Part of Business Letter [PDF]

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Part Of Business Letter 1.

Letterhead a. Name of the company b. Address of the company c. Telephone number d. Facsimile number e. Post office

f. g. h. i.

Kind of businees activity Address of branch office Banker Logo of the company

2. The date of letter British Syle

American Style

12th January 2017 12 January 2017

January 12th, 2017 January 12, 2017

Pengetikan tanggal menggunakan bilangan bertingkat 1st = first 2nd = second 3rd = third 4th = fourth Etc. 3. Reference Line a. Ref . WS/LS/C5 WS = initial penandatangan – William Smith LS = pengetik surat - Linda Smith C5 = Nomor filling b. Your ref : LH/DC/2D reference surat masuk Our ref : RM/AM/21A reference surat keluar 4.

Inside Address British Syle

American Style

Dear Sir, Dear Madame,

Dear Sir: Gentlemen:

a. N a m a

Lengkap dan jelas serta jabatan/ nama perusahaan -> tempatkan jabatan sejajar dengan nama (1baris pertama) b. Lokasi/nama jalan, nomor rumah/ gedung baris kedua c. Nama kota dan kode pos baris ketiga d. Nama negara (jika beda negara) Example : Mr. Richard R. Anderson, Manager Jakarta Computer Supplies Ins Skyline International Building 7th floor 10 B Jln. MH. Tamrin Jakarta 10003 Gunakan Mr, Mrs, Miss didepan nama dan jabatan seseorang. Jika jabatan pendek tempatkan pada baris pertama sejajar dengan nama . Jika jabatan panajng tempatkan pada baris kedua dibawah nama Example 1 : Mr. George T. Mann, Manager Lawrence & Woolfs Ltd 109 Raffle Cityu Street New York, NY 10045 USA Example 2 : Mr. George T. Mann President Director Lawrence & Woolfs Ltd 109 Raffle Cityu Street New York, NY 10045 USA 5. Attention Line (baris nama orang yang dituju) Attention : Mr. Robert Mann Attention : Mr. Robert Mann, Purchase manager Attention : Sales Manager Attention of Sales Manager ATTENTION Sales Division ATTENTION Mr. Richard Smith For the Attention Mr. Richard Smith 6. Salutation a. Ditujukan kepada seseorang tertentu dalam suatu perusahaan : Kepala Personalia, Manajer Pemasaran

British Syle

American Style

Yours Faithfully,

Very truly yours, Yours very truly

b. Ditujukan kepada perusahaan perseroan atau lebih dari satu orang : c. Ditujukan kepada seorang yang telah dikenal

c. Ditujukan kepada seorang yang telah dikenal Dear Mr. Richard, Dear Mrs. Mansens, 7.

Subject Line (Perihal Surat) Subject : Computer Sales Subject : New Credit Policy Purchase Order No. MDX.21 CONTRACT NEGOTIATION


Body of Letter 1. Opening Paragraph “ Thank you for your letter of 23 July, enclosing your catalogues, price list, terms of payment and samples of your promotional gift” 2. Message of the Letter “ We have pleasure in enclosing here with our order form No.25A with detailed instruction for your prompt attention” 2. Closing Paragraph “ When the goods are ready for despatch, please let us know immediately” 9.

Complimentary Close a. Ditujukan kepada seseorang tertentu dalam suatu perusahaan : Kepala Personalia, Manajer Pemasaran b. Ditujukan kepada perusahaan perseroan atau lebih dari satu orang :

British Syle

American Style

Dear Sirs, Dear Mesdames,


10. Signature  Nama jelas  Nama jabatan penandatangan  EXERCISE 1 Arrange the following date into a complete business letter in semi block style - Cambridge Electronic Corporation, 231 Blackmore Street, New York, NY 20511, USA - Ref. JS/NN/12 - 10 July, 2017 - Mr. Adam, 16 Fifth Avenue Street, Los Angeles, LA - Dear Mr. Adam - We have to remind you that your account for televisions ordered on 12 June has not yet been paid. Discount cannot now be allowed - You will remember that we went to some trouble to meet your delivery date, and we are sure that you would not wish to inconvenience us by delaying your payment. - A copy of the statement is enclosed and we shall be glad to receive your cheque by return - Yours faithfully

- Jonathan R. Smith, Sales Manager  EXERCISE 2 Arrange the following date into a complete business letter in hanging indentation style - Royal Typewriter Corporation, 135 Ribbon Street, Indiana Polis, Indiana 34087 - Ref. DT/NN/12 - 7 February, 2017 - Mr. Allan Mc. Donald, Purchase Manager, Maphilindo Office Equipment Inc, 12 Fifth Boulevard, New York , NY 12098 - Dear Mr. Allan - We are pleased to advise you of the despatch of your order No. 234 Dc, which was collected this morning for transport by Holland National Freight. - The bill, insurance certificate and invoice for freight charge and insurance are enclosed - We look forward to receiving your next order in the future - Yours sincerely, Richard R. Jackson, Sales Manager

The Styles of Business Letter

1. Full Block Style

2. Block Style

3.Semi Block Style

4. Indented Style

5. Hanging Indentation Style