Modul Inifnity Fix [PDF]

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Segala puji dan syukur kami ucapkan pada Allah SWT, karena berkat rahmat-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan modul ajar Bimbel STAN Infinity yang saat ini berada di hadapan adik-adik sekalian. Modul Ajar ini disusun untuk menemani adik-adik belajar dan menjadi acuan dalam memahami dan menyelesaikan dengan tuntas soal-soal USM STAN. Di desain khusus oleh Tim Kurikulum Bimbel STAN Infinity yang isinya sesuai dengan tipe soal USM STAN terbaru menjadikan modul ini benar-benar direkomendasikan untuk menaklukkan soal USM STAN. Semoga kehadiran modul ini benar-benar menjadi solusi untuk siswa/i Bimbel STAN Infinity untuk mewujudkan cita-cita menjadi Mahasiswa/i STAN tahun ini.



1-8 .......................... BAB 1 9-11 ........................ BAB 2 12-15 ...................... BAB 3 16-17 ...................... BAB 4 18-20 ...................... BAB 5 21-23 ...................... BAB 6 24-26 ...................... BAB 7 27-30 ...................... BAB 8 31-34 ...................... BAB 9 35-38 ...................... BAB 10 39-41 ...................... BAB 11 42-44 ...................... BAB 12


48-49 ...................... BAB 1 51-52 ...................... BAB 2 53-56 ...................... BAB 3 57-61 ...................... BAB 4 62-64 ...................... BAB 5 65-69 ...................... BAB 6 70-75 ...................... BAB 7 76-81 ...................... BAB 8 82-87 ...................... BAB 9 88-92 ...................... BAB 10 93-95 ...................... BAB 11 96-100 .................... BAB 12 101-105 .................. BAB 13 106-110 .................. BAB 14 111-113 .................. BAB 15


Pada bab kemampuan verbal akan dibahas beberapa subbab, yang pertama adalah sinonim. Secara harfiah, sinonim adalah persamaan kata. Dalam soal sinonim, akan disajikan sebuah kata. Lalu kita diminta untuk memilih jawaban dari beberaoa opsi pada soal. Sepintas, mungkin tidak terlihat hal yang unik, tapi ternyata ada trik tersembunyi untuk mengerjakannya.

Jika kita perhatikan dengan teliti, maka akan kita temukan bahwa sebagian dari kata-kata yang keluar pada soal merupakan kata serapan. Baik itu dari bahasa asing atau dari bahasa daerah. Triknya adalah mari kita coba kembalikan kata tersebut ke bahasa aslinya, baru kemudian kita artikan. Contoh: inflasi – inflation kiper – keeper klaim – claim Lalu, perlu kita pahami makna awalan dan akhiran kata. Dengan mengerti awalan (prefiks) atau akhiran (sufiks) kata, maka kita akan lebih mudah dalam menebak arti suatu kata apabila kita tidak melihat kata yang jarang kita ketahui.

Tanpa Perubahan 1. a-, ab-, abs  dari, menyimpang dari, menjauhkan dari 2. a-, an-  tidak, bukan, tanpa 3. am-, amb-  sekeliling, keduanya 4. ana-, an-  ke atas, ke belakang, terbalik endo-  di dalam Penyerapan Dengan Penerjemahan 1. a = tak-  asymetric = tak simetri 2. ante- = purba-  antedate = purbatanggal 3. anti- = prati-  antibiotics = pratirasa 4. auto- = swa-  autobiography = swariwayat 5. de- = awa-  demultiplexing = awa-pemultipleksan 6. bi- = dwi-, bi-  bilingual = dwibahasa 7. inter- = antar  international = antarbangsa

1. -ektomi, akhiran -ektomi dalam ilmu kedokteran berarti “membuang” (Adenektomi operasi bedah untuk membuang sebuah kelenjar) 2. -isme, akhiran ini menandakan suatu faham atau ajaran atau kepercayaan. Beberapa agama yang bersumber kepada kepercayaan tertentu memiliki sufiks isme. 3. -logi, akhiran ini dapat memiliki arti sebagai berikut:  sebagai pembentuk nama ilmu atau pengetahuan (misalnya sosiologi)  berhubungan dengan tulisan atau kumpulan tulisan (misalnya trilogi)

Seperti kita ketahui bahwa antonim pengertiannya adalah lawan kata. Kita diminta untuk mencari jawaban berupa lawan kata atas kata pada soal tersebut. Secara umum triknya sama seperti sinonim, tapi yang perlu kita perhatikan adalah makna sebaliknya (lawan kata).


Analogi merupakan bagian dari tes kemampuan verbal. Dalam bagian ini biasanya kita diminta untuk mencari pasangan kata yang memiliki pola serupa. Polanya itu ada berbagai jenis, diantaranya :  Kata benda : Fungsi  Pekerjaan : Tugas  Sifat : Kata kerja  atau bisa juga kata yang disajikan menjadi sebuah kalimat. Bagaimanapun soalnya, jawaban yang diminta adalah jawaban yang memiliki pola yang serupa, pola yang cocok. Contoh : Makhluk Hidup : Biologi = … : … a. Jiwa : Fisiotrapi b. Kemasyarakatan : Sosiologi c. Gunung : Demografi d. Pemerintahan : Antropologi Jawab: Ilmu tentang Makhluk Hidup adalah Biologi, maka Ilmu tentang Kemasyarakatan adalah Sosiologi Jawaban : B


GLOSARIUM A. Indeks B. Intisari C. Kamus ringkas D. Sisipan


BENCHMARK A. Pengulangan B. Penghargaan C. Pengawasan D. Penghargaan E. Pemaknaan


EKSKAVASI A. Pengambilan B. Penugasan C. Penggalian D. Penguburan E. Perkiraan


NUANSA A. Aspek B. Gagasan C. Perbedaan makna D. Persamaan makna E. Cakrawala


RESIDU A. Sisa B. Gangguan C. Tambahan D. Saringan E. Udara


SAPTA A. Marga B. Sumpah C. Sebelas D. Prasetya Bilangan


TIMPANG A. Kesal B. Ganjil C. Aneh D. Sama E. Tak seimbang


HOMOGEN A. Udara B. Harmonis C. Sepadan D. Sejenis E. Berbeda


BAHTERA A. Pernikahan B. Sejahtera C. Perahu D. Bahagia E. Pinisi

10. KREASI A. Kemampuan berfikir B. Rencana C. Inisiatif D. Kepandaian menari E. Ciptaan



11. KONTRADIKSI A. Penandatanganan kontrak B. Pertentangan C. Persamaan D. Perjanjian E. Perdebatan

12. GRASI A. Tempat penyimpanan mobil B. Tidak usah bayar C. Pengampunan hukuman D. Alat untuk memotong E. Bebas parkir

13. EBONIT A. Kayu hitam B. Gading C. Karet hitam D. Sejenis kawat E. Batu

14. TANGKAL A. Ikan B. Batal C. Bebal D. Cegah E. Pohon

15. OTOKRATIS A. Demokratis B. Orde Baru C. Otoriter D. Monarki E. Republik

16. DEGENERASI A. Disintegrasi B. Promosi C. Kemunduran D. Kemajuan E. Pangkat

17. HIGIENIS A. Sehat B. Septik C. Kotor D. Bebas Penyakit E. Tidak bergizi

18. KALEIDOSKOP A. Seragam B. Berwarna-warni C. Fleksibel D. Tambahan E. Ringkasan

19. MOBILITAS A. Kendaraan B. Motor C. Gerak D. Maju E. Diam

20. BAKU A. Pokok B. Normal C. Umum D. Tambahan E. Standar

21. KIANI A. Singgasana B. Ibarat C. Raja D. Kain putih E. Makin

22. MAKET A. Tiruan B. Proses C. Bangunan D. Mirip E. Pasar

23. BIBLIOGRAFI A. Riwayat Hidup B. Tulisan singkat C. Daftar Pustaka D. Ilmu tentang bibit E. Cabang dari geografi

24. STIMULAN A. Perangsang B. Kecanduan C. Grup Lawak D. Trauma E. Grup Lawak

25. SORTIR A. Pilih B. Memindahkan C. Urut D. Bekas E. Susun

26. PLAGIAT A. Menyadur B. Mengutip C. Mengarang D. Menjiplak E. Sama

27. TIMPANG A. Kesal B. Tak sama C. Ganjil D. Aneh E. Tak seimbang

28. SKELET A. Daging B. Tulang C. Kepala D. Darah E. Permainan

29. WARTA A. Kabar B. Kekayaan C. Media massa D. Pena E. Situs

30. KOHEREN A. beraneka ragam B. berhubungan C. tarik menarik D. tolak menolak E. keindahan

31. CANGGIH A. Sederhana B. Kuno C. Kadaluarsa D. Sama E. Modern

32. ANOMALI A. Penyimpangan B. Keteraturan C. Kebiasaan D. Perbedaan E. Keajaiban

33. MANDIRI A. Roboh B. Bank C. Tegak D. Berdikari E. Bergantung

34. MANIFESTASI A. Asli B. Palsu C. Terjemahan D. Perusakan E. Penanaman modal

35. ELASTIS A. Lentur B. Kaku C. Karet D. Praktis E. Taktis

36. INSTAN A. Siap saji B. Seketika C. Mentah D. Junk food E. Lama

37. DERAS A. Rintik-rintik B. Sedikit C. Banyak D. Kosong E. Tersumbat

38. PROBABILITAS A. Kesamaan B. Tingkat C. Tidak mungkin D. Paritas E. Kemungkinan

39. HEDONISME A. Royal B. Bonafit C. Kesenangan D. Sederhana E. Ramah

40. APRIORI A. Priori B. Aposteriori C. Absolut D. Relatif E. Skeptis

41. HIPOKRIT A. Jujur B. Pembohong C. Kamuflase D. Bersembunyi E. Sabar

42. MUSKIL A. Mustahil B. Mungkin C. Adil D. Curang E. Pasti

43. LALIM A. Tegas B. Pintar C. Bodoh D. Perkasa E. Adil

44. NISBI A. Mutlak B. Maya C. Stabil D. Abstrak E. Labil

45. SISTEMATIS A. Terserah B. Rukun C. Acak D. Rapi E. Sembarangan

46. KENDALA A. Pendukung B. Manifestasi C. Bimbingan D. Hambatan E. Kekerasan



47. SEKULER A. Serikat B. Bersama C. Pemisah D. Keagamaan E. Duniawi

48. DEPENDEN A. Valid B. Bergantung C. Korelasi D. Mandiri E. Keterkaitan

49. KONSERVATIF A. Modern B. Kuno C. Miskin D. Canggih E. Sederhana

50. AMBIGU A. Tidak jelas B. Terang C. Makna ganda D. Samar-samar E. Kabur

51. KRETIN A. Majalah B. Bahaya C. Kerdil D. Gigan E. Keterbelakangan mental

52. ESTIMASI A. Panas B. Perkiraan C. Pasti D. Mutlak E. Dingin

53. EKUIVALEN A. Sebanding B. Sama C. Berlawanan D. Lapisan E. Asli

54. NOMADEN A. Tetap B. Kontrak C. Berpindah D. Bermoral E. Preman

55. AKUT A. Aman B. Gawat C. Stadium D. Khawatir E. Cemas

56. SANJUNG A. Angkut B. Cela C. Puji D. Angkat E. Diam

57. FRIKSI A. Perpecahan B. Nyata C. Kecelakaan D. Palsu E. Persatuan

58. BERKORELASI A. Tidak sama B. Tidak berhubungan C. Tidak sejalan D. Berbeda E. Tidak tahu

59. BOTANI A. Hewani B. Insani C. Nabati D. Alami E. Petani

60. MORTALITAS A. Gerak B. Diam C. Dorongan D. Tarikan E. Mati

61. ANARKI A. Tingkatan B. Kerajaan C. Kekerasan D. Raja E. Bunuh Diri

62. OPLAH A. Gaji B. Jumlah Cetak C. Spontan D. Total E. Royalti

63. OTODIDAK A. Belajar Sendiri B. Otomatis C. Empiris D. Pedagogic E. Hewan langka

64. PENYELIA A. Penilai B. Pelaksana C. Supervisor D. Perumus E. Penyela

65. ASUMSI A. Kesimpulan B. Anggapan C. Ramalan D. Pandang E. Perbandingan

66. HALITOSIS A. Lamunan B. Sejenis penyakit C. Diam D. Suatu jenis pergerakan E. Gerak

67. DE FACTO A. Sah secara hukum B. Sah secara nyata C. Saham preferen D. Putusan pengadilan E. Sah menurut hakim

68. ANDAL A. Peneliti Lingkungan B. Loyo C. Tangguh D. Bebal E. Dapat dipercaya

69. DIKOTOMI A. Dibagi dua B. Dwi fungsi C. Dua sama D. Kembar dua E. Dua kepala

70. KASEIN A. Protein Susu B. Empati C. Pita rekaman D. Unsur dalam kopi E. Jelek

71. IMUN A. Minuman B. Sayur C. Aman D. Kebal E. Program

72. SUPERVISOR A. Penyelia B. Manajer C. Penentu D. Penglihatan super E. Direktur

73. PARTITUR A. Kata B. Bagian C. Komposisi tulis musik D. Not E. Perjanjian

74. EMPIRIS A. Setara B. Fiktif C. Pengalaman D. Cerita E. Potong

75. SANITASI A. Kotor B. Sehat C. Koper D. Jorok E. Iritasi

76. NARATIF A. Puisi B. Deskriptif C. Prosa D. Timbal balik E. Menguraikan

77. KISI-KISI A. Alat hitung B. Terali C. Alat menagkap ikan D. Tabel E. Bocoran

78. AKURAT A. Ralat B. Seksama C. Selidik D. Pasti E. Proksi

79. PLEIDOI A. Putusan B. Banding C. Jaksa D. Pembelaan E. Bantahan

80. VENDOR A. Broker B. Pembeli C. Penjual D. Kios E. Pabrik

81. SEREBRUM A. Upacara B. Selebritis C. Pra D. Otak besar E. Otak kecil

82. FARMA A. Obat-obatan B. Apotek C. Suntikan D. Dokter E. Apoteker



83. KONSIDERASI A. Gabungan B. Pertimbangan C. Pertemuan D. Parlemen E. Penyesalan

84. EGALITER A. Otoriter B. Semena-mena C. Sama derajat D. Bangsawan E. Bertingkat

85. KONDUITE A. Penghubung B. Perilaku C. Pengatur D. Aturan E. Perkataan

86. DETERMINAN A. Faktor penentu B. Tekanan C. Unsur D. Kepastian E. Penekanan

87. ANEKSASI A. Penghilangan rasa sakit B. Gambar lucu C. Pencaplokan wilayah D. Penyindiran E. Pesakitan

88. PREFERENSI A. Prioritas B. Kepercayaan C. Rujukan D. Saham E. Anjuran

89. EKSAK A. Matematika B. Terhitung C. Pasti D. Sekolah E. Kuat

90. GRAHITA A. Bisu B. Paham C. Buta D. Bicara E. Bingung

91. CATAT : LUPA = JAKET : … A. Jala-jala B. Dingin C. Kain D. Toko E. Mahal

92. SEMUT : GULA = LALAT : … A. Rumah B. Buah C. Kebun D. Sampah E. Air Bersih

93. PADI : KETELA = BUS : … A. Besar B. Kereta C. Jalan D. Mobil E. Sepeda

94. ANAK-ANAK : BAYI = … A. Murid : Guru B. Bapak-Bapak : Ibu-ibu C. Sepeda : mobil D. Dewasa : Muda E. Perempuan : Gadis

95. MIKROSKOP : MIKROBA = TELESKOP : … A. Denyut Jantung B. Gelombang C. Benda langit D. Berbicara E. Penyakit

96. PENYAIR : PUISI = … A. Pelukis : Kanvas B. Produser : Uang C. Sutradara : Skenario D. Kartunis : Gambar E. Guru : Buku

97. SARJANA : SKRIPSI = MAGISTER : … A. Tesis B. Laporan C. Makalah D. Disertasi E. Jurnal

98. DOSEN : UNIVERSITAS = … A. Guru : Kelas B. Petani : Sawah C. Nelayan : Pantai D. Pelukis : Kanvas E. Guru : Sekolah

99. SENAPAN : BERBURU = … A. Kapal : Berlabuh B. Pancing : ikan C. Pena : ditulis D. Menangkap : Perangkap E. Kail : Memancing

100. WAKTU : ARLOJI = ARAH : … A. Peta B. Kompas C. Polisi D. Penggaris E. Map

101. KALENG : TIMAH A. Kaset : Pita B. Tenis : Bola C. Laptop : kabel D. Kawat : Tembaga E. Nitrogen : Udara

102. NASABAH : PRIVASI A. Perampok : Buron B. Polisi : Tilang C. Akuntan : Kesalahan D. Pelanggan : Kenyamanan E. Mahasiswa : Dosen

103. TAS : PENGRAJIN A. Roman : Sastrawan B. Sepatu : Atlet C. Komputer : Programmer D. Buku : Sekolah E. Kunci : Keamanan

104. SANDAL : SEPATU A. Air : Minum B. Roti : Mentega C. Kaos : Baju D. Mobil : Sopir E. Pita : Bandana

105. TELEVISI : GAMBAR A. Kamus : Arti B. Radio : Star FM C. Telepon : Suara D. Kalkulator : Hitung E. Lup : Jelas

106. MENARA : TINGGI A. Kereta : Angkut B. Air : Jernih C. Kipas : Angin D. Lapangan : Bola E. Angin : Badai

107. HITUNG : KALKULATOR A. Makan : Sendok B. Minum : Air C. Musik : Lagu D. Baca : Koran E. Belajar : Kamar

108. MEROKOK : SAKIT = MERAMPOK : .... A. Penjara B. Kaya C. Ketagihan D. Sadis E. Berani

109. MENYOBEK : KERTAS = .... A. Mengais : Sampah B. Maju : Mundur C. Menanam : Saham D. Memupuk : Subur E. Menangis : Sedih

110. KOMPONIS : SIMPONI A. Aktor : Komedi B. Konduktor : Orkestra C. Sutradara : Film D. Pedagang : Buah E. Penyair : Soneta

111. BUGIL : PAKAIAN A. Gundul : Hutan B. Bulu : Cabut C. Botak : Rambut D. Mogok : Mobil E. Manusia : Baju

112. KONSTITUSI : PREAMBULE A. Opera : Intermeso B. Kuliah : Ujian C. Legislatif : Pendahuluan D. Drama : Epilog E. Buku : Kata Pengantar

113. DERMATOLOGI : KULIT A. Pathologi : Peta B. Seismologi : Daratan C. Oceanologi : Lautan D. Akuntansi : Perusahaan E. Biologi : Ilmu

114. Mobil : BENSIN A. Sapi : Susu B. Lebah : Madu C. Pesawat terbang : Propelar D. Manusia : Makanan E. Penyakit : Virus

115. CANTIK : MANIS A. Mobil : Motor B. Pisau : Tajam C. Kantuk : Tidur D. Rajin : Disukai E. Cerdas : Pintar

116. KUMAN : PENYAKIT A. Orang tua : Anak B. Sampah : Banjir C. Malas : Tugas D. Burung : Telur E. Dokter : Obat

117. REBANA : KULIT A. Rebab : Gesek B. Piano : Tuts C. Klarinet : Angin D. Motor : Knalpot E. Gitar : Resonansi

118. SKENARIO : FILM A. Teater : Acara B. Resital : Pertunjukan C. Penyanyi : Konser D. Kuliah : UTS E. Plot : Drama

119. BUKU : DAFTAR PUSTAKA A. Drama : Epilog D. Kelas : Papan Tulis E. Skripsi : Pendahuluan B. Sedan : Spion C. Tesis : Abstrak

120. NEWTON: GRAVITASI A. Copernius : Heliosentris B. Soekarno : Proklamasi C. Marconi : Kembang Api

D. E.

Galileo : Teropong Einstein : Bom


Aritmatika Sosial merupakan bab berkaitan langsung dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Pada bab ini akan tersaji soal-soal hitungan yang biasa kita ketahui. Diantaranya adalah tentang hitungan dagang yang didalamnya terdapat hitungan mengenai keuntungan dan kerugian, tara, berat brutto dan netto dan sebagainya. . Contoh: 𝑛𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑘𝑒𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑛 % Untung = x 100% ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑙 (𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖)

% rugi


𝑛𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑖 𝑘𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑔𝑖𝑎𝑛 ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑙 (𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖)

x 100%

Yang patut di ingat dalam rumus di atas adalah harga yang digunakan adalah harga awal/beli. Selain untung rugi, kita pun berhadapan dengan potongan harga atau biasa kita kenal dengan diskon sejenisnya. Contoh: Sebuah barang di turunkan harganya 20% dari harga awal, lalu diturunkan lagi 30%. Berapakah persentase penurunan harga total? Jawabannya tidak serta merta 20% + 30% = 50% Ini kurang tepat. Maka bagaimana jawaban yang benar?   


Kita misalkan harga awal 100%, maka: Penurunan awal = 20%, sisa 80%. Penurunan kedua yang nilainya 30% itu dari 80%  30% x 80% = 24%. Jadi penurunan total adalah 20% + 24% = 44%.


Fahmi membeli 15 kg beras jenis A seharga Rp4.000,00/kg dan 25 kg beras jenis B denganharga Rp4.800,00/kg. Kedua jenis beras tersebut kemudian dicampur. Agar Fahmi mendapat untung 10%, maka beras tersebut dijual seharga ... /kg. A. Rp 4.500,00 B. Rp 5.050,00 C. Rp 4.050,00 D. Rp 4.950,00 E. Rp 5.450,00


Selisih uang Tasa dan Niar adalah Rp100.000,00. Jika Tasa memberikan 1/5 uangnya kepada Niar maka uang mereka menjadi sama banyaknya. Jumlah uang Tasa dan Niar semula adalah .... A. Rp 250.000,00 B. Rp 150.000,00 C. Rp 200.000,00 D. Rp 300.000,00 E. Rp 400.000,00


Tiga orang bisnisman, Fachri, Akbar dan Widi mengumpulkan uang berturut-turut Rp 14.000.000,- , Rp 18.000.000,- dan Rp 24.000.000,00,- untuk modal perusahaan Infinity Corporation. Pembagian keuntungan perusahaan sebanding dengan jumlah modal yang mereka setorkan. Apabila pada tahun tersebut diperoleh keuntungan sebesar Rp 210.000.000,-. Berapakah bagian yang diterima Widi? A. 80.000.000,B. 75.000.000,C. 90.000.000,D. 70.000.000,E. 50.000.000,-


Beras kualitas I dan II dicampur dengan perbandingan berat x : y. Harga tiap Kg beras kualitas I dan II masing-masing adalah Rp16.000,00 dan Rp14.000,00. Jika harga beras kualitas I naik 10% dan kualitas II turun 5% tetapi harga beras campuran tidak berubah, maka nilai x : y adalah… A. 16 : 7 B. 15 : 8 C. 12 : 15 D. 7 : 16 E. 16 :15


Ibu memiliki 3 gross sendok makan dan 2 kodi taplak meja. Berapakah jumlah seluruh barang tersebut? A. 5 B. 60 C. 360 D. 472 E. 720


Seorang pedagang dalam seminggu membeli 0, 25 ton beras dan 4,8 kuintal gula serta 61 kg minyak goreng. Secara keseluruhan berat barang yang dibeli pedagang tersebut selama seminggu adalah… kg. A. 791 B. 566 C. 478 D. 359 E. 134


Harga sebuah komputer di diskon 25% kemudian dikenakan pajak 25%, maka harga komputer sekarang menjadi berapa persen dari harga semula? A. 87,25 % B. 100 % C. 97,25% D. 93,75% E. 95,25 %


Pak Zainul membeli 10 karung beras dengan harga rata-rata Rp190.000,00 tiap karungnya. Jika setengah diantaranya dijual dengan harga Rp228.000,00 tiap karung, berapa persen keuntungan yang didapat Pak Zainul dari penjualan tersebut dibanding modal total? A. 2% B. 4% C. 8% D. 1% E. 5%


Riska membeli sepatu sebanyak 20 pasang dengan harga masing-masing Rp. 35.000,- perpasang. 20 % dari sepatu tersebut dijual dengan kerugian 10 % dan sisanya dijual dengan keuntungan 50 %, berapa jumlah uang yang diterima Riska dari keseluruhan penjualan sepatu tersebut ? A. Rp. 500.000,B. Rp. 750.000,C. Rp. 850.000,D. Rp. 926.000,E. Rp. 966.000,-

10. Dua karung tepung masing-masing beratnya 30 kg dan 25 kg. Pada masing-masing karung terjadi penyusutan yang besarnya berturut-turut 3% dan 4,8%. Jika isi kedua karung tersebut digabung, persentase penyusutan isinya menjadi .... A. 2,82% B. 2,28% C. 3,28% D. 3,82% E. 4,38%

11. Alfian bekerja pada sebuah perusahaan bagian penjualan barang dengan gaji minimum bulanan Rp1.500.000,00. Selain dari gaji tersebut, ia juga dapat memperoleh komisi 25 % dari selisih penjualan barang di atas Rp 90.000.000,00 selama sebulan. Jika Alfian ingin memperoleh uang Rp2.500.000,00 pada bulan itu, maka ia harus dapat melakukan penjualan barang dalam bulan tersebut paling sedikit … A. Rp 4.000.000,00 B. Rp 6.250.000,00 C. Rp 62.5000.000,00 D. Rp 94.000.000,00 E. Rp 98.000.000,00

12. Pak Asvin menjual 25 liter minyak goreng dengan harga Rp25.200,00 dan 15 liter minyak goreng yang sama dengan harga Rp22.800,00. Jika harga bell seluruhnya Rp900.000,00, berapa persentase laba/rugi dari penjualan tersebut? A. Laba 6% B. Laba 8% C. Rugi 6% D. Rugi 8% E. Tidak rugi dan tidak untung

13. Wima membeli 10 buku tulis jenis A dengan harga Rp25.000,dan 8 buku jenis B dengan harga Rp16.000. Harga rata-rata setiap buku yang dibeli adalah … A. Rp20.000 B. Rp20.500 C. Rp21.000 D. Rp41.000 E. Rp44.000

14. Sebuah industri kecil pada suatu saat memproduksi baju dan celana sebanyak 54 buah. Harga sebuah baju Rp20.000,dan harga sebuah celana Rp65.000,-. Jika perbandingan banyaknya baju dan celana adalah 5 : 4, dan semuanya habis terjual, maka uang yang diperoleh dari produksi tersebut adalah … A. Rp1.080.000,B. Rp2.160.000,C. Rp2.430.000,D. Rp3.510.000,E. Rp3.930.000,-



15. Sebuah toko menjual barang dengan harga Rp x tiap y ons. Setiap pembelian 15 kg (berlaku kelipatan) mendapat tambahan 1 ons. Bila seseorang butuh 85 kg barang tersebut dan memanfaatkan kesempatan tersebut, maka ia cukup mengeluarkan uang sebanyak … A. Rp800y/x B. Rp845x/y C. Rp855x/y D. Rp845y/x E. Rp850x/y

16. Waris biasa menggunakan bahan bakar jenis x untuk mobilnya sedangkan Anung biasa menggunakan bahan bakar jenis y untuk mobilnya. Satu liter bahan bakar jenis x dengan harga Rp1.800 dapat menempuh jarak 20 km sedangkan satu liter bahan bakar jenis y dengan harga Rp1.500 dapat menempuh jarak 18 km. Jika Waris dan Anung ingin pergi bersama-sama ke tempat yang berjarak 720 km, maka Waris akan membutuhkan biaya untuk bahan bakar sebesar … A. Rp4.800 lebih tinggi dari Anung B. Rp4.800 lebih rendah dari Anung C. Rp48.000 lebih tinggi dari Anung D. Rp48.000 lebih rendah dari Anung E. Sama

17. Fachri menjual barang dengan harga a rupiah. Jika harga beli barang tersebut b rupiah, maka keuntungan yang didapat May adalah … % A. (100a-b)/b B. 100a/b-1 C. 100a/b-100 D. b- 100b/a E. a- 100a/b

18. Sebuah kapal mempunyai kapasitas maksimum 500 penumpang. Pada suatu hari jumlah penumpang mencapai 1650 orang. Berapa kapal yang harus digunakan untuk mengangkut semua penumpang tersebut? A. 2 B. 3 C. 3,3 D. 3,5 E. 4

19. Akbar membeli 5 ekor sapi seharga Rp7.000.000. 3 sapi berhasil dijualnya kembali dengan harga Rp4.800.000. Jika 2 sapi lainnya dijual dengan laba Rp250.000 persapi, maka berapa laba untuk setiap sapi tersebut ? A. Rp200.000 B. Rp220.000 C. Rp270.000 D. Rp300.000 E. Rp320.000

20. Sebuah perusahaan selalu memberikan tambahan gaji untuk pekerjanya yang berhasil melakukan penjualan diatas Rp950.000 dengan tambahan Rp75.000 setiap tambahan penjualan Rp175.000. Selain itu juga diberi tambahan bagi yang lembur dengan Rp50.000 tiap 1,5 jam lembur. Gunis berhasil menjual Rp1.525.000 dan lembur 4,5 jam. Berapa tambahan gaji yang diterima Ari ? A. Rp450.000 B. Rp425.000 C. Rp375.000 D. Rp350.000 E. Rp325.000

Pada Bab Geometri akan banyak membahas mengenai bangun. Baik itu bangun dua dimensi ataupun bangun tiga dimensi. Di sini dibahas mengenai segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan bangun dua dan tiga dimensi tersebut, baik mengenai sisi, panjang, lebar, luas, volume dan lain sebagainya.

Dalam geometri dibagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu: a. Bangun Datar b. Bangun Ruang Perbedaan dari kedua bangun itu adalah, jika bangun datar atau yang disebut dengan bangun 2 dimensi, hanya memiliki panjang, lebar dan luas. Akan tetapi, bangun ruang atau dikenal dengan nama bangun 3 dimensi, memiliki tinggi dan isi atau yang sering disebut dengan volume

Bangun datar dibagi menjadi bebrapa bagian, yaitu 1)

Persegi Panjang  Luas = p x l  Keliling = 2(p+l)

𝑙 𝑃 2)

Persegi  Luas = Sisi x Sisi = S2  Keliling = 4S  Panjang diagonal sisi = 𝑆√2



Segitiga  Luas =

𝐶 𝑡


𝑎×𝑡 2

 Keliling = jumlahkan seluruh sisinya  Jumlah sudut dalam segitiga adalah 180O  Dalam segitiga siku-siku berlaku persamaan Pytagoras berikut:


C2=B2+A2 4)




 

z Luas = alas x tinggi = a x t Keliling = 2(a+m)

 

Luas = ½ (a+b) x t Keliling = jumlah semua sisi

a 5)



t b



BangunRuang Bangun ruang adalah bangun 3 dimensi yang secara teori berasal dari penggabungan bidang 2 dimensi. Akan kita bahas mengenai 3 jenis bangunan yang sering dijadikan soal USM STAN.

. 1)



Volume = s x s x s / s3 Luas permukaan= 6 x L Persegi = 6s2  Diagonal sisi = s√2  Diagonal ruang = s√3 




Volume = p x l x t Luaspermukaan = 2 ((pxl)+(pxt)+(lxt))

  

Volume = luas alas x tinggi = π r2 x t Luas = 2.luas alas + luas selimut = 2 π r2 + (2 π r) x t = 2πr (r+t)


p 3)

 


CONTOH: Sebuah persegi sisinya bertambah 40%, maka persentase pertambahan luasnya adalah? a. 40% b. 96% c. 156% d. 196% e. 256% Jawab : Permisalan; sisi awal persegi = 10, maka luas awal = 10 x 10 = 100 Pertambahan sisi = 40% x 10 = 4 Jadi, sisi akhir 10+4 = 14. Luas akhir = 14 x 14 = 196. 𝑙𝑢𝑎𝑠 𝑎𝑘ℎ𝑖𝑟−𝑙𝑢𝑎𝑠 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑙 Pertambahan = 𝑥 100% 𝑙𝑢𝑎𝑠 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑙 196−100

= 𝑥 100% 100 = 96% (B)



Sebidang tanah yang berbentuk persegi dengan lebar 50 m, dan panjang 120 m dibagi dua dengan sebuah garis diagonal. Berapa meterkah panjang pagar yang diperlukan untuk menutup salah satu bagian tanah tersebut? A. 200 B. 300 C. 170 D. 180 E. 240


Luas sebuah persegi ditambah 125%, maka persentase pertambahan sisinya... A. 15% B. 25% C. 50% D. 125% E. 225%


Jika x cm, 20 cm, 21 cm adalah sisi-sisi segitiga siku-siku dan y adalah rusuk sebuah kubus yang mempunyai luas permukaan 864 cm2 maka .... A. x>y B. x< y C. x= y D. x+y=61 E. hubungan x dan y tidak dapat ditentukan


Jika panjang persegi panjang adalah satu lebihnya dari lebar persegi panjang tersebut, sedangkan jika panjangnya ditambah 3 cm dan lebarnya ditambah 2 cm persegi panjang tersebut luasnya bertambah 33 cm2. Luas persegipanjang mula-mula adalah ... cm2. A. 30 B. 42 C. 56 D. 63


Suatu lingkaran memiliki luas 154/21 x cm2. Berapa cm keliling lingkaran tersebut? A. 13,2x B. 132x C. 132 D. 13,2 E. 1,32x


Luas bangun persegi panjang adalah 384cm² dengan panjang 24 cm. Berapakah keliling persegi panjang tersebut? A. 80 B. 40 C. 32 D. 23 E. 16


Sebuah drum penampungan air berdiameter 112 cm dengantinggi 125 cm. Apabila diisi sampa ipenuh, maka volume air pada drum tersebut adalah … liter. A. 1.232 B. 123,2 C. 12,21 D. 1,232 E. 0,1232


Seorang pemilik rumah ingin mengganti lantai kamar tidurnya yang berukuran 6 X 5 m. Apabila Ia hendak menggantinya dengan ubin yang berukuran 20 cm X 20 cm. Berapa ubinkah yang diperlukanya? A. 570 B. 750 C. 1.200 D. 1.220 E. 1.240


Terdapat sebuah bak air berbentuk balok dengan panjang, lebar,tinggi 65 cm, 20 cm dan 45 cm.jika air diisi sampai mencapai 7 cm dari atas, berapa volume air itu? A. 36,40 liter B. 38,40 liter C. 37,5 liter D. 40,0 liter E. 42,0 liter

10. Dua buah kubus panjang rusuknya berselisih 5cm dan luas permukaannya berselisih 510 cm2. Panjang rusuk kubus yang lebih besar adalah A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9 E. 11

11. Jika x adalah sisi bujur sangkar yang luasnya 100 cm2 dan y = alas segitiga siku-siku yang luasnya 150 cm2 dengan tinggi 2x, berapakah nilai 2xy ? A. 100 B. 225 C. 275 D. 300 E. 325

12. Persegi panjang pertama mempunyai panjang 5 cm dan lebar 3 cm. Persegi panjang kedua sebangun dengan persegi panjang pertama. Berapa cm panjang persegi panjang kedua bila luasnya 135 cm2? A. 45 B. 15 C. 27 D. 65 E. 130

13. Sebuah tempat penampngan air berbentuk silinder, memiliki diameter alas 50 cm dan tinggi 49 cm. Jika Riska ingin penampungan itu berisi air seperlimanya, maka berapakah nilainya? A. 37,5 liter B. 57 liter C. 77 liter D. 97,5 liter E. 107 liter

14. Dua buah lingkaran perbandingan jari-jarinya 2:3. Maka, perbandingan keliling lingkaran tersebut adalah... A. 3:4 B. 2:3 C. 1:2 D. 4:5 E. 5:4

15. Suatu persegi panjang, panjang x cm dan lebar y cm. Jika diagonalnya 5 cm dan x + 2y = 10, maka luasnya adalah … A. 12 cm² B. 18 cm² C. 20 cm² D. 24 cm² E. 25 cm²

16. Suatu persegi panjang, perbandingan panjang dan lebarnya adalah 3 : 2. Jika kelilingnya 70 cm, maka luasnya adalah … A. 294 cm² B. 300 cm² C. 1176 cm² D. 1716 cm² E. 1200 cm²



17. Diketahui panjang sisi-sisisebuah segitiga sama sisi adalah 3 cm dan di dalamnya dibuat segitiga sama sisi yang panjangnya 1 cm. berapa jumlah maksimum segitiga kecil yang dibentuk? A. 3 B. 9 C. 8 D. 12 E. 16

18. Pagar pembatas terbuat dari besi, tiap 3 meter diberi tiang dari beton. Jika 1 tiang biayanya Rp40.000 dan harga pagar besi yang menghubungkan 2 tiang Rp20.000, maka biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk membuat pagar pada sebidang tanah berbentuk persegi panjang dengan ukuran panjang 30m dan lebar 15 meter adalah .... A. 2 juta B. 1,8 juta C. 1,6 juta D. 1,4 juta E. 1,2 juta

19. Sebuah kubus memiliki volume sebesar 512 cm3. Berapa banyak kubus bersisi 4 cm yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi kubus? A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 9 E. 16

20. Sebuah drainase seharusnya terbuat dari pipa yang berdiameter 23 cm. Tetapi apa daya ukuran yg diinginkan tidak ada, supaya kapasitas saluran tidak lebih kecil dari yang diinginkan berapa buah pipa berdiameter 5,75 cm untuk sebuah pipa berdiameter 14 cm? A. 4 B. 8 C. 14 D. 16 E. 20

Pada Bab ini akan membahas tentang system persamaan matematika. Kita harus mencari penyelesaian dari system persamaan tersebut. Contoh 1: Carilah penyelesaian dari system persamaan: 3x + 5y = 27 dan 2x + 5y = 23, maka x dan y masing-masing adalah... A. 3 dan 4 B. 4 dan 3 C. 4 dan 5 D. 5 dan 4 E. 2 dan 4

Nah untuk penyelesaian soal ini, kita bisa menggunakan metode eliminasi dan/atau subtitusi.

3x + 5y 2x + 5y x

= = =

27 23 4


hasil x = 4, di subtitusikan untuk mengetahui y, misal kita subtitusikan ke persamaan pertama.

Subtitusikan x = 4 ke persamaan pertama, maka akan menjadi: 2x 2(4) 8

+ + +

5y 5y 5y 5y 5y y

= = = = = =

23 23 23 23-8 15 3

Contoh 2: Himpunan Penyelesaian dari persamaan 2(x–3) ≥ 4(2x+3) adalah… 2(x–3) 2(x–3) 2x – 6 2x–8x –6x x 


≥ ≥ ≥ ≥ ≥ ≤

4(2x+3) 4(2x+3) 8x+12 12+6  kedua ruas dibagi -6 18  dibalik,di ganti tandanya -3

Jadi penyelesaiannya adalahx ≤ 1

Pers Jika , berapakah nilai dari x2 - 3x + 4? A. -4 B. 0 C. 1 D. 2 E. 3


Jika x =1/16, dan y=16%, maka A. x > y B. x < y C. x = y D. x + y = 1 E. x dan y tidak dapat ditentukan



Jika xy = 5 dan x2 + y2= 7, maka A. (x + y)2lebih besar daripada 7 B. (x + y)2lebih kecil daripada 17 C. (x + y)2 sama dengan 17 D. (x + y)2 sama dengan 17 E. Tidak dapat ditentukan hubungannya


Jika X + Y + Z = 350, dan X + Y = 100, maka A. Z lebih besar X B. Z lebih kecil daripada X C. Z sama dengan X D. Z lebih besar dari X+Y E. Antara Z dan X tidak dapat ditentuka


Persis tiga tahun sebelum Anisa lahir adalah tahun 1980x. Jadi ulang tahun ke-20 Anisa jatuh pada tahun.... A. 1997 + x B. 1997 – x C. 2003 – x D. 2003 + x E. 1980 + 20x


Jika xBy=(x) (y)/(x - y), maka 5B (6B3) = A. –30 B. -15 C. 5 D. 15 E. Tak dapat ditentukan


Berpakah nilai dari s, jika √(72+√(72+ √(72+⋯)) ) = s A. 7 B. 8 C. -7 D. 9 E. -9


Jika -3≤ p ≤ 7 dan -1< q y C. x = y D. x + y = 2 E. hubungan x dan y tidak dapat ditentukan

15. Jika x = 667 x 665 - 6662 + 1 dan y = 1202 -121 x 119, maka … A. x < y B. x > y C. x = y D. x + y = 5 E. hubungan x dan y tidak dapat ditentukan

16. Jika y= (1/88-1/89) dan x=(1/85-1/86), maka.... A. y>x B. y y C. x = y D. x - y = 2 E. Hubungan x dan y tidak dapat ditentukan


Jika 𝑥 = dan 𝑦 = , maka … 888 7777 A. x > y B. x < y C. x = y D. x - y = 1 E. Hubungan antara x dan y tidak dapat ditentukan



10. Jika 6,78921 … = x/y dengan z dan y bilangan positif, maka … A. x > y B. x < y C. x = y D. x+y=10 E. tidak ada jawaban yg tepat

11. Sekelompok orang memberikan sumbangan untuk bencana alam tsunami. Dari kelompok tersebut, 30% menyumbangkan, masing-masing Rp400.000,00, 45% menyumbangkan, masing-masing Rp200.000,00, dan sisanya menyumbangkan, masing - masing Rp120.000,00. Dihitung dari total sumbangan, berapa persenkah sumbangan yang berasaldari orang - orang yang menyumbangkan Rp400.000,00? A. 30% B. 35% C. 40% D. 45% E. 50% 1





13. Jika − = 6 dan + = 4, maka nilai dari 2 − 𝑎 𝑏 𝑎 𝑏 𝑎 adalah .... A. 2 B. 10 C. 16 D. 24 E. 48

1 𝑏2

12. Pada sebuah pabrik, jumlah produk rusak pada bulan Januari adalah 7% seluruh produk yang dihasilkan, dan pada bulan Februari adalah 8% dari seluruh produk yang dihasilkan. Jika persentase produk rusak pada kedua bulan tersebut digabungkan adalah 7,8%, berapakah jumlah produk yang dihasilkan dalam bulan Januari dibandingkan dalam bulan Februari? A. 1/8 B. ¼ C. 1/6 D. 1/3 E. 1/5 14. Terdapat angka berikut : 75%; 0,745; 25⁄34; 285⁄375. Jika diurutkan dari yang terkecil hingga terbesar, maka rangkaian angka tersebut adalah A. 75% ; 0,745 ; 25⁄34 ; 285⁄375 B. 0,745 ; 75% ; 25⁄34 ; 285⁄375 C. 25⁄34 ; 0,745 ; 75% ; 285⁄375 D. 25⁄34 ; 0,745 ; 285⁄375 ; 75% E. 0,745 ; 75% ; 285⁄375 ; 25/3

15. Diketahui x dan y dua bilangan positif dan rata-rata dari 13, 21, dan x sama dengan rata-rata y dan 20. Rasio antara x dan y secara berturut-turut adalah … A. 4 : 3 B. 3 : 4 C. 4 : 5 D. 5 : 4 E. 5 : 6

16. Pada suatu kelas yang jumlah siswanya 40 orang, telah diadakan ulangan matematika. Ada 3 orang yang mendapat nilai 9, 14 orang mendapat nilai 8, 18 orang mendapat nilai 7 dan sisanya mendapat nilai 6. Berapa persen jumlah siswa yang nilainya di atas rata-rata kelas ? A. 66,7 % B. 42,5 % C. 50 % D. 72,5% E. 87,5 %

17. Selisih dua bilangan positif adalah 8. Jumlah kuadratnya sama dengan 98 kurangnya dari kuadrat jumlah kedua bilangan itu. Jumlah kedua bilangan tersebut adalah .... A. 8 B. 12 C. 14 D. 16 E. 20

18. Nilai dari A. 24 B. 26 C. 48 D. 52 E. 64





𝑦 3 12





19. JIka = dan = , maka nilai A.










15 14 15 16

adalah ....

78 −76 +144 76 +3


20. Bilangan-bilangan di bawah ini yang nilainya paling besar adalah …. 11 A. 12









27 150 21 40



Bab Perbandingkan secara umum perbandingan terbagi menjadi 2, yaitu perbandingan senilai dan perbandingan terbalik. Berikut penjabarannya.

Sering disebut juga dengan perbandingan lurus atau berbanding lurus. Pada jenis perbandingan ini, jika nilai suatu unsur meningkat, maka unsur lainnya pun meningkat. Contoh :













Apabila dinyatakan dalam perbandingan maka,

𝑑 𝑥





= = ,

2 buah permen lolipop berharga 7.000, berapakah harga 5 buah permen lolipop tersebut? Jawab : 5/2 x 7.000 = 17.500

Pada jenis perbandingan ini, jika nilai suatu unsur meningkat, maka unsur lainnya akan mengalami penurunan. Contoh :

4 (d)

25 hari (f)

? (e)

10 hari (g)

Berapakah nilai (e) di atas? Secara matematis perbandingan terbalik di rumuskan : 𝐷 𝐸


= 𝐹 atau dapat juga dituliskan D x F = E x G

4 x 25 = E x 10 E = 10



Seorang pegawai bekerja 6 jam sehari, dalam seminggu 5 hari kerja. Pegawai tersebut menerima upah Rp2.600 per jam kerja dan Rp3.400 per jam lembur. Dalam seminggu ia menerima upah Rp122.200. berapa jam kah ia bekerja? A. 39 B. 47 C. 43 D. 45 E. 53


Jika seekor ayam rata-rata bertelur sebanyak 21 butir per bulan, berapakah jumlah minimal ayam yang harus dipelihara untuk mendapatkan 100 butir telur per bulan? A. 4 B. 5 C. 4,7 D. 6 E. 4,5


Ukuran sebuah kota pada suatu peta adalah panjang 12 cm dan lebar 9 cm. Apabila peta tersebut mempunya skala 1 : 200, luas sebenarnya dari kota tersebut adalah … m² A. 108 B. 216 C. 328 D. 420 E. 432


Dua kali bilangan pertama ditambah empat kali bilangan kedua menghasilkan 40. Bila bilangan pertama 3/2 kali bilangan kedua, berapakah besarnya bilangan pertama? A. 60 B. 60/12 C. 70/12 D. 60/7 E. 10


Umur Susi sekarang dua kali umur adiknya. Tiga tahun yang akan datang, umurnya sama dengan tigaperdua umur adiknya. Umur Susi sekarang adalah … A. 6 tahun B. 8 tahun C. 9 tahun D. 12 tahun E. 15 tahun


Perbandingan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi tingkat I adalah 5 : 4. Apabila jumlah mahasiswi adalah 120 orang, maka jumlah seluruh mahasiswa (pria) tingkat I adalah … orang A. 120 B. 150 C. 180 D. 210 E. 270


Seorang anak dengan tinggi badan 1,8 m difoto dalam ukuran kecil dengan skala 1:50, kemudian foto diperbesar dengan skala 3,75:1. Berapa tinggi anak dalam foto terakhir? A. 12,5 cm B. 22,5 cm C. 17,5 cm D. 13,5 cm E. 15,5 cm


Perbandingan jumlah buku Ferdian dengan Fachri adalah 5 : 6, sedangkan perbandingan jumlah buku Fachri dan Fahmi adalah 2 : 5. Jika selisih jumlah Ferdian dan Fahmi adalah 20 buah maka banyaknya buku Fachri adalah .... A. 6 B. 12 C. 15 D. 18 E. 24


Di toko Pena 7 buah pulpen dan 2 buah lem berharga Rp20.300,00 sedangkan jika membeli 4 buah lem dan 3 buah pulpen yang sama, harganya adalah Rp14.200,00. Jika x adalah harga 1 buah pulpen dan y harga 1 buah lem maka.... A. x y C. x = y D. x + y = 34.600 E. hubungan x dan y tidak dapat ditentukan

10. Suatu pekerjaan membangun rumah dapat diselesaikan oleh 12 orang pekerja dalam waktu x hari. Berapa jumlah pekerja yang diperlukan agar pekerjaan itu selesai dalam 18 hari ? A. 𝑥⁄216

11. Jumlah mahasiswa yang memiliki nilai A adalah dua kali mahasiswa yang memeperoleh nilai B. Jumlah mahasiswa yang memperoleh nilai C adalah ½ kali jumlah peserta yang memperoleh nilai B. Jika jumlah peserta keseluruhan adalah 42 orang. Berapa persen siswa yang memeperoleh nilai B? A. 28,27 B. 28,37 C. 28,47 D. 28,57 E. 28,67

12. Sebuah pabrik sepatu mempunyai tiga buah mesin. Jika semua mesin dipakai dapat memproduksi 325 pasang sepatu per hari. Jika mesin 2 tidak dipakai akan dihasilkan 145 pasang sepatu sehari. Bila mesin 1 tidak dipakai akan dihasilkan 230 pasang sepatu sehari. Bila mesin 3 tidak bekerja, berapa pasang sepatu dapat dihasilkan? A. 210 pasang B. 265 pasang C. 275 pasang D. 225 pasang E. 185 pasang

13. Sebuah pabrik menyediakan solar untuk memanaskan 4 buah ketel dalam 6 minggu. Berapa minggu pabrik tersebut harus menyediakan solar agar dapat digunakan untuk memanaskan 16 buah ketel P A. 24 B. 20 C. 18 D. 12 E. 9

14. Seorang pengrajin merencanakan untuk membuat beberapa tas dan keranjang dari bahan bambu. Jumlah kedua macam barang tersebut adalah 60 buah. Jumlah keranjang direncanakan5 kali dari jumlah tas. Berapakah jumlah keranjang yang akan dibuat? A. 10 B. 50 C. 48 D. 24 E. 12

15. Bu Eman yang berusia x tahun, melahirkan anaknya pada tahun ini. Berapa tahun lagi usia Bu Eman 4 kali usia anaknya? A. 1⁄2 𝑥

16. A, D, I, K, dan S adalah titik-titik yang secara berurutan berada pads satu garis. Jika panjang DK adalah 45% panjang AS dan AK : AS = 3 : 5 maka presentase KS terhadap AS adalah…. A. 25 % B. 37,5 % C. 60 % D. 47,5 % E. 85%

B. C. D. E.

1⁄ 𝑥 3 1⁄ 𝑥 4 1⁄ 𝑥 5


B. C. D. E.

18⁄ 𝑥 12𝑥⁄ 18 18𝑥⁄ 12 12⁄ 18𝑥




17. Ada sepotong roti berbentuk 7/18 lingkaran yang dipotong menjadi 10 bagian yang sama besar. Jika bobot kue yang berbentuk lingkaran penuh adalah 1,8 kg, berapa banyak potong kue yang dimakan Andi jika ia memakan kue seberat 2,1 ons? A. 3 potong B. 4 potong C. 5 potong D. 6 potong E. 7 potong

18. Pendapatan rata-rata karyawan suatu perusahaan Rp300.000,00 per bulan. Jika rata-rata karyawan pria Rp.320.000,00 dan karyawan wanita Rp285.000,00 maka perbandingan jumlah karyawan pria dan wanita adalah ... A. 2 : 3 B. 4 : 5 C. 2 : 5 D. 3 : 4 E. 3 : 5

19. Pada suatu desa, 4/5 penduduknya bermata pencaharian sebagai petani, 20% penduduknya yang sebagai petani adalah pindahan dari daerah lain, ¾ penduduk yang bukan petani adalah pindahan. Maka penduduk asli yang bermata pencaharian sebagai petani sebanyak … A. 80 % B. 64 % C. 16 % D. 15 % E. 5%

20. Suatu pekerjaan dapat diselesaikan oleh 250 orang dalam waktu 30 hari. Jika pekerja ditambah 50 orang maka akan lebih cepat berapa hari pekerjaan itu dapat diselesaikan ? A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 E. 12

Untuk mencari kecepatan rata-rata umumnya kita gunakan rumus sederhana:

𝑽= V S T

= = =


kecepatan jarak waktu tempuh

Dengan menurunkan rumus tersebut kita juga bisa menentukan jarak dan waktu yang di butuhkan. Tinggal kita seuaikan. 

Rivaldi berangkat ke kantor pada pukul 07.00 dan sampai di kantor pada pukul 07.45 dengan mengendarai motor. Jika jarak dari rumah ke kantor adalah 30 km. Berapakah kecepatan rata-rata Rivaldi? A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40 E. 50

T = 07.45-07.00 = 45 menit = 0,75 menit S = 20 km V = S/T = 30/ 0,75 = 40 km/jam

Saling berpapasan antara dua buah benda berarti kedua benda tersebut bergerak dari arah yang berlawanan dan bertemu pada satu titik sehingga jarak tempuh kedua benda tersebut dapat kita jumlahkan dan kita sebut sebagai Stotal.

STotal = S1 + S2 STotal = (V1 . T1) + (V2 . T2 )

Dari gambar dapat kita simpukan bahwa: Jika benda A dan B bergerak pada waktu yang sama maka T1 =T2. Wahyudi berangkat dari A pada pukul 07.15 dengan kecepatan 80 km/jam sedangkan Rendy berangkat pada pukul 07.15 jika pada pukul 07.30 mereka berpapasan, Berapakah kecepatan Rendy? Jarak A-B 60 km. V1 T1 + V2 T2 = S total 80 x 0,25 + V2 x 0.5 = 60 0,5 V2 = 40 V2 = 80 km/jam


Berbeda dengan kosep berpapasan, dalam konsep saling menyusul jarak yang di tempuh oleh kedua benda yang bergerak sama dan arahnya sama (searah). Dalam konsep ini yang berbeda antara benda pertama dan kedua adalah waktu tempuh dan kecepatan kedua benda. Secara matematis dapat di tulis sebagai berikut:

S1 = S2 V1 . T1 = V2 . T2 Contoh: Jika Putri dan Bunga berjalan beriringan dengan kecepatan yang sama, yaitu 3m/s. tetapi tibatiba Putri pusing dan diam sejenak sedangkan Bunga terus berjalan tanpa sadar Putri tertinggal. Setelah 10 detik, Bunga sadar Putri tertinggal lalu menoleh ke belakang untuk memanggil Putri sambil tetap berjalan. Berapakah waktu yang dibutuhkan Putri untuk tepat menyusul Bunga jika kecepatannya 6m/s? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 E. 10 Jawab: Sb Vb x Tb 3 x Tb 3Tb 3Tb Tp


= = = = = = = =

Sp Vp x Tp 6 x (Tb – 10) 6Tb – 60 20 Tb – 10 20 – 10 10 (E)


Rekor seorang tukang kayu membuat meja adalah 9 jam 54 menit 120 detik. Berapakah waktu tersebut dalam satuan menit? A. 956 D. 656 B. 596 E. 183 C. 566


Sebuah mobil memerlukan 15 liter bensin untuk menempuh jarak 225 km. Maka untuk menempuh jarak 180 km diperlukan bensin sebanyak ....liter. A. 12 D. 120 B. 15 E. 270 C. 27


Pak Rudi mempunyai sebuah usaha produksi dengan jumlah tenaga kerja 8 orang. Setiap tenaga kerja dapat menghasilkan 6 produk dalam waktu 120 menit. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan 168 produk adalah … A. 3,5 jam D. 8 jam B. 6,5 jam E. 9 jam C. 7 jam


Cindy dan Heni meminjam buku masing-masing 4 hari sekali dan 6 hari sekali. Terakhir mereka pinjam buku bersama pada Senin, 26 Februari 2000. Kapan mereka akan meminjam buku bersama-sama?


Sebuah agen travel melakukan perjalanan dari kota C ke kota D yang berjarak 160 km dengan kecepatan rata-rata 60 km/jam. Kemudian bus tersebut kembali lagi dari kota D ke kota C dengan rute yang sama. Total waktu perjalanan adalah 4 jam 10 menit. Kecepatan rata-rata bus agen travel tersebut pada saat menuju ke kota A adalah .... A. 87, 75 km/jam D. 112, 33 km/jam B. 98,5 km/jam E. 120, 11 km/jam C. 106, 67 km/jam


Ferdian dapat memasak dalam waktu 30 menit dengan menggunakan kompor gas, dan 1,5 jam bila menggunakan kayu bakar. Jika pekerjaan itu dikerjakan dengan kompor gas selesai dalam waktu 6 menit, maka berapa waktu yang dibutuhkan tungku kayu bakar untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang sama ? A. 66 menit D. 48 menit B. 16 menit E. 18 menit C. 34 menit


Fahtia menyelesaikan soal membutuhkan waktu 30 menit, dan temannya membutuhkan waktu 1,25 jam. Jika mereka bekerjasama untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu, berapa waktu yang diperlukan ? A. 32,5 menit D. 23,8 menit B. 27 menit F. 21,4 menit C. 25,7 menit


Sabilil menempuh jarak 423 km dalam lima hari. Pada hari pertama ditempuh jarak 105 km, hari kedua 85 km, hari ketiga 112 km, dan hari keempat 43 km. Berapakah jarak yang ditempuh pada hari kelima? A. 58 D. 85 B. 68 E. 87 C. 78

A. B. C.

Jumat, 8 Maret 2000 Sabtu, 9 Maret 2000 Sabtu, 10 Maret 2000

D. E.

Minggu, 7 Maret 2000 Senin, 8 Maret 2000


Tayangan film berakhir pada pukul 22.30. Rani menonton film itu hanya 1 5/6 jam sampai selesai. Jika film itu diputar pada pukul 19.45, maka pukul berapa Rani mulai menonton film itu? A. 20.45 B. 21.40 C. 20.40 D. 20.30 E. 21.30

10. 2,5 jam + 105 menit + 8100 detik = …jam A. 5 B. 5,5 C. 6 D. 6,5 E. 7

11. Bekti bersepeda dari kota X ke kota Y dengan kecepatan 60 km/jam. Kemudian kembali lagi ke kota X dengan kecepatan 36 km/jam. Jika x adalah kecepatan rata-rata bersepeda Bekti dan y = 45km/jam, maka… A. x > y B. x < y C. x = y D. x + y = 95 E. Hubungan x dan y tidak dapat ditentukan

12. Pak Cholid memesan 15 paket barang kepada Pak Ruli dan minta diantarkan. Bila dalam sekali jalan Pak Ruli dapat mengantar 4 paket barang, berapa kali Pak Ruli harus bolakbalik ke tempat Pak Cholid untuk mengantarkan seluruh pesanannya ? A. 3 B. 3,5 C. 3 ¾ D. 4 E. 5

13. Sebuah mesin dapat memotong sejenis kayu dalam 6 menit, dan seorang tukang kayu dengan menggunakan gergaji tangan dapat melakukan pekerjaan tersebut dalam 18 menit. Setelah 4 menit, listrik padam dan kayu tersebut harus dipotong dengan gergaji tangan. Berapakah menit yang diperlukan si tukang kayu untuk menyelesaikan pemotongan kayu tersebut? A. 2 B. 6 C. 8 D. 12 E. 14

14. Jarak rumah Adrian ke sekolah adalah 2 5/8 dari jarak rumah Widhi ke sekolah. Jika jarak rumah Widhi ke sekolah adalah 3 2/3 km, maka jarak rumah Adrian ke sekolah adalah … A. 9 7/8 B. 9 5/8 C. 9 3/8 D. 8 5/9 E. 8 7/9

15. Kecepatan Dewi berlari adalah empat kali kecepatan Sofi berjalan. Sofi menyelesaikan ujian pukul 14.20 WIB dan kemudian berjalan pulang. Jika Dewi menyelesaikan ujian pukul 14.32 WIB dan kemudian berlari mengejar Sofi, pukul berapa Dewi tepat menyusul Sofi? A. 14.32 WIB B. 14.36 WIB C. 14.46 WIB D. 14.52 WIB E. 15.00 WIB

16. Jika Muamar memacu motornya dari rumah ke kampus dengan kecepatan 30 km/jam maka ia akan terlambat 8 menit, tetapi jika ia mamacu motornya dengan kecepatan 40 km/jam ia akan sampai 24 menit lebih awal di kampus. Berapa jarak tempuh rumah Muamar ke kampus? A. 32 km B. 36 km C. 48 km D. 64 km E. 72 km

17. Shaufa berjalan kaki dengan kecepatan 5 km/jam, setelah 20 km dia berlari sehingga mencapai 60 km dalam waktu 6 jam. Berapa km/jam rata-rata kecepatan Shaufa? A. 12 B. 11 C. 10 D. 9 E. 8

18. Sebuah bus menempuh perjalanan dari kota P ke kota Q dengan kecepatan rata-rata 40 km per jam dan kembali dengan kecepatan rata-rata 60 km per jam. Jika jarak dari P ke kota Q adalah 120 km, berapakah kecepatan rata-rata per jam untuk seluruh perjalanan? A. 46 B. 48 C. 50 D. 52 E. 54

19. Tiga katup jika dibuka sendiri-sendiri, masing-masing secara berturut turut dapat menguras air dari sebuah tangki dalam waktu 5, 6, dan 7 menit. Berapa bagian terbesar dari tangki tersebut yang dapat dikuras dalam satu menit dengan syarat hanya membuka dua katup? A. 12/35 B. 11/30 C. 13/42 D. 16/30 E. 18/35

20. Sebuah bus pariwisata berangkat dari terminal T menuju terminal U dengan kecepatan 66 km/jam dan kembali dari terminal U ke terminal R dengan kecepatan 99 km/jam. Kecepatan rata-rata bus pariwisata tersebut adalah ... km/jam. A. 88 B. 86,4 C. 85,3 D. 82,5 E. 79,2


Gabungan himpunan A dan himpunan B adalah himpunan yang anggota-anggotanya merupakan anggota A dan juga anggota B, ditulis 𝑨 ∪ 𝑩.







Irisan himpunan A dan himpunan B adalah himpunan yang anggota-anggotanya merupakan persekutuan A dan B, ditulis 𝑨 ∩ 𝑩.




Selisih atau pengurangan himpunan A dan himpunan B adalah himpunan yang anggotanya merupakan anggota A tetapi bukan anggota B, ditulis A – B.






Jumlah himpunan A dan himpunan B sama dengan mengurangi dari , atau menjumlahkan A – B dengan B – A, ditulis:  𝑨 + 𝑩 = (𝑨 ∪ 𝑩) − (𝑨 ∩ 𝑩)  𝑨 + 𝑩 = (𝑨 − 𝑩) ∪ (𝑩 − 𝑨)





𝑨 + 𝑩 = (𝑨 − 𝑩) ∪ (𝑩 − 𝑨)




𝑨∪𝑩 𝑨 + 𝑩 = (𝑨 − 𝑩) ∪ (𝑩 − 𝑨)


A a

B c


d N(S) = n(A) + n(B) + n(A  B) – n(A  B)C N(S) = a + b + c + d

Faktorial adalah hasil kali bilangan asli berurutan dari 1 sampai dengan n. Untuk setiap bilangan asli n, didefinisikan:

n! = 1 × 2 × 3 × ... × (n – 2) × (n – 1) × n lambang atau notasi n! dibaca sebagai n faktorial untuk n > 2. Ingat, 0! = 1 dan 1! = 1

Permutasi adalah susunan elemen-elemen dari suatu himpunan yang memperhatikan urutannya. Banyaknya permutasi dari n unsur diambil r unsur dinotasikan:


𝑷𝒏𝒓 = (𝒏−𝒓)! Ket: n = seluruh unsur yang ada r = banyaknya unsur yang ditanyakan 

Permutasi dari n unsur dengan m unsur yang sama dirumuskan: 𝒏!

𝑷 = 𝒎! = (n – 1)! Kombinasi adalah susunan elemen-elemen dari suatu himpunan yang tidak memperhatikan urutan. Banyaknya kombinasi dari n unsur yang berbeda dengan setiap pengambilan dengan r unsur ditulis:


𝑃𝐴 =

𝑷𝒏𝒓 𝒏! = = (𝒏 − 𝒓)! 𝒓! 𝒓!

𝑛(𝐴) 𝑛(𝑆)

Keterangan: P(A) = peluang kejadian A n(A) = banyaknya anggota A n(S) = banyaknya anggota ruang sampel S CATATAN : range peluang adalah 0 – 1..



Di antara 30 siswa, 13 orang menyukai musik, 18 orang menyukai olahraga, sedangkan 2 orang tidak menyukai musik dan olahraga. Perbandingan jumlah siswa yang hanya menyukai musik dengan siswa yang hanya menyukai olahraga adalah …. A. 2 : 3 B. 1 : 2 C. 3 : 4 D. 1 : 3 E. 5 : 6


13 - x



18 – x

2 30 = (13 – x) + x + (18 – x) + 2 30 = 33 – x X=3 Hanya menyukai manga = 13 – 3 = 10 Hanya menyukai jambu = 18 – 3 = 15 Perbandingan = 10 : 15 = 2 : 3 Jadi, jawabannya adalah A. 2 : 3 2.

Sebuah dadu dilempar sembarang, peluang munculnya angka ganjil ialah.. A. 16,66% B. 33,33% C. 50% D. 66,66% E. 100% Jawab: Angka dalam dadu berjumlah 6 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Angka ganjil dalam dadu berjumlah 3 (1, 3, 5 ) 3 Maka peluang munculnya angka ganjil ialah = 𝑥 100% = 50% (C) 6



Dalam suatu ruangan terdapat 47 orang. Berapa banyak salaman yang dilakukan jika setiap orang saling bersalaman? A. 1128 D. 1081 B. 981 E. 728 C. 824


Dari 6 orang anggota akan dipilih pasangan untuk mengikuti latihan training motivasi. Berapa banyaknya pasangan yang mungkin terjadi? A. 720 D. 15 B. 360 E. 12 C. 42


Dari 48 orang mahasiswa di suatu kelas, 27 mahasiswa gemar matematika, 20 mahasiswa gemar fisika, dan 7 orang gemar matematika dan fisika. Banyaknya mahasiswa yang tidak gemar matematika dan fisika adalah… A. 1 orang D. 5 orang B. 3 orang E. 8 orang C. 6 orang


Suatu kelas terdiri dari 48 siswa. 1/6 dariseluruh siswa itu menyukai olahraga marathon, 1/3-nya menyukai marathon dan sepakbola, dan 21 orang tidak menyukai kedua olahraga tersebut. Berapa orang yang hanya menyukai sepakbola? A. 16 D. 6 B. 13 E. 3 C. 11


Murid dalam suatu kelas mempunyai hobi berenang atau bulutangkis. Jika dalam kelas tersebut ada 30 murid, sedangkan yang hobi berenang adalah 27 murid dan hobi bulutangkis 22 murid, maka murid yang hobi berenang maupun bulutangkis adalah A. 5 D. 11 B. 8 E. 19 C. 9


Sebuah kotak undian bersisi kertas yang bertuliskan hurufhuruf A sampai P. Setiap kali pengambilan, kertas undian yang terpilih dimasukkan kembali ke kotaknya. Dari 96 pengambilan, berapa frekuensi harapan terambilnya huruf vokal? A. 4 D. 32 B. 8 E. 40 C. 24


Dalam sebuah restoran, diketahui 29 pelanggan suka dengan bebek bakar, tetapi tidak suka dengan kepiting rebus. Sedangkan 35 pelanggan suka kepiting rebus. Jika jumlah pelanggan yang suka kepiting rebus tetapi tidak suka bebek bakar sama dengan 9 pelanggan. Berapakah jumlah pelanggan yang suka bebek bakar? A. 45 B. 50 C. 55 D. 60 E. 65


Dari hasil penelitian terhadap 100 orang akuntan publik diperoleh data sebagai berikut. 50 akuntan mempunyai usaha sampingan sebagai pemilik restoran, 34 akuntan mempunyai Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) yang berbentuk Firma, dan 32 orang akuntan publik tidak mempunyai usaha sampingan baik sebagai pengusaha resoran maupun sebagai pemilik KAP. Banyaknya akuntan publik yang hanya memiliki usaha KAP tetapi tidak memiliki restoran adalah... A. 34 orang D. 20 orang B. 18 orang E. 16 orang C. 24 orang


Untuk menentukan tujuan karyawisata, setiap siswa ditanya tentang Candi Borobudur dan Candi Prambanan. 10% belum pernah pergi ke kedua tempat tersebut, 6% pernah berkunjung ke kedua tempat itu. Berapa persen siswa yang baru berkunjung ke salah satu tempat tersebut? A. 35 D. 49 B. 84 E. 90 C. 76

10. Diantara 30 orang, 16 orang pandai memainkan gitar, 13 orang pandai bermain piano, sedangkan 5 orang tidak bisa bermain gitar maupun piano. Perbandingan jumlah orang yang hanya pandai bermain piano dengan orang yang hanya pandai bermain gitar adalah … B. 3 : 4 E. 13 : 16 D. 4 : 7 F. 4 : 13 E. 9 : 3

11. Suatu kelurahan terdiri dari 128 keluarga dengan rata-rata jumlah anggota setiap keluarga adalah 3,5 orang dan jumlah orang dewasa seluruhnya 244 orang. Suatu saat akan dilakukan imunisasi dengan peluang anak yang takut diimunisasi 0,25. Berapa orang anak yang diperkirakan akan berani imunisasi? A. 183 D. 61 B. 51 E. 203 C. 153

12. Dari sebuah survei mengenai bagaimana cara belajar pelajar suatu sekolah, diperoleh data sebagai berikut: 48% belajar sambil mendengarkan musik, 32% belajar sambil makan makanan ringan, dan 22% belajar sambil mendengarkan musik dan makan makanan ringan. Berapa persenkah pelajar yang tidak suka belajar sambil mendengarkan musik dan makan makanan ringan? A. 25 D. 45 B. 37 E. 28 C. 26

13. Siswa kelas III yang terdiri dari 5 kelas sepakat untuk membentuk ketua, sekretaris, dan bendahara angkatan. Tiap kelas mengirimkan satu calon. Banyaknya cara pemilihan tersebut …. A. 10 A. 60 B. 12 E. 72 C. 40

14. Peraturan untuk ujian ekonomi makro adalah mahasiswa diminta mengerjakan 5 dari 6 soal tetapi soal nomor 1 harus dipilih. Banyaknya peluang pilihan yang dapat diambil mahasiswa tersebut adalah …. A. 4 D. 10 B. 5 E. 11 C. 6

15. Sebanyak 2/3 dari guru yang mengajar di sebuah SD di Kecamatan Pondok Aren adalah pria. Sebanyak ¼ guru di sekolah terebut adalah wanita yang belum berkeluarga. Bila ada 3 orang guru wanita sudah berkeluarga, maka berapa guru di SD tersebut? A. 16 D. 49 B. 20 E. 57 C. 36

16. Pada percobaan pelemparan 3 mata uang logam sekaligus sebanyak 240 kali, tentukan frekuensi harapan munculnya dua gambar dan satu angka.. A. 90 kali D. 65 kali B. 80 kali E. 50 kali C. 70 kali

17. 300 kepala keluarga di sebuah desa akan memilih salah satu dari dua orang calon untuk menjadi kepala desa. Lima puluh persen suara diraih calon pertama, sepuluh persen suara batal karena memilih keduanya dan dua per lima belas abstain. Berapa banyak suara yang diraih calon kedua? A. 12 D. 80 B. 24 E. 120 C. 40

18. Sebuah dadu dilempar secara sembarang. Peluang mata dadu akan menunjukkan bilangan prima adalah… A. 0,33 B. 0,50 C. 0,67 D. 0,75 E. 0,83

19. Anggota tim basket Infinity berjumlah 9 orang, jika dari 9 orang tersebut 4 orang sebagai pemain cadangan, berapa cara untuk memilih kapten dan pemain cadangan? A. 360 B. 390 C. 630 D. 660 E. 690

20. Dapi meminta Tasa untuk membantunya dalam mengerjakan tugas Pajak Penghasilan. Tugas Dapi ada 100 soal, tetapi nomor 81-100 belum dikerjakannya. Target Dapi cukup mengerjakan 16 soal diantaranya dengan soal bernomor ganjil harus dikerjakan, banyaknya peluang variasi soal yang dapat dikerjakan ialah.. A. 90 D. 5.040 B. 210 E. 15.120 C. 720


Analisis wacana merupakan bagian yang cukup menyita waktu dalam tes USM STAN. Mengapa begitu? Karena butuh pemahaman untuk dapat mengetahui jawaban yang benar. Untuk tipe soal tertentu mungkin ada banyak rumus cepat tapi tidak demikian dengan Analisis wacana. Tapi walau begitu bukan berarti tidak bisa cepat dalam mengerjakannya. Dengan banyak latihan, tentu akan lebih mudah. Analisis wacana terbagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu:

Penalaran wacana verbal maksudnya tentang suatu bacaan/wacana yang kita diminta untuk mencari informasi yang ada di dalamnya seperti ide pokok, judul yang cocok, intisari pembahasannya, verbalnya, kosa katanya, segala yg berbau bahasa didalamnya. Misalnya jenis bacaan, arti kata, kandungan bacaan, beberapa tentang dasar bacaan yang telah dipelajari di B. Indonesia. Contoh :  Mencari jenis bacaan, deduktif/induktif.  Mencari artikata : arti kata dari “....” dalam bacaan ialah...  Mencari kandungan Bacaan: keadaan menjawab dengan mencari jawaban yang terkandung dalam bacaan.

Tekstil dan produk tekstil (TPT) adalah salah satu dari tiga komoditi penopang produk domestic bruto (PDB). Tapi pertumbuhannya di pasar domestic malah mengenaskan. Meski kinerja TPT di pasar ekspor terjadi peningkatan namun terjadi sebaliknya di pasar domestic. Pada pasar domestic, kontribusi industri PTP akan stagnan bahkan diprediksi tergerus. Penyebabnya adalah maraknya produk tekstil khususnya garmen selundupan asal China, Vietnam, Bangladesh hingga produk asal Eropa. Tekstil dan garmen selundupan menguasai sejumlah pusat perdagangan grosir di seluruh Indonesia, terutama di Jakarta, diantaranya di Tanah Abang dan Mangga Dua. Tekstil dan garmen impor yang masuk secara illegal terus membanjiri pasar di dalam negri yang berlangsung sejak dua sampai tiga tahun terakhir. Pusat perdagangan tekstil di Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, misalnya, saat ini memperdagangkan sekitar 75% - 80% tekstil impor dan 20% - 30% garmen yang ditenggarai masuk secara illegal. Demikian pula dengan pusat perdagangan Mangga Dua (Jakarta Utara). Produk selundupan ini jelas saja murah. Karena tidak dikenai bea masuk, pajak penghasilan dan pajak pertambahan nilai. Tekstil selundupan yang tidak membayar pajak ini tidak hanya di Jakarta saja, tapi juga di banyak pasar grosir di seluruh Indonesia. Akibatnya produk tekstil dan garmen yang diproduksi di dalam negri sulit bersaing. 1.

Judul yang sesuai untuk bacaan 2 adalah . . . . A. Pertumbuhan tekstil dan produk tekstil Indonesia B. Tekstil dan garmen selundupan menguasai Indonesia C. Tekstil Indonesia tidak kalah dengan tekstil impor D. Penanganan tekstil dan garmen selundupan di Indonesia E. Tekstil dan garmen selundupan tidak membayar instrument pajak Jawaban: B. disepanjang bacaan membahas tekstil dan garmen selundupan yang menguasai pasar tekstil Indonesia.


Yang termasuk tidak produk garmen adalah . . . . A. Polo shirt B. Kemeja C. Jaket D. Manekin E. Jas Jawaban: D. Garmen adalah pakaian jadi, manikin adalah patung model pakaian.


Yang kedua adalah analog posisi, pada tipe ini biasanya soal menjabarkan syarat tertentu dan kita diminta untuk menentukan baik urutan pelaku, kemungkinan jenis penyusunan, dsb. Untuk tipe ini baiknya kita mengubah informasi berupa kalimat menjadi permisalan, baik gambar, rute, atau hal lain yang cocok.Pada penalaran ini bukan kata-kata atau bahasanya yg dilihat, tapi isinya. Logikanya. Disini pada dasarnya disajikan beerbagai keadaan dan persyaratannya. Dna tugas kita adalah untuk mencari kesimpulan berdasarkan keadaan dan persyaratan tsb. Bisa dikatakan ini adalah perluasan yag cukup luas dari silogisme. Ada beberapa jenis penalaran analitis: 1.

Analitis posisi: menentukan posisi dari seseorang atau banyak orang di suatu tempat dengan persyaratan tertentu.


Analitis urutan: pada dasarnya ialah analisis posisi dengan syarat baku berupa urutan obyeknya


Analitis acak: ialah penentuan kesimpulan atau posisi selain kedua analitis diatas.

Dalam sebuah pabrik, proses pembuatan komputer adalah sebagai berikut:  Tahap K hanya dapat dilakukan bila tahap L dikerjakan.  Tahap K dapat dilaksanakan bersamaan dengan tahap G.  Tahap H hanya boleh dilaksanakan bersama tahap I.  Tahap H tidak boleh dikerjakan bersama dengan tahap J. 1.

Jika pada minggu kedua pekerja tidak boleh mengerjakan tahap I dan wajib mengerjakan tahap L, maka …. A. Pekerja pasti mengerjakan tahap G B. Pekerja juga mengerjakan tahap J C. Pekerja mengerjakan tahap H D. Pekerja juga mengerjakan tahap K E. Tidak ada jawaban yang tepat. (Jawaban: D. sesuai dengan pernyataan 1)


Bila pekerja tidak mengerjakan tahap I, maka …. A. Pekerja tidak mengerjakan tahap G B. Pekerja tidak mengerjakan tahap H C. Pekerja akan mengerjakan proyek G D. Pekerja akan mengerjakan proyek J E. Tidak ada pernyataan yang tepat. (Jawaban: B. sesuai dengan pernyataan 3)

Soal nomor 1 - 4 berdasarkan ilustrasi berikut: Enam orang J, K, L, M, N, dan O, duduk di satu deretan kursi paling depan ketika menyaksikan sebuah konser di gedung kesenian. Senua kursi menghadap ke panggung dan dineri nomor secara berurutan, menghadap pangging dari kiri ke kanan, nomor 1 hingga nomor 6. Setiap orang duduk di satu kursi.  J tidak duduk di kursi no. 1 atau no. 6.  L duduk di kursi ganjil  K tidak duduk persis di sebelah kanan N.  M tidak duduk di kursi no. 1 atau no. 6. 1.

Susunan duduk (dari kursi nomor 1 ke nomor 6) manakah yang dapat diterima atau memenuhi kondisi tersebut ? A. L, M, K, O, N, J B. L, J, M, O, N, K C. K, J, L, O, M, N D. M, K, O, N, J, L E. N, K, L, O, J, M


Susunan duduk (dari kursi nomor 1 - 6) manakah yang tidak dapat diterima atau tidak memenuhi kondisi tersebut ? A. K, J, O, M, L, N B. K, O, N, J, M, L C. L, M, N, J, K, O D. K, J, M, N, L, O E. O, J, K, M, L, N



Jika J duduk di kursi no. 3 dan K di kursi no. 5, manakah berikut ini yang benar ? A. M duduk di kursi no. 3. B. N duduk di kursi no. 4. C. M Duduk di kursi no. 4. D. L duduk di kursi no. 6. E. N duduk di kursi no. 2


Jika M duduk di kursi no. 3 dan O di kursi no. 1, manakah berikut ini yang pasti benar ? A. J duduk di kursi no. 2. B. K duduk di kursi no. 6. C. L duduk di kursi no. 5. D. N duduk di kursi no 2. E. Jawaban A dan B benar.

Soal nomor 5 - 7 berdasarkan bacaan! Di tempat parkir sebuah rumah ada 6 buah garasi untuk 6 penghuninya. Karena bentuk dan kualitasnya berbeda, 6 penghuni tersebut diberi hak parkir pada tempat-tempat tertentu sebagai berikut :  F tidak boleh parkir di nomor 4 dan 6  G hanya boleh parkir di 5 dan 6  H hanya boleh parkir di 1 dan 3  I hanya boleh parkir di 2 dan 4  J hanya boleh parkir di 1, 3, dan 5  K tidak boleh parkir di 3 dan 6 5.

Saat I pulang kelima, penghuni lain telah memarkir mobilnya. Jika K parkir di nomor 1, I pasti parkir di.... A. 2 D. 5 B. 3 E. 6 C. 4


Misal K pulang dulu dan parkir di nomor 2, kemudian disusul oleh F, H, I, dan J serta terakhir G, dapat dipastikan G akan parkir di nomor..... A. 2 D. 5 B. 3 E. 6 C. 4


Misal K pulang terakhir dan yang lain telah memarkir mobilnya. Jika I parkir di nomor 2, K pasti parkir di nomor .... A. 1 D. 4 B. 2 E. 5 C. 3

Soal nomor 8-11 berdasarkan bacaan! SMA Carang Gesing akan membentuk tim ekspedisi untuk pendakian Gunung Karang. Setiap tim terdiri dari 4 orang yang harus dapat bekerja sama. Ada 7 calon yang lulus persyaratan fisik dan kemampuan. Astri, Bona, dan Citra dari kelas IPS dan Dona, Eka, Fithra, dan Gama dari kelas IPA. Tiap tim harus beranggotakan 2 orang dari tiap kelas. Sebagai catatan, Bona dan Dona tidak dapat bekerja sama, begitu juga Citra dan Fithra serta Dona dan Eka juga tidak dapat bekerja sama karena pernah berkelahi. 8.

Jika Eka diterima dan Bona ditolak, anggota tim tersebut adalah..... A. Dona, Eka, Astri, dan Citra B. Eka, Fithra, Gama, dan Citra C. Eka, Fithra, Gama, dan Asri D. Eka, Gama, Astri, dan Citra E. Eka, Fithra, Astri, Dona

10. Bila Dona terpilih, siapakah anggota yang lain? A. Gama, Fithra, dan Citra B. Gama, Astri, dan Bona C. Gama, Astri, dan Citra D. Fithra, Astri, dan Citra E. Astri, Bona, dan Fithra


Calon mana yang pasti diterima jika Bona dan Citra terpilih? A. Eka dan Gama B. Hanya Gama C. Hanya Fithra D. Fithra dan Gama E. Hanya Eka

11. Manakah peryataan yang benar? I. Astri harus dipilih sebagai satu calon dari IPS II. Astri harus dipilih jika Fithra dipilih sebagai anggota tim III. Astri tidak dapat dipilih jika Dona dan Fithra ditolak A. I, II, III D. III B. I E. I, II C. II

Soal nomor 12-16 berdasarkan bacaan dibawah ini: Anggi, Beni, Caca, Dedi, Eni, Ferdi, dan Galih mendapat tugas untuk menonton sebuah pementasan drama dan membuat laporan tertulis, untuk tugas mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Mereka mendapat jatah kursi dua baris, yaitu 4 di depan dan 3 di belakang. Berdasarkan kesepakatan mereka membuat pertaturan sebagai berikut :  Semua wanita duduk di depan  Ketua kelompok adalah lelaki  Tidak ada yang di belakang Anggi  Caca dan Galih harus berdekatan tetapi tidak boleh bersampingan atau sebaris lurus ke belakang  Tidak ada yang di depan Beni  Ferdi di belakang ketua dan di sebelahnya tidak boleh wanita  Dibelakang ketua adalah wakil ketua


12. Siapakah ketua kelompok? A. Ferdi B. Beni C. Galih D. Dedi E. Caca

13. Siapakah wakil ketua kelompok? A. Ferdi B. Beni C. Galih D. Dedi E. Anggi

14. Manakah pernyataan berikut yang salah? A. Beni pasti sebaris dengan Anggi B. Ferdi pasti sebaris dengan Caca C. Galih pasti sebaris dengan Eni D. Beni pasti sebaris dengan Eni E. Caca pasti sebaris dengan Beni

15. Manakah pernyataan berikut yang benar? A. Beni di baris depan B. Eni di baris depan C. Anggi di baris belakang D. Dedi di baris depan E. Ferdi di baris depan

16. Ada berapakah kemungkinan posisi duduk mereka? A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6 E. 8 Soal nomor 17 - 20 berdasarkan bacaan berikut. Riset universitas Nusa Cendana menunjukkan, mangga kelapa pulau Alor kaya vitamin C. setiap 100 g daging buah mengandung 31,91 mg vitamin C. Artinya, cukup dengan menyantap 200 g alias seperempat buah mangga Alor, maka kebutuhan asupan vitamin C untuk laki-laki dan perempuan dewasa sebanyak 60 mg perhari dapat terpenuhi. Bila musim berbuah tiba, mangifera indica itu jadi incaran para wisatawan dan pejabat yang berkunjung ke Kabupaten paling timur di Provinsi NTT itu. Rombongan pejabat juga tidak ketinggalan untuk selalu mampir ketempat tersebut. Rasanya yang manis dan ukuran super besar membuat mangga itu menjadi oleh-oleh khas Alor yang paling digemari. Pada oktober 2008 mangga kelapa asal pulau seribu Moko (julukan pulau Alor) itu resmi ditetapkan sebagai salah satu varietas unggul local. Namanya pun berganti, ‘sekarang namanya mangga Alor bukan mangga kelapa lagi,’ kata Ir Johannis Francis, kepala badan ketahanan pangan dan penyuluhan pertanian Kabupaten Alor. Untuk pengembangan bibit, pohon mangga Alor milik Hamid Eta yang menjuarai kontes dipilih menjadi pohon induk. Dari pohon berumur 18 tahun itulah nantinya akan dikembangkan bibitbibit mangga Alor. (Disadur dari berbagai sumber – sub unit TPA) 17. Pernyataan yang sesuai dengan bacaan 3 adalah . . . . A. Mangga kelapa memiliki cita rasa seperti kelapa B. Mangga kelapa merupakan persilangan antara mangga dan kelapa C. Hamid Eta memiliki bibit kelapa mangga yang lebih unggul D. Mangga Alor memiliki keunggulan yang lebih baik dari mangga kelapa E. Mangga kelapa ada dimana-mana 18. Ide pokok paragraf terakhir dari bacaan 3 adalah . . . . A. Hak paten pohon mangga kelapa B. Keinginan masyarakat luas mengenal mangga kelapa C. Perhatian pemerintah terhadap varietas unggulan D. Perubahan nama mangga kelapa E. Asal-usul mangga kelapa 19. Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan bacaan 3 adalah . . . . A. Mangga kelapa memiliki rasa seperti mangga pada umumnya B. Seperempat buah mangga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin C perempuan dewasa C. Mangga kelapa bukan merupakan buah khas dari Alor D. Saat musim berbuah, mangga Alor menjadi incaran wisatawan yang berkunjung ke pulau Alor E. Mangga kelapa hanya terdapat di Pulau Alor 20. Berapa persenkah kandungan vitamin C buah mangga alor per 100mg? A. 100% B. 31,91% C. 3,191% D. 0,3191% E. 0,03191%


Suatu kesimpulan atau konklusi dapat ditarik dengan menggunakan sejumlah pernyataan yang disebut premis. Penarikan kesimpulan dengan memanfaatkan sejumlah pernyataan disebut argumen. Ada argumen yang disebut sah atau valid dan ada argumen yang tidak sah. Ada 3 metode penarikan kesimpulan secara umum, yaitu:

Prinsip modus ponens mengatakan “jika p terjadi maka q terjadi, dan ternyata p terjadi.” Maka menurut asumsi kita, disimpulkan “q terjadi”. Premis 1 Premis 2 Konklusi

: : :

pq p q

Jika saya tidak suka menyanyi maka adik suka menari. Saya tidak suka menyanyi. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dari kedua premis tersebut adalah … A. Adik saya suka menari B. Adik saya tidak suka menari C. Saya suka menari D. Saya tidak suka menari E. Tidak ada kesimpulan yang sah yang dapat ditarik dari kedua premis tersebut

Prinsip modus tolens mengatakan “jika p terjadi maka q terjadi, dan ternyata q tidak terjadi.” Maka menurut asumsi kita, disimpulkan “p tak terjadi”. Premis 1 Premis 2 Konklusi

: : :

~p ˅ q ≡ pq ~q ~p

Jika Rudi suka mengaji maka ia rajin ke masjid. Rudi tidak suka mengaji. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik adalah … A. Rudi suka ke masjid B. Rudi tidak suka ke masjid C. Rudi suka olahraga D. Rudi kadang-kadang suka ke masjid E. Jika Rudi suka ke masjid, upacara, dan bermain.

Silogisme merupakan argumen yang sah dan dinyatakan dengan: Prinsip silogisme pada dasarnya mengatakan “jika p terjadi maka q terjadi, dan jika q terjadi maka r terjadi, oleh karena itu disimpulkan jika p terjadi maka r juga terjadi”. Premis 1 Premis 2 Premis 3 Konklusi : q

: : : :

pq ~q ˅ r ≡ qr ~r ~p

Jika saya punya uang maka saya akan membeli buku. Saya tidak membeli buku atau saya malas membaca. Saya tidak malas membaca. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dari ketiga premis tersebut adalah … A. Saya punya uang B. Saya tidak punya uang C. Saya punya mobil D. Saya punya uang tetapi tidak membeli buku E. Saya tidak membeli buku Tips : Untuk soal penarikan kesimpulan, jangan pedulikan kenyataan. Contoh: jika dalam kalimat dinyatakan “harimau adalah herbivora” ataupun “kambing merupakan karnivora” tetaplah setuju, walaupun dalam kenyataan tidak mungkin.


Kuantor adalah pengukur kuantitas atau jumlah. Pernyataan berkuantor artinya pernyataan yang mengandung ukuran kuantitas atau jumlah. Biasanya pernyataan berkuantor mengandung kata semua, setiap, beberapa, ada, dan sebagainya. Kata semua, setiap, beberapa, ada, atau tiap-tiap merupakan kuantor karena kata-kata tersebut menyatakan ukuran jumlah. Kuantor dibagi menjadi dua bagian, kuantor universal dan kuantor eksistensial. A.

Kuantor Universal Kuantor universal contohnya adalah semua, untuk setiap, atau untuk tiap-tiap. Berikut beberapa contoh pernyataan yang menggunakan kuantor universal. a) Semua siswa SMA di Jakarta pernah ke Ancol. b) Setiap bilangan asli lebih besar daripada nol.


Kuantor Eksistensial Eksistensial merupakan kata sifat dari eksis, yaitu keberadaan. Kuantor eksistensial artinya pengukur jumlah yang menunjukkan keberadaan. Dalam matematika “ada” artinya tidak kosong atau setidaknya satu. Contoh kuantor eksistensial adalah ada, beberapa, terdapat, atau sekurang-kurangnya satu. Berikut beberapa contoh pernyataan yang menggunakan kuantor eksistensial. a) Ada rumah yang tak memiliki jendela. b) Beberapa presiden adalah wanita. c) Terdapat bilangan asli x yang jika dikalikan dengan 5 hasilnya 6,24. Secara umum ingkaran kuantor adalah sebagai berikut:  Ingkaran dari (semua) (p) adalah (terdapat) (~p),  Ingkaran dari (ada atau terdapat) (p) adalah (semua) (~p). Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh mengingkar kalimat berkuantor. a) Semua kucing berwarna putih. Ingkarannya adalah: Tidak benar bahwa semua kucing berwarna putih. ≡ Ada kucing yang tidak berwarna putih. b)

Semua mahasiswa pernah belajar di perpustakaan. Ingkarannya adalah: Tidak semua mahasiswa pernah belajar di perpustakaan. ≡ Ada mahasiswa yang tidak pernah belajar di perpustakaan.


Semua siswa SMA di Jakarta pernah ke Ancol. Ingkarannya adalah: Tidak semua siswa SMA di Jakarta pernah ke Ancol. ≡ Ada siswa SMA di Jakarta yang tidak pernah ke Ancol.


Siswa kelas 3 baru naik ke kelas 4 jika sudah lulus ujian perkalian. Dani dan Seno adalah siswa kelas 4. A. Dani dan Seno pasti mampu mengerjakan ujian perkalian B. Seno tidak lulus ujian perkalian C. Dani tidak lulus ujian perkalian D. Dani lulus ujian perkalian E. Dani dan Seno belum tentu mampu mengerjakan ujian perkalian


Risda selalu libur di hari Senin ia menggantikan jadwal rekan kerjanya di hari Minggu. Sani adalah rekan kerja Risda yang minta digantikan jadwalnya di hari Minggu ini. A. Risda lembur di hari Senin B. Risda tidak libur sama sekali minggu depan C. Risda selalu lembur D. Risda libur di hari Senin minggu depan E. Sani tidak libur sama sekali


Salah satu syarat diterimanya sebagai PNS adalah lulus dengan tes CPNS. Kurniawan adalah salah satu peserta yang akan mengikuti tes CPNS. A. Kurniawan diterima sebagai PNS B. Kurniawan mampu mengerjakan tes PNS C. Kurniawan mampu mengerjakan tes PNS dan diterima D. Kurniawan belum tentu diterima sebagai PNS E. Kurniawan tidak diterima sebagai PNS


Memancing adalah aktifitas yang pasti dilakukan Gilang di hari Minggu Hari Minggu ini Gilang banyak pekerjaan. A. Hari Minggu Gilang tidak memancing B. Hari Minggu Gilang ragu memancing C. Gilang memancing pada hari selain Minggu D. Gilang tidak memancing jika banyak pekerjaan. E. Tidak ada kesimpulan yang tepat




Semua warga Desa Suket adalah nelayan. Zulfikar adalah warga Desa Suket. A. Zulfikar pasti seorang nelayan B. Zulfikar bukan seorang nelayan C. Zulfikar terpaksa menjadi nelayan D. Zulfikar tidak mungkin seorang nelayan E. Zulfikar belum mau menjadi nelayan


Dalam pemilihan ketua kelas VI, perolehan suara Ahmad tidak kurang dari Conie dan tidak lebih dari Eka. Perolehan suara Beta sama dengan Ahmad dan tidak lebih dari Eka. Perolehan suara Dody tidak lebih dari Beta dan kurang dari Conie. Siapakah yang terpilih sebagai ketua kelas? A. Ahmad B. Eka C. Conie D. Dody E. Beta


Lima orang pedagang Bakso menghitung hasil penjualan dalam satu hari. Pedagang III lebih banyak menjual dari pada pedagang IV, tetapi tidak melebihi pedagang I. Penjualan pedagang II sama dengan pedagang IV dan tidak melebihi pedagang III. Pedagang mana yang hasil penjualannya terbanyak? A. Pedagang I B. Pedagang III C. Pedagang II D. Pedagang IV E. Pedagang I dan II


Suatu keluarga mempunyai empat orang anak yang bergelar sarjana. A memperoleh gelar sarjana sesudah C, B menjadi sarjana sebelum D dan bersamaan dengan A. Siapakah yang menjadi sarjana yang paling awal? A. A B. B C. C D. D E. C dan D


Semua ikan hidup di air. Tidak ada ikan yang bernafas dengan paru-paru. Paus hidup di air. Jadi, … A. Ikan bernafas dengan paru-paru B. Paus bernafas dengan insang C. Ikan yang bernafas dengan paru-paru disebut paus D. Paus adalah salah satu binatang air yang bernafas dengan paru-paru E. Paus bisa bernafas dengan insang dan paru-paru

10. Gedung X lebih tinggi dari gedung Y. Gedung Z tidak lebih rendah dari gedung Y. Jadi,…. A. Gedung Y mungkin lebih tinggi dari gedung Z B. Gedung X paling tinggi C. Gedung X mungkin lebih tinggi dari gedung Z D. Gedung Y merupakan gedung paling rendah E. Tidak ada kesimpulan yang tepat

11. Anggi lebih berat daripada Citra. Desi lebih ringan daripada Eli. Citra lebih berat daripada Bulma. Desi beratnya sama dengan Citra. Kesimpulan yang bisa diambil adalah …. A. Eli paling berat B. Bulma lebih ringan daripada Desi C. Anggi lebih berat dari Eli D. Citra lebih berat dari Eli E. Bulma paling berat

12. Semua B adalah sebagian A. Semua A adalah bukan C. Jadi, … A. Sebagian A adalah bukan C B. Sebagian B adalah C C. Tidak ada C yang merupakan B D. Semua B adalah sebagian C E. A, B, dan C saling beririsan

13. Karyawan PT Esa sekarang harus datang tepat waktu, sesuai perintah direktur baru. Yang dapat disimpulkan dari keterangan di atas adalah …. A. Pada masa direktur lama karyawan banyak yang terlambat B. Sebelum masa direktur baru mungkin ada yang datang tepat waktu C. Pada masa direktur baru tidak ada yang datang terlambat D. Dulu banyak karyawan yang datang tepat waktu E. Sekarang karyawan PT Esa banyak yang datang tepat waktu

14. Semua orang butuh nutrisi. Sebagian orang memakan makanan cepat saji. A. Semua orang butuh nutrisi dan diberi makanan cepat saji B. Orang yang butuh nutrisi biasanya diberi makanan cepat saji C. Sebagian orang butuh nutrisi dan memakan makanan cepat saji D. Setiap orang memakan makanan cepat saji yang bernutrisi E. Sebagian orang butuh nutrisi tapi tidak suka makanan cepat saji

15. Semua X merupakan Y, dan semua Y merupakan Z. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari pernyataan di atas adalah: A. Tidak mungkin ada Y yang bukan merupakan Z B. Tidak mungkin ada Z yang merupakan X C. Semua Z merupakan X D. Semua Z merupakan Y E. Semua Y adalah X

16. Semua hasil hutan sangat berguna. Sebagian hasil hutan yang sangat berguna harganya mahal. A. Semua hasil hutan harganya mahal B. Semua yang harganya mahal adalah hasil hutan C. Sebagian hasil hutan harganya mahal D. Hasil hutan yang mahal sangat berguna E. Semua hasil hutan harganya mahal

17. Pengusaha seharusnya berjiwa bisnis. Sebagian anggota DPRD pernah menjadi pengusaha. A. Anggota DPRD selalu berjiwa bisnis B. Semua orang yang pernah menjadi anggota DPRD itu pengusaha C. Seharusnya anggota DPRD tidak berjiwa bisnis D. Semua pengusaha ingin menjadi anggota DPRD E. Sebagian anggota DPRD berjiwa bisnis

18. Semua bom dapat meledak. Bom yang meledak akan hancur. Tidak semua bom adalah ranjau. Sebelum meledak, bom dapat dijinakkan. Andi berkata kepada Anton bahwa ia menginjak bom X. X adalah jenis ranjau. Jadi … A. Andi tidak mungkin hancur B. X tidak dapat meledak C. Andi akan mati D. X dapat dijinakkan E. Tidak ada kesimpulan yang tepat

Untuk soal nomor 19 s.d. 22, gunakan informasi berikut! I. Ahmad memiliki uang lebih banyak daripada Shaleh. II. Uang Usro lebih sedikit daripada Unyil. III. Melani memiliki uang lebih banyak dari Shaleh. IV. Jumlah uang masing-masing anak tidak ada yang sama. 19. Jika uang Ahmad lebih banyak dari Melani, dan tidak lebih banyak dari Unyil, maka.. A. Uang Shaleh paling banyak. B. Uang Unyil lebih banyak dari Melani dan sama dengan Ahmad. C. Unyil memiliki uang yang paling banyak. D. Unyil memiliki uang paling sedikit. E. Tidak dapat ditentukan.

20. Jika uang Unyil lebih sedikit daripada Melani, maka… A. Ahmad memiliki uang paling banyak. B. Melani memiliki uang paling banyak. C. Uang Melani lebih banyak dari uang Usro. D. Uang Usro lebih banyak dari uang Melani E. Uang Melani sama dengan uang Ahmad.

21. Jika uang Usro lebih banyak dari uang Shaleh, maka… A. Uang Usro paling sedikit. B. Uang Melani dua kali lebih banyak dari uang Shaleh. C. Uang Ahmad lebih kecil dari Melani. D. Uang Usro lebih banyak dari uang Melani. E. Uang Shaleh paling sedikit.

22. Jika uang Melani tidak lebih sedikit dari Unyil, maka… A. Uang Usro lebih banyak dari uang Shaleh. B. Uang Melani lebih besar dari uang Shaleh atau Usro. C. Uang Usro paling banyak D. Uang Ahmad paling banyak. E. Uang Melani paling banyak.

23. Semua Y merupakan Z, dan semua X merupakan Y. Kesimpulan yang benar adalah… A. Semua Y merupakan Z. B. Semua Z merupakan X. C. Tidak mungkin ada Y yang tidak merupakan Z. D. X > Y > Z E. Y > Z > X

24. Jika kucing adalah anjing, maka air sama dengan api. Air berbeda dengan api, selalu tidak sama dalam segala hal. A. Kucing dan Anjing saling bermusuhan. B. Kucing bukanlah anjing. C. Jika kucing adalah api maka anjing juga api. D. Kucing berteman dengan Anjing E. Kucing takut dengan air.

25. Semua wisatawan selalu mengunjungi kota yang memiliki kesenian daerah. Kota Cibinong (Bogor) memiliki banyak kesenian daerah. A. Hanya beberapa wisatawan mengunjungi Kota Cibinong (Bogor). B. Sebagian wisatawan tidak mengunjungi Kota Cibinong (Bogor). C. Semua yang mengunjungi Kota Cibinong (Bogor) adalah wisatawan. D. Tidak ada yang wisatawan yg datang ke Cibinong (Bogor). E. Semua wisatawan selalu mengunjungi Kota Cibinong (Bogor).


Dalam bagian ini, kita diminta mencari angka-angka atau huruf-huruf yang sesuai dengan pola yang terdapat dalam soal. Caranya adalah dengan mencari hubungan antara angka pertama dan angka-angka berikutnya. Mungkin antara angka ke-1 dan angka ke-2. Bila polanya belum ditemukan, mungkin antara angka ke-1 dan angka ke-3 dan begitu seterusnya sampai ditemukan pola deret tersebut. Pola tersebut bisa digunakan untuk meneruskan angka atau huruf yang dipertanyakan. Dalam soal USM STAN biasanya dikenal deret tunggal dan deret ganda.  Deret tunggal hanya memiliki satu pola (Ex.: +5 saja, -10 saja, dst.)  Deret ganda adalah dua deret tunggal yang digabungkan. Juga tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa dalam satu soal terdapat beberapa pola (lebih dari dua deret tunggal). Oleh karena itu, soal-soal seperti ini membutuhkan analisis kita untuk mencari pola-pola apa saja yang terdapat dalam soal tersebut. Barisan angka atau deret dapat dicirikan dalam beberapa bentuk/model, diantaranya:  Bilangan Ganjil Berupa kelipatan dari bilangan ganjil Contoh: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, …. (2n-1) 

Bilangan Genap Berupa kelipatan dari bilangan genap Contoh: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 …. (2n)

Bilangan Prima Berupa kelipatan dari bilangan prima Contoh: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, ….

Bilangan Fibonacci Berupa penjumlahan dari bilangan sebelumnya Contoh: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ….

Bilangan Kuadrat Berupa kelipatan dari bilangan kuadrat Contoh: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, …. (n2)

Pola Lompatan Polanya melompat-lompat, bisa dua maupun lompat tiga Contoh: 2, 3, 4, 9, 8, 27,

5, 100, 8, 95, 11, 90, xx, xx. Berapakah nilai xx? A. 80 dan 15 B. 85 dan 14 C. 14 dan 85 D. 15 dan 80 Jawaban : C

Soal tersebut merupakan deret ganda karena di dalamnya terdapat dua deret yang berbeda: 5, 100, 8, 95, 11, 90, 14, 85 Pola I : 5, 8, 11, 14,........(+3) Pola II : 100, 95, 90, 85,........(-5) 

B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, xx, xx. Huruf yang dimaksud oleh xx adalah.... A. M dan N B. M dan O C. L dan M D. L dan N Jawaban : D

B___C___D___F___G___H___J___K___L___N +1 +1 +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 +1 +2



1, 4, 10, 22, 46,.... A. 94 B. 92 C. 48 D. 44 E. 98


0, 4, 10, 18, 28, ..., ... A. 40, 48 B. 38, 54 C. 36, 48 D. 40, 54 E. 38, 48


2, 2, 4, 3, 8, 4, ..., .... A. 10, 6 B. 16, 5 C. 5, 16 D. 12, 5 E. 16, 6


1, 6, 13, 22, 33, .... A. 44 B. 46 C. 48 D. 52 E. 66


2, 4, 16, 32, .... A. 64 B. 128 C. 256 D. 1024 E. 512


Q, E, N, G, K, I, .... A. M B. L C. N D. J E. H


Suatu seri huruf terdiri dari ; C D E P O N E F G M L Dua seri selanjutnya adalah … A. N F B. N G C. K F D. K H E. K G


Suatu seri huruf a b d d f g i i k … Tiga seri selanjutnya adalah … A. l m n B. l m m C. l n m D. l n n E. m n o


Suatu seri huruf : BCKLDEFMNOGHI… Dua seri selanjutnya adalah … A. P Q B. P K C. J K D. J P E. P J

10. Suatu seri terdiri dari : 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 … Seri selanjutnya adalah … A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 E. 9

11. A, B, F, G, K, L, ..., .... A. M, N B. O, P C. M, O D. P, Q E. Q, R

12. Z, A, Y, B, X, C, ...., .... A. D, W B. V, D C. D, U D. W, D E. U, D

13. B, C, E, G, K, ..... A. L B. M C. N D. O E. P

14. 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 6, 11, 7, … A. 9 B. 13 C. 15 D. 17 E. 19

15. 2, 4, 3, 9., 5, 25, 7, 49, …, … A. 8 dan 64 B. 9 dan 81 C. 10 dan 100 D. 11 dan 121 E. 12 dan 144

16. 1, 3, 8, 19, 42, xx A. 84 B. 89 C. 88 D. 85 E. 87

17. B – 3 – F – 7 – J – 11 – …. – …. A. L 14 B. L 13 C. M 15 D. N 15 E. M 14

18. J – H – I – M – K – L – P – …. – O – …. – Q – …. A. N T R B. N R S C. S R N D. S N R E. N S R


19. P, Q, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, .. Berapa P dan Q? A. 0 dan 2 B. 2 dan 5 C. 1 dan 4 D. 1 dan 3 E. 3 dan 6

20. a b b c d e e f g h h i ......., A. i j j k B. i j k l C. j k k l D. j k l l E. j k l m

21. 5 [36] 7 8 [30] 2 7 [33] 4 6 [36] X X = ..... A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 12 E. 11

22. 4*5 [36] 8*2 [80] 3*A [27] A = ..... A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 E. 9

23. 100, 95, 85, 70, 50, ... A. 55 B. 65 C. 45 D. 25 E. 35

24. 10, 12, 24, 26, 52, 54, 108, ….. A. 112 B. 110 C. 216 D. 124 E. 210

25. 157, 64, 221, 285, 506, 791, … A. 855 B. 972 C. 1076 D. 1297 E. 1425


Logika gambar biasanya berada di bagian akhir pada bagian tes TPA USM STAN. Peraturan mengenai pengerjaan bagian tipe ini tidak dapat sepenuhnya dikatakan mudah, tapi tidak sebegitu sulit juga. Kita diminta untuk menebak gambar apa yang cocok untuk melengkapi bagian dari soal, atau menebak gambar apa yang akan muncul pada tahap selanjutnya. Poin yang harus di perhatikan adalah pergerakan dari tiap komponen dalam gambar. Analisisnya bisa per bagian gambar, karena dengan begitu akan lebih mudah. Contoh: 1.

Carilah pola gambar selanjutnya..

Jawaban: Bias kita lihat dari jumlah sisinya dari gambal awal ke akhir semakin berkurang, dari 6 sisi, lalu menjadi 5 sisi, lalu menjadi 4 sisi. Maka terakhir akan menjadi 3 sisi (C).












10. a










20. a


Untuk no 22-25 dibawah ini carilah satu gambar yang berbeda polanya 22.

23. a


25. a


Dalam bahasa inggris, kalimat sekurang-kurangnya memiliki:

Subject adalah pelaku dalam kalimat aktif. Subject dapat berupa: A.

Subject bisa berupa single noun ataupun noun phrase. Eg: Bird can fly.


Subject bisa berupa nounphrase kumpulan kata yang diakhiri Noun). Eg: The new blue car is mine.

C. Beberapa bentuk yang dapat digunakan sebagai subject. Pronoun. (I, you, we, they, she, he, it) : they work hard for the exam Clause (Q.word+ s + P) : What he did makes me proud of him Gerund (Ving) : Swimming is my hobby Infinitive : To sleep is a luxury D. “There dan here” merupakan pseudo-subject dimana subject yang sebenarnya muncul setelah predikat. Eg:  There are many students in Bimbel Infinity.  Was there a handsome tutor English in your class?

Predikat menjelaskan kegiatan dalam kalimat. Setiap kalimat hanya memiliki sebuah predikat. Predikat terdiri dari: A. Verb Word (tense): V1 and V2 B. Modals: Can, may, must, could, might, shoud, shall C. To be: is, am, are, was, were D. Have/Had + V3 Eg:  We are optimistic  I lost my pen last week

Object adalah pelengkap yang dipengaruhi oleh verb (yg dikenai tindakan). Object dapat berupa Nun ataupun Pronoun. Secara umum object terdiri dari : 

Direct object: kegiatan pertama yang dilakukan subject. Eg: He lend me I send her Indirect object: kegitan kedua oleh subject Eg: He lend me the book I send her the letter


Secara umum bentuknya sbb:


Menemukan Subject dan Verb dalam kalimat adalah hal yang mudah. Namun “structure” tertentu seperti Prepositional Phrase, Appositive, dan Participle dapat mengecoh kita dalam menemukan subjek dan predikat. Berikut adalah hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam “separated Verb and subject” 1.

Prepositional Phrase Jika letaknya dalam suatu kalimat terpisah, subjek dan predikat dipisahkan oleh Prepositional Phrase. Terlepas dari bentuknya apakah plural/singular, preposional phrase tidak mempengaruhi pengaruh terhadap predikat. E.g.:  The study (of languages) is very interesting.  The interviews (by radio broadcaster) were carried live by the station.


Appositive Apprositive adalah keterangan tambahan yang menjelaskan kata benda di depannya. E.g.:  Jenny lives in Jakarta, the most crowded city in Indonesia.  Due to the bad weather, the next plane, the 11.15 to Medan, is postponed.  Mr. Johnson, our headmaster, is looking for you.


Verbal Adjective Present participle dapat membingungkan karena sering dianggap sebagai predikat dalam kalimat. 1. Verbal adjective dianggap sebagai Verb (Ving/V3) apabila diikuti To be. 2. Verbal adjective dianggap sebagai adjective apabila tidak diikuti To be.

E.g.:  

The man standing in front of us is our English tutor. The girl winning the sains competition is my sister

For most people, the distinction between vegetables and fruits is fairly clear. Scientists, however, have varied opinions in this regard. For example, horticulturists categorize a watermelon as a vegetable despite its general acceptance as a fruit. Botanists identify a tomato as a fruit even through it is commonly used as vegetable. These differences stem from the ways in which fruits and vegetables are classified. For botanists, a fruit is the seed-bearing portion of a flowering plant or tree. According to this definition, a tomato is a fruit. For horticulturists, a vegetable is the edible portion of a plant that must be replanted annually. According to this view, a tomato is a vegetable. A horticulturists see a fruit as coming from a plant tree that lives at least two years. In the case of fruits and vegetables that meet criteria of both groups of scientists, such as apples or tomatoes, there is no conflict. 1.


What does this passage mainly discuss? A. The work of botanists and horticulturists B. Common types of fruits and vegetables C. Scientific differences between fruit vegetables D. The seed-bearing nature of fruit



According to the passage, the scientific classification of watermelon by horticulturists A. differs from its popular description of fruit. B. remains a major area of disagreement between scientists C. places it within the categories of both fruit and vegetables D. is no longer open to debate among members of the scientific community.


In line 3, the pronoun “it” refers to A. A fruit B. A vegetable C. A watermelon D. A tomato


In the last line, the word “conflict” could be best replaced by which of the following? A. Consensus B. Disagreement C. Classification D. Solution


The research (A) for the (B) book Roots taking (C) Alex Haley twelve years (D).


There were (A) a time that I used to swim (B) five laps every day, but now I do not (C) have enough (D) time.


The company had difficulty distributing …. so that they 8. could meet production quotas. A. sufficiently number of parts in a timely manner to its manufacturers B. a sufficient number of parts to itsmanufacturers in a timely manner C. to its manufacturers in a timely manner a sufficient number of parts D. in a timely manner to its manufacturers a sufficient number of parts


Groups of tissues, each with its own function, …… in the human body. A. it makes up the organs B. make up the organs C. they make up the organs D. makes up the organs

What .... for a living? A. Do you do B. Are doing C. You do D. Does you do

10. …. was backed up for miles on the freeway A. Yesterday B. In the morning C. Traffic D. Cars

11. To overcome (A) rejection of a skin graft, a system for matching (B) donor and recipient (C) tissues has be (D) developed. 12. The Zoning Improvement Plan, better known (A) as zip codes, enable (B) postal clerks to speed (C) the routing of an (D) ever-increasing volume of mail. 13. Many (A) theories on conserving the purity of water has been (B) proposed, but not one has been as widely accepted as (D) this one 14. With his friend he …. the window A. break B. have broken C. broken D. breaking

15. ….., George, is attending the lecture. A. Right now B. Happily C. Because of the time D. My friend

16. The company president wrote an e-mail and planned to send ..... as soon as the vote was complete. A. to all directors the message B. the message by all directors C. message to all directors D. the message to all directors

17. In a suspension …. bridge that carry one or more flexible cables firmly attached at each end. A. here is two towers on it B. there are two towers C. two towers there are D. towers there are two

18. The packages .... mailed at the post office wil arrive 19. Soekarno, …… one of the strongest Indonesian Monday Presidents, served from 1945 to 1965 A. have A. considered B. were B. is considered C. them C. considering D. just D. was considered


20. In a relay race, one runner runs a distance, hands ……, 21. A pride of lions …. up to forty lions, including one to and thatrunner completes the race. three males, several females, and cubs. A. other runner the baton A. can contain B. the baton another runner B. it contains C. the baton to another runner C. contain D. the baton other runner D. containing


22. As its name suggests, the Prairie Wetlands Resource Center …. The protection of wetlands on the prairies of the Dakotas, Montana, Minnesota, and Nebraska. A. it focuses B. focuses on C. focusing D. to focus on

23. Henry with his friend … on a trip to france. A. are left B. leaving C. has left D. leave

24. … the rest of the audience refuse to go out? A. Has B. Have C. Do D. Does

25. The child …. playing in the yard is my son. A. now B. is C. he D. was

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang merupakan : o habitual action (kebiasaan) o general truth (kebenaran umum ) Rumus:

a) b)

Adverb of time : everyday, on Sundays etc. Adverb of frequency : usually, always, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, barely, never, etc. (Hal ini berlaku apabila tidak ada keterangan waktu lewat. Tetapi, apabila ada keterangan waktu lewat, tense yang digunakan adalah past tense.) E.g.:  The sun sets in the west (general truth)  My sister always wakes up early(habit)  Milk contains calcium (general truth)

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang sedang berlangsung pada masa sekarang. Rumus:


Adverb of time : now, at present, at this time, at this moment, presently, right now, for the time being, etc. E.g.:  Fachri is writing a letter for her mom.  The woman is decorating her house.  We are studying English right now.

Digunakan untuk: a) Menyatakan suatu kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau tetapi tidak jelas kapan waktunya. | E.g.: John has traveled around the world. b) Menyatakan suatu kejadian yang terjadi lebih dari sekali di masa lalu. E.g.: George has seen this movie three times. Rumus:

Biasanya diikuti oleh : yet, already, just E.g.:  They have just cleaned the dirty room.  The teacher has already explained the lesson.  She hasn’t finished her assignment yet.


Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah berlangsung beberapa lama dan terus berlangsung sampai sekarang. Rumus:


Adverb of time : for three years, since yesterday, all these months, etc E.g.:  I have been living in this house for ten years.  Mary has been working on her project since two days ago.

Ice ages, those periods when ice covered extensive areas of the earth, are known to have occurred at least six times. Past ice ages can be recognized from rock strata that show evidence of foreign materials deposited by moving walls of ice or melting glaciers. Ice ‘ages can also be recognized from land formations that have been produced from moving walls of ice, such as U-shaped valleys, sculptures landscapes, and polished rock faces. 1.

According to the passage, what happens during an ice age? A. Evidence of foreign materials is found B. Ice melt six times. C. Rock strata are recognized by geologists D. Ice covers a large portion of the earth’s surface.


According to the passage, what in the rock strata is a clue to geologists of a past ice age? A. Ice B. Melting glaciers C. U-shaped valleys D. Substances from other areas


The passage covers how many different methods of recognizing past ice ages? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four


Listen! A woman …. from the old house. A. is screaming B. screams C. screamed D. has screamed


Recently (A) , the (B) work had been being done (C) by (D) John M. Rayyan.


She …. playing tennis since she was ten. Therefore, she has won many medals. A. enjoys B. has enjoyed C. enjoyed D. is enjoying


Since 1974, Doraemon .... children all around the world. A. had entertained B. has entertained. C. has entertain D. entertains


.... happened in May 2006, Lapindo mud has actually expelled approximately 2,500m/day. A. It B. Since it C. Until it D. Because of


Since he moved to this city last year, he .... in the famous school. A. has studied B. was studying C. had studied D. would study

10. Don’t visit the woman right now because she …. her children’s lunch. A. has cooked B. cooks C. is cooking D. was cooking 12. The old man seems very weak because he …. anything


11. Look! Our grandfather …. in the nursery room near us. A. dance B. is dancing C. danced D. was dancing 13. I started school when I was five years old. I …. a student

for two days. A. hasn’t eaten B. hadn’t eaten

C. didn’t eat D. isn’t eating

for seventeen years now. A. as B. have been B. am being D. am to be

14. Because the river …. steadily since Sunday, the residents of the area have been advised to prepare for flood conditions. A. rose C. is rising B. had risen D. has been rising

15. X : When are you going to tell your sister the good news? Y : When she …. from her business trip. A. returns C. will be returning B. is going to return D. was returning

16. One of the girls always …. at me whenever I see her. A. smiled B. smiling B. has smiled D. smiles

17. Tony is going to return to Aceh as soon as he .... his university diploma’s degree. A. gets C. would get B. will get D. got

18. When .… the conference? A. the Director attended B. did the Director attend C. the Director will attend D. the Director’s attendance

19. How many cards .... in the box? A. there are B. there have C. are there D. have there

20. Since the 1994 FIFA World Cup, FIFA …. an anthem composed by the German composer Franz Lambert. A. adopts B. has adopted B. adopted D. was adopting

21. He has been sitting in the library every night …. the last four months. A. since B. before B. until D. for

22. At this moment, the government .… the military operation in Aceh. A. legalizes C. has legalized B. is legalizing D. has been legalizing

23. She promises to wait for me until I …. doing my homework tomorrow. A. finish C. finished B. am finishing D. will finish

24. …. she finishes the report, she leaves the office. A. That B. Once C. While D. Unless

25. The family …. with the neighbor since the tragedy. A. had rarely engaging B. had rarely engaged C. has rarely engaging D. has rarely engaged

26. We …. the trip because of the heavy rain. C. put out D. put off C. put on E. put up

27. When you enter that room, take …. A. shoes off C. your shoes off B. off shoes D. your shoes

28. Shiren : “….” Saskia : “For almost five years.” A. When did you study English? B. How long have you studied English? C. How many years will you study English? D. When will you study English?

29. The ships ... at 9 p.m. A. Are arriving B. arrive C. will arriving D. were arrived

30. The woman moved to Semarang three months ago, and he …. there since then. A. had been living B. has been living B. was living D. lives

31. Since 2000s, Blackberry …. popular in the country. A. became B. becomes B. has become D. had become

32. Greenhouse effect …. warming of the lower layers of the atmosphere due to its different absorption properties for long- and short-wave radiation. B. means D. is means C. will means E. meaning

33. Susan studies at the library for her English test on Tuesday. Actually, she …. for the test every day for the last two weeks. A. reviews C. has reviewed B. reviewed D. is reviewing


Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah selesai dan terjadi pada waktu yang spesifik di masa lalu. Rumus:

Adverb of time: yesterday, last night, two hours ago, just now, etc. E.g.:  John went to Spain last year.  Bob bought a new bicycle yesterday.  George cooked dinner for his family Saturday night.

Digunakan untuk menyatakan:  Kejadian yang sedang terjadi di masa lalu dan diinterupsi oleh kejadian yang lain. E.g.: When Mark came home, Martha was watching television.  Dua kejadian yang berlangsung pada saat bersamaan di masa lalu. E.g.: Martha was watching television while John was reading a book.  Kejadian yang sedang terjadi pada waktu yang spesifik di masa lalu. E.g.: John was watching television at seven o’clock last night. Rumus:

Penggunaan: o when+S1+simple past+S2+past continues o while+S1+past continues+S2+past continues

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi sebelum kejadian lain di masa lalu; biasanya ada dua kejadian di dalam kalimat tersebut. E.g.: Jack had gone to the store before he went home. Biasanya menggunakan kata before, after, when. Rumus:

Bisa diikuti oleh: already, just Penggunaan: o S + had + V3 before S + V2 o After S + had + V3 , S + V2 o S + had + V3 when S + V2 o S + had + V3 by the time S + V2 E.g.:  Salim had finished the work before his father arrived home.  They had given the money to the beggar by the time we met them.  He went out after he had locked the door.


Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang sudah berlangsung beberapa lama dan masih berlangsung ketika kejadian lain terjadi di masa lampau. Rumus:

Penggunaan: o Before + S + V2, S + had + been + V-ing for… o When + S + V2, S + had + been + V-ing for… o After + S + had + been + V-ing, S + V2 for… Catatan: Harus diikuti dengan durasi kejadian E.g. :  I had been waiting for her for half an hour when she saw me last night.  After he had been driving for fifty six hours, he stopped to sleep.  Before he went home, he had been playing the guitar for five hours.

Reading Nast played an important role in President Lincoln's reelection. In 1864 the war was not going well for the North. Many people blamed Lincoln. They were tired of the war. The Democratic candidate, General George B. McClellan, promised peace at any price. Lincoln didn't think he had a chance to be reelected. In August he wrote: "It seems exceedingly probable that this administration will not be reelected”. But he had not counted on the support of Thomas Nast. Nast drew cartoons showing McCellan as a man who would compromise with the South. The cartoons were effective, and helped President Lincoln win reelection. 1.

What is the author's main point? A. Lincoln asked Thomas Nast for help. but Nast refused. B. Voters wanted a compromise with the South. C. Lincoln thought the voters would blame him for not ending the war. D. Thomas Nast's cartoons helped to reelect Lincoln.


It can be assumed that the paragraph preceding the passage most probably discussed A. the United States economy B. Thomas Nast C. General George B McClellan D. President Lincoln's successor


According to the passage, how did Lincoln feel about his chances for reelection? A. Doubtful B. Enthusiastic C. Indifferent D. President Lincoln's successor

Structure and Written Expression 4.

Kristina …. to an opera before she lived in Jakarta. A. was never going B. has never gone C. had never gone D. did not go


The village dwellers .… when the dam of Situ Gintung broke. A. slept B. were sleeping C. had slept D. D. had been sleeping


The accident happening last night … the life of people and .... many others. A. takes – injured B. took – injuries C. took – injured D. taken – injuries


Chrisye, whose complete name is Chrismansyah Rahadi, …. on March 30, 2007. A. died B. has died C. dies D. had died



…. discussed before the director proposed it. A. The economic crisis had been B. The economic crisis being C. The economic crisis has already been D. The economic crisis is already


The "for sale" sign isn’t there now, but it .... as recently as last week, so the car must have just been sold. A. was there B. did be there C. just there D. would be there

10. Do you certainly believe that the student …. the girl when you saw him last week? A. was disturbed B. disturbed C. was disturbing D. is disturbing

11. While I was watching TV, my roommate .... his friend. A. had called B. calling C. called D. calls

12. Lia expected to get a quick reply after she …… her letter of application. A. had sent B. would send C. sent D. was sending

13. The Titanic …. four days when a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted. A. sailed B. was sailing C. has sailed D. had been sailing

14. I have (A) spent (B) three weeks (C) in Germany last (D) July. 15. After John eaten (A) dinner, he wrote (B) several letters (C) and went (D) to bed. 16. The manager has finished (A) working (B) on the report (C) last night, and now she will begin to write (D) the other proposal. 17. The (A) president went fishing (B) after (C) he has finished (D) with the conference. 18. Pete had already saw (A) that musical before (B) he read (C) the review about it (D). 19. Victor used to living (A) in Medan, but (B) his company had him transferred (C) to a better (D) position in Jakarta.


20. While doing his assignment, the man …. a call from his girlfriend. A. received B. to receive C. receiving D. has received

21. The water in the pails ... clear yesterday but now it ... A. Was / is B. Is / isn’t C. Was / isn’t D. Was / wasn’t

22. … here for over two hours? A. Does she has been waiting B. Has she been waiting C. Have she been waiting D. Do she has been waiting

23. Although they …. there for more than three hours, the headmaster didn’t want to see them. A. have been waiting B. were waiting C. waited D. had been waiting

24. Ditto …. Indonesia before he came to Jakarta to study in the International student program A. has never visited B. never visited C. would never visited D. had never visited

25. By the time she moved to another room to continue her reading, her mother …. the room. A. has left B. had left C. left D. was leaving

26. The teacher, accompanied by his lawyer in the room, …. a seminar in Pekan baru when the car accident happened. A. attended B. attending C. were attending D. was attending

27. By the time I moved to Ujung Pandang about three years ago, I …. in Jakarta for almost ten years. A. had been living B. have lived C. lived D. will have lived

28. The bus came after I …. for about twenty minutes. A. have been waiting B. have waited C. was waiting D. had been waiting

29. They have been living in this town since their father ... from his company A. illustrious B. implicit C. immune D. impulsive

30. Why … Mandarin classes for the last three weeks? A. Have you not attended B. Have you not been attending C. Has you not attendeed D. Has you not been attending

31. Ima felt confident about her grade on the test he …. A. has just taken B. was just taken C. has just taken D. is just taking

32. The chief accountant …. the monthly report for seven hours when the director arrived. A. had been scrutinizing B. has been scrutizing C. had been scrutinized D. has been scrutinized

33. The chief accountant …. the monthly report for seven hours when the director arrived. A. had been scrutinizing B. has been scrutizing C. had been scrutinized D. D. has been scrutinized

34. He had died before his latest book …. A. has been published B. would be published C. had been published D. was published

35. They have been learning English since they .... in Elementary School. A. had studied B. studied C. have been studying D. study


Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang akan dilakukan pada masa yang akan datang. Rumus :

Adverb of time: tonight, tomorrow, soon, next week, etc. E.g.:  I will go abroad next year.  My grandfather will recover from his illness soon.  The man will be here tomorrow.  We shall continue our journey to the remote area this afternoon. Pola Present Continuous Tense juga bisa digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang akan datang dengan kemungkinan terjadi sangat besar. E.g.:  We are going to the cinema tonight.  She is sweeping the floor tomorrow.

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang akan sedang dilakukan pada waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang. Rumus :

Adverb of time: at 9 tonight, at this time tomorrow, at this time next week, etc. E.g. :  We will be swimming in the river at 5 tomorrow.  He will be teaching Spanish at this time next week.  I will be having lunch with Mr. Brown at 1 o’clock tomorrow.

Menyatakan kegiatan yang akan sudah selesai terjadi di masa akan datang. Rumus:

Adverb of time: by next week, by next July, by the end of this year, by the time + S + V1 (-S/-ES) + O/C E.g. :  They will have sent the letter by the time you remind them.  By the end of the year, the man will have finished building the house.  He will have finished doing his final project by next month.


Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah berlangsung beberapa waktu yang lama dimasa yang akan datang. Rumus:

Adverb of time: by tomorrow, by the end of this month, by the time + S + V1 (-S/-ES) + O/C, etc. Harus diikuti oleh for yang menunjukkan lamanya waktu kejadian. E.g. :  By next month, he will have been living here for three years.  By the time the man finishes his assignment, his wife will have been accompanying him for more than 4 hours.

Question Tag adalah bentuk pertanyaan di akhir kalimat yang berfungsi untuk menegaskan suatu pernyataan. A. Pola Umum o jika kalimat pernyataan dalam bentuk positif, maka tag-nya harus dalam bentuk negatif o jika kalimat pernyataan dalam bentuk negatif, maka tag-nya harus dalam bentuk positif Rumus :

Catatan: Subjek dalam question tag harus merupakan kata ganti (pronoun). E.g.:  Dion submitted the assignment by himself, didn`t he?  Dono and Joko will be punished by the stern teacher, won`t they?  Fery wasn`t a soldier, was he? B. Pola Khusus : o I am  aren`t I ? o I am not  am I ? o Let`s  shall we? o That/This is  isn’t it? Catatan: Main Clause+ Subordinate ClauseTag=Main Clause Ex :  He said that he couldn`t accompany me, didn`t he?  I am a doctor, aren`t I?


Passage 1 The Iditaros sled race has once again woven its way across miles of barren country in Alaska. Inspired by a sleddog relay of serum to Nome for diphtaria outbreak in 1973. It has continued each year along the storm-raked coast. The mushers race across 1068 miles from Anchorage to Nome, stopping only to get food for themselves and their dogs, and to sleep in camps or homes along the way. Temperatures often hover around zero with wind chill factor dropping the temperature to minus 20 degrees or more. The winner gets as much as $50,000. But only the hardiest competitors can cuter this unique race. 1.

The word it in line 2 refers to A. Nome B. Diphteria C. The race D. Serum


Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. There has been diphteria in Alaska since 1973 B. The racers stop only to eat and sleep C. The race is more than 1000 miles long D. It can be very cold during the race


The author implies that the coastal areas of Alaska A. Have illnesses such as diphteria B. Are very stormy C. Are never D. Are places to make money


What word can be best substituted for the word hardiest in the last sentence A. heaviest B. most outgoing C. friendliest D. strongest


Sari ……. to school with her friends at 06.30 a.m. 6. tomorrow. A. walks B. is going to walk C. will be walking D. will have walked

Miranda ….. her piano course by the time her mother picks up. A. finishes B. will finish C. will have finished D. will have been finishing


According to today’s news, the old cabinet ……. by 8. the end of this month. A. would be reshuffled B. will be reshuffled C. will have been reshuffled D. will have reshuffled

There are only 90 questions in this test, ……….? A. did there B. didn’t there C. don’t there D. aren’t there


Dian and Haris hardly ever join our class discussion, 10. Mother ……… the food by the time the children come ……? home. A. did they A. cooks B. didn’t they B. will cook C. don’t they C. will have cooked D. do they D. has cooked

11. ......... dinner tonight with Mr. Capello, and I'd like to 12. I can lend you the book next week because by that invite you to come along. time I … reading it. A. We’re having A. will be finishing B. We have B. have finished C. We would have C. am finishing D. We’ve just D. will have finished 13. By the time the marathon runners reach the finish line, 14. As soon as he gets a loan from a bank, he……… his they… for more than three hours. own business. A. will run A. runs B. will be running B. will run C. will have run C. will have run D. will have been running D. is running


15. Our government should make some important steps 16. She is one of the expert lecturers in STAN. By the end to anticipate the economic crisis; otherwise, the of this month she ….. here for ten years. number of people without jobs ……… sharply next A. will be teaching year. B. is teaching A. will increase C. will have been teaching B. has increased D. would be teaching C. will have increased D. will have been increasing 17. The student often says that he ……. for the big 18. Faiz almost never ate at home, …….? company after he graduates from college. A. did A. will be working B. would he B. is going to work C. hehad she C. will have worked D. didn’t she D. has worked 19. He’s already read the letter, … ? A. hasn’t he B. isn’t he C. doesn’t he D. hasn’t it

20. Let’s go to the stadium, ……? A. will we B. don’t we C. are we D. shall we

21. I am a good boy, .........? A. am not I B. do I C. aren’t I D. don;t I

22. Because the boy had broken the windows, he did not want to go home, …..? A. did he B. hadn’t he C. didn’t he D. had he

23. There’s a (A) new (B) Oriental restaurant in town (C), isn’t it (D) ? 24. You know my father will retire within the next few 25. He’s given something to you, ...? years. I hope that by the time he retires, I …… a job. A. Aren’t you A. get B. Isn’t he B. have got C. Hasn’t he C. will get D. Doesn’t he D. will have got 26. At 08.20 a.m. next Sunday, the teachers …………. the 27. By the time she continues reading the new novel, the crucial matter with the principal. drama on television ……….. A. will discuss A. will end B. are discussing B. will be ending C. will have discussed C. has ended D. will be discussing D. will have ended 28. Once the beggar comes to the house, the rich woman …………. him some money. A. will be giving B. has given C. is going to give D. would give

29. Tell him to teach his son how to behave politely, ...? A. Will you B. Doesn’t he C. Won’t you D. Isn’t he

30. The man rarely visits his daughter in this school, ...? A. Does he B. Doesn’t he C. Is he D. Isn’t he

31. He was eating nothing when you arrived, ...? A. Wasn’t he B. Didn’t he C. Did he D. Was he


32. Your name is Anggi, ...? A. Aren’t you B. Isn’t it C. Is it D. Are you 34. At this time next week, I ………… a party in the garden of my house. A. will throw B. am throwing C. will be throwing D. will have been throwing


33. We will be making a rest stop in half an hour because you ……….. the car for six hours by then. A. will have been driving B. will be driving C. will drive D. have been driving

Modals adalah kata kerja bantu (auxuliary Verb) yang memberi tambahan arti pada kalimat. Funsi modals diantaranya adalah:

 Modals yang digunakan : can/could Catatan : Can/could = to be + able to + V1 atau to be + capable of + Ving

 Modals yang digunakan : can/could - to be allowed to may/might - to be permitted to (makna aktif) (makna pasif)

 Modals yang digunakan : can/could, may/might

 Modals yang digunakan : must, should, ought to Catatan : Must = have/has/had + to= harus  menyatakan kesimpulan logis dari suatu kejadian/ pernyataan. 1. Jika pernyataan (keadaan) berbentuk Present Tense, maka kesimpulan dinyatakan dengan menggunakan modal: can/could V1 may/might be + Ving + must be + Complement should/ought to 2.

Jika pernyataan (keadaan) berbentuk Past Tense, maka kesimpulan dinyatakan dengan menggunakan Modal Perfect. could/might V3 ought to/ should + have been + Ving must been + Complement could

Contoh : The line is busy. Someone must be using the phone. The house is empty. They must have gone out. Arti Modal Perfective  Might have = mungkin sudah...  Ought to/ should + have = seharusnya sudah  digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang tidak terjadi di masa lampau  Must have = pasti sudah....  digunakan untuk menyimpulkan sesuatu yang pasti terjadi di masa lampau.  Could have = seharusnya bisa  jika digunakan untuk peristiwa yang tidak terjadi di masa lampau.  Catatan: Modal yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang dilakukan secara rutin (berulang-ulang) di masa lampau adalah : would + V1


Various other Indian tribes also lived on the Great Plains. The Sioux, a group of seven American Indian tribes, are best known for their fiercely combative posture against the encroaching white civilization in the 1800’s. Although they are popularly referred to today as Sioux, these Indian tribes did not call themselves Sioux; the name of Sioux was given to them by an enemy tribe. The seven Sioux tribes called themselves by some variations of the word Dakota, which means “allies” in their language. Four tribes of the eastern Sioux community living in Minnesota were known by the name Dakota. The Nakota included two tribes that left eastern woodlands and moved out onto the plains. The Teton Sioux, or Lakota, moved even further west to the plains of the present-day states of North Dakota. South Dakota and Wyoming. 1.

The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses A. How the Sioux battled the white man B. One of the Plains Indian tribes C. Where the Sioux lived D. American Indian tribes on the east coast

2. It is implied in the passage that the seven Sioux tribes called each other by some form of the word “Dakota” because they were A. United in cause B. All living in North Dakota C. Fiercely combative D. Enemies


It can be inferred from the passage that the presentday states of North and South Dakota A. Are east of Minnesota B. Arc home to the four tribes known by the name “Dakota” C. Received their names from the Indian tribes living there D. Are part of the eastern woodlands


You …… unplug the toaster before you try to clean it. A. have better to B. better to C. had better D. should be better


Opposite with (A) the Gambir Station, you will (B) find (C) the old “Monas Square” and the statue (D) of R.A.Kartini.


A heavy (A) snowstorm began here early in the morning (B), making (C) the fields similar with (D) midwinter.


Let’s go out to have (A) a cup of coffee at the cafeteria near to (B) the gift shop at (C) 4 o’clock, shall we (D)?

5. Every student …….. wear uniform in flag ceremony. A. will B. should C. must D. may

9. She went to the office by taxi, but she … by bus. A. might of gone B. should gone C. could have gone D. ought have gone

10. He went by bus, but he ___ by car A. might of gone B. should gone C. could have gone D. ought have gone

11. “Has Tony’s plane landed?” “No, but it ……….. here in a few minutes.” A. might have been B. should have been C. have to be D. ought to be

12. Sri Mulyani waved and shook hands as she walked ….... the room. A. in B. to C. Into D. by

13. You want to tell your repeated action in the past, you say: ‘When I was a child, ….. A. I would visit my grandparents every weekend B. I could visit my grandparents every weekend C. I might visit my grandparents every weekend D. I should visit my grandparents every weekend

14. The garden is very clean. Somebody …….. It. A. must have cleaned B. ought have cleaned C. should have cleaned D. might cleaned

15. Although (A) both of us went (B) to the bookstore together last week, my book is not similar with (C) hers (D).


16. They promise to come (A) at (B) Monday, but I am not quite (C) sure that they will really (D) come. 17. Before the student bought a bicycle, he ……… go to school on foot everyday. A. must B. had to C. should have D. ought to 19. When I got stuck to traffic jam this morning, I got off the bus and …. to catch my first class. A. have had to run B. could have run C. had to run D. would have run

18. “Have you seen Mary?” “She wasn’t feeling well. ……….. gone home?” A. she might have B. might she have C. she might has D. could she 20. Mary’s score in the test is excellent. She ……………….. hard for it. A. should have studied B. can’t have studied C. must have studied D. ought have studied

21. In (A) 1904, Norwegian scientist Vilhem Bjerknes first argued (B) that it should (C) possible to forecast weather from calculations based upon natural laws (D). 22. The man uses a/an ……… to dig the hole. A. hoe C. axe B. screwdriver D. hammer

23. He …… not leave the little girl alone in the old house. A. has better C. would rather B. will like to D. would like

24. Aly, Ady, and Any have a cake which will be divided into three similar portions. Aly will get ……. A. one three C. a cake B. one third D. three one

25. To keep your body warm, just put your hands ……….the fire. A. on C. into B. over D. under

26. The old man lives by himself ……… Park Avenue. A. at B. in C. on D. under

27. Anto’s mother is calling him, but there’s no response from his room. He …….…. to music now. A. should be listening B. must be listening C. must listen D. could listen

28. You …………. drink alcohol when you drive. A. needn’t B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. oughtn’t

29. ……… the capital cities of Indonesia, Surabaya is the second biggest. A. Between B. Onto C. On D. Among

30. I wanted to borrow Dicky's car, but he …….. to lend me his. A. wished B. refused C. pleased D. elaborated

31. “He has to take a TOEFL test before leaving for the US.” “No _____ have to; he already took it a few months ago.”

32. “Was Austin accepted at BPS?” “He might have been; I haven’t seen him around for some time.” From the sentence, we may conclude that he ___________.” A. refuses to work for BPS B. was probably accepted C. is not working for BPS D. is still unemployed

33. X : I really need a job right now. Y : Well, you … look for job vacancies in the newspaper. A. should B. must C. might D. need

A. B. C. D.

he isn’t he doesn’t he hasn’t he mustn’t


Noun diklasifikasikan menjadi dua bagian ya itu Countable Noun dan Uncountable Noun. Kedua jenis kata ini mempengaruhi predikat dalam suatu kalimat. A. Countable noun Countable noun adalah benda yang dapat dihitung. Jika mengacu kepada benda tunggal, gunakan bentuk singular. Jika mengacu kepada benda jamak, gunakan bentuk plural. Eg: A book Two books A girl Many Girls B. Uncountable noun. Uncountable noun adalah benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Uncountable nounbisa berupa makanan, material/zat, cairan,zat alami, bahasa, konsep abstrak, gerund (Ving) dll.. Eg: Food Air Money Intelligence Funiture Shopping Beauty Spanish Water rice Ada keyword yang digunakan untuk membedakan countable noun dan uncountable noun. Keyword tersebut adalah quantifier. Berikut ini beberapa penggunaan quantifier: Quantifier a/an the number of all some most enough a lot of plenty of a little much many a few several another a number of each/every

Noun type Ends with -fe Or with -f ends with –is ends with -on


Uncountable         -

Forming the Plural  Change fe to v then Add –s  Change f to v then Add -es Change -is to –es Change –on or -um to –a

Singular      

Plural           -

Example knife life loaf

knives lives loaves

analysis thesis

analyses theses

phenomenon Curriculum

phenomena curricula

Change the vowel or Change the word or Add a different ending



Subject Pron I You We They He She It

Singular and plural are the same

man men foot feet child children person people tooth teeth mouse mice moose moose tooth teeth ox oxen child children louse lice goose geese Sheep Series Deer Species Bison Deer

Object Pron.

Poss. Adj.

Poss. Pron.

Refl. Pron.

me you us them him her it

my your our their his her its

mine yours ours theirs his hers its

myself yourself ourselves themselves himself herself itself


Subject Pronoun digunakan sebagai subjek dalam kalimat. E.g.:  He is my father.  They are the second year students.


Object Pronoun digunakan sebagai objek dalam kalimat. E.g.:  He gave me a bunch of flowers.  The police shot him.


Possessive Adjective digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepunyaan. Biasanya diikuti kata benda. E.g.:  I lost my pen.  We need our bags.


Possessive Pronoun digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepunyaan dan tidak diikuti kata benda. E.g.:  That is not my book. This is mine.  My pen runs out of ink. May I borrow yours?  It is not our house. It is theirs.


Reflexive pronoun digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan yang dilakukan mengenai pelaku sendiri atau untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu kegiatan dilakukan oleh pelaku sendiri. E.g.:  She spoke to herself.  My mother cooked this meal herself.  After her parents’ death, the girl lived in the house by herself.


Preposition adalah kata depan, yaitu kata yang digunakan untuk merangkai noun, pronoun, dan gerund. Berikut ini adalah pasangan preposisi dari beberapa verb, noun, and adjective. accede to according to approve of ashamed of bored with capable of compete with composed of concerned with concious of depend on effect on

equal to except for from now on from time to time frown on glance at, through incapable of in conflict inferior to on the habit of in the near future knowledge of

Verb, noun, and adjective Preposition near; next to until of the opinion with regard to on top of satisfied with opposite to diverced from prior to guilty of regard to interested in related to Fond of respect for isolated from responsible for afraid of similar to rely on different from mingle with since succeed in

engage in pay for equivalent of quality of pair of reason of example exception to possibility to









at (pada / di) digunakan untuk membicarakan: o tempat tanpa ukuran/batas jelas (at the window, at the door, at the bus stop, at the station, etc) o bagian dari suatu tempat (at the end of the street, at the top of the page, at the bottom of page 11, etc.) o tempat-tempat hiburan, café, restaurant, pusat perbelanjaan, hotel (at the Sun Plaza, at the Tiara Hotel, at the Nelayan, at the PRSU, etc.) o tempat-tempat belajar dan bekerja (at the office, at work, at school, at university, etc.) o alamat yang diikuti dengan nomor (at no.27 Pond Street, at no. 74 Jl. Sei Denai, etc) on (pada / di atas / di) digunakan untuk membicarakan: o benda yang berada diatas dan menyentuh permukaan benda lain (on the floor, on the wall, on the ceiling, on the grass, etc.) o tempat yang berada di sungai, pantai, jalan, pulau (on the Deli river, on the Hawaii beach, on King street o ungkapan yang menunjukkan arah (on the right, on the left, on the north, etc.) in (di dalam / di) digunakan untuk membicarakan: o benda yang berada di dalam benda yang lain (in the cupboard, in the drawer, etc.) o daerah yang luas seperti kota, negara (in Medan, in the USA, etc) at digunakan untuk: o menyebutkan jam (at eight o’clock, at what time …?, at a quarter to ten, etc) o ungkapan-ungkapan tertentu (at midnight, at noon, at the weekend, at the moment, at the same time, at the age of …, etc) o menyebutkan hari libur (at Christmas, at Lebaran, etc.) on digunakan untuk: o menyebutkan hari (on Sunday, on Sundays, on his birthday, etc) o menyebutkan tanggal (on Septermber 1, 2009) o menyebutkan hari libur (on Christmas day, on Lebaran day) in digunakan untuk: o menyatakan pagi, siang, dan malam (in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening) o menyatakan waktu dengan rentang yang lama (in July, in 1962, in the seventh century, etc) o in + periode waktu (in a few minutes, in a week, in a month, etc).


Cholera, a highly infectious disease, has resulted in millions of deaths time after time over centuries. It is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, first isolated by Robert Koch in 1883. The organism enters the body through the digestive tract when contaminated food or water is ingested. The bacteria multiply in the digestive tract and establish infection. As they die, they release a potent toxin that leads to severe diarrhea and vomiting. This results in extreme dehydration, muscle cramps, kidney failure, collapse, and sometimes death. If the disease is treated promptly, death is less likely. In many countries, a common source of the organism is raw or poorly cooked seafood taken from contaminated waters. The disease is especially prevalent after a natural disaster or other destruction that results in a lack of fresh water. Sewer systems fail, and wastetravels into rivers or streams; piped water is not available so people must take their drinking and cooking water from rivers or streams. Because people frequently develop communities along waterways, the disease can be spread easily from one community to the next community downstream, resulting in serious epidemics. 1.

According to the passage, cholera is caused by …. A. a virus. B. a bacterium. C. kidney failure. D. Dehydration


According to the passage, what is a symptom of the infection? A. Release of a toxin by the bacteria B. Regurgitation C. Overeating D. Epidemics


All of the following are probable causes of infection except … A. eating food cooked with contaminated water. B. eating undercooked seafood. C. eating overcooked pork. D. eating raw oysters.


Polar bear’s ……are covered with hair on their soles to help them work on ice and snow. A. feet B. feets C. foot D. foots


Opposite with (A) the Gambir Station, you will (B) find (C) the old “Monas Square” and the statue (D) of R.A.Kartini.


A heavy (A) snowstorm began here early in the morning (B), making (C) the fields similar with (D) midwinter.


Although (A) both of us went (B) to the bookstore together last week, my book is not similar with (C) hers (D).


Ordinary citizens (A) with the power to vote (B) cannot properly be called (C) politicians even though them (D) can participate in group decision-making.


Indonesia, conquered (A) by colonists (B) for several times, finally gained (C) it’s (D) freedom on August 17, 1945.

10. At (A) 1904, Norwegian scientist Vilhem Bjerknes first argued (B) that it should be (C) possible to forecast weather from calculations based upon natural laws (D). 11. The price (A) of gold depends (B) in several factors (C), including supply and demand in relation to (D) the value of the dollar. 12. As a compilation of useful details (A), a weekly (B) magazine commends itself (C) in several respect (D). 13. Through aquaculture, or fish farming, more than (A) 500 million tons of fish (B) are produced (C) each years (D). 14. Cone shells (A) live in much (B) different seas and feed mainly on small (C) fish and worms (D) 15. The leaves of the common (A) sunflower are (B) rough (C) to the touch on both side (D). 16. ……… the capital cities of Indonesia, Surabaya is the second biggest. A. Between B. Onto C. On D. Among

17. The old man lives by himself ……… Park Avenue. A. at B. in C. on D. under


18. Please ask …… A. his B. him C. him his D. he

19. Reny and … are going to visit a new born baby this weekend. A. Mine B. Me C. I D. My

20. … is the cheapest watch ever sold at the store. A. You B. Yours C. Your D. her

21. The painter’s son taught ……to play guitar. A. himself B. hers C. Herself D. His

22. Hemoglobin enables (A) the red blood cells (B) to carry oxygen and small (C) numbers (D) of carbon dioxide. 23. Those (A) with narcolepsy experience the uncontrollable desire (B) to sleep, perhaps several time (C) in one day (D). 24. Another great artists (A) of the time (B) and possibly the most (C) gifted silversmith in the colonies was (D) Paul. 25. Alzheimer’s disease afflicts two in ten (A) person (B) over (C) the age (D) of seventy in the United Stated. 26. The red cardinal spends (A) many (B) of its (C) time feeding (D) on the ground. 27. In the meeting, we gave (A) the clients our (B) telephone number, and they (C) gave their (D). 28. In Baroque music, many roles were written (A) for castrati, male singers who (B) were castrated as boys to prevent theirs (C) voices from changing (D). 29. It (A) is him (B) who discovers (C) a new washing machine and publishes (D) it to the media. 30. Metereology is the study of the atmosphere and ……..phenomena. A. its B. it is C. It D. Is


Adjective digunakan untuk menjelaskan Noun maupun pronoun. Adjective bisa digunakan setelah kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan panca indra, Linking verb. E.g.: The naughty child An handsome boy Linking verb adalah kata kerja yang berhubungan dengan panca indra, yang diikuti oleh kata sifat. Linking verb antara lain: To be Become Remain Stay E.g.:

Appear Seem Sound Feel

Look Smell Taste Prove

My mom is pretty The song sounds good He stays calm

ving dan V3 dapat digunakan sebagai adjective. Perbedaannya adalah dari segi makna, Ving bermakna aktuf) dan V3 bermakna pasif. E.g.:

A plying child is my nephew The played record sounds bad

Enough artinya cukup, dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan noun, adjective dan adverb.


I don’t have enough money He speak English well enough

Noun bisa berfungsi sebagai adjective ketika berada sebelum Noun yang lain. 1. Nouns sebagai kata sifat. Ketika ada dua kata benda Muncul bersamaan. Kata pertama menjelaskan kata yang kedua; kata pertama berfungsi sebagai adjective, dan kata kedua berfungsi sebagai Noun. Kata pertama yang berfungsi sebagai adjective tidak boleh dalam bentuk plural. E.g.: 2.

English tutor Shoe store

Phone number

Hypenated adjective. gabungan kata yang dihubungkan dengan tanda hyphen (-) menjadi satu kesatuan dan berfungsi sebagai adjective. Setiap kata yang dihubungkan dengan tanda (-) tidak boleh berbentuk plural. E.g.:

A-five-year-old girl gives me her candy My house has a well-decorated room


Berikut ini adalah beberapa kata sifat yang berakhiran –ly costly likely quarterly

kindly lively weekly

friedly lonely yearly

early manly lovely

Adverb dapat dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran (-ly) padaAdjective. Adverb juga bisa berupa so, very, often,too. Adverb memiliki fungsi: 1.

Menjelaskan kata sifat.

E.g.: 2.

Menjelaskan (cara) bagaimana pekerjaan dilakukan . Adverb yang menjelaskan verb lebih fleksibel. Walapun letaknya flexible, adverb tidak boleh berada diantara Predikat dan Objek.

E.g.: 3.

She is very cleaver.

She sang softly. The house is beautifully decorated.

Menjelaskan adverb yang lain.


He speaks very slowly. Very extremely dangerous place.

Ketika predikat dari suatu kalimat memiliki object, Adverb tidak boleh berada diantara predikat dan objectnya. Eg: He has taken recently an English course. (Incorrect) He has recently taken an English course. (Correct) He has taken an English course recently. (Correct)

Deep Warly Far Fast


Hard High Kindly

Late Leisurely Little

Low Much Near

Derivative adalah pembentukan jenis kata baru dengan penambahan imbuhan. Pembentukan kata benda dengan penambahan akhiran. discuss (V) state (V) dark (Adj) real (Adj) differ (V) child (N) air (N) a) b)

+ + + + + + +

- ion - ment - nes - ity - ence - hood - ship

      

discussion (N) statement (N) darkness (N) reality (N) difference (N) childhood (N) airship (N)

Adj + Noun  E.g.: a useful discussion Art + Noun  E.g.: the statement, an airship

Pembentukan kata sifat dengan penambahan akhiran. beauty (N) power (N) sand (N) economy (N) danger (N) history (N) child (N) act (V) differ (V) count (V)

+ + + + + + + + + +

- ful - less -y - ic - ous - ical - ish - ive - ent - able

         


S + to be + Adj E.g.: Smoking is dangerous


S + linking verbs + Adj E.g.: She looks beautiful


Adj + Noun E.g.: a useful discussion Very, too, etc + adj

beautiful (adj) powerless (adj) sandy (adj) economic (adj) dangerous (adj) historical (adj) childish (adj) active (adj) different (adj) countable (adj)

Pembentukan kata kerja dengan penambahan akhiran dan awalan Sweet (adj) + -en Sweeten (V) Length (N) + -en Lengthen (V) Central (N) + - ize Centralize (V) Beauty (N) + - ify Beautify (V) En- + sure (adj) Ensure (V) a) Verb + Adverb E.g.: He runs quickly b)

to + V1 E.g.: to sweeten


Noun -acy (-cy) -age -al -ance -ant(-ent) -ate -ation -dom -ee -eer -en -er(-or) -ese -ess -ful -hood -ia -ian(-an) -ic (-ics) -id -ide -in (-ine) -ing -ion -ism -ist -ite




Noun -ity -let (-lette) -ling -ment -ness -ocracy -ry (-ary, -ery) -ship -ster -tion -tive -y -ie

-al -ial -ical -ate

-ant(-ent) -ate


-en -ese

-ed -er -ify -ize





-y -ed -er -able -ile -ish -ive -less -like -ly -ous -eous -ious

-ian -ic



-ly -ward -wise

Reading A curfew is a specific type of law instituted by those in power. It is one that requires citizens to be off the streets and out of public places at specified hours. There are active curfew laws in some communities in the United States today; these laws are currently functioning. The existing curfew laws generally refer to minors. These laws usually indicate the hour when children must be off the streets and out public unless they are with their parents. Curfew laws have a long tradition. William of Normandy introduced custom to the British isles after his invasion in 1066. At curfew time, a bell was rung. The pealing of the bell indicated that citizens should extinguish any burning fires and clear the streets for the night. The word curfew actually developed at this time from the Norman French expression couvre-feu or cover the fire.



Curfew is specific kind of… A. official building B. government lawyer C. government regulation D. public administrator


The word ”active” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to …. A. dormant B. physical C. healthy D. operative


The word “minors” in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by …. A. citizens B. children C. communities D. public


Look at the word pealing in paragraph 3. This word is closest in meaning to which of the following ? A. burning B. ringing C. uncovering D. breaking


Citizens should extinguish any burning fires (paragraph 3) A. Put out C. Put on B. Put in D. Put off


A list key belief of world class performers is the important material in coaching mental …… A. tough B. toughful C. toughment D. toughness

7. She woke up ….. this morning because of studying hard in the previous night. A. late B. lately C. latest D. later

8. Although Ani speaks softly (A) and appears (B) timidly (C), she is the leading (D) expert in her field. 9. The university will invite applications for a …… in the Department of Statistics. A. lecture B. lectured C. lecturing D. lecturer

10. Bromo seems ….and foreboding to the first time visitors when they see the wind-blown sand. A. cold B. colds C. coldly D. coldness

11. The salad made by your mother really tastes ……….. I love it. A. delicacy B. delicious C. deliciously D. deliciousness

12. These flowers can be …. grouped into types of depending upon how often they bloom. A. convenient B. convenience C. conveniently D. conveniences

13. Those football matches will be … on television tonight. A. internationally broadcasting B. broadcasted international C. internationally broadcasted D. broadcasting international

14. A company will not …… if its employees are not happy. A. prosper B. prosperous C. prosperity D. prospering

15. It was very …… of you to send me the information promptly A. consideration B. considerable C. considerate D. considering

16. Many services do not enter the ordinary transaction of the ……… system. A. economical B. economic C. economist D. economy

17. She talked to him about the …… of getting overdraft facilities. A. possible B. possibility C. possibly D. to be possible

18. The man becomes ……..successful because of his hard work. A. extreme B. extremely C. extremeness D. extremeful

19. The hammerhead shark is usual (A) found in warm (B), temperate (C) waters (D). 20. The theory of natural selection is used (A) to explain which (B) animals of a species will die prematurely (C) and which will survival. (D) 21. Because of extensive research (A) in the field of genetic engineers (B), scientists can now create plants that farmers (C) can grow in harsh (D) climates. 22. The (A) human body is composed largely of (B) water and needs a steady (C) supply of water to remain healthily (D). 23. The change from (A) summer to winter occurs (B) very abrupt (C) in the tundra regions (D) of North America.


24. Lawrence Robert Klein received (A) the 1980 Nobel Prize in economics for pioneering (B) the useful of (C) computers to forecast economic activities (D). 25. Jamie was scarce more interested in cooking than she was in hiking or skating. 26. The unusually rainy weather caused by La Nina affected Turkey for other two weeks. 27. A financial … evaluates and interprets public company financial statements. A. analysis B. analyses C. analyze D. analyst

28. When entering a Japanese home or restaurant, it is … to remove shoes. A. customary B. customs C. customer D. customy

29. Because of his knowledge and experience, Dr. Mario Sandy is recognized as an … in the field of linguistics. A. authorize B. authorized C. authority D. authoritarian E. author

30. We decided to pay for the furniture on the installment plan. The underlined word is closest in meaning to … A. cash and carry B. piece by piece C. credit card D. bank note E. monthly payment

31. All manufacturers produced designs (A) that were coherence (B) with both (C) layout and nagivational (D) elements. 32. In (A) the movie, the (B) actor has showed (C) a fiercely (D), dreamy and brave character.


Kalimat pasif adalah kalimat dimana subjek dari kalimat tersebut dikenai perbuatan, berlawanan dengan kalimat aktif dimana subjek-lah yang melakukan perbuatan. Secara umum pola kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris adalah to be + verb3. Bentuk “to be” disesuaikan dengan pola kalimat yang dimasuki dan waktu kejadian.

E.g.: Active : someone stole his car.

Passive : His car was stolen (by someone)

Simple present Present continous Present perfect Simple past Past continous Past perfect Simple future Be going to Future perfect

Mary Mary

helps is helping

the boy the boy

> >

The boy The boy

Is is being

helped helped

by Mary by Mary

Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary

has helped helped was helping had helping will help is going to help will have helped

the boy the boy the boy the boy the boy the boy the boy

> > > > > > >

The boy The boy The boy The boy The boy The boy The boy

has been was was being had been will be is going to be will have been

helped helped helped helped helped helped helped

by Mary by Mary by Mary by Mary by Mary by Mary by Mary

Ada 3 Macam Perbandingan : a) Positive Degree (Perbandingan setara) b) Comparative Degree (Perbandingan lebih) c) Superlative Degree (Perbandingan paling) Postif degree menunjukkan dua hal yang setara. Ada 2 Pola yang secara umum digunakan. the same as similar to like different from

Terletak diantara 2 benda yang dibandingkan:  my book is the same as yours  this coat is similar to that one  the weather feel like spring.


the same as similar to like different from

Terletak setelah 2 benda disebutkan:  our books are the same  you and I are alike  that joke is similar to this one  you and me are different

Pola Lain

E.g:  My book has the same size as yours  Our climate us different from canada’s.  I can run as fast as he does.  My book cost twice as much as the other one.

Comparative degree digunakan untuk membandingkan 2 hal yang berbeda. A.

Pola 1 (Untuk kata sifat yang terdiri dari 1 suku kata)


Pola 2 (Untuk kata sifat yang lebih dari 1 suku kata, atau kata sifat dengan akhiran –ed, -ful, -ing, -ish, -ous)

C. Pola yang digunakan secara Umum Sebagai berikut S + P + adj + -er + than + Noun/Pronoun S + P + more + adj/adv+ than + Noun/Pronoun S + P + Less + adj/adv+ than + Noun/Pronoun Eg:  I look more beautiful than she  She talk more fluently than i D. Noun juga bisa digunakan dalam Perbandingan

Eg:  I have more money than Jono  February have fewer days than march E.

Penggunaan More than dan less than

Eg:  I have more than 2 brothers  More than two hundred people came to the class



Double comparative

Eg:  The harder I work, the better I get  The sooner you leave, the earlier you will arrive G. Menggunakan Comparative degree tanpa menggunakan than.

Superlative degree digunakan untuk membandingkan 3 hal atau lebih. A.

Pola 1 (Untuk kata sifat yang terdiri dari 1 suku kata)

E.g.:  He is the smartest boy in our school.  She sings the most beautifully of all the girls. B.

Pola 2 (Untuk kata sifat yang lebih dari 1 suku kata)

E.g.:  That car is the most expensive car in theworld.  She works the most carefully among us.

E.g.:  It is the least interesting story I’ve ever read.  He delivers the speech the least interestingly of the three speakers. C. Menyatakan hal yang paling dari 3 hal atau lebih.

Eg:  Of the three girls, I choose the most beautiful  Among the girls in this class, I am the most beautiful


D. Bentuk umum superlative S + P + the adj + est + in +singular/ of + Plural Noun S + P + the (most/least ) + adj/ adverb +singular/ of + Plural Noun Eg:  My mother is the best mother in the world  He runs the fastest than all people

Good / well Bad / badlly little much / many far

better worse less more Farther Further Later


the best the worst the least the most Farthest Furthest Latest/last

Passage 1 Dr. Trounson has gone one step further than the “test-tube” fertilization technique, first employed successfully in 1978 and since emulated in such places as the United States, South Africa, Britain itself and Australia, by setting up an “embryo bank” to keep a supply of frozen, fertilized eggs available indefinitely. In case the first fertilized egg failed to lead pregnancy when transplanted back into the mother and fertilized by the father at the same time as the first, could be withdrawn from the “bank” for a second attempt. The pioneers if successful “test-tube” births, Steptoe and Edwards, had been the first to come up with this storage idea, but they had been forced to withdraw their plan because of the controversy of it aroused. The problem in both countries was, of course one of morality, although that should not be taken to imply that there is necessarily more morality in Great Britain than in Australia. The concern has been that the embryo bank might be exploited by the unscrupulous, or that conception might precede by nine or even ninety years, rather than by nine months. As happened some years ago with heart transplants, and as will doubtless happen again, the present situation as far as embryo bank are concerned appears to be that “the technology has outrun the morality”.



The paragraph preceding this extract probably dealt with A. The intended recipient B. Dr. Trounson C. Embryo bank D. Steptoe and Edwards


The passage implies that the first “test-tube” fertilization A. Occurred in the United States B. Was carried out by Dr. Trounson C. Took place in Australia D. Was carried out by Steptoe and Edwards


It can be inferred from the passage that Dr. Trounson works in A. Australia B. South Africa C. The United Stated D. England


Where did this passage most probably appear? A. In a specialized periodical for doctors B. On the front page of a daily newspaper C. In a weekly news magazine with a general readership D. In a specialized periodical for moral philospers.


Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. The intended recipient of a fertilized egg from the embryo bank is the original product of the egg B. There are at least two types of moral issue associated with embryo banks. C. New moral attitudes develop more quickly than new technology. D. There are similarities in the moral dilemmas surrounding heart transplants and embryo banks


The Sony camcorder demo was fun (A) and impressive, but (B) it is not as better as (C) Microsoft’s. (D)


King Cobra is more poisonous …… other snakes. A. than are most C. than most B. are most than D. most of than



The amount of caffeine in a teaspoon of tea leaves is …….. the amount of caffeine in a teaspoon of ground coffee. A. the greatest of C. greater B. greater than D. very great

10. …….. you know about the secret, the more insecure your life would be. A. The further C. The furthest B. The farther D. The farthest

11. The wreckage of Adam Air plane …… about two miles offshore of Majene waters on 8 January 2008. A. B.

was found was being found

C. D.

has already been found already found

13. All of my time …. in the library. A. is spent B. are spent C. spending D. has spending

In ancient wedding, there are two methods for determining the groom after a matchmaking …………. A. has done C. has been done B. has been doing D. been done

12. Michael's report ....... discussed when I called Prof. Smith this afternoon. A. Being C. was being B. have been D. been 14. The proposal …. discussed when I called the office this morning. A. Being C. was being B. have been D. been

15. When a bone is broke (A) into several pieces (B), doctors may pin (C) the pieces together for proper healing. (D) 16. Tropical forests (A) can be find (B) in Southeast (C) Asia countries. (D) 17. Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) ……. as one of the best colleges in Indonesia. A. is regarded C. regard B. regarded D. regarding

18. The art of singing is … humanity. A. as old C. as old as B. old as D. as old

19. The art of singing is … humanity. A. as old B. old as C. as old as D. as old

20. Of the two cars, my father bought …… A. the most expensive B. the least expensive C. the less expensive D. the one most expensive

21. According to him, watching a football game is as interesting as ….. A. the playing of basketball B. when he plays basketball C. playing basketball D. when playing basketball

22. In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to … A. the driving of a motorbike B. when you drive a motorbike C. driving a motorbike D. when driving a motorbike

23. That’s the … popular model they sell. A. at least C. at last B. less D. least

24. He looks twice ……….. his wife. A. older than C. as old B. as old as D. the oldest than

25. The boy has been feeling very sad since his father ……… in the terrible car accident. A. killed B. been killed B. was killed D. is killed

26. The table was …. from California to New York by plane. A. Sending C. send B. sent D. sends


27. The worse (A) winter of all for the settlers at Jamestown was that (B) of 1607, when (C) several in their (D) party died. 28. They have been living in this town since their father ... from his company A. has been fired C. being fired B. was fired D. is fired

29. She is one of the expert lecturers in STAN. By the end of this month she ... here for ten years.

30. According to the manager, all staff need ... A. To be disciplined B. To disciplining C. Be disciplined D. To be disciplining

31. Of all the books I have ever bought, this one is … A. the least inspirational B. most inspirational C. the more inspirational D. the inspirational

32. New York is not bigger ……………. in America. A. than many other countries B. that many other countries C. than does many other countries D. as many other countries

33. All of the food ... by a little boy when I arrived home A. Been eaten B. Has been eaten C. Was being eaten D. Being eaten

A. B.

Will be teaching Is teaching

C. D.

Will have been teaching would be teaching

34. The director of my company keeps telling us that the more we can sell our products, ……… A. then we can obtain more profits B. we are getting more profit C. the more profits we can obtain D. of course we can obtain more profit 35. The award will (A) be gave (B) to (C) the man because he is considered (D) the best artist of the year. 36. Normal modes are (A) excited as (B) discrete frequencies can be observe (C) for days after (D) the generating event.


Noun Clause adalah anak kalimat yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda dengan menggunakan: that what who which where when why whether (ect, Question wh... yang lain)

what who

Terletak di awal kalimat E.g.:  What he has done admires everybody in his class room.  Whether he could pass the test will be announced next week. Terletak setelah kata kerja E.g.:  Nobody knows why he was involved in the school fighting yesterday.  He realizes that he has lost his new yellow bag.  They don’t know how they can solve the problems. Terletak setelah to be atau berfungsi sebagai pelengkap keterangan. E.g. :  That is what I want.  I have no idea why he leaves me alone.

Adjective Clause adalah anak kalimat yang berfungsi sebagai kata sifat. Karena anak kalimat ini berfungsi sebagai kata sifat, posisinya berada tepat setelah kata benda yang dijelaskannya. Kata benda yang dijelaskan dihubungkan oleh Clause marker. Jenis-jenis Relative Pronoun dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini : Who / That Which / That


Whom / That Which / That

Whose Of which whose

Who  Subjek dari orang. E.g.:  The boy is my brother  He broke this window yesterday  The boy who broke this window yesterday is my brother.



Whom  Objek dari orang. E.g.:  The man used to live in Medan  I saw him driving a bus  The man whom I saw driving a bus used to live in Medan.


Whose  Kepunyaan dari orang dan benda. E.g.:  The tall girl looks smart  Her hat is red  The tall girl whose hat is red looks smart.


Which  Subjek dan objek dari benda. E.g.:  The book is expensive.  I bought it in the bookstore over there.  The book which I bought in the bookstore over there is expensive.


of which  Kepunyaan dari benda E.g.:  The house is old  The doors of it are broken  The house, the doors of which are broken, is old. Untuk adjective clause yang mengandung unsur kata depan, posisi kata depan biasanya didepan relative pronoun. E.g.:  The men are angry. The girl is talking to them.  The men to whom the girl is talking are angry.  The store is big. I bought the ice cream from it.  The store from which I bought the ice cream is big. Untuk adjective clause yang mengandung unsur kata depan, posisi kata depan biasanya didepan relative pronoun. E.g.:  The men are angry. The girl is talking to them.  The men to whom the girl is talking are angry.  The store is big. I bought the ice cream from it.  The store from which I bought the ice cream is big.

Clause marker, yang langsung diikuti oleh predikat ( Who, that, which), dapat di abaikan. Predikat dalam clause marker akan berubah menjadi Ving / V3 / adjective / prepositional phrase tergantung bentuk kalimatnya (aktif/pasif). Eg:    

The woman who is waving to us is the tour guide. The woman waving to us is the tour pride The man that was invited to join the class declined The man invited to join the class declined

The man who is responsible said the underground water had a high salt content.

 The man responsible said the underground water had a high salt content 1. 2. 3.


Gunakan clause marker yang sesuai, dengan noun yang dijelaskan, thing or person. Pastikan Induk kalimat sudah memiliki subject dan predikat. Ketika reduced adj Clause digunakan, perhatikan makna katanya. Jikat aktif (biasany person) gunakan (Ving). Jika maknanya pasif (biasanya benda) gunakan (V3)

Adverb clause adalah anak kalimat yang berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan. Kebanyakan adverb clause dibentuk oleh kata penghubung. Anak kalimat yang berfungsi untuk menerangkan alasan. Kata penghubung yang digunakan :  Because, as, since, for E.g.:  He forgot to lock the door because he was in a hurry. Anak kalimat yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan hasil dari suatu pekerjaan. Kata penghubung yang digunakan :  So/hence/thus/therefore/consequently  So + adj /adv + that (begitu…hingga)  such + noun + that (begitu…hingga) E.g.:  He didn’t study hard; Therefore, he didn’t pass the test.  The man walks so quickly that we can’t reach him. Anak kalimat yang berfungsi untuk menerangkan tujuan dari suatu pekerjaan. Kata penghubung yang digunakan :  so that  in order that  in order to + V1 E.g.:  He plans to visit the village so that he can meet his uncle.  We must work hard in order to achieve our ambitions. 4. Anak kalimat yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan pertentangan. Kata penghubung yang digunakan :  although, even though  however, nevertheless, whereas, still  on the other hand, but, yet  While E.g.:  Although it rains heavily, he keeps going out.  Despite the heavy rain, he still goes out.  Although diligent to finish homework, he got a bad mark in the subject.  He always revises his lesson at home, yet he still fails in the test. Anak kalimat yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan tempat. Kata penghubung yang digunakan:  Where, wherever E.g.:  This is the town where I was born.

Adverb clause dapat disederhanakan menjadi adverb phrase hanya jika subject dari induk kalimat sama dengan subject dari adverb clausenya. Eg:  Although he was hurt, jack manage to smile.  Although hurt, jack manage to smile.


Ice ages, those periods when ice covered extensive areas of the earth, are known to have occurred at least six times. Past ice ages can be recognized from rock strata that show evidence of foreign materials deposited by moving walls of ice or melting glaciers. Ice ‘ages can also be recognized from land formations that have been produced from moving walls of ice, such as Ushaped valleys, sculptures landscapes, and polished rock faces.



According to the passage, what happens during an ice age? A. Evidence of foreign materials is found B. Ice melt six times. C. Rock strata are recognized by geologists D. Ice covers a large portion of the earth’s surface.


According to the passage, what in the rock strata is a clue to geologists of a past ice age? A. Ice B. Melting glaciers C. U-shaped valleys D. Substances from other areas


The passage covers how many different methods of recognizing past ice ages? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four


... his proficiency in English, he failed to pass the interview test. A. Although B. In spite C. Due to D. Despite


The lecturer is considered genius by many people ... he has invented many attractive theories A. Although B. Since C. yet D. nevertheless


That the meat (A) manufactured (B) in those (C) factories is unsanitary are (D) well known.


The patient (A) who (B) the physician diagnosed (C) with cancer left suddenly (D).


I didn’t hear ………. because there was too much noise when I was sitting. A. what said B. what he said C. what did he said D. what was he saying


What doesn’t kill you … stronger. A. making B. make C. makes D. that makes

10. She doesn’t want to tell me ………………. A. what time does the movie start B. the movie starts what time C. what time the movie starts D. what the movie time starts

11. The boy didn’t want to tell me …………. A. how much the car was B. the car was how much C. how much was the car D. how the car was much

12. Could you please tell me ……….. A. where is the STAN secretariat? B. where the STAN secretariat? C. where the STAN secretariat is? D. where did the STAN secretariat?

13. Environmentalists are earnestly trying to determine ….. of the ozone layer over the poles. A. is causing the deterioration B. what the cause of the deterioration C. what causes the deterioration D. the deterioration causing

14. Agung needs to think about how …… stress to avert potentially fatal heart problems. A. can he manages B. the management C. he manages D. managing

15. …. Taufik Hidayat won the Sudirman Cup is the pride of Indonesia. A. That B. As C. Thus D. However

16. Proponents of solar energy wonder ………….. funded so few research projects. A. why the government has B. why the government was C. why has the government D. has the government

17. You can find a girl ... I work everyday in the cafeteria. A. B. C. D.

For whom whom who for who

18. one of the policemen (A) is asking (B) the man how did (C) the accident happened (D). 19. You can find a girl ... I work everyday in the cafeteria. A. for whom B. whom C. who for D. who

20. Those are the books …….. I bought at the bookstore last week. A. which B. whom C. who D. whose

21. The motorcycle, ... is blue and yellow, is mine A. Of whose color B. Of which color C. The color of which D. Which color

22. The artist, ….. life is spent on painting, admires Leonardo Da Vinci very much. A. Of whose color B. Of which color C. The color of which D. Which color

23. There are three new students in my class, ………. seems very smart. A. one of them B. whom of one C. one of whom D. which of one

24. When….. nests during spring nesting season, Canadian geese are fiercely territorial. A. building B. are building C. built D. are built

25. Until….incorrect, astronomers had assumed that the insides of white dwarfs were uniform. A. They B. their proof C. the astronomers recently proven D. recently proven

26. When ... the letter, she looks very happy A. was receiving B. received C. receiving D. is receiving

27. The old woman …………. under the tree at the moment 28. I like all abstract paintings ….... by famous painters bought some food in the store yesterday. especially Affandi. A. stood A. drawing B. is standing B. drawn C. stands C. which are drawing D. standing D. which draw 29. Though …… in the middle of the city, the shop still does not attract many customers. A. are located B. it located C. located D. have located

30. ……… his diligence to revise his lessons, he couldn’t pass the entrance test to the university. A. Although B. Despite C. Since D. Because of

31. Though ... by the best teacher, we didn’t win the competition A. train B. training C. trained D. having trained

32. ……. the bad weather, he still chooses to go by airplane. A. Although B. However C. Despite D. While

33. There are such (A) many people on the road that (B) it will be difficult to find (C) the missing (D) boy.


34. You must work hard ... you become a successful person A. B. C. D.

besides however so that on the other hand

36. I was scared, ……. I was also curious about the old lady. A. but B. instead C. and D. yet


35. Don’t forget to register this week so you can vote in the election. A. to register B. this week C. so D. can 37. No one is admitted to the university ……he or she passes the test. A. if B. unless C. whether D. as

Infinitive dibagi menjadi 2: 1. Bare infinitive  V1 2. To Infinitive  to V1 , digunakan: A. Setelah Modal E.g.:  I can finish this job tonight.  He must go home early. B. Setelah kata kerja/ Frase tertentu.

E.g.:  His father made him go.  Linda helps her mother cook. (or to cook)  I would rather stay here. C. Setelah Kata Kerja Yang Berhubungan dengan Indera Watch Listen Observe Notice See Hear Smell

V1 (kegiatan sengaja dilakukan) Ving (kegiatan tidak sengaja dilakukan)

E.g.:  The students observe the worm move.  I saw him open the door.  I saw him opening the door. digunakan: A. Untuk menyatakan tujuan E.g.:  She explained the lesson slowly to make it easy to understand.  He studies hard to become clever. B. Setelah Kata Sifat E.g.:  She is happy to receive the gift.  It is impolite to interrupt others. C. Setelah Kata Tanya/ Question Words E.g.:  He tells me what to do.  I don’t know how to finish the work.


D. Setelah Beberapa Kata Kerja Berikut: -

Agree Attempt Decide Hope


Want Expect Refuse Seem


Allow Ask Invite Request


Advice Tell Order Convince


Force Fail Beg Etc.


Persuade Urge Instruct Etc.

E.g.:  He decided to work after graduating from vocational school.  She allows me to enter her room.

Gerund adalah kata kerja V-ing yang berfungsi sebagai Noun (Kata Benda). Gerund digunakan: E.g.:  Collecting stamps is my hobby.  Sitting between the girls makes him feel comfortable.

2. A. Setelah kata kerja tertentu -

Avoid Deny Enjoy Keep Admit


Mind Appreciate Finish Consider Delay


Recall Practice Resist Risk Etc.


E.g.:  He denied giving food to the beggar.  They are enjoying inhaling fresh air in the garden.  I don’t want to risk cycling along the steep hill. -

Look forward to Confess to Be accustomed to Can’t help


Start Like Prefer Remember Love Can’t stand



Object to Be used to Be interested in Key to Etc.

Begin Hate Continue Forget Stop

E.g.:  I’m not accustomed to singing in the bathroom.  She objected to inviting you to go to the movie.




B. Setelah Preposisi -

On In Of Off At


From For After Before About


By With Without Between Among, etc.


E.g.:  He must be responsible for letting the old man go alone.  Before coming to her house, you had better call her first.  Without working, you will get nothing. C. Setelah Possessive -

My Your His Her


Its Our Their .....’s


E.g.:  I wait for your attending my party.  Her entering the manager’s room without any permission has made him upset.

Reading The Mary Celeste is a mystery ship. Something unexpected happened to it, and to this day, no one is sure of the fate of the ship and its passengers. Here is what little is known about the events leading up to the discovery of the empty ship. The Mary Celeste was found abandoned in the mid–Atlantic in 1872. On December 4, 1872, the Mary Celeste was spotted by the British ship Dei Gratia. The Mary Celeste looked strange because the sails were not fully set and no crew members could be seen. Crew members of the Dai Gratia immediately took a boat over to the Mary Celeste. They identified the ship as the Mary CeIeste, which had left New York on November 7 with a full load and ten people on board. The situation on the Mary Celeste was quite mysterious. No one was on the ship; the ship had simply been left in the middle of the ocean. No obvious reason why the ship had been abandoned could be seen. There were plenty of supplies, the complete cargo was still on board, the crew's belongings were there, and there was no sign of violence disaster. However, one of the longboats and the captain’s navigational instruments were missing. From the strange situation on the ship, a conclusion was drawn about the fate of the ship. The belief was that, for some unknown reasons, the captain along with his wife, his young daughter, and the seven crew members, had decided to abandon the ship in the middle of the ocean, never to be seen again. 1.

The best title for this passage is ……. A. A Mysterious Cargo B. The Mary Celeste and its passengers C. A Ship of Mystery D. A Typical Voyage of the Mary Celeste


Look at the expression leading up to in paragraph 2. This expression is closest in meaning to ………. A. directing B. preceding C. pulling D. showing


According to the passage, what did the crew of the Dai Gratia find? A. A ship with full sails and no crew members B. A ship with no sails and few crew members C. A ship with sails not completely set and few crew D. A ship with sails not completely set and no crew members


It can be inferred from the passage that when it was found, the Mary Celeste had been abandoned for… A. less than a month B. more than a month C. more than a year D. more than two years



What eventually happened to the people on the Mary Celeste, according to the passage? A. They boarded the Dei Gratia B. They headed to New York on a long boat C. Their fate is unknown D. They were found late in 1872


The word "load" in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by........ A. supplies B. belongings C. goods D. cargo

After attending the wedding party, Dona continued ……. the meal and having dinner with her family. A. heating B. to heat C. heat D. heats


Susi made Andi ……. his sandals before he went into her house. A. takes off B. take off C. took off D. taken off



The Non–Governmental Organization watched the head of committee ….. the ballots A. to count B. count C. counted D. counts

10. Since Mario is a presenter, he is used to ….. in front of the spectators. A. speak B. speaks C. speaking D. spoke

11. Prima’s father is looking forward to …… the premiere of “Garuda di dadaku”. A. attend B. attending C. attended D. attends

12. The new employees are furious …… the news about their delayed salary. A. receiving B. received C. to receive D. receive

13. Indonesian soldiers (A) would rather destroying (B) the oil mine than let (C) it be taken (D) by the Dutch Colonists.


14. Would you mind …………, please? A. to pass the sugar B. pass me the sugar C. passing the sugar D. to pass me the sugar

15. The environmental group hopes …… the forest to its original condition by the end of the decade. A. to restore B. to be restored C. to have been restored D. having restored

16. After ……... an investigation for alleged tax violations, Spiro Agnew resigned the vice-presidency in 1973. A. underwent B. to undergo C. been undergone D. undergoing

17. …….. taking over the leadership of this project is what made it succeed. A. Her B. She C. She is D. Her having

18. I should ……… because his grades are poor A. force my second son study B. insist on my second son studying C. make my second son study D. tell my second son study

19. She said that she would rather not ……… it, right. A. discussing B. to discuss C. discuss D. discussion

20. Almost everyone fails ……… on the first try. A. in passing the driver’s test B. to pass the driver’s test C. to have pass the driver’s test D. pass the driver’s test

21. Lisa seems ………. the point you were making. A. having misunderstood B. to have misunderstood C. misunderstood D. misunderstanding

22. Finally, the scientist considered … a new type of worm. A. to create B. creates C. created D. creating

23. The government will make the businessman .... his loan. A. pays B. pay C. would pay D. to pay

24. Ima advised …..... the secondhand car. A. her friend to not purchase B. her friend not to purchase C. her friend does not purchase D. her friend will not purchase

25. Jim said that he wouldn’t mind … for an hour. A. wait for her B. wait for her C. waiting for her D. for waiting her

26. I am now … tea without sugar. A. accustomed to drink B. accustomed to drinking C. have the custom to drink D. accustoming in drinking

27. She is considering …... to the OSIS’s concert. A. not going B. not go C. not to go D. no goes

28. They won’t object to ………… the party with their only daughter. A. him to attend B. his attending C. his attend D. him attending

29. I am convinced that both of the teachers are not going to let the smart student……the headmaster’s room. A. enter B. entering C. to enter D. enters

30. It was very kind of my friend to help me … cash money. A. to count B. counted C. counts D. count

31. They have considered ……. down the factory because of continuous losses. A. closing B. to close C. in closing D. closed

32. You …….. that chapter because it is critical to understanding the rest of the book. A. had better not skip B. had not better skip C. not had better skip D. did not have better skip

33. Syidad is interested in …. jokes in English because it will help him learn the language as well as the culture. A. learning B. learn C. to learn D. learned

34. His father insisted on ……….. medicine because he thinks it will enable his son to help many people. A. he is to study B. having studied C. his studying D. that he studies


Inversion/Inverted Sentence adalah kalimat yang predikatnya mendahului Subjek. Predikat bisa berbentuk kata Bantu (modals) atau kata kerja biasa. Ada aturan & pola yang harus diperhatikan dalam materi ini. Berikut kondisi dimana inversion berlaku. 1.

Pertanyaan. Inversi berlaku untuk pertanyaan langsung. Predikat dalam kasus ini adalah kata Bantu. E.g.:  Will you invite the girl to your wedding party?  Where did the man buy the car?


Setelah so +adjective/adverb.  so incredible was he


Setelah ungkapan negative yang terletak di depan kalimat seperti never, hardly, scarcely, nor, seldom, scarcely, no dll. E.g.:  Hardly could he explain the complicated case to his own attorney.  Never before has the man attended the meeting.


Setelah neither, nor dan so. E.g.:  “We don’t like playing basket ball.” nor do they.  The man cares much about her daughter. So do the women.


Setelah keterangan tempat. Untuk kasus ini, predikat tidak harus kata Bantu. Bila dalam kalimat tidak ada kata bantu, kata kerja biasa diletakkan di depan subjek. E.g.:  The lazy boy lies in his room. (Bukan inverse)  In his room lies the lazy boy. (Inversi)  Under the tree is sitting an old man. (inverse)


Setelah ungkapan yang diawali dengan only + preposisi. E.g.:  Only with perspiration and patience will you achieve your ambition.  Only then did he understand what I meant.

Causative verbs digunakan untuk mengindikasikan bahwa seseorang menyebabkan orang lain melakukan sesuatu. Causative verbs adalah : have, get dan make. 1.


Active causative


 Ani had Anto wash his car. Itu berarti (Anto washed Ani’s car).  They have the man repair the broken radio. (The man repairs the broken radio).


 My mother got me to sweep the floor.  The woman usually gets her daughter to buy sugar in the store.

Passive causative



 Anne had her paper typed by a friend.  The young woman got her boyfriend arrested.

Passage 1 The Mississippi River and its tributaries form the world’s fourth longest river system. Two Canadian provinces and all or parts of 31 states in the United States have rivers that drain into the Mississippi. As the Mississippi River flows down to join the sea it deposits sand, silt, and clay, building the delta seaward across Louisiana’s shallow continental shelf. The delta marsh and its bay lakes, and sounds provide shelter and nutrients for North America’s most fertile marine nursery. 1.

It can be inferred from the passage that A. Canada has only two drainage areas in its provinces B. There are 31 states in the United States C. The 31 states mentioned have 110 other river systems to carry silt, sand, and clay D. Some of the silt deposited in the Louisiana delta is from Canada.


It can be inferred from the passage that A. The delta system formed by the Mississippi River is very important for marine life B. Nurseries have been set up in the delta so that children can take part ill aquatic sports ill the bays, lakes, and sounds C. The delta marshlands is an excellent area for medical people to study diseases caused by mosquitoes and other insects D. The United States has established nurseries to provide shelter and food for migrating birds


It can be inferred from the passage that A. The delta is being destroyed by the Mississippi River’s depositing sand, silt, and clay B. The geographic features of the delta are always changing C. The sea movement is building a delta on continental shelf at the mouth of the Mississippi D. The river, delta, and sea all play an important role in building Louisiana’s continental shelf

I 4.

Not only …. the best student in his school, but he also receives a scholarship. A. Markus becomes B. did Markus become C. does Markus become D. Markus becoming


Dedi :“Arya, how do you inspect in our new criminals?” Arya : “I had the special agent ……….” A. investigate B. investigated C. to investigate D. investigates


Only recently ….. popular all over the country. A. has Blackberry become B. in becoming Blackberry C. Blackberry has become D. Blackberry became


In the jungle of Magelang highland ……, which is said to be one of the wonders of the world. A. the Borobudur temple is lying B. lies the Borobudur temple C. the Borobudur temple lying D. the Borobudur temple which lies


Not only … a good thing, he did the right thing. A. Sam did B. Sam do C. Did Sam do D. Will Sam do


Not until a monkey is several years old … to exhibit signs of independence from its mother. A. it begins B. does it begin C. and begins D. beginning

10. Only after food has been dried and canned ………… A. that it should be stored for later consumption. B. should be stored for later consumption. C. should it be stored for later consumption. D. it should be stored for later consumption

11. …..…. are the fresh fruits and vegetables healthy for you, but they taste delicious too. A. much more B. not just C. not only D. of course



12. The customer had the shoes ……. before six o’clock in the evening. A. delivers B. deliver C. delivered D. delivering

13. Not until 1985 ……. the first antiseptic treatment on a compound fracture. A. when Joseph Lister tried B. when did Joseph Lister try C. did Joseph Lister try D. that Joseph Lister tried

14. Sinta : Did your father wash the car? Andi : No, he had it washed. The underlined sentence means ………. A. My father washed the car himself. B. My father asks someone to wash his car. C. My father ordered someone to wash his car. D. The car wasn’t washed by anyone.

15. Seldom …... his assignments to his form teacher when he was still in high school. A. my father submitted B. does my father submit C. my father would submit D. did my father submit

16. Only after I encouraged him to study hard …………… A. did my brother take the lesson seriously B. then my brother promised to take the lesson seriously C. why my brother took the lesson seriously D. my brother took the lesson seriously

17. Never …. been upset with what his subordinates do. A. the boss has B. did the boss C. has the boss D. will the boss

18. So strange ………. that I couldn’t sleep. A. the situation was B. was the situation C. is the situation D. the situation is

19. Hardly ever … the same word twice alike. A. the little boy spelled B. did spell the little boy C. did the little boy spell D. spelled the little boy

20. I don’t believe that the headmaster wrote the speech himself. He had someone ……it. A. wrote B. written C. to write D. write

21. If you can’t fix the broken radio yourself, you can have it …… A. fix B. fixes C. fixing D. fixed

22. At last I could finish sorting all these letters out, and I am going to get them mailed right away. The sentence means ……….. A. Someone is going to mail the letters if he finished B. If finished, I am going to mail the letters C. Someone is going to mail the letters unless I have finished sorting them out D. Someone is going to mail the letters for me E. Before being mailed, the letters need to be sorted out

23. When I was a child, I didn’t like to do house work, but my mother had my room ……… before I could go out to play. A. cleaned B. to clean C. cleaning D. to be cleaned

24. “At last, I finish typing this letter and I will get it copied soon before being mailed.” It means I’ll …………before being mailed. A. copy the letter B. will have to type it C. ask someone to type it D. have typed it E. be typing it

25. “Andi, will you close the windows, please? I’m busy right now.” “I’m also busy, but I ……… anyhow.” A. will close them B. will have to close them C. will have them closed D. will ask you to close them

26. My brother needs two …….. to help him run the store. A. mechanics B. carpenters C. instructors D. assistants

27. Only in the bookstore ………… the new novel. A. you can find B. can you find C. can find D. to find

28. Under the big tree ………….. the two naughty students. A. standing B. stands C. are standing D. to stand

29. You need to have the broken car ... soon A. repair B. to repair C. repaired D. repairs

Conditional Sentence adalah kalimat pengandaian yang terdiri dari :  if clause = anak kalimat yang diawali “if”  main clause = induk kalmat. Terdapat tiga jenis Conditional Sentence : Merupakan bentuk pengandaian masa yang akan datang. Rumus:

E.g.:  If he studies hard, he will pass the test.  He will come to your house if it doesn’t rain. Merupakan bentuk pengandaian masa sekarang. Rumus:

E.g.:  If the price of gold were lower, I would buy it.  He would be very happy if you could help him. Merupakan bentuk pengandaian masa lampau. Rumus:

E.g.:  If he had been more confident, he might have won the contest.  We would not have lost our bag if we had left it in the hotel. “Penghilangan if” “If” dapat dihilangkan jika “if clause” berisikan kata “were” ataupun “had” Proses penghilangan “if” dapat dilihat seperti di bawah ini :

  E.g.:  If she were my friend, I would treat her well.  Were she my friend, I would treat her well.  If we had climbed higher, we could have got a better view.  Had he climbed higher, we could have got a better view.


Subjunctive adalah bentuk kalimat yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan tentang pengharapan pada masa yang akan datang atau pengharapan yang tidak terwujud pada masa lampau dan masa sekarang. Subjunctive menggunakan kata/frase: - wish (berharap) - would rather (berharap) - as if / as though (seolah -olah) - if only (seandainya) Jenis – jenis subjunctive: Pengharapan pada masa yang akan datang. Untuk menyatakannya, kita gunakan “adverb of time“, seperti: tonight, tomorrow, next week, soon, etc. Rumus:

E.g.: If only she would come with me


Pengharapan yang tidak terwujud pada masa sekarang. Untuk menyatakannya, kita dapat menggunakan “adverb of time”, seperti : now, right now, at this time, at this moment. Rumus:

E.g.:  Anto acts as if he were the manager.  He wishes he entered the prestigious university. Pengharapan yang tidak terwujud pada masa lampau. Untuk menyatakannya, kita dapat menggunakan “adverb of time”, seperti: yesterday, last night, etc. Rumus:

E.g.:  My mother wished she had ironed the clothes last night.  I would rather John had posted my letter yesterday.


Subjunctive juga digunakan untuk menekankan urgency dan kepentingan. Subjunctive setelah kata kerja tertentu Ask Demand Desire Insist Prefer A.

Essential Imperative Important Necessary Vital

+ that + S + Verb (bentuk dasar) Be

Subjunctive setelah kata benda tertentu.


NB: Eg:   

+ that + S + Verb (bentuk dasar) Be

Subjuntive setelah kata sifat tertentu



Propose Recommend Request/Require Suggest Urege/Command

Suggestion Requirement Request Insistence Importance Preference Proposal Recommendation

+ that + S + Verb (bentuk dasar) Be

selain verb (bentuk dasar) should juga sering digunakan. The doctor suggested that he not smoke It is important that the book be read The committee refused the request that the book should be read

Reading Most people have had a dog or wanted one as their companion at some time in their lives. If you are thinking of buying a dog, however, you should first decide what sort of companion you need and whether the dog is likely to be happy in the surroundings you can provide. Specialists’ advice is useful to help you choose the most suitable kind of dog. But in part the decision depends on common sense. Different dogs were originally developed to perform special tasks. So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, you should choose the one that has the right size and characteristics. You must also be ready to devote a great deal of time to training the dog when it is young and give it the exercise it needs throughout its life, unless you live in the countryside and can let it run freely. Dogs are demanding pets. Cats love the house and are so satisfactory with their place when it is secure, but a dog is loyal to its master and consequently wants him to show proof of his affection. The best time to buy a baby dog is when it is between 6 and 8 weeks old so that it can transfer its love for its mother to its master. If baby dogs have not established a relationship with the human being until they are over three months old, their strong relationship will always be with dogs. They are likely to be too shy when they are brought out into the world to become good pets. 1.

According to the passage? A. You can always get help from the specialist. B. It is common sense that is the most important when choosing a dog. C. You should decide what kind of dog you want. D. Size and characteristics of the dogs should be considered too.


What is mentioned as a consideration in buying a dog? A. The color of dog B. The price of dog C. Whether the dog will fit the environment D. Whether the dog will get along with the other pets in the house.



Why does the writer say a dog is more demanding pet than a cat? A. It must be trained so that it won’t bite. B. It demands more food and space. C. It needs more love and care. D. It must be looked after carefully.


Why is it advised to buy a baby dog under three months old? A. It is easier to buy a baby dog under three months old. B. They are less likely to be shy with human beings. C. They are less likely to run away. D. It’s easier for them to form a relationship with their masters.


The word “affection” in the passage means…. A. love B. tie C. effect D. relationship


Rust can deteriorate a steel pipe to such an extent that it will snap easily ….. it were a twig. A. if B. unless C. as though D. although


If the students ….. late to submit the scholarship application to the board, they will not be listed as candidates. A. be B. are C. were D. have


It has been suggested that we …… the project manager of TOEFL Center. A. change B. changed C. changing D. are changing


I would have cut the cost of production to 5 % if I ….. in that project. A. were in charge B. had been in charge C. was in charge D. have been in charge

10. Fortunately you assisted him to push the car. If you hadn’t helped him, he … with you. A. will get angry B. would have gotten angry C. should angry D. would get angry

11. Agus looked awful because of his lacking of sleep. He wished ……….. A. he had not stayed up so late B. he stayed up so late C. he would have not stayed up so late D. he had been stayed up so late

12. “I wish I knew about Inwan’s marriage proposal.” From the sentence above we know that the speaker… A. had not known about Inwan’s marriage proposal B. does not know about Inwan’s marriage proposal C. has not known about Inwan’s marriage proposal D. did not know about Inwan’s marriage proposal

13. ………., we would get the tickets. A. Weren’t there so much rush at the cinema B. Because there were so much rush at the cinema C. There were not so much rush at the cinema D. Although there were so much rush at the cinema

14. When a patient’s blood pressure is much (A) higher than it (B) should be (C), a doctor insists that he will not (D) smoke. 15. The (A) executives demanded that a trained (B) technician repaired (C) the (D) copier. 16. In the view of the STAN lecturers’ union, it is essential that discipline … maintained in the classroom A. is B. was C. be D. is to be

17. I’d rather you ……anything about it for the time being. A. do B. didn’t do C. don’t D. didn’t

18. Efi was shocked as though ......

19. I would rather they …… their obligation right now. A. pays C. paid B. has paying D. pay

A. she saw a ghost B. she has seen a ghost


C. she had seen a ghost D. she was seeing a ghost

20. Mrs. Evi ……….. if she had been delayed. A. would call B. would have called C. will call D. will be calling

21. If he … he would have quit his job. A. were not promoted B. hasn’t been promoted C. was not promoted D. hadn’t been promoted

22. Aziz wishes he … to Ikranegara’s play on the 30th of November last year. A. had gone B. went C. has gone D. were going

23. I’ve finished cleaning the houses, but if Ati had not helped me, I … it so quickly. A. could never have done B. could never do C. have never done D. can never do

24. If you took the clothes the laundry, they … A. had washed B. has been washed C. will be washed D. would be washed

25. If the mechanic had done his work properly, you … no problems with your car yesterday. A. would have had B. had had C. will have had D. have had

26. They gave the girl permission to go, but if only they ……… her to. A. didn’t permit B. haven’t permitted C. hadn’t permitted D. weren’t permitted

27. It is necessary that the Department of Millitary … the 20th annual State Veterans Homes Week. A. celebrated B. celebrate C. celebrates D. to celebrate

28. The machine … if you fixed it immediately. A. would work B. would be worked C. would have worked D. would have been worked

29. Had our lecturer informed us in previous days that he would hold a test that day, we would have prepared all out for it. From this sentence, we know that the speaker ….. A. failed to take the test B. didn’t get a satisfying result of the test C. got a good score in the test D. had known about the test E. had not taken the course tested

30. Pablo said, “I was not the winner.” It means ………… A. Pablo wished that he is the winner B. Pablo wished he could be the winner C. Pablo wished he had been the winner D. Pablo wished if he were the winner E. Pablo wished if he is the winner

31. I wish someone answered my call. It’s been ringing for about five minutes. The underlined sentence means … A. someone will answer the phone B. someone had answered my call C. the phone has stopped ringing D. nobody answers my call E. i would answer the phone

32. “If I hadn’t booked in advance, I would have had difficulties in getting good accommodation at a reasonable price.’ The sentence means: ……. A. it was difficult to get a room although I had reservation B. I found a room in advance but it wasn’t comfortable C. the room I got was good but rather expensive D. I was lucky to get a good room without reservation E. I got a good room, and I didn’t have to pay much

33. Uniqua : “Hi, why do you look so sad? Something wrong?” Andika : “Yeah. I wish I had time to have a date with Tasya.” From the dialogue, we know that …………. A. Uniqua promises to meet Tasya B. Andika loses his chance to meet Tasya C. Both Uniqua and Andika will visit Tasya D. Andika and Uniqua have no time for a date

34. If I hadn’t (A) slipped on (B)the ice, I wouldn’t (C) break (D) my arm


Concordance adalah persesuaian subjek dan predikat dalam suatu kalimat. Persesuaian antar Subjek dan Predikat Jika subjek suatu kalimat dalam bentuk tunggal, maka predikatnya juga tunggal. Jika subjek suatu kalimat dalam bentuk jamak, maka predikatnya juga jamak Subjek tunggal + Predikat tunggal - is, was - has - V1 (-S/-ES) Subjek jamak + Predikat jamak - are, were - have - V1

 A.

Ungkapan yang menyatakan jumlah uang, waktu, berat, jarak, dan volume E.g.:  Twelve months has 365 days.  Five hundred miles is a long jurney to drive in one day.


Subjek yang terbentuk dari gerund (v-ing) harus dianggap tunggal. E.g.:  Producing fine paintings requires skill and creativity.  Reading novels is my hobby.

C. Judul buku, majalah, koran, dan film walaupun bentuknya jamak, tetap harus dianggap tunggal. E.g.:  The New York Times is one of the best newspapers in the USA.  Kompas makes readers well-informed. D. Kata-kata atau frasa-frasa tertentu each, each of, neither of, either of, every, the number of, one of, etc. E.g.:  Neither of these books is interesting.  Every girl and boy above 17 is eligible to vote.  Each student and teacher has a locker. E.


Beberapa kata selalu berbentuk jamak, akan tetapi bermakna tunggal. a) Nama mata pelajaran atau mata kuliah: economics, mathematics, physics, statistics, civics, linguistics, dsb. b) Nama penyakit: measles, mumps, dsb. c) Kata benda abstrak: news, ethics, politics, dsb. E.g.:  Mathematics is a difficult subject.  The news was very good.

 A.

Subjek yang digabungkan dengan kata and atau both … and … harus dianggap jamak. E.g.:  A new jaguar and an old BMW are for sale.  Both Peter and David are my brothers.


Kata-kata several, many, both, few bermakna jamak. E.g.:  Both are going to attend the meeting.  Only a few have passed the exam.

C. Beberapa kata harus selalu berbentuk jamak. a) Pakaian (clothes): trousers, pants, dll. b) Perkakas (tools): scissors, pliers, dll. E.g.:  Your sun glasses are broken.  Scissors have two blades Predikat mengikuti subjek pertama (S1) S1 as well as S2 S1 together with S2 S1 along with S2 E.g.: The man as well as his two children is staying at the hotel. S1 S2 Predikat mengikuti subjek kedua Neither S1 nor S2 Either S1 or S2 E.g: Neither the students nor their teacher is able to solve this problem. S1 S2

Parallelism adalah kesesuaian atau kesetaraan antara unsur-unsur dalam kalimat. 1. Parallel Structure with Coordinate Conjunction (and, but, or) E.g.:  Harry is not a lawyer but a teacher.  Tom is rich and clever. 2.

Parallel Structure with Paired Conjunction (both … and, either … or, neither … nor, not only … but also) E.g.:  I cannot find the book either in your room or in your bag.  Jane is not only beautiful but also clever.

penggabungan dua kalimat setara dengan menghilangkan bagian dari predikat yang sama untuk menghindari terjadinya pengulangan. Elliptical construction dapat dibagi menjadi dua kelompok: positive and negative elliptic. : penggabungan dua kalimat positif yang setara. Rumus :


E.g.: a) Budi went to the movie last night. b) Rini went to the movie last night.  Budi went to the movie last night, and Rini did too, atau so did Rini. a) He can speak English fluently b) I can speak English fluently  He can speak English fluently, and I can too, atau so can I. : penggabungan dua kalimat yang setara. Rumus :

E.g.: a) His sister is not a nurse b) My sister is not a nurse  Her sister is not a nurse, and my sister is not either, atau neither is my sister a) John hasn`t come yet b) Mike hasn`t come yet  John hasn`t come yet, and Mike hasn`t either, atau neither has Mike. Penggabungan kalimat positif dengan kalimat negative (kalimat berlawanan). Rumus :

    E.g.: a) Bento likes a rock music b) Roni doesn’t like a rock music  Bento likes a rock music, but Roni doesn’t. a) I didn’t come to the meeting yesterday b) He came to the meeting yesterday  I didn’t come to the meeting yesterday, but he did.

Reading Sets of surface measurements are important data to meteorologists. They give a snapshot of a variety of weather conditions at one single condition and are usually at a weather station, a ship or a weather buoy. The measurements taken at a weather station can include any number of atmospheric observables. Usually, temperature, pressure, wind measurements, and humidity are the variables that are measured by a thermometer, barometer, anemometer, and hygrometer respectively. Upper air data are of crucial importance for weather forecasting. The most widely used technique is launches of radiosondes. Supplementing the radiosondes a network of aircraft collection is organized by the World Meteorological Organization. 1.


What is the main point of the passage? A. Important data B. Meteorologist C. Weather conditions D. Sets of surface measurements E. Aircraft collection


It could be inferred from the passage that ………… A. Humidity is measured by anemometer B. Temperature’s measured by barometer C. Pressure is measured by thermometer D. Wind speed is measured by radiosondes E. Humidity is measured by hygrometer


The word “crucial importance” in line 6-7 is closest in meaning to ………. A. critical importance B. critical unimportance C. forecast importance D. prediction importance E. weather importance


The word “they” in the second sentence of the passage refers to …….. A. sets of surface measurements B. meteorologists C. important data D. weather conditions E. atmospheric observables


WMO ………. World Meteorological Organization. A. stood for B. stand for C. stands for D. standing for E. to stand for


Some of the shops I wanted to see ….. no longer in the city. A. is B. are C. have D. were


Syamsul Bachri did not sign the contract offered by Gaylang FC, and …… A. neither did Rommy and Firdaus B. either didn’t Rommy and Firdaus C. Rommy and Firdaus did either D. Rommy and Firdaus didn’t neither


I cannot remember if either Maria ….. Julia wanted a doll for Christmas. A. and B. or C. nor D. but


Ihsan received (A) his first job as (B) a shopkeeper, filling in time by reading (C) books and increased (D) his knowledge.

10. Most of directors in (A) this day applies (B) computers generated image (CGI) rather than (C) animatronics in movie making. (D) 11. Mr. Indra demanded thorough research, complete …… and a well-written report. A. investigate B. Investigates C. Investigation D. investigating

12. Neither the location of the hotel nor the facilities of it ……. many visitors choose it. A. make B. makes C. made D. has made

13. You can apply for (A) a scholarship to (B) the British embassy neither (C) at (D) the beginning or at the end of the semester. 14. A body of (A) volunteers have been (B) organized to aid the helpless (C) in their (D) struggle for survival. 15. The Library of Congress, with a large number (A) of books in its (B) stacks, attracts (C) students from most every (D) state in the Union. 16. A good models (A) must possess not only nice personality but also (B) a wide variety (C) of skills. (D) 17. Not …… from South Africa although most of the world’s supply does originate there. A. every gold come B. every gold comes C. all gold come D. all gold comes

18. STAN students ........ A. are intelligent, are active and are diligents B. are intelligence, active, and diligent C. are intelligent, active and diligent D. are intelligent, active and are diligence


19. …….. certain molds and fungi to multiply very rapidly. A. A tropical weather causes B. Tropical weather cause C. The tropical weather cause D. Tropical weather causes

20. …............ replaced the Franklin half dollar in 1964. A. The Kennedy half dollar B. The half dollar featured Kennedy C. On the Kennedy half dollar D. The Kennedy half dollar that

21. These are just a few of the many norms that every member of the society ………… expected to follow. A. are B. be C. were D. is

22. Pranadjaja contributed a great deal to Indonesian music by … A. singing, teaching, and lecturing B. singing, as a teacher and lecturer C. singing, a teacher and lecturing D. singing, teaching and as a lecturer

23. The article is interesting, informative, and it is easy to read. A. is B. interesting C. it is D. to read

24. Not only the lazy girls but also the smart student ……… in the big party. A. dances happily B. happily dancing C. dance happily D. happy dances

25. My school along with the other schools in the city ……… educational funds from the local government every month. A. receives B. receive C. receiving D. to receive

26. Either the management or the education system of our institute ………….. to be reviewed to increase the number of graduates next year. A. that needs B. need C. needing D. needs

27. I am worried about the test, and … A. also is she B. so is she C. he is so D. so he does

28. If Jack’s wife won’t agree to sign the papers, ……. A. neither won’t he B. neither he will C. he won’t neither D. neither will he

29. I am going to the technical meeting, and ……. A. so does Indra B. so goes Indra C. so is Indra D. indra is so

30. Dinna didn’t like our new roommate, and …. A. I don’t too B. neither I did C. neither did I D. I didn’t also

31. In the 1960s, the chaotic nature of the atmosphere was first ………… and understood by Edward Lorenz, founding the files of chaos theory. A. observed B. observes C. to observe D. observation

32. ……….. are observable weather events which illuminate and are explained by the science of meteorology. A. meteorological phenomena B. meteorological Phenomena C. Meteological Phenomenon D. Meteorological phenomena

33. She is not reading and ……… A. either B. neither am I C. neither I am D. other I am


Participle terbagi atas 3 yaitu : 1. Present Participle ( V ing ) 2. Past Participle ( V III ) 3. Past Perpect Participle ( having + V III ) digunakan untuk: A.

Bentuk waktu sedang (Continuous) E.g.: They are taking the man to hospital.


Setelah kata kerja yang berhubungan dengan indera (bermakna tidak sengaja dilakukan).  See  Hear + O + V ing  Smell E.g.: They heard someone screaming from the bush.

C. Untuk menggabungkan 2 kejadian yang dilakukan oleh orang yang sama . Pola – 1:

Meaning (arti): a. because/as/since/for karena b. when/while  ketika/sementara E.g.:  Coming late to the meeting, he was not allowed to come into the room. Meaning: Because she was coming late to the meeting,...  Walking hurriedly, he found a kitty wet. Meaning: While he was walking hurriedly,... Pola – 2:

Meaning (arti): Because / as / since / for  because E.g.:  Being the eldest child, he works hard for his family.  Meaning: As he is the eldest child, D. Setelah kata kerja tertentu (Certain verbs ) : Find Catch Leave + O + V-ing Send Keep E.g.:  The baby sitter left the baby crying.  I found a little boy crying.


A. B.

digunakan untuk: Kalimat Pasif E.g.: The book was covered by her just now. Kalimat dalam tenses Perfect E.g.: We have just gotten lunch with the man.

C. Bentuk pasif dalam kalimat yang berbentuk Adjective Clause (Menggunakan relative Pronoun) E.g.: The computer which was fixed by Ann runs well. The computer fixed by Ann runs well. D. Untuk menggabungkan 2 kejadian (salah satunya berbentuk pasif) Yang dilakukan oleh subjek yang sama. Pola – 1:

 

Meaning (arti): Because / as / since / for  because E.g.: Located in the center of the town, the market became so busy.  Meaning: Because the market was located in the center of the town,... Transferred to a very remote area, he felt very disappointed. Meaning: Because he was transferred to a very remote area,...

digunakan untuk: Menggabungkan 2 kejadian yang dilakukan oleh orang yang sama. Pola – 1 (aktif):

Meaning: After + S + had + V3 …. E.g.: Having collected many stamps, he sold it. Meaning: After he had collected many stamps, Pola – 2 (pasif):

Meaning: After + S + had + been + V3 … E.g.: Having been treated badly, the boy cried. Meaning: After the boy had been treated badly,…

Secara umum berikut adalah strategi untuk menghadapi Reading Comprehension: 1. 2. 3. 4.


Terbiasa dengan petunjuk dari soal. Petunjuk soal dari bagian reading secara umum sama. Seringlah berlatih agar terbiasa dengan maksud dari pertanyaan. Baca terlebih dahulu soal-soal yang ada di wacana. Jangan habiskan waktu membaca seluruh wacana. Kamu hanya perlu memenuhkan ide pokok paragraf dan wacana saja. Garis bawahi ide pokok setiap paragraf dalam wacana karena hal ini sering ditanyakan dalam soal. Hindari menghabiskan waktu di soal yang kamu tidak yakin apa jawabannya. Lewatkan saja dahulu. Kamu bisa kembali ke soal ini jika punya waktu lebih.

 1. 2. 3.


Ide pokok yang terdapat didalam paragraf/bacaan. Ide pokok biasanya bisa ditemukan di awal paragraf. Pertanyaan “what is stated on paraghraph”. Streteginya:  pilih keyword dari pertanyaan.  Baca dan cari kalimat yang mengandung keyword di bacaan. Pronoun reference question. Strateginya:  Lihat noun yang ada sebelum pronoun muncul.  Pasangkan noun dan pronounnya, apakah sudah sesuai atau belum.  Pilih jawaban yang paling sesuai. Pertanyaan yang berhubungan denga kosakata (Vocabulary question). Untuk menjawab hal seperti ini lihat terlebih dahulu kata yang ditanya pada kalimat. Artikan kata tersebut secara keseluruhan kalimat (konteks kalimat) kemudian pilih kata yang artinya paling mendekati. Cara terjitu menjawab soal seperti ini dengan memperbanyak vocabulary kita.


The United States does not have a national university, but the idea has been around for quite some time. George Washington first recommended the idea to Congress; he even selected an actual site in Washington, D.C., and then left an endowment for the proposed national university in his will. During the century following the Revolution, the idea of a national university continued to receive the support of various U.S. presidents, and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie pursued the cause at the beginning of the present century. Although the original idea has not yet been acted upon, it continues to be proposed in bills before Congress. 1.

According to the passage, the national university of the United States A. has been around for a while B. does not exist C. is a very recent idea D. is an idea that developed during the present century


The passage indicates that George Washington did NOT do which of the following? A. He suggested the concept for a national university to Congress. B. He chose a location for the national university. C. He left money in his will for a national university. D. He succeeded in establishing a national university.


Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage about Andrew Carnegie? A. He was interested in doing charity work and good deeds for the public. B. He was a member of Congress. C. He was interested in the idea of a national university. D. He was active in the early twentieth century


The pronoun "it" in line 6 refers to A. the cause B. the beginning of the present century C. the original idea ' D. Congress


While ….. to buy the correct ticket, the man with the beard stole the young lady’s purse. A. he queuing B. he queues C. queuing D. queued


The lonely (A) man, who was scaring (B) that his attentions (C) for the old man’s daughter would be unnoticed (D), became frustrated.


The insect, ……., bit my brother’s arm last night. A. a big spider with hairy legs B. it is a big spider with hairy legs C. a big spider which with hairy legs D. which is a big hairy-legged spider



The prisoner, …. by guards, walked calmly to his execution. A. was surrounded B. which surrounded C. surrounded D. it was surrounded


Though …… in the middle of the city, the shop still does not attract many customers. A. are located B. it located C. located D. have located

10. ………., I received a call from my sister in Surabaya. A. While I take a shower B. While I taking a shower C. While taking a shower D. While I am taking a shower

11. Sukarno, ……. president of Indonesia, helped the country win its independence from the Netherlands. A. the first B. was the first C. to be the first D. as the first

12. Andi : Do you know the man ..….. in the third row from our left? Banu : No, I think he is a new student here. A. is sitting B. was sitting C. sitting D. sat

13. I like all abstract paintings ….... by famous painters especially Affandi. A. drawing B. drawn C. which are drawing D. which draw

14. All the evidences should be ripped off, destroyed, and put into the burnt fire until there are nothing left in here.


15. Completed in 1980, the G Hall is the oldest building now …… on our campus. A. it stands B. has stood C. stood D. standing

16. Candles …. from beeswax burn with a very clean flame. A. are made B. which make C. making D. made

17. Millard Fillmore, ......,taught school and studied law before aspiring to political office. A. was the least great American president B. the American president was least C. one of the least known American presidents D. that he was one of the least American president

18. Do you know where my brother has put the money ………. by my uncle yesterday? A. given B. was given C. giving D. gave

19. Soekarno, …… one of the strongest Indonesian Presidents, served from 1945 to 1965 A. considered B. is considered C. was considered D. considering

20. Most of the books … for Accounting today are supplemented with CD–ROMs. A. using B. in use C. is use D. are used

21. After seeing the movie Jurassic Park, …….. A. the book was read by many people B. the book made many people want to read it C. many people wanted to read the book D. the reading of the book interested many people

22. Upon hatching, …………………… A. the young ducks learn how to swim B. my uncle feeds the young ducks C. the food is given to the young ducks D. there will be some food given to the young duck

23. During his career, Luther Vandross, …,. sold over twenty–five million albums and won eight Grammy Awards. A. which an American singger and producer B. was an American singer and producer C. an American singer and producer D. an American singer and producer was

24. The old woman …………. under the tree at the moment bought some food in the store yesterday. A. stood B. is standing C. stands D. standing

25. Tax reforms such as those ... successes. A. Undertaken in some countries are large-scale, complex ventures requiring comprehensive and coordinated strategies to achieve noticeable B. undertaken in some countries are large-scale to complex ventures require comprehensive and coordinated strategy, achieving noticeable C. undertaking in some countries are some large scale of complex ventures require comprehensive and coordinated strategies by achieving noticeably D. undertake some countries were large in scale, complex and venture requiring comprehensive and coordinated strategy for achieving noticeably

26. Interested in developing tourism in Indonesia, …… A. there is cooperation between the government and related education centers B. the establishment of cooperation between government and related education centers has been realized. C. cooperation between government and related education centers has been established D. the government cooperates with related education centers E. it is necessary to establish cooperation between the government and related centers of education

27. The spy used a fictitious name while ……… with the enemy. A. was dealing B. he dealing C. dealing D. dealt

28. Caecilians, …, are the only amphibians that are blind. A. live underground B. live underground which C. which live underground D. live which underground

29. Marvin’s doctor said he was obese and had to take immediate measures to correct the problem. The underlined word can best be replaced by ……….. A. anemic B. tired C. corpulent D. petulant E. captious

30. Having given the prescription to the patient, ………… A. the medicine was taken regularly by the patient B. the doctor told the patient to take the medicine regularly C. the medicine had to be taken regularly by the patient D. the patient was told to take the medicine regularly

31. …. a few million rupiahs, he went on a tour to Europe. A. Saved B. Has saved C. He has saved D. Having saved


Kalimat dimana informasi yang diberikan berulang disebut Redundant. Redundancy bisa diakibatkan oleh beberapa hal berikut ini: 1.

Penggunaan frasa yang tidak perlu. E.g.: The room was red in colour. (salah) The disease was very serious in nature of it. (salah)


Penggunaan noun dan pronoun berulang. E.g.: Steve he plan to visit his grandma next year. My sister she found me playing basketball.


Pengulangan kata yang bermakna sama. E.g.: I am nearly almost finish my job. The money that my mother give is sufficient enough for my needs. I haven’t never give up.


Penggunaan makna negative bersamaan. E.g.: I am not never going to school I seldom don’t come to school

*Secara umum, hindari combinasi kata seperti ini:  advanced forward  repeat again  join together  return back  new innovation  revert back  only unique  same identical  proceed forward  sufficient enough  progress forward

Preference merupakan ungkapan untuk menyatakan suatu pilihan atau untuk menunjukkan bahwa seseorang lebih menyukai sesuatu hal /barang daripada yang lainnya. Preference dapat dibagi menjadi 2: 1.

Preference dengan menyebutkan pembanding. Adapun ungkapan yang kita gunakan adalah:

E.g.:  She likes dancing better than singing.  I prefer reading to singing.  He would rather walk than run.  We would prefer to stay at home rather than swim on that dirty water.



Preference tanpa menyebutkan pembanding. Adapun ungkapan yang kita gunakan adalah:

E.g.:  She prefers to dance / dancing.  I would rather go with you.  He would prefer to stay at home.

Before Columbus came to the New World, the only people there were Indians. Some of the early explorers treated the Indians very badly. But there were some who were good to them. Father Marquette was one who treated them well. Marquette was a French priest. He came to Canada as a missionary, a person teaching Christianity. At first Father Marquette stayed at a mission near the east coast. He learned the languages of several Indian tribes. Then he decided to go west and preach to the Indians who lived near the Great Lakes. From these Indians Marquette heard of great river farther west. The governor of New France, the French lands in the New World, had heard of this river, too. He decided to send an expedition to find out about it. The governor chose Louis Joliet, a trader, to lead this expedition. He then asked Father Marquette to go with Joliet as a missionary. Joliet and Marquette reached the Mississippi by traveling down the Wisconsin River in light boats. They were pleased to see the great river. On their journey along they stopped at many places. Everywhere the Indians were friendly. 1.

According to the passage, which sentence is NOT true? A. Marquette favored religious beliefs. B. Father Marquette was kind to the Indians. C. Some of the early explorers treated the Indians badly. D. Columbus was the only person who came to the New World before the Indians.


Father Marquette learned the languages of several Indian tribes in order to … A. live near the Great Lakes. B. go to the great river father west. C. stay at a place near the east coast. D. preach to the Indians near the Great Lakes.


The word ‘expedition’ in the 3rd paragraph is closest in meaning to ….. A. journey B. occasion C. distance D. destination


When the governor of the New France heard of this river, he ………. A. made Louis Joliet stop expedition. B. chose Marquette while the government chose Joliet. C. decided to send a group of people to find out about it. D. asked Marquette and Joliet to travel alone.


The best title for the passage would be …….. A. Marquette as a missionary. B. Missionaries in Canada. C. The Governor of New France D. Columbus in the New World



Abdur …… continuing his education to the Graduated Program to working in his family business. A. likes B. would rather C. had better D. prefers


The police would rather (A) killed (B)the terrorists than (C) let them go (D)


The teacher would rather (A) to give (B) remedial lessons to his students than (C) give them (D) extra marks.

10. Which do you prefer going picnic or staying at home?’ ‘ I.....’ A. Prefer going picnic B. Would rather going picnic C. Like to going picnic D. Would prefer go picnic


Which do you prefer going picnic or staying at home?’ ‘ I.....’ A. Prefer going picnic B. Would rather going picnic C. Like to going picnic D. Would prefer go picnic

11. Whereas a gas expands ………….. in all directions, a vapor remains somewhat more concentrated. A. in a uniform manner B. uniformly C. uniformly in manner D. Uniform

12. Some International students use (A) a cassette recorder to make (B) tapes of their classes so that (C) they can repeat the lectures again (D). 13. Blood plasma it (A) is the transportation system for all (B) of the widely (C) separated organs in the human body (D). 14. Appointed (A) by the General Assembly for (B) five years, the Secretary-General of the United Nations must act (C) in an impartial manner (D) toward all members. 15. Humans who (A) lived thousands of years ago (B), long before alphabets were devised, they (C) used pictures to record events and to communicate (D) ideas. 16. If one does not pick up the (A) dry cleaning within (B) thirty days, the management is not obligated (C) to return it back (D). 17. The southern part of the United States has ideal conditions for raising (A) cotton because the climate is sufficiently warm enough (B) to allow (C) a six-month growing period (D). 18. People who (A) are competitive in nature (B) are more likely to suffer (C) from the effects of stress on (D) their health. 19. International law is (A) made up of the rules and customs that (B) they (C) deal with the relationships between (D) different nations and the citizens of different nations 20. That witches cause disasters and misfortunes …….. among the colonists in Salem, Massachusetts. A. it was widely believed B. was widely believed C. was believed in a wide way D. they widely believed


21. Famous for his ….. punctuation, typography, and language, Edward estlin Cummings published his collected poems in 1954. A. New innovation for B. Innovation in C. Newly approached D. Innovation newly approached in