LAMOR MM12 en 1108 Complete [PDF]

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Lamor Corporation Ab Urakoitsijantie 12, FIN-06450 PORVOO Tel +358-(0)20-7650100, Fax +358-(0)20-7650129 [email protected],






CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 3  2. SAFETY .............................................................................................................................. 4  2.1 

Symbols and safety instructions ............................................................................... 4 


Notice during operation ............................................................................................ 5 


Risks caused by misuse ........................................................................................... 5 


Risks related to operating conditions........................................................................ 6 


Emergency stop........................................................................................................ 6 

3. GENERAL........................................................................................................................... 7  4. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS......................................................................................... 8  4.1 

Required equipment ................................................................................................. 9 

5. TRANSPORTATION AND LIFTING ................................................................................. 10  5.1 

The equipment in transport position ....................................................................... 10 


Lifting points ........................................................................................................... 10 

6. OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS......................................................................................... 10  6.1 

Control equipment .................................................................................................. 10 


Getting ready for start-up........................................................................................ 11 


Start-up................................................................................................................... 12 


Operating................................................................................................................ 12 


Stopping ................................................................................................................. 13 

7. CLEANING, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE .................................................................. 13  7.1 

Actions during operation......................................................................................... 13 


Cleaning after operations ....................................................................................... 14 


Cleaning the additional equipment .................................................................. 14 


Maintenance after use ............................................................................................ 14 


Greasing ................................................................................................................. 15 


Storage ................................................................................................................... 15 

8. TROUBLESHOOTING SCHEME ..................................................................................... 15 



1. INTRODUCTION Thank you for choosing the Lamor Minimax 12 skimmer. We have put a lot of e fforts into th is product f or the sole purpose tha t it will serve you in the best po ssible way under even very difficult working conditions. Should you, however, observe any probl em that you ca nnot solve yourself, Lamor will be backing the product through i ts world-wide net of sub sidiaries, distributors, and agents. The purpose of this manual is to pr ovide safety and operating guideline s for a successful performance of the product. THEREFORE IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE OPERATOR IS FAMILIAR WITH THIS MANUAL AND ALL OF ITS SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO ANY OPERATION OR SERVICE WORK. We have pl aced a typ e plate on the skimme r which provides the following information TYPE:

Type of the skimmer




Code for Skimmer






Serial number


Customer specified identification number



2. SAFETY 2.1

Symbols and safety instructions

Throughout this manual you will find warnings and safety instructions wherever deemed ne cessary in order to draw the oper ator’s attention to safety issues related to a particular handling, operation, or maintenance of the skimmer. We believe we have covered all possible situatio ns, but it is nevertheless in all cases the responsibility of the oper ator and the owner to use common sense and to follow the safety instructions so that the skimmer causes no harm t o man or property. DANGER! Negligence of this warning ma y cause serious damage or danger to life

DANGER! The wrong way of han dling and/or operating the equipme nt ma y cause injuries or severe damage to property.

Negligence of this sign will weaken the operat ing safety, u sing rel iability an d may cause severe damage.

This sign, calling on your attention, is in all safety instructions of this instruction book and has to be followed.

Dangerous electricity! Touching devices connected to the electric network may cause immediate death. After switching off the supply current, only skilled and/or trained person is allowed to open shutter or box marked with this sign. All equipment are dang erous if you not have st udied the operating and safety instructions carefully or you do not follow them. Read this manual and o ther manufacturer’s manuals carefully before yo u start the operation.




Notice during operation

If the brush wheel stops due to d ebris, always stop the power unit before lifting and cleaning the skimmer. Don't remove any hydraulic or oil transfer hoses during operation

Don't add any fuel or oil when the power unit is on

Don't use the oil transfer pump without oil or fluid

Before you start oil re covery, make sure the working are a is free of explosive gases

Check the temperature of the equipment on a regular basis

Bigger particles such as wooden pieces, bottles etc. should be collected manually from the water before starting operation

Don't place a heavy load on the equipment

Safety equipment should be used while operating

Protective clothing and safety glasses are recom mended to be worn by all users at all times


Risks caused by misuse

Improper installation , careless or incorrect operation, or insufficie maintenance is a safety risk.


Safety devices are not to be removed! 

Defective installation , careless or wrong op eration, or insuff icient maintenance will be a safety risk.

Safe and re liable opera tion of the skimmer is guaranteed only if it is used to what it is designed for.

Limits that are specif ied in the exceeded.

Wrong or careless use may cause danger to life or financial loss

Damage caused by abuse or negligence is the responsibility of the user

technical d escription is not to b

Please read and comply with the information given in this Operation Manual.





Risks related to operating conditions

In extremely cold conditions the risk for damages to the equipment will raise 

Wave height max. 1 m

Temperature of air -20 °C ....+60 °C

Temperature of water 0 °C ......+50 °C

If the air te mperature drops belo w +0 °C, make sure remains in the equipment, to prevent freezing damage


that no wat er

Emergency stop

The Minimax 12 Skimmer can be emergency stopped by cutting off the power from the power unit



3. GENERAL The fundamental requirements of oil spill recovery is maximizing recovery rates and minimizing free wat er content. These requirements are met by Lamor stiff brush skimmers, multipurpose power packs and efficient oil transfer pumps. The Lamor Minimax 12 design is based o n many supplying high capacity oil collecting equipment.

years’ experience of

The new Lamor Minimax 12 is a light, portable oil skimmer, designed to recover floating oil f rom harbors , estuaries, rivers and l akes. The Lamor Minimax 12 uses the well proven Lamor brush disc syst em, which combines high oil recovery capacity with a low free water pick-up. The Lamor Minimax 12, weighing only 28 kg (62 lb), is a hand portable skimmer with a recovery rate of up to 12 tons per hour (3180 gallon). Operational drive systems include a hydraulic rotation motor for the stiff brush. The unit sh ould be con nected to a small suction pump/power pack. Th e power pack can be either electrical, gasoline or diesel. The Lamor Minimax 12 comprises a floating skimmer hea d incorporating six brush discs with a dia meter of 25 0 mm (9.8 inches). The brush discs rotate “with the flow”, forcing the oil under the water. The oil is th erefore forced into the brush. The brush co nsists of ten s of thousa nds of bristles, giving a larger surface for the oil to stick to than any other di sc skimmers available. As the brush disc r otates, water flows off the brush through a channel and out of the skimmer he ad. Collecte d oil is scr aped off into the oil collection bo wl and pumped to a recovery tank. The Lamor brush discs will recover any floating oils, which remain fluid. The Lamor Minimax 12 is entirely hydraulic an d supplied complete with its own diesel powered hydraulic power pack and all necessary ancillary equipment. The Lamor Power Pack can be utilized as an source or a powerful water/oil pump.

independent hydraulic p ower A. Oil polluted water B. Oil/water separation C. Cleaning from brush D. Cleaned water

1. Debris lifting plate 2. Brush disc 3. Brush cleaner 4. Suction pipe



4. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions Length [mm]


Width [mm]


Height [mm]


Weight [kg]


Brush wheel diameter [mm]

250 * (6 pcs)


Body and buoyancy

Fiber glass

Brush base


Stiff bristle


Brush cleaner

Marine grade stainless steel

Brush wheel

6 pcs

Brush wheel speed

0 - 60 rpm

Drive motor

Danfoss OMM 50

Capacity / hour

12 m³


Suction connection

Kamlock 2 ½" female (optional 3” female)

Hydraulic connection

Tema 2500 female/male (optional Aeroquip 3/8” female/male)

Power requirements

0,1 – 0,5 kW

Hydraulic flow

1-3 l/min

Hydraulic pressure

60-100 bar

Suction pump

Required capacity 5-15 m³/h




Oil/water content

98 % oil, < 2 % water

Working conditions

Max wave height 1 meter Air temperature -20 °C - + 60 °C Water temperature 0 °C - + 50 °C

Required equipment

The Lamor Minimax 12 Skimmer requires for functioning:  Power  Transfer

pack pump

Hydraulic hoses 2 pcs

Oil transfer hoses 2 pcs

Container for the collection of recovered oil

Stone Catcher (optional)




The equipment in transport position

The equipment should be transported in upright position.


Lifting points

The Minim ax 12 Sk immer can be li fted and carried from the handles situated on the sides of the equipment.


Control equipment

The speed of the Minimax 12 brush wheel is controlled by the hydraulics in the power unit.




Getting ready for start-up

1. Take the equipment to the working site. 2. Place the power unit o n a horizont al flat surface on the shore (as near as possible to the re covery area with the thickest oil layer), so th e operator can monitor the skimmer in operation. 3. Getting the skimmer ready for operation: 

Check that t he brush wheel is in the right position and that it can rotate freely

Adjust the brush cleaner in right position according to the oil to be recovered: Heavy oil: t he brush cleaner edge and brush ends in the same level . Light oil: the brush ends 1-2 mm over the brush cleaner edge.

Light oil: brush ends over the brush cleaner edge

Heavy oil: brush ends and brush cleaner in same level



Connect th e hydraulic hoses to the brush disc dr ives using qu ick coupling fittings, and connect the other end to the hydraulic power unit.

Connect the transfer hose to the pump and to the Minimax 12.

4. Getting the Lamor Power Pack LPP6HA/C75 ready for operation: 

Check the level of diesel fuel, m otor oil and hydraul ic oil. To p up, if necessary.

Check that the hydraulic hoses are connected

5. Start the engine




Start the power unit (see Lamor Power Pack manual)


Adjust the suitable speed of the brush wheel from hydraulic valve of the power unit. The right rot ating speed depends on the thickness of the oil layer, which needs to be recovered. Thicker oil, lower RPM and vice versa.


The Minima x 12 skimmer can be moved on t he operation area by a rope or a control stick, within the limits of the hose length.


If the brush wheel stops due to debris, stop the power unit, lift the brush wheel from the case, clean the bru sh and the case. When reinstalling the brush, make sure the brushes rotate freely.


Restart the power unit




Check that all hoses are connected.


Install the skimmer on the water by using a crane or by ha nd. Drag th e skimmer to the place with the thickest oil layer within the range of the hose length.


Connect the Off-loading hose to the dischar ge tank, put the end down to the bottom and fix it to the edge of the tank.


Check that the oil sp ill area is provided with all necessary accessories and equipment.


Let the engine run for a few minutes before operation.


Regulate the rotating speed of the brush wheel with the aid of the adjusting valve 12





After using the Minimax 12 Skimmer, lift it out of the water and let the oil transfer pump run for a few minutes to empty it from the recovered oil


Avoid using the pump without any fluid


Leave the engine on idle for a couple of minutes before turning it off.


Disconnect the oil transfer hoses a nd connect both ends t ogether to avoid unnecessary contamination.


Disconnect the hydraulic hoses from the Minimax 12 Ski mmer and t he pump. Rep lace the dust caps t o prevent the couplin gs to be contaminated.


Transport the equipment to a suitable place for cleaning.

7. CLEANING, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Oil recovery equipment service and mainte nance should be tak en car e of as any other em ergency equipment. It is too late to becom e acquainted with the equi pment, when an oil spill acc ident already has happened.


Actions during operation

Make sure there is no debris to block the oil flow to the skimmer. It is advisab le, from time to time, to empty the f loat body from the condensed water. For this purpose, the float has a drain hole closed by a rubber plug.




Cleaning after operations

When cleaning the equipment it is advis able to us e protective clothing and gloves. Handling oil without proper protective clothing is dangerous for your health.

After operation, lift the brush pack fr om the bod y and clean with warm water (max +60C)

Extremely d irty brush wheel can be cleaned by suitable solvent and water.

Strong solvent or too hot water is not allowed for cleaning, because it damages the skimmer.

When using a high pressure cleane r, do not dir ect high pre ssure from close distance to brushes or bearings.

Oil transfer hoses are cleaned following the same procedure. Water and solvent should also be injected and flushed properly.

The surface of the hydraulic hoses should be washed.

Hydraulic connections should be gr eased with storage oil right after the cleaning.


Cleaning the additional equipment

Cleaning motor and pump 

Fill the pu mp with solvent and then start the motor. Rotate the pump slowly while water and solvent is being filled into the pump.

When the pump is clean, let it be drain valves.

pumped dry from water. Open

Note! Never leave water in the pump due to freezing risk. 


When needed, also clean the engine and frame with warm water and suitable solvent.

Maintenance after use

General inspection is to be made to the Minimax 12 Skimmer and the damaged parts should be replaced.




Greasing The Minima x 12 Skimmer does not need gre asing. After cleaning, hydraulic connections should be greased with storage oil.


Storage The Minimax 12 Skimmer should be stored in a dry place together with the additional equipment.

8. TROUBLESHOOTING SCHEME Make sure that the brush wheel rotates freely, if not, clean the space between the brushes and the frame. Brush wheel is not recovering oil 

Check the hydraulic connections Make sure that the brush cleaner is correctly adjusted. The pump is not working – start the pump, see the pump manual

Skimmer overflows with oil

The oil channel is blocked. Remove brush wheel, clean the channel. Oil transfer hose is blocked up - open the blockage or change the hose


Spare parts list Minimax 12 SPK 1

Oil transfer couplings

Title Kamlock 2 ½" Sealing

Description ATN 63

Quantity in set 5

Skimmer unit

Brush Cleaner



Spare Bearing



Tema Carrier ¼" Tema Cap ¼"

2516 2526

1 1

Title Kamlock 2 ½" Female IT Kamlock 2 ½" Female Hose AL Kamlock 2 ½" Male Hose AL Kamlock 2 ½" Sealing

Description 633-DB 633-C 633-E ATN 63

Quantity in set 1 1 1 5

Brush Cleaner



Spare Bearing



Hydraulic couplings

Tema ¼" Female Tema Carrier ¼" Tema ¼" Male Tema Cap ¼"

2510 2516 2520 2526

1 1 1 1





Hydraulic couplings


Oil transfer couplings

Skimmer unit

Urakoitsijantie12 12, FIN-06450 PORVOO, FINLAND Lamor Corporation Ab * Urakoitsijantie

Tel: +358 20 7650100 * Fax: +358 207650129 * E-mail:[email protected] * 309.825 * ALV rek. VAT FI04695196

Lamor Minimax 12 Guidelines for storage


Make sure the skimmer is cleaned


Make sure there is no water in the floats, otherwise drain it out


Protect the metal parts and connectors with storage oil


Always store the equipment in dry and suitable storage place (temperature of the storage place should not in any circumstances exceed + 40 C)

Lamor Corporation Ab Urakoitsijantie 12, FIN-06450 PORVOO Tel +358-20-7650100 Fax +358-20-7650129 E-mail: [email protected],

How to use the TEMA-couplings:

Check that the coupling is clean and not deformed

Press locking ring backwards on female coupling

Press male coupling into female coupling and release lock ring

Press couplings together until lock ring snaps back to original position

Press and turn the securing ring 30° ope

Now the couplings are ready for ration

Stone Catcher


GENERAL The Stone Catcher is used for filtering stones and other debris before they enter the pump. The filter consists of a stainless steel grid with 8 mm openings, which can easily be removed and cleaned during operation. OPERATION AND CLEANING The Stone Catcher is connected between the Rock Cleaner or the Minimax 12 Skimmer and the suction pump with 2” hoses equipped with Kamlock connectors. The Stone Catcher is emptied by opening the cover, after which the grid can be lifted out and collected debris can be removed. After the operation the stone catcher is dismantled and carefully cleaned. When assembling the Stone Catcher, check the gaskets and their condition.


Hydraulic motor OMM All standard versions and OMM with integrated pressure relief valve

DKHM.PS.170.A1.93 replaces HN.17.X2.93



Page Special versions .....................................................................................................................


Cost-free repairs.....................................................................................................................


Series marking .......................................................................................................................


Service shops .........................................................................................................................


Exploded view OMM series 3 .................................................................................................


Spare parts list .......................................................................................................................


Tools .......................................................................................................................................




Assembling .............................................................................................................................


DKHM.PS.170.A1.93 - 520L0026



Reservedelslisten kan ikke anvendes til bestilling af reservedele til OMM i specialudførelser. Kontakt venligst salgsorganisationen for Danfoss Hydraulik vedrørende dette spørgsmål.

Special versions

The list of spare parts cannot be used for ordering parts for special OMM versions. In this respect, please contact the sales organisation for Danfoss Hydraulics.


Die Ersatzteilliste kann nicht für Bestellung von Ersatzteilen für OMM in Sonderausführungen benutzt werden. Wenden Sie sich diesbezüglich bitte an die Verkaufsorganisation für Danfoss Hydraulik.

Version spéciale

La liste de pièces de rechange ne peut pas être utilisée pour commander pièces de rechange pour OMM en versions spéciales. A ce sujet, vous êtes priés de vous adresser à l’organisation de vente de composants hydrauliques Danfoss.

Vederlagsfri reparation

Vi gør opmærksom på, at den vederlagsfrie reparation som er omtalt i Danfoss’ Almindelige Leveringsbetingelser kun udføres hos Danfoss Nordborg eller hos Danfoss autoriserede service shops.

Cost-free repairs

Please note that cost-free repairs as mentioned in Danfoss’ General Conditions of Sale, are carried out only at Danfoss Nordborg or at service shops authorised by Danfoss.

Kostenlose Reparatur

Beachten Sie bitte, daß die in den "Allgemeinen Lieferbedingungen" von Danfoss erwähnte kostenlose Reparatur nur bei Danfoss Nordborg oder bei den autorisierten Danfoss Kundendienstwerkstätten ausgeführt wird.

Réparation gratuite

Nous faisons observer que la réparation gratuite mentionnée dans les Conditions générales de Vente de Danfoss ne devra être effectuée que dans les ateliers Danfoss à Nordborg ou dans les ateliers de dépannage agréés par Danfoss.


Serienummer ændres, når der foretages ændringer af dele i motorerne. OMM er mærket med seriebetegnelse efter datomærkningen xxx-3

Series marking

The series number is altered when parts in the motor are changed. The OMM series marking follows its date marking: xxx-3


Bei Teileänderungen im Motor wird die Seriennummer geändert. Die Kennzeichnung von OMM erfoLgt mit einer Serienbezeichnung nach dem Datumstempel: xxx-3

Marquage de série

A toute modification d’une ou de plusieurs pièces des moteurs correspond un changement de numéro de série. Les moteurs OMM portent leur numéro de série à la suite de la date, par example: xxx-3


DKHM.PS.170.A1.93 - 520L0026

Authorized Service Shops

Australia : Austria : Belgium : Brazil : Canada : Denmark : Finland : France : Germany : Great Britain : Iceland : India : Italy : Japan : Korea : Netherlands : New Zealand : Norway : Republic of South Africa : Singapore : Spain : Sweden : Switzerland : Turkey : U.S.A. :

Danfoss (Australia) Pty. Ltd., Melbourne Hainzl Industriesysteme, GmbH., Linz N.V. Danfoss S.A., Bruxelles Danfoss do Brasil Ind.e Com. Ltda., São Paulo Danfoss Mfg. Ltd., Mississauga Danfoss Hydraulik A/S, Ganløse OY Danfoss AB, Espoo Danfoss S.a.r.l., Trappes (Paris) Danfoss GmbH., Offenbach/Main Danfoss Limited, Greenford (London) Hedinn Verslun HF, Reykjavik Dantal Hydraulics PVT Ltd., New Delhi Danfoss s.r.l. Division Sordella, Torino Danfoss K.K., Gotemba Unitek Corporation, Seoul Itho B.V., Schiedam Danfoss (New Zealand) Limited, Auckland Danfoss A/S, Skui Danfoss (Pty) Ltd., Johannesburg Danfoss Industries Pte. Ltd., Singapore Danfoss S.A., San Sebastian de los Reyes, (Madrid) Danfoss AB, Mjölby Danfoss Werner Kuster AG, Frenkendorf Mert Teknik A.S., Istanbul Danfoss Fluid Power Div. Racine, Wisconsin

Service Shops

Australia Australia Australia Australia Czech Rep. Greece New Zealand Taiwan

Danfoss (Australia) Pty. Ltd., Adelaide Danfoss (Australia) Pty. Ltd., Brisbane Danfoss (Australia) Pty. Ltd., Perth Danfoss (Australia) Pty. Ltd., Sydney Techno Trade, Olomouc A. Skoura & Co. E.E., Athens Danfoss (New Zealand) Limited, Christchurch Symbridge Machinery Co. Ltd., Taipei

: : : : : : : :

DKHM.PS.170.A1.93 - 520L0026


Exploded view OMM series 3

Tilspændingsmoment / Tightening torque Anzugsmoment / Couple de serrage Item 18: Drain plug 0.5 - 1.0 daNm (45 - 90 lbf in) Item 20: Screw M8 x 1.25 2.2 - 2.8 daNm (200 - 250 lbf in)


DKHM.PS.170.A1.93 - 520L0026

Spare parts list

Stock per 100 motors** Number per motor Item 1 2

3 4 5

6 7 8

10 11


13 14 15 16




19 20



Spare parts

Code No.

Drive screw Name plate Aluminium Brass Housing + output shaft Dust seal ring Shaft seal BAKHD ring BAHD ring Bearing race Axial needle bearing Parallel key




151A0237 1 151A0239 1 Not sold separately 633B3373 1

10 10

17 x 28,2 x 5.5 mm NBR 17 x 28,2 x 5.5 mm FPM

633B3208 633B3390 151G0307 981X3172

1 1 1 1

* * 15 50

5 x 5 x 16 DIN 6885 3/16 x 3/16 x 3/4 B.S. 46

682L8026 682L8031 151G0314

1 1 1

50 50 10

l = 54 mm l = 56 mm l = 59 mm l = 64 mm

151G0369 151G0101 151G0310 151G0311

1 1 1 1

10 10 10 10

w = 3.5 mm w = 5.5 mm w = 8.5 mm w = 13.5 mm w = 21.5 mm 54 x 1.5 mm NBR

151G0119 151G0101 151G0102 151G0103 151G0117 633B1487 151G0332 689X1005

1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2

10 10 10 10 10 * 10 10

G 3/8 in end ports 9/16 - 18 UNF end ports

151G0113 151G0110

1 1

5 5

G 3/8 in side ports 9/16 - 18 UNF side ports

151G0109 151G0110

1 1

5 5

G 3/8 in ports 9/16 - 18 UNF ports

633X7009 633X7023

2 2

20 20

G 1/8 thread 3/8 - 24 UNF ports 8.2 x 11.9 x 1 mm

631X2053 151G0111 684X2481

1 1 3

5 5 *

l = 40 mm l = 40 mm l = 45 mm l = 50 mm l = 55 mm

681X0358 681X0358 681X0359 681X0360 681X0324

3 3 3 3 3

18 18 18 18 18

l = 45 mm l = 45 mm l = 50 mm l = 55 mm

681X0359 681X0359 681X0360 681X0324

3 3 3 3

18 18 18 18

OMM 50 l = 60 mm Mounting flange; for metric version only

681X0098 151G0336

3 1

18 5

Distributor plate Cardan shaft OMM 8 OMM 12.5 OMM 20 OMM 32/50 Gearwheel set OMM 8 OMM 12.5 OMM 20 OMM 32 OMM 50 O-ring Intermediate plate Check valve ball End cover

17 x 23 x 5 mm NBR


End cover

Seal plugs

Drain plug

Washer Screw M8 x 1.25; for end port motor OMM 8 OMM 12.5 OMM 20 OMM 32 OMM 50 Screw M8 x 1.25; for side port motor OMM 8 OMM 12.5 OMM 20 OMM 32

DKHM.PS.170.A1.93 - 520L0026


Spare parts list

Stock per 100 motors** Number per motor Item 22 23

4 5 13 19

Spare parts Screw M6 x 1.25 for mounting flange Mounting flange and screws (Item 21 + 22) for metric version only. Spare parts bag Dust seal ring 1 pcs. Shaft seal NBR 1 pcs. O-ring 4 pcs. Washer 3 pcs

Code No. l = 12 mm




151G0211 151G0202



633B3373 633B3208 633B1487 684X2481

NBR: (Buna N, Perbunan) *

Indeholdt i reservedelsposen.


Contained in spare parts bag.


Im Ersatzteilbeutel enthalten.


Contenu dans le sachet de pièces de rechange.


Antall reservedele som De bør have på lager for hver 1000 motorer der er i brug i Deres område.


The number of spare parts to be held in stock for each 1000 motors in operation in your district.


Die Anzahl von Ersatzteilen, die Sie für je 1000 Motoren, die in Ihrem Gebiet verwendet werden, auf Lager haben sollten.


Les quantités de pièce de rechange que vous devez prévoir en stock pour 1000 moteurs actuellement en service dans votre secteur.

Special tools


Main holding tool: Code no.: SJ 150-9000-2

Fork. For use when fitting OMM cardan shaft. Code no.: SJ 151G9000-1

Bush for use with main holding tool. Code no.: SJ 151G9000-2

Mandrel for fitting shaft seal: Code no.: SJ 151G9000-5

DKHM.PS.170.A1.93 - 520L0026


Item 8

Part to remove Key

Comments Fjern feder fra udgangsaksel (kun cylindrisk aksel). Remove key from output shaft. (Cylindrical shafts only). Feder von der Abtriebswelle entfernen (nur zylindrische Welle). Enlever la clavette de l’arbre de sortie (arbres cylindriques seulement).


Seal plugs

Placer motor i holdeværktøj med udgangsaksel nederst. Place the motor in holding tool with the output shaft down wards. Den Motor mit der Abtriebswelle nach unten im Haltewerkzeug anbringen. Placer le moteur dans l’outil avec l’arbre de sortie en bas.


Drain plug

Benyt 5 mm unbrakonøgle. Use 5 mm Allen key. 5 mm Inbusschlüssel benutzen. Utiliser une clé Allen de 5 mm.

19, 20

Screws washers (3 off)

Benyt 6 mm unbrakonøgle. Use 6 mm Allen key. 6 mm Inbusschlüssel benutzen. Utiliser une clé Allen de 6 mm.

15, 16

End cover Check valves balls

Fjern endedæksel sideværts. Pas på kontraventilkugler. Remove end cover sideways. Mind the check valve balls. Den Enddeckel seitwärts entfernen. Auf Rückschlagventilkugeln achten. Enlever le couvercle latéralement. Attention aux billes du clapet antiretour.

13, 14

O-ring Intermediate plate

Fjern O-ring og mellemplade. Remove O-ring and intermediate plate. O-Ring und Zwischenplatte entfernen. Enlever le joint torique et la plaque intermédiaire.

12, 13

Gearweel set O-rings (2 off)

Hold fingrene under tandhjulsættet for at forhindre delene i at falde ud. Hold fingers under the gearweel set to prevent the parts from dropping out. Halten Sie die Finger unter dem Zahnradsatz, damit die Teile nicht herausfallen.. Tenir le jeu d’engrenage par le dessous pour éviter de perdre des pièces.


Cardan shaft

Fjern kardanakslen. Remove cardan shaft. Kardanwelle entfernen. Enlever l’arbre à cardan

Distributor plate

Fjern fordelerplade og O-ring. Remove distributor plate and O-ring. Verteilerplatte und O-Ring entfernen. Enlever la plaque de distribution et le joint torique.

Output shaft

Tag udgangakslen ud af huset. Take output shaft out of housing. Abtriebswelle aus dem Gehäuse heraus nehmen. Sortir l’arbre de sortie du carter.

Bearing race Axial needle bearing

Ryst nåleleje og løbeskinne ud af huset. Shake needle bearing and bearing race out of housing. Nadellager und Laufscheibe aus dem Gehäuse herausschütteln. Secouer le carter pour le roulement à aiguilles et la baque de roulement.

13, 12


6, 7

DKHM.PS.170.A1.93 - 520L0026



Item 4


Rensning, kontrol, udskiftning og smøring

Part to remove Dust seal ring

Comments Fjern støvtætningsring med skruetrækker. Remove dust seal ring with screwdriver. Staubdichtungsring mit Schraubenzieher entfernen. Enlever la baque anti-poussière avec un tournevis.

Shaft seal

Fjern akselpakning med skruetrækker. Remove shaft seal with screwdriver. Wellendichtung mit Schraubenzieher entfernen. Enlever le joint d’arbre avec un tournevis.

Rensning Alle dele rengøres omhyggeligt. Kontrol og udskiftning Kontroller omhyggeligt alle dele og skift dem ud om nødvendigt. Alle pakningsdele udskiftes i forbindelse med reparation. Smøring Smør alle enkeltdele ind i hydraulikolie og indfedt gummidele med vaseline før samling.

Cleaning, inspection, replacement and lubrication

Cleaning Clean all parts carefully. Inspection and replacement Check all parts carefully and replace, if necessary. All sealing parts must always be replaced during a repair. Lubrication Before assembly, lubricate all parts with hydraulic oil, and grease rubber parts with vaseline.

Reinigung, Kontrolle, Austausch und Schmierung

Reinigung Alle Teile sorgfältig reinigen. Kontrolle und Auswechselung Alle Teile sorgfältig kontrollieren und - wenn nötig - auswechseln. Alle Dichtungsteile müssen in Verbindung mit einer Reparatur ausgewechselt werden. Schmierung Vor dem Zusammenbau alle Einzelteile mit Hydrauliköl und Gummiteile mit Vaseline einfetten.

Nettoyage, contrôle, remplacement et graissage

Nettoyage Nettoyer soigneusement toutes les pièces. Contrôle et remplacement Contrôler minutieusement toutes les pièces et les remplacer au besoin. Lors d’une réparation, remplacer tous les joints. Graissage Avant de procéder à leur rassemblage, enduire toutes les pièces détachées d’huile hydraulique et tous les joints de vaseline.


DKHM.PS.170.A1.93 - 520L0026


Item 5

Part to mount


Shaft seal

Monter akselpakning i motorhus ved hjælp af dorn og plastic hammer. Fit shaft seal into motor housing by means of mandrel and plastic hammer. Wellendichtung anhand Dorn und Kunststoffhammer ins Motorgehäuse montieren. Monter le joint d'arbre dans le carter au moyen de mandrin et de marteau plastique.


Dust seal ring

Benyt monteringsdorn og plasthammer. Use assembly mandrel and plastic hammer. Montagedorn und Kunststoffhammer benutzen. Utiliser le mandrin d’assemblage, et le maillet en plastique.

6, 7

Bearing race

Monter nåleleje og løbeskive på aksel.

Axial needle bearing

Fit needle bearing and bearing race on to shaft. Nadellager und Laufscheibe auf die Welle montieren.


Output shaft

Remonter le roulement à aiguilles et la baque de roulement sur l’arbre. Akselsølerne smøres med hydraulikolie. Mærk udgangsakslen mellem to kommuteringsriller. Før akslen på plads i motorhuset. Grease the axle journals with hydraulic oil. Mark output shaft in the middle between two commutation grooves. Install shaft in motor housing. Die Gleitlager der Welle mit Hydrauliköl einschmieren. Abtriebswelle zwischen zwei Kommutierungsrillen kennzeichnen. Welle ins Motorgehäuse montieren. Enduire les paliers glissants d'huille hydraulique. Avec un crayon à feutre, marquer la partie vanne de l'arbre de sortie en face du milieu de deux rainures de commutation. Monter l'arbre dans le carter.


Parallel key

Monter feder i udgangsaksel.(Kun cylindrisk aksel). Placer motorhus med aksel i holdeværktøj. Fit key in to output shaft. (Cylindical shafts only). Place motor housing with shaft in holding tool. Feder in Abtriebswelle montieren. (Nur zylindrische Welle). Motorgehäuse mit Welle ins Haltewerkzeug anbringen. Monter la clavette dans l'arbre de sortie. (arbres cylindriques seulement). Placer le carter avec l'arbre dans l'outil de montage.



Indfedt O-ringen og læg den i husets O-ringsrille. Grease the O-ring and put into the O-ring groove in the housing. Den O-Ring einfetten und in die O-Ring-Rille des Gehäuses legen. Graisser le joint et le placer dans sa rainure dans le carter.

DKHM.PS.170.A1.93 - 520L0026




Part to mount



Cardan shaft

Før kardanakslen ned i udgangsaksel. Overfør markering fra udgangsaksel til kardanaksel. Hold kardanakslen oppe ved brug af gaffel. Guide the cardan shaft down into the output shaft. Transfer the mark from output shaft to cardan shaft. Support cardan shaft with the fork. Kardanwelle in die Abtriebswelle einführen. Markierung von der Abtriebswelle auf die Kardanwelle übertragen. Kardanwelle mit der Gabel angehoben halten. Glisser l'arbre à cardan dans l'arbre de sortie. Transposer le marquage de l’arbre de sortie à l’arbre à cardan. Maintenir l’arbre à cardan soulevé dans la fourche.


Distributor plate

Placer fordelerplade på huset. Drej fordelerplade så huller flugter. Place the distributor plate on the housing. Turn the distributor plate so that the holes line up. Verteilerplatte an das Gehäuse anbringen. Die Verteilerplatte so drehen, daß die Löcher fluchten. Placer la plaque distribution sur le carter. Ajuster la plaque de distribution pour aligner les trous.



Indfedt O-ringe og monter dem i riller i tandsæt. Lubricate the O-rings and fit them into the recesses in the gearwheel set. O-Ringe einfetten und in die Rillen im Zahnradsatz montieren. Graisser les joints toriques et les remonter dans les encoches de jeu d’engrenages.


Gearwheel set

Monter tandsæt på fordelerplade (og gaffel). For at sikre korrekt omløbsretning skal markeringen på kardanakslen være midt imellem 2 tandtoppe på tandhjulets udvendige fortanding. Fit the gearwheel set onto the distributor plate (and fork). To ensure correct direction of rotation the mark of the cardan shaft must be in the middle of two tooth peaks on the external toothing of the gearwheel. Zahnradsatz auf Verteilerplatte (und Gabel) montieren. Um die richtige Drehrichtung sicherzustellen, muß sich die Markierung der Kardanwelle zwischen zwei Zahnköpfen der äußeren Verzahnung befinden. Remonter le jeu d’engrenages sur la plaque de distribution (et la fourche). Pour obtenir le sens de rotation correct, s’assurer que la marque sur l’arbre se trouve au milieu des deux pointes d’une dent extérieure du jeu d’engrenage.




DKHM.PS.170.A1.93 - 520L0026

Indfedt O-ringen og monter den i rillen i mellempladen. Lubricate the O-ring and fit it into the recess in the intermediate plate. O-Ring einfetten und in die Rille der Zwischenplatte montieren. Graisser le joint torique et le remonter dans l’encoche de la plaque intermédiaire.


Item 14

Part to mount


Intermediate plate

Placer mellemplade på tandsæt så huller for sammenspændingsskruer flugter. Place the intermediate plate on the gearwheel set so that the holes for tightening screws line up. Zwischenplatte auf den Zahnradsatz so anbringen,daß die Löcher für die Befestigungsschrauben fluchten. Placer la plaque intermédiaire sur le jeu d’engrenages pour aligner les trous des vis de fixation.


Check valves balls

Indfedt kuglerne og placer dem i hullerne i mellempladen. Lubricate the check valve balls and place them in the holes in the intermediate plate. Kugeln einfetten und in die Löcher in der Zwischenplatte anbringen. Graisser les billes et les placer dans les trous de la plaque intermédiaire.


End cover

Monter endedæksel på mellemplade. Fit the end cover onto the intermediate plate. Enddeckel auf die Zwischenplatte montieren. Remonter le couvercle sur la plaque intermédiaire.


Screws (3 off)

Skru de tre sammenspændingsskruer løst i huset og fjern gaffelen. Spænd herefter skruerne med momentnøgle. Tilspændingsmoment: 2.2 - 2.8 daNm. Loosely screw the three retaining screws into the housing and remove the fork. Then tighten the screws with a torque wrench. Tightening torque: 2.2 - 2.8 daNm. Die drei Verbindungsschrauben locker in das Gehäuse einschrauben und Gabel entfernen. Dann die Schrauben mit Drehmomentschlüssel anziehen. Anzugsmoment: 2.2 - 2.8 daNm. Visser sans resserrer les trois vis d’assemblage dans le carter et enlever la fourche. En utilisant une clé dynamométrique, resserrer ensuite les trois vis; couple 2.2 - 2.8 daNm.

17, 18

Seal plugs Drain plug

Skru plastpropper i tilslutningsporte. Skru drænprop i dræntilslutning med momentnøgle. Tilspændingsmoment: 0.5 - 1.0 daNm. Screw plastic plugs into connection ports. Screw drain plug into the drain port with a torque wrench. Tightening torque: 0.5 - 1.0 daNm. Kunststoffstopfen in die Anschlußöffnungen einschrauben. Leckölstopfen mit Drehmomentschlüssel in den Leckölanschluß montieren. Anzugsmoment: 0.5 - 1.0 daNm. Visser les bouchons synthétiques dans les orifices de raccordement. Visser le bouchon de drainage dans le raccord de drainage avec une clé dynamométrique; couple: 0.5 - 1.0 daNm.

DKHM.PS.170.A1.93 - 520L0026


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Danfoss Hydraulics Organization Korea


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