Geometric Optics Exam Questions [PDF]

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Geometric Optics Exam Questions Exam questions: Mirrors 1. [2005] An object O is placed 30 cm in front of a concave mirror of focal length 10 cm. How far from the mirror is the image formed? 2. [2004 OL] A concave mirror has a focal length of 20 cm. An object is placed 30 cm in front of the mirror. How far from the mirror will the image be formed? 3. [2004 OL] Use a ray diagram to show the formation of a real image by a concave mirror. 4. [2006 OL] Copy and complete in your answer-book the following diagram to show how a concave mirror forms an image of an object O, which is placed outside the focus F of the mirror. 5. [2003 OL] [2007 OL] Describe the image that is formed in a concave mirror when an object is placed inside the focus. 6. [2009] Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of an image in a convex mirror. 7. [2004 OL] A concave mirror can produce a real or a virtual image, depending on the position of the object. Give one difference between a real image and a virtual image. 8. [2004 OL] Give two uses for a concave mirror. 9. [2002 OL][2010 OL] A student carried out an experiment to measure the focal length of a concave mirror. The student placed an object at different positions in front of the mirror so that a real image was formed in each case. The table shows the measurements recorded by the student for the object distance u and the image distance v. u/cm 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 v/cm 6 4 4 3 4 3 1 5 (i) Draw a labelled diagram showing how the apparatus was arranged. (ii) Describe how the student found the position of the image. (iii) Show on your diagram the object distance u and the image distance v. (iv) Using the formula the mirror.

or otherwise and the above data, find an average value for the focal length f of

10. [2007] In an experiment to measure the focal length of a concave mirror, an approximate value for the focal length was found. The image distance v was then found for a range of values of the object distance u. The following data was recorded. u/c 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 m (i) How was an approximate value for the focal length v/c 60.5 30.0 23.0 20.5 18.0 16.5 found? m (ii) What was the advantage of finding the approximate value for the focal length? (iii) Describe, with the aid of a labelled diagram, how the position of the image was found.

(iv) Calculate the focal length of the concave mirror graph based on the recorded data. 1 i ii iii

Exam questions: Refraction [2005 OL] What is meant by the reflection of light? State the laws of reflection of light. Describe an experiment to demonstrate one of the laws of reflection of light.


[2010 OL] Which of these scientists is associated with the law of refraction of light? Rutherford Snell Joule Einstein


[2008][2006][2002 OL][2004 OL][2005 OL][2009 OL] What is meant by refraction of light?


[2008]State Snell’s law of refraction.


[2002][2002 OL]State the laws of refraction of light.


[2004 OL]What is meant by the refractive index of a material?

7 i

[2008] Light is refracted as it enters the cornea from air as shown in the diagram. Calculate the refractive index of the cornea. Draw a diagram to show the path of a ray of light as it passes from water of refractive index 1.33 into the cornea.

ii 8 i

[2005 OL] What special name is given to the angle of incidence i, when the effect shown in the diagram occurs? ii In the diagram the value of the angle i is 41.80. Calculate a value for the refractive index of the glass. iii Draw a diagram to show what happens to the ray of light when the angle of incidence i is increased to 450. 9

[2003OL]Explain, with the aid of a labelled diagram (i) critical angle, (ii) total internal reflection

10 [2004 OL]When will total internal reflection occur? 11 [2004 OL]Define the critical angle. 12 [2003 OL]The critical angle for the glass is 42 o. Calculate the refractive index of the glass. 13 [2007]The refractive index of a liquid is 1.35, what is the critical angle of the liquid? 14 [2003]Calculate the critical angle for diamond. The refractive index of diamond is 2.4. 15 [2010] What is the critical angle of a sample of glass whose refractive index is 1.46? 16 [2003 OL] i The diagram shows a 45o prism made of glass and a ray of light entering the prism from air. Copy the diagram and show the path of the ray through the prism and back into the air. ii Explain why the ray follows the path that you have shown. 17 [2003 OL][2005 OL]Give two uses of total internal reflection. Optical fibres 18 [2009 OL]Draw a diagram to show the path of a ray of light travelling through an optical fibre. 19 [2009][2004][2004 OL]Explain how a signal is transmitted along an optical fibre.

20 [2004 OL]How is the escape of light from the sides of an optical fibre prevented? 21 [2004][2009]An optical fibre has an outer less dense layer of glass. What is the role of this layer of glass? 22 [2004 OL]Give one use for optical fibres. 23 [2004]Give two reasons why the telecommunications industry uses optical fibres instead of copper conductors to transmit signals. 24 [2009]Impurities in glass reduce the power transmitted in an optic fibre by half every 2 km. The initial power being transmitted by the light is 10 W. What is the power being transmitted by the light after it has travelled 8 km through the fibre? 25 [2009]Information is transmitted over long distances using optical fibres with a refractive index of 1.55. What is the speed of the light as it passes through the fibre? 26 [2004]An optical fibre is manufactured using glass of refractive index of 1.5. Calculate the speed of light travelling through the optical fibre. 27 [2004 OL]Name a material that is used in the manufacture of optical fibres. Mandatory Experiments 28 [2008 OL][2013 OL] An experiment was carried out to measure the refractive index of a substance. The experiment was repeated a number of times. i Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus that could be used in this experiment. ii What measurements were taken during the experiment? iii How was the refractive index of the substance calculated? iv Why was the experiment repeated? 29 [2006 OL] A student carried out an experiment to verify Snell’s law of refraction by measuring the angle of incidence i and the angle of refraction r for a ray of light entering a glass block. The student repeated this procedure two more times. The data recorded by the student is shown in the table. i Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus used in angle of angle of sin i sin r sin i/sin r the experiment. incidence i refraction r ii Describe how the student found the o 30 19o position of the refracted ray. 45o 28o iii How did the student measure the angle of o o 65 37 refraction? iv Copy this table and complete it in your answer-book. v Use the data to verify Snell’s law of refraction. 30 [2010] In an experiment to verify Snell’s law, a student recorded the following data. i/° 30 40 i Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus used. On your diagram, indicate an angle i and its corresponding angle r. r/° 19 26 ii Using the recorded data, draw a suitable graph iii Explain how your graph verifies Snell’s law. iv Using your graph, find the refractive index v The student did not record any values of i below 30°, give two reasons why?











31 [2005] In an experiment to verify Snell’s law, a student measured the angle of incidence i and the angle of refraction r for a ray of i/degrees 20 30 40 50 60 70 light r/degrees 14 19 26 30 36 40

entering a substance. This was repeated for different values of the angle of incidence. The following data was recorded. i ii iii iv

Describe, with the aid of a diagram, how the student obtained the angle of refraction. Draw a suitable graph on graph paper and explain how your graph verifies Snell’s law. From your graph, calculate the refractive index of the substance. The smallest angle of incidence chosen was 200. Why would smaller values lead to a less accurate result?

Lenses- Exam questions 1. [2006]A converging lens is used as a magnifying glass. Draw a ray diagram to show how an erect image is formed by a magnifying glass. 2. [2006]A diverging lens cannot be used as a magnifying glass. Explain why. 3. [2006]A converging lens has a focal length of 8 cm. Determine the two positions that an object can be placed to produce an image that is four times the size of the object? 4. [2002 OL]A lens has a power of +50 m-1. What type of lens is it and what is its focal length? 5.

[2008 OL]A concave lens has a power of 0.1 cm−1. What is the focal length of the lens?

6. [2004]Two converging lenses, each with a focal length of 10 cm, are placed in contact. What is the power of the lens combination? 7. [2002]The power of a normal eye is +60 m-1. A short-sighted person’s eye has a power of +65 m-1. (i) Calculate the power of the contact lens required to correct the person’s short-sightedness. (ii) Calculate the focal length of the contact lens required to correct the person’s short-sightedness. 8. [2006]The power of an eye when looking at a distant object should be 60 m –1. A person with defective vision has a minimum power of 64 m–1. (i) Calculate the focal length of the lens required to correct this defect. (ii) What type of lens is used? (iii) Name the defect. 9. [2002]Draw a labelled diagram showing the optical structure of the eye. 10. [2002]How does the eye bring objects at different distances into focus? (i) [2008]An eye contains a lens system and a retina, which is 2.0 cm from the lens system. The lens system consists of the cornea, which acts as a fixed lens of power 38 m –1, and a variable internal lens just behind the cornea. The maximum power of the eye is 64 m–1. Calculate how near an object can be placed in front of the eye and still be in focus. (ii) Calculate the maximum power of the internal lens. (iii) Light is refracted as it enters the cornea from air as shown in the diagram. Calculate the refractive index of the cornea. (iv) Draw a diagram to show the path of a ray of light as it passes from water of refractive index 1.33 into the cornea. (v) A swimmer cannot see properly when she opens her eyes underwater. When underwater why does the cornea not act as a lens? (vi) What is the maximum power of the eye when underwater? (vii) Why do objects appear blurred when underwater? (viii) Explain how wearing goggles allows objects to be seen clearly.

Lenses-Mandatory Experiment 11. [2005 OL]You carried out an experiment to measure the focal length of a converging lens. (i) Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus that you used in the experiment. (ii) Describe how you found the position of the image formed by the lens. (iii) What measurements did you take? (iv) How did you get a value for the focal length of the converging lens from your measurements? (v) Give one precaution that you took to get an accurate result.

12. [2009]A student was asked to measure the focal length of a converging lens. The student measured the image distance v for each of three different object distances u. The student recorded the following data. u/cm 20.0 30. 40.0 0 v/cm 65.2 33. 25.1 3 (i) Describe how the image distance was measured. (ii) Give two precautions that should be taken when measuring the image distance. (iii) Use all of the data to calculate the focal length of the converging lens. (iv) What difficulty would arise if the student placed the object 10 cm from the lens?

13. [2003]The following is part of a student’s report of an experiment to measure the focal length of a converging lens. “I found the approximate focal length of the lens to be 15 cm. I then placed an object at different positions in front of the lens so that a real image was formed in each case.” The table shows the measurements recorded by the student for the object distance u and the image distance v. u/cm 20.0 25.0 35.0 45.0 v/cm 66.4 40.6 27.6 23.2 (i) How did the student find an approximate value for the focal length of the lens? (ii) Describe, with the aid of a labelled diagram, how the student found the position of the image. (iii) Using the data in the table, find an average value for the focal length of the lens. (iv) Give two sources of error in measuring the image distance and state how one of these errors can be reduced.

1. 1/u + 1/v = 1/f

Exam solutions: Mirrors 1/30 + 1/v = 1/10  v = 15 cm = 0.15 m

1 1 1   f u v


 1/20 = 1/30 + 1/v

 v = 60 cm


4. 5. The image is virtual, magnified and upright. 6. 7. A real image can be obtained on a screen; a virtual image cannot. In a real image the light rays meet; in a virtual image they do not. A real image is always inverted/ a virtual is erect, a real image is in front / a virtual image is behind. 8. Torch, headlights, searchlight, dentist mirror, cosmetic mirror, solar furnace. 9. (i) See diagram (ii) The position of the screen was adjusted until the image of the cross-wires came into focus. (iii)See diagram. (iv) 1/f: 0.066, 0.057, 0.049, 0.049  f: 15.2, 17.67, 20.2, 20.6  average value for f = 18.4 cm. 10. (i) An image of a distant object was focused on a screen. Measure the distance from the screen to the mirror. (ii) To avoid placing object inside f during the experiment) which would have meant that the image couldn’t be formed on the screen. (iii) Apparatus: object, concave mirror, screen Adjust the position of the the screen until a clear image of the crosswire is obtained. (iv) u/cm 15.0 20.0 25. 30.0 35.0 40.0 0 v/cm 60.5 30.0 23. 20.5 18.0 16.5 0 1/u 1/v Focal length = 12.0 cm Exam solutions: Refraction 1 i ii

Reflection is the bouncing of light from a surface. The incident ray, the normal at the point of incidence and the reflected ray all lie on the same plane. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection (i = r). iii Apparatus: raybox, mirror. Procedure: mark the position of the rays and measure the angles i and r. Observation/conclusion: i = r.

2 3 4 5 6 7 i

Snell Refraction of light is the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another (of different refractive index). The ratio of the sin of the sin of the angle of incidence to the sin of the angle of refraction is a constant. The incident ray, the normal and the refracted ray all lie on the same plane. The ratio of the sin of the sin of the angle of incidence to the sin of the angle of refraction is a constant. n = sin i/ sin r, where i is the angle of incidence and r is the angle of refraction.  n = sin 37/sin 27

ii 8 i ii iii 9 i ii 10 11

 n = 1.33

Both media have the same refractive index so there is no bending of light so draw a straight line passing from one medium to the other without bending. It is called the critical angle. n= 1/ sin C  n = 1/sin 41.80 See diagram.

 n = 1/0.67  n = 1.5.

The critical angle corresponds to the angle of incidence in the denser of two media which causes the angle of refraction to be 900. Total internal reflection occurs when the angle of incidence in the denser of the two media is greater than the critical angle and light is reflected back into the denser medium. When the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle. The critical angle corresponds to the angle of incidence in the denser of two media which causes the angle of refraction to be 900. n = 1/sin C  n = 1/ sin 42  n = 1.5 0 ng =1/ sin c  c = 47.8 n = 1/ sin c  c = 24.6 0. n = 1/sin c  c = 43.2o

12 13 14 15 16 i See diagram ii Because total internal reflection occurs twice while inside the prism. 17 Fibre optics, endoscopes, reflective road signs, telecommunications, binoculars, periscope. Optical fibres 18 Answer: 19 An optical fibre consists of a glass pipe coated with a second material of lower refractive index. i Light enters one end of the fibre and strikes the boundary between the two materials at an angle greater than the critical angle, resulting in total internal reflection at the interface. ii This reflected light now strikes the interface on the opposite wall and gets totally reflected again. iii This process continues all along the glass pipe until the light emerges at the far end. 20 Total internal reflection occurs due to an outer cladding of lower refractive index. 21 Total internal reflection will only occur if the outer medium is of lesser density (strictly speaking it should read ‘lower refractive index’ rather than ‘less dense’, but there you go.) It also prevents damage to the surface of the core. 22 Endoscope, telecommunications, binoculars. 23 Less interference, boosted less often, cheaper raw material, occupy less space, more information carried in the same space, flexible for inaccessible places, do not corrode, etc. 24 After 2 km power has dropped to 5 W; after 4 km power has dropped to 2.5 W; after 6 km power has dropped to 1.25 W; after 8 km power has dropped to 0.625 W. 25 n = cair/cglass  cglass = 3.0 × 108/1.55  cglass = 1.94 × 108 m s-1 8 26 ng = ca /cg  1.5 = 3 × 10 / vg  vg = 2.0 × 108 m s-1 27 Glass / plastic / sand / silicon

Mandatory Experiments 28 i ii iii iv

As in diagram, plus a ray box and protractor. The angle of incidence and the angle of refraction. By using the formula n = sin i ÷ sin r. To increase the accuracy of the results.

29 i See diagram. Also include a protractor and raybox. ii Draw the incident ray going in, the emergent ray coming out, then remove the block and join the two lines. This represents the refracted ray. iii By measuring the angle between the normal and the refracted ray using a protractor. iv angle of incidence i angle of refraction r sin i sin r sin i/sin r 30o 45o 65o v

19o 28o 37o

0.500 0.707 0.906

0.326 0.469 0.602

1.53 1.51 1.50

In each case sin i/sin r is (approximately) constant; therefore this verifies Snell’s Law.

30 i Diagram to show: A target medium e.g. glass block Incident ray (from ray box) Perpendicular / normal and refracted ray Label angles i and r ii Correct sin i and sin r values for six points Label axes correctly on graph paper Plot six points correctly sin i 0.500 0.64 0.766 Straight line showing good distribution 3 iii A straight line through the origin shows that sin i is proportional to sin r iv Correct slope method sin r 0.325 0.43 0.500 (n = ) 1.41 [range: 1.38 – 1.52] 8 v To reduce the (percentage) error Elaboration e.g. difficult to measure /read angles, r < i , etc. 31 i See diagram, plus ray-box. Mark the position of the incident and exit rays and also the outline of the block. Remove the block then measure the angle between the refracted ray and the normal using a protractor. ii sin i


0.50 0.64

0.77 0.8 0.94 iii 7 sin r 0.24 0.33 0.44 0.50 0.5 0.64 9 Refractive index = slope = y2 – y1 / x2 – x1  n = 1.49 iv There would be a greater percentage error associated with measuring smaller angles.

Lenses- Exam solutions 1. Object inside focal point

0.81 9

0.866 0.90 6


0.54 4

0.588 0.61 5


Two (appropriate) rays from object to lens Two rays emerge correctly from lens Rays produced back to form upright virtual image (on same side as object) 2. The image is always diminished. 3. 1/u + 1/v = 1/f Magnification = v /u = 4  v = 4u For real image: 1/u + 1/4u = 1/8  u = 10 cm For virtual image: 1 /u - 1/4u = 1/8  u = 6 cm 4. P = 1/f

 f = 1/P

 f = .02 m. It is a converging (convex) lens.

5. P = 1/f

 f = 1/P = 10 cm.

6. P1 = 1/f1 = 10 m−1 , P2 = 1/f2 = 10 m−1

P = P1 + P2 = 20 m-1 7. (i) PTotal = P1 + P2 60 = 65 + P2 Power = - 5 m (ii)P = 1/f  f = - 0.2 m 8. (i) P = P1 + P2  60 = 64 + P2 P = 1/f  f = 1/P  1/f = (-)4 (ii) Diverging / concave lens (iii) Short sight / myopia

 

P2 = -4 ( m-1) f = (-)¼ m

= (-)25 cm

9. See diagram. 10. It can change the shape of the lens which in turn changes the focal length of the lens. 11. (i) Pmax = 64 m-1 = 1/f f = 0.0156 m = 1.56 cm 1/u = 1/v +1/f  1/u = 1/2 = 1/1.56  u = 7.14 cm (ii) Pmax = P1 + P2  64 = 38 + P2  P2 = 26 m-1

sin i =ŋ (iii) sinr

 n = sin 37/sin 27

 n = 1.33

(iv) Both media have the same refractive index so there is no bending of light. Draw a straight line passing from one medium to the other without bending. (v) Because light does not refract at the cornea since there is no change in refractive index. (vi) The maximum power of the eye is 64 m–1, but this includes the focusing power of the cornea (38 m -1) which doesn’t work underwater, so maximum power = 64 – 38 = 26 m–1. (vii) Because the internal lens by itself is not powerful enough to focus light on retina. (viii) Because light which hits the cornea is coming from air and so there will be refraction here (the cornea will now act as a lens). Lenses Mandatory Experiment 12.

(i) See diagram. Include a metre-stick. (ii) We kept the ray-box and the lens fixed and moved the screen until there was a clear image formed on the screen. (iii) We measured the distance from object (cross-wires) to the lens (u) and the distance from the lens to the screen (v). (iv) By substituting the values for u and v into the formula 1 1 1   f u v

. (v) Ensure that the crosshairs are in focus, repeat and find the average, avoid error of parallax.

13. (i) Object, (converging) lens, screen /search pin Sharp image (state/imply) // no parallax (between image and search pin) Measure (distance) from image/screen to (centre of) lens (ii) Measure from the centre of the lens (to the screen) / measure perpendicular distance /avoid parallax error (iii) 1/u + 1/v = 1/f Correct substitution f = 15.3 cm, 15.8 cm, 15.4 cm fave = (15.5 ± 0.4) cm (iv) Object would be inside the focal point so an image cannot be formed on a screen Alternative (graphical method): Inverse values for u and for v Plot points Read intercept(s) f = (15.87 ± 0.40) cm

1/u 1/v

0.050 0.033 0.025 0.0153 0.0300 0.0398

14. (i) Focus the image of a distant object on a screen. The distance from the lens to screen corresponds to the focal length. (ii) Set up as shown. Adjust the position of the screen until a sharp image is seen. (iii) u/cm 20.0 25.0 1/u+ v/cm 66.4 40.6 1/v = f/cm 15.4 15.5 1/f Average = 15.4 cm

35.0 27.6 15.4

45.0 23.2 15.3

(iv) Image not sharp / parallax error in reading distance / not measuring to centre of lens / zero error in metre stick.