Pidato Bahasa Inggris Juara [PDF]

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English Speech Contest Text Text one RESPECT OUR PARENTS Oleh Bunyamin Naskah berhasil meraih juara I speech contest antar siswa MI Tingkat Provinsi Jawa Tengah Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb. Honorable the judges, Honorable the committee of English speech contest among students of Islamic elementary school. Honorable all teachers attending this program. My lovely brothers and sisters. Ladies and gentlemen. Alhamdulillahirabbil a’lamin, wa bihi nastaien, a’la umuriddunya waddin. Wassolatuwassalamu ‘ala asyrafil anbiyai wal mursalien. Sayyidina wa maulana Muhammad, wa ‘ala alihi wasahbihhi ajma’in. Well ladies and gentlemen. Before I continue my speech let’s thank Allah the Al-Mighty who has been giving us His mercy and blessing. So, we can attend this meeting without any obstacles in this good occasion. May salawat and salam be with our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, who has guided us from the darkness to lightness in this world as well as in the next world. I will never forget to thank juries who has given me opportunity to deliver my speech in front of you all entitled. OBIDIENCE TO OUR PARENTS My brothers and sisters. It sounds very interesting to talk about our parents. Why do I say so? Why? Because nowadays there are many children who can not respect their parents. They like neglecting their advice, ignoring what their parents said, even speaking with their parents impolitely. Here in this good time, I would like to remind you all that respect to our parents is one of our obligation as muslim. “From Abdullah bin Mas’ud R.A said: What work are liked by Allah? He saids “Praying on time. I said: then wich what? He said: Obedience to parent. I said: then wich what? Struggling in a way of Allah (Bukhari–Muslim) According to this hadits, we are as Muslim, we have to do three working that god most like them, they are: Praying on time, obedience to parent, and







As human being created by Allah, we must worship Allah only by performing the praying on time and doing our obligation completely. Besides performing the praying on time, we must obey our parent because our prophet Muhammad SAW said:

‫رضا الله فى رضا الوالدين وسخط الله فى سخط الوالدين‬ “The satisfaction of Allah is in parent satisfaction. And Allah’s anger is in parents’ anger” According to his hadist, we must obey our parent if they command us to do something, because they have been educating us since when we were the baby until we grow up. And remember my brothers and sisters! Our mother is the only one who made us live in this world and our father is a person who works hard for us to earn some money to pay our school fee and give us all we need and so on. Here, in this good time I would like to remind you all with this verse of Qur’an. Allaah Said(what means): "And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and towards your parents you should treat them with good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, do not say “ahhh” toward them. And do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say: 'My Lord! Have mercy upon them as they educated me [when I was] a baby" [Quran 17:23-24] The recognition and respect of parents is mentioned in the Quran eleven times; in every instance, Allaah reminds children to recognize and to appreciate the love and care that they have received from their parents. One such example is when Allaah says what means: "And We have enjoined upon man goodness to parents…" [Quran 29:8 & 46:15] Islam teaches us that of the most beloved deeds to Allaah, having respect for one's parents is second only to that of prayer and is greater than that of Jihaad (fighting in His cause). In this respect, Abu 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdullaah Ibn Mas’ood narrated the following: "I asked the Prophet : 'Which deed is the most beloved to Allaah?' He

replied: "Prayers performed on

time." I then asked: 'Which one is next?' He replied: "Goodness to parents." I then asked: 'Which is next?' He replied: "Jihaad in the path of Allaah.""

In Islam, respect to our parents is so great that the child and his wealth are considered to be the property of the parents: `Aa’ishah narrated that a man came to the Prophet

in order to resolve a dispute that he had with

his father regarding a loan he had given him. The Prophet

said to the

man: "You and your wealth are to (i.e., the property of) your father." We hope and pray that all of us will respect our parents while they are alive and after their death. Before I stop my speech, I would like to give you some tips how to respect our parents. First, Performing daily Du'aa' (supplication) for them. As children we should not forget to pray for our parents wherever and whenever we are in. Let me sing a song for you.

‫اللهم اغفرلناذ نوبنا و ذنوب والدينا وارحمهما كما ربيانا‬ ‫صغارا‬ Second , Giving charity on their behalf. at last but not least…. We must study hard to be the best student. If we can be the best students our parents will be very happy. Let us pray to Allaah that we do our best to respect our parents, honour them, be kind to them, assist them, and please them so that we may attain the love of Allaah. O Allaah! Accept our humble prayers and make us obedient slaves to You. O Allaah! Help us to be respectful children to our parents. Aameen. I think that’s all. Thank you for your attention. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Special song for our parents (ditaruh di sela-sela yang strategis) Alhamdulillah, o thank you Alllah Mommy is home Alhamdulillah Daddy is home Alhamdulillah Thank you Allah for your blessings on me. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb. Text two.

Revised by Bunyamin

“THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH SUBJECT IN EDUCATION FOR OUR COUNTRY” Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim Honorable the committees The honorable juries Dear my friends participating this speech contest My lovely brothers and sisters First of all, let’s thank Allah the almighty for he has been giving us mercy and blessing until we can attend this meeting without any obstacles in this happy place and time. Secondly, may shalawat and salam be with our holy prophet Muhammad Saw who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness in this world as well as in the next world. Because only because of his effort we can enjoy the education at this time. And I’ll never forget to thank Mr. Chairman who has given me opportunity to deliver my speech in front of this public. Standing in front of you all, I would like to present my speech under the title “THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH SUBJECT IN EDUCATION FOR OUR COUNTRY” Ladies and gentlemen Indonesia, as we know is a country that has been developing from bad history. History gives a very big effect in the globalization. That is in the advancement of our country. Being sacrifice of the colony makes technology and economy development in Indonesia still at the backward. Education is one of many important things to help fastening economy and technology development in our country. Science is the key of the advancement of all countries all the world. Because before technology appeared, knowledge was the first thing that’s appearing a lot of ideas, until the technology was created. And along with the development of science, technology even continuously develops until we can find the technology that we use at this time. Science is the key of the advancement of a country. Then a question is,”HOW TO GET KNOWLEDGE?”. The answer is only by Education. Education is a means of getting knowledge.

Because no matter how great you are, you will not be able to get knowledge without EDUCATION! If we talk about education, we will also realize about how important the language is in study and learning process. Without mastering language, it’s impossible for us to do the process of education well. The ability to state opinion, to understand the words and to respond the other’s opinion are some examples of understanding language. All of them are included as study and learning process in education. So is learning foreign language important for the sake of the advancement of education in Indonesia? Absolutely. Mastering foreign language is very important for the quality of education in Indonesia, especially English. Because English is an International language which is learned and used in almost all of the countries in the world. Because of that, there would be many problems appear when a country doesn’t include English as one of the lessons in study and learning process. That’s why English is learned from Elementary School up to University. The education in Indonesia or the other countries in the world is also much related to the importance of the book. If we treat the education like a gun, then the book would be the missile. Where a gun wouldn’t be useful without the missile, and on the contrary, the missile wouldn’t also be useful without the gun. That’s what the education and the book look like. Ladies and gentlemen There are so many books written in English that have not been translated into Indonesian. These are the books from the scientists who wrote their expert and invention only in English. If we use only the Indonesian book in education process, we will lack of knowledge because everything that we get is only from Indonesian book. Means that we must learn English to maximize our knowledge for the sake of the development of our education. If only English was not learned in Indonesia, it’s impossible that Indonesian people could speak English. As a consequence, our country would have decrease and would be the matter of other countries’ discussion. In fact, it’s indeed that English must be said important. For example if we work in a hotel, a bank, a harbor, an airplane and the others, we need to master English to communicate with the guests. Further more, if our president and his translator couldn’t speak English, our Country wouldn’t ever join the meeting among the countries the entire world, because the language that they use is English.

Seeing such bad examples, thinking about the cause, it must be because of education. In the other words, shortly, the education in Indonesia and all countries over the world will not be called has good quality if there is no English subject on the lesson list. Once again, it’s because of English is an International language which is very important for the development of our country. Remembering how important English is, there have been many ways that have been made to make us able to learn it faster, whether it’s formal like a school or non formal like course or autodidact. Even there are so many education places that make something like games to make students interested and understand English faster. Some competitions are often also held for the sake of increasing the ability of students in English, like English debate, English speech, etc. All of these ways are only for the quality of the education of our country. Ladies and gentlemen Before ending this speech, let me conclude the essential points of my speech: 1. Knowledge is the key of the development of a country 2. Without education we wouldn’t get knowledge 3. The education in Indonesia wouldn’t be said has a good quality without English on the schedule. Finally I hope all of my explanations have made us understand that English as an International language is very important for the development of our education. Thank you very much for your attention, see you next time and may Allah the almighty bless us eternally, amiin. Knowledge without application is nothing, and willing without action is nothing. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh