Explanation of Quiz (2 Juli 2020) [PDF]

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Identifying ingredients in old paintings can help curators decide how best to maintain, display and restore them. The 17th century Dutch artist, Rembrandt, was found to use wheat, according to a new advanced analysis of two of his works. It is the first study to identify wheat starch in any of Rembrandt’s work, even though scientists have performed numerous analysis on more than 150 of his. In Rembrandt’s time, artists mixed their own paints, which they then spread onto canvas in layers. Often, individual layers of the same piece of art contained different binding agents, pigments, varnishes, and other ingredients. Besides color, each layer was mixed to just the right level of thickness, glossiness, texture, evenness on the surface, drying time and more. However, paint layers are tough to analyze because they are spread so incredibly thin. The thinnest ones rise just a thousand of a millimeter above the layer below them. Using a variety of chemical and physical analytical methods, along with old written records, scientist have been able to identify pigments and other inorganic materials in many ancient paintings. For the new study, the scientists used some of the most high-tech equipment around to look at the “Portrait of Nicolaes van Bambeeck”, which Rembrandt van Rijn painted in 1641. First the researchers took a cross-section from a miniscule section of the painting. Then they used a variety of methods to probe the layers, including a technique called Time of Fly, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). This technique involves sending a focused, high-energy beam of ions at the layered sample, then observing the ions that bounce back. By analyzing the energy and chemical nature of the ejected ions, scientists can deduce detailed information about the types of elements and chemical bonds held within. For the second grayish layer of paint on the “Portrait of Nicolaes van Bambeeck”, the scan showed, Rembrandt mixed oil and a small amount of lead with wheat flour. It’s not clear yet whether Rembrandt used what earlier or continued to use the ingredient after painting the “Portrait of Nicoales van Bambeeck”, who was a rich wool merchant. But the researchers also found wheat in the “Potrait of Agatha Bas” the merchant’s wife. 1. What does the word “They” in “..own paints, which they then . .” (Pharagraph 2) refers to____ A. Layers B. Artist C. Paints D. Pigments E. Ingredients Pembahasan : “...which they then spread onto canvas in layers. Untuk menemukan siapa ‘they’ tsb, baca satu kalimat utuhnya In Rembrandt’s time, artist mixed their own paints, which they then spread onto canvas in layers. Maka, ‘they’ tsb adalah artist. Kunci : B. artist 2. What would the paragraph following the passage be likely to discuss? A. The ToF-SIMS B. Paintings of other 17th century artists C. Written evidence of the use of wheat flour D. The painting “Potrait of Agatha Bas” E. Other techniques used in the research Pembahasan : Ingat rumus paragraph following (Baca kalimat terakhir di paragraf terakhir) “But the researchers also found wheat in the “Potrait of Agatha Bas” the merchant’s wife.” Karena ada conjunction ‘but’ berarti sebelum kalimat tsb ada sesuatu yg berbeda. ” It’s not clear yet whether Rembrandt used what earlier or continued to use the ingredient after painting the “Portrait of Nicoales van Bambeeck”, who was a rich wool merchant.” Maka, paragraf followingnya akan membahas The painting “Potrait of Agatha Bas” Kunci : D. The painting “Potrait of Agatha Bas” 3.

What is the main idea of pharagraph 3? A. There are some advantages of using paint layers B. Scientist have found the thinnest layer of paintings C. There are inorganic materials in ancient paintings D. There are some methods to crack layer painting contain different pigments E. The chemical ingredients for layer painting contain different pigments Pembahasan : Par. 3 saja yg dibaca



However, paint layers are tough to analyze because they are spread so incredibly thin. (kal.1) thinnest ones rise just a thousand of a millimeter above the layer below them. (kal.2) Using a variety of chemical and physical analytical methods, along with old written records, scientist have been able to identify pigments and other inorganic materials in many ancient paintings. (kal.3)Di kalimat awal menunjukkan sebuah problem kemudiandi lanjutkan detail di kalimat 2 nya dan di kal.3 menjelaskan metode yg berhasil digunakan. Maka, main idea dr par. 3 adalah scientist have found the thinnest layer of paintings Kunci : B. Scientist have found the thinnest layer of paintings How does the author organize the ideas in the text? A. By arguing other theories of old painting’s ingredients B. By comparing one Rembrandt’s works to his other works C. By discussing possible ingredients used at Rembrandt’s time D. By presenting the research’s findings and describing its process E. By discussing the importance of knowing what ingredients Rembrandt’s used Pembahasan : Ingat, soal ini maksudnya adalah ttg bagaimana penulis membuat susunan dr bacaannya dr awal. Jgn lupa baca dulu kalimat pertama di par.1 “Identifying ingredients in old paintings can help curators decide how best to maintain, display and restore them.” ”The 17th century Dutch artist, Rembrandt, was found to use wheat, according to a new advancedanalysis of two of his works.”Ini memiliki makna yg sepadan dg jawaban by discussing possible ingredients used at Rembrandt’s time Kunci : C. By discussing possible ingredients used at Rembrandt’s time According to paragraph 1, which of the following words can best describe scientist’s effort to identify ingredients in Rembrandt’s paintings? A. Glorious B. Effortless C. Involuntary D. Laborious E. Lengthy Pembahasan : Berdasarkan par.1, terkait scientist’s effort to identify ingredients in Rembrandt’s paintings dibahas di bagian “It is the first study to identify wheat starch in any of Rembrandt’s work, even though scientists have performed numerous analysis on more than 150 of his.”Makna ‘his’ di sini adalah kepemilikan Rembrandt. Dari 150 analisis, bisa diartikan bahwa usaha ilmuannya adalah laborious Laborious: exhausting, tiring, fatiguing, difficult, complicated Kunci : D. Laborious

There is a heated debate in the world of bodybuilding and it involves women either using steroids in order to build more muscles mass or let them build muscles the natural way. We all know that women do not have such testosterone as males do and this result to their inability to build muscles as big as males. Hormone is needed in order to build muscles. Moreover, women also need abundant supply of body fat in order to support their reproductive organ. Most, if not all, women athletes have at least 20% body fat. That level is too much for males; however, is considered healthy for females. In fact, in the world of body building, men want to reach a maximum of 3% body fat while women aim to have at least 6-10%. If you are female and are interested in bodybuilding, you can seek the help of a fitness instructor. You have to first do cardiovascular exercises so that you can strengthen your heart and lungs so that both organs will be able to support tough bodybuilding activities. Once you are ready, you can go ahead and do power lifting. This is deemed as a technique that is good only for males however it is applicable for females as well. You can even perform the routine until you have pushed yourself to the limit and are unable to lift the weight anymore. Do this thrice a week in order to give your body time to recover. How to lose weight should not be your main concern with your diet but rather how you could program your body to keep on building muscle rather than storing fat. This can be done by eating meals that are divided onto three equal parts of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and vegetables. Also, eat small meals throughout the day.





The text mainly discusses____ A. How women can build muscles the natural way B. Comparison of men and women athletes C. A technique to become a female bodybuilder D. The procedure of starting bodybuilding exercise E. Good diets to build muscle mass Pembahasan : Ini adalah soal Topik. “There is a heated debate in the world of bodybuilding and it involves women either using steroids in order to build more muscles mass or let them build muscles the natural way.” (par.1) “Moreover, women also need abundant supply of body fat in order to support their reproductive organ.”(par.2) supports par. 1 “If you are female and are interested in bodybuilding, you can seek the help of a fitness instructor.”(par.3) “How to lose weight should not be your main concern with your diet but rather how you could program your body to keep on building muscle rather than storing fat.”(par.4) Keyword: women/female Maka, the text mainly discusses A technique to become a female bodybuilder Kunci : C. A technique to become a female bodybuilder According to the text males are different from women in that ___ A. Males are stronger B. Males have more steroids C. Males have more muscles D. Males have more body fat E. Males have more testosterone Pembahasan : Pertanyaan ini terdapat di bagian “We all know that women do not have such testosterone as males do and this result to their inability to build muscles as big as males. Hormone is needed in order to build muscles.” (par. 1 kal. 2) Kunci : E. Males have more testosterone To be a female bodybuilder, one should do all of the following, EXCEPT___ A. Do cardiovascular exercise B. Do the same exercise as males do C. Lose as much weight as possible D. Eat small meals with less fat E. Perform exercises regularly Pembahasan : Di text “If you are female and are interested in bodybuilding,” “do cardiovascular exercises” “do power lifting” “This is deemed as a technique that is good only for males however it is applicable for females as well.” “You can even perform the routine” “Also, eat small meals throughout the day.” Maka, yg tidak tepat adl C karena “How to lose weight should not be your main concern with your diet” Kunci : C. Lose as much weight as possible The word “…seek…” (paragraph 3) is closest meaning to___ A. Search B. Invite C. Request D. Look for E. Spread Pembahasan : Seek: search, look for, see, come to see etc Beda search dan look for dalam konteks ini adalah:Look for digunakan untuk makna looking for people sedangkan search lebih ke sesuatu hal misal searching for a book, searching for happiness etc.

Kunci : D. Look for 10. The word “it” in paragraph 1 refers to___ A. Heated Debate B. Women C. Bodybuilding D. Hormone E. Steroids Pembahasan : Kalimat utuh dari ‘it’ tsb adalah ” There is a heated debate in the world of bodybuilding and it involves women either using steroids in order to build more muscles mass or let them build muscles the natural way.” It refers to body building. Kunci : C. Body building