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INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION “Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education to Promote ASEAN Community”

Auditorium FPMIPA UPI Bandung, Indonesia. Wednesday, May 24th, 2017

Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

PROCEEDINGS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION “Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education to Promote ASEAN Community” Editor

Dr. Ade Ghaffar Abdullah, M.Si. Dr. Eng. Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, S.T., M..Eng. Lala Septem Riza, MT, Ph.D Dr. Riandi, M.Si. Rika Rafikah Agustin, M.Pd

Auditorium FPMIPA UPI Bandung, Indonesia. Wednesday, May 24th, 2017 ISBN : 978-602-73597-7-2

Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung, 40154 INDONESIA


PREFACE Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia proudly presents International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE) 2017. The theme of the conference this year is Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education to Promote ASEAN Community. The conference was motivated by the demand on high quality human resource implied by the establishment of ASEAN Economy Community (AEC) in 2015. The conference included experts’ view on mathematics and science education as well as research paper presentation. It was held in Bandung, Indonesia on May, 24th, 2017. There were five keynote speakers who came from Indonesia, Netherlands, Australia, Singapore and Thailand. More than 400 delegations joined the conference. All the paper presented in the conference were in line with the following scope: 1) Models of Mathematics and Science Teaching 2) Media and Multimedia in Mathematics and Science Teaching 3) Mathematics and Science Curriculum 4) Assessment in Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning 5) Mathematics and Science Teacher Professional Development and Other Relevant Topics. We would thank to all the organizing committee, keynote speakers, presenters and participants who joined this conference. Finally, we wish this conference proceeding will give benefits to strengthen mathematics and science education.

Bandung, August 2017 The ICMScE Organizers



CONTENT Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

A problem analysis of constructivism based-workbook development to introduction to basic of mathematics subject Z Aima and Rahima Active-reflective method for improving student mathematical problem solving ability at junior high school N Yeni,, K Kusnandi, and J A Dahlan Analysis of mathematical learning of fractional concept on elementary school students. D A Arini, D A Maharbid, Y Gumala and A Jupri Authentical assessment and mathematical values to characteristics in learning math U M J Siahaan Case study of mathematics teacher perceptions toward principles of assesment S Maimunah Correlation among mathematics with physics and economics subject at senior high school M Rivald, R Marlina & B H Priyanto Creative thinking ability viewed from the aspect of adversity quotient through open ended learning assisted cabri ii plus and the geometer’s sketchpad D Wahyuni, S Prabawanto, and B A P Martadiputra Developing learning materials with open ended problems to develop mathematical creativity in junior high school G D Nugraha Factors that make difficulties in the implementation of authentic assessment in curriculum 2013 R F Sari and A R D Agustyani Identification of mathematics aspects of east nusa tenggara culture and its integration into mathematics learning D D Samo, Darhim, and B G Kartasasmita Implementation of cooperative learning type think pair square to improve mathematics learning outcomes M Meiriyanti Improvement mathematical representation ability with cooperative and cooperative round table M M B Tamam and N Mulya Learning obstacle on the concept of prism’s surface area using Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) L A Fatimah, D Suryadi, and R Rosjanuardi Mathematical anxiety: is that really affect to mathematics learning outcome/achievment? A Nurdiansyah, N Priatna, N Nurjanah Mobile learning based with adobe flash professional CS6 for math material development D P Wardani The application of cooperative learning model with round robin technique in mathematics learning F Perisya The development of transformation geometry student worksheet based on react assisted with geogebra F Rahmadeni


1 4 11 18 26 35 42 51 60 69 78 87 93 101 107 112 118

Page 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

The differences student’s creative thinking mathematical ability using think talk write models with ekspositori models Machdalena The existence of ethnomathematics in buna woven fabric and its relation to school mathematics Y S Eko The influence of applying probing prompting technique to students mathematical reasoning in class X MIPA SMAN 1 Lubuk Alung A P Candraa, P K Sari, and R Gusmiyanti The influence of challenge-based learning to the improvement of students’ spatial visualization ability W Susilawati The influence of student teams achievement division type of cooperative learning model with mind mapping toward mathematical understanding ability of junior high school student H N Fitriani and Herizal The relationship between self regulated learning with students' mathematical understanding ability E Santoso The use of geogebra in problem based learning to improve students’ spatial mathematical ability R Sugiarni, and A R Ifanda Discovery learning model toward critical thinking skills and mathematics problem solving in SMP Xaverius Lubuklinggau D Friansah Improved problem solving ability through Rotating Trio Exchange Type Model G Jatisunda The achievement of mathematical communication ability by using mobile learning of students’ in SMP Negeri 2 Karawang Timur D L Hakim, Y S Kusumah, and B Kartasasmita Didactical design hypothesis trigonometric ratio concept with the cartesius coordinate system F Budrisari dan E Mulyana Mathematical literacy improvement of junior high school students with Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach E E Andiriani, Turmudi and B A P Martadiputra The efforts in improving students’ critical thinking complete 5E learning cycle model Yuli, Suhendra, and B A P Martadiputra Didactical design of mathematical reasoning to overcome learning obstacle of junior high school students on concept of arithmetic sequences R Oktopiani, T Herman, and Suhendra Didactic design of positive fractional exponent and radical material in grade IX student of junior high school T Lembayung, D Suryadi, and E Nurlaelah Mathematical literacy ability of junior high school students H Mujadid, N Priatna, and D Juandi Analyzing students’ spatial geometrical errors topic in the line Mardani, T HermanAnd Suhendra Improving junior high school students’ mathematical connecton ability used cooperative learning model through Think Pair Share L N Wahidah, Suhendra, and E Nurlaelah


125 128 137 144 151

160 161 169 175 180 187 196 203 208 215 223 227 235

Page 36. 37.


39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.

Enhancing junior high school students’ communication capacity through ELPSA learning design R Sapriani, Suhendra, and E Nurlaelah Development of Instrument for measuring the ability of understanding and communication of Mathematics at Junior High School Students by using Metacognition Strategy R Susantri, S Prabawanto, and J A Dahlan Improving Communication skillsand Mathematical Disposition of Secondary School Students through CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending) Learning Model S Gustiana, S Prabawanto, and E Nurlaelah The enhancement of junior high school student’s mathematical critical thinking using scientific inquiry learning A Deden, N Priatna, and B A P Martadiputra The development of mathematics teaching materials on the topic of statistics for deaf studentsof grades8th in SMPLB-B E Sovia, Turmudi, and D Juandi The development of statistics box-manipulative props for 8th grade of SMPLB-A (Visual impairment) S H Ali, Turmudi, and D Juandi Development of problem solving mathematics test of junior high school students based on rasch model analysis T Septianawati and D Juandi Study of literature: improving mathematical problem solving and mathematical connection ability with LAPS-heuristic learning model A S Zauri, S Prabawanto, and E Nurlaelah Development of CONINCON learning model for growing mathematical connection ability Saminanto, Kartono, S B Waluyo, and Mulyono Enhancing students’ creative thinking ability using creative problem solving (CPS) model in collaborative group setting S S Assiti and T Herman Trend of students’ research in mathematics education W Ramadianti and A Asmara Mathematical reasoning abilities and discovery learning in junior high school T Rohaeti, B A Priatna Error analysis on solving problems of 8th graders viewed from the perspective of newman’s theory (focused on cubes and beams) N D Lestari and S Prabawanto Analysis of students’ mathematical reflective thinking ability in the eighth-grade of junior high school M Yanuar and Y S Kusumah Student error analysis in resolving the problem of mathematic problems on polyhedron S R Putri, S Prabawanto, and K Kusnandi Mathematics teachers’ beliefs about scientific approach and implementation in mathematics learning A A Mutholib, I Sujadi, and S Subanti Analysis of mathematics learning process standard of vocational high school H Yulianti, Kusnandi, and B A P Martadiputra The process of reflective thinking in mathematics problem solving reviewed from cognitive style A Setianingrum, I Sujadi, and I Pramudya


240 245


257 262 271 279 285 291 301 310 315 323 330 336 344 349 357

Page 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73.

Development of teaching material to foster students mathematical problem solving ability Risnanosanti, Ristontowi An analysis of students’ mathematics communication on junior high school based on prior mathematical knowledge E J Dita, BA Priatna, Kusnandi Development of mathematical problem solving instruments on quadrilateral material for junior high school students H E Nurmutia, SPrabawanto, J A Dahlan Didactic design with multi representation approach for equations and inequalities of absolute value linear one variable R Widyaningsih, D Suryadi, and E Mulyana Improving students’ mathematics learning outcomes using superitem strategy M Sholehah Didactical design of sine and cosine rule D M Iriana, Turmudi, and Suhendra Learning mathematics with hybrid learning to improve the ability of mathematics language of grade VIII junior high school students F A Sari, T Herman, and A Jupri Didactical design of teaching trigonometric functions S Rahmah and E Mulyana Algebraic thinking: students’ strategies to solve the problems Angriani, Darhim, and B A Priatna Authentic assessment: implementation on mathematics learning Y Herdiana Didactical design of circle equation for senior high school students based on learning obstacle R Rizqiyani, D Suryadi, and E Mulyana Correlation between the understanding of concepts in integral calculus and random variables distribution Jamilah The enhancement of mathematical creative thinking students’ through teaching under open-ended approach E N Amalina, S Prabawanto, and A Jupri Realistic mathematics education approach for mathematical communications ability M M Rani, E Cahya, and B A Priatna The influence of habits of mind against the student mathematical generalization ability I Sarah Implementation of assessment at school R Nasir and S N Martin Problem-Based Learning Model (PBL) in improving mathematical communication skills among secondary school students W N Jufri, Suhendra, and B A Priatna Implementation of class assessment at senior high school and junior high school S Artilita Conceptual misunderstanding on grade V student of elementary school in mathematics material on ecosystems theme B Hidayat, Wahyudin Analysis of problem solving capability of junior hight school’s student with POGIL model in Kuntu H Juwita, N Priatna, and Kusnandi


363 368 375 381 391 398 404 409 416 421 427 434 439 445 450 459 467 472 477 483

Page 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84.

85. 86. 87.

88. 89. 90. 91.

Science process skill and problem solving skill profile of high school student at Cianjur on topic heat A A Rosyada, J Maknun, and L Hasanah The development of science process skills instrument applied in learning physics using bounded model inquiry laboratory D Indriana, L Hasanah and P Siahaan The Effect of Implementation of the DEEPER scaffolding framework to creative thinking skills in physics E Noorniaty, I Kaniawati, and A Setiawan The development of students’ computer supported creative thinking test (CSCeTTest) on wave concept I D Hakim, D Rusdiana, W Setiawan Description of students cognitive ability on static fluid concept : a case study O Miadi, Muslim and L Hasanah Effect of ARCS Model Using Diagnostic Test Result Against Misconception Studying Physics Student Class XII SMAN 64 Jakarta Timur R Purbosari and T I Hartini Effect of Discussion Method Based on Socio-scientific Issues with WhatsApp Application to Scientific Literacy of Pre-service Physics Teacher S N Muhajir, V Otaviani, T Gumilar, E K Yuningsih The effectiveness of research-based physics learning integrated with character values to improve the student’s competence Usmeldi A study on identifying misconceptions of pre-service physics teacher about the black body radiation and photoelectric effect before take a modern physics course Y S Makiyah and J Maknun Improving students’ critical thinking and learning outcomes through inquiry training model on the topic linear motion M S Zubaidah and S Fatmawati The effectiveness of teaching materials using multimode visualization for the implementation of interactive lecture demonstrations to improve conceptual understanding T Nurhuda, D Rusdiana, and W Setiawan The analysis of student’s critical and creative thinking skills on temperature and heat T Sugiarti, D Rusdiana, S Utari Development of test instruments to measure the competency of scientific literacy on temperature and heat topics based on the 2015 PISA framework N A Solihah, S Utari, and P Siahaan Implementation of project based learning with Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) approach to improve high school students’ problem solving skills N H M Iqbal, S Utari, and P Siahaan The implementation project base learning (pjbl) with teaching with analogy (TWA) to improve vocational school student’s science literacy A Nugraha, S Utari, and J Maknun Preliminary study of student’s cognitive abilities on simple harmonic motion D Hadianti, I Kaniawati, and I Hamidah The combination of Creative Problem Solving (CPS) learning model with if-so approach in learning physics: study of literature Hilmiyah, P Sinaga, and D T Chandra Technology and engineering literacy profile of senior high school students’ on understanding the Newton laws’ S Raharjo, I Kaniawati, and I R Suwarma


488 496 502 508 515 522 528 533 541 545 550

556 562 571

577 584 588 593

Page 92. 93. 94. 95. 96.


98. 99. 100 . 101 . 102 . 103 . 104 . 105 . 106 . 107 . 108 .

Physics workbook using multimodal representation on simple harmonic motion topic M Liana, P Sinaga Identify of student’s misconceptions about heat and temperature through four tier test S Fauziah, J Maknun, and L Hasanah Application of performance assessment in physics learning to facilitate scientific skills S Siswanto, N Y Rustaman, P Siahaan Development Computer Supported Creative Thinking Test (CSCeT-Test): global warming Khamid, D Rusdiana, and E A Juanda Development of Teaching Materials with Dynamic Multiple Representation Used Android-Based Applications to Improve Student’s Cognitive Processes Ability and Critical Thinking Skills N Herlina, P Sinaga, and W Setiawan Improvement in levels of understanding and changes in models of understanding through the learning of interactive lecture demonstration conception-constructionoriented in Newton’s Law concept learning W A Wianti, A Setiawan, and P Siahaan Analysis of simple harmonic spring motion using tracker software M S Mu’iz, K M Lestari, D Yulianawati, D. Rusdiana, and L Hasanah Development and validation of computer supported critical thinking test in heat and temperature K Mahbubah, D Rusdiana, and E A Juanda Facilitating conceptual change in students’ understanding on magnetic poles concept by using CSCC text Mukrimatussa’adiyah, A Suhandi and E A Juanda The application of inquiry training model using just in time teaching method in static fluid material for vocational high school student S Supriatna, I Hamidah and L Hasanah Reflecting learning process in didactical design research based on students’ responses: physics lesson D N Juita and H Imansyah A simple projectile launcher design as learning media of projectile motion topic for senior high school PA Wijaya, I Rohman, and T Firdaus Non traditional writing task announcement in interactive lecture demonstration model in learning physics: study of literature N Nurzanah, P Sinaga, S Feranie Development computer supported critical thinking test (cscittest) in physics for high school students: a literacy study I N Syam, D Rusdiana, and W Setiawan Profile of requirements on instructional materials as a preliminary studies in developing physics workbook oriented to science process skilss and critical thinking skills L R Lestari, P Sinaga, and I R Suwarma Inquiry laboratory worksheet on the extraction of dragon fruit peel waste for developing students’ creativity A Meristin, H Sholihin, M Arifin Development of chemo entrepreneur (CEP)–based teaching material on acid-base D Y Sihite, S Anwar, and H Sholihin


598 602 609 615 621


636 641 646 652 658 663 668 673 680

684 690

Page 109 . 110 . 111 . 112 . 113 . 114 . 115 . 116 . 117 . 118 119 . 120 121 . 122 . 123 . 124 . 125 . 126 .

Development and validation of diagnostic tests misconceptions of chemical bonding D Andriyanti, H Firman, and N Nahadi Integrated science and technology through techno-science activity : the synthesis of room-temperature ionic liquid- assisted microwave of cationic fatty imidazolines H Gozali, A Mudzakir, M Arifin and D Pratiwi Development of multiple intelligences (MI)-based teaching material on chemical equilibrium H R Permatasari, S Anwar, and Hendrawan Profile of high school students’ learning motivation towards chemistry I G E D Adiputra Development and Validation of Performance Assessment rubric for iodometric titration R T Permatasari, N Nahadi, and HFirman Students’ attitude scale towards chemistry lessons of vocational secondary school S Pujiani, H Firman, Nahadi Student worksheet development of project-based laboratory on producing colloid by using kepok banana peel waste W Wiranata, H Sholihin, M Arifin Techno-science activity for high school students – fabrication of surface conductive glass using bunsen burner Y Nugraha, A Mudzakir and Hernani Analysis of multiple representation of molecular geometry concepts in various general chemistry textbooks Z Zulfahmi, Wiji, and S Mulyani Experiment laboratory design to improve conceptual understanding on organic chemistry II: structure and reactivity of organic polyfunctional compounds S Mulyanti, R Sardjono, and A Kadarohman Implementation of problem based learning approach on corrosion topics to achieve student’s cognitive at vocational school majoring in industrial chemical engineering J Irtina, Kurnia, and W Wahyu Development of a two-tier diagnostic model mental test to identify chemical reaction concepts W Hasanah, Wiji, and T Widhiyanti Analysis of pre-service chemistry teacher view toward nature of science and technology as a base for integrated techno-science course: fabrication of organic light-emitting diodes S Jauhariansyah, AMudzakir, and T Widhiyanti Pre-service chemistry teacher’s 4th semester and 6th semester view nature of science and technology D Pratiwi, A Mudzakir, and Hernani An analysis view of nature of science and technology of pre-service chemistry teacher in case of dye-sensitized solar cells S Ramadani, A Mudzakir, and T Widhiyanti The profil of appearance understanding items based on aspect knowledge of revised bloom taksonomy in electronic school book (BSE) Biology SMA class X A Juhanda, and Suhendar Improving teacher profesionalism through training writing of scientific works as supporting sustainable proffesionalism development M Halimah, M Nurkanti, T Nurhayatin Identification of student’s misconception on digestive system concepts through CRI (Certainty of Response Index) H Febriana, Riandi, and Hernawati


696 701 709 717 721 727 733 740 748 756 762 767 773

782 787 796 800 807

Page 127 . 128 . 129 . 130 . 131 . 132 . 133 . 134 . 135 . 136 . 137 . 138 . 139 . 140 . 141 . 142 . 143 . 144 .

Identification of local pedagogy in tpack of high school biology teachers K Hasibuan, R. Riandi Implementation of STEM as a learning innovation at the school for preparing the future generation of the 21st century E A Mardiansyah, I Yohana, and Susanti Probiotic : aplication of project biology basic android system based pre-learning to grow student pattern on project based learning implementation P Indrawati, Susanti, and A S Almajid The implementation online tutorials and the level of reflective thinking of students of biology education study program on the open and distance education M Sekarwinahyu, N Y Rustaman, A Widodo and Riandi Using worksheet based on multimode representation to facilitate classification skills of student in animalia T Maesaroh, Riandi, and R Solihat Development and application of a three-tier test to assess upper secondary students’ interdisciplinary thinking skill about plant reproduction S Wulandari, N Y Rustaman, and A Rahmat Profile of critical thinking disposition of preservice teachers in general biology course (a case study at Bengkulu University of Muhammadiyah) J Syahfitri Performance assessment implementation in STEM-based learning to investigate students’ creativity on the cell topic E Afianti, N Rustaman, and I R Suwarma Teacher's dificulties in implementing authentic assessment in learning Biology S Martini and N Y Rustaman Student mental representation (MR) when face learning media of biology and its relation with learning style R Ramdhan, A Rahmat and E Nuraeni A mental representation of biology teacher when interpret convention picture N Sunarya, A Rahmat and R Solihat Improving students’ characters, cognitive achievement, and attention span through RQA (reading, questioning and answering) strategy on cell biology subject A M Amin, E Rosmiati STEM PjBL toward abilities of creative tinking with theme: calories in indonesian traditional food L Nurfitriagina, N Y Rustaman, and S Sriyati Effects of portfolio assessment toward student’s habits of mind of SMAN in Pekanbaru N Hidayati and T Idris Profile of competency content of biology teachers of madrasah aliyah in West Java H Hanurani, A Widodo, A Fitriani, and Riandi The define stage of practical work guidance development of animal structure course by using the free-modified inquiry Nurhadi and M M Zural The correlation of self-concept and ways of learningtoward students’ learning biology outcomes at students science senior high school sub-district pujud rokan hilir regency academic year 2016/2017 S Ferazona The validity of modules learning models material based on constructivism in the course of learning strategy and design of biology E Rosba, Zikra, and M M Zural


814 818 821 830 841 845 853 856 863 868 874 880 887 895 900 905 910


Page 145 . 146 . 147 . 148 . 149 . 150 . 151 . 152 . 153 . 154 . 155 . 156 . 157 . 158 . 159 . 160 . 161 . 162 . 163 .

science literacy ability of junior high school students in Padang F Arsih, R Sumarmin, and H Putra Analysis of readability of integrated science teaching materials in the topic of integrated type of animal migration navigation M Yusup, Saefudin, and H. Firman Profile of inquiry aspects contained in science book grade VIII M Fadilah, F Arsih, Helendra, H Alberida The effect of combining classification-based new instruction design, note card and learning material to enhance concept mastering and classification of Animalia I Annisa, S.Saefudin, and B Supriatno Detail engineering design (DED) in STEM learning at high school science class A Arlingga, A Widodo, Zulheri, S Rahayu, Y I Shofwati Appropriate product in STEM learning at Junior High School A Arlingga, A Widodo, Zulheri, N P Hikmatunisa, and Y I Shofwati Implementation of problem-based learning approach to improve student’s academic achievement on the topic of electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions at vocational school R S Syaadah, W Wahyu, and Kurnia Development of earthquake and tsunami module based on sets approach and aceh local wisdom as supplement material for junior high school Sciences A Mustari, H Sholihin, and T R Ramalis Characteristics of science teaching material “season in lombok culture” D Pebriyanti, S Anwar, and T R Ramalis Integrated science teaching materials development themed “soil as the source of life” by using four steps teaching materials development (4STMD) E Prastiyanto and S Anwar Early mental model analysis of fifth grader on science L Jasdilla, A Widodo, and W Sopandi Development of integrated science teaching material energy theme for VII grade junior high school by using four steps teaching material development (4STMD) M I Juarsa, S Anwar, P Siahaan STEM approach based environmental to improving learning outcomes and student character S Nurkhalisa and D E Mastura The development of test instruments to measure students’ scientific argumentation based on toulmin’s argument pattern (TAP) indicators U T Kurniasih, Muslim and Y Sanjaya Integrated science teaching materials development themed “pameutingan river” by using four steps teaching materials development (4STMD) Y I Shofwati and S Anwar The use of interactive multimedia for increasing concept mastery, critical thinking, and retention of the human reproductive system concept at senior high school students I Aripin STEM-based learning to facilitate conceptual changes of middle school seventh grade students in matter of organization of living system S Maryati, N R Rustaman and L Hasanah Profile of the system thinking skills of junior high school students on the living organization system topic I Sembiring, N Rustaman and I Rohman Survey about analysis of learning creativity as knowledge material to increase the result of student’s learning P L Y Kristian, W Sunarno, Cari, and N S Aminah


921 928 933 938 944 950 954

960 968 973 983 990 995 1000 1005 1015

1021 1029 1034

Page 164 Transcendent Science: a strategy model of inculcating rububiyyah value in the . concept of light learning A Supriatna, S A Yudianto and W Sopandi 165 The utilization of bagendit lake in learning to measure the environmental literacy . junior high school students A Hidayat, H K Surtikanti and Hernani 166 The Profile of students’ argumentation skill in a secondary school on the topic of . disaster mitigation R Rasyidah, S Utari and R Riandi 167 An analysis of scientific literacy of secondary school students on the topic of global . F D S Pertiwi, Hernani, I Kaniawati 168 Characteristics of critical thinking skills test instruments about ecosystem . F Faujia, T Rahman and M Muslim 169 Development of virtual test features to assess students’ STEM literacy . T Qodaruddin and Riandi 170 Profile of physics learning assessment in optical wave physics courses: a field study . T F Dholo 171 The readibility analysis of threaded integrated science’s teaching material on light . subject A A Muasir, A Fitriani and H Firman 172 Design of human vision-interactive multimedia with pedagogical agent (HV-IMPA) . for enhancing creatif thingking skill of junior high school students M S K Maubuthy, A Fitriani, and W Setiawan 173 Increase the ecoliteracy student in planting through project based learning (PjBL) . D Widiani and N Supriatna 174 The profile of environmental literacy students in science learning . D Suryanti, P Sinaga and W Surakusumah 175 An analysis of scientific literacy of secondary school student on topic energy and . energy tranformation E Kandungan, DT Chandra and AR Wulan 176 Mapping the use of student science workbooks to improve critical thinking skills for . secondary school in Palu N P Satya and S Parlindungan 177 Development of teaching material with problem-based learning to improve the . student competency in elementary school R Amini 178 Modeling poverty data in Aceh Province using generalized linear mixed models with . region and time effects A Khairi, K A Notodiputro and A Kurnia 179 Analysis of structural disorder of reduced graphene oxide . B N Kumila and C P Liu 180 Classification of breast nodules on digital ultrasound images based on shape feature . with information gain algorithm feature selection H K N Yusufiyah and H A Nugroho 181 Development of a mathematical understanding instrument about quadrilateral for . junior high school students T Panglipur, S Prabawanto and E Nurlaelah 182 Ability of mathematical representation based on . habits of mind students E Komala and D Suryadi 183 The implementation of accelerated learning for enhancing students’ the . mathematical communication N Zuhara, S Prabawanto and Suhendra


1037 1048 1053 1058 1064 1069 1072 1077 1082 1090 1095 1101 1105 1109 1115 1123 1130 1135 1141 1146

Page 184 The analysis of mathematical students ability in studying english for mathematic . through worksheet accompanied by the powerpoint at STKIP PGRI West Sumatera A Cesaria 185 Comparison of enhancement mathematical problem solving ability between model . situation based learning metacognitive techniques with scientific approach S Yulanda, Turmudi and J A Dahlan 186 Identification of Teacher’s Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Through Lesson Plan Analysis R Riandia, Suci Lestari 187 The development of mathematics curriculum to increase the higher order thinking skills Yogi Anggraena, Iip Ichsanudin, Siti Aisah, Mukhidin 188 Krulik-rudnick strategy: an alternative learning strategy in math teaching N Kurniati, E Cahya, and Suhendra 189 An analysis of non traditional writing task interpolation in interactive lecture demonstration model in learning physics: study of literature S Sulastri, P Sinaga, and A Setiawan

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017


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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

A problem analysis of constructivism based-workbook development to introduction to basics of mathematics subject Z Aimaa) and Rahima Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat Jalan Gunung Pangilun Padang,25143 Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Sets and mathematical logic are studied on the subject of introduction to basics of Mathematics. Lecture source used were textbooks. The existing textbook could not construct the student’s knowledge. The difficult text book understood by the students causes a decreasing of student’s learning activity and the low of student learning outcomes. By studying the constuctivism - based workbook, the students are expected to be active on constructing the knowledge and affecting to the increasing learning outcome. Model of workbook development bay using general model of plomp’s reseaarch design (2013:19) consisting the 3 phases covers preliminary research, prototyping phase and assessment phase based. The research was only conducted into a preliminary research i.e. conducting problem analysis and literature study. Problem analysis used interview both lecturer and student. Literature study was conducted by analyzing the lesson plan textbook, and literature. The instruments used were interview and questionnaire. The interview shows that students were not able to understand the mathematical concept on the textbook and to construct their own knowledge. Lesson plan analysis was analyzed in order to find out the suitability of the materials given to the lesson plan used. Literature analysis was used as a guidance of textbook development.

1. Introduction Set and mathematical logic is learned on the subject of introduction to basics of Mathematics. This is a knowledge and skilled- subject in Mathematics Education Study Program. This subject is studied in the second semester and has 2 credits. After learning the subjects, it is expected that the students are able to master the theory of set and its operation, mathematical logic and its operation, applying the knowledge as well. Based on the observation in STKIP PGRI West Sumatra, lecturing process of Introduction to basics of Mathematics used lecture method. Student’s activity during the learning were limited because the student’s only got the explanation from the lecturer. If the student’s got the problem on understanding the materials, they tend to wait the lecturer’s explanation. Lecturing sources were text books. The text books used were not able to construct the student’s knowledge so that the lecturing itself could not be built by student themselves, and learning became meaningless. The textbooks had only limited exercises, so that the students were not trained to do the question problem-solving. It causes the student’s activity were very limited and the learning outcomes were low. The proposed effort is a development of teaching material such as worksheet. The worksheet consists of learning target, theories, structured exercises and task, exercise questions and discussion material. By having the exercises, it will make the students train to answer the question. According to Prastowo (2011 ) the use of worksheet in learning activity has several functions, for example: (1) being a teaching material to minimize the teacher’s role but activate the students. (2) being a teaching material to make the student easy to understand the materials (3) to simplify the learning implementation to students. The developed worksheet is a construction based worksheet. By doing the worksheet, the students will be active to construct the knowledge. The students get chances to express the ideas and share with 1

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

their friends. Lecturer’s role as the facilitator makes the students not only listen the lecturer’s explanation. In line with the constructivism based worksheet, it is expected that the student’s activity and learning outcome is increasing. It is also related to the Slavin’s opinions that the student must construct his/her own knowledge. It is similar to Anthony (1999) who stated that “ learning is a process of knowledge construction, not of knowledge recording or absorption;learning is knowledgedependent; people use current knowledge to construct new knowledge. The learneris aware the process of cognition and can control and regulate them”. The research about constructivism was discussed on Riyanto (2014) research talking about improving reasoning ability and mathematics achievements by using constructivism approach. Result of the research shows that there is a significant effect of constructivism approach towards reasoning ability and student’s achievement. Hamdunah (2014) aslo conducted the research and finds that the constructivism based module is effective to use. Widowati (2014) also finds that worksheet is effective to be used. Based on the information above, a research is really needed to be conducted in order to improve the student’s activity and learning outcome in Introduction of Basics of Mathematics subject to develop the constructivism based worksheet. Therefore, a research is conducted entitled aProblem Analysis of Constructivism Based-Workbook Development to Introduction to Basics of Mathematics Subject in STKIP PGRI West Sumatra

2. Experimental Method Model of constructivism based worksheet in Introduction to Basics of Mathematics Subject in STKIP PGRI West Sumatra used Plomp (2013: 19) research design consisting three phases such as preliminary research,prototyping phase, and assessment phase. On Preliminary research phase, it analyzed the problems and literature review. The research only conducted the research only on the phase of Preliminary research. Problem analysis was conducted through interview the lecturer and distribute the questionnaire to the students to observe the student’s need to the worksheet. 3. Result and Discussion On the analysis stage, an interview is conducted to the students. The student’s interview results shows that the mathematics lecturing has been interested through the group discussion and presentation, although they get difficulties to understand the set and mathematical logic. The difficulties were caused by the textbooks can not make the students study autonomously; the students only use the teaching material in line with the lecturer’s suggestion, and the students are not able to find out the other textbooks. Results of lecturer’s interview show that the learning method used by lecturers i.e. lecturing method, discussion, and question and answer. The textbooks used by the lecturers are not able to construct the student’s knowledge. Therefore, it is expected that a worksheet can construct the student’s knowledge. The worksheet is constructivism based worksheet. It is in line with Prastowo (2011) who argued that the worksheet can make the student easy to understand the materials and in line with Anthony (1999) statement that constructivism learning can construct the student’s knowledge. Based on the questionnaire given, it shows that the learning process of Introduction of Mathematical Basic is enjoyable but the teaching materials used could not improve the student’s learning outcome. Students get difficulties to understand the material of Introduction of Mathematical Basics, so that it takes longer time. Student’s need teaching material that construct the new knowledge and simplify them to understand the materials and construct their knowledge. One of the teaching materials fulfilling the student’s need is a constructivism based worksheet.


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4. Conclusion Based on the problem analysis from the lecturer’s interview and student’s questionnaire, it shows that students need teaching material constructing their knowledge. Therefore, teaching materials such as constructivism based worksheet gives the significant effect to the student’s knowledge. 5. Acknowledgments Thanks to Villia anggraini, M.Pd as Chief of UP3M STKIP PGRI West Sumatra and Dra. Rahmi,M.Si as Dean of Mathematics Education that has given the research permit.

6. References [1]

Riyanto, B., & Siroj, R. A. 2011 Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penalaran dan Prestasi Matematika Dengan Pendekatan Konstruktivisme Pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 5(2) p 122


Hamdunah, H., Yunita, A., Zulkardi, Z., & Muhafzan, M. 2016 Development A Constructivist Module and Web on Circle and Sphere Material with Wingeom Software. Journal on Mathematics Education, 7(2), p 109-116


Widowati, S. 2014 Development of Exponent workbook content characterized with RME for Technical Vocational High School Students. Jurnal Pendidikan Sains (JPS), 1(3), 265-273


Prastowo, A. 2011, Panduan Kreatif Membuat Bahan Ajar Inovatif. Yogyakarta: Diva Press.


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Active-reflective method for improving student mathematical problem solving ability at junior high school N Yeni,a), K Kusnandi, and J A Dahlan Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This study aims to test an active learning-reflective method of learning on the achievement and improvement of problem-solving skills, then this experimental research. In the process researchers have limitations in choosing a subject directly to be grouped into research classes because it can interfere with the learning process so that the selected subject is the classes that already exist. Thus the research conducted is quasi experimental. Because using the control group, the selected research design is Control Group Pre-test post-test. The population in this study is the students of class VIII in one of the State Junior High School in Lembang in the academic year 2016/2017. As the objective is to see the effect of a treatment, then tested by comparing two classes as a sample. Class VIII H consists of 36 students as experimental class and class VIIII consists of 37 students as control class. From this research, it can be concluded that: (1) the achievement of problem solving ability in students who learn through learning active-reflective method is better than students who get direct learning, (2) Improving problem solving ability in students who learn through learning by using active method -reflective is better than students who gain direct learning.

1. Introduction The process of solving the problem is one of the basic skills of mathematics that must be mastered by students. The ability to solve mathematical problems is very important because problem solving is a general purpose of teaching mathematics even according to Branca [1] mathematical problem solving is one of the important goals in learning mathematics even the process of solving mathematical problems is the heart of mathematics. [2], states the problem solving is an attempt to find a way out of a difficulty, to achieve a goal that is not achieved easily. With his problem solving skills, students will have an attitude not easily give up in solving problems given the teacher even though the problem is non-routine. Furthermore, [3] problem solving as a matter of challenge that can not be solved by routine procedures and in solving requires relatively long time. However, the reality found in the field showed the students' mathematical problem solving ability is still low. The results of research conducted by [4] on the effectiveness of the use of Guided Discovery Learning model shows that the percentage of students who have good mathematical problem solving ability is not more than 60%. Furthermore, [5] in grade VII of SMPN 4 Semarang also found that problem solving ability in students is still low. Based on the findings of [6], to grade VIII SMP N 1 Tengaran on the test results of mathematical problem solving ability of students, obtained 60% of students still have difficulty in solving the problem of math test. The same as [7] research in Grade VIII SMP N 2 Subah and [8] research in Grade VIII SMP N 2 Pekalongan, found that the students problem solving test is also still low. The development of problem-solving skills differs as disclosed by [9], one way to develop students' ability to solve problems by providing 4

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problem-solving experiences that require different strategies. To develop student problem-solving skills requires activities that provide opportunities to develop ideas, find solutions themselves. Thus a teacher needs to use different development of problem solving abilities to vary. Recognizing unoptimal problem-solving abilities, it takes an effort for the students to learn actively and find their own concepts so that the lessons are more imprinting in the students' memory. For that to be achieved it is necessary a lesson that can facilitate it. However, based on the results of previously mentioned research and based on the findings [10], in general learning applied in the school is a direct learning that positions students as recipients of information and teachers more dominate the learning. [11], argues that direct learning is teacher-centered learning consisting of five stages: 1) goal setting; 2) explanation or demonstration; 3) practice guides; 4) feedback; and 5) expansion of practice. [12], explains the direct learning of learning that is dominated by lecture activities in delivering the material, where the source of student learning in the form of textbooks, and students do the exercises. In the opinion of [13], direct instruction is based on behavioral learning theory that learning depends on experience including giving feedback. Direct learning positions students to learn by observing selectively, remembering and applying what teachers model. [13], explains some of the shortcomings of direct learning, among others: 1) direct teacher-centered learning, so that teachers are the determinants of success in learning activities; 2) if the teacher is lacking in preparation, material and not confident, it will cause saturated effects on the students and the learning will not run properly; 3) if the teacher can not communicate well then it will be bad impact on learning; 4) direct learning model does not provide opportunities for students to adequately process and understand the information conveyed, so it will be difficult for students if learning with material that is complex, detailed, or abstract; 5) will lead to an attitude of always wanting to accept to themselves and lazy to learn alone, because in the minds of students will be embedded the view that the teacher will always provide material without him have to try themselves; and 6) direct learning emphasizes observation skills in order to know the things that are considered important to know, but in reality not all students can observe well so that important things often missed by students. Based on the above explanation it can be seen that learning is required that provides an opportunity for students to convey ideas and experience and find their own knowledge. Learning that has these characteristics one of them is the active-reflective method. [14], stated reflective thinking can improve the ability of high-level thinking. According [15], thinking is a learning activity. Because by thinking someone gets a new discovery, so that can connect one experience to another through reflective thinking process. Furthermore, [16], states that individuals who practice reflective thinking can face all forms of personal or professional barriers and become proactive. Can be interpreted that a student can feel, identify problems, limit and formulate the problem. Put forward some alternative solutions, solve problems to solve problems by collecting the required data, perform tests to test problem-solving solutions and use them as a consideration to draw conclusions. Reflective Thinking (Reflective Thinking) is very important for students and teachers. But it is very different from the facts in the field, that in learning mathematics, reflective thinking does not get the attention of teachers [17]. Based on observations [18] conducted in one of the high schools in Tangerang Regency of Banten Province, reflective thinking ability has not shown satisfactory results. Almost 60% of students have not shown satisfactory results in working on the problems that contain the mathematical reflective thinking process. It shows the reflective thinking process is still not familiarized students and rarely get used to teachers to give. The problem of mathematical reflective thinking should be addressed immediately, given the importance of mathematical reflective thinking in developing problem-solving skills, and mathematical communication. Thus the purpose of this study is to examine the achievement and improvement of problem solving skills mathematically between students who learn by using reflective active methods with students who obtain direct learning. 2. Experimental Method This study aims to examine a treatment that is learning active-reflective method to the achievement and improvement of problem-solving abilities, then this research is an experimental research. In the process researchers have limitations in choosing a subject directly to be grouped into research classes


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because it can interfere with the learning process so that the selected subject is the classes that already exist. Thus the research conducted is quasi experimental. The population in this study is all students of class VIII in SMP Negeri 3 Lembang, which is held in the second semester of academic year 2016/2017. Based on the results of interviews and observations made it is known that the school does not have a superior class and the distribution of students in each class has the same ability in terms of (high, low). So based on interviews with mathematics teachers in the school the ability of students between classes did not show significant differences. Instrument in this research is a test that is used to measure problem solving ability is four problem description. Test problem solving skills are tested twice, pretest and postes. From the predetermined pretest and postes score, achievement score and problem solving ability are obtained. This study does not allow researchers to take a random subject against their individuals. Based on the consideration and the results of interviews with mathematics subject teachers note that the distribution of students of class VIII in SMP is spread and can be said to be uniform so that any class that will be sampled representative of the population. Furthermore, the researcher chose as many as two classes by purposive sampling, from the two classes were randomly determined experimental class and control class by drawing. The result is obtained by class VIIIH as experimental class and class VIIII as control class. 3. Result and Discussion The purpose of this study is to compare the improvement and achievement of student problem solving abilities among students who learn through reflective and active methods of students who learn by direct learning. This research was conducted in SMPN 3 Lembang by choosing two classes as subject that is class VIIIH learning through learning with reflective active method and class VIIII learning through direct learning on the subject of circle. The following description describes the pretest, postes and N-gain data of mathematical problem solving on reflective active classes and direct learning. Table 1. Descriptive statistics of mathematical problem solving abilities

N Xmin Xmax ̅ S %

Pretes 36 0 13 3.28 0.66 7.45

Active Reflective Postes N-Gain 36 36 21 0.45 44 1.00 27.00 0.59 0.92 0.16 61.36 59.00

Pretes 37 0 8 3.05 0.62 6.93

Direct Learning Postes 37 4 29 17.97 1.22 40.84

N-Gain 37 0.05 0.61 0.72 0.18 72.00

Based on Table 1, the pretest score of mathematical problem solving ability of the second lowest score of the class is zero. This means that students in both classes are not able to answer the questions tested. Furthermore, after being given a reflective active treatment in the experimental class, the highest score obtained by students is 44. Where the ideal maximum score of 44, this means that students are able to answer all questions correctly. Visible student score in the experimental class is much larger than the control class, it is believed that the students score in the experimental class is better because given the treatment with reflective active learning. The average difference between the pretest of problem solving abilities between reflective active classes and the direct learning class is not too far apart, with the difference in achievement of 0.23. This means that the problem solving ability between the experimental and control groups is not much different before being treated. If the difference in pretest rate is converted in the percentage of achievement of reflective active class pretest by 0.43% higher than the achievement of the direct learning class. Furthermore the average postes score of the problem-solving ability of the reflective active classes and the direct learning class shows a considerable difference, ie, by the difference of 9.03. This illustrates that the average ability of the experimental class is higher than that of the direct


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learning class. There is a high difference in mean postes indicating that the treatment given influences the outcome. Standard deviation of pretest experiment class score is 3.96. Meaning data has diversity. Because the standard deviation value is greater than 0, the sample data is increasingly (varies) from the mean. Similarly, the standard deviation of the control class preview score of 2.53. While standard deviation scores postes experiment class and control class that is equal to 6.85 and 8.16. The standard value of the control class deviation is greater than the control class means that the sample data in the control class is more diffuse (varied) than the average count. Table 2. Result of Differences Test at Mean Postes Score Problem Trouble shooting Skills Mann-Whitney U Z Asymp Sig (2-tailed)

Solution to problem 330.500 -3.716 .000

Conclusion Tolak H0

Based on Mann-Whitney U test results can be seen in table 2, the significance of postes data obtained is smaller than the significant level that has been determined. The value obtained is Sig (2tailed) = 0,000. Hence, it is concluded that rejection of H0 means that the achievement of mathematical problem solving ability of students who learn through reflective active learning is better than those who get direct learning. This result is believed to be the result of the different treatment given, since before treatment it is known that the ability between the two classes is the same. Table 3. Results of Difference Test of N-Gain Ability Mathematical Problem Solving Mann-Whitney U Z Asymp Sig (2-tailed)

Solution to problem 311.000 -3.922 .000

Conclusion Tolak H0

Based on Mann-Whitney U test N-gain data obtained is Sig (2-tailed) = 0,000 as seen in table 3, meaning the value of significance is smaller than the level of significance that has been set so concluded reject H0 means improvement problem solving ability mathematical students who learn through reflective active learning are better than those who get direct learning. Improved mathematical problem-solving skills are believed to be the result of different treatment treatments, similar to those previously analyzed, since initially before treatment both groups had a uniform initial ability. The difference in attainment and improvement of problem solving that occurred in this study is believed to be the result of different treatment. Based on the opinion of Bruner [19] learning will be more meaningful if the students focus their attention to understand the structure of the material being studied. In addition, Bruner's core study is how one selects, maintains and transforms information actively. Furthermore, students are encouraged to gain experience and conduct experiments that require them to find a principle directly, so students should learn through active participation with the concepts and principles. In line with the opinion of [20], it is necessary to place students to discover their knowledge by giving them responsibility. In this case active learning reflectively contributes to the students in understanding a problem and experimentation is a process in active reflective. In accordance with the opinion of Dewey [21], views the concept of reflective thinking as a special form of problem solving which is thought to solve problems or issues in a way compatible with ideas relating to previous actions. The next stage in active reflective is looking at the problems that arise and try to find various information that can support problem solving (collecting supporting data). This resulted in the ability of students in obtaining ideas to find solutions or steps that must be done to solve problems given teachers. Stages of looking at issues that arise and try to find a variety of information that can support 7

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the problem solving on reflective actives is believed to have a positive effect on student problem solving skills. With this stage process will train and cultivate the ability to solve mathematical problems in students because students are trained to solve a new problem and find their own way out. In accordance with the opinion [2] problem solving is an attempt to find a way out of a difficulty, to achieve a goal that is not easily achieved easily. Opinions of Kilpatrick, Swafford, & Findel [22] that to improve problem-solving skills, students need to learn to build knowledge, connecting ability with the problem so as to find new strategies to solve the problem. The next stage of active reflective learning, finding a strategy in finding out the process of solving the problems presented. Students with members of the group develop tentative possibilities and solutions to solve problems, and try to solve the problem. This is reinforced by [23] opinion in the reflective thinking process of students learning from previously acquired experiences and the thought processes they undertake will not stop but will continue to be sustainable. Students will always think and learn to be able to solve other possible problems that will continue to emerge. Students will not stop until the answer to the problem solve is found, but students with reflective thinking will continue to look for strategies to answer and resolve new assigned problems by linking their existing knowledge and controlling their thinking. In Mariya's opinion, [24] require innovative learning to improve students' problem-solving abilities, which provides students the opportunity to experience what they are learning directly. The statement reinforces the implementation of reflective, active learning contributes well to problem-solving abilities. The next stage is to find a solution to the problems encountered, to prove the answer/match the results of the analysis with the basic concepts learned from the solution of problems that have been found in order to attract a reliable conclusion. At this stage requires students to be able to search and investigate problems and find solutions, students become motivated to reflective thinking and investigate mathematical relationships and interrelationship with each other, so that can be obtained a conclusion. The next step is to apply the result of the settlement obtained (new knowledge obtained by the students) in other situations. In this case, teachers can provide new problems as follow-up problems related to problems that have been resolved by students, so that students always modify the understanding they have (prior knowledge) in order to solve various new problems. At this stage the students and their group members work on the training questions that teachers have provided in the LKS as a follow-up problem. The next stage is to present the results, where this stage trains students to communicate their ideas, and trains students to retain what they find based on their experiences, experiments and knowledge. These stages can develop communication skills and generate student confidence. The final stage in problem solving is an evaluation, where students with group members double-check the steps or settlement procedures they find. After that, at the end of reflective learning, students fill in personal journals, both for teachers and students can be used as a consideration of the success and failure, ask what has been done, what is not, and what needs improvement, so that teachers and students will always think and examine their thinking process. Previous studies have also shown and proven that reflective actives have a good effect on mathematical achievements such as those conducted by [25], [26], and [27] with the result that there is a significant difference in achievement Mathematics students learn to use reflective thinking process approaches rather than students who are not taught using the approach. The results showed that it can provide an opportunity for students to perform individual analysis or experience experienced and facilitate learning and learning using reflective thinking process approach to improve student achievement. Another aspect that reinforces that the development of problem-solving abilities in this study is caused by the application of reflective active learning that refers to the definition of the solution itself. Mayer [28] defines problem-solving as a process that uses many steps to find the relationship between past experience and present-day problems, and then act to solve them. The learning characteristics that have such a procedure are in the reflective active learning. Based on the theory of Bruner [29] which put forward in the argument of the association, where this argument affirms in the learning of mathematics each concept is related to other concepts. This argument provides an assertion to the student to know that the experience gained in the past has to do with the present, which is information 8

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from the teacher's problem. So did [30] states one of the advantages of the active reflective method that is the active student in the learning activity, because he thinks and uses the ability to find the final result, meaning that in this learning train the students to think and connect knowledge or ability that he had previously in solving the problem Which he faces at this time. Furthermore, according to [31], a person is faced with a problem when he faces a question and he can not answer it or a situation where he can not finish immediately. With an active reflective will train students to be able to solve the problems given, in accordance with the stages of this learning that presents students with various problems, so that students are accustomed to find solutions to the problem. In active- reflective learning students are formed into several groups. Students work with members of their group in solving the problems. This learning also requires the role of teachers, which provides assistance to students in the form of questions as a bridge to develop the process of reflective thinking and knowledge of students. Although Piaget's theory says that students can gain knowledge through the construction of individual thinking based on their personal experiences. However, students also need the help of others to solve the problem. Based on Vygotsky's view, one's knowledge will be more developed when interacting with his social environment. In addition, according to Vygotsky ZPD shift (Zone Proximal Development) he can not do alone without the help of groups or adults (teachers). Based on the theories and previous research results described above, provide evidence that in active learning reflective procedures, train and develop students' mathematical problem-solving abilities. Based on the results of research obtained achievement and improvement of problem solving ability of mathematical student caused by treatment given during research activity. 4. Coclusion Based on the results of the analysis and discussion conducted, it can be concluded that: (1) the achievement of problem-solving abilities in students who learn through learning with active-reflective method is better than students who get direct learning; (2) improved problem-solving abilities in students who learn through learning with an active-reflective method is better than students who receive direct learning. 5. References [1] Sumarmo U 2005 Pembelajaran matematika untuk mendukung pelaksanaan kurikulum tahun 2002 sekolah menengah. Makalah pada seminar pendidikan matematika (Gorontalo: UNGGorontalo) [2] Muchlis E E 2012 Pengaruh pendekatan pendidikan matematika realistik Indonesia (PMRI) terhadap perkembangan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa kelas II SD Kartika 1.10 Padang (Jurnal Exacta) 10 2 pp 1-4 [3] Shadiq F 2004 Pemecahan masalah, penalaran dan komunikasi (Yogyakarta: disampaikan pada diklat instruktur/pengembang matematika SMA jenjang dasar, 6 – 19 Agustus 2004 di PPPG Matematika) Tersedia http: //www.depdiknas.go.id [4] Rahmat A Caswita & Bharata H 2015 Efektifitas penggunaan model guided discovery learning ditinjau dari pemecahan masalah matematis siswa (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika) [Online]. Tersedia di: http://www.e-jurnal.com/2015/efektivitas-penggunaan-model-guided:html [5] Ariyani D F Wuryanto & Prabowo A 2013 Keefektifan model MMP pada kemampuan pemecahan masalah disertai identifikasi tahap berfikir geometri (Unnes journal of Mathematics education) 2 1 pp 1-7 [6] Junaedi I Dkk 2012 Keefektifan implementasi model pembelajaran problem posing dan creative problem solving terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah peserta didik di DMP N 1 Tenggara (Unnes Journal of mathematics education) 1 2 pp 1-7 [7] Handayani P Agoestanto A & Masrukan 2013 Pengaruh pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan aesmen kinerja terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah (Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education) 2 1 pp 1-7 [8] Maula N Rochmad & Soedjoko 2013 Keefektifan pembelajaran model TAPPS berbantuan WORKSHEET terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah materi lingkaran (Unnes Journal of Mathematics education) 2 1 pp 1-7 9

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Analysis of mathematical learning of fractional concept on elementary school students D. A. Arini 1, D. A Maharbid1, Y. Gumala1and Al Jupri2 1

Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika dan Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected],

Abstract. This study aims to investigate the problems of elementary school students in understanding the concept of fractions in the learning of mathematics. To do so, we conducted a qualitative research, through individual written test, interviews and observation, involving 23 grade-five students from one of elementary schools in Bandung. The results showed that: 1) introducing the symbols of numerator and denominator of fractions without using media makes students have a low understanding on the concept of fraction; 2) student difficulties in learning the concept of fraction include difficulties in addition and subtraction of simple fractions, 3) the focus of mathematics learning is dominantly on mathematics achievement rather than student comprehension. We consider that the results of this study can be used as a useful background for developing an effective learning line in the concept of fraction for elementary school students.

Introduction Mathematics is a universal science which is a foundation of the development of modern technology, which has an important role in various disciplines and to improve reasoning, logic, systematic, realistic and creative thinking[1]. For that, learn and understanding mathematic in early childhood is required. In elementary school student expected to have competence in logic, analyzing systematic, critical, creative thinking, collaboration and problem-solving. But in fact, mathematic is one of difficult, bore, and trouble subject for students in elementary school. It caused mathematic became most disliked subject in school. Marti said that mathematic object is abstract, and it is opposite with the characteristic of elementary school students. And it would be difficult for students if learning mathematic without giving pay attention in this case[2]. Based on Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) research on 2011, Indonesia placed at 38th of 42th in math and science learning achievement. In addition, Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) survey result on 2012 for math, reading and science competence, Indonesia placed at 64th of 65th. Because of that, we should start improving our mathematic learning from elementary school. Among areas of mathematics, fractions seem to be especially important for later success. Fractions are one important topic in mathematics [3].This central role is evident in fifthgraders’ 11

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fraction knowledge predicting their algebra knowledge[4].From observation result in SDN Citarik, the fraction is one of subject mathematic that difficult to learn for students in 5th grade. The teacher agreed while interview and saying that student difficult to learn al jabar especially in solving simple fraction with different denominator operation.Fractional holds the key in the theory of numerical progression. This theory States that the fractional allows children deepen their knowledge about the number of speeding levels that may arise from experience about the integers[5]. The common mistake that students make is mostly about concept and procedure while solving the fraction test. For example in addition and subtraction fraction, students difficult to identify numerator and denominator. Based on preliminary studies above, this research focused on to know the problem of mathematic learning of fractional concept in Citarik Elementary School, with purpose can give information about fractional concept comprehension and for the next can be used to be one of the parameter to understanding and improving fractional concept and comprehension through mathematical learning. 1. Method This research uses a qualitative-descriptive method that aims to examine the mastery of the concepts of students in addition and subtraction concepts without giving treatment to the research subjects then the results are presented in a straightforward and candid way [6]. The subjects of this research are 23 students of 5th-grade students CitarikElementary School, Bandung Regency, West Java. The instruments that used in this research is data collection of tests and interviews. The test has five problems multiple choice where each problem represents each indicator that will be used to measure students’ mastery of addition and subtraction of fraction concepts. The test result obtained and then analyzed each question by looking at the answers. 2. Result and Discussion Based on the test results about the fractional concepts given to students there is a mistake in working on the fractional matter seen from the suitability of students in answering the given problem. The results of the recapitulation of student test results can be seen in Table 1 below: Tabel 1.Recapitulation of student test result on fractional concept Category (%) Problem Indicators Correct Incorrect Understanding concept of numerator and denominator



Operating addition same denominator of fractions



Operating addition different denominator of fractions



Operating subtraction same denominator of fractions



Operating subtraction denominator of fractions







Tabel1.Shows the recapitulation of students' test results on the fractional concepts with some indicators that measure the concept of numerator and denominator, operating addition same denominator of fractions, operating addition different denominator of fractions, operating subtractionsame denominator of fractions and operating subtraction different denominator of fractions. The research results indicate that there is a problem in mathematics learning for the fractional concept in Citarik elementary school. Some students find it difficult to learn fractions [7].This can be seen from the percentage that shows the average of students who answered incorrectly with a percentage of 72.4% more than the correct answer with only 27.6% percentage. For the first indicator of 12

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understanding the concept of the numerator and denominator the average percentage of students who answered correctly is 56% greater than the students who answered incorrectly is 44%. The second indicator is operating addition same denominator of fractions, the students who answered incorrectlyis 90% more than the students who answered correctly only 10%. In the third indicator that is operating addition different denominator of fractions, the students who answered correctly have a percentage of 24% and students who answered incorrectly is 76%. For the fourth indicator is operating subtractionsame denominator of fraction, the students who answered incorrectly is 57% and the students who answered correctly only 43%. For the latter indicator of operating subtraction different denominator of fractions, students who answered correctly only 5% and more students who answered incorrectly is 95%. Based on the results of these tests and interviews with students found some things that explain the mathematical problems in learning fractional concepts are as follows: 2.1. Introducing symbol of numerator and denominator

1.Which fraction represents the figure above? c. a. b.


Figure 1. Problem number 1 assesing the concept of numerator and denominator The test results on the indicator understanding the concept of numerator and denominator show more students who answered correctly than students who answered incorrectly. Students who answered incorrectly found that they were still confused in answering the problem of a shaded square. The student is difficult to distinguish whether the shaded box is part of the whole box or part of the whole that is divided into the columns given the color.The form of fractions in N/M shows N divided M, this indicates that in the study of fractions arithmetic operation skills is also required [8]. It strengthened by the results of the interview, the student is still difficult in distinguishing which of the numerator and the denominator. This is because the teacher directly introduces the symbol of the numerator and denominator of the fraction without introducing to the student the concept of the fraction itself. The results of interviews with researchers and students can be seen below:


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P = Researcher A = Student P: Fraction, how did you know about fraction for the first time? Did you remember how your teachers introducing fraction for the first time? A: (no answer) P: Did you remember? A: Ah, I remember, you said (pointing the teacher) if there three are black color and three white colors, that’s mean P: Oh if there three black colors and three white colors, what is the denominator? A: six, mam Figure 2. An interview with the student Figure 2 shows that the results data in measuring concept of numerator and denominator. The student difficult to distinguish the three shaded columns of six coloumns are or . Students who answer correctly giving reason that because the columns are six and the shaded columns are three while the students who answer incorrectly gave the same reason. This indicates that the student is still difficult to distinguish the concept of numerator and denominator. This statement is supported by interview data. In the interview, students were still confused when asked from the which one the numerator and denominator, and they replied the numerator is at the bottom and the denominator is at the top. From the test result and interviews, there are some factors that cause this problem. This can happen because the prior knowledge of the student infraction concept is low. Some of the student forgot about the concepts that taught before while to accomplish the concept and procedure of fractions need mastering the prior knowledge. [9] Prior knowledge are fundamental to the development of subsequent concepts. If the basic concept has not been mastered, it will affect the mastery of subsequent concepts. [10]. Knowledge of the concepts and procedures of fractions needs to take into account the ability of mathematics students [11].

3.2 Introducing media Based on the observations, the teacher introduced the symbol of the numerator and denominator in the fraction directly without explaining the concept of fractions first. This explained more in the interviews with students, as follows:


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P = Researcher B = Student P = For learning mathematic in class, your teacher used blackboard? B = Yes P = Because you forgot, now, when your teacher entering the class for learning mathematics, what she/he brings? Any of papers or folding papers or not? Or she/he just entering class and learning from a textbook? B = (nodded)

Figure 3. Student learn math without media

Figure 3 shows how student learns math without media. Mathematics has abstract characteristics, therefore it takes media in the learning process.The use of media not only makes the learning process more efficient but also helps students absorb the subject matter more deeply and whole. If students only listening verbal information from the teacher, students may be less understanding of the lesson nicely. But if it is enriched with the activity of seeing, touching, feeling, or experiencing itself through the media, then students' understanding will be better.[12] 3.3 Learning to emphasize material achievement, not about student understanding The amount of material that must be taught makes teacher focusing on the material achievement regardless of the students’s understanding and how the material can be delivered. There are still many students who has low understanding material, especially fractional material. The students admitted on interview below: P = Researcher B = Student P = For the very fist time, when learning fraction in the class, do you understand what you are learning? B = Some understood, some point not P = When you said, some point you do not understand what you are learning of, may I know which part? B = Emmmmmmm (thinking) P = From learning fraction? Which part? B = (silent) P = For example, if I want to add the fractions, should I add that numerator and denominator directly? Which one the right things? B = There are numerator and denominator P = Ooh, how about addition? Is it easy or not? B = Some easy, some point not. Figure 4. Students are not emphasized on the achievement of the material that has been taught 15

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Figure 4 shows students are not emphasized on the achievement of the material that has been taught. Beside of the interview of the students, the test result shows some student still in lack of understanding the fractional material. This is how students will form their prior knowledge infractions concepts for further knowledge. As has been said that the importance of prior knowledge in shaping new concepts in new knowledge.The importance of mastering concepts in mathematics learning requires that the process of learning mathematics in school does not merely prepare students to continue to higher education level, but more important is to prepare students to: 1) be able to solve problems encountered in everyday life with applied mathematic concepts, 2) able to take the right decisions to use mathematic concepts . Conclusion Based on the findings and interviews, it can be concluded that the students are still having difficulties in understanding the arithmetic procedures of the fraction especially the addition and subtraction. In particular, students do not yet know that in addition and subtraction operations should equalize the denominator first not necessarily add or subtract the numerator with the numerator and denominator with the denominator. There are several causes in the learning process: 1) introducing the symbols of numerator and denominator without using media makes students have a low understanding of fractional concepts, 2) difficulties in learning the concept of fractional math is in addition and subtraction in a simple fraction, 3) Learning to emphasize material achievement is more than just students' understanding. The results of this study can be used as an ingredient in the development of effective learning methods in fractional learning for students in primary schools. Therefore, it would be better to do further research on the addition and subtraction of fractions for further improvement on the understanding of the concept of students in various classes, especially in elementary schools.

Acknowledgments Researchers realized that during the process of this research found many difficulties. These difficulties will not be resolved by researchers without the help and encouragement of various parties. Therefore, the researchers would like to express their gratitude to all related parties who have given encouragement and encouragement to the Researcher, especially to: Citarik Primary School and 5th Grade Students of Citarik Primary School. References


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[4] [5] [6]

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Vamvakoussi, X., & Vosniadou, S. (2010). How Many Decimals Are There Between Two Fractions? Aspects of Secondary School Students’ Understanding of Rational Numbers and Their Notation. Cognition and Instruction, 28(2), 181–209. [8] Siegler, R. S., & Pyke, A. A. (2013). Developmental and individual differences in understanding of fractions. Developmental Psychology, 49(10), 1994–2004 [9] Ye A, Resnick I, Hansen N, Rodrigues J, Rinne L and Jordan N C 2016 Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 152 242 [10] Kurniawati, N. M. E., Sudana, D. N., & Mahadewi, L. P. P. (2013). Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Reciprocal Teaching Terhadap Penguasaan Konsep Ipa Siswa Kelas V Sd Gugus I Kecamatan Buleleng. Mimbar Pgsd, 1. [11] Ye, A., Resnick, I., Hansen, N., Rodrigues, J., Rinne, L., & Jordan, N. C. (2016). Pathways to fraction learning: Numerical abilities mediate the relation between early cognitive competencies and later fraction knowledge. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 152, 242–263 [12] Falahudin, Iwan. (2014). Pemanfaatan Media dalam Pembelajaran. Jurnal Lingkar Widyaswara, Edisi 1 No. 4, 104-117.


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Authentical assessment and mathematical values to characteristics in learning math U M J Siahaana) Departemen Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Bandung a

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this research: Describe the preparation of authentic assessment instruments, the execution of authentic assessment and the use of authentic assessment results and mathematical values of characters in math lessons. This type of qualitative research. Place of study at Pondok Anugrah Lembang Foundation. The study time from March 2017 to April 2017. The subject of this research is the mathematics teacher of SMP and SMA Yayasan Pondok Anugrah, Lembang. Technique of data analysis with interview and observation. Validation of data by triangulation technique and source triangulation. Data analysis with interactive technique with data reduction process, data analysis and conclusion. A description of the results of the study there are three, among others: (1) Preparation of assessment instruments conducted by determining the aspects studied, formulate goals, formulate indicators based on basic competencies, and make the criteria mastery minimal. (2) Implementation of attitude evaluation using observation techniques and articles. Implementation of knowledge aspect is done by oral test, written test and assignment. Oral test as a supporting written test. Assignment is done in groups and individuals. Implementation of skill aspect is done by performance technique using scoring scale with rubric.

1. Introduction Education is one of the primary human needs, between cognitive, psychomotoric and affective (character) education. It means that human education needs to be fulfilled. Thus, it will encourage us to enter the competition era. So does Indonesia, education should becomepriority. The more technology grows, the more competition grows. So the government should take part in education. As stated by Mulyasa, the national education system should always be developed in accordance with the needs and developments that occur both locally, nationally and globally [1] In developing education, it is a must to pay attention to the assessment system in the classroom. There are three aspects to be valued in the assessment of curriculum 2013, namely ; affective (character, cognitive, and psychomotor).If viewed from the assessment aspect, the assessment in the 2013 curriculum and authentic assessment is not much different. Because the 2013 curriculum refers to developing a balance of attitude, social, spiritual, curiosity, creativity, cooperation with ability and psychomotor.


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However, Welty pointed out that many teachers in the UK are not ready for the complexity of the character problems that occur, so there are many teachers leave the training. In the same direction, based on Kemendikbud (2015) data in 2015 Competency Teacher Test (UKG) the average UKG score is 53.02 for pedagogic competence (48.94) and professional. So it is necessary to question the quality of teachers or educators especially in the assessment of expectations. Following up on that case, I made observations as well as interviews of junior high school teachers who teach at a school. The result of the interviews to found that the teacher's understanding of the assessment, especially the authentic judgment and the mathematical values of the characters is still weak.The poor implementation of authentic judgment and characteristic math values lead to the emergence of problems that are common in schools. So based on the case, such these questions arise as ; how is the realization of the assessment of learning and the characters that exist in school so far? Does the current assessment in the school provide a real picture of the students’ condition that leads to the curriculum? Is by limited time teachers able to provide the usual assessment of the learning process without ignoring the curriculum-based teaching materials? Therefore, the researcher is interested to conduct in-depth study through qualitative method so that it can be studied deeply about authentic assessment and mathematical values of student characters. 1.1 Authentic assessment Authentic assessment is the activity of assessing learners that emphasize on what should be assessed, both process and outcome with various assessment instruments tailored to competence demands in Competence Standard (SK) or Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence (KD) [2]. In judgment, authentic judgment has a characteristic of measuring all aspects of learning, it takes place during the learning process takes place. Measurements using various sources, the test can be used as one of the measurement of research data. In this case, the depth of the discussion takes precedence not the breadth or the quantity, and the task given reflects life [3]. Assessment techniques include on attitude, skills, and cognitive judgments. This is the benchmark of assessment instruments. Where in the attitude assessment a continuous observation to see the characteristics of students, self-assessment, assessment among students, the character note that the teachers have. Skills assessment includes on assessment of work, project, phortofolio etc. While the cognitive assessment has been referring to the knowledge of students obtained based on the tests given. Based on the characteristics and characteristics of the above authentic assessment, the assessment process must be an integral part of the learning process and reflect the real-world/ day-to-day problems. So in designing an authentic assessment, it is necessary to pay attention to the principles, as follows: the assessment should use various measures, methods and criteria that match the characteristics and essence of the learning experience; Assessment should be holistic across all aspects of the learning objectives (attitude, skills and knowledge). The most important principle of authentic assessment is in learning not only judging what students already know, but also judging what students can do after the learning is over. So the quality of student learning outcomes and work in completing tasks can be measured. Therefore it can be concluded in doing the assessment of authentic, there are three things that


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must be considered, namely: Authentic of the instrument used, using a variety of instruments tailored to the characteristics or demands of competencies that are in the curriculum and a uthentic from the measured aspect, assess the aspects of learning outcomes comprehensively covering attitude, skills and knowledge competencies. Authentic aspects of student conditions, assessing the input (initial condition of students), processes (performance and activities of students in the learning process), and output (the achievement of competence, good attitude, skill and knowledge of students after following the learning process). 1.2 Character education There are four types of important affective characteristics, namely attitude, interest, self-concept, and value. Discussion includes conceptual definition, operational definition and indicator determination. In accordance with the affective characteristics associated with the subject, the issues to be discussed include four aspects, namely interest, attitudes, values, and self-concept. a. Attitude Attitude according to Fishbein and Ajzen [4] is a predisposition learned to respond positively or negatively to an object, situation, concept, or person. The object of the school is the attitude of students to the school, the attitude of the students to the subjects. This aspect of student attitude is important to be improved [5] Students' attitudes toward subjects, such as English, should be more positive after students attend English lessons. So, the attitude of the students after following the lesson should be more positive than before the lesson. This change is one indicator of teacher success in implementing teaching and learning process. To that end, teachers should make lesson plans including student learning experiences that make students' attitudes toward the lessons to be more positive. b. Interest Interest is an organized disposition through experiences that encourage a person to acquire special objects, activities, understanding, and skills for the purpose of attention or achievement. The important thing about interest is its intensity. In general, interest includes affective characteristics that have high intensity. c. Value The value according to Rokeach [6] is a deep conviction about deeds, actions, or behaviors that are considered good and bad. According to Andersen target values tend to be ideas, but in accordance with the definition by Rokeach, the target can also be something like attitude and behavior. The direction of value can be positive can be negative. Furthermore, the intensity of the value can be said high or low depends on the situation and the value referred to. That value is an object, activity, or idea expressed by the individual who controls education in directing interest, attitude, and satisfaction. Furthermore, it is explained that since humans learn to judge an object, activities, and ideas so that this object becomes an important regulator of interest, attitude, and satisfaction. Therefore, schools should help students find and reinforce meaningful and significant values for students in achieving personal happiness and contributing positively to society.Some of the most important affective spheres are as follows. Honesty: learners must be honest in words and deeds in interacting with the environment including others. Integrity: learners must bind to a value code, such as ethics, and morals. Fair: learners should argue that everyone gets the same legal treatment. Freedom:


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learners must be confident that they have limited freedom, in the sense of freedom but not harm others. Cooperation: learners must work together with others in doing goodness. d. Self Concept. According to Smith the Self Concept is an individual's evaluation of the abilities and weaknesses it has. The target, direction, and intensity of self-concept is essentially like other affective domains. Target self-concept is usually someone else but can also institutions like school. The direction of self-concept can be positive or negative, and its intensity can be expressed in a continuum region, ie from low to high.Character education is the government's concern in improving the quality of the graduates of educational institutions. Indonesia as a developing country including those seeking to apply character education in all educational institutions. Because according to Athur, character education includes on all the educational structure of attitude, skills and knowledge. 1.3 Math values of characters Mathematical values are closely related to the characters. At the time of the problemsolving process, there many characters can be learned. It means when solving math problems, the values of mathematics have been applied in everyday life. For example, to teach tolerance, a teacher can teach about the rounding of a decimal number. From rounding 3, 4672 to 4.5 then it can teach in any life that we must be tolerant. Another example, while learning the angle. It is said the right angle if the angle is 900 then if the angle A = 90,0000010 then it is no longer a right angle because it is more than 900. From this, the teacher can teach that sometimes in life requires the firmness of both talking and action. 2. Research method The subjects of this descriptive qualitative study were 2 mathematics teacher, one teacher from public high school, one teacher from private secondary school. The Instruments used to collect the data were classroom observation, deep unstructured interview, and documentation. There were two major data in this study, teacher’s perception of assessment authentic and mathematical values to characteristic of student. Another additional information conducted through unstructured interview. 3. Results and Discussion Assessment is a very important aspect of education. Therefore the teacher must understand these aspects so that it can apply in the classroom. 3.1 Results I observed the mathematics teacher at Pondok Anugrah Foundation. One high school Mathematics teacher of class XII with derived function material and another Mathematics teacher of SMP class VIII with equation of straight line matter. In this lesson, I as an observer observed the teaching and learning process that took place as well as interviewed the teacher who held a degree. The process of teaching and learning (PBM) in high school conducted by the method of discussion, and problem-based solutions. In PBM, the teacher opens the class by greeting the student, and asks where the material has arrived. Then, the teacher immediately refers to a problem (problem) that will be resolved. In the process of completion, teachers always ask questions to the party to stimulate students to give answers or give opinions in solving the


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problem. The teacher then finishes the problem and explains. The teacher also investigates the students' ability to complete, so the teacher gives some questions that must be completed by the teacher. After the lesson end, and the teacher assigns the task to be done at home. I did the observations in the classroom twice, and the process is not much different. And in another class of junior and other mathematics teachers, I observed in the classroom only once. And the material taught is the equation of a straight line with problem-solving learning method. The learning process where the teacher opened the class by opening the book to be studied. The teacher then explains a little about the material and gives an example. Teachers also provide questions that stimulate students to be active in PBM. Provide questions to be discussed in the class in turn to work on the board. After the lesson ends, the teacher gives the assignment to be done at home. Looking at the PBM, I felt that the judgment was less subtle in the PMB in particular the authentic assessment and mathematical values on the characters, so my observations continued the observation by doing a small talk (interview) with the two teachers. The result that I got from junior high school teachers is, he said that in doing the classroom assessment is process-based assessment, where 60% process and 40% of the exam. The process in question is to involve the PR and the exercise whereas the exam is a replication of the materials and the exam quarter. Aspects assessed are an understanding of the material, discipline, attitude. In this case I noticed that the teacher judged in terms of affective and cognitive aspects. The forms of appraisal are PR, exercises, exams, quarters, and Eatichment. In the classroom the mother did a character assessment. This foundation has a character-based school, so he has a standard character that must be owned by students, so he assessed the character based on existing observation lember from school. The indicator is the five will in daily observation (character first education), the five characters that are assessed are attentiveness, obedience, responsibility, gratefulness, and truthfulness. This teacher in teaching the character to the students is to give a reprimand to the student when making a mistake. Apart from that, in PBM the teacher also always demands the five characters that have been described above whether done or not. Even at the time of recording once, the teacher notices whether the student is obedient or not (recorded or not). To give the test questions or the quarter exam, the teacher does not pay attention to the Core Competence (KI) or even Standards Competence (SK) because he immediately followed the school guidebook that is MY PALS. Unlike the high school math teacher, he said that the assessment is simple. Through every task and test given. Every student who gives his best effort in doing the task, he gives the best value too, without seeing the right or wrong answer. Different for daily tests where all the problems are descriptions. Each question is given 10 points. 2 points if the answer is correct and 8 points for correct process / work in getting answers. While the aspects that are assessed include: a. Hard work, that is, the extent to which students are willing to try to master a new subject matter and repeat the old one if they forget. b. It is not easy to give up, that is, if the student finds a difficult subject matter, whether he will give up or consider as a challenge to be conquered. This is highly visible from the student's response to the daily test, whether they say positive things about the test they will face or vice versa.


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c. Accuracy. High school mathematics includes "tricky" lessons. Understanding the basic material is not enough. Hours of high flying in the work of the problems is needed to cultivate thoroughness. d. Timeliness and intention / effort in collecting and doing tasks. And cognitive Aspects of mastery of subject matter, through: Daily test and Task /project. Form of assessment used by him are: Assessment of attitude/ character. In essence I assess their responses throughout the learning process in the classroom. Assessment of learning outcomes through daily tests. In assessing the character, he always performs an assessment. (Always referred to is character assessment done throughout the learning process).In assessing his character judging by the daily character observation guidance that has been given from the school. That is observing kelars work, discontinuity, accuracy and timeliness of students in working on the problem. Because he said that the character of the students is very visible from the work / homework assignments, whether they provide the best effort or not, even when the time given in the task is very short. Character that’s assessed is hard work, not give up easily, accuracy, and timeliness in working on the problem. The way he did in teaching the character at the time of PBM is: a. Sharing personal experiences. He often told his students that when he was in high school he is bad at physics. In his first semester he got 5 for physics at the report card. But whomade him not give up was a physics teacher. His teacher always said that he can and he felt that his teacher was serious with his words. For three years he taught physics and two years became a homeroom teacher, his teacher never gave up and always believed that he had potential and he could. This changed his view of every daily test he had to deal with. He did not regard it as frightening but as a new opportunity to prove that he could. And in the end he can even now teach physics and based on his physics skills, he can also teach mathematics even though majoring in Physics. b. Give feedback and advice. c. Rebuke when they underestimate the lessons, blame the conditions around them or give up. d. Give the rule model. He ever couldn’t do a problem correctly when discussing the matter. Then he confessed to his students that he could not and asked for time to find a solution and promised to discuss it at the next meeting. After finishing the lesson, try to work on the problem and finally get the right solution so that it can be discussed at the next meeting. Here he teaches that we can find an impasse, but as long as we do not give up and use our creativity, we'll find a way out. He also taught that honesty is important in the learning process. Appreciate a student who admits that he/she missed the assignment (before the lesson in which the assignment is collected) and asks for more time lag than the first billed student has to say that his or her job is not done or done. When discussing the values of mathematics in teaching children's character, he says there is, as discussed above. And he also gives other example like In discussing the matter sometimes I often connect with the material of Physics like Universal Law of Gravity Newton, I tell you how wide and vast the universe that God created this and man can not explore it all. Nevertheless, the Lord keeps a close eye on our lives and helps us. It means that there is not such too big problem when we submit it to God. God is able to create and manage the universe is also able to help us in every problem we have. Therefore we must not surrender because there is always a help from God.


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3.2 Discussion Characteristics of authentic assessment can be seen from the aspects that should be assessed by the teacher. Aspects are assessed based on affective aspects, psychomotor aspects, and cognitive aspects. And in this case, the two teachers I observed only did an assessment of two aspects of affective and also cognitive aspects. While based on the form of assessment is the form of performance, project appraisal, portofio assessment, written assessment, attitude assessment, self-assessment, product assessment. In the assessment, I see that teachers only focus on giving homework, exercising in the classroom, and assessing student attitudes. So the others assessment are tend to be ignored as the aspects that have been exposed. Teachers only meet the form of performance appraisal as well as attitude assessment. Based on the assessments that the teacher did in the classroom and the results of my interview, I found that the teacher was not well informed about authentic assessment, that it did not apply an authentic assessment well. Character education should be given to students where the learning process takes place. And it has been done by the teacher, but the problem is, the characters desired to be inserted separately with the PBM. So that student interest in character education tends to be boring, because it is continuously heard. This illustrates that the teacher has not understood the mathematical values associated with the character yet. For example, at the time of the line equation. If two lines are parallel, the two gradients are the same. What characters are there? If the teacher understands well with mathematical values, then the teacher can give an example, which is related to the character, as, if the first gradient equals 2 and the second gradient equals 2,001 then are the two lines are parallel or not? Based on the question, students will answer that the two lines are not parallel, because the gradient is not the same. And at that moment the teacher can straddle that the meaning is that although the difference is only limited to 0.001 then he remains firmly saying that the two lines are not parallel, the nature obtained is the need for a firmness in action. Furthermore, parents play a role in shaping the character of students. In addition to mentoring the child to tasks in the project, personal, and portopolio, the person can monitor his or her child. Teaches honesty, hard work, patience, etc. So it will support student interest in learning. Based on the case above, students, parents, teachers, and the environment play an important role in shaping the students’ character. Students’ characters are formed not only from the teacher, but also from the character values contained in the learning process of mathematics apart from the parents’ guidance and also the environment.


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System of Assessment is:

System of assesment


Knowledge understanding and supporting from the schools, administrated, comunnitis, and parents




Plan Assessment

Authentics Assesment model

Gather Evidance


Teacher Administr ator

Interpret Evidance Use Results

feedback Figure 1: the system of authentic assesment in mathematics (modivicated from Junpeng, 2012)

References [1] Mulyasa, E. (2012). Standar Kompetensi dan Sertifikasi Guru. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. [2] Kuandar. 2013. Penilaian autentik. “penilaian hasil belajar peserta didik berdasarkan kurikulum 2013.” [3] Ani Yubali (2014) Penilaian autentik dalam kurikulum 2013. [4] Fishbein, M., & Ajzen,I. 1975. Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: An Introduction to theory and research. Reading, MA: [5] Popham, W.J.1999. Classroom assessment. Boston: Allyn and Bacon [6] Roceach, Milton. 1968. Beliefs attitudes and values. New York: Josey-Bass Inc.Pu [7] Junpeng Putcharee. 2012. The development of classroom system in mathematics for basic education of Thailand


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Case study of mathematics teacher perceptions toward principles of assesment S Maimunah Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. As a practitioner in educational field, having a deep understanding in assessment principles for mathematics teacher is a must. Their perceptions toward assessment principles and its applicability can influence the way they teach. The purpose of this study were to investigate their perceptions toward assessment principles and their tendency in choosing assessment instruments. In this case study, the subject involved were one high school teacher and one secondary school teacher. Major methods in this study were deep interview and classroom observations. The assessment principles used was adopted from Manitoba Education and Training. Results Showed that even though teacher understand the assessment principles and its importance well, the implementation and applicability in real classroom learning was still inconsistently applied. The tendency in using tools of traditional assessment instrument that only assess student’s cognitive rather than their affective and skill was still high. The difficulties and influence factors of the implementation were also revealed. Some practical suggestions on how to apply the principles in mathematics learning was presented in this study as the recommendation.

1. Introduction Apart from having a good skills in teaching, having a good capability in assessing student’s learning also one of the basic things the teacher must acquire [1]. One of today’s challenges for teacher is how to run learning assessment in a more dynamic way. Assessing student by using static assessment (static tools, strategic, purposes, etc. ) will only give the same result of student’s level of knowledge without any potential improvement. This action implicitly judge student’s as a static learner without any possibility to improve or without any potency to get higher achievement [2]. By applying a more dynamic assessment gives advantages for both teacher and students. Teacher can improve their way of teaching during learning process and student’s don’t need to suffer any difficulties in learning any longer. Today’s educational curriculum around the world is trying their best to serve a better assessment for a better result and improvement. Some changes and concepts were built and analyzed for that purpose. Today’s assessment focus has changed from only assessing student’s knowledge, to assessing student’s attitude and skills. Specifically, it assess their character development. Authentic assessment is one of the newest concepts of assessment that bring conventional assessment to more effective assessment for 21st century. Authentic assessment also becomes a pilot concept of assessment in Curriculum of 2013 implemented in Indonesia. The basic focus in 2013 curriculum is to change previous assessment perception from assessment as the closing of learning activity to assessment of learning, assessment for learning, and assessment as learning. In fact, the implementation of authentic assessment in mathematics was still far from expectation. It was still difficult for teachers to plan a suitable assessment instrument for instruction, subject material, and target the students must achieve [3]. Implementation of learning assessment in Secondary school grade 7th in Sleman Yogyakarta was categorized as low quality because the competence qualities of


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knowledge, skill, and affective was still poor [4]. Another research showed that factors behind the barriers in implementing authentic assessment were the lack of teacher’s creativity, students incompatible character with the assessment design, not enough time, and the lack of assessment training [5]. Basically all of the factors the teacher stated was already there since the beginning. Those factors was also the reason why Indonesia Changed their curriculum 7th times[6] . It gives the researcher a big question, what is so hard from authentic assessment and another concept that the teacher suffers when applying it? Is it really because of the complexity of the assessment or because the teacher has given up to do their best? Meanwhile Indonesia government has provided special fund and programs for teacher quality improvement [7]. If it is because of the assessment itself, then the assessment module should be analyzed and revised further so that the theory fits the practical expectation. But if it’s because of teacher’s lack of motivation, then we need to find the reason behind it and fix it. Researcher guessed that teacher’s perception toward basic concept of assessment was one of the factors. The assumption went further that teacher’s perception also influenced their tendency in choosing types of assessment tools in mathematics learning. That’s the reason why this study was conducted. Basic concept of assessment this study investigated was the principles of assessment. As the basic foundation of assessment, having a mastery understanding toward its principles should be urgent for teacher to have. Implementing principles of assessment is on the 4th list of authentic assessment purpose in 2013 curriculum after to train student to be a learner, to train student’s skill to apply their knowledge, and to give students a chance to face a real life problem. Even if the government doesn’t really means that those list is based on priority, it still gives the assumption that assessment principles is not necessarily needed to be understood first. Maybe this is also one the reasons why the research about principles of assessment is still lack of number meanwhile the research about authentic assessment, formative assessment, etc. are developing. It’s quite problematic when the teacher should implement all of assessment technique and tools with just a superficial understanding of its principles. The existence of principles is as a guidance for the teacher when they’re having difficulties in applying the assessment. When teachers feel stuck to do assessment of some subject material, they can go back to the principles and rearrange what aspect they want to assess through that subject. If the teacher doesn’t strong foundation such as the principles, it’ll be difficult for them to creatively arrange a fit assessment for classroom learning. Implementing assessment principles in learning activities somehow not as easy as the theories tell. It needs teacher’s deep understanding to insert those principles in every single aspect in teaching and learning process. But once teachers understand it strongly, it’ll by easy for them to modify the assessment to fit the students and instructions. National Council of Teacher of Mathematics suggest that assessment should promote mathematics with its importance and accommodate a helpful information for both students and teacher. Therefore, NCTM serves six principles of how mathematics assessment should obtained. Those principles are: • reflect the mathematics that students should know and be able to do; • enhance mathematics learning; • promote equity; • be an open process; • promote valid inference; • be a coherent process.[8] Indeed, those principles was created in 1995. But it still suitable for today’s mathematics learning assessment. The development is on how it can be a real action in real classroom learning. Assessment principles applied in 2013 curriculum are assessment of learning, assessment for learning, and assessment as learning. From this, authentic assessment, formative assessment, summative and diagnostic assessment are used as a guidance for assessment practice. Since 2013 curriculum target is to adapt students into real life problem along learning, teaching and learning process in the classroom should contains not only about specific subject but also another relevant aspect. Students should learn not only mathematics content, but also another problem or knowledge related to it. It also should develop not only student’s knowledge, but also their attitude and skills. Thus, understand general principles of assessment not only on mathematics specifically is a must for mathematics teacher. 27

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One of assessment principles that is accepted as one of the best is nine principles of assessment to assist learning and inform instruction developed by Manitoba Education and Training [9]. Since the first development on 1998, the assessment principles keep revised and developed. Now those principles are suitable for English , art, mathematics, and some other subject. They also developed indicators for each principles to make it easy to be implemented in the real teaching and learning process. Below are the explanation of nine principles of assessment.  An integral Part of Instruction and Learning Assessment should go in line with strategy and material used. It should also direct to the goal setting and imply the definite purpose. Thus, the strategy, subject material, learning media, assessment planning, and another learning aspect can support each other to achieve the target the teacher set.  Continual and Ongoing Assessment shouldn’t be seen as a closing of learning activity. Assessment should be seen as a part of its learning. Once the learning activity start, so does the assessment. It happens from the very beginning of learning activity until the end. Assessment also inseparable part of learning instruction. A good assessment is an assessment that fit the learning material, method, strategy, etc. This way, it can give a meaningful value for both students and teacher.  Authentic and Meaningful Mathematics Learning and Context Assessment should be able to build a strong relation between previous knowledge and current knowledge. It also need to give an essence to student, to train student facing an authentic problem and solving it by applying the knowledge they have. Assessment should also reflects student actual achievement. Also, it influenced student’s critical thinking skill in positive way [10].  Collaborative and Reflective Process It should invite student to reflect and collaborate together to make the learning becomes meaningful. Giving a feedback or reflection to student doesn’t have to be done at the end of learning process. It’ll be effective when it’s done whenever it’s needed during the learning process [11]. It also encourage teacher to build a communication with parents to control the student’s learning activity at home. In 2013 Curriculum, teacher should collaborate with classroom teacher and counseling about student’s evaluation. Having a professional learning community consist a group of mathematics teachers can improve teacher’s capability in doing assessment and learning [12]. Sharing, discussing, and constructing assessment set together will be more effective rather than doing it alone.  Multidimensional Incorporating a Variety of Task Since there are variety aspect in mathematics a students need to learn, the learning itself need to sync with variety aspects especially real life aspect. Then the assessment used should be rich in variety based on the learning strategy and the goal set.  Developmentally and Culturally Appropriate Assessment applied should fit with the student’s developmental state, promote multi-diversity in social, culture, and language. Teacher shouldn’t promote their ideology through learning and assessment, they should encourage student in a neutral state.  Focused on Student’s Strengths In heterogeneous class, teacher need to know student’s ability and potential. From that, teacher can arrange the most suitable assessment that can improve student’s ability and develop student’s potential aspect. Assessment should also be based on not only product but also process. Giving a feedback such as awareness, reflection praise or respect toward what student have done, no matter how low or high the quality is, can build a self-proud and motivate their learning and self-construction [13]  Based on How Students Learn Use the current learning theory with variety of learning strategies, models, tools, and purposes. Teacher should flexibly serve a learning activity and assessment in a way the student can learn effectively.  Offer Clear Performance Target The focus of achievement in assessment is not by comparing the student’s result with another, but with their previous achievement. So assessment should support students to win over their previous level. It’ll create a healthy competitive environment. The goal setting can be set together with the 28

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students. This way, their sense of belonging and responsibility will increase. They’ll know what to do to achieve the clear target they set by themselves. Further purposes of assessment was to motivate students to learn more [14] From the description of nine principles above, its clear that having a good understanding toward assessment principles lead to a better assessment practices. Teachers know what they need to do to form a good assessment in classroom by relying on what they believe about its principles. In the end, this understanding leads to the teacher decision in choosing what kind of assessment tools they’re going to use. Another important part in assessment is the instrument used. There are many types of assessment tools that have been developed till now. Those tools are categorized as two group; tools for traditional assessment and evaluation and for alternative assessment and evaluation. Open-ended, short answer, true-false, multiple choice, are categorized as traditional assessment and evaluation tools because it only focuses on student’s cognitive aspect. Meanwhile Portfolio, performance task, project, concept maps, structured grids, word association, descriptive branched trees, self-evaluation and peer evaluation are categorized as instruments of alternative assessment and evaluation [15]. Those categorization was based on social studies. Specifically, Alternative assessment tools in mathematics learning are any form assessment that requires student to answer the task by using their own understanding or word. It encourages students to actively construct their knowledge rather than only do some recognition activity. One of the tools for alternative assessment are authentic assessment, performance assessment, portfolios, exhibitions, demonstrations, journals, technology-enhanced items, etc. [16] Another way in categorizing assessment tools is based on classroom assessment method classification. Methods of assessment are classified as selected-response, constructed-response, teacher observation, and student’s self-assessment. Selected-response methods, sometimes called objective tasks, ask student to give the best answer over a certain possible answer served. Usually there is only 1 correct answer for each question in this method. Constructed-response methods require students to answer the task by using their own word or opinion. This methods are often seen as semi-subjective method because somehow the student’s answer may be vary. Teacher observation is one of the most familiar assessment method for teacher even though they don’t see it that way. Mostly, consideration in planning next learning activity or in making test for student is are based on teacher observation in classroom. The last method is student’s self-assessment. It can be used as a tools to help students reflect their own level. Some tools of each assessment methods are presented in figure 1. Figure 1. List of assessment tools based on classroom assessment methods classification [17] Constructed Response Selected Response Multiple Choice Binary Choice Matching Interpretive Technology enhanced

Short Answer

Performance Task ( Products) Paper



Label a diagram “ Show Your Work”







Brief Constructed

Performance Task ( Skills) Speech Demonstration

Essay item Restricted response Extended response

Oral Questioning Informal questioning Examination interview

Teacher Observation Formal informal

Student Self-Assessment

Self-report inventories: attitude survey, questionnaires, sociometric Self-Evaluation: Ratings, portfolio, self-reflection, evaluate other’s performance

Today’s teacher still tends to choose traditional assessment tools that mostly focus on cognitive knowledge rather than alternative assessment [15]. One of the reason maybe their lack of experience in using the alternative or their lack of understanding of assessment conception. The purpose of this theory is to investigate the proof of the assumption of the theory above about teacher perception toward assessment principles and their tendency on choosing assessment tools. Perception here is talking about teacher’s understanding and implementation of assessment principles in classroom learning.


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2. Research Method The subjects of this descriptive qualitative study were 2 mathematics teacher, one teacher from public high school, one teacher from private secondary school. The Instruments used to collect the data were classroom observation, deep unstructured interview, and documentation. There were two major data in this study, teacher’s perception of assessment principles and assessment tools the teachers used in learning activity. Another additional information conducted through unstructured interview. The indicator of assessment principles used were adopted from nine principles of assessment constructed by Manitoba Education and Training. The list of Assessment tools were adopted from questioner constructed by Caliscan [15] with some minor modification. 3. Result and Discussion Assessment has become one of important aspect that determine the success of learning practices at school. Along with evaluation, assessment becomes one of consideration factors that determine the school policy. As the main actor in classroom learning, teacher should has a good understanding and positive perception toward assessment. One of aspects in assessment the teacher should master is the principles. This study was held to identify how well teacher understand and apply the principles of assessment. This study also tried to figure the teacher tendency in choosing assessment tools. 3.1 Result Classroom observation was held 4 times for each teacher. Teacher A is from public high school and teacher B is from private secondary school. Generally, both of the teacher used the same learning strategy, teacher lecturing and class discussion. But teacher B still used another variety of strategy such as worksheet based group discussion, independent learning in library, mini project, etc. As opening, both of the teacher gave instruction about material they’re going to learn and the target. During the study, both of the teacher often gave some problem to be solved by the students. The ones who answer the problem and write it on the board will get reward. Teacher A gave different level of reward between student with the right answer and the wrong one. Meanwhile teacher B gave the same reward for all of the students who answer the problem, whether the answer is wrong or right. both of the teacher always evaluate the student’s answer in front of the class to ensure that the student’s got the right understanding. Assessment tools used by teacher A were multiple choice, short and long answer test, attitude scale, and word descriptive. Attitude scale was made along with learning plan. But not all of the attitude scale used because of time and condition factors. Assessment tools used by teacher B were short and long answer test, multiple choice, attitude scale, presentation, portfolio, word description and observation form. Both of the teacher showed their assessment instrument on the lesson plan. Both of the teacher used the same design for each attitude scale they’re going to assess, the differences were on the indicators. In public high school where teacher A work, duration for 1 hour of learning was minutes and start at 13.00 PM until 15.30 PM. Meanwhile in private middle school, the duration for 1 hour of learning was 45 minutes and start at 7.00 AM. From interview, teacher A told that she rely on everyday assessment more than test or final exam. She believed that everyday assessment is more valid and show the real ability of the students, especially for attitude and skill aspects. This opinion was agreed by teacher. They used reward rule and task for everyday assessment tools. Both of the teacher used the same test instrument for classes with the same level of ability. For those who are failed on the test, will get remedial such as retest or a task. Teacher A focused on building student’s mathematical way of thinking while teacher B focused on building student’s character through mathematics learning. Teacher Perception toward assessment principles and tools ware collected by interview and documentation method. Toward the first principles, as an integral part of learning and instruction, teacher A understand that learning and assessment should give a meaning to students. She corrected the student’s wrong concept, aware them their lack points in solving the problem. Teacher A also emphasized the student to focus on the target set. Teacher B believed that to start a new lesson in mathematics, she needs to ensure that the student’s prior knowledge is homogeneous. She always gave the students an introduction task as a brainstorming. The result of the task was used to determine what the student need to learn the lesson effectively. 30

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Seeing assessment as an ongoing and continue process, teacher A basically did the assessment during and after the lesson. She rarely did some pretest to start the class. Teacher B did assessment before the lesson only if the lesson if the first meeting of new material, especially if the concept is new to the students. During and after the class, teacher B used rewarding rule, observation, task, etc. for assessment tools. Both of the teacher stated that they understand that a learning should be meaningful to the student. Teacher A focused on students mathematics way of thinking and teacher B focused on student’s character. Both of them believed that not all of mathematics lesson can be connected with everyday life and its application. Therefore, they rarely used contextual problem during the lesson. Both of the teacher made test question based on student’s level in classroom, the classes with the same level of ability will get the same test. For the 4th principles, assessment as collaborative and reflective process, teacher A didn’t do collaboration fully. She didn’t communicate with parents or counseling teacher. She didn’t discuss the learning target with the students. It means she didn’t involve the students into it. The only collaboration she did was with another mathematics teacher discussing about the assessment in general mathematics. Meanwhile teacher B stated that to do assessment and evaluation, she discussed it with counseling teacher and homeroom teacher. Teacher didn’t collaborate the assessment with parents directly. Collaboration with parent will be done via homeroom teacher. About multidimensional principles, teacher A tended to do learning and assessment statically. She used reward rule, observation form, task, and final test. She stated that she rarely connected mathematics lesson with another subject or everyday life because mathematics lessons in high school mostly contains abstract subject. For her, those materials were hard to be applied in everyday life. Teacher B said that connecting mathematics lesson with real life can help students understand more. She tried to give some examples about the use of learning mathematics in everyday life. But for some abstract subject, such as algebra, she felt it hard to connect it with contextual aspect. Usually in the first meeting of new material, teacher B gave the students a task to some mini observation about the material they’re going to learn. The task can be literature observation in library or environment observation around the school or their home. This way, teacher B tried to make student’s prior knowledge become homogeneous. Teacher A said that she didn’t know all of her student individually. She didn’t has enough time for that and the number of students in class was too many. Thus, she never used student’s background or culture in arranging assessment. She saw student’s level as general in class to construct a test for them. Since the number of students in teacher B class only 20-25 people, she knew all of her students specifically. From that, she can give a task for students specifically based on student’s background. She also can used student’s background in classroom learning to give a meaningful learning for them. Instead of focused on student’s strength, teacher A tended to emphasize student’s weakness. She aware student’ to be careful on some step where they usually stripped. She never support student’s strength nor potential. She rarely praised student for their effort in learning or solving the problem. Meanwhile teacher B stated that she always give a reward for every effort the student did and give reinforcement whenever the students did something wrong or bad. It also reflected in classroom observation. Since teacher A only run the learning activity statically, the assessment she used only based on her point of view. She believed that the assessment tools used till now was the most suitable and effective one. She didn’t plan to change it except the condition and policy from school changed. She knew that students have different way in learning and different condition to learn effectively. But the condition now didn’t support to fulfill it well. Meanwhile at last meeting on every term, teacher B gave questioner to the students about their opinion toward 1 term learning. The result of the questioner will be used by teacher B to consider and plan a better learning activity for the next semester. It shows that teacher B at least try to flexibly fit their way of teaching with the way her students learn. Generally, both of the teacher didn’t serve a clear performance targets in their assessment. They didn’t discuss it with the student, asked them their agreement about the assessment rule. They only explained the learning purpose, give the task or another assessment tools without explain the target or


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scoring rubrics in detail way. Teacher A see an achievement as student’s ability to give correct answer, meanwhile teacher B see achievement as student’s effort and willing in learning. 3.2 Discussion From observation and interview, it shown that teacher A mostly focused on assessing student’s cognitive. The assessment tools used mostly for cognitive aspect. Reward rule teacher A applied in classroom learning activity used to assess student’s knowledge only, the correct answer get the highest reward. It’s contradict with the concept of meaningful mathematics learning stated by teacher A. She said that the purpose of mathematics learning she did was to construct student’s mathematical thinking skill. But the assessment teacher A used didn’t reflect that purposes at all. It means that even though teacher A understand the assessment principles well, she didn’t use it as a basic foundation to construct an assessment. The assessment implementation itself didn’t reflect the concept of assessment the 2013 curriculum served. In her opinion, applying a dynamic assessment by using variety aspect and authentic assessment was hard to do. Besides, dynamic assessment should be supported The factors affecting it were the duration of 1 hour of learning, the number of students in class, the difficulties and amount of mathematics material in 1 term/semester, classroom condition. Those factor was also the reason why teacher A run the assessment statically without any variation or improvement. Assessment tools she used also static and mostly for cognitive aspect. Meanwhile teacher B did realize that applying a good and authentic assessment is hard to do. The principles itself somehow wasn’t something that easy to be done in mathematics learning. But she still tried run an assessment as good as she can. She didn’t give up on the inhibited factors in assessment. Understanding assessment as a part integrated with learning and instruction, means that teacher understand that specifics material needs specific strategy and need specific assessment method for it. Apart from the difficulties in designing it, its teacher responsibility to make an effort for it. This principles can be collaborated with the 7th and 8th principles, assessment based on student’s strength and how students learn. Learning activity shouldn’t be constructed based on what teacher want, but based on what the students want and need. Teacher also can discuss the assessment method with the students or another stakeholder outside the class. This way, teacher will know how they point of view. Involving students in decision making can motivate them to responsibly fulfill the decision made. It also make the students know the target of the learning clearly. Then the 9th principles fulfilled. Indeed, it is difficult to do an ongoing an continual assessment especially if the duration is too short and the number of students in 1 class is too many. Basically teacher doesn’t have to do the assessment by herself. She can modify it by using self-assessment or peer assessment. Once the teacher has self-observation form about 1 aspect, she just need to ask the students to fill the form after the learning activity and use peer assessment as triangulation. Another problem arisen is it cost money for printing a lot. Applying multidimensional principles of assessment, 5th principles, doesn’t mean all subject in mathematics should be related to everyday life. But at least, the students need to know what is the meaning behind learning mathematics subject. It’s also in line the 3rd and 6th principles, authentic and meaningful learning, and culturally appropriate for students. Teacher can use questioner to know student’s background anything related to them. She can use it to create a learning environment that is close to students. The it’ll give them an impression toward the learning and make it saved in memory longer. Teacher tendency in using only multiple choice and short/long answer test for summative assessment once again showed the teacher still lack of willingness on using a variety types of assessment tools. Asking student to make a problem and answer it by themselves, using open-ended problem, match making test basically are still applicable in for mathematics assessments tools. Asking students to make a 1 sheet of summary about today’s learning can be one of the ways to assess student’s knowledge, difficulties, and opinion. This summary sheet also can be used as a consideration in preparing next lesson. Teacher A stated that 30 minutes as 1 hour learning was not enough to deliver all subject in mathematics. That duration was also the reason why some principles can’t be implemented well. Meanwhile cognitive psychology said that the duration of focus of someone is 3 minutes× age. For 32

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high school students with age 15-18 years old, their focus can last 45-54 minutes. 30 minutes is far from that. It means that the classroom learning have a higher possibility to be effective if its prepared well. The problem is on how far the teacher try to prepare the learning and assessment as effective as it can be. On another hand, 2013 curriculum has ruled that 1 hour of learning is 45 minutes with tolerance 5 minutes. So basically it’s also the school responsibility that changing the policy can affect the learning quality drastically. As a whole, both of the teacher have different attitude toward their perception in assessment. Teacher A saw assessment as something troublesome and hard to implement in mathematics learning. She knew the essence of doing a good assessment, but she didn’t give some effort in facing the obstacle of its implementation and keep doing static assessment. It showed that her perception leads to negative belief and didn’t motivate her to improve. Meanwhile teacher B has shown a more positive motivation regarding her perception toward assessment principles. Even though she knew it was hard, she still tried to conduct the best assessment as well as possible for the sake of her students. In the end, this positive motivation leads her to keep implement assessment principles in classroom learning. Ad it leads to a better authentic assessment well. indeed, applying variety of assessment in mathematics is not as easy as in another subject. The abstract components make it harder to do. The existence of the principles is no other than as a basic foundation for the teacher to start all of assessment activity. Teacher can go back to the principles once she feel it hard to arrange a suitable instrument. It doesn’t mean that all of principles should be applied simultaneously. But the existence of its essences should be kept. 4. Conclusion As the basic foundation of practising assessment in school mathematics learning, having a mastery understanding in assessment principles is a need for the teacher. It is also teacher’s job to develop their creativity in designing an effective and diverse assessments. No matter how great the assessment theoretically, without the teacher capability to implement, it still won’t help the learning development. Teacher obstacle in constructing a fit assessment integrated with learning model and instruction can be solved by improving their understanding toward assessment principles. Having a positive perception toward its principles enable teacher to be more positive and motivated to do a better assessment activity. Although both of the teacher understand the importance of a good assessment for student’s learning, their perception and motivation was the ones that lead them on how big their effort on serving students the best assessment facilitation. In the end, it’s not only about how well teacher understand the assessment concept, but it’s about how big their motivation in serving the best assessment for the sake of the student. This motivation lead them in action of implementing the assessment as well as possible. 5. Acknowledgments Authors wishing to acknowledge Indonesia Endowment of Education Fund ( Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan ) as a sponsor for this research, Prof. Dr. H. Tatang Herman., M.Ed. as research consultant, and Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia where the researcher is studying. 6. References [1] Petrovici C 2014 Professional and Transversal Competences of Future Teachers for Preschool and Primary School Education Procedia - Soc. Behav. Sci. 142 724–30 [2] Cotrus A and Stanciu C 2014 A Study on Dynamic Assessment Techniques, as a Method of Obtaining a High Level of Learning Potential, Untapped by Conventional Assessment Procedia Soc. Behav. Sci. 116 2616–9 [3] Retnawati H 2015 Hambatan guru matematika sekolah menengah pertama dalam menerapkan kurikulum baru cakrawala Pendidik. 3 1–12 [4] Abrory M 2014 Evaluasi implementasi kurikulum 2013 pada pembelajaran matematika smp negeri kelas vii di kabupaten sleman J. Eval. Pendidik. 2 50–9 [5] Nur Sasi Enggarwati 2015 Kesulitan guru sd negeri glagah dalam mengimplementasikan 33

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Correlation among mathematics with physics and economics subject at senior high school M Rivaldi,a), R Marlina, B H Priyanto 1

Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Jl. HS Ronggowaluyo, Telukjambe, Karawang 41361, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this research was to look at the correlation between the students’ ability in mathematics with students' ability in other subjects and see which subject areas very related to mathematics. In addition it also wanted to know how big contribution of mathematics subject to the physics and economics. This research using quantitative methods, because the research data are processed using statistical analysis. This method is also called confirmatory because that suitable for verification or confirmation. The population in this research were all students of SMAN 1 Telagasari. As for the sample in this research, researchers used a purposive sampling, so that the sample in this research were students of class XI MIA 1 and class XI IIS 1. Data was collected by directly asking permission to subject teachers of each subject, then ask the final score of students of class XI MIA 1 and class XI IIS 1. The data in this research were analyzed using regression analysis in SPSS 21 software, then the results showed that the correlation between mathematics with physics is stronger than the correlation between mathematics with economics.

1. Introduction Curriculum 2013 has tried to impose in 2013 by making a number of schools in each province were used as experimental school. In 2014, the curriculum of 2013 has been implemented in class I, II, III, IV, and V in primary school, junior high school in the class applied VII and VIII, while for the high school in the class X and XI. Curriculum 2013 has three aspects of assessment, namely the aspect of knowledge, skills aspects and aspects of attitude and behavior. In this 2013 curriculum, especially in learning there are some topics that be downsized because of perceived relate to each other, the discussion topics are on the field of study be downsized Indonesian, IPS, and so on. There is also supplemented subjects, namely Mathematics. A lot of material on other subjects related to learning materials Mathematics, even very many, including material vector being taught in the field of the study of physics, material differential is used to calculate the speed of the field of study of physics, then the material logarithm is used to calculate the acidity of a chemicals and many more mathematical subject material relating to other exact sciences. In addition to an inexact science, some social sciences also have an attachment with math. as an example, with a linear program that is used by the field of economic studies to calculate the maximum gain or a minimum loss of production of the product. How much of his mathematics topic related with other topic on other subject areas. The purpose of this study was to see how strong the correlation and contribution between mathematic with the field of study of physics and know how strong correlation between fields of study and contribution of mathematics to the field of economic studies.


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Curriculum 2013 seeks consistently to fulfill the promise of education for the country. As stated in the national education system law number 20 of 2003 Chapter 1 article 1, paragraph (1) For that, 2013 curriculum have the spirit to reduce wordiness in the learning process for these students are notified or lecture, then in this curriculum students should be more stimulated, conditioned and more challenged to find out. The main function of mathematics courses is to train children to think logically, systematically, consistently and accurately, and has a sensitivity of humanity. If the judges really apply the logical mindset as mathematical way to analyze each issue, so judges would be easy to decide every issue in the trial are valid and fair due to that mindset of mathematically, and we will be easy to analyze a complex issue and abstract issues, the way is to examine the factual matters surrounding the case is being tried. Almost all teaching materials in mathematics relates to other subject areas. Vector being studied also in the field of the study of mathematics, but be first in the field of the study of physics, therefore, students and teachers admit that the vector is "belongs to" physics, eventhough the vector is one of topic that exist in the field of study mathematics. The field of economic studies also use the basic concepts of the field of study of mathematics. The concept of a linear program that is used by an economist or a manager to calculate the production of an item to be sold in order to gain the maximum profit and loss is very minimal. Therefore mathematics is often called the queen of sciences both natural science or social science or "queen of sciences". And mathematics was practically his center of science. Physics is closely linked with mathematics. This is because the mathematical logic is able to provide a framework for making the formulation of a physics topics appropriately. Definitions, theories, and models of physics have always expressed using mathematical relations. Physical science is also the invention will be order of nature. How do I express the natural order? Very difficult to express the natural order if only using words. For example, the natural order of the acceleration. Translation of his words is: Acceleration is a change of pace to changing times. How to describe the sentence? How to apply the concept of acceleration on a moving object? Of course, we will meet a great difficulty here. But if we take advantage of the mathematical equation, then everything looks to be easier, acceleration denoted by a, so , applying the concept of acceleration in many cases makes it simple. Someone who understands the math will have difficulty in understanding the physics, but people who understand physics must understand the mathematics that will be able to describe his understanding in mathematical form that makes it easy. Physics is not possible to run without mathematics, due to the concept of this nature can not be expressed and put to good use without mathematics. Hussain Bumulo in his book [1] says, that today can not be avoided any mathematical approaches in the analysis of economics because the understanding and use of mathematics can help to analyze economic phenomenon, the benefits as follows: 1. The relations between the various economic factors can be expressed in a more concise and clear; 2. Amendments of quantitative factors is easily calculated and is depicted in the form of tables / charts and derivative functions can be performed with marginal analysis; 3. Definitions and assumptions can be formulated explicitly; 4. Withdrawal of the conclusions in the analysis process will be more systematically so that oversight by a vague description of it is unavoidable; 5. The application of mathematics in economics analysis can reveal the limitations and possibilities. According to Nur Rianto [2] is a branch of mathematical logic that provides a systematic framework, in which a quantitative relationship can be learned. In economic analysis, deduction obtained by mathematical analysis should be interpreted and evaluated empirically. Math allows the economy to define the relevant variables appropriately, the assumptions made clearly, to analyze it logically, and were able to study the effect of several variables on one or more other variables. 2. Method


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

The research approach used in this research is the quantitative. Sugiyono [3] states that the quantitative method called traditional method, because this method is long enough used so it's been a tradition, as a method for research. This method is referred to as a positivistic methods due to based on the philosophy of positivism. This method is a scientific method / scientific due to is in compliance with scientific principles, namely concrete / empirical, objective, measurable, rational and systematic. This method is also called confirmatory method due to the method is suitable for verification / confirmation. This method is called quantitative methods due to research data in the form of figures and statistical analysis using. Thus quantitative methods can be interpreted as a method of research that is based on the philosophy of positivism, used to examine the population or a particular sample, data collection using the instrument of research, analysis of quantitative data / statistics, with the aim to test the hypothesis that has been set [3]. Still according to Sugiyono in his book [3] states that quantitative methods are divided into two, namely the experimental method and survey method. Experimental research method is a research method that is used to look for the effect of specific treatment in a controlled environment (laboratory). W. Lawrence Neuman in Sugiyono’s book states "Survey are quantitative beasth Survey. The surveys ask many people (call respondent) about Reviews their beliefs, opinions, characteristics, and past or present behavior. Appropriate for research surveys are self-reported qustions about belief or behavior”. Survey is generally conducted to observe a generalization of observations that are not deep. Although this survey method does not require the control group as well as on the experimental method, but the generalization that can be done more accurately when used in a representative sample [3]. In this research, researchers using the survey quantitative method which usually called quantitative non-experiment method. The population in this research is all class XI in SMAN 1 Telagasari Karawang, which is 6 classes of XI MIA and 3 classes of XI IIS. The researchers reason for taking the population of the entire class at SMAN 1 Telagasari, due to characteristics of the students at SMAN 1 Telagasari in accordance with what is expected of researchers, the ability of the students at SMAN 1 Telagasari can compete with the ability of all students high school students in Karawang. According to Sugiyono [3], the sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population. Sampling technique is needed in a study due to it is used to determine who the members of the population who want to be sampled. While in this research the researchers used purposive sampling technique. This sampling technique used to determine when the object studied samples were selected based on certain considerations [3]. So, from many classes there are in the population, researchers took two classes namely, class class XI MIA 1 and XI IIS 1. The data will be obtained from this research is quantitative data interval scale. Because in this study the researcher intends to determine the correlation among the subjects of mathematics with physics and economics, then technique of data analysis in this research uses only correlation. The correlation used in this study is the Pearson product-moment correlation, or commonly known as the Pearson correlation. Pearson correlation according to Walpole [4] is a linear correlation between two variables or Walpole also call it as a measure of the linear relationship between two random variables x and y and is usually denoted by r. The data analysis in this research uses help of software support, by using the statistical software SPSS 21 for calculating the Pearson correlation. The formula for the Pearson correlation itself is as follows:

Or √


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(∑ )

The linear regression equation used in this research are as follows: , i = 1, … , n With = dependent variable = independent variable = random error assuming

follow the normal distribution of data with a constant variance

3. Result and Discussion

Chart Title 3,60 3,55 3,50 3,45 3,40 3,35 3,30 3,25 3,20 3,15 3,10 3,05 3,15









Figure 1. Figure plotting Mathematics with Physics Figure 1 shows that there is a linear relationship between the subjects of mathematics with physics. Plot the data also show variance value of physics increasingly varied if the mathematical value is low or moderate.


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Chart Title 3,60 3,50 3,40 3,30 3,20 3,10 3,00 2,90 2,80 2,70 2,60 2,80










Figure 2. Figure plotting Mathematics with Economics Figure 2 shows that there is a linear relationship between mathematics to economics although the relationship is not very strong. Table 1. Pearson correlation with SPSS 21 between Mathematics and Physics 6 pt


R 1

R Square



Table 2. Residuals Statistics 6 pt

Minimum Std. Residual


Maximum 2.084

Mean 0.000

Std. Dev 0.987

N 39

Table 3. Regression Coefficients in Mathematics and Physics 6 pt

Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1


Std. Error







Results of the calculations in SPSS 21 Table 1 shows that the correlation between mathematics with physics in 0.798 it means that there is a strong relationship between the subjects of mathematics with physics. Then the results of calculation of SPSS 21 in Table 2 shows that the data in this research are not fair values of outliers. Meanwhile in Table 3 shows that when the math scores increased by 1 (one) point, the value of physics will rise by 0.973 points. 39

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Table 4. Pearson correlation with SPSS 21 between Mathematics and Economics 6 pt



R Square




Table 5. Residuals Statistics 6 pt

Minimum Std. Residual


Maximum 2.948

Mean 0.000

Std. Dev 0.987

N 39

Table 6. Regression Coefficients in Mathematics and Economics 6 pt

Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1


Std. Error







Results of the calculations in SPSS 21 Table 4 shows that the correlation between mathematics with economics, which is 0.277 it means that there is a relationship but not too strong between the subjects of mathematics with economic subjects. SPSS 21 then the calculation results in Table 5 show that the data in this research is not fair values are outliers. Meanwhile in Table 6 shows that when the math scores increased by 1 (one) point so economic value will be increased by 0.288 points. 4. Conclusion Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that there is a great correlation and contribution between mathematic with physics, while between mathematic with economics, correlation and its contribution is not as big as between mathematics and physics. The following description more details: 1. Correlation between students’ mathematical ability with physical ability is very strong, which means that mathematics and physics are very relating; 2. The correlation between students' mathematical abilities with the economic ability is low, it means mathematics and economics are less relating; 3. Not all subjects must be imposed in relation to each other. When an educator too hard to associate each subject with other subjects, so learners will have trouble, meaning that an educator should always look at any subject that can be associated with each other; As for the suggestion of researchers to readers of this research is that readers can add what the shortfall results of this study and can complement what has been produced in this research. Then the researchers also suggested that teaching materials that will be taught in the field of physics and economic studies in order to advance studied in mathematics, because there will be a coordination between the field of study of mathematics with other subjects such as what is desired by the curriculum in 2013 (Kurtilas).


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5. Acknowledgments The authors thank to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Singaperbangsa University Karawang (UNSIKA), due to leading me to do this research. Especially, thanks to my lecturer who has given a lot of referrals. 6. References [1] Mursinto, D., dan Bumulo, H. 2005 Matematika untuk Ekonomi dan Aplikasinya Malang: Bayu Media. [2] Rianto Al-Arif, M. N. 2013 Matematika Terapan untuk Ekonomi Bandung: Pustaka Setia. [3] Sugiyono 2011 Metode Penelitian Mixed Methods Bandung: Alphabeta [4] Walpole, R. E 1992 Pengantar Statistika Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Creative thinking ability viewed from the aspect of adversity quotient through open ended learning assisted cabri II plus and the geometer’s sketchpad D Wahyunia), S Prabawanto, and B A P Martadiputra 1

Departemen Matematika, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This paper was aimed to review the literature about the creative thinking ability viewed from the aspect of adversity quotient (quitter, camper and climber) through open ended learning assisted cabri II plus and the geometer’s sketchpad, and to investigate whether the approach of open ended learning assisted cabri II plus and open ended learning assisted the geometer’s sketchpad can be increase the students mathematical creative thinking ability. The research in this study is an experimental research with ex post facto - causal research. The data is collected from the 9th grade junior high school students. These research instruments that used are mathematical creative thinking ability test, and adversity quotient scale. Based on the result and literature review shows: (1) there is an influences of open ended learning assisted cabri II plus towards students’ mathematical creative thinking ability; (2) there is an influences of open ended learning assisted the geometer’s sketchpad towards students’ mathematical creative thinking ability; (3) there is a differences of creative thinking ability among students who use open ended learning assisted cabri II plus and students who use open ended learning assisted the geometer’s sketchpad viewed from the aspect of adversity quotient (quitter, camper and climber).

1. Introduction Education is the most valuable investment for life. Education is one aspect that plays an important role in the development of a nation so that the government seeks various ways to improve the quality of education. These efforts cover the various components in the field of education, including curriculum renewal, improving the quality of educators and improving facilities and infrastructure. Mathematics is an inseparable science from education that has a very important role in printing human resources quality. This is what makes math one of the basic taught from elementary school as contained in the competence contained in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 22 of 2006 on Content Standards. The competence states that mathematics should be taught to all learners from elementary school to equip learners with logical, analytical, systematic, critical and creative thinking skills, as well as the ability to work together [1]. However, the importance of mathematics is not supported by the ability possessed of students’. The result of the National Examination in junior high school year of 2014/2015 shows the mean of subject of mathematics lowest than the other subject namely Bahasa, English, and science there are (56.28), (71.06), (60.01), and (59.88), respectively [2]. Thinking cannot be interpreted in a limited sense. Thinking means using reason to consider and decide something. Every soul activity that uses words and understanding always involves thought 42

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processes. Santrock explains, thinking involves the activities of manipulation and transforming information in memory to form concepts, reasoning, thinking critically, making decisions, thinking creatively, and solving problems [3]. Wang stated "creativity is the intellectual ability to make creations, inventions". Students’ will be able to generate ideas that have not been thought of by themselves or others through creative thinking [4]. Krulik suggests that in understanding or planning problem solving, students need the ability to think creatively is adequate, because the ability is the ability to think advanced (reasoning) after basic and critical thinking [5]. Pehkonen states that, “creative thinking can be interpreted as a combination of logical thoughts and divergent thoughts based on intuition but still in the conscious stage” [6]. Most teachers train students to think convergent (from all direction). Teachers should also train students to think divergent (in all directions) so that students will discover possibilities that have never been seen or experienced before. This is in line with the opinion of Guilford which states that through divergent thinking we find the most obvious indication of creativity. Research conducted by Supardi concluded that there is a positive influence on creative thinking on mathematics learning achievement [7]. According to Torrance [8], the ability to think creatively is divided into three things: (a) Fluency, is generating ideas in various categories/fields; (b) Originality, is to have new ideas for solving problems; And (c) Elaboration, is the ability to solve problems in detail. While creative thinking according to Anwar, et al is a new way to see and do things that are characterized by four components: (a) Fluency (generate ideas); (b) Flexibility (easy perspective shift); (c) Originality (consisting of something new); and (d) Elaboration (building on existing ideas) [9]. Then the characteristic creative thinking according to Guilford is "fluency, originality, elaboration, and redefinition". Silver pointed out an indicator to identify students’ creative thinking (fluency, flexibility, and novelty)[10]. To be able to know the ability of creative thinking of student in rectangle material, researcher develop an indicator of the ability of mathematical creative thinking as follows: 1) Fluency (student can solve math problem by using procedure smoothly); 2) Flexibility (students can solve math problems by using various strategies or give some correct answers); 3) Originality (students can solve math problems using their own strategy/way). The development and utilization of students' creative thinking ability become one of the important goals in mathematics learning in school, but it cannot be developed optimally because students are accustomed to do routine and procedural thinking so that students have limited opportunity to respond and solve problems freely. Wertheimer says, "procedural and mechanistic mathematical learning, such as the application of formulas done in mathematics learning tends to deprive human beings of seeing the whole structure and inhibit the emergence of creativity" [11]. Dahlan states "exercise or an assignment is always oriented to the right answer and that's a problem" [12]. Creative thinking is very important in this era of globalization, so everyone must be have creative thinking ability. Students have various backgrounds and different creative thinking abilities. For increase student’s mathematical creative thinking ability, teachers can use open ended approach. Mathematical activities generated by open ended problems are very rich and subtle so as teachers can evaluate students’ higher order thinking skills. According to NCTM [13], one of the standard geometry teaching in schools is that students can use visualization, have spatial reasoning and geometry modeling to solve problems. In practice, the process of learning geometry is currently less supportive of visualization because it still uses traditional media such as ruler, protractor, pencil, paper print and so forth. Although the process of calculation and visualization may be fulfilled by using traditional media, but traditional geometry media has deficiencies in the process of geometry exploration. These deficiencies include a lack of reflection of epistemic behavior, individual learning, ineffectiveness, lack of visualization support to form flexible and functional thinking, and less developed heuristic strategies [14]. To help students to construct geometric problems and be able to visualize images accurately and appropriately, learning should be supported by the media. Some media that can maximize the thinking processes of students in using visualization, especially in the lesson of flat geometry is a learning media in the form of cabri II plus and the geometer's sketchpad. So, to support optimal learning process in order to improve the ability of creative thinking especially on geometry, students’ can study


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with using open-ended learning assisted Cabri II plus and open-ended learning assisted the geometer's sketchpad. Based on the result of the National Examination year of 2014/2015 [2], shows that the differences of the level of the face of problems faced by students in math lessons. There are students who feel difficult only on certain subjects, there are students who feel difficult only certain areas of math, and there are students feel difficult for all math materials. So it can be ascertained that every student who studied mathematics has experienced difficulties. Therefore, the role of Adversity Quotient in education becomes important, that is to help students not to give up easily, more resistant to misfortune, and not easy to despair in facing problems. Research questions in this study are as follows. 1) Are there influences of open ended learning assisted cabri II plus towards students’ mathematical creative thinking ability?; 2) Are there influences of open ended learning assisted the geometer’s sketchpad towards students’ mathematical creative thinking ability?; 3) Are there differences of creative thinking ability among students who use open ended learning assisted cabri II plus and students who use open ended learning assisted the geometer’s sketchpad viewed from the aspect of adversity quotient (quitter, camper and climber)? 2. Methods The research in this study is an experimental research with ex post facto – causal research. The quantitative data is collected from the 9th grade junior high school students to assess the validity, reliability, index of difficulty, and differential to measure ability of students’ mathematical creative thinking. The determination of the research sample is based on purposive sampling. The test instruments involve 6 items of the ability of mathematical creative thinking of shape description on the topic of rectangle are made with inserting the three components of creative thinking, those are fluency, flexibility, and originality. The six items of the ability of mathematical creative thinking consist of two questions of fluency (numbers 1 and 2), two questions of flexibility (numbers 3 and 4) and two questions of originality (numbers 5 and 6). Another instrument used in this study is a scale of adversity quotient. The 10 items of the semantic differential scale of adversity response profile are made with inserting the four dimension of adversity quotient, those are control, origin and ownership, and endurance to find out students who have high AQ (climber), medium AQ (camper), and low AQ (quitter). Data analyzed using a statistical test by using r product moment. Based on the calculation results obtained that the value of correlation coefficient calculated for each item. The value of product moment correlation coefficient compared with r value of table with n = 26 at significance level 0,05 obtained . shows the validity of the test items and shows that the test items are not valid. Criteria for grouping students based on the results of adversity quotient scale is listed in the following table. Table 1. Criteria for grouping students AQ score 51-70 31-50 10-30

AQ type Climber Camper Quitter

3. Result and Discussion 3.1 The Result of Students' Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability and Adversity Quotient Scale Table 2 shows that the result data of the students' creative thinking ability test from 26 students.


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Table 2. Classification of the Instruments of the Students’ Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability Classification Validity Index of Dificulty Differentials







Based on the result of the test of the students' creative thinking ability test, it is known that the item number 4 is not valid so it cannot be used to measure ability of mathematical creative thinking. Therefore, the items that can be used to measure ability of mathematical creative thinking are items number 1, 3, and 6 because they have represented the three indicators of mathematical creative thinking ability and fulfill the three difficulty level that is easy, medium, and difficult. Based on the result of the test of the students' creative thinking ability test, the researcher found the mean score too poor that is 26,81 from the maximum score that is 60. So, need to one method learning to increase the students' mathematical creative thinking ability. Table 3 shows that the result data of the scale of adversity response profile from 26 students. Table 3. Result of the scale of adversity response profile AQ type Climber Camper Quitter

Totals 5 students 9 students 12 students

There is an example of creative thinking ability test with answer of two different respondent:

Figure 1. Problem of creative thinking ability

i. Respondent A

ii. Respondent B

Figure 2. The answer of responden A and B Figure 2 shows the right way and right answer of respondent A, and figure 3 shows the different way with right way but has a miss calculated so made the answer wrong from respondent B.


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3.2 Open Ended Approach to Increase the Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability According to Worthington, “measuring the creative thinking ability of students can be done through the exploration of student work that shows the process of creative thinking”[15]. Selection and implementation of appropriate learning approaches will assist teachers in delivering lessons and exploring student work so they can guide students to gain their own understanding. Sagala says, “the learning approach is described as an overview of the learning scenario used to achieve a learning objective” [16]. One approach that teachers can use to improve creative thinking skills is the openended approach. According to Becker and Shimada, “the use of open-ended test can stimulate creativity, original thinking ability, and innovation in mathematics”[17]. Research conducted by Noer states that the creative thinking ability of students who use open-ended learning is higher than those who do not [18]. The Open-ended approach was created about twenty years ago from the results of research conducted by Japanese mathematics education specialist Shigeru Shimada, Toshio Sawada, Yoshiko Yashimoto, and Kenichi Shibuya [19]. According to Shimada & Becker, “the emergence of an openended approach begins with a view of how to assess students' high-level thinking ability objectively”[12]. According to Shimada, “open-ended learning is learning that presents a problem that has more than one method or correct solution”[20]. The open-ended approach is an instructional approach using an open-ended problem, which has multiple solutions or multiple approaches to a solution [21]. The more alternative solutions mean more opportunities in finding the best answers. The more alternative solutions will also minimize the activity of imitating (plagiarism). NCTM stated, “when student are asked to focus on and develop different methods, ways, and approaches to getting and answer to a given problem and not on finding answer to the problem, the student are, in a sense, facing and dealing with an open-ended problem, since what is asked for is not the answer to the problem but rather the methods for arriving at an answer.” [22]

Figure 4. Figure of the difference of close ended problem and open ended problem The open-ended will open up opportunities for students to make hypotheses, estimates, opinions, values, and conclusions [23]. The openness aspect in the open-ended test can be classified into three types, namely: (1) open solving process; (2) open results (about having many correct answers); and (3) chance to do further development which means that when students have completed a test, then they can develop a new problem by changing the condition or condition of the previous test [24]. Features of open-ended problems: a) No fixed method; b) No fixed answer/many possible answers; c) Solved in different ways and on different levels (accessible to mixed abilities); d) Offer pupils room for own decision making and natural mathematical way of thinking; e) Develop reasoning & communication skills; f) Open to pupils’ creativity and imagination when relates to reallife context of children experience [25]. According to Becker & Shimada [21], “Some of benefits from mathematics learning using openended problem, as follows: 1) Students participate more actively in the lesson and express their ideas more frequently; 2) Students have more opportunities to make comprehensive used of their mathematical knowledge and skills; 3) Even low-achieving students can respond to the problem in some significant ways of their own; 4) Students are intrinsically motivated to give proofs; 5) Students have rich experiences in the pleasure of discovery and receive the approval of fellow students.” By employing the open-ended approach, the lesson was designed to provide students an opportunity to develop their competence in using mathematical expressions and equations [21].


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A research by Muhsetyo shows that learning using the open-ended approach has potential power to foster students in higher order mathematics thinking. This way can motivate the growth of thinking creatively, critically, flexible with meaningful reasoning, and working independently [26]. 3.3 Learning with Media To help students to construct geometric problems and be able to visualize images accurately and appropriately, learning should be supported by the media. Some media that can maximize the thinking processes of students in using visualization, especially in the lesson of flat geometry is a learning media in the form of cabri II plus and the geometer's sketchpad. Cabri II Plus and the Geometer's Sketchpad are used as a learning tool for small groups and individualized studies in classes ranging from elementary to collegiate [27]. Cabri II plus and the geometer's sketchpad have features that can be used to construct dots, lines, triangles, circles and other flat geometries complete with geometryrelated calculations. Learning geometry with Cabri II plus and the geometer's sketchpad software can also ease students and effectively analyze problems than the traditional ones. Cabri II plus was developed as part of the Dynamic Geometric Software (DGS) by Jean Marie Lborde and Frank Bellemain in Institut D’Informatique et Mathematiques Apliquees de Grenoble (IMAG). Build (shape) that is constructed with Cabri II plus can be manipulated and moved so as to facilitate the user to do the exploration without doing the reconstruction. In addition, the structured and interactive interfaces make Cabri II plus can be used to explore the properties of a flat build with a careful and accurate calculation. The Geometer’s Sketchpad began as an outgrowth of the Visual Geometry Project (VGP) at Swarthmore College, directed by Eugene Klotz and Doris Schattschneider. The Geometer’s Sketchpad is a tool that supports this kind of investigative learning. One of the nice features of Sketchpad is that student can construct figures that have certain properties. Construct figures retain their properties as they are manipulated [28]. The two different programs Cabri II Plus and Geometer’s Sketchpad work on similar principles but have different details so the open-ended learning assisted cabri II plus and open-ended learning assisted geometer's sketchpad can support optimal learning process in order to improve the ability of creative thinking especially on geometry. 3.4 Adversity Quotient In general, intelligence can be understood at two levels. First, intelligence as an ability to understand the information that shapes knowledge and awareness. Second, intelligence is an ability to process information so that problems faced by a person can be solved immediately, and increase knowledge. Adversity Quotient (AQ) is the intelligence to solve the problem, is the intelligence of a person in the face of problems [29]. Adversity Quotient (AQ) aspect that was first conceived by Paul G. Stoltz. Stoltz considers that intellectual Quotient (IQ) and emotional Quotient (EQ) are not sufficient in determining one's success. For him, it is useless for someone who has good IQ and EQ but does not have the effort and ability to respond well. Success is can be influenced by one's ability to control or control his own life. Success can also be influenced and predicted through the way a person responds and explains the problem. Thus, AQ is a theory used to bridge IQ and EQ. According to Paul Stoltz [30], AQ is the science of human resilience, i.e capacity of people to cope with stress and adversity. AQ can also be referred as the ability of the person to adapt well to stress, adversity, trauma or tragedy. People who apply AQ perform optimally while facing adversity. Actually, they not only learn from these challenges but also respond to them healthier and more rapidly. An individual style of responding to adverse situations was measured by AQ. Stoltz groups people into three categories of AQ, namely: Quitter (Low AQ), Camper (moderate AQ), and Climber (high AQ). Students with Low Adversity Quotient or Quitter skills are students who choose to opt out, avoid obligations, retreat and quit when they encounter difficulties. Students with moderate Adversity Quotient or Camper skills are students who quit when they feel comfortable in a particular situation and hide from unfriendly situations, whereas students with high Adversity Quotient or Climber skills will always think of possibilities and never stop or dodge of the problem [30].


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AQ includes following 4 components: 1) Control: The degree of control the person perceives that he or she has over adverse events; 2) Ownership: The extent to which the person owns or takes responsibility for the outcomes of adversity or the extent to which the person holds himself or herself accountable for improving the situation; 3) Reach: The degree to which the person perceives good or bad events reaching into other areas of life; 4) Endurance: The perception of time over which good or bad events and their consequences will last or endure [30]. A research by Supardi shows that there is influence between Adversity Quotient to mathematics learning achievement. It means that the higher the level of Adversity Quotient students, the higher the achievement of mathematics learning, and vice versa [31]. Based on the literature review and result on the test, Open ended learning assisted cabri II plus and open ended learning assisted the geometer’s sketchpad can be solution to increase the students mathematical creative thinking ability. 4. Conclusion Based on the literature review and result on the test, open ended learning assisted cabri II plus and open ended learning assisted the geometer’s sketchpad can be solution to increase the students mathematical creative thinking ability. The conclusions in this paper are as follows. 1) There is an influences of open ended learning assisted cabri II plus towards students’ mathematical creative thinking ability; 2) There is an influences of open ended learning assisted the geometer’s sketchpad towards students’ mathematical creative thinking ability; 3) There is a difference of creative thinking ability among students who use open ended learning assisted cabri II plus and students who use open ended learning assisted the geometer’s sketchpad viewed from the aspect of adversity quotient (quitter, camper and climber). Following are the suggestions made for future researchers: 1) The research can further be done at junior high school level; 2) To confirm the findings of the literature review and previous researches, a large sample study can be done to confirm the results; 3) The experimental research on the influences of open ended learning assisted cabri II plus and the geometer’s sketchpad towards students’ mathematical creative thinking ability can be done to confirm the results; 4) The experimental research on the difference of creative thinking ability between students who use open ended learning assisted cabri II plus and students who use open ended learning assisted the geometer’s sketchpad viewed from the aspect of adversity quotient (quitter, camper and climber) can be done. 5. Acknowledgments Special thanks to my parents, Mom and Dad, who always support me so that I can finish this paper and everyone who give some suggestions for this paper. 6. References [1] Depdiknas 2006 Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 22 Tahun 2006 Tentang Standar Isi (Jakarta: Depdiknas) [2] Kemdikbud 2015 http://litbang.kemdikbud.go.id/ [3] Santrock J W 2009 Perkembangan Anak (Jakarta: Erlangga) [4] Kurniawan I, Kusmayadi, and Sujadi I 2015 Proses Berpikir Kreatif Siswa Climber Dalam Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Pada Materi Peluang Jurnal Elektronik Pembelajaran Matematika Vol 3 No 6, ISSN: 2339-1685 pp 599-612 [5] Siswono T Y E 2006 Implementasi Teori Tentang Tingkat Berpikir Kreatif Dalam Matematika. Conf. on Seminar Konferensi Nasional Matematika XIII dan Konggres Himpunan Matematika Indonesia di Jurusan Matematika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Semarang 48

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[10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

[16] [17] [18] [19]

[20] [21] [22] [23] [24]

[25] [26]


[28] [29]

Fauziah I N L, et al 2013 Proses Berpikir Kreatif Siswa Kelas X Dalam Memecahkan Masalah Geometri Berdasarkan Tahapan Wallas Ditinjau Dari Adversity Quotient (AQ) Siswa Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Solusi Vol. 1 No. 1 Supardi U S 2015 Peran Berpikir Kreatif Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Matematika (Formatif Journal 2(3)) ISSN: 2088-351X (Jakarta: Indraprasta PGRI University) pp 248-262 Munandar S C U 2002 Pengembangan Kreativitas Anak Berbakat (Jakarta: Grasindo) Anwar M N et al 2012 Relationship of Creative Thinking with the Academic Achievements of Secondary School Students Int. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education – April 2012, Vol 1 Issue 3 Siswono T Y E 2011 Level Of Student’s Creative Thinking In Classroom Mathematics Educational Research and Review Vol 6 (7) ISSN 1990-3839 pp 548-553 Mariana R 2012 Pengaruh Pendekatan Pembelajaran Open-Ended Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Pelajaran Matematika (UPI: Thesis) Dahlan J A 2012 Pendekatan Open-ended Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika. National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM) 2000 Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (USA: NCTM) Maarif S 2015 Pelajaran Geometri Berbantu Cabri 2 Plus (Panduan Praktis Mengembangkan Kemampuan Matematis) (Bogor: In Media) Maharani H R 2014 Creative Thinking In Mathematics: Are We Able To Solve Mathematical Problems In A Variety Of Way? Int. Conf. on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2014 (Semarang: Semarang State University) Sagala S 2002 Makna dan Konsep Pembelajaran (Jakarta: Alfabeta) Livne N L 2008 Enhanching Mathematical Creativity through Multiple Solution to Open-Ended Problems Noer S H 2011 Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis dan Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Masalah Open-Ended Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol 5 No 1 Nohda N 2008 A Study of “Open-Approach” Method in School Mathematics Teaching – Focusing On Mathematical Problem Solving Activities (Institute of Education, University of Tsukuba) Shimada 1997 Lesson Study for Effective Use of Open-Ended Problems (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) Takahashi A 2008 Communication as Process for Students to Learn Mathematical (DePaul University) National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM) 1997 Curriculm and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematic (USA: NCTM) Ruseffendi 1988 Pengantar Kepada Membantu Guru Mengembangkan Kompetensi Dalam Pengajaran Matematika (Bandung: Tarsito) Mahmudi A 2008 Mengembangkan Soal Terbuka (Open-Ended Problem) dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Conf. on Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika (Yogyakarta: UNY) Yee F P 1990 Using Short Open-ended Mathematics Questions to Promote Thinking and Understanding (Singapore: National Institute of Education) Muhsetyo G 2015 The Implementation Of Open-Ended Approch For Identifying Student Work Patterns About Area Concept Proc. Int. Conf. on Research, Implementation And Education Of Mathematics And Sciences (Yogyakarta State University) Sandir H and Aztekin S 2016 Pre-Service Math Teachers’ Opinions about Dynamic Geometry Softwares and Their Expectations from Them Look Academic Publishers in IEJME – Mathematics Education ISSN: 2468-4945 Vol 11, No 3 pp 421-431 Reynolds B E and Fenton W E 2006 College Geometry: Using The Geometer’s Sketchpad. (USA) Sudarman 2011 Proses berpikir siswa Quitter pada sekolah menengah pertama dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematika. Edumatica, 01(02) pp 15-24


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[30] Stoltz P G 2000 Adversity Quotient: Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities (Terjemahan oleh: T. Hermaya) (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia) [31] Supardi U S 2013 Pengaruh Adversity Qoutient Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika (Journal Formatif 3(1)) ISSN: 2088-351X pp 61-71


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Developing learning materials with open ended problems to develop mathematical creativity in junior high school G D Nugraha

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi nomor 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Email : [email protected]

Abstract. This research is a design research and talk about how to develop the learning materials with open ended problems in quadrilateral subject. This research has three steps, started from Preparation Design Phase, Design Experiment and Retrospective Analysis based on student’s learning obstacle and it made with Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT). The purposes of the research are diagnosing learning obstacles, developing the learning materials in quadrilateral topic that correspond with students need and can trigger the creative thinking in mathematics. Open Ended problems has three indicators; fluency, flexibility and originality. The results of the research are : few students still get learning obstacle; they get trouble when asked for making a conncetion between the object and the other based on its character. But, the learning materials causing them think creatively, they can construct an idea, see the problem with other perspective.

1.Introduction Humans are given an ability to thinking, they definitely do it as long as they alive. There are many kind of thinking concept that have been applied including a creative thinking. Word “Creative” is reluctant to “innovate” and innovate means invent and develop things in technologies, arts and also mathematics education. In mathematics education, teacher play as a director; they can create a learning situation based on the phenomenon which can be found in the classroom. Since the phenomenon is not exactly the same and it’s unique then teacher have to construct the learning situation with various kind and they need to think creative. If it succeed, it can be useful for both teacher and students like research was did by Nurlaelah in 2009, the result was students who used an APOS approach (Action, Process, Object, Schema) for learning mathematics gain a better score in mathematical creativity than students who used an expository method [1]. In the other hand, according PISA’s results in 2012, Indonesia gain score below mean, Indonesia got score 375 form 493 score mean [2], according to Kertayasa, there are few reasons why Indonesia getting low score on PISA; Indonesian students aren’t getting used to think critically, creatively to solve the problem in mathematics because they’re barely get non routine problem when learning mathematics in classroom and most teacher are lack for inviting their students to thinking [3]. However, standard competence which is regulated on Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) explains the creative thinking is one of the most important ability to solve the problem [4]. Based on reasons why is the creative thinking is one of the most prominent ability then author has an idea to making a learning materials that can develop student’s creative thinking with open ended problems [5]. Open ended problem has been applied in Japan on early 2000’s and it show non routine problem as a tool for triggering ideas and solving problems in mathematics.


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2.Experimental Method This research are using qualitative method [6], so it started from exploring and diagnosing the learning obstacle in learning mathematics with a diagnostic test [7]. Beside that, the author did interview with a few students which help to describe the condition of students in the class. The author choose quadrilateral in seventh grade junior high school as a main topic, the research located in of junior high school in Bandung. The test form is open ended problem. Author use Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) as experimental method [8]. First, preparation design phase; data from diagnostic test is considered for making learning materials. Second, design experiment, the learning materials are tested to students. Last, retrospective analysis; the author is analyse the result and the result should be a reference for a next learning materials. 3. Result and Discussion Using hypothetical learning trajectory, preparation design phase start from The diagnostic test. It was given for eighth grade because they learned about the topic and another reason that author give it to them based on teacher’s consideration. According to the teacher, the characteristic between eighth students and seventh students are slighty identical. The diagnostic test contains the creative thinking indicators; fluency, flexibility, originality [9]. First question measures fluency skill; the ability for how many solutions that they can produce, and it should be the right solutions. The question is Mr. Mus has a garden, his garden’s land is rectangle with 48 m2 for the area, but he forget how long is the length, wide, even the perimeter of his garden. Write down all of the possibilities for the length, wide and the perimeter of his garden ! . Here is the example of student’s answer in figure 1 :

Figure 1. the example of student’s answer For the first question, most of the students can answer this problem but in figure 1, student didn’t write down all the possibilities. In this question there is no learning obstacle but the author assumes, the diction should be familiar for them. So, they can understand what the question means. Second question measures flexibility skills; the ability for find as many as possible the way for solving the problem. Here is the question showing in figure 2 :

Figure 2. Second Question 52

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The explanation is, given two dimensional figure including triangles and a square with the perimeter of square is 28 cm, the length of AB is 25 cm and the length of AB is the same as BC, DE, and GH. The question is to measure the area of them, flexibility skill show in point b to find another way for calculating the area of that figures. Students can reform that figure to the other shapes and find the area of them. Here are one of their solution appear in figure 3 :

Figure 3. answer for second question Second question can be concluded that no one can answer correctly for point b question and most of them only answer the question in point a as it show in figure 3, only a few students answer it correctly. In point a, all of the students solve the problem with calculating triangles and a square separately then they adding all of them but none of them have reform it to the other shapes. For second question, it can be concluded that students is get trouble reforming the rectangular shapes. In quadrilateral topic, their trouble related to the identification of quadrilateral’s characteristics. Third question quantifies originality; the ability for making ideas. Here is the question shows in figure 4 :

Figure 4. Questions for identifying flexibility in mathematical creative thinking Mr. Bahar has grounds and his grounds is square. He measure the perimeter and he got 400 meters. For measuring the area, he use the sides of the grounds. Mr. Bahar is quite unsure then he ask Komar for measuring it again but Komar did with the different method, he measure its diagonal and the length is 100√ meter. The questions are, is it area which calculated by Mr. Bahar and Komar will be the same ? show how Mr. Bahar and Komar can find the area ! Student’s answer will be shows in figure 5 :


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Figure 5. student’s answer for third question In figure 5, students can answer the question correctly but student didn’t write down what are the characteristics and connection between square and the others. So, the author concludes, they should recognize and identify what are the characteristics for each quadrilateral. Second, the author make some questions for students in interview session. Five students are interviewed. The questions shows in figure 6 :

Figure 6. List of questions in interview with few students First question asks about the sources that students learn mathematics, it can be answer from books, internet, etc. Second question asks about how much the daily activity in learning mathematics take part for their conseptual understanding ability, and they answer no, it doesn’t help yet. Third question asks about the class description, and they answer the class is bit noissy. Fourth question asks how student’s interest for working individually or groups and four of them answer working individually because it less noisy. Fifth question, asks did teacher ever giving a learning materials and they said barely the teacher give a learning material. Last question is about thinking kreatif in mathematics and all of them said not yet. From the prior activities, there are some facts that should be author’s concern. First, learning materials is a new thing for students. Second, the author should organize the class well so that students


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can learn effectively.Third, a learning materials that was made can make them understanding the concept and triggering them to think creatively. Next phase is a design experiment, the author made a learning materials with open ended problems, and the topic is recognizing and identify quadrilaterals with open ended problems. Students divided into several groups, Here is the example of learning materials that the author made in figure 7 :

Figure 7. recognizing the quadrilaterals Number one, students are asked and named it each number of that two dimensional figure. This task purposes is to check their basic concept understanding and every group can answer correctly. It implies, they don’t have a problem with their basic concept in quadrilateral topic. Next, students learn about the characteristic of each quadrilateral. With open ended problem, the learning materials represented as non routine problem, it showed in figure 8 :


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Figure 8. identifying the characteristic for every quadrilaterals In figure 8, there are several characteristics of quadrilateral. Students are asked for match the characteristics of quadrilateral above and the two dimensional figure in number 1. They have to be careful for choosing it, the characteristic can be choosen many times for the other quadrilaterals. The author hopes they can work collaboratively and they can solve the problem. There is an example of students activity in number 2 shows in figure 9 :


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Figure 9. one of student’s group solutions In figure 9, this group invent the relationship between the characteristic and the right quadrilaterals, they can answer correctly. Another group activity will show in figure 10.

Figure 10. another group’s solution Another group and their solution show in figure 10, this group has another perspective about quadrilateral. For example, this group invent that rhombus has two diagonals which the length are the same and the others didn’t. So the author concluded, there are a variety of solutions, perspective that


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make students think creatively, so this learning materials can develop creative thinking in mathematics.

Last topic to be discuss is about making conncection between one kind quadrilateral to the others, quadrilateral has at least one identical characteristic with others. In figure 11, students have to making a connection based on their answer on previous task. In figure 12, we can see the result of their activity.

figure 12. example of group activity In figure 12, students only write down the characteristic and quadrilateral that has the characteristics, for example, the charateristic of quadrilaterals that have two parallel sides, then this group write square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, kite. So, the author assumed, they cannot make a connection between the figure and its characteristic to the others. 4. Conclusion After the research, the author concludes few students still get learning obstacle; they get trouble when asked for making a conncetion between the object and the other based on its character. But, the learning materials causing them think creatively, they can construct an idea, see the problem with other perspective. 5. Acknowledgement The author has to thank for Entit Puspita M.Si and Eyus Sudihartinih, M.Pd as mentors then teachers, and headmaster in sixth junior high school Bandung for permiting the author for did the research.


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6. References [1] Nurlaelah E 2009 Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kreativitas dan Daya Matematika Mahasiswa Calon Guru melalui Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Teori APOS dan Tugas Terstruktur Disertasi. [2] OECD 2012 PISA 2012 Results in Focus. [3] Kertayasa I K 2014. Indonesia PISA Center. [4] BSNP 2006 Standar Kompetensi Lulusan [5] Dahlan J A 2010 Pendekatan Open-Ended dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Disertasi. [6] Sugiyono 2013 Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R & D. (Bandung: Alfabeta) [7] Suherman E, Sukjaya Y 1990 Petunjuk Praktis untuk Melaksanakan Evaluasi Pendidikan Matematika (Bandung : Wijayakusumah) [8] Lidinillah,M.A.D.2013. Educational Design Research : a Theoretical Framework for Action Disertasi. [9] Mulyana T 2008 Pembelajaran Analitik Sintetik untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Kreatif Disertasi.


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Factors that make difficulties in the implementation of authentic assessment in curriculum 2013 R F Sari1) and A R D Agustyani2) 1

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia 2 Jurusan Matematika, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia 1)

E-mail:[email protected]

Abstract.“Curriculum 2013” with authentic assessment system requires teacher to assess student performance during the learning process. Teacher tend to think that authentic assessment is difficult to do because there are many assessment tools must be filled during the learning process. Dealing with this issue, this study aimed to investigate factors that make teacher difficult to implement the authentic assessment, especially in mathematics learning. To this aim, nonparticipant observation, non-structured interview and documentation were conducted to reveal the data. Mathematics teacher of SMP Labschool UPI and a mathematics teacher of SMK Daarut Tauhid Bandung were as respondents of this study. The finding reveals that in assessing, teachers still focus on one aspect of assessment because of their inadequate understanding and training of authentic assessment. Teachers still pay little attention to the characteristics of each student and the time of the assessment process is insufficient. The result of this study is an attempt to give more information to other teachers and stakeholder to solve the problems of doing authentic assessment in mathematics learning. Keyword :mathematics learning, authentic assessment

1. Introduction The government is in its efforts to improve the quality of national education by the form of curriculum change. Curriculum changes include a charge of education, learning, and assessment. The curriculum changes have been implemented by various countries, such as Korean [1], Europe (European Center for the Development of Vocational Training, [2], Hong Kong [3], China [4], also many states in Asia [5], Turkey [6]etc. Similarly, Indonesia. The Indonesia government in 2013 decided to implement a new curriculum for primary and secondary schoolin Indonesia, namely Curriculum 2013. Curriculum 2013 aims to improve the quality of human resources and improve the competitiveness of the nation, as the development of science, technology and art [7].This new curriculum has four core competencies that must be achieved by students, namely social attitudes competency, spiritual attitudes competency, cognitive and skills


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competency [8]. Those four core competencies given the same emphasis. This is what distinguishes the Curriculum 2013 with the previous curriculum. The emphasis is not only on the cognitive competency, but also the attitudes and skills competency. As Nugraheni said, “transition curriculum 2006 and 2013 was unified inseparable and mutual educational objectives to sharpen Indonesia curriculum 2006 overall essentialize holistic knowledge rather than just covering cognitive but also the attitude and physical skills” [9]. Implementation of the Curriculum 2013 has an impact on the assessment. Assessment can not be separated from the learning process. Assessment aims to measure and determine the achievement level of competencies as well as to measure the effectiveness of the learning process [10]. This is in line with Ali and Khaerudinwho states that the assessment is a systematic process that serves to determine the level of success, efficiency and effectiveness of the program. Thus, through assessment teachers can analyze and take action on the level of students achievement, reflect and evaluate the quality of learning that has been done. The teacher will be easier to determine the follow-up program related to the thoroughness and quality of learning that has been done so far[11]. Teachers have a very important role on the assessment planning. This is the main tasks of teachers as explained byKunandarthat the principal tasks of the teacher in teaching and learning include: preparing lesson plan, implementing learning outcomes assessment, analyzing the learning outcomes, and conduct follow-up program from those assessment [12]. No matter how good the concept of authentic assessment, if the planners and implementers (teachers) can not implement properly, the goal of authentic assessment in Curriculum 2013 will not be achieved [13]. The scoring system of assessment in Curriculum 2013 is different from the previous curriculum. Curriculum 2013 requires teachers to use authentic assessment. Authentic assessment considered as best appropriate to assess the learning outcomes of students. Permendikbud No. 81 in 2013 [14] and refurbished into Permendikbud No. 104 of 2014 states that authentic assessment is the main approach of learning outcomes. Research conducted by Azim and Khan indicates desirable changes in the perception as well as practices of teachers and students. Replacement of traditional paper-pencil test with authentic assessment resulted in active participation of teachers and students in teaching and learning process. Study finding also reveal considerable improvement in high order skills of the students. They were actively engaged in planning, collecting information and disseminating it to the community. Use of rubric for assessment was found to be very effective in determining a pathway for both the teachers and the students to look for and get to the desirable results [15]. In Indonesia, in most cases, teachers face difficulties to assess student‟s performance by authentic assessment, because assessment is viewed just as a means for evaluation and the only tool to assess classroom instructions is through paper-and-pencil tests. In these assessments students‟ learning outcomes are measured in terms of what they have memorized at the expense of their conceptual understanding. Subsequently, this paperand pencil test does not give the real picture of the students‟ learning. 1.1Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to investigate factors that make teachers difficult to implement the authentic assessment, especially in mathematics learning 1.2Research Questions In line with the purpose of the study, this research attempts to answer the following question: “What factors that make teachers difficult toimplement the authentic assessment, especially in mathematics learning?” 1.3Limitations of the Study This study was limited to the quality of data obtained from the school. The quality and consistency of data received from the school were out of researcher‟s control, and it was assumed that the data was accurate. There was no consideration of the various method of teaching that teacher use. Because the


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length of this research was limited to the researcher‟s capability, observation and interview of teachers were measured from two teachers only. 2. Literature review Wiggins [16] said that “assessment is authentic when we directly examine student performance on worthy intellectual tasks. Traditional assessment, by contract, relies on indirect or proxy 'items'-efficient, simplistic substitutes from which we think valid inferences can be made about the student's performance at those valued challenges.” Grant Wiggins describes authentic assessment as …engaging and worthy problems or questions of importance, in which students must use knowledge to fashion performances effectively and creatively. The tasks are either replicas of or analogous to the kinds of problems faced by adult citizens and consumers or professionals in the field [17]. Authentic assessment has an important advantages compared to the previous curriculum [18], that is the balance between assessment of social attitudes, spiritual attitudes, cognitive and skills competency, while in the previous curriculum tend to pay attention only to the cognitive competency. In addition, the ability to think assessed in authentic assessment has already reached the level of construction and applications so that students can apply their knowledge in real life, while the ability to think assessed on previous assessments only at the level of understanding. Consistent by Macquire University [17] through their Learning and Teaching Centre, authentic assessment gives students the opportunity to connect their learning and apply essential knowledge and skills to real-world tasks and problems. The aim is to provide valid and accurate information about what students really know and are able to do in real contexts, under natural conditions.”

Table 1. Differences of paradigm between traditional assessment and authentic assessment Traditional Assessment

Authentic Assessment

Selecting a Response

Performing a Task







Indirect Evidence

Direct Evidence

The move towards authentic assessment [16] is designed to: 1) make students successful learners with acquired knowledge 2) provide students with a full range of skills (e.g., research, writing, revising, oral skills, debating, andother critical thinking skills) 3) demonstrate whether the student can generate full and valid answers in relation to the task orchallenge at hand 4) provide reliability by offering suitable and standardized criteria for scoring such tasks and challenges 5) give students the chance to „rehearse‟ critical thinking in achieving success in their future adult andprofessional lives


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6) allow for assessment that meets the needs of the learners by giving authenticity and usefulness toresults while allowing students greater potential for improving their learning and teachers more flexibility in instruction According to Hogman [19], “one particular form of authentic assessment, student portfolios, can be seen as useful authentic assessments tools when used in certain capacities”. Olfos and Zulantay emphasized, “This modality connects teaching to realistic and complex situations and contexts. Also called performance assessment, appropriate assessment, alternative assessment, ordirect assessment; authentic assessment includes a variety of techniques such as written products, portfolios, check lists, teacher observations, and group projects.” One method to this end, is the use of rubrics, which are sets of criteria that evaluate performance. Points are assigned according to how well each criterion is fulfilled, and are then used to provide the quantitative values [20]. The implementation of authentic assessment in higher education is conducted through qualitative methodology including interviews, document analysis, and classroom observations. Assessment strategies should be closely related to teaching and learning and concluded that authentic assessments are more widely accepted by students as opposed to standardized tests and thus should become integral parts of the instructional cycle. Thus, the learning environment must be an authentic learning environment[19]. The development and implementation of an authentic learning environment – and by implication an authentic assessment strategy – based on Herrington & Oliver‟s nine characteristics of authentic learning environments, namely that authentic leaning environments should [21]: a. Provide authentic contexts that reflect the way knowledge will be used in real life; b. Provide authentic activities; c. Provide access to expert performances and the modelling of processes; d. Provide multiple roles and perspectives; e. Support collaborative construction of knowledge; f. Provide reflection to enable abstraction to be formed; g. Provide articulation to enable tacit knowledge to be made explicit; h. Provide coaching and scaffolding by the teacher at critical times; and, i. Provide for authentic assessment of learning within the tasks. 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Research Design A qualitative research was conducted to reveal the data qualitatively in this research. To ensure the validity of this qualitative research, triangulation was used in order to obtain a more complete picture of what is being studied and to cross-check information [22]. This study used triangulation of the data collection and theory purposed. 3.2 Site and Participants A mathematics teacher of Senior High School that is SMP Labschool UPI and a mathematics teacher of Vocational High School that is SMK Daarut Tauhid were as respondents of this study. The teachers were selected by purposive sampling considering that the teachers are qualified teachers. This research was conducted in February 2017 until March 2017. 3.3 Data Collection Various data collection techniques were used in this study. Non-participant observation, nonstructured interview and documentation were conducted to reveal the data. Instruments in this research is the researcher who assisted with observation, interview, and field notes. 3.4 Data Analysis The collected data from various data collection were then analyzed in a qualitative method that


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involves analyzing, synthesizing, and reducing the information from observation and interview [23]. The recorded data of observation and interview was transcribed into papers. Then, the transcripts of both observation and interview were reviewed through coding. After coding the data, the transcripts of observation and interview were analyzed. In the second place the finding of documentation were analyzed to complete the findings from observation and interview. All the data then were synthesized to answer the research question, while the information that was not needed in the study was reduced. 4. Results and Discussion Researcher tried to reveal the data of teachers‟s difficulties in implementing authentic assessment by interviewing teachers. Some extracts of the results of the interview are presented as follow: a. Extract T1 of interview result 1. T1 : Yes, in SMP LAB. School UPI already using the Curriculum 2013, and teachers also attended implementation of Curriculum 2013 training. But the training is still inadequate, so i still less understand the assessment authentic. 2. T1 : Aspects of knowledge from daily tests, UTS and UAS, aspects of attitude

judge by interaction of students' activity during the learning and aspects of skills judged by how students in presenting the results of the project work. 3. T1

4. T1

: The format of assessment made by the teacher, the Curriculum 2013 just described how the teacher makes the format. For each of the formats adjusted to the learning materials, specific to the format of attitude assessment, the assessment aspect will be assessed for each subject material. It really difficult for me : The format of assessment filled when the students noted, teachers check

students' work around it for assessment and when the teacher gives an excercise, and then student do on the white board. 5. T1

: To fill all the format of assessment during the learning process can not be done because teacher had to explain the subject material, so that it is not possible to fill the assessment format completed during the learning process, assessment format will be filled outside of learning process. In addition, time is also limits teacher in learning because teacher have to complete the target of learning material. If the teacher do, then make the teacher less maximum in learning, so that the lesson material can‟t achieved according to the target. b. Extract T2 of interview result 1. T2 : Now the curriculum in SMK Daarut Bandung Tauhiid Bandung is already

2. T2

3. T2 4. T2 5. T2

using the Curriculum 2013. I have also been trained on the implementation of the curriculum 2013. : Assessment of knowledge from the exercise of student test scores, assessment of attitude form the activeness of students during the learning and the assessment of skills from the task in a group project undertaken by students. : To all of my own learning device, such as lesson plans and assessment format, still be adjusted to the guidance on the Curriculum 2013. : Format filled while I give quiz or exercises to the students and also when the students discussion or when the student noted. : Not all formats can I filled during the learning process. Only a few Partially be filled because time did not allow to do three aspects of assessment during the learning process. Times fot math lesson in SMK only 4 hours in a week and two hours in every meeting, if it doing will resulting in the subject material not finished. Therefore, the assessment carried out only partially, the rest will be filled outside of learnig.


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The information from observation, documentation and interviewshowed that the teachers still yet understand the implementation of authentic assessment. Authentic assessment is understood as implemented in a real assessment, in that moment, covering all aspects and use a variety of assessment techniques. Authentic assessment is a form of assessment that requires learners to show attitude, using the knowledge and skills gained from learning in performing tasks on real situations [24]. Authentic assessment is an assessment that is designed in a real situation to obtain information about knowledge, attitudes, and skills of the students [25]. Therefore, required a variety of assessment techniques. Teachers‟s understanding of the principles of authentic assessment is marked by teachers‟s own assessment integrated in the learning process, assessed holistically (covers aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills), using a variety of valuation techniques in measuring student learning outcomes and provide relevant task with real life. Consistent with Basuki [18] which states that authentic assessment has principles that include: assessment should be integrated with the learning process, covering all aspects of learning objectives, using a variety of assessment techniques, and involve a real experience.Teachers' understanding of the authentic assessment is still lacking. This is in accordance with the results of the research conducted by Mahbub [26] and Sudiana [27], the factor that caused the teachers have difficulty in implementing authentic assessment is teachers‟s understanding of authentic assessment. Difficulties in implementing authentic assessment of teachers is also due to the low creativity of teachers [28]. Teachers who have low creativity are not able to resolve the obstacle in the implementation of authentic assessment [29]. Teacher‟s low creativity can be seen from the inability of teachers in overcoming obstacles to the implementation of authentic assessment and finding new ways to facilitate the implementation of authentic assessment. The lack of understanding of teachers on assessment causing the assessment problems and reporting becomes to be very complicated [30], [31]. Jaedun, Hariyanto dan Nuryadin [32] said that “The teachers’ readiness in the learning assessment to implement Curriculum 2013 is in less prepared conditions. This is shown by the teachers’ inadequate understanding of the principles, procedures, and techniques of the authentic assessment, and the given tasks for the students do not portray the authentic tasks.” Difficulties in implementing authentic assessment is also due to the characteristics of students who do not support. This is consistent with the results of the research conducted by Jurjani [33] and Maryam [34], that the factor causes teachers experienced difficulties in carrying authentic assessment is the characteristics of the students do not support the learning environment. The fact found by Jurjani is that the character of students which passive causes teachers have difficulty in implementing authentic assessment because of the student hard to be asked to express their opinions or answer questions orally. Moreover, Maryam found that the characteristics of students who are less responsible and less enthusiasm for learning causes teachers have difficulty in implementing authentic assessment. Lack of training of an authentic assessment followed by teachers also causes the problem. This is in line with Masruroh [28] and Arif [35] through their research which found that a lack of training make teachers have difficulty in implementing authentic assessment. Training authentic assessment was first followed by teachers in 2013 who still refers to Permendikbud 2013 No 81A [36] and Permendikbud 2013 No 66 [37], but has not received an authentic assessment training in accordance with the latest Permendikbud. There is a difference between the previous Permendikbud with the latest one. Differences include the way the acquisition of attitudes and skills, as well as the range of values used in the assessment scale. Insufficient time to do the authentic assessment during learning process is another factor that cause the problem.The time is not able to reach the implementation of the overall assessment of the completely competence [33], [34], [38]. Difficulties in implementing authentic assessment of teachers in accordance with the demands of the Curriculum 2013 can actually be overcome. To resolve these difficulties, [39] suggest dissimilation curriculum through intensive workshops. With intensive workshops or training, the problems of teachers in implementing the Curriculum 2013 can get better, so that teachers can design learning, implementing the learning and authentic assessment properly in accordance with the demands of prevailing in the Curriculum 2013. Another way to resolve the difficulties teachers to


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implement the curriculum needs to be associated with the professional development of teachers [40]. In addition, management also required training and socialization of the new curriculum [41]. This can be done significantly through intensive meetings in the professional organization of teachers, teacher forums such as meetings of subject teachers (MGMPs), writing scientific papers, as well as senior teacher mentoring program for junior teachers [7]. The school principal should continue to monitor and evaluate the teachers in implementing authentic assessment in order to determine the appropriate follow-up to overcome the difficulties faced by the teachers. Further, stakeholder of education should provide teacher training according to this issue. These efforts are believed can overcome the problems of teachers in implementing Curriculum 2013, especially in the implementation of authentic assessment to be better. 5. Conclusion Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the teacher‟s difficulties in implementing the authentic assessment of Curriculum 2013 causedby many factors as follow : a. Teachers still focus on one aspect of assessment. Teachers already know the principles of authentic assessment, but practically teachers have not fully comprehend to implement the authentic assessment. b. The creativity of teachers in implementing authentic assessment is still low. This is indicated by the inability of teachers to overcome obstacles when implementing authentic assessment during learning process. c. Characteristics of students who do not support to implement authentic assessment successfully. Some students were less responsible in doing the task given by the teacher, as well as the spirit of learning is still low. d. The teachers need more training from stakeholder about how to implement authentic assessment, especially about how to anticipate and overcome the obstacles e. There is not enough time to implement authentic assessment during learning process. However, this study has some limitations in amount of participant and data collection techniques. Therefore, on the basis of these results, no generalizations can be made. 7. Acknowledgments Thank you to Prof. Dr. H. Tatang Herman, M. Ed as author‟s academic mentor who had guided the research process. 8. References [1] SoK and Kang J 2014 Curriculum Reform in Korea: Issue and Challenges for Twenty First Century Learning The Asia Pasific Education Researcher 23 (4)795-803 [2] European Centre for The Development of Vocation Training 2012 Curriculum Reformin Europe: The Impact of Learning Outcomes Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union [3] Cheung A C K and Wong P M 2012 Factors Affecting the Implementation of Curriculum Reform in Hongkong: Key Findings from a Large-Scale Survey Study International Journal of Education Management Vol 26 Iss: 1 pp 39-54 [4] Tanja S 2011 New Curriculum Reform Implementation and the Transformation of Education Beliefs Practices and Structures: A Case Study of Gansu Province Chinese Education and Society 44 (6) pp 47-74 [5] UNESCO 2014 Education Systems In ASEAN +6 Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Educational Issues Paris: The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization [6] Ozturk I H 2011 Curriculum Reform and Teacher Autonomy in Turkey: The Case ofThe History Teaching International Journal of Instruction 4 (2) pp 113-127


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Identification of mathematics aspects of East Nusa Tenggara culture and its integration into mathematics learning D D Samo1,2,a), Darhim1, and B G Kartasasmita1 1

Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP, Universitas Nusa Cendana, Jl. Adi Sucipto Penfui, Kupang 85001, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to identify the cultural aspects of mathematics in East Nusa Tenggara and integrate into learning activities. This report is an ethnographic study with data obtained from the literature review, observation and interviews. Some aspects of the culture in relation to mathematics NTT are (1) Mbaru Niang, a traditional stilt house in the Wae Rebo village, Flores, which has a conical shape, 5 floors with a diameter of each floor: 11m, 9m, 6m, 3m, and 1.8m. The height of Mbaru Niang is 15m; (2) Sonaf, a traditional building in the Maslete village. Sonaf is a non-stage building with an elliptical floor and has ± 3.5 m radius minor and major radius ± 4.65 m. The height of Sonaf is 5 m; (3) Sasando, a string musical instrument played by plucking. Sasando looks like a parabola. Sasando size is slightly various but the small bamboos in the middle usually 40 cm. Some strategies of cultural integration in learning mathematics are: (1) identification and exploration of culture, (2) presenting the cultural aspect as an introduction of learning, (3) presenting the cultural aspects as prior knowledge of the students, and (4) presenting the test instrument in cultural context.

1. Introduction One of the learning criteria of a scientific approach is the subject material based on fact or phenomenon that can be explained logically not through imagination, fantasy or absurdity. The learning criteria are drawn on initial steps of learning in the observation activities. The observation activities show meaningful learning. These activities have certain advantages such as serving media or real-time object, increasing student participation in learning, making challenges for students and satisfying students’ curiosity. By the observation activities, the student can find the fact that there is a relationship between the object which is analyzed and the learning material that is presented by the teacher. The observation activity can be done seen, listened, heard and read by the various phenomenon related to the materials that will be learned including the observation of the everyday situation, culture and local wisdom. East Nusa Tenggarais is an archipelagian province in Indonesia which has a unique culture that is very different from the other provinces in Indonesia. The differences are also owned by each region within the area of the East Nusa Tenggara province. The culture in East Nusa Tenggara province provides color and depth impression that is worth preserved for a review. The various cultures that have been known well in East Nusa Tenggara province and the national level; i.e. language, traditional houses, traditional art, woven fabrics, traditional ceremony and musical instruments. The Culture of East Nusa Tenggara is still regarded as a treasure which is only attached to certain groups and has not become part of the learning that broadly highlights the uniqueness and characteristics of the territory 69

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while the cultural aspect has great educational value if explored and integrated into learning. Culture is assumed different from knowledge which is taught in the classroom. The implications are the student do not know their culture since their future will see the culture as something that is not relevant in their lives and the knowledge that they have, so that it has occurred in a valuable shift until loss of certain culture. According to [1] teachers and the public, in general, do not commonly say that mathematics and culture are connected. When teachers do acknowledge a connection, often they engage their students in multicultural activities merely as a curiosity. Such activities usually refer to a culture's past and the cultures that are very remote from children in the class. This situation takes place because teachers may not understand how culture is related to children and their learning. The identification and exploration of the culture to reveal that science is the part of today's concern of the experts in examining it and extending it in the discovery of the unknown. Identifying or exploring mathematics in this culture are known as ethnomathematics. The term ethnomathematics is used to express the relationship between culture and mathematics. The term requires a dynamic interpretation because it describes concepts that they themselves are neither rigid nor singular,namely, ethno and mathematics. The term ethno describes "all of the ingredients that make up the cultural identity of a group: language, codes, values, jargon, beliefs, food and dress, habits, and physical traits." Mathematics expresses a "broad view of mathematics which includes ci hearing, arithmetic, classifying, ordering, inferring, and modeling" [2]. Furthermore, [3] reveal “Ethnomathematics” is often defined as the research on the relationship between mathematics (mathematics education) and the corresponding social and cultural backgrounds, namely the research shows “how is mathematics produced, transferred, diffused and specialized in diverse cultural systems” [4] said mathematics was for a long time regarded as a neutral and culturally free discipline removed from social values. It was always taught in schools as a culturally free subject that involved learning supposedly universally accepted facts, concepts, and contents. This means that Western or academic mathematics consists of a body of knowledge of facts, algorithms, axioms, and theorems. D’Ambrosio [1] reveals that this acultural mathematical perspective is reflected during instruction in several ways. First, in many classrooms, students are not permitted to construct a personal understanding of the mathematics that is presented. The values, traditions, beliefs, language, and habits are the reflective cultures of the students are ignored. In such situations, the ways that children might invent personally meaningful conceptualizations are not respected. Children are expected to assimilate prescribed procedures by rote without necessarily gaining a deeper and conceptually significant understanding of the mathematics that they are studying. This style of instruction, unfortunately, restricts learning to the length of time that students accurately remember the procedures. Identification and integration of culture in mathematics learning activity, in addition, is to assert about the use of contextual problem in learning, and also in giving another great benefit that the students are able to be knowledgeable about their culture by loving and preserving it. This last goal is the present big problem because more and more culture is eroded by the modern world condition. The integration of culture in the learning activity also has been introducing the modern science aspect as it allows the interaction of the formation of the student in the relationship within themselves, others, the environment, and the world. This integration gives the student an access to the cultural heritage of the human’s great work in the past. According to [5], integrating the cultural dimension into teaching and learning will thus enable students to: prepare themselves to deal more effectively with various situations in life situate themselves better in relation to their physical and human environment become involved in their society in a spirit of recognition of its uniqueness and tolerance for human and cultural diversity. Based on the above description, the following research questions for this study are: (1) what are the mathematics aspects in the culture of East Nusa Tenggara province? (2) how to integrate the culture of East Nusa Tenggara province into learning mathematics?


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2. Method This research is about an ethnography study. The researcher identified the mathematics aspects of East Nusa Tenggara culture, specifically the shapes of the traditional houses, traditional arts, musical instruments and integrate them into mathematics learning and the design of the evaluation of the instruments related to cultural aspects. The study data are obtained from literature review, observations, and interviews. Respondents in this study are 14 people who are the locals or people from the society who understand well their culture. Data collection was conducted by semi-structured guidelines interviews. The data validation is done by triangulation that compares the obtained information from the different respondents to make a valid conclusion. 3. Result and Discussion The results of this study are displayed in two main pieces, namely, the identification of mathematics aspects of East Nusa Tenggara culture, its integration into mathematics learning and the evaluation instrument sample in cultural context. The first part is displayed with six cultural aspects specifically related to traditional house’s architecture, traditional art designs, and musical instrument. 3.1. Culture aspects of East Nusa Tenggara people and its relation to mathematics content 3.1.1. Mbaru Niang Mbaru Niang originates from the local language which means the high house (Mbaru = House, Niang = High). Mbaru Niang is a traditional stage house in Wae Rebo village. There are 7 Mbaru Niang which means with respect to the 7 directions of the wind from the tops of the mountains that surround the village Wae Rebo. Mbaru Niang has a conic shape with 15m height. The roof is made of palm with roof framework of bamboo and the main pillars that uses the big worok wood taken from the full timber tree. Mbaru Niang has 5 floors with the diameter of 11m, 9m, 6m, 3m and 1,8m for each floor are. Mbaru Niang floor section which is a structural pillar can be presented in figure 2. The black nodes have 9 pieces showed the main pillars of Mbaru Niang arranged with a neat pattern with the right size. The people of Wae Rebo, can show a geometry shape of the circle and cone perfectly agree with mathematical concept if applied formally. A thorough study will show how the people work until the geometry shapes of a circle and cone are formed in accordance with the properties of the cone and circle that are learned in the classroom. Another mathematics aspect that was found is the number of wood as a crutch Mbaru Niang. The amount of stanchion that was used on each floor seemed to be a pattern from the first floor until the fifth floor and the measurement for each wood that is used formed a symmetry structure. (Source;[6])

Figure 1. Mbaru Niang

3.1.2. Settlement of Wologai Wologai traditional village is located in the Detusoko District approximately 40 kilometers east of the town of Ende. Settlement pattern of Wologai traditional village formed a cluster. Sa’o, the traditional house, was built to surround Keda and Kanga. Keda and Kanga are the sanctity symbol of Wologai traditional village. Keda is a traditional house that is sacred to the Ende-Lio people with a purpose of storing the sacred object. Kanga is a pillar (Source;[7,8] which acts as the place for gift that is located Figure 2. Settlement of Wologai in the middle of the settlement. The 71

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settlement pattern resembles a circle with the circumference in the position of 20 houses which the center is the Kanga. The people of Wologai Ende able present a circle shape in settlement pattern context that was designed traditionally. The distance of each house to Kanga is about 50m. The mathematics aspects that appear in this culture is a circle with the radius of 50m, circumference that is bounded by 20 houses, and the center is marked by Kanga. Further identification and exploration can be done to reveal the measures of another circle that was seen in figure 3, the square shape limits the Kanga and the distance among each house associated with the content of mathematics which is the measurement and numbers. 3.1.3. Ume Kbubu The traditional house in Kaenbaun Village, Timor Tengah Utara, is called Ume Kbubu. Ume means house and Kbubu mean circle. So Ume Kbubu is a circular ancestral house or is often called as the house of mother. The floor of Ume Kbubu is a circle with Ni Enaf, the main pillars of Ume Kbubu, is in the center. The large diameter of Ume Kbubu is 6m. Ni Enaf function is to sustain the all of the roof structure. There are several kinds of Ume Kbubu, they are: the family kitchen UmeKbubu, the first boy Ume-Kbubu, the parents Ume-Kbubu and ethnic prime Ume-Kbubu. One of the pedestals of Ume Kbubu is shown in figure 5. It is clear the form is circle with circumference that is limited by some houses stanchion and the center is Ni Enaf. This building structure provides an illustration of the way in the mathematical thinking of the traditional people that can produce a circular shape appropriate for formal mathematics contexts. The diameter of a circle influenced the amount of the house stanchion. This condition presents a pattern that can be formed from the relationship between the diameter of Ume Kbubu and woods stanchion. Figure 3. Ume Kbubu (Source;[9])

3.1.4. Sonaf Sonaf is a traditional building in Maslete Village, Timor Tengah Utara. There are two types of Sonaf: Sonaf Son Liu Nis None dan Sonaf Son Liu Tusala. Sonaf Son Liu Nis None is a residential building of King/Royal Palace also called Sonaf Bikomi. Sonaf building is a non-stage building with an elliptical floor and has ± 3.5 m radius minor and major radius ± 4.65 m. The high of Sonaf is 5 m. Sonaf Bikomi is the largest building in Maslete village. This building was the stretch from west to east. In general, Sonaf shape symbolizes the universe and unifying the tribes. Sonaf floor is an ellipse which is divided into two parts: the front area (sulak) and (Source; [10, 11]) rear area (bife).There are two stanchion structure located in the front and rear (marked with black nodes and marks x in Figure 4). The ellipse is both of focal point and some pillars of the houses surround the ellipse. The uniqueness of this, especially in Sonaf ,is the floor. If this floor is transformed to Cartesian coordinates, the size of the major axis, the minor axis, and the focus are located almost representing the elliptical formally. The size of the minor and major radius of Sonaf affects the amount of the wooden stanchion houses. This condition also presents a Figure 4. Sonaf 72

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pattern that can be formed out by a relationship between the size of the major and minor radius and the stanchion. 3.1.5. Sasando Sasando is a stringed musical instrument played by plucking. Sasando is usually played using both hands in the opposite direction. The role of the right hand is the accord, while the left hand is the melody or bass. Sasando has a unique shape different from the other stringed instruments. Sasando looks like a parabola. The main part of Sasando is a long tubular that made from a special bamboo. There is a place in the bottom and top of the bamboo that is used to install and adjust the firmness of the strings. At the center of the bamboo is usually given senda (buffer) in which the strings are stretched. Senda is used to set the scales and produce different tones in each except the strings. While the crock to resonances in the form of woven palm leaves is often called haik. Sasando sizes are various but the smallest is the middle Figure 5. Sasando bamboo which is usually about 40 cm. Here are a few Sasando sizes/measurement that can be played: the first measure the length of the bamboo is 43 cm, then the haik length is about 58cm, the length of the bamboo is 56 cm. then the haik length is about 83 cm, the length of the bamboo is 60 cm, then the haik length is about 86 cm, the length of the bamboo is 63cm, then the haik length is about 90cm, the length of the bamboo is 68 cm, then the haik the length is about 94cm. Bamboo is a the core of Sasando that also plays an important role with regard to the Sasando sound. The longer the bamboo, then it will affect the haik used. In the context of mathematics, the parabola content and the number patterns are the elements that can be studied using this sasando models. 3.1.6. Caci Dance Caci is a war dance and at the same time is a folk game between a pair of male dancers who fight with whips, bows and shields in Manggarai Flores. Dancers who wield and whip act as the attacker and the other dancer survives with a bow and shield. At the end of the whip, the dry, thin and hard buffalo skin is used, called Lempa or palm sticks that are still green (called pori). The man who acts as a deterrent (called ta'ang) cracks the whip to the opponents parry with a shield called nggiling. He holds a bamboo intertwined cane called aging or Tereng, a circular shield plated dry buffalo skin. Caci dance is associated with the movement pattern based music. The Figure 6. Caci Dance arc is used as a deterrent is with a parabola and measurement of the distance between the two ends of the arc is 2 m while the circular shield with various diameters.


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The figure below shows a map of the NTT province and its cultural aspects presented above. Caci Wologai


Ume Kbubu&Sonaf

Figure 7. Map of NTT Province


3.2. Integration in mathematics learning and instrument for evaluation Some models of NTT culture that are shown above presents the geometry content- i.e. circle, parabola, ellipse, and the pattern number. In addition, the content does not close the possibility of another mathematical content that can be explored and identified in a form of a unified mathematical thinking as outlined in a the cultural aspect. The strategies of the cultural integration in learning mathematics are as follows: 3.2.1. Identification and exploration of culture as a whole and finding the mathematics content related into it. A thorough exploration is associated with a visual display and the exact size that allows the presentation of learning does not use the wrong size. The cultural context must be fixed in accordance with the conditions and is not engineered so it does not eliminate the original context. Table 3. Culture, mathematics aspects and their descriptions. Culture Aspects Examples Mbaru Niang traditional house

Aspect of Mathematics Cone, circle, number pattern

Wologai Ende village

Circle, square, rectangular, measurement, number pattern Circle, number pattern

Ume Kbubu


Ellipse, number pattern

Mathematical Description The diameter of Mbaru Niang floors is, 11 m, 9 m, 6 m, 3 m, and 1.8 m. The height of Mbaru Niang is 15 m. There are 9 main stanchion which is regularly patterned and arranged according to its each floors in diameter (Fig. 1). There are 20 satellite houses build around Keda and Kanga. Kanga. It is the center of the village circle with 50 m radius (Fig. 2) The Ume Kbubu floor is a circle with Ni Enaf as the center. The largest radius is 6 m. The number of stanchions conforms the diameter of Ume Kbubu floor. The Sonaf floor is an ellipse with its pillars are the focus of the ellipse. The minor radius is ± 3,5 m and major radius is ± 4,65 m. The number of stanchions 74

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Circle, parabola

conforms the diameter of the minor and major radius. The sizes of Sasando are with variation, but generally, the smallest size of the middle bamboo is 40 cm and the sizes of haik depend on the length of middle bamboo. The space of both parabola end arcs is about 2 m and the shield is a circle with varieties diameters.

3.2.2. The cultural aspects presentation is an introduction to learning. They are used as an introduction of learning which provides an overview of the relationship between the local cultural context and mathematical content to be taught. The cultural aspects are gradually abandoned and replaced with formal mathematics in the next presentation; Culture: Definition, terms, shapes, philosophical meaning, mathematical description

Traditional culture and mathematical aspects

Formal Mathematics

Figure 8. Teaching Rule 3.2.3. Present the cultural aspects as a prior knowledge in learning the introduction which provides opportunities to explore students' superior knowledge related to the culture presented. The culture aspects which presented as a learning introduction are the cultural aspect that students found in their daily lives. The experience of interaction with the existing cultural aspects is explored in order to know the extent of the student's knowledge of the cultural aspects that exist, the presence or absence of misconceptions and proper learning treatment. 3.2.4. Present the test instrument in a cultural context. The presentation about the cultural context tests allows the students to see the whole process in learning; starting with an introduction of learning, learning process and evaluation as a whole thing. The introduction of the learning presents a cultural context, formal context and the evaluation which are returned to the cultural context. Revert to the cultural context of the evaluation are intended to make students to be able to solve the problems when engaging in their everyday situations. The cultural context tends to be different, but the exploration of mathematics in the classroom provides an important contribution for the students to see the other cultural aspects in the mathematical point of view. Problems can be resolved with formal mathematics that can give the same perspective about the ways of people thinking in the past. 3.2.5. Related to the evaluation, the presentation of the instrument for evaluation is adapted to the student's education level. Mathematics in cultural aspects can be translated in the same mathematical content but differ in the student's education level. Consider some of the following presentation: The circle content in Mbaru Niang can be presented in circle learning in secondary schools, but also can be slightly abstracted in circle learning on analytic geometry in the university. The example questions for junior high school level are: The diameter of the first floor Mbaru Niang is 11 m and its height is 15 m. If space its each floor is 3 m, examine: a. The surface area of each floor b. The volume of each floor If the space of the first floor and the second floor is 4 m and the space of every floor to the upper floor decrease 0,5 m, calculate: a. The surface area of each floor b. The volume of each floor


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The example questions for university level are: An old man said that he just measured the diameter of each floors of Mabru Niang. He also said that he finally formulated the equation of Mbaru Niang floors to the following circle equations: a. The second floor equation:x2 + y2 – 8x + 12y + 27 = 0 b. The third floor equation:x2 + y2 + 4x – 6y + 13 = 0 c. The fourth floor equation: x2 + y2 + 2x + 8y + 19 = 0 Please evaluate, are those an old man equations are correct?

Mbaru Niang also has relevance to the content of numbers which obtained from the composition of the 9 big stanchion and small stanchion with a pattern such as in Figure 1. The example questions can be presented as: The construction of Mbaru Niang started with the stance of stanchions as shown in Fig. 1. The stanchion (black node) called Hiri Mere, 1 m depth planted, while the smaller stanchion (white node) or Hiri Ngaung is 80 cm depth planted minimum. This pattern can be used for the building of MbaruNiang with 11 m first-floor diameter. According to the pattern, if we need to expand the first-floor diameter to 15 m, then how much Hiri Mere and Hiri Ngaung should be used?

Ellipse content in Sonaf can be presented in different evaluation models in the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. The example can be presented as below: Analyzing level; The half part of the Sonaf floor has 10 m width and 3,5 m height. How is width the arch of 2 m distance measured from the floor? Evaluating level: A traditional achitect wants to design three Sonaf arranged in three different position in accordance with these equation: 4x2+ 9y2 – 2x - 3y= 2 ; 6x2+ 12y2+3x + 4y= 6, and x2+ 9y2 – 6x + 18y= 10. Please eavluate this proble. Help this architect to make a best desicion and include your reasons! Creating level: Please design the shape of a Sonaf floor in the Cartesian diagram and complete it with its shape equations. Make some different equations but the floor diameter is same with the first equation that you did. Show your solutions to make those equations!

The third example above gives a little overview of the question in cultural context. Questions can be presented in accordance with the education level and also can be designed in Bloom's Taxonomy levels. Presentation in the Bloom's Taxonomy level is intended for the contextual learning that can encourage students to access higher order thinking and practice with a real mathematical idea. Mbaru Niang and Sonaf were shown above, are simple application examples of the cultural context that can be developed further by teachers. 4. Conclusion Culture and science are the two entities that are interrelated. In the past, a lot of content knowledge was born of cultural exploration, but when science was developed, the culture is abandoned and culture is considered as a substance which is only attached to certain groups, old, reversed and different from science. Awareness of culture as a source of knowledge has been proven to promote the integration of culture in learning activities that aimed to introduce a culture, introduce the educational value of its culture, show cultural linkages with mathematical content encourage love for the culture and preserve it. NTT diverse culture is a source of learning mathematics that can be a variety in the presentation of its resources and in contextual learning. Studies above are only with some mathematics aspects of the cultural attributes. It gives more identification and exploration in giving a chance to find the other mathematics aspects that can be lifted in learning activities. The integration of culture in the learning activities are carried out by these strategies: (1) identification and exploration of culture as a whole and content mathematics find related to it, (2) presenting the cultural aspect as an introduction 76

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of learning, (3) presenting the cultural aspects as prior knowledge of the students, and (4) presenting the test instrument in cultural context, so there is a continuity of the learning process, from culture to cultural linkages with formal mathematics to formal mathematics and back to culture. 5. Acknowledgments Thanks to all those who have helped provided the information relating to this research especially the respondents. Without your help, this research cannot be realized. 6. References [1] D’Ambrosio U 2001 What is Ethnomathematics, and how can it help children in school? Teaching Children Mathematics 7 308-341. [2] D'Ambrosio U 1985 Ethnomathematics and its place in the history and pedagogy of mathematics For the Learning of Mathematics 5, 44-48. [3] Zhang W, Zang, Q 2010 Ethnomathematics and its integration within the mathematics curriculum Journal of Mathematics Education 3 151-157. [4] Rosa M, Orey D C 2011 Ethnomathematics: the cultural aspects of mathematics Revista Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática, 4 32-54. [5] Québec Ministère de la Culture et des Communications 2003 Integrating the cultural dimension into school. Kanada. [6] Antar Y 2010 Pesan dari Wae Rebo: kelahiran kembali arsitektur nusantara: sebuah pelajaran dari masa lalu untuk masa depan (Jakarta: Gramedia) [7] Achmad Z H 2014 Tipologi bentuk dan pola tata massa permukiman arsitektur rumah suku Lio desa Wologai Tengah, Kabupaten Ende, NTT Tugas mata kuliah Program Studi S2 Arsitektur Lingkungan Binaan Universitas Brawijaya Malang [8] Mukthar M A, Pangarsa G W, Wulandari, L D 2013 Struktur konstruksi arsitektur tradisional bangunan tradisional Keda suku Ende Lio di permukiman adat Wolotolo Jurnal Ruas, Volume 11 17-28. [9] Dima T K, Antariksa, Nugroho A M 2013 Konsep ruang Ume Kbubu desa kaenbaun Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara Jurnal Ruas, Volume 11 28-36 [10] Lake R Ch 2014 Konsep ruang dalam dan ruang luar arsitektur tradisional Suku Atoni di kampung Tamkesi di Pulau Timor E-Journal Graduate Unpar Part D – Architecture, 1 6174.


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Implementation of cooperative learning type think pair square to improve mathematics learning outcomes M Meiriyanti Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. Classroom action research was motivated by the low yields and the lack of students' mathematics learning activity of students in the learning process. A highly capable students often dominate the discussion while the low-ability students tend to just wait for an answer from her. So it is necessary to optimize the learning model student participation in the learning process, giving more time for students to think and help each other and can assist students in understanding the concept of the subject matter in order to improve student learning outcomes one of which is the type of cooperative learning model Think Pair square. The purpose of this class action research is to improve student learning outcomes in class XI SMAN Dharma Pendidikan Kempas, Indragiri Hilir, Riau. Collecting data using the techniques of tests and observation activities of teachers and students. The results showed that a significant increase in the percentage of students who achieve a minimum completeness criteria from the first cycle to the second cycle. Based on the analysis of teacher and student activity and student learning outcomes analysis can be concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning model Think Pair Square can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes.

1. Introduction Science and technology are developing rapidly in the era of globalization. These developments allow all parties can obtain information quickly and easily. Such convenience can also be used to help the student learning process. In order for students able to utilize the skills needed to acquire, process and store information. Such skills can be developed through the study of mathematics. A highly capable students often dominate the discussion while the low-ability students tend to just wait for an answer from her. So it is necessary to optimize the learning model student participation in the learning process, giving more time for students to think and help each other and can assist students in understanding the concept of the subject matter in order to improve student learning outcomes one of which is the type of cooperative learning model Think Pair Square. The purpose of learning mathematics is that students have the ability, among others: understand the mathematical concepts, explain the link between concepts and apply concepts or algorithms in a flexible, accurate, efficient and precise in problem solving; using reasoning on patterns and properties, perform mathematical manipulation in making generalizations, compile evidence or explain mathematical ideas and statements; solve problems that include the ability to understand the problem, devised a mathematical 78

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model, solve the model and interpret the obtained solution; communicate ideas with symbols, tables, diagrams or other media to clarify the situation or problem; have respect for the usefulness of mathematics in life, namely curiosity, concern and interest in mathematics, as well as a tenacious attitude and confidence in problem solving [1]. The learning objectives can be achieved if the learning process is well managed. Teachers have a very important role in managing the learning process. The management of the learning process is one component that affects the learning success [2]. Indicators learning success is how well the learning outcomes achieved by students after participating in the learning process. Based on the results of mathematical learning material limit function in the years previous lessons are still many students who have not reached the minimum passing criteria 70. It can be seen from the results of daily tests of students. If the model questions raised in the daily quiz question is a model which is often displayed during the learning process that most students can do. But if the model of a given problem is slightly modified so students have difficulties to do it. Actually, to overcome the lack of completeness of student learning outcomes, researchers have made various efforts such as repeating material that is considered difficult by students. However, this attempt was unsuccessful because the students only understand when researchers explain it. Students stay focused to memorize the steps work matter so that if a different model of a given problem, the students are not able to do it. In addition, researchers have also tried the method of discussion in the learning by grouping students by friends of adjacent seating. However, this attempt is unsuccessful because the discussion has not been effective. A highly capable students dominate the discussion while the low-ability students tend to be just waiting for an answer from her. The low yield of the students' mathematics learning to inspire researchers to conduct classroom action research. Responding to the above problems, the study of mathematics need an appropriate learning model to address the problem. A model that could optimize student participation in the learning process, giving more time for students to think, respond and help each other and can assist students in understanding the concept of the subject matter in order to improve student learning outcomes. One of them is the type of cooperative learning model Think Pair Square. Cooperative learning model Think Pair Square provides an opportunity for students to work in a heterogeneous group both in terms of academic ability, gender, religion or socio-economic backgrounds and different ethnicities. It is intended that each member of the group gets a chance to learn from each other and support each other, enhance relationships and interactions, as well as facilitate classroom management [3]. Stages of implementation of cooperative learning Think Pair Square also provides an opportunity for students to think actively in finding materials studied concept (think). Furthermore, students can share the ideas of the pair in one group (pair) and ultimately to unify ideas between partners in one group (square). Stages of learning have a clear path and distributed in small groups will make students better understand the material for more time to think, respond to, and help each other. Discussions will be effective for every student to participate actively in the group. Based on the above, the author will conduct research with the title "Implementation of Cooperative Learning Type Think Pair Square to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes. 1.1 Mathematics Learning Outcomes Learning is a process that is characterized by a change in a person [4]. Changes in learning outcomes can be demonstrated in a variety of forms such as the expansion of knowledge, understanding, attitudes and behaviours, skills, habits and change other aspects that exist in individuals who learn. States that learning is a process attempts person to obtain a new behaviour changes as a whole as a result of his own experience in interaction with the environment[5]. Changes in behaviour in question is a change in behaviour for the better. Based on the definitions of these experts concluded that learning is a process that is experienced by a person and cause changes in behaviour, attitudes, habits and skills as well as the expansion of knowledge, understanding, skills and intellect.


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Everyone who do learning activities will definitely want to know the outcome of learning is doing. Suggested that learning outcomes are the capabilities of the students after receiving their learning experience [4]. The results of the study can be seen from the evaluation conducted by the teacher to the student. Suggested that the study results appear as a change in behaviour that can be observed and measured in terms of changes in knowledge, attitudes and skills [6]. Learning outcomes can be obtained by conducting an assessment of either the test or non-test. Assessment of learning outcomes by teachers through engineering tests consisted of daily tests, midterm replay, replay end of the semester while the non-test techniques can be performed with observation of student activity. After the implementation of the assessment, through achievement test scores obtained by students, will obtain information regarding the level of mastery and mastery level of student learning. Mathematics learning outcomes in this study is the cognitive abilities that are owned and achieved a class XI student of SMAN Dharma Pendidikan Kempas based daily test scores after following the process of Cooperative Learning Think Pair Square type in the subject matter limit function. 1.2 Cooperative learning Cooperative learning is an instructional model that can help students understand the concepts of material and help students foster collaboration capabilities [7]. Cooperative learning refers to a wide variety of teaching methods in which students work in small groups to help each other in learning the subject matter [8]. Suggested that there are four characteristics of cooperative learning, namely; (1) Students work in cooperative groups to resolve the matter of learning, (2) a group formed of students who have the capability of high, medium and low, (3) if possible members of the group come from different races, cultures, races and sexes, ( 4) the award more work-oriented groups rather than individuals [7]. Suggest that cooperative learning consists of 6 phases [7]. Starting with the conveying learning objectives and ends with a reward. The following is shown in the table steps in cooperative learning model. Table 1. Measures Cooperative Learning Model Phase Phase-1 Outlines the objectives and motivate students phase -2 Presenting Information

Phase-3 Organizing all students in learning groups Phase-4 Guiding the group work and study Phase-5 Evaluation Phase-6 reward

Teacher behaviour The teacher presents all the learning objectives to be achieved in these subjects and motivate students to learn Teachers convey information to students with street demonstrations or through reading materials. Teachers explain to students how to form study groups and help each group to make the transition efficiently Teachers guide study groups when they do their work. Teachers evaluate learning outcomes of the material that has been learned or each group presented their work Teachers looking for ways to app

1.3 Think Pair Square Learning with TPS (Think Pair Square) developed by Frank Lyman and Spencer Kagan of the University of Maryland in 1985. Structural Approach Think Pair Square emphasis on the use of specific structures


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designed to influence students' interaction patterns. Think Pair Square also have procedures established explicitly to give students more time to think, respond, and help each other. Teachers want students to think deeply about what has been described or experienced [7]. Stages that must be done in a cooperative learning TPS (Think Pair Square)) are as follows: 1. The teacher divides the students into groups of four and assigned tasks to all groups. Groups of four students were divided based on the division of cooperative groups and the division of the couple of students in a group is done by assigning high ability students with low ability students and a student of moderate ability. 2. Each student to think and do the job themselves. 3. Students are paired with one colleague in the group and discuss with their partner. 4. The two couples met again in groups of four. Students have the opportunity to share the results of their work to groups of four. [3]. TPS stages of learning allow students to build knowledge through a phase think. Furthermore, students are given the opportunity to discuss the results of his thinking with a partner in a group. At this stage it is expected to be an exchange of information to increase students' understanding of the material being taught. The final stage of the learning TPS is to share the work with other couples in the group. Stages in learning TPS can optimize the participation of each member of the group that conducted effective discussions. 1.3 Application of Cooperative Learning Think Pair Square type in Mathematics Learning TPS is easy to apply to various levels of thinking ability and in every opportunity. The procedure that was implemented enough simple, ask peers and discussion groups to gain clarity of the material that has been described by the teacher. This approach gives students the opportunity to work alone and in collaboration with others. The advantage of this technique is the optimization of student participation. Teachers want students to think deeply about what has been described or experienced [7]. States that the group pairs have advantages including: 1. Increasing participation 2. Suitable for simple task 3. More chances for the contribution of each member of the group 4. Interaction easier 5. It is easier and faster to shape [3]. The learning process with the implementation of cooperative learning model Think Pair Square structural approach in mathematics has the following steps: • Initial activity Phase 1 (Present the objectives and motivate students) a) The teacher presents the learning objectives to be achieved and the concepts that will be studied to students. b) Teachers motivate students to be excited about in the face of learning by directly linking the material to be studied with the application in the real world. c) The teacher recalls the previous material concept. Phase 2 (Presenting information) a) Teachers convey the range of material to be studied, informed about what students can do on this day during the learning process. Teachers do a question and answer to the students about today's lesson material. Phase 3 (Organizing students into learning groups) a) The teacher asks the students to sit in a group (4 people) are predetermined and each couple sitting close together. •Core activities Phase 4 (Guiding working groups and study) a) The teacher distributes Student Worksheet (LKS) b) The teacher asks the students to learn the material on individual worksheets (think) 81

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c) The teacher asks the students to work in pairs in the group to discuss what has been obtained in step (pair) d) The teacher asks each pair to share and discuss the results at this stage of the pair with groups of four and found the answers to the group (square) e) During the discussion, teachers guide students to discuss in their groups Phase 5 (Evaluation) a) Students present their group's work b) The teachers evaluate the work of the student group Phase 6 (Rewarding) a) The teacher gives awards to each group •End activities a) The teacher guides the students conclude learning materials b) Teachers give homework to students c) The teacher closes the lesson Implementation of cooperative learning Think Pair Square structural approach provides the opportunity for students to think about the answer individually LKS (think). The result of this thinking is discussed with the partner groups (pair). Paired discussion will lead to the exchange of information that can enhance students' understanding of the material being studied. Discussions pairs can also minimize the dominance of the students during the discussion. In the end, the participation of students in the group can be optimized. At this stage of the square each pair discuss LKS answer with another couple in the group. This provides the opportunity for students to improve their understanding of the material being studied. Furthermore, students 'understanding of the material will affect the improvement of students' mathematics learning outcomes. 2. Experimental Method Type of research is the Classroom Action Research consisting of two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research was conducted in SMA Dharma Pendidikan Kempas in the first semester of academic year 2014/2015. Implementation of this research starts from the date of March 27, 2015 to 22 of April 2015. The subjects were students of class XI IPS 3 SMA Dharma Education Kempas as many as 34 people consisting of 16 men and 18 women with heterogeneous skill level. The research instrument consists of learning tools. Learning device used in this study is the syllabus, lesson plan (RPP), and the Student Worksheet (LKS). The data collected by the researchers is the quantitative and qualitative data. Qualitative data is data about activities of teachers and students during the learning process. The qualitative data collected using the observation sheet. The quantitative data in the form of students' mathematics learning outcomes data after learning process data process of student learning outcomes were collected using mathematics achievement test. Data on mathematics learning outcomes are used to determine completeness of mathematics and the success of the action. The test is given in daily tests I and II daily tests. Data collection techniques in this study using observation and technical tests. At the time of the observation, the observer in this case a mathematic teacher colleagues will take note of the enforceability of the activities in the learning process according aspects contained in the observation sheet so it can know the things that still need to be corrected at the next meeting. Collecting data using the testing techniques performed by the implementation of daily tests I and II. Analysis of data on the activities of teachers and students based on the observation sheet during the learning process. The data were analysed qualitatively to identify the consistency between the planning and implementation of the action. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics are statistics used to analyse data in ways that describe or depict the data that has been collected as without intending to generally accepted conclusions or generalizations [9]. Values of individual development of students in the first cycle obtained from the difference in value of the basic score and the value of the daily tests I. The value of individual development in the second cycle 82

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students from the difference between the value obtained at daily tests daily tests I and II. Group Choice derived from the value development of the group which is the average value obtained by the development of the group members. Analysis of data on the achievement of completeness criteria in the subject matter Limit indicator function is done by looking at the individual student learning outcomes obtained from daily tests daily tests I and II. Daily test scores of students for each indicator is calculated using the following formula. Score 

SP  100 SM

Where: SP = score obtained by students SM = maximum score In this study, the students said to have reached completeness criteria for each indicator when students achieved a score of 70 on each indicator. In this study the means used to analyse the achievement of the goal of the analysis of the frequency distribution table. When the score of student learning outcomes after the action is better than before the action it can be said the action was successful. In other words, the action is successful if the result of increased student learning [10]. Improving student learning outcomes can be seen from the development of the basic score, the daily tests daily tests I and II. Daily test grades I and II were analysed daily tests each indicator to determine the achievement of minimum completeness criteria, predetermined, then compared with a base score. 3.Result and Discussion Presentation of the research results were analyzed, namely, a description of the mathematical learning outcome of students individually and classical as well as observations of teacher and student activity during the learning process. 3.1 The First cycle 3.1.1 Observation Based on observations from the observation sheet activities of teachers and students, there are still some shortcomings in the implementation of cooperative learning structural approach this TPS. At the beginning of the learning activities do not involve students. At its core activities, student activities not in accordance with a predetermined time. Students are discussing at the moment think, doing LKS-2 stage pair during phase think, or do LKS-2 phase square at the pair stage so that there is time for students who have completed prior to play. Furthermore, researchers plan to share the stage LKS and square pair separated. That is, the completed first phase of the new LKS next stage shared. The ability of researchers to manage the class must also be improved because there are students who do not pay attention to other groups at the time of presentation. In addition, it needs a way to increase student activity, for example in the delivery of the conclusion. 3.1.2. Reflection Based on the observation sheet, during the action as much as two meetings are still many shortcomings conducted by researchers and students. These deficiencies are as follows: 1. Allocation of time set for each stage does not correspond with the time of planning. Execution time is longer than the time of planning. 2. In stage think, many students are directly discuss with a partner or even with the group. 3. At the second meeting, there are groups that have filled LKS pair stage when the stage think and fill the LKS square stage at the time of phase so that when the pair square stage students have the opportunity to play with their friends. 4. Lack of student activity as the initial activity or when responding to another group presentations and at the time of conclusion of learning.


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Based on the reflection of the first cycle of researchers to plan the following improvements. 1. Researcher will organize better implementation time to fit the timing of implementation. Along with the familiarity of students with learning model TPS cooperative structural approach is expected timing of learning more effectively. 2. Researcher have transformed the way the division LKS think the stage, pair and square were originally shared at once be distributed gradually. To further clarify the stage think, pair and square, researchers will change the stage sat in groups. Students at this stage does not immediately think sit face to face with a group but to sit on each other's position first. On stage pair, students adjacent to mate and after the new square stage students sitting face to face with the group. 3. Researcher will emphasize how to the students that their activities will add points to their group awards and awards groups that they get at each meeting will be collected and contribute to their mathematical affective value. 3.2 The Second Cycle 3.2.1. Observation Based on the observation sheet, the process of cooperative learning Think Pair square structural approach is appropriate planning. Student’s active in learning increased from the previous meeting. Researchers seek to involve all students in the learning process. Stages of learning such as think, pair and square have been seen. Deficiency and weaknesses of the previous meeting are reflected so that does not happen again at the next meeting. It is evident from the details the stages of the implementation of cooperative learning model Think Pair square. Activity and participation of students each meeting also increased. 3.2.2. Reflection In this second cycle of enforceability of the learning process has increased when compared to the first cycle. Implementation of learning in the second cycle is in accordance with the learning steps are already planned. The results of the first cycle of reflection and planning for improvement has also been applied to every meeting of the second cycle, the researchers no longer share the stage LKS think, pair and square simultaneously. Student sitting position at this stage do not think dealing directly with the group but to sit on each other's position first. On stage pair, a friend next to the students close together and discuss what they got on stage think. At this stage of the square, then students sitting face to face with the group. Changes were made to clarify the strategy of the stages in the implementation of the structural approach cooperative learning Think Pair Square. Researchers have also been working to improve of student’s activate in the learning process, for example by adding value to the group for those who provide feedback during a presentation, giving a conclusion, or other learning activities. This second cycle of reflection researchers did not do the planning for the next cycle because the research is only done as much as two cycles. To determine the learning outcome of student class XI SMAN Dharma PendidikanKempas before and after the action can be seen in the following frequency distribution list.


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Table 2.Frequency Distribution of Value of Learning Outcomes Interval 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-89 90-109 The number of students who reach KKM (70) % Of students who reach KKM ∑

Frequency of Students Scor basic UH I 5 0 5 5 8 10 12 17 4 2

UH II 0 0 8 21 5










Based on the above table, seen an increase in the number of students who received high grades at intervals, in contrast to a decrease in the number of students who scored in the lower interval. In addition, it can also be seen in the increase in the number of students who reached KKM from basic score (before treatment). This shows an increase in student learning outcomes after the action[10]. Based on the analysis of data on the activities of teachers and students the implementation of cooperative learning model Think Pair square structural approach is going according to lesson plan. Based on the observations of investigators during the learning process in class XI SMA Dharma Pendidikan Kempas, seen most of the students excited and participatory in the process of learning implemented, where through the stages of applied learning, students are required to think individually and then discuss it with couples and groups. Students sought the guidance of the teachers, listening to friends who presentation the discussions and were able to respond to the results of his presentation, and students try to solve the problem given by the teacher well. Implementation of the structural approach cooperative learning model Think Pair Square in the class action have been able to provide an opportunity for every individual to have an understanding of the subject matter and increase their participation in group discussions. In addition, each group is required to be able to work together and push for achievement. The learning process has been able to increase the activity and sense of responsibility of students and to develop the ability to cooperate with other students. That the cooperative learning model Think Pair square structural approach can increase individual participation in group discussions and in line also with that the cooperative learning can enhance the ability to cooperate with other students[8]. Based on the results of data analysis to study mathematics, student math scores increased from a base score. The percentage of students who reached minimum completeness criteria on a base score of 47.06% increase to 52.94% in the first daily test and increased again in the amount of 76.47% in the second daily test. Not only from the number of students who reached minimum completeness criteria only increased but the increase in math scores of students can be seen from the development of students. Most of the students had increased the value of the basic score. Based on the analysis of teacher and student activity and student learning outcomes analysis can be concluded that the hypothesis proposed action can be accepted as true. In other words, the implementation of cooperative learning model Think Pair Square structural approach can improve learning outcomes math class XI student of SMA Dharma Pendidikan Kempas Indragiri Hilir, Riau. 4.Acknowledgments In writing class action research, the writer is inseparable from the support and guidance from the various parties. Thanks to the authors say to Mr.Edy Hermanto, S.Si, M.Si as headmaster of SMAN


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Dharma Pendidikan who have helped in the preparation of this class action research. Mr.Drs.Martian as coordinator High School superintendent Indragiri Hilir district which has provided direction and guidance in this study. The Family, Friends of their colleagues and students who contributed both morally and materially so that the completion of the writing of this class action research. May God Almighty repay all those who have provided assistance in the writing of this classroom action research. 5.Conclusion Based on the research that has been done can the researchers concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning model Think Pair Square structural approach (TPS) can improve learning outcomes math class XI student of SMA Dharma Pendidikan Kempas Indragiri Hilir, Riau. The resulting increases in students' mathematics learning is inseparable from the efforts of teachers implementing learning as well as possible so that learning objectives can be achieved. However, there are still weaknesses in the application of this TPS, to the researchers suggest further research in order: Manage time effectively and efficiently, so that learning activities can be accomplished in accordance with the lesson plan. Reinforce the implementation of phase sequence think, pair and square to the students, so that phase think, pair and square accomplished in accordance with the study design.. Adjust the seating pattern at the time of execution learners LKS, so that phase think, pair and square accomplished in accordance with the study design.Researchers in order to motivate learners to be active and show their participation in the learning process. 6.References [1] BSNP., 2006, Panduan Penyusunan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, Depdiknas, Jakarta. [2] Yamin, M., dan Bansu I.A., Ansari, 2009, Taktik Mengembangkan Kemampuan Individual Siswa, Gaung Persada Press, Jakarta [3] Lie, A., 2008, Mempraktikkan Cooperatiff Learning di Ruang-Ruang Kelas, Grasindo, Jakarta. [4] Sudjana, N., 2010, Dasar-Dasar Proses Belajar Mengajar, Sinar Baru, Algensindo, Bandung. [5] Slameto., 2010, Belajar dan Faktor- Faktor yang Mempengaruhi, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta [6] Hamalik, O., 2004, Perencanaan Pengajaran Berdasarkan PendekatanSistem, Bumi Aksara, Jakarta. [7] Ibrahim, M., Fida, R., Mohamad, N., Ismono, 2000, Pembelajaran Kooperatif, University Pers, Surabaya. [8] Slavin, R.E., 1995, Cooperative Learning, Theory Research and Practise, Ally and Bacon, Boston. [9] Sugiono, 2007, MetodePenelitianPendidikan, Alpha Beta, Bandung. [10] Suyanto., 1997, Pedoman Pelaksanaan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Dikti Depdikbud, Yogyakarta.


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Improvement mathematical representation cooperative and cooperative round table



M M B Tamama) and N Mulya Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This research is based on the results of observations on the by the final mathematic odd semester test score of students and interviews of teachers of mathematics class 7th SMPN 27 Bandung which revealed that there are still many students who have low mathematical representation ability, it is seen from the student’s work on the word problem. This research aims to determine the improvement of student’s mathematical representation ability through the application of cooperative learning model and cooperative Round Table on Plane. This research is an experimental research conducted in three classes, class with conventional learning, cooperative model, and cooperative Round Table. The research method used is quasi experimental method Non-equivalent (Pre-test and Post-test) Control Group Design. Data is obtained by using research instruments in the form of tests. The results showed that improving student’s representation ability with cooperative Round Table learning is better than conventional class significantly. The average of improvement mathematical representation ability of the students in the class of conventional, cooperative and cooperative classes of cooperative Round Table are 0.51, 0.55 and 0.62, respectively.

1. Introduction Mathematics is very important in everyday life. It can also be seen from the learning of mathematics that learned early on, from the age of children of primary and secondary school. In addition, mathematics is also the basis for other sciences, because mathematics is a science that can remind the ability to think, to argue, to communicate and to contribute in the settlement of everyday problems. NCTM states that there are five process standards highlighting the acquisition and applying content knowledge and the ability representation of one of them. The ways representing mathematical ideas is fundamental to how people understand and use the ideas [1]. When students have the ability to represent their ideas and ideas, and they are able to make representations to capture mathematical concepts and relationships, they will be able to model and translate physical, social and mathematical events. The ability of mathematical representation is required by the student to discover and make a tool or way of thinking in communicating abstract mathematical ideas to be concrete, making it easier to understand [2]. Thus, if students have good representation skills, it will make it easier for students to solve mathematical problems, communicate ideas, as well as understand the concept of mathematics. In general, Dahlan & Juandi [3] provides operational forms of mathematical representation capabilities as follows:


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Table 1. Forms of Representation and Operational Representation Visual in form: - Picture - Table

Mathematical expressions or mathematical equations


Description or statement


Forms of Operation Representing data or information from a representation into tables, charts, graphs, etc. Using visual representation. Create an image geometry pattern. Clarify the geometry model. Create mathematical equations or mathematical models from representations to other representations. Create a conjecture of the pattern found. Solve problems through mathematical equations. Create a problem situation from a given problem. Write down the interpretation of the representation. Write down the solution of the problem through the sentence in writing. Using the steps of mathematical completion with words

PPPPTK, based on the results of TIMMS report, it is known that the ability of students in Indonesia in the implementation domain include: selecting, presenting, modeling, applying and solving problems are still low. This can be seen in the results of student work in solving the data presentation problem from the bar and circle diagram, which included in the ability of mathematical representation, it turns out that only 14% of students are able to answer correctly, while at the international level there are 27% who answered correctly [4]. Circumstances in school, the learning process that occurs less give freedom to students to express ideas and ideas. Learning is still centered on the teacher, so the ability of students is not growing optimally. Another cause is that in general during mathematics learning, mathematical representation is only taught as a formal representation or intuitive form in understanding concepts in math lessons. Based on the above facts, it is necessary that there is a learning that can provide opportunities for students to develop ideas and ideas, so that the ability of representation can be honed. One alternative is to use cooperative learning model. Suprijono says that one of the benefits of learning using cooperative model is to make it easier for students to learn something useful like facts, skills, values, concepts and how to live in harmony with others [5]. Learning with cooperative models in education has been implemented in the last few decades. A twenty-year study revealed that cooperative learning can be used effectively at various levels of education and in subjects such as math, language and other sciences. In cooperative learning, students are exposed to stony, discuss and argue to hone their skills [6]. Isjoni says that cooperative learning is learning by dividing students into small groups with different levels of ability. Students are required to assist and cooperate in solving every problem given, and in understanding the subject matter. If one member still does not understand the material, this cooperative learning has not been considered completed. Thus, in this way, it is expected that the learning process can be more felt by the students [7]. The implementation of cooperative learning in mathematics allows students to develop and hone the ability to argue and express ideas and ideas that are aspects of the ability of mathematical representation. So it is expected that students' mathematical representation ability can increase. In


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cooperative learning, the student is no longer the object of learning, but can also be a subject, by being a peer tutor against his friend. Another possible learning model can improve students' mathematical representation ability is cooperative learning Round Table, which is also the development of cooperative learning. Barkley et al says that cooperative learning Round Table is a learning that is done by turn, students respond to briefing with one or two phases before passing them on to other students who do the same. Round Table cooperative learning ensures equal participation among group members. And with this Round Table cooperative learning, students are faced with different points of view and ideas [8]. The procedure of cooperative learning Round Table as follows: a. Form groups of 3-4 people and convey the director to the group or share the math problem in the leaflet to each group member. b. Determine (or ask students to determine) every member of the group who will work on each question and tell the students that they have to rotate each sheet of mathematical questions as long as the answer is clockwise. c. Ask the first student to write down answers from a mathematical problem as quickly as possible then read the response out loud so that other students have a chance to think and prepare for a response. d. Have the student hand over the paper to the next student, who follows the first step. e. Tell students when the time limit is, or specify in the instructions that the process will be completed when all members have participated and all ideas have been written on paper [8]. 2. Experimental Method The research method used is quasi experiment with Non-equivalent (Pre-test and Post-test) Control Group Design. The population of this research is 7th grade students of SMPN 27 Bandung as many as 10 classes. Sampling is done by cluster random sampling by taking 3 classes from 10 existing classes. From the sampling result, class 7I was assigned as control class, 7J class as experiment I by using cooperative learning model and 7G class as experiment class II with cooperative learning model Round Table. At the beginning of the study, all classes were given a test (pre-test). Furthermore, in each class, the subject matter was done with different treatment. After the lesson has been completed for several meetings, the students are given another test (post-test). The research design is as follows: Table 2. Research Design Kelompok Control Experiment 1 Experiment 2

Pretest O O O

Treatment X1 X2

Posttest O O O

The test given to the student is a test of the ability of the mathematical representation in the essay form. The data obtained will be analyzed by descriptive statistic and the data will be tested by using inferential statistic using one-way ANOVA test using SPSS 22 software. If there is significant difference, then, the treatment given can increase students' mathematical representation ability. 3. Result and Discussion The results shows data as follows:


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Figure 1. Improvement Scores of Control Class Figure 1 shows that an improvement in the score of mathematical representation ability in control class, class with conventional learning, dominated by moderate category with 77% proportion, and high category increase score more than medium category score. In the control class, the smallest increase score is 0.09, while for the biggest score is 0.88 and the mean is 0.51. Low [PERCE NTAGE]



Figure 2. Improvement Scores of Experiment Class I Figure 2 shows an improvement in the score of mathematical representation ability in experimental class I, which is a class with cooperative learning which is still dominated by medium category improvement score with 62% proportion. A high-criterion improvement score is more than the control class’s. However, we note that the low-criterion improvement are more than the control class’s. The highest increase score in the experimental class I was 0.22, the highest increase score of 0.93 and the mean of 0.55, relatively higher when compared with the control. Low [PERCEN TAGE]



Figure 3. Improvement Scores of Experiment Class II


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Figure 3 shows the score of improving the ability of mathematical representation in the experimental class II, the class with cooperative learning Round Table. The increasing score is still dominated by medium criteria with proportion of 65%. Higher criteria increase scores in experiment class II are larger when compared to other classes. Also, the proportion of low criterion increases is less when compared to other classes. The lowest increase score in the experimental class II is 0.25, not much different from the experimental class I. Its highest score is 0.91 is below the highest score of the experimental class I. The average, the average is 0.62, is the highest average. Average of improvement mathematical representation ability of the students in the class of cooperative, cooperative and cooperative class of Round Table are 0.51, 0.55 and 0.62, respectively. . Using a one-way ANOVA test on SPSS 22, with α = 5%, obtained: Table 3. One-way ANOVA Sum of Squares Between Groups Within Groups Total


.199 2.705 2.904

Mean Square 2 88 90

.099 .031





Table 3 shows the value of Sig = 0.044 0.94

Criteria Weak Enough Good Very Good Excellent

From the calculations contained in the Summary Statistics, obtained the value of person reliability = 0.65 and item reliability = 0.98. Based on Table above, it can be concluded that the consistency of student’s answers is weak. That cause a small Cronbach Alpha values. This can happen because of the small number of subjects, similar patterns of response to each other or the indiscriminate subject in answering the item.


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The item value of reliability = 0.98 shows that the reliability of items into excellent category. Thus, the quality of the items in the test instrument of problem solving ability has excellent aspect of reliability. 3.2. Validity Analysis According [14], "a measuring instrument is said to be valid if the measuring instrument actually measures what will be measured". The validity analysis on Rasch Model with winstep software is obtained by analyzing the Item Fit Order Table. According to Boone et al., And Bond and Fox in [11], value of outfit means-square, outfit z-standard, dan point measure correlation are the criteria used to look at the conformity of item (item Fit). According to Boone et al.in [11], item conformity assessment criteria (outliers or misfits) are as follows.  The value of Outfit Mean Square (MNSQ) received: 0.5 0.05. Based on these results then Ho accepted which means the data score estimated error data or residuals on the regression test conducted normal distribution. Table 5. Normality test result With one-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test N Normal Parametersa,b

Mean Std. Deviation Absolute Positive Negative

Most Extreme Differences

Unstandardized Residual 23 .0000000 4.43194058 .089 .089 -.075 .089 .200c,d

Test Statistic Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) a. Test distribution is Normal. b. Calculated from data. c. Lilliefors Significance Correction. d. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

Linearity test. The following table will present linearity test results conducted with the help of SPSS V.22 for windows, the complete results can be seen in Table 6. Based on the results on the table is known that the value of sig. on the Deviation from Linearity row is 0.395> 0.05 so Ho accepted that the relationship between variables is linear. Since the relationship between variables is linear then analysis with simple linear regression model can be used. Table 6. Linearity test result ANOVA Table Sum of Squares


Mean Square



















Deviation from Linearity Within Groups Total






1337.652 120.268




Simple linier regression test result. In this section data about the effect of habits of mind variable on students’s mathematical generalization ability will be analyzed. The data of this research have been processed through SPSS V.22 for Windows program with simple linear regression analysis. The results of the regression coefficient calculation is shown in the table as follows:


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Table 7. Regression Coefficients Result Coefficients


Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1

B (Constant) HOM


Std. Error








Sig. -.659




a. Dependent Variable: Generalisasi

Furthermore, based on these results a simple linear regression equation can be formulated as follows: ࢅ= -9.198 + 1,73ࢄ

SignificanceTest ResultData of Simple Linear Regression Y over X (Test F). From the results of simple linear regression analysis using SPSS V.22 application obtained the following calculation results: Table 8. F Test Result a

ANOVA Model 1

Sum of Squares Regression

Mean Square









Residual Total


F 65.006

Sig. .000


a. Dependent Variable: Generalisasi b. Predictors: (Constant), HOM

Based on these results it shows that the value of Sig. = 0,000 ttable). An item might be invalid due to its low difficulty level (belonged to the very easy category), with difficulty index of 0.85-1.00 [23] and due to its low differentiating power (discrimination index of D ≤ 0.19) [24]. The result of difficulty level analysis could be seen in Table 2. Table 2. Difficulty level analysis Question number

Difficulty level

Question number

Difficulty level

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0.69 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.49 0.76 0.71 0.26 0.75 0.93

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

0.26 0.26 0.96 0.91 0.95 0.76 0.75 0.75 0.26 0.35

Based on the analysis data, presented in Table 2, there were four items in the very difficult category, i.e. questions number 8, 11, 13, and 9. Five items, i.e. questions number 2, 3, 4, 5, and 20, were in the difficult category. In the easy category there were six items; i.e. questions number 1, 6, 7, 9, 16, 17, and 18. The remaining four items (questions number 10, 12, 14, and 15) were in the very easy category. The percentage of items’ difficulty level could be seen in Figure 1.


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25% 35%

very difficult



very easy

Figure 1. Percentage of question items’ difficulty level In addition to difficulty level, the items’ differentiating power was also considered to determine whether an item was accepted or rejected. Table 3 displayed the result of items’ differentiating power analysis. Table 3. Question items’ differentiating power analysis Question number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Differentiating power

Question number

0.5 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 1.5 1.1 0.7 0.6 0

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Differentiating power 0.7 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.2 1.5 0.4 1.2 0.7 0.5

Based on data analysis presented in Table 3, there were 16 items with good differentiating power. The items were questions number 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. One item had sufficient differentiating power, i.e. question number 2. Another item had bad differentiating power and required revision (question number 15, with 0.20 ≤ D ≤ 0.29) [25]. There were three problematic items with D ≤ 0.19; i.e. questions number 10, 12, and 14 [25]. The percentage of question items’ differentiating power could be seen in Figure 2.


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5% 5%





very bad

Figure 2. Question Items’ Differentiating Power Percentage Based on the assessment and judgment criteria, i.e. difficulty level and item’s differentiating power, there were 16 items that were valid and reliable. These items were suitable for implementation. The other 4 items were not valid and not reliable. These items were rejected and would not be used in the implementation. The four items were questions number 10, 12, 14, and 15; rejected due to their low validity, low differentiating power, and low difficulty level. 4. Conclusion Through the present study, an instrument to measure creative thinking skill had been developed. The question items in the CSCeT-Test instrument had satisfied the criteria of being valid and reliable. In other words, these items could be implemented in measuring students’ creative thinking skills on the topic of sound wave. 5. Acknowledgement The researchers would like to offer their deepest gratitude to all civitas academica of SMAN 10 Bulukumba for their support and cooperation when the researchers collected data there. The researchers would also like to express their gratitude to Research Team of Indonesia University of Education who had provided them with guidance and opportunity to conduct the present study. 6. References [1] Permendikbud Nomor 69 Tahun 2013 Tentang Kerangaka Dasar Dan Strukur

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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Description of students cognitive ability on static fluid concept: a case study O Miadia), Muslim and L Hasanah Departemen Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This case study is a descriptive qualitative research which aim to determine the students cognitive ability on static fluid concept based on cognitive ability test. It was conducted to 11th grade students majoring science in academic year 2016/2017. 37 students of Senior High School (SMAN) 1 Batu Jajar West Bandung were involved as participant at this study. This study, entitled "Description of Students Cognitive Ability on Static Fluid Concept", shows that students' cognitive ability is still low. It is proven by the results of students' average score where they get 5.1 with a percentage of 51%. It does not reach the minimum mastery criteria (KKM) is (7.0) with a percentage of 70%.

1. Introduction In order to improve the mastery of concepts, it takes a good learning process that can involve cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. Cognitive learning process leads to changes in the aspects of cognitive ability, affective learning results in changes in the aspect of the ability to sense (affective), while psychomotor learning provides learning outcomes in the form of skills (psychomotor). The cognitive domain deals with learning outcomes consisting of six aspects, namely knowledge or memory, understanding, application, analysis, evaluation, and creating. The first two aspects are called low-level cognition and the next four aspects include high-level cognition [1]. The students' cognitive abilities are also progressing step by step. Simply put, cognitive ability can be understood as the ability of students to think more complex and the ability to make reasoning and problem solving. With the development of cognitive abilities this will allow students to master broader general knowledge, so that students are able to continue its function with reasonable in interaction with the community and the environment [2]. The purpose of physics learning in schools to improve students' cognitive abilities has not been achieved. Learning does not facilitate students in scientific inquiry so that students do not have cognitive skills, skills and positive attitude is not balanced. The teacher starts the learning process directly with the explanation of the material without giving the stimulus problem or phenomenon that closely related to the students, then students are given exercise questions, one of the students are asked to do on the board and discussed together in the classroom. The results of this observation indicate that less learning facilitates students' cognitive abilities optimally, as well as the ability to express opinions and explain the reasons for student opinions [3]. To see students’ cognitive abilities can be done by giving a test. The form of test used in educational institutions in terms of scoring system can be categorized into two, namely objective and descriptions tests. Objective tests have several types of tests incorrectly incorrect, multiple choice


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tests, matchmaking tests, complementary tests (short field and short answers).The description test requires students to describe, explain, discuss, compare, giving reasons about the questions asked [4]. Static fluid concept is one of the highlights of physics in senior high school. Based on basic competencies (KD) 3.5 it describes the laws on static fluid and its application in everyday life. Students are not only required to understand the concept of static fluid, but also able to do calculations in every problem that exist and understand the benefits of learning in everyday life. Based on the background of the problems that the authors describe above, the authors feel interested to conduct case studies on the cognitive abilities of students in SMAN 1 Batu Jajar on static fluid concept which is one of the materials studied in class X. The purpose of this study was "to get an idea of the mean value of students' cognitive abilities on the static fluid concept". 2. Experimental Method Field Study Method. The steps taken in this case study are as follows: (1) Field studies. Field study conducted aims to investigate the problems in Physics learning related to student cognitive abilities. (2) Interview. Interviews were conducted to find out the problems faced by students and their expectations of appropriate physics learning for the student needs. This can be used as a consideration in determining the appropriate model and learning method for students according to the material being taught. In this interview conducted on one of the students who are assumed to represent the problems and expectations of students in learning physics. (3) Documentation. Documentation is required as concrete evidence of field studies and is able to see the extent of completeness of school facilities, classroom or laboratory learning processes, test processes, and student interviews [5]. Research Participants. The selected physical material is a static fluid which is a matter of physics in the class X of the even semester. But when doing the case study, class X have not get the static fluid concept, then the selected student is a student in class XI IPA who had studied static fluid concept. This field study was applied to class XI natural sciences (IPA) 1 with the total number of students was 39 students, but this test was done by 37 students because 2 students were absent (permission). Field Study Instrument. The instrument used in this research is a cognitive ability test of students in the form of multiple choice as much as 10 questions about the concept of static fluid and interviews with student representatives to find out the extent to which the learning is done so that knowing the problems and expectations of students on physics learning is expected to be used as a basis in determining the solution. Processing Technique and Data Analysis. Processing techniques and data analysis of students’ cognitive abilities in this study was done by calculating the students’ answers about the concept of static fluid quantitatively then describing the data of the field study used descriptively and profoundly to obtain a description of the problem under study [6]. The calculated data was then compared with the expected KKM score of 70 to see the average cognitive abilities of the students. 3. Result and Discussion 3.1. Test Result of students’ cognitive ability about static fluid concept The results of the students’ cognitive ability tests based on the test instruments used in the static fluid concept in table 1 : Table 1. Student Cognitive Test Results on the Fluid Static Concept Result





































Percentage (%)











51 %


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Based on the students cognitive test results on the static fluid concept, the average score of students is 5.1 (51 %). This shows that the average score of students does not meet the minimum mastery criteria KKM of 7.0 (70 %). This means that students’ cognitive abilities still low and needs to be done that can improve students’ cognitive skills. The KKM refers to provisions determined by SMAN 1 Batu Jajar which is equal to 7.0. The percentage of correct answers from each item used is 11 students in item 1 (29 %), 24 students in item 2 (64 %), 28 students in item 3 (75 %), 18 students on Item 4 (48 %), 24 students on item 5 (64 %), 20 students on item 6 (54 %), 7 students in item 7 (18 %), 29 students in item 8 (78 %), 6 students on item 9 (16 %), and as many as 25 students answer correct item 10 (67 %). Item 9 seems very difficult to answer by the students because there are only 6 students who answered correctly, while item number 8 looks very easy to answer because there are 29 students who answered correctly. The average score of students’ cognitive achievement test on static fluid concept was 5.1 (51%). A total of 25 students from 37 did not meet the minimum completeness criteria established by the school that is 7.2 (67.56%), meaning that only 12 students who meet the KKM (32.43%). 3.2. Interview Result to know how the students opinions about learning process Interview were used to find out the description of the students opinions on the lessons and the physics learning process that has been done during class X on the static fluid concept. This interview was conducted after the cognitive ability test to one of the students in class XI IPA 1 SMAN 1 Batu Jajar selected randomly [7]. The results of this interview is expected to be used as a consideration to determine the appropriate method in solving problems faced by students. 3.3. Discussion of students’ cognitive abilities on static fluid concept Based on the results of field research, the following is the exposure and discussion of students’ cognitive abilities on the fluid static concept. Individual student scores based on cognitive ability test results are given on figure 1 : 9 8 7


6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1





11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37

Students Number Skor Siswa Tidak Memenuhi

Skor Siswa Memenuhi

Figure 1. Individual Student Score Diagram Based on the calculation of cognitive ability test data seen in the figure 1, that the overall result of the students ability test is still not fulfilled the KKM that is 25 students from 37 students who take the test (67,56 %), while the student who fulfill the KKM which is expected as many as 12 students (32.43%.). This shows that the cognitive abilities of students is still low so it needs to be done an action that can improve students’ cognitive abilities. The cognitive abilities of students will be 518

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discussed based on sub concepts on the concept of static (hydrostatic pressure, Pascal's law, and the law of Archimedes).

Hydrostatic Pressure Benar 30




Salah 28


20 15




10 5 0 Benar Salah

soal 1 (C1) 11 26

soal 2 (C3) 24 13

soal 3 (C4) 28 9

Figure 2. Diagram of Sub Hydrostatic Pressure Concept Test Results Based on the figure 2. In question 1 is about the ability of C1 to mention, there were 26 students get wrong answer and 11 answered correctly. In question 2 which is about the ability of C3 is determine, there are as many as 13 students get wrong answer and 24 students answered correctly. This illustrates that the students simply understand the problem and how to respond appropriately regarding the determination of the depth of an object that occurs at the hydrostatic pressure. Question 3 is a matter of ability C4 because choose base on observation or calculation. If students are able to understand the results of observations or calculations then the students will be able to choose a good picture of numbers, tables, and graphs presented. There is 28 students answered correctly and 9 students wrong answer.

Pascal's Law


Benar 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Benar Salah




18 19



Soal 4 (C1) 18 19

Soal 5 (C3) 24 13

Soal 6 (C3) 20 17

Figure 3. Pascal’s Law Concept Test Results Diagram


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In the sub-concept of Pascal law there are 3 questions. Question 4 which is the ability of C1 (identify) there are as many as 18 students answered correctly and 19 students wrong answer. It is suggests that some students still have not been able to identify the concepts attributed in daily life. Question 5 which is the ability of C3 (determine) looks quite capable to be completed. There were 24 students able to answer correctly and 13 students answered wrongly. Students are able to determine the height of a liquid in a U-tube. In question 6 about the ability of C3 (determine), meaning that students are able to determine how much force the child needs in a small cross section in order to lift the existing stone on a large cross section there were 20 students who answered correctly and 17 students answered wrongly.

Law of Archimedes


Benar 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Benar Salah


Salah 31



12 7

Soal 7 (C2) 7 30


Soal 8 (C3) 29 8

6 Soal 9 (C3) 6 31

Soal 10 (C4) 25 12

Figure 4. Law of Archimedes Sub Concept Test Results Diagram Question 7 deals with the buoyant force on the law of Archimedes with the ability tested is C2 (choose). Students are given several statements and then asked to choose the correct statement regarding the concept of buoyancy style. 30 students get wrong answer and 7 students answered correctly. This means that there are still many students who have not been able to understand the concept of buoyant style intact. Question 8 is a matter of C3's ability to determine the exact concept of a condition that occurs on a submarine. On this issue there are 29 students answered correctly and 8 students answered wrong. This shows that students understand the concept of a submarine to be able to perform a drowning, floating, and floating condition. In question 9, 6 students answer correctly and 31 students answered wrongly. It is means that students have not been able to determine the right answer to a situation that occurs in the matter. Problem 9 is a matter of C3's ability to determine the density of a liquid. Ability in question 10 is the ability of C4 that is analyzing how many times the comparison on an object partially floating on the surface of the liquid. There were 25 students who answered correctly and 12 students who answered incorrectly. In general, it appears that students are better able to correctly answer questions relating to calculations than the understanding of physics concepts. This shows students' mathematical ability is good. But physics is not just about the formula but the application and the benefits of the concepts learned in the school against the students’ daily life. Based on these results and discussions, there are several solutions to improve and enhance students' cognitive abilities, among others: the results showed that there was an increase in cognitive ability and student argumentation skills in both classes. However, the magnitude of the increase in the experimental class is more significant than the control class. There is a strong and significant correlation between arguing skills with the students’ cognitive abilities who received learning with 520

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argument generator models using scientific methods [8]. Another results (1) the implementation of cooperative learning model type TAI can improve cognitive ability with KKM reach 81,25% from equal to 75; (2) the implementation of cooperative learning model type TAI can improve student learning activity [9]. Another results (1) Application of cooperative learning model of Snowball Throwing can improve students cognitive ability. Learning completeness increases from 57.50% to 82.50%. Average student learning outcomes also increased from 68.75 to 78.63. (2) The application of cooperative learning model of Snowball Throwing can improve student learning activity [10]. Another results the aims of this research are (1) investigate the comparison of cognitive ability and critical thinking skills enhancement between the classes that apply the use of ‘writing to learn’ strategy and the classes that administer conventional learning, (2) examine the effectiveness of ‘writing to learn’ strategy in improving cognitive ability and critical thinking skills, and (3) examine the relationship between the quality of writing and cognitive ability and critical thinking skills [11]. Students’ cognitive ability can be improve by applying of learning cycle 5e model aided cmaptools - based media prototype. It may be an alternative solution to this problem, because it can help students learn from his own experiences so that they can apply the concepts and also by using CT-based media, it is possible to visualize abstract physics concepts [12]. 4. Conclusion Based on the analysis and discussion of the students cognitive ability on static fluid concept can be concluded as follows: (1) Students’ cognitive ability still relatively low. This is evidenced by the average value of 5.1 to the percentage of students 51%. This indicates that the student has not reached the average value expected in the 7.0 with a percentage of 70%. The number of students who do not meet the criteria of completeness is expected that as many as 25 students out of 37 students who took the tests, with a percentage of 67.56%. This means that only about 12 students who meet the completeness criteria expected. (2) In terms of the ability to answer the question, the concept looks difficult types of problems answered correctly by students than other types of calculation problems. This demonstrates the ability of students is not deep in the concept but in mathematical ability. 5. References [1]. Anderson, L W & Karthwohl, D R 2001 A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assesing (A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives) (New York: Longman) [2]. Desmita 2009 Psikologi Perkembangan Peserta Didik (Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya) [3]. Hartati, S E S 2016 Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5E Dengan Menyisipkan Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) Pada Tahap Explore Terhadap Kemampuan Kognitif dan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa SMA”. (Bandung: Tesis UPI) [4]. Arikunto, S 2008 Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan Edisi Revisi (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara) [5]. Sugiyono 2008 Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D (Bandung : Alfabeta) [6]. Sudjana, N 2012 Penilaian Hasil Proses Belajar Mengajar (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya) [7]. Winkel, W S 1996 Psikologi Pengajaran (Jakarta: Grasindo) [8]. Siswanto, Kaniawati I, Suhandi A 2014 implementation of generate argument instructional model using scientific method to increase the cognitive abilities and argumentation skills of senior high school students Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 10 (2) (2014) 104-116 [9]. Murti P R, Wiyono E, Jamaludin A 2015 The Application of Cooperative Learning Model Type TAI to Improve Learning Activities and Students Cognitive Abilities of Class X MIA 7 in SMAN 1 Karanganyar on The Static Fluid Concept. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika dan Pendidikan Fisika (SNFPF) ke 6 2015 Vol 6 nomor 1 2015 ISSN : 2302-7827 [10]. Anggraeni D P, Waskito S, Fauzi A 2015 Application of Cooperative Learning of Snowball Throwing Model to Improve Cognitive Ability and Student Activity in Static Fluid Concept of Class X MIA 1 in SMAN 1 Sukoharjo Academic Year 2014/2015. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika dan Pendidikan Fisika (SNFPF) ke 6 2015 Vol 6 nomor 1 2015 ISSN : 2302-7827


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[11]. Melida H N, Sinaga P, Feranie S 2016 JPPPF – Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika. Vol 2 nomor 2 2016 p-ISSN: 2461-0933 / e-ISSN: 2461-1433 [12]. Utari S, Alfiani, Feranie S, Aviyanti L, Sari I M, Hasanah L 2013 Applied Physics Research; Vol. 5, No. 4; 2013. ISSN 1916-9639 E-ISSN 1916-9647. Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education


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Effect of ARCS model using diagnostic test result against misconception studying physics student class XII SMAN 64 Jakarta Timur R Purbosaria), and T I Hartinib) Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA, Jl. Tanah Merdeka No. 20, Jakarta 13830, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected] b)E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. We aimed to determine and prove the influence of ARCS learning model using diagnostic tests through misconceptions in physics learning outcomes. The research was conducted in SMA Negeri 64 Jakarta Timur in the 2nd half of the school year 2015-2016. The population of this research were 36 students with a number of 32 students studied. The sampling technique used is the technique of random sampling with random technical terms. Method of quantitative descriptive correlational approach used in this study. After the data were normally distributed and homogeneous based test for normality and homogeneity, followed by hypothesis testing using t-test. Based on the results obtained by linear regression calculation regression model ̂ , the results of calculations obtained , and the calculation results obtained homogeneity testing . Testing the hypothesis gained , suggesting that rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that there are significant ARCS models using diagnostic tests to misconceptions physics student learning outcomes.

1. Introduction Learning is a learning process that requires an optimal learning readiness. Especially in learning the necessary readiness to learn physics by understanding the concept of the students in each material to achieve the learning objectives. In pursuit of learning, the learning process should be done in a manner appropriate to the characteristics of the indicators addressed. Through the learning objectives are achieved, the ability of students can be measured based on the results of students in teaching and learning. The ability of students is not only based on value alone, but on the ability of the students after receiving a learning experience, such as changes in attitudes, thinking patterns and skills students in their environment as seen from physics student learning outcomes. Through a physics student learning outcomes will be known to students' thinking skills on cognitive aspects are seen through the prior knowledge of students in the form of a concept that has been owned from previous learning experience. In the field of physics, the physics characteristics of abstract and complex learning physics emphasizes providing direct experience to develop student competencies in order to understand the nature around with a scientific concept. Thus, understanding the concept of a mandatory capability of the students and should be in accordance with the concept of learning materials so that learning can take place properly. However, the original concept that has been owned by the students sometimes less in tune with what is supposed to be presented by experts or so-called misconceptions. Misconceptions can interfere with learning and subsequently if no immediate action. Provision of material provided by the teacher and the initial concept that has been 523

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owned by the students had a great influence in determining the teaching and learning process in the classroom. So the impact on students' understanding of matter further and if left unchecked will be misconceptions forever. Hence, misconceptions physics learning outcomes need to be fixed immediately in order to realize the right of learning physics and in accordance with the learning objectives to be achieved. The misconception is something that does not fit with the notion of experts in the field. If the students had misconceptions and left, then the continuity of the learning objectives at the next material will be difficult to achieve so that the need for follow-up to determine if the student is experiencing misconceptions or not, so that educators can provide proper treatment to these students for future learning. However, misconceptions does not mean that a fault is solely due to the students 'thinking, but their influence also held misconceptions of previous students' learning experience teaching materials upon receipt of teachers by students who did not follow up. Misconceptions that occur in students can be caused by two factors, internal factors and external factors. Internal factors are factors arising from within the students that influence students' thinking patterns such as intelligence factors, mental and physical weakness or emotional nature that cause bad habits of students in learning. Meanwhile, external factors are factors outside the student arising from, for example, is a learning situation, the method of teaching provided by teachers, learning burden is too heavy and less supportive home environment for the child to learn. Thus, the best efforts are required for students and teachers to be able to create the right atmosphere of learning in order to achieve the learning objectives. Besides the active role of students in learning activities are indispensable in this learning activity. However, it is difficult sometimes for students to participate actively in learning. Whereas the basic ability and confidence that has been owned by the students, can support the success of student learning through his active role in the learning activities. Based on observations on the Tuesday, November 24, 2015 in class XI MIA 2 upon physics learning activities, teachers still have to do the commands given in advance to the students to get the students' active response to the learning provided. Such as answering questions given teachers and in the delivery of the results of discussions in the classroom, resulting in students' motivation is lacking due to the learning habits of the students earlier. Moreover, the attitude of students lack confidence led to doubts in answering questions asked during the learning and in which he remains poorly understood to ask the teacher. Factors such if allowed would interfere with teaching and learning activities that can lead to misconceptions physics learning outcomes. Because of such attitudes held by students, showed indications of support from students who have misconceptions about learning physics. The importance of choosing appropriate learning models and appropriate needed to overcome misconceptions physics student learning outcomes with the motivation of students to be more confident in the study so as to understand the interrelationships every material that goes into learning to get the maximum learning physics. Many models of learning that can be used in learning activities. However, not all learning model can be the perfect solution to this problem. The learning model used should be able to give students an accurate understanding so as to provide satisfaction for students to learn physics as seen from physics student learning outcomes. One model of learning that could be expected to overcome these problems is the learning model ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction). Model ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) is one model of learning that involves students actively together with teachers to understand the ability itself so that it can be motivated and more confident. In addition, the use of the learning model ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) also requires teachers to be able to associate any learning materials in everyday life so that students are able to achieve the satisfaction of learning through learning outcomes obtained. Through learning model to address misconceptions ARCS physics student learning outcomes required indicators of achievement of learning so as to know their misconceptions occur through daily test scores of students in the form of tests. Many types of tests that can be used to determine the misconceptions. However, the test to be used in this study is a diagnostic test, which is a test used to diagnose the presence of misconceptions. By using diagnostic tests, is expected to be easier to see the student’s answers that indicate misconceptions physics student learning outcomes that occur in students according to the indicators of expected results. Thus, teachers can provide proper actions in 524

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future learning activities. The tests will be used too many forms, but the form which it considers most appropriate test in this research is to test the description. Because, by using a test description can more easily find out and see the misconceptions on these students through exposure of the answers given. Thus, it is easier to identify students who are classified according to the indicator misconceptions diagnostic tests. With the description given in the form of diagnostic tests to students to diagnose the occurrence of misconceptions, students are expected to recognize its capabilities so that the problem can be effectively addressed. Based on the presentation, researchers became interested in conducting research on "The Effects of Model ARCS Using Diagnostic Tests Against misconception Learning Outcomes Physics Student Class XI SMAN 64 Jakarta Timur". 2. Experimental Method The method used in this study is the experimental method, which conducted experiments on the classes that will be given treatment and one grade test instrument for influence on the administration of the treatment. This study used Pre-Experimental Designs, because there are external variables that still take effect on the independent variables using a form of research One-group pretest-posttest design. This research was carried out in April-May in a two-semester class XI students, the school year 2015/2016 in SMAN 64 Jakarta Timur with samples of research a number of 32 students. 3. Result and Discussion 3.1. Histogram-Polygons Frequency Figure 1 shows the test results (pretest) before the students are given treatment with the ARCS learning model to see the student's initial ability.

Figure 1. Histogram-Polygons Frequency Pretest shows the results of the test before the students given treatment. Figure 1 shows that the pretest value interval of the diagnostic test. The x-axis is the value and the yaxis is the number of students. The result is a measurable form of student’s initial abilities. From the figure, the highest student score is obtained at the interval of 29.5-37.5 and 45.5-53.5 with the number of students each 8, indicating that the student is still experiencing the physics misconception. Figure 2 shows the test results (posttest) after the students are given treatment with the ARCS learning model to see the student's ability used diagnostic test related student’s misconception.


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Figure 2. Histogram-Polygons Frequency Posttest shows the results of the test after the students given treatment. Figure 2 shows the results of the test after the students were given treatment in the form of learning with ARCS learning model (posttest) to see student’s ability related to misconception. The x-axis is the value and the y-axis is the number of students. The result is a form of measurable student ability related to misconceptions that students have. From the picture, the highest student score obtained is at the interval of 70.5-76.5 with the number of students 12 people. The value interval of the drawing from the diagnostic test results indicates that the student's physics misconception is reduced after learning using the ARCS model. 3.2. Hypothesis Test Results Table 1 shows the results data in hypothesis test of the experimental class with the ARCS learning model to see the student's ability used diagnostic test related student’s physics misconception. The calculation of hypoyhesis test used t-test. Table 1. Hypothesis Test Results shows hypothesis test after pretest and posttest through diagnostic test. Information very significant Table 1 shows the results of the experimental class hypothesis test after pretest and posttest through diagnostic tests. The test used in the form of an essay of 15 questions. Using a significant level of α = 0.01 and α = 0.05 stated that the calculation result is very significant, which means learning by ARCS model using diagnostic test affect student physics learning misconception. 4. Conclusion This research proved that by using diagnostic test in the form of structured description able to detect misconceptions of student’s physics learning results through the exposure of answers given by students at the time of answering questions. Provision of learning using ARCS model is able to facilitate students in understanding the physics concept of students through the learning process seen from the student’s physics learning outcomes have increased and able to overcome the misconception of student physics learning after giving ARCS model learning. From pretest result got average value 39,75 while from result of posttest got average value 77,12. This proves that ARCS model learning can be applied well to overcome the misconception of student physics learning result. From result of t-test calculation, it is concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 accepted that there is effects of ARCS model using diagnostic test to misconception of physics learning result of class XI SMAN 64 Jakarta Timur.


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5. Acknowledgments This research was made possible thanks to T I Hartini, A Kusdiwelirawan, Sunardi, Y Rahmadhar, Y Soenarto and F A Burhendi to help complete this research through the guidance and direction. 6. References [1] Jafar A 2008 Teknik Penilaian Kelas Dalam Pembelajaran (Jakarta: Uhamka Press) [2] Abu A Psikologi Belajar (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta) [3] Mahmud A H 2013 Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran ARCS Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa Pada Konsep Dinamika Rotasi dan Keseimbangan Benda Tegar. Skripsi UIN [4] Zainal A 2011 Evaluasi Pembelajaran (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya) [5] Suharsimi A 2012 Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara) [6] Suharsimi A 2013 Prosedur Penelitian (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta) [7] Aunurrahman 2012 Belajar dan Pembelajaran (Bandung: Alafabeta) [8] Ratna W D 2011 Teori-Teori Belajar & Pembelajaran (Jakarta: Erlangga) [9] Daryanto 2010 Belajar dan Mengajar (Bandung: Yrama Widya) [10] Syaiful B D 2006 Strategi Belajar Mengajar (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta) [11] Douglas C G 2001 FISIKA Jilid 1 Edisi Kelima (Jakarta: Erlangga) [12] Ibnu B A T, Trianto 2014 Mendesain Model Pembelajaran Inovatif, Progresif dan Kontekstual (Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group) [13] Nini I 2014 Perencanaan Pembelajaran Teoritis dan Praktis (Jakarta: Mitra Abadi) [14] Mohammad I 2007 Fisika Dasar Edisi 2 (Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu) [15] Asep J, Abdul H 2013 Evaluasi Pembelajaran (Yogyakarta: Multi Pressindo) [16] Marthen K 2006 Fisika Untuk SMA Kelas X (Jakarta: Erlangga) [17] Kenneth K 2008 Fisika Modern (Jakarta: UI-Press) [18] Acep K 2013 Statistika Pendidikan (Jakarta: Uhamka Press) [19] Dwi P D 2014 Psikologi Pendidikan (Yogyakarta: GRAHA ILMU) [20] Ngalim P 1995 Psikologi Pendidikan (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya) [21] Sri R 2015 Pengembangan Tes Diagnostik Pilihan Ganda Dua Tingkat untuk Mengidentifikasi Miskonsepsi pada Materi Gerak Dua Dimensi Skripsi UIN [22] Muhammat R 2014 Model Pembelajaran ARIAS (Jakarta: PT Prestasi Pustakarya) [23] Muhammad R 2013 Strategi & Desain Pengembangan Sistem Pembelajaran (Jakarta: Prestasi Pustakaraya) [24] Wina S 2006 Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan (Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media) [25] I Wayan S 2014 Asesmen dan Evaluasi Pembelajaran Fisika (Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu) [26] Sardiman 2011 Interaksi dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar (Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada) [27] Eveline S 2011 Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran (Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia) [28] Syofian S 2014 Statistika Deskriptif Untuk Penelitian (Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada) [29] Slameto 2010 Belajar dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhinya (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta) [30] Lilik S 2013 Psikologi Belajar (Yogyakarta: Penerbit Ombak) [31] Anas S 2013 Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan (Jakarta: Rahagrafindo Persada) [32] Nana S 2009 Penilaian Hasil Proses Belajar Mengajar (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya) [33] Sugiyono 2011 Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D (Bandung: Alfabeta) [34] Sugiyono 2013 Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (Bandung: Alfabeta) [35] Paul S 2013 Miskonsepsi dan Perubahan Konsep dalam Pendidikan Fisika (Jakarta: PT Grasindo) [36] Agus S 2013 Cooperative Learning (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar) [37] Sumadi S 2014 Psikologi Pendidikan (Jakarta: Rajagrafindo Persada) [38] Suwarto 2013 Pengembangan Tes Diagnostik dalam Pembelajaran (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar) [39] Suyanto, Asep J 2013 Menjadi Guru Profesional (Jakarta: Erlangga) [40] Muhibbin S 2010 Psikologi Belajar (Jakarta: Rajagrafindo Persada) [41] Paul A T 2001 Fisika Untuk Sains dan Teknik Jilid 2 Edisi Ketiga (Jakarta: Erlangga) 527

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[42] Trianto 2015 Model Pembelajaran Terpadu (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara) [43] Raymond W J 2004 Motivasi Belajar (Depok: Cerdas Pustaka)


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Effect of discussion method based on socio-scientific issues with whatsapp application to scientific literacy of pre-service physics teacher S N Muhajir1a), V Otaviani2, T Gumilar2, E K Yuningsih2 1

Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati, Jl. A.H Nasution No. 105 Bandung 40164, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This study aims to determine the effect of discussion methode based socio-scientific issues on science literacy conducted in whatsApp application. This study uses true-experiment method with posttest only control group design, with sample are pre sevice students of physics education. Sciencetific literacy instrument that used are three questions based on competence of science literacy according to framework PISA 2015. Based on the hypothesis test using IBM SPSS Statistics 19, shows that t arithmetic is 0.00005 0.8 or in „large effect‟ category. The improvement of conceptual understanding through the implementation of ILD model using KTG teaching materials supported by multimode visualisation is an implication of the instruction which emphasises contextual approach, in which in this case the role of multimode visualisation is highlighted to support concepts in the kinetic theory of gases that makes the students understand the concepts easier. Moreover, the phenomenon presentation through demonstration could influence better on students‟ conceptual understanding, particularly on basic concepts which in this case is ideal gas law. Without demonstration, knowledge acquisition of the presented phenomenon would be lower [14]. The demonstration in ILD could enhance students‟ instruction about physics‟ concepts with the presence of prediction sheets and teacher‟s guidance, so the materials can be presented thoroughly [5]. The students‟ involvement in either experimental or control class was identified from prediction sheets 554

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in form of students‟ worksheet. According to the result of instructional activity observation, in the experimental and control class most of all instructional activities were conducted. Thus, both N-gains of these two classes are not much different. Although conceptual understanding in both classes improves, not all activities in ILD could be understood by the students especially in the first meeting because they were not accustomed to it. This problem occurred because the students were failed to combine their concepts with the new situations presented in the first and second demonstration which shows their cognitive conflicts. This result indicates that there are some students who are unable to relate the new phenomenon provided through ILD demonstration with their own conception although their conceptual understanding are better [15]. Teaching materials that had been developed in the design provided abstract materials of physics or the materials that are hard to comprehend directly, so other media are needed as teaching aids. The presentation of physics materials in these teaching materials is aimed to promote students‟ further comprehension and to make them able to construct their understanding deeper concerning the physics materials. The rules developed in the teaching materials of gas kinetic theory using multimode visualisation refer to these guidelines: (1) Teaching materials is expected to improve students‟ conceptual understanding and comprehension level in the kinetic theory of gases; (2) The developed teaching materials are adjusted to the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of gas kinetic theory; (3) It covers specific instructional goals; (4) It covers specific instructional materials in the activities and exercises to attain the goals; (5) There is an evaluation as feedbacks (self-evaluation) and a tool to measure students‟ success corresponding to Mastery Learning approach. The instruction of gas kinetic theory that these teaching materials is the implication of the instruction that stresses on contextual approach, where the examples and explanations of KTG concepts are visualised, so it is easier for the students to understand. So, computer animation can visualise abstract processes. Besides helping visualise abstract processes, the use of computer animation can also produce the more scientific student‟s answers and enhance better conceptual understanding. 4. Conclusion Based on the research results, it is found that there is conceptual understanding improvement on the students who received physics instruction with ILD model using KTG teaching materials supported by multimode visualisation with N-gain 0.74 and it is higher than those who received it with ILD model using KTG teaching materials without multimode visualisation where the N-gain is 0.58 and the significance value is 0.000. In addition, in terms of the profile of comprehension level before and after the treatment to the experimental class, the percentage increases in every sub-material. Besides helping to visualise abstract processes, the use of teaching materials employing multimode visualisation such as computer animation can also produce the more scientific students‟ answers and enhance better conceptual understanding. For further research, researchers could explore other microscopic themes with undeveloped teaching materials, for example thermodynamics and electricity. Additionally, after conducting the instruction by using teaching materials, there are students who still experience misconception. Therefore, it is needed to conduct further studies to unravel the causes of students‟ misconception. 5. Reference [1]

[2] [3] [4]

Nurhuda T, Rusdiana D and Setiawan W 2017 Analyzing Students‟ Level of Understanding on Kinetic Theory of Gases IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 812 (2017) 012105 Balitbang Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2011Survei Internasional PISA. [online]. Pornrat Wattanakasiwich 2012 Interactive lecture demonstration in thermodynamics. Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ 6, (4) Sokoloff David R and Thornton R K 1997 Using interactive lecture demonstrations to create an active learning environment The Physics Teacher, 35, pp. 340- 347.


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[5] [6] [7] [8]


[10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

Sokollof David R and Thornton R K 2010. Image Formation Interactie Lecture Demonstrations using Personal Response System. [Online]. AIP Conference Proceedings, (1263), pp. 16-19 Cepni Salih 2009 Effects of computer supported instructional material (CSIM) in removing students misconceptions about concepts: “Light, light source and Chingos Matthew M and Whitehurst G 2012 Choosing Blindly: Instructional Materials, Teacher Effectiveness, and the Common Core. Brown Centre on Education Policy at Brookings Hand B Gunel and Ulu C 2009 Sequencing embedded ultimodal representations in writing to learn approach to the teaching of electricity. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46, pp. 225-247 Anderson, L.W and Krathwohl, D.R. 2001. A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assesing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educatioanl Objectives. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc Borg, W. R., & Gall, M. D 1989 Educational research: An introduction (5th ed.). New York, NY: Longman. ISBN: 0-801-0334-6 [LB1028.B6 1989] Coe R 2000 What is an Effect Size?.A Guide for User. Draft version. Cohen J 1969 Statistical Power Analysis for Behavioral Sciences. NY: Academic Press. Hake, R 1999 Analyzing Change/ Gain Scores. Indiana: Indiana University Svedruzic A 2008 Teaching Methodology of Physics. Metodika (17), pp. 442-450, Alex Mazzolini, Daniel S and Edwards T 2012 Using Interactive Lecture Demonstrations to Improve Conceptual Understanding of Resonance in an Electronics Course, Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 18:1, 69-88


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

The analysis of student’s critical and creative thinking skills on temperature and heat T Sugiartia) D Rusdiana, S Utari Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Critical and creative thinking is 21st century skills related to problem solving. These skills include into the way of thinking. These skills have not been trained properly in the learning activities. The purpose of this research is to analysis student’s critical and creative thinking about the temperature and heat. The method used is a descriptive analysis with 32 students in 11th grade of one public vocational school in Bandung. Profile of critical and creative thinking students obtained through 5 item essay test, which every number consists of 6 questions. The instrument was used to identify students’ critical and creative thinking skills was judged by expert judges and empirical test, retrieved 0.7 as validity value and 0.82 as reliability test value. The Result show profile student’s critical thinking skill on the indicator using the reasoning of induction and evaluate point of view on developing criteria. While the indicator draws conclusions on proficient criteria. Creative thinking skill on indicators using a variety of ways to get an idea on proficient criteria. While on indicator creating new ideas and elaboration own ideas has developed criteria. This result indicates the need for future research on the learning process by applying learning instruction, that can improve these skills.

1. Introduction In this era the international has been change in economy, politics, culture, technology and information. It encourages change how one’s work and life. 21st century skills are known along this changed. 21st century skills are “new need” which appears in response to changing of in this era [1]. 21st century skills defined as skills related to solving non-routine problem [2]. Currently, the tendency of work task has changed, the routine and manual task decreases as well as non-routine and non-manual task that requires critical and creative thinking skills has been improved [3]. Learning skills and innovation in 21st century skills divided in the way of thinking which consist of critical thinking and creativity, and the way of working which consist of communication and collaboration skills [4]. Critical thinking skills in this research include using induction reasoning, draw conclusions based on the best analysis for the best solution and evaluate point of view. Creative thinking in this research included using various ways to get an idea, creating new ideas and elaboration own ideas [5]. The purpose of science instruction is teaching students to get various skills, for example process skills, communication and collaborative skills [6]. Physics as one of the subjects has an important role in improving 21st century skills. The core competence of physics is building a society which critical and creative in problem solving [7]. Moreover the students still difficulties to develop critical thinking and creative thinking skills, because in class students has focused on solving mathematics problems. Students didn’t train to critiquing a problem and develop critical and creative thinking skills to solve the problems. This study focused on analyzing profiles of students’ critical and creative thinking skills 557

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on temperature and heat. The result of this study can be used for further research to determine the appropriate treatment for improving students’ critical and creative skills. 2. Methodology This research aims to get a description of the profile of the student’s critical and creative thinking skills which include into 21st century skills. Therefore the method in this study is a descriptive analysis [8] [9] . The population is 60 students at 11th grade students of one of public vocational schools in Bandung who has studied temperature and heat in network access engineering major. The sample of this research is 32 students. The sample was randomly selected, so the number of students has met criteria for the research. The instrument of critical and creative thinking is 5 item essay test, every number has six questions in temperature and heat topics. This instrument has 6 indicators that refer to critical and creative thinking in 21st century skills. The results analysis of expert judges conducts through triangular multiple research technique, that every judge are requested to rate the instruments to get validity of the instruments. After the validity of the expert, then the instrument tested on a group of students in one of public vocational schools in Bandung. The results of the test are analyzed to see the validity of the distinguished power, reliability, and difficulty level [10]. Reliability test is determined by calculating the coefficient of reliability test of the Spearman Brown formula. The criterion of distinguished power defined as the proportion of the upper group and the proportion of the under group which correctly answer the problem. Difficulty level categorized based on the number the students who correctly answered in every item question. To get to profile of students’ critical and creative thinking skills was determined by calculating score in every indicator and divided by total score of a student group. The criteria of critical and creative thinking skills determined the rule in table 1[11]. Table 1. Criteria of critical and creative thinking skills 1

Range of criteria ≤ 1 limited

Explanation Students just getting started

1 < developing ≤ 2

Students are growing in this skill, but hasn’t shown proficiency

2 < proficient ≤ 3

Students have shown competency repeatedly

3 < advanced ≤ 4

The Student is fully developed and excels in applying the skills

3. Result and Discussion 3.1 Characteristic of instrument Based on the need for research, Table 2 shows characteristic of item test of critical and creative thinking skills. The development of instrument follows this rule in Table 2.


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Table 2. Characteristic of item test of critical and creative thinking skills Item no 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

The context and concept Context


Creating Bimetal Creating Bimetal

Heat expansion Heat expansion

Creating Bimetal Creating Bimetal Creating Bimetal Creating Bimetal

Heat expansion Heat expansion Heat expansion Heat expansion

Creating cooler box Creating cooler box

Heat Specific Heat Conduction Change of state Change of state Specific heat Heat transfer Heat transfer

Creating cooler box Creating cooler box Creating cooler box


Creating cooler box Creating of fish drying trays Creating of fish drying room Creating of fish drying room Creating of fish drying room Creating of fish drying trays Creating of fish drying trays The filling liquid radiator


Using Bimetal


21 22 23 24 25

Using Bimetal Using Bimetal The filling liquid radiator The filling liquid radiator Creation of pan Creation of pan

Expansion Expansion Heat Heat Heat transfer Heat transfer

Creation of pan Creation of pan Creation of pan

Change of state Change of state Heat transfer Heat

12. 13. 14. 15. 16 17 18

26 27 28 29 30

Creation of pan

Heat transfer Heat transfer Heat transfer, Change of state Heat transfer Change of state Heat transfer

Indicator of critical and creative thinking skills Using reasoning (induction) Using various ways to get an idea Creating new idea Elaboration own idea Draw conclusion Evaluation point of view Using reasoning (induction) Using various ways to get an idea Creating new idea Elaboration own idea Draw conclusion Evaluation point of view Using reasoning (induction) Using various ways to get an idea Creating new idea Elaboration own idea Draw conclusion

Heat transfer

Evaluation point of view

Specific heat

Using reasoning (induction) Using various ways to get an idea Creating new idea Elaboration own idea Draw conclusion Evaluation point of view Using reasoning (induction) Using various ways to get an idea Creating new idea Elaboration own idea Draw conclusion Evaluation point of view

Table 3 shows validity constructs of instrument validated by 3 expert judges. On average, the judges decide that 96% of instrument are valid. From 30 validated items 3 questions are not valid. The unvalid item has revised based on advice from the judges. The item with creating new ideas has revised.


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Table 3. Result of expert judgjes Judges



Judges I



Judges II Judges II

100% 90%

Excellent Excellent

Table 4 shows the validity and reliability of the instrument after empirical test. Criteria of validity and reliability determined by this rule [12]: “≥ 0.9 Excellent, ≥ 0.8 Good, ≥ 0.7 Acceptable, ≥ 0.6 questionable, ≥ 0.5 Poor, < 0.5 Unacceptable. Based on empirical test this instrument has good reliability and acceptable criteria. Then this instrument can be used as a research instrument. Table 4. Result of empirical test Results






Criteria Acceptable Good

Table 5 shows profile of critical thinking skills student’s for each indicator. Indicator use reasoning (induction) and evaluate point of view has developing criteria. Table 5. Profile of Students’ critical thinking skills Indicator




Use reasoning (induction)




Draw conclusion




Evaluation point of view




For further analysis of indicator use reasoning (induction) as in the question number 5.a. In the problem number 5 students are given a problem about car machine. Then given information table that contains the value of the specific heat of various liquids. The question number 5.a ask students to use reasoning (induction) for solving the problem. Students have to choose liquid which can be used to feeling the radiator machine. The example of the question 2.a is: “Based on the information in table 1 choose the most appropriate liquid to be used as a filler radiator! Write your reason, choosing that liquid!” The student mostly answered: “water, glycerine” without writing the reason or give wrong reason. Student’s answer show in the figure below:


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Figure1. Students’ answers in use reasoning (induction) Figure. 1 shows students didn’t use data provided in the problem. The student’s answer leads to the assumption that owned students. Based on the student’s answer showed students are still not able to use information. Students cannot use their knowledge in specific heat and related to the need of heat, so important to be designing an instructional activity for improving inductive reasoning. Table 6 shows profile of students’ creative thinking skills for each indicator. Based on information in table 6, indicator creating new ideas and elaboration own idea has developing criteria. Table. 6 Profile of students’ creative thinking skills Indicator




Use various ways to get ideas




Creating new idea




Elaboration own idea




For further analysis, indicator creates new idea on question 3.c. On problem 3 students are given a problem about drying out the fish a fisherman. Problem 3 also equipped with information on thermal conductivity of various material. On previous question students requested to determine the material of drying trays, students also asked to use various ways for asking good fish drying trays. At question number 3.c students get new problem which relates to previous problem as this question: “Mister Budi want to install the roof on the place of drying salted fish. He avoids if the rain suddenly come down the salted fish will become wet. Mister Budi also wanted salted fish remain dry quickly drying out place though was given a roof”. The question for this indicator is “Create the idea to build a fish drying room!” Most of the students that are 57.3% of students responded wrong answer or just focused on the choosing the material of the roof. Most of the students focused on using the heat transfer process. The answer of the students is:

Figure.2 Student’s answer on creating new ideas Based on figure 2, students haven’t able to create new ideas with complete and stated the relationship their idea with their knowledge about heat transfer. This possible because students are still focused on the data of thermal conductivity provided in the problem. It can be inferred that the student 561

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just focused on the heat transfer process without adding ideas and relating heat transfer and change of state. Therefore, it's important to improve creative thinking skills to create new ideas. 4. Conclusion Based on the discussion, concluded that the average of students’ critical thinking skills has 2.03 values with proficient criteria. Students’ creative thinking skill has 1.97 values with developing criteria. For that reason required treatment in learning process to improve students’ critical and creative thinking skills. 5. Acknowledgments On this occasion, the author would like to thank to all those who helped to do the testing instrument and conduct research. 6. References [1] Silva, E. 2009. Measuring skills for 21st-century learning. Phi Delta Kappa, 90(9), 630-634. [2] Jerald, C. D. 2009. Defining a 21st century education. Center for Public education, 16. [3] Griffin, P., McGaw, B., & Care, E. 2012. Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills (p. 36). Dordrecht: Springer [4] Partnership 21st century skills. 2011. Framework Definitions. [5] National Education Association. 2012. Preparing 21st Century Students for A Global Society [6] National Research Council. 1996. National Education Standards (NSES). Washington, DC. National Academy Press. [7] Peraturan Pemerintah No 69. 2013. Kerangka Dasar dan Stuktur Kurikulum Sekolah Menengah Atas/ Madrasah Aliyah. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia [8] Nurhuda.T. 2017. Analyzing Student’s Level of Understanding on Kinetic Theory of Gases. IOP Conf.Series: Journal of Physics. 012105 [9] Frankel, J.R and Wallen, N.E. 2012. How to Design and Evaluate research in Education.( New York: Mc. Graw Hill) [10] Nitko, A.J and Brookhart, S.M. 2011. Educational Assessment of Students. (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc) [11] Stubbs, Kari. 2011. 21st Century Learning Objective Rubric. 3-7.www.saywire.com [12] Cronbach L.J (1951). Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of test. Psychometrika, 16 (3) 297-334


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Development of test instruments to measure the competency of scientific literacy on temperature and heat topics based on the 2015 PISA framework N A Solihaha), S Utari, and P Siahaan Departemen Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Not many questions available in the PISA test meet the topic of physics taught in the classroom according to the material specified in the curriculum. Therefore it is necessary to question the standard as a test question for measuring scientific literacy in several studies aimed at tracing scientific literacy. This research tries to develop a question of measuring the competence of scientific literacy in accordance with the 2015 PISA test on the topic of heat and temperature as a standardized test development model. This test development study was conducted on 30 students who have obtained that topic at randomly selected. Students are working on two packages of questions, the first package contains 15 PISA problems and the second package contains 15 equivalent problems developed under the PISA framework. The results showed that the validation and reliability of the questions developed are 0.65 and 0.76. its means that the equivalent of PISA has validity and reliability that can be used as a scientific literacy test on that topic, and the result of the correspondence of the two tests by using pearson product moment test is 0.75, which means that the equivalent of 2015 PISA test is significant with 2015 PISA test.

1. Introduction The scientific literacy is defined as the competence in understanding science and applications for human needs [1].A person who has scientific literacy will be able to read, understand, and have responsibility in dealing with the problems of daily life [2]. Scientific literacy is one of the most important competencies to be improved in scientific studies [3]. Because of the importance of scientific literacy, some educational policies in developed countries lead to scientific literacy, such as: American K-12 curriculum renews its curriculum with emphasis on scientific literature tracing, Estonia (Finland), in 2011, adopted new competencies in the curriculum Schools with the goal of scientific education in promoting scientific literacy, Australia is one of the highest performing states in scientific literacy in PISA 2006. The Australian K-10 curriculum design for scientific learning is governed by three interrelated components: Science understanding, Science inquiry skills , And Science as a human endeavor [5].Likewise in Indonesia, in Permendikbud 2016 no.21 on the 2013 curriculum on basic and secondary education content standards refers to the scientific literacy domain of PISA 2015 [6], so that Indonesian students need to have facilities to train the competence of scientific literacy.


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Data on the results of the 2012 PISA (Program for International Students Assessment) study show that the percentage of Indonesian students in understanding scientific literacy is 41.9% at level 1 and 24.7% below level 1 [7]. PISA test results in 2015 followed by 72 countries, Indonesian students rise 6 ratings from the PISA test in 2012 which is ranked second lowest of 65 countries [8]. This data shows that many Indonesian students have difficulty in applying their knowledge. Although the instrument developed by PISA does not have an appropriate context in every country, because it does not have a corresponding standard in each country, whereas scientific literacy is one of the important objects to be improved in scientific studies [3]. This PISA study is often used as a benchmark of the readiness of citizens in facing the era of globalization and serve as the foundation of the curriculum development policy of a country. Attempts to tackle scientific literacy have been widely practiced, but we need to develop a strategy to reveal the characteristics of instruments that fit the context of Indonesia as a medium that can trace the scientific literacy of Indonesian children. It is therefore necessary to have a review of the assessments developed both in the context of the intended personalities. The development of physics scientific literacy instrument can be aimed to know the basic capability of physics scientific literacy in social life [9]. Relevant research has been done by Fives in developing the SLA instrument (scientific literacy assessment) that can evaluate the students' scientific literacy ability, that is how the value of science, self-efficacy and epistemic [10]. Based on previous studies, to measure the level of students 'scientific literacy as a result of high school students' learning, it is necessary to develop a scientific literacy test instrument based on the PISA framework of 2015 that relates to issues or issues occurring in the local environment in a personal and local context Indonesia. The model of development of standardized test instruments has been widely introduced, one of them by Jacobs and Chase (1992), this model begins with (1) Determining the subject to be tested and setting up the learning indicator/objectives, (2) Setting the assessment instrument specification (test) (3) developing test instruments, (4) Examination test with judgement and analyze, (5) Implementation of tests, and (6) Processing and analyzing test results [11]. 2. Experimental Method The general design of this study uses Research and Development [12]. But in this research design is a descriptive research that aims to get the characteristics of the instrument developed and get the correlation of the equivalent test developed with the test of PISA standard. At this stage of development, researchers undertook several stages in starting with the development of test blueprint for Heat and Temperature topic in accordance with the competence of scientific literacy and the context of the issues that can be disclosed for Indonesian children. Followed by developing essays from the test blueprint to get a picture of Indonesian children's way of thinking as an alternative to the developed in essay. Furthermore, developing 15 questions with constructs in accordance with the instrument framework 2015 competence scientific literacy developed by PISA. Instrument test was conducted through two stages, the first stage was done with expert judgement and the second stage was done through field test in one of the private high schools in Bandung with the medium category based on the cluster classification of the middle school with the sample number of 30 students who have studied the temperature and heat topic,which is obtained randomly with simple random sampling technique. Judgement experts conducted with triangulation techniques, this study involves 5 experts with expertise in the field of physics content and physics education. Experimental test results are analyzed by triangulation multiple research techniques, such an expert is required to assess the instrument made in accordance with his perspective, which is then collected so as to obtain the validity of the construct of the test [13]. To obtain the characteristics of test, the data processing techniques used are: validation of the test instrument by calculating the biserial coefficient of the average point of the whole question. The reliability of the test instrument by calculating the test reability coefficient of the spearman brown formula. Discrimination index item is determined by the proportion of the above group that answered correctly and the proportion of the underlying group that answered correctly. Difficulty item 564

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is the number of questions categorized based on the number of students who answered correctly on each item question. The matching correlation on two packet problems using the pearson product moment equation, if the coefficient is closer to 1, the correspondence of both packages is better. To get an idea of the quality question response developed, the researchers conducted interviews / questionnaires on some students. The results of the analysis and interview were processed by using likert scale analysis [13]. 3. Result and Discussion 3.1 Test blueprints of heat and temperature topic An analysis of the blueprints test scientific literacy on temperature and heat topics can be expressed in Table 1 below Table 1 Characteristics of the blueprints test scientific literacy on temperature and heat topics scientific literacy domain question 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Competency Explain phenomena scientifically Interpret data and evidence scientifically Interpret data and evidence scientifically Evaluate and design scientific enquiry Evaluate and design scientific enquiry Interpret data and evidence scientifically Interpret data and evidence scientifically Interpret data and evidence scientifically Interpret data and evidence scientifically Interpret data and evidence scientifically Explain phenomena scientifically Explain phenomena scientifically Explain phenomena scientifically Evaluate and design scientific enquiry Explain phenomena scientifically

Knowledge epistemic epistemic epistemic epistemic procedural procedural content procedural procedural epistemic content content content procedural content

Indicator questions based on the Indonesian context Explain the effect of the conductivity of the object on the temperature change of the object Determine the effect of thermal conductivity on different objects of the experimental data Compare the conductivity of two different objects Identify the usefulness of the control variables in the experiment Identify independent variables and dependent variables in the experiment Determine a temperature graph over time based on experiment data Sorting the thermal conductivity of objects by graph Analyze the thermal conductivity graph on different objects Determines the time graph of the temperature in the object's heating experiments Summing up the most energy-efficient objects based on an experiments type of object Defines the specific heat of the object based on the experiment Defines the expansion coefficient of the object Explain the effect of the expansion coefficient on the change of the length of the object Identify independent variables and dependent variables based on experimental object radiation Explain the effect of the color of the object on the energy it receives.

Based on test blueprint, the developed instrument has a construct validity that is considered in accordance with the scientific literacy framework developed by PISA. Context for Indonesian children developed related to Temperature and Heat topic related to problems in everyday life.


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3.2 Result of essay test Before the multiple choice test was developed, an essay test was developed based on the test blueprint, the findings of the essay describe the student's way of thinking which can be seen in table 2 as follows: Table 2 A description of students' thinking on the developed instrument test Indicator questions based on the Indonesian context Explain the effect of the conductivity of the object on the temperature change of the object Determine the effect of thermal conductivity on different objects of the experimental data Compare the conductivity of two different objects Identify the usefulness of the control variables in the experiment Identify independent variables and dependent variables in the experiment Determine a temperature graph over time based on experiment data Sorting the thermal conductivity of objects by graph Analyze the thermal conductivity graph on different objects Determines the time graph of the temperature in the object's heating experiments Summing up the most energy-efficient objects based on an experiments type of object Defines the specific heat of the object based on the experiment Defines the expansion coefficient of the object Explain the effect of the expansion coefficient on the change of the length of the object Identify independent variables and dependent variables based on experimental object radiation Explain the effect of the color of the object on the energy it receives.

Findings of students' way of thinking on the problems tested Students think that temperature changes that occur are caused by the thermal conductivity of objects, heat, mass of objects and the specific heat. Students think great conductivity, more difficult to deliver the heat Students think that objects with a large conductivity change in temperature at both ends are smaller Students think that the use of control variables to facilitate measurement, accelerate measurement and examine measurements Students think that the independent variable is the quantity generated from the experiment, the dependent variable is the altered quantity Students do not include title, scale, scale on graph Students think that graph of the highest temperature rise of the object, its conductivity is low Students think that the temperature changes of both ends of large objects, then the conductivity is small Students do not include title, scale, scale on graph

The smallest s changes temperature on objects at the same heating time is the most energy-efficient. Students are exchanged between the definition heat, heat capacity, specific heat and heat energy changes. Students think that expansion coefficient is the number, the ratio and the ability to change the length Students think that the greater the coefficient of expansion of the length of the object, the object is more difficult to expand Students think that the independent variable is the quantity generated from the experiment, the dependent variable is the altered quantity Students think that color of the object does not affect the radiation energy it receives (not in accordance with the text reading)

These results show some student thinking that can be used as ananswer for multiple choice questions developed. 3.3 Result of multiple choice test The test result on the judgment of expert with triangulation technique get that the whole instrument is made according to the scientific literacy domain and the indicator on the test blueprint. It states that the developed instrument has fulfilled the validity of constructs and contents that illustrates the test


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developed measure the competence to be measured. The results of field testing can be expressed through the Table 3 as follows: Tabel 3.Distribution of difficulty index about equivalent test of PISA 2015 Analysis result item difficulty index evaluation range no. of item Percent Difficult 13.33 0,00 ≤TK ≤ 0,30 2 Good 60.00 0,31 ≤TK≤ 0,70 9 Simple 26.67 0,71 ≤TK≤ 1,00 4 Based on Table 3, it can be argued that the developed instrument testhas been normally distributed, instrument test that are deemed difficult to relate to the competence of planning and evaluating research in the local context, and some questions that are deemed to be related to the competence of interpreting facts and scientific evidence in the personal, As for a matter that is easily related to the competence of explaining scientific phenomena in the personal context. The analysis of the discrimination index of the developed instrument can be shown in Table 4 as follows: Table 4. Distribution of discrimination index of developed test PISA 2015 Analysis result discrimination Item evaluation index range no.of item Percent Very good 20.00 0,70 - 1,00 3 Reasonably good 33.33 0,40 - 0,69 5 Marginal 33.33 0,20 - 0,39 5 Poor 13.33 0,00 - 0,19 2 Miskeyed 0.00 -1,00 - 0,00 0 Based on the acquisition of the results of the test, 13 questions can be found that can distinguish between groups with high and low ability, but 2 questions have an poor discrimination index is a matter related to measuring the competence of planning and evaluating experiments on personal context, things that need to be improved from this instrument is the text of the instrument reading should be more equipped with information to measure the competence. Test on the reliability of the problems developed and the question of PISA framework can be shown through Table 5 as follows: Table 5. Reliability value about PISA and PISA equivalent test PISA 2015 test PISA 2015 developed test 0.65 0.76 Based on the Spearman-Brown statistical test with α = 0.05, both questions have high categorical reliability coefficients (0.60 α ≥ 0,60 (Questionable); 0,60 > α ≥ 0,50 (Poor) and 0,50 > α (Unacceptable).(17) 3. Result and Discussion This research was initiated by analysis stage where reviewing both ATCLS attitude scale and other supporting theory performed by researcher, and translating of statement items of ATCLS performed by linguist using double translation method. The results obtained become a reference in the making of attitude statement items concept that will be developed for next stages. Questionnaire preparation is performed by preparing first the concept of statement items based on four dimensions of attitude which have been determined. The concept of attitude scale instruments can be seen in Table 1. Table 1. The Concept of Attitude Scale Instruments No 1 2 3 4

Attitude Dimensions Liking for chemistry theory lessons Liking for chemistry laboratory work Evaluative beliefs about school chemistry Behavioural tendencies to learn chemistry

Statement Items 8 8 6 7

Table 1 shows the development of 12 items ATCLS attitude scale was conducted based on the four dimensions of attitude into 29 statement items according to the concept planned. The quality of this instrument of attitude scale towards chemistry lesson was then examined by both validity and reliability test. The instrument validation sheets was provided to test its validity through experts jugdement. There were five experts in the field consisting of two lecturers of assessment experts, one science lecturer, and two vocational secondary chemistry teachers. The CVR values obtained ranged between 0.92 - 1.00 and the CVI values of 0.986. The CVR values used for analysis of content validity of statement items is presented in Table 2. Based on CVR and CVI values shown in Table 2, the item that has a CVR value of 1.00 is the item which its relevance were agreed by all experts while the item that has a CVR value of 0.92 is the item which its relevance agreed only by 4 experts. Meanwhile, for the CVI value of 0.986 or 98.6% experts stated that the instrument is very relevant. The next stage in the evaluation stage is reliability test of the instrument that has been developed to determine the level of reliability and consistency of the measuring instrument used with Cronbach Alpha technique. Reliability testing was conducted by tested the instrument to 129 SMK students through questionnaire survey. The calculation of the questionnaire results was conducted by using SPSS.21. The criterion of reliability value with acceptable Cronbach Alpha technique is more than 0.70. In this research, the reliability value of Apha Cronbach of each dimension and reliability value of Alpha Cronbach as a whole is presented in Table 3. From Table 3 shows that based on the reliability test results, the grain of statements on each dimension and the Cronbach Alpha value as a whole can be accepted with the Cronbach Alpha value of> 0.70. This shows that the instrument of attitude scale on the chemistry lesson that has been developed meet the criteria of good, valid and reliable.


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Table 2. Results of Statement Items Analysis and CVR Value Dimensions

Statement Items


Liking for chemistry theory lessons

I like chemistry more than any other school subjects I feel comfortable following chemistry lessons to completion I like have more chemistry lessons each week Chemistry is one of my favourite subjects I feel lost, if I did not attend chemistry lessons Chemistry lessons are interesting I feel it is not necessary to fulfil chemistry homework on time I feel depressed when I learn chemistry Chemistry experiments is challenging


I like to do chemistry experiments When I am working in chemistry lab, I feel I am doing something important Doing chemistry experiments in school is fun I do not like touching chemicals in laboratory

1.00 1.00

I got new experiences through lab work in chemistry labs I do not understand what work to do in a chemistry laboratory Chemistry is useful for solving daily life problems


Many benefits are gained through the learning of chemistry Chemistry has an important role in other scientific fields People must understand chemistry because it affects their lives I believe chemistry lessons are easy to understand Chemistry is one of the most important subjects for people to study I like trying to solve new problems in chemistry


I am trying to have more chemistry textbooks for reference I enjoy doing chemical experiments overtime After graduated, I will work in a field related to chemistry Chemistry is very important to get a good job I am willing to spend more time reading chemistry books If I had a chance, I would do a project in chemistry I try to apply my chemistry knowledge in daily life


Liking for chemistry laboratory work

Evaluative beliefs about school chemistry

Behavioural tendencies to learn chemistry

CVI Value

0.92 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.92 1.00

1.00 0.92

1.00 1.00

1.00 1.00 1.00 0.92 1.00

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.92 1.00 0.986

Table 3. Reliability Test Results Dimension

Cronbach's Alpha

N of Items

Dimension 1 Dimension 2 Dimension 3 Dimension 4 Total Items

0.776 0.715 0.765 0.767 0.864

8 8 6 7 29



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4. Conclusion Educational researchers are generally weak in empirical research in the field of attitude assessment, therefore it is necessary to develop a standardized attitude scale instrument so that teachers can use it to evaluate students' attitude towards chemistry lessons. The development of the attitude scale of ATCLS has been conducted in this research. The 12 items ATCLS attitude scale which spread into four dimensions of attitude has been developed into 29 items of attitude statements spread into four dimensions of attitude as the theoretical framework. The effectiveness of the developed attitude scale instrument was tested for its validity and reliability. Validity test is done to the validity of content by determining the CVR and CVI value. The CVR range ranges from 0.092 to 1,000 and CVI of 0.986 resulted from the content validity test.While the reliability test was conducted by tested the instrument attitude scale developed to 129 SMK students and using Cronbach Alpha technique. The data calculation was performed by SPSS 21 program. The Cronbach Apha reliability value obtained is 0.864. The results revealed that this instrument of attitude scale towards chemistry lessons developed has good criteria, valid and reliable. 5. Acknowledgments Researchers would like to thank the linguist who assist in the translation process, validators who have validated the instruments and Harry Firman and Nahadi as assessmen experts in this research. 6. References [1] Firman, H. 2007. Ilmu dan Aplikasi Pendidikan. Bandung: PT. IMTIMA. [2] Slameto. 2003. Belajar dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhinya. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. [3] Eagly, A. H., Chaiken, S. 2005. Attitude Research in The 21st Century: The Current State of Knowledge. In Albarracin, D,. Johnson, B. T & Zanna M. P. (Eds), The Handbook of Attitudes (pp. 743-767). Marwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [4] Kelly, A. 1988. Option Choice for Girls and Boys. Research in Science & Technological Education, 6(1), 5-23. [5] Fraser, B. J. 1981. Test of Science – related Attitudes. Camberwell, Victoria, Australia: Australian Council for Educational Research. [6] Bennett, J. 2003. Teaching and Learning Science. New York: Continuum. [7] Bennett, J., Rollnick, M., Green, G., & White, M. 2001. The Development and Use of an Instrument to Assess Student’s Attitude to The Study of Chemistry. International Journal of Science Education, 23(8), 833-845. [8] Lawshe, C. H., A Quantitative Approach to Content Validity. Personnel Physichology, 28: 563575 [9] Mayer, V. J., Richmond, J. 1982. An Overview of Assessment Instrument in Science. Science Education, 72, 407 – 421. [10] Munby, H. 1997. Issue of Validity in Science Attitude Measurement. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34(4), 337-341. [11] Cheung, D. 2007. Developing an Instrument to Measure Student’s Attitudes Toward Chemistry Lesson for Use in Curriculum Education. Paper presented at The 38th Annual Conference of The Australasian Science w7Education Research Association, Fremantle, Australia. [12] Cheung, D. 2009. Developing a Scale to Measure Students Attitude Towards Chemistry Lessons. International Journal of Science Education, 3(16), 2185-2203.


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Student worksheet development of project-based laboratory on producing colloid by using kepok banana peel waste W Wiranataa), H Sholihin, M Arifin Departemen Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This study aims to develop teaching material in the form of student worksheets on producing jam experiment as colloid product by using kepok banana peel waste. The method used in this study is development research with ADDIE models (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation), which only done until development step. Analysis curricula of colloid topic was conducted in the first step and found that project-based laboratory work is the best learning method which can be used to achieve basic competency of colloid topic. It also interviewed high school teachers and found that there is not student worksheets for supporting these laboratory work yet. In design steps, the experiment of jam-producing using kepok banana peel was optimized and found the best laboratory work design, such as materials, tools and procedures. Then, student worksheets draft which consisted of 16 contents were constructed and validated. Content validity ratio (CVR) analysis showed that 11 contents are valid and 5 contents are invalid. Based on the suggestion given by validators, 1 article about kepok banana was added, 1 content was eliminated and 5 contents were revised, consisted of addition of instruction and editing of sentences. After revising, the student worksheets is ready to implement.

1. Introduction Colloid is one of the topics taught in the second semester of second grade senior high school. Revision of 2013 curricula for colloids topic shows that the basic competence of 4.14 is requiring students to be able to produce food or other colloid products or involving colloid principles [1]. This competence can be clearly realized by using laboratory work method. Based on our preliminary interview result to chemistry teachers, it was known that they have used laboratory work method for explain properties of colloid sub-topics. However, to achieve the competence of 4.14, teachers have not used the laboratory work method and only use discussion method. Laboratory work is one of the learning methods that gives opportunity for students to follow the process, experience, observe, analyze, prove and conclude something by themselves [2]. However, preliminary interview showed that laboratory work in learning process does not always require students to work independently. In this case, students just follow the instructions that have been prepared by teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to choose an laboratory work alternative that can truly require students to work independently. Project-based learning is a constructivist-based instructional approach that uses “projects” to engage learning, encourage student motivation, and provide a method for explaining and demonstrating understanding [3, 4]. In project-based learning, students create and produce projects [5] by actively involved through an in-depth inquiry process over a period of time to prove hypotheses related to authentic and complex questions or issues that are real and relevant to their lives [6]. The culmination of project-based learning is to produce well-designed products [7]. It shows that project-based laboratory work can be used to achieve the competence of 4.14 on colloid topic. 734

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Banana is the most widely produced holtikultura fruit in Indonesia than other horticultura fruits. Indonesia is even one of the largest producer of banana in Asia [8]. Banana consist of several types, one of which is kepok banana. Kepok banana is included as plantain banana [9], which is very often used as main ingredients of some foods, for example as main ingredient to cook fried bananas, boiled bananas, grilled bananas, chips and other traditional foods. Producing and consuming banana results a lot of banana peel waste. It will become a source of pollutants if it is not processed or utilized properly [10]. One of alternative to ulitize it is using it as main ingredient to produce jam as one example of colloid products. Teaching material has important role in learning process. In order to support project-based laboratory work activities on producing colloid by using kepok banana peel waste, it requires an appropriate student worksheets. Preliminary interview result also showed that there is not student worksheets for supporting these project-based laboratory work activities yet. Therefore, this research conducted to develop student worksheets which is integrated with these project-based laboratory work. Experimental Method This study was development research (DR) with ADDIE model. It consists of five steps : analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. This research was only done until development step. 2.1 Analysis Step The first step was need analysis through interview to high school chemistry teachers to get information related to the model and teaching method, laboratory work type and teaching materials which they usually used to explain colloid. In addition, analysis of the curricula for colloid topic was conducted, which consisted of basic competences analysis, development of learning indicators, determination of learning objectives and the sequences of learning process. 2.2 Design Step The design of jam-producing laboratory work was optimized in this step. Experiments of jam-producing were conducted regarding to optimization of materials and its amount, optimization of heating temperature and optimization of heating time. It succesfully obtained the best laboratory work design, consisted of the best materials, tools and laboratory work steps. After the optimization, the draft of student worksheets was constructed by considering the suitability of various aspects, such as the projectbased laboratory work steps, indicators and learning objectives, sequences of colloid topic and content of student worksheets. 2.3 Development Step In development step, the student worksheets draft was validated by 7 validators, consisted of five lecturers and two chemistry teachers. Validation was done to obtain feedback and suggestion against the draft. Validation was done by asking the validators to read, criticize and comment on the validation form. Based on the validation result, the draft was revised and ready to be implemented in the learning of colloid topic. 3. Result and Discussion 3.1 Analysis Step Colloid is one of the topics which contained in 2013 curricula and taught in the second semester of second grade senior high school. Its sub-topics includes system of colloid, properties of colloid, classification of colloid, formation of colloid and role of colloid in daily life. It has slightly different caracteristics from other topics. It greatly emphasizes the application of colloids in everyday life. It can be seen from its basic competencies in the 2013 curricula : 3.14 Categorize different types of colloidal systems, and explain the usefulness of colloids in daily life according to its properties 4.14 Making food or other products in the form of colloids or involving colloidal principles 735

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Furthermore, needs analysis was done through interview to high school chemistry teachers. Based on the interview, it was known that the learning method commonly used by teachers to explain colloid is laboratory work, discussion and question-answer. However, the laboratory work conducted is related to properties of colloid topic. Meanwhile for basic competency of 4.14, teachers do not use laboratory work method. They only use discussion method. In laboratory work case, teachers often use it in instruction, even almost in each topics. To support laboratory work activities, they use teaching materials in the form of student worksheets which adopted from some sources, such as books or internet. They have never developed student worksheets and laboratory work design themselves. This condition causes the type of student worksheets used to be diverse, inquiry and guided inquiry. Tabel 1. Learning Indicators for colloid topic using project-based laboratory work model on the use of kepok banana peel waste into jam Basic Competencies 3.14 Categorize different types of colloidal systems, and explain the usefulness of colloids in daily life according to its properties

4.14 Making food or other products in the form of colloids or involving colloidal principles

Learning Outcome Indicators Students have ability to : 3.14.1 Explain the notion of colloidal system 3.14.2 Describe the properties of colloid 3.14.3 Explain the classification of colloid based on dispersed phases and dispersing medium 3.14.4 Explain the formations of colloid 3.14.5 Identify the examples of foods or products that apply colloid principles which commonly encountered in dayli activities 3.14.6 Analyze the type of colloid concept in jam based on its dispersed phase and dispersing medium 3.14.7 Analyze the ingredients used in jam-producing and its functions related to colloid principle 3.14.8 Identify the process of jam-producing based on the concept of formation colloid 3.14.9 Analyze the possibility of kepok banana peel waste utilization on jam-producing based on chemical compound contained in kepok banan peel 4.14.1 Design jam-producing procedures by using kepok banana peel waste 4.14.2 Produce jam by using kepok banana peel waste 4.14.3 Communicate the product of jam-producing through presentation and report

Table 1 shows the development of learning outcome indicators on colloid topic based on its basic competencies. In this case, basic competency of 3.14 was developed into nine learning indicators, and basic competency of 4.14 was developed into three learning indicators. The last step was determination of instruction sequences on colloid topic based on project-based laboratory methods. Project-based learning consists of three steps : planning, creating and evaluation [11,12]. 1) Planning Planning step is the inisial step of project-based learning which consists of standard step of introduction in instruction process. In this step students will be given an apperception related to the project. Students were directed to identify the system of colloid and type of colloid contained in jam, collect information related to formation procedure of jam-producing and analyze the possibility of producing jam by utilize kepok banana peel waste. 2) Creating Creating is the main step of project-based learning. It includes activities related to preparation and important steps in the execution of a project. In this step, students collect information about jamproducing using kepok banana peel waste, design the procedure of jam-producing laboratory work,


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consisted of tools, materials and laboratory work steps, communicate the design and implement it as the design that has been made. 3) Evaluation The final steps of project-based learning are project presentation and evaluation. In this study, each group of students was required to present their project result, including the findings or problems they experienced in laboratory work. Furthermore, an evaluation of the kepok banana peel jam and the learning process was constructed. 3.2 Design Step Banana consist of several types, one of which is kepok banana. Kepok banana peel can be used as the main ingredient for jam-producing as it contains pectin. It has roles as gel forming agents, thickeners, stabilizers and water binders. It is about 10-21% of pure banana peel [13].

Figure 1. Kepok banana The amount of pectin in bananas is bigger than other fruits or vegetables, which is about 52.4% of its dry weight. Pectin is a polymer of α-D-galactaconic acid bound to α-glycosidic bond (1-4). The structure of pectin compound is shown in Figure 2. The pectin compound is a negatively charged hydrophilic colloidal particle. When pectin is dispersed into water, there will be an electrostatic bond between the negative charge of pectin molecule and the positive charge of water molecule so that the pectin will coagulate to form the jam [14].

Figure 2. Structure of pectin compound In design step, the jam-producing procedure using kepok banana peel is optimized. It is done by conducted 8 experiments. Figure 3 shows the jam produced of every experiment. Kepok banana has thicker peel than other types of bananas [15]. The first optimization was done to find out the ratio of the amount of jam produced from kepok banana peel and other banana peels. In this case, it used siam banana peel as it has relatively same size with kepok banana. The result showed that the volume of jam which made using 10 siam banana peels was equal to the volume of jam which made using 5 kepok banana peels. It proved that kepok banana has thicker peel than siam banana. Further optimization was done to get the best taste by varying the amount of additional ingredients such as sugar and salt. Jam-producing experiment was also conducted to obtain the best-textured of jam by adding different additive ingredients such as gelatin, coconut milk and oil. The result showed that the best texture of jam was obtained by adding oil. However, these result was still not maximal because the kepok banana peel and water was not too fused. It also conducted other experimen to maximize the texture by varying the heating temperature. The experiment showed that the best texture of jam was produced by using low heating temperature, ie below 80OC. It can be explained because high heating temperatur will damage the stucture of pectin. 737

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Figure 3. Optimization result of (a) jam of siam banana peel, (b) jam of kepok banana peel, (c) jam of kepok banana peel by adding coconut milk, (d) jam of kepok banana peel by adding jelly, (e) jam of kepok banana peel by adding jelly dan pasteurisation process, (f) jam of kepok banana peel by adding gelatine, (g) jam of kepok banana peel by adding oil, (h) jam of kepok banana peel by adding oil, low heating temperature and pasteurisation process. Optimization was also conducted to obtain the best form of packaging to produce the most durable jam. It was done by comparing the durability of jam with some conditions, ie by addition of sodium sorbate, using pesteurization process and low temperature of storage. Pasteurization was done by boiling jam bottle for 30 minutes. Based on the results, it was known that the jam can last up to 3 weeks by adding a half teaspoon of sodium sorbat, pasteurized and stored under low temperature conditions. The best result of laboratory work design is shown in the table 2. Table 2. Laboratory work design of jam-producing experiment using kepok banana peel Tools  1 Knife  1 Blender mechine  1 Pan  1 Jam bottle  1 analytical scales  1 measuring cup  1 Stove  1 Thermometer  1 Refrigator

      

Materials 100 mg kepok banana peel 15 mL oil 0,05 mL banana essence 70 mg sugar 10 mg salt 250 mL of water 5 mg sodium sorbate

Prosedure Cooking process  Wash kepok banana peel.  Slice it into smaller pieces.  Boil it using salt water for 10 minutes.  Put kepok banana peel and other materials in blender mechine, then blend it.  Prepare the pan, heat it and put the dough into it.  Cook it at low temperature (below 80 oC) until thickened Packing process  Prepare the bottle and its lid. Wash it.  Sterilize it by boiling it in boiling water for 25-35 minutes, then dry it.  Put the jam as it hot into the bottle and close it by the lid.  Boil the bottle in boiling water for 30 minutes  Store it on refrigator

After the optimization was done, the draft of student worksheets was constructed by considering the suitability of various aspects, such as the project-based laboratory work steps, indicators and learning objectives, sequences of colloid topic and content of student worksheets. In order to support projectbased laboratory work, the student worksheets prepared was inquiry worksheets. It was composed of 16 contents, including 2 articles, 14 questions and instructions. In detail, the components include: 1) information of basic competencies, indicators and learning objectives should be achieved by students;


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2) article about application of colloid in everyday life as apperception for students; 3) instruction that direct students to discuss the main concepts of colloid; 4) article about jam as apperception to students about jam; 5) instruction and questions that direct students to identify the tools, materials and procedures of jam-producing and concepts of colloid contained in jam; 6) instruction and questions that direct students to analyze the possibility of the use of kepok banana peel waste into jam based on the chemical compounds contained in it and to design the procedures of jam-producing; 7) instructions for practicing the jam-producing; 8) instruction that direct students to communicate the results of the laboratory work through presentation and report. 3.3 Development Step In development step, the draft of student worksheets was validated by seven validators. Its validity was analyzed by using Gutman scale with alternative answers "yes" and "no". Each "yes" answer was scored 1 and the answer "no" was scored 0. The total score of each content was analyzed using Content Validity Ratio (CVR). The critical CVR value for the seven validators at the 0.05 significance level based on the Schipper Table is 0.622. Each content was clasified valid if the calculated CVR value is higher than the critical CVR value. Table 2. CVR results of each content of student worksheets draft Conten Number 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1

2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Validator 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0

6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Total of validator who choose “yes”



7 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5

1,00 0,71 0,71 0,71 0,71 0,43 0,43 0,71 0,71 0,71 0,71 0,71 0,71 0,43 0,43 0,43

Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Invalid Invalid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Invalid Invalid Invalid

Table 2 explains the CVR value of each content. It shows that 11 contents was classified as valid and 5 contents was invalid. Based on the analysis and suggestions given by validators, the draft was revised. An article about kepok banana was added before instructions and questions that direct students to analyze the possibility of the use of kepok banana peel waste into jam. The article should be added to give students apperception about kepok banana. Content number 14 was eliminated because it contained unrelevant instruction. An instruction was added for content number 2. Explanation was added for content number 15 and 16. Sentence editing was done for content number 5 and 6. Those revising was done to give more specific questions, instruction and information for students on preparing, doing and comunicating the result of their laboratory work activities. After revising, the final student worksheets was constructed and ready to be implemented in learning activities. It can be seen in attachment.


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4. Coclusion This study has succeeded to develop laboratory work design of jam-producing by using kepok banana peel waste and constructed student worksheets to support these laboratory work on colloid topic. 5. Acknowledgments I would like to thank you to Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) as my research funder. Thanks also to all validators who have provided suggestions for our student worksheets. 6. References [1] Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 2014 Peraturan menteri pendidikan dan kebudayaan no 59 tentang kurikulum SMA (Jakarta : Kemendikbud) [2] Sagala S 2005 Konsep dan makna pembelajaran. (Bandung : Alfabeta) [3] Barron B and Darling-Hammond L 2008 Teaching for meaningful learning: A review of research on inquiry-based and cooperative learning (San Fransisco : The George Lucas Educational Foundation) [4] Savery J 2006 Overview of problem-based learning: Definitions and distinctions Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learnin 1 9-20 [5] Wurdinger S and Qureshi M 2015 Enhancing college students’ life skills through project based learning Innovative Higher Education 40 279-86 [6] Mayer K and Wurdinger S 2016 Students’ perceptions of life skill development in project-based learning schools Joutnal of Education Issues 2 91-114 [7] Okudan G E and Sarah E R 2004 A Project-Based Approach to Entreprenurial Leadership Education Journal Technovation 25 195-210 [8] Badan Pusat Statistik 2015 Produksi tanaman buah-buahan [online] https://www.bps.go.id/site/resultTab [9] Desnilasari D and Lestari N 2014 Formulasi minuman sinbiotik dengan penambahan puree pisang ambon (Musa paradisiaca var sapientum) dan inulin menggunakan inokulum Lactobacillus casei. Agritech 34 257–65 [10] Kumalaningsih S 1993 System Penanganan dan Pengolahan Pisang Segar Modern (Malang : Sekolah Tinggi Pertanian Tribhuwana) [11] Munandar U 2012 Pengembangan kreativitas anak berbakat (Jakarta : Rineka Cipta) [12] Thomas J W, Margendoller J R, and Michaelson A 1999 Project-Based Learning: A. Handbook for Middle and High School Teachers [13] Srivastava P and Malviya R 2011 Source of pectin and its applications in pharmaceutical industry : an overview Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources 2 10-18 [14] Mohapatra D, Mishra S, Sutar N 2010 Banana and it’s by-product utilisation : an overview Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 6 323-29 [15] Atun S, Arianingrum, Handayani S, Rudyansyah and Garson 2007 Identification and antioxidant activity test of some compounds from methanol extact peel of banana (Musa paradisiaca Linn.) Indo. J. Chem 7 83-87


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Techno-science activity for high school students – fabrication of surface conductive glass using bunsen burner Y Nugrahaa), A Mudzakir and Hernani Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract 1: This study was conducted based on the problem of students’ low score on scientific literacy on PISA 2015. Every people which is involved in Indonesian education should pay attention on the fact that most of Indonesian students could not integrate their knowledge on science in real context. In order to overcome that problem, it is important for teacher to deliver science content by integrating it with real context, in techno-science activity. The using of surface conductive glass has become an interesting subject in recent technology. This technology could be implemented on photovoltaic cell (solar cell) and organic lightemitting diodes (OLED), which are very close to our needs today. This study aims to construct a chemistry laboratory activity for making surface conductive glass based on Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide (FTO). This study was conducted by using educational design research methods by using framework from Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER). Conductive Transparent Glass FTO (Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide) has been created using spray deposition technique /Spray Pyrolysis using a Bunsen burner, the result of the optimization were several surface conductive glass with sheet resistance around 1 – 10 kΩ. This result was obtained by implementing ten times deposition SnO2.F on the glass, three times spraying, and heating time about five minutes at 250 – 300 °C. This procedure was obtained by using common laboratory tools like Bunsen burner, which is available in common school laboratory to implement NOST (Nature of Science and Technology).

1. Introduction Indonesia's participation in the International Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) study shows that the achievements of Indonesian learners are not very encouraging in the PISA report. Indonesia can only rank 69 out of 76 countries [1]. One of the causes of the low level of science literacy Indonesian students allegedly because the curriculum, learning process, and assessment did not support the achievement of science literacy. They still focus on the memory dimension of knowledge (memory of science) that is memorizing and forgetting other content dimensions (knowledge about science), process / competence (thinking skills) and the context of science applications [2]. One way to improve the quality of the learning process, science teachers must understand the NOST (Nature of Science and Technology) to help their students explain scientific phenomena correctly in understanding some concepts in the learning process. To apply scientific concepts in a particular context, students must have an understanding of the whole scientific concept [3]. Partial understanding of concepts will make students not get the main idea of the concept of learning. In the process of learning in the classroom, teachers have an important role to provide the concept to students. Some studies believe that in order to provide students with a strong understanding, teachers must understand the nature of science (NOS) [4,5]. In addition to the understanding of NOS, in this era


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of rapid development it will also be very important to develop an understanding of the Nature of the Technology (NOT) and its relationship to science and with society [6]. With the modernization of learning content that integrates aspects of the content of the subject matter and aspects of the context that exist in everyday life that are closely related to technological advances. It is expected to attract interest and improve students' learning comprehension in studying science-based technology (technosains). One context of new and cutting-edge technologies is conductive glass that can be used in Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). Conductive glass in solar cell context choosen because the availability of solar energy is very abundant but its use as a source of energy is still limited because one of the energy utilization into electrical energy requires a solar cell device is still expensive. Currently it has developed dye-based solar cells / Dye (Dye-sensitized Solar Cell / DSSC). The main component of this DSSC device is a transparent / conductive glass that is used as a substrate for the active electrode and the inverting electrode. Other applications of this conductive glass is as a component of OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode), Display Components, smart window and others [7]. The material used as a conductive glass currently include ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) and FTO (Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide). FTO is widely used because raw materials are more easily obtained, and also they are more chemically resistant and to heating [8]. The methods are commonly widely used in the manufacture of surface conductive glass, are Spray Pyrolysis Deposition (SPD) [9], Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), and Flame Spray Assisted Deposition [10]. Spray pyrolysis method is the easiest method among them [11]. This device is made by using easily accessible tools and materials so that it can be used as a teaching material practise in High School or equivalent even at home with consider the safety procedure. One of the teaching materials that can facilitate students to create an environment that motivates students to learn and build their own meaning and develop an in-depth understanding is by Guided inquiry experiment [12] that can be applied to this experiment to be poured into the Student Worksheet NOST-based knowledge. 2. Experimental Method The Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER) is used as a reference for the steps in the development of this Student Worksheet. MER has three components: clarification and analysis of science content, teaching and learning research, and the design and evaluation of teaching and learning environment [13] which can be seen in the figure 1. (1) Stage Analysis of Context and Content Structure: The Perspective of Scientist 1. Analysis of the Context of the Saintist Perspective of Review and Research Articles on conductive glass 2. Content Analysis Science related chemistry

(2) Research in Learning: Pre-Conception of Learners and Teachers about conductive glass

(3) Development of Learning Design: Construction of Conductive Glass Student Worksheet

Figure 1. MER model research design The developed NOST aspect refers to Tairab [6] which is modified by considering the scope of the ontology, epistemic and axiological aspects of science in order to generate questions to be developed in the Student Worksheet so that they can understand : The true science and technology, Characteristics of science knowledge and the scientific theories, How to obtain knowledge


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and theory scientific, The aim of science and scientific research, and The relationship between science and technology. The guided inquiry self-developed method developed in this learning activity refers to Domin [14] adapted to the following steps:1. Presenting questions, 2. Make a hypothesis, 3. Designing experiments, 4. Conducting an experiment, 5. Collecting, processing and analyzing data and 6. Making a conclusion. The participants of the study were students of SMK YPIB Majalengka 11th grade Department of Chemical Analysis (3 years) as many as 15 people who are located at Jl. Gerakan koperasi No.003, Majalengka District. The equipment used in the manufacture of this conductive glass comprises a Bunsen burner as a substrate glass heater with a ceramic base (lid of kruss plate) that reached temperature above 300° C, Spray perfume that produces a smooth mist spray and magnetic stirrer and heater to make SnCl2 .F solution.

Figure 2. Measurement of glass temperature with Bunsen ceramic heater base. Figure 2 shows the measurement of glass surface temperature by using AVO (Ampere, Volt, Ohm) Meter with Thermocouple (maximum temperature 750 ° C) showing temperature 308 ° C. So this equipment can be used to deposition SnO 2.F where in the required glass surface temperature for deposition process is between 250 - 420 ° C [15]. The materials used to make the FTO is a microscopical slide, Sn granule / Tin, concentrated HCl (technical), concentrated HNO3 (technical), dopant NH4F and ethanol 95%. SnCl2.F solution made by dissolving 7 gram Sn granules into 20 mL of concentrated HCl and 5 mL of HNO3 as a catalyst. After completely dissolved, then 95% ethanol is added until it reached of 50 mL solution to remove the residual HCl. Dopant NH 4F 10% in HCl 0,5 M then added to a solution of SnCl2 until completely dissolved [15]. The solution SnCl2 .F then be sprayed with a spray angle of 45° with a distance of 5-10 cm to the glass that has been heated to the deposition temperature between 250 – 300 °C with a bunsen burner ceramic base which can be seen in the Figure 3.

Figure 3. The set of SnO2.F deposition tools using a Bunsen burner


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Figure 3 shows the SnO2F deposition set on the glass using a Bunsen burner with a ceramic base with porcelain triangle and three foot triangular supports. 3. Result and Discussion 3.1 Guided Inquiry Experiment Worksheet The results of the analysis phase of the context and content structure with the MER model on the concept of conductive glass related to the manufacturing process. Can be seen in table 1. Table 1. Chemistry Concepts and Theories Related to Conductive Glass [15, 16, 17, 18] High Performance FTO film Prepared by Flame Assisted Spray Deposition, by Purwanto, A., Windiyandari, H., and Jumari, A

Surface Conductive Glass By. J. Tanaka and S. L. Suib




Inorganic semiconductor Metallic conduction Insulator

CdS Quantum DotsSensitized TiO2 Nanorod Array on Transparent Conductive Glass Photoelectrodes By. H. Wang, Y. Bai, H. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. Li, and L. Guo  Semiconductor

Polyaniline as A Transparent Electrode for Polymer Lightemitting Diodes: Lower Operating Voltage and Higher Efficiency By. Y. Yang and A.J. Heeger  Semiconductor

Band theory


Molecular Orbital Theory Photo electro chemical

Molecular Orbital Theory HOMO and LUMO

Table 1 shows the results of an article analysis showing the concepts used in conductive glass, namely semiconductors, molecular orbital theory, band theory and resistance. This concept has been adapted to the content taught in high school and then applied into the student worksheet. The resulting worksheet consists of two objectives of the activity they were the process objectives and the content objectives [19]. The purpose of the content is based on the analysis of concepts and theories related to conductive glass. Not all concepts and theories are embodied in the worksheet. The purpose of this part of the process is to develop understanding of NOST and improvising information processing capabilities and building ideas. Both of these selected learning skills in this worksheet are closely related to NOST understanding. The aspect of NOST understanding that is poured into the worksheet is expected to understand students: 1. The true science and technology By conducting scientific experiments related to the latest technologies such as conductive glass in the worksheet, students will be able to understand the true science and technology. 2. Characteristics of science knowledge and the scientific theories By given the content contained in the conductive glass experimental worksheets containing science knowledge and theories, students will better understand the characteristics of science knowledge and scientific theories. 3. How to obtain knowledge and theory scientific From a series of experiments in worksheets with variables affecting conductive glass making, students will be able to know and experience how to acquire the knowledge and scientific theories undertaken and built by previous scientists.


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4. The aim of science and scientific research After students conduct conductive glass making experiments, students will know the purpose of science and scientific research built which are needed to solve local and global problems related to the current energy crisis. 5. The relationship between science and technology By incorporating the chemistry concept in conductive glass in the worksheets and the latest solar cell technology, students are expected to know the relationship between science and technology whether influencing or being influenced in a particular context. There are six inquiry activities in the worksheet, where the first three activities are preexperimental activities, followed by one experiment activity and the last two activities are post-trial activities, the activities are: 1. Presenting questions Students are given facts in the form of pictures or tables related to conductive glass, (energy crisis, renewable energy, examples of alternative energy applications in life) and then given questions related to the facts that lead to the purpose of practicum that is making conductive glass that can be used in solar cells. 2. Make a hypothesis Students are asked to write hypotheses about the questions given about the conductivity of materials that can be conductors, insulators and semiconductors (glass, gold, tin, carbon and related materials for conductive glass making) and estimate how if the glass that was originally an insulator was given a conductive material. 3. Designing experiments Students write the tools, materials and procedures that will be done to prove the hypothesis. The test variables such as the concentration of SnCl 2.F solution, NH4F dopant concentration, the time of deposition, the amount of deposition, the amount of spraying, the spraying angle, spray spacing and other variables correspond to the tools and materials used. 4. Conducting an experiment Students perform experiments based on procedures that have been made with the division of different variables from each group 5. Collecting, processing and analyzing data Students create observation tables, record data, create graphs and analyze the relationship between the data with the variables tested. 6. Making a conclusion Students make and explain the conclusions from the results of the lab and match them with the hypotheses that have been made then report them in a class discussion to exchange information on optimization results. 3.2. Optimization of Standard Procedure for Making Conductive Glass The results of Optimization for making conductive glass by using ceramic Bunsen burners consider to the time variables of deposition, the amount of deposition and the amount of spraying can be seen in the table 2. Table 2. The influence of deposition time on the sheet resistance Sample FTO 1 FTO 2 FTO 3

Deposition Deposition time amount (minute) (time) 3 10 5 10 10 10


Number Sheet resistance of sprays (K Ω / sq) (time) 1 1 50 - 100 1 50 - 100

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Table 2 shows the effect of SnO2F deposition time on the glass which results in optimal deposition time for 5 minutes and it has no effect on sheet resistance when the deposition time becomes 10 minutes with other fixed variables. Even with a longer deposition time will cause the glass to break easily. Table 3. Number deposition influence the deposition of the sheet resistance Sample FTO 4 FTO 5 FTO 6

Deposition Deposition time amount (minute) (time) 5 5 5 10 5 15

Number Sheet resistance of sprays (K Ω / sq) (time) 1 > 100 1 50 - 100 1 50 - 100

Table 3 shows that the optimal number of repositioning occurs at 10 repetitions and does not reduce the sheet resistance if the repetition is increased to 15 times. Only add white crust to the glass surface resulting in non-transparent glass (small transmittance) that can block the absorption of sunlight when applied to the solar cells. Table 4. Total Spraying influence on the sheet resistance Deposition Deposition time amount (minute) (time) FTO 7 5 10 FTO 8 5 10 FTO 9 5 10 FTO 10 5 10 Sample

Number Sheet resistance of sprays (K Ω / sq) (time) 1 50 - 100 2 20 - 50 3 1 - 10 4 1 - 10

Table 4 shows the optimal amount of spraying of SnCl 2.F solution on glass 3 times, depending on the size of the spray nozzle perfume used. The larger the size of the spray mist, the fewer sprays required. If the amount of spraying is added from the optimum conditions, then the glass will break easily because the process of shrinking the glass is too fast by the solution SnCl2.F and will only add the white crust on the glass. The authors has also conducted the experimented by using another equipment that easily accessible equipment such as gas stoves to replace Furnace and bunsen as well as asbestos and non asbestos cassa base to replace ceramic base (5 minute deposition time, 10 times deposition and 3 x spray / spray, With a 45° spray angle and a spray spacing of 5-10 cm with a deposition temperature of 250 - 300°C). The results can be seen in Table 5. Table 5. Another heater and glass base on the sheet resistance



Glass base

Optimum Glass Sheet Temperature resistance (K (°C) Ω / sq)

FTO 11 Gas stove

Asbestos cassa



FTO 12 FTO 13 FTO 14 FTO 15 FTO 16 FTO 17

non asbestos cassa Ceramics Asbestos cassa Non asbestos cassa Ceramics Ceramics

215 275 230 220 300 400

5 - 100 5 - 20 5 - 100 1 - 10 1-5

Gas stove Gas stove Bunsen Bunsen Bunsen Furnace


Glass surface White patch Glass breaks / melts Shine like rainbow White patch Glass breaks / melts Shine like rainbow Shine like rainbow

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From Table 5 shows that the use of the best tools for the manufacture of conductive glass with a spray pyrolysis method is by using a furnace with a ceramic pedestal. But not every highscool have a furnace, by using a Bunsen or gas stoves with using ceramic base, it will produce conductive glass with a sheet resistance of 1 -10 KΩ / sq shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Measurement of sheet resistance of the FTO glass produced by using the AVO meter. Figure 4 shows the measurement of FTO glass sheet resistance by using the AVO meter on a KΩ scale indicating a sheet resistance value of 2.63 KΩ. 4. Conclusion In this study we developed a laboratory worksheet activity based on a guided inquiry experiment to make conductive glass using Bunsen burner to implement NOST knowledge. This worksheet is designed using MER design research methods. Based on the original text analysis of conductive glass, the chemical content taught in laboratory activities is semiconductor, molecular orbital theory, band theory and material resistance. In the worksheet, there are five guided Inquiry activities consisting of three pre-experiment activities, one experimental activity, and two post-experimental activities. This worksheet is also equipped with reflection activities in the form of questions to understand NOST based on activities undertaken by students. The worksheets designed in this study have not been tested in real conditions. However, based on the advice of experts, they say that this worksheet can be used to develop students' understanding of some aspects of NOST. The FTO (Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide) conductive glass produced by spray pyrolisis method using Bunsen burner has 1 to 10 KΩ / sq sheet resistance with 5 minute deposition time treatment, 10 times deposition and 3 spray with 45° spray angle and spray spacing of 5-10 cm with a deposition temperature of 250 - 300°C. The structure of SnO2 can be analyzed using XRD (X-Ray Difractometry) which will show the tetragonal structure so it is expected this conductive glass can be used to make solar cell electrode. 5. Acknowledgments We are grateful to the Ministry of Chemistry of FPMIPA UPI for the facilities of Basic Chemistry Laboratory and Teaching Laboratory and SMK YPIB Majalengka facility for Chemical Laboratory facilities used by the author to perform the optimization. 6. References [1] OECD, PISA 2015 Results:Excellence and Equity in Education (OECD, 2016), pp. 67-71. [2] Firman, H. 2007 Laporan Hasil Analisis Literasi Sains berdasarkan hasil PISA Nasional tahun 2006, Puspendik. [3] K. Garthwaite; B. France and G. Ward 2014 Int. J. of Sci. Edu. 36, 1568-1587.


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[5] [6] [7] [8] [9]


[11] [12] [13]

[14] [15] [16] [17]

[18] [19]

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Analysis of multiple representation of molecular geometry concepts in various general chemistry textbooks Z Zulfahmia), Wiji, and S Mulyani Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This study aims to analyze multiple representations contained in five General Chemistry textbooks on the molecular geometry concepts. The method was used descriptive research. Research instrument used is table analysis of multiple representation on the molecular geometry concept in General Chemistry textbooks. The analysis results showed that all General Chemistry textbooks analyzed generally contain two or three levels of chemical representation to explain the VSEPR theory, molecular polarity and valence bond theory for determine molecular geometry. In the General Chemistry textbooks by author Whitten, et al. and Silberberg more clearly and interconnecting at three levels of chemical representation in comparison with other three General Chemistry textbooks. Furthermore, the other three textbooks use a chemical representation more focused on submicroscopic and symbolic levels. There are several General Chemistry textbooks provide an interconnected chemical representation, however the description when determine molecular geometry not shown in sequence. There are also to explain VSEPR theory, molecular polarity, and valence bond theory within determine molecular geometry inadequate, caused not provided in detail of chemical representation on molecular geometry.

1. Introduction Chemical basically involves knowledge of chemistry can be represented in three levels of representation also known as "triplet" chemistry are macroscopic, submicroscopic and symbolic [1]. However, chemistry were often considered difficult for student because in chemistry concepts are abstract at submicroscopic and symbolic levels. In addition, students also have difficulty in relating three levels of chemical representation so that students are not able to understand the chemical concept correctly [2, 3]. Researchers in chemistry have discussed the existence of three levels of chemical representation, which have changed terms from year to year. Beginning with the opinion expressed by Johnstone in 1982 that chemistry could be represented at three levels of chemical representation consists of descriptive and functional, representational, and explanatory. Descriptive and functional levels are chemical representations obtained from observable phenomena and to explain chemical properties, such as density, flammability, colour and so on. Representational level are used to represent chemical substance and communicate concept such as chemical formulas and graphs, whereas explanatory level used to explain phenomena such as electrons, atoms, molecules, structures, isomers, and polymers [4]. Along the development progresses of the terms three levels of chemical representation consists of macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic levels. The macroscopic level to explain the observable chemical phenomena of the laboratory as well as the experience of everyday life and therefore able to measured. Example of such properties are mass density, concentration, pH, temperature and osmotic pressure. The submicroscopic level is used to explain the macroscopic phenomena in terms of particle movement such as electron, molecule and atom, whereas the symbolic level is used to explain in terms 749

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of chemical symbols such as chemical formulas, chemical equations, graphs, diagrams, and mathematical manipulations [5, 6, 7, 8]. These three levels are interconnected and contribute to the understanding of student concepts that must be achieved in studying the chemistry concepts. Based on the above theoretical views, three levels of chemical representation can be described as shown in the Figure 1.

Figure 1. Three levels of representation used in chemistry [8] In addition, through interconnecting the three levels of representation, students more easily understand the chemistry concept that has a low ability. One of the concept in chemistry learning that has a low ability such as molecular geometry. In the concept of molecular geometry there are many concepts abstract that tend to be not easily understood with students. It is a lot of misconceptions on students as well as found in research by Furio dan Calatayud that students have difficulties in comprehending dot Lewis structure, bond angle, molecular polarity and determine molecular geometry based on VSEPR theory [9]. Student difficulties in studying chemical concepts are not only due to the learning process, but also can be influenced by used the textbooks. Chemical of representations such as physical and chemical properties, text, symbols and picture in General Chemistry textbooks has become one of the caused of frequent problems of student misconceptions. So, it is necessary to analyze the chemical representation in General Chemistry textbooks, in order to the students and pre-service teachers can be choose the General Chemistry textbooks correctly. The role of the General Chemistry textbooks is important as a guide for teachers in the learning process. textbooks are important not only as a reading material and as a mediator of knowledge, they also provide three levels of representation in the concept of chemistry. Moreover, the textbook as the most widely and used teaching aid. In the perspective of the students, the textbooks role in representing a source of information [10]. The aim of this study is to analyze interconnected three level of representation on the concepts molecular geometry contained in five General Chemistry. 2. Experimental Method This study was used descriptive method that aims to describe results analysis of multiple representation on the concept of molecular geometry contained in five General Chemistry textbooks. Description of chemical representation of each General Chemistry textbook to linkage macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic levels. At the macroscopic level are includes boiling point, melting point, molecular polarity [11]. The submicroscopic level are includes molecular models, the most common types of which are the ball and stick, space filling and stick-structure, whereas symbolic level includes Lewis structure, chemical symbols such as arrows ( ) for the dipole moment, and hybridization of atomic orbitals concepts [12, 13, 14]. Selection of General Chemistry textbook, because it is common source textbook often used by students in Indonesia [15, 16, 17, 18, 19].


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3. Result and Discussion 3.1. General Chemistry Textbooks by Whitten, et al. This textbooks provides macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic level representations clearly and orderly. Macroscopic representations showed the physical properties of a substance such as melting point of the molecule, molecular polarity and bond angles. It is also widely provided submicroscopic representations with molecular models such as ball and stick, and explanation of valence bond theory for each molecular geometry. Furthermore, for an explanation of symbolic representations are the chemical symbols, such as drawing dot Lewis structure, arrows ( ) for the dipole moment, and explaining hybridization of atomic orbitals concepts. One of the macroscopic representations shown in this textbook is on the tetrahedral molecular geometry. Methane (CH4) has a melting point (mp = -182°C), CF4 (mp = -184°C), CCl4 (mp = -23°C), SiH4 (mp = -185°C), and SiF4 (mp = -90°C). All of these molecules are tetrahedral molecular geometry and nonpolar molecules with bond angles = 109.5°. Furthermore, for submicroscopic and symbolic representations described with use ball and stick models and Lewis structure on CH4 and CF4 as in Figure.2.


(b) Figure 2. symbolic representation: Lewis structure CH4 and CF4 molecule (a) submicroscopic representaion: 3D ball and stick molecular models on CH4 and CF4 (b) Figure 2a shows that the linkage of submicroscopic and symbolic representations begins with drawing the Lewis structure for CH4 and CF4 molecules. Furthermore, this textbooks provides the molecular geometry and bond angles shown in Figure 2b. Conventionally, the central atom C is surrounded by four pairs of bonded electrons. The bonding electron pair will repel to each other. Based on VSEPR theory, CH4 will be stable if the electron pair's repulsion as minimal as possible. It is will happen when four electrons pairs will position themselves as far apart as possible to minimize repulsion, thus form a bond angle 109,5°. So, methane (CH4) has a tetrahedral molecular geometry. Similarly, CF4 molecule has a tetrahedral molecular geometry with a bond angle of 109.5°. In addition, the linkage of three levels of representation describe the tetrahedral molecular geometry appropriate and directed so that meaning the chemical of representation becomes clearly. Using of picture was usually done to concrete concepts abstract. The presence of picture expected to provide a clear the concept of molecular geometry. In this General Chemistry textbook, drawings of ball and stick molecular models are displayed with relevance associated with symbolic representations. The results obtained from the analysis of these three levels of chemical representation in General Chemistry textbooks showed interrelationships of these three levels of representation to explain molecular geometry concept. Moreover, for molecular geometry interrelated three levels of chemical representation and therefore making the explanation of the molecular geometry concept to be meaningful, clearly, and conveyed. 751

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3.2. General Chemistry Textbooks by Silberberg The second General Chemistry of textbook, it presents macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic representations ones quite clearly. Macroscopic representations presented in this textbook only generally it explains the molecular polarity and bond angles for each molecular geometry. In contrast to the General Chemistry textbook of Whitten author describes the fact of the experiment (macroscopic), which includes the melting point of a molecule, molecular polarity and bond angle for each molecular geometry. Macroscopic representations presented in this textbook is “the geometry of Boron trifluoride (BF3) is trigonal planar, which has a bond angles = 120° and nonpolar molecule”. This General Chemistry textbook explaining the molecular polarity is inadequate. In other words it does not explain the polar and nonpolar properties of a compound for each molecular geometry. Molecular polarity explained how to determine bond polarity and dipole moment. In addition, there are only a few examples of a compound having polar or nonpolar properties. This textbook is broadly presents submicroscopic representations describe with use ball and stick molecular models, then for symbolic representations presented with chemical symbols such as drawing Lewis structure, as shown in Figure 3. However, in association with the valence bond theory described in separate chapters. So, to understand the concept of molecular geometry with valence bond theory as if it were a different context.



Figure 3. symbolic representations: Lewis structure on BF3 molecule (a) submicroscopic representations: 3D ball and stick molecular models on BF3 (b). Figure 3a. shows that the linkage of submicroscopic and symbolic representations begin with writing the lewis structure for BF3 molecule, furthermore showing the molecular geometry and the bond angles shown in Figure 3b. The central atom B is surrounded by three pairs of bonded electrons. Based on VSEPR theory, BF3 will be stable if the electron pair's repulsion as minimal as possible. This will happen when three electrons pairs will position themselves as far apart as possible to minimize repulsion, forming a bond angle 120°. So, molecular geometry for BF3 is trigonal planar. The linkage of three levels of representation in explain the molecular geometry is appropriate but not yet directed, so that the meanings conveyed by the chemical representations become less clear. Using of picture to concrete of molecular geometry concept is very interesting and orderly. The results obtained from the analysis of these three levels of chemical representation in General Chemistry textbook at the macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic level representations are quite relevant to explain the molecular geometry concept. The linkage between representation of the macroscopic, submicroscopic and symbolic on the trigonal planar molecular geometry looks obvious. When molecular polarity and bond angles provided can also explained throught submicroscopic representation with used a picture ball and stick molecular models. Furthermore, symbolic representation is provided with use chemical symbols to explain the hybridization process and understand drawing Lewis structure on BF 3 molecule.


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3.3. General Chemistry Textbooks by Jespersen, et al. The third General Chemistry of textbooks provides a representation of the macroscopic, submicroscopic and symbolic representations was quite clearly. However, macroscopic representations such as bond angles and molecular polarity are not described in detail and only generally explain for each molecular geometry. It is for understanding the molecular geometry concepts to be confused, for example the macroscopic representations shown in this textbook "PCl5 molecule has a the trigonal bipyramidal molecular geometry. The angle between any two equatorial bonds is 120°. The two vertical bonds pointing along the north and south axis of the sphere are 180° apart and are called axial bonds. The bond angle between an axial bond and an equatorial bond is 90°”. Molecular polarity explained how to determine bond polarity and dipole moment. In addition, there are only a few examples of a compound having polar or nonpolar properties. Likewise in terms of explaining the theory of valence bonds are not presented for each molecular geometry, but only a few examples of compounds. This textbook focuses more on submicroscopic and symbolic representations for each molecular geometry. In this textbook it broadly represent submicroscopic representations used ball and stick molecular models and then symbolic representations presented with chemical symbols such as describe the Lewis structure. In addition, just explain the molecular geometry of a particular. There are several examples of molecules not showing the Lewis structure, making it difficult to determine the molecular geometry, as in Figure 4.

Figure 4. submicroscopic representations: trigonal bipyramidal molecular geometry with 3D ball and stick models on PCl5 molecule Figure 4 shows in the PCl5 molecule a central atom P is surrounded by five pairs of bonded electrons. The pair of bonded electrons repel to each other. Based on the VSEPR theory, the PCl5 molecule will be stable if the electron pair's repulsion is as minimal as possible. To minimize the repulsion force among the five electron pairs is to arrange the PCl5 bond in the form of trigonal bipyramidal. This form can be produced if the P atom lies at the trigonal center of bipiramid and is surrounded by five other atoms in the five trigonal angles of bipyamidal. The atoms that are above and below the triangular plane are said to occupy axial positions, and those that are in the triangular plane are said to occupy equatorial positions. The angle between any two equatorial bonds is 120°; that between an axial bond and an equatorial bond is 90°, and that between the two axial bonds is 180°. In addition, Lewis structure is not shown in explaining phosphorus pentachloride (PCl5) molecular geometry. The results analysis of chemical representations in this book are interconnected, but the corresponding description of molecular geometry not sequentially. Thus, for each molecular geometry do not simultaneously representing the three levels of chemical representation and make it difficulties to understand the message conveyed to the General Chemistry textbook. 3.4. General Chemistry Textbooks by Chang & Overby In the fourth General Chemistry of textbook, it focuses only submicroscopic and symbolic levels. Furthermore, for an explanation of symbolic representations presented with chemical symbols, such as


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drawing dot Lewis structure, arrows ( ) for the dipole moment, and explaining atomic orbitals in the hybridization concepts. In this textbook the molecular polarity and the hybridization of the atomic orbitals are not presented for each molecular geometry, but rather in outline explain the polar or nonpolar molecule and the hybridization of the atomic orbitals. Later in explaining molecular geometry not sequentially, making it difficulties to understand the message conveyed to the General Chemistry textbook.



Figure 5. symbolic representations: Lewis structure on SF6 molecule (a) submicroscopic representations: 3D ball and stick molecular model on SF6 (b). Figure 5 shows that the correlation of the submicroscopic and symbolic levels begins with writing the Lewis structure for the SF6 molecule shown in Figure 5a, further explaining the molecular geometry and bond angles shown in Figure 5b. Atom S is surrounded by six pairs of bonded electrons. The pair of bonded electrons repel each other rejects each other. Based on the VSEPR theory, SF6 molecules will be stable if the electron pair's repulsion is as minimal as possible. To minimize the repulsive force between the six pairs of bonds by arranging the SF6 molecule bond in form octahedral geometry. This form can be generated if the S atom lies at the base of the rectangular base and is surrounded by six other atoms located in the six octahedral angles. Minimum effort is reached if the angular position of the bond is equal to 90°. The results analysis of chemical representations in this book are interconnected and clearly between the submicroscopic and symbolic representations, but macroscopic representations are not shown in the textbook. 3.5. General Chemistry Textbook by Reger, et al. The last General Chemistry of textbook, focusing only on submicroscopic and symbolic representations. This textbook it broadly presents submicroscopic representations with use molecular models of ball and stick, then for symbolic representations presented with chemical symbols such as describe the Lewis structure, shown in Figure 6. This textbook presents simultaneously submicroscopic and symbolic representations. However, there are several examples of molecules not showing Lewis structure for each molecular geometry, so it looks not directional in determining the molecular geometry of a compound. In this textbook the molecular polarity and the hybridization of the atomic orbitals are not presented for each molecular geometry, but rather in outline in explaining the polar or nonpolar molecule and the hybridization of the atomic orbitals. Later in explaining molecular geometry not sequentially and therefore making difficulties to understand message conveyed to the General Chemistry textbook.


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Figure 6. symbolic representation: the Lewis structure ammonia molecule (NH3) (a) submicroscopic representations: 3D ball and stick molecular models (b) Figure 6 shows that the ammonia molecule (NH3) contains three pairs of bonding electrons and nonbonding electrons pair. The overall arrangement of all four electron pairs is tetrahedral. But in NH 3 one of nonbonding electrons pair, so the geometry of NH3 is a trigonal pyramidal. The form occurs because of the rejecting force between the free electron pair and the bonding electron pair. Because the free electron pair rejects the stronger bonding electron pair, the three N – H bonds are pushed to get closer to each other. The bond angle of H – N – H in ammonia is smaller than the tetrahedral angle of 109.5°, therefore NH3 molecule has a bond angle of 107.3°. The result analyzed in General Chemistry textbooks are related to the explanation of VSEPR theory, molecular polarity and valence bond theory determining the molecular geometry not adequate, because it does not present in detail the chemical representation for molecular geometry concept. The results of the analysis of the five General Chemistry textbooks showed that it generally focuses only on submicroscopic and symbolic representations. However, macroscopic representation not clearly defined and there is no linkage between three levels of representation. Submicroscopic and symbolic are commonly used of five General Chemistry textbooks on molecular geometry concepts. Based on the results analysis of multiple representation that there are two General Chemistry textbooks that linkage three levels of chemical representation. Both of them General Chemistry textbook from Whitten et al. and Silberberg. The two books also explain the VSEPR theory, molecular polarity and valence bond theory clearly and adequately.

4. Conclusion Generally the chemical representations used in General Chemistry textbooks are submicroscopic and symbolic levels. General Chemistry textbooks as a learning resource that is considered important in presenting content to be able to integrate the three levels of representation. These three levels of chemical representation are important for students, which not only study the formula derivatives in chemistry but could understand a phenomena. Finally, they can understand to the molecular level [20]. Most of the chemical representations analyzed are still widely contained in General Chemistry textbooks that have not interpreted the three levels of representation. The results of the General Chemistry textbook analysis showed that the textbooks of the author by Whitten, et al. and Silberberg contains three levels of chemical representation are well integrated, therefore making it easier to understand the concept of molecular geometry. In addition, other textbooks use a chemical representation that focuses more on submicroscopic and symbolic levels. 5. Acknowledgments Author wants to say thank you to lecturer of chemistry education FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. 6. References [1] Talanquer V 2011 Macro, submicro, and symbolic: The many faces of the chemistry “triplet” Int. J. Sci. Educ. 33 179-95.


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[2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Experiment laboratory design to improve conceptual understanding on organic chemistry II: structure and reactivity of organic polyfunctional compounds S Mulyantia), R Sardjono, and A Kadarohman Departmen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail : [email protected]

Abstract. The experiment laboratory activity is a strategy to improve students' understanding on organic compounds concepts. This study aimed to investigate how The Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment II characteristics design implementation in strengthening the conceptual understanding of organic polyfunctional compounds structure and reactivity. The subject of this study was 40 students in one university in Bandung. The Experiment Laboratory of Organic Chemistry II applied guided inquiry model with Science Process Skill approach. It was found that there were differences on experiment laboratory implementation in applying Science Process Skill approach. The experiment laboratory topics were less appropriate with lectures course of Organic Chemistry II, such as predicting mechanism and designing the synthetic of organic heterocyclic compounds and organic polyfunctional compounds. The statistical calculation with 2-tailed Pearson correlation was obtained (r: 0,373), the correlation value showed the relation between lecture course's score and experiment laboratory course's score. Then, the influence of experiment laboratory course toward the students' understanding was calculated with t-test, it was obtained 0.018 ( ttabel (1,66), class XI titung (19,520)> Ttable (1.68), class XII tcount (17.923)> ttable (1.68). Indicates that there is a significant correlation between self-concept and way of students learning toward students’ learning Biology outcomes at students

science senior high school sub-district PujudRokan Hilir regencyacademic year 2016/2017.

1. Introduction The quality of learning determines successful in learning. Success in learning process becomes the goal of every students. Success to get good results from every subject was studied especially Biology is one of very difficultsubjects for most students. Meanwhile, Biology needs to be studied to all students start from elementary school level until university level to make students have critical thinking ability, logical, systematic, analytical and cooperative ability. The ability must be appropriate to the developmental steps of the learners. According to Santrock in Prabadewi and Widiasavitri (2014: 262), adolescence is a period of transition from childhood. phenomenon in childhood will affect adolescence to adulthood. From childhood to adolescence, abandoning childishness, old behavioral patterns such as physical changes, emotional patterns, social, interests, morals and personality. Ali and Asrori (2014: 9), adding that, actually teenagers do not have 911

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a clear place. They have not included the children's misery, but have not yet been fully accepted for adolescence. Teenagers are between children and adults. The concept of adolescents also changed, to determine the behavior will be done, will affect to the process of learning activities at school that in the learning prosess have several difficulties. Students' learning difficulties, barriers to achievement, psychological, sociological, and physiological, and finallylearning achievement of students in low level(Mutmainah in Solihin, 2011: 3). When the process of change takes place the problem that should get attention is the problem of student learning. Given the success of the achievement of learning objectives is also determined by the factors of learning that determine the success or failure of educational activities. The problem of how to learn today, need to get attention because the quality of student learning is quite apprehensive. High school students (SMA / MA) are adolescents who need to get serious handling as the next generation of the nation. Because self concept is developing and is the basis for the development of adult phase. As the developmental task of self-concept development is acceptable, stable and functional. Students who are high self-concept will use all their potential and ability as optimal as possible by way of following the process of teaching and learning well, establishing good relationships with classmates that can affect learning activities. Contrastly, students who have low self-concept will not use their potential and ability optimally because they do not understand all their potential to disturb friends, deliberately seeking attention that can disturb the learning process (Solihin, 2011: 4). This research has several objectives and significant of the research, while the goal to be achieved in this research are: (a) to know the relationship of self concept and way of learning with the result of biology student learning in SMA Negeri Pujud Districts academic years 2016/2017, and to describe the concept of self, how to learn and biology learning outcomes in SMA Negeri Pujud Districts academic years2016/2017. The significant of this research is expected to provide for various aspects, including as follows: a) schools, knowing the relationship between self-concept and the way of learning with learning outcomes are expected to improve learning outcomes and foster self-reliance in learning, and can position itself as an active learning subject in learning, and can encourage self-concept and how to learn students that can improve Student achievement, and as inputs to improve the learning system in a particular school, (b) eachers, as input materials to improve the learning system forImprove student learning outcomes, (c) students, by knowing the self concept relationship and way of learning of student with result of learning which is expected to improve student activity in SMA Negeri Pujud Districts especially Biology subject, so that can improve student achievement satisfactory, (d) researchers, adding knowledge and insight to deepen the knowledge about the relationship of self concept and way of learning with student biology learning outcomes and can be used as a reference in the field of research of the like. 2. Research Methodology Research design of this research is a double correlation research, to reveal the relationship between variables. The researcher use involves at least two variables in this research. According Arikunto (2010: 161) variable is the object of the researcher, or what the point of attention of a study. Independent variable or independent variable (X), while the variables are called dependent variables, dependent variables, dependent variable (Y). The simple pattern of relationship between variables studied by Sugiyono (2013: 68) can be described as follows:

Picture 1. Risearch Design Information: X1: Self Concept, X2: How to Learn, Y: Learning Outcomes 912

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Location and Time of the Research This research has been conducted in SMA Negeri Pujud Districts academic year 2016/2017 from January to February 2017. Sample School

Class X

SMA Negeri 1 Pujud

X1 X2 X3

X4 X5 X6

X7 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5

SMA Negeri 2 Pujud


Table 1.Sample of Research No of Class XI No of Students Students 8 person XI IPA1 9 person 9 person 10 person


No of Students 10 person


9 person


9 person


9 person


10 person


8 person


8 person

9 person 10person 10 person

9 8 8 8 8 8

person person person person person person 105

8 person XI IPA



8 person 2




Data collection technique Data collection in this research using the following techniques: 1) Observation, 2) Questionnaire (quesionaire) 3) Documentation 4) Interview Table 2. Modification of Self Concept Question Score No Score Category 1. 77% - 100% High 2. 52% - 76% Enough 3. 27% - 51% Low Source: Widoyoko (2012: 105). No 1. 2. 3.

Table 3. Modification of Questionnaire Score How to Learn Score Category 75% - 100% Very Good 50% - 74% Good Enough 25% - 49% Less Good

Length interval =Range/No of Class, and Length interval =26/3=9 Table 4. Criteria of Learning Outcomes No Score Category 1. > 87 High 2. 80 – 87 Medium 3. < 80 Low Source: Modified in Widoyoko (2012: 105) Inferential Analysis Technique Sugiyono (2013: 209), inferential analysis is a statistical technique used to analyze sample data and the results are applied to the population. While Sudijono (2012: 5) inferential analysis is a statistic 913

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used as a tool in drawing conclusions that are general, from a set of data that has been prepared and processed. Significant Test Significant tests were performed by t test. This test aims to determine the magnitude of the influence of each variable (Sugiyono, 2012: 230). Calculate the value of t on the PPM correlation using the formula: Tcount =

√ √

Information: T count: Value t R : Value of correlation coefficient N : Number of samples Coefficient of Determinance The amount of self-concept contribution (X1) and way of learning (X2) to learning achievement (Y) can be determined by determinant coefficient formula according to Riduwan and Sunarto (2012: 110) as follows: Coefficient Determinance = r² x 100% Source: Riduwan and Sunarto (2012: 110). Where: KD = Determinant Value R² = Value of correlation coefficient 3. Result and Discussion Analysis of Class X Study Results Correlation Analysis Correlation analysis is used to know the existence of relationship of self concept (X1) and way of learning (X2) with result of student Biology (Y), in this case researcher use Pearson Product Moment formula. Based on the results of calculations that have been done, the correlation of self concept (X1) and way of learning (X2) with students Biology learning result (Y) is 1,583. The results of correlation analysis can be seen in the following table:

Table 5. Results of Correlation Analysis Correlation between Variables Self Concept (X1) with Learning Method (X2) Self Concept (X1) with Biology Learning Results Learning Method (X2) with Biology Learning Result (Y) Self Concept (X1) and Learning Method (X2) with Biology Learning Results (Y))

r count 3,162 0,470 0,011 1,583

Interpretation is done using tables. Then there is the conclusion that between the self concept and the way of learning with the results of Biology of students of class X in SMA Negeri Pujud Districts Academic Year 2016/2017 there is a very high correlation. Significant Test Significant test performed to find out whether there is a significant relationship between self-concept (X1) and way of learning (X2) with student Biology learning outcomes (Y). The result of data analysis for significance test can be seen in the following table:


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Table 6. Significant Test Results rcount(X1X2 tcount Ttable Ket Y) Self Concept (X1) thitung> ttabel, Hypothesis accepted 1,583 13,026 1,66 (Ho rejected, Ha accepted) Learning Ways (X2) Outcomes (Y) Variabel

Based on Table 6, it can be seen that thitung (13.026)> ttable (1.66), then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. This means there is a significant relationship between conceptsSelf and how to learn with the results of Biology of students of class X in SMA Negeri Pujud Districts Academic Year 2016/2017. Coefficient of Determinance The amount of contribution (contribution) of self concept variable (X1) and way of learning (X2) to learning result variable (Y), stated by coefficient of determinant that is equal to 16,97%. Analysis Research Result of Class XI Correlation Analysis Correlation analysis is used to know the existence of relationship of self concept (X1) and way of learning (X2) with result of student Biology (Y), in this case researcher use Pearson Product Moment formula. Based on the results of calculations that have been done, the correlation of self concept (X1) and way of learning (X2) with student Biology learning result (Y) is 3,754. The results of correlation analysis can be seen in the following table: Table 7. Results of Correlation Analysis Correlation between Variables Self Concept (X1) with Learning Method (X2) Self Concept (X1) with Biology Learning Results (Y) Way of Learning (X2) with Biology Learning Outcomes (Y) Self Concept (X1) and Learning Method (X2) with Biology Learning Outcomes (Y)

rhitung 0,046 0,003 1,747 3,754

Interpretation is done using Table. Then there is the conclusion that between the self concept and the way of learning with the results of Biology of students of class XI in SMA Negeri Pujud Districts Academic Year 2016/2017 there is a very high correlation. Significant Test A significant test was conducted to find out whether there is a significant relationship between selfconcept (X1) and way of learning (X2) with student biology learning outcomes (Y). The result of data analysis for significance test can be seen in the following table:

Variabel Self Concept (X1) Learning Ways (X2) Outcomes (Y)

Table 8. Significant Test Results rcount tcount Ttable Ket (X1X2Y) thitung> ttabel, Hypothesis accepted 3,754 19,520 1,68 (Ho rejected, Ha accepted)

Based on Table 8, it can be seen that thitung (19,520)> ttable (1.68), then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. This means there is a significant relationship between self-concept and learning with the Biology of students in SMA XI Negeri Pujud Districts Academic Year 2016/2017.


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Coefficient of Determinance The amount of contribution (contribution) of self concept variable (X1) and way of learning (X2) to learning result variable (Y), expressed by determinant coefficient that is equal to 38,10%. Analysis of Class XII Study Results Correlation Analysis Correlation analysis is used to know the existence of self concept relationship (X1) and way of learning (X2) with result of student Biology (Y), in this case researcher use Pearson Product Moment formula. Based on the results of calculations that have been done, the correlation figures of self concept (X1) and way of learning (X2) with student Biology learning (Y) is 4,237. The results of correlation analysis can be seen in the following table: Table 9. Results of Correlation Analysis Correlation between Variables Self Concept (X1) with Learning Method (X2) Self Concept (X1) with Biology Learning Results (Y) Way of Learning (X2) with Biology Learning Outcomes (Y) Self Concept (X1) and Learning Method (X2) with Biology Learning Outcomes (Y)

rhitung 0,580 0,002 5,304 4,237

Interpretation is done using tables. Then there is the conclusion that between the self-concept and the way of learning with the results of Biology students learning grade XII science majors in SMA Negeri Pujud Districts Academic Year 2016/2017 there is a very high correlation. Significant Test Significant test performed to find out whether there is a significant relationship between self-concept (X1) and way of learning (X2) with student Biology learning outcomes (Y). The result of data analysis for significance test can be seen in the following table: Table 10. Significant Test Results Variabel Self Concept (X1) Learning Ways (X2) Outcomes (Y)

rcount (X1X2Y)







thitung> ttabel, Hypothesis accepted (Ho rejected, Ha accepted)

Based on Table 10, it can be seen that thitung (17,923)> ttable (1.68), Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. This means there is a significant relationship between self-concept and learning with the biology student's learning outcomes X grade science majors in SMA Negeri Pujud Districts Academic Year 2016/2017. Coefficient of Determinance The amount of contribution (contribution) self concept variable (X1) and way of learning (X2) to learning result variable (Y), expressed by determinant coefficient that is equal to 32,12%. DISCUSSION Thus, the results of this research are in line with the opinion of Maknunatin (2010: 10) which states that students who have positive self-concept will have confidence that he is able to overcome the problem, eager in learning, diligent, diligent, and not easily despair so motivated to learn. From the results of research obtained, that the self-concept affects students' Biology learning outcomes, where the lower one's self-concept the lower the learning outcomes, and vice versa if the concept of a person is high, then the learning result will also be high.


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Thus, the results of this research are in line with the opinions of The Liang Gie in Mappeasse (2009: 1) a good way of learning will lead to successful learning, otherwise poor learning will lead to less success or failure to learn. From the research results obtained, that the way of learning is basically a way or learning strategy applied by students as a learning effort in order to achieve the desired learning outcomes. Assessment of either the poor way of learning a person will be seen from the learning results obtained by these students. So that good learning outcomes are also influenced by a good way of learning as well. The Relationship between Self Concept and How to Learn with Learning Outcomes The relationship between self-concept and way of learning with learning result is done Pearson Product Moment correlation analysis obtained correlation coefficient result (rhitung) equal to 1.033 with 5% significant level, it shows that self concept and way of learning with result of Biology student learning SMA Pujud Districts academic year 2016/2017 has a very good correlation. From the hypothesis testing obtained tcount (13.026)> ttable (1.66). This means Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, which reads there is a significant relationship between self-concept and way of learningWith the result of biology student learning in SMA Negeri in Pujud sub-district Teachings Year 2016/2017. 4. Conclusion Based on the results of processing and analysis of research data that has been described, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between self-concept and how to learn biology with the results of biology students in SMA Negeri Se-Kecamatan Pujud Year Teaching 2016/2017. 5. Acknowledgments

Authors wishing to acknowledge assistance or encouragement from colleagues, Islamic University of Riau, that’s always support us to do some reseach. To our family (special Husband, children), relatives, and all friends in Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Islamic University of Riau. 6. References [1] Ali, M &Asrori, M. 2014. Psikologi Remaja. Jakarta: PT BumiAksara. [2] Arikunto, S. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. [3]Maknunatin,E.2010. Pengaruh Konsep Diri Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa Tunanetra Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Skripsi Diterbitkan. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. [4]Mappeasse. Y.M. (2009). Pengaruh Cara dan Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Siswa Kelas III Jurusan Listrik SMK Negeri 5 Makassar. Jurnal MEDTEK, Vol: 1. [5]Prabadewi, K.D.L &Widiasavitri, P.N. (2014). Hubungan Konsep Diri Akademik dengan Motivasi Berprestasi pada Remaja Awal yang Tinggal di PantiAsuhan di Denpasar. Jurnal Psikologi Udayana, Vol :1. [6] Riduwan & Sunarto. 2012. Pengantar Statistika Untuk Penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta. [7] Solihin. M. 2011. Hubungan konsep Diri Dengan Prestasi Belajar Fisika Siswa Melalui Pembelajaran Inkuiri Pada Konsep Tekanan. Skripsi Diterbitkan. Jakarta: FITKA Uin Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. [8] Sudijono, A. 2012. Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers. [9] Sugiyono.2012. Statistika Untuk Penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta [10] Sugiyono. 2013. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta. 917

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[11] Widoyoko, E.P. 2012.Teknik Penyusunan Instrumen Penelitian. Yogyakarta: PustakasBelajar. [12] Widoyoko, E.P. 2016. Evaluasi Program Pembelajaran. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

The validity of modules learning models material based on constructivism in the course of learning strategy and design of biology E Rosbaa), Zikra, and MM Zural Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Jl. Gunung Pangilun, Padang 25173, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. One of theaching materials used in strategy lectures and biology learning designs is textbooks. Lectures using textbooks are not able to engage students actively in making discoveries to build a conceptual understanding of the material they are studying. As a result students easily forget the material. This has implications for low learning outcomes. Therefore it takes a lecture material that can help students in the form of modules. The purpose of this research is to produce material module of biology learning model based on contructivism on valid the course of biology learning strategy and design. This research type is research of development, this research use 4-D model which consist of 3 stages that is definition stage (define) or requirement analysis design and development. Module validation is one part of the develop stage. In this activity the module validation in volves 3 valiators and the validity of the module covers 4 aspects. Data is obtained from validation sheet filled by validator. The data is processed quantitatively and analyzed descriptively based on the results of the study got an average score of 3,65 with value 91,25%. The conclusion of this study is to produce material models of learning based contructivism courses in biology learning strategies and design in verry valid.

1. Introduction The course of biology learning strategy and design is one of the compulsory courses that must be taken by students and this course as well as the provision for prospective teachers. The subjects in this course discuss the scope of strategy (approarch, method, model) and make learning tools (syllabus, annual program, semester program and RPP). For that students are required to be able to master the strategy of learning and skilled in making learning tools. Based on the results of the reflection of lecturers team of biology strategy and learning during this time the students difficulties in understanding the material learning models because of the lack of learning resources, the books used so far learning resources is a textbook that can be found easily by students understanding of the lecture material they learn. Other than that the text used is not in accordance with the expected learning achievement. Addressing the problem, it is very necessary teaching materials that can assist students in understanding the material. Teaching materials in accordance with the learning achievement expected on of them is teaching materials in the form modules. Modules are teaching materials that are systematically designed based on a particular curriculum and packaged in the form of the smallest learning unit and allow to be studied independently in a certain time unit [1]. Through the module,


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

students can do independent learning activities without experiencing many difficulties. Learning module is a systematic and compelling teaching material that includes the content of materials, methods and evaluation that can be used independently to achieve the expected competencies [2]. Module teching is an effort to organize individual teaching that allows students to master a unit of lesson material before he or sheoves on to the next unit. To train students to find and arrange their own knowledge, the module presented is based on contructivism. A module based on contructivismis is a teaching material that enables students to learn actively and develop their own knowledge through developed modules, thus making learning more viable and students becoming more active in learning. in the module directs students actively involve in finding concepts and learning to facilitate students to get the concept. Materials based on ism-based knowledge models designed for students to discover and arrange their own. The purpose of this research is to produce material module of learning model based on contructivism on strategy course and biology learning design. 2. Experimental Method Module development models based learning contructivism using four-D models ( define phase,design phase, develop phase and dessiminate phase). With the description of the following is 1) define phase, aims to determine the basic problem is needed in developing module. Steps done in this stage the analysis of the curriculum and analysis of students, 2) design phase is,designing prototype subjects in the form of module-based contructivism, that is in the material models of learning. Design made based analysis of the curriculum and analysis of students, 3) develop phase, after designed then performed stage validity. This stage aims to produce already invalid. At this stage assessment products by validator. As for that will note is that a) material adapted to the curriculum, indicators, learning objectives, the truth of the concept that can be in accountability responsible, description of the material full and clear assist the understanding of students, b) presentation adapted to the learning materials, referring to the approach contruktivism, c) language use the rules of Indonesian good and fit spelling enhanced (EYD). Enter from validator used to improvethe module will be revised if stated invalid by validator. Study site development this is in the course of education biology STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat Techniques collection and analysis of data that is used is sheet validation modified. Data obtained from the results of sheet observation described descriptively. Data analysis of validation results done with several steps : a. Provide scoreanswers with the following criteria : STS = Strongly disagree with weight 1 TS = Disagree with weight 2 S = Agree with weight 3 SS = Strongly agree with weight 4 b. The number of values obtained is divided by as many indicators. c. The maximum score on this validity test is 4. Data collected from the module validation results were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Techniques of data analysis validator assessment results are adjusted with the formula [3] as follows : X 100 Based on the price of validity obtained, the validity category of material modules of biological learning models based on contruktivism with provisions such as Table 1. Tabel 1. Category of validity module of biological learning models based on constructivism No 1 2 3 4 5

Validity Values (%) 0 – 20 21 – 40 41 – 60 61 – 80 81 – 100

Category Invalid Less valid Just a valid Valid very valid


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

3. Result and Discussion Based on the validation of material module of learning models based oncontructivism by 3 validator of the assessment can be presented in table 2 form below. Table 2. Result of validation of material module of biology learning model based on contructivism No 1 2 3 4

Aspect Didaktik module requirements Requirement contructivism Technical/graphic requirements Language requirement Average

Score 3,6 3 4 4 3,65

% 90 75 100 100 91,25

Category Very valid Valid Very valid Very valid Very valid

If seen from table 2 shows that the validation of material module of learning models based on contructivism very valid, this can be seen from the results in the first aspect of didaktik module score of 3,6 with the value of 90% category is very valid, the requirement of contructivismscor 3 with the value of 75% category valid, requirement graphic score 4 with a value of 100% as well as with language requirement score 4 with 100% value. Tus the overall average of the score module of 3,65 with a value of 91,25% category is very valid. This indicates that the module developed has been in accordance with [4], which includes the content aspect and presentation aspect. Therefore the module gets the category very valid. Previous research by [5] describes a module based on contructivism showing module feasibility outcomes based on expert review in terms of content, presentation, and language dominate the overall aspects of the assessment with very valid categories. According to [6] added that teaching using modules to improve student achievement should be widely used in the classroom. The module contains at least about instrutional guidance, accomplished competencies, supporting information, exercises and evaluation 4. Conclusion This research produces material module of learning model based on contruktivism on strategy course and biology learning design which is very valid based on expert review result which include module dictation requirement, terms of chart, linguistic requirement, and condition on contructivism. 5. Acknowledgments The research team expressed their gratitude to all those who have assisted this research, namely the lecturer team of strategy and biology teaching design that also act as the validator, and to DIKTI who has funded this research so that it can be completed. 6. References [1] Khabibah A Elok 2015, The Theoretical validity of module based on guided descovery on the respiratory system matter. ejournal.unesa vol 3 no 3 agustus 2014 [2] Kulldell, Natalie. 2007. Journal of biological Engineering autenthic teaching and learning through synthetic biology vol1 2014 [3] Prastowo, Andi. 2013. Panduan kreatif membuat bahan ajar inovatif. Yogyakarta : Divapres [4] Riduwan. 2012. Pengantar Statistika Untuk Penelitian Pendidikan, Sosial, Ekonomi, Komunikasi, dan Bisnis. Bandung: Alfabeta. [5] Purwanto dkk, 2007. Pengembangan Modul. Jakarta: Pustekom [6] Hamdunah 2015, Praktikalitas pengembangan modul kontruktivisme dan web pada materi lingkaran. Jurnal Lemma Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat.


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Science literacy ability of junior high school students in Padang

F Arsiha), R Sumarmin, and H Putra Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Padang , Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Padang 25131, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this research is to know about ability science literacy of student in junior high school at VIII class in Padang based on aspect of literacy science and questioning formating teks.This research is descriptive research. This research was do at SMPN 8 Padang, SMPN 12 Padang and SMP SIMA Padang that used 2013 curricullum with 600 population. The methode that used in this research is proportional sampling. Instrument that used to collect the data is literacy science teks from PISA that take from Take The Test: Sample Question From OECD’s PISA Assessment book that will be translate. To analize this data was do with describe the answer of literacy science teks and determination value. The result of this reseacrh is ability science literacy of student at VIII class in SMP at Padang was low with the average value is 26,6.

1. Introduction Natural science can be defined as a science built on observation, classification of data, compiled and verified in quantitative laws, which involves applications of mathematical reasoning and data analysis of natural phenomena. IPA is a science that explains the process of natural phenomena scientifically and systematically. According to [1] Science has three dimensions, the first dimension of scientific attitude (scientific attitude) includes a very high curiosity, critical, creative, honest, loving environment, acknowledging the order of nature is God's omnipotent creation. The second dimension is a scientific process that deals with problem-solving procedures with scientific methods such as problem identification, hypothesis or predictions, analyzes data, draw conclusions. Third, science as a product of knowledge, both factual knowledge, procedural and conceptual in the form of principles, laws, and theories. According [2] Natural science contains four things: content or product, process or method, attitude and technology. This needs to be considered in accordance with the applicable curriculum. Through the subjects of natural science students are expected to develop the ability of analytical thinking inductive and deductive in solving problems related to natural events around. Students are said to be literate to science or to science literacy when ability to apply concepts or facts obtained in school with natural phenomena that occur in everyday life. Literacy Science is important to 922

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master students relating to how students can understand the environment, Health, economic and other problems faced by modern society that are highly dependent on technology and the advancement and development of science. Science literacy is the knowledge of key science concepts and the understanding of science processes. This includes the application of science in cultural, political, social, and economic issues. All of these areas are ever-changing landscapes in today's world. For example, on the subject of climate change, someone who is scientifically literate (1) is knowledgeable on basic Earth science and natural history facts, (2) understands atmospheric, geological, and biological processes pertaining to climate, (3) understands how climate research is conducted, and (4) is aware of the current geopolitical landscape pertaining to climate change. Based on the results of observations of researchers at SMPN 12 Padang through interviews with teachers of natural science studies, obtained information that the problem tested by teachers in schools is not too demanding reasoning students are only general and memorized. Sometimes students also do not like to read about a long and straight course To the question about that. The researcher also showed about the science literacy of PISA to the teacher of IPA response received from the teacher that is, the students do not like to read the problem which is too long because the reading interest of the student is very low. Usually the problems that are tested in schools generally do not directly use long text. Success in science learning can be obtained if students have good science literacy skills. Survey results show that the quality of education in Indonesia is still relatively low, as evidenced by the results of TIMSS (Trendsin Interntional Mathematics and Science Study) study of 2011, a study International on mathematics and science achievement of first grade students. Indonesia's position is ranked 41 out of 43 countries with an average score of 406.As under Indonesia Morocco and Ghana [3], as shown in Table 1. Table 1. Indonesian Science Literacy Position Based on TIMSS Study Rank 40 41 42 43

Country Lebanon Indonesia Maroco Ghana

Average Scale Score 406 406 376 306

This is also evidenced by reports from OECD through PISA in 2009 that relate to literacy skills of science, reading, and mathematics which only puts Indonesia in the order of 57 out of 65 countries. While in 2012 the position of science literacy Indonesia compared to other Asian countries, Indonesia is still very low. Indonesia ranks 64th out of 65 countries [4]. The purpose of OECD's evaluation of education through PISA is to improve the quality of education focused on reading and mathematics literacy. Improving the quality of education will affect the economic level of regions and countries. Indonesian students have limited abilities that can only be applied to some familiar situations. The results of the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) study show that Indonesia's education system is still very low. Of the 65 member countries of PISA, Indonesia's education is ranked 64th. Indonesia's reading level ranks 61th out of the 65 member states of PISA. Indonesia only collects a reading score of 396 points. Indonesia's reading rate is lagging behind neighboring Thailand (50) and Malaysia (52). The science literacy score is ranked 64 with a score of 382.Pada this year, the score and the highest position achieved Shanghai, China, Singapore, and Hong Kong. And the bottom three places achieved Qatar, Indonesia, and Peru. According [5] science literacy ability of high school student of X class in Solok City revealed that the science literacy ability of high school student of X class in Solok City is still low with average percentage 27,94%. [6] also concluded that the achievement of PISA SMA in Kota Padang is still low, with the average score of 48.82%. 923

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Factors causing the low literacy skills of science in Indonesia is the IPA is still a product. Another factor that causes low literacy ability of science students is not yet trained students in solving problems with the characteristics of PISA, so students were not able to develop thinking skills and reasoning science literacy [7]. The Municipal Government in the field of education has the potential to improve the quality of education, in line with the strategic plan of national education programs such as the improvement of competence and competitiveness of the nation. One way to improve students' literacy skills. For that, we need early data about science literacy of junior high school students in Padang City, with knowledge of science literacy ability will be traced in the science literacy development program for students in Padang City. Based on the background of the problem, conducted a study of Literacy Skills of Science Students of Class VIII The Junior High School in Padang City 2. Experimental Method The type of this research is descriptive research by analyzing the ability of science literacy of SMP class VIII students in Padang City. This research was conducted in the second semester of academic year 2015 / 2016. The location of the research was conducted in 8 accredited A Junior High Schools in Padang City. Registered in 2015/2016 school year. The sample is selected by Proportional sampling technique. Data by using data analysis techniques as follows: 2.1 Analysis of answers about science literacy, consists of 2.1.1.Scoring, Scoring is done on all students' answers on PISA tests. The answer scoring system is 1 if true and 0 if it is wrong for objective and compound problems. Problem description of correct answer given score 2, true, partially given score 1, and wrong all given score 0. The number of objective problem there are 48 items and compound matters 5 grains, while the description is 10 items [4]. 2.1.2 Score completeness, The PISA completeness score is 50% of the maximum score. In this study, the completeness score will be calculated based on:  the total score of the student, the maximum score of the student if the correct answer is 73, so the total score based on the total score is 36.5 with the number of questions 63.  Aspects of science competence (the process of science) consists of aspects of identifying scientific problems amounted to 18 questions, maximum score 23. Aspects explain the phenomenon scientifically numbered 28 questions, maximum score 31. Aspects of using scientific evidence amounted to 17 questions, maximum score 19.  Content aspect amounted to 22 questions with a maximum score of 26. Aspects of context amounted to 41 questions with a maximum score of 47.  The number of objective problems amounted to 48 questions with a maximum score of 48. Compound questions amounted to 5 questions with a maximum score of 5. Problem description of 10 questions with a maximum score of 20 2.1.3 Tabulation, The tabulation is done by writing the student code along with the score into the table. For the objective question if answered correctly, it is coded (1), while the wrong answer is coded (0) and for the description problem, if it is correctly coded (2), if half is correctly coded (1) and if either coded (0). The tabulation was made to illustrate the achievements of students' science literacy from PISA test results on SMP in Padang City based on:  Total student scores  Score of science literacy based on competency aspects of science / science process  Score of science literacy based on content aspect  Score of science literacy based on context aspect  Scores are based on the question format  Average score The mean score to describe the average. Average score to describe the average achievement of students' science literacy from PISA test result. Average score calculated


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using formula. Achievement of student science literacy from PISA test result. Average score calculated using Formula according [8] 2.1.4. Highest score, The highest score can describe the highest achievement of student science literacy on the test using PISA problem. The highest score is calculated by sorting the score from the highest to the lowest, then the highest score is calculated on the data based on the total score, the score based on the question items, the score based on the competence of science, and the score based on the format of the question. 2.1.5. The lowest score, The lowest score can represent the lowest achievement of science literacy on the test using the PISA problem. The lowest score is calculated by sorting the score from the low to the highest, then the highest score is calculated on the data based on the total score, the score based on the question items, the score based on the competence of science, and the score based on the format of the question. 2.2. Determination of value The data obtained by researchers from tests that have been scared to be converted into a value. Based on the criteria specified.

PISA set the value of mastery that is 50% of maximum score 36.5. Once obtained the next value is converted into the following categories: Table 2. Conversion Score of Science Literacy Test Results by PISA Grade

The Criteria



< 36,5

Not Complete

. 3. Result and Discussion Based on research conducted on junior high school students in Padang City, obtained a data achievement of science literacy students as follows: 3.1 Science Literacy Test Results Students Based on the research that has been done by the students of class VIII SMP in Kota Padang obtained data of students' science literacy ability is 26.6 with the lowest category. The maximum score of science literacy is 73, while the PISA completeness score is 50% of the maximum score of 36.5. Based on literacy ability of student science that is generally not yet completely either from process of science, content, and context with a value (26,04,26,68,25,37). Students are said to be complete if students get a score of ≥ 50% of the maximum score. Lower literacy of students' science is due to several factors. Firstly, some of the material that was tested on the problem of PISA science literacy has never been studied by the students of one example on problem 14.1 on the theme of sleeping sickness, on the matter number 14.1 appendices 1. The material in this study in high school class X, so that students have difficulty In answering the matter on the material. The second factor causing the low literacy of science students is a matter of PISA using a lot of discourse. From the results of interviews with some students who complain because of the amount of discourse on the given problem. The low ability of students in analyzing discourse or text is a picture of the low ability of students thinking.


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According [9] critical thinking ability is based on thinking process to analyze arguments and bring insight into each meaning of a problem. The third factor is the high level of difficulty in the PISA problem. According [10] the quality of test item items can be known first from the level of difficulty, a test should not be too easy and also should not be too difficult. 3.2 The achievement of student science literacy based on the format of the question The average score of student achievement of Junior High School class VIII in Padang City based on the low grade questionnaire with an average grade of 25,78 low category. The average score of student achievement based on the question format can be seen in Table 3.

Table 3. Achievement of Science Literacy of VIII Junior High School Students in Padang City by Format Problems Format Problems



Objective Compound Essay

29,38 31,72 16,36

low low low



The question format used in the science literacy question of PISA consists of three formats, IE objective with the number of 48 questions, compound with the number of questions 5 and the description with the number of questions 10. Achievement of science literacy of junior high school grade VIII students in Padang is 25.78 with the lowest category. The achievement of students' science literacy based on the format of the problem aims to find out the problems that are easier to work on and students who are difficult to work. The cause of the lowest average score on the description and objective problem is that students are difficult in reasoning given problems and added the students of Junior high school grade VIII in Padang City have never gained experience in answering the science literacy question of PISA. On objective matters students are required to be more careful in working on the problem, because the option is a fool On objective matters is almost identical, so that the student is difficult to distinguish which one is correct and which wrong answer consequently the student guesses the answer that the student thinks is correct. According [8] the objective test also has a weakness that is the possibility of students guessing a big enough answer and the students' thinking process can be seen clearly. On the matter of description of students is expected to be able to analyze questions based on the discourse given to the problem, so that reasoning ability is required in the format of this matter. The low ability of students in the reasoning of PISA literacy causes the achievement of low student science literacy. According [11], reasoning is an activity, process or activity of thinking to draw conclusions or make a statement based on some of the questions known to be true or rightly called the premise. Students gain higher values on a plurality of questions and objectives because on a plurality the students only have an option Yes or No, other than that the question asked in the plural question is general knowledge, So that it is easier for students to answer the compound problem than the description and objective. 3.3.Literacy Achievement of Student Science Based on the Process of Science, Aspects of Content and Aspects of Context Based on the results of research and literacy analysis of science students on the process of science, content aspects, aspects of junior high school context in the city of Padang are still categorized as low from the results of data analysis. Factors that cause low mastery of science literacy students are less teachers to familiarize the learning process that supports students in 926

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developing science literacy. From the observation of the learning process conducted during the learning process, it is generally seen that teachers in teaching less support the development of literacy skills of science students. Teachers in the learning process does not present anything that can spur the students to think like text introduction, images, case scenarios or examples of problems that occur around him, then in the process of learning, teachers also seen less invite students in analyzing the causes of the occurrence of problems so less build aspects of science literacy Students. It has also been expressed by [5] that the science or science learning process tends to emphasize aspects of memory-based understanding and rarely builds analytical skills to translate, link, explain and apply information based on scientific data. The next factor that causes the low literacy ability of students' science is, according to the students the questions given on the science literacy test are more difficult than the usual teacher test questions. This is because students do not know about the PISA problem and also the lack of knowledge of teachers about the development of science literacy so that students do not know the information about PISA and the characteristics of the PISA problem. According [12] it is found that very little knowledge of science literacy leads to a very low achievement in science literacy. The questions of PISA are very demanding in understanding, reasoning and problem solving. A student is said to be able to solve problems if he can apply the knowledge he has gained into a new unknown situation [13].

4. Conclusion Based on the results of research and analysis of science literacy test of Junior high school class VIII students in Padang City, it can be concluded that the achievement of science literacy shows the ability of science literacy in junior high school students in Padang low with an average value of 26.6. 5. Acknowledgments The research is tightly by funding from the Universitas Negeri Padang. With the kindness of Rector, especially Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian masyarakat (LP2M) of Universitas Negeri Padang. 6. References [1] Poedjiadi, Anna. 2007. Pendidikan Sains dan Sains Terpadu dalam Ilmu dan Aplikasi Pendidikan (Mohammad Ali dkk,ed). Bandung: Pedagogiana Press. [2] Rustaman, Nuryani. 2005. Strategi Belajar Mengajar Biologi. Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang. [3] Balitbang. 2013. Survei Internasional PISA.Online,(hhtp://litbang.kemendikbud.go.id/ index.php/survei-internasional-timss, diakses pada 16 Januari 2016). [4] OECD. 2013. PISA 2012 Assessment and Analytical Framework: Mathematic, Reading, Science, Problem Solving and Financial Literacy. Online, (http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/ 9789264190511-en, diakses pada 16 Januari 2016). [5] Angraini, Gustia. 2014. Analisis Kemampuan Literasi Sains Siswa SMA Kelas X di Kota Solok. Jurnal Prosiding Mathematics and Science Forum 2014. Jurusan Biologi FPMIPA: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. [6] Huryah, Fadhilatul. 2016. Analisis Literasi Sains Biologi Siswa SMA Kelas X Se Kota Padang. Tesis. Padang. Universitas Negeri Padang. [7] Ekohariadi. 2009. Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Literasi Sains Siswa Indonesia Berusia 15 Tahun. Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar. Diakses Pada Tanggal 20 Januari 2016. [8] Sudjana. 2005. Metode statistika. Bandung: Tarsito. [9] Johnson, D.W & Johnson, R.T. (2002). Meaningful Assessment. Arlington Street Boston: Ally & Dacon A Pearson Education Company. [10] Nurkancana, W. 1986. Evaluasi Pendidikan. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional 927

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[11] Shadiq, Fadjar. 2007. Penalaran atau Reasoning. Perlu Dipelajari Para Siswa di Sekolah?.http://prabu.telkom.us/2007/08/29/penalaran-atau-reasoning/ [Online] diakses 7 Agustus 2016. [12] Azzumarito, D.2014. Pengembangan Instrumen Tes Literasi Matematika Model PISA. Jurnal Of Educational Research and Evaluation Universitas Negeri Malang Vol. 3 (2). [13] Wardhani, Sri. 2005. Pembelajaran dan Penilaian Aspek Pemahaman Konsep, Penalaran dan Komunikasi, Pemecahan Masalah. Jogjakarta:Materi Pembinaan matematika SMP di Daerah Tahun 2005 (PPPG Matematika).


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Analysis of readability of integrated science teaching materials in the topic of integrated type of animal migration navigation M. Yusup1,2,a), Saefudin1, and H. Firman1 1

Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 SMP Negeri 5 Sindangbarang, KP. Cigarogol Desa Jayagiri Kecamatan Sindangbarang, Kabupaten Cianjur 43272, Indonesia a)

E-mail : [email protected]

Abstract. Teaching material is the material or subject material that is arranged systematically, be used by teachers and students in the learning process. Teaching material is usually arranged by teachers. Teaching material arrangement needs the knowledge of author to align vocabularies when arranging the text. Good teaching material has high readability level, which is more than 60 %. This study used descriptive method. The purpose of the study was to analyze the readability of threaded integrated science’s teaching material. Readability test was conducted by using cloze test Informal Cloze Readability Inventory (ICRI) type and interview 10 (ten) junior high school students class 9 (nine) at one of schools in Sukabumi district. The results of this research revealed the largest score of 92% obtained on visions of human and insects sub-section. The smallest score of 82% on light characteristics subsection. The average readability test results of threaded integrated science teaching material was 90%. The percentage showed that the materials are in independent category. It means that threaded integrated science teaching material of light material can be used in learning. Readability level is generally influenced by words or terms used in teaching materials.

1. Introduction Students are expected to be able to master the concept of science comprehensively as the essence of Integrated Science [1]. The essence of science is the knowledge presented comprehensivelyto learn the universe and its symptoms on the basic elements of attitude, process, product, and application in which those elements are a unity [2]. Integrated Science is a combination of different fields of science studies, namely Physics, Earth Space, Chemistry and Biology which are presented comprehensively. The combined materials at least consist of two studies, such as Biology-Physics, Physics-Chemistry or Chemistry-Biology or include three science studies namely, Physics-Biology-Chemistry become a single integrated material or include the four science studies based on predetermined topics [3]. This suggests that science learning should be integrated in the Integrated Type. Integrated learningis an integrated type of learning that uses a cross-sectional approach by determining the curricular priorities and finding overlapping skills, concepts and attitudes in several fields of study [4]. Integrated Science learning in the integrated type is not easy to do especially related to its supporting learning activities. The weakness found in the integrated science learning is the availability of Integrated Teaching Materials [5]. The limitation of integrated teaching materials causes difficulty 929

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forthe educational practitioners, especially educators, to arrange their own teaching materials. Teachers are the most required domain to develop the teaching materials. The development of teaching materials is a fundamental task of a teacher. Teachers complain about their lack of knowledge about integrated science and the teaching materials provided do not yet fully include integrated science. In fact, science teachers in junior high school have not yet taught science in integrated ways [6]. The teaching materials of Integrated Science developed are the Integrated Science in the Integrated Type. These teaching materials are a new concept; however, they are also expected to improve the concept mastery comprehensively. The teaching materials of Integrated Science in the Integrated Type are highly expected in its development in accordance with the standards of Integrated Science curriculum. Therefore, the teaching materials which are in accordance with the standards of the Integrated Science curriculum and the achievement of educational quality expected in 2030 will be the same as other OECD countries. In the revised edition of the 2013 curriculum, there are basic competencesrelated to the topic of Animal Navigation and Migration, i.e. Basic Competence 3.6 stating “Implement the concept of magnetism, electromagnetic induction, and utilization of magnetic fields in everyday life including animal movement/navigation for food and migration,” and Basic Competence 4.6 stating “Create simple works that utilize the principles of electromagnet and/or electromagnetic induction”. The topic of animal navigation and migration is chosen as the topic in teaching materials. It is because thatteaching materials of Integrated Science in the Integrated Type should be a topic as a learning base. This phenomenon is the basic knowledge for students in learning science. The teaching materials of science presented by conveying real and contextual problems will facilitate the implementation of science learning [7]. Therefore, these teaching materials are called the teaching materials of Integrated Science in the Integrated Type in the topic of Animal Migration Navigation. Teaching materials developed in the readability testwill be easy to be understood by the students. The good teaching materials are teaching materials that have more than 60% of readability [8]. Teaching materials with a high level of readability will support the achievement of education quality [9]. 2. Experimental Method The method used in this research was descriptive research method. Descriptive method waschosen since this study was merely to see the readability of teaching materials that have been prepared. The teaching materials development used 4 Steps Teaching Materials Development (STMD). The teaching materials making process was divided into four stagesnamely, the process of selection, structuration, characterization, and reduction [10]. At the stage of characterization, the readability test of teaching materialdraft need to be conducted. The research design can be described as follows. Teaching material arrangement (stage of selection, structuration,

Readability test

Data analysis

Teaching material products



Figure 1. Research Design The methods of readability test used were cloze test and interview. Cloze test was conducted by filling in the gaps in the text with the appropriate words to complete the sentence in the text [11]. The omitted words can be conducted by omitting the nth syllable by a certain multiple [12] or random deletion without looking at the contextual relationships or certain word classes [13]. The cloze test type used was Informal Cloze Readability Inventory (ICRI) [8]. ICRI is a cloze test on a small sample


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of less than 10 samples. The readability test was given to 10 students of grade 9 of State Junior High School 5 Sindangbarang. Random sampling was conducted from all grade 9 students [14]. The instruments used in this study was 6 filling the gap texts with 20 missing words. Meanwhile, to reveal the main idea of each paragraph, students were asked to read the paragraph. Afterwards, they were asked to present the main idea of each paragraph of teaching materials verbally. At the time of the interview, in addition to presenting the main idea of the paragraph that has been read, students were also asked about terms that have not been understood and offered other words that were more easily understood by students. Therefore, it found a direct solution to address the terms that students did not understand. The main idea is presented verbally by the students to the researcher. Students were also required to filling the gap textsin the teaching materials that have been provided. After all the calculation results were tabulated, the qualitative data were analyzed. The test score was presented as a percentage [9]: ∑ 100 % ∑

The percentage of reading material readability by Rankin and Chulhane (in Cunningham) is shown in Table 1. Table 1. The Percentage of Teaching Material Readability

Percentage achieved (%) more than 61 41 up to 61 less than 40

Level of readers Independent Instructional Frustration

3. Result and Discussion The results obtained from the readability test of teaching materials of Integrated Science in the topic of animal migration navigation are shown in Figure 2.

Percentage of Readability 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68

percentage of Readabiity

Figure 2. The percentage of Teaching Material Readability In the sub-chapter of the animal migration phenomena, there is a mistake about the image of animals presented, i.e. groups of caterpillars coming to the houses which cannot be included into migration phenomena, butlife cycle. In the sub-chapter of animal migration, there are cicadas which are not included into migratory animals. Cicadas move from one place to another is just a cycle of life. This 931

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concept error confused students. There is a difference between information that has been obtained with the information brought in the discourse. The readability of Migration Phenomenon was 80%. Most of the students do not understand the phenomena picture of many caterpillars living in villagers’houses. The students wondered whether this was included into migration or not. The foreign words or terms become one of the factors affecting the readability of discourse [15]. Therefore, the students found difficulty when they had to read the discourse containing these terms. From the interview results, it is known that the term magnetosomewas replaced by the term magnetic organ. The readability of Animal magnetism sub-chapter was 88%. In this sub-chapter, students were very interested since they had to practice with rare animals, i.e. tortoise. The problem was that there were 2 students who were difficult to focus on these activities. Student activity was very active since there were so many questions about animals compared to tortoises that can detect magnetism. In the sub-chapter of object magnetism, a lot of students found difficulty especially in analyzing the characteristics of magnetism and make conclusions. In this sub-chapter, students were actually very enthusiastic in understanding it, but the material presented in support of the image was lack. Therefore, the information was added using other books in the library. In the sub-chapter of the relationship of animal and object magnetism, students did not find difficulty in reading and understanding the materials. There was only one student who was less understood, but after asking and explained by the teacher, the student could understand it. The cloze test to measure the teaching material readability obtained score at % overall. This cloze test was a readability test with higher validity than other readability tests [9]. The percentage achieved indicates that the teaching materials of integrated science is included into the Independent category since it is more than 60% [9]. The independent teaching materials are self-teaching materials. The use of this materials can be done individually by the students. 4. Conclusion The results showthat the result of readability test of the teaching materialsis 82%. The percentage indicate that the teaching materials are in the independent category, meaning thatteaching materials of Integrated Sciencein the Integrated type for the topic of animal migration navigation are worthy of use in learning activities. 5. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank to the GTK Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Culture who has given P2TK scholarship program in 2015. The great gratitude is also delivered for all academic civitas of State JHS 5 Sindangbarang who gave supports during the research. May Allah repay all the goodness. 6. References [1] Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (Depdiknas) 2008 Manajemen peningkatan mutu berbasis sekolah buku pembelajaran dan pengajaran kontekstual (Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar Dan Menengah Direktorat Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama) [2] Depdiknas 2008 Panduan pengembangan bahan ajar (Jakarta: Depdiknas) [3] Arlitasari, Pujayanto, and Budiharti 2013 Pengembangan bahan ajar IPA terpadu bebasis saling topik dengan topik biomassa sumber energi alternatif terbarukan (Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika, vol 1) pp 81-89 [4] Fogarty R 1991 Ten ways to integrate curriculum (Pallatine: III Skylight Publishing, Inc) [5] Al-Tabany, Trianto, and Ibnu B 2014 Mendesain model pembelajaran inovatif, progresif dan kontekstual (Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group) [6] Helfidayati 2016 Peran bahan ajar ipa terpadu tipe integrated padatopik pemanasan global terhadap penguasaan konsep siswa. Tesis UPI Bandung [7] Lang M and Olson J 2000 Integrated science teaching as a challenge for teachers to develop new conceptual structures (Research in Science Education vol 30) pp 213-224


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[8] [9] [10] [11]

[12] [13] [14] [15]

Cunningham J W and Tierney R J 1979 Evaluating cloze as a measure of learning from reading. (JournalofReadingBehavior vol 11 ) pp 287-292 Rankin E P 1970 Grade level interpretation of cloze readability scores (Prosiding at the national reading conference at marquette university) pp 1-12 Anwar K 2015 Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPA Terpadu Menggunakan Four Steps Teaching Material Development dengan Topik Pemanasan Global (Tesis UPI Bandung) Ajideh P and Mozaffarzadeh S 2012 C-test vsmultiple-choice clozetest as tests of reading comprehension iran: iranian EFL context: learners' perspective (English language teaching vol 5) pp 143-150 Farr R and Roser N 1979 Teaching a child to read (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich) Jongsma E A 1980 Close instruction research: a second look (Delware: IRA) Fraenkel J R and Wallen N E 2005 How to design and evaluate research in education (New York: McGraw-Hill) Crossley S A, McCarthy P M, Dufty D F and McNamara D S 2007 Toward a new readability: a mixed model approach pp 197-202 [online] available at:


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Profile of inquiry aspects contained in science book grade VIII M Fadilaha), F Arsih, Helendra, H Alberida Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof.Dr.Hamka Kampus UNP Air Tawar, Padang 25131, Indonesia a) E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. Inquiry aspect is one of component, which construct competency of science literacy. Generally, level of science literacy of Indonesian students is relatively under average score. That is why inquiry should be integrated in all science-learning dimension, include presented in learning media such science book for junior high school level. As main learning resource, presentation of inquiry aspect should be sufficient for guiding students during the lesson. This study aimed to describe inquiry aspects contained in science book grade VIII. The sample was determined as total sampling from all learning materials presented in science book grade VIII. The data collected by using book analysis instrument then analysed using agreement coefficient and percentage. The result shows that in totally science book grade VIII contained 75,2% of inquiry aspects, which directed the students to formulating question and/or hypothesis, collecting data, analyse and/or interpreting data, discuss the finding and/or making conclusion, and reflect the knowledge. The most frequent inquiry aspect is directing student to collect data and the least inquiry aspect is reflection knowledge. It can be concluded that science book grade VIII has contained inquiry aspects sufficiently and provide a structured inquiry. However, improvements are needed to complete phase of inquiry.

1. Introduction Indonesia students participation in PISA has been started from PISA 2000. Generally, the students performance was under averages. According to Indonesia Science Literacy Team, the weakness of Indonesia students is on identifying scientific problem, using scientific approach, and interpreting data likes picture, table and others diagram type. These skills are included inquiry component. There are four framework components to measure students’ science literacy, are context, knowledge, competency and attitude. In PISA 2015 framework, inquiry ability composed competencies aspect, which indicated by skill in evaluation and design scientific inquiry. Around twenty to thirty percent of test item measure this ability. The proportion for skill interpreting the data is around 20-40% [8]. There has been improvement of students performance in PISA 2015, around 21 points. Unfortunately the overall score stay stable under average. The facts reflect that science learning quality needs immediately improvement. According to Rocard et al (2007) cited in [3], science learning reformation can be applied through inquiry based learning, which develops intellectual skill and science literacy ability. [5] and [7] informed that inquiry process contribute to science literacy. There are numerous definition of inquiry. [6] determined definition for inquiry, are learning approach which direct students to formulating question/hypothesis, collecting data (experiment and references study), analyse and interpret finding, discuss finding and making conclusion and reflect toward knowledge found. Bybee (2000) cited in [9] suggested that inquiry in terms of skills and abilities includes the following components identifying and posing scientifically oriented questions,


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forming hypotheses, designing and conducting scientific investigations, formulating and revising scientific explanations, and communicating and defending scientific arguments. 2. Analysis Method The descriptive study apply analysis technique. Before, we choose research object, is students science book grade VIII which published by National Education Ministry (Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional). There are two reasons, first, this book are the legal learning resources which has been adapted with the latest curriculum. Basically, the book was developed to response trends in science learning, include science literacy and has been revised in 2014. Second, it is the most common learning resources which freely available in almost government and private school. The population is all af learning materials presented in science book. Directly, sampling technique is total sampling. Further, we arrange list of inquiry aspect indicators refer to inquiry coverage determined by Ong and Borich (2006) cited in National Education Ministry (2014). There are five indicators, book direct students to ; 1) formulating question or hypothesis, 2) collecting data (experiment and reference analysis), 3) drill to analyse and interpret finding, 4) to discuss finding and making conclusion, 5) to reflect toward knowledge found. Procedure of data collection consist of; read chapters, map the subtopic, telly the presence of indicators in each subtopic by using check list, determine the score, confirmation to get expertise agreement coefficient (refer to categories provide by Altman D.G, 1991 cited ini [10]), and determine its percentage. 3. Result and Discussion Table 1 shows score given by researcher toward inquiry aspect contained in eleven chapter of science book grade VIII. Table 1 : Score distribution for inquiry indicator Inquiry Chapter Indicator

% IX






































































75.2 Table 2 shows the agreement coefficient between researcher and expert for judgement score valued toward level of inquiry aspect presence. Scores from researcher are compared to experts score and it can be explained that all of researcher judgement score are relatively similar to experts’ score, therefore, researcher analysis is acceptable judgement. Table 2: Agreement coefficient (KK) for researcher judgement score toward the presence of inquiry aspects Chapter


























Highly agree

Highly agree

Highly agree

Highly agree

Highly agree


Highly agree





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Figure 1 shows that percentage of inquiry aspects present in 11 chapter of science book grade VIII.

Composition of Inquiry Aspect in Science Book Grade VIII 90.9 %


78.8 %

72.7 %


72.7 % 60.6 %

60,0 40,0 20,0


Analysing Formulatin Reflection and g question Gathering Discussion the interpretin or data knowledge g data hypothesis Series1 72,7 90,9 78,8 72,7 60,6

Figure 1. Percentage of presence inquiry aspect in all book chapter.

Figure 2 shows that the presence of inquiry aspect distribute in each book chapter. Five chapters (I-V) presented near to hundreds percent of inquiry aspects. Others four chapters presented more than 50% of inquiry aspect. The last two (chapter IX and XI) contained the smallest percentage, under 45%.

Percentage of Inquiry Aspect (Per Chapter) 100,0 100,0 100,0 93,393,3 73,3 66,7 60,0

53,3 46,7


Figure 2. The proportion of inquiry aspects distribute in each chapter of science book grade VIII 936

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Overall, percentage of inquiry aspect gained 75.2%. It can be stated that science book grade VIII has contained inquiry aspects and relevance to inquiry recommendation in Curriculum 2013. The similar value are shown by aspect formulating question or hypothesis and analysing or interpreting the data, 72.7%. The first inquiry indicators, formulating question or hypothesis, mostly found in the form of question which is answerable by the reader. The questions are commonly dispersed widely in all of chapters’ subtopic. But, this indicator is lesser presented in Chapter VII, VIII. IX, X, and XI. Questioning is important part inquiry learning [4], that is why a book should integrate questioning stimulus adequately. As students seek out evidence to support their inquiry, they are likely to ask and need to answer questions such as these: Why collect data? Who collects data? When should data be collected? What counts as scientific evidence? and How should scientific data be collected and analyzed? The highest percentage of inquiry indicator (second inquiry indicator) is to direct students

collecting data (Figure 1). The possible technique of data collection by students are doing experiment, observing object/phenomena, interview, and literature study [6]. In science book grade VIII, the inquiry indicator mostly stimulated through doing experiment. Deden (2015) support the

inquiry learning emphasize on finding by students. The third indicators, drill to analyse and interpret finding, is relatively less presented in Chapter VII-X. Data interpretation only stimulated through question, not table or diagram. The fourth, discuss the finding and making conclusion is clearly less presented in Chapter IX. Only 4 chapters (I, II, III and V) which stimulate students to discuss the finding. Making decision indicator, present after several practical activity. The smallest percentage is reflection the knowledge, the fifth inquiry indicator. It is clearly seen in Chapter VII, VIII, IX, X, and XII. Based on the pattern of inquiry indicator performed, type of inquiry applied is structured inquiry. The reason is the book provide the question and procedures. The inquiry profile in science book shows relevance with [6] suggestion that structured inquiry is fit fo junior high school because it allow students to develop their ability to inquiry toward the higher level of inquiry, open inquiry. Students books have to propose inquiry and rational thinking, besides the knowledge for cognitive aspects [1]. Students with strong inquiry ability will have more opportunity to complete their science literacy. Different view argued by [2] that Scientific literacy, when it was addressed by teachers, was approached mainly though class discussion, not reading. 4.

Conclusion Overall, percentage of inquiry aspect gained 75.2%. It can be stated that science book grade

VIII has contained inquiry aspects and relevance to inquiry recommendation in Curriculum 2013. The similar value are shown by aspect formulating question or hypothesis and analysing or interpreting the data, 72.7%. The profile of science book grade VIII can be described in two points. Firtsly, it has implemented inquiry aspect at adequate level. The most frequent inquiry indicator is collecting and interpreting data while the least percentage shown by reflection toward finding. The research implied that some improvement needed to direct student develop skill of reflection toward finding. Second, it applied structured inquiry type. However, not all structured inquiry phase presented completely. 5. Acknowledgments The research is tightly contributed by funding from the Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Institution (Kemenristik Dikti). With the kindness of Rector, especially Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) of University of Padang, and Dean of Science and Mathematics Faculty, the researchers have large opportunity to conduct the study. We also thanks to 12 Junior High School in Padang for preparing information in pre-research.


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Adisendjaja, Y I 2007 Analisis Buku Ajar Sains Berdasarkan Literasi Ilmiah Sebagai Dasar Memilih Buku Ajar Sains (Biologi) Makalah. Yang disampaikan pada Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Biologi dan Biologi FPMIPA UPI (Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) [2] Cooper S J 2004 Addressing Scientific Literacy Through Content Area Reading and Processes of Scientific Inquiry What Teacher Reports.Dissertation.( University of Central Florida) [3] Calado, Florbela., Franz and Bogner 2013 A Reflection on Distorted Views of Science and Technology in Science Textbooks as Obstacles to the Improvement of Students’ Scientific Literacy European Journal Of Educational Research. Vol 2 No 2 [4] Direktori Sertifikasi Guru 2012 Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Pendidikan Latihan Profesi Guru. (Online) http://educloud.fkip.unila.ac.id/index.php accessed on 02/08/2016 23:34:31 [5] Erniati 2010 Membangun VOIP Secara Sederhana. Journal Kependidikan Vol 20 No 2 Kemendikbud 2014 Buku Guru Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam untuk SMP/MTS Kelas VIII (Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan) [6] Kemendikbud. 2014. Buku Guru Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam SMP/MTs Kelas VIII. Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. [7] Lukito, D. 2015Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPA Terpadu Berbasis Literasi Sains Bertema Perpindahan Kalor Dalam Kehidupan Unnes Physics Education Journal Vol 3 p 1 [8] OECD 2016 PISA 2015 Assesment and Analytical Framework Science Reading Mathematics and Financial Literacy (Paris: OECD Publishing) [9] Petroselli C L 2008 Science Education Issues and Developments (New York: Nova Science Publisher, Inc) [10] Sudiyatno. 2010. “Pengembangan Model Penilaian Komprehensif Unjuk Kerja Peserta didik Pada Pembelajaran Berbasis Kompetensi di SMK Teknologi Industri”. Disertasi. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.


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The effect of combining classification-based new instruction design, note card and learning material to enhance concept mastering and classification of animalia I Annisaa), S.Saefudin, and B Supriatno Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Classification is one of the higher-order thinking and fundamental cognitive processes. The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of the application of classificationbased new instruction design, note card media and learning materials on mastery of concepts and classification competence. This research uses quantitative approach with the type of research is quasi experimental method and research design is pretest-posttest, nonequivalent multiple-group design, in 3 classes of research with different treatment. The test instrument refers to Bloom's taxonomy and science process skills. Score from pre test and post test are analysed using 2x2 MANOVA and one sample t test. Based on the manova test, the use of media A (note card and teaching materials) yields a larger average value when integrated with method B (presentation), both for concept mastery and classification competence.

1. Introduction Animals or often known as animalia is a study in Biology, in addition to plants and humans. However, based on the review of articles and surveys in the field, many obstacles faced by teachers and students while studying the material animalia itself. In addition to teacher dependence on the use of power points (PPT), another problem is teachers tend to indifference to students' notes whereas the role of the notes in the lesson is very important because the notebook is a "window" to see what students understand and as the thinking tool (Gilbert & Kotelman, 2005) [4]. Moreover, in the book "What works in classroom instruction" (Marzano, et al., 2000) stated that summarizing and taking notes occupy the second position as a good learning strategy after identification of similarities and differences. Other problems in Animalia learning are described in a study that teachers behave negatively to reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates rather than mammals, (Wagler, 2010) [19] and children (especially girls) showed more negative attitudes toward spiders (Prokop & Tunnicliffe, 2008) [15]. There are still pros and cons of using real animals and doing dissection in learning and teaching nationally and internationally (Edwardsa, et, al., 2014) [3]. Beside that, knowledge of the classification of invertebrate animals is still low (Cinici, 2013; Heong, et, al., 2011) [2][6] and more frequently misclassified invertebrates (Prokop, et, al., 2008) [16]. To overcome the above problems, required a learning device in the form of learning media and teaching materials that can replace the function of PPT as well as make students and teachers can learn animalia without fear, without having to perform dissection and the media can be used as note taking tool. And it would be better if the learning media and teaching material can practice the classification competence without disregarding the mastery of student concepts because identify of similarity and 939

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differences is the best strategy of learning (Marzano, et al., 2000) [12]. The suggestion to combine these 2 tools (media and materials) are correspond with a statement that if using only one medium will not affect learning (Thompson, et al., 1992; Clark 1983; in Smaldino, 2002) [17]. Learning media that the researcher intended is a note card. However, the use of learning media in learning can not stand alone. Required an appropriate method or model of learning for the expected competence to advance and generate an effective learning (Smaldino, et, al., 2002) [17]. Based on the preliminary survey, the methods used by teachers in animalia learning are only about lectures, presentations and discussions, no specific learning strategy, even though in fact teachers in schools require new learning innovations. Therefore, through this research, researchers necessary to integrate media and teaching materials in a new instructional design and find out the influence of both on the classification competence and mastery of student concepts. 2. Experimental Method This research uses a quantitative approach with the type of research is quasy experimental. The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Sumedang, Jalan Prabu Geusan Ulun no 39, for approximately 1 month in 3 classes, with total students 101. There are 3 main stages. The preliminary stage includes literature studies and field surveys. The preparation stage consists of three activities, namely the making of note-card, teaching materials and instructional design. In the experimental stage, 3 experimental studies were performed, in a quasiexperimental research, with pretest-posttest, nonequivalent multiple-group design, which did not involve the control group (Wiersma, 2009) [1]. Table 1. Comparison of treatments in 3 experimental classes Class Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3

Pre test O1 O3 O5

Treatment X1 X2 X3

Post test O2 O4 O6

Pretest and post test are conducted to measure the classification competence and mastery of student concepts. Code of X1 is learning using specific strategies (characterizing, comparing, classifying, communicating, concluding, reading, reorganizing and rewriting) assisted note card and learning materials which developed by researchers, X2 is learning using strategies (characterizing, comparing, classifying, communicating, concluding, reading, reorganizing and rewriting) and aided by power point media plus textbook. X3 is learning using presentation method supported note card and learning material. To find out the influence of learning and use of media developed by researcher toward ability of classification and mastery of student concept, quantitative data obtained from pretest-posttest result in 3 experimental group is analyzed quantitatively through MANOVA statistic with SPSS program version 16.0. In this MANOVA test are used 2 independent variables, that are method A, method B, and 2 dependent variables are media A and media B. Method A mean is learning with strategy of characterizing, comparing, classifying, communicating, concluding, reading, reorganizing, and rewriting, method B is learning without strategies of characterizing, comparing, classifying, communicating, concluding, reading, reorganizing, and rewriting. Media A is a note card media and teaching materials, whereas media B is a power point media (PPT) and textbook. 3. Result and Discussion Experimental class 1 uses the Characterizing-Comparing-Classifying-Communicating-ConcludingReading-Reorganizing-Rewriting strategy, aided with note-card media and learning materials. The


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first five phases focus on using note cards while the next 3 stages use the teaching materials at the beginning, then at the end the students record what they have learned on the note cards. In the experimental class 2, the stage implemented is the same as the experimental class 1, namely Characterizing-Comparing-Classifying-Communicating-Concluding-Reading-ReorganizingRewriting, which in first five phases operate PPT and 3 stages later use textbook. And then, student note taking on book. In the experimental class 3, applied presentation methods are integrated with the note cards and learning materials as class 1. Application of note card and learning material are complement each other. The learning steps in the experiment class 3 is more simple than class 1 and 2, namely discussions, presentations and reinforcements by the teacher. For note taking, student write on note card same as class 1. To know the effect of combination all the learning device in animalia learning, can be found out in following. 3.1. Multivariate test From multivariate test, we can determine whether the learning method and the learning media have the same capability in influencing the mastery of concepts and classifications or not. Table 2. Result of multivariate test on manova test Effect Learning (method A&B) Media of learning (media A&B)

Wilks’ Lambda Wilks’ Lambda







Partial eta squared 0,069





In Table 2, significance values for each of independent variables are smaller than the 0.05 significance level, it can concluded that the learning and learning media used have an effect on the concept mastering and the students' classification competence. Hence, Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Based on a research, lesson design was significantly correlated with levels of technology use and lesson implementation was significantly correlated with levels of technology use. And then teachers’ beliefs about effective ways of teaching (conceptions) was significantly correlated with technology integration practices (Kim, et al., 2013) [11]. 3.2. Between subject effect test From this test we will find out difference between variable from significance value Table 3. Result of between-subject effect test on manova test Source Learning (method A&B) Media of learning (media A&B)

Dependent variable Concept mastering Classification competence Concept mastering Classification competence

Mean squares 428,790 107,911




1 1

6,625 1,147

0,012 0,287

Partial Eta squared 0,063 0,012

842,857 615,846

1 1

13,023 6,547

0,000 0,012

0,117 0,063

If we notice the learning column in the Table 3, Significance value of mastery of the concept is smaller than the 0.05 level of significance, while the Sig value of the classification is greater. It can be concluded that the learning is only significantly different in the mastery of the concept, not for classification. In other words, implementation strategy of characterizing, comparing, classifying,


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communicating, concluding, reading, reorganizing, rewriting and without strategy of characterizing, comparing, classifying, communicating, concluding, reading, reorganizing, rewriting, in this case presentation method, only differ significantly on concept mastery. Regarding to instructional design, McArdle (1991 in Ozdilek & Ozkan, 2009) [14] reported that an efficient instructional design greatly increases students’ success. Thus, if the learning stages are too many, it can make the learning inefficient and give negative impact to expected competence. Nevertheless, in the learning media column, the Sig value of the conceptual and classification variable are smaller than the 0.05 level of significance. Thus, the learning media (note card and PPT) used are significantly different both on mastery of concept and classification competence. The use of visual media in learning is supported by research that through visual materials, the level of student attention and significantly improve student retention and understanding (Paivio, 1971, 1986; Dwyer & Baker, 2001; Carney & Levin, 2002; Hoban & Ormer, 1970; Katsioloudis, 2007 in Newby et, al., 2011) [13]. However, researchers have not found a study that examine the effect of media on classification competence. But, in this research, significantly difference of classification competence because supported by appearance of note card media. 3.3. Estimated marginal To find out which learning and learning media make mastery of concept and classification is higher, it is necessary to do post hoc test. Nevertheless, the test can not be performed. But, we can find out in the Table 4, the result of estimated marginal means. Table 4. Result of estimated marginal on manova test Dependent Media of Learning Mean variable learning Media A Method A 76,471 Concept Method B 81,613 mastering Media B Method A 69,528 Method B * Media A Method A 75,324 Classification Method B competence 77,903 Media B Method A 69,389 Method B *

Std Error 1,380 1,445 1,341 . 1,663 1,742 1,616 .

From the Table 4, using of media A (note card and teaching material) yields a larger average value than PPT when integrated with method B (presentation), both for concept mastery (M = 81,613) and classification (M = 77,903). In research paper Halley, et, al., (2013) [5] say that a collaborative learning technique, such as discussion and presentation method, challenge students to become actively involved in the learning process through shared responsibility with classmates. Choe and Drennan (2001, in Halley, et, al., 2013) [5] found that the cooperative learning approach helpful and believed make a better understanding of the course material. In addition, when the learning is supported by note card media, students are encouraged to note taking. Based on the review conducted by Graham & Hebert (2011) [8] through metaanalysis research, it is explained that “writing about material read enhances reading comprehension, as 94% of studies produced a positive ES (effect size)”. Furthermore, when the learning is assisted with learning materials, students' cognitive loads are reduced because the concept in it is not as much as common textbooks (Kim, et al., 2016) [10]. And then, when reinforcement that carried out by the teacher interspersed with the presentation by students, it has potential to keeps the students' concentration awake, since students have the opportunity to move their body to note taking. Brain research confirm that physical activity can enhance learning process (Jensen, 2000) [9]. The use of media note cards also make students indirectly carry out activity of identify similarities and differences, that affect the classification competence. 942

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Regarding power point media, Szabo and Hasting (2000) [18] found little effect of Power Point on students’ achievement. 3.4. One sample t test One sample t test is carried out to compare students value with standard value (KKM). For this test, the researcher uses a one-tailed hypothetical hypothesis. Table 5. Comparison of T test results in 3 experimental classes Class Experiment class 1 Experiment class 2 Experiment class 3

X science 4 X science 6 X science 5

One sample t test t hitung Sig. (2-tailed) 1,108 0,276 -4,300 0,000 4,182 0,000

Based on the output of one-sample t test in the experimental class 1, sig.value is larger than 0.05, so that hypothesis H0 is accepted. It can be said that the average value of post test students ≤ 75. However, the one-sample t test output in the experimental class 2 and 3 obtain sig.value is smaller than 0,05. Then hypothesis H0 rejected or Ha accepted. Therefore it can be said that the average value of post test students in experimental class 2 and 3 > 75. Explanation of the results of manova and one sample t test before, correspond with questionnaire that given to the students, as follows. 3.5. Questionnaire The following is supporting data about the students' assessment regarding the learning and learning media used

Figure 4 & 5. Assessment of students on learning media (right) and learning method (left) Figure 4 illustrates the students' assessment toward the learning media and the learning materials used. It can be noticed that the students in the experimental class 1 & 3, which use the note-card media and teaching materials mostly give score 3 on the learning media used. It means, the students in class 1 & 3 assume the use of learning media note card and teaching materials in learning animalia is highly recommended. This is different from the experiment 2 class that majority gives score 2 and 1 to the power point media (PPT) and textbook. Based on the figure 5, students in 3 experimental classes respond positively to the instructional design that is implemented. This is evident from the absence of students who give score 1. However, from all experimental classes, the students in the experimental class 1, who studied with specific learning strategies, namely Characterizing-Comparing-Classifying-Communicating-ConcludingReading-Reorganizing- Rewriting, along with experiment class 3 using presentation method, give the most score 3, or excellent although both are treated differently. 943

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So that, it indicate that appropriate media selection needs to be considered (Gillespie & Spirt,

1973) [7]. 4. Conclusion The combination of classification-based new instructional design with media note card and learning material is not as good as presentation methods integrated with note cards and learning material. However, a lesson that is integrated with a learning media affects the mastery of concepts and classification competence. 5. Acknowledgments Thank you for my lecturers (Mr Saefudin and Mr Bambang Supriatno) who provided insight and guidance that greatly assist the researcher. I am also immensely grateful to my family and friends for the support. 6. References [1] Wiersma W and Jurs G S 2009 Research Methods in Education-An Introduction (United States of America, USA: Pearson Education) [2] Cinici A 2013 International Journal of Environmental & Science, 8 pp 645-661 [3] Edwardsa A, Jonesa S, Birdb F and Parry L 2014 International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education 22(2) pp 35-54 [4] Gilbert J and Kotelman M 2005 NSTA Science and Children pp 28-32 [5] Halley J, Heisermann C, Felix V, and Eshleman A 2013 Learning Communities Research and Practice 1(3) pp 1-20 [6] Heong M Y, et al 2011 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity 1(2) pp 121-125 [7] Gillespie T and Spirt L D 1973 Creating a school media program (New York & London: A Xerox Education Company) [8] Graham S and Hebert M 2011 Harvard Educational Review 81(4) pp 710-744 [9] Jensen E 2000 Educational Leadership 58(3) pp 34- 37 [10] Kim S, Lim S, Kim E and Yang I 2016 Universal Journal of Educational Research 4(3) pp 570-575 [11] Kim C M, Kim M K, Lee C, Spector M, and DeMeester K 2013 Teaching and Teacher Education, 29 76-85 [12] Marzano R, Gaddy B and Dean C 2000 What works in classroom instruction (United of States: McREL) [13] Newby J T, Stepich A D, Lehman D J and Russell D J 2011 Educational Technology for teaching and learning fourth edition (New Jersey USA: Pearson Prentice Hall) [14] Ozdilek Z and Ozkan M 2009 The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 8(1) 8496 [15] Prokop P and Tunnicliffe S D 2008 Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education 4(2) pp 87-97 [16] Prokop P, Prokop M and Tunnicliffe S D 2008 International Journal of Science Education 30(4) 431–449 [17] Smaldino E S, Russell D J, Heinich R and Molenda M 2002 Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning 7th edition (New Jersey: Pearson Education) [18] Szabo A and Hastings N 2000 Computers and Education 35 175–187 [19] Wagler R 2010 International Journal of Environmental & Science 5(3) pp 353-375


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Detail engineering design (DED) in STEM learning at high school science class A Arlingga1,a), A Widodo1, Zulheri2, S Rahayu1, Y I Shofwati1 1

Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 Departemen Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Bengkulu, Jl. W. R. Supratman, Kandang Limun, Muara Bangka Hulu, Bengkulu, Bengkulu 38371, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. STEM learning is not only significantly strengthening educational praxis in the STEM fields separately, but also develop an educational approach that integrates science, technology, engineering and mathematics education with process focusing on solving real problems in everyday life as well as professional lives. DED is a form of designing a project in the architecture, and in this study, DED is inserted in STEM learning that has design process contained in it. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that aims to demonstrate how STEM learning that focuses on the design of the DED is occurred and performed on small samples that grade in school Indonesia at science lessons. The study participants were students from the eighth grade in Bandung, Indonesia. The STEM learning will be taught by their teacher and researcher will become an observer to observe the course of STEM learning. Observation of activities undertaken in the form DED process consisting of design 2D drawings, design drawings P&ID, create a RAB and Create a RKS; and learning activities record in the form is video. The results of this research is a result of design DED made the study participants to create a product.

1. Introduction The 2013 curriculum launched by the Government of Indonesia will not be able to overcome the problems of quality and quantity of Indonesian human resources with global competitiveness, if not systematically prepare them to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes set forth in the 21 st century workplace. The objectives of the 2013 curriculum will be realized when accompanied by STEM-based education in the classroom, because the vision of the 2013 curriculum is to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by the 21st century workplace is closely related to that embodied in STEM Learning [1,2,3,4]. English [5,6] also said that there is growing concern in the international world today, in order to develop STEM education to prepare students with scientific and technologically advanced character in society. And also according to Becker [7] that students need STEM knowledge to be ready for college and work. In addition, according to Bybee & Feinstein [7] today, the world is changing rapidly, so the development of the ability to apply STEM knowledge to personal and environment must be done immediately. To fix this problem, education with the STEM approach can be key to creating the next generation of nation that can compete in the global arena. And also according to the experts that science education, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is important in the current education trend [8,9,10,11]. Therefore, STEM Learning needs to be a framework for the future education process in Indonesia although the discipline and career associated with STEM has not become something of 945

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interest to American students who are the originators of the STEM, so that the crisis of workers in STEM field, nationally has been felt [12,13,1,14]. STEM is an acronym of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The word STEM was launched by the US National Science Foundation in the 1990s as the theme of the educational reform movement in all four disciplines to foster the labor force of the STEM fields, as well as develop STEM-literate citizens, and enhance US global competitiveness in science and technology innovation [15], thus impacting the number of teacher education programs in the United States focusing on quality teaching-learning programs and integrating STEM [15] disciplines. In learning STEM, there is an Engineering process which means knowledge and skills [3] or according to Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology [9] Engineering is a profession where knowledge of mathematics and nature is acquired by learning, experience, and Practices applied with consideration to develop ways that utilize the economic and natural forces for the benefit of mankind. And also Dugger [16] says that technology and engineering have a strong relationship. Supports the previous question [17,18,19], Bryan et al [17], Lucas et al [18], Next Generation Science Standards [19] say that engineering design and thinking, is recognized as a major component of K-12 engineering education. And according to the US Department of Education [20] noted that one of the objectives of K-12 education, to avoid decreasing STEM So when drawn the conclusion of some questions above, that in STEM there is a technology created that always depends on engineering (design) and Designing is essential in making a product [20], and also by Krajcik [20] Plan is a unique way of thinking and is very important for students in this society. Please note that in research Adams et al [21] state universities have been working with natural schools related to K-12 relationships and students. So in 2015, in research conducted by English and King explained that to apply STEM education discipline must be in the learning process, students are involved in the design process or redesign and eventually produce a product model aircraft with varying degrees of sophistication. Similarly, Krajick's research [20], Krajick said that design or plan is the main idea in STEM learning and also Krajick says that design / planning will involve learners in finding solutions to problems. However, the problem solved in this research is still very simple goal is to design a tool to light the bulb, or hear the bell rang. When examined, that in the two studies above is not clear and not yet specification of what kind of design is used and good design in STEM learning and also the products produced by the two studies above have not touched with the social realm that is able to be useful for the community. So the goal of STEM education is one of them is to create acitizens who are literate STEM not yet achieved [15], but that is achieved only individuals who are literate STEM. Therefore, it is indispensable learning that produces a product in which students can be a solution in society. Therefore, it is important to understand how students learn the concept of engineering design and subsequent instructional interventions aimed at improving their performance also depends on understanding how experts in various engineering disciplines solve engineering problems [22]. According to Munro [23] Detail design and engineering is a well-designed, plan design and if Detail Engineering Design follows a process that requires conceptual design, design and detail of the embodiment of the design and, when professionally performed, ultimately results in solutions/ products designed Well [24]. So, in this research we try a design called Detail Engineering Design to be implemented in STEM learning to know how the student's engineering stage in learning. 2. Experimental Method This study belongs to a descriptive study, which describes the overall natural condition in learning based on STEM learning. The study in this study is a natural condition that occurs in the classroom, not a treatment because there is no control that binds this learning. The learning on the research aims to see the cause of the consequences that occur so this research becomes intact, not just see the condition of the beginning and end only. With this research design is expected to get a picture of the Detail Engineering Design students ninth grade at junior high school in learning based on STEM 946

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Learning on Application of Eco-Friendly Technology. Participants in this study involved students of Junior High School Laboratorium Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in ninth grade. Number of junior high school students amounted to 22 people. In addition, Subject teachers are also involved in this research to familiarize STEM-based learning in this class. This research, will pass 4 stages of research such as: 1. Preparations phase This research begins with the preparation phase by identifying the problem to be studied. This preparatory stage is divided into two general stages, namely literature study and field study. This literature study was conducted by conducting studies on research journals of the series. It aims to obtain a picture of the development of variables in research that has been done. During the study phase of the literature conducted correspondence with expert lecturers. Furthermore, field studies were conducted with a survey to teachers at high schools in Bandung who are willing to be participants in this study. Teacher survey activities conducted to determine the population and sample research, obtain information about the material to be discussed in the classroom, adjusting the time of research data with material submitted in accordance semester program. After the teacher survey activity, the teachers get training on ways and strategies to familiarize STEM learning in the classroom. Furthermore, teachers draw up the design of learning activities that familiarize with STEM learning. With the preparation stage and theoretical studies, determined the type of data needed in answering the formulation of the proposed problem. In this study, data collection is done through information derived from student performance questionnaires. Furthermore, an instrument comprising includes student performance questionnaires. Student performance questionnaire instrument that will be prepared will see how the students' performance in designing a product to be made. 2.

Implementation phase In the implementation stage, students who attend are given problems to solve in the form of making a technology product that is environmentally friendly. Students are then given STEMbased learning habits with group discussion methods, Q & A, and design a DED-based product for 2 x 40 minutes. During the activity, the observer wrote field notes that occurred during STEM-based learning habits, whether conducted by teachers or by students. In addition to writing field notes, observers also interpret the field notes, whether the activities that occur during the habitation of STEM-based learning that becomes essential and support the establishment of the expected learning atmosphere. In the following week, students are provided with STEM-based learning habits with the method of creating a DED-based product design and result of product.


Analysis phase In the analysis stage, all of data during in implementation phase are analysed. The analysis obtained is the result of product quality analysis of the students on STEM learning.


Write phase The last stage in this research is the writing phase of research report.

3. Result and Discussion 3.1. Quality of Detail Engineering Design’s student Classification of Detailed Engineering Design about design of eco-friendly tool making is analyzed based on Munro's [23] theory of Detail Engineering Design which states that DED is a well-designed design, plan, specification and estimation so that DED covers several things, that is : (1) there are 2D images, (2) there are P & ID images, (3) there are work plans and requirements, and (4) there is a draft budget. 947

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In this study, students will do learning activities with STEM-based learning brought by science subjects teachers. In this learning the students will do DED activities. By doing DED activities, teachers and students have been confirmed to have STEM learning activities, because in this activity, there are STEM learning stages in the form of delivery of science materials on environment-friendly themes, introduction and introduction of technology concepts used in learning, doing activities Designing (engineering) using DED type engineering, and doing mathematical activities in the form of measurement, addition, scale reduction and others. As Hanover pointed out in his research [15] that STEM is an acronym of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The result of classification of Detail Engineering Design by students is presented in Figure 4.1. Indicates that the DED process that is part of the STEM learning process has been implemented with very good category with the percentage of 90.25%

120 100 100


80 82

79 60 40 20 0 Desain 2D

Desain P&ID



Figure 1. Main of DED (Detail Engineering Design) are two dimension design (2D), piping & instrument diagram design (P&ID), estimate of cost (RAB), and work plan (RKS).

3.2 Result of 2D design The learning process that gave rise to 2D design activities is the first learning process in the process of DED activities in STEM learning. So that both teachers and students still look very confused what to do. This cannot be separated from less time lesson is 120 minutes, so in the stage of explanation of the theory of lessons and explanations of things to be done in DED activities, teachers seem impressed rush and pursue time. The learning process begins with implementing the 2D design stage of drawing a product design or a tool with a two-dimensional drawing model. In this case, 2D design is the ability of students in drawing design according to the original size that has been reduced according to the calculation of each student is not seen in terms of aesthetics. Based on Figure 4.2 shows that the percentage of the average design of 2D students in a good categorized group is 79%. 3.3 Result of P&ID design The learning process that gave rise to the P & ID design activities is the learning process done after completion of the first stage in the DED activities process in STEM learning. In the second stage, students should be easier in drawing P & ID designs, because in drawing P & ID only based on 2D design and only changing the shape of each material into P & ID symbol form. However, due to the lack of time in the DED process, students appear to be in a hurry in pursuing all DED activities including the depiction of P & ID design. Based on Figure 4.3 shows that the average percentage of P & ID designs grouped in a very good category is 100%. 948

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3.4 Result of cosy estimate In the third process, followed by carrying out the design stage of budget cost is to design a budget to make a product. In this case, RAB is the student's ability to calculate the budget spent in buying the materials used in making the desired product. At this stage, students appear to have difficulties in designing the necessary budget. In addition to very little time in completing all the DED stages including the RAB stage, students also look very hard at performing math calculations for their cost budget design. Based on Figure 4.4 shows that the average percentage of RAB students in a group categorized either 82% 3.5 Result of work plan In the fourth process, followed by carrying out the design stage of RKS is designing work plans and requirements in making the product. In this case, RKS is the ability of students in predicting and setting standards in making a product or tool. At this stage, students also appear to have difficulties in plotting the Work Plan in making the product to be created and determining the terms as the standard in making the product. In addition to the time at the end of the lesson very little and also the students look very difficult in predicting things done in making products or tools. Even so, the average percentage of observation result of student activity making process in student group is very good, that is 100%. 4. Conclusion The results showed that all of DED’s characters have been understood by students. It can be seen, main of DED’s categories have very good with 90.25% percent. 5. Acknowledgments The authors acknowledged to Mr. Dr. Ari Widodo, M.Ed. as my adviser and also acknowledgments for my motivator is ZulHeri, M.Pd.Si. and also acknowledgments for Septri Rahayu and Yayan Inayah Shofwati. 6. References [1] Cachaper C, Spielman L J, Soendergaard B D, Dietrich C B, Rosenzweig M, Tabor L, and Fortune, J C 2008 Universities as Catalysts for Community Building among Informal STEM educators: The Story of POISED. Paper Presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference [2] Cullum J, Childress V, Dorward J, Hailey C, Householder D, & Maurizio D, 2007 Infusing engineering design into the technology education curriculum professional development model. Unpublished internal research report. NCETE [3] Firman H 2015 Pendidikan Sains Berbasis STEM: Konsep, Pengembangan dan Peranan Riset Pascasarjana. Bogor Seminar Nasional Pendidikan IPA dan PKLH Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pakuan. [4] Hynes M M and Santos A D 2007 Effective teacher professional development. Middle school engineering content. International Journal of Engineering Education 23(1) 24–29 [5] English L D 2016 STEM education K-12 perspectives on integration. English International Journal of STEM Education 3(3) 1-8 [6] English L D and King D T 2015 STEM learning through engineering design. fourth-grade students’ investigations in aerospace. International Journal of STEM Education 2(14) 1-18 [7] Becker K and Park K 2011 Effects of integrative approaches among science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects on students’ learning: A preliminary metaanalysis. Journal of STEM Education 12 5-6 [8] Berlin D F and Lee H 2005 Integrating science and mathematics education. Historical analysis. School Science and Mathematics 105(1) 15–24 949

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[10] [11] [12]



[15] [16] [17]

[18] [19] [20]


[22] [23]

Kuenzi J J 2008 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education. Background. federal policy, and legislative action. Congressional Research Service Report for Congress (RL33434) Reiss M and Holman J 2007 S-T-E-M working together for schools and colleges 1–8. The Royal Society State Educational Technology Directors Association 2008 Science, Technology, Engineering & math. Glen Burnie. MD. Author. Apedoe X S, Reynolds B, Ellefson M R, and Schunn C D 2008 Bringing engineering design into high school science classrooms. The heating/cooling unit. Journal of science education and technology 17(5) 454–465 Basalyga S 2003 Student interest in engineering is on decline. Daily Journal of Commerce. Retrieved Feb 24. 2017 from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_ qn4184/is_20030611/ai_n1004581/ Lam P, Doverspike D, Zhao J, Zhe J, and Menzemer C 2008 An evaluation of a STEM program for middle school students on learning disability related IEPs. Journal of STEM education 9(1&2) 21–29 Hanover Research 2011 K-12 STEM education overview Dugger W E 2010 Evolution of STEM in the United States. Virginia Tech Bryan L A, Moore T J, Johnson C C, and Roehrig G H 2015 Integrated STEM education. In Johnson C C, Peters-Burton E E, and Moore T J. STEM roadmap A framework for integration pp. 23–37 London Taylor & Francis. Lucas B, Claxton G, and Hanson J 2014 Thinking like an engineer: implications for the education system. Royal Academy of Engineers Next Generation Science Standards 2014 Krajcik J and Delen I 2016 How to support learners in developing usable and lasting knowledge of STEM. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology 5(1) 21-28. DOI:10.18404/ijemst.16863 Adams A E, Miller B G, Saul M, and Pegg J 2014 Supporting Elementary Pre-Service Teachers to Teach STEM Through Place-Based Teaching and Learning Experiences. Electronic Journal of Science Education 18(5) 1-22 Dixon R A 2014 Selected Core Thinking Skills and Cognitive Strategy of an Expert and Novice Engineer. Journal of STEM Teacher Education 48(1) 36-67 Munro A and Sandy 1995 Is Your Design A Life Sentemce?. Ohio Penton Publishing

[24] Http://www.projen.co.uk/info-centre/why-is-detailed-design-engineering-important/ accessed at 10th February 2017.


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Appropriate product in STEM learning at junior high school A Arlingga1,a), A Widodo1, Zulheri2, N P Hikmatunisa1, Y I Shofwati1 1

Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 Departemen Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Bengkulu, Jl. W. R. Supratman, Kandang Limun, Muara Bangka Hulu, Bengkulu, Bengkulu 38371, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Based on Curriculum 2013, students are required to be active in learning, aware with the situations and can be a solver problem in the environment. To be a solver problem, it can occur in many ways, one of them is making appropriate technology product, that defined as a product which is environmentally friendly. In addition, materials that used in technology are relatively simple, inexpensive and readily available. In this study, Appropriate Technology Product is a variable in the STEM learning. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that aims to demonstrate how the products produced by STEM learning. The participants were students from the eighth grade in Bandung, Indonesia. The STEM learning will be taught by their teacher and researcher becomes observer in this study. Observation focused on the assessment of products and learning activities in the form of video recording. The result of this study is following the characteristics of Appropriate Technology Product.

1. Introduction Many modern lives changing as a result of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) that steadily accumulates. In recent years, policy makers, researchers, and educators have focused on the STEM field to pursuing the demands of digital era. To prepare that, Indonesia government arranged curriculum 2013 to get higher quality and quantity of human resources since young age, it can be seen by the demands of curriculum which is create people who productive, innovative and creative [1]. STEM field is include science as one of the subject that learned to achieve deepness of the understanding, Chiappeta [2] said that there are four ways to learn science; 1) science in the view of thinking, 2) science in the view of investigating, 3) science in the view of knowledge, 4) science in the view of interaction either technology or society. Creating science product that notice technology and society it can find in appropriate technology product, that defined as a technology that meet with social necessary, can solve the problem, environmentally friendly, useful, easier to maintain by society and resulting additional value in economy and environment aspects [3]. Hence, this study if focus on STEM field that create appropriate technology product that can be a solution to solve the problem that exist in the surrounding, can be an applicative learning and also cntextualize the activity in STEM learning. 2. Experimental Method This study is aimed to investigate current situation of appropiate technology product through STEM learning. Based on this aim, descriptive study method is used to investigate problems and explain why something is occurred. There was no given treatment or manipulation on object research. Instead, natural setting condition is captured as report [4]. Research design is Non-experimental design with 951

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natural descriptive design is used in this research as purposed to provide a description of phenomena. Current situation of research variables are elaborated descriptively and classified based on its types, characteristics or condition, then draw into conclusion [4]. Participants involved in this study are the students in one of Junior High School, 9th grade in Bandung. The Number of participants amounted to 22 students. In addition, Subject teachers are also involved in this research to familiarize STEM-based learning in this classroom. There are 4 stages to implement this study: a. Preparation stage In this stage, researcher focused on all of the preparation to conduct and support the research. The activities consist of several steps, they are: 1. Conducting literature research. This part is an initial step to gain actual information related to the theories and research problems. These data could be taken from compatible resources, such as the latest books, journals, articles, and etc. 2. Choose the topic for implementing research. After did literature review and analyze some sources, the topic has been choosing to begin the topic of this study 3. Determine the school as the place to conduct the research. Finding the school that has the similar problem with the topic 4. Contact the schools and science teacher 5. Make a permission letter 6. Conducting prior study 7. Determine the research sample as convenience class based on school 8. Construct and justify the instruments. b. Implementation Stage This is the plan process of data collecting in the school, when the treatments to students’ are implemented. 1. Administration of the instrument 2. Conduct this study 3. The teacher taught the student 4. Researcher observe the stuation in the classroom 5. Do the data analysis. In the analysis stage, all of data during in implementation stages are analysed. The analysis obtained is the result of product quality analysis of the students on STEM learning. 6. Draw conclusion 7. Give suggestion for further research 8. Consult it with the lecture.

3. Result and Discussion In this research the researcher provides the result and discussion of the present study, there will be data analysis and present some result of research instrument of Technology Appropriate Product 3.1

Quality of Appropriate Product that created by student

Result of quality Appropriate Product which created by student can be seen at table 1.


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Table 1. Criteria and result of Appropriate Product’s Quality Team 1 Criteria of Appropriate Product Student’s answer Appropiate technology with necessary Yes, because the quality of water in environment still much of community dirty. The technology can solve problems in Yes, because it can change from dirty water into pure water community The technology will not damage the Yes, because it made using material that environmentally environment friendly The technology has benefit and easy Yes, using filter that have made by me. to use by society The technology has additional value Yes, because it can help people by selling to other people that both economics or environment need pure water. aspect

Related with Table 1. It was found that the tools made by 1st group have met all criteria of the tools that are technologically appropriate. However, the explanation of students related to water purifier based on technology appropriate product is still not enough. As with the third criteria, the students should explain in more detail, it can be the instruction factor, tools and materials and produce waste or not.However, students have understood that one of the factors of water purifier,do not damage the environment because the materials they used in making the water purifier are environmentally friendly materials. Thus, on the fourth criterion, the students are able to know that the water purifier has benefits and it is easy to use in society. However, the explanation expressed by 1st group on the fourth criterion the answer is still not enough, it should be answer the way how the tools work that make the users easy using the water purifier. Table 2. Criteria and result of Appropriate Product’s Quality Team 2 Criteria of Appropriate Product Student’s answer Appropiate technology with necessary Yes, because still many people that use dirty water in their of community daily life, hence this water purifier is still needed. The technology can solve problems in Yes, because it is really help the society community The technology will not damage the Yes, because it help dirty water becoming pure water environment The technology has benefit and easy It is really to used, with filtering the dirt in water with dakron, to use by society sand, charcoal and fiber The technology has additional value This tool can result the money (economic aspect) because it both economics or environment can sell to others aspect

Reffers to Table 2. It was found that the tools made by 2 nd group have met all criteria of tools that are technologically appropriate. However, students' explanations regarding water purifiers based on technology appropriate products are still not enough explanation. As with the second criterion of appropriate technology, on the second criterion should students explain in more detail, such as the factors of the tools to overcome the problems in the society. For example, it produces pure water. Thus, on the fourth criterion, students should also explain in more detail the factors that make the 2nd groups’ water purifier not detrimental to the environment, whether the user's mode of factors, the tools and materials used, and whether or not to produce waste. However, students have understood one of the factors of water purifier that they make is not damaging the environment that is the product of clean water result of 2nd group that is pure water.


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Table 3. Criteria and result of Appropriate Product’s Quality Team 3 Criteria of Appropriate Product Student’s answer The technology that appropriate with His tool can cange the dirty water into clean and pure water, necessary of community hence, it can use by society The technology can clear problems in Yes, water needed in the dry season because the amount water community would be decrease, the benefit came by the present of this tool. The technology is not damage the No, this tool made with easy and simple environment Yes, use container and make hole in the container and put the The technology is has benefit and tube inside, inside the container put the sand and small stone easy to use by people as filter water. The technology is has value-added It can result money, because the tool made with really simple, from economics and environment the impact is many society will use this tool. aspect

Reffers to Table 3. It was found that the tools made by 3rd group have met all criteria of technology appropriate product. However, the explanation of students related to water purifier based on products is still not enough explanation. In the second criterion, the students should explain causing factors, such as: the tool made by the student is able to solve the problem, but the explanation given relate to the water dryness factor so it is less precise explanation given from the 3rd group. in the 3rd criterion, students should explain the factors that cause the purifier not to damage the environment, but the 3rd group explains the difficulty level in making the tools they make, so the explanation they give related criteria 3rd is not appropriate. And on the fourth criterion, the students are able to know that the water purifier has benefits and is easy for the community to use. However, the explanation expressed by team 3 on the fourth criterion is still not close to the right answer, 3rd group should explain how tools’ work easily.

4. Conclusion The results showed that all of product that created has been matched with criteria of appropriate product. Although, the explanation from all group were not matched but the explanation has not influence to the assessment research. 5. Acknowledgments The authors acknowledged to Mr. Dr. Ari Widodo, M.Ed. as my adviser and also acknowledgments for my motivator is Zul Heri, M.Pd.Si, Nenden Permas Hikmatunisa as one of my best partner and the last acknowledgments for Yayan Inayah. 6. References [1] Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 68 tahun 2013 tentang Kerangka dasar dan struktur kurikulum sekolah menengah pertama/madrasah tsanawiyah [2] Chiappetta, E.L. &Koballa T.R. (2010). Science Instruction in The Middle and Secondary Schools: Developing Fundamental Knowledge And Skills. United State of America: Pearson Education Inc. [3] Peraturan Menteridalam Negeri Nomor 20 tahun 2010 tentang Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pengelolaan Teknologi Tepat Guna. [4] Arikunto, S. (2010). Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.


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Implementation of problem-based learning approach to improve student’s academic achievement on the topic of electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions at vocational school R S Syaadaha), W Wahyu, and Kurnia Departemen Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of Problem-based Learning (PBL) to improve student’s academic achievement whom studying about electrolyte and non-electrolye solutions. This study was conducted as a pre-experiment method with one group pre-test post-test design. Subject of this study consisted of 30 students in the class X one of the vocational school in Bandung. The data of this study collected by test and questionnaires. Academic Achievement changes is calculated based on differences between score pre-test and post-test using N-gain formula, the data that have been processed then analyzed descriptively. Results showed that academic achievment of students has increased indicated by the value of N-gain (0,667).Students of high group (N-gain = 0,76) has greater academic achievement than medium and low group. Based on the findings, it was recommended that PBL can be used in various learning of other chemical topics that have suitabilitycharacteristics between learning materials with PBL stages to develop academic achievment of students.

1. Introduction In recent learning approach believed can affect students activities in the process of teaching and learning, therefore research on learning approach continues to be developed by educational experts. Thus aligned with Sanjaya's opinion [15], which states that a learning goal can be achieved effectively and efficiently with implementation a supports of learning approach. Grady [3] stated that PBL has been widely recognized as one of the approach for effective learning. PBL is a learning approach that has the characteristics to solve problems in daily life, these characteristics make students learn more actively while developing their potential [18]. PBL is also one of learning approach based on contructivism theory. Problem solving activity in PBL can enhance students high-level understanding and thinking skills on learning a material [13]. Chemical learning in general still done conventionally, therefore it is often bored in addition chemistry is also considered as difficult lesson [10]. PBL is a solution for that problem has mentioned because PBL is one of the student-centered learning approach, in PBL students are divided into several small groups who are required to find solutions through discussions surrounding phenomena related with the material they are studying. Implementation of the PBL provides an opportunity for students to explore their abilities during the learning activities [2]. Futher more [1] explained that the activity provides a separate experience for students to be actively involved problem solving activities during learning process.


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Related research about PBL has been done (5, 11, 17, 18 , 20, 21, 22, 3, 6, 1, 2) their studies showed that the implementation of PBL influences students' activities that have an impact on the mastery concept changes, creativity development, and their attitude as significant. Th effect of PBL on student's academic achievement on acid-base material has been conducted [21].The results showed that the students' learning achievement of the experimental class using PBL had a significant improvement than students of control class. Based on his results, [21] suggested that research on PBL should be done more broadly by used PBL as an approach that can develop and improve academic achievement. It is an opportunity for researchers to conduct a research on the implementation of PBL to improve student achievement on the topic of electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions at vocational school. The formulation of the problem to be studied in this study is "How Implementation of Problem Based Learning to Improve Students Academic Achievementon the Topic of Electrolyte and NonElectrolyteat Vocational School?". These general issues are outlined into several specific study questions as below: 1. How the enhancement academic achievement of high, middle and low grade students through the PBL model on the topics of electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions at vocational school? 2. What is the student's response about implementation of PBL on the topics of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions at vocational school? The purpose of this research is to analyze the implementation of PBL to improve student's academic achievement on the topic of electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions at vocational school. 2. Experimental method This study conducted as pre-experiment method with one group pre-test post-test design. Design of research is a plan or strategy in conducting a research [24]. Furthermore [14] describe the purpose of the design of research are; providing to answers the research questions and controlling variance. The subject consisted of 30 students in the class X one of the vocational school in Bandung,they are is studying electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions. The data on this study colleted by test and questionnaires. Academic Achievement changes is calculated based on differences between score pretest and post-test using N-gain formula. N-gain was obtained from the calculation then translated according to criteria proposed [12] as below: Table 1. N-Gain Score Classification N-Gain Score N-Gain > 0.70 0.30 < N-Gain > 0.70 N-Gain < 0.30

Interpretation High Medium Low

Student responses on the application of PBL in learning activities obtained through a questionnaires consisting of 10 items. Intrepretation students response percentage according to[19] is shown in the following table: Table2. Interpretation of Student Responses on Questionnaires Precentage (%) 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 956

Interpretation Very Low Low Medium Strong Very Strong

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The initial stage of this study started by giving the students a pre-test of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions, the question of pre-test is15 questions of multiple choice. 15 items test is devided to four concept, are : electrolyte and non-electrolyte, classification of strong and weak electrolyte solution, degrees of dissosiation and ionization reaction. Thus questions before being given to the subjects was first validated by 5 expert judgments who work as lecturers and senior chemistry teachers, based on the validation obtained that the questions is valid. The questions was tested on 30 students of class XI who have done learning about electrolyte and non-electrolyte solution to test the reliability of questions. Reliability question is calculated by using the Cronbach Alpha, based on the calculation obtained questions reliabilityis 0.82 it is indicated that the questions has a high level of reliability. The second stage of this study is implement PBL in learning. Furthermore, in the final stages of this study, students are given a post-test to measure their potential development and lastly students are given a questionnaires. Quesioner is containing the students responses about the implementation of PBL in learning, thus devided into three indicators are is shown in the following table: Table3. Indicators of Each Items on Questionnaires Indicators PBL facilitates students to understand matterial easily PBL facilitates students to improve their academic achievement PBL facilitates students to improve their scientific nature

No Questionnaires 1-3 4


3. Result and Discussion 3.1. Academic Achievemnet The academic achievement of the students who were subjected in this study was measured using multiple-choice test. The differences in pre-testand post-test score of students are used to describe students' academic achievement after learning through PBL applied, whether their academic achievement has increased significantly or not. Based on the calculation using the formula N-gain is known that the academic achievement of student generally has increased shown in table 4 as bellow: Tabel 4. N-gain of Students on Each Category Student Category High Medium Low Total

N-gain 0,76 0,67 0,55 0,667

Based on above data can be observed that academic achievement of student generally has increased with high category indicated by N-gain 0,667 [12]. Besides that the above data also explained that each group has a high N-gain value. N-gain of high group ≤ low group ≤ medium group. Thus it can be concluded that PBL is one of effective instruction. This is aligned with [2] which states that a good learning approach is able to motivate their students to understand the content of the material they are studying. PBL is a learning approach that provides a positive impact on increasing student motivation [22]. Beside that, the sequence of activities contained in the PBL also plays a role in improving students' academic achievement [6]. Students activities during implementation of PBL process such as


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reading, filtering and evaluating various sources of information, assessing others opinions from different perspectives, applying abstract concepts to real situations, finding solutions of problems in groups it has made students more active [1]. Furthermore [25] suggest that students' activiness in PBL provide a great opportunity for these students to maintain their knowledge over the long term. Tabel 5. The Average of Students Correct Answer on Each Concept Concept Electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte Classification strong and weak of electrolyte solutions Degrees of Disossiation Ionization reaction

Score 86,67 91,67 76,67 33,33

Table 5 shows that scores for concept of electrolyte & non-electrolyte, classification of strong and weak of electrolyte solution, and degrees of disossiation generally more than 75. It is indicated that students academic achievement has improved. It also indirectly showed the student's ease of understanding the materials, is due to the many phenomenon in daily life related to electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions that can be observed. Besides that, the topic of electrolyte and non-electrolyte solution is required experiment activities such a electrical conductivity test. Electrolytes are substances that can ionize and conduct electricity when dissolved in water[8].In experiment activities amount of ions are produced on ionization process can be observed through flame of the lamp during electrical conductivity test as shown below [26]:

Figure 1. Electrical conductivity test of electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions Meanwhile concept of ionization reaction has low score is caused students difficult to understand that concept it is aligned with the statement [8] which suggests that many students difficult to write the equation of ionization reaction. Besides that, other reasons for the difficultyis ionization reaction come from the Arhenius acid-base theory and the students who were subjected had not studied the material yet. Acid-base is the basic concept of chemistry [9]. Student of high school who have studied acid-base material said that acid-base is one of the most matter that difficult to understand [4].


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3.2. Students Responses about Implementation of PBL Student responses about the implementation of PBL were collected through a questionnaires consisting of 10 items, thus devided into three indicators. Based on the calculation obtained the average percentages student response is 80%. The average of student response on each indicators can be seen in Table 6 below: Tabel 5. N-gain of Students on Each Category Indicators PBL facilitates students to understand matterial easily PBL facilitates students to improve their academic achievement PBL facilitates students to improve their scientific nature

Score 83,33 84


Based on above data can observed that the first and second indicators has score more than 80, is indicate that significant student academic achievement changes is facilitated by PBL approach. It is caused students are helped by phenomenon has presented in the learning activities. PBL is identical with appointment of various phenomenon as a problem in learning activities [5].The phenomen in daily life has related with electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions are numerous, therefore student gave a good responses on that indicators. While the third indicator gets a lower response than other indicators. The third indicator consisting of six item, item no 9 is one of six items has a lowest score in this indicators. That item is required students self-reportabout the presentation activities in a group. Based on the resultsof the students responses collected through the questioner75% of students stated that they did a good presentation with their group, while 25% stated that their presentation was not good. Presentation is 4th stage activities based on PBL model according to [20]. Futher more [18] suggest that PBL is a learning approach based on constructivism theory that serves to build basic knowledge, solve problems, develop critical thinking skills and reflection. Learning activities in PBL are studentcentered and learning activities are conducted in small groups. 25% of students who said they didn’t do good presentation with their group caused by the ineffectiveness of group work done during the learning activities.The ineffectiveness of the group work may be due to the weakness of the PBL which calls fora long-term implementation process [23], so the implementation of PBL on the topic of electrolyte and non-electrolyte solution that not long enough then is cant fostered groups cooperation as maximum. 4. Conclusion The conclusionof this study is academic achievement of students generally has increased with medium category. High group has greater increased academic achievement than medium and low groups. The implementation PBL in learning got good responses from students. 5. Acknowledgments I would like to thank to all staff and students of SMK Tamansiswa Rancaekek for their participated and support on this study. 6. References [1] Komalasari K 2010 Pembelajaran Kontekstual; Konsep & Aplikasi (Bandung: Refika Aditama) [2] Alejandro R M, Rosario, C R and Juan B G 2010 Problem Based Learning (PBL): Analysis of Continuous Stirred Tank Chemical Reactors with a Process Control Approach International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA) Vol.1 pp 54-71


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[3] [4]

[5] [6] [7]


[9] [10] [11] [12] [13]



[16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]

Overton T L and Randles C A 2015 Beyond Problem-based Learning: Using Dynamic PBL in Chemistry Royal Society Of Chemistry pp 251-259 Hajric Z, Sabeta A, and Nuic I The Effect of Problem-based Learning on Students Achievment in Primary School Chemistry Bosnia:Bulletin of the Chemist and Technologists Bosnia and Herzegovina pp 17-22 Chang R and Overby J 2011 General Chemistry The Essential Concepts Sixth Edition Aidoo B, Boateng S K, Kissi P S, and Ofori I 2016 Effect of Problem-based Learning on Students Achievment in Chemistry Journal of Education and Practice Vol 7 pp 103-108 Abanikannda M O 2016 Influence of Problem-based Learning In Chemistry On Academic Achievment Of High Students in Osun State Nigeria International Journal of Education, Learning and Development Vol 4 pp 53-64 Belt S T, Evans E H, Creedy T M, Overton T L and Summerfield S 2002 A Problem Based learning approach to Analytical and Applied Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Vol 6 pp 39-89 Gallahger S A and Workman D 2010 Implementing Problem-based Learning in Science Classrooms Research Gate pp 136-146 Lylod M and Kowalske 2015 The Influence of PBL on Students’Self-efficacy Beliefs in Chemistry Journal of Chemistry and Education Practice Vol.16 pp 929-938 Overton T L and Randles C A 2015 Beyond Problem-based Learning: Using Dynamic PBL in Chemistry Royal Society Of Chemistry pp 251-259 Tan O S 2009 Problem Based Learning Innovation: Using Problem to Power Learning in the 21st Century Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd Tarhan L and Sesen B A 2013 Probelm Based Learning In Acids And Bases: Learning Achievments And Students Beliefs Journal of Baltic Science Education Vol 12 pp 565 578 Tosun C and Taskenenligil Y 2012 The Effect of Problem-based Learning on Student Motivation Towards Chemistry Classes an on Learning Strategies Journal of Turkish Science Education Vol 9 No 1 pp 126-131 Benli E dan Sarikaya M 2012 The Investigation of The Effect of The Problem-based Learning to the Academic Achievment and The Permanence of Knowledge of Prospective Science Teacher: The Problem of The Bolier Stone Elsevier Ltd Vol 46 pp 4317-4322 Wiersma W and Jurs S G 2009 Research methods in education:an introduction (Peason: Boston) Kerlinger F N and Lee H B 2000 Foundation of Behavorial Research:Fourth Edition (USA: Holt, Reinnar, & Wiston, Inc) Hake R R 1999 Analyzing Change/Gain Score (American Educational Research Association’s Division Measurement and Research Mehodology) Riduwan 2003 Skala Pengukuran Variabel-variabel Penelitian (Bandung: Alfabeta) Woods, D F 2003 ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine: Problem-based Learning (BMJ) Vol 326 Coe A and Jesine P G 1999 An Investigation of Electrolyte Solutions Using a Simple Conductivity Apparatus New York Book Croosle

[22] Zumdahl S and Zumdahl S S 2015 Chemistry An Atoms First Approach 2nd Edition (Springer Chem Education) Vol 4 pp 171-172 [23] Cetingul P I and Geban O O 2005 Understanding of Acid-Base Concept by Using Conceptual Change Approach Journal of Education pp 69-74 [24] Artdej R T, Ratanaroutai R K, Coll, and Thongpanchang T 2010 Thai Grade 11 Students’ Alternative Conceptions for Acid–Base Chemistry (Research in Science & Technological Education) pp 167-183 [25] Warsono and Hariyanto 2012 Pembelajaran Aktif Teori dan Asesmen (Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya)


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Development of earthquake and tsunami module based on SETS approach and aceh local wisdom as supplement material for junior high school sciences A Mustari1,a), H Sholihin2, and T R Ramalis3 1

Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 3 Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The aim of this research is to develop integrated teaching module about disaster (focus on earthquake and tsunami) for junior high school sciences teaching. The development of module is based on SETS approach and Aceh local wisdom. The development method is PPE (Planning, Production, and Evaluation) model. Module has got an expert judgment in content and properness before implemented. Module implementation done to 50 students to see student understanding about earthquake and tsunami after they study with the module. Student understanding data is analyzed by using Parameter Logistic based on Item Response Theory (IRT). The result shown that students understanding about earthquake and tsunami is high enough after they study with the module But their understanding about tsunami is still low compared to their understanding about earthquake.

1. Introduction Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has huge potency of disaster. The definition about disaster can be defined in several ways, but in many cases it is a destructive event that overwhelms all resources. Disaster may originate as a natural or manmade and may be intentional or accidental [1]. One of reasons for high potency of natural disasters in Indonesia is because it location within the Ring of Fire, it causing Indonesia susceptible to earthquake and tsunami. Natural disasters are an event that is possible explained through science learning in an integrated form to the student in formal school. It has been widely acknowledged that education takes on a pivotal role in reducing disasters and achieving human security in the attempt to achieve sustainable development. Previous experiences have shown positive effects of education in disaster risk management. Children who have been taught about the phenomenon of disasters and how to react to those situations have proved to be able to respond promptly and appropriately, thereby warning others and protecting themselves during times of emergencies [2]. During the same Indian Ocean tsunami, only seven people were killed out of the total population of about 83,000 on the Simeulue Island, located off the coast of Sumatra that was only 100 km away from the epicenter of the massive earthquake that caused the catastrophic event [2]. The small number of victim in Simeulue is a positive impact of disaster education taught through local wisdom.


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As an effort to teach disaster education to students, teachers must prepare teaching materials that integrate science with other aspects that closely related to student daily life such as environment, technology, and society. One appropriate approach to this goal is the Science, Environment, Technology, and Society (SETS) approach. Through the SETS approach students will gain meaningful and useful learning in order to survive from the nature and society hazard. This is in line with Widi Wisudawati and Sulistyowati [3] “SETS learning model aims to create a meaningful learning process of science so that learners can survive in the environment”. The Indonesian government has begun a program of disaster risk reduction through education as a disaster education. The program done by government is reflected in the activities undertaken by the Centre for Curriculum (Puskur) Research and Development of the Ministry of Education as the agency responsible for the development of curriculum models as a reference unit in the development of educational curriculum. Puskur has developed a series of teaching modules and training modules for integrating disaster risk reduction into education unit level in 2009, however that modules only applicable for 2006 curriculum. But some of these modules are used in this research as a reference [4] [5]. The current curriculum in Indonesia (revision of the 2013-edition curriculum) allows junior high school science teachers to teach disaster education through his/her science class. Based on done literature studies [6], 36% of the total basic competencies in junior high school science subjects can be integrated with disaster education. The development of earthquake and tsunami modules discussed in this article is based on the basic competencies that exist in Grade VII of the 2nd semester in junior high school. The development of earthquake and tsunami modules will be based on Aceh local wisdom with earthquake and tsunami focused content discussed through the SETS approach. The module will be a supplement material completed main teaching material used in the school so that teacher can taught the earthquake and tsunami hazard to student in Aceh in complete form in meaning to be integrated with science, technology, and society. Based on the description above, the aim of this study is to develop earthquake and tsunami module integrated with science, technology, and society based on Aceh local wisdom. In this article also included implemented report done to 50 junior high school student to see their understanding about earthquake and tsunami.

2. Experimental Method This research uses Research and Development (RnD) method. According to Sugiyono, RnD is a research method used to produce the product and test the effectiveness of the product [7]. The type of Rnd used follows the model developed by Richey and Klein. Research development is usually composed of several stages like analysis, design, development, and evaluation [8]. The RnD model developed by Richey and Klein have 3 stages. The stages are Planning, Production and Evaluation (PPE) stages as in the figure 1 [7]. In detail, PPE stages done in this research are shown in figure 2. Planning



Figure 1. RnD Stages according to Richey and Klein The planning process produces a draft of teaching materials containing a collection of materials on natural disasters of earthquakes and tsunamis in terms of science, technology, and society. Production process produces earthquake and tsunami modules complete with exercise / activity and final evaluation. In the evaluation process, the module is assigned to 5 validators to be assessed using a questionnaire developed by the researcher. In detail, 3 validators are lecturers (as an academics) and 2 validators are junior high school sciences teachers who have teaching experience in Aceh (as a practitioners). Implementation of the module is done in SMP N 1 Calang Aceh Jaya in grade VII in two classes with total 50 students. The school chosen is based on purposive sampling technique in consideration


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that the students in that school are more vulnerable to earthquake and tsunami hazards, thus requiring adequate understanding of the hazard and the disaster risk reduction measures for earthquake and tsunami. SMP N 1 Calang was chosen because it was locate in the city hit by the 2004-earthquake and tsunami and its distance less than 1 km from the seashore.


 

Preparation of disaster material based on done curriculum analysis Preparation of a module teaching materials framework


Development of teaching materials in form of teaching module


Expert judgement for content and properness of teaching materials

Figure 2. PPE Stages in this Research

3. Result and Discussion 3.1. Developmental Result From planning and production phases, the earthquake and tsunami modules: according to local Aceh reality (Modul Gempa Bumi dan Tsunami: Sesuai realitas lokal Aceh) formed. From this module, students learn about earthquake and tsunami hazard potency in Aceh and how they should act if earthquakes and tsunami occur. The module consists of two chapters, Chapter that talked about earthquake and Chapter that talked about tsunami. Each chapter discusses earthquakes and tsunamis from aspects of science, environment, technology, and society. In addition, in each chapter also provided activities that must be done by students to better understand about the earthquake and tsunami and the action should be done if it really happen. Cover and module contents are shown in figure 3.

Figure 3. Cover and module contents


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From the evaluation stage we got an expert opinion from 5 experts in terms of content feasibility, and properness (language and display). The questionnaire contains 15 questions with 5 options each. Item 1-6 for content feasibility and items 7-15 for properness (language and display). The result is presented in the graphs below. 5

Validator A


Validator B


Validator C


Validator D


Validator E

item 1 item 2 item 3 item 4 item 5 item 6

Figure 4. Feasibility of content in module Overall, Figure 4 shows the validation of the contents feasibility of the module is good / appropriate to be taught to junior high school children. However, some parts of the module are corrected in accordance with expert advice because they may lead to misconceptions and some of the content incompatible to junior high school students.

5 4

Validator A


Validator B


Validator C


Validator D

0 item 7 item 8 item 9 item 10

item 11

item 12

item 13

item 14

item 15

Validator E

Figure 5. Properness of module in term of language and display Overall, Figure 5 shows the validation of the properness in term of language and display of the module is good / appropriate to be taught to junior high school children. But some words in the module are replaced because they do not match the spelling and some terms are simplified because they are too abstract to teach to junior high school students. In addition, some images are also added and replaced to make it easier for students to understand the text explanations contained in the module. All of these are suggestions from experts who as a whole provide input to pay more attention to the suitability of language and images to the cognitive level of junior high school students. Based on evaluation result, that is based on the content feasibility and the properness in term of language and display, the researcher concludes that the teaching materials have been suitable for use in classroom learning. So this research continued to implementation stages after doing some improvement according to expert suggestions. 3.2. Implementation Result Graphs 3, 4 and 5 show the total score of 50 students in the final test given after the students are studying with the module. The test is designed to understand students' understanding of earthquakes and tsunamis from aspects of science, environment, technology, and society as they have learned from the module.


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The graphs based on the Item Response Theory for dichotomous data are three-parameter logistic (3PL), two-parameter logistic (2PL), and one-parameter logistic (1PL). The model is named based on the number of item parameters used in functions that connect between θ and item responses (0 or 1). Three parameters are distinguishing discrimination, difficulty, and lower asymptote (guess factor). These three parameters are often denoted as a, b, and c. In this study, the researchers chose 1PL model as a main data analysis because want to focus on the difficulty level (parameter b) of item question. Data dichotomy shows the chance of an item getting a response in two types of options. In the academic test, the correct answer is given a score of 1 and incorrectly given a score of 0. This is in line with the opinion of Demars [9], dichotomous models show the probability of a score of 1; The probability of a correct answer is expressed as P (θ). The graph below is the value of the total information function. The value of the total information function is the sum of all values of the information function of the item contained in the test. The information function graph gives an overview of the analysis of the characteristics of the test. Good information function of course has a high value. Total information function of 1PL model used as analysis of the test is shown in Figure 6. Total information function 3


2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5

0 0,399







Figure 6. Result of final student test based on 1PL model of IRT In 1PL model, the parameter value of c is considered zero and the parameter value a is set has the same value for all items. Thus, the 1PL model has an equation [9]:

Because the guess factor is omitted (c = 0) and the discrimination of each item is considered the same, the test analysis of the student's understanding only done to difficulty level. Figure 7 shows the information function of 12 items / questions contained in the final test.


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Information functions 0,3 ITEM1 0,25





0,15 ITEM6 ITEM7




ITEM10 0 0,399

ITEM11 2,399







Figure 7. Result of final student test based on 3PL model of IRT Figure 7 shows that item / question number 7 has the highest difficulty level while item / question number 6 has the lowest difficulty level. In detail, the order of difficulty levels from the highest to the lowest is 7, 11, 10, 4, 8, 2, 12, 9, 3, 5, 1, 6. Each item represents a matter derived from learning indicators. Distribution of items based on indicators can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Item distribution based on indicators of learning Indicators 1. Students can distinguish types of earthquakes based on their causes.

Item No 1

2. Students can deduce the type of earthquake at risk in their area.


3. Students can plan for self-rescue measures during the earthquake in accordance with the social and technological conditions of their society. 4. Students can describe the causes of tsunami and tsunami propagation phases.

3, 4, 5

5. Students can identify areas at risk of tsunami in their area.


6. Students can plan for tsunami self-rescue measures in accordance with the social and technological conditions of their society.

6, 7 9, 10, 11, 12

The interesting thing is that the question number 7 which has the highest difficulty lies in the same indicator as the number 6 which has the lowest difficulty level. Question no 7 requires students to distinguish the phase of the tsunami wave while the problem no 6 requires students to distinguish the phenomena that can cause tsunami. The vast difference in difficulty level in these two questions can mean that the information contained in the module has not been able to provide students with a good understanding of the tsunami.


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The three problems that have the highest difficulty levels are in the indicators of the tsunami. While the three problems that have the lowest difficulty level (except no 6) are on the indicator of the earthquake. This could mean that earthquake information is more understandable and familiar with students than tsunami information. This is also consistent with the most of the students claim in the class when researcher ask them about tsunami that they have never been told about a tsunami that had occurred in 2004 by family or other relatives even though the family or relatives are an eye witness of the tsunami. This finding could mean that most tsunami-affected communities have not yet realized the importance of providing information about tsunamis to their children and grandchildren. This is a concern for researchers that the story about the tsunami will slowly fade from the community as the turn of the generation and in the end the society no longer aware of high potency of earthquake and tsunami in their area. 4. Conclusion The development of teaching materials based on the SETS approach can produce a good integrated sciences teaching materials. Teaching disaster education through science lessons is one of goods alternative as an effort to construct students' knowledge. This developed earthquake and tsunami module can be used to teach the earthquake and tsunami potentcy in Aceh to junior high school students by focusing on science, environment, technology and society. So that, researchers recommend the use of this earthquake and tsunami module in Aceh as an additional materials. Student knowledge about earthquake and tsunami after studying module is high, but students' understanding on tsunami material is still lower than their understanding on earthquake material. This is because the module has not been able to provide information that students can understand well and the students are still unfamiliar with the tsunami 5. Acknowledgments This research was supported by LPDP as the financial support in my study. We thank our colleagues from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia who provided insight and expertise that greatly assisted the research, although they may not agree with all of the interpretations or conclusions of this paper. We thank to School principal of SMP Negeri 1 Calang and all the teacher for all the big help in implemented step and also all the students for the participation. 6. References [1] Beach M 2010 Disaster preparedness and management (Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company) p 1 [2] Rajib S, Yukiko T, Qi Ru G, and Koichi S 2011 Disaster Education Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management Volume 7 1–22 Chapter 1: Disaster Education: An Introduction (UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited) p 1-2 [3] Widi W and Sulistyowati 2014 Metodologi Pembelajaran IPA (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara) p 73 [4] Etty S 2009 Modul Ajar Pengintegrasian Pengurangan Risiko Gempa Bumi: Bahan Pengayaan Bagi Guru SMP/MTs (Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional) [5] Surya M and Marga 2009 Modul Ajar Pengintegrasian Pengurangan Risiko Tsunami: Bahan Pengayaan Bagi Guru SMP/MTs (Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional) [6] Andi M and Hayat S 2017 Opportunities to Integrate Disaster Education in Junior High School Science Learning (Yogyakarta: Article presented in 3rd International Indonesian Forum for Asian Studies 8th and 9th of February) [7] Sugiyono 2016 Metode Penelitian & Pengembangan: Research and Development (Bandung: Alfabeta) p


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Richey R C and Klein J 2004 Developmental Research Methods: Creating Knowledge from Instructional Design and Development Practice Journal of Computing in Higher Education Spring 2005 Vol. 16 (2) p 23-38. DeMars C 2010 Item response theory (New York: Oxford University Press) p 10


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Characteristics of science teaching material “ season in Lombok culture ”

D Pebriyanti1,a), S Anwar2, and T R Ramalis3 Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 Departemen Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung, 40154, Indonesia. 3 Departemen Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung, 40154, Indonesia. 1


E-mail : [email protected]

Abstract : The purpose of science learning in the classroom is to make students understand about their environment. Therefore, the science learning in the schools should utilize the materials that close to the students such as local culture, local conditions, and local potential. Thus, science learning can be more meaningful for students where they can understand the culture, the condition and the potential of their environment. One of the efforts to achieve that goal is by developing the integrated science teaching material which is connecting the science materials to the culture, condition and the natural potential of Lombok Island. This study aims to explore the characteristics of the integrated science teaching material themed "Season in Lombok Culture" developed by the 4STMD method. This is a descriptive study with 168 samples of junior high school students. The results show that this teaching material is included in the category of easy and medium. Based on students’ opinion, 81.6% of this teaching material is easy to understand whereas based on the results of the writing test, the main idea is known that 65.2% part of this resource is easy to understand, the rest as much as 34.8% is categorized into the medium category.

1. Introduction The purpose of learning based on the government regulation of education and culture (permendikbud) no.58, in 2014 is in order that students can understand the environment and nature around including its wealthy that need to be preserved and maintained in the biology, physics, and chemistry perspective [1]. In order to fulfill the science learning objective, the science learning should adapt the material about the culture, the condition, and the potential of the certain area which close to the students. This is in line with the didactic principles where the learning begins with the simple one into the difficult one, from the closest one into the farthest one, from the easiest one into the difficult one, from the concrete one into the abstract one [2]. The materials, among others; the culture, the condition and the natural potential around the students can be created as the integrated science teaching material. Teaching material is the overall form of the material in the form of a set material arranged systematically which is used to help the teacher in conducting the teaching activity and allows the students to learn [3]. Teaching material is


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one of the components in the teaching and learning process which has the important role in creating the successful of the learning. Through integrated science teaching material which adapts the local content, students are able to understand the nature and the environment around them especially the local wisdom and the local excellence related to the science which they need to preserve and develop. The local wisdom is crops, art creation, tradition, culture, service, natural resources, human resources or the other things which can be the special quality of the region [4], [5]. The research on the development of the teaching material which adapts the special quality and the local wisdom has been conducted by some researchers and it shows the positive results, among others; Hikmawati, Kesipudin & Rahayu conducted the research and the development of the teaching equipment of physically based on the local excellence in the form of the tourism such as the Gili Islands, the waterfall, and the beaches in the Lombok Island. The result is the teaching equipment that can be used in the senior high school level with the minor revision [6]. The developmental research of the biological teaching material based on the local wisdom in the West Nusa Tenggara Province conducted by Ardan shows that there is the improvement of the understanding and the positive attitude of the students towards the biology and the environment [7]. Another research conducted by Sya’ban & Wiluejeng about the development of the teaching equipment based on the local excellence of Banjar, South Kalimantan. The result can improve the science literacy and the concern of the Madrasah Tsanawiyah’s (Islamic junior high school) students toward the environment [8]. The research by Kurniawati, Wahyuni & Putra shows the understanding and the motivation of the students is increase after using the teaching material based on the comic and the local wisdom of Jember as the integrated natural science teaching material [9]. Lombok is an island in West Nusa Tenggara Province which is rich in culture and the natural resources. The owned natural condition, the potential, and the culture can be used as the integrated natural science teaching material. In this current research, the Lombok culture used as the teaching material is the cultural calculation of the seasons related to bau nyale tradition and the natural potential of Lombok. The teaching material mentioned is integrated with the theme “The season in Lombok Culture”. The Lombok community recognizes two seasons (mangse); rainy season (ketaun) and dry season (kebalit). These two seasons are divided into 12 small seasons. The rainy season (ketaun) occurs from mangse 7-12 and the dry season (kebalit) occurs from mangse 1-6. Bau nyale is the tradition of Lombok community to catch the marine worm type polycaheta which appears every 10th in mangse 10. The calculation of mangse and bau nyale tradition is counted by using a tool called papan warige which the calculation is based on the natural phenomena [10]. The teaching material “The seasons in Lombok Culture or Musim pada Budaya Lombok” is expected can add the students’ knowledge about the culture, condition, and the potent of the Lombok Island related to the natural science material (chemistry, physics, biology, and IPBA). Thus, the students’ attitude can be wiser toward the environment in the future. The method used to develop this teaching material is 4STMD (Four Steps Teaching Material Development) method. This method consists of four phases; selection phase, structurilization phase, characterization phase, and didactic reduction phase. In every phase passed, it was implemented a good quality control in the form of expert review and the field testing. This is conducted to minimalize the weaknesses of the teaching material thus the adequate and feasible teaching material can be created [2]. The characterization is conducted to know the character of the teaching material, is it categorized easy, medium, or difficult for the students. Based on the characteristics test, there will be found the data about the material in the easy, medium, or difficult to be understood by the students. The difficult items will be reduced thus it can be easy to understood by the students. 2. Experimental Method The focus of this current research is to know the characteristics of the science teaching material “the seasons in Lombok Culture or Musim pada Budaya Lombok” developed by the 4STMD method. The character in question in this research is the level of understanding of the teaching material (easy, medium or difficult). This research is the third phase of the 4STMD method to identify the


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understanding level whether it is categorized into easy, medium, or difficult level. The method used is the descriptive method. The descriptive research is a form of research to describe the existing phenomena, the natural phenomena, and the man-made phenomena. The phenomena can be in the kind of form, activity, characteristics, changing, relation, similarity, and differentiation between one phenomenon and the other phenomena [11]. The descriptive research not only uses to describe a condition but also to describe the condition in the phases of the developmental research. The data gathered by using the comprehension test of the teaching material which consists of two types of questions; 1). The questions related to the students' comprehension of the teaching material, and 2). The main idea written test. The material in the teaching material is divided into 6 parts and it is divided into 43 texts which made into 6 text scripts (every test consist of 7-8 texts). This is to avoid the students pressured by the dense questions. The samples of this research are 168 students of junior high school 1 Cimaung (Bandung). The data analysis is conducted by giving the score for each student's answer. The students' opinion of the text is given score 1 and 0. The score 1 is given for the student who answer it as easy and 0 if the students said difficult. The students' answer to the main idea is given the score; 2, 1 or 0. The score 2 is the answer which consists the overall or the half of the keywords. The score 1 2 is for the answer which consists the small parts of the keywords. The score 0 is the answer which does not consist the keywords. The each text item score (x) is:

From the obtained score, the categorization of the text comprehension is conducted based on Rankin and Culhane as in table 1 below [12]. Table 1. The score percentage and the text comprehension level The Obtained Percentage above 60% 41% up to 60% Lower than 41%

The Reader Level Independent (free) Instructional Frustration (failed)

Interpretations Easy Text Medium Text Difficult Text

3. Result and Discussion The result reveals that the teaching material “The Seasons in Lombok Culture or Musim pada Budaya Lombok” developed by the 4STMD method is included into easy and medium categories. The result of the writing the main idea shows that there is no difficult text or material, 65% of the material in the teaching material is categorized as easy and the rest 45% is categorized as the medium. Meanwhile, based on the students' opinion, 86% of the material in the teaching material is easy to be understood and the rest 14% is difficult to be understood. The complete information can be seen in table 2 below: Table 2. The characterization result of the teaching material “The Seasons in Lombok Culture” No. Texts (Material)

The Students’ Opinions about the Text Easy (%) Difficult (%)

The Writing of the Main Idea Total Score

Percentage (%)

































International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

No. Texts (Material)

The Students’ Opinions about the Text Easy (%) Difficult (%)

The Writing of the Main Idea Total Score

Percentage (%)






































































































































































































































The material considered difficult by the students (>50%) is found in the text no. 6, 7, 26 and 27 about the local content in Lombok Island, it is about the seasons in the Lombok communities’ 972

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perspectives, the condition and the crops of Lombok Island. These materials are considered difficult since they are unfamiliar with them. These materials are expected to be comprehended easily by the students since the materials are near and exist around them. The materials in the texts 26 and 17 talk about the agriculture climate and the climate change, these two materials are considered difficult because they are complex. These complex materials will be reduced thus the students can understand easily. The result of the writing main idea shows that the 28 texts are classified into easy and the rest 15 texts are included into medium category. 4. Conclusion Most of the teaching material “The Seasons in Lombok Culture or Musim pada Budaya Lombok” developed by the 4STMD method are easy to be understood by the students. Based on the result of writing the main idea, 65,2% of the material in the teaching material are classified into the easy level and the rest 34,8 % are classified into the medium level. Based on the students' opinion, 86 % the material in the teaching material are classified into the easy level and the rest 14% are classified into difficult level because those materials are too complex for them. These complex materials will be reduced thus the students can understand easily. These materials are expected to be comprehended easily by the students since the materials are near and exist around them. 5. Acknowledgments The special thanks sent to Mr. Dr. Paed. Sjaeful Anwar and Mr. Dr. Taufik R. Ramalis, M.Si. Who guide and give advice to the researcher in conducting this research. Besides, thank you is also given to the students and the teachers of SMPN 1 Cimaung and everyone who has helped to conduct this research. 6. References [1] Peraturan Menteri pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No.58 tahun 2014 Tentang Kurikulum 2013 SMP/MTS. [2] Anwar, S. (2014). Pengolahan Bahan Ajar Bahan Perkuliahan SPS UPI. Bandung: Tidak Diterbitkan. [3] Depdiknas, Direktorat Pembinaan SMA. (2010). Juknis Pengembangan Bahan Ajar SMA. Jakarta : Depdiknas. [4] Asmani, M Jamal. (2012). Pendidikan Berbasis Keunggulan Lokal. Jogjakarta : Diva Press. [5] Ahmadi, K. dkk. (2012). Mengembangkan Pendidikan Berbasis Keunggulan Lokal dalam KTSP. Jakarta : Prestasi Pustaka Publisher. [6] Hikmawati, kesipudin & Rahayu, S. (2015). Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis keunggulan Lokal Pada Matapelajaran Fisika SMA. Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA “PRISMA SAINS”. 2 (1), 206-214. [7] Ardan, A. S. (2016). The Development of Biology Teaching Material Based on the Local Wisdom of Timorese to Improve Students Knowledge and Attitude of Environment In Caring the Persevation of Environment. International Journal of Higher Education 5 (3), 190-200. [8] Sya’ban, M., F., Wiluejeng, I. (2016). Pengembangan SSP Zat dan Energi Berbasis Keunggulan Lokal untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Sains dan Kepedulian Lingkungan. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA, 2 (1), 66-75. [9] Kurniawati, A., Wahyuni, S., & Putra P.D.A. (2017). Utilizing of Comic and Jember’s Local Wisdom as Integrated Science Learning Materials. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 7 (1), 47-50. [10] Irawan, A. L. dkk. (2014). Mengenal Kalender Rowot Sasak. Mataram : Penerbit genius. [11] Sukmadinata, S. Nana. (2012). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya. [12] Hardjasujana, Ahmad S. & Yeti Mulyati. (1996). Membaca 2. Jakarta: Depdikbud.


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Integrated science teaching materials development themed “soil as the source of life” by using Four Steps Teaching Materials Development (4STMD) E Prastiyanto1, a) and S Anwar2 1

Program Studi Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Sekolah Pascasarjana UPI Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, FPMIPA UPI, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Teaching and learning is interaction among three components of teachers, students, and teaching materials. One of these components that needs more attention in science education is teaching materials. Based on preliminary study, there are lots of teaching materials that do not meet curriculum demand in constructing the integration of scientific concept. This study aims to develop the integrated science teaching materials for junior high school in theme of Soil as source of life. The research method of this study is Developmental Research (DR). Teaching materials development method that is used is Four Steps Teaching Materials Development (4STMD), which consists of selection, structuralization, characterization, and didactic reduction. This article is the first section of teaching materials development that includes selection and structuralization. At the selection step, teaching materials development is begun with the scope development of soil as source of life theme based on curriculum demands. Then, the development of basic concepts. Structuralization step produced a concept map as a part of teaching materials which show concepts relationship; macro structure which provides systematic guidance in writing of teaching materials; and multiple representation that connects among macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic level representations. The result of these two steps is teaching materials draft.

1. Introduction The natural science is the systematic study of nature and how the nature influencing our life [1]. Learning natural science means learning about nature, it is interpreted as reviewing the natural phenomena and how nature influences the life. A learning process of the natural science should not be separated from the natural phenomena that happen around us. Besides, the educational curriculum in Indonesia demands the natural science in the school to develop the scientific understanding about the overall environment and nature. In addition, the natural science in the junior high school level is developed in the form of the integrated science with the physical, chemical, biological or IPBA contents. Thus, the teachers are demanded to create the integrated natural science learning and involve the material based on the natural phenomena around the students. The learning is the interaction between three components, such as teachers, students, and the teaching material. One of the component needs more attention is the teaching material. In a learning activity, the teaching material has the irreplaceable role. The teaching material is the set of systematic information used in the educational process to gain the purpose [2]. The teaching material is the source


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information for the students to grow the knowledge and their thinking skills. This is caused by the information provided in the teaching material in the form of texts, activities, explanations, and many others [3]. The good teaching material can be the good learning medium for the students. The teaching material which has the pedagogical structure and content also potent to support the learning development [4]. The learning without the relevant teaching material will not optimally happen because the learning is the process to deliver the teaching material from the teacher to the students [5]. Besides, without the teaching material, it will be difficult to accommodate the students’ attitude [6]. In the reality, the natural science teaching material which exists right now is not yet fulfilling the curriculum which demands the natural science to be taught in the form of the integrated science. The result of the preliminary studies reveals that there are much unintegrated natural science teaching materials for junior high school found, as the result, the teachers have no many resources when they want to develop the integrated learning. This is supported by research which shows the books do not show the integrated yet between the physic, biology, chemistry, and the earth science and space (Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa [IPBA])[7]. The existing teaching material recently tends to emphasize on the content and there are still weaknesses found in the pedagogical aspect. Besides, it is still found the left behind material from the latest science development [8]. Some books still explain the wrong concept scientifically. The inappropriate between the curriculum demands and the condition of the existing teaching material causes the teaching material become less effective to be used in the learning process. The less effective teaching material causes the students’ learning outcomes become low [9]. To create the learning process based on the curriculum demands, thus it is needed the feasible teaching material. Therefore, it is needed to develop the integrated natural science teaching material based on the curriculum demands and the correct scholarship. The purpose of this research is to develop the integrated natural science teaching material themed “Soil” as the source of life. The method of teaching material development used is Four Steps Teaching Materials (4STMD). This method is the result of the Anwar's idea since 1995 about how to develop the teaching material effectively and based on the curriculum in the school. In the 4STMD method, the teaching material is developed through four steps, such as; selection, structuralization, characterization, and didactic reduction steps. Through four steps mentioned, the relevant information is filtered and arranged based on the learning needed, identifying the level of difficulties, and the difficult material will be reduced its level of difficulties. The product resulted from the four steps is ready-to-use teaching material by the teacher as the material to teach or learned by the students as the independent teaching material [5]. The advantages of the 4STMD method are the developed teaching material is adjusted to the cognitive ability and the psychological condition of the students. In this method, the teaching material is arranged didacticly. The arrangement of the teaching material depends on the learning needed. Therefore, it is possible to get the little bit different teaching material from the science field. Besides, there is a deduction reduction in the 4STMD method. The deduction reduction is the specific teaching strategy in which the aspect of the learning content is simplified [10]. The didactic reduction aims to reduce the level of difficulties (complexities, abstractness, and intricate) of the teaching media to become easy teaching material (simple, concrete, and plain)[5]. In this step, the teaching material is reduced didacticly by considering the psychology and the scientific thus the teaching material become easy to understand by the students. In this research, the theme “Soil as source of life” is chosen to be developed as the teaching material. The theme “soil as source of life” is chosen because soil is close to the life, but it existences are often neglected. The soil is the important support in life. The soil becomes the habitat of some life creatures including human. The soil provides the nutrition for the plant to grow which then becomes the food sourced for the other life creatures. The soil also saves the water reserves, there also some useful elements for life in the soil. In addition, there are many phenomena related to the soil to be studied, such as some plants which only can grow in certain place, the different color of the soil in some places or studying the technological product from the elements in the soil. Based on the mentioned phenomena, there can be leaner the element and the compound of the soil. Furthermore, we can study the physical and chemical character of the soil which determine the fertility of the soil, 975

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therefore, we can differ the fertile soil and non-fertile soil. In short, the study on the soil can integrate some natural sciences fields including physics, chemistry, or biology. Through this theme, the students can be asked to know the soil as the part of the environment and its solid relationship with the human activities. The students are invited to learn the soil contamination begins from the causes and the impacts for the human life. The students also introduced with some efforts to protect the soil sustainability. Therefore, it is expected to grow the students’ sensitivity towards the environment around them. 2. Method This research utilizes the developmental research. It is a systematical study towards the design, development, and the evaluation program. The process, and product that should fulfill the validity and the effectivity criteria [11]. This current research refers to the Design model, Development dan Evaluation developed by Richey dan Klein [12]. The developmental steps of this teaching material used Four Steps Teaching Materials Development (4STMD) which consists of selection, structuralization, characterization, and the didactic reduction steps as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. Flowchart of 4STMD


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Figure 1 shows that 4STMD method has its own specific task. In the selection step, it begins with the development of the teaching material scope based on the curriculum. The next is main concepts development from the textbooks. In this step, also, the values and the skills are also developed to be integrated into the material. In the structuralization step, the compiled material in the selection step is arranged didacticly, based on the structural characteristic of the teaching material [5]. The result of the structuralization step is the concept map which shows the relation between the concepts, the macrostructure which becomes the systematical writing guide of the teaching material, and multiple representations which connect some representations. The result of this two steps is the draft of the teaching material. In the structuralization, the draft of the teaching material is tested to the students to measure the level of students‟ comprehension towards the teaching material developed by the main idea writing test. Based on the testing result, it can be gained the difficulty level of the teaching material. After that, the result is used to arrange the blueprints of didactic reduction. The material that is difficult to be understood needs to be reduced its level of difficulties through the didactic reduction procedure. The didactic reduction can be done by utilizing some ways, such as; back to the qualitative step, neglecting, using the explanation in the form of the images, symbol, and sketch, testing, using the analogy, using the historical development level, generalization, particularization, or neglecting the concepts‟ statement. The last step is developing the last draft of the teaching material. Furthermore, the last draft of the teaching material is tested its feasibility and tested to the students to see the level of the students' comprehension of the developed teaching material. 3. Result and Discussion This article is the first description of the teaching material development through the selection and structuralization steps. The first step of the 4STMD method is the selection step. It begins with scope development of the “soil’ material as the life source based on the curriculum. In this step, curriculum analysis needs to be conducted to decide the basic competence, the indicator, and relevant concept to the theme. The result of the curriculum analysis is presented in table 1. Table 1. The result of the curriculum analysis which support the theme “Soil as the life source”. Basic Competence 3.3 Explaining the mixture concept and the single substance (the element and the compound), physical and chemical characteristics, physical and the chemical changes In daily life Indicator: 3.3.1 Explaining the definition of the „element‟ 3.3.2 Identifying the elements of soil used as the basic material of the technology 3.3.3 Explaining the definition of the “compound” 3.3.4 Identifying the compound contains in the soil 3.3.5 Explaining the definition of the “mixture” 3.3.6 Explaining the differentiation between the homogeny and heterogeneous mixture 3.3.7 Differing the physical and the chemical characteristic 3.3.8 Writing the example of the physical and chemical soil 3.3.9 Explaining the relationship between the soil color and the level of fertility 3.3.10 Explaining the influences of the soil structure towards the soil fertility. 3.3.11 Explaining the functions of the soil nutrient for the plants. 3.3.12 Differing the acid and alkali characteristics. 3.3.14 Explaining the influence of the acid level and the soil fertility



element, compound, mixture, physical characteristic, the chemical characteristic,

the the the the

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

3.7 Analyzing the interaction between the living things, the environment, and the dynamic population of the interaction Indicator: 3.7.1 Explaining the definition of ecosystem 3.7.2 Explaining the components of the soil ecosystem 3.7.3 Explaining the role of the living things in the soil ecosystem 3.8 Analyzing the occurrence of the environmental population and its effects on the ecosystem Indicator: 3.8.1 Explaining the definition of “the soil contamination” 3.8.2 Identifying the causes of the soil contamination 3.8.3 Explaining the effect of the soil contamination 3.8.4 Explaining the effort to preserve the soil

Ecosystem, biotic and abiotic factors, producer, consumer, decomposer Pollution, waste, the pollution effect, the effort to preserve the soil

Furthermore, the concepts are integrated one another by using the webbed model. The integration of the webbed model uses the thematic approach to integrating the themes [13]. Integration of concepts is illustrated as a spider web as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Webbed integration in theme soil as source of life Figure 2 shows that the theme in the webbed model becomes the main integration and ties the concepts from many subjects. This model also uses the theme to select the concept, topic, and the supporting ideas [13]. The use of the webbed integration model gives the advantages for the students. The theme chosen can increase the motivation and help the student to see how some different concepts and ideas link each other [13]. The next step, the main concepts developed based on the formulated indicators. In this case, the theme used is to tie the concept in the same context. Therefore, the concept description developed leads to the theme “the soil as the source of life or “Tanah sebagai sumber kehidupan”. The main concepts development sourced from the 14 different textbooks. The result of the first step is the draft 1 that consists of the teaching material compilation.


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

In the structuralization step, there are 3 things to do; arranging the concept map, macrostructure, and multiple representations. The concept map is the hierarchical representation of the concept design [14]. The concept map is developed based on the main concepts as shown in figure 3.

Figure 3. Result of concept map in structuralization The concept map in figure 3 as the part of the teaching material roles as the relationship guide between the concepts in the theme “the soil for the life”. The concept map can give some advantages for the learning both the teacher and the students. The concept map gives the general description to the students about how the concept and integrated into the cognitive [14, 15]. The concept map helps the students to learn how to study [16] and helps the teacher to arrange the teaching and facilitate the creative work [17]. After that, we compile the macrostructure which shows the preposition description which describes the relationship between the topics [18]. The macro structure functions to describe the systematical of the teaching material by considering the didactic factor thus the students can easily understand [19]. In the macro structure, the population is written hierarchical as shown in figure 4.


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Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Figure 4. Macro structure that used as guide in teaching materials writing Figure 4 shows that the theme “soil as the life source” can be described some proposition which will be taken as the topic or the subtopic in the teaching material. In the topic and the subtopic themselves, there are some supporting concepts. The result of the macro structure is used as the guidance to write the systematical of the teaching material. Another result of the structuralization step is the multiple representations. When someone understands an idea, the mental involvement is needed by adjusting their representation and the linked phenomena [20]. One of the ways to assist that thing is using representation [21]. The representation used is multiple representations based on Treagust, Chittleborough, & Mamiala, among others: (a) macroscopic: the phenomena can be observed, including the thing related to students’ daily experience, (b) submicroscopic: based on the appropriate theories, used to explain the phenomena in the macroscopic, and (c) symbolic: the characteristics description from the theory uses some medias like image, algebra, or certain symbol [22]. The example of the multiple representations can be seen in table 2.


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Table 2. The example of the multiple representations which relates the microscopic, sub microscopic, and symbolic levels. Macroscopic Look at this image! What is the cable made from? How is the form of the copper found in Images 5. The cable made from copper e nature? Where (source: is the copper ilmuelektro.com) found? The copper can be found in the soil in the certain area. Of course, the copper is not found in the form of string just like in the image above. The copper is found in the form of the copper ore. The copper ore is formed of the copper elements.

Sub microscopic The soil contains the useful chemical elements for the life. The element is the single substance that cannot be deciphered anymore becomes the smallest substance by the usual chemical process (Chang, 2010). Some elements found in the soil can be processed becomes the useful technology for the human.

Symbolic The writing of the element using the element symbols.  Aluminium (Al)  iron (Fe)  copper (Cu)  Scandium (Sc)  Yttrium (Y)  Europium (Eu)  Terbium (Tb)

In table 2, the concept element can be represented at the macroscopic level by presenting the phenomena related to the technological product which uses element found in the soil. In the microscopic level, the explanation related to the element given. The symbolic level explains the writing of the element can be written by using the element symbol. The multiple representations consist of the three functions; (1) give the representation contains the complementary information to help the cognitive process, (2) the representation is used to reduce the possibilities in interpreting, (3) leads the students to develop the deep understanding towards the situation [23]. The important point of the multiple interpretation arrangements is the explanation of each level of the representation mush be linked one another. When the observable phenomena become the basic ideas, the explanation in this level usually based on the microscopic and the symbolic representation. To evaluate the result of the multiple representations, the reviews by the experts need to be conducted. After that, the draft of the teaching material is arranged based on the result of the selection and the structuralization steps. The thing which differs the current teaching material and the others is the method used to develop which has the systematic steps, therefore, it resulted in the good teaching material scholarly and has the systematic structure. Besides, this current teaching material also developed by considering the psychology and the cognitive of the students. This is observable in the systematic arrangement of the macrostructure which is appropriate with the learning needs thus it is expected to be easy-understood teaching material. 4. Conclusion The theme “the soil as the life source” can be developed as the integrated natural science teaching material based on the existing curriculum. The development of this teaching material is based on the 4STMD method that consists of the selection, structuralization, characterization, and the didactic reduction steps. Based on the selection result, it gained some main material such as the element, compound, mixture, physical and chemical characteristics and the environmental contamination can be integrated into the theme “the soil as the life source”. In the structuralization step, it resulted in the concept map which shows the relationship between the concepts, macro structure used as the systematic guidance to write the teaching material and the multiple representations which connect the representation in microscopic, sub microscopic, and symbolic levels. The result of these two stages of this research is the draft of the teaching material. By the existence of the developed teaching material, it is expected that the students understand the importance of the soil for the life. Therefore, it grows the students‟ sensitivity towards the soil preservation in their environment. 981

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5. Acknowledgments Acknowledgments given to Dr. paed. Sjaeful Anwar as research supervisor and developer of 4STMD method which has provided input and guidance on this research. Acknowledgments are also given by academic advisor, reviewers, and civitas academica of Science Education program of Postgraduate school, Indonesian University of Education that give support for this research.. 6. References [1] Ibrahim, M., Dasar-Dasar Proses Belajar Mengajar. 2010, Surabaya: Unesa University Press. [2] Khutorskoi, A.V., The Place of the Textbook in the Didactic System. Russian Education & Society, 2006. 48(3): p. 78-93. [3] Hutchinson, T. and E. Torres, The Textbook as Agent of Change. English Languange Teaching Journal, 1994. 48(4): p. 315-328. [4] Dunne, J., A.E. Mahdi, and J. O'Reilly, Investigating the Potential of Irish Primary School Textbook in Supporting Inquiry Based-Science Education (IBSE). International Jurnal of Science Education, 2013. 35(3): p. 1513-1532. [5] Anwar, S., Pengolahan Bahan Ajar: Bahan Perkuliahan SPS UPI. 2014, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia: Bandung. [6] Yanti, H., N. Rustaman, and W. Setiawan, Strategi Baru dalam Pengolahan Bahan Ajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (Hasil Kajian Ter-hadap Teori Reduksi Didaktik dan Pedagogi Materi Subyek). Edusains, 2008. 1(1): p. 26-38. [7] Noeraida, Penggunaan Bahan Ajar IPA Terpadu Tipe Integrated dalam Pembelajaran Tema Sinar Matahari dan Kehidupan di Bumi untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Sains Siswa, in Science Education. 2015 Indonesia University of Education: Bandung. [8] Adisendjaja, Y., Analisis Buku Ajar Biologi SMA Kelas X di Kota Bandung Berdasarkan Literasi Sains. 2010. [9] Syatriana, E., et al., A Model of Creating Instructional Materials Based on School Curriculum for Indonesian Secondary Schools. Journal of Education and Practice, 2013: p. 10-16. [10] Grüner, G., Die didaktische Reduktion als Kernstück der Didaktik [The didactic reduction as the core of didactics]. Die Deutsche Schule, 1967. 7(8): p. 414-430. [11] Seels, B.B. and R.C. Richey, Instructional Technology: The Definition and Domains of the Field. 1994, Washington DC: Association for Educational Communication and Technology. [12] Richey, R.C., J.D. Klein, and W.A. Nelson, Developmental research: Studies of Instructional Design and Development. . Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology, 2004. 2: p. 1099-1130. [13] Fogarty, R., The Mindful School: How to Integrate the Curricula. 6 ed. 1991, Palatine, Illinois: IRI/Skylight Publishing, Inc. [14] Novak, J.D., A Theory of Education. 1977, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. [15] Novak, J.D. and D. Musonda, A Twelve-year Longitudinal Study of Science Concept Learning. American Educational Research Journal, 1991. 28(1): p. 117-153. [16] Novak, J.D. and D.B. Gowin, Learning How to Learn. 1984, New York: Cambridge University Press. [17] Novak, J.D., Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge: Concept maps as facilitative tools in schools and corporations. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 2010. 6(3): p. 2130. [18] Britt, M.A. and J. Sommer, Facilitating Textual Integration with Macro-Structure Focusing Tasks. Reading Psychology, 2004. 25(4): p. 313-339. [19] Hasyim, A., Rancangan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPA Tema Laut untuk SMP Melalui Four Steps Teaching Material Development. Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains (SNIPS) 2015, 2015 p. 605-608. [20] Gilbert, J.K. and D. Treagust, Multiple Representations in Chemical Education. 2009: Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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[21] Johnstone, A.H., The development of chemistry teaching: a changing response to a changing demand. Journal of Chemical Education, 1993. 70(9): p. 701–705. [22] Treagust, D.F., G. Chittleborough, and T. Mamiala, The role of submicroscopic and symbolic representations in chemical explanations. International Journal of Science Education, 2003. 25(11): p. 1353–1368. [23] Ainsworth, S., The Function of Multiple Representation. Computers and Education, 1999. 33: p. 131–152.


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Early mental model analysis of fifth grader on science L Jasdilla1,a), A Widodo2, and W Sopandi3 1

Pendidikan Dasar, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 3 Departemen Kimia, UniversitasPendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Student’s mental model developed by experience, interpretation, and explanation when they study science. Mental model developed by necessities in making prediction and solving problem in science congruently. Mental model of students classified by known, misconception, and unknown. This study aims to describe early mental model analysis of fifth grader on science. Analysis of early mental model was done on radiance material. This study uses quantitative approach within descriptive method. Samples of this research are 27 students of fifth grader at one primary school in Kuningan Subdictrict and selected purposively. Technique of collecting data uses three tier test. Therefore, data analysis uses descriptive statistic. This study result shows that early mental model of fifth grader on low category. Study result proved by three tier test shows that 21,1% students on know category; 12,9% students on don’t know category; and 66% students on misconception category. Three tier test result shows that the students can choose right answer but they can not choose the reason well. Then, the students agree with their reason that’s why the students is going on misconception category. The conclusions of this research are the students is going on misconception category and early mental model students on low category. The researcher suggests for the next researcher to do treatment to improve mental model of students.

1. Introduction Student's understanding of a concept can be identified through mental model analysis. A mental model is an idea that represents a person's thinking to understand and explain a phenomenon or storage of prior and incomplete basic knowledge that arises from previous experience and then develops when a person can improve his knowledge through the process of cognition [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. In science learning, students' mental models are built on experience, interpretation and explanation. Mental models usually develop according to their needs in making predictions and solving problems in learning science. When students have a complete mental model, students will be able to make a good explanation of the problems in science. Whereas, if students have a mental model that is wrong or incomplete, then students will have difficulties in solving science problems or even have misconceptions. Talking about mental models, there are four characteristics of mental models that include: (a) the mental model is generative; Mental models can lead to new information through their use to predict and produce explanations; (b) mental models involve tacit knowledge: individuals reason with their


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mental models to solve a problem or understand a new information, but they may be unaware of the metal model they use and how they use it; (c) the mental model is synthetic: a mental model is dynamic and continues to be modified by the incorporation of new information into it, and (d) the mental model is inhibited by the view of the world: the development and application of mental models is influenced by previous individual knowledge, experience and beliefs [7]. To form a complete student mental model, teachers should be able to dig up existing information on students by helping students activate students' initial knowledge such as: first, teachers can discuss material content before starting in order to ensure that students have important initial knowledge and enable such knowledge. Second, often the initial knowledge of students is incomplete or there is false belief or misconception. Third, teachers can recover important prerequisite materials or ask students to prepare for their own work. Fourth, teachers can ask questions with types that help students see the connection between what they read and what they already know. The importance of knowledge about the mental model of the student can also be seen from the many studies that have been done in analyzing the mental models of students as previous research mentions that the experience of a child is a very decisive initial way of thinking as a mental model of something observed, and the mental model associated with the cognitive change experience by the students later [8]. In addition, the mental model is important as an individual's internal representation of external phenomena. This is supported by various research results which show that there is a variation of students’ ideas on a science phenomenon they observed [9], [10], [11], [12]. Therefore, teachers should see it as a great potential for the development of thinking students. Science is one of the most important lessons in school, especially in elementary schools that present contextual concepts that should appeal to students if teachers can relate them to the social context of each student. But, the fact is still there are many misconceptions found in learning science [13], [14], [15]. This is because the teacher has not optimally involved the previous student experience as the foundation of the new knowledge builder. From the above exposures and comparing with the studies that have been conducted with respect to the mental model, in which identification is done partially [16], [17], [18]. [19], [20], [21], so the research has not given a complete picture of how to analyze the initial mental models that students have in primary school. In addition, in relation to the mental model reality in Indonesia, there has not been much research on the mental model of students in learning science [22]. Therefore, the question that arises is how to analyze the students' early mental models on science learning in Primary School. Regarding the question, diagnostic tests of mental models of students in the form of three tier test through quantitative approach with descriptive method is used to analyze the initial mental model students. 2. Experimental Method This type of research used quantitative approach through descriptive method. Quantitative descriptive research is proposed to describe the phenomena as they are. Quantitative descriptive research does not provide treatment, manipulation, but describes the condition as it is and the description uses size, number or frequency [23]. The study was conducted in Elementary School 2 Windu Haji Kuningan with a sample of 27 students of class V. To measure the initial mental model of students, researchers used three tier tests. This refers from previous studies which describe that the mental models studied from the learning process of children are dynamic and generative representations that can be manipulated mentally to provide a causal explanation of physical phenomena and make predictions about the physical world. The researchers used the multiple choice test of a three-course diagnostic test to look at the student's mental model before learning [24]. In addition to these reasons, it is also mentioned that the formation of a mental model can be constrained by one's high-level fundamental beliefs. Therefore, a diagnostic test of three-their test is appropriate because not only the students answer the questions given, butalso they must answer what the reason for the answer is and how their mental state in a form of a confidence level choice. The student's mental model mental diagnostic test consists of a series of questions in the form of a three-tier test that includes four choices of answers, four choices of reasons and the confidence level of student's answers [25]. The choice of answers is an early representation of the students' answers to the 985

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questions that are developed based on the concepts related to real life and always begin with a problem. The choice of reasons was developed in the form of questions that contain the truth of the concept so that later the answer of the reason choice can be categorized whether students really understand the concept, do not know or misconception. Analysis of the answer of three-tier-test used adoption combination analysis [26]. Below is a combination analysis table of three tier test answers: Table 1. Combination Analysis of Three-Tier Test Answers Category Know The Concept Do not Know Concept


Answer Type Correct answer + correct reason + sure Correct answer + correct reason + not sure Wrong answer + correct reason + not sure Correct answer + wrong reason + not sure Wrong answer + wrong reason + not sure Wrong answer + correct reason + sure Correct answer + wrong reason + sure Wrong answer + wrong reason + sure

3. Result and Discussion This study aims to measure the initial mental model of students by using three tier test. The three tier test results are listed in table 2 below: Table 2. Results three tier test Code


Mental Model Clasification Know The Do not Know Misconception Concept Concept 0 0 10 2 2 6 3 1 6 7 0 3 4 4 2 2 0 8 1 0 9 4 3 3 5 0 5 2 1 7 1 1 8 3 1 6 1 2 7 1 6 3 3 1 6 1 1 8 2 0 8 1 0 9 4 3 3 2 0 8 2 0 8 0 4 6 1 0 9 2 0 8 1 0 9 0 4 6 3 1 6 58 = 21,1 % 35= 12,9% 177 = 66%


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Based on the above table can be seen calculating the percentage of mental models of students through the item by using three tier test that is 21.1% who can answer the problem with the category of knowledgeable, 12.9% next to the category unknowlegable and 66% are misconception. Here is one example of a question answered by students in the category of knowledgeable. Which of the following objects is the source of light? Answers: A. Battery B. Earth C. Lamp D. glass Reasons: A. Because light sources are objects that can emit light themselves B. Because the light source is the colored objects C. Because the light source is a bright object D. Because the source of light is objects that can be seen by the eye How confident is your answer! A. Sure B. Very Sure C. Not sure D. Very unsure The above question is one of the problems of 21.1% of the number of questions answered students with categories of knowledgeable. This category measurement is based on both the accuracy of the students in choosing answers and their reasons and beliefs are answered correctly. Here is one example of questions answered by students in categories unknowledgeable. Read the following discourse carefully! One day Doni feeds the fish in his grandmother's pond. Because the fish is very much, Doni wants to catch the fish. Doni thinks the fish pond is very shallow. When Doni puts his feet into the pond, Doni is shocked it turns the pool inside. Which statement is correct from the above event? Answer: A. The bottom of the pond with clear water looks shallower than the actual depth B. The bottom of a fish pond with clear water looks deeper than it really is C. Doni is not careful to catch fish, therefore Doni is shocked and fell D. The bottom of the pond with clear water looks the same as the actual depth Reason: A. Because light travels from a denser substance to a denser substance, so the light gets biased toward the normal line. B. Because light travels from a dense substance to a substance that is less dense, so light will be biased near the normal line. C. Because light travels from a denser substance to a denser substance, so light will be refracted away from the normal line. D. Because light travels from a dense substance to a substance that is less dense, so light will be refracted away from the normal line. How confident is your answer! A. Sure B. Very Sure C. Not sure D. Very unsure Example of the above is one of the problems of 12.9% of the number of questions answered students with categories unknowledgable. Category unknowledgeable is seen from the answer reasons 987

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and levels of confidence of students such as: (1) correct answer + correct reasons + not sure, (2) wrong answer + correct reason + not sure, (3) correct answer + wrong reason + not sure, (4) wrong answer + wrong reason + not sure. Here is one example of a question that students answered in the misconception category. To make it easier for the driver to drive a vehicle, he uses a rearview mirror. So that the driver see the vehicle behind clearly and thoroughly. What should the driver do? A. The driver must replace his rearview mirror with a concave mirror B. The driver must replace the rearview mirror with a more convex mirror C. The driver keeps using the rearview mirror D. The driver must replace the rearview mirror with translucent glass Reason: A. Because the more convex mirror the more clearly visible and thorough objects that are behind him, because the convex mirror is virtual, upright and reduced so as to facilitate the driver in driving B. Because the concave rearview mirror has a reflective surface of the reflecting surface so that the shadow is virtual, upright and enlarged and facilitate the driver in driving C. Because the flat rearview mirror can see the vehicle behind him in parallel to make it easier for the driver in driving D. Because the translucent rearview mirror can penetrate the shadow of objects that are behind and and make it easier for motorists in driving How confident is your answer! A. Sure B. Very sure C. Not sure D. Very unsure Examples of the above questions is one of the problems of 66% of the number of questions that students answered with misconception category. These are seen from answers, reasons and levels of student confidence: (1) Wrong answer + correct reason + sure, (2) correct answer + wrong / sure reason, (3) wrong answer + wrong / sure reason. Based on the results of three tier tests, many students respond accurately, but the reason is wrong and sure so that many students experience misconception. Misconceptions are concepts that are inconsistent with scientific concepts [27]. This is related to previous research which states that the many misconceptions found in science learning [13], [14], [15.] Similarly, it was found that the initial mental model of students is still low so that there are many students who experience misconception.

4. Conclusion Based on the research and data research results, it can be concluded that the initial mental model of students is still low. This is proven based on the results of three-tiers test showed that as many as 66% of the students’ answers are misconceptions. Therefore, the researcher suggested to the next researcher to do more research related to mental model of elementary school students. 5. Acknowledgments The researcher would like to thank Dr.Phil Ari Widodo and Dr. paed Wahyu Sopandi as the supervisors who has given further directions to teachers and elementary school students who have participated in this research. 6. References [1] Marks M A, Zaccaro S J, Mathieu J E 2000 performance implications of leader briefings and teaminteraction training for team adaptation to novel environments Journal of Applied Psychology vol 85 pp 971-986. [2] Gentner D 2002 Psychology of model mentals (International Encyclopedia of The Social and Behavioural Science) ed N J Smelser and P B Bates (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science) 988

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[3] Nersessian N J 2002 The cognitive basis of model-based reasoning in science (The cognitive basis of science) ed P Carruthers, S Stich, and M Siegal (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pp 133–153 [4] Hegarty M 2004 Mechanical reasoning by mental simulation Trends in Cognitive Sciences vol 8 pp 280-285 [5] Barsalou L W 2008 Grounded cognition Annual Review of Psychology vol 59 pp 617–645 [6] Burke C S, Stagl K C, Salas E, Pierce L, Kendall D 2006 Understanding team adaptation: A conceptual analysis and model Journal of Applied Psychology vol 9 pp 1189-1207 [7] Wang C Y 2007 The role of mental-modeling ability, content knowledge, and mental models in general chemistry students; understanding about molecular polarity (Disertation) Faculty of the Graduate School University of Missouri Columbia [8] Johnson-Laird P N 2013 Mental models and cognitive change Journal of Cognitive Psychology vol 25 chapter 2 pp 131-138 [9] Kucukozer H and Bostan A 2010 Ideas of kindergarten students on the day-night cycles, the seasons and the moon phases Journal of Theory and Practice in Education vol 6 chapter 2 pp 267-280 [10] Azaiza I, Bar V, Awad Y, and Khail M 2012 Pupils’ explanation of natural phenomena and their relationship to electricity Journal of Creative Education vol 3 chapter 8 pp 1354-1365 [11] Kurnaz M A, Kildan A O, and Ahl B 2013 Mental model of pre-school children regarding the sun, earth, and moon The International Journal of Social Science vol 7 chapter 1 pp 136-143 [12] Harman G, Aksan Z, and Celikler D 2015 Mental models with influence the attitudes of science students towards recycling International Journal of Suitain able and Green Energy vol 4 chapter 1-2 pp 6-11 [13] Baser M and Geban O 2007 Effect of instruction conceptual change activities on students’ understanding of static electricity concepts Research in science & Technological Education vol 25 chapter 2 pp 243-267 [14] Criado A M, and Garci’a-Carmona A 2010 Prospective teachers’ difficulties in interpreting elementary phenomena of electrostatics interactions: Indicators of the status of their intuitive ideas International Journal of Science Education vol 32 chapter 6 pp 769-805 [15] Park J, Kim I, Kim M, and Lee M 2001 Analysis of students’ processes of confirmation and falsification of their prior ideas about electrostaticts International Journal of Science Education vol 23 chapter 12 pp 1219-1236 [16] Kurnaz M A and Eksi C 2015 An analysis of high school students’ mental models of solid friction in physics Educational Science: Theory & Practice Journal vol 15 chapter 3 pp 787-795 [17] Kurnaz M A and Emen A Y 2013 Mental model of the high school students related to the contraction of matter International Journal of Educational Research and Technology vol 4 chapter 1 pp 1-5 [18] Meng-Fei Cheng, et al 2014 Developing explanatory models of magnetic phenomena through model based inquiry Journal of Baltic Science Education vol 13 chapter 3 pp 351-360 [19] Aydeniz M 2010 Measuring the impact of electric circuit kitbook on elementary school children’s understanding of simple electric circuits Electronic Journal of Education vol 14 chapter 1 pp 1-29 [20] Ravanis K, Pantidos P, and Vitoratos E 2010 Mental representations in science education (Visualization in science education) ed John K, Gilbert (Netherlands: Springer) pp 43-60 [21] Fleer M 2001 Determining childrens’ understanding of electricity Journal of Educational Research vol 87 chapter 4 pp 248-253 [22] Ekapti R 2016 Model mental dan pemahaman konsep tekanan siswa smp melalui problem based learning berbasis representational task formats (Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) [23] Syaodih N 2006 Metode penelitian pendidikan (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya) [24] Mansyur J 2010 Kajian fenomenografi aspek-aspek model mental subjek lintas level akademik dalam problem solving konsep dasar mekanika (Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)


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[25] Treagust D F 1998 Development and use of diagnostic test to evaluate students’ misconception in science International Journal of Science Education vol 10 chapter 2 pp 159-169 [26] Kaltacki D, et al 2005 Identifying pre- service physics teachers’ misconception with three-tier test. On behalf of Departement of Secondary Science/ Math Education, Kocacli University, Kocacli, Turkey pp 1-8 [27] Suparno, P 2005 miskonsepsi dan perubahan konsep pendidikan fisika (Jakarta: Grasindo)


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Development of integrated science teaching material energy theme for VII grade junior high school by using four steps teaching material development (4STMD)

M I Juarsaa, S Anwar, P Siahaan Department of Science Education, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl Setiabudi no.229 Bandung a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Science as a subject should be teached intact or integrated, not separated as biology, physics chemistry, and earth and space so that students are able to know science integrally as a knowledge. In this research, researcher developed integrated science teaching material by using integrated model energy theme for VII grade. This teaching material developed by using 4STMD (Four Steps Teaching Material Development). The steps is consist of selection phase, structuration phase, characterisation phase, and didacic reduction phase. The aim of this research is to: develop this teaching material by using 4STMD; verify understanding aspect of teaching material; and verify properness aspect of teaching material. Method of this research is Research and Development (R&D). The result of this research is a teaching material with good comprhension aspect and feasibility aspect.

1. Introduction The subject matter of science in Junior High School (SMP / MTs) is an integrated science. Science as a subject should be taught as a whole or integrated, not separated between Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth and space. Such a thing is intended so that students are able to know science integrally as a knowledge [1]. Science learning which is presented in scientific discipline is considered too early for children aged 7-14 years, because children at this age are still in transition from the level of concrete operational thinking to abstract thinking [2]. In addition, learners see the surrounding world holisticaly. Therefore, science learning should be presented in an intact form and not partial. Energy and its changes material is presented separately [2]. It allows for overlapping and repetition, thus requiring more time and energy, as well as boring for learners. When overlapping and repeatable concepts can be integrated, learning will be more efficient and effective. Integrated science learning has 10 types of integration, those are: 1. Fragmented; 2. Connected; 3. Nested; 4. Sequenced; 5. Shared; 6. Webbed; 7. Threaded; 8. Integrated; 9. Immersed; and 10. Networked [3]. Intergrated model is one of the appropriate integration models to develop in Indonesia [2]. Integrated model is an integrated learning model that uses an approach of inter-field of study. This model is attempted by combining the field of study by setting curricular priorities and finding overlapping skills, concepts and attitudes in some subjects. To create a theme, the teacher must first select the concept of several subjects, then link it in a theme to cover several subjects, in a themed learning package [3]. 991

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In the process of developing teaching materials, there are four steps that must be taken before the material is worth presenting to the students. The four stages of developing the teaching materials are Selection, Structuring, Characterization, and Didactic Reduction [4]. These four stages are referred as 4STMD (Four Steps Teaching Material Development). The selection stage is the process of sorting and selecting the information required in the preparation of teaching materials. The selected information is related to the selection of content or teaching materials materials from public or basic textbooks which are then adapted to the curriculum. In addition, there is also a selection of value aspects that are adapted to the concept presented. In the stage of structuring, a concept map, macro structures, and multiple representations of pre-selected materials materials are created. Then at the characterization stage, teaching materials materials are tested to a number of students to find out the difficulty level of the text presented by the text that is considered difficult then enter into the next stage of didactic reduction. At this stage, level of difficulty of teaching materials is reduced in a certain way by considering the psychological and scientific aspects. Based on these background, the research questions are: how to develop energy theme teaching material for VII grade by using four steps teaching material development (4STMD)?; how is the comperhension aspect of this teaching material?; and how is the feasibility aspect of this teaching material? To solve these problem, researcher need to develop an integrated science teaching material energy theme for VII grade junior high school by using 4STMD. This research focuses on developing integrated science materials with energy theme for VII grade. The aim of this research is to: develop this teaching material by using 4STMD; verify comprehension aspect of teaching material; and verify feasibility aspect of teaching material. 2. Method Research method used in this research is Research and Development (R & D). Research and Development is a research method used to produce a specific product and test the effectiveness of the product [5]. This research method is in accordance with the needs of researchers because this study aims to produce and test the teaching materials of energy for VII grade. This research was conducted at SMP 2 Panongan, Tangerang District with class VII 8 students as a subject. By using the method of research and development (R & D), the research steps were done as described below: Problems

Data Collection

Design of Product

Design Validation

Product Revision

Usage Trial

Product Revision

Product Trial

Learning Material Figure 1. Figure of Steps of Research and Development Method [5]. 2.1. Problems Problems encountered include learning of energy and its change presented separately. This allows for overlapping and repetition, which requires more time and energy, and is boring for learners. When overlapping and repeatable concepts can be integrated, learning will be more efficient and effective. So the researchers intend to create integrated teaching materials Integrated type of integration with the theme of energy for Junior High School VII grade.


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2.2. Data Collection In collecting this information, the first step of 4STMD (selection) is simultaneously performed. After the presentation of the problem, then the next step the researchers collect various information to plan products that are expected to solve the problem. The researcher conducted a literature review on integrated science teaching materials, then did a literature review on the development of 4STMD teaching materials and analyzed the step of making teaching materials using 4STMD. After that researchers analyzed the content of Junior High School science subjects related with energy. Further information will be used to design the product into a design of teaching materials. 2.3. Design of Product After the collection of information which is also in line with the 4STMD selection step, a product design is created based on the information collected. The product design was done in accordance with the second process of 4STMD that is structuring. The design includes the making of concept maps, macro structures, and multiple representations that the order of the material is in line with integrated method. The teaching materials at the next stage will be validated. 2.4. Design Validation Design validation is done by presenting experts to assess the products that have been designed. Design validation is done in the discussion forum. After the design of teaching materials are discussed with the experts, weaknesses in the teaching materials can be seen. So at this stage the design is improved in order to reduce the shortcomings obtained during validation. 2.5. Product Trial After being validated and revised, the teaching materials can be made in the form of teaching materials designs. This stage is an activity to assess whether the design of teaching materials can be understood by students or not. This stage is done in harmony with the third stage of 4STMD which is characterization where at this stage students are given material per sub subject, after that the students are asked to find the main idea and determine whether the material is easy or too difficult. After that the data is collected for further refinement at the design improvement stage. 2.6. Product Revision Once the design of the teaching materials is tested in the classroom, it can be seen whether the material is understandable or too elusive. In tune with the last stage of 4STMD, that is didactic reduction. For the learning material that is too difficult, the difficulty level was reduced in an appropriate way. There are 8 ways to do didactic reduction include: Back to qualitative stages; Neglect; Use of explanations of images, symbols, sketches, and experiments; Use of analogy; Use of historical development level; generalization; Particularisation; And waiver differences in concept statements [5]. After the didactic reduction stage is done, the instructional material design was made into the prototype of teaching materials. 2.7. Usage Trial After doing didactic reduction, the prototype of the teaching material is tested on the aspect of comprehension and feasibility. Aspects of comprehension are tested by dividing the prototype into sub-subjects contains of several paragraphs. Then the students are asked to write down the main idea. While the feasibility aspects of teaching materials are tested with instruments based on the criteria of the feasibility of teaching materials made by BSNP. The instrument is then given to teachers and experts. 2.8. Product Revision The usage trial result shown that the prototype of teaching material still have flaws and weaknesses. This revision aims to determine the weaknesses that exist when testing aspects of understanding and feasibility of teaching materials, so that they can be used for refinement and for further research.


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2.9. Learning Material (Finished Product) If the prototype of the teaching material has been declared effective in its application, then the finished product can be printed and used in any educational institution. 3. Result and Discussion 3.1. Development of teaching material based on 4STMD Teaching material that was developed is an Integrated model based on Fogarty. The integrated model represents a cross-disciplinary approach [3]. The integrated model blend some major disciplines by setting curricular priorities in each and finding the overlapping concepts [3]. Meanwhile the development of teaching material based on 4STMD was done through four steps. In selection step, researcher did selection of content standard (standar isi) based on science curricula and value related to to science content. The result of this step is two standart competency and 9 indicator suitable with energy theme. Meanwhile the result of structuration step is a concept map, macro structure, and multiple representation based on energy theme. Concept map made was a tree network type. Macro structure made was consist of 31 proportion. And multile representation show macroscopic, submicroscopis, and symbolic aspects. In characteristic phase, based on 16 parts of teaching material, 13 of them are understandable and the rest of them was difficult material. Didactic reduction phase was done by reducting dificulty level of 3 difficult material. Carbohydrate and protein part was reducted by neglection, meanwhile photosynthesis part was reduced by using picture, symbol, and experiment. 3.2. Comperhension Aspect The data was collected by using an instrument contains text of separated sub-subjects, students then asked to write down the main idea of the text. The result of the understanding aspect of energy teaching material which was developed through 4STMD was good understanding criteria with a number of 76%. 3.3. Feasibility Aspect Meanwhile the result of the properness aspect of energy teaching material which was developed through 4STMD concludes that the component of content properness was 90%, language properness was 100%, presentment properness was 100%, and printing properness was 75%. As a whole result, the properness aspect was 90% with good criteria of properness. 4. Conclusion The result of this resarch is an integrated science teaching material of energy that was made through 4STMD which consist of selection step, structuration step, characteristis step, and didactic reduction step. Based on the discussion, this teaching material got a score of 76% that is included into good understanding criteria, and got a score of 90% that is included into good properness criteria. 5. Acknowledgments Authors would like to thank to author’s supervisor, Mr. Sjaiful Anwar and Mr. Parsaoran Siahaan for guidance to conduct this research. . 6. References [1] Muji L 2012 Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu di SMP. Journal of Innovative Science Education. Vol 1. [2] Pusat Kurikulum Balitbang Depdiknas 2007 Kajian Kebijakan Kurikulum Mata Pelajaran IPA. (Jakarta: Depdiknas) [3] Fogarty 1991 How To Integrate the Curricula. (USA: Skylight Publishing)


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[4] [5]

Anwar S 2014. Pengolahan Bahan Ajar, (Bandung: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) Sugiyono 2011 Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. (Bandung: Alfabeta)


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

STEM approach based environmental to improving learning outcomes and student character S Nurkhalisaa) D E Mastura Departemen of Integrated Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Jalan Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang 50229, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The educational system needs to be made directed, guided, and there is continuity in each system so that education can develop the potential of learners both in the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor areas. Nowadays, the condition of education in Indonesia based on the results of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is still far behind even with other countries in Asia. Various approaches to learning have different effects in the learning process. The 2013 Indonesian curriculum provides teachers with the choice to choose appropriate learning methods with student and student centre development. One of them are STEM aproach that can improve learning outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to integrate STEM learning with Environmental approach. This is qualitative study that used library research (literature). Based on study, environmental-based STEM approach is one of the methods that can improve the quality of education in Indonesia.

1. Introduction Education is a conscious and planned effort and has a goal to materialise the learning process that makes learners be active in developing themselves so as to be a useful person for the interests of many people [1]. The purpose of National Education of Indonesia is stipulated in Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Year 2003 which describes the national education which aims to develop human beings as a person of faith and cautious to God, having noble character, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizen which is democratic and responsible through planned and systematic educational activities. The educational system needs to be made directed, guided, and there is continuity in each system so that education can develop the potential of learners both in the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor areas [2]. The development of potential learners can be done during the learning process through the development of hard skills and soft skills in accordance with the four pillars that are declared by UNESCO there are learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to live together [3]. However, the condition of education in Indonesia is still far behind even with other countries in Asia. Based on the results of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) Indonesia ranked 45 out of 48 participants with a score below the average score of 397 in the field of science and mathematics when surveyed in 2015 [4]. In addition, the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), which is a study of science literacy students in various countries in the world in 2016 reported the results of science literacy students in Indonesia who ranked the bottom 10 of all countries in the world who follow PISA with a score of 403 [5]. From the scores that have been obtained indicates that Indonesian students in learning only able to remember scientific knowledge


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such as facts, scientific names, formulas and simple terms, to evaluate an event, to recognise simple concepts but not yet able to apply in phenomena in everyday life [6 ], [7]. The ability of students in the learning process that has not been optimally influenced by several factors both derived from students self-interest in learning, student motivation to follow the lessons or external factors from one of them is the learning approach that used by teachers. A learning approach that does not attract students to be active in the learning process and more dominated by teachers makes student learning outcomes relatively low [8] [9], [10]. This causes students not to develop and train their active thinking skills [11]. A variety of learning approaches can be used in the science-learning process but based on [1] study comparing the Science Environment Technology and Society (SETS), Science Technology and Society (STS) dan Science Technology Engineering and Mathematic (STEM) approach, the average student is higher when using the STEM approach [1]. In addition, Ceylan (2014) states that learning using the STEM approach improves scores on student tests. Education not only focuses on improving learning outcomes that are cognitive and psychomotor aspects but also attention to the affective aspects depicted in the character of students [12]. In this study will be discuss about how STEM-based learning can affect student learning outcomes and how to implement environmentally-based STEM learning. 2. Method The author of this paper uses library research (literature). Research library is a writing method using an object of research library is a writing method using an object of research studies that focus on literatures. Data processing is done by combining some of the information to be used as an argument and perspective problems. Because of that, it can be said of data and information processing techniques performed by the argumentative descriptive, with writing that is descriptive, describing STEM and environmental learning. 3. Discussion Various approaches to learning have different effects in the learning process. The 2013 Indonesian curriculum provides teachers with the choice to choose appropriate learning methods with student and student centre development [13]. Students will be more interested in following their learning to participate in problem-oriented activities so that students will conceptualise effectively [17]. Learning outcomes is terms used to find out which courses are in learning [9]. According to Hamalik (2001), the learning outcome is a change of person after the learning process [14]. Based on Bloom's Taxonomy the learning outcomes are divided into three spheres there are affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. The cognitive domain includes six aspects of remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating, and creating. Affective domains include attitudes, traits, feelings, interests, emotions, and judgments about a thing or event, and in the psychomotor realm related to one is ability after fixing something [10], [15]. In the world of education, learning results are usually affixed in the form of symbols and numbers [9]. In addition to likes in the form of numbers and symbols, the character owned by students is also one of the results of student learning. The character that must be owned by Indonesian students is listed in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 53 of 2015 on Student Passing Standard. The character is in line with education so that as a requirement of graduation students must have a character that is incorporated in the Core Competence (Kompetensi Inti) so that a learning is said to be successful students have a positive character in themselves [18]. Science for character development is very important considering the progress of products and technology based on the development of science [19]. According Khusniati (2012) implements character education in the learning process is done through three stages of implementation, planning, until the evaluation stage. The planning stage is the earliest stage in character learning so that at this stage it is also a learning model that can enable students to achieve the knowledge, attitude, and skills to be achieved [20].


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The STEM approach is a learning approach that integrates science, technology, engineering and mathematics so that STEM integrates several learning techniques and curriculum [1], [22] so that in the STEM learning process students will be able to construct knowledge because of the STEM learning process. From the context of self-education, STEM as a science that is part of science which is a phenomenon and phenomenon in it; Technology, transformation, innovation, modification of the natural environment to facilitate human work; Techniques that applied knowledge in practice that to assemble materials and natural forces to meet human needs; Mathematics is a branch of science consisting of patterns, relationships and relationships [21]. STEM approach has steps in its implementation that are, (1) observation step; (2) asking questions (science); (3) make a hypothesis; (4) analyzing and interpreting hypotheses, providing innovations based on mathematical data; (4) wake up explanation (technology) and create (technique) [1], [13], [22]. Several studies on STEM in Indonesia show that student learning outcomes have improved as in table 1. Table 1. STEM research in Indonesian Source Suwarna et al., (2015)

Afriana et al., (2016)

Ismail et al., (2016)

Pertiwi et al., (2017)

Result STEM learning with Balloon Powered Car media is able to increase student's motivation and outcomes in final school examination because of direct experience in engineering process Learning outcomes using STEM-based learning model PJBL improve the science process of both male and female students as well as increase students' motivation and interest in learning STEM-based virtual lab with the theme of water pollution can improve students' literacy skills. Women's literacy rate is higher than that of men [24]. Critical thinking skills appear in students using STEM-based student worksheet [23]

STEM application in Indonesia is still rarely done while learning using STEM can improve student learning outcomes [21]. Suwarna et al., In 2015 conducted interviews to students after doing STEM learning using Balloon Powered Car as a medium in learning. The result of the student interview expressed the pleasure of following the learning. This indicates that with the learning students are motivated to learn and have a good interest in the subject matter Motion Straight. The Afriana et al. (2016) study found that there was an increase in the students' science literacy during the learning using STEM-based PJBL model on Air Pollution material even in male and female students getting different results. Female students tend to be higher in attitude and science literacy because female students tend to be interested in the themes raised in the learning materials. This is in line with Ismail et al's (2016) study which found that female students' literacy rates were higher than men because female students tended to be superior to men in matters containing information recall indicators, hypotheses, While male students are superior in matters that contain indicators of remembering information in texts and raising scientific reasons. The development of STEM-based student worksheet is done by Pertiwi et al., In 2017 which put forward the character of critical thinking to the students. STEM-based student worksheet able to improve the character and critical thinking skills in students are indicated by the fulfilment of critical thinking indicators that are flexible thinking, thinking detailing, original thinking, thinking smoothly improved. All of these indicators have been met by the students who have been able to interpret the images, think of new applications on Static Fluid materials, be able to answer the questions of the steps, as well as the students, are able to design their own design and step activities in an experiment. 998

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By using STEM approach in the learning process not only able to improve student learning outcomes but also remain concerned about the characters to students, especially the environmental cares. Environmental-based STEM learning can be done by selecting materials related to the ecosystem and the environment. When implementing STEM with environment-based learning, it is expected to instil an environmentally caring character in the students. The environmental character is usually based on contextual learning methods because students will recognise the immediate surroundings but with STEM learning teachers are expected to be able to insert an environmental caring character in conveying learning and habituation in school activities. To implement an environment-based STEM approach is done by inserting a student project that aims to address problems in the student's environment. In the create stage, students are directed to create a project that aims to address environmental problems so students will think about how to solve environmental problems with the projects that students create. 4. Conclusion Environmental-based STEM approach is one of the methods that can improve the quality of education in Indonesia because not only to improving learning outcomes can also bring up a variety of characters according to the goals of Indonesian education. 5. Acknowledgments This research was conducted aspart ofthe professional development from reseacher that concern in STEM learning and Department of Integrated Science, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences Universitas Negeri Semarang. 6. References [1] Ferdiansyah, I, 2015 Perbedaan hasil belajar peserta didik menggunakanpendekatan STS, SETS, dan STEM pada pembentukan konsep virus Skripsi. (Jakarta: Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah) [2] Triyanto E, Anitah S, dan Suryani N, 2013 Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Mengembangkan Media Pembelajaran sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Proses Pembelajaran. Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan. 1(2): 226-238 [3] Yokhebed, Titin, Wahyuni E S 2016 Peningkatan Life Skill melalui Pembelajaran berbasis Keunggulan Lokal Proceeding Biology Education Conference (Surakarta) 13(1): 455-460 [4] Provasnik S, Malley L, Stephens M, Landeros K, Perkins R, and Tang J H 2016 Highlights From TIMSS and TIMSS Advanced 2015: Mathematics and Science Achievement of U.S. Students in Grades 4 and 8 and in Advanced Courses at the End of High School in an International Context (NCES 2017-002) (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved (31 Maret 2016) from http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch) [5] OECD, 2016 PISA 2015 Result in Focus https://www.oecd.org/pisa/pisa-2015-result-in-focus.pdf (diakses secara online pada 31 Maret 2017) [6] Wulandari N and Sholihin H, 2016 Analisis Kemampuan Literasi Sains pada Aspek Pengetahuan dan Kompetensi Sains Siswa SMP pada Materi Kalor EDUSAINS. 8(1): 67-73 [7] Pratiwi Y I, Budiharti R, Ekawati E Y, 2014 Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Interaktif dalam Bentuk Moodle untuk Siswa SMP pada Tema Matahari sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika. 2(1): 26-30 [8] Supardi U S, Leonard, Suhendri H, Rismurdiyati 2012 Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran dan Minat Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Jurnal Formatif. 2(1): 71-81 [9] Mutakin T Z, 2013 Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Kalkulus 1 Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika Jurnal Formatif. 3(1): 49-60 [10] Verada P F, 2016 Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran SPICS (Student Centered, Problem Based, Interest, Confident, and Satisfication) terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Rasional dan Hasil Belajar IPA-Biologi Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Gumukmas Jember Skripsi (Universitas Jember) [11] Suparno 2011 Membangun Kompetensi Belajar (Jakarta: Dirjen Dikti Depdiknas)


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[12] Ceylan S, Ozdilek Z, 2015 Improving a Sample Lesson Plan for Secondary Science Courses within the STEM Education Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 177: 223 – 228 [13] Afriana J, Permanasari A, Fitriani A, 2016 Penerapan Project Based Learning Terintegrasi STEM untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Sains Siswa Ditinjau dari Gender Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA. 2 (2): 202 – 212 [14] Hamalik O, 2001 Porses Belajar Mengajar (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara) [15] Suparno 2001 Membangun Kompetensi Belajar (Jakarta: Dirjen Dikti Depdiknas) [16] Marjan J, Arnyana I B P, Setiawan I G A N, 2014 Johari Marjan (2014). Pengaruh Pembelajaran Pendekatan Saintifik Terhadap Hasil Belajar Biologi dan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa MA Mu’allimat NW Pancor Selong Kabupaten Lombok Timur Nusa Tenggara Barat e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. 4: 1-12 [17] Ganyaupfu E M, 2013 Teaching Method and Students’ Academic Performance International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention. 2(9): 2319-7714 [18] Ramadhana N, Ibrahim M, Agustini R, 2014 Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Biologi Melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Make A Match dan The Power of Two pada Konsep Sistem Ekskresi Siswa Kelas XI IPA SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Makassar Pendidikan Sains Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. 4(1): 452-458 [19] Widiyatmoko A, 2014 Implementasi Modul Pembelajaran IPA Tema “Konservasi” untuk Menumbuhkan Karakter Siswa. Proceeding Seminar Nasional Konservasi dan Kualitas Pendidikan 2014 (Semarang/Universitas Negeri Semarang) [20] Khusniati M, 2012 Pendidikan Karakter melalui Pembelajaran IPA. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia. 1(2): 204-210 [21] Suwarma I R, Astuti P, Endah E N, 2015 Baloon Powered Car sebagai Media Pembelajaran IPA Berbasis STEM (Science, Thechnology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Proceed Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2015 (Bandung) [22] Syukri M, Halim L, Meerah T S M, 2013 Pendidikan STEM dalam Entrepreneurial Science Thingking “EsciT” Satu Perkongsian Pengalaman dari UKM untuk Aceh. Aceh Development International Conference (Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya) [23] Pertiwi R S, Abdurrahman, Rosidin U, 2017 Efektivitas LKS STEM untuk Melatih Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika. 5(2): 11-19 [24] Ismail I, Permanasari A, Setiawan W, 2016 Efektivitas Virtual Lab Berbasis STEM dalam Meningkatkan Literasi Sains Siswa dengan Perbedaan Gender Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA. 2 (2): 190-201


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

The development of test instruments to measure students’ scientific argumentation based on toulmin’s argument pattern (TAP) indicators U T Kurniasiha), Muslim, and Y Sanjaya Program Studi Pendidikan IPA Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The research aims to develop instruments for measuring scientific argumentation in light topic. Students’ scientific argument is measured by using Toulmin’s Argument Pattern (TAP) which includes claim, data, warrant, and backing. The method that is used in this research is the Research and Development (R & D). The subject of this research is Junior High School students of class IX D in Subang, West Java. The instrument of this research is written test of scientific argumentation, in essay form as much as 32 items. Test analysis is performed on the discrimination, difficulty, validity, and reliability aspect. The analysis result shows that based on its difficulty, 87,50% is included into medium and 12,50% is easy. Meanwhile based on its discrimination, 6,25% is included into excellent criteria, 71,87% is good, 12,50% is satistifactory, and 9,37% is poor. The validity is 100% valid and reliability is 0,96 which included into very high criteria. The result shows that this instrument can be used to measure students’ scientific argumentation.

1. Introduction Argumentation has important role on science because using scientific argumentation on science subject is able to help student on building their own knowledge. Argumentation is an effort that is done by a person to convey an argument with fact to strengthen the argument [1]. On delivering an argument, student needs to give evidences (data) and an accurate theory to support their claim on the problem. The aim of argumentation is to get the best idea between claim and clear evidence. Argumentation is a thinking process that can be developed on intellectual activity. On developing the ability of argumentation, there are process/stages that must be done to describe the relationship between idea and evidence, that is a basic tool so student can validate the idea and evidence that is pound [2]. Argumentation is a thinking process that can be developed on group discussion of intellectual activity. On delivering an argument, student needs to give evidences (data) and theory to support their claim through a problem. The student’s thinking ability is needed on analysis the evidence and theory that have been given, so their argument could be accepted by others. The student’s argumentation ability can be measured using instrument test on scientific argumentation based on Toulmin’s argument Pattern (TAP). Regarding to Toulmin, the basic components on scientific argumentation ability consists of claim, data, warrant, backing, rebuttal and qualifier. Claim is a statement that is delivered by students through existing on scientific phenomenon. Data is the unique evidence to support a claim. Warrant is the justification reason with knowledge of claim. Backing is a support through a claim to make trust reason. Rebuttal is a protest through a claim. Qualifier is a clarification that shows a reliance/dependence through a claim [3]. From six components 1001

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on Toulmin’s argumentation, there are three components that is basic component such as claim, data and warrant. The strong argument consists of backing that describe how does the authority of argument give the validity to the core argument. The additional component that maybe appears on argument is rebuttal or protest through a claim and qualifier or limited statement that describe a right condition [4]. The aim of this research is to develop an instrument test to measure the student’s scientific argumentation ability on light material. The ability aspect of argumentation consists of claim, data, warrant and backing. The test instrument is developed based on the indicator of scientific argumentation ability based on Toulmin’s Argument Pattern (TAP). On this research, the indicator that is used on developing instrument are 1) making claim based on the problem, 2) writing and analyzing data to support the claim, 3) describing the relationship data with claim, 4) justification to support a claim. The scientific argumentation ability that is developed on this research is described. The describing test is a test on question or command that is demand for sentence on description, assessment, interpretation, etc. Making this test is easy relatively, but the result investigation need long time period. The result from two persons or more will have variation. So, the result test on this research is assessed from the rubric result on scientific argumentation ability that is adapted [5]. The instrument ability of scientific argumentation must be analyzed before to know the quality. The analysis that is used is difficulty item, discrimination item, validity and reliability. In other words, those instruments must be measured before. The question item which has low quality must be revised. Question item that has high quality can be used to measure the scientific ability argumentation is to have not too difficult and not too easy on their criteria, has good criteria, good validity and high reliability. 2. Method The method uses on this research is research and development (R & D) method by adapting 3D model from 4D Thiagarajan model that is Define, Design, and Develop [6]. The procedure consists of: 1) Devine is a preliminary stage aimed at establishing developmental requirements that include literature studies, preliminary studies, establishing research objectives, and establishing competence. The literature study is carried out by examining theories about the development of scientific argumentation tests, science materials and previous relevant research. The purpose of the test assessment developed is to measure students' scientific argumentation. The development of those instruments is doing based on criteria and item test of Toulmin scientific argumentation that is called Toulmin’s Argument Pattern (TAP) such as claim, data, warrant and backing. 2) The design stage is the stage that aims to design the items of test questions including the preparation of the grille and the item. 3) The develop stage aims to test the quality of the test. Test quality is tested by means of expert validation, revision of improvement results, trials, analysis of test results and conclusions. The instrument on this research is a written test of scientific argument ability for 32 items in light topic such as light reflection on mirror (16 questions), refraction on lens (8 questions) and eyesight sensory (8 questions). The research subject is students of class IX D in 2016-2017 at one of junior high school in Subang, West Java. The population is 34 students. 3. Result and Discussion 3.1. Item Difficulty Item difficulty on a question is proportion from all students who gives right answer on the question. Item difficulty analysis means that to know the easy, medium and difficult item. First stage to calculate the index difficulty is calculating mean on each question. Next stage is calculating difficulty index on dividing mean with maximal item score. The high difficulty index between 0.00 and 1.00 shows that the difficulty level on the question that he question with index 0.00 describes the question is too difficult, and index 1.00 illustrates that the question is too easy [7]. The analysis result on difficulty item can be seen on figure 1. .


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Item Difficulty Easy




Figure 1. Diagram picture with the result of analysis difficulty item Figure 1 show that the analysis results of difficulty item. From 32 questions of argumentation scientific ability test gotten the difficulty on 28 question (87.50 %) have medium criteria and 4 question (12.50 %) have easy criteria is number 5, 7, 19 and 29. Criteria is easy to be gotten if the students or research subject answer more the item test and it can be seen that there are 4 items belongs to easy criteria. Difficulty item test results indicate that 87% of items are included in medium criteria. The item can be used to measure scientific argumentation. This is in accordance with arikunto's statement that a good item is a matter that is not too easy and not too difficult [7]. The overly easy items do not stimulate the students to enhance the effort to solve them. Conversely items that are too difficult will cause students to be discouraged and have no passion to try again because it is out of reach. Items that are considered good are the items being. Easy items that are too easy or too difficult does not mean should not be used. 3.2. Item Discrimination Table 1 describes the result of discrimination of instrument ability on scientific argumentation. Distinguishing capacity on question is the ability on question to differentiate between participate test that have high ability with low student participate ability [8]. Distinguishing analysis means that to know differentiate of students whom master the material or not. Table 1. Data of Item Discrimination Test Result Item No 1

Discrimination Index




0,56 0,44

Good Good

Used Used






5 6

0,56 0,43


Item No 17

Discrimination Index






0,61 0,46




















22 23





Used Used

Satisfactory Good



Good Satisfactory

0,61 0,38






Do not




Excellent Good

Used Used Used

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Item No

Discrimination Index




Item No

Discrimination Index































Used Do not Used Do not Used Do not Used Used

























Table 1 shows that the result of distinguishing data. From 32 questions of the ability of scientific argumentation is gotten 2 questions (6.25 %) has excellent criteria, 23 questions (71.87 %) is good, 4 questions (12.50 %) is satisfactory, 3 questions (9.37 %) is poor. From 32 questions of the scientific argumentation ability can be used as instrument for 28 questions, meanwhile can not be used for 4 questions is number 9, 10, 11 and 12. 3.3. Validity The quality on ability of scientific argumentation instrument is measured through validity test based on the Content of Validity Ratio (CVR). CVR is a validity approach to know the question appropriate with the component that is measured from expert’s judgments [9]. After all questions get score, then the score is calculated with formula below:

where n2 is the amount of respondent with N as respondent total. If less than half of total respondent states appropriate, so CVR is negative. If half from respondent total states appropriate, so CVR has zero calculation. If all respondent states appropriate, so CVR has 1.00. If the amount of respondent whom states appropriate more than respondent total, so CVR is between 0 until 0.99[10]. Instrument can be valid if the validation result bigger than CVR result. Based on the result of validation analysis on instrument test of scientific argumentation ability, five experts gives result that questions related to the concept that match with the scientific argumentation ability and indicator. From those explanations above, it can be concluded that the instrument ability on scientific argumentation consists of 32 questions and all is valid. The revision through some of questions has been done on correction and comment by five experts such as: 1) fixing redaction and problem; 2) checking the right answer; and 3) fixing unclearly picture. 3.4. Reliability Reliability test is a consistency on a test as long as the test can be believed to get consistent score. The reliability test of scientific argumentation ability uses Alpha formula below: ∑

is a variety score on each item and is a total variety. Then, the Where r11 is wanted reliability ∑ counting result is consulted with table r product moment. If r calculate is bigger than r table so the instrument is claimed reliable. Based on the result of reliability, r calculate is 0.96 and the result of r table on significant is 0.05 of 0.32 so the instrument result of scientific argumentation ability is reliable with the high criteria. 1004

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4. Conclusion Based on the analysis data and discussion, it can be concluded that written instrument test that is developed is able to be used to measure the student’s ability on scientific argumentation on light topic. It has been proved by the validity result and reliability with high criteria at 0.94. 5. Acknowledgments The researcher delivers thanks to validator team for the discussion and suggestion toward the instrument that developed by researcher also tall parties who have helped on this research. 6. References [1] Yun S M and Kim H B 2014 Changes in Students’ Participation and Small Group Norms in Scientific Argumentation Research Science Education Springer [2] Berland and Hammer 2012 Framing For Scientific Argumentation Journal Of Research in science Teaching 49 (1) pp 68-94 [3] Gray R Kang N H 2014 The structure of Scientific Arguments by Secondary Science Teachers: Comparison of Experimental and Historical Science Topics International Journal of Science Education. [4] Kutalunga U et. al. 2013 Argumentation and Participation Pattern in General Chemistry Peer – Led – Sessions Journal of Research in Science Teaching 50 (10) pp 1027-1231 [5] Muslim and Suhandi A 2012 Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Fisika Sekolah untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif dan Keterampilan Berargumentasi Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia 8:174-183 [6] Thiagarajan S et.al. 1974 Instructional Development for Training Teachers of Expectional Children (Minneapolis Minesotta Leadership Training Intstitute/Special education) [7] Arikunto S 2012 Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan Edisi 2 (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara) [8] Matlock S and Hetzel 1997 Basic Concept in Item and Test Analysis Paper Presented at The Annual Meeting of The Southwest Educational Research Association [9] Lawshe C H 1975 A Quantitative Approach to Content Validity paper Presented at Content Validity II (Bowling Green State University: United States of America) [10] Wilson F Robert et al. 2012 Recalculation of The Critical Values for Lawshe’s Content Validity Ratio


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Integrated science teaching materials development themed “Pameutingan river” by using four steps teaching materials development (4STMD) Y I Shofwati1, a) and S Anwar2 1

Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 Departemen Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: yiyanish@gmail,com

Abstract. Reaching the optimal educational process needs the optimal efforts of each main component including the attention on the materials. Based on the preliminary studies, the breadth and the depth of some teaching material are still inappropriate with the curriculum and still improper to the scientific concepts. The developmental method used is the Four Step Teaching Materials Development (4STMD) consisting selection, structuring, characterization, and didactic reduction stages. This article is the first stage of it covering the selection and the structuring stages. The selection stage begins by developing the scope of the material themed “Pameutingan” River based on the curriculum. Next, developing the main concept sourced from 10 national and international textbooks. The last, the values and the skills are developed through those textbooks. The results of the first stage are the materials; the element, compound, mixture, acid, alkali, physical and chemical properties, ecosystem and the environment contamination. Besides, the results of the structuring stage are; the concept map, macrostructure and the multiple representations. The result of these two stages is the teaching material‟s draft. The research method used is the Developmental Research developed by Richey and Klein.

1. Introduction The learning process of the natural science based on the 2013 curriculum is an integrative or integrated learning process that is applicative oriented, developing the thinking ability, learning ability, curiosity, and developing the caring attitude and responsibility towards the social and the natural environments. The achievement of the optimal teaching and learning process needs the optimal of each main component of the learning process. One of the components which needs the special attention is the teaching material because there are still amount of the teaching material which its depth and its breadth are inappropriate with the level of the students thus it is difficult to be understood by the students [1]. The teaching material becomes the information source for the students to develop the knowledge and their thinking skills. The number of the teaching material found in the field used by the teachers and the students in the teaching and the learning process tend to refer to one science field only, thus the presentation is separated from one field and the others. The limitation of the integrated teaching


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material demands the teachers to make their own teaching material based on the government regulation of education and culture (permendikbud) no.16 in 2007. It states that teachers as the professional educators have the ability to develop the teaching material based on the existing mechanism by paying attention to the characteristics and the social environment of the students. Four Steps Teaching Material Development (4STMD) is one of the methods to process the teaching material to create the good quality of the teaching material based on the curriculum demands. It consists of four stages, among others; selection, structuralization, characterization, and didactic reduction[1]. It is compared to the other models of teaching material development, there is a stage which differs them, a deductive reduction. The deductive reduction is an effort to reduce the level of difficulties (complexity, abstractness, and the subtly) of a teaching material becomes easy teaching material (simple, concrete, unpretentious). Since the successful of the students in understanding the concept in the teaching material is determined by the students’ ability to save the abstraction concepts in their cognitive structure, deductive reduction needs to be conducted psychologically. It means that the material of the certain subject is processed based on the level and the ability of the students. Some teaching materials resulted from the 4S TMD method shows the positive results, among others ; the teaching material themed “the sea” developed by the 4S TMD method has the large effect category of the effectiveness use as the teaching material[2]. The next, the teaching material themed “the air” based on the religious value developed by the 4S TMD method is feasible to be used as the companion science teaching material[3]. The similar result is also showed by the teaching material themed “ the weather” developed by the 4S TMD method wich has a very feasible category[4]. Another result gathered using the teaching material themed “the global warming” developed by the 4S TMD method that has the medium understanding of the text[5]. The presentation of the integrated natural science teaching material begins with the phenomena around the students and describes it based on the review from the biological, chemical, and the physical fields and the earth science and space (Ilmu Pengetahuan Bumi dan Antariksa [IPBA]). One of the phenomena close to the students is the Pameutingan River. Some main material in the junior high school grade VII that can be linked one another, such as element material, mixture, environment, and ecosystem thus the Pameutingan River teaching material can be created. This is the reason why the researcher conducted this current study to develop the integrated natural science teaching material that the expected result can be used as the companion book of the integrated natural science teaching material in the teaching and learning process. 2. Method The research and development conducted are based on the research development model developed by Richey dan Klein [6]. In this case, the focus on the research and development consists of three stages, among others; the design (the plan) means the activity to make the product design to be made. This activity begins by analyzing the requirement needed by conducting the research and the literature study. In this stage, the theme is decided, the Pameutingan River. The developmental stage is the activity to create the product based on the design has been made. Besides, in this stage, the researcher will develop the teaching material by using 4S TMD (Four Steps Teaching Material Development) method which consists of four stages; selection, structuralization, characterization, and didactic reduction stages. The evaluation is the testing activity and assessing how high the product has been made, is is fulfilling the decided specification or not? In this stage, the researcher will conduct the test of the teaching material to be developed and conducting the revised on the result of the test. The trial of the teaching material will be done by the students of the junior high school or MTS grade VII. The students will be given the teaching material to be learned then will be given the test to evaluate the level of their understanding of the teaching material given. Besides the students, the natural science teachers will be asked to evaluate the feasibility of the teaching material developed. The stages of the research and development can be seen in the image below:


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Figure 1. The flow of the teaching material developed by 4S TMD The selection stage begins by continuing the choosing stage of the basic competence or Kompetensi Dasar (KD) by developing the indicator from KD-KD chosen. To test the feasibility of the indicator developed of the KD, the reviews by some experts are conducted. After gaining the KD and indicator reviewed, the concept selection is based on the indicators is conducted. The concept selection is taken from the sourced basic textbooks and the general text. In addition, the value integration to the concept is also conducted. The integrated value is presented in the form of interesting information or illustration for the students. To test the appropriateness between the concept, the indicator, and the integrated value, the experts’ reviews are needed. 1008

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The structuralization stage includes the preparation of the concepts map, macrostructure, and multiple representations. The concept map as the part of the teaching material takes the role as the relation guidance between the concepts in the theme of the Pameutingan river. The concept map provides the general description about concepts integration [7]. The next, the arranged macrostructure which shows the description of relationship among the topics [8]. The macro structure functions to describe the systematic teaching material by considering the deductive elements thus the students are easier to understand [9]. In the macro structure, the prepositions to be the topics of the teaching material are written hierarchical. The last task of the structuralization stage is arranging the multiple representations. One of the ways to facilitate mental involvement in understood an idea is using the representation[10]. The representation used is multiple representations [11]: a. Macroscopic: the observable phenomena, including those related to the students’ daily experience. b. Submicroscopic: based on the appropriate theories, it is used to explain the phenomena in macroscopic. c. Symbolic: the characteristics description of the theory using some medias such as pictures, algebra, and certain symbols. The structuralization of the teaching material has been done is reviewed by the experts. After that, in the characterization stage, it begins by creating the characterization instruments in the form of main idea and opinion/reaction of the students. The instrument created is tested in the field to some junior high school students. From the characterization stage, it can be seen that the level of the difficulties of the teaching material presented. The didactic reduction stage is conducted towards the difficult concepts categorized. The difficult concept then categorized into involute, abstract, and complex concepts. From the three categories, it is analysed and choose the appropriate way or the didactic reduction technique to reduce the level of difficulties of the teaching material. The object of the current research is the teaching material of the integrated natural science subject in the junior high school themed “Pameutingan River”. The research subjects are the students of junior high school grade VII who learn the integrated natural science teaching material by implementing the 2013 curriculum. The research is conducted in the SMPN 1 Bojongsoang, Bandung District. This article describes the early stage of the teaching material development, the selection, and the characterization stages. The next stage is still in progress. 3. Result and Discussion The first stage in the selection process is deciding the basic competency and the indicator based on the content standard and the 2013 curriculum that relates to the theme “Pameutingan River”. Based on the basic competency, the identification of the needed concepts is conducted and to decide the appropriate integration. The theme “Pameutingan River” is the result of the concepts integration based on the result of the basic competency selection by using webbed integration model. The webbed model is one of the teachings and learning patterns in the integrated learning which uses the topic of the theme to integrate and link some linked concepts to be a set of learning [12]. The central theme can be taken from the interesting and the challenging daily life of the students, thus it can attract the students‟ interest. The result of the basic competence analysis and the concept supporting the theme “Pameutingan River” is presented in table 1. Table 1. The result of the basic competence analysis and the concept supporting the theme “Pameutingan River” Basic competency


3.3 Explaining the mixture concept and the single substance (element and compound), physical and chemical characteristic, the physical and chemical changes in daily life.


    

Element Compound mixture Acid alkali

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Indicator:  3.3.1 Identifying the existing elements in the water of  “Pameutingan River”  3.3.2 Explaining the way to write the symbol of the element  3.3.3 Explaining the name and the simple chemical formula 3.3.4 Identifying the compound in the water of “Pameutingan River” 3.3.5 Explaining the water of "Pameutingan River” as the mixture 3.3.6 Identifying the acid level of the water in “Pameutingan River” 3.3.7 Identifying the physical and chemical characteristics of the water in “Pameutingan River” 3.3.8 Explaining the chemical and physical changes of the water in the “Pameutingan River” 4.3 Presenting the result of the investigation or creation about the nature of the solution, physical and chemical change, or the mixture isolation. Indicator: 4.3.1 Conducting the test on the acid level of the water in “Pameutingan River” 4.3.2 Conducting the trial on the mixture isolation of the water in “Pameutingan River” 3.7 Analyzing the interaction between the living things and the  surrounding, also the dynamic population as the effect of  the interaction. Indicator:  3.7.1 Explaining the environmental concept of the “Pameutingan River” 3.7.2 Identifying the components in the “Pameutingan River” 3.7.3 Identifying the interaction between the components in the “Pameutingan River” 3.7.4 Explaining the human activity which can change the environment in the “Pameutingan River” 4.7 Presenting the result of the observation towards the interaction of the living things and their environment. Indicator: 4.7.1 Making the interaction poster between the living things and their environment. 4.7.2 Making the observation report about the environmental damage in the “Pameutingan River” 3.8 Analyzing the occurrence of the environmental population  and its effects on the ecosystem.  Indicator: 3.8.1 Explaining the definition of “pollution”  3.8.2 Identifying the pollution happening around the “Pameutingan River”  3.8.3 Mentioning the sources of the pollution and the circulating pollutants in the “Pameutingan River” 3.8.4 Analyzing the effect of the pollution occurs around the “pameutingan River” for the health of the surrounding community


physical characteristics chemical characteristics Physical change Chemical change

Ecosystem Biotic and abiotic factors The interaction of the living things with their surrounding

Water pollution The causes of Water pollution The effect of the water pollution Countermeasures against the water pollution

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4.8 Making paper about the ideas to solve the pollution problem in the surrounding based on the result of the observation Indicator: 4.8.1 Arranging a simple paper about how to fix the environmental damage as an effect of pollution. 4.8.2 Designing the ideas on how to solve the environmental damage in the „Pameutingan River” The alignment between the concepts is illustrated by the spiders' web as in figure 2 below: KD. 3.7 Analyzing the interaction between the living things and the surrounding, also the dynamic population as the effect of the interaction.

KD. 3.3 Explaining the mixture concept and the single substance (element and compound), physical and chemical characteristic, the physical and chemical changes in daily life.

Pameutingan River

KD.3.8 Analyzing the occurrence of the environmental population and its effects on the ecosystem.

Figure 2. The Webbed model themed “Pameutingan River” After selecting the gathered information, then digging the value related to the material so that the developed teaching material not only presents the material knowledge but also can give the meaningfulness towards the social life and the environment. In this stage, the collected information is created or called as the Draft 1 of the teaching material, then it is reviewed by the experts. The reviews include the appropriateness between the basic competence and the indicator, between the indicator and the concept description, and between the material description and the related values. The collected information or material then structuralized deductively according to the characteristics of the teaching material. The purpose of the structuralization process is to lead students to learn partially from one concept to the others, therefore, the students can understand the relation between the concepts. In the structuralization, there are three stages must be done, such as; the first step is making the concepts map. The concepts map created to give the relationship between the concepts in the teaching material for the students. The concept map of the “Pameutingan River” is presented in figure 3 below:


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Figure 3. The concept map of the “Pameutingan River” The second stage is making the macro structure. It is to describe the systematic presentation of the teaching material by considering the deductive elements on the teaching material thus the students can understand easily. The macrostructure in the "Pameutingan River” is presented in table 2 below: Table 2. The macrostructure in the "Pameutingan River”


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After that, the multiple representation stages to present the concept in the form of (1) macroscopic is the close phenomena and observable by the students, (2) Submicroscopic is the explanation of the concepts theoretically to describe the present phenomena, (3) Symbolic is the concept explanation related to the similarities, symbol, and images. The example of Multiple Representation of the Pameutingan River is presented in table 3 below: Table.3 The example of Multiple Representation of the Pameutingan River Macroscopic Have you ever observed the water in “Pameutingan River”? Is it look clear or cloudy? What are the causes? Of course, you can observe the recent condition of the water in the “Pameutingan River” is cloudy and smelled. This is caused by the mineral or the compound which consist of some elements in the water of the “Pameutingan River”. It is coming from the waste produced by the human (industry, household, and the agriculture).

Submicroscopic The Element The element is the inseparable substance to be other substances by using the ordinary chemistry. The element is the pure substance. Until now, it is known about 118 elements identified. The ninety-three of them is found naturally on the earth. The rest are made by the scientists. Of the many elements, just five elements; oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, and calcium which more than 90% as the earth‟s constituent elements including the oceans and the atmosphere and just three elements which more than 90% contain in the human body; oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen.


The result of the structuralization is used to arrange the systematic teaching material so that the draft 2 of the teaching material is created. The systematics of the teaching material based on the structuralization result can be seen in table 4 below: Table 4. The result of structuralization stage Topic Pameutingan River

Sub Topic


The constituent components of the “Pameutingan River” The Pameutingan River as the mixture

The characteristics of the water in the “Pameutingan River”

element, the element symbols, the chemistry formula and the compound The mixture, the kinds of the mixture and the mixed separation. The physical characteristic, the chemical characteristic (the acid level), the physical change, and the chemical change.


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Sub Topic


Ecosystem of the “Pameutingan River”

The ecosystem components of the “Pameutingan River”

The biotic and the abiotic components and the interaction of the living things with the environment

The contamination od the “Pameutingan River”

The ecosystem components of the “Pameutingan River”

The biotic and the abiotic components and the interaction of the living things with the environment The environmental pollution, the kind of the environmental pollution The causes,the effect, and thec ountermeasures against the water pollution

4. Conclusion The teaching material development themed “Pameutingan River” used the 4STMD method, different from the teaching material development which used the other methods that are in the systematic gained and good teaching material seen from the scholar side. It is caused by the development which follows the structuralized and good stages. Besides, it also concerns to the cognitive and the phycological level of the students. in addition, the theme “Pameutingan River” is developed specifically based on the geographic condition where the students live and attend the school around the river area. 5. Acknowledgments The author says thank you to Dr, Sjaeful Anwar,M.Si as the advisor and the developer of the 4S TMD theory who has given the input and the direction in conducting this research. Thank you is also given to Dr. Riandi, M,Si as the academic advisor who always gives support. 6. References [1] Anwar S Pengolahan Bahan Ajar Bahan Perkuliahan SPS UPI 2014 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung p 1-5 [2] Hasyim A Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPA Terpadu Tema Laut untuk Siswa SMP Melalui 4S TMD in Science Education 2015 Indonesia University of Education Bandung [3] Arifin Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPA Terpadu Pada Tema Udara Berbasis Nilai Religius Menggunakan 4S TMD in Science Education 2015 Indonesia University of Education Bandung [4] Inayah N S Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPA Terpadu Dengan Tema Cuaca Menggunakan 4S TMD in Science Education 2015 Indonesia University of Education Bandung [5] Anwar K Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPA Terpadu Menggunakan 4S TMD dengan Tema Pemanasan Global in Science Education 2015 Indonesia Unversity of Education Bandung [6] Richey R C, J D Klein, and W A Nelson Developmental research Studies of Instructional Design and Development Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology 2004 2 p 1099-1130 [7] Novak J D A Theory of Education 1977 Ithaca NY Cornell University Press


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Britt M A and J Sommer Facilitating Textual Integration with Macro-Structure Focusing Tasks. Reading Psychology 2004 25(4) p 313-339 [9] Hasyim A Rancangan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPA Tema Laut untuk SMP Melalui Four Steps Teaching Material Development Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains (SNIPS) 2015 p 605-608 [10] Johnstone A H The development of chemistry teaching a changing response to a changing demand Journal of Chemical Education 1993 70(9) p 701–705 [11] Treagust D F, G Chittleborough, and T Mamiala The role of submicroscopic and symbolic representations in chemical explanations International Journal of Science Education 2003 25(11) p1353–1368 [12] Fogarty R The Mindful School How to Integrate the Curricula 6 ed 1991 Palatine Illinois IRI/Skylight Publishing Inc


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The use of interactive multimedia for increasing concept mastery, critical thinking, and retention of the human reproductive system concept at senior high school students I Aripin Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Majalengka Jl. KH. Abdul Halim No. 103 Majalengka 45418, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The aims of this study were to examine the effectiveness of the use of Interactive Multimedia in improving the mastery of concept, critical thinking, and student retention on the concept of human reproduction system. The research design in this study was "pre test-posttest control group design" with sampling technique of cluster random sampling, involving 82 students of class XI IPA. The data collected was the mastery of concepts, critical thinking, and retention on the concept of the human reproductive system that use dynamic multimedia and static multimedia. Instruments include objective test questions, questionnaires, observations, and interviews. The Z test results and the Mann-Whitney test at α = 0.05 indicated a significant difference in mastery of student concept with N-gain 0.50 in dynamic multimedia class and Ngain 0.34 in static multimedia class. The students' critical thinking skills improved with N-gain of 0.51 in dynamic multimedia class and 0.21 N-gain in static multimedia class. There was no significant difference in retention of learners with dynamic multimedia and static multimedia. The results of the questionnaire show that multimedia-assisted learning is favoured by students. Observation analysis of dynamic classroom in learning activities was more active in learning than static multimedia. Some of the obstacles encountered in computer-based learning include: the limited number, the completeness of computers available in schools, the skills of teachers and students using computers, as well as software resilience.

1. Introduction The learning process is an interaction between the components of education. According [1] the main components are; 1) students; 2) content / subject matter; and 3) teachers. In the interaction between these components required facilities, infrastructure and environmental arrangement so that the learning process can achieve the learning objectives that have been determined. One of the teacher's duties is to deliver the subject matter to the students. Even though, [2] states that the task of teachers not only deliver the knowledge but he must be able to transform to the children in order to they able to think integral and comprehensive, to form the competence and achievement of the highest meanings. Good teachers play a role in providing, showing, guiding, and motivating the students to interact with the various learning resources [3]. The success of teachers in delivery of the material is very dependent on the smooth interaction between teachers and their students. To overcome the limitations in the interaction requires an intermediary / media. Computer-based or known as multimedia is a type of media that combines text, sound impressions, vocals, music, animation and video with interactive software [4], [5].


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The results of [6] research concluded that the media has shown its role in helping teachers in delivering learning messages to be faster and more easily captured by students. The media also has positive and synergistic forces that are able to change the student attitudes and behaviour toward creative and dynamic change. Biology is a visual subject that often involves a complex sequence of events [7]. Therefore, it needed the media to visualize, be heard, and able to describe complicated processes to be more easily understood, and that role is possible with the use of multimedia. Edgar Dale at [8] predicts that the acquisition of learning results through the sense of vision is about 75%, the sense of hearing is about 13% and the other senses are about 12%. The process of biology learning conducted by teachers at the level of Senior High School is still dominated by lecture method. Whereas the lecture method does not involve students actively in learning, and the pattern of learning with the method is still a teacher centre, by conditioned the students as the recipient of the lesson passively. The tendency of biology learning so far is that learners only study biology as a product, memorize of the concepts, theories and the laws. This situation is exacerbated by experimental or test-oriented learning. As a result the biology lessons as processes, attitudes, and applications were not touched in learning [9]. The learning process that still oriented to the mastery of theory and memorization will limit the development of his thinking [10]. [11] states that the aim of education is to develop a mature thinker who can use the knowledge in real life. Education should be one of the rides in a process of forming a reliable thinker. One of the effort can be done is to prepare a learning process that can train learners to develop high-level thinking skills. Learning strategies should be able to facilitate learners to develop understanding, critical and creative thinking skills, as well as problem solving and decision making. Critical thinking is one of the skills that can be developed in the learning process. Critical thinking is a reasoning and reflective thinking skill that is focused on determining what is believed and what to do [12]. According to [13] critical thinking underlies three other pattern high-level thinking (creative thinking, problem solving and decision making), it is mean critical thinking needs to be mastered before reaching the other three high-level thinking patterns. The results of the research [14], [15], [16], [17], and [18] show that learning using multimedia can improve the mastery of concepts, generic thinking skills, critical thinking, and student retention. The study’s of [19] about the use of animation in biology learning toward long-term retention shows that the use of animation can help students retain information over the long term. Biology lessons contain many abstract concepts such as reproduction system concepts. For example, the process of ovulation and fertilization in the female reproductive organs is difficult to study in detail because no direct object can be studied. Such conditions can cause difficulties for students to master and understand difficult-to-observe concepts that can ultimately lead to misconceptions [20]. Therefore, the concept of human reproduction is considered necessary to be assisted by using animated illustrations for the concepts that are difficult to learn directly can be simulated in the form of animation in multimedia programs. The use of animation in interactive multimedia program is also expected to assist students in maintaining their retention, so that the learning process is more meaningful in the students’ memory. The advantages of multimedia include the involvement of organs such as the ears (audio), eyes (visual), and hands (kinetic). The involvement of these organs makes information easier to understand [21]. Multimedia excellence is expected to help the effectiveness of the learning process and delivery of messages and content of the lesson at that time, but it will also provide the real concept of the concept realistically. The use of interactive multimedia in biology learning with all its advantages is expected to provide a tangible contribution in an effort to improve understanding of concepts, critical thinking, and retention of students especially on material about the human reproductive system. This research is expected to be a model in the development of multimedia teaching materials that are effective in improving the quality of biology learning at the high school level.


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2. Experimental Method The method used in this research is "Quasy experimental design" and design "pre test-post-test control group design" [22], [23]. The subjects of this study are Senior High school students of class XI IPA SMAN I Jatiwangi, which consists of two classes, with the number of each 41 students. Where class XI IPA 1 as a class of comparison and class XI class IPA 3 as the experimental class. Research data was collected by using the instrument, that: test in the form of concept comprehension test and critical thinking in the form of objective test, questionnaire, observation and interview. Test data were analyzed using Z test and Mann-Whitney test. In addition, observations, questionnaires and interviews were analyzed qualitatively. 3. Result and Discussion 3.1 Result In this research using two types of multimedia, they are dynamic and static multimedia. The composition of these two types of multimedia can be seen in the following table. Tabel 1. Comparation Dynamic Interactive Multimedia and Static Interactive Multimedia No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Components Text Animation Audio Video Static image Graphic Symbol Narration Navigation

Dynamic Interactive Multimedia 25% 30% 5% 10% 7% 2% 6% 10% 5%

Static Interactive Multimedia 50% 5% 20% 1% 10% 4% 10%

Table 1 shows the conclusion that the main component of dynamic multimedia is animation, while static multimedia is a text narration. This multimedia is then implemented in different classroom learning to analyze the impact of the application of both media. The results of pre-test and post-test classes that are studied using dynamic multimedia (experimental class) and static multimedia (comparison class) can be seen in Figure 1, which shows that the concept comprehension in the experimental and comparative classes is not significantly different. But the post-test experienced a significant difference in which the experimental class obtained an average post-test of 64.93 and a grade class of 53.92. This is reinforced by Mann-Whitney test results obtained by Z = -4.465 and A sym. Sig. 0.000 means the two classes show significant differences in learning outcomes. From the N-gain test obtained an increase value for the experimental class 0.50 and in the class of 0.34. The results of the analysis on the improvement of student learning outcomes can be seen in Figure 1. To find out that improvement of critical thinking ability is captured by using multiple choice test grounded, the use of reason in each student's answer aims to show students' reasoning ability in critical thinking on the concept of human reproduction system. Thus the students do not answer the question by selecting the options that have been provided but also able to describe the selected answer. The result of the students' critical thinking ability test on the concept of human reproduction system can be seen in Figure 2.


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64,93 70 53,92

60 Average

50 40

29,07 30,39

30 20 10 0 Pre-test


Experiment Class

Comparison Class

Figure 1. Bar chart of mean score of pre-test and post-test comparison

78,05 80





40 20 0 Pre-test


Experiment Class

Comparison Class

Figure 2. Bar chart of mean score of critical thinking test Figure 2 shows that the students' initial ability in the experimental class is better than the comparative class based on the statistical test with the Z test obtained by the value of Z count ≥ Z table (5.56 ≥ 1.96) which shows the difference of critical thinking ability in the experimental class and the comparison class. Post-test the data indicate an increase of students' critical thinking skill score with experimental class get average score of post-test equal to 78,05 and comparison class get average test Ascore equal to 57,77. From the Mann-Whitney test obtained values Z = -6.205 and Asym. Sig 0,000 means the two classes show different test results where the experimental class gets N-gain (0.51) better than the control class (0.21). The use of dynamic multimedia and static multimedia does not have a significantly different impact on student retention. From statistical test of Mann Whitney test with SPSS 18 obtained value of z = 0.946 and A sym. Sig. 0.344, meaning there is no significant difference in retention of students who learn with dynamic multimedia as well as static multimedia. 3.2. Discussion From the results of this study, it is found that the use of dynamic multimedia is more effective in improving conceptual understanding and critical thinking of students, it is same with the opinion of [24] and Chia (2003) at [25] stated that the use of animation and video is more informative and interesting for students, So students more able to interpret and remember the material presented in the learning program. 1019

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The advantages of dynamic multimedia, which is able to explain the changes of execution each time more explicitly helps students in explaining the procedure sequence of events [26]. In static multimedia understanding of concepts, as well as critical thinking of students is less developed so this possibility occurs because students have difficulty understanding the material they learn. [27] concluded from his research that the use of interactive animation (the step by step version) is more effective and preferable to students than the continuous version of the animation in the study of PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) method. The superiority of mastering the concept and critical thinking of the experimental class is also related to the motivation factor of learning as revealed by [28] that there are two influence factors of learn, they are internal and external factors. Animation with all its advantages is able to attract attention and motivate students [29]. The enhancement of critical thinking skills of dynamic multimedia classes is in accordance with the opinion of Uhlig in [30]. That states that critical thinking that includes high-order thinking requires a lot of cognitive resources. In addition, the characteristics of animation are also able to expand the critical thinking horizon of students is important to improve students' critical thinking. There is no significant difference in the retention rate of students who are learning with dynamic multimedia or static multimedia, this is influenced by the type of media used in which the two classes are equally using interactive multimedia is just that the display presented is different although the material content remains the same. Based on the results of interviews and questionnaires, students provide a positive response to the application of biology learning using interactive media. Students also feel happy and helped by the use of computer media in learning. 4. Conclusion Mastery of student concepts about the human reproductive system that learn using dynamic multimedia is better than the students who learn by static multimedia. Critical thinking skills in classes that are learning by dynamic multimedia are more developed than the classroom learning by static multimedia. There is no significant difference in using of multimedia on student retention in the concept of the human reproductive system between students who studying with dynamic multimedia and static multimedia. Students respond positively and they are pleased with the application of computer-assisted in biology learning. 5. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank all who have supported in the publication of this paper, especially to the Rector of Majalengka University. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sutarman, M.Sc and the Dean of Faculty of Primary and Secondary Education Dr. Titien Sukartini, M.M.Pd for his support in publishing this paper, and also for my beloved family. 6. References [1] Ali M Guru dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar (Bandung: Sinar Baru Algesindo) p 4 [2] Mulyasa E 2007 Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya) p 204 [3] Depdiknas 2007 Pendidikan Sains di Indonesia Berdasarkan Hasil PISA. Retrieved February, 7, [4] 2011 from www.blogwordpress.com//Pendidikan Sains di Indonesia Berdasarkan Hasil PISA// [5] Wahidin 2006 Metode Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (Bandung: Sangga Buana) [6] Munir 2008 Kurikulum Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. (Bandung: Alfabeta) [7] Suhadah B 2003 The Rule Of IT/ICT Supporting The Implementation Of Competency-Based

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STEM-based learning to facilitate conceptual changes of middle school seventh grade students in matter of organization of living system S Maryati1,2,a), N R Rustaman1, and L Hasanah1 1

Prodi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 SMPN 1 Sukaresmi, Jl. Mariwati Km. 08 Desa Cikanyere Kec. Sukaresmi- Cianjur Jawa Barat, 43254, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. A study using weak experiment method on organization of living system topic was carried out to investigate students’ conceptions, and to analyze the patterns of conception that were occured in STEM-based learning. A number of seventh grade students in Cianjur district was involved as research participant (n=17). Data were collected by using multiple choice tests with multiple choice reasons for tracing changes in student conception before and after the application of STEM-based learning, and then data obtained were analyzed qualitatively by calculating the percentage. To determine the improvement of students’ conceptions, the pre test scores and the student post test were analyzed quantitatively by using paired t test parametric statistics. The patterns of students’ conceptions about organization of living system were analyzed based on students’ conceptions of each sub-concept. Research findings have shown that there were changes on students’ conception which varies for each sub concept; there was a significant improvement of preliminary conception and final conception of students (Sig. 2 tailed = 0.00); four patterns of conceptual changes with percentage ranged from pattern IV/changed into negative (7%) to pattern II/last positive (12%) to pattern I/changed into positive (38%) up to pattern III/last negative (43%).

1. Introduction The integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) has been an area of interest since firstly discussed on education in the United States in the early 1990s [1]. This integration is considered a solution to educational reform in the United States as people need good quality workers with complex technology and skills engineering to be involved in high technology-based economics. The main focus of STEM education is to prepare multi-disciplinary competencies for students to meet labor requirements in the 21st century [1]. Effective STEM Education is critical to the future success of students [2]. Currently, students’ interest in STEM fields in some countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Malaysia, and Indonesia has decreased, while the state and industry requirements for this STEM field background are higher [3]. In addition, between science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in the development of education and employment of the 21st century are mutually required each other. Therefore, in facing the challenges of education and employment, we need tough


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learners to prepare themselves in these areas. One of ways is to introduce them to the STEM fields through the integration of STEM education in primary and secondary education. The development of science curriculum is conducted in order to achieve the dimensions of knowledge competence, scientific work, and scientific attitude as daily behavior in interacting with society, environment and technology utilization [4]. Assessment of knowledge competence is done on the mastery of factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge. The concept is a packages of meanings that capture order (equality and difference), patterns, or relationships between objects, events and other concepts [5]. Individual conceptions can change in many different ways. In order for a concept to be mastered properly, students experience two kinds of adjustments. If a new concept is learned by the student according to the concept he has already learned, then the student will apply that knowledge to a new situation, whereas if the new concept is completely different from the one the student already has, it needs to be changed so that the process of conceptual change occurs[6]. Conceptual change is the alteration of knowledge a person possesses with another new knowledge [7]. The instructional activity chosen to encourage this change of conception is an effective instructional and student-centered activity [8]. Students' understanding of the concept of science in depth requires a change of thinking pattern from applying conventional learning to innovative learning. Therefore, in science learning the teacher should be able to act as a guideline to guide students to begin the learning process [9]. Learning is the process of interaction of learners with educators and learning resources in a learning environment [10]. The curriculum 2013 develops two learning processes, namely direct learning process and indirect learning process. The process of direct learning is a learning process that develops students' knowledge, thinking skills and psychomotor skills through direct interaction learning resources that are designed in syllabus and lesson plans in the form of activity-based learning activities [4]. One of the activity-based learning practices that can be developed is learning by integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). There are several findings on STEM-based learning that have been implemented in Indonesia. STEM-based science learning by using ballon-powered car as a medium can increase motivation and creativity in learning science and students' understanding of the concept of linear motion and uniform linear motion [11]. STEM-based learning can also increase students' scientific literacy. This is in line with Afriana's finding that there was an increase in scientific literacy of students who were applying the PjBL model with the STEM approach significantly higher than the learning model without the STEM approach [12]. In addition, STEM learning on temperature material and its alteration with the model 6E learning by designTM can improve students' scientific literacy [13]. One of findings on changes of students’ conception was students' conception profiles after learning through CILS model was varied increased [14]. It is in accordance with Septiani’s findings that the final conception of students after learning to use the phenetic approach was hugely increased in each sub-concept [15]. Conceptual changes occurred to students taught by experienced teachers and students taught by trainee teachers. In addition, the analysis results also indicated that a pattern of conceptual changes in students that are change into positive, change into negative, last positive, and last negative [8]. Another finding was that the process of learning based on bioinformatics has been adequate to change the preliminary understanding of students into a varied final understanding resulting varied levels of conceptual change as well [16]. In curriculum 2013, revisions regarding basic competencies that related to the theme of living organization system was on the basic competence (3.6) Identifying living organization system ranging from cell level to organism and the main composition of cell compiler, and basic competence (4.6) Creating model of human/animal cell structure. Both competencies contain in the third and fourth core competencies of seventh grade in middle school. Organization of living system material is one of abstract materials. Moreover, there is a tendency for students to experience a wrong preliminary conception of the material. To understand the difference between cell, tissue, organ, and organ system in animals and plants, an adequate understanding of the properties and characteristics of the cell, tissue, organs and system organ of animals and plants is required. Such understanding can be cultivated by STEM-based learning through constructing structure model of animal or plant cells using materials that are easily available in the environment so that students' understanding increases. There 1023

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has been very little conducted on STEM-based learning in Indonesia, especially in relation to student conception changes. Based on those problems, it is needed to conduct the research on the use of STEM-based learning to facilitate students’ conceptual changes. 2. Experimental Method The research method that used in this research was weak experimental where control group is not used as treatment comparison [17]. The independent variable in this research was STEM-based learning on living organization system material, and the independent variable was students’ conceptual changes. The current research involved 1 (one) class of students who were exposed to STEM-based learning. Student selection was not done by cluster random sampling; it was based on recommendation of the classroom teacher who perceives the sample students used to have a wrong preliminary conception. Therefore, the sampling technique that used was purposive sampling. The research design was The One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. In this case, there was one group that was measured or observed before and after the treatment. The research was carried out in one of middle schools in Cianjur district with the sample of seventh grade students academic year 2016 / 2017. The participants were one class of students in class VII A. In total, there were 17 students were participated to the study. The research instrument was the form of multiple choice items with included reasons amounted 30 questions. The test items were used to track students’ conception changes before and after applying STEM-based learning on living organization system material. Before being used, the instrument was validated by 5 experts who are researchers and lecturers; and 2 school teachers who have been applying STEM-based learning. Afterward, the instrument was tested to students who have studied the organizational of living system material. To identify the preliminary concept and final concept of students on organization of living system material, the data that obtained from pre-test and post- test results were analyzed qualitatively by counting percentage (the amount of students with right answer in every item/ a total number of students x 100 %). Every relevant concept of students to science concept was marked + (positive) and - (negative) for irrelevant ones. The students’ answer is correct if both multiple choice item and its reasons’ answers were correct [18]. To determine whether there are any differences and improvements on preliminary and final students’ conceptions on organization of living system material after applying STEM-based learning. The score of each student obtained from pre-test and post-test was analyzed quantitatively by using parametric statistics because the data were normally distributed. Normality test of the data used liliefors test. Scores of each student obtained from pre-test and pos-test were paired, then paired t-test was conducted. To analyze the conception patterns that might occur, students’ answers and reasons in each test were analyzed based on pairs of students’ conceptions pairs on each test result. The patterns of students’ conception about organization of living system were analyzed based on students’ conceptions in each sub-concept. The categories of student conception patterns are presented in table 1 below. Table 1. Patterns of Students’ Conceptions No.

Conception Pair (X,Y)





2 3 4

(+,+) (-,-) (+,-)



Annotation Changed into positive (conceptual change) Last positive Last negative Changed into negative

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3. Result and Discussion The application of STEM-based learning on organization of living system material was conducted for 6 (six) meetings. Before research participants were given the treatment, they were given pre-test beforeh and which aimed to determine students’ preliminary conceptions. After pre-test was given, the participants was treated STEM-based learning for 6 (six) meetings. The learning process was done by using PjBL model that integrated STEM in cell model making. STEM based learning with PjBL model consists of 5(five) steps, namely Reflection, Research, Discovery, Application and Communication [19]. After given a treatment, post-test was conducted to determine their final conceptions and students’ conception changes. Students’ preliminary conceptions and final conceptions regarding organization of living system material after STEM-based learning was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The data were firstly analyzed qualitatively (percentage). Students’ conceptions for each sub-concept of organization of living system material are presented in the graph below: 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Preliminary Cenception Final Conception

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sub concept Cell characteristics Prokaryotes and eukaryotes cells Unicelluler dan multicelluler organisms Structure and functions of parts of cell Animal and plant cell structure Tissues characteristics Plant tissues Plant tissues systems

Note: No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Sub concept Animal tissues Organ characteristics Plant organs Human and animal organs Organ system characteristics Human and animal organ systems Plant organ systems Organism

Figure 1. Students’ conception of every sub concept on organization of living system material. Figure 1 shows students’ conceptions before and after STEM-based learning on organization of living system material. The percentage of students who answered the answers according to the scientific conception of all sub-concepts tended to increase from the preliminary conceptions to the final conceptions. This is in line with findings from previous researchers that "... there was a tendency to increase the number of students’ conceptions according to the scientific conceptions of pre-test and post-test on each sub-concept of world of plants material" [15]. The same thing was also expressed by Muhyar, "... the number of answers that students answered in accordance with the scientific conceptions of almost all concepts tends to increase from the preliminary conception to the final conception" [8]. This indicates that students experienced conceptual changes.


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The occurred improvement in every sub concept was not the same, because each sub concept has varied difficulty level and material complexity, so that the increased understanding of students on every sub concept was also different. The highest conception changes happened in animal tissues sub concept. In this sub concept, the average percentage of students’ preliminary conception was 12 %, then after STEM-based learning. Students’ final conceptions were increased significantly of 88 %. This conception improvement occurred because, in learning process, every group observed the difference in muscle tissues and draw it. Afterward, they explored further both from books and internet about the each characteristic of tissues to strengthen the observation result. After that, the groups presented the results, so that the concept can be obtained completely. The lowest conception changes happened in cell characteristics sub concept. In this sub concept, most of students had irrelevant preliminary concept with scientific concept. Only 24 % of students had relevant concept with scientific conception. Students’ final conception had no significant increase, only 29 % added. It is because most of students were still in the level of concrete thinking, so big effort is needed to deliver the material with abstract characteristic such as cell concept. Based on cognitive development by Piaget, it is known that an individual will be easier to understand concrete concept than abstract concept. Therefore, the application of learning activities will be better if the learning material served started from the concrete material to abstract material so that student will be easily understand the material given [21]. To determine the significance of STEM based learning concept towards students’ conceptions, the statistics test was applied. The result of normality test showed normal distributed in both preliminary and final conceptions. The results of paired t test obtained value (-t count) -8.8999 which smaller than (-t table) -2.120 and (sig.2 tailed) obtained 0.00 which lower than alpha 0.05. There was a significant difference of students’ conception before and after STEM-based learning on organization of living system material. In other words, after STEM based learning applied, students tended to experience conceptual changes about organization of living system material. It is line with other previous findings that “… students after learning by CILS model tended to experience conceptual changes about light” [14]. The chosen instructional activity to encourage conceptual change to be happened is effective and student-centered instructional activities [8]. STEM based learning is one of approaches with student centered characteristic, so it can facilitate students’ conceptual changes. One of the advantages in applying STEM approach in learning is to help students not only in developing their skills but also building the awareness on the scientific concept and technique through experimental learning method [1]. The conceptual patterns of students consisted to 4 (four) patterns as follows; pattern 1 (changed into positive/conceptual changes), pattern II (last positive), pattern III (last negative), and pattern IV (changed into negative). Students’ conception pattern organization of living system with STEM- based learning stated in table 2. The highest average of students’ conceptions pattern was pattern III (last negative) of 43 %. The data showed that still many students maintained irrelevant conception to scientific conception even though STEM based learning has been applied. Pattern 1 (changed into positive/ conception changes) was in the second order with the percentage of 38 %. The data showed that students’ conceptual changes occurred although the amount was still under pattern III where students preserved their irrelevant conceptions. Conception changes are related to the process to overcome the difference between commonsense conception and scientific theory [20]. Conception changes only happen when students have been started to see the world and developed their knowledge framework based on scientific core concept in nature [7]. Hence, although there has been a change of conception in general, but still needed to work harder to change the conceptions of students who keep maintaining the concept that is irrelevant to scientific conception.


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Table 2. Recapitulation percentage of students’ conceptions pattern of each sub concept on organization of living system No.









Organ system

5 Organism Average

Sub Concept Cell characteristics Prokaryotes and eukaryotes cells Unicelluler and multicelluler organisms Structure and functions of parts of cell Animal and plant cells structure Tissue characteristics Plant tissues Tissue systems of plant Animal tissues Organ characteristics Plants organ Animal and human organ Organ system characteristics Human and animal organ systems Plant organ systems Organism

Conceptual Changes Pattern (Preliminary-Final Conception) IV I (%) II (%) III (%) (%) 24 6 53 18 29 3 68 6 50 9 35 6 35 29 24 12 48 17 29 7 41 0 47 12 39 2 57 2 53 0 47 0 76 12 12 0 24 6 71 0 18 12 65 6 41 21 32 6 18 12 65 6 29 12 47 12 47 35 0 18 32 12 44 12 38 12 43 7

Conception patterns are explained in detail as follows. Pattern of Conceptual I : Changed into Positive (-,+). Based on table 2, sub concept that has the highest percentage of conception I pattern was animal tissues sub-concept of 76%. In sub concept, the percentage of students’ preliminary sub concept was 12 %, then it was increased after learning to be 88 %. The lowest percentage of sub concept in plant organs and organ system characteristics was 18 %. Even though the average of conception 1 pattern was not as high as conception III, its amount was not far (38 %). It was different with Septiani’s finding where this pattern earned the highest percentage amongst others [15]. It happened because every student experienced different stimulus. Students formed the conception that was appropriate to stimulus grouped by particular ways. The conception leads to individual’s personal concept that was obtained after receiving and processing the new information in his cognitive structure. The form of this conception cannot be received after getting formal lesson only, but along with his experience. Therefore, there are relevant and irrelevant conceptions to what the experts meant [21]. Pattern of Conception II: Last Positive (+,+). Conception II pattern is students’ conceptions pattern that has characteristic of last positive, students’ conception which is relevant to scientific concept is determined. The average percentage of conception pattern II was 12 %, percentage of pattern II was not too high because students’ preliminary concept generally was irrelevant to scientific conception. Sub concept which has the highest percentage for pattern II that is sub concept of plant organ system of 35%. In this sub-concept, the preliminary conception of students has been much relevant to the scientific conception. So, students can keep it after the learning process. The lowest pattern for conception II was tissues characteristics and tissues systems sub concept of 0%. In both sub-concepts, students tended to retain the concepts that are irrelevant to the scientific conception. Pattern of Conception III: Last negative (-,-). The pattern of conception III was negatively defensive. In this pattern of conception, students’ conceptions which are irrelevant to scientific conceptions were retained in the final test. This pattern of conception earned the highest average of 43%. The high percentage of this pattern of conception showed that there were still many students who answered wrong both on pre test and post-test. This happens because this material consists of several abstract concepts. Kristianti reveals that the abstract concepts that exist in molecular biology require multiple representations to help provide a picture of a concept from various schemes [16]. STEM-based learning has also made various representations, including through images, video and 1027

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even modeling of cells. The results achieved cannot be separated from the level of students’ development who are mostly still in the concrete category. So, they were still experience difficulty in understanding the abstract concepts. Pattern of Conception IV: Changed into Negative (+,-). There was the conception change of students’ conceptions with negative characteristic. The scientific conception of students turned into irrelevant to scientific conception in post test. The average of this pattern was the lowest among other patterns of 7%. The sub-concept that has the highest percentage for this pattern was cell characteristics and organ systems sub-concept of 18%. While the lowest percentage obtained by plant tissues system, animal tissues and organ characteristics of 0%. 4. Conclusion Based on the findings and discussion, it can be concluded that there were changes of conceptions in students varied for each sub-concept from preliminary conceptions to the final conceptions after STEM-based learning on organization of living system material. There was a significant increase in preliminary conception and final conception of students (Sig. 2 tailed = 0.00). This means that after STEM-based learning, students tended to experience conception change on organization of living system material. The pattern of conception found in sequence is pattern III (last negative) of 43%, pattern I (changed into positive/conceptual change) of 8%, pattern II (last positive) of 12%, and pattern IV (changed into negative) of 7%. 5. Acknowledgments The author would thank to Directorate General of GTK Ministry of Education and Culture which has been facilitating the author to study in Master’s Degree in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia through master’s degree qualification improvement for basic education teacher scholarship. 6. References [1] Quang L X, Hoang L H, Chuan V D and Nam N H 2015 Integrated science , technology , engineering and mathematics (stem) education through active experience of designing technical toys in vietnamese schools (British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science vol 11) pp 1–12 [2] Stohlmann M, Moore T J and Roehrig G H 2012 Considerations for teaching integrated stem education (Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER) vol 2) pp 28– 34 [3] Syukri M, Halim L and Meerah T S M 1990 Pendidikan stem dalam entrepreneurial science thinking “ escit ”: satu perkongsian pengalaman dari ukm untuk aceh (Aceh Development International Conference 2013) pp 105–112 [4] Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 2016 Silabus Mata Pelajaran Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah (SMP/MTs) Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (Jakarta: Kemdikbud) [5] Pines A L 1985 Toward a taxonomy of conceptual relations and the impilcations for the evaluation of cognitive structures (Cognitive Structure and Conceptual Change) ed L H T West and A L Pines (Florida: Academic Press INC) pp 101-116 [6] Rustaman N R 2000 Konstruktivisme dan pembelajaran ipa/biologi (Makalah disampaikan pada Seminar/Lokakarya Guru-guru IPA SLTP Sekolah Swasta di Bandung 7 - 15 Agustus 2000) pp 1–10 [7] Ruhf R J 2003 A general overview of conceptual change pp 1–16 [8] Muchyar L D H, Widodo A and Riandi 2015 Profil perubahan konsepsi siswa pada materi kependudukan dan pencemaran lingkungan (J Pengajaran MIPA vol 20) pp 65–75 [9] Sadia I W, Suastra I W 2014 Pengaruh model pembelajaran perubahan konseptual (e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Program Studi IPA vol 4) [10] Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional


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[11] Suwarma I R, Astuti P and Endah E N 2015 “ Ballon powered car ” sebagai media pembelajaran ipa berbasis stem (science , technology , engineering , and mathematics) (Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2015) pp 373–376 [12] Afriana J 2016 Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek Dengan Pendekatan STEM Untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Sains Siswa SMP Pada Tema Pencemaran Udara Dissertation (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) [13] Khaeroningtiyas N 2016 Pembelajaran STEM Pada Materi Suhu dan Perubahannya dengan Model 6E Learning by DesignTM Untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Sains Siswa Dissertation (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) [14] Tomo 1995 Metode Konstruktivis untuk Membangkitkan Perubahan Konseptual Siswa dalam Pengajaran IPA Dissertation (PPS, IKIP, Bandung.) [15] Septiani L E S 2016 Perubahan Konsepsi Siswa pada Materi Dunia Tumbuhan Melalui Pembelajaran Menggunakan Pendekatan Fenetik Dissertation (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) [16] Kristianti T 2016 Representasi Multipel Bioinformatika dalam Memfasilitasi Coceptual Change Konsep Biologi Molekuler Dissertation (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) [17] Fraenkal J R, Wallen N E and Hyum H H 2011 How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education 8.ed. (New York: Mc. Graw Hill) [18] Tsui C Y and Treagust D F 2010 Research in science & technological conceptual change in learning genetics : an ontological perspective (Research in Science & Technological Education) pp 37–41 [19] Laboy-rush D 2010 Integrated stem education through project-based learning. pp 1–10. [20] Lappi O 1983 Conceptual change in cognitive science education - towards understanding and supporting multidisciplinary learning (Cognitive Science) [21] Dahar R W 2011 Teori-teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran (Bandung: PT Gelora Aksara Pratama Erlangga)


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Profile of the system thinking skills of junior high school students on the living organization system topic I Sembiring1,2 a), N Rustaman1, and I Rohman1 1

Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 SMP Negeri 15 Kabupaten Tebo, Jalan Padang Lama, Km 18 Desa Teluk Singkawang, Kec. Sumay, Kab. Tebo 37273 a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Understanding complex living organization system required system thinking skills. Therefore, analysing students’ system thinking skills on living organization system topic is an important to research. This study involved 56 (Fifty-six) students from two junior high schools in Bandung city. All of them have been acquired living organization system lesson. This study was used a descriptive method. There were 20 (twenty) multiple choice items were used to obtain the average of students’ system thinking skills. The research instruments were arranged based on System Thinking Hierarchical (STH) model, which is divided into 3 (three) main levels in a gradual difficulty level that is: 1) analysing system components; 2) synthesizing system components; 3) implementing system thinking. Research findings show that the average of students’ system thinking level belongs to very low category (average score = 51). The results reveal that learning in schools has not been able to train students to think systems. Therefore, there is a need for new approach to train the system thinking skills to the students.

1. Introduction System thinking is a high-order thinking skill which requires the fulfilment of the demands of social, environmental, technological and scientific progress [1, 2]. It involves the ability to observe systems at various scales [3] and the ability to understand the root causes of complex problems [4]. With the use of these skills, one can hope to better predict complex behaviors and, eventually, be aware to their outcomes. Based on this reasoning, it could be strongly argued that all people in decision-making roles should have a solid grasp on system thinking. The field of science has many complex systems which are the core objects of investigation and analysis in science. However, most science textbooks has been failed to help students in developing a systematic and integrated understanding of complex phenomena [5, 6]. Science education should focus on teaching complex systems because it represents a unified approach to understanding natural phenomena. In addition, a complex system also contains important ideas that provide an alignment of the context of the various fields of science [7]. However, most students do not develop such systems of thought because their learning is focused on the components that make up the system rather than the integrated process that builds the system [8]. As a biological system, living organization system has characteristics including: organization, interaction, some hidden components, and dynamic processes. Organizations exist at various levels.


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Each level has a group of components acting in coordination among them. The interaction between components allows a biological system to achieve balance. Without interaction, a system will not be able to act more than the sum of its parts. Life systems are structured in such a way that structures and processes occur at different levels of the organization. The organizational level is connected in the cycle of mutual relations, creating a hierarchical system [9]. Thus, as a biological system, the living organization system is an appropriate means of looking at students' systems of thinking. Considering the importance of system thinking skills, this study intended to determine the profile of students' system thinking skills. The results of this research are then used as a guideline in choosing the appropriate model or strategy in the implementation of science learning that can train students’ system thinking skills. Students’ system thinking skills was explained by the Systems Thinking Hierarchy (STH) [9, 10]. These models suggest that system thinking can be categorized according to eight hierarchical characteristics or abilities, which were evidenced by students in an ascending order. The characteristics are as follows: 1). identifying the components and processes of a system; 2) identifying simple relationships among a system’s components; 3) identifying dynamic relationships within a system; 4) organizing systems’ components, their processes, and their interactions, within a framework of relationships; 5) identifying matter and energy cycles within a system; 6) recognizing hidden dimensions of a system (i.e. understanding phenomena through patterns and interrelationships not readily seen); 7) making generalizations about a system; 8) thinking temporally (i.e. employing retrospection and prediction). The model’s eight characteristics are arranged into three sequential levels: (A) analysing the system components (characteristic 1); (B) synthesizing of system components (2, 3, 4, 5); and (C) implementation (6, 7, 8). Each lower level is the basis for developing the next level’s thinking skills. 2. Experimental Method Fifty-six students from two junior high schools in Bandung city were participated to the study. All of them have been acquired living organization system lesson. In this study, a descriptive method was used in order to reveal the profile of students’ system thinking skills. Twenty multiple choice items of system thinking skills have been used as the tool of data collection. It was prepared by the researcher, have been examined by four professional educators in this field and have been redesigned by the researcher in accordance with these professionals. The reliability of the test was high and was measured to be 0.7. Those items test were adapted from System Thinking Hierarchical (STH) model [9,10] and were distributed into three levels of system thinking skills with increasing difficulty levels. These levels are: 1) analysis of system components), 2) synthesis of system components, and 3) implementation. Each level is further divided into indicators i.e.: the ability to identify the components of a system and processes within the system (4 questions) (level 1); the ability to identify relationships among the system’s components (3 questions) (level 2); the ability to identify dynamic relationships within the system (2 questions) (level 2); the ability to organize the systems’ components and processes within a framework of relationships (3 questions) (level 2); understanding the hidden dimensions of the system (2 questions) (level 3); the ability to make generalizations (2 questions) (level 3); and the ability to predict the consequences that arise from changes that occur in the system (4 questions) (level 3). Students’ answers were analysed based on the system thinking level, 1 point is given for each correct answer and 0 to either false. The raw scores were converted to a scale of 100, and the average was categorized into very low to very high predicates according the following rules in the table 1 [11].


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Table 1. Students’ system thinking skills category. System thinking skill score 86-100 76-85 60-75 55-59 ≤54

Category Very high High Fair Low Very low

3. Result and Discussion From the table 2, it can be seen that the highest average is level of analysis of system components (average score = 56) and the lowest average is level of implementation of thinking skills (average score = 45). It indicates that students’ knowledge of a system is based on understanding components of the system, without an enough understanding of the causal relations between them. This is in line with findings from previous researchers who also posed that students’ tendency to concentrate on system parts, with little understanding of the way such parts interact within the system [2, 8, 9]. Although, understanding structures is a necessary prerequisite to perceiving function, knowledge of the former does not guarantee understanding of the latter. Table 2. The average score of the levels of system thinking skills. Level of system thinking Item number Score per Score per level of Indicator skill indicator system thinking skill a. The ability to identify the A. Analysis of system components of a system 1, 2, 3, 4 56 56 components and processes within the system b. The ability to identify 51 relationships among the 5, 6,7 system’s components c. The ability to identify 53 dynamic relationships 8, 9 B. Synthesis of system within the system 51 components d. The ability to organize 50 the systems’ components and processes within a 10, 11, 12 framework of relationships e. Understanding the 58 hidden dimensions of the 13, 14 system C. Implementation of f. The ability to make 44 15, 16 system thinking generalizations 45 skills g. The ability to predict the 35 consequences that arise 17, 18, 19, from changes that occur 20 in the system Average 51


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However, all average levels of students' system thinking skills still fall into the low category (analysis of the system components) and very low (synthesis of system components and implementation of system thinking skills). As the system thinking level increases, the number of students possessing systems thinking skills decreases. The average of students’ system thinking skills was still very low. These results indicated that teaching and learning materials used in school are still not able to train students' system thinking skills. This is in line with findings from previous researchers that “... junior high school students, who studied in traditional program, had very low system thinking skills” [10]. If we want such skills to improve, it needs to be learned [12]. In other word, system thinking skills cannot be developed without any particular approaches to train it [13]. 4. Conclusion Equipping students with system thinking tools is a powerful means of tangibly preparing students for today’s complex interconnected world. The average result of students' system thinking skill was still very low. It indicates that existing teaching materials and curriculum have not been able to train students’ system thinking skills. Finally, it is important to consider effective ways of fostering system thinking skills among students in more creative environments. 5. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the Directorate of GTK Ministry of Education and Culture for P2TK scholarship program 2015. All lecturers who validated the instruments, thanks to Mr. Suhara, Mrs.Lilit Suryati, Mrs. Hernawati, Mrs. Meilinda Rolasmi. And, teachers of two schools which were being studied, thanks to Mrs. Wiwin and Mrs. Rissa for giving the space and time to conduct this research. 6. References [1] Constantinide K, Michaelides M & Constantinou C P 2014 Development of an Instrument to Measure Children’s Systems Thinking (online: www.esera.org) [2] Kali Y, Orion N & Eylon B 2003 Effect of knowlegde integration activities on students’ perception of the earth’s crust as a cylcic system Journal of Research in Science Teaching 40 545-65 [3] Plate R & Monroe M 2014 A Structure for assessing systems thinking The Creative Learning Exchange 23 1-12 [4] Wiek A, Withycombe L, Redman C & Mills S B 2011 Moving forward on competence in sustainability research and problem solving Environment Magazine 53 2 3–13 [5] Liu L & Hmelo-Silver C E 2009 Promoting complex systems learning through the use of conceptual representations in hypermedia Journal of Research in Science Teaching 46 1023– 40 [6] Verhoeff R P 2003 Towards Systems Thinking in Cell Biology Education (Utrecht: Proefshrift Universeit Utrecht) [7] Goldstone R L & Wilensky U 2008 Promoting transfer by grounding complex system principles The Journal of the Learning Sciences 17 465-516 [8] Hmelo-Silver C E & Pfeffer M G 2004 Comparing expert and novice understanding of a complex system from the perspective of structures, behaviors, and functions. Cognitive Science 28 127–138 [9] Assaraf O B, Dodick J & Tripto J 2013 High school students’ understanding of the human body system Res Sci Educ 43 33-56 [10] Assaraf O B & Orion N 2005 Development of system thinking skills in the context of earth system education Journal of Research in Science Teaching 42 518-60 [11] Purwanto M N 2008 Prinsip-Prinsip dan Teknik Evaluasi Pengajaran (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya)


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[12] Assaraf O B & Orion N 2010 System thinking skills at the elementary school level Journal of Research in Science Teaching 47 5 540-63 [13] Connel K Y, Remington S M and Armstrong C M 2012 Assesing systems thinking skills in two undergraduate sustainability courses: a comparison of teaching strategies Journal of Sustainability Education 3 ISSSN 2151-7452


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Survey about analysis of learning creativity as knowledge material to increase the result of student’s learning P L Y Kristian1,a), W Sunarno1, Cari2, and N S Aminah1 1

Departemen Pendidikan Sains, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia 2 Departemen Ilmu Fisika, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this research is to know how far the students of grade XI have creativity as a reflection material to increase the students learning creativity. The method used in this research is survey method. The research was performed on the students of grade XI of SMA N Kebakkramat with forty students as the sample used. The technique of collecting data used a test instrument of standard creativity which is free material. The survey result shows that the creativity accomplishment of XI grade students for every framework is the curiosity 73%, imaginative 64%, challenged with complexity 71%, dare to take a risk 74%, and respecting character 74%. This accomplishment is said as a medium category.

1. Introduction Education basically is a process to help develop oneself, in order to be able face every change that happens. To build Indonesian people, development in education is a good media and idea in creating human resources. Therefore, it’s necessary to give a good attention, handling, and management in education sector [1]. It is the important role of education sector to produce human resources who re ready to take part in advancement to compete with other countries. The students’ creativity is to plan or make a product [3]. The creativity in physics is needed to observe-choose the tools and materials, to string up the tools and materials, to analyse data, to conclude in solving problems in physics. For example, a high creative student, if he is given applicative questions, he will be more adroit in deciding the steps to solve the questions [1][5] . Creativity is a capability to imagine, interpret, and give ideas and an effort which has a creative power to combine the previous exist elements so that the increasing of students’ quality in developing themselves is achieved. A creative student is a student who has curiosity, is interesting to complex assignments that give challenge, dares to take a risk, and doesn’t easily surrender [4]. Therefore, if there’s a difficult enough problem in learning, a creative student can handle it. Several indicators of learning creativity, they are: (1) having curiosity;(2) being imaginative; (3) challenged with complexity; (4) daring to take a risk; (5) respecting [4]. If in teaching-learning process a student is interested to a lesson and a teacher can deliver the material well, so the student’s interest will result in a taught material comprehend. The result of the research about learning creativity that was performed in SMA N Kebakkramat shows that: 1) the learning is two courses but active students are still less than 40%. 2) the students have discussed in a simple problem. 3) the study of physics is performed to use unlimited experiment 1035

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and literature on knowledge and psychomotor. From the explanation, it’s known that a skill of thinking, experience of learning and a student’s skill in solving a problem are not used maximal. Based on the condition, the purpose of this survey research performed: 1) to know how far the students have a creativity.2) to know the aspects of learning creativity which is not optimal. Aspects which become the knowledge research in measuring the students’ learning creativity refers to [4] about creativity development of a talented student are: curiosity, imaginative, challenged with complexity, daring to take a risk, and respecting. 2. Experimental Method This research uses a survey research. The research was performed at SMA Negeri Kebakkramat. The research was performed in May to April 2017. The technique of collecting data used observation about students’ learning creativity. The research used standard test instrument made up by the researcher. 3. Result and Discussion Figure 1 shows that There are five indicators in aspect of students’ creativity. They are curiosity, imaginative, challenged with complexity, daring to take a risk, and respecting. The biggest percentage is for the indicator of daring to take a risk and respecting. The smallest percentage is for the indicator of imaginative. Attitude of a student who dares to take a risk and uphold his ideas although gets challenges or critics, admits his mistakes, dares to accept a difficult assignment although there’s a chance to fail, dares to question and puts forward a problem which the others don’t do, is not easily influenced by other people, does believed things although other people disagree, dares to try a new thing, dares to admit a failure and try again. The students’ behaviour who respects his own rights and others’, himself and his achievements, other people, family, school and other education institution, and friends, freedom but he knows that a freedom needs a responsibility, knows what really important in life, respects the given chances, feels glad with appreciation on him. Imagination power is a reflection, ideas, and unique thoughts that expand through the limit of human’s logical, and the final result is aesthetics values that are processed by the brain to be something different that can be seen by the eyes then can be felt by the internal sense (feeling). The seen behaviour of students is something thinking or imagining things that are not occurred yet, thinking what if doing something that other people haven’t done it yet, predicting what people say and do, having a feeling about something that is never happened before, seeing things in a picture that other people don’t see, making a story about places that have never been visited or occurrences that have ever been experienced. Based on the research result, the aspects of students’ creativity of grade XI got percentage for indicator of imaginative is only 64% which is medium. An effort is needed in increasing the students’ imaginative power for it’s an important indicator in students’ learning creativity. To increase students’ imaginative power can be started and trained from education institutions, creation, understanding and practices which are creative, independent, complete with study and understanding that exacerbate imagination that is frequently done agree with someone’s hobby, interest, and talent that can be developed [2]. 76% 74% 72% 70% 68% 66% 64% 62% 60% 58%






Curiosity Imaginative Challenged Daring to Respecting take a risk with complexity

Figure 1. Aspects of Students’ Creativity of SMAN Kebakkramat of Grade X1 1036

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4. Conclusion This research result shows that the students’ creativity achievement of grade XI for every framework is curiosity 73%, imaginative 64%, challenged with complexity 71%, daring to take a risk 74%, and respecting 74%. This accomplishment is medium category. This accomplishment is maxima less because it’s influenced with some factors that are students’ experimental experience are still less, the minimum of literature knowledge that is mastered by the students, the updated information had by the students about scientific issues is still limited and the students’ skill in scientific behaviour is still limited. 5. Acknowledgments Thank you grant postgraduate 2017 PNPB UNS 6. References [1] Birgili, B. 2015 Creative and Critical Thinking Skills in Problem-based Learning Environments Online Submission, 2(2) 71-80 [2] Eckhoff, A., & Urbach, J. (2008). Understanding imaginative thinking during childhood: Sociocultural conceptions of creativity and imaginative thought. Early Childhood Education Journal, 36(2), 179-185. [3] Ghufron and Rini 2011 Teori-teori Psikologi (Yogyakarta: AR-RUZZ MEDIA) [4] Munandar, Utami. 2009 Pengembangan Kreativitas Anak Berbakat (Jakarta : Rineka Cipta) [5] Türkmen, H., & Sertkahya, M. (2015). CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS ANALYZES OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. Journal of Educational & Instructional Studies in the World, 5(1).


International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, 2017

Transcendent science: a strategy model of inculcating rububiyyah1*) value in the concept of light learning

A Supriatna1,a), S A Yudianto2, and W Sopandi3 1

Departemen Pendidikan Umum, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 2 Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia 3 Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia a)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Based on the findings of a survey of 190 students at Islamic junior high school, that level of students’ religiosity development at the lowest point that is 2.932 on a scale of 1-5 while the curriculum and the national education goals are making learners to have faith and piety of God. The gap between that finding and the curriculum objective is a result of disintegration (disunity) educational value of learning, especially in science learning. To minimize that gap, value education, is aimed to produce such a product of value education strategy to inculcate students’ values of rububiyyah on science learning. The effectiveness of this strategy is measured using a scale of attitudes. It is illustrated the significance or the degree of students’ needs in rububiyyah for science learning. Based on results using different test shows that acquisition of rububiyyah value inculcation is significantly greater achieved by the experimental group than the control. This study occupies research and development. 1. Introduction The educational goal in Indonesia has focused on values, either on social, cultural, religious or spiritual values. Among the documents of education policy, it is always emphasizing in value building (Education Law No. 20 of 2003, Section 1 of Article 1, paragraph 1). In addition, the Education Law No. 20 of 2003, Chapter II, article 3 confirms that the goal of national education, makes learners faith and piety of God, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible, it means that education has inherently oriented to value, and must be ingrained and growing in awareness of teachers and students. To equip students with life skills and a positive attitude, then education must even prepare values as guidelines. It is also written in the curriculum in madrasah (Islamic school) that is integrated on each subject included in science learning. Where this learning serves to increase students' awareness of the natural order and beauty so compelled to love and glorify God as the Creator, through: (1) developing skills, (2) developing attitudes and values, (3) inculcating scientific attitudes, (4) stimulating students awareness of the importance of the preservation of nature and its resources, (5) drawing attention to *

Refers to tawhid-ul-Rububiyyah (Oneness of Allah’s Lordship)


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the orderliness of nature and its beauty [1]. However, inculcating values in science learning into students’ mind is not easy. Survey of 190 students at MTs (Islamic junior high school) shows that the level of students’ religiosity development at the lowest rank with a value of 2.932 on a scale of 1-5. This was followed by other aspects: intellectual maturity at 3.08; knowledge and career preparation at 3.42; awareness of the responsibilities at3.43; ethical foundation of life at 3.44; and the lowest is student's social role as a man or a woman with a score of 3.48. Yet on the other hand, there is a lot of school activities aimed at inculcating and developing values [2]. The survey also found that low level of students’ religiosity development occurred in MTs, where incidentally had knowledge of divinity on the subjects of moral theology. In fact, from the preliminary study, the teachers have a strong commitment to religion, and are confident about the legitimacy of their role in inculcating values for life. The crisis in science education emerged from the gap between the achievement of meaning and social function of modern science, with the character of science learning is now more subject-matter oriented [3]. In result, the teaching of science in schools failed to introduce the principles of value especially with regard to the religious values. Science is finally seen as a single object, stand-alone detached, subject only to the mechanism of natural laws. Science is about how nature works, not about how to understand and interpret the facts of science. Science is not about the law of God in nature. Based on the study above, it needs the right strategy for integrating science and students’ value of rububiyyah in science learning. It is a way of formulating both educational value as the quest for meaning and purpose as the core of the educational process. The strategy is designed to add depth and breadth of understanding, acceptance of rububiyyah value and rububiyyah spirituality in students’ behavior. This strategy was later called as values education program on science learning, in which students present the facts of science and encourage them to make connections between knowledge of science with their religious experiences in life. Theoretically, this study reinforces the theory for those who think that science and religion do not contradict, do not walk alone (secularism) and also do not side by side (dualism). Science and religion are integrated to form transcendental values. Nowadays, strengthening the theory of integration of science and religion is very important when particular local values collide with each other as a result of the globalization process. The theory of integration of science and religion is considered more fundamental than the theory of science plus religion. Theory of science plus religion considered to be vulnerable due to the religious values only in the form of attachment to science. Besides in schools, these same religious values are also accepted by students outside the school with different orientations. Conflicts of this value orientation could be offered or weaken the values which has been built at school. Practically, the study is useful for science teachers or social subject teachers and other humanities. As known in the curriculum 2013, things are assessed on the students not only their cognitive but also affective and psychomotor side. Spiritual attitude is for affective assessment. This study could serve as a model for teachers to guide and develop the instruments of the spiritual and social attitude research. 2. Experimental Method The method used in this study is the Research and Development (R & D) from Gall, Borg, and Gall. A dissertation with R & D method should be tested with specific processes, and done thoroughly. This process requires an outline step of the field tests, assessments, and modification to create products and good educational programs. R & D process in this case worked to create guidelines for science teachers in developing strategies to inculcate students’ values of rububiyyah. The steps are as follows: 1) Analysis of the study, the test needs, and the evidence concept, 2) Planning and design of the product, 3) Preparation of product development, 4) Preparation of field test, 5) Revisions products, 6) Test the pitch (playing field), 7) Revision of the final product and dissemination [4]. There are two types of data generated, namely quantitative and qualitative data. The qualitative data generated from interviews, observation and documents. The quantitative data resulting from the questionnaire at the


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time of the preliminary study and the results of significance test value through a Likert scale. 3. Result and Discussion 3.1. The process of Transcendent science education To find a solution for some weaknesses in the implementation of the curriculum on science subject, then this study is attempted to develop educational value strategies in accordance with the demands of the curriculum, and based on theories. The first one is integration theory. Second, in that integrating process used Kant's theory of the concept of the pure ratio with knowledge of apriori synthetic as the basis of science. It is used as a bridge to connect the scientific knowledge with rububiyyah [5], and the last theory from Phenix concerns about realm of meaning. The use of integration theory as the strategy of value educational development is to emphasize that science is not value-free and reasonable because the connection between science and religion can take the ways which called independence and dialogue or integration way [6]. Integration tries to assimilate science and religion. According to this way, the integration of science and religion lies at the point of the metaphysical basis so generally it is theological. In addition to those two ways there is another way called Systematic Synthesis. This way is for those who are trying to create a more coherent worldview elaborated within the framework of a more comprehensive metaphysics [7]. To get rational knowledge, the ratio is divided into three stages of reflection [8]. First, at the stage of sensory, knowledge is a synthesis of apriori elements (which precedes the experience) and aposteriori elements (based on experience). The apriori is space and time, which shaped an empirical data into a known reality. Tafsir says this stage as transcendental aesthetic [9]. Here, the students are able to discover the facts and scientific concepts about light as the 'impression', or it simply called as the stage of sensation. Second, stage of intellect (verstand), knowledge is in the order of sensory data. In Linguistic, this knowledge is a proposition or a decision. In logic, the decision is a proposition that consists of three elements; subject, predicate, and copula. An apriori synthetic judgment is disputed by Kant. It would be synthesized if the predicate adds something new to the subject, and becomes apriori if that new things derived not from an experience. This apriori synthetic is often found in the natural sciences and enable our cognitive progress. However we did not examine all the new events to certify this valid decision. Is that possible? That may be for Kant, because in the reason there are some apriori elements which he called as sensory-synthesized categories as an element of aposteriori. And this understanding simply called as perception. The last, stage of pure kindness (vernunft), knowledge is the decisions synthesis from the intellect (verstand). It results the order of propositions or arguments. Tafsir named it as the idea or conception. In this stage, aposteriori elements are not directly accepted, but indirectly from the intellect. Apriori element at this stage is the idea that regulate proposition into an argument. This idea is only an aspiration, just to ensure the unity of all forms of knowledge. Thus what we understand and describe from empirical data cannot be touched, but only conceptions alone. At this stage, the idea that became reference is synthesized with a proposition to produce a rational argument. This is a purely theoretical knowledge. This conception process does not just happened. For Kant, the ratio of concluding something influenced by three ideas; the soul, the world, and God [10]. The soul idea states all the inner symptoms, the world ideas expresses all physical symptoms, and the idea of God states all the symptoms, everything that exists, both inner and physical. These transcendental ideas are apriori, excluding our experience. Transcendental ideas are purely functioning regulative idea [11]. Because the ratio gets supplies from the intellect, and the intellect only transmit sensed-data, the ratio can only produce conclusions from things that are visible only in the physical sense. The ratio just takes the visible things into its focus. The ratio cannot reach things in themselves (noumena). The world of the ratio is the physical world, not a metaphysical. If the ratio is used in science to assess noumena, it will be misguided in antinomy. If the ratio is used in philosophy to analyze noumena area,


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Tafsir concludes that it will get lost in paralogism. As for the discussion, researchers designed a treatment presentation begins with an opening slide with giving title “Knowing God Through the reflection of light”. Considering the importance of a graphic, then here researchers put someone in silhouette who stands and sees the universe. The graphic is assumed would immediately give rise to the meaning of the graphic itself. As Phenix described, graphic is different from the meaning of aural or contained in the art of music. Visual art is not temporary. It will last long in the memory and keep repeating. The similarity with other art is a visual art creates a single object that describes a significant pattern of subjective feelings. Finally, the meaning of the visual arts emerged from the individuality and uniqueness [12]. By putting an image like that one on slide 1, researchers assume that these images will last a long time in the students’ memory and will be able to bring meaning when one watches a sky full of twinkling stars, will soon be associated with God as the creator. Continued to slide 2, the researchers put two important points related to the material world and one point for audio-visual media: What we see in nature is material. And this material is merely the reflection of light featured with video 1 minute 36 seconds. In this second slide, researchers deliberately only put up two important points related to the material world. For some students, understanding the material would be difficult to comprehend and especially associated with the reflection of light. A word 'material' may be studied using everyday and ordinary language that all objects are visible and can be processed in the sensory. Understanding everyday language for Phenix is to understand the rules of the language and is able to compile them into a discourse in conversation. To ease the difficulties of using ordinary language (in this case the use of the term material), researchers at the third point include a video about the material world. A short video with full-colored illustrations and sounds will really help bring out the meaning related to the understanding of the material world. It will be at least one more level up compared to understand written language. Followed by the third slide, researchers focus on the reflection of light and the vision process. In this slide, researchers also include instructional audio-visual media. With the video 1 minute 24 seconds, students are expected to understand and gather some scientific concepts that can be sensed by them. It also includes an explanation of brain’s working can be described as the next slide (slide 4). At this stage, students have been able to follow the stages of learning by giving them scientific impressions. The students’ sense approach realize that light has some characteristics of scientific or bound to the laws of nature which further affects the human visual sensory. What is seen by students and all mankind’s in this world are just material things and the material is just a reflection of a light. At this stage also students discover the science concepts about the mechanism of vision. From the visual material provided to students, it appears they could easily collect scientific information about how the sense of vision. Beginning with a collection of light called photons moving from the objects (viewed) to the eye and penetrate the eye lens in which the photon is deflected and focused onto the retina at the back of the eye. Here the light is converted into electrical signals and transmitted by nerve cells to the visual cortex at the back of the brain. After the first visual learning media which lasted for 01 minute and 24 seconds, students can receive that light can be reflected all the objects, scenery, including a video that they have been watched is directed to their eyes. At this stage, the researchers believe that the receiving process is running. The process of receiving or also called rational abstraction stage informs that students are trying to leave the impression of factual material things (imaterialization). They are invited to get out of the habit of seeing process that was initially eye-tasked, it turns out that the light is important to be processed by the eye. Explanation of the process of seeing had even become a metaphysical process, at this stage still measurable or observable. The students’ acceptance of seeing process would not be separated from the audio-visual media that they saw when treatment delivering. Researchers deeply focus on this activity, there are two things that can be drawn into the realm of meaning which will further simplify the analysis in this study. The first thing about watching activity, the researchers try to dig deeper meaning of this activity. There is empirical meaning, where meaning is made up of knowledge about the physical


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world, objects and human life. Through this meaning, one can examine the possibilities of empirical truth is assessed based on the evidence, corroborated by certain data, and supported by a number of specific analysis. The specific analysis here is certainly strengthened with regard to the second thing that is media watched or visual media. Not only the activity of watching that contains of meaning, the media object is also full of meaning. For Phenix, there is meaning for each visual media, such as in his book Realm of Meaning, Phenix categorizes visual into an aesthetic meaning. Researchers are purposely planned to categorize visual learning media into the media which contains full of aesthetic meaning. Researchers are intentionally select Harun Yahya movie [14] (highlighted into 1 minute 24 seconds) as a medium of learning, some short videos were selected and used as learning materials for all of them represent a meaning; ranging from color, illustration, motion, and language as a signal, all of the meaning contained in this visual media is impromptu or refer directly to the object that comes to mind. Students will instantly find scientific facts and suddenly absorb or accept what is described by the video. In short, the meaning contained on the first visual video captured simultaneously with the process of receiving or abstracting rational [13]. Followed by the video on the fact that almost all of the material that sensory/sensation processes into the brain, then is the brain material? This video also makes clear that the brain is a material object, or in other words, objects that can be seen, touched, kissed and felt. A simple example is to take/dissect the human brain and the lifting of the head and keep it on the table, then the brain is only material things were no different from any other material objects. So when we look at the brain on the table, it means that the brain is being viewed by the brain or anyone who saw anyone. Students finally were able to respond to questions at the end of the video which lasted 01 minutes 21 seconds, if the brain is able to see the brain, and it was not brain where the end place for material things, "who he is seeing, hearing, touching and feeling the taste and smell? Who are these beings who think, reason, have feelings, and even said I was I? They tried to respond the question with non-scientific response like ghosts, spirits, God and other magical objects. Researchers are not surprised by the responses given by students, because this video helps researcher to attract students behavior of rububiyyah, or this condition brings students at one level above from receiving level, out of the sensory facts and try to bring out their apriori, or researchers categorize knowledge on the slides 5 and 6 in the stage of conceptual transcendence. Bakker says there are three results of the analysis of this stage, first, transcendental or ability to find the notions that apriori synthesis of phenomena and in accordance to the demands of the moral, second, transcendental deduction or ability to expand notions of apriori synthesis to other phenomena and third, transcendental dialectic or reasoning ability to find a regulation for another [15]. Their response about the unseen world, or there is a dimension behind the material universe would nearly reach the peak of the disclosure process values of students’ rububiyyah in learning science. Before demonstrating the final video on the answer to that question, researchers deliberately give a brief example of the link between the human as part of nature or not? If human are part of the nature, anything contained in man is completely dependent on the laws of nature or scientific theory. Most of students answered humans are part of the nature, or at least human and natural are synergized/having mutual need. Researchers in this case quickly describe sleeping activity. If human beings are part of nature with various explanations, including inhaled oxygen for living (conscious) man, then how when they fall asleep (unconscious)? or with another example who set the rhythm of the heart when asleep? They smiled and responded by calling the name of God. Likewise also the final video with the question who was I? The ending place for all material is God. The King of universe, Ruler of heaven and earth, the absolute essence. Everything other than God is the shadows that He created. The student's final response to the name of God would be based on a production ratio of conclusions. According to Kant, in producing conclusions influenced by three ideas; the soul, the world and God. This stage is called as meaningful learning. This learning approach combines conceptual structures into a higher unity. The existence of the meaning behind the properties of light as a fact of nature is


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the values of rububiyyah in science. The significance of both science and students’ rububiyyah were also quantitative measured using tests reasoned attitude. Understanding of the slide 7 and 8 slide containing the concluding video is a final response of a syntax strategy to inculcate students’ values of rububiyyah in science learning or there is an integration of the students’ values of rububiyyah in science. The students finally have the depth and breadth of insight about the values of rububiyyah in learning science. This phase can be said also as a stage holding (or embracing). It is intended to further confirm the relation of God on science learning, especially the properties of light. With this understanding and awareness, students admitted to the existence of God as a form of monotheism. Students are able to respond there essence/beings that everything, including the brain that is classified as material things. They realized that this material world is only a shadow and of course there are set. 3.2.The significance and importance of value (Meaning of Students’rububiyyah) The effectiveness of the strategy to inculcate students’ values of rububiyyah in science was calculated by examining the difference between two averages through t-test on the level of significance of their rububiyyah values. In addition to test the difference in rates meaningfulness students’ values of rububiyyah in science learning, the data processing is also used N-Gain calculations with the aim of comparing based on the categorization of the significance of the difference between the meaningfulness of students is less, sufficient, and high. Table 1. Comparison of N-Gain Significance level of students’ Values of Rububiyyah In Science Learning between Experiment Group and Control Group. Comparison of N-Gain N-Gain N-Gain 0,47 0,18 0,38 0,20 0,36 0,19 0,33 0,20

Experiment Group (EG) EG 01 EG 02 EG 03 EG 04

Control Group (CG) CG 01 CG 02 CG 03 CG 04

The table above showed that the point of N-Gain in the experimental class is between 0.30 and 0.70 [16]. It means that the level of significance of the treatment strategy model to inculcate students values of rububiyyah in science learning come to the category of enough. As for the control class, NGain is obtained entirely under 0.32. That is the level of significance of strategy models in control class is significantly less. The validation test of the significance level of rububiyyah values in the students between the experimental group and the control group can be seen in Table 2 as follows: Table 2. Test Results Validation Score Maximum, Minimal, and Average Experiment Group And Control Group on Level of Meaning Values Rububiyyah Students On Science Learning.

Control Group

Pretest 1 Posttest 1 Pretest 2


30 30

Score Min

Score Max











V ali dit y Te st 1 2

Experiment Group

Pretest 1 Posttest 1 Pretest 2



30 30

Score Min

Score Max











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Posttest 2 Pretest 3 Posttest 3 Pretest 4 Posttest 4

30 30
















Posttest 2 3 4

Pretest 3


Posttest 3 Pretest 4


Posttest 4
















From Table 2 above, after four validation tests, 124, 130, 136 and 137 were obtained for the control group, and the scores were 131, 137, 140 and 148 for the experimental group. Then proceed to see the difference of significance level between experimental class and control class. For that matter, then tested t test statistic on control and experiment group which result will be seen as table 3 below. Table 3. Test Result t in Control Groups (CG). N Pretest 1_CG Posttest 1_CG Pretest 2_CG Posttest 2_CG Pretest 3_CG Posttest 3_CG Pretest 4_CG Posttest 4_CG

132,5333 145,8 139,4667 150

Std. Deviation 3,95434 4,27019 4,86177 5,45831

145,1667 153,9667 149,8333 158,9667

5,44618 5,6476 5,21988 4,59748


30 30 30 30
















Table 3 above shows that there is a difference between the pretest and posttest control groups. The statistically significant (Sig) calculation results from the four validations yields a value of 0.000 less than the alpha level of 5% or 0,000