Ginza Rba [PDF]

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Ginza Rba

My Lord be praised with a pure heart!

1. In the Names of the Great, First, Foreign LIFE. From High Light Worlds transcending all struggle, let healing, vicariousness and purity be given me, NN, mine father NN, my mother NN, my wife NN, and children. May Manda d Hayya, the Gnosis of Life, keep their names in Their Treasure Home, preserve them in the reverent community, and be unto them a support. Because I have confidence in the Names of LIFE, and the one who composed this Scroll, may I through it be remembered in this Tibil world and have my name established in the House of Perfection. 2. Then will sinlessness be bequeathed to all the Priest(ess)hood and Mandai who seek instruction in these writings, and who praise and hearken to the Voice of the First LIFE. 3. Praised be you, my Lord, with a pure heart, you Sovereign of all worlds! 4. Praised art thou! Blessed, praised, glorified, honored and established be the Great, High, Lauded Living Ones, the Lofty Light King, the True Deity, whose power is endless and infinite. The pure brilliance and the great luminosity never end. The commiserative, inheriting, accommodating, mercifully, redeemer of all believers, the feast of al goodness. The mighty, wise man, the knowing, seer, distinguished; the potentate with dominion over every thing. The Master of all upper, middle and lower Light Worlds. The Grand glorious Presence, invisible, unending, without shared crown, without a partner in dominion. Those who commit to Him do not come to disgrace, those who sincerely extol Their Names do not fall, those who in confidence trust on Them are not abased. 5. The Vast Sovereign of all Angel-Kings, nothing existed which was not of Them, therefore nothing exists which is not in Them. They created no death, for in Them there was no deficiency. Being manifest light, its brilliance radiates over all beings and kings. Before him stand in its brilliance and the great Clear which over them hovers and shines. 6. They loaned them prayer and praising, those who in their heart stand within the light cloud. You adore, praise and avow submissiveness to the Vast Sovereign, the High Light Rulers, for of its brilliance, light and glory is no measure, no number, no limit given, the whole glamour, whole light, whole brightness, whole life, whole fidelity, whole clearness, whole compassion, whole charities, whole eyes, whole face, whole extollings beautiful face, the whole understanding, knowledge and disclosure, whole names of glory. 7. No one has measured the power of the vast High Deities, no one has contained Them, no one targeted Them, and all power in the worlds is from Them. 8. They are the High Light Rulers who with ancient benedictions are blessed, from the beginning to all eternity, the first of all originators, the creators of all forms, the pattern that gives meaning to all things, within which is saving wisdom that is hidden and not revealed.

9. They are the High Light Rulers, the Sovereign of all Light Worlds, the head over all Uthra-Buddhas, the Deities over all, the Royals of all Royals, the Great Sovereigns over all kings. Their brilliance changest not, and Their light falls not away, beauty, brilliance and glory, are They are not condescending. Life beyond life, brilliance beyond brilliance, light beyond light. In Them is not found any lacking or fault. 10. They are the Light in which there is no darkness, the Living Ones who die not, the good bereft of any bad, the merciful with no sedition or anger, the gentle with neither poison or bitterness. 11. They abide in the exalted north, creating overflowing beauty and being the source of all luminosity, the Parents of all Uthra-Buddhas. 12. They bless all beings, They rest on all completion, upholding truth and the believers in whose mouth is established Their Name. 13. The Royal Ones in the habitation of Life because They abide in the residence of Royalty. They are constant, Their brilliance ascends upward and enlightened They are without end, measure or number. 14. They rejoice with a joy unsubject to affliction, and Their whole realm rejoices with Them. Beautiful images, adornments and splendor are They and there is no beauty that resembles Them. 15. They are the Truth, They dwell in the highest Heights, The Vast Sovereign, the Great Sovereign of all things. No one can come close to Their power to determine or describe all of Their worlds, Where ever there are overshadowings, They dwell there, and Uthra-Buddhas and Angels abide there awhile. 16. The Lofty Light Sovereigns sit secure in Their Abodes. They reign over all the earth and her inhabitants. As the heavens are to the mountains, and the sun above a lamp, so are They above all. They are brighter than all even as the moon is brighter than the stars. 17. Their attributes are flawless. Their crowns denote Their boundless power and vastness. They are not confined by either calculation or number. 18. The flashings of Their crowns bathe every place. Shining radiance of luminous glory go from Their presence and between the leaves Their Wreaths sparkle. All Uthra-Buddhas and angels in all worlds stand in prayer and praise, praising their high Light Sovereigns. 19. From Them go five vast great attributes, from the first translucence rises over Them. The second is a wift of incense which wafts over Them. The third is the loveliness of Their voice through which They sing. The fourth is the speech of Their mouths through which They create and testify. The fifth is the beauty of Their forms which is more fruitful than the sun. 20. All Uthra-Buddhas opened Their mouths, and They praised the Lofty Light Sovereigns and speak to Them: Who shall you praise who shall you glorify, who shall you bless, who shall you revere, who shall you mount? When we shall praise you according to your due, your worth is boundless. When we bless with your blessing, your blessing is boundless and endless. When we behold your grandeur, your grandeur is immeasurable. When we praise your depth, your depth is bottomless. When we speak words of your brilliance and power, and speak of your boundless and vast light, we continually talk and tell of it.

21. The blessings and grace and majesty of the lofty Light Sovereigns flowers upward, comes out and is uncontainable. Nobody can comprehend it or understand it as it flows out of the Living Ones – out of you and the Uthra-Buddhas and the Messengers that stand before you. All beings are ignorant of your Names. The Angels stand then and speak to each other: Which Names carry the greatest light? You say: They give no Names that are Their Names, it gives them not, it mentions not Their Names, Their Names are not captured. 22. The purified are completed, the pure of heart know you, those of true disposition have believed on you with a white conscience. With mouths they have blessed you, all praise you, they praise you with a sincere tongue, with words the believing address you, unified are the Royal Ones of Light in Their realms, none are greater than those there, none contest Them there. There is none to compare Them with, none are seen as greater. All about the crowns of the Royals of Light are those that support Them. 23. A high mountain are They, weather storms disturb Them not. 24. With fresh garments of splendor are They vested, garments unlike those of the world. No woman declares that she will create a robe for the Crowned Royal Ones. 25. The shine all about Them goes not out, nor is extinguished the glow of Their Abode. The Crowns on Their heads fade not, nor do its leaves fall off Their foreheads. All Uthra-Buddhas are enveloped and cry for joy in Their scent. 26. They are higher, more powerful and more praised than all gods, before all ages were They, Royal Ones from genesis onward. Their name is not in our mouths, nor are Their Names contained by our lips. They are the Judge of Their realm, in Their mouths are found no error. 27. Solidly founded are Their Colossal Thrones. From all eternity They are not moved from Their place. 28. No hollowness is below Their Thrones, for under Them is solidness, no master builder built the Their Mansions, for They have been the Royal Ones from the genesis onward, Their realm is from all eternity and will not come to an end. 29. The Royal Ones are crowned for all eternity, for in Their realms are no misdoings, and as Royals They are praised by all in Their Abode, with huge solid walls are They encompassed. The Royal Ones are Vast and rich with Uthras, bountiful with Messengers, and great with angelic-kings in that place. They are joyous, joyous in Their abode, and joyous is Their whole realm. 30. They have no parents, as They are the Eldest with none existing prior to Them. They have no siblings, who have a share with Them, no twin brother of common nature. They have not divided or separated Themselves, and no disunion is in Them or in Their abode. 31. They require no sacrificial victims, eat no meat, drink no wine of lust and sing before Them no chant of sacrilege. 32. The garments, which They are vested in, is not black, the crowns on Their heads wither not, nor do the leaves fall off their wreaths.

33. No wailing of the dead is in that place, nor barrenness of beings. No dragging of the dead before one, for it is not contaminated by the dead ones. 34. They are not hardened for war, nor do They experience any terror there. 35. The Royal Ones rejoice before their children of light, They call and a thousand answer Them. Through an utterance They create Uthras, and through speech of mouth mature them to perfection. 36. Royal Ones of all Uthras and Monastic-Abodes, with great crowns on Their heads, lofty, gentle, you are the mighty humblers of the powerful, the glory of all, blessed and praised are you in every age and in all eternity. 37. More extensive is your natural made world, more than all the palaces of the kings of darkness. You abide and live in an abode that is translucent and bright, and is beautiful and elevated. 38. Blessed art thou O foundation of the good ones, established in They abode which is all blessing. You please them and make all their hearts to rejoice. 39. You are existent from the first days of creation, and shall exist for all eternity. 40. You spoke with great creative force and tremendous speech, and angelic-kings of light came into being all full of light and pure brilliance and great light, and the praise of these angelic-kings ceases not to come up before you, they arose and were called in Life, for there is no end to the number of misdoings forgiven. You are full of praise and stand and laud the Great Royals of Light, rich in brilliance are They, beyond what one with a mouth of flesh and blood can express, and greater is its light than one with lips can articulate. Being brilliant radiance, its light is manifest to all worlds and is luminous in its expanse, and in it they live. 41. 68. Thy brilliance is lovelier than the sun and the moon, Thy brightness is brighter than the brightness of this world. This world contains only a clouded form of Thy brilliance, however the brilliance of Thy worlds is a brilliance without cloudiness. Certainly the brilliance shines in, and forms, all created images, even as sand in the cavity of a oyster forms into a pearl. 69. Your earth rests on no movement, your firmament turns not on wheels, the seven stars wander not in them, the five and the twelve control no fate. 70. Dust lieth not on your pathways, mud is not found in your waterways. 71. You travel there as swiftly as the thought of humankind, you go not on foot but in a moment reach any place. Easy and peaceful are your travels, like the sunbeams seen by the eyes of humans reaching from heaven to earth. 72. When one encounters another there, each are open and full of mutual esteem. 73. Those there are pure toward one another, and as brilliant as the sun and air and as the fire and water of those worlds. 74. Your food, both fruit and tree, is blessed by flowings streams.

75. There is no end and no limit to her virtues, and no one there speaks with force. Thus it is said: How in the stinking body can we praise Them with our tongue? If our mouth were like the sea, or our tongue as large as a mountain, or our lips as big as the ocean’s shore, yet still could we not, my Sovereignty, adequately characterize your power over all worlds. Impossible is it for anybody to describe your likeness. 76. Those that are purified are those that have come to have gnosis of You, the purified are those knowledgeable about your teachings. The purified are those who have become clean in You, the purified are those full of Your enlightenment. The purified are freed by Thy truth from erroneous beliefs, from erroneous thoughts are those in Thy truth liberated. The purified learn wisdom from You and are delivered from the error and confusion of the world. Absolutely are the purified healed and made whole when they understand and perceive You, and thus rise triumphant upward into the realms of Light. 77. Blessed and praised art thou my Sovereign, you lofty Sovereign of Light who is from now unto all eternity. 78. Through Your Word became each thing. 79. From the innumerable hosts of the Vast Sovereign came forth an emitted and created UthraBuddha whose name is Hibil-Ziwa, He is called Gabriel the Messenger. 80. According to the will of the High Light Sovereigns, I was called from the brilliance and the translucence, They drew me forth from that Vast Presence of Theirs, established me on Their right, and spoke to me: Now, go to the world of darkness, which is wholly bad. To that place full of evil and consumed by it. To the world which is full of deceit and grumbling, and full of thistles and thorns. To the world of confusion and set without steadfastness, to the world of darkness without light, to the world of stench without sweet smells, to the world of hunting and death without eternal life, to the world where goodness passes away and plans are not fulfilled. 81. They spoke to him: Go, step down into the darkness and the mystery and shape it, solidify the earth, secure the expanse above and form therein the stars. Loan brilliance to the sun, brightness to the moons and shimmer to all the stars. Loan flavor to the water and brilliance to the fire. 82. Create in the world resplendent fruit, grapes and trees. Animals make arise, fishes and fowl, from every species a male and a female, to serve Adam and all his kind. 83. Man and woman shall arise, and you shall name them Adam and Havah. And Adam shall be subject to a fiery judgement, and everyone that deviates from your word, shall become enclosed in that blazing fire. Three angels of light and radiance shall arise and minister to the society of Adam. 84. Living Water take and mix with the rain water. With the scent of living water shall the whole earth be seen. The four houses of the wind shall come into being, as soon as the air over them blows. Light up that world through your hand. 85. The Lofty Light Sovereigns spoke, and everything arose thought Their Word.

86. Gabriel the Messenger came, made the lofty firmaments and secured them, utters the words that established the earth called Tibil and the entire world through the power of the Light Sovereigns on High. 87. Adam the man and Havah the woman became formed, and the soul fell into the body. As the soul fell into the body. As the soul came into the body it comprehended and understood each thing. 88. The angel came and served Adam. It came and helped him and they deviated not from his counsel. Only the evil one who came from the evil formation fell away from the words of its Sovereign. 89. I called the resounding Envoys, who were commissioned and called by my Sovereign, and spoke: With a mighty voice all upon Adam, his woman Havah, and all his lineage. With a reverent voice all them and inform them about each thing. Inform them about the high Sovereign of Light, of Their far reaching power and greatness which is without limit and infinite. Inform them of the immortal Light Land. 90. Speak with them, that their mind be enlightened, and inform them in what way enlightenment comes. Show them the advantages of creating a Holy-Order, you and the two Uthras that are with you. Teach knowledge to Adam, Havah and all their descendants. Teach them of evil and Satan the unworthy, that they be not seduced. 91. Teach them prayer and worship with which they may advance upward and worship the Sovereign of all worlds - Three times each day and two times in the night. 92. Tell them to take a wife and build a family that from such the world might increase. 93. When you and your woman become intimate, wash yourselves with water and keep yourself pure. 94. Harm not, steal not, nor harm any human being. 95. O you perfected and believing, deviate not from your word and engage in neither lies or falsehoods. Love not gold and silver, and the possession of these in the world, for the world passes away and elapses, and your ownership and creations shall be left behind. 96. Revere not Satan, idols, images, or the error and mazes of this world. For those who adore Satan fall into the blazing fire till the days are counted, till the hour, the time of deliverance set for all beings by the Sovereign of Light who ordains such for every soul according to the karma of its acts. 97. Hearken not to the allures of Satan and place no confidence in his deceptions. When you hear the truth, correctly observe it and twist it not. Every one who distorts the truth shall reap the blazing fire. 98. The righteous servant, however, will not be delivered into that hand of an evil master, nor leave the feeble for the strong. 99. Be honest with father and mother and respect seniors brothers even as a father. A child who despises father and mother will become condemned.

100. Look not with greed and desire to that which is not yours. When your Sovereign grants such to another, be wise and sinfully contend not with others about it, for the goodness of your Sovereign determines how each thing is allotted and given. 101. When troubles come over you, so bear it and stand steadfast in your faith. Bend not your knee nor cease your focus and render not homage to the Satan’s fallen stony end. 102. Hold yourself far off from all evil, and the idols and images on which they pray. Be to such no friend. Do have, however, compassion and love for them, and leave for them the writings and speeches and the hymns that your Master has given you. If he hearkens therein, is faithful and testifies to the High Royal Ones of Light, the Deity, becoming attached to Them, so adore that one, draw near to that one and consider them as having become good through that which you have given them. If that one hearkens not, gains not a testimony, nor is faithful, leave that one alone and be not influenced by them. 103. When you see one imprisoned who is absolutely faithful, so pray for, ransom and remedy their situation. But deliver their soul not only with gold and silver, but with fidelity and faith of the mouth and with pure speech from the darkness to the clearness, from error to truth, from deceit and rebellion to the prayer and praise, from unbelief to faith on ones Sovereign. Who disentangles a soul is worth more to me than generations and worlds. 104. I say to you, my chosen, to you my believers in my teachings: Give alms to the poor and be to the blind a guide. When you give alms, my chosen, so mention it not. When you mention it once, so repeat it not. Offer you with your right hand, so tell it not to your left. Offer with your left hand, so say it not to your right. One who testifies of their alms giving has such nullified and not credited to them. One who donates alms and abounds in good works, but then ceases to donate alms, falls into the unquenchable fire until its sins are canceled and all its misdoings are nullified. 105. Mine chosen, see you to the famished, so satiate such a one. See you a parched one, and thirsty, so offer that one a drink. Seeing a naked one, so place around their shoulders garments and scarves. Because one who gives with feeling, and to each lends, is rewarded. One who gives alms to another is supported by greater alms. One who supports the naked with garments and vestments has around their own neck laid garments and vestures. Whom a prisoner releases, to that one the Messenger of Life draws near. 106. To such ones They clear up and remove error, to such a one helpers are created. One whom the Call of Life addresses, of it is a sure building erected and founded. One who through my worship is purified from impurity, their name is daily remembered in the Light Land. One who through my words leaves the world illuminated, is taken to and counted among the Uthra-buddhas. 107. One who frees another from the evil of dishonesty, is without sins and is taken upward to look upon the Light Land. 108. And upon each who creates in the murderer a love for the Sovereign of Light, is pure and without taint. 109. To you my chosen I say, to you my believer I explain: Fast the great fast, not the fast from food and drink in the world.

110. Fast with your eyes from winking and gawking and do nothing evil. 111. Fast with your ears from listening at doors which are not your own. 112. Fast with your mouth from sacrilegious lies and love not falsehoods and gossip. 113. Fast with your heart from bad intentions, and hate, jealousy and breach it not with your hearts. One who tends toward jealousy is not called a perfect one. 114. Fast with your hands from the act of murder and commit no theft. 115. Fast with your body from the wives that are not your own. 116. Fast from kneeling to adore Satan and kneel not before deceitful icons. 117. Fast with your feet from cunning paths toward things that are not yours. 118. Fast this great fast and break it not until you depart from the body. 119. One who sins in childhood, but then sins no more, and it is seen that he goes and sins no more, such a one is given the grace of their Sovereign. They, the Sovereigns of Light, are compassionate, indulgent and merciful. They erase all sins and misdoings. 120. On one whom the gold and silver of this world is loaned, who acquires such by murder, falls in the blazing seething fire. 121. My chosen, have no confidence on the kings and potentates and the unyeildingness of this world, nor on armies, weapons, fighting, crowds, which are enwrapped and entangled in her, and those who are brought together in this world for the sake of gold or silver. You possess contention and endless quarreling. You amass possessions and then abandon them when you leave the world and go to be boiled in the fire. With her acts she stokes the coals, and with her lips she fans on the burning blaze. She is tortured and her ruler and her are aborted together, and her splendor is closed off. Neither your gold, nor still your silver, prevents them from suffering and supports them not. Neither your money or still your possessions is to them a deliverance. Your dominion elapses and comes to an end, and them judgement is declared. 122. I say to all of you all who listen to the teachings of Deity, With your standing and with your sitting, with your goings and your comings, by your eating and your drinking, by your resting and your sleeping, generally by all your actions mention and worship the names of the Light Sovereigns. 123. Baptize thyself in the Flowing, anoint your souls with the Living Chrism which I brought from the Light Land. Be baptized with the all the complete believers. Pronounce the blessings over the PitaBread and eat it, pronounce the blessing over the Mambuha-Drink and drink it, with such your sins and misdoing will be erased. 124. On one who the sign of Life is signed and the name of the Light Sovereigns is pronounced, and who hold fast and firm to the anointing and good and beautiful actions practice, nobody shall stop them on the way.

125. Eat not the blood of animals, no carcass, no pregnant creature, neither the . . . nor what wild animal has killed. Slash slaughterings with iron, wash, rinse, clean, cook, and eat it. 126. Eat and drink not what is received from the House of the Twelve, for such is full of filth and atrocities. 127. O ye men who want to take woman from such, why seek you a woman from the midst of such? 128. Love and support one another, for the Eight give sight and movement to such. Love and support one another, then shall you cross over the great Suf-sea. Siblings in the flesh pass away, but siblings in Kushta-Truth abide forever. Ye are siblings in the Kushta-Truth because you triumph over evil, because the Name of the First has been erected upon your head. You are signed with Living Water, and by virtue of it you shall ascend to the place of Light. 129. When you, my chosen, listen to my sayings, when you do what I command, then shall I bestow upon you our Ziwa-Brilliance in abundance and N’hura-Light in endlessness. You shall abide gloriously in the House of Life, even as the Uthra-Buddhas of light are glorious in that Light World. 130. When you hearken not to what I say, and when you observe not my commandments, so shall you descend into darkness and into evil sink, without re-ascending. 131. Purified are those that hearken and are faithful, but woe to each who closes off and falls. The good, who are faithful and knowledgeable, rise victorious upward and behold the Light Land. The evil, who are neither learned or faithful, direct your gaze to the great Suf-Sea. 132. My chosen, keep far from the hard hearted ones who aide not in the Truth. Daily, daily they sit on thrones of rebellion, on the thrones of rebellion they sit, and goad themselves onward with such. They goad themselves onward, and fidelity, meekness and peace are upon them not. 133. Take no pride in ignorance, and commit no misdeed with gold or silver. Those who abide in ignorant conceit have their name removed from the Place of Life. 134. When anyone departs from their body, weep not and raise no lamentation and mourning over that one. Eat no bread over one with such. A brook surrounds and engulfs those who are wept over. One who is garbed in neck tears keeps error on their garments. When one tangles their hair for the dead, they tangle them in the mountains, in dark mountains they entrap them. 135. Go, you poor, miserable and pursued, mourn for yourselves. Because you are still within the world, and take your sins with you. 136. When you are sorrowful that one leaves your midst, so extinguish annoyance and remorse from your hearts and hold sorrow and complaint far from yourselves. For from sorrow and complaint are fashioned demons and spirits. You hasten the souls on their way and stress them in the toll house. When you love one. So perform intercessions, prayers and praise for her, recite hymns, recite liturgy, and organized Requiem Masses, for with such the Great will be full of mercy for them. ZiwaRadiance shall lead their way, and N’hurah-Luminosity shall abide with them continually. Messengers of Life are on their right, and angels of light on their left, and she comes forth from the prison-house and are redeemed from the seething kettle.

137. Inform all souls, that their hearts shrink not. Let them learn from the gentle talk and worship that I have brought to you. Let them desire to hear and give testimony, and let their hearts find support and rest. 138. Offer bread and water and assistance to the poor and pursued human beings who approach the migration. 139. Alter the Ways of Kushta-Truth, and no reward of wages shall be given after the night. 140. Rob not a partner and deceive not a friend. One who has embezzled on a partner does not behold the Light. 141. Make yourselves a realm of righteousness and take vows not to lie because Uthras and Angels of Light allow each other alliance and solemn vows. 142. O you chosen and perfected ones who are humble and modest, by such you chosen and believing ones shall be called. Support each other in faithfulness and lead forth your love unto perfection. Be meek and modest before your teachers, those who teach the discerning wisdom. Exalt not yourself over them that there be no taint upon your soul. 143. Pray not to the diviner and lying Chaldean, because such a one abides in darkness. 144. Swear no false oaths and twist not your promises. 145. Consume no interest or compound interest that you be not condemned in the darkness because of it. 146. Go not awhoring, or to nightclubs nor danceclubs, nor let your heart go after the chant of Satans which are full of deceit, magic and seduction which distort the perfection and cause the heart of the faithful to stumble. 147. My chosen, beware and arm yourself, and be called one shielded from the world. Keep upright in the world and bear the struggle of the world until your measure is full. Be to one another a support and help, as soon as the culmination of the struggle draws near. 148. When your mind in anger surges, so calm it and hold humble your heart. Strengthen it with words of your Sovereigns for the angry state of is filled by the anger of Satan, but it is through the discerning wisdom and faith and humility that one endures. One who neither through faith nor through humility endures, is through sword and broadsword reaped. Gathered is that one through sword and broadsword and falls in the blazing fire. 149. When you see a good one who has learned wisdom, so draw near to that one and receive wisdom from them. When you see an evil one, who is learned in evilness, so keep you far from such a one and take nothing from them of their knowledge., do none of their works, and change not to their path. 150. O you faithful, waiting and completed ones, all that is abhorrent to you, do it not. 151. My chosen, do good works and accumulate substance for your journey. See your faults and be faithful and keep the words of your Sovereigns.

152. See with your eyes, speak with your mouths, listen with your ears, believe with your hearts, practice with your hands alms and tithes and donations according to the will of your Sovereigns, however, the will of Satan do not. 153. Have no confidence on the beauty of the body, for it quickly becomes degraded. Transform yourselves to the words of your Sovereign, for through such you shall ascend victorious to the Light Land. Give to the Lofty Light Sovereigns submission, veneration and praise, for by such your sins and guilt will be taken away. 154. Revere not Satan and the deceptive images of this world, because everything that is born, dies; and all that is made with hands becomes corrupt. The entire world comes to an end, and her idols fade. 155. My chosen, have no confidence on the world in which you exist, because she hears you not. Have confidence on the purifying work that brings you to the Fullness. When you depart from your body, be able to lean on the works of your hands. 156. My chosen, show no contempt for the commandments that your Sovereigns have commanded you. Show honesty, meekness and humility which are from the nature of the Light. Show charities, compassion, forgiveness and lovingness which are from the nature of the light. 157. O you men whom the woman might take, o you women that the men might take. O you men the woman might take who swell and beget children. When you don’t swell and give birth, so bear the illness in bearing. After all I want you over the ugly work to clarify, that which the woman walk on, the magical practices and the soul oppressed in the body, and doing what is not agreeable to Deity nor beautiful to humanity, for it resembles the bad and suffering and gives no healing. 158. Take no woman, no maidservant, who is not free, and bring your children not into another’s mansion. Because in days ahead the servant errs and the heart of the master gets angry, because of mistakes made by the servant. And the father becomes the master. When you take a woman who is free, so goodness and plenty abounds. 159. Receive faithful love from a woman, on whom fidelity resides. Turn you not from one another until your measure is full. Because one who cheats on a woman in whom is no deceit, fault, or gossip, and who abides in the lust of the Tibil-world, over such a one is judgement spoken. 160. Your children are conserved and remain in the Life when you teach them, and show them knowledge when they are able to bear it, and discerning wisdom when they can adapt themselves to Kushta-Truth. When they are not taught and informed, so they become condemned in the law courts. When you inform them, but they will not receive it, so they for their own sins become accountable. 161. After one has drifted once because of ignorance, set and prop them up again. If they drift off a second time, so set them and prop them up again, If they stray a third time, so set them up again. Show them the writings and teachings, prayers and praising of the Sovereigns. When they are propped up and leave not the support, so you weed out the evil plant and bring forth a good plant in its place. For one who has heard the call, but does not hear, one who has been shown but will not

see, one who has been revealed but will not accept, shall in future days come to an end. Such a one shall fall into torment, and shall fall in the day of evil, without ever arising again. 162. When you see one afflicted with a bodily defect, so show no ridicule or laughter toward them. Because only flesh and blood formed flesh becomes contemptuous through suffering and handicaps, however the soul is not through suffering and handicap made contemptuous. The soul becomes ugly only through ugly deeds that she commits. 163. So I say to you my chosen who believe my teachings: praise not the seven or the twelve, the rulers of the world who flitter about by day and night. Because they blind and deceive the root of souls who have been misplaced here from the place of Life. 164. Praise not sun and moon, the illuminators of this world, because their brilliance is not their own. It is only borrowed to them, to illuminate the dark dwelling. They are the angels of a decayed house who can hear not your call. 165. Praise not Shammish the sun, whose name is Adonai, and whose name is Qadesh, and whose name is El-El, and who has other hidden names not revealed in the world. 166. He, Adonai, collected to himself a people and set up a Church. The place of Jerusalem was built, the city of the Jews, that was won with the sword, and with blood are they splashed, and Adonai they adore. The men leave their women, go there and lay they with one another. The woman, in their menses, lie with their men. They turned from the original doctrine and made for themselves a book. 167. I say to you my chosen, abide not with such apostates that stray from your Sovereign. Mix not with the Jews who stand not united in thy teaching. 168. From the nation of the Jews are all people and receivings arisen. 169. False prophets came about, who in lies and deceit go forth. They walk with the angel of defectiveness from their mother’s womb, and they become pregnant while in their monthly bleedings. They announce false wisdom from their hearts and cast captivity into the world. They say they are from God and call them prophets. They take on themselves the body and fashion of humanity. They write a book of deceit and set up prophecies therein and abandon themselves to improper rituals. Much greed, lust and passion cast they over the face of the earth in the name of their Prophets. 170. Now I, the First Messenger, teach and say to all Nazoreans who now are and the still born-Jews who shall become: Listen not on their speech and deviate not off from the Ways of Life. My chosen, abide not with these, who stand not unified with you in the Teaching. 171. Some do they take through chant, dance and captivate through lust. Some of them they seduce through images of gold and silver, through sculpture of blocks, through golden shrines and from music and other flawed works. 172. Some they suppress by the sword, broadsword, breathe war, fight, anger and terror, and frighten them and order them and make them be slaves to the planets against their will.

173. Some of the children of Adam they seduce with humbleness and candy, with honey and craftiness, with lies and deceit. They claim with their mouths to speak in the name of God, and that their books and teachings have been given by the High and great One. Thy convert by preaching to those souls who are hooked by them and fully go to them. They contort the heart and cast foolishness in the world. 174. I now, the resounding Messenger, say to you: Listen not on the speech of the lying prophets who pretend to be true seers and who claim for themselves a likeness to the three Uthras who have gone forth in the world. Your radiance is no radiance, your mantel is no true mantel. Some from them are vested in garments of darkness, bedecked with robes of darkness, and your odor is odious and rotten. 175. To you, my chosen, my believing whom I call and teach: Clothe yourselves in white and bedeck yourselves with white like the shining garments and the robes of light. Place a headband around you like a wreath. Bind your Sash around you like living Waters which the Uthras bind about their hips. Place cleaved sandals on and take staffs in hand like the staves of Living Water which the Uthras in the Light place carry. 176. O you believer who has become perfect. Say nothing that you do not know of have not had disclosed to you. Because nobody is given to reveal the hidden things of the Golden, Vast and Lofty who has not known and perceived them completely. 177. Mine chosen! Arm yourselves with one weapon which is not made from iron. Let your weapon be the Nazirutha-Gnosis and the truthful discourses of the Light Land. 178. Counsel one another with good pieces of advice, and warn and depend upon one another. That which your eyes have seen, with your mouths spoken, and your ears listened, so accomplish beautiful labors with goodly hands. Likewise, water not the bad plants lest to your Sovereign you bring no produce. 179. Mine chosen! Behold how I have announced to you how the Light hath no end or is calculable. I have taught you about the blazing fire and the darkness. I have taught you about Satan, how he has no power or firmness, and is deserving of fiery destruction and burning. 180. This is the first teaching that Adam, the head of the Race of the Living, was given. It was a speech and a testimonial. 181. Afterward the world, through sword and pestilence, is reaped. It is certain that the soul, by such, is separated from the scabbard like body. When this happens the soul rises upward into the Light without sins and karma. 182. Then there remained in the world Ram the man and Rud the woman, from whom the ensuing age is called. Then the world is begun anew by her, and the world is continued by him. 183. Adam the man is ordained to last one thousand years. From Adam the man till Ram and Rud are thirty generations. All rise upward into the light if they stand firm in the teachings, and have given testimony with their walk and with a voice of praise.

184. Then is the world through fire reaped once more, and remaining alive are Shurbai the man and Sharhabel the woman. All souls separate from their scabbard like bodies and rise upward into the Light, if they do not adulterate the doctrines nor twist the teachings. 185. Then the world is newly restored by them, From Ram and Rud until Shurbai and Shurhabel are twenty five generations. 186. Then to Shurbai and Sharhabel is the world through water destroyed. The only remaining ones being Noah from the ark and his Shem the son of Noah. The entire world through water was destroyed and those souls whose names were written down did separate from the scabbard like body and ascended into the light 187. The age of Shurbai and Sharhabel, until the era of Noah, are fifteen generations. 188. From Noah the man the world increased, and its reputation and praise grew ever evident. And incarnate will I myself become, and we will manifest, both I the Messenger of Life, and my archangelic companion. 189. From Noah the man until the building of the place called Jerusalem there are six generations. It flourished and lasted one thousand years. 190. Then was born Solomon the son of David who was a king from Judah and a mighty ruler over Jerusalem. The demons and influence were subject to him and did his will, until he became puffed up with himself and ungrateful for his blessings. Then the demons and influence turned from his commands and dominion over them was taken from him. 191. Then appeared Christ, the prophet from the Judaic land. 198. Christ also revealed himself in another form – with fire is he vested, with fire is he covered and he shows miracles in the fire. Yeshu the Messiah said of himself that His name was Amun-il. His house is of Fire, and he shows His venture in the fire. He presents Himself before you and says: Come and stand beside me so that you be not burned!. 200. He says: I am God and God’s son which has been sent by the Father. He tells you: I am the First Messenger, I am Hibil-Ziwa which has come from the height. 201. He goes and comes in the years of Pilatus, the king of the world. Enosh-Uthra comes in the world with the power of the Light Sovereign. He heals sickness, makes the blind to see, purifies lepers, sets up the crippled from crawling so that they can walk, makes the deaf and dumb to communicate and animates the dead. He makes converts among the Jews and shows them what gives death and what gives Life, what gives darkness and what gives light, what gives error and what gives truth. He converted the Jews to the names of the Sovereigns of Light. 202. Three hundred and sixty prophets go forth from the city of Jerusalem and testify to the Names of the Vast Life. Enosh-Uthra ascends then to the height and is established in Mshunia-Kushta where all Uthra-Buddhas are hidden from the eyes of humanity. Afterwards the place of Jerusalem is made desolate, and the Jews are banished and become dispersed to other cities. […interpolation]

204. Every one, in that last age who remains true to the Call and true to their baptism in the Flowing Water, will become one with the Messengers who reveal the brightness which comes from the Light Land. The Nazoreans, with the cloth around the head, become worthy of generations and worlds. On that Mandai, upon who the Kusta remains, will I, Manda d Hayya lay my authority. Because they hearken and listen and dispel error among my chosen, they shall ascend victorious to the Light Land.

And Life is victorious over all struggles!

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