonetheless, under appropriate conditions, it can multiply sufficiently to cause problems, particularly in foods of reduced water activity (e.g.,