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PI 30803 ISU –ISU DALAM PSIKOLOGI INDUSTRI DAN ORGANISASI TUGASAN INDIVIDU :ULASAN JURNAL ‘Leadership behaviors of school principals in relation to teacher job satisfaction in north Cyprus’ (Sancar,M. 2009).




BP 09110059


1.0 Introduction 1.1 Previous Research This journal explains the existence of a significant relationship between perceived leadership behaviours of school principals and expressed job satisfaction of the teachers in north Cyprus. The meaning of leadership can be defined in many terms. According to Burns (1978), long time were thought to be privileged men born to be leaders shaping history through the vision of their intellect, the beauty of their art, the prowess of their leadership and most importantly their divine inspiration.Murphy (1941) and Stogdill (1948) indicated that leadership is communicative phenomenon depending on the interrelation of the group members pursuing common goals of the organization, whereby this indication also developed after Mayo‟s studies (1933). According to the study of Ohio State University and from the views of scholars working in the field determines that the term “consideration” and “initiation of structure” are the most important factors to build an effective leadership.”Consideration” brings the meaning of where the leader‟s level of exhibiting concern to the members of the group.”Initiation of structure” means whereby to recognize a leader‟s initiative in forming activities for the members and lead them on the processes of the work that need to be done.Gardner (1986) considers a person who is accomplished with the terms of “consideration” and “initiation of structure” is actually the “leader-manager”. Studies on school leadership have also shown that, in order to account fully for the definition of leadership, cognitive, behavioural and interactional (humanistic) explanations are needed.However, a research which was conducted in the mid-twentieth century has came out with a strong evidence that school administrators are effective causes on teachers extrinsic motivation and job satisfaction.Even in this case, Fast (1964) says that “consideration” and “initiation of structure” behaviours of principals positively relate to teachers‟ satisfaction.In the terms of motivation, Lepper and Henderlog (2000) believes that both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation works at the same time without really depending on each other because extrinsic motivation increases the instrinsic motivation from the way a leader behaves.The same study in the field shows that there is a significant relationship between leader behavior, operating as extrinsic motivation and teacher job satisfaction.


1.2 Research Problems a) What is the significantly perceived leadership behavior of public school principals by public school teachers in Northern Cyprus as measured by the Leader Behaviour Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) ? b) What is the expressed job satisfaction level of public school teachers in Northern Cyprus as measured by the Mohrman-Cooke-Mohrman Job Satisfaction Scale (MCMJSS) ? c) Is there a significant relationship between perceived leadership behaviours of school principals and expressed teacher job satisfaction in North Cyprus ?

1.3 Research Objectives In this journal, three purposes of studies were identified.The aim of this research were based on the uniqueness of this research which lies in the fact that no such study has been done before in North Cyprus.As for this, one of the purposes of this research will be to served as a starting point for further studies because such a research have never been conducted yet in North Cyprus.Secondly, it is to collect comprehensive data to be able to comment on the leadership behaviours of school principals on teachers‟ expressed job satisfaction.The final objective will be to provide evidence to make helpful recommendations for future practices.

1.4 Hypotheses The hypotheses which was made from this research will be that a significantly positive relationship will exist between principals‟ perceived leadership behavior and expressed teacher job satisfaction.


2.0 Methodology 2.1 Participants In the year of 2002-2003, there were almost 2200 teachers working in public elementary and secondary schools.This total number of people excludes part time teachers as identified by the Ministry of National Education and Culture.The total amount of respondents from this research will be 599 people (n=599). It consisted 46% of public elementary school teachers and 54% of public secondary school teachers.Before the total respondents were identified, the categorized number of people whom participated this research will be 1077 teachers worked in 87 public elementary schools and 1270 of them worked in public secondary schools.358 teachers working in randomly selected twenty-one public elementary schools and 452 randomly selected teachers working in 26 public secondary schools were sent the questionnaire packages. 2.2 Research Method In this research, random sampling have been used in order to accomplish the survey.The teachers whom participated in this research were selected randomly from the public elementary school.At the same time there were also randomly selected teachers whom were picked from public secondary to be sent for this research. 2.3 Research Instruments The instrument that was used to obtain the data will be The Leadership Behaviour Description Questionnaire(LBDQ), The Mohrman-Cooke_Mohrman Job Satisfaction Scale (MCMJSS), Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and A Linear Regression. a)The Leadership Behaviour Description Questionnaire(LBDQ) It is mainly used to obtain information on public school teachers‟ perception of their school principals‟ leadership behavior.This instrument consisted of three sub-scales, 15 items measuring „consideration‟, 15 items measuring „initiation of structure‟ behaviours of school principals and 10 items measuring conditions for administration.


b) The Mohrman-Cooke_Mohrman Job Satisfaction Scale (MCMJSS) This instrument used to determine public school teachers‟ level of job satisfaction.It contained four items measuring intrinsic and four items measuring extrinsic motivation, which altogether measured teachers‟ overall job satisfaction. c) Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) SPSS were performed to determine perceived leadership behaviours of public school principals and expressed job satisfaction levels of public school teachers in North Cyprus.It was mainly used to answer the 1st and 2nd research problems.The mean scores of the totals of the items related to „consideration‟ and „initiation of structure‟ behavior were compared to reveal the perceived leadership behaviours of public school principals and the mean score for job satisfactionwas taken to determine the expressed job satisfaction levels of public school teachers . d) A Linear Regression This instrument was performed to test the 3rd research problem. 2.4 Research Results The hypotheses of this research is accepted.At the same time, the result and evidence provided to support the hypotheses also answers the research problem 3. Hypotheses: A significantly positive relationship will exist between principals‟ perceived leadership behavior and expressed teacher job satisfaction. Result: The bivariate correlations between the perceived leadership behaviours („consideration‟ and „initiation of structure‟) of school principals and expressed overall teachers job satisfaction in North Cyprus were positive, as expected. Evidence: A multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to evaluate how well the school principals perceived leadership behaviours („consideration‟ and „initiation of structure‟) predicted state


school teachers overall job satisfaction. The predictors („consideration‟ and „initiation of structure‟) together indicate a high direct relationship to expressed overall job satisfaction (R = .555, R = .309, p < .01). Research problem 1 Result: The correlation coefficient .783** between the two perceived behaviours demonstrates a very strong positive and significant correlation between the two perceived behaviours as tested by Pearson‟s Paired Sample t - Test. Evidence: Public school principals in Northern Cyprus are considered to display high „consideration‟ (M = 2.25;SD = 8.1) and high „initiation of structure‟ (M = 2.10;SD = .72) behaviours.Because of a positive mean difference, .15 points, to the advantage of perceived „consideration‟ behavior, (t = 7.49 and p = 000, p < .01), it may be stated that school principals in Northern Cyprus are perceived to display „consideration‟ behavior to a greater degree then „initiation of structure‟ behavior. Research problem 2 Result: Overall job satisfaction, instrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation are very highly positively correlated.Expressed intrinsic motivation level of public school teachers is significantly higher then their stated extrinsic motivation. Evidence: As the mean scores clearly indicate, public school teachers express high overall job satisfaction (M = 4.53;SD = 0.96), intrinsic motivation (M = 4.54;SD = 1.02) and extrinsic motivation (M = 4.52;SD = 1.15).All these scores are above the cut off point, which is 3.00 for each.There is a very highly significant positive correalation between overall job satisfaction and intrinsic motivation (.869**) and extrinsic motivation (.562**). The compared mean score of .02 points to the advantage of intrinsic motivation, as tested by Pearson‟s paired sample t-test (t = .578, p = .000 which is p < .01), it shows that expressed intrinsic motivation level of public school teachers is significantly higher then their stated extrinsic motivation.


3.0 Discussion 3.1 Interpretation The researcher have concluded this research in many ways.Firstly, the sample mean score of public school teachers rating „consideration‟ and „initiation of structure‟ behaviours of public school principals show that school principals are perceived to be highly considerate of teachers‟ needs and wants while providing a lot of guidance about what must be done and how it must be done.Thus, they are perceived to be effective efficient in managing both tasks and people.Secondly, surveys have also shown that employees‟ favourable attitudes toward their supervisors contribute to their job satisfaction.Hence, according to Bass(1990), success of an organization depends on how the employees perceive their supervisor‟s leadership behavior which affects their satisfaction levels and their performance.As it was hypothesized, teachers in Northern Cyprus tend to be relations oriented and prefer „consideration‟ behavior.Consequently, when such behavior is practiced they seem to have further job satisfaction.Finally, when relatively put in order of importance, „consideration‟ behavior is more important in predicting overall teacher job satisfaction than „initiation of structure‟ behavior of school principals.It clearly indicates that perceived leadership behaviours of the public school principals significantly correlate with teachers‟ expressed job satisfaction and that perceived „consideration‟ behavior is important in assuring teacher job satisfaction. 3.2 Ideas/Plans Based on the findings of this study, there can be many ideas provided in order to achieve a better research method and results in future practices.In my point of view, eventhough this research have not been done yet before this, but the research was still conducted in a proper manner.However for a better consequences, educational policy makers should offer pre-service and in-service training programs for the perspective and present school principals.Such programs should ensure that they are based on adult learning assumptions and principles, and the conditions cater for adult learners. It must also include all five components of a staff development program with an additional component of reflection, which will allow the school principals to think criticallyof themselves while excreting leadership. The findings of this study should be used in the selection, training and appointment of school principals because awareness of teachers‟ perceptions and expectations could lead to better school administration


and principal-teacher relations.School principals, in order to function in the most effective way, should attend leadership-training and development programs as these programs have proven to increase achievement and motivation and enhance the personal competencies vital to effective leadership.School principals, in order to promote teacher satisfaction, should creae an open and collegial climate, a climate which is open and honest, in which teachers feel secure about their jobs, freely express and share their feelings and opinions, and in which they collaborate on important decisions.This will reduce stress and boost job satisfaction and morale.Other than that, the findings of this study should be made available to authorities responsible for making educational policies or designing staff training and development programs.


4.0 Reference Sancar,M. 2009, World Conference on Educational Sciences 2009 : Leadership behaviours

of school principals in relation to teacher job satisfaction in north Cyprus. Elsevier Ltd.