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PART OF SPEECH A. Noun Yang termasuk Noun : Name: baik nama orang, kota, Negara,makanan, dll. Eg: Cindy, Kediri, Indonesia, Empekempek. Place/ building : office. Hospital, garden, stadium… Job/profession : totor, nurse, lecturer, sailor…. Segala sesuatu yang ada di alam semesta baik yang berwujud maupun tak berwujud: sun, planet, water, air… Animal : Rhinoceros, cat, butterfly…. Plants: flower, fruit, mangosteen, banana,…. Hobby : Swimming, Reading, 

Bentuk Noun:  Noun Countable ialah noun yang bias dihitung. Countable terbagi menjadi singular/tunggal dan plural/jamak.


Singular Noun: kata benda tunggal e.g: book, pencil, etc 2. Plural Noun: kata benda jamak a. Regular Noun: 1. Penambahan “s” ketika sebelumnya huruf konsonan e.g: book ---- books 2. Penambahan “es” jika berakhiran huruf “s,x,z,ch,sh” e.g: class ---- classes , box ---- boxes 3. Penambahan “s/es” jika berakhiran huruf “o”, dan penambahan “s” jika berakhiran “oo,io,yo” dan kata benda tunggal yang berakhiran “o” yang didahului oleh huruf mati e.g: mosquito ---- mosquitoes/mosquitos , bamboo --- bamboos, radio --- radios embryo --- embryos 4. Dengan mengubah “y” menjadi ”ies” ketika didahului konsonan e.g: baby --- babies, lady --- ladies 5. Dengan menambah “s” pada huruf “y” yang didahului vokal e.g: boy --- boys, day --- days b. Irregular Noun: kata benda jamak yang mengalami banyak perubahan dari benda tunggalnya. e.g: tooth – teeth, man – men, woman – women, child – children, mouse – mice

c. Kata benda jamak tapi tidak mengalami perubahan e.g: fish – fish/fishes, deer – deer d. Beberapa nama ilmu pelajaran yang berakhiran “ics, s” tetap menggunakan Verb tunggal e.g: mathematics, economics, news, linguistics, politics, statistics e. Beberapa noun yang bentuknya selalu jamak (karena berpasangan) e.g: scissors, eyeglasses, pants  Noun Uncountable ialah noun yang tidakbisadihitung. Water, sand, sugar, salt, news, information, chocolate, air, money…..

 

Suffix: akhiran yang menandakan bahwa sebuah kata berekelas kata Noun :

Marriage, Connection Information Childhood, Scholarship, Capitalism, Biology, Happiness, Announcement, Provisi

Fungsi Noun: Sebagai subject, object of preposition, object of verb, complement. e.g: I buy candy for you (Object of prepo) B. Pronoun Kata yang digunakanuntukmenggantikan kata benda.  Jenis Pronoun a. Personal Pronoun SUBJECT









Your .....






Our .....






Their .....



Dia (Lk)



His .....



Dia (Pr)



Her .....







Benda/hewan It

b. Demonstrative Pronoun Dekat Jauh Singular This That Plural These Those e.g: This is my friend. c. Reciprocal Pronoun Each other: saling melakukan (2 orang) One another: saling melakukan (lebih dari 2 orang) e.g: Andi and Shinta love each other. The students throw one another. d. Indefinite Pronoun (kata yang menggantikan benda yang belum jelas) Somebody Anything Everybody Nobody Someone Anyone Everyone No one Something Anything Everything Nothing Note: semua indefinite pronoun menggunakan Vsingular. e.g: Someone takes Ani’s book. e.Pronoun lainnya Adjective Pronoun Another Another + Singular Noun Another Unspecific Other Other + Plural Noun Others Unspecific The other The other + Singular Noun The other Specific The other The other + Plural Noun The others Specific e.g: I have many friends. Other friends are from Japan. Another is from Malaysia. I have 3 cats. Two cats are brown. The other is black. C. Verb  Berdasarkan bentuknya Verb dibagi : 1. To infinitive 2. Present (V1) a. Bare infinitive (murni tanpa tambahan apapun -- sleep, do) b. Additional infinitive (ditambah “s/es” – sleeps, does) 3. Past (V2) (bisanya digunakan untuk Past Tenses – slept, did) 4. Participle a. Present Participle (Ving) (untuk continuous – sleeping, doing) b. Past Participle (V3) (untuk perfect tense/passive --- slept, done)  Berdasarkan perubahannya Verb dibagi 2: 1. Regular Verb (kata kerja beraturan) Call (V1) --- Called (V2) --- Called (V3) 2. Irregular Verb (kata kerja tak beraturan) Drink (V1) --- Drank (V2) --- Drunk (V3)

Berdasarkan Fungsinya Verb dibagi 2: 1. Ordinary Verb (VORD) Verb/kata kerja yang difungsikan sebagai kata kerja utama dalam suatu kalimat. Adapun kata kerja yang bisa difungsikan sebagai kata kerja utama adalah: V1 V2 VS/ES BE + VING BE + V3 HAVE + V3 MODAL +V1 DO + V1 2. Auxiliary Verb (Vaux) Verb atau kata kerja yang difunsikan sebagai kata kerja bantu. Adapun kata kerja yang bisa difungsikan sebagai kata kerja bantu diantaranya: -Be: is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being -Do: do, does, did -Have: have, has, had e.g: She did (Vaux) not (adv) come (Vord) to my party. -Modal No.



1. 2. 3.

Can Must Would

Dapat/bisa harus Dulu terbiasa

4. 5.

Dare berani Can/could Bisakah/bisa Will/shall/would Akankah/maukah/ akan May Bolehkah/boleh 6. Should/ought Seharusnya / to/ sebaiknya Had better 7. Would rather Lebih suka 8. Need Perlu Note: modal diikuti Vbare infinitive. e.g: I will go to Surabaya.

SEOM (Similiar Expressionof Modal) (be) able to + V1 (have) to , (be) to + V1 Used to + V1, (be) used to + Ving, (be) accustomed to + Ving (be) allowed to + V1 (be) supposed to + V1 -

Berdasarkan objectnya Verb dibagi 2: a. Transitive Verb (Vt) (verb yang butuh object) 1. Monotransitive Verb (MV, butuh 1 object) e.g: I buy many books. 2. Ditransitive Verb (DV, butuh 2 object) Direct object (DO)= object langsung Indirect Object (IO)= object tak langsung Rumus: S + V + IO + DO atau S + V+ DO + TO/FOR + IO e.g: I give many books (DO)to you (IO) I give you (IO) many books (DO) b. Intransitive Verb (Vi) (verb yang tidak butuh object) 1. Complete Verb (kata kerja yang tidak butuh pelengkap subject)/Non linking verb e.g: I swim. 2. Incomplete Verb (kata kerja yang butuh pelengkap subject, biasa disebut Linking Verb (LV)) e.g: I feel (....) Certain Verb LV: I. CS --- Adjective / Adjective Phrase (AP) Appear: nampak sound: terdengar stay/keep: tetap Feel: merasa smell: baunya Fall: - (She falls asleep) think: berpikir Taste: terasa/rasanya go/get/grow: menjadi e.g: This food tastes delicious. II. CS --- Noun/Noun Phrase/Adj/Adj Phrase Become/turn: menjadi remain: tetap Prove: terbukti seem/look: nampak e.g: she looks happy. III. weigh: beratnya e.g: She weighs 50 kg. IV. CS --- Adj/ Adj Phrase/ Noun/Noun Phrase/ Adverb (be): e.g: He is a doctor. * Suffix Active (adj) + ate = activate (verb) D. Adjective 1. Descriptive Adjective a. Quality/Character: kind, polite, good, etc b.Size: big, large, small, etc c. Age: young, new, old, ancient, etc d.Temperature: hot, cold, warm, etc


3. 4.


e. Participle (Ving: boring, interesting – V3: bored, etc) f. Shape: circular, triangular, etc g. Color: pink, black, etc h.Nationality: Indonesian, Spanish, etc i. Material: wooden, sand, steel, stone, etc Limiting Adjective a. Exclamatory Adj (menyatakan luapan emosional) What (Adj) a smart girl! b. Article a = untuk singular noun yg berawalan huruf konsonan dan berlaku juga untuk yg berawalan konsonan dalam pengucapan. e.g: a book, a university an = untuk singular noun yg berawalan huruf vokal dan berlaku juga untuk yg berawalan vokal dalam pengucapan. e.g: an hour, an apple the = - Digunakan untuk kata benda yang sudah disebutkan di kalimat sebelumnya. e.g: I have a cat. The cat is brown. - Digunakan untuk kata benda yang sudah diketahui secara bersama. e.g: The girl is smart. - Digunakan untuk kata benda yang hanya ada satu dan unik di semesta. e.g: The Saturnus, The earth, The stars, The moon Demonstrative Adjective (This, these, that, those) This (adj) book is mine. Possessive Adjective - From pronoun: my, your,etc - From noun: Eric’s (adj) house Indefinite Quantity (jumlah yang belum jelas)

Indefinite Countable Uncountable quantity Noun Noun Some √ √ Any √ √ A lot of √ √ Many √ Much √ Few / a few √ Several √ A number of √ A great amount √ of 6. Penggunaan The Number of dan A number of

Example Some water, some books Any milk, any pens A lot of books, a lot of rice Many pens Much water A few tomatoes Several people A number of students A great amount of water

Rumus: The number of + Plural Noun + Verb singular A number of + Plural Noun + Verb plural e.g: The number of students increases in 2018. 7. Numeral a. Ordinal (bilangan bertingkat): First, second, etc b. Cardinal (bilangan biasa): zero, one, two, etc c. Multiple (kelipatan): single, double, triple, etc d. Fraction (pecahan): 2/3 (two-third)  Suffix 


Sunny (noun+y)










Friendly (noun+ly)




E. Adverb  Fungsinya: 1. Mendeskripsikan Verb e.g: I completely agree with you. 2. Mendeskripsikan Adjective e.g: The room is so clean. 3. Mendeskripsikan Adverb lainnya e.g: She speaks so fast. 4. Menjelaskan kalimat e.g: Finally, I arrive at home.  Posisi: 1. Initial : Yesterday, I was in Medan 2. Middle: I completely agree with you. 3. Final: I was in Medan yesterday.  Macam Adverb: 1. Adverb of time Now, yesterday, today, lastnight, after, before, etc

e.g: Tomorrow, I will study hard. 2. Adverb of Manner Fast, slowly, beautifully, quickly, hard, well, etc e.g: She walks slowly. 3. Adverb of Frequency Always, often, rarely, sometimes, usually, every day, etc e.g: she usually read 3 novels a week.

4. Adverb of Place&Direction In the market, anywhere, there, inside, somewhere, etc e.g: she is buying this novel in the book store. 5. Adverb of Degree Quite, enough, only, almost, very, too, so, really, extremely, etc e.g: I have enough money Suffix: e.g: beautiful (Adj) + ly = beautifully (adv)

F. Conjunction  Jenis conjunction  Compound conjunction (jenis conjunction yang menghubungkan kata, frase, klausa atau kalimat secara struktural) a. Coordinative conjunction FANBOYS, dengan syarat conj-nya tidak boleh diletakkan di depan. Note: beda “for” dan “because” yakni “for” tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan “why” e.g: 1. Budi and Shinta go to America. 2. She nor he likes banana. 3. She or he likes banana. 4. Mira was sick, but she attended to school. 5. Maya is kind, yet she steals my money. 6. I have studied hard, so I get my best score on IELTS. b. Correlative conjunction Both___and___ (keduanya__dan__) 2 hal tercapai Not only__but also__ (tidak hanya__tetapi juga__) 2 hal tercapai Neither__nor__ (baik__maupun__tidak) 2 hal tidak tercapai Either__or__ (jika bukan__berarti__) 1 hal tercapai Rumus Verb: Both_S1_and_S2_ + Plural Verb Not only_S1_but also_S2_ + Verb tergantung S2 Neither_S1_nor_S2_ + Verb tergantung S2

Either_S1_or_S2_ + Verb tergantung S2 Contoh kalimat: 1. Both Mira and Joni go to Surabaya. Mira both is writing message and (is) looking message. Mira studies English both at TN and (at) Dafodil. Mira buys both oranges and mangoes. 2. Not only my father but also my mother calls me. My mother not only prepares these rice but also cooks them. My mother brings not only oranges but also mangoes. My sister studies English not only at TN but also (at) Dafodil. 2. subordinate Conjunction ( conjunction yang mengawaali rangkaian clause) 1. Adjective Clausa: who, whom, whose, which, that, where, when, why 2. Noun Clausa: whom, whomever, who, whoever, which, whichever, how, that, etc. 3. Adverbial Clausa: because, so that, while, when, as long as, since, etc. G. Preposition  Berdasarkan jumlah kata dibagi 2: 1. Simple Preposition (about, in, on, at, across, inside, like, etc) Perbedaan in/on/at pada waktu: - Sisil was born in 1994. - Sisil was bornon July 15th. - Sisil was born at 9 a.m. Artinya, In digunakan untuk menjelaskan waktu yang general misal abad, bulan, etc. On digunakan untuk waktu spesifik, misal tanggal, hari, etc. At digunakan untuk waktu yang lebih spesifik misal, jam. Perbedaan in/on/at pada tempat: - Sisil lives in Pare. - Sisil lives on Brawijaya street. - Sisil lives at 25th Brawijaya street Artinya, In digunakan untuk menjelaskan tempat yang general misal benua, negara, provinsi, etc. On digunakan untuk tempat spesifik, misal sungai, pantai, pulau, etc. At digunakan untuk tempat yang lebih spesifik misal, alamat lengkap.  Berdasarkan keterikatan dibagi 2: 1. Free preposition (preposisi yang tidak terikat dengan kata lainnya) - (behind, beside, by(dekat), between, etc) She stands by me. 2. Bound preposition (preposisi yang terikat dengan kata lainnya) a. Verb + preposition Believe in (percaya pada): I believe in you. Look for (mencari): I am looking for my pencil.

b. Noun + preposition Difference between (perbedaan antara): There are some differences between living in city and village. Relationship with (hubungan dengan): my father has a good relationship with Nino’s father. c. Adjective + preposition Similar to (sama/mirip dg): Your hat is similar to mine. Fond of / keen on (suka): He is very fond of her. H. Exclamation Interjection merupakan kata seru yang ada didalam kalimat yang menyatakan emosional (senang, sedih, marah, dll)  Macam-macam interjection: 1. Word Hurray! ; Wow! 2. Phrase - Noun: Poor thing! - Exclamatory adjective: What a shame! - Exclamatory adverb: How fast! 3. Sentence - Imperative: Hear! - Exclamation: how beautiful the girl is! PHRASE Phrase adalah sekelompok kata yang tidak mengandung S + V tetapi memiliki makna yang jelas dan terdiri dari Head (kepala/inti) dan Modifier (penjelas). Phare dibagi menjadi: 1. Adjective phrase Sekelompok kata dimana Head-nya = adjective dan Modifier-nya = adverb of degree e.g: so (adv of degree) beautiful (adj), beautiful (adj) enough (adv) Note: khusus “enough” diletakkan di belakang adj. 2. Adverbial phrase Sekelompok kata dimana Head-nya = adverb dan Modifier-nya = adverb of degree e.g: very (adv of degree) beautifully (adv), seriously (adv) enough (adv of degree) Note: khusus “enough” diletakkan di belakang adv. 3. Prepositional phrase Sekelompok kata yang Head-nya = preposition dan Modifier-nya = object of preposition (noun, noun phrase, pronoun, gerund, noun clausa). Fungsi PP: 1. Sebagai Adverb (menjelaskan verb, adv, dan adj) e.g: The dogrunsto its master. S V PP sbg adv




2. Sebagai adjective (menjelaskan noun) e.g: The sandwichon the cornerisdelicious. S PP sbg adj V CS To infinitive phrase Sekelompok kata yang Head-nya = To inf dan Modifier-nya = noun, noun phrase, pronoun e.g: To bring a cup of tea Gerund phrase Sekelompok kata yang Head-nya = gerund dan Modifier-nya = object of gerund/adv e.g: studying (gerund) math (noun), studying (gerund)hard (adv) Noun phrase Sekelompok kata yang Head-nya = noun dan Modifier-nya = adj, noun, noun phrase, adj phrase dan determiner. Determiner a. b. c. d.

Article: a, an, the Possessive: my, your, Erik’s Demonstrative: this, these, that, those Quantifier: some, much, many,etc e.g: beberapa bukuku = some books of mine (BENAR) / my some books (SALAH) SUSUNAN NOUN PHRASE ARTICLE + NOUN ==== NOUN PHRASE -The Telephone -An Architecht -A Discovery NOUN + NOUN === NOUN PHRASE -Education Development ADVERB + ADJECTIVE + NOUN ==== NOUN PHRASE -Really Dark Room AJECTIVE + NOUN + NOUN ==== NOUN PHRASE -Famous Book Store ADJECTIVE + NOUN === NOUN PHRASE Nice story ADJECTIVE + ADJECTIVE + NOUN === NOUN PHRASE -Big High Skyscrapers

-Sandy Black Soil ARTICLE + ADVERB + ADJECTIVE + NOUN ==== NOUN PHRASE -An extremely powerful photo -The perfectly different topic DETERMINER(ARTICLE,QUANTIFIER, POSESSIVE ADJECTIVE, DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN) + NOUN ==== NOUN PHRASE QUANTIFIER + NOUN -Some People -Many Students POSESSIVE ADJECTIVE + NOUN ==== NOUN PHRASE -Its Feathers DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN + NOUN ==== NOUN PHRASE -That Person (SINGULAR) -This Journal (SINGULAR) -These Novels (PLURAL) -Those Trees (PLURAL) DETERMINER + ADJECTIVE + NOUN + PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE ==== NOUN PHRASE The interesting place in Indonesia TENSES TENSESIalahperubahanbentuk kata kerja yang menunjukanwaktuterjadisuatuperistiwa. Component : time : Present (v1-s/-es) Past(V2) Future --- Present future ( will/shall + v1) --- Past future ( would/should + v1) Event : Simple Continuous( be + Ving) Perfect(have/has + v3) Perfect continuous(have/has + been + Ving) Pola a. ACTIVE VOICEadalahkalimat yang subjek-nyamelakukanpekerjaan/perbuatan. Makna kata kerja“me-/ber-“

Time/ Event

Simple S. ( Ǿ )

Continuous C. (be+Ving)

Perfect Pf.

Perfect ContinousPf.C

(have/has + V3)

(have/has been + Ving)

+ S + have/has + V3 + S + V1 s/es

+ S + is/am/are + Ving

Present Pr.

− S + does not + V1

- S + is/am/are + not +


? does + S + V1 ?

Ving ? is/am/are +S + Ving?

- S + have/has not + V3 ? have/has + S + V3 ?

+S + have/has been + Vin -S + have/has+ not + been + Ving ? have/has been+ s + Ving

+ S + V2

Past Pt.

- S+ did not + V1


?did + S + V1 ? + S + will/shall + V1

Future F.

- S + will/shall +


not + V1 ?will/shall + S + V1 ? +S+ would/should +

Past future Ps. F

V1 - S+

(would/should +

would/should +


not+ V1 ? would/should + S + V1

+ S + was/were + Ving

+ S + had + V3

+ S + had been + Ving

- S + was/were+ not +

- S + had + not +

- S + had+ not + been



+ Ving

? was/were+ S + Ving

? had+ had + V3

? had been+ S + Ving

+ S + will/shall + be +

+ S + will/shall +

+ S + will/shall + have

Ving - S + will/shall + be +

have +V3 - S + will/shall +

Ving ? will/shall + S + be +

not + have +V3 ? will/shall+ S +

Ving + S + would/should + have + been +Ving - S + would/should + not + have + been +Ving ? would/should + S + have + been +Ving

have +V3 + S + would/should + have +V3 - S + would/should + not + have +V3 ? would/should + S + have +V3

+ been +Ving - S + will/shall+ not + have + been +Ving ? will/shall + S + have + been +Ving + S + would/should + have + been +Ving - S + would/should + not + have + been +Ving ? would/should + S + have + been +Ving

b. PASSIVE VOICE Adalah kalimat yang subjeknya difungsikan sebagai sasaran aktivitas verb. Ciri-ciri : be+V3 Makna kata kerja di- / terSyaratnya : verb yang digunakan harus berupa verb transitive. Cindy cooks the soup. Active Voice (cindymemasak sup).

Soup is cooked by Cindy. Passive Voice (Supdimasakoleh Cindy).

Event Time



(+) S + is/am/are + V3 (-)S + is/am/are + not + V3 (?) is/am/are + S+ V3 ?


(+) S + was/were + V3 (-) S + was/were + not + V3 (?) was/were + S + V3 ?

Continuous (+) S + is/am/are + being+ V3 (-)S + is/am/are + not +being + V3 (?) is/am/are + S + being +V3 ?

(+)S + was/were + being + V3 (-) S + was/were + not + being + V3 (?) was/were + s + being + V3? (+)S + will/shall + be + V3 (-)S + will/shall + not + be + V3 (?) will/shall + S + be + V3 ?



Perfect Continous

(+)S + have/has + been + V3 (-) S + have/has + not + been + V3 (?) have/has + S + been + V3 ?


(+)S + had + been + V3 (-)S + had + not been + V3 (?) had + s + been+ V3? (+)S + will/shall + have + been + V3 (-)S + will/shall + not +have + been + V3 (?)will/shall + S + have + been + V3?



2. Non Verbal Ialah kalimat yang verb ordinarynya berupa BE (is/am/are/was/were/been/being/be) dan hanya memerlukan Cs bukan object. Pola : + S + Be + CS (complement of subject) Adj,N,Adv Non verbal terbagi menjadi 3 : 1. Adjectival Sentence (kalimat non verbal yang Cs nyaberupa adjective) She is kind. 2. nominal sentence(kalimat non verbalnya yang CS nya berupa noun). She is my teacher.

3. adverbial sentence(kalimat non verbalnya yang CS nya berupa adverb). She is in the class.

Event Time



(+)S + is/am/are + CS (adj/n/adv) + CS (adj/n/adv)


(?) is/am/are + S + CS


(+) S + was/were + CS




be + CS

(adj/n/adv) (?) is/am/are + S

been + CS

+being + CS



(+) S + had + been +


not + have + been


+ CS (?) will/shall + s +

+ CS (adj/n/adv)?

(?) would/should + S +


(-) S + will/shall +

(?) will/shall + S + be

not + be + CS

being + CS

have + been + CS

(-) S + will/shall + not

(-) S + would/should +

+ been + CS

(+) S + will/shall +

+ CS (adj/n/adv)

be + CS

(-) S + is/am/are + not +


(+) S + will/shall + be

(+) S + would/should +


(?) had + s + been +


Past future


been + CS

(?)was/were + S + CS


being + CS

(-) S + had + not +

+ CS (adj/n/adv)

+ be + CS

been + CS


(-) S + was/were + not


(+) S + is/am/are +

(?) have/has + S +


Perfect Continous)

(+) S + have/has +

(-) S + have/has + not

(-) S + is/am/are + not Present


have + been + CS -

(+) S + would/should + have + been + CS (-) S + would/should + not + have +been + CS (?) would/should + s


+ have + been + CS

 Simple present Verbal (+) S + is/am/are + V3 (-) S + is/am/are + not + V3 (?) is/am/are + S + V3 ?

* Simple past Verbal (+) S + was/were + V3 (-) S + was/were + not + V3 (?) was/were + S + V3 ?

 Simple Future Verbal (+) S + will/shall + be + V3 (-) S + will/shall + not + be + V3 (?) will/shall + S + be + V3 ?

* Present Perfect Verbal (+) S + have/has + been + V3 (-) S + have/has + not + been + V3 (?)have/has + S + been + V3 ?

 Present ContinousVerbal (+) S + is/am/are +being + V3 (-) S + is/am/are + not +being + V3 (?) is/am/are + S + being +V3 ? Fungsi dan time signal 1. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE S.Pr Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang terjadi di masa sekarang, kebiasaan, kebenaran umum (general truth) dan hal-hal imiah. Time signal : today, every day, every week, often, usually, sometimes, always,etc… 2. SIMPLE PAST TENSE S.Ps Yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau aktivitas yang terjadi diwaktu lampau, serta kebiasaan diwaktu lampau. Time signal :last night, last week, yesterday, two days ago, in 1990 (in + tahun yang telah lampau), always, often, sometimes… 3. SIMPLE FUTURE S.F Yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang akan terjadi dimasa yang akan dating atau rencana/plan.

Time signal : tomorrow, next year, next week, the day after tomorrow, etc… 4. PRESENT PERFECT Pr.Pf Yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang sudah atau telah dilakukan diwaktu present. Time signal : just now/just ( barusaja ), already/ yet (sudah ), since, for.. 5. PRESENT CONTINOUS Pr.C Yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu sekarang, pada saat berbicara. Time signal : now, right now, at this moment, at present,