Makalah BHS Inggris Kelompok 5 [PDF]

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PAPER IMPLIED DETAIL QUESTIONS MANAGEMENT 312-B Submitted to fulfill one of the assignments for the Middle English course

Arranged by GROUP 5 : Angga


Apriliana Agustina


Bela Oktavia Safitri


Eka Ginanjar Saputra




Putri Oktaviani


Faculty of Economics Management Major Pamulang University 2020

Preface First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing the paper entitled “The 10 Impect Detail Quisions” right in the calculated time. The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mrs.Rosa as lecturer in English major.  In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer also realized there are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper. Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process of writing this paper. hopefullyallah replies all helps and bless you all.the writer realized tha this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content.  then the writer hope the criticism from the readers can help the writer in Perfecting the next paper.last but not the least Hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge about English major.

Table of Contents Preface..................................................................................................................................................2 Chapter I..............................................................................................................................................4 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................4 A.



MATERIAL DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................4

Chapter II.............................................................................................................................................5 Discussion.............................................................................................................................................5 A.

Learning about Inferences......................................................................................................5 1)







Choosing correct plausible inferences....................................................................................6


Learning about Inferences......................................................................................................7


Problem With Implied Detail Questions................................................................................9

E. Indonesian Version...................................................................................................................11 Chapter III.........................................................................................................................................16 Closing................................................................................................................................................16 A. Conclussion................................................................................................................................16 REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................17

Chapter I Introduction

A. OBJECTIVES After studying this material, students are able to: 1. Imply answers as they are not directly stated in the passage B. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Activity 1 Participating in Classroom Discussion 1. Have you ever concluded something your relatives or friends never explicitly say to you? 2. Why did you draw conclusion? 3. How did you draw conclusion? 4. What if you did not draw conclusion to it?

Chapter II Discussion

A. Learning about Inferences Just as a scientist can make conclusion from research, a careful reader can draw inferences from reading. An inference is a logical conclusion you can make by using information given to you. In reading, a text may not state a conclusion directly, but it provides information that the reader can use to make a plausible, or likely, conclusion. Read the following example: “ The number of obese youths grows 10 percent every year,” says Aimin hospital director Shi Lidong. “ It’ s partly because they are spoiled by doting parents and grandparents.” Here are plausible Inferences: 1. Some Chinese parents and grandparents use food to spoil their children. 2. Therefore, in some Chinese families, food must be a positive thing, a treat, or a reward to children. 3. Also, the standard of living in China is probably high enough for families to provide children with excess food. lnference questions ask about the meaning of a line, paragraph, or even an entire passage. The ideas being asked about are not directly stated in the text, which mean that inference questions often include the phrases “ could be interpreted to mean” or “ suggests that." However, the answers to these questions cannot be subjective or ambiguous. There are three main kinds of inference questions: deduction, speculation, and examination. 1) Deduction Inference questions that fall into this subcategory ask you to fill in missing information. The gist of most of the questions is "If something is said in the passage, what is the logical extension?" Deduction questions are very close to

detail questions, except that you must make a logical deduction, rather than relying only on information in the passage. 2) Speculation These inference questions ask you to speculate about the meaning (or "suggested" meaning) of a statement, description, or something else in the passage. In some ways, these are similar to function questions, but the answers the SAT is looking for are very different. 3) Examination Inference questions which fall into the examination subcategory question you about the internal life (thoughts, feelings, motivations) of the narrator, author, or someone mentioned in the passage. They can mostly be summed up as asking "What would [this person] think about [that thing]?" Examination questions are the most complicated type of inference questions, because they ask you to get into the head of the author/narrator/character/other person mentioned in the text. You will often see these sorts of questions on paired passages. Here are some tips to answer such typical questions a. Inference questions ask you to deduce, speculate, and examine based on evidence directly stated in the text. b. In order to successfully answer inference questions, you must make sure you understand the question c. Look for context to help if the lines/words mentioned in the question aren't enough d. Answer the question in your own words before looking at the SAT’ s answer choices e. Answer




confusing/disorienting f. Eliminate three wrong answers








B. Choosing correct plausible inferences Read the two possible inferences you might draw from the information in the reading, and put a check mark next to the one you think is the most plausible. 1. Ten food groups were difficult for consumers to remember, so these groups were trimmed to four food groups by the U.S government by the late 1950s. ____ The U.S. government thought people were having a hard time understanding so many food groups. ____ There are really only four food groups. 2. In developed countries, food guides tend to promote a diet that prevents chronic disease. In developing countries, however, the goal of the food guide is to promote a diet that provides nutrients to safeguard against malnutrition. ____ People from developing countries don’ t have chronic disease. ____ People from developing countries worry about malnutrition. 3. Mexico’ s chalice graphic illustrates the importance of water for overall health by placing “ water” at the top and largest section of the chalice. Mexico has one of few food guides that characterize water as a principal part of the diet. ____ Water is in short supply in Mexico. ____ Mexico has a lot of water. 4. Budi is one of the many Indonesians and foreign patients who have checked into the Aimin Obesity Reduction Hospital to lose weight and gain self-esteem. ____ Obese people have problems with their self-image. ____ In Indonesian society, obesity is viewed as a positive characteristic. 5. Forty to fifty years back, children used to engage in more of outdoor activities. ____ Today’ s children have many more interesting indoor activities ____ Children today get a lot of physical exercise.

C. Learning about Inferences You will sometimes be asked to answer a multiple choice question about a reading passage by drawing a conclusion from a specific detail or details in the

passage. Questions of this type contain the words implied, inferred, likely, or probably to let you know that the answer to the question is not directly stated. In this type of question, it is important to understand that you do not have to "pull the answer out of thin air." Instead, some information will be given in the passage, and you will draw a conclusion from that information. Look at a multiple choice example of an implied detail question. The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about implied detail questions :

IMPLIED DETAIL QUESTIONS It is implied in the passage that ….. It can be inferred from the passage that …. HOW TO IDENTIFY THE

It is most likely that ….


What probably happened ….?


The answers to these questions are generally found in order in


the passage. Choose a key word in the question Scan the passage for the key word (or a related idea) Carefully read the sentence that contains the key word


Look for an answer that could be true, according to that



Example : The passage: The Hawaiian language is a melodious language in which all words are derived from an alphabet of only twelve letters, the five vowels a, e, i, o, u and the seven consonants h, k, l, m, n, p, w. Each syllable in the language ends in a vowel, and two

consonants never appear together, so vowels have a much higher frequency in the Hawaiian language than they do in English. This musical-sounding language can be heard regularly by visitors to the islands. Most Hawaiian speak English, but it is quite common to hear English that is liberally spiced with words and expressions from the traditional language of the culture. A visitor may be greeted with the expression aloha and may be referred to as a malihini because he is a newcomer to the island. The visitor may attend an outside luau where everyone eats too much and be invited afterwards to dance hula. The question: Which of the following is probably NOT a Hawaiian word: a) Mahalo b) Mahimahi c) Meklea d) Moana D. Problem With Implied Detail Questions Some questions in the Reading Comprehension section of the TOEFL test will require answers that are not directly stated in the passage. To answer these questions correctly, you will have to draw conclusions from information that is given in the passage. Questions of this type contain the words implied, inferred, likely, or probably to let you know that the answer to the question is not directly stated Example : The passage The number of rings in a tree can be used to determine how old a tree really is. Each year a tree produces a ring that is composed of one light-colored wide band and one dark-colored narrow band.The wider band is produced during the spring and early summer, when tree stem cells grow rapidly and become larger. The narrower band is produced in fall and early winter, when cell growth is much slower and cells do not get. Very large. No cells are produced during the harsh winter and summer months.

The questions: 1. It is implied in the passage that if a tree has 100 wide bands and 100 narrow bands then it is     (A) a century old     (B) two centuries old     (C) fifty years old     (D) two hundred years old 2. It can be inferred from the passage that cells do not grow    (A) when the tree is ill    (B) during extreme heat or cold    (C) when it rains too much    (D) if there are more light-colored bands than dark-colored bands

Analysis: The first question asks about the age of a tree with 100 wide bands and 100 narrow bands. The passage does not tell the age of a tree with 100 wide and narrow bands, but it does indicate that one.. . wide band and one. . . narrow band are produced each year. From this you can draw the conclusion that a tree with 100 wide and narrow bands is 100 years, or a century, old. The best answer to this question is therefore answer (A).  The second question asks when cells do not grow. The pas sage indicates that no cells are produced during the harsh winter and summer months. From this you can draw the conclusion that cells do not grow during the extreme heat of summer or the extreme cold of winter. The best answer to this question is therefore answer (B). The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about implied detail questions.

E. Indonesian Version

PERTANYAAN DETAIL/ IMPLIED DETAIL QUESTIONS Pertanyaan semacam ini pasti akan kamu temui saat mengerjakan tes TOEFL. Soal seperti ini akan menguji pengetahuanmu tentang informasi yang ada dalam narasi, terutama yang sudah disebutkan secara spesifik dalam bagian kecil narasi. Biasanya, pertanyaan ini fokus pada siapa atau “who”, apa yang terjadi “what”, kapan “when”, di mana kejadiannya “where”, dan mengapa “why”. Format pertanyaan biasanya seperti ini: According to Paraghraph X, which one is true? Dalam pertanyaan ini biasanya akan disebutkan paragraf atau bahkan baris tertentu, dan kamu harus mencocokkan mana yang paling benar dari 4 pilihan jawaban. Which of the following is the passage mainly concerned or summarizes the passage? Dari soal ini kamu dituntut untuk bisa merangkum intisari bacaan atau kesimpulan yang bisa diambil. Cari tahu jawaban yang mirip dengan narasi yang dimaksud, tapi ingat jangan sampai terjebak dengan kesamaan kata. The author’s description of __ mentions which of the following? Pertanyaan ini biasanya mengacu pada sebuah istilah yang kurang familiar sehingga perlu penjelasan lebih lanjut. Kamu harus berperan layaknya kamus, mengartikan sebuah kata atau istilah dan memilih mana jawaban yang paling benar. What does the author imply about __ (usually mentioning about term in passage)? Sama seperti pertanyaan sebelumnya, soal sejenis ini mengharuskan kamu untuk mengetahui intisari dari bagian kecil dalam bacaan. Kamu bisa memahaminya dengan mengaitkan pada kalimat-kalimat yang muncul sebelum dan sesudahnya. According to Paragraph X, __ occured because… Kali ini kamu dituntut untuk tahu alasan mengapa sebuah hal terjadi. Analisis yang tajam namun cepat diperlukan dengan merangkum sebab-akibat yang ada dalam narasi.

Ada 2 jebakan utama yang biasanya membuat orang tertipu saat membaca soal semacam ini. Jebakan pertama adalah kamu memang memilih pernyataan yang benar dan tercantum pada bacaan, namun itu TIDAK menjawab soal yang ada. Jebakan kedua biasanya adalah orang-orang secara tidak sadar memilih jawaban dengan banyak kesamaan kata dengan bacaan di atasnya. Padahal bisa jadi pilihan jawaban itu memiliki makna yang bertentangan. Contohnya: “Shopping makes me happy” bermakna lain dengan “Happiness makes me shop”. Tapi tenang, kamu bisa menghindarinya jika tidak sekadar memilih jawaban hanya karena ada kesamaan kata atau key words. Selanjutnya mari kita coba berlatih dengan membaca tulisan dari Science News berikut ini: Shrouded in the mist of an Andean cloud forest, the first newly discovered carnivore in the Western Hemisphere in 35 years rarely leaves its treetop home. Smithsonian researchers stumbled upon Bassaricyon neblina, also known as the “olinguito,” while riffling through museum specimens and old field notes in search of information about other members of the genus Bassaricyon—a group of tree-dwelling meat-eaters commonly known as olingos. As described by researchers, the olinguito weighs just 2 pounds and resides at 5,000 to 9,000 feet above sea level, making the orange-and-brown tree dweller the smallest and highest-venturing of the olingo species. Misidentified until now, olinguito specimens have existed in museums for 100 years, and at least one olinguito lived in several U.S. zoos during the 1960s and 1970s. Setelah membaca narasi tersebut, biasanya akan muncul pertanyaanpertanyaan seperti: According to the passage, how was the olinguito discovered? A) It has been common in museums for a century. B) A Smithsonian researcher who has spent 35 years in the Andean forest discovered it. C) The olinguito has been a known part of the olingo species for many decades.

D) The olinguito was misidentified in museum records, and the mistake was only recently discovered. Coba perhatikan pilihan jawaban A. Itu adalah pernyataan yang tepat dan bisa disimpulkan dari bacaan yang ada, tapi tidak menjawab pertanyaan. Pilihan jawaban B adalah contoh dari jebakan kedua yang harus kamu hindari, karena pernyataan itu menggabungkan kata kunci yang ada dalam bacaan hingga menjadi kalimat yang sama sekali tidak tepat. Pilihan jawaban C cukup jelas bertentangan dengan isi bacaan. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah D. Tentu saja waktu yang kamu miliki saat hari H mengerjakan tes tidak akan seleluasa seperti saat kamu membaca analisis jawaban di atas. Tidak perlu merunut satu persatu jawaban jika kamu bisa menemukan jawaban tepat dengan cepat. Cara terbaik untuk menjawab pertanyaan detil seperti ini adalah dengan membaca pertanyaan terlebih dahulu. Jangan mengintip pilihan jawaban agar konsentrasimu tidak buyar. Bergeserlah ke narasi hingga menemukan kalimat yang sesuai dengan pertanyaan. Baru setelah itu, kamu bisa mencocokkannya dengan pilihan jawaban yang ada. Bagaimana tanda jika kamu berhasil menemukan intisari pertanyaan dengan cepat? Intip pertanyaan terlebih dahulu, dan kamu akan tahu bahwa researchers found the olinguito while “riffling through museum specimens and old field notes,” kamu bisa dengan cepat memilih jawaban D sebagai yang paling tepat.

HOW TO IDENTIFY THE QUESTION It is implied in the passage that ... It can be inferred from the passage that ... It is most likely that ... What probably happened...?

WHERE TO FIND THE ANSWER The answers to these questions are found in order in the passage.

HOW TO ANSWER THE QUESTION 1.     Choose a key word in the question. 2.     Scan the passage for the key word (or a related idea). 3.     Carefully read the sentence that contains the key word. 4.     Look far an answer that could be true, according to that sentence.

Cara Mengidentifikasi - It is implied in the passage that... Pertanyaan - It can be inferred from the passage that... - It is most likely that... - What probably happened...?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cara Mencari  Jawabannya terletak dalam urutan bacaan. Jawaban ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cara Menjawab : 1. Pilih kata kunci dalam pertanyaan 2. Periksa bacaan yang berhubungan dengan kata kunci tersebut. 3. Baca dengan cermat kalimat yang mengandung kata kunci tersebut. 4. Cari jawaban yang benar dari kalimat tersebut.

Chapter III Closing

A. Conclussion

Sometimes you will be asked to answer qustions by drawing conclusions that are implied, concluded, probable, or perhahps, to inform you that the answers to these quenstions are not immediately stated. In this type of question, it’s important to understand that you don’t have to “pull the answer out of empty air”. Instead, some information will be given in the passag, and you will draw conclusions from that information.


Avery, J.D.. & Fellag, L.R.. (2006). College Reading 3. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. Fellag. L.R. (2006). College Reading 2. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. Phillips, D..(2003). Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test. New York: Pearson Education.