Pembahasn Reading 4 [PDF]

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TOEFL Exercise 3: 1. C. Kata kunci dipertanyaan adalah “What happens during an ice age?” Langung cari didalam teks kata kunci. Di kalimat pertama ada: ice ages, those periods when ice covered extensive areas of earth. Kata kunci disini “extensive” yang berarti banyak yang sama dengan a large portion. 2. B. Kata kunci dipertanyaan adalah “How many different methods of recognizing past ice ages?” Berarti langsung dicari di text. Dikalimat 2 dan 3 ada kata “recognized” yang menunjukkan ada 2 caranya. 3. D. Kata kunci di pertanyaan adalah “..rock strata..” lalu langsung dicari di kalimat. Ada di kalimat kedua. Bagian “…show evidence of foreign materials deposited by moving wall of ice..” Kata foreign materials deposited by moving wall of ice sama dengan subtances from other areas. 4. C. Merujuk pada kalimat akhir di teks, gambar C lebih tepat. 5. D. Kata kunci dipertanyaan adalah “the ventricles”, lihat langsung di kalimat ketiga. Bagian “Push it into the arteries” sama dengan force blodd into the arteries. 6. A. Kata kuncinya dipertanyaan “pushed into the arteries from the ventricles”; ada di kalimat ketiga. Ada kata with each contraction of the heart sama dengan as the heart beats. 7. C. Gambar C lebih tepat menjelaskannya. 8. B. Gambarnya kurang jelas menjelaskan kalimat pertama didalam teks. Jawabannya gambar B. 9. B. Kata kunci dipertanyaan adalah “the golden Age of Railroads”. Di kalimat pertama ada kata “ … when railroads flourished, and, in fact, maintained a near monopoly in mass transportation in the United States”. Kata flourished berarti tumbuh dnegan subur dan kata monopoly sama dengan controlled. 10. B. Kata kunci dalam pertanyaan adalah “a result of uniformity of track gauge”. Ada dikalimat kedua paragraf satu. Bagian “One of the significants developments during the periode was …”. Kata development sama dengan improved economy in the transportation system. 11. D. Kata kunci dalam pertanyaan adalah” Standard time..” langsung lihat di teks kata kunci ini. Ada dikalimat pertama paragraf ketiga, yaitu di tahun 1883. Bila lihat penjelasan di paragraf 2 ada penjelasan kalau the standardization of tracks were completed terjadi ditahun 1886, berarti standard time terjadi sebelumnya.

TOEFL Exercise 4: 1. A. Kata kunci dari pertanyaan ini adalah not true about blood plasma. Di teks, ada di kalimat pertama paragraf 1. Dijelaskan bahwa blood plasma is is a clear, almost colorless liquid. Dari kalimat ini, pilihan A sudah pasti salah karena mengatakan it is a deeply colored liquid yang berlawanan dengan makna almost colorless liquid. Pilihan B, C, dan D benar bila merujuk pada kalimat-kalimat selnajutnya di paragraf pertama ini. 2. D. Kata kunci dari pertanyaan ini adalah not stated about whole blood. Kata not stated ini bisa sama artinya dengan not true atau pernyataan yang tidak benar. Pilihan D not stated karena yang di stated adalah a clea, almost colorless liquid.

3. B. Kata kunci pertanyaan ini adalah not true about Nellie Bly. Di teks, kita temukan Nellie Bly dibahas di paragraf pertama, kemudian dilanjutkan dibahas di paragraf kedua. Di paragraf kedua ada kalimat: …she faked mental illness… yang berarti dia tidak mentally ill. Berarti pernyataan dipilihan B salah. 4. D. Pilihan D salah, karena di paragraf kedua kalimat terakhir ada penjelasan she faked mental illness in order to be admitted to a mental hospital.. artinya dia menjadi pasien, bukan dokter. 5. D. Bila dilihat di teks, dekanawida disebutkan di paragraf pertama, jadi kita bisa eksplor paragraf pertama tentang dekanawida. A lawmaker = a lawgiver, a huron by birth = born into the huron tribe, a near deity = the status of demigod, ketiga hal ini disebutkan diparagraf pertama tentang dekanawida. Yang salah adalah pernyataan dipilihan D; Dekanawida was not drowned when he was young, karena didalam teks dia coba ditenggelamkan oleh orang tuanya. 6. A. Kata wampum disebutkan di paragraf kedua, jadi kita bisa eksplor paragraf kedua ini untk melihat apa yang yang tidak disebutkan tentang wampum. Pernyataan di pilihan A tidak dijelaskan secara eksplisit didalam teks.

TOEFL Exercise 5: 1. C. Pronoun it pada line 2 merujuk pada the harvest moon. 2. Farmers 3. A. Pronoun it pada line 2 merujuk pada Mardi Gras. 4. Tourist 5. B. Pronoun they pada line 2 merujuk pada these statistics.



1. Fingerprints form an unchangeable signature, and ______ for identification, despite changes in the individual’s appearance or age. (A) the use of fingerprint records (B) with the use of fingerprint records (C) when fingerprint records are used (D) fingerprint records can be used Jawaban: D. And disini berfungsi sebagai connector, jadi dibutuhkan subject dan verb agar membentuk klausa yang baru.

2. Animals obtain their energy from _______ . (A) eat their food (B) their food to eat (C) the food they eat (D) they eat the food Jawaban: C. Dibutuhkan noun setelah preposition. Di pilihan C kata the food muncul seabagi object of preposition dari from lalu klausa they eat. Dalam situasi formal, bentuknya ..from the food that they eat; disini abru terlihat kalau ada connector.

3. Liquid water has fewer hydrogen bonds than ice; so more molecules can occupy the same space, making liquid water ______ than ice. (A) more dense (B) is more dense (C) more than dense (D) as more dense Jawaban: A. Ada kata than, berarti ini kalimat perbandingan menggunakan more atau er. Dipilihan smeuanya menggunakan more. Setelah kata more diikuti oleh kata adjective, menjadi: more dense.

4. It is difficult for present-day readers ______Sister Carrie was withdrawn from circulation at the turn of the century. (A) to understand the novel why (B) why to understand the novel (C) the novel to understand why (D) to understand why the novel Jawaban: D. Kata difficult biasanya diikuti oleh to + Verb 1.

5. Historical linguists study ______ over time. (A) languages evolve (B) whether languages evolution (C) how languages evolve (D) evolution that languages Jawaban: C. Dibutuhkan object. Pilihan C adalah noun clause yang berfungsi sebgaai object dari verb study.

6. Tennis star Chris Evert, who retired from the game after eighteen years, perhaps _____ more than anyone to make women’s professional tennis a widely respected career. (A) who did (B) has done (C) and doing (D) to do Jawaban: B Subject = Tennis star Chris Evert. Verb yang dibutuhkan dalam kalimat.

7. The daytime _____ bright because the Earth’s atmosphere scatters sunlight. (A) while sky is (B) has a sky (C) sky is (D) for the sky Jawaban: C. Dibutuhkan penyempurna subject dab verb untuk kalimat ini.

8. Edward Hopper’s paintings portray the loneliness and isolation of the individuals _____. (A) is in an urbanized society (B) in society is urbanized (C) who in an urbanized society (D) in an urbanized society Jawaban: D. Dibutuhkan keterangan saja. Pilihan A dan B salah karena memiliki to be, sedangkan pilihan C salah karena menawarkan connector who tanpa s dan v.

9. Braille, _____ printing reading materials for use by people who are blind, consists of a system of raised points or dots that are read by touch. (A) is a method of (B) a method of (C) which a method of (D) a method is of Jawaban: B. dibutuhkan noun karena posisi dalam kalimat ini sebagai appositive.

10. The art of landscape architecture is almost as old ______ of architecture itself. (A) as that (B) than (C) as (D) than that Jawaban: A Kalimat ini menggunakan connector as ….adj…. as setelah as kedua ada penunjuk dengan benda yang dibandingkan apa.

11. The development of synthetic fibers after 1940 led to the production of new types of fabrics _____ more durable and easier to care for. (A) that they were (B) that were (C) were (D) and were Jawaban: B. Subject dan verb sudah ada. Dibutuhkan connector. Dari pilihan yang ada lebih tepat menggunakan connector that yang langsung berfungsi sebagai subject allu diikuti oleh to be.

12. Until the eighteenth century, charcoal was _____ used in blast furnaces, as well as in glassmaking, blacksmithing, and metalworking. (A) what the chief fuel (B) the chief fuel that (C) the chief fuel was (D) the chief fuel Jawaban: D. Dibutuhkan object.

13. Pure iron cannot be hardened by heating and cooling, as _____, because iron lacks the necessary carbon. (A) steel it can (B) can steel (C) with steel can (D) so can steel

Jawaban: B. ada dua connector dalam kalimat ini, yaitu as dan because. Tetapi, connector utamanya adalah because. Setelah connector S biasanya muncul S dan V. Bentuk pilihan B umumnya ada subject menjadi as it can steel. Steel disini verb. Tetapi bisa juga ditulis as can steel.

14. Rapids and waterfalls, ______ along virtually all Massachusetts waterways, provided power in colonial times for grist and saw mills and later for textile mills. (A) common (B) were common (C) which, being common (D) being common, were Jawaban: A. Ini posisi appositive. Comon adalah adjective, berarti frasa dibagian ini hasil reduced, misal dari which were common along virtually…. Connector which dan to be were dihilangkan.

15. Airsickness is produced by a disturbance of the inner car, ______ psychogenic factors, such as fear, also play a part. (A) in spite of (B) neither (C) nor (D) although

Jawaban: D. Dibutuhkan connector karena ada klausa setelah titik – titik. Connector yang diikuti oleh subject dan verb. Connector yang diikuti oleh s dan v.

Written Expression

16. A large collections of materials focused on Louisiana’s history and culture is provided by the Williams Reseach Center in New Orleans. Jawaban: A. Karena ad article a penunjuk jumlah tunggal, seharusnya collection saja tanpa –s.

17. Mary Austin’s first book, The Land of little Rain, a description of desert life in the western United States, won she immediate fame in 1903. Jawaban: C. Posisinya adalah object setelah verb won, seharusnya digunakan kepemilikan her untuk her immediate fame.

18. The most abundant phosphate mineral, apatite, includes several type that vary in their content of fluorine, chlorine, or hydroxyl ions. Jawaban B. Ada kata several penunjuk jumlah jamak, seharusnya types dengan –s berbentuk plural.

19.Having gained a reputation as a daring, intrepid journalist, Nellie Bly became the first female report assigned to the Eastern front during the First World War. Jawaban: C. Seharusnya reporter karena yang diminta pelakunya.

20. In 1862 Abraham Lincoln signed the Homestead Act, allows settlers 160 acres of free land after they had worked it for five years. Jawaban: A. Seharusnya bentuk present participle allowing yang bukan berfungsi sebagai verb karena verb sudah ada.

21. Alone with the other physical sciences, meteorology has developed in the past three centuries from myth and folklore to rigorous observation, computation, analyze. Jawaban: D. Agar parallel dengan observation, dan computation yang berbentuk noun, seharusnya ditulis analysis.

22. In 1973 the United States armed forces were placed on an all-volunteer basis for a first time since 1984. Jawaban: C. Article a seharusnya the.

23. Because lions do not have exceptional speedy, they must rely on the element of surprise for the hunt. Jawaban: A. Dibutuhkan noun untuk adjective exceptional, seharusnya speed. Polanya adjective + noun.

24. The position of the earth’s magnetic poles is not constant but shows an appreciable change after year to year. Jawaban: D. Seharusnya menggunakan preposition from.

25. Grassland vegetation reduces competition for water among species by concentrates roots at different levels. Jawaban: C. Seharusnya bentuk verb – ing concentrating setelah preposisi by.

26. Like the giant reptiles, most lineages of organisms have eventually become extinct; still some exist that have changed very little in millions of year. Jawaban: D. Seharusnya years, berbentuk jamak karena ada kata millions.

27. Demonstrations public are an effective means by which advocacy groups can bring inequalities to the attention of local, state and federal officials. Jawaban: A. Susunan yang benar public demonstrations.

28. Methods used in preparing articles for an encyclopedia differs, depending on the length of the article. Jawaban: B. Seharusnya differ saja karena subjectnya methods berberntuk plural.

29. Since the advent of rock music in the 1950’s the popular music of the United States has become a significant musical influence around world. Jawaban: D. Seharusnya around the world.

30. Cloud droplets and ice crystals first form on certain types of small particles of dust or another airborne materials. Jawaban: D. Seharusnya other karena bentuk noun setelahnya adalah materials, berbentuk jamak.

31. Male fiddler crabs have huge claws that move back and forth similar violinists move their arms when playing the violin. Jawaban: B. Kata similar biasanya diikuti oleh to, menjadi similar to.

33. Almost every fruits and vegetables contain riboflavin; the richest sources are leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, or turnip greens. Jawaban: A. Karena fruits dalam bentuk jamak (merujuk pada jenis-jenis), seharusnya menggunakan all. Kata every harus diikuti oleh noun tunggal.

34. Gold lends itself to the making of decorative articles because of its great resistant to corrosion and tarnish and its ease of working. Jawaban: D. Seharusnya berbentuk noun resistance agar bisa dijelaskan oleh adjective great. Polanya: adjective + noun.

35. Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the values of life in a coherent, systematic, and science manner. Jawaban: D. Agar parallel dengan systematic yang berbentuk adjective, seharusnya scientific.

36. Indiscriminately dumping of waste materials and inadequate sewage treatment are two serious causes of environmental pollution. Jawaban: A. Seharusnya berbentuk adjective indiscriminate agar bisa menjelaskan noun dumping.

37. The builders of the variety ancient cliff ruins scattered throughout the canyons and mesas of the arid Southwest of the United States are known as the cliff dwellers. Jawaban: B. Seharusnya berbentuk adjective various agar bsa menjelaskan noun ancient.

38. A fragrant plant has tiny sacs that makes and stores the substances that give it a pleasant odor. Jawaban: B. Seharusnya make and store karena merujuk pada sacs yang berbentuk plural.

39. Nomadic hunter and gatherer societies have access to only a limited amount of food in an area and moved on when they have exhausted each locality. Jawaban: C. Seharusnya verb 1 mpve agar parallel dengan vern sebelumnya have.

40. Collagen, a strong rubbery protein, supports the earflaps and the tip of nose in humans. Jawaban: Seharusnya the tip of the nose.