Placing Order [PDF]

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:1915644028 :1915644103 :1915644136


1. PLACING ORDER Placing order is an activity that we do if we interested to buy some goods or services, we can do it with send an order letter. Order letter is a letter that confirms the details of a purchase of goods or services. It usually includes more information about what we are ordering, quantity, model number, color, the payment terms, and the matter in which the products are to be shipped. When the supplier receives the letter, they will process the order. (Melakukan pemesanan merupakan kegiatan yang kita lakukan jika kita berminat untuk membeli suatu barang atau jasa, kita dapat melakukannya dengan mengirim surat pemesanan. Surat pemesanan adalah dokumen yang menegaskan rincian pembelian barang atau jasa dari satu pihak ke pihak lain. Ini biasanya mencakup lebih banyak informasi tentang apa yang kita pesan, kuantitas, nomor model, warna, syarat pembayaran, dan masalah di mana produk akan dikirim. Saat suplier menerima surat ini, mereka akan memproses pesanan). The prospective clients/customers will decide to make order after receiving the catalogues, price-list, things related to the product and agreed with the terms enclosed in the letter. (Calon klien /pelanggan akan memutuskan untuk melakukan pemesanan setelah menerima katalog, daftar harga, hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan produk dan setuju dengan persyaratan yang terlampir dalam surat itu) An order letter at least contains : • Reference to a source of information (referensi untuk sumber informasi) • List of produk to be ordered (daftar produk untuk di pesan) • Quantity, quality, price, catalogue number (if any) (kuantitas, kualitas, harga, nomor catalog (jika ada)) • Details of delivery and payment (detail pengantaran dan pembayaran) • An order number (nomor pesanan) Here are some points we need to follow to write a letter for placing an order:   • Be brief, clear, and to the point. • In case you have separate topics, use separate paragraphs. • Indicate the theme of the letter in the first paragraph itself. • Use simple and direct language. • Use a proper format or layout. 2. HOW TO MAKE A LETTER OF PLACING ORDER An order letter is used to order goods in accordance with the quantity required by the company whether using an official order form or not. There are two ways to make an order letter: A. With Official Order Form If ordering is done using the official order form. Every time we want to make an order, we can fill in the available fields. Order form or often called a purchase order (PO). (jika pemesanan dilakukan menggunakan formulir pemesanan resmi. Setiap kali kita ingin melakukan pemesanan, kita dapat mengisi kolom yang tersedia dalam Formulir pemesanan atau sering disebut PO.) B. Without Official Order Form Orders without using an official order form can be made by simply writing a letter with all the details of the order by entering into the letter. As such, this letter serves as an order letter, so the content must be clear, concise and to the point. (Pemesanan tanpa menggunakan 1

form pemesanan resmi dapat dilakukan hanya dengan menulis surat beserta rincian pemesanannya dengan ditulis di dalam surat tersebut. Oleh karena itu, surat ini berfungsi sebagai surat perintah, sehingga isinya harus jelas, dan ringkas.) 3. BODY OF ORDER LETTER Order letter can be made with official order form or without official order form, if we place order with an official order form, the form should be accompanied by a covering letter. And if we make without official order form we can just send an order letter. (Surat pemesanan dapat dibuat dengan formulir pemesanan resmi atau tanpa formulir pemesanan resmi, jika kita melakukan pemesanan dengan formulir pemesanan resmi, formulir tersebut harus disertai dengan surat pengantar. Dan jika kita membuat tanpa formulir pemesanan resmi kita tinggal mengirimkan surat pesanan.) A. Opening Paragraph Make it clear that there is an order accompanying the letter. (Jelaskan bahwa ada perintah yang menyertai surat tersebut.) Examples: 1. Please find enclosed our Order No. B452i for 25 clearsounded transistor receivers. 2. Would you please ship the following item in your brochure dated… 3. The enclosed order (No. 8154) is for 50 packets of A4 copier paper. 4. Thank you for your reply of 14 May regarding our email about the mobile phones. Enclosed you will find our official order (No. 13561) for... 5. I would like to place a trial order for the 'Letherine' material we discussed at the trade show last month. Please find enclosed ... B. Message Paragraph Confirm a detailed list of product that you want to order (Konfirmasikan daftar detail produk yang ingin dipesan) a. No. (number) (nomor) b. Unit price (harga peruntit) c. Description/ items (barang) d. Amount (Jumlah) e. Quantity (jumlah banyak f. Delivery date (tanggal pengiriman) g. Type (jenis) h. Terms of payment (cara pembayaran) Confirm the terms of payment. (Konfirmasi ketentuan pembayaran) Examples: 1. As agreed you will draw on us at 30 days, D/A, with the documents being sent to our bank, The National Mercantile Bank ... 2. We would like to confirm that payment is to be made by irrevocable letter of credit, which we have already applied to the bank for. 3. Once we have received your advice, we will send a bank draft to... 4. ... and we agreed that payments would be made against quarterly statements ... 2

Confirm the agreed discounts. (Konfirmasi diskon yang ditentukan) Examples: 1. We would like to thank you for the 30% trade discount and 10% quantity discount you allowed us. 2. Finally, we would like to confirm that the 25% trade discount is quite satisfactory 3. ... and we will certainly take advantage of the cash discounts you offered for prompt settlement. 4. Although we anticipated a higher trade discount than 15%, we will place an initial order and hope that the discount can be reviewed in the nearfuture. Confirm the delivery dates. (Konfirmasi tanggal pengiriman) Examples: 1. It is essential that the goods are delivered before the beginning of November, in time for the Christmas sales period. 2. Delivery before 28 February is a firm condition of this order, and we reserve the right to refuse goods delivered after that time. 3. Please confirm that you can complete the work before the end of March, as the opening of the store is planned for early April. Confirm the shipping method used for delivery (Konfirmasi metode pengiriman yang digunakan) Many companies use forwarding agents who are specialists in packing to ship goods. Nevertheless, to ensure prompt and safe delivery, it is a good idea to advise the company on how we want the goods packed and sent. This means that if the consignment arrives late, or in a damaged state, our letter is evidence of the instructions we gave. (Banyak perusahaan menggunakan agen ekspedisi yang ahli dalam mengemas untuk mengirimkan barang. Meski demikian, untuk memastikan pengiriman yang cepat dan aman, sebaiknya beri tahu perusahaan tentang bagaimana kita ingin barang dikemas dan dikirim. Artinya jika kiriman datang terlambat, atau dalam keadaan rusak, surat yang kita buat merupakan bukti atas instruksi yang kita berikan.) Examples: 1. ... and please remember that only airfreight will ensure prompt delivery 2. Please send the goods by express freight as we need them urgently 3. We advise delivery by road to avoid constant handling of this fragile consignment. 4. Could you please ship by scheduled freighter to avoid any unnecessary delays? Confirm the packing of goods for deliver (konfirmasikan pengemasan barang untuk pengiriman) Advise the seller how we want the goods packed. For examples marked with a fragile goods sign that can be recognized by the seller and customer. (Beritahu penjual bagaimana kita ingin barangnya dikemas. Contohnya seperti diberi tanda bahwa barang pecah belah yang dapat dikenali penjual dan pembeli). Examples: 1. Each piece of crockery is to be individually wrapped in thick paper, packed in straw, and shipped in wooden crates marked 0 and numbered I to 6. 2. The carpets should be wrapped, and the packaging reinforced at both ends to avoid wear. 3

3. The machines must be well greased with all movable parts secured before being loaded into crates, which should be clearly marked with your castle logo for easy identification. C. Closing Paragraph This like the first section, is usually a short paragraph. A simple thank you for the recipients attention, response, or attention is enough to close the letter. Examples: 1. We hope that this will be the first of many orders we place with you. 2. We should be grateful for your prompt delivery as the goods are urgently needed 3. We will place further orders if this one is completed to our satisfaction. 4. If our sales targets are met, we shall be placing further orders in the nearfuture. 5. I look forward to receiving your advice / shipment / acknowledgement / confirmation. Example of order letter with official order form:



Example of covering Letter:

F.Lynch & Co.Ltd

Head Office Nesson House Newell Street Birmingham Telephone: +44(0)212366571 Fax: +44(0)212368592 Email: [email protected] Your ref: Our ref:

D/1439 Order DR4316 9 March 20—

Satex S.p.A Via di Pietra Papa 00146 Roma ITALY Attn.Sig.D.Causio Dear Sig.Causio Please find enclosed our official order, No. DR4316 For this order, we accept the 15% trade discount you offered, and the terms of payment (sight draf, CAD), but hope you are willing to review these terms if we decide to order again. Would you please and the shipping documents and your sight draft to Northminster Bank (City Branch), Deal Street, Birmingham B3 ISQ If you do not have any of the items we have ordered currently in stock, please do not send alternatives. We would appreciate delivery within the next six weeks, and look forward to your acknowledgement. Yours sincerely Peter Crane Peter Crane Chief Buyer Enc.Order No. DR4316


Example of order letter without official order form:

From, The Principal Modern School Raj Nagar Extension Email: [email protected], Mobile No.  8797002456 Date: 5th January 2020  To, M/s Sohanlal and Brothers Furniture Store Agra, Pin: xxxxx Email: [email protected] No. 8790222-22 Subject: Placing furniture order   Dear Sir/Ma’am I am writing to you to place an order for furniture for our school library. We are renovating our school in the next month. Therefore, I request you to please note down my order for the same:



Large Teacher Table




Student Desk and Chair set


The furniture must be subtle. Please deliver the order by 8th February 2020. Payment will be released after approval by the teachers’ committee.  Yours faithfully Kumar Nath


4. CONCLUSION We can place an order by sending an order letter, order letter can be make with an official order form (accompanied by a covering letter) or without official order form. When we make an order letter make sure that our letter contains detailed information about goods or services that we want to order and straight to the point, and don’t forget to confirm term of payment, any allowed discount, delivery dates, shipping method, and packing method.


References: Ashley, A. 1984. A Handbook of Commercial Correspondence. Oxford University Press.