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1. Dari sistem persamaan Nilai 2x + 3y adalah .......... A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5

3x + 5y = 4 x – 3y = 6

2. Himpunan penyelesaian pertidaksamaan x2 + 4x – 12  0, x  R adalah ....... a. {x–2  x  6; x  R} b. {x–6  x  2; x  R} c. {x–2  x  –6; x  R} d. {xx  2 atau x  –6; x  R} e. {xx  6 atau x  –2; x  R} 3. Grafik fungsi y = 4x2 – 8x – 21, memotong sumbu X, sumbu Y, dan mempunyai titik balik P berturut–turut adalah .... 3 7 a. x =  , x  , y = 21, 2 2 dan P (1, 25) 3 7 b. x = , x   , y = 21, 2 2 dan P (–1, 25) 3 7 c. x =  , x  , y = –21, dan P (1, –25) 2 2 3 7 d. x = , x   , y = –21, dan P (1, –25) 2 2 3 7 e. x = , x   , y = –21, dan P (–1, –25) 2 2 1 1 2 4. Nilai dari 2log 8 – 2 log 0,25 + 3log + log 1 = .. 27 a. –2 b. –1 c. 0 d. 1 e. 2

5. Daerah yang diarsir adalah daerah himpunan penyelesaian permasalahan program linear. Nilai maksimum dari fungsi tujuan z = 2x + 5y adalah ....

a. b. c. d. e.

6 7 10 15 29

6. Diketahui barisan geometri dengan suku pertama = 4 dan suku kelima = 324, maka jumlah delapan suku pertama deret yang bersesuaian adalah .... a. 6.560 b. 6.562 c. 13.120 d. 13.122 e. 13.124 7. Pada kompetisi bola basket yang diikuti oleh 6 regu, panitia menyediakan 6 tiang bendera. Banyaknya susunan yang berbeda untuk memasang bendera tersebur adalah .... a. 6 cara b. 36 cara c. 24 cara d. 120 cara e. 720 cara 8. Untuk memperoleh jenis baru, dilakukan penyilangan terhadap 7 jenis padi yang berlainan satu dengan yang lain.Banyaknya macam penyilangan yang dapat dilakukan ada .... a. 2520 cara b. 147 cara c. 84 cara d. 42 cara e. 21 cara

9. Suatu pernyataan yang sesuai dengan pernyataan: “Jika anda datang, maka saya tidak pergi” adalah ....

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by: Jibang P.Hutagaol,M.Pd


a. b. c. d. e.

Jika saya pergi, maka anda tidak datang Jika saya tidak pergi, maka anda datang Jika anda datang, maka saya pergi Jika anda tidak datang, maka saya tidak pergi Jika saya pergi, maka anda dating

10. Fungsi f dan g didefinisikan 1 f(x) = dan g(x) = x2 + 1, maka (g o f) (x) = .... x 1 a. 2 x 1 1 b. 1 x2 1 c. x2 + x x d. 1 x2 1 e. x x2 11. Sebuah tabung tanpa tutup yang terbuat dari seng tipis dapat memuat zat cair sebanyak 64 cm2. Seluruh luas tabung itu akan minimum jika jari–jari tabung sama dengan .... 8 a.   4 b. 2  4 c.   4 d. 2  1 e. 4 . 3 


12. Tinggi badan 40 orang anggota PMR di suatu SMK disajikan pada tabel berikut ini : Tinggi Frekuensi 150 – 154 3 155 – 159 4 160 – 164 16 165 – 169 10 170 – 174 6 175 – 179 1 Maka rata–rata dari data ini adalah .... a. 145,87 b. 153,87 c. 163,88 d. 173,84 e. 183,84 13.

lim 2x 2  5x  3 = .... x 3 x 3 a. 0 b. 4 c. 6 d. 7 e. 12

14. Jika Sin A = A = .... a. –1 4 b. – 5 c. 0 4 d. 5 e. 1

3 , A sudut pada kuadran II, maka Cos 5


15.  ( x 2  2 x  2)dx  .... 1

a. 4

1 2 2 c. 4 3 d. 6 2 e. 6 3 b. 4

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16. Untuk menentukan rata–rata kekuatan nyala lampu listrik, dicoba menyalakan 30 buah lampu listrik dan diperoleh data sebagai berikut: Kekuatan nyala lampu listrik (hari) Banyaknya lampu



















Median dari data di atas adalah .... a. 47 hari b. 48 hari c. 50 hari d. 51 hari e. 52 hari 17. Diketahui dua vektor a  2i  3 j  4k dan b  5 j  k . Nilai a . b adalah .... a. –9 b. –11 c. 7 d. 8 e. 11 18. Seorang pemborong mendapat pesanan dua jenis bentuk pagar : – pagar jenis I seharga Rp. 30.000,00/meter – pagar jenis II seharga Rp. 45.000,00/meter Tiap m2 pagar jenis I memerlukan 4m besi pipa dan 6 m besi beton Tiap m2 pagar jenis II memerlukan 8m besi pipa dan 4 m besi beton Persediaan yang ada 640m besi pipa dan 480m besi beton. Jika semua pesanan terpenuhi, maka hasil penjualan maksimum kedua jenis pagar adalah .... a. Rp. 2.400.000,00 b. Rp. 3.600.000,00 c. Rp. 3.900.000,00 d. Rp. 4.800.000,00 e. Rp. 5.400.000,00

19. Luas daerah yang diarsir pada gambar di samping adalah .... a. 9 satuan luas 1 b. 7 satuan luas 2 c. 6 satuan luas 1 d. 4 satuan luas 2 e. 3 satuan luas 20. Diketahui premis-premis berikut : Premis I : Jika hari ini hujan maka saya tidak pergi Premis II : Jika saya tidak pergi maka saya nonton sepak bola Kesimpulan yang sah dari penarikan kedua premis tersebut adalah …. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Jika hujan maka saya tidak jadi nonton sepak bola. Jika hari ini hujan maka saya nonton sepak bola. Hari hujan dan saya nonton sepak bola. Saya tidak nonton sepak bola atau hari tidak hujan. Hari tidak hujan, saya tidak pergi tetapi saya nonton sepak bola. Diketahui 3log 5 = m, 3log 7 = n, nilai 15log 245 = ….


2n  m 1 m 2 n m 1 m 1 m m  n2 1 m m  2n 2mn m 1

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

22. Persamaan kuadrat x2 + ax – 6 = 0, mempunyai akar-akar α dan β. Jika α2 + 4αβ + β2 = –8, maka nilai α adalah …. (A) 4 atau –4 (B) 2 atau –2 (C) 2 5 atau  2 5 (D) 4 (E) 2 5

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by: Jibang P.Hutagaol,M.Pd


23. Jika diketahui x =

1 1 dan z = 2, maka nilai dari , y = 5 3

x 4 yz 2 adalah …. x 3 y2z  4 (A) 32 (B) 60 (C) 100 (D) 320 (E) 640

31 tahun 33 tahun 38 tahun 41 tahun 43 tahun

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

92x – 10 . 9x + 9

x < 1 atau x > 9 x < 0 atau x > 1 x < –1 atau x > 2 x < 1 atau x > 2 x < –1 atau x > 1

29. Diketahui kubus ABCD.EFGH denga rusuk E terhadap bidang BDG adalah ….

6 cm. Jarak titik

(A) 2 2 cm (B) 2 3 cm (C) 3 2 cm

3 y  ,  5  1

(D) 4 2 cm

25. Diketahui matriks A = 

 x 5  dan B =    3 6   3  1 . =  9   y  8

Jika A + B – C =   x …. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

11x + 4y = 5 4x + 2y = 5 4x + 11y = 6 3x + 5y = 5 3x + 11y = 5

28. Nilai x yang memenuhi pertidaksamaan > 0, x  R adalah ….

24. Umur Anti lebih muda 2 tahun dari umur Beny. Umur Beny lebih muda 3 tahun dari umur Candra. Jika jumlah umur Anti, Beny, dan Candra 61 tahun, jumlah umur Anti dan Candra adalah …. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

(E) 4 3 cm


2x    …. x 0 1  1  x  

30. Nilai lim 

5x  , maka nilai x + 2xy + y adalah  4 

8 12 18 20 22

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

4 2 1 0 –4

Text I

26. Suatu suku banyak berderajat 3 jika dibagi x2 – 3x + 2 2 bersisa 4x – 6 dan jika dibagi x – x – 6 bersisa 8x – 10. Suku banyak tersebut adalah …. (A) x3 – 2x2 + 3x – 4 (B) x3 – 3x2 + 2x – 4 (C) x3 + 2x2 – 3x – 7 (D) 2x3 + 2x2 – 8x + 7 (E) 2x3 + 4x2 – 10x + 9 27. Bayangan garis x – 2y = 5 bila ditransformasi dengan matriks

3 5  dilanjutkan dengan pencerminan terhadap 1 2

transformasi 

sumbu X adalah….

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With so many people volunteering in so many differnt ways, the individual reasons for volunteering are almost endless. Probably the best reason of all-and it‟s likely why most people volunteer – is to help others by making a difference and giving back to their community. This is truly a noble reason. One of the best reasons to volunteer is that it is tied to something you‟re passionate about. Maybe you‟ve always loved animals, but your small apartment isn‟t an ideal home for a large dog, much less two or three. Maybe art has allowed you to express yourself, and you want to share that with others. Volunteering through different programs lets you be devoted to a cause that‟s close to your heart while spreading that passion to others. Another great reason to volunteer is that volunteerism can benefit a professional resume. Many employers and schools look

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KUMPULAN SOAL-SOAL PREDIKSI SIMAMA POLTEKKES Bagian 2 favorably upon volunteer experience. Also, while you‟re volunteering, you can learn new skills and sharpen old ones, honing your communication, leadership, teamwork and time management talents. You‟ll also have the chance to network with others and possibly vet out a new career avenue. You might even earn credit toward your scholling. Meeting people and having fun are also good reasons to volunteer. Perhaps you‟re retired with plenty of free time on your hands, maybe you have the summer off, or you just have some extra time in the afternoons or no weekends. No matter what your circumstance, volunteering can keep you busy. You‟ll be able to meet new people and have exciting experiences, instead of sitting around being bored with little or nothing to do. Wheter you want to do your part or make ypur mark, there are many great reasons to volunteer. And those that benefit from your help will just happy you did, no matter the reason. 31. All of the following statements about people who carry out volunteer act are stated in text, except ... (A) They will again some kind of benefits at the end of their volunteer work. (B) They are a group of people who usually need to fill or kill their extra time. (C) They often start with a good intention at heart to help the community. (D) They perform a service required to advance their position in the company. (E) They would use the experience to promote their credentials professionally. 32. The word “honing” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to... (A) To perfect. (B) To be heard. (C) To get. (D) To use. (E) To practice. 33. Which of the following persons will most likely do volunteering work ? (A) A freshman at the medical faculty. (B) A newly hectic graduate. (C) A busy supermarket supervisor. (D) A young secretary at a law firm. (E) A lung cancer survivor. 34. The most appropriate title for the passage is... (A) Different Ways to Volunteer. (B) Motivation behind Volunteering. (C) Benefits of Doing Volunteer. (D) Effect of Volunteerism in the Community. (E) Noble Reasons to Volunteer.

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35. The tone of the passage is... (A) Ingenious. (B) Skeptical. (C) Contemptuous. (D) Encouraging. (E) Forceful. Text II Mental illnes invclves specific types of mood disorders that cause cognitive distortions. When people suffering from one of these illness they perceive reality incorrectly. They will likely finf themselves suffering from sadness, anxiety, hallucinations, or psychosis. With clinical depression itself, people may have both good moods and bad moods from time to time. The bad moods, however, will likely predominate. When people are excessively pessimistic and feel like they are experiencing a mid-life crisis, they might very well be suffering from a major depression disorder. Misery and lack of hope may come to the forefont, and people might very well feel that they can no longer go on. It is at this point that will need to schedule a consultation with a licensed therapist. In some cases, they might be started on anti-depressant medication. The goal is to correct cognitive distortions so that the patients can regain their passion for life. The worst cases may take many months to overcome. Strong support from loved ones is essential. Beyond unipolar depression, which might stem from thyroid mood swings or a hormonal imbalance, the other major type of depression is bipolar disorder. Signs of bipolar disorder might differ from person to person and can thus be hard for professionals to tease out. Swinging from despair to euphoria will indicate presence of bipolar manic depression. In come cases, patient might believe taht they have superhuman powers or traits. People who are bipolar might also spend money without regard to future. They could also engage in risky behaviors. 36. In paragraph 2 the author presents a serious case of mental disordeliness followed by a/an... (A) Argument for the possible causes. (B) Decription of clinical diagnosis. (C) Suggestion for curative measures. (D) Explanation on an expert‟s therapy. (E) Recomendation for effective cures. 37. Based on the passage above, it can be inferred that... (A) Clinically people tend to have changing moods over time. (B) Depressions are closely associated with one‟s cognition state. (C) People who get angry easly may suffer from mental disorders. (D) The first aid for those with mental illnesses is having a psychiatrist. (E) Essentially there is no best therapy for mentally disorder people.

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by: Jibang P.Hutagaol,M.Pd

KUMPULAN SOAL-SOAL PREDIKSI SIMAMA POLTEKKES Bagian 2 38. Another way of saying “The bad moods, however, will likely “. (paragraph 1 line 7) Is that... (A) Even so more and more people suffer from bad feelings. (B) Nonetheless depressions happen to anyone more often. (C) Yet one‟s happiness in life tends to be hard to achieve. (D) But there is a general tendency of feeling sorrowful. (E) Nevertheless people tend to feel gloomier at a time. 39. Which of the following best decrible the topic of the whole text ? (A) How to cure Mental illness ? (B) Mental illness and types of mood disorders. (C) Unipolar depression as part of mental illness. (D) The way mental illness developes. (E) Scientific research on pessimistic. 40. The paragraph following the passage will likely talk about... (A) Follow-up actions for anyone expriencing psychosis. (B) An example of how a serious mental disorder begins to trigger risky behaviors. (C) Necessary first clinical treatments in the event of depression. (D) Effective curative measures for all kinds of mental disorders. (E) Descriptions of unipolar and bipolar types of depression. Text III Agroecologists do not always agree about what agroecology is or should be in the long-term. Different defenitions of the term agroecology can be distinguished largerly by the specifiity with which one defines the term “ecology” as well as the term‟s potential political connotations. Definitions of agroecology, therefore, may be first grouped according to the specific contexts within which they situate agriculture. Agroecology is defined as “ the study of the relation of agricultural crops and enviroment”. This definition refers to the “ecology” part of “agroecology” narrowly as the natural environment. Following this definition, an agroecologist would study agriculture‟s various relationship with soil health, water quality, air quality, meso – and microfuna, surrounding flora, environmental toxins, and other environmental contexts. A more common definition of the word can be taken from Dalgaard, who refer to agroecology as the study of the interactions between plants, anmals, humans and the environment within agricultural systems. Consequently, agroecology is inherently multidisciplinary, including factors from agronomy, ecology, sociology, economics and related disciplines. In this case, the “ecology” portion of “agroecology” is defined broadly to include social, cultural, and economic cintexts as well.

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In the global south, the term aoften carries overtly political connotations. Such political definitions of the term usually ascribe it the goals of social and economic justice ; special attention, in this case, is often paid to the traditional farming knowladge of indigenous populations. North american and European uses of the term sometimes avoid the inclusion of such overtly political goals. In these cases, agroecology is seen more strictly as a scientific discipline with less specific social goals. 41. Ideas in paragraph 2 and 3 define agroecology aas shown in the consecitive relation as... (A) Political and interctive approaches. (B) General and cross – authoritative sides. (C) Multidisciplinary and restricted angles. (D) Ecological and socio economic viewpoints. (E) Agricultural and socio cultural perspectives. 42. Based on the passage above, if someone is a genuine agroecologist, he/she will likely... (A) Examine social, cultural, and economic aspects. (B) Do research on environmental and political loads. (C) Include scientific methodology in his/her approach. (D) Put aside social aspect in his/her acological studies. (E) Make use of multidisciplinary analyses in his/her inquiry. 43. Regarding the definition of agroecology, the author assumes thait it... (A) Tend to denote scientific loads. (B) May be understood contextually. (C) Can be interpreted differently. (D) Has universal underlying values. (E) Should be exclusively situated. 44. The points provided in paragraph 3 of the passage explain that... (A) Interpreting agroecology needs to include political sides. (B) Agroecology is associated geographically and politically. (C) Different place tend to difine agroecology scientifically. (D) People‟s aspiration of agroecology differs significally. (E) No body can difine agroecology with scientific precision. 45. The word “they” in the first paragraph refers to... (A) Agroecologist. (B) Definition of groecology. (C) The specific contexts. (D) Agricultural crops and enviroment. (E) Agricultural‟s various relationship.

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by: Jibang P.Hutagaol,M.Pd


Illegal and unreported fishing can have very significant effects on stocks. For instance, unreported cathches of bluefin tuna from the Mediterranean (estimed by the International Commision for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas to have been 19,400 tons in 2006 and 28,600 in 2007) have significantly contributed to the rapid decline in the stock. Additionally, a failure by the European Union to control unreported catches led to a fuilure to generate any recovery in North Sea cod until very recently. There is a correspondence between our regional estimates of illegal and unreported fishing and teh number of depleted stock in those regions. For instance, outof 53 demersal stocks recognized in the eastern central Atlantic, 32 of which could be assessed, 60% were overexploited in the early 2000s compared t 30% of EU stocks and 15% of the New Zealand stocks. Illegal fishing creates significant colleteral damage to ecosystems. Naturally, illegal fishing does not respect national and international actions designed to reduce by catching and mitigate the incidenntal mortality of marine animals such as sharks, turtles, birds, and mammals. Only a solution of the illegal fishing problem will generate the compliance with these wider ecosystem management measures. Where unreported extration of fish from major stocks is not included, this can bias both single species stock assessment and ecosystem-based analyses in a dangerous direction of allowing more fishing than would otherwise be thought sustainable. The solutions most often proposed to eliminate illegal fishing are associated with increased governance and the of law – increased cooperation between regional management authorities in management and control activities, increased capacity to undertake surveilance and enforcement of port state control, and enforcement of port state control, and other means of reducing the economic incentives to engage in IUU fishing, such as increased sanctions and trade measures. These activities are encouraging, but set in the context of burgeoning demand for food and particularly protein, there will continue to be anourmous preassure on fish stocks over the next 50 years and it is essential that the international community address effectively the large illegal and unreported catch of fish reported in this paper. Some countries already include some of the provisions of the Code of Conduct in their national legislation ( for example in Australia, South Africa, Norway, Namibia, Malaysia ). Others, such as the EU, are now proposing to implament much stonger impor controls and sanctions to restrict trade in IUU fish. 46. In connecting the ideas in paragraph 3 to those in paragraph 2, the author... (A) Suggests several possible salutions to overcome illegal fishing. (B) Persuades goverments to work cooperatively with private

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sectors. (C) Elaborates cases of solutions by citing from there different sources. (D) Argues that rules of law solutions should be reinforced by goverment. (E) Gives exemples to each sollution proposed to eliminate unreported fishing. 47. What is the author‟s tone towards the goverment‟s attempt in eliminating illegal fishing ? (A) Pessimistic. (B) Optimistic. (C) Assertive. (D) Helpless. (E) Neutral. 48. The paragraph following the passage will most likely discuss... (A) The list countries still neglecting illegal fishing. (B) Results of reinforcing rule of law against illegal fishing. (C) Disclosed reports of regions where overfishing is conducted. (D) Rsponsibilities shared by goverments in stopping unreported fishing. (E) The efforts of non-govermental organizations in fighthing illegal fishing. 49. Which of the following best summarizes the passage ? (A) Illegal fishing theatens fish stocks in the future. (B) Inter-govermnetal cooperation is needed to combat illegal fishing. (C) Good governace and law enforcement are keys to stop illegal fishing. (D) Governments fail to stop illegal fishing and need help of private sectors. (E) Non – govermental organization urge goverments to fight illegal fishing. 50. Based on the passage, it can be hypothesized that the more. (A) Fish entering the market, the lower the price. (B) Unreported fishing taking place, the more bias the data. (C) Massive illegal fishing, the shorter the fish stock will last. (D) Fishing on bluefn tuna, the more giant fish like sharks will die. (E) Bias data of fishing, the more rgent the goverment‟s law reinforcement. Text II If drought, floods and wildfires are the criminal, climate change is the accomplice. This is how the population must begin regarding global warming, expert said at a session at the annual American Academy for the Advancement of Science meeting here. Although extreme weather events, from the creeping drought that scorhed last year‟s corn crop to siperstrom Sandy, are worrisome, automatically and simplistically lying them to the scientific phenomenon of climate change could be misleading.

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by: Jibang P.Hutagaol,M.Pd

KUMPULAN SOAL-SOAL PREDIKSI SIMAMA POLTEKKES Bagian 2 Last year‟s drought in Texas, for example, could not be specifecally tied climate change, said Jhon Nielsen Gammon, the Lone Star state‟s climatologist. Over the past century there has been an increase in rainfall not a tendency toward dryness over most of Texas by about 10 percent. “Changing climate has not contributed to the lack of rainfall over the long term, as of yet,” he said. Last year‟s droght, much like famed oust Bowl drought of the 1930s and another significant drought in the 1950s, is tied to rising sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean the weather event known as La Nina. “Until we see a long term decrease in rainfall in Texas, it will be hard to say that climate change has caused a decrease,” Nielsen Gammon said. Temperatures have risen in Texas, meaning the increased rainfall is being evaporated at a more rapid rate, he added. But for the drought, which continues to seize more than half of the lower 48 states, heat was a drought accelerent but not the main cause. 51. Paragraphs 1 and 2 are related in that they... (A) Predict climate changes causal to the lack of rainfall. (B) Offer horrible climate changes to temperature‟s increases. (C) Discuss droughts which have no link to climate changes. (D) Present extreme weather events which frequently turn up. (E) Explicate that people have been wrong on climate change. 52. The following is relevant with the idea of climate changes describe in the passage except... (A) Heat can result form ongoing rise of temperature. (B) Drought and climate change are mistakenly understood. (C) Often high temperatures cause increased rainfall in Texas. (D) The lesser the rainfall makes the drought spread even greater. (E) Drought and rising sea surface temperature are interrelated. 53. About the climate change, the aouthor assumes that... (A) The rainfall significantly turns ip after Dust Bowl drought. (B) Climate change continues to extensively progress elsewhere. (C) Research on climate change is expected to grow in Texas. (D) La Nina is famed for the weather event in the Pasific Ocean. (E) Climate change is the result of rasing sea surface temperatures. 54. The points discussed in paragraph 3 provide an example that... (A) Heat can accelerate drought to seize more than 48 states. (B) Texas rising temperature shows an initial rainfall to begin.

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(C) The increased rainfall takes the size of lower tahn 48 states. (D) More than half of 48 states are subject to continued drought. (E) The rise of temperature leads to the rapid evaporated rainfall. 55. The words “them” in the first paragraph refers to... (A) Droughts, floods, and wildfres. (B) Population. (C) Experts. (D) Extreme weather events. (E) The scientific phenomenon of climate change. Text III

Passage A An experiment is an orderly prosedure carried out with the goal of verifying, refuting, or establishing the validity of a hypothesis. Experiments provide insight into cause and effect by demonstrating what outcome occurs whwn a paricular factor is manipulated. Experiments vary greatly in their goal and scale, but always rely on repeatable procedure and logical analysis of the results. A child may carry out basic experiments to understand the nature of gravity, while teams of scientist may take years of systematic investigation to advance the understanding of a phenomeon. Experiments can vary from persinal and informal (e.g tasting a range of chocolates to find a favorite), to highly controlled (e.g test requiring complex apparatus overseen by many scientists that hope to discover information about subatomic particels). Uses experiments vary considerably between the natural and social sciense. An experiment usually tests a hypothesis, which is an expactation about how a particular process or phenomenon works. However, an experiment may also aim to answer a “what if” question, without a specific expectation about what the experiment will reveal, or to confirm prior results. If an experiment is carefully conducted, the result usually either support or disprove the hypothesis. According to some philoshopies of science, an experiment can never “prove” a hypothesis, it can only add support. Similarry, an experiment that provides a conterexample can disprove a theory or hypothesis. An experiment must also control the possible confounding any factors that would mark the accuracy or repeatability of the experiment or the ability to interpret the result. Passage B Experiments might be categorized according to a number of dimensions, depending upon professional norms and standards in different fields of study. Some diciplines (e.g Psyhology or Political Science), a „true experiment‟ is a method of social research in which there are two kinds of variables. The independent variable is manipulated by the experimenter, and the dependent variable is measured. A controled experiment often compares the results obtained from experimental samples against control samples, which

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by: Jibang P.Hutagaol,M.Pd

KUMPULAN SOAL-SOAL PREDIKSI SIMAMA POLTEKKES Bagian 2 are practically identical to the experimental sample expect for the one aspect whose effect is being tasted. The term “experiment” usually implies a controlled experiment, but sometimes controlled sometimes experiments are prohibitively diffult or imposible. In this case researchers resort to natural experiments or queasi-experiments. Natural experiments rely solely on observation of the system under study, rather than manipulation of just one or a few variables as occurs in controlled experiments. Field experiments are so named in order to draw a contrast with laboratory experiments, which enforce scientific control by testing a hypthesis in the artificial and highly controlled setting of a laboratory.

60. Based on both passages it can be hypothesized that... (A) If a hypothesized is tested through an experiment, then it will be proven in the end. (B) If scientist uses field experiments, then the outcomes will observased in a contrived laboratory environment rather than in natural setting. (C) If scientists are going to conduct experiment test, it would be variables to be measured. (D) Unless any variables exist, scientist are still able to conduct experiment. (E) Scientist would rather choose a controlled experiment if he is not going to test a new drug.

56. The idea in passage A which is different from that in passage B is... (A) The term and nature of experiment ; its types. (B) The definition of experiment test ; how to condust it. (C) The types of experiment test ; its types. (D) The purpose of experiment test ; its types. (E) The adventages of experiment test ; its drawbacks.

61. Sebuah balok bermassa 2 kg mula–mula diam dilepaskan

57. The theme underlying both passage above is... (A) Arguments againts experiment test. (B) Advantages experiments test. (C) What is and how to do experiment test. (D) The importance of experiment test. (E) Definition, purpose and classification of experiment test. 58. The following statements reflect opinion in both passage, EXCEPT ? (A) The experiment should follow certain orderly procedure. (B) Aal type of experiment is easy to conduct. (C) Hypothesis is as important as sample in an experiment. (D) Most of experiment results are valid enough. (E) Conducting an experiment is complicated to do.

dari pucak bidang lengkung yang berbentuk seperempat lingkaran dengan jejari R. Kemudian balok meluncur pada bidang datar dan berhenti di B yang berjarak 3 m dari titik awal bidang datar A. Jika bidang lengkung tersebut licin sedangkan gaya gesek antara balok dan bidang datar sebesar 8 N maka R adalah .... (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

0,2 m 0,5 m 1,2 m 1,5 m 1,6 m





62. Seutas tali ABCD digantungkan pada titik A dan D.

Pada titik B digantungkan beban seberat 12 N sedang pada titik C digantungkan beban seberat W. Jika terhadap horizontal, sudut yang dibentuk AB adalah 600, BC 00 dan CD 300, tentukan besar W agar sistem dalam keseimbangan (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

4N 8N 12 N 16 N 20N


D 60o B

o C 30


59. Which of the following statment is true according to both passages ? (A) Classification of experiments depends on a number of dimension. (B) Scientist can use any kinds of experiment test regadless their importance. (C) Hypothesis is not always needed by experiment. (D) After the experiment hypothesis will always be answered. (E) A number of dimensions in different fields of study will prone to use fiend experiment.

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KUMPULAN SOAL-SOAL PREDIKSI SIMAMA POLTEKKES Bagian 2 63. Sebuah elemen pemanas (dengan bentuk seperti dalam

gambar) dicelupkan ke dalam sebuah bejana yang berisi 500 gram air. Ketika elemen pemanas listrik tadi dihubungkan dengan baterai, arus sebesar 5A mengalir melalui elemen pemanas tersebut. Elemen dinyalakan selama 10 menit sehingga air di dalam bejana mengalami kenaikan suhu sebesar 50oC. Bila kalor jenis air adalah 4200 J (kg oC), maka besar hambatan listrik R dalam elemen pemanas adalah .... (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

1,24 ohm 4,67 ohm 7,55 ohm 15,24 ohm 22,5 ohm

 baterai 5A R




(D) 0,7 gr/cm3 (E) 0,6 gr/cm3


Sebuah tangki air pada bagian bawahnya terdapat lubang hingga air memancar keluar membentuk sudut  terhadap tanah. Jika tinggi air h dan jarak pancaran air sejauh x (g=percepatan gravitasi) maka: (A) x = 2h sin 2

sudut datang .... (A) makin besar sudut bias (B) sudut bias tetap saja (C) makin kecil pula sudut bias (D) sudut bias makin tergantung pada indeks bias (E) sudut bias dapat menjadi lebih kecil atau lebih besar tergantung pada polarisasi cahaya

66. Gambar di samping ini menunjukkan

100 mA

diagram fasor suatu rangkaian arus bolak–balik, jika frekuensi arus bolak–balik tersebut 50 Hz, maka ….

(C) kapasitasnya =

Ke dalam campuran minyak dan air dimasukkan balok kayu, ternyata bagian balok di dalam minyak 50% dan bagian balok dalam air 30%. Jika massa jenis air dan minyak adalah 1 gr/cm3 dan 0,8 gr/cm3 maka massa jenis balok adalah ….


65. Pada pembiasan cahaya dari udara ke air, makin kecil

100 H  100 F 


68. Lihat gambar di bawah ini!

digunakan secara sendiri– sendiri akan menghasilkan daya 200 Watt dan 300 Watt, maka apabila keduanya dihubungkan secara seri dengan sumber GGL yang tetap seperti semula akan menghasilkan daya …. (A) 280 Watt (B) 250 Watt (C) 120 Watt (D) 150 Watt (E) 140 Watt

(B) induktansinya =


(A) 1,5 gr/cm3 (B) 1,2 gr/cm3 (C) 0,8 gr/cm3

64. Dua alat pemanas listrik, apabila

(A) hambatannya = 100 ohm

67. Lihat gambar di bawah ini !

(B) x =

(D) x =

2h sin  g

(E) x =

(C) x = 2g Sin 2 69. Sebuah balok memiliki dimensi seperti tampak pada

gambar. Maka volume yang bergerak dengan kecepatan 0,6 c relatif terhadap kubus dalam arah yang sejajar sumbu–x adalah …. (c = kecepatan y cahaya) (A) a.b.c m3 6 a.b.c m3 10 36 (C) a.b.c m3 100


10 V

(D) 0,9 a.b.c m3 (E) 0,8 a.b.c m3

cm bm am z

(D) induktansinya = 100 H (E) kapasitasnya = 100 F

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2h Sin 2 g 2g Sin 2 h

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by: Jibang P.Hutagaol,M.Pd


KUMPULAN SOAL-SOAL PREDIKSI SIMAMA POLTEKKES Bagian 2 70. Proses pembuahan pada tumbuhan Angiospermae bagian

yang memiliki kromosom triploid adalah .... (A) zygot (B) endosperm (C) sel nuselus (D) embrio (E) kulit biji

71. Pernyataan di bawah ini yang benar tentang penyerbukan

allogami adalah .... (A) serbuk sari berasal dari tanaman lain yang berbeda varitasnya (B) serbuk sari berasal dari bunga lain tetapi pada satu tanaman (C) serbuk sari berasal dari tanaman lain yang sama varietasnya (D) serbuk sari berasal dari tanaman lain yang beda jenis (E) serbuk sari berasal dari satu bunga

72. Berikut ini yang tidak termasuk karakteristik tumbuhan

bakau adalah …. (A) memiliki daun sekulen (B) akar napas dengan lenti sel (C) tidak mengalami pertumbuhan sekunder (D) hidatoda untuk mengurangi kelebihan garam (E) tekanan osmotik cairan sel akar lebih tinggi dari lingkungannya

74. Seorang ibu dengan golongan darah A, memiliki anak

pria golongan darah B dan seorang wanita golongan darah O. Ibu tersebut sedang mengandung, maka persentase anak lahir golongan darah A adalah .... (A) 0 % (B) 25 % (C) 50 % (D) 75 % (E) 100 %

75. Jika komposisi basa guanine pada E.coli 20% , komposisi

80% 60% 40% 30% 20%

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(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

platypus kanguru amphioxus hiu paus

77. Suatu

enzim yang terdapat dalam hati dengan konsentrasi tinggi, bekerja pada peroksida air dengan menghasilkan air dan oksigen adalah enzim …. (A) peroksidase (B) katalase (C) oksigenase (D) dehidrogenase (E) dehidrase

78. Penderita

penyakit osteoporosis, disebabkan kelebihan hormon….


kalsitonin prolaktin parathormon kortikoid epineprin

79. Persamaan dalam respirasi pada tubuh manusia

secara anaerob yang terjadi pada tubuh manusia yang membentuk zat sisa berupa asam laktat menggunakan penerima hidrogen ....... (A) Asetaldehid (B) Asam piruvat (C) NADPH (D) Phospogliserat (E) Etanol

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

menyusui adalah ....

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

73. Respirasi

basa timin adalah….

76. Vertebrata di bawah ini yang bersifat ovipar dan

adalah sebagai berikut : Hb4 + 4 O2  4 Hb O2 Persamaan tersebut di atas berlaku dalam hal – hal sebagai berikut …. (1) Pengikatan oksigen oleh haemoglobin di paru-paru. (2) Pelepasan oksigen di dalam jaringan (3) Oksihaemoglobin terdapat di dalam pembuluh darah vena pulmonalis. (4) Proses pengikatan oksigen di dalam darah. 80. Lumut kerak mempunyai sifat–sifat di bawah ini, yaitu ....

(1) (2) (3) (4)

merupakan tumbuhan efifit dapat hidup pada batu–batuan merupakan simbiosa antara jamur dan ganggang merupakan simbiosa antara jamur dan lumut

81. Apa yang membedakan antara pembelahan meiosis

(reduksi) dan mitosis? (1) Tempat berlangsungnya pembelahan (2) Macam sel anak yang dihasilkan (3) Jumlah kromosom sel anak (4) Jumlah organela sel anak

82. 27 gram logam aluminium (Al) direaksikan dengan H2SO4

secukupnya menurut reaksi: Al(s) + H2SO4(aq)  Al2(SO4)3(aq) + H2(g) Massa atom relatif Al = 27 ; H = 1 ; O = 16. Gas hidrogen yang dihasilkan ditampung pada suhu dan tekanan tertentu. Jika pada keadaan tersebut 1 mol gas O2 bervolume 20 liter maka volume gas hidrogen yang dihasilkan ….

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(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

15 liter 20 liter 30 liter 35 liter 40 liter

87. Pada gambar rumus elektron dari ion hidronium, ikatan

kovalen ditunjukkan oleh nomor…

83. Jika diketahui potensial elektroda standar untuk reaksi :

Al3+(aq) + 3e  Al(s) dan Sn2+(aq) + 2e  Sn(s) adalah berturut-turut  1,76 volt dan  0,14 volt, maka potensial standar sel: Al(s)/Al3+(aq)//Sn2+(aq)/ Sn(s) adalah…. (A)  1,62 volt (B) + 1,62 volt (C)  1,90 volt (D) + 1,90 volt (E) + 3,10 volt 84. Pada reaksi redoks

Zn + CuSO4  ZnSO4 + Cu Zat yang teroksidasi adalah …. (A) CuSO4 (B) Zn (C) Cu (D) ZnSO4 (E) Zn2+

3 2 

H  O  H 

88. Konfigurasi elektron dari unsur ...

M : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6 N : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1 P : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2 X : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p5 Y : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6


H 4

Dari konfigurasi elektron yang merupakan pasangan unsur stabil adalah ... (A) M dan P (B) M dan X (C) M dan Y (D) N dan X (E) N dan Y

Periode 3 4

C(s) + 2S(s)  CS2(g)  H = + 27,4 kJ C(s) + O2(g)  CO2(g)  H =  94,0 kJ S(s) + O2(g)  SO2(g)  H = + 70,9 kJ Perubahan entalpi jika 19 gram CS2 dibakar menurut reaksi: CS2(g) + 3O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2SO2(g) adalah…. (C = 12, S = 32) (A) 5,1 kJ (B) 10,2 kJ (C) 15,6 kJ (D) 20,4 kJ (E) 30,6 kJ Pada reaksi kesetimbangan berikut : 2NO(g) N2(g) + O2(g) + a kj Tidak akan mengalami pergeseran letak kesetimbangan apabila …. (A) mol N2 ditambah (B) mol O2 dikurangi (C) suhu dinaikkan (D) volume diperbesar (E) mol NO ditambah

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1 dan 2 2 dan 3 2 dan 4 1 dan 3 1 dan 4

89. Perhatikan cuplikan sistem periodik berikut!

85. Diketahui reaksi:


(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Golongan IA IIA Na Mg K Ca

Pernyataan yang benar adalah….. (1) jari-jari atom terkecil adalah Ca (2) sifat reduktor terkecil adalah Mg (3) potensial ionisasi terbesar Na (4) jari-jari atom terkecil adalah Mg 90. 100 ml larutan Fe(OH)2 0,01 M mempunyai pH = 9 + log

6, maka derajat ionisasi basa tersebut adalah …. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

2 . 10–7 6 . 10–7 2 . 10–6 6 . 10–3 2 . 10–3

(1) Situasi kebebasan pers dan berekspresi selama tahun 2015 cenderung turun. (2) Kondisi ini tidak lepas dari hadirnya pasal-pasal dari undang-undang yang mengekang kebebesan pers dan kebebasan berekspresi. (3) Anggota Dewan Pers sekaligus Ketua Komisi Hubungan Abtarlembaga, Nezar Patria, mengatakan bahawa kriminalisasi pengguna internet dalam UU ITE (UndangUndang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik) telah menjerat setidaknya 118 pengguna internet (netizan) yang menyuarakan pendapatnya. (4) Kondisi pers tersebut, lanjut Nezar, tidak jauh berbeda dengan tahun 2014 karena UU ITE dan surat edaran Kepala Polri tentang penanganan

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KUMPULAN SOAL-SOAL PREDIKSI SIMAMA POLTEKKES Bagian 2 ujaran kebencian rawan digunakan untuk mengkriminalisir media dan narasumber. (5) Masalahnya semakin buruk karena aparat kepolisian sering tidak adil dalam memperlakukan UU ITE. (6) Pada satu sisi, mereka tidak menindak tegas pihak yang menyampaikan ujaran kebencian, di sisi lain menindak warga yang meluapkan ekspresi untuk menegaskan dirinya berbeda dengan yang lain. (7) Dewan pers juga mencatat munculnya banyak penyalahgunaan kebebasan pers oleh media yang tidak profesional. (8) Kepolisian diharapkan menindak media yang memeras, memfitnah, dan mempermainkan orang. (9) Sampai akhir November 2015, Dewan Pers menerima 779 pengaduan yang rata-rata menyangkut soal etika, pencampuran fakta dan opini, dan akurasi.

95. Kelemahan paragraf (2) teks tersebut adalah... (A) Alasan Dewan Pers meminta kepolisian menindak media massa yang menyalahgunakan kebebasan pers tidak dijelaskan. (B) Isi surat pengaduan yang diterima oleh Dewan Pers tidak diinformasikan secara tersebut. (C) Tidak dijelaskan dari mana atau siapa Dewan Pers menerima surat pengaduan tersebut. (D) Harapan yang sebenarnya Dewan Pers kepada pihak kepolisian tidak ditemukan. (E) Bentuk-bentuk penyalahgunaan kebebasan pers yang dilakukan oleh media tidak profesional kurang diuraikan.

91. Kalimat topik paragraf pertama teks tersebut adalah... (A) Kalimat 1. (B) Kalimat 2. (C) Kalimat 3. (D) Kalimat 4. (E) Kalimat 5.

Teks berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 66 s.d. 71.

92. Kesalahan penulisan kata dalam teks tersebut terdapat pada... (A) Kalimat 2. (B) Kalimat 4. (C) Kalimat 5. (D) Kalimat 7. (E) Kalimat 9. 93. Pertanyaan manakah di bawah ini yang jawabannya tidak ditemukan dalam teks tersebut ? (A) Apa yang menyebabkan menurunnya kebebasan pers dan berekspresi selama tahun 2015 ? (B) Bagaimana kondisi kebebasan pers dan berekspresi tahun 2015 dibandingkan dengan tahun 2014 ? (C) Mengapa dikatakan aparat kepolisian tidak adil dalam memperlakukan UU ITE ? (D) Apakah harapan Dewan Pers kepada kepolisian terhadap media yang dikatakan tidak profesional itu ? (E) Bagaimanakah bentuk kriminalisasi media dan narasumber yang dilakukan polisi berkaitan dengan adanya UU ITE ? 94. Kata ganti mereka pada kalimat (6) teks tersebut merujuk pada... (A) Dewan pers. (B) Aparat kepolisian. (C) Media dan narasumber. (D) Penyampaian ujaran kebencian. (E) Narasumber.

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(1) Dunia kedokteran mengembangkan ilmu baru yang ditujuannya untuk memperlambat penuaan manusia, baik para pria dan wanita. (2) Penemuannya adalah Profesor Manfred von Ardenne dari Dresden, Jerman. (3) Ia sudah mengembangkan penemuannya itu secara diam-diam sejak beberapa puluh tahun yang lalu demi kepentingan umat manusia agar dianugerahi umur panjang, awet muda, dan badan sehat. (4) kalau Dokter Kaslan dari Rumania mengembangkan terapi awet muda melalui terapi H3-nya yang terkenal itu, Profesor Manfred mengembangkan terapinya yang dikenal dengan terapi oksigen. (5) Profesor tersebut menjelaskan bahwa penuaan manusia disebabkan oleh degenerasi paru-parunya. (6) Proses itu terus bertambah sejalan dengan usianya semakin bertambah. (7) Semakin tua usia seseorang semakin berkurang oksigen yang terdapat di dalam tubuhnya. (8) Akibatnya, orang tersebut akan mengalami krisis, yaitu dengan gejala sel dan berbagai organ tubuh yang mengalami kekurangan energi. (9) Di samping itu, berkurangnya oksigen pada diri seseorang dapat menjadi sumber bermacam-macam penyakit. (10) Karena itu, macam-macam penyakit yang menimpa manusia sebenarnya dapat diatasi dengan memenuhi kebutuhan akan oksigen sampai cukup, atau sampai taraf sama dengan yang didapat pada waktu mudanya. (11) Dengan terpenuhinya oksigen tersebut, kondisi badan sesorang menjadi sehat dan kuat, penuaannya lambat. 96. Gagasan utama paragraf kedua teks tersebut adalah... (A) Dokter Kaslan berasal dari Rumania. (B) Dokter Kaslan mengembangkan terapi awet muda. (C) Profesor Manfred mengembangkan terapinya. (D) Profesor Manfred mengembangkan terapi oksigen. (E) Penuaan manusia disebabkan oleh degenarasi paru-paru.

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KUMPULAN SOAL-SOAL PREDIKSI SIMAMA POLTEKKES Bagian 2 97. Pernyataan manakah di bawah ini yang tidak sesuai dengan isi teks tersebut... (A) Kekurangan oksigen berdampak secara langsung pada penuaan seseorang. (B) Terapi oksigen dapat mencegah timbulnya penyakit pada diri seseorang. (C) Pada seseorang yang masih muda, kebutuhan akan oksigen masih tercukupi. (D) Kondisi tubuh yang selalu sehat dan kuat dapat memperlambat penuaan. (E) Degenerasi paru-paru sering terjadi pada seseorang yang telah lanjut usia. 98. Kata itu pada kalimat (6) teks tersebut merujuk kepada... (A) Pengembanagan terapinya. (B) Terapi oksigen. (C) Penuaan manusia. (D) Degenerasi paru-paru. (E) Bertambahnya usia. 99. Dalam teks tersebut terdapat diksi yang tidak tepat, yakni pada... (A) Kalimat 3. (B) Kalimat 4. (C) Kalimat 8. (D) Kalimat 9. (E) Kalimat 10. 100. Apakah judul yang tepat untuk teks tersebut ? (A) Manfaat Kesehatan Bagi Kesehatan. (B) Resep Awet Muda untuk Pria dan Wanita. (C) Menghemat Penuaan melalui Terapi Oksigen. (D) Temuan baru tentang Manfaat Oksigen. (E) Penemuan Ilmu baru dalam Dunia Kedokteran.

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