Mini Royale Hacks Updated [PDF]

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// ==UserScript== // @name MiniRoyale 2 Mod (updated) // @version 2.0 // @description An updated version by unsingers (765593113942556712) // @author ɹaɹoldxa ʇauɹaʇu! (467364222175805461) & Blockman_ (777789050865057802) // @match *://* // @iconURL // ==/UserScript== /* ...< Features >... -

Aimbot All Skins Unlocke Fly ESP Tracers Auto CTF No Zone Damages Infinite Ammo No Recoil No Spread Automatic Weapons 0 Fire rate Advanced Teleport Nuke Infinite Needles in BR

...< Chat Commands >... /map = Check in which map you are currently on /tp [x] [y] [z] = Teleport your body to X Y Z coordinates /tp [username] = Teleport your body to an enemy with his username /tp [@p] = Teleport your body to the closest enemy /tp [@r] = Teleport your body to a random enemy /tp [~x] [~y] [~z] = Translate your body (relative to your actual position) /nuke = BOOM (Kill everyone) */ (function() { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "deployStart", {value: "osamabenladen"}); var a = {}; a.display = !0, a.tracers = !0, a.aimbot = !0, a.esp = !0, a.names = !0, = !1, = !0, document.addEventListener("keypress", b => { var c; switch(b.key) { case "`": a.display = !a.display; break; case "3": a.aimbot = !a.aimbot, c = document.getElementsByClassName("settings")[0], a.aimbot ? (c.innerHTML = "ON", = "#0F0") : (c.innerHTML = "OFF", = "#F00"), this.addMessage("Aimbot", a.aimbot); break; case "4": a.esp = !a.esp, c = document.getElementsByClassName("settings")[1], a.esp ? (c.innerHTML = "ON", = "#0F0") : (c.innerHTML = "OFF", = "#F00"); break; case "5": a.tracers = !a.tracers, c = document.getElementsByClassName("settings")[2], a.tracers ? (c.innerHTML = "ON", = "#0F0") : (c.innerHTML = "OFF", = "#F00"); break; case "6": a.names = !a.names, c = document.getElementsByClassName("settings") [3], a.names ? (c.innerHTML = "ON", = "#0F0") : (c.innerHTML = "OFF", = "#F00"); break; case "7": = !, c = document.getElementsByClassName("settings")[4], ? (c.innerHTML = "ON", = "#0F0") : (c.innerHTML = "OFF", = "#F00"); break; case "8": = !, c = document.getElementsByClassName("settings")[5], ? (c.innerHTML = "ON", = "#0F0") : (c.innerHTML = "OFF", = "#F00"); } }); var b = {}; b.getEntityByName = function(a) { return Object.values( => == a) }, b.getEntitiesByName = function(a) { return Object.values( => == a) }, b.getEntityByProperty = function(a, b) { return Object.values( => c[a] == b) }, b.getEntitiesByProperty = function(a, b) { return Object.values( => c[a] == b) }, b.dist3d = function(a, b) { var c = a.x - b.x, d = a.y - b.y, e = a.z - b.z; return Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d + e * e) }, document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", ` [3] Aimbot : ON
[4] ESP : ON
[6] NAMES : ON
[7] Auto CTF : OFF
[8] FLY : ON
Position : x y z`); const c = function() { try { "function" == typeof Environment && (Environment.prototype.update =

function() {

var b = this.playerCamera.getPosition().clone(); this.parachutePlayerEntity.enabled && (b = this.parachutePlayerEntity.getPosition().clone()); var c = new pc.Vec3(b.x, 0, b.z), d = b.sub(Utils.zeroVector.clone()).length(); if(this.domeEntity.setPosition(c), this.cloudsEntity.rotateLocal(0, .005, 0), 42e3 < - this.lastBirdSound && !this.bombFelt && ("Seagull"), this.lastBirdSound =, 2500 < - this.lastShadowUpdate && this.sunLight && this.sunLight && (this.sunLight.light.shadowUpdateMode = pc.SHADOWUPDATE_NONE, this.lastShadowUpdate =, this.nextFrameAffect = !0), this.nextFrameAffect && this.sunLight && (this.sunLight.light.shadowUpdateMode = pc.SHADOWUPDATE_THISFRAME, this.sunLight.light.updateShadow(), this.nextFrameAffect = !1), d > this.mapLimit 30) { var e = Math.max((d - this.mapLimit) / 30, .1); this.limitEntity.enabled = !0, this.entity.sound.slots.Buzz.isPlaying || (this.entity.sound.slots.Buzz.volume = e,"Buzz")), this.limitMaterial.resource.opacity = e, this.limitMaterial.resource.update(), .5 < (d - this.mapLimit) / 30 && this.playerEntity.enabled && this.playerEntity.script && ! this.playerEntity.script.movement.onParachute && 1e3 < this.lastHurtTime && (console.log("lel"), this.lastHurtTime = } else this.limitEntity.enabled && (this.limitEntity.enabled = !1, this.entity.sound.stop("Buzz")); if(this.selectedRadiusEntity && "battle-royale" == pc.currentMode) { var f = this.currentCircleScale, a = b.sub(this.selectedRadiusEntity.getPosition().clone()).length(); if(this.bombFelt) { var g = this.smokeCircle.getLocalPosition().clone(), j = this.selectedRadiusEntity.getPosition().clone(); this.currentCirclePosition = this.currentCirclePosition.lerp(g, j, .01), this.smokeCircle.setLocalPosition(this.currentCirclePosition), this.smokeCircle.setLocalScale(this.currentCircleScale, 1, this.currentCircleScale), this.sunLight.light.intensity = pc.math.lerp(this.sunLight.light.intensity, this.lightIntensity, .1), a > f * this.limitFactor && 500 < - this.lastHurtTime && ("Player:Cough", !0), console.log("lel"), this.lastHurtTime = } this.bombFelt ||"Player:Warn", "evacuate", a > f - 25) } }), "function" == typeof Profile && (Profile.prototype.getSkins = function() { this.setSkins({ success: !0, skins: [{ name: "Biker", quantity: 9999 }, { name: "BusinessMan", quantity: 9999 }, { name: "Criminal", quantity: 9999

}, {

name: "Hazmat", quantity: 9999

}, {

name: "Homeless", quantity: 9999 }, {

name: "Hunter", quantity: 9999

}, {

name: "Islander", quantity: 9999 }, {

name: "RiotCop", quantity: 9999

}, {

name: "Sheriff", quantity: 9999 }, { }] })

name: "Soldier", quantity: 9999

}); var d = b.getEntityByName("NetworkManager"), e = b.getEntityByName("Player"), f = e.script.movement, g = f.currentWeaponDetails, h = Object.values( => "Enemy" == && a.script.enemy.username && !==; if(e) { function b(a, b, c) { e.rigidbody.teleport(a, b, c) } document.getElementById("gui").style.display = a.display ? "inlineblock" : "none", document.querySelector(".b").innerHTML = Math.round(e.position.x), document.querySelector(".r").innerHTML = Math.round(e.position.y), document.querySelector(".g").innerHTML = Math.round(e.position.z), && d && "capture-the-flag" == pc.currentMode && (,,, "function" == typeof Chat && (Chat.prototype.sendMessage = function() { try { if(!this.entity.enabled) return !1; var a = this.chatInput.script.input.getValue(), c = a.split(" "); if("/map" == c[0]) return this.addMessage("Map", pc.selectedMap), this.chatInput.script.input.setValue(""), !1; if("/tp" == c[0]) { if(j.includes(c[1].toLowerCase()) && !c[2]) return e.rigidbody.teleport(h.find(a => a.script.enemy.username.toLowerCase() == c[1].toLowerCase()).position), this.addMessage("Teleport", c[1]), this.chatInput.script.input.setValue(""), !1; if("@p" == c[1] && !c[2]) { let a = h[0].position; return b(a.x, a.y, a.z), this.addMessage("Teleport", "Closest Player"), this.chatInput.script.input.setValue(""), !1 } if("@r" == c[1] && !c[2]) {

let a = h[Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(h.length - 1))].position; return b(a.x, a.y, a.z), this.addMessage("Teleport", "Random Player"), this.chatInput.script.input.setValue(""), !1 } if(c[1] && c[2] && c[3]) return "~" == c[1].substr(0, 1) && (c[1] = e.position.x + +c[1].slice(1)), "~" == c[2].substr(0, 1) && (c[2] = e.position.y + +c[2].slice(1)), "~" == c[3].substr(0, 1) && (c[3] = e.position.z + +c[3].slice(1)), b(c[1], c[2], c[3]), this.addMessage("Teleport", `${c[1]}, $ {c[2]}, ${c[3]}`), this.chatInput.script.input.setValue(""), !1 } if("/nuke" == c[0] && h) return h.forEach(a => { let b = a.position;, b.y, b.z) }), this.addMessage("Nuke", "Boom !"), this.chatInput.script.input.setValue(""), !1; a && ("Event:SendChat", a), this.chatInput.script.input.setValue("")) } catch (a) {} }), "function" == typeof PlayerNames && (a.names ? PlayerNames.prototype.isVisible = function() { return !1 } : PlayerNames.prototype.isVisible = function(a) { var b =, a.clone()); return !b || !b.entity || "Enemy" != }) } if(f && (f.jump = ? function() { this.disablePeek(), this.isCrouching = !1, this.isJumping = 2,{ jumpAngle: -11 }, .15, pc.BackOut).start(), this.isLanded = !1, this.airTime =, this.jumpingTime = this.fullTimestamp + this.jumpDuration, this.dynamicGravity = 0; var a = Math.floor(this.timestamp % 2) + 1;"Jump-" + a), f.setMovement = function() { if(!this.isMovementAllowed()) return !1; var b = this.cameraEntity.forward, c = this.cameraEntity.right; this.allForce.x = 0; var d, f, g, i = this.allForce.z = 0, j = 0, k = !1, l = !1; this.wasReleased("W") && (this.forwardCount = 0, this.leftCount = 0, this.entity.sound.stop("HeavyBreath")), (this.wasReleased("A") || this.wasReleased("D")) && (this.leftCount = 0), this.isPressed("Z") && (this.isFocusing = !0, this.shootingTime = -1), this.wasReleased("Z") && (this.isFocusing = !1), this.jumpingTime + this.jumpLandTime < this.fullTimestamp && (this.isForward = !1, this.isBackward = !1, this.isLeft = !1, this.isRight = ! 1), (this.isPressed("W") && !this.inControl || this.keyboard.up) && (this.isForward = !0), (this.isPressed("A") && !this.inControl || this.keyboard.left) && (this.isLeft = !0), (this.isPressed("D") && !this.inControl || this.keyboard.right) && (this.isRight = !0), (this.isPressed("S") && !this.inControl || this.keyboard.down) && (this.isBackward = !0), this.isForward && (i += b.x, j += b.z, l = k = !0, this.isCrouching ? this.forwardCount += .5 : this.forwardCount++),

this.isLeft && (i -= c.x, j -= c.z, k = !0, this.leftCount++), this.isRight && (i += c.x, j += c.z, k = !0, this.leftCount--), this.isBackward && (i -= b.x, j -= b.z, k = !0, this.isCrouching ? this.forwardCount -= .5 : this.forwardCount--), this.inControl ? (this.keyboard.shift && (this.isShifting = !0, this.isCrouching = !1, this.isFocusing = !1, this.disablePeek()), this.keyboard.jump && this.jump(), this.keyboard.reload && this.reload(), this.isPeekingLeft = !! this.keyboard.peek_left, this.isPeekingRight = !!this.keyboard.peek_right, this.isCrouching = !!this.keyboard.crouch) : (this.wasPressed("SHIFT") && (this.isShifting = !0, this.isCrouching = !1, this.isFocusing = !1, this.disablePeek()), this.wasReleased("SHIFT") && (this.isShifting = !1), this.wasPressed("R") && this.reload(), this.isPressed("SPACE") && this.jump(), this.wasPressed("C") && this.crouch(), this.wasPressed("X") && "battle-royale" == pc.currentMode && this.useNeedle(), this.wasPressed("Q") && (this.isPeekingLeft = ! 0, this.peekLeft()), this.wasReleased("Q") && (this.isPeekingLeft = !1), this.wasPressed("E") && (this.isPeekingRight = !0, this.peekRight()), this.wasReleased("E") && (this.isPeekingRight = !1), this.wasReleased("F") && (this.doRaycast(!0), this.doAction()), this.wasReleased("V"), ! this.isThrowingStarted && this.isShooting && "Grenade" == this.currentWeaponDetails.type && this.startThrowing(), this.isThrowingStarted && ! this.isShooting && "Grenade" == this.currentWeaponDetails.type && this.throwGrenade(), this.wasPressed("1") && this.setWeapon(this.inventory.getItemByIndex(1)), this.wasPressed("2") && this.setWeapon(this.inventory.getItemByIndex(2)), this.wasPressed("3") && this.setWeapon(this.inventory.getItemByIndex(3)), this.wasPressed("4") && this.setWeapon(this.inventory.getItemByIndex(4)), this.wasPressed("5") && this.setWeapon(this.inventory.getItemByIndex(5)), this.wasPressed("TAB") && "capture-the-flag" == pc.currentMode && (this.isInBase ? this.interface.toggleBuyMenu() : this.interface.showAlert("You can only select weapons in-base.", "error", "flag"))), 0 !== i && 0 !== j ? (d = this.power, this.isCrouching && (d *= .4), this.isFocusing && (d *= .8), "Handgun" == this.attachment.type && (d *= 1.2), this.isShifting || (d *= 1.35), 0 < this.isJumping && (d *= 1.05), this.currentSpeed = d / this.animationSpeed, f = this.lastCurrentPower, k && 1.5 > this.height && (this.forceX = i, this.forceZ = j, this.lastCurrentPower = d), l || (f *= .7, this.currentSpeed = .7 * this.currentSpeed), 0 < this.isVaccinate && (f *= .6), 60 > this.currentHealth && (f *= .95), 1e3 > this.currentDate - this.lastDamageTime && (f *= .85), 300 > this.currentDate - this.lastShootTime && (f *= .5), g = this.currentSpeed * this.vibrationFactor, this.runVibration = this.isFocusing || this.isCrouching ? 0 : .2 * Math.cos(this.timestamp / g), this.runVibration = pc.math.lerp(this.runVibration, 0, .05), this.force.set(this.forceX, 0, this.forceZ).normalize().scale(f), this.allForce.x = this.force.x, this.allForce.z = this.force.z, this.currentVibration++) : this.currentSpeed = 0, k || (this.currentSpeed = 0), 300 < this.forwardCount && .5 = this.height && (this.disablePeek(), this.isCrouching = ! 1, this.isJumping = 2,{ jumpAngle: -11 }, .15, pc.BackOut).start(), this.isLanded = !1, this.airTime =, this.jumpingTime = this.fullTimestamp + this.jumpDuration, this.dynamicGravity = 0, a = Math.floor(this.timestamp % 2) + 1,"Jump-" + a), f.setMovement = function() { if(!this.isMovementAllowed()) return !1; var b = this.cameraEntity.forward,

c = this.cameraEntity.right; this.allForce.x = 0; var d, f, g, i = this.allForce.z = 0, j = 0, k = !1, l = !1; this.wasReleased("W") && (this.forwardCount = 0, this.leftCount = 0, this.entity.sound.stop("HeavyBreath")), (this.wasReleased("A") || this.wasReleased("D")) && (this.leftCount = 0), this.isPressed("Z") && (this.isFocusing = !0, this.shootingTime = -1), this.wasReleased("Z") && (this.isFocusing = !1), this.jumpingTime + this.jumpLandTime < this.fullTimestamp && (this.isForward = !1, this.isBackward = !1, this.isLeft = !1, this.isRight = ! 1), (this.isPressed("W") && !this.inControl || this.keyboard.up) && (this.isForward = !0), (this.isPressed("A") && !this.inControl || this.keyboard.left) && (this.isLeft = !0), (this.isPressed("D") && !this.inControl || this.keyboard.right) && (this.isRight = !0), (this.isPressed("S") && !this.inControl || this.keyboard.down) && (this.isBackward = !0), this.isForward && (i += b.x, j += b.z, l = k = !0, this.isCrouching ? this.forwardCount += .5 : this.forwardCount++), this.isLeft && (i -= c.x, j -= c.z, k = !0, this.leftCount++), this.isRight && (i += c.x, j += c.z, k = !0, this.leftCount--), this.isBackward && (i -= b.x, j -= b.z, k = !0, this.isCrouching ? this.forwardCount -= .5 : this.forwardCount--), this.inControl ? (this.keyboard.shift && (this.isShifting = !0, this.isCrouching = !1, this.isFocusing = !1, this.disablePeek()), this.keyboard.jump && this.jump(), this.keyboard.reload && this.reload(), this.isPeekingLeft = !! this.keyboard.peek_left, this.isPeekingRight = !!this.keyboard.peek_right, this.isCrouching = !!this.keyboard.crouch) : (this.wasPressed("SHIFT") && (this.isShifting = !0, this.isCrouching = !1, this.isFocusing = !1, this.disablePeek()), this.wasReleased("SHIFT") && (this.isShifting = !1), this.wasPressed("R") && this.reload(), this.wasPressed("SPACE") && this.jump(), this.wasPressed("C") && this.crouch(), this.wasPressed("X") && this.useNeedle(), this.wasPressed("Q") && (this.isPeekingLeft = !0, this.peekLeft()), this.wasReleased("Q") && (this.isPeekingLeft = !1), this.wasPressed("E") && (this.isPeekingRight = !0, this.peekRight()), this.wasReleased("E") && (this.isPeekingRight = !1), this.wasReleased("F") && (this.doRaycast(!0), this.doAction()), this.wasReleased("V"), !this.isThrowingStarted && this.isShooting && "Grenade" == this.currentWeaponDetails.type && this.startThrowing(), this.isThrowingStarted && !this.isShooting && "Grenade" == this.currentWeaponDetails.type && this.throwGrenade(), this.wasPressed("1") && this.setWeapon(this.inventory.getItemByIndex(1)), this.wasPressed("2") && this.setWeapon(this.inventory.getItemByIndex(2)), this.wasPressed("3") && this.setWeapon(this.inventory.getItemByIndex(3)), this.wasPressed("4") && this.setWeapon(this.inventory.getItemByIndex(4)), this.wasPressed("5") && this.setWeapon(this.inventory.getItemByIndex(5)), this.wasPressed("TAB") && "capture-the-flag" == pc.currentMode && (this.isInBase ? this.interface.toggleBuyMenu() : this.interface.showAlert("You can only select weapons in-base.", "error", "flag"))), 0 !== i && 0 !== j ? (d = this.power, this.isCrouching && (d *= .4), this.isFocusing && (d *= .8), "Handgun" == this.attachment.type && (d *= 1.2), this.isShifting || (d *= 1.35), 0 < this.isJumping && (d *= 1.05), this.currentSpeed = d / this.animationSpeed, f = this.lastCurrentPower, k && 1.5 > this.height && (this.forceX = i, this.forceZ = j, this.lastCurrentPower = d), l || (f *= .7, this.currentSpeed = .7 * this.currentSpeed), 0 < this.isVaccinate && (f *= .6), 60 > this.currentHealth && (f *= .95), 1e3 > this.currentDate - this.lastDamageTime && (f *= .85), 300 > this.currentDate - this.lastShootTime && (f *= .5), g = this.currentSpeed * this.vibrationFactor, this.runVibration = this.isFocusing || this.isCrouching ? 0 : .2 * Math.cos(this.timestamp / g), this.runVibration = pc.math.lerp(this.runVibration, 0, .05), this.force.set(this.forceX, 0, this.forceZ).normalize().scale(f), this.allForce.x = this.force.x, this.allForce.z = this.force.z, this.currentVibration++) : this.currentSpeed = 0, k ||

(this.currentSpeed = 0), 300 < this.forwardCount && .5 b &&"Player:Heal", b), a.interface.showFeeling("healing", 3, 1), a.leftHandWeapons.enabled = !0, a.attachmentsEntity.enabled = !0, a.setAnimation("Takeout", 1, .2, !1, function() {}) }, 2200, this), this.setAnimation("Left-Needle", 1, .2, !1, function() {}) }), g && (g.currentAmmo = 1 / 0, g.spread = 0, g.automatic = !0, g.shootRate = 0, g.recoil = 0), h) { var j = []; let c = 0; h.forEach(d => { if(j.push(d.script.enemy.username.toLowerCase()), d.script.enemy.isDeath && h.splice(c, 1), a.esp && !d.script.enemy.isDeath ? (d.children[2].enabled = !0, d.children[2].model.material.depthTest = !1, d.children[2].model.material._opacity = .5) : d.children[2].enabled = !1, a.tracers && !d.script.enemy.isDeath) { let a = new pc.Vec3(d.position.x, d.position.y, d.position.z), b = new pc.Vec3(e.position.x, e.position.y, e.position.z), c = new pc.Color(1, 0, 0);, b, c) } d.children[2].model.material.update(), d.distance = b.dist3d(e.position, d.position), c++ }), h.sort((c, a) => c.distance > a.distance ? 1 : -1), f.fireBullet = function() { var b, c; h[0] && a.aimbot ? (c = h[0].position, c.y += .6, b = c) : b =; var d = this.currentWeaponDetails.spread, e = .8 * this.currentWeaponDetails.damage + Math.random() * this.currentWeaponDetails.damage; e = Math.min(e, this.currentWeaponDetails.damage), e = Math.floor(e), this.currentWeaponDetails.bigScope && !this.isFocusing ? (b.x += 60 * Math.random() - 60 * Math.random(), b.y += 60 * Math.random() - 60 * Math.random(), b.z += 60 * Math.random() - 60 * Math.random()) : this.currentWeaponDetails.isShotgun ? (b.x += (40 * Math.random() - 40 * Math.random()) * d, b.y += (40 * Math.random() - 40 * Math.random()) * d, b.z += (40 * Math.random() - 40 * Math.random()) * d) : this.isFocusing ? (b.x += (1 * this.currentRecoilForce * Math.random() - 1 * this.currentRecoilForce * Math.random()) * d, b.y += (1 * this.currentRecoilForce * Math.random() - 1 * this.currentRecoilForce * Math.random()) * d, b.z += (1 * this.currentRecoilForce * Math.random() - 1 * this.currentRecoilForce * Math.random()) * d) : (b.x += (10 *

this.currentRecoilForce * Math.random() - 10 * this.currentRecoilForce * Math.random()) * d, b.y += (10 * this.currentRecoilForce * Math.random() - 10 * this.currentRecoilForce * Math.random()) * d, b.z += (10 * this.currentRecoilForce * Math.random() - 10 * this.currentRecoilForce * Math.random()) * d),"Bullet:Fire", this.hash, this.raycast.muzzle, b, this.raycast.muzzle, e), this.shotgunBullets-} } } catch (a) {} window.requestAnimationFrame(c) }; window.requestAnimationFrame(c) })();