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I. Choose the right answer by crossing A, B, C, D or E! Text for Question number 1-2! ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A JOB? Employers from around the country are interested in talking with you! We have gathered over 100 companies, representing a variety of industries. To meet with you at the JAKARTA JOB FAIR on Saturday and Saturday, May 7th -8th from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00. p.m. Location: Jakarta Convention Center, Jln. Gunung Mas No. 34/Jakarta Pusat 16007. Parking is available, no registration is necessary. Bring copies of your resume. For more details, call our JCC office at: 021-415627125 / 021-415627126 Email : [email protected] 1. What should interested readers do ? A. Send the employers their resume B. Call to register C. Go to the fair D. Check the website E. Parking the car 2. Where will the fair be held? A. At employer's office. B. At locations around the country. C. At the meeting center in Jakarta Convention Center. D. In Jakarta Convention Center E. At the Jakarta Office Error Recognition Question from number 3 to 10! 3. Edi: "Let’s go to (A) the JAVA MALL, Clara. (B)" Clara: "If I finished my homework, (C) I want to (D) go with you there ( E) like always." 4.

Wendy: "I can like (A) to reserve a single room, (B) please?" Receptionist: "All right. (C) For how many nights, (D) Ma’am?" Wendy: "( E) Two nights, please." 5. Tika : How often are paychecks issued? (A) Lia : Paychecks will give (B) out every two weeks. Tika : Good. I think (C) that's better (D) than once a month (E ) shortly 6. Have problems with your health (A), weak and exhausted? Try Nature Privileges! One pill a day will keep you not only healthy and energetic (B): so, 'rush to the nearest drugstore (C) for 30% discount until the end (D) of May (E ) in this year 7. Ramayana Department Store announces (A) the bigger (B) sale of the year. Prices are up to 70 %. This interesting (C) offer is only for (D) three days (E ) ago 8. Adelia : Would I give (A) me discount Dela : I don’t think (B) so. My boss will be angry if I give it (C) to you Adelia : Take it easy (D), just kidding (E ) 9. Student : What do you think (A) I should do after graduating (B) from vocational school? Teacher : I think (C) being an enterpreneur is good (D) than working (E ) in a company 10. I lost (A) the cassette whom (B) I bought yesterday. I had (C ) looked for (D ) it everywhere but I could not find (E ) it. Text for Question number 10-13! OFFICE MEMO To : Aliya Latansina From : John Deep Date : March 10th, 2012 Please, send the weekly financial report to Mr. Erlan Baskoro by E-mail at: [email protected] before midnight. Thanks. 11. When is the deadline time?

A. Next week B. before midnight C. On March D. Tomorrow E. Now 12. How will Aliya Latansina send the financial report? A. by hand B. by Post C. by e-mail D. by Fax E. by letter 13. Who sends the message? A. Mrs. Miranda Sully B. Mr. Johny Deep C. Mrs. Aliya Latansina D. Erlan Baskoro E. Hyuk 14. ANNOUNCEMENT Welcome to the Jogjakarta Public Library. Books can only be borrowed by members. Anyone who resides, works, pays property taxes, or attends school in Jogjakarta, is eligible to be Library member. To be a member you just simply register yourself in the front desk. You will be asked to fill a form, show your ID card, and pay registration fee. Most books can be borrowed for 28 days. Borrowing can be prolonged once for 10 days if no one else wants the book. What does the text tell us? A. How to register to be a librarian. C. How to renew the library. E. How borrow? B. How to be the library member. D. How to buy the book. 15. Uni : I heard that you are going abroad, is that right? Imron : That’s right. I am going to leave for Singapore next week Uni : Could you tell me where you stay in Singapore? Imron : OK, just give me your phone number. From the dialogue, How will Imron tell her address? A. By telling directly. C. By calling Uni E. By giving phone B. By staying in Singapore. D. By leaving for Indonesia. Text for Question number 16-18! Elizabeth has a lot of hobbies and interests. She usually gets up early so she can (16) .... before work. She doesn't have much time to ski, but she occasionally goes on Saturdays during the winter. Elizabeth often rides a horse in a stable near her home. She sometimes goes after work, but she usually goes horseback riding on Sundays. She loves music. She always goes to choir practice on Wednesday evenings and sings in church on Sundays. She doesn't have much extra money, so she rarely goes to concerts in the city. She seldom watches TV (17) ..... she likes doing things outside. She usually goes to the gym if it's raining outside. She isn't often alone because she has a lot of friends. She occasionally does something alone, but she usually does her (18) ..... with one of her friends. She's a happy woman! 16. A. run. B. ran C. runs D. has run E. is running 17. A. after B. because C. by D. from E. before 18. A. activiting B. active C. actually D. activities E. activated 19. Waiter : Excuse me. Are you ready to order? Dinah : Yes, can I have fish and chips, and coke? what about you, Sheila? Sheila : ....... please. Waiter : Fish and chips, coke, noodles, and hot tea. I'll be right back. A. A glass of coke and a bag of noodles B. A bag of chips and a plate of noodles C. A bottle of hot tea and a plate of chips D. A bowl of noodles and a cup of hot tea E. A plate of egg 20. Duta : It will be a long weekend next week. What is your plan? Echa : ... There will be a family outing sponsored by the office. A. We have gone by a tourist bus B. We are going to go to Anyer C. We stayed in a cottage D. We have a barbecue E. We have a plan 21. Psychologist: What can you say about your childhood?

Client: I'll always remember my sweet time when I was still young. My friends and I loved to play in a small field near our houses and ... our bicycles together. A. we will ride B. we're riding C. we used to ride D. we will use to ride E. we are ruin 22. Student : Can I remove the car wheels with spanner no. 10? Mechanic : No, you can't. ... the bolts. A. It's too small to loosen B. It's enough big to loosen C. It's big enough to loosen D. It's small enough to loosen E. It’s good enough Text for Question number 23 to 25! Vietnam Airlines Grows Its Business Vietnam Airlines has come a long way since it started out in 1956 with a fleet of five small aircraft. Last year, it took delivery of five Airbus A321s and signed a contract to buy ten Airbus narrow-bodied 321s of which the first plane will be delivered in 2006. This July it signed an agreement with Boeing to purchase four 787 Dream liners. The expansion of Vietnam Airlines fleet which also includes new Boeing 777s and Airbus A321s state of the art craft for regional travel is right on schedule. In the first six months of 2005, the airline saw its passenger numbers increase by 25 percent, to almost 3 million. Over a third of those passengers are foreigners, and their ranks grew this year as well, by over 30 percent. Travelers are drawn by Vietnam Airlines strong domestic, regional, and international routes: the airline flies to 16 domestic locations and 26 international destinations. 23. What's the main topic of paragraph two? A. The kinds of planes in Vietnam Airlines' fleet. B. The international destinations of Vietnam Airlines. C. The number of A321 s purchased by Vietnam Airlines. D. The increasing number of travelers flying with Vietnam Airlines. E. The decreasing number of travelers 24. When did Vietnam Airlines fleet consist of only five small aircraft? A. In 1956 B. In 1957 C. In 2005 D. In 2006 E. In 2007 25. Why is the expansion of Vietnam Airlines said to be "right on schedule"? A. Because the airline has come a long way since 1956. B. Because the purchase includes state of the art aircraft. C. Because the number of the airlines' passengers is increasing. D. Because the Airbus will deliver the narrow bodied A321s on time. E. Because the Airbus will not deliver the narrow bodied 26. Adrian : What does a chef do exactly? Manager : He supervises the preparation and service of the food from the kitchen to the dining room, arranges the menu and ... A. carry away the dirty dishes to the pantry. B. taking care of cleanliness of the kitchen. C. served drinks to the table in the bar. D. tastes the food for correct seasoning. E. cooks the food for correcting 27. Taufiq : Happy Travel, Taufiq speaking. Olga : Hello, Mr. Taufiq. This is Olga ... Taufiq : Oh, yes, Miss Olga. I hope you and your family will have a wonderful time. Olga : Thank you. We are very excited. A. I am sad to tell you the truth B. I liked to talk about the ticket service

C. I am disappointed with the service last night D. I am calling to confirm my trip to Disneyland E. I am hoping the wonderful time 28. Fahri : You've got a big bonus and incentives, haven't you? ...? I'm hungry. Vita : Okay, where do you usually have lunch? A. Why didn't you tell me B. Why don't you treat me C. Why didn't you eat lunch D. Why must we wait for them E. Why must we wait for us Text for question number 29 to 30! FROM : Mr. A. Busse SENT : 10:15 A.M. Monday, April 10, 2006 TO : Sales Staff CC : Mr. D. Off and Ms. R. Fowler SUBJECT: Annual Meeting I am writing to remind you that our annual meeting will be on Tuesday, April 18. I want everyone to be ready with ideas, strategies, and sales forecast for next year. I will be out of town attending a conference on the new products of LCD projectors in Osaka, Wednesday and Thursday. Remember that next Monday is a holiday. Therefore, should you have something urgent to discuss, please see me on Friday, April 14. Thank you. 29. Why did Mr. Busse write the letter? A. To tell them about the new products of LCD. B. To remind the sales staff about their annual meeting. C. To discuss something very urgent about a conference. D. To ask Mr. Off and Ms. Fowler to see him on Friday, April 14. E. To give reminding urgent issues 30. What might the sales staff do after reading the letter? They might ... A. plan how to spend the extended weekend B. display the new products of LCD projectors C. see Mr. Busse before he leaves for the conference D. think about strategies and sales forecast for next year. E. plan how to spread the extend weekend 31. Almira : Why don’t you go to bed? … Sarah : Yeah. I’m so tired because I had shooting until 3.00 after midnight. Almira : It’s time for you to take a rest, then. A. You look sleepy C. You appear fresh E. You feel hungry B. You look angry D. You feel thirsty Text for Question number 32-34! Mecca is Islam's holiest city, home to the Kaaba shrine and the Grand mosque. The city is known for the annual Hajj pilgrimage, being one of the five pillars of Islam. In the 7th century, the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, proclaimed Islam in the city. The city played an important role in the early history of Islam and now it is an important trading center. After 966, Mecca was led by local Sharifs, until 1924, when it came under the rule of the Saudis. In its modern period, Mecca has seen a great expansion in size an infrastructure. The modern day city is located in the capital of Saudi Arabia's Makkah Province, in the historic Hejaz region. With a population of 1, 700,000 (1008), the city is located 73 kilometers (45 miles) inland from Jeddah, in a narrow valley, and 27 meters (910 ft) above sea level. 32. What is the text about? A. Saudi Arabia C. The City of Mecca E. Madinah B. The Size of the City D. The Location of the City 33. Why is Mecca important? A. It has more than 2 million inhabitants. B. It has a modern infrastructure. C. It is a world trade center.

D. It is a holy city. E. It is a holy holy 34. " ... , when it came ... (Paragraph 1). What does the word "it" refer to? A. Sharifs. B. Saudis. C.Mecca. D. Province. E. Cities 35. Yudha : My school will hold farewell party to end this academic year next Saturday. There will be ST12 Band performing their latest songs. Yossy : It must be very interesting. Yudha : Yeah. Each student can take one friend to the party, ... Yossy : Sure. I'd love to. It would be a great party. A. Would you come to the birthday party? B. Could you sing the popular songs in the party? C. Could you find another ticket for our friend? D. Will you come along with me? E. would you go along? 36. Bella : Fantastic! ... It matches your blouse well. Chika : Thanks. My niece gave it to me on my birthday. A. What dress is that? C. You are very beautiful! E. What a lovely house! B. What a lovely dress! D. How nice is her gown? 37. First, the empty yogurt cups are brought to the filling line by an automatic conveyor. Then the cups are filled automatically. Next the cups are sealed. After that, the sealed cups are packed in boxes by hand. The boxes are then placed on the pallets. Next, the pallets are wrapped and taken to dispatch. The main idea of the text is ... A. the machines of food production C. the process of filling E. the process of mixing B. the instrument of automatic machine D. the material for yogurt 38. Citra : We could be late arriving at the train station. How about taking a taxi? Hari : I don’t think so. ... whereas there are seven us. A. It has a good driver B. It can only load 4 passengers C. It can take us to the station D. It has more space for us to ride E. It has more places for them Text for Question number 39-41! After graduating his high school, Hemingway left home and went to Kansas city. He didn’t go to college, instead, he got a job as a reporter on the Kansas city Star. Working for this newspaper, he developed his famous journalistic style: simple, direct and objective. When the war broke out in 1914, he wanted to become a soldier but he was rejected because of an old eye problem. Not wanting to miss the action, he went to Europe any way and served as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross. In 1918, shortly before the end of the war, he was wounded and had to return to the states, but he didn’t stay long. As soon as he was better, he was back in Europe, this time as a reporter for the Toronto Star. 39. Paragraph two tells that Hemingway .... A. preferred higher education B. wanted to be a good driver C. liked working in any condition D. developed his military career E. wounded the states 40. What did Hemingway do after graduating his high school? A. He stayed home. B. He went to college. C. He developed his style. D. He worked as a reporter. E. He walked along the street 41. “Working for this newspaper, he developed his famous ...” The synonym of the underlined word is ....

A. Popular C. Excellent E. Good B. Well done D. Well prepared 42. We have been running the youth Camp ... five years. A. before C. after E. that B. since D. for 43. Could you send me the catalog to ... the prices? A. verifying C. verified E. Verification B. verification D. verify Question 44 to 45 refer to the following graph! SMK GRADUATES IN THE PROVINCE OF WISBEN 44. In what year did most graduates find work? A. In 1999. C. In 2000. E. 1997 B. In 2001. D. In 2002. 45. What is the purpose of the graph? A. To provide data of SMK graduates for the readers. B. To compare intake and output rate of SMK. C. To know the number of male and female graduates. D. To know the number of married and unmarried graduates. E. To understand the number of people II.

Error Analysis Rewrite the error word

1. They come to school yesterday 2. Winna were athomelastnight 3. DidWikuhadenoughMoney? 4. HeDrivehiscarcarelesslylastnight 5. I didn’tatebreakfastthismorning