Penggunaan Conjunction [PDF]

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Penggunaan Conjunctions so that, in order to dan to  

Pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas materi tentang conjunctions (kata penghubung). Kata penghubung yang akan dibahas yaitu so that, in order to dan to yang memiliki arti yang sama yaitu agar/supaya (untuk menyatakan tujuan). Walaupun ketiga conjunctions tadi memiliki arti yang sama tetapi penggunaannya dalam kalimat tetap perlu diperjelas. Berikut adalah Penggunaan Conjunctions so that, in order to dan to.  1. so that Setelah conjunction so that, harus diikuti subject (I, you, they, we, she, he, it) Examples:  You need to drink a lot of water so that you will not get dehydrated.  (Kamu harus minum banyak air supaya kamu tidak dehidrasi.)  Please turn off the light so that I can get to sleep. (Tolong matikan lampu supaya saya bisa tidur.)  You must study hard so that you can pass the examination. (Kamu harus belajar sungguh-sungguh supaya kamu dapat menyelesaikan ujian.)

2. in order to Setelah conjunction in order to harus diikuti be/V1. Examples: - We have to study hard in order to be smart.    (Kita harus belajar sungguh-sungguh supaya pintar.) - My mother does exercise three times a week in order to keep fit.   (Ibu saya berolahraga tiga kali seminggu supaya sehat.) - The students woke up early in order to do homework.    (Murid-murid bangun lebih awal agar mengerjakan PR.) 3. to Setelah conjunction to harus diikuti be/V1. Examples: - She is using her hand phone to send a message to her friend.   (Dia menggunakan telepon genggamnya untuk mengirim pesan kepada temannya.) - I must study hard to pass the national examination.   (Saya harus belajar sungguh-sunggung untuk menyelesaikan ujian nasional.) - They wake up early to be on time to work.   (Mereka bangun lebih awal supaya tepat waktu bekerja.) Note: - Conjunction to and in order to always are followed by a phrase.   (Kata penghubung to dan in order to selalu diikuti oleh frasa atau kelompok kata) - Conjunction so that is followed by a clause.   (Kata penghubung so that selalu diikuti oleh klausa atau sekelompok kata yang mengandung subyek dan predikat atau kalimat)

SOAL   LATIHAN I                      Complete the sentences with the correctly with correct conjunction! Lengkapi kalimat ini dengan satu conjunction yang berada di dalam kurung, nomor satu sebagai contoh ! 1. I save my money (so that / to) buy a remote control car. 2. My grandfather goes to the hospital (so that / to) do a medical check up. 3. Mom needs some butter (so that / to) make a cake. 4. My friend studies hard (so that / in order to) he can make it to the top rate university. 5. I go to school on feet (to / so that) save my money. 6. He drives carefully (in order to / so that) he can reach home safely. 7. Dad works out everyday (in order to / so that) stay healthy. 8. I read news online regularly (to / so that) know what’s happening in the world. 9. She wears her sweater (to / so that) she won’t get cold. 10. Sherly got part time job (to / so that) she earn some pocket money.


Join these sentences by using to, in order to, or so that! Hubungan kalimat – kalimat di bawah ini menggunakan kata to, in order to, atau so that ! Nomor satu sebagai contoh. 1. He learns Japanese. He can study in Japan. He learns Japanese so that he can study in Japan. 2. They wake up early. Go to work on time. .................. 3. She joins cooking class. Cooks deliciously at home. .................. 4. I wear a rain coat. I won’t get drenched. .................. 5. I ask for her number. I can keep in touch with her. .................. 6. He goes to the library. Reads and borrows books. .................. 7. She learns piano. She can be a musician someday. .................. 8. I need to watch a comedy movie. I can laugh and cheer up. .................. 9. Melia comes home early. Help her mother doing the chores. .................. 10. He applies to the art major. Be a professional artist