Noun Phrase [PDF]

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Noun phrase Pengertian Noun Phrase Noun Phrase adalah frasa antara noun, pronoun, atau number (berfungsi sebagai head) dan satu atau lebih modifier. Frasa ini digunakan ketika single noun tidak cukup spesifik untuk menunjuk suatu kata benda.

Contoh Kalimat Noun Phrase: Anda ingin mengatakan ke teman ada bahwa seseorang wanita yang ada dikerumunan orang-orang adalah saudara anda. Maka anda dapat mengatakan: The fair-skinned woman with a red T-shirt and black skirt is my sister.

Basic Noun Phrase Komponen basic noun phrase terdiri dari:  

determiner, yaitu: pre (multiplier, fraction, distributive, intensifier, exclamative), central (article, possessive, demonstrative), dan/atau post-determiner (number, quantifier). head, yaitu: noun atau numeral/number.

Contoh basic noun phrase: 

my bag

Keterangan: my = possessive, bag = head 

the next page

Keterangan: the = article, next = number, page = head

Complex Noun Phrase Komponen complex noun phrase terdiri dari:   

Pre-modifiers, merupakan modifiers yang ditempatkan sebelum head, yaitu: determiner, adjective (phrase), participle dan kata benda lain. Head, yaitu: noun, pronoun, atau number, dan/atau Post-Modifiers, merupakan modifier yang ditempatkan setelah head, yaitu: prepositional phrase, participle, infinitive, relative clause dan complementation.

Contoh complex noun phrase: 

a love letter put on my bag

Keterangan: a = determiner, love = kata benda lain, letter = head, put = past participle, on my bag = prepositional phrase 

The rich in the world who care with the poor.

Keterangan: the = determiner, rich= adjective, in the world = prepositional phrase, who cares with the poor = relative clause

Pengertian, Rumus, Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense Pengertian Simple Present Tense Simple present tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini. Bentuk kata kerja ini paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Penjelasan dan Rumus Simple Present Tense Simple present tense dibentuk dari verb-1 (present tense) atau linking verb “be” (is, am, are). Apa itu verb-1? Verb-1 merupakan bare infinitive dengan tambahan -s atau -es (contoh verb-1: does, goes, wants) khusus untuk subject berupa singular noun (kata benda tunggal: Tita, book, car) atau third person singular pronoun (kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal: she, he, it); atau tanpa tambahan apapun (contoh verb-1: do, go, want) untuk subject berupa plural noun (boys, men, books) atau plural pronoun (we, they), pronoun I/you, atau compound subject (you and me, Tina and Ratih). Berikut rumus simple present tense untuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif. Kalimat

Rumus Simple Present Tense Contoh Simple Present Tense S + V-1 She likes eating out positif S +/- auxiliary (do/does) + bare infinitive (+) S + be (am/is/are) The children are naughty. negatif S + auxiliary (do/does) + not + bare infinitive She doesn’t like eating out (-) S + be(am/is/are) + not The children aren’t naughty Do/Does + S + bare infinitive Does she like eating out interogatif (?) Be(am/is/are) + S Are the children naughty

Catatan: Pada kalimat positif, normalnya auxiliary verb (do/does) tidak digunakan, melainkan hanya digunakan jika perlu untuk memberi penekanan pada keharusan melakukan aksi.

Simple Present Tense vs. Present Continuous Tense Aktivitas atau kejadiaan pada simple present tense terjadi pada saat ini (present) namun tidak benarbenar sedang berlangsung seperti present continuous tense. Berikut perbandingannya.  

Simple present tense: He sleeps without a pillow. (Dia tidur tanpa bantal. ≈ habit) Present continuous tense: He is sleeping without a pillow. (Dia sedang tidur tanpa bantal)

Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense Fungsi

Simple present tense untuk menyatakan habitual action (kebiasaan) dimana sering digunakan adverb of frequency (always, often, usually, every day/week, month, all the time, etc) sebagai time signals.

Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense He always consumes low GI rice. (Dia selalu mengonsumsi beras rendah GI.) She sends much money to her parents in the village every month. (Dia mengirimkan banyak

uang kepada orangtuanya di desa setiap bulan.) The sun rises from the east and sets in the west. (Matahari terbit dari ufuk timur dan tenggelam di ufuk barat.) Factual (kebenaran umum/fakta yang tak terbantahkan) Water boils at 100 degrees Celcius. (Air mendidih pada suhu 100 derajat celcius.) I live in Jakarta. (Saya tinggal di Jakarta) Simple present tense digunakan untuk membuat simple statement yang She is so beautiful. berlaku general (berlaku kapan saja) maupun tidak general (menggunakan verb (Dia sangat cantik.) be). He’s angry. (Dia marah.) [tidak general: terjadi sekarang] She loves dancing. (Dia suka menari.) I see tears in your eyes. (Saya melihat air mata di matamu.) We agree with the speaker’s Simple present tense menggunakan stative verb untuk menyatakan perasaan opinion. (feeling), indera (sense), pikiran (mental state), atau kepemilikan (possession). (Kami setuju dengan pendapat pembicara tersebut.) My brother owns a new house. (Saudaraku memiliki rumah baru.) The ship leaves the harbour this night at 7 o’clock. (Kapal meninggalkan pelabuhan malam ini jam 7.) Simple present tense digunakan untuk membicarakan rencana atau jadwal di He arrives from Osaka at 1 masa depan namun memiliki jangka waktu dekat dengan sekarang. Umumnya pm. membicarakan tentang transportasi atau event. Verb yang biasa digunakan antara (Dia tiba dari Osaka jam 1 lain: arrive, come, leave. siang.) The ceremony starts at nine. (Upacara dimulai jam sembilan.) You add a glass of coconut milk into a pan and then boil it. (Kamu tambah segelas santan ke dalam panci lalu Simple present tense digunakan untuk memberikan instruksi atau serial aksi. rebus.) You go straight ahead then turn left. (Kamu jalan lurus ke depan lalu belok kiri.) If you meet the naughty Simple present tense digunakan pada conditional sentence tipe 1. boy, your parents will be angry.

(Jika kamu bertemu dengan anak nakal itu, orangtuamu akan marah.) I will go swimming if I have free time. (Saya akan pergi berenang jika ada waktu.)

Adverb of Frequency and Number pada Simple Present Tense Adverb of Frequency and Adverb of Number Simple present tense sering menggunakan adverb of frequency untuk menunjukkan seberapa sering suatu kegiatan terjadi. Adverb of frequency antara lain:      

always (selalu) often (sering) usually (biasanya) sometimes (kadang-kadang) seldom (jarang) never (tidak pernah)

Contoh Simple Present Tense dengan Adverb of Frequency: I always eat hygiene food to avoid stomach ache. (Saya selalu makan makanan higienis untuk mengindari sakit perut.) She never sheds a tear in front of us. 2 (Dia tidak pernah meneteskan air mata di depan kita.) 1

Adverb of number juga dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan habitual action (kebiasaan). Contoh kata keterangan ini antara lain:      

3 days a week (3 hari per minggu) twice a month (dua kali sebulan) 8 hours a day (8 jam per hari) every day (setiap hari) every month (setiap bulan) two times a week (dua kali seminggu)

Contoh Simple Present Tense dengan Adverb of Number: I do the exercise three times a week to gain my muscle mass. (Saya melakukan latihan tersebut tiga kali seminggu untuk meningkatkan masa otot.) That flowers need to be watered everyday. 2 (Bunga-bunga itu perlu disiram setiap hari.) 1

Have to/Supposed to/Ought to What's the difference between have to, supposed to and ought to?

Have to When you must do something, you have to do it. It is used for a situation that has no choice. Have to is used for obligations. "Students must wear their uniforms to school or they will be sent home." "In England, you have to drive on the left."

Supposed to Supposed to is used when we are talking about our obligations. Use supposed to when saying what is the best thing to do in a situation; the correct way of doing things. For example, use supposed to for cultural rules and expectations. "You are not supposed to talk loudly in a library." "I totally forgot I was supposed to call you last night, sorry."

Ought to When we should do something, but we do not have to do if, we ought to do it. It is not as strong as must. Ought to is not usually used in questions or negative sentences. Use it to advise or make recommendations. "You ought to email Mike and say thanks for the nice present he bought you." "We ought to wear sunglasses, I think it's going to be a very sunny day." Now decide which words are needed to complete these sentences:

USING HAVE TO, SUPPOSED TO, AND OUGHT TO Have to is the same as must. It implies that you don't have a choice. John has to go to work everyday. The students have to study tonight. To be supposed to means an obligation. It is something that you should do, or something that another person expects you to do. Don't forget to use the verb be in front of supposed to. Sally is supposed to meet her friend tonight. All of the employees are supposed to attend today's meeting. Ought to means a suggestion. You should do something but you don't have to do it. We ought to clean the house tonight. Phillip ought to help you with your homework. (Notice that all of these words are modals. They are followed by a verb.)

You may feel confused about the slight differences between these words. Just think about what the speaker is implying. I have to do my homework. (If I don't, will be in trouble.) I am supposed to do my homework. (If I don't, my teacher will notice that I didn't do it.) I ought to do my homework. (I don't have to if I don't want to, but I feel I should do it because I want to do well in the class.)

Showing surprised in English Surprised expressions are commonly related to a situation which makes us disbelieve and have interest expression. Most English native speakers often use short interrogatives in speech as a way to express attention, interest, or surprise. Below is the sample! Example 1 Nurdin: The party was terrible. Sarinah: Was it? Nurdin: Yes, I had a horrible time! There was no music!” Example 2 Gondol: Gina had a nice vacation. Sarif : Did she? Gondol: Yes, she went to the Galapagos Islands.

Jenis expressing surprise Ini adalah beberapa ungkapan expressing surprise dan disbelief dalam bentuk formal dan informal.

FORMAL I find that very surprising. I must say it surprises me. I find it extraordinary. Indeed? How very surprising. I must say it surprises me. INFORMAL That’s very surprising. Really? Here? Is she? That is a surprise. What a surprise. Good heavens. That’s amazing/extraordinary. My goodness. What? No! I don’t believe it! Are you serious? Well, I never! Oh, no! Fantastic! You don’t say. Who’d have thought it? Fancy that. You’re kidding. Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan lain yang dapat kita gunakan untuk menyatakan terkejut (Surprise):

Telling surprising news. Memberitahukan berita mengejutkan     

Guess what! Coba tebak Surprise! Kejutan I’ve got news, for you. Aku punya berita untukmu Do you know what? Kamu tahu apa? You won’t believe it! Kamu tidak akan percaya itu!

Expressing surprise: Wow! What a surprise! Wow! Begitu mengejutkan! That’s a surprise! Itu sebuah kejutan! That’s very surprising! Itu sangat mengejutkan! Really? Benarkah? What? Apa? Are you serious? You must be joking! Apakah kamu serius? Kamu pasti bercanda! You’re kidding! Kamu pasti bercanda! Fancy that! I must say it surprises me. Aku harus bilang itu mengejutkan ku I find it hard to believe. Aku rasa itu sulit untuk dipercaya Responding: Yeah! It is! Yup! Sure. It’s true. I’m serious. No, I’m not. It is. Does it? It is, isn’t it?

Expressing Disbelief Expressing Disbelief adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah ketidak percayaan terhadap sesuatu atau seseorang dengan alasan ataupun tanpa alasan. Berikut adalah beberapa kalimat yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan ketidak percayaan.          

Asking if you believe it or not. Menanyakan jika kamu percaya itu atau tidak Do you believe it? Kamu percaya itu? Wouldn’t you believe it? Kamu tidak akan percaya itu? Can you imagine that? Bisakah kamu membayangkan itu? You don’t believe it, do you? Kamu tidak percaya itu, kan? Don’t you think it’s odd that….? Jangan kamu piker itu aneh….? I don’t believe it. Aku tidak percaya itu It can’t be true. Itu tidak bisa dibenarkan. I can’t think of it. Aku tidak bisa memikirkan itu. I don’t trust you. Aku tidak mempercayaimu.

Responding to believe or not. Merespon untuk percaya atau tidak.             

No, I don’t believe it. Tidak, aku tidak percaya ini Are you serious? Apa kamu serius? Are you joking? Apa kamu bercanda? Are you kidding? Apa kamu bercanda? You must be joking/kidding! Kamu pasti bercanda! Oh, no! that’s not true! Oh, tidak! Itu tidak benar! You don’t say! Kamu tidak boleh mengatakannya! Seeing is believing. Melihat berarti mempercayai Really? That sounds interesting. Benarkah? Irama itu menarik. Really? It’s surprising that. Benarkah? Itu mengejutkannya. Good heavens. surga bagus My goodness! kebaikanku This is really a surprise! Ini benar-benar sebuah kejutan

Coba Lihat Dan Bandingkan perbedaan antara Expressing surprise dan Expressing disbelief EXPRESSIONS Are you serious? No! I don’t believe it.

You must be joking. You’re kidding.

FUNCTIONS Expressing disbelief

Really? That’s very surprising.

What a surprise! Expressing surprise My goodness. Contoh Dialog Expressing Surprise Dan Disbelief Didin : I went to kalianda last weekend. Aku pergi ke kalianda akhir pecan lalu Munin : Really, who did you go with? Sungguh? Dengan siapa kamu pergi kesana? Didin : Only my girlfriend and I went. Cuma aku dan pacar ku Munin : You’re kidding… your girlfriend went with you? Did anyone else go? Kamu pasti becanda… pacar mu ikut bersama mu? Apakah ada orang lain yang ikut? Didin : No, just the two of us. We had a great time. We climbed Rajabasa Mountain, had dinner at the Kalianda Tower Hotel and climbed up to huge Rock. It was incredible. Gag kok, Cuma kami doang. Kami punya kesempatan yang leluasa. Kami naik ke gunung raja basa, makan di hotel kalianda dan kami memanjat batu yang tinggi. Ini luar biasa. Munin : Let me get this straight. You and your girlfriend went alone to kalianda? What about her folks and your folks, did they know about this trip. Yang benar saja. Kamu dan pacar mu pergi ke kalianda sendiri? Bagaimana dengan orang tuanya, apakah mereka tahu tentang perjalanan ini? Didin : Oh yeah…it was no problem. Ya, ini gag masalah Munin : Seriously,… I find this hard to believe… I know your parents, they wouldn’t allow this. Serius kamu…. ini sulit dipercaya… aku tahu bagaimana orang tua mu, mereka gag bakal ngijinin kamu pergi kesana, Didin : Honestly, it was no problem. Aku jujur, beneran deh. Ini gag masalah Munin : Wow, I wish my folks were that liberal and open-minded. Wow, saya berharap bisa menjadi orang yang bebas dan berfikiran terbuka.