Examenes de Ingles [PDF]

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Chris works as a 9 after people when they aren't well. I study every day because I want to 10 good mark in this exam. Ben wants to be a 11 work with cars and machines.

in a hospital - he looks


because he likes to

I make 12 when I study because they help me to remember important information. I'd like to be a 13 travel and planes.

one day because I love

Lucy usually gets good 14 school.

in her tests at

Can you look at the school 15 when we have an English class?

and tell me

My brother's an amazing 16 works in the kitchen of a big hotel.

and so he

You have this when you stop your studies or your work for a short time. b This person takes you from one place to another by car and you pay him money. t


This person answers the telephone, writes letters and plans meetings in an office. s f you have a problem with your teeth, you go to this person. d Sometimes at the end of a course, you do this very important test. e You need to go to a m problem with your car.

when you have a

Good students listen to the teacher and make lots of n

about the lesson .

The teachers are very good here and the students never f

their exams.

Priya's family I live with my parents and my brother and sister. I work in an office but '

I 25 want to work there all my life. I'd like to work in another country. My parents both work in a hospital. My mother is a doctor and my father is a hospital manager. My mother 26


job is hard but interesting. She 27 '

much free time. She begins work at 8 o'clock in the morning and finishes at seven o'clock in the evening. My father and I 28

home at 6 o'clock so we cook

dinner. When do we eat dinner? After our favourite TV programme! My sister and brother are students. They want to be doctors like our mother. My sister studies hard but she hates tests. I often say to her, 'Do you 29

good marks?' And she always

replies, 'Yes, 30

!' So why 31 she worry? When I ask my brother, 'Do you enjoy your '

studies?', he always replies, 'No, I 32 prefer football!'

.I '

My brother works in a bank but he 33 his job.


How many hours a week 34 French?


How many hours a week 34 French?


Larry's a good businessman but does 36 a lot of money? '

I 37

my car to the office - I go by bus.

Do classes start at 9 o'clock?' 'No, they 38 '

. They start at 8.30.'

You 39 with my homework.

all the answers so please help me

'Does Marisa work in a hotel?' 'Yes, she 40 . She's a receptionist.'

In the summer, I like to play football 9 week.


Does the shop in the hotel 10


I can write emails on my 11 the train. Do you 12 holiday?

when I'm on

in a hotel when you go on

Business people need to have a 13 that they can work when they travel. My brother has a 14 for him to find places.


in his car so it's easy

A daily newspaper doesn't usually 15 much. Claudia takes her 16 books when she goes on holiday. I go to the cinema three or four t


so she has lots of e-

a month.

I need to buy more paper for the p How much does this computer c

at home. please?

I don't like using my computer k very small. Which do you p

because it's

- tea or coffee?

My brother likes to use h listens to music.

when he

My grandparents go to the cinema t Tuesdays and Saturdays. My sister uses her t and check information on the internet.

a week - on

on the train to email her friends

A teacher's life My name is Maria and I teach English in a school in London. I 25

at 7 o'clock. I always go to work

by bus because it's too far to walk and I 26 '

a car. It's a large school in a lovely new building. The

school 27

a very nice cafe and so

I 28 breakfast there. Lessons start at 9 o'clock. We stop for lunch at half past twelve. In the lunch break 29 the newspaper and talk to the other teachers. Lessons start again at 2 and finish at 4. After school we teachers 30 have a lot of work to do because we're very busy all the time. But, when I haven't got work to do, I go to the cinema or visit friends. I 31


good friend in the next street. She 32 big garden and we like to sit there in the evenings in summer.


often do you go to the gym every week?


Why 34


Have both of the children got a laptop? Yes, they 35 . There's no milk again - you 36 buy any! We 37


remember to

got a printer at home.


Paul got a new camera?

I often leave work at 5.30, but I 39 to stay in the office until 7 pm. My mother 40 car.


got a great new satnav in her

To make 9 butter for three minutes.

eggs, cook them in a little

Can you open this 10 please?

of soup for me,

Can I have a piece of 11 please?

to put in my tea,

At breakfast, the children always need a lot of milk to put on their 12


Please 13 brown.

the steak on both sides until it is

My favourite meat is 14 lamb.

but I also like

Would you like 15 your chicken?

or boiled potatoes with

Would you like a tomato 16 vegetables with your meal?

or hot

I think that c

are my favourite orange vegetable.

Put the meat in the oven and r We always b shop.

it for an hour and a half.

our own bread - we prefer it to bread from the

I'd like to buy a small b

of water, please.

My favourite vegetable is fried o burgers. I have a bowl of c every morning.

, especially with

with fruit and yoghurt for breakfast

Put the potatoes in water in a pan and b minutes.

them for 20

My favourite meat is roast c


Supermarket Hi Tom Can you go to the supermarket after work, please? Can you buy 25 We've got 26 got 27

fruit? I'd like to make a fruit salad. of bananas but we haven't grapes or apples. I also want to roast

a chicken so could you get us one, please. We also need 28 butter - we've got a little but not very 29 . Oh, and we've only got 30 potatoes so please get a bag of those too. Don't

get 31

onions or carrots - we've already got a

lot of them. One last thing - we haven't got 32 coffee, so please get us a big packet. Thanks very much. See you later. Emma I need some lamb and 33 want to make curry for dinner. I'd like 34 How 35 their cereal? There are 36 How 37

onion because I

pasta, please. milk do the children usually have with

beans in the fridge. lemons do you want?

We haven't got 38

big onions.

We haven't got 39

ice cream.

There are only 40

tomatoes in the fridge.

People usually only visit a 9 they have a problem. Every morning I look in the 10 'Wow, I look great!' This is my favourite 11 watch TV. Every morning, I wash the dishes in the kitchen 12 .


and think

where I sit and

A very long 13 my house.

goes over the river near

Geraldo lives in a fantastic new 14 opposite the post office. I clean the curtains in the 15 they are very dirty.


In the centre of my city, there's a beautiful 16 with many interesting buildings. This is a place in the city where you can get a train. m


At night, you can use this to help you see when you want to read. l When you want to send a letter, you go to this place. p


You can find this in the kitchen and use it to make a hot meal. c At home, when you want to get something to read, you can find something in here. b People use this to keep things in. c There are often apartments and offices inside one of these. b People walk on this when they go over a river. b An Unusual House You can visit a very unusual house in Pennsylvania, in the USA. I think it's great. Like other houses, there 25 a normal front door and there are normal windows, but this house is actually very different from a house like yours or 26

. It's

a very, very big shoe! In Shoe House, 27 '

a living room, but only one bedroom and one bathroom.

It's a big shoe outside, but the house is actually very small inside '

and 28

much furniture.

So, 29 house is this? Carla Farrow and her husband Ron live there now. In the house, you can see a picture of Martin '

Boston, the first owner. In 30 course, there is a pair of shoes!

unusual houses near you? Do


you live in one? If 32 some pictures of it.

is unusual, email me

There 33 live. Why 34

hands, of

three theatres in the town where I '

there any milk in the fridge?

My sister's room is next to 35

. '

Go straight along the street and 36 supermarket on your left. There are 37 classical music in your town.

good places to listen to

John and Sally live in New York and my apartment is next to 38 London is my 39 40

. '

bedroom is this?

favourite city.


My grandfather is still alive but my 9 died in 2010 - she was 89 years old. My sister 10

a new computer last week.

My little brother was born 11 Sue 12 her mother for lunch.

a Saturday. to London by car yesterday to meet

My grandparents have three children and one 13 - me!

My uncle's birthday is 14 go for a picnic that day.

May and we always

Adam and Joe 15 out they both liked football. My sister 16 she's a very good cook.

friends when they found

a big cake for my birthday -

Susanna's sister has three children and so Susanna's an a


Is all my money on my brother's birthday present, so I've got no money now. I saw my c yesterday.

John and his father, my Uncle Paul,

My parents always wanted g happy when my sons, Tom and Dan, were born. My sister's new shoes c I just f o Australia - how amazing. As usual, our whole family a Sunday.

, so they were

a lot of money. that I have an uncle who lives in

a whole roast lamb for lunch on

Eva's son, Martin, is a doctor and now Martin's daughter, Eva's g

, is also a doctor.

My early life When I was a child, I 25 in a small village by the sea. My family had a farm. I loved playing outside in the summer '

holidays. My older sister 26 but my brothers 27 us 28

at home then , and the three of

ourselves. We often played by the

sea. We took apples and cola with us and 29 outside all day. There was always lots to do. But I remember when it rained there was nothing to do. Then I found

some books in my parents' bookcase and the world 30 for me. I took books everywhere with me and read all '

the time. But my brothers 31 books and thought I wasn't fun any more!

interested in

it a good time? Yes, fantastic and I still go back to my old family house where my parents still live. 32

at home when you called?


Where 34

your older sister born?

My brother 35 last year. I 36

hard and became a doctor '

at the same university as my brother.

When my brother was young he 37 and he was really good at football.


When my cousin went to Canada, I 38 writing to her. Were all your friends in the same class at school?' 'No, 39



My husband usually gets home early but last night he 40 home very late.

My mother's not from Russia - she's 9


My teacher's a lovely person - she's very 10 to us. My family is 11 USA. He says he's a 12 he's not very good.

- but now we live in the

football player but

Ahmed's 13 Germany.

but he lives in Hamburg in

Veronica has a big car and a very big house, so I think she is 14


Sam is a nice person - so he's always very kind and 15 . People in Italy usually speak 16 first language.

as their

I like my job but one colleague is h

to me!

Maria is from Brazil; she is B


My sister does not talk much and I am also q I like my new class because the teacher is good and the students are nice and f


Joe is from the USA - he is A


Rose has lots of friends - she's very p


Maria is from Cordoba in Spain so she speaks S Laure speaks French so is she from F

. ?

wo good friends My name's Robert. In this photo I am with my best friend, Manuel. I'm British, but is Manuel British? No, 25 '

. Manuel's parents come from Spain but now they live in Britain. I'm not in the same class as Manuel, but we like to have lunch and walk to college together. Manuel 26 very friendly, and popular with all the teachers and students at our college. Some students in our college are British and '

others 27 . They come from different countries - this is great because we all study together and learn about different places and languages. Manuel and I love football and like to go to matches when we can. This photo is after a football match in London. Are we happy in this photo?

Yes, 28

. Often at football matches, the '

weather's really cold and the match 29



good, but for us 30 all great fun. Manuel's team has great players - really fantastic and well'

known. 31

the name of his team? It's

Barcelona! 32 world? It's possible!

the best players in the

quiet? No, I like to talk a lot.


Our home town 34 small French city by the sea.

Paris - it's Calais, a

your friend James on holiday in New


Zealand? Hong Liu 36

Chinese and he lives in Xian.

Paulo and Jorge speak Spanish but they 37 '

from Spain - they're Colombian.


I play football but 39 Kenji's a brilliant student - 40

our teacher's name? '

good at it. he from?