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DIII-ADMINISTRASI BISNIS English for Business II AAP154012 2 sks/ 6 jam per Minggu 4 (empat) English for Business I Jatrifia Ongga Sinatrya, S.S., M.Hum

2. MANFAAT MATAKULIAH Dengan mengambil mata kuliah English for Business II ini, mahasiswa mempunyai pemahaman mengenai konsep dasar bahasa Inggris dalam bisnis sehingga mahasiswa akan dapat melaksanakan berbagai analisa untuk keperluan pendirian perusahaan dan di akhir semester, mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan perusahaannya di Business Exhibition . 3. DESKRIPSI MATAKULIAH Dalam mata kuliah ini siswa mempelajari dan menggunakan bahasa Inggris sehubungan dengan bisnis dan pendirian suat perusahaan yang diwujudkan dalam pembuatan ‘Company Profile’, mengelola ‘Business Socializing’, ‘Market Research’, ‘Promotion’, dan ‘Management Meeting’. 4. CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN, KEMAMPUAN AKHIR YANG DIRENCANAKAN, DAN INDIKATOR Capaian Pembelajaran

: Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris Bisnis. Membangun dan mengelola perusahaan dengan benar, serta menyelenggarakan Business Exhibition.

5. PERATURAN KELAS a) Toleransi keterlambatan masuk ke dalam kelas maksimal 15 menit setelah jam pelajaran di mulai. b) Modul wajib di bawa saat mata kuliah English for Business II atau akan di cross satu jam pelajaran sebagai hukuman c) Diharapkan mengunduh aplikasi kamus Bahasa Inggris. d) Keaktifan di kelas akan mendapatkan nilai extra. e) Pakailah baju yang sopan dan sepatu yang sesuai.

INTRODUCTION HOW TO MAKE A GOOD PRESENTATION? Slideshows are quick to produce, easy to update and effective to inject visual interest into the presentation. However, slideshows can also spell disaster even for experienced presenters. The key to success is to make certain your slideshow is a visual aid and not a visual distraction.



1. Show your CREATIVITY This is the first thing to keep in mind! A PowerPoint project is not about making it “right” or “wrong” – it is about showing your personality, so let your creativity out and try to surprise everyone with your unique artistic vision! 2. Add high-quality media files It is not a secret that 90% of a PowerPoint presentation's success is by graphics. This is the main thing that will attract your audience's attention. Therefore, you should always use high-quality pictures and videos, not mentioning that all files have to be relevant to your topic and also engaging (consider adding some unusual and fun graphics). 3. Don’t overload it with animation Without a doubt, nice-looking transitions and animations between your slides attract more attention but they may also distract your audience. Try to keep it simple and classy. 4. Choose a good theme A well-planned visual theme will help you make your slides look organic and harmonic. However, do not use

templates. Using common templates removes your personal touch from the work and it becomes too vanilla and won’t be memorable! 5. Avoid providing too much text or bullet lists Why does it matter? The main idea of a PowerPoint presentation is simplicity! This type of project does not have to be overloaded with text – this will be your function as a speaker to share more information with the audience while your slides only have to contain the main points! Therefore, minimize the amount of text! 7. Use of charts and diagrams This is something you should use! Often, charts and diagrams can highlight or explain the message you are trying to deliver much better than any text but you have to use them carefully to avoid common mistakes as inappropriate size, lack of consistency, etc. 8. Fonts This is one of the most significant PowerPoint design tips! Although choosing fonts may not seem like a big problem, an inappropriate font can ruin the whole impression about your work! Choose fonts that will be easy to read and would look harmonious in your presentation. 9. Less is better There is a rule that can help you make a perfect presentation – the 10/20/30 rule recommends you to include not more than 10 slides in your project, limit the time of presentation to a maximum of 20 minutes, and use a minimum 30-point font size to make it easy to read. You won’t make a mistake if you follow this rule!



BUSINESS I D E A S A business idea is a starting point for any current or future entrepreneurs. It is essential because it is the beginning of a new life – a life of a business and a life of an entrepreneur. But, an idea is important only in the initial stage of a startup. The results from good business ideas will feel in all phases of the development of a company, but also in large part will depend on other entrepreneurial activities.


Would you like to start your own business when you’re older? Joe meets young British entrepreneurs who are doing just that, and gets expert advice from Sir Richard Branson on how to make your business a success.


CHECK YOUR VOCABULARY: GAP FILL Complete the gaps with a word from the box. course end 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

challenges walk

boot niche

invention workshop

Wherever you are playing golf, there can be a long _______________ to get the ball after hitting your shot. The RolleyGolf offers a new way to get around the golf _______________. The small and lightweight golf cart fits in the _______________ of your car. Arnold took the RolleyGolf idea to a golf course and discovered there was a _______________ in the market. Sir Richard Branson was once in Arnold’s position, facing the same ______________ as a young entrepreneur. Sir Richard says that when he first started he just threw himself in at the deep _______________. Many of the parts for Arnold’s invention are handmade in a small _______________ in South London. Arnold’s _______________ is now legal on the roads, so Joe decides to borrow one to get home.




ESTABLISHING COMPANY New companies thrive on innovation. If you want to come up with a winning idea for a new company, you'll need to set yourself up for success by learning to conduct market analysis and identify a gap in consumers' needs, then develop a compelling vision to fill that desire with a new and undeniable product.

UBER Do you need a ride? Instead of a taxi, try Uber. It’s the app that connects people and car drivers. It’s also a global company. The history of Uber starts in Paris in 2008. Garret Camp and Travis Kalanick were trying to get a cab. They waited a long time. That’s when they had an idea: develop an app to help people get rides. Two years later, Uber was online in a few cities. Today, it’s available in 66 countries and 500 cities. How does Uber work? Customers create an account with a credit card and download the app. Drivers need to provide lots of information, like a police check, before they can register. When customers want a ride, they open the app and enter the pickup location. The app measures trip distance and travel time. The fee is charged to the customer’s credit card and money is transferred to the driver’s account. Uber keeps 20%. The cost of a trip can vary. Pay more if you want a ride in a Benz. Trips in a simple four door car cost less. The amount people pay also depends on time of day. During busy times, like Friday afternoons, prices can increase a lot. Helping people get a ride is just the start. Uber is experimenting with new delivery systems. For example, there’s an app to get food delivered to your house in a few cities. In six years, Uber went from an idea to a $60 billion company. Each day, 5 million people get a ride with Uber somewhere in the world. And it all started with two guys who had a hard time finding a taxi.



A. Decide whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F). 1. Uber is a taxi company 2. Garret Camp and Travis Kalanick enjoyed waiting for a taxi for a long time. 3. An Uber customer does not have to have a credit card to create an Uber account. 4. A customer pays the cost of a trip either in cash or by credit card. 5. Uber customers may pay higher prices when they use the service on busy hours.





B. Match The Words In The Box With The Definitions Below Profit Revenue 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Loan Capital

Loss Interest


An amount of money you need to start a business _________________ The money you receive from selling a product or service ____________ What you make if your revenue is more than your costs _____________ What you make if your revenue is less than your costs _______________ An amount of money that someone, e.g. the bank, lends you __________ Money you pay for things and services to run your business____________ An amount you pay for borrowing money, e.g. from the bank___________

C. As You Can Understand From The Previous Texts, Insted Of Selling Product, Uber Provides Service To Its Customers. Uber Is An Example Of a Service Based Business. For Each Of The Following Company, Decide Whether It Runs a Service or Product Based Business No 1 2 3 4 5

Company Apple Nike Gojek Unilever JNE

Company Type



BRAND Make no mistake about it: a recognizable and loved brand is one of the most valuable assets a company owns. According to a Nielson survey, 59% of consumers prefer to buy new products from brands familiar to them. As a small business, you may be competing against big brands with devoted customers and unlimited marketing budgets. That’s why you have to find ways to differentiate— with a solid brand building process of your own.

The name is the most important element of a successful brand. Packaging changes, advertising changes, products even change but brand names never change. Where do great brand names come from? All different sources, they may come from family names or perhaps the inventor’s favourite colour or animal or sometimes the names are just completely made up. For example, McDonald’s is a family name, Adidas was created from the inventor’s name Adi Dassler, Volvo means “to roll” in Latin and KODAK was completely made up by the inventor George Eastman because he thought it was unusual and different.


MATCH THE VOCABULARY WITH THE MEANING! 1. brand identity A. what the company wants the customer to think about a brand 2. brand image B. a brand with a high price for quality products e.g. Ferrari 3. market leader C. a product that sells more than all similar products e.g. Red Bull 4. premium brand D. what the customers/public actually think about the brand 5. economy brand E. someone who represents the brand; the face of the brand becuase this person has certain qualities that makes the


6. target market


7. brand awareness


8. brand consideration 9. brand loyalty

H. I.

10. brand ambassadors


brand appealing e.g George Clooney with Lavazzo coffee always buying the same brand because you like it and not buying products from a rival brand a brand that you would think about buying when you look at all the available options knowing about a brand a brand/product with very low prices e.g. supermarket's own-label goods the ideal group of people that a company aims a product at





A COMPANY Before prospective clients hire you, they want to know what you can do for them and how qualified you are to do it. As a result, your company presentation plays a crucial role in helping you secure new clients. Here’s how to structure your company presentation to show prospects what they want and need to see.

A. About Us – Your Company Story

The About Us section touches on the basic information about your company without going into too much detail. Succinctly explain what you do and who you do it for. For example, “IDS specializes in technical writing services for software developers and systems integrators.” If you are small and do everything under the sun, you lose credibility. Organizations normally hire specialists as consultants, not generalists. If you have an interesting story about your company’s origin, such as why or how it got started, you can share this during your presentation. Your slide deck should be limited to a few points so just add the story as you speak to your audience. B. Organizational Structure

An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization. These activities can include rules, roles and responsibilities. The organizational structure also determines how information flows from level to level within the company. For example, in a centralized structure, decisions flow from the top down, while in a decentralized structure, the decisions are made at various levels.


C. Company History



A. PUT THE VOCABULARIES ON THE BOX INTO THE MEANING BELOW! Chairman Manager Organisation chart Purchasing Department Sales Department

Director Marketing Department Production Department Headquarters Shareholder

Executive officer Accounts Department Vice president Human Resources Department

1. Any of several executive officers, each responsible for a separate division__________________________ 2. Department responsible for finding customers and making sales______________ 3. Person who holds or owns shares in or a part of a company or corporation____________________ 4. Department responsible for finding and buying everything needed by a company________________ 5. Department responsible for physical creation of product____________________ 6. A table or plan showing a company's structure graphically________________ 7. Dept. responsible for putting goods on market, inc. packaging, advertising__________ 8. person responsible for day-to-day running of a dept.; executive officer____________ 9. A company's principal or main office or center of control_________________ 10. Person who manages the affairs of a corporation______________________ 11. A member of the board of directors_________________________________ 12. Person who heads a Board of Directors; head of a company; chairperson___________


Works With In Charge Of

Report There Are

I am responsible for operations, so I am_______________(1) purchasing and planning, R&D and quality. The purchasing and planning department schedule production based on orders provided by sales team and forecast from marketing department. In R&D, ___________ (2)


three sub departments – mechanical engineering, electronics, and software engineering – which_________________ (3) developing new products and modifying existing products to meet customer demands. They receive technical specificaions________________(4) the marketing department and provide drawings, a parts list and assembly instructions. Nathalie Lundy______________(5) me on Quality, an area that takes up nearly a third of my time. Finally, there’s the head of shipping, as well as the person in charge of Assembly, who also_______________(6) to me.

GROUP WORK Write your organizational structure and decide who become the director, the finance manager, etc. Also, write your company history timeline.



FINDING YOUR CUSTOMER What's the hardest thing about starting and growing a business? For many small businesses, the answer is finding clients or getting customers.

How to Find the Customers Who Need Your Product Define Your Initial Customer Archetype Ideally, you should create your initial customer archetype before building a product. However, whether you’re still validating your startup idea or you’re working on your MVP (minimum viable product), it is still essential that you create your initial customer archetype, as it will help you guide the development of your final offering. Take the time to outline who you think your ideal customer is, and remember to be as specific as possible. Be VERY specific; making your ideal customer more real and relatable will only enable you to better understand the needs and wants of those who will invest in your product. Even giving them a name will help.





MARKETING Effective marketing starts with a considered, well-informed marketing strategy. A good marketing strategy helps you define your vision, mission and business goals, and outlines the steps you need to take to achieve these goals.

A Beginner's Guide to Marketing BY LAU RA LAKE

Marketing is the process of teaching consumers why they should choose your product or service over your competitors. If you are not doing that, you are not marketing. It’s that simple! The key is finding the right marketing method and defining the right marketing message to use to educate and influence your consumers. Companies make the mistake of thinking that marketing is just “one” thing, but marketing is everything that the consumer encounters when it comes to your business, from advertising, to what they hear, to the customer service that they receive, to the follow-up care that you provide. It’s all marketing and creating the decision within the consumer whether or not to choose you initially or for repeat business. Marketing is often confused with advertising and sales, but it is important to know the key differences.


How Marketing Is Defined On the first day in many Marketing 101 courses, professors often define "marketing" as "all the processes involved in getting a product or service from the manufacturer or seller to the ultimate consumer." It includes creating the product or service concept, identifying who is likely to purchase it, promoting it and moving it through the proper selling channels. The Purpose of Marketing Business consultant, Evan Carmichael's does a great job of identifying the three main purpose of marketing: • • •

Capture the attention of a target market. Facilitate the prospect's purchasing decision. Provide the customer with a specific, low-risk and easy-to-take action.

With these purposes in mind, coupons, sales and even merchandising, or how products are displayed, are part of the marketing process. Since marketing is the cornerstone of every business, the overall objective is to sell more products or services.







ADVERTISE YOUR PRODUCT If you’ve ever come out with a new product or service, you know how tough it can be to get the word out. You could be offering the best new product or service in the world, but if you don’t promote it properly, you may end up losing money down the line.

How to Promote a New Product or Service When it comes to promoting a new product or service for your business, it can seem like there are endless options. It can be difficult to figure out where to get started and which methods of promotion will give you the best results. The truth is that there are many ways to promote your business, and what works may depend on your business. Here are 9 ways to promote a new service or product for your business. 1. Offer Customers an Exclusive Preview Your loyal customers are a key part of how to promote your product, because they are most likely the first ones who will buy it. Offer customers an exclusive preview of your new product. This can take the form of a private, pre-launch party, an online preview, or a special invitation to test out your latest service. These exclusive offers to loyal customers will make them feel good and keep them coming back.

2. Social Media Contests Contests, giveaways, and sweepstakes are a very popular tool among top quality marketers. Why? Marketers know that social media contests work! 3. Email Marketing Did you know that 82% of consumers open emails from businesses, and that 44% of email recipients made at least one purchase last year based on a promotional email? Email marketing via newsletters is a fantastic vehicle for advertisement, and is one of the best ways to promote a new service or product. Email newsletters allow you to easily share news of your product, photos, and information with customers. From there, offering an exclusive discount or promotion is a great way to “seal the deal” so to speak, and get cash flowing your way.


4. Facebook Ads With 1.44 billion monthly active users, Facebook is a window to a huge market. That’s why Facebook ads are an incredibly effective marketing tool. Facebook is particularly useful in concisely targeting your audience, as Facebook’s impressive data collection allows businesses to target by gender, age, location, interest, and more. 5. Share Customer Reviews One of the best ways to promote a new product or service is to let your customers speak for you by sharing reviews. If you take advantage of some of the ideas previously mentioned and offer an upgrade or free preview to customers, ask them to review the new service or product online or to provide a testimonial for you

to share. People will be more likely to sign up or try it out if there’s a glowing review from another customer. 6. Share on Social Media Another way to promote new products and services is to announce and share this on social media. If you’re using the tactics mentioned above, make sure to share any of them on social media, including: customer exclusive events, open houses, trade-in or upgrade opportunities, giveaways, customer reviews and photos. If you find that customers are posting on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, make sure to share those photos with your own followers to entice people to try out your new service or product!







PROFILE A company profile is just what the name implies. It is a document explaining what your company is and what you do.

Company Profile: Make a Powerful Impact If you have just launched a new business and are looking to make a great first impression on prospective customers, then it is essential to create an powerful company profile. A well-written company profile is an effective way to introduce the business to the potential customers and other stakeholders. A company profile is a professional introduction of the business and aims to inform the audience about its products and services. To create business or company profiles, one needs to carefully develop a strategy and map out the characteristics to be highlighted and how to assimilate the unique offerings of the business in a concise yet attractive manner. A great profile is crucial for any business but it should not be the only promotional tool; one needs to create the right marketing mix to reach out to customers and get them interested in your brand. Your high-level strategy should identify the best markets for promotion, outreach and building sales to sustain the success of your business

GROUP WORK Work in groups to write your company profile. Structure your company profile as follows: 1. Company background information 2. Vision and mission 3. Company history 4. Products/services 5. Strengths 6. Organizational sructure 7. Contact person Kindly check for more example of company profile.



EXHIBITION An exhibition for companies in a specific industry to showcase and demonstrate their new products and services. Generally trade shows are not open to the public and can only be attended by company representatives and members of the press. Also, an exhibition of businesses offering franchises and/or business opportunity packages for sale.

How to Use Exhibitions to Make a Name for Your Business by Faizan Patankar When you make the decision to include your business in an exhibition, you’re making a huge commitment. Not only is there the costs of reserving the stand space, but you’re also making the investment of time. Whether you’re traveling to the show or whether it’s local, you still need to take a day or more of your team’s time to prepare and man the stand and follow up with any connections made at the event. Clearly, if you’re putting this much into it, you want to make sure you’re taking advantage of your time and getting good results. Here are some tips that will help to ensure that your time and money are well spent. What is Your Goal? The first order of business is solidifying your goals. Some businesses are concerned only with branding, while others expect a certain number of sales to result. Which of these summarises your goals? • Branding and name recognition – If you aren’t trying to attract new clients or make sales, you can focus more on the aesthetic appeal of your stand. Make sure signage and any collateral material you have is branded consistently and that the message your team is giving when people stop by the booth is in accordance with this image.


Strengthen existing relations – Do you expect a large majority of your current clients to

be at the event? If so, make sure you have team members there who have the most contact with the clients (probably the sales or support team), and have nice handouts as a ‘thank-you’ for their support. Make new sales – If you’re looking to attract more customers and make actual sales or establish a sales funnel, you should look at capturing information from those who stop by your booth. This might mean a contest or giveaway—anything that will encourage them to share phone numbers or emails with you.

How to Brand If one of your main goals is branding, image should be your main concern. A high quality stand that sets your business apart and clearly expresses your brand is of the utmost importance. If you want to achieve this, you could look at having a modular exhibition stand which are visually impactful and can be easily reused. Be Memorable No matter what your goal, you never want to leave a show feeling that your business did not make an impression on attendees. Being memorable is always important, and there are a few ways to accomplish this task. • Have interactive media – It’s difficult not to remember a stand if you leave it with a digital photo of yourself, a video or some other form of media you were able to create while visiting it. If you have a decent budget (and especially if your business is in the tech industry), having a unique interactive media hook could be your best bet. • Have awesome giveaways – Most people leave exhibitions with a bag of pens, papers and stress balls—and they probably don’t have any recollection of the booths at which they got them. If you’re going to have a giveaway, it must stand out. This means it should be extremely unique or very high quality. Speaking with a promotional products company to learn about the best giveaways will give you some insight into ideas.



IRREGULAR VERB A regular verb is any verb whose conjugation follows the typical pattern, or one of the typical patterns, of the language to which it belongs. A verb whose conjugation follows a different pattern is called an irregular verb.

WHAT ARE IRREGULAR VERBS? Irregular verbs are verbs that don’t take on the regular –d, -ed, or -ied spelling patterns of the past simple (V2) or past participle (V3). Many of the irregular V2 and V3 forms are the same, such as: cut – cut, had – had, let – let, hurt – hurt, fed- fed, sold-sold

Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs Irregular verbs have three principal parts: • I tell a joke. (present/V1) • I told a joke. (simple past/V2) • I have told a joke. (past participle/V3) Some irregular verbs, such as tell, have the same form in the past and the past participle. Others, however, have different forms: • I wear a cap. (present) • I wore a cap. (past) • I have worn a cap. (past participle) • With irregular verbs such as wear, we need to learn the different forms for the past and the past participle.





UNIT 11b

COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVE Adjectives can compare two things or more than two things. When we make these comparisons, we use comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.


COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES Comparative adjectives are used to compare differences between the two objects they modify (larger, smaller, faster, higher). They are used in sentences where two nouns are compared, in this pattern: Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object). •

We use comparative adjectives to show change or make comparisons: This car is certainly better, but it's much more expensive. I'm feeling happier now. We need a bigger garden.

We use than when we want to compare one thing with another: She is two years older than me. New York is much bigger than Boston. He is a better player than Ronaldo. France is a bigger country than Britain.


When we want to describe how something or someone changes we can use two comparatives with and: The balloon got bigger and bigger. Everything is getting more and more expensive. Grandfather is looking older and older.

We often use the with comparative adjectives to show that one thing depends on another: The faster you drive, the more dangerous it is. (= When you drive faster, it is more dangerous.) The higher they climbed, the colder it got. (= When they climbed higher, it got colder.)




UNIT 11b

SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES Superlative adjectives are used to describe an object which is at the upper or lower limit of a quality (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). They are used in sentences where a subject is compared to a group of objects.

Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object).


My house is the largest one in our neighborhood. This is the smallest box I've ever seen. Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race.



A. FILL IN THE BLANK WITH SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVE 1. My dad is_________________dad in the world. (FUNNY) 2. Whales are_______________animals in the world. (HEAVY) 3. Mice are_________________ animal in the world. (CUTE) 4. My bedroom is _________________room in my house. (COMFORTABLE) 5. I am_________________cook in the world. (BAD) 6. For English people, Japanese is___________________language to learn. (DIFFICULT) 7. That was________________film I've ever seen. (SAD) 8. My sister is______________person I know. (TIDY) 9. My grandmother is________________person in my family. (OLD) 10. That was___________________ book I've ever read. (STRANGE) B. WRITE THE COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE FORMS OF THE ADJECTIVES BELOW!



ORDER When more than one adjective comes before a noun, the adjectives are normally in a particular order. Adjectives which describe opinions or attitudes (e.g. amazing) usually come first, before more neutral, factual ones (e.g. red)

Adjectives joined by and When more than one adjective occurs after a verb such as be (a linking verb), the second last adjective is normally connected to the last adjective by and:


Home was always a warm, welcoming place. Now it is sad, dark and cold. And is less common when more than one adjective comes before the noun (e.g. a warm, welcoming place). However, we can use and when there are two or more adjectives of the same type, or when the adjectives refer to different parts of the same thing: It was a blue and green cotton shirt.




PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE A prepositional phrase is a group of words that lacks either a verb or a subject, and that functions as a unified part of speech. It normally consists of a preposition and a noun or a preposition and a pronoun. Remember the following rules for prepositional phrases and you will find that using them becomes much easier. • • • •

Prepositional phrases always consist of two basic parts at minimum: the object and the preposition. In formal English, prepositions are almost always followed by objects. Adjectives can be placed between the prepositions and objects in prepositional phrases. Prepositional phrases can act as adverbs or adjectives. When they are used as adjectives, they modify nouns and pronouns in the same way single-word adjectives do. When prepositional phrases are used as adverbs, they at the same way single-word adverbs and adverb clauses do, modifying adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs.



Mary is________ the living-room_________the moment. You can find this book_________ our library. I have found this bird__________the forest. I was________ London last year.

5. There is not much snow_______ the mountains this year. 6. What time shall we be_________ town? 7. How much money did you spend_______ the supermarket? 8. It is an absolute scandal that they are kept_____ prison! 9. Who is that lady sitting______the armchair? 10. What time will you be______home? B. EACH OF THE FOLLOWING MOVIE QUOTATIONS CONTAINS AT LEAST ONE PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE. IDENTIFY THE PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE(S) IN EACH SENTENCE! 1. "May these horses bear you to better fortune than their former masters." (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, 2002) 2. "It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live." (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 2001) 3. "You know, I always thought that I rescued you from the Dragon's Keep." (Shrek Forever After, 2010) 4. "In this town, the fewer people who know something, the safer the operation." (The Dark Knight, 2008) 5. "In the matter of Harry Potter, the law clearly states that magic may be used before Muggles in life-threatening situations." (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, 2007)