Narrative Text (Princess Merida)  [PDF]

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Princes Merida (Brave) King Fergus and Queen Elinor ruled the kingdom of DunBroch in Scotland. They had three sons and one daughter, the beautiful Princess Merida. All four children were mischievous! Queen Elinor tried to teach Merida how to behave like a perfect princess. But Merida liked to slip away from the palace to practice with her bow and arrow. She was a skilled archer. One night, the queen announced that three clans were coming to visit. Each would present a suitor to compete for Merida’s hand in marriage. Merida was horrified. “I won’t go through with it!” she shouted. To Merida’s dismay, the suitors arrived as planned. Merida sat waiting on her throne for the archery contest to begin. She knew she could handle a bow and arrow far better than the suitors could! Once the suitors had taken their shots, Merida marched onto the field. The queen yelled for her to stop, but Merida didn’t listen. She fired her arrows and hit each target dead center. She had won! Now she wouldn’t have to marry anyone! Queen Elinor was furious at Merida for ruining the contest. She warned that things needed to be set right. “Merriage is what YOU want!” Merida shouted. Then she slashed the tapestry that depicted her family and ran away. Merida fled deep into the woods where mysterious blue will o’ the wisps led her to a cottage. Inside, she found a witch. Merida begged her to change her mother. The Witch gave Merida a speel cake. Back at the castle, Merida presented the cake to her mother. She watched closely as Elinor took a bite. At first, nothing happened. But then, Elinor began to feel sick. Merida helped Elinor into bed. The next thing Merida knew, a huge, furry shape was rising from the sheets! The Witch’s cake had turned Elinor into a bear! Worried her mother was in danger, Merida sneaked her out the castle. Merida and Elinor-Bear first went to the Witch’s cottage and only found a message : “Fate be changed, look inside, mend the bond torn by pride. ”Merida would need time to figure out its meaning, but for now, she needed to teach her mother to fish! Merida realized that to mend the bond and break the spell, she must repair the tapestry she had torn. After sneaking into the castle, Merida and her mother were discovered by King Fergus. The king drew his sword. “It’s not what you think!” Merida cried. The king wouldn’t listen. He slashed at the bear, who struck back, knocking him to the ground. The noise drew the visiting lords and their sons. Terrified, Elinor-Bear raced from the castle. Merida grabbed and needle and thread and the tapestry then jumped on her house. She took her little brothers, too. They had eaten the spell cake and turned into bear cubs! Merida sewed as they all raced to save their mother. When Merida arrived, she wrapped the mended tapestry over her mother. “I want you back, Mum,” Merida cried. “I love you”. King Fergus was shocked to realize the bear was his beloved wife. Merida felt a hand brush her hair. The spell had been broken! Elinor was human once again. The triplets were no longer bears. The queen smiled at Merida. From then on, Merida could be a princess AND be herself.

Terjemahan Narrative Text Princess Merida Raja Fergus dan Ratu Elinor memerintah kerajaan DunBroch yang ada di Skotlandia . Mereka memiliki 3 anak laki-laki dan 1 perempuan yaitu Putri Merida. Semua keempat anak-anak raja tersebut berprilaku tidak seperti putra putri raja. Ratu Elinor mencoba mengajarkan Merida bagaimana bertingkahlaku seperti sorang putri yang baik. Tapi Merida lebih suka pergi keluar istana untuk berlatih memanah. Dia memang adalah seorang pemanah yang handal. Suatu malam, Ratu Elinor menyampaiakan bahwa akan ada 3 keluarga bangsawan yang akan datang berkunjung. Mereka masing-masing akan membawah pemanah andalannya untuk melamar Putri Merida. Ia merasa tidak senang akan cara melamar tersebut dan tidak akan membiarkan itu terjadi untuknya. Para pelamarpun tiba seperti yang direncanakan . Putri Merida duduk di singgasananya menunggu acara sayembara memanah itu. Putri Merida tahu bahwa ia mampu memanah lebih baik dari pada mereka. Setelah para pelamar itu telah menunjukkan kebolehananya dalam memanah, Putri Merida pun maju ke lapangan tempat memanah. Ratu Elinor berteriak menghentikannya, tapi Putri Merida tidak memghiraukannya. Dia melesatkan anak panahnya dan mengenai sasarannya dengan tepat. Putri Merida menang dan dia tidak akan menikah dengan siapapun. Ratu Elinor marah kepada Merida karena telah merusak kontes tersebut. Dia memperingatkan bahwa hal-hal yang perlu diatur tepat. “Pernikahan adalah apa yang Anda inginkan!” Merida terteriak. Lalu ia memangkas permadani yang menggambarkan keluarganya dan lari. Merida melarikan diri jauh ke dalam hutan dimana misterius biru kehendak o’ gumpalan membawanya ke sebuah pondok. Di dalam, ia bertemu seorang penyihir. Merida memintanya untuk mengubah ibunya. Penyihir memberikan Merida kue mantra. Kembalinya di istana, Merida menyajikan kue untuk ibunya. Dia mengawasi dengan ketat sampai Elinor menggigitnya. Pada awalnya, tidak ada yang terjadi. Tapi kemudian, Elinor mulai merasa sakit. Merida membantu Elinor sampai ke tempat tidur. Hal berikutnya Merida tahu, besar, bentuk berbulu itu naik dari lembaran! Kue penyihir telah mengubah Elinor menjadi beruang! Khawatir ibunya dalam bahaya, Merida menyelinap keluar istana. Merida dan Elinor-Bear pertama kali pergi ke pondok penyihir dan hanya menemukan pesan: ". Nasib berubah, melihat ke dalam, memperbaiki ikatan robek oleh kebanggaan" Merida akan perlu waktu untuk mencari tahu artinya, tapi untuk saat ini, dia harus mengajari ibunya untuk makan ikan! Merida menyadari bahwa untuk memperbaiki ikatan dan memecahkan mantra, ia harus memperbaiki permadani ia robek. Setelah menyelinap ke dalam benteng, Merida dan ibunya ditemukan oleh Raja Fergus. Raja menghunus pedangnya. "Ini bukan apa yang Anda pikirkan!" Merida menangis. Raja tidak mau mendengarkan. Dia memangkas di beruang, yang memukul kembali, menjatuhkannya ke tanah.

Kebisingan menarik tuan mengunjungi dan anak-anak mereka. Ketakutan, Elinor-Bear berlari dari kastil. Merida meraih jarum dan benang dan permadani kemudian melompat di atas kuda. Dia mengambil saudara kecilnya, juga. Mereka makan kue mantra dan berubah menjadi anak beruang! Merida menjahit karena mereka semua berlari untuk menyelamatkan ibu mereka. Ketika Merida tiba, ia membungkus permadani yang diperbaiki ke tubuh ibunya. "Aku ingin kau kembali, Mum," teriak Merida. "Aku cinta kamu." Raja Fergus terkejut menyadari beruang itu istri tercinta. Merida merasa tangan menyisir rambutnya. mantra telah rusak! Elinor adalah manusia sekali lagi. Kembar tiga tidak ada beruang lagi. Ratu tersenyum Merida. Sejak saat itu, Merida bisa menjadi putri DAN menjadi dirinya sendiri.

Generic Structure Contoh Narrative Text Princess Merida Orientation: The introduction of the characters and the time information or place mentiond in the first paragraph. (King Fergus and Queen Elinor ruled the kingdom of DunBroch in Scotland. They had three sons and one daughter, the beautiful Princess Merida. All four children were mischievous! Queen Elinor tried to teach Merida how to behave like a perfect princess.)

Complication : in narrative text, conflict can be more than one. * Complication 1 : The first contention is mentioned in the thrid paragraph, where Queen Elinor angry at Merida for devastating archery contest. Merida fled deep into the woods and meet a witch then ask for help to change her mother. (Queen Elinor was furious at Merida for ruining the contest. She warned that things needed to be set right. “Merriage is what YOU want!” Merida shouted. Then she slashed the tapestry that depicted her family and ran away. Merida fled deep into the woods where mysterious blue will o’ the wisps led her to a cottage. Inside, she found a witch. Merida begged her to change her mother. The Witch gave Merida a speel cake.) * Complication 2 : In the fifth paragraph, King Fergus know that there is a bear in the palace. Without listening to Merida, King Fergus immediately took a sword and struck the bear to the ground. (Merida and her mother were discovered by King Fergus. The king drew his sword. “It’s not what you think!” Merida cried. The king wouldn’t listen. He slashed at the bear, who struck back, knocking him to the ground.)

Resolution: Problem solving, where Princess Merida able to overcome the problem and managed to break the curse of her mother. (When Merida arrived, she wrapped the mended tapestry over her mother. “I want you back, Mum,” Merida cried. “I love you”. King Fergus was shocked to realize the bear was his beloved wife. Merida felt a hand brush her hair. The spell had been broken! Elinor was human once again. The triplets were no longer bears. The queen smiled at Merida. From then on, Merida could be a princess AND be herself.)

Conclussion : From then on, Merida could be a princess AND be herself. Moral Message : Take care of family ties, not to drop out just because of sheer selfishness.


: 7 February 2017


: 14.00 – 14.50 WITA



Presentation Materials : Narrative Text (Princess Merida / Brave) Moderator

: Nurhikma Rasika Athaya