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Bacaan berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 1-4 (1) Perkembangan Buddhisme begitu menakjubkan. (2) Zen Buddhisme bahkan berkembang pula di China dan Jepang. (3) Sementara itu, di India sendiri Buddhisme Mahayana secara estetik dicirikan oleh gaya seni rupa Gandhara (Toynbee, 2007:419). (4) Selain konsep-konsep keagamaan di atas, ada dua konsep yang menjadi fondasi estetika India, yakni pratibha kreativitas artistik dan “rasa” yang konon ditulis oleh Bharata Muni sekitar abad ke-2 SM. (5) Pratibha sendiri adalah daya cipta artistik yang terdapat dalam diri seniman. (6) Daya itu disebut “sakti” yang dalam bahasa Sansekerta berarti kekuatan. (7) Seniman sejati memiliki kekuatan atau kesaktian untuk mencipta (Suryajaya, 2016:245). (8) Sementara itu konsep “rasa” yang ditulis oleh Bhatara Muni dalam kitab Natya Sastra yang sering disebut sebagai Veda kelima menjelaskan bahwa rasa pengalaman estetis pemirsa dalam memersepsi sebuah karya seni, utamanya seni pertunjukan. (9) Hal itu baru timbul apabila sebuah karya mampu menghadirkan situasi emosi yang dapat ditangkap oleh pemirsa (Suryajaya, 2016:248-249). (10) “Rasa”, dalam hal ini timbul dari komunikasi estetis antara seniman, karya seni, dan khalayaknya. (11) Kedua konsep tersebut dapat kita lihat melalui karya-karya seni India seperti lukisan, musik, patung, tarian, dan sastra. 1.

Kata itu pada kalimat (6) merujuk... A. Dua konsep yang menjadi fondasi estetika India B. Daya cipta artistik yang terdapat dalam diri seniman C. “Rasa” yang konon ditulis oleh Bharata Muni sekitar abad ke-2 SM D. Konsep keagamaan E. Bharata Muni dalam kitab Natya Sastra


Anda perlu menambahkan kalimat berikut dalam paragraf kedua: “Rasa” tidak selalu timbul dalam setiap pengalaman kesenian. Kalimat tersebut paling tepat ditempatkan setelah... A. Kalimat (7) B. Kalimat (8) C. Kalimat (9) D. Kalimat (10) E. Kalimat (11)


Penulisan kata “kreativitas artistik” pada kalimat (4) seharusnya... A. kreativitas artistik B. kreativitas artistik C. ‘kreativitas artistik’ D. “kreativitas artistik” E. “kreativitas artistik”


Tujuan penulis menghasilkan teks tersebut adalah... A. Memaparkan macam-macam jenis estetika India B. Menjelaskan macam-macam perkembangan Buddhisme di Jepang, China, dan India C. Memaparkan pengaruh Buddhisme dalam estetika Jepang dan India D. Membuktikan kekuatan seniman India dalam karya-karya estetika India E. Membahas konsep-konsep yang menjadi fondasi estetika India

Bacaan berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 4-8


Dunia mendadak sunyi dari hiburan sejak koronavirus baru atau COVID-19 menjangkiti 185 negara. Tidak ada konser musik, keriuhan nonton bioskop atau kegiatan berkumpul di kafe. Aktivitas miliaran orang mendadak terpusat di rumah sehingga video gim menjadi salah satu pilihan untuk menghindari kebosanan. Bukan semata hiburan dan permainan, gim dan esports pun meraih momentum percepatan pertumbuhan bisnisnya. Organisasi kesehatan dunia PBB atau World Health Organization (WHO) menganjurkan bermain gim selama penerapan physical distancing atau berjaga jarak secara fisik demi menghindari penyebaran virus. Tak heran, ketika aktivitas di luar rumah terbatas, pengakses video gim meningkat drastis hingga membuat server pengembang down. Antara lain Fortnite, Gim for Peace dan Arena of Valor alias Honor of Kings. Di saat pandemi pula penjualan gim digital memecahkan rekor tertinggi sepanjang sejarah. Berdasarkan laporan SuperData dari Nielsen, selama bulan Maret 2020, jumlah uang yang dihabiskan untuk belanja gim digital mencapai USD10 miliar (sekitar Rp155 triliun) atau naik 11 persen dibandingkan bulan Maret tahun lalu. Penikmat gim belakangan ini memang semakin banyak, seiring kian mudahnya penggunaan telepon seluler atau ponsel. Berdasarkan data Newzoo, dari 3,3 miliar pengguna ponsel di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2019, sebanyak 2,3 miliar merupakan penikmat gim. Pada tahun 2019, perputaran uang di industri gim mencapai tiga kali pendapatan dari film box office seluruh dunia yang mencapai USD42,5 miliar. Berdasarkan Newzoo, bisnis gim tahun lalu bernilai sekitar USD152,1 miliar atau Rp2.067 triliun dengan kurs Rp13.600/USD. Goldman Sachs memperkirakan pendapatan esports global melebihi USD1 miliar pada tahun 2019. Jumlahnya diprediksi menjadi hampir tiga kali lipat pada tiga tahun setelahnya atau pada tahun 2022. Seiring kian mengguritanya bisnis gim, esports semakin menarik perhatian. Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara di Asia Tenggara yang pertumbuhan industri gim dan e-sportsnya makin menggeliat. Tahun lalu, Newzoo melaporkan Indonesia menempati posisi ke-17 dari 100 negara dengan jumlah pendapatan terbesar dari industri video gim. Sementara itu, menurut Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika pada tahun 2017, potensi bisnis pertandingan esports di Indonesia mencapai USD700 juta atau sekitar Rp9,8 triliun. 5.

Hubungan gagasan antara paragraf kedua dengan paragraf ketiga pada teks di atas adalah… A. Gagasan paragraf kedua dan paragraf ketiga tidak memiliki kepaduan B. Gagasan paragraf kedua merupakan sebab dari gagasan paragraf ketiga C. Gagasan paragraf ketiga merupakan akibat dari gagasan paragraf kedua D. Gagasan paragraf ketiga merupakan lanjutan dari gagasan paragraf kedua E. Gagasan paragraf ketiga merupakan akibat dari gagasan kedua


Ide pokok pada paragraf kedua yaitu…. A. Pendapatan e-sports global melebihi USD 1 miliar pada 2019. B. Pertumbuhan bisnis gim mencapai lebih dari tiga kali pendapatan dari film box office. C. Penikmat gim belakangan ini memang semakin banyak. D. Pendapatan bisnis gim hampir tiga kali lipat pada tiga tahun setelahnya. E. Meningkatnya penjualan gim digital saat pandemi.


Tujuan teks di atas adalah untuk…. A. Mendorong pembaca untuk memahami penggunaan ponsel seluler. B. Mengajak pembaca untuk senang terhadap video gim. C. Meminta pembaca untuk paham tentang bisnis video gim dan esports. D. Menyajikan informasi mengenai pertumbuhan bisnis gim dan esports. E. Memberikan informasi mudahnya bermain video gim dan esports.


Questions 8-12 are based on the following passage New research by scientists from the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom has analyzed the link between a certain class of drugs and the risk of dementia. The drugs in question, called anticholinergics, work by inhibiting a chemical messenger calles acetylcholine. Their effect is to help relax or contract muscles, and doctors can prescribe them to help treat bladder conditions, gastrointestinal problems, and some of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. For their study, lead researcher Prof. Carol Coupland and team analyzed the medical records of 58,769 people with dementia and 225,574 people without dementia. They were all 55 years old or above at baseline. Among those with dementia, 63% were women and the average age was 82. For each person with dementia, the researchers found five control matches of the same age and sex and who attended the same general practice to receive medical care. Prof. Coupland and colleagues sourced the data from the QResearch database and looked at medical records from between January 1, 2004 and January 31, 2016. The rescarchers found that anticholinergic drugs in general were associated with a higher risk of dementia. More specifically, however, anticholinergic antidepressants, antipsychotic drugs, antiParkinson's drugs, bladder drugs, and epilepsy drugs were associated with the highest increase in risk. Among these, the most frequently prescribed drugs were antidepressants, anti-vertigo drugs, and bladder antimuscarinic drugs (for the treatment of overactive bladders). These results remained even after the researchers controlled for confounding variables (or known risk factors for dementia), including body mass index (BMI), smoking status, alcohol use, cardiovascular problems, and the use of other medication, such as antihypertensive drugs. All in all, the researchers concluded that people aged 55 or over who had taken strong anticholinergics on a daily basis for at least 3 years had an almost 50% higher chance of developing dementia than people who had not used this type of medication. "This study provides further evidence that doctors should be careful when prescribing certain drugs that have anticholinergic properties," explains study co-author Prof. Tom Dening, "However," he warns, "it's important that [people] taking medications of this kind not just stop them abruptly, as this may be much more harmful. If [people] have concerns, then they should discuss them with their doctor to consider the pros and cons of the treatment they are receiving." Adapted from: hitps:// 8. What is the topic of the passage? A. Anticholinergic drugs impact on dementia acceleration. B. Anticholinergic antidepressant as one of culprits of dementia trigger. C. The increasing risk of dementia owing to anticholinergic medication. D. The effect of taking antidepressant towards the alleviation of dementia. E. Dementia risk which is correlated to people's habit on taking antihypertensive drugs.


9. What is likely the author's motive in writing the passage? A. Doctors have found out the most recent medication of memory loss B. There is a tendency that people blame doctors for the increasing rate dementia sufferers C. People haven't yet realized that there are other factors increasing the chance of memory disorders D. Scientists doubt that there are unlikely chance occurrence of dementia due to anticholinergics. E. Anticholinergics have been known to be dangerous to human brain causing memory loss.

10. "These results remained even after the researchers controlled for confounding variables (or known risk factors for dementia), ... ." The word confounding is close in meaning to A. Arranging B. Building C. Credencing D. Amplifying E. Disrupting 11. Which of the following statements is TRUE based on the passage? A. The effect of consuming anticholinergics is to help relax or contract muscles B. The scientists discovered that anticholinergic drugs tended to the risk of dementia C. Acetylcholine containing anticholinergics can be one of causes of dementia for adults D. People taking anticholinergic medications are not suggested to quit consuming the drugs as it more dangerous E. Adults above 55 years old who used this medication for more than three years approximately had 50% higher risk of dementia 12. “Among these, the most frequently prescribed drugs were antidepressants, antivertigo drugs, and bladder antimuscarinic drugs (for the treatment of overactive bladders).” The word prescribed is similar to A. Buy B. Advise C. Search D. Desire E. Looking for


Questions 13-17 are based on the following passage

Honeybees live in colonies with one queen running the whole hive, Worker honeybees are all female and are the only bees most people ever see flying around outside of the hive. They forage for food, build the honeycombs, and protect the hive. Many species still occur in the wild, but honeybees are disappearing from hives due to colony collapse disorder. Scientists are not sure what is causing this collapse. Honeybees are important pollinators for flowers, fruits, and vegetables, They live on stored honey and pollen all winter and cluster into a ball to conserve warmth. All honeybees are social and cooperative insects, Members of the hive are divided into three types. Workers forage for food (pollen and nectar from flowers), build and protect the hive, clean, and circulate air by beating their wings. The queen's job is simple she lays the eggs that will spawn the hive’s next generation of bees. There is usually only a single queen in a hive. If the queen dies, workers will create a new queen by feeding one of the worker females a special food called "royal jelly". This elixir enables the worker to develop into a fertile queen. Queens regulate the hive's activities by producing chemicals that guide the behaviour of the other bees. Male bees are called drones--the third class of honeybee. Several hundred drones live in each hive during the spring and summer but they are expelled for the winter months when the hive goes into a lean survival mode. 13. The word “forage" in paragraph 2 is best replaced by A. outperform. B. alter. C. explore, D. search. E. examine. 14. The sentence "If the queen dies, workers will create a new queen by feeding one of the worker females a special food called ‘royal jelly’" in paragraph 2 can best be restated as A. the queen dies so workers cannot create a new queen by feeding one of the worker females a special food called "royal jelly". B. workers possibly create a new queen by feeding one of the worker females a special food called “royal jelly". C. the queen is still alive; so workers cannot create a new queen by feeding one of the worker females a special food called “royal jelly". D. the queen dies because workers cannot create a new queen by feeding one of the worker females a special food called "royal jelly". E. workers cannot create a new queen by feeding one of the worker females a special food called "royal jelly" because the queen dies.


15. What is the main idea of the passage? A. A.The division in honeybees' colony. B. The disappareance of honeybees from hives due to colony collapse disorder. C. The existence of hive in the colony mode. D. The role of honeybees' queens in regulating the hive's activities by producing chemicals. E. The search of colony done by honeybees.