Rangkuman Inggris [PDF]

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Di Susun Oleh: Septianti Eka Putri


Prodi: S1 Keperawatan 6B SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KESEHATAN INDONESIA MAJU Jln. Harapan No.5 Lenteng Agung Jakarta Selatan 12610 Telp. (021) 78889496, 78894045 Fax. (021) 78894045

A. PENGERTIAN TENSES Tenses merupakan bagian dari grammar atau tata bahasa bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, kita wajib belajar tentang tenses. Jangan pandang enteng atau melihat tenses sebelah mata karena tenses adalah salah satu kunci untuk mengetahui dan memperlancar speaking Anda dengan baik dan benar. Dengan demikian, Anda harus sungguh-sungguh belajar. Bukan hanya menghafal, tetapi mengerti dan memahami bagaimana tenses bekerja. B. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk:  Menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang terjadi saat ini. Contoh: I take headache medicine. (Saya minum obat sakit kepala.)  Menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang biasa terjadi (habitual action) Contoh: Nurses look after patients in hospitals every day. (Perawat-perawat itu merawat pasien di rumah sakit setiap hari.)  Menyatakan kebenaran umum (general truth) Contoh: Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. (Air terdiri dari hidrogen dan oksigen.) Pola Simple Present Tense Ada dua jenis pola kalimat dalam Simple Present Tense, yaitu: 1. Kalimat verbal Kalimat verbal adalah kalimat yang menggunakan kata kerja. 2. Kalimat nonverbal Kalimat nonverbal adalah kalimat yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja, tetapi menggunakan:  Kata sifat (adjective)  Kata keterangan (adverb)  Kata benda (noun) Verbal Sentence: Positive Sentence →

Subject + Verb 1 (s/es) + Object

Contoh; ( + ) I go to clinic every week. (Saya pergi ke klinik tiap minggu.)

Negative Sentence

Subject + Do/Does + Not + Verb 1 (s/es) + Object

Contoh: ( - ) I do not go to clinic every week. (Saya tidak pergi ke klinik setiap minggu.) Interrogative Sentence

Do/Does + Subject + Verb 1 (s/es) + Object

Contoh: ( ? ) Do I go to clinic every week? (Apakah saya pergi ke klinik tiap minggu?) Answer: Yes, you do./No, you do not. Nonverbal Sentence: Positive Sentence →

Subject + is/am/are + Complement

Contoh: ( + ) The scenary is beautiful. (Pemandangannya indah.) Negative Sentence

Subject + is/am/are + Not + Complement

Contoh: ( - ) The scenary is not beautiful. (Pemandangannya tidak indah.) Interrogative Sentence

is/am/are + Subject + Complement

Contoh: ( ? ) Is the scenary beautiful? (Apakah pemandangannya indah?) Answer: Yes, it is./No, it is not. C. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE Present Progressive Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk:  Mengekspresikan aktivitas yang sedang terjadi. My father is reading newspaper. (Ayahku sedang membaca Koran.)  Mengekspresikan sesuatu yang akan atau tidak terjadi di waktu dekat. I am meeting my old friends after work. (Saya bertemu teman lama saya setelah bekerja.)  Terkadang digunakan untuk mengatakan sebuah proses dari aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung atau dilakukan. I am studying to become a teacher. (Saya belajar untuk menjadi seorang guru.)  Mengekspresikan sesuatu yang menjengkelkan yang terjadi berulang kali. She is always coming late to class. (Dia selalu datang terlambat ke kelas.) Pola Present Progressive Tense Positive Sentence → Contoh:

Subject + is/am/are + V-ing + Object

( + ) I am watching TV now. (Saya sedang menonton TV sekarang.) Negative Sentence

Subject + is/am/are + Not + V-ing + Object

Contoh: ( - ) I am not (amn’t) watching TV now. (Saya tidak sedang menonton TV sekarang.) Interrogative Sentence

is/am/are + Subject + V-ing + Object

Contoh: ( ? ) Am I watching TV now? (Apakah saya sedang menonton TV sekarang?) Answer: Yes, you are./No, you are not. D. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Present Perfect Tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aksi atau situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang atau telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu tetapi efeknya masih berlanjut.  Menyatakan suatu pengalaman (experience).  Menyatakan suatu perubahan atau informasi terbaru (change and new information).  Menyatakan suatu situasi yang berkelanjutan (continuing situation). Dalam Present Perfect Tense selalu ada hubungan timbal balik dengan masa lampau (past) dan masa sekarang (present). Pola Present Perfect Tense Verbal Sentence: Positive Sentence →

Subject + has/have + Verb 3 + Object

Contoh: ( + ) Budi has read the book. (Budi telah membaca buku ini.) Negative Sentence

Subject + has/have + not + Verb 3 + Object

Contoh: ( - ) Budi has not read the book. (Budi belum membaca buku ini.) Interrogative Sentence

Has/have + Subject + Verb 3 + Object

Contoh: ( ? ) Has Budi read the book? (Apakah Budi telah membaca buku ini?) Answer: Yes, he has./No, he has not. Nonverbal Sentence: Positive Sentence → Contoh:

Subject + has/have + been + Complement

( + ) Charles has been back from school. (Charles telah kembali dari sekolah.)

Negative Sentence

Subject + has/have + not + been + Complement

Contoh: ( - ) Charles has not been back from school. (Charles belum kembali dari sekolah.) Interrogative Sentence

Has/have + Subject + been + Complement

Contoh: ( ? ) Has Charles been back from school? (Apakah Charles telah kembali dari sekolah?) Answer: Yes, he has./No, he has not. E. PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSE Present Perfect Progressive Tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu atau aksi telah dimulai di masa lalu dan terus berlanjut sampai sekarang. Pola Present Perfect Progressive Tense Verbal Sentence: Positive Sentence →

Subject + has/have + been + Verb-ing + Object

Contoh: ( + ) My lovely parents have been loving to read book. (Orang tuaku yang kusayangi telah sedang senang untuk membaca buku.) Negative Sentence

Subject + has/have + not + been + Verb-ing + Object

Contoh: ( - ) My lovely parents have not been loving to read book. (Orang tuaku yang kusayangi telah tidak sedang senang membaca buku.) Interrogative Sentence

Has/have + Subject + been + Verb-ing + Object

Contoh: ( ? ) Have my lovely parents been loving to read book? (Sudahkah orang tuaku yang paling ku sayangi telah sedang senang membaca buku?) Answer: Yes, they have./No, they have not. F. SIMPLE PAST TENSE Simple Past Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang telah terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Pola Simple Past Tense Verbal Sentence: Positive Sentence → Contoh:

Subject + Verb 2 + Object

( + ) We bought chocolates for them. (Kami membelikan cokelat untuk mereka.) Negative Sentence

Subject + did + not + Verb 1 + Object

Contoh: ( - ) We did not buy chocolates for them. (Kami tidak membelikan cokelat untuk mereka.) Interrogative Sentence

Did + Subject + Verb 1 + Object

Contoh: ( ? ) Did we buy chocolates for them? (Apakah kami membelikan cokelat untuk mereka?) Nonverbal Sentence: Positive Sentence →

Subject + was/were + Complement

Contoh: ( + ) I was a student last year. (Saya adalah seorang siswa tahun lalu.) Negative Sentence

Subject + was/were + not + Complement

Contoh: ( - ) I was not a student last year. (Saya bukan seorang siswa tahun lalu.) Interrogative Sentence

Was/were + Subject + Complement

Contoh: ( ? ) Was I student last year? (Apakah saya adalah seorang siswa tahun lalu?) Answer: Yes, you were./No, you were not. G. PAST PROGRESSIVE TENSE Suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Aksi tersebut telah dimulai tetapi belum selesai pada saat itu. Verbal Sentence: 

Positive Sentence : Subject + be (was/were) + V1-ing + Object Example: (+) We were watching TV when he arrived

Negative Sentence : Subject + be (was/were) + Not + V1-ing + Object Example: (-) We were not watching TV when he arrived

Interrogative Sentence : (Was were) + Subject + V1-ing + Object (?) Were we watching TV when he arrived?

H. PAST PERFECT TENSE Untuk menunjukkan suatu tindakan di masa lalu berkaitan dengan tindakan lain sebelumnya di masa lalu. Bisa juga pengertian Past Perfect Tense digunakan untuk menjelaskan kalau sesuatu terjadi saat sebelum waktu spesifik. Verbal Sentence:  Positive Sentence: Subject + had + Verb 3 + Object Example: (+) I had locked the door before I left my home 

Negatif Sentence: Subject + had + not + Verb 3 + Object Example: (-) I had not locked the door before I left my home

Intterogative Sentence : Had + Subject + Verb 3 + Object Example: (?) Had I locked the door before I left my home?

Non-Verbal Sentence:  Positive









Example : (+) They had been here before 1945 

Negative Sentence: Subject + had + not + been + Complement Example : (-) They had not been here before 1945

 Interrogative Sentence : Had + Subject + been + Complement Example : (?) Had they been here before 1945? I.

PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSE Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu tindakan yang dimulai di masa lalu dan berlangsung hingga tindakan lain terjadi di masa lalu. Verbal Sentence: 

Positive Sentence : Subject + had + been + Verb-ing + Object Example : (+) He had been living in Jakarta about ten years

Negatif Sentence : Subject + had + not + been + Verb-ing + Object Example : (-) He had not been living in Jakarta about ten years

Interrogative Sentence : Had + Subject + been + Verb-ing + Object Example : (?) Had he been living in Jakarta about ten years?


SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE Bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang terjadi di masa yang akan datang. Ada dua penggunaan Simple Future Tense, yaitu menggunakan will/shall dan to be going to. Verbal Sentence: 

Positive Sentence -

Subject + will / shall + Verb 1 + Object


Subject + is/am/are + going to + Verb 1 + Object

Negative Sentence -

Subject + will / shall + not + Verb 1 + Object


Subject + is/am/are + not + going to + Verb 1 + Object

Interrogative Sentence -

Will/shall + Subject + Verb 1 + Object


Is/am/are + Subject + going to + Verb 1 + Object

Non-Verbal Sentence: 

Positive Sentence -

Subject + will/shall + be + Complement


Subject + is/am/are + going to + be + Complement

Negative Sentence: -

Subject + will/shall + not + be + Complement


Subject + is/am/are + not + going to + be + Complement

Interrogative Sentence: -

Will/shall + Subject + be + Complement


Is/am/are + Subject + going to + be + Complement

K. FUTURE PROGRESSIVE TENSE Digunakan untuk menandakan bahwa kita akan berada di tengah-tengah suatu kejadian dalam waktu tertentu di masa depan. Penggunaan will/shall dan to be going to masih berlaku dalam tense ini dan maknanya sama. Verbal Sentence: 

Possitive Sentence: -

Subject + will/shall + be + Verb-ing + Object


Subject + is/am/are + going to + be + Verb-ing + Object

Negative Sentence: -

Subject + will/shall + not + be + Verb-ing + Object


Subject + is/am/are + not + going to + be + Verb-ing + Object

Interrogative Sentence -

will/shall + Subject + be + Verb-ing + Object


is/am/are + Subject + going to + be + Verb-ing + Object

L. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang dimulai di masa lalu dan akan selesai di masa depan. Verbal Sentence: 

Possitive Sentence: -

Negative Sentence: -

Subject + will/shall + have+ Verb 3 + Object Subject + will/shall + not + have+ Verb 3 + Object

Interrogative Sentence -

will/shall + Subject + have+ Verb 3 + Object

Non-Verbal Sentence: 

Possitive Sentence: -

Negative Sentence: -

Subject + will/shall + have+ been + Complement Subject + will/shall + not + have+ been + Complement

Interrogative Sentence -

will/shall + Subject + have + been + Complement

M. FUTURE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSE Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa yang akan terus berlangsung sampai waktu yang akan datang. Dengan kata lain, tense ini menekankan durasi dari kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan, tetapi masih terjadi di masa mendatang. Verbal Sentence: 

Possitive Sentence: -

Negative Sentence: -

Subject + will/shall + have+ been + Verb-ing + object Subject + will/shall + not + have+ been + Verb-ing + object

Interrogative Sentence -

will/shall + Subject + have + been + Verb-ing + object

N. SIMPLE PAST TENSE Suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk membicarakan masa depan dari perspektif masa lalu. Verbal Sentence: 

Positive Sentence -

Subject + would/ should + Verb 1 + Object


Subject + was/were + going to + Verb 1 + Object

Negative Sentence -

Subject + would/ should + not + Verb 1 + Object


Subject + was/were + not + going to + Verb 1 + Object

Interrogative Sentence -

would/ should + Subject + Verb 1 + Object


was/were + Subject + going to + Verb 1 + Object

Non-Verbal Sentence: 

Positive Sentence -

Subject + would/ should + be + Complement


Subject + was/were + going to + be + Complement

Negative Sentence -

Subject + would/ should + not + be + Complement


Subject + was/were + not + going to + be + Complement

Interrogative Sentence -

would/ should + Subject + be + Complement


was/were + Subject + going to + be + Complement

O. PAST FUTURE PROGRESSIVE TENSE Past Future Progressive Tense adalah jenis tenses yang kita gunakan untuk menunjukkan situasi yang dalam imajinasi kita akan sedang terjadi di suatu waktu di masa lalu, dalam pengertian bahwa kita membayangkan kejadian itu belum selesai. Verbal sentence: Positive sentence : Subject+would/should+be+Verb-ing+object Contoh : (+) Jono would be saving his money at a bank in October last month. (jono akan sedang menyimpan uangnya di bank pada oktober tahun lalu). Negatif Sentence : Subject+would/should+not+be+Verb-ing+object Contoh : (-) Jono would not to be saving his money at a bank in October last month. (Jono tidak akan sedang menyimpan uangnya di bank pada oktobet tahun lalu). Interrogative sentence : Would/should+subject+be+verb-ing+object (?) Would jono be saving his money at a bank in October last month? (apakah jono akan sedang menyimpan uangnya di bank pada oktober tahun lalu?) Answer : yes, he would/no, he would not. P. PAST FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Past Future Perfect Tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk membicarakan aktivitas yang tidak terjadi, mungkin terjadi, atau sebenarnya dapat dilakukan tetapi tidak berhasil melakukan di masa lampau. Bentuk waktu ini juga digunakan dalam main clause conditional sentence tipe 3. Verbal sentence: Positive sentence : Subject+would/should+have+verb3+object Contoh : (+) If I had saved money, I would have bought a new book. (jika saya trlah menyimpan uang saya, saya akan telah membeli sebuah buku baru). Negative sentence : Subject+would/should+not+have+verb3+object Contoh : (-) If I had not saved my money, I would not have bought a new book. (jika saya tidak menyimpan uang saya, saya tidak akan telah membeli sebuah buku baru). Interrogative sentence : would/should+subject+have+verb3+object

Contoh : (?) would I have bought a new book if I had saved my money? (apakah saya akan telah membeli sebuah buku baru jika saya telah menyimpan uang saya?). Non verbal sentence: Positive tenses : Subject+would/should+have+been+complement Contoh : (+) Mr. Cornelius would have been ok if you had been here. (bapak Cornelius akan telah baik baik saja jika anda telah berada disini) Negative sentence : subject+would/should+not+have+been+complement Contoh : (-) Mr. Cornelius would not have been ok if you had been here. (bapak corneelius tidak akan telah baik baik saja jika anda telah berada disini). Interrogative tenses : would/should+subject+have+been+complement (?) would I have been ok if you had been here? (apakah saya akan telah baik baik saja jika anda telah berada disini?) Answer : yes, you would/no, you would not. Q. PAST FUTURE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSE Past Future Perfect Progressive Tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat yang akan telah sedang terjadi di masa lalu. Tenses ini mirip dengan perfect continuous tense, persamaannya adalah sama-sama memiliki lebih dari satu keterangan waktu pada satu kalimat. Verbal sentence: Positive sentence : subject+would/should+have+been+verb-ing+object Contoh : (+) I would have been working in leading company for 5 years. (saya akan sudah sedang bekerja diperusahaan ternama selama 5 tahun) Negative sentence : subject+would/should+not+have+been+verb-ing+object Contoh : (-)

I would not have been working in leading company for 5 years. (saya tidak akan sudah sedang bekerja di perusahaan ternama selama 5 tahun)

Interrogative tense : would/should+subject+have+been+verb-ing+object (?) would you have been working in leading company 5 years? (apakah kamu akan sudah sedang bekerja di perusahaan ternama selama 5 tahun? Answer : yes, I would/no, I would not

CONVERSATION 16 TENSES I. Simple Present Tense Kaesang

: Hi, mate! How is it going?


: I’m doing well. Thank you. Whats’up?


: I’m curious about that new student in our class. What is her name?


: Well, raisa.


: How do you know her?


:Well, we have met before. She was my friend when we were in junior high school.


: Aaaaa.. I see. Where does she come from?


: She comes from bandung west java.


: what does she do then here?


: Well, her parents often move to another city every four years. So now her parents have been transferred to bali. That’s why now she is here and she works in the hospital as a nurse.


: Really? Waow.. which hospital does she work?


: She works in helath hospital.


: Does she like doing exercise?


: No, she doesn’t. she isn’t very sporty. Hahaha.. why are you so curious about her? I bet you like her, ha?


: Hmmm.. well yeah.. she is beautiful and attractive. If you don’t mind, do you want to introduce her to me?


: that’s not a big deal, brother.


: ok then. Thangk you.

II. Present Progressive Tense (On The Phone Call) Hanna

: Hello, may I speak to carol?


: Yes, it’s me. Who is speaking?


: Hi, I am Hanna. Are you busy at the moment?


: Hi, Hanna. A bit busy right now.


: What are you doing?


: I am cooking some food.


: What are you cooking?


: I’m cooking fried chicken and making some salad for dinner. Anyway what are you doing?


: I’m calling you. Hahaha.. nah, I’m calling just to say hello. Quite boring. I am not doing anything right now.


: oohh, poor you.

III. Present Perfect Tense Maria

: Hi, stace. Have you ever been to Australia?


: No, I haven’t. but I have been to new zeaaland. How abaout you? Have you ever been to Australia?


: yeah.. I have been there. You have to visit Australia stace. I have had a lot of great experiences.


: tell me about your experience ther.


: well.. start from the English course. Since my English is not that good, I waent there by using student visa.


: waoo.. sounds interesting.


: Now, tell about new Zealand. Have you visited a place that used for shooting the lord of the ring?


: yes, I have visited that place. It is located in wellington. It was so terrific, beautiful and amazing. This is the first time that I have ever seen awesome landscapes.


: ooohh, I am so envy with you.

IV. Present Perfect Progressive Tense Hendra

: Have you finished writing your paper, van?


: No, I haven’t. I have been writing my paper since last week. But I haven’t finished it yet.


: Do you have any problems?


: Yes. I need some more references to support my ideas. I have been reading som books, but I haven’t got any. Do you have any books about learning English?


: Yes, I do. You can borrow them if you like.


: thank you very much.

V. Simple Past Tense Arnold

: Hi, dude. How was your day?


: I have had better days.


: Why? What happened?


: I got can accident two days ago.


: What a pity. How did it happen?


: It happened when I was going to one of my friend’s house, tony. When I started to walk out from the pavement, and was going to cross the road, suddenly the car hit me from beside. Luckily I was saved by my friend, jack. He grabbed my hand quickly.


: what happened next? Did you get hurt a lot?


: I had few wounds. But now I’m getting much better. Only the scars left.


: it’s nice to hear that.

VI. Past Progressive Tense Jack

: Why are you so sad, bro?


: Because I have not finished my paper.


: Why?


: Because when I was printing my paper last night, the light went out.


: What was your brother doing when you were typing your paper?


: He was doing his homework when I was typing my paper.

VII. Past Perfect Tense Joe

: I didn’t see dick last week.


: He didn’t come to school.


: What was the matter?


: He said that he had had an accident.


: oh, that’s too bad! I hope that he’s all right.


: He is okay, but he said that he’d really smashed up the car.


: How did it happen?


: The street was wet and he skidded into a telephone pole.


: That car was not good. Does he have insurance?


: He said that he’d just taken out new insurance.


: I hope that he’ll het enough money for a new car.


: He said that he’d claim to the insurance agent right away.


: and hoe much will he get?


: Well, he’s out looking fo a new car right now.

VIII. Past Perfect Progressive Tense George

: Did you go anywhere last Sunday?


: No, I stayed home all day long last Sunday.


: Why?


: because it had been raining since morning. It had been raining hard for hours before it stopped in the afternoon.


: What did you do at home?


: Nothing. I just watched television. I took a nap after I had been watching movies for three hours.


: had you finished your homework before you went to bed?


: Yes, I had. I had done all my homework before I went to bed.

IX. Simple Future Tense Laura

: did you pack your bag, steve?


: I’m going to do it now.


: How long will you be away?


: I won’t get back until Saturday evening or Sunday morning. I have a lot of business in Jakarta.


: do you need to stay that long?


: I don’t want to, but I have to. I have a lot of meetings on my schedule.


: you know, you’ll miss blatan’s birthday party.


: oh! I forgot about that! What time is the party?


: Two o’clock Saturday afternoon.


: well, I’ll try to get back Saturday morning.


: That will make blatan very happy.

X. Future Progressive Tense Tony

: Hi, brian. I statrt thinking about the plan for the party next week.


: what sort of party, ton? You haven’t told me yet, have you?


: ooh.. yaa, I forget to tell you that I’m going to have a party next week for my graduation.


: lucky you, ton. I wish my parents would give me a present as well. What will you be doing on the party next week?


: there will be several activities, brian. I will be dncing of course and I will be singing. How about you? What will you be doing at my party?


: I won’t be dancing at that time because I can’t dance, but I’ll be making some beverages for all.


: That’s awesome, brian. Thank you so much.

XI. Future Perfect Tense James

: would you like to go the movies tonight?


: I’d like to, but I’m afraid we’ll be late. The first show begins at 7 o’clock.


: what time is it now?


: it’s 6.30. I think the film will have already begin before we get to the cinema.


: let’s go for the second show, then.

XII. Future Perfect Progressive Tense Jack

: Hello. Can I speak to Richard?


: Yes, it’s me. Who is there?


: it’s me, jack.


: oh, jack. What’s up, bro?


: I need to ask some questions. Do you have a time?


: Sure. Go on!


: do you take an English course?


: yes, I do. I take an intensive class in the afternoon.


: How long will you have been learning English when we have national examination next month?

Richard Jack

: I will have been learning English for six month by then. : do you find English difficult?

Richard : No, I enjoy learning English very much. Jack

: will you be ready for the best?

Richard : sure. I will have been practicing English for four a year before I have the test. Jack

: okay. Thank you very much. Hope you will get the best score. I will take an intensive class too.

Richard : okay. Keep spirit! Jack

: see you, chard. Bye!

Richard : bye! XIII. Past Future Tense Jane

: I made some mistake and now I don’t have courage to meet dodi.


: why? What you have done?


: I broke his handphone.


: don’t worry, he would forgive you. He is your best friend, right?


: You thing so? But I’m stillfeel guility. Would he forgive me?


: Trust me. This is not going to be worst.


: tomorrow is isyana’s birthday.


: Yeah ..


: have you bought her a present ?


: No, mot yet, but I would give her a scarf.


: oh, you have decided.


: Yeah.. she like collecting scraf, so I decide to give her one.


: ok then. I would give her new novel of raditya dika. She like collecting book too anyway.

XIV. Past Future Progressive Mr. Laoli : Would you be going with adella yesterday evening for studying? You

: yes, I would be going with adella from six to seven yesterday for studying.

Mr. laoli

: Be careful. Bye..


: Yeah, thank’s.

XV. Past Future Perfect Tourist Receptionist

: excuse me! Do you have any room vacant, miss? : yes, sir. Good morning. Welcome to blatan hotel. Do you want double or single bed, sir?


: I want one double bed, please


: we have a double on the third floor.


: How about on the ground floor or may be the first floor?


: let me check first. Please wait for a moment. But I am so sorry, sir. But I wonder if you could wait till the check-out. We will have two vacancies. How?


: what’s your check-out time?


: it’s 12 noon. So, you’ll have to wait for two hours, sir.


: yes, I don’t mind waiting for two hours or so. Do you have win-win solution?


: I have no power to do anything, sir. We can only wait to have that room.


: You’re right. Okay, I’ll wait for some time. My parents would have been very upset if they had knew about this.

Receptionist Tourist

: I am sorry, sir. Would you take a seat, please? : By the way, do you have any magazine or newspaper to read? I wanna read something to waste the time?


: Don’t worry about that, sir. We have some brochures over there. It will give all information about our hotel.


: Thank you very much.


: Welcome.

XVI. Past Future Perfect Progressive Mr. Laoli : Where are you? You

: I’am at home. Why?

Mr. Laoli : You said yesterday that you would have been repairing my motorcycle at eight o’clock. You

: Okay.

PASSIVE VOICE A. Pengertian Passive Voice Passive voice merupakan struktur kalimat penulisan dalam bahasa inggris yang mana subjek (pelaku) dari kalimat tersebut dikenakan suatu pekerjaan. Passive voice tidak hanya ada dalam bahasa inggris saja. Dalam bahasa Indonesia kita mengenal kalimat pasif dengan perubahan yang sangat simple, yaitu imbuhan di-/ter- . misalkan : Rini membaca sebuah novel (kalimat aktif), novel dibaa oleh rini (kalimat pasif). B. Pola Passive Voice Pola : Subject+be+Verb-3+by agent Contoh : Rini


novel. (active voice)

[subject] [V1] [object] Novel



byRini. (passive voice)

[subject] [to be] [V3] [by agent] C. Penulisan by agent Dalam penulisan passive voice, kita biasanya menggunakan ‘by’ untuk menunjukkan agent atau pelaku (orang atau benda) yang melakukan pekerjaan atau yang menyebabkan sesuatu terjadi. Penulisan ‘by agent’ pada kalimat passive voice ditujukan untuk menambah informasi dalam kalimat passive voice tersebut. Akan tetapi, tidak semua kalimat passive voice haru mencantumkan ‘by agent’. Kita boleh tidak menyertakan ‘by agent’ dalam pembuatan passive voice jika orang atau benda yang melakukan pekerjaan tidak diketahui atau tidak penting.

DAFTAR PRONOUN DAN TO BE Daftar pronoun sebagai subjek dan objek Subject pronouns

Object pronoun


I We You He She It

Me Us You Him Her It

Saya Kami Kamu Dia (laki-laki) Dia (perempuan) (untuk benda/binatang)




Daftar To Be Subject I We You He She It They

To be present

To be past

Am Are Are Is Is Is Are

Was Were Were Was Was Was Were


Regular Verbs Main verb (V1) Agree Answer Ask Accept Admit Arrange Dst..


Past form (V2) Agreed Answered Asked Accepted Admitted Arranged

Participle (V3) Agreed Answered Asked Accepted Admitted Arranged

Meaning Menyetujui Menjawab Bertanya Menerima Menyetujui Menyusun

Irregular Verbs Main verb

Past Form








Meaning Terbit, muncul


Bet Begin Bend Blow Break Dst..

Bet Began Bent Blew Broke

Bet Begun Bent Blown Broken

Bertaruh Memulai Membengkokkan Meniup Mematahkan