Latihan Soal PAT BIG Wajib  [PDF]

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latihan Soal PAT BIG Wajib


25 Questions


 Bar : Did you like the movie "The Crow?"  Matan : I don't know. I __________(see, never) that movie. 

a) see never

b) never seen

c) have never seen

d) didn't see


Iren (arrive) _________ in Rome a week ago. 

a) arrive

b) didn't arrived

c) has arrived

d) arrived


Maya and I (know) _____ each other for over twenty years. We still get together once a month. 

a) know

b) have known

c) has known

d) knew


I'm sorry Dana. You ____________ (be) late to work too many times. You can't work here anymore. 

a) are

b) were

c) have been

d) has been


My mother _______________ (not/ see) you in the park yesterday. 

a) saw

b) didn't see

c) hasn't seen

d) haven't seen


__________________ (you/read) any book last night? 

a) Did you read

b) Have you read

c) Has you read

d) did you read


_________________ (you/ read) a good book lately? 

a) Did you read

b) Have you read

c) Has you read

d) Didn't you read


Dan Brown ________________ ( write ) six books so far. 

a) wrote

b) write

c) has wrote

d) has written


I ______________  (live) in this city since 2007. I ______________ (come) with my family many years ago.

a) have lived  /  came

b) lived  /  have come

c) has lived  /  come

d) lived  /  came


They ____________ (move) to Australia last December, so they ____________ (be) there for nearly a year.

a) have moved  /  have been

b) moved  /  were

c) have moved  /  were

d) moved  /  have been


Here is my unforgettable experience. One day I joined a story telling contest. Two of my friends and I had been chosen to take a part in the nal round at the district level. I was very happy and eager to win the competition. For preparation, I had to memorize and understand the story well.My teacher guided and taught me pronunciation, facial expression and gestures. One day, before performing, my friends and I were busy to prepare the props and costumes for the competition. Thing that me sad was my teacher rented the props and costumes for my friends but not for me. My two friends had beautiful costumes and luxurious props. Although I just wore the simple ones, I performed my best to win the competition. The competition started. I got number 29 and my friends got number 5 and 10. I was nervous but I showed my best performance on stage. Lots of people took photos and videos of me. Finally, anxiety was gone after I had nished performing. And then, the announcement came which made three of us very uneasy. Luckily I was chosen as the rst winner. I went to the stage and all the judges congratulated me and gave a plague, trophy, and money. I was very happy. "…..I was nervous, I showed my best performances on the stage."The sentences can be connected by which of the following words?

a) However

b) Although

c) Because

d) But

e) If


Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!1) My father took me to the headmaster's o ce and got me admitted in the school.2) He encouraged me and treated me kindly.3) I enrolled in a school at the age of ve.4) My class teacher was very gentle5) It was a primary school.6) He gave me a packet of to ees.7) I felt a bit nervous in the new environment.8) The memory of my rst day in school is still fresh in my mind.9) It was a small school with eight rooms.

a) 1-2-9-3-6-4-5-8-7

b) 1-4-5-8-9-3-6-2-7

c) 3-5-8-9-1-6-4-2-7

d) 3-9-8-5-4-2-1-6-7


I've got a painful experience that I went through last semester. I joined the cross country. We were running this race competing against several other schools. The entire race was long and dreadful. It took place in the desert so it was really hot and humid. We ran up and down the hills. It was getting awful after 10 minutes of the race. People who ran in front of me made me breath the dust they created. It wasn't so bad until my throat started to hurt. It was very painful. I had a hard time to catch my breath and I sweat a lot. I really hated it. In the end I managed to nish the race. I felt really good after that. I felt fully alive again. That race was horrible experience. That is the reason why I quit the team a week later. From the text, we know that....

a) The writer quit and never made it to the nish line

b) Although he had a painful throat, the writer could nish the race

c) The race was a competition

d) The race route was so

between students in the writer's school.


mountainous that the weather was cool and windy

I've got a painful experience that I went through last semester. I joined the cross country. We were running this race competing against several other schools. The entire race was long and dreadful. It took place in the desert so it was really hot and humid. We ran up and down the hills. It was getting awful after 10 minutes of the race. People who ran in front of me made me breath the dust they created. It wasn't so bad until my throat started to hurt. It was very painful. I had a hard time to catch my breath and I sweat a lot. I really hated it. In the end I managed to nish the race. I felt really good after that. I felt fully alive again. That race was horrible experience. That is the reason why I quit the team a week later. "I've got a painful experience that I went through last semester."The antonym of the underlined word is....

a) pleasant

b) hard

c) di cult

d) severe


It was early in the morning when ve sta of the charity International Animal Rescue (IAR) arrived at the forest. The forest was hazy with smoke. They breathed through cloth masks and as they searched for a dehydrated-and possibly dying-orangutan and her infant seen the previous night. A farmer reported seeing the mother and daughter orangutans near a palm oil farm which was on re. After several hours searching through the haze, the nally found the pair. They used anesthetics and medical check-ups to determine if the two orangutans could survive in a safe zone away from the res. These orangutans were lucky because IAR got the before the smoke caused too much damage. The team took them to a safe zone on the island. What might have happened if IAR hadn't come to rescue the orangutans?

a) The haze would be thicker

b) The two orangutans would be dead

c) The people would take care of the two orangutans

d) The two orangutans would escape to a safe zone


It was early in the morning when ve sta of the charity International Animal Rescue (IAR) arrived at the forest. The forest was hazy with smoke. They breathed through cloth masks and as they searched for a dehydrated-and possibly dying-orangutan and her infant seen the previous night. A farmer reported seeing the mother and daughter orangutans near a palm oil farm which was on re. After several hours searching through the haze, the nally found the pair. They used anesthetics and medical check-ups to determine if the two orangutans could survive in a safe zone away from the res. These orangutans were lucky because IAR got the before the smoke caused too much damage. The team took them to a safe zone on the island. ". . . they nally found the pair." (paragraph 2).The underlined word refers to....

a) the animals in the forest

b) the people in the forest

c) the mother and daughter orangutans

d) the IAR sta


I was 12 years old when my family and I moved to a new neighborhood. I was starting my 6th grade in a new school, with new people and no friends. I was a quiet and shy person, so I never hung out with the other neighborhood kids. Before school had started, I had met a few people who were in the same grade as me. After that initial meeting, I never saw them again until the rst day of school. For the rst day of school, I asked my mom to do my hair that morning so it would look nice. She did my hair in my regular hairstyle, 5 ponytails with the barrettes on the end. I arrived to school and went into my new classroom. Everyone stopped their conversation to turn and look at me. I looked around the classroom and noticed that all the females either had their hair in one ponytail or had it pressed and curled into a style. My hair was styled like the 3rd or 4th graders at that school. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to cry! From the text we can conclude that the writer....

a) was not good at making friends

b) did not go to a good school

c) had a very common hair style

d) had many friendly friends


I was 12 years old when my family and I moved to a new neighborhood. I was starting my 6th grade in a new school, with new people and no friends. I was a quiet and shy person, so I never hung out with the other neighborhood kids. Before school had started, I had met a few people who were in the same grade as me. After that initial meeting, I never saw them again until the rst day of school. For the rst day of school, I asked my mom to do my hair that morning so it would look nice. She did my hair in my regular hairstyle, 5 ponytails with the barrettes on the end. I arrived to school and went into my new classroom. Everyone stopped their conversation to turn and look at me. I looked around the classroom and noticed that all the females either had their hair in one ponytail or had it pressed and curled into a style. My hair was styled like the 3rd or 4th graders at that school. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to cry! After that initial meeting…. (Paragraph 1). Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word?



c) last



d) late


Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle. He was dead tired and needed to rest. Then, he stopped spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his bag of caps near him and lay down with his cap on his head. The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. When he got up, the rst thing he did was to look into his bag. He was startled when he foud all his caps were not there. He was wondering where they could have gone. Indeed, he was greatly puzzled. When he looked up sky, he was very surprised to see monkeys sitting on the branches of a tree, each wearing a cap on his head. They had evidently done it to imitate him. He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to the monkeys. In return, the monkeys only made faces of him. When he began to make gestures, even when he raised his

st towards them

to threaten them, they also imitated him. At last he hit upon a clever idea. “Monkeys are a great imitator,” he thought. So he took o his own cap and threw it down on the ground. As he had expected, all the monkeys took o the caps threw them down on the ground. Quickly he stood up and collected the caps, put them back into his bag and went away. What is the moral value of the text? a) Monkeys are clever animals

b) Put your belongings in a safe place

c) Kindness must be possessed

d) Foolishness is a source of

by everyone


e) You have to know who you are talking to


Sam: “Would you like to go watch a movie this weekend? “Carly: “I can't, I am low on cash right now.” ____________________ stay at home and watch TV instead.

a) How about

b) Let's

c) What about

d) I think

e) bad sound


Anida : I heard that Iwan didn’t pass the testDiandra : That’s too bad. I’ve told him not to waste his time playing online gameIt can be concluded from the dialogue that Diandra expresses her …

a) Displeasure

b) Happiness

c) Satisfaction

d) Doubt

e) Advice


Student : Is it okay to leave a bicycle in a hallway?Teacher : No, it isn’t. leave it over there, near the gateThe underlined utterance is used for …

a) O ering help

b) Expressing dislikes

c) Introducing others

d) Giving suggestion

e) Making an o er


Johny : I'm worried that we won't have anything to do on Sunday.Indra : Well, why don't you come with us playing football together?Johny : That's a good idea.The underlined expression expresses ....

a) Expressing satisfaction

b) Making suggestions

c) Making an appointment

d) Giving opinion

e) Expressing sadness


Mother how are you today?here is a note from your daughtereverything with me is okay......mother how are you today? Mother don’t worry, I’m nepromise to see you this summerthis time there will be no delaymother how are you today? I found a man of my dreamNext time you will get to know himMany things happened while I was wayMother, how are you today What is probably the feeling of the composer when she arranged the song?

a) sad

b) happy

c) lonely

d) proud


"I must be strong and carry on""Cause I know I don’t belong, here in heaven "Eric Clapton - Heaven What is the expression of the lyric above ?

a) Expressing sadness

b) Expressing happines

c) Expressing brave

d) Expressing disappointed

e) Expressing hope