Gaahmg-English-Arabic Dictionary [PDF]

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Gaahmg-EnglishArabic Dictionary Authors: Hashim Orta Adaw (Taw dialect) Sadig Bashir Tingala (Taw) Huda Daldoum (Taw) Anur Omar Salva Adam (Kuulaahg) Musa Abdul hkim (Buwahg) Ezadin Abir Adik (Goor) Yaasir Khamis Konjur (Kukuli) with Timothy Stirtz


This book is a list of some of the most common words spoken by the Gaahmg. The words are listed with correct, agreed-upon spelling. The meaning of each word is given in English and Arabic.

© 2015, Gaahmg Language Committee & Development and Literacy Partners International & Sudan Workshop Programme Trial Edition April 2015 Publisher: Sudan Workshop Programme Place of Publication: Nairobi

Introduction In the Gaahmg language, there are different types of words: nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, connectors, and others. This dictionary lists many words and tells what kind of word each is. It also gives the meaning of each word in English and Arabic. Each word is listed according to the order of the alphabet letters so that it is easier to find the words. This book also shows how each word should be spelled. The lessons of the Gaahmg Consonant and Vowel Book and the Gaahmg Grammar Book should be learned and used along with this dictionary. It is especially important for those writing books to check the spelling of words using this book. If all writers spell the way that words are written in this dictionary, it will be easier for readers to recognize each word when they read them. Any words in this book that are not spelled correctly or have the wrong English or Arabic meaning should be marked in pencil. You should then tell the authors the correct spelling or meaning so that they can correct the next printing.


How to Read an Entry in this Dictionary When you look in the dictionary, you will see many lines of words. Some look similar to the example below: aare [áàrɛ̄] n grass name ‫ ﻧﻮع ﻣﻦ اﻟﻘﺶ‬aareg [áàrɛ̄g] Here’s what the words mean: •

• • •

The word aare in bold is called the ‘entry’. All the words after it give information about this word. All entries are listed according to the order of the Gaahmg alphabet letters. See the Gaahmg Aphlabet Order below for the list of letters in order. Entries that are nouns are in the singular form (only one of the noun). Entries that are verbs are in the infinitive form (following e doos e ‘he begins to’). Next, [áàrɛ̄] shows the sound of the word in symbols that can be used for any language of the world. This is so that people who don’t know Gaahmg can pronounce the word correctly. Next, the letter n in bold italics shows the word category (type of word) is a noun. See the Word Category Abbreviations below for a list of all possible word category abbreviations. Next, the words grass name is the definition of the entry and shows its meaning in English. The words ‫ ﻧﻮع ﻣﻦ اﻟﻘﺶ‬show the meaning in Arabic. The word aareg in bold is the plural of the entry. It is how to say more than one of the noun. Only entries that are nouns, adjectives, quantities, or demonstratives have a plural form. Some nouns do not have a plural form. These are marked with the word category Some plural nouns do not have a singular form and are marked with the word category See Singular and Plural Nouns below for a list of the most common ways of forming singular and plural nouns. Finally, [áàrɛ̄g] shows the sound of the plural.

Now look at another example entry. ahd [ə᷇d]̪ v.t make, change ‫اﺑﻘﻴﻬﺎ‬ • • •

The word ahd in bold is the entry. The word [ə᷇d]̪ shows the sound of the word in symbols used for all languages of the world. The v.t shows the word is a transitive verb. It is an action word that can have an object. Entries that are verbs are in the infinitive form. This means it can follow the words e doos e ‘he begins to’.


Here is another entry. ) story ‫ ﻗﺼﺺ‬cawreeg [càɔ̀rɛ̄ɛḡ ] cawr [càɔ̀r] n 1) rabbit 2 ‫ارﻧﺐ‬฀ • • • •

cawr is the entry and singular form of the noun. [càɔr̀ ] shows the sound of the word. n shows the entry is a noun. Next, we read 1) rabbit 2 ‫ارﻧﺐ‬฀ ) story ‫ ﻗﺼﺺ‬. These are two definitions (meanings) of the entry in English and Arabic, where the definitions are related (similar) in some way. 1) rabbit ‫ ارﻧﺐ‬is the most common meaning. 2) story ‫ ﻗﺼﺺ‬is the next most common meaning.

Here are two other entries. aay1 [ááɛ́] n honey ‫ ﻋﺴﻞ‬aayg [ááɛ́g] aay2 [ààɛ̀] n termite ‫اﺻﺮار‬ •

• • • • •

There is a small number 1 after the entry aay1. This means there is another word aay2 that has the same letters but a completely different meaning. The word aay1 means ‘honey’ and aay2 means ‘termite’. The two words are not related, and just happen to have the same spelling. [áaɛ́ ]́ shows the sound or pronunciation in an alphabet used for all languages of the world. It shows the sound of aay [áaɛ́ ]́ ‘honey’ (with High tone) is different than the sound of aay [àaɛ̀ ]̀ ‘termite’ (with Low tone). n shows the word category of both words is a noun. honey and termite are the definitions in English. ‫ ﻋﺴﻞ‬and ‫ اﺻﺮار‬are the definitions in Arabic. aayg is the plural form of aay honey. [ááɛ́g] is the sound of the plural form.

Now look at this entry. kurd [ku᷇rd̪] (k kor say, speak) v.c 1) read 2 ‫ ﻗﺮاءه‬/ ‫ )اﻗﺮاء‬tell, inform kor [kɔ́r] v.t say, speak ‫ ﻛﻼم‬/‫{ ﺣﺪﻳﺚ‬kor, korra} {kurd} • •

kurd is the entry The word (kor say, speak) shows that kurd ‘read’, ‘tell, inform’ is made from the word kor ‘say, speak’ and has a different meaning. The bold word between parentheses kor is also listed as a separate entry. When you go to the entry kor, the word {kurd} is listed as a subentry between braces { }. We donꞌt know the meaning of {kurd} by looking at the entry kor. To learn this, we must go to the entry kurd. The words {kor, korra} show that kor, korra is also listed as a separate entry in another place in the dictionary.


Now look at another entry. ahsahr [ə́sə̀r] Bw (Arabic) n army ‫ ﺟﻨﺪى ﻋﺴﻜﺮى‬ahsahrg [ə́sə̀rg] •

The words Bw (Arabic) show this entry ahsahr is borrowed from Arabic.

Here is one final entry. semee [sɛ́mɛ̄ɛ]̄ K,B) sema G) simia L) somia n insect name ‫ﻧﻮع ﻣﻦ اﻟﺤﺸﺮات‬ semeeg [sɛ́mɛ̄ɛḡ ] K,B) semag G) simiag L) somiag • •

Entries in this dictionary such as semee are nearly always in the Jog Taw dialect. The words K,B) sema G) simia L) somia in italics show the entry semee is said differently in other dialects. K,B) sema shows the word is said sema the Kuulaahg and Buwahg dialects. G) simia shows the word is said simia in the Goor dialect. L) somia shows the word is said somia in the Kukuli dialect. If a word is not listed for a certain dialect, it may be said the same as the entry in the Taw dialect. See the Dialect Abbreviations below for a list of dialect abbreviations in this dictionary. After the plural noun semeeg [sɛ́mɛ̄ɛḡ ], the words K,B) semag in italics shows the plural is said semag in the Kuulaahg and Buwahg dialects. G) simiag shows the plural is said simiag in the Goor dialect. L) somiag shows the plural is said somiag in the Kukuli dialect.

Gaahmg Alphabet Order The words in this dictionary are listed according to the order of the Gaahmg letters. Gaahmg has 28 letters, and they are in the following order. Gaahmg Alphabet [a] Aa Ah ah [ə] Bb [b] Cc [c] Dd [d̪] Dh dh [ɖ] Ee [ɛ] Ff [f] Gg [g] Ii [i] Jj [ɟ] Kk [k] Ll [l] Mm [m]

aam aahr buur cawr daahr dhagar eed fodor gaam idig jaa kolg lew mas

bone sheep gourd pot hare snake tortoise eye nose mountain eyes boy, son eggs grain storage spear 7

Nn Ng ng Ny ny Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Th th Uu Ww Yy Zz ꞌ

[n] [ŋ] [ɲ] [ɔ] [p] [r] [s] [t ̪] [ʈ] [u] [w] [y] [ð̞] [ʔ]

naand ngahw nyaang ool pahnyu ruusu saaw tel thoogeel uud wee yoo aza paꞌan

day cat crocodile head porcupine tail grass cutter sun grass cutter wasp house old person dog was guarding

Word Category Abbreviations Here is a list of all word category abbreviations in the dictionary, and what they mean: adj adj.der adv con dem expres indef loc

adjective adjective derived plural adjective singular adjective adverb connector demonstrative expression indefinite location

n n.pos

noun plural noun possessed noun num.ord part pos

singular noun cardinal number ordinal number particle possessive




dative pronoun


locative pronoun

describes a following noun a verb used as an adjective a plural adjective that has no singular form a singular adjective that has no plural form describes a verb joins clauses, phrases or sentences points to or shows which noun is talked about an expressive word that is a sentence by itself an unspecified noun describes the location of an action in relation to preceding noun a person, animal, place, thing, or idea a plural noun that has no singular form a noun such as ool ‘your head’ that cannot be without possession a singular noun that has no plural form tells how many of a noun there are tells the order of a noun in a list word or suffix that has a special use takes the place of an owner and the noun owned introduces a noun phrase that describes a previous action takes the place of a noun the action is done to or for takes the place of the location of a noun 8

pron.obj pron.obj.spec pron.pos.ali pron.pos.inal i pron.prep pron.reason pron.refx pron.s.aft

object pronoun special object pronoun alienable possessive pronoun inalienable possessive pronoun prepositional pronoun reason pronoun reflexive pronoun

quan ques ques.foc

subject pronoun after verb conditional subject pronoun dependent subject pronoun future subject pronoun long subject pronoun short subject pronoun quantity question word focus question word


causative verb

v.adj v.i v.t v.n

verb adjective intranstive verb transitive verb verbal noun

pron.s.cond pron.s.depd pron.s.fut pron.s.l pron.s.s

takes the place of a noun object takes the place of noun object in the result of a condition and other special sentences takes the place of a possessor noun possessing a detachable noun takes the place of a possessor noun possessing a body part or family name takes the place of a noun prepositional phrase takes the place of a noun doing a reason verb used to emphasize a noun object, or used for the same noun receiving an action that does the action shows the doer of the action; attached to the end of the verb shows the action is a condition shows the action is in a dependent clause shows the action is in the future used to emphasize a noun subject takes the place of a noun subject describes the amount of a noun asks a question asks a question with focus (where one word is more important than others) the subject of the verb causes someone else to do the action an adjective used as a verb a verb that does not have an object a verb that can have an object a verb used as a noun

Dialect Abbreviations Here is a list of dialect abbreviations in the dictionary, and what they mean: T K B G L

Taw Kuulaahg Buwahg Goor Kukuli 9

Singular and Plural Nouns There are several ways that nouns have singular and plural forms. Some nouns add a suffix in both the singular and plural forms (as in mored ‘vegetable’ moreg ‘vegetables’). Other nouns only add a suffix in the plural form (as in rimaah ‘star’ rimaahg ‘stars’). Still other nouns that are uncountable only have a singular form (such as buil ‘fog’). Nouns that are collectives only have a plural form (such as iig ‘milk’). Percentage Singular noun Plural noun 70%







bird type







i ̄i ̄g


The following suffixes are found on plural nouns: Plural suffixes # Singular noun

Plural noun

406 -g








local broom





knife sheath















bird type





maternal uncle










my head/our heads


The following suffixes are found on singular nouns (All nouns that add a sufix in the singular form also add a suffix in the plural form): Singular suffixes # Singular noun

Plural noun

49 -d



bird type





priest, chief





tree type







A -áa, -áah [áā, ə́ə̄] pron.s.aft we ‫نحن‬

aar [āār] n naturally salty ground ‫ارض‬ ‫ طبيعة صالح للزرعة‬aarg [āārg]

aad [āād̪] n.pos my eye/my eyes/our eyes ‫ عيني‬ahdahg [ə́d̪ə̄g, ə̀d̪ə̄g]

aare [áàrɛ̄] n grass name ‫نوع من القش‬ aareg [áàrɛ̄g]

aag [āāg] n.pos my mouth/our mouthes ‫ فمي‬aahg [ə̀ə̀g]

aas [áàs] n.pos my hand/my hands/our hands ‫ يد‬ahsahg [ə́sə̄g, ə̀sə̄g]

-aaga, -aahgah [aagá, əəgə́, áāgá,

aasaaman [áásááma᷇n] five ‫ احد االيادي‬/ ‫خمسه‬

ə́əg ̄ ə́] pron.obj us ‫نحن‬ aal1 [áál] n animal fence/pen ‫{ زريبة‬aal

aasa [ààsà] n basket name ‫ السلة‬/‫القفة‬ aasag [ààsàg]

mu ?} aalg [áālg] aal2 [āāl] n.pos my head/our heads ‫راسي‬

aay1 [ááɛ́] n honey ‫ عسل‬aayg [ááɛ́g]

{d-aalg2} {d-aahlg2} aahlg [ə̀ə̀lg]

aay2 [ààɛ̀] n termite ‫اصرار‬

aalg [āālg] n.pos my stomach/our stomaches ‫بطون‬/ ‫{ بطن‬d-aalg1} {d-

a [á, ā, à] pron.s.s I, I (infinitive), we (infinitive) ‫لي‬

aahlg1} aahlg [ə̀ə̀lg]

-a [à] ques (question marker)

aam [áám] n bone ‫ عظم‬aamg [áámg]

â [a᷇] pron.s.f I ‫انا‬

aamsa [āāmsá] (am be dried) adj.der 1) dry 2 ‫ )جاف ناشف يابس‬tired ‫فتور تعب‬ aamsa [āāmsá]

ã [ā] pron.reas in order that I, he, they ‫الي‬ ä [ā, á] pron.pos.inali my ‫{ حقي‬d-

aan [āān] pron.s.l I ‫انا‬

aamu} {d-aahmuug}

aang [āāŋ] n.pos my body/our bodies

-á, -aná, -áh, -ahnáh [á, āná, ə́, ə̄nə́] par (unmentioned subject) (passive)

‫ اجساد‬/ ‫{ جسد‬d-aahng} {d-aahngg} aahngg [ə̀ə̀ŋg]

-a, -ah [a, ə] pron.obj me

aany [āāɲ] n.pos my back/our backs

-â, -âh [a᷇, ə᷇] pron.s.cond if we

‫ خلفي‬/‫{ ظھري‬d-aany} {d-aahny} aahnyg [ə̀ə̀ɲg]

-ǎ, -ǎh [ā, ə̄] pron.s.depd when we -a, -ah, -n, -an, -ahn1 [ā, ə̄, n̄, ān,

-aany, -eeny [ááɲ, ɛ́ɛɲ ́ ] loc behind, in back of -aahnyg [ə́ə̀ɲg]

ə̄n] par is, are, be (copula on noun) -a,


-ah [à, ə̀]

-ân, -âhn [án, ə́n] par is continuing (shows present continuous verb)

-a, -ah, -n, -an, -ahn2 [á, ə́, n, an, ən] par the (known one) (definite on noun) -a, -ah [á, ə́]

-ǎn, -ǎhn [a᷄n, ə᷄n] par was continuing (shows past continuous verb)

ab [àb] v.i sits, rides ‫ركوب‬

-an, -ahn, -n [a᷇n, ə᷇n, n̄] par to or for (dative case on nouns) -an, -ahn [a᷇n, ə᷇n]

abad [àbād̪] L) apud n tree name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الشجر الصاق المتسلق‬abazag [àbāðāg] K) abadag B) abaad G) abatag L) apudiig

-än, -ähn, -ön, -ün [an, ən, ɔn, un] par (unmentioned object) (Antipassive)

abee [ābɛ́ɛ ́] n maternal uncle ‫خال اخ‬ ‫ الوالدة‬abeed [ābɛ́ɛ̄d̪]

ana [ānà] adv like this ‫زي كده‬

ad1 [ád̪] v.i arrive, come ‫وصل‬

andars [ànd̪àrs] n insect name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الحشرات‬andarsag [ànd̪àrsàg]

ad2 [ád] v.i become, be consumed /‫بقي‬ ‫يبقي‬

andarsag pl. of andars

afad [áfád̪] n blood ‫ دم‬afaag [áfáāg] K) afazag G) afayeg B) afag L) afadiig

andas [ànd̪ās] (an stay, live, sit) relationship, cohabitation, living, life ‫حياة بقاء‬

ag [āg, àg] pron.s.s we, we (infinitive)

aneen [ánɛ̄ɛń ] adv like this ‫زي كده‬

âg [a᷇g] pron.s.f we ‫نحن‬ äg [āg] pron.pos.inali our ‫حقنا‬

anenda [ānɛ̄ndá] con therefore, then ‫ولذلك‬

agaar [àgáár] n 1) rider 2 ‫ )ركيب‬hunter agaarg [àgáārg]

Anga [áŋá] Taw area name ‫منطقة‬ ‫السلك‬

aga [āgá] pron.s.l we ‫نحن‬ aj [àɟ] (ay sour) v.adj be sour ‫مراره‬

angar [āŋàr] n bed of wood and rope ‫ سرير‬/‫ عنقريب‬angareeg [àŋàrɛ̀ɛ̀g]

ald [āld̪] K,B,G,L) alas n fox ‫ ثعلب‬aldag [āld̪āg]

ange [áŋɛ́(g)] n elephant ‫ فيل‬angeeg [áŋɛ́ɛ̄g]

aldaa [āld̪áá] K,G) aldaag n 1) earth 2 ‫ )ارض‬dust ‫ تراب‬aldaag [āld̪áág] K,G) aldeeg

angefa ? n tree name ‫نوع من الشجر‬ ar1 [âr] (ars2 1 scrape) v.i 1) be frightened 2) be aware ‫اذا‬

am [ām] v.i be dried ‫ جاف‬/ ‫نشاف‬

ar2 [ār] con 1) if 2) as

{aamsa} {amsad}

ar3 [ār] expres hey, behold ‫ ال‬/‫حركه تخويف‬

amsad [ámsád̪] (am be dried) dryness ‫جاف ناشف يابس‬

araad [ārāàd̪] n lake ‫ بحيرة‬araag [ārāàg]

an [àn] v.i stay, live, sit ‫حي‬/ ‫موجود‬

ars1 [àrs] n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬arsag [àrsàg]



ars2 [ārs] v.t 1) scrape {ar1} 2) frighten, scare ‫ تخويف‬/‫ح‬

aahr1 [ə́əŕ ] n tree bark ‫ ليح الشجر‬aahrg [ə́ə̄rg] B,L) aahriig

aw [āɔ̄] n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬awg [āɔ̄g]

aahr2 [ə̀ər̀ ] n sheep ‫ خراف‬aahriig [ə̀ə̀rììg]

awdamalo [àɔ̀d̪àmàlɔ̄] expres thank you, bless, oh my goodness ‫سعاداتى انا‬ ‫فى غاية السعادة عنما فعلتة لى‬

aahr3 [ə̄ər̄ ] n anger ‫{ حذن او ذعل‬aahri} aahriig [ə̄ə̄rīīg]

aweelg [áwɛ̀ɛl̄ g] sky ‫سماء‬

aahri [ə̄ər̄ ī] (aahr3 anger) troubled, angry person ‫زعل‬

awees [āwɛ̄ɛs̄ ] K) awas n bird name ‫ نوع من طيور الجبال الكبار‬aweesag [āwɛ̄ɛ̄sāg] K) awasag

aahz [ə̄əð ̄ ] B) ahw L) ahwahd n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬aahziig [ə̄ə̄ðíīg] B) ahwiig L) ahwahdiig

awl [àɔ̀l] n brother ‫ اخ‬awleeg [àɔ̀lɛ̄ɛ̄g]

ahbud [ə̀bùd̪] K) ahbuund G) ahpuud L) ahbubud n insect name ‫ فراشة‬ahbug [ə̀bùg] K) ahbuuꞌiig B) ahbudahg G) ahpuuꞌiig L) ahbubudahg

awr, awrg [àɔ̀r, àɔ̀rg] n priest, chief ‫ شيخ‬awreeg [àɔ̀rɛ̄ɛ̄g] awre [àɔ̀rɛ̄] responsibility of elders ‫شياخة تملك تلك الوظيفة‬

ahd [ə᷇d̪] v.t make, change ‫ابقيھا‬ ahdahng [ə̄d̪ən ̄ g] pride ‫تكبر كبريا‬ ‫تمثيل‬

aws [áɔ̀s] n dried food from sorghum ‫ اكل خاص للقمق‬awsag [áɔ̀sàg]

ahgahn [ə̄gə᷇n] pron.dat to or for us ‫لنا‬

ay [áɛ̀] adj sour ‫{ مر المزاق‬aj} ayg [áɛ̀g]

-ahgahn [ə᷇gə́n, ə᷅gə̄n] pron.dat to or for us

aza [áðá] B) aa G) aw L) aado n dog ‫ كلب‬azag [áðág] B) aag G) awg L) aadog

ahild [ə́íld̪] cold ‫برد‬

aahl [ə̀əl̀ ] n hyena ‫الضبع‬/ ‫ المرفعين‬aahliig [ə̀ə̀līīg]

ahmii [ə́mīī] n ant name ‫ نملة‬ahmiig [ə́mīīg]

aahm [ə̄əm ̄ ] n yawn ‫ تثاؤب‬aahmg, aahmahng [ə̄ə̄mg, ə̄ə̄mə̄ng]

ahmuu [ə́mūū] K,B,G,L) ahmah n bee name ‫ نوع من النھل الجاف‬ahmuug [ə́mūūg] K,B,G,L) ahmahg ahn [ə́n] adj bad ‫سالب بطال شين غبى‬ ahngg [ə́ŋg]

aahmaah [ə̀əm ̀ ə̄ə̄] K,B,G) aahm n liver ‫ كبدة‬aahmaahg [ə̀ə̀mə̄ə̄g] K,B,G) aahmg aahn [ə́ən ̀ ] pron.pos.ali my (sg noun)/my (pl noun) ‫ حقي‬ahnahg [ə́nə̀g]

-ãhn [ə᷇n, ə᷅n] pron.dat to or for me ahnah [ə́nə̄] pron.dat to or for me ‫لنا‬/ ‫لي‬ ahndaahr [ə̀nd̪əə́ ŕ ] n tree name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الشجر‬ahndaahrg [ə̀nd̪ə́ə̄rg]

aahnah [ə́ən ̀ ə̀] pos mine (sg noun)/mine (pl noun) ‫ حقي‬ahnahgah [ə́nə̀gə̀] aahng [ə̄əŋ ̄ ] pron.refx myself

ahnii [ə̀nìì] adj evil, ugly, bad, broken ‫ عداوة‬ahniig [ ə̀nììg]


ahngah [ə̄ŋə̀] n young girl ‫ فتاء‬ahngg [ə᷆ŋg]

ahwd [əud̪] (ab sits, rides) v.t make sit ‫جلوس‬

ahrahng [ə̄rə́ŋ] ques why ‫لماذا ما السبب؟‬

ahyah [ə́yə́] n oil, fat ‫ شھم او دھن‬ahyahg [ə́yə́g]

ahrngahd [ə̀rŋə̀d̪] n insect name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الحشرات‬ahrngahg [ə̀rŋə̀g]

ahyahn [ə̄yə̀n] pron.pos.ali our (sg noun)/our (pl noun) ‫ حقنا‬ahyahg [ə̄yə̀g]

ahsahgdi1 [ə́sə̄gd̪î] (ahsahgdi2) num.ord tenth ‫عشرة‬

ahyahnah [ə̄yə̀nə̀] pos ours (sg noun)/ours (pl noun) ‫ حقنا‬ahyahgah [ə̄yə̀gə̀] ahyuu [ə̄yúú] K,B) ahyaah G,L) ahjah n local tooth brush ‫مسواك لى نظافة االسنان‬ ahyuug [ə̄yúūg] K,B) ahyaahg G) ahjahg L) ahjiig

ahsahgdi2 [ə́sə̄gd̪í] ten ‫عشرة‬ ahsahgdi1 ahsahgdi i na dhaag [ə́sə̄gd̪í ì ná ɖáāg] twelve ‫اثني عشر‬ ahsahgdi i na taman [ə́sə̄gd̪í ì ná

ahzahg, ahzahgaahd [ə̀ðə̀g,

t ̪āmán] eleven

ə̀ðə̀gə̀əd ̀ ̪] greed, stingyness ‫فمى‬ ‫جبار بخيل حب الزات‬

ahsahr [ə́sə̀r] Bw (Arabic) n army ‫ جندى عسكرى‬ahsahrg [ə́sə̀rg]

B baa [baa] v.i want ‫ استلم‬/‫امسك‬

Baar [bāár] n member of 'Bagara' tribe (Western Sudan) ‫قبيلة البقارة فى غرب‬ ‫ السودان‬Baarg [bāárg]

baal1 [bāāl] L) gaalo n cave ‫غار جحر‬ baalgiilg [baalgiilg] L) gaalojag

baar [báár] adj weak, unable, thin ‫ ضعيف غير قادر‬baarg [báárg]

baal2 [bāàl] n wooden instrument name ‫ زمبارة‬baalg [bāàlg]

baard [bāārd̪] n abdomen, stomach ‫ تحت الصره‬baareeg [bāārɛ̄ɛ̄g]

baal3 [bāàl] adj striped, colored ‫ملون‬ baalg [bāàlg] baaland [bāālànd̪] stripe

baasar [báásàr] adj.der lying ‫ نفاق‬/ ‫كذب‬ baasar [báásàr]

baaleemaa [bààlɛ̀ɛm ̀ àà] n knee cap ‫ زوع من الحجر‬/ ‫ ركبه‬baaleemaag [bààlɛ̀ɛ̀mààg]

baaw [bààɔ̀] n father ‫ والد‬/ ‫ اب‬baawaad [bààwāād̪]

baam [bààm] n bird name ‫نوع من الطير‬ baameeg [bààmɛ̀ɛ̀g] K) baamg

baaw eelg [bááɔ́ ɛ́ɛĺ g] n valley (in area) ‫ بين جبلين‬baaweelg iilg [bááwɛ́ɛ́lg íìlg]

baan fol [báān fɔ́l] adj able ‫ قادر‬baan fulg [báān fu᷇lg]

bad [bād̪] v.t 1) hit, puncture, make a hole in, penetrate 2) throw, send /‫حفر‬ 15


bare [bārɛ̀] adv now ‫ االن‬/ ‫حالي‬

bada [bád̪à] K,B) bata G) bate n gourd (used as milk cup) ‫ الخراج السمن‬/‫بقسه‬ badag [bád̪àg] K,B,G) bateeg

barool1 [bàrɔ̀ɔl̀ ] n snake name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الثعابين الكبار جدا‬barooleeg [bàrɔ̀ɔ̀lɛ̄ɛ̄g] barool2 [bārɔ̄ɔl̄ ] K) burul B) burunad n cistern ‫ حجر تتجمع فية المياة‬baroolg [bārɔ̄ɔ̄lg] K) burulg B) burunadig

bag [bàg] v.t 1) take, bring, catch, grab 2 ‫ اتي بشئ‬/ ‫ )اخذ‬peel 3) want bagdars [bāgd̪àrs] K) pogtar B) bogtar G) pagtar n lizard ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الزواحف‬bagdarsag [bāgd̪àrsàg] K) pogtars B) bogtarsag G) pagtor

basaar [bàsáàr] n lie ‫ كزب‬basaarg [bàsáàrg] basad [bāsàd̪] n large intestine ‫مصران‬ ‫ كبير‬basag [bāsàg]

baj [bāɟ] v.t wash, filter ‫غسيل‬

basar1 [básár] n dried food from sorghum ‫ سوورج اكلة ناشفة‬basarg [bása᷇rg]

bajwaar [bàɟwáár] K,B,G,L) bajbaar n marabu, bird name ‫نوع من الطيور‬ bajwaarg [bàɟwáārg] K,G,B) bajbaarg L) bajbaariig

basar2 v.t lie

bald [bàld̪] n birthing tool (rope belt for squeezing) ‫قاش تستعملة النساء بعد الوالدة‬ baldag [bàld̪àg]

bay [bāɛ̀] n water jug from gourd ‫كوب‬ ‫ ماء من القرع اليابسة‬bayg [bāɛ̀g] bayl [bàɛ̀l] K,B) baal L) baala n grass name ‫ نوع من القش بة رائحة‬baylg [bàɛ̀lg] K) baalg L) baalajag

balee [ba᷄lɛ̄ɛ ̄] n 1) tree name ‫نوع من‬ 2 ‫ )الشجر المفتوح داخليا‬local flute baleeg [ba᷄lɛ̄ɛ̄g]

baah [bə́ə]́ adj acidic, sour ‫حامض او خمير‬ baahg [bə́ə́g]

bamalja [bámàlɟā] n morning star ‫نجم‬ ‫ الصباح‬bamaljag [bámàlɟāg]

baahd [bə́əd ̄ ̪] v.t 1) wear 2 ‫ )لبس‬cross over

band [bànd̪] n tree name ‫نوع من الشجر‬ bandag [bànd̪āg]

baahfi [bə̄əf̄ ì] Taw village name ‫قرية بوفي في محليه باو‬

bandhal1 [bānɖál] (bandhal2 weak, unhealthy) v.adj be weak ‫ضعيف‬ bandhal2 [bánɖāl] adj weak, unhealthy ‫{ ضعيف غير صحى‬bandhal1} bandhalg [bánɖālg] bar [bár] v.t pick, pick-up ‫ اخرف‬/‫خم‬

baahz [bə̄əð ̄ ] K) bahin B) bahi G) bahyah L) bahtah n salt ‫ ملح‬baahzg, baahzahg [bə̄ə̄ðg, bə̄ə̄ðə̄g] bahd [bə̄d̪] v.i appear, be found / ‫ظھور‬ ‫اظھر‬

Baraa [bàrāā] n member of 'Berta' clan ‫ قبيلة البرتا فى الجھة الشرقية للقمق‬baraag [bàrāāg]

bahl [bə̄l] n 1) vagina ‫المھبل اى الجھاذ‬

barand [bāránd̪] n tape worm, cow illness ‫ مرض مصران العجال‬barandag [bāránd̪āg]

-bahl [bə̄l] (bahl 1 vagina) loc under, beneath -bahlg [bə̀lg]

‫{ التناذلى لالنثى‬-bahl} 2) bottom of something bahlg [bə̀lg]


Bahlj [bə̀lɟ] Kuulaahg village name ‫قرية فى مدينة باو‬

bel1 [bɛ̄l] v.t have, possess ‫يمتلك‬ bel2 [bɛ᷇l] 1) v.t is named, is called 2) n name ‫تسميه‬

Bahlmahd [bə̀lmə̀d̪] Taw village name ‫قرية بلمد‬

bell [bɛ̀l] 1) v.t hit, beat, shoot 2) v.i burst ‫ضرب‬/ ‫اضرب‬

bahn [bə̀n] v.t live, recover ‫استشفاء‬ {bahnaahg}

bemalj [bɛ́málɟ] n tree name ‫نوع الشجر‬ bemaljag [bɛ́málɟāg]

bahnaahg [bə̄nə̀əg ̀ ] (bahn live, recover) v.n healing ‫شفاء‬

benyj [bɛ̀ɲɟ] B) benaad L) beng n side (upper hip), ‫{ جنب صفحة‬-benyj} benyaag [bɛ̀ɲāāg] K) benyjag B) benaadag G) benyg L) bengaag

bahndiil [bə̀nd̪īīl] K) bahnaahl B) bahndaahn n tendon, sinew ‫عصبة‬ bahndiilg [bə̀nd̪īīlg] K) bahnaahlg B) bahndaahngg

-benyj [bɛ̀ɲɟ] (benyj side (upper hip),) loc beside, next to -benyaag [bɛ̀ɲāāg]

bahngahrg [bə̀ŋə̀rg] skin disease ‫ نوع من االمراض الجلديه‬/ ‫بھك‬

ber1 [bɛ́r] adj clean ‫{ نظيف‬ber2}

bahnyj [bə̀ɲɟ] n pulp (remainder after wine making) ‫ شك الخمره‬bahnyjahg [bə̀ɲɟə̄g]

{birahndahg} berg [bɛ́rg] ber2 [bɛ̄r] (ber1 clean) v.adj be clean ‫ابقي نظيف‬

bahrahng [bə̄rə̀ng] correction ‫تعديل اوتصليح‬

bera [bɛ̀rà] adj red ‫ احمر‬berag [bɛ̀ràg]

bahrd [bə̀rd̪] L) bahrahd n lion ‫اسد‬ bahraahg [bə̀rə̄ə̄g] K,B) bahrdahg G) bahriig L) bahrdiig

berd1 [bɛ̄rd̪] n anus ‫ فتحة الشرج‬birdahg [bìrd̪ə̄g] berd2 [bɛ᷇rd̪] v.c satisfy ‫شبع‬

bahrgahng [bə̄rgə̀ŋ] boiling ‫تسخين‬

bernyaw [bɛ̀rɲáɔ̀] n tomatoe ‫طماطم‬ bernyawg [bɛ̀rɲâwg]

bahzahl [bə̀ðə̂l] n profit-making business ‫ تجارة استثمار‬bahzaahlg [bəðəəlg]

bers [bɛ᷇rs] v.t tell ‫{ يحكي‬bersag ?}

bee [bɛ̀ɛ ]̀ v.t say, speak, tell /‫ تحدث‬/‫تكلم‬ ‫حديث‬

bew [bɛ̄ɔ ̀] n tree name ‫شجرة البيواق او‬ ‫ الكالتو‬bewg [bɛ̄ɔ̀g]

beel [bɛ̄ɛl̀ ] K,B) peel L) peela n metal

bij [bìɟ] v.t leave (behind), (implied meaning 'let us') ‫اترك‬

‫{ حديد‬gaal e beel ?} beelg [bɛ̄ɛ̀lg] K,B) peeleeg L) peelaag

bildahg [bìld̪əg ̄ ] worms (cow illness) ‫ديدان السكارس‬

been [bɛ̀ɛǹ ] n gossip ‫ وسوسة‬/‫فتنة‬ beenaad [bɛ̀ɛ̀nāād̪]

bimahl [bìmə̀l] n strong grass for making door ‫ نوع من القش‬bimahlg [bìmə̀lg] bimirij [bìmìríɟ] n bird name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الطير‬bimirijahg, bimiriig [bìmìríɟə̄g,

beer [bɛ̄ɛŕ ] v.i be satisfied ‫يشبع‬ bedej v.i finish ‫ خلص‬/‫انتھي‬



bondoos [bɔ̀nd̪ɔɔ̀ s̀ ] n bath spong ‫ليفة‬ ‫ للحمام‬bondoosag [bɔ̀nd̪ɔ̀ɔ̀sāg]

bimsahg [bìmsə̄g] dawn ‫وقت‬ ‫{ الصباح‬bimsuuguul} {kayn e

bonja [bɔ̀ɲɟà] (bony be big) adj.der developed, finished bonja [bɔ̀ɲjà]

bimsahg ?}

bongma [bɔ̀ŋmà] K,G) bongaa B) bogwan L) bongama n bettle, insect name ‫ نوع من الحشرات‬bongmad [bɔ̀ŋmàd̪] K,G) bongaag B) bogwangg

bimsuuguul [bìmsūūgúúl] (bimsahg dawn, -ool above, over, on) early morning (dawn.up) ‫الصباح الباكر‬ bir [bír] adv openly ‫ شاسع‬/ ‫واسع‬

bony [bɔ̀ɲ] v.i be big ‫ يربي‬/ ‫يكبر‬ {bonja} {bonyaag} {bunyd}

birahndahg [bīrə̄nd̪əg ̄ ] (ber1 clean) cleaning ‫ينظف تنظيف يطھر‬

bonyaag [bɔ̄ɲààg] (bony be big) v.n profit ‫ربح زيادة نمو تقدم‬

bool [bɔ̀ɔl̀ ] n crack in dried mud ‫شق فى‬ ‫ االرض الطينية‬booleeg [bɔ̀ɔ̀lɛ̄ɛ̄g]

bor [bɔ᷆r] adj yellow ‫ اصفر‬borg [bɔ̀rg]

booraa [bɔ̄ɔr̄ àà] n shoulder ‫كتف‬ booraag [bɔ̄ɔ̄rààg]

bored [bɔ́rɛ̄d̪] K,B) boraj n eye matter ‫ رمد صديدى‬boreg [bɔ́rɛ̄g] K,B) borajag

booyaa [bɔ̄ɔȳ àà] K) ooyaa B,G) ooy L) oodi n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬booyaag [bɔ̄ɔ̄yààg] K) ooyaag B,G) ooyg L) oodig

boy [bɔ̀ɛ ̀] adj fat ‫ سمين‬boyg [bɔ̀ɛ̀g]

bof [bɔ̀f] v.i sing, ulalate ‫ يمدح‬/‫{ مدح‬buf}

boydaa [bɔ̄ɛd̄ ̪àà] K,B,L) bordaa n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬boydaag [bɔ̄ɛ̄d̪ààg] K,B,L) bordaag buu [bùù] n roof for chicken coop ‫بيت‬ ‫ الدجاج القفص‬buug [bùùg]

bogo1 [bɔ̀gɔ̀] n tree name ‫شجرة الترتر‬ bogog [bɔ̀gɔ̀g]

Buug Buwahg village name ‫قرية بوق‬ ‫او بوك‬

bogo2 [bɔ̀gɔ̄] n cream ‫ شھم‬/ ‫ سمن‬bogog [bɔ̀gɔ̄g]

buul [būúl] K,G) bawl B) bawad L) babul n bread ‫ رغيف‬buulg [būu᷇lg] K,G) bawlg B) bawag L) babuleeg

bolnge [bɔ̀lŋɛ̀(g)] K,B) bolong L) bolongi n medical horn tool for sucking blood out of the body ‫قرن‬ ‫ يستعمل المتصاص الدم الفاسد‬bolngeeg [bɔ̀lŋɛ̀ɛ̀g] K,B) bolongeeg

buur [būùr] n small pot for wine ‫اناء‬ ‫ فخاري للخمر‬buurg [būùrg]

bomag [bɔ̄màg] (bon2 wait) v.n waiting ‫االنتظار‬

buusah [būūsə̀] n stone name ‫حجر ابيض‬ ‫ يدخل فى صناعة الجير‬buusahg [būūsə̀g]

bon1 [bɔ́n] n heart ‫ قلب‬bonaag [bɔ́nāāg] G) bong B) boneeg

buah [būə̀] n tree name ‫نوع من الشجر‬ buahg [būə̀g]

bon2 [bɔ̂n] v.i wait ‫{ قلب‬bomag}

Buahgiilg [bùə̄gíìlg] area name ‫منطقة‬

bondees [bɔ̄nd̪ɛɛ́ ś ] K) bondoos n monkey name ‫ نوع من القرود‬bondeesag [bɔ̄nd̪ɛ́ɛ́sāg] K) bondooseg

Bud [būd̪] Taw village name ‫مدينة‬ ‫بوط‬ 18

budiriny [būd̪īrìɲ] n twilight, sunset ‫ وقت الغروب‬budirinyg [būd̪īrìɲg]

buluurs [búlūūrs] K,B,G,L) buruus n bird name ‫ نوع من الطير‬buluursig [búlūūrsīg] K,B) buruusahg G,L) buruusig

buf [buf] (bof sing, ulalate) v.t sing ‫صرخ‬

bum [bum] quan much (sg noun) ‫ضخم‬

bugahngg [bùgə̂ŋg] group ‫مجمع‬

bungur [būŋúr] n youth (young adult) ‫ شاب او صبى‬bungurg [būŋu᷇rg]

bui [bùì] v.t farm, cultivate ‫ زراعه‬/ ‫حش‬ buil [bùīl] fog ‫غمام سحاب‬

bunyd [bu᷆ɲd̪] (bony be big) v.c make big ‫ ازدياد‬/ ‫ربح‬

Builg [bu᷆īlg] 1) Taw village name 2 ‫ )قرية‬Taw area name ‫منطقة‬

bur [bu᷇r] adj remaining, continuing, attached ‫لم ينتھى بعد‬/ ‫ لسة‬burg [bu᷇rg]

buldi [būld̪í(g)] n finger ‫ اصبع‬buldiig [būld̪íīg]

Buruug [būrúúg] Taw village name ‫قرية‬

bulij, bulid [búlíɟ] K) buluj B,G) bahluj L) bahlujahg n worm ‫دودة‬ buliig [búlīīg] K) bulujig B,G) bahlujig

Buruun [būrúún] n Trib name of Buruun ‫قبيلة البرون فى الجھة الجنوبية للقمنق‬ Buruungg [Buruuŋg]

bulil [bùlìl] K) buul B,G) buluid n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجرالتٮتؤكل ثمارھا‬bulilg [bùlìlg] K) buuliig B,G) buluig

Buwahg clan name Gaahmg ‫خشم‬ ‫بيت في القمق‬ Buwahndahn [bùwə̀nd̪ən ̀ ] Buwahg dialect of Gaahmg ‫لھجه البواق‬

C caa1 [cáá] n wild cat ‫حنوع من حيوانات‬ ‫ الوحش‬caag [cáág]

cal [cál] n 1) dream 2 ‫ احالم‬/‫ )حلم‬one of 'caalg' group members ‫احد افراد العبى‬ ‫ فرقة الجالق‬caalg [cáālg]

caa2 [cāà] n one of three cooking stones ‫ لداية‬caag [cāàg]

calaad [cálāād̪] n testicle ‫ خصية‬calg [cálg]

caa3 [cāā] bath ‫استحمام‬ cab [cāb] adv up ‫ اعلي‬/ ‫ضبط‬

cangalda [càŋàld̪ā] n upper arm /‫الزراع‬ ‫ الساعد‬cangaldag [càŋàld̪āg]

cafa [cáfá(g)] n 1) side (of body) ‫صفحة‬ 2) meat, flesh ‫ لحمة‬/‫ ضلع‬cafaag [cáfáāg]

cawr [càɔ̀r] n 1) rabbit 2 ‫ )ارنب‬story ‫ قصص‬cawreeg [càɔ̀rɛ̄ɛ̄g] caahg v.t finish ‫ينھي‬

cag [cág] v.t bathe, wash ‫حمام‬

cahw [cə̀ù] v.t try ‫{ محاوله‬cimahg}

cagg [càg] v.t finish, complete ‫انتھي‬


cig [cīg] v.t wear ‫ تلبيس‬/‫لبس‬

cee [cɛ́ɛ ́] adj unavailable, not present ‫ غايب غير موجود‬ceeg [cɛ́ɛ̄g]

ciji [cīɟí] K) cici B) cijah G) cigah L) cicahg n diarrhea, stomach problems ‫ اسھال‬cijaahg [cīɟə́ə̄g] K) cicahg G) cigahg L) cicahg

ceej [cɛ̄ɛɟ́ ] v.i be sweet ‫حالوه‬ ceel [cɛ́ɛĺ ] n 1) grass blade, string, weaving plant for rope material 2) bundles of weaving plant ‫ حنقوق‬ceelg [cɛ́ɛ́lg] ceen [cɛ̀ɛǹ ] v.t play ‫ يرقص‬/ ‫ لعب‬/‫يلعب‬

cil1 [cíl] n spine ‫ مفصل الظھر‬cilg [cílg] cil2 [cîl] n instrument name, horn ‫قرن‬ ‫ محلى‬cilg [cîlg]

{ciindahg2} {ciindis}

cimahg [cīmə̀g] (cahw try) trying ‫محاوله‬

ceer [cɛ̀ɛr̀ ] n recognized singer ‫شاعر‬ ‫ اومؤلف‬ceereeg [cɛ̀ɛ̀rɛ̄ɛ̄g]

cind [ci ᷇nd̪] v.c finish ‫ نھايه‬/‫انتھاء‬

ceesa [cɛ̄ɛs̄ á] adj.der finished ‫انتھى تمت‬ ‫ اكتملت انجزت‬ceesa [cɛ̄ɛ̄sá]

{ciindahg1} cirgahng [cīrgə̀ng] throwing up, feeling badly ‫شھيق‬

ceew [cɛ́ɛɔ́ ̄] L) keewa n lame person ‫ اعرج‬ceeweeg [cɛ́ɛ́wɛ̄ɛ̄g] L) keewaag

cirsah [cǐrsə̀] n farm tool cleaner ‫منظف‬ ‫ الحشاشة‬cirsahg [cǐrsə̀g]

cedab [cɛ̄d̪áb] n mirror ‫مرعاء او مراية‬ cedabag [cɛ̄d̪ábāg]

coog [cɔ̄ɔḡ ] holy place ‫مكان مقدس‬ ‫يجمع فى كل االشياء‬

cedhang [cɛ̄ɖáŋ] allergic rash, illness name ‫ الجدرى الكازب‬/ ‫برجم‬

cool [cɔ̄ɔl̄ ] n donkey ‫ حمار‬cooleeg [cɔ̄ɔ̄lɛ̄ɛ̄g]

cegeluu [cɛ̄gɛ́lūū] n root name, ground beans ‫ جزر‬cegeluug [cɛ̄gɛ́lūūg]

cor [cɔ̄r] v.t help ‫ يساعد‬/‫مساعده‬

celd [cɛ́ld̪] n broom ‫كناس‬/ ‫ مكنسة‬/ ‫مقشاشة‬ celdag [cɛ́ld̪āg]

cuu1 [cūū] (cuu2 excellent, sweet) v.adj be sweet ‫حالوه‬

celda [cɛ̄ld̪á] n charcoal ‫ فحم‬celdag [cɛ̄ld̪āg]

cuu2 [cúú] adj excellent, sweet ‫حلو‬ {cuu1} cuug [cúúg]

ceyam [cɛ̄yám] K) cii B) coon G) coom n aged tobacco ‫ سفه تمباك‬ceyamg [cɛ̄ya᷇mg] B) cooneeg G) coomg

cuund [cúūnd̪] v.c make sweet cud [cūd̪] v.i climb ‫ طلوع‬/‫صعود‬

ciifah [cíífə́] n Tabaldi leaf ‫اوراق شجرة‬ ‫ التبلدى‬ciifahg [cíífə᷇g]

cug [cúg] v.t 1) send someone /‫مرسال‬ 2 ‫ )ارسال‬go to

̄ ] (cind finish) v.n ciindahg1 [cīīnd̪əg finishing, ending ‫ نھايه‬/ ‫انھتاء‬

culd [cúld̪] L) culahnd n birth sack ‫مادة‬ ‫مخاطية تخرج نتيجة اسھال الدسنتاريةاوبعد‬ ‫ الوالدة‬culdug [cúld̪ūg] K,B,G,L) culdahg

ciindahg2 [cīīnd̪əg ̀ ] (ceen play) playing of people ‫لعب او يلعب‬ ciindis [cīīnd̪ìs] (ceen play) playing of young child ‫لعب او يلعب‬

cur [cúr] v.t tie ‫ربط‬


D d- [d̪] prep to, from, in, at, by

d-iilg1 [d̪íìlg] (eelg his, her stomach/their stomaches) pron.loc inside them ‫بداخلھم‬

d-aalg1 [d̪áálg] (aalg my stomach/our stomaches) pron.loc inside me /‫بداخلي‬ ‫بطني‬

d-iilg2 [d̪íìlg] (eel his, her head/their heads) pron.loc above them ‫فوقھم‬

d-aalg2 [d̪áálg] (aal2 my head/our heads) pron.loc above me / ‫اعلي مني‬ ‫فوقي‬

d-iimuug [d̪íìmùùg] (ë his, her, muu2 forehead, face) pron.loc in front of them ‫امامھم‬

d-aamu [d̪áāmū] (ä my, muu2 forehead, face) pron.loc in front of me ‫امامي‬

d-iing [d̪íīŋ] (eeng his, her body/their bodies) pron.loc under him, her ‫تحتھا‬

d-aany [d̪ááɲ] (aany my back/our backs) pron.loc behind me ‫خلفي‬

d-iingg [d̪íìŋg] (eeng his, her body/their bodies) pron.loc under them ‫تحتھم‬

d-aahlg1 [d̪əə́ l̀ g] (aalg my stomach/our stomaches) pron.loc inside us ‫بداخلنا‬

d-iiny [d̪íìɲ] (eeny his, her back/their backs) pron.loc behind them ‫خلفھم‬

d-aahlg2 [d̪əə́ l̀ g] (aal2 my head/our heads) pron.loc above us ‫فوقنا‬

d-ool [d̪ɔɔ́ ĺ ] (ool your (sg) head/your (pl) heads) pron.loc above you (sg) ‫فوقك‬

d-aahmuug [d̪əə́ m ̀ ùùg] (ä my, muu2 forehead, face) pron.loc in front of us ‫امامنا‬

d-oolg [d̪ɔɔ́ ĺ g] (oolg your (sg) stomach/your (pl) stomaches) pron.loc inside you (sg) ‫بداخلك‬

d-aahng [d̪əə́ ŋ ̄ ] (aang my body/our bodies) pron.loc under me ‫تحتي‬

d-oony [d̪ɔɔ́ ɲ ́ ] (oony your (sg) back/your (pl) backs) pron.loc behind you (sg) ‫خلفك‬

d-aahngg [d̪əə́ ŋ ̀ g] (aang my body/our bodies) pron.loc under us ‫تحتنا‬ d-aahny [d̪əə́ ɲ ̀ ] (aany my back/our backs) pron.loc behind us ‫خلفنا‬

d-uulg1 [d̪úùlg] (ool your (sg) head/your (pl) heads) pron.loc above you (pl) ‫فوقكم‬

d-eel [d̪ɛɛ́ ĺ ] (eel his, her head/their heads) pron.loc above him, her ‫فوقه‬

d-uulg2 [d̪úùlg] (oolg your (sg) stomach/your (pl) stomaches) pron.loc inside you (pl) ‫بداخلكم‬

d-eelg [d̪ɛɛ́ ĺ g] (eelg his, her stomach/their stomaches) pron.loc inside him, her ‫بداخله‬ d-eemu [d̪ɛɛ́ m ̄ ū] (ë his, her, muu2) pron.loc in front of him, her ‫امامه‬

d-uumuug [d̪úùmùùg] (muu2 forehead, face) pron.loc in front of you (pl) ‫امامكم‬

d-eeny [d̪ɛɛ́ ɲ ́ ] (eeny his, her back/their backs) pron.loc behind him, her ‫خلفه‬

d-uumu [d̪úūmū] (muu2 forehead, face) pron.loc in front of you (sg) 21


dar [d̪àr] v.i 1) hide 2 ‫ )اختباء‬go

d-uung [d̪úūŋ] (oong your (sg) body/your (pl) bodies) pron.loc under you (sg) ‫تحتكما‬

dareemaa, diahrmah [d̪ārɛ́ɛm ́ àà, d̪īə́rmə̀] n centipede ‫نوع من العنكبوت لھا‬ ‫ العديد من االرجل‬dareemaag, diahrmahg [d̪ārɛ́ɛ́mààg, d̪īə́rmə̀g]

d-uungg [d̪úùŋg] (oong your (sg) body/your (pl) bodies) pron.loc under you (pl) ‫تحتكم‬

darga [d̪árgà] K,B,G) dara n snake name ‫ نوع من الثعابين او الدبائب‬dargag [d̪árgàg] K,B,G) dareg

d-uuny [d̪úùɲ] (ool your (sg) head/your (pl) heads) pron.loc behind you (pl) ‫تحتكم‬

daw1 [d̪aw ᷆ ] n monkey ‫ قرد‬daweeg [d̪àwɛ̀ɛ̀g]

daama [d̪ààmà] n sorghum-storage rafter ‫ راكوبة لحفظ الزرة‬daamag [d̪ààmàg]

daw2 [d̪àɔ̀] v.t follow ‫ متابعه‬/ ‫اتبع‬ dawd [d̪āɔ̀d]̪ n fertile soil ‫بادوبة ارض‬ ‫ زراعى خصبة‬dawdag, dawzag [d̪āɔ̀d̪àg, d̪āɔ̀ðàg] daahm [d̪əə̀ m ̀ ] (dahmah blind) v.adj be blind ‫عمي‬

daan, daana [d̪áán, d̪ááná] pron.prep to, from, in, at, by, of me ‫بي‬/‫لي‬/‫الي‬ daar1 [d̪áár] n throne ‫ السمبر‬daarg [d̪áārg]

daahr [d̪əə̄ r̀ ] n snake name ‫ثعبان‬ daahriig [d̪ə̀ə̀rììg]

daar2 [d̪ààr] n eagle, bird name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الطير‬daareeg [d̪ààrɛ̀ɛ̀g]

daahs [d̪aahs] v.i come out ‫اخرج‬

daay [d̪āāɛ̀] n large water pot ‫زير كبير‬ ‫ لحفظ المياة‬daayg [d̪āāɛ̀g]

-dah, -du [d̪ə, d̪u] par (shows imperative plural verb) ‫مش كده‬

-da, -dah, -do, -du [d̪a, d̪ə, d̪ɔ, d̪u] par (shows reason verb) (subjunctive)

dahi [d̪əì̀ ] ques when ‫متى‬ dahid [d̪əì̀ d̪] n scorpion ‫عقرب‬ dahidahg [d̪ə̀ìd̪ə̀g] K) dahicahg G) dahig B) dahitahg L) dahtig

da, fan da [d̪á, fān d̪á] ques where ‫الي‬ ‫اين‬ Daboog Taw village name ‫قرية ود‬ ‫ابوك‬

dahin [d̪əí́ n] n sickness from demonic possession ‫ھو نتيجت زعل وادى الى قسم‬ ‫ومن ثم يمرض الشخص‬/ dahiniig [d̪ə́ínīīg] dahlgah [d̪əľ gə̄] n drum ‫ نقارة‬dahlgahg [d̪ə̌lgə̄g]

daf [d̪àf] 1) v.t fight, beat, kill 2 ‫)اضرب‬ v.t collect (money), 3 ‫ )ضرب‬v.i collect daga [d̪ag ᷇ á] pron.prep to, from, in, at, by, of us ‫لنا‬

Dahm [d̪əm ̄ ] n Arab ‫ العربى‬Dahmg [d̪ə̄mg]

dal [d̪àl] n cooking pot ‫ حل للطبخ‬dalg [d̪àlg]

dahmah [d̪əm ̀ ə̄] adj blind ‫اعما‬

dang [d̪àŋ] n courtyard ‫ دار المنزل‬/ ‫الحوش‬ dangg [d̪àŋg] K,G,B,L) dangeeg

{daahm} dahmahg [d̪ə̀mə̄g]


Dingi [d̪íŋì(g)] n Dinka man ‫الدينكا او‬ ‫ قبيلة الدينكا فى جنوب السودان‬Dingiig [d̪íŋììg]

Dahmahndahn [d̪əm ́ ə́nd̪ən ́ ] Arabic language ‫لغة عربية بالعربى‬ dahny [d̪əɲ ̀ ] v.t dance ‫ارقص‬ dahr [d̪ər] v.t hide ‫اختبئ‬

dirim [d̪ìrìm] n tree name ‫نوع من الشجر‬ ‫ شبيح بشجرة الجميذ‬dirimg [d̪ìrìmg]

dahrsah [d̪əŕ sə́] n tumor ‫اخبئ‬ dahrsahg [d̪ə́rsə́g]

doon, doono [d̪ɔɔ́ n ́ , d̪ɔɔ́ n ́ ɔ́] pron.prep to, from, in, at, by, of you (sg) ‫انت‬

dahw [dəu] n area (general) ‫منطقة‬ dahwg [dəug]

door [d̪ɔɔ̀ ŕ ] K) doar B,G) daar L) suwah n animal fence (outside village) ‫ زريبة للحيوانات خارج المنذل‬doorg [d̪ɔ̀ɔ᷇rg] K) doarg B,G) daarg L) suwahliig

dahyin [d̪əy ̀ īn] ques.foc when ‫متى‬ dee [d̪ɛɛ́ ]́ quan any (sg noun) ‫علي حسب‬

doos [d̪ɔɔ̄ s̀ ] v.i 1) begin, start 2) stand 3 ‫ قوم‬/ ‫ )ابدا‬awake, get up from sleeping

deel1 [d̪ɛɛ̀ l̀ ] n storage shelf ‫ بحار‬deelg [d̪ɛ̀ɛ̀lg]

dogo [d̪ɔg᷇ ɔ́] pron.prep to, from, in, at, by, of you (pl) ‫زي ما عارف‬

deel2 [d̪ɛɛ̄ l̀ ] K) deal B) dayl G) dahin L) tijaliig n lake ‫ على راسة‬deelg [d̪ɛ̀ɛ̀lg] K) dealg B) daylg G) dahig L) tijaliig

dogolja [d̪ɔǵ ɔ̀lɟā] n ankle ‫ دقل‬dogoljag [d̪ɔ́gɔ̀lɟāg]

deen, deena [d̪ɛɛ́ n̄ , d̪ɛɛ́ n̄ á] pron.prep to, from, in, at, by, of him or her

doj [d̪ɔɟ̀ ] v.t stone, throw stones at / ‫تجدع‬ ‫رمي‬

deene [d̪ɛɛ̄ n̄ ɛ̄] adv only ‫فقط‬

dol [d̪ɔl̀ ] n penis ‫ زكر‬dulg [d̪ùlg]

deer [d̪ɛɛ̀ r̄ ] n leech, insect name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الحشرات‬deerg [d̪ɛ̀ɛ̄rg]

dongol [d̪ɔŋ ̀ ɔ̀l] n milipede ‫ذات االلف رجل‬ dongoleeg [d̪ɔ̀ŋɔ̀lɛ̄ɛ̄g]

de [d̪ɛ ̀] con then, since ‫ربما‬ dege [d̪ɛĝ ɛ̀] pron.prep to, from, in, at, by, of them ‫مع‬

duud [d̪ùùd̪] K,B,G) dawd n year ‫عام‬ ‫سنة‬/ duug [d̪ùùg] K,G) dawg B) dawdahg

der [d̪ɛr̀ ] v.i put out to dry ‫ اكشف‬/ ‫انشف‬

duug [d̪ùùg] ash ‫رماد‬

dezer [d̪ɛð̀ ɛ̄r] B) deer G) dewer L) dedera n locust ‫ قراد‬dezerg [d̪ɛ̀ðɛ̄rg] B) deerg G) dewerg L) dederaag

duul1 [d̪ùûl] n long wind instrument ‫ صافرة القرع الناشف‬duulg [d̪ùûlg] duul2 [d̪ùùl] adv difficult ‫صعوبه‬

dii [d̪ìì] B,G,L) diyah n rat ‫فار‬

duur [d̪úūr] K) duwahr n 1) evening time 2) time, occassion ‫مكان للرقص في‬ ‫ االمسيات‬duurg [d̪úūrg] K) duwahrg

{diiwind} diig [d̪ììg] B,G,L) diyahg diiwind [d̪ììwīnd̪] (dii rat, wind ear) n grass name ‫نوع من القش يسما اذن فار‬ diigwindahg [d̪ììgwīnd̪ə́g] di [d̪í] adv also, very ‫كمان‬

dufurd [d̪ùfūrd̪] dust ‫تراب‬ dugul [d̪ùgùl] K,B,G) duul n flute, wooden instrument ‫كبير الزمبارة‬ duguliig [d̪ùgùlīīg] K,B,G) duuliig

dini [d̪ínì] 1) life 2 ‫ )حياة‬world 23

[ɖə̀ɲə̄rg] dhahwah [ɖə̄wə̀] L) dhahgah n bean name ‫ لوبية‬dhahwahg [ɖə̄wə̀g] L) dhahgahg

dui [d̪ùì] adj black ‫ سواد‬/ ‫{ اسود‬jaa dui ?} duig [d̪ùìg] dumuun [d̪ūmùùn] adv towards / ‫الي‬ ‫متجه الي‬ dur [d̪ùr] v.t bury ‫دفن‬

dheel [ɖɛ̀ɛl̀ ] n colar bone ‫عظم الكتف‬ dheelg [ɖɛ̀ɛ̀lg] K) dheelaag

dursiig [d̪ùrsììg] bad smell ‫ريحة‬ ‫كريحة منتنة‬

dhersa [ɖɛ́rsá] n sweat droplet ‫قطرات‬ ‫ من الثلج‬dhersag [ɖɛ́rság]

dusu [d̪úsú] adj ignorant, feeling sick, hurting ‫ وجع الم‬dusug [d̪úsúg]

dhewee [ɖɛ̄wɛ̄ɛ ̄] n one-eyed person ‫ زوعين واحد‬/ ‫ اعور‬dheweeg [ɖɛ̄wɛ̄ɛ̄g]

duzah [dūðə̀] n tree name ‫شبية بشجرة التك‬ duzahg [d̪ūðə̀g]

dhewl [ɖɛ́ɔĺ ] n jackel ‫ ياكل‬/ ‫كلبب وحش‬ ‫ البھائم تھديدا‬dhewlg [ɖɛ́ɔ̄lg]

dhaag [ɖáāg] two ‫النمرة اثنين‬

dhiw [ɖíú] v.t 1) plant 2 ‫ )زراعه‬plow, cultivate

dhaan [ɖáàn] v.t push, change / ‫ضغط‬ ‫دفر‬

dhoolafaa, dhoolfaa [ɖɔ̄ɔĺ àfàà, ɖɔ̄ɔĺ fàà] n wolf ‫نوع من مرافى الكھوف‬ dhoolafaag [ɖɔ̄ɔ́làfààg]

dhaan, yaan [ɖāàn, yāàn] indef another, different ‫ اخر‬dhaanaag [ɖāānààg]

dhoon [ɖɔ́ɔn ̄ ] v.t say farewell ‫مع السالمه‬

dhagar [ɖāgár] n tortoise ‫ابوالقدح‬ ‫السلحفاء‬/ dhagarg [ɖāga᷇rg]

dhoor [ɖɔ̄ɔr̄ ] n hammer ‫شاكوش‬ dhooreeg [ɖɔ̄ɔ̄rɛ́ɛ̄g]

dhaj [ɖāɟ] v.t press ‫ ضغط‬/ ‫عصر‬

dhodh [ɖɔ᷄ɖ] n stork, bird name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الطير‬dhodhog [ɖɔ᷄ɖɔ̄g]

dhaahlj [ɖə́əĺ ɟ] n tree name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الشجرة المثمرة‬dhaahljahg [ɖə́ə́lɟə̄g]

dhomol [ɖɔ́mɔ̄l] adj big ‫متين غليظ‬ dhomolg [ɖɔ́mɔ̄lg]

dhahn [ɖə̂n] v.i draw milk ‫حلب‬

dhug [ɖūg] v.i 1) be lost, amazed, bewildered, loose control of sences 2 ‫ )دھاب‬dissappear ‫ودار‬

dhahnyahr [ɖə̀ɲə̄r] adj unable to speak, stutterer ‫ تمتام‬dhahnyahrg

E eed [ɛ̄ɛd̄ ̪] n.pos his, her eye/his, her eyes/their eyes idig [íd̪īg, ìd̪īg]

-éega, -íigah [ɛ́ɛg̀ à, íìgə̀] pron.s.aft they

eeg [ɛ̄ɛḡ ] n.pos his, her mouth/their mouthes iig [ììg]

-èega, -ìigah [ɛɛgà, iigə̀, ɛ́ɛg̀ à, íìgə̀] pron.obj.spec them (special) ‫خاص‬


e kora [ɛ́ kɔ̄rá] con because ‫السبب‬

eel [ɛ̄ɛl̄ ] n.pos his, her head/their heads ‫ راس‬/‫{ رؤس‬d-eel} {d-iilg2} {eel ta

e naanda yaan [ɛ́ nāānd̪á yāàn] adv another day ‫تلك اليوم‬

laaza ?} iilg [ììlg]

e ngan [ɛ́ ŋān] ques whose ‫ من ھو‬e nganaad [ɛ́ ŋānáād̪]

eelg [ɛ̄ɛl̄ g] n.pos his, her stomach/their stomaches ‫{ بطن‬d-eelg} {d-iilg1} iilg [ììlg]

e ngahnah [ɛ́ ŋə̄nə̀] ques.foc whose (pl noun)

-eelg [ɛ́ɛĺ g] loc in, inside of ‫ داخلي‬-iilg [íìlg]

e yaag [ɛ́ yāāg] adv a while ‫بھدو ببط‬ -é, -í [ɛ᷇, i ᷇, ɛ́, í] pron.s.aft I, you (sg), (s)he

een [ɛ̄ɛn̄ ] pron.s.l (s)he ‫ھو‬ een, iin [ɛ́ɛn̄ , íīn] par is, be (locative copula) ‫ ھم‬egan [ɛ̄gàn]

-ē, -ī [ɛ᷇, i ᷇] par (shows subject noun after verb for object focus) (ergative)

eeng [ɛ̄ɛŋ̄ ] n.pos his, her body/their

-è, -ì [ɛ, i, ɛ᷇, i ᷇] pron.obj.spec him, her (special)

bodies ‫ شخصيتوا‬/ ‫{ ھو‬d-iing} {diingg} iingg [ììŋg]

-ê, -î [ɛ᷇, -i ᷇] pron.s.cond if I, (s)he, they

eeny [ɛ̄ɛɲ] n.pos his, her back/their

-ě, -ǐ [ɛ̄, ī] pron.s.depd when I

backs ‫{ ظھري‬d-eeny} {d-iiny} iinyg [ììɲg]

-ë, -ï [ɛ́, í] par (shows end of relative clause that describes a known noun) -ë, -ï [ɛ̀, ì] -e, -i, -ne, -ni1 [ɛ́, í, nɛ́, ní] par (shows end of dependent clause) (must put dash before in writing)

ees [ɛ́ɛs̀ ] n.pos his, her hand/his, her hands/their hands ‫ ايادي‬isig [ísīg, ìsīg] eez [ɛ̄ɛð̄ ] n water carrying net / ‫عربوس‬ ‫ عين‬eezag, eeg [ɛ̄ɛ̄ðāg, ɛ̄ɛ̄g] e [ɛ̄, ɛ̀] pron.s.s (s)he, they (infinitive) ‫ ھي‬/‫ھو‬

-e, -i, -ne, -ni2 [ɛ᷇, i ᷇, nɛ̄, nī] par with (accompaniment case on nouns) -e, -i [ɛ᷇, ı᷇]

è [ɛ̀] con and ‫و‬

é, í [ɛ́, í] prep to, from, in, at, by, of, with

ê [ɛ́] pron.s.f (s)he ‫ھي‬ ë [ɛ̄] pron.pos.inali his, her ‫{ لھا‬d-

è, ì [ɛ̀, ì] prep with (for people, animals)

eemu} {d-iimuug} e fog [ɛ́ fɔ̀g] adv tomorrow ‫غدا‬

eg [ɛ̄g, ɛ̀g] pron.s.s they, they (infinitive)

e gara [ɛ́ gārá] con when, while ‫عندما‬

êg [ɛ̄g] pron.s.f they ‫ھم‬

e garanda [ɛ́ gāránd̪á] adv at that time ‫في ل الوقت‬

ëg [ɛ̄g] pron.pos.inali their ‫لھم‬ ega [ɛ̄gà] pron.s.l they ‫ھم‬

e kaayeeg [ɛ́ kááyɛ̄ɛḡ ] adv at night ‫ليال‬


enna [ɛ́nná] con so, that is why, therefore, thus

F faa [fāā] adj old ‫ كبير‬/ ‫{ والد‬fang1} fang [fāng]

fandawmo [fānd̪aw ᷇ mɔ̄] adv upward, in front of (fand 'check',.da 'where,' moo 'face') ‫فى االتجاة العلياء‬

faa-ool [fááʔɔ́ɔĺ ] (faaz place empty of

fang1 [fāng] (faa old) v.adj be old ‫اكبر‬

trees, hills, etc., -ool above, over, on) n cleared farmland below hills, away from house ‫ ارض منبسطه‬/‫ بالد‬faag-uulg [fáágúùlg]

far [fàr] v.i be scraped clean ‫نظافه جلد من‬ ‫الريش‬

faadar [fáád̪àr] n hole in the nose or penis ‫ شنب الرجل‬faadarg [fààd̪ārg]

farnya [fárɲá] K,B) fare n bird name ‫ نوع من الطير‬farnyag [fárɲa᷇g] K) farjeg B) fareg

faam1 v.i think {faam2}

fahd1 [fə᷇d̪] v.i be quiet ‫اسكت‬

faam2 [fáàm] (faam1 think) n opinion, idea, thought ‫ فكرة‬/ ‫ وجةنظر‬/ ‫راى‬ faameeg [fáámɛ̀ɛ̀g]

{fahdahng} fahd2 [fə᷇d̪] v.c make quiet ‫تسكيته‬

faand [fáánd̪] sexual desire ‫الشھوة‬ ‫الجنسية‬

fahdahng [fə̄d̪ən ̄ g] (fahd1 be quiet) v.n quietness ‫ھدوء‬

faangoo [fààŋɔ̀ɔ ̀] n sorghum name ‫نوع‬ ‫ من الذرة‬faangoog [fààŋɔ̀ɔ̀g]

fahi1 [fə́ī] strength ‫قوه‬ fahi2 [fə̄í] v.i wake up ‫ صحي‬/‫اصحي‬

faar [fààr] v.i remain ‫ يفضل‬/‫يقي‬


faaz [fááð] n place empty of trees, hills,

fahiah [fə́yə̀] Bw (Arabic) beneficiary ‫فايدة منفعة‬

etc. ‫{ ارض مسطحه‬faa-ool} faazg [fááðág]

fahind [fə́īnd̪] (fahi2 wake up) v.c

falj [fàlɟ] n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬faljag [fàlɟāg]

wake up, arouse ‫{ اصح‬fahindahg} fahindahg [fə̄īnd̪əg ̄ ] (fahind wake up, arouse) v.n waking someone up from sleep ‫صحوة القيام من النوم‬

fan [fān] adv on, to ‫من‬ fan daen [fān d̪áɛ̄n] ques.foc where ‫؟‬ ‫من اين ؟‬

fahndiny [fə̀nd̪īɲ] n tree name ‫شجرة‬ ‫ الحميض‬fahndinyg [fə̀nd̪īɲg]

fand [fānd̪] n 1) cheek 2 ‫ )صفحة‬page fahndahg [fə̄nd̪ə́g]

fahnyahldah [fə̄ɲə̄ld̪ə́] time of not working because of child rearing ‫فترة ترغب حزر بعد الوالدة‬ 26

Fahri [fə̀rì] Kuulaahg hill name ‫جبل فرى‬

fir2 [fír] v.t smell, pray ‫ يشم‬/‫صاله‬ fodor [fɔ̀dɔ̪ r̀ ] n nose ‫ انف‬fodorg, fodoreeg [fɔ̀d̪ɔ̀rg, fɔ̀d̪ɔ̀rɛ̄ɛ̄g]

feedool [fɛ́ɛd́ ̪ɔɔ́ ĺ ] adv early morning ‫الصباح الباكر‬

fol [fɔ́l] n hole, space ‫ حفرة‬fulg [fu᷇lg]

feel [fɛ̄ɛl̀ ] n flute, instrument name (wooden, calls people) ‫صفارة من القنى‬ ‫ مزامير‬feelg [fɛ̄ɛ̀lg] feez [fɛɛz] v.t graze, raise (animals), care for ‫ االحتفاظ ب‬/‫حجذ‬

foroj [fɔ̄rɔ́g] quan few, not many (pl noun) ‫قليل شوية بسيط‬ foyda [fɔ̄ɛd̄ ̪á(g)] K,G) fayta L) fango n planting seed ‫ بذور للزرع‬foydaag [fɔ̄ɛ̄d̪áāg] K,G) faytag L) fangojag

feezaag [fɛ̄ɛð̄ āāg] purposely allowing decay ‫تخمر‬

fuui [fūūì] adj male ‫ زكر‬fuuig [fūūìg]

feg [fɛ̄g] water ‫ماء‬

fuulmaa [fùùlmàà] (fuul ? empty, zero, hollow, maa1 house) L) fuulahma n insect name (always in houses) ‫ حشرة الفراشة‬fuulmaad [fùùlmààd̪] K,B,G) fuulmaangg

fej [fɛ́ɟ] v.t sweep, clean ‫نظف‬ fel [fɛ̀l] v.t tell, give away secrets to ‫اخبر‬ ‫سرا‬

fui [fúí] n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬fuig [fúíg]

fez [fɛ́ð] v.t 1) put down (i.e mat, goods for selling) 2 ‫ )اضع ارضا‬release (skin) ‫خالص‬

fuj [fúɟ] v.t blow, whistle ‫صفاره‬

fiid [fīīd̪] K,B) figid L) fikahd n feather ‫ ريشة‬fiig [fīīg] L) fitig

funahg, fung [fūnə̀g, fu᷆ng] passing gas ‫ظرات او خروج ھواء‬

fidin [fíd̪ìn] B) fidmah n perfume ‫عطر‬ fidingg [fíd̪ìŋg] K) fidahnahg B) fidmahg

fungii [fùŋīī] K) fungaah B) fungia L) fungi n root name ‫ جزر‬fungiig [fùŋīīg] K) fungaahg B) fungieg L) fungiag

fingahn [fīŋə́n] v.t hear ‫يسمع‬

fur [fùr] v.i go out, exit ‫انطلق‬

fir1 [fīr] n prayer ‫ صالة‬firiig [fīríīg]

G gaaleeg [gààlɛ̀ɛ̀g]

gaa [gàà] n pumpkin name ‫قرع او دبة‬ gaag [gààg]

gaal2 [gààl] (gaal3 distant, far) v.adj be far ‫بعيد‬

gaag [gàág] n bird name ‫غراب نوع من‬ ‫ الطير‬gaagaad [gàágāād̪]

gaal3 [gààl] adj distant, far ‫{ بعيد‬gaal2} gaalg [gààlg]

gaal1 [gāàl] n falcon, bird name ‫صقر‬

gaalg [gāàlg] flour ‫دقيق‬

{gaal e beel ?} {gaalmahsii}


gaalmahsii [gāálmə̀sìì] (gaal1 falcon,

gaahl [gə̀əl̀ ] n shield ‫ درقة‬gaahliig [gə̀ə̀līīg]

bird name, mahsii 1 fingernail) n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬gaalmahsiig [gāálmə̀sììg] gaam [gààm] n hill, mountain / ‫ تل‬/‫جبل‬

Gaahmahd [gə̀əm ̀ ə̀d̪] n Gaahmg (Ingessena) speaker ‫ االنقسناء‬/‫قبيله القمق‬ ‫ بالنيل االزرق‬gaahmg [gə̀ə̀mg] gaahzg [gə̄əð ̀ g] B) gaahi G) gaahizi L) gaahidu n thief ‫حرامى سراق نھاب‬ gaahziig [gə̀ə̀ðīīg] K,B) gaahig L) gaahidug

‫{ بلد للسكن‬jaa gaam ?} gaamg [gààmg] K) gaameeg L) gaamag gaar [gāàr] n hog ‫ خنزير‬gaareeg [gààrɛ̀ɛ̀g]

gahbahnid [gə̀bə̀nīd̪] Bw (Arabic) Taw area name ‫منطقة‬

gaay [gááɛ̀] n tree name ‫الجميز او البخ‬ gaayg [gááɛ̀g]

gahfahd [gə̄fə̀d̪] n 1) womb 2 ‫)رحم‬ blood relative ‫ عالقة بلدم‬gahfahg [gə̄fə̀g]

gadaay [gàd̪ááɛ̀] B,L) gata G) gataay n basket ‫ قفة سلة‬gadaayg [gàd̪ááɛ̀g] B,G) gataayg L) gatajag

gahl1 [gə̂l] con in that way ‫و لذلك‬

gaf [gàf] v.t give ‫ امنح‬/‫اعطي‬

gahl2 [gə̂l] adv just ‫فقط‬

gafa [gāfà] n field, farm ‫ مذرعة‬gafag [gāfàg]

gahmah1 [gə̀mə̀] K) gahmahye B) gahmi n pumkin ‫ قرع‬gahmahg [gə̀mə̀g] K) gahmahyeeg B) gahmieg gahmah2 [gə̄mə̀] K,B,G) ahmahg n ant name ‫ النملة الكبيرة‬gahmahg [gə̄mə̀g] K,B,G) ahmahg

gafaj [gàfāɟ] G) gafay n lung ‫ فشفاش‬/‫رئة‬ gafeeg [gàfɛ̄ɛ̄g] K) gafajeeg B) gafajag G) gafayg gag [gàg] v.t 1) throw 2 ‫ جدع‬/ ‫ )رمي‬give an order, give a decree

gahmahl [gə̀mə̄l] n forest ‫الخالء‬ gahmahlg [gəməlg]

gal [gàl] v.i 1) run 2 ‫ )جري‬ram, break ‫ھروب‬ gams v.t find ‫ وجود‬/‫يجد‬

gahmiil [gə̀mīīl] n tree name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الشجر بداخلھا ماء‬gahmiilg [gə̀mīīlg]

gany [gàɲ] v.i laugh ‫ اضحك‬/‫ضحك‬

gahmsah [gə̄msə́] v.t find

gar1 [gâr] v.i be able ‫اقدر‬

gahmur [gə̄mu᷆r] K) kutuur B) gungur G) kukutuur n dove ‫ قمريه‬gahmurg [gə̄mu᷆rg] K) kutuuriig B) gunguriig G) kukutuuriig

gar2 [gàr] n place ‫ مكان‬garg [gàrg] gar3 [gàr] v.t dig

gahngiid [gə̀ŋīīd̪] K) gahmiin maa B) gahmiid L) gahndiid n bird name ‫نوع‬ ‫ من الطير‬gahngiig [gə̀ŋīīg] K) gahmiin maangg B) gahmiin maangg

garnye [gàrɲɛ̀] dung ‫زبالة‬ gars [gàrs] v.t dislike, reject, show contempt for ‫رفض‬ gaahi [gə̄əì̄ ] adj illiterate, can't read ‫ جھالة امية‬gaahig [gə̀ə̀īg]

gahny [gə̀ɲ] v.t dig ‫يحفر‬



gahrmud [gə̀rmùd̪] n 1) tree name ‫نوع‬ 2 ‫ )من الشجر‬insect name ‫نوع من الحشرات‬ gahrmug [gə̀rmùg] gahwldaah [gə̄ūld̪əə̀ ]̀ n fish ‫سمك‬ gahwldaahg [gə̄ūld̪ə̀ə̀g]

gon2 [gɔ̀n] v.t 1) grab, take, carry ‫يمتلك‬ 2) pursue, follow, track down

gahwrd [gə̀ūrd̪] n 1) stomach / ‫بطن‬ 2 ‫ )مصران‬outside pouch gahwrg, gahwriig [gə̀ūrg, gə̀ùrīīg]

gonoon [gɔnɔɔn] n tree name ‫نوع من‬ ‫االشجار الموجودة فٮمناطق اقله جدا مثل اولو‬ ‫ وفاقولق‬gonoongg [gɔnɔɔŋg]

gahyu [gə̄yù] K,B,G,L) gahyah n 1) grass name 2 ‫ )نوع من الجزور‬insect name ‫ مرقود نوع من الحشرات‬gahyug [gə̄yùg] K,G,B) gahyahg L) gahyahlahg

Gorondan [gɔ̄rɔ̄nd̪ān] Jog Goor dialect ‫لھجة الككارة‬ goyn [gɔ̀ɛn̄ ] n metal worker ‫حدادي‬ goyngg [gɔ̀ɛ̄ŋg]

goo [gɔ̄ɔ ̀] n clothing name ‫ قماش‬goog [gɔ̄ɔ̀g]

guum [gūùm] n tree name ‫شجرة االندراب‬ guumg [gūùmg]

good [gɔ̀ɔd ̀ ̪] K,B,G) goad L) gaad n excretment ‫ فضالت االكل‬/ ‫ براز‬guug [gùùg] K,B) guahg G) guig L) gaahdig

guur [gùùr] n grinding stone ‫حجر املس‬ guuriig [gùùrīīg]

gon1 [gɔ᷅n] n responsibility ‫مسئوليه‬ gonog [gɔ̀nɔ̄g]

guurd [gúùrd̪] n energy, ability guurg [guurg]

goon [gɔ̀ɔn ̀ ] adj.der shining ‫منيره مضيه‬ goon [gɔ̀ɔ̀n]

gugahg [gūgə̀g] v.n vomiting ‫طراش‬ ‫استفراق‬

Goor [gɔ̀ɔr̀ ] 1) clan name of Gaahmg 2) area name ‫منطقة ككر‬

guldu [gùld̪ū] n 1) tree (general) ‫شجرة‬ 2) wood guldug [gùld̪ūg]

goor [gɔ̀ɔr̀ ] n fertilized field (from animal droppings) gooreeg [gɔ̀ɔ̀rɛ̄ɛ̄g]

guny [gùɲ] v.t agree ‫{ موافقه‬gunyahg}

golo [gɔ̄lɔ̀] K,B,G) galo L) gala n 1) part of group of people 2 ‫)اخر‬ companion golg [gɔ᷆lg] K,B) galg L)

gunyahg [gūɲə̀g] (guny agree) v.n acceptance ‫قبول‬

I ii [íì] adj heavy ‫{ ثقيل‬iid} iig [íìg]

-iigi [íìgì] pron.obj him, her (with they subject) ‫لھم‬

iid [ììd̪] (ii heavy) v.adj be heavy ‫ثقيل‬

-ǐigi [íìgi ᷅] pron.s.depd when they ‫لمن ھم‬

iig1 [īīg] milk ‫لبن حليب‬

iini [íìnī] pron.pos.ali his, her (sg noun)/his, her (pl noun) ‫ حقه‬iigi [íìgī]

iig2 pl. of eeg -iigah [iigə̀, ììgə̀, íìgə̀] pron.obj them


iinin [íìnīn] pos his, hers (sg noun)/his, hers (pl noun) ‫ حقه‬inigin [ínìgīn]

idig yaahsi [íd̪ígyə̄əs̄ î] (idig yaahsah nine) num.ord ninth ‫الرقم‬ ‫تسعه‬

iing [īīŋ] pron.refx himself, herself ‫شخصه‬

igahn [īgə̀n] pron.dat to or for them ‫لھم‬

iingg1 [ììŋg] pron.refx themselves ‫اجسادھم‬

-ĩgahn [îgə̀n, i ᷅gə̀n] pron.dat to or for them ‫لھما‬

-i [i, ì] pron.obj him, her

il [îl] K,B,G) ul L) uli n horn ‫ قرن‬ilaahg [ílə̀ə̀g] K,B) ulg G) ulaahg L) ulijahg

-î [i ᷇] pron.s.cond if you (sg)

ilj [îlɟ] K) ilg B) ilij n bees wax ‫شمع العسل‬ iljahg [ílɟə̀g] K) ilg B) iljig

-ǐ1 [i ᷅] pron.s.depd when (s)he -ǐ2 [ī] pron.s.depd when you (sg)

-ĩn [i ᷇n, i ᷅n] pron.dat to or for him, her

idig dhaag [íd̪ígɖáāg] seven

inah [ínə̄] pron.dat to or for him, her

‫{ نمرة سبعة‬idig dhaage}

isiiba [īsííbà] expres behold, you know ‫اقول لك‬

idig dhaage [íd̪ígɖáàgɛ̀] (idig dhaag seven) num.ord seventh ‫نمرة سبعة‬

isi, fan isi [īsí, fān īsí] ques how ‫كيف‬

idig oze [íd̪ígɔ̂ðɛ̀] (idig ozo eight) num.ord eighth ‫ثمانية‬

iyahni [īyə̀nī] pron.pos.ali their (sg noun)/their (pl noun) ‫ حقھم‬iyahgi [īyə̀gī] iyahnin [īyə̀nīn] pos theirs (sg noun)/theirs (pl noun) ‫ حقھما‬iyahgin [īyə̀gīn]

idig ozo [íd̪ígɔ́ðɔ̄] eight ‫ثمانية‬ {idig oze} idig yaahsah [íd̪ígyə̄əs̄ ə́] nine ‫{ العدد تسعة‬idig yaahsi}

J ‫العدد ثالثون‬

jaa1 [ɟāā] n person ‫{ شخص‬jaa dui ?}

jaal [ɟāàl] n tree name ‫ شجرة الدوم‬jaalg [ɟāàlg]

{jaa gaam ?} {jaa jam ?} {jaa leel ?} jog [ɟɔ̄g]

jaam1 [ɟáám] adv wrongly ‫{ خطاءا‬jaa

jaa2 [ɟāā] n 1) boy, son 2 ‫ )ابن‬child jaalge [ɟāālgɛ́]

jam ?} jaam2 [ɟāām] someone ‫شخص ما‬

jaa dhui aahng [ɟāā ɖùì ə̄əŋ ̄ ] twenty ‫عشرون‬

jaaz [ɟááð] n ragged old clothes ‫قطعة قديم‬ jaazaag [ɟááðāāg]

jaa dhui aahng i na ahsahgdi [ɟāā

jag [ɟāg] v.t mix ‫ناس‬

ɖùì ə̄əŋ ̄ ì ná ə́sə̄gdí] thirty


jaya [ɟáyá] K) jaye B) jay G) jaꞌe n ant name ‫ نوع من النمل‬jayag [ɟáya᷇g] K) jayeg B) jayag G) jaꞌeg

jiil [ɟííl] K,L) tiil G) ciil n cricket ‫ابو‬ ‫ الجندي الصرصور‬jiilg [ɟíīlg] K) tiilg B) jiiliig G) ciilg L) tiiljahg

jaahm [ɟə̄əm ̀ ] n mushroom ‫عش‬/ ‫الفطريات‬ ‫ ود الواطه‬/‫ القراب‬jaahmg [ɟə̄ə̀mg]

jiildah [ɟííld̪ə]̀ n tree name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الشجرعود‬jiildahg [ɟííld̪ə̀g]

jahd [ɟə̀d]̪ v.t break ‫ يكسر‬/‫كسر‬

jid [ɟìd̪] n husband ‫ زوج‬jiig [ɟīìg] K) jizahg

{jahgdahg} jahgdahg [ɟə̄gd̪əg ̀ ] (jahd break) v.n destruction ‫خراب دمار ھدم‬

jijahg [ɟīɟə̀g] belching, burping ‫اسھال‬

jahwd [ɟəud̪] yeast ‫ تخمر للخمر‬/‫زراع‬ ‫من الزره‬

jil [ɟîl] v.i whistle ‫صفاره اعالنات‬ jilahb [ɟílə̀b] n water spring ‫ عين‬/ ‫جلب‬ ‫ الماء‬jilahbahg [ɟílə̀bə̀g]

jeem1 [ɟɛ̄ɛm ́ ] n sorghum seive ‫شئ‬ jeemg [ɟɛ̄ɛ᷇mg]

jingahr [ɟìŋə̄r] n lyre ‫ ربابة‬jingahrg [ɟìŋə̄rg]

jeem2 [ɟɛ̀ɛm ̀ ] n thing, something ‫ شى‬jeg [ɟɛ̀g]

jingd [ɟíŋd̪] K,B,G) jingahd L) jinggahd n louse, lice ‫ قمل‬jingg [ɟíŋg] L) jinggahdig

jeers [ɟɛ̀ɛr̀ s] n hippopatamus ‫فرس البحر‬ jeersag [ɟɛ̀ɛ̀rsàg] jen, jin [ɟɛ̄n, ɟīn] K,B,G,L) jan n person, man ‫ ناس‬jog [ɟɔ̄g] K,G) jag L) idig

jinyjil [ɟīɲɟíl] K) dingiil B) jinyjilah n bird name ‫ ببغاء‬jinyjilg [ɟīɲɟı᷇lg] K) dingiiliig B) jinjilahngeeg

jer1 [ɟɛ̀r] v.t forget ‫{ نسيان‬jerang}

jis [ɟìs] v.t 1) do 2 ‫ )اعمل‬make, cook 3) treat, abuse

jer2 [ɟɛ᷆r] n sorghum name ‫ زرة عيش‬jerg [ɟɛ᷆rg]

jisah [ɟisə] n something ‫ خدمه‬/ ‫عمل‬

jerang [ɟɛ̄rāng] (jer1 forget) v.n forgetting, neglecting ‫نسيان‬

jiwir [ɟìwìr] n bareness, infertility ‫ال تنجب جنين‬/ ‫ عاقرة‬jiwirg [ɟìwìrg]

jii1 [ɟìì] n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬jiig [ɟììg]

joor [ɟɔ́ɔŕ ] n troublemaker ‫عدم‬/ ‫اھانة‬ ‫ احترام‬jooreeg [ɟɔ́ɔ́rɛ́ɛ̄g]

jii2 [ɟīì] L) iidah n guinea fowl, bird name ‫ نوع من الطير‬jiig [ɟīìg] L) iidahg

jo [ɟɔ̄] adv only ‫فقط‬

jii3 [ɟīì] K,B) jiin G) jiyah L) iidah n sorghum soup ‫ مديدة من الزرة‬jiig [ɟīìg]

jofoor [ɟɔ̀fɔ́ɔr̀ ] n desire ‫مشتھى خرم‬ jofoorg [ɟɔ̀fɔ́ɔ̀rg]

jiig1 [ɟììg] evening ‫{ مساء‬jiiguul}

jog colofa [ɟɔ̄g cɔ́lɔ̀fá] n spirits ‫شياطين‬

jiiguul [ɟììgúúl] (jiig1 evening, -ool above, over, on) afternoon ‫وقت‬ ‫المغرب‬

jog dhuig iingah aasaaman [ɟɔ̄g

jodi [ɟɔ̄d̪í] adv also ‫كزلك‬

ɖùìg ììŋə̄ áásááma᷇n] hundred ‫العدد مائه‬ 31

jog dhuig iingah dhaag [ɟɔ̄g ɖùìg

jog dhuig iingah yaahsah i na

ììŋə̄ ɖáāg] fourty ‫العدد اربعون‬

ahsahgdi [ɟɔ̄g ɖùìg ììŋə̄ yə̄əs̄ ə́ ì ná ə́sə̄gd̪í] ninety ‫العدد تسعون‬

jog dhuig iingah dhaag i na ahsahgdi [ɟɔ̄g ɖùìg ììŋə̄ ɖáāg ì ná

jorgaal [ɟɔ́rgāāl] K) cetkaar B) cetjaal n bird name ‫ نوع من الطيور‬jorgaalg [ɟɔ́rgāālg] K) cetkaareeg B) cetjaalg

ə́sə̄gd̪í] fifty ‫العدد خمسون‬ jog dhuig iingah ozo [ɟɔ̄g ɖùìg ììŋə̄

juud [ɟūùd̪] n place of firmenting sorghum ‫ ذريعة‬juuwig [ɟuuwig]

ɔ́ðɔ̄] sixty ‫العدد ستون‬ jog dhuig iingah ozo i na ahsahgdi

juug [ɟūūg] urine ‫بول‬

[ɟɔ̄g ɖùìg ììŋə̄ ɔ́ðɔ̄ ì ná ə́sə̄gd̪í] seventy ‫العدد سبعين‬

juurd [ɟúúrd̪] n smell of corpse ‫ريحة‬ ‫ كريحة منتنة‬juurg [ɟúūrg]

jog dhuig iingah yaahsah [ɟɔ̄g ɖùìg

jun [ɟún] v.t absorb, suck ‫امتصاص‬

ììŋə̄ yə̄əs̄ ə́] eighty ‫العدد ثمانون‬

K Kaadanka [kààd̪ánkà] area name ‫منطقة‬

kaand2 [káānd̪] K,B,G) kaan L) kaani n fly ‫ ذبابة‬kaangg [káāŋg] L) kaananaad

kaadel [kààd̪ɛl̄ ] K,B) kaadal L) kaatil n bull, leader ‫ ثور‬kaadelg [kààd̪ɛ̄lg] K,B) kaadalg L) kaatiliig

kaanga [kááŋá(g)] K,B) kaang n wealth ‫ ممتلكات اموال‬kaangag [kááŋa᷇g] K) kaangg

kaafaa [kááfāā] n tree name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الشجر‬kaafaag [kááfāāg]

kaar1 [káár] n stew ‫ مالح‬kaarg [káārg]

kaal [káál] n house fence ‫ زريبة‬kaalg [káālg]

kaar2 [káàr] n male goat ‫طيرالسمبر‬ kaarg [káàrg]

kaaldee [kááld̪ɛɛ́ ́] n brother of motherin-law ‫ نسيب‬/ ‫ نسب‬kaaldeeg [kááld̪ɛ́ɛ̄g]

kaaro [kāārɔ̄] bacteria ‫باكتيريا او‬ ‫طھالب‬

kaam1 [káàm] v.t work, deal with (problem) ‫عمل‬

kaay1 [kááɛ́] n night ‫ ليل‬kaayg [kááɛ̄g] kaay2 [kāāɛ̄] n witch doctor ‫ ساحر‬/‫كجور‬ kaayg, kaayeeg [kāāɛ̄g, kāāyɛ̄ɛ̄g]

kaam2 [kààm] n nyala, cow name ‫نوع‬ ‫ من البقر المتوحش‬kaamg [kààmg]

kabar [kābàr] K,B,G) gabar L) gapar n wing, armpit ‫ جناح‬kabarg [kābàrg] K,G) gabarg B) gabareeg L) gahpahriig

kaand1 [kāànd̪] n water-carrying stick ‫عصا تستعملة النسا لنقل المياة او الحطب‬ kaandag [kàànd̪àg]


kad [kad̪] n infertile man ‫ رجل غير‬/ ‫كسي‬ ‫ فاعل جنسيا‬kahdiig [kəd̪iig]

karaab [kàrááb] adj troublesome ‫اجرم‬ ‫ عداوة‬karaaꞌog [kàráá.ɔ̄g]

kaf [kāf] v.i draw water ‫جلب المياه‬

karaabe, karaab [kàrààbɛ̄, kārááb] n troublemaker ‫ مشاغب‬karaabeg [kàrààbɛ̄g]

kagdar [kágd̪àr] K,B) kater G) kagtar L) katera n food name ‫ موليته‬kagdarg [kágdàrg] K,B) katerg G) kagtarg L) katerejag

kasa [kāsá] n boy ‫ ولد صبي‬kasag [kāsāg]

kagde [kàgd̪ɛ ̀] laziness ‫كسل خمولة‬

kasan [kásán] n friend ‫ صديق‬kasanaag [kásánáāg]

kaj [káɟ] v.t bring ‫جلب‬

kaw [káɔ̀] n 1) tree root name ‫نوع من‬ 2 ‫ )الجذور يؤكل ايضا‬hyena name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ المرافى‬kawg [káɔ̀g]

kalaad [kālāād̪] n tongue, language, accent ‫ لسان‬kahlaahg [kə̀lə̄ə̄g] G) kahlaahziig L) kahlaahdiig kamalog [kàmàlɔ̀g] n mature female ‫ فتاة‬kamalogaad [kàmàlɔ̀gààd̪]

kawda [kāɔ̄d̪á(g)] K,B,G) kapta n ear wax ‫ وسخ االزن‬kawdaag [kāɔ̄d̪áág] K,B,G) kaptag

Kamar [kámàr] Taw village name ‫قرية كمر‬

kay1 [kāɛ̄] quan all (pl noun) ‫كل كلھا‬ kay2 [káɛ̀] adj thin ‫ ضعيف ھزيل نحيل‬kayg [káɛ̀g]

Kameer [kāmɛ̄ɛr̀ ] Taw village name ‫قرية كمير‬

kay3 [káɛ́] adj finish, cease ‫ انتھى‬kayg [káɛ̄g]

kandhal [kánɖāl] K) kanal L) kandalii n tree name ‫ اسم لشجرة‬kandhalg [kánɖālg] K) kanalg L) kandaliijag

kayaar [kāyáár] adj best, beautiful, nice, admiring ‫لطيف‬,‫ظريف‬, ‫حسن‬, ‫جميل‬ kayaarg [kāyáārg]

kang [kāŋ] n group ‫ مجموعة‬kangeeg [kāŋɛ̄ɛ̄g]

kayd [káɛ̄d̪] n cup, spoon, place for cooling food (ie porridge) ‫اناء كاس ملعقة‬ kayg [káɛ̄g] K,G,B,L) kaydag

kangarany [kàŋàrâɲ] n jackal ‫نوع من‬ ‫ مراى الجبال‬kangaranyg [kàŋàrâɲg] kanyaad1 [kāɲāàd̪] n bowel for dividing hot food ‫ملعق من القرع تستعمل‬ ‫ لقرف الطعام‬kanyaag [kāɲāàg] K) kanyaadag L) konjigad

kayma [kàɛ̀mà] good luck stone ‫حجر ممسوح بارواح كجرة‬ kayn [kāɛ̄n] adv yesterday ‫امس امبارح‬ {kayn e bimsahg ?} {kayn

kanyaad2 [káɲáád̪] n back of head ‫ خلف الرقبه‬/‫ عنقره‬kahnyaahg [kə̀ɲə̄ə̄g]

nade ?}

kar1 [kár] n buffalo, wild cow ‫بقر الوحش‬ karg, kareeg [kárg, kárɛ́ɛ̄g]

kazaam [kàðáàm] n work ‫ خدمه‬/ ‫عمل‬ kazaameeg [kàðáámɛ̀ɛ̀g] K,G) kazaamg L) kadamiis

kar2 [kár] v.i run ‫ ھروب‬/ ‫جري‬

kaah [kə̄ə]́ v.t strike, hit, ram ‫ضرب‬

kar3 [kár] adj loose, moving (ie tooth) ‫ غير سابت‬/ ‫ ھش‬karg [kárg] 33

kaahny [kə̀əɲ ̀ ] large quanity of milk in animal ‫لبن كثير‬

koofor [kɔ̀ɔf̀ ɔ̀r] weakness ‫ضعيف‬ ‫ھزيل نحيل‬

kahgahlig [kə̄gə́lìg] n cock ‫ديك‬ kahgahligaahd [kə̄gə́lìgə̀ə̀d̪]

kooga [kɔ́ɔǵ à(g)] n tree name ‫شجرة‬ ‫ الصباغ‬koogaag [kɔ́ɔ́gààg]

kahgdahg [kə̄gd̪əg ̄ ] coughing ‫قحةاو السال الديكى‬

kool [kɔ́ɔĺ ] n snake name ‫عصلة ثعبان‬ ‫ العصلة العتيق‬koolg [kɔ́ɔ̄lg] B) kooleeg L) kooloog

kahlaah [kə̄lə̀ə̀] n meat from fruit of 'Jaal' tree ‫ ما بداخل ثمره الدوم‬kahlaahg [kə̄lə̀ə̀g] kahlfah [kə̂lfə̄] n jaw ‫الفك االعلى والفك‬ ‫ االسفل معا‬kahlfahg [kə̂lfə̄g]

koolmaa [kɔ́ɔl̀ màà] K,B) koolmi G) koolma L) kuulmi n 1) tree name ‫نوع‬ 2 ‫ )من الشجر‬ant name ‫نوع من الحشرات‬ koolmaag [kɔ́ɔ̀lmààg] K) koolmieg B) koomiyag G) koomaag L) kuulmijahg

kahliid [kə́lííd̪] n bird name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الطيور‬kahliig [kə́líīg]

koom [kɔ̄ɔm ̄ ] n yeasted sorghum (for making flat bread) ‫ عجين تخمر‬koomg [kɔ̄ɔ̄mg]

kahmdahl [kə̀md̪əl̀ ] Bw (Arabic) n camel ‫ جمل‬kahmdahliig [kə̀md̪ə̀līīg]

koon, koo [kɔ̄ɔn ̄ , kɔ̄ɔ ̄] v.t cry out, call,

kahrngahl [kə̄rŋə̄l] n grass name ‫نوع‬ ‫من الحشايش وبمعنى اخر مرض اللوز‬ kahrngahlg [kə̄rŋə̄lg]

vocalize ‫{ مناداه بكاء‬kuund} kooso [kɔ̀ɔs̀ ɔ̀] n testicle ‫كوكة ورم فى‬ ‫ خصيتان الرجل يسما الفثاك‬koosog [kɔ̀ɔ̀sɔ̀g]

kahs [kə̄s] B) kahms n chair ‫كرسى‬ kahsahg [kə̄sə̄g] K) kahsahg B) kahmsahg

kojo [kɔ̄ɟɔ́] fear, fright ‫خوف‬ koleez [kɔ̀lɛ̀ɛð̀ ] n sword type ‫اله الكولبيت‬ ‫ القتاليه الحاد‬koleezg [kɔ̀lɛ̀ɛ̀ðg]

kahsah [kə́sə́] n sorghum name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الذرة‬kahsahg [kə́sə́g]

kolod [kɔ́lɔ́d̪] K,B) kolaad L) kolngaad n egg ‫ بيضة‬kolg [kɔ́lg] B) kolaag L) kolog

kahwahr [kə̄wə́r] n news ‫انبا اخبار‬ kahwahrg [kə̄wə᷇rg]

kom1 [kɔ́m] v.t cut, chop, slay, destroy ‫قطع‬

kahwrjah [kə́ùrɟə̄] K,B,G) kahwrij n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬kahwrjahg [kə́ùrɟə̄g] K,B) kahwrijahg G) kahwrijig

kom2 [kɔm] n wood chip (after cutting) ‫قطع من الخشب‬/ ‫ دقل‬komg [kɔmg]

koo [kɔɔ] v.i bare children, care for offspring ‫والده‬

konaag [kɔ̄nāāg] delivery, birth ‫والدة انجاب‬

koofar1 [kɔ̀ɔf̀ àr] (koofar2 thin, weak) v.adj be thin

kongoorg [kɔ̄ŋɔ̀ɔr̀ g] snoring ‫شخير‬ kongor [kɔ̀ŋɔ̀r] v.i snore ‫كونقرق‬

koofar2 [kɔ́ɔf́ àr] adj thin, weak ‫ضعيف‬

kor [kɔ́r] v.t say, speak ‫ كالم‬/‫{ حديث‬kor,

‫{ ھزيل نحيل‬koofar1} koofarg [kɔ́ɔ́fàrg]

korra} {kurd}


‫ ربط بزور العام القادم‬kuuriig [kúùrīīg] K,B) kaahriig

kor, korra [kɔ̄r, kɔrra] (kor say, speak) n speech, word, speaking ‫حديث‬ ‫{ او كالم‬kor faan ?} {wara e kor ?} koreeg [kɔ̄rɛ̄ɛ̄g]

kuuri2 circle ‫دائرى‬

kord [kɔ̄rd̪] L) da id n bird name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الطير‬koroog [kɔ̄rɔ̄ɔ̄g] B) kordag G) koreeg L) da idig Koro [kɔ̄rɔ̀] Taw hill name ‫جبل كربة‬ koy1 [kɔ́ɛ ]́ v.t cook ‫طبخ‬ koy2 [kɔ́ɛ ]̀ n rain ‫ مطره‬koyg [kɔ́ɛ̀g]

kuurluug [kúūrlúúg] n animal like a rat ‫ نوع من الفيران‬kuurluugig [kúūrlúúgīg] kuuz [kūūð] K) kuin B) kui G) kuyah L) kuuidah n shadow ‫ ظل‬kuuzahg [kūūðə́g] K) kuig B,G) kuyahg L) kuuidahjahg kuduurii [kūd̪úúrīī] n bird name ‫نوع‬ ‫ من الطير‬kuduuriig, kuguuriig [kūd̪úúrīīg, kūgúúrīīg]

koyj1 [kɔ̀ɛɟ̀ ] (koyj2 1 pass by) v.t welcome ‫تفضل‬

kuid [kúīd̪] (koyj2 1 pass by) v.c

koyj2 [kɔ̄ɛɟ́ ] v.i 1) pass by ‫{ مرور‬koyj1}

welcome {kuidahg}

{kuid} 2) enter, come

kuidahg [kūīd̪əg ̄ ] (kuid welcome) v.n welcome ‫تقديم لالمام‬

kozel1 [kɔ́ðɛ́l] n natural white painting ‫ نوع من الجيرة الطبيعيه‬kozelg [kɔ́ðɛ᷇lg]

kuir [kúìr] n leaf for mat making ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الفرش يستعمل للرقاد علية او الراحة‬kuirg [kúìrg]

kozel2 [kɔ̄ðɛ̀l] B) kobal n baboon ‫نوع من‬ ‫ القرود‬kozelg [kɔ̄ðɛ̀lg] B) kobalg kuu [kūū] v.t build ‫بناء‬

Kukuli clan name of Gaahmg

Kuud [Kūúd̪] person name ‫اسم‬ ‫ كمثل‬/ ‫شخص‬

kul [kúl] v.t cause to swell ‫ورم‬

kuufu [kúúfú] n ground sesame or beans ‫ سمسم مسحون فول مسحون‬kuufug [kúúfúg, kúúfu᷇g]

kulmu [kúlmú] K,B) kulum n buttock

{kulahg} ‫{ صلب‬e kulmug ?} kulmug [kúlmúg] K) kulumg B) kulumeeg

Kuul [kùùl] n person of 'Kuulaahg' clan ‫ احد رجال الكوالق‬Kuulaahg [kùùlə̄ə̄g]

kulu [kúlù] n bird name ‫ طيرة‬kulug [kúlùg]

Kuulaagh clan name of Gaahmg ‫مجموعه الكوالق‬

kumur [kúmūr] v.t cover ‫تغطيه‬

Kuuldahn [kūùld̪ən ̀ ] Kulahg dialect ‫لھجة الكوالق‬

Kumuriig [kúmùrīīg] Kuulaahg village name ‫قرية‬

kuund [kúūnd̪] (koon, koo cry out, call, vocalize) v.c sing, play (instrument) ‫ يغني‬/‫غني‬

kun [kūn] n hunger ‫ جوع مجاعة‬kuniig [kūnīīg] kund [kúnd̪] n chest, authority ‫صدر‬ kundug [kúnd̪ūg]

kuuri1 [kúùrī(g)] K) kaahri B) kaahr G) kuur n sheave (ie sorghum) ‫طريقة‬


kuni [kùnī(g)] adj hungry ‫ جوعا‬kuniig [kùnīīg]

kusah [kúsə́] n grass name ‫نوع من القش‬ kusahg [kúsə́g]

kunyj [kúɲɟ] kunysah n 1) cough ‫نزلة‬ 2 ‫ )قحة‬nose mucus kunyiig [kúɲīīg] K,B,G) kunyjahg L) kunysahjahg

kusuur [kùsúùr] n authority ‫قدرة قوة‬ ‫ مقدرة‬kusuuriig [kùsúúrììg] kusumii [kūsūmíí] n knee ‫ركبة‬ kusumiig [kūsūmíīg]

kur [kúr] n youth clothing (wrap around waist) ‫ نوع من لبس الصبيان‬kuriig [kúríīg]

kuwah [kúwə̄] n froth, foam, bubbles kuwahg [kúwə̄g]

kurd [ku᷇rd̪] (kor say, speak) v.c 1) read 2 ‫ قراءه‬/ ‫ )اقراء‬tell, inform

L laad [lāād̪] n gum ‫ صمغ‬laadag [lāād̪āg]

lahbu [lə̄bù(g)] K,B) lahbah G) lepo L) lahpahpah n navel, belly button ‫ صرة او الحبل السرى‬lahbuug [lə̀būūg] K,B) lahbahg G) lepog L) lahpahpahjahg

laal [láál] n pumpkin name ‫بخس نوع من‬ ‫ القرع‬laalg, laalaag [láālg, lááláāg] laaza [lááðà(g)] K,B,G) laand n 1)

lahmuu [lə́mùù] K,B,G,L) lahmah n goat dung ‫ بعرة غنم‬lahmuug [lə́mùùg] K,B,G,L) lahmahg

brain, head ‫{ مخ‬eel ta laaza ?} 2) cleverness ‫ ذكاء‬laazag [lááðàg] K) laaneeg B) laag G) laang lad1 [làd̪] v.t 1) leave 2 ‫ ترك‬/ ‫ )قطع‬cut, divide 3 ‫ )يقطع‬pull ‫جر‬

lahng [lə̂ŋ] con then, until ‫ الى‬/ ‫حتى لغاية‬ ‫ما النھائة‬

lad2 [lād] v.i 1) run 2 ‫ جري‬/ ‫ )يشق‬go

lahngd [lə̀ŋd̪] n tree name ‫نوع من الشجر‬ ‫ العطرة‬lahngdahg [lə̀ŋd̪ə̀g]

laj [lāɟ] v.t heal ‫ يرجع لالصل‬/ ‫يشفي‬

lahw [lə́ú] v.t surround, circle ‫دائري‬

lalda [lāld̪á(g)] n hanging storage net (from ceiling) ‫عالقة من الزعف لحفظ الطعام‬ ‫ مشعليبة‬laldaag [lāld̪áāg]

lahwah [lə̄wə̄] adj round, circular ‫مدور‬ ‫ دائرى‬lahwahg [lə̄wə̄g] leel [lɛ́ɛĺ ] n 1) grass (general) ‫{ قش‬jaa

lamany [lāmāɲ] n 1) knot ‫رباط فى نصف‬ 2 ‫ )الحبل‬shell of nut lamanyg [lāmāɲg]

leel ?} 2) forest, bush leelg, leeleeg [lɛ́ɛ́lg, lɛ́ɛ́lɛ́ɛ̄g]

las [lās] v.t roll-up ‫يطوي‬ law [làɔ̀] v.i move, making comotion ‫تحرك‬

leen [lɛ́ɛn̄ ] v.i 1) go 2 ‫ )قادم‬come/ is coming

laahz [lə́əð ́ ] male singing voice ‫صوت الرجل فى الغناء للنساء وقت الطمبور‬ ‫الكبير‬

leero [lɛ̄ɛr̄ ɔ̄] K) leera B,G) leerea L) lahmbur n reed, thin tree bark ‫الحصير‬ leerog [lɛ̄ɛ̄rɔ̄g] K) leerag B,G) leereag 36

‫ انواع الجراد‬logoog [lɔ̄gɔ́ɔ̄g] K) logoozeeg B) logaadag

leez [lɛ̄ɛð̄ ] K) leen L) leeti n drill (tool for making holes for seeds) ‫ سلوكة‬leezg [lɛ̄ɛ̄ðg] K) leenaag B) leezaag G) leezeeg L) leetijag

lold [lɔ́ld̪] n skin bump, bemish ‫حبوب فى‬ ‫ الوجة‬loldog [lɔ́ld̪ɔ̄g]

Lefar [lɛ̀fàr] Taw hill name ‫جبل ليفر‬

londor [lɔ́nd̪ɔr̀ ] n knot ‫ربط كاحاجز فى‬ ‫ وسط الكلمة‬londorg [lɔ́nd̪ɔ̀rg]

lewda [lɛ̄wd̪á] K,B,G) lepta n animal (general) ‫ حيوان‬lewdag [lɛ̄wd̪ág] K,B,G) leptag

luung [lúúŋ] n waterpot ‫زير للماء‬ luungiig [lúúŋíīg]

lewee [lɛ̀wɛ̄ɛ ̄] K,B,G) lewaa L) lebia n tree name ‫ الشجرالحميض‬leweeg [lɛ̀wɛ̄ɛ̄g] K,B,G) lewaag L) lebiag

luusah [lùùsə̄] (lusu hot) v.adj be hot ‫ سخانه‬/ ‫سخن‬ luusud [lúúsúd̪] sweat, perspiration

limahg [līmə̀g] (liw put in order, repair) v.n ordering, arranging ‫اجازة‬ ‫يجيز‬

lud [lúd̪] n leg ‫ رجل‬luug [lúùg] K,G) luuig L) luudiig

liw [líù] v.t put in order, repair

ludi [lúd̪ī] fifteen ‫خمسة عشر‬ ‫معناة اليدين زيد رجل واحده‬

{limahg} liyah [līyə̀] n stone ‫ نوع من الحجر‬liyahg [līyə̀g]

lulid [lúli ᷄d̪] K,B) luluj L) luluguj n snake name ‫ نوع من الثعابين‬lulidahg [lúlı᷄d̪ə̄g] K) lulahjahg B) lulujahg G) luluꞌiig L) lulugujig

loor [lɔ̄ɔr̀ ] K,B) loomaad G) loomeed L) loodamaad n cervex ‫البظر فى انثى‬ ‫ المراء‬looreeg [lɔ̄ɔ̄rɛ̀ɛ̀g] K,G) loomeeg B) loomaadag L) loodamaadig

luny [lúɲ] K) lunyj n boomerang ‫ طرمباش‬lunyiig [lúɲíīg] K,L) lunyjiig

lof [lɔ̀f] v.t do magic ‫اسھر‬

lusu [lūsú] adj hot ‫ تسخين‬/‫سخانه‬

lofo [lɔ̄fɔ̀] magic ‫سحر‬

{luusah} lusug [lūsúg]

logood [lɔ̄gɔ́ɔd ́ ̪] K) logoon B) logaad n praying mantis, insect name ‫نوع من‬

M maa1 [máà] n house ‫سكن‬/ ‫ محل‬/ ‫منذل‬

maad [māād̪] n snake name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الثعابين الغير سامين‬maadag [māād̪āg]

{fuulmaa} maag [máàg] maa2 [máà] v.t boast about, take pride in ‫تشجيع‬

Maag [māāg] Taw village name ‫قرية ماك‬

maa3 [máá] v.t refuse, dissagree, hinder ‫رفض‬

maaj [máāɟ] n like cucumber ‫تبش عجور‬ maayg [máāyg] K,L) maajag B)



maree1 [màrɛ̀ɛ ̀] adv somehow ‫زي كده‬

Maaleefaa [mààlɛ̀ɛf̀ àà] Taw village name ‫قرية مليفة‬

maree2 [mārɛ̄ɛ ̄] n caracal, cat name ‫القط‬ ‫ المتوحش‬mareeg [mārɛ̄ɛ̄g]

maam [máàm] n father's sister ‫اخت الوالد‬ ‫ عمة‬maamaad [máámààd̪]

Marool Kuulaahg village name ‫حى‬ ‫مرول فى باو‬

maanag [māānàg] courage ‫تشجيع‬

maroos [márɔ̄ɔs̄ ] n spider ‫شبكة‬ marooseg [márɔ̄ɔ̄sɛ̄g]

maang [māāng] disagreement, argument ‫جدل نقاش حوار نزاع‬

mas [mās] n 1) war 2 ‫ )حرب‬spear ‫حربة‬ maasag [māāsāg]

maar1 [māār] v.t 1) buy {mahrd} 2) bring

masee [mássɛ̄ɛ ]̄ n illness name maseeg [masɛɛg]

maar2 [māàr] n unmarried woman, widow ‫ غير متزوجة‬maareeg [mààrɛ̀ɛ̀g]

May [máɛ̀] Taw (Magaja) village name ‫قرية مقجة‬

maase [māāsɛ̄] n root name ‫جزر‬ maaseg [māāsɛ̄g]

May fol Taw village name ‫قرية‬

maaw [māàɔ̀] n dikdik, gazelle name ‫ غزال صيدة‬maaweeg [mààwɛ̀ɛ̀g]

Mazeelg [máðɛ̀ɛl̄ g] Taw village name ‫قرية مديلق‬

ma [ma᷆] adv even, very ‫في كل‬

maahi [mə̀əì̀ ] n 1) farm fence 2 ‫)المنزل‬ threashing floor maahig [mə̀ə̀ìg]

mad [mād̪] v.t drink ‫شراب‬

maahl [mə̀əl̀ ] n fighting ‫فتنة حرب‬ maahliig [mə̀ə̀līīg]

mada [mād̪ā] adj big ‫ كبير‬mang [māng] mal [māl] v.i gather, accumulate ‫يجمع‬

maahnimah [mə́ən ́ ìmə̄] n leafy vegetable ‫ رجله‬maahnimahg [məəniməg]

malo [málɔ̀] bees wax ‫مخاط االنف‬ ‫الجاف‬ maloj [málɔ᷄ɟ] dry nose mucus ‫بواقي المخاط‬

maahwah [mə́əw ́ ə̀] n mushroom ‫عش‬ ‫ود الواطة‬/ ‫ الغرب الفطريات‬maahwahg [mə́ə́wə̀g]

man [ma᷇n] indef any, certain, one ‫اى‬

maahz [mə̄əð ̄ ] K) mahin n grandfather ‫ جد‬maahzaahd [mə̄ə̄ðə́ə̄d̪] K) mahiahd

‫{ احد‬e mane ?} biig [bíīg] mand [mānd̪] n tree name ‫شجرة العرديب‬ mandag [mānd̪āg] K) manag

Mahgahr [mə̄gə̀r] area of Jumjum people ‫شارع او طريق للحيونات‬

mang [mâŋ] adv well ‫تشجيع‬

mahid [mə̄īd̪] n old person ‫ كبير‬/‫جد‬ mahiaahd [mə̄yə́ə̄d̪]

{wisahgmang ?} many [máɲ] v.t request ‫طلب‬

mahl [mə᷆l] n bambo drinking straw ‫نوع‬ ‫ من القن المخرم يستعمل كمصاص‬mahlg [mə̀lg] K,L) mahliig

maraa [màrāā] n widows ‫مطلقات‬ maraag [màrāāg]


mahlaahgi [mə̄lə̄əg̀ ì] neighbour ‫جوار جار‬

mezee [mɛ̄ðɛ̄ɛ ̄] n tree name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الشجر المتسلغ‬mezeeg [mɛ̄ðɛ̄ɛ̄g]

mahmiid [mə̄mííd̪] K) mahiid B) mahmii n edible root ‫نوع ثمار فى اطراف‬ ‫ الخيران‬mahmiig [mə̄míīg] K) mahiig L) mahmiidahg

mii [mīí] B) mijah G) mici L) miji n chicken ‫ دجاج‬miig [mīíg] B) mijahg G) micig L) mijig miid [mīīd̪] B) miiyahd L) miigahd n stone (general) ‫ حجر‬miidahg [mīīd̪ə́g] K) miitahg B) miitahd G) miig L) miitig

mahndahg [mə̄nd̪əg ̄ ] determination ‫اصرار الحاح‬ mahny [mə̄ɲ] K,B,G) mare L) mahli n wild cat name ‫ نوع من الحيوانات‬mahnyg [mə̄ɲg] K,B,G) mareeg L) mahliig

miah [mīə̄] T) mii K) mee n goat ‫غنماية‬ ‫ ماعز‬miahg [mīə̄g] T) miig K) meeg

mahnyil [mə̀ɲìl] n 1) rainbow ‫الوان‬ 2 ‫ قوس قزح‬/ ‫ )الطيف‬spirit providing rain 3 ‫ )مالك ملك‬angel mahnyilg, mahnyiliig [mə̀ɲìlg, mə̀ɲìlīīg] mahr [mə̄r] v.i 1) return ‫يرجع‬

mintaazee [mìnt ̪ààðɛ́ɛ ́] con thereafter ‫من ھنا‬ mirdah [mírd̪ə̀] K) mirgi B) mir G) mird L) mirahd n leg of chair/bed ‫مرق‬ ‫ العنقريب‬mirdahg [mírd̪ə̀g] K,B) mirgiig G) miriig L) mirahdahg

{mahrahng} 2) be curved mahrahng [mə̄rə̄ng] (mahr 1 return) v.n answer, reply ‫رد رجوع جواب‬

moo [mɔ̄ɔ ̄] n 1) fire 2 ‫ )نار‬gun ‫سالح‬ moog [mɔ̄ɔ̄g]

mahrd [mə᷇rd̪] (maar1 1 buy) v.c 1) sell 2) accept ‫يبيع‬

mooge [mɔ̄ɔg̀ ɛ̄] num.ord first Mool [mɔ̀ɔl̀ ] Taw village name ‫قرية‬ ‫موول‬

mahsii [mə̄sīī] n 1) fingernail /‫ظفر‬

moos [mɔ́ɔs̀ ] v.i die ‫موت‬

‫قرقور‬/ ‫{ قوقع‬gaalmahsii} 2) disease name 3) insect name mahsiig [mə̄sīīg]

Moose [mɔ́ɔś ɛ̄] Taw village name ‫قرية موسى‬

Mahzuul [mə́ðùūl] Taw village name ‫قرية‬

modaal [mɔ̀dá̪ ál] n hatred ‫مكيدة ضد‬ ‫ حساسية‬modaalg [mɔ̀d̪áálg]

meed [mɛ̄ɛd̄ ̪] n rope ‫ حبل‬meeg [mɛ̄ɛ̄g]

mofdee [mɔ́fd̪ɛɛ̄ ̄] K) mof B) mapta G) mogsa L) mofti n snake name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الثعابين‬mofdeeg [mɔ́fd̪ɛ̄ɛ̄g] K) mofad B) mapteeg G) mogsig L) moftijad

meez [mɛ̄ɛð̄ ] n tree name ‫نوع من الشجر‬ meezg [mɛ̄ɛ̄ðg] mel [mɛ̄l] n gum tree ‫ شجرة الطلح‬melg [mɛ̄lg]

mogolee [mɔ́gɔ́lɛ̀ɛ ]̀ n maize /‫زره شاميه‬ ‫ عيشريف‬mogoleeg [mɔ́gɔ́lɛ̀ɛ̀g]

meloo [mɛ́lɔ̄ɔ ̄] K) melaa n sugar cane ‫ قصب العنكوليب‬meloog [mɛ́lɔ̄ɔ̄g] K) melaag

mogord [mɔ̀gɔ̀rd̪] n 1) stiring stick 2 ‫ )ھنكول للعصيدة‬walking stick ‫ھنكول‬ mogoreeg [mɔ̀gɔ̀rɛ̄ɛ̄g]

mezan [mɛ̀ðān] n youth leader ‫قائد‬ ‫ الشباب فى بيت العادات‬mezangg [mɛ̀ðāŋg]


mogoyg [mɔ̄gɔ́ɛḡ ] intercourse ‫منى‬ ‫او حيوانات منوية‬

Muum [múùm] Taw village name ‫قرية موقم‬

mondor [mɔ́nd̪ɔr̀ ] n mirrow ‫مراية‬ mondorg [mɔ́nd̪ɔ̀rg]

muurg [múūrg] leaning, loan ‫دين‬ ‫سلفة‬

moraa [mɔ̀rāā] n 1) govenor 2 ‫)جندى‬ army moraag [mɔ̀rāāg]

muusu [mūúsù] adj equal ‫متساوى قريب‬ ‫ البعض‬muusahs [mūūsə́s]

mored [mɔ̄rɛ́d̪] n vegetable name ‫نوع م‬ ‫ الخضار بة شوك‬moreeg [mɔ̄rɛ́ɛ̄g]

mud [mu᷇d̪] v.t collect, gather, bring together, meet ‫ تجميع‬/ ‫جمع‬

mosor [mɔ̄sɔ̀r] n horse ‫حصان فرس‬ mosoreeg [mɔ̀sɔ̀rɛ̀ɛ̀g]

mufur [múfúr] n gazelle name ‫ام دقدق‬ ‫ نوع من الحيوانات‬mufurg [múfu᷇rg]

mozo [mɔ̄ðɔ́] n locust (general) ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الجراد‬mozog [mɔ̄ðɔ́g]

mugahr [mūgə́r] n street, road ‫شارع او‬ ‫ طريق للحيونات‬mugahrg [mūgə᷇rg]

muu1 [múū] n mosquito ‫باعوضة ناموس‬ muug [muug]

muguui [mūgúúì] K,G) muugiah B) muuge n burning wood (wood fire) ‫ شعلة او خشبة بھا نار‬muguuig [mūgúúìg] K,G) muugiahg B) muugeeg

muu2 [mūū] n forehead, face ‫{ جبھة‬muu} {d-aamu} {d-aahmuug}

mugurii [mùgùrīī] n hatred ‫كراھية‬ ‫ يكرحھة‬muguriig [mùgùrīīg]

{d-iimuug} {d-uumuug} {duumu} muug [mùùg] d-eemu

mui [mūī] n wildebeast ‫البقر االسترالى‬ muig [mūīg]

-muu [mūū] (muu2 forehead, face) loc

mun [mūn] n time past ‫{ منذ ذمن‬tal e

in front of, before ‫ جدام‬/ ‫{ امام‬aal

mun ?} mungg [mūŋg] K) muniig

mu ?} -muug [mùùg]

mur [mūr] v.t close ‫قفل‬

muug [mūūg] spitting, saliva /‫لعاب‬ ‫بزاق‬

N naa, naan [náá, náán] dem that, those (near listener) naa, naan [nàà, nààn]

naanaag [nāānāāg] sleeping person ‫نايم‬

naadi [náád̪ī] dem that, those (away

naand [nāānd̪] n day ‫{ يوم‬nand e

from speaker and listener) ‫{ ذاك‬kayn

wahlahndahg ?} naag [nāāg]

nade ?} naadi [nààd̪ì]

ná [ná] con who, which, that ‫ من‬nà [nà]

naam [nāām] v.t 1) eat ‫{ اكل‬nams} 2) beat, destroy

na isiin [ná īsíīn] ques which ‫اينما‬


nag [nāg] v.t 1) put down, lay 2 ‫)اضع‬ sleep 3) write

nyaa [ɲāā] n girl, daughter ‫بنت فتاة‬ nyalg [ɲālg]

nams [nāms] (naam 1 eat) K,B) namas G,L) names n food, eating ‫اكل او‬ ‫ طعام‬namsag [nāmsāg]

nyaafar [ɲááfàr] n mustache ‫شنب‬ nyaafarg [ɲááfàrg] nyaam [ɲààm] v.t grab, seize ‫يرقب‬

nar [nár] v.t insult ‫ اساءه‬/‫نبز‬

nyaan1 [ɲāān] adj small, young ‫صغير‬

nay [nàɛ̀] n thin soft bread, kisra ‫كسره‬ nayg [nàɛ̀g]

‫{ ناشئ‬nyaan2} nyalgeeg [ɲālgɛ́ɛ́g]

nahnd [nə̄nd̪] K,B,G) nahnahd L) nahnggah n demon ‫ ابليس شيطان‬nahngg [nə̄ŋg] L) nahngiig

nyaan2 [ɲāān] (nyaan1 small, young) v.adj be small, young ‫تصغير‬ {nyaahnd}

nahr [nə́r] v.i seep, gush ‫جري البزاق‬ ‫الجانبي‬

nyaang [ɲāàŋ] n crocodile ‫تمساح‬ nyaangeeg [ɲààŋɛ̀ɛ̀g]

nahrnah [nə̄rnə́] K,B,G) nahrah n saliva ‫ البزاق الجاري‬nahrnahg [nə̄rnə᷇g] K,B,G) nahrahg

nyaar [ɲáār] adj green ‫ اخضر‬nyaarg [ɲáārg] nyaaw [ɲáàɔ̀] n cat ‫ قط ھر‬nyaaweeg [ɲááwɛ̀ɛ̀g]

nee, nii [nɛ́ɛ,́ níí] dem this, these (near speaker) ‫ھزا‬/ ‫ ھزة‬nee [nɛ̀ɛ̀]

nyam [ɲám] v.t want, love, desire

ngaangaad [ŋāāŋāād̪] n thigh ‫درش‬ ngaangaag [ŋāāŋāāg] K,G) ngaahngaahg B) ngaangeeg L) ngaangaadiig

‫ يريد‬/ ‫{ يرغب‬nyamag} nyamag [ɲāmāg] (nyam want, love, desire) v.n 1) love 2 ‫)حب ريدة‬ application

ngaasa [ŋáásā] n tree name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الشجر‬ngaasag [ŋáásāg]

nyamm [ɲām] v.t break ‫يكسر‬ nyaw [ɲáɔ́] v.t want, desire, look for,

ngal [ŋāl] v.i 1) smell 2) decay ‫تعفن‬ ngalg [ŋālg] n neck ‫ رقبة‬ngahlg [ŋə̀lg]

search for, request ‫{ يرغب‬nyawng}

ngan [ŋān] ques who ‫ من‬ngahnaahdah [ŋə̄nə́ə̀d̪ə̀]

nyawng [ɲāɔ̄ng] (nyaw want, desire, look for, search for, request) v.n searching, looking for ‫ابحاث تفتيش‬

nganan [ŋāna᷇n] ques for whom ‫من‬ nganaadan [ŋānáād̪a᷇n]

nyaahm [ɲə̄əm ̄ ] n chin ‫ دقن‬nyaahmg [ɲə̄ə̄mg] K,B,L) nyaahmiig

ngany [ŋāɲ] v.t crush, sand ‫عصر‬

nyaahnd [ɲə́ən ̄ d̪] (nyaan2 be small, young) v.c make small ‫تصغير‬

ngarna [ŋārná] K,G) ngara B) ngarda n 1) leech 2 ‫ )مرض للبقر‬cow sickness caused by leech ngarnag [ŋārna᷇g] K,G) ngarag B) ngardag

nyahnd [ɲə̄nd̪] n mud ‫ طين‬nyahndahg [ɲə̄nd̪ə̄g]

ngaw [ŋáɔ] v.t kidnap ‫قبض‬


nyii [ɲíí] ques what ‫ ماذا؟‬nyiig [ɲííg]

nyee [ɲɛ̄ɛ ]̄ K) ngaeen B) ngee G) ngaeeng L) ngaeega n 1) drawing, writing 2 ‫ )كتابة‬colour nyeeg [ɲɛ̄ɛ̄g]

nyiid [ɲíīd̪] K,B) nyigahd L) nyikahd n tooth ‫ سن‬nyiig [ɲíīg]

nyeeng [ɲɛ́ɛŋ̀ ] K) nyeenyeeny G) nyeeny L) nyeemnyeem n spear name ‫ نوع من الحراب‬nyeengg [ɲɛ́ɛ̀ŋg] K) nyeenyeenyeeg G) nyeenyeeny L) nyeemnyeemiig

nyiinah [ɲíīnə̄] ques.foc what nyiigah [ɲíígə̀] nyilahd [ɲílə̄d̪] n intestine ‫ مصران‬nyilg [ɲílg]

nyeerema [ɲɛ́ɛŕ ɛ̀mà] n 1) demon ‫نوع‬ 2 ‫ )الحيوانات الشيطانيه الشبه‬strong spirit that protects people nyeeremag [ɲɛ́ɛ́rɛ̀màg]

nyili [ɲīlì] childishness, ignorance ‫جھل امية‬ nyoor [ɲɔ̄ɔr̄ ] n tree name ‫نوع من الشجر‬ nyooreeg [ɲɔ̄ɔ̄rɛ́ɛ̄g]

nyees [ɲɛ́ɛś ] v.t explain ‫توضيح‬

nyuud [ɲūūd̪] n 1) smoke 2 ‫)دخان‬ marijuana nyuug [ɲūūg]

nyel1 [ɲɛ́l] (nyel2 know) adj.der knowing, knowledgeable ‫ معرفه‬nyel [ɲɛ́l]

nyudi [ɲūd̪ī] poverty ‫فلس‬ nyui [ɲūì] n leopard ‫ نمر‬nyuig [ɲūìg]

nyel2 [ɲɛ́l] v.t know ‫{ يعرف‬nyel1} {nyili ?}

O ood [ɔ̄ɔd ̄ ̪] n.pos your (sg) eye/your (sg) eyes/ your (pl) eyes udug [úd̪ūg, ùd̪ūg]

oolg [ɔ̄ɔl̄ g] n.pos your (sg) stomach/your (pl) stomaches ‫{ بطون‬doolg} {d-uulg2} uulg [ùùlg]

oog1 [ɔ̄ɔḡ ] n.pos your (sg) mouth/your (pl) mouthes ‫ جمع‬/‫ انتم‬uug [ùùg]

oon [ɔ̄ɔn ̄ ] pron.s.l you (sg) ‫انت‬

-oogo, -uugu [ɔɔgɔ́, uugú, ɔ́ɔḡ ɔ́,

oong [ɔ̄ɔŋ ̄ ] n.pos your (sg) body/your (pl) bodies {d-uung} {d-uungg} uungg [ùùŋg]

úūgú] pron.obj you (pl) ‫انتم‬ ool [ɔ̄ɔl̄ ] n.pos your (sg) head/your (pl)

oony [ɔ̄ɔɲ ̄ ] n.pos your (sg) back/your

heads ‫ رؤس‬/ ‫{ راس‬d-ool} {d-uulg1}

(pl) backs ‫{ ظھر‬d-oony} uunyg [ùùɲg]

{d-uuny} uulg [ùùlg] -ool [ɔ́ɔĺ ] loc above, over, on

oos [ɔ́ɔs̀ ] n.pos your (sg) hand/your (sg) hands/your (pl) hands ‫ يد‬usug [úsūg, ùsūg]

{bimsuuguul} {faa-ool} {jiiguul} -uulg [úùlg]


o [ɔ̄, ɔ̀] pron.s.s you (sg) infinitive, you (pl) infinitive) ‫انت‬

ony [ɔ̄ɲ] n meat ‫ لحم‬onyg [ɔ̄ɲg] K,G) onyoog L) onyjaag

-o, -u [ɔ, u] pron.obj you (sg) ‫انت‬

or1 [ɔ̄r] v.t mix-up ‫ اضافه‬/ ‫يضف‬

ô, û [ɔ᷇, u᷇] pron.s.f you (sg) ‫انت‬

or2 [ɔ̄r] v.i deteriorate, become bad ‫تكسر‬

ö, ü [ɔ̄, ɔ́, ū, ú] pron.pos.inali your (sg) ‫انت‬

ordaa [ɔ́rd̪àà] Bw (Arabic) n army ‫ جندى حكومى‬ordaag [ɔ́rd̪ààg]

od [ɔ̄d̪] n wife ‫ زوجة او امراء‬oog, ozoog [ɔ̄ɔ̄g, ɔ̄ðɔ̄ɔ̄g]

orond [ɔ́rɔ́nd̪] K) orand B,L) oronad G) worogad n 1) fermented milk ‫اللبة‬ 2 ‫ )مباشرا‬colosterom ‫اللبن بعد الوالدة‬ orondog [ɔ́rɔ́nd̪ɔ̄g] K) orangg B) oronadag G) worogazeeg L) oronadiig

og1 [ɔ́g] n place ‫ مكان‬ogeeg [ɔ́gɛ́ɛ̄g] og2 [ɔ̀g] pron.s.s you (pl) (infinitive) ‫انتم‬

osaa [ɔ̀sáà] n wooden pillow (to protect women's hair while sleeping) ‫مخدة‬ ‫ االغمق مصنوع من الخشب‬osaag [ɔ̀sáàg]

ôg, ûg [ɔ᷇g, u᷇g] pron.s.f you (pl) ‫انتم‬ ög, üg [ɔ̄g, ūg] pron.pos.inali your (pl) ‫ جمع‬/ ‫انتم‬ ogo [ɔ̄gɔ́] pron.s.l you (pl) ‫ جمع‬- ‫انتم‬

oze [ɔ́ðɛ᷆] (ozo three) num.ord third ‫الثالث‬

on v.i cry ‫بكاء‬

ozo [ɔ́ðɔ̄] three ‫{ ثالثه‬oze}

onso [ɔ̀nsɔ̀] n cooking plate ‫ دوكة‬onsog [ɔ̀nsɔ̀g]

P pal [pál] v.t cut ‫قطع‬

paanyan [pāāɲàn] n poet, muscian ‫فنان‬ ‫ مبدع‬paanyangg [pāāɲàŋg]

pall [pàl] v.i get down, fall ‫انزل‬

paase [páásɛ̀] n basket name ‫قفة محلية‬ ‫ واسعة يعمل للتنشيف او التجفيف‬paaseg [páásɛ̀g] pad1 [pád̪] adv 1) suddenly, always ‫دائما‬ 2) forever ‫مطلقا بدون شك‬

pamal [pāmāl] n grass name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ القش النائم‬pamalg [pāmālg] param [pārám] n gold ‫ زھب‬paramg [pāra᷇mg] paras [pārās] adj full ‫ امتالء‬pahrsiig [pə̄rsíīg]

pad2 [pād̪] v.t guard ‫ يحرس‬/ ‫حراسه‬ pada [pād̪á(g)] K,B,G) pata n rope material (from bark) ‫حبل من لحة الشجر‬ padaag [pād̪áāg] K,B) pateeg G) patag

pare [párɛ́(g)] n leather bag ‫شنطة من‬ ‫ الجلد‬pareeg [párɛ́ɛ̄g] pas [pás] v.t release, shead skin

pajo [páɟɔ̄] n star ‫ نجمة‬pajog [páɟɔ̄g]



pasag [pāsāg] expres please ‫من فضلك‬

pes [pɛ̄s] n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬pesag [pɛ̄sāg]

paseeg [pàsɛ̄ɛḡ ] intentionality ‫ قاصد‬/‫متعمد‬

pir [pîr] v.t lie, tell falsehood ‫ يكزب‬/ ‫كزب‬

passang [pāssāng] (pas release, shead skin) skinning an animal ‫ يسلخ‬/ ‫سلخ‬

pirahns [pīrə̀ns] lying ‫كزب احتيال‬ poo1 [pɔ́ɔ ́] n tree name ‫ شجرة العشر‬poog [pɔ́ɔ́g]

pahdahg [pə̄d̪əg ̀ ] answer, returning ‫جواب رد‬

poo2 [pɔ́ɔ ̀] adj white ‫ ابيض اللون‬poog [pɔ́ɔ̀g]

pahnyu [pə́ɲù(g)] n porcupine ‫ابوالقنفد‬ pahnyuug [pə́ɲùùg]

poor1 [pɔ́ɔŕ ] n donkey saddle cloth ‫مقعد‬ ‫ الحمار سرج الحمار‬poorg [pɔ́ɔ́rg]

pahr1 [pə́r] n hat ‫ طاقيه‬pahriig [pə́ríīg] pahr2 [pə̂r] v.t attach ‫لملم‬

poor2 [pɔ́ɔŕ ] n 1) boat 2 ‫ )مركب‬tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬poorg [pɔ́ɔ̄rg] G,B,L) pooreeg

pahrahng [pə̄rə̄ng] v.n flying / ‫طيران‬ ‫قفز‬

poor3 n shovel ‫ مراكب‬pooreeg

pahrd [pə᷇rd̪] v.c overcome control of, jump, fly ‫ يتجاوز‬/‫غفذ‬

pong [pɔ́ŋ] n knife sheath ‫بيت السكين‬ pongeeg [pɔ́ŋɛ̄ɛ̄g]

peedaa [pɛ̄ɛd̄ ̪áá] K,G) peta B) peja L) peca n crack ‫ شق‬peedaag [pɛ̄ɛ̄d̪áāg] K,B,G) petag L) pecajag

pord [pɔ̄rd] v.t tear, chop - ‫ يشرط‬- ‫شرط‬ ‫يقطع‬

peel [pɛ̄ɛl̄ ] v.i lie down, sleep ‫ ارقد‬/ ‫انزال‬

puufah [púúfə̄] leprosy ‫مرض الجزام‬

peeram [pɛ́ɛŕ àm] n flag ‫ علم‬peeramg [pɛ́ɛ́ràmg]

puidahg [pūīd̪əg ̄ ] v.n 1) being bloated with air 2 ‫)نفخ باھوء اصبح حزنان زعالن للخ‬ being angry

pebar [pɛ̄bār] n rib ‫ ضلع‬pebarg [pɛ̄bārg]

pur [púr] n flower ‫ زھرة‬puriig [púríīg]

pebeej [pɛ̄bɛ̄ɛɟ̄ ] n tree name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الشجر‬pebeeg [pɛ̄bɛ̄ɛ̄g] K,L) pebeejag

R -r, -ar, -ahr [r, ar, ər] par (shows perfect verb, action is final) ‫نھايه فعل‬

raaw [rāāɔ̄] n house fence ‫زريبة الحوش‬ raawg [rāāɔ̄g]

raanfaa [ráànfàà] n covering (i.e. milk) ‫ السمنة فوق اللبن‬raanfaag [ráànfààg]

raay [rāāɛ̄] L) raa n quarrel, war ‫حرب‬ ‫ شكل‬raayg [rāāɛ́g] G) raayeeg L) raaꞌeeg


[rīmə́ə̄g] K,B,G) rimiig rimd [rîmd̪] v.t explain, tell, show ‫تعرف‬

rag [rāg] v.i 1) step, stop {raah} 2) be late ‫ قف‬/ ‫{ اضع‬rahi}


rango [raŋɔ(g)] K,L) rongo n bow ‫نشاب‬ rangoog [raŋɔɔg] K) rongeeg L) rongojag

rimdahg [rīmd̪əg ̀ ] (rimd explain, tell, show) v.n explanation ‫تعريف توضيح‬

raah [rə́ə]̄ (rag 1 step, stop) v.c stop ‫قف‬

ris [rís] Bw (Arabic) n sign of respect, gift ‫ كثير جدا كافى‬risahg [rísə̀g]

raahwah [rə̀əw ̀ ə̀] n net ‫شبكة العنكبوت‬ raahwahg [rə̀ə̀wə̀g]

roo [rɔ̄ɔ ̄] sewing ‫خياطة مشاط‬

rahdi [rəd̪i] K) rahtah L) rahti n gourd jug ‫ لحفظ السمن‬/ ‫ قرعمن‬rahdig [rəd̪ig] K) rahtahg L) rahtijahg

Room eelg Kuulaahg village name ‫قرية روميلك‬ rogo [rɔgɔ] n root name ‫ بافرة كثافة‬rogog [rɔgɔg]

rahi [rə̄i ᷇] (rag 2 be late) adj.der late ‫ تاخر‬rahi [rə̄ı᷇]

ronyd [rɔ᷆ɲd̪] n mud ‫ طين‬ronyg [rɔɲg]

rahsluumaa [rə̄slūúmàà] n preying mantis (rahsul 'apostle' maa 'of house') ‫ فرس النبى‬rahsluumaag [rə̄slūúmààg]

ruud [rùùd̪] K) rood B) reed G) ruuwid L) rahpid n perenial stream ‫ خور‬ruug [rùùg] K) ratag B) rahdahg G) ruuwig L) rahtig

ree [rɛ̄ɛ ̄] n 1) cotton 2 ‫ )قطن‬thread ‫خيط‬ reeg [rɛ̄ɛ̄g]

ruum [rúùm] fog ‫غمام سحاب‬

re [rɛ̄] adv very ‫جدا‬

ruusu [rùùsù] n tail ‫ ذنب‬ruusug [rùùsùg]

rebed [rɛ̄bɛ́d̪] B) reed n reed/grass name ‫ الحسكنية‬rebeeg [rɛ̄bɛ́ɛ̄g] K,G) rebedag B) reedag

ruid [rúíd̪] n dirt ‫ وسخ‬ruig [rúíg] B) ruidahg L) rujiig

reda [rɛ̀d̪à(g)] n grass cutter ‫الة حاد لقطع‬ ‫ القش‬redaag [rɛ̀d̪ààg]

rum [rùm] v.t clear path ‫نظافه‬ runguud [rúŋùúd̪] n bird name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الطيور الزى تبنى عشھا لالسفل‬runguug [rúŋùúg]

regaad [rɛ̄gāād̪] adv slowly ‫ ببط‬/‫براه‬ rimaah [rīmə́ə]́ K,B,G) rimii L) rimahmah n star ‫ الشھب‬rimaahg

S saa [sáá] n wine ‫ خمرة‬sag [ság]

saal [sáàl] n big stone name ‫حجر مسطح‬ saalg [sáàlg]

saag [sāāg] 1) song, singing ‫غنى او‬ 2 ‫ )ترنيم‬name of singer ‫اسم‬

Saal bal Kuulaahg village name ‫قرية سالبل‬


saarfaa [sáárfāā] n rat ‫نوع من الفيران‬ saarfaag [sáárfāāg]

sassaa [sāssāā] n sand ‫ رملة‬sassaag [sāssāāg]

saaw [sáàɔ̀] n grass cutter ‫منتباب‬ saaweeg [sááwɛ̀ɛ̀g]

saw [sāɔ̄] n shoe ‫ منتباب‬/‫ حزاء‬sawg [sāɔ̄g]

saay [sāāɛ̄] n coconut ‫ دوم او الدليب‬saayg [sāāɛ̄g]

saahm1 [sə́əm ́ ] hunter ‫صيد‬ saahm2 [sə̄əm ̄ ] n 1) tree root 2) medicine from tree roots ‫دواء عالج‬ saahmg [sə̄ə̄mg]

saaz [sāāð] (sad pluck, pull (i.e. skin)) v.n plucking (ie feathers) ‫نظافه ريش‬ ‫ الدجاج‬saazeg

saahmg [sə̄əm ̄ g] dancer ‫مجموعه‬ ‫ ادويه‬/ ‫السامق الغنائيه في مديلك‬

-sa, -sah, -so, -su [sa, sə, sɔ, su] par (shows complete verb) ‫اتمال الفعل‬

sahlid [sə́līd̪] softness (ie of ground) ‫ناعم او املس‬

sabal [sābál] n 1) edible root 2) tree name 3 ‫ )نوع من الشجر‬ant name sabalg [sāba᷇lg]

sahrmahg [sə̄rmə᷇g] wonderment, consciousness ‫ حس‬/‫احساس‬

sad [sād̪] v.t pluck, pull (i.e. skin) ‫نظافه‬

seen [sɛ́ɛǹ ] n ruler ‫ مسؤل‬seengg [sɛ́ɛ̀ŋg] K,G) seenaag, B) seeneeg L) seeniig

‫{ جلد‬saaz} salad [sàlàd̪] n hyena ‫نوع من المرافى‬ salazeeg [sàlàðɛ̄ɛ̄g]

seenee [sɛ̀ɛǹ ɛ̄ɛ ̄] 1) wealth 2 ‫)غنى‬ pride ‫تكبر‬

salo [sálɔ̄] n line of safari ants ‫نوع من‬ ‫ النمل التى تمشى بمجموعات‬salog [sálɔ̄g]

segar [sɛ̀gār] adj strong ‫قوى صلب‬ segarg [sɛ̀gārg]

samaar [sàmāār] adj not smooth, coarse (ie blanket) ‫ خشن خشونة‬samaarg [sàmāārg]

segard [sɛ́gàrd̪] strength ‫قوة متانة‬ ‫مناعة‬ semee [sɛ́mɛ̄ɛ ̄] K,B) sema G) simia L) somia n insect name ‫نوع من الحشرات‬ semeeg [sɛ́mɛ̄ɛ̄g] K,B) semag G) simiag L) somiag

samang [sāmáŋ] n sorghum storehouse ‫ مخز ن صغير داخل الغرفة‬samangg [sāma᷇ŋg] sandalany [sànd̪àlàɲ] behavior of living alone; living without telling others what you are doing or not listening to the advice of others ‫التسيب‬ ‫الزوغان‬

sengaad [sɛ̀ŋààd̪] n local maraca, bamboo instrument ‫اله عزف للربابه‬ sengaag [sɛ̀ŋààg]

sarand [sārànd̪] n croch line ‫عصبة‬ sarandag [sàrànd̪àg]

sewel [sɛ̄wɛ́l] n tree name ‫نوع من الشجر‬ sewelg [sɛ̄wɛ᷇lg]

saranyda [sáràɲd̪ā] n tree name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الشجر‬saranydag [sáràɲd̪āg]

sii [síí] K) see G) siah n sesame (general) ‫ حبوب‬siig [sííg] K) seeg G) siahg

sen [sɛ̀n] skin disease ‫مرض الحذبه‬

sasarg [sāsārg] touching ‫يلمس‬


‫ سودة‬soozaag [sɔ́ɔ́ðààg]

siij [síīɟ] K) seey B,G) seej n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬siijahg [sííɟə̄g] K,B) seejag G) seejig

suud [sūùd̪] n hair ‫ شعر‬suug [sùùg] su [sù] adv deeply ‫داخلي‬

siind [sīìnd̪] n guest ‫ ضيوف‬/ ‫ضيف‬ siindahg [sììnd̪ə̀g]

subii [sūbīī] B) suptia L) subia n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬subiig [sūbīīg] K) subiiyag B) suptiag L) subiajag

siirii [sīīrīī] n charcoal smudge (ie on pots) ‫ سواد الدوكة‬siiriig [sīīrīīg]

sugur [súgúr] B) sugud L) sukud n pubic hair ‫شعر االعباط او شعر تحت العانة‬ suguriig [súgúríīg] K) sugug B) sugudahg G) suguꞌiig L) sutiig

sim [sím] adv in, down ‫فجاءتا‬ simdahg [sīmd̪əg ̀ ] relief for pain, recovery ‫عالج مؤقث فترة عالجية غير كافية‬

Sulah [súlə̄(g)] n member of 'Sulahng' clan ‫ قبيلة السوالنق‬Sulaahg [súlə̄ə̄g]

sir [sír] v.t make smooth ‫ منعميه‬/ ‫نعامه‬ siyah [siyə] n bird name ‫طير الزرزور‬ siyahg [siyəg]

surmuj [sūrmùɟ] K,G) sarmuj B) surmaj n tree name ‫نوع من الشجر‬ surmug [sūrmùg] K) sarmujiig B) surumajiig G) sarmuꞌiig L) surumajag

sooza [sɔ́ɔð́ à(g)] n tree name ‫نوع من‬ ‫الشجر المثمر التى تتواجد بغزارة شديد فى منطقة‬

T taa [t ̪áā] v.i be, is, stand ‫ يبقي‬/ ‫بقي‬

tad [t ̪ád̪] adv down ‫تحت‬

taal [t ̪aal] v.t finish ‫ المنتھي‬/ ‫نھايه‬

tal1 [t ̪ál] v.t 1) make, create {tal e mun ?} 2) put, place ‫ افعل‬/ ‫اصنع‬

taan1 [t ̪áān] adv again, another time ‫مرة‬ ‫ثانية‬

tal2 [t ̪ál] v.i stand ‫اقف‬

taan2 [t ̪áàn] v.i return ‫يعود‬/‫يرجع‬

talam [t ̪álàm] n malnutrition, illness ‫ الطوحال نوع المرض‬talamg [t̪ álàmg]

taaz [t ̪ààð] L) kaambi n door ‫باب مصنوع‬ ‫ من القنى او غيرة‬taazg [t̪ ààðg] K) taazeeg L) kaambig

talg [t ̪âlg] quan many (pl noun) ‫كثير‬ talngej [t ̪álŋɛ̀ɟ] n tree name ‫ققة نوع من‬ ‫ الشجر‬talngejag [t̪ álŋɛ̀ɟàg]

taaza [t ̪ááðà] n grandmother ‫حبوب او‬ ‫ ايضا يعنى باب يصنع من القنى‬taazad [t̪ ááðàd̪]

talo [t ̪álɔ̀] n tax ‫ عطاء او ضريبة‬talog [t̪ álɔ̀g]

ta isi [t ̪a īsí] ques which, how ‫كيف سالم‬

tamal [t ̪ámál] n chair ‫ كرسي‬tamalg [t̪ áma᷇lg]

ta, taaza [t ̪à, t ̪ààðá] adv there (near listener) ‫{ ھنلك‬eel ta laaza ?}

taman [t ̪āmán] one ‫العدد واحد‬

tab [t ̪áb] v.t add, increase ‫ازدياد‬

tarb [t ̪ārb] v.t call ‫مناداه‬


tare [t ̪ārɛ̄(g)] n shin ‫ مظبوط‬tareeg [t̪ ārɛ̄ɛ̄g]

te, teeze [t ̪ɛ̀, t ̪ɛ̀ɛð̀ ɛ́] adv here (near speaker) ‫ ھنا‬/ ‫قريب‬

tasame [t ̪āsāmɛ́(g)] n grass name ‫نوع‬ ‫ من القش‬tasameeg [t̪ āsāmɛ́ɛ́g]

tedel [t ̪ɛ̄d̪ɛl̄ ] n bird name ‫نوع من الطيور‬ tedelg [t̪ ɛ̄d̪ɛ̄lg]

Taw [t ̪āɔ̀] clan name of Gaahmg ‫مجموعه الجوق تاو في القمق‬

tegrelfaa [t ̪ɛ̄grɛ᷄lfàà] n bird name ‫نوع‬ ‫ من الطير‬tegrelfaag [t̪ ɛ̄grɛ᷄lfààg]

taw [t ̪àɔ̀] adv up ‫العلى االتجاة العلياء‬

telee [t ̪ɛ́lɛ̄ɛ ̄] n daytime ‫ وقت النھار‬teleeg [t̪ ɛ́lɛ̄ɛ̄g]

taweed [t ̪āwɛ́ɛd́ ̪] addition ‫زيادة‬ ‫اضافة‬

tews [t ̪ɛ̀ɔs̀ ] n sorghum seed type ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الذرة‬tewsag [t̪ ɛ̀ɔ̀sàg]

tawe [t ̪āwɛ̀(g)] n sister's child ‫ابناء االخت‬ taweeg [t̪ āwɛ̀ɛ̀g]

tii [t ̪īì] K,B,L) tia n cassava ‫ عرق‬/‫جزر‬ ‫ لالكل‬tiig [t̪ īìg] K,B,L) tiag

tawr [t ̪áɔ̀r] n lizard ‫ورل من الزواحف‬ tawreeg [t̪ áɔ̀rɛ̀ɛ̀g]

tiifaahng [t ̪īīfə́əŋ ́ ] n bird name (like chicken) ‫دجاجة بدون شعر فى الرقب‬ tiifaahngg [t̪ īīfə́ə̄ŋg]

tay [t ̪āɛ̀] n giraffe ‫ زراف‬tayg, tayeeg [t̪ āɛ̀g]

tiil [t ̪īīl] K,B) tahil G) tahgil L) tahjilah n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬tiilg [t̪ īīlg] K,B) tahilg G) tahgilg L) tahjilahjahg

tayda [t ̪āɛ̄d̪á(g)] K,B,G) tayta n strainer (ie for wine) ‫مصفة الخمر‬ taydaag [t̪ āɛ̄d̪áág] K) tayteg B,G) taytag

ti, tiizi [t ̪ì, t ̪ììðí] adv there (away from speaker and listener) ‫بعيدا‬

tayn [t ̪āɛ́n] con then ‫اصبح‬

tif [t ̪īf] v.t tie, tighten ‫{ ربط‬tifaahn}

tahil [t ̪ə̀ìl] n tree name ‫نوع من الشجر‬ tahiliig [tə̀ìlīīg]

tifaahn [t ̪ifəən] (tif tie, tighten) tying ‫ربط‬

tahwahr v.i appear suddenly ‫يتفاجاء‬

tifiij [t ̪ìfīīɟ] adv quickly ‫ فجاءتا‬/ ‫مسرعا‬

tahwindahn [t ̪ə́wínd̪ən ́ ] Taw dialect of Gaahmg ‫لھجة الجقتاو‬

tili [t ̪īlī] n 1) tree name 2 ‫)نوع من الشجر‬ tree flower name tilig [t̪ īlīg]

teed [t ̪ɛ̄ɛd̄ ̪] K,G) teez L) teegiz n road, path ‫ درب او شارع‬teeg [t̪ ɛ̄ɛ̄g] K,G) teezg B) teedag L) tiigidig

tilngah [t ̪ílŋə́(g)] K,B,G) tilahng n 1) sorghum name 2 ‫ )نوع من الذرة‬chain tilngaahg [t̪ ílŋə́ə̄g] K,B,G) tilahngahg L) tilngahjahg

teefa [t ̪ɛ́ɛf́ á] n 1) leaf 2 ‫ )صفق الشجر‬liver sickness 3) hypnotist ‫مرضي اليرقان‬ teefag [t̪ ɛ́ɛ́fág] teer [t ̪ɛ́ɛr̀ ] L) kodami n carving tool for making furniture ‫الة لنجارة العناقريب و‬ ‫ الكراسى‬teerg [t̟ ɛ́ɛ̀rg] B) teereeg L) kodamijag

tins [t ̪īns] (tis ask) v.n asking ‫سؤال‬ ‫ استفسار‬tinsahg [t̪ īnsə̄g] tir [t ̪īr] v.i die ‫{ موت‬tird1} tird1 [t ̪i ᷇rd̪] (tir die) v.c kill ‫يقتل‬

teerg [t ̪ɛ̄ɛr̄ g] comb ‫مشط‬


tird2 [t ̪īrd̪] n field far away from house ‫ اسم لبالد او مذرعة‬tiriig [t̪ īrīīg] B) tirdahg

tui [t ̪ūì] n unoccopied area- old village ‫ دار‬tuig [t̪ ūìg]

tirgah [t ̪írgə̀] n family line ‫ساللة‬ tirgzahg [t̪ írgðə̀g]

tunduli [t ̪únd̪úlì(g)] n elbow ‫كوع‬ tunduliig [t̪ únd̪úlììg]

tiri1 [t ̪írí(g)] K,B) tirah L) tiriah n tree name ‫ شجرة البابنوسة‬tiriig [t̪ íríīg] K,B) tirahg G) tiriahg L) tiriahjahg

tur1 [t ̪úr] v.t see, look ‫ شوف‬/ ‫انظر‬ {turd} tur2 [t ̪úr] n awl (wood tool) ‫الة تستعمل‬ ‫ لتخريم الخشب‬turiig [t̪ úríīg]

tiri2 [t ̪īrì(g)] n death, dying ‫ يموت‬tiriig [t̪ īrììg]

turd [t ̪urd̪] (tur1 see, look) v.t expose, bring to view of others ‫اظھر‬

tirimaa [t ̪īrímāā] n bird name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الطير‬tirimaag [t̪ īrímāāg]

tusuungg [t ̪ūsūūŋg] cleaning well (i.e. scrapin a plate clean) ‫نظافة عامة‬

tirsahg [t ̪ìrsə́g] body senses, nervousness ‫قشعريرة الجسم اى خدر‬

thaasamii [ʈààsàmīī] n sorghum name ‫نوع من الذرة التى تحمى نفسھا من الطيران‬ thaasamiig [ʈààsàmīīg]

tis [t ̪ís] v.t ask ‫ يسال‬/ ‫{ سؤال‬tins} tiwi [t ̪iwi(g)] K,B,G) tiwu L) tibi n tree name ‫ نوع من الشجر‬tiwiig [t̪ iwiig] K,B,G) tiwuug L) tibijahg

thag [ʈág] v.t clean grain ‫ يخرج‬/‫يفرز‬ thahldig [t ̪ə́ld̪ìg] six ‫العدد ستة‬

too [t ̪ɔ́ɔ ́] n cow ‫ بقرة‬tog [t̪ ɔ́g]


Tool [t ̪ɔ̀ɔl̀ ] Kuulaahg village name ‫قرية تول‬

thahldigi [t ̪ə́ld̪ìgì] (thahldig six) num.ord sixth ‫العدد ستة‬

toor [t ̪ɔ̄ɔr̄ ] K) pool n voice box ‫حنجرة‬ tooreeg [t̪ ɔ̄ɔ̄rɛ́ɛ̄g] K) pooleeg

thahwng [t ̪ə̄ūng] chewing ‫يمضغ‬

toydaag [t ̪ɔ̄ɛd̄ ̪áāg] decaying ‫تحلل‬ ‫تفسد‬

theel1 [ʈɛ́ɛl̀ ] n anchor ‫ ازرع‬theelaag [ʈɛ́ɛ́lààg]

tuuliifaa [t ̪úúlíìfàà] n grass name ‫نوع‬ ‫ من القش‬tuuliifaag [t̪ úúlíìfààg]

theel2 [ʈɛɛl] L) thuunduula n 1) elbow 2 ‫ )طرف‬place, site ‫ ركن‬theelg [ʈɛɛlg] K) theelaag B,G) theendeelaag L) thuunduulaag

tu1 [t ̪ú] adv out, abroad, away, through ‫خارج‬

theend [ʈɛ̄ɛn̄ d̪] L) thee n riddle ‫نصيحة‬ ‫ صراحة‬theengg [ʈēēŋg] K) theenaag B) theeneeg L) theejag

tu2 [t ̪ù] adv true, correct, there (presentational marker) ‫صحيح‬ tuf [t ̪uf] v.t spit ‫ بزاق‬/ ‫ابزق‬

theendas [ʈɛ̄ɛn̄ d̪ás] B) thiis L) thiindahs n bird name ‫نوع من الطيراقل ة‬ ‫ حجما‬theendasag [ʈɛ̄ɛ̄nd̪ásāg] B) thiisahg L) thiindahsiig

tuguunyfaa [t ̪ùgùùɲfàà] n tree name (? ?) ‫ نوع من الشجر‬tuguunyfaag [t̪ ùgùùɲfààg]

theeng [ʈɛ̄ɛn̄ g] instruction ‫نصيحة‬ ‫صراحة‬ 49

thoogeel [ʈɔ́ɔǵ ɛ̀ɛl̀ ] n grass cutter ‫الة لقطع‬ ‫ القش‬thoogeelg [ʈɔ́ɔ́gɛ̀ɛ̀lg]

Thungahd [ʈúŋə́d̪] n member of 'Magaja' tribe ‫مجموعة مقجة فى الضفة‬ ‫ الجنوبية من سودة‬Thungg [ʈúŋg]

U uu [ùù] air ‫ھواء‬

ugun [ūgu᷇n] pron.dat to or for you (pl) ‫لكم‬

-úu [úū] pron.s.aft you (pl) ‫اننم‬

-ũgun [u᷇gún, u᷅gūn] pron.dat to or for you (pl) ‫لكما‬

uud [úūd̪] B) ood L) uugahd n wasp, insect name ‫نوع من الحشرات تشبح النحل‬ ‫ تعنى الفم‬uug [úūg] K) uutug B) oog G) uuig L) uutig

ul [úl(d̪)] L) ulu n grinding stone (for sorghum) ‫ حجر الطحن‬/ ‫ مرحاكه‬uldug [úld̪ūg] K) ulug B) uldahg G) uljig L) ulujahg

uui [ūūī] n squirrel ‫ نوع من الحيوانات‬uuig [ūūīg]

ulii [ūlìì] n worms, stomach illness ‫تورم‬ ‫ البطن‬uliig [ūlììg]

uun [úùn] pron.pos.ali your (sg) (sg noun)/your (sg) (pl noun) ‫ حقك‬unug [únùg]

-ũn [u᷇n, u᷅n] pron.dat to or for you (sg) ‫لك‬

uunu [úùnù] pos yours (sg) (sg noun)/yours (sg) (pl noun) ‫ لك‬unugu [únùgù]

unu [únū] pron.dat to or for you (sg) ‫لكم‬

uung [ūūŋ] pron.refx yourself ‫اجسادكم‬

ungg [úng] n tear ‫ فم‬/ ‫ خشم‬uniig [únííg]

uungg1 [ùùŋg] pron.refx yourselves ‫اجسادھم‬

Ungur [ūŋúr] n Arab nomad ‫عربي‬ Ungurg [ūŋu᷇rg]

u [ú] pron.s.s you (sg) ‫انت‬

unguraah [ūŋúrə̀ə]̀ n pumkin ‫قرع‬ unguraahg [ūŋúrə̀ə̀g]

-û [u᷇] pron.s.cond if you (pl) -ǔ [ū] pron.s.depd when you (pl)

Ungurdun Arabic language ‫لغة‬ ‫عربية‬

ũ [ū] pron.reas in order that you (sg, pl)

urii [ūrīī] n ostrich ‫ نعامة‬uriig [ūrīīg]

ufu [ūfú] n Tabaldi tree, Baobab tree ‫ شجرة التبلدى قنقليس‬ufug [ūfūg]

uyun [ūyùn] pron.pos.ali your (pl) (sg noun)/your (pl) (pl noun) ‫ لكم‬/‫حقكم‬ uyug [ūyùg]

ug1 [úg] v.t 1) pour 2 ‫ )كب‬throw

uyunu [ūyùnù] pos yours (pl) (sg noun)/yours (pl) (pl noun) ‫ جمع‬/ ‫حقكم‬ uyugu [ūyùgù]

ug2 [ūg] pron.s.s you (pl)


W waa [wāā] n water, lake, pond ‫خور او‬ ‫ ترعة‬waag [wāāg]

Weeraag [wɛ̄ɛr̄ áāg] village name (JT, G, K) ‫قرية‬

waar [wáár] n insect name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الحشرات‬waarg [wáārg]

weeroog [wɛ̄ɛr̄ ɔ̀ɔg̀ ] n sound of 'cil' instrument ‫صفارة الويروق‬

waasaa [wáásāā] n stone name ‫نوع من‬ ‫ الحجر‬waasaag [wáásāāg]

weda [wɛ᷇dá̪ ] (wayda beauty, joy, goodness) adj good, beautiful ‫جميل‬ ‫{ جذاب‬weed} wiahg [wíə̄g]

waayaa [wááyáá] n like wild chicken ‫ دجاج الخال‬waayaag [wááyáág] wa [wá] adv no, not ‫ال نفى نھى‬

weleny [wɛ̀lɛ̀ɲ] n sour, bitter taste ‫حنظل‬ ‫ مر‬welenyg [wɛ̀lɛ̀ɲg]

wadaboog [wàd̪àbɔ̄ɔḡ ] village name ‫قرية‬

wendad [wɛ́nd̪ád̪] (wayda beauty, joy, goodness) beauty ‫جمال‬

waj [wāɟ] v.i 1) go, go out in search for something 2) act, behave / ‫ حركه‬/ ‫تحرك‬ 3 ‫ )الي االمام‬enter

wer [wɛ̄r] v.t look, watch, notice / ‫انتبه‬ ‫انظر‬ Weraad [wɛ́ráád̪] n member of 'Bok' clan ‫مفردالبناء الفونج الزين يسكنون قرية بك‬ Weraag [wɛ̄ráāg]

wal [wál] v.i fall, descend ‫يقع‬ war1 [wàr] con but, or ‫ وال كيف‬/ ‫ربما‬

wiid [wīīd̪] K,B) wigid L) wikahd n breast ‫ شطر‬/ ‫ ثدى‬wiig [wīīg] L) widig

war2 [wár] v.t 1) bring, carry, take {wahrd} 2) marry ‫ جلب‬/‫اخذ‬

wiilmaa [wíìlmāā] n ant name (? maa 'mother') ‫ الصرصور‬wiilmaad [wíìlmāād̪]

wayda [wáɛ̄d̪á] beauty, joy, goodness {weda} {wendad}

wiin1 [wîīn] n visit ‫ زيارة‬wiingg [wíīŋg]

waah [wə̄ə]̄ n rakuba, shade, help ‫راكوبة‬

wiin2 [wíìn] v.t visit ‫زياره‬

‫{ ظل ناس النفير‬wahnaahg ?} waahg [wə̄ə̄g]

wil1 [wil] n hunt ‫صيد‬

waahn [wə́ən ̀ ] v.t help, aid

wil2 v.t hunt ‫صيد‬

wahrd [wərd̪] (der. of war2 1 bring, carry, take) v.c marry ‫زواج‬

wilahns [wīlə̀ns] n hunting ‫صيد‬ wilahngg [wīlə̀ŋg]

wee [wɛ́ɛ(́ s)] n house ‫بيت منزل دار‬

wili [wílì] n 1) stone name ‫نوع من الحجر‬ 2) bird name ‫ نوع من الطير‬wilig [wílìg]

{wisahgmang ?} wisahg [wísə̄g]

wind [wìnd̪] L) wilahd n ear ‫اذن‬

weed [wɛɛd̪] (weda good, beautiful) v.adj be good ‫تظرف‬

{diiwind} windahg [wìnd̪ə̄g] K) winaahg G,L) windig


wir [wīr] v.t cut, slaughter for sacrifice, sacrifice ‫ قتل‬/ ‫ قطع‬/‫زبح‬

wiri [wírì(g)] K) wirah G) wirdah L) wirigi n bird name ‫ نوع من الطير‬wiriig [wírììg] K) wirahg G) wirdahg L) wirigijahg

Y yaa [yáá] adj new ‫ جديد‬yaag [yáág]

yaane [yàànɛ̀] num.ord second /‫الثانيه‬ ‫االخر‬

yaad [yāād̪] n piece of broken dish ‫ناء‬ ‫ اكل او شراب مكسور‬yaadag [yāād̪āg]

yaaz [yààð] G) yaad L) ayaa n sister ‫ اخت‬yaazaad [yààðāād̪] G) yaadeeg L) ayaagaad

yaag [yāāg] a while, time period ‫لحظه‬

yaram [yárām] v.t crush ‫سحقا‬

yaal [yāāl] n pieces of stone, gravel ‫ حجر حصحاص‬yaalg [yāālg]

yaahsah [yə̄əs̄ ə́] four ‫العدد‬ ‫{ اربعة‬yaahsi}

yaam [yāàm] n bride, newly married couple ‫ عروس‬yaamaag [yààmààg] K,B) yaameeg

yaahsi [yə̄əs̄ î] (yaahsah four) num.ord fourth ‫الرابعه‬