Percakapan Perkenalan Dalam Bahasa Inggris 1 [PDF]

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Percakapan Perkenalan dalam bahasa Inggris 1 Lina is reading a book in the city park. There is someone , Tuti, approaching her. Tuti : Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit beside you? I’m waiting my friend. Lina : No. It’s OK. My name is Lina. Tuti : Hi, I’m Tuti. Percakapan Perkenalan dalam bahasa Inggris 2 Two person meet on the way from school. They are Budi and Desi. Budi introduces himself to Desi on the way home from the school. Budi : Good morning. I’m Budi. Haven’t we met before? Desi : I don’t think so.Anyway, Hello, My name’s Desi. Budi. Budi : Hi, Desi. How do you do?. Desi : I am a student. Do you somehow stay around here? Budi : Yeah. I stay in the Uptown Apartment on fifth Avenue. Desi : That’s great. I also stay there on eleventh floor. Budi : Mine’s on tenth floor. Sorry, I have to get going. Desi : See you then. Good bye. Budi : Good bye Percakapan Perkenalan 3 Today is the first day at school for Dian. She meets Rian. Then, they introduce each other. Dian : Good morning. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Dian. Rian : Good morning. My name is Rian. Nice to meet you. Dian : Nice to meet you too. We are in the same class, right? I saw your name in the students’ list of my class. Rian : Yeah, right. By the way, what book is that? Dian : This is a book about cooking Rian : Oh, so you like cooking? I like cooking too. Dian : Really? Good, so I have a friend to share with. Anyway, I must go now. Bye. Rian : Bye. Take care. Dialog Perkenalan 4 Anto waiting for Budi and Yani, his new colleague at the airport. Budi : Excuse me. Are you Henri? Anto : Yes. I’m Anto Susanto. Budi : How do you do, Anto? I’m Budi from University of Jakarta. Anto : How do you do, Anto. Nice to see you. Budi : Nice to meet you, too. Did you have a good journey? Anto : Yes. It was fine, thanks. Budi : Let me help you to bring your suitcase. Anto : That’s very kind of you. Budi : Not at all. Let me introduce you to my friend Yani this is Anto. Anto this is Yani. Yani : Hello, Anto. Nice to meet you. Anto : Pleased to meet you, too. How’s the trip? Yani : Well, It’s nice and exciting.

Anto : Great, then. You must be tired. I’ll take you to the Hotel first. Budi : OK. Thanks, Anto. Dialog Perkenalan 5 Today is the commemoration of National Education Day. Every province in Indonesia sends their representatives to attend outstBuding students gathering in Jakarta. Rony : Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Ali. I study at SMAN 10 Jakarta. Edi : Hi, I’m Edi, I’m from Papua. Nice to meet you. Rony : Nice to meet you too. Let’s go to the crowd. Edi and Rony go to the crowd and they meet a girl. Ita : Hi, Rony. How are you? Rony : I’m fine. How about you? Ita : I’m fine too. Thank you. Rony : Elvi, this is Edi, my new friend. Edi : Hi. How do you do? Pleased to meet you. Ita : How do you do? Pleased to meet you too. Edi : By the way, what is your hobby? Ita : I like cooking very much. I can spend my whole day for cooking. Contoh Dialog Perkenalan Bahasa Inggris 6 Tina : Hi, Dido, nice to meet you again after long holiday. Dido : Hello. Tina, nice to meet you too. Tina : Anyway, where did you go on the last holiday? Dido : Well. I went to Bali. It’s a wonderful place withbeautiful beaches and sceneries. Tina : Wow. It sounds great. What did you do there? Dido : My family and I spent four nights there in a bungalow in Kuta beach. I had a great vacation there. I swam and surfed on the beach. I also played football and sand with my brother. Tina : What else did you do there? Dido : The next morning I visited another small island around Bali on a boat. It was a great experience to see many beautiful places and have a talk with tourists there. Tina : What did you do before you left Bali? Dido : On the last day, I went to the merchBudise shops and bought some stuffs there. I bought shirts, shorts, and also traditional clothes. Unfortunately I couldn’t afford to buy a surfing board because it was too expensive. Tina : Well, it’s nice to hear your story. I hope that I can also visit Bali someday. Berbagai macam Contoh dialog perkenalan bahasa inggris diatas ditulis dan disusun ulang dari: ACHMAD Doddy, Developing English Competencies 3, Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2009. Agar lebih mantap lagi tentang pelajaran perkenalan dalam bahasa Inggris, ada beberapa contoh lagi yang sangat native speakers. Coba perhatikan pemilhan kosa kata dan cara merangkai kalimat-kalimatanya. Meski cukup singkat namun sangat efisien.

Dialog Perkenalan Bahasa Inggris 7 A: Hello. I’m Sasha. B: Hi Sasha. I’m Brent. (hold out hand to shake) A: Nice to meet you Brent. Where are you from? B: Chicago, Illinois. And you? A: I’m from Australia. I live in a small town near Sydney. B: Australia. Wow. I’ve always wanted to go there. How long have you been in Canada? A: I just arrived this week. It’s my first day of school. B: Really? I think you’ll love Vancouver. It’s not too hot and not too cold. Dialogue of Introduction 8 A: Hello. I’m Mia Conners. B: Hi Mia. I’m David Sinclair, and this is my partner Gina Evans. (hold out hand to shake) A: Nice to meet you Mr. Sinclair and Ms Evans. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. B: It’s our pleasure. And please, call us David and Gina. Can I take your coat? A: Thank you. B: No problem. Please take a seat and we’ll be right with you. I just have to take make a quick phone call. Percakapan tentang Perkenalan Bahasa Inggris 9 A: I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Stacey. (hold out hand to shake) B: Hi Stacey. I’m Carl. A: Hi Carl. So, how do you know Jane? B: Oh, Jane and I used to work together at a coffee shop. A: Oh, you mean when you were working in Japan? B: That’s right. And how do you know her? A: Actually, Jane is my cousin. Our moms are sisters. B: No way! You two don’t look anything alike. Those dialogs Number samples number 7, 8, and 9 for introducing self and others are taken from: