Makalah Bahasa Inggris Guru SD [PDF]

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Disusun Oleh 1. Desi Ratna Sari


2. Ratna Sari


3. Tamara




Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan yang maha esa karena telah memberikan kekuatan kepada penulis untuk menyelesaikan karya tulis ini. Karya tulis ini berjudul Family Relationship, yang berisi tentang ulasan mengenai members of immediate family, describing the members of the family, and extended family. Penulis membuat karya ini ditujukan sebagai tugas dalam mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD. Kemudian penulis mengucapkan terimakasih kepada dosen yang bersangkutan karena telah membimbing penulis untuk menyelesaikan karya ini, tak lupa pula penulis sampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada teman-teman dan keluarga yang telah memberikan dukungan kepada penulis. Kemudian penulis memohon maaf jika pada penulisan ini banyak kesalahan-kesalaan maka dari itu sebagai manusia biasa, penulis sekali lagi meminta maaf. Sekian dan terimakasih

Penukal, Oktober 2019



DAFTAR ISI Kata Pengantar...........................................................................................................................2 Daftar Isi....................................................................................................................................3 BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang...............................................................................................................4 1.2 Rumusan Masalah..........................................................................................................5 1.3 Tujuan............................................................................................................................5 BAB II PEMBAHASAN 2.1 Members of Immediate Family......................................................................................7 2.2 Describing the Members of the Family........................................................................14 2.3 Extended Family..........................................................................................................20 BAB III PENUTUP Kesimpulan.............................................................................................................................29 Daftar Pustaka.......................................................................................................................30



LATAR BELAKANG Keluarga merupakan bagian dari manusia yang setiap hari selalu berhubungan dengan kita. keadaan ini perlu kita sadari sepenuhnya bahwa setiap individu merupakan bagiannya dani keluarga juga semua dapat diekspresikan tanpa hambatan yang berarti. Keperawatan keluarga merupakan tingkat keperawatan kesehatan masyarakat yang ditujukan atau dipusatkan pada keluarga sebagai unit atau satu kesatuan yang dirawat, dengan sehat sebagai tujuan dan perawatan sebagai penyalur. Sasaran keperawatan keluarga yaitu individu, family atau keluarga dn community atau masyarakat. Prinsip utama dalam perawatan kesehatan masyarakat mengatakan bahwa keluarga adalah unit atau kesatuan dari pelayanan kesehatan. Proses menua merupakan proses sepanjang hidup, tidak hanya dimulai dari suatu waktu tertentu, tetapi dimulai sejak permulaan kehidupan. Memasuki usia tua berarti mengalami kemunduran, misalnya kemunduran fisisk yang ditandai dengan kulit yang mengendur, rambut memutih, gigi mulai ompong, pendengaran kurang jelas, penglihatan semakin buruk gerakan lambat, dn figur tubuh yang tidak proporsional. Kurangnya perhatian yang memadai terhadap populasi lansia ini menciptakan ruang kosong, yang kemudian diisi oleh dunia medis. Disatu sisi, perhatian besar dari kalangan kedokteran ini harus disambut secara positif oleh dunia keperawatan sehingga masalah kesehatan lansia dapat teratasi. Kesehatan merupakan aspek sangat penting yang perlu diperhatikan pada kehidupan lansia. Semakin tua seseorang, cenderung semakin berkurang daya tahan fisik mereka. Dalam kaitan ini, kajian terhadap keperawatan lansia (keperawatan gerontik dan geriatrik) perlu ditingkatkan. Keluarga mempunyai peran yang penting dalam perawatan pasien lansia. Peran penting tersebut dimiliki keluarga dikarenakan keluarga paling banyak berhubungan dengan pasien (lansia), keluarga adalah orang yang paling dekat dan paling mengetahui keadaan pasien, Pasien (lansia) yang dirawat di rumah sakit nantinya akan kembali ke lingkungan keluarga. Salah satu aspek penting dalam keperawatan adalah keluarga. Keluarga adalah unit terkecil dalam masyarakat merupakan klien keperawatan atau si penerima asuhan keperawatan. Keluarga berperan dalam menentukan cara asuhan yang diperlukan anggota keluarga yang sakit. Secara empiris dapat dikatakan bahwa kesehatan anggota keluarga menjadi sangat berhubungan atau signifikan. Prioritas tertinggi dari keluarga adalah kesejahteraan anggota keluarganya. Hal ini tercapai apabila fungsi-fungsi dari keluarga untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tiap individu yang ada dalam keluarga dapat tercapai dan terpenuhi


B. RUMUSAN MASALAH Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas, berikut dirincikan sebagai bahan makalah yaitu sebagai berikuit: 1 Members of Immediate Family? 1.1 Menanyakan jumlah anggota keluarga? 1.2 Menjawab pertanyaan tentang jumlah anggota keluarga? 1.3 Menanyakan usia anak-anak dalam anggota keluarga? 1.4 Menjawab pertanyaan tentang usia anak-anak dalam anggota keluarga? 1.5 Menjelaskan hubungan keluarga langsung (immediate family) seperti: ayah, ibu, anak laki-laki, anak perempuan, suami-istri? 1.6 Menggunakan countable nouns dalam hubungannya dengan anggota keluarga? 2 Describing the Members of the Family? 2.1 Menjelaskan ciri-ciri (physical characteristic/appearance) dari anggota keluarga? 2.2 Menjelaskan ciri-ciri (physical characteristic/apperance) dari suatu benda? 3 Extended Family? 3.1 Menjelaskan hubungan keluarga besar (extended family) 3.2 Menulis paragraf sederhana tentang keluarga sendiri yang termasuk immediatedan extended family dengan bantuam diagram family tree? 3.3 Menjawab pertanyaan pemahaman berdasarkan wacana sederhana?

C. TUJUAN Berdasarkan rumusan masalah diatas, maka tujuan dari rumusan masalah makalah ini adalah: 1 Members of Immediate Family? 1.1. Dapat menanyakan jumlah anggota keluarga? 1.2. Dapat menjawab pertanyaan tentang jumlah anggota keluarga? 1.3. Dapat menanyakan usia anak-anak dalam anggota keluarga? 1.4. Dapat menjawab pertanyaan tentang usia anak-anak dalam anggota keluarga? 1.5. Dapat menjelaskan hubungan keluarga langsung (immediate family) seperti: ayah, ibu, anak laki-laki, anak perempuan, suami-istri? 1.6. Dapat menggunakan countable nouns dalam hubungannya dengan anggota keluarga?


2 Describing the Members of the Family? 2.1 Dapat menjelaskan ciri-ciri (physical characteristic/appearance) dari anggota keluarga? 2.2 Dapat menjelaskan ciri-ciri (physical characteristic/apperance) dari suatu benda? 3 Extended Family? 3.1 Dapat menjelaskan hubungan keluarga besar (extended family) 3.2 Dapat menulis paragraf sederhana tentang keluarga sendiri yang termasuk immediatedan extended family dengan bantuam diagram family tree? 3.3 Dapat menjawab pertanyaan pemahaman berdasarkan wacana sederhana?


BAB II PEMBAHASAN 2.1 Members of Immediate Family? Robert’s Family Robert is Anne’s Husband. They have one children. Her name is Shauna. Shauna is four years old. She is in preschool. They live in an apartment in London. Robert’s parents are in Birmingham, nad Anne’s parents are in Amsterdam. Robert is an elementery school teacher in London. Sebelum anda menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diberikan, alangkah baiknya jika Anda mempelajari penjelasan berikut ini. Dari judul wacana tersebut terdapat nama robert kemudian terdapat tanda koma “s” di atas (‘s) atau apostrophe “s”. Penggunaan Apostrophe dalam Bahasa Inggris • Penyingkatan (contraction) Penyingkatan adalah kata atau angka yang satu atau lebih huruf atau angkanya telah dihilangkan. Pada bentuk ini, apostrophe diletakkan di posisi huruf yang dihilangkan. - I’m = I am - It’s = It is, It has - ’80= 1980 • Kepemilikan (possessive form) Apostrophe diletakkan setelah noun. Noun owner tersebut kemudian bisa diikuti oleh noun yang dimlikinya. Contoh: - Family’s trip: The trip of a family (noun owner=family) - The boy’s car: The car of the boy (noun owner= boy) Penggunaan apostrophe pada noun: - Noun owner bentuk singular: o Tamas’s notebook (tidak masalah jika noun berakhiran s) o The employee’s uniform o The manager’s computer - Noun owner bentuk plural: o The schools’ rules (jika noun owner berakhiran s, tambahkan ‘ setelahnya, tapi jika tidak berakhiran S, maka tambahkan ‘s setelahnya) o The birds’ cages - ‘s ditambahkan setelah compound noun o His mother-in-law’s house - ‘s ditambah setelah kata terakhir pada noun yang dirangkai oleh coordinate conjunction and untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan bersama. 7

o Tina and Tara’s room - Indefinite pronoun dapat membentuk possessive form dengan menambahkan ‘s setelahnya o Each’s notebook. Indefinite pronoun, personal pronoun tidak dibentuk possessive form-nya dengan apostrophe. Untuk it’s adalah kontraksi dari “it is” atau “it has”. • Menjamakkan (plural) Apostrophe digunakan untuk membentuk plural form khususnya pada angka atau huruf. Contoh: My daughter got A’s for Math test. Ketika bentuk plural tampak jelas, upper case (huruf besar) tidak perlu diikuti apostrophe, cukup akhiran –s saja. Contoh: The students in this class got good result for the final exam. There are 5 student got score As and the other got score Bs Untuk tahun dan abbreviation (singkatan) tidak perlu diikuti apostrophe. Contoh: Her son’s weight is around 120 lbs. Jadi, Robert’s family bukan berarti Robert is family. Kalau Anda sedang menjelaskan tentang kepunyaan maka’s harus ada. Answer the following question!!! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

How many people are there in the family? How many children does Robert have? Who is Robert’s wife? Who is Robert’s Daughter? Does Robert live with his parents? Where do Robert’s parents live? How old is Shauna? Is Shauna in school?

Muncul sebuah ungkapan how many children do you have? Ungkapan ini menanyakan: Berapa Anak Anda? Dia menjawab: I have two children, one son and one daughter. Maksud dari jawaban ini adalah: Anak saya dua (Saya mempunyai dua anak), satu laki-laki dan satu perempuan. Kalau seandainya Anda hanya mempunyai satu anak, Anda mengatakan: I have one child. Kata child merupakan kata benda tunggal. Kata ini mempunyai bentuk jamak yang tidak beraturan (uncountable noun) yaitu children. Kata benda yang mempunyai bentuk jamak yang beraturan, hanya menambahkan “-s” pada kata benda tersebut. Pengertian Countable Nouns Countable Nouns adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung, yang dapat menunjukkan kuantitas atau jumlah. Countable noun memiliki bentuk singular dan plural. Yang termasuk 8

dalam countable noun antara lain yaitu nama orang, nama hewan, ukuran, tempat, dan segala sesuatu yang dapat dilihat dan dihitung. Contohnya yaitu : cat, book, pen, bag, table, etc. Berikut merupakan penggunaan countable nouns dalam kalimat : · I have two brothers, Santo and Sony. ( Aku punya dua saudara, Santo dan Sony). · I have some chairs. (Aku punya beberapa kursi) · There are five students in the office. (ada lima murid di kantor) · Do you like these photos? (apakah kamu menyukai foto-foto ini?) · This is a table. (ini adalah sebuah meja) a. Ciri dari Countable Nouns Ciri dari Countable noun adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Dapat diubah menjadi plural (bentuk jamak). 2. Dapat dirangkaikan dengan article the, baik dalam bentuk jamak maupun dalam bentuk tunggal. 3. Dapat dirangkaikan dengan kata some atau any, tetapi dalam bentuk jamak. 4. Dapat dirangkaikan dengan article a atau an 5. Dapat dirangkaikan dengan kata many, a lot of, a great many, atau several 6. Dapat dirangkai dengan kata all of, none of, both, atau a few, namun dalam bentuk jamak. 7. Jika dalam bentuk jamak (plural), harus memakai kata kerja jamak, yaitu tanpa penambahan s/es untuk verb biasa dan to be are atau were untuk verb-to be. 8. Jika dalam bentuk tunggal (singular), harus menggunakan kata kerja (verb), yaitu tanpa penambahan s/es untuk verb biasa dan to be are atau were untuk verb-to be. b. Bentuk Countable Nouns Countable noun dapat dibagi menjadi dua bentuk yaitu : 1. Singular Nouns adalah kata benda yang bentuknya tunggal. Contohnya : book, sister, mango, pencil, knife, fly, dan lain-lain. 2. Plural nouns adalah kata benda yang bentuknya jamak. Contohnya : books, sisters, pencils, mangoes, knives, dan lain-lain. Pengertian Uncountable Nouns Uncountable nouns adalah kata benda yang tidak terhitung, kata benda yang tidak terhitung biasanya menunjuk pada benda yang sifatnya tidak berdiri sendiri, abstrak, dan benda-benda lainnya yang kita lihat sebagai suatu benda yang tanpa batasan yang jelas dan bukan merupakan objek terpisah. Sebagai contoh gula (sugar) bukan merupakan benda yang sifatnya tidak berdiri sendiri, gula biasa dijumpai dalam kumpulan dari ratusan butir-butir kecil. kesedihan (sadness) dan cinta (Love) merupakan hal yang abstrak, tidak memiliki bentuk fisik. Berikut merupakan contoh Uncountable Noun dalam kalimat : - John gave me much advice on how to grow rice. (John memberi saya banyak saran tentang bagaimana menanam padi). - Can you give me some information about that ? (bisakah anda memberi saya beberapa informasi tentang itu?) - Najwa needs a kilo of sugar. (Najwa membutuhkan satu kilo gula) 9


Honesty a best policy. (kejujuran sebuah kebijakan terbaik)

a. Termasuk dalam uncountable noun 1. Kelompok dari beberapa benda yang serupa, misalnya kata benda furniture adalah uncountable noun karena furniture digunakan sebagai istilah untuk menggambarkan segala jenis benda yang tergolong furniture seperti kursi, meja, dan lain sebaginya. Adapun contoh lainya adalah: food, fruit, clothing, jewelary, equipment, postage, etc. 2. Kata benda cair (liquids/ fluids), seperti: Water, coffee, tea, milk, oil, soup, gasolin, etc. 3. Kata benda gas (gases), seperti: Steam, air, oxygen, nitrogen, smoke, pollution, etc. 4. Kata benda yang terdiri dari benda-benda kecil yang sulit dihitung (particles), seperti: Rice, corn, grass, dust, salt, sand, sugar, wheat, etc. 5. Kata benda abstrak (abstractions), kata benda yang wujudnya tidak bisa dirasakan oleh panca indera kita, melainkan kata benda yang berupa ide, gagasan, yang hanya ada di pikiran kita, seperti: Beauty, information, fun, knowledge, weakness, advantage, etc. 6. Ragam bahasa (languages), seperti: Indonesian, English, Spanish, etc. 7. Nama-nama penampakan alam (natural phenomena), seperti: Weather, fog, heat, lightning, rain, snow, thunder, sunshine, fire, gravity, humidity, etc. b. Ciri dari Uncountable noun adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Tidak mempunyai bentuk jamak (plural), selalu dalam bentuk tunggal (singular). 2. Dapat dirangkaikan dengan kata much, a lot of, a great deal of atau plenty of, untuk menunjukkan arti banyak. 3. Selalu memakai kata kerja tunggal, yaitu dengan penambahan s/es untuk verb-biasa dan tobe is atau was untuk verb-tobe. 4. Tidak dapat dirangkaikan dengan article a atau an 5. Dapat di rangkaikan dengan article the, tetapi dalam arti tunggal. 6. Dapat dirangkaikan dengan kata some dan any, untuk menunjukkan arti sedikit 7. Dapat dirangkaikan dengan kata all of, none of, atau a little (of) 8. Uncountable Noun dapat dijadikan Countable Noun dengan menambahkan quantifier (kata yang menunjukkan kuantitas atau ukurannya). Contoh : · A bottle of milk (sebotol susu) · A cup of tea (secangkir teh) · A glass of milk (segelas susu) · A bunch of banana (sesisir pisang) Apabila anda ingin menanyakan usia anak-anak teman anda, anda dapat menggunakan salah satu ungkapan berikut ini. How old are your children? How old are your sons? How old are your daughters? How old is your son? 10

How old is your daughter? Apabila anda ditanya teman anda dengan menggunakan salah satu ungkapan diatas, anda dapat menjawab seperti ini: My son is 16 years old, and my daughter is ten. My elder son is 20 years old, and my younger san is 15 years old. My first daughter is 13 years old, and the second daughter is 10. Untuk mengatakan anak laki-laki yang tertua atau anak perempuan yang tertua Anda dapat menggunakan frasa seperti: my elder son atau my elder daughter, atau my first son atau my first daughter. Anda dapat menyebut my younger son untuk anak laki-laki yang lebih muda, atau my younger daughter untuk anak perempuan yang lebih muda. Anda juga dapat mengatakan the second son atau the second daughter untuk anak laki-laki atau anak perempuan nomor dua. Anggota Keluarga (Perbedaan uncle, aunt, cousin, son, daughter, niece, nephew, dll) Dalam silsilah keluarga atau family tree ada begitu banyak nama dari anggota keluarga yang berbeda-beda hubungannya. Dalam setiap bahasa, ada sebutan yang berbeda untuk anggota dalam keluarga. Artikel kali ini akan membahas tentang beberapa anggota dalam keluarga yang menarik untuk dikenali lebih lanjut, termasuk perbedaannya. Sebutan apa saja yang akan kita bahas dalam artikel kali ini? Di antaranya adalah uncle, aunt, cousin, son, daughter, niece, nephew, siblings, brother, sister, immediate family, brother inlaw, dan yang terakhir adalah sister in-law. Mari kita mulai bedah satu persatu untuk mendapat gambaran yang komprehensif, ya! MENGENAL SEBUTAN “UNCLE” Uncle adalah kata benda untuk menjelaskan saudara laki-laki dari orangtua, baik itu ayah maupun ibu. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, uncle sama dengan “paman” atau “om”. Sebutannya bisa berbeda-beda dalam setiap keluarga. Namun panggilan uncle dalam perkembangannya bisa meluas ke banyak aspek termasuk orang asing yang lebih tua seumuran dengan ayah kita juga bisa mendapat sebutan itu. MENGENAL SEBUTAN “AUNT” Selanjutnya yang masih terkait dalam silsilah keluarga adalah sebutan “aunt” atau yang dalam bahasa Indonesia dikenal juga dengan “bibi” atau “tante”. Secara definitif, pengertian dari aunt bisa diklasifikasikan menjadi dua hal yaitu:  Saudara perempuan dari orangtua (baik ayah maupun ibu)  Istri dari paman Namun tidak terbatas itu saja, panggilan aunt juga dilekatkan pada sosok perempuan dewasa yang berinteraksi dengan orang yang lebih muda. Sebutan aunt bersifat universal dan bisa juga dilontarkan dalam konteks di luar silsilah keluarga atau family tree.


MENGENAL SEBUTAN “COUSIN” Selanjutnya anggota dalam keluarga adalah “cousin” atau yang dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut juga dengan “sepupu”. Sebutan cousin adalah singular, versi jamaknya adalah cousins. Definisi dari cousin adalah anak dari paman atau bibi, atau the child of uncle or aunt. Jelas bukan hubungannya? Selain untuk menyebut sepupu, cousins digunakan saat menyebutkan sekelompok sepupu yang sedang berkumpul, dengan setiap dari mereka punya hubungan saudara tidak sedarah. MENGENAL SEBUTAN “SON” Selanjutnya kita akan membahas tentang “son” dalam silsilah keluarga. Definisi dari son bisa bermakna beberapa hal seperti: Someone’s son (anak laki-laki seseorang) A man, especially a famous man, can be described as a son of the place he comes from (putra daerah) Form of address when they are showing kindness or affection to a boy or a man who is younger than them (cara orang menyapa anak laki-laki yang lebih muda sebagai gesture keramahan atau perhatian) Dari tiga definisi tersebut, yang fokus dalam silsilah keluarga adalah poin pertama, yaitu anak laki-laki seseorang. Jadi son juga bisa disebut dengan male child atau boy. MENGENAL SEBUTAN “DAUGHTER” Berbeda dengan son, daughter justru kebalikannya atau lawan jenis dari anak laki-laki, yaitu anak perempuan. Definisi dalam bahasa Inggris dari daughter adalah female child of someone. Mudah bukan memahaminya? Artinya daughter adalah putri dari seseorang, berlawanan dengan son. MENGENAL SEBUTAN “NIECE” Beranjak ke silsilah keluarga yang lebih rendah dari anak laki-laki (son) atau anak perempuan (daughter), kali ini kita akan membahas tentang niece. Sebutan ini disematkan untuk anak perempuan dari saudara, baik itu saudara perempuan maupun laki-laki. Dalam definisi bahasa Inggris juga disebut dengan someone’s niece is the daughter of their sister or brother. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kata niece juga dikenal dengan keponakan perempuan. MENGENAL SEBUTAN “NEPHEW” Berlawanan dengan niece yang merupakan keponakan perempuan, nephew adalah sebutan yang dalam bahasa Indonesia dikenal juga dengan keponakan laki-laki. Jelas kemudian bahwa definisinya adalah someone’s nephew is the son of their sister or brother. Jadi bila untuk anak kandung laki-laki dan perempuan ada sebutan son dan daughter, maka untuk keponakan ada sebutan niece dan nephew. 12

MENGENAL SEBUTAN “SIBLINGS” Sebutan dalam silsilah keluarga berikutnya yang juga menarik untuk dipelajari adalah siblings. Kata ini merupakan kata benda yang bisa dihitung yang mendefinisikan “saudara kandung”. Artinya siblings bisa berarti saudara kandung perempuan maupun laki-laki yang ada dalam satu keluarga. Jika hanya satu saudara, maka disebut “sibling” namun jika lebih dari satu saudara kandung, maka menggunakan kata plural yaitu “siblings”. Begitu universalnya sebutan ini bahkan ada hari yang disebut World Sibling Day setiap tanggal 10 April untuk menghargai hubungan dengan saudara kandung. MENGENAL SEBUTAN “BROTHER” Berbeda dengan siblings, brother lebih spesifik menjelaskan sosok saudara kandung laki-laki dalam silsilah keluarga. Dalam kamus, definisinya adalah a boy or a man who has the same parents as you. Memang istilah brother dalam konteks lebih luas bisa mencakup mereka sesama pria yang berasal dari suku, agama, negara, profesi atau ada kesamaan latar belakang lainnya. MENGENAL SEBUTAN “SISTER” Berlawanan dengan brother, selanjutnya adalah sister yang akan kita bahas. Perbedaan dengan brother hanyalah jenis kelaminnya. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, sister bermakna saudara kandung perempuan. Dalam kamus, definisinya adalah a girl or woman who has the same parents as you. Sama seperti brother, kata sister juga bisa mengacu pada konteks yang lebih luas. MENGENAL SEBUTAN “IMMEDIATE FAMILY” Selanjutnya istilah dalam silsilah keluarga atau family tree adalah immediate family. Arti dari sebutan ini adalah a person’s parents, brothers and sisters, husband or wife, and children. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, istilah immediate family juga dikenal dengan keluarga inti yaitu anggota yang berasal dari keluarga kandung. MENGENAL SEBUTAN “BROTHER IN-LAW” Selanjutnya adalah istilah brother in-law yaitu the brother of one’s spouse atau the husband of one’s sibling. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, istilah ini juga dikenal dengan saudara ipar lakilaki, semisal suami dari saudara kandung perempuan. MENGENAL SEBUTAN “SISTER IN-LAW” Berlawanan dengan brother in-law, selanjutnya adalah sister in-law atau the sister of one’s spouse. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, istilah ini dikenal juga dengan saudara ipar perempuan. Jelas ya bedanya, bahwa sister in-law adalah perbedaan jenis kelamin untuk sebutan brother in-law.


2.2 Describing the Members of the Family? 2.2.1 Menjelaskan ciri-ciri (physical characteristic/appearance) dari anggota keluarga? Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Anda pasti sering medeskripsikan ciri-ciri atau karakteristik seseorang atau suatu benda. Anda juga mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri anggota keluarga Anda apabila ada seseorang yang ingin mengetahui salah satu keluarga anda. Cobalah Anda deskrisikan salah satu dari anggota keluarga Anda. Misalnya, namanya, badannya (langsing, gemuk, atau sedang), rambutnya (hitam, panjang, pendek, keriting, atau pirang), matanya, hidungnya penampilannya, paras wajahnya, dan pakaian atau aksesorisyang dikenakan. Example Peter is a fat and tall man. He is 176 cm height and 86 kg weight. He is 60 years old. He usually wears sunglasses when he is out during the day time. He wears a black T-shirt and black trousers. His hair is straight, short and grey. He hes big bosom, and he has a distended abdomen. He has white skine and he wears a wristwatch. There are numerous words that one could use to describe his/ her family and frankly... 'Dull' cannot be one of them! So, it's time to buck up on your English speaking skills and pump up some adrenaline in your description. When you are asked to describe your family, you can start by describing each person of your family one at a time. Remember, the shorter, the sweeter! Describe the key members in your life, your immediate family. Let's take a look at one example to give you a brief gist of which direction you should expand in. Example: My family consists of my mother, father and my little sister. Beginning with my mother, she is like any other mom. Loving, caring, and concerned yet when she is angry you will definitely know. She's artistic and seeks to do things that revolve around art. She loves to cook and is extremely innovative even in that aspect. She is the anchor of our house and is definitely the driving force for our family! My father is the cornerstone of our family. He is rigid yet flexible. He is responsible for all the discipline in our house. Possessing the love for gardening, he invests a lot of his time in innovative gardening techniques. He loves all of us and holds himself responsible for our family's well being. My inspiration, my dad . The mischievous, little one in our family is my little sister. Being the youngest, luck is always on her side. She is blessed with a smile of an angel, she too has got the artistic touch of mom. Art and Crafts hold her attention for the longest time throughout the


day. Filling our house with a frequent set of frowns and smiles, she is indeed the little demon of our house. Transcript: Sarah: Hello and welcome to Everyday English. I'm Sarah. Jack: And I'm Jack. Sarah: Today we're going to be talking a bit more about families and how to describe our family members. Jack: Sarah, you've got two siblings. Is that right? Sarah: I do! I've got two younger brothers, Daniel and Luke. I'm the oldest and then there's Daniel. He's the middle child. And Luke is the youngest. Sarah: Now when you have a number of siblings like me, you often list them in order of birth. You can use the superlative adjective oldest to describe the firstborn child. And youngest to refer to the child that was born last. The youngest in your family can be also be called your baby brother or your baby sister. Or little brother or little sister. Jack: Older and younger are comparative adjectives. When we're making comparisons, we usually use the word than. For example, I'm younger than Sarah. Sarah: Shh, don't tell them that! Sarah: We often use comparative and superlative adjectives to talk about our family members and compare them to others. For example: My brothers are taller than me. Grandpa thinks he is more intelligent than his kids. Dad likes ice cream better than chocolate. My stepbrother is the shortest in the family. Uncle James is the most patient of all my uncles. Sarah: Make sure you use the right plural form when you're talking about more than one family member. Examples: Uncle becomes uncles Sister becomes sisters Brother becomes brothers Jack: If a word ends in 'y', you add "ies". For example, 'baby' becomes 'babies'. Sarah: If you wanted to provide more information about your family members, then you could talk about where they grew up, their schooling, careers, relationship status or hobbies. You could also mention how they're related to you. Jack: Let's listen to some people talk about their family members. Nic: Is this your family? Charlotte: Yeah so this was taken at my cousin's wedding. That's my cousin there, the bride, and then here's my dad. Nic: Is he the tall one? Charlotte: No, no that's my uncle. My dad's the shortest one of the family. He's here. And then oh, my two sisters. Nic: Oh! I didn't realise you had sisters. Are they younger or older? 15

Charlotte: They're both younger so I'm the oldest of the family and then there's Teagan who's the middle child and then Sophie who is the youngest but she's the tallest of the family too so she's amazing at sport. Nic: I bet you're the loudest though. Charlotte: Yeah I am. Nic: Um who's that? Charlotte: That's my cousin, Emma. So she was born in Darwin and grew up on a property in the Northern Territory with my aunty and uncle and her brother, Joe. Joe's actually a mining engineer so he works on a mine near Alice Springs and Emma moved to Canberra to study at ANU and she studied a Masters in Archaeology. Nic: Oh wow, that's interesting. Charlotte: She actually married an anthropologist and they love history and they actually went to Egypt in March last year. Nic: Are you catching up with them soon? Charlotte: Yeah I'm actually seeing them this weekend on Sunday at lunchtime. Nic: Oh awesome! Sarah: Now when we're talking about the lives of our family members we often use prepositions. Jack: In, on and at are prepositions of time and place. You can use them to talk about places. For example: She was born in Darwin. She grew up on a property. She studies at the Australian National University. Sarah: And you can also use them for talking about time. They went to Egypt in March. I'll see them on Sunday. We'll meet at lunchtime. Sarah: Here's an easy way to remember when to use each preposition. We use in for something general and at for something very specific. Sarah: Now you might also want to talk about your family, or other families, in a more general way. For example, is your family big or small? Are you closer to your immediate family or your extended family? Or, is there any such thing as a normal family? What do you think, Jack? Jack: There's definitely no such thing as a normal family! Families come in all shapes and sizes but they're always interesting to talk about. Sarah: Well that's it from us for now. We'll see you later!


2.2.2 Menjelaskan ciri-ciri (physical characteristic/apperance) dari suatu benda? Mendeskripsikan benda tidak jauh berbeda dengan mendeskripsikan orang. Untuk mendeskripsikan benda, Anda perlu memperhatikan beberapa hal, diantaranya: nama benda tersebut, bentuknya, bahannya, warnanya, dan ukurannya, tau mungkin kualitasnya. Cara Penggunaan dan Contoh Kalimat Physical Appearances Menggunakan WH QUESTION WH Question yang mempunyai ciri-ciri kalimatnya diawali dengan kata Tanya (question word) berupa “when (kapan), where (dimana), why (mengapa), which (yang mana), who (siapakah), whom (dengan siapa), whose (kepunyaan siapa), what (apa) dan how (bagaimana). Pada kesempatan hari ini, kita akan membahas mengenai bagaimana sih cara kita untuk mempertanyakan “physical appearances” baik benda maupun seseorang. Ada banyak hal yang bisa ditanyakan, namun pada materi kali ini kita akan beberapa poin yang sering ditekankan dalam percakapan, untuk lebih jelas perhatikan pertanyaannya dibawah ini. About Question and Answer 1. Colours (warna) Question  what colour is your home? (apa warna rumau kamu?)  what is the colour her bag? (apa warna tas dia perempuan)  what is the colour of his new motorcycle? (Apa warna motor barunya dia lakilaki itu?) Answer  my home is white (rumahku berwarna putih)  her bag is pink (tas dia perempuan berwarna merah jambu)  his new motorcycle is black (motor baru dial aki-laki berwarna hitam) 2. Qualities (kualitas) Question  what is the quality of your watch? (kualitas apa jam tangan kamu?)  what is quality of your table? (apa kualitas mejamu?)  what is the quality of this paper? (Apa kualitas kertas ini? ) Jawaban  it is good (ini bagus)  it is bad (ini jelek)  it is medium (ini sedang)


3. Size (ukuran) Question  what size is your shoes ? (apa ukuran sepatumu?)  what wide is that beach? (Seberapa lebar pantai itu?)  how long is your ruler? (seberapa panjangkah penggarismu) Jawaban  my shoes is medium (sepatuku sedang)  that beach is very wide (pantai itu luas sekali)  my ruler is as long as this table (penggarisku sepanjang meja ini) 4. Shape (bentuk) Question  what shape is the earth? (apa bentuk bumi?)  what shape is /your cake? (apa bentuk kue kamu?) Jawaban  the earth is round (bumi berbentuk bulat)  my cake is square (kue berbentuk kotak) 5. Material (bahan) Question  what are your shoes made of? (terbuat dari apa sepatumu)  what is your belt made of ? (terbuat dari apakah ikat pinggangmu?)  what is the ring made of? (terbuat dari apakah cincinya?) Jawaban  my shoes are made of leather (sepatuku terbuat dari bulu halus)  my belt is made of plastic (ikat pinggangku terbuat dari plastic)  this ring is made of the gold (cincin ini terbuat dari emas) Describing Things 1) Characteristics: linking verbs Firstly, we use the linking verb ‘be’ to describe things. It is called a linking verb because it links the subject to a description, for example: The Iphone is a smart phone. My car is a Toyota. My books are interesting. Things can be described in the following ways: a) size: enormous, huge, very large, large, big, quite big, medium-sized, quite small, small, very small, tiny b) weight: very heavy, heavy, quite heavy, not very heavy, light, very light 18

c) shape: round, square, oval, flat, rectangular, oblong, etc d) colour: black, gray, brown, blue, purple, green, yellow, orange, red, white e) materials: wooden, steel, plastic, glass, brick, stone, pottery f) flavours: sweet, sour, salty, spicy, rich, oily, buttery, creamy, bland g) appearance: ugly, beautiful, cute, lovely, sweet, attractive, modern h) age: new, quite new, not very old, quite old, old, very old, antique, ancient

(A list of the most commonly used adjectives can be found in Self Study Pack #1)

Here are some sentences that describe a computer (singular) The computer is very expensive. It is very fast. It is very modern. It is the best laptop on the market. It is good value-for-money. It is available in most department stores and shopping malls. It is a Compaq Presario. Here are some sentences that describe Toyota cars (plural): Toyota cars are very reliable. Toyota cars are cheap to repair. Toyota cars are available in most countries. Toyota cars are made in Thailand. Toyota cars are reasonably priced. Some Toyota cars are small and suitable for city driving. Some Toyota cars are large and are suitable for families. Toyota pick-ups are very strong. Secondly, we use the verb ‘have’ to describe the features that belong to something. For example: My telephone (third person singular) My telephone has a camera. My telephone has a USB port. My telephone has a large memory. My telephone has many uses. My telephone has a headphone socket. My laptop (third person singular) My laptop has a Pentium processor. My laptop has a 16 inch screen. My laptop has four USB ports. My laptop has an NVIDIA video card. My laptop has microphone and headphone sockets. My laptop has 4 gb of RAM. My classrooms (Plural) My classrooms have many tables and chairs. My classrooms have overhead projectors. My classrooms have computers and microphones. My classrooms have air conditioners. My classrooms have white boards.


2.3 Extended Family? 2.3.1 Menjelaskan hubungan keluarga besar (extended family) Anda telah belajar banyak tentang keluarga terdekat (immediate family), dan Anda juga sudah belajar untuk mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri (physical apperance) dari keluarga dekat anda. Sekarang anda belajar tentang keluarga besar (Extended family) yang terdiri dari ayah, ibu, anak-anak, kakek, nenek, paman, bibi, kemenakan, kakak ipar, adik ipar, dan menantu. Anggota keluarga dari keluarga besar ini biasanya tunggal satu rumah. Tetapi tidak semua anak yang sudah berkeluarga tinggal bersama orang tua dalam satu rumah. Misalnya, satu keluarga yang mempunyai dua orang anak. Mungkin yang tinggal satu rumah hanya satu keluarga saja, misalnya keluarga bob dan istri dan satu anaknya, mike. Jadi, dalam keluarga tersebut terdapat ayah, ibu, anak, menantu, dan cucu. Sudah biasa terjadi dalam keluarga Indonesia (pada umumnya keluarga di pedesaan) bahwa dalam satu rumah terdiri dari ayah, ibu, anak-anak, menantu, paman atau bibi. Keluarga seperti inilah yang disebut dengan extended family. Extended family refers to the family members who extend beyond the immediate or nuclear family of parents and their children. The term may be used synonymously with consanguineal family. An extended family may live together as a single household. Often there could be many generations living under the same roof, depending on the circumstances. Alternatively, in societies dominated by the conjugal or nuclear family, it is used to refer to kindred in addition to those immediate family members, and who live in different households. Generally, the extended family is contrasted with the nuclear family. Regardless of whether they live together in a single household or separately, the three- or four-g eneration extended family, including grandparents in addition to parents and children, provides a rich network for human relationships and great support for the raising of children and continuation of the lineage. Definitions The extended family consists not only of the basic family unit of parents and their children but extends to include other adults and children with kinship ties. Extended families can include, aside from the parents and their children:  grandparents  spouses of children  cousins, aunts, uncles In cases where there have been second (and more) marriages producing children, the extended family includes step-children and their kin. A conjugal or nuclear family consists of a father, mother, and their children. This kind of family is common where families are relatively mobile, as in modern industrialized societies. Usually there is a division of labor requiring the participation of both men and women. Nuclear families vary in the degree to which they are independent or maintain close ties to the kindreds of the parents and to other families in general. 20

A consanguineal family consists of a husband and wife, their children, and other members of either the husband's and/or wife's family. This kind of family is common in cultures where property is inherited. In patriarchal societies where important property is owned by men, extended families commonly consist of a husband and wife, their children, the husband's parents, and other members of the husband's family. In societies where fathers are absent and mothers do not have the resources to rear their children on their own, the consanguineal family may consist of a mother and her children, and members of the mother's family. In a joint family, parents and their children's families often live under a single roof. This type of family often includes multiple generations in the family. Complex family is a generic term for any family structure involving more than two adults. The term can refer to a joint family, consanguineal family, or to a polygamy of any type. It is often used to refer to the group marriage form of polygamy. Roles and responsibilities In cultures where the nuclear family is the norm for establishing a household, members of the extended family live in separate homes, often at significant distances. In societies where the consanguineal or joint family predominates for living arrangements, members of the extended family will live in the same home. In the cultures where the extended family is the basic family unit, growing up to adulthood does not necessarily mean severing bonds between oneself and one's parents or even grandparents. When the child grows up, he or she moves into the larger world of adulthood, yet does not, under normal circumstances, establish an identity separate from that of the community. The network of relatives (including biological, adopted, and foster) that forms the extended family acts as a close-knit community. In the joint family setup the workload is shared among the members, often unequally. The women are often housewives and cook for the entire family. The patriarch of the family (usually the oldest male member) lays down the rules and arbitrates disputes. Other senior members of the household will baby-sit infants when their mother is working. They are also responsible for teaching the younger children their mother tongue, manners, and etiquette. The members of the household also look after each other and take over their responsibilities in situations where a member is ill or otherwise disabled. Around the world In many cultures, such as in those of many Africans, Koreans, Middle Easterners, Jewish families of central Europe, Latin Americans, Indians, East Asians, and Pacific Islanders, extended families are the basic family unit. Even in the United States, the extended family has a significant role. Asia In traditional Asian families, in China and Korea for instance, the extended family shares a household consisting of the nuclear family of the head of the household, his unmarried daughters, and his sons and their families. When daughters marry they join their husband's family. 21

It is common for the senior members of the extended to choose an appropriate spouse for children when they reach the age of marriage. In such arranged marriages, the qualities sought for in a spouse include social status, ability to work, wealth, and so forth. Australia Australian Aborigines are a group for whom the concept of family extends well beyond the nuclear model. Aboriginal immediate families include aunts, uncles, and a number of other relatives who would be considered "distant relations" in context of the nuclear family. Aboriginal families also have strict social rules regarding whom they can marry. Balkans The Balkan zadruga (Cyrillic: задруга) is a type of rural community historically common among South Slavs. Generally formed of one extended family consisting of married brothers and their families, members of a zadruga lived in a single household and functioned as an agricultural and economic unit. The zadruga held its property, herds, and money in common, with the oldest capable patriarch usually ruling and making decisions for the family. Because the zadruga was based on a patrilocal system, when a girl married, she left her parents' zadruga and joined that of her husband. Within the zadruga, all of the family members worked to ensure that the needs of every other member were met. The zadruga in this form eventually went into decline beginning in the late nineteenth century, as the largest started to become unmanageable and broke into smaller zadrugas or formed villages. After World War II and increasing industrialization, the zadruga lost its economic significance. However, rather than disappearing, the zadruga transformed itself from the horizontal extension of brothers to a vertical extension between generations. Thus, a significant proportion of the people (around 70 percent), continue to live in extended family households. The zadruga continues to color life in the Balkans; the typically intense concern for family found among South Slavs today is partly due to centuries of living in the zadruga system. Many modern-day villages in the Balkans have their roots in a zadruga, a large number of them carrying the name of the one that founded them. India In India, the family is a patriarchal society, with the sons' families often staying in the same house. A joint Hindu family, otherwise called as "Hindu Undivided Family" (HUF), is an extended family arrangement prevalent among Hindus of the Indian subcontinent, consisting of many generations living under the same roof. All the male members are blood relatives. The household consists of persons lineally descended from a common ancestor, and includes their wives and unmarried daughters. A daughter ceases to be a member of her father’s family on marriage and becomes a member of her husband’s family. An undivided family, which is the normal condition of a Hindu society, is ordinarily joint. The joint family status being the result of birth; possession of the joint cord that knits the members of the family together is not property but the relationship. The family is headed by a patriarch, usually the oldest male, who makes decisions on economic and social matters on 22

behalf of the entire family. The patriarch's wife generally exerts control over the kitchen, child rearing, and minor religious practices. All money goes to the common pool and all property is held jointly. Businesses carried out by Hindu joint families in India are governed by the Hindu Law, where the liability of the entire business is borne out by the oldest surviving male member, who is the head of family and is also the head of the business by default. The lack of joint liability often leads to disputes and splits and is one of the prime causes for the breakup of the joint family system in India. United States Although industrialization and the proliferation of ideas of individualism have led to the increase of nuclear families as the unit of many societies, the extended family continues to play an important role. The extended family becomes valuable in contemporary society when young adults face unemployment or divorce, or when older adults become widowed or face declining health and consequent lack of ability to care for themselves and their house. Social welfare provisions made the extended family less essential for the elderly in the twentieth century. However, reductions in government funding for such services may make the role of the extended family take on greater importance again in the twenty-first century.[2] Low income urban groups, including single-parent households, benefit greatly from the involvement of grandparents. Extended family networks have also been found of assistance in the assimilation of immigrants.[2] In fact, by the end of the twentieth century the proportion of extended family households in the United States has been found to be on the increase.[3] Is there an ideal family structure? People in the Western world in recent history have tended to idealize the two-parent nuclear family. The man typically is responsible for income and support, the woman for home and family matters. However, in the latter part of the twentieth century, family arrangements in the United States have become more diverse, with no particular household arrangement representing the majority of the U.S. population. Some have expressed concern over a purported decay of the family and see this as a sign of the crumbling of contemporary society. Yet anthropologists have pointed out that these are merely variations on family types that have existed in other societies. Families universally are built around the marriage bond and the responsibilities for raising children. Flourishing cultures recognize the value of committed relationships between adults as the foundation of successful families. Marriage, and the families it engenders, can thus be considered a "social good." As James Q. Wilson has stated: In virtually every society in which historians or anthropologists have inquired, one finds people living together on the basis of kinship ties and having responsibility for raising children. The kinship ties invariably imply restrictions on who has sexual access to whom; the child-care responsibilities invariably imply both economic and non-economic obligations. And in virtually every society, the family is defined by marriage; that is, by a publicly announced contract that makes legitimate the sexual union of a man and a woman. 23

In other words, while single-parent families form a recognizable type, they are not the first choice where there is the possibility of forming stable two-parent families. However, where men are not strongly bound to the family unit, where a culture does not support lasting marriage, or where economic hardships cause men to be apart from their wives for long periods of time, this family type becomes prevalent. In many cultures, the need to be self-supporting is hard to meet, and the foundation of a new household can be an obstacle to nuclear family formation. People remain single and live with their parents for a long period of time. Generally, the trend to shift from extended to nuclear family structures has been supported by increasing mobility and modernization. Still, some argue that the extended family, or at least the three-generational family including grandparents, provides a broader and deeper foundation for raising children as well as support for the new parents. In particular, the role of grandparents has been recognized as an important aspect of the family dynamic. Having experienced the challenges of creating a family themselves, they offer wisdom and encouragement to the young parents and become a reassuring presence in the lives of their grandchildren. Abraham Maslow described the love of grandparents as "the purest love for the being of the other." The emotional pull of these intergenerational encounters remains strong even for those who have split off to form nuclear families. Individuals who leave their extended families for the economic benefits of life in a distant city may feel a sense of isolation and a longing for the relationships and warm love of the extended family of their origin. This suggests that, economic issues aside, people are happiest living in extended families, or in nuclear families that treasure close bonds with their kinfolk, their extended family. Value of the extended family A strong family provides a haven of love and intimacy. In developing one's ability to relate to others it is important to experience love from caring adults. Although the formation of a secure attachment to the primary caregiver, often the mother, is paramount, expanding the range of experiences with a variety of trustworthy adults develops one's ability to love. The extended family provides a number of adults with whom such relationships are possible. It offers maximum opportunities for personal growth through its matrix of relationships— with spouse, parents, grandparents, siblings, and children. In such an extended family one is also challenged to relate to a diversity of people. Close contact with those of different personality types provides valuable training in relating harmoniously with a variety of people. 2.3.2 Menulis paragraf sederhana tentang keluarga sendiri yang termasuk immediate dan extended family dengan bantuam diagram family tree? Immediate family The immediate family is a defined group of relations, used in rules or laws to determine which members of a person's family are affected by those rules. It normally includes a person's parents, siblings, spouses, children, or an individual related by blood whose close association is an equivalent of a family relationship. It can contain others 24

connected by birth, adoption, marriage, civil partnership, or cohabitation, such as grandparents, great-grandparents, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, aunts, uncles, siblingsin-law, half-siblings, cousins, adopted children and step-parents/step-children, and cohabiting partners. The term close relatives is used similarly. The concept of "immediate family" acknowledges that a person has or may feel particular responsibilities towards family members, which may make it difficult to act fairly towards non-family (hence the refusal of many companies to employ immediate family members of current employees), or which call for special allowance to recognise this responsibility (such as compensation on death, or permission to leave work to attend a funeral). It is used by travel insurance policies to determine a set of people on the basis of whose health someone might need to cancel a journey or return early. The concept is used by some countries' inheritance laws. Definitions The exact meaning of "immediate family" varies, and will sometimes be defined in legislation or rules for a particular purpose. This can change over time: in 2005 the Scottish Government proposed to change the definition for purposes of compensation payments after deaths. The definition was to be expanded from "a remaining spouse, sexual cohabitant, parent, step-parent or step-child, parent-in-law or child-in-law, or an individual related by blood whose close association is an equivalent of a family relationship who was accepted by the deceased as a child of his/her family" to include "any person who had accepted the deceased as a child of the family, the brother or sister of the deceased, any person brought up in the same household as a child and who was him/herself accepted as a child of the family, the same sex partner of the deceased, or any person who was the grandparent or grandchild of the deceased". In California, for purposes of subdivision of Labor Code Section 2066, "immediate family member" means spouse, domestic partner, cohabitant, child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent, great grandparent, brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, stepsibling, brotherin-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or first cousin (that is, a child of an aunt or uncle). The Missouri Code of State Regulations,19 CSR 15-7.021 (18) (H) states that "an immediate family member is defined as a parent; sibling; child by blood, adoption, or marriage; spouse; grandparent or grandchild." The Australian Fair Work Act 2009, Section 12, defines immediate family as "a spouse, de facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the employee; or a child, parent, grandparent or sibling of a spouse or de facto partner of the employee.", and "the definition of the term ‘de facto partner’ includes a former de facto partner." A travel insurance policy which covers curtailment due to the death or illness of a member of the policy-holder's "immediate family" uses a wide definition but adds residential requirements: "Immediate Family is your Partner, and: parents, children, stepchildren, fostered or adopted children, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, grandchildren, or grandparents, of either you or your Partner, who live in your Home Country." and "Partner is your spouse or someone of either sex with whom you have a 25

Extended Family Keluarga besar (Inggris: Extended family) adalah satuan sosial yang terdiri dari keluarga inti dan saudara sedarah, seringkali mencakup tiga generasi atau lebih. Kerabat jauh juga bisa dimasukkan dalam anggota keluarga besar. Sistem keluarga besar sering namun tidak secara khusus terjadi di daerah yang kondisi ekonominya membuat sulit bagi keluarga inti untuk mencapai swasembada. Pada daerah tersebut kerjasama diperlukan, baik dari kerabat patrilineal atau kerabat matrilineal. Keluarga besar dapat hidup bersama karena berbagai alasan, seperti untuk membantu membesarkan anak-anak, merawat saudara yang sakit dan membantu masalah keuangan. Terkadang anak-anak dibesarkan oleh kakek dan nenek mereka ketika orang tua biologis mereka telah meninggal atau tidak lagi dapat mengurus mereka. Banyak kakek dan nenek mengambil tanggung jawab utama untuk merawat anak, terutama ketika kedua orang tua bekerja. Tipe keluarga besar Terdapat tiga tipe dalam keluarga besar, yaitu:  Keluarga yang terdiri dari satu generasi  Keluarga yang terdiri dari dua generasi  Keluarga yang terdiri dari tiga generasi Free Family Tree - Placing Extended Family Members in your Free Family Tree Reports The branches of your free family tree will extend outwards for many generations. Your direct line of descendants is made up of those who played a part in your birth; such as you parents and grandparents, and their parents etc. Other relatives such as their siblings and descendants are known as your extended family, and they are all extended family by blood. You will also have members who are extended family by marriage, which could include steprelations or half-relations. In this article we’ll talk about their place in your free family tree. Extended Family by Blood in Your Free Family Tree. Your extended blood relatives are those that are related to you by blood, but who had no part in your biological creation. You can add them into your free family tree as you go along, or first researching your direct descendants and then putting them in later; the choice is yours. You should include them however, and we’ll briefly consider the ones you might want to add, beginning with your nieces and nephews. As the children of your siblings, your nieces and nephews qualify to be included in your free family tree. Your niece will of course be the female offspring, your nephews the male. Any children that your nieces and nephews may have will be known as great-nieces and great-nephews, another "great" being added each time another generation of them is added to your free family tree. The children of your aunts and uncles are your cousins, your first cousins in fact, with subsequent generations of cousins indicated by how many generations "removed" from you they are. For instance, if a child is born of your first cousin, you would enter him or her into your free family tree as "first cousin once removed". A grandchild of your first cousin would be your "first cousin twice removed". I know, it can get a little confusing, and you’re wondering "what about second, third and fourth cousins etc.?" 26

Well, this type of designation can only be used to describe cousins of the same generation. This means that your child would be second cousins to your first cousins child. I know, why couldn’t cousins be called "great" too! Well, some of them are, and some aren’t! This confusion is sometimes reflected in certain documents you might find when researching for your free family tree. Wills and census returns are notorious for this, so exercise discretion if recording information obtained from those records when searching ancestors. Describing Extended Family by Marriage in Your Free Family Tree With same sex marriages, adoptions and illegitimacy all playing a part in genealogy, extended family can number more than your own blood line. For this reason we’ll stick to some of the more useful terms you may need to incorporate into your free family tree. In-Laws One a member of your family gets married; they become a relative of their partner’s family as a result. This is a legally binding relationship, and is extended to siblings of the married couple as well. The mother of the bride becomes the mother-in-law of the groom and vice versa, while siblings become brothers and sisters-in-law. Step-Relations You gain a "step" relative when either one of your parents, or grandparents for that matter, remarries. Your step-mother would be your father’s new wife, while any children she may have would become your step-brothers and step-sisters. Half-Relations The term "half" is used to depict the relationship of two children who share only one biological parent. This is especially popular in step-families, where for instance your biological parent may have a child with their new spouse. This person would become your half-brother or sister. Hopefully this helps you to understand how to describe the various relationships within your free family tree. Our next article in this series will go into a little more detail about how to draw and fill in your free family tree.



BAB III PENUTUP A. Kesimpulan Keluarga besar (Inggris: Extended family) adalah satuan sosial yang terdiri dari keluarga inti dan saudara sedarah, seringkali mencakup tiga generasi atau lebih. The immediate family is a defined group of relations, used in rules or laws to determine which members of a person's family are affected by those rules. It normally includes a person's parents, siblings, spouses, children, or an individual related by blood whose close association is an equivalent of a family relationship. Penyingkatan adalah kata atau angka yang satu atau lebih huruf atau angkanya telah dihilangkan. Pada bentuk ini, apostrophe diletakkan di posisi huruf yang dihilangkan. Apostrophe diletakkan setelah noun. Noun owner tersebut kemudian bisa diikuti oleh noun yang dimlikinya. Apostrophe digunakan untuk membentuk plural form khususnya pada angka atau huruf. Countable Nouns adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung, yang dapat menunjukkan kuantitas atau jumlah. Countable noun memiliki bentuk singular dan plural. Yang termasuk dalam countable noun antara lain yaitu nama orang, nama hewan, ukuran, tempat, dan segala sesuatu yang dapat dilihat dan dihitung. Contohnya yaitu : cat, book, pen, bag, table, etc. Uncountable nouns adalah kata benda yang tidak terhitung, kata benda yang tidak terhitung biasanya menunjuk pada benda yang sifatnya tidak berdiri sendiri, abstrak, dan benda-benda lainnya yang kita lihat sebagai suatu benda yang tanpa batasan yang jelas dan bukan merupakan objek terpisah. Sebagai contoh gula (sugar) bukan merupakan benda yang sifatnya tidak berdiri sendiri, gula biasa dijumpai dalam kumpulan dari ratusan butir-butir kecil. kesedihan (sadness) dan cinta (Love) merupakan hal yang abstrak, tidak memiliki bentuk fisik.


DAFTAR PUSTAKA, diakses pada tanggal 17 oktober 2019,


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