Females Are Better Students Than Males [PDF]

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Females are better students than males Point 1 -

Females tend to mature faster and they are less easily distracted during the lower education years.


Males and females mature mentally at different rates and in different ways.The way the brain itself develops as children age may actually be quite different in females versus males. Females tend to develop more advanced language and fine motor skills early on, as much as six years earlier than males. Males’ brains may develop better spatial memory and targeting aspects of the brain as much as 4 years earlier than females. This is especially important for early education teachers to note, as each gender may find certain tasks very challenging and may need additional help and support. Females and males learn differently, males more visually, males are better at verbal and written learning. This gives an obvious advantage in most classrooms.



In addition to learning different, the mind works different. Females all through life (not just the school years) are better at communication in most cases (I even think this has been shown in brain scans, a female's brain is more active during conversation than a man's), again this is something helpful in a classroom setting so it is an advantage.

Point 2 -

-Researchers have found that females are more likely to want to do better in school and they are seen as having higher standards when it comes to completing school work and in some cases impressing their teachers.


Males on the other hand are seen as having a more carefree attitude about school in general. When conducting this research it was found that girls are outperforming males in almost all performance based assessments in almost all grades and subject areas.


Females are more likely to ask for help if they need it.While male students may not care as much what the teacher thinks about them, they are acutely aware of their peers’ judgment. When they become frustrated, they may act out rather than asking for assistance, as this disruptive behavior may raise their status. Asking for help may make them feel weaker and less able. Females, on the other hand, are often much more willing to ask for help. Their peers do not inhibit their desire to develop a close relationship with teachers. The reasons for these differences it comes down to pleasing the adults.Females are more concerned about pleasing the adults in their life and have a tendency to be more critical of what they do rather than males, thus making them seem to be easier to teach.


Males are better students than females Point 1 -

Males are better at some aspects in general. The male mind for instance generally is better wired for math because of the definitive nature of numbers - though god forbid this be pointed out lest a feminist start a petition or something.

- Males study scientifically,they don't blind-study,they only study notes that have reference or reasons behind it. - Males tend to concentrate on one thing at one time. But,females tend to concentrate on different things. - Males study in their own words, they write in their own words, they only study the meaning, not the entire text, so it is easy for them to learn. -

Females are much more likely to be bored, disengaged or stressed in science classes.A Northern Illinois University study found that females in high school science classes reported a much different experience than their male counterparts, despite spending an equal amount of time and getting similar grades. The study found that girls were most engaged in science class when listening to lectures or completing work, and were much less likely to take the lead in lab work. Educator attitudes might also have something to do with it. Of the 13 teachers studied, only two chose femalels as their top students, describing them as “hard workers. The favored male students were considered “naturals” who “just got it.”

Point 2 Society has conditioned females to love gossip, it’s an unfortunate fact, but if there are people talking during a lecture, it will be the females. Besides, physiologically, females are less able than males to sit for extended periods in a classroom, as their bladders are smaller, and their tract is somewhat more twisted than that of a man, making bathroom breaks more frequent, especially during periods of extended sitting when their position puts pressure on their bladders. Further, some women are greatly affected by their periods, and often have to take time off their studies in order to deal with it. Males do not have this problems, as an excretion tends to cure itself within minutes.

Introduction: Boys tend to perform better on standardized tests, while girls get better grades overall.Throughout school, girls tend to get higher grades than boys in nearly all subjects. Boys, conversely, seem to do better on IQ and standardized tests. Researchers think this may have to do with girls possessing more self-discipline, and being more willing to push themselves to study and earn good grades. Though other factors may come into play as well, of course Boys and girls use their left and right hemispheres skills differently in early grades.In early grades, girls tend to use left-hemisphere skills to speak, read and write well, and their right-hemisphere skills empathizing and understanding the feelings of peers and teachers. Boys, on the other hand, use the left hemisphere to help them recall facts, rules and categorize information, while the right serves to give them their visual, spatial and motor skills. Let us start our discussion about “Female students are better than male students” now.

Conclusion: Being good at studies is not about gender or race. Its about dedication, just as there are good male students, there are good female students, and at the same time the opposite, there are plenty of bad students of either gender. It depends 100% on the character of the person and their willingness to do well in studies, which is driven by motivation and lots of times, maturity. .