Proposal IHC 2022 Update [PDF]

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Informasi yang tertulis di dalam Proposal ini adalah hak/ milik OMSA Medic dan tidak akan disebarluaskan dan/ atau hanya akan dipergunakan dengan izin dari OMSA Medic dan berlaku sampai tanggal 22 November 2022


Nomor Lampiran Hal

: 25455/E/PKI/OMSAMEDIC/MKT/X/2022 : 1 (satu) gabung : Proposal Kerjasama In House Clinic

Denpasar, 24 Oktober 2022

CORPORATE VALUE 1. KEBAHAGIAAN  Kebahagiaan akan mendorong kita untuk memberikan yang terbaik dari diri kita untuk sesame.  Lakukan yang terbaik yang kita bisa secara ikhlas.  Except nothing: give your everything. 2. KEBAIKAN Selalu melakukan hal baik bagi diri sendiri, keluarga dan sesame. 3. PELAYANAN PRIMA Selalu mendahulukan pelayanan terbaik kepada pasien siapapun dia. 4. TENAGA MEDIS ADALAH SAUDARA Memandang dan memperlakukan rekanan medis sebagai saudara yang dapat diajak bekerjasama dan berkolaborasi, bukan sebagai competitor. 5. PASIEN ADALAH KLIEN  Memperlakukan pasien atau klien sebagaimana kita ingin diperlakukan (hospitality based).  Do more beyond expectation.

1. IN HOUSE CLINIC In House Clinic adalah tempat untuk memberikan pelayanan kesehatan dengan sistem promotif, preventif, kuratif dan rehabilitatif, yang diselenggarakan oleh perusahaan atau badan hukum sesuai dengan ketentuan berlaku. Pelayanan kesehatan yang terpadu juga dapat menghindari wabah dan penyakit menular yang sangat rentan terjadi pada suatu perusahaan yang mempunyai karyawan dalam jumlah besar yang dapat mengganggu suatu proses produksi. In House Clinic juga ditujukan untuk melayani tamu yang sakit dan membutuhkan pelayanan kesehatan dengan cepat. In House Clinic is a place to provide health services with promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative systems, which are organized by companies or legal entities in accordance with applicable regulations. Integrated health services can also avoid epidemics and infectious diseases that are very vulnerable to occur in a company that has a large number of employees that can disrupt a production process. In House Clinic is also intended to serve guests who need health services with a fast response. a. Biaya In Houce Clinic Premium Price Open Operational Doctor visite Note

: IDR 4,500,000 : Monday - Friday (excluding public holiday) : 4 (four) hours : Once a week, 1 (one) hour/ day : Exclusively partnership for swab antigen, RT-PCR COVID-19 and on call/ home service

Price Open Operational Doctor visite

: IDR 9,500,000 : Monday - Saturday (excluding public holiday) : 8 (eight) hours : Twice a week, 1 (one) hour / day

Price Open Operational Doctor visite

: IDR 15,000,000 : Monday - Saturday (excluding public holiday) : 12 (twelve) hours : Four times a week, 2 (two) hours / day

Price Open Operational Doctor visite

: IDR 18,000,000 : Monday - Sunday : 12 (twelve) hours : Five times a week, 2 (two) hours / day

Price Open Operational Doctor visite

: IDR 25,800,000 : Monday - Sunday : 24 (twenty four) hours : Seven times a week, 2 (two) hours / day

b. Tenaga Medis (Medical Personnel)  Dokter (Doctor)  Perawat (Nurse) c.

Pelayanan In House Clinic In House Clinic Service  Pemeriksaan Dokter Umum dan Perawat Examination of General Practitioners and Nurses  Obat- obatan dan injeksi untuk umum sesuai dengan indikasi medis Medications and injections for the public in accordance with medical indications  Obat-obatan dan penanganan awal untuk emergency Medicine and first emergency treatment  Alat-alat kesehatan (Health equipment)  menyediakan surat sakit, surat sehat sesuai indikasi medis provide sick letters, health letters according to medical indications  Pelayanan Keluarga Berencana (KB) : pil KB Microgynon®, suntik KB 1 bulan (Cyclofem®), suntik KB 3 bulan (Andalan®) (bagi karyawan) Birth Contror Cervice : Microgynon® pills, 1 month KB injection (Cyclofem®), 3 month KB injection (Mainstay®) (for employees) a. Pemeriksaan Berkala : gula darah, asam urat dan kolesterol Periodic examinations: Glucose, Blood Uric Acid and Cholesterol b. Penyuluhan Kesehatan (Health Education) c. Asistensi klaim Jasa Raharja dan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Jasa Raharja Assistance claims and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan d. Administrasi pengurusan BPJS Kesehatan Administration and Asistensi BPJS Kesehatan e. Pelayanan Escort dan On Call (emergency) f. Disc Home Care Service

d. Keperluan In House Clinic In House Clinic needs Partner Suplay:  Ruang pemeriksaan dan ruang tunggu Examinig rooms and waiting rooms  Kelengkapan Ruangan: meja, kursi, listrik, AC, telephone, dan wash basin. Room Amenities: tables, chairs, electricity, air conditioning, telephone, and wash basin.  Makanan, dan minuman perawat. Food and drinks for nurse. Omsa Medic suplay: A. FURNITURE 1 Medicine Cabinet 2 Personal Computer/ Laptop 3 Patient Bed 4 Clock 5 Acrylic 6 Frame

QUANTITY  1 1 1 1 1 5

B. 1 2 3 4

STATIONARY Registration Book : Staff Visitation Registration Book : Patient Visitation Registration Book : On Call Registration Book : Medical Certificate, Laboratorium & Radiology Investigation, Refferal

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Balance Book Expedition Book Board Calendar Folder Stationary Ruler Eraser / Correction Pen Envelope A4 Paper Paper Clip, Binder Clip Memo Paper Glue, Cellophane Tape, Double Tape Styrofoam Stamp Paid Cutter, Scissors OMSA Medic’s sticker Label

C. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

DOCUMENT Copy of Agreement Reimbursement Form On Call Invoice Form Prescription Form Medical Report Form Informed Consent Form Medicine Formulation Anaphylactic Shock Flowchart Medical Certificate Form General Practitioner License Nurse License In House Clinic License Occupational Health License Medical Liability Insurance Business Card : Clinic Business Card : OMSA Medic Business Card : Primary Health Facility for BPJS Greetings Card

 QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 adjusted 1 1,1 adjusted adjusted adjusted adjusted adjusted adjusted adjusted adjusted 1 adjusted adjusted  QUANTITY 1 adjusted adjusted 1 adjusted adjusted 1 1 adjusted 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10

D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

MISCELLANEOUS Emergency Trolley Fixed Infusion Pole Portable Infusion Pole Oxygen Tank Nasal Canula Infrared Lamp Wheelchair Walking Stick Bedcover Blanket Trach Can : Infectious Trach Can : Non Infectious Safety Box Medicine Clip Tissue Air refreshner Oncall Suitcase Medicine Box First Aid Kit

E. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Stethoscope Digital & Manual Sphygmomanometer Digital & Manual Thermometer Penlight Oxymetri Tongue Spatula Reflex Hammer Weight Scales Height Measurement Tape Injection Set Infusion Set Laboratories Set Hecting Set Wound Treatment Set Ear Spooling Set Eye Irrigation Set Nebulizer Set Emergency Set


 QUANTITY 1 1   1 1 1 1 1 pair 1 1 1 1 1 adjusted adjusted 1 1 1

  1 1,1 1,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 adjusted adjusted adjusted 2 2 1 1 1 1

dr. Gd Yuda Sugiarta, S.Ked

dr. Nyoman Ayu Widianti, S.Ked

dr.Candra Kardana Noprasetyo, S,Ked

dr.Romy Kamaluddin, S.Ked,M.Boimed (AAM)

3. ON CALL/HOME SERVICE FOR GUEST  Doctor Rp 550.000,- (sudah termasuk dokter &/ perawat + diagnosa) Belum termasuk obat-obatan dan injeksi IDR 550,000 (includes doctors & / nurses + diagnoses) Not including drugs and injections  Nurse Rp 340.000,- (sudah termasuk perawat + diagnosa) Belum termasuk obat-obatan dan injeksi IDR 340,000 (including nurses + diagnosis) Not including drugs and injections 4.

Harga RAPID TEST ANTIGEN dan RT-PCR COVID-19 1 RAPID TEST Rp 88.000,Tambahan biaya home service ANTIGEN Rp 340.000/ kunjungan/ sekali datang 2


Rp 268.000,-

Note: On call fee for hotel are:

Tambahan biaya home service Rp 340.000/ kunjungan/ sekali datang

a. On Call Umum On Public Call b. On Call Serum Anti Rabies (SAR)/ orang On Call Anti Rabies Serum (SAR)/ person c. Antigen dan RT-PCR COVID-19 Antigen and RT-PCR COVID-19

: 10% dari total tagihan : 10% of the total bill : Rp 1.000.000 dari total tagihan : IDR 1,000,000 of the total bill : Rp 10.000/ orang : IDR 10,000/ person

Demikian proposal penawaran kerjasama In House Clinic ini kami buat. Besar harapan kami agar pihak perusahaan bisa memberikan tanggapan atas penawaran ini. Terimakasih atas kerjasamanya. If there is any more information we can provide please let us know. Hormat Kami, Best Regards,

Contact Person Marketing Area Jimbaran : 0859 5469 4337 Marketing Manager : 0817 0378 2858 Call Center : (0361) 47 47 650 0818 311 355

dr. I Gede Candra Kardana Noprasetyo, S.Ked.,M.M Director OMSA MEDIC