Preliminary Studies of Structural Design of The Gymnasiums in Sfantu-Gheorghe and Slatina [PDF]

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Preliminary studies of structural design of the gymnasiums in SfantuGheorghe and Slatina Conference Paper · June 2012





1 author: Cristian Mojolic Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca 20 PUBLICATIONS   12 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE

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Summary: This paper describes the structural solutions for the concrete elements of the two gymnasiums that are currently being built in Sfantu-Gheorghe and Slatina, Romania. The foundation solutions for these two sport halls are not similar due to different conventional soil pressures, therefore one is a concrete reinforce slab type and the other one has isolated foundation under pillars and continuous foundations under concrete diaphragms. The superstructure of Slatina gymnasium is made from monolithic reinforced concrete pillars, beams and floors and prefabricated sitting stands. The sport hall in Sfantu-Gheorghe has 18 monolithic reinforced concrete pillars that support the metallic structure of the roof. The rest of the structural elements (columns, beams, floors, sitting stands) are made from precast reinforced concrete. All the differences between the two solutions adopted in these projects, plans and details are presented in this paperr. Keywords: gymnasium, structural design, concrete structure


Assistant, Ph.D. Student eng., Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Str. Constantin Daicoviciu, nr. 15, 400020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, email: [email protected]



The following paragraph contains information about the architectural design, capacity facilities, layouts of the Sfantu Gheorghe and Slatina Sport Halls.


Architectural design of the Sfantu Gheorghe Sport Hall

This multifunctional hall is located in the north side of Sfantu Gheorghe town in Covasna county, on the banks of river Olt. The complex in which the venue is going to be built has a total surface of 41.980 m2 and also contains outdoor tennis courts, small synthetic football pitches, 400 parking spaces and also resting places. The main building is a P+2E establishment and has a built surface of 8.916 m2 and a total surface of the floors of 13.226 m2 .

Figure 1. Multifunctional Sport Hall, Sfântu Gheorghe-overview

It contains the main arena with a designed capacity of approximately 3000 seats, a conference room for 400-500 people, a gym, office areas, VIP boxes for 30 and a shopping area. A smaller arena is situated next to the main arena and it is used mainly for training and small competitions. In the main area beside the fixed seating stands there are also folding seats and special places for people with disabilities. [1]

Figure 2. Multifunctional Sport Hall, Sfântu Gheorghe-sections


Architecture of Slatina Sport Hall

Due to the overcrowding of the sport facilities in the town of Slatina, in the Olt county in Romania, the construction of a new sport facility became necessary and the municipality allocated a 24.480 m2 terrain for this investment. The complex includes a sport hall and an indoor olympic swimming pool. The sport hall will have a capacity of maximum 3000 seats and will be able to host competitions from different sports such as handball, basketball, volleyball, tennis etc.

Figure 3. Multifunctional Sport Hall, Slatina-overview

The ground floor includes the main court area with a surface of 1595 m2 , locker rooms, 2 gyms, a medical facility, shopping area of 500 m2 and a press area with a total surface of 6.755 m2. The first floor includes a foyer for spectators, a conference room for 100 persons, administrative offices and the access to the sitting stands with a total surface of 2.944 m2. The stands are going to be divided into 6 parts destined for the main public and one part for VIP. The last level will include the commentators box and the camera platforms with a total surface of 573 m2. The overall usable area of the arena is 10.273m2. [2]

Figure 4. Multifunctional Sport Hall, Sfântu Gheorghe-sections



The following paragraph contains information about the structural design of the foundations, columns, floors, beams, sitting stands and other elements from Sfantu Gheorghe and Slatina Sport Halls. The loads that were applied to the structure are according to the current standards in Romania for different types: - permanent loads: self weight of the structural elements, partition walls weight, etc. - carrying loads: according to SR EN 1991-1-1/2006 - wind loads: according SR EN 1991-1-4/2006 - snow: according to SR EN 1991-1-3 - seismic: according to P100-1/2006


Structural design of the Sfantu Gheorghe Sport Hall

The resistance structure is a hybrid structure. Such a structure is composed of elements or subsystems of different materials that work together with each other in the hybrid structure.

Figure 5. Multifunctional Sport Hall, Sfântu Gheorghe-Foundation Plan

The foundation will be in the vigorous sandy dust and sand and gravel layers with the pressure Pconv value between 150 to 200 kPa. According to the geotechnical study, the underground water level is of approximately 3m. Given the high level of underground water, before conducting excavation will be made watertight with heavy reinforcing provisional character. Their embedding layer is made of shale to make a sealed tank capable of removing water without having problems with the walls of the excavation. Execution for the foundations will be by carried on sectors. The foundations solution consists in isolated foundation under monolith concrete pillars with dimensions of 80x140cm, 80x100cm, 80x80cm and pad foundation system under the prefabricated columns with dimensions of 50x50. The foundations dimensions vary from 6x6m to 5x5m and 3.5x3.5m. The outline of the building is going to have a precast concrete pedestal to support the closure glass structure. The main hall structure consists of eight 80x140cm, six 80x100cm and four 80x80cm monolith pillars that sustain the metallic structure of the roof. Their height varies from 13.45m to 16.25m.

Figure 6. Multifunctional Sport Hall, Sfântu Gheorghe-structural design

The first floor has a precast structure made from columns and T shaped beams that support the TT elements and a slab finishing cast of 8 cm. C30/37 concrete is used in the columns and beams and TT elements and C20/25 in the slab finishing cast.

Figure 7. Multifunctional Sport Hall, Sfântu Gheorghe-precast beam

The small arena’s structure is separated from the main one. It measures 20.70x40.10m in plan and it is 10 meters height. It has a pad foundation system for the prefabricated columns measuring 3.20x3.00x1.85m.

Figure 4. Multifunctional Sport Hall, Sfântu Gheorghe- training room- foundation F.01

The pillars that support the main beams have a dimension of 50x70 cm and a height of approximately 10 m and are made from prefabricated concrete. The roof structure consists of seven main beams 6.6 m apart which are connected one to another with steel bars and a grid of steel tension rods. Due to the large span (20m), the main beam is T shaped and is made from precast prestressed concrete. The height of the beam is variable and is increasing from 1.2 m to 1.5 m in the middle section. [1]

Figure 8. Multifunctional Sport Hall, Sfântu Gheorghe-training room- T beam


Structural design of Slatina Sport Hall

In order to determine de founding layer a series of geotechnical drillings revealed the following soil stratification: gravel with sand, contractile dusty clay, vigorous sandy clay, sand. The foundation is situated in the vigorous sandy clay layer with the Pconv=245kPa. The geotechnical study also revealed that the depth of underground water level is 12 m. For the infrastructure a raft foundation with beams on both directions was chosen. The raft is 40cm thick and the foundation beams are 70 cm wide and 120 cm tall and 2.00x1.20m. The foundation depth varies from -0.85 m under the court area and -1.95m under the rest of the arena. The strength class of the concrete poured in the foundation is C16/20 and the reinforcement bars are made from PC52 and OB37 steel.

Figure 9. Multifunctional Sport Hall, Slatina - Foundation Plan

The concrete structure is made out of monolith concrete columns and a slab floor with a thickness of 25 cm. C25/30 concrete class was chosen for this elements. Depending of the loads that they carry, there are many kinds of columns with dimensions varying from 50x50cm, 60x60cm, 70x70, and Ø160cm for the 16 pillars that support the structure of the roof, and which are 11.00 meters apart.

Figure 10. Multifunctional Sport Hall, Slatina – beam, Ø160 column

The stands structure is made from reinforced concrete frames. The beams that support the sitting stands are made from precast concrete and the columns are from monolith reinforced concrete with C20/25 strength class. The sitting stand have a maximum span of 6.5m, a thickness of 10cm and are 50cm height and 90cm wide. The sitting stand was dimensioned using uniform distributed vertical load of 5 kN/m2 according to the romanian standard.

Figure 11. Multifunctional Sport Hall, Slatina – sitting stands (section, details)

The interior stairs are made from reinforced monolith concrete and will be supported by the thick slab and beams as well. The exterior stairs and terraces will have an independent structure from the main hall and will be supported by 40x30cm beams 30x30cm columns that stand on 160x160cm isolated foundations with foundation beams between them. [2]


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

PETRINA Mircea, SOCACIU Nicolae, Proiectare si executie sala multifunctionala cu 3000 de locuri, Technical project, Sfantu Gheorghe, 2012. PETRINA Mircea, SOCACIU Nicolae, PETRINA Tudor, Sala de sport multifunctionala cu 3000 de locuri, Technical project, Slatina, 2011. P100-1/2006 : Cod de proiectare seismica- partea I- prevederi de proiectare pentru cladiri Eurocode 2: design of concrete structures ROMAN Florian, Aplicatii de inginerie geotehnica, Papyrus Print, Cluj-Napoca 2011

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