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By: UENA APULISA Reg. Num. 1605115460



TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................................i A. THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ HABIT IN WATCHING ENGLISH MOVIE AND VOCABULARY MASTERY OF SECOND YEAR ENGLISH UNIVERSITAS RIAU...........................................................................1 B. BACKGROUND..............................................................................................1 C. THE FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM..................................................3 D. THE OBJECTIVE OF RESEARCH................................................................3 E. THE NEED OF THE RESEARCH..................................................................4 F.

THE DEFINITION OF THE KEY TERMS....................................................4 1.







Vocabulary Mastery......................................................................................5

G. LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................6 1.





Vocabulary Mastery....................................................................................11


Related Study..............................................................................................14

H. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................16 1.

Research Design..........................................................................................16


Place and Time of the Research..................................................................17


Population and Sample................................................................................18


Data Collection Technique..........................................................................18


Data Analysis Technique............................................................................23



Language is a means of communication that is used to deliver information, ideas, and feelings in human being live. Language is also a communication system which formed by a set of words into sentences that contain a person's thoughts. By using a language, people can develop their knowledge. Therefore, one way to obtain extensive knowledge is by mastering international language. English as a global language is one of the essential languages in the world. It is beneficial for those who learn it. If someone has an ability to use English, he has an opportunity to interact with people in the world. Thus, people from the non-English spoken country need to learn English and make it as their second language. In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language that becomes one of the subjects that should be taught at school. In learning English, four skills must be comprehended, they are writing, reading, listening and speaking. All of those skills are equally important as well. However, in order to master all those skills, there is an essential fundamental aspect that must be master first it is vocabulary. Timotius (2013) states that one of the focus of teaching English subject as a foreign language is to teach its vocabulary. Vocabulary is a basic component of English subject that has correlated to the four skills of English, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vocabulary is an essential part of understanding the meaning of what people said and written. It is a primary skill which should be mastered by the learners before they


acquire other language skills. According to David Wilkins in Thornbury (2002) stated that without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed. Hence, it is clear that learners should master vocabulary in order to learn English successfully. Besides, the field of education today is very closely related to the use of technology and it has positive impact that affects the development of highly sophisticated technology in terms of education. And it has brought various media that can use as a means of learning English. Many kinds of media can use to enrich students’ vocabulary mastery, such as music, video, movie or film, etc. Movies provide sound or spoken language and moving pictures that can use to improve vocabulary mastery. Thus, English movies provide an excellent chance for learners to enrich their vocabulary. For most learners, the movie is an entertaining and motivating medium. Watching the movie helps learners understand the meaning of a spoken language since they can directly see the situation and the expression of the actors in audio-visual form. Accordingly, Ismaili (2013) stated that movies are a source of entertainment and pleasant language acquisition. For this reason, many EFL scholars and practitioners prefer to watch film adaptations of well-known novels. Furthermore, as the statement of Margono (2010) said that movie is an excellent alternative media for teaching vocabulary. It is interesting since it provides audio-visual examples through the acting in the scenes. The strong point of using movies as a learning media, besides strengthen their understanding of that new vocabulary, the learners also can learn the visual image of the things that they have watched. And the learners also will remember the words, the meaning and how to use those words in properly. Media such as a movie has a very significant role in motivating the learners to learn vocabulary, and they will feel something new and different from what they usually get in their class. Thus, by using movies, learners become more interested in gaining vocabulary mastery because they


study without feeling bored. Moreover, learning process is not always in the class, or face with the teacher, it can be done in everywhere and any time. The habit of watching movies could provide excellent opportunities to study language about vocabulary. The learner’s habit of watching English movies possibly is a way to enrich their vocabulary. Based on the explanation above, in this case, the researcher is interested in conducting research with the title “THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ HABIT IN WATCHING ENGLISH MOVIE AND VOCABULARY MASTERY OF SECOND YEAR ENGLISH UNIVERSITAS RIAU.”

C. THE FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM Based on the descriptions above, the problem of the research can be formulated as follows: 1. How is the habit of the second year students of English Study Program FKIP Universitas Riau in watching English movie ? 2. How is the vocabulary mastery of the second year students of English Study Program FKIP Universitas Riau? 3. Is there any significant correlation between the habit of the second year students of English Study Program FKIP Universitas Riau in watching English movie and their vocabulary mastery?

D. THE OBJECTIVE OF RESEARCH Based on the problem formulation above, the objectives of this research follow: 1. To find out the habit of the second year students of English Study Program FKIP Universitas Riau in watching English movie.


2. To find out the vocabulary mastery of the second year students of English Study Program FKIP Universitas Riau. 3. To find out if there is a significant correlation between the habit of the second year students of English Study Program FKIP Universitas Riau in watching English movie and their vocabulary mastery.


THE NEED OF THE RESEARCH The significances of this research are:

1. For the researcher The outcome of this research will be useful for other researchers to conduct further research. 2. For students The outcome of this research will be useful for the students to find out whether watching English movie affects their vocabulary mastery. 3. For teachers The outcome of this research will be useful for English teachers as information about students’ habit in watching English movie and information about students’ vocabulary mastery.



Before discussing this research deeply, nevertheless, in order to be easy to perceive, understand, or interpret, the researcher wants to explain the same words in this research, it is necessary to define the following terms: 1.


Hornby (2000) stated that correlation is a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things variables. In this research, correlation defines that there is a relationship between student’s habit in


watching English movies with English subtitles and vocabulary mastery.



According to Abdullah (2017), habit is a routine of behaviour that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. Habitual behaviour often goes unnoticed in persons exhibiting it, because a person does not need to engage in self-analysis when undertaking routine tasks. Habits are sometimes compulsory. The process by which new behaviour becomes automatic is the formation of habits. From the statement above the researcher considers that a habit is an activity carried out willingly and unconsciously to do it repeatedly, so that automatically becomes a routine. 3.


Movie is one of entertainment play that can be found on the television or in the cinema. A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still or moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effect ( Based on researcher understanding movie can be stated as this way, that movie is a photographic record of history, science, and human behaviour that projected through the projector lens and shown in the cinema or television. 4.

Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary mastery is always being an essential part of learning English. According to Lewis and Hill in Setiawan (2010) say that


vocabulary mastery is vital for students. Without having proportional English vocabulary, students will get some difficulties in using English.

G. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Habit a. Definition of Habit Habit is a routine behaviour that is repeated regularly and tends to occur unconsciously. Habit is something that is done continuously and always do a repetition, from repetition will be automatic habits in the brain and become accustomed. Habit formation is the process by which a behaviour, through regular repetition, becomes automatic or habitual. According to Meriam Webster dictionary, habit is stated as a behaviour pattern acquired by frequent repetition or psychological exposure that shows itself in regularity or increase facility of performance, which the frequency is the number of times that something happens during a particular period. Furthermore, as stated by Riandi (2016), habits are activities or attitudes that exist in man both physically and mentally by doing it repeatedly and in the long term. A habit is an event or experience in life that repeated over and over, from time to time, from year to year. As the statements above stated by experts, it can conclude that habit is the effect of repetitive actions that become patterned behaviour which will become the usual way due to frequent repetition. b. Factors in the development of habits Dubray (1990) infers that habit can be acquired by doing exercise. In acquiring a habit, the repetition must grow and be strengthened. Furthermore, he mentions the main factors dealing with the growth of habit as follows:


The number of repetitions, as every repetition strengthens the disposition left by the previous exercise;

Their frequency: too long an interval of time allows the disposition to weaken, whereas too short an interval fails to give sufficient rest, and results in organic and mental fatigue;

Their uniformity: at least change must be slow and gradual, new elements being added little by little;

The interest taken in the actions, the desire to succeed, and the attention given;

The resulting pleasure or feeling of success which becomes associated with the idea of the action.

c. Benefit of Habit of Watching English Movie According to Chayati (2019) stated that movie can benefit students in a number of other ways. 

It Motivates Student: Movie presents language in a lively and entertaining way. The combination of moving pictures and sound presents language more comprehensively and realistically than any other teaching medium.

It presents language in context: Movie shows communication more obviously, realistic contexts. The complete situation is immediately visible to the students.

It illustrates behaviour and relationships: Movie shows the differences between how people behave in informal relationships involving friends and family, and how they behave in more formal relationships.

It presents non-verbal aspects of communication: Movie allows learners to see body language, the gestures, facial expressions by the characters.

It provides cultural information: Movie shows how people live and how they interact with people in their own cultural environment.


Based on the explanations above it can be concluded that English movies provide benefits in the world of education, plus in the current era, the field of education is more flexible in portraying technological sophistication as a source of learning.

2. Movie a. Definition of Movie The movie is a series of photographic images, which, when displayed on the screen, will create the illusion of moving images due to effects. The movie is a combination of art and industry. A movie is a real form of the development of technology that is very sophisticated in this era. Many things can be explained through movie, including about the processes that occur in our body or occur in an industry, how to live in a foreign country, the culture of a foreign country, the history of the lives of great people, and so forth. According to Aziz and Fathiyyaturrizqi (2017), movie is a series of moving pictures recorded with the sound that tells a story. Furthermore, Azhar (2011) defines movie as a picture in a frame where frame by frame is projected through the projector lens mechanically so that the pictures in the screen looks alive. Meanwhile Blasco (2015) state the movie facilitates the integration of emotions in the viewing experience, and helps the learners to understand and recognize immediately the main messages regarding attitudes and human values delivered by the movie characters. Fostering reflection stimulates discussion about the breadth of human experience and elicits profound conflicts, and concerns learners have about their future professional roles and personal lives. Based from the definition of movie above, it can be concluded that movie is a work of humans and as a result of the times, in the form of a collection of images that move


and produce sound and have a storyline. In the present movie is not only included in the category of art but has entered the world of education as a practical learning media. b. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Watching Movie for Learning Purposes Watching movies is one of the fun activities. People watch movies usually during their free time, but nowadays watching movies is not only a relaxing activity but also as a medium for learning, especially for students who are learning a foreign language. There are many advantages that can be obtained in the use of movie as a medium to deliver lessons to students. According to Dahniar (2016) there are some advantages by watching movies: 

Movie can be describe the process.

Movie can arouse impression of room and time.

The pictures are three dimensions.

The sound can arouse reality of pictures in form of nature expression.

Movie can tell expert's voice while watching his/ her appearance.

Color movie can add reality of object, which is practiced.

Movie can show scientific theory and animation.

Further more in line with that, Harmer (2003), said that there are many reasons why video can be a special, extra dimension to the learning experience: 

Seeing language in use Students not only can hear the language but also they can see it. By watching video, students can see the real condition of language in use, such as students can see the facial expression


and the gesture when native speakers are saying some words or expressions. 

Cross culture awareness Video can help students who want to see westerns‟ culture by watching it in 32 their classroom. It is especially when they want to know how their body language are when they are inviting someone out, or how American speaks to waiters. Video is also a great value in giving students a chance to see all of cultures from other countries. Moreover, by using video students can see the culture of other countries through movie.

The power of creation Students suddenly get some considerable power when they use video camera. They can make video that could be unforgettable moment by them. It can be good media because they can remember all of vocabulary inside of the video they made and it can enrich their vocabulary mastery. The task of video making can make students creative.

Based on those explanations, it can be inferred that English movies provide many benefits for English movies lovers, especially students who are learning foreign languages because English films facilitate intercultural learning and can be used as a medium for practice English. Beside the advantages movie has disadvantages, some researcher state the disadvantages of watching movie for learning purposes. According to Azhar (2011), one of several researchers who states that the disadvantages of using movie in teaching and learning process are: 

Procurement of English movie generally is expensive.

When the movie is shown, the pictures will keep changing making all students cannot follow the information given through the movie.


Movies are not always appropriate with the needs and purposes of learning objective.


Vocabulary Mastery

a. Definition of Vocabulary Mastery Vocabulary is defined as set of all words understood by someone, or all words that someone might use to construct a new sentence. Vocabulary is the reality of words owned by someone who refers to certain concepts, has certain rules, and used to give and receive information. Learning vocabulary is essential because the learners are able to speak, write, and listen nicely, they have to know vocabulary first. According to Nawayanti (2013), vocabulary is one of the language components which should be mastered by English learners. Therefore vocabulary plays an important role in supporting mastery of language skills. To communicate well in language, students must obtain a variety of vocabulary. b. The Significance of Vocabulary Mastery The famous linguist Wilkins in Yiwei (2009) say people could describe few things without grammar, but they could express nothing without vocabulary. It means that people can still understand what others are saying without correct grammatical rules as long as they use appropriate vocabulary. Hence, vocabulary is an important aspect to be considered in effective communication. Lewis in Yiwei (2009) states, vocabulary acquisition is the main task of Second Language Acquisition and the language skills as listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. All the language skills can’t go without vocabulary as it is central to language and of critical importance to the typical language learner. From the premises, it


is clear that mastering vocabulary is important for students in developing all the language aspects which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing, since it is the first step in language acquisition. Without knowing enough vocabulary, it is impossible for learners to develop their language skills. c. Types of Vocabulary Some experts classified types of vocabulary. According to Nation (2001), there are two kinds of vocabulary. The type of vocabulary is divided based on vocabulary knowledge, namely receptive and productive vocabulary. The types of vocabulary will be discussed below. 

Receptive Vocabulary Receptive vocabulary is words that are recognized and understood by students when they occur in context, but which cannot produce correctly. This is a vocabulary that students recognize when they see it in the context of reading but do not use it in speaking and writing. Receptive vocabulary is also referred to as a passive process because students only accept thoughts from others. In language applications, receptive vocabulary is considered as basic vocabulary. This is far greater than productive vocabulary because there are many words that are recognized when students hear or read but they do not use the words when they speak or write.

Productive Vocabulary Productive vocabulary is the words, which the learners understand, can pronounce correctly, and use constructively in speaking and writing. It involves what is needed for receptive vocabulary plus the ability to speak or write the appropriate time. Therefore, productive vocabulary can be addressed as an active process, because the learners can produce the words to express their thought to others.


d. Element of Vocabulary In learning vocabulary, there are some elements that have to be considered. Ur (1996: 60) defines what should be learnt in learning vocabulary. Some of them are as following: 

Form: pronunciation and spelling The











pronunciation) and what it looks like (its spelling). 

Collocation A collocation is two or more words that often go together. These combinations just sound right to native English speakers, who use them all the time. An example of collocation that many learners of English may be familiar with is the different adjectives that are used to describe a good-looking man and a good-looking woman.

Aspects of meaning (appropriateness) Appropriateness means something that is suitable or acceptable for a particular situation. It includes how people choose appropriate words to be used in a particular situation based on the context.

Aspects of meaning (meaning relationships) How the meaning of one item relates to the meaning of others can also be useful in teaching:


Synonyms: items that mean the same, or nearly the same; for example, bright, clever, smart may serve a synonyms of intelligent.


Antonyms: items that mean the opposite; rich is an antonym of poor.


Hyponyms: items that serve a specific examples of a general concept or superordinate term; dog, lion, mouse are hyponyms of animal. In linguistics, it is a specific term used to designate a member of a class.

Word formation Word formation is the creation of new words. It is the formation of words in a language by the processes of derivation and composition. Based on the explanation, it can be concluded that vocabulary mastery 13

is the ability to master words in certain language, including understanding the pronunciation, spelling, collocation, appropriateness, synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms, and formation of words.


Related Study There are some considerations that have been conducted related

to this study. The first study was conducted by Dahniar (2016) entitled “The Correlation Between Student’s Habit in Watching English Movie and Vocabulary Mastery at the Second Year SMAN 1 Anggeraja”. His study is a correlation research. The instruments used were questionnaire and vocabulary test. The objective of the research was to find out whether there is a correlation between students’ habit in watching English movie and vocabulary mastery at the second year of SMAN 1 Anggeraja in the academic year 2015/2016. Based on the analysis of data by using Frequency Tabulations Formula showed that from 34 students of second year of SMAN 1 Anggeraja, 5 students in low category of vocabulary mastery with percentage 14,7%, 18 students in moderate category of vocabulary mastery with percentage 52,9%, and 11 students in high category of vocabulary mastery with percentage 32,3%. The level of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery of second Year of SMAN 1 Anggerja was moderate with frequency of 18 and the percentage 52,9%. The result of the analysis showed that there was significant correlation between students’ habit and vocabulary mastery in watching English movie to 0.766 at the significant level of 0.05 with the critical value of r table 0.339. The correlation between students’ habit in watching English movie and vocabulary mastery was significant since the coefficient correlation is higher than the critical value of r table (0.766 > 0.339). It means that there is a significant correlation between students’ habit in watching English Movie and Vocabulary Mastery at the Second Year of SMAN 1 Anggeraja.


Furthermore, another researcher was conducted study entitled “Correlation Between Student’s Frequency of Watching English Movie and Their Vocabulary Mastery” by Radhia Zulfa (2018). The study was used quantitative research design, the study is aimed to evaluate whether the frequency in watching English movies correlates with students’ vocabulary mastery. This research instruments used in the research are a set of questionnaire and vocabulary test, and will be given to thirty one eleventh grade students of Riyadhul Jannah Kuala Tungkal in academic year of 2017/2018, as sample of the research. By observing the questionnaire answered by 31 students, she found some points related to students who have a habit of watching English movies. Most of students are permitted to watch English movies by their parents. However, their frequency of watching English movie are various, most of students are watching English movies because of its action and storyline, not intentionally for learning English. However, some of them think watching English movies help to increase their ability, especially to get new vocabulary and English expression, increase their ability in English intonation and sentence arrangement, the media which students mostly use to access English movies are TV and YouTube. Based on data from 31 students, from 14 students got excellent to good vocabulary score, 11 of them had high frequency of watching English movies. Meanwhile, from 17 students who got fair to poor vocabulary score, 16 of them had low frequency of watching English movies too. As the result of this study H0= there is no significant correlation between students’ frequency of watching English movies and their vocabulary mastery is rejected and H1= there is a significant correlation between students’ frequency of watching English movie and their vocabulary mastery is accepted The last research is about habit in watching English movie has been done by Galant Jodhi Pratama that was “ Correlation Between Student’s Habit in Watching English Movie and Their Vocabulary


Size” he conducted the observation on 2015. In fact, the result of analysis of interpretation, the data shows that teaching vocabulary is probably more effective by using English movie. It can be seen from the result of the test. By using English movie in teaching vocabulary, the researcher hopes that the students will be interested in achieving vocabulary. Based on the result of research the result showed that the correlation between the two variables was 0.3 and the value of X toward Y was 0.554. Furthermore, it was found that the frequency factor had a significant correlation with the students who got high and moderate score on vocabulary size test, while the repetition was the strategy used by the majority of students who got low score on vocabulary size test. Based on the result, it could be concluded that there was significant correlation between students' watching English movie habit and their vocabulary size.

H. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1. Research Design This is correlational research. A correlation research is a detection of a correlation between one variable and the other based on the available correlation coefficient. Correlation method is used to find out the probability of a relationship between two variables or more ( Fraenkel and Wallen, 2012). The research design was variable X correlated to variable Y, where variable X is student’s habit in watching English movie with English subtitles and variable Y is vocabulary mastery. Thus, this research is aimed to find whether or not there is a significant correlation between student’s habit in watching English movie with English subtitles and vocabulary mastery of the second year students of English study program FKIP Universitas Riau.


Furthermore, in this research the researcher will apply a quantitative research approach. A quantitative approach is a process of getting knowledge by using numeric data as an instrument to explain the subject (Margono, 2004). The researcher used a questionnaire to measure the student’s habit in watching an English movie with English subtitles and test to measure the students’ vocabulary mastery. In calculating the data, Pearson Product Moment formula is used to correlate two variables.

2. Place and Time of the Research This research will be conducted by distributing questionnaires in the form of a link via Google Form. And the link will send to the chairperson of each class of English students Universitas Riau around July 2020. The following table shows the timeline of thr research: Table 3.1 Time-line of the Research Research No. Activities 1.

Writing the Proposal


Proposal Seminar


Conducting the Research


Analyzing the Data


Writing Report


Research Finding

Months of 2020 Apr

Ma y

Ju n




Se p


No v


Seminar 7.

Writing Journal


Comprehensive Seminar


Population and Sample

a. Population The population of this research is the second year students of the English Study Program of Universitas Riau academic year 2019/2020. They are divided into 3 classes, Class A consists of 36 students, Class B consists of 39 students and Class C consists of 35 students. So, the total population is 110 students. b. Sample According to Gay (2000), sampling is the process of selecting a number of individual for study in such a way that represents the larger group. In this research, the sample will be all of the students of the second year of English Department Universitas Riau.


Data Collection Technique

In collecting the data, the researcher will use a questionnaire and test as the instruments of the research. Questionnaires have many uses, most notably to discover what the masses are thinking. These include market research, political polling, customer service feedback, evaluations, opinion polls, and social science research (O’Leary, 2014). According to Jenn (2006), a questionnaire is a very convenient way of collecting information from a large number of people within a period of time. In line with the statement of the experts above the authors also


assume that questionnaires provide a relatively cheap, quick and efficient way of obtaining large amounts of information from a large sample of people. Data can be collected relatively quickly because the researcher would not need to be present when the questionnaires were completed. This is useful for large populations when interviews would be impractical. Furthermore, Sugiyono (2009) stated that there are two types of questions or statements in a questionnaire, namely open question and closed question. Open questions are questions that expect respondents to provide answers in the form of a description. Meanwhile, closed questions are questions that expect respondents to give a short answer or choose one alternative answer to the question that available. The answer to a closed question can take the form of ordinal data, nominal data, and interval data. In this case, the researcher will use closed question. The researcher will provide questionnaires via the Google Forms link, and students will access them online. The questionnaire is adapted from Dhamarullah (2015). The research instruments that will use are questionnaire and vocabulary test. There will be two sections. The first section is the main questionnaire that aimed to measure the students’ habit in watching English movie. The questionnaire consists of 20 questions. The second section is the vocabulary test that aimed to measure the students’ vocabulary mastery because the test is one of the techniques to get objective data. In this research, the author adapted the vocabulary test from Jones (2000). The test consists of 25 questions, and the form of questions divided into three categories that are true-false, confusing word, and word similar. The students will get possible score 0-100, where 0 is the minimum score, and 100 is the maximum score.

Table 4.1. The Blueprint of the Questionnaire NO.





How often do you watch English movies?







How often do you watch English movies per month?







Referring to question number 2, are you consistent with that number every month?






















































































4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

You watch movies without using subtitles You watch a movie with English subtitles You watch a movie with Indonesian-language subtitles or your first language. Movies play a major role in improving your English skills. Movies play a major role in improving your English vocabulary skills. Movies improve your English skills without you knowing it. The movie you watch uses language which its level you can understand. You understand the storyline of the movie you are watching. You can explain back the storyline of the movie you are watching. You can understand English sentences spoken by the characters in the movie you watch. You can understand the vocabulary used in the movies you watch. You can understand idiomatic expressions in movie dialogues. *Phrases with connotation meanings such as: The test was a piece of cake (easy), I feel under the weather (unhealthy). You can identify the meaning of slang language in film dialogue. Such as: Nice ride (car), or I am so bummed (upset; disappointed), A weirdo (weird person). You watch movies of your own free will or desire. You watch movies in comfortable conditions. The movie you watch keeps you happy and entertained. The movie you watch gives you motivation.


Table 4.2. The Blueprint of Vocabulary Mastery Test. Odd one out. Choose one of four choices which are different from the other three and mark the appropriate column! NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Words use day often purpose avoid effort young best true slow effective

basic light old play

take never quiet behind sight able move far necessary visit immediate sudden power question try

come week best together refuse actual old big determine enter opportunity surface try report think

long year ever already admit recent good active better rest various recently name result case

Table 4.3. The Blueprint of Vocabulary Mastery Test. Choose the correct answer in each of the following sentences by choosing the appropriate column! NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

QUESTIONS Which of the following words does NOT describe marital status? Which of the following words is opposite in meaning to the remaining three? Emily’s very ___. She understands how other people feel. Lenny’s rather ___. Sometimes he behaves like a little child. I like Chris. He’s got a great _ of humor. If you go jogging you usually wear trainers and a ___. Which of the following is not a kind of shoes?

ANSWERS single
























high heels





8. 9. 10.

Which of the following words is opposite in meaning to the remaining three? Which of the following words is negative in meaning? Chris is quite ___. He doesn’t talk about his personal life much.













Table 4.5. The Blueprint of Vocabulary Mastery Test. Choose the correct word in each of the following sentences by choosing the appropriate column! NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

STATEMENTS Do you think the new tax changes will (affect/effect) you very much? His behaviour at the party was (contemptuous /contemptible). I've always wanted to drive big (luxurious/luxuriant) cars. It is most (regretful/regrettable) that Mr. Brown has decided to resign. How do you expect me to get the work finished when I'm (continually/ continuously) being interrupted? She was a very (intensive/intense) person, who seemed to care deeply about everyone and everything. He spent three years in (goal/gaol) for embezzlement. Do you enjoy (urban/urbane) life, or would you prefer to live in the country? The government is under no (illusions/delusions) about the difficulties facing the country. What can be (implied / inferred) from the Prime Minister's remarks?


ANSWERS affect




















Data Analysis Technique

The data of students’ habit in watching English movie with English subtitles will collect by questionnaires. The researcher will send Google Forms links to representatives of each class. The responses from the questionnaire will be analyzed by looking at the most checked items on a scale. It will be rate using


Likert-Scale starting from Almost Always = 5 point, Frequently = 4 point, Sometimes = 3, Rarely = 2, Almost Never = 1. And data for students’ vocabulary mastery the researcher provides the questions along with the answer column. The data will be automatically collected through Spreadsheets of the questionnaire and vocabulary test in the Google Forms. The researcher will use the formula to obtain the students’ score: S=

R x 100% N

In which: S = Score of the test R = Number of the correct answer N = Number of the test items The researcher used product moment correlation to find out the correlation between students’ habit in watching English movie with English subtitle and their vocabulary mastery. The formula is: r xy =

N . ∑ xy −( ∑ x ) ( ∑ y) √¿ ¿¿

Where: r = coefficient correlation N = the number of students ∑XY = the number X variable and Y variable ∑X = the number of X variable ∑Y = the number of Y variable ∑X 2 = the square of X variable


∑Y 2 = the square of Y variable



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