Future Tense [PDF]

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FUTURE TENSE future tense merupakan sebuah bentuk dari kata kerja yang khusus digunakanuntuk menyatakan atau mengungkapkan sebuah aktifitas atau kegiatan yang akan dilakukan dimasa yang akan datang. Kita semua sudah paham akan hal itu, namun yang jadi masalah adalah dalam kondisi apa dan bagaimana suatu aktifitas atau kegiatan diungkapkan. Hal tersebutlah yang menyebabkan semua jenis tenses dalam bahasa inggris memiliki subjenis-subjenis tense, tidak luput pula tense yang akan kita pelajari ini, yaitu future tense yang memiliki subjenis salah satunya simple future tense 1. Simple Future Tense / Present Future Tense Simple Future Tense atau Present Future Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan yang akan terjadi dimasa akan datang. Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Future Tense Mengekspresikan kalimat Simple Future Tense yang menggunakan kata kerja (VERB) + ? ?

Subject + WILL / SHALL + Verb 1 + Object Subject + WILL / SHALL + NOT + Verb 1 + Object WILL / SHALL + Subject + Verb 1 + Object ? Question Word + WILL / SHALL + Subject + Verb 1 ?

Contoh : + She will go to Paris tomorrow. She will not (won't) go to Paris tomorrow. ? Will she go to Paris tomorrow ? Jawaban: Yes She will, atau She, will not (won't) ? When will she go to Paris? Who will come here? Mengekspresikan kalimat Simple Future Tense yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja (NON VERB) + ? ?

Subject + WILL / SHALL + be + Non Verb + Object Subject + WILL / SHALL + NOT + be + Non Verb + Object WILL / SHALL + Subject + be + Non Verb + Object ? Question Word + WILL/SHALL + Subject + be + Non Verb + Object ?

Contoh : + He will be alone tomorrow. He will not (won't) be alone tomorrow. ? Will he be alone tomorrow? Jawaban: Yes he will, atau No, she will not (won't) ? When will he be in Las Vegas? Why will you be here tomorrow night?

Menggunakan "To Be Going To" Pola kalimat verbal Simple Future Tense dapat diganti dengan kalimat yang menggunakan to be + going to untuk menggantikan shall dan will. Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat menggunakan "To Be Going To" + ? ?

Subject + To be + going to + Verb 1 + Object Subject + To be + Not + going to + Verb 1 + Object To be + Subject + going to + Verb 1 + Object ? Question Word + To be + Subject + going to + verb 1 +?

Contoh : + I am going to read a newspaper tomorrow. I am not going to read a newspaper tomorrow. ? Are you going to read a newspaper tomorrow? What are you going to read? ? Who is going to come here tomorrow? Untuk informasi selengkapnya, silahkan baca juga mengenai fungsi dan penggunaan Will and To Be Going To, semoga bermanfaat. Keterangan waktu untuk Simple Future Tense yang digunakan adalah: tomorrow morning(besok pagi), tomorrow night(besok malam), next week(minggu depan), next year(tahun depan) and so on.

2. Future Continuous Tense Future Continuous Tense atau Future Progressive Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan sedang berlangsung di waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang. Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Future Continuous Tense + ? ?

Subject + WILL / SHALL + be + (Verb + ING) + Object Subject + WILL / SHALL + NOT + be + (Verb + ING) + Object WILL / SHALL + Subject + be + (Verb + ING) + Object ? Question Word + WILL / SHALL + Subject + be + (Verb + ING) + Object?

Contoh : + He will be talking for the business until ten o’clock. I will be working at 10 am. You will not be leaving at this time. Because the car will be taken to repair. ? Will she be playing Jawaban: Yes I will, atau No, I will not (won't) ? What will you be doing at 10 pm tonight?


CATATAN: Kata "Shall" hanya digunakan untuk Subject “I” dan “we” saja.

Terkadang ada sedikit atau bahkan tidak ada perbedaan antara penggunaan Future Continuous Tense den khususnya ketika peristiwa yang akan datang tersebut terjadi pada waktu yang tidak tentu. Perhatikan contoh Don’t get impatient. She will be coming soon. Don’t get impatient. She will come soon.

Keterangan waktu untuk Future Continuous Tense yang digunakan adalah: At this time tomorrow, from seven to nine tonight, soon, etc.

3. Future Perfect Tense Future Perfect Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan telah terjadi atau akan telah selesai dilakukan diwaktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang. CATATAN: Pada Future Perfect Tense semua subject menggunakan kata “Have” sebagai Auxiliary Verb. Kata "Shall" hanya digunakan untuk Subject “I” dan “we” saja. Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Future Perfect Tense Mengekspresikan kalimat Future Perfect Tense yang menggunakan kata kerja (VERB) + ? ?

Subject + WILL / SHALL + Have + Verb 3 + Object Subject + WILL / SHALL + NOT + HAVE + Verb 3 + Object WILL / SHALL + Subject + HAVE + Verb 3 + Object ? Question Word + WILL / SHALL + Subject + HAVE + Verb 3 + Object ?

Contoh : + You will have finished the work, by the end of this month. She will not have gone to home by 10 am. ? Will you have finished your work by tomorrow? Jawaban: Yes I will, atau No, I will not (won't) Shall he have prepared my motorcycle if all of my friends will go by next day? Jawaban: Yes he shall, atau No, he shall not ? When will they have arrived ? Mengekspresikan kalimat Future Perfect Tense yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja (NON VERB) +

Subject + WILL / SHALL + HAVE + Been + Non Verb + Object

? ?

Subject + WILL / SHALL + NOT + HAVE + Been + Non Verb + Object WILL / SHALL + Subject + HAVE + Been + Non Verb + Object ? Question Word + WILL/SHALL + Subject + be + Non Verb + Object ?

Contoh : + By next year, I will have been here for work He will not (won't) have been by the end of this day. ? Will you have been there by tomorrow morning? Jawaban: Yes I will, atau No, I will not (won't) Shall he have been at home by the dinner time? Jawaban: Yes he shall, atau No, he shall not ? When will he have been in New York? Keterangan waktu untuk Future Perfect Tense yang digunakan adalah: By next month, by the next year, by the end of this month, by the end of this day, by the end of this year, etc.

4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense Future Perfect Continuous Tense atau Future Perfect Progressive Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang akan telah sedang berlangsung diwaktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang. Future Perfect Continuous Tense menekankan durasi suatu kegiatan yang akan berlangsung sebelum waktu lain atau peristiwa di masa mendatang.

CATATAN Terkadang antara Future Perfect Tense dengan Future Perfect Continuous Tense memberi arti yang diungkapkan oleh salah satu atau kedua tenses mungkin mulai di masa lalu, seperti: When Professor Jones retires next month, he will have taught for 45 years. When Professor Jones retires next month, he will have been teaching for 45 years. “Terkadang kita menggunakan kata Shall hanya untuk Subject “I” dan “we”.

Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Future Perfect Continuous Tense + ? ?

Subject + Will / Shall + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object Subject + Will / Shall + NOT + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object Will / Shall + Subject + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object ? Question Word + Will / Shall + Subject + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object ?

Contoh : + We will have been practicing the examination by next month. We shall have been sleeping before the morning comes.


She will not have been going for one year. Will the students have been working without their teacher at the time? Jawaban: Yes, they will / No, they will not (won’t) How long will you have been studying when you graduate?


Keterangan waktu : by the end of..(menjelang akhir…)

5. Past Future Tense Past Future Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang akan terjadi pada waktu lampau. Rumus : S+should, would+VI (be)+ ... Contoh : (+) I should be there day before "saya mestinya berada disana kemarin dulu" (-) You would not come here with him "kamu semestinya tidak kesini bersamanya" (?) Would be day a house last year ? "akankah dia membeli sebuah rumah tahun lalu ?" Penggunaannya : 1. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang akan dilakukan pada waktu lampau. Contohnya : I should go to Malang next day "saya akan pergi ke malang pada hari berikutnya" 2. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang akan dilaksanakan apabila syaratnya terpenuhi pada waktu lampau. Contohnya : I would give you something if tou come "saya akan memberimu sesuatu jika kau datang" 3. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tawaran pertolongan kepada orang lain. Contohnya : Would you like a cup of tea? "maukah kau minum secangkir air teh ?" 4. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keharusan yang dipakai sebagai arti mesti atau semestinya. Contoh : I should know that voice"saya mesti mengenal suara itu"

Catatan : 

Should dan Would kita letakan dimuka subject apabila kita hendak membentuk kalimat tanya(introgative). Contohnya : Should we be there last night ? "apakah kita akan berada disini tadi malam?" Kita menambahkan not di belakang should dan would jika kita membentuk suatu kalimat negatif(menyangkal). Contoh : I should not buy a car the day before "saya tidak akan membeli sebuah mobil kemarin dulu" Tanda waktu yang bisa kita temukan dalam bentuk ini adalah :

The next time - keesokan harinya The week before – minggu sebelumnya

The day before – kemarin dulu The month before – bulan sebelumnya

6. Past Future Continuous Tense Past Future Continuous Tense atau Past Future Progressive Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan sedang berlangsung atau akan sedang dilakukan di waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang. Past Future Continuous Tense menggunakan induk kalimat yang berbentuk Simple Past Tense untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang akan sedang berlangsung di waktu tertentu di masa lampau atau untuk menyatakan suatu dugaan atau perkiraan akan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan sedang berlangsung di waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Past Future Continuous Tense + ? ?

Subject + Should / Would + be + (Verb + ING) + Object Subject + Should / Would + NOT + be + (Verb + ING) + Object Should / Would + Subject + be + (Verb + ING) + Object? Question Word + Should / Would + Subject + be + (Verb + ING) + Object?

Contoh : He would be preparing his car from twelve with Jack to three yesterday + noon. They should be studying the lesson in my college for examination last hours. My mother would be cooking vegetables at this hour yesterday morning. They told me that they wouldn’t be giving the present yesterday morning. They shouldn’t be sleeping here. They should be studying the lesson now. Would you be going with Mrs. Anna yesterday evening for studying? Jawaban: Yes, I would be going with Mrs. Anna from six to seven yesterday for studying. ? When your mother cooked. Should you be helping her busy to nine yesterday morning? Jawaban: No, I shouldn’t be helping my mother. I should be studying to nine at this yesterday morning. ? When you should be studying mathematics last night? Keterangan waktu untuk Past Future Continuous Tense yang digunakan adalah: yesterday, last night, last week, last year, yesterday evening, yesterday night and so on.

7. Past Future Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan telah terjadi atau akan telah dilakukan di waktu tertentu di masa lampau. CATATAN: Pada Past Future Perfect Tense semua subject menggunakan kata “Have” sebagai Auxiliary Verb. Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Past Future Perfect Tense Mengekspresikan kalimat Past Future Perfect Tense yang menggunakan kata kerja (VERB) + ? ?

Subject + Would / Should + Have + Verb 3 + Object Subject + Would / Should + NOT + Have + Verb 3 + Object Would / Should + Subject + Have + Verb 3 + Object? Question Word + Would / Should + Subject + Have + Verb 3 + Object?

Contoh : + Anna would have finished her college by the time. I finished my college in the university two years ago. I would not have sent her a letter yesterday. ? Should my father have worn jeans to the party yesterday night? ? How long would you have waited her in in the park? The weather was very cool last night. Mengekspresikan kalimat Past Future Perfect Tense yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja (NON VERB) + ? ?

Subject + Would / Should + Have + been + Object Subject + Would / Should + NOT + Have + been + Object Would / Should + Subject + Have + been + Object? Question Word + Would / Should + Subject + Have + been + Object?

Contoh : + My brother looked for his stuff. He would have been here yesterday night The flowers should not have been wilted last night. ? Would this novel have been here? ? How many hours should Mr. Jim have been at the office by the end of this week? Keterangan waktu untuk Past Future Perfect Tense yang digunakan adalah: By next month, by the next year, by the end of this month, by the end of this day, by the end of this year, etc.

8. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense atau Past Future Perfect Progressive Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan telah sedang berlangsung di waktu yang akan datang dimasa lampau. CATATAN: Pada Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense semua subject menggunakan kata “Have” sebagai Auxiliary Verb. Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense + ? ?

Subject + Would / Should + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object Subject + Would / Should + NOT + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object Would / Should + Subject + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object? Question Word + Would / Should + Subject + Have + been + (Verb + ING) + Object?

Contoh : My mother would have been resigning in this institute for two months by + the time, I finished the college three months ago. The road was dark. By the time we should have been arriving to home last night. Sarah should have been looking happy for the gift last night. He would not have been staying for live in here for two years ago. When it rain. I should not have been going to the cinema at time ago. You shouldn’t have been sleeping here last night? ? Would they have been surrendering their country for the world peace in the last year ago? Jawaban: No, they wouldn’t have been surrendering. They would have been defending their country for the world peace in the last year ago. ? When should john have been climbing a big mountain? Jawaban: John should have been climbing a big mountain with his friends last year. Keterangan waktu untuk Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense yang digunakan adalah: For, By next month, by the next year, by the end of this month, by the end of this day, by the end of this year, etc.



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