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MODUL 1 FORMATIVE TEST 1 Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat! 1) Joe John

: Hello, John . . . : Good morning.

a. How are you?

c. Fine. Thank you.

b. Good morning.

d. What about you?

2) Mrs. Suryo Roni

: Hi! Roni . . . : I’m Very well. Thank you.

a. How is Mrs. Suryo.

c. Good evening.

b. Good morning.

d. How are you?

3) Susan

: Good evening, Monica. How are you?


: Just fine. Thank you. and you



a. How are you?

c. I’m fine, too.

b. Good evening.

d. How is he?

4) Marry Mirna

: Hi! Mirna. How are you doing? :...

a. I’m very well. Thank you

c. Thank you

b. I’m doing fine.

d. Thanks.

5) Pram Sorta

: Hi! Sorta. . . . : Fine. I got a good mark in English.

a. How are you doing?

c. Good morning

b. Good afternoon.

d. How are you

6) Bahrul Burhan

: Good morning, Burhan. How are you? : . . . . and what about you?

a. I’m fine. thank you

c. Good afternoon

b. How are you doing?

d. How are you

7) Martin Bram

:... : He is very well. Thank you

a. How is your brother?

c. How are they?

b. How is your Mather?

d. How are you?

8) Mathew : How is your father, Peter? Peter


a. I’m very well. Thank you.

c. She is very well.

b. he is fine. thank you.

d. All right.

9) Robert Anne

: Hi! Anne. . . . ? : She is all right

a. How is your mother ?

c. How are you?

b. How is you father?

d. How are they?

10) Robby Ruly

: Hello! Good morning. :...

a. How are you doing?

c. Good morning.

b. What about you?

d. How are you?

FORMATIVE TEST 2 Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat! 1) Susi Edi

:.... : I’m Edi

a. What’s your name, please?

c. What is your birthday?

b. Where do you come from?

d. Where are you from?

2) Ramdan : May, I have your name, please? Rasyid

: ....

a. My name is Ramdan.

c. On jalan surapati

b. I’m fin. Thanks.

d. I’m Rasyid.

3) Hani Fitri

: What you address ? : ....

a. I live on jalan Pakubuono, Yogyakarta

c. Yogyakarta, jalan Pakubuono

56. b. On 56 Yogyakarta, Jalan Pakubuono 4) Patta Sumi

d. My address is at Yogyakarta

:.... : At Jalan Antasari No. 44, Surakarta

a. Where do you come from?

c. Where do you live?

b. Where are you from?

d. What’s your name?

5) Susie Sufi

: Where were you born? :....

a. I was born in Bogor

c. In April in Jakarta

b. Jalan Cabe, Jakarta

d. April 23, 1980

6) Sudi Fahri

: .... : August 13, 1976

a. What’s your birthday?

c. When were you born?

b. Where were you born?

d. How old are you?

7) Amran Wira

: What’s your telephone number? :....

a. Jalan Ampera, Jakarta

c. (0251) 612021

b. Jalan Ampera no 23

d. Number 56

8) Anton Andy

:.... : 081213141516

a. What’s your telephone number?

c. What your address?

b. Where do you come from?

d. What your zip code?

9) Andi Bertha

: .... : Bekasi 17215

a. What is your birthplace?

c. What’s your address?

b. What is your birthday?

d. What’s your zip code?

10) Habafi Asrul

:.... : Situmorang.

a. What’s your first name?

c. What’s your given name?

b. What’s your last name?

d. What’s your middle name?

11) My name is Ali, . . . . I’m Madurese. a. Where are you from?

c. I’m from Madura.

b. What your name?

d. I’m Madura.

12) Hi! My name is Mi Lan. I com,e from China . . . . a. Do you come from China?

c. I am from Chinese

b. Are you from China?

d. I’m Chinese.

13) Hello! My name is Clara. I’m Canadian . . . . a. I’m from Canadianese

c. I am from Canada

b. I’m from Canadian

d. I am Canada

14) I’m Hanafi. I am from West Sumatra . . . . a. I come from Padangese

c. I am Padangese

b. I am from Padangese

d. I’m Padang.

15) I’m Cindy. I’m from Semarang. I’m . . . . a. Javanese

c. Madurese

b. Padangese

d. Sundanese

FORMATIVE TEST 3 Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat! 1) Hello . . . . I’m from West Java. a. This is Mila, my sister.

c. This is my father

b. I am from sundanese

d. I am Hadi

2) Andri Jimmy

: Hi! Are you Jimmy, an elementary teacher at SD Hang Tuah 11? : ....

a. Yes, it is

c. No, it isn’t

b. Yes I am

d. No, you aren’t

3) Bonar Jamus

: Excuse me. Is your name james? : . . . . My name is Jamus.

a. Yes. It is.

c. No. I am not.

b. Yes. I am

d. No. it is not.

4) Bari

: Hi! Jihan. This is my wife, Shinta


: Hello, Shinta. How do you do?



a. How are you?

c. What is your name?

b. How do you do?

d. Is your name Shinta?

5) Helen

: Lina, . . . . My sister.


: Hi! Mia. How do you do?


: How do you do? . . . .

a. I am very well. Thank you

c. Is your name Mia?

b. I am happy to meet you

d. Are you Mia?

6) Mrs. Wijaya

: Hello! I’m Mrs. Wijaya. I’m the new principal in this school

The teacher

: Hello, Mrs. Wijaya. I’m glad to meet you.

Mrs. Wijaya


a. I’m glad to meet you. too

c. How do you do?

b. I’m very well. Thank you

d. How are you?

7) Ronald Mary

: Hi, Mary, . . . . : Hello, Richard, it is nice to meet you

a. This is Richard, my brother. b. This is Mary, my sister 8) John Paula

c. My name is Richard d. I am Richard.

: Paula, this is my sister, Christine. : Hi, Christie, . . . .

Christine : I’m happy to meet you, too a. I’m happy to meet you, to

c. What your name?

b. I’m happy to meet you

d. How do you do?

9) Budi Antoro

: Are you Anton? : .....

a. No, I’m not. I’m Antoro.

c. Yes, I am

b. No, it is not. I’m Anton.

d. Yes, it is

10) Wulan Alice

: Excuse me? Are you Alin? :....

a. No, it is not. I’m Alice

c. Yes. I am

b. No, I’m not. I’m Alice

d. Yes, it is

MODUL 2 FORMATIVE TEST 2 1) Right now Yoko . . . . an article in the newspaper, but she . . . . it. Some of the vocabulary . . . . too difficult for her. a. is reading, doesn’t understand, is

c. is reading, understand, is

b. reads, is not understand, be

d. read, understand, is

2) I_____some words on the board. I wear my glasses. a. see

c. am seeing

b. sees

d. am going to see

3) I_____to call my parents today and tell them about my new apartment. a. needed

c. am needing

b. needs

d. need

4) My parents can’t call me because they____my new telephone number a. did not know

c. does not know

b. do not know

d. are not know

5) This tea is good I_____it a. like

c. didn’t like

b. don’t like

d. am like

6) Sam is at the library now. He always . . . . . to the library after school. He . . . . to the library after school yesterday. And he . . . . tomorrow a. is going, goes, is going

c. go, goes, is going to go

b. goes, went, will go

d. is going, went, go

7) He_____at the table right now, he____a composition. He always___a dictionary to look up the spelling of some words. a. is sitting, is writing, will use

c. is sitting, is writing, uses

b. sits, writes, is going to use

d. sits, writes, uses

8) Sam always____up words in the dictionary because he___to make sure that he doesn’t misspell any words. a. is looking, is wanting

c. looks, wants

b. look, is going to want

d. look, want

9) Right now the children____at the beach, and they___a good time. a. are, are having

c. are, have

b. is, is having

d. ia, has

10) They____a beach ball, and they____catch with it a. have, play

c. had, played

b. has, plays

d. are having, playing

11) Yesterday they___to some music on a transistor radio. They also___the sound of sea gulls and the sound of the waves. a. are listening, are hearing

c. listened, heard

b. will listen, will hear

d. listens, hears

1) Anwar Bilal

: Does Mary have a bicycle? : . . . . she has a ten-speed bike.

a. Yes, she does

c. Yes, she is

b. No, she is not

d. No,she doesn’t

2) Amran

: is it raining right now?


: ____The sky is bright.

a. No, is itsn’t

c. Yes, it is

b. No, it doesn’t

d. Yes, it does

3) I____Sour oranges yesterday a. buy

c. bought

b. will buy

d. am going to buy

4) Your friends____a lot of letters next week a. are going to write

c. worte

b. is going to write

d. writes

5) The students____a test in class next week. a. are taking

c. is going to take

b. is taking

d. are going to take

6) I . . . . Tom in singapore last year. a. am going to meet

c. will meet

b. met meeting

7) I . . . . six drawers in my desk a. am going to have

c. am having

b. will have

d. have

8) Jean and I . . . . at the library tomorrom evening. a. will study

c. are studying

b. am studying

d. study

9) She . . . . at the student union this morning. a. was

c. were

b. is

d. be

10) Jean . . . . in the swimming pool avery avening. a. is swimming

c. swim

b. will swing

d. swims

MODUL 3 1) Anita and Roy have to children, Dona and boy. Who is Dona ? a. Roy’s wife

c. Boy’s mother

b. Anita’s sister

d. Anita’s daughter

2) Rico marriet ann a year ago. Who is ann? a. Rico’s wife

c. Rico’s mother

b. Rico’s sister

d. Rico’s husband

3) Dini and Budi are Dewi’s parents. a. dewi’s brother

c. Dini’s husband

b. Dewi’s mother

d. DIni’s father

4) Mr. and Mrs. Green are Bill’s parents. Who is Bill? a. Mr. and Mrs. Green’s daughter

c. Bill’s mother

b. Mr. and Mrs. Green’s son

d. Bill’s father

5) Sheila is Tom’s sister. their parent are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew. How many children does Mr. Andrew have? a. one child

c. two children

b. no children

d. thee children

6) Sheila is Tom’s sister. their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew. Who is Mr. Andrew? a. Sheila’s parents

c. Tom’s brother

b. Sheila’s papert

d. Tom’s mother

7) Mr. and Mrs. Green are Bill’s parent. Who is Mrs. Green? a. Mr. Green’s mother.

c. Bill’s mother

b. Mr. Green’s parent

d. Bill’s father

8) Today is December 25, 2006. Tomorrow is Edo’s seventeenth birthday When was Edo born? a. December 25, 2006

c. On December 25, 1996

b. December 26, 2006

d. On December 26, 1996

9) Norma is four years old. Is she in school ? Yes, she is in . . . . a. Elementary school

c. junior high school

b. Senior high school

d. preschool

10) Santi Susi

:..... : My son is 15 years old, and my daughter is 11.

a. When were your children born?

c. What is your date of birth

b. How old are you children

d. When is you birthday

Mr. and Mrs. Simanjuntak Tiur Maida



11) How many daughters do Mr.and Mrs. Simanjuntak have? a. one daughter

c. three daughter

b. two daughter

d. four daughter

12) How many people are there in Mr. Simanjuntak’s family? a. two people

c. four people

b. three people

d. five people

13) How many man are there in the family? a. two man

c. four man

b. three man

d. five man

14) How many women are there in the family? a. two women

c. four women

b. three women

d. five women

15) Who are Mr. and Mrs. Simanjuntak? They are . . . . . . a. sorta’s brother and sister

c. husband and wife

b. tiur maida’s parent

d. maruli’s parent

Gambar 1 Question number 1 to 3 refer to picture number 1 (gambar 1)

1) What is the shape of this watch? a. Circular

c. Square

b. Conical

d. Rectangular

2) What is it probably made of? a. Metal and plastic

c. Gem and iron

b. jewel and pearls

d. iron and stone

3) What is it used for? a. Calling someone

c. a decoration

b. Telling the time

d. a prestige

Gambar 2 Question number 4 to 6 refer to picture number 2 (Gambar 2)

4) What is the name of the picture? a. an ice cream

c. a candy

b. a trumpet

d. a cone

5) What are the ingredients you need to mike it? a. Sugar, milk, egg, white butter, vanilla

c. Coriander, red onion, white

onion b. pepper, cucumber, chili, salt, oil

d. chocolate, sugar, white onion

6) What is the shape of the picture? a. Trapezional

c. Spherical

b. Rectangular

d. Conical Gambar 3 Question number 7 to 9 refer to picture number 3 (Gambar 3)

7) What is the shape of the picture? a. Trapezional

c. Spherical

b. Rectangular

d. Conical

8) What is the picture about? a. some grass

c. a tree

b. an animal

d. insects

9) What do we use it for? a. Breeding the rare birds

c. Reforming the land

b. Creating the fresh air

d. Homing the birds

Gambar 4 This is pot frame Question number 10 to 12 refer to picture number 4 (Gambar 4) 10) What do we use this frame for? a. Placing the pot plants

c. Seeding equipment

b. Growing the flowers

d. Planting the tree

11) What is the shape of the frame? a. Semicircular

c. Travezoinal

b. Rectangular

d. Cubical

12) What is the frame made of? a. Wood

c. Jewel

b. Iron

d. Plastic

Gambar 5 This is an ice cube Question number 13 to 15 refer to picture number 5 (Gambar 5) 13) What is the shape of the picture? a. Cylindical

c. Cubical

b. Conical

d. Oval

14) What is the ice cube made of? a. Fabric

c. Plastic

b. Wood

d. Vinyl

15) What do you use it for? a. Keeping the thing frozen

c. Saving raw vegetable

b. Making some ice blocks

d. Saving the ripe fruit

Gambar 6

This is a bracelet 16) What is the shape of the bracelet? a. Conical

c. Circular

b. Cubical

d. Spherical

17) What is the bracelet made of? a. Stone

c. Iron

b. Metal

d. Wood

18) What is the shape of the precious stone in the bracelet? a. conical

c. Circular

b. Cubical

d. Oval

Kerjakan tes ini berdasarkan diagram berikut Mrs. Yusuf

Rizal + Marni

Mr. Yusuf

Mety + Budi

Amran Yusuf



Isman Yusuf

Yusuf Yunus





1) How many children do Mr. and Mrs. Yusuf Have? a. Two

c. Four

b. Three

d. Six

2) How many sons does Mr. Yusuf have?


a. Two

c. Four

b. Three

d. Six

3) How many daughters does Mr. Yusuf have? a. Two

c. Four

b. Three

d. Six

4) Who is Mrs. Yusuf? a. Lisna’s Father-in-law

c. Marni’s husband-in-law

b. Isman’s father-in-law

d. Mety’s mother-in-law

5) Who is Rizal? He is . . . . a. Mety’s brother-in-law

c. Marni’s husband

b. Isman’s sister-in-law

d. Amran’s uncle

6) Who is budi? He is . . . . a. Mr. and Mrs. Yusuf’s son

c. Yunus’s nephew

b. Santi and Sinta’s father

d. Amran’s uncle

7) Who is Amran’s sister-in-law? a. Marni

c. Lisna

b. Mety

d. Indri

8) Who are Mr. Yusuf’s sons-in-low? a.Yusuf and Andre

c. Budi and Isman

b. Rizal and Amran

d. Marni and Isman

9) Who is Mrs. Yusuf’s daughter-in-low? a. Marni

c. Lisna

b. Mety

d. Sinta

10) Who are Santi’s cousins? a. Sinta and Santi

c. Amran and Yusuf

b. Indri and Andre

d. Budi and Isman

11) Who is Yunus’ grandfather? a. Mrs. Yusuf

c. Amran Yusuf

b. Mr. Yusuf

d. Rizal Yusuf

12) Who is Santi’s grandmother? a. Mety Yusuf

c. Marni Yusuf

b. Lisma Yusuf

d. Mrs. Yusuf

13) Andre is . . . . a. Amran’s nephew

c. Yunus’ nephew

b. Amran’s niece

d. Yunus’ niece

14) Sinta is . . . . a. Andre’s nephew

c. Yunus’ cousin

b. Indri’s sister

d. Sinta’s niece

15) Mr. and Mrs. Yusuf are . . . a. Budi and Isman’s parent

c. Sinta’s grand children

b. Amran’s mother-in-low

d. Santi’s grandparents

16) Santi and Santa are . . . . a. Amran’s nephews

c. Rizal’s children

b. Budi’s daughters

d. Mety’s sons

17) Indri and Andre are . . . . a. Mety’s nieces

c. Rizal’s children

Lisna’s nephews

d. Budi’s cousins

18) Amran is . . . . a. Andre’s nephew

c. Yunus’s uncle

b. Isman’s cousin

d. Santi’s aunt

19) Yunus is . . . . a. Mety’s nephew

c. Lina’s cousin

b. Andre’s uncle

d. Rizal’s niece

20) Mety is . . . . a. Andre’s nephew

c. Indri’s aunt

b. Yunus’ cousin

d. Santi’s niece

MODUL 4 Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat! 1) X : . . . . . . . . . ? Y : It is seven o’clock now a. What is it the time

c. What time it is

b. What time is it

d. What does it time

2) X : . . . . . . . . . . ? Y : No, it isn’t. it is quarter past eight a. Is it a quarter to eight now

c. It is a quarter past eight now

b. Is it a quarter to seven now

d. It is a quarter past seven now

3) X : What is the time, Please Y : It is . . . . . . . . ( 6:25 ) a. six past twenty five

c. twenty five to six

b. twenty five past six

d. six to twenty five

4) It is eight to nine = . . . . a. 8:09

c. 8:52

b. 9:08

d. 9:09

5) It is twenty-six to seven = . . . . a. 7:34

c. 20:06

b. 26:07

d. 20:07

6) It seventeen past nine = . . . . a. 9:17

c. 8:43

b. 17:09

d. 9:43

7) Which one is right?

a. It is half to seven?

c. It is half before seven?

b. Is it half to seven?

d. Is it half past seven?

8) What time . . . . your father go to work? a. is

c. does

b. are

d. do

9) I usually get up . . . . six o’clock . . . . sundarys. a. at – on

c. in – at

b. on – at

d. at – in

10) The bus arrives . . . . a quarter past ten and departs . . . . half past eleven. a. on – at

c. at – at

b. on – on

d. in – in

Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat! 1) If it is Wednesday now, it will be . . . . tomorrow. a. Friday

c. Thursday

b. Tuesday

d. Saturday

2) X : . . . . . . . ? Y : It is Sunday. a. What is today

c. What is it the day

b. What is the day

d. What the day is

3) X : What day is it today? Y :.......... a. It Saturday

c. It is Saturday

b. It Saturday is

d. Saturday it is

4) Which one is right? a. it is December five

c. it is five of December

b. it is the fifth of December

d. it is December the five

5) How do you say in English ( 26 – Mei – 1998 ) a. It is the twenty – sixth of May nineteen ninety – eight b. It is the May of nineteen ninety – eight twenty – sixth c. It is the nineteen ninety – eight of May twenty – sixth d. It is the May twenty – six nineteen ninety – eight The following dialogue is for questions number 6 – 7 John

: Excuse me, Bill. What’s the date today?


: I really don’t know. What month is this?


: This is June. But I don’t know what the date is.


: I believe it’s the ninth or the tenth of June.


: It must be June 9. What year is this?


: I know what year it is. This is nineteen sixty – six

6) John doesn’t know about . . . .

a. the date

c. year

b. month

d. time

7) What year is in the dialogue? a. 1966

c. 1977

b. 1976

d. 1986

8) X : . . . . . . . . . . . . ? Y : Yhis is July. a. What is the month

c. What month is this

b. What month is

d. Is it July now

9) X : . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? Y : This is nineteen thirty – seven a. What year is this

c. What year it is

b. What is the year

d. What year this is

10) The sky looks darker and darker. It is going to . . . . a. rain

c. rainy

b. cold

d. be hot

Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat! 1) Which one is right? a. Hello. This is 24905 ?

c. Hello. This is number 24905 ?

b. This is 24905. Hello ?

d. Hello. Is that 24905 ?

2) X : Hello. Is that department store? Y :............. a. Yes, is that right

c. Yes. Spesking

b. Yes. That is right

d. Yes. Who speaking

3) Q : Hello. Radio Taxis. R :........ ..... a. I’d like a taxi, please

c. Do you want a taxi?

b. Taxi, please

d. You want a taxi

4) You wantto call your friend Maria. a. Hello. Is Maria here?

c. Hello. I could speak to Maria

b. Hello. Maria is here

d. Hello. Is Maria speaking?

5) Q : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R : No, I’m sorry. She is not at home a. Who is speaking

c. Could I speak to Maria

b. Speaking. This is John

d. I could speak to Sinta, ok?

The following conversation is for questions number 6 – 7 Q : Hello ? R : Hello, Mr. Brown ? This is Dwian from home’s realty. Q : Hi. Have you found a house for me yet? R : Yes, I have a great house to show you. it is on Jl. Melati. It is only a hundred and fifty million. Q : Oh, that is too expensive for me. 6) Who wants to buy a house? a. Mr. Brown

c. Mr. Brown and Dwian

b. Dwian

d. No one does

7) Who said “hello” in the first line? a. Mr. Brown

c. Someone else

b. Dwian

d. The secretary

8) Which one is right?

a. I know Ronny for five years

c. I have known Ronny for five years

b. I know Ronny since five years

d. I have been knowing for five years

MODUL 5 1) Which group of words contain different word? a. apple, orange, pineapple

c. tea, coffee, beer, coke

b. garlic, onion, salary

d. nice, tasty, butter

2) Which group of words belong to vegetables? a. tasty, large, warm, cold

c. cabbage, eggplant, cauliflower

b. beer, tea, coffee

d. sausage, bread, soap

3) You are at the supermarket, then you will buy butter, so you will go to the . . . . a. bakery section

c. produce section

b. dairy section

d. meat department

4) You are at the supermarket, you are going to buy sausage but you don’t know where is it. You will ask to the shopkeeper : “ . . . . . . . . . . “ a. Where the sausage is?

c. Where I can get the sausage?

b. Where is the sausage?

d. I can get the sausage where?

5) A kilo of garlic costs Rp 4000,00. A kilo of onion costs Rp 3000,00. Which comparative is right? a. A kilo of garlic costs cheaper than a kilo of onion. b. A kilo of garlic costs more cheaper than a kilo of onion c. A kilo of garlic costs more expensive than a kilo of onion d. A kilo of garlic costs the most cheaper than a kilo of onion 6) Which one is right? a. Carrot is less nutritious than candy

c. Carrot is worse for the teeth then

candy b. carrot is sweeter than candy

d. Candy is sweeter than carrot

7) Which one is right? a. How much bottles of wine would you like? b. How much bottles of wine you would like? c. How many bottles of wine would you like? d. How many bottles of wine you would like?

The following text is for questions number 8 to 9. Dolores

: Diane! Hello, there!


: Oh, Hello, Dolores.


: My goodness! You certainly have a lot of things in you cart!


: Yes, well, you know we have five children.


: Are you buying Pearly White Dishwashing Liquid? There are cheaper

brands. Diane

: It’s more expensive than other brands, but I thing it last longer.


: Those cherries look nicer than the strawberries in my cart! May I

taste one? (She takes a cherry). Oh, they are much tastier than the cherries last year. Diane

: But it taste just as good as white rice and it’s more nutritious.


: You know, this market says it’s cheaper than all the others. I think it’s

just as Expensive. What do you thing? Diane

: I thing one market is as good as any other. Well, I’ll let you go now,

Dolores. I know you are busy. 8) How many children does Diane have? a. five children

c. three children

b. four children

d. two children

9) Which one is the tastiest? a. Diane’s cherries

c. Last year’s cherries

b. Dolores’ strawberries

d. Dolores’ cherries

10) Which one is not right to compare between white rice and brown rice? a. Brown rice is better than white rice b. Brown rice is less slowly than white rice c. Brown rice is more nutritious than white rice d. Brown rice is tastier than white rice

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat! 1) Have you got . . . . . potatos? a. some

c. much

b. any

d. many

2) Q : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?

R : Yes, dear. How much would you like? a. You have got any sugar?

c. Have you got any sugar?

b. You have got some sugar?

d. Do you have got some sugar?

3) There is . . . . . ham in the refrigerator? a. some

c. any

b. many

d. few

4) Isn’t there . . . . . spaghetti? a. much any

c. any

b. many

d. few

5) Which one is a countable noun? a. beef

c. butter

b. spaghetti

d. cake

6) Q : Have you got any cherries? R : Yes dear. How . . . . . would you like? a. many

c. some

b. much

d. any

Question number 7 – 8 are based on the following text. Slender and attractive Linda Lotsa has some ham and potatoes with vegetables for dinner, with a little ice cream and a few cookies for dessert. Her dinner is very small tonight because she’s also competing in an eating contest. The contest begins at 8:00. Linda start off with a few grapes. Then she has an apple. Next she eats some roast beef, a plate of spaghetti and meat balls, and some slices of pizza. She drinks three bottles of soda pop and a glass of milk. She finishes with a piece of cake and some fruit, but she doesn’t have any pie or doughnuts. Linda Lotsa is the winner of City College’s Annual Eating Contest, she goes out with some friends. She celebrates her victory with a big ice cream sundae ( Kirn and Jack : 1990 )

Questions 7) What does Linda eat for dessert? a. some ham

c. a few cookies

b. some potatoes

d. vegetables

8) When does Linda eat a plate of spaghetti? a. Before she eats an apple

c. After she eats some roast beef

b. Before she eats a few grapes

d. After she eats some slices of pizza

Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat? 1) . . . . . . . you got a table for three? a. Have

c. Are

b. Do

d. Will

2) Q : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? R : Here you are. I’ll be back in a moment to take your order. a. May I take your order, please?

c. May I see a menu, please?

b. May I know your order, please?

d. May I have more princes list, please?

3) Q : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? R : I’d like egg salad and cheese pizza.

a. Do you like to eat?

c. May I know you want to eat?

b. Would youo like to eat?

d. what would you like to eat?

4) I’ll start with soup, please, and then I’ll . . . . . roast beef. a. continue

c. see

b. have

d. get

5) Q : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? R : Coca-cola, please. a. what would you like to drink

c. what may you like to drink

b. May you like to drink

d. would you like to drink coca-cola

6) Which one is not correct for ordering? a. May a see a menu, please?

c. May I have more coffee, please?

b. May I have more coffee, please?

d. you may get some tea, please?

7) Which one is an offering? a. Can I have a cup af coffee?

c. Would you like a cup of coffee?

b. could I have a table for two?

d. May I have some milk?

8) Which one is an asking? a. May I have something to drink?

c. Would you like to drink?

b. May you have something to drink?

d. Could I have something to drink?

MODUL 6 Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat! 1) Q : Excuse me, . . . . . . . . . . R : You want number 6 or 14 a. Can you tell me which bus goes to the Museum? b. Can you tell me which bus to the Museum does? c. which bus to the museum, please? d. Do you know which bus to the Museum? 2) How . . . . . your father go to work? a. Is

c. Do

b. Are

d. Does

3) I don’t know . . . . . a. Where this bus stops

c. Where this bus stop

b. Where does this bus stop

d. where do this bus stop

4) Can you tell me a. how much does it cost to take a city bus to the station? b. how much a city bus cost to the station? c. how much a city bus goes to the station costs? d. how much a city bus go to the station cost? 5) Q : How can I get to your house? R :.................... a. You can get there by taxi

c. Can you get by taxi?

b. Can get by taxi

d. Can you get there by taxi?

6) X : “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?” Y : “It is not far from here. Just take a walk about 100 meters. The bank is on the righ” a. Where the nearest bank is? b. Can you tell me where is the nearest bank? c. Could you tell me where is the nearest bank? d. Could you tell me where the nearest is? 7) X : Would you like to tell me when the last train come? Y :“...................“ a. Yes, certainly. I will.

c. It is over there on the first

corridor b. The last train will come in a few minutes

d. Well, the train will be at five

o’clock. 8) Remind him not to drive fast. a. Don’t drive too fast

c. Not to drive too fast

b. Don’t be too fast to drive

d. Do not drive fast, ok?

Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat! 1) Look at this picture

The Horison Hotel is located . . . . the bank and the police station. a. among

c. between

b. beside

d. across form

2) Complete the dialogue : Robert



: Yes, go straight this way about 200 meters, and turn left. The museum is next to the market.

a. Hi. Can you show me the way to the museum?

b. Forgive me. Can you show me the way to the museum? c. I’m sorry. Could you tell me the way to the market? d. Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the museum? 3) Look at this map!

From the map, we know that the supermarket is . . . . the church. a. behind

c. on the corner of

b. next to

d. across from

4) Fredy Novy

:................ ? : I always go to campus by motorcycle.

a. How do you get to campus? b. How do you arrive in campus? c. How do you goes to campus? d. How you get to campus? 5) Yusfi Dwian

:................? : Well. It only takes 10 minutes by car.

a. Do you go to work by car? b. How far is it to go by car? c. How long does it take to your campus? d. How do you go to your campus? Question 6 – 7 based on the following map. 6) You are at A. you go ahead, turn left and then turn right. You stop on you left building. Where are you? a. At the bookstore

c. At the bank

b. At the post office

d. At the hotel

7) You and your frend Dody are at B. Dody asks you to get to hospital. How do you show him the direction to the hospital? a. Go straight ahead, take the first turning on your left and second on your right, the hospital is on your left.

b. Go straight ahead, take the right turning on your left and second on your right, the hospital is on your right. c. Go straight ahead, take the first turning on your left and second on your right, the hospital is on your right. d. Go straight ahead, turn left and turn right, the hospital is on your right. 8) Q : “Where is the bank?” R : I’m sorry. I don’t know . . . . . . a. where is the bank

c. where the bank

b. where the bank is

d. where it is the bank

Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat! 1) Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me . . . . . . . . ? a. when the next plane leaver for jogja b. when the next plane leaver for jogja c. when does the next plane leave for jogja d. when do the next plane leave for jogja 2) Q : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R : The fare for aech ticket is one hundred and fifty thousand rupiahs a. What is the cost for ticket?

c. What is the fare for a ticket?

b. What cost for a ticket, please?

d. What the fare for a ticket?

3) Would you tell me . . . . . . . . . . . ? a. how much a ticket to Jakarta

c. how much does a ticket to Jakarta cost

b. how much a ticket to Jakarta is

d. how much does it cost a ticket to

Jakarta The following dialogue is for questions number 4 – 5 Tony

: Excuse me, afficer. Could you tell me how often the number 15 bus

comes? Officer

: You just miss it, but there is another one in half an hour


: Oh, no! Then could you tell me where Sudirman street is?


: Two blocks east and one block north.


: thank you. and just one more thing. Do you know where the nearest restaurant is?


: Right behing you, see that sign?


: Oh! Thank a lot.

4) Where does Tony want to go? a. Sudirman street

c. Ger a bus number

b. Restaurant

d. Two block east of Sudirman street

5) How long should Tony wait for another bus? a. 60 minutes

c. 30 minutes

b. 120 minutes

d. 15 minutes

6) Q : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? R : Certainly, here you are a. Could you give me the flight schedule of Jogjakarta b. Could you give the flight schedule to Jogjakarta c. Could you give me the flight schedule to Jogjakarta d. Give me the flight schedule to Jogjakarta, please 7) Arrange the following sentences into good paragraph. 1. Go north on Gajah Mada until you come to the third traffic light. 2. To get there by car, fist take Dipenogoro street and get off an Gajah Mada street. 3. Then walk about a hundred meters, my house is on your right. 4. I live in Merapi view. a. 3 – 4 – 2 – 1

c. 3 – 4 – 1 – 2

b. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

d. 4 – 2 – 1 – 3

Question number 8 based on the train schedule

Destination Purwokerto

Adult Rp. 80.000,00

Child Rp. 60.000,00


Rp. 80.000,00

Rp. 60.000,00


Rp. 100.000,00 Rp. 80.000,00


Rp. 100.000,00 Rp. 80.000,00

8) Mr. and Mrs. Antoro and their two children are traveling from Jakarta to Jogjakarta, how much will it cost? a. It costs Rp, 400.000,00

c. It costs Rp, 340.000,00

b. It costs Rp, 360.000,00

d. It costs Rp, 320.000,00

MODULE 7 BAGAIAN A 1) HI, I am Michael Owen. I love playing football. Playing footballis not only my hobby, it is also my profession. I am a professional football player. I earn my living from playing football. 2) She is a housewife. Her name is mrs Cartwright. Her hobby is cooking. She always cock for all family. As you see in the picture, she is cooking now. 3) You see the picture on the right? What are you doing? We are playing basketball. We are basketball players. We ussualy practice basketball together. We love this game very much. 4) Is she a housewife? No, she isn’t. she is playing tennis now. She is a professional tennis player. BAGIAN B Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dalam bahasa Indonesia dan sebutkan kalimat bahasa inggris dari teks yang menjadi dasar jawaban anda. 5) Terdiri atas apakah suatu olahraga itu? 6) Apa tujuan olahraga?

7) Apa yang menyebabkan tujuan olah raga berbeda? 8) Sejak kapan orang china mengenal olahraga? 9) Sejak kapan orang mesir melakukan olahraga? 10) Apa itu “Zhourkhaneh”? 5) Olahraga itu terdiri atas suatu aktivitas fisik. Kalimat yang menunjukan hal ini adalah “ A sport consist of a physical activity ” 6) tujuan olahraga adalah untuk rekreasi. Kalimat yang menunjukan ini adalah “ it has a recreational purpose: ….. “ 7)

yang menyebabkan adalah cirri dari olahraga tersebut digabung dengan pemahaman atas kekuatan individu atau tim. Kalimat yang menunjukan hal ini adalah “ The difference of purpose is what characterizes sport, combined with the notion of individual ( or team) skill process.”

8) orang cina (kemungkinan) telah mengenal olahraga sejak tahun 4000 sebelum masehi. Kalimat yang menunjukan hal ini adalah “ The Chinese have done sporting activities since 4000 BC “ 9) terindikasikan bahwa orang mesir telah mengenal olahraga sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu. Kalimat yang menunjukan hal ini adalah “Pharaoh monuments tell us that a number of sports, including swimming and fishing, were well developed thousand of years ago in ancient Egypt “ 10) Zhourkhaneh adalah olahraga orang Persia yang berkaitan dengan keahlian berperang. Kalimat yang menyatakan hal ini adalah “ An ancient Persian sport, Zhorkhaneh, had a close connection to the warfare skills.”


Ted is making a speech. Since this is a formal event, Ted is wearing a jacket and a tie. The jacket looks very good. It must be made of fine fabric. In this


kind of event, you cannot wear a T shirt and jeans Randy is an artist. He is playing guitar. He is not wearing a jacket and tie. In fact, he doesn’t like wearing a jacket and a tie. He is wearing a t-shirt and


jeans. I believe you know this boy. What is he wearing? Yes, he is wearing a t-shirt and a jacket. It is fabric, so he doesn’t go to school. He always wear school


uniforms when he goes to school Look at him. Our younger brother is getting taller, he will need new clothes. The old uniforms are too tight now. They do no longer fit him. We have to

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

buy new school uniforms before school days start. This shirt is too short. I need longer one. The ball is too small. I need a bigger one. The sweater is too lose. I need a tighter one. This shirt is too expensive. Do you have a cheaper one? The trousers are perfect. They fit me. I think I’ll buy them. How much does the shirt cost? How much are trousers? They are 45.000 rupiahs The trousers I bought yesterday are worn out. I think I will have a complaint. To have a complaint. I have to have the receipt as a proof that I bought it. Can I have my money back instead of a creadit slip You’d rather have you money back . I can arrange that

MODULE 9 B. Buatlah conditional sentence dengan menggabungkan pasangan kata! Contoh soal : I buy the book – I have money Menjadi : I will buy the book if I have money, atau : If I have money, I will buy the book. 1) Children don’t go to school – children don’t have future. If children don’t go to school, they will not have future. 2) I don’t pass the exams – I don’t study hard. I will not pass the exams if I don’t study hard. 3) I tell him about it – He is angry. If I tell him about it, he will be angry. 4) The teacher is angry- the student don’t do their homework. The teacher will be angry if the students don’t do their homework. 5) I come home late – My mother is anxious. If I come late my mother will be anxious. 6) You help me – I am glad. If you help me, I will be glad. 7) I don’t pass the exams – I lose my face. If I don’t pass the exams, I will lose my face. 8) She needsme – I come. If she needs me I will come. C. Buatlah kalimat-kalimat berikut menjadi kalimat pasif! Contoh soal: I bought the book Menjadi: The book was bought (by me) 1) My father reads the newspaper every morning. The newspaper is read by me every morning. 2) We discussnew problem in the meeting. New problem are discussed by us in the meeting 3) Ami sends me email every week. Email is sent by Ami every week

4) We boght the house last year. The house was bought by us last years. 5) She borrowed the bookj last week The house were borrowed by her last week 6) Aji has found his lost wallet. Aji’s lost wallet has been found by him. 7) Mira and Raini ate the cake. The cake was eaten by Mira and Raini. 8) The government has provided compulsory education for children. Compulsory education has been provided by the government for children.