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Each Book Vampyrism pg: 2 Rituals pg: 30 Meditations pg: 383 Magickal chants pg: 398 Magickal hymns pg: 620

Vampyrism This section is devoted to v.k. jehannum's rites of Vampyrism

Green is the Color of the Vampyre – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Vampyrism July 19, 2016February 2, 2017 347 Words Many different vampyres have conferred to me that they felt an intuitive link to the color green as a color of power. The first of these was a covenmate, who spoke out of his intuition. The second was Kaos Butterfly, whom always felt green to be a color of magickal power as well. The third was Morain himself, who considers green his favorite color as well as the color of his aura. Kaos told me that the most vampyric people he’s met have had green eyes, and an allegory called Porcelain Face Programming from the Tempel ov Blood’s inner journal gives their vampyric adept protagonist sea green eyes. In Encylopedia of Vampire Mythology, Theresa Bane writes the following: “The color green has played a part in Celtic and Chinese vampire lore from early beginnings. Usually in their stories, if green is mentioned as being the color of someone’s clothing or HAIR, it is something of an early indicator to the listener or reader that the person is in fact some sort of vampire. Lamps are narrated as suddenly burning with a green flame when a vampire enters a room. This ancient custom has found its way in modern storytelling; H. P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, and Bram Stoker have all used this color to point out the undead to their readers.” In the depictions of the vampyric fairies and zombies presented by the text, green is often shown to be interchangeable with white,

particularly in the case of vampyric fae such as banshees. Green is the color of envy, both in New Age color signification and in modern folk lore. Ergo, it is sensible to link the color to the practice of vampyrism. It’s also the color of the chakra in the middle of the spine– the one which connects to the shoulder chakras and disperses energy throughout sushuma. Plants can’t digest green light. The reason they look green is because that color of light is bouncing off of them. Since born vampyres cannot properly digest natural prana, we have a sensible correlation.

-V.K. Jehannum

Necromantic Alchemy, Death Magick, & Psychic Vampyrism – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Vampyrism, Witchcraft August 1, 2018October 4, 2018 412 Words The grey energy emitted by corpses and dead tissue is referred to by the titles of Death Energy and the Death Essence, and the variant of witchcraft incorporating it is referred to as Death Magick. It is known to be a necessity for the witch to develop and attunement to the Death Essence prior to engaging in Necromancy, but the aspiring Necromancer is always warned not to allow the Death Essence to seep into her aura, less her health become diminished. Nonetheless, some amount of Death Energy always infiltrates the subtle body, and so a gradual debilitation continues. There is a powerful loophole to this guideline which few magickians are aware of: a magickian who has acquired a proficiency in the practice of psychic vampyrism will have developed such an aptitude for digesting and altering foreign energies that she becomes capable of not only imbibing the Death Essence without harming herself, but even benefiting from the act. I refer to the act of becoming saturated with the Death Essence as “entering the Mortis State.” To do so is to become magnified in power and undergo permutations of the very essence. The magickian becomes gradually likened to the entities which she interacts with by way of gradual permutation, and for the vampyric magickian, the alchemy of Death Magick and communion with the dead develops the psychic senses, renders the Kundalini easier to

raise, causes the bestial manifestation of the Higher Self to be more easily accessible, and permutates the chakras such that working with them yields greater and quicker results. In the Mortis State, the sorceress is more capable of perceiving the astral oddities about her and retrospectively remembering dreams. The magickian who is saturated with the Death Essence is more difficult to kill and less likely to die. Sometimes, a vampyric magickian can feed on the Death Energy within a moribund person, and in doing so, save their life. I refer to the magickian’s aptitude for deprogramming exogenous human energy and attuning it to one’s natural ‘flavor’ by the name vampyric metabolism. By regularly feeding on the prana of other humans, the magickian develops the vampyric metabolism, increasing her aptitude for energy work in general, and making her suitable for the art of self-transformation via Death Magick. Of all the countless avenues of spiritual progression available to me, my spirit guides told me that Necromantic Alchemy was among the very most useful and essential to my ascent.

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Notes on Vampyric Feeding – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Vampyrism November 20, 2016 204 Words The circumstances of the victim are a significant determinant of her energetic quality. A sleeping victim will exhibit a heigthened quality of prana, keep this in mind when predating upon roommates and house pets. Such victims are also in an optimal condition to regenerate their ki, so feeding at this time is less harmful. Victims who are working out, lifting or carrying a heavy object, or dancing will also exhibit a heightened quality of chi as well. The highest and most bliss-inducing qualities of prana I have ever imbibed came from visibly pregnant women. Feeding upon an intoxicated individual induces intoxication upon the vampyre, albeit briefly in comparison– the speed at which the vampyre digests exogenous prana is dependent upon her power level (specifically upon a skill I’ve labeled vampyric metabolism). When I first read that drinking from a stoned person who intoxicate the predator, I assumed that one would have to be quite the energy worker to actually manage to get stoned that way. This is not the case. If you have performed sexual feeding in the past, you are aware of how bliss-enducing and empowering of an experience it is. You will never feel so divine and desirable as you do then.

Psychic Vampyrism – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Vampyrism May 25, 2016June 2, 2016 797 Words Vampyrism is the art of feeding upon the life essence of fellow organisms. The Psychic Vampyre feeds not upon the blood of the flesh but the blood of the soul. This is the prana, the chi, the ki, the “blood essence,” as some authors call it. For the sake of these writings, we will operate on the New Age consensus that all of these terms are synonymous. There are people who are intrinsically blessed with the necessity for Vampyric feeding. These people require prana, blood, or both from other beings by their very natures—they have a specific kind of soul. Naturally, Psychic Vampyres are more common than Sanguine ones. Psychic Vampyrism differs from the consumption of blood in that anyone can benefit from Psychic Vampyrism. Humans naturally cycle energy in from their environment and back out into their environment in a process similar to respiration. If one deliberately takes in prana from other people instead of their surroundings, they will lead an enhanced quality of life. You do not need to be intrinsically blessed with the Hunger to benefit from exogenous human energy in the same way that you do not need to be diabetic to benefit from clean eating. Non-witches with the Hunger will subconsciously essay to elicit emotion and thus prana from other people via things such as the initiation of conflict, promiscuity, or class-clown behavior. Once the Vampyre learns to directly and deliberately satiate the Hunger through witchcraft, they experience an enhanced quality of life for three reasons.

One: the Vampyre can satiate the Hunger almost whenever it suits them. Two: the Vampyre, now satiated, will no longer be driven to resort toasinine fucking behavior to get what they need. Three: the Vampyre can get higher quantities and qualities of what they need all while developing their magickal skills. I have elected to use the spelling of “magick” as the addition of the letter K was originally a reference to the eighth letter, Kaf, of the Hebrew alphabet. 8 is the number of the Great Work. Psychic Vampyrism increases longevity, visualization skills, vitality, psychic senses, personal magnetism, and holistic magickal talent. The practice of it increases the witch’s aptitude for psychic combat, empathy, psychometry, servitor creation, mind control, and the programming of energy with intent. So here is the way that the witches of the Coven of the Second Torch acquire exogenous organic prana. Visualize a thin black tendril extending from the tip of your middle finger into the victim. Inhale deeply, visualizing the target’s energy flowing down your little wire and into your flesh. As you do this, rhythmically repeat the mantra “Surripio ki tuam” in your mind’s ear. The mantra means “I am stealing your ki” in Latin, but the witch should view it as magick words used for the draining of energy rather than focusing upon what it means when they are feeding. Once you’ve got the hang of this, start using multiple tendrils, eventually on multiple targets, to take in as much energy as quickly as possible. You will learn to dig deeper and deeper into your victim’s astral body, getting richer and richer chi. Once you have finished feeding upon the target, withdraw your tendril or imagine one withdrawing. It this proves troublesome to accomplish, issue the mental command “Rescind!”

The key to this is being in the moment and concentrating on the visualization. If you’re in a rush to get it done, you will have more trouble feeding than you would otherwise. You don’t have to stare at your target, just keep them in your peripheral vision. Taking a low amount of energy will heighten the overall quality of the target’s life essence. Taking a large amount will result in irritability and torpidity. One of my apprentices once fed deeply upon an intoxicated addict who was threatening me with a bottle in the hopes that the drunkard would relax. That is not what occurred. The magickal numbers which I have channeled for the purpose of Psychic Vampyrism are as follows: 86, 37, 49, 560, and 8030. The witch may write these numbers on her flesh in sharpie while focusing on the intention of increasing the potency of her deliberate Vampyrisms. Take a moment now to open your shoulder chakras. Visualize a brilliant white sphere in each shoulder as you vibrate “Lepaca,” the name of the Demon of Opening, to open the chakras. Once this is complete, you may send tendrils out of your shoulders instead of hands. It should not be long before you start using multiple tendrils simultaneously, within time, even on multiple targets. Creating tendrils from the shoulders is more discrete than from the hands and it places the energy you drain in the center of your body almost immediately. -V.K. Jehannum

The Ascended Vampyres or “Undead Gods” (With Chants and Sigil) – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in the Septenary Way, Vampyrism March 18, 2017March 10, 2020 466 Words The Ascended Vampyres, more commonly called “the Undead Gods,” are a group of earth-bound wraiths who practiced the art of psychic vampyrism in conjunction with some other form of witchcraft in their physical lives prior to ascent. Every Ascended Vampyre is different and has their own wisdom and knowledge to impart to the summoner. Countless entirely separate vampyric lodges consort with these entities, and the most common ritual performed in honor of them calls them forth to devour the energy of the celebrant(s) and thereupon refill the celebrant with their own energy. This is an incredibly empowering operation. The reason I keep putting “Undead Gods” in quotation marks is that the Ascended Vampyres are not undead, and they are not gods. They are not powerful enough to be considered deities, and as a necromancer, I can tell you that they are Ascended Masters, not undead. There is a difference. Summoning the Ascended Vampyres is not necromancy. The Ascended Vampyres, having been incarnate sorcerers previously, are very accommodating, loyal, patient, loving, and generally well-intentioned. They will appear just about any time you ask them to. Many names have been given to the Ascended Vampyres. The term Akhkharun (singular: Akhkharu), which originally referred to a specific kind of vampyric entity from Akkadian and Egyptian

demonology, is often appropriated for this purpose, but I do not endorse this– my guides told me not to use that title to refer to the Ascended Vampyres. Sebastian’s moniker for these spirits, “Strigoi Morte,” translated to mean dead vampyres, is far more fitting, as is the title “Craik-ii-on” from Liber Hirudo.

This is a picture of the sigil I use for the Undead Gods– it does not refer to any particular subgroup of them. You’ll find this sigil to be very powerful. You may write magickal numbers around the sigil, such as 41, 96, 57, 91, 47, and 56 (the numbers I channeled with a covenmate as apt for calling to the Undead Gods). The Enochian phrase “Arphe Odzamran Vomquisseron” or “Descend and Appear, Ascended Vampyres” should be useful in summoning them. Vomquisseron is a magickal name I channeled for the Undead Gods long ago. Here is a magickal formula one may use in calling the Undead Gods forth. They will generally gather in the darkest part of the chamber. Avvar-Akkawn + Craik-ii-on + Strigoi Morte + Vomquisseron + Ammal-Akkor + Omkimmurral + Ommor-Akkawn + Arphe Odzamran Vomquisseron (x7) To be clear, it is the last chant which is articulated seven times, not the entire formula. The names in bold are all names for the Undead Gods. Any other celebrants should be told to chant “Vomquisseron Hanazzana” repeatedly as the covenhead vibrates the formula (unless one’s covenmates are comfortable vibrating the parts of the formula in unison with the covenhead. The celebrants should aim to intuitively harmonize their articulations with one another).

-V.K. Jehannum

The Psychic Vampyres are the Real Vampires – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Vampyrism January 7, 2018January 7, 2018 2,048 Words Psychic vampyrism, which is a known technique of white and black magickians alike, is the practice of feeding upon the spiritual energy of other persons, and sanguine vampyrism is the act of drinking human blood for sustenance. Most people who practice sanguine vampyrism consider drinking blood to be nothing more than a particularly potent way of taking someone else’s spiritual energy. While most black magickians see vampyrism as little more than an optional practice which they may or may not adopt, some authorities amongst modern systems of vampyric magick believe that some humans are born with anomalies of the spiritual body which require them to feed upon exogenous spiritual energy instead of recycling nature’s prana like the majority of people do. Initiates of the Black Lodge who practice vampyrism tend to doubt the reality of born vampyres, but vampyres external to the  “Left Hand Path” insist on self-identifying as born vampyres. I initially adopted the practice of vampyrism as nothing more than another spiritual exercise to improve my magickal talents in preparation for all the demon-summoning I dreamed of doing. I’ve practiced vampyrism about as long as I’ve practiced Satanism, and after leading a Hecatean-Qliphothic coven of psychic vampyres for a year, I’m confident in my self-identification as a born vampyre.

For the black magickians in my audience who don’t believe in born vampyres, I’d recommend the books The Ethical Psychic Vampire by Raven Kaldera and The Psychic Vampire Codex by Michelle Bellenger– two self-identified born vampyres. Once you’ve read those two books, or even just Bellenger’s, you’ll see all treatises on the practice of psychic vampyrism arising from Satanists, Luciferians, Niners, etc. as completely useless. In short, Bellenger believed in born vampyres, and there is no fucking way she would get that wrong– let alone her and Kaldera both. Not only did Bellenger write a better manual of vampyric magick than anybody in any of the religions that influence me, she wrote the best encyclopedia-style text on demonology I’ve ever read– and that’s only a portion of her immense literary corpus. After reading Vampires: Burial and Death, The Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology, The Vampire Encyclopedia, and more, I have reached a conclusion: vampyre myths come about from rumors about real vampyre– both vampyres who didn’t know what they were and antiquity’s underground black magickians. The overwhelming majority of vampyres described in world mythology fall into one or more of four categories: animated corpses, living human witches, the shades of deceased humans, and predatory species of evil spirits. Mixtures like a human corpse inhabited by a demon or the predatory ghost of human witch (compare that to the Undead Gods) exemplify the grey areas between the four mythological demographics. Many mythological vampyres, including some therianthropic species, were considered to be either the astral doubles or familiar spirits of living human black magickians. In some cultures, the community’s benevolent practitioners of therionick magick, which were like any other magickians living in and trusted by our ancestors’ civilizations, would protect the villagers from vampyric

practitioners of therionick magick in regular astral combat– at least, that’s what the people believed (this will be relevant later). Generally speaking, mythological vampyres most often shapeshifted into stereotypically diabolic animals like pigs, serpents, cats, etc. rather than wolves. Werewolf trials and vampyre trials are lesserknown phenomena under the umbrella of the witch hunt phenomenon, with vampyre hunters being a strange fringe amongst the witchhunters who justified their belief in vampyres with arguments taken from Malleus Maleficarum. Werewolf myths are also believed to have some origin in the Pagan practice wherein warriors adorned themselves in wolf pelts and engendered altered states of consciousness. While some mythological vampyres fed on the spiritual energy of humans, most of them drank human blood, including notable instances of living human witches drinking blood for magickal power. Needless to say, drinking human blood is pretty fucking conspicuous, so the fact that the preponderance of vampyres in world mythology drank human blood instead of feeding on spiritual energy makes perfect sense if these myths did arise from real predation by real spirits and witches. After all, how many people are psychic enough to know that a sorcerer took their prana? Several variants of mythological vampyres arise from or are influenced by the incremental degradation of human flesh engendered after death– for example, the existence of necrophages that glow like fireflies brought about a lot of misconceptions. When a series of suspicious and unexplained incidents of the kind(s) considered symptomatic of vampyric activity would occur in close sequence, our ancestors would dig up whichever corpse resulted from the most stigmatized or “suspicious” person amongst the recently dead.

Normal phenomena of corpse decay would have produced fluids around the mouth, which our ancestors would interpret as resulting from the corpse’s blood-drinking habit. A villager stabs the corpse, and the crowd gasps as the deceased emits a hideous moan. Of course, we know today this moan was the sound of the corpse deflating, but our ancestors were not so enlightened. What if a vampyric witch were amongst our ancestors’ midst? The villagers just keep checking the local burial place for moans or luminescence. As the uninitiated conjure wild stories of the time they survived the perfidies of the undead, the heir to a hidden generational Craft or the elected worshiper of some darksome divinity continues her witchcraft unsuspected. Do you know how S. Conolly, the magickian who coined the term “Demonolatry,” came to venerate the Devil? Probably not, considering how many learned Occultists still think she’s man. According to one of the entries to her YouTube channel (OFS Adrianna), Stephany Reisner Conolly once prayed to Satan in childlike ignorance after the Abrahamic deity failed to answer her prayers by helping her find her toy. Satan obliged the girl, terrifying her. This experience stuck with Conolly, and eventually, it got her thinking, and boom, one of the most influential black magickians in the West was born. It wouldn’t take a generational witchcraft tradition to make one of our ancestors take up vampyrism and the Craft. Sometimes, it takes as little as a single action born of childhood naivety to create a lifetime adherent to the Infernal Divine, as we see with S. Conolly. The guiding spirits of hidden historical witches could have instructed their adherent in the practice of vampyrism, and would have been particularly inclined to do so if their adherent was a born vampyre. Perhaps another vampyre is born when an underground witch asks her guiding spirits about the local stories of blooddrinking corpses.

According to The Psychic Vampire Codex by Michelle Bellenger, if a born vampyre goes too long without feeding, she’ll astrally project in her sleep and drink a bitch. The vampyre might not remember the act– especially if she’s uninitiated, but the victim often experiences something pretty jarring– a vivid nightmare in the least. Persons born with the vampyric attribute of soul are subconsciously inclined to engage in various behavior-traits to regularly enable involuntarily vampyric nourishment. Circumstances wherein the uninitiated vampyres amongst our ancestors couldn’t pursue mundane methods of subconscious vampyrism would result in their astral double predating upon someone else in the community. This would have engendered more of the folktales that conceptualized what we call mythological vampyres, and the presence of myths about vampyres in a given community, many of which myths originate from predatory spirits, make it more likely for a local witch to take up vampyrism. If a vampyre wears silver, it’s very, very difficult for them to feed (copper does the opposite). Even today, self-identified born vampyres who wear silver all the time can think that they just naturally suck at feeding on distant victims for years, even if they have multiple other vampyres to talk to it about in person. All it would have taken is to start vivid and widely attested vampyre myths in a particular community is one uninitiated vampyre with a silver piece of sentimentally-valuable jewelry– her times of accidental energetic self-starvation would engender regular instances of preternatural attack that would spread amongst the locals. Perhaps a witch hidden amongst the crowd takes interest in the stories, and if she’s the heir to a generational tradition of witchcraft, vampyrism could become a family tradition, or at least part of what the generational heirs are taught such that some become vampyres and others do not. Shit, the Christians would

blame the vampyric attacks on the Infernal Divine the same way they do with poltergeists. The conclusion to be drawn from this essay should be simple: vampyrism is not a trend. It’s one of the most legendary and longlived forms of magick and paranormal activity there is. When a practitioner of psychic vampyrism self-identifies as a vampyre, they aren’t roleplaying: they’re drawing the inevitable conclusion that they are the very type of sorcerer which has terrified humanity for ages in its predatory and uninitiated instantiations. The legends come from us. It’s not the other way around. This is something that the modern vampyric community has forgotten in its unyielding pursuit of self-humiliation. The Gotham Halo, being a vampyric community native to New York, borrows its organizational structure from a computer game and integrates the worst company it can as if it were their aim to degrade the name of vampyrism as thoroughly as possible. The Gotham Halo was founded by legitimate Occultists, many if not most of whom venerate and commune with the Undead Gods. Vampyres who aren’t in one of the Occult lodges most popular in the vampyric community will often pretend to be. The first groups to self-identify as vampyres were Post-Satanic magickal lodges dedicated to the pursuit of magickal immortality. But the vampyric community has strayed from what makes it commendable. They’ve made their Occult movement synonymous with the fandom of a video game. They’ve lumped a magickal paradigm in with a pseudoscientific health problem. And, worst of all, they’ve completely forsaken the legitimacy of who they are by blending vampyres with the worst group they could: otherkin. Among the vampyric community are persons who identify as medical sanguine vampyres. Rather than viewing the consumption of blood as a good way to acquire exogenous human prana,

“medsangs” believe they have an undiscovered clinical affliction which necessitates the consumption of human blood. Now, let’s say the medsangs are right. Let’s say they do need human blood– for all I know, they really do. Debunking pseudoscience is not what my blog is about, and frankly, I wouldn’t tell someone that they’re making something like that up on principle alone. With that said, Medsangs have lumped what they say is a clinical disease in desperate need of scientific research together with a magickal paradigm and a videogame fandom. If they aren’t full of shit, they have made the worst decision they possibly could. So what the fuck does a Christian who self-medicates with human blood have in common with a vampyric magickian? How can those two demographics even stand being around one another in the first place? The answer is fashion, roleplay, and BDSM. But the worst is the otherkin. While the existence of transpeople has been proven with neurology (and only lost its perceived credibility because of sociology), otherkin think that their self-identification with animals is somehow justified by this science. While transwomen just want to live like any other women, otherkin have no intention whatsoever of going back to the wild they claim they belong to. If otherkin weren’t full of shit, I wouldn’t know what otherkin were. They’d be doing animal shit and I’d confuse them for feral children or something. Instead, they’ve sought refuge in a world of self-medication and roleplaying. Let’s say medsangs and otherkin both exist: an unclassified clinical affliction and the world’s smallest minority are now bound to each other, and all hope for either demographic to be scientifically researched like they should be is lost. The scientific community has condemned the New Age which the medsangs and otherkin have lumped themselves in with. The most embarrassing part is that the existence of movie franchises like Underworld has legitimately put

the otherkin and vampyres at odds with one another due to the roleplay element. As long as the vampyric community exists the way it does, everyone involved with it is doomed.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Vampyrism: Donorship is Preposterous – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Vampyrism July 25, 2016 371 Words The majority of the “vampyric community” operates under the guidelines of moralistic doctrine referred to as the Black Veil, and are thus hesitant to predate upon a mortal without expressed permission. This leads them to pursue donors—individuals with a basic comprehension of vampyrism who willingly give of themselves unto the vampyre. In Liber Nosferatu, it is stated that a vampyre who feeds upon strangers is a “parasite,” and the reader is instructed not to feed without consent. By following such nonsense and seeking out donors, the witch does much more damage than she otherwise would. Most non-moralistic vampyres feed briefly upon various different passers by or deeply on a particularly appetizing one of the same. While a deep feed will result in fatigue and irritability, and can result in fainting, illness, and bruising or irritation of the skin if pursued to the extremes, even deeply feeding on a stranger is preferable to feeding upon a donor. After all, the kind of person who would volunteer for donation is clearly a kind and caring friend. If the vampyre must select a person to incur detriment, the well-being of a loved one should outvalues the well-being of a stranger. A friend should be afforded a varying degree of loyalty and good wishes and it is errant to treat them like an ash tray.

Moreover, the donor would necessarily be fed upon routinely. Why would the witch want to detriment a loved one regularly instead of causing multiple unimportant people, people to whom she owes no loyalty, enervation once or twice in the course of their lives? Being regularly penetrated by tendrils weakens the aura of the target and creates permanent weak spots therein. It could even force the donor to take on the vampyric appetite, albeit temporarily. Psychic vampyres incur certain degrees of stigma amongst certain elements of the Satanist scene, particularly those influenced by LaVeyan or Setian philosophy. It is clear that this stigma rightly belongs to unawakened vampyres, whose Hunger inclines them to histrionic behaviors and the routine enervation of whomever they fraternize with. Routinely feeding upon the same individuals, whether one is awakened or not, is far more parasitic than what is recommended in these texts. -V.K. Jehannum

Vampyrism in Astral Combat – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in the Septenary Way, Vampyrism, Witchcraft October 8, 2016October 28, 2016 855 Words (The following is from an anonymous ONA member, reproduced with permission) Before going to sleep as per [an ONA member’s] instruction i wrapped myself in my tendril to protect during sleep to prevent entities feeding on me in my sleep. This… this gets interesting what comes next. I slept in a female’s bed tonight. I had dreams about ona, the future, all sorts of things. I woke up startled just now to the sensation of touch on my hand to see the girl’s hand “creepy crawling” like a spider – backwards, behind her head, on my hand. I grab her hand reflexively with my other hand. She opens her eyes with my other hand grabbing hers tightly. “Did you do that to me?” I ask. She looked at me like i was an insane person. “Did you touch me in my sleep” i say to her. “This” i say, and take her hand still clutched in my hand and put it back in the position it was in, backwards behind her head, touching my hand creepy crawly style. “Ow!” She winces and pulls it from my grasp. “i didn’t touch you” she says angrily. Looking very annoyed. I feel a wave of terror cut through me. I go into the bathroom and see my face is deathly white in the mirror. I will not pretend being tough. This unnerved me. I am a longtime occult practitioner but this is not something I have seen very often. Entities using bodies near me as

avatars. And not like this. There is no way the girl did this on purpose. I also did not dream it. I am 100% sober as well. To matters worse the entity knows a phobia of mine and used it against me. Which i have told no one. {Excerpt 2} I contact Morain about the experiences in my last post. He suggests pursuing and destroying the entity with OBE. He recomends feeding on the girl used as a proxy and working to gradually confront the being and destroy it. After i step back in the room with the girl from my chat with morain, i see an entity crawl out of her sleeping area and form into a 4 metre high and massively wide being in the astral plane. It caught me by surprise. I say fuck it and blast the being with all tendrils at once wrapping the being in tendrils and feeding on it. I scream in my head at the being and a demon voice says to it “this is our house” to the being. He turns to try to escape and my tendrils no less than 20 are attached to him feeding on him and outside i continue to feed on him. He slumps into the ground as i feed on him and my body gets hot as i do so. Eventually he falls apart into pieces and sinks into the ground. Dead. I contact morain. He is surprised i confront it so quickly. We discuss it and he says it is a draugr. After a pause i notice another entity play hide and go seek from me. Enraged i send my tendrils to it emboldened by my first victory. Iset my phone down while doing so.

This being is a giant spider-bug demon 3 metres tall hissing and trying to get me, trying to get me with big claws like a praying mantis. I wrap it in as many tendrils as i can, feeding on it and it backs away shrinking and splintering off into a few smaller spider shape shifting bug monsters who scuttle and skitter into the bathroom to hide in the shadows. The process is taking a while and i focus hard. I walk forward and keep my tendrils on the smaller splinter bugs as they splinter continually into smaller spiders – my long time phobia ireferenced in my last post. A great fear since childhood. Since i know this is the being’s way of trying to scare me Icontinue to feed on the spiders, and growling i grab them one by one and throw them into my mouth, chewing on the spiders as the demon roars “this is our house”. This iswhile feeding on them via my third eye and tracking them simultaneously in the astral plane. Pieces of smaller spiders fall out of my mouth into the astral plane. They scream and writhe and cry. My mouth opened i send my tongue out to snatch more spiders and feed on them. Eventually this feeding and consuming of spiders is exhausting. I do not stop until all are dead, smashed, eaten or fed until death. But i am tired and exhausted. One spider runs away, the being reduced to a whimpering little bug cry. I pursue it and feed on it until it falls to the ground writhing and crying and wimpering. It is truly afraid of me. As i hear a demon laugh in my head saying “good, good, gooooood” i realize i am dripping sweat from my arm pits. The girl wakes up. “What are you doing?” She asks. Total time of these events takes two hours.

Vampyrizing the Target’s Astral Double – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in the Septenary Way, Vampyrism, Witchcraft June 14, 2016April 6, 2017 342 Words This spell serves to call a target’s astral double out of his body and to your location so that you may feed upon it. It is a solitary practice and is best performed when the target is asleep. Sit alone in the dark in front of a candle. Visualize the target hovering in the air in front of you, right over the candle. Make a hissing noise three times. “HHHHHHSSSS!” Keep visualizing the target, and bring to mind all of his personality traits. Eventually, the target’s astral double will be floating in front of you. Shoot your tendrils into the target and inhale. Feed on him until he has no energy left. (Optional: If you have a pouch of grave dirt or something else which generates Death Energy, you may have this with you when you perform this spell. Once the target has no energy left, move the grey energy into the astral double of the target. (Once you have filled the target’s astral double with Death Energy, visualize an Isa rune over the astral double. Mentally will the Death Energy to continue to be Death Energy no matter what, and will it to stay in the astral double, and vibrate “EYE-SUH” out loud thrice as you do.) Thereafter, command the astral double to return to its flesh.

(Note: the HHHHHSSS noise makes a lot of white and pink noise that makes it easier for the spirit to manifest/arrive. Never hiss at a spirit which is already present unless it asks you to.) If you would like, you may, at any point after the astral double has appeared, visualize a red thurs rune glowing over the astral double. Focus your hatred into the symbol and thus into the astral double as you vibrate “TTTTHHHHHUUUUUURRRRRSSSSSS” (weh should sound like the we in wet) however many times you like. This will inflict suffering upon the astral double, likely inciting nightmares in the victim. I’m posting a link to where I’ve written more about vampyrism, for anyone seeking guidance:

Rituals V.k. jehannum's rituals

A Beginner’s Pact With Lucifuge Rofocale – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals, Satanism July 29, 2020 395 Words I have channeled instructions for a pact that a black magickian can make with Lucifuge Rofocale, otherwise known as Lucifage. The purpose of this simple pact, the Pact of Sinistral Majesty, is to accelerate the witch’s development as a practitioner of demon magick and help them make the breakthrough they need in their Craft. The pact lasts six weeks and requires three things of the celebrant.

The Nightly Prayer There is a prayer to Lucifuge Rofocale that the witch is required to recite once a night. If, for some reason, a night is skipped, make an offering to Lucifuge Rofocale (recommendations: nag champa, lavender oil, grape juice, a quarter, red sage, blood), apologize, and resume the pact as normal. The prayer is as follows: Agios o Lucifage! [Translation: Numinous/Divine is Lucifage/Lucifuge] Spirit of Blackness, Lord Over Archfiends, bestow your darksome blessing upon my spiritual path. Help me develop as a sorcerer and psychic. Grace me with the communion of the Infernal Divine. Bless me with possession and demonic might. Salve Lucifuge Rofocale (x3) [Translation: Hail Lucifuge Rofocale]

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Translation: Numinous Is the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick]

The Weekly Invocation The second requirement of this pact is rites of invocation. You  must perform a ritual to invoke one demon every week. It does not matter whether this invocation was written by me, some other author, yourself, or Jenny from the block. The catch is that the demons you invoke must all be demons whom you have never attempted to evoke, invoke, or otherwise work with before.

The Weekly Offering You must burn one black candle as an offering to Lucifuge Rofocale every week. Specifically black, and specifically a candle. While I myself regularly use tealight candles in my magick, a tealight candle will not suffice for this weekly offering.

Initializing the Pact While I channeled the instructions for this pact with the intention of providing it to the masses, I encourage you to conduct some type of divination to ensure that this pact is appropriate for you. To initialize this process, recite the Nightly Prayer on a Saturday and then ask Lucifuge Rofocale to strike the Pact of Sinistral Majesty with you. He will make sure you know that the pact has been initialized successfully. To be clear, starting the pact on a Saturday is mandatory.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

A Black Rite to Three Great Magickal Initiators – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals January 2, 2017 236 Words Salve Qayin! Ave Agia! Io Mephisto! Zodamran! Zodamran! [Hail Qayin! Hail Agia/Hecate! Hail Mephisto! (word of power to open the Qliphoth)] Qayin is the Resplendent and Merciless Immortal who reduced his sibling to the sustenance of the Earth. Hail to the Djinn-Worshipper and Slaughterous Initiator, the Firstborn Son of the Prince of Darkness! Agios ischyros Ka-In Arotrios! Veni, veni Mephistophile! [Numinous and Mighty is Cain of the Plow! Come, come Mephistophile!] Melus de Quo Magma! Liftoach Qliphoth! Zodamran! [Reality emanates from the demonic! Open the Qliphoth! Zodamran] Io Hecate Io Ho! Veni Hecate! [(words of power)! Come Hecate!] Beyond the Adamantine Gateway to the Other Side, the pyrogenic enchantments of Mephastophilis subject humankind unto black machinations. I call unto him, the Prince of Negation, to saturate the subtle atmosphere with the energies of Sitra Achara! Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas! [(words of power to open the Qliphoth)]

Anana Hecate Ayer! [(Hecate’s enn)] I call upon Hekate the Thrice-Manifested! Empress of Corpses and the Sea! From her throne in the Acausal Necropolis, Hecate watches over the initiates of the Craft and begets guidance and support wherever her name is called! Aperiatur stella, et germinet Agia! [Open the sky, and bring forth Hecate!] Qayin Mahan Diaphotos Qabeel Barekhooh! [(names of Qayin)] Melus de Quo Magma! [Reality emanates from the demonic!]  Et revertetur ad tenebras! [And all returns to darkness!] As I have spoken, so let it be done.

A Call to Muma Padurii for Astral Projection – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals March 28, 2019May 30, 2019 194 Words I was commissioned to create this ritual by a client. The following ritual refers to Muma Padurii exclusively by her secret names. Secret names are for use exclusively in magick and worship. The i in Nazila is pronounced like the i in igloo and the u in Haradural is pronounced like the u in murky. Channeled chants appear in italics and instructions appear in parentheses. This ritual will bring about astral projection to a shadowy forest which the light of a moon above apparently does nothing to illuminate at all. A benighted hut lies between the trees… By Secret Names I Call the Mother of the Forest, Nazila, Animal Protectress, Nature’s Ward Zadalara, Eternal and Baneful Enchantress and Crone Haradural, Healer of Beasts, Brewer of Potions Dalalara, Dweller in Seclusion and Darkness Bestow Upon Me Gnosis of the Astral Realms And Guide Me in My Sojourn Through the Spiritual Planes! Danala Doralaga Satalara Nadadal (x7) Zadara Palalora Nalieara Zagagal (x7) [(Nalieara is pronounced GNAW-LEE-ARE-UH)] I open the gates of my spirit and mind for travels of the astral paths. Kanal Zata Anarala Zadaral Nathal (x9)

(Exit Your Body Through Any Means of Astral Projection)

A Draconian Rite for Strength – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 1, 2019September 1, 2019 469 Words This ritual owes its existence to the literature of Mark Alan Smith– specifically Queen of Hell, The Red King, and The Scorpion God. In this trilogy. Hecate, Belial, Lucifer, and Sepheranz are delineated as the four members of the Atlantean Trident of the Draconian Current. The following ritual, which I was commissioned to design, calls upon these four deities to provide strength of mind, strength of body, and strength of spirit. All three are strengthened/fortified in whatever manner you intend or the deities deem fit. I would strongly advise against performing the rite unless you have studied The Scorpion God and/or my article about Sepheranz (or as the Temple of the Ascending Flame calls her, Arachne). In order to design this ritual, I channeled three secret names which refer to the four-member trident as a collective. Secret names are for use only in magick and worship. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Agios Belias Rex Bohu! Ave Agia! Evoco Arachne, Domina Sitra De-Smola! Amplate Lucibel Aedifex Phos! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Exorimini Ambrosiae Aralaton! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! Numinous (is) Belias, King of the Emptiness! Hail Agia! I Call Arachne, Lady of the Sinister Left Side! I Praise Lucibel, Artificer of Light! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Arise, Everlasting (Channeled Secret Name for the Atlantean Trident)]

Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Belial (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Belial] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Lucifer (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Lucifer] Yehi Aur Chashakh! Saphorozos! Don-Graph! [(Words of Power to Strengthen the Rite)] Ol Um Hecate + Ol Um Sepheranz + Arphe Odzamran Lucifer + Zacare Odzamran Belial + Ol Um Palatator + Ol Zodameta Aralaton + Arphe Odzamran Momarathal [I Call Hecate + I Call Sepheranz + Descend and Appear, Lucifer + Move and Appear, Belial + I Call (Channeled Secret Name for the Atlantean Trident) + I Conjure You, (Channeled Secret Name for the Atlantean Trident) + Descend and Appear, (Channeled Secret Name for the Atlantean Trident)] Amplaudate Arachne– Sepheranz Gloria! Exorire Inferna Prytania! Conlaudate Matercula Arachne-Sepheranz! Adorire Phosphoros Domina Wamphyri! Avete Palatator Magnae Intelligentiae! Enasimini Praegrandia Divae Momarathal! [I Praise Arachne– Glory to Sepheranz! Appear, Infernal Prytania! I Praise Mother Arachne-Sepheranz! Rise Phosphoros Mistress of Vampyres! Hail the Atlantean Trident, Great Intelligences!  Appear, Great Spirits, Atlantean Trident] Belial Azonathona! Lucifer Malatatal! Hecate Galathuton! Sepheranz Amarator! Palatator Aratala! Momarathal Puporatal! [(Channeled Chants to Summon the Trident)] Artorzozam! [(WoP to Summon Multiple Spirits)] Io Beliel-Beliar! Io Lucifero-Lucibel! Io Latismock-Sepheranz! Io Agia-Hecate! Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat!

[Hail (Two Names of Belial)! Hail (Two Names of Lucifer)! Hail (Two Names of Sepheranz)! Hail (Two Names of Hecate)! In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

A Necrosophic Rite of Hellenism – V.K. Jehannum

A Necrosophic Rite of Hellenism – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 29, 2017July 7, 2020 551 Words This ritual calls upon four Greek divinities native to the Left Hand Path for the purpose of self-empowerment. The ritual serves to strengthen the magickal and psychic abilities of the witch and simultaneously impart an understanding both of herself and of other people. The word “lebensweg” means “life journey” in German. Mormolyttomai/Murmux is called upon by his various names. Neptune, Enosichthon, Phratrios, and Ennosigaos are names for Poseidon. Luna, Cynthia, Pasiphae, and Phoebe are names for Selene. Nasilliad, Nohzul, Sophipell, and Lilaina are invented magickal names for Scylla. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets. Chants in italics are meant to be chanted and names in bold are meant to be vibrated. It is up to the operator to decide for herself which, if any, ritual equipment she wants to use. Ave Luna Noctiluca! Salve Ducis Murmux! Ayea, Ayea, Skylla! Io Neptune-Ennosigaos! [Hail Luna Who Shines At Night! Hail Duke Murmux! Welcome, Welcome Skylla! Hail Unto Neptune-Ennosigaos] I conjure forward the Hellenistic Divinities which preside over SelfDeification. Neptune, Mormo, and Scylla are the Acausal and Sempiternal Initiators who impart gnosis and power through Necromancy. Luna the Resplendent Titaness is the Nitid Maiden of Witchcraft and Moonlight who magnifies the spiritual powers of the sorceress and refines her psychic senses.

I call forward these Four Divinities of Esotericism and Sorcery whose gnosis engenders revelations concerning the Western Tradition of Magick. By my vibration of their myriad epithets I summon them now unto me. Mormolyttomai + Nohzul + Enosichthon + Selene + Sophipell + Murmas + Poseidon + Phoebe + Skylla + Murmur + Neptune + Luna + Scylla + Mormo + Pasiphae + Phratrios + Lilaina + Murmux + Cynthia + Ennosigaos + Nasilliad The mystical incantations of my tradition have caused reverberations throughout the subtle atmosphere of this place. Theomorphic presences become increasingly tangible as the ritual of summoning continues. Murmur and Neptune engender Necrosophic Initiation unto the adherent to the Left Hand Path. The Deific Emissaries of the Netherworld ascend to walk amongst the world of men. Scylla is the one who knows the true nature of the Black Flame within us all. Within this benighted ritual chamber, I slowly become transformed. Mormo Murmux Matthias-Daimon (x7) Veni, Siderum Regina Bicornis (x11) [Come, Two-Horned Queen of the Stars (Selene)]  Nohzul, Scylla, Sophipell (x11) Venire Aeternae Pater Neptunus (x9) [Come Eternal Father Neptunus] Ol Um A Scylla Sa Luna A Arphe (x11) [I Call to Scylla and Luna to Descend] I call upon the divinities which have come to preside over my rite for the purpose of spiritual evolution. Empower my psychic senses and magickal powers, and confer unto me a subconscious

understanding of my Self and fellow man. Spirits, impart gnosis of the human condition unto me so that I might navigate the labyrinth of my lebensweg with insight and understanding! My final request is that I be refine for the office of seer and mediumship. Zacare Caosgi Odzamran Pambt Gohed Selene (x11) [Move to the Earth and Appear Unto Me Everlasting Selene] Ennosigaos, Seisichthon, Poseidon, Asphaleios (x9)  Agios Murmux Rex Mormolyceae (x6) [Numinous (is) Murmux, King of Ghouls] Torzodu Odzamran Micalzo Scylla (x11) [Arise and Appear Mighty Scylla]  Venire Neptune-Poseidon Veni (x7) [Come Neptune-Poseidon Come] Murmur Liatora (x3) [(Channeled Chant to Summon Murmur)] As I have spoken, so let it be done.

Above: Original Sigil of Scylla

A Qliphothic Rite of Malediction and Vampyrism – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals April 22, 2018April 24, 2018 992 Words This rite is a very effective curse which most beginners will get results from. The effects of this rite in the order they are inflicted are to emotionally torment and vampyrize the target, sick a succubus or incubus to emotionally torment him for a given period of time, and wreak total destruction on the mind, spirit, and soul of the target. It’s an easy way to fuck up a deserving target’s quality of life. The rite also engenders various types of magickal empowerment, and nothing breaks down the veil like destructive magick, so this is honestly a productive thing to do. I am not telling you to get curse happy. I’m saying don’t let a deserving target slide. With  that said, demons differ as to which circumstances they will help curse a person under. Amprodias will curse a person who hasn’t enacted violence (magickal or otherwise) against you as long as they really deserve it. Qulielfi, however, will not give assistance in this rite (or any “punishment” curse) unless the target has used physical violence (including rape and molestation, not necessarily sexual assault) on the witch herself. So just skip the part with her if your circumstances don’t work for it. The rite calls upon Amprodias and Qulielfi. If you aren’t familiar with those demons, type “V.K. Jehannum Amprodias” into Google to find a lengthy article explaining the spirit. Since I’ve covered over 130 demons on my website, you can Google my name with any demon that interests you to see if I’ve covered them.

The medieval grimoiric tradition’s practice of calling upon the tribal war god of Israel to assist in the forced summoning of given demons was a corruption of a useful, widespread tradition of sorcery. Calling upon whatever your system deems to be a higher power to empower your conjuration of spirits is a time-honored practice in Western magick. The selected higher power is called upon to help the celebrant summon the spirit, not to help or force the spirit to appear. The higher power strengthens the ritual, but in doing so, it is not empowering the spirits you call on to carry out the task you’ve assigned them– the spirits are perfectly capable of that on their own. The higher power strengthens the ritual by empowering your efforts in spellwork. The Black Lodge carries on this practice today. Common forces used as a ‘higher power’ in demon magick include the Nine Demonic Divinities, Chavajoth or Azerate, Satan, and various groups of demons attributed to the four elements or directions. This ritual should begin* with you calling upon a given higher power to strengthen your spellwork. You may use whatever you like for the higher power– the Goetikon, for example. The first step is an optional step: call up a higher power of your choice however you see fit. The second step, also optional, is to call upon your patron or matron demon. So basically, you can start the rite but reciting some chants to Chavajoth and then reciting some chants to your matron demoness. *If you would like to raise a sacred space before hand, do so however you please. Focus on a feeling of absolute rage and directed at the mark. As you recite the chants to Amprodias, visualize the intention to send Amprodias to the mark. Visualize Amprodias inflicting every form of emotional torture upon the mark as the demon sadistically drains the victim’s prana and filters it through his own acausal, Qliphothic

essence. The energy leaving the body of the victim becomes elevated in quality as it’s processed by Amprodias, and it flows out of the demon as an enriching, empowering, vitalizing energy which you take into yourself, empowering your subtle body, opening your chakras wider, stimulating your Black Kundalini (do not envision it empowering the Black Kundalini if you’re a beginner), and opening internal gateways in your soul. As you focus on rage and visualize this, recite the chants below. In Nomine Domine Amprodias, Aperiatur Kliffoth (x7) [In the Name of Lord Amprodias, Open the Qliphoth] Qodesh la-Amprodias Geber ha-Sitra Ahra (x9) [Holy to Amprodias, Warrior of the Other Side] Advoco Maticulosos Amprodias– Veni; Aur Chashakh Pandendam (x13) [I Call the Fearsome Amprodias– Come; Spread the Infernal Light (Note: the English Translation of this Chant Does Not Describe its Effect. It Simply Serves to Call Upon Amprodias, Not Necessarily to Presence the Black Light)] Continuing to focus on your hatred, visualize Qulielfi dispatching a succubus or incubus to torment the victim. Visualize the succubus or incubus subjecting the victim to every form of destruction as you recite the chants to Qulielfi. Have and specify a time period for how long the incubus or succubus is to haunt the mark. I’d suggest a month as standard, but you can choose years. Invoco Qulielfi In Nomine Qliphoth (x9) [I Call Qulielfi in the Name of the Qliphoth] Agios Es, Ambrosia Qulielfi (x11) [Numinous Art Thou, Eternal Qulielfi]

Wattaggathal Lorraggal LAW-taw-GORE-uh-CALL MAY-gah-LAWCALL Orriggoth (x11) [(Channeled Enn/Summoning Chant for Qulielfi)] Pull out the pocket knife or something that you can pretend is a knife. Cuss out the victim, either speaking aloud or mouthing the words, as you swing the knife violently through the air, imagining that you are slashing the mark to ribbons. Such an expression of violent rage wreaks destruction upon the mind, spirit, and soul of the victim. Express the full extent of your rage through the words and the simulated violence such that you are physically exhausted. You will know when you are finished. You will likely be sprawled out on the floor by this point, so you might want to memorize the words used to end this ritual– you can keep notes for the rest (there is never something wrong with not memorizing a rite). Exclaim: Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia! [In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Undercurrent of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

A Rite for a Golden Voice and a Silver Tongue – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals April 6, 2019May 30, 2019 489 Words This ritual serves to improve vocal adroitness for singing and impart charisma, supercharging the celebrant for his or her craft. I was commissioned to create this ritual by a client. All ritual equipment is optional here. The rite employs many channeled secret names of the spirits it calls upon, and the celebrant must remember that secret names are only for use in magick and worship. Phrases which appear in italics are meant to be chanted, and names which appear in bold are meant to be vibrated one by one. Translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Salve Dominator Parfaxitas! Salve Apollyon-Exterminans! Salve Ducis Murmux! Ave Balan– Amplus Bellua Autem Gamchicoth! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Liftoach Pandemonium! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! Hail Lord Parfaxitas! Hail (Two Names of Abaddon)! Hail Duke Murmux! Hail Balan– Great Beast from the Jupiterian Qlipha! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Open the Infernal Plane] I call upon the darksome emissaries of the Nightside to take flight and descend and manifest before me! Open the blackest gates of the Palace of Deathful Wombs and rush forth, black spirits, amidst a sea of dark energy! Envelop me in your divinity and permeate my soul

with your demonry so that I might attain a silver tongue and a golden voice! Black spirits, open the gate of the Qliphoth and transform my arena of sorcery! Kadratal Dagatar Doradal Dadator (x13) [(Channeled Chant to Create a Sacred Space By Prescencing Qliphothic Energy)] Parfaxitas, I call you forth! Parfaxitas + Zindatar + Zordagal + Kalandrala + Pazatal + Toryalala [(Six Names of Parfaxitas)] Invoco Parfaxitas In Nomine Qliphoth (x11) [I Call Parfaxitas in the Name of the Qliphoth] Ave Khaosophoros-Parfaxitas (x11) [Hail, Parfaxitas, Bringer of Chaos] Tandagadra Dadondora Zandandara Dandandal (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Parfaxitas)] Balaam, I call you forth! Balan + Tandaraga + Toradala + Pasalagara + Torandagal [(Five Names of Balan)] Agios Es, Erus Balam, Praevalidus Divus Ab Qliphoth (x11) [You Are Numinous, Lord Balam, Mighty Divinity from the Qliphoth] Agios o Balan Arbitrator Acharayim (x11) [Numinous is Balan, Lord of the Backwards Tree] Zordandar Kantaldor Torgandal Tondagal (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Balaam)] Murmur, I call you forth!

Murmur + Mormo + Murmux + Mombala + Porandal + Coragal + Soraton [(Seven Names of Murmur)] Agios Murmux Rex Mormolyceae (x11) [Numinous (is) Murmux, King of the Terrible Wolves] Mormo Murmux Matthias-Daimon (x11) [(Three Names of Murmur)] Zortantal Zataga Zatara Torgatal (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Murmur)] Abaddon, I call you forth! Zortanala Zorgatandra Zagatara Korakadra Tangathal (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Abaddon)] Zaeadal Dorgator Pordagal Kagathagra Zoratandra Toragoth (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Abaddon)] The demonic rulers of the Black Plane of Chaos have convened within my arena of ritual, and by their power, I am elevated amongst the other muses of my craft and transformed for the purpose of my art. As I have spoken, so let it be done.

A Rite for Follow-Through – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 26, 2019 439 Words I was commissioned to design the following rite to Satan, Chernobog, and Raum. The client complained that she struggled to follow through on her projects, and this ritual was designed to remedy that personality issue. Chants which appear in italics are meant to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone. Translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. Like most of my rituals, this rite was designed to generate significant results without requiring any magickal equipment or sigils whatsoever. Nonetheless, the celebrant is at liberty to incorporate whichever sigils and materials she has in her possession as she sees fit. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Io Cernobog! Io Raym! Io Ho Kantegor! Liftoach Pandemonium! Sempiternus Drakosophia Admirabilis! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Hail Cernobog! Hail Rayim! Hail the Great Adversary (Satan)! Open the Infernal Plane! You Are Wonderful, Eternal Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magic] I Call Forth the Raven Earl of Nahemoth and Thagirion, Destroying Spirit Who Brings Bloodshed and War! Raum, Descend Unto This Plane and Manifest Unto Me!

Cernobog, Black God of the Iron Throne, Dark Bearer of the Spear Who Was Born of the Abyss, Descend Unto This Plane and Manifest Unto Me! Satan, Sempiternal Creator of the Black Sun, Lord of the Womb of the Demon Twins, Descend Unto This Plane and Manifest Unto Me! Dark Spirits, Give Me the Fortitude to Follow Through on My Many Endeavors! Rectify and Fortify Me Person So I Might Achieve! Grant Me the Focus to Bring My Endeavors to Fruition! Cernobog! Satan! Raum! Descend Unto Me! Zanana Araga Zalala Zadaga (x13) [(Channeled Chant Calling Chernobog to Create a Sacred Space)] Sathanus-Sataniel-Diofol Liftoach Shaari Reshut Ha-Rabbim! [(Three Names of Satan), Open the Gate of the Kingdom of Manifoldness] Omnituens Diabolus-Sataniel Gloria (x11) [Glory to the All-Seeing (Two Names of Satan)] Baruch Ha-Sathanas (x11) [Blessed is Satanas] Haezin Torgae Gostor Balzor (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Raum)] Doraga Alalar Zaladar Paranal (x13) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Chernobog)] Voco Te Raum Penitrale Ex Qliphoth! Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Satanas! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! [I Call to Raum, Spirit of the Qliphoth! Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Satanas! Numinous is the Other Side– Glory to the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick]

Koznathae Ozrator Jalasae Forgathon (x11) [(Channeled Chant for This Rite)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

A Rite for Health and Vitality (Cernunnos + Damkina) – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals April 14, 2017December 3, 2017 270 Words (This ritual calls upon Cernunnos/Akhera and Damgalnunna/Ninchursanga/Damkina for the increasement of vitality and physical health) In nomine de Regina Damgalnunna excelsi! Ayea, Ayea Kernunnos! I call forth unto the Empress over Ancient Magicko-Religious Mysteries and to Father Cernunnos, the Atavistic Sentinel from the Forestland in this my rite of witchcraft. I honor the Primal Divinities of Nature in my exercise of magickal dominion over the world. I call forth Cernunnos and Damgalnunna to empower me through the nourishment of my body and the rejuvenation of my person. I call you forth from the past-withered grimoires of my ancestry to engender the Cunning Art and beget well-ness and balance unto every tendril of my body so that I might enjoy the vital-ness and longevity of our ideal. Eko Eko, Kernunno! Ia Ninchursanga! (x7) Hail to that Theriomorphic Chieftain Kernunnos whose place of residence is the sunlit forest environed by ancient woods and glistening streams. Hail unto the Horned God who has become Patron of the Craft. I call upon you to emanate your limitless power that I might drink deep of the well! Akhera Goiti – Akhera Beiti! Damkina Taris! Damkina Gabbar! Ia Sarratum Damkina! Ia Davcina, Belatis-Dingir-Dingir! Veni et rege

Damgalnunna! I feel the energetic Damkina, afford my nourishment through the wiles of your Craft and restore me to vitality and strength! Infiltrate my aspect with glowing filaments of life! Fill me with efflorescence, and remake me anew! Cer-Nu-No-Oh-Oh-Os (x7) Veni, et rege Damgalnunna! Akhera Goiti – Akhera Beiti! Invoco Damkina! Invoco Cernunnos! As I have spoken, so let it be done. Ia Ninchursanga! Cacama! Karra! Ayea, Ayea Kernunnos!

A Rite for Motivation and a Change in Mindset – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals June 24, 2019June 24, 2019 464 Words This ritual, which I was commissioned to design, calls upon Ralasan and Abaddon to (i) liberate the celebrant from poverty consciousness, (ii) inspire her to have faith in herself, and (iii) induce a mental rejuvenation leading to motivation and inspiration. To be clear, the confidence, inspiration, and motivation yielded by the rite are all specifically for one’s pursuit of financial betterment. The instructions are simple enough, and completing the spell will take five (consecutive) nights. On the first night, draw out the channeled sigil I have provided and perform the ritual to follow while staring at the sigil. On the second, third, fourth. and firth nights, blood the channeled sigil and meditate on it for around ten minutes (you are to both bleed and meditate on the sigil nightly, bleeding first and then meditating afterwards). On the fifth night, once you have blooded the sigil and then meditated on it, you are to either rip the sigil to pieces or burn it to ash. Thereafter, be confident in the success of the rite, and be assured that you now have what it takes. Here follows the ritual. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Abaddon-Apollyn! Agios Es, Ralasan, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Sempiternus Drakosophia Admirabilis! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! Hail (Two Names of Abaddon)! You Are

Numinous, Ralasan, Spirit and Shapeshifter! You Are Wonderful, Eternal Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Ralasan (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Ralasan] Rakathor Yontagal Yalaton Yatagor (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Summon Ralasan)] Induperator Est Ralasan Etiam Reshut Ha-Rabbim (x11) [Ralasan is Lord/Ruler/Director/Leader of the Kingdom of Manifoldness] Agios Ischyros Ralasan Penitrale Ex Acharayim Dominus Sitra De-Smola Adlaudate Praevalidus Ralasan Patronus Et Domnus Magia [Numinous and Mighty is Ralasan/ Spirit of the Backwards Tree/ Lord of the Sinister Left Side/ I Praise the Mighty Ralasan/ Patron and Lord of Magick] Adoro Te Domine Abbaton Patre Prophetarum, Admirabilis Conlaudate Apolhun Lar Thaumiel Salve Apollyon, Divus Sitra Achara Aeviternitas Genitor Et Herus Nex Dominator Est Abaddon Etiam Abyssus Salve Abaddon, Ambrosius Venenarius [I Adore Thee, Lord Abbaton/ Father of Prophets, Wonderful Art Thou/ I Praise Apolhun, God of Thaumiel/ Hail Apollyon, God of the Other Side/ Everlasting Father and Lord of Death/ Lord is Abaddon of the Abyss/ Hail Abaddon, Immortal Sorcerer]

Abbaton, Apolhun, Abaddon Shadai (x7) [(Chant Composed of Three Names for Abaddon)] Adveni, Moltus Divinitus Et Belua, Domine Abbaton (x7) “Come, Great Deity and Fiend, Lord Abbaton!” Hozdagor Yoztaegaron Yoznadra Horzadae (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Abaddon)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

A Rite for Singer-Songwriters – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals March 2, 2020 261 Words I was hired to channel the following rite, which rite calls upon the demons Murmur and Moloch to bless the witch with creativity/songwriting ability and singing skills. The ritual must be performed twice to yield its full results. Foreign phrases are translated in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. Phrases which appear in italics are to be chanted repeatedly (i.e., recited in a rhythmic monotone). This ritual may be performed without any sigils or equipment– however, the celebrant is more than welcome to incorporate any equipment or sigils which she has at her disposal. Salve Mulak! Agios o Murmux! Liftoach Pandemonium! In Nomine Drakosophia, Evoco Makal, Et Invoco Murmus! [Hail Mulak/Moloch! Numinous is Murmux/Murmur! Open the Infernal Plane! In the Name of the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick, I Call Makal/Moloch, and I Call Murmus/Murmur] I call forth the archfiends of the Nightside, the divinities of the ancients, the warlords of chaos! Fearsome and diabolic entities, Murmur, Moloch, forgotten spirits, appear! Shine the darkened illumination of the Nightside into the shaded arts of the songstress. Grant the knowledge and aptitude of the vocalist and the songwriter. Let the rhythms, and pitches, and lyrics become a second nature to me. Come, spirits, bless me for your glorification! Aegazzena Moloch Dae-iz (x11) [(Channeled Chant Which Calls Moloch)]

Kazaron Murmux Newron (x11) [(Channeled Chant Which Calls Murmur)] Moloch Murmur Saedar Kanna Horgae Onrae Daea Korren Zar [(Channeled Incantation for the Rite)] Agios o Mavethol! Avete Murmur Et Makal! [Numinous is the Nightside! Hail Murmur and Makal/Moloch]

A Rite for the Mental Faculties – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals August 2, 2019August 2, 2019 400 Words I was commissioned to design the following ritual. It calls upon Phenex, Flerous, Balaam, and Asmodeus to increase intelligence, improve concentration, and strengthen both long-term and shortterm memory. While the celebrant is welcome to incorporate any sigils and magickal equipment which she has at her disposal, this rite was designed to bring about satisfactory results without requiring any materials. Phrases which appear in italics are meant to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone. Translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Ave Marchioni Phenex! Ave Balan– Amplus Bellua Autem Gamchicoth! Agios Es, Flereous, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Salve Ambrosius Asmoday Deum Tricipitem! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Liftoach Pandemonium! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! Hail, Marquise Phenex! Hail Balan– Great Fiend of the Jupiterian Qlipha! You Are Numinous, Flereous, Spirit and Shapeshifter! Hail the Immortal Asmoday, the Three-Headed God! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Alchemical Attainment] Open the gates to the Nightside so that I might saturate my arena of sorcery with the energy of the Qliphoth. Phenex, Patron Fiend of Permutation! Flereous, Arsonist and Predator! Balaam, Leader of the Undead Gods! Asmodeus, Dragon-Riding Warrior! Spirits, descend from the Black Plane of Chaos and manifest to sharpen my mind! I conjure you for concentration, intelligence, as well as memory! Blacken the realm of my dwelling with your demonry and power!

Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Haures (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Haures] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Balaam (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Balaam] Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Asmodeus (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Asmodeus] Aperiatur Mavethol; Devoco Phenex (x11) [Open the Nightside; I Call Phenex] Flavros, Hauras, Flereous – Venire Ducis Haures! Ave Marchioni Phenex! Megist Sophos Balan Gloria! Agios o Asmoday! Sempiternus Drakosophia Admirabilis! [(Three Names of Flereous)– Come, Duke Haures/Flereous! Hail, Marquise Phenex! Glory to the Great and Wise Balan! Numinous is Asmoday! You Are Wonderful, Eternal Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick] Morsadon Oznonrathon Orzraeba Oznaesan (x13) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke All Four Demons)] Orzadaeda Zalratorem Pasara Yasoronton (x13) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke All Four Demons)] Balan, Phenex, Asmoday, Flereous (x13) Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

A Rite of Initiation Into Demon Magick – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 4, 2019 896 Words

Introduction to the Rite Which Follows This rite was designed to replace my Simple Rite to Become a Satanist. This is a rite of initiation into demon magick, which rite was designed to be applicable to any adherent to any tradition of demon magick (Demonolatry, Satanism, Chaos-Gnosticism, Luciferianism, etc.). It is a simple rite which can be performed successfully without using any sigils or equipment. If you struggle with the pronunication of the magickal chants used herein, just sound them out the best you can and know that your efforts are sufficient. If you feel that you have fucked up the ritual in one way or another, you may pray to Satan to perfect the rite. This ritual calls upon five demons, namely Belial, Gargophias, Astaroth, Lucifuge Rofocale, and Mephistophiles/Mesphito. It will be of use to do some preliminary research regarding these spirits, so I am providing links to my articles about all five of them below: This ritual serves to formalize and magickally manifest the beginning of your journey into demon magick. I find formal rites of initiation into the magickal paradigms I intend to pursue to be very

useful, as have the many covenmates and apprentices I have had over the years before I took my Craft in a more solitary direction. The benefits which will accompany the performance of this rite will vary by person, and may be surprising. You can wear whatever you want when you perform this rite. Some people may prefer to perform it naked, symbolizing honesty before the Numinous as well as new beginnings. Others may want to wear all black clothing, even to the degree of setting aside a specific black outfit for ritual use. Some may wish to be barefoot. Make your own decision, and as with all things magickal, follow your intuition. If possible, face the North, the direction of the Infernal. Translations of magickal chants and foreign phrases will appear in brackets. Phrases which appear in italics are meant to be repeatedly chanted in a rhythmic monotone, and names which appear in bold are meant to be vibrated, with each name being separated by a +. If you don’t know how to vibrate names, just say each name four times one by one. If you are worried that someone will discover you performing this rite, you may simply whisper or mouth the words of the ritual, or even just say them in your head. In fact, some people find that they get better results when saying their spells, chants, words of power, etc. in their heads. Know that it is extremely rare for two people to have the same experience with the same ritual. Your experience will be your own.  

The Rite of Initiation Into Demon Magick Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Liftoach Pandemonium! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s)

of All Demon Magick! Open the Infernal Plane] I call forth the Numinous and Infernal initiators and gods which dwell in the Infernal Plane. I call you to manifest within my arena of sorcery and ask to be welcomed among the Black Lodge and the path of your infernal magick. I will forever be the master of my world and the center of my universe, but I approach you spirits with respect, admiration, and sincerity. I place myself under the guidance of the Infernal Divine and welcome the many alchemies of whichever demons have awaited my hour of initiation. As I vibrate the names of you darksome initiators, I welcome your presence with humility and determination. Lucifuge + Astaroth + Belial + Gargophias + Mesphito Mephistophiles, Chief of the Infernal Divine, Everlasting Keeper of the Book of Death, Bestow Upon Me Your Power So I May Be Initiated and Transformed! Corire Mephistophiles, Penitrale Gehennae (x11) [Come Forth, Mephistophiles, Infernal Spirit] Belial, I Call You, Warden of the Black Gate, Immortal Shapeshifter and Divinity of Witchcraft, Make Me a Witness to Your Ancientness and Power For I Welcome Your Presence In My Life as a Magickian! Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Belial (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Belial] Gargophias, Eternal Emissary of Hecate, Patroness of Necromancy’s Most Dreaded Traditions, Darksome Spirit of the Infernal Plane, I Welcome You To My Arena of Sorcery

Invito Mater Gargophias, Sanguinaria Praecantatrix (x11) [I Call Mother Gargophias, Bloodthirsty Enchantress] Astaroth, All-Knowing Regent of the Nightside, Warrior Who Changes Shape and Travels Astride a Dragon, I Summon You for this, My Rite of Initiation. Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Astaroth (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Astaroth] Lucifuge Rofocale, Horned God Over Demons, Serpentine Patron of Warfare and Alchemy, I Place My Trust and Respect In You As I Pursue My Evolution. Agios Ischyros Lucifuge (x11) [Numinous and Mighty is Lucifuge] Spirits, thank you for your presence! Thank you for participating in my rebirth! I plunge myself into the depths of sorcery so that I might become immortal! Liberate my heart from weakness and conformity and shine a Black Light into the mysteries of the Numinous! Show me the path to transformation, for I have been reborn! Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Infernal Plane, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

A Rite of Psychic Activation – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Meditation, Rituals March 16, 2020March 29, 2020 228 Words This is a channeled spiritual practice which calls upon Amaymon and the Four Elemental Kings to activate the Black Flame and empower all of the layers of the energy body. Sit in a meditative pose with your back straight. Visualize a white tetrahedron (which is like a pyramid with three walls instead of four) in your body– the point of the tetrahedron reaches the top of your skull, and its base is situated at your hips. Visualize it spinning counterclockwise as you chant “Agios o Domine Amaymon” [Numinous is Lord Amaymon]. Continue this until you feel that you have done it long enough. If you cannot sense when it is time to move on, just move on when you like. Cease the visualization. Thereafter, exclaim “Avete Domnus Amaymon Et Kalgratie” [Hail Lord Amaymon and the Four Elemental Kings]. The Kal in Kalgratie is pronounced like the Cal in California, and the ie is pronounced the way you would say ‘the letter E.’ Chant the names of the four elemental kings, “Ghob, Paralda, Djin, Nicksa” fourteen times. Now, visualize the Black Flame. Don’t visualize it somewhere in your body, just visualize a black fire. Chant “Amaymon Nora Kittana” seven times. Then thank the spirits– the operation is complete. Performing this once a night for whatever period of time you like would be apt.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

A Rite of Qliphothic Mysticism – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 6, 2018January 29, 2020 722 Words {This rite is advanced} Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater (x9) [Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond] Yehi Aur Chashakh! Arcesso She-Ein Bo Mashavah– Megist Pyros De Phosophorsophia! Mavethol! Saphorozos! Chasheinphos! Shaloazoth! [Let There Be Infernal Light! I Call Forth the Black Light– Great Flame of the Black Light and Flame! (Four WoP’s for Demon Magick)] I call Uriens the Deathful Archdiablesse to manifest and impart the power to peer into the physis of persons! I conjure the Sciomancer and Seeress assigned to Beetelgeuse and the Moon to beget the increasement of my vampyric and divinatory powers! Arrive now Pyric-Mercurial Intelligence from the Kliffotic Cavern of Uranus and Jupiter! Engender the increase of my longevity so that I might reign forever! Cordatus Phasma Uriens– Concalo Immortales Penitrale Ex Qliphoth (x11) Advoco Uriens, Magistra Necromantia, Sapiens Patronus Nex (x11) Rimkathankandrah Linkathaggorra Linkathaggorra Linkathaggalla Uriens (x7) [Wise Spirit Uriens– I Call the Immortal Spirit of the Qliphoth/ I Call Uriens, Governess of Necromancy, Sagacious Patron over Death/ (Chant for Uriens)]

I call forth the pyric myriad of the leonine star-form, therionickpredatory collective of primal quadruped devourers from the blackened pathways of the Nightside. Grant me charisma, motivation, strength, and self-control as I call you to manifesting in my perimeter. When you come, attune me to my instincts and diminish my ego so that I might share with you the faculties of your skill set. Obvenite Spirituum Sitra De-Smola– Supervinite Infernalia Shelhabiron. Alogos Teknon, Exousia Basileia Skotos, Shalehbiron, Khaosophoros Pneuma. Kohot Ha-Qliphoth, Beni Sitra Ahra, Aeonifer, Shelhabiron, Artorzozam. Taggathorra Rimkathandra Limkathorra Rimkathandra (x13) [Come  Spirits of the Qliphoth– Arise Infernal Shelhabiron. Children of Alogos, Forces of the Kingdom of Darkness, Shalehbiron, ChaosBearing Spirits. Qliphothic Forces, Childen of Sitra Ahra, AeonBearing Shelhabiron (Evocation WoP)/ (Shelhabiron Summoning Chant)] I call forth Adramaleck and ask that he develop my capacities for glamour, mind control, and dream work! I call you forth, Therionick Artificer of Aetheric Poisons and Pan-Observant Devil-Divinity from the Deathful Womb of Mercury! Consurge Adramaleck Omnituens Plasmator Toxica (x9) [Rise Adramaleck All-Seeing Fashioner of Poisons] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Adramaleck! Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Adramaleck! Agios Adramelech Rex Venenum! Baruch ha-Adramelech, Melech ha-Qlipha ha-Kokab! Invoco Adramaleck In Nomine Qliphoth! Agios o Adar-Malik! Consurge Adramaleck Omnituens Plasmator Toxica! Ornate Stygius Adramaleck– Adsurge Pater Adramelech! Xuliphazoth! Artorzozam! Shaloazoth! Manifestos! [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Adramaleck! I Summon

the Mighty Agent of the Left Hand– I Call Adramaleck! Numinous (is) Adramelech King of Poison! Blessed is Adramelech, King of the Qlipha of Mercury! I Call Adramaleck in the Name of the Qliphoth! Numinous is Adar-Malik! Rise Adramaleck All-Seeing Fashioner of Poisons! Praise the Chthonic Adramaleck– Rise Father Adramelech! (Four Evocation WoP’s)] I call forth the archfiend myriad known unto man as the Nechesthethiron. Appear within my chamber of sorcery and impart whatever manner of alchemical, psychic, or magickal development you deem appropriate! Visit your power unto my person and stimulate my process of spiritual evolving! Arise from the Qliphoth and transmute my soul! Obvenite Spirituum Sitra De-Smola– Supervinite Infernalia Necheshethiron (x9) Alogos Teknon, Exousia Basileia Skotos, Necheshethiron, Khaosophoros Pneuma (x9) Kohot Ha-Qliphoth, Beni Sitra Ahra, Aeonifer, Necheshethiron, Artorzozam (x3) [Come  Spirits of the Qliphoth– Arise Infernal Shelhabiron. Children of Alogos, Forces of the Kingdom of Darkness, Shalehbiron, ChaosBearing Spirits. Qliphothic Forces, Childen of Sitra Ahra, AeonBearing Shelhabiron (Evocation WoP)/] I call to the Saturnic-Venusian Archmagistrate and Coronated Magickian of Sitra Achara! Gusion, grant me the perspicacity that I need to see through social facades and empower my astral body to project into far and forgotten realms! Divest me of cognitive blocks that hinder the manifestations of my Will and grant me the ability to sense the darkness in someone’s soul! Advoco Doctus Incantator– Assurge Dominus Gusayn (x11) Exorna Stygiam Gnosis, Vorsipellis Gusion (x11) Gusion Ornaralon (x11) [I Call the Wise Prophet– Arise Lord Gusayn/ Provide Infernal

Revelation, Gusion, Shapeshifter/ (Channeled Chant to Summon Gusion)] Vovin! Don-Graph! Mavethol! Obtestor Xul De Tohu, Bohu, Et Chasek– Infernalia Fundam Anados! Provinite Sam, Akasha, Alogos, Et She-Ein Bo Mashavah! Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [(Three WoP’s for Demon Magick)! I Conjure the Black Light of the Three Veils– the Infernal Fundaments of Ascent! Presence the Venom, Alogos, and Black Light! In the Name of the Qliphoth, Alogos, and Undercurrent of Demon Magick Let it Be]

A Rite to Adrammelech for Astral Projection – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 27, 2019May 30, 2019 342 Words This ritual calls upon Adramaleck to transform consciousness and empower the astral double for the purpose of astral projection. The witch may attempt astral projection with Adramaleck’s help directly after this rite of self-transformation if she likes– if she would like to do this, she is to vibrate the channeled word of power Naeragatarum four times after the end of the rite before attempting. I was commissioned to write this ritual by a client. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! [Numinous is the Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Adramaleck (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Adramaleck] Salve Adramaleck Terrore Flammae! Concalo Ignipotens– Voco Te Adrammelech! Agios Es, Nasthala, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Superveni Arumgala Maximus Lar! Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Adramelech! Induperator Est Sagath Etiam Reshut Ha-Rabbim! Exorna Alogos, Praegrande Adramaleck! [Hail Adramaleck, Bearer of Fire! I Call the God of Fire– I Call Thee Adrammelech! Numinous Art Thou, (Secret Name of Adramaleck), Deity and Shapeshifter! Come, (Secret Name of Adramaleck), Great Deity! Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Adramelech! Lord

is (Secret Name of Adramaleck) of the Kingdom of Manifoldness! Prove the Unwritten Gnosis, Great Adramaleck] Baruch Ha-Adrammelech, Melech Ha-Qlipha Ha-Kokab (x11) [Blessed is Adrammelech, King of the Qlipha of Mercury] Agios Adramelech Rex Venenum! Salve Adramaleck Terrore Flammae! Aperiatur Mavethol; Devoco Sagath! Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Adramaleck! [Numinous (is) Adramelech, King of Poison! Hail Adramaleck, Bearer of Fire! Open the Nightside; I Call (Secret Name of Adramaleck)! I Summon the Mighty Emissary of the Left Hand– I Call Adramaleck] Kaeragandrala (x7) [(Channeled Word of Power to Transform the Mind for Astral Projection with the Help of Adramaleck)] Traeandala (x7) [(Channeled Word of Power to Transform the Astral Double for Astral Projection with the Help of Adramaleck)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

A Rite to Amaymon & Moloch for Weight Loss – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals May 15, 2019May 30, 2019 477 Words Unlike my previous ritual for physical fitness, this rite is to be performed once. It serves to call upon Moloch and Amaymon to accelerate the achievement of your weight loss goals, supplementing the effort you put in with their magickal impetus, and motivating you to put in the work to reach your goal. To perform this rite, begin by feeling immense love for both Amaymon and Moloch simultaneously. While feeling this love, focus on feeling the sensation of being a force of incredible magickal power. Experiencing the sensations of love for the entities and omnipotence, focus your mind upon your goal: know that you have already achieved it. Sustain the love for the spirits, the feeling of power, and the focus on your goal as consistently as you can as you recite the ritual monologue. Phrases which appear in italics are to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone. Translations of foreign languages appear in brackets and explanations/notes appear in brackets. Incorporate whatever sigils and magickal equipment you want into the ritual, but know that you can perform this rite to success without any materials whatsoever. I was commissioned to create this ritual by a client. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Salve Amaymon Pater Sitra Ahra! Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Makal! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s)

of All Demon Magick! Hail Amaymon, the Father of the Infernal Plane! Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Makal/Moloch! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis] Evoco Dominator Amaymon (x6) [I Call Lord Amaymon] Agios o Amaymon Equitem Leonis (x6) [Numinous is Amaymon the Lion Rider] Salve Amaymon Pater Sitra Ahra (x6) [Hail Amaymon, the Father of the Infernal Plane] Veni, Spiritus Tenebris– Obveni Erus Amaymon! Sempiternus Drakosophia Admirabilis! [Come, Dark Spirit– Come, Lord Amaymon! You Are Wonderful, Eternal Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick] Agios Ischyros Pater Moloch Amplaudate Potens Asterius Salve Dominator Moloch-Minotaur Amplaudate Domnus Reshut Ha-Rabbim Ornate Seminator Asterius-Moloch Aethereus Et Ambrosius Patronus Et Rex Obveni Amplus Asterius-Minotaur Invoco Praevalidus Omnituens Aeristoroth Concelebrate Domine Raerathaealakorok [Numinous and Mighty is Father Moloch/ I Praise the Mighty Asterius/ Hail Lord Moloch-Minotaur/ I Praise the Lord of the Kingdom of Manifoldness/ I Praise Father Asterius-Moloch/ Numinous and Immortal Patron and King/ Come, Mighty AsteriusMinotaur/ I Call the Great All-Seeing (Secret Name for Moloch: AYYris-TOUR-oth)/ I Praise Lord (Secret Name for Moloch (RAY-ruh-thayUH-LAW-CORE-ock)]

Agios Molekh, Salve Rex Ignifer! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! [Numinous (is) Molekh, Hail the Fire-Bearing King! Numinous is the Infernal Plane– Glory to the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick] Assurge Ignipotens– Concalo Moloch (x11) [Rise, God of Fire– I Call Moloch] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Infernal Plane, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

A Rite to Amaymon for Magickal and Psychic Empowerment – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 28, 2019 235 Words Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Yehi Aur Chashakh! [Numinous is the Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Open the Infernal Plane! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Let There Be Infernal Light] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Amaymon (x4) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Amaymon] Salve Amaymon Pater Sitra Ahra! Agios o Amaymon Equitem Leonis! Invoco Amaymon In Nomine Qliphoth! Agios Es, Amaymon, Divum Et Vorsipelle! [Hail Amaymon, Father of the Other Side! Numinous is Amaymon the Lion-Rider! I Call Amaymon in the Name of the Qliphoth! Numinous Art Thou, Amaymon, Spirit and Shapeshifter] Veni, Spiritus Tenebris– Obveni Erus Amaymon (x4) [Come, Dark Spirit– Come Lord Amaymon] Aperiatur Mavethol; Devoco Amaymon! Superveni Amaymon Maximus Lar! Evoco Dominator Amaymon! In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Amaymon! [Open the Nightside; I Call Amaymon! Come, Amaymon, Great Deity! I Call Lord Amaymon! In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Amaymon]

Asila + Arakadra + Orindragra + Asaraga [(Channeled Words of Power for Psychic and Magickal Empowerment by Amaymon)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

A Rite to Apollo, Thor, and Nergal – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 2, 2017November 2, 2017 349 Words {Names in bold are to be vibrated and phrases in italics are to be chanted. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets. The purpose of this ritual is to increase magickal power, engender the development of wisdom, and augment strength of character. Focus on these three goals, perhaps on only one or two of them at a time, as you perform the rite. It is the prerogative of the celebrant to decide what tools or materials she is to incorporate, if any} Zacam Micalzo Apollo Solpeth De G Omaoas Odzamran Pambt [I Move You, Mighty Apollo! Hearken to Your Names and Appear Unto Me] Phanaeus + Apauliunas + Lycegenes + Sauroctonos + Cynthius + Delius + Pythius Ave Apollo Rex Olympus Et Sol (x7) [Hail Apollo, the King of Olympus and the Sun] Venire, Pater Apollo-Pythius (x7) [Come, Father Apollo of (A Specific Region of Delphi)] Hailaz Donar! Salve Pater Oku-Thor! [Hail Thor! Hail Father Thor] Salve, Salve, Agios Es Agios Ischyros Oku-Thor Venire Aeternae Atli Asa-Thor

Veni, Vethorm, Donar, et Sonnung Ennilag, Einridi, Biorn, Gloria Ave Pater et Rex Thunraz Et Agios o Mjolnir [Hail, hail, numinous art thou/ Mighty and numinous is Thor of the cart/ Come, terrible and eternal Thor of the Aesier/ Come, Thor, bear and protector of the shrine/ Glory to the one who rides alone, true spirit, one with a forehead wide/ Hail to the father and king over thunder/ And his hammer is numinous] Heil Ennilag-Asa-Thor-Hardveur! Io Rym-Ennilag-Sonnung-OkuThor! [Hail (Three Names of Thor)! Hail (Four Names of Thor)] Salve Pater Oku-Thor! [Hail Unto Father Thor of the Cart] Ol Um Isli Meslamta-ea Solpeth De G Omaoas Odzamran [I Call Thee Nergal, Hearken to the Names and Appear] Nerigal + Enmeshara + Ishar + Lugal Meslam + Qaru + Suqamuna + Ne-Iri-Gal Nirig Nirgali E-Meslah (x7) [(Three Names of Nergal)] Ol Zodameta Gohed Girunugal-Enmessara (x7) [I Conjure Thee Everlasting (Two Names of Nergal)] Ave Apollo Rex Olympus Et Sol! Hailaz Donar! Ia Nergal-Ya! [Hail Apollo, the King of Olympus and the Sun! Hail Thor! Hail Nergal] Gi Chismicaolz Ioiad Sa Gohed Apollo Thor Od Nergal! [You Are Mighty Forever and Everlasting, Apollo, Thor, and Nergal] Tagged

A Rite to Become Transformed Michael, Raphael, & Raziel – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 24, 2019February 24, 2019 304 Words This ritual calls upon three archangels to transform the magickian, these being Raziel/Galizur, Raphael/Israfil, and Michael (also known as Michahel and San Migel). Names and words of power which appear in bold are meant to be vibrated. Phrases which appear in italics are meant to be chanted. Translations of chants appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. Artorzozam is a magickal word of power which serves to strengthen the summoning of any spirit or group of spirits. Io, Io, Rezial-Galizur! Ia Io Raphael-Israfil! [Hail, Hail, Rezial-Galizur! Hail Hail Raphael-Israfil] Michahel + Raziel + Raphael + San Migel + Galizur + Esrafil + Artorzozam Ave Omnituens Rezial! Ave Domnus Raphael! Concelebrate Israfil! Corire Omnituens Numen Michahel! Agios Sophos Raziel! Rex Raphael, Adoro Te! Sempiternus Raphael Gloria! Corire Omnituens Numen Michael! [Hail the All-Seeing Rezial! Hail Lord Raphael! I Praise Israfil! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Michahel! Numinous (is the) Wise Raziel! King Raphael, I Adore You! Glory to the Eternal Raphael! Appear, AllSeeing Spirit Michael] Michahel + Raziel + Raphael + San Migel + Galizur + Esrafil + Artorzozam

Veni, Veni, Sancte Michael Archangele Voco te Mikail– Invoco Archistrategos Princeps Gloriosissime Caelestis Militia Venire Regulus Michahel, Germinet Gnosis Veni, O Veni, Aperiatur Caeli Salve Michahel, Princeps De Seraphim Agios Ischyros Dynastes Michael! [Come, Come, Holy Archangel Michael/ I Call to Mikail– I Call to the Archangel/ Glorious Prince of the Celestial Militia/ Come, King Michahel, and Engender Spiritual Revelation/ Come, Oh Come, Open Up the Sky/ Hail Michahel, Prince of Seraphim/ Numinous and Mighty is Lord Michael] Raziel, Rezial, Galizur (x10) Samgalatha + Adragragra + Sandragragra + Sagrathagra + Sagratora + Adrathal [(Channeled Words of Power to Be Transformed By Michael & Raphael)] Asaraga Narakala Haratora Arathagra Narakadra Arathora Royalagra Saearagra Saragandra Akatagra Soragathagal Aragrathagra Andrathal Haraga OH-raga Aragra Soragra Nostagra Saragra Omtamgra Arimga Katral [(Channeled Incantation to Be Transformed By Raziel)] As I Have Spoken, So Let It Be Done!

A Rite to Consecrate a Ouija Board – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 16, 2019 676 Words I was commissioned to design a ritual to empower a Ouija board and enchant it such that no unwanted spirit could communicate with the operator through it. The empowerment of the Ouija board will cause it to strengthen any invocation, evocation, or other kind of spirit work performed in its presence. It will become a power object which will be of use even in magick which does not involve it. The ritual calls upon Semyaza, Satan, Amaymon, Bael, and Lucifuge Rofocale (also known as Lucerifuge). The Ouija board will be empowered by the forces of Satariel (Saturn/Lucifuge) and Herab Serapel (Venus/Ba’al), as well as by the power of the planet Neptune. The combination of the forces of that planet and those Qliphas is what my guides recommended. Place the Ouija board in front of you and focus on the intention to enchant it as you recite the following ritual monologue. Translations of foreign phrases will appear in brackets and explanations will appear in parentheses. Phrases which are meant to be chanted (recited in a rhythmic monotone) appear in italics. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Ia, Ia, Azza-Shemhazai! Io Bael! Io Amaymon! Io Ho Kantegor! Ia Lucifuge Rofocale! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Sempiternus Drakosophia Admirabilis! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! Hail, Hail, (Two Names of Semyaza)! Hail Bael! Hail Amaymon! Hail the Great Accuser (Satan)! Hail Lucifuge

Rofocale! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! You Are Wonderful, Eternal Drakosophia] I call forth Semyaza and Amaymon to magickally empower this Ouija board! Enchant it such that it is extraordinarily conducive to spirit communication! Enchant it such that no intruding intelligence might communicate through it! Enchant it such that its presence and energy empower any spirit work performed in its presence! Descend and manifest and reveal your power, eternal divinities, Shemyaza and Amaymon! Agios o Amaymon Equitem Leonis (x6) [Numinous is Amaymon the Lion Rider] Invito Semyaza Dominus Siderum Adpara Alogos Azza-Shemhazai Sapiens Semiazaz– Adveni Potens Opservator Adlaudate Uzza Genitor Iyrin Ave Dominator Shemyazaz Aperi Caelus– Obveni Erus Semihazah [I Call Semyaza the Lord of the Stars/ Impart Unwritten Gnosis (Two Names of Semyaza)/ Wise (Name of Semyaza)– Come, Mighty Watcher/ Praise (Name of Semyaza) the Father of the Watcher Angels/ Hail Lord (Name of Semyaza)/ Open the Sky– Come, Lord (Name of Semyaza] Evoco Dominator Amaymon! Voco Te Seminator Shemyaza! Salve Amaymon Pater Sitra Ahra! Adoro Te, Aeviternitas Azza! Veni, Spiritus Tenebris– Obveni Erus Amaymon! Agios o Amaymon Equitem Leonis Agios Omnituens Semyaza! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! [I Call Lord Amaymon! I Call You, Father Shemyaza! Hail Amaymon, Father of the Other Side! I Adore You, Immortal Azza/Semyaza! Come, Dark Spirit– Come, Lord Amaymon! Numinous is Amaymon

the Lion-Rider! Numinous, All-Seeing Semyaza! Numinous is the Other Side– Glory to Drakosophia] I call forth Lucifuge Rofocale, Darksome Monarch of the Concealers and Serpentine King Over the Death Gods! Show me your dark magnificence! Show me your darksome power! Enchant this board with the power of Satariel! Lucerifuge Lucifage Lucifugus Rofocalus (x9) [(Three Names of LR Arranged into a Chant)] Baruch Ha-Lucifuge Rofocale (x9) [Blessed is Lucifuge Rofocale] Satan, I Call You Forth! Artificer of the Black Sun, I Call You Forth! Macroscopic Black Flame, I Call You Forth! Lord of the Womb of the Twins, I Call You Forth! I Conjure You– Bless This Ouija Board with the Power of Neptune! Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Satanas (x11) [Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Satanas] Ascende Seminator Diabolus (x11) [Rise, Father Diabolus] In finality I call forth the fiend-god Bael to empower this Ouija board with the power of Herab Serapel! So Mote It Be! Agios Ischyros Bael Invictus (x11) [Numinous and Mighty is Bael the Unconquered] Salve Bael Pater Herab Serapel (x11) [Hail Bael, Father of the Qlipha of Venus] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

A Rite to Davcina (Damgalnunna) – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 29, 2017November 3, 2017 423 Words {This ritual calls upon the Goddess variously known as Damkina, Davcina, Damgalnunna, Ninhursag, Irnina, and more to strengthen the witch’s strength of character, increase wisdom, empower the psychic senses, and increase maturity. While the ritual script is provided here, any precautions such as circle-casting and any material accompaniments for ritual use are entirely left to the judgment of the sorcerer. The foreign phrases are translated in brackets, and the two lengthy untranslated paragraphs of what will appear to be gibberish to the celebrant are simply many names of Damkina used as words of power} In Nomine De Regina Damgalnunna Excelsi! [In the Name of the Excellent Queen Damgalnunna] I call forward the Telluric Ancestress of Nature Spirits known unto man as Mother Davcina, the War-Mongering Protectress and Empress of the Earth! I call forward Ninhursag, the Pre-Eminent Matron of Star Magick and the Great Psychopompic Goddess over Birth and Destiny. Arise and manifest within my arena of sorcery and engender the evolution of my person. Shassuru Damgulanna Ninella Belet-Dingirmes Tabsut Ili Uriash Damkina Gashan-Ki Belet-Ili Mammitum Daukina Nintuama Kalamma Ninmenna Nin-Ki Ninhursag Dam-Kinu Damkina, empower my character and faculties alike by the sorceries of your tradition and refine my astral senses. I call you forward for

the increasement of my wisdom and my strength of character as well. Grant me maturity and confidence now as I proclaim your veneration in rite. Manifest within my arena of sorcery and make yourself known unto me. Damkina Taris! Damkina Gabbar! Ia Sarratum Damkina! [Damkina is Righteous! Damkina is Strong! Hail Unto Queen Damkina] Veni Et Rege Damgalnunna! Agios o Davcina! [Come and Reign Damgalnunna! Numinous is Davcina] Al-Ti Ilu Ia Ka-Rid-Tu A-Ti [Oh Wife of Ea, Valiant Art Thou] Regina Ninhursag Gloria! Invoco Damkina! [Glory to Queen Ninhursag! I Call Upon Damkina] Ia Sarratum! Ia Davcina! Belatis Dayyat! [Hail the Queen! Hail Davcina! The Lady is My Judge] Veni Et Rege Damgalnunna [Come and Reign Damgalnunna] Aperiatur Terra, Et Germinet Davcina [Open the Earth, and Bring Forth Davcina] Ga-E Mulu Dingir Damgalnunna Me-En [The Disciple of Damgalnunna am I] Damkina Taris! Damkina Gabbar! Ia Sarratum Damkina! [Damkina is Righteous! Damkina is Strong! Hail Unto Queen Damkina] Invoco Damkina! Ilu Damkina Lis-Te-Sir! [I Call Upon Damkina! May Damkina Direct Aright]

Ilu-Irnina Sarrat Kal Ilani La-Tu Al-Ti Ilu Ea Ka-Rid-Tu A-Ti [Oh Irnina, Mighty Queen of All the Gods] Ninhursag Kalamma Nimar Mamma Ninki Aruru Nintua Dam-Kinu Belit Mud-Kesa Dauce Nintur Ninkharsag Mami Ninimma Mammetun Ninluana Kalamma Ningurgag Nin-Ki Nin-Ili Ia Ninchursanga! Cacama! Karra! [Hail Ninchursanga! Amen! Hurra] Tagged Anti-Cosmic Satanism Anton Long Black Witchcraft Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Damgalnuna Damgalnunna Damkina Damu Davcina David Myatt Diabolic Gnosticism Discordian Discordianism Draconian Current draconian path Evolutionary Satanism

A Rite to Gain the Ability to Access the Akashic Records – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals April 3, 2020May 27, 2020 179 Words This ritual calls upon Ishniggarab and Nyarlathotep– I would recommend reading my articles about them before performing it. The only material requirement of the rite is a cup of red wine. The rite is to be performed three times. After the last repetition, the witch will gain the ability to access the Akashic records in their own way. The red wine is not an offering. Translations of foreign phrases will appear in brackets. Instructions and explanations will appear in parentheses. Phrases to be chanted will appear in italics. I was commissioned to channel this rite. Avete So Upcaqaiu Et Shub-Niggurath! Liftoach Nieliz-Akasha! [Hail So Upcaqaiu and Shub-Niggurath! Open the Akashic Records] Omral Saegon Norzen Kala (x3) [(Channeled Chant for the Rite)] Ishniggarab Sorzienoth! Omraeza Salasen Nyarlathotep! Aeza Soren Kiega Noz! [(Channeled Incantations for the Rite)] Avete So Upcaqaiu Et Shub-Niggurath! Liftoach Nieliz-Akasha! [Hail So Upcaqaiu and Shub-Niggurath! Open the Akashic Records] (drink the red wine)

Salvete Ishniggarab Et Nyarlathotep! Salvete Ishniggarab Et Nyarlathotep! Salvete Ishniggarab Et Nyarlathotep! [Hail Ishniggarab and Nyarlathotep! Hail Ishniggarab and Nyarlathotep! Hail Ishniggarab and Nyarlathotep]

A Rite to Lilith – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 29, 2017November 13, 2017 326 Words {This ritual calls upon Lilith to bring about the fulfillment of requests determined by the operator. Magickal chants from Lilith: Queen of Sitra Ahra, Book of Belial, Modern Demonolatry, and The Red Book of Appin appear within the script. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets. It is at the behest of the celebrant to determine which, if any, material accompaniments she wishes to include in the ritual} I call unto Mother Lilith, the Goddess of the Black Moon and the Spirits of Obscenity! I call down the Sempiternal Harbinger of Chaos and Storms who presides over succubi and the phantasmata of lynched persons! I have selected the Infernal Divine as the divinities of my veneration and the catalysts of my ascent and I call unto the Qliphoth and summon forward Mother Lilith! Ama Lilith Liftoach Kliffoth! Agios o Lilith Regina Gamaliel! Lilit Reginam Aeternum Noctis! Porro Triumphator In Inferno Sunt! Agios Tzaphoni Ama Lilith Layilil! Et Revertetur Ad Tenebras! Melus De Quo Magma! Io Ama Lilith! Io Lilitu! [Mother Lilith, Open the Qliphoth! Numinous is Lilith the Queen of Gamaliel! Lilit is the Eternal Queen of Night! Victory Lies With the Infernal! Numinous (is) (Names of Lilith)! All Things Return to Darkness! All Things Emanate from the Demonic Plane! Hail Mother Lilith! Hail Lilitu] (You May Now Present Your Requests to Mother Lilith. Physical Health, Personal Magnetism, Social Skills, an Understanding of Romance, an Understanding of Sex, an Understanding of Self, Psychic Perception– You May Choose Whatever You Like. Generally it

is Best to Pick Three. Once You Have Articulated Your Desires, Recite the Words of Power Which Follow) Oeos Acaphosh Nyot Zelesh Istvaman Teneb Nsgion Atomor Ne Ammit Abas Norzabr Eyatan Kelosh Tsabelmos Nriozt Hananef Ftaa Eos Ghat Ahi Hay Lilith Zodamran Amabis Zodamran Lil-Ka-Litu Lilit Malkah Ha-Shedim Ama Lilith Layil Rimog Lilith Ceph-Pe Mals-Veh Fam-Mals-Un Don-Graph Amabis Zodamran Renich Viasa Avage Lilith Lirach As I have spoken, so let it be done!   Tagged 218 Current Ama Lilith Anti-Cosmic Satanism Black Witchcraft Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Demon demon worship Demonolatry Demonology Devil Worship Diabolic Gnosticism

A Rite to Pazuzu, Azagthoth, Xastur, and Ishniggarab – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals August 14, 2019 261 Words This ritual calls upon Azagthoth, Ishniggarab, Xastur, and Pazuzu for magickal self-transformation. The rite is designed to allow the spirits to transform and empower the celebrant in any manner they see fit, but it is fine for the magickian to make specific requests prior to performing or after performing the rite. No equipment or sigils are required, but such materials may be incorporated as the celebrant sees fit. In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Ave Ishniggarab Mortifer! Salve Azanana-Xastur! Salve Azagthoth Monogrammo Deo! Salve Pazuza Spiritus Tempestas! [In the Names of the Stone of Exile and Unwritten Gnosis! Hail Ishniggarab, Bringer of Death! Hail (Two Names of Xastur)! Hail Azagthoth, Shadowy God! Hail Pazuza the Storm Spirit] Invoco Xastur Messorem! Vocavi Te, Azagthoth, Princeps Tenebris! Perveni Pazuzu Ventum Ad Regem Colerent! Advoco Domine Ishniggarab– Deum Ab Inferis! [I Call Xastur the Reaper! I Summon You, Azagthoth, Dark Ruler! Come, Pazuzu, King of the Demons of the Wind! I Call Lord Ishniggarab– Lord of the Underworld] Xastur, Dominus Caeli, Vocavi Te (x12) [Xastur, Lord of the Air, I Summon You] Zalon Nazaron Asanagon Anathal (x12) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Xastur)]

Veni Pazuzu Venti Meridiem (x15) [Come, Pazuzu, Southwestern Wind] Praedicate Rex Pazuza (x15) [I Praise King Pazuza] Ave Azagthoth– Elymas Magus Niger (x13) [Hail Azagthoth– Black Sorcerer] Noznaeon Yalsaear Galsaeon Anasa (x13) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Azagthoth)] Ave Ishniggarab Mortifer! Veni Pazuzu Venti Meridiem! Omnituens Xastur-Zalathal, Laudamus! Azagthoth, Dominus Primitiua, Gloria! [Hail Ishniggarab, Bringer of Death! Come, Pazuzu, Southwestern Wind! Praise the All-Seeing (Two Names of Xastur)! Glory to Azagthoth, Primordial Lord]

A Rite to Qalilitu & Her Spirits to Strengthen Sexual Magnetism & the Heart Chakra – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals April 3, 2019May 30, 2019 284 Words This ritual calls upon Qalilitu to not only strengthen sexual magnetism, but empower, and if necessary, open the heart chakra. Chants appear in italics, translations appear in brackets, words of power to be vibrated appear in bold, and explanations appear in parentheses. All sigils and magickal equipment are optional. I was commissioned to create this ritual by a client. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Venire Mater Qalilitu! Liftoach Pandemonium! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! Come, Mother Qalilitu! Open the Infernal Plane! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis] Qalilitu, dark mother of demons, destroying aspect of Lilith the Empress, descend unto my arena of ritual and permute my subtle bodies. Activate my heart chakra and transform it through your demonry, and magnify my sexual magnetism! Cast the dark shadow of your influence over me so that I might be transformed! So mote it be! Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Qalilitu (x8) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Qalilitu] Qalilitu Venire Et Germinet Xul (x6) [Qalilu, Come, and Bring Forth Infernal Light]

Agios Ischyros Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis (x6) [Numinous and Mighty is Qalilitu, Daughter of the Dark Moon] Dana Lara Zara Kal (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Qalilitu. Translation: Open the Black Gate and Transform My Heart)] Qalilitu + Zadarala + Zanoralla + Nagalalazar + Pharala + Pazissar [(The Names of Qalilitu and Her Spirits)] Zadarala Kananara Zaragala Zorathal (x9) [(Channeled Chant Calling the Spirits of Qalilitu to Increase Power & Strengthen the Heart Chakra)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

A Rite to Sitri for Personal Magnetism and Magickal Power – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 27, 2019May 30, 2019 304 Words I was commissioned to write this ritual by a client. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Arcesso Regulus Bitru! Liftoach Pandemonium! [Numinous is the Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and Unwritten Gnosis! I Summon Prince Bitru! Open the Infernal Plane] Sitri + Kagimgatar + Artri + Asimgaloth + Bitru + Ziskadadra + Andareth [(Seven Names for Sitri, Most of Which Should Only Be Used for Magick)] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Sitri (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Sitri] In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Sitri! Arcesso Regulus Bitru! Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Bitru! Agios Es, Sitri, Divum Et Vorsipelle!  Induperator Est Bitru Etiam Reshut Ha-Rabbim! Adoro Te, Phylarchus Sitri! Aperiatur Mavethol; Devoco Sitri! Advoco Bitru Aeternam! Corire Sitri, Penitrale Gehennae! Corire Omnituens Numen Sitri! Invoco Bitru In Nomine Qliphoth! [In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Sitri! I Summon Prince Bitru! I Summon the Mighty Emissary of the Left hand– I Call Bitru! Numinous Art Thou, Spirit and Shapeshifter! Lord is Bitru of the Kingdom of

Manifoldness! I Adore You, Prince Sitri! Open the Nightside; I Call Sitri! I Call the Eternal Bitru! Appear, Sitri, Infernal Spirit! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Sitri! I Call Bitru in the Name of the Qliphoth] Veni, Veni, Sitri, Forti Animo (x11) [Come, Come, Sitri, Mighty Spirit] Chala Nadra Ka Tor (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Sitri)] Shaga-Taga-Asa + Arakadrakal + Zinzaga + Paraga [(Channeled Words of Power for Empowerment and Transformation By Sitri)] Gatala +  Yinda + Raphala + Sata [(Channeled Words of Power Which Call Sitri to Strengthen Personal Magnetism)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

A Rite to Sythrakor – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals August 27, 2019 290 Words I was commissioned to design the following ritual to Sythrakor, the metagod composed of the twenty-two archdemons of the Tunnels of Set. I would not recommend that someone who does not have some prior experience with my rituals perform this one. Here is my article about Sythrakor: Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis] Through my ritual of Qliphothic sorcery, I reach out to the merciless mother Sythrakor, the Nightside Light-Bearer and Patroness of Permutation. Eternal Warden of the Trans-Qliphothic Labyrinth, you who raises the sorceress to the highest echelons of transformation, manifest within my arena of ritual and transmogrify the core of my being. Great Protectress Who Devours the Black Flame of the Unworthy, reveal your power and your presence unto me. Oh hear the names. Sythakor + Azonratemra + Malarazgatorem + Hanazratorga + Phorphatonra Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! [Numinous is Sitra Ahra– Glory to Drakosophia] Sythrakor Oznaezador (x14) [(Channeled Chant to Summon Sythrakor)]

Phorphatonra Aezozdador (x14) [(Channeled Chant to Summon Sythrakor)] Ol Um Sythrakor + Arphe Oxiayal Vovina + Ol Zodameta Phorphatonra + Solpeth Bien Vovim + Zacam Gohed Sythrakor + Zacare Odzamran Vovin [I Call Sythrakor + Descend, Mighty Dragon + I Conjure You, Phorphatonra + Hearken Unto My Voice, Dragon + Move, Everlasting Sythrakor + Move and Appear, Dragon] Sempiternus Drakosophia Admirabilis! [You Are Wonderful, Eternal Drakosophia] Sythrakor Oznaezador! Storaqala Kayathara Rimkatatha Skatatora Sorakal Yakala Turandra Kimtara Gathora Gatal! Phorphatonra Aezozdador! [(Three Channeled Chants to Summon Sythrakor)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

A Ritual for Physical Fitness (Astaroth, Phenex, Dagdagiel) – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 23, 2019 416 Words This ritual calls upon Astaroth, Phenex, and Dagdagiel to magickally empower one’s pursuit of physical fitness. As such, the rite should only be performed by someone taking steps to improve their physical fitness on their own, such as dietary changes and exercise. This ritual should be performed at least twice, but no more than twice a week. The word numinous means “divine.” Artorozozam is a word of power used to strengthen the summoning of one or more spirits. Don-Graph is “87” translated to Enochian for use as a magickal word of power. 87 is a number which is useful for all black magick. This ritual was composed during partial possession by Lilith’s dragon aspect. Words of power and names which appear in bold are to be vibrated, and phrases which appear in italics are to be chanted. Translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Io Asteraoth-Ikhathol! Salve Astaroth Genetrix! Ave Dagdagiel-Aratha! Ave Marchioni Phenex! [Numinous is the Alchemical Pursuit and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! In the Name of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Hail (Two Names of Astaroth)! Hail Mother Astaroth! Hail (Two Names of Dagdagiel)! Hail Marquis Phenex] Dagdagiel + Astaroth + Phenex + Artorzozam + Don-Graph

Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Dagdagiel (x7) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Dagdagiel] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Astaroth (x8) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Astaroth] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Phenex (x4) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Phenex] Corire Omnituens Numen Dagdagiel (x7) [Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Dagdagiel] Val-Ceph-Ged, Drun-Orth, Dagdagiel (x7) [(This Chant is Composed of Dagdagiel’s Name and Two Numerical Values for That Name Written in Enochian as Words of Power)] Qodesh La-Ashtoreth Karnaim (x8) [Holy to Ashtoreth of the Two Horns] Ornate Astaroth Divinitas Ex Acharayim (x8) [I Praise Astaroth, Goddess of the Backwards Tree] Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Astaroth (x8) [Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Astaroth] Agios Es, Phenex, Divum Et Vorsipelle (x4) [Numinous Art Thou, Phenex, Spirit And Shapeshifter] Aperiatur Mavethol; Devoco Phenex (x4) [Open the Nightside; I Call Phenex] Narakandra Atharaga Narathora Sagatalarotha (x7) [(This Chant Was Channeled for this Rite from Lilith)]  Io Asteraoth-Ikhathol! Salve Astaroth Genetrix! Ave DagdagielAratha! Ave Marchioni Phenex! Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat!

[Hail (Two Names of Astaroth)! Hail Mother Astaroth! Hail (Two Names of Dagdagiel)! Hail Marquis Phenex! In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

A Ritual to Kali – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals March 17, 2019August 23, 2019 291 Words This ritual serves to summon Kali by means far removed from orthodoxy. It calls her forth by channeled secret names, channeled chants, and channeled words of power. It was created via partial possession by Kali and given approval by the same. Names and words of power which are to be vibrated appear in bold. The channeled chants are to be repeated in a rhythmic monotone (Kali specified that each should be repeated seven times), and will appear in italics. In the channeled chants, names, and words, all i’s are to be pronounced like the i in igloo. I write my channeled voces magicae in a way that they will be correctly pronounced if the celebrant sounds them out like a redneck. The letter combination “aea” is pronounced as ay (as in day) and uh (like when you’re struggling to remember something or stumbling on your words). All u’s are pronounced like the u in pull. All of the o’s in the channeled voces magicae of this rite are pronounced like the o in odd. I was commissioned to create this ritual by a client. I summon the black-fleshed goddess of the fields of cremation! Wild divinity who holds dominion over death! Everlasting Kali, eternal Kali, Immortal Kali, come! Descend unto my arena of sorcery and bring about my transformation! Salander + Montala + Orriphora + Hagala + Anaeagal + Asora [(Channeled Secret Names of Kali)]

Apora Ahora Ananor Nala (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Summon Kali)] Nalala Azala Oraga Anal (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Summon Kali)] Manana Asala Orala Saea (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Summon Kali)] Yanora (x8) + Saganor (x6) + Zazorrul (x5) + Satha [(Channeled Words of Power to Be Transformed and Empowered by Kali)] Hail the Eternal Kali! As I Have Spoken, So Let it Be Done!

A Ritual to Qalilitu – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals January 5, 2018July 7, 2020 865 Words {This is my ritual to Qalilitu, a high-ranking archdemoness of the Qliphothic Sphere of Gamaliel (Black Moon/Lilith). Qalilitu, whom I have elected as my Matron Demoness, was originally recorded by Daemon Barzai in an anthology called Qliphoth Opus III by Black Tower Publishing. Since Qalilitu is my Matron Demoness, I owe incredible thanks to Daemon Barzai, with whom I have no affiliation. Persons unacquainted with this demoness may Google “V.K. Jehannum Qalilitu” to find my article about her, which article includes original magickal chants and a sigil. This rite to Qalilitu is perfect for a curse, exorcism, empowerment of the psychic senses, or object consecration. The witch is required to specify her own requests. One may use this ritual, for example, to satisfy the three of the following requests: (i) strengthening the psychic senses, (ii) improving the astral double’s ability to shapeshift or teaching it to shapeshift into a specific form Qalilitu specializes in, (iii) strengthening the astral double for astral combat, (iv) strengthening the evil eye and/or the aptitude for glamour magick, (v) to strengthen the aptitude for psychic vampyrism (this includes the ability to take other people’s energy, personal magnetism, and the ability to digest/break down foreign prana/chi), (vi) holistically increasing magickal powers, (vii) increasing the aptitude for death magick and/or necromancy, and (viii) strengthening divinatory abilities. Like many of my rituals, my rite to Qalilitu is composed entirely of voces magicae or barbarous tongues. This includes the vibration of magickal names, consecrated Latin chants, and the use of

Enochian script. Like the rest of my rituals, this rite is designed to generate significant power without the use of magickal equipment, candles, sigils, incense, etc. While such material accompaniments are wonderful and may/should be implemented at the prerogative of the celebrant, this ritual can be performed without them. Phrases in italics are to be chanted and names in bold are to be vibrated. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. If you struggle with the pronunciation, simply pronounce your best guest and know that this is entirely sufficient. It is far more important to be confident in your performance of the rite than it is to pronounce every word correctly} Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Qalilitu! Ya Namosh Panachasragoth Exat! [Numinous is the Adversarial Current and the Path of Demonic Alchemy! Hail Qalilitu! In the Name of the Infernal Divine, Let it Be So] Venire Mater Qalilitu! Liftoach Kliffot! Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Yehi Aur Chashakh! Agios Ischyros Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis! Solpeth De G Omaoas Qalilitu Od Niiso Pugo Caosgi! [Come, Mother Qalilitu! Open the Qliphoth! Open the Infernal Plane! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Let There Be Black Light! Numinous and Mighty is Qalilitu, the Daughter of the Black Moon! Hearken Unto Your Names Qalilitu and Come Forth unto the Earth] Qalilitu + Madogiel + Aeonifer + Khaosophoros + Xulogos + AlaMashavah + Diabalachara Semolshedim + Goessabim + Madogiel + Qalilitu [(This Eleven-Name Vibration Formula Contains Qalilitu’s Alternate Name Madogiel Along with Seven Invented Magickal Names which

are Useful in the Calling-Forth of Any Demon, Demonic Metagod, or Group of Demons)] (Specify Requests) Ol Zodameta Ds Gohed Gmicalzoma Cicale De Gamaliel O Sitra Ahra [I Conjure You Who Are Everlasting with a Power Understanding the Mysteries of the Qliphothic Sphere of Gamaliel] Qalilitu Arphe Ozamran Pambt Bagle Zirdo Hoath O Il Odlonshin A Iadanah [Qalilitu, Descend and Appear Unto Me, for I am a True Worshiper of Your Powers and Numinous Teachings] Solpeth Bien Sa Zorge Micalzo Qalilitu [Hearken Unto My Voice and Be Friendly Unto Me, Mighty Qalilitu] Ol Oecremi Isli Ol Um Isli Sa Ol Zodameta Qalilitu [I Praise You, I Call You, and I Conjure You, Qalilitu] Agios Ischyros Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis! Venire Mater Qalilitu! Qalilitu, Venire. Madogiel, Venire. Aperiatur Acharayim Et Germinet Qalilitu! Qalilitu Venire Et Germinet Xul! Venire Mater Qalilitu! In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Qalilitu! Invoco Qalilitu In Nomine Qliphoth! Agios Ischyros Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis! Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Qalilitu! Qalilitu, Venire. Madogiel, Venire. Aperiatur Acharayim Et Germinet Qalilitu! In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Qalilitu! Artorzozam! Manifestos! [Numinous and Mighty is Qalilitu, Daughter of the Black Moon! Come, Mother Qalilitu! Qalilitu, Come. Madogiel, Come. Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Qalilitu! Qalilitu, Come and Manifest the Black Light! Come, Mother Qalilitu! In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring

Forth Qalilitu! I Call to Qalilitu in the Name of the Qliphoth! Numinous and Mighty is Qalilitu, Daughter of the Black Moon! Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Qalilitu! Qalilitu, Come. Madogiel, Come. Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Qalilitu! In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Qalilitu! (Word of Power for Summoning or Calling-Forth)! (WoP For Summoning or Calling Forth)] Qalilitu Venire Et Germinet Xul (x11) [Qalilitu, Come and Manifest the Black Light] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So] Tagged 218 218 Current adversarian Anti-Cosmic Satanism black Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft Buddhism Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Demon demon worship

A Ritual to Shax – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals January 25, 2018July 7, 2020 271 Words This ritual uses the vibration of several variations of Shax’s name(s) as well as some invented magickal names which are useful in the conjuration of any demon or group of demons. I made those myself, so I know how they work. The witch may incorporate candles, a chalice, a sigil, or whatever she likes, but if and how she does so is her prerogative. Names in bold are to be vibrated and phrases in italics should be chanted. Non-literal translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. Like the rest of my rituals, the operator may use an opening rite of her preference or perform this rite without one. My rituals are made to work without material accompaniment and to be accessible to practitioners of any denomination of demon magick. I call forth the demon Shax to manifest and engender the fulfillment of my intent. (Specify Request or Requests) Liftoach Kliffot! Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Chax! Yehi Aur Chashakh! [Open Up the Qliphoth! Open Up the Infernal Plane! Open Up the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Open Up the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Chax/Shax! Let there Be Qliphothic Light] Oh hear the names! Shaz + Xulogos + Shass + Aeonifer + Chax + Khaosophoros + Diabalachara + Scox + Ala-Mashavah + Shax

Shax Sorkatta (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Summon Shax)] Cio Ambrosius Marchioni Shaz-Chax-Scox (x7) [I Call the Eternal Marquis Know as Shaz, Chax, and Scox] Thankallah Thimgorra Linkatharra Shax Emkallathorra Emka-KahGah-Gah-Lindrathawl Limkathaggorra Limkithim (x11) [(This is a Channeled Summoning Chant for Shax)] As I have spoken, so let it be done!  

A Sacrament to Attain Luciferian Gnosis – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals January 3, 2017January 5, 2017 449 Words The purpose of this ritual is to enter into a gnostic/trance state, where all material cognizance is left behind, and one may experience the wisdom of Satanas purely. This borrows magickal formulae from original and latter-day Niners, Thelemites, AntiCosmic Satanism, Demonolatry, and Theistic Satanism. A proper bibliography appears in the bottom. I am releasing this ritual to prove to the celebrant that “paradigms” and “traditions” are nothing more than artifices of the human mind and of causal reasoning with no legitimate existence of their own. The power of this sacrament will prove this to you by the power it holds. Phrases in italics are to be chanted, and names in bold are to be vibrated, with each + marking the end of one full vibration/exhalation. Adorn the altar in sigils of the Devil. If you know the ZD sigil, make use of it. Agios o Sathanus (x9) [Numinous is Sathanus] Hail unto the Devil, the Muse of our Civilization, Deity of Awe and Derision. The Horned Dragon from the Other Side, Patron of Alchemy and Self-Hood, Saturnian, Black-Solar, Fiend of the Morning Star. Hail, Artificer of the Black Flame, Prince or First-Born of Darkness.

By these words and formulae, I enter into the gnostic state: Chaosatanas + Noxulifer + Skanaght  Lylusay Tateros Volt Sids Lucifer. Bagabi Laca Bachabe, Lamac Cahi Achababe, Karrelyos Lamac Lamec Bachalyas, Cabahagy Sabalyos Baryolos, Lagoz Atha Cabyolas, Samahac Et Famyolas, Harrahya! Oh, Great Fiend. Answer to the namesDoh-See-Gah + Kan-Ee-Lah + Ah-Doh-Hee + Loo-Key-Fay + Atal Esh-Shachor + Theli Elyon + Sama-El-Acher + Nachash Hakadmoni Melech ha-Melachim ha-Aur She-Ain Bo Machshavah! Gibor Helel Satan! Liftoach Qliphoth! Baruch ha-Sathanas! Ecce calicem veneno, Samael! Ar-O-Go-Go-Ru-Abrao! Ga-Hey Ee-Al-Puh-Reg-Gie Fah-BohAhn Oh-Dah Von-Fah-Oh Go-Hey-Dah! Mirabilia opera tua, Domine Satanas, et anima mea cogniscit nemis! [King of the Kings of the Infernal Light! Strong and Brilliant Satan! Open the Qliphoth! Blessed is Sathanas! Lo, Samael, the poisoned chalice! Thou spiritual Sun! Satan; Thou Eye; Thou Lust; Cry Aloud! Whirl the Wheel, O my Father, O Satan, O Sun! Thou art Burning Flames, Poison, and Wrath Eternal! Marvellous are thy works, Lord Satanas, and my soul knows it well!] Ad Satanas qui laetificat Juventutem meam! [To Satanas, who brings us youth and ecstasy] Lucifer illuminateo mea! [Lucifer, enlighten me]

Sathan venio! [Come, Sathan] Athah Gibor Leohlam Satan! [You are powerful and eternal, Satan] Veni, omnipotens aetnerae Diabolus! [Come, omnipotent eternal Diabolus] Aperiatur terra, et germinet Satanas! [Open the earth, and bring forth Satanas] Tasa reme laris Satan (x11) Enlighten me, Devil. Sources The Book of Sitra Ahra The literature of Anton Long (ONA) Nargargole Shlod / Zeit23Geist Nytek101 at The Fool Speaks Grimorium Diabolus (latter-day O9A) Liber Azerate The Invocation of the Bornless One The Book of Belial

Alfpunias – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Demonology and Paganism, Rituals March 18, 2017November 13, 2019 644 Words Names: Alfpunias, Alefpene’ash, Gurigur, Zusigethon (this one is invented) Secret Names: Rimkalathoth, Kortoragoth, Mimkathagal, Rimkoratal, Yarakalatoth Qliphothic Attribution: Golachab (Mars/Asmodeus) Primary Planetary Attributions: Mars; Venus Illegitima; Pluto Secondary Planetary Attributions: Earth; Black Sun; Mercury Lesser Planetary Attribution: Jupiter Element: Fire (Primary); Air; Water Colors: Green, Grey, Purple, Blue, Yellow Sacred Numbers: 8, 19, 12 Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Bohu; Tohu Compass: Southwest (Primary); East; North Non-Qliphothic Sphere: Bapki [Planetary Sphere of the Earth] Attributed Behenian Stars: Alpheneca (Primary); Vega (Secondary); Aldebaran (Tertiary)

Above: Original Sigil of Alfpunias Alefpene’ash or Alfpunias is called the Harba di Ashm’dai [Sword of Asmodeus] and referred to as Gurigur. He is the son of Asmodeus and Na’amah who presides over 80,000 destructive fiends and resides within the Qliphothic Sphere of Mars. While Asmodeus rules the Martian Qlipha, he is a very multi-faceted entity, so Alfpunias more strongly embodies the nature of Mars. He can raise bloodthirsty, necromantic wraiths and he can impart power and calculation to the sorcerer. The guidance and auspices of Alfpunias are apt for Hoodoo, Voudon, astral projection, solar magick, working with the seven chakras of

the spine, mind tricks, working with Those Who Died Nameless and Forgotten, the mysteries of Babalon, Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, binding spells, working with the Black Flame, death curses, psychic vampirism, BDSM, angel magick, archaeology, neurology, clairvoyance, homicide, healing spells, planetary magick, ice magick, mind reading, Draconic magick, and strengthening the astral double. Alfpunias or Gurigur presides over warfare, destruction magick, martial arts (he favors fencing and knife fighting), courage, the empowerment of the Black Flame, the stimulation of the Kundalini, mental calculation/analytical skills, warfare, military technology (armor, vehicles, weaponry), tactical mindsets, and wrathful necromancy. The auspices of Alfpunias are useful in sex magick, controlling anger issues via self-control, discipline, courage, confidence, ego dissolution, bloodletting in witchcraft, blood sacrifice, warfare, destruction magick. He surrounds the sorcerer in protective famuli and keeps her protected thereby. My channeled magickal secret name for the demonic undead hordes which serve Alefpene’ash/Alfpunias in Goloheb (Mars/Asmoday) is Emkallugawl, and my magickal chant to call them forth is “Salve Legio Alfpunias.” For my magickal chants to Alfpunias himself, see the following rite of invocation. The magickal chants (all of which I wrote) to Alfpunias which are only useful for invoking Alfpunias will have an asterisk placed at the end of the English translation provided for them. Gurigur can foster observantness, intuition, organization skills, proficiency in strategizing, reasoning skills, quick learning, wisdom, self-awareness, sexual proficiency, and determination. He can weaken mental barriers to psychic perception and spellwork manifestation and remove or weaken anxiety issues. He can give aid and guidance in singing and song-writing.

Magickal Chants

Zusigethon + Alfpunias + Rimkalathoth + Kortoragoth + Mimkathagal + Rimkoratal + Yarakala-toth + Gurigur A Name-Vibration Formula for Calling Upon Alfpunias Rikkattorraggallittal Yakkattorriggon Ayatallaggallathor Yakkattorrayakkattal A Channeled Chant Used to Invoke Alfpunias Rikator Yalagoth Rimguthal Yalakor Yimkathoth Rakator Yakatoth Rimkathoth A Channeled Chant Used to Evoke Alfpunias Qodesh La-Gurigur-Alfpunias-Alefpene’ash “Holy to Gurigur/Alfpunias/Alefpene’ash!” Sum Harba De Ashmedai Malka “I am the Sword of Asmodeus!” Used to Invoke Alfpunias Adlaudate Zusigethon– Agios o Gurigur “Praise Zusigethon—Numinous is Gurigur!” Zusigethon, Alfpunias, Gurigur Magickal Chant Composed of Three Names for Alfpunias Qodesh La-Alefpene’ash Sar Goloheb “Holy to Alefpene’ash, Prince of the Martian Qlipha!” Baruch Ha-Gurigur Geber Ha-Reshut Ha-Rabbim “Blessed is Gurigur, Warrior of the Kingdom of Manifoldness (Qliphoth)!” Salve Pernicosus Domine Alefpene’ash “Hail to the Baleful Lord Alefpene’ash!” Zusigethon Gloria—Agios Ischyros Gurigur “Glory to Zusigethon—Numinous and Mighty is Gurigur!”

Imperator Est Gurigur Etiam Golachab “Gurigur is Lord of Golachab!” Ornate Zusigethon-Alfpunias Deus Ab Mavethol “I Praise Zusigethon-Alfpunias, Deity of the Nightside!” Gurigur Alfpunias Rimkoratal Kortoragoth Magickal Chant Composed of Four Names for Alfpunias Rimkalathoth, Mimkathagal, Alefpene’ash, Yarakalatoth Magickal Chant Composed of Four Names for Alfpunias Ave Imperiosus Gurigur Lar Acharayim “Hail to the Mighty Gurigur, Deity of the Backwards Tree!”

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Asmodeus Black Lodge Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism demon worship Demonolatry Demonology

An Advanced Rite to Lilith for Vampyric Alchemy – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 28, 2019May 30, 2019 317 Words I was commissioned to write this ritual by a client. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Ave Domina Lilith! [Numinous and Mighty is the Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Hail Lady Lilith] Chadindra Kimtadra Astagatala Rastagora (x6) [(Channeled Chant Calling on Lilith to Open the Way to Satariel)] Agios Tzaphoni Ama Lilith Layilil (x6) [Numinous (is) (Three Names of Lilith)] Layilil Lilitu Abnukta Ama Lilith Chaosifer Tzaphoni (x6) [(Six Names of Lilith)] Agios Es, Lilith, Divum Et Vorsipelle (x6) [Numinous Art Thou, Lilith, Spirit and Shapeshifter] Agios o Lilith Regina Gamaliel (x6) [Numinous is Lilith, Queen of Gamaliel] Ornate Lilith Divinitas Ex Acharayim (x6) [I Praise Lilith, Goddess of the Backwards Tree] Provinite Sam, Akasha, Alogos, Et She-Ein Bo Mashavah! Obtestor Xul De Tohu, Bohu, Et Chasek– Infernalia Fundam Anados! Agios o

Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! Ave Domina Lilith! [Provide the Venom of the Adversary, the Fifth Element, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Light of the Abyss! I Call the Black Light of Tohu, Bohu, and Chasek– the Infernal Fundaments of Magickal/Alchemical Ascent! Numinous is the Other Side– Glory to the Energetic Undercurrent of All Demon Magick! Hail Lady Lilith] Concelebrate Divina Lilitu Ambrosia Genetrix Et Deitas Interveni Mater Riskora Amplaudate Regina Qliphoth Salve Domina Raeastora Advoco Matrona Et Domina Lilith [I Praise the Divine Lilitu/ Immortal Mother and Goddess/ Come, Mother (Secret Name of Lilith)/ I Praise the Queen of the Qliphoth/ Hail Queen (Secret Name for Lilith: RAY-UH-STORE-UH)/ I Call Mother and Lady Lilith] Asandraga + Aralandragra + Asoraladragra + Sindraedradral + Harandagal + Hagontagathor [(Channeled Words of Power Which Variously Call on Satariel and/or Lilith to Beget Vampyric Alchemical Transformation)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying For of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

An Advanced Ritual to Nahema for Kundalini Work – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals March 1, 2019May 30, 2019 384 Words This is an advanced ritual which evokes Nahema to raise a sacred space with the energies of Nahemoth, help the magickian raise the Red Kundalini, the Black Kundalini, or Both, and transform both the consciousness and energy body of the celebrant. I will not explain here how my ritual scripts are to be read, as this rite should only be performed by people experienced with my rites. There is a “Rituals of Satanism and Demonolatry for Beginners” page which can be accessed through the menu of this site, which now includes a video depiction of how my rites are performed. I was commissioned to write this ritual by a client. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Liftoach Pandemonium! Na-Ama-Hema – Venire! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Open the Infernal Plane! Na-Ama-Hema– Come] Nahema + Asila + Arakalakala + Arandragal + Mimdaea + Wizala + Zatalara + Johala [(Eight Names of Nahema: GNAW-HE-maw + UH-SILL-UH + aw-RAWCALL-UH-CALL-UH + aw-RON-druh-GAUL + mim-DAY-UH + wih-zawLAW + zaw-taw-LAW-RAW + JOE-HALL-UH)] Tandraga Asatar Korinton Asaka (x6) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Nahema)]

Invoco Mimdaea In Nomine Qliphoth (x11) [I Call (Secret Name of Nahema) in the Name of the Qliphoth] In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Zatalara (x11) [In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth (Secret Name of Nahema)] Zazor Askal Hadra Jippa (x11) [(Channeled Chant Which Calls on Nahema to Open the Gate to Nahemoth)] (If Your Intention is to Raise the Red Kundalini, Vibrate SITARA Four Times and Then Do So. If Your Intention is to Raise the Black Kundalini Vibrate SORRON Seven Times Instead. If You Want to Raise Both Kundalinis Simultaneously, Vibrate ATARGATA Three or Four Times, Then Do So. If Necessary, the Rite May Conclude After the Serpent(s) Have Either Raised Completely or Dissolved Partway through the Attempt to Raise It/Them, Refining the Energy Body in Doing So) (If You Are Capable of It, Once Your Kundalini(s) Has/Have Raised, Vibrate the Word of Power SATINDALA Seven Times to Further Transform Consciousness and Both Refine & Empower the Energy Body. This Step May Still Be Performed if You Do Not Successfully Raise the Serpent(s). This Marks the End of the Ritual)

An All-Purposed Rite to Kali – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals August 15, 2019 360 Words The following is an all-purposed ritual to Kali which I was commissioned to design. I have taken measures to ensure that this rite is different from the previous I designed to Kali. While the previous rite relies on channeled names and chants, this one uses the traditional Kali mantras I was led to incorporate alongside Enochian vibration. Phrases which appear in bold are meant to be vibrated. Phrases which appear in italics should be chanted in a rhythmic monotone. Translations appear in brackets and explanations and instructions appear in parentheses. Like most of my rituals, this one was designed to generate a successful and potent manifestation without using sigils or magickal equipment. Nonetheless, the celebrant is welcome to incorporate any materials which she has at her disposal. I call forth the destroying patroness of liberation known as Kali and Kalika. Descend from the planes of your dwelling and make your power known unto me! I summon you now, immortal protectress! Come, Mother Kali! (Specify Intent) Ol Oecremi Kali + Arphe Odzamran Kali + Solpeth Bien Kali + Ol Um Kali + Ol Zodameta Kali + Zacam Kali + Zacare Micalzo Kali [I Praise Kali + Descend and Appear, Kali + Hearken to My Voice Kali + I Call Kali + I Conjure You, Kali + I Move You, Kali + Move, Mighty Kali]

Superveni Kali Maximus Lar! Veni, Veni, Kali– Divinitas Et Creatrix! Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Kali! Exorna Alogos, Praegrande Kali! Agios Es, Kali, Divum Et Vorsipelle! [Come, Kali, Elder Deity! Come, Come, Kali– Goddess and Mother! I Summon the Mighty Emissary of the Left Hand– I Call Kali! Provide the Unwritten Gnosis, Powerful Kali! You Are Numinous, Kali, Spirit and Shapeshifter] Don-Graph! Kreem! Artorzozam! [(Words of Power to Strengthen the Rite)] Om Klim Kalika-Yei Namaha (x7) Corire Omnituens Numen Kali (x7) [Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Kali] Om Kali, Kali! Om Kali, Kali! Namostute, namostute, namo! Namostute, namostute, namo! Ananda Ma Ananda Ma Kali Ananda Ma Ananda Ma Kali Ananda Ma Ananda Ma Kali Om Kali Ma! As I Have Spoken, So Let It Be Done! Bibliography 1. Tortora, Kyle. “10 Kali Mantras, Chants, Hymns & Quotes for Pleasing the Dark Goddess.” Hindu Gods & Buddha Statues, 15 Feb. 2019,

An All-Purposed Rite to Ustrina – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals August 12, 2019August 12, 2019 373 Words The following ritual is designed to call forth Ustrina. As with all or most of my rites, it can be performed with satisfactory results without any sigils or equipment. With this said, any materials and symbols available to the witch may be employed at her discretion. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone. Translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. This ritual is indeed all-purposed. It may bring about any practical result desired within reason, as well as any relevant form of selftransformation. It may also be used to call Ustrina to transform or empower the celebrant in any manner she sees fit. You may state your intention to Ustrina at the end of the rite or before performing it at your discretion. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Ave Omnituens Ustrina Deitas Magicae! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! Hail Ustrina, Goddess of Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Numinous is the Other Side– Glory to the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Ustrina (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Ustrina] Ascende, Divinitas– Veni, Sempiterna Ustrina Voco Te, Sadrinda Gentrix, Deam Tenebris Concelebrate Era Ustrina, Regina Daemoniorum

Concalo Ustrina Mater, Divinitatem Opulenta Agios Es, Divina Gazila, Anima Satorial Adoro Te, Hazinda Magna, Deitas Saturnia [Rise, Goddess– Come, Eternal Ustrina/ I Call You, Mother Sadrinda, Dark Goddess/ I Praise Lady Ustrina, Queen of Demons/ You Are Numinous, Divine Gazila, Spirit of the Saturnian Qlipha/ I Adore You, Great Hazinda, Saturnian Goddess] Liftoach Pandemonium! Sempiternus Drakosophia Admirabilis! [Open the Infernal Plane! You Are Wonderful, Eternal Drakosophia] Chada Tazimga Asingon Arintara (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Ustrina)] Kontindon Kandrinda Sagara Oritha Ontala (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Ustrina)] Obveni Ustrina Genetrix Sitra Ahra! Venire– Ambrosia Mater Ustrina! Ave Omnituens Ustrina Deitas Magicae! Hail All-Seeing Ustrina, the Goddess of Magick! [Come, Ustrina, Mother of Sitra Ahra! Come– Eternal Mother Ustrina! Hail All-Seeing Ustrina, the Goddess of Magick] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and Drakosophia, It Is So]

An Initiatory Rite Mixing Greek Paganism With Demon Magick – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals June 24, 2019June 24, 2019 330 Words This is a ritual I was commissioned to design. It calls upon Seere, Sitri, Barbatos, Stolas, Astaroth, Aphrodite, and Medusa to transform the celebrant in any way they see fit. While the celebrant may incorporate any sigils or magickal equipment at her disposal into this rite as she sees fit, my rituals are designed to generate extreme power and great results without any material accompaniment. Phrases which are meant to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone appear in italics, translations appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Corire Omnituens Numen Medusa! Interveni Ambrosius Stolas! Veni, Veni, O Comitis Barbatos! Arcesso Regulus Bitru! Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Seere! Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Astaroth! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit, Medusa! Come, Immortal Stolas! Come, Come, Oh Count Barbatos! I Summon Prince Bitru/Sitri! I Summon the Powerful Emissary of the Left Hand– Come, Seere! Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Astaroth] Veni, Veni, Medusa– Divinitas Et Creatrix (x11) [Come, Come, Medusa– Goddess and Mother] Halzae Nazor Gozdal Yaesor (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Medusa)]

Salve Astaroth Genetrix (x8) [Hail Mother Astaroth] Porzon Dalga Oztar Balzae Noztor Konzae (x8) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Astaroth)] Amplaudate Erus Sitri (x11) [I Praise Lord Sitri] Chala Nadra Ka Tor (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Sitri)] Ave Divus Stolas Arbitrator Alchimia (x11) [Hail to Stolas the Deity, Lord of Alchemy] Nalzae Garzor Ozthaea Nozdraeal (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Stolas)] Argennis, Apotrophia, Aphakitis, Aphrodite (x5) [(Magickal Chant Composed of Four Names for Aphrodite)] Borzaeron Oztaea Gosthaear Oznural (x5) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Aphrodite)] Induperator Est Seere Etiam Reshut Ha-Rabbim (x11) [Seere is Lord/Ruler/Director/Leader of the Kingdom of Manifoldness] Zorgon Oztora Ozdorgae Yozpatae (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Seere)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

Calls to Nyx, Luna, and Hecate – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Calls, Rituals January 5, 2018July 7, 2020 452 Words {The falling are my calling-forths of Nyx, Luna, and Hecate which I integrate into my rituals as add-ons. They are very short. The Call to Hecate uses chants from Liber Azerate and the Temple of the Ascending Flame’s mantra of Hecate. While the most well-known magickal numbers of Hecate are 3 and 81, the numbers 9, 10, 11, 14, and 18 are apt for her as well}

The Call to Hecate Ave Agia! Aperiatur Stella, Et Germinet Agia! Appare Infernales Malefica Trivia! Existe Anassa Eneri! Exorire Inferna Prytania! Enascere Prava Soteira– Aedonaea Gloria! Adorire Phosophoros Domina Wamphyri! Hekate Nyktipolos Sumministra Azoth! Exsurge Genetrix Liparokredemnos! [Hail Agia/Hecate! Open the Sky, and Bring Forth Agia/Hecate! Manifest, Infernal Witch Trivia! Appear Anassa Eneri! Appear Infernal Prytania! Arise, Vicious Savioress– Glory to Aedonaea! Rise Phosphoros Mistress of Vampyres! Hekate Nyktipolos, Provide the Fifth Element! Rise, Mother Liparokredemnos] Or-tar-gen-lar (x9) [(Summoning Chant for Hecate)]

[(Summoning Chant for Hecate)] Io Hecate! Ol Oecremi A Micalzo Hecate! Arphe Odzamran Gohed Hecate! Zacam Sa Ol Zodameta Hecate! Ol Oecremi a Micalzo Hecate! Ave Agia! [Hail Hecate! I Praise the Mighty Hecate! Descend and Appear Everlasting Hecate! I Move You and Conjure You Hecate! I Praise the Mighty Hecate! Hail Agia]

The Call to Nyx Io Nyx! Ol Oecremi A Micalzo Nyx! Arphe Odzamran Gohed Nyx! Zacam Sa Ol Zodameta Nyx! Ol Oecremi A Micalzo Nyx! Invoco Nyx Philia– Divina Matrona De Augurium! Interveni Nox, Diva Perpetua, Ambrosia Genetrix Nex! Nyx Phylia, Admirabilis, Divina Astraea, Patefi Caelis! Exorire Matercula Nyx! Praevalida Nox Exorna Regnum! [Hail Nyx! I Praise the Mighty Nyx! Descend and Appear, Everlasting Nyx! I Move You and Conjure You, Nyx! I Praise the Mighty Nyx! I Call the Kindly Nyx– Theomorphic Mother of Enchantment! Come Nox, Eternal Goddess, Immortal Mother of Death! Kindly Nyx, Wonderful Art Thou, Eternal Astraea, Open the Sky! Come Forth Mother Nyx! Mighty Nox Provide Transcendence] Astraea-Nyx Phylia-Nox (x14)

Above: Original Sigil of Nyx

The Call to Selene Ave Luna Nocticula! Io Selene! Ol Oecremi A Micalzo Selene! Arphe

Odzamran Gohed Selene! Zacam Sa Ol Zodameta Selene! Ol Oecremi A Micalzo Selene! [Hail Luna Who Shines At Night! Hail Selene! I Praise the Mighty Selene! Descend and Appear, Everlasting Selene! I Move You and Conjure You, Selene! I Praise the Mighty Selene]

Luna + Noctiluna + Selene + Phoebe + Cynthia + Phoebe + Mene + Pasiphae [(This is My Name-Vibration Formula for Selene. It Uses the Name Phoebe Twice)] Salve Mene Regina Qamar (x3) [Hail Mene/Selene, Queen of the Planetary Sphere of the Moon] Veni, Siderum Regina Bicornis (x3) [Come, Two-Horned Queen of the Stars] Salve Phoebe-Mene-Selene-Noctiluna-Cynthia! Veni, Siderum Regina Bicornis! Ave Luna Noctilcula! [Hail Mene/Selene, Queen of the Planetary Sphere of the Moon! Come, Two-Horned Queen of the Stars! Hail Luna Who Shines At Night]

Calls to Qemetiel, the Fates, Nemesis, Cernunnos, Agaliarept, & Abraxas – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Calls, Rituals February 5, 2018April 19, 2018 605 Words The following calls to various divinities can be added to any given ritual or used as a ritual in and of themselves. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted and translations appear in brackets.

The Call to Qemetiel Agios Es, Atta Qematriel, Divus Alienus (x9) Obveni Aethereus Qematriel (x9) Concalo Qematial Traditor Tohu (x9) Ornate Sapiens Qematiel (x7) [Numinous Art Thou, Father Qematriel, Foreign Deity/ Come Immortal Qematriel/ I Call Qematial the Teacher from Tohu/ Praise the Wise Qematiel]

The Call to Agaliarept Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Agalierept (x9) Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Agalieraps! Invoco Imperator Agaliarept! Advoco Sagax Venenarius Agaliareps! Nobilitate Agalieraps Permitalis Saliva! In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Agalierept! Provinite Sam, Akasha, Alogos, Et She-Ein Bo Mashavah! Advoco Sagax Venenarius Agaliareps! On Ca Agaliarept Agna (x7) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Agalierept/  I Summon the

Mighty Emissary of the Left Hand– I Call Agalieraps! I Call the Warlord Agaliarept! I Call the Wise Magickian Agaliareps! Praise Agalieraps, the Destructive Sage! In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Qliphoth, And Bring Forth, And Bring Forth Agalierept! Endow the Poison, Ether/Akasha, Unrevealed Gnosis, and the Dark Light! I Call the Wise Magickian Agaliareps/ (Demonic Enn for Agaliarept)]

The Call to Abraxas Megist Abraxas Gloria! Adorire Abrasax Aedifex! Evoco Comclamatus Divus– Veni, Veni Abrasax! Adveni Et Ascende– Erus Abraxas Phosphorosophia Pandendam! Abrasax, Admirabilis– Adoro Te Abrasax! Zar Odo Gmicalzo Zar Abraxas Zar Geh (x11) Megist Abraxas Gloria (x7) [Glory to the Great Abraxas! Rise Abrasax the Creator! I Call the Renowned God– Come, Come Abrasax! Come and Arise– Lord Abraxas Propagate the Black Light! Abrasax, Wonderful Art Thou– I Adore Thee Abrasax/ (Enochian Enn for Abraxas)/ Glory to the Great Abraxas]

The Call to Cernunnos Ayea, Ayea Kernunnos! Akhera Goiti – Akhera Baytee! Existe Sator Kernunno! Proveni Cernunnos Seminator Magicae! Io Kernunno! Io Carno-On-Os! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! Et Revertetur Ad Tenebras! Proveni Cernunnos Seminator Magicae! Cer Nu No Oh Oh Os (x7) Existe Sator Kernunno (x7) [Welcome, Welcome Kernunnos! Goat Above– Goat Below! Manifest Father Kernunno! Appear Cernunnos Father of Magick! Hail Kernunno! Hail Carno-On-Os! Numinous is the Other Side– Glory to the Current of the Adversary! And All Returns to Darkness! Appear,

Cernunnos Father of Magick/ (Chant to Cernunnos)/ Manifest Father Kernunno]


Above: Original Sigil of Cernunnos

The Call to the Fates Io Decima-Lachesis! Io Maurtia-Aisa! Io Neuna-Clotho! Supervenite Infernae Moirai! Adparete Parcae– Advenite Divae Fatae! Arcesso She-Ein Bo Mashavah– Megist Pyros De Phosophorsophia! Obtestor Xul De Tohu, Bohu, Et Chasek– Infernalia Fundam Anados! Adparete Parcae– Advenite Divae Fatae! Ascendite Aisa, Lakhesis, Et Clotho! Supervenite Infernae Moirai! Mortia, Decima, Neuna (x9) Atropos, Clotho, Lachesis (x9) [Hail Decima/Lachesis! Hail Maurtia/Aisa (She’s Also Called Mortia or Atropos)! Hail Neuna/Clotho (She’s Also Called Nona)! Appear, Infernal Fates! Arise, Fates– Come, Theomorphic Fates! I Call For the Black Light– the Great Fire of the Black Light and Flame! I Conjure the Black Light of the Three Veils– the Infernal Fundaments of Ascent! Appear, Fates– Come, Theomorphic Fates! Arise Asia, Lakhesis, and Clotho! Appear, Infernal Fates/ (The Roman Names of the Fates)/ (Greek Names of the Fates)]

Above: Original Sigil of the Fates

The Call to Nemesis Io Rivacitas! Subrige Vitiosa Nemesis! Salve Rivacitas, Salve Invidia; Evoco Matercula Nemesis! Agios Ischyros Rivacitas– Ambrosia Dea Vindictae! Subrige Vitiosa Nemesis! Subrige Vitiosa Nemesis! Invidia, Nemesis, Rhamnusia, Adrestia (x6) [Hail Rivacitas! Rise, Vicious Nemesis! Hail Rivacitas, Hail Invidia; I Call Mother Nemesis! Numinous and Mighty is Rivacitas– Immortal Goddess of Revenge! Rise, Vicious Nemesis! Rise, Vicious Nemesis/ (Four Names of Nemesis)]

Above: Original Sigil of Nemesis

Chakra-Awakening Ritual Bath – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals August 3, 2017November 12, 2017 215 Words {The witch is to draw a bath and recite this spell over the waters once it’s full. This spell will enchant the waters to engender the gentle but significant increasement of the open-ness of all of one’s chakras, including the spinal chakras, minor chakras, transpersonal chakras, etc.– all of them. Amy/Avnas, Qalilitu/Madogiel, and Baratchial are called upon for this purpose. It is the prerogative of the celebrant to select any ritual equipment she considers appropriate for this ritual. Names to be vibrated appear in bold. Magickal formulae to be chanted appear in italics. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets. 57 is the numerical value of Amy’s name and 87 is a number related and conducive to all acts of black magick} Baratchial + Avnas + Qalilitu +  Baratchial + Amy + Madogiel + Avnas Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Amy (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Amy] Agios Ischyros Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis (x11) [Numinous and Mighty is Qalilitu the Daughter of the Black Moon] Salve Sancta Aeternae Baratchial (x11) [Hail Unto the Sacred and Eternal Baratchial] Don-Graph, Avnas, Drun-Graph, Amy (x11) [Eighty-Seven, Avnas, Fifty-Seven, Amy]

Venire Mater Qalilitu (x11) [Come, Mother Qalilitu] Agios es, Baratchial Initiatrix (x11) [Numinous Art Thou, Baratchial the Initiator] Tu Fubin Amy Secore (x11) (Amy’s Traditional ‘Enn’ or Summoning Chant] (Enter the Bath)

Channeled Invocation of Any Angel – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 30, 2020August 1, 2020 170 Words My guardian angel Raziel revealed the following rite to me whereby any magickian may pursue possession by any angel they wish. This rite does not require any magickal equipment or sigils, but the celebrant is encouraged to integrate any such materials available to her into the rite. Raising a sacred space before performing this invocation is unnecessary, as a sacred space will manifest during the rite (don’t stress about the specifics of the sacred space, just let it take shape). Chant the phrases in italics in a slow, rhythmic monotone however many times the script specifies. Release the Celestial Currents of the Realm Beyond Manifest the Glow of the Angelic Numinous Illuminate My Consciousness and Fortify My Body Take Hold of My Heart And Saturate My Essence with Your Power Shield Me Against All Interference And Engender the Permutations of My Gnosis! Enzort! Larg! Norhen! Garhen! Sakrall! Iansar! Zorrahnen! Yiassahna! Yentaghon! Zornassen! Ionzar! Ziasor! Liekhana! Zorhen! Djagassahn! ____________ Norenja Zala Niassak (x4) Zennor-Yahg-Zilla-Yiag-Nar (x3) ______________ Lizzaghen Djod (x5)

Ave! Ave! Ave!

Channeled Invocation of Any Demon – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 30, 2020July 30, 2020 225 Words My matron demoness Qalilitu revealed the following rite to me whereby any magickian may pursue possession by any demon they wish. This rite does not require any magickal equipment or sigils, but the celebrant is encouraged to integrate any such materials available to her into the rite. Raising a sacred space before performing this invocation is unnecessary, as a sacred space will manifest during the rite (don’t stress about the specifics of the sacred space, just let it take shape). The four magickal words of power appearing in bold are to be vibrated one by one. Release the forces of the Black Plane of Chaos Saturate the Universe with the Darkness of the Qliphoth Rend the Veil and Let Infernal Majesty Be Witnessed By Those To Whom I Afford My Hospitality and Kind Friendship And Those I Seek to Annihilate and Bring to Ruin May the Mighty Demon(ess) __________ Arise Take Hold of My Vessel and Manifest Your Gnosis Through My Heart Shine the Black Light and Grant Me Apotheosis Place Your Mantle of Power Upon Me And Take Hold of My Body and Mind! Zendaggon + Ensallat + Zornassen + Iztara Spirit, Fiend, Divinity, Teacher! Let the Frailty of the Mortal Coil Wither in Your Darksome Radiance! Inhabit My Flesh! Elevate My Consciousness! Refine My Spirit! So Let It Be!

Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Enochian Invocation of Aosoth – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 3, 2017July 7, 2020 374 Words {While I am a staunch critic of the Order of the Nine Angles, their teachings are a legitimate repository for real Greek and Druidic magickal knowledge, regardless of how much of their teachings was stolen from Kenneth Grant. It was originally an archdemon of the Tunnels of Set who told me the O9A’s deities were worth working with, and I have found this to be true. Working with these deities is different from working with most other pantheons, so seek guidance before endeavor. It is up to the celebrant to decide what, if any, equipment and materials she will employ in the performance of this ritual. While the witch will most likely be able to discern this, not all of the voces magicae (linguistic sorcery) in this rite is Enochian. Other chants to Aosoth, some designed by me and others designed by Anton Long/David Myatt are employed within the ritual} Ol Um A Aosoth A Gah Teloch Sa Ananael [I Call to Aosoth, the Spirit of Death and Wisdom] Solpeth Bien Aosoth Nonci Hami O Graa A De Ors [Hearken to My Voice, Aosoth, Oh You Creature of Darkness] Zacare Od Niiso Aosoth C Micalzo Aosoth [Move and Come Ye, Aosoth, Oh Mighty Aosoth] Ol Oecremi Isli Od Ol Zodameta Aosoth [I Praise You and I Conjure You, Aosoth] Aosoth Ils Micalzo Gah Arphe Sa Zamran Pambt [Aosoth, Oh You Mighty Spirit, Descend and Appear Unto Me]

Ar Ol Trian Torzu Aziazor A Aosoth [So that I Shall Arise in the Likeness of Aosoth] Zacam Od Um Isli C Gohed Aosoth [I Move You and I Call You, Oh Everlasting Aosoth] Aosoth Ol Zodameta Nonci Drilpi Pasbs C A Dosig [Aosoth, I Conjure You, Oh You Great Daughter of the Night] Bagle Zirdo A Hoath C Aosoth O Zomdv Lonsa A Ananael [Because I am the Worshipper, Oh Aosoth, of Your Power and Wisdom] Zirdo Aosoth A Gohed Gah O Graa Od A Aoiveae [I am Aosoth, the Everlasting Spirit of Moon and the Stars] Ich Bin Ama Aosoth [I am Mother Aosoth] Ich Bin Ama Aosoth [I am Mother Aosoth] Ich Bin Ama Aosoth [I am Mother Aosoth] Ya Namosh Aosoth Exat [In the Name of Aosoth, Let it Be Thus] Tagged Anton Long aosoth Black Magic Black Magick Chaos Magic

Enochian Invocation of Noctulius – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 3, 2017October 3, 2018 275 Words {While I am a staunch critic of the Order of the Nine Angles, their teachings are a legitimate repository for real Greek and Druidic magickal knowledge, regardless of how much of their teachings was stolen from Kenneth Grant. It was originally an archdemon of the Tunnels of Set who told me the O9A’s deities were worth working with, and I have found this to be true. Working with these deities is different from working with most other pantheons, so seek guidance before endeavor. It is up to the celebrant to decide what, if any, equipment and materials she will employ in the performance of this ritual} Zacam Micalzo Noctulius [ I Move You, Mighty Noctulius] Noctulius Ol Um Od Ol Zodameta [Noctulius, I Call and I Conjure You] Solpeth Pambt Noctulius Nonci Tabaan De A Dosig [Hearken Unto Me, Noctulius, Oh You Governor of the Night] Niis Noctulius Nonci Gah De Teloch Sa Ors [Come Noctulius, Oh You Spirit of Death and Darkness] Tabaan O A Cicle De A Pleiades [Governor of the Mysteries of the Pleiades]

Gohed Noctulius Gah De Drilpi Ananael Od A Dosig [Everlasting Noctulius, Spirit of Great Wisdom and the Night] Arphe Noctulius Ar Ol Restil Micama Zomdv Alonusahi [Descend, Noctulius, So that I May Behold Your Power] Niis Noctulius Micalzo Tabaan Qamar [Come Noctulius, Mighty Governor of the Sphere of the Moon] Ils Chismicaolz Od Gohed Noctulius [You Are Mighty and Everlasting, Noctulius] Noctulius Carma De Zomdv Paradial Sa Zacare Caosg [Noctulius, Come Out of Your Dwelling and Move to the Earth] Zirdo Noctulius A Drilpi Gah O A Graa [I am Noctulius, the Great Spirit of the Moon] Tagged Anton Long Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft Chaos Magic Chaos Magick David Myatt deofel Enochian Magic Enochian Magick evil magick exeatic

Enochian Invocation of Vindex – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals June 20, 2017November 3, 2017 226 Words {While I am a staunch critic of the Order of the Nine Angles, their teachings are a legitimate repository for real Greek and Druidic magickal knowledge, regardless of how much of their teachings was stolen from Kenneth Grant. It was originally an archdemon of the Tunnels of Set who told me the O9A’s deities were worth working with, and I have found this to be true. Working with these deities is different from working with most other pantheons, so seek guidance before endeavor. It is up to the celebrant to decide what, if any, equipment and materials she will employ in the performance of this ritual. In addition to Enochian script, chants designed by Anton Long/David Myatt are also used in the ritual} Aperiatur Terra, Et Germinet Vindex (x11) [Open the Earth, and Bring Forth Vindex] Ol Drix Od Zodameta Caosg [I Bring Down and Conjure Thee Upon the Earth,] Micalzo Bransg Soboln [Mighty Guard in the West.] Zir Vindex Sa A Basgim Zirdo Velucorsapax, Ol Torzul [I am Vindex, and the Day I am Enthroned, I Shall Rise Up] We've received your report. Thanks for your feedback! Seen too often Not relevant

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Report this ad Od Tonug Das Madzilodarp A Pibliar Odfaorgt [And Deface and Conquer the Places of Comfort and the Dwelling Place] Prge Zien De Baltim Od Baltim [With the Fire of My Hands of Extreme Justice and Fury] Agios o Vindex (x9) [Numinous is Vindex] Advertisements Powered by We've received your report. Thanks for your feedback! Seen too often Not relevant Offensive Broken

Evocation of Samael – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 4, 2017March 23, 2018 176 Words {Samael is the aspect of the Devil which lies beyond the entire Qliphoth. It is the highest and most primordial aspect of the Adversary. My invocation of Samael and my evocation of Samael are going to be borderline identical. The evocation uses chants from the literature of the Temple of the Ascending Flame, Book of Belial by John Putigano, and The True Red Book of Appin} Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Samael! Samael, Shemal, Saklas, Chavayoth (x11) Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Samael (x11) EL NESHIAH SCAN TSEBEL ESPHOR NOCTARAK EDATUR NONZITRAEL VACAZAZOCH HE NEBESUSHTAR STEL NESBAIN SLUU AMEL ELERTU SFAGN ESPHAMAS ASBENIT VENAR SEBETH SATASHTEL INNON CAAMON VELROHET Rimkathorrakkalla Yonkathorra Linkatharra Lonkathorra Rimkathalla (x11) Ecce Calicem Veneno, Samael (x11) Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Samael EL NESHIAH SCAN TSEBEL ESPHOR NOCTARAK EDATUR NONZITRAEL VACAZAZOCH HE NEBESUSHTAR STEL NESBAIN SLUU AMEL


Above: Original Sigil of Samael (You’ll like the sigils I make. Their appearances will disappoint you, but their manifestations will not!)

Havayothic Prayer for the Empowerment of Any Ritual – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals March 30, 2017November 22, 2018 297 Words This prayer may be articulated, preferably twice sequentially, at any part during any working to call upon the Azerate/Chavajoth/Havayoth to empower it by their influence. Ave Deus Alienus, Vedar-Gal Tiekals Somdus Azerate, Qodesh-la Azerate, Agios o Havayoth. I call upon the Elevenfold Pantheon of Sitra Achara whose demonry suffuses the Cosmos with Black Light. Saturate the arena of my ritual with your influence and render my incantations empowered. Heh-Vau-Heh-Yod, Azerate Achad-Asar Nahema, Lilith, Adramaleck, Bael, Belfegore, Asmoday, Astaroth, Beelzebuth, Lucerifuge, Molock, Sathan. Chah-Vuh-Joth (x11) Athah Gibor Leohlam Azerate, Ave Havayoth. The prayer makes use of chants from Liber Azerate and Diabolic Gnosticism: Mythos and Philosophy. The first line in italics means “Hail the Foreign Divinity, (chant to call on the Azerate), Holy to the Azerate, Numinous is Havayoth.” “Azerate Achad-Asar” means “Eleven are the Azerate.” “Athah Gibor Leohlam Azerate, Ave Havayoth” translates to “Almighty and Immortal are the Azerate, Hail Havayoth.” If you wish to perform this prayer as a selfcontained ritual of self-empowerment, follow the two recitations of the prayer with the chants which follow:

Qol Azerate Yachiyl Midbar [The Voice of the Azerate Convulses the Wilderness] Infusco Ignis Havayoth (x9) [Black Flame of Havayoth] Azerate Xere Xul Aur Chashakh (x9) [Azerate, generate the Black Light] Agios o Azerate (x11) [Numinous are the Azerate] Aken Yesh Havayoth Bamaquwm Ha-Zeh [Surely Havayoth Exists Here] Athah Gibor Leohlam Azerate [Immortal and Almighty is Azerate] Ili-Ilu El Acher, Azerate Achad-Asar, Ave Havayoth. [My God is the Other God, Eleven are the Azerate, Hail unto Havayoth] And if this is intended to be one self contained rite, you are best off opening with the following: Melus de Quo Magma (x11) Liftoach Kliffot + El Acher + Azerate + Zodamran + Liftoach Pandemonium + Heh-Vau-Heh-Yod + Havayoth + Deus Alienus + Chavajoth  Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas (x9) Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Azerate Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Chavajoth demon worship Demonolatry

Invocation of Adrammelech – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals December 21, 2016December 24, 2016 159 Words Agios o Adar-Malik (x3) [Numinous is Adra-Malik] The Demonic Sphere of Acausal Venom which is home to deathly dragon-winged angels and sulphurous horrific spirits has a black adamantine throne within the cathedral at its epicenter. This is the throne of Adramelech, the Infernal Peacock Magus of the Forbidden Kliffotic Planes. Tonight I seek an audience with him. Baruch ha-Adramelech, Melech ha-Qlipha ha-Kokab (x7) [Blessed is Adramelech, King of the Mercurial Qlipha] The Pansophical Demon-God Adramelech is the Lord of Venom and Flames whose multifarious eyes impart power and awakening to the congregation of the Black Lodge. This, my ritual of union with him, is a step on the infernal evolutionary path that I have chosen as mine. Agios Adramelech Rex Venenum (x16) [Numinous Adramelech King of Poison] Sagacious and mighty demon, your name is Adra-Malik, and I call you into the vessel I AM. Aperiatur Acharayim, et germinet Adrammelech (x16) As I have spoken, so let it be done.

Invocation of Aggereth (Agrat bat Mahlat) – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 4, 2017 158 Words Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Numinous (is) the Current of the Adversary and its Alchemical Endeavors] Iggereth + Igarat Malka ha-Pandemonium + Akakheghag + Orgath Regina Succubi + Agrath +  Psychompoiaps + Suvuta + Liftoach Pandemonium Agrath, Orgath, Igirit, Agerath Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Agrath Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Aggerath [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Aggerath] Arphe Igrit Ar Ol Restil Micama Zomdv Alonusahi [Descend, Igrit, So that I May Behold Your Power] Sa Ar Ol Trian Torzu Aziazor A Iggereth [And So that I Shall Arise in the Likeness of Iggereth] Zacam Od Um Isli C Gohed Iggereth [I Move You and I Call You, Oh Everlasting Iggereth] Iggerath, Matrum Nashimiron, Veni [Iggerath, Mother of the Malign Ones, Come] Agrath, Orgath, Igirit, Agerath

Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Aggerath [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Aggerath] Aggereth Ol Um Od Ol Zodameta [Aggereth, I Call and I Conjure You] Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Agrath Ho Drakon Ho Megas! [The Great Dragon (Name for the Entire Universe)]  

Invocation of Alfpunias – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals June 21, 2018January 29, 2020 379 Words Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Salve Pernicosus Domine Alefpene’ash! Ave Imperiosus Gurigur Lar Acharayim! Ornate Zusigethon-Alfpunias Deus Ab Mavethol! Imperator Est Gurigur Etiam Golachab! Adlaudate Zusigethon– Agios o Gurigur! Provinite Sam, Akasha, Alogos, Et She-Ein Bo Mashavah! Arcesso She-Ein Bo Mashavah– Megist Pyros De Phosophorsophia! [Numinous is the Alchemical Journey and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! Hail to the Baleful Lord Alefpene’ash! Hail, Mighty Gurigur, Deity of the Backwards Tree! I Praise Zusigethon-Alfpunias, Deity of the Nightside! Gurigur is Lord over the Martian Qlipha! I Praise Zusigethon– Numinous is Gurigur! Provide the Poison, Fifth Element, Unwritten Gnosis, and the Black Light! I Call for the Black Light– the Great Fire of the Black Flame] Zusigethon + Alfpunias + Rimkalathoth + Kortoragoth + Mimkathagal + Rimkoratal + Yarakalatoth + Gurigur [(Formula Composed of Names for Alfpunias)] Rikkattorraggallittal Yakkattorriggon Ayatallaggallathor Yakkattorra-yakkattal (x8) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Alfpunias)] Sum Harba De Ashmedai Malka! Baruch Ha-Gurigur Geber HaReshut Ha-Rabbim! Qodesh La-Alefpene’ash Sar Goloheb! Qodesh La-Gurigur-Alfpunias-Alefpene’ash! [I am the Sword of King Asmodeus! Blessed is Gurigur, Warrior of the Kingdom of Manifoldness! Holy to Alefpene’ash, Prince of the Martial Qlipha! Holy to (Three Names for Alfpunias)]

Gurigur Alfpunias Rimkoratal Kortoragoth (x8) [(Chant Composed of Four Names for Alfpunias)] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Alefpene’ash! Perveni Coelestis Bellua Ex Qliphoth– Excieo Gurigur! Adoro Te Alfpunias, Pentrale Ex Mavethol! Salve Alefpene’ash Megist Agente Ex Sitra De-Smola! Salve Pernicosus Domine Alefpene’ash! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Kortoragoth! Agios Es, Alfpunias, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Sum Harba De Ashmedai Malka! [Open the Qliphoth; I Call Alefpene’ash! Come, Eternal Fiend of the Qliphoth– I Call Gurigur! I Adore You, Alfpunias, Spirit of the Nightside! Hail Alefpene’ash, Great Emissary of the Sinister Left Side! Hail to the Baleful Lord Alefpene’ash! I Praise the Everlasting Spirit Kortoragoth! Numinous Art Thou, Alfpunias, Deity and Shapeshifter! I am the Sword of King Asmodeus] Alfpunias Arzorgaea (x8) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Alfpunias)] Rimkalathoth, Mimkathagal, Alefpene’ash, Yarakalatoth! Rikkattorraggallittal Yakkattorriggon Ayatallaggallathor Yakkattorrayakkattal! Gurigur Alfpunias Rim-koratal Kortoragoth! Zusigethon, Alfpunias, Gurigur! Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [(Chant Composed of Four Names for Alfpunias)! (Channeled Chant to Invoke Alfpunias)! (Chant Composed of Four Names for Alfpunias)! (Chant Composed of Three Names for Alfpunias)! In the Name of the Sinsiter Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick, it is so]

Invocation of Amducious – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 27, 2017September 27, 2017 245 Words {This ritual uses Enochian script, well-known chants from Traditional Demonolatry, a chant from Book of Belial, and several magickal chants of my own invention to bring the celebrant to unity with Amducious. It consists of nine stanzas– a magickal number of relevance to demon magick. My rituals are written to engender good results even without ritual equipment, but the celebrant is free (and advised) to incorporate them if possible at her discretion in whatever way she deems appropriate. It doesn’t matter if you struggle to pronounce the words– just do your best and it will work. The ritual should be repeated twice consecutively– two is the number of Thaumiel, the infernal realm to which Amducious is attributed. English translations will appear in brackets} Melus De Quo Magma! Io Amdusias! [Reality Emanates from the Demonic! Hail Amdusias] Qodesh La-Amdusias Melech Ha-Acharayim [Holy to Amdusias King of the Backwards Tree] Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Amducious [(Demonic Enn for Invoking Amducious)] Aperiatur Qliphoth, Invoco Amdukias [Open the Qliphoth, I Call to Amdukias] Zacam Zacare Odzamran Amdusias [I Move You, Move and Appear, Amdusias]

Ol Um Sa Zodameta Micalzo Gah De Thaumiel [I Call and I Conjure Thee, Mighty Spirit of Thaumiel] Zirdo Amdusias A Tabaan De Donasdogamatatastos [I am Amdusias the Governor of Hell-Fire] Denyen Valocur Avage Secore Amducious [(Amducious’s Demonic Enn)] Aperiatur Qliphoth, Invoco Amducious! Et Revetetur Ad Tenebras! Io Amdusias! [Open the Qliphoth, I Call to Amducious! And All Returns to Darkness! Hail Amdusias]   Tagged 218 Current amducious Amdukias Amdusias Anti-Cosmic Satanism Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft ceremonial magic ceremonial magick Chaos Magic Chaos Magick Chaos-Gnostic Satanism

Invocation of Amprodias – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 28, 2017July 7, 2020 291 Words Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Numinous (is) the Current of the Adversary and its Alchemical Endeavors] Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater [Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond] In Nomine Domine Amprodias, Aperiatur Kliffoth [In the Name of Lord Amprodias, Open the Qliphoth] Perveni Coelestis Bellua Ex Qliphoth– Excieo Amprodias [Come, Eternal Fiend of the Qliphoth– I Call Amprodias] Amprodias Enla Sordar Niekhar [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Amprodias)] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Amprodias [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Amprodias] Zacam Sa Um Isli Micalzo Amprodias [I Move You and Call You, Mighty Amprodias] Amprodias Solpeth Bien Nonci Gohed Ga [Amprodias, Answer to My Voice, Oh You Everlasting Spirit] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Amprodias [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Amprodias] Qodesh La-Amprodias Geber Ha-Sitra Ahra [Holy to Amprodias, Warrior of the Other Side]

In Nomine Domine Amprodias, Aperiatur Kliffoth [In the Name of Lord Amprodias, Open the Qliphoth] Amprodias Enla Sordar Niekhar [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Amprodias)] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Amprodias [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Amprodias] Qodesh La-Amprodias Geber Ha-Sitra Ahra [Holy to Amprodias, Warrior of the Other Side] Arphe Amprodias Ar Ol Restil Micama Zomdv Alonusahi [Descend, Amprodias, So that I May Behold Your Power] Ol Oecremi Amprodias C Isli Micalzo Gah De A Qliphoth [I Praise You, Amprodias, Oh Mighty Spirit of the Qliphoth] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Amprodias [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Amprodias] Amprodias Enla Sordar Niekhar [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Amprodias)] Qodesh La-Amprodias Geber Ha-Sitra Ahra [Holy to Amprodias, Warrior of the Other Side] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Amprodias [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Amprodias] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

Invocation of Aphrodite – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 7, 2019 251 Words This ritual serves to invoke Venus/Aphrodite. It was designed to yield significant manifestation without requiring sigils or magickal equipment, but the channeled sigils provided in my article about this goddess and any magickal equipment which the witch has at her disposal may be incorporated as she deems appropriate. Names which are meant to be vibrated appear in bold font. Chants which are meant to be repeated in a rhythmic monotone appear in italics. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. This ritual uses two channeled secret names of Aphrodite: Zhizlal and Mozdaeur. Secret names are only for use in magick and veneration. I was commissioned to design this ritual. I Call Forth Lady Venus-Aphrodite Warrior Goddess and Initiatrix, Glistening Matron of Love and Lust, Dark Patroness of Invention, Harbinger of Longevity Who Arose from the Sea. I Vibrate the Names of Your Veneration and Join With You in Flesh! Pandemos + Morpho + Ourania + Kallipugos + Mozdaeur [(Five Names of Aphrodite)] Salve Domina Kupria! Arcesso Paphia-Limenia! Veni, Veni, Venus– Divinitas Et Creatrix! Invoco Aphrodite-Zephuritis! Agios Es, Zhizlal, Divum Et Vorsipelle! [Hail Lady Kupria! I Summon Paphia-Limenia! Come, Come, Venus–

Goddess and Mother! I Call Aphrodite-Zephuritis! You Are Numinous, (Secret Name of Aphrodite), Spirit and Shapeshifter] Argennis, Apotrophia, Aphakitis, Aphrodite (x5) [(Magickal Chant Composed of Four Names for Aphrodite)] Hoznaeduron Ozdaeror Koznathaera Ozsaean (x5) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Aphrodite)] Praedicate Aethereus Divus Venus (x5) [I Praise the Immortal Spirit Venus] As I Have Spoken, So Let it Be Done!

Invocation of Astaroth’s Male Aspect – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 4, 2017 171 Words {This ritual uses chants from The Book of Sitra Achra, The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic, and The True Red Book of Appin} AGIOS OCTINOMOS-DRAKOSOPHIA! [Numinous (is) the Current of the Adversary and its Alchemical Endeavors] SARAPHYEBAL + NAGID + SHADADEL + NINAT-BAKAR + ASTAROTH + LIFTOACH QLIPHOTH REAYHA BACANA LYAN REME QUIM ASTAROTH APERIATUR QLIPHOTH; INVOCO ASTAROTH [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Astaroth]  TASA ALORA FOREN ASTAROTH VENIAT AD ME, ASHTEROTH KARNAIM [Come Unto Me, Astaroth of the Two Horns] QODESH LA-ASHTORETH KARNAIM [Holy to Astaroth of the Two Horns] APERIATUR QLIPHOTH; INVOCO ASTAROTH [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Astaoth] REAYHA BACANA LYAN REME QUIM ASTAROTH  TASA ALORA FOREN ASTAROTH


Invocation of Beelzebuth – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 28, 2017July 7, 2020 479 Words While this rite uses three chants from Traditional Demonolatry and a name vibration formula from the 218 Current (Specifically The Book of Sitra Ahra), the overwhelming majority of the magickal chants were written by yours truly and consecrated by Beelzebuth. The intense focus on magickal chants makes my rituals very powerful, such that they are perfect for practitioners with sparse ritual equipment. While the celebrant may (and should) incorporate whichever tools she deems appropriate if she has them, it is not a requirement, and it is the celebrant’s prerogative to decide exactly how she will employ them. Phrases in italics are to be chanted and the names and words of power in bold are to be vibrated. Translations of the foreign phrases appear in brackets. Do not worry if you struggle to pronounce the words– it’s okay. Just do your best. While these chants do work better if they are correctly pronounced, they still work pretty damn well if they are not. It is far less important for you to pronounce them correctly than it is for you to perform the ritual free of doubt. The word anados translates to “ascent” and signifies progress of any kind– in this context, it refers to magickal/evolutionary progression. The word gnosis appears in the ritual as well, and in this context, it simply refers to knowledge of spiritual things imparted by a spiritual source. I Call Forth the Void-Bearing Spirit of Aviation and Chaos who presides over the Uranian Womb of Sitra Ahra. I speak now the formula which engenders your visitation so that I might attain anados and gnosis alike through a union with you in flesh. Charashiyth + Aba-Rahas + Charazuhob + Balakol + Beelzebub + Liftoach Qliphoth

Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Baalzebub (x9) [(Demonic Enn to Invoke Baalzebub)] Agios Baal Zebul Rex Ekron Et Ghagiel! Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Baelzebuth! Aperiatur Qliphoth, Invoco Beelzebul! Rex Nihilifer, Veniat Ad Me! Agios Ischyros Nihilifer-Baelzebuth! [Numinous (is) Baal Zebul, the King of Ekron and the Uranian Sphere of the Qliphoth! Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Baelzebuth! Open the Qliphoth, I Call to Beelzebul! King Who Bears Forth Emptiness, Come Into Me! Numinous and Mighty is Baelzebuth the Void-Bearer] Adey Vocar Avage Beelzebuth (x9) [(Beelzebuth’s Demonic Enn)] Aperiatur Qliphoth, Invoco Baal Zebul. Melus De Quo Magma! [Open the Qliphoth, I Call to Baal Zebul. Reality Emanates from the Demonic] Venire, Omnipotens Pater Beelzeboul Et Germinet Nihilis Et Germinet Anados [Come, Omnipotent Father Beelzeboul/ And Engender Nothingness/ And Engender Transcendence] Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Baalzebub! Adey Vocar Avage Beelzebuth! [(Demonic Enn to Invoke Baalzebub)! (Beelzebuth’s Demonic Enn)] Subhan Baal Muian, Subhan Ba’lzebul, Ya Baal adh’Dhubaab! [Glory to Baal Muian, Glory to Ba’lzebul, Hail Baal adh’Dhubaab] Aperiatur Qliphoth, Invoco Beelzebub! [Open the Qliphoth, I Call to Beelzebub]

Agios Ischyros Nihilifer-Baelzebuth! [Numinous and Mighty is Baelzebuth the Void-Bearer] As I Have Spoken, So Let it Be Done. Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Baal Zebul Baelzebuth Beelzebub Beelzebuth Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft ceremonial magic ceremonial magick Chaos Magic Chaos Magick Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Demon demon worship Demonolatry Demonology Devil Worship Diabolatry

Invocation of Bune’s Cobra Aspect – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals May 22, 2019 264 Words This is a simple invocation of Bune’s Cobra Aspect which is made to be very effective without any material accompaniment, which is not to say that whatever materials you do have cannot be integrated into the rite at your discretion. Phrases which are to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone appear in italics, translations appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. In the channeled chants, the letter combination “ae” is pronounced like the ay in gay, the letter combination “aea” is pronounced like the aya in the slang word playa, and the i’s are pronounced like the i in igloo. This ritual was paid for by a client. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Glora! Sempiternus Drakosophia Admirabilis! Io Basileus Sitra Ahra; Io Bime Drakon Abussos! Liftoach Pandemonium! [Numinous (is) the Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Numinous is Sitra Ahra– Glory to the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! Eternal Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, You Are Wonderful! Hail to the King of Sitra Ahra; Hail Bime, the Dragon of the Abyss] Baruch Ha-Bune Ha-Tzefa (x11) [Blessed is Bune the Ancient Serpent] Zimdaenon Haezindraea Maezdraegor Zaeathondra (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Bune’s Cobra Aspect)]

Haezindral Maezdrora Palzratora Paezindara (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Bune’s Cobra Aspect)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

Invocation of Claunech – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 4, 2017July 7, 2020 159 Words Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Numinous (is) the Current of the Adversary and its Alchemical Endeavors] Rimkalla + Attaggarra + Claunech + Assimgarra + On-TOUR-uhGAUL + Lahkimgallor + Allanthoth + Rimkattandra Io Chaunta Clauneck Elantiel [Hail (Three Names of Clauneck)] Ave Clauneck Rex Pandemonium [Hail Clauneck Father of the Infernal Plane] Veni Et Rege Claunech Pater Qliphoth [Come and Reign Claunech Father of the Qliphoth] Ar Ol Trian Torzu Aziazor A Elantiel [So that I Shall Arise in the Likeness of Elantiel] Zacam Od Um Isli C Gohed Chaunta [I Move You and I Call You, Oh Everlasting Chaunta] Io Chaunta Clauneck Elantiel (x11) [Hail (Three Names of Clauneck)] Lia-Nord-Ara-Kar (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Claunech)] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Claunech (x11) [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Claunech]

Ave Clauneck Rex Pandemonium [Hail Clauneck Father of the Infernal Plane] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

Invocation of Dagdagiel – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 10, 2017September 8, 2017 198 Words I conjure down Dagdagiel, Dominatrix of Royal Blood and Saturnian Aspect, She Who Personifies the Green Ray and Left Hand Of Mother Nature and Venus the Wicked, The Darksome Goddess of the Fourteenth Tunnel, The Doorway Between the Black Womb of Uranus And the Saturnian Sphere of the Nightside. Descend Now and Manifest Within My Vessel of Flesh So that I Might Orchestrate Evolution through Your Gnosis And Become through the Alchemies of the Nightside Exalted. Val-Ceph-Ged, Drun-Orth, Dagdagiel (x11) Dagdagiel Rules the Mortiferous Womb, The Place of the Gallows, The Portal and Tunnel of the Vulva Averse, Suspended Betwixt the Power-Spheres Of the Shaman’s Wand and Sword. I Conjure Forth Dagdagiel, Divine and Exalted, The Priestess and Oracle of Qliphothic Arcana, The Immortal Whose Womb of Deathfulness Establishes the Furtherance of Life. Through the Forbidden Path of the Renegade Heir, The Demonic Mysteries of Sacred Sex, The Empress is Coronated Once Again, To Rule from a Foreign Throne Above The Kingdom of Manifoldness.

Zuhalma, Dagdagiel, Bakshorilon (x11) I Have Become Unified with the Saturnic-Venusian Woman, Archdemoness Usurper, Demon-Goddess, Mother Nature Who Presides Above Recrudescence And Putrefaction Alike. As I Have Spoken, So Let it Be Done.

Invocation of Eurynomous – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 2, 2017July 7, 2020 244 Words .This ritual was written using Enochian script, my own magickal chants, and channeled magickal phrases, some of which channeled phrases have been written such that they may be most easily sounded out. I broke a few of the words of power in the channeled chants down to their syllables, capitalizing syllables which equate to English words. Translations of the Latin and Enochian appear in brackets. The witch may incorporate however much or however little equipment & materials she deems appropriate into her performance of this ritual. Onkonjurral Lonkarrathor On-POUR-uh-thall Onkonriggor Lonkarrathor [Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Eurynomous [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Eurynomous] Euronymous Lieza Nor Asar [Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous] Ol Zodameta Od Zacam Gohed Eurynomous [I Conjure Thee and I Move Thee Everlasting Eurynomous] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Eurynomos [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Eurynomos] Ol Um Isli Eurynomos Gohed Tabaan Teloch [I Call Thee, Eurynomos, Everlasting Governor of Death

Euronymous Lieza Nor Asar [Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous] Onkorratharra Larrin-TOUR-uh ON-CHORE-uh Lonkorra Onkarra [Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous] Euronymous Lieza Nor Asar [Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous] Onkorrathar Lankanrikkor ON-TOUR-ih-GAUL Lonkorrathor ONPOUR-uh-GAUL [Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous] Ol Trian Torzu Aziazor A Eurynomos [I Shall Rise as Eurynomos] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Euronymous [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Eurynomous] Euronymous Lieza Nor Asar [Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous] Zirdo Eurynomos A Gohed Tabaan Teloch Sa Vonpha [I am Eurynomos, the Everlasting Governor of Death and Wrath] Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Black Magic Black Magick Chaos Magic Chaos Magick Chaos-Gnostic Satanism

Invocation of Flauros – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals April 1, 2017 478 Words {The ritual which follows incorporates magickal chants and words of power from Liber Azerate, Dragon Rouge, Book of Belial, and OFS Demonolatry in the creation of sacred space for to facilitate the witch’s possession. The ritual to invoke Flauros in her “aspect of muliebrity” (i.e. her female form) was designed to facilitate and extended seance during which I would channel information about various spirits. Flauros is said to be all-knowing or “pansophical,” being knowledgable in particular regarding cosmology, demonology, angelology, and theology including polytheism, and it is said that she can perceive the past, present, and future alike. Flereous is also capable of imparting various spiritual powers; the witch may invoke her and then pursue attainment by speaking in tongues. Of course, the witch can use this ritual for whatever end she likes, just like any other invocation} My vibration of the names which follow initiates of my invocation of Flauros. Haures + Flavros + Havres + Flereous + Hauras + Flauros Dongraph-Zodamran-Malsveh, Liftoach Pandemonium (magickal words to erect a sacred space of infernal energy) Oh Flereous, You Immortal Enchantress, You Witch-Goddess from the Southern Corner,  I will to conjure you via the Black Arts of the Left Hand. I invocate your consciousness to engender a state of partial possession by your aspect of muliebrity, whereby your gnostic omniscience and faculty of divination might be conferred unto the witch.

Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas, Liftoach Kliffot, Zodamran (magickal words to erect a sacred space of infernal energy) As the Gates of Pandemonium part, I open the Gates of my Self. I instruct my aura and subtle form to welcome the transgression of an archdemonic descending and silence my internal relations to let a foreign voice be carried by the night winds of my cognition. Come unto me, Flerous. I have been readied for your presence. Liftoach Pandemonium, Melus de Quo Magma (magickal words to erect a sacred space of infernal energy) Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Flavros (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane to Bring Forth Flavros] Ol-Argedco Isli-Flereous-Tabaan O-A-Ialpurg-Babagen (x7) [I Invoke Thee Flereous Governor of the Burning Flames in the South] Ganic Tasa Fubin Flauros (x6) Black Magickal Psychopomp and Golden-Eyed Demoness Numinal Predator and Genetrix of Spiritual Attainment Venusian-Mercurial Operant of Benighted Assassinations Dark Elemental of Fire and Mighty Duke over Hell Archivist and Historian of Demonography and Cosmology Pyrogenic Shapeshifter and Murderer-Arsonist in the Spirit Plane Cunning Mother and Warrioress of Aquarius and Capricorn Archdemonic Prophetess who works to Generate Metanoia Descend unto this, my vessel of flesh. Manifest in Blackness and Feminity And impart the fruits of your pansophy to the queries of my seance. Flavros, Hauras, Flereous –  Venire Ducis Haures (x7) [(Three Names of Flauros) – Come Duke Haures]

Liftoach Kliffot, Et Revertetur ad Tenebras, Melus de Quo Magma (magickal words to erect a sacred space of infernal energy) Ganic Tasa Fubin Flauros (x7) So mote it be. Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Archdemon Black Lodge Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft Chaos-Gnostic Satanism demon worship Demonolatry Demonology Devil Worship Draconian Current draconian path Evolutionary Satanism Exeatic Satanism Flaures Flauros Flavros Flereous

Invocation of Klepoth – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals June 22, 2018July 7, 2020 372 Words Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Io Gashar-Abyllo-Kresh! [Numinous is Alchemical Endeavor and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! Hail, Hail the Abyss] Warrikorr + Marritorr + Mathaggor + Raggathor + Authakor + Laggathor + Lorrittiggal + Mattorrall + Karrital + Warrikorr + Marrittiggarra [(Channeled Secret Names for Klepoth)] Amplaudate Amplus Kepoth! Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Klepoth! Adoro Te Klepta, Pentrale Ex Mavethol! Perveni Coelestis Bellua Ex Qliphoth– Excieo Kleppoth! Salve Klepta Megist Agente Ex Sitra De-Smola! Agios Es, Kepoth, Divum Et Vorsipelle! [I Praise the Powerful/Great Kepoth! Open the Qliphoth; I Call Klepoth! I Adore You, Klepta, Spirit of the Nightside! I Call the Eternal Fiend of the Qliphoth– I Call Kleppoth! Hail Klepta, Great Emissary of the Sinister Left Side! Numinous Art Thou, Kepoth, Deity and Shapeshifter] Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Klepoth (x6) [(Demonic Enn to Invoke Klepoth)] Larriggal, Klepta, Kepoth (x11) [(Three Names for Klepoth)] Hanthiggal Warrinthaggor Klippoth Marrintharra (x6) [(Channeled Chant to Klepoth)] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Kepoth! Induperator Est Kleppoth Etiam Reshut Ha-Rabbim! Salve Kleppoth Megist Agente Ex Sitra De-

Smola! Amplaudate Amplus Kepoth! Adoro Te Kepoth, Pentrale Ex Mavethol! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Klepta! [Open the Qliphoth; I Call Kepoth! Lord is Kleppoth over the Kingdom of Manifoldness! Hail Kleppoth, Great Emissary of the Sinister Left Side! I Praise the Great Kepoth! I Are You, Kepoth, Spirit of the Nightside! I Praise the Eternal Spirit Klepta] Mattorrall, Torriggal, Laggathor, Kleppoth (x11) [(Four Names for Kleppoth)] Sagax Coelestis Kepoth Gloria! Provinite Sam, Akasha, Alogos, Et SheEin Bo Mashavah! Gnosis De Solis Atricolor Peto– Et Obtestor Alogos Ex Abyssus! Amplaudate Amplus Kepoth! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Klepoth! Obtestor Xul De Tohu, Bohu, Et Chasek– Infernalia Fundam Anados! [Glory to the Wise and Eternal Kepoth! Provide the Venom of the Adversary, the Fifth Element, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Black Light of the Qliphoth! I Reach for the Spiritual Knowledge/Revelation of the Black Sun– and I Call for the Unwritten Gnosis of the Abyss! I Praise the Great Kepoth! I Praise the Eternal Spirit Klepoth! I Call the Black Light of Tohu, Bohu, and Chasek– the Infernal Fundaments of Magickal/Alchemical Ascent] Hanthiggal Warrinthaggor Klippoth Marrintharra (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Klepoth)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Name of the Qliphoth, the Unwritten Gnosis, and Drakosophia, it is so]    

Invocation of Lucifer – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 1, 2017July 7, 2020 233 Words This invocation of Lucifer uses magickal chants from The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic, the Order of the Nine Angles, the literature of Daemon Barzai, as well as magickal chants of my own invention and the use of Enochian script. Names and words of power in bold are to be vibrated and foreign phrases are translated in brackets. It is the perogative of the celebrant to decide what, if any, materials and equipment she incorporates into her performance of this rite. Med-Orth + Lucifero + Lumiel + Helel ben Shachar + Lucibel + Asturel + Aggelos Phos + Liftoach Qliphoth + Liftoach Pandemonium Ol Zodameta Sa Zacam Lucifere Solpeth Bien [I Conjure You and I Move You, Lucifer, Hearken to My Voice] Lucibel, Lucifer, Lumial Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Lucifero Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer Ol Um Sa Zodameta Gohed Lumiel [I Call and Conjure Thee, Everlasting Lucifer] Aperiatur Terra, et Germinet Lucifer [Open the Earth, and Bring Forth Lucifer] Gi Chismicaolz Ioiad Sa Gohed [You Are Mighty Forever and Everlasting]

Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Lucifer [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Lucifer] Lucifer, Asturel, Liftoach Kliffot [Lucifer/Asturel, Open the Qliphoth] Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Lucifer Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Lumial [Open the Qliphoth/ I Call to Lucifer] Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer Lucibel, Lucifer, Lumial Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Lucibel Zirdo Lucifer A Micalzo Gah De Ror [I am Lucifer the Mighty Spirit of the Sun] Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism asturel Black Lodge Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft Chaos Magic Chaos Magick Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism

Invocation of Lucifer’s Aspect as the Golden Dragon (Lucifer-Zaezinthar) – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals April 26, 2019April 26, 2019 442 Words The power of this rite lies in voces magicae– the use of magickal chants and god names. This eliminates the need for magickal equipment, sigils, etc., but I encourage the celebrant to incorporate any relevant equipment and sigils she has at her disposal if she would like to do so. This ritual calls a very powerful aspect of Lucifer to possess the celebrant. I would highly encourage the witch to pursue gnosis of Lucifer’s aspect as the Golden Dragon. Names appearing in bold are to be vibrated, and phrases appearing in italics are to be chanted. Translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. This ritual uses channeled secret names of Lucifer’s GDA (Golden Dragon Aspect). Secret names are only for use magick in worship, so Lucifer’s GDA should never be called “Hazdraegal” (secret name for Lucifer’s GDA) in common conversation, or in an essay. I have channeled a revealed name for Lucifer’s GDA (revealed names can be used in essays and conversation): the revealed name is Zaezinthar (zay-zen-thahr). You may refer to Lucifer’s GDA as Lucifer-Zaezinthar if you like. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis]

I Call Forth Lucifer-Zaezinthar, Crowned Emperor of Thaumiel and Dark Lord of Demons, To Manifest as the Theriomorphic Golden-Scaled Beast of Legend, The Eternal Dragon Shimmering Gold, The Bewinged Serpent Who Rules the Core of the Earth. Come to Me and Unite With My Consciousness, Grant Me the Gnosis of Your Draconian Possession, And Transform the Essence of My Being with Your Power! Oh Hear the Names! Lumial + Lucifer + Nonzorsaean + Halzdraegon + Palzindrae + Kozkordron + Hazdraegal + Hazdral + Porgal + Hozdorsaeanthagal + Lumiel [(Lumial and Lumiel Are Known Names for Lucifer. Other than Lumial, Lumiel, and Lucifer, this Selection of Names Consists of Channeled Secret Names for Lucifer’s Aspect as the Golden Dragon, Which Names Are Only for Use in Magick and Worship)] Saesan Orzal Parzae Sandral Hozdaean Ozthor (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Lucifer as the Golden Dragon)] Amplate Lucibel Aedifex Phos (x11) [I Praise Lucibel, the Artificer of the Principle and Mechanism of Manifestation] Salve Lumial– Praecellens Divus Ex Mavethol (x11) [Hail Lumial– Pre-Eminent Spirit of the Qliphoth] Conlaudate Lumiel Dominus Thaumiel (x11) [I Praise Lumiel, Lord of Thaumiel] Lucibel, Lucifer, Lumial (x11) [(Three Names of Lucifer Arranged into a Chant)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the

Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

Above: Two Channeled Sigils of Lucifer-Zaezinthar for You to Choose From

Invocation of Lucifuge Rofocale – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals December 29, 2016December 29, 2016 235 Words Sigil: pg (Face North, the direction of Saturn) Venire – Rofocale Rex Noctifer (x2) [Come– Rofocale the Night-Bearing King] Lucerifuge, Lucifage, Lucifugus Rofocalus (x9) I call unto the hidden hand of the diametric alliance between the bearer of light and the bearer of its shadow so that I might become subject to and recipient of a Cronian enlightenment. The esoterica of the red desert and Hell is observed by the sagacious Saturnian Horned God who presides over its sempiternal biosphere. I call out to Rofocal, the Black Lord of the Red Desert. Change me. Agios ischyros Lucifuge (x2) [Numinous and mighty is Lucifuge] Baruch ha-Lucifuge Rofocale (x9) [Blessed is Lucifuge Rofocale] Venire – Rofocale Rex Noctifer (x2)

Oh Lucifugus Rofocalus, to whom the Black Sun and wild rose are sacred. The immortal nigrescent birds of prey which environ your province are the emissaries of a most worthy god. You who are the Patron of black magickians and fledgling Demonolaters, I call to make you my guide and to make myself your vessel so that I might become forever transmogrified through the sulphurous alchemy of Sitra Achara’s forbidden and Cronian Qlipha. Oh, hail unto Lucifuge. Aperiatur Acharayim, et germinet Lucerifuge (x11) [Open the Backwards Tree, and bring forth Lucerifuge] Eyen tasa valocur Lucifuge Rofocale (x11) [Lucifuge’s “enn” or summoning mantra] Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Demonolatry Diabolic Gnosticism Draconian Current draconian path Evolutionary Satanism Exeatic Satanism Gnostic Diabolism Gnostic Satanism Invocation Invocation Ritual

Invocation of Luluwa/Qalmana/Awan – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 22, 2016January 21, 2017 207 Words Io Qalmana-Lil-Uwa I raise my voice unto the Nigrescent, Venusian Throne wherefrom the Scythe-Bearing Princess over the Divinities of Adulteration presides over the envenomed, hallucinogenic rose garden of Malka ha-Magal ha-Kavod va-Mispach (x13) [Queen of the Sickle of Abundance and Bloodshed] I desire the Reddening-Demonry of the Progenitor of Sortilege so that she might lead the way in my attainment. I will unite my cognition with the wisdom of Qalmana and empower myself through her guidance. Vampyric Creatrix, descend here within me! Luluwa-Agrah-Va-Koh-Hen-Hah-Sehmol (x7) [Luluwa Daughter and Priestess of the Left Hand] Allow me to experience the power of she who has completed the Great Work! Let me partake of the love felt by the Precursor of Witchcraft! Grant me the brutality of the Gorgeous Matron of Homicide! Qalmana Meleketh ha-Gulgatha va-Nogah (x7) [Qalmana Queen of Gulgatha and Venus] Mother Awan! I call to you, Veiled Creatrix of the Burial Mound,

Shrouded Mother of Roses, Black and Beloved Tormentress! Hail Luluwa! You who resides amongst the Court of Infernality As a Demigoddess of Abundance! Cunning Artificer of the Lineage of Demonolatry and Human Sacrifice! I seek to Become and become one with you! Awan Luluwa Lalawa Qulmuna (x13) As I have spoken, so let it be done!

Invocation of Luna/Selene – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 27, 2016February 8, 2017 350 Words (This ritual should be performed at night facing the West. An “aeronaut” is anyone in a flying contraption and the word “resplendent” means “glowing brilliantly.” Translations of the Latin and Enochian phrases will appear in brackets below them.) I have elected to invoke the Immortal Aeronaut of the Moonrise so that I might be transformed through union with her. Selene, I call unto you with the names by which you are known to man! (Vibrate the names which follow) NOCTILUCA + AIGLE + SELENE + LUNA + PHOEBE + EILEITHYIA + CYNTHIA + PASIPHAE + MENE Ave Luna Noctiluca! [Latin: Hail Luna who shines at night] SOLPETH BIEN SA ZORGE, MICALZO PASIPHAE [Enochian: Hearken unto my voice and be friendly unto me, mighty Pasiphae (Luna)] (Chant the following chant to Selene thrice) Veni, Siderum Regina Bicornis (x3) [Latin: Come, Two-Horned Queen of the Stars] OL UM A EXENTASER GRAA MICALOZ [I call to the Mother of All Moonlight] TIOLB OL TRIAN NOAS VRBS MALPRG IADNAH OD CICLE [Within Her I shall become beautified through divine knowledge

mysteries] ARPHE ODZAMRAN PAMBT, BAGLE ZIRDO HOATH O IL ODLONSHIN A IADANAH [Descend and appear unto me, for I am a true worshipper of thy powers and divine knowledge] Resplendent Oracle who imparts illumination, Ivory Priestess of Divination and Witchcraft, Darksome Titaness of Empathy and Feminity, Permit me to experience union with you! Veni, Siderum Regina Bicornis (x3) [Come, Two-Horned Queen of the Stars] OL UM A NONCI SOBRA NETAB CHIS A ODLONSHIN C A GRAA [I call to you in whose government are the powers of the moon] TABAAN O ORS DAS A TURBS DE A AOIVEAE [Governor of Darkness and the Beauty of the Stars] DRILPI PASBS C A BUDSIR C A DOSIG [Great Daughter of the glory of the night] Luna Noctiluca, permit me to experience your grandeur and strength! Sum Aeternae Sancta Selene (x3) [Latin: I am the Eternal Sacred Selene] Sum Regina Pasiphae (x7) [I am Queen Pasiphae] Sum Cynthia Dea Tenebris (x13) [I am Cynthia the Goddess of Darkness] As I have spoken, so let it be done!


(Above: Sigil from the Order of Selene Despoina)

Invocation of Marduk – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals April 28, 2019 281 Words This ritual serves to invoke Marduk, meaning to call him into the body to experience union with him via possession, either twoheaded (i.e., partial) possession or total possession depending upon intent. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone, and the names in bold are meant to be vibrated (just say them if you don’t know how to vibrate names). Translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in italics. This rite uses two channeled secret names for Marduk: Dorzaedon and Drizdralnon. These are pronounced DOOR-zay-DON and drizdral-nawn where dral rhymes with the word pal. Secret names are only to be used in magick and worship. You will not need any equipment to have success with this rite, but I encourage you to incorporate whatever materials you want as you see fit. This ritual is public domain, as is the following channeled sigil of Marduk,

I call forth the patron deity of Sumer who is known by fifty exalted names. Marduk, witch-god and ruler of tempests, descend unto the Etherian plane and unify with me through my art of invocation! Lightning-hurling archer, wielder of the winds, everlasting charioteer! I call unto you! Oh hear the names!

Merodach + Bel Rabim + Dorzaedon + Muballit Mite + Drizdralnon + Marduk Sagax Coelestis Dorzaedon Gloria (x6) [Glory to the Wise and Numinous Marduk] Ab-Kal Ilani Bel Tereti (x6) [Leader of the Gods (Title of Marduk)] Praedicate Aethereus Divus Merodach (x6) [I Praise the Immortal Spirit Merodach] Gaezondol Arzordae Naezondor Palzudon (x6) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Marduk: With Syllables Matching Known English Words in Sound, this is Pronounced GAY-zawn-DOLL ARE-zohr (rhymes with poor)-DAY NEIGH-zawn-DOOR PAL-zuhDAWN)] As I have spoken, so let it be done!

Invocation of Medusa – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 10, 2019July 11, 2019 248 Words I was commissioned to design the following invocation of Medusa. This ritual was designed to be powerful enough to generate a significant and powerful manifestation (state of possession) without requiring sigils or magickal equipment. Nonetheless, my sigil of Medusa (or any other relevant sigils) can be incorporated alongside whatever magickal equipment the sorceress has at her disposal as she sees fit. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone. Translations appear in brackets. Explanations appear in parentheses. In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Ambrosia Medusa Gloria; Ornate Pulchra Goni! [In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Glory to the Immortal Medusa; I Praise the Beautiful Gorgon] I Call Forth the Bewinged Protectress with Snakes for Hair, Necrosophic Initiatrix and Vampyress Supreme; Medusa, Medusa, Everlasting Queen of Vampyres, Descend and Manifest; Make Your Presence Known Within Me! Alson Norgae Gozthar Azzon (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Medusa)] Agios Es, Medusa, Divum Et Vorsipelle (x7) [You Are Numinous, Medusa, Spirit and Shapeshifter] Concalo Medusa Matrona Horror (x7) [I Call Medusa, Matron of Horror]

Ambrosia Medusa Gloria; Ornate Pulchra Goni! Concalo Medusa Matrona Horror! Corire Omnituens Numen Medusa! Veni, Veni, Medusa– Divinitas Et Creatrix! Agios Es, Medusa, Divum Et Vorsipelle! [Glory to the Immortal Medusa; I Praise the Beautiful Gorgon! I Call Medusa, Matron of Horror! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Medusa! Come, Come, Medusa– Goddess and Mother! You Are Numinous, Medusa, Spirit and Shapeshifter] As I Have Spoken, So Let It Be Done!

Invocation of Mephistophiles or Mesphito – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 27, 2017September 29, 2017 439 Words {This ritual uses Enochian script alongside a series of magickal chants to invoke Mesphito/Mephistophiles and refers to the spirit by his various names. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets while explanations of magickal words or chants appear in parenthesis where no translation exists. The names of Mephistophiles/Mesphito which appear in bold are to be vibrated one by one. If the witch does not know how to vibrate names, she may simply recite them. While no material equipment or sigil is necessary for success in this rite, the witch who has such things available to her should incorporate them at her own discretion. The ‘demonic enn’ or magickal calling-chant which is used to invoke any demon (the witch fills the blank with the name of the spirit) originates from The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic by J. Thorp. The chant ‘Liftoach Kliffot’ is from Liber Azerate and the word of power ‘Zodamran’ is from the Dragon Rouge curriculum. The Latin phrase telling Mephistophile to ‘Come, Come’ is from The Book of Mephisto by Asenath Mason. If you struggle with the pronunciation of any part of this ritual, simply do your best to sound it out and know that your recitation is sufficient whether or not you get it right} Ol Um A Hemostophile A Gohed Oheloka. Solpeth A Omaoas: [I Call to Hemostophile the Everlasting Duke. Hearken Unto the Names:]

Mesphito + Mephisto + Mephist + Hemostophile + Megastophiles + Memostophiles + Mephistophilis + Mephistophiel + Mephistophielis Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! [Open the Infernal Plane! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond] Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas! Liftoach Kliffot! Yehi Aur Chashakh! [(Chant to Raise Qliphothic Energy)! Open the Qliphoth! Let There Be Infernal Light] Mesphito Ramec Viasa On Ca (Mesphito’s Demonic Enn) Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Mephistophiles (Demonic Enn to Invoke Any Demon) Ol Zodameta A Micalzo Od Gohed Gah Methosophiles [I Conjure Thee, the Mighty and Everlasting Spirit Methosophiles] Baruch Ha-Mephist Mephir Ha-Gadhol [Blessed is Mephist the Great Destroyer] Veni, Veni Mephistophile [Come, Come, Mephistophile] Niiso Arphe Sa Zacare Mephistophiel [Come Forth, Descend, and Move Mephistophiel] Ol Oecremi Mephist-Hemostophile-Mesphito [I Prase (Three Names of Mesphito)] Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Megastophiles (Demonic Enn to Invoke Any Demon)

Io Mephisto, Zodamran, Zodamran [Hail Mephisto, (Word of Power to Presence Qliphothic Energy)] Niis Od Caosgon Memostophiles Odzamran Pambt [Come and Be to the Earth, Memostophiles, and Appear Unto Me] Veni, Veni Mephistophile [Come, Come, Mephistophile] Mesphito Ramec Viasa On Ca (Mesphito’s Demonic Enn) Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Mephistophielis (Demonic Enn to Invoke Any Demon) Salve Mephitophiles, Salve Mephistophiles, Salve Mephistophiles. [Hail Mephistophiles, Hail Mephistophiles, Hail Mephistophiles] Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft Celtic Witchcraft ceremonial magic ceremonial magick Chaos Magic Chaos Magick Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism

Invocation of Michael – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 28, 2019July 15, 2019 307 Words I was commissioned to write this ritual by a client. I call forth the celestial spirit of punishment known as the immortal prince Michael. Spread your wings and manifest within my temple of flesh so that I might experience unity with the Numinous. Make your presence known within my very consciousness so that I might become transformed! Oh hear the names! Michael + Sadrintala + Rasoron + Michahel + Asimgaloth + Sagata [(Six Names of Michael, Four of Which Are Secret Names to Be Used Only In Magick and Worship)] Saeanala Aeoraga Aeatora Aeathal (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Michael: SAY-UH-nal-UH AYE-OH-RAWguh AYE-UH-TOUR-UH AYE-UH-THAL)] Invoco Michael– Gladium Portat! Agios Es, Sophos Michael, Princeps Angeli! Concelebrate Domine Michahel! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Sadrintala! Perveni Michahel Imperator Tiphereth! Sagax Coelestis Michahel Gloria! Corire Omnituens Numen Michael! [I Call Michael– Bearer of the Sword! Numinous Art Thou, Wise Michael, Prince of Angels! I Praise Lord Michahel! I Praise the Immortal Spirit (Secret Name for Michael)! Come, Michahel, Lord of the Solar Sephira! Glory to the Wise and Numinous Michahel! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Michael] Michahel, San Migel, Archistrategos, Sadrintala (x7) [(Four Names for Michael Arranged into a Chant)]

Veni, Veni, Sancte Michael Archangele Voco te Mikail– Invoco Archistrategos Princeps Gloriosissime Caelestis Militia Venire Regulus Michahel, Germinet Gnosis Veni, O Veni, Aperiatur Caeli Salve Michahel, Princeps De Seraphim Agios Ischyros Dynastes Michael! [Come, Come, Holy Archangel Michael/ I Call to Mikail– I Call to the Archangel/ Glorious Prince of the Celestial Militia/ Come, King Michahel, and Engender Spiritual Revelation/ Come, Oh Come, Open Up the Sky/ Hail Michahel, Prince of Seraphim/ Numinous and Mighty is Lord Michael] Saeanala Aeoraga Aeatora Aeathal (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Michael: SAY-UH-nawl-UH AYE-OHRAW-guh AYE-UH-TOUR-UH AYE-UH-THAL)] Michahel, San Migel, Archistrategos, Sadrintala (x7) [(Four Names for Michael Arranged into a Chant)] So Mote it Be! As I Have Spoken, So Let it Be Done!

Invocation of Mother Astaroth – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 27, 2019 306 Words I was commissioned to design the following invocation of Astaroth. Like most of my rituals, this invocation was designed to produce a significant manifestation/state of possession without requiring any physical tools or sigils. However, the celebrant is encouraged to incorporate any relevant materials in her possession at her discretion. Phrases which appear in italics are meant to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone. Words of power which appear in bold are meant to be vibrated (if you don’t know how to vibrate a WoP, just recite each WoP in bold three times). Translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Asteraoth-Ikhathol! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! Hail (Two Names of Astaroth)] Salve Astaroth Nunc Numen Meticulosa Diva, Vocavi Te Interveni, Spiritus Daemoniorum Salve Ambrosia Divinitas Vatis Magni Inferni Detractos Atri Regina Porta Et Era Gamchicoth Invoco Domina Astaroth-Aeoztoron Isti Ad Me, Sempiterna Astaroth [Hail Astaroth, Goddess of Sirius/ Fearsome Goddess, I Summon You/ Come, Demonic Spirit/ Great Infernal Seeress/ Queen of the Dark Gate and Lady of Gamchicoth/ I Call Lady Astaroth-Aeoztoron/ Isti Ad Me, Sempiterna Astaroth]

In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Sempiternus Drakosophia Admirabilis! Salve Astaroth Genetrix! Veniat Ad Me, Ashteroth Karnaim! [In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! You Are Wonderful, Eternal Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! Hail Mother Astaroth! Come Into Me, Ashteroth of the Two Horns] Ninzaeda Balzaedon Korzaeda Palzorae Kaezon (x8) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Astaroth)] Molsondar + Porjudal + Saraeza + Dilor + Idom + Alaron + Monanon + Orzuthon [(Channeled Words of Power to Invoke Mother Astaroth: MALLsawn-dar + POOR-juh-DOLL + sah-RAY-zuh + DILL-OR + ee-dawm + ALL-UH-rawn + mawn-UH-nawn + OR-zuh-thawn)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

Invocation of Nahema (Na’amah) – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 1, 2017 175 Words {This ritual uses magickal chants from Tree of Shadows, the manuscripts of the Temple of the Black Light, The Book of Sitra Achra, The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic, and chants of my own invention. Names and words of power in bold are to be vibrated and translations of foreign phrases appear in italics. It was written to be eleven stanzas long, not including the names of power} Naamah + Nahema + Ha-Nahemoth + Na-Ama-Hema + Liftoach Qliphoth Naamah Nahemoth Nahema, Liftoach Shaari ha-Sitra Ahra [(Names of Nahema), Open the Gate to the Other Side] Na-Ama-Hema Venire! Baruch ha-Na-Ama-Hema! [Come, Na-Ama-Hema! Blessed is Na-Ama-Hema] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Naamah [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Naamah] Nibes Va Ester Nemett Scammon Tzetalaron Sehenech Nutar Zabeltu Tsatshart Ezarabah Vatrish Xala Xala Ea Storr Nebis Agios o Na-Ama-Hema! Salve Nahema Creatrix! [Numinous is Na-Ama-Hema! Hail Mother Nahema] Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Nahema Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Naamah

Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Nahema [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Nahema] Baruch ha-Na-Ama-Hema! Agios o Na-Ama-Hema! [Blessed is Na-Ama-Hema! Numinous is Na-Ama-Hema]   Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft Chaos Magic Chaos Magick Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Demon demon worship Demonolatry Demonology Devil Worship Diabolatry Diabolic Gnosticism Draconian Current draconian path draconian tradition

Invocation of Nyx or Nox – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 12, 2019 320 Words I was commissioned to design the following invocation of Nyx. This ritual was designed to be powerful enough to generate a significant and powerful manifestation without requiring sigils or magickal equipment. Nonetheless, any sigils and pieces of magickal equipment the sorceress has at her disposal may be incorporated into the ritual as she sees fit. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone. Translations appear in brackets. Explanations appear in parentheses. Names and words of power appearing in bold are meant to be vibrated (if you don’t know how to vibrate names and WoP’s, just speak each name or WoP three times each). This ritual employs two channeled secret names for Nyx (Aznonzae and Sorthatae). Secret names are only for use in magick and worship. Io Nyx! Ia Nox! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Praevalida Nox Exorna Regnum! [Hail Nyx! Hail Nox! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Mighty Nyx, Provide Transcendence] Nyx! Primeval Maiden of the Night! Murky and Blackgirdled Nyx, Tenebrous and Acausal Divinity, Bewinged Charioteer Who Gave Birth to Darksome Beings, Dark-Robed Goddess Who Rides Accompanied By Stars, I Call You Forth to Bestow Upon Me the Blessing of Union with You!

Nyx + Aznonzae + Sorthatae + Astraea + Nox [(Five Names for Nyx)] Nyx Phylia, Admirabilis, Divina Astraea, Patefi Caelis! Invoco Nyx Philia– Divina Matrona De Augurium! Exorire Matercula Nyx! Interveni Nox, Diva Perpetua, Ambrosia Genetrix Nex! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Nox! [Kindly Nyx, Wonderful Art Thou, Eternal Astraea, Open the Sky! I Call the Kindly Nyx– Theomorphic Mother of Enchantment! Come Forth, Mother Nyx! Come, Nox, Eternal Goddess, Immortal Mother of Death! I Praise the Immortal Spirit Nox] Sorgatae Ozdaron Nonzrasor Konzathae (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Nyx)] Silpoth + Horzae + Olloss + Ondral + Konzorgon + Honzorae + Nonzol [(Channeled Words of Power to Invoke Nyx)] Io Nyx! Ia Nox! Praevalida Nox Exorna Regnum! [Hail Nyx! Hail Nox! Mighty Nyx, Provide Transcendence]

Invocation of Paimon – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals June 22, 2018January 29, 2020 352 Words This ritual uses magickal chants from The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Conolly and The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic by J. Thorp, two books I recommend very highly, alongside Enochian. Words, names, and phrases which appear in bold are to be vibrated, phrases in italics are to be chanted, translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Ave Paimon Rex Pandemonium! [Numinous is the Alchemical Pursuit and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! Hail Unto Paimon, King of Pandemonium] Val-Don-Graph + Radralkimiyah + Paimonia + Tiyd Hakabod + Radrashemmal + Abiyr Qliphoth + Val-Don-Un + Paymon + Melek ha-Gadhol + Linan Tasa Jedan Paimon + Melus De Quo Magma [(Vibratory Formula Consists Full of Useful Word Things for Invoking Paymon)] Salve Paymon Rex Occidentalium! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Paymon! Sagax Coelestis Paymon Gloria! Agios Es, Paymon, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Induperator Est Paymon Etiam Reshut HaRabbim! Perveni Coelestis Bellua Ex Qliphoth– Excieo Paymon! Salve Paymon Megist Agente Ex Sitra De-Smola! Adoro Te Paymon, Pentrale Ex Mavethol! Ave Paimon Rex Pandemonium! [Hail Paymon, King of the West! I Praise the Eternal Spirit Paymon! Glory to the Wise and Eternal Paymon! Numinous Art Thou, Paymon, Deity and Shapeshifter! Lord is Paymon of the Infernal Plane! Come, Eternal Fiend of the Infernal Plane– I Call Paymon! Hail

Paymon, Great Emissary of the Infernal Plane! I Adore You, Paymon, Spirit of the Infernal Plane! Hail Paymon, King of the Infernal Plane] Baruch Ha-Paimon Ha-Parashiym (x11) [Blessed is Paimon the Horseman] Linan Tasa Jedan Paimon (x11) [(Paimon’s “Enn” or Summoning Chant)] Reayaha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Paymon (x11) [(Demonic Enn to Invoke Paymon)] Zacam Paymon + Ol Zodameta Paymon + Ol Um Isli Gohed Paymon [I Move You, Paymon + I Conjure You, Paymon + I Call You, Everlasting Paymon] Linan Tasa Jedan Paimon (x11) [(Paimon’s “Enn” or Summoning Chant)] Melus De Quo Magma! Baruch Ha-Paimon Ha-Parashiym! Reayaha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Paymon! Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [Reality Emantes from the Demonic! Blessed is Paimon the Horseman! (Enn to Invoke Paymon)! In the Name of the Infernal Plane, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick, it is so]

Invocation of Prometheus – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals August 31, 2017November 29, 2017 238 Words {This ritual serves to invoke Prometheus, the Titan of Foresight and Clever Council. It uses a fill-in-the-blank demonic enn provided for the invocation of any spirit in The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic by J. Thorp. Also, I channeled a magickal chant for the summoning of Prometheus, invocation or otherwise. I spelled these words such that the reader could guess easily at their pronunciation, once partially separating a magickal word into syllable identical to the English word “tour.” Before you start, you should know that Hellen is a name for Greece and “Physis” is a Greek term signifying the internal, spiritual, and ever-changing nature of some thing} Io Prometheus! [Hail Prometheus] The Wyrdful-Aeonic-Macroscopic Transcendence of Mankind the Clayborn was orchestrated, initiated, and expedited by the Darksome Fugitive of the Mountain Olympus, the Blasphemous Titanic Insurrectionist Deity known by the name Prometheus to the mythographers of Hellen. The Numinous Veil-Gate to all that is sacred within and without the physis of us is magickally, transgressively, and gnostically accessed through the Dancing Portal of Flame, the alchemical element of causality which vibrates the closest to that which is truly eternal. Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Prometheus (x11) Harken forward from your Enthronement of Fugivity to appear in the body that you blessed with gnosis. Hail unto the almighty

Prometheus of legend, and hail to the latent numinosity inside. Limgathandrah-TOUR-ah Angrethall Prometheus (x11) I am one with Prometheus, the Craftsman Titan. Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Devil Worship Diabolic Gnosticism Evolutionary Satanism Exeatic Satanism Gnostic Diabolism Gnostic Satanism Greek Paganism Greek Witchcraft Invocation Kaos-Gnostic Satanism Kaos-Gnosticism Luciferian Luciferianism Luciferism Magic Magick Pagan

Invocation of Put Satanachia – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 4, 2017November 12, 2017 197 Words Invoco Sancta Put Satanachia! [I Call the Holy Put Satanachia] Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Put Satanachia! Furca Na Alle Laris Satanchia! [(Demonic Enn to Invoke Any Spirit)! (Satanachia’s Demonic Enn)] Satanackia Ol Umd A Nonci Sobra Netab Chis A Odlonshin De A Graa De Ors [Satanackia I Call to You in Whose Government are the Powers of the Moon of Darkness] Carma A Faorgt Sa Niiso Pambt [Come Out from Your Dwelling and Come Down Unto Me] Ar Ol Restil Micmah G Turbs Od Alonusahi [So that I Mighty Behold Your Beauty and Power] Bagle Zirdo Hoath O Il Odlonshin A Iadnah [For I am a True Worshiper of Your Powers and Divine Knowledge] Darilpa Bigliad De Caosga Ils Chismacaloz Od Geh Gohed [Great Comforter of the Earth, You Are Mighty and You Are Everlasting] Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Put Satanachia! Furca Na Alle Laris Satanchia! [(Demonic Enn to Invoke Any Spirit)! (Satanachia’s Demonic Enn)]

Invoco Sancta Put Satanachia! [I Call the Holy Put Satanachia] Ol Oecremi Isli Ol Um Isli Sa Ol Zodameta Satanachia [I Praise You, I Call You, and I Conjure You, Satanachia] Io Satanchia-Put Satanachia-Satanackia! [Hail Satanchia/Put Satanachia/Satanackia]   Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Demon Demonolatry Demonology Devil Worship Diabolatry Diabolic Gnosticism Draconian Current draconian path Evolutionary Satanism Exeatic Satanism Gnostic Diabolism Gnostic Satanism Kaos-Gnostic Satanism

Invocation of Qalilitu – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 28, 2017 413 Words {This ritual serves to invoke Qalilitu, who is herein referred to by the magickal name I made for her (Madogiel), by way of barbarous tongues. It largely consists of Latin chants I wrote and consecrated myself, by also contains large portions of Enochian script and even a couple chants and words of power from other sources (The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic and the Dragon Rouge Curriculum). This rite was made to be strong enough that the witch may achieve satisfactory results even without having much in the way of ritual equipment, but the celebrants who do have magickal tools at their disposal will surely benefit from incorporating them (it is up to the witch to determine how exactly she wants to do this). Phrases in italics should be rhythmically chanted and translations of foreign phrases will appear in the brackets. It doesn’t matter if you struggle with pronouncing some of these phrases– the only thing that matters is that you try. It’s far more important for you to avoid doubting your performance than it is for you to learn how to pronounce Latin shit. This ritual will be powerless in daylight hours. I mean, house lights are totally cool, but make sure the sun’s down} Qalilitu, Venire. Madogiel, Venire. Aperiatur Acharayim Et Germinet Qalilitu! [Qalilitu/Madogiel, come. Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forward Qalilitu] Zodamran! Zodamran! Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas! [(Magick Words to Presence Qliphothic Energy)] Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Qalilitu (x11) [(Demonic Enn to Invoke Qalilitu)]

Solpeth Bien Nonci Micalzo Tabaan O Gamalielim Od Succubi! Ol Um De Isli De Arphe Das Niiso! Ol Zodameta Ds Gohed Gmicalzoma Cicale De Qamar O Sitra Ahra! Zacam Isli, Qalilitu, Sa Ol Oecremi Isli Ca Ol Zodameta! Zamran Sa Arphe Raasi Oi Zizop! [Hearken Unto My Voice, Oh You Mighty Governor of Obscene Ones and Succubi! I Call unto Thee to Descend and Come Forth. I Conjure You Who Are Everlasting with a Power Understanding the Mysteries of the Qliphothic Sphere of the Moon! I Move You, Qalilitu, and I Praise You as I Conjure! Appear and Descend into this Vessel] Aperiatur Qliphoth, Invoco Qalilitu. Venire Mater Qalilitu! [Open the Qliphoth, I Call to Qalilitu. Come, Mother Qalilitu] Agios Ischyros Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis! [Numinous and Mighty is Qalilitu, Daughter of the Black Moon] Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Madogiel (x11) [(Demonic Enn to Invoke Madogiel)] Agios Ischyros Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis! [Numinous and Mighty is Qalilitu, Daughter of the Black Moon] Tagged 218 Current Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft ceremonial magic ceremonial magick Chaos Magic Chaos Magick Chaos-Gnostic Satanism

Invocation of Rahab – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals April 21, 2018 414 Words This invocation is composed entirely of voces magicae– that is, magickal language. Specifically, Enochian script and consecrated magickal chants. The chants which appear in italics are meant to be recited a specified number of times in a rhythmic monotone (this would be chanting). Translations of non-English phrases will appear in brackets, and explanations will appear in parentheses. Ol Zodameta A Oxiayal Vovin Rahab  Ar Ol Restil Noasmi Saga A Tia. Niiso Rahab Seriel Drilpa Tabaan O A Sitra De-Smola. Zacam Sa Um Isli Ramuel Gohed Vovina O A Reshut Ha-Rabbim. Ol Um De Isli De Niiso Ar Ol Restil Micama Zomdv Alonusahi. [I Conjure the Mighty Dragon Rahab so that I May Become One With Him. Come Forth, Rahab Seriel, Great Governor of the Sinister Left Side.  I Move You and Call You, Ramuel, Everlasting Dragon of the Kingdom of Manifoldness (i.e., Qliphoth). I Call You to Come Forth so that I May Behold Your Power] Advoco Ambrosius Vipera, Regulus Magnus, Immortales Rahab! Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Ramuel! Praedicate Dynastes Rahab– Ambroscus Iaculus Ex Chao! Sagax Coelestis Rahab Gloria! Perveni Coelestis Bellua Ex Qliphoth– Excieo Ramuel! Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Rahab! Invoco Ramuel In Nomine Qliphoth! Agios o Aethereus Phylarchus Rahab! Advoco Ambrosius Vipera, Regulus Magnus, Immortales Rahab! Salve Ramuel Megist Agente Ex Sitra DeSmola! Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Rahab Seriel! [I Call to the Deified Serpent, Mighty Prince, Immortal Rahab! Open the Qliphoth; I Call Ramuel! Praise unto Prince Rahab– Immortal Serpent of Chaos! Glory to the Wise and Eternal Rahab! Come,

Eternal Fiend of the Qliphoth– I Call Ramuel! Open the Qliphoth; I Call Rahab! I Call Ramuel in the Name of the Qliphoth! Numinous is the Immortal Prince Rahab! I Call to the Deified Serpent, Mighty Prince, Immortal Rahab! Hail Ramuel, Mighty Emissary of the Sinister Left Side! Open the Qliphoth; I Call Rahab Seriel] Ramuel Ala-Mashavah Rahab (x9) [(Chant Composed of Three Names for Rahab)] Diabalachara, Rahab Seriel, Grimarigor, Voviana (x7) [(Chant Composed of Four Names for Rahab)] Praedicate Dynastes Rahab– Ambroscus Iaculus Ex Chao! Qodesh LaRahab Seriel Egregoroi Va-Theli Ha-Sitra De-Smola! Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Ramuel! Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Rahab! Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Pandendam! [Praise unto Prince Rahab– Immortal Serpent of Chaos! Holy to Rahab Seriel, Watcher and Serpent of the Sinister Left Side! Open the Qliphoth; I Call Ramuel! Open the Qliphoth; I Call Rahab! In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Energetic Undercurrent of All Sinistral Demon Magick, It Is So]

Invocation of Raphael – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 22, 2019February 22, 2019 227 Words While the celebrant may incorporate any magickal equipment she has into her performance of this rite, it was designed to be effective without relying on such things. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted and the names in bold are to be vibrated one by one. Translations of my magickal chants appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. The celebrant may perform this rite however many times she desires, but it is best if she learns how many times she should perform it from the spirit. Ia Io Raphael-Israfil! Ave Domnus Raphael! [Hail, Hail, Raphael-Israfil! Hail Lord Raphael] Oh, Eternal and Sagacious Israfil, Great Spirit Who Carries the Trumpet and Flask, Angelic Patron of the Healing Art, Make Your Way Unto My Arena of Sorcery To Join With Me Within Flesh! Alakatondra + Zilimkadra + Asimga + Einakathor + Aenith + Israfil + Raphael [(Seven Names of Raphael)] Ave Domnus Raphael! Corire Omnituens Numen Israfil! Rex Raphael, Adoro Te! Sempiternus Raphael Gloria! [Hail Lord Raphael! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Israfil! King Raphael, I Adore You! Glory to the Eternal Raphael]

Concelebrate Israfil (x10) [I Praise Israfil] Rex Raphael, Adoro Te (x10) [King Raphael, I Adore You] Invoco Praevalidus Israfil (x10) [I Call the Mighty Israfil] Concelebrate Israfil! Ave Domnus Raphael! Ia Io Raphael-Israfil! [I Praise Israfil! Hail Lord Raphael! Hail, Hail Raphael Israfil] As I Have Spoken, So Let It Be Done!

Invocation of Raziel – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 25, 2019 203 Words Phrases in italics are to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone. Names in bold are to be vibrated. Translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. This ritual was designed to be powerful as fuck without material accompaniments, but any equipment which the witch has and wants to incorporate into her performance of the rite should be incorporated insofar as she deems appropriate. Ave Omnituens Rezial! Io, Io, Rezial-Galizur! [Hail the All-Seeing Rezial! Hail, Hail, Rezial-Galizur] Raziel + Kalaga + Galizur + Arandracal + Nalalagondra + Ratziel + Arisandragandra + Reziel + Arimgathagondralon + Rezial [(Ten Names for Raziel)] Salve Ratziel Imperator Angeli Dominator Chokmah Et Sempiternus Spiritus Ave Phylarchus Galizur-Rezial Agios Ischyros Sagax Ratziel Sophos Regulus Et Archangelus [Hail Ratziel, Lord of Angels/ Lord of Chokmah and Eternal Spirit/ Hail Prince Galizur-Rezial/ Numinous and Mighty is the Wise Ratziel/ Wise Prince and Archangel] Agios Sophos Raziel! Corire Omnituens Numen Rezial! Sagax Coelestis Galizur Gloria! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Ratziel! [Numinous (is the) Wise Raziel! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit, Rezial! Glory to the Wise and Eternal Galizur! I Praise the Immortal Spirit Ratziel]

Raziel, Rezial, Galizur (x12) [(Three Names for Raziel)] Chalakatalaga Alakala Nalakaturgala (x12) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Raziel)] Io, Io, Rezial-Galizur! Ave Omnituens Rezial! [Hail, Hail, Rezial-Galizur! Hail the All-Seeing Rezial]

Invocation of Samael – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 4, 2017March 24, 2018 191 Words Samael is the aspect of the Devil which lies beyond the entire Qliphoth. It is the highest and most primordial aspect of the Adversary. My invocation of Samael and my evocation of Samael are going to be borderline identical. The invocation uses chants from the literature of the Temple of the Ascending Flame, The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic by J. Thorp, Book of Belial by John Putigano, and The True Red Book of Appin.

Above: A Sigil Designed by John Putigano Which can Call on Either Satan or Samael

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Samael! Samrarron Rimkathorra Lankattarra Rimkathorra Linkathorra Lankathorra Samael Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Samael (x11) Samrarron Rimkathorra Lankattarra Rimkathorra Linkathorra Lankathorra Samael EL NESHIAH SCAN TSEBEL ESPHOR NOCTARAK EDATUR NONZITRAEL VACAZAZOCH HE NEBESUSHTAR STEL NESBAIN SLUU AMEL ELERTU SFAGN ESPHAMAS ASBENIT VENAR SEBETH SATASHTEL INNON CAAMON VELROHET Samael, Shemal, Saklas, Chavayoth (x11) Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Samael (x11) Samrarron Rimkathorra Lankattarra Rimkathorra Linkathorra Lankathorra Samael Ecce Calicem Veneno, Samael (x11) EL NESHIAH SCAN TSEBEL ESPHOR NOCTARAK EDATUR NONZITRAEL VACAZAZOCH HE NEBESUSHTAR STEL NESBAIN SLUU AMEL ELERTU SFAGN ESPHAMAS ASBENIT VENAR SEBETH SATASHTEL INNON CAAMON VELROHET Ho Drakon Ho Megas!

Invocation of Satan – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals, the Septenary Way April 17, 2018January 29, 2020 350 Words Physis is a term within Greek philosophy which signifies the everchanging spiritual essence and character of the celebrant. Olam HaQliphoth [Qliphothic World] is a Qabbalistic moniker for the physical plane. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets, and magickal chants appear in italics. Agios Octinimos-Drakosophia! Io Satanas Khaosophoros To Mega Antikidos! [Numinous (is) the Demon Magick and Alchemical Attainment of the Current of the Adversary! Hail Satanas, Bearer of Chaos, the Great Accuser!] Regent of the Black Sun and the Qlipha of Stars Suspended Aloft, I Conjure You Forth into this Temple of Flesh, To Descend Within Me Amongst Chaos and Fire And Imbue My Physis With the Essence of Your Being. Hearken Unto the Magickal Words and Make Your Power Known Within Me. Io Satanas Khaosophoros To Mega Antikidos! Ascende Seminator Diabolus! Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Satan! Io Ho Kantegor! Cio Exitosus Sophos Satan-Zabulus! Salve Sathanas Megist Agente Ex Sitra De-Smola! Baruch Ha-Sathanas! Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Satanas! Voco Te Domine Satanael-Zabolus! Omnituens Diabolus-Sataniel Gloria! Salve Megist Satanas– Aedifex Sol Tagimiron! [Hail Satanas, the Bearer of Chaos, the Great Accuser! Arise, Father Diabolus! Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Satan! Hail the Accuser! I

Praise You, Destructive and Wise Satan-Zabulus! Hail Sathanas, Great Emissary of the Sinister Left Side! Blessed is Sathanas! Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Satanas! I Call to Lord SatanaelZabolus! Glory to the All-Seeing Diabolus-Sataniel! Hail Unto the Great Satanas– Artificer of the Sun of Tagimiron] Powered by We've received your report. Thanks for your feedback! Seen too often Not relevant Offensive Broken

Report this ad Hail unto Satanas, The Great Muse of Olam Ha-Qliphoth, Master of the Temple; the Lord over All. Patron of Alchemy and Self-Hood, The Hammer and Dragon of Justice, Saturnian, Black-Solar Spirit, Fiend over Thaumiel.

Hail, Artificer of the Black Flame, Father and First-Born of Darkness. Satan Darzarrenna (x7) Sathanas, Sathan, Sathanel (x9) Diabolos, Deofol, Satanael, Satanas (x9) Io Satanas Khaosophoros To Mega Antikidos! Ya Namosh Sitra DeSmola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! Io Ho Kantegor! [Hail Satan, the Bearer of Chaos, the Great Adversary! In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Undercurrent of Sinistral Demon Magick, Let it Be So! Hail the Great Accuser]  

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Invocation of Ustrina – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 21, 2019 395 Words I was commissioned to create the following rite of invocation for the demoness known as Ustrina. Like the majority of my rituals, this invocation was designed to bring about a powerful manifestation/state of partial possession without the use of magickal equipment or sigils. However, the celebrant is encouraged to incorporate any relevant equipment and sigils into her performance of the rite as she sees fit and desires or is guided to. This rite incorporates two channeled secret names of Ustrina: Gazila and Hazinda. The i’s in these names are pronounced like the i in igloo. Secret names are only for use in magick and worship. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Ave Omnituens Ustrina Deitas Magicae! Liftoach Pandemonium! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Hail All-Seeing Ustrina, the Goddess of Magick! Open the Infernal Plane] Venire– Ambrosia Mater Ustrina (x5) [Come– Eternal Mother Ustrina] Molsathae Oznagar Yozsathae Orsutton (x5) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Ustrina)]

Ascende, Divinitas– Veni, Sempiterna Ustrina Voco Te, Sadrinda Gentrix, Deam Tenebris Concelebrate Era Ustrina, Regina Daemoniorum Concalo Ustrina Mater, Divinitatem Opulenta Agios Es, Divina Gazila, Anima Satorial Adoro Te, Hazinda Magna, Deitas Saturnia [Rise, Goddess– Come, Eternal Ustrina/ I Call You, Mother Sadrinda, Dark Goddess/ I Praise Lady Ustrina, Queen of Demons/ You Are Numinous, Divine Gazila, Spirit of the Saturnian Qlipha/ I Adore You, Great Hazinda, Saturnian Goddess] Sempiternus Drakosophia Admirabilis! Venire– Ambrosia Mater Ustrina! Obveni Ustrina Genetrix Sitra Ahra! Ornate Hazinda Divinitas Ex Acharayim! Ave Omnituens Ustrina Deitas Magicae! Salve Gazila Megist Agente Ex Sitra De Smola! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! [You Are Wonderful, Eternal Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! Come– Eternal Mother Ustrina! Come, Ustrina, Mother of Sitra Ahra! I Praise Hazinda, Goddess of the Backwards Tree! Hail All-Seeing Ustrina, the Goddess of Magick! Hail Gazila, Great Emissary of the Sinister Left Side! Numinous is the Infernal Plane– Glory to the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

Invocation of Valefor – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 27, 2017September 29, 2017 300 Words {This ritual uses name vibration, Enochian script, chants from Traditional Demonolatry, words of power from the Draconian Current and Luciferian Sorcery, and magickal chants of my own invention to bring the celebrant to union with Valefor/Malaphar. Names in bold are to be vibrated and phrases in italics are to be chanted. Translations appear in brackets. Don’t worry if you struggle with the pronunciation– just do your best. It’ll work. My rites are written for people who need to achieve strong results with magickal equipment, but it is perfectly fine (and advantageous) for the celebrant to incorporate whatever tools that she has– if she sees fit, at least. The two words of power which start with “Gisa” are the numerical values of Valefor’s name pronounced in Enochian} Ol Zodameta A Gah Valefar! Solpeth A Omaoas: [I Conjure the Spirit Valefar! Hearken Unto the Names] Valefor + Gisa-Na-Hath-Graph + Malaphar + Valefor + Gisa-NaHath-Un Baruch ha-Valephar Geber ha-Qliphoth (x9) [Blessed is Valefor the Warrior of the Qliphoth] Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Malaphar! Vallafroth Valkothoth Vallatho Valefar! Keyman Vefa Tasa Valefor! Zodamran! Yatukisahla! Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Valefor! [(Magickal Chants to Invoke Valefor)] Aperiatur Qliphoth, Invoco Malaphar (x11) [Open the Qliphoth, I Call to Malaphar]

Zirdo Valefor A Micalzo Gah O Zuhrah! Ol Biah Ca Malephar A Micaelazodo Oheloka Od Gohed Hami Vonpho! Zir A Lixipsp O Sitra Achara! Zir Viruden Ca Ol Inoas Micalzo Sa Zirdo Ofekuha Saanir A Iadnamad De Valefor! [I am Valefor, the Mighty Spirit of Venus! I stand as Malephar the Powerful Duke and Everlasting Creature of Wrath! I am the Warden of the Other Side! I am Beautified as I Become Strong and I am Elevated by the Divine Knowledge of Valefor] Baruch ha-Valephar Geber ha-Qliphoth! Io Malephar! [Blessed is Valephar, Warrior of the Qliphoth! Hail Unto Malephar]

Invocation of Ziz – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals June 22, 2018January 29, 2020 389 Words Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Dominator Ziz Khaosophoros! [Numinous is Octinomos-Drakosophia! Hail Lord Ziz, Bearer of Chaos] Ziz + Renanin + Bariuchne + Ziz Saday + Sekwi Advoco Ziz-Aeonifer Erus Sitra De-Smola! Adoro Te Domine Ziz! Sagax Coelestis Renanin Gloria! Devoco Ziz, Seminator Alogos, Et Aedifex Aeva Et Azoth! Adoro Te Domine Ziz! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Bariuchne! Induperator Est Sekwi Etiam Reshut Ha-Rabbim! Sagax Coelestis Ziz Saday Gloria! Agios Es, Ziz, Divum Et Vorsipelle! [I Call Ziz, Harbinger of Aeonic Progression, Lord of the Infernal Plane! I Adore You, Lord Ziz! Glory to the Wise and Eternal Renanin! I Call Ziz, Father of the Unwritten Gnosis, and Father of Birds and the Astral Light! I Adore You, Lord Ziz! I Praise the Eternal Spirit Bariuchne! Lord is Sekwi over the Infernal Plane! Glory to the Wise and Eternal Ziz Saday! Numinous Art Thou, Ziz, Deity and Shapeshifter] Obveni Ziz, Exorna Xul, Aperi Sitra Achara (x9) [Come, Ziz, Provide the Black Light of the Qliphoth, Open the Other Side] Advoco Ziz-Aeonifer Erus Sitra De-Smola (x9) [I Call to Ziz, the Bearer of Aeons, Lord of the Sinister Left Side] Io Io Gashar-Abyllo-Kresh! Ia Mavethol-Adhassyth! Io Dominator Ziz Khaosophoros!

[Hail, Hail the Abyss! Hail the Nightside and the Abyss! Hail Lord Ziz, Bearer of Chaos] Sekwi, Ziz Saday, Bariuchne, Renanin (x14) Advoco Ziz-Aeonifer Erus Sitra De-Smola! Adoro Te Domine Ziz! Ornate Renanin Divinitas Ex Acharayim! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Sekwi! Sagax Coelestis Renanin Gloria! Agios Es, Ziz, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Devoco Ziz, Seminator Alogos, Et Aedifex Aeva Et Azoth! Obveni Ziz, Exorna Xul, Aperi Sitra Achara! [I Call Ziz, Harbinger of Aeonic Progression, Lord of the Infernal Plane! I Adore You, Lord Ziz! I Praise Renanin, Divinity of the Infernal Plane! I Praise the Eternal Spirit Sekwi! Glory to the Wise and Eternal Renanin! Numinous Art Thou, Ziz, Deity and Shapeshifter! I Call Ziz, Provide Demonic Light, Open the Infernal Plane] Sekwi, Ziz Saday, Bariuchne, Renanin (x14) Ia Ia Sekwi-Renanin! Ho Ophis Ho Archaios! Io Io Gashar-AbylloKresh! Io Dominator Ziz Khaosophoros! Ia Ia Sekwi-Renanin! Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [Hail, Hail Sekwi-Renanin! (Moniker for the Force of Magick Within and Beyond Us)! Hail, Hail the Abyss! Hail Lord Ziz, Bearer of Chaos! Hail, Hail Sekwi-Renanin! In the Name of the Infernal Plane, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick, it is so]

Prayer for the Guidance of Taninsam – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 4, 2017November 12, 2017 140 Words {This is a prayer used to call upon the draconic aspect of Lilith as the female Leviathan to impart guidance to the witch via dream vision. Recite it 13 times while focusing on the matters regarding which guidance is sought before going to bed and drink a glass of water thereafter once you finish. Translations and/or explanations appear in brackets} Ave Lilith, Chaosifer et Venemus Draconem [Hail Lilith, Bearer of Chaos and Poisonous Dragon] Veniat Ad Me, Regina Chaosifer [Come Unto Me, Chaos-Bearing Queen] Jedan Tasa Hoet Naca Taninsam [(Demonic Enn for Taninsam)] Taninsam Lilith Liftoach Shaari Gamaliel [Lilith-Taninsam, Open the Gate to Gamaliel] Ama Leviathan, Tzefa ha-Gadhol, Taninsam, Lilith-Nachash [(Magickal Names and Titles for Lilith)] Taninsama Thelilith Nachasheloah, Liftoach Shaari ha-Sitra Ahra [(Names of Taninsam), Open the Gate to Sitra Ahra] Agios Ischyros Taninsam [Numinous and Mighty is Taninsam]

Prayer Rite to Hecate – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 29, 2017July 7, 2020 202 Words

Above: Original Sigil of Hecate This prayer consists of magickal chants created by V.K. Jehannum, the Temple of the Black Light, Wiccan Tradition, Traditional Witchcraft, Demonolatry (specific text: Honoring Death), and the 218 Current (specific text: Liber Azerate). Translations of foreign phrases

appear in brackets. The prayer is to be recited thrice and the witch is to make one to three requests for Hecate to fulfill prior to recitation. Ave Agia! In Nomine Chaos, Vocamus Te Hekate! [Hail Agia (Hecate)! In the Name of Chaos, We Call to Hekate] Aperiatur Stella, et germinet Agia! [Open the Sky, and Bring Forth Agia (Hekate)] Io Hekate Io Ho! Eko, Eko Hekate! (Magickal Chants to Call on Hecate) Salve Pandeina Antania Hekate! [Hail Unto Hekate, the Queen of the Underworld Feared by All] Veni Hekate! Veni Hekate! Veni Hekate! [Come Hekate! Come Hekate! Come Hekate] Salve Luna Infortuna Nocticula Hekate! [Hail to Hekate the Baleful Moon Which Shines at Night] Io Hekate Io Ho! Anana Hekate Ayer! (Magickal Chants to Call on Hecate) Ave Abnukta Hekate! Ave Nocticula Hekate! Ave Trivia Hekate! [Hail Hekate Who Wanders at Night! Hail Hekate Who Shines at Night! Hail Unto the Three-Formed Hekate] Ave Agia! [Hail Agia (Hecate)’] Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Black Witchcraft

Rite to Astaroth for Healing – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 29, 2016December 11, 2016 175 Words (Face the North. Neter is the Egyptian term for deity, Gashkelah is a name for the qlipha Astaroth rules, Sah is a name for Orion) Aperiatur Acharayim, et germinet Astaroth (x5) [Open Acharayim (Hell), and bring forth Astaroth] Astaroth has adorned herself with the Double Crown as the Empress of the North and the South. She is the Goddess of Venus and Sah who has taken station in Hell. Isis has become the Goetic Demoness whose attributes are warcraft and passion. I call now unto Astaroth to bring about convalescence. Qodesh la-Ashtoreth Karnaim (x6) [Holy to Ashtoreth of the Two Horns] Mother and Queen Ashteroth Karnaim, Known as Ishtar and Isis, Goddess over Gashkelah and the Nile Matron of Bloodshed and Sirius Beautiful Neter of the Afterlife Mighty Venusian Giver of Life And Beloved Goddess of Earth. I call upon you, Descend to this plane. Tasa Aloren Foren Astaroth (x3) (Specify the affliction and who is to be healed of it)

So mote it be!

Rite to Mesphito – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals January 19, 2017 214 Words (This ritual serves to presence Qliphothic energy around oneself, build a rapport with Mesphito, and increase one’s psychic, sorcerous, and divinatory powers. Face the North. Names in bold are to be vibrated and chants in italics are to be chanted. English translations of these chants and words of power appear within brackets) Io Mephisto, Zodamran, Zodamran! [Hail Mephisto (Word of Power to Open Hell)] Liftoach Qliphoth B’Shem ha-Mephistophilus (x11) [Open the Qliphoth in the name of Mephistophilus] I call upon the Bearer of a Venomous Intoxication, The Darksome God-King of Esotericism And Recrudescence! Baruch ha-Mephist Mephir ha-Gadhol! [Blessed is Mephist the Great Destroyer] Veni, veni Mephistophile! [Come, come Mephistophile] Answer, Great Mesphito, Unto Prohibited Names! Mephistophiel + Mephistophilus + Mesphito + Mephistopholes + Mephist Great and Mighty Arch-Fiend, saturate my being with your nigrescent power so that I might become evolved. Focus my subtle senses so that I might perceive esoteric realities and commune with the innermost aspect of myself. Magnify my powers so that I might

accomplish the Work I have set before me. Empower me for the artifice of divination and sorcery. Io Mephisto, Zodamran, Zodamran, Veni, veni Mephistophile, Ramec viasa on ca Mesphito! As I have spoken, so let it be done. Salve Mephistophiles, Salve Mephistophiles, Salve Mephistophiles. [Hail Mephistophiles, Hail Mephistophiles, Hail Mephistophiles]

Rite to Tiamat, Absu, & Kingu – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 22, 2018July 7, 2020 600 Words This rite calls upon Tiamat, Kingu, and Absu to manifest one or more specified intentions after presencing Qliphothic energy and the energies of the Draconian Current to make a solid sacred space. In order for this rite to make sense to you, you will have to read the section of the post linked to below that describes Tiamat, Kingu & Absu and my chants to them: This rite can be performed with or without materials, music, etc. While material accompaniments and other ritual-strengthening objects & techniques will be of use to the celebrant, she need not have them for this rite, and if she intends to incorporate them, she is to do so at her own discretion. Phrases in italics are to be chanted. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets & explanations or instructions appear in parentheses. This rite, like almost all of my rites, is made to be applicable to all or almost all of the schools of thought in the modern Black Lodge of the West. Io Dawamphiahom! [Hail the Vampyric Triumvirate] Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater (x4) [Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond] Ornakar! Iattorren! Iassara! Allakhoren! [(WoP’s Presence Qliphothic Energy)] Yorsar Lear Ordar Nasa (x9) [(Chant to Presence the Draconian Current)]

I Call Forward the Triumvirate of Deities from the Realm Beyond Creation whose Artifice is the Art and Practice of Vampyrism. I Conjure You and Your Influence and I Presence Your Agency for the Purpose of the Black Magickal Art! My Name is (Say Your Magickal Name if You Have One or Use Your Full Name if You Don’t) and I am the Adherent to the Alchemical Praxis of the Nightside. I Call You Forward to Engender the Manifesting of My Intention and I Seek to Stand as Witness to the Magnitude of Your Power! (Specify the Goal or Goals of the Rite) Advenite Coelestes Hydri– Kingu, Thalassa, Et Rishtu! [Come, Eternal Serpents– Kingu, Thalassa (Tiamat), and Rishtu (Absu)] Liftoach Sitra De-Smola B’Shem Ha-Dawamphiahom (x11) [Open the Sinsiter Left Side in the Name of the Vamparents] Agios O Lasibharzunas! Avete Zigarun, Tiamtu, Et Kingu– Intervenite Divi Khaos! Advenite Coelestes Hydri– Kingu, Thalassa, Et Rishtu! Lasibharzunas Liftoach Gashar-Abyllo-Kresh! Avete Zigarun, Tiamtu, Et Kingu– Intervenite Divi Khaos! [Numinous are the Wamphyric Trinity! Hail Zigarun (Absu), Tiamtu (Tiamat), and Kingu– Come, Abyssal Spirits! Come, Eternal Serpents– Kingu, Thalassa (Tiamat), and Rishtu (Absu)! Wamphyric Triumvirate, Open the Abyss! Hail Zigarun (Absu), Tiamtu (Tiamat), and Kingu– Come, Abyssal Spirits] Kingu Omorka Tisalet Apason Rishtu Kingu Attathengalla (x4) Dawamphiahom Zillingassa Artorzozam Dassazzakhisat (x4) Artorzozam! Na-Hath-Pe! Gashar-Abyllo-Kresh! Mavethol! DonGraph! Chasheinphos! Shaloazoth! Saphorozos! Xuliphazoth! Sammitrakashah! [(WoP’s to Strengthen the Ritual)]

Orbiazozoth Tiamat Kingu Absu Saphorozos Mavethol Zillingassa (x7) Provinite Sam, Akasha, Alogos, Et She-Ein Bo Mashavah!Arcesso SheEin Bo Mashavah– Megist Pyros De Phosophorsophia! Gnosis De Solis Atricolor Peto– Et Obtestor Alogos Ex Abyssus! Agios O Lasibharzunas! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! Io Dawamphiahom! Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [Provide the Venom of the Adversary, the Fifth Element, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Black Light of the Qliphoth! I Send for the Black Light of the Qliphoth– the Great Fire of the Black Flame! I Reach for the Spiritual Knowledge/Revelation of the Black Sun– and I Call for the Unwritten Gnosis of the Abyss! Numinous is the Vampyric Triumvirate! Numinous is the Infernal Plane– Glory to the Energetic Undercurrent of All Demon Magick! Hail the Vampyric Triumvirate! In the Name of the Infernal Plane, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Undercurrent of Sinistral Demon Magick, Let it Be So!] Tagged 182 current 218 218 Current Absu Anti-Cosmic Satanism Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism current 182 Demon demon worship

Ritual to Apollo’s Lycanthropic Manifestation – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals March 30, 2017 150 Words Io Apollon-Lycegenes [Hail unto Apollon the Wolf-Begotten] Aperiatur Stella, et germinet Lyceus (x3) [Open the sky, and bring forth Lyceus] I call forth the Bestial Manifestation of Apollo which is known unto humanity as Lyceus and Lycoctonos. Impart your auspices in harmony with my ritual such that I might see fruition for the intentions which follow: (specify request) Oh hear the names: Lycegenes + Apaliunas + Lykeios + Apollo Cunomaglus + Lyceus + Lycoctonos + Ave Apollo Cunomaglus + Io Apollon-Lycegenes Agios ischyros Lycoctonos (x7) [Numinous and Mighty is Lycoctonos] Hail unto the Effulgent Hound-God over Olympus whose influence disperses bale and convalesence throughout causal society. The Olympian Hound-Packs of Apollo Cunomaglus scour the astral planes for those who strive to enmity with Apollo. I call upon the Lycanthrope Apollo-Lycoctonos! Venire – Pater Lyceus (x7) [Come – Father Lyceus] As I have spoken, so let it be done. Ave Apollo Cunomaglus! [Hail to Apollo whose Face is a Hound]

Ritual to A’athiel, Amducious, & Mephistophiles – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals December 28, 2017December 28, 2017 435 Words Agios Octinomos Drakosophia! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Zodamran! Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas! Yehi Aur Chashakh! [Numinous is the Current and Great Work of the Adversary! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! (WoP to Presence Qliphothic Energy)! (Chant to Presence Qliphothic Energy)! Let There Be Black Light] I conjure forth three of the most powerful initiators in the Other Side as the blackness of Sitra Ahra percolates the atmosphere of my chamber. I pursue in demon magick the elevation of my consciousness and the saturation of my personhood with the Higher and Alternate Selves! I have arisen to ritual so that I might walk the earth with a soul more effulgent than starlight and a strength of Will that’s harder than pearl! (Specify Any Magickal or Psychic Abilities, Senses, Powers, Etc. You Need or Want Work On or Just Tell the Demons to Empower You However They See Fit) Spirits! Arise! Oh Hear the Names! Gothiel + Amducious + Mephistophiles + Mesphito + Aeonifer + Semolshedim + Diabalachara + Ala-Mashavah + Goessabbim + Xulogos + Khaosophoros [(Note: the Last Seven God Names in this Vibration List are Invented Magickal Names which can be Used to Refer to Any Demon, Demonic

Metagod, or Group of Demons. In this Context, Each of Those Invented God Names Refers to All Three Demons Being Called and Works to Presence Them All Simultaneously)] Liftoach Qliphoth B’Shem Ha-Mephistophilus [Open the Qliphoth in the Name of Mephistophilus] Athiel Liftoach Reshut ha-Rabbim [Athiel, Open the Kingdom Manifoldness] In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Amducious [In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Amducious] Baruch Ha-Mephist Mephir Ha-Gadhol [Blessed is Mephist the Great Destroyer] Baruch Ha-Amdusias Geber Ha-Thaumiel [Blessed is Amdusias the Warrior of Thaumiel] Veni, Veni Mephistophile [Come, Come Mephistophile] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Othiel [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Othiel] Agios Ischyros Amducious Rex Kliffot [Numinous and Mighty is King Amducious of the Infernal Plane] Othiel + Amducious + Hemostophile + Gothiel + Mephistophiel + Xulogos + Diabalachara Allakalla Othakalla Avvarromma Athiel! Mesphito Ramec Viasa On Ca! Denyen Valocur Avage Secore Amducious! Artorzozam! [(Demonic Enns, Channeled Chants, & Words of Power)]

Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! Melus De Quo Magma! Et Revertetur Ad Tenebras! Ho Drakon Ho Megas! [Numinous is Sitra Ahra– Glory to the Current of the Adversary! Reality Emanates from the Demonic! And All Returns to Darkness! The Great Dragon! (HDHM is a Name for the Entirety of the Universe)] Sources for Magickal Chants Book of Belial by Asha’Shedim The Corpus of Dragon Rouge Modern Demonolatry by S. Conolly The Book of Mephisto by Asenath Mason

Ritual to Machaloth – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals December 28, 2017July 7, 2020 337 Words {This ritual calls upon Machaloth/Mahlat to fulfill a specified request(s). One of the major sources of the rite’s power is name vibration: two seven-name vibration lists appear in the ritual. While half of the names in these vibration lists are clearly just variations of Machaloth’s name, the other half are invented magickal names which can be used to refer to and vibrated to call upon any demon. The magickal phrase which is presented in italics is to be chanted, i.e. recited in a slow and rhythmic way. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. My rituals focus heavily upon magickal chants and words of power so that they are able to generate large amounts of power even in the absence of ceremonial equipment, incense, etc. If witchcraft materials are available to the celebrant, they may (and should) be incorporated however she deems fit} Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Numinous is the Current and Great Work of the Adversary] I call forth the sorcerous archdemoness in whose dominion are nourishment and tempests. Hearken to the names of your evocation, and appear unto me demoness! Machaloth + Diabalachara + Goessabbim + Maklath + Semolshedim + Ala-Mashavah + Mahalath   Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! [Open the Infernal Plane! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond] Machaloth is the infernal divinity of witchcraft and meditation who stands amongst the fourfold manifesting of the Black Light. Hail unto

Machaloth, matron fiend of childbirth and industrialization, she who engenders magickal ascent and tumultuous crises alike.   Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Machaloth! Invoco Mahalath In Nomine Qliphoth! [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Machaloth! I Call Machaloth in the Name of the Qliphoth] Agios Caput Algol! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! [Numinous (is) the Demon Star! Numinous is the Infernal Plane– Glory to the Current of the Adversary] Evoco Mahlat, Amata Et Fautrix, Elecebra Infernum  (x11) [I Call Upon Mahlat, Witch and Protectress, Seductress of Hell] (State Request or Requests)   Aeonifer + Machalas + Xulogos + Mochlath + Khaosophoros + Machalath + Semolshedim   Io Machaloth! Tagged 218 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism black Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Demonolatry Diabolic Gnosticism Draconian Current draconian path draconian tradition

Ritual to Qingu, Samael, & Nyx – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals December 28, 2017July 7, 2020 316 Words This ritual calls upon Samael, Kingu, and Nyx for the incitement of specified kinds of spiritual empowerment and/or alteration of the witch (physical health, IQ level, etc.). If the witch prefers it, she may perform the rite without specific requests and let the deities determine how they should empower you for themselves. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Numinous is the Current and Great Work of the Adversary] (If There Are Specific Kinds of Spiritual & Magickal Empowerment or Refinement of Self You Would Like, List Them Now, or Otherwise Allow the Spirits to Decide, in Their Wisdom, How They Should Empower You) Samael + Kingu + Astraea + Samael + Nox + Nyx + Kingu Salve Ambrosius Qingu– Venire Dei Abyssi! Ecce Calicem Veneno, Samael! Nyx Phylia, Admirabilis, Divina Astraea, Patefi Caelis! Laudate Nox Coelestis Diva! Extollate Kingu Aethereus Lacertus! [Hail the Immortal Qingu– Come, God of the Abyss! The Poison of Samael is Present! Kindly Nyx, You Are Wondrous, Divine Astraea/Nyx, Open the Sky! Praise Nox the Immortal Goddess! Praise Kingu the Everlasting Dragon] Invoco Samael In Nomine Qliphoth (x3) [I Call to Samael in the Name of the Qliphoth] Astraea-Nyx Phylia-Nox (x11) [(Three Titles of Nyx)]

Praedicate Domine Kingu (x11) [Praise Lord Kingu] Ensara Norgar Lia Sorrat (x3) [(Above: Magickal Formula for the Conjuration of Samael. Just Stutter Through it as Well as You Can– You’ll Be Surprised How Powerful it is Even When You Fuck Up)] Nyx Phylia, Admirabilis, Divina Astraea, Patefi Caelis (x11) [Kindly Nyx, You Are Wondrous, Divine Astraea/Nyx, Open the Sky] Salve Ambrosius Qingu– Venire Dei Abyssi (x11) [Hail the Immortal Qingu– Come, God of the Abyss] Laudate Nox Colestis Diva! Ecce Calicem Veneno, Samael! Praedicate Domine Kingu! Extollate Kingu Aethereus Lacertus! Invoco Samael In Nomine Qliphoth! [Praise Nox the Immortal Goddess! The Poison of Samael is Present! Praise Lord Kingu! Praise Kingu the Everlasting Dragon! I Call to Samael in the Name of the Qliphoth]

Ritual to Radahel, Amprodias, Ornias, & Layilel – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals December 28, 2017July 7, 2020 381 Words Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Liftoach Kliffot! Liftoach Pandemonium! [Numinous is the Current and Great Work of the Adversary! Open the Qliphoth! Open the Infernal Plane] Radahel + Amprodias + Ornias + Layilel + Aeonifer + Semolshedim + Diabalachara + Ala-Mashavah + Goessabbim + Xulogos + Khaosophoros [(Note: the Last Seven God Names in this Vibration List are Invented Magickal Names which can be Used to Refer to Any Demon, Demonic Metagod, or Group of Demons. In this Context, Each of Those Invented God Names Refers to All Three Demons Being Called and Works to Presence Them All Simultaneously)] (Specify the Desired Forms of Spiritual Empowerment and/or Alteration of Self or Ask the Spirits to Empower You However They See Fit. Remember, These Demons Are All Renowned for Their Specialization in Vampyric Magick) Yornar’gara Iessara Lear Nora’toth (x11) [Channeled Chant to Presence Infernal Power/Energy] Praedicate Divinus Arbitrator Ornias! In Nomine Domine Amprodias, Aperiatur Kliffoth! Ave Ambrosia Layilel! Nobilitate Divinus Dominator Radahel! Agios Es, Dynastes Oriax! Qodesh LaAmprodias Geber Ha-Sitra Ahra! Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Layilel! Cio Radahel Patronus Nex!

[Praise the Divine Master Ornias! In the Name of Lord Amprodias, Open the Qliphoth! Hail the Immortal Layilel! Praise the Divine Lord Radahel! Numinous Art Thou, Prince Oriax! Holy to Amprodias, Warrior of Sitra Ahra! Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Layilel! I Call to Radahel, Patron of Death] In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Amprodias (x3) [In the Name of the Qliphothic Philosopher’s Stone, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Amprodias] Orias Ietaraka (x7) [(Channeled Chant for Orias)] In Nomine Domine Amprodias, Aperiatur Kliffoth (x3) [In the Name of Lord Amprodias, Open the Qliphoth] Layilel, Limkallathaggandra, Limtorratharraggawl, Em-MAY-luhGOTH, Emtallathorraggall (x7) [(Names of Layilel, Most of Which Are Channeled)] Invoco Radahel In Nomine Qliphoth (x7) [I Call to Radahel in the Name of the Qliphoth] Ave Ambrosia Layilel! Agios Es, Dynastes Oriax! Praedicate Divinus Arbitrator Ornias! Nobilitate Divinus Dominator Radahel! Qodesh La-Amprodias Geber Ha-Sitra Ahra! [Hail the Immortal Layilel! Numinous Art Thou, Prince Oriax! Praise the Divine Master Ornias! Praise the Divine Lord Radahel! Holy to Amprodias, Warrior of the Infernal Plane] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]    

Sigil of the Morrigan + Invocation of Macha – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals June 20, 2019 311 Words

Regarding the Morrigan In my personal gnosis, there are five aspects of the Morrigan. These are Babd Catha, Macha, Anu, Nemain, and the metagod behind all four of them. When I say there is a Morrigan metagod, the metagod would be Nemain, Anu, Macha, and Babd Catha combined as one being, which one being is more than the sum of its parts. I was commissioned to create an invocation of Macha as well as channel a sigil which could be used to call forth any of the five aspects of the Morrigan.

Above: Channeled Sigil of the Morrigan

Introduction to the Rite Which Follows Like the rest of the rituals on this website, this invocation was designed to require no physical equipment to be successful. Any

equipment that you can bring to the table altar can be incorporated at your discretion, but the rite was designed to be powerful enough to yield significant results without it. Names in bold are meant to be vibrated, phrases in italics are meant to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone, translations appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses.

Invocation of Macha I Call You Forth, Macha, Goddess of Kingship, And Sun of Womanfolk, Dark Divinity of Horses, Great Spirit of Fecundity, Numinous Harbinger of Warfare, Raven Woman, I Call You Forth. Corire Omnituens Numen Macha! Veni, Veni, Macha– Divinitas Et Creatrix! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Macha! Agios Es, Macha, Divum Et Vorsipelle! [Come Forth, All-Seeing Spirit Macha! Come, Come, Macha– Goddess and Mother! I Praise the Immortal Spirit Macha! You Are Numinous, Macha, Spirit and Shapeshifter] Hornas Oztaea Nozgathora Azhentrathor (x3) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Macha)] Zalzaea Nozdaearon Ozsathora (x3) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Macha)] Halzorgaega Nonaron Nozdorgae Salathaea (x3) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Macha)] Maesan Zea Nalzar Orson (x3) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Macha)]

Praedicate Aethereus Divus Macha! [I Praise the Immortal Spirit Macha]

The 21-Day Mammon Invocation (Starts December 18th) – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Announcements and Book Reviews, Project Updates, Rituals December 11, 2019December 15, 2019 185 Words

The Event The 21-day invocation of Mammon is being spearheaded by Black Dragon Paranormal, which company commissioned me to channel the rite to invoke Mammon as well as a sigil to perform it with. Joshua Savage, the founder of BDP, and I discussed the event in the following podcast. Soon BDP will be uploading a video of me performing the invocation, at which point I will update this article by adding that link.

Read my article about Mammon here!

The Channeled Sigil of Mammon

The Rite to Invoke Mammon Mammon, open the gateway to the Nightside and show me your power. Grant me your gnosis and your transformation. Shombazzorem + Nondrazzae + Mammon + Halrassembuross + Onzaegassor + Membuzzemra + Hendraezzador [(Seven Names of Mammon, Six of Which Are Channeled Secret Names. Secret Names Are Only for Use in Magivck and Worship)] Konrozrabbor Yobazzemra Alsaeggaross Ozrabem (x14) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Mammon)] Ombrazorga Mammon (x18)

g ( ) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Mammon)] Hendraezzador Kombrazae (x4) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Mammon)]

The Demonstration

The Astarothic Mass of Sitra Ahra – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals April 15, 2017April 15, 2017 212 Words I call forth the Horned Mother Isis-Ashtoreth to beget her blessings and empowerment unto me so that I might become transformed into a fearsome divinity. Oh hear the names: Isis Xator + Ashtoreth Karnaim + Inanna + Renenet + Khut + Ankhet +  Abtagigi + Sekhet + Usert + Saraphyebal + Nagid + Shadadel + Ninat-Bakar + Astaroth Liftoach Qliphoth! Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas! Melus De Quo Magma! [Open (the gates to) the Infernal Plane! (words of power to open the infernal plane)! Reality emanates from the demonic] I call forth the Shapeshifter and Serpent-Mother who presides over rebirth and warcraft and give honor to her sacredness! Hail oh Mother over the Great House of Devourers and Queen of the Throne within the Qliphothic Sphere of Jupiter! Impart your wisdom and strength unto me! Tasa Alora Foren Astaroth (x7) Aperiatur Acharayim, et germinet Astaroth (x11) Inanna, Isis, Astarte, Ishtar, Ashtoreth Karnaim (x11) Salve Astaroth Genetrix (x6) I call forth the Infernal-Demonian Attendants of Queen Astaroth the Horned One and Shapeshifter to descend to this plane and impart my empowerment! Eveta Fubin Barbatos (x6) (Barbatos’s Enn)

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Pruslas (x6) [Open the Infernal Plane, and bring forth Pruslas] Avage Secore Amon Ninan (x7) (Amon’s Enn) Qodesh la-Ashtoreth Karnaim! [Holy to Astaroth of the Two Horns] As I have spoken, so let it be done!

The Black Rite of Zobeteuma – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals April 19, 2018January 29, 2020 902 Words This rite serves to call upon the Goetic metagod known as Atozephos, Zobeteuma, or the Goetikon for the purpose of magickal ascent. This version of the rite is for intermediate and advanced practioners; the Goetic Rite of Atozephos is suitable for novices who are almost intermediate. If you don’t know what the Goetikon is, follow the hyperlink below to read my essay about it: My rituals are written to be powerful as fuck with or without equipment– should the witch have equipment, she would do well to incorporate it, but she must do so in accordance with her personal judgement. Names to be vibrated appear in bold, phrases to be chanted appear in italics, explanations or instructions appear in parentheses, and translations of given phrases appear in brackets. If you don’t think you can pronounce any given part of this rite, simply do your best to sound it out and known your efforts were sufficient, however incompetent they may have been (the chants still work, dude; they’re just slightly better if you pronounce them perfectly). You will notice that the paragraphs consisting of magickal chants each consist of nine chants (7 + 2). 13 and 7 are both numbers apt for all demon magick. Many of the translations provided for my chants will reference concepts which may be unfamiliar, but this will not be a problem (I wrote, empowered, and consecrated almost all of them myself– trust me, you won’t need to know what Tohu is). This ritual will create a decent sacred space out of Qliphothic energy– that, or strengthen whichever sacred space you already

raised with Qliphothic energy. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Khaosophoros-Goetikon! Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Yehi Aur Chashakh! Liftoach Sitra De-Smola B’Shem Ha-Goetikon! [Numinous is the Alchemical Quest and Magickal Undercurrent of Demon Magick! Hail to the Goetikon, the Bearer of Chaos! Open the Infernal Plane! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Let There Be Qliphothic Light! Open the Sinister Left Side, in the Name of the Goetikon] I call upon the black-scaled emissary of chaos— the viperous singularity, the wrathful god of magickal alchemy. Make we witness to your influence and power as the world around me grows dark. I call forth the seventy-two nightside regents established in authority over the kingdom of deathful wombs– the infernal spirits of the Goetic mysteries who have made themselves beloved of the Black Lodge.  I call to you for your blessing on my path of spiritual attainment. I call you to subject me to black magickal alchemies and permutations of essence. Descend as the sempiternal, bewinged divinity– the metagod Zobeteuma. Oh, hear the names! Goetikon + Khaosophoros + Goessabbim + Xulogos + Aeonifer + Semolshedim + Diabalachara + Ala-Mashavah + Rimkaggaggathal + Limkallaggor + Goetikon Artorzozam! Manifestos! Don-Graph! Chasheinphos! Mavethol! Saphorozos! Xuliphazoth!  Shaloazoth! Samitrakashah! [(Above: Various Words of Power to Strengthen the Rite)] Salve Zobeteuma-Goetikon! Salve Aeviternitas Dominator Atozephos! Agios Ischyros Zobeteuma! Salve Megist Atozephos! Io Khaosophoros-Goetikon! Obtestor Xul De Tohu, Bohu, Et Chasek– Infernalia Fundam Anados! Provenite Sam, Akasha, Alogos, Et SheEin Bo Mashavah! Amplus Goetikon, Veni! Voco Te Goetikon!

[Hail Zobeteuma-Goetikon! Hail to the Eternal Lord Atozephos! Numinous and Mighty is Zobeteuma! Hail to the Great Atozephos! Hail the Goetikon, Bearer of Chaos! I Call the Black Light of Tohu, Bohu, and Chasek– the Infernal Fundaments of Magickal Ascent! Provide the Venom of the Adversary, the Fifth Element, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Black Light! Mighty Goetikon, Come! I Call to the Goetikon] Zobeteuma, Goetikon, Atozephos, Aeonifer (x13) Shalasaddae (x7) [(Channeled WoP to Summon the Goetikon)] (At this point in the ritual, verbalize your requests– don’t worry about wording shit perfectly; demons can sense your intent. You get five requests, but they must be for spiritual attainment. You could ask the Goetikon for stronger astral sight. You could ask it to strengthen your psychic senses in general (that’s one request). You could ask it to strengthen your natural spiritual defenses. You could ask it to empower or increase the open-ness of a given chakra group– for example, the seven chakras of Sushumna, or maybe the subpersonal chakras. You could ask it for a better connection to your Higher Self and/or Spirit Animal. You could ask it to strengthen your astral double. You could ask it to strengthen any given magickal ability or improve your competence with a given divinatory mechanism. Alternately, you could ask to be better at divination in general– that’s one request. Etc) In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Atozephos! Arcesso She Ein-Bo Mashavah– Megist Pyros De Drakosophia! Invoco Atozephos In Nomine Qliphoth! Voco Te Goetikon! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! Gnosis De Solis Atricolor Peto– Et Obtestor Alogos Ex Abyssus! Agios Ischyros Zobeteuma! Amplus Goetikon, Veni! Salve Zobeteuma-Goetikon! [In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Backwards Tree, and

Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Atozephos! I Send for the Black Light of the Qliphoth– the Great Fire of the Black Flame! I Call Atozephos in the Name of the Qliphoth! I Call the Goetikon! Numinous is the Other Side– Glory to the Energetic Undercurrent of All Demon Magick! I Reach for the Spiritual Knowledge/Revelation of the Black Sun– and I Call for the Unwritten Gnosis of the Abyss! Numinous and Mighty is Zobeteuma! Mighty Goetikon, Come! Hail Zobeteuma-Goetikon] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Undercurrent]  

The Draconian Sacrament of Sitra Achara – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 2, 2017November 2, 2017 234 Words {This is a very short ritual which calls upon the Azerate and the guiding spirits, to which spirits I have ascribed the invented magickal name Apsidotheoi, of Drakosophia– the undercurrent of Western black magick. Octinomos is a name for Baphomet, used here as a glyph for adepthood, and “the Numinous” is a synonym for “the Divine”  which incorporates both beautiful and terrible aspects. Azerate, Havayoth, El Acher, and Deus Alienus are names for the Elevenfold Divinity of the Qliphoth, and Belia’al, Qemetiel, and Gothiel are the Archdemonic Divinities which preside over the Three Veils Before Samael. Self-identification with the divine is a practice of Egyptian magick which was incorporated into Greek magick and has been incorporated here. “The Great Dragon” is a name for the entirety of the universe. The phrase in italics is meant to be chanted, and translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets} Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Numinous (is) the Current of the Adversary and its Alchemical Endeavors] Ave Deus Alienus [Hail to the Foreign Divinity (of the Qliphoth)] Zirdo Qemetiel [I am Qemetiel]

Zirdo Belia’al [I am Belia’al] Zirdo Gothiel [I am Gothiel] Ili-Ilu El Acher [ My God is the Other God] Agios o Azerate [Numinous are the Azerate] Eko, Eko, Apsidotheoi (x11) [(Chant to Summon the Guiding Spirits of the Draconian Current, Used Here in Pursuit of Magickal Empowerment)] Ave Havayoth! Ho Drakon Ho Megas! [Hail unto Havayoth! The Great Dragon] Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft Chaos Magic Chaos Magick Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Demon demon worship

The First Angelic Rite of the Healing Art – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 22, 2019February 22, 2019 317 Words While the celebrant may incorporate any magickal equipment she has into her performance of this rite, it was designed to be effective without relying on such things. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted and the names and words of power in bold are to be vibrated one by one (each of the words of power in this rite should be vibrated three times in a row. This does not appply to the names). Translations of my magickal chants appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. This rite should be performed four times. The word numinous means divine and the word supernal means celestial. Ia Io Raphael-Israfil! Concelebrate Israfil! Agios Es, Raphael, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Corire Omnituens Numen Raphael! [Hail, Hail (Two Names for Raphael)! I Praise Israfil! Numinous Art Thou, Raphael, Spirit and Shapeshifter! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Raphael] I summon the Supernal Trumpet-Bearer to bestow upon me the gift of healing the sick! Come to me now, Bewinged Messenger, and grant me spiritual evolution! Everlasting Archangel, Celestial Healer, manifest before me and empower and transform me so that I might cure the sick! Oh hear the names! Come to me, Raphael! Israfil + Alakatondra + Raphael + Zilimkadra + Asimga + Einakathor + Aenith [(Seven Names of Raphael)]

Agios Es, Israfil, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Rex Raphael, Adoro Te! Corire Omnituens Numen Raphael! Concelebrate Israfil! Sempiternus Raphael Gloria! Invoco Praevalidus Israfil! [Numinous Art Thou, Israfil, Spirit and Shapeshifter! King Raphael, I Adore Three! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Raphael! I praise Israfil! Glory to the Eternal Raphael! I Call the Mighty Israfil] Rex Raphael, Adoro Te (x10) [King Raphael, I Adore Thee] Corire Omnituens Numen Israfil! Ave Domnus Raphael! Concelebrate Israfil! [Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Israfil! Hail Lord Raphael! I Praise Israfil] Naesalaga (x3) + Asoroth (x3) + Atrimgatal (x3) [(Words of Power to Be Empowered for the Healing Art)] Ave Domnus Raphael! Ia Io Raphael-Israfil! [Hail Lord Raphael! Hail, Hail Raphael-Israfil] So Mote It Be!

The Goetic Mass of Shugara – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals May 22, 2018May 30, 2019 1,645 Words Shugara is a Japanese death goddess and witch-matron venerated in obscure traditions of generational witchcraft. She is variously referred to as Shugara, Shagura, or Shugra depending upon the culture. A witch I know channeled the name variate “Shugara-a” (pronounced “Shugara Ah”) from Shugara as a more magickally suitable moniker. The root word for the name is Shigare, meaning “Autumn Rain” in Japanese. The rite serves to empower and increase the open-ness of all the celebrant’s major chakras, and increase the open-ness of all the tiny chakras most of us don’t pay any mind to. The celebrant’s magickal power is holistically increased, and her Black Flame is empowered. The witch furthers her integration of her Alternate Self/Jungian Shadow as well as her Higher Self and furthers her attunement to her True Will (note: “True Will” and “True Self” are synonyms). The rite also improves the magickian’s character– Shugara imparts determination and courage. The rite also diminishes the mental barriers which inhibit the witch’s spiritual faculties. Optimally, things like candles, a chalice or glass of water to drink at the end of the rite, incense, magickally-charged music, etc. can all be incorporated into this rite. Here’s all I’m going to say is necessary: Google “V.K. Jehannum Shugara” and read my article about the goddess. While facing the northeast, slowly draw my original sigil for Shugara in one of the colors I attributed to her (I always use printer paper– I don’t even know the point of parchment). Write the names Shugara, Shagura, and Shugra along with the numbers 87, 75, 96, 94, 64, 158, and 781 around the sigil. The whole time you’re

drawing and writing, rhythmically chant (you can whisper out loud or just repeat the name in your head) “Shugara-a.” If you’re willing, charge the sigil with your blood (this act only constitutes offering your own blood to Shugara if you intend to do so– otherwise you’re just charging a sigil). Shit, while you’re at it, bleed on the fuckin candle wicks. Within a few hours to a day of the rite ending, burn the sigil. This ritual is going to be very, very intense. You will be overwhelmed by the energy– that is, unless the channeled sacred-space raising chant is way more powerful than I would’ve guessed. Nonetheless, my guides told me when to stop dialing up the pressure when I was designing this ritual, so while it will overwhelm you, it will do so in a productive way, rather than to a harmful extent. The rite contains two channeled magickal chants and seven secret names for Shugara. I spelled these chants and names in the way that their pronunciation would be as easy as possible to deduce. For example, when trying to correctly pronounce the name Yallaggor, simply sound it out the way that an illiterate hillbilly would. The name RAY-guh-TOUR is a slightly different case. Two of the three syllables of the name RAY-guh-TOUR are equivalent in sound to an English word. Those syllables are written in all caps– you know how to pronounce the word “tour.” The syllable “guh” did not resemble an English word, so to pronounce it correctly, once again, sound it out the way an illiterate hillbilly would. This ritual uses Enochian and the word of power “Zorabia,” which originates from Nagash’s temple, the Church of Lucifer. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Shagura-Khaosophoros! Subrige Mater Shagura! Salve Shugara Matercula Nex! Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Shugara! Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Shuagara-a! [Numinous is the Force Underlying All Demon Magick and its Quest

for Alchemy! Arise, Mother Shugara! Hail Shugara, Mother of Death! Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Shugara! I Summon the Mighty-Emissary of the Left Hand– I Call Shugara] Rattiggorrraggallattor Yaggattorriggal Mathiggorragallittor Rattillaggittorriggal Laggittarrammaggittorra Laggittarra Larrittal (x6) [(This Channeled Chant Calls On Shugara to Make a Sacred Space Out of the Primordial Energy of Chaos– Or As We Call It, the Black Light of the Qliphoth] I call unto the shapeshifting goddess Shugara whose nature is both nurturing and slaughterous. I enter the rite of my abyssic matron the Beast, everlasting witch-goddess of chaos and purification. I conjure the deity of the black caverns of multiplicity, the sempiternal initiator of the Pillar of the Black Planets! I call unto you that I might witness your demonry! Oh hear the names! Shugara-a + Laggarrittal + RAY-CALL-UH-TOUR + Waw-TOUR-UHGOTH + RAY-guh-TOUR + Yallaggor + WHERE-ih-TALL + Lakkattall Beast, destructrix, devourer, come! Primal initiatrix of Mavethol! Deathly-abyssal divinity of the Nightside! Embark from your station in the Black Plane of Chaos unto my arena of ritual! Stimulate my septenary wheeling centers and minor chakras alike! Fill me with courage, determination, and power! Arise from your place of dwelling to make your Saturnine-Neptunian demonry known through baptismal torrents of autumnal rain. Shagura Gohed Gah De Mavethol Yolci Zorabia Od Phaos Abussos Ol Zodameta Shugara-a Ds Baltim Sa Ivonph Niiso Micalzo Shugara Drilpa Paxcomb De E-Helatore Velucorsapax Od Momar Beranusaji De A Adhassyth Goholor Azulakashoth Ar A Vep De Nanaeel Restil Omicaolz A Ors

Ol Um Isli Shugra Micalzo Gah Ds Gmicalzoma Cicale De Telocahe Zacare Sa Zacar Momar Od Oxiayal Shugara Od Yolcam A Shigare Phaos Abussos Zorabia Od Azulakashoth [Shagura, Everlasting Spirit of the Qliphoth, Bring Forth Azoth and Abyssal Light/ I Conjure Shugara-a Who Is Furious Justice and Wrath/ Come Forth Mighty Shugara Great Governor of Purgatory/ Enthroned and Crowned Guard of the Abyss/  Raise the Black Light so that the Flame of My Power May Be Mighty with Darkness/ I Call You Shugra, Mighty Spirit with a Power Understanding the Mysteries of Death/ Move and Appear Crowned and Mighty Shugara/ Bring Forth the Autumn Rain, Abyssal Light, Azoth, and Black Light] In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Shugra!Shagura Liftoach Qliphoth! Gnosis De Solis Atricolor Peto– Et Obtestor Alogos Ex Abyssus! Invoco Shagura In Nomine Qliphoth! Subrige Mater Shagura! Salve Shugara Matercula Nex! Shagura Liftoach Qliphoth! Provinite Sam, Akasha, Alogos, Et She-Ein Bo Mashavah! In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Shagura! Arcesso She-Ein Bo Mashavah– Megist Pyros De Phosophorsophia! Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Shugra! Invoco Shugara In Nomine Qliphoth! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! [In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Shugra! Shagura, Open the Qliphoth! I Reach for the Spiritual Knowledge/Revelation of the Black Sun– and I Call for the Unwritten Gnosis of the Abyss! I Call Shagura in the Name of the Qliphoth! Arise, Mother Shagura! Hail Shugara, Mother of Death! Shagura, Open the Qliphoth! Provide the Venom of the Adversary, the Fifth Element, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Black Light of the Qliphoth! In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Shagura! I Send for the Black Light of the Qliphoth– the Great Fire of the Black Flame! I Summon the Mighty-Emissary of the Left Hand– I Call Shugra! I Call

Shugara in the Name of the Qliphoth! Numinous is the Other Side– Glory to the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick] YAY-guh-TOUR-UH-GAUL MAW-guh-TOUR-uh-GAUL LAW-guh-TOURUH-GAUL Yaw-guh-TOUR-UH-GAUL Yim-geth-THOR-uh-GAUL LAWgih-TOUR-ih-GORE (x13) [(Channeled Chant for Calling on Shugara)] Iolcam Azulakashoth Drilpa Shugara (x13) [Bring Forth the Black Light, Great Shugara (This Chant Calls on Shugara to Strengthen the Black Flame as well as Increase the Openness of and Strengthen All Major Chakras)] Sammitrakashah Shaloazoth Chasheinphos Shagura Gashar-AbylloKresh Shugara Xuliphazoth Saphorozos Shugara Aeonifer Goessabim Khaosophoros Diabalachara Shagura Mavethol Artorzozam Manifestos [(This a List of WoP’s, Names for Shugara, and Invented Magickal Names Which Can be Used to Refer to Any Demon)] Shagura Gohed Gah De Mavethol Yolci Zorabia Od Phaos Abussos Ol Zodameta Shugara-a Ds Baltim Sa Ivonph Niiso Micalzo Shugara Drilpa Paxcomb De E-Helatore Velucorsapax Od Momar Beranusaji De A Adhassyth Goholor Azulakashoth Ar A Vep De Nanaeel Restil Omicaolz A Ors Ol Um Isli Shugra Micalzo Gah Ds Gmicalzoma Cicale De Telocahe Zacare Sa Zacar Momar Od Oxiayal Shugara Od Yolcam A Shigare Phaos Abussos Zorabia Od Azulakashoth Advoco Te Lapis Philosophicus (x13) [I Call to the Philosopher’s Stone! (This Magickal Chant Integrates Both the Alternate Self/Shadow and Higher Self or HGA)]

Obtestor Aur Chashakh Ecce She-Ein Bo Mashavah Per Aur Chashakh Ascendam Insuper Arduum Ero Similis Edom Belial Per Sum Veridicus Adamas Ater Ecce Phosphorosophia Pyros Anabaino Etz Ha-Daath Ego Sum Sincerus Lapis Exilis Obtestor Xul– Ecce Aur Chashakh [I Call the Black Light of the Qliphoth/ Behold the Black Light of the Qliphoth/ By the Black Light of the Qliphoth, I Will Ascend Above the Greatest Heights/ I Will Become Like Unto Edom Belial*/ For I am the True Philosopher’s Stone/ Behold the Black Light of the Qliphoth/ The Flame from the Tree of Daath/ I Am the True Philosopher’s Stone/ I Call the Black Light of the Qliphoth– Behold the Black Light of the Qliphoth (This Hymn Weakens Mental Blocks to Spiritual Proficiency, Strengthens the Seven Chakras of Sushuma, Strengthens the Black Flame, & Aligns the Witch to Her True Self)] Obtestor Xul De Tohu, Bohu, Et Chasek– Infernalia Fundam Anados! Shagura Liftoach Qliphoth! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! Gnosis De Solis Atricolor Peto– Et Obtestor Alogos Ex Abyssus! Salve Shugara Matercula Nex! Io Shagura-Khaosophoros! Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! Ho Drakon Ho Megas! [I Call the Black Light of Tohu, Bohu, and Chasek– the Infernal Fundaments of Magickal/Alchemical Ascent! Shagura, Open the Qliphoth! Numinous is the Other Side– Glory to the Force Underlying All Demon Magick! I Reach for the Spiritual Knowledge/Revelation of the Black Sun– and I Call for the Unwritten Gnosis of the Abyss! Hail Shugara, Mother of Death! Hail Shagura, Bearer of Chaos! In the Name of the Sinister Left Side (Qliphoth), the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick, It is So! The Great

Dragon! (HDHM is a Name for the Entirety of the Universe & the Inner Nexion)]    

The Goetic Mass of the Manifold Paths – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals January 5, 2018March 24, 2018 817 Words This ritual calls upon the twenty-two archdemons of the Tunnels of Set and serves primarily to manifest one or more specified selftransformative goals, which goals are to be determined and specified by the celebrant. It also permits the magickian to develop and/or strengthen an energetic rapport with all 22 demons of the Tunnels of Set, which will be very helpful if one seeks to self-initiate through those tunnels in the future. I wrote this as a mini-ritual that I could incorporate into my own magickal endeavors at will. A witch may perform this rite without sigils or material accompaniments, as well as without opening rites. As with all of my rituals, the magickian may incorporate her own equipment, sigils, openings, and closings into the performance of this rite, and she is to do so at her own prerogative. I have used various numerological principles in the construction of this rite, using invented magickal names to call upon all 22 demons simultaneously, traditional Hebrew names of the Qliphoth, as well as magickal chants from Book of Belial by John Putigano and one chant from Modern Demonolatry by S. Conolly. I used two different Enochian dictionaries to write the Enochian portion of the rite. Translations appear in brackets and explanations/instructions appear in parentheses.

The Goetic Mass of the Manifold Paths

Melus De Quo Magma (x11) [Reality Emanates from the Demonic] Kelippadaimones + Semolatheon + Xulatheioi + Aeonifer + Khaosophoros + Semolshedim + Diabalachara + Ala-Mashavah + Xulogos + Goessabim + Artorzozam [(This eleven-part vibration formula uses invented magickal names and words of power to call forth all 22 archdemons of the Tunnels of Set simultaneously. Pronounce these words however makes sense to you and know that your effort is completely sufficient. All 11 of these words were invented and empowered by me– I’m telling you that this is how they work. Pronounce them as well as you can and move on)] (Recite the Following Enochian Call Twice) Ol Oecremi A Micalzo Semolatheon Drilpa Sa Gohed Gah A Sitra DeSmola! Gah A Vonsarg Semolatheon! Restil Bransg Od Bogpa A Reshut Ha-Rabbim Gohed Micaolz Semolatheon! [I Praise the Mighty 22 Archdemons, Great and Everlasting Spirits of the Sinister Left Side! Glory to Every One of the 22 Archdemons! May You Guard and Rule the Kingdom of Manifoldness Everlasting Mighty 22 Archdemons] (Specify Requests) Amprodias, Baratchial, Gargophias, Dagdagiel, Hemethterith, Uriens, Zamradiel, Characith, Temphioth, Yamatu, Kurgasiax, Lafcursiax, Malkunofat, Niantiel, Saksaksalim, A’ano’nin, Parfaxitas, Tzuflifu, Qulielfi, Raflifu, Shalicu, Thantifaxath (x3) Porro Triumphator In Inferno Sunt! Melus De Quo Magma! Et Revertetur Ad Tenebras! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! [Victory Resides with the Infernal! Reality Emanates from the Demonic! And All Returns to Darkness! Numinous is the Other Side– Glory to the Current of the Adversary]

The Call to the Infernal Divine {In addition to the Goetic Mass of the Manifold Paths, I’m including my partially-Enochian call to the entirety of the Infernal Divine, which I usually recite twice in a row (2 is a sacred number of the Infernal Divine) at one or more points during a ritual. Panachasragoth is my invented magickal name for the entirety of the Infernal Divine} Ya Namosh Panachasragoth Exat! Ol Oecremi A Micalzo Panachasragoth Drilpa Sa Gohed Gah A Sitra De-Smola! Gah A Vonsarg Panachasragoth! Restil Bransg Od Bogpa A Reshut HaRabbim Gohed Micaolz Panachasragoth! Ya Namosh Panachasragoth! [In the Name of the Infernal Divine, Let it Be So! I Praise the Infernal Divine, Great and Everlasting Spirits of the Sinister Left Side! Glory to Every One of the Infernal Divine! May You Guard and Rule the Kingdom of Manifoldness Everlasting Mighty Infernal Divine! In the Name of the Infernal Divine, Let it Be So] {Lastly, I have created and empowered an invented magickal name for the four demonic gatekeepers as codified by E.A. Koetting only because of how highly my guiding spirits recommended this group. The four demonic gatekeepers are Azazel, Belial, Amaymon, and Abaddon, and my invented magickal name for them is Goesepachim. I have a very short call to the Goesepachim which I incorporate into my rituals alongside other chants and formulae which call forth the Goesepachim}

The Call to the Four Gatekeepers Abaddon + Apollyon + Beliar + Belial + Amaymon + Aymoymon + Azazael + Azazel + Goesepachim + Aeonifer + Khaosophoros + Xulogos + Semolshedim + Diabalachara + Ala-Mashavah + Goessabim + Artorzozam

[(This Seventeen-Part Vibration Formula Contains Two Names for Each Gatekeeper, My Invented Magickal Name for the Four Gatekeepers, My Seven Invented Magickal Names for Any Demon or Group of Demons, and Lastly, a Word of Power for Singular or MultiSpirit Calling-Forth)] (Recite the Following Enochian Script Twice) Ol Oecremi A Micalzo Goesepachim Gohed Gah De Acharayim! Gah A A Goesepachim Gah Telocvovim A Sitra Achara! Io Goesepachim! [I Praise the Mighty Four Gatekeppers, Everlasting Spirits of the Backwards Tree! Glory to the Four Gatekeepers, Spirits of Him Who has Fallen and the Other Side! Hail the Four Gatekeepers]

The Goetic Rite of Atozephos – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals April 19, 2018July 7, 2020 609 Words This rite serves to call upon the Goetic metagod known as Atozephos, Zobeteuma, or the Goetikon for the purpose of magickal ascent. This version of the rite is suitable for novices who are almost intermediate and good for practitioners wanting a shorter ritual; the Black Rite of Zobeteuma is the version I wrote for advanced and intermediate practitioners. If you don’t know what the Goetikon is, follow the hyperlink below to read my essay about it: My rituals are written to be powerful as fuck with or without equipment– should the witch have equipment, she would do well to incorporate it, but she must do so in accordance with her personal judgement. Phrases to be chanted appear in italics, explanations or instructions appear in parentheses, and translations of given phrases appear in brackets. If you don’t think you can pronounce any given part of this rite, simply do your best to sound it out and known your efforts were sufficient, however incompetent they may have been (the chants still work, dude; they’re just slightly better if you pronounce them perfectly). This ritual will create a decent sacred space out of Qliphothic energy– that, or strengthen whichever sacred space you already raised with Qliphothic energy. It’s a simple self-empowerment rite which calls upon the Goetikon to strengthen the psychic senses, empower one’s natural spiritual defenses, and increase one’s overall magickal power. The reason that I wrote this was so that my audience would have an easily accessible, magickally productive,

and re-performable go-to rite for developing an energetic rapport with the Goetikon. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Khaosophoros-Goetikon! Liftoach Kliffot! Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Yehi Aur Chashakh! Liftoach Sitra De-Smola B’Shem HaGoetikon! [Numinous is the Alchemical Quest and Magickal Undercurrent of Demon Magick! Hail to the Goetikon, the Bearer of Chaos! Open the Qliphoth! Open the Infernal Plane! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Let There Be Qliphothic Light! Open the Sinister Left Side, in the Name of the Goetikon] I call upon the black-scaled emissary of chaos— the viperous singularity, the wrathful god of magickal alchemy. Make we witness to your influence and power as the world around me grows dark. I call forth the seventy-two nightside regents established in authority over the kingdom of deathful wombs– the infernal spirits of the Goetic mysteries who have made themselves beloved of the Black Lodge.  I call to you for your blessing on my path of spiritual attainment. I call you to subject me to black magickal alchemies and permutations of essence. Descend as the sempiternal, bewinged divinity– the metagod Zobeteuma! Salve Zobeteuma-Goetikon (x9) [Hail to Zobeteuma-Goetikon] Artorzozam! Manifestos! Don-Graph! Chasheinphos! Mavethol! Saphorozos! Xuliphazoth!  Shaloazoth! Samitrakashah! [(Above: Various Words of Power to Strengthen the Rite)] Amplus Goetikon, Veni (x7) [Mighty Goetikon, Come]

The essence of chaos emanates from the Qliphothic pathways to transmute the universe and percolate my arena of ritual as the deity I have called to turns his attention unto me. By my rite of sorcery, the destroying spirit of seventy-two-as-one visits his influence unto me. I call to the invincible metagod known as Zobeteuma to improve my psychic senses,  engender the increase of my magickal power, and strengthen my natural spiritual defenses. I ask to receive the blessing of your empowerment, for I am among the magickians of the Black Lodge, and you are the everlasting patron of alchemy. Engender my ascent and spiritual attainment. Hail unto the Goetikon. Zobeteuma, Goetikon, Atozephos, Aeonifer (x9) Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Undercurrent]

The Goetic Rite of the Chakras – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals December 27, 2017July 7, 2020 400 Words {This ritual calls upon all manner of deities and demons to empower the chakras. Where foreign phrases are usually translated in the ritual script, here the intended effects of each chant or paragraph of chants serves & how it should be used. Read these explanations before pronouncing the chants they explain so you can focus your intent. A pair of non-chakra-related magickal chants are optionally used at the end of the rite. It is best that a strong sacred space be raised if the witch is not experienced} Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Salvete Domine Qematriel, Basileus Gothiel, Et Rex Belial-Mortifer! Torzodu Gohed Azoth! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! [(This Group of Chants Will Initiate the Rite & Clean the Witch’s Chakras & Astral Body)] Lepaca, Amiahzatan, Baratchial! Aperiatur Terra, In Nomine Poseidon, Et Germinet Azoth Et Anados! Ambrosius Domine Yamatu, Admirabilis! Shalicu, Characith, Uriens! [(This Series of Chants Calls on Lepaca, Amiahzatan, Baratchial, Poseidon, & Yamatu to Strengthen & Increase the Open-ness of all of the Minor Chakras in the body & all the Major Chakras the Witch has Opened. Repeat it However Many Times You Like)] Salvete Domine Qematriel, Basileus Gothiel, Et Rex Belial-Mortifer! [(This Chant Calls on Qematriel, Gothiel/A’athiel, & Belial to Strengthen the Spinal, Subpersonal, & Transpersonal Chakras. Use it if it’s Applicable to You & Repeat it as Much as You Like)]

Lepaca, Amiahzatan, Baratchial! Pruflas, Machaloth, Radahel, Curiel! Lilith, Eisheth, Agrat, Nahema! [(This Group of Chants Calls on Lepaca, Amiahzatan, Baratchial, & the Four Brides of Samael to Strengthen the Seven Spinal Chakras. This Can Be Repeated Any Number of Times)] Rege Aeternae Pater Saksaksalim! Salve Phenex Pater Kelippot! Io Tap Rex Pandemonium! Lepaca, Amiahzatan, Baratchial! [(This Series of Chants Can Be Used to Strengthen any Individual Chakra the Witch Desires By Calling on Saksaksalim, Phenex, Tap/Gaap, Lepaca, Amiahzatan, & Baratchial. The Witch May Pronounce it However Many Times She Likes for Each Chakra and Repeat the Series for Any Other Chakra(s) She Chooses As Well)] Advoco Te Lapis Philosophicus [(This Chant Integrates the Attributes of & Strengthens the Witch’s Connection to both the Higher Self & Shadow/Alternate Self. It May be Repeated any Number of Times)] Xon, Binan Ath, Xul, Ga Wath Am [(This Chant Increases Strength of Character & Magickal Power. Any Number of Repetitions is Appropriate)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [(This Phrase Closes the Rite)]  

The Goetic Rite of the Cunning – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 4, 2017November 12, 2017 655 Words {This ritual calls on Valefor/Malaphar, Madogiel/Qalilitu, Raflifu, Vassago, and Mammon to strengthen the magickian’s magickal abilities, psychic senses, social skills, hand-eye coordination, and memory, as well as to dissolve the ego a little bit. The number 87, pronounced here in Enochian as Don-Graph as a word of power (WoP) is apt for all black magick. Words in bold are to be vibrated and phrases in italics are to be chanted. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets. The term ‘Goetia’ is used here as Aleister Crowley defined it: a title referring to demon magick. My rituals are written to illicit powerful effects without material accompaniment, so any sigils or equipment which the celebrant would like to employ at to be used however she deems appropriate} Liftoach Kliffot + Valefor + Malaphar + Valefar + Madogiel + Qalilitu + Vassago + Raflifu + Mammon + Don-Graph I now summon forward five demonic architects of black magickal ascent and gnosis! Arise from your places of dwelling within the Infernal Kingdom of Transformative Wombs! Visit the darkness of your influence unto my presence and make your proximity known unto me! I open wide the Nightside Gates to the Acausal Kingdom of Demon Gods so that I might become Demonic and Whole! Don-Graph! Zodamran! Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Kliffot! Yehi Aur Chashakh! Tasa Mammon On Ca Lirach! [87! (WoP to Raise Qliphothic Energy)! Open the Infernal Plane! Open the Qliphoth! Let There Be Demonic Light! (Mammon’s Demonic Enn)]

Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Vassago (x9) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Vassago] Qalilitu, Venire. Madogiel, Venire. Aperiatur Acharayim Et Germinet Qalilitu! Ave Aeternae Vassago! Baruch ha-Valephar Geber haQliphoth! Baruch Ha-Raflifu! Mammon Liftoach Qliphoth! Manifestos! Zodamran! [Qalilitu, Come. Madogiel, Come. Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Qalilitu! Hail to the Eternal Vassago! Blessed is Valephar, Warrior of the Qliphoth! Blessed is Raflifu! Mammon, Open the Infernal Plane! (WoP for Evocation)! (WoP for Qliphothic Energy)] Mammon Liftoach Qliphoth (x11) [Mammon, Open the Qliphoth] Venire Mater Qalilitu (x11) [Come Mother Qalilitu] I call forth the Vampyric Shapeshifting Destructix who dwells amongst corpses in the Black Lunar-Qlipha! Refine my faculties of perception of the spirit plane and eradicate the flaws of my selfknowledge! Hail unto Qalilitu-Madogiel the Mermaid! Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Qalilitu (x9) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Qalilitu] Keyman Vefa Tasa Valefor (x9) Come forward, Valefor, Saturnic-Venusian Vampyre and Assassin who transfigures dark sorcerers into merciless devourers! Augment my capacity to manipulate persons and refine my hand-eye coordination! Strengthen my ability to sense hidden items and make your presence known unto me! Vallafroth Valkothoth Vallatho Valefar (x11) Baruch Ha-Raflifu (x9) [Blessed is Raflifu]

I call now unto Raflifu, Lord of the Earth, the Crossroads, and the Depths of the Sea who resides within the labyrinth of chthonic tunnels between the wombs of Sitra Ahra. Manifest here and be present with me. I ask that you strengthen my natural defenses against psychic attack, improve my memory, and increase my interpersonal charisma so that I might walk the Earth as an adept of the Qliphoth and a darksome immortal. Surround my body and penetrate my essence with your spiritual agency to engender my Becoming and elevation. Rattimgethall Onkimgallor Raflifu Onjurrawl (x11) Keyan Vefa Jedan Tasa Vassago (x11) I call forth Vassago for the increasement and improvement of my social and conversational skills and the quickness of my thinking! Descend from the Womb-Sphere of Twin-Headed Archfiends and make your presence known by my alchemical attainment! Baruch Ha-Vassago Paraz Ha-Qlippoth! Io Vassago Rex Necromantia! [Blessed in Vassago, Warrior of the Qliphoth! Hail Vassago the King of Necromancy] I call forward the Draconic Dominator of our World and Abyssal Lord of Autumn and Rain! Mammon, Hidden God of the Sphere of the Black Moon, magnify my faculty of personal magnetism and strengthen my faculty of mind control! Arise from the Palace of Deathful Wombs and engender my transformation! Tasa Mammon On Ca Lirach (x11) As I have spoken, so let it be done!

The Goetic Ritual of Caput Algol – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 2, 2017July 7, 2020 382 Words This ritual fills the location of its performance with the energy of the Qliphoth and of Algol, the most sinister star in astrology. Algol and four demons attributed to it are called upon to empower the celebrant. It is the prerogative of the celebrant to decide which, if any, material equipment is to be incorporated into the ritual. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted and names in bold are to be vibrated. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Numinous is the Current of the Adversary and its Alchemical Endeavors] Zortatar Iekhat Lia Norakhon (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Presence Demonic Energy)] Algol + Ra’s Al-Ghul + Rosch Hassatan + Caput Medusa + Caput Larvae Liftoach Pandemonium! Yehi Aur Chashakh! [Open the Infernal Plane! Let There Be Black Light] Liftoach Pandemonium, et Germinet Radahel [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Radahel] Liftoach Pandemonium, et Germinet Lepaca [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Radahel] Salve Magoth; Agios o Magoa [Hail Magoth; Numinous is Magoa]

Baruch ha-Amdusias Geber ha-Thaumiel [Blessed is Amdusias the Warrior of Thaumiel] Salve Aeternae Magoth [Hail unto the Eternal Magoth] Agios Ischyros Lepaca [Numinous and Mighty is Lepaca] Qodesh la-Amdusias Melech ha-Acharayim [Holy to Amdusias King of the Backwards Tree] Agios Ischyros Maguth – Io Magot [Numinous and Mighty is Maguth– Hail Magot] Agios Caput Algol (x4) [Numinous (is) the Demon Star] Agios o Caput Medusae Subhan Ra’s Al-Ghul Mirabilia Opera Tua– Caput Larvae Gloria Beta Persei Xere Anados Voco te Caput Lamiae In Nomine Lepaca et Radahel Invoco Amducious, Invoco Algol Evoco Rex Magoa et Voco te Radahel– Agente ex Harasiel Io Lepacha! Aperiatur Stella Caput Larvae Illuminateo Mea! [Numinous is the Head of Medusa/ Glory to the Head of the Ghoul/ Wonderful Are Thy Works– Glory to the Specter’s Head/ Second Star of Perseus, Engender Magickal Ascent/ I Call to the Head of the Vampyre/ In the Name of Lepaca and Radahel/ I Call to Amducious, I Call to Algol/ I Call Up King Magoa and I Call to/ Radahel– Emissary of

the Saturnian Qlipha/ Hail Lepacha! Open the Sky/ Enlighten Me, Specter’s Head] Agios Caput Algol! Io Lepacha! Io Maguth! [Numinous (is) the Demon Star! Hail Lepacha! Hail Maguth] Ho Drakon Ho Megas! [The Great Dragon (This is a Name for the Entire Universe)] Tagged 218 Current Algol amducious Amducius Amdukias Amduscias Amdusias Anti-Cosmic Satanism Black Lodge Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft caput algol Chaos Magic Chaos Magick Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Demon

The Hekatean Banishing Rite of the Pentagram – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 27, 2016October 17, 2019 606 Words 1. Face the North. Exclaim “Ave Agia” [Hail Agia/Hecate]. 2. Visualize a bright sphere of indigo light growing above your head. Known that this is the essence of Darkness and vibrate the name “Hecate.” 3. Visualize a beam of light descending from this sphere and to your genital area where it forms a second sphere. Vibrate “Chthonian,” which is a name of Hekate. 4. Visualize a beam shooting from the second sphere and forming a small ball of indigo light at your left hip. Vibrate “Agriope,” which is a name of Hekate. 5. Visualize another beam traveling from the second sphere to your right hip and forming another small ball of indigo light there. Vibrate “Melinoe,” which is a name of Hekate. 6. Visualize a sphere of indigo light the size of a basketball forming over your sternum and vibrate “Hecate Porsadaea”, a chant I channeled for this rite. Continue to visualize all of these spheres of light for however long you would like

of light for however long you would like. 7. Cease visualizing the spheres and walk forward to the Northern point of the circle you are going to cast. Trace a banishing pentagram of earth in the air with your index and middle fingers extended as in the picture below and visualize it shining electric blue. Vibrate “Enodia,” which is a name of Hekate, as you visualize the pentagram glowing brighter. 8. Put your two fingers in the heart of the pentagram and trace a line of electric blue energy from it to the Western point of the circle you are casting. Trace another pentagram in the air and vibrate “Charopis,” which is a name of Hekate to empower it. 9. Trace a beam to the Southern point. Draw another electric blue pentagram and empower it with Hekate’s name “Empousa.” 10. Trace a beam to the East to form a pentagram. Empower it with “Dadophoros.” 11. Trace a beam from the Eastern pentagram to the Northern one to finish the circle, and then return to the center of the circle, standing behind the altar if you have one. 12. Vibrate “Hazanana,” a word of power I channeled for this rite, as you visualize the circle growing brighter. 13. Shut your eyes. Visualize the aspect of Hekate which corresponds to the element of the earth, and feel serene and safe to be in her presence. Open your eyes after a moment, and visualize beams of green and brown earth energy entering the circle through the Northern pentagram. 14. Shut your eyes. Visualize the aspect of Hekate which corresponds to the element water, and feel serene and safe to be in her presence. Open your eyes after a moment, and visualize blue beams of water energy entering the circle through the Western pentagram.

15. Shut your eyes. Visualize the aspect of Hekate which corresponds to the element of fire, and feel serene and safe to be in her presence. Open your eyes after a moment, and visualize red and orange beams of fire energy entering the circle through the Southern pentagram.

16. Shut your eyes. Visualize the aspect of Hekate which corresponds to the element of the air, and feel serene and safe to be in her presence. Open your eyes after a moment, and visualize yellow beams of air energy entering the circle through the Eastern pentagram. 17. Say “Aperiatur Stella, Et Germinet Agia” [Open the Sky, and Bring Forth Agia]. 18. Continue to reside within the circle for however long you like, meditating on the way your energetic body feels. 19. Optional: Visualize yourself glowing brilliantly white white and gold energy and vibrate “Hecate” thrice (or more), calling on Hecate thereby to increase your magickal powers.

The Incantation of the Qliphothic Pearl – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 28, 2017November 29, 2017 469 Words {This 15-stanza incantation may be used at the end of any rite or spell of self-initiation, self-empowerment, or self-transformation. It uses two chants from Book of Belial and one from Modern Demonolatry— these three chants serve to empower any rite of demon magick. The remainder of the incantation consists of my own original chants, which chants I have personally written, empowered, and consecrated (it’s a three-step process). These chants call on all manner of demons to strengthen the effects of your rite or empower the celebrant directly. It calls on Phenex, the Lords of the Three Veils Before Samael, Amaymon, Amprodias, Qalilitu, Curiel, the Four Brides of Samael, Raflifu, the Three Leaders of the Grigori/Watchers (i.e. the Three Primary Fathers of the Nephilim),  the First Two Magickal Adepts (i.e. Cain/Qayin and his Wife Luluwa/Qalmana), and Amducious. This incantation may be recited once or multiple times: I would recommend twice as two is the number of the Infernal or seven times if the witch won’t be overwhelmed (seven is the number of all things magickal, infernal, and demonic). The numbers 9 and 11 are also wonderful for demon magick. Don’t worry about your ability to pronounce the words and names– simply do your best and it will be more than enough. There is no need for you to be familiar with all of the entities called upon. Make sure to FOCUS on the desire to empower yourself and your rite as you recite this incantation– the better you focus, the more powerful it’ll be}

Et Revertetur Ad Tenebras! Melus De Quo Magma! Salve Phenex Pater Kelippot! Salvete Domine Qematriel, Basileus Gothiel, Et Rex Belial-Mortifer! Salve Amaymon Pater Sitra Ahra! In Nomine Domine Amprodias, Aperiatur Kliffoth! Qalilitu Venire Et Germinet Xul! Curiel Liftoach Qlipha Ha-Thaumiel! Lilith, Eisheth, Agrat, Nahema! Domine Raflifu, Agente Ex Qliphoth, Gloria! Veni! Invoco Azza-Shemhazai, Venire Azael, Voco te Azazel Rex Thaumiel! Voco te Luluwa– Invoco Qayin– Spirituum Inferni! Agios Ischyros Amducious Rex Kliffot! Porro Triumphator In Inferno Sunt! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! [And All Returns to Darkness/ Reality Emanates from the Demonic/ Hail Phenex, the Father of the Infernal Plane/ Hail Lord Qematriel, Lord Gothiel, and King Belial the Death-Bearer/ Hail Amaymon, Father of the Infernal Plane/ In the Name of Lord Amprodias, Open the Qliphoth/ Qalilitu, Come and Manifest the Black Light/ Curiel, Open the Plutonic-Neptunian Sphere of the Qliphoth/ (the Names of the Four Brides of Samael)/ Lord Raflifu, Emissary of the Qliphoth, Glory to You! Come/ I Call to Semyaza, Oh Come Azael, I Call to King Azazel of Thaumiel/ I Call to Luluwa, I Call to Qayin, Spirits of the Infernal Plane/ Numinous and Mighty is King Amducious of the Qliphoth/ Victory Resides with the Infernal/ Numinous is the Infernal Plane– Glory to the Current of the Adversary]

The Kliffotic Ritual of the Great Dissolution – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals June 3, 2017November 28, 2017 548 Words {Face the North. Magickal chants and Words of Power (WoP’s) in bold are to be vibrated, whereas phrases in italics are meant to be chanted. This rite calls upon multiple demons to destroy or weaken the ego of the initiate and increase her magickal power and psychic perception in the process} Melus De Quo Magma + Liftoach Pandemonium + Zodamran + Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas + Liftoach Kliffot + Zodamran + Yehi Aur Chashakh [Reality Emanates from the Demonic + Open the Infernal Plane + (WoP to Open the Qliphoth) + (WoP to Open the Qliphoth) + Open the Qliphoth + (WoP to Open the Qliphoth) + Let There Be Infernal Light] Venire Mater Qalilitu (x9) [Come, Mother Qalilitu] Veni, Veni Tanin’iver, Princeps Gamalielim (x11) [Come, Come, Tanin’iver, Prince of the Obscene Ones] Carabia, Demonosophia, Decarabia (x6) (Names of Decarabia) Venire Tanin’iver, Et Germinet Anados (x7) [Come Tanin’iver, And Bring Forth Evolution] I open forward the Pit of Nigrescence and Tree of the Nightside wherein dwell eternal legions of blackness and fire. Them

multifarious artificers of infernality arise from the Acausal Plane as the cleansing effulgence of the Pit emanates into causality to purge me of my imperfections. I, N.N., call up Baratchial, Zamradiel, Decarabia, Qalilitu, and Tanin’iver to cleanse me of my ego. Melus De Quo Magma (x11) [Reality Emanates from the Demonic] Oh, Hear the Names and Words of Power! Na-Hath-Pe + Carabia + Baratchial + Qalilitu + Zamradiel + Tanin’iver + Pal-Un + Yatukisahla [11 + Carabia + Baratchial + Qalilitu + Zamradiel + Tanin’iver + 66 + Will Manifests By Sorcerous Belief] Open the Dark Gate of Adamantium and Sulphur so that the Creatures of the Other Side might walk amongst humanity. The evolution of humankind is the artifice of the Qliphoth. Darkened shapes and resplendent blackness coalesce and shift about my arena of sorcery as brilliant eyes shine blue as they observe the Craft of my heritage. Another magickian embraces the darkness and enters into adepthood, and the Abyssal Sorcerers of the Other Side cry out with great rejoicing. Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Zamradiel (x8) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Zamradiel] Agios es, Baratchial Initiatrix (x11) [Numinous Art Thou, Baratchial the Initiator] I open myself up to the Forces of Infernality. Let the Black Light emanate from ever pore of my being To purge me of weakness and delusion So that I might become aware of what truly resides within my core Of Being and Becoming.

Hoesta Noc Ra Decarabia Secore (x5) (Decarabia’s Traditional Enn) Venire Tanin’iver, Et Germinet Anados (x7) [Come Tanin’iver, And Bring Forth Evolution] I call the legions of the infernal to empower my soul, empower my mind, and empower my subtle perceptions so that I may peer beyond the causal realm. Raise my magickal aptitude and let me become a god(dess) all my own. Agios Ischyros Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis (x9) [Numinous and Mighty is Qalilitu the Mistress of the Black Moon] Melus De Quo Magma (x9) [Reality Emanates from the Demonic] Agios o Pandemonium! [Numinous is Pandemonium] Anoki Adamas Ater (x8) [I am the Black Diamond] Sum Lapis Philosophorum (x8) [I am the Philosopher’s Stone] Xeper Xepera Xeperu (x9) [I Have Come Into Being and Established the Process of Becoming Thus] Bohu, Tohu, Chasek (x21) (the 3 Veils Before the Primal Plane) Melus De Quo Magma (x9) [Reality Emanates from the Demonic]

The Luciferian Sacrament of Anados – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 1, 2017 239 Words {Despite the simplicity of this ritual, this rite is best performed by advanced practitioners, as neophytes could easily be overwhelmed by its power. This ritual calls upon Lucifer to strengthen the Black Flame, empower all of the major chakras (subpersonal and transpersonal included), and strengthen the witch’s character. This ritual uses the Church of Lucifer’s word of power “Zorabia.” This WoP serves to strengthen the Black Flame, and is seen as a title for the fifth element (azoth/spiritus/ether). It also uses my chant, Yehi Aur Chashakh, meaning “Let There Be Infernal Light,” which serves, IN THIS CONTEXT, to strengthen the Black Flame as well. My WoP “Phaos Abussos” empowers all of the chakras and my chant “Xon, Binan Ath, Xul, Ga Wath Am” increases the sorcerer’s magickal power and increases his strength of character. This rite also uses chants from Liber Azerate, the Temple of Layil, and the Order of the Nine Angles} Med-Orth + Lucifero + Lumiel + Helel ben Shachar + Lucibel + Asturel + Aggelos Phos + Liftoach Qliphoth + Liftoach Pandemonium Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer (x11) Lucifer, I ask that you strengthen my Black Flame. Lylusay Tateros Volt Sids Lucifer (x11) Zorabia (x3)

Yehi Aur Chashakh (x3) Lucifer, I ask that you empower my chakras. Lucifer, Asturel, Liftoach Kliffot (x7) Phaos Abussos (x11) Lucifer, I ask that you increase my strength of will and discipline. Aperiatur terra, et germinet Lucifer (x7) Xon, Binan Ath, Xul, Ga Wath Am (x11)

The Malignant Rite of Behemoth – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 5, 2018March 24, 2018 1,027 Words This ritual is advanced. It calls upon Behemoth to empower the Black Flame, align one to the True Will, empower the seven spinal chakras, divest the witch of mental blocks to psychic and magickal competence, and strengthen the astral hearing of the witch. Thereafter, the Qliphothic demon species known as the Nashimiron is called forth to increase the witch’s talents for dream work, therionick/atavistic magick, and psychic vampyrism, as well as strengthen the astral double and reinforce the witch’s natural defenses to glamour magick. This rite begins with the creation of a very strong sacred space because the rite is incredibly powerful. If the empowerment becomes too much, the witch may skip to the conclusion of the rite. This rite uses chants from Book of Belial, The Complete Book of Demonolatry, Liber Azerate, and Tree of Shadow.

Above: My Original Sigil of Behemoth

The Presencing of the Sacred Space Melus De Quo Magma (x9) [Reality Emanates from the Demonic] Liftoach Kliffot! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Liftoach Pandemonium! Yehi Aur Chashakh! Zodamran! Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas! Zodamran! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Liftoach Kliffot! Yehi Aur Chashakh! [Open the Qliphoth! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Open the Infernal Plane! Let There Be Infernal Light!

(Word of Power to Raise Qliphothic Energy)! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Open the Qliphoth! Let There Be Infernal Light] Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas (x7) [(Chant to Presence Qliphothic Energy)] Zodamran! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Yehi Aur Chashakh! [(WoP to Raise Qliphothic Energy)! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Let There Be Infernal Light] Behemoth Liftoach Shaari Ha-Qlipha Ha-Geburim (x10) [Behemoth, Open the Gate to the Qlipha Wherein the Geburim Dwell]

The Presencing of Behemoth Subhan B’hemot– Io Behemot! Baruch Ha-Bahamut Tzefa HaReschaim! Behemoth Liftoach Shaari Ha-Qlipha Ha Geburim! Ol Oecremi Isli Ol Um Isli Sa Ol Zodameta Bahimuth! Zacam Oxiayal Od Gohed Dundatannin! Solpeth Bien Sa Zorge Khaosophoros Sa Behemot! Arphe Ozamran Pambt Bagle Zirdo Hoath O Il Odlonshin A Iadanah Gahim-Geakyrna! Oecremi Nahilithisat A Micaolz Bransg Ol Reschaim! [Glory to B’hemot– Hail Behemot! Blessed is Bahamut, the Ancient Serpent of the Qlipha of the Black Earth! Behemoth, Open the Gate to the Qlipha of the Dwellers Within the Black Earth! I Praise You, I Call You, And I Conjure You Bahimuth! I Move You, Mighty And Everlasting Dundatannin! Hearken To My Voice, Chaos-Bearer And Behemoth! Descend And Appear, For I Am A True Worshiper of Your Power And Divine Knowledge, Gahim-Geakyrna! I Praise Nahilithisat, The Mighty Guard of Reschaim]

Salve Behemoth Basileus Aeon! Adpare Bahimuth Aedifex! Behemoth Aeonifer Sumministra She-Ein Bo Mashavah! Et Revertetur Ad Tenebras! Agios O Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! Porro Triumphator In Inferno Sunt! Provinite Sam, Akasha, Alogos, Et She-Ein Bo Mashavah! Obtestor Xul De Tohu, Bohu, Et Chasek– Infernalia Fundam Anados! Gnosis De Solis Atricolor Peto– Et Obtestor Alogos Ex Abyssus! Arcesso She-Ein Bo Mashavah– Megist Pyros De Phosophorsophia! [Hail Behemoth, Lord of the Aeon! Appear, Bahimuth the Architext! Behemoth, Bearer of Aeons, Provide the Dark Light of Ain Soph! And All Returns to Darkness! Numinous is the Other Side, Glory to the Undercurrent of Sinistral Demon Magick! Victory Lies within the Dwelling of the Infernal! Provide Poisonous Ether, the Fifth Element, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Dark Light of Ain Soph! I Conjure the Black Light of Tohu, Bohu, and Chasek– the Infernal Fundaments of Ascent! I Seek the Gnosis of the Black Sun– and I Conjure the Unrevealed Gnosis of the Abyss! I Conjure the Dark Light of Ain Soph– the Great Fire of the Black Light and Flame]

The First Empowerment of the Black Flame Ornate Bahimuth– Aetherus Omnium Patronus (x16) [Praise Bahimuth– Patron of All Ether] Obtestor Aur Chashakh Ecce She-Ein Bo Mashavah Per Aur Chashakh Ascendam Insuper Arduum Ero Similis Edom Belial Per Sum Veridicus Adamas Ater Ecce Phosphorosophia Pyros Anabaino Etz Ha-Daath Ego Sum Sincerus Lapis Exilis Obtestor Xul– Ecce Aur Chashakh [I Conjure the Infernal Light of Darkness/ Behold the Dark Light of

Ain Soph/ By the Infernal Light of Darkness, I Will Ascend Above the Heights/ I Shall Become Like Unto the Ideal Sinistral Adept/ For I am the True Black Diamond/ Behold the Black Flame of the Infernal Light/ the Fire from the Tree of Knowledge/ I am the True Diamond of Exile/ I Conjure the Black Light– Behold the Infernal Light of Darkness]

The Call to the Nashimiron I Now Conjure the Pre-Eminent Emissaries of Sitra Achara Known Unto Man As the Nashimiron. Come Forth from the Nightside Palace of Deathful Wombs and Engender the Increasement of My Capacities for Therionick, Vampyric, and Oneiric Sortilege, and the Reinforcing of My Natural Immunity to Glamour and of My Astral Double! Rimkatha-Ka-Karra Rimka-Ka-Ka-Korra Linkondrathaggalla Lontimgondritharra! Gahim-Geakyrna Behemoth Nahilithisat Dundatannin! Rimkatha-Ka-Karra Rimka-Ka-Ka-Korra Linkondrathaggalla Lontimgondritharra! Ari Refu Mata Dragon! Rimkatha-Ka-Karra Rimka-Ka-Ka-Korra Linkondrathaggalla Lontimgondritharra! Artorzozam! [(Channeled Chant to Summon the Nashimiron)/ (Four Names of Behemoth)/ (Channeled Chant to Summon the Nashimiron)/ (Chant to Behemoth from Tree of Shadow)/ (Channeled Chant to Summon the Nashimiron)/ (Word of Power to Summon the Nashimiron)] Obvenite Spirituum Sitra De-Smola– Supervinite Infernalia Nashimiron (x11) [Come, Spirits of the Sinister Left Side– Rise, Infernal Nashimiron] Kohot Ha-Qliphoth, Beni Sitra Ahra, Aeonifer, Nashimiron, Artorzozam (x10) [Forces of the Qliphoth, Children of the Other Side, Nashimiron, (Word of Power for Multi-Spirit Evocation)]

The Second Empowerment of the Black Flame Obtestor Aur Chashakh Ecce She-Ein Bo Mashavah Per Aur Chashakh Ascendam Insuper Arduum Ero Similis Edom Belial Per Sum Veridicus Adamas Ater Ecce Phosphorosophia Pyros Anabaino Etz Ha-Daath Ego Sum Sincerus Lapis Exilis Obtestor Xul– Ecce Aur Chashakh Anoki Adamas Ater! Torzodu Gohed Azoth! Ingra Flamma Invocare In Me! Phaos Abussos! Sum Lapis Philosophorum! Zorabia! Yehi Aur Chashakh! [I am the Black Diamond! Arise Everlasting Azoth! I Invoke the Black Flame In Me! Light from Hell! I am the Philosopher’s Stone! (WoP to Strengthen Internal Nexion)! Let There Be Infernal Light]

The Conclusion of the Rite  Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Undercurrent of Sinistral Demon Magick, Let it Be So]

The Mass of Davcina – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals December 30, 2017 472 Words {This ritual calls upon the Sumerian Earth Goddess venerated throughout ancient cultures by the names of Damkina, Damgalnunna, and Ninhursag, and by the Order of the Nine Angles as Hebdomadry. As far as Davcina goes, based on what my matron demoness told me about her, I think it’s safe to say that Davcina can be recommended more highly than almost any other non-demonic spirit for the magickal practice of Satanists, and probably many other religions as well. Phrases in italics are to be chanted in a slow, rhythmic way, and the six names in bold are to be vibrated. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets and instructions appear in parentheses. This rite can be performed without any materials. Materials are recommended, but not required, and it is the prerogative of the witch to determine for herself how she is to incorporate her materials into the rite} (NOTE: THIS PART OF THE RITUAL SERVES PRIMARILY TO RAISE A SACRED SPACE, SO FOCUS ON THE INTENT TO DO THAT AS YOU RECITE THE FOLLOWING) In Nomine De Regina Damgalnunna Excelsi! Ia Damgalnunna, Sarrat Eri-Dugga! Ia Ninchursanga! Regina Ninhursag Gloria! [In the Name of the Great Queen Damgalnunna! Hail Damgalnunna, Queen of Eri-Dugga! Hail Ninchursanga! Glory to Queen Ninhursag] Ia Davcina, Belatis-Dingir-Dingir (x3) [Hail Davcina, Lady-Ruler of the Gods] Ave Aeternae Ninhursag! Regina Ninhursag Gloria! Ba Ninhursag Ehdet! Ia Sarratum Ninchursanga! Meqim Damgalnuna! Ia Davcina, Belatis-Dingir-Dingir! Ia Ninchursanga! Regina Ninhursag Gloria!

Ave Aeternae Ninhursag! Ia Davcina, Belatis-Dingir-Dingir! Ba Ninhursag Ehdet! Ia Sarratum Ninchursanga! Meqim Damgalnuna! Regina Ninhursag Gloria! Ave Aeternae Ninhursag! [Hail to the Eternal Ninhursag! Glory to Queen Ninhursag! I Adhere to Ninhursag! Hail Queen Ninchursanga! Damgalnuna is the Creatrix! Hail Davcina, Lady-Ruler of the Gods! Hail Ninchursanga! Glory to Queen Ninhursag! Hail Davcina, Lady-Ruler of the Gods! I Adhere to Ninhursag! Hail Queen Ninchursanga! Damgalnuna is the Creatrix! Glory to Queen Ninhursag! Hail to the Eternal Ninhursag] (NOTE: THE REMAINDER OF THE RITUAL SERVES TO ACTUALIZE WHATEVER YOUR INTENTIONS FOR THE RITE ARE. VISUALIZE THEM OR OTHERWISE FOCUS ON YOUR INTENDED RESULTS FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE RITUAL) Damgalnuna + Dav-Kinu + Mamma + Aruru + Uriash Damkina Matrum Deum, Sancta Davcina, Agios Es, Nunc Et In Omnia Saecula Agios o Davcina Agios o Pharmaceutria! [Mother of the Gods/ Holy Davcina/ Numinous Art Thou,/ Now and For All Days. Numinous is Davcina! Numinous is the Sorceress] Mami, Dannina, Damgalnunna, Ninkharasag, Ninmah, Ninmenna, Mamma, Aruru, Ninhursag, Ninki, Mammetun, Nintu, Damkina, Ninchursanga, Belit-Ili, Nintud, Mammetim, Dam-Kinu, BeletDingirmes, Dauce, Damgulanna, Damku, Gashan-Ki, Tabsut Ili, Danke, Damgalminna, Uriash Damkina, Dawkina, Shassuru, Ninella, Damgalnuna, Nintur, Dav-Kina, Nin-Ili, Ninhursaga Alka Damkina! Veni Et Rege Damgalnunna! Agios Es, Sancta Davcina! Invoco Damkina! Ia Ninchursanga! Alka Damkina! [Come, Damkina/ Come and Reign Damgalnunna/ Numinous Art

Thou, Holy Davcina/ I Call to Damkina/ Hail Ninchursanga/ Come, Damkina] Ia Ninchursanga! Cacama! Karra! [Hail Ninchursanga! Amen! Hurrah]

The Musician’s Invocation of Asmoday – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 1, 2020 334 Words I was commissioned to design an invocation for Asmodeus that would magickally improve the clients musical talents and songwriting abilities. This ritual can be used to simultaneously increase the celebrant’s skill with multiple instruments (the client is using this rite to augment his talent with four), and give her the ability to write songs at a faster rate, and give her the ability to write better songs. This ritual must be performed three times. It was designed to be effective with little to no magickal equipment, as well as without sigils. However, the witch is welcomed to incorporate any equipment or sigils she has access to. Words of power to be vibrated appear in bold, incantations to be chanted appeared in italics, translations appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! O, Salve Ashmadia! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Oh, Hail Ashmadia/Asmodeus] I call forth the infernal sovereign over Asmodeus! Mighty Amaymon, darksome king, empower my sorcery, my rite, my summoning! Help me manifest Asmodeus and come to be unified with him! Daroz! Orgar! Konlar! Sarra! [(Channeled Words of Power Calling on Amaymon)]

Sangarae Orzagem Bordruzzon Arazzem (x9) [(Channeled Chant to Create a Sacred Space for the Rite)] I call unto Asmodeus, the lord of strength and invisibility! Manifest within my chamber, manifest within me! Unify your essence with mine so I can be transformed for the musical arts! I welcome your demonry, your gnosis, your power! Zongarae! Harasorem! Gadrapala! Hondrador! [(Channeled Words of Power Calling on Asmodeus)] Asmoday Kozralatorem (x3) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Asmodeus)] (Vibrate the Word of Power Zar-Nor-Ar-Har-Zal-Kay-Ral Repeatedly Until You Feel You’ve Done Enough) Adveni Exitosus Asmodaios! [Come, Destructive Asmodaios] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

The Nightside Mass of the Third Eye – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals March 18, 2020 318 Words I was commissioned to design a rite to fully open the Third Eye. Opening the Third Eye is one thing, but opening it completely is another– something that few will ever achieve. This ritual calls upon Lucifer, Vine, and Amaymon. It is very powerful and should be performed once a week until the goal is achieved. The ritual will create a powerful Qliphothic sacred space with the force of Sathariel. Words to be vibrated will appear in bold. Phrases meant to be chanted (recited in a rhythmic monotone) will appear in italics. Translations of foreign phrases will appear in brackets, and explanations will appear in parentheses. No equipment is required, but the witch is welcome to incorporate any equipment that she has at her disposal. The following sigil should be focused on during the rite. Do not burn or tear up the sigil after performing the rite for the first time. Instead, use it again and again, until you sense that you have performed the rite the final time. Thereupon, burn the sigil or tear it to pieces. The sigil should be drawn in purple.

Salvete Vine, Amaymon, Et Lucifer! Liftoach Satariel! Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Hail Vine, Amaymon, and Lucifer! Open Satariel! Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick] Gienazzen (x7) [(Word of Power to Create a Sacred Space with the Power of Satariel)] Amaymon Sonrada Kalattena Ozakaea Ar (x3) [(Channeled Chant Calling Amaymon)] Lucifer Sarendara (x3) [(Channeled Chant to Lucifer)] Arriz Sagra Vine Nozzala (x3) [(Channeled Chant to Vine)] Sonraza Kordaea Laga Har (x9) [(Channeled Chant Which Calls on Lucifer)] Amaymon-Narengara Liftoach Alara! [Amaymon-(Channeled Secret Name for Amaymon), Open the Third Eye!] Songriedae-Vine Liftoach Alara! [(Channeled Secret Name for Vine)-Vine, Open the Third Eye] Sempiternus Drakosophia Admirabilis! Liftoach Alara B’Shem HaMavethol! [The Eternal Underlying Force of All Demon Magick is Wonderful! Open the Third Eye in the Name of the Nightside]

The Protection & Empowerment of the Black God – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals April 6, 2019April 6, 2019 164 Words Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and Unwritten Gnosis] I call forth the Lord of the Court of the Iron Throne, The Everlasting Scion of the Eternal Abyss, The Sempiternal Deity of Vaerkuris, The Diabolic King of the Blighted Lords, Zlita Boga, Zernebog, Zaddindal Descend Unto My Arena of Sorcery To Deflect All Sortliege Weaved Against Me And Elevate My Very Being As My Enemies Are Brutally Punished. Zanana Araga Zalala Zadaga (x13) [(Channeled Chant Calling Chernobog to Create a Sacred Space)] Doraga Alalar Zaladar Paranal (x13) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Chernobog)] Zortorala Doradaga Poratal Tarakal (x11) [(Chant Channeled Specifically for This Rite)] Zadaga Nananar Dorsagal (x11) [(Chant Channeled Specifically for This Rite)]

Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

The Rite of Acausal Percipience – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals August 2, 2017November 12, 2017 343 Words {This ritual calls upon the spirits Raum/Raym, Qalilitu/Madogiel, Qalmana/Luluwa/Awan/Qalomena/Lebuda, and Niantiel/Mawethel to sharply magnify the psychic powers of the sorcerer. Names in bold are to be vibrated and phrases in italics are to be chanted. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets. It is the prerogative of the celebrant to determine which if any material equipment he would like to use} I call forth the Sempiternal Partisans of Infernality known as the Goetic Count of Mars and Qalilitu the Vampyric Destructrix! Appear now unto me alongside Niantiel and the Witch-Mother and engender the refinement of my psychic senses! Oh hear the names: Qalomena + Raum + Luluwa + Qalilitu + Mawethel + Qalmana + Madogiel + Lebuda + Raym + Awana + Niantiel Liftoach Kliffot! Agios Ischyros Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis! [Open the Qliphoth! Numinous and Mighty is Qalilitu, Daughter of the Black Moon] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Niantiel! [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Niantiel] I call upon the Qliphothic Immortals known as Niantiel, Queen Luluwa, Qalilitu, and Count Raym of Pandemonium. Let your presences emanate waves of erratic blackness and energy and sensations of incredible wonder. I pursue the gnosis of Sitra Ahra.

Zodamran! Zodamran! Melus De Quo Magma! (Words of Power for Demonic Magick) I call upon you to heighten my psychic senses. Improve my faculties of divination and communication with spirits. Grant me an intuitive apprehension of visions, omens, and dreams. Elevate my station as you open my eyes. Hail unto the spirits of the Qliphoth. Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Raym (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Raym] Venire Mater Qalilitu (x11) [Come, Mater Qalilitu] Io Niantiel-Mawethel (x11) [Hail Niantiel-Mawethel] Qalilitu, venire. Madogiel, venire. Aperiatur Acharayim et germinet Qalilitu! Io Niantiel-Mawethel! Io Qalmana-Lil-U-Wa! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! [Qalilitu, Come! Madogiel, Come! Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Qalilitu! Hail Qalmana/Luluwa! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond] Furca Na Alle Laris Raum (x9) Qalmana Meleketh ha-Gulgatha va-Nogah (x11) [Qalmana Queen of Gulgatha and Venus] As I have spoken, so let it be done! Tagged 128 Current 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Chaos-Gnostic Satanism

The Rite of Azagthohic Anodos – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals April 15, 2017November 3, 2017 162 Words (this rite can either serve as a self-empowering ritual to Atazoth or an invocation of him) Oh hear the names: Atazoth + Azagthoth + Azathoth + Attaghot + At-Taghut + Atazhot Ya Attaghot; Agios o Atazoth (x7) [Hail Attagot; Numinous is Atazoth] Memor fui nocte nominis tui, Atazoth. Et custodiam legem tuam. Omnia præcépta tua véritas. Quando fácies de persequéntibus me judicium? Innova signa et itera mirabilia Glorifica manum et firma bráchium sinistrum. [During the night, I remember thy name Atazoth/ To observe thy law./ All thy orders are right./ When will thou condemn my persecutors?/ Renew thy signs and wonders,/ Thy left arm and hand are glorified.] Azak Grife Dagarsh Azathoth (x9) The depths of the sea A tunnel of knives There is a union here While he directs the Chosen Rage in the Eye Of the Goat – The golden triangle Stands against a sky of fire

Aperiatur terra, et germinet Atazoth (x11) [Open the earth, and bring forth Atazoth] Tagged 218 Current 23 Current afsana anados Anti-Cosmic Satanism Atazoth azag-thoth azagthoth Azathoth azif Chaos Magic Chaos Magick Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Current 23 Demonolatry Demonology Devil Worship Diabolic Gnosticism Discordian Discordianism Evolutionary Satanism

The Rite of Insurmountable Strength – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals July 29, 2017July 7, 2020 337 Words This ritual calls upon Baelzebuth/Baal adh’Dhubaab/Baal Zebul, Malphas, Cimejas/Cymaries/Tuvries/Kimaris, Alfpunias/Alefpene’ash/Gurigur, Sitri/Bitru, Ipes/Aperos/Ipos, Hemethterith, Tezrian, Ba’al/Baal-Tzelmoth, and Raum to impart greath strength unto the celebrant. This ritual incorporates incantations from The Daemonolater’s Guide to Daemonic Magic by S. Conolly. I conjure forth the Emissaries of the Infernal Divine for the refinement of my character through the increasement of my courage, strength of will, and discipline, through the establishment of aplomb, and through the removal of complacence and fallacious insecurity. I call on you now also to empower my spiritual faculties and refine my physical form in whichever ways you deem, in your wisdom, appropriate. Oh hear the names: Baelzebuth + Malpas + Cymaries + Alfpunias + Bitru + Ipes + Ba’al + Raym + Hemethterith + Tezrian + Alefpene’ash + Sitri + Tuvries + Baal Zebul + Ayperos + Bael + Hemhemterith + Seere + Cimejas + Raum + Gurigur + Aypeos + Malphas + Baal adh’Dhubaab + Kimaris + Ipos + Beel d’Bobo Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Seere (x7) Lirach Tasa Malphas Ayer (x11) Niiso Tuvries A Micalzo (x7)

Caosgon Sa Arphe Pambt Alefpene’ash (x7) Jezebel (x9) Zacare Odzamran Alfpunias Gohed (x11) Furca na alle laris Raum (x11) Rex Nihilifer, Veniat Ad Me (x9) Hemethterith Hemhemterith Fam-Ged Val-Ger-Gal (x9) Pal-Un Don-Graph Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater Ceph-Pe Mals-Veh Yehi Aur Chashakh Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Hemhemterith (x11) Lirach Tasa Malphas Ayer (x11) Ol Um Isli Gohed Gurigur (x7) Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Baal-Tzelmoth (x7) Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Bitru (x7) Ayer Avage Secore Cimejes (x11) Desa An Ipos Ayer (x11) Jedan Et Renich Seere Tu Tasa (x11) Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Ayporos (x7) Aperiatur Acharaim, Et Germinet Baelzebuth (x7) Agios o Bael (x7) Ezyr Ramec Ganen Tezrian (x11) Artri, Bitru, Sitri, Andareth (x7) Adey Vocar Avage Beelzebuth (x11) Kimaris Torzodu Odzamran (x11) Lirach Alora Vefa Sitri (x7) Niiso Hemhemterith Torzodu (x9) Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Seere (x9) Ayer Secore On Ca Ba’al (x9) Caosgon Odzamran Raym-A-Gohed (x9) Lirach Alora Vefa Sitri (x7) Agios Es, Belladomina Tezrian (x11)

As I have spoken, so let it be done.

The Rite of Sinistral Attainment – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 6, 2018January 29, 2020 585 Words Io Eisheth Zenanim Regina Sol Niger! [Hail Eisheth Zenanim Queen of the Black Sun] Aken Yesh Acharayim Bamaquwm Ha-Zeh (x11) [Surely the Qliphoth is Present Here] Liftoach Pandemonium! Arcesso She-Ein Bo Mashavah– Megist Pyros De Phosophorsophia! Kakki-Ilu Sitra Ahra! Yehi Aur Chashakh! [Open the Infernal Plane! I Summon the Black Light– Great Fire of the Black Light and Flame! My Weapon is the Other Side! Let There Be Black Light] Exsurge Aisha Qadisha (x6) [Rise Aisha Qadisha] I conjure the Warrior Crone of the Qliphas of the Black Sun and Saturn! Come forth, oh Vengeful Protectress and Eldrin Begetter of Succubi! Manifest and grant me physical health and impart wisdom unto me! Show me the grandeur of your power and make your presence known to me! I call you forth from Sitra Ahra– appear and align my body, spirit, and soul! Isheth Zennanim Adpara Gnosis! Eisheth Koheneth haArsiel! Qodehsa Yesod Ha-Zamiel! Scande Eisheth Maxuma Amata! Allaudate Qodeshah Genitrix Wamphyri! Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Eisheth Zenunim! Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Eisheth! Exsurge Aisha Qadisha! Io Eisheth Zenanim Regina Sol Niger! Manifestos! [Isheth Zennanim Provide Gnosis! Eisheth High Priestess of the Black

Sun! Qodesha Foundation of the Black-Solar Qlipha’s Outer Cortex! Arise, Eisheth, Elder Enchantress! Praise Qodeshah the Mother of Vampyres! I Summon the Mighty Emissary of the Left Hand– I Call Eisheth Zenunim! Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Eisheth! Arise Aisha Qadisha! Hail Eisheth Zenanim Queen of the Black Sun! (Evocation WoP)] I call the Tzelladimion– Primal Archdemonic Legion from the Nightside Tree of Wombs! Cynanthropic Emissaries of Infernality! Refine my aptitude for lying and social skills. Improve my proficiencies for telepathic spirit communication and sorcerous mind control! I call you forth by way of rite! Alogos Teknon, Exousia Basileia Skotos, Tzalalimiron, Khaosophoros Pneuma (x7) Obvenite Spirituum Sitra De-Smola– Supervinite Infernalia Tzelladimion (x6) Kohot Ha-Qliphoth, Beni Sitra Ahra, Aeonifer, Tzelilimiron, Artorzozam (x6) Taggathathaggorra Limkuthaggalla Limkandrakkorra (x7) [Children of the Alogos, Forces of the Kingdom of Darkness, Tzalalimiron, Chaos-Bearing Spirits/ Come Spirits of the Qliphoth– Arise Infernal Tzelladimion/ Qliphothic Forces, Children of Sitra Ahra, Aeon-Bearers, Tzelilimiron, (Evocation WoP)/ (Channeled Magickal Chant for Summoning the Tzelilimiron)] Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! Provinite Sam, Akasha, Alogos, Et She-Ein Bo Mashavah! Gnosis De Solis Atricolor Peto– Et Obtestor Alogos Ex Abyssus! [Numinous is Sitra Ahra– Glory to the Undercurrent of Demon Magick! Manifest Poison, Ether, Alogos, and the Black Light! I Seek the Gnosis of the Black Sun– And I Conjure the Unrevealed Gnosis of the Abyss]

I call forth Characith! Wamphyric Mareon of Divinatory Gnosis! Shapeshifter, Archsuccubus, and Darksome Mistress of Permutation! Black Sentinel of the Martial-Saturnian Pathway! I call you forward. Grant me magickal empowerment, personal magnetism, bravery, and a wordless comprehension of the Numinous! Mimtimgallathandra Mimtarrathorraggawl Limkandrathorraggal Limkellathorraggawl Limkallathandra Characith (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Characith)] Advoco Ambrosia Characith, Agente Ex Qliphoth, Diva De Terra! Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Characith! Extollate Characith, Amata Daemonum, Et Domina Transfiguratio! Manifestos! [I Call the Everlasting Characith, Emissary of the Qliphoth, Spirit of the Earth! I Summon the Mighty Emissary of the Left Hand– I Call Characith! Praise Characith, Demonic Enchantress, and Lady of Transfiguration! Manifestos! Horzalala. Artorzozam. Don-Graph. Aeonifer. Pal-Un. Khaosophoros. Na-Hath-Pe. Goessabim. Mals-Graph. Ala-Mashavah. Mals-Veh. Diabalachara. Ceph-Pe. Xulogos. Semolshedim. Chasheinphos. Sammitrakashah. Shaloazoth. Saphorozos. Xuliphazoth. Mavethol. [(WoP’s for Demon Magick)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Undercurrent of Sinistral Demon Magick, Let it Be So]

Above: My Original Sigil of Eisheth Zenunim

The Rite of Solidification – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 4, 2017November 12, 2017 458 Words {This rite serves serves to remove or diminish the traits of insecurity, self-doubt, and submissiveness and fill the sorcerer with confidence, determination, and assertiveness. It calls upon Lilith, Verrier, and the demoness known variously as Put Satanachia, Satanackia, Satanachia, and Satanchia. This ritual uses magickal chants and words of power from The Bible of the Adversary by Michael W. Ford, the magickal course of Dragon Rouge, Liber Azerate, Modern Demonolatry by S. Connoly, Lilith: Goddess of Sitra Ahra by Black Tower Publishing, Book of Belial by Asha’Shedim, the Red Book of Appin by an author I can’t name, some I can’t remember, and my upcoming book with Daemonic Dreams Publishing. It’s designed to use profuse magickal chants and words of power to manifest strong results without much ritual equipment, so the use of any sigils and tools is to be determined and incorporated by the practitioner. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted. Amabis is a magickal name for Lilith and physis is a term for the inner nature of a person. The word metanoia signifies a mental change} Agios Ischyros Verrier! Invoco Sancta Put Satanachia! Ama Lilith, Liftoach Kliffoth! [Numinous and Mighty is Verrier! I Call to the Holy Put Satanachia! Mother Lilith, Open the Qliphoth] I call forth the Archfiends of Pandemonium to bring about the changement of my psyche via magickal metanoia. Refine the psychological aspect of my physis and further my journey of mental alchemy! Ascend now!

Melus De Quo Magma! Liftoach Kliffot! Yehi Aur Chashakh! Zodamran! Yatukisahla! [Reality Emanates from the Demonic! Open the Qliphoth! Let their Be Infernal Light! By Magickal Belief, Desire Enters Physicality] Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Satanackia (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Satanackia] Agios Tzaphoni Ama Lilith Layilil (x11) [Numinous (is) (Various Names for Lilith)] Renich Viasa Avage Lilith Lirach (x6) Lilith, Mistress of Illusions, Abyssic Shapeshifter, Mother of Succubi! Black-Lunar Initiatrix and Vampyre of Sitra Ahra! Arise within causality and divest my mind of self-doubt and insecurity alike! Ahi Hay Lilith! Renich Viasa Avage Lilith Lirach! Amabis! Agios o Lilith Regina Gamaliel (x6) [Numinous is Lilith, Queen of (the Qlipha of the Black Moon)] Furca Na Alle Laris Satanchia (x11) Verrier, I call you forward. Strengthen my spine against degradation and abuse and grant me an aptitude for self-assertion. Give me the determination and confidence I need in order to take up for myself. Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Verrier (x7) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Verrier] Elit Rayesta Verrier (x11) Agios Ischyros Verrier! Io Satanchia-Put Satanachia-Satanackia! Melus De Quo Magma! Et Revertetur Ad Tenebras! [Numinous and Mighty is Verrier! Hail (Names of Satanachia)! Reality Emanates from the Demonic! And All Returns to Darkness]

As I have spoken, so let it be done! Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Diabolic Gnosticism Draconian Current draconian path Evolutionary Satanism Exeatic Satanism Gnostic Diabolism Gnostic Satanism Kaos-Gnostic Satanism Kaos-Gnosticism Lilith Luciferian Luciferianism Luciferism Primitivist Satanism Progressive Satanism put satanachia Qliphoth Qliphothic Qabalah Qlippoth

The Rite of Tehuti’s Alchemy – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 20, 2019November 20, 2019 284 Words This ritual calls upon Thoth/Tehuti to empower the witch, alchemically transforming her and boosting her psychic abilities. This ritual was designed to yield significant results without requiring magickal equipment of any kind. However, the sorceress may employ any materials she has at her disposal however she sees fit. It would be good to make an offering to Tehuti during this rite– he likes Nag Champa and Myrrh. Phrases which appear in italics are meant to be chanted (recited repeatedly in a rhythmic monotone). Names which appear in bold are meant to be vibrated. Translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. This ritual employs two channeled secret names for Thoth (Pobaroth & Shombradae). Secret names are only for use in magick and worship. The words Io and Ia basically translate to “Hail.”

Io Thoth-Pobaroth! Ia Tehuti-Shombradae! I call forth Tehuti, the Numinous Scribe, the sempiternal and allseeing deity of knowledge! Subject me to your alchemy and empower me for mediumship! I vibrate your names to conjure you forth!

Sheps + Tetu + Pobaroth + Khenti + Shombradae + Thoth + Zehuti + Hab + Tahuti [(Nine Names of Thoth/Tehuti)] Tehuti Mozrabor! Thoth Shadaremba! Malabae Yizrada Shondrala Yaezabar! Shobador Tehuti Yonduthal! Koradona Arabara Shandrador Shaeduroth! [(Five Channeled Incantations to Summon Thoth)] Salve Divinus Thoth! Invoco Dominator Zehuti! Voco Te Tetu! Superveni Zehuti Maximus Lar! Corire Omnituens Numen Sheps! Agios o Thoth-Tahuti! Concelebrate Sempiternus Tahuti! [Hail the Numinous Thoth! I Call Lord Zehuti! I Call You, Tetu! Arise, Zehuti, Elder Deity! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit, Sheps! Numinous is Thoth-Tahuti! I Praise the Eternal Tahuti] Jehuti Draza (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Summon Thoth)] Kara Thoth Yovra (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Summon Thoth)] Io Thoth-Pobaroth! Ia Tehuti-Shombradae!

The Rite of the Archgrigori – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 6, 2018November 13, 2019 543 Words This ritual calls upon the three leaders of the Watchers to transform the sorceress in various manners: (i) improving spirit communication, (ii) developing visualization skills, (iii) strengthening the astral double, (iii) strengthening the ability to remember unconscious astral journeys, (iv) preparing the mind to witness intense manifestations, (v) developing claircognizance, (vi) developing trust in the psychic senses, and (vii) strengthening the natural spiritual defenses. This ritual was designed to be successful without sigils or magickal equipment, but any sigils or equipment which the witch has access to may be incorporated at the practitioner’s discretion. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. Phrases which are meant to be chanted (recited in a rhythmic monotone) appear in italics. In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! [In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis] I call forth the grigoric triumvirate which presides over the recalcitrant myriads of sleepless ones! Improve my skills of telepathic elocution and visualization upon manifesting within my chamber! Empower my astral double and grant me the power to recollect the spirit journeys of my slumber! Give me the strength and courage required to witness physical presencings of acausal entities! Empower my claircogniznce and increase my trust in my psychic faculties! And I ask that you magnify the natural defenses or resilience of my subtle form!

Salve Omnituens Et Supernus Samjaza! Agios o Azael Rex Grigori Et Nephilim! Bestiarius Azazel Gloria! Agios o Azza Dominus Stellae! Azielis Proveni Ether Subtilis Totis Orbis! Ascende Azazael– Adoro Te Gehennalis Egregoroi! Ornate Monstriger– Adoro Te Omnituens Azielis! Io Semyaza Fautor Alchimia! Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Azazael! Adlaudate Azzael Praesul Khemeia Et Mysticae! Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Semyaza! Aperiatur Dudael, Et Germinet Azazel! Bestiarius Azazel Gloria! Invoco Azael In Nomine Qliphoth! [Hail All-Seeing and Celestial Samjaza! Numinous is Azael King of Watchers and Giants! Glory to the Theriomorphic Azazel! Numinous is Azza/Semyaza Lord of the Stars! Azielis/Azael Bestow the Fine Ether of the Entire Universe! Arise Azazael– I Adore You, Infernal Watcher! Praise the Fiend-Begetter– I Adore You, All-Seein Azielis/Azael! Hail Samyaza Instructor of Alchemy! I Summon the Mighty Emissary of the Left Hand– I Call Azazael! Praise Azzael Instructor of Alchemy and Mysticism! I Summon the Mighty Agent of the Left Hand– I Call Semyaza! Open the Desert, and Bring Forth Azazel! Glory to the Theriomorphic Azazel! I Call Azael in the Name of the Qliphoth] Artorzozam! Chasheinphos! Sammitrakashah! Shaloazoth! Saphorozos! Xuliphazoth! Mavethol! Don-Graph! [(Words of Power to Strengthen the Ritual)] Invito Semyaza Dominus Siderum Adpara Alogos Azza-Shemhazai Sapiens Semiazaz– Adveni Potens Opservator Adlaudate Uzza Genitor Iyrin Ave Dominator Shemyazaz Aperi Caelus– Obveni Erus Semihazah [I Call Semyaza, Lord of the Stars/ Impart Alogos Azza-Shemhazai/ Wise Semiazaz– Come, Great Watcher/ Praise Uzza the Father of the

Watchers/ Hail Lord Shemyazaz/ Open the Sky– Come Lord Semihazah] Adlaudate Azzael Praesul Khemeia Et Mysticae (x11) [Praise Azzael Instructor of Alchemy and Mysticism] Salve Omnituens Et Supernus Samjaza (x3) [Hail All-Seeing and Celestial Samjaza] Sada Dora Azan Tala (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Evoke Azazel)] Invoco Azza-Shemhazai, Venire Azael, Voco te Azazel Rex Thaumiel (x7) [I Call Semyaza, Come Azael, I Call to Azazel King of Thaumiel] As I Have Spoken, So Let It Be Done!  

The Rite of the Impregnable – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 8, 2017November 26, 2017 572 Words {This rite calls on four demons to empower the witch’s natural defenses against psychic attack, programs the aura to accept beneficial influences at all times, and empowers the aura such that received blessings are amplified in effect. An explanation of all the big words and obscure concepts has been appended to the end. The prose used in the ritual is artistic in nature and can lead to misunderstandings, so don’t overanalyze it. You’re not making a shield, you’re just strengthening your natural defenses, and those natural defenses are not necessarily limited to your aura} I call the Dark Powers to convocation within my ritual of ascending whereby my aura is to be deeply empowered by the Emissaries of the Other Side. Beget unto my aura a welcome-ness for mysterious blessings and an empowerment for the act of in-taking the beneficent transmissions of whatever spirits and gods see fit to impress elevation upon me. Transmutate my aura also for the rejecting of harmful emissions and the immunization of my person against psychic, magickal, and astral aggressions of those who would move to oppose me. Magot + Agares + Raflifu + Verraine + Aguares + Magoa + Agreas + Verrine + Raflifu + Maguth + Agaros Io Maguth! Agios Ischyros Maguth – Io Magot! Salve Magoth; Agios o Magoa! Salve Aeternae Magoth! [Hail Maguth! Numinous and Mighty is Maguth– Hail Magot! Hail Magoth; Numinous is Magoa! Hail the Eternal Magoth]

I entreat the Dark Prince and Aeriform Greatfiend of Dineb and Gashkalah to establish the shielding of my person against my oppositions in the esoteric circles. Magot, Jupiterian Diviner of the Leftward Tradition, Guiding Spirit of the Vaults of Zin, arise and make your great influence known in your alteration of my subtle form. Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Magoth (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Magoth] Raflifu is the Black Regent of Our Planet This Earth who appears in the darkness of its oceans and crossroads. The Eternal Arch-Spirit manifests his influence and presence from the Pathway of the Leopard of Resh to reify and sanctify my subtle form. Rattimgethall Onkimgallor Raflifu Onjurrawl (x9) Baruch ha-Raflifu! Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Raflifu! [Blessed is Raflifu! Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Raflifu] I call forth the Good-Natured Healing Spirit who orchestrates the currents of the wind to manifest her beneficence in left-handed alchemies. Verrine, Spirit of Autumn and the Qlipha of the Black Moon, arise from the infernal place of your dwelling and make your way as I’m chanting the words: Elan Typan Verrine (x9) Io Verraine! Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Verraine! [Hail Verraine! Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Verraine] I conjure forth the Eldrin Rider Upon the Beast-of-Devouring whose name Agarus means Strength Hoard to issue forth acausal fortifications and alchemical transfigurements such that I might attain the selected pursuits of this working. Rean Ganen Ayar Da Agares! Torzodu Gohed Agaros Odzamran (x9) [Arise Everlasting Agaros and Appear] As I have spoken, so let it be done!

Aeriform: this word means “formed of air.” It’s a reference to Maguth’s elemental attribution. Dineb: A star that Maguth is attributed to Gashkalah: A Qliphothic sphere attributed to Jupiter Vaults of Zin: A labyrinth beneath the Qliphothic Regent: Ruler Resh: the Hebrew letter that Raflifu is attributed to. The animal-form of the leopard is attributed to the Tunnel of Resh. Reify: Correct Qlipha: Realm of the infernal plane Eldrin: Elder. To explain the title I used this word in, Agares rides a crocodile. Tagged 218 Current agares Anti-Cosmic Satanism Black Magic Black Magick ceremonial magic ceremonial magick Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Demon demon worship Demonolatry Demonology Devil Worship Diabolatry

The Ritual of Legion – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 4, 2017December 4, 2017 1,340 Words {This ritual summons Lepaca, the Demon of Opening, and works with him to astrally presence a very large number of demons for the purpose of self-empowerment. The witch begins with the opening of the ritual, which opening creates a sacred space by raising Qliphothic energy, summons Lepaca, calls on multiple demons to strengthen the ritual, and then works with Lepaca to evoke multiple Qliphothic demons (in that order). Thereafter, the witch recites a hymn which entreats Chavajoth (the Azerate), the draconic meta-god composed of the 72 demons of the Goetia, the Nine Demonic Divinities of the Dukante Hierarchy, and the 22 archdemons of the Tunnels of Set to empower the witch. Five optional segments follow, and the witch may perform whichever and however many of these she will perform, if any. Lastly, a series of miscellanious and optional demon-summoning chants is provided for the witch to choose from. It is the prerogative of the witch to decide which materials, sigils, equipment, music, etc. she wants to incorporate into her performance of this ritual, if any. Phrases in italics are to be chanted. The name vibration formulas appear in bold with +’s separating each individual vibration. English translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. This ritual incorporates magickal formulae and words of power from Modern Demonolatry by S. Conolly, the corpuses of Dragon Rouge, the Order of the Nine Angles, the 218 Current (including Liber Azerate and The Book of Sitra Ahra), The True Red Book of Appin, The Book of Mephisto by Asenath Mason, my original literature, and the literature of Daemon Barzai. This is an advanced ritual, so be prepared}

The Opening of the Rite Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Numinous (is) the Current of the Adversary and its Alchemical Endeavors] Melus De Quo Magma (x11) [Reality Emanates from the Demonic] Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath ha-Adamas Ater! Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas! Yehi Aur Chashakh! Liftoach Kliffot! [(Magickal Formulae to Create a Sacred Space by Presencing Qliphothic Energy)] Dongraph + Liftoach Kliffot + Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas + Lepaca Radrab ha-Shamaim + Lepaca Adaphegor +  Lepaca Adargazer +  Lepaca Abiyr Qliphoth [(Name Vibration Formula for the Summoning of Lepaca)] Manifestos! Liftoach Pandemonium, et Germient Lepaca! [(Word of Power for Summoning)! Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Lepaca)] Agios Ischyros Lepaca! Mammon Liftoach Qliphoth! Liftoach Qliphoth, B’Shem ha-Mephistophilus! Athiel Liftoach Reshut haRabbim! Io Tap Rex Pandemonium! Eurynomos Liftoach Sitra Ahra! Agios Ischyros Amducious Rex Kliffot! Qalilitu Venire et Germinet Xul! Salve Amaymon Pater Sitra Ahra! Ocat Liftoach Acharayim! [Numinous and Mighty is Lepaca! Mammon, Open the Qliphoth! Open the Qliphoth, in the Name of Mephistophilus! Athiel, Open the Kingdom of Manifoldness! Hail unto Tap, King of the Infernal Plane! Eurynomos, Open Sitra Ahra! Numinous and Mighty is Amducious, the King of the Kliffot! Qalilitu, Come and Presence the Black Light! Hail unto Amaymon, the Father of Sitra Ahra! Ocat, Open the Infernal Plane]

Io Mephisto, Zodamran, Zodamran! Io Lepacha! [Hail Mesphito, (Word of Power to Open the Qliphoth)! Hail Lepacha] Lepaca Kohot ha-Reshut ha-Rabbim (x11) [(Chant Calling Lepaca to Presence Multiple Qliphothic Spirits)] Magickal Hymn to the Infernal Divine Invoco Pandemonium, In Nomine Drakosophia Agios o Goetikon, Salve Draco Megiste O Salve Havayoth– Hendekatheon Gloria Agios es, Genitor Verraine, et Salve Pater Amducious Agios o Domine Lucifer, Basileus Lumial Agios Ischyros Eurynomous– Patrona Necromantia Salve Flereous, Spiritus Aeternum, et Dominus Ustrina Abbas Leviathan Gloria– Agios o Unsere Ave Regem Beliar– Agios Belias Rex Bohu Atta Sathanel Gloria– Agios o Satanas Agios Ischyros Kliffoth– Salvete Kelippadaimones [I Call to the Infernal Plane in the Name of the Current of the Adversary/ Numinous is the Draconic Unification of the 72 as a Metagod, Hail unto the Great Dragon/ Oh, Hail unto Havayoth, Glory to the Hendekatheon/ Numinous Art Thou, Father Verraine, and Hail unto Father Amducious/ Numinous is Lord Lucifer, King Lumial/ Numinous and Mighty is Eurynomous– Patron of Necromancy/ Hail unto Flereous, Great and Eternal Spirit, and to Lord Ustrina/ Glory unto Father Leviathan– Numinous is Unsere/ Hail King Beliar– Numinous (is) Belias the King of the Second Veil Before Samael/ Glory unto Father Sathanel– Numinous is Satanas/ Numinous and Mighty is the Qliphoth– Hail to the Twenty-Two Spirits of the Tunnels of Set] The Opening of the Four Towers of Khaos (Optional Segment) Silur Varepto Voker Veiscat Zenon Tuvaildaf Knox! Agilleath Tiddehmos Tlyfos Belial (x9)

Dessurpur Kajp Giddup Leviathan (x9) Vibarlal Dendas Tnasod Beelzebuth (x9) Lylusay Tateros Volt Sids Lucifer (x9) [(Words of Power for Demon Magick)/(Chant to Open the Northern Tower and Presence the Spirits of Belial)/(Chant to Open the Western Tower and Presence the Spirits of Leviathan)/(Chant to Open the Eastern Tower and Presence the Spirits of Beelzebuth)/(Chant to Open the Southern Tower and Presence the Spirits of Satan/Lucifer)] The Evocation of Paymon and His Spirits (Optional Segment) Lepaca Paimon! Lepaca Beball! Lepaca Abali! Salve Paymon Rex Occidentalium! Baruch ha-Paymon ha-Parashiym! Linan Tasa Jedan Paimon! Paymon Liftoach Ha-Ilan Ha-Izon (x11) Paymon Labal Abalam (x7) [(Formulae Calling Lepaca to Presence Paimon and his Two Attendant Kings)/ Hail Paymon King of the West/ Blessed is Paymon the Horseman/ (Paymon’s Demonic Enn)/(Chant to Presence Spirits in Service to Paymon)/ (Chant to Presence Paymon and his Two Attendant Kings)] The Eovcation of Mephistophiles (Optional Segment) Lepaca Mephistophiles! Io Mephisto, Zodamran, Zodamran! Mesphito + Mephisto + Mephist + Hemostophile + Megastophiles + Memostophiles + Mephistophilis + Mephistophiel + Mephistophielis Baruch ha-Mephist Mephir ha-Gadhol! Veni, Veni Mephistophile! Mesphito Ramec Viasa On Ca (x11) [(Formula Calling Lepaca to Presence Mephistophiles)! Hail Mephistophiles, (Word of Power to Presence Qliphothic Energy)!/ (Name-Vibration Formula for the Summoning of Mephistophiles)/

Blessed is Mephistophiles the Great Destroyer/ Come, Come Mephistophiles/ (Demonic Enn of Mephistophiles)] The Evocation of Leviathan (Optional Segment) Agios Ischyros Leviathan (x7) Vovin, Vovin, Lepaca Vovin, Leviatán, Tanin’iver, Liftoach Kliffoth (x7) Rex Chaosifer, Veniat ad Me (x7) Jedan Tasa Hoet Naca Leviathan (x11) [Numinous and Mighty is Leviathan/ (Chant Calling Tanin’iver and Lepaca to Presence Leviathan)/ Chaos-Bearing Monarch, Come Unto Me/ (Demonic Enn of Leviathan)] The Call for the Blessing of Satan (Optional Segment) (this calls on Satan to empower the witch; it is not an evocation of him) Tasa Reme Laris Satan– Ave Satanis Aperiatur Acharayim, et Germinet Satanas Athah Gibor Leohlam Satan Agios o Satanas Bagabi Lacha Bachabe Lamac Cahi Achababe Karrelyos Lamac Lamec Bachalyas Cabahagy Sabalyos Baryolos Lagoz Atha Cabyolas Samahac Et Famyolas Harrahya! [(Satan’s Demonic Enn)/ Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Satanas/ Come, Eternal Omnipotent Diabolus/ Satan is Eternal and Mighty Forever/ (Magickal Formula for Rituals to Satan)] Independent and Optional Summonings of Miscellaneous Demon Groups Eko, Eko, Apsidotheoi (x7) [(Chant to Summon the Guiding Spirits of the Draconian Current,

Who May or May not be Demonic)] Ornias Va-Layilel Liftoach Shaari Gamaliel (x11) [(Calls Ornias & Laylilel to Send Spirits from the Black Moon’s Qlipha)] Sitral Polanthan Thamaar Falaur Sitrami (x11) [(Chant to Summon the Five Demonic Princes of the Northen Tower)] Glassia-Labolis Va-Mesphito Liftoach Shaari Ha-Samael (x11) [(Calls Glasyabolis & Mesphito to Send Spirits from Mercury’s Qlipha)] Basmijael Va-Luluwa Liftoach Herab Serapel (x11) [(Calls Luluwa & Basmijael to Send Spirits from Venus’s Qlipha)] Lepaca Neshimiron (x7) [(Chant Calling Lepaca to Presence the Neshimiron)] Baruch Ha-Kelippa Ha-Reschaim– Liftoach Nahemoth– Phenex VaAzael Liftoach Nahemo  (x9) [(Calls Phenex & Azael to Send Spirits from Nahemoth)] Liftoach Chasek B’Shem ha-Gothiel (x7) [(Chant Calling Gothiel/A’athiel to Presence the Spirits of the Third Veil Before Samael)] Curiel Liftoach Qlipha ha-Thaumiel (x7) [(Chant Calling Curiel to Presence the Spirits of Thaumiel)] Tanin’iver, Ornias, Qalilitu, Liftoach Reshut Ha-Rabbim (x11) [(Calls Tanin’iver, Ornias, & Qalilitu to Send Vampyric Spirits)] Liftoach Tohu B’Shem Ha-Qemetiel (x11) [(Calls Qemetiel to Send Spirits from Tohu)]

Tentatores, Infidiatores, Maymon, Liftoach Ha-Ilan Ha-Izon (x11) [(Calls Mammon to Send the Ninth Order of Demons)] Lepaca Shichiriron (x7) [(Chant Calling Lepaca to Presence the Shichiriron)] Shax-Amon-Ayperos Liftoach Reshut Ha-Aogiel (x11) [(Calls Shax, Amon, & Ayperos to Send Spirits)] Bitru-Guision-Edom Belial, Liftoach Satorial (x11) [(Calls Bitru, Guision, & Edom Belial to Send Spirits from the Saturnian Qlipha)] The Closing of the Rite Io Lepacha! Ho Drakon Ho Megas! [Hail Lepacha/ The Great Dragon (Title for the Entire Universe)] Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Beelzebuth Belial Black Lodge Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft ceremonial magic ceremonial magick Chaos Magic Chaos Magick

The Second Angelic Rite of the Healing Art – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 22, 2019February 22, 2019 281 Words While the celebrant may incorporate any magickal equipment she has into her performance of this rite, it was designed to be effective without relying on such things. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted and the names in bold are to be vibrated one by one. Translations of my magickal chants appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. This rite should be performed three times. The word sempiternal means eternal. Ia Io Raphael-Israfil! Concelebrate Israfil! Agios Es, Raphael, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Corire Omnituens Numen Raphael! [Hail, Hail (Two Names for Raphael)! I Praise Israfil! Numinous Art Thou, Raphael, Spirit and Shapeshifter! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Raphael] I call upon the celestial emissary of the light known to man as Raphael, Sempiternal Patron of Healing and Medicine, Archdiocese of Seattle and Angel of Tobias. Transmute My Inner Nature So That I Might Be Able to Accelerate the Healing of Injuries, Those Which Afflict Myself and Others Alike! Oh Hear the Names! Israfil + Alakatondra + Raphael + Zilimkadra + Asimga + Einakathor + Aenith [(Seven Names of Raphael)]

Agios Es, Israfil, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Rex Raphael, Adoro Te! Corire Omnituens Numen Raphael! Concelebrate Israfil! Sempiternus Raphael Gloria! Invoco Praevalidus Israfil! [Numinous Art Thou, Israfil, Spirit and Shapeshifter! King Raphael, I Adore Three! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Raphael! I Praise Israfil! Glory to the Eternal Raphael! I Call the Mighty Israfil] Rex Raphael, Adoro Te (x10) [King Raphael, I Adore Thee] Corire Omnituens Numen Israfil! Ave Domnus Raphael! Concelebrate Israfil! [Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Israfil! Hail Lord Raphael! I Praise Israfil] Sagatalathagora Haesagatora Ataratha (x7) [(Magickal Chant to Be Empowered for the Healing Art)] Ave Domnus Raphael! Ia Io Raphael-Israfil! [Hail Lord Raphael! Hail, Hail Raphael-Israfil] So Mote It Be!

The Sinister Rite of Calamity – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 25, 2019May 30, 2019 466 Words This ritual calls upon Lilith to empower the celebrant for the act of cursing. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone, and the names and words of power in bold are meant to be vibrated. The channeled secret names for Lilith which appear in the name vibration formula are spelled such that they can be sounded out as easily as possible– read them the way that a redneck would. Some of these secret names have been broken down into their syllables, with syllables which equate to known words appearing as those words in all caps. Translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. You may incorporate any magickal equipment you have into the ritual as you see fit, but you will have great results empty-handed so long as you have the right mindset. My rituals are designed to be powerful without equipment, but by all means, use what you have. Sigils are optional but highly recommended. I did use a few big words in this ritual. Archdiablesse basically means “archdemoness.” Sortilege means sorcery. Malediction and execration are both words which refer to cursing. I was commissioned to write this ritual by a client. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Ave Domina Lilith! Agios o Lilith Regina Gamaliel! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Pursuit and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! Hail Lady Lilith! Numinous is Lilith, Queen of Gamaliel! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis]

I call forth the darksome patroness of the black art to appear and make her power known through the permutation of my physis! Dread Lilith, I call upon you to empower me for the art of malediction so that I might destroy my enemies and rain justice upon my betrayers! Goddess and archdiablesse, bestow upon me your blessing of sortilege so that I might have proficiency in execration! Oh hear the names! Ama Lilith + Tzaphoni + Lilitu + Yallathor + Torrigal + Akkathor + NINE-THOR-UH-GAUL + AYE-TOUR-UH-GOTH + Yakkorraggawl + Lattorraggoth + Lilith [(Eleven Names of Lilith)] Concelebrate Divina Lilitu Ambrosia Genetrix Et Deitas Interveni Mater Riskora Amplaudate Regina Qliphoth Salve Domina Raeastora Advoco Matrona Et Domina Lilith [I Praise the Divine Lilitu/ Immortal Mother and Goddess/ Come, Mother (Secret Name of Lilith)/ I Praise the Queen of the Qliphoth/ Hail Queen (Secret Name for Lilith: RAY-UH-STORE-UH)/ I Call Mother and Lady Lilith] Ornate Lilith Divinitas Ex Acharayim (x6) [I Praise Lilith, Goddess of the Backwards Tree] Veni, Veni, Lilith– Divinitas Et Creatrix (x6) [Come, Come, Lilith– Goddess and Mother] Sagalaga Arasara Naragadra Sondragal (x9) [(Channeled Chant to Summon Lilith)] Sakatara (x6) [(Channeled Word of Power to Be Empowered for Malediction)]

Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwitten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick]

The Sinister Rite of Multiplicity – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals January 22, 2019 366 Words This ritual calls upon the Twelve Qliphothic Armies to Empower the Sorceress in Whatever Manner(s) They See Fit. Phrases in Italics Are Meant to Be Chanted in a Rhythmic Monotone. Translations of the Foreign Phrases Appear in Brackets. This Rite is Composed Entirely of Empowered Magickal Chants, Meaning that Every Single Sentence (Excluding the Hymn) has been Individually Enchanted for its Purpose. The Hymn Appears with Different Stanzas Separated by Slashes. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! [Numinous (is) the Alchemical Pursuit and Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick! In the Name of the Stone of Exile and Unwritten Gnosis] Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater (x13) [Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond] Voco Te Reshut Ha-Rabbim,/ In Nomine Alogos./ Existite Arathatral./ Avete Spirituum Sitra De-Smola./ Salvete Dagdagiron,/ Et Salvete Bahimiron./ Shichiriron Laudamus/ Scandite Beiriron,/ Militibus Ex Inferno./ Pervenite Adimiron/ Voco Autem Shelhabiron/ Advenite Tzelilimiron,/ Numinibus Infernales./ Obvenite Tzephiriron,/ Legionem Immortalem./ Apparete Necheshethiron/ Erigite Obiriron/ O, Divinae Nashimiron Gloriae/ Supervenite Nachashiron/ Salvete Karathadragal/ Ascendam In Nominibus Kaerathatagoroth [I Call to the Kingdom of Manifoldness (Qliphoth)/ In the Name of the Unwritten Gnosis/ Step Forth, (Channeled Name Referring to All Twelve Qliphothic Armies)/ Hail the Spirits of the Sinister Left Side

(Qliphoth)/ Hail the Dagdagiron/ And Hail the Bahimiron/ Praise the Shichiriron/ Rise, Beiriron/ Warriors of the Infernal Plane/ Come, Adimiron/ I Call the Shelhabiron/ Come, Tzelilimiron/ Divine and Infernal Intelligences/ Come, Tzephiriron/ Immortal Legion/ Manifest, Necheshethiron/ Rise, Obiriron/ Oh, Glory to the Numinous Nachashiron/ Hail the (Channeled Name Referring to All Twelve Qliphothic Armies)/ I Will Ascend in the Names of the (Channeled Name Referring to All Twelve Qliphothic Armies)] Alogos Teknon, Exousia Basileia Skotos, Arathatral, Khaosophoros Pneuma (x11) [Children of the Unwritten Gnosis, Force of the Kingdom of Darkness, Arathatral, Chaos-Bearing Spirits] Salvete Arathatral, Salvete Immortales (x11) [Hail (the) Arathatral, Hail the Immortal Spirits] Exorimini Ambrosiae Arathatral (x11) [Rise, Everlasting Arathatral] Avete Arathatral Magnae Intelligentiae (x11) [Hail (to the) Arathatral, Great Intelligences] Enasimini Praegrandia Divae Arathatral (x11) [Appear, Great Spirits Arathatral] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick]

The Sinister Rite of Self-Establishment – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals September 4, 2017November 12, 2017 801 Words {This ritual serves to increase the traits of discipline and self-control and divest one of compulsive tendencies. Three of the demons called, Flereous/Haures/Flauros, Raum, and Gurigur/Alfpunias/Alefpene’ash, specialize in strengthening the first three traits, and the other two, Pheynix and Parfaxitas, specialize in neurological and psychological change of any kind. As my rites are made to be incredibly powerful even lacking fancy ritual equipment, tools of any kind may be incorporated in any way the celebrant desires. While sigils are advantageous they are also optional, and you will not be able to find one for Alfpunias outside of Liber Azerate. If any of the demons are unfamiliar to you and you would like to read about them, Google their name alongside my magickal name (V.K. Jehannum) to find and read my article about them. Godnames and magick words in bold are to be vibrated, phrases in italics to be chanted, and translations for foreign phrases appear in brackets. A glossary of big words appears at the bottom. Face the North} I call down five spirits of the infernal plane by my ritual of the Craft such that I might come to an abundance of self-control and discipline. Spirits, transmutate my character and the very neurostructural fundaments of my being to direct me aright! Liberate me from compulsiveness and remake my mind anew! Flavros + Alfpunias + Phenex + Gurigur + Raum + Flauros + Alefpene’ash + Parfaxitas + Haures + Raym + Flereous

Liftoach Kliffot! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath ha-Adamas Ater! Yehi Aur Chashakh! [Open Up the Qliphoth! Open Up the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Let there Be Infernal Light] Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Parfaxitas (x11) [Open Pandemonium, and Bring Forth Parfaxitas] I seek now the power of the Lycanthropic Initiator of Blood Magick and Dark Matter who dwells within the Martian Pathway of the Qliphoth. Hail unto Parfaxitas, the Nightside Harbinger of Chaos and Snow who rules over werewolves and chimeras. I summon the Jupiteric-Uranian Elder and Double-Crowned Spirit of the Abandoned Black Tower to manifest now before me. Open the Adamantine Gateways and come! Gohed Parfaxitas Zacare (x9) [Eternal Parfaxitas, Move] Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Pheynix (x9) [Open Pandemonium, and Bring Forth Pheynix] By my tradition of Goetia, I call the Volitant Marquis from the Sphere of the Black Earth known as Phenex the Pyric Harbinger of Transubstantiation. Venusian Spirit of the Moon, come to me from your place of dwelling. Appear as the Theriomorphic Muse of Poetry and the Sciences that the grimoires of the left hand described you as and manifest in whatever form you elect in your wisdom and clairvoyance! Ef Enay Phenix Ayer (x11) Torzodu Micalzo Gah Raym (x9) [Arise, Mighty Spirit Raym] I seek a blessing from the Pyric-Aeriform Earl of Thirty Atemporal Myriads who leaves desolated cities and war-torn landscapes in his wake. I call unto he who manifests within the circle as crow and

hellhound alike to engender metanoia and changement of the celebrant at will. Hail unto Raum, Therionick Harbinger of Usurpation and Insurgency and Martial Shapeshifter of the Night! Arise within my presence, Lance-Bearing Patron of Honor and Violence! Furca Na Alle Laris Raum (x11) Ganic Tasa Fubin Flereous (x9) I pursue the aid of that Druidic Matron of Pyromancy and Therionick Prophetess known in the Demonology of the grimoires as Mother Haures the Wicked Duke. Hail unto the Pyric Initiatrix who brings about transfigurement of the psyche and astral double. I call forth the Shamanic Demoness and Elemental of Fire who reduces the subjects of her anger to memories by way of immolation and arson! Manifest now and be present with me, Immortal Huntress and Esotericist! Flavros, Hauras, Flereous – Venire Ducis Haures (x11) [(Three Names of Flereous) — Come Duke Haures] Finally I call upon the Vengeful One who resides within a kingdom filled with sentient spheres of cyclonic wildfire and mountainous demons which gush forth flame. I summon the Ancient Overseer of the Martial Qlipha and Wrathful Prince of Warcraft and Necromancy who rules over ritual sex and destruction magick. Arise from within the sphere of your dominion and visit your power unto this place: Arhapachad + Alfpunias + Gibbur-Nura Hazaphiel + Nahath-Pe + Alefpene’ash + Harba De Ashmedai Malka + Gurigur + Liftoach Titahion + Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Gurigur! Manifestos! [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Gurigur! (WoP for Summong)]

As I have spoken, so let it be done! Volitant: Able to Fly Pyric: Fiery Theriomorphic: Divine and assuming the form or characteristics of an animal Aeriform: In the Form of Air (reference to elemental affiliation) Atemporal: Not bound by time Myriad: a group with many members Metanoia: mental change Changement: change Therionick: Able to magickally assume the form of an animal Martial: attributed to Mars Initiatrix: Female initiator Immolation: sacrifice by burning Sentient: Alive & self-aware Cyclonic: like a cyclone   Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Black Lodge Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Demon Demonolatry

The Therionick Mass of Azazael – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 6, 2018July 7, 2020 612 Words {This rite is almost advanced. Ask your pendulum if it’s right for you} Aken Yesh Acharayim Bamaquwm Ha-Zeh! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Yehi Aur Chashakh! Kakki-Ilu Sitra Ahra! Liftoach Pandemonium! Don-Graph! Arcesso She-Ein Bo Mashavah– Megist Pyros De Phosophorsophia! Yehi Aur Chashakh! [Surely the Backwards Tree Exists in this Place! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Let There Be Infernal Light! My Weapon is the Other Side! Open the Infernal Plane! (WoP for All Black Magick)! I Send for the Dark Light of Ain Soph– the Great Fire of the Black Light and Flame! Let There Be Infernal Light] I call forth Azazel, Sempiternal Grigoric Initiator and Nightside Deity of the Black Sun! Arise from your dwelling in that  Deathful Realm of Two-Headed Gods and appear unto me! Empower me for dream work, refine my visualization skills, empower my twin pythoniccoiled flames, and rid me of whatever mental blocks inhibit the manifestation of my Will! Answer unto the formula of your conjuration! Archon Totou Se’irim + Aza’zyel + Aba Ha-Nephilim + Za-Za-E’il + Radrab Ha-Saharim + Val-Na-Hath-Orth + Qatziyn Ha-Iyrin + Azazel + Mals-Pe [Ruler of all Se’irim + Aza’zyel + Father of the Nephilim + Za-za-e’il + Chief of the Saharim + 115 + Chief of the Watchers + Azazel + 31] Azazel Yiatora (x11)

Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Azazel! Bestiarius Azazel Gloria! Ascende Azazael– Adoro Te Gehennalis Egregoroi! Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Azazael! Aperiatur Dudael, Et Germinet Azazel! Bestiarius Azazel Gloria! Invoco Aza’zyel In Nomine Qliphoth! Manifestos! [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Azazel! Glory to the Theriomorphic Azazel! Arise, Azazael– I Adore You, Infernal Watcher! I Summon the Agent of the Left Hand– I Call Azazael! Open the Desert, and Bring Forth Azazel! Glory to the Theriomorphic Azazel! I Call Aza’zyel in the Name of the Qliphoth! (Evocation WoP)] I call forth the goat-fiends and ichtyoidal emissaries of Azazel to manifest and empower my faculties of personal magnetism and the Evil Eye and the capacities of my astral double. Incite the increasement of my psychic abilities and grant me ambition, strength, and leadership skills. In Nomine Azazael– Adorimini Dagdagiron Et Saharim (x9) [In the Name of Azazael– Arise, Dagdagirion and Saharim] Prodite Se’irim Bestiarium Spirituum Dudael (x8) [Arise Se’irim, Bestial Spirits of the Desert] Alogos Teknon, Exousia Basileia Skotos, Saharim, Khaosophoros Pneuma (x11) [Children of Alogos, Force of the Kingdom of Darkness, Saharim, Chaos-Bearing Spirits] Alogos Teknon, Exousia Basileia Skotos, Saharim, Khaosophoros Pneuma! Kohot Ha-Qliphoth, Beni Sitra Ahra, Aeonifer, Dagdagiron, Artorzozam! Dagdaggathaggar Rinkimgallathor Ronkondrathorrakkalla Linkathorra Linkatharr! Alogos Teknon, Exousia Basileia Skotos, Saharim, Khaosophoros Pneuma! In Nomine Azazael– Adorimini Dagdagiron Et Saharim! [Children of Alogos, Force of the Kingdom of Darkness, Saharim,

Chaos-Bearing Spirits! Force of the Qliphoth, Children of Sitra Ahra, Aeon-Bearers, Dagdagiron, (Evocation WoP)! (Channeled Chant for the Dagdagiron)! Children of Alogos, Force of the Kingdom of Darkness, Saharim, Chaos-Bearing Spirits! In the Name of Azazael– Arise, Dagdagirion and Saharim] Arcesso She-Ein Bo Mashavah– Megist Pyros De Phosophorsophia! Provinite Sam, Akasha, Alogos, Et She-Ein Bo Mashavah! Obtestor Xul De Tohu, Bohu, Et Chasek– Infernalia Fundam Anados! Gnosis De Solis Atricolor Peto– Et Obtestor Alogos Ex Abyssus! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [I Summon the Black Light– Great Fire of the Black Flame and Light! Provide the Venom, Ether, Unrevealed Gnosis, and Black Light! I Conjure the Black Light of the Three Veils– the Infernal Fundaments of Ascent! I Seek the Gnosis of the Black Sun– and I Conjure the Unrevealed Gnosis of the Abyss! Numinous is Sitra Ahra– Glory to Drakosophia! In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Undercurrent of Sinistral Demon Magick, Let it Be So]  

The Third Angelic Rite of the Healing Art – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals February 22, 2019 297 Words While the celebrant may incorporate any magickal equipment she has into her performance of this rite, it was designed to be effective without relying on such things. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted and the names and words of power in bold are to be vibrated one by one (both of the words of power must be vibrated multiple times). Translations of my magickal chants appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. This rite should be performed two times. Ia Io Raphael-Israfil! Concelebrate Israfil! Agios Es, Raphael, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Corire Omnituens Numen Raphael! [Hail, Hail (Two Names for Raphael)! I Praise Israfil! Numinous Art Thou, Raphael, Spirit and Shapeshifter! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Raphael] I manifest by way of sorcery the radiant archangel who presides over doctors. Descend upon me and bless me with the power to beget emotional healing. I ask that you allow me to witness your power through the extent of my transformation. Make me a vessel for the healing art which you, in your ancientness, govern. Israfil + Alakatondra + Raphael + Zilimkadra + Esrafil + Asimga + Einakathor + Aenith + Azarias + Israfel [(Ten Names of Raphael)] Agios Es, Israfil, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Rex Raphael, Adoro Te! Corire Omnituens Numen Raphael! Concelebrate Israfil! Sempiternus

Raphael Gloria! Invoco Praevalidus Israfil! [Numinous Art Thou, Israfil, Spirit and Shapeshifter! King Raphael, I Adore Three! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Raphael! I praise Israfil! Glory to the Eternal Raphael! I Call the Mighty Israfil] Rex Raphael, Adoro Te (x10) [King Raphael, I Adore Thee] Corire Omnituens Numen Israfil! Ave Domnus Raphael! Concelebrate Israfil! [Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Israfil! Hail Lord Raphael! I Praise Israfil] Nasatala (x7) + Oroth (x4) [(Words of Power to Be Empowered for the Healing Art)] Ave Domnus Raphael! Ia Io Raphael-Israfil! [Hail Lord Raphael! Hail, Hail Raphael-Israfil] So Mote It Be!

The Thursic Mass of Muspell – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals November 2, 2017November 2, 2017 212 Words {This ritual calls upon Surtr in Enochian to help the sorcerer evoke the fire giants of Muspellheim. The name vibration formula used to call forth the fire giants is composed partially of traditional titles for the fire giants and partially of channeled magickally-charged names for the same, which channeled names are spelled such that they may be most easily pronounced (just read it like a redneck would). It is up to the witch to determine which materials and equipment, if any, she will/can bring to the ritual} Ol Um A Surtur A Tabaan De Eldthursar [ I Call to Surtur the Governor of the Fire Giants] Ol Zodameta Od Zacam Surtur [I Conjure Thee and I Move Thee Surtur] Gi Chismicaolz Sa Velucorsapax Ioiad [You are Mighty and Enthroned Forever] Zamran Odzamran Odzamran Caosgi Nonci Gah Vonpho [Move and Appear and Appear on the Earth, Oh You Spirit of Wrath] Iolcam Muspellmegir Nonci Gohed Hami O Malpirgi [Bring Forth the Gire Giants, Oh You Creature of Fire] Carma De Muspellheim Od Iolcam Muspellsynir [Come Out of Muspellheim and Bring Forth the Fire Giants] Eldjotnar Ol Drix Isli Od Zodameta Caosg [Fire Giants, I Bring You Down and I Conjure You on the Earth]

Eldthursar + Muspellmegir + Eldjotnar + Onlikkorra + Onrekkarra + Onjekkalla + Muspellsynir + Onjekkorra + Onlekkarra Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft Chaos Magic Chaos Magick Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Diabolic Gnosticism Draconian Current draconian path draconian tradition eldjotnar eldthursar Enochian Enochian Magic Enochian Magick Enochian Prose enochian ritual evil magick

The Vampyric Attunement of Lawlessness – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Rituals March 31, 2019May 30, 2019 235 Words This is a simple ritual which calls upon King Belial to empower the celebrant for psychic vampyrism and attune them to the Nightside, as well as to help them connect to their inner divinity (the Higher Self, Black Flame, Spirit Animal, etc.). The phrases in italics are meant to be chanted, explanations appear in parentheses, and translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets. All sigils and equipment are optional. I was commissioned to create this ritual by a client. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Agios Belias Rex Bohu! [Numinous (is) the Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! Numinous (is) Belial King of the Emptiness] I Call Unto Lord Belial, Dark Spirit of Lawlessness, Great Dragon of Chaos, To Attune Me to the Qliphoth and My Inner Divinity. Descend Unto Me and Permute My Subtle Bodies For the Practices of Black Magick and Vampyrism. Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Belial (x7) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Belial] Beliar, Belu, Belial (x11) [(Three Names of Belial)]

Kazalata Nagatara Koradala Zagadal (x5) [(Channeled Chant Calling on Belial for Qliphothic Attunement)] Nana Gala Zador Patar (x5) [(Channeled Chant Calling on Belial for Vampyric Empowerment)] Nanar Bada Zora Zagal (x7) [(Channeled Chant Calling on Belial for Attunement to Inner Divinity)] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakoskophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Underlying Force of All Demon Magick, It Is So]

Meditations by v.k jehannum This section is devoted to v.k. jehannum's meditations

A Rite of Psychic Activation – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Meditation, Rituals March 16, 2020March 29, 2020 228 Words This is a channeled spiritual practice which calls upon Amaymon and the Four Elemental Kings to activate the Black Flame and empower all of the layers of the energy body. Sit in a meditative pose with your back straight. Visualize a white tetrahedron (which is like a pyramid with three walls instead of four) in your body– the point of the tetrahedron reaches the top of your skull, and its base is situated at your hips. Visualize it spinning counterclockwise as you chant “Agios o Domine Amaymon” [Numinous is Lord Amaymon]. Continue this until you feel that you have done it long enough. If you cannot sense when it is time to move on, just move on when you like. Cease the visualization. Thereafter, exclaim “Avete Domnus Amaymon Et Kalgratie” [Hail Lord Amaymon and the Four Elemental Kings]. The Kal in Kalgratie is pronounced like the Cal in California, and the ie is pronounced the way you would say ‘the letter E.’ Chant the names of the four elemental kings, “Ghob, Paralda, Djin, Nicksa” fourteen times. Now, visualize the Black Flame. Don’t visualize it somewhere in your body, just visualize a black fire. Chant “Amaymon Nora Kittana” seven times. Then thank the spirits– the operation is complete. Performing this once a night for whatever period of time you like would be apt.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Getting the Most out of Chakra Meditation – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Meditation May 28, 2016 158 Words What follows is a list of ways in which you can make your chakra meditations more effective. One: Perform Them in Nature. You will find that nature has an expansive effect on spiritual endeavors. Two: Cast a Circle Sacred space of any kind will augment the efficacy of meditations performed within it. Three: Bring a Friend If you meditate on one particular chakra within the vicinity of another person meditating on the same chakra, both participants reap increased rewards. Four: Visualize the Chakra(s) as Clearly and Consistently as Possible Not only does this make the meditation more effective and improve concentration, continuous visualization is a powerful method of strengthening your astral sight. Five: Use the Sowilo Rune The Sowilo rune is useful for the empowerment of any chakra. Draw this on yourself, focusing on the intent of increasing the effects of

the meditation which follows. Visualize the symbol shining brilliantly as you do this. -V.K. Jehannum

Improving the Psychic Senses – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Meditation May 27, 2016May 28, 2016 336 Words First thing’s first: unlocking the psychic centers. While I am certainly aware that the JoS Ministries are a bountiful wellspring of faggotry, their meditations are top notch. Let me show you what I mean. html The mantra “Sowilo” [SOW-vee-LOW] is useful for any chakra. It’s the name of a Norse rune.  — Two: Strengthening the Acausal Nucleus. This is the Black Flame, the Divine Spark, the source of your psychic senses, magickal potential, and even your capacity for self-determination and individuality. Stare at your reflection in the mirror and focus on that point between your eyebrows.This alone will do wonders for your astral sight, but this next step will be good for all of your senses. Use the mantra “Lylusay Tateros Volt Sids Lucifer” which calls upon SatanasLuciferi to strengthen your Acausal Nucleus.  — Three: Being fully possessed by a spirit. Pray to a deity you trust to send one of its servitors to take over your body. Once you’re possessed, you can ask the spirit to make you speak in tongues– the languages are beyond human comprehension but they have incredible magickal potency. Ask the spirit to cast a spell on you of some kind. Perhaps to change your personality, or change your circumstances in some way– you’ll come up with something. Just make sure you have a goal set up ahead of time.  —

Four: Spirit communication. Mentally, via telepathy. Yes, physically audible sounds do happen and you will experience them. But those don’t do much for your psychic senses, now do they? Start with a kodama. That’s a tree spirit in the religion of Shinto. Let the spirit speak through your thoughts. It will almost feel like you’re thinking, but unless you’re one of those doubt-filled paranoid types, you’ll know it’s another entities thoughts. If you are one of those doubting/autistic types, intoxication will be your training wheels for now.  — -V.K. Jehannum,

Meditation of Havayothic Becoming – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Meditation April 13, 2017 151 Words This is a self-refinement meditation of becoming likened unto the Azerate known as Havayoth. The meditation is opened with the phrase “Ave Deus Alienus” [Hail unto the Foreign Divinity] followed by eleven repetitions of the phrase “Agios o Havayoth” [Numinous is Havayoth (the Azerate)] used to raise sacred space. If sacred space has been raised in advance, one may skip the eleven repetitions. This should only be performed in darkness. Hereafter, silence your mind and visualize chthonic dark blue energy rising from the ground to surround and fill your body as you repeat “Ich bein Havashua” [I am an incarnation of Havayoth (the Azerate)] twenty-seven times. (Optional step: visualize any negative personality traits you would like to be rid of coalescing as brown spheres of energy in your head and being peacefully burned away by the blue energies.) Finish by repeating “Bohu, Tohu, Chasek” twenty-one times.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Opening the Subpersonal Chakras – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Meditation September 27, 2016February 6, 2019 252 Words The subpersonal chakras connect one to the energies of the Earth and nature, just as the transpersonal chakras connect us to higher/spiritual energies. They are five in number and the instructions for opening them follow. The first subpersonal chakra is a few inches below the feet. It connects one to natural energies and helps him practically implement his personal Wyrd [Destiny]. It is a dark, brownish grey, and its inner cortex is a light brownish grey. Vibrate the name of a given deity as you try to open this chakra: Satan, Hekate, Lilith, and Astaroth are all viable options, and I am sure you have some entity whom you would prefer to call on. The second subpersonal chakra is slightly below the first. It connects one with their personal community and tribe. It is transparent, except for its inner cortex which is white. The third subpersonal chakra connects one with feminine energies. It is transparent, except for its inner cortex which is white. The fourth subpersonal chakra links one to ancient telluric energies. It is transparent, except for its inner cortex which is white. The fifth subpersonal chakra connects one to the Earth Goddess. It is a goldish bronze with an inner cortex of goldish yellow.

Update: My word of power “Phaos Abussos” [Light of the Underworld] empowers the transpersonal chakras, spinal chakras, and subpersonal chakras simultaneously with demonic energy. My essay on opening the transpersonal chakras can be found here: -V. K. Jehannum 2016 Anno Maleficarum

Quick Meditation for Spiritual Power – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Meditation, the Septenary Way May 25, 2016June 7, 2016 101 Words (This ritual is to be performed in front of a mirror and it calls on Azathoth/Atazoth to empower the Black Flame of the witch. Start the ritual by speaking the paragraph in quotes.) “I call now upon the Abyssal Monarch of the Acausal Black Throne at the Heart of the Void so that I might be transformed. Atazoth, I call upon you to strengthen the nucleus of aetheric energy which elevates my inner nature and imparts my potential for godhood.” (Stare in the mirror at the point on your foreheard between your eyebrows and vibrate the name “Atazoth” nine times)

Satanic Pathworkings through Graphic Art – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Meditation, Witchcraft November 29, 2016November 29, 2016 476 Words In Erica Frevel’s book the Deplorable Word, she writes of the way that spirits often guide the creation of her artwork. She sees faces manifest on the canvas through her subtle perception and she paints their likeness where it appears to eternize the vision, creating deeply powerful magickal artwork. My friend G. A. Rosenberg does very much the same thing in his graphic design, which is generally Occult in nature, incorporating themes from both the Sevenfold Way’s denomination(s) of Satanism as well as more common Satanic traditions like the Goetia. He tells me that the entities which appear in his artwork appear in his subtle senses first and he uses his talent for graphic design to crystallize his gnosis of them. He tells me that the least spiritually influenced pieces of his art are usually the most popular. The reason for this is clear: when he is not focusing on crystallizing his visions, he creates something more artistically focused and thus more exoterically beautiful. While I have featured G. A. Rosenberg’s art in the past, I had not actually attempted to pathwork through one of his Goetic pieces until recently. His Goetic pieces have a representation of the spirit they serve to bring one into contact with as well as the sigil of that entity worked into the piece. The pathworking process is simple, but it requires that you print out the picture. Stare at the sigil and let the image envelop you as you articulate names or chants of the entity.

When you are ready, close your eyes, and interact with the spirit in a mental representation of whatever landscape is depicted in the artwork. Try to visualize and experience this landscape in as much detail as possible, and work all your senses into the equation. This is a highly efficacious way to develop one’s psychic senses as well as a very convenient methodology for the attainment of gnosis. Having some fresh water or lit candles present is also helpful, as are the preliminary construction of a sacred space. Here is the hyperlink to his Goetic artwork. Many of his other artistic creations, which can be found by browsing his WordPress, were made to be altar pieces, and he has several works which are made for use within the Sevenfold Way and the Drakon Covenant Current, the latter of which was made at my request when I was involved with DC. I really was shocked at how powerful his Goetic artwork (specifically the one of Flauros which I used) was, even though I had previously used a photo of him to sense his magickal ‘power level,’ a technique which I would highly recommend that the reader practice so that she can ascertain the level of an author’s mastery prior to purchasing their work. -V.K. Jehannum

Transpersonal Chakras – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Meditation June 11, 2016February 6, 2019 371 Words The transpersonal chakras, of which there are three, levitate above the magickian’s head and provide a method of strengthening contact with the Higher Self, the Qlippoth, and the Black Light. To open any chakra, simply visualize it and vibrate an appropriate mantra until you feel it open. Thereafter, continue to meditate upon it for a few minutes– stop if pain ensues. If you have not opened the seven chakras of the body, do so. To do what follows is easy, and it grants much power. The first of these is the Soul Star Chakra, which is white and roughly six inches above the head. This chakra is your link to your Higher Self and a powerhouse of spiritual ability– think of it like the crown chakra on steriods. Visualize it becoming brilliant white as you vibrate the name Satan. In doing so, you call upon Satan to help you open the chakra. Obviously you may use a different spirit’s name instead of Satan. The next is the Spirit Chakra, and it is slightly above the Soul Star Chakra. Visualize it as pale violet, and imagine it turning into a rainbow of colors. This chakra has been said to be the magickian’s connection to Kether. Vibrate Satan until it opens. The third, which is above the second, is brilliant gold. It is said that the entirety of humanity shares one third transpersonal chakra, which is true. Vibrate Satan again until this chakra is open. So it is done.

Update: My word of power “Phaos Abussos” [Light of the Underworld] empowers the transpersonal chakras, spinal chakras, and subpersonal chakras simultaneously with demonic energy. Another Update: Some claim that there are five transpersonal chakras, and I have been working with all five for the past couple months. While I do not have any knowledge, description, or names for the fourth and fifth transpersonal chakras, I can tell you what color mine are. My fourth transpersonal chakra is entirely red and my fifth transpersonal chakra is black with a white cortex. To get the best results with the transpersonal chakras, you’ll have to open the subpersonal charkas as well. My instructions for this are as follows: -V.K. Uridimmus Jehannum

Magickal chants V.k. jehannum's magickal chants

Channeled Chants to Shiv Kritya – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants March 8, 2020 93 Words I was hired to channel a sigil and a collection of magickal chants useful in summoning an Indian goddess named Shiv Kritya. The client described this spirit to me as the fiercest servitor of Shiva. Here is what I received.

Zaenanora + Kallen-Dara + Zondaeon + Hora-Dar-Gie + Kengaenar Five Secret Names of Shiv Kritya (Secret Names Are Only for Use in Magick & Worship) Shiv Kritya Zordaez All-Purposed Summoning Chant

Zondaeon Harrendon All-Purposed Summoning Chant Hengassor Arragor Maebazzal Konnakae Evocation Chant Dengara Nara Korzae Sargae Invocation Chant Shon-Hor-Kal All-Purposed Summoning Chant

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Channeled Names for the Spirits of Mother Hecate – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants May 29, 2019 154 Words One of the releases I made in my ritual music project, which music project is provided to my audience via my YouTube channel, called upon the power of Hecate to strengthen the rituals of the sorceress and call the spirits of Hecate to manifest. This song called upon the Empousai (fiery vampyric daimones), the Lamiai (vampyric daimones with the lower bodies of snakes), the Strixes (vampyric owl daimones), and more. I channeled names for these four classifications of Hecatean daimones for this track, and I will provide these names to my audience here. Zaezindor + Mozraeal + Haeraeal Channeled Names for the Empousai Naezraedor + Palzdorae + Haezin Channeled Names for the Lamiai Zaedaea + Haezdorae + Palzdor Channeled Names for the Strixes Naezindaea + Zaeraea Channeled Names for Other Classifications of Hecatean Spirits Support My YouTube Channel Via the Hyperlink Below: view_as=subscriber

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Chants for Goetic Sorcery – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants May 5, 2017July 30, 2020 195 Words Sum Harba de Ashmedai Malka In English, “I am the Sword of King Asmoday.” ‘The Sword of King Asmoday’ is a title for Asmoday’s son, variously called Alfpunias, Alefpene’ash, and Gurigur. This is used in invocations of him. Source: VK Liftoach Pandemonium In English, “Open the Infernal Plane.” Presences infernal energy to raise sacred space. This chant was made specifically for consensual summoning. If it is vibrated in proximity of any tools set for the coercion of demons, these tools will become useless or weaker depending on how powerful they are. Source: VK Temphioth Xere Sam-Aur Chashakh Calls upon Temphioth to empower and eternize a raised sacred space. Can also be used, if teh witch intends it, to prevent a sacred space from enveloping a larger territory over time. To be chanted nine times. Source: VK Luluwa-Agrah-Va-Koh-Hen-Hah-Sehmol In English, “Luluwa, Daughter and Priestess of the Left Hand.” Used to call on Luluwa/Qalmana. Source: VK Qalmana Meleketh ha-Gulgatha va-Nogah In English, “Qalmana Queen of Gulgatha and Venus.” Used to call on Qalmana/Luluwa. Source: V.K.

Flavros, Hauras, Flereous – Venire Ducis Haures Three names of Flereous followed by “Come Duke Haures!” Source: VK  

Chants for Luciferian & Draconian Magick (Tiamat) – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 22, 2018July 30, 2020 1,210 Words

The Nemean Lion Obveni– Voco Te Leo Nemeum “Come– I Call to the Nemean Lion!” Invoco Leo Nemeios– Megist Dominator Anados “I Call the Nemean Lion– Great Lord of Alchemical Ascent!” Ave Leonta Nemea “Hail the Nemean Lion!” Agios Ischyros Leo Nemeum “Numinous and Mighty is the Nemean Lion!”

Above: Original Sigil for the Nemean Lion

Tiamat, Kingu, & Apsu    

Tiamat, Kingu, & Apsu are the principle deities and original creators of all practitioners of vampyrism. These three entities are invested in the success and magickal development of vampyres– they want the best for vampyres and are pretty much always inclined to grant them assistance. The following chants are of my own invention– they call on all three of those deities, and like all of my original chants & words of power, they may be used by any person for writing in any publication, blog, forum post, whatever with or without giving me credit. The secret magickal name that I have channeled for this deific triumvirate (sometimes I call them the “Vamparents”) is Attathengalla. The constructed magickal names I have coined, empowered, programmed, & consecrated for the Vamparents include Lasibharzunas, Zillingassa, Dawamphiahom, Aphinamte, Qimurarun, and Dassazzakhisat. Dawamphiahom Zillingassa Artorzozam Dassazzakhisat Three Invented Magickal Names for the Vamparents & a Word of Power for Multi-Spirit Calling-Forths Organized Into a Chant Kingu Omorka Tisalet Apason Rishtu Kingu Attathengalla Two Names of Tiamat, Two Names of Absu, the Name Kingu Twice, and My Secret Channeled Name for the Vamparents Dassazzakhisat Dawamphiahom Lasibharzunas Attathengalla Four Constructed Names for the Vamparents as a Chant Orbiazozoth Tiamat Kingu Absu Saphorozos Mavethol Zillingassa Names and Words of Power Composed into a Chant to the

Vamparents. Agios O Lasibharzunas “Numinous is the Trinity of Vamparents!” Lasibharzunas Liftoach Gashar-Abyllo-Kresh “Vamparents, Open the Abyss!” Calls forth the Trinity of Vamparents, Strengthens Any Rite, Strengthens the Sacred Space, & Induces a Gnostic State. Doesn’t Literally Presence Abyssal Energy. Liftoach Sitra De-Smola B’Shem Ha-Dawamphiahom “Open the Sinsiter Left Side in the Name of the Vamparents!” Calls Upon the Vamparents & in Doing So Presences Qliphothic Energy to Strengthen a Sacred Space. Also Strengthens All Summonings (Evocation, Invocation, Simple Calling-Upons, Etc.) and Any Rite to Follow. Advenite Coelestes Hydri– Kingu, Thalassa, Et Rishtu “Come, Eternal Serpents– Kingu, Thalassa (Tiamat), and Rishtu (Absu)!” Avete Zigarun, Tiamtu, Et Kingu– Intervenite Divi Khaos “Hail Zigarun (Absu), Tiamtu (Tiamat), and Kingu– Come, Abyssal Spirits!” Io Dawamphiahom! “Hail the Trinity of the Vamparents!” For those whom this interests, the various names of Tiamat are Hubar, Mummu-Tiamat, Mummu-Tiamatu, Omurca, Omorka, Nammu, Omoroka, Tamtu, Tiawath, Tauthe, Thalassa, Thalatta, Thamte, Tismet, Tiamtu, Tihamtu, Tisalet, Tisallat, and UmmuKhubar or Ummukhubar. The various names of Apsu are Zigarun, Apason, Rishtu, Apzu, Abzu, Apsu, Aphson, and Engurru.

Above: Original Sigil for the Vamparents (Kingu, Tiamat, & Absu)  

The Four Leviathans A Leviathan is the apocalyptic beast of the water, just as Behemoth is the apocalyptic beast of the earth and Ziz is the apocalyptic beast of the air. Some myths depict there being two original Leviathans– one male and one female– which battled the Abrahamic deity in the primordial chaos before the universe was created. These two Leviathans are considered to have been Satan and Lilith in their Draconian-Watery-Primordial manifestations. The Leviathanic manifestation of Lilith is usually referred to by Taninsam as coined by the order(s) of the 218 Current, but since the Leviathanic aspect of Satan is the most renowned, he is simply referred to by the title Leviathan. In addition to Taninsam and Leviathan, Rahab is considered the third Leviathan, and Rahab is hermaphoriditc. The fourth and final Leviathan is known as Tanin’iver or Taninniver– the blind serpent who dwells in Gamaliel (Black Moon/Lilith). Taninniver is viewed as the mechanism of the manifestation of the Black Light, and if he were awakened and made truly manifest, it is believed that a procession of aeons would result. The magickal name for this group of four Leviathans, which name I have constructed/invented, empowered, programmed, & consecrated, is Raviasamin. It’s meant to be used as a singular proper noun. Liftoach Sitra De-Smola B’Shem Ha-Raviasamin “Open the Sinister Left Side in the Name of the Raviasamin!” Strengthens the Qliphothic Energy of the Sacred Space, Strengthens the Witch’s Magickal Act-of_Making-Manifest (i.e. Evoking) all the Demons to be Called Upon After This Chant has Been Recited.

Avete Serpentes Ex Qliphoth– Taninsam, Leviathan, Rahab, Et Taninniver “Hail to the Serpents of the Qliphoth– Taninsam, Leviathan, Rahab, and Taninniver!” Agios o Raviasamin “Numinous are the Four Leviathans!” Raviasamin Liftoach Acharayim “Raviasamin, Open the Backwards Tree!” Calls Forth the Raviasamin & Calls Upon them to Empower the Witch OR stimulate either the Black Kundalini or the Red Kundalini. Chants calling upon one of Raviasamin individually can be found by following the hyperlinks below:

Above: My Original Sigil of Taninniver (Note: When I ‘Spam’ My Articles with Unnecessary Sigils in this Fashion, I do so with the Express Intention of “Spreading the Love” in Regards to Given Demons for Whom Sigils are Difficult if not Impossible to Find Outside of My Work)

Lilith, Eisheth Zenunim, Aggereth, Naamah

Above: My Original Sigil of Aggereth Laudate Qlindisherethema “Praise the Four Matron Demonesses of Sacred Sex!” Qlindisherethema is My Invented Magickal Name for the FourGoddess Group Known as the Brides of Samael, Queens over Incubi & Succubi, & Matron Demonesses of Sacred Prostitution. The Qlindisherethema Include Eisheth Zenunim, Agrat Bat Mahlat, Lilith, and Na’amah/Nahema. Lilith, Eisheth, Agrat, Nahema The Names of the Four Qlindisherethema Recited as a Magickal

Chant to Call Them Forth and/or Call Upon them to Strengthen Any Ritual.

Above: My Original Sigil of Eisheth Zenunim  

A’athiel, Belia’al, Qemetiel Avete Athiel, Beliar, Qematial “Hail Athiel, Beliar, and Qematial!” Salve Beliaynachera “Hail the Archdemons of the Trans-Qliphothic Veils!” The Beliaynachera, Being My Invented Magickal Name for the ThreeMember Group of Demons who Rule the Three Veils Before Samael, is comprised of Belial, Athiel, & Qematial. Salvete Domine Qematriel, Basileus Gothiel, Et Rex Belial-Mortifer “Hail Lord Qematriel, Lord Gothiel, and King Belial the DeathBearer!”


Magickal Chants for Necromancy Obvenite Divi Manes “Come, Spirits of the Dead!” Summons a Number of Those Who Died Nameless and Forgotten. Use with Caution, Guidance, Etc. Pervenite Sapientes Divi Manes– Exanimia Et Ambrosia Venefici “Come, Wise Spirits of the Dead– Dead and Immortal Sorcerers!” Summons Forth the Ascended Masters and/or Ghost-Witches Who Venerated the Infernal Divine in Life. Use with Caution, Guidance, Etc.  

New Chants for the Goetia Praedicate Divina Gremory “Praise to the Numinous Gremory!” Ave Ambrosia Belua Ex Abysso– Venire Aethereus Gomory “Hail unto the Immortal Fiend from the Abyss– Come, Everlasting Gomory!” Inclammo Immortales Haborym “Hail to the Immortal Haborym!” Salve Aim Erus Sitra Achara; Venire Haborym Forti “Hail Aim, the Authority of Sitra Achara; Come, Mighty Haborym!”

Ave Exitosus Induperator Uvall “Hail to the Destructive Lord Uvall!” Ave Procell; Adveni Cordatus Crokel “Hail Procell; Come, Wise Crokel!” Agios o Balan Arbitrator Acharayim “Numinous is Balan, Lord of the Backwards Tree!”

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Chants to Abaddon / Apollo – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants August 29, 2017July 30, 2020 561 Words Apollo was integrated into grimoiric demonology under the names Apolhun and Apollyon with Astaroth as his superior, but the fact that Abaddon/Apollyon originated from the Greek conceptions of Apollo was insufficient to convince me that the two entities were the same being/dual and different manifestations of the same consciousness/faces of the same divine force. It is true, if one delves deep into the mythological depictions of Apollo and the demonological depictions of Abaddon, that the two entities exhibit nearly the exact same faculties, dispositions, and idiosyncrasies in advanced magick and esotericism, that the two entities consistently exhibit the same traits. Nonetheless, it was not until I examined the correspondences of the two entities in Gematria, Isopsephy, Greek letter symbolism, and other numerological attributions and symbolisms that I became completely and irrevocably convinced that these two beings are one. For the whole article wherein I prove these assertions, click the following link:

Above: Sigil of Abaddon’s Serpentine Aspect Channeled by Augustus

Grigori Pal-Ged + Abaddon Abi Gazam + Antikidos Oxus Drepanon + Exterminans + Olothreutes Anabaino Sitra Achara + Apollyon + Apolhun + Aggelos Abussos + Abbaton + Malakh ha-Mavet This is a formula of name vibration used for the purpose of calling forward Abaddon, including the numerical values of his names and other numbers sacred to the Infernal Divine spoken in the Enochian language so as to serve as magickal words. Various names and invented magickal monikers (Greek & Hebrew alike) are used. Source: V.K. Phanaeus + Apauliunas + Lycegenes + Sauroctonos + Cynthius + Delius + Pythius This is a formulaic string of Apollo’s names to be vibrated for the purpose of his calling. The name formula consists of seven names, for the number seven is the number most sacred to Apollo. Source: V.K. Ave Apollo Rex Olympus Et Sol This means “Hail Apollo, the King of Olympus and the Sun.” Consists of 11 syllables, the number of all magick. Used to call upon Apollo. Source: V.K. Venire, Pater Apollo-Pythius This means “Come, Father Apollo of (A Specific Region of Delphi).” Consists of 11 syllables, the number of all magick. Source: V.K. Abaddon, Exterminans, Apollyon, Apollyn This is a Chant Composed of Four Names for Abaddon Io Abaddon-Apollyn “Hail Abaddon/Apollyn!”

Adveni, Moltus Divinitus Et Belua, Domine Abbaton “Come, Great Deity and Fiend, Lord Abbaton!” Exsurge Abbaton Dominator Adhassyth “Rise, Abbaton, Lord of the Abyss!” (Adhassyth is a magickal word of power which serves to empower any spell it is spoken during. It may be used as a word meaning “Abyss” for ritual purposes only) Abbaton, Apolhun, Abaddon Shadai Magickal chant composed of Abaddon’s names in Demonology. Consists of 11 syllables, the number of all magick and all things demonic. Source: V.K. Salve Apollyon-Exterminans This chant means “Hail Apollyon/Exterminans.” Exterminans is the Latin name for Abaddon used in the Vulgate. Source: V.K. I have created and previously posted five magickal chants for the calling forward of Apollo’s lycanthropic manifestation as the father of wolves. These chants were created for my upcoming book and can be found via the following link: Look forward to invoking and otherwise working with the Olympian, Infernal, and Lycanthropic Aspects of Apollyon in my upcoming book with Daemonic-Dreams Publishing. Here are a pair of original sigils (the sigil for Apollo has magickal numbers attributed to him written around it):

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Chants to Apollo’s Lycanthropic Manifestation – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants March 30, 2017January 11, 2019 72 Words

AVE APOLLO CUNOMAGLUS “Hail Apollo the Dog-Headed” IO APOLLON-LYCEGENES “Hail unto Apollon the Wolf-Begotten” APERIATUR STELLA, ET GERMINET LYCEUS “Open the sky, and bring forth Lyceus” VENIRE – PATER LYCEUS “Come – Father Lyceus” AGIOS ISCHYROS LYCOCTONOS “Numinous and Mighty is Lycoctonos” INVOCO EXITOSUS VORSIPELLIS LYCOCTONOS “I Call the Destructive Shapeshifter Lycoctonos!” INTERVENI PERNICIALIS REX APOLLO CUNOMAGLUS “Come, Destructive King Apollo with the Head of a Dog!”

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Chants to Mephistophiles or Mesphito – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 24, 2017July 30, 2020 112 Words Names of his which can be vibrated: MESPHITO + MEPHISTO + MEPHIST + HEMOSTOPHILE + MEGASTOPHILES + MEMOSTOPHILES + MEPHISTOPHILIS + MEPHISTOPHIEL + MEPHISTOPHIELIS IO MEPHISTO, ZODAMRAN, ZODAMRAN! Io means “Hail”, and Zodamran is a word of power to call forth Qliphothic energy or open the gates to Hell. Source: VK BARUCH HA-MEPHIST MEPHIR HA-GADHOL “Blessed is Mephist the Great Destroyer” A Hebrew phrase which blasphemously praises Mephisto/Mephist/Mesphito. Source: VK LIFTOACH QLIPHOTH B’SHEM HA-MEPHISTOPHILUS “Open the Qliphoth in the name of Mephistophilus.” Calls upon Mesphito to open the gates to Hell and presence infernal energy. Source: VK SALVE MEPHISTOPHILES, SALVE MEPHISTOPHILES, SALVE MEPHISTOPHILES. “Hail Mephistophiles” thrice. Used at the end of a ritual to him. Source: VK

Chants to Open Any Qliphothic Sphere – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants June 21, 2018June 21, 2018 145 Words Drakosophia Liftoach (Name of Qlipha) “The Underlying Force of All Demon Magick Shall Open (Name of Qlipha)!” Io Sitra De-Smola, Drakosophia Liftoach (Name of Qlipha), Sitra Ahra Gloria “Hail the Sinsiter Left Side, the Current of the Adversary Shall Open (Name of Qlipha), Glory to the Infernal Plane!” Flereous-Havres Sa Gohed Othiel Iolcam (Name of Qlipha) “Flereous-Havres and Everlasting Othiel/A’athiel, Bring Forth (Name of Qlipha)!” Triodathannis Liftoach (Name of Qlipha)– Belial, Lucifer, Hecate “Trident of Atlantis, Open (Name of Qlipha)– Belial, Lucifer, Hecate!” Liftoach Shaari (Name of Qlipha) B’Shem Ha-Astaroth Va-Satanas “Open the Gate to (Name of Qlipha) in the Name of Astaroth and Satanas!” Drakosophia-Octinomos Liftoach (Name of Qlipha) “Drakosophia-Octinomos, Open (Name of Qlipha)!” Unlike the Chants Above, this Chant Presences (Evokes) the Spirits which Inhabit the Named Qlipha, Rather than Opening the Qlipha Itself.

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Compendium of Magickal Chants to Lilith – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants May 7, 2017July 30, 2020 334 Words

Above: Magickally Charged Representation of Lilith for Meditation Journeys by GAR Ave Domina Lilith “Hail Lady Lilith!” Source: VK Agios o Lilith Regina Gamaliel “Numinous is Queen Lilith of Gamaliel” Source: VK Ama Lilith + Tzaphoni + Lilitu + Yallathor + Torrigal + Akkathor + NINE-THOR-UH-GAUL + AYE-TOUR-UH-GOTH + Yakkorraggawl + Lattorraggoth + Lilith This name formula, channeled for my upcoming grimoire, consists of eleven names, several of which are channeled. I spelled some of the secret names, approved for public release, such that they would be pronounced right the way an uneducated hillbilly would sound them out. Others were broken down into their syllables, with syllables which equate to know English words (“Uh” counts as a word) being presented as that word spelled entirely capitalized letters. This formula is too powerful for beginners, so I’ve enchanted the formula such that whosoever recites it will only tap into as much of its power as they can handle. Should the celebrant experience waverings of confidence (paranoia, doubt, etc.) of the severity which could fuck up the working being performed, this formula is enchanted such that the intent will manifest purely. Source: V.K. Adoro Te, Deitas Et Draco, Meticulosa Nagithor “I Adore You, Goddess and Dragon, Fearsome Nagithor!” Calls Lilith’s dragon aspect. Agios Es, Ama Lilith-Akhathil “Numinous Art Thou, Mother Lilith-Akhathil!” Calls Lilith’s dragon

aspect. Io Lilitu-Nagithor “Hail Lilitu-Nagithor!” Chant to Lilith’s dragon aspect.

Nizsandor This is a Revealed Name for Lilith’s Wolf Aspect. It May Be Used for Magick and Worship, But Also in Reference to Her Wolf Aspect Outside of Magickal Work and Worship. The i is Pronounced Like the i in Igloo and the san Should Be Pronounced Such that it Rhymes with Gone. Naezondural + Palzindraea + Hozdaeanthal + Zizdalin + Malzsorgon These are Channeled Names of Lilith’s Wolf Aspect for Use Only in Worship and Magick. The i’s are Pronounced like the i in Igloo. Zaezor Konda Azaea Malzorgon Aztharal Azdae Channeled Chant to Evoke Lilith’s Wolf Aspect Aznaean Orzaeda Palzoral Azdaeal Channeled Chant to Invoke Lilith’s Wolf Aspect

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Demon

Conjuring the Jesters – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants April 27, 2019April 27, 2019 169 Words Despite being sober and having never even taken DMT, I had an experience with the Jesters who are known to appear to people on DMT. One of the Draugar (the Norse Undead) was kind enough to possess me so that I could provide a sigil and incantations which may be used to conjure the Jesters for initiatory purposes. You will not need drugs to use what I am presenting in this post.

Zandol + Nizalae + Moztordae These are Channeled Names for the Jesters. The zan in Zandol is pronounced like the xan in Xanax, and the dol in Zandol is pronounced like the word Doll. The niz in Nizalae should be pronounced such that it rhymes with the liz in Lizard, and the lae should be pronounced like the word Lay. Moztordae is pronounced mawz-TOUR-DAY. Bizthala Kinzaeda Sordae Omnos Oztor Kol (biz-THAW-luh KIN-zay-duh SOAR-DAY awm-noss oz-TOUR CALL) Channeled Chant to Evoke the Jesters

Vidian Kayta Uridimmus Jehannum Sempiternus Drakosophia Admirabilis

Fill-in-the-Blank Magickal Chants – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants May 22, 2018February 11, 2019 782 Words Alogos Teknon, Exousia Basileia Skotos, ___________, Khaosophoros Pneuma “Children of the Unwritten Gnosis, Force of the Kingdom of Darkness, ___________, Chaos-Bearing Spirits!” Summon Any Named Group of Demons (e.g., any Qliphothic army, the Tentatores, one of the groups of Azazel’s emissaries that E.A. Koetting wrote about, etc.). One of my invented magickal names for the group of the ToS’s ruling archdemons or my magickal name for the group of Qliphothic armies could be inserted into the blank on this chant. Agios Es, __________, Divum Et Vorsipelle! “Numinous Art Thou, ________, Deity/Spirit and Shapeshifter!” This Chant May Be Used to Call Forth Any Spirit for Any Rite to that Spirit– Invocation, Evocation, and More! Corire Omnituens Numen _____________ “Appear, All-Seeing Spirit _________!” This Chant May Be Used to Call Forth Any Spirit for Any Rite to that Spirit– Invocation, Evocation, and More! Superveni _____________ Maximus Lar “Arrise, ________, Elder Deity!” This Chant May Be Used to Call Forth Any Spirit for Any Rite to that Spirit– Invocation, Evocation, and More!

Exorna Alogos, Praegrande _____________ “Provide the Unwritten Gnosis, Powerful _________!” This Chant May Be Used to Call Forth Any Spirit for Any Rite to that Spirit– Invocation, Evocation, and More! Ornate __________ Divinitas Ex Acharayim “I Praise __________, Goddess of the Backwards Tree!” This Chant Can be Used to Call Forth Any Spirit. It Can Be Used for Evocation and Invocation Alike, as well as Any Other Kind of CallingUpon. Despite the Fact that the Chant Refers to the Spirit as a Goddess, it is Programmed to Be Useful for ANY Spirit, So You Can Use the Chant for Anything You Like. Veni, Veni, _________– Divinitas Et Creatrix “Come, Come, _________–Goddess and Mother! This Chant Can be Used to Call Forth Any Spirit. It Can Be Used for Evocation and Invocation Alike, as well as Any Other Kind of CallingUpon. Despite the Fact that the Chant Refers to the Spirit as “Mother” and “Goddess,” it is Programmed to Be Useful for ANY Spirit, So You Can Use the Chant for Anything You Like. Induperator Est __________ Etiam Reshut Ha-Rabbim “__________ is Lord/Ruler/Director/Leader of the Kingdom of Manifoldness!” This Chant Can be Used to Call Upon Any Spirit—Invocation, Evocation, Whatever. It Does Refer to the Spirit as a Regent of the Nightside, But Poseidon, Dagon, Shugara, Nyx, Velpecula, etc. all have Qliphothic Attributions, So Don’t Hesitate to Use This Whenever it’s Appropriate. Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito ______ “I Summon the Mighty Emissary of the Left Hand– I Call ______” Evoke Any Spirit

Aperiatur Mavethol; Devoco ______________ “Open the Qliphoth; I Call to _____________” Mavethol is an invented magickal word of power which empowers any given working or spell. Its linguistic use is to serve as a name for the Qliphoth, but its effect is not tied to the Qliphoth at all. This chant is used to call forth any demon. Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet _________ “Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth _______!” Presences Qliphothic energy to strengthen a sacred space while calling forth the demon named. Perveni Coelestis Bellua Ex Qliphoth– Excieo ___________ “Come, Eternal Fiend of the Qliphoth– I Call __________” This Chant is Useful in Invocations of Any Demon Salve ___________ Megist Agente Ex Sitra De-Smola “Hail ___________ Great Emissary of the Sinister Left Side!” Invoke Any Demon Sagax Coelestis __________ Gloria “Glory to the Wise and Numinous ________!” Invoke Any Spirit Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco _________ “Open the Qliphoth; I Call to __________” This chant can be used for invocations of any demon, and in addition to invoking the demon called upon, the chant has the effect of increasing the alchemical/transformative/self-deifying effects of the invocation being performed. Invoco ___________ In Nomine Qliphoth “I Call to _________ in the Name of the Qliphoth” Used to call forth any demon– Goetic, Qliphothic, Grimoiric,

whatever– while simultaneously bringing the celebrant closer to a gnostic state. In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet ______________ “In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth _________” Used to call upon any demon. This magickal chant calls forth the demon named and focuses the celebrant’s mind. Corire _________, Penitrale Gehennae “Come Forth, ___________, Infernal Spirit!” Used to summon any demon (evocation or general calling-forth, not invocation) Adoro Te ___________, Pentrale Ex Mavethol “I Adore You, __________, Spirit of the Qliphoth!” Used to invoke any demon Praedicate Aethereus Divus __________ “I Praise the Eternal Spirit _____________!” Invoke Any Spirit Being the person who created all these chants, I give everyone permission to use them for any reason in any context from a forum post to work published for profit without direct permission from me. While it is not necessary to give me credit (you won’t find me under your bed), it is a courtesy I would appreciate.

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Luciferian Magickal Chants – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants March 6, 2017July 30, 2020 167 Words AGIOS ADRAMELECH REX VENENUM “Numinous Adramelech King of Poison” Source: VK BARUCH-HA ADRAMELECH, MELECH HA-QLIPHA HA-KOKAB “Blessed is Adramelech, King of the Qlipha of Mercury” Source: VK APERIATUR ACHARAYIM, ET GERMINET ADRAMELECH “Open the Backwards Tree, and bring from Adramelech” Source: VK QODESH LA-MOLOCK SAR THAMIEL “Holy to Molock Prince of Thamiel” Source: V.K. AGIOS MOLOCK, SALVE REX IGNIFER “Numinous (is) Molock; Hail to the Monarch and Fire-Bearer” The word numinous means (A) divine/spiritual (B) inspiring greatness (C) mysterious; We’re using all three meanings at once. Source: V.K. AGIOS ISCHYROS KA-IN AROTRIOS “Numinous and mighty is Ka-in (Qayin/Cain) of the plow” LUCERIFUGE, LUCIFAGE, LUCIFUGUS ROFOCALUS Names of Lucifuge Rofocal arranged into a chant Source: VK

AGIOS ISCHYROS LUCIFUGE “Numinous and mighty is Lucifuge” Source: VK APERIATUR ACHARAYIM, ET GERMINET LUCERIFUGE “Open the Backwards Tree, and bring forth Lucerifuge” in Latin Source: VK QODESH LA-ASHTORETH KARNAIM “Holy to Ashtoreth of the Two Horns” in Hebrew, an obvious inversion of a Hebrew praise Source: VK Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Black Lodge Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Demonolatry Demonology Devil Worship Diabolic Gnosticism Evolutionary Satanism Exeatic Satanism Gnostic Diabolism

Magickal Chants for Adversarial Magick – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants July 29, 2017July 30, 2020 949 Words AGIOS OCTINOMOS-DRAKOSOPHIA “Numinous is the Current of the Adversary Manifested through Octinomos” The term Numinous is a synonym for “divine” which is devoid of Judao-Christian connotation; the connotations of the term and theological concept ‘the Numinous’ are the arousal sentiments of honor, loyalty, and duty, and the Acausal’s surpassing of causal and mortal comprehension. The term “the Numinous” specifies a dualnature balanced in absolute harmony– the absolute reconciliation of darkness and light. Octinomos is a name for Baphomet, where Baphomet is both the ideal of alchemy/the Great Work and the entirety of the universe and Cosmos. As Theosophia is held to be the current which underlies all religion by Theosophists, Drakosophia is, in my definition, the undercurrent of all Adversarial religion– Khaos-Gnosticism/Anti-Cosmic Satanism, Luciferian Spirituality, Demonolatry, Theistic and Spiritual Satanism, the Sevenfold Way of Satanism/Satanism Within Hebdomadry, the Draconian Path or Tradition, and LaVeyan Satanism as well. Generally recited at beginning of a ritual. Source: V.K. AGIOS O PANDEMONIUM “Numinous are Drakosophian Forces/Numinous is the Realm of Infernality” An expression of the balanced dual-ness expressed by the Divinities

of Adversarial Magick and Spirituality. Exclaimed at the termination of a ritual. Source: V.K. VENIRE NEPTUNE-POSEIDON VENI Calls upon Neptune/Poseidon. The words ‘Venire’ and ‘Veni’ mean “Come.” Source: V.K. POSIEDON-NEPTUNE VENIAT AD ME “Poseidon-Neptune, Come Into Me!” Used in invocations of Neptune/Poseidon. Source: V.K. AGRATH, ORGATH, IGIRIT, AGGERATH A magickal chant which calls upon Agrat bat Mahlat, also known as Orgath bath Mahalath and Aggereth, and is composed of her names. Source: V.K. LIFTOACH PANDEMONIUM, ET GERMINET AGGERATH “Open the Infernal Realm, and Bring Forth Aggerath” A chant which calls forth Aggereth and presences Qliphothic energy to create or strengthen a sacred space. Source: V.K. LIFTOACH HEKEL LEBANATH HA-ADAMAS ATER “Open the Palace of the Black-Diamond Pavement” A magickal formula used to presence Qliphothic energy for the creation or strengthening of a sacred space. Source: V.K. ALFPUNIAS, SAMIGINA, AMDUSIAS The names of Alefpene’ash (Son of Asmodeus), Samigina/Gamigin, and Amducious, which demons are apt for raising the Kundalini serpent. This magickal composed of their names calls upon them to

raise your Kundalini and prevent you from being harmed in doing so. Source: V.K. LEPACA, AMIAHZATAN, BARATCHIAL A chant which calls upon the three demons named for workings of chakra empowerment Source: V.K. HAHAMAHATABAWANAHADA’AT A name for Chavajoth. QAYIN, TUBAL-QAYIN, CAMIO The names of the three manifestations of Qayin/Cain, the First Murderer and Witch-Father, later reborn as Tubal-Qayin the founder of Freemasonry after his empowerment by Azazel, who later attained immortality in Pandemonium as Camio the Solar and Mercurial President of the Goetia. Source: V.K. LIFTOACH PANDEMONIUM, ET GERMINET CAMIO “Open the Infernal Realm, and Bring Forth Camio” A chant which calls forth Camio and presences Qliphothic energy to create or strengthen a sacred space. Source: V.K. HEIL KAIN VON SAMAEL “Hail Qayin Son of Samael” Used to salute Qayin at either the start of the ritual or the start of the portion of the ritual or spell which beseechs Qayin directly. QAYIN, MAHAN, DIAPHOTOS, QABEEL, BAREKHOOH A chant to Qayin/Cain composed of various names for him, composed of thirteen syllables, the numerical value of the name

Qayin in Gematria. Source: V.K. VAL-DON-GRAPH + RADRALKIMIYAH + PAIMONIA + TIYD HAKABOD + RADRASHEMMAL + ABIYR QLIPHOTH + VAL-DON-UN + PAYMON + MELEK HA-GADHOL + LINAN TASA JEDAN PAIMON + MELUS DE QUO MAGMA The name-vibration formula for the calling forth of Paimon. Source: V.K. LIFTOACH PANDEMONIUM, ET GERMINET PAIMONIA “Open the Infernal Realm, and Bring Forth Paimonia” A chant which calls forth Paimon and presences Qliphothic energy to create or strengthen a sacred space. Source: V.K. AVE PAYMON REX PANDEMONIUM “Hail Unto Paymon, the King of Pandemonium” Souce: V.K. BARUCH HA-PAYMON HA-PARASHIYM “Blessed is Paymon the Horseman” Source: V.K. SALVE PAYMON REX OCCIDENTALIUM “Hail Unto Paimon, the King of the West” Source: V.K. QODESH LA-ASHTORETH KARNAIM “Holy to Ashtoreth of the Two Horns” An inversion of a Hebrew praise used in rituals to Astaroth Source: VK MERIS, MERASIN, METIRIS, MERERIM A chant used to call upon Merihim/Mererim or Meririm composed of

his names. Source: V.K. LIFTOACH PANDEMONIUM, ET GERMINET MERIHIM “Open the Infernal Realm, and Bring Forth Merihim” A chant which calls forth Mererim and presences Qliphothic energy to create or strengthen a sacred space. Source: V.K. VOCO TE MERIS; VENIRE O MERIHIM “I Call to Meris; Come Oh Merihim” A chant used to call upon Meris/Meririm. Source: V.K. SALVE APOLLYON EXTERMINANS The word ‘Salve’ means “Hail.” Apollyon and Exterminans are names of Abaddon/Apollo Source: V.K. Jehannum FAM-NA-HATH “Two-Hundred and Ten” The numerical value for the names Na’amah and Nox/Nyx in Gematria pronounced in Enochian as a word of power. Also signifies the Key to the Abyss and the Formula of Dissolution. Source: The Whole Enochian Dictionary VAL-DRUN-UN “One-Hundred and Fifty-Six” The numerical value of Babalon and Chaos. Source: The Whole Enochian Dictionary VAL-PAL-ORTH “One-Hundred and Sixty-Five” The numerical value of the names Na’amah and Babylon, where Babylon is the profane apocalyptic manifestation of the Sphere of

Saturn known as Babalon and Mactoron alike. Source: The Whole Enochian Dctionary UR-ORTH “Twenty-Five” The numerical value of the Ego, the Beast, and Aiwass– the Higher Self. Source: The Whole Enochian Dictionary AGIOS ISCHYROS LEVIATHAN “Numinous and Mighty is Leviathan” Source: V.K. LIFTOACH PANDEMONIUM, ET GERMINET AMMON “Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Ammon” A chant which summons Aamon or calls on his power while presencing Qliphothic energy to render the subtle atmosphere of the ritual location as more conducive to magick and demonian energy and forces. Source: V.K.

Magickal Chants for Any Rite of Demon Magick (Goetic, Qliphothic, Etc.) – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 22, 2018July 30, 2020 581 Words This list of provides chants of my own creation as well as from some of the Black Lodge’s other authorities/leading voices. These chants may be used for any ritual of demon magick– Goetic, Qliphothic, etc. If the chant has any specifically programmed magickal effect(s), they will be described. Otherwise, assume the chant can be used for any purpose in any rite of demon magick. As with all of my original chants and words of power, these may be used in any publication, forum post, article, blog, whatever for any purpose with or without giving me credit. Provinite Sam, Akasha, Alogos, Et She-Ein Bo Mashavah! “Provide the Venom of the Adversary, the Fifth Element, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Black Light of the Qliphoth!” Strengthens Any Ritual Obtestor Xul De Tohu, Bohu, Et Chasek– Infernalia Fundam Anados! “I Call the Black Light of Tohu, Bohu, and Chasek– the Infernal Fundaments of Magickal/Alchemical Ascent!” Strengthens the Rite, Hardens the Will, Strengthens Any Summonings (Evocation or Invocation Etc.). Xul, being the Latin word Lux [Light] backwards, is a name for the Black Light. In the word Xul, the X is pronounced like a Z. In this context, Xul as a name for the Black Light is not the same as the Cuneiform word Xul [Evil] which is not pronounced the same (R.L. Sushko/Etu Malku of the

Herald of the Dawn was the one who taught me about that Cuneiform word). Arcesso She-Ein Bo Mashavah– Megist Pyros De Phosophorsophia! “I Send for the Black Light of the Qliphoth– the Great Fire of the Black Flame!” Strengthens the Rite, Strengthens the Sacred Space, Strengthens Any Summonings. She-Ein Bo Mashavah [the Light Without Thought of Creation] is a traditional Hebrew moniker for the Black Light of the Qliphoth. The word Phosophorosophia, as coined by Frater Kafyrfos in Diabolic Gnosticism: Mythos & Philosophy, signifies both the Black Light of the Nightside and the Black Flame/internal nexion. Gnosis De Solis Atricolor Peto– Et Obtestor Alogos Ex Abyssus “I Reach for the Spiritual Knowledge/Revelation of the Black Sun– and I Call for the Unwritten Gnosis of the Abyss!” Strengthens Any Rite Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria “Numinous is the Other Side– Glory to the Energetic Undercurrent of All Demon Magick!” Strengthens Any Rite Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia “Numinous is the Energetic Undercurrent of All Demon Magick, (i.e. Drakosophia) and It’s Endeavor of Alchemy!” I Often Use This to Begin My Rituals. As Theosophia is Considered, by Theosophists, to Be the Underlying Current of All Religion & Spirituality, Drakosophia is the Name I Coined to Signify the Energetic Undercurrent Behind Every Denomination of Demon Magick that the Black Lodge Puts into Practice. Octinomos, Being an Alternate Name for Baphomet the Goat of Mendes, and therefore Being a Title of the Archetypal Representation of Both the State of Being Inhabited Once the Great Work is Complete and a Suitable Magickal Title for the Supersoul/Superstring Current.

Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat “In the Name of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten Gnosis, and the Undercurrent of Sinistral Demon Magick, Let it Be So!” Strengthens Any Rite Sempiternus Drakosophia Admirabilis “Wonderful Art Thou, Eternal Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick!” This Chant Strengthens All Magick and All Invocation (I.e, it Helps You Get Possessed By Whatever You Want to Channel). Its Linguistic Meaning Makes it Sound Specific to Demon Magick, but it is Universal in its Applicability.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants for Demon Magick – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants May 2, 2017July 30, 2020 188 Words Carabia, Demonosophia, Decarabia Names of Decarabia ordered into a chant for rituals calling upon him. Source: V.K. Agios ischyros Ka-In Arotrios In English, “Numinous and mighty is Qayin the Ploughman.” Used to call on Qayin. Source: V.K. Agios es, Belladomina Tezrian In English, “Numinous art thou, Mother Tezrian of War.” Numinous is a synonym for ‘divine’ with Paganistic connotations. Source: V.K. Xon, Binan Ath, Xul, Ga Wath Am Only appropriate for experienced practitioners, preferably within a sacred space. This chant is harsh and powerful, so the practitioner had best be in the confines of a sacred space. Strengthens the witch’s character and spiritual faculties. May be trance-inducing; not for beginners. The X’s are pronounced like Z’s. Raphael and Michael helped me compose it. Source: V.K. Qayin, Tubal-Qayin, Camio Used to call forth the three manifestations of Qayin. Source: V.K. Eisheth Koheneth ha-Arsiel In English, “Eisheth, High Priestess of the Black Sun.” Used to call on Eisheth Zenunnim. Source: V.K.

Aperiatur Dudael, et germinet Azazel In English, “Open the desert, and bring forth Azazel.” Used to call on Azazel. Source: V.K.

Magickal Chants for Egyptian Paganism – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants April 19, 2018 230 Words

Anubis Agios Ischyros Anubis-Anpu Ala-Mashavah “Numinous and Mighty is [(Two Names of Anubis & Invented Magickal Name)]!” Agios Anoup-Anpu “Numinous (is) [(Two Names of Anubis)] Agios Ischyros Yinepu “Numinous and Mighty is Yinepu/Anubis!” Anpu Anubis A-Na-Pa [(Three Names of Anubis)] Khenty-Imentiu Yinepu Anubis [(Three Names of Anubis)] Amplaudate Yinepu Coeles Autem Sa-Ka “I Praise Yinepu, Deity of Sa-Ka!”

Osiris Agios Ischyros Basileus Asir “Numinous and Mighty is King Asir/Osiris!” Adoro Te Aethereus Asir “I Admire You, Eternal Asir!”

Asar Un-Nefer Osiris Asir [(Four Names of Osiris)]

Chepri Agios Es Aeviternitas Kheper “Numinous Art Thou, Everlasting Kheper!” Salve Dominator Chepri “Hail Lord Chepri!” Ave Sagax Khepera “Hail to the Wise Khepera!” Invoco Khepera; Divus Sophos Chepri “I Call Khepera; Theomorphic, Wise Chepri!” All of these chants were written, empowered, and consecrated by me. Like all of my original chants and sigils, these chants are uncopyrighted and make be used by any person in any forum, publication, etc. for any reason with or without giving credit to me or linking to my website. The numbers 7 and 13 are sacred in Egyptian magick, so if one of these chants is added to your rite, it should be recited either 7 or 13 times. To find descriptions, sigils, and magickal hymns on my site for these three deities, follow the hyperlink below:

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia  

Magickal Chants for Kliffothic Workings – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants December 27, 2017July 30, 2020 985 Words Aeonifer This is an invented magickal name which can be used to refer to any demon or group of demons. It means “Bearer of Aeons.*” Aeonifer can be vibrated to strengthen the calling forth or summoning (invocation & evocation alike) of any demon, group of demons, demonic metagod, or selection of demons (i.e. all the demons being called on in the rite). I have constructed other invented magickal names which have an identical use & effect to Aeonifer: Semolshedim, Khaosophoros, Diabalachara, Ala-Mashavah, Xulogos, and Goessabbim. Artorzozam An invented magickal word of power which serves to strengthen an evocation or calling-forth of any spirit or group of spirit. Ya Namosh Panachasragoth Exat “In the Name of the Infernal Divine, Let it Be So!” Panachasragoth is my invented magickal name for the entirety of the Infernal Divine. This chant calls on Panachasragoth to make the energies which the witch is exposing herself to much easier for her to process as well as to prevent the witch from unknowingly struggling against the integration of said energies. I generally use this when I’m closing a rite, but this chant can be used whenever.

Perveni Coelestis Bellua Ex Qliphoth– Excieo ___________ “Come, Eternal Fiend of the Qliphoth– I Call __________” This Chant is Useful in Invocations of Any Demon Salve ___________ Megist Agente Ex Sitra De-Smola “Hail ___________ Great Emissary of the Sinister Left Side!” Invoke Any Demon Sagax Coelestis __________ Gloria! “Glory to the Wise and Numinous ________!” Invoke Any Spirit “Numinous Art Thou, Father Qematriel, Strange/Foreign Deity!” Io Sitra De-Smola, Drakosophia Liftoach _______, Sitra Ahra Gloria! “Hail to the Sinister Left Side, the Adversarial Current Opens QLIPHA, Glory to the Other Side!” Calls the influence/energy of any Qliphothic sphere named. Torzodu Gohed Azoth “Arise Everlasting Fifth Element.” This has three effects: (i) cleans the chakras & astral body, (ii) clears up the psychic senses, and (iii) strengthens the Black Flame. Advoco Te Lapis Philosophicus “I Call to the Philosopher’s Stone.” This strengthens one’s connection to & integrates the attributes of both the Higher Self and Alternate Self (i.e. the Freudian Shadow). Afarrethoth Afareet Affarron Shayaton Channeled Chant which summons afareet which follow Shaitan – Liftoach Harasiel, B’Shem Ha-Isheth Zenanim “Open the Saturnian Qlipha, in the Name of Eisheth Zenunim.” Calls Eisheth to empower the celebrant with the energy of Satariel.

Interveni Vinea– Aethereus Dominator! “Come, Vine– Eternal Ruler!” Ornias Va-Layilel Liftoach Shaari Gamaliel “Ornias and Layilel, Open the Gate to Gamaliel.” Calls two highranking archfiends from Gamaliel to manifest the spirits of the Black-Lunar Qlipha before you. Glassia-Labolis Va-Mesphito Liftoach Shaari Ha-Samael “Glasyalabolas and Mesphito, Open the Gate to Samael!” Calls on the spirits named to manifest the demons of Samael before you. Shax-Amon-Ayperos Liftoach Reshut Ha-Aogiel “Shax, Amon, and Ayperos, Open the Kingdom of the Uranian Qlipha.” This calls on Shax, Amon, and Ayperos/Ipes to send the energy and residing spirits of the Qlipha of Uranus your way so that you can either (i) be empowered by them or (ii) direct the spirits and energies towards the accomplishment of your ritual’s intent. Yaylakammerrus Djinnitammerus Maridarron Shaitan Channeled chant which summons djinn that follow Shaitan Salve Dynastes Pruflas “Hail Prince Pruflas!” Shalicu, Characith, Uriens This Chant Calls on the Three Demons Named to Either (i) Strengthen any Rite of Summoning (ii) Strengthen all the Major Chakras the Celebrant Has Open & Simultaneously Empower & Increase the Open-ness of all the Minor Chakras in the Celebrant’s Body Pruflas, Machaloth, Radahel, Curiel Calls Upon the Four Demons Named to Strengthen & Increase the Open-ness of the Seven Spinal Chakras.

Salve Ammon Aethereus Divinus Necromantia “Hail Ammon, Eternal Spirit of Necromancy” Ambrosius Domine Yamatu, Admirabilis! “Immortal Lord Yamatu, You Are Wonderful!” Can be used to call forth Yamatu in any rite where he’s relevant or call upon him to strengthen the chakras. Agios Ischyros Kurgasiax– Aethereus Versipellis! “Numinous and Mighty is Kurgasiax– Everlasting Shapeshifter!” Agios Ischyros Buer Praesul Initiationis “Numinous and Mighty is Buer the Initiatory Instructor” Agios o Ratio Glasyabolis– Principi Reshut Ha-Acharayim “Numinous and Mighty is Glasyalabolas– Open the King of the Backwards Tree” Tanin’iver, Ornias, Qalilitu, Liftoach Reshut Ha-Rabbim “Tanin’iver, Ornias, Qalilitu, Open the Kingdom of Manifoldness!”  Calls upon the three demons named to manifest vampyric demons before the celebrant. Akkallathengalla Lonkonrimkakkarra Rimkathagenkalla Lontorrengetharra Linkallengathorra Rimkallindrathorra Linkallingathorra Ronkorraggimtharra Lonkothaggonthorra Channeled Magickal Chant which Calls on Chavajoth and the Goetikon to Manifest Demons Before You. Baruch Ha-Kelippa Ha-Reschaim– Liftoach Nahemoth– Phenex VaAzael Liftoach Nahemo Means “Blessed is Reschaim, the Qlipha of the Black Earth– Open the Qliphothic Dwelling of the Black Earth– Phenex and Azael, Open the Womb-Sphere of the Black Earth!” Calls on Azael and Phenex to harness the energy of Nahemo/Nahemoth/Reschaim and presence the spirits which dwell within it.

Shayaton Allakon Shayateen Shammerron Channeled Chant which Summons Shayateen (a species of djinn in service to Shaitan) – Allathurron Allakon Amrashon Airrakon Channeled chant which summons djinn to fight Allah’s forces or influence – Shayaton Shaitanas Amerron Acurro Channeled Chant for Invocations of Shaitan Liftoach Tohu B’Shem Ha-Qemetiel “Open the First Veil in the Name of Qemetiel.” Tentatores, Infidiatores, Maymon, Liftoach Ha-Ilan Ha-Izon This chant manifests the demonic underlings of B’Mammon. Samrarron Rimkathorra Lankattarra Rimkathorra Linkathorra Lankathorra Samael Channeled Magickal Chant for Invocations of Samael, the Aspect of the Devil Beyond the Three Veils. Rimkathorrakkalla Yonkathorra Linkatharra Lonkathorra Rimkathalla Channeled magickal chant for evocations of Samael *An aeon is a unit of causal time, and when one aeon becomes the next, widespread spiritual development and/or religious innovation is believed to come about. Some believe that an initiate & spiritual leader is chosen, by what it is unknown, to erect a collection of spiritual insights, which insights often go on to become their own religion and/or effect the weltanschauungen of the masses without them being aware of it or understanding the teachings, and thereby bring about a new aeon. All of these chants are entirely original

Magickal Chants for Left-Handed Alchemy – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants November 2, 2017July 30, 2020 1,085 Words Mammon Liftoach Qliphoth “Mammon, Open the Qliphoth” This calls Mammon to strengthen all rites of evocation Source: V.K. Io Mammon– Drakon Anabaino Gamalielim “Hail Mammon– Dragon from the Qlipha of the Black Moon” Source: V.K. Salve Amaymon Pater Sitra Ahra “Hail Amaymon, Father of the Infernal Plane” This chant calls upon Amaymon and can be used in any rite of demon magick to call on Amaymon to strengthen the spell or ritual Source: V.K. Salve Phenex Pater Kelippot “Hail Phenex, Father of the Infernal Plane” This chant calls on Phenex to either (i) increase the open-ness of whichever one of your seven primary chakras is least open or (ii) engender holistic magickal evolution Source: V.K. Qalilitu Venire et Germinet Xul “Qalilitu, Come, and Manifest the Black Light” This chant calls on Qalilitu to (i) strengthen the transformative/alchemical effects a rite of invocation is having on

you, (ii) strengthen any spell or ritual, or (iii) strengthen the celebrant’s psychic senses. Source: V.K. Agios Ischyros Amducious Rex Kliffot “Numinous and Mighty is King Amducious of the Infernal Plane” This chant calls on Amaymon to strengthen any spell or rite (invocation, evocation, whatever) Source: V.K. Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco __________ “Open the Qliphoth; I Call to _______” This chant can be used to invoke any demon and serves to augment the alchemical/transformative effects of whatever invocation it is used it. Salve Bael Pater Herab Serapel “Hail Bael Father of the Qlipha of Venus” Source: V.K. Agios Ischyros Bael Invictus “Numinous and Mighty is the Unconquered Bael” Source: V.K. Agios Baal Zebul Rex Ekron Et Ghagiel “Numinous (is) Baelzebuth King of (Historical Location) and the Qlipha of Uranus” Source: V.K. Venire, Omnipotens Pater Beelzeboul Et Germinet Nihilis Et Germinet Anados “Come, Omnipotent Father Beelzeboul/ And Engender Nothingness/ And Engender Transcendence” Source: V.K.

Subhan Baal Muian, Subhan Ba’lzebul, Ya Baal adh’Dhubaab! “Glory to Baal Muian, Glory to Ba’lzebul, Hail Baal adh’Dhubaab” Source: V.K. Veni – Venire Balphegor Rex Thagirion Et Zomiel “Come– Come Balphegor King of the Qlipha of the Black Sun and its Outer Cortex” Source: V.K. Ave Bel-Peor Pater Sol Nigrantis “Hail to Bel-Peor, Father of the Black Sun” Source: V.K. Agios Ischyros Aeternae Amy “Numinous and Mighty is the Eternal Amy” Source: V.K. Baruch Ha-Bune Ha-Tzefa “Blessed is Bune the Ancient Serpent” Source: V.K. Io Basileus Sitra Ahra; Io Bime Drakon Abussos “Hail to the King of Sitra Ahra; Hail Unto Bime the Abyssic Dragon” Source: V.K. Salve Mene Regina Qamar “Hail (Selene) Queen of the Sphere of the Moon” Source: V.K. Salve Phoebe-Mene-Selene-Noctiluna-Cynthia “Hail (Five Names of Selene)” Source: V.K. Rege, Veni, Saksaksalim Gloria “Glory to Saksaksalim– Come and Reign” Used to call on Saksaksalim. It’s good for invocation, evocation, and

workings with spirits that don’t really amount to either. Source: V.K. Veni, Saksaksalim, Et Germinet Aur Chashakh “Come, Saksaksalim, and Bring Forth Infernal Light” This chant calls on Saksaksalim to empower any initiatory working with the Qliphoth—sphereworkings and pathworkings alike. Source: V.K. Rege Aeternae Pater Saksaksalim “Reign, Eternal Father Saksaksalim” A Latin chant consisting of eleven syllables, with eleven being the number of all things demonic and magickal– eleven signifies the Great Work and the Qliphoth alike, This chant calls on Saksaksalim to enact one of two activities which he really specializes in. You determine which effect the chant will have by the intent you focus on when you recite it: (i) It can reprogram or redirect the magickal energies the witch is focused on. Use this to course correct when you fucked up a spell. Use it to fuck up someone else’s spell. (ii) It calls upon Saksaksalim to strengthen whichever ONE chakra you are focusing on Source: V.K. Saksaksalim Sattimgullor Ontallakkall Ontimgullor “Come, Horseman Saksaksalim, and Guide my Endeavors” This is a channeled chant used to summon Saksaksalim. It’s appropriate for both evocation and invocation. Source: V.K. Io Barbas-Marbuel “Hail Barbas/Marbuel” A simple exclamation of the celebrant’s veneration of Barbas to be used in rites which call upon him. Source: V.K.

Agios o Marbas, Agente ex Ghagiel—Salve Barbuel “Numinous is Marbas, Emissary of Ghagiel—Hail Unto Barbuel” A Latin chant used to call upon Marbas. Source: V.K. Qodesh la-Barbuel Geber ha-Ghagiel Va-Tehom “Holy to Barbuel, Warrior of Ghagiel and Tehom” A Hebrew chant used to call upon Barbuel. Tehom is the layer of Sitra Ahra wherein Ghagiel is located. Source: V.K. Agios Ischyros Curiel Dux Qliphoth “Numinous and Mighty is Duke Curiel of the Qliphoth” Simply a chant for calling on Curiel. Source: V.K. Curiel Liftoach Qlipha ha-Thaumiel “Curiel, Open the Sphere of Thaumiel” This chant has three purposes: (i) to presence the forces and/or spirits of Thaumiel (ii) to strengthen a rite which calls unto Thaumiel (iii) to call on Curiel and the forces of Thaumiel to strengthen any ritual Source: V.K. Io Maguth “Hail Maguth” Source: V.K. Salve Aeternae Magoth “Hail unto the Eternal Magoth” Source: V.K. Agios Ischyros Maguth – Io Magot “Numinous and Mighty is Maguth– Hail Magot”

Source: V.K. Salve Magoth; Agios o Magoa “Hail Magoth; Numinous is Magoa” A simple Latin chant for rites to Magot. It consists of eleven syllables, eleven being the number of magick and all things demonic. Source: V.K. Goap Liftoach Kelippot Empower any ritual of Qliphothic initiation and strengthen one’s processing of the energies. While this magickal phrase is primarily purposed towards working with the Tunnels of Set, it can also be used for self-initiation through any of the planetary spheres of the Qliphoth, being optimally powerful in the initiatory rites of Thaumiel, A’arab Zaraq, Golohab, and Gashkalah. Any working to a Qliphothic or Goetic entity or current of energy can be empowered through this chant. Source: V.K. Io Tap Rex Pandemonium This translates from Latin to “Hail Tap, King of Pandemonium.” This is used to call on Tap in ritual magick as well as to call on him to empower your chakras (either pick one chakra or a few). Source: V.K. Agios Caput Algol “Numinous (is) the Caput Algol” This chant, consisting of seven syllables, saturates the area with the energy of the eclipsing binary star Algol, which energy is apt for all black magick and dark spirits, imposing evolution upon the celebrant in the process. Seek spiritual guidance before you use this. Source: V.K.

Magickal Chants for Qliphothic & Goetic Operations – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants September 8, 2017July 30, 2020 815 Words Agios o Azael Rex Grigori Et Nephilim This means “Numinous is Azael, King of the Watchers and Nephilim” in Latin, with Numinous being a synonym for the divine. Used to call upon Azael. Liftoach Chasek B’Shem ha-Gothiel This means “Open the Darkness in the Name of Gothiel” in Latin, with Gothiel being another name of A’athiel/Athiel. This chant serves to summon Gothiel and presence the energies and spirits of the Qliphothic Veil of Ain Soph Aur, known otherwise as Chasek. Athiel Liftoach Reshut ha-Rabbim This means “Athiel, Open the Kingdom of Manifoldness” in Hebrew, with Reshut ha-Rabbim [Kingdom of Manifoldness] being a name for the Qliphoth. This chant summons Athiel and/or empowers rites either to summon demons or to cast a circle via Qliphothic forces. Salve Sancta Aeternae Baratchial This means “Hail Holy and Eternal Baratchial” in Latin. Used to call on Baratchial. Agios es, Baratchial Initiatrix This means “Numinous Art Thou,” Baratchial the Initiator” in Latin and serves to call upon Baratchial in her female aspect.

Agios o Thantifaxath; Ave Niantiel Latin for “Numinous is Thantifaxath; Hail Niantiel.” Calls on Thantifaxath and Niantiel. Venire Thantifaxath Rex Necromantia Latin for “Come Thantifaxath, King of Necromancy.” Calls on Thantifaxath. Io Ipes-Aypeos-Ipos Io means “Hail” and the rest of this chant is comprised of three names for Ipos. Used to summon Ipos. Tuvries, Kimaris, Cimejas, Cymeries This is a chant which calls upon Cimejes by four of his names. Agios es, Marchioni Tuvries This means “Numinous Art Thou, Marquis Tuvries” in Latin. It serves to summon or otherwise call on Tuvries/Cimejes. Ave Pater Temphioth This means “Hail Father Temphioth” in Latin and serves to call upon the spirit named. Temphioth Xere Sam-Aur Chashakh This means “Temphioth, Generate the Poisonous Black Light” and serves to call on Temphioth to empower a sacred space and radically increase its longevity. Hemethterith Hemhemterith Fam-Ged Val-Ger-Gal This chant is composed of two names for Hemethterith and two numerical values of his name pronounced in Enochian as words of power. Used to call on Hemethterith. Gisa-Drun-Veh, Zodamran, Lafcursiax, Lafoursiax This chant starts with a numerical value of Lafcursiax’s name pronounced in Enochian as a word of power and follows with

‘Zodamran,’ a word of power used to presence Qliphothic energy. It concludes with two names of Lafoursiax. Used to summon Lafcursiax. Val-Ceph-Ged, Drun-Orth, Dagdagiel A chant calling on Dagdagiel including two numerical values of her name pronounced in Enochian as words of power. Zuhalma, Dagdagiel, Bakshorilon A chant calling on Dagdagiel consisting of three names for her. Goap Liftoach Kelippot This means “Goap/Gaap, Open the Qliphoth.” Used to empower any ritual of Qliphothic inititation and strengthen one’s processing of the energies. While this magickal phrase is primarily purposed towards working with the Tunnels of Set, it can also be used for self-initiation through any of the planetary spheres of the Qliphoth, being optimally powerful in the initiatory rites of Thaumiel, A’arab Zaraq, Golohab, and Gashkalah. Any working to a Qliphothic or Goetic entity or current of energy can be empowered through this chant. Io Tap Rex Pandemonium This translates from Latin to “Hail Tap, King of Pandemonium.” This is used to call on Tap/Gaap in ritual magick as well as to call on him to empower your chakras (either pick one chakra or a few). Mammon Liftoach Qliphoth This summons Mammon to empower a rite of evocation. It means “Mammon, Open the Qliphoth!” Baruch ha-Raflifu This means “Blessed is Raflifu” in Hebrew and serves to call on Raflifu. Rattimgethall Onkimgallor Raflifu Onjurrawl A channeled demonic enn for Raflifu.

Baruch ha-Amdusias Geber ha-Thaumiel This means “Blessed is Amdusias, the Warrior of Thaumiel” in Hebrew and serves to call on Amducious. Baruch Ha-Vassago Paraz Ha-Qlippoth This means “Blessed in Vassago, Warrior of the Qliphoth” in Hebrew and serves to call on Vassago. Source: V.K. Io Vassago Rex Necromantia This means “Hail Vassago the King of Necromancy” in Latin and serves to call on Vassago. Source: V.K. Baruch ha-Valephar Geber ha-Qliphoth Hebrew for “Blessed is Valefor the Warrior of the Qliphoth.” Calls on Valefor. Io Satanchia-Put Satanachia-Satanackia This means “Hail Satanchia/Put Satanachia/Satanackia” and calls on Satanachia. Invoco Sancta Put Satanachia Latin for “I Call the Holy Put Satanachia.” Calls on Satanachia. Amarantha, Gargophias, Hekashua Three names for Gargophias compiled into a chant which serves to call on her. Aeternae Solas-Etheliel Gloria Latin for “Glory to the Eternal Solas/Etheliel.” Calls on Stolas. Agios Ischyros Verrier This means “Numinous and Mighty is Verrier” in Latin. Serves to call on Verrier. Amun + Ammas + Amanitore + Amen + Amanishakheto + Arkamani Name vibration formula for calling on Amon.

Ocat Liftoach Acharayim This means “Ocat, Open the Backwards Tree!” This calls upon Ocat to strengthen a rite of evocation. Eurynomos Liftoach Sitra Ahra This translates to “Eurynomos, Open the Other Side.” Calls on Eurynomous to strengthen the ritual being performed. Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Diabolic Gnosticism Evolutionary Satanism Exeatic Satanism Gnostic Diabolism Gnostic Satanism Goetia Goetic kabbalah Kaos-Gnostic Satanism Kaos-Gnosticism Luciferian Luciferianism Luciferism Magic Magick

Magickal Chants for Sinistral Witchcraft – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants June 6, 2017July 30, 2020 391 Words Zuhalma, Dagdagiel, Bakshorilon Chant calling upon Dagdagiel by invented names for her. Pronounced: “ZOO-HALL-muh, Dagdagiel, BACK-SHORE-ILL-ON.” Source: V.K. Jehannum Val-Ceph-Ged, Drun-Orth, Dagdagiel “193, 55, Dagdagiel.” A chant calling upon Dagdagiel by the values of her name in Gematria in the Enochian language. Source: V.K. Jehannum Agios Ischyros Qalilitu, Filia Luna Nigrantis “Numinous (Divine) and Mighty is Qalilitu, Daughter of the Dark Moon.” Chant for rituals to Qalilitu. Source: V.K. Jehannum Aperiatur Dudael, Et Germinet Azazel “Open up the Desert, and Bring Forth Azazel!” Source: V.K. Jehannum Pursan, Purson, Curson Chant to Purson comprised of his various names. Source: V.K. Jehannum Don-Graph, Avnas, Drun-Graph, Amy Chant composed of two names for Amy and the Enochian pronunciation of the numbers 87 and 57, where the number 57

specifically relates to Amy, and 87 is a number which is powerful in all rituals of black magick, purportedly signifying a concept beyond human comprehension. Used in rituals to Amy. Source: V.K. Jehannum Gisa-Drun-Veh, Zodamran, Lafcursiax, Lafoursiax Chant composed of the numerical value of Lafcursiax’s name in Gematria pronounced in Enochian, followed by a word of power for presencing Qliphothic energy, and the two alternate names of Lafcursiax. Useful in rituals to Lafcursiax. Source: V.K. Jehannum Artri, Bitru, Sitri, Andareth Chant to Sitri composed of her two traditional Goetic monikers and two invented and magickally empowered names. Useful in rituals to Sitri. Source: V.K Jehannum Voco te Meris, Venire o Merihim “I call to Meris, Come oh Merihim.” Useful for any rite which calls upon Merihim. Source: V.K. Jehannum Meris, Merasin, Metiris, Mererim Chant to Merihim composed of his various names. Source: V.K. Jehannum Qayin, Tubal-Qayin, Camio Used to call forth the three manifestations of Qayin. Source: V.K. Jehannum Eisheth Koheneth ha-Arsiel In English, “Eisheth, High Priestess of the Black Sun.” Used to call on Eisheth Zenunnim. Source: V.K. Jehannum

Agrath, Orgath, Igirit, Aggerath Chant to Aggereth (Agrat bat Mahlat) composed of her various names. Source: V.K. Jehannum Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Aggerath “Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Aggerath.” Calls upon Aggerath while presencing demonic-infernal (Qliphothic) energy within the arena of ritual to create a sacred space. Source: V.K. Jehannum

Name Vibration Formula of Aggereth (Agrat bat Mahlat) Iggereth + Igarat Malka ha-Pandemonium + Akakheghag + Orgath Regina Succubi + Agrath +  Psychompoiaps + Suvuta + Liftoach Pandemonium

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants for the Tunnels of Set – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 22, 2018April 24, 2018 501 Words My invented magickal names Aeonifer, Khaosophoros, Semolshedim, Diabalachara, Ala-Mashavah, Xulogos, and Goessabbim can be used as “god names” of any demon or group of demons. That is to say, these magickal names can be used to call upon any archdemon of the Tunnels of Set and/or Qliphothic armies. I have two invented magickal names which refer to all the Qliphothic armies of the ToS as a singular proper noun: Diazosiasmola & Goreshiaphos. I have a handful of invented magickal names which refer specifically to the ruling archdemons of the ToS as a group. These are Semolatheon, Xulatheioi (all used like singular nouns), and Kelippadaimones (used like a plural noun). However, these names are only to be used for these entities in ritual, spellwork, and prayer, not essay format or on the street (use their actual names for that). Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito ______ “I Summon the Mighty Emissary of the Left Hand– I Call ______” Evoke Any Spirit Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet _________ “Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth _______!” Presences Qliphothic energy to strengthen a sacred space while calling forth the demon named. For magickal chants which call on one of the ToS’s archdemons individually, see the articles in the Demonology & Paganism section of my website, accessible through the menu. I have channeled

magickal chants for each specific Qliphothic army in the article which describes the specific attributes of each group. The hyperlink below will bring the reader to that article, and this article will go on to provide chants for calling forth any Qliphothic Army. Kohot Ha-Qliphoth, Beni Sitra Ahra, Aeonifer, ____________, Artorzozamcan Used to summon any Qliphothic army. The first two phrases translate to “Force of the Qliphoth, Children of the Other Side.” A name of the Qliphothic army is to be placed in the blank Obvenite Spirituum Sitra De-Smola– Supervinite Infernalia ______ “Arise Spirits of the Sinister Left Side– Arise Infernal ______!” Summon Any Qliphothic Army Alogos Teknon, Exousia Basileia Skotos, ___________, Khaosophoros Pneuma “Children of Alogos, Force of the Kingdom of Darkness, ___________, Chaos-Bearing Spirits” Summon Any Named Group of Demons, or in this Case, Any Qliphothic Army. One of my invented magickal names for the group of the ToS’s ruling archdemons or my magickal name for the group of Qliphothic armies could be inserted into the blank on this chant. Diazosiasmola Liftoach Shaari Acharayim “Archdemons of the Tunnels of Set, Open the Gate to the Backwards Tree!” Calls On All of the Qliphothic Armies to Empower the Rite/Spell/Witch (Any Purpose) Goreshiaphos Liftoach Qliphoth “Qliphothic Armies of the Tunnels of Set, Open the Qliphoth!”

Calls On All of the Qliphothic Armies to Empower the Rite/Spell/Witch (Any Purpose) Diazosiasmola, Diabalachara, Goreshiaphos, Xulogos Calls On All of the Qliphothic Armies to Empower the Rite/Spell/Witch (Any Purpose) Nashimiron Dagdagiron Necheshethiron Obiriron Bahimiron Tzaphiriron Nachashiron Shalhebiron Shichiriron Adimiron Bairiron Tzalalimiron The names of all the Qliphothic armies arranged into a consecrated chant formula which calls all of them forth.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Abraxas – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants April 20, 2018 114 Words Megist Abraxas Gloria “Glory to the Great Abraxas!” Adorire Abrasax Aedifex “Rise Abrasax the Creator!” Evoco Comclamatus Divus– Veni, Veni Abrasax “I Call the Renowned God– Come, Come Abrasax!” Adveni Et Ascende– Erus Abraxas Phosphorosophia Pandendam “Come and Arise– Lord Abraxas Propagate the Black Light!” Abrasax, Admirabilis– Adoro Te Abrasax “Abrasax, Wonderful Art Thou– I Adore Thee Abrasax!” Zar Odo Gmicalzo Zar Abraxas Zar Geh This is the Enochian Enn for Abraxas, and it’s the only chant in this article which I did not design. To see the source of this chant alongside an original channeled sigil of Abraxas, follow the hyperlink below:

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Aeshugar – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants March 17, 2019May 30, 2019 278 Words Aeshugar is a revealed name for the entirety of the Infernal Divine. A revealed name can be used to refer to the entity or entities it designates in casual conversation, whereas secret names are only for use in magick and worship. Aeshugar does not include rogue demons denied by the Qliphoth. Nonetheless, guidance should be sought if one intends to call upon Aeshugar to intervene in magickal violence or before offerings to Aeshugar are partaken of. I was commissioned to create this chant selection by a client.

Aeshugar + Oryala + Anoranal + Zora + Azeiala + Nagala + Zarala Channeled Names for the Entirety of the Infernal Divine. With the Exception of Aeshugar, These Names Should Only Be Used for Ritual and Worship. The ei in Azeiala is pronounced EYE, such that eiala is proncouned EYE-ALL-UH.

p Agios o Zora-Aeshugar “Numinous is the Infernal Divine!” Ia, Io, Ia, Io, Anoranal-Nagala! “Hail, Hail, Hail, Hail (Two Names for the Infernal Divine)!” Existite Oryala Numinibus Infernales “Step Forth, Infernal Divine, Infernal Spirits!” Anoranal Gloriae– Aeshugar Laudamus “Glory to the Infernal Divine– I Praise the Infernal Divine!” Sanana Zalala Azala Ara Zator Zala Channeled Chant Which Calls on Aeshugar to Create the Perfect Sacred Space for Whatever You Are About to Do Zazorala Zananana Zalala Zakatora Channeled Chant to Evoke Aeshugar Zapapora Zakatagora Nanora Zalala Channeled Chant to Invoke Aeshugar Nanora Lakora Zarakara Zapatalagor Channeled Chant Calling on Aeshugar to Transform the Energy Body in Whatever Way(s) the Higher Self Deems Fit Naetalaga Zorala Adadra Zala Rathor Channeled Chant Calling on Aeshugar to Empower the Astral Double in Whatever Way(s) the Higher Self Deems Fit

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Agrat bat Mahlat – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants August 29, 2017May 22, 2018 269 Words

Above: Original Sigil of Aggereth While all but one of my magickal chants to Aggereth have been made publicly available on prior occasions, I have consolidated them here for the convenience of one of my readers. I have three

magickal chants to Aggereth and a name-vibration formula attributed to her, all of which I have consecrated or had consecrated. Iggereth + Igarat Malka ha-Pandemonium + Akakheghag + Orgath Regina Succubi + Agrath +  Psychompoiaps + Suvuta + Liftoach Pandemonium This vibration formula is composed of names for Aggereth, included invented magickal names and titles for her, alongside a word of power to which she is attributed and concluding with a chant which presences Qliphothic energy. Agrath, Orgath, Igirit, Agerath A simple chant composed of the various renderings of her name. Iggerath, Matrum Nashimiron, Veni “Iggerath, Mother of the Malign Ones, Come” This chant simply calls forward Aggereth/Iggerath. The Nashimiron are an order and species of demons over which Aggereth is said to preside. The chant was designed to consist of eleven syllables. Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Aggerath “Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Aggerath” This chant calls forward Aggereth while simultaneously presencing Qliphothic energy to strengthen the sacred space. Obveni Orgath Ambrosia Drakaina “Come, Orgath, Immortal Woman with the Lower Body of a Serpent!” Surge Agrat Era Mavethol “Rise, Agrat, Lady of the Qliphoth!” (Mavethol is a magickal word of power which serves to empower any ritual. Linguistically, it is used as a title or name for the Qliphoth. Its magickal effect is unrelated to its use in language)

Adveni Agerath Divinitas Et Vorsipellis “Come, Agerath, Goddess and Shapeshifter!”

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Amaymon – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 28, 2019April 14, 2019 303 Words

Evoco Dominator Amaymon “I Call Lord Amaymon!” Veni, Spiritus Tenebris– Obveni Erus Amaymon “Come, Dark Spirit– Come Lord Amaymon!”

Agios o Amaymon Equitem Leonis “Numinous is Amaymon the Lion Rider!” Salve Amaymon Pater Sitra Ahra “Hail unto Amaymon, the Father of the Infernal Plane” This chant can be used to simply call forth Amaymon in rituals which seek his influence or to call upon Amaymon to empower any rite of demon magick the sorcerer is performing or has just performed. Sanda Zanda Zara Kon Zorta Thora Gal Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon’s Lich Aspect (All-Purposed) Aezon Zordon Fandar Zandor Aeza Sor Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon’s Crocodile Aspect (AllPurposed) Onsa Sorga Aega Farga Forza Nonzae Aental Saeth Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon’s Alligator Aspect (AllPurposed) Kondae Sorda Zalar Aefar Kortae Bandar Aezor Saeda Aez Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon’s Leopard Aspect (AllPurposed) Ortul Zondue Zaetha Ortae Gaedra Zorsae Zartor Gae Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon’s Tiger Aspect (All-Purposed) (Zondue is Pronounced zawn-DEW) Sorzon Pargae Aephor Sorda Dondal Aega Sorza Sal Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon’s Toad Aspect (All-Purposed) (Sal is Pronounced Like the Name Saul) Onspa Saega Torga Naeza Parga Thorta Pala Nondra Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon’s Frog Aspect (All-Purposed) (Pala is Pronounced Like the Name Paula)

Ontor Zordae Parkae Daezar Paldor Kaezor Tar Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon’s Lion Aspect (All-Purposed) Atala Zaga Saega Fora Zada Tora Zala Korza Zaeda Nondra Zaepa Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon’s Tentacle Aspect (AllPurposed) Saepa Sara Sonda Sorga Aetor Padra Nondra Thordra Pal Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon’s Dragon Aspect (AllPurposed) (the sar in Sara is Pronounced Like the dar in Dark; Pal is Pronounced Like the Name Paul) Sortae Balda Garda Gorza Kala Patha Porzae Kortae  Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon’s Serpent Aspect (AllPurposed)

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Any Group of Spirits – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants January 22, 2019January 22, 2019 33 Words Salvete ____________, Salvete Immortales “Hail (the) ___________, Hail the Immortal Spirits!” Exorimini Ambrosiae _______________ “Rise, Everlasting ___________!” Avete ____________ Magnae Intelligentiae “Hail (to the) ___________, Great Intelligences!” Enasimini Praegrandia Divae ____________ “Appear, Great Spirits ______________!”  

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Aradia – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants August 2, 2018August 2, 2018 429 Words Aradia is the offspring of Sepheranz, Hermes, Beelzebuth, and an aspect of Lucifer known as Noctulius. She is a divinity of the True Path whose guidance and love primarily fall on those who would pursue its secret teachings. She has no love for those endeared to established paradigms of religion, witchcraft, and alchemy. She serves the way to finding the Black Light—the wisdom of True Knowledge. She fosters the Black Flames of chosen teachers across the Earth. She is a spirit of nature, a divinity of Hecatean magick, goddess of the Earth, and a mistress of nature spirits. She rules lunar alchemy. She primarily rules Qamar [the Planetary Sphere of the Moon] and secondarily rules Shams [the Planetary Sphere of the Sun]. She’s a spirits of Mars, Neptune, Mercury, the Black Moon, the Black Earth, and the Black Sun. She’s attributed to Thaumiel (Moloch & Satan/Neptune & Pluto), Golachab {Mars/Asmoday), and Gamchicoth (Jupiter/Astaroth). Thaumiel is her primary Qliphothic attribution, and Gamchicoth is her secondary Qliphothic attribution, leaving Golahchab as a lesser attribution. She also holds authority in Kether/Falak Al-Aflak [the Primary Emanation]. Here you’ll find my sigils and magickal hymn for Aradia: Ia Ia Aradia “Hail, Hail Aradia!” Amplaudate Herodias-Aradia Imperatrix Sitra Achara “I Praise Herodias-Aradia, Empress of the Qliphoth!”

Salve Aradia Cometissa Kliffot “Hail Aradia, Lady of the Qliphoth!” Irodiada, Aradia, Herodias, Airidia Magickal Chant Composed of Four Names for Aradia Araja, Doamna Zinelor, Aradia, Sa Rajusta Magickal Chant Composed of Four Names for Aradia. Doamna Zinelor Translates to “Queen of the Fairies.” Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Arada “I Summon the Mighty Emissary of the Left Hand– I Call Arada!” For Evocations of Aradia Sagax Coelestis Aradia Gloria “Glory to the Wise and Eternal Aradia!” For Invocations of Aradia Praedicate Aethereus Divus Araja “I Praise the Eternal Spirit Araja!” For Invocations of Aradia Agios Es, Aradia, Divum Et Vorsipelle “Numinous Art Thou, Aradia, Deity/Spirit and Shapeshifter!” For Any Ritual Which Calls Upon Aradia Ornate Aradia Divinitas Ex Acharayim “I Praise Aradia, Goddess of the Backwards Tree!” For Any Ritual Which Calls Upon Aradia Veni, Veni, Aradia—Divinitas Et Creatrix “Come, Come, Aradia—Goddess and Mother!” For Any Ritual Which Calls Upon Aradia Induperator Est Aradia Etiam Reshut Ha-Rabbim “Aradia is Lord/Ruler/Director/Leader of the Kingdom of

Manifoldness!” For Any Ritual Wich Calls Upon Aradia Rimkallaggattorruggal Yallattorruggoth Yallattarraggallattor Rimkallagga Rallakkoth Channeled Chant for Invocations of Aradia Rikkallakkattorriggal Rakkattorriggoth Yallakkorrattallaggoth Rimkallakkattal Channeled Chant to Summon Aradia (Not for Invocations)

Very Kvlt Jenkum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Archangel Michael – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 28, 2019July 30, 2020 218 Words Sadrintala + Rasoron + Asimgaloth + Sagata Four Channeled Secret Names of Michael. Secret Names Are Only For Use in Magick and Worship– Never Use Secret Names Outside of These Contexts, and When Possible, Do Not Reveal Them to NonPractitioners. Note: Sitri Shares the Secret Name Asimgaloth with Michael. This is Not As Weird As it May Seem. Michael Shares a Secret Name which Does Not Appear on My Blog with Moloch Too. Concelebrate Domine Michahel “I Praise Lord Michahel!” Perveni Michahel Imperator Tiphereth “Come, Michahel, Lord of the Solar Sephira!” Invoco Michael– Gladium Portat “I Call Michael– Bearer of the Sword!” Agios Es, Sophos Michael, Princeps Angeli “Numinous Art Thou, Wise Michael, Prince of Angels!” Michahel, San Migel, Archistrategos, Sadrintala This is a Chant Composed of Three Names for Michael and One Title for Him. Archistrategos, Meaning “Archangel,” is a Traditional Moniker of His, and Sadrintala is a Secret Name for Him Which I Channeled. Secret Names Are Only For Use in Magick and Worship–

Never Use Secret Names Outside of These Contexts, and When Possible, Do Not Reveal Them to Non-Practitioners. Saeanala Aeoraga Aeatora Aeathal Channeled Chant to Invoke Michael SAY-UH-nal-UH AYE-OH-RAW-guh AYE-UH-TOUR-UH AYE-UH-THAL Aeathora Aeazalala Izalindra Azora Channeled Chant to Evoke Michael

I was commissioned to write this summoning package by a client.

Magickal Chants to Asmodeus/Asmoday – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants July 29, 2017July 30, 2020 259 Words Asmodeus + ASH-MAY-daw-aw-ee + Ahsommagar + AYE-TOUR-uhGOTH + Lagalakor + LAY-TOUR-igguthawl + Mathagator + YAY-ALLUH-GORE + Torriffuggal + AYE-CALL-UH-THOR + Tirgathaggawl This name formula, channeled for my upcoming grimoire, consists of eleven names, several of which are channeled. I spelled some of the secret names, approved for public release, such that they would be pronounced right the way an uneducated hillbilly would sound them out. Others were broken down into their syllables, with syllables which equate to know English words (“Uh” counts as a word) being presented as that word spelled entirely capitalized letters. This formula is too powerful for beginners, so I’ve enchanted the formula such that whosoever recites it will only tap into as much of its power as they can handle. Should the celebrant experience waverings of confidence (paranoia, doubt, etc.) of the severity which could fuck up the working being performed, this formula is enchanted such that the intent will manifest purely. The second channeled name is from Liber Al-Ghoul. Source: V.K. & Liber AlGhoul O, Salve Ashmadia “Oh, Hail Ashmadia/Asmoday” Source: V.K. Amplaudate Praegrandis Osmodeus Shamdon “I Praise the Great (Two Names for Asmodeus)”

Source: V.K. Salve Ambrosius Asmoday Deum Tricipitem “Hail the Immortal Asmoday the Three-Headed God!” Source: V.K. Adveni Exitosus Asmodaios “Come, Destructive Asmodaios!” Source: V.K. Aperiatur Acharayim, et germinet Asmodeus “Open the Qliphoth, and Bring Forth Asmodeus” Source: V.K. Salve Sancta Pater Achemedai “Hail the Holy Father Achemedai/Asmodeus” Source: V.K. Agios Asmodeus “Numinous (is) Asmodeus” Source: V.K. Agios o Asmoday “Numinous is Asmoday” Source: V.K.

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Astaroth – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants July 29, 2017July 27, 2019 133 Words IO ASTERAOTH-IKHATHOL Io means “Hail,” Asteraoth is an obscure variate of Astaroth, and Ikhathol is a revealed name of Astaroth. Source: V.K. PORZON DALGA OZTAR BALZAE NOZTOR KONZAE Channeled Chant to Evoke Astaroth Source: V.K. NINZAEDA BALZAEDON KORZAEDA PALZORAE KAEZON Channeled Chant to Invoke Astaroth Source: V.K. INANNA, ISIS, ISHTAR, ASTARTE, ASHTORETH KARNAIM A chant calling upon Astaroth employing the names of her manifestations within early Semitic polytheism. Source: V.K. SALVE ASTAROTH GENETRIX “Hail Unto Mother Astaroth” Source: V.K. APERIATUR ACHRAYIM, ET GERMINET ASTAROTH “Open the Qliphoth, and Bring Forth Astaroth” Source: V.K. QODESH LA-ASHTORETH KARNAIM “Holy to Astaroth of the Two Horns” Source: V.K.

VENIAT AD ME, ASHTEROTH KARNAIM “Come Unto Me, Astaroth of the Two Horns” Source: V.K.

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Azazel – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants April 13, 2019July 21, 2020 154 Words Archon Totou Se’irim + Aza’zyel + Aba Ha-Nephilim + Za-Za-E’il + Radrab Ha-Saharim + Val-Na-Hath-Orth + Qatziyn Ha-Iyrin + Azazel + Mals-Pe [Ruler of all Se’irim + Aza’zyel + Father of the Nephilim + Za-za-e’il + Chief of the Saharim + 115 + Chief of the Watchers + Azazel + 31] Name Vibration Formula Calling Forth Azazel Aperiatur Dudael, Et Germinet Azazel “Open Dudael, and bring forth Azazel!” Sada Dora Azan Tala Channeled Chant to Evoke Azazel Aezan Tala Zador Katan Asal Channeled Chant to Invoke Azazel Evoco Domine Azazel “I Call Lord Azazel!” Aesandaga Asor Tagal Satal Channeled Chant to Invoke Azazel’s Eagle Aspect Pazan Kala Soroth Sandar Channeled Chant to Evoke Azazel’s Eagle Aspect Patan + Sagal + Sordae Channeled Secret Names of Azazel’s Eagle Aspect (Secret Names Are Only for Worship and Spellwork)

For my article about Azazel, follow the hyperlink below: For another amazing article about Azazel, follow this hyperlink:

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Baubo or Tassatowah – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 22, 2018July 30, 2020 89 Words My personal gnosis is that Baubo, a spirit from Greek mythology, is the same being as Tassatowah as recorded by Mark Allan Smith.

Above: Original Sigil for Baubo/Tassatowah Baubo-Goetrianmol Liftoach Mavethol “Baubo/Tassatowah/Goetrianmol Open the Qliphoth!”

Consurge Baubo, Penitrale Ab Khaos “Rise, Baubo, Spirit of the Primordial Chaos!” Salve Baubo Genitor-Genetrix Goeteia “Hail Baubo Father-Mother of Chthonic Sorcery!” Vorneleusis Tassatowah Baubo Daasachara Four Names of Tassatowah/Baubo Goetrianmol Et Tassatowah– Anodos Pandendam “(Two Names of Baubo/Tassatowah)– Spread Alchemical/Magickal Transformation!”

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Ba’al or Bael – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants December 30, 2017July 30, 2020 219 Words Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Bael “Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Bael!” This chant invokes Bael and increases the alchemical/selftransformative effects of the rite of invocation Agios o Bael “Numinous is Bael” Jezebel Most people know Jezebel as a standard female name because of one infamous woman who bore it. However, Jezebel originated as traditional exclamation of worship for Ba’al for ritual use. It literally translates to “Where is the Prince?”, which won’t make much sense to us intellectually, but is still useful. Source: Wikipedia Salve Bael Pater Herab Serapel “Hail Bael, Father of the Qlipha of Venus!” Agios Ischyros Bael Invictus “Numinous and Mighty is Bael the Unconquered!” In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Bael “In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Bael!” This chant calls forth Bael while simultaneously focusing the mind of the witch.

Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Bael “Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Bael!” This chant calls forth Bael while simultaneously presencing Qliphothic energy to either raise or strengthen a sacred space. Invoco Bael In Nomine Qliphoth “I Call to Bael in the Name of the Qliphoth!” This chant calls forth Bael while simultaneously drifting the celebrant into a mindset more appopriate for gnosis.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Beelzebuth – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants December 30, 2017July 30, 2020 215 Words Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Beelzebuth “Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Beelzebuth” This chant invokes Bael and increases the alchemical/selftransformative effects of the rite of invocation In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Beelzebuth “In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Beelzebuth!” This chant calls forth Beelzebuth while simultaneously focusing the mind of the witch. Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Beelzebub “Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Beelzebub!” This chant calls forth Beelzebuth while simultaneously presencing Qliphothic energy to either raise or strengthen a sacred space. Invoco Baelzebuth In Nomine Qliphoth “I Call to Baelzebuth in the Name of the Qliphoth!” This chant calls forth Baelzebuth while simultaneously drifting the celebrant into a mindset more appopriate for gnosis. Agios Baal Zebul Rex Ekron Et Ghagiel “Numinous (is) Baal Zebul, the King of Ekron and the Uranian Qlipha!” Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Baelzebuth “Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Baelzebuth!”

Venire, Omnipotens Pater Beelzeboul Et Germinet Nihilis Et Germinet Anados “Come, Omnipotent Father Beelzeboul/ And Engender Nothingness/ And Engender Transcendence.” A magickal hymn to Beelzebuth. Subhan Baal Muian, Subhan Ba’lzebul, Ya Baal adh’Dhubaab! “Glory to Baal Muian, Glory to Ba’lzebul, Hail Baal adh’Dhubaab!”

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Belial – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants November 11, 2016July 30, 2020 66 Words AGIOS BELIAS REX BOHU “Numinous Belial King of Emptiness” Source: VK VENIAT AD ME, BELIAL REX MUNDIS “Come Into Me, Belial King of the Earth!” Source: VK BELIAR, BELU, BELIAL names of Belial ordered into a chant Source: VK APERIATUR QLIPHOTH; INVOCO BELIAL “Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Belial” Magickal chant which invokes Belial and strengthens the selftransformative effects of the invocation. Source: V.K.

Magickal Chants to Belphegore – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants November 28, 2017July 30, 2020 110 Words Agios Belphegor! “Numinous (is) Belphegor!” Source: V.K. Salve Beth-Baal-Peor! “Hail Beth-Baal-Peor/Belphegor” Source: V.K. Ave Bel-Peor Pater Sol Nigrantis “Hail unto Belphegor, Father of the Black Sun” Source: V.K. Veni – Venire Balphegor Rex Thagirion Et Zomiel “Come – Come Balphegor, King of the Sphere of the Black Sun and the Divinities of Revolt” Source: V.K. Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Belphegor “Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Belphegor” Calls forth Belphegor while simultaneously creating or strengthening a sacred space by presencing Qliphothic energy. Source: V.K. Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Beth-Baal-Peor “Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Beth-Baal-Peor” Source: V.K.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Chavajoth – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants November 11, 2016July 30, 2020 520 Words

HEH VAU HEH YOD! EL ACHER! HAHAMAHATABAWANAHADA’AT! Three names for Chavajoth which, spoken in this order, have additional magickal power. Source: V.K.

YA’AR CHAVAJOTH PANAVI ‘ALIYK “May Chavajoth bestow his blessing upon you.” Source: VK HAHAMAHATABAWANAHADA’AT A long-forgotten name for Chavajoth which consists of 11 A’s just like the ZZNZ chant used to open the Abyss. Source: V.K., Inspired by Traditional Qabbalah AGIOS O HAVAYOTH (used to presence Qliphothic energy) Source: VK AKEN YESH HAVAYOTH BAMAQUWM HA-ZEH “Surely Havayoth exists in this place.” Source: V.K. QODESH LA-AZERATE “Holy to the Azerate” Source: VK QOL AZERATE YACHIYL MIDBAR The voice of the Azerate convulses the wildnerness Source: VK


The names of the Azerate lumped into a chant comprised of 37 syllables. 37 is the number of Adversarial Magick epitomized the number of the primordial abyss (Da’ath), specifically in reference to the primordial abyss as a gateway to the Qliphoth. Source: V.K. AVE HAVAYOTH (used to end a ritual) Source: Diabolic Gnosticism Mythos and Philosophy by Frater Kafyrfos

New Chants!

Venire, Omnituens Chavayoth “Come, All-Seeing Chavayoth!” Io Heh Vau Heh Jod “Hail Heh Vau Heh Jod!” Heh Vau Heh Yod, Deus Alienus, Chavajoth, Aeonifer Four Names of Chavajoth Assembled into a Chant

Advoco Et Adoro Te Praevalidus Chavayoth “I Call and I Adore You, Mighty Chavayoth!” Baruch Ha-Chavajoth, Theli Ha-Acharayim “Blessed is Chavajoth, the Dragon of the Backwards Tree!” Calls upon Chavajoth to influence your ritual so that the demons you call on are easier for you to perceive if and in any way that they choose to reveal themselves. It helps you perceive the spirits. It doesn’t help the spirits appear to you– they don’t need help. Qol Chavayoth Chotzev Lahavoth Esh “”The Voice of Chavajoth Kindles Flames of Fire!” Qol El Acher Al-Ha-Mayim “The Voice of the Foreign Divinity is Over the Waters!” This chant calls Chavajoth to influence the rite such that the energy of your magick sticks to its intended course– so if you get paranoid and that would normally fuck up the manifestation of your intent, Chavajoth fixes it. Qol Chavayoth Shover Haraziym “The Voice of Chavayoth Breaks Cedars!” Io Rakhalatu-Chavajoth Io means “Hail” and Rakhalatu is a revealed name for Chavajoth. Subrige Praevalidus Rakhalatu “Rise, Mighty Rakhalatu!” Aeviternitas Deus Alienus Gloria “Glory to the Sempiternal Foreign Dvinity!” Liftoach Sitra De-Smola, B’Shem Ha-Havayoth “Open the Sinister Left Side, in the Name of Havayoth!” This calls upon Chavajoth to presence Qliphothic energy and shape it into a sacred space– Chavajoth will shape it into whichever shape

Chavajoth sees fit. It might stop at the walls of the room that you’re in, for example. If you have presenced Qliphothic or any other type of energy with the intention of creating a sacred space prior to reciting this chant, it will be meshed with this sacred space, and residual Qliphothic energy lingering around the chamber will be drawn in too. This one should be chanted specifically eleven times in a row.

Magickal Chants to Choronzon and Shugal – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants August 8, 2019 78 Words Nozador Salapaton Zoraedoron Alasator Channeled Chant to Evoke Choronzon and Shugal Translation: “Open the Way to the Spirits of Wonder, and Bring Forth the Dark Harbingers of Enlightenment.” Nozadae Soraduron Orsaeduron Alaguton Channeled Chant to Evoke Choronzon Palasaearon Salagasaera Sorzadora Asuton Channeled Chant to Evoke Shugal Porgudorga Sorzudora Salatora Onasora Channeled Chant to Invoke Choronzon Nazadala Aratonra Sonratorgim Sarasae Channeled Chant to Invoke Shugal Below: Sigil of Choronzon on the Right and Sigil of Shugal on the Left

Magickal Chants to Claunech – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants September 3, 2017July 30, 2020 129 Words

Above: Original Sigil of Claunech Rimkalla + Attaggarra + Claunech + Assimgarra + On-TOUR-uhGAUL + Lahkimgallor + Allanthoth + Rimkattandra A channeled formula of conjuration-through-vibration which brings forth Claunech. This may be used for evocation and invocation alike. Veni Et Rege Claunech Pater Qliphoth “Come and Reign Claunech Father of the Qliphoth”

Io Chaunta Clauneck Elantiel Io means “Hail,” and Chaunta and Elantiel are other names for Claunech. Ave Clauneck Rex Pandemonium “Hail Clauneck Father of the Infernal Plane” Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Clauneck “Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Clauneck” Calls upon Clauneck and simultaneously presences Qliphothic energy to strengthen a sacred space Source: V.K. All chants I create are free of copyright and may be used by anyone in any publication or forum, with our without accreditation.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia Tagged 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Claunech Clauneck Demon demon worship Demonolatry Devil Worship Diabolatry

Magickal Chants to Contact the Higher Self – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants April 6, 2019May 30, 2019 144 Words Zazora Nagatal Zadagal Patrala Channeled Chant to Invoke the Higher Self Zordala + Xisdargala + Kadratora + Agathal + Zaddural Channeled Words of Power to Invoke the Higher Self Zanara Gadrala Padrator Gorakala Channeled Chant to Be Guided By the Higher Self in Interpreting Dreams or a Tarot Spread Zananana Channeled Word of Power Calling the Higher Self to Help You Discern the Intentions of a Spirit (Whether an Entity is Here to Help or Harm) Zada Lala Zana Gatal Zagara Koral Channeled Chant to Receive One or More Messages from the Higher Self in Dream Zortalala Zata Kaka Channeled Chant to Initiate Communion with the Higher Self Bah Zis Daga Tadal Dagal Channeled Chant Calling the Power of the Higher Self to Help You Clean Your Chakras, Aura, Etc. At Once I was commissioned to create this chant selection by a client.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Damkina – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants, the Septenary Way November 22, 2016July 30, 2020 406 Words Damkina Taris! Damkina Gabbar! Ia Sarratum Damkina! [Damkina is right! Damkina is strong! Hail Queen Damkina!] (to impart aplomb to the witch (in a lasting way), and to increase the longevity of the celebrants and that of the trees surrounding them) Matrum deum, Dea finis, veni et germinet gnosis! [Mother of the Gods, Goddess of Fate, come and bring forth gnosis!] (to talk to one’s Inner Daemon or remember past lives) In nomine de Regina Damgalnunna excelsi (invoking the authority and power of Damgalnunna. To start a ritual or spell) [Latin: “In the name of the great Queen Damgalnunna”] Ia Damgalnunna, Sarrat Eri-Dugga! (praises Damgalnunna and thereby makes one receptive to her power; bends the atmosphere to her will) [“Hail Damgalnunna, Queen of Eri-Dugga!”] Ia Ninchursanga (praises Ninchursaga, makes you receptive to her power, strengthens the ritual) Ia Ninchursanga! Cacama! Karra! (calls the power of Ninchursaga; transmits the incantation. To be used at the end of a spell) [Spoken Cuneiform: Hail Ninchursaga! Amen! Hurra!) Invoco Damkina [I call upon Damkina] (mantra for invocation or the empowerment

of a spell) Regina Ninhursag Gloria (grants power over the environment and augments the location’s numinosity) [Glory to Queen Ninhursag] Veni et rege Damgalnunna! (calls upon Damgalnunna to actualize whatever your intent is) Ia Davcina, Belatis-Dingir-Dingir! (Calls upon the power of Davcina, drastically raising the spiritual atmosphere of the area and attaining single-mindedness) [Hail Davcina, Lady-Ruler of the gods!] Ba Ninhursag Ehdet! Ia Sarratum Ninchursanga! Meqim Damgalnuna! [I adhere to Ninhursag! Hail Queen Ninchursanga! Damgalnuna is the creatrix!] (protects the ritual from interference and increases the durability of the energy being raised) Matrum Deum!/ Sancta Davcina!/ Agios es,/ Nunc et in omnia saecula!/ Agios o Davcina!/ Agios o Pharmaceutria! (blasphemes the virgin mary, praises Davcina, calls upon the protection of Davcina from external interference, and empowers + activates any crystals, sigils, or plant-life in the ritual space) [Mother of the gods! Holy Davcina! Hallowed art thou, now and for all days. Hallowed be Davcina! Hallowed be the Sorceress!] Agios es, Sancta Davcina (Blaspheme the virgin Mary, praise Davcina, for evocation and invocation) Agios es, Mater Ninhursag (calls upon Ninhursag to protect ritual and activate + empower any sigils nearby)

Alka Damkina (summoning Damkina—invocation or evocation) [Come Damkina] Ave Aeternae Ninhursag (fills the area with natural energies) [Hail Eternal Ninhursag] {Below: I am [Queen or Mother] NAME (for invocation)} Sum Ninchursanga Sum Mater Davcina Sum Mater Damkina Sum Regina Damgalnuna

Magickal Chants to Hekate – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants April 29, 2017July 30, 2020 109 Words AVE AGIA “Hail Agia/Hecate” Used to open and close rituals to Hecate APERIATUR STELLA, ET GERMINET AGIA “Open the sky, and bring forth Agia” Agia is a name of Hecate VENIAT AD ME, MATER AMEIBOUSA “Come Into/Unto Me, Mother Ameibousa/Hecate” This chant is used to call forth any atavistic (bestial) aspect of Hecate EXISTE ANASSA ENERI “Appear Anassa Eneri!“ EXORIRE INFERNA PRYTANIA “Appear Infernal Prytania!” ENASCERE PRAVA SOTEIRA– AEDONAEA GLORIA “Arise, Vicious Savioress– Glory to Aedonaea!” ADORIRE PHOSPHOROS DOMINA WAMPHYRI “Rise Phosphoros Mistress of Vampyres!” HEKATE NYKTIPOLOS SUMMINISTRA AZOTH “Hekate Nyktipolos, Provide the Fifth Element!” EXSURGE GENETRIX LIPAROKREDEMNOS “Rise, Mother Liparokredemnos!”

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Isis – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants March 15, 2019May 30, 2019 142 Words

Above: Channeled Sigil of Isis Sorana + Alana + Sarathathal + Zazala + Asaraga + Morimgal Channeled Secret Names for Isis Secret Names Are to Be Used Exclusively in Worship and Magick Tana Nora Ara Sagor Hastal Channeled Invocation Chant Tana Nana Ananora Alanana Anananal Channeled Evocation Chant Adoro Te, Domina Isis “I Adore You, Lady Isis!” Isis Genetrix Admirabilis “You Are Wonderful, Mother Isis!” Interveni, Isis– Domina Sept “Come, Isis– Lady of Sirius!” Usert, Sati, Thenenet Chant Composed of Three Names of Isis

Voco Te Regina Anqet “I Call You, Queen Anqet!” Ave Sempiterna Usert “Hail the Everlasting Usert!” I was commissioned to create this summoning package by a client, and I’ve decided to add a link to an article about Isis from a website I like to this article for the benefit of my audience:

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Lucifer – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants April 29, 2017July 30, 2020 163 Words Med-Orth + Lucifero + Lumiel + Helel ben Shachar + Lucibel + Asturel + Aggelos Phos + Liftoach Qliphoth + Liftoach Pandemonium A list of words of power and titles for Lucifer vibrated to bring him forth Source: V.K. Amplate Lucibel Aedifex Phos “I Praise Lucibel, the Artificer of Phos!” (“Angel of Light” is Aggelos Phos in Greek. Phos denotes the principle and mechanism of manifestation, not physical illumination) Source: V.K. Conlaudate Lumiel Dominus Thaumiel “I Praise Lumiel, Lord of Thaumiel!” (Note: Lucifer has a high rank in Thaumiel) Source: V.K. Salve Lumial– Praecellens Divus Ex Mavethol “Hail Lumial– Pre-Eminent Spirit of the Qliphoth!” (Mavethol is a magickal word of power which serves to empower any ritual. Linguistically, it is used as a title or name for the Qliphoth. Its magickal effect is unrelated to its use in language. The word is only to be used in ritual for magickal endeavor) Source: V.K. Lucibel, Lucifer, Lumial Three names for Lucifer organized into a chant. Source: V.K.

Magickal Chants to Lucifuge Rofocale – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants September 5, 2017July 30, 2020 134 Words Venire – Rofocale Rex Noctifer “Come, Rofocale the Night-Bearing King.” Used to call on Lucifuge. Agios Ischyros Lucifuge “Numinous and Mighty is Lucifuge” in Latin. Used to call on Lucifuge. Baruch Ha-Lucifuge Rofocale “Blessed is Lucifuge Rofocale” in Hebrew. Used to call on Lucifuge. Aperiatur Acharayim, et germinet Lucerifuge “Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Lucerifuge” in Latin. Acharayim is an alternate title for the Qliphoth. Lucerifuge Lucifage Lucifugus Rofocalus A series of three of Lucifuge’s name variates composed into a magickal chant. Used to call on Lucifuge. Devoco Divus Sempiternus Praecantator Lucifugus Rofocalus “I Call the Numinous, Eternal Prophet Lucifugus Rofocalus.” Used to call on Lucifuge. All Magickal Chants Written by V.K. Jehannum are Non-Copyright and May be Used by any Person in any Forum or Publication with or without Accreditation.

Magickal Chants to Luna/Selene – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants December 30, 2017July 30, 2020 80 Words Ave Luna Nocticula “Hail Luna who Shines at Night!” I generally use this chant at the start of a ritual, but that isn’t a rule. Salve Mene Regina Qamar “Hail (Selene) Queen of the Sphere of the Moon” Salve Phoebe-Mene-Selene-Noctiluna-Cynthia “Hail (Five Names of Selene)” Veni, Siderum Regina Bicornis “Come, Two-Horned Queen of the Stars!” Luna + Noctiluna + Selene + Phoebe + Cynthia + Phoebe + Mene + Pasiphae This is a consecrated name-vibration formula.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Medusa and the Three Gorgon Sisters (Medusa, Stheno, and Euryale) – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants July 10, 2019 117 Words

Halzae Nazor Gozdal Yaesor Channeled Chant to Evoke Medusa Alson Norgae Gozthar Azzon Channeled Chant to Invoke Medusa Concalo Medusa Matrona Horror “I Call Medusa, Matron of Horror!” Ambrosia Medusa Gloria; Ornate Pulchra Goni “Glory to the Immortal Medusa; I Praise the Beautiful Gorgon!”

Gozthasar + Nalanzaea Channeled Secret Names for the Three Gorgon Sisters (Medusa,

Stheno, and Euryale) Nalanzaea, De Timore Spirituum, Laudamus “Praise the Three Gorgon Sisters, Spirits of Terror!” Salvete Gozthasar– Avete Sorores Metus “Hail the Three Gorgon Sisters– Hail, Fearsome Sisters!” Moznaezon Ozsathor Ozgalae Yonsathae Channeled Chant to Evoke the Three Gorgon Sisters

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Moloch – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants December 30, 2017May 22, 2018 268 Words Molock + Melchom + Mulak + Minotaur + Makal + Asterius + Moloch + Malkam + Ignifer + Malik + Milcom This is a name-vibration formula I consecrated for one of the rituals in my upcoming book. As you can see, it consists off eleven names because 11 is the number of all magick and the Infernal Divine. Don-Graph + Molock + Melchom + Mulak + Minotaur + Makal + Asterius + Moloch + Malkam + Ignifer + Malik + Milcom + Aeonifer + Goessabim + Xulogos + Semolshedim + Khaosophoros + AlaMashavah + Diabalachara + Manifestos + Artorzozam This is my super-duper overpowered name vibration formula of Moloch, for those super super long rituals. Don-Graph is the number 87 pronounced in Enochian as a magickal word of power. Manifestos and Artorzozam are both words of power for summoning, and the seven names before the word Manifestos (starting with Aeonifer and concluding with Diabalachara) are invented magickal names which are useful in the calling-forth of any demon. Agios Molekh, Salve Rex Ignifer “Numinous (is) Molekh, Hail the Fire-Bearing King!” Baruch Ha-Malcam Melech Ha-Thaumiel “Blessed is Malcam the King of Thaumiel!” Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Makal “Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Makal!”

Rex Molock, Rex Athanor, Rex Ignifer “King Molock, King of the Alchemical Furnace, Fire-Bearing Emperor!” Qodesh La-Molock Sar Thamiel “Holy to Molock, Prince over Thamiel!” Assurge Ignipotens– Concalo Moloch “Rise, God of Fire– I Call Moloch!” Erige Moloch-Asterius Rex Mavethol “Rise, Moloch-Asterius, King of the Qliphoth!” (this does not mean that he is the only king, nor does it intend to literally ascribe a monarchial structure to the Other Side) Molock ish Milchamah ve-Sar Thaumiel “Molock is a Man of War and the Prince of Thaumiel!”

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Morpheus – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants August 12, 2019August 21, 2019 212 Words I was commissioned to design a series of magickal chants which can be used to call upon the Greek deity Morpheus. If you only know the name “Morpheus” from fiction, that’s a you problem.

Morpheus + Anazator + Salantadal + Orsaeburas + Azadadendal This is a Name-Vibration Formula Useful in Conjuring Morpheus Containing Four Channeled Secret Names for Morpheus. Secret Names Are Only for Use in Magick and Worship.




Ave Morpheus Imperator Oneiros “Hail Morpheus, Lord of the Dream Plane!” Invoco Morpheus Deus Somnia “I Call Morpheus, God of Dreams!” Isti Ad Me, Praevalidus Morpheus “Descend Unto Me, Powerful Morpheus!” Zaladuran Ozonrarator Salapoth Alasuton This is a Channeled Meditative Mantra. It Calls Upon Morpheus to Put an End to Chronic or Recurring Nightmares, as Well as to Bring About an Understanding of Them and a Psychological Resolution of the Problems They Bring About. This Meditative Mantra Must Be Supplemented With Self-Work. Zaratora Saladondra Sanbatora Sonrakala This is a Channeled Meditative Mantra. It Calls Upon Morpheus to Help the Witch Develop the Ability to Have Regular Lucid Dreams. The Use of this Mantra Must Be Supplemented with Mental Training. Mozrontural Azratural Kozratorem Salapora Channeled Chant to Evoke Morpheus Kozratorem Aeasondra Sonrapaera Halastorem Channeled Chant to Invoke Morpheus

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Na’amah/Nahema – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants July 29, 2017July 30, 2020 55 Words

Above: Original Sigil of Nahema Salve Nahema Creatrix “Hail Unto Nahema the Creatrix” Source: V.K. Aperiatur Acharayim, et germinet Nehema “Open Acharayim, and Bring Forth Nehema” Acharayim is a name for the Qliphoth which translates to “Backwards Tree.” Source: V.K. Baruch ha-Na-Ama-Hema “Blessed is Na-Ama-Hema” Source: V.K.

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Ninib/Ninurta – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 11, 2019July 7, 2020 92 Words Salve Genitor Ningirsu “Hail Father Ningirsu!”  Domnus Adar-Ningirsu Gloria “Glory to Lord Adar-Ningirsu!” Dominator Ninib, Admirabilis “Lord Ninib, Wonderful Art Thou!” Ninurta, Ninurta, Isti Ad Me “Ninurta, Ninurta, Descend Unto Me!” Ili-Ilu Ningirsu “My God is Ningirsu!” Kakki-Ilu Ninurta “My Weapon is Ninurta!” Asalagator Asaraga Aratora Alikatal Channeled Chant to Evoke Ninib Paratora Kalisala Awisakala Alimtath Channeled Chant to Evoke Ninib Asapaka Asorigala Mayalathaga Channeled Chant to Evoke Ninib

Apataga Astagala Nataraga Orimkal Channeled Chant to Invoke Ninib Asoratagal Nasilathoth Asurimkal Asoragathal Channeled Chant to Invoke Ninib

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Nyarlathotep – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants July 3, 2019July 3, 2019 112 Words

Zanasnor + Soaqit + Loafsou + Aznaea Four Channeled Names of Nyarlathotep (Zaw-naz-NOR + SOW-ah-QUIT + LOW-awf-SOW-oo + Oz-NEIGH-UH) Azsae Yal Sor Azgae Channeled Chant to Evoke Nyarlathotep

Orjon Ala Nara Zor Channeled Chant to Invoke Nyarlathotep Yarzae Yaltae Yorson Alloth Channeled Chant to Invoke Nyarlathotep Veni, Veni, Soaqit, Zanasnor “Come, Come, Soaqit, Zanasnor!” Evoco Loafsou Pe Fende Chaos “I Call Loafsou, Fiend of Chaos!” Vocavi Te, Zanasnor, Magna Paladin “I Summon You, Zanasnor, Great Sorcerer!” Ambrosius Aznaea-Soaqit Gloria “Glory to the Immortal Aznaea-Soaqit!” If you want to know the source of the sigil, you’ll have to visit my friend’s blog:

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Poseidon – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants December 27, 2017March 23, 2018 325 Words

Io Neptune-Ennosigaos! “Hail (Two Names of Poseidon)!” A phrase like this is usually used at the beginning and/or end of of a rite to Poseidon, but that is not a rule. Nethuns + Ennosidas + Po-Se-Da-Wo-Ne + Helikonios + Poseidon Hippios Genethlios + Neptunus Equester + Poteidas + Wa-Na-Ka + Epoptis + Poseidon

Epoptis + Poseidon This is a name vibration formula consisting of eleven titles for Poseidon because 11 is the number of all magick. Ennosigaos, Seisichthon, Poseidon, Asphaleios A magickal chant to Poseidon composed of his various names. Poseidon-Neptune Veniat Ad Me “Poseidon/Neptune, Come Into Me!” This chant is used for invocations of Poseidon/Neptunus.

Venire Aeternae Pater Neptunus “Come Eternal Father Neptunus” Venire Neptune-Poseidon Veni “Come Neptune-Poseidon Come!” Aperiatur Terra, In Nomine Poseidon, Et Germinet Azoth Et Anados “Open the Earth, in the Name of Poseidon, and Bring forth the Fifth Element and Engender Magickal Ascent!” Calls on Poseidon to strengthen any rite of summoning (evocation & invocation alike) or calls on Poseidon to strengthen the witch’s chakras.

g Neptune, Poseidaon, Ennosigaios, Wa-Na-Ka, Patros, Poseidon Aegaeus, Asphaleious, Helikonios, Genesios, Poteidaon, Petraios, Pelagios, Po-Se-Da-O, Enosichthon, Pater, Poseidawonos, Epoptes, Poteidan, Ennosidas, Helikonios, Seisichthon, Poteidaon This is a brief list of names to chant rhythmically. I composed it of 22 names because of the immense magickal significance of the number 22. Poseidon Epoptes, Poteidas, E-Ne-Si-Da-O-Ne, Hippios, Samios, Poseidon Onkhestios, Asphalios, Taureos, Pelagaios,  Domatites, Poseidon Helikonios, Wa-Na-Ka, Tavreios, Nethuns, Phykios, Petraios, Nethuns, Asphaleios, Po-Se-De-Ia, Neptunus, Epaktios, Poseidon Hippios, Patrigenios, Genethlios, Proklystios, Basileus, Seisichthon, Pater, Genethlion, Phratrios, Po-Se-De-Ia, Poteidawon, Phytalmios, Hippia, Neptunus Equester, Poseidon This is a longer list of names to be chanted, one of which names is repeated. All of these chants are of my own invention and may be used by any person in any forum, website, publication (for profit or otherwise) with or without giving credit to me or obtaining my permission.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Qayin – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants March 29, 2018July 30, 2020 273 Words Xaxora + Trastragra + Zondrora + Ziztadra + Jajanda Channeled Secret Names of Qayin Note: Secret Names Are Only for Use in Magick and Worship Advenite Magnus Ab Rephaim Adiaphotos “Come, Great Undead of Qayin/Adiaphotos!” Calls Upon Qayin to Presence the Ghosts of Magickians Which Are Loyal to Him. This was made to manifest very quickly and easily so it could be used for magickal combat (especially self-defense), but it can also be used to presence a group of Qayin’s ghost magickians to participate in a given ritual or commune with the magickian. Saying it out loud breaks down any energetic resistance which is meant to keep your spirits from manifesting, and therefore Qayin (and you) can presence the ghosts. Source: V.K. Heil Kain Von Samael “Hail Qayin Son of Samael!” Used to salute Qayin at either the start of the ritual or the start of the portion of the ritual or spell which beseechs Qayin directly. Source: V.K.

Qayin, Mahan, Diaphotos, Qabeel, Barekhooh A chant to Qayin/Cain composed of various names for him, composed of thirteen syllables, the numerical value of the name Qayin in Gematria. Source: V.K. Agios Ischyros Ka-In Arotrios “Numinous and Mighty is Cain of the Plow!” Source: V.K. Ave Qabil Adiaphotos “Hail (Two Names of Qayin)!” Source: V.K. Salve Cain Diaphotos; Agios Qayin Mahan “Hail Cain the Enlightened One; Numinous (is) Qayin the Unmastered One!” Source: V.K.

Interveni Qabil Diaphotos Mahan “Come, (Three Names of Qayin)!” Source: V.K.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 22, 2019February 28, 2019 190 Words I was asked to channel some original gnosis about Raphael, so here goes. His primary planetary attribution is to Jupiter, and his lesser planetary attributions are to Pluto, the Moon, and the Black Sun. His elemental attribution is to air and the number three is sacred to him. Raphael can teach and give aid in multiple forms of divination, including the use of bones, Ouija bones, and crystal balls, and the practices of pyromancy and palm reading. He is knowledgeable regarding glamour magick, psionics, object consecration, sex magick, solar magick, mind tricks, and draconic magick. He can give aid in lethal execration and help the witch develop her clairsentience and personal magnetism. Ia Io Raphael-Israfil “Hail, Hail (Two Names for Raphael)!” Ave Domnus Raphael “Hail Lord Raphael!” Rex Raphael, Adoro Te “King Raphael, I Adore You!” Sempiternus Raphael Gloria “Glory to the Eternal Raphael!” Invoco Praevalidus Israfil “I Call the Mighty Israfil!”

Concelebrate Israfil “I Praise Israfil!” Israfil + Raphael + Azarias + Israfel + Esrafil Traditional Names of Raphael Alakatondra + Zilimkadra + Asimga + Einakathor + Aenith Channeled Secret Names for Raphael

Above: Channeled Sigil for Raphael

Magickal Chants to Raziel – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 24, 2019July 30, 2020 96 Words Kalaga + Arandracal + Nalalagondra + Arisandragandra + Arimgathagondralon Channeled Secret Names for Raziel Agios Sophos Raziel “Numinous (is the) Wise Raziel!” Raziel, Rezial, Galizur Chant Composed of Three Names for Raziel Ave Omnituens Rezial “Hail the All-Seeing Rezial!” Io, Io, Rezial-Galizur “Hail, Hail, (Two Names for Raziel)!” Chalakatalaga Alakala Nalakaturgala Channeled Chant to Invoke Raziel Ayalaga Nagrathagra Arasala Naragal Channeled Chant to Evoke Raziel Asaraga Narakala Haratora Arathagra Narakadra Arathora Royalagra Saearagra Saragandra Akatagra Soragathagal Aragrathagra Andrathal Haraga OH-raga Aragra Soragra Nostagra Saragra Omtamgra Arimga Katral Incantation to Become Transformed by Raziel (Recite Once)

Above: Channeled Sigil of Raziel

Magickal Chants to Satan – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants April 14, 2018July 30, 2020 270 Words Io Satanas Khaosophoros To Mega Antikidos “Hail Satanas, Bearer of Chaos, the Great Adversary!” Source: V.K. Ascende Seminator Diabolus “Rise, Father Diabolus!” Source: V.K. Io Ho Kantegor “Hail to the Great Accuser!” Source: V.K. Cio Exitosus Sophos Satan-Zabulus “I Call the Destructive, Wise (Two Names of Satan)!” Source: V.K. Baruch Ha-Sathanas “Blessed is Satanas!” Source: V.K. Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Satanas “Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Satanas!” Source: V.K. Diabolos, Deofol, Satanael, Satanas Chant Composed of Two Names for Satan and Two Words Meaning “Devil” Sathanas, Sathan, Sathanel Chant Composed of Three Names for Satan Voco Te Domine Satanael-Zabolus “I Call to Lord (Two Names of Satan)!” Source: V.K. Omnituens Diabolus-Sataniel Gloria “Glory to the All-Seeing (Two Names of Satan)!” Source: V.K.

Salve Megist Satanas– Aedifex Sol Tagimiron “Hail to the Great Satanas– Architect of the Sun of (Black Sun’s Qlipha)!” Source: V.K. Imkallathaggorrakkall Lattharra-Larraggal Mattaggorra Lagarrathaggoth  mim-TWO-UH-GOTH Lakkorra-Skakkalla Lakkorra Mathalla Lakkorraggall Lakkal Channeled Chant Calling Satan to Detach a Battalion of His Spirits to Watch Over the Magickian or Destroy a Given Target. They Can Be Asked to Destroy Intruders or to Protect a Person or Location. Source: V.K. Sathanus-Sataniel-Diofol Liftoach Shaari Reshut Ha-Rabbim “(Three Names of Satan) Open the Gate to the Kingdom of Manifoldness!” Calls Satan to Augment the Strength of a Sacred Space & Program It to Magnify Astral Perception of the Spirits Within, Making Spirit Communication and Possession Easier. Whenever this Chant is Used, It Must Be Used Seven Times in a Row. Source: V.K.

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia    

Magickal Chants to Satre – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 11, 2019 56 Words Advoco Sempiternus Satres “I Call the Everlasting Satres!” Salve Megist Satres “Hail the Great Satres!’ Praedicate Divinus Satre “I Praise the Numinous Satre!” Saeatagra Atoraga Asorala Nimkalathal Channeled Chant to Invoke Satre Nasalaga Atoragala Asimagatora Asaragal Channeled Chant to Evoke Satre Nasaragathal Atoragathaga Asoragal Fakakagal Channeled Chant to Evoke Satre

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Semyaza or Shemyaza – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants July 26, 2018July 26, 2018 169 Words Ia, Ia, Azza-Shemhazai “Hail, Hail, (Two Names for Semyaza)!” Adoro Te, Aeviternitas Azza “I Adore You, Everlasting Azza/Semyaza!” Agios Omnituens Semyaza “Numinous (is the) All-Seeing Semyaza!” Voco Te Seminator Shemyaza “I Call You, Father Shemyaza!” Agios o Domine Shemyaza “Numinous is the Lord Shemyaza!” RAY-kuh-TOUR-UH-loth Yakathandra Yalatagora Rakoratagandra Yakalathoth Yalagor Channeled Chant to Evoke or Invoke Semyaza. The first word is broken up into syllables. Syllables equivalent in sound to English words appear as those words in all caps. Toragotha-Yalagor Rimkandra Rimkathal Channeled Chant to Invoke Semyaza Rakatora Rimkathagala Rimkathagandra Rimkatal Channeled Chant to Evoke or Invoke Semyaza

Above: My Original Sigil for Semyaza Being the person who created all these chants, I give everyone permission to use them for any reason in any context from a forum post to work published for profit without direct permission from me. While it is not necessary to give me credit (you won’t find me under your bed), it is a courtesy I would appreciate.

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Shaitan – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants April 20, 2018March 2, 2019 318 Words To be clear, it has been an incredibly long time since I worked with Shaitan, such that I don’t know nearly as much about him as I probably should before making a post like this. Some of the chants listed originated from the corpus of the O9A, and based on my experience with the O9A’s chants, I will give them a thumbs up. David Myatt, at least at the time he founded the O9A, was an exquisite magickian. The channeled chants are from years ago, but the Latin chants I wrote are recent. I may not know shit or dick about Shaitan Al-Kabeer, but I definitely know how to make a fucking chant, and Shaitan has accepted these chants as his own (getting that to happen is a part of my normal chant-construction procedure). In short, these chants will get results, and this is my first time, or at least, the first time in recent history, posting about shit I’m ignorant of. Update: this article has been ammended. Shaitan has requested that I remove the O9A’s chants and sigil for Shaitan. Al-Harith, Iblis, Shaitan Al-Kabeer Three Names of Shaitan Arranged Into a Chant Source: V.K. Iblis, Shaitan, Al-Hakar As Above Source: V.K. Amplaudate Sempiternus Exitosus Al-Shaitan “I Praise the Eternal, Destructive Al-Shaitan!”

Source: V.K. O Shaitan, Rector Shayateen, Gloria “Oh, Glory to Shaitan, Ruler of Shaitanic Djinn!” Source: V.K. Advoco Omnituens Iblis Al-Shaitan “I Call the All-Seeing Iblis Al-Shaitan!” Source: V.K. Shayaton Allakon Shayateen Shammerron Channeled Chant to Summon Shayateen Source: V.K. Shayaton Shaitanas Amerron Acurro Channeled Chant for Invocations of Shaitan Source: V.K. Superveni Al-Hakar Maximus Lar “Come, Al-Hakar, Elder Deity!” Al-Hakar is an Obscure Name of Shaitan Source: V.K. Update: this article has been ammended. Shaitan has requested that I remove the O9A’s chants and sigil for Shaitan.

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Sitri – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 27, 2019April 29, 2019 152 Words

Kagimgatar + Asimgaloth + Ziskadadra Channeled Secret Names for Sitri (Secret Names Are Only for Use in Magick and Veneration) Note: Sitri Shares the Secret Name Asimgaloth with Michael. This is Not As Weird As it May Seem. Michael Shares a Secret Name which Does Not Appear on My Blog with Moloch Too. Sitri + Bitru Recorded Names for Sitri Artri + Andareth Invented Magickal Names for Sitri (For Magickal Use Only) Arcesso Regulus Bitru “I Summon Prince Bitru!” Advoco Bitru Aeternam “I Call the Eternal Bitru!” Amplaudate Erus Sitri “I Praise Lord Sitri!” Veni, Veni, Sitri, Forti Animo “Come, Come, Sitri, Mighty Spirit!” Adoro Te, Phylarchus Sitri “I Adore You, Prince Sitri!” Artri, Bitru, Sitri, Andareth Chant Composed of Four Names for Sitri Tralatandra Hara Sa Channeled Chant to Invoke Sitri Chala Nadra Ka Tor Channeled Chant to Evoke Sitri

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to the Entirety of the Infernal Divine – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 22, 2018April 21, 2018 405 Words Panachasragoth + Aeonifer + Semolshedim + Goessabim + Khaosophoros + Diabalachara + Ala-Mashavah + Xulogos + Artorzozam Panachasragoth is my invented magickal name for the entirety of the Infernal Divine, which this vibration-formula was created to call upon. Artorzozam is a word of power used to presence one or more spirits. Every “word” in the formula except Artorzozam and Panachasragoth is a magickal name which can be used to refer to and call to/on any demon, demonic metagod, or group of demons. Ya Namosh Panachasragoth Exat “In the Name of the Infernal Divine, Let it Be So!” Panachasragoth is my invented magickal name for the entirety of the Infernal Divine. This chant calls on Panachasragoth to make the energies which the witch is exposing herself to much easier for her to process as well as to prevent the witch from unknowingly struggling against the integration of said energies. I generally use this when I’m closing a rite, but this chant can be used whenever. Laudate Immortales Aeonifer-Panachasragoth “Praise the Immortal Aeon-Bearing Panachasragoth!” Obveni Panachasragoth Forti– Io Deorum Abussos “Come, Mighty Panachasragoth– Hail to the Abyssic Divinities!”

Excieo Aethereus Ala-Mashavah; Laudate Panachasragoth– Xul Omnium Patronus “I Call the Everlasting Infernal Divine; Praise Panachasragoth– Patron of the Black Light!” Xul Pandendam, Sam Pandendam, Megist Aeternae Panachasragoth “Spread the Black Light of the Qliphoth, Spread the Transformative Poison of the Infernal Divine, Great and Eternal Panachasragoth!” Calls forth Panchasragoth & calls upon Panchasragoth to induce a gnostic state in the celebrant(s) (or a specifically designated celebrant). Liftoach Shaari Ha-Reshut Ha-Rabbim B’Shem Ha-Panachasragoth “Open the Gate to the Kingdom of Manifoldness (i.e., Qliphoth) in the Name of the Entirety of the Infernal Divine!” Calls upon the entirety of the Infernal Divine to presence Qliphothic energy, strengthen the sacred space, & strengthen all calling-forths (evocation, invocation, etc. included) of all spirits performed after the chant has been recited. Should be chanted nine, eleven, seven, thirty-one, thirteen, or eighteen consecutive times. Panachasragoth Aeonifer Liftoach Mavethol “Panachasragoth, Bearer of Aeons, Open the (Constructed Magickal Name for the Qliphoth)!” Calls upon Panachasragoth to presence Qliphothic energy and construct a sacred space out of it. The sacred space will presumably not be a circle– Satan will determine the circumference of the sacred space (for example, it may extend to the four walls of the room you’re in). This chant also strengthens any rite. Should be recited 44 times to construct a genuine sacred space.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to the Morrigan – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants June 30, 2019June 30, 2019 356 Words In my personal gnosis, there are five aspects of the Morrigan. These are Babd Catha, Macha, Anu, Nemain, and the metagod behind all four of them. When I say there is a Morrigan metagod, the metagod would be Nemain, Anu, Macha, and Babd Catha combined as one being, which one being is more than the sum of its parts. I was commissioned to channel a sigil which could be used to call forth any of the five aspects of the Morrigan, as well as provide a chant selection useful in conjuring the goddess(es).

Above: Channeled Sigil of the Morrigan Concelebrate Morrígu Magnum Reginae “I Praise Morrígu, Great Queen!” This Chant Can Be Used to Call Upon Any Aspect of the Morrigan

Salve Morrígan Regina Phantasmata Decepturus “Hail, Morrígan, Queen of Phantoms!” This Chant Can Be Used to Call Upon Any Aspect of the Morrigan Invoco Morrígan Numen Fati “I Call Morrígan, Goddess of Fate!” This Chant Can Be Used to Call Upon Any Aspect of the Morrigan  Voco Te Domina Proelia– Interveni Morrígan “I Call You, Mistress of Battle– Come, Morrígan!” This Chant Can Be Used to Call Upon Any Aspect of the Morrigan Zalzor Norsae Zalbae Yogasan Channeled Chant to Evoke the Morrigan Metagod (All A’s In This Chant Are Pronounced Such That They Sound Like “Aw) Nozdae Yalsora Pornana Ozdagal Channeled Chant to Invoke the Morrigan Metagod (All A’s In This Chant Are Pronounced Such That They Sound Like “Aw) Halsor Yozgar Nozrae Halator Channeled Chant to Invoke Nemain Nozala Gora Gaza Thara Channeled Chant to Evoke Nemain Falfae Yala Norsae Yazae Channeled Chant to Invoke Anu Yarsor Yala Nanae Yalathon Channeled Chant to Evoke Anu Hara Sor Yoz Ar Channeled Chant to Evoke Babd Catha Tharnar Yarzor Alar Nor Channeled Chant to Invoke Babd Catha

Hora Nala Zara Gora Channeled Chant to Evoke Macha Hornas Oztaea Nozgathora Azhentrathor Channeled Chant to Invoke Macha Zalzaea Nozdaearon Ozsathora Channeled Chant to Invoke Macha Halzorgaega Nonaron Nozdorgae Salathaea Channeled Chant to Invoke Macha Maesan Zea Nalzar Orson Channeled Chant to Invoke Macha

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to the Nekalah – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 19, 2018March 25, 2018 146 Words Witchcraft Deity Shugara

  Shagura, Nythra, Gaubni– Liftoach Shaari Ha-Qliphoth (x) Strengthens Any Rite (x) Presences Qliphothic Energy (x) Preserves Memory of Experience to Come (x) Eases the Attainment of OBE’s (x) Liberates One from Mental Blocks “Shagura, Nythra, Gaubni– Open the Gate to the Qliphoth” Ave– Adlaudate Matercula Nythra “Hail– Praise Unto Mother Nythra” Enascere Gaubni Lar Mortis “Appear, Gaubni, God of Death” Ascende Domine Gaubni “Rise Lord Gaubni” Laudate Praevalidus Seminator Noctulius “Praise Unto Mighty Father Noctulius”

Io Noctulius, Maximus Infernus “Hail Noctulius, Infernal Elder” Subrige Mater Shagura “Arise Mother Shagura” Salve Shugara Matercula Nex “Hail Unto Shugara, the Mother of Deathly Violence” Ascende Matercula Aosoth “Rise Mother Aosoth” Obveni Ambrosia Aosoth “Come, Undying Aosoth” Venire– Stygia Mater Azanigin “Come– Chthonic Mother Azanigin” Advoco Te– Adpare Azanigin “I Call To You– Appear, Azanigin”

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to the Saturnian Divinity – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants May 22, 2019July 7, 2020 281 Words There are many aspects of the Saturnian Divinity. The ones I work with nowadays, apart from the highest aspect of the Saturnian Divinity, are Saturnus, Chronos, Zuhal, Dahr, Balor, and Satre. This post will provide magickal chants to all six aspects, some of which chants utilize channeled secret names for the entities. Secret names are only for use in worship and magick.

Saturn Ia Ia Saturnus-Kirimgithal “Hail, Hail, Saturnus-(Secret Name of Saturn)!” Interveni Deus Falcifer “Come, Sickle Bearing God (Saturn)!”

Zuhal Io Io Ia Zuhal “Hail, Hail, Hail Zuhal!” Subhan Aeratara-Zuhal “Glory to (Two Names of Zuhal)!”


Io Korangathal-Kronos “Hail (Secret Name of Chronos)-Kronos!” Aeon-Porus, Admirabilis “You Are Wonderful, Aeon-Porus!” Salve Aethereus Koragathandra-Aerimguthal “Hail the Immortal (Two Secret Names of Chronos!”

Satre Io Ia Satre “Hail, Hail Satre!” Saeatagra Atoraga Asorala Nimkalathal Channeled Chant to Invoke Satre Nasaraga Atalathara Atimgalaga Asorimgal Channeled Chant to Evoke Satre Advoco Sempiternus Satres “I Call the Eternal Satres!” Salve Megist Satres “Hail the Great Satres!” Corire Omnituens Numen Satre “Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Satre!” Praedicate Divinus Satre “I Praise the Numinous Satre!” Superveni Satres Maximus Lar “Come, Satres, Great Deity!”


Salve Meticulosus Dahr “Hail the Fearsome Dahr!” Zandasala Sorgatal Asandasar Channeled Chant to Evoke Dahr Sorgasan Asatan Azandar Parajagal Channeled Chant to Evoke Dahr Sorbatan Asandagal Sagatural Channeled Chant to Invoke Dahr Atandagor Atangatal Asagator Asar Channeled Chant to Invoke Dahr Porjagal Asagon Ondagal Atagor Channeled Chant to Invoke Dahr Porza Gata Nana Aga Channeled Chant to Invoke Dahr

Balor Ia Io Balar “Hail, Hail Balor!” Perveni Erus Balor “Come, Lord Balor!” Concelebrate Rex Balor “I Praise King Balor!” Advoco Damnosus Balar “I Call the Destructive Balar!”

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Thoth or Tahuti – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants April 26, 2019November 20, 2019 77 Words

Concelebrate Sempiternus Tahuti “I Praise the Eternal Tahuti!” Agios o Thoth-Tahuti “Numinous is Thoth-Tahuti!” In this Chant, the name Thoth Should Be Pronounced Such that it Rhymes with “Oath” Salve Divinus Thoth “Hail the Numinous Thoth!” In This Chat, the Name Thoth Should Be Pronounced Such that it Rhymes with Moth Invoco Dominator Zehuti “I Call Lord Zehuti!” Voco Te Tetu “I Call You, Tetu!”

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

New Chants for Goetic Demonolatry – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants June 20, 2018June 21, 2018 213 Words Agios Es, Exitialis Domnus Zagam “Numinous Art Thou, Destructive Lord Zagam!” Amplaudate Bathin, Antitheus Ab Gamaliel “I Praise Bathin, Devil of Gamaliel!” Salve Allocer Magnus Duellator Ab Sitra Ahra “Hail Allocer, Great Warrior of the Other Side!” Agios Pernimius Dantalian “Numinous (is) the Great Dantalian!” Voco Te Imperator Orobas “I Call You, Lord Orobas!” Salve Praevalidus Forneus “Hail to the Mighty Forneus!” Allaudate Bellipotens Marchosias “I Praise Marchosias who is Mighty in Battle!” Sabnac, Savnock, Salmac Magickal Chant Composed of Three Names for Sabnock Salve Praevalidus Domine Androalphus “Hail to the Mighty Lord Androalphus!”

Invoco Aeviternitas Malthas “I Call the Everlasting Malthas!” Advoco Cordatus Aethereus Bifrons “I Call the Wise and Eternal Bifrons!” Interveni Andromalius, Antitheus Et Adsertor “I Call Andromalius, Devil and Champion!” Invoco Furcas, Praevalidus Bellator “I Call Furcas, Mighty Warrior!” Doctus Aeviternitas Otis Gloria “Glory to the Wise and Everlasting Botis/Otis!” Ave Inmortalis Spiritus Forrasis “Hail to the Immortal Spirit Foras/Forrasis!” Agios o Hage– Megist Domine Haagenti “Numinous is Hage– Great Lord Haagenti!” Salve Ose– Laudate Potens Voso “Hail Ose– I Praise the Great Voso!” Valax, Valu, Volac, Valak Magickal Chant Composed of Four Names for Valac Invoco Marax, Deus Autem Etz Ha-Daath “I Call Marax, God of the Abyssal Tree!”

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia    

New Magickal Chants – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants December 27, 2017July 30, 2020 981 Words Kohot Ha-Qliphoth, Beni Sitra Ahra, Aeonifer, ________, Artorzozam “Forces of the Qliphoth, Children of the Other Side, (WoP for Calling Forth Demons), ____________, (WoP for Calling Forth Demons)!” This chant can be used to call forth any Qliphothic army. Salve Ducis Murmux! “Hail Duke Murmux!” Source: V.K.  Agios Murmux Rex Mormolyceae “Numinous (is) Murmux, King of Ghouls” Source: V.K. Mormo Murmux Matthias-Daimon Magickal chant to Murmur composed of his various names. Drakosophia-Octinomos Liftoach _____________ “May the Current of Adversarial Self-Deification Open ________!” This chant is used to evoke a group of spirits from or attributed to a given location. The blank may be filled with the magickal name for the Planetary Sphere of the Earth (Bapki), the Planetary Sphere of the Moon (Qamar), the Planetary Sphere of the Sun (Shams), the name of any of the Veils before Samael (Chasek, Bohu, or Tohu), or the name of any Qlipha. Drakosophia Liftoach __________ “May the Current of the Adversary Open ________!” The blank is to be filled with Bapki (Planetary Sphere of the Earth), Qamar (Planetary Sphere of the Moon), or Shams (Planetary Sphere of the Sun). This chant calls upon the magickal power of the planetary sphere, and is

useful for self-empowerment through the power of the planetary sphere or self-initiation through the same. Paimon Va-Edom Belial Liftoach Gashkalah “Paimon and Edom/Adam Belial, Open the Jupiterian Qlipha!” Calls upon two demons attributed to Gashkalah (Jupiter/Astaroth) to presence the energies and demons of Gashkalah. Basmijael Va-Luluwa Liftoach Herab Serapel [Basmijael and Luluwa, Open the Venusian Qlipha!” Calls Basmijael, a demon attributed to Herab Serapel (Venus/Baal), and Luluwa/Qalmana to presence the energies & spirits of the Venusian Qlipha. Liftoach Harasiel, B’Shem Ha-Isheth Zenanim “Open the Saturnian Qlipha, in the Name of Isheth Zenanim!” Calls on Eisheth Zenunim to presence the influence of Satariel/Harasiel (Saturn/Lucifuge Rofocale) so as to lend the power & influence of Satariel to a spell/rite or simply empower the witch through the power of Satariel. Eligos Va-Gurigur Liftoach Shaari Golab “Eligos and Gurigur, Open the Gate to the Qlipha of Mars!” Calls Eligos/Abigor & Gurigur/Alfpunias, two demons attribtued to Golab (Mars/Asmodeus), to presence the demons & energies of the Qlipha. Bitru-Guision-Edom Belial, Liftoach Satorial “Sitri, Guision, and Adam Belial, Open the Saturnian Qlipha!” Calls upon Bitru/Sitri, Adam Belial/Edom Belial, and Guision, three demons attributed to Satorial/Satariel (Saturn/Lucifuge Rofocale) to presence either the energies and demons of Satariel. Arbitrator A’ano’nin Akasha Pandendam “Lord A’ano’nin, Spread the Astral Light!” This chant has two effects to choose from:

(i) Calls Forth A’ano’nin (ii) Calls Upon A’ano’nin to Strengthen & Increase the Openness of the Witch’s Minor Chakras, Including Ones She’s Never Worked on or Heard of Domine Malkunofat, Agios Es– Patre Prophetarum, Admirabilis “Lord Malkunofat, Numinous Art Thou– Father of Prophecy, You Are Wonderful!” This chant has three effects to choose from: (i) Call Forth Malkunofat (ii) Empowers all the minor chakras & all the major chakras you’ve opened Fam-Pal-Un, Aeonifer, Qulielfi “266, Aeon-Bringer, Qulielfi!” Chant calling forth Qulielfi consisting of Aeonifer, a word of power for summoning any demon, and the numerical value of Qulielfi’s name pronounced in Enochian as a word of power. Hemethterith Hemhemterith Fam-Ged Val-Ger-Gal This chant, used to call forth Hemethterith, consists of two names for the demon and two numerical values attributed to Hemethterith pronounced in Enochian as words of power. Don-Graph + Pal-Un + Liftoach Pandemonium + Chasek +  Chashakh + Xul Soph Aur + Chassomnibra + Artorzozam + Aeonifer Name vibration formula calling upon the power & spirits of Chasek/Chashakh, consisting of two magickal names for the Veil (Xul Soph Auur & Chassomnibra), two other words of power for the conjuration of demns (Artorzozam & Aeonifer), two numbers apt for demon magick as Enochian words of power (Pal-Un/66 & DonGraph/87), and a magickal formula to presence Qliphothic energy, totaling at nine vibrations, where 9 is the number of all things demonic.

Liftoach Chasek B’Shem ha-Gothiel “Open Chasek in the Name of Gothiel.” This Chant Summons Gothiel While Presencing the Energy & Spirits of Chasek Don-Graph + Pal-Un + Liftoach Pandemonium + Yehi Aur Chashakh + Bohu + Bemmatanahoth + Sammammahot + Artorzozam + Aeonifer Name vibration formula calling upon the power & spirits of Bohu, consisting of two magickal names for the Veil (Xul Soph Auur & Chassomnibra), two other words of power for the conjuration of demns (Artorzozam & Aeonifer), two numbers apt for demon magick as Enochian words of power (Pal-Un/66 & Don-Graph/87), and two magickal formulae to presence Qliphothic energy, totaling at nine vibrations, where 9 is the number of all things demonic. Don-Graph + Pal-Un + Liftoach Pandemonium + Yehi Aur Chashakh + Tohu + Aynashakh + Chammethrial + Artorzozam + Aeonifer Name vibration formula calling upon the power & spirits of Tohu, consisting of two magickal names for the Veil (Aynashakh & Chammethrial), two other words of power for the conjuration of demns (Artorzozam & Aeonifer), two numbers apt for demon magick as Enochian words of power (Pal-Un/66 & Don-Graph/87), and two magickal formulae to presence Qliphothic energy, totaling at nine vibrations, where 9 is the number of all things demonic. Liftoach Tohu B’Shem Ha-Qemetiel “Open Tohu in the Name of Qemetiel!” Calls Qemetiel to Presence the Demons of Tohu. Ave Luna Noctiluca “Hail Luna who Shines at Night!” Used to call upon Luna/Selene Veni, Siderum Regina Bicornis “Come, Two-Horned Queen of the Stars!” Used to call upon

Luna/Selene Ayea, Ayea, Skylla! “Welcome, Welcome Skylla!” Calls forth the daughter of Hecate, Skylla/Scylla. Nyx Phylia, Admirabilis, Divina Astraea, Patefi Caelis “Kindly Nyx, You Are Wonderful, Eternal (Name of Nyx), Open the Sky!” This chant has two effects to choose from: (i) Calls Forth Nox/Nyx (ii) Calls Forth Nyx to Empower Whichever of the Witch’s Major Chakras She Deems Appropriate, Sometimes Just Whichever Ones the Witch has Open Astraea– Nyx Phylia– Nox Magickal chant calling forth Nyx composed of three of her titles. All of these chants are entirely original    

Original Hymns and Magickal Chants to Thor – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants, Magickal Hymns September 27, 2017November 23, 2017 431 Words Despite my disagreements with Odin, I have found Thor to be a very helpful entity. He’s comparable to the Egyptian deity named Khepri (the name of which deity is connected to the word of power Xeper) in that all he really seems to want is to help you get the most out of yourself– become the best person you can be. Like Khepri and Hecate, Thor is a deity useful for white and black magick alike– Left and Right Hand Path alike. Thor helps make us strong, courageous, powerful, confident, disciplined, etc. He was often called upon for the consecration of things and what seems like the empowerment of witchcraft spells. He has no problem working with a practitioner of Thursatru (Giant Worship). I’ve written four original chants for magickally calling upon Thor along with a Latin hymn I wrote to him for the same purpose. The meanings of the chants are rendered in English in the brackets. I’ll post a link to the Wikipedia article on him as well as an article about him from my favorite Norse mythology website: Lastly, since my chants use a total of eleven of Thor’s fourteen names, I’ll link the Wikipedia article which defines those names:

Io Rym-Ennilag-Sonnung-Oku-Thor [Hail (Four Names of Thor)] Hailaz Donar [Hail Donar/Thor] Salve Pater Oku-Thor [Hail Unto Father Thor of the Cart] Heil Ennilag-Asa-Thor-Hardveur [Hail (Three Names of Thor)] Salve, salve, agios es Agios ischyros Oku-Thor Venire aeternae Atli Asa-Thor Veni, Vethorm, Donar, et Sonnung Ennilag, Einridi, Biorn, Gloria Ave Pater et rex thunraz Et agios o Mjolnir This seven-stanza hymn to Thor includes several of his names: OkuThor, Atli, Asa-Thor, Vethorm, Donar, Sonnung, Ennilag, Einridi, and Biorn, and expresses admiration of his magickal hammer, Mjolnir. I will translate it non-literally so as to best convey its meaning and poetry. The term “numinous” is a synonym for “divine” which conveys a balance of traits– dark and light alike, for Thor is both Aesir and giant. The Numinous, as coined by Rudolf Otto, is transcendental or supramundane, and inspires, by its nature, both terror and wonder in those who behold it. [Hail, hail, numinous art thou/ Mighty and numinous is Thor of the cart/ Come, terrible and eternal Thor of the Aesier/ Come, Thor, bear and protector of the shrine/ Glory to the one who rides alone, true spirit, one with a forehead wide/ Hail to the father and king over thunder/ And his hammer is numinous]

Original Magickal Chants to the Nekalah – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants, the Septenary Way November 22, 2016November 3, 2017 202 Words Summoning Chant for Aosoth Veniat ad me, Regina Aosoth [Come to me, Queen Aosoth] Invocation Chant for Aosoth Ich bin Ama Aosoth [I am Mother Aosoth] Magickal Formula to Conclude an Aosoth Rite Ya Namosh Aosoth Exat [In the Name of Aosoth Let it Be So] Invocation Chant for the Mother of Blood Regina Rubedo Venire [Queen of the Reddening come] Hymn to Davcina to Converse with One’s Higher Self Ave Davcina, gratia plena. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, Veniat ad me, hera meam O, benedictus veneficas! Germinet gnosis, et germinet sapienta, nunc et in omnia saecula. Prayer to Mother Baphomet to Strengthen Any Ritual Veni, omnipotens aeternae Baphomet. Ad Gaia qui laetificant juventutem meam.

Nythra Kthunae Baphomet. Our Mother is also known as Empathy, And stands at the Abyss upon the rise of Arcturus, And it is in her physis to reach the Primary of the Spheres. She is therefore a true emanation of Theos. Agios o Baphomet, Your Balocraft be done. Ad Gaia in Kosmos, qui Khaos venire.  For a Magickal Hymn to Noctulius, Aosoth, and Azanigin, Follow this Hyperlink. For a List of Magickal Chants to Davcina, Follow this Hyperlink. Tagged Anton Long David Myatt exeat exeatic Exeatic Satanism Hebdomadry insight role insight roles labyrinthos mythologicus Left Hand Path mimetic nexion

Summoning Chants for the Grimorium Verum – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants September 2, 2017July 30, 2020 429 Words I performed a working with multiple demons to channel summoning chants for all the demons described in a medieval grimoire called the Grimorium Verum. I’ve posted a lot of these types of channeled chants throughout the articles and rituals on my websites in the past. I’ve spelled them in a way to make them as easy as possible to pronounce, breaking some of the words into syllables every once in a while. If one of the syllables is equivalent in sound to an English word, I write that word in all caps. While I usually just write and consecrate my own magickal chants in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, or Spoken Cuneiform, the channeled ones have always been significantly more powerful, and no black magickian, regardless of their personal tradition, has ever tried my channeled summoning chants and found them unsatisfactory. Back when I led the Coven of the Second Torch and had yet to start writing, the three of members of our inner circle (i.e. the advanced members) all channeled chants like this all the time, and we always produced something everyone found effective. Hopefully you will find this of use. And yes, I’ll be doing this with a lot of medieval grimoires. Satanackia: Attaggimgattorra Satanackia Harrindriggal Larrindaggor Agalierap: Arrinratharra Harrintaggorra Larrindratharra

Marrindrathor Tarchimache: Harrintathagor Marrinthaggorra Larrintharra Rarrinthorra Fleruty: Flarrinthorra Rarrintharra Larrintorra Rantiggorra Ringitharra Sagatana: Rathiggorra Rathintarra Rarrintorra Mallingarra Sagatana Nesbiros: Morrintharra Larrintaggorra Marrinthaggarra Torrinthaggarra Nesbiros Syrach: SEER-rintaggorra Marrinthaggorra Larrintarra Marrinthorra Bucon: Athangakkor BOO-LAWN-druh Akkinthorra Emkathandrah Clisthert: Anthimgarrah Clisthert Akkindraggal Imkindrethall Ontongrallor Frucissiere: Aw-thoo-uh-GAUL Frucissiere Emrikkandrah Guland: Athakkallah Emrikkarra Anlikkorra Guland Morail: Imtheggarra Ontrakkorra Morail Larrintorra Gal Hicpath: Anthekkal Rindrathor Hicpath Himgetharra Frutimiere: Frutimiere Lonjekkalla Lontorriggal Arrinthikkal Huictiigaras: Rithiggal Huictiigaras Larrintiggor WHO-IN-drikkor Humots: Larrintarraggal Humots Harrintorraggon Imkathorra Khil: Larrintaggorra Khilathaggorra Khil Rinthakalla Gorra Mersilde: Marrintatharra Mersilde Linthorra Larrintorra Karriggal Minoson: Minthathriggal Larrintorra Minoson Rantiggorra Arrintharra Sergal: Larrintorraggathandra Lanthiggorra Sergal Akkindraggor Sirchade: Larrintharra Rarrinthora Sirchade Ringrethall Surgat: Lonthiggandra Surgat Allintorra Mindretharra Sataniciae: Marrintharra Harrintorra Warrintharra Sataniciae Sergutthy: Sergutthy Larrinthaggora Warrinthaggarra Morrinthaggarra Harrinthar Heramael: Heramael Larrintharra Onrikkorra Marrintharra Larrintorra Trimasael: Larrintaggarra Trimasael Warrintaggarra Marrinthaggora

Sustugriel: Warrinthaggor Harrinthaggor Sustugriel Harrintaggal Tarihimal: Anthikkalla Anrikkorra Tarihimal Arrintharra Elelogap: Warrinthaggorra Winthiggalla Elelogap Harrinthaggalla Nebirots: Warrinthaggorra Marrinthaggarra Nebirots Arrithiggal Hael: Warrintarra Marrintorra Hael Harrinthal Surgulath: Larrinthaggor Marrinthaggal Surgulath Larrinthar Proculo: Arrinthaggarra Proculo Harrintorra Manthiggal Haristum: Larrinthaggal Haristum Marrinthal Hangirral Brulefer: Monthiggarra Warrintharra Warrinthaggarra Brulefer Arrinthorra Pentagnony: Warrintharra Marrinthorra Pentagnony Rarrinthal Aglasis: Montharrimgithal Aglasis Rindrithorra Sidragosam: Marrinthaggorra Harrindrigalla Sidragosam Wonthal Minoson: Warrinthorra Marrintharra Wandriggora Minoson Tharra Bucon: Harrinthigalla Bucon Warrinthorra Marrinthal Frimost: Marrintharra Warrintorra Frimost Rittimgithal Klippoth: Hanthiggal Warrinthaggor Klippoth Marrintharra


Surprisingly Useful Magickal Chants – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants November 28, 2017January 26, 2018 835 Words Salve Phenex Pater Kelippot “Hail Father Phenex of the Infernal Plane” This chant calls upon the Goetic demon Phenex/Phoenix to either simply increase the witch’s magickal power or target whichever of the witch’s seven spinal chakras is the least open and increase it’s open-ness. Source: V.K. Salve Amaymon Pater Sitra Ahra “Hail unto Amaymon, the Father of the Infernal Plane” This chant can be used to simply call forth Amaymon in rituals which seek his influence or to call upon Amaymon to empower any rite of demon magick the sorcerer is performing or has just performed. Source: V.K. Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! “Numinous is the Infernal Plane– Glory to the Current of the Adversary” This chant may be used to empower any ritual, strengthen any sacred space, or clean the celebrant’s astral body & chakras. Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco _________ “Open the Qliphoth; I Call to __________” This chant can be used for invocations of any demon, and in addition to invoking the demon called upon, the chant has the effect of increasing the alchemical/transformative/self-deifying effects of the invocation being performed. Source: V.K.

Agios Ischyros Amducious Rex Kliffot “Numinous and Mighty is King Amducious of the Infernal Plane” This chant calls upon Amducious to strengthen any ritual or spell– evocations and invocations included. Source: V.K. Voco te Luluwa– Invoco Qayin– Spirituum Inferni! “I Call to Luluwa, I Call to Qayin, Spirits of the Infernal Plane” Used to call forth Qayin and Luluwa in any ritual to them or calls upon them to strengthen any rite or spell and/or augment the selftransformative, self-initiatory, and/or self-empowering effects of your rite. Source: V.K. Qodesh la-Amprodias Geber ha-Sitra Ahra “Holy to Amprodias, Warrior of the Other Side” Used to call Amprodias forth. Source: V.K. In Nomine Domine Amprodias, Aperiatur Kliffoth “In the Name of Lord Amprodias, Open the Infernal Plane” Used to call Amprodias forth in any rite calling up him, or used to call on Amprodias to empower any rite of self-transformation, selfempowerment, or self-initiation. Source: V.K. Lantorraggongathandra Mandrakkalla Lingathorr A channeled chant to call upon Sorath Source: V.K. Qalilitu Venire Et Germinet Xul! “Qalilitu, Come and Manifest the Black Light” This chant calls upon Qalilitu to do one of three things: (i) strengthen the self-transformative effects of any invocation ritual you are performing (ii) empower any rite or spell (iii) refine the psychic senses of the witch Source: V.K.

Salvete Domine Qematriel, Basileus Gothiel, Et Rex Belial-Mortifer “Hail Lord Qematriel, Lord Gothiel, and King Belial the DeathBearer” Calls forth Qematriel/Qemetiel, A’athiel/Gothiel, and Belial/Meterbuchus, the three lords of the three veils before Samael (the most transcendent face of Satan). This chant either calls on the three demonic gods to: (i) empower the witch while cleaning her chakras (ii) come forward in any rite to which they are relevant (iii) strengthen the witch’s spinal, subpersonal, and transpersonal chakras Invoco Azza-Shemhazai, Venire Azael, Voco te Azazel Rex Thaumiel “I Call to Semyaza, Oh Come Azael, I Call to King Azazel of Thaumiel” This chant calls on Semyaza (also called Azza and Shemhazai), Azael, and Azazel– the three leaders of the Watchers or Grigori and three primary fathers of the Nephilim. This chant calls on the three of them to do one of a few things: (i) come forward (ii) strengthen any rite or spell (iii) increase the witch’s magickal powers and psychic senses Source: V.K. Domine Raflifu, Agente Ex Qliphoth, Gloria! Veni! “Lord Raflifu, Emissary of the Qliphoth, Glory to You! Come” This may be used to call forth Raflifu in any rite which calls to him or may call on Raflifu to strengthen any ritual you’ve performed. Source: V.K. Lilith, Eisheth, Agrat, Nahema! This chant is composed of the names of the four brides of Samael, succubitic queens held to preside over sex magick, sex work, LGBTQ+ rights, and women’s rights alike. Eisheth is also known as Aisha Qandisha, Eisheth Zenunim, and Qodesha. Nahema is also

known as Maamah and Naamah. Agrat is also known as Aggereth and Agrat bat Mahlat. This chant is composed of nine syllables, a number apt for all demon magick. It either calls forth the four brides of Samael, or calls upon them to empower the celebrant’s spinal chakras, OR calls upon them to strengthen the effects of any rite or spell. Source: V.K. Eko, Eko, Apsidotheoi Chant to Summon the Guiding Spirits of the Draconian Current. Source: V.K. Invoco ___________ In Nomine Qliphoth! “I Call to _________ in the Name of the Qliphoth” Used to call forth any demon– Goetic, Qliphothic, Grimoiric, whatever– while simultaneously bringing the celebrant closer to a gnostic state. Source: V.K. In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet ______________ “In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth _________” Used to call upon any demon. This magickal chant calls forth the demon named and focuses the celebrant’s mind. Source: V.K.

The Feminine Aspect of Satan: Satania or Tallamea – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 21, 2017February 21, 2017 246 Words I am intrigued by the feminine aspect of the Devil as described by Nargargole Shlod. Her name is Satania, and her secret name is Tallamea. I’ve created a formula for calling on her: a series of names and words of power to vibrate in order to call upon her. The first and last entries serve to presence infernal energy, whereas the others are all either invented or channeled names for Satania. This name-vibration formula is useful for any ritual calling upon Satania, for she has blessed it personally. LIFTOACH KLIFFOT + EMSAMTANIA + TALLAMEA + SATANIA + SHEKINACHER + IMASATHANIS + IMADIABOL + DEAPHELLAR + ZODAMRAN I have also created three magickal chants calling upon the auspices of Satania/Tallamea, each with a versatile but individual purpose. IO SATANIA METER PSEUTES means “Hail Satania Mother of Lies.” This chant may be used for any ritual involving Satania, but it can also be used to call on Satania to empower any other ritual. The second chant is SALVE SATANA-LUCIFERA. Satana is the proper Latin name for Satan (whereas Satanas is Greek) and Lucifera is the feminine verison of the title Lucifer. The word Salve means “Hail.” This chant is useful in invocations of Satania, and it can also be used any time you need her guidance.

Lastly, AGIA H SATHANIA is useful for evocation and means “Numinous is Satania.” It seems to me that the best magickal color for Satania is lime green. She’s apt for blood magick as well.

-V.K. Jehannum    

Words of Power for Draconian & Qliphothic Sorcery – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants February 22, 2018August 26, 2019 493 Words Aeonifer This is an invented magickal name which can be used to refer to any demon or group of demons. It means “Bearer of Aeons.*” Aeonifer can be vibrated to strengthen the calling forth or summoning (invocation & evocation alike) of any demon, group of demons, demonic metagod, or selection of demons (i.e. all the demons being called on in the rite). I have constructed other invented magickal names which have an identical use & effect to Aeonifer: Semolshedim, Khaosophoros, Diabalachara, AlaMashavah, Xulogos, and Goessabbim. Artorzozam An invented magickal word of power which serves to strengthen an evocation or calling-forth of any spirit or group of spirit. Orbiazozoth Empowers Any Rite & Brings the Witch Deeper into a Spiritual State Pyroshee-Alogater Prescences Qliphothic Energy & Arouses Both the Black & Red Kundalini Serpents Chasheinphos Presences Qliphothic Energy and Strengthens Sacred Space

Sammitrakashah  Empowers Any Rite and Presences Qliphothic Energy Shaloazoth Presences Qliphothic Energy & Strengthens Summonings Saphorozos Strengthens Sacred Space Xuliphazoth Strengthen Summoning & Sacred Space Gashar-Abyllo-Kresh Strengthens Any Ritual & Leads the Celebrant Deeper into a Spiritual/Gnostic State. Its Linguistic Purpose is to Be Used as a Title/Name for the Abyss, But Its Effect Is Not Connected to or Affiliated with the Abyss in Any Way. Phaos Abussos In English, “Light of/from the Netherworld.” Calls on demonic energy to empower the chakras of the spinal cord, as well as the subpersonal and transpersonal chakras should the witch have opened them. Very powerful and not for beginners. Mavethol Strengthens Any Ritual. This is a constructed/invented magickal name for the Qliphoth and may be exlcaimed and/or vibrated as a magickal word of power. Adhassyth This WoP has the Same Linguistic Meaning as Gashar-Abyllo-Kresh and the Same Effect as Mavethol. Azulakashoth This WoP has the Linguistic Purpose of Serving as a Title/Name for the Black Light and/or the Black Flame. Its Effect is to Strengthen and

Increase the Open-ness of all Major Chakras and Empower the Black Flame. Not for Beginners. Aur Achara This is a Name for the Black Light Meaning “Other Light.” As a Word of Power, it Calls Upon the Black Light to Empower the Black Flame and All Chakras. E-Helatore This WoP Functions Exactly Like Mavethol and Adhassyth, Save that its Linguistic Use is to Refer to the Spiritual Realm in the Core of the Earth. These Three WoP’s are Only to Serve their Linguistic Purpose in Magickal Chants, Enochian Scripts, Etc. Rakkallagguttorraggal This is a Channeled Word of Power which Dissolves the Ego and Weakens the Psychic Filter. Being the person who created all these chants, I give everyone permission to use them for any reason in any context from a forum post to work published for profit without direct permission from me. While it is not necessary to give me credit (you won’t find me under your bed), it is a courtesy I would appreciate.

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal hymns This section is devoted to v.k. jehannum's hymns

Channeled Hymn to the Spirits of the Necronomicon – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns April 2, 2019April 2, 2019 180 Words My intention was to write a magickal hymn calling upon the spirits of the Simon Necronomicon, an ancient grimoire of Sumerian magick often mistakenly interpreted as having been invented by Peter Levenda. This hymn would have been in Latin like the rest of my hymns, but the spirits of the Necronomicon would not have it so. Rather than creating my own hymn, I channeled one, one written in English. It uses one secret name which refers to the collective of spirits which the Necronomicon venerates, which secret name I have underlined, as per the instruction of my guide. Secret names are only for use in magick and worship. I call to Astala for wisdom and power Guide me through your dark passages And bring me unto the light of a new dawn Show me the path to black salvation And bring out my dark power and life purpose Show me the way to salvation And beget my transformation through dark Forms of permutation Transform my essence and show me the path To a dark and horrible fire. It is so.

Egyptian Witchcraft: Magickal Hymns to Osiris, Chepri, & Anubis – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns November 2, 2017March 23, 2018 540 Words Hymn to Osiris O, Voco te Domine Osiris Ave Rex Luna et Salve Banebded Ave Neferu, Agios Un-Nefer Veni, Veni, Aeternae Neter Silentium Regis, et Pater de Caelo Agios Ischyros Wenennefer Osiris Rex Sekhet-Aaru Gloria [Oh, I Call to Lord Osiris/ Hail to the King of the Moon and Hail to his Ba/ Hail Osiris, Numinous (is) Osiris/ Come, Come, Eternal Deity/ Silent King, and (Non-Literal) Father of the Sky/ Numinous and Mighty is Osiris/ Glory to King Osiris of the Afterlife] Osiris is the judge of the dead and the king of the netherworld whose auspices were sought very frequently in Pharaonic Magick. He was once a living king of Egypt, and he was so renowned for his kindness and fairness that when his brother killed him, the god of the netherworld, Anubis, unrequestedly gave the chthonian throne to Osiris out of respect. Osiris rules the moon and the stars and he presides over magick, immortality, rebirth, agriculture, visualization, destiny, and prophecy/divination. He engenders transition, insight, regeneration, understanding, justice, renewal, and resurrection. Two advanced black magickians who didn’t know each other spoke very highly of him to me.

Above: Original Sigil of Osiris Hymn to Anubis Aperiatur Duat et Sa-Ka– Voco te Khenty-imentiu Salve Dei Necromantia– Agios Ischyros Anubis Ostende Nobis, Khenty-sek-Netjer, Potentiam Tuam Veni, Rex Duat, et Sepultura Patronus Rege Anubis, Magne Pater, et Germinet Anados

[Open the Afterlife and the City of Dogs– I Call to Anubis/ Hail to the God of Necromancy– Numinous and Mighty is Anubis/ Show Us, Anubis, the Power of Your Hand/ Come, King of the Afterlife, and Patron of Funerals/ Reign, Anubis, Great Father, and Engender Magickal Empowerment] Anubis is the guide, guardian, and protector of the dead who rules over embalming and funereal rites. Two advanced black magickians who didn’t know each other spoke very highly of him to me. He’s the patron of lost souls and orphans, and he was said to have been conceived in a barren womb. He is attributed to Sirius. He presides over anesthesiology, and his priests were herbal healers. He is loyal and fiercely protective, but he’s said to have a playful side as well.

Hymn to Chepri Mirabilia Opera Tua– Agios es, Pater Chepri Ave, Khepera, Aeternae Concinnator

Salve Magni Patris Kheper Voco te Chepri, Pater Magnum Opus Venire, Khepera– Rex Sole et Neter! [Marvellous are thy Works– Numinous art thou, Father Chepri/ Hail, Chepri, Eternal Creator/ Hail Great Father Chepri/ I Call to Chepri, Father of the Great Work/ Come, Chepri– King of the Sun and Deity] Khepri was a primordial and self-created deity of the rising sun who has come to prominence in black magick. While the Temple of Set’s adulation of Chepri reduces him to the metaphysical principle of selftransformation, Dragon Rouge has lauded Chepri as an excellent deity for black magickians. Hecate’s spirits have told me that Chepri is really all about evolution– he doesn’t discriminate about which religions you use to do it and he really is here to help. Khepri presides over manifestation, renewal, initiation, rebirth, change, transformation, and resurrection. Chepri appears to be a god of evolution who is willing to assist all those who are willing to work to ascend.

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Enochian Hymn to Shugara – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns May 21, 2018May 22, 2018 249 Words This magickal hymn calls upon Shugara to weaken the psychic filter, increase the open-ness and powerful-ness of all major chakras, strengthen the internal nexion, and impart holistic magickal empowerment. Various obscure name variants for Shugara (Shugra, Shagura, and Shugara-a) appear in the hymn. Three invented magickal words of power, which WoPs only serve to strengthen whatever spell they are recited during, appear in the hymn– these WoPs were invented to serve as proper nouns for use in such a script. These words are Mavethol [Qliphoth]. E-Helatore [Purgatory], and Adhassyth [the Abyss]. Shagura Gohed Gah De Mavethol Yolci Zorabia Od Phaos Abussos Ol Zodameta Shugara-a Ds Baltim Sa Ivonph Niiso Micalzo Shugara Drilpa Paxcomb De E-Helatore Velucorsapax Od Momar Beranusaji De A Adhassyth Goholor Azulakashoth Ar A Vep De Nanaeel Restil Omicaolz A Ors Ol Um Isli Shugra Micalzo Gah Ds Gmicalzoma Cicale De Telocahe Zacare Sa Zacar Momar Od Oxiayal Shugara Od Yolcam A Shigare Phaos Abussos Zorabia Od Azulakashoth [Shagura, Everlasting Spirit of the Qliphoth, Bring Forth Azoth and Abyssal Light/ I Conjure Shugara-a Who Is Furious Justice and Wrath/ Come Forth Mighty Shugara Great Governor of Purgatory/ Enthroned and Crowned Guard of the Abyss/  Raise the Black Light so that the Flame of My Power May Be Mighty with Darkness/ I Call You Shugra, Mighty Spirit with a Power Understanding the Mysteries of Death/ Move and Appear Crowned

and Mighty Shugara/ Bring Forth the Autumn Rain, Abyssal Light, Azoth, and Black Light]

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn for Entrepreneurs & Independent Contractors – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns September 2, 2019 240 Words The brief following hymn, intended to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone, calls upon Santa Muerte and Chernobog/Cernobog to help the business/work endeavors of independent contractors and entrepreneurs. Chernobog is known to bestow worldly greatness upon his disciples, and Santa Muerte is known to support small business. A career criminal could make use of this: both deities are held to preside over them. The hymn is to be recited thirteen times consecutively. The number thirteen relates to the 13 Blighted Lords and Ladies of Maergzjirah (one of which is Chernobog), the 13 Towers of Apotheosis (one of which Chernobog rules), and the tarot card Death. This spell was designed to be cast multiple times, perhaps once a month. This hymn uses a channeled secret name for Santa Muerte (Reisaz, pronounced RAY-saz, the last syllable rhymes with jazz). Secret names are only for use in magick and worship. The idea of calling upon Santa Muerte and Chernobog side by side may be confusing to some, but believe me, those two go way back. Voco Te La Santisima Muerte Domina Mortis Voco Te Cernobog-Diabol Dominus Vaerkuris Avete Santa Muerte Et Zlita Boga Intervenite Hera Reisaz Et Genitor Cernobog

Translation: “I Call You, (Title of Santa Muerte), Lady of Death/ I Call You, (Two Names of Chernobog), Lord of Vaerkuris/ Hail Santa Muerte and (Name of Chernobog)/ Come, Lady (Channeled Secret Name of Santa Muerte) and Father Cernobog.”

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn for Primal Craft (Lucifer, Belial, & Hecate) – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns February 5, 2018July 25, 2020 515 Words This magickal hymn calls upon the Trident– Hecate, Lucifer, and Belial– which Trident is comprised of the primary divinities of Primal Craft as codified by Mark Allan Smith in his series of grimoires. The Trident has become integral to the modern Draconian Tradition or Draconian Current as well. A lot of my articles about deities and gods feature original sigils. If these sigils are of my invention, they appear in lackluster artistic representation on paper and are photographed via cellphone. This magickal hymn was clearly more important than ones I’ve written before in that it was a gift to a valued friend and a contribution to a wondrous tradition. I made an entire ritual out of consecrating it, which I have never done in the past. I called on Hecate, Aradia, Lucifer, and Belial to empower it. My magickal hymns may be used for any intention selected by the celebrant. They can be integrated into any ritual to call on the deities named to empower the rite or empower oneself. My magickal hymns can be recited without any added ritual for a specified intent as miniature self-empowerment exercises– one of the advantages of reciting some of my hymns in times when a full ritual cannot be performed is that these hymns will strengthen your energetic resonance with its deities, making it easier to call forth, perceive, and communicate with said deities.

Lykania is the TotBL’s name for Hecate’s lycanthropic aspect, which aspect the TotBL claims is specific to the 218 Current (its tradition). I have always said that currents, as defined in this context, do not exist at all, and the inclusion of a clearly identical lycanthropic aspect of Hecate in Queen of Hell by Mark Allan Smith lends evidence to this standing assertion of mine. Allu is the given title for Hecate’s hellhounds (called Kunes Aidao in Greek). Queen of Hell makes the assertion that Belial is the same entity as Beelzebuth, and I have verified the accuracy of said assertion with my own guiding spirits, although I doubted it at first. Hence the name Baal Zebul is used in reference to Belial in my hymn alongside Belial’s alternate names Beliar and Belias. Alternate names for Lucifer appear as well, including Lucifero, Lumial, and Lucibel. I am sure you will find this of use. Concelebrate Divina Lykania, Matrum Allu, Monstriger. Salve Erus Lucifer. O Arbitrator, Admirabilis. Et Conladaute Belias, Rex Ghagiel Et Rex Bohu. Io Domine Belial. Evoco Megist Baal Zebul. Concelebrate Cordatus Lucifero, Aethereus Lumial, Rex Acharayim. Salve Hekate Trioditis, Et Salvete Sanguinalis Beliar Et Praeceptor Lucibel. Adveni, Spirituum Sitra Achara. Invoco Deitas Hecate! [Praise the Divine Mother of Werewolves/ Mother of Hellhounds, Producer of Monsters/ Hail Lord Lucifer/ Oh Master, You are Wondrous/ And Praise Belias/ Lord of the Qlipha of Uranus and the

Veil of Emptiness/ Hail Lord Belial/ I Call the Great Lord of the High Place/ Praise the Sagacious Lucifero/ Immortal Lumial, King of the Qliphoth/ Hail Hecate who Frequents the Crossroads/ And Hail the Bloodthirsty Beliar/ And Lord Lucibel/ Come, Spirits of Sitra Achara/ I Call the Goddess Hecate] Tagged 128 Current 182 current 218 218 Current adversarian Anti-Cosmic Satanism Archdemon Baal Baal Zebul Baelzebuth Beelzebub Beelzebuth Belia'al Belial Beliar Belias Belu black Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism

Magickal Hymn to Abaddon – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns January 23, 2019 75 Words Adoro Te Domine Abbaton Patre Prophetarum, Admirabilis Conlaudate Apolhun Lar Thaumiel Salve Apollyon, Divus Sitra Achara Aeviternitas Genitor Et Herus Nex Dominator Est Abaddon Etiam Abyssus Salve Abaddon, Ambrosius Venenarius [I Adore Thee, Lord Abbaton/ Father of Prophets, Wonderful Art Thou/ I Praise Apolhun, God of Thaumiel/ Hail Apollyon, God of the Other Side/ Everlasting Father and Lord of Death/ Lord is Abaddon of the Abyss/ Hail Abaddon, Immortal Sorcerer]

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Algol – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns November 23, 2017 193 Words This hymn calls on the Demon Star to raise a sacred space for black magick and empower the celebrant, calling on Lepaca/Lepacha, Radahel, Amducious, and Magoa to channel the power of the star into your area and into your soul. The four demons make sure you process it well and empower you and the sacred space themselves alongside the Demon Star. Seek spiritual guidance before you use this. Agios o Caput Medusae Subhan Ra’s Al-Ghul Mirabilia Opera Tua– Caput Larvae Gloria Beta Persei Xere Anados Voco te Caput Lamiae In Nomine Lepaca et Radahel Invoco Amducious, Invoco Algol Evoco Rex Magoa et Voco te Radahel– Agente ex Harasiel Io Lepacha! Aperiatur Stella Caput Larvae Illuminateo Mea! [Numinous is the Head of Medusa/ Glory to the Head of the Ghoul/ Wonderful Are Thy Works– Glory to the Specter’s Head/ Second Star of Perseus, Engender Magickal Ascent/ I Call to the Head of the Vampyre/ In the Name of Lepaca and Radahel/ I Call to Amducious, I Call to Algol/ I Call Up King Magoa and I Call to/ Radahel– Emissary of the Saturnian Qlipha/ Hail Lepacha! Open the Sky/ Enlighten Me, Specter’s Head]

Magickal Hymn to Aradia – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns November 1, 2017March 24, 2018 205 Words {This is a Latin hymn written to Aradia which consists of eleven stanzas, each of which is eleven syllables long. I personally consecrated the hymn myself and thereafter offered it up to Aradia. Magickal hymns can be read one or more times for spiritual empowerment, guidance, etc., or it can be incorporated into a ritual}

Above: My Original Sigil of Aradia (You will notice that I wrote various magickal numbers which are

relevant specifically to the calling-forth of Aradia on the piece of paper) Salve Aradia, Regina Sabbat Ave Aeternae Dulcis Incantatrix Venefica et Matrona Magia Veni, Veni, Mater Stregoneria Agios es, O Stregha Gloriosa Voco te Genetrix Veneficium O, Laetare, et Germinet Anados Agios o Matrona Aradia Agios Matercula Maleficis Salve, Domina Magna Aradia Rege Matrona! Genetrix Gloria! [Hail Aradia, Queen of the Sabbat/ Hail to the Eternal and SweetNatured Enchantress/ Witch and Mother of Magick/ Come, Come, Mother of Stregoneria (Stregheria)/ Numinous art Thou, Oh Glorious Witch/ I Call to the Mother of Witchcraft/ Oh, Rejoice, and Engender Spiritual Development/ Numinous is Matron Aradia/ Numinous (is) the Mother of Sorcery/ Hail, Great (Female Lord) Aradia/ Reign, Matron! Glory to the Mother]

Above: My Other Original Sigil of Aradia

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Chernobog – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns April 23, 2019 119 Words This is an all-purposed magickal hymn to Cernobog/Chernobog. It may be used as a stand-alone practice (i.e., maybe a simple way to pursue magickal empowerment and/or preparatory immersion) or incorporated into any ritual you are designing. Mavethol is used linguistically as a word meaning Nightside/Qliphoth, but magickally speaking, it is a word of power used to strengthen any rite or spell. To learn about Chernobog, follow the following hyperlink: / Ave Cernobog Rex Pandemonium Salve Praevalidus Bellator Agios Es, Imperator Mavethol Domine Chernobog Gloria! Translation: “Hail Cernobog, King of the Infernal Plane/ Hail, Great Warrior/ You are Numinous, Lord of the Nightside/ Glory to Lord Chernobog!”

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Eris, Nyx, & Nemesis – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns November 2, 2017March 23, 2018 627 Words {This consecrated magickal hymn calls upon Eris/Discordia, Nyx/Nox, and Nemesis, the last of whom is referred to by many different names throughout the hymn. This hymn may be recited one or more times as a spiritual exercise in itself or it can be added onto a ritual} Aperiatur Stella– Invoco Discordia Voco te Nox et Invoco Rhamnusis Venire Eris et Veni Adrestia Rege Magistra Nyx, et Germinet Gnosis Eris Germinet Enantiodromia Et Nemesis, Mater Vindictae et Wyrd Venire– et Germinet Anados et Azoth Salve Era Erinys– O Eris Gloria Agios o Nyx, Domina Noctem Et Salve Adrestia Genetrix Wyrd Agios Ischyros Regina Eris Aperiatur Tartarus– Voco te Nyx Veni, Discordia, Aeternae Destructrix Venire– Rhamnusia, Invidia, et Nemesis Rege et Germinet Lapis Philosophicus Ave Discordia Mater Kakodaimones Et Nox, Domina et Mater Tenebris Agios es, Rhamnusis-Invidia; Matercula Nemesis Gloria [Open the Sky– I Call to Eris/ I Call to Nyx and I Call to Nemesis/

Come, Eris, and Come, Nemesis/ Reign, Heirarch Nyx, and Usher Forth Divine Knowledge/ Eris, Engender Enantiodromia/ And Nemesis, Mother of Vengeance and Destiny/ Come, and Engender Spiritual Development and Manifest the Fifth Element/ Hail (Female Lord) Nemesis– Oh, Glory to Eris/ Open the Underworld– I Call to Nyx/ Come, Eris, Eternal Destructrix/ Come– (Three Names of Nemesis)/ Reign and Reveal the Philsopher’s Stone/ Hail Eris, Mother of Cacodaimones/ And Nyx, (Female Lord) and Mother of Darkness/ Numinous Art Thou, (Two Names of Nemesis)– Glory to Mother Nemesis] Nyx, Eris, and Nemesis were among the group of deities whom my former mentor, Adam Percipio, instructed me to call on for a certain black magickial initiatory rite of self-empowerment that I have promised to never reveal to the public. Of the deities I was instructed to call on for that rite, these are the three goddesses whom I found most impressive and desired to continue working with. In Greek mythology, the goddess Nyx is held to be a fundamental component of reality itself. The Latin variate of her name is Nox, and Nox is held in Thelema to be a complex metaphysical concept of significant magickal importance. In the Left Hand Path, the concept of Nox is given supreme importance in the Draconian Current and retains some importance in Hebdomadry. Nyx is the bringer of truth whose chariot covers the sky in darkness and casts stars among it. She is described as exceptionally beautiful, but veiled (and she has wings which is cool). She governs prophecy, dreams, and seership, and she helps the witch attain awareness and connect with her true self. She is described as forgiving, loving, compassionate, and yet wrathful. By her engendering of nightfall, she bestows upon those who suffer in day the boons of healing, respite, sleep, dreams, rest, and ultimately, death.

Nyx is infatuated with mischief and immortality, especially when they are pursued in cover of darkness.  She favors fugitives, evil-doers, and thieves, and she is known as the Mother of Mysteries. Her influence is said to beget terror and she is called the “Goddess of Phantoms and Shadows Play.”

Above: Original Sigil of Nyx Nemesis is the unavoidable and allvanquishing titaness. Her chariot is drawn by griffins– therionick totems of vengeance. Nemesis is the goddess of revenge whom even Zeus is said to fear. All descriptions of

her appearance are horrible and grotesque. She is believed to engender the humiliation of prideful humans– a great destroyer of hubris.

Above: Original Sigil of Nemesis Eris is the goddess of strife who resides within the nethermost depths of the realm of the dead. She is the central divinity of a paradigm of Chaos Magick called Discordianism, which paradigm does profess to be legitimately focused on magickal self-transformation.

Above: Original Sigil of Eris/Discordia

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Gullveig & Surtr – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns November 1, 2017November 23, 2017 118 Words {This is a short Latin hymn written to Gullveig and Surtur. I’ve personally consecrated it as well as offered it up to the deities it entreats. Magickal hymns can be read one or more times for spiritual empowerment, guidance, etc., or incorporated into a ritual} Invoco Gullveig, et Voco te Surtur Mirabilia Opera Tua– O, Gullveig Gloria Agios es, Domine Surtur, Regem Muspellheim Venire Pater Eldthursar et Regina Maleficarum Germinet Anodos, et Germinet Azoth! [I Call to Gullveig and I Call to Surtur/ Marvelous are thy Works– Oh, Glory to Gullveig/ Numinous art thou, Lord Surtur, King of Muspellheim/ Come, Father of the Fire Giants and Queen of the Witches/ Engender Magickal Ascent and Manifest the Fifth Element]

Magickal Hymn to Improve Your Love Life and Financial Situation – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns March 22, 2019May 30, 2019 311 Words This hymn calls upon Satan, Azazel, and Sitri to improve one’s love life and financial situation in whatever ways improvement is applicable. For example, if you are in a bad relationship, this hymn should bring about its end. If you’re single, you should be guided towards an appropriate partner, but if you already have one, it should improve your relationship. You get the idea. The hymn is to be recited three times a day consecutively on five days within one week. The hymn is to be recited with focused intention, and if possible, appropriate material supplements. As long as you have a working comprehension to achieve success in spellwork, this hymn should do the job. Azazel is the same entity as Melek Taus/Melek Anzazel but not the same entity as Shaitan. The hymn makes use of a channeled secret name for the spirit, Zazoraga {zaw-zor (rhymes with soar)-ah-guh}. Secret names are only to be used in worship and magick. Sitri/Bitru’s secret name Azorala {ah-zor (rhymes with soar)-ah-luh} and Satan’s secret name Nazalar (nah-zah-lar) are used as well. I was commissioned to create this hymn by a client. Advoco Azazel Et Advoco Acharayim Ascende Domine Melek Anzazel Interveni Sophos Et Praevalidus Bitru Exsurge Azazel– Pater Melek Taus

Et Ascendite Satanas Et Sitri Invoco Bitru Phylarchus Inferos Et Voco Te Dominator Satan Omnituens Rex Et Genitor Apparete Sitri, Azazel, Et Satan Adveni Numinibus Infernales Salvete Bitru-Azorala  Et Satanas-Nazalar Ave Sempiternus Melek Taus-Zazoraga “I Call Azazel and I Call the Infernal Plane/ Rise, Lord Melek Anzazel/ Come, Wise and Great Bitru/ Rise, Azazel– Father Melek Taus/ And Arise Satanas and Sitri/ I Call Bitru, Prince of Hell/ And I Call You, Lord Satan/ All-Seeing King and Father/ Appear, Sitri, Azazel, and Satan/ Come, Infernal Spirits/ Hail Bitru-Azorala and Satanas Nazalar/ Hail the Eternal Melek Taus-Zazoraga!”

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Integrate the Alternate Self – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns November 17, 2018 141 Words This magickal hymn calls upon Amducious, Shax, Behemoth, Unsere, Tezrian, and the Necheshthiron/Necheshethiron to help the celebrant integrate her Alternate Self/Shadow. In Nomine Amducious Et In Nomine Shass, Scox, Shax Ergo Krimgathara-Haeathora Pervenite Behemoth Et Unsere Shalicu, Necheshethiron Voco Te Mater Tezrian In Nomine Drakosophia, Ergo Tenebris Et Kraeathal [In the Name of Amducious/And in the Name of (Three Names for Shax)/ I am (Two Channeled Names for the Shadow which May Be Used as Words of Power to Integrate the Shadow)/ Come, Behemoth and Unsere/ Shalicu, Necheshethiron/ I Call to You, Mother Tezrian/ In the Name of the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick/ I am Darkness and (Channeled Name for the Shadow Which Can Be Used as a Word of Power to Integrate the Shadow)] Pronunciation: Haeathora (HAY-UH-THOR-UH); Kraeathal (cray-UHthawl)

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Lilith & Qalilitu – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns June 17, 2019 161 Words This is an all-purposed magickal hymn which calls upon the power of Qalilitu and Lilith. It can be used as a stand-alone selfempowerment exercise or spell to get what you need, or it can be incorporated into whatever ritual you’re designing. Invito Qalilitu Creatrix Sempiterna Domina Gamaliel Isti Ad Me, Filia Tzaphoni Salvete Qalilitu Et Mater Lilith Obvenite Deaeque Infernum Concelebrate Hera Qalilitu Et Amplaudate Mater Lilith Dominarum Et Tenebrae, Laudamus Qalilitu Et Lilith Gloriae Translation: “I Call Mother Qalilitu/ Eternal Lady of Gamaliel/ Descend Unto Me, Daughter of (Name of Lilith Meaning Northerner)/ Hail Qalilitu and Mother Lilith/ Come, Goddesses of the Hidden Place/ I Praise Lady Qalilitu/ And I Praise Mother Lilith/ Praise the Ladies of Darkness/ Glory to Qalilitu and Lilith.” Qalilitu is an aspect and daughter of Lilith whose existence was channeled by Daemon Barzai. My article about this spirit can be accessed via the following hyperlink:

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Michael – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns November 28, 2017November 29, 2017 412 Words {This magickal hymn calls upon Michael, known also as Mikhail and Michahel, for any determined purpose– such as magickal selfempowerment, the strengthening of chakras, or the sharpening of the spiritual senses. A magickal hymn can be added to any rite or used as a spiritual exercise in and of itself. I would recommend that this hymn, if being used on its own, be recited either three or seven times. Despite adhering to the dictates of the Abrahamic divinity, archangels are self-determined entities, many of whom willingly collaborate with magickians, Occultists, witches, etc. Michael has appeared to me many times, twice helping me in spiritual combat, once helping me compose a magickal chant, but usually to give me much-needed and very accurate advice. While his presence was always helpful and his insight was always good, Michael’s presence always felt like an intrusion to me– a latent threat. Fortunately, I have improved my understanding of things, and have left behind my old black-and-white conception of the gods. Every article I’ve read about Michael has gushed about how loyal, protective, and helpful he was– these descriptions match my experience, and I’m a fucking black magickian. I despise Jehovah and Michael knows this, but he has had my back again and again regardless of the fact that I didn’t even respect him or want him to be present. All the articles I’ve read say that Michael is here for EVERYONE– all religions. So here is a magickal hymn to him} Veni, Veni, Sancte Michael Archangele Voco te Mikail– Invoco Archistrategos

Princeps Gloriosissime Caelestis Militia Venire Regulus Michahel, Germinet Gnosis Veni, O Veni, Aperiatur Caeli Salve Michahel, Princeps De Seraphim Agios Ischyros Dynastes Michael! [Come, Come, Holy Archangel Michael/ I Call to Mikail– I Call to the Archangel/ Glorious Prince of the Celestial Militia/ Come, King Michahel, and Engender Spiritual Revelation/ Come, Oh Come, Open Up the Sky/ Hail Michahel, Prince of Seraphim/ Numinous and Mighty is Lord Michael] Michael’s Sephirothic attributions are to Hod (Mercury) and Tiphereth (Sun), and his zodiac attributions are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. His color is red, his element is fire, and noon and Summer are apt for him. He engenders healing, courage, determination, motivation, guidance, organization, dependability, leadership, and stability. He rules over matrimony and music. He doesn’t discriminate when it comes to religion. Legend says that he gave Solomon his ring. His directions are the north and the south. His sacred dates are Sep 29, Nov 8, Nov 21, Sep 6, & May 8.  

Magickal Hymn to Mother Astaroth – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns May 30, 2019 141 Words This is an all-purposed magickal hymn to Astaroth designed to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone. It may be recited as a stand-alone self-empowerment practice or incorporated into any rite to Mother Astaroth. This hymn uses a channeled secret name of Astaroth: Aeoztoron (ay-oz-TOUR-ON). Secret names are only for use in magick and worship. I was commissioned to create this hymn for a client. Salve Astaroth Nunc Numen Meticulosa Diva, Vocavi Te Interveni, Spiritus Daemoniorum Salve Ambrosia Divinitas Vatis Magni Inferni Detractos Atri Regina Porta Et Era Gamchicoth Invoco Domina Astaroth-Aeoztoron Isti Ad Me, Sempiterna Astaroth Translation: “Hail Astaroth, Goddess of Sirius/ Fearsome Goddess, I Summon You/ Come, Demonic Spirit/ Great Infernal Seeress/ Queen of the Dark Gate and Lady of Gamchicoth/ I Call Lady AstarothAeoztoron/ Isti Ad Me, Sempiterna Astaroth!”

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Nahema – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns January 23, 2019 62 Words Invito Nahema Coelestis Incantatrix Divina Vipera Et Era Reschaim Ave Exlecebra, Deitas, Et Iaculus Advoco Naamah, Subrige Et Appare Ornate Nahema, Ambrosia Lena [I Call Nahema, Numinous Enchantress/ Divine Serpent and Lady of the Qlipha of the Black Earth/ Hail to the Seductress, Goddess, and Serpent/ I Call Naamah, Rise and Appear/ I Praise Nahema, Everlasting Seductress]

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Noctulius, Azanigin, & Aosoth – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns, the Septenary Way November 2, 2017November 23, 2017 236 Words {This Latin hymn to Noctulius, Aosoth, and Azanigin was written to be seven stanzas. I personally consecrated it prior to offering it up to the deities it entreats. This hymn may be recited one or more times as a stand-alone self-empowerment exercise or recited in pursuit of guidance or gnosis. Alternately, the hymn can be incorporated into or added onto a given ritual. I am not affiliated with nor do I condone the agenda of the Order of the Nine Angles, but I find the Nekalah to be very much worth working with} Rege Azanigin; Voco te Aosoth Veni Noctulius, Rex Qamar et Rex Noctem Germinet Anados, Gnosis, et Azoth Invoco Aosoth, Matrona Mortem et Magia Ave Noctulius, Versipellis et Venefico Ave Azanigin Mater Zuhal et Khaos Agios o Noctulius et Aosoth; Azanigin Gloria [Reign, Azanigin; I Call to Aosoth/ Come, Noctulius, King of the Sphere of the Moon and King of the Night/ Engender Magickal Empowerment, Provide Gnosis, and Manifest the Fifth Element/ I Call to Aosoth, Matron of Death and Magick/ Hail Noctulius, Shapeshifter and Witch/ Hail Azanigin, Mother of the Sphere of Saturn and Khaos/ Numinous is Noctulius as well as Aosoth; Glory to Azanigin]

For a List of Magickal Chants to Davcina, Follow this Hyperlink For Other Magickal Chants to the Nekalah [Dark Gods], Follow this Hyperlink

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Poseidon, Demeter, and Persephone – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns November 28, 2017March 23, 2018 245 Words {This hymn calls upon the three primary divinities of the Eleusinian mysteries: namely Poseidon (also known as Enesidaon, Ennosigaos, Neptunus, & Genethlios), Persephone (also known as Proserpina and Kore), and Demeter. See my previous magickal hymns for explanations on how hymns are to be used. Original sigils are provided at the bottom} Aperiatur Terra, Et Germinet Persephone Agios Ischyros Enesidaon, Salvete Demeter Et Kore Ave Proserpina, Ave Poseidon, Ave Demeter– O, Divi Gloriae Venite Coelestes Diis Infernum, Et Germinent Epopteia Agios o Genetrix Demeter, Ambrosia Diva Et Matrona Illustratio Agios o Domine Poseidon, Ennosigaos Et Magna Neptunus Invoco Poseidon-Genethlios, Voco Te Genetrix Persephone Evoco Matercula Demeter– Advenite Diis Infernum Venite, Divini Divi. Evigilamini Faciatis Me Agios Es, Demeter; Laudate Pater Neptunus. Proserpina Gloria Ya Namosh Wa-Na-Soi Wa-Na-Ka-Te Exat [Open the Earth, and Bring Forth Persephone/ Numinous and Mighty is Enesidaon, Hail to Demeter and Kore/ Hail Proserpina, Hail Poseidon, Hail Demeter– Oh, Glory to these Gods/ Come Everlasting Spirits of the Netherworld, and Engender Gnosis/ Numinous is Mother Demeter, Immortal Goddess and Matron of Enlightenment/ Numinous is Lord Poseidon, (Who Is) Ennosigaos and the Great Neptunus/ I Call Forth Poseidon-Genethlios, I Call to Persephone/ I

Call On Mother Demeter– Come, Spirits of the Netherworld/ Come, Immortal Deities. Awaken Me/ Numinous art thou; Praise Father Neptunus. Glory to Proserpina/ In the Name of the King and the Two Queens, So Let it Be Done]  

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Raphael – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns March 6, 2019May 30, 2019 101 Words I was commissioned to write this hymn by a client. Amplaudate Domine Israfil Calicim Signifer, Vexillifer Tubae Medicina Omnium Favisor Ornate Ambrosius Raphael Voco Te Azarias-Einakathor Archidioecesis Inmortalis Laudo Vocati Israfel Archangelus Et Spiritus Sanitatem [I Praise Lord Israfil/ Bearer of the Chalice, Bearer of the Trumpet/ Patron of Medicine/ I Praise the Eternal Raphael/ I Call You, (Two Names of Raphael)/ Immortal Archdiocese/ I Praise and Call Israfel/ Archangel and Spirit of Healing] The Latin word Archidioecesis is pronounced ARCH-(I as in Igloo)(DEE as in Deep)-(OH as in Ocean)-(CHI like spiritual energy)-zeez.

V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns February 24, 2019 48 Words Salve Ratziel Imperator Angeli Dominator Chokmah Et Sempiternus Spiritus Ave Phylarchus Galizur-Rezial Agios Ischyros Sagax Ratziel Sophos Regulus Et Archangelus “Hail Ratziel, Lord of Angels/ Lord of Chokmah and Eternal Spirit/ Hail Prince Galizur-Rezial/ Numinous and Mighty is the Wise Ratziel/ Wise Prince and Archangel.”

Magickal Hymn to Samael and the Veils Before Him – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns November 28, 2017March 23, 2018 198 Words {This hymn calls upon Samael, the Most Transcendent Face of the Devil which lies even beyond the entire Qliphoth, as well as the demonic gods who rule three veils before Samael. These three demonic gods are Qemetiel/Qematriel, Beliar/Belial, and Gothiel/Athiel/A’athiel. See my previous magickal hymns for an explanation of how magickal hymns are to be used} Drakosophia Gloria– Salvete Qematriel, Gothiel, Et Beliar Laudate Sitra Ahra– Agios Es, Sancte Genitor Samael Belial, Athiel, Et Qemetiel Gloriae! Ave Ambrosius Samael! Agios o Belial, Magna Versipellis, Et Praesul Nigromantia Agios o Athiel, Daimonion Aeternum, Et Patrona Goeteia Agios o Qematriel, Xul Omnium Praeses, Et Tutator Goeteumata Agios Ischyros Samael– Ambrosius Herus Alogos! [Glory to the Current of the Adversary– Hail Qematriel, Gothiel, and Beliar/ Praise to Sitra Ahra– Numinous Art Thou, Holy Father Samael/ Glory to Belial, Athiel, and Qemetiel! Hail to the Immortal Samael/ Numinous is Belial, Great Shapeshifter, and Patron of Necromancy/ Numinous is Athiel, Everlasting Divinity, and Patron of Sorcery/ Numinous is Qematriel, Patron of the Black Light, and Patron of Witchcraft/ Numinous and Mighty is Samael– Everlasting Lord of the Unwritten Gnosis]

Above: Original Sigil of Samael

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Semyaza – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns February 22, 2018March 23, 2018 199 Words

Above: Original Sigil of Semyaza

My magickal hymns may be incorporated into any ritual or may be recited alone with a predetermined intent (such as spiritual empowerment) as a spiritual exercise in themselves. This hymn may be recited once or recited repeatedly. The more you work with a spirit, the easier it becomes for you to manifest them. While magickal hymns will generally produce small amounts of spiritual development if recited one time every once in a while as a standalone exercise, but the fact is, every time you take the two minutes it takes to empower yourself by reciting one of these hymns, you are developing an energetic rapport with the entity you are calling on that will benefit future workings to them. This hymn calls to Semyaza. Invito Semyaza Dominus Siderum Adpara Alogos Azza-Shemhazai Sapiens Semiazaz– Adveni Potens Opservator Adlaudate Uzza Genitor Iyrin Ave Dominator Shemyazaz Aperi Caelus– Obveni Erus Semihazah [I Call Semyaza the Lord of the Stars/ Impart Unwritten Gnosis (Two Names of Semyaza)/ Wise (Name of Semyaza)– Come, Mighty Watcher/ Praise (Name of Semyaza) the Father of the Watcher Angels/ Hail Lord (Name of Semyaza)/ Open the Sky– Come, Lord (Name of Semyaza]

Magickal Hymn to the Infernal Divine – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns November 2, 2017November 23, 2017 520 Words Magickal hymns can be used as spiritual exercises in and of themselves, being recited for either guidance or self-empowerment, or they can be incorporated into rituals. This hymn calls out to some of the most prominent among the Infernal Divine. First, the term Drakosophia is a moniker for the black magickal current which underlies all paradigms of LHP demon magick– from Traditional Demonolatry to Luciferian Atheism. It’s inspired by the term Theosophia, being the concept of a single undercurrent beneath all religion. This is not dualism– I am certain that Drakosophia is just the aspect of Theosophia that we of the Black Lodge work with together, whether we know it or not. 72 Spirits of the Goetia are entreated. The 72 once appeared to my mentor as a single dragon, and “Goetikon” is one of the invented magickal names I have consecrated for reference to this entity. Thereafter, the 11 Gods of the Qliphoth, known as Chavajoth/Havayoth and the Azerate or Hendekatheon is entreated. Thereafter, the Nine Demonic Divinities adulated by most Traditional Demonolaters, which group of nine is derived from the Dukante Hierarchy of Demonology, is named and entreated one by one. The nine are as follows: Verraine/Verrine, Amducious, Lucifer/Lumial, Eurynomous, Flereous/Haures, Ustrina, Leviathan,

Unsere, Beliar/Belias (normally Belial), and Satanas/Sathanel (normally Satanas). The Qliphoth or Kliffoth as a whole is entreated, and lastly, the 22 Ruling Archdemons of the “Tunnels of Set,” being the pathways between the ten spheres of the Qliphoth, are entreated. I needed a catch-all moniker for the lot of them, so I came up with Kelippadaimones. It’s nowhere near etymologically sound, but it serves its purposes. The hymn consists of 11 stanzas, it calls unto very many of the most prominent entities venerated in demon magick, so not only can it be used in many different ways, its use develops a rapport with the Infernal Divine. That is to say, using it in magick is a convenient and useful way for the witch to strengthen her connection to the entities entreated. Invoco Pandemonium, In Nomine Drakosophia Agios o Goetikon, Salve Draco Megiste O Salve Havayoth– Hendekatheon Gloria Agios es, Genitor Verraine, et Salve Pater Amducious Agios o Domine Lucifer, Basileus Lumial Agios Ischyros Eurynomous– Patrona Necromantia Salve Flereous, Spiritus Aeternum, et Dominus Ustrina Abbas Leviathan Gloria– Agios o Unsere Ave Regem Beliar– Agios Belias Rex Bohu Atta Sathanel Gloria– Agios o Satanas Agios Ischyros Kliffoth– Salvete Kelippadaimones [I Call to the Infernal Plane in the Name of the Current of the Adversary/ Numinous is the Draconic Unification of the 72 as a Metagod, Hail unto the Great Dragon/ Oh, Hail unto Havayoth, Glory to the Hendekatheon/ Numinous Art Thou, Father Verraine, and Hail unto Father Amducious/ Numinous is Lord Lucifer, King Lumial/ Numinous and Mighty is Eurynomous– Patron of Necromancy/ Hail unto Flereous, Great and Eternal Spirit, and to Lord Ustrina/ Glory

unto Father Leviathan– Numinous is Unsere/ Hail King Beliar– Numinous (is) Belias the King of the Second Veil Before Samael/ Glory unto Father Sathanel– Numinous is Satanas/ Numinous and Mighty is the Qliphoth– Hail to the Twenty-Two Spirits of the Tunnels of Set] Tagged 218 Current amducious Amducius Amdukias Amduscias Amdusias Anti-Cosmic Satanism Azerate Belial Beliar Belias Black Lodge Black Magic Black Magick Black Witchcraft Chaos Magic Chaos Magick Chaos-Gnostic Satanism Chaos-Gnosticism Chavajoth

Magickal Hymn to the Mother of Blood – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns, the Septenary Way November 4, 2017March 24, 2018 249 Words While I am very critical of the Order of the Nine Angles, their teachings are a legitimate repository of real Greek and Druidic magickal knowledge, regardless of how much of their tradition was stolen from Kenneth Grant. Many of the Nekalah (the deities the O9A venerates) are very much worth working with, Baphomet being one of them. While most Satanists use Baphomet to refer to whatever they interpret the Goat of Mendes to represent, the O9A uses the name Baphomet in reference to a divinity which is, in truth, nothing less than the very Planetary Spirit of the Earth (that means that everyone can work with her). This hymn calls upon the Planetary Spirit of the Earth to impart magickal empowerment to the celebrant. When I wrote it, even I was surprised by how potent the hymn turned out to be.

Ave Baphomet, Ave Baphomet, Agia H Baphomet. – Agios Sirena Sinistra, Agios Mater Baphomet, Sancta Regina Rubedo. Veni, Regina Mundis; Aperiatur Mushrati, Mater. – Agios ischyros Baphomet; Veni, veniat ad me. Agios o Baphomet; Veni, et germinet anados; Veni – aperiatur Mushrati. [Hail Baphomet/ Hail Baphomet/ Hallowed be Baphomet// Hallowed Darksome Spirit Maid/ Holy Mother Baphomet/ Sacred Mistress of Alchemy/ Descend, Queen of the Earth/ Open the sphere of Jupiter, Mother// Hallowed is the Sacred Baphomet/ Come, come unto me/ Hallowed be Baphomet/ Come, and bring about magickal ascent/ Come; open the sphere of Jupiter]

Magickal Hymn to the Nine Goetic Kings – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns November 29, 2017 454 Words {Magickal hymns may be incorporated into any ritual or may be recited alone with a predetermined intent (such as spiritual empowerment) as a spiritual exercise in themselves. This hymn may be recited once or recited repeatedly. The more you work with a spirit, the easier it becomes for you to manifest them. While magickal hymns will generally produce small amounts of spiritual development if recited one time every once in a while as a standalone exercise, but the fact is, every time you take the two minutes it takes to empower yourself by reciting one of these hymns, you are developing an energetic rapport with the entity you are calling on that will benefit future workings to them. This hymn calls upon the nine kings listed amongst the 72 demons recorded in a medieval grimoire called the Ars Goetia. I personally empowered the hymn magickally and thereafter asked the Goetikon (i.e. the Metagod comprised of the 72 demons) to consecrate (accept & empower) it as well. While the hymn is written almost entirely in Latin, certain demonological concepts were referred to by their Hebrew names. If this hymn is being recited as a stand-alone exercise, then it may be repeated more than once– 2, 7, 9, & 11 are all numbers conducive to demon magick, so I would recommend the number of repetitions be selected from that list} Voco Te Acharayim; Invoco Domini De Etz Ha-Daath Creatores De Lapis Exilis Et Di Omnes Aur Chashakh Divini Goeteumata Et Traditores De Veneficium Agios o Belial– Aethereus Mortifer Gloria

Agios Ischyros Basileus Balaam. Agios Es, Ambrosius Arbitrator Bael Rege Divinus Asmoday. Caelestes Beleth Et Balan Gloriae Avete Zagam, Beliar, Et Paymon– Divini Sitra Achara Laudate Domine Paimon; Salvete Zagam Et Vinea Agios Ischyros Beleth, Divinus Patrona Magnum Opus Agios o Bael, Rex Qlipha Ha-Nogah. Laudate Rex Vinea Agios o Pursan; Ave Basileus Asmoday. Advenite Diis Infernum Venite, Ambrosii Spirituum, Et Germinent Akasha Incipit Illustratio– Agios Aeon De Drakosophia [I Call to the Infernal Plane; I Call on the Lords of the Tree of Death/ Creators of the Black Magickal Philsopher’s Stone and Instructors of Witchcraft/ Numinous is Belial– Glory to the Everlasting Bearer of Death/ Numinous and Mighty is Lord Balaam, Numinous Art Thou, Eternal Ruler Bael/ Reign, Immortal Asmoday. Glory to the Eternal Beleth and Balan/ Hail Zagam, Beliar, and Paymon– Gods of the Infernal Plane/ Praise Lord Paimon; Hail Zagam and Vinea/ Numinous and Mighty is Beleth, Eternal Patron of the Great Work/ Numinous is Bael, King of the Venusian Sphere of Hell; Praise King Vinea/ Numinous is Pursan; Hail Lord Asmoday. Come, Deities of Hell/ Come, Immortal Spirits, and Generate the Fifth Element/ Let the Enlightenment Being– Numinous (is the) (Coming) Aeon of the Current of the Adversary]

Magickal Hymn to the Raviasamin – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns April 19, 2018October 3, 2018 445 Words The Raviasamin are the four leviathans– or at least, the primary four leviathans (they’re primary to me). The most well-known among them is simply referred to as Leviathan– the draconic, primordial face of the Devil who manifests as male and female alike, and as dragon and anthropoid alike. He is the steed of Choronzon. The second is Leviathan’s bride, the draconian-primordial aspect of Lilith who’s known as Taninsam in the 218 Current– the steed of Shugal. Leviathan and Taninsam are both given the moniker Chaosifer [Bearer of Chaos]. The third levithan is Rahab, a Watcher and Demon-Prince of the Sea. His other names include Ramuel and Rahab Seriel. The fourth leviathan is the unmanifest dragon of the Qliphoth: Tanin’iver/Taninniver, the blind serpent who lies dormant in Gamaliel (Black Moon/Lilith)– the unmanifest leviathan who will unite Lilith and Samael when he awakes and engenders aeonic progression. Generally, my magickal hymns can be incorporated into any rite for any intended purpose– usually magickal self-empowerment and alchemical transmutation. Alternately, my magickal hymns can be used as magickal exercises in and of themselves– one hymn can be recited repeatedly or a handful of my hymns can be recited once (or more). The first hymns I wrote called upon deities I wanted to work with closely in the future when I wasn’t ready to work closely with them at the time– by incorporating these hymns to deities I had yet

to pursue a relationship with into my rituals, I started the process of reaching out to them gradually, conveniently, and regularly. This increased my energetic rapport with the deities, and by doing that, I was gradually improving my ability to perceive and call forth those deities. This hymn is a little different. It serves to open internal gateways, improve the psychic senses, empower and increase the open-ness of all of the celebrant(s)’s chakras, increase magickal power, etc.– it engenders every kind of empowerment. This hymn is for advanced practitioners, but if the pendulum says you can perform it, you may do so. Adoro Te Raviasamin, Colubri Et Imperatores Amplaudate Dominator Leviathan, Genitor Sitra Achara. Laudate Sophos Ramuel, Hyrdus De Algoral. Agios o Mater Taninsam, Matercula Gamaliel. Agios Taninniver Magne Serpentis; Devoco Raviasamin. O, Sagax Raviasamin, Aeonifer Et Khaosophoros Gloria! Salve Leviathan, Taninsam-Chaosifer, Taninniver Et Rahab Seriel! Translation: I Admire You, Raviasamin, Serpents and Rulers/ I Praise Lord Leviathan, the Father of the Other Side/ I Praise the Wise Ramuel/Rahab, the Dragon of Algoral/ Numinous is Mother Taninsam, the Mother of Gamaliel/ Numinous (is) Taninniver the Great Serpent; I Call the Raviasamin/ Hail Leviathan, TaninsamChaosifer, Taninniver and Rahab Seriel

V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to the Tunnels of Set – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns November 28, 2017November 28, 2017 652 Words {This hymn calls upon the 22 archdemons which govern the Tunnels of Set. See my previous hymns for explanations on how magickal hymns are to be used. / symbols are used to mark the ends of each stanza} Patefi Kliffoth– Aperi Universitas Terrarum Sam Et Reshut HaRabbim/ Evoco Aethereus Thantifaxath, Magna Praesul Manes Et Dominator Succis/ Voco Te Saksaksalim Et Invoco Qulielfi! Venite, Domini Et Divi Etz Ha-Daath/ Invoco Magna Amprodias Et Domina Kurgasiax. Obvenite Spirituum Qliphoth/ Et Germinent Or She-Ein Bo Mahshavah! Incipit Chaos! Alogos Pandendam/ In Nomine Coelestis Shalicu! Concalo Temphioth Forti, Patrona Goeteia Immortalem/ Et Advoco Dynastus Raflifu! Invoco Raflifu Et Voco Te Temphioth!/ Advenite Et Germinent Azoth, Et Germinent Sam Et Akasha!/ Invoco Matercula Gargophias, Regina Necromantia Et Diva DaasKhaos/ Interveni, O Magna A’ano’nin– Concalo Divinus Yamatu Et Voco Te Era Dagdagiel/ Niantiel, Lafcursiax, Uriens– Domini De Inferis Memorantur/ Venite Spirituum– Evigilamini Faciatis Me! Invoco Baratchial Regina

Anados/ Venire. Ostende Nobis, Ambrosia Baratchial. Xul Propagationem/ Invito Sancta Hemethterith, Favisor Alogos, Fautor Astrologiae/ Agios Es, Hemhemterith, Divus Eruditione, Et Agios Ischyros Dominator Zamradiel/ O, Devoco Abbas Zamradiel, Favisor Goeteumata, Et Magna Inperitor Wamphyri/ Interveni, Zamradiel. Aperi Sitra Achara– Aperi Pandemonium. Progredior Alogos./ Et Venire, Parfaxitas. Veni Et Germinet Ether De Qliphoth/ Agios Ischyros Malkunofat; Agios o Erus Characith. Divi Infernum Gloriae/ Venite, Xulatheioi, Venenum Philisthiim. Percipite Kliffoth Et/ Azoth-Spiritus Pandemdam. Fiat Xul, Aur Chashakh, Et Sam De Sitra Achara/ In Nomine Semolatheon, Divi Reshut Ha-Daat, Evoco Azoth Et Aur Chashakh/ Salvete Ambrosii Kelippadaimones– Magistri De Magia,/ Divi Reshut Ha-Rabbim, Et Creatores De Sam Et Xul/ Xulatheioi Gloriae! Perviniam Adamas Ater! Agios o Drakosophia!/ Ya Namosh Sitra Ahra Exat!/ [Open the Qliphoth– Open the World of Poisonous Azoth and the Kingdom of Manifoldness/ I Call to the Immortal Thantifaxath, Great Ruler over Ghosts and the Lord of Vampyres/ I Call to Saksaksalim and I Call Forth Qulielfi! Come, Rulers and Spirits of the Tree of Da’ath/ I Call the Great Amprodias and Mistress Kurgasiax. Come, Spirits of the Qliphoth/ And Bring Forth the Black Light! Let the Chaos Begin! Spread the Unwritten Gnosis/ in the Name of the Immortal Shalicu! I Call the Mighty Temphioth, Immortal Patron of Sorcery/ And I Call Upon Lord Raflifu! I Call Forth Raflifu and I Call to Temphioth/ Come and Generate Azoth, and Generate Poison and the Fifth Element/ I Call Forth Mother Gargophias, Queen of Necromancy and Divinity of the Abyss/ Come, Oh Mighty A’ano’nin– I

Call Forth the Everlasting Yamatu and I Call to Mistress Dagdagiel/ Niantiel, Lafcursiax, Uriens– Lords of the Infernal Plane/ Come, Spirits, and Awaken Me! I Call to Baratchial, the Queen of Magickal Ascent/ Come. Show Us the Power of Your Hand, Baratchial the Eternal. Manifest the Black Light/ I Call on the Sacred Hemethterith, the Promoter of Unwritten Gnosis, and the Patron of Astrology/ Numinous Art Thou, Hemhemterith, Spirit of Enlightenment, and Numinous and Mighty is Lord Zamradiel/ Oh, I Call Father Zamradiel, Promoter of Sorcery, and Great Lord over Vampyres/ Come, Zamradiel. Open the Infernal Plane– Open the Infernal Plane. Promote the Unwritten Gnosis/ And Come, Parfaxitas. Come and Manifest Qliphothic Energy/ Numinous and Mighty is Malkunofat. Numinous is Lord Characith. Glory to the Divinities of the Infernal Plane/ Come, Rulers of the Tunnels of Set, Spirits of Poison. Open the Qliphoth and/ Presence the Fifth Element. Let There Be Black Light: the Light of the Demonic, and the Poison of the Qliphoth/ In the Name of the Ruling Party of the Tunnels of Set, the Spirits of the Nightside, I Presence Azoth and the Black Light/ Hail unto the Everlasting Rulers of the Tunnels of Set– Teachers of Magick/ Spirits of the Infernal Plane, and Generators of the Black Light and Poison of Sitra Ahra/ Glory to the Rulers of the Tunnels of Set! I Will Achieve the Black Diamond! Numinous is the Current of the Adversary/ In the Name of Sitra Ahra, So Shall it Be]

Magickal Hymn to the Twelve Qliphothic Armies – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns January 22, 2019January 22, 2019 162 Words Voco Te Reshut Ha-Rabbim, In Nomine Alogos. Existite Arathatral. Avete Spirituum Sitra De-Smola. Salvete Dagdagiron, Et Salvete Bahimiron. Shichiriron Laudamus Scandite Beiriron, Militibus Ex Inferno. Pervenite Adimiron Voco Autem Shelhabiron Advenite Tzelilimiron, Numinibus Infernales. Obvenite Tzephiriron, Legionem Immortalem. Apparete Necheshethiron Erigite Obiriron O, Divinae Nashimiron Gloriae Supervenite Nachashiron Salvete Karathadragal Ascendam In Nominibus Kaerathatagoroth [I Call to the Kingdom of Manifoldness (Qliphoth)/ In the Name of the Unwritten Gnosis/ Step Forth, (Channeled Name Referring to All Twelve Qliphothic Armies)/ Hail the Spirits of the Sinister Left Side

(Qliphoth)/ Hail the Dagdagiron/ And Hail the Bahimiron/ Praise the Shichiriron/ Rise, Beiriron/ Warriors of the Infernal Plane/ Come, Adimiron/ I Call the Shelhabiron/ Come, Tzelilimiron/ Divine and Infernal Intelligences/ Come, Tzephiriron/ Immortal Legion/ Manifest, Necheshethiron/ Rise, Obiriron/ Oh, Glory to the Numinous Nachashiron/ Hail the (Channeled Name Referring to All Twelve Qliphothic Armies)/ I Will Ascend in the Names of the (Channeled Name Referring to All Twelve Qliphothic Armies)]

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Tiamat, Kingu, & Absu – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns October 1, 2019 154 Words Except when designated otherwise, my magickal hymns are allpurposed. They may be incorporated into any ritual or used as stand-alone incantations for self-empowerment. This one calls upon Tiamat, Kingu, and Absu, and it incorporates multiple channeled secret names which refer to the three collectively. Secret names are only for use in worship and magick. Avete Apason, Thalassa, Et Kingu Magnae Immortales, Laudamus Obveni Gorembol Et Mozrator Diis Primum Et Ingentem Wamphyri Concalo Magnifico Spirituum Dozathora– Tiamat, Qingu, Et Absu Io Barason, Io Dorazae, Io Gorzraedon Translation: “Hail Apason/Absu, Thalassa/Tiamat, and Kingu/ Praise the Great and Immortal Spirits/ Come, (Secret Name for the Three) and (Secret Name for the Three)/ Primordial Gods and Mighty Vampyres/ I Call the Magnificient Spirits/ (Secret Name for the Three)– Tiamat, Qingu, and Absu/ Hail (Secret Name for the Three), Hail (Secret Name for the Three), Hail (Secret Name for the Three).”

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Tiamat, Kingu, & Absu – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns November 1, 2017March 24, 2018 205 Words

This is a magickal hymn to Kingu, Tiamat, and Absu which I have both consecrated and offered up to the deities entreated. It can be used as a stand-alone spiritual practice/exercise or incorporated into a ritual. The hymn consists of seven stanzas because the number seven relates to dragons. When Tiamat, Kingu, and Absu appeared to me, they all appeared as black, four-legged dragons with wings. These tree deities love each other very much and they are always eager to assist vampyres– they truly long for our success. Salve Tiamat, O Genetrix Wamphyri Ave Apason, Regem et Draconis Kingu Gloria– Aperiatur Khaos Venire Tiamat– Veni Kingu et Absu Germinet Azoth et Veneficium Agios Absu Concennitor Khaos Voco te Venefica– Invoco Kingu! [Hail Tiamat, Oh Mother of Vampyres/ Hail Apason (Absu), King and Dragon/ Glory unto Kingu– Open the Primordial Sea/ Come, Tiamat– Come, Kingu and Absu/ Manifest the Fifth Element and the Tradition of Witchcraft/ Numinous (is) Absu, Creator of Khaos/ I Call unto you the Sorceror– I Call unto Kingu]


Magickal Hymn to Ustrina – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns March 1, 2019May 30, 2019 124 Words My magickal hymns may be either incorporated into any ritual or used as a stand-alone spiritual practice. This hymn refers to Ustrina by secret names for her which I’ve channeled, including Sadrinda, Gazila, and Hazinda. These names are for use only in magick and worship. I was commissioned to write this hymn by a client. Ascende, Divinitas– Veni, Sempiterna Ustrina Voco Te, Sadrinda Gentrix, Deam Tenebris Concelebrate Era Ustrina, Regina Daemoniorum Concalo Ustrina Mater, Divinitatem Opulenta Agios Es, Divina Gazila, Anima Satorial Adoro Te, Hazinda Magna, Deitas Saturnia “Rise, Goddess– Come, Eternal Ustrina/ I Call You, Mother Sadrinda, Dark Goddess/ I Praise Lady Ustrina, Queen of Demons/ You Are Numinous, Divine Gazila, Spirit of the Saturnian Qlipha/ I Adore You, Great Hazinda, Saturnian Goddess.”

Magickal Hymn unto Demonic Divinities – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns December 19, 2017 793 Words {This magickal hymn praises and welcomes Panachasragoth– the entirety of the Infernal Divine– and expresses veneration of Goetikon and Havayoth. While Havayoth is the Metagod comprised of the Eleven Rulers of the Qliphoth known also as Hahamahatabawanahada’at, the Goetikon is the Metagod comprised of the 72 Spirits of the Goetia. The Qliphoth is praised and called to by its various Hebrew names: Reshut Ha-Rabbim [Kingdom of Multiplicity], Sitra Ahra [Other Side], Ha-Ilan Ha-Izon [Outer Tree], and Acharayim [Backwards Tree]. All ten realms of the Qliphoth are saluted, with Thaumiel and Thaumithan (Moloch & Satan) being saluted independently, and the other nine Qliphas being saluted in lists comprised of the three Qliphas of each individual Qliphothic Pillar. While Thaumiel is located on the Qliphoth’s central pillar, it is hailed here as the Qliphothic point of origin. Four groups of individual spirits are specifically named and praised. The first group is composed of the Four Succubitic Matrons of Ceremonial Prostitution Bethrothed to Samael (the Most Transcendent Face of the Devil, not to be confused with the Qlipha of the same name). These include Eisheth/Qodesha, Lilith, Nahema/Naamah, and Iggereth/Agrath (aka Agrat bat Mahlat). The second group is composed of Cain/Qayin and his wife Qalmana/Luluwa, the First Ascended Masters of the Left Hand Path or Black Lodge. The third group consists of the Four Demonic Gatekeepers as

codified by E.A. Koetting, namely Abaddon, Belial, Amaymon, and Azazel. The fourth group consists of the three demonic deities who govern the Three Veils which precede the Most Transcendent Face of the Devil and wherefrom emanate the Three Pillars of the Qliphoth. These are Qematriel, Belial, and Athiel. Below the Hymn you will find an easily understood non-literal translation of the magickal hymn. Not only did I empower this hymn personally, it has been consecrated by Panachasragoth, Selene, Davcina, and Poseidon. Magickal hymns can be incorporated into any spell or rite at any point or used as stand-alone spiritual exercises. The use of such hymns was prevalent in Egyptian witchcraft. Hymns are to be chanted– i.e., articulated rhytmically– & they may be recited either once or repeatedly} Advoco Te Reshut Ha-Rabbim; Agios o Megist Sitra Ahra Havayoth Gloria, Goetikon Gloria, Panachasragoth Gloria Nahema, Eisheth, Lilith, Et Agrath Gloriae Agios Qalmana Et Qayin; Avete Spirituum Qliphoth Agios Ischyros Thaumithan Et Agios o Thaumiel Salvete Tagaririm, Gamalielim, Et Reschaim Salvete Satoriel, Golahab, Et Samael Et Salvete Ghogiel, Gamchicoth, Et Harab Serapel Agios Amaymon, Agios Azazel, Agios Abaddon, Et Agios o Belial Salvete Qematriel, Belial, Et Gothiel, O Spirituum Acharayim Salve Panachasragoth Et Agios Ha-Ilan Ha-Izon Agios o Goetikon– Io Hahamahatabawanahada’at. [I Call to the Infernal Plane; Numinous is the Great Infernal Plane/ Glory to the 11-Faced Metagod, Glory to the 72-Faced Metagod, Glory to the Entirety of the Infernal Divine/ Glory to the Four Succubutic Matrons/ Numinous (is) Qalmana and Qayin; Hail (You) Spirits of the Qliphoth/ Numinous and Mighty are Moloch and Satan and Numinous is Thaumiel/ Hail the Three Lower Qliphas of the Qliphoth’s Middle Pillar: Black Sun, Black Moon, and Black Earth/

Hail the Three Qliphas of the Qliphoth’s Left Collumn: Saturn, Mars, and Mercury/ Hail the Three Qliphas of the Qliphoth’s Right Collumn: Uranus, Jupiter, and Venus/ Numinous (is) Amaymon, Numinous (is) Azazel, Numinous (is) Abaddon, and Numinous is Belial/ Hail Qematriel, Belial, and Gothiel, Oh Spirits of the Infernal Plane/ Hail the Entirety of the Infernal Divine and Numinous (is) the Infernal Plane/ Numinous is the 72-Faced Metagod and Hail the Eleven-Faced Metagod] I would also like to introduce my audience to a new magickal name and word of power which refers to and may be used to call forth any demon or group of demons, metagods included. As Belial is known as Mortifer and Taninsam and Leviathan are both known as Chaosifer, I have coined the name Aeonifer for any demonic group or spirit. Aeonifer can be vibrated for the calling-forth of any demon and can be vibrated during a multi-spirit evocation to strengthen the celebrant(s)’s summoning of all the demons she/they are evoking simultaneously. It can be used for invocations and general callingupons as well. I empowered and programmed the name myself with my own energy alongside a possession-induced glossalia (speaking in tongues), and I had the name consecrated thereafter by Poseidon (Neptune), Damkina (Davcina), Mesphito (Mephistophiles), and Panachasragoth. Like all my personally-coined magickal chants and words of power, Aeonifer may be used by any person in any forum or publication in any context without contacting me and without giving me credit. While I would appreciate being credited for my work, it is more important that my teachings spread than my reputation build. All of the content on my website can be shared anywhere by anyone.

Magickal Hymns to Chronos, Saturn, & Zuhal – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns February 13, 2019February 14, 2019 364 Words Here I present a magickal hymn for each of the three first faces of the Saturnian Divinity which I started working with. While Arthur Moros posits that Zuhal (Arabic), Saturn (Roman), and Chronos (Greek) are one and the same, the demon Ralasan told me that these are three distinct aspects of one force who should be approached largely the way one would approach three individual entities. Saturn is the Nightside Bearer of Wisdom: a sickle-bearing deity of chaos and time– a dark and primordial harbinger of enlightenment. Chronos is the embodiment of time and the king of titans– a timetraveling harbinger of power and wisdom. Zuhal is the lord of mystery– a demonic patron of wisdom and spirituality. These are gods of chaos who are to be worshiped when approached, whose offerings it is forbidden to partake of.  

Magickal Hymn to Chronos Salve Pernicialis Chronos Adoro Te, Sapiens Pater Agios Es, Exitosus Athock Concelebrate Ambrosius Atath Agios Ischyros Chronos-Atath Salve Aethereus Seminator

Interveni Praevalidus Divus Advoco Te Potens Chronos Ave Sophos Megist Chronos [Hail to the Destructive Chronos/ I Adore Thee, Wise Father/ Numinous Art Thou, Destructive Athock/ I Praise the Everlasting Athock/ Numinous and Mighty is Chronos-Atath/ Hail to the Immortal Father/ Come, Great Deity/ I Call to You, Mighty Chronos/ Hail to the Wise and Great Chronos]  

Magickal Hymn to Saturn Praedicate Divinus Sterces Saeturnus-Sterculius Gloria Invito Omnituens Saturnus Exitalis Dominus Et Seminator Advoco Pernimius Sterces Amplaudate Deus Falcifer Genitor Sterculius, Admirabilis Invoco Conclamatus Doctus Sterces Ascende Saturnus, Amplus Dominator [I Praise the Numinous Sterces/ Glory to Saeturnus-Sterculius/ I Call the All-Seeing Saturnus/ Destructive Lord and Father/ I Call the Great Sterces/ I Praise the Sickle-Bearing God/ Thou Art Wonderful, Father Sterculius/ I Call the Destructive Wise Sterces/ Rise, Saturnus, Great Lord]  

Magickal Hymn to Zuhal Ave Meticulosus Zuhal Concalo Zuhal, Megist Penitrale Assurge Fautor Illustratio

Orire Aeviternitas Lar Cordatus Cruentus Zuhal Enascere Maximus Numine Salve Perniciosus Zuhal Ignipotens, Seminator Extollate Praevalidus Zuhal [Hail to the Fearsome Zuhal/ I Call Zuhal, Great Spirit/ Rise, Supporter of Enlightenment/ Appear, Everlasting Deity/ Hail to the Destructive Zuhal/ God of Fire, Father/ I Praise the Great Zuhal]

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymns to Moloch, Satan, Lilith, & the Goetikon – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns October 6, 2018 398 Words If you don’t know what my magickal hymns are for, look at the magickal hymns section of my blog. I’ve explained their purpose in that category’s prior entries. Long story short: use them for whatever the fuck you want, because I’ve made them all powerful enough to (probably) impress you, unless you’re from the Temple of Maergzjirah, because those people scare me. I just don’t wanna type it up for the thousandeth time. Note: secret names for the gods are only for magickal use and should not be revealed to the uninitiated. Yes, I had permission to put these on my blog. Oh, Asterius and Minotaur are both names for Moloch.

Magickal Hymn to Lilith Concelebrate Divina Lilitu Ambrosia Genetrix Et Deitas Interveni Mater Riskora Amplaudate Regina Qliphoth Salve Domina Raeastora Advoco Matrona Et Domina Lilith [I Praise the Divine Lilitu/ Immortal Mother and Goddess/ Come, Mother (Secret Name of Lilith)/ I Praise the Queen of the Qliphoth/ Hail Queen (Secret Name for Lilith: RAY-UH-STORE-UH)/ I Call Mother and Lady Lilith]

Magickal Hymn to Satan Advoco Te Omnipotens Raekathoroth Sathanas Gloria– Adveni Satan-Diabolus Agios Ischyros Domine Satan Ornate Praevalidus Genitor Sathan Salve Pater Satana, Ambrosius Seminator [I Call You, All-Powerful (Secret Name for Satan)/ Glory to Sathanas– Come, Satan-Diabolus/ Numinous and Mighty is Lord Satan/ I Praise the Great Father Sathan/ Hail Father Satana, Immortal Father]

Magickal Hymn to the Goetikon Salve Magnus Goetikon, Agente Ex Sitra De-Smola Voco Te Potens Omnituens Goetikon Agios Ischyros Draco Gehennalis, Domnus Acharayim Ave Genetrix Et Seminator, Serpens Et Animus Praevalidus Goetikon Gloria– Invoco Rimtharakhal [Hail the Great Goetikon, Emissary of the Sinister Left Side/ I Call You, Great, All-Seeing Goetikon/ Numinous and Mighty is the Dragon of Hell, Dragon of the Backwards Tree/ Glory to the Great Goetikon– I Call (Secret Name for the Goetikon)]

Magickal Hymn to Moloch Agios Ischyros Pater Moloch Amplaudate Potens Asterius Salve Dominator Moloch-Minotaur Amplaudate Domnus Reshut Ha-Rabbim Ornate Seminator Asterius-Moloch Aethereus Et Ambrosius Patronus Et Rex Obveni Amplus Asterius-Minotaur Invoco Praevalidus Omnituens Aeristoroth Concelebrate Domine Raerathaealakorok

[Numinous and Mighty is Father Moloch/ I Praise the Mighty Asterius/ Hail Lord Moloch-Minotaur/ I Praise the Lord of the Kingdom of Manifoldness/ I Praise Father Asterius-Moloch/ Numinous and Immortal Patron and King/ Come, Mighty AsteriusMinotaur/ I Call the Great All-Seeing (Secret Name for Moloch: AYYris-TOUR-oth)/ I Praise Lord (Secret Name for Moloch (RAY-ruh-thayUH-LAW-CORE-ock)]

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Original Hymns and Magickal Chants to Thor – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Chants, Magickal Hymns September 27, 2017November 23, 2017 431 Words Despite my disagreements with Odin, I have found Thor to be a very helpful entity. He’s comparable to the Egyptian deity named Khepri (the name of which deity is connected to the word of power Xeper) in that all he really seems to want is to help you get the most out of yourself– become the best person you can be. Like Khepri and Hecate, Thor is a deity useful for white and black magick alike– Left and Right Hand Path alike. Thor helps make us strong, courageous, powerful, confident, disciplined, etc. He was often called upon for the consecration of things and what seems like the empowerment of witchcraft spells. He has no problem working with a practitioner of Thursatru (Giant Worship). I’ve written four original chants for magickally calling upon Thor along with a Latin hymn I wrote to him for the same purpose. The meanings of the chants are rendered in English in the brackets. I’ll post a link to the Wikipedia article on him as well as an article about him from my favorite Norse mythology website: Lastly, since my chants use a total of eleven of Thor’s fourteen names, I’ll link the Wikipedia article which defines those names:

Io Rym-Ennilag-Sonnung-Oku-Thor [Hail (Four Names of Thor)] Hailaz Donar [Hail Donar/Thor] Salve Pater Oku-Thor [Hail Unto Father Thor of the Cart] Heil Ennilag-Asa-Thor-Hardveur [Hail (Three Names of Thor)] Salve, salve, agios es Agios ischyros Oku-Thor Venire aeternae Atli Asa-Thor Veni, Vethorm, Donar, et Sonnung Ennilag, Einridi, Biorn, Gloria Ave Pater et rex thunraz Et agios o Mjolnir This seven-stanza hymn to Thor includes several of his names: OkuThor, Atli, Asa-Thor, Vethorm, Donar, Sonnung, Ennilag, Einridi, and Biorn, and expresses admiration of his magickal hammer, Mjolnir. I will translate it non-literally so as to best convey its meaning and poetry. The term “numinous” is a synonym for “divine” which conveys a balance of traits– dark and light alike, for Thor is both Aesir and giant. The Numinous, as coined by Rudolf Otto, is transcendental or supramundane, and inspires, by its nature, both terror and wonder in those who behold it. [Hail, hail, numinous art thou/ Mighty and numinous is Thor of the cart/ Come, terrible and eternal Thor of the Aesier/ Come, Thor, bear and protector of the shrine/ Glory to the one who rides alone, true spirit, one with a forehead wide/ Hail to the father and king over thunder/ And his hammer is numinous]

Second Magickal Hymn for Primal Craft – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns February 21, 2018July 25, 2020 303 Words After I wrote and consecrated a magickal hymn to the Trident of Draconian Magick and the Atlantean Current, which Trident consists of Lucifer, Belial, and Hecate. A friend channeled instructions for two additional magickal hymns for the praxis of Primal Craft. This hymn calls to the four demonic princes: Lucifer (also Lucifero or Lumial), Belial/Belias, Uriens, and Hasmodey/Asmodeus. Specific instructions were delineated to him by Hecate and thereupon relayed to yours truly. I have followed the instructions to the letter. Triodathannis is the magickal name that I wrote and consecrated for the Trident– it’s a singular proper noun which refers to Belial, Hecate, and Lucifer as a group. It is magickally charged and somewhat powerful. Agios Ischyros Genitor Lumiel. Exsurige Alogos Omnium Genius. Adlaudate Lucifero, Et Adlaudate Belias, Agente Ex Sitra Ahra, Agente Ex Triodathannis. Dominus Ex Inferno, Rex Meterbuchus! Invoco Dominus Uriens, Plasmator Azoth Gehennalis. Ave Regulus Infernum, Et Salve Asmoday. Laudate Genitor Golab. Agios o Hasmodey!

Salvete Principes Inferni! Orire Spirituum Sitra De-Smola! Aur Chashakh Pandendos– Aparete Spirituum Qliphoth! In Nominibus Et Potestate Triodathannis, Sub Imperio Et Voluntas Hecate, Regina Coeli, Regina Terrae, Regina Inferos! [Numinous and Mighty is Lucifer/ Arise, Patron of the Unwritten Gnosis/ Praise Lucifer, And Praise Belial/ Emissary of the Trident/ And Emissary of the Other Side/ Lord of Hell, King Belial/ I Call Lord Uriens/ Creator of the Black Light/ Hail the Prince of Hell/ And Hail Hasmodey/ Praise the Father of Golab/ Numinous is Hasmodey/ Praise the Father of Golachab/ Hail the Princes of Hell/ Arise, Spirits of the Sinister Left Side/ And Spread the Black Light– Appear, Spirits of the Qliphoth/ In the Names and Powers of the Atlantean Trident/ Under the Dominion and Will of Hecate/ Queen of Heaven, Queen of Earth, Queen of Hell]

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia   Tagged 128 Current 218 218 Current Anti-Cosmic Satanism Archdemon atlantean atlantis cabala

Sinsitral-Alchemical Hymn for Adepts of Demon Magick – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns February 21, 2018 203 Words This hymn can be incorporated into any rite of demon magick. It serves to align the witch to her True Will and divest her of or diminish the psychological barriers to her spiritual perceptions and the manifesting of her magick. In addition to this, it strengthens the seven chakras of the spinal cord as well as her Black Flame/internal nexion itself. This is for advanced practitioners. Obtestor Aur Chashakh Ecce She-Ein Bo Mashavah Per Aur Chashakh Ascendam Insuper Arduum Ero Similis Edom Belial Per Sum Veridicus Adamas Ater Ecce Phosphorosophia Pyros Anabaino Etz Ha-Daath Ego Sum Sincerus Lapis Exilis Obtestor Xul– Ecce Aur Chashakh [I Call the Black Light of the Qliphoth/ Behold the Black Light of the Qliphoth/ By the Black Light of the Qliphoth, I Will Ascend Above the Greatest Heights/ I Will Become Like Unto Edom Belial*/ For I am the True Philosopher’s Stone/ Behold the Black Light of the Qliphoth/ The Flame from the Tree of Daath/ I Am the True Philosopher’s Stone/ I Call the Black Light of the Qliphoth– Behold the Black Light of the Qliphoth] *Edom Belial or Adam Belial is the archetype of the penultimate adept of demon magick

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Third Magickal Hymn for Primal Craft – V.K. Jehannum

V.K. Jehannum in Magickal Hymns February 22, 2018July 25, 2020 1,058 Words A few days ago, I wrote a magickal hymn to the triumvirate of Qliphothic-Atlantean deities venerated in Primal Craft and the Draconian Tradition, which triumvirate is known as the Trident. The Trident consists of Lucifer, Belial, and Hecate, and the tradition known as the Primal Craft, being established by Mark Allan Smith, is a self-initiatory paradigm of demon magick purposed towards the pursuit of black magickal and alchemical self-deification. Generally, my magickal hymns can be incorporated into any rite for any intended purpose– usually magickal self-empowerment and alchemical transmutation. Alternately, my magickal hymns can be used as magickal exercises in and of themselves– one hymn can be recited repeatedly or a handful of my hymns can be recited once (or more). The first hymns I wrote called upon deities I wanted to work with closely in the future when I wasn’t ready to work closely with them at the time– by incorporating these hymns to deities I had yet to pursue a relationship with into my rituals, I started the process of reaching out to them gradually, conveniently, and regularly. This increased my energetic rapport with the deities, and by doing that, I was gradually improving my ability to perceive and call forth those deities. So, my magickal hymn to the Trident was intended to either give a head start to persons who intended to enact the praxis of Mark Allan Smith’s grimoires in the future or provide a convenient and useful

exercise/sacrament to current practitioners of Primal Craft between their performances of Smith’s written rituals. I was surprised and flattered when Hecate came to a friend of mine and told him that she wanted me to write two more magickal hymns for the tradition of Primal Craft. They channeled such specific instructions that I now know that the value of these hymns to practitioners of Primal Craft will be far greater than I anticipated. Being called to contribute my work and my magick to the incredible tradition of Primal Craft by Hecate herself is such a high fucking compliment. This hymn calls upon all of the deities called upon in Queen of Hell by Mark Allan Smith. It uses various names for the Qliphoth/Kliffoth, including Sitra Ahra/Sitra Achra/Sitra Achara [Other Side], Reshut Ha-Rabbim [Kingdom of Manifoldness], Archarayim [Backwards Tree], and Mavethol. While all the other names of the Qliphoth used in the hymn are titles from traditional Hebrew literature, Mavethol is an invented and consecrated/empowered magickal name for the Qliphoth that I programmed to function as a word of power. Mavethol can be exclaimed and/or vibrated in Qliphothic sorcery to strengthen and rite or spell. The Black Light of the Qliphoth, which many know by the name of Xul, is referred to by the names Aur Chashakh [Illumination of Darkness] and She-Ein Bo Mahshavah [Light Without Thought of Creation]. The hymn also uses multiple names for some of the deites called upon. The three Fates/Moires are referred to both by their Greek names (Clotho, Lachesis, & Atropos) and their Roman names (Mortia, Decima, & Neuna), as well as referred to by two of their traditional plural nouns/names: Moirae, & Parcae. What follows is a list of alternate names used for the deities called upon as used in this hymn:

Belial: Belias Cerberus: Nuberus, Cerbere, Naberius Lucifuge Rofocale: Lucifugus Rofocalus, Lucerifuge, Lucifuge Euronymous: Eurynomos One of the deities called upon in the hymn is Tassatowah. According to Queen of Hell, Tassatowah is (i) a name for Hecate, (ii) a name for a deity who answers to Hecate, and (iii) a word of power which opens the Abyss. Evoco Triodathannis Et Invoco Sitra Achara Salvete Rex Belias, Mater Hecate, Et Genitor Lucifer Sub Voluntas Triodathannis, Peto Adamas Ater Agios O Summus Trinitatis Adorimini Decima, Neuna, Et Mortia Orire Praevalidus Nuberus-Cerbere Avete Moirae Et Salve Cerberus Agios Ischyros Lucifuge Rofocale Et Agios O Naberius Crescite Regulus Uriens Et Genitor Hasmodey Adlaudate Lucifugus Rofocalus Salve Dominator Lucerifuge, O Praevalidus Penitrale Gloria! Avete Aeonifer-Uriens Et Hasmodey-Khaosophoros Subrigite Spirituum Mavethol Et Cresce Triodathannis Exorimini Cerberus, Parcae, Lucifuge, Surgat, Eurynomos Provenite Et Videte She-Ein Bo Mahshavah Adlaudate Behemot Et Laudate Tassatowah Agios O Tassatowah Pentral Ab Acharayim Salve Dominus In Abyssym Irent Obveni Surgat Domnus Acharayim, Aur Chashakh Pandendam Venite Spirituum Sitra Achara– In Nominibus Triodathannis! Peto Atlantis Transmarina Et Reshut Ha-Rabbim Erigite Atropos, Lachesis, Clotho, Surgat, Hecate, Et Tassatowah

Triodathannis Gloria– Exorna She-Ein Bo Mashavah! [I Call the Trident and I Call the Other Side/ Hail King Belial, Mother Hecate, and Father Lucifer/ Under the Will of the Trident, I Reach for the Black Diamond/ Numinous is the Supreme Trinity (Referring to the Trident)/ Rise, Decima, Neuna, and Mortia/ Rise, Mighty Cerberus/ Hail to the Fates and Hail Cerbeus/ Numinous and Mighty is Lucifuge Rofocale/ And Numinous is Cerberus/ Rise Prince Uriens and Father Hasmodey/ Praise Lucifuge Rofocale/ Hail Lord Lucifuge Rofocale, Oh/ Glory to the Mighty Spirit (Referring to Lucifuge Rofocale)/ Hail Uriens the Harbinger of Aeonic Progression and Hasmodey the Harbinger of the Essence/Energy of the Primordial Chaos/ Rise, Spirits of the Qliphoth (This Refers to All Entities Called Upon in the Hymn Thus Far Except the Trident) and Rise, Trident/ Rise, Cerberus, Fates, Lucifuge Rofocale, Surgat, Euronymous/ Arise and Provide the Black Light of the Qliphoth/ Praise Behemoth and Praise Tassatowah/ Numinous is Tassatowah, Spirit of the Backwards Tree/ Hail the Lord of the Abyss (In Reference to Tassatowah)/ Come, Surgat, Lord of the Backwards Tree, Spread the Black Light of the Qliphoth/ Come, Spirits of the Other Side (In Reference to All Spirits Called on in the Hymn)– In the Name of the Trident/ I Reach for Atlantis Beyond the Sea and the Kingdom of Manifoldness/ Rise, Atropos, Lacheis, Clotho, Surgate, Hecate, and Tassatowah/ Glory to the Trident– Provide the Black Light of the Qliphoth] For my first magickal hymn designated for use in Primal Craft, which hymn calls upon the Trident, follow the hyperlink below: For my second magickal hymn designated for use in Primal Craft, which hymn calls upon the four demonic princes, follow the hyperlink below:

For my magickal hymn to Michael (the only deity from Queen of Hell this hymn excludes), follow the hyperlink below:

-V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia