Makalah Padi Bahasa Inggris [PDF]

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A. Background Rice (Oryza sativa) is a basic food raw material that is vital for the people of Indonesia. Planting lowland rice is ingrained for most farmers in Indonesia. At first this activity was mostly cultivated on the island of Java. However, at present almost all regions in Indonesia are already familiar with the activities of planting rice in rice fields. The rice cultivation system is usually preceded by making nurseries. Making nurseries requires the best preparation, because the seeds in this nursery will determine the growth of rice in the fields, then tillage which aims to change the state of agricultural land with certain tools to obtain the desired soil structure (soil structure) by plants. The cultivation of paddy fields consists of several stages, namely cleaning, grafting, hijacking, milling, and grading. In the planting of rice seedlings, it must be noted beforehand that land preparation, seedling age, and planting stage. In maintenance, it includes replanting and weeding, irrigation, fertilization, planting and weeding, and controlling pests and diseases. Soil treatment aims to change the physical properties of the soil so that the original hard layer becomes flat and muddy. That way weeds will die and rot into humus, soil aeration gets better, the underground layer becomes saturated so that it can save water. In processing this paddy field, repairs and arrangements for paddy fields and ditches were also carried out. Pematang (galengan) rice fields are strived to remain good to facilitate irrigation arrangements so that they are not wasteful of water and facilitate the maintenance of plants. B. Problem Formulation Based on the description of the background above, the formulation of the problem that we raised in this paper is as follows. 1. What is meant by rice? 2. What is meant by the definition of food crop cultivation? 3. What are the techniques for cultivating rice crops?


C. Purpose This paper aims to: 1. Provide information about rice plants. 2. Providing information about the understanding of food crop cultivation. 3. Providing information about rice crop cultivation techniques. D. Benefits Can be useful as an additional source of learning material about rice cultivation.


CHAPTER II DISCUSSION A. Rice Plants a. Understanding of Rice Plants Rice (Oryza sativa L) is one of the most important crops in civilization. Rice includes approximately 25 species, spread in tropical regions and sub-tropical regions such as Asia, Africa, America and Australia. Although it mainly refers to cultivated plants, rice is also used to refer to several species of the same genus, commonly referred to as wild rice. Rice is thought to originate from India or Indochina and into Indonesia brought by ancestors who migrated from mainland Asia around 1500 BC. World rice production ranks third in all cereals, after corn and wheat. However, rice is the main carbohydrate source for the majority of the world's population. The results of rice processing are called rice. According to Chevalier and Neguier, rice originating from two continents Oryza fatua koenig and Oryza sativa L originated from the Asian continent, while the other types of rice, namely Oryza stapfii roschev and Oryza glaberima steund originated from West Africa. The current rice is a cross between Oryza officinalis and Oryza sativa f spontaneously. In Indonesia, rice plants were initially cultivated in dry land areas with farm systems, eventually people tried to stabilize the results of their efforts by irrigating areas with less rainfall. Rice plants that can grow well in the tropics are Indica, while Japonica is mostly damaged in sub-tropical regions. b. Classification of Rice Plants Kingdom

: Plantae


: Tracheobionta

Super Division

: Spermatophyta


: Magnoliophyta


: Liliopsida

Sub Class

: Commelinidae


: Poales


: (grass tribe)


: Oryza sativa L.


c. Paddy Morphology 1) Root Based on the literature of Aak (1992) the root is a plant which works to absorb water and nutrients from the soil, then transported to the top of the plant. The roots of rice can be distinguished from: a) Radicle The roots grow when the seeds germinate. In the seed that is germinated arises root and stem candidates. Root candidates undergo growth downward so that the root of the ridge is formed, while the stem candidates will grow upwards to form stems and leaves. b) Fiber roots (adventif) After 5-6 days the root of the ridge is formed, the fibrous roots will grow. c) Root hair It is the root of the root that comes out of the root of the ridge and the root of the fiber. This root is a channel on the root skin that is outside, and this is important in sucking water and nutrients. Root hair is usually short-lived while the shape and length are equal to the fibrous root. d) crown roots The roots grow from the lowest stem. The root of this title is further distinguished by the location of the root depth in the soil ie shallow roots and deep roots. When the air content in the soil is low, the shallow roots are easily developed. The mature part of the root (older) and has progressed to brown, while the new roots or young roots of the young are white. 2) Trunk Rice belongs to the Graminae group of plants with stems composed of several segments. The sections are empty bays. At the two ends of the empty enclosure the lids are closed by a book. The length of the section is not the same. The shortest segment is at the base of the stem. The second segment, the third segment, and so on are longer than the preceding segment. In the lower part of the book, the leaf midrib grows, wrapping the segments until the top of the book. Right at the top of the book the edge of the midrib leaf shows branching where the shortest branch becomes the leaf tongue (ligula), and the longest and largest part of the leaf becomes the leaf of the petals that have the auricle on the left and right. The leaves are the longest petals and cover the uppermost part of the stem called daunbendera.


Right where the top midrib leaves become ligula and flag leaves, that's where a segment becomes a grain of rice. The growth of rice stems is clumping, where there is one single stem / main stem that has 6 eyes or soul, namely sukma 1, 3, 5 to the right and soul 2, 4, 6 to the left. From each of these souls a bud is called the first tunasorde. 3) Leaves Rice including plants of grass species have different leaves, both in shape, arrangement, or parts. A distinctive feature of rice leaves is the presence of scales and leaf ears. This is what causes rice leaves to be distinguished from other types of grass. The parts of rice leaves are: a) Leaf strands Located in rice stems and always there. The shape is elongated like a ribbon. The length and width of the leaf blade depends on the rice variety in question. b) Leaf midrib (pay) It is the part of the leaf that covers the stem, this leaf midrib serves to support the part of the segment where the tissue is soft, and this always happens. c) Leaf tongue The leaves of the tongue are located on the border between the leaves and up. The leaf tongue length varies depending on the rice variety. The tongue of the leaf sits attached to the stem. The function of the leaf tongue is to prevent the entry of rainwater between the stem and the leaf midrib (up). Besides that the leaf tongue also prevents infection of the disease, because the water medium facilitates the spread of the disease. Leaves that appear during germination are called coleoptile. Coleoptile comes out of the seed that is spread and will extend all the way to the surface of the water. The new Coleoptile opens, then follows the first leaf release, the second leaf and so on until it reaches a peak called flag leaf, while the longest leaf is usually on the third leaf. Flag leaves are shorter leaves than the leaves below, but wider than the previous leaves. This flag leaf is located under the panicle of rice. The rice leaves are first in the form of buds which then develop into leaves. The first leaf on the stem comes out together with the emergence of the next shoot (leaf candidate). The growth of one leaf with the next leaf (new leaf) has an interval of 7 days, and the next 7 days will appear other new leaves. 4) Interest A collection of rice flowers (spikelet) coming out of the top book is called panicle. Grains of rice are located in the first branch and the second branch, while the main axis of panicle is the last book segment on the stem. The panicle length depends


on the rice varieties planted and how to cultivate. It is from this main axis in the last section of the book that the panicle length (flower arrangement) is usually measured. The length of panicles can be divided into 3 sizes, namely: • Short panicles (less than 20 cm), • Medium panicles (between 20-30 cm), and • Long panicles (more than 30cm). The number of branches in each panicle ranged from 15-20 pieces, the lowest being 7 branches, and the most can reach 30 branches. The number of branches will affect the yield of rice varieties of new varieties, each panicle can reach 100-120 flowers. Rice flowers are bare flowers, meaning having flower jewelry. Guaranteed two types with the ovary above. The number of stamens is 6 pieces, the stem stems are short and thin, the anthers are large and have two bladder powder. The pistil has two stems of pistils, with two pistils with panicles with colors that are generally white or purple. (Ministry of Agriculture, 1983) The components (parts) of rice flowers are: • Head sari • Stalks • Large cleavage (Palea) • Small cleavage (Lemma) • Pistil head • Flower stalk 5) Fruit The fruit of rice which we call rice or grain / grain daily, is actually not a seed but a rice fruit covered by lemma and palea. This fruit occurs after finishing pollination and fertilization. Lemma and palea and other parts that form rice husks or bark. d. Growing Requirements for Rice Plants Rice plants can live well in areas that are hot and contain a lot of water vapor. Good rainfall averages 200 mm per month or more, with a distribution of 4 months, the desired rainfall per year is around 1500-2000 mm. Good temperature for growing rice plants 23° C. High places suitable for rice plants range from 0-1500 m above sea level. Land that is good for the growth of rice plants is paddy land which contains the fraction of sand, dust and clay in a certain comparison with the required amount of water in sufficient quantities. Rice can grow well on soil with a thickness of the upper layer between 18-22 cm with a pH between 4-7.


e. Rice Pests and Plant Diseases  Important Pests • White rice stem borer ("sundep", Scirpophaga innotata) • Yellow rice stem borer (S. incertulas) • White back stem slopes (Sogatella furcifera) • Brown slopes (Nilaparvata lugens) • Green slopes (Nephotettix impicticeps) • Green javelin (Nezara viridula) • Walang sangit (Leptocorisa oratorius) • Ganjur (Pachydiplosis oryzae) • Seed flies (Arterigona exigua) • Army caterpillar / armyworm (Spodoptera litura and S. exigua) • Rice mice (Rattus argentiventer)  Important diseases • blast (Pyricularia oryzae, P. grisea) • bacterial leaf blight ("crackle", Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae)

B. Definition of Food Crop Cultivation In line with the increase in human civilization, plant cultivation techniques also developed into various systems. Starting from the simplest system to a sophisticated system. Various cultivation technologies are developed to achieve the desired productivity. The term plant cultivation techniques is derived from the notion of words of engineering, cultivation, and plants. Techniques mean knowledge or intelligence to make things, while cultivation means businesses that produce results. The word plant refers to the understanding of plants cultivated by humans, which usually have surpassed the domestication process. Plant cultivation techniques are the process of producing food and agroindustrial products by utilizing plant resources. Coverage of plant cultivation objects includes food crops, horticulture, and plantations. As can be seen, this classification is based on its cultivation object: •

Cultivation of plants, with plant objects and cultivated on intensively cultivated land.

Forestry, with plant objects (usually trees) and cultivated on semi-wild land.

Plant cultivation has two important characteristics, namely:


Always involve items in large volumes.

The production process has a relatively high risk.

C. Rice Crops Cultivation Techniques The technique of cultivating or cultivating good plants is needed to get results that are in line with expectations. This should start from the beginning, that is, since the nursery is done until the plant can be harvested. In the process of plant growth to fruitfulness, it must be maintained well, especially in order to avoid plants and pests and diseases which often reduce production. 1) Nursery Making nurseries is the first step to planting rice. Making nurseries requires the best preparation, because the seeds in this nursery will determine the growth of rice in the rice fields, therefore the nursery must really get attention, so that the hope of getting healthy and fertile rice seeds can be achieved. 2) Rice Field Preparation and Processing Soil treatment aims to change the state of agricultural land with certain tools to obtain the soil structure (soil structure) desired by plants. Soil cultivation consists of several stages: • Cleaning • Breeding • Piracy • Penggaruan • Leveling • Planting 3) Planting • In planting rice seeds, it must be considered beforehand are:  Land Preparation Land that has been processed in a good way, is finally ready to be planted with rice seeds.  Seedling Age When the age of the seed is sufficient according to the type of rice, the bib can be immediately removed by removing the seeds. • The planting stage can be divided into 2 parts, namely:  Transferring Seeds Seedlings planted that have a common age of 17-25 days (depending on the type of paddy, early / deep) can be immediately transferred to the fries that have been prepared.


 Planting In planting paddy seeds, the things that must be considered are the runaway system (planting method), planting distance, plant relations, number of plants per hole, planting seeds, planting methods. 4) Maintenance a) Extension and weeding There are a number of things that must be considered in embroidery, namely the seeds used must be the same type, the seeds used are the remaining seedlings before, planting should not exceed 10 days after planting, in addition to staple plants to be removed. b) Irrigation Irrigating in the field can be differentiated into continuous irrigation and piriodic irrigation. c) Fertilization The aim is to fulfill food needs that play a very important role in plants both in the process of growth / production. d) Pest and Disease Control i. Hama putih (Nymphula depunctalis) Symptoms

: Attack the leaves of seedlings, damage in the form of dots that stretch parallel to the leaf bone, caterpillars roll leaves of rice.


: Regulating good water, using healthy seeds, releasing natural enemies, aborting leaf tubes. Use BVR or Pestona.

ii. Rice Thrips (Thrips oryzae) Symptoms

: The leaves roll up and are yellow to reddish, the growth of seedlings is blocked, in the adult plants the grain does not contain.


: BVR or Pestona.

iii. Wereng Rice stalk attackers

: Brown rice slopes (Nilaparvata lugens), white-backed rice slopes (Sogatella furcifera). Rice leaf attackers: Green rice slopes (Nephotettix apicalis and N. impicticep). Damage by sucking on the liquid stem of rice and can transmit the virus.



: Rice plants become yellow and dry out, a group of plants such as burning, plants that do not dry out become stunted.


: Plant rice simultaneously, using resistant varieties of leafhoppers such as IR 36, IR 48, IR 64, Cimanuk, Progo etc., cleaning the environment, releasing natural enemies such as spiders, bedbugs and bee beetles. Spraying BVR.

iv. Walang sangit (Leptocoriza acuta) Ripe rice ripe fruit. Symptoms

: Hollow or low-quality fruit such as wrinkles, brown and not tasty, on the leaves there are spots of suction marks and rice spots with black spots.


: Plant together, increase cleanliness, collect and destroy eggs, release natural enemies such as crickets, spiders. Spraying BVR or Pestona.


CHAPTER III SUPERVISION RESULTS The results of supervision from an interview with one of the farmers named Ibu Mulyani in Kp. Sindangsono, Desa. Sukamanah, Kec. Cigalontang, as follows. a) The type of rice used is the type of IR rice. The term IR Rice. IR Rice is the term for rice seed which is the result of a cross between rice maps from Indonesia and other types of rice from the Philippines. It is called IR rice because it was produced from research by the international rice research agency (IRRI in Los Banos Philippines. IR types of rice have several types such as IR-5 and IR-8. In Indonesia IR-5 and IR-8 rice types are called the names PB-5 and PB-8. PB stands for New Map because IR rice breeders are one of them is Map rice. b) For an area of 1,400 m2 farmers need 7 kg of rice seedlings to sow into seeds ready for planting. c) The price of seeds needed is affordable because every 1 kg costs IDR 5,000 d) Nursery time is around 20 days. e) After the seeds are ready to be planted, farmers separate the rice to be transferred to the land that has been given a spacing of 25cm x 25cm. f) The planting process is not only carried out by a farmer, but by some farmers who are asked to work at the opponent. g) After about 1 month, weeding or Sundanese language is known as ngarambet. This is done to reduce even eradicate weeds in the field because if not done, the growth of rice will be hampered. h) A week after the weeding process, the land is not drained of water. Because to prevent weeds that live in the water does not grow back. i) Provision of fertilizer (fat in Sundanese) is done twice, namely: • 1st fat is given 7 days after rice is planted. • 1st fat is given after 1 month of rice is planted. j) Types of fertilizers commonly used are Urea, TS and NPK fertilizers. k) Only pests that are often found in Mulyani's land are mouse pests, planthopper, snails, act and insects. l) About 100 days of rice can be harvested. m) The harvesting process is done manually, namely by using sickles (sickle in Sundanese) by farm workers.


n) After the rice is harvested, the farm workers immediately process it into bulb oadi then deposit it to Mulyani's mother who owns the land. They get wages in the form of rice, the amount of wages is adjusted to the yield they harvest. o) For every 1 brick Mulyani's mother can get 8kg of harvest. p) Usually Mulyani's mother processes her own produce by drying the rice to dry and pounding or grinding using a modern machine to get rice. q) After harvesting rice fields are left for about 1 month so that the remaining straw can be decomposed and can indirectly help fertilize the soil.


CHAPTER IV COVER A. Conclusion Rice (Oryza sativa L) is a very important food crop and is widely cultivated by people in Indonesia. Rice grows in wet land and is a plant from the grass tribe. Rice cultivation is carried out to improve the quality and quantity of rice to meet people's food needs. Cultivation techniques are needed for quality results. Some cultivation techniques are such as tillage or land, nursery, planting, fertilizing, harvesting and post-harvest. All these techniques if done correctly and according to the rules will produce quality rice. B. Suggestions The author realizes that the above papers have many errors and are far from perfect. The author will improve the paper by referring to many sources that can be accounted for. Therefore the authors expect criticism and suggestions regarding the discussion of the paper in the conclusions above.