Pemurnian Protein [PDF]

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TEKNIK ISOLASI PROTEIN Protein ekstraseluler  Tahapan isolasi 

Sentrifugasi cairan sel/ medium kultur ⇒ menghasilkan :  Supernatan (crude extract)  Pelet (sel & komponen non-protein)

Protein intraseluler  Tahapan isolasi : 

Cuci jaringan/ sel dengan bufer salin : untuk menghilangkan pengotor/ bahan ekstraseluler  Sel mikroba : sentrifugasi & resuspensi dalam bufer Lisis sel ⇒ memecah/membuka sel ⇒ ekstrak : homogenat  Menggunakan mortar/pestle, homogenizer, sonicator, tissue grinder, cell disruptor, blender    Menghasilkan : homogenat Sentrifugasi ⇒ menghasilkan :  pelet (mengandung protein membran)  supernatan (crude extract)

Cell disruption methods Cell lysis method

Kind of tissue

Blade homogenization

Most animal, plant tissue

Hand homogenization

Soft animal tissue


Cell suspention

French pressure cell

Bacteria, yeast, plant cell

Grinding with alumina/ sand

Bacteria, plant cell

Glass bead vortexing

Cell suspention

Enzyme digestion

Bacteria, yeast

Detergent lysis

Tissue culture cell

Organic solven lysis

Bacteria, yeast, plant cell

Osmotic shock

Erythrocytes, bacteria

Removal of Non-Protein Components

PROTEIN SEPARATION The goal of a protein separation is to

obtain the protein in a pure, active form using a  minimum number of steps The shortest time possible.

SEPARATION METHOD  Chromatographic Methods Proteins differ in size and charge Ion exchange chromatography Anion and Cation

Gel Filtration (size exclusion) Separates based on size Affinity Methods Affinity for ligands Engineered affinity sites, e.g. histidine tag


Solubility techniques  Salting out methods  Solubility sensitive to ionic strength. Initial “salting in” and then“salting out” At high salt, solvent tied up with interacting with salts so that it is insufficient to solubilize proteins.  1st go to maximal salt that protein target is soluble, centrifuge and discard pellet. Now add just enough salt to bring down protein. Collect pellet.  Organic solvents  Same principle as salting out; taking advantage of different solubilities. Avoid totally denaturing proteins.  pH  Proteins have many ionizable groups with range of pKs. When net charge of protein is zero, this is the isoelectric point or pI. Proteins are typically least soluble at their pI due to minimizing charge charge interactions.  Crystallization  The solubility methods where proteins are ppt can be used to grow crystals of proteins. This is only done when the protein is relatively pure

Ammonium sulfate precipitation (salting out)  When high concentration of salt are present, proteins

tend to aggregate and precipitate out of solution : “salting out”  Different proteins precipitate at different salt concentration. pH, temperature and protein purity play important roles in determining the salting out poin.  Ammonium sulfate is the salt choice because it combines many useful feature :     

salting out effectiveness pH versality high solubility low heat of solution low price

 Ammonium sulfate concentration : % saturation  Simple equation for calculation of gram ammonium sulfate needed

to make an X% solution from Xo% : 515 (X-Xo) g = ------------100-0,27X

Dialys is


+ Na+

Na+ + P+ High salt


Ion exchange groups used in protein purification



STRONG ANION ─ CH2N+(CH3)3 ─ Triethylaminomethyl

─ CH2SO3-

─ Sulphomethyl

─ C2H4N+(C2H5)3

─ C3H6SO3-

─ Sulphopropyl

─ C2H4N+(C2H5)2CH2CH(OH)CH3 ─ Diethyl2-hydroxypropylaminoethyl WEAK ANION ─ C2H4N+H3 ─ Aminoethyl

─ COO-



─ Carboxymethyl

─ Triethylaminoethyl

─ C2H4N+H(C2H5)2 Diethylaminoethyl

Gel Filtration  Porous beads made of different

materials. Size of pores can be controlled  Small molecules small enough to go into beads whereas larger go around

and thus flow faster. There is exclusion limit (all proteins too large to go into pores).  Can be used as preparative method

or be used to determine molecular size  Gels made of dextrans, agarose or

Affinity Method A ligand which has tight

binding to protein is attached to matrix.  Protein of interest binds but

others pass through  Elute using soluble ligand.  Beside small molecules, can also use antibodies  Recent advances in molecular biology entails engineering a poly his group which binds to Ni or use parts of other proteins and columns that bind to this other protein

Addition of glucose (G)

Visualization  &/or  Isolation  of a protein   proteins migrate in an electrical field at rates

that depend upon their net charge, size, and shape  Gel Electrophoresis... separation by charge ( separation of in a media as gels)  in a media as porous gel (starch/polyacrylamide) : gels & staining  Isoelectric Focusing*: proteins are separated in a gel of a continuous pH gradient, proteins move to point in gel equal to its pI, i.e., no charge  SDS-PAGE*: Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis... proteins treated with ionic detergent that separates according to size  SDS binds to protein @ 1 SDS/2 aa's thus proportional to a protein's MW           


Identification of protein’s presence & &  its quantification    Identification - is often done by  spectrophotometry    

     spectrophotometers measures intensity of light beam before & after        light passes through a liquid solvent with sample dissolved in it,         (in a cuvette)... compares the two light intensities over a range of        wavelengths.                           Percent transmittance...       ratio of intensity of light passing through the sample       to the intensity of light shining on sample multiplied by 100%.   Absorbance...         is the log of the transmittance                                instruments... Spectronic 20/  spectrophotometer UV/ Vis  

SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC  METHODS  of  DETECTING  PROTEINS UV absorbance at 280 nm. (measures aromatic aa's)        Colorimetry reactions - colored dye binds to amino acids           Ninhydrin reaction - rx's w amino = blue color (10-9 M)                  Biuret test = mg quantities…   based on Copper ion                                 binds stiochiometrically = violet color            Bradford test = ug amounts            based on dye Coomassie blue - binds to peptide              Fluoroescamine dye = pg quantities...  (10-12 M) Quantification of amounts of protein present  Quantification is based on BEER-LAMBERT Law            

Quantification  of Protein Concentrations with ENZYME ACTIVITY relating protein amounts & enzyme activity

           1  (international)  UNIT of  ENZYME ACTIVITY…          that amount of protein which converts 1 micromole of substrate to product per min at 250C at optimal pH UREASE - 1 unit (IU) will liberate 1.0 µmole of ammonia from         urea per minute at pH 7.0 at 25°C    [equivalent  to 1.0  I.U.]               1  UNIT of  SPECIFIC ACTIVITY…            the number micromoles converted per min  per mg protein            i.e., Units (as above) of enzyme activity per mg

Protein Purification