English Law Moodcourt 2 [PDF]

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The fires hits PT Panaca buana (Fireworks Factory) on 26-9-2017 at 9 pm and the fire had just succeeded in being extinguished by the fire brigade at 12 pm. This incident resulted 47 people were killed from 103 existing workers and how unlucky the factory owner must be caught in legal case of KUHP 259 Criminal Code about negligence causing people died and KUHP 188 of Criminal Code about negligence causing fire damage, because of this incident the owner must lay off some workers (FIRED). Mr. Pando Pandjaitan is one the most Dilligent, Honest , and Loyal workers at the company. For many years working at PT Panaca Buana, Mr. Pando is one of the employees who never absent and never ask for any salary increase. But unfortunately because of this fire tragedy, Mr. Pando Panjaitan is one of the employee who get laid-off. Almost three months have passed, Mr Pando Pandjaitan was getting very confused and depressed because he needed money for the cost of his child who is still a kid and his wife who is pregnant. He is trying his best to find a job but it is very hard to find a job these days. Mr. Pando was blind by evil and stole a Bangkok Chicken. Its price is quite expensive if he sells it but when Mr. Pando stole the Chicken, he got caught by Mrs. Sarah, the neighbor of the owner of the Chicken. Sarah's mother shouted and all the neighbors rushed out and chased after Mr. Pando. The Situation was increasingly out of control because Mr. Pando was beaten by local residents and then taken to the police station after already battered. Mr. Pando was required to attend the Court Trial. He really hoped that the court will give a light punishment. He was very concerned about the fate of his young son and his pregnant wife. He will attend the court trial on 26/11/2017.



Kebakaran melanda Pabrik Mercon PT Panaca Buana pada tanggal 26-9-2017 pukul 9 malam dan api baru saja berhasil di pandamkan oleh pemadam kebakaran pukul 12 malam. Dalam kejadian ini mengakibatkan 47 orang tewas dari 103 pekerja yang ada dan alangkah sialnya pemilik pabrik harus terjerat kasus hukum juga PASAL 259 KUHP tentang kelalaiyan menyebabkan orang meninggal dan pasal 188 KUHP tentang kelailaiyan yang menyebabkan kebabakaran , karena kejadian ini si pemilik harus memberhentikan pekerja-pekerja nya ( PHK ). Pak Pando Pandjaitan adalah salah satu karyawan yang sangat rajin, jujur dan loyal. Sudah bertahun-tahun bekerja di PT Panaca Buana , Pak Pando termasuk salah satu karyawan yang tidak pernah bolos dan tidak pernah meminta kenaikan gaji. Namun sangat disesali karena kebakaran ini, pak Pando Panjaitan salah satu korbanya yang di PHK . Hampir tiga bulan telah berlalu , Pak Pando panjaitan semakin bingung dan depresi karana dia membutukan uang untuk biaya anaknya yang masih kecil dan istinya yang sedang hamil tua dan waktu terus berjalan. Dia mencoba setengah mati untuk mendapatkan kejar namun jaman sekarang memang sangat susah mendapatkan pekerjaan. Pak Pando pun gelap mata dan mencuri ayam Bangkok tentangganya yang harga cukup mahal kalua dijualan tetapi saat mencuri Pak Pando ketahuan oleh Ibu Sarah tentangga pemilik Ayam tersebut. Ibu Sarah pun berteriak dan para tetangga segera keluar dan mengejar Pak Pando. Situasipun semakin tidak terkendali karena Pak Pando di hakimi dan dipukuli oleh warga setempat dan baru dibawa ke kantor polisi setelah sudah cukup babak beluk. Pak Pando pun akhirnya harus mengikuti sidang pengadilan. Besar harapannya agar pengadilan memutuskan hukuman yang ringan. Dia sangat memikirkan nasib anaknya yang masih kecil dan istrinya yang sedang hamil tua. Dia akan datang untuk menghadiri persidangan tanggal 26/11/2017.


The Definition and Purpose of Descriptive Text Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a think is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

Mr. Pando Pandjaitan is one the most Dilligent, Honest , and Loyal workers at the company. For many years working at PT Panaca Buana, Mr. Pando is one of the employees who never absent.


The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text @ Identification : Identifying the Phenomenon to be described. Example : The fires hits PT Panaca buana (Fireworks Company) on 26-9-2017 at 9 pm and the fire had just succeeded in being extinguished by the fire brigade at 12 pm. @ Description : Descripting phenomenon in pars, qualities, or/and characteristics. Example : Mr. Pando Pandjaitan is one the most Dilligent, Honest , and Loyal workers at the company. For many years working at PT Panaca Buana, Mr. Pando is one of the employees who never absent. But unfortunately because of this fire tragedy, Mr. Pando Panjaitan is one of the employee who get laid-off.


The Language Feature of Descriptive Text @ Using attributive and identifying process Example : Almost three months have passed, Mr Pando Pandjaitan was getting very confused and depressed because he needed money for the cost of his child who is still a kid and his wife who is pregnant. @ Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group Example : Mr. Pando Pandjaitan is one the most Dilligent, Honest , and Loyal workers at the company.

@ Using Simple Present Tense Formula: ( + ) Subject(s) (I,You,They,We) + Verb 1 Subject(s) (He,She,It) + Verb 1 (e.es) ( - ) Subejct(s) (I,You,They,We) + do + not + Verb 1 Sebject(s) (He,She,It) + Does + not + Verb 1 ( ? ) Do + Subject (s) (I,You,They,We) + Verb 1 ? Does + Subject (s) (He,She,it) + Verb 1 ? Example: (+) : He is one of the employees who never absent (-) : He does not ask for salary increase. (?) : Does he ever ask for salary increase?


Comprehension Precis and composition Answer these question in not more than 45 words 1. What Happen to the Factory ? The Occurrence of fire 2. Who happened to Mr. Pando Pandjaitan? Got Laid off. 3. What did Mr. Pando Steal? Chicken 4. What type of Chicken ? Bangkok Chicken 5. Does Mr. Pando have a family ? Yes 6. Who beaten up Mr. Pando Pandjaitan? Local Citizens. (TOTAL 45 WORDS)



Audience, please stand.



hadirin mohon berdiri.



Audience, please sit back.



hadirin silahkan duduk kembali. Are the public presecutor and advisor law is ready? The Judge in the south jakarta district court, who inspect crime Case number 924/PID.B/2017/PN.JAK.SEL in the name of defendant Stefano Gilbert, i proclaim a trial in open and open for public. Apakah JPU dan Pengacara siap? Majelis hakim pengadilan negri Jakarta selatan yang memeriksa Perkara pidana no. 924/PID.B/2017.PN.JAK.SEL atas diri terdakwa Stefano Gilbert, dengan ini menyatakan bahwa sidang di buka dan terbuka untuk umum.



Public presecutor, you can take the defendants to the courtsand his evidence.



JPU, silahkan bawa terdakwa ke muka pengadilan.

P. presecutor :

Presecutor, please carry the defendant forward the judge.


please sit down, and listen very carefully my question.


Is curently, you in the healty spiritual and physical? would you give details properly and honest to the courts? JPU


Silahkan duduk dan dengar kan baik baik pertanyaan saya. Apakah saat ini anda dalam keadaan sehat jasmani dan rohani? Bersediakah anda memberikan keterangan dengan jujur dan benar pada pengadilan



Yes i am, your honor.



saya bersedia.



can you give details properly and honest to the courts?



bisa kah anda memberikan keterangan dengan benar dan jujur kepada Pengadilan?



yes, i can explain it



Ya, saya bisa menjelaskannya.



Please, listen and watch carfully my question. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Your full name? Pando Panjaitan Your date of birth? P. Siantar 17 April 1989. Your age? 28th. Your nationality? Indonesian. Your current adress? ahmad yani streets No. 2A, Utan Kayu, East Jakarta. 6. Your religion? Christian. 7. Your job? Employess at PT. Media Jaya Cipta company. Do all informations is right and accountable? Are you with Lawyer? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Nama lengkap, stefano gilbert Tanggal lahir, p. Siantar 17 april 1989 Usia anda, 28 tahun. Kewarganegaraan, indonesia. Alamat anda saat ini, jl. Ahmad yani no. 2A, Utan Kayu, Jakarta Timur. 6. Agama, kristen. 7. Pekerjaan? Pegawai PT. Media Jaya Cipta Apakah semua info benar dan dapat di pertangggung jawabkan? Apakah anda bersama pengacara anda? Defendant


Yes, i am. he’s Stefano Gilbert S.H



iya, dia bernama Stefano Gilbert S.H



Your Lawyer is in this room? Apakah pengacara anda ada di ruangan ini?



Yes, he is. Iya, dia disini.



Right, please back to your place. Lawyer please go to judges. (lawyer give a doc) Thankyou, please back to your place. Baiklah, silahkan kembali ke tempat anda. Pengacara, silahkan ke muka pengadilan Terimakasih, silahkan kembali ke tempat anda.



defendant attention please. Listen about this case in the courts. tedakwa tolong perhatikan dan dengarkan tentang tentang kasus di pengadilan Ini.



Public presecutor, do you ready to read the indictment? JPU, apakah anda siap untuk membacakan surat dakwaan?

P. Presecutor :

yes, i’m ready. Iya, saya siap.



okay, go speech baik, silahkan.

P. Presecutor :

thankyou sir (the lawyer read indictment) terimakasih yang mulia (membacakan surat dakwaan)



do you understand with the indictment from public presecutor? apakah kamu mengerti dengan surat dakwaan yang di bacakan JPU?



yes, i am understand your honor. Ya, saya mengeti yang mulia.



right, please back to your seat. Baiklah, silahkan kembali ke tempat anda.



*back to his seat* *kembali ke tempat*

Investigation Investigasi Judge


next, we will go to investigation of witness. Public presecutor, do you have a witnesess and evidence? Selanjutnya, kita akan melanjutkan masuk dalam agenda pemeriksaan Apakah saudara JPU telah menyiapkan saksi dan bukti-buktinya?

P. presecutor :

yes i have, your honor. Ya, yang mulia.



how much do you have witnesses? Berapa banyak saksi yang anda bawa?

P. presecutor :

i bring one witness to this court your honor Saya membawa satu saksi yang mulia



Public presecutor, bring the witnesses to the stage please. JPU, silahkan bawa saksi ke muka persidangan.

P. presecutor :

Right sir. Baik, yang mulia.



witnesses please sit down. Do you bring your ID card or Personal identity? Saksi, silahkan duduk. Apakah anda membawa KTP atau identitas pribadi?



yes, i do. Ada, yang mulia.



witnesses, please sit down. Saksi, silahkan duduk.



yes, your honor. Baik, yang mulia.



are you willing to give a information about this case with the truthfully? Apakah anda bersedia memberikan informasi tentang kasus ini dengan sebenar-benarnya?



i am willing to give information truthfully. Saya bersedia memberikan informasi dengan sebenar-benarnya.



please listen my question.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Your full name? Sarah Rayhan Your date of birth? 11 march 1996 Your age? 21 yo Your current adress? Kemandoran street Your job? wifehouse

do all information is right? Dengan kan pertanyaan saya.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Nama lengkap, sarah rayhan Data kelahiran, 11 maret 1996 Umur, 21 tahun Tempat tinggal, jalan kemandoran Pekerjaan, ibu rumah tangga

Apakah semua informasi benar? Witnesses


yes, your honor. Ya, yang mulia.



do you know and have a relation with the defendant? Apakah anda mempunyai hubungan dengan tersangka?



No, your honor. Tidak, yang mulia.



before you testify, you must be sworn, are you willing?

Sebelum anda memberikan kesaksian, anda harus di sumpah. Apakah anda bersedia? Witnesses


i am ready, sir. Ya, saya bersedia



your religion? Agama anda?



i am muslim sir. Saya seorang muslim, yang mulia.



a muslim clergy, please go to the stage and lead an islamic oath. Rohaniawan islam, silahkan anda mengambil sumpah saksi secara islam.

Rohaniawan :

yes sir Baik, yang mulia

Rohaniawan :

witnesses, please follow my words. Bismillahirohmanirohim In the name of Allah, i swear as a witness in this case, will give the correct information, and nothing but the truth. May allah protect me. Saksi, silahkan ikuti kata-kata saya. Demi Allah saya bersumpah sebagai saksi di persidangan ini Akan memberikan keterangan yang benar. Semoga Allah melindungi saya.



the witnesses and the clergy, please sit down. You have sworn, i hope you dont lie, in giving a information. if you give an incorrect information, you’ll be given crime sanctions saksi dan rohaniawan silahkan duduk. Anda sudah di sumpah, saya harap anda tidak berbohong dalam memberikan kesaksian. Bila anda memberikan kesaksian yang tidak benar, akibatnya anda dapat di pidana.



yes, your honor. Baik, yang mulia.

P. presecutor :

do you know the defendant? Apakah anda mengenal terdkawa?



no sir Tidak

P. presecutor :

do you know, why you are here in this courts? Apakah anda tau kenapa anda berada dalam pengadilan ini?



i know, to give a testimony. Ya saya tau, untuk memberikan kesaksian.

P. presecutor :

please explain, how the situation that you see? Tolong jelaskan bagaimana kejadian yang anda lihat?


Sure, it was 2 o’clock in the morning if im not mistaken, I woke up that time because I heard a noisy gate sound and the sound of rooster crowed although its not the time for the sun to rise up yet. So, I went outside to see what happened, and then I saw someone inside my neighbor henhouse and took the chicken without close the cage. So, I suddenly scream and the suspect was running scared. Then the owner of the chicken got out and also other neighbor to chase the suspect and he got caught.


Baiklah, saat itu waktu menunjukkan pukul 2 pagi kalau tidak salah, saya terbangun saat itu karna mendengar suara berisik pagar yang terbuka, dan suara ayam berkokok padahal waktu belum menunjukkan matahari akan terbit. Saya pun keluar untuk melihat apa yang terjadi, ternyata ada seseorang yang masuk ke kandang ayam tetangga saya, dan mengambil ayam tanpa menutup kandangnya lagi. Saya langsung reflek berteriak, dan tersangka langsung berlari ketakutan. Lalu pemilik ayam keluar dan banyak juga warga yang keluar untuk mengejar tersangka lalu tersanka tertangkap. Judge


Any question from the lawyer? Pengacara, ada yang ingin di tanyakan?


My client got hit badly some of the citizen, this shouldn’t be happen. It is


against the Law of Human Right ! Client saya mengalami pemukulan oleh warga, yang seharusnya ini tidak boleh terjadi, ini melanggar UU HAM. Witnesses


The Citizens were very angry , we are a middle to low class people and there was still someone who wanted to steal from others! Warga amat marah, kami tinggal di lingkungan menengah kebawah, masih saja tega, mengambil milik orang yang bahkan butuh bantuan juga.

P. presecutor :

objection your honor, the Lawyer statements could not be approve because it is not necessary and out of the topic. Intruksi yang mulia, pengacara tidak bisa membahas pelanggaran lain saat ini.



objection rejected, Lawyer go ahead and continue.

Intrupsi tidak di terima, pengacara silahkan lanjutkan. Lawyer :

it supposed to be , fellow community need to help each other . My Client currently in a very difficult situation too , so it requires him to do this .This incident appear for being lack of its deepest sympathy from you fellow citizens. Seharusnya, sesama masyarakat harus saling membantu. Client saya sedang dalam kondisi yang sulit, sehingga mengharuskan dia untuk melakukan hal ini. Kejadian ini muncul karna kurangnya rasa simpati kalian sesama umat manusia.



If your client need help , he supposed to try to ask for help from other citizens. If we may be able to help , will we do it for him . The thing is, Stealing is wrong. We cannot justify wrong behavior because of any situation. Jika client anda butuh bantuan, seharusnya coba dulu minta tolong sama warga lain. Kalau kami sanggup, pasti akan kami bantu. Inti nya, pencurian tetap hal yang salah. Kita tidak bisa membenarkan perbuatan yang salah, bagaimanapun situasi di balik itu semua.



Lawyer, is there anything you want to ask? Pengacara, ada yang ingin anda tanya kan?



No your honor, thankyou. Tiidak yang mulia, terimakasih.



Defendant, you may read your defense note. Terdakwa, silahkan baca nota pembelaan.



Thankyou Your honor Terimakasih, yang mulia.



The Judge has made a decision, according to witness and evidence , The Judge has made a decision with a Conscience that the Defendant commit burglary with a punishment of 1 Year Prison according to KUHP 363 so that in the future , The Defendant will notice his act and can change himself to become a better Husband and a better Dad. Hakim membuat keputusan, berdasarkan kesaksian dan bukti bukti yang ada, Hakim telah membuat keputusan dengan Hati Nurani bahwa tersangka telah melakukan pencurian dengan hukuman 1 tahun penjara berdasarkan KUHP 363 agar kedepan dapat merubah sikap dan masih bisa menjalankan tugasnya sebagai seorang suami dan seorang ayah yang baik.

PUBLIC PROSECUTOR NOTE Thankyou Your honor, We as a Public Prosecutor, make a crime prosecution of the victims report based on article 363 KUHP, about stealing. The Defendant by the name of Mr. Pando Pandjaitan has stolen a chicken who are owned by his neighbor and we also bring Witness which is the neighbor of the owner who saw clearly that Mr. Pando Pandjaitan Stole the chicken inside the cage. We ask for justice as fair as possible from Your Honor according to the law. Thankyou.

DEFENDANT NOTE Thankyou your honor for giving me an opportunity to tell you my situation. I will tell your honor why I did this crime. My wife is pregnant and my little son is sick very badly. We are in a very need of food and medicine for my little kid. I was fired 3 months ago by my company and I have not yet find any job and even my savings is run out. I was blank and did not know what to do, so I did everything including this criminal act. I really hope that Your honor can give me a very light punishment because I still have taking care of my wife and my little son. I hope you understand my situation. Thankyou so much for your understanding.

Terimakasih telah memberikan saya waktu untuk memberitahukan situasi saya. Saya akan menjelaskan, mengapa saya melakukan hal ini. Istri saya sedang mengandung dan anak saya masih kecil, dan sedang sakit parah. Kami butuh makan juga uang untuk membeli obat. Saya baru di PHK 3 bulan lalu, sampai saat ini saya belum mendapat pekerjaan, dan tabungan saya juga sudah habis. Pikiran saya buntu, dan membuat saya menghalalkan cara ini. Saya sangat berharap bapak Hakim dapat memberikan saya hukuman seringan-ringan nya karena saya masih mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk merawat anak dan isteri saya. Terima kasih banyak atas perhatian bapak.