LS-RP Doj Handbook [PDF]

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[url=]Subject: [Inform ation] Notice of Resignation[/url] [quote="Department of Justice"][divbox=#FFFFFF][size=150][center][img]http://i.i[/img] [u]Notice of Resignation[/u][/center][/size] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Date:[/b] [b]Reason:[/b][/divbox] [b](( [/b] [code][divbox=#FFFFFF][size=150][center][img][/img ] [u]Notice of Resignation[/u][/center][/size] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Date:[/b] [b]Reason:[/b][/divbox][/code] [b]))[/b][/quote] [url=]Subject: [Infor mation] Double Faction Requests[/url] [quote="Department of Justice"][divbox=#FFFFFF][size=150][center][img]http://i.i[/img] [u]Double Faction Request[/u][/center][/size] [b]Your Name:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Time in Department of Justice:[/b] [b]Faction Wishing To Join:[/b] [b]Reason:[/b] [b]Effect on your Activity:[/b][/divbox] [b](( [/b] [code][divbox=#FFFFFF][size=150][center][img][/img ] [u]Double Faction Request[/u][/center][/size] [b]Your Name:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Time in Department of Justice:[/b] [b]Faction Wishing To Join:[/b] [b]Reason:[/b] [b]Effect on your Activity:[/b][/divbox][/code] [b]))[/b][/quote]

[divbox=white]To make it easier to reference court cases, warrants and other doc umentation / events everything will be given a docket number. This page also lis ts all current staff and their ID numbers (used for the docket number system) [center][size=150]Staff of San Andreas Court System[/size] [hr][/hr] [b][size=125]Chief Justice[/size][/b] Arnold McTrevor (on Absence) ((Kavinsky)) Agosto Mercati ((Laos)) [hr][/hr] [b][size=125]Associate Justice[/size][/b] Jonathan Delanto ((Delanto)) Thomas Spencer ((Warmonkey)) Frank Bowen ((Torque)) Harold Cheung ((Fitzy)) [hr][/hr] [b][size=125]Assistant Justice[/size][/b]

[hr][/hr] [b][size=125]Support Staff[/size][/b][/center] ((Pitchounette is helping us all out as Head of Factions and is someone who care s a great deal about good legal RP)) [hr][/hr] [size=125][b]How the Docket Number System Works[/b][/size] Whenever you accept a case for DISCOVERY, you will issue a docket number as this means it will ultimately be a case that goes to trial. The docket number is 7 d igits in the following format: YY-X111 YY = The year the case entered DISCOVERY. [list] [*]14 is 2014, for example.[/list] X = The letter code for the type of case or warrant. [list] [*]A = Appellate case in Superior Court [*]B = Criminal case in Superior Court [*]C = Civil case in Superior Court [*]W = Search Warrant [*]X = Arrest Warrant [*]Y = Supreme Court cases in the San Andreas Supreme Court [*]Z = Other (if no other docket letters apply)[/list] [b]note:[/b] add a (PD) at the beginning of the docket if it was handled on the LSPD Database. 111 = The case / warrant number [list] [*]Start from 001 and count up to the latest number of a case. [b]Only count for that type of case.[/b] There can be a 001 criminal case, 001 civil case, 001 ap pellate case, etc.[/list] So if I were to preside over a sample Appellate court case in 2014, the ID numbe r would be [b]14-A001[/b]

It takes an extra FIVE minutes to enter the docket number of a court case or war rant but will help volumes when we ultimately need to cite those cases in histor y. Instead of saying "XXX vs. LSPD" where numerous cases can have the same name, the docket number will always be identical. Be sure to append to the first post of a court case as well as the forum title t he docket number. Note: If the judge presiding changes after Discovery, the docket number remains the same. [code][url=]Subject: Staff & Docket system[/url] [quote="Laos_Macen"]To make it easier to reference court cases, warrants and oth er documentation / events everything will be given a docket number. This page al so lists all current staff and their ID numbers (used for the docket number syst em) [center][size=150]Staff of San Andreas Court System[/size] [hr][/hr] [b][size=125]Chief Justice[/size][/b] Arnold McTrevor (on Absence) ((Kavinsky)) Agosto Mercati ((Laos)) [hr][/hr] [b][size=125]Associate Justice[/size][/b] Jonathan Delanto ((Delanto)) Thomas Spencer ((Warmonkey)) Frank Bowen ((Torque)) Harold Cheung ((Fitzy)) [hr][/hr] [b][size=125]Assistant Justice[/size][/b]

[hr][/hr] [b][size=125]Support Staff[/size][/b][/center] ((Pitchounette is helping us all out as Head of Factions and is someone who care s a great deal about good legal RP)) [hr][/hr] [size=125][b]How the Docket Number System Works[/b][/size] Whenever you accept a case for DISCOVERY, you will issue a docket number as this means it will ultimately be a case that goes to trial. The docket number is 7 d igits in the following format: YY-X111 YY = The year the case entered DISCOVERY. [list] [*]14 is 2014, for example.[/list] X = The letter code for the type of case or warrant. [list] [*]A = Appellate case in Superior Court [*]B = Criminal case in Superior Court [*]C = Civil case in Superior Court [*]W = Search Warrant [*]X = Arrest Warrant

[*]Y = Supreme Court cases in the San Andreas Supreme Court [*]Z = Other (if no other docket letters apply)[/list] [b]note:[/b] add a (PD) at the beginning of the docket if it was handled on the LSPD Database. 111 = The case / warrant number [list] [*]Start from 001 and count up to the latest number of a case. [b]Only count for that type of case.[/b] There can be a 001 criminal case, 001 civil case, 001 ap pellate case, etc.[/list] So if I were to preside over a sample Appellate court case in 2014, the ID numbe r would be [b]14-A001[/b] It takes an extra FIVE minutes to enter the docket number of a court case or war rant but will help volumes when we ultimately need to cite those cases in histor y. Instead of saying "XXX vs. LSPD" where numerous cases can have the same name, the docket number will always be identical. Be sure to append to the first post of a court case as well as the forum title t he docket number. Note: If the judge presiding changes after Discovery, the docket number remains the same.[/quote] [/code][/divbox] [divbox=#FFFFFF][center][img][/img][/center] [b][size=120]DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE RADIO INFORMATION[/size][/b] [line][/line] [list][*]Channel: 19250 [*]Password: Dojrules[/list] [b][size=120]DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE/GOVERNMENT RADIO INFORMATION[/size][/b] [line][/line] [list][*]Channel: 19300 [*]Password: dojgov[/list][/divbox]

[code][url=]Subject: [Information] Radio Frequency[/url] [quote="Department of Justice"][divbox=#FFFFFF][center][img] EUzC.png[/img][/center] [b][size=120]DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE RADIO INFORMATION[/size][/b] [line][/line] [list][*]Channel: 19250 [*]Password: Dojrules[/list] [b][size=120]DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE/GOVERNMENT RADIO INFORMATION[/size][/b] [line][/line] [list][*]Channel: 19300 [*]Password: dojgov[/list][/divbox][/quote] [/code] [divbox=#FFFFFF][center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=130][b]Department of Justice Employee Roster[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=110][b]Chief Justice[/b][/size] [url=]Agosto Mercat

i[/url][/center] [center][size=110][b]Attorney General[/b][/size] [url=]Anthony Guid one[/url][/center] [center][size=110][b]Deputy Attorney General[/b][/size] [url=]Jesse Style s[/url] [url=]Donette Will iams[/url][/center] [center][size=110][b]General Counsel[/b][/size] [url=]Lance Ri chmond[/url][/center] [center][size=110][b]Associate Justice[/b][/size] [url=]Jonatha n Delanto[/url] [url=]Harold Cheun g[/url] [url=]Johnathan D elanto[/url] [url=]Thomas Spenc er[/url] [url=]Frank Bowen[/url] [url=]Michael Bene detto[/url] [url=]Dennis King [/url][/center] [hr][/hr] [center][size=130][b]Public Defender's Office (OPD)[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=110][b]Deputy Chief Public Defender[/b][/size] [url=]Shoshan a Leibowitz[/url][/center] [center][size=110][b]Assistant Public Defender II[/b][/size] [url=]Aseem H ammoud[/url][/center] [center][size=110][b]Assistant Public Defender I[/b][/size] Harold Gaffney Cristian Specter Alan Maguire Albert Schuman Derek Stanton Loay Lorenzo James Hollywood[/center] [hr][/hr] [center][size=130][b]Department of Justice Personnel Associates (BAR)[/b][/size] [/center] [center][size=110][b]Bar Association Member (San Andreas Sheriff's Office)[/b][/ size] [url=]Victori a Ramirez[/url][b]*[/b][/center] [center][size=110][b]Bar Association Member (Los Santos Police Department)[/b][/ size] [url=]Matthew

Lowell[/url][b]*[/b][/center] [center][size=110][b]Bar Association Member (Los Santos Government)[/b][/size] [url=]Lawrenc e Heidelberg[/url][b]*[/b][/center] [center][size=110][b]Bar Association Member (Department of Justice)[/b][/size] [url=]Annabell e Quinton[/url][b]*[/b][/center] [hr][/hr] [center][size=130][b]District Attorney's Office[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=110][b]District Attorney[/b][/size] District Attorney Victoria Ramirez District Attorney Darnell Murphy [b](Emeritus)[/b][/center] [center][size=110][b]Assistant District Attorney[/b][/size] Chandler Wright Antonio Torres[/center][/divbox] [url=]Subject: [Infor mation] San Andreas Department of Justice[/url] [quote="Department of Justice"][divbox=#FFFFFF][center][img] N9EUzC.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Department of Justice[/b][/center] The San Andreas Department of Justice (DOJ), also known as the Justice Departmen t, is a State executive department, responsible for the enforcement of the law a nd administration of justice in the State of San Andreas. The DOJ has two seats in the State Legislature, and its representatives sit on the legislative board a nd the subcommittee on the Penal Code, and are tasked with ensuring that all law s and acts are legally acceptable and do not violate the constitution of either the state or the nation. [center][b]Department of Justice Structure[/b][/center] The Department of Justice is currently divided into the following categories: Office of the Attorney General (OAG), is tasked with the management of all opera tions within the Department of Justice, as well as the proper application of law and order in the state. This office is also charged with the oversight of all L aw Enforcement Agencies in San Andreas. This office is overseen directly by the Attorney General. Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) is tasked with the management of all staffing, employment, and personnel issues within the Department of Justice. It is also tasked with meting out disciplinary actions, such as suspensions and di scharges, to employees who fail to abide by the SADOJ's internal regulations. Th is office is overseen by the Deputy Attorney General. San Andreas Judicial Branch (SAJD), which are tasked with adjudicating legal dis putes between parties, and carrying out the administration of justice in civil, criminal, and administrative matters in accordance with the laws of San Andreas and the United States. This office is overseen by the Chief Justice of San Andre as. Office of the Public Defender (OPD), tasked with providing all citizens of San A ndreas with legal representation, regardless of their ability to pay for said se rvices. They are also tasked with providing legal advice to citizens, free of ch arge, for any matters of concern that they may have. This office is overseen by the General Counsel of San Andreas. The State Bar of San Andreas (SABAR) is tasked with managing the admission of la wyers to the practice of law, investigating complaints of professional misconduc

t, and prescribing appropriate discipline. It is directly responsible to the Chi ef Justice of the Supreme Court of San Andreas.This office is overseen by the Ge neral Counsel of San Andreas. San Andreas District Attorney's Office (SADAO) is tasked with handling civil cas es for or against the government organizations such as the Fire Department, Poli ce Department, Sheriff's Department, Department of Corrections, and City Governm ent.It is also tasked with prosecuting all violent felonies that occur within th e State of San Andreas. Misdemeanors and non-violent felonies are prosecuted by the Los Santos Police Department, Legal Affairs Section. [center][b]Department of Justice Organizational Chart[/b] [img][/img][/center] [center][b]Department of Justice Faction Rules[/b][/center] [list] [*]You are [b][color=#BF0000]not allowed[/color][/b] to leak information or any other material that is located in our internal forums, under any circumstances. [*]You must follow all LS:RP rules and may face consequences if you breach any O OC agreement or rule breaking during your time in this faction. All LS-RP admini strative punishments must be reported to either Conti or Laos. [*]You may not have a criminal record and be invited into the faction because th e State of San Andreas doesn't allow you to have a State Bar license if you have a criminal record. [*]You must contact Department of Justice Management before you name-change and request permission. You must then contact them after name-changing and inform th em that you have name-changed and give your previous and new name. [*]You are not allowed to be corrupt ICly or OOCly, under any circumstances.[/li st] [center][b]Department of Justice - IRC Channel[/b] Channel name: #ls-rp.doj[/center][/divbox][/quote] [url=]Subject: Offici al Templates[/url] [quote="Cortez"][b]Public Defender Assignment Letter[/b] [code][divbox=white][color=transparent]-[/color][center][img] Qo1PNcq.png[/img][/center] [center][size=130][b]OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER[/b][/size] Department of Justice Complex Building | 1 East Market Street | Los Santos, San Andreas 90012 Phone: 1-800-JUSTICE | Email: [url= compose&u=45646][email protected][/url] [b]___________________________________________________________________________[/ b][/center] [DATE] [list]RE: Public Defender Assignment[/list] Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. [NAME]: [justify]Following your written request on [DATE], I have been assigned by the S tate of San Andreas as your public defender. In order to adequately handle your case, please send me a detailed statement explaining what happened, the evidence that has been obtained against you, who arrested you, and how you have been wro nged.[/justify]

Sincerely, [NAME][/divbox][/code] [b]General OPD correspondence[/b] [code][divbox=white][color=transparent]-[/color][center][img] Qo1PNcq.png[/img][/center] [center][size=130][b]OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER[/b][/size] Department of Justice Complex Building | 1 East Market Street | Los Santos, San Andreas 90012 Phone: 1-800-JUSTICE | Email: [url= compose&u=45646][email protected][/url] [b]___________________________________________________________________________[/ b][/center] [DATE] [list]RE: [LETTER SUBJECT][/list] Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. [NAME]: [justify][TEXT][/justify] Sincerely, [NAME][/divbox][/code][/quote] [url=]Subject: Public Defenders Office - Quick Start Guide[/url] [quote="Pichu"][divbox=#FF000000][center][size=180][color=#408080][b]Public Defe nders Office – Quick Start Guide[/b][/color][/size] [img][/img][/center] [hr][/hr] Welcome to the Public Defenders Office, no doubt you're a little confused as to how you do things. Hopefully this guide will help to get you started, as per the title. This guide will be added to and amended as the Public Defenders Office g rows and changes. [color=#408080][b][size=150]PART 1: Your Office[/size][/b][/color] You're going to need an office area where you will post your casefiles. Why is t his needed? This will not only keep tract of your activity but it also means it' ll be easy for you and management to look back at your cases in the future, for example if you need to forward it to internal affairs or even the courts. [b]TEMPLATE:[/b] You can use this as a template for your basic office layout, or you can make you r own as long as they're presentable. Post this as a new thread with the title in this format [i][RANK] Firstname_Last name [date last updated][/i]. [code] [divbox=#FF000000][center][img][/img]

[b][color=#408080][size=150]- Your Name's Office -[/size] [/color][/b][/center] [center][spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler][/center] [hr][/hr] [center][b][color=#408080]Current Cases[/color][/b][/center] [/divox][/code] You can also use your office to place notes, emails etc in additional posts, par ticularly recommended if you want to show off your skills. [color=#408080][b][size=150]PART 2: Your job.[/size][/b][/color] It's your job to act as legal counsel for criminal defendants. Starting out with the right mindset is important, put aside any prejudice you might have against your client and concentrate on what you can do to improve their outlook no matte r the probability of guilt. Remember that arrests can only be made based on FACT UAL evidence, whether that's collective evidence or otherwise. [b]Don't forget:[/b] You may have different roles and duties depending on your r ank within the faction [url= p4728682]CLICK HERE[/url] and consult with the rank authority section for more i nformation. [color=#408080][b][size=150]PART 3: Your first case.[/size][/b][/color] So now you have your first client, you'll need to record the results of your con sultation. Use the template provided below. [b]CASE TEMPLATE:[/b] [url=]CLICK HERE[/ur l] and choose the most appropriate form. [b]Useful reference points:[/b] [url=]Laws & Acts of San Andreas[/url] [url=]San Andreas Penal Code[ /url] [url=]US Constitution[/ur l] [b]REMEMBER:[/b] If you didn't get a satisfactory resolution on your first consultation you'll ne ed to follow up with an IAD/IAU report with the respective department first.[/di vbox][/quote] [quote="Cortez"][divbox=#f7f7f7][color=transparent]-[/color][center][size=135][b ]STAFF HANDBOOK[/b][/size] Revision 1 (Last Revised July 20th, 2015)[/center][hr][/hr] [size=102][justify]The Office of the Public Defender Staff Handbook, commonly re ferred to as "Staff Handbook", is comprised of unique information relevant to th e Los Santos Public Defender’s Office. This handbook is considered to be a living document and will be updated frequent ly to match the changing requirements. All employees upon joining the Office of the Public Defender will be required to read the handbook and keep themselves in formed of any changes to it. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. [/justify] [center][b]Table of Contents[/b][/center]

[url=]1. General Information[/url] [list]1.1 Mission 2.2 Central Headquarters[/list] [url=]2. Structu re[/url] [list]2.1 Positions [list]2.1.1 Chief Public Defender 2.1.2 Chief Deputy Public Defender 2.1.3 Senior Assistant Public Defender 2.1.4 Assistant Public Defender II 2.1.5 Assistant Public Defender I[/list] [url=]2.2 Divisi ons[/url] [list]2.2.1 Early Representation Division 2.2.2 Trial Division 2.2.3 Serious Crime Division[/list][/list] [url=]3. Procedu res and Protocols[/url] [list]3.1 Client Logs 3.2 Police Interviews/Interrogations 3.3 Trial 3.4 Departmental Radio Usage[/list] [url=]4. Rules a nd Regulations[/url] [url=]5. Additio nal Information[/url] [list]5.1 The Office and Private Practice 5.2 Clients and Fees[/list][/size][/divbox][/quote] [quote="Cortez"][divbox=#f7f7f7][color=transparent]-[/color][size=102]1. General Information [list]1.1 Mission The Office of the Public Defender provides superior legal representation to indi gent defendants in the State of San Andreas. The office provides its legal servi ces without regard to race, color, origin, heritage, background, or sexual orien tation.[/list] [list]1.2 Central Headquarters The Central Headquarters for the Department of Justice is 1 East Market Street, just by the infamous Market S-Curve and north of the Department of Motor Vehicle s. The Office of the Public Defender is located on the second floor of the Depar tment of Justice Complex building.[/list][/size][/divbox][/quote] [quote="Cortez"][divbox=#f7f7f7][color=transparent]-[/color][size=102]2. Structu re [list]2.1 Positions [list]2.1.1 Chief Public Defender[/list] [*]Head of the Office of the Public Defender. [*]May employ, terminate, promote or demote employees within the Office.

[*]May issue any disciplinary action to any employee within the Office. [*]May alter or authorize changes to the Staff Handbook as necessary. [*]Liaises with the Office of the District Attorney and the rest of the Departme nt of Justice. [*]Must send a formal report to the Office of the Attorney General every month. [*]Holds the same authority as any lower position.[/list] [list][list]2.1.2 Chief Deputy Public Defender[/list] [*]Assistant Head of the Office of the Public Defender. [*]May assist the Chief Public Defender with his or her duties. [*]May use any vehicle available to the Department of Justice. [*]Holds the same authority as any lower position.[/list] [list][list]2.1.3 Senior Assistant Public Defender[/list] [*]Leads one of the three divisions within the Office of the Public Defender. [*]In charge of assigning cases to Assistant Public Defenders. [*]Has a general supervisory role over Assistant Public Defenders: recommends em ployees for promotions, issues warnings for minor employee misconduct and report s gross misconduct to management. [*]May use any vehicle available to the Department of Justice except for the FBI Rancher. [*]Holds the same authority as any lower position.[/list] [list][list]2.1.4 Assistant Public Defender II[/list] [*]Eligible to join a different division. [*]In charge of assisting and training Assistant Public Defender Is. [*]May conduct own investigations in relation to a case. [*]Holds the same authority as Assistant Public Defender Is.[/list] [list][list]2.1.5 Assistant Public Defender I[/list] [*]Must undergo a probationary period to determine suitability for the Office of the Public Defender. [*]Assigned by default to the Early Representation Division upon joining the Off ice. [*]May only respond to public defender requests and file pre-trial paperwork suc h as Internal Affairs reports. [*]May assist more experienced attorneys in trial for training purposes. [*]May use any vehicle available to the Department of Justice except for the FBI Rancher. [*]May be promoted to Assistant Public Defender II after sufficient experience i s gained.[/list][/size][/divbox][/quote] [quote="Cortez"][divbox=#f7f7f7][color=transparent]-[/color][size=102]2.2 Divisi ons [list]2.2.1 Early Representation Division The Early Representation Division (ERD) was created for the newest attorneys wit hin the Los Santos County Public Defender’s Office who hold the title of Assistant Public Defender I. ERD allows attorneys hired as an Assistant Public Defender I to gain experience by handling cases only through the pre-trial phase without the worry of having t o go through court procedures and trial which, for newer and inexperienced attor neys, can be a daunting experience. Once a public defender is requested, either via departmental radio by the police or via written request by a client, it comes under the wing of the Early Repres entation Division. ERD simply refers to all pre-trial representation.

Most often, ERD work will involve filing a complaint such as an Internal Affairs report on behalf of a client. This complaint procedure is the core of the pre-t rial phase which serves to remove or reduce the number of charges against a clie nt, report an officer or government employee for a civil rights violation and/or gather more information about a case should the case move to trial. ERD work can also involve going spontaneously to the state prison (SACF) on a re gular basis to visit inmates and offer them legal advice. Sometimes a case will be resolved during the pre-trial phase when the other part y (LSPD/SASD) offers to settle. Should a case fail settlement and go to trial, t he files will be forwarded to the Trial Division who will take it from there.[/l ist] [list]2.2.2 Trial Division The Trial Division is another important division within the office. All cases th at go to trial will be handled by the attorneys of this division. Because the Tr ial Division s main task is litigation, attorneys must be experienced with court procedures and trial techniques. Most cases handled by the division will have come from the Early Representation Division. Therefore, attorneys of both divisions must constantly communicate wit h each other and exchange information about a case to prepare it for trial. Atto rneys from the Early Representation Division are more than welcome to assist the ir fellow colleagues. In order to avoid overlapping between the Trial Division and the Serious Crime D ivision, the Trial Division only handles non-serious crimes which constitute the bulk of the office s caseload. Cases that involve serious and more complex crim es will be forwarded to the Serious Crime Division.[/list] [list]2.2.3 Serious Crime Division As the name suggests, the Serious Crime Division handles the most serious and co mplex crimes listed in the Penal Code. Attorneys working in this division are th erefore considered the elite of the Los Santos County Public Defender’s Office bec ause they defend clients facing long imprisonment or even worse; capital punishm ent. The division only handles cases involving the following crimes: Attempted Murder , Manslaughter, Murder, Kidnapping, Torture, Terrorism, Rape, Sexual Battery, Un lawful Sexual Intercourse with a Minor, Corruption of Public Office, Child Abuse and Possession of Explosive Devices for Sale. Such cases require specialist representation from highly experienced attorneys d ue to their often complex and sensitive nature. It would not be in the client s best interests to appoint an attorney who is not experienced in handling such ca ses, or worse still; over-eager and inattentive. The caseload in the Serious Crime Division is light compared to the caseload in the other divisions. For this reason, attorneys working in this division are fre e to assist their colleagues.[/list][/size][/divbox][/quote] [quote="Cortez"][divbox=#f7f7f7][color=transparent]-[/color][size=102]3. Procedu res and Protocols [list]3.1 Client Logs All attorneys regardless of rank are required to file logs for every client they

defend. Please make sure you file your logs correctly or you will simply be mad e to reorganize any incorrectly filed logs. Filing logs is important because it allows management to track progress and thus consider employees for promotions. All filing codes begin with the initials of your name and end with 3 digits. The se digits are your case number. For example: AG-001 - AG being Anthony Guidone and 001 being the first case handled. [url=]CLICK HERE FOR FILING FORMS[/url][/list] [list]3.2 Police Interviews/Interrogations Counseling clients during police interviews or interrogations is an important pa rt of being a public defender. Police officers, especially detectives, are train ed to obtain confessions and other incriminating evidence against suspects. The role of the attorney present during the interview or interrogation will be to pr event the client from incriminating himself and attempt to refute evidence so as to get charges removed. This part of the handbook will list the important steps of the process, what to do and what not to do. Note that this also applies to l aw enforcement officers being questioned by their internal affairs unit. 1. Usually, LSPD/SASD will contact you via the departmental radio when one of th eir suspects requests an appointed attorney. It is worth remembering that suspec ts are only entitled to an attorney if a LEO did not witness their crime or if t hey are being questioned. If you are available, make your way to the facility wh ere the suspect is being held by following the appropriate radio usage protocols . 2. When you meet the arresting officer, ask him for the charges against your cli ent and get a statement detailing the events that led up to the arrest. You can also request to see the evidence at this stage. The police must show the evidenc e against your client. If they refuse, kindly ask for a supervisor. If all else fails, file an Internal Affairs report once you are done. 3. After getting the police s point of view, you should confer with your client. Make sure that you are alone in the room with your client and that no one is ea vesdropping. You may also request to turn the audio off from the CCTV in the roo m as the communications between you and your client are privileged. Get a statem ent from your client on their point of view of the arrest. Be sure to ask them i f his Miranda rights were read. You should ask the client any necessary question s that could help in exonerating them. 4. At this stage, an officer or a detective will proceed to question your client . You must instruct your client to wait for your go-ahead before answering any q uestions. Remember that the police is trained to obtain a confession or incrimin ating evidence and will therefore disguise questions. If in doubt about what t he question s answer implies, instruct your client not to answer. They have a ri ght to remain silent after all. 5. Sometimes, the police will deem that it has enough evidence to convict your c lient without the need for questioning. If this is the case, you need to make su re you have reviewed all of the evidence. Your role will be to determine if the evidence proves what your client is accused of. Keep in mind that although witne ss statements and 911 calls can constitute probable cause, they are not enough f or a conviction. 6. If the evidence against your client is too weak, you should ask for exonerati on. You can also ask for a lesser charge to be added instead depending on the ci rcumstances. In any case, you should zealously represent your client and do ever

ything in your power to help them. You do not have the power to release your cli ent. If the police refuses to drop the charges or reduce them, kindly request a supervisor. If all else fails, file an Internal Affairs report.[/list] [list]3.3 Trial This part of the handbook is only a mere checklist on how to prepare for trial. All attorneys within the office are expected to know their way around a courtroo m and be familiar with the trial stage in general. 1. [i]Identify your client[/i]. You are required to familiarize yourself with th e case and get to know the client better. If you are not in the Early Representa tion Division and had the case assigned to you, it is your duty to make sure tha t you have all of the notes and information necessary to prepare for trial. If n eed be, schedule a meeting with the client to get more information if you have a doubt. 2. [i]Identify sources of evidence[/i]. Evidence is paramount to a good criminal defense case. If your client does not have any evidence to offer, you should no t worry since the prosecution (LSPD/SASD) is supposed to provide you with their own evidence during the discovery phase. Useful evidence is CCTV or dashcam foot age, forensics and statements from officers, experts or witnesses. Remember, LEO testimony is often enough to prove something as long as it is in c onjunction with other evidence. LEO testimony alone can be easily disputed and d isproved however officer testimony with supporting dashcam or recording evidence to back it up cannot be disputed. Identify all evidence available and send out subpoenas for any and all evidence you need. 3. [i]Identify likely defenses[/i]. Once you put the evidence together, you will be able to identify a defense. The defense used will be different from case to case but examples include self-defense, entrapment, illegal search or seizure, e tcetera. You should always put yourself in the shoes of the prosecution and thin k what their arguments will be. This will allow you to prepare better for your c ase and avoid surprises which can put you off balance. 4. [i]Prepare primary and secondary case[/i]. It is always important to have sev eral arguments for your case. If your primary argument fails, you will always ha ve a second argument to back you up. Your strongest argument should always be yo ur primary one but you may choose to advance your weakest argument first so as t o surprise the prosecution. 5. [i]Depose witnesses[/i]. Witnesses are also crucial to a case in the same way as evidence is. Deposing witnesses before trial is not mandatory but recommende d in case one of them is likely to die soon or leave town. What is deposing? Dep osing a witness is asking a witness questions out of court in order to obtain a statement. This statement can later be used in court during trial without having to call the witness to the stand. If you choose not to depose your witnesses be fore trial, at least make sure you identify the witnesses to be called so you ca n prepare a list of questions for each of them for trial. 6. [i]Go to court[/i]. If you prepared yourself for trial correctly, it will be a breeze although the unexpected can always happen. Listen to the prosecution s arguments carefully and exploit any flaws you find in them. Present your own arg uments and try to be as convincing as possible. If you are not comfortable with trial, find another attorney to pair up with.[/list] [list]3.4 Departmental Radio Usage The departmental radio is used to communicate between governmental agencies of t he State of San Andreas. All employees of the Office of the Public Defender must

abide by the following regulations with regard to departmental radio communicat ions. 1. The highest ranked employee will be the only one to respond to Department of Justice callouts. In the presence of equally-ranked employees, the internal radi o shall be used to determine which employee will respond to the departmental rad io. 2. The Office of the Public Defender is to be referred to as departmental radio and nothing else.

DOJ OPD over the

3. All communications over the departmental radio must be formal and respectful. If you have a problem with someone on the other end of the radio, report him or her to their respective department instead of answering back. 4. All communications over the departmental radio must be kept short and concise . You must not discuss details about a case over the departmental radio. Instead , get the individual s contact details and talk about the case over the phone or by e-mail. 5. The departmental radio is not an alternative to the 911 hotline. Unless there is a life-threatening emergency concerning you or a fellow DOJ staff member, yo u should call 911 like everyone else.[/list][/size][/divbox][/quote] [quote="Cortez"][divbox=#f7f7f7][color=transparent]-[/color][size=102]4. Rules a nd Regulations [justify]Employees of the Office of the Public Defender are to follow all the ru les and regulations listed in this handbook. Failure to do so will either get yo u suspended, dismissed and/or even arrested, depending on the seriousness of the violation. You can also get suspended/dismissed based on OOC factors. These rul es apply to everyone regardless of rank.[/justify] [center]In Character[/center] [list]1. Employees are to remain professional, mature and respectful at all time s, let this be towards other governmental agencies or even clients. There is no excuse to break this rule, even if you have been provoked. 2. Employees working for the Office of the Public Defender as attorneys must abi de by the Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC) at all times. Violations of the RP C can result in internal punishment as well as sanctions from the State Bar of S an Andreas. 3. All employees are presumed to be on duty working for the Office of the Public Defender. Off duty employees must report that they are off duty using the inter nal radio. Off duty employees must be readily available for contact in regards t o public defender requests should there be no one else available. 4. Employees may not be convicted of any crimes while working for the Office of the Public Defender. Any employee found to have a criminal record will be termin ated from employment within the Office. This rule does not include traffic viola tions and offenses punished by fines. 5. Employees must dress appropriately while conducting duties on behalf of the o ffice (blazers, slacks, skirts, dress shoes). 6. Employees are required to formalize everything in paper. This means logging e ach client and each case according to the appropriate protocols.

7. Employees may not use the departmental radio without permission from a higher ranked employee. If no higher ranked employee is available, the departmental ra dio can be used without permission but the rules in relation to departmental rad io usage must be followed. 8. Employees are required to zealously defend their clients and always act in th eir best interests. Employees must not show bias when handling a case and may no t refuse to defend a client for subjective reasons. 9. Employees may not use any of the office resources other than for official wor k. This rule includes using the departmental radio to obtain background informat ion about a friend, using the office vehicles to go to a nightclub or bringing p ersonal clients inside the Central Headquarters. See the Additional Information section of the handbook for more information. 10. Employees may not leak sensitive information about cases without permission to anyone outside the Department of Justice whether it be friends, family or the press. 11. Employees must never charge a client for the services provided. The Office o f the Public Defender is a non-profit law firm which provides a public service t o citizens of the State of San Andreas free of charge. See the Additional Infor mation section of the handbook for more information.[/list] [center]Out of Character[/center] [list]1. Corruption, even in the slightest form, is not allowed. The Department of Justice is a small faction and we need every single member to give the factio n a good image, not make it full of criminals. If you wish to be corrupt, you ca n do so without being in the DOJ. 2. Do not bash other factions, admins or members of the community whether it be on the forums or anywhere else. 3. You must follow all LS-RP in-game and forum rules. If you receive admin punis hment, we reserve the right to suspend or dismiss you from the faction at any ti me depending on the circumstances. 4. We require a minimum of activity both in-game and on the forums. If you are g oing to be inactive for more than 5 days, please notify someone from the faction leadership. 5. You must remain professional at all times. We expect a good standard of rolep lay from our members and not constant trolling. Remember that you represent the faction and its image. 6. You must inform someone from the faction leadership before name-changing. 7. Return the vehicles to the HQ after using them or at least despawn them befor e logging off. Do not abandon DOJ vehicles around the map.[/list][/size][/divbox ][/quote] [quote="Cortez"][divbox=#f7f7f7][color=transparent]-[/color][size=102]5. Additio nal Information [list]5.1 The Office and Private Practice The Office of the Public Defender is lenient when it comes to personal cases. Em ployees serving as attorneys are free to work on personal cases and manage their

private practice during their free time. The only exception to this rule concer ns attorneys hired as an Assistant Public Defender I who must inform a senior st aff member about their personal cases. The Office will not prevent its attorneys from working on personal cases or mana ging their private practice as long as the following rules are followed: [list][*]OPD cases must take priority over personal/private cases. [*]You must not use OPD or DOJ resources for your personal cases. This includes office space, vehicles and access to the departmental radio.[/list][/list] [list]5.2 Clients and Fees The Office of the Public Defender is a public service provided to the citizens o f the State of San Andreas free of charge. Therefore, attorneys working for the Office must not charge their clients for the legal services provided. However, t his is a general rule and there is an exception to it. As you may be aware, the Office of the Public Defender may also represent indivi duals in certain civil cases against. Clients in such cases may be charged on th e basis of a contingency fee only. This means that if the case is won, a percent age of the money awarded will go to the Office. This money will then be used eit her for funding or for bonuses at the end of the month.[/list][/size][/divbox][/ quote] [url=]Subject: [Infor mation] Office of the District Attorney[/url] [quote="Department of Justice"][divbox=white][hr][/hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]_____________________________________________________________________ ______[/b][/center] [center][size=130][b]OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY[/b][/size][/center] [color=transparent]placeholder[/color] [b]What is the Office of the District Attorney (ODA)?[/b] [list] [b] [/b] The ODA is the chief authority on charging and usage of the penal code. The District Attorneys Office consists of both prosecutors and city attorneys. [b] [/b] ADA City Attorneys handle civil cases for or against the government organ izations such as the Fire Department, Police Department, Sheriff s Department, D epartment of Corrections, and City Government. [b] [/b] ADA Prosecutors handle criminal cases for or against the government organ izations. [b] [/b] The ODA as a whole represents the interests of the government itself. [b] [/b] In the future, the ODA hopes to be working with the LSPD Detective Bureau and the SASD Investigations Unit to help manage and direct cases against key in dividuals. [/list] [b]What positions are available?[/b] [list] [b] [/b] [b][size=85]ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY[/size] [color=#757575][size=85]| 4 POSITIONS AVAILABLE[/size][/color][/b] [list] [altspoiler2=Click to learn more about this position,#757575][size=85]REQUIREMEN TS:[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]State Bar License.[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Clean criminal record, free of violent/drug-related misdemeanors and any felonies. Excessive traffic offenses may also be disqualifying.[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Strong references and educational history.[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]No direct affiliations with extreme organizations, including any

political organization/group.[/size] [size=85]JOB RESPONSIBILITIES AND TASKS:[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Defend the governmental organizations (LSPD, SASD, SADoC, LSFD, City Government) in court and against civil/criminal actions taken out of court. [/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Assist with the organization of cases against key individuals.[/ size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Meet with representatives of the Public Defender Team to liaise information between the ODA and OPD.[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Uphold, monitor, and support the execution and application of th e penal code and city ordinances throughout the City of Los Santos and surroundi ng areas.[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]In the event of a criminal case, act as a prosecutor in favor of the interests of the city and its governmental branches, representing the city and/or a branch of government itself.[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Executes specific tasks assigned by the District Attorney and/or Attorney General.[/size] [size=85]NOTES:[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]This is a paid position. Employees hired at this position will be paid depending on their abilities and tasks completed on an hourly basis.[/si ze] [b] [/b] [size=90]This is a contractual position. Employees hired at this positio n will be required to sign a legally-binding employment agreement with the Depar tment of Justice.[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90](( This position gets invited to the faction in-game. You must have double faction approval to join the DOJ while in another official faction. ))[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90](( OOC Corruption rules apply to this position. See the handboo k. ))[/size][/altspoiler2] [/list] [b] [/b] [b][size=85]ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT[/size] [color=#757575][size=85]| 6 P OSITIONS AVAILABLE[/size][/color][/b] [list] [altspoiler2=Click to learn more about this position,#757575][size=85]REQUIREMEN TS:[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Valid San Andreas Drivers License and proof of citizenship.[/siz e] [b] [/b] [size=90]Clean criminal record, free of violent/drug-related misdemeanors and any felonies. Excessive traffic offenses may also be disqualifying.[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Strong references and adequate educational history.[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]No direct affiliations with extreme organizations, including any political organization/group.[/size] [size=85]JOB RESPONSIBILITIES AND TASKS:[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Complete tasks assigned by the Office of the District Attorney.[ /size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Liaise between the various branches of government.[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Assist with the organization of cases alongside an (Assistant) D istrict Attorney.[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Liaise with the local media outlets.[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Assist with the processing of employment applications and interv iew requests.[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]Handle the scheduling of meetings between key officials, civilia ns, and other governmental branch representatives and the Office of the District Attorney.[/size] [size=85]NOTES:[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90]This is a paid position. Employees hired at this position will

be paid depending on their abilities and tasks completed on an hourly basis.[/si ze] [b] [/b] [size=90]This is a contractual position. Employees hired at this positio n will be required to sign a legally-binding employment agreement with the Depar tment of Justice.[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90](( This position gets invited to the faction in-game. You must have double faction approval to join the DOJ while in another official faction. ))[/size] [b] [/b] [size=90](( OOC Corruption rules apply to this position. See the handboo k. ))[/size][/altspoiler2] [/list] [/list] [hr][/hr][/divbox][/quote] [url=]Subject: [Infor mation] Standard Operating Procedure[/url] [quote="Department of Justice"][divbox=white][hr][/hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]_____________________________________________________________________ ______[/b][/center] [center][size=130][b]OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY[/b][/size] [size=85]Revision 1.0.1 [i](Last Revised September 23rd, 2014)[/i][/size][/cente r] [color=transparent]placeholder[/color][anchor]toc[/anchor] [b]Standard Operating Procedure - Table of Contents[/b] [list] [b]0. Usage[/b] [list]The Standard Operating Procedure shall hereby serve as the governing docum ent for the Office of the District Attorney. It shall be referred to unofficial ly as the "Standard Operating Procedure" or as the "Manual". Officially, it sha ll be referred to as "DA SOP" in conjunction with a revision and reference numbe r (for example, DA SOP 1.0.0 3.1.05). It may also be referred to officially in shorthand notation by omitting the revision number (in which case the most recen t revision will be referenced). #(Not included in original handbook, however, Lawbringer wrote this.) The reference number for a certain entry is comprised of the chapter, section, and subsection. The first digit refers to the chapter within the SOP. (Example: [u]1[/u].6.02 r efers to Chapter 1) The second digit refers to the section within the SOP. (Example: 1.[u]6[/u].02 refers to Section 6) The third digit refers to the subsection within the SOP. (Example: 1.6.[u]02[/u ] refers to Subsection 2) Therefore, altogether, 1.6.02 refers to Chapter 1, Section 6, Subsection 2. This handbook is comprised of unique information relevant to the Department of J ustice, specifically the Office of the District Attorney. This information is c onsidered public knowledge, with the exception of specifics regarding the operat ions of how cases are handled or specifics about cases (i.e. releasing case info rmation). This handbook is considered to be a living document and will be updated frequent ly to match the changing requirements. Language will be changed and definitions will be changed regularly, in addition to policy changes. All changes will be made available. Employees are not required to re-affirm their agreement with th e Standard Operating Procedure, but are required to abide by any and all changes to the manual. Amendments made to the SOP, unless otherwise specified, take ef

fect immediately. [b](([/b] It is considered an automatic breach of OOC Corruption rules to releas e information about a case without proper permissions. [b]))[/b][/list] [goto=1.0.00][b]1. General Information[/b][/goto] [list] [goto=1.1.00]1.1: Mission Statement[/goto] [goto=1.2.00]1.2: Intent of the Office of the District Attorney[/goto] [goto=1.3.00]1.3: Allocation of Funding / Budgeting[/goto] [goto=1.4.00]1.4: Central Headquarters[/goto] [/list] [goto=2.0.00][b]2. Structure[/b][/goto] [list] [goto=2.1.00]2.1: Office Hierarchical Structure[/goto] [list] [goto=2.1.01]2.1.01: Office of the Attorney General[/goto] [goto=2.1.02]2.1.02: Office of the District Attorney[/goto] [goto=2.1.03]2.1.03: Office of the Public Defender[/goto] [goto=2.1.04]2.1.04: Inter-Departmental Hierarchy and Equivalencies[/goto] [/list] [goto=2.2.00]2.2: Positional Authority[/goto] [list] [goto=2.2.01]2.2.01: District Attorney[/goto] [goto=2.2.02]2.2.02: Assistant District Attorney[/goto] [goto=2.2.03]2.2.03: Administrative Assistant / Paralegal[/goto] [goto=2.2.04]2.2.04: Special Investigator for the Department of Justice[/goto] [/list] [goto=2.3.00]2.3: Tasks and Responsibilities[/goto] [/list] [goto=3.0.00][b]3. Operations[/b][/goto] [list] [goto=3.1.00]3.1: (Assistant) District Attorney[/goto] [list] [goto=3.1.01]3.1.01: Responsibilities Reviewed[/goto] [goto=3.1.02]3.1.02: Execution of Tasks[/goto] [goto=3.1.03]3.1.03: Deadlines[/goto] [goto=3.1.04]3.1.04: Record-Keeping Requirement[/goto] [goto=3.1.05]3.1.05: Minimum Case Requirement[/goto] [goto=3.1.06]3.1.06: Liaising with the LSPD and SASD[/goto] [goto=3.1.07]3.1.07: Process of Prosecution in Criminal Court[/goto] [goto=3.1.08]3.1.08: Process of Defense in Criminal Court[/goto] [goto=3.1.09]3.1.09: Investigative Process[/goto] [goto=3.1.10]3.1.10: Case Profiles[/goto] [/list] [goto=3.2.00]3.2: Administrative Assistant / Paralegal[/goto] [list] [goto=3.2.01]3.2.01: Responsibilities Reviewed[/goto] [goto=3.2.02]3.2.02: Execution of Tasks[/goto] [goto=3.2.03]3.2.03: Deadlines[/goto] [goto=3.2.04]3.2.04: Record-Keeping Requirement[/goto] [goto=3.2.05]3.2.05: Liaising with the LSPD and SASD[/goto] [goto=3.2.06]3.2.06: Unofficial Advisement[/goto] [goto=3.2.07]3.2.07: Administrative Duties[/goto] [goto=3.2.08]3.2.08: Operation of the DA Scheduling System[/goto] [/list] [goto=3.3.00]3.3: Special Investigator[/goto] [list] [goto=3.3.01]3.3.01: Responsibilities Reviewed[/goto] [goto=3.3.02]3.3.02: Execution of Tasks[/goto]

[goto=3.3.03]3.3.03: Deadlines[/goto] [goto=3.3.04]3.3.04: Record-Keeping Requirement[/goto] [goto=3.3.05]3.3.05: Liaising with the LSPD and SASD[/goto] [goto=3.3.06]3.3.06: Liaising with Police/Sheriff Detectives[/goto] [goto=3.3.07]3.3.07: Investigative Process[/goto] [goto=3.3.08]3.3.08: Preliminary Investigation Reports[/goto] [goto=3.3.09]3.3.09: Secondary Investigation Reports[/goto] [goto=3.3.10]3.3.10: Warrant Requirements[/goto] [goto=3.3.11]3.3.11: Maintenance of Person of Interest Profiles[/goto] [goto=3.3.12]3.3.12: Analysis of Evidence[/goto] [goto=3.3.13]3.3.13: Legal Restrictions and Release of Liability[/goto] [/list] [/list] [goto=4.0.00][b]4. General Rules and Regulations[/b][/goto] [list] [goto=4.1.00]4.1: Relationship Policy[/goto] [list] [goto=4.1.01]4.1.01: Professional Relationship and Business-Oriented Relationshi ps[/goto] [goto=4.1.02]4.1.02: Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Defined[/goto] [goto=4.1.03]4.1.03: Intra-Office/Inter-Office Relationship Reporting Requiremen t[/goto] [/list] [goto=4.2.00]4.2: Internal Affairs and Human Resources[/goto] [list] [goto=4.2.01]4.2.01: Handling an external Internal Affairs complaint (filing a c omplaint)[/goto] [goto=4.2.02]4.2.02: Receiving a complaint about the Department of Justice[/goto ] [goto=4.2.03]4.2.03: Representing Internal Affairs (Assistant District Attorneys and District Attorneys Only)[/goto] [/list] [goto=4.3.00]4.3: Crime Reporting Requirement[/goto] [list] [goto=4.3.01]4.3.01: Infractions[/goto] [goto=4.3.02]4.3.02: Misdemeanors[/goto] [goto=4.3.03]4.3.03: Felonies[/goto] [/list] [goto=4.4.00]4.4: Follow-Up Requirement[/goto] [goto=4.5.00]4.5: Workers Compensation Policy[/goto] [list] [goto=4.5.01]4.5.01: Limitation of Compensation[/goto] [goto=4.5.02]4.5.02: Requirements for Compensation[/goto] [goto=4.5.03]4.5.03: Allocation of Compensated Funds[/goto] [goto=4.5.04]4.5.04: Medical Unfitness Termination[/goto] [/list] [goto=4.6.00]4.6: Insurance Policy and Coverage[/goto] [list] [goto=4.6.01]4.6.01: General Health Insurance and Coverage[/goto] [goto=4.6.02]4.6.02: Dental Insurance and Coverage[/goto] [goto=4.6.03]4.6.03: Vision Insurance and Coverage[/goto] [goto=4.6.04]4.6.04: Other Insurance Coverage[/goto] [/list] [goto=4.7.00]4.7: Professionalism Defined[/goto] [goto=4.8.00]4.8: Disciplinary Actions Defined[/goto] [list] [goto=4.8.01]4.8.01: Issuance of Disciplinary Action[/goto] [goto=4.8.02]4.8.02: Termination of Employment (Involuntary)[/goto] [goto=4.8.03]4.8.03: Termination of Employment (Voluntary)[/goto] [goto=4.8.04]4.8.04: Indefinite Suspension[/goto]

[goto=4.8.05]4.8.05: Demotion / Revocation of Authority[/goto] [goto=4.8.06]4.8.06: Unpaid Leave[/goto] [goto=4.8.07]4.8.07: Paid Leave[/goto] [goto=4.8.08]4.8.08: Official Reprimand[/goto] [goto=4.8.09]4.8.09: Admonishment[/goto] [/list] [goto=4.9.00](( 4.9: Out of Character Rules and Regulations ))[/goto] [list] [goto=4.9.01](( 4.9.01: Activity Requirements ))[/goto] [goto=4.9.02](( 4.9.02: Faction Representation ))[/goto] [goto=4.9.03](( 4.9.03: Rules and Regulations ))[/goto] [goto=4.9.04](( 4.9.04: OOC Removals ))[/goto] [/list] [/list] [goto=5.0.00][b]5. Additions[/b][/goto] [list] [goto=5.1.00]5.1: Departmental Radio Regulations[/goto] [/list] [goto=appendix][b]A. Revision History (Changelog)[/b][/goto] [list] [goto=changelog]A1: Revision History and Changelog[/goto] [/list] [/list] [hr][/hr][/divbox] When you have read/understood the Standard Operating Procedures, reply to the to pic with the following format: [code] I, [NAME], have read and understood the Standard Operating Procedures of the San Andreas Department of Justice, Office of the District Attorney. I agree with t he manual and all of its terms and understand that failure to adhere with the ru les and regulations contained within may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate, involuntary termination of employment and/or criminal pros ecution, civil liability, arrest, etc. (( Out of Character Agreement: I, [FORUM NAME], have read and understood DA SOP 4.9.01-4.9.04 (Out of Character Rules and Regulations) and agree to adhere to the rules presented to me. I und erstand that violation of the Out of Character Rules and Regulations may result in an immediate OOC removal from the faction, forum report, and/or other actions taken against me. DATE: DD/MM/YYYY )) [/code][/quote] [url=]Subject: [Infor mation] Standard Operating Procedure[/url] [quote="Lawbringer"][divbox=white][hr][/hr] [anchor]1.0.00[/anchor] [center][b][size=150]- 1 -[/size][/b] [size=120]General Information[/size] [size=80][ [goto=toc]Return to Table of Contents[/goto] ][/size][/center] [anchor]1.1.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 1. Mission Statement[/b] [goto=1.0.00]↑[/goto] [list]

The Mission of the Office of the District Attorney is to provide a concrete arra y of services, including legal advice and representation, criminal prosecution s ervices, and criminal case review to the people, governmental branches, and gove rnmental organizations of the State of San Andreas. The official slogan of the Office of the District Attorney is "Iustita omnibus", meaning "Justice For All" in Latin. This is coherent with the values and belie fs of the Department of Justice, which strives to provide proper justice for all , independent of race, color, origin, heritage, background, or sexual orientatio n. [/list] [anchor]1.2.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 2. Intent of the Office of the District Attorn ey[/b] [goto=1.0.00]↑[/goto] [list] The intent of the Office of the District Attorney is to provide a good image for the Department of Justice as a prosecution force as well as a defense force for governmental organizations in criminal court. It is paramount that justice, ho wever, come before the making of a good image. Proper justice is the greatest c oncern of any member of the Office of the District Attorney. As an independentl y operating office within the Department of Justice, the duties of the Office of the District Attorney are seldom interfered with by the Office of the Attorney General. The jurisdiction of the Office of the District Attorney, Second District, spans to all corners of the State of San Andreas, effectively the same jurisdictional range as the Superior Court of San Andreas, Second District. The goals of the Office of the District Attorney, as a team, are to fully contri bute to cases being handled by the team. Individuals in different positions con tribute in different ways, all united behind a common cause to provide justice f or all. [/list] [anchor]1.3.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 3. Allocation of Funding / Budgeting[/b] [goto =1.0.00]↑[/goto] [list] The Department of Justice allocates a certain amount of money to the Office of t he District Attorney for discretionary spending. This amount is currently confi dential. The remainder of the budget is allocated through the standard state bu dgeting system via the Office of the Attorney General, which is the primary sour ce of funding for the office. With regard to budgeting, there are several guidelines to keep in mind: [list=1] [*] The Office of the District Attorney cannot expense more than $50,000.00 USD on a single purchase/payment order without express approval from the Attorney Ge neral. [*] Employees cannot expense more than $25,000.00 USD on a single purchase/payme nt order without express approval from the District Attorney.[/list][/list] [anchor]1.4.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 4. Central Headquarters[/b] [goto=1.0.00]↑[/goto ] [list] The Central Headquarters for the Department of Justice is [u]1 Market Street[/u] , just by the infamous Market S-Curve and north of the Department of Motor Vehic les. The Office of the District Attorney is situated on the third floor of the office building. [/list] [hr][/hr][/divbox][/quote] [url=]Subject: [Infor mation] Standard Operating Procedure[/url]

[quote="Lawbringer"][divbox=white][hr][/hr] [anchor]2.0.00[/anchor] [center][b][size=150]- 2 -[/size][/b] [size=120]Structure[/size] [size=80][ [goto=toc]Return to Table of Contents[/goto] ][/size][/center] [anchor]2.1.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 1. Office Hierarchical Structure[/b] [goto=2.0 .00]↑[/goto] [list] There are various offices within the Department of Justice. This section serves to clarify the relation of the Office of the District Attorney with regard to t he Office of the Public Defender and the Office of the Attorney General. [anchor]2.1.01[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 1. Office of the Attorney General[/b] [goto =2.1.00]↑[/goto] [list] The Office of the Attorney General is the executive authority within the Departm ent of Justice. It is led by the Attorney General and the Chief Justice and ove rsees all Department of Justice Operations, including the Office of the District Attorney and the Office of the Public Defender. The Attorney General is allowed a personal assistant as well as several other em ployees. Directly connected to the Office of the Attorney General is the State Bar Association, led by the Head of the Bar Association. Within the Office of the Attorney General, the following positions exist: [list] [*] Chief Justice [*] Attorney General [*] Special Adjutant to the Attorney General [*] Director of the Bar Association[/list] The Bar Association handles certification and management of attorneys in the Sta te of San Andreas. Supported by the American Bar Association, it serves as a ce ntral authority in regard to the certification and evaluation of qualifications of attorneys. Within the Bar Association, the following positions exist (in authority order): Management Officials [list=1] [*] Director of the Bar Association [*] General Council[/list] Human Resources [list=1] [*] Chief Investigator [*] Investigator [*] Liaison Officer[/list] Bar Association Staff (Civilian) [list=1] [*] Bar Association Member[/list][/list] [anchor]2.1.02[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 2. Office of the District Attorney[/b] [got o=2.1.00]↑[/goto] [list] The Office of the District Attorney employs a variety of individuals in an array of positions with varying responsibilities and tasks. In relation to the Offic e of the Public Defender, the Office of the District Attorney does not hold any management or executive authority as it is on the same tier. Meaning, individua ls in high positions in one office hold limited authority with regard to the oth er office.

Within the Office of the District Attorney, there are several smaller teams, ref erred to obviously as "committees". These are led by an individual appointed by the District Attorney. The District Attorney has the sole power to create, man ipulate, and destroy committees within the Office of the District Attorneys. Th e Office of the District Attorney, through the committee system, has an isometri c structure. Within the Office of the District Attorney, the following official, promotable p ositions exist: [list=1] [*] District Attorney [*] Assistant District Attorney [*] Administrative Assistant (Paralegal Certified) [*] Administrative Assistant [*] Senior Special Investigator [*] Special Investigator[/list] The following positions, in addition to the normal promotable positions, exist: [list=1] [*] Head of Criminal Prosecution [*] Criminal Prosecutor (available to Assistant District Attorneys) [*] Head of Civil Litigation [*] Civil Litigator (available to Assistant District Attorneys) [*] Head of Investigations [*] Chief Interdepartmental Liaison[/list][/list] [anchor]2.1.03[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 3. Office of the Public Defender[/b] [goto= 2.1.00]↑[/goto] [list] The goals of the Office of the Public Defender include essentially providing the opposite of what the Office of the District Attorney provides. As such, there is an eternal divide between the two with regard to authority. The Office of the Public Defender has a very linear structure, unlike the Office of the District Attorney. [list=1] [*] Director of the Office of the Public Defender [*] Assistant Director of the Office of the Public Defender [*] Commissioner of Investigations [*] Public Defender [*] Assistant Public Defender[/list][/list] [anchor]2.1.04[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 4. Inter-Departmental Hierarchy and Equival encies[/b] [goto=2.1.00]↑[/goto] [list] Content [/list][/list] [anchor]2.2.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 2. Positional Authority[/b] [goto=2.0.00]↑[/goto ] [list] [anchor]2.2.01[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 1. District Attorney[/b] [goto=2.2.00]↑[/goto ] [list] [*] May promote or demote any employee of any rank/position within the Office of the District Attorney. [*] May create, modify, and destroy committees and subcommittees at any time and for any reason. [*] Holds the sole authority to authorize changes to the Standard Operating Proc edure. [*] May issue any disciplinary action to any employee of the Office of the Distr ict Attorney. [Ref. [goto=4.8.00]4.8.00[/goto]] [*] May issue and revoke Paralegal Qualifications (PQs).

[*] Holds the same authority as an Assistant District Attorney.[/list] [anchor]2.2.02[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 2. Assistant District Attorney[/b] [goto=2. 2.00]↑[/goto] [list] [*] May liaise between the Office of the District Attorney and the legal teams o f the governmental branches. [*] May execute legal tasks in accordance with positional authority. If certifi ed as a Criminal Prosecutor, may engage in the prosecution of an individual in c riminal court (State of San Andreas v. Individual s Name) with the permission of the Head of Criminal Prosecution or from the District Attorney or Attorney Gene ral. [Ref. [goto=3.1.07]3.1.07[/goto]] [*] With the permission of the District Attorney, may issue a formal warning [Re f. [goto=4.8.08]4.8.08[/goto]] or admonishment [Ref. [goto=4.8.09]4.8.09[/goto]] to a paralegal, special investigator, or administrative assistant working in th eir team. May issue up to unpaid leave with permission of the District Attorney in special circumstances. [*] Responsible for handling cases and for liaising with the LSPD/SASD in order to gather information about open cases. [*] May use the Department of Justice vehicles while on official business only. [Ref. [goto=4.7.00]4.7.00[/goto]] [*] May carry and respond to the Departmental Radio in the event of no higher au thority being available. [Ref. [goto=5.1.00]5.1.00[/goto]] [*] Execute general administrative duties in accordance with policy for Administ rative Assistants, in the absence of a qualified Administrative Assistant capabl e of executing such tasks. [Ref. [goto=3.2.07]3.2.07[/goto]] [*] Execute general, preliminary investigations through requesting information f rom necessary agencies and conducting a general analysis of the validity of a ce rtain claim.[/list] [anchor]2.2.03[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 3. Administrative Assistant / Paralegal[/b] [goto=2.2.00]↑[/goto] [list] [*] May liaise between the Office of the District Attorney and the legal teams o f the governmental branches. [*] May use the Department of Justice vehicles while on official business only. [Ref. [goto=4.7.00]4.7.00[/goto]] [*] May carry and respond to the Departmental Radio in the event of no higher au thority being available. [Ref. [goto=5.1.00]5.1.00[/goto]] [*] Execute general administrative duties in accordance with policy for Administ rative Assistants. [Ref. [goto=3.2.07]3.2.07[/goto]] [*] If qualified as a Paralegal: May offer unofficial legal advice to an individ ual in the form of a free-of-charge consultation. [Ref. [goto=3.2.06]3.2.06[/got o]] [*] If qualified as a Paralegal: May act as second chair to a (Assistant) Dist rict Attorney in a criminal case in the context of being an attorney in training (for internship purposes).[/list] [anchor]2.2.04[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 4. Special Investigator for the Department of Justice[/b] [goto=2.2.00]↑[/goto] [list] [*] Responsible for the launching and effective resolution of investigations inv olving government agencies and their potential connection to criminal court case s. May only launch an investigation into certain matters in accordance with DA SOP [goto=3.3.00]3.3.00[/goto]. [*] Responsible for effective communication and liaising between the Office of t he District Attorney and the government agencies Internal Affairs or Human Reso urces groups during criminal defense cases (when the government is being sued). [*] Responsible for gathering intelligence and keeping accurate records on key i ndividuals flagged by any employee of the Department of Justice. [*] May directly request a warrant from a judge for activities outlined in DA SO P [goto=3.3.10]3.3.10[/goto]. Does not require permission to request the warran t.[/list][/list]

[anchor]2.3.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 3. Tasks and Responsibilities[/b] [goto=2.0.00 ]↑[/goto] [list] Tasks and responsibilities are assigned to individuals in the office based on th eir position, abilities, and time working with the Office of the District Attorn ey. All employees have a general array of responsibilities which they are respo nsible for regardless of level of employment: [list] [*] Maintain personal logs of transactions (for compensation purposes) made for business-related expenditures. [*] Maintain personal logs of hours and days worked for payroll and compensation purposes. [*] Prioritize public interests and safety at all times. [*] Report any crime which is witnessed in accordance with DA SOP [goto=4.3.00]4 .3.00[/goto].[/list] Failure to execute any task assigned to a person either through their general re sponsibilities or through their positional authority and responsibilities (or ta sks specifically assigned by superiors) may result in immediate dismissal or oth er disciplinary action taken upon the employee(s) in violation.[/list] [hr][/hr][/divbox][/quote] [url=]Subject: [Infor mation] Standard Operating Procedure[/url] [quote="Lawbringer"][divbox=white][hr][/hr] [anchor]3.0.00[/anchor] [center][b][size=150]- 3 -[/size][/b] [size=120]Operations[/size] [size=80][ [goto=toc]Return to Table of Contents[/goto] ][/size][/center] [anchor]3.1.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 1. (Assistant) District Attorney[/b] [goto=3.0 .00]↑[/goto] [list] [anchor]3.1.01[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 1. Responsibilities Reviewed[/b] [goto=3.1. 00]↑[/goto] [quote="DA SOP 2.2.02"] [list] [*] May liaise between the Office of the District Attorney and the legal teams o f the governmental branches. [*] May execute legal tasks in accordance with positional authority. If certifie d as a Criminal Prosecutor, may engage in the prosecution of an individual in cr iminal court (State of San Andreas v. Individual s Name) with the permission of the Head of Criminal Prosecution or from the District Attorney or Attorney Gener al. [*] With the permission of the District Attorney, may issue a formal warning or admonishment to a paralegal, special investigator, or administrative assistant w orking in their team. May issue up to unpaid leave with permission of the Distri ct Attorney in special circumstances. [*] Responsible for handling cases and for liaising with the LSPD/SASD in order to gather information about open cases. [*] May use the Department of Justice vehicles while on official business only. [*] May carry and respond to the Departmental Radio in the event of no higher au thority being available. [*] Execute general administrative duties in accordance with policy for Administ rative Assistants, in the absence of a qualified Administrative Assistant capabl e of executing such tasks. [*]Execute general, preliminary investigations through requesting information fr om necessary agencies and conducting a general analysis of the validity of a cer tain claim.[/list]

[/quote] [anchor]3.1.02[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 2. Execution of Tasks[/b] [goto=3.1.00]↑[/got o] [list] The main objective for an Assistant District Attorney is to represent both justi ce and the interests of the State of San Andreas and the public with regard to t he law and its application. As an Assistant District Attorney, the main tasks a re: [list] [*] Investigate claims in the absence of an investigator. ADAs are required to do their own investigating if there is no available Special Investigator. [*] Represent the LSPD/SASD/LSFD/SADOC/LSGOV in Criminal Lawsuits (Defense). [*] Represent the State of San Andreas in Criminal Lawsuits (Prosecution). [*] Create and maintain networked relationships with contacts throughout the pub lic and private sectors of employment.[/list] Assistant District Attorneys may also hold positions as Team/Case Leaders. A Te am/Case Leader is a person of a certain position which is given elevated authori ty in order to manage a small team with a specific mission. See the policy on c ommittees for the regulations regarding teams.[/list] [anchor]3.1.03[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 3. Deadlines[/b] [goto=3.1.00]↑[/goto] [list] The Assistant District Attorney has a variety of deadlines. The position requir es constant updating to the District Attorney with regard to progress on cases. Whenever a major advancement is done, it must be reported in the personnel file so that it may be tracked. If there is a case record as well, it is imperative that the case record(s) are updated with regard to the open case. [/list] [anchor]3.1.04[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 4. Record-Keeping Requirement[/b] [goto=3.1 .00]↑[/goto] [list] Assistant District Attorneys are required to keep all of the following records, with or without the assistance of an Administrative Assistant: [list] [*] External Incident Reports [*] Internal Incident Reports [*] Case Records [*] Subpoena/Summons Tracking Records (via External Incident Reports) [*] Contacts [*] Records of Depositions and all evidence applicable to a certain case[/list][ /list] [anchor]3.1.05[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 5. Minimum Case Requirement[/b] [goto=3.1.0 0]↑[/goto] [list] There is no set minimum for cases to be handled by an Assistant District Attorne y in a set period of time, however they must show their activity and effectivene ss within the Office of the District Attorney or they may face (in)voluntary ter mination if the Department of Justice feels the position is no longer tenable. [/list] [anchor]3.1.06[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 6. Liaising with the LSPD and SASD[/b] [got o=3.1.00]↑[/goto] [list] There are a variety of regulations regarding liaising with the LSPD and SASD bot h in the field and via e-mail. These regulations, if not followed, serve to jeo pardize relations between the two departments. [u]Field Regulations[/u] [size=85][i]May be referenced officially as DA Field Regulation [Number] (or via official reference number: Example 3.1.06-F2a ).[/i][/size] [list]

(F1) Employees are permitted by the Department of Justice, Office of the Distric t Attorney, to speak officially on behalf of the Office of the District Attorney , while in the field if they hold a position as a Team/Case Leader or are the Di strict Attorney, Attorney General, a Judge, or the Chief Justice. (F2) Employees are permitted by the Department of Justice, Office of the Distric t Attorney, to operate in the field under the following restrictions: [list][size=85](a) Employees may respond to police scenes and crime scenes for i nvestigative purposes and may enter police scenes only with a specific purpose a nd with authorization of the District Attorney or their applicable team leader ( if available). (b) Employees may not directly obstruct police scenes. "Obstruct" is defined by the Office of the District Attorney as direct, intentional actions intended to impede peace officers from executing their duties. Asking questions is not a fo rm of obstruction as obstruction requires physical impediment. (c) Employees may respond to conclusive scenes and may follow police pursuits wh ile obeying all traffic laws and regulations and yielding to emergency vehicles. [/size][/list] (F3) Assistant District Attorneys and the District Attorney reserve the right to speak with any accused persons in an official context and to review the evidenc e of any case. The only exception for this is any case which involves detective units (in which a subpoena or other court order may be required). [/list] [u]Communications Regulations[/u] [size=85][i]May be referenced officially as DA Communications Regulation [Number ] (or via official reference number: Example 3.1.06-C3a ).[/i][/size] [list](C1) All employees are required, at all times to abide by the general requ irements of professionalism and ethics. (C2) Employees may only use the official channels of communications for specific purposes. (C3) Communications are bound by the following specific regulations: [list][size=85](a) Must use an official letterhead with proper identification, d ating, addressing, and content. (b) Must be recorded in the personnel file with a copy of the sent letter. (c) Mail-Sent subpoenas must be sent to the proper authorities with an additiona l copy sent to a witness.[/size][/list] [/list] [/list] [anchor]3.1.07[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 7. Process of Prosecution in Criminal Court [/b] [goto=3.1.00]↑[/goto] [list] There is a specific process which is used to guarantee the most accurate and org anized approach to every case. This process is used to prepare a case that is a ir-tight and will stand up in court against the greatest number of potential def enses. [list=1] [*] [i]Identify defendant.[/i] Analyze the accusations brought against the defe ndant. [*] [i]Identify potential sources of evidence.[/i] Remember, Officer Testimony is often enough to prove something as long as it is in conjunction with other ev idence. Officer testimony alone can be easily disputed and disproved however of ficer testimony with supporting dashcam or recording evidence to back it up cann ot be disputed. Identify all evidence available and send out subpoenas for any and all evidence you need. [*] [i]Identify likely defenses.[/i] Try to put the evidence together and think like a defense attorney - what is the defense going to try and say? What are th ey going to argue in order to get the defendant off without conviction? Once yo u identify what the likely defenses are, you can build a stronger case around yo

ur evidence and likely defenses - a case which is ready for the defense and debu nks it at every corner. [*] [i]Prepare primary case.[/i] Prepare your primary argument and determine wha t exactly you are trying to argue? What does the evidence implicitly point at? What does it suggest beyond a reasonable doubt? What does it suggest explicitl y? What does the evidence point to with regard to principles and accessories? [*] [i]Prepare secondary case.[/i] Alright, so what if your primary case gets be at by the defense because of some new evidence? What are you going to fall back on to ensure justice can be served? What s the backup plan? [*] [i]Depose witnesses.[/i] Determine which witnesses are your best witnesses t o be called. Send out subpoenas to appear for deposition and determine who your best candidates are. Focus as much as you can on getting experts and people wh o were actually there. [*] [i]Get expert opinions.[/i] Find experts in the analysis of evidence such a s those provided by the police department and the FBI. Send off your evidence f or accurate testing. [*] [i]Confirm your case and prepare to go to court.[/i] Now you re almost ready to go to court. [*] [i]Go to court.[/i] Argue your point to the point without veering off to si de topics too much. Keep the focus in mind and always aim to move the case forw ard. Be thorough and make sure you address only the evidence you absolutely nee d. In the event of a mistrial, evidence sometimes cannot be used again so save yourself enough for another case if you can.[/list][/list] [anchor]3.1.08[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 8. Process of Defense in Criminal Court[/b] [goto=3.1.00]↑[/goto] [list] Defending in criminal court is also the duty of the Office of the District Attor ney, which defends the interests of the State of San Andreas. In charge dispute s for felonies, the charges are placed on behalf of the state as they are state offenses - hence the suit is against the State of San Andreas, not the Los Santo s Police Department or otherwise. The process of the defense is the same as the process of prosecution, except you re going to want to identify the plaintiff and what the plaintiff is attempting to prove. Then, follow the same steps to prepare evidence and testimony for yo ur primary and secondary cases. [/list] [anchor]3.1.09[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 9. Investigative Process[/b] [goto=3.1.00]↑[/ goto] [list] Investigative Process is a very large issue when it comes to detectives and atto rneys. The current laws provide for a narrow set of allowances which allow priv ate investigation. However, as the Department of Justice, Special Investigators are public service officers and have enhanced abilities including tracing, wire tapping, and other abilities not available to regular civilians. There are rule s with regard to these abilities which must be followed at all times. [u]The Investigative Process[/u] The Investigative Process provides for an organized approach to researching case s and is derived from the research techniques learned in graduate school for con ducting research. [list=1] [*] Identify a major goal. What is it exactly that you are trying to gather evi dence for? What are you trying to prove? [*] Identify a method of approach? How are you going to prove this? In a perfe ct world, what would you have to do in order to prove the whole thing and crack the case wide open? [*] Identify case component and research everything possible about it, within a certain scope of investigation. For people and organizations, research everythi ng about the organization that you can. Then, once you know everything you can

know about the main organization or person, begin branching out to associates an d learn everything about them and how they relate to the main organization or pe rson. [*] Repeat from step 1 until you have a sufficient number of goals satisfied (wh ich will yield a variety of facts). [*] Organize segmented facts into a final, conclusive report.[/list] [u]Rules for Tracing[/u] Tracing phones is a great way to find someone and can really help out. [list] [*] Do not trace government employees without first notifying their organization and getting permission if necessary. With the permission of the Attorney Gener al, such an operation can be conducted without permission of the employee s agen cy head. [*] Before engaging in tracing or investigation, ensure the individual is not un der active surveillance by the LSPD/SASD Detective Teams. [*] Limit tracing to one ping request per 3 minutes. Active tracing is abusive of the abilities given to detectives. With permission of the Attorney General a nd in very special situations, active tracing may be used for very specific miss ion directives. [*] Targets of tracing must be under active surveillance or be wanted by the Dep artment of Justice for one or more reasons.[/list][/list] [anchor]3.1.10[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 10. Case Profiles[/b] [goto=3.1.00]↑[/goto] [list] Case Profiles are necessary and vital to tracking information about cases. Thes e are used to gather all pertinent information in one place for easy analysis an d linking of facts. Assistant District Attorneys, primarily those in Team Leade r roles, are responsible for maintenance of the case profiles relevant to their teams and/or cases. [/list][/list] [anchor]3.2.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 2. Administrative Assistant / Paralegal[/b] [g oto=3.0.00]↑[/goto] [list] [anchor]3.2.01[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 1. Responsibilities Reviewed[/b] [goto=3.2. 00]↑[/goto] [quote="DA SOP 2.2.03"][list] [*] May liaise between the Office of the District Attorney and the legal teams o f the governmental branches. [*] May use the Department of Justice vehicles while on official business only. [*] May carry and respond to the Departmental Radio in the event of no higher au thority being available. [*] Execute general administrative duties in accordance with policy for Administ rative Assistants. [*] If qualified as a Paralegal: May offer unofficial legal advice to an individ ual in the form of a free-of-charge consultation. [*] If qualified as a Paralegal: May act as second chair to a (Assistant) Dist rict Attorney in a criminal case in the context of being an attorney in training (for internship purposes).[/list][/quote] [anchor]3.2.02[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 2. Execution of Tasks[/b] [goto=3.2.00]↑[/got o] [list] Administrative Assistants and Paralegals are charged with mostly administrative, office-oriented work. As an Administrative Assistant, one can become a certifi ed Paralegal and practice certain elements of law without a bar certification. Paralegals are often the face of the Office of the District Attorney and execute a variety of tasks both in the office and outside of the office. From serving subpoenas to doing investigative work, these are some of the most versatile, exp erienced workers in the office. [/list] [anchor]3.2.03[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 3. Deadlines[/b] [goto=3.2.00]↑[/goto]

[list] An Administrative Assistant holds a variety of deadlines. It is the responsibil ity of the employee to keep track of all tasks and to complete them on time if n ot complete them ahead of time. [/list] [anchor]3.2.04[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 4. Record-Keeping Requirement[/b] [goto=3.2 .00]↑[/goto] [list] Administrative Assistants are required to track the following records at minimum , in addition to any requested by an Assistant District Attorney in need of assi stance. [list] [*] External Incident Reports [*] Internal Incident Reports [*] Case Records [*] Subpoena/Summons Tracking Records (via External Incident Reports) [*] Contacts [*] Records of Depositions and all evidence applicable to a certain case[/list][ /list] [anchor]3.2.05[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 5. Liaising with the LSPD and SASD[/b] [got o=3.2.00]↑[/goto] [list] Administrative Assistants are not permitted to liaise with the LSPD or SASD unle ss they are certified as a Paralegal. If certified as a Paralegal, the followin g regulations apply to any liaising activities. There are a variety of regulations regarding liaising with the LSPD and SASD bot h in the field and via e-mail. These regulations, if not followed, serve to jeo pardize relations between the two departments. [u]Field Regulations[/u] [size=85][i]May be referenced officially as DA Field Regulation [Number] (or via official reference number: Example 3.1.06-F2a ).[/i][/size] [list] (F1) Employees are permitted by the Department of Justice, Office of the Distric t Attorney, to speak officially on behalf of the Office of the District Attorney , while in the field if they hold a position as a Team/Case Leader or are the Di strict Attorney, Attorney General, a Judge, or the Chief Justice. (F2) Employees are permitted by the Department of Justice, Office of the Distric t Attorney, to operate in the field under the following restrictions: [list][size=85](a) Employees may respond to police scenes and crime scenes for i nvestigative purposes and may enter police scenes only with a specific purpose a nd with authorization of the District Attorney or their applicable team leader ( if available). (b) Employees may not directly obstruct police scenes. "Obstruct" is defined by the Office of the District Attorney as direct, intentional actions intended to impede peace officers from executing their duties. Asking questions is not a fo rm of obstruction as obstruction requires physical impediment. (c) Employees may respond to conclusive scenes and may follow police pursuits wh ile obeying all traffic laws and regulations and yielding to emergency vehicles. [/size][/list] (F3) Assistant District Attorneys and the District Attorney reserve the right to speak with any accused persons in an official context and to review the evidenc e of any case. The only exception for this is any case which involves detective units (in which a subpoena or other court order may be required). [/list] [u]Communications Regulations[/u]

[size=85][i]May be referenced officially as DA Communications Regulation [Number ] (or via official reference number: Example 3.1.06-C3a ).[/i][/size] [list](C1) All employees are required, at all times to abide by the general requ irements of professionalism and ethics. (C2) Employees may only use the official channels of communications for specific purposes. (C3) Communications are bound by the following specific regulations: [list][size=85](a) Must use an official letterhead with proper identification, d ating, addressing, and content. (b) Must be recorded in the personnel file with a copy of the sent letter. (c) Mail-Sent subpoenas must be sent to the proper authorities with an additiona l copy sent to a witness.[/size][/list] [/list] [/list] [anchor]3.2.06[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 6. Unofficial Advisement[/b] [goto=3.2.00]↑[/ goto] [list] Administrative Assistants who are certified as Paralegals may also do the follow ing things in addition to their normal tasks: [list] [*] Act and offer as a liaison for the Office of the District Attorney. [*] Offer unofficial legal assistance to any government employee on behalf of th e Office of the District Attorney. [*] Serve subpoenas and process. [*] Print and revise contracts.[/list][/list] [anchor]3.2.07[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 7. Administrative Duties[/b] [goto=3.2.00]↑[/ goto] [list] The main objective of an Administrative Assistant, whether they are certified as a Paralegal or not, is to execute administrative duties. This is a broad range of items. [u]Human Resources[/u] Administrative Assistants can become certified in Human Resources after a month executing their normal duties. They may do this may contacting the District Att orney about any openings. To execute these tasks, an Administrative Assistant m ust be certified as a Human Resources representative. Human Resources positions entail the following tasks: [list] [*] Handling employment applications and interviewing. [*] Handling advertisement and filling of various positions through various mean s of media.[/list] [u]General Tasks[/u] The general tasks of an Administrative Assistant are the following, in general: [list] [*] Keep accurate and detailed records in accordance with DA SOP [goto=3.2.04]3. 2.04[/goto]. [*] Execute specific tasks as a Human Resources Representative or Paralegal (wit h certifications). [*] Maintain networking relationships with other government employees and be cap able of communicating with various individuals upon request of an (Assistant) Di strict Attorney. [*] Handle the DA Scheduling System and organize case information as necessary.[ /list][/list] [anchor]3.2.08[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 8. Operation of the DA Scheduling System[/b ] [goto=3.2.00]↑[/goto] [list] The District Attorney or an Assistant District Attorney may sometimes require a meeting with certain other government officials. Administrative Assistants will

be responsible for taking down the (Assistant) District Attorney s schedule and using the schedule to seek out meetings, when requested, with the intended indi viduals and to organize those meetings in advance. In reverse, any individual who wishes to meet with an (Assistant) District Attor ney may schedule a meeting through an Administrative Assistant. [/list][/list] [anchor]3.3.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 3. Special Investigator[/b] [goto=3.0.00]↑[/goto ] [list] [anchor]3.3.01[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 1. Responsibilities Reviewed[/b] [goto=3.3. 00]↑[/goto] [quote="DA SOP 2.2.04"] [list] [*] Responsible for the launching and effective resolution of investigations inv olving government agencies and their potential connection to criminal court case s. May only launch an investigation into certain matters in accordance with DA S OP 3.3.00. [*] Responsible for effective communication and liaising between the Office of t he District Attorney and the government agencies Internal Affairs or Human Reso urces groups during criminal defense cases (when the government is being sued). Responsible for gathering intelligence and keeping accurate records on key indiv iduals flagged by any employee of the Department of Justice. [*] May directly request a warrant from a judge for activities outlined in DA SO P 3.3.10. Does not require permission to request the warrant.[/list][/quote] [anchor]3.3.02[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 2. Execution of Tasks[/b] [goto=3.3.00]↑[/got o] [list] Content [/list] [anchor]3.3.03[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 3. Deadlines[/b] [goto=3.3.00]↑[/goto] [list] Content [/list] [anchor]3.3.04[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 4. Record-Keeping Requirements[/b] [goto=3. 3.00]↑[/goto] [list] Content [/list] [anchor]3.3.05[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 5. Liaising with the LSPD and SASD[/b] [got o=3.3.00]↑[/goto] [list] Content [/list] [anchor]3.3.06[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 6. Liaising with Police/Sheriff Detectives[ /b] [goto=3.3.00]↑[/goto] [list] Content [/list] [anchor]3.3.07[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 7. Investigative Process[/b] [goto=3.3.00]↑[/ goto] [list] Content [/list] [anchor]3.3.08[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 8. Preliminary Investigation Reports[/b] [g oto=3.3.00]↑[/goto] [list] Content [/list] [anchor]3.3.09[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 9. Secondary Investigation Reports[/b] [got

o=3.3.00]↑[/goto] [list] Content [/list] [anchor]3.3.10[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION goto] [list] Content [/list] [anchor]3.3.11[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION les[/b] [goto=3.3.00]↑[/goto] [list] Content [/list] [anchor]3.3.12[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION goto] [list] Content [/list] [anchor]3.3.13[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION lity[/b] [goto=3.3.00]↑[/goto] [list] Content [/list][/list] [hr][/hr][/divbox][/quote]

10. Warrant Requirements[/b] [goto=3.3.00]↑[/

11. Maintenance of Person of Interest Profi

12. Analysis of Evidence[/b] [goto=3.3.00]↑[/

13. Legal Restrictions and Release of Liabi

[url=]Subject: [Infor mation] Standard Operating Procedure[/url] [quote="Lawbringer"][divbox=white][hr][/hr] [anchor]4.0.00[/anchor] [center][b][size=150]- 4 -[/size][/b] [size=120]General Rules and Regulations[/size] [size=80][ [goto=toc]Return to Table of Contents[/goto] ][/size][/center] [anchor]4.1.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 1. Relationship Policy[/b] [goto=4.0.00]↑[/goto] [list] A relationship is any sort of maintained series of interactions between two indi viduals. Whether this is a relationship of a business-only nature or a relation ship of a sexual interaction nature, it is imperative that such relationships re main professional [Ref. [goto=4.7.00]4.7.00[/goto]] when involving two or more g overnment workers. [anchor]4.1.01[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 1. Professional Relationships and BusinessOriented Relationships[/b] [goto=4.1.00]↑[/goto] [list] A relationship between two professionals who are doing work together is known as a co-worker relationship or alternatively as a business-oriented relationship, with professional relationship as a blanket, all-encompassing term for relatio nships between professionals. Relationships with contacts gained while working with the Department of Justice are required to be maintained through constant contact and general networking be tween contacts to gain new contacts. This is a requirement of all positions - t he ability to network and speak with others appropriately to gain and manipulate information. Communication is key when it comes to maintaining relationships w ith your contacts. [/list] [anchor]4.1.02[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 2. Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Def ined[/b] [goto=4.1.00]↑[/goto]

[list] Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment are not tolerated in any way, shape, or for m. In the event of such an occurrence, it will be investigated and immediately turned over to the necessary authorities. The Department of Justice does not co ndone sexual violence, assault, or harassment of any kind regardless of the age, gender, race, origin, or sexual orientation of the victim or offender. [quote]Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs with out the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexua l assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, c hild molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.[/quote] [quote] Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physi cal conduct of a sexual nature that tends to create a hostile or offensive work environment. Sexual harassment is a form of Sex Discrimination that occurs in the workplace. Persons who are the victims of sexual harassment may sue under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C.A. § 2000e et seq.), which prohibits sex discri mination in the workplace.[/quote] [/list] [anchor]4.1.03[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 3. Intra-Office/Inter-Office Relationship R eporting Requirement[/b] [goto=4.1.00]↑[/goto] [list] When it comes to relationships of a sexual nature of any kind between two employ ees of the government (including when an employee of the DOJ becomes involved wi th an employee of another office or agency), no matter the degree of sexuality, such relationships must be reported to the District Attorney as soon as possible using the following format: [code] Name of Employee A: Organization: Rank: Position: Name of Employee B: Organization: Rank: Position: Date the Relationship Started: [/code] This is used for tracking purposes only in order to avoid conflicts of interest. Failure to report such information may result in disciplinary action taken aga inst one or both of the involved employees. [/list] [/list] [anchor]4.2.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 2. Internal Affairs and Human Resources[/b] [g oto=4.0.00]↑[/goto] [list] [anchor]4.2.01[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 1. Handling an external Internal Affairs Co mplaint (filing a complaint)[/b] [goto=4.2.00]↑[/goto] [list] When filing a complaint with Internal Affairs or Human Resources of another depa rtment within the government, take these questions into account: [list=1] [*] Was the misconduct on purpose or is it severe enough to seriously require at tention from the department s Command Team? [*] Is the misconduct against you to a degree which you feel targeted or that th e misconduct was intentionally aimed at you? [/list][/list] [anchor]4.2.02[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 2. Receiving a complaint about the Departme

nt of Justice[/b] [goto=4.2.00]↑[/goto] [list] Whenever another department has a complaint to file against the Department of Ju stice, they may do so via departmental radio if there is an applicable authority (Attorney General or District Attorney) present. Without a necessary authority present, they must file it by e-mailing the Attorney General directly. [/list] [anchor]4.2.03[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 3. Representing Internal Affairs (Assistant District Attorneys and District Attorneys Only)[/b] [goto=4.2.00]↑[/goto] [list] Reference DA SOP [goto=3.1.08]3.1.08[/goto]. [/list][/list] [anchor]4.3.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 3. Crime Reporting Requirement[/b] [goto=4.0.0 0]↑[/goto] [list] [anchor]4.3.01[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 1. Infractions[/b] [goto=4.3.00]↑[/goto] [list] If you see an infraction in progress, it is not required to report it immediatel y as it is a very minor offense. You should, however, take note of it and repor t it via the LSPD/SASD Crime Reporting System. Take note that some offenses do escalate with certain degrees of severity. For example, if there is a person dr iving on the sidewalk for a moment, it is Reckless Driving. If it gets more sev ere, then it may turn to Vehicular Endangerment and thus follows the reporting r equirement defined in DA SOP [goto=4.3.02]4.3.02[/goto]. [/list] [anchor]4.3.02[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 2. Misdemeanors[/b] [goto=4.3.00]↑[/goto] [list] Some misdemeanors are mandatory reporting, but others are not mandatory and thus follows your own discretion. [list] [*] Assault, PC (1)01; [*] Battery, PC (1)04; [*] Criminal Threats (Government Worker Clause), PC (1)05; [*] Burglary (Government Worker Clause), PC (2)02; [*] Sexual Assault, PC (3)07; [*] Possession of a Controlled Substance, PC (6)03; [*] Brandishing a Firearm, PC (9)10; [*] Discharging a Firearm in Public, PC (9)11; [*] Vehicular Endangerment, PC (11)15;[/list] These may be reported via the LSPD/SASD Crime Reporting System or by the departm ental radio if there is clearance.[/list] [anchor]4.3.03[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 3. Felonies[/b] [goto=4.3.00]↑[/goto] [list] All felonies must be reported via departmental radio immediately, regardless of the context in which they are committed. [/list][/list] [anchor]4.4.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 4. Follow-Up Requirement[/b] [goto=4.0.00]↑[/got o] [list] Whenever a crime is reported in accordance with DA SOP 4.3.00, it must be follow ed up on and filed within the employee s personnel file. Approximately 3-7 days after the crime is filed, contact the handling agency to get a general update o n it. If it is resolved, then you re in the clear and are no longer required to track the issue. If it is not resolved, check back every 3-7 days to ensure th at it does in fact get resolved. [/list] [anchor]4.5.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 5. Workers Compensation Policy[/b] [goto=4.0.0 0]↑[/goto] [list] [anchor]4.5.01[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 1. Limitation of Compensation[/b] [goto=4.5

.00]↑[/goto] [list] The limitation of coverage for any and all employees within the Office of the Di strict Attorney, for workers compensation [Ref. [goto=4.5.02]4.5.02[/goto]], is set at a static amount of [b]$50,000.00[/b] United States Dollars unless otherwi se ordered by a court in special circumstances. In the event of a court order, the amount must then be approved by the Department of Justice as the Office of t he District Attorney cannot expense more than the static amount without approval . [/list] [anchor]4.5.02[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 2. Requirements for Compensation[/b] [goto= 4.5.00]↑[/goto] [list] In order to qualify for Workers Compensation, an employee must suffer a major, c rippling injury while working in appropriate conditions. Before Workers Compens ation is issued for an on-duty injury, a full investigation will be launched int o the circumstances under which the accident occurred. In order to qualify, the following criteria must be met: [list=1] [*] The injury must have been sustained while on-duty and actively working. [*] The injury must have been sustained while adhering to the safety policies an d general common sense expected of an employee, within reason. [*] The injury must be of a degree that requires more than two weeks of paid lea ve (as workers compensation is distributed in the form of paid leave with the st ipend added directly to the paycheck).[/list][/list] [anchor]4.5.03[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 3. Allocation of Compensated Funds[/b] [got o=4.5.00]↑[/goto] [list] The funds allocated for workers compensation based on injuries must be applied t o medical related expenses and may not be used for any other purpose. "Medical related" includes the following (and is limited to the following): [list] [*] Prescription medications prescribed by a medical doctor for the purpose of r elieving pain or treating injuries related to the accident. [*] General treatment and comfort-related expenses such as, but not limited to, medical equipment in the home, but not including medical services such as an athome nurse or doctor.[/list] Individuals found to be misusing allocated funds will face criminal prosecution for Fraud as well as face an immediate termination from employment.[/list] [anchor]4.5.04[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 4. Medical Unfitness Termination[/b] [goto= 4.5.00]↑[/goto] [list] Individuals who sustain minor or moderate injuries may be liable for return to e mployment following treatment of their injuries. Individuals who require more t han 6 months of paid leave are liable for a voluntary medical termination. This is essentially a resignation so that the individual can focus on their health f irst. This is a voluntary termination, not an involuntary termination. Individuals who will not be able to, reasonably, return to regular work within 1 2 months of their accident are liable for an involuntary termination on the grou nds of medical unfitness. Maternity leave is not included with this and women w ho are on maternity leave are allotted a maximum of 12 months of paid leave plus 4 months of unpaid leave before they are liable for medical unfitness terminati on. [/list][/list] [anchor]4.6.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 6. Insurance Policy and Coverage[/b] [goto=4.0 .00]↑[/goto] [list] The Department of Justice provides a comprehensive government health insurance p

lan which includes general health insurance, dental insurance, and vision insura nce for the employee and their immediate family. "Immediate family" is defined as the current spouse and any children living in the same home up to the age of 26. The general health insurance plan is Blue Cross Blue Shield. The dental insurance plan is Delta. The vision insurance plan is VSP. [anchor]4.6.01[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 1. General Health Insurance and Coverage[/b ] [goto=4.6.00]↑[/goto] [list] In 2014, all health plans must be compliant with the ACA. We offer a variety of plans that meet ACA requirements while giving you choice in your benefits and ho w much you pay in premiums. [list] [*] Coverage from a trusted local not-for-profit; [*] A choice of network sizes; [*] Out-of-network coverage; [*] Coverage in NC and across the US; [*] Maternity care included; [*] Preventive care covered at 100%; [*] Online access to your policy information through Member Services.[/list][/li st] [anchor]4.6.02[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 2. Dental Insurance and Coverage[/b] [goto= 4.6.00]↑[/goto] [list] The dental insurance plan covers: [list] [*] Emergency dental surgery. [*] Regular teeth cleaning once every 6 months.[/list][/list] [anchor]4.6.03[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 3. Vision Insurance and Coverage[/b] [goto= 4.6.00]↑[/goto] [list] This plan covers: [list] [*] One free eye exam and two sets of $60 eyeglasses per year. Contacts not inc luded; [*] Reduced cost LASIK surgery; [*] Reduced cost general eye surgery.[/list][/list] [anchor]4.6.04[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 4. Other Insurance Coverage[/b] [goto=4.6.0 0]↑[/goto] [list] The Department of Justice does not offer any other health insurance coverage at this time. [/list][/list] [anchor]4.7.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 7. Professionalism Defined[/b] [goto=4.0.00]↑[/g oto] [list] Professionalism is a big issue with government organizations. The working defin ition for professionalism shall be as follows. A professional who works with th e Department of Justice must demonstrate the following traits/abilities at all t imes: [list] [*] Ability to act impartially, without personal biases, and behave appropriatel y with sensitive information; [*] Ability to communicate with other individuals with respect and reverence; [*] Ability to behave responsibly and speak honestly; [*] Ability to hold a high code of ethics at all times; [*] Ability to determine unethical behavior and exercise good judgment at all ti

mes.[/list][/list] [anchor]4.8.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 8. Disciplinary Actions Defied[/b] [goto=4.0.0 0]↑[/goto] [list] [anchor]4.8.01[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 1. Issuance of Disciplinary Action[/b] [got o=4.8.00]↑[/goto] [list] Disciplinary Action is issued when an employee violates the Standard Operating P rocedure or breaches the general, expected code of ethics to be held by an emplo yee of this organization. Disciplinary Action is normally issued by team leader s, regardless of their positional authority. For example, an Assistant District Attorney may hold a position as a team leader for a specific case - while they are acting as a team leader, they hold elevated authority to issue official repr imands and admonishments, including to other Assistant District Attorneys who ar e a part of their team. The District Attorney holds the authority to elevate actions to a higher form as unpaid leave, suspension, demotion, revocation of authority, or even terminatio n of employment. [/list] [anchor]4.8.02[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 2. Termination of Employment (Involuntary)[ /b] [goto=4.8.00]↑[/goto] [list] An Involuntary Termination of Employment is a termination for very serious actio ns that is forced upon the employee for dishonorable or medical purposes [Ref. [ goto=4.5.04]4.5.04[/goto]] When a person is determined, by the Department of Justice executive team, to be unfit for employment with the organization, they may be issued an involuntary te rmination which requires the following to happen on the employee s side: [list] [*] Turning in of all equipment within seven days; [*] Cleaning out of desks and offices at the central office within seven days; [*] Turning in of all case documentation, photographs, and other evidence releva nt to case work within seven days; [*] Turning in of security clearance card following the turning in of all other equipment and relevant case work.[/list] When a person is involuntarily terminated from employment, they are automaticall y issued an employment restriction and may not seek employment with any governme nt organization until the employment restriction is lifted. This is a voluntary restriction - by agreeing to abide by the Standard Operating Procedures, you ag ree that this restriction may be put on you and that you may, at the discretion of the other organizations recruitment teams, be denied from employment based o n your past history with the Department of Justice. After an involuntary termination, the Department of Justice reserves the right t o release any and all information pertinent to your dismissal to other governmen t organizations or private organizations who demonstrate a good cause. For exam ple, if you are seeking employment with a private company or with the government , they may wish to know why you were terminated in the past.[/list] [anchor]4.8.03[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 3. Termination of Employment (Voluntary)[/b ] [goto=4.8.00]↑[/goto] [list] A voluntary termination of employment can be issued for either good or bad reaso ns, so it s not necessarily a bad thing. When a person is unable to execute the ir tasks properly for one or more reasons, they may be asked to leave - this is essentially a coerced resignation. This is essentially an attempt to avoid an i nvoluntary termination and allows the person to maintain a sealed record.

In the event of a voluntary employment, private organizations and governmental o rganizations may also request why you were terminated from employment. As it is a voluntary employment, the following response must be sent: [list] [*] That the termination was voluntary; [*] That the previously-employed individual chose, on their own prerogative, to leave the organization for their own reasons.[/list] Voluntary terminations are a sensible alternative to the sought-after "dishonora ble discharge" and are essentially a resignation of duties.[/list] [anchor]4.8.04[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 4. Indefinite Suspension[/b] [goto=4.8.00]↑[/ goto] [list] If a person is under heavy investigation or is a defendant in a lawsuit, they ar e automatically put on indefinite suspension for security reasons. This means t hat the person may not show up to work at all, may not use their access/clearanc e card, or anything similar. This type of suspension is for an undetermined length of time and is, by default , unpaid. Attempting to resign during an indefinite suspension automatically re sults in an involuntary termination of employment. [i](( In some cases, the individual will be uninvited from the faction during th e indefinite suspension. ))[/i] [/list] [anchor]4.8.05[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 5. Demotion / Revocation of Authority[/b] [ goto=4.8.00]↑[/goto] [list] If a person demonstrates an inability to execute the duties and tasks required o f their position, they may face demotion and/or revocation of certain authority. For example, if a team leader demonstrates that they are an ineffective leader , they may face revocation of their right to serve as a team leader and may be d emoted to team member. This is issued for serious offenses and general inability to execute daily tasks and responsibilities. [/list] [anchor]4.8.06[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 6. Unpaid Leave[/b] [goto=4.8.00]↑[/goto] [list] Unpaid leave is when a person has behaved in violation of the DA SOP and such be havior is warranting of time off from work. During a definite, determined amoun t of time, a person may not show up to work or use their access clearance card. They may not use the organization vehicles at all and must remain at least 500 feet away from the central offices at all times. [/list] [anchor]4.8.07[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 7. Paid Leave[/b] [goto=4.8.00]↑[/goto] [list] If a person is being investigated, they may be issued paid leave, which follows the same guidelines as an Unpaid Leave [u]except the person receives 100% of the ir normal pay[/u]. This is not necessarily a punishment, but is sometimes used to give someone administrative leave pending an investigation into accusations ( such as unethical or unprofessional behavior). If the paid leave is issued for investigative purposes, the individual must rema in available and in the area at all times to be available for interviewing or in terrogation, depending on the circumstances. [/list] [anchor]4.8.08[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 8. Official Reprimand[/b] [goto=4.8.00]↑[/got o] [list]

An official reprimand is issued for moderate violations of protocol and is essen tially a formal warning that such behavior will result in more severe punishment in the future. Upon issuance of an official reprimand, a person becomes flagge d for forty-five days. If there are any other policy or ethics violations durin g this thirty day period, they will face a more severe punishment, taking their previous history into account. If, after forty-five days, a person has not gotten into any additional trouble w ith their superiors or with the law in general, they will no longer be flagged a nd the official reprimand disappears from their record. [/list] [anchor]4.8.09[/anchor][b]SUBSECTION 9. Admonishment[/b] [goto=4.8.00]↑[/goto] [list] An admonishment is an informal warning that continuance of certain behaviors may result in disciplinary action. This is not put on record and is used for extre mely minor offenses. [/list][/list] [anchor]4.9.00[/anchor][b](( SECTION 9. Out of Character Rules and Regulations ) )[/b] [goto=4.0.00]↑[/goto] [list] [anchor]4.9.01[/anchor][b](( SUBSECTION 1. Activity Requirements ))[/b] [goto=4. 9.00]↑[/goto] [list] The Office of the District Attorney enforces a loose activity requirement that y ou must log on at least once per week. Failure to do so will result in a warnin g. Two warnings (two inactive weeks, non-consecutive) means you will be OOCly r emoved for inactivity. If you stay active for two months straight, one warning goes away. [/list] [anchor]4.9.02[/anchor][b](( SUBSECTION 2. Faction Representation ))[/b] [goto=4 .9.00]↑[/goto] [list] Individuals are excepted to maintain a good image for the faction at all times. This includes using faction vehicles properly and behaving appropriately as wel l as roleplaying realistically. [/list] [anchor]4.9.03[/anchor][b](( SUBSECTION 3. Rules and Regulations ))[/b] [goto=4. 9.00]↑[/goto] [list=1] [*] You must maintain acceptable activity in accordance with DA SOP [goto=4.9.01 ]4.9.01[/goto]. [*] You must notify the faction leadership [size=85]AND[/size] the District Atto rney if you are kicked, admin jailed, or banned by an administrator in-game. Re cords will be periodically checked. Banned individuals will be removed from the faction until they successfully appeal their server ban. [*] Individuals on Probation may not join the Office of the District Attorney. [*] Individuals who have been admin jailed in the past 30 days may not join the Office of the District Attorney. [*] Individuals who have been banned in the last 90 days may not join the Office of the District Attorney. [*] You must use faction chat appropriately as an OOC mode of communication - no IC information is to be discussed or otherwise transmitted using faction chat. [*] Return all faction vehicles to the Faction HQ before logging off. [*] You may [size=85]NOT[/size] name-change on your DOJ character without permis sion from the District Attorney or Attorney General. [*] Do not harass members OOCly on alternative characters. This includes target ing members of the DOJ on your criminal characters by kidnapping them, robbing t hem, raping them, etc. [*] Do not release case information ICly or OOCly without permission of the Dist rict Attorney.

[*] You may not be corrupt without permission of the District Attorney or Attorn ey General. In order to get permission, you must have realistic limitations and a good reason.[/list] [anchor]4.9.04[/anchor][b](( SUBSECTION 4. OOC Removals ))[/b] [goto=4.9.00]↑[/got o] [list] Violation of OOC rules may result in an OOC removal from the faction. If you ar e OOCly removed from the faction, all roleplay between you and the faction becom es voided and it is essentially as if you were never in the faction at all. Any thing you did in the faction changes into NPC roleplay (as if some random NPC di d all of those things). [/list][/list] [hr][/hr][/divbox][/quote] [url=]Subject: [Infor mation] Standard Operating Procedure[/url] [quote="Lawbringer"][divbox=white][anchor]5.0.00[/anchor] [center][b][size=150]- 5 -[/size][/b] [size=120]Additions[/size] [size=80][ [goto=toc]Return to Table of Contents[/goto] ][/size][/center] [center][i]If there are any additions to the manual which require their own sect ion (including clarifications), they will be placed here within the manual.[/i][ /center] [anchor]5.1.00[/anchor][b]SECTION 1. Departmental Radio Regulations[/b] [goto=4. 0.00]↑[/goto] [list] The Departmental Radio is a tool used to communicate between departments. The O ffice of the District Attorney is a part of the Department of Justice and, as su ch, must adhere to the guidelines set forth in the Governmental Cooperation Act of 2011. [quote="CC Resolution 1, 2011"]In addition all communication over department rad io must be kept formal and respectful.[/quote] The following regulations will be enforced with regard to departmental radio com munications: [list=1] [*] The highest ranked individual will be the only one to respond to Department of Justice callouts. Reference DA SOP 2.1 and DA SOP 2.2. [*] Transmissions will be prefixed with "DOJ ODA". When calling another departm ent, it must be in the following format: First Message: "DOJ ODA [Last Name] to [Department Name, Written out (no abbrevi ations)]" - Wait for a response before transmitting a full message. If they do not reply within 60 seconds, try calling for them again. After three attempts, cease call ing for them and assume a negative response (for requests). [*] Transmissions will be kept concise and will not contain specific information or information pertinent to any case handled by the Department of Justice at an y time. Specific information should be discussed via secure e-mail or to phone conversation.[/list][/list][/divbox][/quote]