Pengertian Conjunction Conjunction [PDF]

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Pengertian Conjunction Conjunction adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang berfungsi menghubungkan dua kata, phrase (frasa), clause (klausa), atau paragraph (paragraf). Kata ini merupakan satu dari delapan part of speech.

Macam dan Contoh Kalimat Conjunction Adapun macam dan contoh kalimat conjunction antara lain sebagai berikut. Macam Conjunction

Penjelasan Singkat

Contoh Conjunction

Contoh Kalimat Conjunction I love running and swimming. and, or, for (Saya suka lari dan berenang.) Diana as… as, both… is as beautiful as her and…, either… sister. or… (Diana secantik saudaranya.) Nobody knows where she lives where, although, now. so that, (Tak seorangpun tau otherwise dimana dia tinggal sekarang.)

Coordinate Conjunction

Kata hubung ini digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua konstruksi gramatikal yang sama yaitu: kata, phrase atau clause.

Correlative Conjunction

Kata hubung ini digunakan berpasangan untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara dua kata, phrase , atau clause.

Subordinate Conjunction

Kata hubung ini digunakan untuk membangun hubungan ide antara dependent clause  dengan main clause.

Adverbial Conjunction / Conjunctive Adverb / Connecting Adverb

Kata hubung berfungsi pula sebagai adverb. Sebagai kata hubung, kata ini berfungsi untuk also, however, menghubungkan dengan logis rather, thus dua independent clause, sedangkan sebagai adverb, untuk menerangkan clause kedua.

Soal Conjunction

She’s not bad; rather, she’s very kind. (Dia tidak jahat; sebaliknya, dia sangat baik.)

Pengertian Coordinate Conjunction Coordinate conjunction adalah kata hubung yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua konstruksi gramatikal yang sama yaitu: kata, phrase (frasa), atau clause (klausa). Elemen yang dihubungkan tersebut biasanya bersifat paralel (kedudukannya sejajar) secara struktur gramatikal. Kata hubung ini sering digunakan pada compound sentence (menghubungkan dua independent clause).

Punctuation (Tanda Baca) pada Coordinate Conjunction Jika coordinate conjunction digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause di dalam suatu compound sentence, maka tanda baca koma ditempatkan tepat sebelum kata hubung

tersebut. Contoh Punctuation pada Coordinate Conjunction:  

I love running and swimming. (antar verb) Rita and I arrived this morning, and we just left 10 minutes ago. (antar independent clause)

Contoh Coordinate Conjunction Contoh kalimat dengan coordinate conjunction (FANBOYS) dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut. Coordinate Conjunction


Contoh Kalimat Coordinate Conjunction

For (karena)

Cause & Effect He didn’t come last night, for he fell asleep. (sebab & (Dia tidak datang semalam, karena dia tertidur.) akibat)

And (dan)

Addition The trainees laughed and cried simultaneously. (penambahan) (Siswa latihan tertawa dan menangis secara bersamaan.) Vina and Amel wake up at 5:00 am, and they go to school at 6:30 am.

(Vina dan Amel bangun jam 5 pagi dan mereka pergi ke sekolah jam setengah tujuh pagi.) Nor (tidak)

Addition She didn’t come to the ceremony, nor did her friends. (penambahan) (Dia tidak datang ke perayaan, tidak juga teman-temannya.)

But (tapi, namun)

The man helped in sincerity, but many people thought negatively Contrast about him. (pertentangan) (Pria itu membantu dengan tulus, namun banyak orang berpikir negatif.) What do you prefer to stay at home or go to the cinema on this weekend? (Apa yang lebih kamu suka, diam di rumah atau pergi ke bioskop akhir minggu ini?)

Or (atau)

Alternative (pilihan)

Yet (tapi, namun)

Contrast The book is thick, yet the text is large. (pertentangan) (Buku itu tebal, tapi tulisannya besar.)

So (agar, sehingga)

Result (hasil, akibat)

Please reconsider, so you will not regret oneday. (Tolong pertimbangkan kembali, agar kamu tidak menyesal suatu hari nanti.)

Soal Conj

Tentang Coordinate vs Adverbial Conjunction

Adverbial conjunction / conjunctive adverb / connecting adverb merupakan kata hubung yang lebih memberi penekanan dengan cara penggunaan punctuation (tanda baca) daripada coordinate conjunction. Dalam formal english, clause yang diawali dengan adverbial conjunction biasanya dipisahkan dengan clause sebelumnya dengan comma (koma) atau semicolon (titik koma). Penjelasan dan contoh lebih lengkap dapat dilihat di modifikasi tanda baca pada adverbial conjunction.

Makna Coordinate = Adverbial Conjunction Beberapa coordinate conjunction memiliki padanan makna dengan adverbial conjunction. Contohnya antara lain sebagai berikut. Coordinate Conj. and



Adverbial Conj. also besides furthermore likewise moreover however nevertheless nonetheless still accordingly consequently hence therefore thus

Contoh The chef will bake bread and turkey for the dinner. The scientists found that the question is difficult; besides, they need to work hard to solved it. I would love to join but I’m afraid I don’t have time. The man wearing glasses seems so serious, nevertheless, he often laughs out loud with his friends. Please reconsider, so you will not regret oneday. Ferarri cars are very sophisticated; accordingly; I want to buy one someday.

Pengertian Correlative Conjunction

Correlative conjunction adalah kata hubung yang digunakan berpasangan untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara dua kata, phrase (frasa), atau clause (klausa). Elemen kalimat yang dihubungkan biasanya bersifat paralel (kedudukannya sejajar) secara struktur gramatikal. Kata hubung ini disebut juga paired conjunction.

Contoh Kalimat Correlative Conjunction Beberapa contoh kalimat dengan correlative conjunction serta macam hubungannya dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut. Correlative Conjunction as … as (se-) between … and … (diantara … dan …) both … and … (baik … maupun) either … or … (baik … ataupun) neither … nor (baik … ataupun … tidak) from … to …

hardly … when / no sooner … than / scarcely … when

if … then not … but (tidak … tapi) not only … but also … (tak hanya … tapi juga) rather … than the more … the less (semakin banyak …, semakin

Contoh Kalimat Correlative Conjunction Diana is as beautiful as her sister. (Diana secantik saudara perempuannya.) There are no difference beetwen you and him. (Tidak ada perbedaan antara dirimu dan dirinya.) She loves both swimming and running. (Dia suka baik renang maupun lari.) The man is neither handsome nor faithful. (Pria itu tidak tampan ataupun setia.) Either Nisa or her mother is a scientist. (Baik Nisa ataupun ibunya adalah ilmuwan.) I travelled from England to Rome in three days. (Saya bepergian dari Inggris ke Roma dalam tiga hari.) Hardly had you left the restaurant when the party was started. (Kamu hampir telah meninggalkan restoran ketika pesta dimulai.) No sooner did I send the email than the reply came. (Tidak lama dari saya mengirimkan e-mail balasannya datang.) Scarcely had I finished my work when I went to bed. (Tak lama setelah saya menyelesaikan pekerjaan, saya tidur.) If you help him now, then he’ll repay oneday. (Jika kamu menolongnya sekarang, kemudian dia akan membalasnya suatu hari nanti.) Yuni is not his girl friend but his cousin. (Yuni bukan pacarnya melainkan sepupunya.) He can drive not only a car but also a helicopter. (Dia tidak hanya bisa mengemudi mobil tapi juga helikopter.) My parents would rather have lunch in a traditional restaurant than have lunch in a fast food restaurant. (Orangtua saya lebih suka makan siang di restoran tradisional daripada di makan siang di restoran cepat saji.) The more we learn grammar, the less we face the difficulty in writing.

sedikit …) the more … the more (semakin banyak …, semakin banyak)

whether … or …

(Semakin banyak kita mempelajari grammar, semakin sedikit kita menghadapi kesulitan didalam menulis.) The more you give alms to others, the more you get rewards from God. (Semakin banyak kamu memberi sedekah kepada orang lain, semakin banyak kamu mendapat imbalan dari Tuhan.) I’m confused whether to live in Jakarta or to live in Bandung. (Saya bingung apakah tinggal di Jakarta atau tinggal di Bandung.)

Pengertian Subordinate Conjunction Subordinate conjunction adalah kata hubung yang mengawali suatu subordinate clause (berupa adverbial clause) yang berfungsi membangun hubungan ide antara

dependent clause dengan main clause. Adapun gabungan antara dependent dan main clause menghasilkan complex sentence. Subordinate conjunction digunakan pada subordinate clause, yaitu bagian yang idenya kurang penting dibanding pada main clause. Conjunction ini memiliki antara lain hubungan waktu (time), tempat (place), pertentangan (contrast), sebab akibat (cause-effect), syarat (condition), tujuan (reason), dan cara (manner).

Contoh Kalimat Subordinate Conjunction Contoh kalimat dengan subordinate conjunction dengan hubungan waktu (time), tempat (place), dan pertentangan (contrast) adalah sebagai berikut. Hubungan

Time (waktu)

Place (tempat)

Subordinate Contoh Kalimat Subordinate Conjunction (Complex Sentence) Conjunction after After I changed the APN, I unpluged my modem and waited for 5 (setelah), minutes. as (Setelah saya merubah APN, saya mencabut modem dan menunggu (ketika, selama 5 menit.) sementara), As soon as/once they finish filling the questionnaire, I will process as soon as the data. (segera (Segera setelah mereka selesai mengisi kuesioner, saya akan setelah), memproses data tersebut.) before Anna found so much expired food when she was cleaning the (sebelum), kitchen. once (Anna menemukan begitu banyak makanan basi ketika (segera dia membersihkan dapur.) setelah), Before she went to Jakarta, she got her flowers watered. since (Sebelum dia pergi ke Jakarta, dia meminta bunga-bunganya (sejak), disirami.) until/till Since the boy bought a PS3, he forgot to study. (sampai), (Sejak anak laki-laki itu membeli PS3, dia lupa belajar.) when The students focused on the test until/till the time was over. (ketika), (Para siswa fokus pada ujian hingga waktu berakhir.) whenever (kapan saja, You can come to my house whenever you want. (Kamu bisa datang ke rumahku kapanpun kamu mau.) sewaktuWhile I was studying in my room, I didn’t let someone else to waktu), disturb. while (Ketika saya sedang belajar di ruangan saya, saya tidak akan (ketika, sementara) membiarkan orang lain mengganggu.) Nobody knows where she lives now. where (Tidak ada yang tau dimana dia tinggal sekarang.) (dimana), wherever We should be polite and pleasant wherever we live. (dimanapun) (Kita sebaiknya sopan dan menyenangkan dimanapun kita tinggal.)

She goes forward such a tank although/even though/though/while although, many friends confronts her ambition. even though, (Meskipun banyak teman menentang ambisinya, dia maju terus though seperti tank.) (meskipun), Although/even though/while I’m annoyed, I try to think positively. whereas (Meskipun saya terganggu, saya mencoba untuk berpikir positif.) Contrast (sebaliknya, (pertentangan) Even if Bima is not qualified enough to enter the top university, sedangkan), he’ll try again next year. while (Kalaupun Bima tidak cukup berkualifikasi untuk masuk universitas (meskipun), top tersebut, dia akan mencoba lagi tahun depan.) even if (kalaupun) I like doing execise whereas my brother like sleeping. (Saya suka berolahraga sedangkan saudara laki-laki saya suka tidur.)

Contoh Subordinate Conjunction Contoh kalimat dengan subordinate conjunction dengan hubungan sebab akibat (cause-effect), syarat (condition), tujuan (reason), dan cara (manner) adalah sebagai berikut.  Hubungan

Subordinate Conjunction

Cause & Effect (sebab akibat)

As (karena), because (karena), since (karena), so/so that (sehingga)

Purpose (tujuan)

in order that (agar), so that (agar)

Condition as long as (syarat) (jika, dengan syarat), if (jika, dengan syarat), only if (hanya jika),

Contoh Subordinate Conjunction dalam Complex Sentence Since Yunika had free time during last holiday, she rearranged her house. (Karena Yunika punya waktu luang selama liburan lalu, dia menata ulang rumahnya.) Many animals died because the dry season was very extreme. (Banyak binatang mati karena musim kering sangat ekstrim.) Palestine is in war, so many Palestinian children have been killed. (Palestina sedang dalam peperangan, sehingga banyak anakanak Palestina terbunuh.) She cooks by herself so that her family gets the best nutrition. (Dia memasak sendiri agar keluarganya mendapatkan gizi terbaik.) He drove fast in order that he could arrived on time. (Dia mengemudi dengan cepat agar dia dapat tiba tepat waktu.) She’ll come to my party only if you accompany her. (Dia akan datang ke pesta saya hanya jika kamu menemaninya.) As long as you follow the traffic regulation, you won’t be ticketed. (Jika kamu mengikuti peraturan lalu lintas, kamu tidak akan ditilang.) The party would be completely fun, providing the woman were not angry with the poor waitress.

Manner (cara)

(Pesta itu akan sangat menyenangkan jika wanita tersebut tidak marah dengan pelayan yang malang.) Supposing you’re accepted, what would you do? (Anggap kamu diterima, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?) Unless TV viewers gave her donations, she would not be able to buy gold, rice field, and house. (Jika pemirsa TV tidak memberikan dia sumbangan, dia tidak akan dapat membeli emas, sawah, dan rumah.) otherwise If you do not sleep enough, you will be hard to study at school. (jika tidak), (Jika kamu tidak cukup tidur, kamu akan sulit belajar di or else sekolah.) (jika tidak), provided/providing Do not forget to bring your boots, otherwise your feets will probably blister. (that) (Jangan lupa untuk membawa sepatu bot-mu, jika tidak kakimu (jika, dengan mungkin akan lecet.) syarat), I wonder how I learnt grammar uneffectively for almost fifteen as if years. (seperti), (Saya membayangkan bagaimana saya mempelajari grammar as though dengan tidak efektif selama hampir lima belas tahun.) (seperti), how We sometimes do not realize the way God help us. (bagaimana), (Kita kadang tidak menyadari cara Tuhan menolong kita.) the way The man drove as if he was an F-1 racer. (cara) (Pria itu mengemudi seakan-akan dia pembalap F-1.)

Pengertian Adverbial Conjunction Adverbial conjunction / conjunctive adverb / connecting adverb adalah kata yang berfungsi baik sebagai adverb (kata keterangan) maupun conjunction (kata hubung). Sebagai kata hubung, kata ini berfungsi untuk menghubungkan dengan logis dua independent clause menjadi compound sentence (kalimat majemuk), sedangkan sebagai adverb, berfungsi untuk menerangkan clause yang kedua.

Adverbial conjunction dapat menempati posisi awal, tengah, atau akhir kalimat dan  memiliki antara lain hubungan addition (penambahan), contrast (pertentangan), result (akibat/hasil), dan time (waktu).

Contoh Kalimat Adverbial Conjunction Contoh kalimat dengan adverbial conjunction dengan hubungan penambahan dan pertentangan adalah sebagai berikut. Hubungan


Contoh Kalimat Adverbial Conjunction Atiek was my classmate in senior high school; also, she’s my best friend until now. (Atiek adalah teman sekelas saya di SMU. Selain itu dia teman terbaik sampai sekarang.) The scientists found that the question is difficult; besides, they also, needed to work hard to solved it. besides, Addition (Para ilmuan menemukan bahwa pertanyaan itu sulit. Tambahan furthermore, (penambahan) lagi, mereka butuh bekerja keras untuk memecahkannya.) moreover (tambahan lagi) Both gold and green kiwifruits are widely cultivated in New Zealand; furthermore/moreover, they’re distributed to our country. (Baik kiwi emas maupun hijau dibudidayakan secara luas di New Zealand. Tambahan lagi, mereka didistribusikan ke negara kita.) Natural resources of Indonesia spread from Sabang to marauke; however/yet, they’re not utilized properly. however, yet (Sumber daya alam di Indonesia tersebar dari Sabang sampai (tapi, namun) Marauke. Namun mereka tidak dieksplorasi dengan benar.) despite that, She looks tomboyish; despite that/in spite of that; she’s good in spite of that at cooking. nevertheless (Dia tampak tomboy. Meskipun demikian, dia pandai nonetheless memasak.) notwithstanding The man wearing glasses seems serious and stiff; (meskipun Contrast nevertheless/nonetheless/notwithstanding/still, he sometimes demikian) (pertentangan) laughs out loud with his friends. on the other (Pria yang memakai kacamata itu tampak serius dan kaku. hand Meskipun demikian dia kadang-kadang tertawa keras dengan still teman-temannya.) otherwise If the sun shines tomorrow, I’ll go swimming; otherwise, (jika tidak) maybe I’ll try the new recipe in the kitchen. rather (Jika matahari bersinar besok, saya akan berenang; jika tidak, (sebaliknya, mungkin saya akan mencoba resep baru di dapur.) malahan) She’s not bad; rather, she’s very kind. (Dia tidak jahat. Malahan dia sangat baik.)

Contoh Adverbial Conjunction (Result & Time) Contoh kalimat dengan adverbial conjunction dengan hubungan akibat/hasil (result) dan waktu (time) dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut. Hubungan

Result (akibat)

Adverbial Conjunction

accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus, (oleh karena itu)

meanwhile (sementara itu)

Time (waktu)

Time sequence: finally (akhirnya) then(lalu, kemudian) After all/at last (setelah itu) first, second (pertama, kedua) last (terakhir) next (selanjutnya, berikutnya)

Contoh Adverbial Conjunction dalam Kalimat Lamborghini cars are very sophisticated; accordingly, I want to have one. (Mobil-mobil Lamborghini sangat canggih; karenanya, saya ingin punya satu.) The worker came late; consequently, his salary for the next moth will be cut. (Pekerja itu datang terlambat. Sebagai akibatnya, gajinya bulan depan akan dipotong.) She loves to read psychology books; hence, she is easy to understand other people. (Dia suka membaca buku-buku psikologi. Karena itu dia mudah mengerti orang lain.) Yulia drinks fresh milk and does exercise regularly; so/therefore/thus, her bones are dense and strong. (Yulia minum susu segar dan berolahraga teratur. Oleh karena itu, tulangnya padat dan kuat.) The rich sleeps on the warm and comfortable bed; meanwhile, the poor sleeps on the damp and cold sidewalk. (Orang kaya tidur di tempat tidur yang hangat dan nyaman; sementara itu, orang miskin tidur di trotoar yg lembab dan dingin.) He built a business for many years tirelessly; finally, he got success. (Dia membangun usaha selama bertahun-tahun tanpa kenal lelah. Akhirnya, dia sukses.) Slice onion, garlic, and chili, then, stir-fry them on a non-stick pan. (Iris bawang merah, bawang putih, dan cabai. Selanjutnya tumis di panci anti lengket.) He built a business for many years tirelessly; after all/at last/finally, he got success. (Dia membangun usaha selama bertahun-tahun tanpa kenal lelah. Akhirnya dia sukses.)

Posisi Adverbial Conjunction

Posisi dan contoh adverbial conjunction dalam suatu kalimat dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut di bawah ini.  Posisi

Contoh Adverbial Conjunction Yulia drinks fresh milk and does exercise regularly; therefore(for that di awal kalimat reason), her bones is dense and strong. di tengah kalimat Her bones, therefore, they are dense and strong. di akhir kalimat Her bones is dense and strong, therefore.

Modifikasi Tanda Baca Modifikasi tanda baca comma (,) dan semicolon (;) serta contoh adverbial conjunction dalam kalimat adalah sebagai berikut. Ilustrasi Contoh Kalimat Keterangan Tanda Baca complete I’m not hungry; however, I want idea; X, some cheese. complete idea. complete I’m not hungry; however; I want idea; X; [1] some cheese. Hanya A atau B yang merupakan complete complete idea. idea.[2]&[3]Semicolon tidak digunakan karena I don’t, however, I want some A, X, B.[1] kalimat hanya terdiri dari satu complete idea.X cheese. = Adverbial Conjunction However, I don’t want some X, complete cheese idea.[2] Complete idea, X.[3]

I don’t want some cheese, however

Kinds of Conjunctions There are two main kinds of conjunctions: Coordinating conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions Coordinating conjunctions join two clauses or sentences of equal rank. Here both clauses are capable of being principal clauses if they appear as such in separate sentences. A subordinating conjunction joins a principal or main clause and a subordinate clause. Note that a subordinate clause cannot stand on its own and doesn’t make complete sense. Coordinating conjunctions

The most common coordinating conjunctions are: and, but, or, nor, either…or, neither…nor, yet, not only… but also…, both…and. Coordinating conjunctions are of four kinds: Additive (cumulative or copulative) conjunctions An additive conjunction merely adds one statement to another. It doesn’t express ideas such as contrast, choice or inference. Examples are: and, also, too, as well as, both…and, not only… but also… He walked into the room and sat on the sofa. (Here the additive conjunction and merely adds the clauses ‘he walked into the room’ and ‘he sat on the sofa’.) He was not only abused but also beaten. (Here the additive conjunction not only…but also… joins the two clauses ‘he was abused’ and ‘he was beaten’.) These lessons are both free and useful. Adversative coordinating conjunctions They express a contrast between two statements in a sentence. Examples are: but, nevertheless, however, whereas, only, still etc. He is poor but he is honest. Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. The captain was annoyed, still he kept quiet. She was late, still she was not punished. Alternative conjunctions Alternative conjunctions express a choice between two alternatives. Examples are: or, nor, either…or, neither…nor, otherwise, else etc. He is either a fool or a rogue. You must leave this place at once or you will have to face the consequences. Neither a borrower, nor a lender be. He knows nothing about this work, neither does he try to learn anything about it. Inferential or illative conjunctions These conjunctions introduce some inference. Examples are: therefore, for, so etc. Work hard, for nobody can succeed without hard work. He was lazy, therefore, he failed.


CONJUNCTIONS Conjunctions are words used as joiners. Different kinds of conjunctions join different kinds of grammatical structures. The following are the kinds of conjunctions:         A. COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS (FANBOYS) for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Coordinating conjunctions join equals to one another:

            words to words,          phrases to phrases,          clauses to clauses.

          Coordinating conjunctions usually form looser connections than other conjunctions do.

  Coordinating conjunctions go in between items joined, not at the beginning or end.

        Punctuation with coordinating conjunctions: When a coordinating conjunction joins two words, phrases, or subordinate clauses, no comma should be placed before the conjunction.

            A coordinating conjunction joining three or more words, phrases, or subordinate clauses creates a series and requires commas between the elements.            

A coordinating conjunction joining two independent clauses creates a compound sentence and requires a comma before the coordinating conjunction           

             B. CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS either. . .or neither. . . nor

both. . . and not only. . . but also

              These pairs of conjunctions require equal (parallel) structures after each one.

  C. CONJUNCTIVE ADVERBS These conjunctions join independent clauses together. The following are frequently used conjunctive adverbs: after all also as a result besides consequently finally for example furthermore hence however

Punctuation :

in addition incidentally indeed in fact in other words instead likewise meanwhile moreover nevertheless

next nonetheless on the contrary on the other hand otherwise still then therefore thus  

Place a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after the conjunctive adverb.

      D. SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS These words are commonly used as subordinating conjunctions  

after although as as far as as soon as as if as though because before even if even though how if inasmuch as in case (that)

in order (that) insofar as in that lest no matter how now that once provided (that) since so that supposing (that) than that though till

unless until when whenever where wherever whether while why

Subordinating conjunctions also join two clauses together, but in doing so, they make one clause dependent (or "subordinate") upon the other.

A subordinating conjunction may appear at a sentence beginning or between two clauses in a sentence.    

A subordinate conjunction usually provides a tighter connection between clauses than a coordinating conjunctions does. Loose: Tight:

It is raining, so we have an umbrella. Because it is raining, we have an umbrella.

Punctuation Note: When the dependent clause is placed first in a sentence, use a comma between the two clauses.  When the independent clause is placed first and the dependent clause second, do not separate the two clauses with a comma.