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PAPERS Learn English Learning Motivation In Learning Courses: Learn English Learning Supporting Lecturer: Ima Chusnul Chotimah, M.pd

Arranged by: 1. Latansa Bil Khoriyah (207707) 2.Vatma Anggi Lutvika (2077 3.Lusia Senciana (207728)



PREFACE Gratitude only belongs to God Almighty who has given affection to the author for completing the English Presentation paper entitled "Motivation in learning". The author also thanks those who have helped in improving this paper. The author realizes that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, expect criticism and suggestions both in writing and orally, and thanks to the English teacher, Mrs. Ima Chusnul Chotimah, M.Pd. provide the opportunity for us to make this presentation, so that the author can develop knowledge, especially the science of English.






Formulation Of The Problem...............................................................................................................4 CHAPTER I 1.1 Introduction...............................................................................4 1.2 Background of the paper..........................................................4 CHAPTER II 2.1 Definition 5 2.2 Type of motivation


2.3 Theory of motivation


2.4 The efforts to increase learning motivation carried out by teachers 2.5 Characteristics of Students Who Have Learning Motivation



CHAPTER III 3.1 Conclution.


3.2 Suggestion





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the paper In adulthood, it cannot be denied that a student's interest in learning will easily fluctuate. In order for interest in learning to continue to increase at all times, every student must have the desire to continue learning. In order for the desire to learn to continue to increase, then of course every student must have certain motives that cause him to remain enthusiastic about learning. All of the motives that make a student become enthusiastic about learning. In general, it can be said as motivation. The purpose of learning motivation here is the overall driving force that gives rise to learning activities, which ensures the learning period and members will be focused in learning activities, so that goals can be achieved. Based on this understanding of motivation, it is very clear that motivation in the learning process is very important. Because what is being discussed is the learning process, the benefits of motivation are not only felt by students, but also by a teacher. Through knowledge of motivation, a teacher can understand and understand the learning motivation of each student in the class, even helping students to increase their motivation. Besides the importance of knowledge of motivation, it is necessary to increase the discussion about learning motivation. . 1.2 Problem formulation 1. What is the motivation in learning ? 2. What are the type of motivation in learning ? 3. What are the characteristics of motivation in learning ?

1.3 Purpose of the paper

1. Know the meaning of motivation in learning. 2. Know the types of motivation in learning. 3. Know the characteristics of motivation in learning.



Motivation In Learning 2.1 Definition Motivation comes from the Latin "Movere" which means to move. Motivation is an energy that drives, directs and strengthens behavior. Motivation to learn can be seen from the character of student behavior regarding interest, sharp attention, concentration and perseverance in achieving goals. 2.2 Types of Motivation In general, motivation is classified into 2 types, namely: (1) Intrinsic motivation. Are things and circumstances that come from within the students themselves that can encourage them to take learning actions. Included in this classification are: a feeling of liking the material and their need for the material, for example, the subject matter is related to the future aspirations of the student concerned. Some examples of intrinsic motivation are :  Spending time with someone because you enjoy their company.  Learning a new language because you like experiencing news thing.  Painting a picture because you feel calm happy. (2) Extrinsic Motivation. Are things and circumstances that come from outside the individual student that encourage him to carry out learning activities. Included in this external motivation are: praise and gifts, rules, school rules, role models of parents, teachers, and others. Some examples of extrinsic motivation are :  Spending time with someone because you enjoy they can further your social standing.  Learning a new language because your job requires it.  Painting so you can sell your art to make money.

2.3 Theory Of Motivation. 1. Maslow's Motivation Theory "Maslow in Mulyasa compiled a theory about the basic biological / physical human needs which is hierarchical, and is grouped into 5 levels." 1. Physical needs (physiological needs) 2. The need for a sense of security (safety needs) 3. The need for affection (belongingness and love needs) 4. The need for self esteem (Self esteem needs) 5

5. The need for self-actualization (Need for self-actialization)

2. Theory X and Theory Y Douglass McGregor In Sugema "suggests two views that are fundamentally different about humans, one negative, which is marked as theory X and the other basically positive which is marked as theory Y"

3. The theory of two factors (Two factor Theory) Frederick Herberg in his suggestion "says that humans have two different categories of needs that are separate from one another, their impact on behavior in different ways". 4. ERG from Clayton Aldefer. Aldefer in his suggestion "proposes an alternative theory to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, according to him of the three groups of human needs." 1. The need for existence (existency needs). This need to exist physically exists. In order to exist we need to eat, drink, clothing, housing, safe working conditions, and so on. 2. The need to relate (relatedness needs). This need is that each individual needs to be able to relate well and naturally with other people (interpersonal relationships). 3. The need for growth (Growth needs). This need is that every individual has a desire, a need to develop or improve themselves according to their abilities and ideals. 2.4 The efforts to increase learning motivation carried out by teachers.

-Use a variety of methods and activities. - Make students active participants. - Make the assignment challenging but interesting and appropriate. - Create a conducive classroom atmosphere. - Give assignments proportionately. - Get involved in helping students achieve results. - Give instructions to students to be successful in learning. - Appreciate the success and example of students. - Set high (but realistic) standards for all students.

- Give rewards to motivate. 6

- Create activities that involve all students in the class. - Care and help each other with your students.

2.5 Characteristics of Students Who Have Learning Motivation. Sardiman AM said that motivation in a person has the following characteristics: a. Diligent in facing tasks (can work continuously for a long time, never stop before completion) b. Resilient in facing adversity (not quick to give up). Does not require external encouragement to perform as well as possible (not easily satisfied with the achievements that have been achieved) c. Shows an interest in a variety of issues: "for adults" (for example: development issues, religion, politics, economy, eradicating corruption, eradicating all crimes, immorality and so on). d. Prefer to work independently e. Quickly bored with routine tasks (things that are mechanical, just repetitive so that they are less creative) f. Can defend his opinion (when you are sure of something) g. It is not easy to let go of what he believes in. h. Enjoy finding and solving problems.


CHAPTER III CLOSING 3.1 CONCLUTION Motivation is an energy that drives, directs and strengthens behavior. In learning, motivation plays a very important role. Motivation is an absolute requirement in learning. A student who learns without motivation ( lack of motivation ) will not succesd optimally. Motivation is classified into 2 types, there is : 1. Intrinsic motivation (Are things and circumstances that come from within the students themselves that can encourage them to take learning actions.) 2. Extrinsic Motivation( Are things and circumstances that come from outside the individual student that encourage him to carry out learning activities.) There are several theories of motivation from experts, one of the is from Maslow's Motivation Theory "Maslow in Mulyasa compiled a theory about the basic biological / physical human needs which is hierarchical, and is grouped into 5 levels." 1. Physical needs (physiological needs) 2. The need for a sense of security (safety needs) 3. The need for affection (belongingness and love needs) 4. The need for self esteem (Self esteem needs) 5. The need for self-actualization (Need for self-actialization) So motivation is so important for all student because motivation encourages the enthusiasm for larning. By providing good and appropriate motivation, student can realize the benefit of learning and goals to be achieved by learning. The existence of motivation is also expected to be able to arouse enthusiasm for learning, especially for students who are lazy to learn as a result of negative influences from outside the student.

3.2 SUGGESTION This is the paper entitled “Motivation in Learning” we made based on extising source. We also realize that there are still many mistake in writing of this paper,so it is neccesarry for us to readers to provide helpful suggestion. So that this paper is closer to the better. Thank you for your attention.


BIBLIOGRAPHY %20adalah%20dorongan%20yang,harapan%20akan%20cita%2Dcita%20siswa. Malcom Brownlee, Pengambilan Keputusan Etis  (Jakarta : BPK.Gunung Mulia, 1993) hlm 147-150 Sardiman, AM. Integrasi dan Motivasi Belajar, (Jakarta, PT.Raja Grafindo Persada, 2003), hlm.84