Ganesa Bahan Galian [PDF]

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Muhammad Ridha Adhari, S.T., M.Sc Department of Mining Engineering Faculty of Engineering Syiah Kuala University Darussalam, Banda Aceh 2015


JADWAL KULIAH  Genesa Bahan Galian, Teknik Pertambangan.  Kelas A, Kamis Jam 8.15 – 10.30 di Ruang Kuliah Teknik Pertambangan.  Kelas B, Kamis Jam 10.30 – 13.00 di Ruang Kuliah Teknik Pertambangan.  Tidak ada Praktikum maupun Kuliah Lapangan.  Dosen Pengasuh : H.Muhammad Ridha Adhari, S.T., M.Sc dan Gartika Setiya Nugraha, S.T., M.Si Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

ASSESSMENTS  Absensi = 10%  Quiz/Tugas = 20%  Mid Test = 35%  Final Test = 35%


Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

BOBOT NILAI AKHIR A ≥ 85 75 ≤ B+ < 85 65 ≤ B < 75 55 ≤ C+ < 65 45 ≤ C < 55 35 ≤ D < 45 E < 35

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

RULES  Dilarang membuat keributan/kegaduhan selama kuliah berlangsung. Hargailah mereka yang serius ingin belajar.  Dilarang makan di ruang kelas, tetapi boleh minum.  Dilarang memakai Sandal, Celana pendek, Baju Kaos Oblong.  Kehadiran minimal 75% sebagai syarat kelulusan.  Toleransi keterlambatan 15 menit setelah Dosen memulai kuliah.  Ketua Kelas?

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

COURSE OUTLINE  Week  Week  Week  Week  Week  Week  Week  Week  Week  Week  Week  Week  Week  Week  Week  Week

1 : Kuliah Tamu dari ITB 2 : Introduction 3 : Igneous Processes 4 : Hydrothermal Processes 5 : Quiz 6 : Surficial Processes 7 : Sedimentary Processes 8 : Tectonic Processes & Mineral Deposit 9 : Mid Test 10 : 11 : 12 : 13 : 14 : 15 : 16 : Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah


Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Apa itu Genesa Bahan Galian?  Genesa bahan galian adalah disiplin ilmu yang mempelajari proses terbentuknya suatu deposit bahan galian.

Manfaatnya?  Untuk mengetahui karakteristik suatu bahan galian, seperti bentuk deposit, letak deposit, luas penyebaran, besar cadangan, sehingga bisa ditentukan teknik eksplorasi, metode penambangan serta cara pengolahan yang paling efektif dan ekonomis.

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Earth Resources  Mineral Resources  Coal Resources  Geothermal Resources  Oil and Gas Resources

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Do We Need Minerals ?  Batteries - cadmium, lithium, nickel and cobalt.  Computer and television screens - silicon, boron, lead, phosphorus and indium.  Cosmetics and jewellery - gold, diamonds, iron oxide, zinc and titanium dioxide.  Electricity - coal and uranium.  Musical instruments - copper, silver, steel, nickel, brass, cobalt, copper, iron and aluminum.  Surgical instruments - stainless steel.  Vehicles and tires - steel, copper, zinc, barium, graphite, sulphur and iodine.  Housing construction - gypsum, clay, limestone, sand and gravel.

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

 Copper




Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Source : World mineral production 2008-2012 Aluminium : Used in the production of Aluminium metal Various minor nonmetallurgical uses: cements, abrassives and refractory applications, paints, etc

Jamaica 25%

Australia 31%

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Source : World mineral production 2008-2012 Stainless steel and other alloys: food preparation and medical equipment Non-ferrous alloys: cupro nickel in coins and superalloys in aerospace.

Philippine 17%

Canada 59%

Plating: medical equipment and construction materials Many minor uses: catalysts, batteries, etc.

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Persebaran Mineral Strategis Indonesia Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Do We Need Coal ?  Coal is used primarily as an energy source, either for heat or electricity.  It was once heavily used to heat homes and power locomotives and factories.

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Breakdown by usage of the world coal consumption. Source : International Energy Agency, 2009.

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Coal use by sector, from 1971 to 2007, in million tons oil equivalent. The amount of coal use for power generation has almost quadrupled over the period. Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah Source : International Energy Agency, 2009.

Persebaran Produksi Batu bara di dunia

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Source : World mineral production 2008-2012

USSR 20%

China 46%

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Cadangan Batubara Indonesia Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Do We Need Geothermal ?  Geothermal energy is the heat from the Earth. It's clean and sustainable.  Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles beneath the Earth's surface, and down even deeper.

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Uses of Geothermal Energy. http://www.groundzerosoftwar

Distribusi Wilayah Kerja Pertambangan Geothermal di Indonesia. Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

illustration of the change in world steel consumption and population since 1700. (Data for this plot are from United Nations (1966, 1973, 1995) population reports and the U.S. Bureau of Mines (1953–93) and U.S. Geological Survey). Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Graph showing changes in copper consumption in China, Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan, India, and Japan during the period 1970–2000. Data from American Bureau of Metal Statistics (various years) and the U.S. Census Bureau. Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah


Metal Ore

Indonesia: Export Destinations for Major Commodities, 2011-2013 (Source : Bank Indonesia and IMF)

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Thermal Coal Prices Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Source : London Metal Exchange

Source : London Metal Exchange

Source : London Metal Exchange

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Precious Metal Prices Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Forces determining prices  Demand and supply. A change in technology may increase the demand for a metal, or decrease it. Conditions of supply may also change: (a) abnormal circumstances, such as natural disasters, war, other political events, fire and strikes at the mines of big suppliers; (b) improved techniques in exploitation; and (c) discovery and exploitation of large new orebodies.  Government action. Governments can act to stabilize or change prices (New rules, subsidy, high tax, etc).  Cartels. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), CIPEC (Copper).  Recycling. Recycling is already having a significant effect on some product prices. Economic and particularly environmental considerations will lead to increased recycling of materials in the immediate future.  Substitution and new technology. the development of longer lasting car batteries that use less lead, substitution of copper and plastic for lead water pipes and a change to lead-free petrol; all of which have contributed to a downturn in the demand for lead. Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Classification of mineral deposit  Based on their time-relations to the rocks enclosing or associated with them :  Syngenetic and Epigenetic.  Based on their Forming Processes :  Igneous processes, Hydrothermal processes, Sedimentary Processes/Surficial processes.  Based on form of deposit :  Primary deposit (Hypogene) and Secondary deposit (Supergene).  Based on their location (Depth of formation), Hydrothermal processes :  Hypothermal, Mesothermal, Epythermal. Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Some general definitions  Metallogeny: the study of the genesis of mineral deposits.  Ore: any naturally occurring material from which a mineral or aggregate of value can be extracted at a profit.  Ore Deposit: A concentration of useable minerals.  Gangue minerals : minerals that form part of the ore body, but do not contribute to the economically extractable part of the deposit.  Syngenetic: refers to ore deposits that form at the same time as their host rocks.  Epigenetic: refers to ore deposits that form after their host rocks. Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

 Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits: Ore deposits that form from a hot, aqueous solution that flows through permeable units and precipitates a localized mass of minerals from its dissolved load.  Epithermal: Hydrothermal ore deposits formed at shallow depths (less than 1500 meters) and fairly low temperatures (50–200 °C).  Mesothermal: Hydrothermal ore deposits formed at intermediate depths (1500–4500 meters) and temperatures (200–400 °C).  Hypothermal: hydrothermal ore deposits formed at substantial depths (greater than 4500 meters) and elevated temperatures (400–600 °C).

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

 Hydrothermal alteration : Rock or mineral phase changes that are caused by the interaction of hydrothermal liquids and wall rock.  The fluid/rock interaction causes chemical and mineralogical changes in the rock as well as changes in the fluid composition.  Liquid Immiscibility: This is the segregation of 2 coexisting liquid fractions from an originally homogeneous magma.  Diagenesis : the process by which sediments are lithified into sedimentary rocks and represents the sum of physical and chemical changes that occur during burial.

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Menurut UU No.4/2009 tentang MINERBA, Pertambangan Mineral dibagi 4 jenis, yaitu : 1. Bahan Galian LOGAM a. Logam Mulia ( Au, Ag, Pt dan Hg ) b. Logam Besi ( Fe, Ni, Mn, Cr, Wo dan Mo ) c. Logam Bukan Besi (Sn, Al, Cu, Pb, Zn, Bi, Sb dan Ti ) d. Mineral Jarang (Cr, Co, Mg) 2. Bahan Galian BUKAN LOGAM a. Mineral Industri b. Batu Mulia 3. Bahan Galian BATUAN/Konstruksi 4. Bahan Galian RADIOAKTIF a. Uranium b. Rhadium, Thorium dll Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

KETERDAPATAN BAHAN GALIAN MINERAL • Dalam bentuk ASLI nya atau Native Element. Bahan galian tersebut dapat langsung diambil serta digunakan untuk keperluan manusia. • Dalam bentuk SENYAWA dengan unsur lain. Untuk mendapatkan mineral yang diinginkan bahan galian tersebut harus diolah lebih dahulu.

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Beberapa mineral bijih yang dapat diekstrak sebagai komoditi logam (Sumber ; Bateman, 1982).

Ore deposits form when a useful commodity is sufficiently concentrated in an accessible part of the Earth’s crust so that it can be profitably extracted. Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

There are in fact as many as 118 elements known to man, but those with atomic numbers greater than 92 (U: uranium) either occur in vanishingly small amounts as unstable isotopes. Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

 Almost all the elements have some use in our modern technologically driven societies.  Some of the elements (iron and aluminum) are required in copious quantities, whereas others (the rare earths elements Sc, Ce etc) are needed in very much smaller amounts.  Only three elements appear to have little or no use at all.  Astatine (At, atomic number 85),  Francium (Fr, atomic number 87),  Protactinium (Pa, atomic number 91).

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

NATURAL RESOURCES, SUSTAINABILITY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY  The Earth’s natural resources are finite, the exploitation should be done carefully.  The concept of “sustainable development” implies that future social and economic practice should endeavor not to deplete natural resources to the point where the needs of the future cannot be met.

Is it Possible?  Seem to be an impossible:  The population growth.  Many commodities will become depleted within the next 100 years. Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

 The number of humans on Earth has risen from 1 billion in 1830 to 6 billion at the end of the twentieth century.  In the next 100 years, the demand for natural resources continues to increase and certain commodities might become depleted.

So, What should we do?  Require a better understanding of the earth system.  Promote more efficient recycling of existing resources.  Find alternative sources for commodities that are in danger of serious depletion. Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Can we stop world population growth?

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Finding new and large ore deposit? Where? How? Is it easy?  It is difficult to find new and large ore deposits, since most of the accessible parts of the globe have been extensively surveyed and assessed for their mineral potential.

SO WHAT? There are 3 options:  Search for deeper deposits.  To extract material from inaccessible parts of the globe.  To extract useful commodities from rocks that traditionally have not been thought of as viable ores.

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

 The search for deeper deposits, depend on the availability of technologies that will enable mining to take place safely and profitably at depths in excess of 4000 meters (the deepest mine in South African gold mines).  To extract material from inaccessible parts of the globe, such as the ocean floor (Mn,Cu).  There are technological barriers to such processes at present, but these can be overcome, as demonstrated by the exploration and extraction of oil and gas from the sea floor.  To extract useful commodities from rocks that traditionally have not been thought of as viable ores.  It’s cheaper to extract Fe from a banded iron formation than it is from olivine or orthopyroxene even though both rock types might contain significant amounts of the metal.

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Global production trends for Oil, Bouxite, Copper and Gold (After Craig et al. 1996) Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

 Those elements which fall above the Fe production line (notably Au, Ag, etc) are being extracted or depleted at faster rates, than Fe.  It is these metals that are in most danger of depletion in the next 50 years or so unless production is ameliorated or the reserve base is replaced.  Those metals that plot beneath the Fe production line (such as Ti, Mg, and Al) are being extracted at slower rates than Fe and are in less danger of serious depletion during this century. Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Banded metataconite ore from the Julienne Lake deposit, displaying coarse-grained specular hematite.

Hard, blue hematite-rich ore from the Sawyer Lake deposit (Labrador iron Mines).

Adhari, M.R., Teknik Geologi Unsyiah

Hematite, Iron ore.

Lateritic nickel ore.