Qotd 24 [PDF]

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24) QOTD 24 47.Clinical psychologist Dr. Carl Rogers found that 80 percent _____ verbal communication involved five types of responses: evaluative, interpretive, supportive, probing, and understanding. (A) all (B) is the (C) with (D) of all Jawaban: D Kalimat ini membutuhkan keterangan pelengkap untuk subject 80% menggunakan preposition, maka jawaban yang lebih tepat adalah pilihan D. 48.The early feminist leader Susan B. Anthony became increasingly aware through her work in the temperance movement_____ the same rights as men. (A) women were not granted that (B) that women were not granted (C) not granted women that were (D) that were not granted women 25) Jawaban: B 26) Subject = Susan B. Anthony dan verb = became. Di pilihan banyak ditawarkan subject dan verb, berarti kalimat ini membutuhkan sebuah connector. Pilihan B lebih tepat.

27) N 28)

26) QOTD 26

51. The Hawaiian alphabet, introduced by missionaries in the 1820’s,_____ and only seven consonants, (A) the five vowels consist of (B) consisting of five vowels (C) that consists of five vowels (D) consists of five vowels Jawaban: D Pola kalimat ini merupakan pola kalimat yang ada appositive. Silahkan lihat lagi skil tentang appositive. Hawaiian Alphabet sebagai subject dan klausa yang ditengah sebagai appositive. Setelah koma kedua seharusnya muncul sebuah verb, maka kalimat ini membutuhkan sebuah verb. 52. Working like a telescope,_____ the size of objects at great distances. (A) which magnifies a telephoto lens (B) a telephoto lens magnifies (C) a telephoto lens which magnifies (D) and magnifying a telephoto lens Jawaban: B Pola kalimat ini merupakan pola kalimat yang memiliki appositive juga. Silahkan cek skil tentang appositive. Working like a telescope merupakan sebuah appositive. Setelah koma, dibutuhkan subject dan verb, maka lihat pilihan yang menyediakan subject dan verb.

27) QOTD 27

53. Volcanoes are divided into three main groups, based on their shape and the type of material they_____ . (A) are made (B) made of (C) are made of (D) made for 54._____ to inanimate objects, such as machines, is a form of animism. (A) When attributing emotion (B) Attributing emotion (C) Emotion is attributed (D) If emotion is attributed

Kedua, ini pembahasan QOTD 25: 49. DNA,_____ , is found in the cell nucleus in the form of very long and thin molecules consisting of two spiral strands. (A) inherits material (B) is inheritance material (C) material is inherited (D) the material of inheritance Jawaban: D Ini pola kalimat yang terdapat appositive dimana ada dua koma di tengah. Lihat lagi pembahasan skil tentang appositive. DNA sebagai subject dan is sebagai to be pengganti verb. Jadi, kalimat ini membutuhkan sebuah appositive. Pilihan A, B dan C salah karena ada menawarkan verb dan to be (pengganti verb) sedangkan dalam kalimat sudah ada verb. 50._____ plants, which manufacture their own food, animals obtain nourishment by acquiring and ingesting their food. (A) Unlike (B) Different (C) Whereas (D) As much Jawaban: A Kalimat ini memiliki connector which dimana klausa ini disebut dependent clause. Independent clause dalam kalimat ini adalah yang setelah koma kedua. Animals sebagai subject dan obtain sebagai verb. Kalimat ini tidak membutuhkan connector, maka pilihan C salah. Bila meletakkan

different harus ditambahkan dengan from. As much harus ditambah as. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah unlike. Unlike disini untuk menunjukkan bahwa animals berbeda dengan tumbuhan yang kemudian dijelaskan di dependent clause dan independent clause yang mengikutinya. Ketiga, ini soal QOTD 26. Jawab dengan lasan dan beritahu berapa benar kalian di QOTD 25. 51.The Hawaiian alphabet, introduced by missionaries in the 1820’s,_____ and only seven consonants, (A) the five vowels consist of (B) consisting of five vowels (C) that consists of five vowels (D) consists of five vowels 52.Working like a telescope,_____ the size of objects at great distances. (A) which magnifies a telephoto lens (B) a telephoto lens magnifies (C) a telephoto lens which magnifies (D) and magnifying a telephoto lens

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Pembahasan QOTD 24 47.Clinical psychologist Dr. Carl Rogers found that 80 percent _____ verbal communication involved five types of responses: evaluative, interpretive, supportive, probing, and understanding. (A) all

(B) is the (C) with (D) of all Jawaban: D Kalimat ini membutuhkan keterangan pelengkap untuk subject 80% menggunakan preposition, maka jawaban yang lebih tepat adalah pilihan D. 48.The early feminist leader Susan B. Anthony became increasingly aware through her work in the temperance movement_____ the same rights as men. (A) women were not granted that (B) that women were not granted (C) not granted women that were (D) that were not granted women Jawaban: B Subject = Susan B. Anthony dan verb = became. Di pilihan banyak ditawarkan subject dan verb, berarti kalimat ini membutuhkan sebuah connector. Pilihan B lebih tepat. 3. Soal QOTD 25. Jawab dengan alasan dan beritahu berapa benar kalian di QOTD 24. 49. DNA,_____ , is found in the cell nucleus in the form of very long and thin molecules consisting of two spiral strands. (A) inherits material (B) is inheritance material (C) material is inherited (D) the material of inheritance 50._____ plants, which manufacture their own food, animals obtain nourishment by acquiring and ingesting their food. (A) Unlike (B) Different (C) Whereas (D) As much

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