Makalah Bencana Alam Dalam Bahasa Inggris [PDF]

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CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY A. Background Any kind of natural disaster is undesirable. Unfortunately the incident continues. Businesses are not infrequently considered maximal but reality is often inevitable. Fortunately for us who glorify God so that all His will can be understood, even though it means suffering. Many problems related to natural disasters. Loss and damage are among the most often experienced by the arrival of the disaster. Property and humans are forced to be given up, and it's not an easy problem. In a sense it is easily understood and easily accepted by those who experience it. Just imagine the wealth that was collected little by little, maintained for years vanished instantly. The resulting loss depends on the ability to prevent or avoid disaster and their endurance. This understanding relates to the statement: "disaster arises when the threat of danger meets with powerlessness". Thus, dangerous natural activities will not become natural disasters in areas without human powerlessness, for example earthquakes in uninhabited areas. Consequently, the use of the term "nature" was also opposed because the event was not only a danger or disaster without human involvement. The magnitude of the potential loss also depends on the form of its own dangers, ranging from fires, which threaten individual buildings, to large meteor collision events that have the potential to end human civilization. However, in areas that have a high level of danger (hazard) and have a vulnerability / vulnerability (vulnerability) which is also high will not have a great impact / broad if the people who are there have a resilience to disaster (disaster resilience). The concept of disaster resilience is a valuation of the ability of systems and infrastructures to detect, prevent & handle the serious challenges that are present. Thus even though the area is prone to disasters with a large population if balanced with sufficient awareness of disasters. Disaster also means that the pace of development is hampered. Various results of development also become victims so there is a need to rebuild the process. Everyday life also faltered. Students who almost took the exam were forced to stop attending school. This reality also means that there is a possibility of failure in the future. Meeting daily needs also becomes difficult even though a replacement cannot be expected immediately.

B. Formulation of The Problem 1. The problems in this paper are formulated as follows: 2. What is a natural disaster devinist? 3. What are the classification of natural disasters? 4. What are the kinds of natural disasters around us and how to overcome them? 5. What are the impacts that occur due to natural disasters?


CHAPTER II DISCUSSION A. Definition of Natural Disasters Natural disasters are a consequence of a combination of natural activities (a physical event, such as a volcanic eruption, earthquake, landslide) and human activities. Due to human powerlessness, due to poor management of emergencies, causing financial and structural losses, even to death. Natural disasters can also be interpreted as disasters caused by natural phenomena. Actually, natural phenomena are very natural symptoms and usually occur on earth. However, only when these natural phenomena hit humans (lives) and all its cultivation products (possessions, possessions and things), we can only call it a disaster. The resulting loss depends on the ability to prevent or avoid disaster and their endurance. This understanding relates to the statement: "disaster arises when the threat of danger meets with powerlessness". Thus, dangerous natural activities will not become natural disasters in areas without human powerlessness, for example earthquakes in uninhabited areas. Consequently, the use of the term "nature" was also opposed because the event was not only a danger or disaster without human involvement. The magnitude of the potential loss also depends on the form of its own dangers, ranging from fires, which threaten individual buildings, to large meteor collision events that have the potential to end human civilization. However, in areas that have a high level of danger (hazard) and have a vulnerability / vulnerability (vulnerability) which is also high will not have a great impact / broad if the people who are there have a resilience to disaster (disaster resilience). The concept of disaster resilience is a valuation of the ability of systems and infrastructures to detect, prevent & handle the serious challenges that are present. Thus even though the area is prone to disasters with a large population if balanced with sufficient awareness of disasters.

B. Example of Natural Disasters in Indonesia Jakarta flooded, There were 10 people were killed March 10th, 2019 - Some places in Jakarta still flooded to Monday (9/3). National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) declared flood in Jakarta swallow 10 deaths until Monday (9/3) afternoon. In a statement, BNPB, 10 victims who died due to various causes; 2 people due to electric shock, 4 persons because of age and illness, 2 children, 1 drifted into the river, and one person trapped in the basement of the building. 2

 Most deaths are from West Jakarta. The last victim was found dead in flooded areas, among others, the victim in Tebet, South Jakarta on Friday (6/3), and the victim was found in the basement of the evacuation at UOB building on Jalan Sudirman, Central Jakarta. The death toll found by team evacuation in basement 2 UOB building was identified. “For the victims trapped in the basement of the building UOB, to date have found 2 people survived and one person died. Two of the survivors are being treated in hospital Abdi Waluyo, Central Jakarta. Both are Tri Santoso and Tito,” explains Head of Data, Information and PR BNPB, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho in a statement. UOB building evacuation process was carried out by suction of water that flooded the 4th floor of the basement. BNPB mention a number of areas in Jakarta is still flooded, among others Pluit, North Jakarta and West Jakarta (Grogol). Source :

Jakarta Kebanjiran, 10 Orang Tewas 10 Maret 2019 - Beberapa wilayah di Jakarta masih kebanjiran hingga hari Senin (9/3) Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana BNPB menyatakan bahwa banjir di DKI menelan 10 korban meninggal hingga Senin (9/3) sore. Dalam keterangan BNPB, 10 korban meninggal dikarenakan berbagai sebab; 2 orang karena terkena setrum listrik, 4 orang karena faktor usia dan juga sakit, 2 orang anak-anak, 1 orang hanyut ke sungai, dan 1 orang terjebak di basement sebuah gedung. Sebagian besar korban meninggal berasal dari Jakarta Barat. Korban terakhir yang ditemukan meninggal di lokasi banjir antara lain satu korban di Tebet Jakarta Selatan pada Jumat (6/3), dan satu korban ditemukan dalam proses evakuasi di basement Gedung UOB di Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta Pusat. Korban tewas yang ditemukan oleh tim evakuasi gabungan berada di basement 2 Gedung UOB masih dalam tahap identifikasi. “Untuk korban yang terjebak di basement gedung UOB, hingga saat ini telah ditemukan 2 orang selamat dan 1 orang meninggal. Dua orang korban selamat dirawat di RS Abdi Waluyo, Jakarta Pusat. Keduanya adalah Tri Santoso dan Tito,” jelas Kepala Pusat Data, Informasi dan Humas BNPB, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho dalam keterangan tertulisnya. Proses evakuasi di gedung UOB masih dilakukan dengan melakukan penyedotan air yang menggenangi 4 lantai basement. BNPB menyebutkan sejumlah daerah di Jakarta masih terendam banjir, antara lain kawasan Pluit Jakarta Utara dan Grogol Jakarta Barat. Sumber : 3

Puting Beliung Shattered Houses in Surabaya, Surabaya: Torrential downpours joined by solid winds devastated many homes. Individuals who are living in a town in Surabaya, East Java did not accept that their homes were wrecked as a result of a tornado. As demonstrated in Net TV Afternoon News, Thursday (15/03/2019), when the occurrence occurred, the individuals over-burden by escaping. “The wind was so solid we all used up the house on the grounds that the rooftop and tiles scattered,” said a villager. The occupants whose houses broken need to clear to a neighbor’s home whose house made due from tornado. The episode came about misfortune up to several millions dollars. In the interim, a Puting Beliung thumped down electrical cables and various trees in Surabaya Madura. Subsequently, power and phone were detached. Solid winds likewise demolished a sanctuary there. “The solid winds thumped down the wall outside and flew rooftop’s sanctuary,” said one of occupants. As per BMKG Region I Surabaya, Madura, The solid winds that happened in Madura called windy wind which has speed 34 bunches every hour (AN) Source :

Artinya: Angin Puting Beliung Hancurkan Rumah di Surabaya, Surabaya – Hujan yang sangat deras disertai angin kencang menghancurkan puluhan rumah warga. Para warga yang tinggal di perkampungan Surabaya, Jawa Timur, itu tak percaya bahwa rumah mereka hancur karena angin puting beliung. Seperti ditayangkan di Berita Siang NetTV, K (15/3/2019), Saat kejadian berlangsung, para warga berlarian menyelamatkan diri mereka. “Anginnya sangat kencang kami semua berlari keluar rumah karena genting dan atap rumah berhamburan,” jelas seorang warga. Para warga yang rumahnya hancur terpaksa mengungsi ke rumah tetangganya yang rumahnya selamat dari angin puting beliung. Kejadian tersebut megakibatkan kerugian hingga mencapai puluhan juta rupiah. Sementara itu, angin puting beliung merobohkan tiang listrik dan sejumlah pohon besar di Surabaya dan Madura. Akibatnya, aliran listrik dan telpon terputus. Angin yang sangat kencang juga juga menghancurkan sebuah Pura. Pagar luar Pura itu rusak berat “Angin kencang itu merobohkan pagar pura bagian luar dan menerbangkan atapnya,” kata seorang warga.Menurut BMKG Wilayah I Surabaya, Madura, angin kencang yang terjadi di Madura disebut angin ‘gusty’ yang memiliki kecepatan 34 knot per jam. Sumber :


Landslide Lunge House in South Tangerang, Residents Evacuated Saturday February 1 2020 22:35 WIB - Heavy rain which flushed since Saturday 1 February 2020 in the morning caused a landslide in Cipeucang Village, RT 03 RW 03, Kademangan, Setu, South Tangerang (Tangsel). As a result, one resident's house was badly damaged. To anticipate further impacts, the officer is assisted by the local environmental management to evacuate residents who live near the landslide site. Information compiled, landslides occurred approximately at 10:00 WIB. The cliff of land in the back of the house belonging to the late Pa'i, suddenly hit the wall of the house. Luckily there were no casualties when the incident. "The alleged cause is due to high rainfall, from early morning until morning. In addition, soil conditions are also unstable, until landslides occur immediately," said Cisauk Police Chief AKP Rolando Viktor Hutajulu, Saturday (1/2/2020). Viktor Hutajulu added, shortly after the landslide material hit, residents arrived at the location. The incident was immediately reported to the heads of RT and RW, even to the local village. To avoid the worst, the occupants of the house were then evacuated to a safer neighbor's house. "At present, families of victims of landslides have been evacuated to the nearest neighbors, avoiding the occurrence of aftershocks," said Rolando. The situation has not been declared safe, so residents are asked to stay away from the point of landslides. Some officers also helped residents evacuate items inside the house. While the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) has not provided official information about the disaster. Source :

Longsor Terjang Rumah di Tangsel, Warga Dievakuasi Sabtu 01 Februari 2020 22:35 WIB - Hujan deras yang mengguyur sejak Sabtu 1 Februari 2020 dini hari menyebabkan longsor di Kampung Cipeucang, RT 03 RW 03, Kademangan, Setu, Tangerang Selatan (Tangsel). Akibatnya, satu rumah warga rusak parah. Untuk mengantisipasi dampak lanjutan, petugas dibantu pengurus lingkungan setempat melakukan evakuasi warga yang tinggal di dekat lokasi longsor. Informasi yang dihimpun, peristiwa longsor terjadi sekira pukul 10.00 WIB. Tebing tanah yang berada di bagian belakang rumah milik almarhum Pa'i, tiba-tiba menerjang dinding rumah. Beruntung tak ada korban jiwa saat kejadian.


"Diduga penyebabnya ini akibat curah hujan yang tinggi, dari sejak dini hari hingga pagi hari. Selain itu, kondisi tanah juga labil, hingga seketika terjadi longsor," ucap Kapolsek Cisauk AKP Rolando Viktor Hutajulu, Sabtu (1/2/2020). Viktor Hutajulu menambahkan, sesaat setelah material longsor menerjang, warga berdatangan ke lokasi. Kejadian itu langsung dilaporkan ke ketua RT dan RW, bahkan hingga kelurahan setempat. Guna menghindari kemungkinan terburuk, para penghuni rumah lalu diungsikan ke rumah tetangga yang lebih aman. "Saat ini, keluarga korban longsor sudah diungsikan ke tetangga terdekat, menghindari terjadinya longsor susulan," ucap Rolando. Situasi belum dinyatakan aman, maka warga sekitar diminta untuk menjauhi titik longsor. Beberapa petugas juga ikut membantu warga mengevakuasi barang-barang di dalam rumah. Sementara pihak Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD)belum memberikan keterangan resmi soal bencana tersebut. Sumber :

C. Impact of Natural Disasters Natural disasters can have devastating impacts on the economic, social and environmental fields. Damage to infrastructure can interfere with social activities, impacts in the social sphere include death, injuries, illness, loss of shelter and community chaos, while environmental damage can include the destruction of forests that protect the land. One of the most devastating natural disasters, for example earthquakes, over the past 5 centuries, has caused more than 5 million deaths, 20 times more than victims of volcanic eruptions. In a matter of seconds and minutes, the large number of injuries which largely did not cause death required immediate medical assistance from health facilities that were often unprepared, damaged, collapsed due to the earthquake. Disasters such as landslides can also take significant toll on the human community because they cover an area without prior warning and can be triggered by other natural disasters, especially earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, heavy rains or typhoons.


Attachment Picture of Natural Disaster


CHAPTER III CLOSING A. Conclusion Natural disasters are the consequences of a combination of natural activities (physical events, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides) and human activities. Due to human powerlessness, due to poor management of emergencies, causing financial and structural losses, even to death. The resulting loss depends on the ability to prevent or avoid disaster and their endurance. While various types of natural disasters that are around us a) Global Warming b) Earthquakes c) Volcanoes erupt d) Wildfires e) Floods f) Tsunami g) Natural disasters related to weather h) Tornadoes i) Drought The magnitude of the potential loss also depends on the form of its own dangers, ranging from fires, which threaten individual buildings, to large meteor collision events that have the potential to end human civilization. Many problems related to natural disasters. Loss and damage are among the most often experienced by the arrival of the disaster. Property and humans are forced to be given up, and it's not an easy problem. And also hampered the economic pace of the area.

REFERENCES Hartuti, Rine, Evi.2009.Buku Pintar Gempa.Yogyakarta : DIVA Press. Hendarsah, Haruman. 2012.Penilaian Kerentanan dan Kapasitas Masyarakatdalam Menghadapi Bahaya Banjir Lahar Di Kecamatan Salam KabupatenMagelang Menggunakan Metode SIG Partisipatif.Tesis MagisterYogyakarta : Fak. Geografi UGM. LIPI. 2006.Pengembangan Framework untuk Mengukur KesiapsiagaanMasyarakat terhadap Bencana Alam.Jakarta :LIPI-UNESCO/ISDR. Maharani, Sholawatul dan Hadmoko, Sri, Danang. 2012.Pola Adaptasi Pendudukdan Arahan Mitigasi pada Daerah Banjir Lahar Hujan di Bantaran SungaiCode. Jurnal Bumi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 3.Yogyakarta : Fak. GeografiUGM.



Our expressions of gratitude for the presence of the almighty God who bestowed his gifts so that we could compile an English Lesson paper entitled "DISASTER OF NATURE". This paper is organized so that readers can find out about natural disasters, which we present based on observations from various sources, both from books and the internet. We realize that this paper is inseparable from the improvement of various parties, for that the authors express their thanks to the Supervising Teacher who has provided very useful input for the author. The author realizes this paper is far from perfection for that writer hopes that constructive criticism and suggestions to readers of the perfection of this paper in the future. Hopefully this paper useful for us all. Wassalam Composer, Mila Cahya Egi Pranata Rifky Heri Syahputra

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Table of Contents








B. Formulation of The Problem






A. Definition of Natural Disasters



B. Example of Natural Disasters in Indonesia ...................................................


C. Impact of Natural Disasters






A. Conclusion






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Attachment Picture Natural of Disaster


CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY B. Background Any kind of natural disaster is undesirable. Unfortunately the incident continues. Businesses are not infrequently considered maximal but reality is often inevitable. Fortunately for us who glorify God so that all His will can be understood, even though it means suffering. Many problems related to natural disasters. Loss and damage are among the most often experienced by the arrival of the disaster. Property and humans are forced to be given up, and it's not an easy problem. In a sense it is easily understood and easily accepted by those who experience it. Just imagine the wealth that was collected little by little, maintained for years vanished instantly. The resulting loss depends on the ability to prevent or avoid disaster and their endurance. This understanding relates to the statement: "disaster arises when the threat of danger meets with powerlessness". Thus, dangerous natural activities will not become natural disasters in areas without human powerlessness, for example earthquakes in uninhabited areas. Consequently, the use of the term "nature" was also opposed because the event was not only a danger or disaster without human involvement. The magnitude of the potential loss also depends on the form of its own dangers, ranging from fires, which threaten individual buildings, to large meteor collision events that have the potential to end human civilization. However, in areas that have a high level of danger (hazard) and have a vulnerability / vulnerability (vulnerability) which is also high will not have a great impact / broad if the people who are there have a resilience to disaster (disaster resilience). The concept of disaster resilience is a valuation of the ability of systems and infrastructures to detect, prevent & handle the serious challenges that are present. Thus even though the area is prone to disasters with a large population if balanced with sufficient awareness of disasters. Disaster also means that the pace of development is hampered. Various results of development also become victims so there is a need to rebuild the process. Everyday life also faltered. Students who almost took the exam were forced to stop attending school. This reality also means that there is a possibility of failure in the future. Meeting daily needs also becomes difficult even though a replacement cannot be expected immediately.

B. Formulation of The Problem 1. The problems in this paper are formulated as follows: 2. What is a natural disaster devinist? 3. What are the classification of natural disasters? 4. What are the kinds of natural disasters around us and how to overcome them? 5. What are the impacts that occur due to natural disasters?


CHAPTER II DISCUSSION D. Definition of Natural Disasters Natural disasters are a consequence of a combination of natural activities (a physical event, such as a volcanic eruption, earthquake, landslide) and human activities. Due to human powerlessness, due to poor management of emergencies, causing financial and structural losses, even to death. Natural disasters can also be interpreted as disasters caused by natural phenomena. Actually, natural phenomena are very natural symptoms and usually occur on earth. However, only when these natural phenomena hit humans (lives) and all its cultivation products (possessions, possessions and things), we can only call it a disaster. The resulting loss depends on the ability to prevent or avoid disaster and their endurance. This understanding relates to the statement: "disaster arises when the threat of danger meets with powerlessness". Thus, dangerous natural activities will not become natural disasters in areas without human powerlessness, for example earthquakes in uninhabited areas. Consequently, the use of the term "nature" was also opposed because the event was not only a danger or disaster without human involvement. The magnitude of the potential loss also depends on the form of its own dangers, ranging from fires, which threaten individual buildings, to large meteor collision events that have the potential to end human civilization. However, in areas that have a high level of danger (hazard) and have a vulnerability / vulnerability (vulnerability) which is also high will not have a great impact / broad if the people who are there have a resilience to disaster (disaster resilience). The concept of disaster resilience is a valuation of the ability of systems and infrastructures to detect, prevent & handle the serious challenges that are present. Thus even though the area is prone to disasters with a large population if balanced with sufficient awareness of disasters.

E. Clasification of Natural Disasters 1.

Geological natural disasters, This natural disaster is caused by forces originating from within the earth (endogenous force). Geological disasters include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.


Climatological natural disasters. Climatological natural disasters are natural disasters caused by wind and rain. Examples of climatological natural disasters are floods, storms, flash floods, whirlwinds, drought, and natural forest fires (not by humans. Ground movements (landslides) are also natural disasters, although the main trigger is climatological factors (rain), but the initial symptoms start from geological conditions (types and characteristics of soil and rocks and so on).


Extra-terrestrial natural disasters. Extra-Terrestrial natural disasters are natural disasters that occur in space, for example: impact / impact meteors. When the impact of heavenly bodies on the surface of the earth will cause catastrophic natural disasters for the inhabitants of the earth. 13

F. Example of Natural Disasters in Indonesia Pekanbaru Sky Yellowing Due To Smoke Haze, Residents Start Evacuating Sep 13, 2019, 15:11 WIB, Pekanbaru - The severity of the haze due to forest cover makes the city of Pekanbaru turn yellow. A number of city residents were monitored began to evacuate. "We decided to go to Jakarta because we couldn't stand the smoke (Pekanbaru)," said a resident, Sylviawati (27) when met at Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport, Pekanbaru, Friday (09/13/2019). He said the air quality was very bad due to the haze. In addition to the pungent stench of smoke, the appearance of Pekanbaru City is also no longer bright but yellowing because the smoke is getting thicker. She and her husband decided to leave Pekanbaru because they considered the health of their two small children. "Maybe in Jakarta about 10 days, after all school children have also been closed," he was quoted as saying Antara page. Aside from fleeing to Jakarta, Pekanbaru residents also choose to go to the Province of West Sumatra. A resident of Irfan (36), said to evacuate his wife and two children to the City of Payakumbuh. "I have called the family in Payakumbuh, where the sun is still shining bright and the sky is still blue," he said. He said Payakumbuh does not need a large fee because it can be reached by road. The decision to evacuate was considered the best because the smoke became thicker and felt into the room. "My wife complains that her eyes are still sore because of the smoke coming into her office, even though she has closed the window and used air conditioning. Poor she works must wear a mask, finally decided to leave permission," he said. Air quality in parts of Pekanbaru and a number of areas in Riau is in the dangerous category due to the pollution of the forest fire haze. Until around 3:00 pm on Friday afternoon, smoke was still seen thickly enveloping Pekanbaru. The most severe conditions occur in the morning because visibility in Pekanbaru dropped dramatically to only 300 meters. This could make a number of Pekanbaru residents excited because of the thick smoke making the Siak IV Bridge invisible. Based on data from the Pekanbaru Station BMKG, on Friday morning at 06.00 West Indonesia Time there were 1,319 hotspots which were indicative of the Karhutla standby crew on the island of Sumatra. The most hotspots in South Sumatra Province are 537 points, then Jambi 440 points, and Riau itself has 239 hotspots. Specifically in Riau, the most hot spots in Indragiri Hilir (Inhil) Regency are 127 points, Indragiri Hulu (Inhu) 31 points, Pelalawan 30 points, Rokan Hilir (Rohil) 18 points, Kuansing and Kampar 11 points each, Bengkalis 7 points point, Siak 3 point and Kota Dumai there is one point.


Of these, 177 were confirmed to be hotspots. The most locations are in Inhil with 98 points. Then in Inhu as many as 20 points, 21 points Pelalawan, Rohil 13 points, Kuansing 9 points, Kampar 8 points, Bengkalis 6 points, and Siak two points. The smoke that surrounds Pekanbaru originates from the forest and land fires in the southern area and also the shipment of smoke from Jambi and South Sumatra provinces.

Langit Pekanbaru Menguning Akibat Kabut Asap, Warga Mulai Mengungsi 13 Sep 2019, 15:11 WIB, Pekanbaru - Parahnya kabut asap akibat kebaran hutan membuat Kota Pekanbaru menguning. Sejumlah warga kota terpantau mulai mengungsi. "Kami putuskan ke Jakarta karena gak tahan asapnya (Pekanbaru),” kata seorang warga, Sylviawati (27) ketika ditemui di Bandara Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Pekanbaru, Jumat (13/9/2019). Ia mengatakan kualitas udara sudah sangat buruk akibat kabut asap. Selain bau asap menyengat menyesakkan pernafasan, penampilan Kota Pekanbaru juga tidak lagi cerah melainkan menguning karena asap makin pekat. Dia dan suaminya memutuskan meninggalkan Pekanbaru karena mempertimbangkan kesehatan dua anak mereka yang masih kecil-kecil. "Mungkin di Jakarta sekitar 10 hari, lagi pula anak sekolah juga sudah diliburkan," katanya dikutip laman Antara. Selain mengungsi ke Jakarta, warga Pekanbaru juga ada yang memilih pergi ke Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Seorang warga Irfan (36), mengatakan mengungsikan istri dan dua anaknya ke Kota Payakumbuh. "Saya sudah telepon keluarga di Payakumbuh, di sana matahari masih bersinar terang dan langit masih biru," katanya. Ia mengatakan ke Payakumbuh tidak butuh biaya besar karena bisa ditempuh lewat jalan darat. Keputusan mengungsi dinilainya yang terbaik karena asap makin pekat dan terasa sampai ke dalam ruangan. "IStri saya mengeluh matanya masih perih karena asap yang masuk ke ruangan kerjanya, padahal sudah tertutup jendela dan pakai AC. Kasihan dia kerja harus pakai masker, akhirnya memutuskan izin cuti," katanya. Kualitas udara di sebagian Pekanbaru dan sejumlah wilayah di Riau dalam kategori berbahaya akibat polusi kabut asap Karhutla. Hingga sekitar pukul 15.00 WIB Jumat sore, asap masih terlihat pekat menyelimuti Pekanbaru. Kondisi paling parah terjadi pada pagi hari karena jarak pandang di Pekanbaru turun drastis hingga tinggal 300 meter. Hal ini sempat membuat sejumlah warga Kota Pekanbaru heboh karena asap yang pekat membuat Jembatan Siak IV tidak terlihat dari pandangan mata. 15

Berdasarkan data BMKG Stasiun Pekanbaru, pada Jumat pagi pukul 06.00 WIB terpantau ada 1.319 titik panas (hotspot) yang jadi indikasi awak siaga karhutla di Pulau Sumatera. Titik panas paling banyak di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan (Sumsel) yakni 537 titik, kemudian Jambi 440 titik, dan Riau sendiri ada 239 titik panas. Khusus di Riau, titik panas paling banyak di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir (Inhil) ada 127 titik, Indragiri Hulu (Inhu) 31 titik, Pelalawan 30 titik, Rokan Hilir (Rohil) 18 titik, Kuansing dan Kampar masing-masing 11 titik, Bengkalis 7 titik, Siak 3 titik dan Kota Dumai ada satu titik. Dari jumlah tersebut, 177 yang dipastikan titik api. Lokasi paling banyak di Inhil dengan 98 titik. Kemudian di Inhu sebanyak 20 titik, Pelalawan 21 titik, Rohil 13 titik, Kuansing 9 titik, Kampar 8 titik, Bengkalis 6 titik, dan Siak dua titik. Asap yang menyelimuti Pekanbaru berasal dari karhutla di daerah bagian selatan dan juga asap kiriman dari Provinsi Jambi dan Sumsel.

Jakarta, Banten and West Java floods: 60 people died January 5, 2020

BBC News Indonesia - On Sunday (05/01) morning the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) issued an early warning, which was followed up by the BNPB by issuing an appeal, especially for residents in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi and surrounding areas. "In the future there is still the potential for extreme rain. We appeal, residents who are still affected by flooding to remain in refugee camps, especially in areas where water is still high," BNPB spokesman Agus Wibowo told BBC News Indonesia on Sunday . "Yesterday we went to Pondok Jati Permai housing complex in Jati Asih, Bekasi. There was still a pool of water as high as 60 centimeters," Agus said. With predictions of extreme rain for some time to come, there is a possibility that the water will rise. Rain and landslides in the provinces of Jakarta, Banten and West Java have caused 60 deaths so far. According to BNPB information, 16 people died in Jakarta and Bogor, Bekasi City and Lebak nine each, and the rest in Bogor City, Depok City, Tangerang, South Tangerang and Bekasi. "There was an increase in the number of victims in Lebak Regency," Agus said. Until Sunday (05/01) the number of refugees was reduced to around 92,000 people. Agus said refugees in several regions experienced a decline, because they had returned to their respective homes. The day before, the number of refugees was 173,050 people. Data from the Ministry of Social Affairs said the death toll included drowning and being dragged by floods in Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi, Tangerang and being hit by a landslide in Depok. BNPB Chairman Doni Monardo asked residents who live in watersheds in Jakarta to evacuate. "As data has been submitted BMKG high rainfall, this region must be immediately emptied, do not let our brothers still survive in areas that are very close to the river's edge because suddenly the flood could come and there was no chance to save themselves , "said Doni. 16

The total number of refugees in the Greater Jakarta Area and Lebak Regency is 92,261 people. 60 victims died and two were missing. Report compiled according to BNPB data recapitulation as of January 4, 2020 at 18:00 WIB. On Thursday (02/01), BNPB data stated that water levels in a number of places in Jakarta were very high, including in Manggarai. Tens of thousands of people have been evacuated to temporary shelters in the capital using rubber boats in the worst flooding since 2013. Images from a number of places from 41 flooded points in the capital show houses submerged to the roof of houses and cars dragged by the flood current. High rainfall that hit Jakarta and its surroundings, according to BMKG, will only reach its peak in mid-January and last until early March.

Banjir Jakarta, Banten dan Jabar: Korban meninggal 60 orang 5 Januari 2020

BBC News Indonesia - Pada Minggu (05/01) pagi Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) mengeluarkan peringatan dini, yang ditindaklanjuti oleh BNPB dengan mengeluarkan imbauan, khusunya bagi warga di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi dan sekitarnya. "Ke depan masih ada potensi hujan ekstrem. Kami imbau, warga yang masih terkena banjir untuk tetap berada di pengungsian, khususnya di daerah-daerah di mana air masih tinggi," kata juru bicara BNPB, Agus Wibowo, kepada BBC News Indonesia, hari Minggu. "Kemarin kami ke perumahan Pondok Jati Permai di Jati Asih, Bekasi. Di sana masih ada genangan air setinggi 60 sentimeter," kata Agus. Dengan prediksi adanya hujan ekstrem untuk beberapa waktu ke depan, ada kemungkinan air akan naik. Hujan dan longsor di Provinsi Jakarta, Banten, dan Jawa Barat sejauh ini menyebabkan 60 orang meninggal dunia. Menurut keterangan BNPB, korban jiwa di Jakarta dan Bogor masing-masing 16 orang, Kota Bekasi dan Lebak masing-masing sembilan orang, dan sisanya di Kota Bogor, Kota Depok, Tangerang, Tangerang Selatan dan Bekasi. "Terjadi penambahan jumlah korban di Kabupaten Lebak," ujar Agus. Hingga Minggu (05/01) jumlah pengungsi berkurang menjadi sekitar 92.000 orang. Agus mengatakan pengungsi di beberapa wilayah mengalami penurunan, karena telah kembali ke rumah masing-masing. Sehari sebelumnya, jumlah pengungsi 173.050 orang. Data dari Kementerian Sosial menyebutkan korban meninggal termasuk tenggelam dan terseret banjir di Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi, Tangerang dan terkena longsor di Depok. Ketua BNPB Doni Monardo meminta warga yang tinggal di daerah aliran sungai di Jakarta untuk mengungsi. "Sebagaimana data yang sudah disampaikan BMKG curah hujan tinggi maka kawasan ini harus segera dikosongkan, jangan biarkan saudara kita masih bertahan di daerah-daerah yang jaraknya dengan bibir


sungai sangat dekat karena tiba-tiba saja air bah bisa datang dan tidak ada kesempatan untuk menyelamatkan diri," kata Doni. Total pengungsi di wilayah Jabodetabek dan Kabupaten Lebak sejumlah 92.261 jiwa. 60 korban meninggal dunia dan dua orang hilang. Laporan disusun menurut rekapitulasi data BNPB per tanggal 4 Januari 2020 pukul 18:00 WIB. Pada Kamis (02/01), data BNPB menyebutkan tinggi permukaan air di sejumlah tempat di Jakarta sangat tinggi, termasuk di Manggarai. Puluhan ribu orang diungsikan ke tempat-tempat penampungan sementara di ibu kota dengan menggunakan perahu karet dalam banjir terparah sejak 2013 ini. Gambar-gambar dari sejumlah tempat dari 41 titik yang tergenang di ibu kota menunjukkan rumah-rumah terendam sampai atap rumah dan mobil-mobil terseret arus banjir. Curah hujan tinggi yang melanda Jakarta dan sekitarnya, menurut BMKG, baru akan mencapai puncaknya pada pertengahan Januari dan berlangsung sampai awal Maret.

Gunung Pandan Cliff in Madiun Avalanche, Closed Village Road Access Tuesday, February 4, 2020 16:36 WIB

Detik - Landslide occurred in Gunung Pandan, Madiun Regency. Avalanche of cliffs as high as about 30 meters closed the main access road in the village of Sumberbendo, District of Saradan. "For the landslide at this time we are still cleaning it together with the community, shoulder to shoulder, to evacuate the land and rocks that cut off the village road. Get involved BPBD, TNI and Polri," explained SAR Team Commander 2 Battalion C Battalion Pioneer of East Java Regional Police Aiptu Joko Yatin told reporters at the location on Tuesday (2/4/2020). The landslide at 06.00 WIB, said Joko, was due to the high intensity of rain that flushed the Mount Pandan area from Monday afternoon to early morning. The hilly location with a fairly high cliff and the structure of the earth is easy to move, continued Joko, resulting in low water absorption so that the cliff easily landslides. "Rainfall is indeed high from Monday afternoon to early morning. The easy-to-move soil structure and low absorbency cause landslides," Joko said. Saradan Police Chief AKP Sujarwanto said the evacuation process was very fast because it was assisted by many residents. Police are urging motorists to be vigilant because, if it rains, the location is slippery because there are still traces of land left behind. "We urge residents to always be vigilant and be careful because the rainy season is still ongoing, with high rainfall. And what if there is a landslide so report immediately to the relevant agencies," Joko said. AFP monitoring, until 16:30 WIB, the lane can be passed by two-wheeled vehicles and four-wheeled vehicles. But it must remain vigilant because large stones cannot be moved and are waiting for heavy equipment.


Tebing Gunung Pandan di Madiun Longsor, Akses Jalan Desa Tertutup Selasa, 04 Feb 2020 16:36 WIB

Detik - Tanah longsor terjadi di Gunung Pandan, Kabupaten Madiun. Longsoran tebing setinggi sekitar 30 meter itu menutup akses jalan utama di Desa Sumberbendo, Kecamatan Saradan. "Untuk longsor saat ini kami masih bersihkan bersama-sama masyarakat, bahu-membahu, untuk mengevakuasi tanah dan batu yang memutus jalan desa. Ikut terlibat BPBD, TNI, dan Polri," terang Komandan Team SAR Kompi 2 Batalion C Pelopor Satbrimob Polda Jatim Aiptu Joko Yatin kepada wartawan di lokasi, Selasa, (4/2/2020). Longsor pukul 06.00 WIB tersebut, kata Joko, akibat tingginya intensitas hujan yang mengguyur kawasan Gunung Pandan sejak Senin sore hingga dini hari. Lokasi yang berbukit dengan tebing yang cukup tinggi serta struktur tanah mudah bergerak, lanjut Joko, mengakibatkan daya resap air rendah sehingga mengakibatkan tebing mudah longsor. "Curah hujan memang tinggi sejak Senin sore hingga dini hari. Struktur tanah yang mudah gerak serta daya resap rendah menyebabkan longsor," ujar Joko. Kapolsek Saradan AKP Sujarwanto mengatakan proses evakuasi sangat cepat karena dibantu banyak warga. Polisi mengimbau para pengendara waspada karena, jika terjadi hujan, lokasi licin karena masih ada bekas sisa tanah yang tertinggal. "Kami mengimbau agar warga selalu waspada dan berhati-hati karena musim hujan yang masih berlangsung, dengan curah hujan yang tinggi. Dan apa bila terjadi tanah longsor agar melaporkan segera ke instansi terkait," kata Joko. Pantauan detikcom, hingga pukul 16.30 WIB, jalur sudah bisa dilewati kendaraan roda dua maupun roda empat. Namun harus tetap waspada karena batu-batu yang besar belum bisa di pindahkan dan menunggu alat berat.

G. Impact of Natural Disasters Natural disasters can have devastating impacts on the economic, social and environmental fields. Damage to infrastructure can interfere with social activities, impacts in the social sphere include death, injuries, illness, loss of shelter and community chaos, while environmental damage can include the destruction of forests that protect the land. One of the most devastating natural disasters, for example earthquakes, over the past 5 centuries, has caused more than 5 million deaths, 20 times more than victims of volcanic eruptions. In a matter of seconds and minutes, the large number of injuries which largely did not cause death required immediate medical assistance from health facilities that were often unprepared, damaged, collapsed due to the earthquake. Disasters such as landslides can also take significant toll on the human community because they cover an area without prior warning and can be triggered by other natural disasters, especially earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, heavy rains or typhoons. 19

CHAPTER III CLOSING A. Conclusion Natural disasters are the consequences of a combination of natural activities (physical events, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides) and human activities. Due to human powerlessness, due to poor management of emergencies, causing financial and structural losses, even to death. The resulting loss depends on the ability to prevent or avoid disaster and their endurance. While various types of natural disasters that are around us a) Global Warming b) Earthquakes c) Volcanoes erupt d) Wildfires e) Floods f) Tsunami g) Natural disasters related to weather h) Tornadoes i) Drought The magnitude of the potential loss also depends on the form of its own dangers, ranging from fires, which threaten individual buildings, to large meteor collision events that have the potential to end human civilization. Many problems related to natural disasters. Loss and damage are among the most often experienced by the arrival of the disaster. Property and humans are forced to be given up, and it's not an easy problem. And also hampered the economic pace of the area. B. Suggestion Suggestions that can be submitted after the discussion of this paper are 1. To the government to improve disaster management so that as early as possible natural disasters in Indonesia can be anticipated. 2. To the community to better protect the environment because after all disasters that occur can not be separated from environmental damage.



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Our expressions of gratitude for the presence of the almighty God Allah SWT who bestowed his gifts so that we could compile an English Lesson paper entitled "Disaster Of Nature". This paper is organized so that readers can find out about natural disasters, which we present based on observations from various sources, both from books and the internet. We realize that this paper is inseparable from the improvement of various parties, for that the authors express their thanks to the Supervising Teacher who has provided very useful input for the author. The author realizes this paper is far from perfection for that writer hopes that constructive criticism and suggestions to readers of the perfection of this paper in the future. Hopefully this paper useful for us all. Wassalam Composer, M. Qodri Akmal Isma Nurhidayat Sinaga Putri Suci, R Dina Amelia




Foreword ....................................................................................................


Table of Contents ......................................................................................


CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY ...................................................................


A. Background ...........................................................................................


B. Formulation of The Problem .................................................................


CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ...................................................................


A. Definition of Natural Disasters .............................................................


B. Example of Natural Disasters in Indonesia ...........................................


C. Impact of Natural Disasters .............................................................


CHAPTER III CLOSING ...................................................................


A. Conclusion ...........................................................................................


B. Sugestion .......................................................................................




