Modul SMT 1 TA.2021 [PDF]

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MODUL I. General Instructions These general instructions contain an explanation of the steps to be taken in lectures, as follows: 1. Basic Competence Students are able to express medical terms related interest areain English. 2. Material 1. Introduce themselves and others, say hello and good bye, and ask for personal information 2. Reading : related interest area 3. Grammar Simple Present Tense 4. Describe basic actions in everyday life 5. Asking about something or health problems 6. Sentence Patterns Present Progressive Tense 7. Listening a song 8. On the Telephone, telephoning terms, glossary 9. The life of : related interest area 10. Past Tense 11. Use numbers to give dates, Use common mathematical terms, Telling time Recognize and name the days of the week, months of the year 12. Making Suggestion and Response to Suggestion 13. Reading ; related interest area 14. giving instruction, Explaining intervention, and explaining medication . 3. Indicators of Achievement 1. Students are able to use expressions related to introductions, both introducing themselves and introducing others correctly. 2. Students are able to provide responses / answers with regard to introductions. 3. Students are able to make sentences according to time and place. 4. Students are able to introduce other people and can respond 5. Students are able to master vocabulary and understand reading material. 6. Students are able to describe and tell daily activities. 7. Students are able to make question sentences according to sentence form. 8. Students are able to use mathematical terms in English. 9. Students are able to express the use of time and in English and understand the terms of the day, month and year. 10. Students are able to give suggestions and respond. 11. Students are able to give opinions and make appointments. 12. Students are able to express how to agree and disagree with an opinion. 13. Students are able to express and distinguish parting words. 4. Referensi 1. 3. NIIT Document 4. Pramudya, A Leo. English for the Professional Nurses. EPN Consultant. Jakarta2005. 5. 6.

7. 8. Learning Strategies 1. The learning strategy used is contextual instruction, class scenario with 100 minutes of time, the steps are taken, as follows: 2. The lecture material has been given to students 1 (week) the day before lectures, students are required to read and understand the material in order to more easilyreveal the latest cases that have occurred. 3. The lecturer provides an explanation of the material based on current conditions 4. After a conceptual explanation by the lecturer, students are divided into discussion groups to discuss more deeply the concepts described. 5. After finishing the discussion, students are asked to explain the results of the discussion and other groups provide rebuttals or rebuttals. 6. Each group is given the opportunity to explain the results of the discussion and defend their opinion by arguing in accordance with the concept of the material. 7. The learning approach can change according to development, material and agreement with students. 9. Learning Activities 1. Understand and master this material well, so that when discussing and working on your problems you don't have much difficulty. 2. Start self-motivated to read, from easy, and start reading now. 3. Read the scenario in the general instructions, making it easier for students in learning activities in class. . 10. Evaluation 1. After the learning activity ends, students are asked to take a test (post test), so that it can be seen how far the learning objectives in the discussion of the material can be achieved. 2. If the student can answer 70% of the test questions correctly, it means that the student has achieved the learning objectives in the discussion of the material presented by the lecturer

II.LEARNING MATERIALS MEETING I GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTIONS 1. Material Greetings Hello, …/ Hi, … Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. Good/ Nice to see you again. I’m glad/ happy/ pleased to see you. How areyou? Fine, thanks. Andyou? How haveyou been? Very well. Andyou? Howarethings? Not too bad,thanks. How’sit going? Great, thanks. What aboutyou? Hi! How are you doing?-I’m doing good. Andyou? Introductions Introducing oneself Can/ May I introduce myself? My name’s Ahmad Let me introduce myself. My name’s … . I’d like to introduce myself. Formal Introductions and Respond to an introduction Good afternoon; I’m Ahmad. Nice to meet you, Ahmad. I’m Siti. May I introduce myself? My name is Siti Khadijah. Pleased to meet you. I’m Amirah. Let me introduce myself. My name is Zaki. How do you do? I’m Rudi. Ask for and give information There are a number of formulas used when asking for information in English. Here are some of the most common:     

Could you tell me...? Do you know...? Do you happen to know...? I'd like to know... Could you find out...?

 

I'm interested in... I'm looking for.

These two forms are used for asking for information on the telephone:  

I'm calling to find out........ I'm calling about..........

II.Worksheet a.Copy and write the conversation below into a piece of paper and using the 9 words below fill in the blanks. London Pleased Manchester English teacher Goodbye Morning Thanks Not too bad Mr Bean Mr.Bean:

Good , Mrs Jones. MrsJones: Goodmorning, . How areyou? MrBean: I'm fine , andyou? MrsJones:..............................Mr Bean, this is my husband Michael, Michael this is Mr Beanmy

MrJones: MrBean: MrJones: MrBean: MrsJones: MrBean:

Pleased to meet you MrBean. to meet you too. Are you from England, Mr Jones? Yes, from Manchester. Do you live inManchester? No,I'mfrom , but I live in Manchester while am teaching atcollege. Well, Mr Bean, it was nice to seeyou. Yes, it was nice talking to yougoodbye.

b. Write 2 paragraphs telling about you and your family. You may add any information that youlike. c. Ask your friends personal details then tell in front of the class. d. Ask your friends to give information how to make aour body healthy.

MEETING II READING 1.Materi Nutrition Everyone eats food. Some people eat lots of fruit and vegetables, others may eat more or less meat, and some people may eat healthy, but others do not. All of it is related to nutrition. Nutrition is the process of how people get the food that is needed to grow strong and healthy along with obtaining the necessary vitamins and nutrients to help bodies grow and function. For children, good nutrition is especially important and it is necessary to eat healthy foods because kids are constantly growing. Good nutrition will lead to healthy bones and muscles, and without receiving the correct vitamins and nutrients while growing, a child will not grow as tall and as strong as they could be. There are many aspects of nutrition including knowing about the different food groups, understanding calories, and learning about the different vitamins, nutrients, and minerals a body needs, and what to avoid. There are five main food groups that should be eaten each day. Eating a variety of foods in each group will lead to receiving most important nutrients to remain strong and healthy. The first food group includes grains such as breads, cereals, pasta, and rice. The second food group is dairy, which includes milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products. Apples, oranges, grapes, bananas, and much more are a part of the third food group, fruits. Of course, vegetables is in its own food group as well. There are many, many vegetables available to eat including beans, broccoli, peas, carrots, corn, and others. Finally, the fifth and final food group is protein, which can be found in beef, chicken, eggs, nuts, fish, and pork. The portion size of each food group is not the same. For example, it is recommended that a person eat slightly more vegetables and grains than fruit and protein for each meal. There are also other guidelines on how to eat healthier, some of which includes drinking skim milk instead of whole milk, water instead of sugary drinks, and eating wheat bread instead of white bread. Calories are a measure of the amount of energy in food items. Calories are necessary to eat to get the energy needed to play, work, and move around. The calories get burned off during movement, so eating will replenish them. But if a person eats more calories than they burn, the excess is stored as fat. There are also some foods that contain empty calories, meaning they have very little nutritional value such as solid fats and sugars. There are many healthy foods to eat in order to receive the vitamins and minerals needed. For example, vitamin A is found in milk and helps keep the immune system healthy; Vitamin C is found in oranges and other vegetables, which is good for blood vessels, teeth, healing, and the brain. Vitamin D and calcium is great for healthy bones and can be found in milk. Iron is needed for the blood and is available in red meat, poultry, fish, and leafy vegetables. These are just a few of the minerals and vitamins that keep a person healthy. In summary, good nutrition leads to good health. When a person wants to lose weight, it can be done by eating healthier and exercising regularly. Nearly all foods contain some of the vitamins and minerals needed for the body, but it is also important to eat the right amount of foods from the five food groups: grains, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and protein.

II.Worksheet I.Choose the best answer 1) Why is it most important for children to eat healthy? A: Children are smaller than adults. B: They play and run more often C: Children like food better. D: Children are constantly growing. 2) Which of the following food groups includes beef, chicken, and eggs? A: Protein B: Grains C: Dairy D: Fruits 3) Which of the following two food groups are needed slight more than fruit and protein? A: Dairy and vegetables B: Vegetables and grains C: Dairy and grains D: All of the above 4) Which of the following is the measure of energy in food? A: Nutrition B: Calories C: Values D: Percent 5) What happens when more calories are eaten than burned off? A: Fat is stored B: Fat is released C: Fat is burned off D: None of the above 6) Which of the following is good for healthy bones? A: Vitamin A B: Iron C: Vitamin D D: Vitamin C II.Reteil the text using own words


I.Material Tom’s Job Tom works at a bank. He is the manager. He starts working every day at 8:00 am. He finishes work every day at 6:00 pm. He lives very close to the bank. He walks to work every day. His brother and sister also work at the bank. But, they do not live close to the bank. They drive cars to work. They start work at 9:00 am. In the bank, Tom is the boss. He helps all the workers and tells them what to do. He likes his job. He is also very good at his job. Many customers like Tom, and they say hello to him when they come to the bank. Tom likes to talk to the customers and make them feel happy. Tom really likes his job.

II.Worksheet A).Find verbs in the simple present reading.Read the passage and answer the questions at the top. 1.What time does Tom start work? 2. Does Tom drive a car to work? 2.Does Tom live close to the bank? 3.Does Tom talk to customers? 4.How does Tom feel about his job? B).Rewrite the following sentences as negative sentences, yes/no questions, WH-Questions (using the underlined word). Examples for the sentence “ Tom works at a bank.” Negative : Tom does not work at a bank Yes/no questions: Does Tom Work at a bank? WH-Questions : Where does Tom works? 1.Tom finishes work every day at 6:00 pm Negative: Yes/no questions: WH-Questions:

2.Tom lives very close to the bank Negative: Yes/no questions: WH-questions:

3.Tom likes to talk to the customers Negative: Yes/no questions: WH-questions:

A) Ask your friends by using , “What time do you......?” Ex: What time do you have a lunch? Answer in complete sentence using, “” Ex: I have lunch at 13.00 PM. Activities Friend 1 Friend 2 Friend 3 Your name Get up/wake up

4 am

Take a shubuh prayer

4.15 am

Take a bath

5.00 am

Take a breakfast

5.00 am

Go to college

7.00 am

Have a lunch

13.00 pm

Do homework

20.00 pm

Go to bed/ go to sleep


I. Materi

Three students (Ajay, Jana and Lucía) discuss healthy eating and exercise.

Ajay: Lucía, as an athlete, how do you stay fit and healthy? Jana: I’d like to know too! I’ve heard so many people talking about the dreaded freshman 15. Ajay: Me too. And the all-nighters that I’ve pulled haven’t helped. I get hungry when I stay up all night studying. Lucía: Well, I can relate to that. I often snack when I study. The key is to choose healthy foods. I try to snack on vegetables a lot. Ajay: But where do you buy them? You can’t buy produce in vending machines. Jana: I get vegetables from the salad bar in the dining hall. Healthy eating isn’t such a problem for me. My problem is staying motivated to exercise. How do you do it? Lucía: Well, I have my teammates. We help one another stay motivated. Ajay: So I should get a running partner. Hey Jana, do you want to run with me tomorrow morning? II. Worksheet

1.Make a conversation between you and your classmate by using own wordd with topic Nutrition and Food! 2.Tell about your favorite food, and give reason why chose it?

MEETING V ASKING ABOUT SOMETHING OR HEALTH PROBLEMS 1.Materi Vocabulary Surrounded by In the middle of Directly opposite On the right-hand side of On the left-hand side of

Right Left Intersection Parallel to Corner

Dead end One way Straight ahead Roundabout Close to

Useful Expressions Visitor/Patient: How to ask for direction Could you tell me how to get to....? Can you tell me I’m looking for.....How can i get there? Excuse me, can you tell me the way to. . ., please? Give simple directions Walk down….. Go along this… Go up stairs…. Until you find… Then turn right/left… Take the second road on the left Then turn left/right on the next T junction Turn left at the traffic light Showing a place or room It is…… On the left/right side of… Next to…. Near…. At the opposite of….. At the corner of….. Just before…. Just after…. Opposite….. Across from…

Turn U‐turn Corridor Sidewalk

II. Worksheet


Refer to the site map below. Make a communication exchange to show the direction. The starting points are as follows. 1. The security to maternity unit 2. The nurse station in ICU to the canteen 3. The security to the toilet (between dispensary and radiology) 4. The emergency room to the lift 5. The polyclinic to the pediatric ward (on the 2nd floor) 6. The waiting room to the children playground (on the 2nd floor) 7. The operation room to ICU (opposite the physiotherapy unit) 8. The entrance to the Class 1 9. The nurse station (near the lift on 2nd floor) to the laboratory 10. The emergency room to admission

B. Create communication to show a place or your home address.

MEETING VI SENTENCE PATTERNS PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE I.Materi A.Dialogue/Story I never read food labels until I started going out with Wendy. She’s studying to be a nutritionist. When we go grocery shopping, she reads every label. Wendy: You’re not buying that, are you? Ichirou: Well, I was thinking about it. Why? Wendy: Each serving size has 30 grams of fat, and 10 of those are trans fat. The sodium level is through the roof, and it’s full of carbohydrates. Do you really want to put that in your body? Ichirou: Um, I guess not. Wendy: What are these cookies doing in the basket? Ichirou: Those are my favorite. I always get them. I got the low-fat kind, see? Wendy: Even so, they’re full of calories. They may be reduced fat, but they’re not low fat. You don’t eat this kind of cereal do you? Ichirou: Yeah, I do. Wendy: Look at the percent daily values. You get nearly no nutrients and no dietary fiber, and it’s full of sugar. I really like Wendy, but I’m not sure how long I can take this. She has the best of intentions, but will my stomach ever forgive me if I keep going out with her? That’s the question. B.Reading In The Park The Jones family is in the park today. The sun is shining, and the birds are singing. It’s a beautiful day! Mr. Jones is reading the newspaper. Mrs. Jones is listening to the radio. Sally and Patty Jones are studying. And Tommy Jones is playing the guitar. The Jones family is very happy today. It’s a beautiful day, and they’re in the park.

II.Worksheet A.Answer the following questions. Use the present continous tense. 1.What is Mr. Jones doing? 2.What is Mrs. Jones doing? 3.What are Sally and Patty Jones doing 4.What is Tommy Jones doing? 5. At this moment, where is the Jones Family

B.Rewrite the following sentences as negative sentences, yes/no questions, WHQuestions (using the underlined word). Examples for the sentence “ Mr. Jones is reading the newspaper.” Negative: Mr. Jones is not reading the newspaper Yes/no questions: Is Mr. Jones reading the newspaper? WH-Questions : What is Mr. Jones doing? 1.

Mrs Jones is listening to the radio Negative: Yes/no questions: WH-Questions:


Sally and Patty Jones are studying Negative: Yes/no questions: WH-questions:


Tommy Jones is playing the guitar Negative: Yes/no questions: WH-questions:

MODUL VII LISTENING I.Materi Choose one the topic below: a. b. c. d.

Listening music Listening Talk Show Listening Speech Etc

II.Worksheet Fill in the blank ! Saturday Night Saturday nights, blueberry ........................ Swishers make my.........................hurt Rolling OCB's on.................for me Light 'em up and let 'em both burn Family feuds, say your mom's .................. Off of shit she.......................wanna learn But daddy's............, say he's never home And wishing only makes it ......................

I guess there's certain................that you gotta keep 'Cause they'll only know what you let 'em ...............

........................that I know that your parents don't They don't care like I do, nowhere like ......................... And all the things that............................that your parents don't They don't care like I do, nowhere like .................... Nowhere like I do Nowhere like I do

..................................., your works shoes are stilettos Smell of cheap .............................. Makeup on your face,............................the pain All the lies, the truth Deep in your heart, all you want is ................. ......... you never felt good enough You got.....................up in other plans But this ain't...........................the story ends

I..................there's certain dreams that you gotta keep 'Cause they'll only know what you let 'em see

......................................that I know that your parents don't They don't care like I do, nowhere ............. And all the things that I know that your parents don't They don't care like I do, nowhere like I do Nowhere like ............


TELEPHONING TERMS : Glossary This glossary of telephoning terms is designed to provide you with a brief guide to the terms in current use. They are grouped according to headings which signify the use you may make of them.


Introducing yourself


Asking for someone or for a number


Speaking with a switchboard operator


Being helpful


Saying why you are calling


Asking the caller to wait




Offering to take a message


Asking to leave a message

10 Promising action

11 Asking for repetition

This is (name) (This is Michele). (name) speaking. (Nor speaking) It's (name). My name is … Is that (name or number) May I speak to …..? Could I speak to ( name)? Can I speak to (name)? It’s (name), isn’t it? Can you put me through to (name or number) Can I have extension (number)? I’d like to speak to (name). You are through, caller – please go ahead. The line is ringing for you, caller. You’re welcome. (As a response to thank you). I’m calling about (the meaning). I’m calling for (some information). I’m calling to (let you know I’ll be late). Could you hold on? Will you hold or will you call back later? Trying to connect you, please hold the line. Sorry to keep you waiting. I’m afraid the line is engaged.. I am sorry but Mr. Joko is in a meeting. I’m sorry but there is no reply. Can I take a message? Would you like to leave a message? Can I ask who is calling? May I know who is calling? Could I leave a message? Could you please pass a message? Could you get her to call me? Could you tell her I rang? I’ll get her to call you back. I’ll give him your message. I’ll definitely pass your message. I’ll call you on Monday. I’ll check that for you now. I’ll put you through to someone else. Could you please repeat that?

12 Saying goodbye

I didn’t catch that. Could you please repeat what you said? Sorry, what was the name. I’m afraid it’s a bad line. Could you speak up? Thank you for your help. Nice talking to you. I’ll speak to you tomorrow. Look forward to hearing from you again soon.

Example Business Telephone Conversation: Role-Play Ms. Anderson (sales representative Jewels and Things): ring ring...ring ring...ring ring... Mr. Smith (Secretary): Hello, Diamonds Galore, this is Peter speaking. How may I be of help to you today? Ms. Anderson: Yes, this is Ms. Janice Anderson calling. May I speak to Mr. Franks, please? Mr. Smith: I'm afraid Mr. Franks is out of the office at the moment. Would you like me to take a message? Ms. Anderson: Uhm...actually, this call is rather urgent. We spoke yesterday about a delivery problem that Mr. Franks mentioned. Did he leave any information with you? Mr. Smith: As a matter of fact, he did. He said that a representative from your company might be calling. He also asked me to ask you a few questions... Ms. Anderson: Great, I'd love to see this problem resolved as quickly as possible. Mr. Smith: Well, we still haven't received the shipment of earrings that was supposed to arrive last Tuesday. Ms. Anderson: Yes, I'm terribly sorry about that. In the meantime, I've spoken with our delivery department and they assured me that the earrings will be delivered by tomorrow morning. Mr. Smith: Excellent, I'm sure Mr. Franks will be pleased to hear that. Ms. Anderson: Yes, the shipment was delayed from France. We weren't able to send it along until this morning. Mr. Smith: I see. Mr. Franks also wanted to schedule a meeting with you later this week. Ms. Anderson: Certainly, what is he doing on Thursday afternoon? Mr. Smith: I'm afraid he's meeting with some clients out of town. How about Thursday morning? Ms. Anderson: Unfortunately, I'm seeing someone else on Thursday morning. Is he doing anything on Friday morning? Mr. Smith: No, it looks like he's free then. Ms. Anderson: Great, should I come by at 9? Mr. Smith: Well, he usually holds a staff meeting at 9. It only lasts a half-hour or so. How about 10? Ms. Anderson: Yes, 10 would be great. Mr. Smith: OK, I'll schedule that. Ms. Anderson at 10, Friday Morning...Is there anything else I can help you with? Ms. Anderson: No, I think that's everything. Thank you for your help...Goodbye. Mr. Smith: Goodbye.

Key Phrases and Vocabulary                 

How may I be of help: This is a formal phrase used to show politeness. It means "Can I help you?" calling: telephoning out of the office: not in the office take a message: to write down a message from the caller urgent: very important delivery: the bringing of goods to a client mentioned: said resolved: taken care of as quickly as possible: in the fastest manner, ASAP shipment: delivery, the bringing of goods to a client assured: a certainty that something is true or will happen pleased: happy delayed: not be able to do something on time looks like: seems staff meeting: a meeting of employees lasts: to take time schedule: make a future appointment

II. Worksheet

Short Summary of the Telephone Conversation Review your knowledge by filling in the gaps with the words and phrases below to complete the summary of the conversation. Ms. Anderson telephones Diamonds Galore to with Mr. Franks. Mr. Franks is not in the office, but Henry Smith, the secretary, speaks to Ms. Anderson about a problem with some earrings. The earrings have not yet at Diamonds Galore. Ms. Anderson tells Peter that there was a problem with the from France, but that the earrings should arrive tomorrow morning. Next, they a meeting between Ms. Anderson and Mr. Franks. Mr. Franks is not able to with Ms. Anderson on Thursday because he is . They finally decide on Friday morning at 10 o'clock after a that Mr. Owen usually holds on Friday mornings.


Materi Sarah Sarah is a fully qualified Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner achieving a BSc (Hons) degree at the University of Westminster, London. Sarah covers the Berkshire and surrounding areas and visits clients at their workplace or locally. Sarah offers private consultations, bespoke workshops and seminars. She also works in London and other areas providing corporate workshops on various nutritional subjects and enjoys taking part in Wellness events locally and in schools. Nutritional therapy aims to apply nutrition and health science to individuals to maxim their health potential. Each person has unique dietary and nutritional requirements which are assessed on an individual basis. Many other factors are also considered including possible food allergies, lifestyle, biochemical and nutritional imbalances and environmental influences. Having previously worked for many years in the corporate financial sector, Sarah is fully aware of the affects of day to day stressors associated with deadlines, endless meetings and that dreaded daily commute (where you are lucky to find standing space let alone a seat these days!). She is also the mother of a young daughter, so knows how important and beneficial a nutritious diet is to not only children but both parents in respect to boosting and maintaining energy levels, combating fatigue, stress, post-natal issues, mood swings, and achieving weight loss. Advice is also offered on how to improve your overall diet and lifestyle to maintain a healthy balance, working towards adapting long-term healthy eating habits, seeking advice regarding specific conditions and ailments or working towards a physical goal or challenge and more. II.Worksheet A.Retell the story by using own word B.Tell story about yourself

MEETING XI Patern Past Tense 1. Materi

Story The last time I went to the doctor for a checkup, she told me that I needed to start taking some dietary supplements that had the vitamins and minerals that my body needed to stay healthy. I told her that I ate a balanced diet, but she said that many people who generally ate well still didn’t get the nutrients their bodies needed every day, and that’s why she recommends taking a multivitamin. I remember taking chewable vitamins when I was a kid, but as an adult, I never thought I needed it. It wasn’t because I had any signs of deficiency, she said, but that it was better to be safe than sorry. I asked if it was possible to overdose on over-the-counter multivitamins, and she said that it was highly unlikely if I followed the recommended dosage. She said that most people’s bodies are able to tolerate and absorb the multivitamins without any problems. As I get older, she said, it’s all the more important to take care of myself. She’s right, of course. I shouldn’t neglect my health. I just wonder if I can find some of those chewable vitamins in the shape of my favorite cartoon characters. I may be an adult, but I don’t always have to act like one! Completed Action in the Past FORM [VERB+ed] or irregular verbs Examples: • • •

You called Debbie. Did you call Debbie? You did not call Debbie.

2. Worksheet

Story: One autumn evening, Charles and Beth went to the theater. They attended a play. The play started at 7:00. Charles and Beth enjoyed the theater. After the play, Charles and Beth walked to gather in the park. They walked beside the lake. The moon was bright. They talked about their future. When Charles and Beth went home, their children were not a sleep. They waited for Charles and Beth to return. They were exited to hear about the theater! Charles told the children about the play. Then, Beth put the children to bed. Charles and Beth were very tired. It was a good night. A.Rewrite the following sentences as negative sentences, yes/no questions, WH- questions (using the underlined word or phrase) and tag questions. Example for the sentence “Amanda washed the dishes.” Negative : Amanda did not wash the dishes. Yes/No Question : Did Amanda wash the dishes? WH-Question : Who washed the dishes? 1.The moon was bright Negative :............................................................ Yes/No Question :............................................................. WH-Question :..................................................................... 2. They talked about their future Negative :............................................................. Yes/No Question :.............................................................. WH-Question :.............................................................. 3. Charles told the children about the play Negative :.............................................................. Yes/No Question :............................................................... WH-Question :................................................................

B. Thisisacopyof theoriginalstory.Gooveritandfillintheblankswiththeright words from the boxbelow. Excited










One.............................evening, Charles and Beth went to the theater. They attended a play. The 7:00. Charles and Beth enjoyed the theater. After the play, Charles and Beth walked together in the...............................They ................beside the lake. The moon was bright. They talked.................their future. When Charles and Beth went home, their children were..........................asleep.They waited for Charles ....................................Beth to return. They hear about thetheater! Charles told the.........................about the play. Then, Beth put the children to bed. Charles and Beth......................Very tired. It was a good night !.


I. Material A.USE NUMBER TO GIVE DATES We write the date in English in different ways. The most common way in British English is to write the day of the month first, then the month (starting with a capital letter) and then the year: 20 January 1993 14 November 2005 We can also write the date in numbers only: 14 November 2005 20 January 1993 = 14–11–2005 or = 20/1/1993 14.11.05 Sometimes the last two letters of the number as spoken can be used (th, rd, st, nd): Today is the 7th September. The grand opening is on 1st June. or … on June 1st. With the exception of May and June, months can be shortened as follows: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec.

Dates in American English In written American English, the month of the date comes before the day and year. For example, Independence Day in the USA is on July 4th each year. In the year 2000 the date was 4/7/2000 in British English. In American English this is written 7/4/2000.

Speaking thedate We ask the date or about dates in several ways. We can add the and of when we reply: What date did they get married? A:What date is it? B:It’s the first of June. (1st June) A:What’s the date today? B:It’s June the first. (June 1st) A:What’s today’s date? B:Fifteenth of April. (15th April)

We talk about years like this: Before the year 2000 1492: fourteen ninety-two 1700: seventeen hundred 1801: eighteen hundred and one or eighteen oh /əʊ/ one 1908: nineteen oh eight

After the year 2000 2000: two thousand 2003: two thousand and three or twenty ohthree 2012: two thousand and twelve or twenty twelve TELLINGDATES WRITE


14 January 1990 14.1.90 1.14.90 (US)

January the fourteenth nineteen ninety (BritE) January the fourteenth nineteen ninety (BritE) January fourteenth nineteen ninety (AmE)

5 April 1982 9 December1600 5 November1804

April the fifth nineteen eighty two December the ninth sixteen hundred November the fifth eighteen hundred and four

Numbers: first, second,third Numbers such as first, second, third are ordinal numbers. We use them to put things in anorder. We most commonly use ordinal numbers as determiners. When we use ordinal numbers as determiners (before nouns), we commonly use other determiners such as articles (a/an, the) and possessives (my, your) in front ofthem: This was the fifth science exam that he had failed. It’s her twenty-first birthday and she’s spending it with friends in Malaysia. We use the ordinal numbers to refer to dates. We usually write them in abbreviated form and often in superscript (above the line). We usually say the and of when we speak, but we often omit them in writing: My birthday is 3rd January. (usually spoken as ‘the third of January’)

The museum was opened on 25th June 2008. What are you doing on the 2nd of May? Do you want to join us at the theatre?

We also use ordinal numbers as nouns: All three singers in the competition were excellent but I’m voting for the third. Ordinal numbers are also used as adverbs: A:He came tenth in the New York marathon. B:That’s fantastic! Did he really? First, let me introduce you to my brother Jack.





the first


the second



the third



the fourth



the fifth



the sixth



the seventh



the eighth



the ninth



the tenth



the eleventh



the twelfth



the thirteenth



the fourteenth



the fifteenth



the sixteenth



the seventeenth


It 1st


the eighteenth



the nineteenth



the twentieth



the twenty-first


Numbers: one, two,three Numbers such as one, five, eleven, two hundred are cardinal numbers. We most commonly use cardinal numbers as determiners (before nouns). When we use them in this way, we can use other determiners such as articles (a/an, the) and possessives (my, your) in front of them. We can use cardinal numbers + of before determiners (one of myfriends): She loves animals and has two dogs, three cats and one rabbit. My two best friends are Amy and Louise. Three of his colleagues were sacked yesterday. (sacked = lost their jobs)

We also use cardinal numbers as nouns: The children arrived in twos and threes.


b.Equation Usually, we say that one expression equals another, and the “=” symbol is fittingly called an equals sign. Though it is fairly common in English to say the word “equals,” it is also fine to use the singular “is.” For example, two plus three is five. Any mathematical statement involving an equals sign is called an equation. C.




G. Inequality



II. Worksheet A. Please Write the numbers below in words: 1.19 2.191 3. 1323 4. 1998 5. 20.123 B. Say in English 1. 23 + 45 =68 2. 100 – 25 = 75 3. 55 : 5 = 11 4. 15 X 50 = 750 5. 10.2>10 6. 15 – 7= 8 7. 23 + 11=34 8. 50 X 5=250 9. 1000:4=250 10. 24 – 13=11

MEETINGXIII MAKING SUGESTION AND RESPONSE TO SUGGESTION I.Materi You probably already know a few ways to make suggestions in English, using words such as could or should. But, on this Everyday Grammar program, we’ll talk about common phrases you can use for making friendly suggestions. We use many of these phrases in question form. How about…? Let’s start by talking a little more about the phrase How about. When you ask a question using How about, you are asking someone if they agree with what you are suggesting. There are two structures for using this phrase. The first is: How about + subject + simple verb form How about we go to Chez Philip? In this example, the subject is we, and the verb is go. The second structure for using How about is: How about + gerund How about going to Chez Philip? In this example, the subject is still we, although is not directly stated. Instead, the subject is implied. And, going is the gerund form of the verb go. You can also use How about + gerund to make a suggestion for an action that does not involve you. For example: How about starting a group for English learners? What about…? The phrase What about is very similar to How about. You can replace the phrasing How about + gerund with What about + gerund to express the same meaning. For example: What about going to Chez Philip? However, What about + gerund is less common in American English than in other types of English. Something that English learners will notice is that native English speakers often leave out both the subject and verb when we use What about and How about to make suggestions. Listen: How about Chez Philip? What about Chez Philip? Why don’t..? Why don’t is very similar to How about and What about. The difference here is that we ask the question using the negative don’t. The structure is: Why don’t + subject + simple verb form Why don’t we go to Chez Philip?

Why not..? Why not also uses the negative not. But this phrase is a little different from the other phrases. It is usually used to make more general suggestions. Advertisers often use Why not for selling products or services. The structure is Why not + simple verb form Why not treat yourself to a Caribbean holiday? In this example, the subject is you, but it is not directly stated. And, the verb is treat. Shall…? Using Shall is another way to make a suggestion. However, it sounds a lot more formal and is more common in British English than American English. The structure is: shall + subject + simple verb form For example: Shall we go to Chez Philip? One thing to note when using Shall to make suggestions: it is only used with the subjects I and we. We would not say, Shall you to offer an idea. Let’s… Sometimes, suggestions are expressed in statements instead of questions, such as with the phrase Let’s. Let’s is a contraction for the words let us. It is used to tell someone what you want to do with them. The structure is Let’s + simple verb form Let’s go to Chez Philip! In this sentence, the subject is us. So, how do you respond to friendly suggestions? You can either accept or decline. Accepting A few phrases for accepting a suggestion are: That’s a good/great idea! That sounds good/great. Perfect! Thanks! I’d love to. Declining A few phrases for declining a suggestion include: I’d prefer… That’s a good idea but… I’m not sure. When you decline a suggestion, you may want to then politely suggest something else. For example: I’m not sure. Chez Philip is not my favorite. How about Fearless Farmers?

II.Worksheet a.What suggestions would you make if a friend said to you:     

Why don't you/we go to the cinema tonight? You/we could visit New York while you're/we're there. Let's go to the travel agent's this afternoon to book our ticket. What about asking your brother for help? How about going to Hawaii for your vacation?

b. In this exercise, two friends are trying to decide what to do for the weekend. By making suggestions, Jean and Chris make a decision that they're both happy with. See if you can identify where the suggestion is. Jean: Hi Chris, would you like to do something with me this weekend? Chris: Sure. What shall we do? Jean: I don't know. Do you have any ideas? Chris: Why don't we see a film? Jean: That's sounds good to me. Which film shall we see? Chris: Let's see "Action Man 4." Jean: I'd rather not. I don't like violent films. How about going to "Mad Doctor Brown?" I hear it's quite a funny film. Chris: OK. Let's go see that. When is it on? Jean: It's on at 8 p.m. at the Rex. Shall we have a bite to eat before the film? Chris: Sure, that sounds great. What about going to that new Italian restaurant Michetti's? Jean: Great idea! Let's meet there at 6. Chris: OK. I'll see you at Michetti's at 6. Bye. Jean: Bye. Chris: See you later!

MEETING XIV READING I. Materi Water, Air and Soil Contamination Pollution is an environmental concern for people throughout the world. One university study suggests that pollutants in the water, air, and soil cause up to 40% of the premature deaths in the world's population. The majority of these deaths occur indeveloping countries. Water in many developing countries iscontaminated with toxic chemicals, also known as toxins. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1.1 billion people have little or no access to clean water. In many of these regions the water that is used for drinking, cooking, and washing is the same water that is used for dumping sewage and hazardous waste. Most developing countries cannot afford water treatment facilities. Approximately 80% of infectious diseases in the world are caused by contaminated water. Air pollution is a growing problem throughout the world. Indoor air pollution is one of the leading causes of lung cancer. Families in developing countries use open stoves for cooking and heating their homes. These homes do not have proper ventilation. The smoke, which is full of chemicals and carcinogens, gets trapped inside where families eat and sleep. Outdoor pollution also causes disease and illness, especially in industrial cities such as Beijing, China, where cancer is the leading cause of death. China relies heavily on coal, which is considered the dirtiest source of energy. According to the European Union, only 1% of urban dwellers in China breathe clean air on an average day. Neighbouring countries including Japan and Korea receive much of China's pollution in the form of acid rain. This pollution results mainly from the coal powered factories, which produce inexpensive goods for North American and European consumers. Outdoor air pollution is also a concern in many wealthy countries. Those who live and work in urban centres such as Los Angeles or Toronto experience many warm days beneath a layer of smog. Soil pollution is also a major concern, both in industrial and developing countries. Pollutants such as metals and pesticides seep into the earth's soil and contaminate the food supply. Soil pollution causes major health risks to entire ecosystems. This type of pollution reduces the amount of land suitable for agricultural production and contributes to global food shortages. Dumping of industrial and domestic waste products produces much of the world's soil pollution, though natural disasters can also add to the problem. In wealthy countries such as the US, protection agencies monitor the food supply. The public is generally warned before major disease outbreaks occur. Developing countries do not have this luxury. Farmers in poor nations grow food in contaminated soil both to earn a living and to avoid starvation. As more people move to urban centres, premature deaths caused by pollution are expected to increase worldwide. Today, the developed nations who achieved their wealth at the expense of the environment will be held accountable for protecting the earth's resources for future generations.




acid rain noun

rain that contains harmful chemicals that collect in the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned


a substance that has been linked to causing one or more types of cancer


has come in contact with organisms or substances that cause disease

developing country noun

a nation that is working towards becoming more economically and socially advanced

domestic waste noun

garbage that is produced by people in a household

dumping verb

placing waste in an area that is not appropriate ( eg. dumping chemicals in oceans)

hazardous waste noun

a form of garbage that is harmful to health of plants, animals or humans and requires careful disposal (eg. batteries or paint)

industrial adj.

related to industry and the production of fuel, power and materials used to manufacture goods, esp. in factories

pesticides noun

chemicals that are sprayed on crops to prevent insects from destroying them



pollutant noun

a substance or material that damages the natural environment

pollution noun

the contamination of the environment, esp. by industrial waste products and chemicals like pesticides

premature adj.

happening before the expected or normal time

priority noun

something that's of most concern or the greatest importance

sewage noun

human waste from toilets

smog noun

air pollution caused by a reaction between chemicals in the atmosphere and sunlight

toxic chemicals (toxins) noun

poisonous substances that can cause disease


the replacement of unclean air with fresh air

II. Worksheet A. Choose the best answer 1. A university study suggests that up to 40% of the world's premature deaths are caused by A. developing countries B. disease outbreaks C. pollutants 2. In many developing countries people use sewage. A. Water B. air C. facilities

contaminated by hazardous waste and

3. regions are often contaminated with air pollution. A. Chemical B. Carcinogenic C. Industrial 4. What do open windows and fans that extract smoke provide? A.Contamination B. ventilation C. indoor pollution 5. The article implies that most of China's air pollution is caused by A. Japan and Korea B. burning coal C. acid rain 6. According to the article, where is cancer the leading cause of death? A. Beijing B. Los Angeles C. the European Union 7. Which is NOT mentioned as a source of soil pollution? A. hazardous wastes B. use of pesticides C. smoke from factories 8. Soil pollution is a major concern in A. industrial B. developing C. industrial and developing


9. Industrial metals and pesticides seep into the earth's soil and contaminate our A. food supply B. food shortages C. disease outbreaks 10. Premature deaths caused by pollution are expected to increase as more people move to A. developed nations B. urban centers C. country towns B.Please write six (6)sentences the effect of water, oil and air pollution using own word for our life.

MEETING XV GIVING INSTRUCTION, EXPLAINING INTERVENTION, and EXPLAINING MEDICATION (Related interest area) II. Materi A. Giving instructions and expressions during the implementation.

It’s time to practice breastfeeding your baby. I willassist you breastfeed your baby. Give you instructions how to breastfeed your baby. Give you an example how to breastfeed your baby. This will take time Follow / listen to my instructions Let me help you wear your……shoes Do you feel ……dizzy? B. Starting an intervention I need to take your temperature to weight you to count your pulse to measure your height

C. Asking a measurement What is my

temperature? Blood pressure? Pulse? Height?

How much do I weight? It is normal?

D. Telling a measurement

It‟s 37 0 C Your temperature is higher than normal Your Weight 67 kilograms You are 156 cm height It is 130 over 80 mmHg (telling blood pressure) Pulse seventy-eight beat per minute Respiration 60 per minute

E. Explaining Medication Useful Expression  Oral Medication Please, take tablet a day/ three times a day To reduce.......your temperature To relieve your pain Here are some tablets / pills ( which) you have to take every....eight hours. Have you taken the medicine ?

F. Giving Caution Take these antibiotics all up You must call the midwife if there is adverse reaction Don‟t take this more thanthree times / 24 hours Don‟t use it if it makesa skin rash

Patient’s expression related to medication

How should I take this ....... What is the use of this(tablet, medicine )? (menanyakan fungsi obat) How much do I have to take(tablets)? (Tanya dosis obat)

II.Worksheet a. Do communicate with your friends to giving instruction, explanation, and medication b. Please write three (3) sentences to giving instruction, explanation, and medication
