Modul Bahasa Inggris Kbi 101 [PDF]

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Modul Bahasa Inggris Eksakta (KBI 101) By Tuntun Sinaga

Editor Ari Nurweni Sutikno Erwin Yuhadi

Tata Letak Tri Maryono


Modul Bahasa Inggris Eksakta (KBI 101) By Tuntun Sinaga

Editor Ari Nurweni Sutikno Erwin Yuhadi

Tata Letak Tri Maryono


Preface This module aims to develop the reading and productive skills prescribed for General English Course (KBI 101) for University of Lampung students under “the new English syllabus” resulted from the joint project between the Indonesia International Education Foundation (IIEF) and the Program Pengembangan Penggunaan Bahasa Ilmiah (PPBI) of University of Lampung. The new syllabus itself is an effort to solve the problems faced by English lecturers who have not had so far a standard textbook to use in which reading and productive (mainly restating) skills are designed as integrated objectives of the course. It is, therefore, designed to enable the students to learn and content or topics that will help them to grow into an articulate, intellectual and productive Indonesian citizen. Reading selections in this module are derived from various sources written by foreign authors (authentic materials) and have relations with the students’ need in science. As the students take up the lessons in this book, they will discover the value of English as an important medium for gaining access to information and academic material that can enhance the quality of their study and future career. They, hopefully, will find that English will facilitate their eventual participation in the world of science and technology. This module is organized into 15 units, each consisting of four types of activities. Each unit aims to teach the students competencies in mainly reading and to some extent, in reproduction. However, the inclusion of Contextual Grammar and Vocabulary activities is not only to lead the students to a better understanding and awareness of their roles in understanding a text but also is based on a class-action research about students’ common problems in reading a text.

Tuntun Sinaga


NOTES FOR INSTRUCTOR AND STUDENT  About Reading Skills Basically, the writing of this module is based on the objectives of the course. In other words, this modul is the representation of the syllabus. By the end of the course the students are expected to have skills in reading English academic texts and restate their understanding in written and/or oral form. To achieve this there are six sub skills integrated with grammar, vocabulary and productive skills that should be learned by students in this module. They are manifested in each unit with different kinds of activities. Each unit consists of four types of activities; “Reading and Comprehension”, “Vocabulary Study”, “Contextual Grammar”, and Restating Ideas”, Both Contextual Grammar and Vocabulary activities are intended to reinforce their reading skills and language competence. The six sub skills and the types of activities can be described as follows.

 Understanding Explicitly Stated Information Comprehension, as the ultimate goal of reading activities, can be defined as the ability to grasp the meaning of what is being read. Basically, there are several levels of comprehension. At the literal or factual level, you recall and understand facts directly stated in reading material. At the interpretive level, you make inferences or conclusions from factual statements. At the interpretive level, you make inferences or conclusions from factual statements. At the evaluative level you determine the significance of the ideas presented; and at the applicative level, you apply or relate these ideas to a new and different situations.

 Understanding Implicitly Stated Information Sometimes the idea or information in a text is straightforward and clearly stated. At other times it is not so straightforward and readers have to make inferences. To make inferences is to draw meaning from indirect statements readers find in a text. Readers’ background knowledge will aid them making these inferences. iii

In a statement: “I read detective stories to stay awake” – readers can infer that detective stories are so interesting that will keep the writer awake the whole night. The statement explicitly tells readers what the writer does to stay awake. It is also implies that detective stories are interesting enough to keep the writer awake the whole night.

 Understanding Relations between Ideas A paragraph is not a series of unconnected sentences. Instead, sentences stick together to build ideas. English uses variety of words to make sentences within a paragraph. These words show how the sentences to come is related to the one you have just read.

 Example: Laboratory sessions make our science class more interesting. Furthermore they enable us to apply what we have learned in theory in the classroom. In the sentence the word “furthermore” tells you that the second sentence is about to develop the information given in the first sentence. Thus, the sentence “they enable us to apply what we have learned in the theory in the classroom” is additional information.

The following connectives are used to indicate different relationships.  The relationship of ideas showing addition is expressed by the connectors and, furthermore, moreover, in addition, besides, likewise, in the same way, and also.  Ideas that are contrasted can be expressed through the use of but, yet, however, nevertheless, still, notwithstanding, and the contrary, on the other hand, and in contrast.  The relationship of altering ideas is expressed by the connectors or, nor, either-or, neither-nor, else, and otherwise.  Cause or reason is expressed through the use of for, because, as, since, and inasmuch as.  Ideas that show condition can be expressed through the use of if and unless.


 Understanding reference Reference words are words used to replace another word, to avoid repeating the same word(s) in a paragraph or a text. In getting to identify reference words, readers need to understand the cohesion and coherence of text. Cohesion can be simply put as the action or fact of forming a united whole, linguistic relation, whereas coherence means the logical relations of ideas (of an argument) in a text.

 Deducing meaning of unfamiliar words You do not have to use the dictionary every time you find an unfamiliar word in reading a text. Sometimes you can get the meaning of an unfamiliar word from other words or phrases in a sentence or paragraph. Words in a sentence or a paragraph that help you find the meaning of a new word is called context clues.

 For example, Television, radio and other electronic media can be vehicles for drama. The meaning of the word “vehicles” can be deduced from its context as “a means of expressing or transmitting something. The meaning of “vehicles” can be deduced from the words television, radio and other electronic media.

 Identifying main Ideas Every good paragraph is unified by a controlling idea. This is the main idea of the paragraph. All the other various details in the paragraph help to focus on this main idea. Usually you will need to consider all of the details to determine what the main idea is. Sometimes, though, the author includes a sentence that states the main idea. This is called the topic sentences. It is usually found at the beginning, sometimes at the end, and rarely at the middle of the paragraph.


 About Reading Skills As stated above, there are four types of activities in every unit. Basically the teacher is free to use any method and technique he/she considers suitable for the students. However, the following notes can be of useful information for teachers about the activities which they can creatively develop in the classroom. The teacher can do pre-reading activities by, for example, talking about the general knowledge of a topic the students are going to read, explaining, key words to understanding, raising motive questions. This kind of activity can help students to be prepared to understand a reading text. At the activity phase, the students can be asked to work in pairs or in groups. And activity four, restating ideas, can be set aside for post-reading activities.

 Reading selection and comprehension (40 minute’ class activities) The selection of reading text in this module is based on the assumption that the topics have relations with the students’ varied needs in science and require students’ certain background knowledge of both language and content in order to fully understand the text. Different forms of activities are provided to check students’ comprehension about the reading text. The activities have been designed to elicit and the students’ real understanding of the reading text. Types of activities for comprehension have been designed in the following forms;  Answering questions using question words and yes/no questions  Filling gaps in sentences  Identifying references words  Choosing True or False statements


 Vocabulary Study (20 minute’ class activities) Vocabulary study is designed in various forms of activities that can develop students’ mastery of vocabulary use. The following features have been taken into account in designing the activities.  Using Dictionary  Word Information  Synonyms  Compound Word  The use of connectors and conjunction

 Contextual Grammar (homework) Contextual Grammar activity in every unit included as aid for students to learn and understand the text and reinforce their knowledge of relevant grammar. Illustrations of use and examples are provided as well. Where necessary, the teacher can emphasize his/her teaching on certain items found difficult by students. However, it is intended to be learned by students (as Homework). Several forms of activities have been designed in the following forms

 Sentence structures/patterns  Constructing sentences based on words provided  Completing sentences  Explanations


 Restating Ideas (30 minute’ class work and homework) For “restating ideas” activities, depending on the students’ language competence, the students may be asked, for example;  to discuss in group or in pairs their reactions or understanding about a text they have just read and let the students respond to one another’s ideas.  to produce sentences drawn from information contained in a text in the form of short or simple sentences.  to take notes on certain key of points from the text.  to construct sentences of their own by considering the information found in a text and Contextual Grammar in the same unit.


Contents Unit 1

Let’s Save our Forest ........................................................................ 1

Unit 2

What Is Chemistry ............................................................................. 6

Unit 3

Cleaning up the Mess .................................................................... 12

Unit 4

Seed Banking Against Famine ................................................... 18

Unit 5

Nuclear Power Station.................................................................. 23

Unit 6

History Set In Stone ....................................................................... 27

Unit 7

Experiments to show the Presence of Water of Crystallization in a salt ................................................................. 31

Unit 8

The Process Of Photosynthesis................................................. 34

Unit 9

Beriberi ............................................................................................... 37

Unit 10

A Coconut And Antoine Laurent Lavoiser ............................ 41

Unit 11

Radioactivity ..................................................................................... 47

Unit 12

Improve Your Survival Skills ..................................................... 51

Unit 13

Passages ............................................................................................. 54

Unit 14

Passages .............................................................................................. 59

Unit 15

A Passage and Modern Biology ................................................. 63

Specific Objectives ....................................................................................................63

Part 1: Reading and Reading Comprehension ............................................63

Part 2: Restating Ideas ............................................................................................66

Reference ................................................................................................................... 68



Unit 1 ∞ | Activity 1 Now read the following text and do the exercises that follow!

LET’S HELP SAVE OUR FOREST Trees absorb large amounts of water through their extensive roots. This prevents floods in the lowland areas and erosion of top soil. With the disappearance of trees and watersheds, the forest areas that collect water for use in the lowland are also destroyed. Forest not only help prevent floods and soil erosion, they also provide man with food, fuel, housing materials, clothing materials, furniture, medicine and many useful things. Forests are also the habitat of wildlife. For those reasons, the government is trying to develop and conserve our forest. The program cannot be successful, however, unless each citizen cooperates. (Adapted from Science and Technology. p. 166.)

 Comprehension Check 1. What are the functions of forest for our environment? 2. Which part of a tree absorbs water? 3. How do trees prevent flood? 4. Why is the government trying to protect our forest? 5. According to the passage above, who should save the forest?


∞ | Activity 2 a. Use the following words in your own sentences to show that you understand their meaning and use

 Example; extensive

: The house stands in extensive grounds.

1) erosion

: ___________________________________________

2) provide

: ___________________________________________

3) disappearance

: ___________________________________________

4) successful

: ___________________________________________

5) conserve

: ___________________________________________

b. Provide the meaning of each of the following words in column 1 from column 2 as used in the context of text above.  Example;

Column 1

Column 2

Example; destroy (line 2) 1. provide

Ruin a. upper surface

2. prevent

b. supply

3. reason

c. work together

4. top

d. purpose

5. cooperate

e. to stop something from happening


c. Derive verbs from the following nouns:  Example, see italicized words

Noun collection

Verb collect













d. Practice consulting Dictionaries Choose A, B, C or D in column 2 as the closet meaning of a word in column 1 in the same line. 1. exploit v.

A: to use. B: work hard. C: cheat. D: obtain by force

2. precise adj.

A: exact. B: clear. C: blurry. D: easy.

3. premise n.

A: an underlying assumption. B: priority. C: status. D: case.

4. pliable adj.

A: easily worked. B: artificial. C: stolid D: uncommon

5. simplistic adj.

A: sincere. B: clear. C: foolish. D. lacking detail.

6. supplication n.

A: weakness B: ongoing struggle. C: humble quest. D: removal or uprooting

7. accomplice n.

A: enemy. B: accumulator. C: one who accompanies another D: partner in crime

8. cooperate v.

A: include B: solve. C: coordinate D. work together.

9. applicable adj.

A: practical. B: approximate C. exact. D: appropriate.

10. implicate v.

A: to wonder about. B: explain clearly. C: involve. D: insist upon


Simple Present Tense Pattern 1: S + to be (am, is, are) + Adj. or Noun

Examples; 1. Forests are (also) the habitat of wildlife. 2. I am (just) a simple man. 3. Nancy is nurse.

Pattern 1: S + Verb + Object

Examples; 1. Trees absorb (large amount of) water (through their extensive roots) 2. He visits his friend every week. 3. The sun sets in the west. A singular subject takes is or the-s form of the verb and a plural subject takes are or the simple form of the verb in the present tense.

∞ | Activity 3 Now, do the following exercises, a. instruction: Supply the correct form of verb (helping verb) in the following sentences. 1. Deforestation of the jungle _________ erosion and flooding (cause or causes) 2. Indonesia ________ a rich country (is or are) 3. Minnesota ___ one of the leading agricultural producers in the USA (is or are) 4. Lampung ‘s agribusiness companies ________ their products and services (export or exports) 5. Professional librarians ______on hand to provide assistance (am, is or are) 6. A stethoscope _______ an instrument used by doctors to listen to someone’s heart or breathing (is or are) 7. The computer __ one of the developments in science and technology (is or are) 8. The office _______ like a well-oiled machine (run or runs)


9. The university _________ students with a student hall, a library and sport center (provide or provides) 10. An electron tube in the oven ________ microwaves (produce or produces)

Phrases 1. Mrs. Thatcher was well-known as “the iron lady” (with particular meaning) 2. Trees absorbs large amount of water through their extensive roots. (part of a sentence)

b. Instruction: Choose a, b, c or d to complete each of the following sentences. Discuss your work with your classmates. 1. The earth spins on its axis and __________ 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds for one complete rotation. a. need c. needing b. needed d. needs 2. _____________ on the environment for the gratification of its needs. a. b. c. d.

Each organism to depend Every organism depends All organism depending Many organisms can depend

3. Your bodies _______a sufficient amount of calcium from the food you consume. a. need c. needing b. needs d. to need 4. When it’s very windy, the water in the lake ________ tough. a. are c. is b. was d. be 5. Most of the farmers in Indonesia _______________ poor. a. are c. is b. was d. be


6. Mathematics __________ one of my favorite subjects. a. are b. was

c. is d. be

∞ | Activity 4  Restating Ideas a. Work in pairs and write five sentences using the words provided. Each sentence contains information in the reading text.  Example; Forest

: Forest help prevent floods.

Now do the same with the following words. 1. conserve

: ___________________________________________

2. water

: ___________________________________________

3. erosion

: ___________________________________________

4. lowland

: ___________________________________________

5. housing materials

: ___________________________________________


Unit 2 ∞ | Activity 1 Now, read the following text and then do the exercises that follow!

WHAT IS CHEMISTRY? Chemistry is the science of change. It looks at all the different kinds of substances and how they interact with each other. It is going on all around us all the time as well as in the scientific laboratory and in the chemical industry. People in the widely differing walks of life use chemistry every day – the doctor and the chef, the farmers and the builder. Chemistry comes to the aid of the manufacturer of food, and also to the brewer and wine maker. The technician in the hospital laboratory uses chemistry to check for infections in blood samples. The forensic scientist uses chemistry to solve crimes. In agriculture, farmers use chemistry to increase the yield of crops and to control many pests. Chemicals keep the water supply safe and swimming pools clean. One of the largest industries in the world is the petrochemical industry – this industry is mainly associated with patrol and the chemicals that come from crude oil. Drugs, synthetic dyes, plastics and fabrics are products from Nature’s raw materials by chemical means. (Adapted from Eyewitness: Science, p.6) Instruction: Using your own words as much as possible, answer the following questions from text. 1. What is chemistry? 2. What does it have to do with everyday life? 3. How does it help people in life? 4. Are plastics and dyes parts of products by chemical processes? 5. Is the doctor one of users of chemicals?


∞ | Activity 2  Vocabulary Study a. Specifically learn the following words and use in sentence of your own!  Example; Yield


: Hybrids generally produce higher yields

1. chemical

: _________________________________________________

2. substance

: _________________________________________________

3. means

: _________________________________________________

4. forensic

: _________________________________________________

5. aid

: _________________________________________________

b. Derive verbs from the following nouns; Example, see italicized words

Noun collector

Verb collect












Verb-Agreement One of the largest industries is the petrochemical industry The expression “one of” indicates that industry is one of two or many industries. Therefore the real subject is one, not industries. 1. Drugs, synthetic dyes, plastics and fabrics are products from Nature’s raw materials by chemical means (line 10) 2. People in the widely differing walks of life use chemistry every day Every verb should agree with its subject, not with a word in a modifying phrase that may follow the subject.

∞ | Activity 3 Noun phrase as a subject The technician in the hospital laboratory uses chemistry to check for infections in blood samples (line 5). The subject of this sentence can be derived from the following analysis. 1. The technician works in the hospital laboratory. 2. The technician uses chemistry The following sentences are using clauses. Choose a, b, c or d for the right answer. 1. It is earth’s gravity that ________________ people their weight. a. gives b. give

c. giving d. given

2. In mathematics, a variable is a symbol ________________ some element of a set. a. and representing b. represents

c. that represents d. represents that


3. The strongest dump trucks work in rock quarries _________ tons of rocks and soil at one time. a. that they move b. they move

c. where they move d. which they move

4. Ponirin, _________ to head Jaya College at age 27, is one of the youngest college presidents in history. a. who was appointed b. has been appointed

c. that is appointed d. is appointed

5. Halim lost both her sight and hearing after severe illness ________________. a. of her age in 19 months b. she was 19 months old

c. when she was 19 months old d. when 19 months old she was

6. Some research suggests ____________ there is a link between the body’s calcium balance and tooth decay. a. how

b. that

c. when

d. where

c. when

d. whose

7. This is the place ____________ I was born. a. how

b. that

8. The man ____________ came here last night is a professor. a. how

b. that

c. when

d. where

9. Chandra ______________ bike was stolen is a students. a. how

b. that

c. when

d. whose

10. The computer _______________ I bought last year is out of order. a. how

b. which

c. where

d. whose

11. Knowledge of the method of science is important __________ of several reasons. a. why

b. which

c. where

d. because

12. The reason _____________ the dinosaurs became extinct is still a mystery. a. why

b. which

c. because

d. when


Clause 1. It looks at all the different kinds of substances and how they interact with each other. 2. The time when the industrial revolution began was in the seventeenth century. Words indicating adjective clause are WHO, WHOM, WHOSE, THAT, WHICH, WHEN, WHERE, WHICH and THAT refer to Noun. WHO, WHOM, WHOSE refer to person and WHERE refers to place, WHEN refers to Time. However the word THAT can refer to person.

∞ | Activity 4 Work in pairs and discuss the following topic. Then make sentences with the help of words or phrases provided. People in the widely differing walks of life use chemistry every day. How does chemistry help the doctor and the chef, the farmers and the builder in life? 1. The doctor use ………………………………………………………………… 2. The Chef ………………………………………………………………………. 3. The Farmers …………………………………………………………………… 4. The builder ……………………………………………………………………..


Unit 3 ∞ | Activity 1 Read the following text and do the exercises that follow. CLEANING UP THE MESS About a billion years ago, a great change occurred. An enormous ecosystem of oceans and continents began to develop with many diverse forms of life, al dependent on one another. The first animals on the living sphere, the Earth, were tiny marine animals, and then these sea animals developed shells. Seventy million years later, the first animals with backbones – fish- appeared. Next, insect developed, about 400 million years ago. After another 200 million years, dinosaurs and the first mammals walked the Earth. Then warm-blooded animals took to the air – the first birds. Fifty million years later, both birds and mammals were well established as Earth dwellers. About three million years ago, scientists believe, the first human beings walked the Earth. Life was now widespread. (Adapted from “Cleaning Up the Mess”, p.39, Zukowski Jean, et al, Steps to Academic Reading 5 : Between the Lines, Thomson Heinle, 2002)

 Comprehension Check Write True (T) of False (F) for each of the following statements based on the text above. Give your reasons by referring to specific line in the text above. 1. Fish was the first sea animals which developed shells. (……) 2. Insects, according to text, belong to marine animals (……) 3. About 200 million years ago, dinosaurs disappeared from the Earth (……) 4. Birds are parts of warm-blooded animals (……) 5. Scientists believed that the first human beings had walked the Earth for about three million years. (……)


∞ | Activity 2  Vocabulary Study a. Find synonyms of the following words as used in the text. 1. occurred

: _________________________________________________

2. enormous

: _________________________________________________

3. diverse

: _________________________________________________

4. established

: _________________________________________________

5. widespread

: _________________________________________________

b. Choose the correct definition of the following words or phrases as they are used in the text. Compare your work with your classmates’ works. 1. tiny a. big b. very small

c. fair d. simple

2. developed a. to grow b. to change

c. extend d. react

3. dependent a. free from b. contingent on

c. living d. counting

4. warm-blooded a. a constant body temperature by their metabolism b. wild 5. dwell a. grow b. think

c. speak d. live in

c. easily hurt d. strong blood


∞ | Activity 3 Do the following exercises individually or in groups.

Simple Past Tense The simple past tense is used for an event or action that happened at one particular time in the past (i.e., the event began and ended in the past). Example; After another 200 million years, dinosaurs and the first mammals walked the Earth. Normally, there is a reference to past times (such as yesterday, last night, last year etc.). a. Write down all verbs and sentences that show actions or events in the past form from the text above.  Example occurred – About a billion years ago, a great change occurred. 1. : __________________________________________________________ 2. : __________________________________________________________ 3. : __________________________________________________________ 4. : __________________________________________________________ 5. : __________________________________________________________ Notes: For many verbs, just add the ending –ed to the verb to make it simple past: For regular verbs the form of the simple past is the same as that of the past participle!


Here we some rules for making the simple past tense of regular verbs.


Simple Past




Verbs ending in –e, add –d







For one-syllable verbs having a single vowel, double the consonant ending For the one-syllable verbs having two vowels, just add –ed: For two-syllable verbs, in which the first syllable is stressed, just add –ed For two- syllable verbs, in which the second syllable is stressed double the consonant ending as you did for I. above: Verbs ending in –y is preceded by a vowel, keep the –y (enjoyed, prayed); if the –y is preceded by a consonant, change the –y to –I and add-ed:







Verbs ending in –ie, add –d:



Verbs ending in two consonant just add the ending –ed.

 Irregular Verb Forms English has many irregular verbs that have special forms in the past tense. Here is a list of some of them:

Present be blow break catch choose cut dig do draw fall find

Simple Past was blew broke caught chose cut dug did drew fell found

Past Participle been blown broken caught chosen cut dug done drawn fallen found


have lie make read run spend take

had lay made read ran spent took

had lain made read run spent taken

b. Write down 10 statements and 10 questions using the words in the box. An example has been provided for you.  Example; 1. The students spent a lot of money for books. Did the students spend a lot of money? Now, do the same! (2-9) 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________________________ 6. ______________________________________________________________ 7. ______________________________________________________________ 8. ______________________________________________________________ 9. ______________________________________________________________ 10. ______________________________________________________________

Questions in the Simple Past Tense Statement: They accepted credit cards last year. Question: 1. Did they accept credit cards last year? 2. Didn’t they accept credit cards last year? When using did in a question, the main verb will be in the infinitive form, not the simple past tense. For negative question in the past, use didn’t. When making a question using the simple past, you will have to use did


∞ | Activity 4  Restating Ideas Make five sentences that restate information you find in the reading text, “CLEANING UP THE MESS”. Re-read the text if necessary.  Example 1. Fish is a sea animal. 2. ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________


Unit 4 ∞ | Activity 1 Read the following text and do the comprehension afterwards. SEED BANKING AGAINST FAMINE


In the 1840s, the island of Ireland suffered famine. Because Ireland could not

produce enough food to feed its population, about million people died of starvation; they simply didn’t have enough to eat to stay alive. The famine caused another 1.25 million people to emigrate; many left their island home for the United States; the rest went to Canada, Australia, Chile, and other countries. Before the famine, the population of Ireland was approximately 6 million. After the great food shortage, it was about 4 million. 2.

Famine is no stranger in human history; it is documented in the earliest

religious and historical writings. Usually, a famine has more than one cause. Disease drought (long periods of time without rain), flooding (when fields are covered with water), violent storms like hurricanes, as well as war and other human activities, have all been cause of famine. In many ways, the famine in Ireland was not unusual. 3.

One cause of the famine in Ireland was late blight, a fungal disease that

destroyed the potato crop. The portion of the potato that people eat is an underground root called a tuber late blight fungus causes potato tubers either to rot in the ground before they can be harvested or to turn black and disintegrate after they are dug out of the ground. In 1845, when late blight hit the Irish potato crop, potatoes formed the basis of the Irish diet; they were the staple food, just as rice is the staple for most of Asia and wheat is the staple food of Continental Europe. With their most important source of food destroyed, many Irish people had nothing to sell for income, and worse, nothing to eat. (Taken from English for Science, Oxford University Press 1978, p.63)


 Comprehension Check Choose True (T) or False (F) for each of the following statements based on the text above. Give your reasons by referring to specific line in the text above. 1. Famine is related to religious teachings. (……) 2. The famine contributed to decrease of population in Ireland. (……) 3. One cause of the famine in Ireland was the failure in the potato crop. (……) 4. Ireland is the main place that produces potato. (……) 5. Centuries ago Ireland was the main producer of potatoes. (……)

∞ | Activity 2  Vocabulary Study a. Use the following words or phrase in your own sentences to show that you understand their meaning and use 1. famine


2. feed


3. starvation


4. emigrate


5. approximately __________________________________________________ 6. shortage


7. drought


8. flooding


9. to rot


10. staple food



Adjectives Adjectives are used in a number of patterns. 1. before nouns; enormous ecosystem 2. between noun determiners; well-oiled machine 3. after linking verbs (be, become, seem, appear); was unusual 4. after a noun as a complement; make life comfortable The words enormous, well-oiled and unusual and comfortable are called adjectives. They are used to create vivid description of thing that can be seen, heard, smelled, touched, or felt. b. Fill in the blank with the appropriate adjective word (comfortable, valuable, well-established, extinct and some) 1. Japan is a ______________________________ country in technology. 2. Petroleum is __________________________ 3. People strive to control the planet to make life _____________ 4. __________ people in rich nations use more natural resources. 5. Many species of animals have become ____________ in Indonesia.

Noun Clause a. as subject: 1. That she left without message makes us worried. 2. Whether she takes my advice makes me wonder. 3. Where he went is still a puzzle. b. as object 1. I know that she likes it 2. I wonder about who took up the job.


∞ | Activity 3 Here is a picture of lab room. Each of the lines here shows one of the instruments found in the lab. Match the line with their numbers.

1. bell jar 2. microscope 3. mortar 4. pastle 5. electric balance 6. funnel 7. bung 8. test tube rack 9. conical flask 10. test tube

11. rubber tubing 12. beaker 13. lab coat 14. tongs 15. measuring cylinder 16. pipette 17. clamp stand 18. gas tap 19. Bunsen burner 20. tripod


∞ | Activity 4  Restating Idea Re-read the text “SEED BANKING AGAINST FAMINE” and discuss your answers to the following questions (either in pairs or in group) with your classmates. Write down in several sentences the result of your discussion.

1. What are the causes of famine? 2. What are the advantages of cultivating more than ne variety of a food crop? 3. Why would a poor farmer probably choose not to plant hybrid seeds? Answers 1. ______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________


Unit 5 ∞ | Activity 1 Fill in the blank space with the right connectors or connectives prepared in the box to tie together the ideas in the following text.

NUCLEAR POWER STATION There are three separate sources of hazard in the process of supplying energy by nuclear power. The radioactive material must travel from its place of manufacture to the power station. (1) ___________ the power stations themselves are solidly built, the containers used for transport of the materials are not. There are normally only two methods of transport available, (2) ____________ road or rail. (3) ___________, both of these involve close contact with the general public, (4) ______________ the routers are sure to pass near or even through, heavily populated areas. (5) ___________, there is the problem of waste. All nuclear power stations produce wastes that in most cases will remain radioactive for thousands of years. It is impossible to make these wastes nonradioactive, and so they must be stored in one of the inconvenient ways that scientists have invented. (6) __________ they may be buried under the ground, or dropped into abandoned mines, or sunk in the sea. (7) ____________, these methods do not solve the problem, since an earthquake could easily crack the containers open. (8) ______________, there is the problem of accidental exposure due to a leak or an explosion at the power station. (9) __________ the other two hazards, this is not very likely, so it does not provide a serious objection to the nuclear program. (10) ____________, it can happen. (Taken from Reading Test , UMPTN 2000) a. although b. Even through c. For example

d. namely e. next f. as with

g. finally h. however i. nevertheless

j. since


∞ | Activity 2  Vocabulary Study Use the following words or phrase in your own sentences to show that you understand their meaning and use.

1. manufacture __________________________________________________ 2. waste


3. contact


4. inconvenient __________________________________________________ 5. crack


6. exposure


7. explosion


8. hazard


9. leak


10. invented


∞ | Activity 3  Using the right Connectives 


Aceh and North Sumatra were severely hit by the earthquake-triggered tsunami

Therefore As a result, Consequently Hence Thus,

thousand families were died

Instruction: Join the following sentence with the right linking word. 1. Indonesia does not produce enough soy-beans for its needs. Soy-beans are imported into Indonesia. (therefore/because)


2. Most farmers in Indonesia have low income. Hey work very small areas of land (so/since) 3. There has been a long drought. The farmer is doubtful about the prospect of a good yield. (as a result/because) 4. Certain dietary fats stimulate the body’s production of blood cholesterol. You need to limit your intake of eggs. (Thus/but) 5. The program cannot be successful. Each citizen cooperates. (unless/since) 6. Mercury is liquid at room temperature. It is metal. (although/since) 7. There have been many attempts to prevent famine. The results haven’t been totally satisfactory. (but/therefore) 8. One neuron may have thousands of dendrites. It has only one axon extending from the central cell body. (Although/unless) 9. He did not understand the details of the process. It was as step in the development of science. (Although/because) 10. The birds in Jakarta showed symptoms of beriberi. Those in Bandarlampung showed none. (while/as)

Here are some conjunctions that are frequently used in subordinate clauses. Specifically not the use of each of them in a sentence or text you read.


Cause & Effect








As/so long as


Inasmuch as


So (that)

as soon as

in order that

as/so long as


Adverbial clauses that relate to time 1. After we leave the bank, we’ll spend the money. 2. When they arrived, they sat down to dinner. 3. We haven’t seen her since she left.

Causes and effect relationship 1. He went to bed, because he was tired. 2. It was such a nice evening that they stayed up too late.

∞ | Activity 4  Restating Ideas Read the following passage. Famine is no stranger in human history; it is documented in the earliest religious and historical writings. Usually, a famine has more than one cause. Disease drought (long periods of time without rain), flooding (when fields are covered with water), violent storms like hurricanes, as well as war and other human activities, have all been causes of famine. In many ways, the famine in Ireland was not unusual. Now, write down several kinds of causes of famine. Compare your work with your classmate’s work. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Unit 6 ∞ | Activity 1 HISTORY SET IN STONE 1. Many species of animals and plants have disappeared from the earth. They have died out, or become extinct. But sometimes animals or plant remains can be found buried in rocks. These are called fossils. Imprints in rock (paw prints, for example) are also called fossils. 2. Not every creature survives as a fossils. Many simply rot away completely and leave no trace of their existence. Because many creatures and plants have disappeared without leaving any fossils, we will never know anything about them. 3. The study of fossils, or paleontology, to give it is scientific name, became established at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Before this research began, people did not believe that fossils had once been alive. Large fossil teeth were seen as evidence of a race of giants in the past, while ammonites, a very common type of fossil which you might easly find yourself on a beach or among rocks, were called snakestones because of their snake-like shape. People believed that snakes had been turned to stone by a miracle. 4. The most famous fossils of all are the dinosaurs. There are, of course, no dinosaurs on display in zoos. They were not hunted to extinction by humans as some animals have been, but became extinct million of years before our own species developed. The reason why the dinosaurs became extinct is still a mystery. Many theories have connected the disappearance of dinosaurs with major climatic change.


5. One possibility is that a gigantic meteorite crashed into the earth displacing so much dust into the atmosphere that the amount of sunlight was reduced. The temperature would have fallen and, as a consequence, many types of plants and animals would have become extinct. (Taken from Lied © Pearson Educations Limited 1999)

 Comprehension Questions 1. What does the word “These” refer to in line 3? a. many species of animals and plants b. animals or plants remains

c. rocks d. umprints

2. Where in the passage does the author discuss a possible cause of extinction of dinosaurs? a. lines 1-4 c. lines 17-19 b. lines 4-6 d. lines 20-24 3. According to the passage, people believed that some fossils were seen as evidence of a living race in the past the beginning of the eighteenth century b.before the nineteenth century

c. after the nineteenth century d. about 10.000 years ago

∞ | Activity 2  Vocabulary Study a. Here are some important words from the text above that you need to study and practice using in sentence of your own. 1. died out

: _________________________________________________

2. remains

: _________________________________________________

3. imprints

: _________________________________________________

4. survives

: _________________________________________________

5. rot away

: _________________________________________________

6. trace

: _________________________________________________


7. evidence

: _________________________________________________

8. turned

: _________________________________________________

9. display

: _________________________________________________

10. hunted

: _________________________________________________

b. Directions : Choose the one word marked (A), (B), (C), and (D) whose meaning is most nearly the same as the meaning of the phrase. Compare and discuss your work with the others. ϶. Example: far way, a. worthy b. pale

c. distant d. huge

The word whose meaning is nearest the meaning of far away is distant. Therefore, your choice must be (C) Now go on to the next items 1. an indication of the existence or passing of something. a. trace b. line

c. code d. signal

2. an extraordinary and welcome event. a. sudden b. ambition

c. anomaly d. miracle

3. difficult or impposible to understand or explain. a. complex b. hidden

c. reality d. mystery

4. very large. a. gorgeous b. mellow

c. ingenious d. gigantius

5. a border a. boundary b. hearth

c. circuit d. breadth



Activity 3

Patterns Study the following rules taken from the text above! 1. Many species of animals and plants have disappeared from the earth. 2. Many theories have connected the disappearance of dinosaurs with major climatic change. 3. Sometime animals or plant remains can be found buried in rocks. 4. Imprints in rocks (paw prints, for example) are also called fossils. 5. People believed that snakes had been turned to stone by a miracle.


Activity 4

Restating the Ideas:

Form a group of three to five members and make 6 simple sentences about information contained in the text “ HISTORY SET IN STONE” with the following clues: Example: Species- extinct: Many species of animals have become extinct. 1. creature – survive

: ___________________________________________

2. buried – fossil

: ___________________________________________

3. dinosaurs – mystery : ___________________________________________ 4. animals – extinct

: ___________________________________________

5. gigantic – zoos

: ___________________________________________


Unit 7 ∞ | Activity 1 Read the following text and the exercises that follow.

EXPERIMENT TO SHOW THE PRESENCE OF WATER OF CRYSTALLIZATION IN A SALT Dry crystals of copper sulphate in the test-tube are heated. The color of crystals before heating is dark blue. When they are heated, the dark blue color fades and the crystals turn white. At the same time, a colorless liquid is collected in the water-cooled tube. If the boiling-point and the freezing-point of this liquid are measured, they are found to be the same as for water. If water is added to the cold dry white copper sulphate crystals, they turn blue and much heat is produced. This shows that blue copper sulphate crystals cointain water, which is removed when the crystals are heated. (Taken from Basic Science, P: 56-7).

 Comprehension Questions 1. Describe the apparatus used in this experiment? 2. What is the color of the crystals before heating? 3. What happens when they are heated? 4. What tests are carried out with the liquid which is collected? 5. What can be done to the cold dry white copper sulphate crystals?


∞ | Activity 2 a. Fill in the blank with the right connector (because, moreover, as a result, and furthemore). In Ireland in the 1840s, only one variety of potato was cultivated; (1) _______ the crop was propagated almost entirely from existing tubers. ( 2) _______ there was little genetic diversity in the Irish potato crop. ( 3) _______ every potato plant had almost exactly the same genes, the potato crop reacted in the same way to the late blight fungus. Genes that might have provided some resistance to the fungus were either not present or not effective. (4) _______, there were no healthy tubers to serve as sources of plugs for next year’s crop. An important cause of the famine in Ireland was this lack of genetic diversity.

∞ | Activity 3 Conditional Examples: 1. She would accept the job if she were offered it. 2. If you went to Melbourne, how long would you stay? 3. Would you mind if I left work a bit early today?

Study the following grammar taken from the text above and write down more sentences from any text you have read. 1. If the boiling point and the freezing-point of this liquid are measured, they are found to be the same as for water. 2. If water is added to the cold dry white copper sulphate crystals, they turn blue and much heat is produced. 3. ……………………………………………………………………… 4. ……………………………………………………………………… 5. ……………………………………………………………………....


Unit 8 ∞ | Activity 1 Read the following text!

THE PROCESS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS Plants are able to carry out the process of the photosynthesis. In other words, they (1) can synthesize their own food from simple inorganic subtances, like water and CO2. The presence of chlorophyll, the green pigment in plant cells, enables them (2) to do this. Animals, on the other hand, cannot manufacture their own food. This (3) is because their cells do not possess chlorophyll. As a result, they (4) must eat plants, or other animals, for their nutrition. To find food, animals must move from place to place. They have special organs enabling them to do this, e.g. wings in birds. Plants do not have this ability (5), since they do not need to move about. (Taken from English for the life Science Source, 1985)

 Comprehension check a. Direction: Answer the following problems (.....) based on the passage above. 1. they (1) refers to........ 2. them (2) refers to........ 3. this (3) refers to........ 4. they (4) refers to........ 5. this ability (5) refers to.......


∞ | Activity 2  Vocabulary Select a word that has the same meaning as the word underlined in the sentence. 1. Heterogeneous catalysts are widely used in petroleum production a. strongly c. weightily

b. extensively d. narrowly

2. Diffusion occurs at a slower rate in liquids than in gases. a. percentage c. time

b. speed d. amount

3. Caffeine is a stimulant that was originally produced from plants but now can be made under laboratory conditions. a. first c. often

b. appropriately d. only

4. In some countries, nuclear power produces up two-thirds of the necessary electricity. a. makes c. dissipate

b. introduces d. manages

5. Carbon monoxide prevents hemoglobin from supplying oxygen to the body. a. encourages c. blocks

b. distracts d. allow

∞ | Activity 3  Grammar a.Arrange the following words to from correct sentences 1.

is- an instrument- that-measures- voltmeter- voltage


alcohol- boils- at- a lower- water- temperature-than

3. fruit- the- contains- vitamins-A and C


4. are- of- amino acids- there- 20 types 5. the- after- equipment- been- has- set up, the- is- heated- solution 6. An alloy- be- defined- a combination- may- of- two- or- more- which- hasproperties- as- metallic- elements.

∞ | Activity 4  Restating Ideas Restate the following sentences using reference words Example;

1. This book is an English textbook. This book consists of 6 units. This book is an English textbook. It consists of 6 units. 2. Plants are able to carry out the process of photosynthesis. Plants can synthesize their own food from simple inorganic subs. ................................................................................................................ 3. Animals cannot manufacture their own food. Animals must eat plants. ................................................................................................................ 4. Animals must move from place to place. Animals have special organs to do this. ................................................................................................................ 5. Plants cannot move from place to place. Plants do not need to do this. ................................................................................................................


Unit 9 ∞ | Activity 1 Read the following text and answer the comprehension checks that follow Text

BERIBERI Beriberi was a common disease in Java and Kalimantan in the nineteenth century. Many people thought it was caused by bacteria, until it was investigated by Eijkmann in 1897. He observed that chickens which were fed on a diet of polished rice seemed to have the disease. As a result he formulated a hypothesis:” Beriberi is a result of eating polished rice.” From this, he made a prediction: “ If chickens eat only polished rice, they will develop beriberi.” Eijkmann had to test his prediction.

To do this, he set up a simple

experiment. He obtained some normal, healthy chickens and divided them into two groups, A and B. They were kept under the same conditions, except that the diet of group A consisted of polished rice, while that of group B consisted of unpolished rice. After two weeks, the birds in group A showed symptoms of beriberi, while those in group B showed none. (Taken from English for the Life Science.A.J. Clynes. 1985).

 Comprehension check a. Questions 1. What did many people think about beriberi? 2. What did Eijkmman do to test his prediction? 3. Why did not birds in group B show symptoms of beriberi? 4. What could be the reason why the birds in group A showed symptoms of beriberi? 5. What relationship is illustrated between polished rice and beriberi?


b. Identify the referent of each of the following words from the text above 1. it (line 2 )

: beriberi

2. he (line3)

: .................

3. the disease (line 4 ) : ................. 4. this ( line 5)

: .................

5. they (line 6 )

: .................

6. his (line 7)

: .................

7. them (line 8)

: .................

8. they (line 9)

: .................

9. that (line 10)

: .................

10. those (line 12)

: .................

∞ | Activity 2  Vocabulary Study Instruction: Find the synonyms of the following words or phrases and use in your own sentences. An example (no. 1) has been done for you. 1. common

: general

2. investigated

: ................................

3. observed

: ................................

4. prediction

: ................................

5. test

: ................................

6. set up

: ................................

7. obtained

: ................................

8. divided

: ................................

9. consisted

: ................................

10. symptoms

: ................................


∞ | Activity 3 Future Tense Compare! 1. Look out We’re going to crash! 2. Don’t drive too fast. We will crash. Notes: The future tense denotes an action that will take place in the future, or at a time to come. 1. indicated by using shall or will + the simple form of the verb Examples; The students will practice tomorrow. 2. By using the be – going to + simple form of the verb Examples; I am going to write you a letter next month. Going to is used for the event that is already starting to happen. Will is used when something is likely to happen.

Fill in each of the following sentences with the right referent “it”, ”they” or” them” ,and “that” or ”those”. 1. Beriberi was caused by bacteria ...... was investigated by Eijkmann in 1897. 2. Chickens were fed on a diet polished rice ....... seemed to have the disease. 3. “If chickens eat only polished rice, …...... will develop beriberi.” 4.

The diet of group A consisted of polished rice, while ….... of group B consisted of unpolished rice.

5. The birds in group A showed symptoms of beriberi, while ......... in group B showed none.


∞ | Activity 4  Restating Ideas Form groups of three to five members. Then in your group do the following. a. Write down five sentences based on your understanding of the text above.


Example: Beriberi was investigated by Eijkmann in 1897.

1. .............................................................................................................. 2. .............................................................................................................. 3. .............................................................................................................. 4. .............................................................................................................. 5. ..............................................................................................................

b. Discuss malaria disease in Indonesia and how the people or government deals with it. Consider to use the following phrases or expressions in your discussion or conversation. 1. In my opinion.......... 2. Do you mean that......... 3. So.................................... 4. I suggest that.............. 5. Take for example, 6. What I am saying........... 7. On the other hand.......... 8. That is a good point........... 9. Well, what do you think......... 10. As far as I am concerned.........


Unit 10 ∞ | Activity 1 a. Below is a fully-labeled cross-section of a coconut and an incomplete text. Certain word parts in the labels are given in italics and a list of words is given in the margin.


Complete the text in column 2 by filling in the blanks with the correct words in italic from column 1.

Column 2

Column 1 Below

The pericarp is the ovary wall (1 )............. the fruit and this


may be dry or fleshy, fibrous or stony. There are three distinct


layers to the pericarp in a coconut. The ( 2)............. part of the coconut contains the milk which is liquid endosperm while


the edible coconut meat is solid endosperm. The endocarp is the (3)............... layer of the fruit wall surrounding the coconut


meat and this is a stony layer. The mesocarp is the ( 4).................. layer of the pericarp and it is thick and fibrous.


The exocarp which is the (5)............... layer of the pericarp is thin and hard.

b.Read the following text and do the exercises that follow!

ANTOINE LAURENT L’AVOISER (1743-1794) On Monday, August 1, 1774, the Englishman Joseph Priestley (17331840) first isolated oxygen from the decomposition of mercury (II) oxide, HgO. Priestley did not at first recognize the importance of the discovery, but he mentioned it to Lavoiser in October, 1774 . One of Lavoiser’s contributions to science was his recognition of the importance of exact scientific measurements and of carefully planned experiments, and he applied these methods to the study of oxygen. From this work he came to believe the gas entered the composition of all acids and so named it “oxygen,” from Greek words meaning “to from an acid” in addition, his experiments suggested to him that oxygen combined with carbon in the body, a reaction that was the source of the heat in a living organism. Although he did not understand the details of the process, this was a step in the development of biochemistry.


Lavoiser was a prodigious scientist and introduced principles of naming chemical substances that are still in use today. Further, he wrote a textbook in which he applied for the first time the principle of the conservation of matter to chemistry and used the idea to write early versions of chemical equations. As Lavoiser was an aristocrat, he came under suspicion during the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution, and his career was cut short on May 8, 1784, by the guillotine. (Taken from:” An Introduction to Chemical Reactions” p. 80)

 Comprehension Questions Write True (T) or False (F) for each of the following statements based on the text above. Compare and discuss your work with your friends’ work. 1. Joseph Priestley (1733-1840) did not first recognize Lavoiser’s contributions to sciencs. (......) 2. Priestley discovered from the decomposition of mercury (II) oxide, HgO. In October, 1774. (......) 3. Exact scientific measurements and of carefully planned experiments are methods in the study of oxygen. (......) 4. The gas which entered the composition of all acids is called “oxygen”. (.....) 5. It is found by experiments that oxygen combined with carbon in the body was the source of the heat in a living organism. (......) 6. The detail of the process of oxygen in the body was a step in the development of bochemistry. (......) 7. Lavoiser was a scientist who introduced principles of isolating chemical substances. (......) 8. Priestly wrote early versions of chemical equations. (......) 9. Lavoiser died on May 8, 1784 (.....) 10. The text discusses Joseph Priestley’s discovery in detail. (.....)


∞ | Activity 2  Vocabulary Study a. Choose the word or phrase which best indicates the meaning of the word in column 1 from column 2 as used in text above.

Column 1

Column 2

1. isolated

a. break down

2. recognize

b. unexpectedly or in the course of a search

3. discovery

c. cautious distrust

4. named

d. impressive

5. methods

e. come into

6. entered

f. put forward

7. suggested

g. called

8. details

h. a particular procedure for approaching

9. prodigious


10. suspicion

i. acknowledge j. describe item by item


b. Below is a table of word formation (abstract and concrete nouns) with the same root. Supply the missing word in each column. An example has been provided for you.

Concrete Noun

No 1





Abstract Noun Science
















∞ | Activity 3 Gerunds 1.SUBJECT Finding your way with a map and compass is a valuable skill. 2.OBJECT We’re used to having a lot of fun. (having is the object of the preposition to) 3. By is often used with gerunds to describe how something is done: By calling the office, you’ll be able to know what’s going on.


Here are a number of common verbs followed by gerund. Now fill in the blanks with the right verb form. 1. work

They finished _______ at 6 p.m.

2. call

I stopped _______ you at midnight.

3. smoke

They quit _______ for 24 hours.

4. answer

You can’t avoid _______ the questions.

5. study

They will keep on _______

6. read

My classmates enjoys ______ the new Science book.

7. hear

She would appreciate _______ from you.

8. help

Do you mind _______ me?

∞ | Activity 4  Restating Ideas a. Form groups of three to five students and discuss your understanding of the text “ANTOINE LAURENT LAVOISER (1743-1794) ”. b. Work in pairs and have “ question and answer “ activity based on your understanding of the text. Student 1: When did lavoiser 91743-1794) die? Student 2: He died in 1804 Student 1: ........................................................ Student 2: ........................................................ Student 1: ........................................................ Student 2: ........................................................ Student 1: ........................................................ Student 2: ........................................................ Student 1: ........................................................ Student 2: ........................................................ Student 1: ........................................................ Student 2: ........................................................


Unit 11 ∞ | Activity 1 Read and study the following descriptions carefully and answer the question that follows.

RADIOACTIVITY Certain heavy elements (e.g. radium , uranium ) disintegrate spontaneously, cmitting high energy radiation. This radiation consists of there types of rays: alpharays, beta-rays and gamma–rays. These three types of radiation can be shown to exist by their behaviour in a magnetic field. Alpha-rays consist of alpha particles. These particles are helium atoms which have lost two electrons. This means they are just the nuclei and are therefore positively charged. Beta-rays consist of beta particles, which are fast moving electrons. They are therefore negatively charged. The alpha and the beta particles are deflected in opposite directions by the magnetic field. Gamma-rays

have a very short wavelength (about 10-12cm) and high

penetrating power. They are therefore not deflected by the magnetic field. All three types of radiation cause blackening of a photographic method (in the diagrams, the magnetic field is perpendicular to the page). (Taken from Zukowski, Jean, et al, Steps to Academic Reading 5 : Between the Lines, Thomson Heinle, 2002) A. Now answer these questions based on the above passage 1. What substances emit high energy radiation? 2. What does this radiation consist of? 3. How can be radiation be shown to exist? 4. What do alpha-rays consist of?


5. What are alpha particles? 6. What do beta-rays consist of? 7. What are properties of gamma-rays? 8. How can alpha-beta-and gamma-rays be detected? 9. What charge do alpha particles have? 10. What charge do beta particles have?

∞ | Activity 2  Vocabulary Study a. Study and use each of the following words (phrases) in the sentences of your own. 1. disintegrate

: ....................................................................................

2. emitting

: ....................................................................................

3. magnetic field

: ....................................................................................

4. charged

: ...................................................................................

5. deflected

: ....................................................................................

6. directions

: ....................................................................................

7. wavelength

: ....................................................................................

8. penetrating power : .................................................................................... 9. methods

: ....................................................................................

10. perpendicular

: ....................................................................................

b. Deducing : Choose a,b,c, or d to complete each of the following sentences. Discuss and compare your work with your classmates’ works. 1. I am not________by your arguments, because you don’t give examples for it. a. positive

b. reluctant

c. guilty

d. convinced

2. I prefer to keep on reading at the library. That’s ________________ a. favorite

b. my best

c. love

d. what I would like to do best


3. The student_________his English teacher for his failure in the examination. a. assumed

b. insisted

c. blamed

d. supported

4. He works as a machine designer. He must be a _________ a. a carpenter

b. a pilot

c. an engineer

d. mechanics

5. To avoid a more serious problem in the future, the conflict between the two countries must be___________as soon as possible. a. resolved

b. put away

c. answered

d. set

6. You look tired. Why don’t you take__________? a. car

b. a rest

c. a look

d. easy

7. One of Lavoiser’s contributions to_________was his recognition of the importance of exact scientific measurements a. the state

b. science

c. literature

d. his family

8. You can_________your reading skills by reading a lot. a. develop

b. speed

c. state

d. enhance

9. Cows of today produce much__________milk than they used to. a. most

b. abundant

c. more

d. least

10. Earthquakes, typhoons, floods and tsunami contributed to the_______in population. a. danger

b. spirit

c. decrease

d. increase

Note that connectors also can help you deduce meaning as they show you the relation between the words you know and the word you try to deduce.

Such as and, because, but, etc : and

: equivalence


: cause/effect


: contrast


∞ | Activity 3  Restating Ideas Work in pairs and complete each of the following to form sentences to represent information found in the reading text, “ RADIOACTIVITY”

1. Radium is....................................................................... 2. Uranium can emit .......................................................... 3. There are three types...................................................... 4. Beta particles are fast.................................................... 5. Helium atoms.................................................................


Unit 12 Now read the following text and do the exercises that follow

IMPROVE YOUR SURVIVAL SKILLS In early times, every day was a battle for survival. People had to find their own water, food and shelter so everyone learn the essential skills needed to survive. Today we have forgotten many survival skills, since we can buy nearly everything we need. However, survival situations can still arise. You could be stranded in a snowbound car, lost in unknown country or a fire could break out in your home. Knowledge of certain skills would give you a better chance of surviving such a crisis unharmed. Useful skills include knowing how to deal with very hot, wet, or cold conditions and how to cope with potentially dangerous animals. You also need to know about first-aid, self-defence, signaling and finding your way with a map and compass. Knowing how to build a shelter and start a fire are also valuable skills. Remember that dangers can threaten you in a city or at home as well as in remote regions. You are more likely to survive if you are physically fit. Even half an hour of exercise a day can improve your fitness. In any survival situation you also need ingenuity, and ability to improvise, and a certain amount of organized thinking to pull you through. You can develop these skills by imagining yourself in a survival situation and decided how you would deal with it.

 Comprehension Check Write True (T) or False (F) for each of the following statements based on the text above. Give your reasons by referring to the text. 1. In early times, people were easy to find their own water, food and shelter (.....) 2. Today we do not need any survival skills, since we can buy nearly everything we need (......)


3. Survival skills are needed when you are lost in unknown country (.......) 4. Knowing how to deal with very hot conditions has nothing to do with survival skills (.....) 5. You are more likely to survive if you are physically fit if you imagine yourself in a survival situation.(.......)

Modals The words may, must, should, and can are called modals which express special meanings such as permission, necessity, possibility,ability, or futurity. Example : They may enroll on June 11. (permission) Classes must start on June 15. (necessity)

Write down 3 sentences from the text above using modals. 1. ............................................................................................... 2. ............................................................................................... 3. ...............................................................................................

∞ | Activity 3  Vocabulary Study a. Look up the following words in your dictionary taken from the text above and use in your own sentence ! 1. threaten

6. remote

2. stranded

7. ingenuity

3. snowbound

8. to pull through

4. break out

9. improvise

5. unharmed

10. deal with


b. Fill in the blank with the right derivative word!




1. weak



2. tough



3. soft



4. rough



5. strong



6. smooth



7. able



8. threatening



9. dangerous



10. defensive



∞ | Activity 4  Restating Ideas Write a short passage using the words like “however”, “but”, ”since”, ”in other words”, “as a result”, by which you can infer the meaning of the idea of the sentences or the text.



Unit 13 ∞ | Activity 1 a. Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions that follow.

Passage 1 One of the world’s strangest creatures is the mynah bird. It can imitate the human voice far better than a parrot can. A wild mynah will also imitate the songs and sounds of other birds. It can do this so well that it event confuses the other birds.

The story mainly tells: a. How many birds the mynah imitates b. What makes the mynah strange c. What the parrot can imitate Passage 2 One dinosaur had a brain that weighed only about as much as three pencils. Its body weighed ten tons and was over twenty feet in lenght. As you can guess, this dinosaur did not think too clearly. It wasn’t the world ‘s brightest dinosaur!

What is the main topic of the passage? a. What one dinosaur’s brain was like b. How big one dinosaur was c. Why one dinosaur had a small brain Passage 3 How much milk does it take to make butter and ice cream? To make one pound of butter requires just over twenty-one pounds of milk, or ten quarts. To make one pound of ice cream, or a gallon, it takes six quarts of milk.


The story mainly tells : a. How important milk is b. What uses milk has c. How much milk is used in other foods. Passage 4 Cows of today produce much more milk than they used to. Thank to science, a modern cow produces ten thousand quarts of milk a year. Fifteen years ago the average cow produced just six thousand quarts of milk. In ancient times, cows produced only enough for their calves.

The story mainly tells : a. How milk is used b. How much milk is used c. How milk production has grown Passage 5 Among the various effects of air polution, climatic changes are low, the deterioration of health is insidious, and the damage to plants, animals, or materials seems remote to those not directly involved. But smoke is visible to all, and the stinks of sulfides are all over. As a result, most complaints by individuals to air pollution agencies refer to something that can be seen or smelled. What the main idea of the paragraph? a. The effect of air pollution on people’s lives can be direct and indirect b. People are not directly affected by the damage of plant and animals. c. Complaints by individuals have been made to pollution agencies. Passage 6 The sun, the source of nearly all energy, is another solution to the energy crisis. Solar power is growing rapidly in popularity. All other fuels will not run out after a period of years; the sun’s power is limitless. Although burning any fuel – oil,


coal, or wood- causes pollution, solar energy does not. Furthermore, no nation on earth has a corner on the solar market; that is, no country has control over te sun. Although solar energy is increasing in popularity, it is still impractical and very expensive, and therefore not widely used. The passage mainly describes that : a. Control over the sun can be regulated b. An alternative solution to the energy crisi can be the sun c. The sun’s power is limitless b. Write the number of passage where you find the following information. 1. ----------------- control over the sun 2. ----------------- the deterioration of health 3. ----------------- the stinks of sulfides 4. ----------------- making butter 5. ----------------- sounds of other birds 6. ----------------- the wolrd’s brightest dinosaur 7. ----------------- the damage of plant and animals. 8. ----------------- the degradation of health.

∞ | Activity 2  Vocabulary Study a. Use the following words, taken from the passages above, in sentence of your own! 1. imitate

: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. weighed

: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. requires

: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. average

: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. deterioration: ---------------------------------------------------------------------6. run out

: ------------------------------------------------------------------------


b. Fill in the blank with the right family word (adjectives, verbs and related nouns)! An example has been done for you

Formed Word

Root Word

















∞ | Activity 3  Contextual Grammar Write True (T) of False (F) for each of the following statements in terms of grammar. Discuss your choice with your classmates.

1. One of the world’s strangest creatures are the mynah bird (--------) 2. These eggs is produced by hens that are fed low-fat diets (--------) 3. A team of Russian scientists have challenged the theory that the woolly mammoths became extinct 10,000 years ago at the end of the Ice Age (--------) 4. Reptiles cannot generate or regulate their own body temperature internally and must rely on the sun’s warmth for heat (--------) 5. A vegetarian can die from insufficient protein ingestion if he or she did not follow a varied and properly protein-complemented diet. (--------)


 Restating Ideas Write down 10 sentences (specific details) that describe the main idea of each passage ( passage 1-5) above. No. 1 has been done for you.

Example : 1. It can imitate the sounds of other birds. (passage 1) 2. -------------------------------------------------------------3. -------------------------------------------------------------4. -------------------------------------------------------------5. -------------------------------------------------------------6. -------------------------------------------------------------7. -------------------------------------------------------------8. -------------------------------------------------------------9. -------------------------------------------------------------10. --------------------------------------------------------------


Unit 14 ∞ | Activity 1 Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follow.

A balanced diet contains proteins., which are composed of complex amino acids. There are 20 types amino acids, comprising about 16 percent of the body weight in a lean individual. A body needs all 20 to be healthy. Amino acids can be divided into two groups: essential and nonessential. There are 9 essential amino acids. These are the proteins that the body cannot produce by itself, so a healthy individual must ingest them.

1. What is the paragraph about? 2. Is there a sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph? 3. If there is, which of the following sentences is it ? 4. Which of the following is not stated in the paragraph? a. A balanced diet contains proteins, which are composed of complex amino acids. b. There are 20 types amino acids, comprising about 16 percent of the body weight in a lean individual. c. A body needs all 20 to be healthy. d. Amino acids can be divided into two gruops: essential and nonessential e. There are 9 essential amino acids. These are the proteins that the body cannot produce by itself, so a healthy individual must ingest them. 5. What does this passage mainly discuss?


∞ | Activity 2  Vocabulary Study Use each of the following words in sentences of your own. 1. balanced

: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. composed

: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. essential

: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. produce

: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. ingest

: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

∞ | Activity 3 Tenses Related Passive Forms Active


Fred helps jane

Jane is helped by fred

He is helping her

She is being helped by him

He has helped her

She has been helped by him

He helped her

She was helped by him

He was helping her

She was being helped by him

He had helped her

She had been helped by him

He will help her

She will be helped by him

He is going to help her You can convert energy into other forms

She is going to be helped by him Energy can be converted into other forms

Note : see text 1 in unit 15 for more example of passive forms.


a. Complete the following sentences to form passive sentences. 1. Amino acids can (be/is) divided into two groups: essential and nonessential. 2. The 11 nonessential amino acids (are/is) produced the body, so it is not necessary to ingest them. 3. Proteins (are/is) described as being either high-quality or low quality, depending on how many of the 9 essential amino acids the food contains. 4. This process of selecting a variety of the essential proteins (is/are) called protein complementation. 5. Sunlight, CO2 and H2O (is/are) absorbed by leaves 6. Salts can (be/is) prepared by mixing an acid with a base b. Complete the following passage with the right word to make a meaningful passage. Choose from the words provided. a. roof b. built

c. paint d. made

e. will f. dried

g. painted

According to our plans the shed will be -----------(1) in two weeks. The foundations ------------(2) be dug first, of course, and when the trenches are deep enough we shall pour cement into them. As soon as the cement has ------------(3) the walls will be built. They will be ------------(4)of wood, not bricks. Then the -----------(5) Will be laid, and finally the whole shed, will be -------------(6) we have not yet decided what color we are going to --------------(7) it.

The Passive Voice Active : The doctor wrote a prescription Passive : The prescription was written by the doctor With the active voice, the subject comes before the verb. With the passive, the subject (either stated or implied) follows the verb and usually preceded with the word by : The house was built in 1960. (The by phrase is omitted because it is understood that builders built the house)


∞ | Activity 4  Restating Ideas Here are some statements about the atom : The proton has a positive electrical charge and a mass of 1.672 . 1027 kg. The neutron has no electrical charge and a mass equal to that of the proton. The electron has a negative electrical charge and a negligible mass. When the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons, the atom is neutral. When an atom loses an electron, it becomes a positive ion. When an atom gains an elctron, it becomes a negative ion. The number of protons in an atom of an element is the atomic number of the element. The atomic weight of an atom is equal to the number of protons plus the number of neutrons in the nucleus of the atom. Now make statements about the atom, using these notes : 1. atom /consist/nucleus/electrons 2. nucleus/consist/protens/neutrons 3. proton/positive charge 4. neutron/no electrical charge 5. mass/proten/equal to/mass/neutron 6. electron/negative electrical charge/negligible mass. 7. when/number/electrons/equal to/number/protons/atom/neutral. 8. when/atom/gain/electron/become/positive/ion. 9. when/atom/ lose/electron/become/positive/ion. 10. atomic weight/atom/equal to/number/protons/plus/number/neutrons.


Unit 15 This unit is especially designed to test how far you have achieved the sub reading and productive skills, as the main objectives of the course, through the previous units.

1. identifying explicitly stated information 2. identifying implicitly stated information 3. Understanding relations between ideas 4. Determining reference words 5. Deducing meaning of unfamiliar words. 6. identifying main ideas 7. restating the content of a text in both oral and written forms.

Part 1 Text 1 Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. According to our plans the shed will be built in two weeks. The foundations will be dug first, of course, and when the trenches are deep enough we shall pour cement into them. As soon as the cement has the walls will be built. They will be made of wood, not bricks. Then the roof will be laid, and finally the whole shed will be painted we have not yet decided what color we are going to paint it. a. What is the main idea of the passage? a. The steps of building and painting a shed b. Cement as one of the materials to build a shed c. A plan to build a shed.


b. Write True (T) or False (F) for each of the following statements based on the text above. Give your reasons by referring to specific line(s) in the text above. An example has been done for you. 1. The shed will be build in two weeks (--T--) 2. The foundations will be dug after the cement has dried (-----) 3. The walls will be built by using bricks (-----) 4. The roof will be painted red (-----) 5. The shed will be painted. After the roof is laid (------) 6. Finally, the shed will be painted (------) c. Choose a,b,c ,or d for the right answer based on the passage above. 1. What does the word “them”. refer to in line 3? a. b. c. d.

the trenches cement plans foundations

2. The word “they” . in line 3 refer to? a. b. c. d.

the trenches cement the walls bricks

3. The word ‘it” in line 5 refer to? a. the trenches b. cement c. the walls d. the shed 4. the word “pour” in line 2 could be best replaced by which of the following word? a. flow b. put c. find d. provide


Read carefully the following text and answer the problems that follow! Text 2 MODERN BIOLOGY Modern biology is based upon the assumption that the functions of living systems can be explained ultimately in terms of physical and chemical processes. A living organism is thus viewed as a highly complex and well-organized chemical system. But in reducing the study of live to study of individual chemical reactions, an inevitable question arises: Where does the ‘livingness’ of an organism end and the ‘nonlivingness’ begin? Or, to phrase the question another way: When does a collection of molecules cease to be merely a chemical mixture and become a living organism? This problem can be illustrated by considering some of the information known about viruses. A virus is a small particle composed of two types of substance: protein and nucleic acid. The nucleic acid carries a program of information for producing more viruses; the protein forms a coat around acid. Viruses invade living cells, such as those of the bacteria or higher organisms. Inside the host cell, the virus reproduces itself by means of the cell’s metabolic machinery. Often this destroys the host cell. The virus cannot, however, reproduce outside of living cell, no matter what organic substances are supplied to it. That is, apparently the virus can reproduce only when it has at its disposal the chemical machinery of a living cell. On the other hand, viruses can be crystallized, placed in a bottle, and stored for many years. When the crystals are resuspended is aqueous solution, they are capable infecting cells: just as before. In view of these characteristics, many biologists have found it impossible to classify viruses as either living or nonliving. Instead, they place viruses in an undefined category between ‘life’ and ‘nonlife’ . [Excerpt from Jeffry JW Baker & Garland E Allen 1968. A course in biology Addison-Wesley. p 2-3]


 Comprehension Question 1. Does the writer say that a living organism is just a chemical mixture ? 2. Viruses invade living cells, such as those of the bacteria or higher organisms. What does the word “those” refer to? 3. ...............the virus can reproduce only when it has at its disposal the chemical machinery of a living cell. What does the word “it” refer to? 4. How does the writer illustrate that a living organism is a highly complex and well-organized chemical system? 5. Why do many biologists place viruses in an underfined category between ‘life’ and ‘nonlife’ ? 6. What does the word “classify” mean? 7. Can the virus reproduce outside of living cells by supplying organic substances to it? 8. Why does the writer choose a virus to illustrate his idea in the text? 9. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? 10. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

Part 2  Restating Ideas a. Based on your understanding of the text above, write down ten right statements using the following words 1. highly

6. means

2. system

7. consider

3. collection

8. means

4. cease

9. classify

5. destroy

10. reproduce


Example : A virus is a highly complex living organism. 1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------b. Write a short passage about “A sample Food Chain” with the help of the following sentences 1. Energy is transferred from the sun to man in three stages. 2. This food chain consists of plants, herbivores, and carnivores. 3. The sun’s energy is used by the grass to manufacture food. 4. The goat eats the grass. 5. Some of the sun’s energy is transferred from the grass to the goat 6. The goat is catch by man

Reference 1. A.J Clynes . Engish for The Life Science, 1985 2. Abraham P and Mackey D, Contact USA : An ESL Reading and Vocabulary Textbook, Boston University 1982.p.178 3. Chamberlin D and White G, Advance English for Translation, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, 1978 4. Donovan Peter, Basic English for science, Oxford Univesity Press 1978.,p.63 5. Frank, M. 1988. Modern English Grammar. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press 6. Greenall Simon and Swan Michael, Effective Reading : Reading Skills for Advance Students, Cambridge University Press, London, 1986. 7. Jeffry JW Baker & Garland E Allen. A course in biology. Addison – Wesley. 1968 8. Longman English Dictionary, Lied © Pearson Education Limited 1999 9. Merriam – Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Eleventh Edition. Reading Projects: Science. Kuala Lumpur; University of Malay Press; 10. Sinaga Tuntun, Reading and Reading Strategies: Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension, 1994 (unpublished paper) 11. Swan, Michael, Understanding Ideas Advanced Reading Skills . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1984. 12. University of Malaya: Pusat Bahasa. 1979. Skills for Learning; 13. Walter, Catherine, Authentic Reading. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984 14. Zukowski Jean, et al steps to academic Reading 5 : Between the Lines, Thomson Heinle, 2002,p.35.