Owner's Manual (KJR 08) [PDF]

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Version: MDV07U-025dW

Applicable to: KJR-08B/BE KJR-08B/CE KJR-08B/BE(C)


Thank yo u very mu ch for purchasing our product. Before using your unit, plea se read th e manual carefully and keep it for future reference.

This man ual gives detailed descript ion of the pr ecaution s that sh ould be brought to your attention du ring operation. In order to ensure correct service of the wire co ntroller, please re ad this m anual ca refully be fore using the u nit. For conv enience of future reference, keep th is m anual properly after readin g it.



I. Safety pr ecaution s.......................................1 II. Overview of wire controller...........................1 III . Outline of functio ns......... ............. ............. .1 IV. Name a nd functio n descri ption of LCD scree n of wire controller.............................................2 V. Installation procedure..................................2 VI. Names of keys on wire co ntroller a nd the ke ypad ope ration de scription...........................3 VII. Operat ion proce dure of wire controller ...... ..4 Operat ion proce dure of Timing ON............ ..5 Operat ion proce dure of Timing OFF............5 Operat ion proce dure of u nits infor mation qu erying... ............. ............. ............. ............. .5 Operat ion proce dure of system information qu erying... ............. ............. ............. ............. . 5 Operat ion proce dure of water temperature se tting...... ............. ............. ............. ............. .5 Fault a larm proc essing... ............. ..............5 Appendix.. ............. ............. ............. ............. .6

I. SAFETY PRECAUTION The following content s are sta ted on the product and the oper ation man ual, incl uding usa ge, pre cautions against p ersonal h arm and property loss , and the methods of using the produ ct correctly and safety. A fter fully understa nding the follo wing con tents (id entifiers a nd icons ), read th e text body and observe the follo wing rule s.

NOTE 1. [Harm] means in jury, bur n and ele ctric sho ck which need long -term tre atment b ut need n o hospita lization. 2. [Prope rty loss] m eans loss of prop erties an d materials .

WARNING In stallers must have the rele vant know-how. Im proper i nstallatio n perform ed by th e user wi thout p ermission may ca use fire, e lectric sh ock, personal in jury or w ater leakage.

Failure to observe a warmin g may result in death.

CAUTION Failure to obser ve a caut ion may r esult in injur y or dama ge to the equipme nt.

Wire controller operation manual 1


Error of waterflow detection (The third time)


Erro r of p ower supply w ire phas e


C om mu nica tion e rror


Erro r of to tal ou tlet water te m p.s ensor


Erro r of C B E tem perature (TB ) sen sor


Erro r of th e pip e of cond enser tem p. S enso r in s yst em A


Erro r of th e pip e of cond enser tem p. sen sor in sy stem B


Erro r of o utd oor a m bien t t em p. Sens or



Erro r of s ystem A digita l com pressor ai r exha ust te mperature protec tion

Do n ot spray flammab le aeroso l to the w ire contro ller directly. Othe rwise, fir e may oc cur.


Error of waterflow detection (The first and second time)


From m ain un it dete c tion t o aux iliary un it qua n tity d e creas e


Erro r of C B E A anti-frozen tem perature s ensor


Wire c ontroll er hav e not fo und o ut onlin e m o d ular u n it


E rro r o f com m unica tion b e twe en in w ir e contr oller a nd m od ular u nit


E rro r of c om m unication e rror betw een in w ire c ontrolle r and com puter


E rro r o f CB E B an ti-frozen tem p e rature senso r


S ystem A H i- pressu re pro tection or air exhau st tem peratu re pro tection


S ys te m A Lo -press ure pro tectio n


S ys tem B Hi-pressure pro tection or air ex haus t tem p eratu re p ro tection


S ys tem B Lo -press ure pro te ctio n


S ys te m A cu rrent p rotecti on


S ys te m B cu rrent p ro tect ion


S ys tem A con denser Hi-tem peratu re protec tion


S ys tem B conde nser H i-tem perature protectio n

Do n ot opera te with th e wet han ds or let water en ter the wire controller. Otherwise, e lectric shock may occu r.

II. OVERVIEW OF WIRE CONTROLLER Basic condition s of oper ating the wire cont roller: 1. App licable ra nge of su pply volt age: Inpu t voltage is AC 2 20V±10 %, power ed to wir e controll er by attach ed power adapter. 2. Ope rating en vironmen t temper ature of wire contro ller: -15℃ ~+43℃. 3. Ope rating RH of wire controller : RH40% ~RH90% . 4. Elec tric safety in compliance w ith GB47 06. 322004, GB/T772 5-2004.



This wire con troller pr ovides th e followin g functio ns: 1. C onnect w ith the ou tdoor un it throug h the term inals P, Q and E. Connect with the upper un it thro ugh the t erminals X, Y and E(reserv ed).Conn ect with other wi re contro llers thro ugh the terminals P, Q and E. 2. S et the ac tion mod e through the keyp ad opera tion. 3. P rovide th e LCD display fun ction. 4. P rovide th e timing startup fu nction.


S ys tem A digital c om pressor a ir exh aust temperature protec tion


Te mper atur pr otectio n be twe en w a ter in le t and w ater o u tlet(re serv e).


C om mu nica tion e rror between wire controller and ma in unit


S ys tem anti- frozen protec tion


Protection w hen digital air exha ust te mperature higher than 125 ℃


Eeprom erro r Wire controller operation manual 6

Fo r KJR-0 8B/CE : Coolin g range :7~35℃ ; He ating ra nge:45 ~50℃. Heat water ran ge:20~ 55℃. Fo r KJR-0 8B/BE(C): Co oling ra nge:5~ 17℃. 5. Press [ ON/OFF ] button, runnin g indica tor of wire co ntroller is light, unit is start to run, an d displa y runni ng statu s at wi re contr oller. Pr ess this button once a gain, un it will stop run ning. ●O perati on proc udeure of Time ON 1. Press [ TIME ON ] button adjust your re quire tim e by [ PA GEUP/TEMP+] o r [ PAGE DOWN/T EMP- ] (M INUTE and HOUR cou ld be shifted b y this bu tton..... ). Use the same metho d to se t Tim e off. (N ote: Tim e ON/OFF is r elative time.) ●O perati on proc udeure of disa ble the fun ction o f Time O N/OFF. 1. Long pr ess [ TIME ON ] b utton, you cou ld ca ncel this function. Lon g press [ TIME O FF ] bu tton, yo u could cancel this fun ction. ●O perati on proc udeure of units inform ation qu erying 1. Press [ QUERY] enterin g Check status. 2. Press [ ADDRES S+ ] or [ A DDRES S- ] butto n, se lect the unit yo u are wanna to query. 3. Press [ PAGEUP /TEMP+ ) ] or [ PA GEDOW N/TEMP - ] butto n to que ry the u nits inf ormatio n, whic h includ es outd oor am bient te mpera ture T4 , pipe te mperature T3 , settin g tempe rature Ts, CEB out wa ter tem p. TB, online quantity and co mpressor cu rrent,et c. ●O perati on proc udeure of syste m inf ormatio n query ing 1. Press [ PAGEUP /TEMP+ ] or [ PA GEDOW N/TEMP - ] butto n in the main p age, sy stem in formation could be qu e ried. ●O perati on proc udeure of wate r tem peratu re setting 1. Press [ TEMP SE T ] butto n of wir e contr oller wh en bac kground light is on. 2. Press [ PAGEUP /TEMP+ ] or [ PA GEDOW N/TEMP - ] butto n select your req uire wa ter tem peratu re. Once selec ted up on, tem peratur e value will blinks a co uple of second s then confirm it.

Wire cont roller oper ation man ual 5

3. KJR- 08B/BE tempe rature r ange: Cooling : 5~17℃ Heating : 45~50 ℃ KJR-08 B/CE te mperature ran ge: Cooling : 7~35℃ Heating : 45~50 ℃ Water h eating: 20~55 KJR-08 B/BE(C ) tempe rature range: Cooling : 5~17℃ ●Fault alarm h anding When u nit fails or the wire con troller detects failure of comm unicat ion with the the outd oor units, the indicato r blinks . After all fault of the sys tem an d the w ire controll er are e liminat ed, the indicato r stops b linking. The fau lt indic ator an d the operatio n indic ator sh are the same L CD.


M od e

D isp la y Qu ery dat a

Ru n Fau l t T B To t. O ut

T urn- On M ode

On Online un its Qty.

Disp lay o pe ratio n st at us Qu er y He a t

Time On

Tot . load

Time Off

Display tim e-on/ off

N e t-O n

Dis play uni ts a nd lo a d

NOTE 1.Before p ower failu re of the heating wat er system or wire contr oller, the w ire contro ller memorize s the ON/O FF status of the unit automatic ally, and s ets the wa ter temperatu re value a nd timing s etup time . After being powered on, the wire controll er will send the relevan t signals t o the heat ing water syst em accord ing to mem orized s tatus before pow er failure , in order t o ensure t hat the unit ca n run in th e originall y set statu s after resto ration of the power s upply. 2. In the normal status,the bac kground l ight is off.Pres s any key can only tu rn on the backgroun d light ,bu t this oper ation does not effect.Pres s the butt on when b ackgroun d light is on ,this opera tion will b e effective . 1. In order to protect the equip ments, it i s not allowed to change t he running mode qu ickly or freque ntly. It s hould ope rate the wire controller to start up the unit after 3 min utes later or all units are shutdown. 2. The wi re control ler and th e outdoor unit must conn ect with the same power su pply, powered u p and pow ered off s imultaneously. It is not a llowed to cut off the power supply separately. 3. When s everal wir e-controllers are pa rallel connected , the tim ing mes sage can not communic ating in th ese wire-c ontrollers , and the timing will work s eparately. In order n ot to confuse, w e sugges t set the t iming mes sage on one w ire-contro ller for the reaso n of indoor uni t perform ance is compliance with the sequence of sett ing time.

F ig.4- 1

V. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE Installation procedure: Outdo or unit #0 0

Outdoor unit #01

Outdoor un it #02

Outdo or unit #15

The wiring procedure a nd principle s are sho wn in the figure: Outdoor electri c control box

P Q E W ire C ontr o ller

W ire C ontr o ller


#0 1

Wire C ontr oller


Wire Cont r oller


Use PQE c onnect with each other when several wire-controllers are parallel .

Please use 3cord shield wire for connection. The wire length depends on the specific situation in the installation.

F ig. 5 -1

NOT E: Plea se conn ect the attach ed shor tedwire s to the corresp onding com munica tion por t COM( I) or CO M(O) in th e main control board o f the last para llel unit (dial code ). Directly conn ect to t he last parallel unit if only one unit is c onnect ed.

Co mm unic ate wi t h up pe r un it(re serv e d) .

X Y E QP wire controller 5-bit terminal base

Fig. 5- 2 Wire controller opera tion manu al 2




开/关 ON/OFF 按键




TEMP. 温度设 SET 定




确定 OK

模式选择 MODE






PAGEUP/TEMP+ 12 前翻页(温度+) 后翻页(温度-) OWN/TEMP13 PAGED

10 HEAT 电辅热


RESET 复位按键




1. ON /OFF button: In th e po wer off status , press th is ke y an d the s tartup in dic ator c om es on, and the w ire co nt roller e nters th e s ta rt up st atus and ke ep s the c urre nt set info rm ation suc h a s tem perature v alue, tim in g. In t he s tartup stat us, p re ss this butt on once, and the startu p ind ica tor goes off and t ransm its th e sh ut dow n inf orm ation . 2.Op eration m od e but ton: In th e po wer off status , press th is bu tton to se lect the operation m ode . Thi s fu nction is invalid at pow er on sta tus. M od es shifted seq uen c e as follo ws : (1).M od e of K J R-08 B/ B E a ir co oled m od ular w ire c ontrolle r: → (Co oling )→ (he ating) → (Pu mp)- (2).M od e of K J R-08 B/ C E w ire c ontroller of m id-te m peratu re w ate r hea ter: →

(Cooling) →

(heating) →

(Heating water) →

(Pump) -

(3).M od e of K J R-08 B/ B E (C ) air c ooled m od ular w ire controlle r: → (Cooling)→ (Pu mp )- Wire controller operation manual 3


ADDRESS 地址减 少-

ADDRESS+ 11 地址增加


线控器 ADDRESS 地址设定 SET


LOCK键 锁定按


3. M A NU A L/A UTO button P ress th is button , you could s elect [ MANUAL/AUTO ] thes e 2 modes . Whe n se lect M a nual m ode, you cou ld in crease or dec reas e the o nline units via [ PAGEUP/TEMP+ ] A nd [ PAGEDOWN/TEMP-]. 4. QU ERY bu tton P ress th is button to q uery the s tatus info rm ation of ou tdoor u nits 0~15( O utdoor unit 0 by de fault). Afte r entering the query sta tus, u se [ ADDRESS+ ] and [ ADDRESS- ] k eys to query inform ation o f the previou s or next outd oor unit. A fter s elec ting to que ry a sp ecific outd oor un it, us e the [ PAGEDOWN/TEMP+ ] and [ PAGEDOWN/TEMP-] ke ys to que ry the statu s in form ation of th is outd oor unit. The que ry se quenc e is : O utlet w ater tem perature T1->Outdoor pipe tem perature T3->Ou tdoor e nvironm ent tem perature T4->S etting tem p erature Ts>C urrent of com press or A a nd C ur rent of co m press or B -> Fa ult->P rotection->Outlet w ater tem perature T1..since there a re m a ny fault pro tec tion c odes for th e outdoor un it, the wire con tro ller on ly displays the tw o fault pro tec tion m ess ages w ith the high est

priorit y w hen yo u chec k th e fault protec tio n info rm ation. 5.Hea t button For K J R-08B /C E ,in th e H eatin g M o de, pres s this key t o startup forced a ux iliary hea tin g fu nctio n , the ico n is disp laye d in LCD . W hen pre ss the ke ys once a gain, th is func tio n is c los e down. T his funct io n is invalid in other m o de. Th is button have no effect to K JR -0 8B /BE &K J R-08B / B E (C). 6.7 TIM E ON /O FF butto n E very tim e w he n y ou p re ss [ TIME ON ] bu tto n, the HO U R and M INUTE of timin g sta rtu p blink a t a freq u enc y of 2 H z. They stop blinkin g w hen y ou adjus t the hou r a nd min ute ; a nd c o ntinue bli nking 2 s eco nds after y ou stop a djustm e nt. Pre ss [ TIME ON ] key to select th e timing H OUR fo r adjus tin g, and th e timing h ou r blink s a t freq uen cy of 2Hz. U s e the [ PAGEUP/TEMP+] a nd [ PAGEDOWN/TEMP- ] ke ys to adjust th e MIN U T E. If yo u k eep idle w itho ut adjust m e nt ope ra tion w ith in 8 se c onds af ter ente rin g the tim ing setu p status , the sys te m w ill c o nfirm the tim e set up and ex it the timing s etup sta tus . P re ss [ TIME OFF ] key, as per the ab ove m ethod to set clos e time . Lon g press [ TIME ON ] button, y ou cou ld cance l this func tion. L on g p ress [ TIME OFF ] butto n , yo u co u ld canc e l this fun ction. 8.TE M P S ET b utton S etup the to tal w ater ou tlet tem p erature in coolin g and hea tin g m o d e. Setu p tank or poo l te m peratu re in w at er h eatin g m ode . 9. OK bu tton Once f inished u p on, p re ss OK k e y, w ire contro ller will d elivery o rder to m ain unit. 10. A D D R ESS + button P ress this butto n at C he ck mode ; wh en select the ne xt m odula r, the oper ation status o f the ne xt modu lar will dis play; if t he curren t m od ula r is 15# , and the n ext one is 0#. P ress this butto n for ad d ad dress at wire add re s s setting m ode. I f the w ire c ontrolle r add re s s is 1 5, p res s this k ey will dis play t he nex t a dd ress is 0 . 11. A D D RES S - button P ress this butto n at q ue ry m ode; wh en select the prev ious mod ular, the op eration status o f the pr evious m odular w ill display ; if the c urrent m o dular is 0# , and t he

p rev ious o ne is 1 5 #. P ress this button fo r m inus address a t w ire a dd re ss s etting m o d e. If the w ire con troller a dd re ss is 0 , press this ke y w ill dis play the n ex t add re ss is 1 5 . 1 2.1 3 PA G E UP/D O W N (TE M P +/-) b utto n In m anu al m ode, press th es e k eys could a dd or m in us the u nit q uant ity. In the m ain page , pres s th e se k eys cou ld c h eck the o peratio n param e ter of the u nit. In tempe rature s etting pa ge , add o r m in us the tem pera ture sett in g. In timing O N /OFF s etting, press th es e k e ys to ad just the t im e of st artup or c lo sedow n. 1 4. RESE T button (Hid den) Us e a 1m m -diam eter roun d s tick to press t his butto n, and the current setting w ill b e c a ncelled an d the w ire cont roller ent ers the r ese t stat u s. 1 5. LOCK bu tton (H idde n) U se a 1m m -diame ter round bar to lo c k th e c u rrent se tting. P re ss this b u tton ag ain to u nlock. 1 6. A DDR E SS SE T button ( H idden) T he addre s s of wire con tro ller b e se t by p res s this bu tton . The addr es s ran g e 0~ 15, t herefore , 16 wire con trolle r c ould be p arallel a t m os t. W hen t here is o n ly o ne w ire contr oller,it is no nece s sary to ex ecute this s e tting,be c ause th e addres s of wire c o ntroller h as been set to ' 0 ' (m a in w ire c o ntroller ) in the fa ctory.

VII. OPERATION PROCEDURE OF WIRE CONTROLLER 1 . Pres s A U TO /M A N UA L m ode at s h utdow n s ta tus, y o u could s elect M A NUA L or AUTO t urn-on m ode as yo u want. The fu nct ion is in v alid at s tartup s tatus. I n Manua l m ode, p re ss [PA G E UP /TE M P+] o r [PA GE D OWN /T E MP -] bu tton for s elec t y o ur requ ire onlin e unit qua ntity. 2 . Pres s [ TE MP S E T], [PAG E UP /TE M P +], [ PA GE DO W N/TE M P -] bu tt on, fo r se le ct y o ur requ ire tem pe ra ture. F or KJ R-0 8B/B E : C ooling r an ge:5~1 7 ℃; H eating ra nge:4 5~ 50 ℃. Wire controller ope ration manual 4